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Many people these days actually find themselves in the excessive weight problem, and the
need to reduce weight arises. Excessive weight isn’t good for general body health and can lead
to obesity and bad body shape. The following are tips on how to reduce body eight safely:

1. Avoid skipping breakfast

Skipping breakfast won’t help you reduce weight. It will only increase the cravings for snacks
during the day and one would end up snacking more frequently during the day. Instead,
consider a breakfast with more protein content. This will regulate appetite hormones and help
someone feel full, reducing intake of calories. Such foods are eggs, oats, nuts and seed butters.

2. Cutting back on sugar and refined carbohydrates

The western diet is high in added sugars, which have high chances of links to obesity even when
they occur in beverages. Refined carbohydrates are heavily processed and contain little or no
fiber and other nutrients. They are rapidly digested and converted to glucose. Glucose in turn
provokes hormone insulin which promotes fa storage in the adipose tissue hence more weight.
People should therefore swap these foods with;
Whole grain rice, bread instead of white versions.
Fruits, nuts and seed based foods instead of snacks
Taking smoothies with milk instead of fruit juice.

3. Eating plenty of fiber.

Dietary fiber is basically impossible to digest in the small intestine unlike sugars and starch.
More fiber intake increases the feeling of fullness which potentially leads to weigh loss. Foods
with high fiber include fruits and vegetables, oats, wholegrain bread, peas and lentils.

4. Cutting down alcohol

A glass of alcohol based drink contains many calories equivalent to a piece of chocolate. Alcohol
intake can actually lead to excessive weight gain over a period of time. Cutting down alcohol
intake can greatly contribute to weight loss and avoiding medical complications.

5. Getting a good night’s sleep.

According to research conducted, sleeping fewer than 5-6 hours is greatly connected to obesity.
Poor quality and insufficient sleep greatly affects he metabolism activity, the process through
which the body converts calories to energy. When metabolism is not well done, the body
converts the excess calories into fats and stores them in the fat form. Poor sleep also leads to
insulin production which prompts fats storage. A nice sleep can help curb down these effects.
6. Managing stress
Too much stress triggers the production of adrenaline and cortisol, which decrease and
individual’s appetite greatly. However, under too much stress, cortisol tends to remain in the
blood for long leading to increased appetite. This makes an individual to eat great amounts of
foods and certainly more calories intake. These are stored in the form of carbohydrates. Insulin
triggers the transport sugar from the carbohydrates in the blood muscles. If the individual can’t
use these in flight and excise, the body sores it as fat. In order to manage stress, one should
engage in: yoga, meditation, breathing and relaxations techniques, and spending some time
outdoors walking.

Other ways to control weight include:

 Eating regular, light, well timed meals
 Drinking plenty of water
 Getting more active and excising frequently
 Eating a well-balanced diet
The above ways will minimize weight gain and reduce obesity risks.

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