2022 Tutorial Tests

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11 March 2022 Time: 20 minutes Total Marks: 10

• Clearly indicate the number of the question you are working on.

• Specify the row operation used, when appropriate.

• Marks will be deducted for poor presentation of solutions.

• Stop by 5.50 p.m. Scan and upload your work as a PDF file by 6.20 p.m.

1. For what value(s) of k will the linear system

x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 + 2x4 = 3

−x1 + x2 + 6x3 − 4x4 = 5
2x1 + 9x2 + 21x3 + kx4 = 16

be inconsistent. (3)

     
1 2 x
2. Consider the vectors u1 =      
 −2  and u2 =  −9  in R3 . Let v =  y  be a vector
3 −14 z
in R3 such that v ∈ Span {u1 , u2 }. Find the equation that describes Span {u1 , u2 }. Give
a geometric description of this equation. (3.5)

   
8 4 5 1
3. Let A =    
 2 3 7  and b =  −6 .
−2 5 −1 −4

(a) Calculate the product Ab. Clearly show how you obtain each entry in your answer.
   
4 4
  
(b) Hence express the vector  1  as a linear combination of the vectors  3 ,
−1 5
   
5 9
   
 7  and  11 . (1.5)
−1 7


18 March 2022 Time: 20 minutes Total Marks: 10

• Clearly indicate the number of the question you are working on.

• Specify the row operation used, when appropriate.

• Marks will be deducted for poor presentation of solutions.

• Stop by 6.20 p.m. Scan and upload your work as a PDF file by 6.50 p.m.

1. The matrix  
−1 5 1 −2 −6 −4

 0 0 2 3 8 7 
0 0 0 1 2 5
is row equivalent to the augmented matrix of a linear system Ax = b.

(a) Express the general solution of Ax = b in parametric vector form. (3)

(b) Identify a particular solution to the system Ax = b and the solution to the homo-
geneous system Ax = 0. (1)

2. For what value(s) of k will the columns of the matrix

 
3 1 −k

B= 2 4 k 
8 −4 −9

form a linearly dependent set? (4)

3. Determine by inspection whether each set of vectors is linearly independent. Justify your
answer in each case. (2)
   

 5 −1 

   
 −20   4 
(a)  ,  .

 15   −3 

 
−10 2
         

 −3 −1 7 −4 8 

         

 5   4   −2   9   −7 
(b)  , , , ,  .

 1   −3   6   3   0 

 
0 2 1 −5 11


01 April 2022 Time: 20 minutes Total Marks: 10

• Clearly indicate the number of the question you are working on.

• Specify the row operation used, when appropriate.

• Marks will be deducted for poor presentation of solutions.

• Stop by 6.20 p.m. Scan and upload your work as a PDF document by 6.50 p.m.

1. Consider the linear system

kx1 − 2x2 = 0
6x1 + (1 − k)x2 = −1.

Use an appropriate determinant to find the value(s) of the constant k for which
the system does not have a unique solution. (2.5)

2. Let A and B be invertible 5 × 5 matrices with detA = −3 and detB = 8.


(a) det(AT B −1 ) (1.5)

(b) det(2A). (1)

 
1 3 5
3. Given A =  
 2 0 −1  .
4 −3 1
Use elementary row operations and properties of the determinant to calculate |A|. (5)

8 April 2022 Time: 20 minutes Total Marks: 10

• Clearly indicate the number of the question you are working on.
• Specify the row operation used, when appropriate.
• Marks will be deducted for poor presentation of solutions.
• Stop by 6.20 p.m. Scan and upload your work as a PDF document by 6.50 p.m.

1. Consider the linear system

2x1 + x2 − 5x3 = −11
x1 − x2 + x3 = 6
4x1 + 2x2 − 3x3 = −8.

Use Cramer’s rule to find the value of x2 only. (4)

2. Calculate the area of the parallelogram with vertices (1, -1), (6, 8), (8, 1),
and (13, 10). (3)

3. Consider the situation shown in the diagram below.

Express the resultant, R, in vector form, i.e. in terms of it’s Cartesian

components. Write your final answer to two decimal places. (3)

29 April 2022 Time: 20 minutes Total Marks: 10

• Clearly indicate the number of the question you are working on.
• Express all final answers to 2 decimal places.
• Marks will be deducted for poor presentation of solutions.
• Stop by 6.20 p.m. Scan and upload your work as a PDF document by 6.50 p.m.

1. The force F acts on the eye-bolt at the origin.

If F = 15 kN, θy = 130◦ , and θz = 43.9◦ , express F in Cartesian vector form. (2.5)

2. Consider the vector A = −312i + 72j − 228k. Determine its vector component
that is normal to the line (in 3-D coordinate space) with unit vector
e = −0.60i + 0.80j. (2.5)

3. Four forces act at point A as shown in the diagram.

Calculate the cross product F1 × F, where F1 is the 60 kN force from A to O. (5)


20th May 2022 Time: 20 minutes Total Marks: 10

• Clearly indicate the number of the question you are working on.

• When required, a free-body diagram is very important.

• Marks will be deducted for poor presentation of solutions.

• Stop by 6.20 p.m. You have 30 minutes to upload your work (as a PDF document).
No submissions will be accepted after 6.50 p.m.

Note: Use g = 9.81 m/s2 when required.

1. If the bucket and its contents have a total weight of 50 N,

set up the equilibrium equations to determine the tensions
in the supporting cables DA, DB, and DC.
(Point B is on the x axis and the point D is in the xy-plane;
the dimension in the figure are in meters, DO NOT SOLVE

2. Determine the moment of the 600 N force about the base

point O. (express your answer to two decimal places). (2)

3. Determine the moment vector of the force F1 about the

line OB. (express your answer to two decimal places). (4)

27th May 2022 Time: 20 minutes Total Marks: 10

• Clearly indicate the number of the question you are working on.

• When required, a free-body diagram is very important.

• Marks will be deducted for poor presentation of solutions.

• Stop by 6.20 p.m. You have 30 minutes to upload your work (as a PDF document).
No submissions will be accepted after 6.50 p.m.

Note: Use g = 9.81 m/s2 when required.

1. The beam shown has a fixed support at O and is

subjected to the forces and couple shown. Draw the free
body diagram of the beam and determine the reactions
at the support. (3)

2. The uniform 7 m steel shaft has a mass of 200 kg and is sup-

ported by a ball and socket support at A in the horizontal floor.
The ball end B rests in the corner against the two smooth verti-
cal walls as shown. The weight of the shaft acts at its mid-point.
The point B is located at 3 m from the origin on the vertical

(a) Draw the free-body diagram of the shaft showing all the
external forces acting on it. (1)

(b) Determine all the reactions at the support at A and the

forces exerted by the walls on the shaft at B. (6)

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