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Six Point

Human 1103 : Bangladesh Studies Dr. Abdul Baqee
Part time Teacher
1. 1952 language movement
Basically, there are 7 2. 1954 united front's election
main events and some winning
minors which led the 3. 1958 martial law by General
people to go for the fight Ayub Khan
for their freedom. 4. 1962 constitution of
Pakistan/ Education
Even the national 5. 1966 Sheikh Mujibur
monument on Savar Rahman's historic 6 point
represents the main 7 demand
struggles we faced 6. 1969's mass upsurge and
before getting Agartala conspiracy
Independence by it's 7 7. 1971 Awami League's huge
win at the election
pillars. 2/26
The six point movement was The movement's main agenda
a movement in East Pakistan, was to realize the six demands
spearheaded by Sheikh put forward by a coalition of
Mujibur Rahman, which Bengali nationalist political
called for greater autonomy parties in 1966, to end the
for East Pakistan. perceived exploitation of East
Pakistan by the West
Pakistani rulers.

Sheikh Mujibur It is considered a milestone on

announcing the
the road to Bangladesh's
six points in independence.

 East Pakistan was facing a • But Ayub Khan was not the only
critical situation after individual who perceived the
being subjected to threat to Pakistan's unity with the
continuous discrimination backdrop of the Six Points.
year after year. • His soon sent out the then foreign
minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
 As a result, the economist, challenged Bangabandhu Sheikh
intellectuals and the Mujibur Rahman to a public
politicians of East Pakistan debate at Dhaka's Paltan Maidan
started to raise questions on the Six Points.
about this discrimination, • It was Tajuddin Ahmed who
giving rise to the historic accepted the challenge on
six-point movement. Bangabandhu's behalf, but Bhutto
did not turn up.
 January, 1966 President
Ayub Khan and Indian • February, 1966 East
Prime Minister Lal Pakistan Awami
Bahadur Shastri sign a League leader
peace deal, following the Bangabandhu
September 1965 war Sheikh Mujibur
between the two Rahman place the
countries, in Tashkent. Six Point
programme at a
 Shastri dies of a heart
conference in
attack soon after.

 May, 1966 Sheikh • President Ayub Khan threatened
Bangabandhu against Language Movement and
Sheikh Mujibur foresee the platform of the Six
Rahman and a large Points.
number of other • December, 1967 Towards the end of
senior Awami the month, the Pakistan government
League politicians announces the arrest of a number of
were arrested under individuals, all Bengalis.
the Defence of • It is the first sign of what the
Pakistan Rules. authorities will later present as the
Agartala Conspiracy Case.

Six Point Movement
 Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mujib-ur-Rehman was the
founder of Bangladesh.
 During the rule of Ayub • He presented the Six-
Khan and Yahya Khan he Point formula in 1966, in
played a major role in collaboration with his
Pakistan politics as a party and demanded the
prominent leader of the Pakistan government to
Awami League in East accept them and to
Pakistan. implement them the way
they were. 7/26
The historic Six-Point
Demand or the Six-Point On June 7 in 1966 the Awami
Formula has been widely League called a countrywide
credited as the "charter of hartal in the then East
freedom" in Bangladesh's Pakistan to press home the
struggle for self- six-point demands.
determination from
Pakistan's domination.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman along with many
Indeed, the six-point others was arrested.
movement in 1966 was
the turning point in our Since then 7th June is
quest for independence. observed as the historic six-
point day. 8/26
Key Features of Six Points
 The six-point plan dreamed of
• The deliberate
a federal form of government
based on the 1940 Lahore distortions of our
Resolution. political history over a
period of almost
 A parliamentary system of thirty years, the fact
government directly elected by remains that the six-
the people on the basis of point movement is a
adult franchise, two separate milestone in the
currencies or two reserve
history of our struggle
banks for the two wings of
Pakistan, and a para-military for independence.
force for East Pakistan.
Six Points at a Glance 1. Pakistan would have a federal
Notwithstanding the structure of government based
deliberate distortions of on spirit of the Lahore
our political history over Resolution of 1940, with a
a period of almost thirty
years, the fact remains parliament elected on the basis
that the six-point of universal adult franchise;
movement is a milestone
2. The central government would
in the history of our
struggle for have authority only in defense
independence. and foreign affairs and all other
subjects would be handled by
The Six-Point demands the federating units of the state
included the following; of Pakistan;
 3. There would be two
freely convertible • 5. There would be two
currencies for the two separate accounts for
wings of Pakistan or two foreign exchange reserves
separate reserve banks for for the two wings of
the two regions of the Pakistan;

• 6. East Pakistan would

 4. The power of taxation
and revenue collection have a separate militia or
would be vested in the paramilitary force as a
federating units; measure of its security.

 Bangabandhu's move raised howls
of protest all over Pakistan. The
civil-military bureaucracy and • Tofazzal Hossain
politicians straddling both Manik Mia, the
government and opposition circles respected editor of
were quick to dub the Six Points as the Bangla daily
a secessionist plot to dismember Ittefaq, was arrested
Pakistan. on June 16 over his
support for the Six
 Bangabandhu's arrest in May 1966, Points.
followed by the 7 June strike, swiftly • The next day, a ban
led to circumstances where the was clamped on his
Pakistan government opted for newspaper.
repression in East Pakistan. 12/26
 No sooner had the 6-point
programme been published
than Ayub Khan declared it  But Awami League and its
‘secessionist’ and styled its leader Sheikh Mujibur
author Bangabandhu as the Rahman remained
enemy number one of undaunted by such
Pakistan. threats. Bangabandhu
 Ayub also threatened to use started a 3-month long
brute force to suppress this mass-contact programme
charter of demands. which took him to every
nook and corner of
• The case, which would
become notorious as
the Agartala
Conspiracy Case,
would eventually be
withdrawn under
public pressure on
February 22, 1969.
• A day after his release,
Sheikh Mujib was honored
as Bangabandhu (friend of
Bengal) at a historic rally in
 Bangabandhu Sheikh  He was finally thrown
Mujib was arrested eight into jail on May 8, 1966, a
times in the first three general strike was
months of the 6-point observed all over East
movement. By then, Pakistan in support of the
Bangabandhu had become 6-point programme and
the President of Awami for the release of
League. Bangabandhu Sheikh
 Police fired in Tejgaon, Tongi and Narayanganj killing 13
people. This was followed by large-scale arrests of the
leaders and followers of Awami League throughout the
 All these measures taken
by the Ayub regime
proved counter-
 6-point programme
became the heartfelt  Thus the political situation
demand of the common in East Pakistan became
masses. extremely volatile: the
 Students put forward their stage was set for a great
11-point programme explosion of popular anger
which complemented the through an all-out mass-
6-point charter of movement against the
demands. Ayub rule.
 Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman's • The six-point plan had exposed
demand for "maximum the fact that the real intention
autonomy" based on of Pakistan's ruling elite was to
his six-point formula "strengthen" the central
seems to have shaken government, but not Pakistan.
the foundation of the
Islamic Republic of • He repeatedly said in several
Pakistan. public meetings that the people
of Pakistan had always desired
to have a "strong Pakistan," not
a "strong central government.”
 However, the ruling group of
Pakistan was not at all
interested in dealing or
negotiating with the Awami
League on the issue of
provincial autonomy.
 Even though Bangabandhu  The autocratic
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had rulers of Pakistan
publicly stated that he was started using
willing to negotiate his six- repressive tactics
point plan with anyone in to suppress the
good faith, provided a six-point
meaningful autonomy was movement.
ensured for East Pakistan.
 The Ayub regime's
policy towards the
six-point demand of
the Awami League
was one of total
 It showed once again
that the regime
failed to respond to
the political demand.
A. A. K. Niazi

Tikka khan

 Ayub Khan was quick to
denounce it as a
In the army general's
separatist or secessionist
khaki uniform with
full display of all of
his ceremonial dress
 Ayub Khan immediately and medallions, the
started discrediting the self-declared
messenger of the six- president of Pakistan
point program. had condemned the
six-point plan in the
harshest possible
 In fact, the many forms  The six-point movement had also
of governmental far reaching effects on the
repression and the use subsequent political developments
of police violence in the then Pakistan.
against the organizers
and participants of the  As noted by Dr. M. Rashiduzzaman:
six-point movement "The entire weight of the party (the
had motivated the Awami League) was thrown in
general population of favour of the anti-Ayub movement,
the then East Pakistan which spread throughout the
country in the early months of
to render their full
1969, and it is likely that the Awami
support for the six-
League will play an even more
point formula. active role in the future.
 In fact, the success of the
six-point movement had
prompted the arrogant and
 However, an anti-Ayub
debased Ayub Khan's
mass movement in late
dictatorial regime to falsely 1968 and early 1969 led
implicate him in the to the withdrawal of the
Agartala Conspiracy case. so-called the case and
unconditional release of
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

 "The real strength of the  Following the announcement
Awami League is not its of Awami League's six-point
organisational skill but the program, and the changing
growing popularity of its (Six- pattern of Pakistan politics
Point) program for regional has eventually led to what is
autonomy with the 70 million undeniably a separatist
Bengalis in East Pakistan. movement.

 Even the stringent repressive measures and centralised

administration can't halt the process (of separatism). As
the champion of the cause of regional autonomy, the
future of the Awami League lies in its capacity to sustain
and strengthen the movement
 During the six-point
movement, Bangabandhu
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's
popularity increased in
the following words: "As
one might have expected,
 Eventually, the six-point
Sheikh Mujib's arrest in
demand -- especially
1966 only served to
enhance his popularity to attractive to the Bengali
the point where he nationalist -- was the most
became the veritable radical and ultimate
symbol of Bengali demand for East Pakistani
nationalism.” autonomy.

• Mass meetings and
rallies held throughout
the province by the East
Pakistan Awami League
helped to rejuvenate the • Predictably, the six-point
moribund party movement broadened
organisation and the the Awami League's base
Awami-affiliated student of support in East
party, the East Pakistan Pakistan was also floated
Student's League (EPSL). West Pakistani too,
although not to that
 It is also fair to suggest that
the six-point movement was  Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
appeared to be the only
instrumental in the removal
of the Provincial Governor
Monem Khan.
 All theses events led to the
nine-month long liberation
 All of a sudden collapse of war in 1971 under the
Ayub Khan's dictatorship leadership of the Awami
and the rise of Yahya Khan's League, and finally the
emergence of Bangladesh as
regime conducted the an independent nation-state
General Elections in 1970. on December 16, 1971.

Class Test
Elucidate the scoio-political disparity between the then East
and West Pakistan and its eventual consequences.

Submission : Tomorrow (25-01-2021) at 2 Pm

Identifying your Script : BoMS-last Two digit of you roll
number-your short name.
Example : BoMS-12-Karim

Bring out the salient aspects of Six Point forwarded by Bangabandhu
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Critically analyze its backdrop.
Submission : Feb. 01, 2021
My mailing address :
27 Question and Assignment

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