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Five reasons to adopt

Open RAN now
Published by In partnership with
Executive summary
Open Radio Access Network (RAN) is one of the most debated topics in mobile.
Participants in the discussion are split between those who see the Open RAN
glass as half-full or half-empty. The result is confusion on whether Open RAN is
hype or whether it can deliver the disruption that many hoped.

In this paper, we provide 5 reasons why operators and vendors should adopt
Open RAN today. These arguments are provided in full recognition of the current
state of Open RAN including experiences with initial trials and deployments and
the work that continues to be done on meeting cost, security, performance and
energy efficiency goals.

The 5 reasons we propose for Open RAN adoption today are:

Reason 1: Operators see Open RAN as a trigger for transformation

5G requires new technologies and concepts to be mastered, but also
transformation of operator operations and organizations where many
operators see Open RAN as a trigger for this necessary transformation.

Reason 2: Open RAN is here to stay

The committed efforts of major operators and leading vendors, like NEC,
working collaboratively in industry organizations, has ensured that Open RAN
has matured quickly. Organizations like O-RAN ALLIANCE and TIP OpenRAN
have been extremely successful in establishing broad and diverse ecosystems
with hundreds of participating companies that have successfully collaborated
in specifying, implementing and deploying innovative Open RAN solutions.

Reason 3: Supporting the original 5G vision

5G was designed to enable operators to address new markets with new
solutions with the ability to provide bespoke solutions requiring flexibility and
openness. This was captured in the 5G vision of supporting Ultra-Reliable Low
Latency (URLCC) and massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC)
services designed to address enterprise rather than consumer needs. Open
RAN provides the capabilities and ecosystem to realize this vision.

• Reason 4: Open ecosystems critical to 5G success

 Delivering new 5G solutions to new markets requires collaboration with
industry vertical vendors and other specialist vendors, which in turn requires
the open architecture and collaborative models that Open RAN provides.

• Reason 5: Building the foundation for 6G

The vision and requirements for 6G are already being discussed where Open
RAN is broadly accepted as being critical, but the foundations for 6G solutions
are already present today in Open RAN.

Open RAN has the potential to not only transform both operators and vendors,
and thereby the mobile industry, but also to enable new industries that have yet
to be conceived thanks to the disaggregation of networks and open interfaces
enabling a broader community of specialist, innovative vendors to contribute and
collaborate. The time to get engaged is now.

The state of 5G Open RAN
Open architecture in telecoms is launched or actively testing, Enlightenment, and Plateau of
not a particularly new concept. planning or designing an Open Productivity. By now, Open RAN is
However, attention started to RAN network launch.While there mature enough that we can
increase around Open RAN in the are a number of high-profile, conclude it’s globally transformative.
mid-2010s, driven by cost-related marquee plans and deployments, Open RAN is here to stay, it already
driving forces - the enormous, but the interest is global and survived the peak of inflated
predictable, costs of 5G widespread – touching all regions expectations and outgrew most of
deployments. In parallel, in developed as well as developing the initial, below-mentioned early-
consolidation of the equipment countries. Asia leads with about stage challenges. Open RAN is now
vendor market also reached a new one-third of the commercial in the slope of enlightenment:
level: by 2019, the combined deployments and plans, followed Operators are currently making
market share of the top three by Europe (20%). The remaining enormous investments, building test
biggest equipment vendors activity is spread roughly evenly labs and sites, and committing
reached 64% in the global network across the globe. themselves to adopt Open RAN all
market. In 2018, politics and over the world.
Disaggregating and aggregating a
vendor bans brought a new Open
complex value chain necessarily Adopting new technologies is
RAN driver to the surface. Many
includes a certain amount of risks always a challenge and Open RAN
operators wanted to get rid of the
and extra costs. Beyond the is no different. Many operators are
duopoly market structure, secure
technical challenges, there are also building partnerships, accelerating
vendor diversity and in general:
organizational, process and cultural knowledge, developing Open RAN
reduce their vulnerability and
challenges that require time, effort capabilities. Those, who are left out
improve their negotiating position
and resources to overcome. Lower of the Open RAN development,
in the 5G era.
efficiency, structural issues, system can miss out on the opportunity
The combination of these factors integration and security were areas and later suffer from long-lasting
catalysed the interest and where challenges could appear in competitive disadvantages.
accelerated the Open RAN test and the begining.
Despite barriers and challenges,
commercial deployments.
According to the Gartner Hype the industry is moving forward and
GSMA Intelligence constantly Cycle theory, the maturity lifecycle while a number of reasons can be
monitors Open RAN commitments, of new technologies and proposed, we focus on 5 reasons
deployments and public innovations is divided into five that we believe are most important
announcements. As of January phases: Innovation Trigger, Peak of for operators to not only adopt
2023, GSMA Intelligence counted Inflated Expectations, Trough of Open RAN, but to do so today.
92 unique operators commercially Disillusionment, Slope of

Five reasons to adopt Open RAN now 3

Reason 1:
Operators see Open RAN
as a trigger for transformation
5G is a radical, but necessary operators wait for costs to come When it comes to Opex reduction,
departure from previous down before deploying at scale. operators rank open networking
generations of mobile networks. technologies as the second most
Several studies have shown that an
While 5G is partly an evolution of promising means of driving savings.
Open RAN can lead to lower
concepts introduced in 4G, there However, it should be noted that
Capex, Opex and TCO once scale
are also new concepts, technologies network operations automation, the
deployment is achieved, but this
and architectures that challenge use of cloud and IT technologies
cannot be the only motivation for
how mobile networks are deployed and energy efficiency are all part of
Open RAN deployment. Open
and services delivered to customers. the Open RAN initiative.
RAN, and 5G for that matter, are
The 5G RAN represents a significant about more than just cost savings. However, cost reduction is no
investment and is the frontline The overarching motivation for 5G longer the primary motivation for
where networks and services meet is to establish a foundation for operators. In the GSMA Intelligence
customer needs. Open RAN is operators to both improve Network Transformation Survey
focused on opening the RAN to customer experiences in existing 2022, operators were asked their
enable a diverse set of specialist markets as well as pursue emerging primary goals for transformation
vendors to deliver innovative opportunities in new markets. with the following response:
solutions. One of the primary Operators realize that this requires
• 38%: Generating revenues
motivations often cited is the new technologies, architectures
stimulation of greater competition and competencies, as well as an • 37%: Improving customer
to lower costs and to avoid lock-in operational transformation. experiences
and dependence on a limited • 14%: Capex savings
GSMA Intelligence research shows
number of vendors. While the latter
that the majority of operators see • 11%: Opex savings
is directly addressed by opening the
5G, and Open RAN in particular, as
network, the former goal of This shows that operators clearly
a means of achieving a
lowering costs is dependent on see their transformations as
transformation of their networks,
scale deployment, which obviously enabling new business opportunities
operations and organization.
leads to a “catch-22” paradox if and improving customer

Networking operaons automaon 22% 16% 7% 35%

Open networking technologies

22% 7% 12% 31%
(including open RAN)

Cloud and IT transformaon of network

8% 24% 19% 30%
(including use of public cloud)

Energy efficient network infrastructure 12% 13% 18% 27%

Use of renewable energy sources 12% 12% 13% 24%

Managed services 12% 8% 21%

(network operaons / IT operaons)

Service operaons automaon 10% 8% 14% 20%

(billing, customer support, service set-up)

Network deployment and planning automaon 1% 10% 9% 12%

Ranked 1st Ranked 2nd Ranked 3rd

Source: GSMA Intelligence Operators in Focus: Network Transformaon Survey 2022

experiences rather than focusing on efficient and automated Service innovative solutions and services. It
cost reduction. Open RAN is also Management and Orchestration is in this context that specialist
supporting these goals by enabling (SMO). For example, the O-RAN vendors of innovative software
mobile operators to take advantage ALLIANCE definition of Near-Real- solutions can bring outsized value
of automation, cloud technologies Time and Non-Real-Time RAN to mobile operators.
and more agile processes. Intelligent Controllers (near-RT-RIC
Operators today see the benefit of
and non-RT-RIC respectively) and
5G is inspired by technologies and adopting Open RAN to facilitate the
O-Cloud. The RICs are essentially
concepts that require new necessary transformation of their
software hosting platforms that can
competencies that are not network and organization to meet
run automation applications
traditionally operator strengths. the new challenges and
developed by third-party specialists
Concepts like disaggregation, opportunities 5G presents. In
referred to as either rApps (non-real-
virtualization, cloud-based services addition, Open RAN, and the use of
time) or xApps (near-real-time). This
and software-defined management cloud, IP and x86 platforms, enables
allows an even broader ecosystem of
and orchestration. These are operators to merge their IT processes
specialist vendors to deliver
concepts familiar to enterprises, but with their RAN operational processes
innovative software solutions.
new to mobile operators, which is leveraging the same competencies
why operators need to transform The significance of the O-RAN and experience making it easier to
their networks to support these ALLIANCE intelligent controller recruit and retain skilled IT and
concepts, their operations to manage concept cannot be overstated. This operational employees. It also
their transformed networks and their is the first time that RAN enables a common approach to
organization to think in a new way intelligence is provided as an entity important topics, such as security,
about procurement, validation, completely separated from RAN where many solutions and processes
deployment and management. equipment and the RAN network can be streamlined across both IT
itself. It allows the management and and RAN operations. Open RAN
Open RAN has leveraged the
orchestration of the RAN to evolve enables the disruptive innovation of
knowledge of non-traditional
independently of the RAN network, the telecom industry and the
telecom vendors to deliver 4G and
which in turn enables AI and ML potential creation of entirely new
5G virtualized functions on COTS
mechanisms to be leveraged for industries that we have difficulties in
hardware, but have also gone a step
both RAN optimization as well as conceiving today.
further by addressing the need for

Five reasons to adopt Open RAN now 5

Reason 2:
Open RAN is here to stay
Since the establishment of the opening the RAN and while some mature beyond the lab and
Telecom Infra Project (TIP) in 2016 major vendors are skeptical, their enthusiastic first adopters. While
and the merger of C-RAN Alliance involvement in Open RAN activities deployment of Open RAN
and xRAN Alliance to form the underlines the success of the networks is still modest, there has
O-RAN ALLIANCE in 2018, a initiative. Other vendors, like NEC, been a continuous increase in the
significant amount of progress has understand the need for more agile number of deployments and trials
been made in delivering Open and flexible RAN infrastructures over the last few years. This
RAN specifications and solutions and are willing to make the includes commitments by major
to the market. investment in time and resources operators like NTT DOCOMO,
to ensure its success. Telefonica and Vodafone to
However, the success of open
deploy Open RAN, the success of
initiatives is only possible with The experience operators have
Rakuten Mobile from Japan, DISH
committed engagement from gained over the last decades has
in the US and their plans to
operators and vendors willing to ensured that Open RAN has
deploy Open RAN as well as the
drive the effort. Large operators succeeded in defining truly open
recent launch by 1&1 AG of the
have long seen the benefit of interfaces allowing Open RAN to

Source: Telecom Infra Project

first fully virtualized Open RAN status of Open RAN solutions. operators, telecom vendors and
network in Europe. Operators are then in a position to new specialist vendors can
commit to resources necessary to collaborate and drive Open RAN
What is most impressive is the
conduct their own tests, trials and and the industry forward. The
success that both the TIP
even deployments. continued efforts and progress in
OpenRAN project and O-RAN
these organizations ensures that
ALLIANCE have demonstrated in While experiences with initial
operators and vendors remain
attracting a broad and diverse deployments and trials have
engaged and committed, which in
ecosystem of members that bring highlighted challenges, what should
turn attracts new specialist vendors
new competencies and expertise be recognized is that the Open
with non-telecom backgrounds to
that are important to 5G success. RAN community has succeeded in
contribute with their expertise and
The O-RAN ALLIANCE has over delivering viable solutions in a very
insight. This not only ensures that
330 members while the TIP short time-frame and established
Open RAN is here to stay, but also
OpenRAN project has over 650 an impressive ecosystem of
that it becomes the source for
participants. Over the last few vendors that are already
innovative solutions to new
years, both organizations have held contributing to innovative solutions
challenges as the mobile industry
several Plugfests, which have addressing the highlighted
expands into new markets.
proved critical in accelerating the challenges. This is establishing an
implementation as well as the inertia and momentum that can be
maturing of Open RAN solutions. difficult to resist.
The Plugfests are open with
The significance of industry
transparent reporting of results
organizations like O-RAN
that provide confidence and trust
to operators as they report the true
that they provide a forum where

Five reasons to adopt Open RAN now 7

Reason 3:
Supporting the original 5G vision
5G was designed not only to vertical disaggregation allowing they are required at multiple
provide better and faster virtualized functions to be locations in the network, including
consumer services, but also to instantiated on COTS servers as close to the edge as possible.
provide more efficient solutions make it possible to meet these By supporting COTS servers,
for non-consumer markets. 4G requirements. various data center locations can
LTE made it possible for operators be leveraged, both those owned
For example, for URLLC services,
to address enterprise needs for by the operator and those owned
network slicing and horizontal
advanced solutions beyond by other entities. NEC, together
disaggregation of virtualized
connectivity. It is this experience with Altiostar and Airtel
Centralized Unit (CU) and
that formed the basis for URLLC successfully demonstrated the
Distributed Unit (DU) functions
and mMTC requirements in 5G world’s first interoperability test of
enables operators to meet diverse
and drove the architectural O-RUs and O-DUs running on
latency requirements on a service-
choices that ultimately made 5G COTS servers at the O-RAN
by-service basis. For this to work,
what it is today. Open RAN with ALLIANCE plugfest hosted by
it must be possible to quickly
its focus on both horizontal and Airtel already in November 2020.
instantiate DU functions wherever

For mMTC, the focus is on develop RICs leveraging the
adapting quickly to sudden Netcracker Open RAN Domain
changes in traffic patterns that can Automation solution, which
occur when a massive number of includes SMO and RIC capabilities
devices, such as Internet of Things aligned with O-RAN ALLIANCE
(IoT) sensors, are communicating specifications.
at the same time. The O-RAN
With Netcracker Open RAN
ALLIANCE has defined the
Domain Automation solution,
O-Cloud for cloud-based hosting
operators can automate all aspects
of Open RAN functions like O-CU
of RAN planning and design,
and O-DU functions. The O-Cloud
deployment, optimization and
can be hosted on one or several
assurance as they evolve from
data centers. Thanks to
traditional RAN to fully
virtualization and cloud-based
decomposed, cloudified and Open
hosting, it is possible to elastically
RAN. By combining hybrid RAN
scale capacity of RAN functions to
automation integrated with RIC
meet unexpected demands, as can
optimization and an extensive
occur in mMTC scenarios, but also
partner ecosystem, we are helping
in URLLC and eMBB cases.
operators to innovate faster.
The virtualization, cloudification
The SMO and RICs provide a
and disaggregation of 5G enables
unique framework, which is
a broad variety of service needs to
essential for realizing the vision of
be addressed simultaneously, but
5G. Established vendors and new
also leads to a complex, dynamic
entrants alike are adopting this
network with traffic patterns that
management framework. This is
can be difficult to predict. This
because SMO and RIC do not
calls for a new approach to
need to be confined to Open RAN.
managing and orchestrating
The concepts and solutions can
mobile networks that relies on
be used to manage any RAN,
intelligent, closed-loop control and
which enables all operators to
autonomous operations. The
benefit from SMO and RIC
O-RAN ALLIANCE has defined a
deplopyment independent of their
Service Management and
Open RAN priorities.
Orchestration (SMO) framework to
support this new intelligent Nevertheless, it is clear that to
approach enabled by xApps and succeed with this approach, a
rApps hosted on near-real-time broad ecosystem of specialist
and non-real-time RAN Intelligent vendors is required as well as deep
Controllers (RICs). expertise in a range of
technologies including
NEC and its subsidiary Netcracker
virtualization, cloud-hosting and
have been at the forefront of
management, AI, ML and advanced
Open RAN developments from the
programming. It is only by
start, including SMO and RIC. NEC
establishing a broad and vibrant
and Netcracker were selected by
ecosystem of partners that
Rakuten Mobile in 2019 to
innovative solutions to new and
develop solutions for their
unforeseen challenges can be
Japanese Open RAN network. This
delivered as 5G opens new
included an NEC-Rakuten jointly
opportunities in new markets.
developed RU as well as end-to-
end BSS/OSS solutions. This was
followed by an agreement with
NTT DOCOMO in 2021 to jointly

Five reasons to adopt Open RAN now 9

Reason 4:
Open ecosystems critical to 5G success
As operators enter new markets software solutions that they major challenges in delivering
offering new 5G-based solutions, a require. The open nature of Open solutions based on Open RAN is
broader set of competencies and RAN deployments enables system integration.
expertise need to be brought to the collaboration where enterprise
There are basically two challenges
table, which is why the establishment vendors can provide xApps and
in addressing diverse industry
of broad, diverse ecosystems that rApps or can host their software
vertical needs:
include non-traditional telecom applications on the 5G MEC.
vendors is important. • Integration: each industry
The success of mobile operators in
vertical, and potentially each
The advantage of an Open RAN expanding their enterprise
company within a vertical, will
approach not only includes the footprints and addressing new
require bespoke solutions that
intelligence that Open RAN RICs opportunities lies in their ability to
meet their specific needs and
provide, but also the openness to meet bespoke requirements in a
already deployed equipment.
accommodate third-party vendors. flexible and cost-effective manner.
This will require system
Enterprises already have well- Open RAN provides the openness,
integration capabilities that
established, trusted vendor intelligence and ecosystem that
encompass mobile technology,
partnerships and ecosystems that operators require to ensure
IT, networking and vertical-
have the insight to provide success. However, one of the
specific solutions and systems.

Figure 9: Which type of vendors do you plan to select to help you migrate to Open RAN Technology?

The legacy wireless 30%

equipment vendors

New equipment vendors 38%

Pre-Integrated reference soluon

from a systems integrator

Other 1%

None of the above 1%

Source: Industry survey on Open RAN adop

on, Aspire Technology, 2021

• Product development: each solution needs. O-RAN ALLIANCE Development Kit (SDK) for other
industry vertical will require specifications are also being xApps developers.
products that can solve specific adopted by ETSI with the release of
In addition, the ability to
challenges and use cases unique ETSI TS 103 859 in September
incorporate xApps and rApps for
to that vertical. This will require 2022 based on the O-RAN
network automation developed by
a broad ecosystem of potential ALLIANCE ‘O-RAN Fronthaul
specialist vendors as well as
solution providers with the Control, User and Synchronization
service applications running on 5G
necessary expertise and insight Plane Specification v7.02’.
Multi-Access Edge Compute
to develop the requiresd Agreements with standardization
(MEC) platforms enables operators
soltuions as well as a framework organizations provides another layer
to offer more than just
to support integration of their of maturity where specifications
connectivity. The 5G MEC can be
solutions quickly. now become standards.
instantiated at the RAN edge in
Open RAN provides the The OpenRAN project and the public 5G network or can be
frameworks and interfaces along O-RAN ALLIANCE OSC have also part of a private 5G network
with detailed specifications to been successful in attracting controlled by the enterprise.
enable operators to address both innovative startups who see a
The capabilities provided by Open
of these challenges. commercial opportunity in
RAN are vitally important in
developing xApps and rApps for
Open RAN initiatives like TIP meeting the diverse needs of
5G. Both OpenRAN and the
OpenRAN and the O-RAN enterprises, which are an
ALLIANCE are now mature with important target segment for
released open-source
large ecosystems of vendors with mobile operators. Enterprises
implementations of O-RAN
diverse competencies and expertise. encompasses many industry
ALLIANCE specifications, which
This, together with the ability of verticals including finance,
have then formed the basis for
Open RAN architectures and manufacturing and utilities, each
additional work by other open-
interfaces to integrate new with their own particular
source initiatives. For example,
solutions and vendors relatively technologies, architectures and
the SD-RAN project of Open
quickly, provides a solid foundation vendor ecosystems. In the past,
Networking Foundation, which is
on which to approach enterprise mobile operators struggled to
implementing a near-real-time
customers who normally would not provide bespoke solutions that
RIC together with xApps to
turn to operators to fulfil their could meet the specific needs of
control the RAN and a Software

Five reasons to adopt Open RAN now 11

individual enterprises, but with 5G choice between adopting Open infrastructure vendors to meet
and Open RAN capabilities, it is RAN at a short-term higher cost immediate, short-term 4G and 5G
now possible to deliver services and the need to rely on an external rollout needs.
that are tailored to the individual system integrator or choosing an
While large operators can choose
enterprise’s needs. established vendor and their
to perform Open RAN system
proprietary RAN offering with the
It is no surprise that initial 5G RAN integration themselves, many
risk of lock-in to the vendor.
deployments are dominated by operators are choosing to work
large operators and established The big difference between the with an external system integrator
mobile infrastructure vendors. two scenarios is whether the as it leverages the experience that
Software integration is notoriously smaller operator is short-term or these integrators have built from
difficult and far from the “plug-and- long-term focused. Choosing an previous efforts. For example, NEC
play” perception that the availability established vendor’s proprietary has been a driving member of
of open interfaces often implies. It solution can result in a faster, Open RAN initiatives from the
takes time and resources to lower-cost 4G or 5G RAN beginning and engaged in several
successfully integrate software deployment, but with the risk of a Open RAN deployments in the
solutions from multiple vendors, lack of flexibility and innovation role of system integrator. NEC has
not to mention the testing and going forward. Choosing an Open acquired significant experience
validation required to ensure that RAN approach provides flexibility, from its participation in Open RAN
hardware implementations also long-term lower cost and the activities and has also invested in
meet requirements. Open RAN is potential to access innovative a broad portfolio of solutions
particularly challenging as system solutions in the future. While the including Open RAN equipment,
integrators need expertise in smaller operator relies on the software, RICs and SMO solutions.
telecom, enterprise, and data- system integrator to ensure the NEC has also acquired companies
center technologies and concepts end-to-end implementation works, like Aspire Technology and Blue
to succeed. Few system integrators it does not need to result in Danube Systems to add elemental
master all of these disciplines. lock-in as the RAN is based on technology and strengthen its
open solutions. For the smaller system integration capabilities.
This has led many smaller operators
operator, it is basically a choice This combination of expertise and
to turn to established vendors for
between short-term and long- experience reduces risk and
their RAN needs as they do not
term goals. provides a lot of value to mobile
have the size to command best
operators, even large mobile
pricing from alternative vendors and Large multi-national operators, on
operartors, as they embark on
do not have the expertise to the other hand, may have the
their Open RAN transformation.
perform the system integration capability and capacity to perform
required. Finding an external system system integration themselves. System integration is a challenge
integrator can be challenging and Open RAN has always been driven and operators need to find the
there can be a concern in becoming by large multi-national operators balance between addressing
as dependant on a system integrator and they are now benefiting from short-term and long-term goals
as on a one-stop-shop vendor. the large Open RAN ecosystem and the consequences of these
However, there is one major who have the ability to deliver decisions. It is these realities,
difference; once the Open RAN innovative solutions to emerging which are playing out in the
solution is established, the individual 5G challenges. While it takes time market today, but it would be a
hardware and software can be and resources to integrate and mistake to consider this a
replaced and other system deploy solutions based on multiple confirmation of the status quo. In
integrators can be used to integrate vendors, large operators have the the long-term, 5G will require new
new solutions. It is therefore a motivation and financial capability and innovative solutions, like the
dependence on outside to invest in this long-term Open RAN ecosystem, to
competence, but not a lock-in. initiative. In the meantime, challenges that are yet unseen as
however, these operators will still operators move into new markets
These smaller operators are
work with established mobile and opportunities.
therefore faced with a tough

Reason 5:
Building the foundation for 6G
While 5G is the current focus, capability. The driver for even with the physical world. This is the
discussions have already begun on higher speeds and lower latency next step beyond AR/VR/XR and is
“Beyond 5G” and 6G requirements. are what are termed “cyber- related to the metaverse vision.
Many vendors have already shared physical” systems. Cyber-physical Enabling this vision requires
their visions for a 6G future, while systems have traditionally referred unlimited wireless connectivity and
calculations have already been to systems where physical and extremely low latencies, which are
made on what could be delivered compute components are deeply the initial goals of 6G.
by a 6G mobile network that could intertwined. Lately, they have been
The unique capabilities of the
be available as early as 2030. the focus of Industry 4.0 smart
Open RAN SMO and intelligent
manufacturing initiatives where
While it is still unclear what 6G will controllers as well as their ability to
closed-loop control is enabled by
actually include, some of the goals host a broad ecosystem of
analysis of data from IoT sensors
already shared are a 1,000 times specialist software solution vendors
throughout the factory. In the
improvement in both speed and is potentially the only viable
context of 6G, the cyber-physical
latency based on current foundation for meeting 6G
vision refers to deep immersion
extrapolations of technical requirements.
and integration of the cyber world

Five reasons to adopt Open RAN now 13

n Autom
I-Drive a
A on
gy Efficien
Ener cy



ed Connec


-Physical Imme
x Lo
her Spee

wer Latenc
x Hig




Spe cy i on
ctral E ffi cie n

As mentioned above, industrial and software, the separation of

automation initiatives like Industry management and control from the
4.0 already require the capabilities network itself and the use of AI in
that Open RAN provides in SMO/RIC implementations to
transforming their operations. automate decision making provide
Requirements for connectivity to the path to achieving the 6G vision.
support smart factories, but also
While some interpret the
smart robots, Unmanned Ground
consensus around the use of Open
Vehicles (UGVs) and Unmanned
RAN in 6G as an opportunity to
Aerial Vehicles (UAV), which can all
“wait and see”, the reality is that
be considered cyber-physical
the blueprints for solutions that will
systems, are here today and are a
be supported by 6G are being
target for 5G already.
drawn today in Open RAN. Open
Many operators and vendors have RAN should be one of the critical
provided their visions for 6G. Most 6G architectural foundations in a
of these visions emphasize two similar way that virtualization is an
critical points; automation and the architectural foundation for 5G
need for 6G to be “AI native”. Most RAN today. Operators and vendors
anticipate even more automation in who engage now will not only be
6G given the higher speeds and better positioned to meet 6G
lower latencies involved. This in requirements, but also be in a
turn requires a higher level of AI to position to establish a beach-head
automate and accelerate decision in new markets, like industrial
making. The principles introduced automation, with 5G solutions
by Open RAN with regard to based on Open RAN.
vertical disaggregation of hardware

Start your Open RAN journey with NEC
NEC has been a pioneer of Open Opportunities are no longer a
RAN from the beginning. While NEC “winner-takes-all” approach, but
provides a complete portfolio of instead a “where-can-I-add-value”
Open RAN solutions, NEC collaborative effort in ensuring
recognizes the need for a broad, operator success. This is in
diverse ecosystem of vendors and an recognition of the fact that the role
operator’s need to choose the best of the operators is changing where
available equipment and software large cloud, data-center and
solutions for their specific needs. enterprise vendors, not to mention
vertical industry vendors, all have a
5G and Open RAN are elements of
role to play in meeting emerging
the digital transformation journey
consumer, enterprise and
for operators and mobile
government needs.
infrastructure vendors.

Five reasons to adopt Open RAN now 15

It is with this recognition that NEC • NEC is a driving member of • NEC is a leading system
has invested to build the solutions, both the O-RAN ALLIANCE and integrator in many Open RAN
competencies and expertise that the TIP OpenRAN project with projects integrating solutions
mobile operators require both regular participation in several from multiple vendors.
today and in the future: PlugFests and has been
NEC can therefore bring value at
awarded a number of TIP
• NEC is a leading provider of multiple levels from system
ribbons and TIP bronze badges
O-RAN ALLIANCE compliant integration to value-added AI/ML
for compliance with TIP
O-RU equipment as well as applications to SMO and RAN
OpenRAN requirements,
O-DU and O-CU software functions in collaboration with the
including 3 ribbons for mMIMO
solutions. Open RAN ecosystem. NEC has a
O-RU and 12 badges for O-RU
proven track record in delivering
• NEC along with its subsidiary implementations in general.
Open RAN solutions with (at time
Netcracker provides an award-
• NEC is renowned for its AI/ML of writing):
winning Open RAN Domain
solutions including biometric
Automation solution, • 5 commercial Open RAN
solutions for facial recognition
incorporating AI-driven Non customers
and more deliverable as value-
RT-RIC and fully aligned with
added RIC applications. • 23 ongoing trials
framework and standards. • NEC has also invested heavily in • 30+ prospects
system integration capabilities • 50+ partners
• Netcracker is a leading provider
including the acquisition of
of modern, cloud-native Digital NEC has the expertise, portfolio,
Aspire Technology and Blue
BSS/OSS for operator digital experience and partners to
Danube Systems for elemental
transformation programs contribute to your Open RAN
technologies enhancement in
globally. transformational journey success.

Mobile World Live is the premier destination for news, insight
and intelligence for the global mobile industry. Armed with a
5G has the potential to enhance every aspect of the way we dedicated team of experienced reporters from around the
live, work and play. But delivering on that promise requires a world, we are the industry’s most trusted media outlet for
commitment to openness and collaboration. NEC is breaking news, special features, investigative reporting, and
committed to working openly with operators, vendors, expert analysis of today’s biggest stories.
industry bodies and even competitors to change how we think
about mobile networks and create a better 5G future for all. We are firmly committed to delivering accurate, quality
That’s what we mean when we say we’re radically open. journalism to our readers through news articles, video
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Since 2016, Mobile World Live has also had a team of

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our brand partners to produce bespoke content and deliver it
to our audience in strategic yet innovative ways. Our portfolio
of custom work - including whitepapers, webinars, live studio
interviews, case studies, industry surveys and more – leverage
the same level of industry knowledge and perspective that
propels our newsroom.

Mobile World Live is published by, but editorially independent

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the GSMA or its subsidiaries. © 2023

Five reasons to adopt Open RAN now 17

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