The Pianist

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The Pianist Movie Questions

Fill in the blanks.

1. What happens when Wladek is playing piano at the radio station?

2. Why is Wladek’s family packing?

3. What does the family hear on the radio?

4. What do the Nazis say about the amount of money Jews can have at home?

5. What else does the family learn from the newspaper?

6. Why did the father have to walk in the gutter?

7. Where do the Jews in Warsaw have to move to?

8. From the Szpilman family’s new apartment, they see men building a wall. What is the wall for?

9. Why does Yitzchak Heller try to recruit Wladek and Henryk to become Jewish policemen?

10. Why is Henryk angry with Wladek after he is released?

11. Why does Wladek want everyone in his family to have a certificate of employment?

12. How does Wladek avoid being sent to the death camp?
13. When Wladek is working outside the ghetto, he sees Janina, an old friend. Why does he not go
speak to her?

14. How does Benek die?

15. What happened to Wladek when he dropped the bricks?

16. After Wladek escapes the Ghetto what does he witness from his window?

17. Why does Wladek have to hide when he is staying with Polish friends?

18. What happens on April 19th, 1943?

19. Why does Janina say that the Jews who fought in the uprising “died with dignity”?

20. Why does Wladek have to leave the flat he is staying in?

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