Billings - Emergency Room Use - The New York Story

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November 2000

Issue Brief

Emergency Room Use:

The New York Story
john billings, nina parikh, and tod mijanovich
new york university

The Commonwealth Fund is a he inability of the nation’s health care delivery system to
private foundation established in
1918 by Anna M. Harkness with
the broad charge to enhance
the common good. The Fund
carries out the mandate by sup-
T assure access to basic primary care services for large segments
of the population has meant that hospital emergency depart-
ments (EDs) are the providers of first and last resort for millions
porting efforts that help people of Americans. Individuals who cannot afford the cost of an office
live healthy and productive lives, visit, or who are unwilling to wait for care in overcrowded and
and by assisting specific groups
understaffed community clinics or hospital outpatient departments,
with serious and neglected
problems. The Fund supports rely on EDs for primary care.1 But reliance on the ED means
independent research on health patients lack continuity in their health care and use costlier services.
and social issues and makes
Moreover, economic constraints cause many of the uninsured to
grants to improve health care
practice and policy. delay seeking treatment until their medical condition has seriously
This Issue Brief is a product of worsened. Had they received treatment earlier in an ambulatory
the Fund’s program on health care setting, the trip to the ED might have been avoided.2
care in New York City.
Dependence on emergency departments may increase as
For more information,
please contact:
pressures on traditional safety net providers, including public
David Sandman
hospitals and community health centers, become more acute.
Senior Program Officer Rapid implementation of mandatory managed care for most
The Commonwealth Fund Medicaid beneficiaries has meant lower payment rates and loss of
One East 75th Street
New York, NY 10021-2692 Medicaid market share for many safety net primary care providers,
Tel 212.606.3800 seriously impairing their ability to offset the unreimbursed costs of
Fax 212.606.3500 uninsured patients. At the same time, 42.6 million Americans lack
E-mail drs @ health insurance, a disproportionate number of whom are low-
income workers. The uninsured rate may increase even more as
Additional copies of this and the full impact of welfare legislation further reduces Medicaid
other Commonwealth Fund enrollment levels.
publications are available
These trends are especially pronounced in New York City.
online at From 1990 and 1998, the proportion of uninsured nonelderly
Publications can also be ordered residents grew from 20 percent to 27 percent. The number of those
by calling 1.888.777.2744. on Medicaid, meanwhile, fell by 12 percent from March 1995 to
To learn about new Fund
December 1999—a loss of more than 240,000 beneficiaries.
publications when they appear,
visit the Fund’s website and
register to receive e-mail alerts.
2 The Commonwealth Fund


ED Classification Process

Step 1 Steps 2 and 3 Step 4

Not Preventable/Avoidable

ED Care Needed
Reliance on the ED Emergent Preventable/Avoidable
means patients lack
Primary Care Treatable
continuity in their
health care and use Non-Emergent Primary Care Treatable

costlier services. Many

of the uninsured
delay seeking treat- in ED volume but have been unable
As more and more Medicaid enrollees
ment until their are moved into managed care, con- to gain insight into the characteristics
cern is mounting that health plan of ED use. For example, do
medical condition has Medicaid-insured patients differ from
premiums and administrative costs
seriously worsened. are leading to deep revenue cuts for uninsured patients, and do both of
many primary care providers. these groups differ from patients with
In combination, such changes private health coverage? What pro-
may reduce the availability of portion of ED cases could be treated
primary care services. If uninsured in a primary care setting? How much
patients who cannot pay for treatment emergent ED use is preventable or
out-of-pocket are turned away by avoidable with timely and effective
neighborhood clinics facing cost primary care?
pressures, they will be forced to rely
The Emergency Department
more on emergency departments for
Profiling Algorithm
routine care. This would likely alter
To help answer these questions,
the diagnostic mix of uninsured
researchers from the NYU Center for
patients in EDs, with less serious,
Health and Public Service Research
nonemergent cases representing a
and the United Hospital Fund of
greater share of the care provided.
New York developed an ED use
With an accurate gauge of
profiling algorithm to aid in analysis
this shift in ED utilization patterns,
of computerized administrative data
researchers would have a powerful
from ED records or payer claims.
tool to understand how changes in
This research was carried out under
the health care delivery system are
a grant from The Commonwealth
affecting low-income, uninsured
Fund. The algorithm classifies ED
patients. Until now, the capacity to
use into four categories:
monitor ED utilization effectively has
• Nonemergent
been limited by a lack of data and by
• Emergent/primary care treatable
methodological challenges. Analysts
have been able to track overall trends
Emergency Room Use: The New York Story 3

• Emergent/emergency Step 2: Determination of Optimal

department care required but Care Setting for Emergent Cases. At this
preventable/avoidable stage, each emergent case was further
• Emergent/emergency classified as either “ED care needed”
department care required, or “primary care treatable” (care could
not preventable/avoidable be safely provided in a non-ED set-
ting). The basis for this determination
The algorithm, developed with
was, in most cases, the procedures
the advice of a panel of ED physicians,
performed and resources used in the
is based on information abstracted
ED. No effort was made to assess the
from a sample of complete ED records
appropriateness of the procedures
—3,500 cases in 1994 and 2,200 cases
or use of resources. Patients having
in 1999—from six Bronx, New York
procedures or using resources not
hospitals. These records captured
typically available in a non-ED setting,
information on patients’ initial
such as a CAT scan or certain lab
complaints and vital signs; patients’
tests, were classified as “emergent/ED
age and medical history; procedures
care needed.” Patients using no
performed and resources used in
resources or resources typically avail-
the ED; and the ultimate discharge
able in a primary care setting, such as
diagnosis. The classification scheme
routine blood tests, were classified as
incorporated in the algorithm
“emergent/primary care treatable.”
involved the following steps:
The exception was if the initial
Step 1: Classification of Cases as
complaint alone was sufficient to Researchers from the
“Emergent” or “Nonemergent.”
justify ED use, regardless of resources
Patients in the sample were categorized
used (e.g., for chest pain, serious NYU Center for
as either emergent or nonemergent
based on whether they required
injuries, or gastrointestinal obstruction). Health and Public
Step 3: Mapping of Initial
contact with the medical system
Complaints to ED Discharge Diagnoses.
Service Research and
within 12 hours. This determination
Prior to this stage, classification was the United Hospital
was based in turn on information
based on the patient’s initial com-
documented in the ED record that Fund of New York
plaint, the patient’s vital signs at
could have been obtained from the
triage, and the resources used in the developed an ED use
patient in a telephone interview,
ED. Since this information is usually
including the initial complaint, age profiling algorithm
not available in computerized ED
and gender, duration of symptoms,
or claims records, the initial com- to aid in analysis of
temperature, respiratory rate, pulse
plaints in the sample were “mapped”
rate, and comorbidities or health ED records.
to the ultimate discharge diagnosis to
status/conditions (e.g., HIV/AIDS
determine what percentage of sample
or pregnancy).
ED discharge diagnoses fell under
the categories described in Steps 1
and 2. Some patients discharged with
a diagnosis of abdominal pain, for
example, may have been classified as
“emergent/primary care treatable”
4 The Commonwealth Fund

if they only used resources that are Use of the emergency department
typically available in a primary care for minor conditions may well be
setting. Others, however, may have rational and appropriate if a patient
required ED care. A patient who has no other source of care.
arrived at the ED complaining of Moreover, assessment of urgency
chest pain and received treatment by patients can be problematic, and
for a possible heart attack, only labeling ED use for primary care
to be discharged with a diagnosis of treatable conditions as inappropriate
abdominal pain, would accordingly may misallocate responsibility to the
have been categorized as either patients themselves.
“emergent/primary care treatable”
or “emergent/ED care needed” ED Use in New York City:
based on the percentage of cases with An Acute Case
this discharge diagnosis that fell into Some 6 million computerized
each category. emergency department records were
Step 4: Classification of obtained from New York hospitals for
“Emergent/ED Care Needed” Cases 1994 and 1998, representing approxi-
as “Preventable/Avoidable” or mately 85 percent of all emergency
Use of the emergency “Not Preventable/Not Avoidable.” department use in the city. Analysis of
All “emergent/ED care needed” cases these records indicates overwhelming
department for use of EDs for conditions that are
were further classified according to
minor conditions whether the emergent nature of the “nonemergent” or “emergent—
primary care treatable”: in 1998,
may well be rational condition was potentially preventable
or avoidable with timely and effective nearly 75 percent of all cases not
and appropriate if outpatient care. For example, while admitted to the hospital fell into one
of these categories.
a patient has no acute flare-ups of chronic conditions
like asthma or diabetes may be The rate of ED use for nonemer-
other source of care. “emergent—ED care needed,” such gent care was high for both children
episodes may have been avoided and adults—42 percent (Figure 2 and
if the patient’s condition had been 3). Another 36 percent of ED visits
more effectively managed.3 by children and 32 percent by adults
The algorithm is not intended were for emergent care, but these
as a triage tool or a mechanism to patients could have been treated in a
determine whether ED use is appro- primary care setting. Of ED use by
priate for required reimbursement children, only 22 percent actually
by a managed care plan. Since few involved emergency treatment; the
diagnostic categories are clear-cut in same was true for 26 percent of adult
all cases, the algorithm assigns cases use. Much of this emergency care,
based on a percentage basis, reflecting furthermore, may have been prevented
this potential uncertainty and varia- with proper primary care (34% for
tion. Nor was it intended to assess children, 27% for adults).
appropriateness of ED utilization.
Emergency Room Use: The New York Story 5

Constructing Relative Use Rates and “emergent/ED care needed but

Without a complete sample of all ED preventable or avoidable” categories
records, it is not possible to express to the number of emergent, non-
the study’s findings directly as popula- preventable cases. Relative rates can
tion-based rates, such as rate of ED be examined by insurance status, age,
use per thousand patients. However, race, and gender to identify differences
relative rates can be calculated using in utilization patterns and to monitor
Six million
the “emergent care/not preventable or changes over time. computerized
avoidable” category—which includes
cases where primary care access had Heavy Reliance on EDs by Medicaid emergency department
Beneficiaries and the Uninsured
no influence on the need for ED care records were analyzed
and where clinicians agreed on the In 1998, the relative rate of ED use
for nonemergent conditions among by this study.
need for immediate treatment—as a
basis for comparison. These are simply children with fee-for-service Medicaid
the ratio of the number of ED visits coverage was 3.2, compared with
falling within the “nonemergent,” 2.2 for patients with private, fee-
“emergent/primary care treatable,” for-service coverage and 2.8 for


Emergency Department Use Profile by Type of ED Visit

Nonadmitted Patients
New York City, 1998
Children to Age 17

Nonemergent Primary Care
41.6 % Treatable
36.0 %

Emergent ED Care Needed, Emergent ED Care Needed,

Not Preventable/Avoidable Preventable/Avoidable
14.8 %
7.6 %


Emergency Department Use Profile by Type of ED Visit

Nonadmitted Patients
New York City, 1998
Adults Ages 18-64
Nonemergent Primary Care
41.7 %
32.4 %

Emergent ED Care Needed,

Not Preventable/Avoidable Emergent ED Care Needed,
18.8 %
7.1 %

Source: Commonwealth Fund-supported analysis of New York City electronic ED records by the
NYU Center for Health and Public Service Research and the United Hospital Fund of New York
6 The Commonwealth Fund


New York City Emergency Department Utilization Patterns

by Insurance Status and Age
Nonadmitted Patients, 1994 and 1998

Relative Rates*
Emergent Emergent
Emergent, ED Needed, ED Needed,
Primary Care Preventable/ Not Preventable
Nonemergent Treatable Avoidable or Avoidable
Children 0–17
Medicaid FFS 3.16 2.67 0.61 1.00
Medicaid Managed Care 2.92 2.56 0.55 1.00
Commercial/Other 2.18 2.05 0.38 1.00
Commercial Managed Care 1.97 1.94 0.38 1.00
Selfpay 2.79 2.37 0.45 1.00
Adults 18–64
Medicaid FFS 2.41 1.85 0.57 1.00
Medicaid Managed Care 2.94 2.36 0.56 1.00
Commercial/Other 2.15 1.75 0.20 1.00
Commercial Managed Care 1.94 1.66 0.28 1.00
Selfpay 2.15 1.63 0.33 1.00
Medicare 1.53 1.35 0.34 1.00
Children 0–17
Medicaid FFS 3.63 3.05 0.84 1.00
Medicaid Managed Care 3.24 2.79 0.68 1.00
Commercial/Other 2.31 2.11 0.50 1.00
Commercial Managed Care 2.84 2.44 0.54 1.00
Selfpay 3.16 2.62 0.53 1.00
Adults 18–64
Medicaid FFS 2.55 2.02 0.67 1.00
Medicaid Managed Care 2.75 2.57 0.68 1.00
Commercial/Other 2.07 1.72 0.23 1.00
Commercial Managed Care 2.24 1.90 0.34 1.00
Selfpay 2.18 1.68 0.37 1.00
Medicare 1.48 1.26 0.41 1.00
*Ratio of visits to Emergent, ED Care Needed — Not Preventable/Avoidable Visits
Source: Commonwealth Fund-supported analysis of New York City electronic ED records by the NYU Center for Health
and Public Service Research and the United Hospital Fund of New York
Emergency Room Use: The New York Story 7

self-pay/uninsured children (Figure 4). ED Use by Race and Ethnicity

Similar patterns were observed among Whites had lower relative rates across
children for emergent/primary care all ED utilization and health insurance
treatable conditions and for conditions categories (Figure 5). Black and
requiring ED care that were preven- Hispanic patients, on the other hand,
table or avoidable. Fee-for-service generally had high relative rates for
Medicaid patients have no economic nonemergent and primary care treat-
impediments to ED use, although able conditions, regardless of insurance
they often experience substantial status. High use among blacks and
barriers to timely and effective Hispanics—even those covered by
primary care. While self-pay/unin- Medicare —might stem from non-
sured patients also experience barriers economic barriers to care and differ-
to ambulatory care, ED use is likely ences in care-seeking behavior. Relative
to be tempered by the potential out- rates for Asians were generally lower
of-pocket costs associated with an than rates for blacks and Hispanics, Systemic changes
ED visit. For privately insured patients, except among Medicaid patients. can improve access
the lower rate may reflect their better
access to ambulatory care and less
ED Use by Gender Among adult to primary care
females, relative rates were higher for
reliance on the ED for routine care.
nonemergent, emergent/primary
and reduce reliance
Even for privately insured patients
care treatable, and ED care required on emergency
the rates are quite high. but preventable/avoidable conditions
In general, identical patterns were (Figure 6). This was true regardless of departments.
observed for adult patients, with the insurance status. There is no reason to
highest relative rates seen for believe males experience fewer barri-
Medicaid patients and the lowest rates ers to care than females; in fact, many
for privately insured patients. Self-pay/ primary care resources are specifically
uninsured adult patients had rates targeted at females and children.
comparable to those for patients with Differences in utilization patterns by
private coverage; their more conser- gender may simply reflect differences
vative ED use may be dictated by the in care-seeking behavior and attitudes
fact that that they must pay out-of- towards disease and risk. In addition,
males may have higher rates of use
pocket for the service. The lowest
for emergent care that was not pre-
relative rates were observed among
ventable or avoidable, thus distorting
the elderly, perhaps a reflection of
their relative rates.4
nearly universal Medicare coverage
and a greater likelihood of having a
regular physician.
8 The Commonwealth Fund


New York City Emergency Department Utilization Patterns

by Insurance Status and Race
Nonadmitted Patients, 1998

Relative Rates*
Emergent Emergent
Emergent, ED Needed, ED Needed,
Primary Care Preventable/ Not Preventable
Nonemergent Treatable Avoidable or Avoidable
White 1.91 1.54 0.28 1.00
Black 2.84 2.20 0.67 1.00
Hispanic 2.74 2.27 0.61 1.00
Asian 2.98 2.45 0.35 1.00
Other 2.71 2.26 0.40 1.00
White 1.51 1.28 0.17 1.00
Black 2.51 1.91 0.47 1.00
Hispanic 2.40 1.88 0.37 1.00
Asian 2.14 1.65 0.17 1.00
Other 2.04 1.77 0.21 1.00
White 1.73 1.59 0.14 1.00
Black 2.64 2.10 0.35 1.00
Hispanic 2.28 1.86 0.32 1.00
Asian 2.14 1.74 0.14 1.00
Other 2.11 1.86 0.21 1.00
White 1.22 1.19 0.21 1.00
Black 1.78 1.48 0.50 1.00
Hispanic 1.94 1.54 0.52 1.00
Asian 1.38 1.23 0.19 1.00
Other 1.92 1.58 0.35 1.00
*Ratio of visits to Emergent, ED Care Needed — Not Preventable/Avoidable Visits
Source: Commonwealth Fund-supported analysis of New York City electronic ED records by the NYU Center for Health
and Public Service Research and the United Hospital Fund of New York
Emergency Room Use: The New York Story 9


New York City Emergency Department Utilization Patterns

by Insurance Status and Gender
Nonadmitted Patients, 1998
Adults ages 18-64 and Medicare age 65+

Relative Rates*
Emergent Emergent
Emergent, ED Needed, ED Needed,
Primary Care Preventable/ Not Preventable
Nonemergent Treatable Avoidable or Avoidable
Female 2.82 2.24 0.61 1.00
Male 1.87 1.33 0.51 1.00
Self Pay
Female 2.67 2.05 0.40 1.00
Male 1.82 1.37 0.28 1.00
Female 2.54 2.00 0.27 1.00
Male 1.86 1.57 0.15 1.00
Female 1.64 1.40 0.32 1.00
Male 1.35 1.26 0.38 1.00
*Ratio of visits to Emergent, ED Care Needed — Not Preventable/Avoidable Visits
Source: Commonwealth Fund-supported analysis of New York City electronic ED records by the NYU Center for Health
and Public Service Research and the United Hospital Fund of New York

Conclusions to community residents, by under-

Hospital emergency departments are standing how patients make decisions
a pulse point of the health care deliv- when they become ill and how they
ery system. By monitoring use of want health care services delivered.
EDs, it is possible to detect any Educational strategies informed by
patients’ preferences are also needed
fraying of the safety net for those
to help people identify warning signs
vulnerable groups in society that may
of disease and better manage their
lack stable connections to the primary
chronic conditions. Differences in
care delivery system. This analysis race, ethnicity, culture, and education
found extraordinarily high rates of among target populations require an
use for nonemergent conditions approach that is tailored for each
and for care that could otherwise be group.
provided in a primary care setting— Systemic changes can improve
even among those with health insur- access to primary care and reduce
ance coverage. This is a clear indication reliance on EDs. Reduced waiting
that the primary care delivery system times at clinics and doctors’ offices,
is not functioning well for many expanded office hours, and enhanced
New Yorkers. telephone consultation capacity would
enable patients to get care that is more
What Can Be Done? Developing
timely and appropriate. Such changes
solutions to address these problems
would require improvements to infra-
will be complicated. An important
structure, reengineered services, and
first step is to make the primary
care delivery system more responsive staff training—resources that are hard
10 The Commonwealth Fund

to come by during a time of financial Coordinating care for uninsured and

constraints, especially for freestanding fee-for-service patients, however,
clinics and private practitioners. would require more direct involvement
Primary care clinics must be better by physicians.
rewarded for providing a lower-cost Finally, it is important that states
alternative to ED use and for prevent- and localities facilitate ongoing
ing emergency conditions from monitoring of ED use. Several states
developing. Without stronger incen- require hospitals to submit uniform,
tives and higher payment rates, there computerized ED records similar to
will be fewer sources of primary those required for hospital discharges.
care in the future. For this project, data were voluntarily
Reducing avoidable emergency submitted by area hospitals, several of
care use will also necessitate greater which would not agree to participate.
coordination among EDs and primary With the cooperation of all hospitals,
care providers. Primary care physicians, however, researchers would be able
even those associated with hospitals, to track developments and calculate
seldom receive any direct notice from population-based rates. Having
emergency departments regarding complete data would allow more
their patients’ ED use. By working sophisticated analysis, as well as the
with these physicians, EDs would be targeting of geographic areas or
able to identify repeat visitors, notify population subgroups with the
doctors when their patients use the most serious problems.
ED for preventable or primary care
treatable conditions, link patients
without a source of care to a primary
care provider, and follow up to make
sure the connection is made. Managed
care plans can be helpful in this regard,
since they have both the data and the
economic incentives to find a solution.
Emergency Room Use: The New York Story 11

Notes Non-Urgent Patients in an Inner City

Emergency Room,” New York State Journal
See W. Baker, C. Stevens, and R. H. Brook, of Medicine 86 (1986):517–521; M. J.
“Regular Source of Ambulatory Care and Gifford, J. B. Franaszek, and G. Gibson,
Medical Utilization by Patients Presenting “Emergency Physicians’ and Patients’
to a Public Emergency Department,” Assessments: Urgency of Need for Medical
Journal of the American Medical Association Care,” Annals of Emergency Medicine 9
271 (1994):1909–12; A. R. Jacobs, J. W. (1980): 502–507; and B. W. Wolcott,
Gavett, and R. Wersinger, “Emergency “What Is an Emergency?,” Journal of
Department Utilization in an Urban American College of Emergency Physicians 8
Community,” Journal of the American Medical (1979):241–243.
Association 261 (1991):307–312; and
J. Billings and N. Teicholz, “Uninsured The assignment of discharge diagnoses as
Patients in the District of Columbia, “preventable/avoidable” was based on
Health Affairs (Winter 1990):158–165. the ambulatory care sensitive condition
classification scheme previously developed
See G. M. O’Brien et al., “Do Internists by researchers at NYU and the United
and Emergency Physicians Agree on the Hospital Fund for use in analysis of
Appropriateness of Emergency Depart- hospital discharges. See J. Billings et al.,
ment Visits?,” Journal of General Internal “Impact of Socioeconomic Status on
Medicine 12 (1997):188–191; G. M. Hospital Use in New York City, Health
O’Brien et al., “ ‘Inappropriate’ Emergency Affairs (Spring 1993):162–173; A.
Room Use: A Comparison of Three Bindman, K. Grumbach, D. Osmond,
Methodologies for Identification,” Academic M. Komaromy, K.Vranizan, N. Lurie, and
Emergency Medicine 3 (1996): J. Billings, “Preventable Hospitalizations
252–257; M. A. Rubin, M. J. Bonnin, and Access to Health Care,” Journal of the
“Utilization of the Emergency American Medical Association 274 (1995):
Department by Patients with Minor 305–311; and J. Billings, G. Anderson, L.
Complaints,” Journal of Emergency Medicine Newman, “Recent Findings on
13 (1995):839–842; J. M. Gill, “Non- Preventable Hospitalizations, Health
Urgent Use of the Emergency Affairs 15 (Fall 1996):239–249.
Department: Appropriate or Not?,”
Annals of Emergency Medicine 24 (December A fuller understanding of male–female
1994):953–957; K. Grumbach, D. Keane, differences would require analysis of
and A. Bindman, “Primary Care and population-based rates (use rates per 1,000
Public Emergency Department Over- population in each category); this in turn
crowding,” American Journal of Public Health would require a 100 percent sample of
83 (1993):372–378; R. I. Haddy, M. E. ED records not available for this study.
Schmaler, and R. J. Epting, “Non-
Emergency Room Use in Patients with
and Without Primary Care Physicians,”
Journal of Family Practice 4 (1987):389–392;
B. Habenstreit, “Health Care Patterns of

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