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100 Descriptions for

Modern Zombies

corey Johnson (Order #40047646)
100 Descriptions for
Modern Zombies
Written By: Adrian Kennelly

Cover and Page Backgrounds: Lord Zsezse Works

Interior Image: Cartoon Solutions

Published by Azukail Games, a trading style of eGDC Ltd

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corey Johnson (Order #40047646)
Introduction and shorts with their face scraped down to
the bone. By the looks of the rest of the
Any game featuring a body, and the long brown hair in a pony-
zombie apocalypse is tail, they were a female in their twenties.
going to need a suitable 4. An overweight woman with short black
cast of the walking dead. hair in a tattered and blood-stained mumu.
Whereas 100 Zombie A bite mark can be seen on one flabby
Encounters for the Zom- arm.
bie Apocalypse describes 5. A young woman clad in jeans and a
specific, and often un- t-shirt who is missing her right eye and
usual, situations to find whose left arm ends in a bloody stump be-
zombies, this supple- low the elbow.
ment has descriptions of 6. A thin women in her early thirties with
the zombies themselves, dark blonde shoulder length hair. Her shirt
so that a rampaging is torn open, revealing both a bra and bite
mob of zombies, or marks on her torso. He head lolls to the
individual ones, can be side with a damaged neck.
described as something 7. An older man, with short, balding grey
other than a rampaging hair, wearing a Hawaiian shirt and shorts.
mob of zombies, or a He is missing all the teeth from his mouth
single zombie. as he presumably wore dentures.
8. A naked fat woman with short black hair
Although such as age with bite marks over her entire body. There
and sex are detailed, are bits of flesh hanging off and a hole has
ethnicity is not, which been gnawed in the fat of her stomach.
allows these zombies to 9. An old man in multiple layers of tatty
be dropped into most and dirty clothes who looks like he was
situations. Some zombies may not be homeless. Greasy grey hair sticks out
much of a threat due to damage they have from underneath a watch cap and he has a
suffered, either before or after they turned. mouth full of half-rotted teeth.
The descriptions can be a bit graphic in na- 10. A police officer in a gore-stained riot
ture and are not suitable for everyone. uniform with a now-unreadable nametag
on the left breast. He is wearing an intact
Using the List helmet that covers his head and most of
his face is behind the transparent visor.
Either roll d100 for a random result or se- One leg is twisted and slowing his prog-
lect appropriate ones manually. ress.
11. A workman in blue coveralls which
1. A teenage boy wearing a tatty black are spattered in different colours of paint,
t-shirt with an Aerosmith logo screen print- some of which is revealed to be dried blood
ed on it, with shoulder length brown hair on a closer look. There is a hole chewed in
and torn blue jeans who is missing his right cheek, revealing his teeth, and three of the
hand. fingers on his right hand have been bitten
2. An older woman whose grey hair is now off.
straggly and loose, covering part of her 12. A teenage girl with long blonde hair
face. She is wearing a once smart and ex- wearing a restaurant uniform including a
pensive-looking suit which is now stiff from name badge saying “Hi, my name is Sam!”
being caked in blood. A glint of gold on one One sleeve of her blouse has been ripped
wrist is the remains of an expensive watch. off, revealing a bite mark on her right fore-
3. An individual in a torn lycra running top arm.
corey Johnson (Order #40047646)
13. A middle-aged man with a paunch in a caked in blood. Her right cheek has been
now-tattered business suit and white shirt. torn away, revealing her teeth.
He has what may initially look like a brown 23. A tall, heavily built man wearing jeans
tie but is actually blood from a wound in and a shirt. He has a massive hole in his
his neck which has stained the shirt. chest, through which shattered ribs and a
14. A toddler of now indeterminate sex dried up lung can be seen.
wearing a romper suit which is so caked in 24. An elderly woman with grey hair that
blood and gore that its original colour can- still has a few hair rollers in it wearing only
not be determined. a tatty pink bathrobe whose belt has come
15. A bald, middle aged man with a dark loose, revealing gashes and bites to her
goatee, wearing a shirt and jeans. Bloody torso. Both eyes are simply gore-crusted
stains mark the site of two bullet wounds sockets.
in the shirt. 25. A woman in her fifties with greying
16. A scraggly bearded man caked in more brunette hair wearing a trouser suit. She
dirt than blood, although the beard is has ruts scraped in forehead that go down
scraggly due to chunks of hair having been to the bone. All the fingers are missing
torn out. A single gold tooth can be seen in from both her hands.
his mouth. 26. The flesh of this zombie has been
17. A female with short-cropped dark charred featureless. The remaining clothes
blonde hair with bite marks on her left arm are stuck to the body, the eyes have boiled
that have been bandaged with a bandana. away and the hair is missing. Raw patch-
She is missing two fingers from her left es show through the burned areas and the
hand, has a damaged and bloody ankle only thing that can be discerned about it is
which is slowing her progress and has a that it was an adult, going by the height.
ripped open cheek through which her teeth 27. A blonde-haired man in his forties
can be seen. wearing a suit. There is a sword stuck
18. A female with long brunette hair tied in through his upper chest whose hilt wobbles
a long braid wearing a bloodstained mar- around as he walks.
tial arts gi. One shoulder of the gi is torn 28. A tall and muscular man wearing a
revealing where a chunk of flesh has been leather jacket and jeans. He is shaved bald
bitten out of her shoulder. with a tattoo on his head and a substantial
19. A teenage girl with a tank top and beard. Once braided, it is now caked in dry
badly bitten arms crawling along the floor. blood. It cannot be seen whether the blood
Both jeans-clad legs end in bloody stumps is from the man, or from victims he has
just above the knee. been eating.
20. A muscular bald man in a sleeveless 29. A middle aged bearded man wearing
vest with tattoos on his neck and a gun- a smart jacket and trousers with a nearly
shot wound in the side of his face. The pristine white shirt. He seems completely
bullet has smashed an eye socket and he is whole except for a few small spots of blood
missing the eye from it. Below the missing on his shirt.
eye, the skin has peeled back revealing his 30. A distinguished-looking grey haired
teeth, several of which are broken. man in his sixties wearing a black tuxe-
21. A dark haired woman whose right ear do, a white shirt and what appears to be a
has been ripped away revealing bone be- crimson cummerbund. The crimson is actu-
neath with a scrape across her scalp. An ally blood from a ragged hole eaten into his
ID lanyard dangles from her neck and is stomach.
tangled over one arm. Her head tilts to one 31. An elderly man with a bald head with
side oddly. both legs shredded below his knees. Rather
22. A small girl with curly blonde hair than the damage being caused by zombies,
wearing a flowered dress that is completely it looks as if it came from a shotgun blast
corey Johnson (Order #40047646)
or an explosion, and he can barely walk as suggesting that it has been broken.
a result. 41. A young woman in her early twenties
32. A male soldier wearing body armour with long blonde hair that is now ragged
on his torso and a helmet on his head. and dirty. She is wearing a micromini skirt
His legs and arms have been eaten down and a tight strappy top. Her legs below the
to the bone and his cheeks and lips have skirt are covered in many bites.
been eaten as well. Due to the damage to 42. A young woman with platinum blonde
his limbs, he cannot walk and can barely hair wearing a torn white wedding dress
crawl. which is covered in blood. Her veil has
33. A heavyset woman with neatly cut been ripped away showing that her lips
black hair wearing the uniform of a secu- have been chewed off, baring her teeth in
rity guard. She still has a belt with various a grimace, and the train of the dress is a
pieces of equipment on it, but the whole ragged stump that still catches on the odd
right side of her face has been eaten down thing.
to the bone, leaving the eye socket bare 43. A woman in her late thirties or early
and revealing her teeth. forties with curly blonde hair. She is wear-
34. A woman in her mid twenties with ing jeans and a shirt and has bloody mouth
dyed long blonde hair wearing stained blue and blood down her front.
tracksuit bottoms and a tight, dirty pink 44. A dark haired gaunt man in his thirties
tank top. One arm is covered from shoul- with a bare chest wearing tracksuit bot-
der to wrist in a tattoo sleeve and she has toms. Most of the flesh on his chest has
obviously fake breasts. been chewed away revealing his ribcage.
35. A tall man in his twenties wearing a 45. An attractive woman in her late twen-
waterproof jacket and jeans with short ties with shoulder length straight brunette
dark hair who is missing flesh from the hair wearing dress trousers and a white
right side of skull. His jacket sleeve on that shirt. She has no visible damage apart
side is shredded. from some scrapes and bruises on her
36. A dark haired young boy in a school face.
uniform, complete with blazer, tie and uni- 46. A shrivelled man who is nearly mum-
form cap. There are bite marks on his legs mified. His age is now impossible to guess
below his shorts. and there is a wispy circle of hair around
37. A woman who would appear to be in his head. He is wearing a denim jacket and
her twenties with tightly curled dark hair jeans and there is a ragged but bloodless
wearing a print dress. She is missing her hole in his cheek.
lower jaw, with only dangling strips of gris- 47. A small woman in her late teens to ear-
tle where it used to be. ly twenties with long, curly red hair which
38. A muscular woman in her forties with is now a tangled mess from gore and dirt
short shaved red hair with a bite mark on wearing a tight green dress that is liberally
her forearm. She is wearing a running bra coated with blood and dirt.
and tracksuit bottoms. 48. A short man with a thin beard and
39. A slightly overweight man in his thirties greying brown hair tied in a ponytail that is
wearing a construction helmet and a high coming loose. He is missing one arm, torn
vis jacket. Both hands are gloved and he off at the shoulder, and one eye has been
is wearing jeans with reinforced knees and gouged out of the socket, leaving a bloody
steel-toed boots. The only sign of damage hole.
is a chunk missing from one lip. 49. A middle aged man with curly black
40. A male biker who is completely covered hair wearing a tweed coat with leather
in black motorcycle leathers and is wearing reinforcement at the elbows, grey trousers
a black helmet with the visor down. One and a tie who is missing one ear and has a
arm is dangling loosely from the elbow, blood-spattered shirt.
corey Johnson (Order #40047646)
50. A woman in her fifties with greying face has been ripped off and the torso has
black shoulder length hair that has been been ground into meat.
tied back. She is brown trousers and a 60. A heavyset man in his late thirties to
shirt that appears to have an identity early forties. He is wearing a filthy white
badge on it. She has a bloody neck and her t-shirt, combat trousers and a wool cap
right leg ends in a stump at her ankle. over a bald head. Tattoos cover his arms
51. A young man with distressed, or per- from shoulder to wrist and adorn his hands
haps simply damaged, jeans, who is wear- and neck, nearly disguising the fact that
ing a dress jacket over a once-white t-shirt chunks have been bitten out of his fore-
that is now stained brown with dried blood. arms.
52. An emaciated middle-aged woman with 61. A lean man with close cropped brown
tangled blonde hair wearing formerly styl- hair with a gaping hole in his side through
ish clothes who is missing the skin from which ropy intestines are hanging out.
her chin and neck. Her lower lip missing, 62. A well dressed older woman with most-
showing cracked yellow teeth. ly grey hair that looks as if it was once ex-
53. A heavyset middle aged man with bald- pensively styled who is completely covered
ing black hair wearing a football jersey that in blood, making it hard to determine how
has been drenched in blood. He is wearing she has been damaged.
long shorts and has been bitten several 63. A man in his twenties who is walking
times on his legs, with his right thigh hav- with a limp. He has stained clothes and
ing a hole eaten in it revealing the bone. small headphones in his ears whose ca-
54. A tall brunette woman in her twenties ble dangles loosely, no longer connected
who is wearing a leather skirt and busti- to anything. He is missing several fingers
er top. She is still wearing one knee-high from each hand.
formerly spike-heeled leather boot that is 64. A young man in his late teens to early
now missing its heel. The other leg is bare, twenties wearing a suit jacket with jeans
with the boot missing and the flesh largely and a t-shirt. He has messy brown hair and
eaten away. The combination makes her one side of his nose is a ragged flap.
very unsteady on her feet. 65. A young woman with stringy blonde
55. A tall, thin, bald man wearing a very hair wearing a strappy top and skin-tight
loud multicoloured plaid shirt, although jeans. One strap of the top has come
some of the colours are actually blood- loose, exposing part of her chest and re-
stains. He is walking with a limp with one vealing a bite mark on the slope of her
leg twisted at an odd angle at the knee. breast.
56. A thin woman with pale brown hair 66. A woman in her thirties with a t-shirt
wearing a flowered dress, although some that has a dark stain across its collar and
of the flowers are actually blood spatters. chest and torn, dirty jeans. She has tan-
She has several long stringy pieces of flesh gled brunette hair and her lips and part
caught in her teeth. of her cheeks have been eaten revealing
57. A middle aged red haired man wearing bright white teeth.
a gore-stained white lab coat with a hole 67. A filthy woman, probably in her twen-
where his nose used to be. ties, who looks as if she probably used to
58. A man in his fifties with greying black be probably pretty underneath the dirt.
hair wearing dress trousers, shirt and She is wearing a shirt and jeans that are
shoes. He has a bullet riddled torso and stained with blood, dirt and other less
bloodstains all over his shirt as a result. identifiable substances.
59. This individual is so badly mangled that 68. A man who looks like a weightlifter or
age or sex can no longer be determined. bodybuilder in his twenties with short dark
Limbs are twisted and broken, hair has hair, wearing a tight sleeveless shirt, now
been ripped out revealing bare scalp, the covered in blood, and exercise trousers. He
corey Johnson (Order #40047646)
has a fire axe embedded in his shoulder. his left leg above knee.
The axe is unstable and the handle wob- 79. A bulky middle aged man wearing a
bles around, resulting in having an un- parcel delivery uniform. He has curly black
steady walk. The arm whose shoulder the hair and a thick black beard which is now
axe is embedded in dangles loosely. matted with blood. His nose would appear
69. A young girl with pigtails wearing a to have been bitten off.
Disney backpack and a pink princess outfit. 80. A fireman who looks almost normal as
She is missing an eye and both arms end he is still wearing a helmet and jacket. One
in ragged stumps. hand is gloved and the other isn’t, with
70. An overweight young man with black the sleeve of the jacket on that side blood-
hair wearing a large, loose shirt and track- stained. There is a chunk bitten out of the
suit bottoms. He is missing half his fingers hand.
and the rest have been chewed down to 81. A small woman with short cut straw-
bone. berry blonde hair wearing a sheer night-
71. This zombie has only one leg and long shirt that is covered with blood and a pair
hair. It is dragging itself along the ground of skimpy shorts. There are bight marks
by its fingers, which are bloody stumps, on her upper thighs and a chunk is missing
and its face and chest are worn down to from the left thigh.
such a degree that its sex can no longer be 82. A little girl with brown hair in a po-
identified. nytail wearing a frilly dress and a pair of
72. A thin woman in her forties wearing a red-rimmed glasses. Both of her arms have
ragged shirt covered with splatters of blood been torn off at the shoulder and the bro-
that create a tie-dye effect. She has short, ken stump of a pool cue sticks out of her
curly brunette hair and her face has been heart.
ripped open showing her teeth on one side. 83. A barefoot man wearing pyjamas. His
73. A woman in her thirties with short curly toes have been chewed off both feet mak-
brown hair wearing some ragged blood- ing him walk with difficulty.
stained scraps of shirt and jeans. Her torso 84. A man in his twenties wearing camou-
is a torn mess of gore and flesh. flage trousers with crew cut pale blonde
74. A brawny young man wearing a dirty hair. He is missing three fingers from his
football jersey. His hair and scalp have right hand and his chin and nose have
been ripped off, revealing bare skull. been torn away, leaving a bloody mess.
75. A woman in her fifties with frizzy 85. A small dark-haired young boy wearing
blonde hair that has a patch torn out re- only a pair of red swimming trunks. There
vealing bare scalp. She is dressed in a is a large bite mark in his right cheek and
shapeless grey dress that is torn and the red on his trunks is actually blood.
bloodstained. 86. A woman in a skirt and blouse, both of
76. An elderly woman wearing pearls and which are torn and bloodstained. She has
a smart frock. She has a pair of glasses tangled brown hair with sunglasses pushed
somehow dangling from one ear. The frock up into it.
is stained with blood and the other ear is 87. A bare chested man with a shaven
missing. head who is missing his right arm. The
77. Most of the face of what can only be shoulder where it used to be attached is
identified as a woman by her body and hair now a burned mess.
has been scraped off leaving mouth and 88. A man wearing what were once ex-
eye sockets. She is wearing an office skirt pensive casual clothes with curly red hair.
and blouse, the former coated in blood. He has a cracked skull which can be seen
78. A man in his fifties wearing a bedrag- as he is missing his right ear and the sur-
gled suit. His right arm ends just above the rounding flesh, including some of his scalp.
elbow and there are two ragged holes in A couple of fingers and a thumb on his left
corey Johnson (Order #40047646)
hand are simply ragged stumps. through his chest which scrapes against
89. A short plump woman with curly black the ground as he crawls.
hair wearing a t-shirt and too-tight trou- 95. A woman wearing a utility company
sers. The t-shirt is covered with blood and overall and baseball cap. Strands of bru-
her neck has been ripped open. nette hair poke below the edge of the cap
90. A man in his thirties with a shaved bald and she is missing a finger from one hand.
head and a damaged face and a mess of 96. A teenage boy in t-shirt and jeans with
blood and gore on his neck. He is wearing curly black hair with a gaping hole in his
a bloodstained dress shirt and trousers, neck. His face has been torn to pieces and
and one hand is badly mangled. It appears there is dried blood down the front of his
to be missing a couple of fingers and those t-shirt.
left are all twisted. 97. A woman with straight brunette hair in
91. An old man with a shredded and torn her early thirties wearing a t-shirt and un-
face and white hair wearing jeans and a derwear but no trousers. There are many
checked shirt. There is a gash in his face gashes and scrapes on her exposed legs.
and a triangular flap of skin is hanging Her hands, the bottom of her jaw and the
from his jawbone. His right arm ends in a side of her head have been torn open.
bloody stump. 98. A brown haired woman in her thirties
92. A worn-looking middle aged man with with the lower half of her jaw gone. The
closely cropped dark brown hair wearing a whole area from her nose to throat is a
button down shirt and brown trousers that ragged mess comprised of bits of shredded
are encrusted with dirt. He has no shoes, flesh. Her blouse is covered in blood and
blood on his face and a piece of meat be- her skirt is torn and barely staying on.
tween his teeth. 99. A woman in her sixties with white hair
93. An elderly man with useless legs that wearing an old fashioned flowered dress
are dragging behind him as he crawls along who is missing most of her left arm. The
the ground. His trousers are simply ragged side of her head has been torn open, re-
strips and there is a hole in his right side. vealing her teeth.
94. An older man with long grey hair tied 100. A teenage girl in ringlets wearing
in a ponytail wearing bell-bottomed jeans jeans, a torn bra and no shoes. Her torso
and a tie-dyed shirt crawling on badly and arms have been chewed on in multiple
broken legs. His jaw is half twisted off and places.
there is a large shard of metal sticking

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corey Johnson (Order #40047646)

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