Web Design-Lecture 2 - HTML

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Web Design Faculty of Science

Computer Science Dept.

Second Stage
Lecture 2:
Introduction to HTML

Hoshang Qasim
E-mail: hoshang..awla@soran.edu.iq
What is Website concept?

• website refers to a ‘site’ on the ‘web’ where you can put information
about your business or organization and internet users can access it by
using the internet.

• website is a collection of publicly accessible, interlinked Web pages that

share a single domain name.

• Websites can be created and maintained by an individual, group, business

or organization to serve a variety of purposes.
How Website are created?

What you see?

• When you are looking at a website, it is most likely that your browser will
be receiving HTML and CSS from the web server that hosts the site.

• The web browser interprets the HTML and CSS code to create the page
that you see.

• Most web pages also include extra content such as images, audio, video,
or animations.
How Website are created?

How it is created?
• Small websites are often written just using HTML and CSS.
• Larger websites — in particular those that are updated regularly and use a
content management system, or e-commerce software — often make use
of more complex technologies on the web server, but these technologies
are actually used to produce HTML and CSS that is then sent to the
• If your site uses these technologies, you will be able to use your new
HTML and CSS knowledge to take more control over how your site looks
How Website are created?


• Since the web was first created there have been several versions of HTML
and CSS - each intended to be an improvement on the previous version.
• Till today, HTML5 & CSS3 were still being developed. Although they had
not been finalized.
• Many browsers were already supporting some features of these
languages and a lot of people were using the latest code on their
• Because HTML5 and CSS3 build on previous versions of these languages,
5 learning these means you will also be able to understand the earlier
versions of them.

Basics of HTML

What is HTML?
• First developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990,
• HTML is a computer language devised to allow website creation.
• HTML is a markup language for describing web documents (web pages).
• HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
• An HTML file is a text file containing markup tags.
• HTML is a Language, as it has code-words and syntax like any other language.
Basics of HTML

How Does it work?

• HTML consists of a series of short codes typed into a text-file.

• The text is then saved as a .html or .htm file.
• Viewed through a browser, like Internet Explorer or any browsers.

• This browser reads the file and translates the text into a visible form
Basics of HTML

What is HTML tag

• HTML tags are used to mark-up HTML elements
• HTML tags are surrounded by the two characters < and >
• The surrounding characters are called angle brackets
• HTML tags normally come in pairs like <b> and </b>
• The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the element content
• HTML tags are not case sensitive, <b> means the same as <B>

• Normally written HTML tags by lowercase .

Basics of HTML

How to write and make code for html?

• It does not require expensive development tools, You can start with a
simple text editor such as Notepad.
• Since it is an interpreted language inside the context of a web browser, you
don't even need to buy a compiler.
Dreamweaver Sublime Text

10 Notepad ++
What is HTML

First Example


<title> Page Title </title>



This is my first home page

<b> this is bold text</b>

11 </html>
What is HTML
Explain the first example
• <html> first tag in html, this tag tell the browsers that is start of an html document

• </html> Last tag in html, this tag tell the browsers this is the end of the html

• <head>….</head> text between those two tags are header, also header information
is not displayed in the browsers window

• <title>…..</title> the text between those two tags are title of the document and is
displayed in the browsers

• <b>…</b> text between those two tags are shown as a bold text
Tags and elements HTML

Element • The opening tag says, “This is the beginning of a heading”

• The closing tag says, “This is the end of a heading.

<hl> About Google </hl>

Opening tag Closing tag

Skeleton of HTML

• four main elements that form the basic structure of every document:
<html>, <head>, <title>, and <body>
• These four elements should appear in every HTML document
• Its called skeleton of the HTML document
• without the skeleton HTML files will not be rendered correctly
in web browsers

Skeleton of HTML5

• Visualization of an
HTML page structure:

15 Note Only the <body> area (the white area) is displayed by the bowser.
Basics of HTML

Basic tag structure

• The most important tags in html are tags that define headings, paragraphs and
line breaks.
• Heading are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags.<h1> defines the largest heading.
<h6> define the smallest heading.
<h1>this is heading</h1>
<h2>this is heading</h2>
<h3>this is heading</h3>
<h4>this is heading</h4>
<h5>this is heading</h5>
<h6>this is heading</h6>
Basics of HTML

• Paragraphs are define with the <p> tag:

<p> this is paragraph</p>
HTML is a computer language devised to allow
website creation.
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
An HTML file is a text file containing markup
HTML is a Language, as it has code-words and
syntax like any other language.
17 </p>
Basics of HTML

Line Breaks
• The <br> tag is used when you want to break a line , but don’t want to start a new
<p> this <br> is a para <br>graph with line

<p> this is a para graph with line breaks</p>
</html> Without line break
Basics of HTML

HTML attributes

• Attributes provides additional information to an HTML element.

• Attributes always come in name/value pairs like this name=“value”.
• Attributes are always specified in the start tag of an HTML element.
<h1>this is heading</h1> <h1 align=“center”>this is heading</h1>

Without Attribute
Basics of HTML

alignment attributes

<h1 align="center">This is heading1</h1>
Attributes provides additional information to
an HTML element.
Attributes always come in name/value pairs
like this name=“value”.
<h2 align="right">This is heading2</h2>
Basics of HTML

Background color attributes

<title>Home Page</title>
<body bgcolor="orange">
<h1 align="center">This is heading1</h1>
Attributes provides additional information
to an HTML element.
Attributes always come in name/value
pairs like this name=“value”.
<h2 align="right">This is heading2</h2>
21 </body>
Basics of HTML

Text formatting

This is normal text<br>
<b>This is bold text formating</b><br>
<strong>This is strong text formating</strong> <br>
<i>This is italic text formating</i><br>
<del>This is bold text formating</del> <br>
<ins>This is bold text formating</ins> <br>
Basics of HTML

Text formatting
<P> VS <pre>
this is
preformatted text.
it preserve both space
and line break
this is
preformatted text.
it preserve both space
and line break
Basics of HTML

Text formatting

<code> computer code</code>
<kbd>keyboard input</kbd>
<tt>teletype text</tt>
<samp>sample text</samp>
<var>computer variable</var>
Basics of HTML

Text formatting

kawa street<br>
Basics of HTML

Text Direction

Here is some Hebrew text
<bdo dir="rtl">
Here is some Hebrew text
Basics of HTML

Marquee & Quotation

here is short qoutation
<h1> Soran University <h1>

Basics of HTML

Marquee direction
<h1> Soran University <h1>
<marquee direction="up">
<h1> Soran University <h1>
<marquee direction="down">
<h1> Soran University <h1>
<marquee direction="right">
<h1> Soran University <h1>
28 </marquee>
Fast Information

• You may know that HTML stands for Hyper-Text Markup Language.
• The Hyper-Text part refers to the fact that HTML allows you to create
links that allow visitors to move from one page to another quickly and
• A markup language allows you to interpret text, and these
interpretations provide additional meaning to the contents of a
• If you think of a web page, we add code around the original text we
want to display and the browser then uses the code to display the page

• HTML pages are text documents.

• HTML uses tags (characters that sit inside angled brackets) to give the
information they surround special meaning.
• Tags are often referred to as elements.
• Tags usually come in pairs.
• The opening tag denotes the start of a piece of content; the closing tag
denotes the end.
• Opening tags can carry attributes, which tell us more about the
content of that element.
• Attributes require a name and a value.

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