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The role of science is to to provide information.

We use science to further our knowledge of

everything from space to why we blink, science helps us better understand why things are the

way they are. In todays time we are currently facing a pandemic and we are seeing science in its

purest form right now. We have all heard about this cure for COVID-19 and then we ask why we

all don’t have it yet, well that’s because there are steps that have to be followed before anything

can be accessible. First someone believes they found a cure then they must submit their work and

someone else must be able to replicate it and get the same results. After that someone else must

do the same thing and then someone else and this continues until there is no errors and

everything is the same. Then they can run some tests to see if it works then they run even more

tests, then even more. This is the rules and regulations that are set in place for scientists and this

helps to ensure that there is no false information out there. Science in this situation like in any is

providing us with information on how to cure this virus and not give us the wrong cure.

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