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8/25/23, 9:16 PM O-Level Physics: Current Electricity

Question 1:

Define electrical resistance and explain how it affects the flow of current in a

Answer 1:

Electrical resistance is the opposition offered by a material to the flow of electric

current. It is caused by collisions between electrons and atoms within the
material. Higher resistance reduces the flow of current in a circuit for a given
voltage, analogous to how narrower pipes reduce the flow of water. This
relationship is defined by Ohm's Law: V = I × R.

Question 2:

Describe the difference between series and parallel circuits. Provide an example
of each and explain their implications for current and voltage.

Answer 2:

In a series circuit, components are connected end-to-end, forming a single

pathway for current. An example could be a string of Christmas lights. In a
parallel circuit, components have separate paths for current to flow, like multiple
appliances connected to the same power source. In a series circuit, current is the
same everywhere, while voltage divides across components. In a parallel circuit,
voltage is the same, while current divides.

Question 3:

Explain why electrical fuses are used in circuits. How do they protect against

Answer 3:

Electrical fuses are safety devices used to protect circuits and devices from
excessive current. They contain a thin wire that melts when the current exceeds a
safe limit, breaking the circuit. This prevents damage or fire caused by
overheating. Fuses are designed with a specific current rating to match the
circuit's capacity, acting as a safeguard against overloads.

Question 4:

A resistor with a resistance of 8Ω is connected to a battery of 12V. Calculate the

current flowing through the resistor using Ohm's Law. 1/2
8/25/23, 9:16 PM O-Level Physics: Current Electricity

Answer 4:

Using Ohm's Law (V = I × R):

Current (I ) = Voltage (V ) / Resistance (R) = 12V / 8Ω = 1.5A

Question 5:

Describe the relationship between power, current, and voltage in an electrical


Answer 5:

Power (P ) is the rate at which energy is transferred or converted. In an electrical

circuit, power is calculated as P = I × V , where I is current and V is voltage.
Power is directly proportional to both current and voltage. Increasing either
current or voltage will result in higher power consumption or transfer. 2/2

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