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Example EAK Lesson Plan

Lesson Objective
Students will learn the name, sound, and writ- ten formation for the uppercase and
lowercase letter T/t.

Bag of mixed uppercase and lowercase letter T/t
Washable markers and small student whiteboards

Tell students: Today you will be learning the name, sound, and how to write the
letter T/t. Learning this letter will help you to read and write many words.

Letter Name Identification: (∼1–2 minutes)

1. This is the letter T/t. This is the uppercase letter T. This is the lowercase letter t.
(Show the letter, explaining the form.)
2. Let’s practice naming this letter. What is this letter? (Point to uppercase and
lowercase letters in different order at least 3 times asking students to identify the
letter name.)

Letter Sound Identification: (∼1–2 minutes)

3. The letter T/t represents the sound /t/. When I say the /t/ sound,
I place my tongue & mouth like this. (Show correct placement of tongue and
mouth to produce the letter sound. Provide explanations/stories/keywords to help
students remember the sound.)
4. Let’s practice saying the sound of this letter. The letter T/t represents the /t/
sound. Say the /t/ sound with me . . . /t/, /t/, /t/. What is the sound of the letter t?
(Point to uppercase and lowercase letters in different order at least 3 times asking
students to identify the letter sound. Hint: For vowels, teach students the short
vowel sound and explain that when reading words the vowel letter represents its
name or its sound.)
Recognizing the Letter in Text: (∼3 minutes)
5. Now, let’s see if we can find the letter T/t. (Students locate the up percase and
lowercase letter in text and state the letter name and sound each time the letter is
located. There are a number of alternatives for student practice with recognizing
the letter in text such as Sort the Letters.) There are uppercase and lowercase letter
T/t mixed in this bag (6–8 upper and lower case T/t magnetic letters, foam letters,
or dye cuts). We need to sort these letters into uppercase and lowercase letters.
(Begin with a closed sort and in subsequent review lessons use an open sort.) I’ll
put each letter on the board and if it is an uppercase letter T, you say, ‘uppercase, T,
/t/.’ If it is a lowercase letter t, say, ‘lowercase, t, /t/.’ (Place letters on whiteboard
one at a time for students to identify and sort.)

Producing the Letter Form: (∼4–5 minutes)

6. Let me show you how to write the letter T/t. (Demonstrate the proper formation
of the uppercase and lowercase letter T/t, providing explanation to help students
correctly produce the letter.) For example: The uppercase letter T starts at the top
of the line and goes straight down to the bottom of the line. Then make a straight
line across the top. Down and across the top. The lowercase letter t also starts at the
top of the line and goes straight down to the bottom of the line. Next, make a line
that crosses the other line between the middle and top of the line. Down and across
the middle.
7. Let’s practice writing the letter T/t together. (Pass out small white- boards for
letter dictation. Ask students to write 3–6 dictated uppercase and lowercase letter
T/t. Identify which students are proficient and which students need additional help
with the letter. Hint: Tasks such as using a rubber stamp and ink to stamp the letter
or gluing items to an outline of the letter is not producing the letter form as the
form has already been produced and students are not required to think about how
to create the form.)

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