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Every month we play a musician a series of records Pret oe ee cen necatg Pre Keo go en ice ence oni Peg ns ase agar! Presenters Yo La Tengo Beste D yg Vent eer ett centers) Peeeeame nest etn rece ees Pee ere eer ene ear ne een re] Cee eee td eee oer ny eee ee ae | Fee ereermncT eerie en meer eer ere | ee een et ne | ee ee eer enn | eee rat eee ene eet | ener meter ie! eee ere ete ae Othe Denson no La erga The new a eet eer ny et eer! pee eee eee watt al a See ee Lr 4: Ri ales 34 OT a ys TELEVISION PERSONALITIES “U1 Could Write Poetry” rom Mummy You're Hot Watching Pe (@reamworld) James MeNew Pus is hand wp] recognsed the uta tone ht anay ‘Georg Hubley Is ths The TV Personals? ‘Yes do youow what wack? GG Idont thr so — nat wat wat “Partha By Nmbs"? You got the right album, bt he songs ced“ oul Write Posey IM Fm Pueny Youre no Wataang Pe ra? Las ‘ahuge V Personals fan Ithrk Rtas when reals how utry mse the songs realy were Supercialy hey seemed so happy ard beungy, bu te roe stened tothe deeper ard dakar gt ttwas sa dacenve so compleaea even tah Rony had one and aha cherdsin i thnk there us aest Wat’ tat rel dark oe? The Parte Word, yeah thats unbeevate Man, hats bad ime, that ec GH ke them, Dot The Kits st Love's he recor ow best, a Kaplar ike at of her songs, ke Te Whe’ but theyre probably not an portant bard ome Do you su he Swell Maps? IK Sortof smlar— ie a reat del of ters, especialy A Tp T ae, but ey werent an ‘roca bad tome — nas sta ecod Ito as ead go back ot alr buts nota cause 1: Scrgurting realy imprtart | dort eal tke tang about ths su as mich a5 wee asked because be csappotes people hou our Sores sourded Ie ans — te eo he sors tome They ust star fren — | hoe by he ume theye ‘rise they don sound tht way sree What aout rs more to wre tem at time goes by? 1K Of, Im mieeted insane not necessary a ested yes Fr nstarce wat James wa sare ‘ou. The TV Perscraites |hadrodea Ive never ster tthe es, but ats re for so many of my favre bands We cots tins for WFMULradoln NYC where pepe who date money get to make 2 request and vel yt play ar od oat taal these songs that nk row, ory ron ke ou words | othe mod, and whens my unto ng repeat these cure of werd | now for eve song Ive thesongs ard srg ad moos, ou alt af mes he to make aconscus tanto une rae es. ‘LOU REED “Like A Poss” from Ecstasy (Reprise) GH ter ve mnutes of bank aks Sounds he The Ssrhcherts knoe’ not thagh Kes a drums for astart 4M Italy sound ike Cystalsed Movements iNoca sare Ik ifs Lau Red Is hs new aur? Jeet surprsed [Sued foes al our] Wel now of couse limes perfect sense. The way twas ecrded was realy making ary serse ome sounded eter recorded tana of cur uses ve barely heard ang by Lou Reed since (19825) The Ba Pst of erst nkeepe up th Veet Underground bootlegs One ofthe wings that pa me ff risreert records nas tht ey seemed te latent the yes Le wren [1989's] New Yor came ox t erred he you could ead the hc sheet rd get a ‘hat recta had too, 0 trea cool to ear hm ong sometrg aout usc aga Ne been rex such bad thngs about ths record too can eteve ‘You get compares to The Velvet Underground more than anyone ese — you even portzayed them nthe Shot ‘Ay Were hn. theresa stron cornet? Ik: Obwous tere is one rion musk ual cant be wong, as tng about at recency Wee layrg wah Roby Hecack ight, ard Rtn rok conferuble dayrgelecc guitar kent yn '0 Steer him oto her nsruers. as werd hat hs band who are sunocseduodstng The VeNets — no some noua say no even und than — how ase aso wo Wed guts ay wich as much 2 arto seund as rig | entry raw ws, Weare gare to wsetrencock on que afew sores Your new record sounds ie mor ofa departure fom the Votes isp sound. 1K So peopl Keep ting us we cd tink so. nk al aur records ave moved apart arecto trom Panta onaords Ts Lou Reed wack ea good DAVID S WARE “The Way We Were” ‘rom Go See The World (Columbia) ith Ctrane? No? Pharoah Sarde? No? OF ‘tes David S Ware? ‘GH: ThatsMattew Sripp on pare, isis The Way We Were? I dot realy se my {GH Year, you can pick owt the thane bu trae rapoened yet He dd ths hen we a Ne na Hs lassorg IK Wel you know, he was openng fr Son You, 0 ‘thnk he wanted o do hs po set laughs] He opened wth hat really cop thng fram one of he ear reco, when Wit key was sl nthe rou. ‘Yourecorded tht Other Dimers Yo La Tenge ecard with some of he ream of MYC free players. 1K Yean Daniel Carter, Roy Camel rand Sabr Hateen ho pays n TEST. CHE We were tends th Steve Joe fr along te, ho wsed to pt soe jazz stuf cut on Homestead Dave Wares Cypocgy ad st ike hat — and invisible jukebox ow reruns AUM Ft and rages Ware ‘Wyo you thnk tat he whole underground became terested in re jaz and improvised mse? 1K Thurston Moore [Everybody ugh] Wel dt hut be Wee sad tat the dea of more the ko vas ulated o what re’ done — combining pele fram tose worts —nhien he was dOP@ a fone Wy back. People sk the nw azz realy ornare the radon ost gong oe the same oun? They ask te same tings about rock muse don ink ‘bout hese things us don cre is mute tren ne, heres pong forwarder not — une ‘ng forward wi ce wot ms [aug Pte been ag tee az fn for sometie | used to 11 amy colege radio staton ard had ends who vould aye tres records or the est re — Me Siu Uy by Abert Ayer, somebody gave me 3 (copy of matin 87 oF 88. thnk Rad fr a samme {and wer om tke, ‘What the hel sts? to thn 7s the peas record veers heard n my if By the end of July as amaze — twas around the some te that frst encourtered Hat Japanese was ‘great re — what atmeto be ave Al ese reasons to wake up n te mang IK: When we made te Otter Omersons recor we Set out bok fr rent layers who woud make that crnacten — eas rock ting we needed | mean these aus racse — ey krow wrt theyre clog an can play 50 elm avery wactena sense of the word We wer ot looking fr people who woud aprecatethe energy more tan the ecrmave. I's ineresing I thnk teres 2 it el concem ayn rock muse ta you can know oo much, hat mowing 00 many scales oF chords mtg, ut at sit tne casein azz {seve but why des iin youn rek and yet fre younjar Ik edoest seem ke the ock gus who have wranscended thar chogsrave appeued yet "Maybe thats whats gonna happen next —post chops ‘THE SLITS “Shop Lifting” from Double Pee Sesions (Strange Fruit) {GH Ths sounds ike Kleene or something In Pot gin Japan ater, Somenhere in etneen | (ues. nhs that Rough Trade sound iets amare J Wow! Wratten was rae? Thesis. (GH | was gona sy Te its! KB the ne saw Te Sits they dr sound he tat Were yout The Sits, Gores? CGH Yean san tem ence orice — a couple ct times they cae to New York realy ed ther ne IK But they nese rus, men rm not even sure they ‘yer onstage by the endothe sto They cera) al ‘taed insruents and maybe even eve some ana rarember it being complete chacs — for a whe ey ould do a coun of songs ke “Typcal Gt but han ewe 48 invisible jukeb itustwentot Was itimportant to yout See women playing rook runs? mean it make any erence oyu? GH Yeah propa a ts ard toremember whet | wasting abou that ong aga but Im sure as, The Rass too, bt drt he eer sa hem. | think ital i make an mpact na rourdabeut way. HALF JAPANESE "US Teens Are Spoiled Burs” from US Tens re Spoiled Bums 7” (50 Skidilion Watts) 1 [imemedatey] We know ts one! Ik We're payer is tune — we played seven cr eght Shors when the abum we did wth Jad Far (1998 Strange BX Tre came ot ad his was oe ne de “ames 2 Jad on guitar me ane Georgi pays ‘tums Were youl big an of Hal Janes inthe erty day? 1K Oh yeah Tre tstome heard abou hers thrugh the wre Bron Coe He was oung trem as the bes banda the pana eve nthe bass of aco. Of 7's nen hacnever heard cut hear ele ‘seum af GanemenNer Bears wren tee tn 1879]anditnas urbana gree Mt Anyone wro has tat stat — change he ie Wat aout the sentiment — are US tees realy abn ot spied bars? IKCEn [dunno thes ther wisest ic m ota be iy an, but can remember pong oer heli sheet {oc Hat Gertomen or Beats Just loan aay by re vse of sects — that was jx Something that ht me ‘ve the head Lite the may hey aed names — "No Moe Beater! MFI the el poetry ae | mean rat 52 compen Ann Abe, Megan” the mest amaang rc hake ‘ever heard. Te cover of Tangled Up n Bie IK ould thnk that some the freedom ne fl ke for Georg to play gute nd me pla rus — personally wala saythat sce ofthat 2 drect ‘rot rom Hal Japanese. Seg that. th enough enthusiasm and encugh love and lack ot restr you can rake goed thrgs come cut even ven you dont know what youre dong When goes ack mee to when Iwas ait them When ve recorded Jad Fal ar he asked us f 96 arte to rehearse rst gon and record we asked Ihmurat he would do andre sau recra So we ‘ai, Thats what we 6 Every sorg ona record via made up che Spa 9 a MRE OHO KNOL that le dreety to wnng songs as abana ve dont hort that que, but he es fst starting to lay arcseong what wl happen pst flow that gene 2nay tom pecoeshowng up wth the skteton of 3 song, that came out of werk th Jad Fas ‘THE FIVE DU-TONES “The Chicken Astronaut” from Shatin’ rt (Candy) eater no minutes of ann We dot know Do yout it? Ik: eamaang tere’ ike a boromess ot of songs 44 eve ets that are ths good We sen to mas kets te te we stn to rado stows ha a tat he ths. but do hnk eve ever heard ns Wit these kindof hsm sire | ould have knaan GH Who si? {sa group calle The Five Du-Tons, fom a prinive seutsheuting compilation ale Shakin’ Fet 1k Wat a mute — edo have i! That's amannet GH tony yu played “Chieken Sera | would have 1k Ths recor as actualy put ou by ou ex roommate! The same guy to put cut te Ar cam, where we lerned "Emus whch we that rece probably got te most table te ‘uta ay. Ah, Imsoerbarases What tat cra wth "eco" on #6 the Las Vegas Gort sro seres? A hese crs have two oF thvee songs on them whch you realy ke. "Came Wak? as acter god oe, but thats ferent camp |thnk Tree was aGonl ane on Las Vegas Gene, Boe oh “king Kon there's aso called "ing Kong on tht ts jgood Kng Korg one sthat ke a woe ger King Kee ones? Vk teous be you nos, here must have bean a whale area between 1964 ard 65 when geo who vere wert athe ime o whatever vere sudden ced to make some sot of snap judge sto hetrer hey were gona embracerock ral or SONNY SHARROCK Black Woman” from ‘Bleck Woman (Atantc) SMT deep in tought IK lect agus bat tel that sound supa erat rms m that air wth, but Im worerng ts Nine Semone sn, bute'an interesting comparin... GH es he guns reer. nah? 1K Blo mer? Ohno ~ Sorry Sharock? 36 ‘more muscl han remember hm bee CGH Hey —[rummerMifora Graves on ise Seen him ie ~ ths one ag here re st stated sreng about Han Sit 1 Re, yeah at the ison Fesbal n Ne York The frstyearhe layed mth a quartet of Wham Parker, ‘ki Jordan and Crates Gaye — he was amazng nen st year at some pot he st stare Sr ules oun te mic and goes sng “ln Si You lok he sore Just sage HF to everybody} Tre ony ‘Sonny Sarrock-ated album Ihave Pra Sanders Tau. te others Id hearé was ke Last Bt ard |e 0 much — mayoe fanaa ‘hes grounding cous have gotierested twas realy ‘troup stenng to Net Young bay gutta ad my ‘bgenohan, ke when Inears Ha Japanese. He had avery ited technical aby — ne st ut igs in ‘he ight caret One fhe few pecple whe can make lstenng to the guitar beng payed or a lng period of tme aualy pleasure. hee are gucar payers who love witout them berg fuera — ke Tom Verne ove Jorma Kavzonen' layng mah Jetfescn [Arplane We were working ona song a ccupleo eas ‘ago and as lye sorething whch tougrt remded me o ora an el prety goa. | mean Aaletof what we do at kd of amming ‘THE ZOMBIES “Mung Up On A Dream” from Odyssey And Oracle (Big Beat) IK Is teenaney ok? Jt strom aconcetaoun? I tts not By Nenols ro 4 [Te Prey Tires) SF Sorou? Ke 1gnew, Ws The Zombies, GH Iwasrever 8 Zonbies tn sxout et me 1 Two recta remeber nat Up ht wanted the 1 be were Opens Nu Gane Fake by The Smal Faces and Oxhsey Art Orc yet row ‘many peop wo ove them Iman ne oes mat more tan my asocaton wth ha record woul have aces If that way about The Beach Bos Aer Seures ater bung ths recor whieh was arposed tobe msgreatabum | wert Pome and pu on ae | wake, Tha Pat Saunas” tea ie notng to me, utd mare fa taken 0 | kept coming back fon Pe Suns meen at tome now What ames vas taking bout wth hs dscovery of be ye fei on ~ Heel hat wth omar recor he Hat Japanese experenceof puting ton, bene carrie loan anay ard stayrgin oe wth rot very common its more ke you do’ realy get but you keep gtng rann back ara fang at ast smuses in youset assy And Grae sil mh {sounded area tere GH Yean youd suck on "Vegetable Mar pave been ren rer, is voce pst bugs the MOoNDOG “Choo-Choo Lullaby” trom WArt Songs (Kopf) Un Gern Branca? (Everyone bursts out usin Van Dike Pars? GH Crank it ga hears vce aga Ik tM Thoreson? otis artist precats mayo. Ie thereauows Further back han Mayo Thorson? Jt Moondos? Yet 4? What record? On, hss eon wh “Enaugh About ian Re" can ttl hears sngre voce non I st assumed te pano layer was ao he seger 4M The whole ime | was sting arg at his pure on Your wal vas tke — wat amuse! Do you kro NRBQ? Theyre great We go se them eer time they ame trough New York ard they do rel god Moondag cover

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