Critical Success Factor Analysis For Effective Risk Management at The Execution Stage of A Construction Project

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International Journal of Construction Management

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Critical success factor analysis for effective

risk management at the execution stage of a
construction project

Shadi Shayan, Ki Pyung Kim & Vivian W. Y. Tam

To cite this article: Shadi Shayan, Ki Pyung Kim & Vivian W. Y. Tam (2022) Critical success
factor analysis for effective risk management at the execution stage of a construction
project, International Journal of Construction Management, 22:3, 379-386, DOI:

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2022, VOL. 22, NO. 3, 379–386

Critical success factor analysis for effective risk management at the

execution stage of a construction project
Shadi Shayana, Ki Pyung Kima and Vivian W. Y. Tamb
School of Natural and Built Environments, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia; bSchool of Computing, Engineering and
Mathematics, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia

Despite the importance of proper risk management during the construction execution stage, Risk management; critical
the current studies mainly focus on risk management at the planning stage. In order to effect- success factors; execution
ively manage risks and accomplish a project success, it is instrumental to manage and mitigate stage; construc-
tion management
risks at the execution stage where the most of risks are actually occurred. Hence, this research
aims to identify the most critical success factors for effective risk management at the execution
stage of a construction project. A mixed method was adopted to identify the priorities among
various success factors for risk management through a questionnaire survey, and follow-up
interviews were conducted to retrieve more insights and lessons learnt from construction pro-
fessionals. Total 55 construction professionals responded that a) Project management capacity;
b) knowledge and experience; c) early involvement of contractors and d) socio-cultural forces
are the most critical success factors for successful risk management during the execution stage.
This research identified the critical success factors and its relative importance expected to pro-
vide a means for the construction professionals to prioritise critical success factors for risk man-
agement at the execution stage, and it will serve a risk management supporting tool to make a
proper plan and decision on risks.

Introduction to manage stakeholders’ requirements. The complexity

and uncertainties of construction projects continue to
Customer requirements for a building have become
increase (Zavadskas et al. 2010), and high rate of fatal
more complex and bespoke in its design and materials
as well as sustainable attributes related to operational accidents and injuries (Safe Work Australia 2016),
energy consumptions. In order to cater for these cost overruns and time delays (Memon et al. 2011),
requirements and complete a project successfully, and disputes among stakeholders (Mashwama et al.
effective integration of various construction informa- 2016) has become more frequent.
tion such as design, engineering drawing, and energy It is challenging to predict all potential risks and
analysis, and coordination of project management develop response strategies or mitigation plans at the
information such as project management plan, quality project planning stage (Osipova 2007), and Banaitiene
assurance, and cost and time management among key and Banaitis (2012) and Ritchie et al. (2013) asserted
project participants are more essential than ever. In that more careful attention must be given to the con-
order to determine the most affordable building struction stage by utilizing a risk management frame-
design financially and environmentally, diverse infor- work or a guideline to respond to predicted and
mation such as design, costs and environmental unpredicted risks during the execution of a construc-
impacts of construction materials should be collected tion project. Indeed, there are a number of standards
and integrated from the outset of a project among and guidelines such as the Project Management Body
key project stakeholders. However, the current prac- of Knowledge, ISO 21500 and ISO 31000 to manage
tice in the construction industry seems to be challeng- risks. However, the construction industry is deemed
ing to effectively and efficiently cope with the ever to fail in managing risks in the construction stage
increasing complexity of a project due to the highly (Bahamid and Doh 2017), and the current guidelines
fragmented nature of the construction industry and a mainly focus on the project planning stage where
lack of knowledge and skills of construction personnel identify and develop a risk management plan

CONTACT Ki Pyung Kim

ß 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

although the most of risks including physical and information in a project. (Siddiqui et al., 2016;
managerial risks as well as design coordination risks Maghsoodi and Khalilzadeh, 2017), In response to the
such as interferences between structure and mechan- current issues, Gunduz and Yahya (2015) and
ical designs occur in the construction stage (Wood Gudien_e et al. (2013) asserted that proactive risk
et al. 2008; Bissonette 2016). As a result, researchers management plans and actions using CSFs in the con-
emphasize the importance of risk management during struction stage are instrumental to deliver an agreed
the construction stage, and recommend using critical project deliverable to a client on time and budget.
success factors to manage and monitor various risks Ghorbani (2017) asserted that the unknown risks are
in the execution stage as a complementary manage- not easily identified during the planning stage, and
ment tool to a risk management plan developed at cannot be mitigated by a risk management plan devel-
the planning stage (Chapman, 2001; Kuo and Lu, oped at the early stage of a project. To manage the
2013; El-Sayegh and Mansour, 2015; Olechowski et al. unknown risks, the researcher emphasizes that a con-
2016). Kannan (2017) argue that well-defined critical tingency as a CSF can enable a project manager to
success factors (CSFs) for risk management in the manage risks during the execution stage, and yet, the
construction stage can improve the outcome of a con- research only consider the monetary value of contin-
struction project significantly as CSFs can serve as an gency. Without a holistic consideration of CSFs for
effective decision making supporting tool for a project proper risk management will eventually increase the
manager or a construction manager who work with total project budget and it cannot be standardized as
constraints including time and budget. Despite the a risk threshold can be varied based on the organiza-
importance of the CSFs for risk management in the tional project environment and financial capacity
construction stage, the specific CSFs targeting the (England and Moreci 2012; Project Management
construction stage has been rarely researched. Institute 2017). Consequently, in alignment with the
Therefore, this research aims to identify the most crit- efforts to establish risk management practice in the
ical success factors for risk management at the execu- construction stage, there have been various risk man-
tion stage of a construction project, to improve the agement studies in specific countries such as Ghana
current risk management practice and the quality of a (Chileshe et al. 2010), Iran (Hosseini et al. 2016) and
construction project. Tanzania (Chileshe and Kikwasi 2014) to identify
how construction professionals perceive CSFs of risk
management and how CSFs can be adopted and uti-
Importance of risk management at the
lized better in conjunction with risk management
execution stage
processes. Although there are various research and
Currently, most of the risk management research puts studies conducted regarding the CSFs, it has been
more emphasis on the adoption of the risk manage- rarely investigated to identify CSFs that are the most
ment standards and procedures at the planning phase relevant to manage risks and support a project man-
rather than the execution stage although the most of ager and construction professionals to make a proper
risks including physical, managerial and design coord- decision at the execution stage. Thus, this research
ination risks occur in the execution stage (Wood will review CSFs for the planning stage and identify
et al. 2008; Bissonette 2016). There are a number of which CSFs can provide a decision making support
studies in risk management using CSFs in the project for risk management.
planning stage (Crickette et al. 2011), and researchers
point out that the identified risks at the planning
Critical success factors for risk management
stage can be complemented by CSFs which can
empower construction professionals to effectively Given the competitive market status, effective and
reflect actual risks occurred in the project execution efficient project management is crucial to achieve a
stage and update the risk management plans to miti- strategic goal and a project success in the construc-
gate time delays, cost overruns and low project qual- tion industry. Among various attributes for successful
ity. Furthermore, Retfalvi (2009) criticized that it can project management, various researchers (Chen et al.,
be ineffective and inefficient to identify and plan for 2012; Banihashemi et al., 2017; Yong and Mustaffa,
all potential risks in the planning stage, and the 2017) asserted the importance of CSFs for effective
researcher asserted that a risk management plan and efficient risk management. It is instrumental to
should be updated and further developed in the exe- identify CSFs in order to focus on the most overarch-
cution stage to capture the up-to-date risk ing risks first rather than focus on all potential risks

because a construction project cannot be free from

CSF 1 CSF 2 CSF 3 CSF 4 CSF 5 CSF 6 CSF 7 CSF 8 CSF 9 CSF 10 CSF 11 CSF 12 CSF 13 CSF 14 CSF 15 CSF 16 CSF 17 CSF 18 CSF 19 CSF 20 CSF 21 CSF 22 CSF 23 C S F 24
the constraints such as time and budget. (Rodrıguez-


Segura et al., 2016). According to Freund (1988),
CSFs are essential to achieve the intended strategy


and articulate the priorities among various attributes


for effective risk management since time and budget
are not always abundant to manage all identified risks


based on equal priorities. As a result, various
researchers have identified CSFs to support construc-


tion professionals to effectively identify risks at the
planning stage over the last 10 years as shown in


Table 1.
Zhao et al. (2013) recognized top management


support including risk ownership and training sup-
port as the CSFs for effective risk management at the


execution stage. Indeed, Oliveira et al. (2018) pointed
out that the CSFs need to be understood strategically


rather than an individual project level, and Phu
(2017) suggested that CSFs need to be identified as an


enterprise risk management level to communicate
risks effectively based on common risk language.


Based on the research findings from the literature and
PMBoK guide (PMI, 2017), the identified CSFs in


Table 1 are further organized into four major CSF
categories as shown in Table 2.


Yaraghi and Langhe (2011) asserted that the identi-
fied CSFs can enhance the implementation of risk


management at the execution stage. Green (2015)


argued that the risks identified at the early stage of a
project should be monitored and controlled thor-


oughly as unidentified risks may occur at the execu-
tion stage. The researcher emphasized that CSFs for


risk management implementation at the execution

stage will enable construction professionals to priori-


tize risks (Green 2015), and minimize unnecessary


delay and expenses due to fatal injuries (Aksorn and
Table 1. Identified critical success factors in last 10 years.

Hadikusumo, 2008; Haadir and Panuwatwanich,


2011). Thus, this research aims to identify the most


critical success factors for construction professionals

to manage risks at the execution stage effectively and



Research methods

The research adopted a mixed method approach uti-

Haadir and Panuwatwanich (2011)
Aksorn and Hadikusumo (2008)

lizing a web-based questionnaire survey and a semi-

Chileshe and Kikwasi (2014)
Yaraghi and Langhe (2011)

structured interview to identify the most critical suc-

Total number of research
Atika and Hartman (2011)

Hosseini MR et al. (2014)

Hosseini M et al. (2016)

Chileshe et al. (2010)

cess factors for effective and efficient risk manage-

Petrovic et al. (2017)
Rostami et al. (2015)

Oliveira et al. (2018)

Hwang et al. (2014)
Pheng et al. (2009)

Maina et al. (2016)

ski (2017)
Zhao et al. (2013)

Sidorenko (2016)
Previous research

Patterson (2015)

Chapman (2016)

ment at the execution stage of a construction project.

Liu et al. (2015)

Jin et al. (2017)

Hillson (2017)

A total number of 100 construction professionals

Phu (2017)


were invited for a questionnaire survey, and they

were identified internationally via professional

Table 2. Grouped CSFs.

CSFs category Labels CSFs
Organizational factors CSF1 Top management support
CSF2 Availability of resources
CSF5 Project management capacity
CSF9 Organizational strategy
CSF17 Organization’s risk culture
CSF18 Organization’s technological capacity
Human behavioural factors CSF3 Timely communication
CSF4 Knowledge and experience
CSF8 Collaboration among project parties
CSF11 Positive human dynamics
CSF15 Project staffs’ participation in risk management
CSF24 Common risk language
Procedural factors CSF6 Clear roles and responsibilities
CSF13 Robust risk management procedures
CSF14 Document control
CSF16 Procurement method
CSF19 Early involvement of contractors
CSF20 Continuous improvement
External factors CSF7 Project type
CSF10 Business environment
CSF12 Customer’s demand
CSF21 Economic environment
CSF22 Industry risk management standards
CSF23 Socio-cultural forces

organization websites such as Chartered Institute of Table 3. Respondents profile.

Building, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Profession Number of Respondent
Australian Institute of Project Management, and Engineer 23
Australian Institute of Building to collect various Project/construction manager 15
Contractor 9
viewpoints of the construction professionals. The Architect 8
web-based questionnaire was comprised of 10 ques- Total 55
tions designed to explore the priorities among CSFs
for each risk categories identified through a literature respondents commonly commented that an organiza-
review (See Table 2). The questions consisted of mul- tion must be mature enough to implement risk man-
tiple choice and rating questions using the Likert scale agement practice prior to actually execute risk
that obtain facts and inquire personal opinions as a management. This is supported by the second priority
subject matter expert. After the completion of ‘Organisation’s Risk Culture’ which can only be devel-
the web-based questionnaire survey, the follow-up oped once an organization has a certain level of pro-
semi-structured interviews were conducted to obtain ject risk management maturity. Furthermore,
comprehensive insights and in-depth knowledge about respondents commented that the first and second
the CSFs and their importance. CSFs must be established with ‘Top Management
Support’ which is identified as the third CSF.
Research results and discussion ‘Availability of Resources’ was commonly recognized
as the lowest priority since resource availability can
Total of 100 professionals were selected for the question- be concerned after sufficient organization maturity is
naire survey, and the response rate was 55% (55 out of
established. Interviewees commented that it is vital to
100). The average experience of respondents was 11 years,
secure essential resources from the top management
and 40% (22 respondents) has more than 20 years of
once an organization gets matured in risk manage-
experience in managing risks over a project life cycle.
ment practice. Although ‘Availability of Resources’
The respondents’ profile is as shown in Table 3.
indicated the lowest priority, all respondents empha-
The invited construction professionals were asked
sized the continuous support from the top manage-
to rank the importance of CSFs of each category, and
ment ensure resource availability. This comment is
the result is presented as shown in Table 4.
supported by the slight differences in weighted aver-
age score between the first CSF (4.0) and the last CSF
Priorities of organizational CSFs (3.3). Finally, an interviewee with 20 years of experi-
For the organizational factor, the Project Management ence commented on the ‘Early Involvement’
Capacity is selected as the first priority and as follows:

Table 4. Priorities of CSFs for each category.

CSF Category Ranks CSFs
Organizational factors 1 Project management capacity
2 Organization’s risk culture
3 Top management support
4 Organizational strategy
5 Organization’s technological capacity
6 Availability of resources
Human behavioural factors 1 Knowledge and experience
2 Common risk language
3 Project staffs’ participation in risk management
4 Collaboration among project parties
5 Timely communication
6 Positive human dynamics
Procedural factors 1 Early involvement of contractors
2 Continuous improvement
3 Document control
4 Clear roles and responsibilities
5 Robust risk management procedures
6 Procurement method
External factors 1 Socio-cultural forces
2 Industry risk management standards
3 Economic environment
4 Customer’s demand
5 Business environment
6 Project type

I believe Communication is critical although its Positive human dynamic is not on the top of the list
priority has been indicated the lowest. It is not as long as there is clear communication among
because Communication is unimportant, but because stakeholders and well-defined roles and
there are more critical factors for risk management at responsibilities for managing risk at the execution
the execution stage. phase. Also, collaboration and teamwork are under
the influence of the distinct roles and responsibilities.
To me, knowledge and experience is the most
Priorities of human behavioural CSFs
important factor in this group.
Respondents indicated that ‘Knowledge and Experience’
Thus, the human behavioural CSFs are correlated
is important to practice risk management during the
as the results and comments from the survey and
execution stage since it is not easy to cope with changes
interviews each comment and survey results are com-
and occurred risks, which is not planned, without
plementing each other. Furthermore, construction
proper experience and knowledge. Furthermore,
professionals or an organization who attempt to adopt
respondents emphasized that an experienced and know-
risk management practice in the execution stage
ledgeable risk champion or a manager must lead the
should be aware of the correlation among the CSFs
risk management practice in order not to cause confu-
for proper risk management practice establishment
sions and unclear roles and responsibility issues among
and project team members’ buy-in.
project team members. An interviewee commented on
the ‘Collaboration among Project Parties’ as follows:
No matter how professional project members are,
Priorities of procedural CSFs
risk management cannot be executed effectively if Respondents commonly pointed out the fragmented
there is a lack of collaboration and teamwork,
nature of a construction project, and it is the main
because risk management is teamwork by its nature.
reason why the ‘Early Involvement of Contractors’ is
Furthermore, other interviewees commented chosen as the first priority for the risk management
regarding the ‘Project Staffs’ Participation’ as follows: CSF at the execution stage. In addition, respondents
Having structured roles and responsibilities is crucial commented that the late involvement of contractors
because it allows you to know who is responsible for causes conflicts among stakeholders and unnecessary
what. It also makes communication easier and design changes and change orders. Documentation is
more effective.
the source of information which will be distributed
Finally, an interviewee with 10 years of experience among stakeholders. Respondents recognized the
commented on the ‘Positive Human Dynamic’ ‘Document Control’ as the third CSF since it is prone
as follows: to causing misinterpretations or misunderstandings of

project information when various construction and construction project will have more unforeseen risks
project documents are controlled in an unorganized depending on the complexity.
manner. Respondents mentioned advanced digital Indeed, the ‘Project Type’ is the least important
technologies including Building Information factor among others since a project type is already
Modelling (Kim and Park, 2018) and Cloud-based fixed when a contract is awarded. However, a project
document management system. In particular, there team must be aware of a project type and its com-
are many different versions of drawings and engineer- plexity to manage risks properly.
ing reports generated during the construction stage, Finally, an interviewee with 20 years of experience
and inattentive document version control will cause made a comment as follows:
risks in time and budget of a project. The
‘Procurement Method’ was selected the lowest priority Usually a public or large construction project has
relatively more access to various resources as it will
since all respondents agreed that types of procure- become a landmark or a focal point of the public,
ment method are not important as long as contractors which may be under the Socio-cultural forces such as
achieve the intended result of the risk management political or social value. It is crucial to access to
plan and perform as required. sufficient resources at the construction stage as a
project team can effectively cope with risks, and this
can make a huge difference.
Priorities of external CSFs
Thus, proper risk management should be consid-
Respondents considered the ‘Socio-Cultural Forces’ as ered and planned based on a holistic perspective
the top priority because it defines a direction and a rather than an ad-hoc perspective in order to manage
strategy from the outset of a project, and the defin- risks effectively at the execution stage.
ition of strategy can clear out project boundaries,
which support a project team can focus only on
essential risks. In relation to the ‘Socio-Cultural Conclusion
Forces’, respondents also emphasized the ‘Economic Despite the importance of risk management imple-
Environment’ as the third priority since economy mentation at the execution stage, there is a lack of
situation affect significantly on project risk thresholds research to identify critical success factors that
in terms of time and budget. Thus, respondents empower a project manager and a project team to
emphasized the importance of a project direction and manage risks effectively with limited time and budget.
strategy for risk management based on the ‘Socio- To bridge the current research gap, this research aims
Cultural Forces’ and the ‘Economic Environment’. to identify critical success factors for risk management
Among the CSFs, the ‘Project Type’ was the most at the execution stage. The research results revealed
contentious factor as respondents all agreed that a that there are four major categories of critical success
project type is relatively less important, but respond- factors – ‘Organisational’, ‘Human Behavioural’,
ents’ opinions were divided into two aspects – one is ‘Procedural’ and ‘External’, and each critical success
the project type is completely irrelevant and another factor categories include six critical success factors
is relevant to risk management as a project environ- (See Table 2). Among six critical success factors,
ment is affected by the ‘Project Type’. An interviewee ‘Project Management Capacity’, ‘Knowledge and
commented on the ‘Project Type’ as follows: Experience’, ‘Early Involvement of Contractors’, and
Project type is not a critical factor for risk ‘Socio-cultural Forces’ are identified the first priority
management at the project execution phase. If a critical success factors. Furthermore, all research par-
project manager and a team have sufficient
ticipants pointed out the importance of ‘Top
knowledge and experience in risk management, they
can handle the complexity regardless of a project Management Support’, ‘Knowledge and Experience’
type. Rather, proper knowledge and insights and and ‘Timely Communication’ for successful risk man-
training should be more emphasised. agement at the execution stage. More importantly,
In contrast, two interviewees commented against this priority is relative importance, and indeed,
the previous comment as follows: research participants emphasized that all critical suc-
cess factors must be considered as a whole rather
Complexity such as numerous stakeholders, various than individual factors. Thus, this research identified
communication channels, and complex project scope
is significantly affected by a project type, i.e. a small the critical success factors and its relative importance
residential house compared to a high-rise commercial for a project manager and construction professionals
building. Particularly, the execution stage of a to focus and manage first, and the research also

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