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Checklist of Hyperactivity Symptoms

Similarly, hyperactivity and impulsivity can be diagnosed in children up to

the age of 16 if they exhibit six or more of the following symptoms (or just
five or more symptoms for adolescents 17 and older). 2

 Often blurts out an answer before a question has been completed

 Often fidgets with the hands or feet or squirms whenever seated
 Often leaves their seat despite being told to sit still
 Often runs or climbs in situations where it is not appropriate
 Often unable to play or take part in leisure activities quietly
 Is often “on the go" as if unnaturally driven
 Often talks excessively
 Often has trouble waiting for their turn
 Often interrupts or intrudes on other's conversations or activities

Checklist of Inattention Symptoms

According to the DSM-5, inattention can be diagnosed in children under age
16 if they exhibit six or more of the following symptoms. A diagnosis only
requires five or more symptoms for adolescents 17 and older. 2

 Often fails to pay attention to details or makes careless mistakes in

schoolwork or other activities
 Often has trouble holding attention on tasks or play activities
 Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly
 Often does not follow through on instructions or fails to finish
schoolwork or chores
 Often has trouble organizing tasks and activities
 Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to do tasks that require mental
effort over a long period of time
 Often loses things needed to complete tasks or activities
 Is easily distracted
 Is often forgetful in daily activities

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