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In Doppler ultrasound, blood flow velocity increases at vascular stenosis with

"decreased vessel diameter". However, in fetal anemia, the MCA "diameter increases"
due to vasodilation for brain sparing, and the blood flow velocity increases.
So vessel diameter increase in one and decrese in other but flow velocity increase
in both cases. How do these two mechanisms of increased blood flow velocity differ?

In case of stenosis, when blood flows through a narrowing, the velocity of the
blood increases. This is because the same amount of blood is trying to flow through
a smaller space, so it has to move faster.
In the case of anemia, the blood volume is decreased. This means that the same
amount of blood has to flow through the same sized vessels, but there is less blood
to do it. As a result, the blood flow velocity increases in order to compensate for
the decreased blood volume.

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