Day 1 Out of 45 Days Journal - Updated

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Day 1

I applied on the website for an internship of 45 days. My resume got

selected by “Shrestha Bharat Foundation”. Thereafter I got a call regarding the confirmation of
shortlisting of my resume and the schedule for the interview. The interview duration was scheduled
for 20 minutes and it went very well as I explained to them how their internship facilitates MSW
students to make a greater impact on society and the importance of internships like theirs. They
were impressed by the response and consequently offered me to join their organization for a 2-
month online internship (with a few offline visits). They gave me a brief introduction about the
organization, my roles & responsibilities, and elucidated on the task to be performed. However, it
was informed that there would be a detailed orientation session. Subsequently, they wished me
good luck and enormous learning from this 2 month’s internship. The interview round was over on a
positive note and I was excited to commence this journey.

In the first meet, there were around 10-12 interns who joined the orientation session. To begin with,
we were asked to brief our introduction, hobbies, and the reason for joining this internship. Then a
senior HR person began the presentation. She explained the SBF organization, its mission, and its
visions. She elaborated on how does it get funding? What would be our roles and responsibilities?
How to tackle any issue we face while completing those tasks?

She explained the tasks and informed us that we need to select the category among the following:

1) Volunteering: This category involves a few subtasks.

2) Social Media: This pertains to the activities that need to be performed on social media
3) Fund Raising: This involves raising the fund using the Milaap link.

In the session, we were provided with the Pdfs, annual reports, and documents about the working of
SBF so that we can understand more about the Organization. In addition to that, we were also
equipped with various websites (such as,, etc.) and tools for
completing our assigned tasks such as e-Poster and video editing (Camtasia, Wondershare Filmora,
etc). It was also informed that after a few weeks or days they would organize a few offline visits to
slum areas/medical camps to distribute the essentials and spread awareness about the basic rights
of Human beings.

Moreover, we were also informed that in the next session we all have to give a brief presentation to
know how much we understood the organization. Finally, the informative orientation session was
wrapped up.

Tools and Techniques used

Active Listening, Analysis, Patience.


 Be confident and always be yourself.

 There is always room for improvement.
 About the organization, Its vision, and its mission.
 About the roles and responsibilities.
 Ask more questions to understand more.

Day 2

Assigned Task: Presentation based on my understanding of the organization

Since I have attended the orientation session so today I have to give a brief presentation to exhibit
my understanding of the organization. I explained to them as follows: -

About SBF

"Shreshtha Bharat Foundation" was set up in 2015 as a non-profit registered organization, a public
charitable trust to extend financial and non-financial support to grassroots level NGOs working in the
areas of education, health, and community development.

We work with and through grassroots organizations that have passion and purpose, Since 2015,
Shreshtha Bharat Foundation is serving our country by educating 250 underprivileged children, 1000
tree plantations every year, Environmental & social awareness programs, organizing medical camps,
and helping flood victims and more.


 To protect the environment and control pollution via planting trees.

 To organize medical camps for a backward section of society
 To provide education to school drop students of underprivileged societies.
The major working area is as follows:

 Environment:- As Trees are a natural asset to the entire community and give a clean and
healthy environment that can be sustained for generations. Keeping this in the mind,
planting trees is one of the utmost activities of SBF.
 Education:- Since Education is a passport to a sustainable future and a powerful weapon
to transform society. Therefore SBF started a tuition center in the year 2018 with a program
named ‘Education to all” to provide help to underprivileged children in completing their
homework after school.
 Health:- SBF started various awareness programs like Covid-19 awareness, vaccination
awareness, hygiene-related awareness, etc. SBF also arrange various medical camps for the
backward sect of the society and also they run basic health tests such as Sugar Test, BP Test,
eyesight test, etc for free.
 Distribution of the essentials to the needy ones :- SBF distributes various essentials such as
clothes, sanitary pads, foods, old books, etc. to the needy ones from time to time.

To end hunger and poverty by pioneering sustainable grassroots, woman-centered strategies and
advocating for their widespread adoption in countries throughout the world.

The motto is “Ek Kadam Shreshtha Baharat ki or ( एक कदम श्रेष्ठ भारत की ओर)“ which means one
step toward the betterment of India.
Tools and Techniques used

Presentation skills, Communications, Organisation, and Research analysis.


 It enabled me to understand what are the challenges we can face while being a public
 Explaining/Teaching others would make the concepts crystal clear.
 It made me realize how important is to be an active listener for the speaker.
 Preparing for the presentation gave me a wide knowledge of the organization and its work.

Day 3

Assigned Task – Making e-poster

As I attended the orientation session and gave a presentation based on my understanding of SBF.
Therefore, SBF asked me to do my first task of making an e-poster which is to say pictorially explain
SBF using online tools.

What is an e-Poster?

An electronic poster (E-Poster) or digital poster is a poster in PowerPoint format, allowing the
inclusion of movies, and other multi-media formats, and presenters are encouraged to take
advantage of the versatility of this medium. In contrast to offline posters, an ePoster it’s made in
Microsoft Powerpoint, Word, or any image editing software such as Photoshop or Corel.

Importance of e-poster

E-posters are a practical system that helps anyone to present their work in an easier, more
convenient, and more efficient manner. In addition, it is a more sustainable system that does not
require the use of paper, so it is good for the environment.

ePosters allow access to all the posters even when the event has ended since they are often stored
in virtual galleries and databases. Thus, both the attendees and those who couldn’t go to the
presentation/meeting can see the poster and interact with it by contacting the author, downloading
the poster, and even starting a discussion in the forum.

Thus, the poster is an ideal means of presentation as an alternative to oral communication within a
meeting, since it allows the presentation of results of studies, projects, or experiences without time
or travels limitations.

How do I make an e-poster?

Using PowerPoint, with the title as Shrestra Bharat Foundation e-poster, I selected the size of the
poster and then added various boxes for explaining different aspects of SBF such as its vision,
Mission, History, domains where it is actively working i.e. Health, Education, Environment, Feeding
the needy ones, etc.

Also, I added a text box for statistics i.e. the number of lives impacted by the act of SBF, since when
it has been working for the social welfare, or I can also add the graphs to represent the same.
Moreover, any background color to the boxes can be given based on one’s preference to distinguish
it from others. Various options are available such as lines, arrows, and boxes to represent the same
thing in multiple ways. It’s a flow chart pattern that can express the flow of explanation from the
formation of SBF to the impact of SBF on society.

Not only this we can also make it interactive by putting some questions to it after one goes through

Any explanation via an e-poster makes a deeper impact on one’s mind and therefore results in an
easy understanding of the content.

Tools and Techniques used

Powerpoint, Communication, Critical Thinking, Research Analysis, and Time management


 About e-poster
 Benefits of e-poster
 Flexible easy to change to explain it better
 How to represent a thing pictorially.
 E-postersrs make submission and conference hosting simpler and more efficient
 Pictorial presentation of the content makes a deeper impact on Our brain.
 It improves audience engagement with the author.


Day 4

Assigned task: Taking interviews, onboarding the candidates, and explaining the Tasks to be

In the earlier session, we were informed that we have to interview a few students and select some
of them based on the three parameters- Their communication Skills, Attitude toward other’s life, and
the objective of joining this internship. To select apt interns for the organization, we need to work
on ourselves and our interpersonal judging skills so that we can come to know which candidate is
sincere and would complete the internship. After onboarding the candidates, I need to explain to
them the tasks to be performed.

Today I interviewed 10 candidates out of which 5 were selected and subsequently on the same day I
arranged an orientation for them. I gave them a detailed presentation on introduction about the
SBF, its history, its mission, and its vision. To the best of my knowledge and comprehensive ability, I
elaborated on the categories of tasks as follows:

Broadly, the task was divided into three categories that may change from time to time based on
management decisions. The selected candidates are free to opt for any one of the categories: -

4) Volunteering - This category involves a few subtasks such as:

 Making an e-Poster based on your understanding of the organization,
 Feeding the needy ones
 Donating clothes
 Planting Saplings
 Fundraising (optional)
 Spread the awareness about the organization and encourage others to join SBF
 Video on SBF based on your understanding – About the SBF and its functioning in
improving the condition of Society.
 Any innovative act is always welcomed.

5) Social Media – Candidates opting for this category have to select the best photos and edit
videos received from the first category i.e. ‘Volunteering Group”. After selecting the photos
and editing the video the candidate has to post it on social media i.e. SBF’s Facebook page,
Twitter, Instagram, Youtube channel so on, along with good content that explains the
intention behind the image and video.

6) Fund Raising – The last category of the candidates is that the candidate has to raise the fund
using the Milaap link. The fund may vary from a few bucks to thousands of bucks i.e. INR 5 to
1000’s (with no upper limit) depending on the one’s reverence and capacity. Moreover, the
candidate has also to take a selfie with the person who is donating and then forward it to
the social media group.

Then after all explanation, I asked if anyone has doubts. Consequently, the queries were
asked and I answered all the queries. Finally, the session was wrapped up with success,

Tools and Techniques used

Presentation skills, Research, Active listening, Organizational Skills, Patience


Hands-on learning is better than theoretical.

detailed online presentation was successful and with this hands-on, I learned a lot about
speaking skills, communications skills, etc.

Day 5:

Assigned Task –Presentation on a Covid Awareness program for Children

As we are amid the Covid-19 pandemic, and recently the government decided to open the schools
and colleges. So considering the current situation, the organization envisaged preparing the children
with Dos and Donts while following the Covid-19 appropriate norms and asked me to present on the
Covid awareness Program specifically for the Children.

Reasons for Opening of the School

Even though the Digital world acts as a life savior of education for the children. However, for the
poor children due to the internet gap, the damage was done with double magnitude. Therefore, to
stop the further damage, UNICEF asked all governments worldwide to open the schools with
appropriate measures. Consequently, all the schools are open now.

What exactly is COVID-19

Coronavirus disease started spreading in the year 2019 and is a contagious disease caused by
a SARS-CoV-2 virus, It can cause mild to severe respiratory illness, including death.

It includes fever, cough, headache, fatigue, breathing difficulties, loss of smell, and loss of
Most (81%) develop mild to moderate symptoms, while 14% develop severe symptoms and
5% suffer critical symptoms. Older people are at a higher risk of developing severe
Mode of transmission

COVID-19 transmits when people breathe in air contaminated by droplets and

small airborne particles containing the virus.

Preventive Measures
(a) Get Vaccinated:- To begin with, all students must get vaccinated.
(b) Always Wear a mask in school.
(c) Maintain Physical Distancing: Students should remain at least 3 feet apart within
classrooms when possible.
(c) Frequent Hand-washing and maintaining hygiene

Every Student needs to strictly follow the guidelines to avoid COVID-19 infection.

Steps of wearing a mask

Step 1: Wash your hands before putting on and after taking off your mask.
Step 2: Touch only the bands when putting on and taking off your mask.
Step 3: Ensure that the mask covers your nose and mouth properly. If any time the mask is
adjusted to cover the nose and mouth then immediately wash your hands before and after.
Step 4: Never touch your mask’s front side while it is being worn.
Step 5: Make sure to wash the reusable face mask after each use.
Steps for washing your hand
Steps 1: Wet your hands with clean and running water
Steps 2: Get Soap/Hand wash
Step 3: Scrub for 20 seconds
Step 4: Rinse for 10 seconds
Step 5: Dry your hand with clean clothes or a towel.
Subsequently, I replied to the queries, and this session was wrapped up with success and

Tools and Techniques used

Communications, Research Analysis, Organisation, Patience.


 Organizing the content

 The Content should be decided based on the intended beneficiary.
 Developing communication Skills
 A presentation is a tool that realizes us that only Speaking is not sufficient but speaking
logically is essential to make your presentation more effective.


Day 6

Assigned Task: Visited mobile medical camp organized at Sriniwaspuri Slum area in South Delhi.

SBF organized a small mobile medical camp with a team of 2 doctors and a few volunteers just for
general physical check-ups.

Intended Beneficiaries: Women and Children

Location: Srinawaspuri Slum Area
Number of Doctors involved: 2
Volunteers for assistance: 3
Interns for Observation cum assistance: 4
Capacity for tests to be done: Maximum 100-120 (including all)

The Physical Examination includes

 Blood Pressure measurement

 Oxygen level (SP02 and BPM)
 Sugar level Test
 Dental Examination

This medical camp was organized to provide basic health check-ups to the deprived population and
poor people of the country who have no access to basic healthcare services or knowledge about the
diseases they are suffering from.

Objective :

 To Raise health awareness among the community.

 Register rare and severe cases and refer them to specialized centers.
 Refer medical cases to visit the hospital if required.
 To prescribe the medicine if found mild issues.
 To prescribe them healthy habits.

Since this place is near to my residence comparatively hence, I reached there earlier. The whole
team reached at 10:00 am. They started the arrangements to put their banners and ready their

This is the first time I interacted with the clients. We informed them about the organization,
introduced ourselves, and told them the reason for visiting their place. We also did counseling (i.e.
Social Groupwork and Casework method) as some of them were hesitating the physical examination.
We explained to them why should they always go for regular physical check-ups. We educate them
on how their heart’s health and Oxygen level can help to understand the upcoming condition of their
entire body.

Moreover, we requested them to follow the appropriate covid norms such as wearing a mask and
washing hands from time to time. The total number of tests was conducted as follows:-

 35 Blood Pressure - were done on the children and women who live here.
 35 Oxygen levels were measured.
 20 Sugar levels were measured. 
 25 Dental Exams were performed on children and a few housemothers. These included just
teeth checkups.

Since some women were suffering from low BP and some were suffering from high sugar levels
hence the doctor prescribed the medicine and asked them to visit the hospitals for regular check-
ups. Many children and women were suffering from tooth cavities and decay. We prescribed them
to brush their teeth after every meal and also requested them to visit the nearby government
hospital for filling their cavity.

The amazing doctors tirelessly did dozens of tests. One of the volunteers converted all medical
records to electronic format i.e. date entry. We as interns served as an observer-cum-assistant.

A big thanks to the staff on the ground of the organization.

Tools and Techniques used

Social Case Work, Social Group Work, Communication, Patience, Boundaries and Cultural


 Communication.
 Ground realities of the society in the 21 st century.
 Lack of Awareness is the biggest enemy of all beings.

Day 7

Assigned task Presentation on Covid-19 condition and its vaccination drive

Tools and Techniques Used



Day 8

Assigned Task: Organizing the World water day awareness program

Human dignity is one of the principles of SBF on which it was founded. It believes that all beings are
born free and equal in dignity and right. Including the right to food, water, health, and education.
Therefore, safe drinking water is one of the fundamental to improving the standards of living for
people. So, to raise awareness about the importance of water. SBF instructed me to prepare a
detailed presentation on World Water Day.

About World water day

World Water Day, is celebrated on 22 nd March of every year since 1993. It focuses on the importance
of freshwater. World Water Day celebrates water and raises awareness of the 2.2 billion people
living without access to safe water. It is about taking action to tackle the global water crisis. A core
focus of World Water Day is to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 6: water
and sanitation for all by 2030.

Its History

The idea for this international day goes back to 1992, the year in which the United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro took place. In the same year, the
United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution by which 22 nd March of each year was
declared as World Day for Water, to be observed starting in 1993. These observances serve to
reaffirm that water and sanitation measures are key to poverty reduction, economic growth, and
environmental sustainability.

THEME – 2022

The theme of this year 2022 is Groundwater, making the invisible visible.

What is Ground Water?

Groundwater is water found underground in aquifers, which are geological formations of rocks,
sands, and gravels that hold substantial quantities of water. Groundwater feeds springs, rivers, lakes,
and wetlands, and seeps into oceans. Groundwater is recharged mainly from rain and snowfall
infiltrating the ground. Groundwater can be extracted to the surface by pumps and wells.

Importance of groundwater

Life would not be possible without groundwater. Most arid areas of the world depend entirely on
groundwater. Groundwater supplies a large proportion of the water we use for drinking, sanitation,
food production, and industrial processes.

It is also critically important to the healthy functioning of ecosystems, such as wetlands and rivers.

Exploring, protecting, and sustainably using groundwater will be central to surviving and adapting to
climate change and meeting the needs of a growing population.


We must protect Groundwater from overexploitation – abstracting more water than is recharged by
rain and snow - and the pollution that currently haunts them since it can lead to the depletion of this
resource, extra costs of processing it, and sometimes even preventing its use.

The presentation increases the horizon of knowledge of both the speaker (i.e., myself) and the

Tools and Techniques used

Presentation, Research Analysis, Communication

 Develops new knowledge about the World water day.
 Presenting skills
 Focus on your key message

Day 9

Assigned Task: Planting a Sapling and brief about it.

As one of the key areas of SBF is to protect the environment by planting Saplings. Hence we were
asked to plant a sapling in a nearby park and brief us on what way Saplings can help us to protect
our environment.

I researched a lot about planting saplings. Subsequently, I found that there are multiple websites (eg.
https:///www. where you can donate and they will plant for you. And if
you want to plant by yourself then you can directly purchase the sapling from a nearby nursery and
then can go ahead. The nearby park to my residing place is Astha Kunj Park, Sant Nagar. So, I decided
to plant the sapling that is famous for its various medicinal purpose along with other uses.
Therefore, the sapling decided is of Neem.

Importance of Planting Sapling

Trees are a link between the past, present, and future. With the exponential decrease in forest cover
worldwide, the only way we can save our planet and trees is by consciously acting towards the
conservation of the environment Planting Saplings.

Tree plantation is significant because it is linked to our basic need for good food to eat and clean air
to breathe. Aside from these necessities, they preserve biodiversity, conserve water, preserve soil,
and control climate, among other things.

Trees provide clean air for living beings to breathe and generate energy. The importance of
plantations for a healthy life free of suffocation and pollution cannot be overstated, particularly in
urban areas.

Why I chose Neem Sapling

Neem trees are known to purify the air, increase soil fertility, and are used as an effective botanical
insecticide. There are various other benefits of the Neem tree are as follows:

 Neem tree leaves to treat illnesses.

 The bark as an antibiotic:
 The seeds of the neem tree act as insecticides:
 The neem tree’s tender branches can be used for dental health
 Neem leaf is used to cure various diseases such as leprosy, eye disorders, bloody nose,
intestinal worms, stomach upset, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, diseases of the heart and
blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), fever, diabetes, gum disease (gingivitis), and liver
So, to make this planet more liveable, it is a fundamental duty of every human to plant a sapling.
Since planting saplings is a win-win for human beings and the environment as it connects the
present with the future.

This piece of information gave an insight into the value of planting a sapling.

Tools and Techniques

Critical thinking, Research, Presentation


 Value of planting a sapling

 It realizes my fundamental duty as a human being to this planet.

Day 10


Day 11

Assigned task

Presentation on World Tuberculosis Day

The health of any being depends on the environment where one lives. As SBF’s main objective is in
the field of Health and Environment and to commemorate World Tuberculosis Day, I was asked to
prepare a presentation on World Tuberculosis Day to increase awareness about this disease and the
measures to be taken for its prevention.

About World Tuberculosis Day

We commemorate World Tuberculosis (TB) Day on March 24 th to raise public awareness about the
devastating health, social and economic consequences of TB, and to step up efforts to end the global
TB epidemic.

History of this day

The date marks the day in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced that he had discovered the
bacterium that causes TB, which opened the way for diagnosing and curing this disease.


The theme of World TB Day 2022 – is ‘Invest to End TB. Save Lives’.

It conveys the urgent need to invest resources to ramp up the fight against TB and achieve the
commitments to end TB made by global leaders. This is especially critical in the context of the
COVID-19 pandemic that has put End TB progress at risk, and to ensure equitable access to
prevention and care in line with WHO’s drive towards achieving Universal Health Coverage.

More investment will save millions more lives, accelerating the end of the TB epidemic.

What is Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) that most often affect the
lungs. Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially serious infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs. The
bacteria that cause tuberculosis are spread from person to person through tiny droplets released
into the air via coughs and sneezes. However, Tuberculosis is curable and preventable.


Both short- and long-term exposures to ambient air pollution could increase susceptibility to M.
tuberculosis infection and the development of TB by impairing the immunology of the human
respiratory system thereby resulting in an increased risk of TB. Hence making the environment green
helps to cure this disease with ease.


 Managing your environment and maintaining hygiene.

 Wear a mask to stop spreading it from an infected person.
 Live in a green environment instead of a polluted city.

This presentation gave a deep understanding of World Tuberculosis day.

Tools and techniques used

Research, Presentation, Communication, Time management, and Patience.


 Improves communication skills.

 Connecting the content with the usage of correct words.
 Always keep things readable.
 Make content that involves the listeners.


Day 12

Assigned task

Researched the problems faced by different weaker sections of the society and the need of the hour
to tackle them.

Indian society is known for its unity in diversity, but it lacks equality in education, employment, and
income based on caste, ethnicity, religion, etc. Despite India being a developing country with a bright
future, the Indian government couldn’t provide free education to all the weaker sections, as most of
the schools are private schools. So, to maintain social justice various NGOs come forward and take
requisite steps with the dream of establishing a Just Society. SBF is one of them.

I was asked to research the problems and needs of different weaker sections of society.

For ages, there are various categories of society that are exploited. They are as follows:
Women: Society has considered them as an inferior gender. They have witnessed types of

 Personal life: Violence against women and girls

 Professional life: The gender pay gap
 Technology competence; Digital Gender divide
 Social: Period Poverty and Stigma

Scheduled Castes: They are the victims of the traditional practices of our forefathers.

 Social Problem: Given the lower position in society.

 Religious Problems: Denial of the right to enter temples.
 Economic Problems: Traditionally they had to face economic hardship.
 Public Disabilities: They were denied to use of public utilities in the village.
 Educational Problems: They were also deprived of getting an education.

Scheduled Tribes
 Poverty and exploitation.
 Economic and technological backwardness.
 Socio-cultural handicaps.
 Problems of assimilation with the non-tribal population.
 Illiteracy among tribals is a major hindrance to their development.
 The problem of health and nutrition is very common among tribals due to the lack of proper
medical and sanitary facilities and poverty.
 Indebtedness due to lack of adequate sources of income.
 Tribals who have been degraded to the status of untouchables.

 Face discrimination and exclusion
 access to their human rights

 Exploitation in the form of child labor
 Health Survival issues
 Violence and abuse
 Lack of Education

 Lack of Companionship
 Lack of Financial Support
 Social Problems
 Psychological and Health Problems
 Crime against them

Ways forward:

 Strict Implementation of the rules set by the government along with the awareness of the
law mandated by the government to safeguard their interest and to create deterrence.
 Strict rules to be followed by the Employer.
 More participation must be encouraged from women in the technical field.
 More awareness programs must be launched to weed out the stigma that revolves around
the Periods (menstrual cycle).
 The way forward is to give them more preferences in jobs and various relaxation in every
field ensuring that it should not be misused.
 Debates must be conducted on various platforms about the existing policies formed by the
government to get the loopholes of the policies and to make them work more effectively.

Tools and techniques used

Research, Critical Thinking, and Patience.


 About the weaker sections of society

 Problems faced by them
 Way forward
 Motivates to do something for improving society.

Day 13

Assigned task  Guiding the new interns about the video making on SBF work and the steps to be
followed while posting it on social media.

As it’s been two weeks since I joined the organization, I got a good grasp on the working tasks of SBF
hence they asked me to guide the intern about video making on a google meet. One of the SBF’s
tasks is to create a video based on your understanding of SBF, that is to say, various social welfare
tasks done by them.
So, today’s presentation is going to be a technical one instead of a generic one.
Doing social work is one thing, however, the same thing has to be represented to the public with
more captivity rate for the awareness is a more important step. Hence producing a video for
awareness requires a mix of creativity and technical knowledge.

Presentation Starts:
To begin with, we need to prepare a write-up, and then based on the content we have to select the
loyalty-free videos from either of the websites
( or Thereafter we have to use a video editor
tool (either Camtasia or Wondershare Filmora). Now add those videos to the editor and then start
editing them by adding the content to it, or else you can take the pictures from SBF’s website (in the
case of Picture Video), put them together and voice-over it, or add any music using the tool with the
Key points
Furthermore, a few things have to be kept in mind, such as the music must match the content of the
video since it’s a social awareness video therefore the music should be soft instead of fast beats. The
picture should not be repeated (in the case of picture video), a picture should not stay on the screen
longer than 4-5 seconds since the longer time creates boredom in the viewers. In case the voice-over
is given to the video the recorded voice must be clear and should be recorded with the dedicated
microphone instead of recorded directly from a mobile.

Once the editing is done, the resultant video can be merged with the other video using the same
method as stated earlier and the final video can be extracted from the tool.
Posting it on Social media platforms

Last but not the least, the video has to be posted on the social media platform in such a way to
increase its reach or the viewer’s base. The video must be posted on social media with an apt
description. The description should be in clear words and brief that reflects the content of the video
and should not act as clickbait. The trending hashtag must be added to the video.

I told the interns that now they might feel they got every point correctly however when trying the
same then they face the issue so in that case, they can post the query on the group.daṁ

Tools and techniques used

Communication skills, Patience, and Time management


 Technical knowledge of video editing

 DOs and DONTs while making a video
 Steps to be done while posting any post on social media to increase the viewer’s base.


Day 14

Assigned task

Establishing a connection between World Theatre Day and Social work

Theatre plays an important role in our life. It influences the way we think and feels about our own
lives, forcing us to examine ourselves, our values, and our behavior. Knowing the impact of Theatre,
SBF asked me to prepare a presentation on World Theatre Day and explain in what way we can
utilize this tool in Social work.

About World Theatre Day

World Theatre Day was initiated in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute ITI. It is celebrated
annually on the 27th of March by ITI Centres and the international theatre community. It is a
celebration of the stage and the people who have spent years cultivating its art and beauty. This day
is an opportunity to raise the importance of theatre arts, to enhance and appreciate their role in the
field of entertainment and one's life

Theme 2022
The theme of World Theatre Day, 2022 is – “Theatre and Culture a Peace”.

Importance of Theatre in Social Work

Theatre as a tool in social work allows participants to reflect upon factors that have led to them
being excluded from society and discriminated against, encouraging them to move from analysis to

Theatre gives us an innovative way of doing social work or gives direction on how we can pass the
message of social welfare, and social justice to society in a visible way. Theatre is also considered a
Social expression, it can demand society to examine itself in the mirror. It has a long back history all
over the world for eg in 1930s The plays that succeeded throughout Europe played about men and
women of good social position, and the plots were concerned with some infringement, usually
sexual, of the genteel code of behavior.

In western Europe, however, gentility continued in the 1920s and ’30s to be the dominant aim of the
fashionable theatre. In Europe after World War II, the theatre made more-concerted efforts to
reflect and to interest a wider section of society.


 Theatre is immediate, evolving, and always different.

 Theatre reminds us that we are not alone hence raising a sense of responsibility.
 Theatre helps us to see a different perspective from our own.
 Live theatre helps to promote social discourse, dialogue, and potential social change

With the help of Theatre, you can express the social issues, social injustices, and demands to fix all
those. It can be used to increase the awareness among people. Theatre can be used as Community
Theatre as a Means of Empowerment in Social work. Interactive theatre is an effective method for
psychoeducation and improving social problems.

Consequently, the presentation was over with great success and new learnings for all.

Tools and techniques used

Critical Thinking, Logical thinking, Patience, and Communication.


 About theatre’s role in Social Work

 How Theatre can be used for awareness?
 Connection between Theatre and Social Work

Day 15

Assigned Task Food insecurity and Covid-19

To increase awareness about food insecurity and the condition that was created by the Pandemic,
SBF has asked me to prepare a presentation on the correlation between Food Insecurity and Covid-
19 in India.

COVID-19 has proven to be not only a health crisis but also a livelihood crisis – quickly turning into a
hunger and malnutrition catastrophe. The right to food is not only a statutory right but also a human

The pandemic has led to an increase in global food insecurity, affecting vulnerable households in
almost every country. It has exacerbated existing inequalities, pushing a higher number of people
into the vicious cycles of economic stagnation, loss of livelihood, and worsening food insecurity.

Definitions of food insecurity.

The most common definition is, “limited or intermittent access to nutritionally adequate, safe, and
acceptable foods accessed in socially acceptable ways”.

Current status of food insecurity.

Agriculture is the primary occupation in the villages, but due to frequent lockdowns, there has been
a disruption of supply chains and access to the market for the sale of agricultural produce, impacting
the income of rural households.

The daily wagers, construction workers, street vendors, and domestic helpers have been
disproportionately affected by the pandemic and lockdowns and are living a life of uncertainty and
disrupted incomes

Barriers to food security.

Overpopulation, poverty, lack of education, and gender inequality, Lack of effective implementation
of Government schemes.

Role of Social Worker

Social workers hold a unique position as a mediator between marginalized communities and the
government. In conjunction with their ability to advocate for community-developing initiatives on a
community level and policy level, social workers become essential to addressing problems of food
access in low-income communities.

Since the onset of the pandemic, a plethora of civil society organizations have risen to the occasion
to provide humanitarian relief.

Examining food insecurity and nutrition in the context of social work practice is extremely important
because of the prevalence of this issue among the often vulnerable populations that access mental
health services in settings employing social workers as primary clinicians.

The way forward

As a state member of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, India has the obligation to ensure
the right to be free from hunger and the right to adequate food for all of its citizens. However in
order to reach its commitment,

 Enlarging the Scope of Food Security Schemes:

 Bringing Development and Humanitarian Policies Together: 
 Lowering the Cost of Nutritious Food: 
COVID-19 presents both a challenge in our long-standing problems with food security and nutrition –
and an opportunity to address it. The need of the hour is to come up with sustainable solutions
which help us not only to come over the current crisis but also lift millions of people out of the cycle
of hunger and poverty.

Tools and Techniques used

Research Analysis, Time management, Presentation, and Patience


 About Food insecurity

 In what way has COVID-19 increased the Food insecurity
 Way forward to tackling the food insecurity


Day 17

Assigned task Spread awareness about World Autism Day (the earlier day)

In order to spread awareness about Autism conditions, SBF instructed me to organize an autism
awareness program for the people. Thereafter I prepared it and gave a presentation on Autism and
the role of the social worker in improving the condition of people with this condition.

About World Autism Awareness Day

World Autism Awareness Day is observed on April 2, to spread kindness and autism awareness and
also to make people understand and accept people with autism, to stimulate worldwide support,
and inspire people.

Theme 2022

The theme for World Autism Awareness Day 2022 is ‘Inclusion in the Workplace’,

What is Autism?

Autism is a lifelong neurological condition that manifests during early childhood, irrespective of
gender, race, or socioeconomic status. It is characterized by deficits in social and language
communication, as well as repetitive behaviours and restricted interests.

Impact of Autism

Children and adults with autism spectrum disorder have a wide range of abilities. Some people
cannot speak at all and many have delayed or limited verbal communication.

The study also stated that one in 66 children were autistic in India. Despite being an alarming issue,
autism awareness is severely lacking though its incidence has increased over the last decade.

How do social workers help people with autism?

A social worker that specializes in autism is often employed by a government agency, disability
agency, or self-help group to provide assistance and support to parents, children, and adults with

Social workers operate as a trusted friend or family member and offer a broad range of services to
people with autism and parents and carers of autistic children, including:

 Group work: They are skilled at bringing together people with similar life challenges and
facilitating group sessions that provide support and understanding.
 Case managers: Linking parents and families with agencies and programs that can help them
in times of need.
 Advocacy: Acting as a personal representative and counsel for you or your family when
dealing with complex government and community services.
 Counselling: Undertaking personal and family counseling, or arranging therapy services
through a relevant professional.
 Coordination: Helping the family to coordinate various specialists and health professional
appointments, arranging travel and accommodation, and managing care and respite.
 School Assistance: Can assist where assessment is required to support a child with
behavioral and social challenges and to build relationships with other students.

The presentation was wrapped up by clearing all the doubts about the role of social workers for
helping people with autism.

Tools and techniques used

Time management, Patience, Communication Skills, and Research Analysis.


 About Autism
 About the role of Social workers and the problem of Autism
 Organisation of content.

Day 18

Assigned task Visited slum area to distribute the rations, and increase awareness about the
Government’s various schemes to fight malnutrition.

Despite the government’s initiation of various schemes to meet the basic needs of Human beings, it
is India’s unfortunate that due to overpopulation such schemes could not reach every intended
beneficiary. So here comes the crucial role of social welfare organizations that voluntarily provide
support to the left ones. Therefore, SBF organized a campaign for ration distribution with a team of 4
volunteers and a few interns.

Intended Beneficiaries: Marginalized section of society

Location: Nizamuddin West Slum, New Delhi
Volunteers for distribution: 5
Interns for Observation cum assistance: 3
Number of packets to be distributed: Maximum 300 packets of food
The food packet is based on the nutrient required by the human body in a day.

This food distribution camp was organized to provide food to the malnourished population and poor
people of the country who are deprived of the basic amenities of life.

Objective :

 To distribute the food to the marginalized section of society.

 To fulfill the nutrient needs of the body for a day.
 To increase the awareness about the various schemes of the Government to combat
Malnutrition such as Mid Day meals especially for children, National Nutrition Mission
(NNM), Integrated Child Development Scheme ICSS, Eat Right India Movement, and efforts
towards Food Fortification.
Visit to Slum Area

The whole team reached at 11:00 am. We started to do the arrangement such as putting up banners
and started to talk to the people residing there.

Conversation with them

This is the second time I witnessed the camp being organized for the needy ones. To begin with, we
introduced ourselves, thereafter we started to inquire if they have eaten anything since morning and
told them the reason for visiting their place. We explained to them what are the negative impacts on
the body if we do not provide an adequate amount of nutrition. We also did counseling (i.e. Social
Groupwork and Casework method) as some of them were not accepting the facts. We explained to
them the worse impact on the children if they skip the morning meal as it could stunt their growth
and brain development. We educated them about the government’s various schemes to combat
malnutrition, especially for the children such as Mid-day meals, and also the ways to avail those
schemes. We elucidated how nutrition and stunting continue to persist as roadblocks for the

Moreover, we requested them to avail the benefits of various schemes and cooperate with the
government in the fight against malnutrition. Subsequently, we started to distribute the packets
and, in a few minutes, all packets were distributed.

We witnessed them eating. It gives us a sense of joy and happiness.

Tools and Techniques used

Social Case Work, Social Group Work, Communication, Patience, Boundaries and Cultural


 Ground realities of schemes implementation.

 Communication.
 Various schemes of Government to fight against malnutrition.

Day 19

Assigned Task Presented on the condition of air quality in India specifically Delhi and NCR regions
Breathing clean air is the fundamental right of every Indian citizen. However, in India, it seems to
be impossible to have this right since now India has various cities that top the list of the World’s
most polluted cities in the world. Therefore, the need of the hour is to increase awareness about this
and encourage people to reduce their carbon footprint through their individual actions. Based on
this SBF has asked me to present this.


Air pollution in India is not simply an environmental problem, but a major public health concern.
impacts all those breathing in the polluted air — children, the elderly, women, and men alike.

As our national capital, Delhi’s Air Quality Index crosses 500, the national capital has officially
entered the public health

According to Greenpeace, 22 of the world’s 30 most polluted cities are in India and Delhi has yet
again bagged the position of the world’s most polluted capital. emergency category. Several
internationally acclaimed studies have affirmed that life expectancy in India has declined anywhere
between two to three years.


• Young children’s health and quality of life are being significantly affected.
• Currently, breathing in Delhi’s air is similar to smoking 22 cigarettes in a day statement made by
the Supreme court.
• Many people will experience acute respiratory and eye symptoms.
• The carcinogenic pollutants increase the risk of stroke, heart disease, and lung cancer

Concerns / Challenges

o Increased number of privately owned vehicles.

o Industries’ disregard for the environment and lack of modern techniques in farming.
o Pollution is caused due to the old traditional practice of burning stubble i.e. crop-
burning in states like Haryana and Punjab.
o Air Pollution has not become an electoral priority for political leaders.

Way Forward

 3R must be utilized by every individual- Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.

 The condition of public transport must be improved and upgraded then only it will
encourage the general public to utilize it.
 We should devise a more robust, permanent solution to the problem of pollution.
 Accountability and deterrence are essential in making sure industries comply with emission
 Centre and states must work in synergy to ensure that targets set for the country and states
are fulfilled.

Tools and techniques used

Research Analysis, Systematic organization of Content, Time management, Patience, and

Communication Skills

 About the condition of air pollution in India
 Its impact on health
 Organisation of content.

Day 20

Assigned Task Presentation on world health day (the earlier day)

Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. Health is a state of complete
mental, social and physical well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Keeping in
mind the importance of Health, SBF asked me to prepare a presentation on World Health Day and
explain in what way it can be proved to be effective in Social work.

About World Health Day

World Health Day is celebrated every year on 7 April to commemorate the anniversary of the
founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948. Each year for this date, a theme is chosen
that highlights an area of priority concern for WHO.

Theme 2022

The theme of World Health Day, 2022 is – “Our Planet, Our Health”.

Importance of Health Day in Social Work

Health is an issue of human rights and social justice.

In the midst of a pandemic, a polluted planet, and increasing diseases like cancer, asthma, and heart
disease, these have increased the roles and responsibilities of a social worker to create a just society.
WHO has stated that global attention on urgent actions is needed to keep humans and the planet
healthy and foster a movement to create societies focused on well-being. 

Social workers in all settings engage every day with children, men, and women struggling to realize
these basic rights to health. Social workers locate people’s experience of health and illness in their
social, economic, political, and environmental contexts. Health and illness are viewed as social
experiences, affecting people’s identities, relationships, and opportunities. This social perspective is
rooted in the IFSW Statement of Principles for Ethics in Social Work. Social workers respect the
inherent worth and dignity of all people. This involves treating each person as a whole; respecting
the right to self-determination; promoting the right to participation; and identifying and developing

Therefore, in providing professional health and social services, social workers aim to give primacy to
the understandings of those they work with unless that would contravene the rights of another
person. Health has diverse meanings for human beings. People rarely define health only in terms of
the absence of illness. People may not give the same priority to their health that a professional or
another person might, or may disregard their own health in favor of the health of someone they care
about. Therefore, with the help of Health day, social workers can make others realize how important
is to focus on this their Health and make their life to live at their fullest potential.

Consequently, the presentation was wrapped up with great success and new learnings for all.

Tools and techniques used

Research Analysis, Patience, Critical Thinking, and Communication.


 About World Health Day.

 Importance of Social Workers in Health settings
 Importance of Health

Assigned Task Presentation on the Ways of Fundraising for a social cause and about Crowdfunding

Fundraising is the lifeline activity for any NGO, yet it is the most challenging task for us all. So to
increase the awareness about fundraising among the volunteers and interns, SBF asked me to
present the ways of Fundraising for a social cause.


Tag line: “Funding is the first pre-requisite criterion for the survival of any organization“.


Fundraising is the process of seeking and gathering voluntary financial contributions by engaging
individuals, businesses, charitable foundations, or governmental agencies

It is a significant way that non-profit organizations may obtain the money for their operations. These
operations can involve a very broad array of concerns such as religious or philanthropic groups such
as research organizations, public broadcasters, political campaigns, and environmental issues.


Fundraising is the main step for running and managing the decided and expected programs and
activities of NGOs. Organizations raise funds to support capital projects, endowments, or operating
expenses of current programs.

The traditional way of fundraising

Traditionally, fundraising has consisted mostly of asking for donations through face-to-face
fundraisings, such as door-knocking.

Contemporary Practice

Nowadays, technology has blessed us with tremendous opportunities and we only need to learn and
manage them. In recent years, new forms such as online fundraising or reformed version of
grassroots fundraising have emerged. The age-old practice has been replaced with online fundraising
i.e. crowdfunding.

Here are a few fundraising ideas for social causes:

1) 5K Run/Walkathons
2) Hosting an art show
3) Hosting a magic show
4) Printing T-shirts
5) Leveraging crowdfunding platforms
5) Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding has been there for centuries. Many companies/startups are resorting to
crowdfunding. Charities have slowly started realizing the importance of crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding is a way to raise funds for a specific cause or project by asking a large number of
people to donate money, usually in small amounts, and usually during a relatively short period of
time, such as a few months

Crowdfunding is done online, often with social networks, which makes it easy for supporters to
share a cause or project cause with their social networks. One can do crowdfunding easily online by
making use of crowdfunding websites.

These websites allow a fundraiser to register and raise funds for the project. The costs are affordable
online and one can promote the cause across various online social networking sites to gain reach.
This allows people, from not only your city but other parts of the cities and even people from other
countries to donate to your cause. In India, one can choose crowdfunding sites like Milaap to raise
funds for their cause.

I wrapped up the session after replying to the queries of the listeners on a positive note with
tremendous information.

Tools and techniques used

Presentation, Communication Skills, Systematic organization of Content, Research Analysis, and



 About the Fundraising.

 About Crowdfunding.
 How to organize content in order to make it effective.


Assigned Task – Visited various organizations for fundraising - donation.

SBF coordinated with its regular donor and arranged a visit to the organization for the interns to
have hands-on on raising the fund in the old practice that is to say offline visits instead of online

Meeting with General Manager

We visited Tata Communications situated at Greater Kailash-1, South Delhi. At 10:30 am we reached
there then we waited for our turn to come to meet the General Manager of Tata Communication. At
11:00 am we were called. To begin with, we met the General Manager of Tata Comm along with his
few team members. We introduced ourselves and explained the mission, vision of the organization,
and the purpose of our visit. As he was curious to know more about the organization so he also
questioned us the followings;
Do you have any statistics that prove how many lives SBF has impacted till now?
What are the activities in which SBF is involved?
What do you think can an organization do something to do the society without changing the policy
of the Government?
We replied to him with each and every question.

His Response

Consequently, he was satisfied with the question and also astonished to know that there are so
many people working as Volunteers for society’s welfare without any vested interest. He was
convinced to donate to the organization and also permitted us to interact with the employees on
one to one basis for donation.

Interaction with other employees

Thereafter we started to talk with the employees and tried to convince them. We explained to them
all about the working of SBF. We showed them SBF’s social media reach, the programs that SBF is
conducting from time to time, and their camps organized for various slum areas. We tried to
convince them that their small amount also has the high potential to make a larger impact on
society. Many employees were ignoring us as if we are selling them some poor-quality products.
Some tried to ask various questions about the authenticity of the organization.

We were very much aware of the fact that Convincing someone is very difficult and that too for
donation is next to impossible. Nevertheless, we tried our level best and we were determined to
convince them.

Different Reactions

Some employees blatantly showed their disinterest in donating to the social cause. Some were
donating due to pressure from peers. Very few people were donating with their willingness and
happiness. Most of the employees who did not donatev were of the thought that NGOs are asking
for the right cause but do not utilize the full amount instead use it for their own purpose.

Tools and Techniques used

Persuasion, Communication, Presentation, and Patience


 Everybody is not interested in social work.

 Confidence is the key to Persuasion.
 Different reactions are always there from different people.

Assigned Task – Awareness on National Safe Motherhood Day.

A woman is a gateway to this world. However, successful and healthy entry into this world requires a
lot of care. In India, many women do not get access to basic health facilities including sanitary
napkins, and given that women need special attention and care before, during, and after childbirth,
in order to do social welfare, it became imperative for\ the Indian government to address the issue.
Therefore, to increase awareness, SBF has asked me to give a presentation on the occasion of
National Safe Motherhood Day.

Women have God's gift to give birth to a child. In itself, it is a miracle. In our country, there are
women who died while giving birth and also don't get nutrition, and proper care during the course of
pregnancy and after that also.

About National Safe Motherhood Day

The day of Kasturba Gandhi’s birthday, 11th April is designated as National Safe Motherhood Day;
aims to raise awareness about the care that a pregnant woman needs before, during, and after

Its History

India is one of those countries in the world which are at high risk to give birth. The disparity in the
economic status of many families pushes many women to the lower end of the spectrum, making
them and the baby at risk.

This day is celebrated due to the initiative of the White Ribbon Alliance India (WRAI) to provide and
inform women about healthcare habits and for the availability and accessibility of various healthcare
programs during pregnancy, childbirth, and post-natal services. In 2003, according to the request of
WRAI, the Government of India declared 11 April as National Safe Motherhood Day which is the
anniversary day of Kasturba Gandhi's birth.

Theme 2022

Considering the covid-19 pandemic situation the theme for this year is “Remain at home amid
coronavirus, protect mother and infant safe from coronavirus”.


The sole aim of observing this day is to bring people together and make them aware of the adequate
care and skills needed for women during pregnancy and post-pregnancy. People should come
together to achieve the target of reducing the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per
1,00,000 live births. Its main purpose is to reduce the maternal mortality rate by increasing
awareness about institutional delivery.

What is Institutional delivery?

It means giving birth to a child in a medical institution under the overall supervision of trained and
competent health personnel. It also signifies the availability of amenities to handle the situation and
save the life of the mother and child.

Having access to basic amenities is also a fundamental right of human beings,

Tools and Techniques used

Presentation, Communication, Patience, and Time Management


 About National Motherhood Day

 Importance of healthcare facility for prenatal and postnatal stages.
 About Institutional Delivery

Assigned Task – Awareness program on World Earth Day

The planet is dying faster than we thought. Human society is in jeopardy from the accelerating loss
of Earth's natural life. It is our responsibility to raise awareness about it among the masses so that
collective action can be taken to save human existence and mother Earth. With the intention of
increasing awareness about it, SBF asked me to give an elaborate on the same.

About World Earth Day

World Earth Day, also known as the International Mother Earth Day, is celebrated every year on April
22. Countries across the globe come together to create more awareness about the dire need to
protect our environment.

]Its History

Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First
held on April 22, 1970, this was when the peace activist John Mc Connell proposed to honor Mother
Earth and the concept of peace during a UNESCO conference in San Francisco.

It now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally by (formerly Earth Day
Network) including 1 billion people in more than 193 countries.

Theme 2022

The theme of Earth Day 2022 is to ‘Invest in our planet’. In 2021, the theme was to ‘Restore our
Earth’ and in 2020, the theme was ‘Climate action’.


 It is celebrated to remind each of us that the Earth and its ecosystems provide us
with life and sustenance.
 This Day also recognizes a collective responsibility, as called for in the 1992 Rio
Declaration, to promote harmony with nature and the Earth to achieve a just
balance among the economic, social, and environmental needs of present and
future generations of humanity.
 This day provides an opportunity to raise public awareness around the world
about the challenges regarding the well-being of the planet and all the life it
 This year, Earth Day focuses on putting an end to an old traditional technology
that causes pollution therefore the theme is “Invest in our Planet” which means
investing in greener technology to save our Planet.

Steps taken

On Earth Day, millions of people connect to discuss environmental issues like pollution and
deforestation. Many people participate and organize events to hold discussions around topics of
environmental literacy to educate young minds about various climate issues.

In order to increase awareness about climate change on Earth Day, Google has made a series of
animations of four locations. When you visit the Google Search homepage on Chrome internet
browser today, you will be welcomed with a timelapse animation. These animations will change
every hour to showcase the effect of climate change over a time period.
The day focuses on the global climate crisis that is worsening with each passing day.

Tools and Techniques used

Presentation, Communication, Time management and Patience


 About World Earth day

 Reason for celebrating it

Assigned Task – Visited slum area to distribute used clothes.

In spite of several schemes of Government, to meet the basic needs of Human beings, it is
impossible to reach every intended beneficiary of a country with a large population. Hence it is
imperative for all NGOs/foundations/individuals to take some steps to help Government to reach
this envisaged target. Therefore, SBF organized a campaign with the support of Ratna Nidhi
Charitable Trust, for cloth distribution with a team of 5 volunteers and a few interns.

Project Name : Garment Project by Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust

Intended Beneficiaries: Underprivileged section of society
Location: Kalkaji Extension, Govindpuri
Volunteers for distribution: 5
Interns for Observation cum assistance: 4
Age Group: 8 to 60 Years


To give an underprivileged person a pair of clothes is as good as dressing him with self-respect. With
this objective, we distribute usable garments to the poorest of the poor children, women, and men
of all ages. In order to reach out to more poor and needy people, we distribute these garments
through a network of various institutions. They in turn distribute the garments to individual

Method of Distribution

Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust distributes these garments through a network of various institutions.
Since the current situation demands the working of multiple NGOs in tandem then only the common
objective of social welfare or just society can be reached. Therefore, Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust
asked SBF to help them in the distribution of the clothes in order to increase their reach.

Ways of finding the beneficiaries

We were encouraged to conduct surveys or compile a list of beneficiaries across different

regions/slum areas to facilitate packing as well as distribution. We also tabulated all requirements
according to age, sex and size.

The garment department Ratna Trust first sorts out the clothes as per the age and sex of every
group. It then discards torn clothes, and after the final count, it packs and transports them to the
agency’s destination. All care is taken to provide timely help to the beneficiaries e.g. woolens &
sweaters in winter and cotton in summer. Ratna Nidhi's representative maintains a consistent
follow–up. This, in turn, strengthens the networking between the NGOs.
Thereafter we need to acknowledge them with the distribution of clothes along with the list of the
beneficiaries and a few photographs.


We reached Kalkaji Extension, Govindpuri Slum area at 11:00 am. Initially, we introduced ourselves,
and our organization and informed them about our objective to visit their place. Thereon we started
interacting with the people, asking about their health and about their families, etc. Slowly people
started to mingle up with us. Then we started to distribute the clothes according to their age and
sex. They were very happy to see the clothes in proper condition. Some accepted with joy, some
were expressionless. Overall an ambiance of positive energy was created.

We were happier than them after donating the clothes.

Tools and Techniques used

Communication, Empathy, Patience


 About the ground realities

 Process of distributing the clothes.
 Co-ordination with other NGOs.

Assigned Task – Visited Slum area for distribution of books and raise awareness about the
importance of education specifically among an underprivileged section of the society.

Education is one of the most powerful aspects of life. Many children in India are not getting the
proper education, they lack the basic necessity of every individual. In view of the above and to help
the unfortunate, SBF arranged a visit to slum areas for donating books and spreading awareness
about the importance of education among an underprivileged section of society.

Intended Beneficiaries: Children of Underprivileged sections of society

Location: Madanpur, Kahadar
Volunteers for distribution: 5
Interns for Observation cum assistance: 4
Age Group: 05 to 15 years

Two days ago, SBF planned for a book donation campaign in a slum area of Madanpur, Kahadar.


And today we reached the decided area at 11:00 am. We did some arrangements like putting up
banners of SBF and then placing our table and chair and so on. Thereafter, people from the slum
area out of their curiosity gathered to see what is happening/ going on. Then we introduced
ourselves and informed about SBF and the objective of our visit to their place.

We started to distribute the books among children. Thereafter, we started two-way

communications with their parents. We asked them about their qualification and about their
children’s school life and what they think about the schooling of their children. With their reply, it
came to our notice that many children were school dropouts because they help their parents in
earning by doing odd tasks.

Then we tried to do their counseling by explaining to them the need for education, and how could
education can transform not only their children’s lives but also their lives. We explained to them
about the various schemes started by Government like Mid-day meals where children will get the
mid-day meal in schools to achieve their daily nutrition intake. Consequently, it will improve their
children’s health and also increases their children’s life expectancy.

Few Parents were very happy to know about these things and agreed to send their children back to
school. However, few were worried about their monthly earnings that would be going to reduce if
they start sending their children back to school. It will help them to improve themselves and learn
new things, find good opportunities, become good human beings and lead a respectable life in
society with their head high. The more education these children will acquire, the higher the chance
to create a good life for their families.

As books have a wonderful way of helping slum children’s development, within the world of books
anyone can find imagination and creativity.

Tools and Techniques used

Persuasion, Communications, Group work, Casework, Active listening, and Patience


 About the ground realities pertaining to education.

 How to deal with the real-time client.

Assigned Task – Presentation on World malaria day

Malaria is one of the major world public health problems, causing 350-500 million infections
worldwide and approximately 1 million deaths annually. To spread awareness about this SBF asked
me to prepare a presentation on it.

About World Malaria Day

World Malaria Day is observed annually on 25 April, to bring global attention to the efforts being
made to bring an end to malaria, and encourage action to reduce suffering and death from the
disease. Malaria is a leading cause of human morbidity and mortality.

Malaria is a serious, sometimes fatal disease that is spread by mosquitoes who have been infected
by a parasite. The disease is spread when mosquitoes feed on humans

Its History

World Malaria Day was established in May 2007 by the 60th session of the World Health Assembly,
[5] WHO's decision-making body. The day was established to provide "education and understanding
of malaria" and spread information on "year-long intensified implementation of national malaria-
control strategies, including community-based activities for malaria prevention and treatment in
endemic areas.

Every two minutes, a child dies of malaria. Malaria is a preventable and treatable disease that
remains, in many regions of the world, a major public health problem. Ninety-one countries
currently experience ongoing malaria transmission. Almost half the world’s population – about 3.2
billion people – are at risk of malaria.

Theme 2022

The official theme for the year 2022 is ‘World Malaria Day 2022: "Harness innovation to
reduce the malaria disease burden and save lives."


This was done to bring greater awareness to the global fight and to recognise the existence of
malaria across the globe.

The day is celebrated and observed to raise awareness about this life-threatening disease and to
encourage people to come together in order to prevent it. The day also allows new donors to join
the fight against malaria by organizing fundraisers for the initiative. It also aims to bring research and
educational institutions to communicate any scientific advancements made regarding the disease.

Many organizations and individuals donate money on this day to initiatives involved in research on
malaria. Events and seminars are organized to shed light on the disease, highlight its treatment and
what preventative measures can be taken

Tools and Techniques used

Presentation, Communication, Patience, Planning, and Time management.


 About World malaria day

 About the statistics of Malaria Day
 Its significance

Tasks Assigned Visited nearby slum areas and distributed Sanitary pads

Tools and Techniques used

Presentation, Communication, Patience, Planning, and Time management.

Day 3

Assigned Task – Making e-poster

Tools and Techniques used


Tools and Techniques used


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