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psin2024 Regolamento didatio del Corso dl Stud POLITECNICO MILANO 1863 Academic Year 2021/22 School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering Degree Programme of: Architecture - Building Architecture ‘Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science) Milano Campus 1, General Information Sehoot School of Architecture Uiban Planing Construction Eaginering (Code Reference Law 017 Name Architecture - Building Arcitere Reference Law (Ordinamento 270104 Cass of degree MA. Architecture aad Archnectaralcaloesing Degree level [Lmrea Magisral (Equivalent To Master Of Science) First your of activation 20082009 (Official length ofthe programme 2 Years of the programme already > Oficial tanguagets) ©) [lanai Campus iano ean of the School Ira Pamela Simonetta Valente Coordinator ofthe Study programme _ Marie Cristina Giambruno Website of the Schoot inp wwwraui plist Website of the Study programme hp wwwarciteturaellecosrzinl pon (0) The degre course offers some racks in Talia and oters in English Central Student Office - Milano Leonardo ‘Address VIAC. GOLGI, 4 (Mh) 2. General presentation ofthe study programme ‘The purpose ofthe FU Laurea Magistrate (equivalent to Master of Science) programme in Architecture ~ Building Architecture if ain a European archite! who, onthe basis of advanced profesional knowledge, can give suitable and updated answers to the comple) of problems ted tote Design and Building of Architecture, 10 the des and profesional responsibiites requested today’ by thi secior sm Furope, and who i able to operate design bres wih the ‘ontbation ofa multiplicity of knowledge and techniques, This purpose can be reached by making the best eiicl and design tration ofthe school of “Areiacture in Milan to cooperate vith the aclentii and technical fadon ofthe School of Engineering at Politecnico d Milano ‘The bet eric and design radiion ofthe school of Architecture in Milan cooperates withthe scien and technical uaison ofthe Schol of Engineering al the Politecnico, Training is mainly aimed at deopening the relationship between the archiectre and sretural design, considering. the constrtion a {echnial oo in the desgn bt sleoSindamental expressive element ofthe architec works ‘Today, the profesion demands the project as "as complex system", rsul ofthe slaionship among diferent knowledges. Ils management carts 1 the chit te cual yle of director, able wo dive and eeap this proces, eming at guaranes the realization of works and paces architectural quai The ability vo consciously pay this oe, briefly, the purpose hat the Laures Male equilenl to Maser of Selene) prorarae elo, Isher words the goal ofthe Laurea Maps (equivalent to Mase of Sience) Programme i to educate onthe eliestion nd preservation and enhancing of complex works = where complexity refers bot to works and places they define -in harmony withthe environment they ae posioned i, answering raquiemens of sustainability, futon, well-being, and also stably bust and durable a thi oral se and in aio to sovere natal event Forthis purpose, Lares Maga equivalent to Mater of Seiene) programme in Archilectne - Bung Archletire ole raining process bed on the Design Studios, tat are the cenal moment ofthe mater stdeut tang. These Studios ar based on av interiseplnary framework, whore diferent Customized Services > Cater Data > Study Plan Submision ‘xcusively dating the speifie periods established by the adem elena: hps:ww sue poly vendita asl t-enlih-document rant ‘occnglish-calendaioaceademico 1552 Hale-year Change of Study Plan Inthe period shown by the acadcnic ealendar, it wll be possible to change the Study Plan submited during the academic yer in progress, altyeae change of Stay Plan i optional, Stadens ol withing to make any aeration donot ned to change the Stay Ps ‘i pore to sbangs only cours included inte earrentacademis Year. It isnt possible onda or dose fst-smescr cours, Students must deselect the scond-semestr courses they wish to change, wil therfore be possible oad o emove, within the second semester only, optional and compulsory courses nt subject o allocation of mer, fal test and inecsip 185.3. Additonal Payment ‘Though resolution of the Boord of Governors, an additional payment of 10.00 cuts is applicable for fue o submit the Study Plan within the dsadins established by the academie calendar The payment wil be required with the second instalment, ISS Attendance ‘Once included in the study pla, teachings ar Histed as acquired attendance ia the following years, giving the possiblity 1 take the examination with the ‘original profesor as longa the ater remaine active Ifthe tude wishes toate the teaching again, when fling the sty pan for he following scadese ‘year (Seplember), they candles the previously acquired endanee and inset the same teaching (according Io the active edcatonal fer) a8 new attendance, Final test and talncetip:aeadance doesnot expte, and these are entre in the creer oe time only. ‘uupovrpotn student ert piano-deplstude af 1854.1 Stadion ‘Attendance ofa lest 70% ofthe Studio hours is compulsory. The atndance achieved does ot expire but the examination must be taken within the thee Sessions ofthe academe year following the one in Which attendance takes place. Should this time expe, the Studio must be cael r-atended, 1555. Courves as Extra Its posible to add courseseducational activites othe Study Plan as extras. These courses will not coun foward the overall credits required for admission to the final ext and will nt be wed in clelation of the sore average Wie porible to change the satu of course from required to ext and vice versa, duting the annual Study Plan submission period. For all eguation, reference should be made othe spec Univer guide 1546 Allocations 18461 Studios Inthe fist yeuy, students evolled onthe Architetura—Archietura delle Coercion! Previously Approved Stedy Plan mst indicate i order of preference 2 options for Laboratorio dt Arhitettra dele Cotracion: Complesse a forthe Optional Sto. ‘tudes corlled othe Bulding Architecture Previously Approved Study Plan mat indicate studi for complex consracion 1 ad forthe Optional Stud. Inthe scond yar, student cried onthe Archietura~ Architeture delle Costrasiont Previously Approved Study Plan ent indicate in order of, preference 2 options forthe Laboratorio di avchtctwa delle Castncion! Complese 2 © Laboratori di Arcitetra per la Conseracione delle Cesincioni Complesse Inthe second yer, students cuolled on the Bullding Architecture Previously Approved Study Plan must incas bn order of preference 2 options forthe Architectural devgn studio or comples architecture? rchiectural design sad or bul enronment preservation and tasormation. Placemeat of studcats inthe studios wil be based on he position nthe ranking list andthe nlc ofthe rcforenees expressed der of preference 2 options forthe Arhitectwal design tps: wow. ceda poli imanifestimanifesticonirallr/extraRegolamentoP bic. do?jat_curentWFID=mainSEVN_DEFAULT wvertoBa: 218k... 1315 2siri024 Regolamento didatio del Corso dl Stud Profrences must be expressed each year will eondred according tthe following rita ‘Onder by decreasing values of parameter G 2 ici ‘where Viste sore obtained inthe th examination, Cis the numberof credits corresponding to thei examination, and m isthe ‘umber of xaminons ken ‘lest year: the parameter G il be ealeulated base on the cae followed at dealin of request of admission, Second year: the parameter wl he eslulte based onthe earer followed daring the sme session. For ll students returning from Erasmus, it wll not be posible oak the sores ino secountunlets previously validated on the Plan prior to alocton. ‘Any aot students who, for whatever reson, delay enrolment beyond te established deadlines wl be aulomatialy placed i the avaiable secon ‘Students are not permited to atend ulios er courses no ncaled inthe Pan. Under no eiteamstanes ay assesment eating aetviis not inched in ‘he Study Plan o not atended i accordance wa the section allocations, be recognised or validated ‘The School defines the umber of student in each studio's ection. The Schoo eserves he ight to change he numeri is bef for teshing, 1546.2 Singlesubject and Integrated Courses Inectons in which thee ar lective courses or various sections ofthe same sngl-sbjet or integrated couse, stants must expres ther preferences et ur by the online system and wil be allocated places aconding Yo ment in accordance wh he crits indieated it the above pont. ‘The School defines the number of students who may earl ia each teaching. The Scool reserves the ght to change this number is helpful for teaching 186.3 Course Plies The University yon resolution ofthe Academic Seat, has established he following priority types ‘Suggested Dice not enlablsh any formal restriction, Aims ta provide stents with useful infomalion onthe sequence of courses ‘panty butdoes no fet the composition ofthe Stay Pan or examination recording, ‘Study Plan Establishes a restriction which must be observed when choosing courses upon submission of the Study Plan. Ii not ‘composition possible for couse “B10 be inelude in the Sty Plan if enue "A (over It nt passed) hs ol beet ineladed This ronty doesnot fest examination recording Examination reconing pron Estblishes a rescton which must be observed both during Study Plan compilation and during positive’ examination recording (passing of the cous). It's ot posible for "B'To he recorded if"A has not bees reoeded For the Lawea Magiarale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architesture-Bulding Architecture, the course progression established by the Depie Programme mast be observed 18-7 Elective Activities In their educational pat, students are required to include optional courses designed to further explore an complete the specific topics of the individual curcula. The couse eatalogue ofthe School of Archiecur Urban Planing Construction Engincting offs numerous courses tamed “optional” which ‘veto complete the lective couse ECTS, ‘Asan alternative, the Sco! recognizes Workshops as specified below. 157.1 Optional Courses Upon Study Pln compilation, students may add a number of optional courses dependent on the couse catalogue ofthe Previously Approved Study Plan soled upon, ‘list ofthe courses offered and thei programmes may be consulted inthe Degree Programme, ‘No allocation i required for optional courses The School defines th numberof udeas who may enol in cach teaching The School resares the right hangs this number ts belpfl fr teaching. Closed number subject Tm oder to guarance and preserve the quay of teaching, « maximum numberof lg paicipans ise as shown inthe abe below: NUMERO. MASSIMO DI CODICE | DENOMINAZIONE INSEGNAMENTO._/ SEMESTRE 1 STUDENTI/ ‘cope. DESCRIPTION SEMESTER MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STUDENTS REYOND THE MIRROR © ANALYZING 86142 ARCHITECTURE P had 081632 FOTOGRAFIA DELUARCHITETTURA 1 0 IC_ADVANCED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN osnss IC ADS 2 0 IC_ADVANCED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN oooso IC ADS 2 50 IC ADVANCED ARCIINTECTURAL DESIGN oo1946 WORKSHOP. Pe se s0i26 PHOTOGRAPHY FOR ARCHITECTURE 2 80 os7153 WOMEN IN ARCHITECTURE 2 0 1872 MIAW ‘The Schoo! of Architecture Usban Planning Construction Enginceing oes for students ofthe Laurea (equivalent 10 Bachelor of Science) in Arcitestual Design and the Laurea Magitale (equivalent to Maser of Selene) in Archtectue and Usban Design, Bulding Architecture, Aveitacture ~ Bult nvronmen - Inlenors, Landscape Architestre Land Landscape Herta, Urban Planing and Poiey Desig, inlensive ntermaonal programme: MIAW- ‘he Milan ternational Architecture Workshop, which delivers 4 ECTS replacing te 4 ECTS ofthe elective activities chosen bythe todes 18.72.1 How to attend and reister for the MAW ‘When fling i the study plan, the student may choose between the Vavious iterrtional teachers, expressing their references in tems of setons, and will be alloted onthe basi of ment accorsing othe weighted average of the exams st y the heyinng ofthe sare seen, ‘The numberof places avalale fr students of Latres Magirtale (equivalent to Master of Scienes), and Lata (equivalent to Bachelor of Scisoss) wil be decided fom year fo yearly. coming students fom intemationl mobility cannot paricpat is MAW. Ticase of vacancy, the avilable places may be asigned. Students who are not admitted wil be ofiialy assigned a generic workshop code (see speci daring the erly period of modification of te study pan. tions dicated fo workshops), which wil ner be rectifable tps: wow. ceda poli imanifestimanifesticonirallr/extraRegolamentoP bic. do?jat_curentWFID=mainSEVN_DEFAULT wvertoBa: 028k... 145 2siri024 Regolamento didatio del Corso dl Stud ‘Aucndance athe MIAW is compulsory and, unlit the oter workshops, it involves afta assessment; atthe end ofthe couse, stunts wll acd to rgister Trad for an exam in order oobi ct mark spt of heir academie ere. Aer allocation, i wil ot be possible o remove the teaching fom the study pan orto replace it wit another course, If students doo ‘will have be edded as an addtional course and will onebut othe payamett ofthe second instalment of tuto feos. Studoats inthe fest your (Master of Science) or second year Bachcl®) af thst course may’ bring forward the MIAW activity only iF they havea fll sudy plan withall he fsyear (Master of Seienee) or second-year (Bachslon teaching, as pr the general rules for ing in he say plan S73 Workshope Worishops aise ae of wo types: = workshops tecognzed as opal courses or excess course; workshops recognize as aineship. Incision to dgree sessions, workshops can be acre only ifthey end at cata month before gradation day [Laurea Magisral (equivaleat 10 Mase of Science) sudons cannot request the accrediation of workshop atiuded while being cooled in @ Laura ‘Tina eguivaleat to Bachelor of Seiene) programme; sre workshop bas hewn arid out as an “excess course during the Laurea Tica (equivalent ‘o Bachelor of Seience) programme canna he valdsed within the Laurea Magtale (equivalent to Maser of Selene) programme, "Educational credits eamed fom workshops may only be recognized if authorzed in advance by the School Board, following a reasoned and supported programe propose! bys Professor (of the School or the Politecnico di Milan) coordinating the acti, ‘list ofthe workshops aceredied bythe Sehool of Architecture Usban Panning Consracton Engineering i valle ithe dedicated section ofthe Schol's ‘website and updated several mes ding the year hip: asi poli it ddaitewleron-essam wortop Ih order to participate in workshops, students must fllow the procedures indicated in each workshop summary sheet and refer to the relevant Professors indicted bythe Profesor responsible. ‘Students who have attended or wish atend a workshop must observe the following procures: students enol staring fom the 201617 academic year, must have entered the “Workshop” hne wien completing the stuly plan students enrolled in academic yeas prir to 2016/17, during Study Plan compiltion, they may have colered the “Workshop” line or, altemativey, an ‘psonal couse, Stents may replace the optional course with atendance ofa workshop, In this case, the change of line inthe Plan wil be done by the SppropriteOfices during recording of eres ‘The workshop validation must be requested, atleast one month before the graduation dal, exclusively by using the wouble ticketing system in the “PETITIONS” seen availble onthe webpage hips: raaue poly veneontctustrouble-cketing-aurea-magsrale-msc, spesfVng athe tet ofthe message if requested validation is for WORKSHOP or MANDATORY INTERNSHIP (only i this option i provided inte workshop suisnaty she!) and attaching the cortfiate of patpaion, For the Building Archtecire Programme, resogmtion of ¢ maximum of ECTS eared fom patcpation in workshops is permite (the MIAW- Mian International Architecture Workshop intensive programme is considered a workshop). fad the MIAW 15. Traineeship dents ean cary other traineeship fom the fit semester ofthe firs year or at ner tm, provided thi it has heen nr in the Stay Plan ding the Sulomission and change perio ‘The Schoo! cooperates wih profesional associations, public administrations, local authorities and companies, to onguize extemal tsinccship atv, in ‘order to puranie the stadt the opportunity To aque the ees required by the edcationl sem, Indio, stdeas may cary ot» Pritcal Activity (sinovehip] whine Departments othe Politecnico di Milano. ‘Tao rules oa wainceship duration wil be established by the Pogratunes, in acotdance wit the dreeves of the School Al furter information i avalable ‘he Tsineeship OMe of the School of Arehiccure Urban Planning Construction Enginoring. and in the dedicated soction of the School's ‘Website pf asi poli ven suds tranlteto-engih-cairastdent nternshipn ‘The University also organises Erasmus scholarships for wanessbips abroad. For fue information: pvr polimUen service andopporuunitiesexpeicnee- abroad interationslntrnsipe 189 Examinations ‘The unifority of procedures for checking of leming across al setons ofthe same course and planing ofthese procedures is ensured through appropriate forms of coordination, inline wih the directives ofthe Laurea Magisate equivalent to Master of Science) Prowarame ‘Atthe sta ofthe academic year, ach Professor wil communicate the procedures fr checking of earing, the conta! ofthe examington and the asessmeat, For each course (individual courses or suis) there are thre exam sessions Fach exam sesion invol¥s one or more exam session dat as esablished by the ‘Schoo!s academic calendar, cach of which students may use. It's ot posible to take exams ata dstance (eva Skype) unless there are public order evens ‘which make atendaace impossibs, ‘Students may ony partcpate inthe exam sessions if duly registered online for the examination date within the desdines provided through the Online Services. At the end ofthe exam registration procedure, the stem issue receipt to be saved and stored that confi the enrolleat, ‘Students can register to an exam only if ‘hey paid all university ution fos that Course is ncaded in thee Sty Plan they passed all propasdcuie exams relate to the ane to which they want to be epstered 1 they tended the cour, n care the attendance i compulsory ‘Graduating todos must observe the specific deadlines established bythe academic calendar inorder to permit completion, within the established deadlines, ofthe procedures for rgistuon for he dere exam session, ‘Students may also reise afer the deadline st bythe Schoo, In fat, they may register up unt midnight ofthe actual exarn dl, In tht ese, the registration ‘will Be accepted as conditional and it willbe up tothe eacher's uapealable decision whether ore stent nt may be edited to the exam in question, 18.10 Final Test ‘The Laurea Magisrale (equivalent to Misier of Science) Programme in Architecture - Bulking Architecture conciades wih a Final Test involving preseniaton and decsson ofthe graduation work. The gration ork consists ofan achtecture project developed and explored based on the work cared fut in one ofthe Laurea Magia equivalent to Master of Science) Studios acaded and completed bythe student, and must be approved by the techoars bf the selected Sudo. ‘The graduation work must develop an important architectural theme, with particular attention othe theoretical and practical aspects tht conbute to defining ‘he design and to the division of the work acondng tothe specific competencies ofthe ferent Studios. The work must also highlight the analycal eriteal and design sks developed bythe candidate. The poia of wew of dsigh and ts centalty withis the educational puch must gude the development ofthe ‘work For all information on the Final Test, students must rofer to the Final Test Regulations for the Laurea Magisirae (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes of the School of Architecture Urban Planing Construction Engineering and te Additional Final Test Regulations forthe Laurea Magsrale (cquvalent o Master of Science) Programme in Architecture - Building Architecture published onthe Schools website: ups auie polis ven stants teaslt-to-enish-crir- stent rapslate-o-eghnh-san laure aureo-magitale 15. Errata corrige 1515

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