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The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 40

Obviously, at first, I didn't want to go out too much, but now it's become a
thing of the past. It is true that many accidents have already occurred, and
now it is receiving too much a en on to turn it back on.

ok ok, it's going to work out anyway. It is true that the view of me has
changed a bit since the me I was ignorant of my seniors, but of course, it
was not close to favori sm.

Added to the fact that he's a rookie guy who can make noises again when
the prince is there.

I'm ge ng into the posi on of a madman who shows more than what I
expected, somehow?

“… … … You sold my name?"


I told the truth to Bertus, who returned to the dormitory on Sunday. I think
it would be be er to speak with my mouth rather than to know later. The
place to talk to Bertus was on the tea- me terrace the other day. There
were few people and it was easy to talk.

When he said that he had sold his name and forced his seniors to resign,
Bertus seemed absurd.
"I knew that there was such a culture in the Royal Class, but when I asked
why he didn't come, he was just no cing..."

In front of me, Bertus didn't pretend to be kind or talk pre y.

Bertus knew that there was such a culture, but he seemed to be wondering
why he didn't come.

“So, what if the seniors come on Monday? If that's the case, get me down

It's not your senior who makes you stretch, but you're actually the one,

When Bertus smiles insidiously,

He was saying with his eyes that he wanted to lose you.

“There’s a very high probability that it won’t come, but even if it does, that
picture would be really funny.”

"Are you kidding me?"

“It means that even if you prostrate or not stretch out, you won’t be

Shall we punch the prince who doesn't lie down and stretches out? It's
funny if you do, and even more funny if you don't. Or, the person who
ordered it may have a heart a ack even if you just lie flat on your stomach.
No ma er how high the temple is, seniors and juniors are everything, but
the imperial prince and princess are the second most respected noblemen
in the world in this situa on where the imperial power has risen ver cally.

Principles and reality are different laws. A prince or a great aristocrat can
do something, but the prince is very different even if the class is different.

Bertus was smiling at the bastard who dared to sell his name.

“Okay, but s ll, it is a great sin to sell the name of the Imperial Prince.
You're not promo ng your classmate, Bertus, but Prince Bertus de Gradias.
Obviously you didn't men on me as a friend. Right?"

“Is that what it means to be like that?”

It wasn't saying do it in front of my friend Bertus, but in front of the prince,

too, so Bertus was right. Is this guy mad too?

it an angle that wears a ring and bounces off?

"Originally, it would make sense to destroy the three tribes. But I don't
really want to. You used me once, so I'll have to use you too. Isn't that


Is there anything I can do for him? In any case, Bertus offered a fairly fair
deal. It was certainly possible within the temple to men on the prince's
name, but, because it's a shocking thing.
"A few classes with my half brother

I know you are listening.”

You must be talking about Charlo e.

"It's nothing special. Just let me know if you find anything unusual."

Keep an eye on Charlo e de Gradias and let me know if you no ce

anything unusual. I'm not asking you to be friendly, and I'm not asking you
to work behind the scenes.

But in the end, is it slowly becoming Bertus' long-term horse?

It's annoying

“What is it?”


There has to be something special about me. At first, I didn't have much to
say. I have no face at all with me in this state.

He doesn't seem to care about me at all. Do you know who I am in the first

"And a li le. Do you get along well with the kids?"

Bertus sighed, pretending to be angry.

"By my standards, it's okay to be well place? Why, in a way, I was the one
who saved the children from being craved today, right?"

Bertus burst out a smirk at my absurd contempt.

"I don't think it's a good thing to call Grand Duchess Ahn Paktong?"

Have I been whining at you?


It wasn't really a secret that Bertus and I were talking separately. yes

The way my classmates looked at me also became quite strange.

I don't think we'll ever get along, but we talk to each other for a while, and
from a distance, it seems like we're a li le close.

He revealed himself to be a beggar, but Bertus doesn't seem to be

par cularly angry with the guy who sold his name.

Not everyone seemed to understand this.

“Bee, Bertus!”

Tea me Terra, when Erhi became contempla ve.

He ran to Bertus, who came out of S.

"Yeah, do you have something to say?"

“Hey, watch out for that guy… .”

"Ah, there's nothing to worry about Reinhardt. He's just a li le clumsy."

"s ll… ."

Well, even if I look at it, I think I'm not that good of a guy because I'm

It seemed like I was talking nonsense about the fact that I might end my
life and do harm to the prince because I am a low-pitched bastard. Because
it's ge ng farther away. I didn't hear it though.

When I think about it, I think I'm definitely a be er person than Erhi. At
this point in me.

The image that the prince and I were closer than the other kids was
spreading, and it seemed to be a mystery to the kids.

my albania

I also don't know what to do now.

Bertus is definitely a guy who will be nice to me in the moment I prove my

Even if it is a profit or a stop loss later, it would be be er to cooperate with

Bertus for now. Unless you make Charlo e do bad things.

As I was leaving the lobby and going to the dormitory, there was Harriet
si ng at a table drinking tea and reading a book.

And the guy who made eye contact with me narrowed his brow.


Excited to the point where you can see me! He shook his head sharply.
What, if he's like this, he's cute enough to cry.

What a noble high school girl.

joy! I mean. When was it ever fashionable?

“Pick up.”

"What, what?!"

My face turned red again, and I shrugged.

“It was just a word. What, is your name Paktong?"

“Uh, uh… . uh… .”

What is it, have you already been trained for the word “paktong”?

"You said you have good hair, but you're not young."

"this ! "

He jumped up and walked over to me.

“You keep provoking me, so I’m the one. If you do this, you are doing this
to get up and give my teacher a penalty! uh!"

It seemed that it was the result of the wild imagina on in my head. How
dare I dare to provoke you! This is the purpose of making people say that it
is a viola on of the rules of the school.

Since I'm a kid, I think it could be for nothing.

“No, I have no idea…”

“Then why are you doing this to me? I'm not ght! isn't it? Why are you
doing this, you bastard!"

“No. Deal exchanges are too ght. All kinds of reac ons come out of a
single word, so why not do it if you’re like you?”

"what? Deal... . Dill what?"

There are all kinds of drama c reac ons to a single word, but I do it more
because it's fun. I passed the guy who was looking for something to say
with his pale, red face.


"Wow, what? What are you saying now..."

"It's cute, it's a genius, it's Nabal, it's a lovebird. Meals have to be cute for
my taste. You are so childish, I like this one."

"what… . What do you mean?"

He seemed confused as to whether what I said was a compliment or an


How fun it was to make fun of a well-groomed noble lady. Uh, how can I
hear this? Is this real? Can't this happen? I'm confused by myself and I'm
just trying to understand the situa on, but that expression that I can't
accept it is real.


I giggled to myself and went back to the dorm.


Monday's common class. On Monday, these and other events happened.



A second-year senior who gave me a lot of embarrassment came to class.

He did not come alone, but he arrived with the seniors who had come.
Except for that calm senior named Adriana, four people showed up.

The li le boy from last me was also staring at me as if he was going to eat
me. It was also true that the atmosphere of the class suddenly froze when
the seniors appeared.

He suddenly threw something at me before I could say anything.

- touk
It fell exactly on my desk, not on my face or anywhere else.


I know what this is.

"You have seriously damaged the honor of the last me I, Ard de Gri s, the
heir of the Gri s family."

He didn't look as excited as last me.

"Therefore, I challenge you to a duel for the price of your damaged honor."
• Duel?"
"Yes, duel."

What kind of ghost shit is this?

Pick a place and me There the observers will be witnesses of our duel."

Everyone responded that they could not believe this situa on when they
applied for a duel against their juniors.

"So, I'm going to apply for a duel because I'm disgusted with screaming and
grabbing a ball while trying to grab a junior who is a year younger than me.
What is this?"

At those words, everyone who watched the scene began to hold back their
laughter. The seniors tried not to laugh, but they looked around, but the
corners of their mouths were trembling in the same way. It was kind of
funny no ma er what Pia was. "It's a foul! That's bad! Pervert!" Li le
Redina only pointed at me and shouted.

"You look like a mess, but you have to catch everything you can catch.
What are you talking about? You should have been quietly beaten, right?
Huh? There must be, right?"

"That's a long story, if you're going to refuse a duel and embrace disgrace,
then do it. You're only that much of a man. Admit that you're the only one
who can win in such a filthy way."
Ard de Gri s seemed unmoved by my words. I know because I met him the
other day. If I fight this guy, I'm sure I'll explode. No, it's not at the level of
being squeezed, it's obviously going to be seriously injured.


I did include a fight scene. A duel between students in the temple by

agreement can take place on the premise that no swords are used.

You'll get hurt badly, though.

I won't die.

"Yes, I accept it."

Maybe I didn't expect that I would accept the duel, and not only the
person who applied for the duel, but also my seniors and classmates
seemed to be astonished.

“Keep in mind, I won’t fall for the same mean move as last me.”

Psychological extremes are required.

That was the reason why I accepted it even though I knew it was going to

I don't know if a duel could be a reason for me, but I should try.

The Demon prince Goes to the Academy 41

It was only natural that the class atmosphere became strange a er the
seniors passed away.

"Hey you. Talk to me for a second."

"What are you talking about?"

Even though everyone went back, the li le senior Le Dina did not return
and called me. There was no aggression even when we came out and
talked. He looked frightened by the subject he had been staring at as if he
was about to kill him.

He took me out and dragged me to the landing that no one seemed to



"Are you crazy?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Ard is a sophomore, class A, number 3. Do you know what this means? Do

you want to die?"

Naturally, he thought I would embrace the disgrace of refusing a duel.

Because this guy knows that I won by a acking the vital points, not really
good at figh ng.
"I'm not going to kill you."

“Because you don’t have any skills or talents.

What do you believe in dueling? Are you an idiot?" Adriana said yesterday
that this li le boy forced her to do something, but in fact, she was a very
weak-hearted girl.

In fact, looking at it now, he seemed to be restless. He was excited at the

thought of swearing at him if he refused to fight, but when he chose the
op on of doing something crazy, he was rather frightened.

"The duel is no joke. There are some kids who get really badly hurt. Go to
Arde quickly and apologize and pray. It's ge ng weird, you idiot! Ard was
also trying to take care of you if you sincerely apologize and say you're

They were also telling me what they had been talking about how
embarrassed they were. Knowing that I'm not good at figh ng, I applied for
a duel, and if I thought I was good, I guess I was trying to get an apology
and release it.

Yesterday, the li le boy who was reluctant paid the last price, and as
Adriana-senpai said, he seemed to be a good boy.

"What is life?"

I shrugged.
"If you hit it backwards, you're right." It seemed that Redina could not
understand my casual reac on at all.

The duel was decided to take place two weeks later in the 1st grade A-class
dormitory dance hall. During this week, what kind of dragon-drawing talent
can I have to win the 2nd year Royal Class in a duel?

I just hope that the psychological extreme is like that.

I hope that this is not the same situa on when escaping from the Demon
King's castle, where you have to be prepared for death, but it is enough.

It's true that I'm drawn to it because I'm prepared to be hit hard, but I can't
do it over and over again with my locked abili es like this.

[Event occurrence duel with Ard de Gri s]

[Descrip on: Ard de Gri s is asking for the crime of defaming himself
through a duel. you win Very unlikely.]

[Purpose: Proceed to duel.]

[Victory Reward: 600 Points]

[Defeat Reward: 200 Points]

The event occurred as if it were natural. And in this case, even if you lose,
you will be rewarded.
You will be rewarded just for the fact that the duel is held. Since there is
li le chance of winning, there is a possibility of avoiding the duel itself. So
Even if you do not realize your talent through psychological extremes, you
will be rewarded.

What price are you ge ng for this?

It's a bit depressing, even though I'm on my own.


Duels are allowed within the temple, but the teacher must be an observer.
Because there might be someone dying in a duel between the kids.


Mr. Epinhauser was staring at me. Since Mr. Epinhauser had previously
stated that he would be an observer of the duel, I reported the ma er to

“If the duel is agreed upon by the par es, there is no problem. Write down
the loca on, place and date and go.”

The teacher didn't tell me if I was crazy. He was both a good and a curious
yangban in that he had no worries or unnecessary meddling.

A-11 Reinhardt fights a sophomore duel.

That rumor was natural for Class A and spread to Class B. To be precise, it
was during the physical educa on class where we were receiving joint
educa on.

Reinhardt? What the hell happened? a duel? That too with a sophomore?"
Ludwig asked while taking a break a er running and strength training. He
seemed to be worried about me when I heard something out of the blue.

“Something happened. explain long annoying."

“Wouldn’t it be be er if we could end it with an apology? Aren't you

seriously hurt?"

Ludwig persisted and insisted on what to do if he got hurt, and whether it

would be be er to just apologize and end it. Although it is divided into A
and B classes, it is because they are in the same grade in the end. The class
B kids were looking at me worriedly.

And the kids who seemed to have heard the details were in shock.

But for some reason, Charlo e was staring at me. Somehow, that gaze was
definitely different from the other kids.

It was definitely not my mistake.

Shortly a er PE class, Charlo e called me up from behind me as I was

exhausted and walking to the locker room.

"Did you say Reinhardt?"

“… … … uh, by the way."

Charlo e walked over to me slowly and held something in my hand.

"check it."

Leaving such a cold command line, Charlo e walked to the classroom


[Remains in the classroom a er finishing]

There was only one sentence wri en on it. what.

I was told by Bertus to watch over Charlo e, but it seemed that Charlo e
had a business for me.

At the end of the physical educa on class, the common class ends.
Epikhauser gave a poem on his way home, and all the students le the

A er coming to the Temple a er a life-threatening escape, Charlo e and I

never had a conversa on.

Did you discover my iden ty? If that's the case, I have no choice but to
leave the temple and go into hiding.

none. If you did, how did you know? A er all the students had le , I
remained in the classroom.
- Then, the door opened and Charlo e entered the Class A classroom. The
nature of a crisis situa on and the actual nature of the situa on are
different. Recognizing that her life was in jeopardy, Charlo e was crying
while holding her mother's body in the prison cell.
That's a cold impression standing in front of me

He seemed to be a completely different person from Lo e Gradias. This is

Charlo e

Was it the look of

"What's going on?"

Charlo e walked over to me and looked at me, si ng at an angle at the

desk next to me.

“Originally, I don’t want to deal with people like you.”

• what?"
Why are you doing this all of a sudden?

"You say you're going all over the place? Bouncing

He likes to gossip, and has a bad temper. Even today, I received a duel
request from a senior... ."

Charlo e seemed to be taking my impressions very badly, whether they

had heard the rumors about me. I couldn't help it if Charlo e didn't like me
because I certainly didn't do anything good.

It hurts a li le though.

“Is this because you are from a humble background and you think that if
you treat people more strongly, you won’t be ignored?” Charlo e's blunt
words were somewhat

I knew the truth. I don't want to be seen easily, so it seems like he's more
like a dog. When we talked, he didn't seem to have grasped my iden ty.

So what do you need?

"I heard that you were from a beggar, so I did some research."

inves ga on?

If I'm a beggar, then why am I a beggar?

do you It must have been on a Saturday that the rumors came out, but
you've been inves ga ng me?

"I mean, I know who you are."

you know?

“About where you are from, what kind of members you are where you are,
and where the organiza on is related.”
I had goosebumps all over my body.

Charlo e doesn't know that I'm a demon, but she does know something
else. The Rotary club and the fact that it is supported by the Thieves' Guild.

"Keep in mind that it's not common for me to deal with pests like you."

It's not that I don't like it because I'm the kind of guy who does things to

I hate it because I think it's a social evil that is related to criminal

organiza ons.

Although the power of Bertus was enormous, it seemed clear that the
power that Charlo e, who returned to the emperor, could wield
innumerable forces. How can you find out all these facts in a short amount
of me?

Just by revealing where I came from, I was able to iden fy the Rotary club
and find a clue to the Thieves Guild that followed.

Even though it was entangled, it was ghtly entangled.

“Come on, wait… I… . what are you talking about... . I don't know... . What
do you mean?"

"Do you think I'd be naive to believe if the beggars who took you out made
the excuse that they sent you to the Temple simply for an educa on?"
Charlo e groaned at her desk.

He approached me and started looking down at me with a sad blue look.

“Don’t act like that. If you keep pretending you don't know, I'm going to
move the city guard right now and clean up that dirty sewer."

There is no point in denying the link.

Like Bertus, Charlo e isn't the type of guys I can control. This one is more
serious than Bertus. Bertus didn't seem to have done any background
checks on me, but Charlo e

At the same me as me, I can weave up to Royar.

Normally, you wouldn't have dealt with someone like me.

But now it's not normal.

A er all, Charlo e has a business for me. Denial only puts Rotary clubs at

"What do you want?"

In the end, let me answer that as I admit it. Charlo e pulled something out
of her arms.
An ancestral pain ng was drawn on the paper Charlo e opened.

“This kid.”


Of course I knew.

That was me hiding my horns with camouflage magic.

"Find this kid. If he's alive, where he's alive. If he's dead, where he died.
Why he died. Who killed him."


“You must find it.”

Charlo e was staring at me coldly, as if she was going to destroy everything

I had if she couldn't find it.

"Wait, what should I do if I can... You're asking me to find a kid whose

name you don't even know? Rather, yours is more...."

Charlo e narrowed her eyebrows at my words, saying that I, who was only
in the beggar's organiza on, could do what I could do, and there wouldn't
be many available manpower.
"You don't need to know about that. All I have to say is that you have to
find the whereabouts of this child faster than Bertus."

I killed the Knights of the Duke of Salerian. We don't know what happened
to Dyrus, but it's clear that both me and Dyrus were targeted by the Duke
of Salesian.

Just as Charlo e was looking for me, it was clear that Bertus was looking
for me.

Charlo e seemed to be looking for me with everything she could. That's

why normally you wouldn't even look at me, even the organiza on through

intends to mobilize.

"I… . Can't we hand this kid over to Bertus?"


First of all, I am an A-class that is closer to Bertus. But there was a cold rage
in Charlo e's eyes.

“But if that happens, I will surely kill you and your organiza on with my
own hands.”

Damn it.
The person you are looking for is right in front of you. I had no idea
Charlo e was looking for me so desperately. I just wanted to forget it, but
it seems I couldn't.

If Bertus finds it first, they'll think I'm the right person to live.

“Hey, that kid… . Why is it so important?"

“I don’t know. You have someone to find, and you just have to find it.”

Charlo e put a portrait on my chest, as if she had no explana on for me.


"Regularly report on the status of the inves ga on. It's not about temple
grades, but it's your top priority, okay?"

My life and the lives of everyone in the club depended on it.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 42

A boy who saved himself but suddenly disappeared.

Charlo e seemed to think the boy must have been a street beggar. That's
why the beggar knows the beggar's way, and he instructed me to find the

A student from the beggars who entered the temple. Charlo e must have
thought I was the best person to find the boy she was looking for.
Charlo e, though seemingly ra onal, was not at all ra onal. me

The emo ons that flashed in her eyes when she told her to look for her
were rather showing that Charlo e was not at all calm.

It was as if he had lost his temper. Charlo e, who threatens me and urges
me to find out somehow, seems out of control.

Charlo e conducted my background inves ga on me culously and quickly,

but it seemed impossible to make a ra onal decision.

Obviously, I should have thought I was suspicious while listening to Dyrus

talking about it, but Charlo e doesn't seem like it at all.

The emo ons that flashed in her eyes when she told her to look for her
were rather showing that Charlo e was not at all calm.

It was as if he had lost his temper. Charlo e, who threatens me and urges
me to find out somehow, seems out of control.

Charlo e conducted my background inves ga on me culously and quickly,

but it seemed impossible to make a ra onal decision.

Obviously, I should have thought I was suspicious while listening to Dyrus

talking about it, but Charlo e doesn't seem like it at all.

It wasn't. It was just a desperate feeling to find someone who was very
important to him.
In some cases, there are people who never doubt anyone.

Charlo e didn't seem to think I was being suspicious at all. Maybe you
think I'm dead because I ran away or was kidnapped.

If Charlo e had even the slightest thought that I might be a demon or

disguised, she should have doubted me.

The beggar's origin, the date the ID was issued, and having personally
interrogated the beggars, Charlo e would have recognized that I was the
one who appeared out of nowhere.

However, Charlo e was obsessed with finding Valerie, so instead of using

me as a tool to find Valerie, she did not have any doubts.

It felt good, but it wasn't very good. I am in a posi on where I have to

deceive the child who seeks me so desperately.

I had been given a bizarre order to find me and take me to Charlo e. If I

show up in front of Charlo e in the form of Valerie, this will be resolved,
but Charlo e won't let me go. Somehow they'll try to keep me by my side
what about

One of my assistants, Sar Kegar, is the one who kidnapped the princess. It
is absurd to reveal my true iden ty, and it is dangerous to stand in front of
Charlo e in the form of Balier.

It was never a ma er to be decided alone. This is a ma er to be discussed

with Loyar, Elerys, and Sarke Garr.
In any case, this le a complete struggle between the two of Bertus and
Charlo e.

Depending on my ac ons, it will be decided whether or not coming to the

temple is the worst choice.


The one closest to you is Bertus, and the one closest to you is Charlo e.

To be honest, I was very sorry. You're looking for me so desperately, but

you're in a situa on where you can't appear in front of me. And to be
honest, I can't help but be Charlo e's all- me supporter.

And the club is now the princess's ejacula on came inside Lee. I don't
know about Bertus, but if I'm going to do something stupid, the princess
will delete the Rotary club and raise a connec on with the Thieves' Guild,
and even me from the Temple.

expelled or punished.

It was useless to be consistent with ignorance. Charlo e had already

figured it all out.

I don't know the most important thing, but I know all the facts that will
bother me.

I couldn't tell Bertus what Charlo e had instructed me to do. Just saying
that will blow my hair away. If I ask you what you said later, what should
you say?

Bertus and Charlo e are looking for me. Bertus will be aiming for revenge.

Charlo e will be for protec on.

Things are ge ng twisted up.

Anyway, what happened to Dyrus? I couldn't even ask Charlo e, but I was
curious. If I had been retaliated against by the Duke of Salesian, I would not
have been of this world. I can only hope that Charlo e is well protected.

Who am I worried about now?

Both heirs to the imperial throne are wai ng for me to do something. I

don't know if it's one side at all.

That's it.

Charlo e's affairs should be discussed separately. And it's not just that.

I had to prepare for a duel with Ard later this week. It was clear that he
would be beaten to the point of blood, but that didn't mean he couldn't do
it all over the years.


Back in the dorm, someone called

"Hey there."


It was Herriot de Saint-Ouen. When I answered, he covered his mouth and


"uh? I didn't call you? are you there?"

No, this bastard is giving me back this, the method I used?

"Uh, right?"

"Uh, huh?"

When I said yes, the guy turned into a puzzled expression as if it wasn't the
reac on he wanted. He wasn't really set for a character like this, so why is
he so cute?

He's like a nephew who just thinks he's smart. He's so cute that he doesn't
even get mad, right?

"I'm right. Why."

“Uh, that… . uh… .”

Don't call me a beggar! That's right, that's right. I was trying to do
something like Ebebe, and when I asked what it was for, I was

It was like Because there really wouldn't be any use for it.

“You, you. Are you going to a duel?"

Why are you pretending to hear something about the subject that was
there? No ma er how you look at it, it's a hasty business.


“That old man is a very scary person. Is it really that great?"

“If that’s right, what is it? will you kill me?"

He seemed to have lost his mind at my casual reac on.

"...aren't you scared?"

“Aren’t you afraid? Even pee will make you red."

If you casually say it's scary, it's even more incomprehensible. I know that I
am a goal-slayer, but it seems that the evalua on is being revised as a
person I do not understand even more.

"Then why did you accept the duel? It's scary."

“I know? I guess I just wandered around."

It doesn't sound like they're trying to awaken their superpowers in a

psychological extreme.

did not whisper. Harriet stared at me like he had no teeth. Eventually, he

shook his head.

He even gave an evil smile.

"Then I'll have to see if you get beaten up."

"That's right."

I headed to the gym, either way.

And it seems that they were talking in a surprisingly calm manner.

My physical abili es aren't far behind my classmates, but I can't compare
them to those with combat skills.

Of course, a guy like Erchi de Lafaeri who has a figh ng talent but doesn't
put any effort at all is out of the ques on.
In the A-class dormitory exercise room, holding a water lily sword and
bea ng a scarecrow alone Or, there are two sta c ones who prac ce

A-2 Ellen Artorius and A-5 Cliffman are the two. They both train each day
according to their own rou ne. Guys who don't go out on the weekends to
play and prac ce and prac ce all day long.

However, the two of them are training separately in the same space, and
there is a 100% chance that they have not talked to each other un l now.

I once picked up a water lily sword.

But how do you prac ce swordsmanship? They're all alone, bea ng drums
and playing janggu, though.

I did swordsmanship training. But I have no way of knowing the specific

process. Raising a level is roughly equivalent to raising a level or rank. or
whatever it is or suffoca ng it all.

They both asked me to teach them, so they aren't the ones to teach me, so
I recklessly started wielding.

Of course not doing anything. Recalling the swordsmanship moves I

learned last week, I traced it as if replaying a memory. I also trained
movements while looking at the provided manual.

did swordsmanship training.

There was too much work to be done to condense it into one word.
I also realized that the strength of my wrists and forearms must be
supported, and the staff is also important.

This shit is going on all by myself, weekdays and weekends.

The two silently swinging their swords seemed to be amazing again.



A er dinner, he con nued to wield the sword, and even a er Cliffman

returned to the dormitory, Ellen con nued to train alone.

Of course, he didn't just keep swinging his sword, but he seemed to keep
doing something by himself, such as going out and coming back. Time
passed, and in the end, I was the only one le in the dance floor and
swung my sword.

What does it mean to be like this?

It was only one day, but it was exhaus ng and hard. You have to get used
to the training itself, not just because of the duel next week. I can't believe
in my dog-like nature forever.

That's what I realized.

Third graders come un l late at night

didn't In the end, as I expected, they didn't want to touch the prince
directly. Is it that you forced second graders to behave like that on such a

The third graders didn't come. However, an unexpected person came to

the theater.


“Sister. I heard that you are here.” It was Adriana, a senior with a calm
impression in the second year.

She narrowed her eyebrows as she saw me, the water lily sword lying
around, and me swea ng profusely.

"What are you doing here?"

“… … … … … Rdina asked for it."

"Is that kid?"

What did you ask for?

“Yeah, I’m told that Ard is holding on ght, and that you might get
kneaded, so please dry it out somehow.”

I'm sorry I said harsh words

He was a good boy. Adriana looked at me exhausted and sighed.

"But it looks like he's trying to do something."

“Well… it is.”

"Just because you've been like this for two weeks doesn't mean you can
beat Ard. You know how much?"

Adriana didn't seem to understand what I was doing. Why the hell are you
accep ng a duel that you almost lose, and wielding your sword in the
dance hall to the point that you will die because of it? win

There's not even a slight chance that I'll do it.

“I have to do something.”

"I'm going to lose. It's also horribly."

"I know."

“… If you dare to step forward and suffer a greater disgrace, just apologize
now. You know for sure that you're doing too much. Ard isn't as bad as you

"I don't think he's a bad person."

Even though I was subjected to such a thing, I fully understand the extent
to which my eyes roll around and throw gloves.

go go Have you been bi en by your junior? Adriana bit her lip slightly.

“I know I will lose, and I don’t even think that Ard is such a bad person, so
why are you going to a duel without apologizing?”


I got up again with the training sword and started prac cing the posture.

“I have to be right.”


“It’s just that.” Is it right because you want to be right with me?

swish! swish!

If it's true, it's because I don't know if this difficult situa on can be
overcome. Adriana stared at me for a long me. sighed.


Adriana slowly approached me as if to stop and took the sword from my

Then, I lightly showed the movement I had just performed. Looking in the
mirror is not a clumsy move like I used to do. It was a perfect move, like a
single dance where the line fell.

“...why am I showing you something that you can't even imitate? ."

Adriana took a deep breath to see if she couldn't understand what she was
doing, and returned the training sword.


I just demonstrated to the Scarecrow the exact ac on that Adriana had




We both looked at each other without a word. She came over to me,
grabbed my arm and waved it back and forth. He was sobbing because he
had lost a lot of energy.

"There's no point in doing it when you're out of power. You only hurt your
Adriana looked at me pathe c, and then suddenly closed her eyes. A young
white glow from her hand began to flow into my body.

"Hey, this is..."

"...Oh, I don't know."

Adriana opened her eyes.

"I want to be a paladin."

He seems to have divine power talent in swordsmanship. Adriana of 2nd

grade A-2, if it's A-class 2, it is assumed that there are other talents. Of
course, being able to use divine spells at this age is also great.

Now she heals me with divine spells made it The muscle pain and fa gue
seemed to have subsided to some extent.

“Come on, try again.”

"Yes, Thanks."

My strength would have been restored. With gra tude, I followed the
ac on Adriana showed me earlier.


Nothing has changed.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 43

'The basic fitness level is too bad. Junior-nim should do strength training,
not when holding a sword.'

As Adriana said so, she took a deep breath. I don't know why I care about
such a child.

'From tomorrow, wake up two hours earlier than the standard wake-up
me. And I'm wai ng in the main lobby.'

Whether I'm a bother or a concern, Adriana doesn't seem to be able to

leave me alone anyway. Anyway thanks for helping me

I couldn't help but tremble.

I wonder why I'm helping a younger fellow with a strange personality who
fights with my classmates.

next day.

I was in the lobby wearing a training suit at six o'clock, well before the
standard wake-up me. It was 6 o'clock and it was s ll dark, but no one
was there.

This is because the students who do physical training in the morning come
out one by one.
And there Ludwig and Ellen there was also

What's wrong with Reinhardt? Do you want to exercise?"

"Uh what."

"Okay! Shall we do it together then?"

It's good to be full of figh ng, but don't think that I can do it too.

“No, I think my cardiac arrest will be faster than following you.”

"Ah, is that enough?"

"I'm sure that's enough. Go alone."

Running next to him is suicidal

I mean. Ellen's stamina is not enough for her. That's what A+ rank stamina

"Ellen! Do you want to play together today?"


Ellen answered briefly and le the dorm lobby. Ludwig always looked at
the chilly Ellen and smiled at me.
“Does Ellen hate me?”

“Not at all.”

He wouldn't even care about all of us.

A er sending the guys off for a morning workout, a er a while, I saw

Adriana, with her shoulder-length short hair ed in a ponytail, coming
down from the second floor.

That senior is very calm and has a modern style of beauty. I have to say
that she looks like a real high school girl.

I bowed my head slightly, and Adriana responded with a nod. Adriana is

probably the most polite person I'm dealing with right now.

"It's not a bad look when your mates see it are you?"


"Something like this that helps me with my fitness training."

“Well, you have to be a li le more stamina to become proficient in

figh ng… . Ugh..."

She began to warm up by stretching.

“That way, you won’t hear about Ard bullying a weak child because of his
hateful feelings.”

So, in fact, even for the honor of Ard, there is enough reason to help me
with my training. what are you talking about all. Anyway, I'm sure I'll lose.
Thank you though.

He seems to be good at swordsmanship as well as a paladin, and seeing

him waking up at this me, he is sincere and has a calm and kind

What is this perfect human? You're respec ul of the high school subject.
It's so shabby that I'm bisexual at young children.

"Let's go, junior."


Adriana ran ahead, and I ran a er him.


"It's serious."

"Heh heh... heh heh... heh heh..."

It ran to the point where a sweet smell came out of her mouth, but
Adriana was not red at all. She infused me with divine power and
restored my stamina. The heart, which was bea ng wildly, gradually calms
down, and the breathing becomes stable.

what is this

It's like running while drinking a doping po on. My mind is exhausted, but
my body feels fine, so it feels really strange.

“Run fast. It's hard for me to only look a er my juniors while I'm training."

“Oh, okay.”

The body and mind are driven to an extreme state, but due to Adriana's
divine power, the body returns to its original state. On the contrary, it
made it even more crazy. The mind is worn out, but the body con nues to
be ac ve.

It was the first me in my life that I felt this way, so I could run longer, but
my mind seemed to go to an even more extreme situa on.

"Gee, I feel really weird!"

"In other words, it's a foul, but shouldn't it be strange?"

I shouted while running, and Adriana answered. Originally, I shouldn't have

been able to run, but since I keep running, it's natural for something to feel
"Heo Eok... Heo Eok... Paladin aspirants, then, if they run a marathon... Heo
Eok... They will all win by themselves... Heo Eok...."

"If that's allowed, yes! And will you keep talking while you're breathing?"

Adriana even gave me a faceli and ran with ease. I saw quite a few people
doing morning physical training themselves at the temple.

"A junior named Ludwig in first year. That junior sprinted around the
temple once?"

“Wow, originally… . It's basically such an app... .”

“There’s nothing like that in the first place, junior. and keep doing it in the
future. Orbis class kids do this every morning as a group. Even in our Royal
Class, lazy kids need to learn a li le bit.”

Adriana Malma , one of the two coaches, the Effort Class Orbis Class,
seems to wake up at dawn and exercise as a group. Regardless of your

Army there?

“No, don’t tell me… . Huh... . Why do you keep telling me... .”

“Yes. I'm sorry."

Running and heeling, running and heeling, running and heeling, it was like I
was going to lose my mind. It wasn't just hopping. Adriana headed to the
gym and gave me strength training.

I almost felt how demonic the divine power was. When muscle pain occurs,
it is restored with divine power, and when muscle pain becomes severe, it
is restored through strength training again.

But, if it's like this, isn't the speed of muscle growth a joke? What kind of
loider should this be called.

are you going to Divine Loider?

“I do it because my strength is too weak. You should do some strength

training, but if you overdo it, you will ruin your body.”

Adriana told me to think carefully about growing up and kept checking me

while I was training at the same me.

“If you exercise while forcing yourself to recover with divine power, there
are things you have to do inevitably.”


"Eat a lot."

Forced even a er exhaus ng all energy

maintain athle c performance with Adriana gave me such advice that I

should eat a lot more and more o en than usual because the nutri onal
loss would be serious. especially protein.
"It's the only thing I'm confident about doing today..."

“Ha, that’s right.”

Adriana smirked as if my words were funny.

It's the first me I've seen this person smile.


Even a er comple ng strength training, Adriana poured divine power on

me and returned. It didn't seem to be of any use to himself. Somehow, I
started exercising with a heel pack a ached to it.

If I move on to the modern era of that yangban, I'm sure I'll have great
success as a trainer. People who sold their souls for muscle growth will like

His body was fine, but his mind was exhausted and he returned to the
dormitory. A er showering and changing clothes, we headed straight to
the dining room. It wasn't dinner me yet, but I'm hungry and my eyes are
star ng to roll.

No, the amount of exercise is intense, and it seems that the taste of the
mouth is rather bad. The compulsion to eat took precedence over being

When the me comes, the chefs bring food prepared here, but that
doesn't mean there is no kitchen.
no. It includes not only simple food, but also late-night snacks that can be
eaten at any me, as well as a kitchen equipped with ingredients.

Chefs are called upon request to make food, and some mes they cook it

But how many girls can eat hammock on their own? I'll have to try and eat
the eggs.

And this is a se ng I didn't know about.


A er physical training, Ellen was drooling over beef jerky at the restaurant.

I'm hungry every morning a er going out to exercise, so I'm looking for
something to eat before breakfast. It deserves it.

But I do remember that he ate quite a bit more for breakfast than others.
Exercise is exercise, but how high is your metabolism?

When I looked at the storage room where the convenience food was kept,
it was empty. let's look back

Ellen was ea ng beef jerky.

"Maybe that's all?"


“Is there only beef jerky?”

"no. Originally, there was bread and other things."

I was prepared for this

However, it seems that there are not many people who touch convenience
food, so it seems that it is not well supplemented.

all. So it seems like he eats this and that every morning by himself, and all
that's le is the jerky.

“Is it delicious?”

"not really."

Ellen shook her head as if she was ea ng because she was there, not
because she was hungry. No, how hungry are you?

I didn't want to steal what he was ea ng, so I ended up going into the
kitchen. Fortunately, there were quite a few ingredients in the storage
room to ensure he wasn't a raw meat eater.

I have no inten on of making anything great. Because I'm mentally red

and I'm going to die.
I just took the eggs and bacon out and fried them in a frying pan. The smell
of bacon spread fragrantly. I just put asparagus in it and grilled it like it was
deep-fried. I was told to eat a lot, so I added a generous amount of bacon
to five eggs.

I want to eat carbohydrates, but I don't want to cook pasta or cook it. It's
annoying because you're going to go back.

Bomb-like eggs, bacon, and asparagus were placed on a large plate and
brought to the restaurant.

Ellen was s ll chewing the jerky. But obviously, the pricking of the nose can
be seen here as well.



“Don’t panic and eat this.”

I'm just like a bad temper

Isn't he the one without it?

I handed the fork, and Ellen took it and sat across from me. When I saw
Ellen ea ng fried eggs, I sighed.

“Hey, it’s full of eggs and it’s long, but you can’t even cook one of them and
you’re ea ng it because you can’t taste it? Is this difficult?"
"I've never done it."

"If you haven't done it, why don't you do it? Don't you do it?"


Ellen stared at me at my sudden smirk. I don't know why, but you look like
you're pale, so why are you telling me? Is it the same situa on?

"If you don't know, you have to learn it.... Kids these days, anyway, eat."


What are you doing when you say you don't even touch your dog when
you eat? I have to eat too.

No, why are you ea ng this bastard so quickly?

“Hey, don’t cross the line. Eat at human speed. uh?"


It didn't seem like words, so I ended up making fun of the fork too. In the
end, I made it, but that bastard ate more than half.

"Aren't you kidding me with food? It's harder to eat than a beggar, but you
seem to be."
“…...I'm hungry."

Ellen said so, strangely avoiding my gaze.

Do you eat more than half of what I was told to do with one chops ck?
This has crossed the line honestly.

"You're taking class with me today.



Today, on Tuesday, I'm going to take a swordsmanship class twice in a row

with Ellen. Ellen nodded her head. He's insensi ve, because he's not a bad-
headed guy.

"Just for lunch."


I'm going to go for two cheonggukjang.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 44

It is a luxury to expect drama c changes in one day.

Current Stats

[Strength 4(F+)]

[Reflex 4.7(F+)]

[Dexterity 5.2(D-)]

[Magic 10 (C)]

[Health 6.5(D)]

Strength increased by 0.5, reflex by 0.3, and stamina by 0.6. I don't know
why, but I also confirmed that the horsepower increased by 0.1.

Of course, as with athle c ability, the lower the level, the higher the rise.
Of course, there must have been an effect of not only doing it for one day,
but carrying out the curriculum of the temple, but it seems clear that the
effect of the training conducted while supported by the divine power is

But Adriana didn't seem to think it was a good idea, so there must be a
reason why it's not necessarily a good thing.

In addi on, the actual fa gue was enormous because it felt like the mind
and body were playing separately.

To be honest, I don't know if I'll put the future into swordsmanship, but
right now the only thing I could actually learn was something related to the

I received a swordsmanship theory and prac cal training with a different

mindset from last week. There wasn't really any big progress.

Ellen is an honor student, and I was on the inferior side even though I was
in royal class. The general class didn't seem to no ce at all. If I was going to
care about that, I wouldn't be running out like this in the first place.

In the first place, the Royal Class is in order of talent, so there are a lot of
poor guys! I'm not really that bad! Hard work has nothing to do with it! I
want to protest, but I can't speak because it looks like there won't be any

Of course, it's the same royal class, but there were some guys who seemed
to ignore me because they were so different.

But there were too many things I had to pay a en on to to even cast the
true educa on on them. To be honest, I don't even know the name.

You must eat your heart out. There will be people who will argue with me
in the future, and those who don't like me will always try to repay the
humilia on they've suffered me when they gain confidence that I'm weak
or that their skills have improved.

The duel in two weeks is just an opportunity. In the future, physical training
should be con nued. From swordsmanship to mar al arts. I can't learn
magic here in the first place, my superpowers haven't been awakened, and
since I don't have any talent for divine powers, I'm just heading to the

The only thing you can believe in is your body with growth values.

You can't just end up with a dirty temper. In fact, you have to be a bit of a
hi er, and you have to get out of the hands of Bertus and Charlo e in the

There is no such thing as me to roam around.

"........It's not as strange as last me."

Either way, Ellen tried the cheonggukjang, which she hated the last me,
and ate it surprisingly casually.

Now that it's the second me, I'm used to it, right?

“… .That doesn't mean it's delicious."

As if to avoid misunderstanding, Ellen just nailed it.

But if you don't like it very much, why did you follow it? Is it because I live?

Is there any a ribute that you like for free food?

S ll, he ate quite a bit be er than before, and George showed his atroci es
un l he burped heavily.

A er all, he is quite a legend.

“Yamma, come to think of it, aren’t you ge ng food from a beggar,

something worse than a beggar?”

I went out into the street and gave him a pint glass, and Ellen looked at me.
Rather than staring at it, I feel like I'm a li le lost in thought.

"Then I'll live next me."


To smoothly come up with the answer that we should eat together next

Am I really the kind of guy who does something?

Of course, Ellen swung away this me without saying goodbye.

It's like an innocent child.


As I don't have any specific skills yet, I didn't have much to learn in class.
The magic class was dropped with the permission of Mr. Epihauser, and
riding lessons were included. I think I'll have to ride a horse someday.

I was afraid I was about to pee. Riding on a beast with free will and trus ng
me with my life? What do you believe? I should have put a se ng like a
magic stone car.

I also realized once again how great the riding skills of Dyrus, who escaped
the Demon Castle with me on board, were great.

In the morning physical training, I had already exhausted all my mental

strength for the day, but I couldn't take a break from it. A er class, at the
gymnasium un l dinner me today

I reviewed what I had learned and did physical training at the same me.

When I was exhausted and unable to move any more, I missed the divine
power anew.

I wondered if Adriana would come to dinner as well, but she didn't. To be

honest, wan ng you to do that is with a lot of conscience.

S ll, Adriana did not forget what she said. A er ea ng dinner and having a
li le me to calm down, I started running and strength training again.

I thought it was too much, and it was an amount of exercise that would
hurt my body in the first place. But the thought that Adriana would do
something for her made it even more difficult.

“Huh… . Huh... .”

The sweat on the palms of his hands made the water lily sword slippery
from his hands.
do i have to do it like this? I am a person who is far from exercising in the
first place. There is no such thing as willpower. I just wrote in the corner of
my room, and I don't have any hobbies or talents for this kind of effort.

I heard that thought dozens of mes when my breath hit my chin and my
fingers trembled.

Anyway, the fight is going to lose. This is looking further afield.

So, you can take it easy. Even if you do it against evil, you can't beat a guy
who is a year older than me in two weeks.

Whenever such an idle thought came to my mind, I forcefully grabbed the

sword in my hand.

I'm sure I'll lose in the duel in two weeks. But don't be complacent just
because you're going to lose.

I'm not doing this just to put a knife to someone who is a year older than


-puck! puck! puck!

The gate will open later because of the reckless scrambled development,
and a lot of people may die, as well as myself.

I do it so I don't die then.

The crazy thing I did is trying to kill me, but it's s ll a long way off.

Regret is enough to hamper the development of this novel. I have no right

to be complacency or to be indolent.

He's just a filthy bastard now. I'm going to look like a filthy and cruel


A cartoon-like unfolding dog with a scarecrow smashed doesn't happen.


However, countless scratches were added to the scarecrow.


Among pre y girl da ng simula ons, there is a sequence that decides

where to go in your free me. In terms of schools, music rooms,
gymnasiums, science rooms, roo ops, etc.

In the case of such games, there are cases where a specific character
appears in a specific place. There will be kids playing music in the music
room, there will be kids working out in the gym, and there will be
intelligent people in the science room.


“… … … You're pre y cool too."


I seem to have known all the places of Ellen Artorius' fixed haunts.

He was si ng alone in a restaurant and ea ng sausage.

In the early morning lobby for fitness training. A er that the restaurant.
And the gym a er school.
And another restaurant late at night.

It's like a carnivorous insect whose only head is rice and exercise. I'm Adria

It was going to be my death, so it was Ellen who came to eat and replenish
her nutri on beforehand. Obviously, every day a er training, he eats like

I opened the cabinet containing the convenience food, but there was s ll
no replenishment there. what? So what is he ea ng?

"Are you just ea ng it?"

There was a tray full of sausages, and he was munching on them. In my

absurd a tude, Ellen pointed to the sausage she was ea ng.

“You can just eat the sausage.”

“Yeah, maybe it’s because I smoked. But why do I have to eat cold

I ran out of convenience food, so I was rummaging through the food

warehouse and found the sausage. Sausages are pre-cooked in the first
place, so they're probably just ea ng them.

"Can't you turn on the heater and put the sausages in a frying pan and roll
them properly before ea ng? Is that difficult for you?"

I mean, use a cooking utensil. I'm an idiot or an idiot for you

I never put it in! If I had to say it, you are an intelligent person!

Why is an intelligent person ac ng like an asshole?

Ellen shook her head at my words.


“You don’t know how to write, do you?”

“I haven’t tried it.”

It must have been cumbersome to figure out how to use it. It must have an
annoying a ribute. So, even with these eyes, an angry scene is taking

"Give it up."


Ellen looked at me quietly as I took the sausage plate. What, are you telling
me to give it to you? If a carnivore was a character, would it be like that?
But he didn't ask me to put it out, he just looked at me.

Either way, I got some more sausages, put them in a frying pan and at least
hot enough to eat. Why are you ea ng raw food that is far more valuable
than regular sausages made with the highest quality ingredients in the first

When I took the sausage out of the oven, Ellen was s ll staring at me.

I can see why you stayed s ll.

“Do you feel like you’re going to eat me strangely in the future?”

I feel like I know for sure that I'll be grilling sausages. So it was clear that he
was silent.

Like I said, I have a bad temper, but I'm s ll a kind person.

So, although he has a gentle temperament, there is enough distribu on to

share with a person who is not affec onate.

We started ea ng sausages with a fork.

"How good is it? Huh? The juice just bursts out, and I ate it raw like a dog
on the street."

Whether I'm nagging or not, Ellen ate the sausage. No ma er what he says,
he's a guy who doesn't get a single deal. Bark, I'll eat. is this

I've been ea ng sausage for a while. I put the fork down.

So was Ellen.



Ellen nodded at my words.

Since I only eat sausage, I can't add any more. It makes sense in heaven to
eat rice with George, or maybe even a piece of bread.

Since I only ate water and sausage, I wanted to eat more, but I didn't. Ellen
looked like she didn't want to leave, and so did I.

Fi een more sausages le

ah there was

I feel like I'm going to die because my body is red. It's a pity to leave me
alone. That being said, when I try to do something with this le over, I feel
like he is only doing good things, so my stomach is full.

"Hey, you are what I tell you from now on.

do it."


Volunteering is over.

You must do something now.


"like this?"

“Yeah, good job.”

I nodded as I looked at the finely chopped onion. I don't know how much
of a difference between swordsmanship and cleaver, but Ellen was able to
do exactly what I ordered.

It's not a ma er of swordsmanship, it's just good dexterity.

"Can't you cook?" "No. It's the first me."

It seems like it's the first me I've touched a kitchen knife today. But at this
level, well, he's a guy who will excel even as a chef and not a swordsman.
Of course, he's not too talented in combat for that.

"Next carrot. Same."

Seeing that even the carrots were chopped in an instant, I proceeded step
by step as if controlling an avatar.

I can do it, but I can't do it right now.

I have exhaus on all over my body, and I am confident that if I hold a

cleaver, I will cut my finger.
I have no inten on of doing anything complicated. A er all, there are a lot
of cooking utensils and ingredients in this kitchen, but the me is night. it's
annoying too

There is rice, but rice is annoying. Of course, I don't want to make bread
with wheat flour anymore.

So, I'm going to fry vegetables and rice in a pan with oil, then add water,
sausages, and boil it like porridge. bijou

It doesn't ma er what the price is or what the menu is. How about if it's
raw honey porridge, as long as it's edible? If you ask me, riso o?

It doesn't ma er to me, Ellen, who is in front of me, has successfully

finished 2 sets of cheonggukjang and successfully completed the
introductory class of cheonggukjang. At the me when he ate the sausage
raw in the first place, it is believed that he had a taste similar to that of a
wild dog by my standards.

As long as you can eat anything, it's a sweet story.

Ellen put all the vegetables and rice, including minced garlic, as I ordered.

started waving. He is a guy who does what he asks to do with a ruler. Water
is a thing.

You deserve to be my master cook.

“I just remembered it, and from now on, the sun will set by myself and you
will be a colonel in front of me.”


I can't do it myself, but there's no way anyone else can do it. It's strange to
do something like that if you say it's bothersome. Of course, it could be
because the sausage was squeezed and bi en.
I added water and sausages just in me, and soon the pan started boiling. I
hit the herbs that I had roughly at random. The sausage was salty, so I
didn't season it separately.

A er the uniden fied sausage porridge was completed, we brought it back

to the restaurant.

Ellen scooped it up with a ladle as if there was nothing more to see, and
began to scoop it up.


The boy's eyes lit up.

Of course, it's not because it's so delicious.

“If you eat it right away, will it be hot or not?”


I gave a glass of water to the guy who couldn't control the heat, and he
gulped it down. He's obviously intelligent and has good physical abili es.

Are you the type of person who became stupid because of one glu ony?
Are you ge ng stupid in front of food?

"How about it, it's much be er? Huh? It's amazing, isn't it?"

I looked at the guy who kept ea ng while cooling down and pretended to
be a good-looking guy, and he stared at me.

“I did.”

"Uh, sir? You only moved your arms, and I was the one who informed you."
“It was me who actually did it.”

what. Is he asking now? Are you going to do this shit?

Confidence to be overpowered by OneQ

I have, would you like to buy it?

Ellen took a spoonful and this me hoho

say while blowing

“We made it together.”

Somehow, I felt like a pe y person, so I didn't have much to say.

No, he's not like a pe y bastard, he's actually pe y.


When I returned to my room a er having a late night meal with Ellen,

someone was in my room. Someone said it was the user. In Royal Class, the
dormitory users tend to clean the room as well.

However, I usually clean in the morning when classes are held, so it was a
bit surprising to come in at night like this.

There wasn't anything in the room that shouldn't be seen. In the first
place, I organized and remembered the person list and then deleted it.
Users in maid clothes roamed around, but they didn't give their names.

But the servant came over to me as I entered and closed the door on my


it's tough

The employee looked at me and spoke briefly




“This is Sarkegaar.”

I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to deliver a message, but was
it coming directly?

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 45

Just as I was able to casually enter the temple, Sarkegaar would also be
able to enter the temple with numerous barriers. But in the middle of the
night, you come in as a maid.

Come to think of it, Count Argon Fonteus, the mastermind of Sarkegaar's

camouflage, is a man.

What is Sarkegaar's gender actually? A species without such a thing?

“How did you get into my room?”

“It's not that complicated.”

Sarkegaar had a master key for the maid. How did you get it, there must
have been several ways. I had to talk to Sarkegaar because a lot of things
got tangled up too.

“From now on, I will have you come to me, rather than visit me directly.”

If it is Sarkegaar, he is good at transforma on, so it will be possible for him

to contact me without being detected. Perhaps because the place is a
place, Sarkegaar stu ered and slurred his words like before.

did not increase

"Once, the princess you asked

It's a super power thing."

"Yeah, did you find out?"

Sarkegaar shook his head at my words.

“If you take a big risk, you can figure it out, but I came here because I had
to report what I found out to you first.”

I couldn't find out my abili es, but it seems that I decided that I should
report what I found out in the process.

“First of all, even within the imperial family, there is a lot of talk about the
psychic powers of the princess. In par cular, those who belong to Prince
Bertus' power seem to be skep cal that the reason the princess's
superpowers are not revealed is not because those abili es are fake."

"That means that even Bertus doesn't know what the princess's
superpowers are."

"Yes. Degrada on."

The prince doesn't even know what the princess's superpowers are. That
said, there is also the possibility that Charlo e isn't really a superpower.

means there is In the end, the possibility that taking the superpower class
itself was just a lie to belong to the royal class increased.

“That means the emperor is the one who knows for sure about the psychic
powers of the princess… ."

The psychic lecturer will take Charlo e away and do something, but even
there, there is a chance that she will not show her abili es or do nothing.
Even Bertus couldn't figure out the authen city.

"Then the two most likely to know about its authen city a er the Emperor
are the B-class homeroom teacher Must Lang, and a teacher in charge of
psychic lectures."

"I guess so."

The authen city of the princess's abili es is highly confiden al, so neither
of them will go anywhere and make fun of their mouths. Neither of them
would be great people who would be easily touched somewhere.

Templar's teachers. And a teacher in charge of psychic lectures and royal

clones who control psychics with dangerous talents.

Lars is the teacher. Neither of them are ordinary people.

"So, what do you mean by taking big risks?"

“If there are people who share a secret, they can disguise themselves as
one of them, but it is difficult to find a secret that only this few people
know about it.”

Ms. Mustrang and the psychic teacher will reside in the Temple. And they
aren't the kind of person who can be easily interfered with. They are the
ones who hold important posi ons among the temple teachers.
“Hmm… it’s a strange situa on whether superpowers are real or fake…”

In order not to fall behind Bertus, did I lie that I had superpowers that I
didn't even have? If so, how long can that lie last? That being said, the
emperor is affirming the lie in order to disguise the fake superpower as if it
were a real superpower.

To that end, the very few teachers, including the first-year B-class
homeroom teacher Mustang, are aware of the fact that the imperial family
is lying and crack down on them?

What if it was real? If it's real, then why hide that ability? You can see why
without even thinking about it.

"If the princess really has superpowers, it's something she's reluctant to
reveal to others... it's a very squishy ability." “I think so too.” Imperial
honor or imperial pres ge. I mean, that's a superpower that can be
damaged. What the hell is that kind of power?

"Okay, if it's a dangerous thing, let's bury it, the truth will come out

“Yes, that is a wise decision.”

Sarkegaar replied that way. The princess's abili es are to be buried for now.

“I have something to tell you too.”

“Did something happen?”

We've got to have a duel next week, but I don't think there's anything good
about telling this guy. Maybe he'll show a flashback or useless over-loyalty.

“It’s about the princess again.”


“The princess is looking for me.”

Sarkegaar didn't seem to understand what he was talking about for a



Hearing my story, Sarkegaar's expression turned serious.

Incomparable to a duel

Because it's true that it's a serious issue. If we do it wrong, not only me but
also the founda on of our ac vi es, the Rotary club, will be blown away.
When I told him that even Bertus had started paying a en on to me,
Sarkegaar's expression became even more serious.

"The temple seems to be a dangerous place for me. Avoiding yourself is…."

“Then even if I live, the club must fly away.”

Charlo e will wipe out the Rotary club if I'm gone.

am. Money is a very important founda on. It happened by chance, but

now the club is an important source of money for us. In my case, I don't
need money anymore, but Sarkegaar needs money.

“It’s a funny thing. To say that the debt to the princess has become a big
problem for us now... ."

Isn't that what you, the kidnapper in the first place, have to say? If it wasn't
for you, I might have been able to reveal my iden ty. But what happened is
what happened.

"It means that I have to do something absurd that I was looking for me, but
I don't know what to do. Should I just tell you that I died somewhere and
fabricate the evidence that I'm dead?"

"If the princess can be sa sfied with that answer, that would be the best
thing... but I don't know how the princess will come out a er that."

“It’s not like that…”

Balier is dead, and the evidence is fabricated and presented to Charlo e.

how to manipulate the evidence convincingly

Let's think about it later and let's say we understand.

Wouldn't they try to deal with me and the club, who lost their use-value? It
sure seemed like they were looking at me very badly because I was
associated with a criminal organiza on.

“If I take care of the work, there is a possibility that I will be tense
a erward, and if I do not work, there is a high possibility that I will deal
with it because I think it is useless… .”

Even if it's not a problem, it's a problem. It seems like a dilemma, but
thinking that way clears my head.

"Okay, let's do a li le work."

"A li le bit?"

"okay. At least he won't touch us while we're gesturing things are going

Damn, I didn't want Charlo e to be an enemy, but as li le lies make up

bigger ones, they get bigger and bigger.

"Rather, if you feel we're working on something, if you protect us, you're
protec ng us, not trying to get rid of them."
Bertus will be interested in me as long as he thinks I'm useful. Charlo e is
no different. If I make progress in finding Bali, in the mean me they will
hate me and leave me alone no ma er what they say. Rather, they will try
to help me if I or the club are in danger.

Charlo e and Bertus have something in common in that they hide their
true selves from ordinary students. Charlo e also pretends to be a shy
person in class B, but the words she said while looking at me weren't kind
at all.

They are the same children, so whoever of the two of you is the emperor
will be the same.


It's not a good situa on at all, but let's think about it.

Not between Bertus and Charlo e.

“In retrospect, I was also in a posi on where I could use both of them at

Sarkegar smiled at my bold words.

“I am amazed at your insight.”

Could you please stop smiling so wickedly with a graceful face? is it creepy?


My short-term goal is a duel next week.

The long-term goal is to prove useful to Charlo e, and while doing that,
nothing but Bertus' eyes will appear.
and long-term goals.

"Ugh… . Ugh… . Ugh… .”

"I didn't expect it to increase in one day, but it's really serious, junior."

fitness training.

Adriana restored my stamina by injec ng divine energy into me just before

exhaus on. You are an aspiring paladin who trains the next demon king
with all your heart.

Adriana in real me

Are you sinning? If Adriana goes to hell, isn't it all because of me?

Either way, you have to s ck with this rou ne. To a certain extent, physical
quali es must follow, so there is some kind of swordsmanship. In terms of
exercise, I'm trying to bench press right now, but I don't have the strength
to even li a bar. What is the use of technology when basic abili es can't
support it?

Therefore, even if you feel like you are going to lose your mind, the body
that has reached exhaus on will return to normal.

In this sense, I had no choice but to clench my fists again.

Following morning training with Adriana and her advice to eat a lot, she
eats something between meals before breakfast. Most of the me, they
were eaten with Ellen, who was constantly appearing. They asked for
convenience food as well, so they were soon filled with convenience food
that could be easily eaten.

A er listening to the lecture, the training is repeated again un l dinner.

And eat dinner, train, and then eat again before going to bed.
It was to the point that I could feel my physical ability ge ng be er li le
by li le, perhaps because of the low-quality physical strength and the
assistance of the divine power.

Thursday morning.

“Why don’t seniors train with divine power?”

It's easy and quick to grow, so why not? I asked if there must be a reason.

"If you take a s mulant every day, your body will hurt. That's why. Hunger
is divine power.

because it cannot be recovered. I don't know if it's blasphemous to say

something like this, but it's not natural to grow with divine power as a

Divine power restores stamina, but does not replenish consumed

nutrients. So, it really was right to run while doping. So he was constantly
reminding me to eat a lot.

Is it a steam pack?

“This is for a while. If you want to reach a certain level, you have to do it on
your own.


“Yes yes.”

As if she's doing something like this, Adriana said that she wouldn't keep
giving her S mpak next to me in the future.

On the Ludwig side of the B-class, the work is almost

I do not know. It seems to be running fine.

If it was originally developed, it would have been a scene of conflicts with
class A classmates arguing in every case.

I'm taking all the aggro of class A, so they don't even have me to care
about class B.

For example, I, the super-large villain, took away all the hatred and hatred
of the villains in the early killifish, so I went to the main character, so there
is nothing le of him.

What is it? I'm not doing this for this.


It is a con nua on of training and training.

So naturally, I ran into Ellen frequently. Because my life rou ne was almost
the same. Although we mostly met at the gymnasium and restaurant.

It's mostly like that.

When I see him ea ng whatever he wants, his fever rises, and I feel like I'm
making my own and giving him some while I eat. Of course, it gives you all
the raw colors as you have them.

"I'm really glad you came to the temple."


"It seems like you're going to pay for the house with just one thing you
don't eat."

Seeing Ellen forgot about the huge amount of pasta she made to die once,
I wondered if she really had a black hole in her stomach.
At my words, Ellen looked at me with a fat expression and spit it out.

"I didn't mean to come."


“I told you to come from the temple.”

“Uh, uh… . okay."

Have you been refu ng the saying that you are going to take care of the
family now? In the first place, this is what he is talking about, right?

Anne doesn't tell anyone about herself, so no one except the prince knows
that she's the hero's sister. But since I had been asking for something to
eat, I came here because I was asked to come, not because I wanted to

Of course, it's his personal story, I know, but he told me that.

Che was amazing.

he's right As soon as the Empire found out that Artorius had a younger
brother, he begged him to come to the temple and brought him back.

"Are you mad?"


that made sure

I'm the first guy who succeeded in making Ellen go crazy.


Training was harder on the weekends. Rather, it feels like taking a break
during lectures during the week, and on the contrary, I exercise more
intensely in my personal me, so the weekend was like a hell I experienced
on my own.

Adriana didn't s ck around for longer than usual, so she had to eat a lot of
things as well as training.


“Oh, I don’t really do that.”


In the kitchen, watching Ellen cook, I possessed an extreme s nging insect.

Ellen came into the kitchen saying that she would do it this me when
Ellen refused to give me food. It sounds like you're red of hearing it.

The menu is presumed to be beef stew with a lot of tenderloin. When

asked if he could do that, he said that he ate o en at home.

"Hey... Huh? Oh, no, just do it. I just said it."

"Are there salt?"

“Oh, this is overcooked… . Will your jaw hurt if you eat this? Are there any
dishes that make you feel tough?"

"Something is clearly missing...


“Add herbs at this me… .”


Ellen stared at me quietly at my con nued training.

"...I don't think you should hold a knife and look at people like that."

Even though I was afraid of my sudden name, he stared at me.


Rather get angry! Without saying anything, I looked at you with a kitchen
knife, so I was really scared! Ellen looked at me for a moment and then
concentrated on cooking again.

“If I say just one more word to see your character, I will let you go.”

Of course, my mouth never went into rest mode. He also has a different
taste than a cu e like Harriet. If it doesn't seem to be responding, stand
s ll.

To be honest, I even admit that I'm ge ng angry and bea ng myself up.

Ellen finished the food regardless of my extreme heat. And bring that huge
amount of stew

Danny put it down on the table. It's because he's a guy who reacts like this
no ma er what he says, so it feels like he wants to make him angry.

Scoop out the finished stew one by one,

We drank one drink at a me.

I stared at Ellen.



I was half joking around, but the result is s ll the same.



I said that I ate o en at home, not that I ate in a hammock.

In the end, he went into re-cooking according to my instruc ons, and was
able to finish an edible stew.

"How about it, is it edible now?"


"Gram, who am I?"


As I scratched un l the very end, I watched Ellen's forehead grow with


I was terrified at the feat of angering the stone Buddha.

Oh, I'm pre y sure I'm a sadist.

and Monday evening.

"That's not how you do it."

Watching me wielding a sword in the gym, Ellen said as if tossing it.


"I'm not doing that."

Ellen began to take revenge on the extreme discipline and rudeness she
had heard from me.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 46

The cost of making the stone Buddha angry was great.



"It's weirder than before."

Ellen pointed out that all the swordsmanship moves I showed were all
wrong. Then, he clearly demonstrated the ac on in front of me.

"This is how you do it."



Damn it. Everything is like a boomerang. I'm just paying the price for
scratching my kids just to make fun of them and then really piss me off.

As I clumsily followed the movement, the boy shook his head.

“No. It’s completely different.”

Ellen then shows the correct movement as a par al movement and repeats

said Of course, whatever I do, it's sure to look strange to those three eyes.
cuz it's hard
As a result, in exchange for making Ellen Artorius, who is like a stone stone
angry, he started to put special training into my swordsmanship.

The strongest guy in its class is teaching me, so it's good in the end. If I had
asked for some help personally, he would not have helped me because it
was bothersome.

However, as a result of making him go crazy with hunsu and gossip in every
case, Ellen

It's not because you want to help me, it's because you have a fever, so
you're teaching me.

The result is good anyway, but the process is weird.

I hit more goals because it wasn't inten onal.

"It's not like that."

Ellen is retalia ng for what she has heard from me.

Nya repeated.

what, what... .

In fact, I should be very grateful anyway. in self training

A child with the strongest talent in a busy world view looks a er my


should like it

"...why not?"

pissed off I'm even more pissed off because I don't deserve to be angry. It's
frustra ng to change the genre the same way I was doing and get it back.

You were the incarna on of inner fire. It's funny when I do it, but annoying
when I do it

A typical introvert type human being.

A child is a child, so there is no excuse for that.

I'm a spoiled adult, I'm a bit greedy.

“Oh, a li le. I know you're hi ng uh. If you're going to have two Hunsu, let
me know properly

give it to me?"

Faced with my ugly nature head-on, I became a li le passive.

“So like this.”

Ellen crackles with picturesque movements

He demonstrated matching swordsmanship moves. When I looked at the

gaze that even made me wonder why I couldn't, it seemed like I was
stabbed here and there.

Yes, I am the incarna on of my inner fire. See you later at the restaurant.
I'm really behind


A er that day, when I was making something in the restaurant, I made

Ellen cook the food, and I was next to him, possessing an extreme s nging
insect and nagging me. And in the dance hall, Ellen watched what I was
doing and took possession of the extreme hunsu.
It's like exchanging instruc on, it's like a beau ful friendship just in words.

It seems that it is not friendship, but malice that grows between the

“You know, why don’t you know this simple thing? The measuring cup is
made of foam.what? Or buy a cookbook and check it out, nigga.”


in the kitchen.

“You can move your arms this much and this much. Why can’t you?”

"It's because I'm out of energy. It's been a few hours, but if it's done
properly, it's not weird."

"It was before."

“...Boo, it was definitely be er! He said he was in be er shape!"

“… If that was okay... . I think you have to suffer."

“You are good. Uh." in the gym.

We were exchanging extreme training and building up a chain of malice

with each other.

By the way, it seemed certain that he added fun to doing something by

itself, saying it was annoying. I'm red of simple food. The one I taught you
while not doing well

Because I saw you rumble with . Strictly speaking, it seemed like he was
trying to learn and eat by himself, even a er listening to the instruc ons,
rather than seeing him sarcas c while ea ng what I made for him.
Anyway, I had to learn swordsmanship in order to increase my physical
curls as a result, so I did as Ellen told me.

It wasn't just the swordsmanship training.


I also prac ced with Ellen. As I ran and pierced my lily sword, Ellen put her
sword on my sword and slid it outward, while slamming my right shoulder
with her right shoulder.

- Puck!


As I was about to fall, Ellen put a knife to my neck.

"It's dead."

Swordsmanship isn't just a fight, it just ends in a single match.

you throw it away Because if you s ng it in a single moment, you will fly


“Are you going to hit the body? Isn't that a foul?" Ellen lted her head at
my voice.

“Where is the skill for killing?”

It was a bloody word for a child to say, but it was true and I couldn't refute
it. Ellen con nued to prac ce and prac ce a er that, and taught her
different types of swordsmanship, a ack methods, and self-defense
techniques. Swordsmanship theory lecture

Ellen knew a lot of things she hadn't learned yet.

It was true that training in front of a living opponent was more helpful than
training swordsmanship moves.

Curious, I looked up his physical data. The details were not revealed, and
the talent was reduced, but it was announced in the classroom. In other
words, it's like a simplified status table. This was also in the original.

Royal Class 1st year A-2, Ellen.

[Strength 16.5(B)]

[Reflex 18.3(B+)]

[Dexterity 20.2(A-)]

[Magic 23(A)]

[Health 15.3(B-)]



[Magic Domina on]

Compared to my status displayed by the system, it is a lot simplified.

Informa on that the physical scanner cannot grasp will not be displayed.
For example, the ranks of swordsmanship and skills.

Ellen's talent is enormous, but in the Temple, it was reduced to only

possessing weapon skills and magical power. Weapon skills are also a
comprehensive talent, but magic mastery is also a comprehensive talent
that includes talents such as magic opera on, magic response, and magic
At the point where I already have these two, I should have an edge over
Bertus, but I had to put it down to number two.

You don't even need talent.

Ellen far surpasses my physical ability, which is do ed with F and D, just by

looking at her physical strength.

According to the rank classifica on, there is li le change in rank even if the
number increases as you go to a higher rank.

In this classifica on system, Ellen is already at a ridiculously high level.

A status of S rank or higher is the level of superhuman. In the first place, it

was a rank that was allowed only for masters and above.

I don't know what the ba le level will be, but an A rank will be enough.

None of his classmates, let alone the Royal Class, possess this level of
physical ability.





Don't you think the purpose of this bastard is to just beat me down with
the excuse of figh ng?

But I also realized a lot.

In the end, swordsmanship is not just a sword, but anything that can use
both fists and feet. There was even a technique like wrestling, such as
throwing the sword away and passing it by the collar.

That's why I knew that the arm that didn't hold the sword was also very
important. An a ack method that holds the sword with both hands, while
dealing with the enemy's sword with one hand, subdue the enemy with an
empty hand, or grab the enemy's blade or one's own blade to a ack.

There are so many that I can't even memorize them.

"100 million!"

- Boom!
At the same me as deflec ng my sword, it almost crushed me as if it were
a acking me, and even did strange things like poin ng the sword at me.

"It's dead."

They tell you that you are dead a er you take them down.

"It's heavy, man..."

No ma er how much swordsmanship it is, please don't ride it like that.

During the match, Ellen uses a sword

The man George showed me a number of methods, some of which were


“…..are you kidding me now?”


“Are you holding your sword upside down?”

While holding the blade of the training sword, he slapped my head with
the cross guard. When I saw it, it was so ridiculous that I was shocked. Is
this insul ng right?
Ellen shook her head.

“…that’s actually how you write it. heavily armed against an enemy.”

“Does such a non-funny swordsmanship really exist? What if I cut my


"It doesn't cut well."

Ellen said that it was not possible because it was a training sword, but I did
not have any trust at all. Anyway, as a result of experience, I knew, but
Ellen was not at the level at all to learn swordsmanship at the level of a

Ellen taught her swordsmanship, including suppression, and told her to try
it too. In other words, in the end, beat yourself up

Because it was a talk, I had no choice but to do it while hesita ng.

As I learned, deflec ng the sword, using the le arm without holding the
sword, or something similar to grounding that causes the opponent to fall
like in mar al arts.

S ll, I was star ng to wonder if this could ever be the case.

"It's too slow, and the mo on is clumsy."

Ellen shook her head even as it was crushed under me. doesn't seem like
this it's not this If I were a teenage boy, I'd be really excited right now.

I would have! You're going over this, Mr. Sun!

Can't you see that Cliff #5, who is standing right next to him and flir ng
with his sword, is spying on what we're doing and swallowing his saliva?

me like that?

hey hey hey!

You're looking at me with this feeling, author


"Try again."

Both me and Ellen were swea ng profusely because they had been arguing
with me for a long me.

I think it's me to be fair. The opponent is the extreme dumbass, and I just
see him as a child.

As a result.

- Kang! Kak!

"My hand is torn!"

"Not torn."

We were both focused on swordsmanship and hunsu.


The duel is right a er lunch me on Sunday.

And since Friday, Ellen did something strange.

"Hold on."

- Clink!
He slammed the side of the sword I was holding with my eyes forward. The
water lily sword, which had escaped from his grasp, was sca ered on the
floor of the gymnasium.

“All swordsmanship is useless if you miss the sword.”

You've missed something you should have thought would kill you if you
missed it.

“Your grip is too weak.”

His grip strength is so weak that he misses the sword with just one hit like
this. On Friday, Ellen slapped my sword rather than suppressing it, as if
trying to test if she was s ll holding the sword well, demanding that I not
miss it and hold it well.

Of course, the more the training con nued, the more power was lost from
the grip.


how long have you been doing that When El Ren struck the side of the
training sword, the training sword was sha ered.

"What, what?"

The sword was broken, so it hurt my hands, but is that the level of
smashing the sword with a sword? Ellen looked at the broken water lily
sword and picked up the rubble.

“The water lily sword is weak in its original strength. break well."
It looks like he's had a few experiences with it so far.

"You say you use that in the Temple?"

"It's a problem if you like the water lily sword too much."

The water lily sword has no blade at all. If you ever get hurt while using it,
it's a big problem. And it seems that the material is made weak on purpose
because it is not good because it is too strong. Even if you don't have a
blade, if you have a lot of power, you can use a blunt weapon

It could be that

“Don’t miss the sword.” With my sword broken, I fly the bar

“It’s not as easy as it sounds, are you?”

sat down on the deck. You couldn't do any more because your hands were
bri le.

Grip strength is important.

Adriana con nued to emphasize grip strength in terms of strength during

physical training. Strong grip strength was essen al, and he con nued the
grip strength training.

Ellen also took everything else off and hit my sword hard all day today to
test whether I dropped it or not.

Because Cliffman also went back to rest, the haze

There were only the two of us in the room. Of course, there are not always
three. Bertus and Erchi also come from me to me to train.

Bertus had a strange smile on his face as he watched me train with Ellen.
He didn't say much about my duel, but he seemed to be slightly proud of
what I was trying to do.

It's a li le bit like the gaze of the great subordinate No. 1, who can take
care of himself even if he leaves it alone.

Besides, these days, I'm focusing on training for a duel, so I don't do much
with other kids.

there was no char Well, in the first place, some of the traffic has been
cleared up, so maybe the kids don't really touch me.

S ll, this Sunday will be the main event for the kids.

It's the day when Reinhardt, a psycho bastard, gets a true educa on. All
those who hate me will come to the duel.

"You will lose."

Ellen said first. This guy hasn't said a word about my duel so far wasn't

But of course it wasn't that he didn't know. You must have known why I
was suddenly focusing on training.


Everyone says you'll lose to me, and I know that. Ellen must know that I'm
not par cularly confident, but why am I saying this all of a sudden?

“Do you want to win?”

Ellen spoke out of nowhere. Even asking these things, I can understand the
inten on

But when I see Ellen talking about herself and asking ques ons like this, it
means that at least she thinks of me a li le closer or something like that?
do you want to win

"That's natural."

It would be nice to win regardless of whether it is possible or not. The

reward points are three mes different, my friend. Ellen didn't even look at
me, then suddenly looked into my eyes. His calm black-blue eyes stare at

It looked like a real pain ng.

“How to win. I have one."


What do you mean? No ma er how much I think about it, I don't know
how I can defeat a guy who is a sophomore and has a high level of talent
with swordsmanship. I don't know what it was, but Ellen knew there was at
least one way for me to win a duel.

"what is that?"

“… … … … Think about what a duel is." Ellen said all that, no more.

didn't tell

"No, what are you talking about?"

I mu ered as I stood next to him to tell him what the hell it was, but Ellen
kept her mouth shut as if she didn't want to tell me more.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 47

the day before the duel.

On Saturday, as usual, I did morning strength training with Adriana. He

con nued to train while being supported by his divine power.

Even a er breakfast, Adriana called me back and gave me some training.

"Whoa... Whoa..."

I could definitely feel that my stamina had improved a lot in that short
period of me. The growth rate is fast and you can feel it in your body,
even in the midst of physical and mental pain.

It gave me some bliss.

“Junior, don’t do anything today and tomorrow morning, and stay in good


Adriana can restore my stamina. But if you do it up to now and put more
body in, it will have a nega ve effect on the duel tomorrow. I knew that
much, so I was just trying to do it un l now.

I just want to know what will be different if I have to stay in the best
condi on in a duel where I almost lose anyway.

Adriana trained me in the morning as well as in the a ernoon and sat on

the park bench in front of the dormitory. Adriana handed the canteen, and
I drank the water fran cally because of the more intense training than


As I was exhausted, Adriana looked at me and had a strange smile on her

face. "What?"
“Your junior is really weird.”

"As far as I've been, You seem to be very pa ent and tenacious enough to
follow me. Why are you being so rude?"

He seems to have felt that he is not impa ent and has lost his temper
during this week's me. However, it was a fight that he did not know why
he was being rude and self-depreca ng such a humilia on.

“I don’t want to be ignored.”


“If you endure in front of a guy who fights once, there are people who
always do it twice. What if you wait twice? count You'll get hit up to four
mes, and then you'll just be caught."

Adriana sighed deeply at my words.

"Doesn't that make you red? Even if you're offended by the slightest bit,
you get angry, you have to fight with someone, and you have to bump into
each other."

“It’s just that.”

I drank all the water from the canteen

Behind it, I stare blankly at the lush park.

"I think it's be er to be red as a puppy than to be red as a hogu."

"really… . I can't understand you."

Adriana shook her head as if she didn't understand me at all.

"There's something I want to ask you anyway.



If I know something, I think I'll answer it

Adriana stared at me.

“One of my classmates told me that there was only one way I could be this
long in a duel, do you know what a senior is?”


Adriana pondered for a moment, as if it was something bizarre. The only

way I can win. What did Ellen think of that?

"that… . I honestly don’t know.”

Adriana shook her head as if she didn't understand.


I don't think I'll even tell you if I hold Ellen by the neck and shake it. Rather,
I'll give it a shot.

the ground will lose


The me for the showdown has come.

As a result of this week's training, I'm definitely in be er shape than I was

before. Because I was trained while receiving a lot of pumping.
Current stats

[Strength 4.8(F+)]

[Right 5.0(D-)]

[Dexterity 5.9(D-)]

[Magic 10.1(C)]

[Health 8.1(C-)]

If strength has risen by 0.8, reflexes by 0.3, and dexterity by 0.7, physical
strength has grown drama cally and has risen by 1.6. Strength and stamina
must have grown through training with Adriana, and it is presumed that his
dexterity improved through the ba le with Ellen.

And why did the magic power rise again?

There were also some changes in the sub-items.

holding capacity

[Asmodian Domina on D] (Arc Daemon's unique ability) (Cannot be used

in this state.)

[Self-sugges on] (Locked)

[Similar swordsmanship]

The lowest level demon king in the overall ability evalua on

Ba le level evalua on F+

• What's that over there?

What is wri en about similar swordsmanship? It's not an F rank, it's just a
similar swordsmanship. Are you saying that even F-class swordsmanship
can't be done yet? Did you not want to use the lowest level
swordsmanship or anything like that?

The fact that the combat level also went from F to F+ is truly breathtaking.
Just leave it as F. F+ makes it look more lame.

Because of that similar swordsmanship that I have achieved through hard

training so far, I am on the verge of breaking my heart.

As a result, in any case, there was a drama c improvement in physical

strength. My abili es have improved evenly, and if I con nue to prac ce
anyway, I will hit my limit. At that me, you have to write achievement
points or whatever, but first of all, you have to do what you can do with
your body.

a ernoon.

1st year Class A dormitory exercise room.

At the place where Ellen and I had clashed swords a lot, there were quite a
few people today.

There are people who come to see me lose.

Bertus was absent. It seemed like I went back to the Imperial Palace for the
weekend, and I didn't even have to look at the results of my duel or

In Class A, there were all but No. 1 Bertus and No. 3 Liana de Granz. It was
surprising that Ellen came to see my duel. A er all, all my classmates who
were there when I played quack with my seniors are here.

Rarely, there were several of them from Class B.

Reinhardt! cheer up!"

"Oh yes."

Of course, the kind Ludwig came to support me. He seemed to have

brought two par cularly close friends from class. The B-9 was Delphine
Izadra, and the B-10 was Lanian Sesor. I've never had a conversa on with
the two of them. It doesn't seem like there will be anything in the future,
and the fact that I don't have anything to do with the ones I've portrayed
the most is pre y good.

It's funny too.

And a person who was a bit far from them, but must have come to see a
duel. Charlo e was s ll watching me.

strong Obviously you didn't come here to support me. Rather, it will be
closer to explora on. He might have come to see how I behave in a duel, or
to inquire about the inves ga on situa on in Bali.

I guess he's trying to confirm my usefulness somehow.

Others who didn't expect to come were B-3 Scarle . With red eyes and red
hair, it stands out. I've never had an affair with him either, so why did you
come to see this? I wouldn't be very interested in other people's affairs,
but technically speaking, I wouldn't want to step into the A class even

“Why did that dog-eyed bitch come here? unlucky."

There is no reason to come here because of Erhi, who is desperate to eat

Scarle , but Scarle came to watch my duel. to

Although he was far away from Lehi, he was clearly looking at me.

Since this was not in the original, there must have been a mo ve that was
not in the original.

My classmates were made up of people like this, and most of my

classmates would want me to be horribly trampled on. Except for Ludwig, I
don't know what Ellen thinks. He was just squa ng in the corner and
looking at me.

“Beggar, you’re going to be very upset today. Be prepared."

Harriet covered her mouth and smiled.

"Oh, you're having fun."


“Have fun.”

"What, what is it really..."

At the sound of enjoying being beaten up, Herriot's expression turned into
a bewildered expression again.

I think prejudice is important. At first, I was angry and just said something,
but inside me

They just recognize him as a cute guy, so whatever he does, he's just cute.

In other words, it's like seeing a kid who was set as a plain villain actually
does something cute and unexpectedly became a favorite character?

Because I don't know people.

The seniors seemed to have come to the en re 2nd grade A class. Seeing
that the number is over ten, are you from class B? Let's see the face of the
junior who dared to do the best for the senior

Is it like this?

Arde de Gri s and Adriana are my duelists who know the face, and a li le
boy named Redina who is looking at me and Arde alternately with
expressions about to cry.

I'm going to have to buy something real later. You said something like that,
if you hit a good boy like that, your throat will go back.

He is such a young and kind boy!

okay! I'm right but it's cheap!

And even Epic Howe, the observer of this duel.

"I think I'm ready, so let's go ahead."

The actual duel was carried out at the risk of their lives. However, a duel
between students should not be a life-and-death event.

Therefore, duels are only conducted under the supervision of a teacher

who can restrain students at any me.

Mr. Epinhauser didn't tell the kids what a duel or what. You are doing what
the rules allow you to do, so you can just do it.

If it had been Mr. Mustrang, I would have told him never to do what he was
doing. Because their personali es are polar opposites.

"The Ard de Gri s is the case of Reinhardt's insult to his honor... So, I will
read as it is wri en in the report."

Mr. Epinhauser began to read the report he had wri en about our duel.
"Two weeks ago from now on Saturday, first grader A-11 Reinhardt
grabbed hold of second grader A-3 Arde de Gri s's crotch and squeezed it

- Whoops!
Teacher Epinhauser was so serious that he read that part without even
laughing, so he began to hold back his laughter in all grades. Either way,
the teacher read it down.

I'm also funny and Ard's expression is ge ng weird, but that Epinhauser
guy is really amazing.

“It was alleged that he inflicted psychological and physical pain as well as
sexual humilia on and consequently damaged his reputa on. Therefore,
the first-year A-11 Reinhardt requested an apology for the incident and
applied for a duel, and Reinhardt A-11 accepted the duel. Am I right?"


“Yeah… ."

Ard didn't laugh, but I barely answered it in a crawling voice because it was

"Let's each say what they want in return for victory."

Ard replies to Epinhauser's words.

"I want Reinhardt to kneel in front of his seniors and apologize for his
disrespect, and I want him to swear respect and respect for his seniors in
the future."

What I want to bring to victory is my apology and respect. Words are

It was the sound of swearing to you that whatever you do, get down on
your stomach. Mr. Epinhauser looked at me this me.

The price of victory in a fight with a slim chance of winning.

"I hope that the absurd ac ons that the seniors have done so far will not
be forced on me, as well as our class members. An apology should be
made, of course."

At my words, the children's expressions became strange.

Even if it was obvious that I would lose, I wouldn't have known that I'd say
not to bully my classmates in return for victory.

What would that look be like?

It's a pity in exchange for something you can't get anyway.

"Okay. Ars, the god of war, will take the side of the righteous."

Dueling is, a er all, a barbaric act.

It is clear that God is on the side of the righteous, so the victor is good and
right. Ars, god of war, whoever is chosen by him wins. It just sounds like a

And when Mr. Epinhauser was about to announce the start of the duel.


Ard raised his hand, unable to hide his displeasure.

“I will nominate my champion as a duelable right.”

What are you talking about?

Are you a champion?

"Name it."

"My champion is 3rd grade A-7. May Ia n."

Ard with a distorted expression retreated and someone took over the
training sword and stood in front of me. The one who received it was
smiling as if it was too much fun to be able to bear this situa on.

Only then did I know Since the second graders came all the way to class B,
the number wasn't that great.

The 3rd grade A-class guys came.

"You said you were the one who told me to come when the prince was

The 3rd graders were offended by what I said and took the place of the
duel that Ard was supposed to be. I dared to do it to the prince, but in the
end, I couldn't do it, so my pride was hurt, so I wanted to take care of

Ard was not of his own will, but seemed to have been forced into it, and
Adriana also had her eyes wide open. I guess I didn't know this was going
to happen.

He looks down at me with a fishy smile.

“Let’s see if you have the skills of a snout, junior.”

Now I realized what the only way I could win was.

Champion. Or Daejeon.

A duelist can get someone to fight for him in his own right.

Then I looked at Ellen Artorius, who was squa ng in the corner and staring
at me.

- nod
He looks at me and nods his head.

The only way I can win.

At that me, Ellen had said that she could be my champion.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 48
Things are going differently than expected. At first, I didn't think I would
win the duel itself, but I never expected that a third grader would appear.
How skinny are these bastards? When there is a prince, you mean to steal
the duel from your juniors in a hurry without knowing what to do?

The odds that were slim anyway became slimmer

It doesn't seem like much has changed. But May Arton, who was staring at
me right in front of me, seemed to be trying to figure out how to truly
educate me.

My classmates were equally perplexed by the sudden appearance of the

3rd year Daejeonsa.

Ellen will come out if I name her the champion. But no ma er how good he
is, can he beat a third grader? Anyway, he's the guy who spent two more
years at the Temple?

I thought maybe I could win. I don't know what kind of guy Mayaton is, but
someone like that will be enough to win. If you want to defeat Ellen now,
you have to be superhuman or have reached the edge of that.

should go That guy wouldn't be like that. Even if you count all the temples,
there are very few people like that, so they wouldn't be the kind of person
who would do such a thing.

Perhaps because of the change in circumstances, the mood of the other

person besides Ellen also changed slightly.

just Adriana

Adriana seemed to be more angry than embarrassed by this situa on. The
old man with a calm impression was looking at me quietly. I could tell just
by looking at the eyes.

It was as if he were saying that he would fight for me.

Originally, Adriana hated the absurdity of being hereditary. It was even

visible to me that I didn't like my seniors very much.

But now that I'm in my 3rd year and seeing them go to a duel with the 1st
year, it seems like I can't stand s ll anymore.

Adriana speaks with her eyes. Make me a champion.

I thought I was fucking fucking temple life, but there are two people who
will fight for me

am i there Was I really doing well?

“If there is no disagreement, the duel will begin immediately. If the result
seems clear, or if one side declares defeat, the duel ends at that me.”

"Sir. I have a sugges on for you."

Mayeye says while looking at Mr. Epinhauser.

"The duel will only take place if you declare defeat. Can't it be done as a
rule that ends?"


“The results are already clear. But I want to teach politeness to a careless

So, unless a declara on of defeat comes out of my mouth, can't the duel
be done as a rule? It's certain that he wins, so he probably doesn't want
the duel to end as soon as the sword collides once.
The purpose is not to beat me, but to crush me.

"Reinhardt, do you agree to those terms?" Rather, it's the sea I've been
hoping for.

“Yes, but instead, there is a condi on.”


Ellen and Adriana will fight for me. Circumstances have changed, and
obviously I've been caught with an even worse bastard than Ard. Ard didn't
mean to treat me that badly.

But this guy will definitely treat me worse than Ard.

As circumstances change, so do judgments.

“Mayaton is in the third year, and I am in the first year. There is a clear
difference in ability in many areas.”

Mr. Epinhauser nodded as if yes.

“As a duelist, I have the right to . . . ."

who will you call

“I ask the opponent for a handicap.”

I didn't call anyone.


Ellen was saying that to me in the sense that if you think about what a duel
is, you'll think of a champion.
So, when Ard built a champion, he thought of something else.

Just a handicap.

If there is too much weight difference between you and your opponent,
you can give your opponent a handicap. It is the same situa on right now.

Neither Ellen nor Adriana seemed to know that I would claim a handicap
rather than a champion. Yeah, I wouldn't have thought of a handicap if the
champion hadn't appeared out of the blue.

Mayaton burst out laughing at my words.

“Junior, do you really intend to beat me?”

He was smiling, but he seemed really angry. It's like you think I'm really
going to lose just because I get a handicap like that. Effinhauser, the
observer of the duel, nodded.

"good. During a duel, Mayaton prohibits the use of the le hand.”

It was not Maya herself who set the handicap, but Epinhauser teacher.
Maya ne snorted and hid her le hand behind her back. As if this handicap
doesn't ma er at all.

If it were me too, that would be a big handicap.

You might not have thought of it, but while figh ng with Ellen for a while, I
realized how important the role of the hand that did not hold the sword
was. Sealing one arm is a huge handicap.

Of course, the chances of being able to overcome this weight class

difference would be very slim.

In the eyes of everyone, Mr. Epinhauser declared.

"Start a duel."

Mayaton didn't run right away. Holding the lily sword in his right hand, he
slowly approached me while hiding his le hand. There is no such thing as
a strategy in my mind. Will the countless skills I learned from Ellen really
work for him? If you have good technique, you can overcome the weight
difference, but I only learned by a ribute.

I don't know swordsmanship yet. It is arrogant to think that you know that
you have learned a li le.

I feel like he doesn't care at all

As a ma er of fact, he approached me as if he had gone out for a walk.

"Is it frozen?"

When the guy approaching with his sword pointed forward tried to get into
range, I pushed his sword to the side and tried to push it in.


But as if such a movement could be seen, he slashed the power of the

sword I was holding with one hand.

The shock forced me to take a few steps back. Even though he was holding
the sword with both hands, it felt like his palms were going to tear.

I'm weak."

May-I stares at me, who has been pushed back.

You have the confidence to subdue me right now, but you are trying to play
with me. As if trying to trample on my pride and make me realize that you
are nothing. Mei Ai leaned down slightly and ran straight to me.
And the high day began to a ack.


To be precise, I a acked the clenched sword, not me.

inten onal


- Clink!

As soon as I let go of the sword, he kicked me in the stomach.


He realizes as he rolls over the floor with his sword. Un l the declara on of
surrender, un l I bow my pride and declare defeat.

This kid will repeat this.

"What if I miss the sword, junior."

He kicked the fallen water lily sword that had bounced off me.

As I was afraid to pick up the sword, Mayaton rushed in and slammed the
side of my training sword once again.

The sword flew out of his grip as soon as it was gripped and fell on the

Mayaton looks at me and smiles.

"Pick it up."
He seemed to understand why Ellen had trained him to hold the sword and
not miss it.

I knew this was going to happen.


The power of the hand is gradually draining away.

“I really don’t understand.”



Every me I missed my sword, he pounded me with his elbow, kick, and

knee, one at a me, as if punishing me with corporal punishment.

"Like you, with no skills or no trust.

silver crab.”


"Why are you black?"

I have no inten on of overpowering the high day. Seeing me fade away, I

once again kick the training sword by my bedside. He blows my sword and I
go pick it up

looked at him happily.

It wasn't a joke to actually experience the humilia on given by the act of

the sword being pulled out of his grip and going to pick it up.
I felt a sense of wretchedness and shame that the other party was only at
the level of a toy. It doesn't change even if the other person is a piece of
garbage that is a parody of a two-year-old or young freshman.

I knew I would lose, and I knew I would be insulted in this way. In addi on
to being insulted, the pain in the body was enormous as he was subjected
to something close to being beaten.

As they gripped their swords again, they approached and slashed the
brook's sword.

His hand was torn and bleeding.

This is no longer a duel. It wasn't a duel from the start. His gait wasn't
toward a duel.

If I just walk like a walk and swing my sword lightly, my sword will bounce
off. And he kicks or slaps me like a joke when I'm defenseless.

He looked down pi fully as I got up, slurping on my face.

"The only thing missing is the Swordmaster's eyes."

"Put it down, you bastard."


“How good it is if it goes well.”


“You lost. say you lost easy to talk


" !"

“Do it.”

"I will not?"

“If you don’t, it’s fine with me.”

He murmured on the floor, not showing the slightest sympathy for me as I

kept trying to get up.

I'm a filthy bastard, but this guy is a li le different.

This guy is more than just dirty, it's cruel.

As if I was trying to cover up my lack of skills with cruelty, this guy was that
kind of guy.

And obviously I am incomparably stronger.

The more I got up and tried to resist, the more I seemed to rejoice rather
than admire. He seemed to be delighted to see the one he would step on
someday wriggle.

I feel the atmosphere around me as I hold the training sword again.

There was no emo on in Epinhauser's expression and eyes.

However, most of the classmates' expressions were distorted.

There is such a thing.

When I watch a match in any event, when one side starts to lose horribly, I
unwi ngly cheer for that team. If I did a li le be er, it happens because I
don't want to have such a miserable earthquake.
Now I'm on that miserable losing side.

Harriet de Saint-Ouen, who was delighted that I would receive a true

educa on, was also at a loss for what to do, because his complexion had
turned white. He was looking at me and Mr. Epinhauser in turn. Victory or
defeat is certain, but why don't you stop?

seemed to ask

I imagined myself being beaten up, but something like this

I guess I didn't even think it would. I didn't know it would be this miserable.

There is also the calm side.

Ellen was just staring at me, and so was Charlo e.

Rather, the people who hated me and hated me were star ng to get
terrified. It seems like this is the way I'm going to die.

Even if the duel at the temple is a children's prank that is different from the
actual duel, it is called a duel a er all.

It's not at the level of a simple matchup.

The duel does not end unless defeat is declared. Mr. Epinhauser would not
intervene unless my life was at risk.

I don't want that kind of interven on. Watching me crawl up, the faces of
the other kids, not Mei Ai, are distorted.

He seemed to want to stop surrendering.

I want you to admit defeat and step back. I don't know why you're doing
this. I look at Mayaton in a mess, with my whole body creaking as well as
my hands.

can't win

However, there was a wind.

I can't win though.

To that unlucky, cruel and fucking bastard.

“You, let’s get one.”


Even if it is crushed and trampled on, one is uncondi onal.

“Let’s get one shot, you bastard!”

One will definitely have to grind.

The truth that he was going to be defeated, or any plans to develop his
superpowers in an extreme mental situa on, were forgo en in anger.

hit too much

He was hit so much that the heat ran all the way to the top of his head.

If you can't grind a single shot in that fucking bastard, you won't be able to
sleep for the next month.

I rushed to him with all the strength I was breas eeding, and prepared to
catch him and spill it. As soon as I get caught, that guy will kick me or
smack me with a sword.

Originally, I had no inten on of using it for something like this.

But, I can't do it because I'm so pissed off.

[Use the 'Re re' func on.]

[20 achievement points are required to trigger this event.]

As I slashed the sword of the guy that blocked my eyes from above.

It makes 'things that would not normally happen' happen.

bastard's black.

It sha ers the moment it hits my sword.

The man who blocked my sword's training sword was broken, and
Mayaton's expression was terrifyingly dyed with embarrassment.



At the same me as my training sword struck him on the head, I put my

knee on 'there', which was the cause of this duel, and cut it off.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 49

The water lily sword is not made of hard material.

She remembered hearing that from Ellen. And hard work makes things that
shouldn't happen or things that shouldn't happen happen.

In addi on, the less probable, the more

Requires a large amount of enemy points.

Conversely, highly probable jobs require rela vely few achievement points.

it is

It is very unlikely that the sword would break as it con nued to collide and
the strength weakened.

It wasn't a lack of sex. So, I was able to cause an incident with a very small
amount of points.

It's definitely more probable than having someone who has been trained in
close combat suddenly fall down or surrender. In the end, I succeeded in
feeding him one shot using the method allowed for me.

Ard, aware of this pain, shrugged his legs, and he took his belongings.

He grabbed her hand and stepped back with a painful expression on her

“Hey, uh… this, this dog… a dog-like bastard…!” |

Sadly, he did not fall even though he was swea ng as if he was stuck with a
high orthodoxy. If that bastard recovers from the stun, more horrific
consequences await.

Since the training sword was broken, Mr. Epinhauser took out a new
training sword and threw it at him.

I don't have me to pick it up.

If he recovers from damage, I'm dead.

I rushed in while the man who was shivering a er being hit by the crotch
clumsily picked up the training sword.
- Boom!

"this person!"

Instead of swinging the sword, he hit it with his body. Looking at Mayaton,
who had been sha ered to see if she could s ll recover, I held up my
training sword upside down.


And then, as Ellen showed me the other day, I put his head towards the


It was said that it was against a heavily armed enemy, but now it was
meant to give a shock.

- Whoops!

"Aww! Hey, you bastard!"

If it had been full power, it would have been a dangerous move, but it
seemed that he felt only pain because of his lack of power. He at least
hoped to faint.

-puck! puck! puck! puck!

He hasn't recovered from the pain yet.

When I did, I kicked him, trampled on him, and smashed his face.

But the body that has already reached its limit is a bastard

It cannot give a significant impact to everyone. He crouched and endured

all my powerless movements. The ba le ends only when a declara on of
surrender is made

Same with the guy.

He'll wait un l he recovers like this.


“ !”

And that moment came pre y quickly. As nigga push me, step back

hit and got up

I had no me to spare, and my face was flushed red because I had been
humiliated by a ship a er freshman year.

Where is the duel in this form?


This is just a dogfight.

It's just the quarrels of children who have no pride, no honor, no respect,
and nothing. His eyes gleamed with life.

The faces of the onlookers were ge ng weird.

I was unexpectedly beaten helplessly

When I countera acked, I even cheered

is it i think i can win

Are you even doing it?

“Yes, never surrender forever. Please.”

That's not going to happen. he is s ll recovering

I was wai ng for it to happen, or when I rushed in, I just prepared to a ack,
and I was just watching.

He may surrender now. one big

because I paid You can give up now. To surrender like this is for me to win.

Surrender now and oh good work.

The best thing to do is to annoy you.

That's it.

"Surrender? Yeah, I don't. I don't intend to.

This is a dog. "

I want to win.


“I win.”

Because I gave a kick to that unlucky pair. Seeing it get distorted like that.

I know what the pleasure of revenge is.

“Are you going to win just because you succeeded in one cowardly

I wanted to win. That guy eventually lost

I'll give you a true educa on for the li le guy.

고 까부는 저 씹새끼가 내 앞에 무
I want to get on my knees and make you apologize.


I want to win.

If I lose, I have to kneel in front of that guy and in front of Ard and
apologize. Being beaten is also being beaten, but I have to say that I was
wrong when I didn't even think I was wrong.

I don't like that. There is no need for a grand reason or convincing

probability for something you don't like. I hate to lose No one likes to lose.

And being beaten by the same bastard is a billion

I cried and lost, and then I had to kneel down


i want to see

Convinced of his own victory, the guy who teased me, trampled and kicked
me defeated before me, then what expression

i want to see ji

With some miserable expression, he denied his defeat and showed a more
uglier appearance.
I wonder if you will

I want to make the person who made me uglier than me.

blast furnace.

I want to win.

want to win

the guy comes to me An a ack filled with anger probably won't be as sharp
as a knife, but it's probably going to break even one of them. If the next
a ack is allowed, there is no next a ack.

There is also a limit to enduring evil with strength.

Breaking the training sword once more is unlikely, so more

You will need points. whether it's impossible

do not know,

They don't even know how to feed one more shot, so there's no way to

“Hey, how are you going to defeat me? Show me, okay?”

There is no such thing.

s ll,

Anyway, I want to win. there's no way

That doesn't mean you're banned from doing what you want. I can't win,
but I want to win
The mind is, of course, possible.

I'll have to watch him fall under my feet no ma er what.


then you realize

Don't go in thinking you're going to lose

it was

I had no choice but to lose, but I had to fight while I wanted to win.

No, not even what I want. It's not even at the level you want it to be.

There's no way to win, even in a situa on where you can't help but lose

I wanted to win, and I had to be sure of my victory.

now what i had to do

hey it reminds me of

I catch my breath and see the one approaching.

“How the hell are you going to win?”

Slowly with a fishy smile

is coming



The answer has been decided. I hold my sword and look at him.

“Anyway, I win.”

In this situa on, I force myself.

I don't know how to win. but win anyway.

This is just a coercion.

“I’m out of my mind.”

Mayaton seemed to think I had gone crazy because I was pushed to my

limits, and so did the facial expressions of other people.

no. That's not it. I realized it ra onally, not because I was driven into a
mental extreme. I realized how my power works itself.

The name of my power is self-sugges on. You have to hint to yourself. You
have to believe in it yourself.

I don't even want to win.

It's not even about winning.

Even with no chance of winning, I have to think I'm going to win.

| You have to believe it.

That's how it was supposed to be.

That's the power I have. It's not what you want, nothing you want, nothing
you want. There is no reason, no cause, no root, but you have to believe
that it will happen blindly. Like a child swarming, like an idiot ac ng
compulsion. Only when I believe in myself that my power will awaken

will be

If you believe so, it will happen regardless of the cause or reason. The
power of self-reinforcing that gives me the power to do that.


Choi, who eventually evolves into a spirit ( ⾔靈)

lecture superpowers.

“I win you anyway.”

[Awakening - Self-sugges on]

That's my strength.

- Boom!

A er approaching a certain distance as if he could no longer look at me, he

lowered his body and rushed towards me,


“Big… billions!”

I reacted to the movement that I should have been unable to react to, and
slapped his face with my sword.

- Boom!

Mayaton fell to the floor in the same posi on he had been running into,
rumbling on the floor. It was as if he had fallen to the ground.
I can feel the scars and pain all over his body


In an exhilara ng sense of exalta on, I grabbed the bobbing bastard's


“Big… heh…”

He didn't seem to know what had happened to him. The reac on around
him was the same. A guy who couldn't even control his body un l recently
had this kind of power

Of course, it would be unbelievable to show

I grabbed his hair and slammed it down to the floor.

- Boom!


- Boom!


- Boom!


Wash your hair on the floor in an instant

Mayaton's burnt body shakes

trembled Just as Epinhauser didn't break in when I was hit, he didn't break
in when I tapped Mayaden's head on the floor of the gymnasium. I was just
watching. It is a fearful level of composure.
Not everyone knows what's going on with this.


"her. Heh... uh. How… how…”

“If you faint, you lose anyway. Do you want me to punch you in the head
un l you pass out? I am fine.”

- Boom!





In a reversed situa on without any clear reason or sign. I gripped

Mayaton's messy hair again,

made me stare straight

“You told me.”

“Huh… uh…”

“I’m going to beat you anyway.”

the realiza on of coercion.

Self-sugges on is such an ability. As much as the size of my nonsensical


my strength grows stronger

My vague belief in victory is at least enough to win over Mayaton. The
moment I realized how to use it, I believed it.

A er all, I was sure I could win.

There was no madness, no cruelty, no cruelty, no joy in his eyes.

Those eyes were full of fear for this incomprehensible situa on and


It's good to be feared

it's work

If that's the fear of the guy who has been holding me down and despising
me, it's even be er.

“Come on, tell me. Seniors. Two years more temple than me I went to
school, and my physical ability was be er than mine.

Wow, even though he has be er swordsmanship than me.”

I can't stop laughing and cry. “You mean to say to a first-year student that
I’m a fucking third-year student!”

My mad roar terrifies people

felt like doing

"no? Then just look at the strange ceiling.”

I li ed his head high to throw him back on the floor,

"My, I... I lost."

I was finally able to trample on his pride and receive a declara on of

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 50
I said I would show you an unfamiliar ceiling, but I am actually an
unfamiliar ceiling.
Epinhauser's victory declara on
was next, so the result would not have been reversed. The infirmary must
be something similar. The curtains were drawn so I couldn't tell who was
Soon, the curtain was li ed and a person appeared.
“You woke up.”
“Oh, senpai.”
It was Adriana. she comes to me
She came and put her hand on my forehead and
The dog nodded slowly. Did you judge that the condi on was okay?
“What happened?”
“The duel was won by my junior, but she suddenly collapsed. This is the
dormitory recovery room.”
recovery room? was there such a thing Mayaton be here too? As I looked
around, Adriana shook her head as if she knew what I was looking for.
“The old man is in another recovery room. I hope she will use the same
That's how I got her hair done, that guy
You will also need treatment. Adriana
She sat by the bed next to me and sighed
“Son, you know what I was trying to do.”
Maybe he was talking about those eyes.
“Yeah, what…”
“I could have fought for you.”
But why are you recklessly not choosing me?
She asked with her eyes if she had done anything.
“I was expec ng such nonsense to wake up with my superpowers just in
was it? So did I say something you didn’t understand that I had to be
Adriana looked angry. By the way, he must have already scanned my body
once while I passed out. That's why it's already been said that it was the
influence of superpowers that made me strangely strong.
would have been understood
“Isn’t it great because the results are good?”
"Nonsense. Of course, your junior's ideal
I heard about her ap tude, but... you did something very reckless.”
I know that I have poten al superpowers
I knew it, and I realized how to wake it up. but now this award
Hwang just headed to the ground, but the floor
It was as long as such a broken situa on.
“If it didn’t work out well, wouldn’t it have been worse than losing?”
It's like I'm wondering what's wrong with that
What should Adriana do in response?
I couldn't seem to find her words.
“Junior, I s ll have 6 years le in my temple life. 1st year just started
only. This me, by this great coincidence, you were able to use your
superpowers, but are you going to con nue doing this reckless thing in the
future to awaken your other ap tudes?”
“No, not really…”
Superpowers are a special case, and the rest of us are going to buy talent
with achievement points, so there's no reason to do this anymore...
“Anyway, in the future, such reckless
Stop it. Don’t be more respec ul to your seniors just because you won the
duel this me.”
“It will probably happen again in the near future...”
Everyone must have wondered if my fucking temper hair would be broken
this me. Unfortunately, however, he realized how to use his superpowers,
and grabbed his third-year senior by the hair and pounded it on the floor
of the gymnasium.
Reinhardt becomes even more crazy
This is just because I missed it.
“Then really. Really, I'm a junior
will confuse you okay?"
Adriana stares at me terrifyingly
there was. What if this guy scolds me
Shall I tremble That scolding is what you say
I don't know if it's a win-win.
"Okay. I'll try to restrain myself."
No ma er what, you worried about me
I didn't want to be offended by someone who was gone. Just because
you're angry with someone like this doesn't mean you hate me.
Of course, if you actually fight this yangban
It's obviously going to be a bitch. Maya too
It's because I'm careless.
If it was a duel, the duel would have been over in 5 seconds,
“But honestly, thank you.”
Even if everyone else thinks I'm crazy, I'll do my best to treat someone who
can fight for me.
Adriana sighed at my words.
“I am not a ship that I have to fight for. I just like juniors who get along well
with everyone.”
“Then there is a guy named Ludwig in Class B.”
“You know what you mean to be that kind of person, so do you really want
to say that?”
“I guess I was wrong in this life.”
“Oh really.”
In the end, the mad Adriana cut my head
she was blown away
You can make anyone mad
I think it might be my real talent, but this.
She was treated by nursing teachers in the recovery room. Fain ng is
natural. Because he forcibly raised a power that could not be produced in
his original state, his body had reached its limit. Of course you have to heal
I wasn't at the level to do it, so I went to the recovery room
could come out soon.
Afraid of that, a consulta on with Dr. Epinhauser proceeded.
“....suggest yourself....” |
Mr. Epinhauser said I was in a duel
He seemed to be troubled by the awakening of her superpowers.
“It’s interes ng, number 11, you must have had superpowers among your
many ap tudes, but as you said, it was really possible.
Dany. I think it was because of this necessity that I accepted a duel from
my seniors... It's foolish, but if the result is like this, then you were right."
“Actually, I did it because I wanted to do something, but somehow it
“Luck is just as talented students don’t get it by hard work.
it's talent Do you have a talent called luck?
I don't know, but from now on, it is forbidden to use abili es to a ack
anyone. Unless it's a special case like a duel like I did, but your ability isn't
something that stands out. The downside is that it's hard to judge. Of
course, it may be an advantage for you, but I don’t know.”
I can't tell if I did physical strengthening or not, depending on the degree.
So it's an advantage for the guy who uses it, judge
It is a disadvantage for the teacher who has to go.
“I won’t do anything stupid.”
“Yeah, I think you might be a violent guy, but you’re not an idiot.”
Mr. Epinhauser was s ll looking at me with a s ll lifeless gaze. This person's
gaze was terrifying whenever I met him. When he showed his cold a tude,
he felt a strange sense of fear similar to that of Bertus.
“You will be surprised to hear Mr. Rolandria, go ahead.”
Mr. Rolandria was referring to the professor in charge of the psychic class.
'Cause the guy who said she'd be alright somehow got over it.
Reinhardt during a duel with his senior
Awakened her super powers.
It seemed that the rumor had already spread to the en re class as well as
to the seniors. 1st year and 3rd year duel
A high school, 1st grader awakened his superpowers during the ba le and
lost it.
The duel itself would already be a topic of discussion for the en re Royal
Class, but even the first graders won. not rumored
it's weird
s ll.
I didn't know it was going to be like this.
"Are you Reinhardt?"
"You said it wasn't just a joke?"
“Mayaton, that bastard should have been right.”
“Ummm what You're so cute! cute! Can I give you a hug?”
no, not baby Seventeen though. And no ma er how I look at it, I'm cute
Not the type?
“Will my sister buy me something delicious? Yes? Do you like macarons?”
Now, in the first-year class A dormitory, the seniors who gathered a er
hearing the rumors looked at me.
flocked to
In a way, it was a reasonable conclusion.
The decision of the second year to defeat the first year by the third year
He was forced to become a Daejeon warrior in Jinju-ri.
At this point, Mayaton is already a junior.
It will be engraved as garbage from the point of view of people who are
not interested in, or dislike, management or anything like that. Not all A-
class people like strict systems.
It is the second half of the year that becomes the university level
Those who turn their a en on to such things
there are many Therefore, high school students
At the me when a great guy named Arton was about to take over the
freshman year, it was already an unfavorable feeling.
But it even broke.
Therefore, seniors are bound to develop curiosity and liking for me as
much as their dislike for Mayaton.
And although he's not super handsome, Reinhardt has a rather handsome
It's understandable that noonas are doing this to me, baby, I'm dead...
“How can he be so straight forward already? You said that if you win, your
seniors told you not to bully you and your friends?”
I'm going to lose anyway
I seemed to be known for being a big fan and a guy for friends.
“Uh… yes. That's what I said..."
“It’s really good.” Of course, my real classmate who heard about it in the
dormitory lobby crowded with seniors
He had a look of doub ng his own ears.
How can the seniors call the crazy dog Reinhardt such a good and correct
'Cause I'm turning it on no not at all
She says sternly that she's not a run kid.
They were the expressions I wanted.
“If anyone bothers you a er this, tell me. 'Cause I'll give you my heart can't
you see If you have any problems, come straight to the 5th grade class A,
- Kurreung! Kurung!
In 5th grade, he is twenty-one. College student
is my sister
...Of course, she's not really my older sister, and she's a li le girl.
The old woman screamed, summoning a small storm in her own right
hand. What? Why is Na Seon-hwan here?
As they are seniors, their level of superpowers cannot be compared with
those of first-year students.
will be It’s special to me, and I can say the right things for others like you.
I heard that there should be more children.
Of course, the compliments that my classmates and myself couldn't agree
There are more kids like me, Temple
will perish
S ll, looking at face value, it seemed like I was just a good kid.
There were also cases where the male seniors said they did a good job and
stroked my hair, but there were also some female seniors who crossed the
"Oh my God. I heard that you had a hard life?”
“Oh, yes, what…”
She had heard about my origins, so a certain senior woman suddenly
hugged me ghtly and even gave her a headache.
oh no
I can't do this nigga!
My original version is also the original version, but I was seventeen in the
first place.
It's also in full swing!
“How did you really come to the temple?”
Don't do this! Hey, this is actually not a good thing on my part!
When it spread that I was from a street bum, people couldn't help but
marvel at how he was able to grow up so upright even though he grew up
in such an environment.
There was a huge misunderstanding about me in the senior level, and I
couldn't even say anything about it.
I'm really red.
In the end, I became a temple star in one duel.
No ma er what the misunderstandings of the seniors, the girl they meet
a er they all go home
The gaze of the stones was also slightly different from before.
I knew I had awakened my superpowers
It's also because
Even though I was treated so badly by my senior, my man who a acked me
with this clenched fist
Anyone who has felt something in their ac ons
is sheep,
The people who hated me, Kaier, Erhi, and Kono Lint, looked at me and
passed by with their eyes closed. If you look at your mentality, not just
your skills, your opponent
I felt like I was a bad guy.
It’s not because I’m good at figh ng, it’s my mental power that rises no
ma er how much I get hit.
He seemed to feel fear in his body. In the end, my skills and mental growth
are kids, but right now they're just kids. i look weird
it is natural
Herriot de Saint-Ouen looked at me and said,
He spun the dog and walked past without looking at me.
Whoops, that's not the reac on I expected.
I should have been a li le more beaten up, but wasn't it the right me to
say something like this? “Yumma!”
“Wow, what!”
When I called, he stopped as if he had been wai ng, and showed an
enraged reac on. It looked like his face was slightly shriveled.
“Do you have anything to say to me?”
When I asked, Harriet frowned.
“Isn’t there such a thing? What can I say to a beggar like you? Ah yes, yes. I
should have been be er, but I cowardly use my superpowers to win.”
I just got the reac on I was hoping for.
"Yeah? You're like that, aren't you fidge ng when you hit me?"
“What, what?”
I must have been watching
Gon didn't even think about it, so his face turned even redder.
“My face is blurry and my feet are moving
Did you see everything?”
I say to him with a sullen smile. In fact, I kept looking in that direc on,
mu ering a li le, hoping that Epinha Uzer would somehow stop me.
I saw everything I could see even when I was beaten. To be precise, there's
nothing le to do.
That was all I had to do though.
Anyway, I think he's Epinhauser.
I want you to stop, but I can't stop, more and more
I've seen everything that can't be restless.
One conclusion.
“Are you worried about me? It’s cute.”
“Absolutely not! No or no or no! my, i Ha, cha, oh, oh, my, my, why am I so
worried about you, things like you? under! under!
It was all cool!"
Seeing you blushing with your face blushing makes me worry
It seems to have been absolutely correct. A er all, there's no one who
doesn't feel sympathy for seeing them being so pi ful.
I approached him, put my palms on his bare cheeks, and slapped him
The cheeks of the dignified and lo y Principality Young Ae were wrinkled
like steamed buns.
He never thought anyone could do such a thing to him.
I couldn't even scream and I was numb.
"Mh! Mhnd! De! Nerg!"
I play when he does something ridiculous
That's why it's really, really, really cute. When I let him go, his face turned
red, and his lips were trembling and he was bewildered.
“Do you dare, dare to touch my body? something like you Nonsense. how.
How can a beggar… how…”
He was so angry and embarrassed that he couldn't even scream. There was
literally a pupil earthquake. I'm not angry this me
He seemed so absurd and surprised.
Not only did she dare to touch her precious body, but she wrinkled her face
like a steamed bun and giggled.
This is the cutest me. Me, this can't happen to me! A face that denies
when it comes out.
"Heh, heh... heh heh! heuk! sure!"

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 51

Harriet began to cry.
I can deal with bullies, but I can't deal with crying kids at all.
I realized I couldn't.
I saw Harriet crying in the hallway.
He brought me to the restaurant and handed me the macarons in my
what, what
The way I try to appease a crying child is too much like an old man's owner,
so I'm embarrassed even when I give it to him.
“No, I don’t eat what you gave me because it’s dirty!”
“It wasn’t mine, but the seniors gave it to me?”
“You touched it! Then it's dirty! Get out of the way, don't eat it!"
Harriet was crying bi erly. what to do, what to do It's like a grandfather
who teases children because they are cute and makes them cry. If it's cute,
it's cute. It's true that you bullied me too much.
My old friend said they were cute and said this
It's a rudder ringing pa ern.
obviously i was wrong uh.
That's so damn wrong
"Oh hey... I was wrong. Huh? I was bad. Huh? I apologize. Don't cry. Huh?"
“Turn it off! Who are you?
Dee! nobody tells me ooh
Lee's dad, mom, and oppas don't say that to me, so why are you saying you
have nothing to me?
Wow! I sighed as I watched Harriet weeping.
“No, you’re also making fun of me for being a beggar.”
“You are right! Beggar, beggar
Why are you making fun of me!” |
Oh, I can't really squeeze it out, and if I say that you're being beaten up
here too, I'm afraid I'll cry more sadly, so I opened my mouth.
Oh yeah.
Another direc on came to mind.
"No, I didn't make fun of you, Jin.
Is it because it's cute?"
"Heh heh... Black?"
The reac on comes. He looks at me like I'm talking nonsense.
Yes, it's hard to be ght and some mes it's cute.
“Don’t even think about it. Didn't I ever tell you that you were a bum? You
just said it was cute. Being cute is a compliment, but why?
are you kidding me? uh? you are me
Even though I said that, I told you that I was cute. When were you kidding
me? Didn't you make fun of me? Did you make fun of me for saying it was
cute because it was cute?”
Between HFE'
“You wrinkled my cheeks and laughed at me!” “No, I thought it would be
cuter if I did that, right? It was actually really cute, uh.”
He hiccuped and looked at me. He seems to be thinking deeply. To be sure,
I didn't say anything like that just before.
“Aren’t you saying that a lowly child like you can’t touch my body by just
revealing your iden ty? Us
mo ve? uh? Even if you do not know when you graduate, the temple
As long as we're students, we're the same, aren't we?"
I was about to say something, but the guy was mumbling. If something like
you tells me not to do that, sir
You think you're going to get mad at me.
The guy thinks for a while and then he looks at me.
“…don’t touch me with dirty hands in the future.”
Finally, the boy mu ered a li le. How relaxed is this?
"Okay man. Excuse me. I'm really sorry, eat this and relax. Huh?"
As I con nued to go out and apologize, his expression seemed to change a
The a tude changes a bit as the yangchi, who looks like he'll never do
anything like an apology, is completely empty.
I mean, if a notorious guy comes out like this, isn't it right to feel sorry for
him? It felt like this.
"uh? I've never tried this, but it'll be delicious. eat."
He hated it when I kept pushing the macaron in.
"iced coffee. I don't eat... I don't eat. you... ok. eat! eat it! You are like my
grandmother! it's annoying!"
Harriet was forced to receive macarons.
I couldn't help it, so I groaned as if I was ea ng.
I think I'm really old what to do that
I really don't know how to comfort a child.
I'm too old!
Don't eat, without looking at me
The guy spoke to me.
“Uh, huh?”
“Didn’t it hurt when you hit it?”
“It hurt so bad.”
He recovered, but it was terribly painful. If it hits you, it's natural to feel
Why did you ask Ren?
“Why are you figh ng? Just don't surrender. If only I wasn't lucky enough
to have superpowers
You never win.”
“Then why didn’t you surrender? He said he was sick."
I'm sure I'll lose, but I keep ge ng up and bea ng
Harriet didn't understand that he was hit.
seems to have been Of course, he also has superpowers.
We had a lot of problems, so we kept figh ng.
Dunn there though.
“There is a person in life that you feel like you don’t want to lose as much
as this bastard?”
“Who was the other person like that?”
You educated your juniors and you are a duelist
Lee was stolen and the opponent was a freshman
Despite this, it was brutally trampled upon. It wasn't honorable at all, and
it wasn't cool either.
I just didn't want to lose to a guy like that.
He said it roughly in that sense. actually
It's similar and a li le different, but Harriet thought about it for a while,
said like a spit.
“You will die early.”
“You’re not dead yet.”
Now for my bizarre answer! It's me for the same chum to come out.
Heriot, who had been chewing on macarons for a while, did not come up
with such a clear answer.
“You just…”
A li le
"A li le"
Harriet, who had been mu ering for a long me, abruptly got up from her
"huh! I don't know, you idiot!"
And in the end, a er pu ng in the obvious chuimsae, it disappeared one
by one.
Some mes it's good to have an obvious character like that.
Just because you win a duel doesn't mean it's over. My psychic powers are
in their infancy and I need to get used to using them. Autosugges on start
Because the real goal is the spirit.
So, I headed back to the gym. And there are always two NPCs appearing.
Cliffman and Ellen
I haven't spoken to Cliffman yet, but I'm familiar with it. Because he's the
guy I always meet at the dance floor.
Ellen swung her sword when she saw me and stopped her sword. She
wondered if she had something to say, but she's just staring at it to see if
it's something else.
Should I brag that I won? Or what you were trying to do as a champion
would you say thank you? I'm thinking about what to say...
Ellen pointed her somewhere with her chin.
There was a cradle on which training swords were placed.
“It’s not like figh ng.”
Were you preparing for hunsu?
S ll, at least congratula ons on winning, what is a superpower, or
something like this
Wasn't it me? Or teach swordsmanship
I don't care what you hit.
No ma er what happens, he's the same guy, so my excitement just calmed
down. Winning was winning, but it felt like he had reaffirmed that there
was s ll a long way to go.
There is a long way to go to be full now.
I grinned while holding the water lily sword.
“No, it will be a li le different from today.”
is a horn.
It was fun to grab.
Prac ce doesn't stop.
I woke up early and did strength training with Adriana. Adriana declared
that she had no further urgency with this, and that she would not assist
with divine powers.
I realized how well I was exercising. Because I really thought I was going to
A er that, the rou ne was the same. Before breakfast, I make something
with Ellen, and a er that I have breakfast again and go to class.
Because I don't get divine power support
I wanted to eat a lot, but I had too much exercise, so I decided to keep
ea ng something between meals, if not as much as before.
Above all else, Ellen trains in the gym.
But, even at a restaurant, I had a more mid feeling that I had to take
Bertus, who did not return to the temple and came to the classroom
building on Monday, was astonished to hear the results of the duel from
the other classmates. The person who explained it was none other than
Reinhardt, aren't you amazing?"
As soon as Bertus heard the explana on, he turned to me and said:
"Uh what."
“It’s said that he has infinite ap tude, so he thinks he will have
superpowers among his talents.”
I'm underes ma ng your possibili es
Saying sorry, Bertus smiled so ly. There were quite a few people who were
grieved that I became a psychic, and the most grievous among them was
Heinrich von Schwarz, who of course burned me.
He looked at me intently as if he didn't understand me, who became a
psychic in such a nonsensical way.
I was trying not to
“Well, honestly, I was lucky…”
Cayer next to Bertus is mid.
murmured, but Bertus shrugged.
"okay? It’s more amazing that I thought of con nuing to fight in that state
than my superpowers.”
“That’s right….”
Cayer was terribly squished at first, and then suddenly got super powers.
I talked about it as if I had turned around in the room. Soon, I just
described it like a bad luck guy.
But from Bertus's point of view, superpowers
Rather than winning by force, helpless
I want to keep figh ng even while being beaten with
It seemed like he was pushing himself higher.
Bertus was originally a Royal Class.
Stars on the talents they have right now
not interested If you say they are great kids, they are just kids. So I'm
surprised that I've awakened my superpower.
I was surprised, but rather, he seemed to be impressed by the fact that he
got up and fought hard even though he was violently harassed by a senior
in the 3rd grade.
Rather than talent and strength, it raises the head and mentality higher.
I know that no ma er how great a skill is, it's useless if you don't have the
brain to use it, and even if you have a brain, it's even more useless to run
away from a crisis.
No, the more I look at her, the more I like it, right? is not it? I'm
brainwashed right now
is it? A floa ng character that I made
Isn't it a problem to have a crush on Te Chin? Knowing and being deceived
is a real asshole, but I'm really
Is it a climbing angle??
Are you a creator who is obsessed with crea on? Am I too pathe c?
When I was on the verge of delirium.
- Druck!
The door opened and a man came in.
It was Ard de Gri s, a party to the duel.
He arrived as a loser at the place he had come to apply for a duel. Of
course, that expression was also very dead. Everyone was silent, watching
the situa on, and he approached me and bowed his head.
"I lost the duel, so I will admit my mistake. Reinhardt, I will not do anything
about unfair demands and verbal abuse from my juniors in the future. I'm
sorry. I deeply reflect on my wrong ac ons."
Seeing that apology, I
I couldn't help but be ght.
A champion is just a champion a er all. The price of a duel is not the
champion's, so the champion doesn't have to pay the price for defeat.
So, holding me directly, fan May Arton didn't come to apologize to me
because he was only a champion a er all.
I should have come for moral reasons, but I'm afraid I won't be able to
come because of my pride. Maybe why should I go to Ard?
I would have made a sound. I didn't even bother to ask.
"Yes. That’s it.”
"I'm sorry."
Arde, who raised his head, looked at me and apologized once again.
A table with very complex emo ons
it was right
I couldn't overcome the pressure of my seniors and forced myself to
choose the champion. And I came alone without bringing Mayaton to this
place. He seemed to feel guilty to me for all of that.
As Adriana said, and as Ledina said, Ard wasn't such a bad person.
Le Dina, apparently, must have had the image of a classmate who was
loved by everyone in her sophomore A class. such a kid
Seniors' orders to educate juniors
How much heartache must you have suffered a er receiving it?
Obviously, the third grader would have instructed Redina to go alone. If she
knew that Le Dina couldn't say harsh words to anyone, she would have
done it on purpose. That is bullying a er all.
She eventually went alone with her melancholy to do something she didn't
want to do, and she
She told me she was rather abusive and came back. I was the one who
made that rant.
From her standpoint, the color of her eyes would have changed. Yes, she
fully understands. A er all, it's kids. She's already shown a lot of ugly anger
and gossip with kids, but she doesn't want to go to the level of an idiot
who seriously hates kids. A guy like Mayaton is a bit disgus ng, though.
Ard was angry enough.
He didn't do it well, but he could. I think. I also did a lot of bad things.
"I understand. I also did a lot of things wrong. Sir, I'm sorry."
Everyone, including Ard, was astonished that I said such a thing. Arde
looked at me like that, and she struggled to wear it.
“Looking at you, I realized how shameful I am.”
Even an incompetent and ignorant guy like me gets up and fights with his
Crying, she couldn't resist the old man's unreasonable demands and made
him fight her younger child. And in the end she watched me win.
It may take strength to overcome her injus ce, but did she feel that it was
not necessary to reject it? She seemed to regret that the guy eventually
couldn't deny that she was wrong.
Ard went back a er saying that.
You have to apologize to Rdina later too.
she thought she would
Not long a er, Mr. Epinhauser entered the classroom.
“You know that there will be an improvement event star ng next Monday.”
it's finally coming
The main event at the very beginning of the game, the Victory Fes val.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 52

The Victory Fes val begins a er the triumphal army, who returned from a
long journey a er the victory in the Demon World War, entered the capital.
If it was an actual march, it would take a lot of me, but the me was
shortened a lot for returning via the mega warp gate of the outpost at the
border with Darkland. Right now I'm inside the temple so I don't know, but
outside the eclip c, the triumphal army must be busy preparing food to
eat and drink.
Of course, academy stuff doesn't describe every day. that
A er all, it's a fantasy diary, is that a novel? Roughly when and what
happened, and when and what happened, each day passes and the Victory
Fes val is celebrated. It was just wri en this way.
I lived in those empty mes and went through all sorts of things that I
didn't know existed in this world, so now the Victory Fes val has arrived.
“Originally, the temple was closed during the fes val.
It must be true, but it doesn't apply to you guys, but as you know, Temple's
tui on is quite high. If schools are closed for more than a month, not only
will the educa on itself be disrupted, but there will also be complaints
from students.”
Are there any students who don't like school closures? Parents will be
pissed If the high school you paid for spends a whole month playing, you'll
be pissed off from the point of view of paying tui on.
And, technically speaking, I have a sympathy for the parents. Because if the
Temple plays for a month, I think of them as robbers.
The kids, especially the playful ones like the No. 8 Kono Lint, let out a deep
sigh. Royal class or whatever, school is fun
Well, there are just a lot of good kids. everyone
I was a li le excited about the news of school closure for a month.
It's almost like you can see it sinking.
hey you bastards You have to listen to what people have to say.
“Nevertheless, the victory in the Demon World War is the most worthy of
celebra on among all the events in the history of mankind. Therefore, the
temple is excep onally closed for about five days from next week.”
I can't take a month off, but the Temple will play with a barrel next week,
“Oh oh oh!”
The atmosphere that had subsided at Epinhauser's calm remarks suddenly
li ed.
Bertus doesn't seem to like it very much.
It wasn't. During the huge fes val called the Victory Ceremony, Ash will
have a lot of work to do as an imperial family. rather
It will be tougher than cows.
However, among his comrades, Ellen felt that she was si ng down. It
doesn't look much different from usual
However, now that I see the extreme Dum-dum-chung, my current mood is
somewhat analogous.
The reason is of course
The victory fes val is for Ellen a er all.
The death of his brother who died figh ng the demon king
Because it's just a celebra on.
“Oh hey hey hey!”
Of course, Connor Lint shivered in her mischief and heard a voice from
Effin Hauser. Leaving behind the gloomy guy, Epinhauser spreads addi onal
“So, in fact, if you leave this Friday and return to Monday two weeks later,
it means to be It's a long me, so if you want to go back to your
hometown, please report it to me.
so that. I will give you permission.”
No ma er how talented they are, they are all from far away from Manlita.
Almost ten days of rest is given, so you can go home and come back.
there will be
There were a few children whose eyes twinkled at those words.
“Don’t get too excited. School closure is next
It’s from the week, so let’s listen to the class properly.”
I'm already excited and thinking about buying it
means don't do it. Everyone's tension dropped a li le then. No ma er how
tough they are, they are class A, but in the end they are kids. All of them
look so cute.
And out of all of them, the toughest
“Heh heh…”
ten days I'm not going to keep someone watching me and doing this.
I have to go back to Elerys a er a long me.
It's been so long since I haven't seen Elerys.
I am in a posi on to be transferred to parents, but for now I am a student.
you are just fine
"Number 11."
And Epilhauser called me.
Now, even when that yangban calls me, my back gets cold. What, what else
did I buy? No, you took the apology well.
From the moment I got into an accident without knowing what it was
Worrying is just the typical problem child's way of thinking, so I feel
pathe c about myself.
yes what
From a fan's point of view by bea ng a senior, he's a super-special nerd
who has already far surpassed Iljin.
“You are out of class for the whole Monday class. Follow me.” you really have an accident?
Fortunately, I didn't have an accident.
At the point where I'm worried about whether there's something wrong
with me that I'm not even aware of because I've been in trouble, it seems
that it's already over,
Mr. Epinhauser took me to the outdoor swimming pool in the classroom
“You will be here soon.”
The teacher did not say who was coming, but she sat there with me on a
nearby bench and waited.
Of course, there was no water in the outdoor pool. Because the weather is
s ll cold.
Swimming classes are also held as part of physical educa on, but there are
no swimming classes un l summer.
Come to think of it, the setup is weird.
An all-around magic stone that looks like an indoor swimming pool
Heat the water warm in a silver oven. If you say, it's winter, can you take
swimming lessons? However, this great capital
As much as swimming lessons in this invested temple
you mean the weather?
All of this is a se ng hole that stems from my delusion that swimming is a
school water soup rule in the summer.
...I'll think about it a bit more and write about it. Aren't you going to come
across situa ons that are less probable like this, you bastard?
No, so I'm curious again.
This is obviously a strange situa on. At the me when there is a changing
room with hot shower facili es and shower facili es, the concept of
hea ng water with a magic stone is clear.
But I was stupid and created a bizarre situa on that there is a hot shower
but no indoor pool. This world created a probability for the parts I did not
set, but the strange situa on men oned was not corrected. It's definitely
my writer
Because it is the truth wri en by
I said that Temple doesn't take swimming lessons outside of summer, so
she does swimming lessons in the summer.
However, this view of the world creates an indoor swimming pool and
provides warm water in winter.
There is the technology itself that can teach swimming lessons.
The fact that there is no such indoor swimming pool in the temple where a
huge amount of capital is invested is already low probabili es, but I, a half-
brained, if not brainless, writer wrote that way and now it is a reality in
front of my eyes.
You might say it's like a swimming pool or something
However, I felt like I was going to turn around when I thought that it was
because of me as an unpredictable situa on unfolded before my eyes. It
feels like black history is being played in real me right in front of your
What I'm curious about is that.
Something that would never have happened is my stand
It has become a reality because of alcohol, but is the probability
supplemented even in this situa on?
For example, a configura on error or probability
The ques on is whether there are plausible reasons for insufficient
situa ons.
“Tell me.”
I don't know why, but a teacher might know it. uh
Even if it's not a set-up collapse, it's definitely lacking. Is there any
convincing reason for that?
“You can take a hot shower at the temple.
If we make an indoor swimming pool and fill it with hot water, isn’t it
possible to have swimming lessons even in winter?”
Is there a writer who asks the characters of a novel wri en by Ji what's
going on?
No ma er how much I think about it, even though it is different from the
typical case of a novel entry, I am very different. Usually novel entries are
wri en hard.
Remember all of your own se ngs
The main characters are the writers or readers who have read and
memorized everything.
I go into a novel that I barely wrote, and rather, as a writer, I enter and ride.
There are many parts that I can't even remember,
In the first place, knowing the future of everyday objects has no merit in
itself! rood
What's the use of knowing Behi and Delphine Izadra are cha ng over what
to eat for dinner? Then get excited
I know how to gather her friends and have a sweets party, so use them
There are not many major events in daily life, so even if an ar st comes in,
There aren't that many.... Of course I know something like a gate, but it's
rather shameful to know that.
So, for the parts that are not described, the situa on is unfolding where I,
the creator, ask what this is.
As soon as I arrived at the main stage, the Yellow Island, Wyrmma was a
legend even if I thought about where it was.
a er.
If the crea on of the heavens and the earth were true, then God would see
humans making airplanes and
What was it, it might have been you guys
It's not the guys who made it fly! It must have been like this This is already
far beyond the realm of my imagina on.
anyway so.
“I will.”
The teacher said that a heated pool is possible.
“But why not?”
you have to be It's not that the Temple doesn't have money, and
Epinhauser is
he looked at me What is it, why are you moaning?
“The water supply system in Temple is unparalleled to other ci es. S ll, it
would be prohibi vely expensive to maintain a large swimming pool year-
round at all educa onal facili es throughout the temple. There is also the
problem of water consump on itself.”
Was the reason being replaced by a water supply problem? Certainly, all of
Temple's many schools have indoor pools.
It would cost a lot of money to install and maintain.
I wonder if it is okay for only the Royal Class to have an indoor swimming
pool, but it seems that it has not been implemented,
“So, the temple’s swimming pool does not draw water from the water
supply, but collects rainwater and uses it in the summer when it rains a lot.
They use magic to purify the water.”
Swimming lessons are held in the summer because of the problem of the
water supply itself, not the weather and temperature. maybe rainwater
There must be a cistern for the pool to collect. Just in the outdoor pool for
years, four months
Oh, because it won't catch rain.
Where is the water supply and where is the water source?
I haven't set it, but maybe this
Rene Daeha, that is, draw water from the Han River.
what are you wri ng
Wasn't it? If there was water, it would be possible to maintain a swimming
However, I have a feeling that it is a water consump on problem. There are
a few schools in the temple, and if you gossip about changing the water
and flushing all the swimming pools there, in other places, you always get
only as much water as your pee.
will use It's not about the total amount of water, it's about the amount of
water used.
Anyway, although it is similar to Seoul, it does not seem that there is a
Seoul-class water supply facility.
There'll be a cost for using a huge amount of water, and there's going to be
a cost to draw water directly from here.
because it's not
It would be unreasonable to use ice magic or water magic to create and
use water. The amount of sheep to be summoned would be enormous.
Anyway, I use rainwater. I will use purifica on magic or a magic tool.
“Then, shouldn’t the water be purified and used even in winter?”
“It’s the same no ma er how much purifica on magic you use.
If you swim in silver water all year round, you wouldn't want to go into that
"Oh, I see."
Well, that's not right. Harmless and dirty apart
I feel bad In the end, water with magic stone
It can be warmed up, but it's not because it's cold in winter, it's not raining
so swimming lessons
is to not do The reason why it's not an indoor pool is to get even a li le
more rainwater. If it's not raining and we can't fill the pool with rainwater,
we'll use the water supply, and Epinhauser said it would be expensive.
I am not saying that swimming pool opera on is impossible with the water
facili es of the Jihwangdo.
One way or another, the amount of water used is nabal, and the temple is
a place where you can save money.
There is definitely a reason for the strange situa on I set up.
who is this? The guy who rolled his head instead of me makes me want to
visit him and bow down.
“Why are you curious about that?”
Mr. Epinhauser asked me as if he was asking something out of the ordinary.
I'm going to be a jerk. I want to check who cleaned up the cheap shit
It is impossible to say that.
"Uh huh... I was just curious. Sooyoung
Why is Jang outdoors? Why can't I swim in winter?" |
“I want to take swimming lessons in winter. Is this?”
"Yes? Oh yea... it should be nice to do it.”
Why are you asking this dude? Ms. Epinhauser looked at me silently and
then turned her head away.
| “...yes, not with any impure intent.
It’s like.”
“…Is it impure inten ons?”
Why is there no swimming class in winter?
Could it be with tainted inten ons?
no way.
“Teacher, I hope I can swim with female students.
Did you say that you asked such a ques on because you wanted to see her
in clothes?"
this cub. one hundred per
You looked at me before, um in my eyes
Did you check to see if there's a ranch on it? It doesn't seem like it, so it
just passed
At my naive remarks, Professor Epinhauser avoided my gaze.
This bastard is confused right now.
“Sir, I admit that I am a problem child, but I am absolutely not on that side.
But I am innocent enough.”
Different races! I like the one like Elerys! uh!
no. In this worldview, this is rather
That would be more of a problem. Demons, that too
If you say that De is your preference, at first
It's not about hospitality, you'd hang me. Are you being treated like
necrophilia? But in the first place, I am also a demon. No problem, right?
Aren't the undead demons?
Come to think of it, I don't really know where the demons are from.
“At the me when I had such doubts on the student, the teacher was
already more… Hmm, huh.”
Do you know what your eyes only see?
this child
I was just thinking about a misconfigura on!

...In the beginning, it's swimming in the summer ! At the me I put it in...
I know I'm not the one who doesn't need to be clean. anyway now
It wasn't! I didn't even think about it!
Mr. Epinhauser didn't even respond to my words, as if he had nothing to
This gentleman, he s ll has a poker face, but his inner resentment is
transmi ed here. Yes, you are human too. It has to be human.
"Um, I'm here. I hope you have a good class."
A er seeing that someone was coming from afar, Mr. Epinhauser fled as if
running away. Is this kid running?
S ll, just seeing Epinhauser panicked made me feel like I had already had
enough of a harvest. as much as i felt
She is not a human being to be afraid of.
...I know it because it's the character I put in in the first place, but it's funny
and rude to get scared by that person and then release it. I know I'm not
really a bad person.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 53

In the outdoor swimming pool, Mr. Rolandria couldn't hide her surprise
when she saw me.
“This is the first me I have ever experienced something like this.”
“It’s my first me too.”
Then I must have used superpowers twice in my life. At my natural remark,
Mr. Rolandria sighed.
She said, "Without nothing, she goes to a psychic class and in a ma er of
weeks she really has psychic powers...."
Of course, such a case is not only rare, but also bizarre. anything
Because the guy who did everything and stabbed everything has really
become something. You must have thought of me as a final failing point.
“Today is more like a prosecutor than a lecture, Reinhardt.”
Lee Deok-ja is managed with importance. As it is a power that has not been
iden fied as a dog, I will go through the process of accurately judging my
abili es. An overly dangerous or uncontrolled psychic
It can also be handled delicately. Obviously it was set up that way.
That's why my superpower that showed up yesterday
I figured it out, but at the temple, it was not clear what kind of power my
superpower was.
Knowing as an enemy will decide whether or not to keep me going to the
So I le it alone on Sunday.
As soon as Monday's regular classes started, they le me out.
As for my abili es,
It's a ma er of judging. I can control my superpowers, what kind
Un l it is fully judged whether it is the power of
They won't return me to class.
My autosugges on is not a dangerous force at this stage.
While I was stunned, he probably knew what my body was doing, and as a
result I was endowed with superpowers.
A superpower called autosugges on.
The sense of incongruity felt from the name itself is not so great. if
If my name was something like the end of the world, they wouldn't have
le me in the dormitory.
I don't even have such superpowers,
Ms. Rollendria was si ng next to me and scanning her report on my
abili es. She must have already figured it out.
The outdoor swimming pool was chosen as the inspec on site.
It is rarely crowded and requires a large space.
So it must have been
“According to reports, she struggles during a duel against her
upperclassman May Arton.
It is said that suddenly your physical abili es seemed to have suddenly
increased tremendously. Right?"
Perhaps it was Epinhow who wrote the report.
That would be the teacher. She must have been the one who could most
accurately judge the duel,
“What exactly happened?”
“At first, I was exhausted and it was difficult to move properly because of
the pain. However, suddenly, a feeling of upli ment occurred all over the
body, and a message that should not have been
Eaton's movements were clearly visible. And she came with the physical
ability to respond.”
“Hmm… yes. But if that's the case, then the name of the superpower
should have something like 'body strengthening', so why is it called 'self-
sugges on'.... Perhaps what you said during the duel has a meaning.”
Epinhauser's report will be detailed. I'll beat you anyway
The words you said will be wri en down.
There was no need for this inducement to hide about my abili es anyway.
if my superpower
I don't know if the power is wri en in the name of a spirit, but at this
stage, it's only close to strengthening the body.
“I was in an unfair situa on, and as it says, I was being beaten helplessly.”
Ms. Roland Dria nodded her head as if she had read her duel report.
She said, “I was angry and resen ul, so I thought I wanted to win. and
beyond that level
hurry. I thought I would win
It is.”
Like what do you mean Rolandria?
The teacher lted her head. sha ered
I hope to win in a dark situa on
Nira, you thought I was going to win.
Of course, I have psychological extremes, but I have even come to realize
how to use my abili es. But the teacher will not be able to understand the
meaning of such words.
Let's change the word.
“I thought I had to win. I can't lose to a guy like that
peel. So, of course, to that garbage.
I can't get red of it. I will definitely win. This is what I was thinking.”
Anyway, I win.
You can't lose to a guy like that by changing this a bit. I was blunt with the
words that I believed that it shouldn't be.
“Then, it happened.”
Mr. Rolandria doesn't understand
It seemed
I can't possibly lose to a guy like that.
I believed so strongly that the ability of self-sugges on finally appeared. It's
an ability that makes me feel like I'm hypno zing myself.
I will definitely win.
It is a power that can only be ac vated by believing that way.
“Yeah, no one knows why the superpowers appear, whatever the process
and why.
I don't know, so it could be your case."
Superpowers are unspecified powers. This premise also gives me an
Because of that one sentence, superpowers can appear in the most bizarre
situa ons, or they can be summed up with just one word. It's strange for
me to suddenly use a top-level magic spell door. Because I never learned
magic and I have no knowledge.
But it is possible for me to suddenly use my superpowers. It is a force
whose principle is unknown.
That's why Mr. Rollendria thinks above the bo om, but she thinks at the
bo om of the award.
she can't go There is also the premise of 'infinite ap tude' that makes
sense no ma er how much power I acquire in the first place.
“Then… autosugges on is the kind of force that strengthens your body.
But, the way is that you hint to yourself that way. That would be it.”
“Perhaps… I think so.”
I should not know my abili es well, so I answered roughly that way.
“By the way… it is a very unusual superpower. It’s not intui ve.”
It is not. Fire and electricity, the moment
Superpowers, including movement and telepathy, are intui ve. It's a
superpower that can be described in one word.
However, self-sugges on is a bizarre psychic ability that has no idea where
and how far it can be done. That's why I didn't actually put it into the
novel. It's a pain in the ass to have such vague abili es on a subject that
isn't even the main character.
“Once the first manifesta on method is physical reinforcement, it may not
end there.
ok Let's say that if you strongly suggest something to yourself and you
believe in it, then your powers will be revealed."
“Then let's say you strongly believe that your own body becomes water.
Then will it turn into water?”
No, you crazy bastard?
Regardless of whether or not that happens, what will you do? “Sir, if that’s
how I become really water, there’s a good chance I won’t be able to come
back. then i sleep
Was he murdered or was he murdered?”
The teacher jumped at my specific ques on.
"That's what you're saying, I'm not telling you to do it, you bastard."
Mr. Rollendria, as if not to be misunderstood, she said so, deep in thought.
In the first place, the superpower curriculum is a class to control, control,
and develop. However, since it is an unknown force, teachers also suffer a
She pondered, and suddenly her expression
“Reinhardt, your powers may be very dangerous.”
“If what you believe is a force that becomes reality, wouldn’t it be very
dangerous even if it were a force that only works on yourself?”
It is true that it becomes dangerous later, but
Gold is not at that level right now, is it?
“If you believe in yourself that I am a god, you might become a god, right?”
You are the crea ve leader.
“I don’t think it will at all…”
“Even so… I s ll don’t know what kind of ability it is…” |
I know it's not really that crazy ability.
But Mr. Rolandria began to ponder terribly about what could be done if my
vague abili es were put in jeopardy.
It's a funny situa on, but in fact, this misunderstanding is extremely
dangerous to me.
Even if it is a power that applies only to myself, if all my beliefs about
myself are true, I seem to think that my ability is no different from the
ability to destroy the world.
Aside from the actual power, that thought
Logically correct, it is dangerous.
“Sir, I don't think my powers will be that crazy, but I'm not that
megalomaniac in the first place. I am not a god.”
It's really weird not to believe it.
I am the creator
It's not God, but something more than God.
I named this town god. uh.
Believe it or not, it's true.
Sensei Rolandria, isn't it dangerous to believe that you are the Creator in
front of the Creator? was saying the same thing. The creator is right!
However, the creator of this worldview is a man without a horn! It doesn't
ma er if I believe it!
Creator's Special) Reading malicious comments, blood pressure rises and
Even if it's bizarre, it's such a bizarre situa on
Is there
| Mr. Rolandria narrowed his eyebrows in protest that I am not a
“Well, that me has passed, so it’s okay, but…”
Is it such a me? What does this mean?
“Hey, are you there? Some mes, sophomores in middle school are those
who believe they are gods.
I have this.... I'm really serious.... God
If not, it's a very evil being... or that he thinks he's a dragon who has lost
his memory for the sake of Yu-hee... It's surprisingly common."
Were you talking about the 2nd bo le now?!
“That’s a thought that teenagers some mes have… but with abili es like
If a child starts to seriously believe that...
Maybe it will be… that’s it.”
Mr. Rolandria said the world might be destroyed if I got the second disease.
She was le ng her imagina on run wild.
Actually, it is true that I was very bad when I was in 2nd grade, but not
anymore! no!
I accidentally put it in the nickname, but it's old! It's not anymore!
Do you know how many years since I passed middle school?
You'd think it was less than a year, but for me this
It's been almost ten years!
Suddenly, I was reminded of the Black History, and my back was to the
point of numbness.
In a neighborhood similar to Seoul, there seems to be a middle school
bo le in the worldview that contains the delusional delusion. Mr. Rolandria
said that other kids could do that, but not like me.
No, I mean, actually, I'm also a god. It's a god, but in the end, it's such a
development that nothing happened.
Eventually, I actually started tes ng. About where and how far I can do it.
We climbed the ladder and descended to the bo om of the pool. The
depth of the pool was about 2.5 meters.
- Exactly!
When Mr. Rollendria snapped his finger, a stone the size of a baseball was
summoned into the air. It is only natural that Mr. Rolandria, who has to
control superpowers or stop them when they run wild, is a high-ranking
“Come on, this stone.”
“Yes, it is a stone.”
What would you do if I showed you a stone first?
“Let’s self-suggest that we can crush this stone by grabbing it.”
Breaking rocks with your hand...
“In this case, isn’t it the feeling of star ng with something like an apple and
gradually moving up the level?”
That's right. It's right to start with the easy ones and move on to the more
difficult ones.
“Can I play around with food?”
The teacher just cut it off and said that he couldn't apologize for a very
serious reason. Anyway, I grabbed the stone.
believe it
My grip is strong enough to break rocks.
I sincerely believe
Mr. Rolandria's exci ng eyes
look at me with the light
nothing happened at all.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 54

Superpowers aren't that great at lower levels.
unable to perform Pyroki
That is why Heinrich of Nesis was disrespected by me.
When it is just awakened, it is close to a power runaway state, so it exerts
quite a lot of power, but in a stable state a er that, it is definitely
It doesn't come out with that much power.
“Did you feel the grip ge ng stronger?”
“I think it’s because my palms are ngling.”
In fact, there was a clear feeling that the grip strength itself had increased.
if not
I just grabbed the rock with my will, and it wouldn't hurt as if my palm was
going to tear.
“Come on, let’s jump from here to the end of the pool on the other side.
As a sprinter.”
It's the ability to strengthen the body.
In the end, nothing different from physical training happened. Since I'm
red of doing it anyway, my reluctance to exercise itself was diluted a lot.
| I sprint to one end of the pool
ran to the other end. To be honest, I'm not red of this anymore.
The teacher seemed to check something, then shouted at me.
"Come on! This me, sprint from there again.
return to But this me, use your powers! You run so fast!”
running measurement.
Count once with no abili es used, and once with abili es used.
A er I get ready, I think.
I am Usain Bolt
When he did another 50-meter sprint, the teacher slowly nodded his head.
"That's great, Reinhardt."
What has changed? I could feel the grip, but I didn't know how to run.
“Before using the ability, it was 8.3 seconds, a er using the ability, it was
exactly 8 seconds.
It was seconds.”
“…I honestly don’t know.”
I know running is like that, but does it have any meaningful effect? or
within the margin of error
I don't know.
A er that, the teacher told me
did the test It was mainly a test for physical strength, endurance, and
And the more I do it, the more my mental state
seemed to be ge ng weird.
Self-sugges on is a sugges on to myself
It actually shows the effect.
If you say that I am Usain Bolt while running, if my superpower is above a
certain level, I can really focus on Usain Bolt or more. On the premise that I
actually believe it.
So, in the end, I have to keep thinking that I am XX or I am XX.
Yes, back when my father was president.
This is because I feel like I'm back.
This is the superpower that makes a whole bunch of baby boys come to
life, and I
The more serious you are with the herd, the be er your abili es will
Rather than self-sugges on, this is
Close to Shin Seung-ri.
Actually, it is also true that I won the duel with Mayaton.
Spiritual victory is the ability to actually win.
It's boring beyond ability efficiency.
“Why, Reinhardt?”
“Hey, if I punch this tree
seriously think it'll break
Because I'm doing it myself, I'm a li le... It's ge ng hard to bear."
ᄏᄏ I tear down the wood I punch with my fists ᄏᄏ See.
It seems like this! it's not the same
La You really have to!
Maybe it's because I didn't describe it properly because it's an abandoned
se ng, so I can't really use this ability.
What kind of mental damage does the guy who uses it do?
I didn't even think about ge ng it.
Actually using this ability.
very ugly
“What do you do with such an ability? Come on, try it.”
My fist is a tree like that, sold out
Throw it away!
- Pak!
I thought wrong.
Even if I grind a full swing on a tree, my hands are s ll there
I should have believed it wouldn't break.
All day long, Mr. Rolandria tested my abili es. In addi on to tes ng her
body strength and athle c ability, other things were also done.
For example, she was a test to see if I could derive other abili es from my
abili es.
Elemental systems including pyrokinesis
I believe in using super powers.
If I really can use that power. About being able to use telepathy.
Of course not at all. Maybe later, but right now, the level of ability is low, so
the abili es other than physical strengthening are not revealed.
Of course, I always carry the fireworks of Tuesday
I was in the middle of a fire, so I did a rough Pyrokines test.
When all the tests were over, Ms. Roland Dria took notes, and she slowly
nodded her head. She had to wait un l lunch to eat, so it was really hard to
go to class.
She's been tested all over the place.
“That’s great, Reinhardt.”
"I don't think it's that great..."
Clearly, it didn't come out as strong as I believed it would. But Mr.
Rollendria shook her head.
“Obviously, the strength seen in the present state is not very significant.
But what is important is the other side.”
| “Are you on the other side?”
“The degree of reinforcement is only weak. You are very good at using your
superpowers. From my point of view, even though the level of
enhancement was low, you con nued to succeed in using the ability itself.
Almost instantly.”
It seems that Mr. Rollendria paid a en on to controlling her ability rather
than her ability itself. the strengthening effect
Even if it is insignificant, it seems that I con nue to think that I have
succeeded in using my superpowers.
“This means that Reinhardt you are quite familiar with how the ability itself
is ac vated before the ability.”
It will definitely be a great day. Ability control is some mes considered
more important than ability itself. I'm already very good at using my
abili es
that's bad
You should like it, but it's not very good.
“In other words, you are gi ed with self-sugges on.”
That's the way it is, a er all, a professional of mental victory
That's what you're saying!
Yes, anyway, this is it. Yes, anyway.
While wri ng this novel, I fell asleep
I have become a master of mental victory, is this all?
I got it because it was a fraudulent ability, but in fact, it was the ability that
suited me be er than anything else.
The level of ability itself is not that high. However, the ac va on itself is
easily possible
I already had the mentality that was worthy of the flimsy ability of self-
sugges on because I lived a life where mental victory was a habit.
It's like tailor-made clothes... I'm not happy at all.
Anyway, if someone else had this power, I wouldn't be able to use it as
skillfully as I did.
I can even convince myself that it is.
Of course, since this is a fantasy worldview, there were definitely things
that made me want to believe that I would become something of course.
Superpowers? Where is that? this
Because I don't think of myself. There is such a worldview, but it will be like
that. And, of course, there are certain things to believe.
Ms. Roland Dria said the test was over, and she said the next day she could
go back to regular classes. Because I realized that my abili es were not yet
capable of more than strengthening my body. Of course, since the
possibility itself is a huge power, I will periodically check my condi on.
A er class was over, I stayed in the dormitory today. Today, I passed the
evening prac ce and tried to focus on the ability itself.
At this stage, self-sugges on is the main force related to physical
strengthening. However, since I set this power itself and then discarded it, I
did not describe what kind of difficul es the person who actually uses this
power will experience.
Soon enough, there are a lot of things I don't know. For example, one of
the difficul es is because of the mental victory habit.
You will take damage to the mask. I feel pathe c about myself for seriously
believing in a nonsensical situa on because of the ability mechanism to
make it a reality if I just smoke.
There's one more.
If you believe your fists will be strong, your fists will
get stronger However, a er a ba le situa on happened, I believed that my
fists were ge ng stronger, and I had to kick while punching.
You have to believe again that your kicks will get stronger.
The ac va on itself is proficient, but it is too cumbersome. The whole body
is strengthened. Believe it or not, it is a li le more versa le.
| So, for example, I need to make the use of my powers a li le more
generalized for figh ng. Instead of thinking about fist kicks, we need to
have a belief in the comprehensive meaning of improving our figh ng
Belief makes me strong, at face value
It looks like a paladin, but in reality it's not at all
is it you
It's just a religion I believe in myself.
It is a crazy religion in which the worshiper and the object of worship
the religion i believe in
I think I'm really going crazy.
Only the physical ability is strengthened now, but later, ac ons that go
beyond that will become possible. At that me, apply those details one by
doing it is a waste of me
That's why, in every detail, my fists get stronger, my feet get faster, blah
blah blah
Rather than reinforcing each
Strengthen my abili es in a comprehensive sense
It's be er to do it.
It requires choice and concentra on. If you use your superpowers to
strengthen your body, it's less effec ve than just strengthening your fists.
So, rather than becoming too strong anyway, it is be er to be a li le
specific, such as becoming familiar with hand-to-hand combat.
If the ability becomes stronger, the An -Magic War,
Or, it could be a case of becoming proficient in close-quarters combat.
A er all, this ability suits me well.
Because I was a web novel writer, and in the end, this behavior was no
different from wri ng a character sheet.
I'm wri ng something down in my notebook now.
type A
Se ngs: overall muscle strength improvement, swordsmanship level
improvement, cogni ve ability improvement, reac on speed improvement.
I myself know be er that this is necessary work. Type A, Type B
I set the standard for myself
next. If I think that I will become Type A, not where I am strengthened, my
body will be strengthened as it is because I remember this se ng. Self-
sugges on is literally the ability to be who you think you are. If I memorize
the physical state I thought was type A, I would become type A. If you say it
just happens It's the best way to easily use your abili es.
In other words, I set a preset for my abili es and call up other se ngs
whenever needed.
I feel weird as I write.
Mr. Rolandria was worried about my secondary disease, but what do you
mean if what I am doing now is not secondary disease? What's the
difference from the guy who giggled a er wri ng down his delusional
ability notebook in his 2nd year of this?
Later, obviously Type Z se ng: Black Flame Dragon can be summoned from
the right hand.
It looks like it's going to be crazy!
I didn't even do this when I was in middle school! A er ea ng as much as
my age, the truth is that I have this kind of ability.
I want to die.
You should think that good is good, but that's not the case. It's natural to
have to be more mature than anyone else.
He's my biggest problem kid, and he's stuck in the dormitory and nagging
My personality is also my personality, but my abili es give me the best of
Life is... What is it?
While I was immersing myself in shackling, suddenly the pager in the room
- Whoa!
You can think of a horse as a call-base intercom. who is calling me me
Is there anyone to call? Sure enough, it's Ellen, but Ellen is with me, and I'm
not the kind of person who calls me because I don't.
Let's turn on the pager. The voice was familiar, but an unfamiliar tone was
[Coming out of the main lobby]
It was Charlo e.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 55
When I came out of the main lobby, Charlo e was beckoning me to follow
and headed somewhere. She passed the evening hours and it was already
night. Therefore, there were no students on the streets of Temple. At first,
the area around the Royal Class dormitory was quiet because there were
no other dormitories.
What would Bertus say when he saw him talking to Charlo e? I don't think
it's going to be a very good idea. But on my part, I had to be more wary of
Charlo e, so I couldn't ignore Charlo e's words.
Does Charlo e know how I feel? Between the streetlights and the dimly lit
sat on
It's obvious what she's going to do. She's going to ask how much progress
she's made in finding Balier.
She saw Charlo e si ng on her bench and she was staring blankly at the
lamppost instead of looking at me. She couldn't see her expression well
because it was dark, but as she always did, Charlo e had a calm and cold
She is different from Adriana. Adriana is gentle, though calm.
Charlo e is calm but cold-hearted. Her classmates find it difficult, but she
wouldn't say this.
Both Bertus and Charlo e had one thing in common: that she showed her
true self to me.
She said, "How does it feel for her to suddenly become psychic?"
Are you trying to ring her rim? Charlo e asked something out of the blue.
'Cause there's nothing bad about it
“Yeah, I’m not asking for progress too has ly. But keep in mind that there is
no reason to leave a group of criminals that are useless and will only harm
the Empire if it yields no results.”
My plan was to extend my life by le ng you know the progress of my work
li le by li le.
But there were a lot of problems.
In fact, even if you try to find a Balier, you can't get results. But if you said
you found a trace somewhere, what would you do with it, and how would
you answer the ques on of how did you find it? Bali under the
Both the princess and the prince are looking for E.
How do you two can't find it?
I'm sure you'll be ques oned whether you've found the family. Beggars'
road is beggars
Even if they knew about it, the search opera on would have already
con nued in secret.
So it's best to do a li le bit of work, but I haven't decided yet how to make
that tea.
Charlo e hasn't go en to the point where she's going to urge me yet. She
was going to give her a horse some me.
However, she said that Charlo e seemed to have more than a mid-term
check on me.
“You, try it.”
“If you believe you know where the kid is, can’t he know?”
Oh, is that so?
She, Charlo e, seemed to be pu ng any hope on my vague psychic
powers. Actually, my self-sugges on doesn't have that ability. At the
current level, at most, it is a physical strength.
That's absurd. If she's sure she knows what the neighbor next door is
doing, it won't come to mind like Yeji.
Of course, there are s ll things that even I do not know about self-
sugges on, so it may be possible later, but at this stage
Of course I have to say no.
I changed my mind when I saw the expression on Charlo e's expression
that was trying to catch even a straw.
It was.
If you do well, the name of me and the club will increase even more.
might give you Rather, it is possible because of superpowers. The clues
found through the Thieves Guild and the club are difficult to convince, but
if you say that you found the clues with super powers, there is no doubt
about it.
And I am herself in her Bali that Charlo e is looking for.
Because her superpower is an unbelievable power. In a way that the
impossible is possible,
"It can't be... but... I'll give it a try."
Charlo e wasn't expec ng much either.
“…do you need this?”
| carry my portrait with me all the me. That alone made me feel
guilty. She remains convinced that it was best to run away, but every me
she sees that Charlo e cares about me, she becomes depressed.
But I have to deceive this kid again. No ma er how much club members
and Loyar
Even if her life was just for nothing.
She has to trick him again.
I stare intently at my portrait. In fact, it is of no use whatsoever.
The autosugges on I have to walk is to believe that I know where this boy
Believe it or not, I'm here.
It's not that I don't believe it, it's that I have a problem if I don't know!
It's impossible for me to track someone else's loca on, but for some
reason I have to be someone who knows as much as Balie. How do you
change that
thinking about what to order.
“Ummm… I see a castle.”
What I've been through as a Balier
He begins to explain to Lot.
“A castle, what castle?”
"I don't know. It's desolate... There's a huge castle and I can see a scene
just running in front of it. I'm riding a horse... I think it's like that..."
You know where this kid is.
Rather, let us explain it in a way that is close to psychometrics.
Charlo e did not explain to me who the child she was looking for was. But
If I con nue to prove my worth in that way, Charlo e will leave me alone.
She was astonished that Charlo e was learning things that I shouldn't have
known with her mouth open as she dazed.
"I don't know. People on horseback are chasing him, and he's running
away. It seems that there are also demons....
Let's play her nonsense, you bite her tongue
I had a feeling I wanted to. Charlo e trembled to her lips and she looked at
me blankly.
“More, more… more. do more look more all. More… more…”
Charlo e said she got up from her bench and asked me to do a li le more.
She didn't have the confidence to meet those desperate eyes.
She felt like she was doing something incredibly bad, and it was really bad.
No ma er how much she wants to live, she is playing with this guy's heart.
Small lies turn into big lies, and later lead to bigger lies.
Knowing that, she was forced to do so.
“Mo, I don’t know… I see only the same scene… I see only the same scene.
I do not know. All of these kinds of things didn't work during the psychic
test... I don't know why this is the case... Maybe my abili es are too weak
I don't know where the child I'm looking for is, but what I shouldn't know if
I was originally
"I wonder if she's alive. That's unknown.
does not exist? Even if it’s just that… If you know even that… Even if it’s…
Please…” |
Charlo e, who un l recently had been oppressive,
Suddenly she was begging me. She must have been perceived as inferior to
a worm just because she was of humble origin and was a member of a
criminal organiza on.
“Please... please... find out... please...”
Now Charlo e is on her knees in front of me
was the momentum Her cold, hard-headed expression was distorted, and
all of a sudden the guy was crying in front of me.
She Charlo e She suffered a terrible thing a er she was kidnapped
She did, and she would know that I was the only survivor there she
endured the same pain. And she eventually saved her own life. Perhaps
she tells Charlo e that I am the only person in the world.
Even in that, lies are mixed, and now we have to play with him again. For
the only reason my life is at stake.
While crying, please let me know if it is life or death
“I don’t know… I don’t know… I don’t know where I am now.”
I have a foreboding that I will tell many lies in the future.
| “Alive. Are you sure."
There is only one truth to Sharon.
I had no choice but to give.
“Heh heh... heh heh!”
I know about people I shouldn't know, but I don't know about other people
at all.
Charlo e had no choice but to convince her of the strange outcome. The
scenes I picked up aren't in Bali
seemed not to do it at all. Of course, my vague superpowers must have
some persuasive power.
Charlo e said she shouldn't tell anyone what I've seen, she said it's
possible, she don't tell anyone else
was asked to It was her request, different from the orders she had made
un l now.
"I know why I'm saying this... Please, Reinhardt."
Now it was about to call me by my name.
“I know. I know.”
It must have been because it was clear that Bertus was trying to use me. As
she is an ability that she doesn't actually have, I would rather have
Charlo e be silent. Does anyone know why this is
Because if you ask me, I'm the only one in trouble.
She said that Charlo e seemed as desperate to me now as she was to me
At this point, the only clue I can find to find Valie is me. Charlo e turned
her face red a er a while, a er she calmed down a bit.
As she calmed down a bit, she seemed to remember the things she had
been begging for and asking for the guy she had been ignoring.
From her point of view, she's been doing a lot of ugliness. She said that
Charlo e calmed down, but she
She seemed to be in a more complicated mood.
The princess bowed her head when I said that it was quite possible for a
princess of the Empire to lose her reason and show her this way.
“I’m doing it now… The day is coming when I will even receive this kind of
Is it a crime to be comforted by the common people?
Is it to receive self-consola on, or
Just ge ng this comfort from someone
But is it the truth that you are pathe c? As Charlo e said so, she looked
blankly at the night sky.
“The boy who saved me.” "......okay?"
"Without the dog, I wouldn't have been... out of there." No one knows that
the princess was kidnapped by the Demon King. However, no one knows
what happened there and in the process of coming out.
Both Charlo e and Bertus seemed to want to bury the ma er. She said
that Charlo e wouldn't have had the courage to actually hang on the door
and fall when she saw the mood she didn't actually suffer an assassina on
threat but she was out.
In the case of Dyrus, direct killing
She suffered threats and ba les, but the link was too weak to link the
murder of the princess.
Because the princess can make any number of things by running away in
She was buried as it was impossible. Therefore, it would not have been
known about Dyrus and any kid who saved her princess.
So Charlo e said I wouldn't be able to get out without the dog there now.
She just spoke bluntly. sphere
It's dangerous to tell the enemy truth.
The kid who saved my life
So are you looking for it? It may seem that this inducement is sufficient,
but this
I'm sure it's enough to lose my castle
it was weird
“Honestly .... I think it could be because he said he saved her life ...”
“It’s not like that.”
Charlo e looks at me.
“Without him, I would have gone crazy.”
I'd be crazy if I hadn't died. Inside her prison, Charlo e was holding her
dead mother in low weeping.
She sure did look dangerous
all. She didn't even know who was running her hallway un l I called her.
"It was a place full of corpses and the smell of blood that seemed to go
crazy at any moment..."
Charlo e seemed to recall that me.
"He said we'd be fine, we'd win, he kept trying to reassure me," she said.
She tried to comfort me and reassure me somehow.”
To calm her shivering Charlo e, I said one thing or another. At the me, I
had no idea who Charlo e was.
is also everything. And yet, even though she must have been terribly
frightened, she's just trembling because I'm so scared. She was trying to
comfort me. I don't even know who I am, it's just that some kid is crying in
that bad place. She was trying to appease her somehow.”
I didn't take care of Charlo e de Gradias. Just, a child who has lost all her
memories would be terrified at her horrific sight. She did her best to
reassure her just because she was trembling.
It was a lie that she lost her memory
But in the end, it was true that she did not know what to do in that world
and situa on. Charlo e didn't seem to be looking for me simply because I
saved her life.
She said, "She made a promise."
Yeah, she said that Charlo e obviously said that.
I will definitely find her memories, she promised ....”
She seemed to think she had to find me to keep her promise. Of course, I
have no such thing as forgo en memories. I have the body of the Demon
Prince Balie, but I am not Balier myself.
It seemed as if my lies had become engraved on Charlo e's mind. Indelible
| “Should I look for it? that memory.”
“You must have suffered in the Devil’s Castle, but those memories.
Wouldn’t it be be er if you found them? It’s important to remember who
you are, but there are also memories that you would rather not have.”
Charlo e can I connect with Balier
“You were reckless in the last duel. He didn't seem like an idiot, but he's
doing that because of his pride. Although he has a strange personality, I
thought he wasn't a stupid guy, but I guess he was a stupid guy...."
“You speak well in front of yourself.”
“At that moment, it just looked like that.”
Charlo e has a different opinion than Bertus.
seems to have been Even if Bertus falls
Watching me con nue to wake up
evaluated. But she said Charlo e I'm proud of myself
In a situa on where you have to sit down because of a Sim
It seems that she was also evaluated as a man of force.
“But seeing you win in a nonsensical way in the end is also what I felt.
there was.”
Charlo e's ra ng would not have been amended if I had been defeated in
that state, but as a result of her I say that I awaken her superpowers.
He was victorious through unpredictable things.
Seeing that, she saw that Charlo e changed her mind a li le.
She speaks quietly, with Charlo e returning as usual, with her slightly cold
demeanor and expression on her face.
“Some mes, there are mes when you have to do something reckless.”
I do it to her classmate from her criminal gang
That's why Charlo e is never ed up in the first place
beyond that. she will do anything for me is even making dangerous
Seriously, I'm glad I'm in Bali. What would you do if you were a really weird
guy? uh?
"It looks like a shrimp's back will explode in a whale fight."
“Are you talking about Bertus?”
"Yeah, just hanging out with both of you. Will you two be okay?
I don't know, but I'm clumsy, so I'll have to be careful on the road at night."
No ma er how you look at it, I'm a complete bat.
I have a secret that I should never tell to Bertus. There was such a secret
from the beginning. It became like this with Charlo e there. Later, Bertus.
Are you close with Charlo e? If so, what should I answer? Or Charlo e too,
did you go with Bertus? uh? kinda like that? This may not be the case,
To be honest, who are the two of us at this point?
I don't like having al tude problems. two
Staying neutral between
of will be impossible.
Charlo e smiled, raising the corners of her lips slightly at my words. That's
It was a smile that felt similar to when he revealed his harsh nature.
“I trust you will take good care of yourself.
Even though the boats are different, they are the same.
Why are they both doing the same thing?

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 56

It feels like the ghtrope between Charlo e and Bertus has now begun in
earnest. Charlo e actually needs me more now, but Bertus is convinced
that I'm on Charlo e's side.
I don't know what to do with me a er that.
how to approach this issue
I didn't even know what to do. Anyway, Charlo e grew stronger and
stronger and it became clear to me that she wouldn't touch me un l I
found her vallie.
So now, Bertus, how should we look at that side? have to hide
Since it was something that would be found out anyway, I decided to pay
the tax voluntarily.
I made it clear to her Charlo e. As an A-class, I don't want to be outside
the eyes of Bertus. And to some extent I've been told to watch over you,
Charlo e wants to find her valier anyway
If I get harmed by Bertus
I am of the opinion that it is not. yes
Gee Charlo e said she's okay with giving her li le informa on, she said.
So, it's a bat job change.
In the end, the strong and weak will come. Isn't life like a hyena?
“Looks like you’re looking for someone.”
| The next day, I cha ed with Bertus on the tea- me terrace of Bertus and
his dormitory.
...If you think of this as a da ng simula on, it's only a fixed tangent place,
Ellen is a restaurant and a theater, and Bertus is a tea me terrace. Vertus
listened to me and slowly shook his head.
I say it as if it were the first me I heard it, but Bertus already knew it.
So nothing new, but
Provide informa on that classmates should not know
it's empty
“Hmm… did Charlo e tell you that directly?”
In the end, I had no choice but to tell Bertus about my truth. There's no
way Bertus couldn't figure out what Charlo e found out. She said, "He told
me to look and find him." "to you...? Ummm... ah. yes it will
Perhaps thinking about my origins, Bertus nodded his head.
"I think you already know who you're looking for?"
At my ques on, Bertus nodded.
“Ah, I knew that much… Okay. Then you haven't found it yet." Just by
instruc ng me to find it, I got the informa on that Lot to write couldn't
find me, so it's meaningless to Bertus.
It wasn't informa on.
“You probably didn’t do it yourself, but the Rotary club told you to find it.
I think... How are you doing, is there any progress?"
I felt goosebumps on my spine at Bertus' casual words.
I never told Bertus about this. I was going to tell you today, but you already
knew. His a tude, as if it was natural for me to know, is rather creepy.
Bertus did a background check on me, and even a er he knew about me,
he did it for a while.
He didn't even show a hint of knowing. Just because I don't say it doesn't
mean I don't know, and Bertus says I'm within his range by directly
men oning it.
is saying
It's not just Rotary clubs. If it was Vertus, he would already know the es to
the Thieves Guild. He knew he would no ce, but he never thought he
would say that he knew.
As I froze slightly, Bertus grinned.
"You're nervous about something like this, and then you use it."
“If you know, tell me in advance that you know a li le bit, yes. It’s scary.”
“There are some parts that are a bit exaggerated to think that you are from
the street, don’t you? So I just knew a li le bit. So what's the progress?"
Fortunately, Bertus didn't seem to think I might be Bali, like Charlo e. It
must be difficult to think that the object you are looking for will be right
next to you.
Like Charlo e, I'm affiliated with a gang
He did not show hatred or show hatred just by being there. I don't know
what's on my mind,
Anyway, progress.
“There could be. He has only one portrait and doesn’t know his name.”
"Well... that's right."
He seemed to take it for granted that no progress had been made, as if
finding it would be a cause for disappointment in his own power.
“Did you hear about who he was?”
“No, I didn’t tell you.”
He said it, but he didn't seem to need to say it. hemp cloth
Letus was quietly drinking milk tea.
I looked at the scenery of the temple that was covered in darkness.
"Ok, fine. The important thing is that I am also looking for him, Reinhardt.”
“……I thought so.”
“If you find a clue, please let me know this way if possible.”
“I think the best thing about this situa on is that I don’t find any clues.”
"haha! It is not…”
If I choose one of the two and the other becomes the enemy, it's be er for
me not to discover it.
As if possible enough, Vertus nodded his head.
"it's okay. If I leave it like this anyway, it seems like it will destroy itself. If it's
enough to spread your hand out there, it seems like it's already self-
defea ng."
self-destruc on.
Berthus seemed to think that if Charlo e didn't find me, he would become
increasingly self-destruc ve. It makes me even more depressed because I
think I know what that means.
Charlo e is so focused on finding me that Charlo e seems to have been
neglec ng her ba le for power. So I guess I'll just have to leave it alone.
Oh, and Bertus seemed to like it.
“I just didn’t think it would be this much…”
As if it were a pity, Bertus took his taste buds off.
was playing again
Charlo e will never live on Bertus.
She's so vigilant that she doesn't want to let ah
That was the target. but she's done
She came back alive. That is why she is so alert and ready to fight against
her, but she is wary of her, but Charlo e has blood in her eyes that she is
going to find a boy.
Bertus had a look of regret. She couldn't be more happy to see her greatest
foe on her own.
is it Winning is important, but feeling of victory is also important.
“Okay, if you can’t find him at all, that’s how it works. Either way, it’s
because Kim came out.”
As if talking about Charlo e, Bertus looks at me. Bertus didn't seem to be
too wary of her Charlo e at her present me. He is no longer worthy of his
rival at that moment if he is so focused on finding just one child.
do you think She said that Charlo e was only that much.
Knowing that she's a noob, so she
as if she was mine.
“Are you the next master pushed by the Thieves Guild or something like
that?” |
"......uh? Uh... I know it's misleading enough, but it's not. To be honest, I've
never actually seen people from the Thieves' Guild."
He said there was a connec on, but he had no acquaintance with the
Thieves' Guild side. This is true. Bertus had already caught on that I was a
beggar and a li le too much for a child.
He seemed to understand that it was because he was the next guild master
being trained by the Thieves Guild. That is why he has already been
sufficiently educated in advance.
I sighed. “I don’t know if I will believe it or not, but to be honest, I want to
end my rela onship with him.”
The original plan was to sever all es with the Rotary club a er developing
his talent. Somehow, my tail was stepped on and both the prince and the
princess knew about my history, but
“I don’t want to live with dirty work. I hate to have a sore back in my life.”
That is also my honest wish.
Who wants to live their whole life figh ng? My values are not very
different from those of ordinary people.
I want to play and eat comfortably. I don't think that's possible, so I'm
doing this as the next best thing,
"Hmm... Is that right? It's in front of me, so you're not saying something
that doesn't make sense to you?"
“Actually, even if that’s the case, isn’t it that you’ve already used up
everything at this point in your knowledge of me?”
Who might be the next emperor
Do you know the iden ty of the Zodiac Thieves Guild Master? You're
already ineligible at that moment, man. As if my words were plausible,
Bertus burst out laughing.
“Hmm… So it’s closer to the Rotary club than the Thieves’ Guild. “Are you
The successor that I push from the Thieves Guild
What else do you regret because you are not a child?
There was a good reason why Bertus stayed alone even a er he found out
about my history.
It seems to be
“I tend to think that the empowerment of crime is inevitable.”
“Is it necessary?”
Why is this guy suddenly talking like this?
“Even if the Thieves Guild is uprooted, I think other guys will take its place.”
| Even if the criminals' seeds are dried, over me, moss will grow on the
water's edge and grow on its own.
Criminals gather again as enemies
empower Therefore, criminal organiza ons
Extermina on only results in others to fill its place, and complete
eradica on is impossible.
be this kid
“In that case, if you possess that shady power itself, you can’t get rid of it.
Are you able to control it? get rid of
If it is impossible to do so, the site is completely destroyed and the newly
created criminal power is lost.
Be er to watch. Solve only in the shade
to do the things you can
Of course it would be a bonus.”
I'm slowly ge ng the hang of what you're talking about.
With a creepy smile
he looks at me
“Are you just going to become a guild master?”
Why does Bertus kill Charlo e?
He seemed to know what he was saying.
Charlo e only remembered that she had found her Balier through a man
called Nara. It's because she's too focused on finding Bali.
However, Bertus was thinking of ruling the dark district of the zodiac
through me.
In the past, the United States enforced prohibi on laws, which resulted in
mafia groups in the United States.
It has brought about tremendous growth in the industry. This is because, if
a product that can be easily produced is banned, it will begin to be
produced in the dark and organiza ons that distribute it will emerge.
Goods that need demand are inevitably supplied, and their produc on and
supply are unsa sfactory.
If the law produces it and
The inevitable consequence is that there will be numerous illegal
organiza ons that supply them.
The empowerment of crime is therefore inevitable. There are always
people who covet things they shouldn't have, and the ac vity in the shade
that supplies them
because it happens
To facilitate the supply, crime is organized, and thus the aspect of organized
crime appears. It's not something that can be prevented.
Bertus judged that such an aspect was inevitable. Even if it's removed, if
someone just enters the place again, it's be er to put it in your hands and
control it. That way, even if a new organiza on emerges, you can get your
hands on it faster.
So, Bertus wanted me to be the next guildmaster.
Through controlling the Thieves Guild
In order to take control of all the dark districts of the tea dynasty.
It can also be used for private purposes other than for the purpose of
controlling and monitoring criminal organiza ons, so Bertus seemed to
think it was a pre y good vision.
So, first of all, it was a reverse proposal to me, who was just a temple
student from a Rotary club. Do you have any inten on of becoming the
king of the dark district of the zodiac, I am the Thieves Guild
I'm rather sad that it has nothing to do with it.
The size of the bowl itself is different from mine. Whether that was the
right thing to do or not, the category of thought itself was different.
Bertus had no rush to think. And, he said, it's a too big a vision to put into
ac on right now anyway.
It was too big to make a decision on the spot right now, and to be honest, it
didn't really appeal to me. If you get your hands on a criminal organiza on
and eat it, you'll have to do something like this
place. I wonder if that's possible
I don't know, maybe my mentality can handle it.
So, Bertus ended the conversa on just to the point where he gave me my
Thieves Guild Master...
It is true that power is not a bad thing. Isn't it just that it's not bad? There
will be many more good ones. Besides, I even said that Bertus, who was
figh ng for the succession to the throne, looked a er me.
It's almost like an illegal organiza on.
And legally illegal organiza ons can do more than legi mate organiza ons.
But actually, I'm not really ambi ous. I've never done organiza onal
management, so I don't know what it's like to do it, but can I do it? It's all
about ea ng and living, but as long as you eat and live, that's enough. If it
wasn't for the gate, I wouldn't have come to the temple in the first place.
Anyway, the prince gave me something to think about, but I
If you said you wanted to become a drug thief guild master, you seemed to
be thinking of pushing me away.
Of course, there is no reason why you should write me. If you really want a
Thieves Guild Master, you can do it yourself.
it may be,
In the first place, both Charlo e and Bertus were the thieves.
It's not that they can't find it, it's that they just don't use their hands.
I want to test my usefulness or ability
it may be
If that's the reason, then the prince will be in the dark
Trolling itself isn't of much interest yet. If it's really necessary, you don't
have to do it through me. In the end, I know how ambi ous I am and how
much I am capable of.
It is highly likely that you want to see it.
Anyway, it wasn't urgent right now. It is a ques on that should be
considered slowly.
Even inside the temple, the atmosphere of the Victory Fes val could be
felt. The training rou ne itself hasn't changed much.
But the whole thing is excited about the temple
it was felt.
In line with the long school closure, some were packing their bags in
advance to go home.
So, some people look forward to the fes val.
But looking forward to returning home
There were quite a few guys too.
Everyone had different plans.
“The Knights Templar?”
“Yeah, report on the improvement event of the Knights Templar, and
A er a long me, I returned to the monastery.
to come.”
Adriana was smiling brightly with pride just imagining the majes c
appearance of the Knights Templar to return home a er comple ng her
great mission.
For the Demon World War, the Five Great Bishops united to form one army.
That is the Knights Templar. Priests and paladins of all Protestant religions
gathered and took charge of one pillar of the Union Army, and they
It will come back a er leading the temple to victory.
Of course you know this part. The Knights Templar of the Temple has been
maintained ever since, and it is a place that all paladins and priests dream
of joining. Adrianado Temple
You want to join the Knights Templar.
She said, "And then you die in the monastery?"
“Yes, I grew up in the Monastery of Artois in the Duchy of Saint-Ouen.”
Adriana said that she grew up in a monastery in Tuan, the god of
innocence. from Goa
But thanks to his outstanding talent, Temple Royal
Class admission was granted. So, it seems that she joined Temple from high
By the way, if it is the divine power of Tuan, the god of innocence,
especially the turn undead spells.
would be strong Of course I'm with the Turn Undead
It doesn't ma er, but in reality, these two and a half do not match very
it is
Because Tuan's doctrine is basically based on demon hatred.
To be honest, I couldn't remember all the detailed se ngs, but there was a
lot of knowledge that I realized or learned again while living in the temple.
Roughly se ng up the orthodox church, the scribbled contents were
translated into the temple and doctrine.
It was quite a strange experience for me, as a writer, to study what had
been completed.
“By the way, don’t the paladins and priests of Tuan not get married?”
“Yeah, right?”
"Why are you asking something obvious, Adria?"
I lted my head.
“It’s not like you decide in advance at such a young age.”
It's not too late to think about such things a er you've grown your head,
Lee Yangban. It's okay to see everything in the world and become a priest
right? Adriana grinned at the young man's brash.
“My juniors also have a worship service and gather
You'll change your mind if you try to bring it too. There are people in the
world who can live by faith alone. This is a life full of its own.”
I felt the energy of a good life next to me so strong that I started to get
scared. These days, as if suddenly thinking that the me has come, Adriana
was slowly saying these words.
Adriana suddenly grabbed my hand.
Even if I hold your hand, I don't tremble at all.
rather scary
“So, a er school is closed, do you want to go to a mee ng with me?”
“I, please don’t do this…”
“You don’t have to follow Tuan’s doctrine. Everyone in the Jushin Church
deserves grace, junior. I'll be able to fix this angular personality too. They
are all good people.”
Adriana from a certain moment
She started her missionary work. No, thank you very much and I know
you're kind, but it's a burden!
“Under the fellowship of saints, we can all be happy, junior.”
Adriana had become my church sister she didn't even go to church before
she knew it.
She's honestly so grateful that she can't even push her away. She certainly
had something for me with water, shimyangmyeon, and so on.
okay. I know it's like this!
A er I approached you and did it very well,
Make me so sorry that I can't refuse
She's a stand-up church dragster! Once becomes twice, then becomes
three, then becomes four, then actually... If you like it, ah. I'm sorry... it
wasn't like that... I was just happy to share nice things with you, I didn't
want this... I'm sorry for misunderstanding you... well, though. Please come
to the next mee ng! If you don't come, I'll be really sad...
This is what it feels like to be like this!
Are you doing well.
I heard you were married...
In this world, I suddenly wonder how I'm doing
“I have that religion!” |
Adriana lted her head as I groaned before being dragged into hell, not
“Huh? Is there anyone who follows you?”
"Oh that. I wouldn't call it a minute
But... I believe in something.”
"Huh...? who?"
I looked at Adriana with a determined expression.
yes i have a religion
“I believe in myself.”
A religion where I am the object of worship and I am the only worshiper,
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 57
A er class, everyone got excited and started running rampant, and the one
that was the most annoying was the 8th Kono Lint.
“Go home!”
The guys who were going to go home hurriedly went back to the dormitory
to pack their belongings, and the rest of them moved on their own
because it was the beginning of a long break.
I'm staying in the dormitory un l today, and I'm going to leave when my
work gets a li le bit quieter.
Because I want to meet Elerys. horsepower
I wondered if I got stuck as I went round and round the train
I'm going to take her tail off, then transform into Sar Kegar's Ring and go to
Elerys's shop.
I could go to a Rotary club, but I was reluctant to go there in many ways. It
seems that the princess and the prince have already begun to watch the
If this is an honor in its own way, it would be an honor. When did the
beggars beggars get the a en on of those with high ranks?
I'll take it.
It's not my inten on, but the result is a good prize
Huang happened.
Because Charlo e has only one clue to find Bali, she is protec ng the
Rotary club.
But Bertus will try to use the Rotary Club as a stepping stone to take over
the dark side of the zodiac, so he won't do anything.
Depending on what I do, they may help me, but they will not hinder me.
it will
In the end, by the use of both, I entered into a great bat mode. A person
who is useful to both the prince and the princess.
Maybe I'm actually a good guy?
Everyone is excited about the return side as the returning side, and the
res ng side as the res ng side.
Of course, there are only three excep ons.
Ellen Artorius, who became a hero that will never be seen again, but who
will probably con nue to think about her brother's death in the end,
This fes val won't be very good for Ellen.
And Bertus and Charlo e.
The two of them are going to be very busy during this fes val, traveling
here and there, so they don't want to show a sign of redness, but it
seems they are inevitably having a hard me.
it was too
Therefore, a rare picture was completed. I saw the two of them having a
conversa on. No one said anything superficially, but the two had been
condescending to each other a er the Temple. Of course we can't get
along well.
So, even though it's been a while since they entered, the two of them went
inside the temple this me.
The first me I see you talking
everyone could see
The two of them were talking as they walked side by side.
- So, the order of the ritual...
- I memorized everything. I can't hear you anymore.
- You have good hair too.
- Only you do it.
- Why are you sarcas c when it's supposed to be a compliment?
Is it the same?
- It's sarcas c.
Bertus pretending to be kind on the outside
And the blunt Charlo e.
The two seemed to be talking about things to do at this fes val. Since it's
an official royal event, both Bertos and Charlo e are officially seen
will show
Everyone was staring blankly at the half-brothers having a conversa on, as
if they were seeing the impossible.
And, interested in such a sight
I watched as Ellen Artorius thoughtlessly walked out of the classroom
building as if nothing had happened.
“Turn it off, you bastard.”
- Whoops!
Then, A-9 Erhi slammed B-3 Scarle 's head with his fist.
Everyone saw it pass by.
I could see Erhi passing by, and Kai Er at number A-10 swearing briefly.
When I asked where Ludwig was, he didn't know if he had already le .
Scarle kept her head down and didn't say anything. saw all the other guys
He was fading away as he walked out.
How long do I have to watch this? According to the original main story,
This is the flow of reques ng a duel with Erhi. but i've already intervened
Something was very wrong with it.
Of course, Ludwig's personality itself hasn't changed, so one day Ludwig
will save Scarle . If I intervene, the future will change again
And the unpredictability is even greater.
Fiery red hair, and red
silver eyes.
Scarle raised her head and she met her eyes with me.
Everyone had already le , so the only ones le in the hallway were me and
Scarle .
Scarle made her eye contact with me, and she rolled her eyes again.
There are many karma that I have commi ed in this world, but he is
definitely one of my karma.
saves me
Ludwig saves him.
The idea seemed to be a short one. The reason for the bullying and the
solu on to it all. It was a brief idea, but in the end it became a reality
because I wrote it that way.
strange reality. I made that reality.
“What about the red one?”
I look at Scarle and say it like a flop.
“What’s important is the color, the strong guy is the best at the temple.”
Scarle raises her head and looks at me
there was. Because of her red hair and eyes, she was treated as an
ominous omen,
She has been bullied for a long me. I approached Scarle . He leaned
against the wall, as if frightened.
I don't mean to in midate you.
“You saw it. Anyway, the one who wins is the best.”
Scarle had come to see my duel.
"Didn't you check that?"
Why did Scarle come to see my duel?
She's not from the same street as herself, and she's not her classmate, and
she has a duel with her senior. Oh, she has no ability or anything, and she
is with her senior
accepted the duel of
It's obvious what the outcome will be
all. She doesn't know why she came to see it.
But I saw it clearly. In the end, I won, and I won the victory against my
look to do.
My mother who kept ge ng up without saying ah because of my origins or
differences in strength
you will see wet I would have come across a day when I bumped into
someone and made an accident on a topic that had nothing to do with it,
even by word of mouth.
“Don’t be scared.”
To Scarle , whose eyes have turned bright like a frightened rabbit, I speak
like a devil whispering.
“Can I tell you one?”
“What, what…?”
Scarle was an honorific a ribute. However
See, this is the first me we're having a conversa on.
Anyway, the secret of Ergi de Lafaeri to tell Scarle .
It's not great either.
“It’s that li le bastard.”
And you also have a class, how long are you going to be beaten by such a
That, you already know.
Trouble maker Reinhardt goes beyond figh ng over self, now fight against
And hit the pills friendship and temp
In order to bring chaos into your life,
It's almost believable even if it's a seed of a young demon.
That's right.
When I think about it objec vely, I'm not just a villain, I'm a supervillain.
As for Batman, he's not the Joker.
It's like a penguin man.
Awakens the supernatural powers that end up messing around with the
incompetent subject.
has even exploded with rare luck.
It is common to even throw double insults at children of noble status, even
to the point where they are from the poor, and they even do it with their
As well as being a fan of my seniors, high-grade royal class students who do
not know my real personality at all know that I am a good and just
He even promised to look a er him.
The difference between the two horses in the current Royal Class 1st year
and the de facto most powerful person
Bertus and Charlo e's support is as good as it gets. Soon, in the temple
able to exercise transcendental powers
They are pre y free from the touch of both of them. They both have no
inten on of controlling me.
Even with the guys who can subdue me with force, I have no trouble with
it, and I learn swordsmanship from Ellen, who is the strongest in the first
year and has no friends with anyone.
Of course, this is because I only harassed people with flaws in the
personality that I quarreled with first, but it's like that,
And now, no ma er how much it is because of the bullying problem, the
vic m is hit hard.
He even urges him to wake up.
He is the center of the incidents happening at the temple and he only
wants to get rid of it.
that's me now
Scarle remained frozen for a long me a er hearing that Erhi was actually
a loaf. She doesn't know that, so she's not a guy who doesn't use her
hands. I didn't want to cause trouble in the first place. If you get kicked out
of the temple, your life will be over.
'Cause I think it's
Strictly speaking, I have to help
no need
I mean, he's a be er fighter than me in the first place.
Objec vely, in the current first-year armed forces rankings, Scarle is in her
top five. 1st place overwhelmingly Ellen Artorio
It'll change, 2-5 will come and go
Mann Scarle is always in there.
If you want, a duel request or anything
Do it, give it to someone who can beat you
Because of the trauma of being bullied by the enemy
She's not doing great.
She told Elerys she was going tomorrow Oh she was always going to be in
the dorm.
So I started training as usual. Adriana is back today. As she said, she only
trains in the morning.
So, I am a student who rushes out to the temple because it is the beginning
of the holiday season.
I jumped among the fields.
Ludwig with mad stamina every morning
He goes around the temple once a day without res ng. Of course, that's
only possible for him, and I s ll have a long way to go.
I had no hobbies or talents for sports. Now that I think about it, I didn't
really enjoy it. Because of a certain sense of debt, I just clench my fists and
run. I must not rest. Since you are trying to do something, you have to
work hard.
It was because of such compulsion that he was holding on.
But a er running for a while, Temple High School is where the Ministry of
Educa on is located. On one of the running courses there, I reached the
top of a hill and took my breath away.
and sat on the bench.
The vast temple landscape was overlooked. Although not as strong as
Ludwig, his physical strength has definitely increased.
Even the hill road takes my breath away, but I can't climb
There is no such thing as a huge performance or explosive growth. Even my
superpowers blossomed
But that doesn't mean he has the power to turn the world upside down.
But a er a while, I couldn't run properly without Adriana's assistance, but
now I have enough stamina to look down on the temple from a hill like
this. Airplane
I'm not at the speed of a car, but I walked
It was such a level of growth that I could feel it was clearly walking.
grow li le by li le Obviously, this wasn't the fantasy life I was thinking of.
Growth is slow, and the crisis is s ll far away, but it is definitely coming.
This is more of an everyday thing than an everyday thing.
have been prac cing for years, or even decades.
It's different from when I was portraying characters who suddenly became
stronger a er jumping over and over.
I took that month, half a year, a year
must be filled with my body.
He who trained hard for a month
From the descrip on, hard work is my share.
“…I am thirsty.”
But first, let's drink some water and run.
I am type A.
"come in."
Type A is a professional preset before melee swordsmanship that
corresponds to swordsmanship and body strengthening.
- Kaang!
I sighed as I looked at the sword that had slipped out of my grasp.
“Train your grip.”
“I’m doing it. I do it to the point where my hands are numb.”
He even used superpowers, but if he collides with his sword once, he
misses it.
“Then use your superpowers.”
“…I kept wri ng.”
He said he was like a child who had a knack for making me small, so I sat
down on the floor while I was picking up a training sword. My hands were
so numb that it was difficult to hold the sword any longer.
"Hey, isn't it strange?"
At my words, Ellen lted her head.
“I know because I feel it, but you are stronger than the 3rd year I won last
me by luck with superpowers.
Do you think it's strong?"
Actually it will Even though this guy is doing it while watching him, he looks
like this. I can assure you, if this guy had a fight with Mayaton, the duel
would have been over in five seconds. It's not absurd. This is Artorius, who
was the strongest warrior of mankind in the first place, to be exact.
In other words, more than Lagann Artorius
Because it's be er in terms of talent.
When properly grown, Ellen Artorius becomes a more monster than
Lagann Artorius.
If you're strong, you're strong, whatever.
“It’s okay to eat like that and not gain weight, I can understand. Because
there is such a person.”
A person with a ridiculously high basal metabolic rate, or a person with
poor diges ve efficiency. There are obviously people who don't steam as
much as he eats. I got up and pointed to Ellen's arm and wrist.
“You can’t have that kind of power with that body?”
Mayaton was tall. But she said, Ellen isn't her muscular body, and she's
technically slender.
It is magic that such power comes out of such a slender body
It's logically weird!
I hate it even more because I think I know the reason.
Of course it's because of me.
Obviously.... She has the talent of the strongest in the world, she is really
talented, and she talks like a dog when it comes to literature and dance,
but she wrote 'beau ful girl' anyway.
This is how it comes out. 188cm Helchang There may be muscular
beau es, but first of all, they never look like a girl. So, in front of me, a kid
who is about 163cm tall and weighs 40kg has the power of a human tank.
This physical error phenomenon is pure.
All because I made an unrealis c descrip on.
On a so subject, as if no muscles were a ached to it. Actually, the
forearm is like the forearm of an old man from Nogada.
Subjects that should be split
If you look at it, it's just plain baby skin.
all. Not even whole bones.
Actually, there are mes when our bodies touch each other during a
match, but it's just so and so .
Of course, if you enter the stage of superman
It is possible to have power that goes beyond the limits of the body
through magical enhancement.
But he doesn't know how to do it yet, so what he's showing now is the
power of a pure body.
I am a god
You have broken the laws of physics in a world. In a few lines, Ellen
shrugged slightly at my grunt.
“My family is strong.”
Is the probability of that part supplemented just that much? Your family
muscle fiber is adaman um wire
do you see run?
Seriously, if it's a family with the strongest worldview, it doesn't seem like
there's much of a chance.
I was born that way, what should I do? In a word, it s ngs. yes i
I never set it like that, but the dragon's
Descendants, I don't know what this is. I somehow see the probability that
I blew up
It's a world filled with
'Cause in the end I broke the rules I commi ed
More to say, lie down and spit. There is a limit to the growth values that
can be extracted only through training, and I will supplement that part with
my superpowers.
If you can do it in the long term, you can advance to the superhuman level
through magical power enhancement.
have to wear
“S ck again.”
- Kaang!
do you play baseball?
When I saw my training sword that flew to the far side of the dance hall, I
was blown away.
It's not a home run, but it's a hit.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 58

Ellen le me alone when I stretched out a er figh ng with extreme
and devoted herself to her self-discipline. Cliffman had returned to his
hometown and was not at the dance hall today.
Cliffman is that kind of guy to me.
He's an unknown guy I've met at the gym for a very long me.
A guy who feels like ah yeah (scratching) when we meet, but he hasn't
spoken a word yet. You didn't come here yesterday. From the moment you

say , you will be speechless, but you haven't go en there yet.
- Suck!
Ellen beats the scarecrow alone
She was busy honing her movements. she is actually
There's no reason for him to look at me. You have to reach a certain level
to become a training partner. To this guy, I'm just walking
he's just a guy
They make something to eat for dinner, but that's not a big deal, because if
I make a lot while I'm making food, that's all. Somehow, you got mad at the
quality of my cooking and wrap it around my knife.
Although they are telling them to let go of the boat, they con nue to look
a er them even a er the duel is over.
So I mean, it's weird.
I was curious as to what he was thinking because he was really in front of
me when he wrote that he was really extreme.
Actually, I used to write a love le er for achievement points, but it was a
A er that, somehow, we ate together, then prac ced swordsmanship and
ended up ea ng together.
But Ellen says she's not par cularly close to me, and neither am I.
By the way, he's on the road with me
Even if we all meet, we don't pretend to know
No, even a guy who hates me like Erhi or Cayer, or even Harriet, shows a
reac on at the level of ignoring me when they see me.
But he doesn't even look at him?
I go for a late night snack and early morning almost every day.
They eat dinner together, run into each other every morning training, and
even s ck together a er class.
But it's not really a private conversa on.
They seem friendly, but not at all.
That, when I go out in society, even if I run into someone
Save me, you bastard.
But again, I was trying to become a champion.
Just a word.
Dumplings are.... I don't know....
It's a mysterious being when you meet him...
get sick or die Can't you just ask? I'm not even the main character of the
unplayed cell death that I no ced
And I have no idea what to do.
If you don't know, ask
It's very simple, isn't it?
Ellen looks at me.
"Do you like me?"
I knew what the answer was going to be, so I wasn't really hurt.
really didn't get it
However, Ellen had a different reac on than before. She asked Ellen as she
looked at her day with her fat expression on her face, and then she threw
at her.
“Do you like me?”
You said you liked me back in the day. Seeing you don't talk like this, you
seem to have forgo en that such an incident ever happened?
Anyway, we became close enough to ask about that. is this I like it anyway
And somehow, I knew the answer would just be no.
I didn't mean to ask this in the first place.
“Then are we friends?”
At my words, Ellen stops her sword, and she is silently contempla ng.
She'd been gone for a minute or so.
She says as Ellen again points her sword at her scarecrow.
"I think so."
That was the guy's answer.
So, it seems that Ellen Artorius just recently thought for the first me
whether we were friends or not. So she must have been thinking about it
for quite some me.
That being said, Bertus is a li le strange to see as a friend, like a
hierarchical rela onship.
I feel it. hard too So, Ellen thought she could be seen as the Temple's first
friend. If you think about it, it's funny. It's an extreme dumbass, so it's
actually the best
It should be difficult to make friends. in reality
Her friends won't be there for a long me.
But I was rather comfortable with Ellen knowing that she was a guy who
didn't care about my reputa on or her preconceived no ons. Then it
became like this.
I followed her usual rou ne, including posture and strength training once
her stamina was restored.
The standard bed me is eleven. I
train in the gym un l nine o'clock
A er washing up, go out and eat a late-night meal at a restaurant.
And I usually ate with Ellen.
So, Nana Ellen tended to train un l nine o'clock to keep up with her late
night snack me. She didn't decide to do it, but because she did, she did it
So it's nine o'clock now.
A er training, it's me to go silent.
"Are you a li le overworked today?"
Today's Ellen was a li le different from usual. Her stamina isn't even
Ludwig's, but she's a li le behind that.
Her breathing was rough, and her whole body was covered in sweat. usual
She seemed to be doing everything ghter.
She doesn't want to be a cat that cares about gers, but she's a bit weird.
“Why don’t you stop and rest?”
"...I'll do some more."
Ellen said so and she didn't even look at me. She said that, by the way, she
seemed friendly, but it's funny that she interferes more. She might be told
not to pretend to be friendly for nothing.
“Do it right away and rest. I go.”
Ellen didn't answer, and I got out of the kite.
There were certainly few children le in the dormitory, and it seemed like
night was near, so everyone went to sleep. I wash and change clothes in my
private room and then walk down the hallway.
came out again with
If you think about it, the temple is a dream living environment.
do the laundry give me rice give me money If you need anything, prepare it
There is even a kitchen so you can cook whatever you want, and it's full of
The allowance is also four gold coins per month. Of course, it would be a
small amount of money for the children of the house called Naro, but to
me, it's a lot of money, and if you ask me to stand there for personal
training or research, I will provide addi onal support depending on the
content. In other words, research
silver feeling,
Actually, it's not important to graduate from Temple and become a great
person. Being able to buy at the temple itself is already awesome
Do you think good people are chewing up?
Is it the dream school you don't want to graduate from? Do you want to
live as a temple student un l you die? forever lingering.
Isn't this like a se ng error? You will want to go to the Temple, and also
the Royal Class, forever.
I went to the kitchen with strange thoughts.
It's true that I don't receive divine power support, but my momentum is
huge, even if it's not Ludwig's and Ellen's. So you have to eat a lot. actually
Some mes it feels like the crab doesn't go to flesh
I tend to
Originally, I used to eat food, but it definitely improved a bit while I was
living in the temple. There are a lot of ingredients, and the users need
I get red of ea ng only the same repertoire, so I make this and that. I
don't want to eat a lot of convenience food like Eren, so I do it anyway.
When you deliver a hamburger pizza or something like that by yourself
A person who only writes while ea ng while ea ng will get red of it
Life may be a rou ne, but ea ng
I hate being a rou ne.
I looked at the food in the kitchen pantry and pondered what to make.
Well. It doesn't fit my concept, but...
But honestly, it's true that I'm grateful, and it's also a sensi ve me.
I mean it
I took out a bag of bread.
I'm thinking of making a sandwich.
There are two people in the Temple to which I should be grateful.
Adria, who recently turned black as a church sister
me. No, isn’t it a bit too much to describe being a church older sister as a
blackening? Anyway, it's black by my standards.
and Ellen Artorius,
To be honest, I o en said thank you to Adriana, but to Ellen, I gave her a
Since I was receiving it, there was no such thing. It's not like I'm doing
anything very unusual anyway, because I'm only going to bring what I
usually make and share to the gym.
Ah. No ma er how much we meet, it's nothing more or less than a high
school high school that makes me feel be er now that I have my first
| Shi, I think I was really touched...
You have to admit that you have to admit.
I was touched by being friendly.
all! It's a staple! uh! know!!
I made a club sandwich. I can't do that with so much effort. awesome
Since the crabs will be eaten, I thought it would be be er to just make a lot
of it.
Moderate vegetables, plenty of cheese and ham. It must be a calorie
bomb, but it doesn't ma er to me or Ellen anyway. To die from
We have too much exercise,
There is also a basket for food in the kitchen.
So I went to the gym with a sandwich I just made.
And I couldn't help but be a li le perplexed by the sight in front of me.
Ellen was lying in front of her scarecrow
And next to it is the broken cup of the training sword.
the sun was sca ered
“Yumma! If you sleep there, go back to your mouth!"
The horse did so, but it was running.
Temple's Royal Class is one of the most dedicated educa onal ins tu ons
in the Empire.
There are many services for VVIP other than those men oned above.
So I don't know specifically
that's the only thing
Service is just awesome! it sounds like you said
ar cle
Of course, some of those services are known. One part of this is that our
direct priest who can use recovery spells is resident 24 hours a day. For
example, a teacher in the infirmary. The real infirmary teacher
The difference with you is that it is not an emergency treatment.
It is possible to recover even moderate wounds.
I can't remember, but I must have received the priest's help during the duel
the other day. I picked up Ellen, who was lying face down, and called out to
the priest.
I went into the recovery room, where I had been once, and the priest laid
Ellen down. While cas ng the divine spell, the priest's teacher asked me
about the situa on.
“What happened?”
“It looks like exhaus on or something.
Judging from what he was earning, it looks like he was hurt a li le, but in
reality, the training sword is
It was sha ered, and in any case, seriously injured
It was.
"I'm glad I found it quickly though. Well done."
Even if it is exhaus on, if it is discovered late
It may have been rough, and the priest did not spare a compliment to me.
The teacher gave me and Ellen's names and grades.
I asked, and I answered.
“First-year Reinhardt, Ellen, and E. Pinhauser are your homeroom teachers,
“Well done Reinhardt, please suggest a shop.”
I didn't know it would be like this, but the teacher in the uniform looked at
me and smiled kindly. It was a benevolent smile that showed that he was a
genuinely religious person.
Oh, it feels divine. I can't. I have forgo en my roots...
“I heard that he was a troublemaker, but it’s very different from rumors.”
Ah, now my fame has spread to the level of teachers. Anyway, contrary to
the preconceived no on
It was a sight to be quite impressed with, as it was enough to carry him out
a er his classmate had collapsed.
But since it was a store, I didn't even think about it. There was such a thing.
The priestess checked her Ellen's condi on and said she would get up
soon. Seon-seong said he could go back to me, but I sat next to him.
The teacher looked at me with a mischievous smile. like you know what
you're thinking.
No, it's not like that.
As the teacher said, a er about ten minutes of Ellen, she slowly opened
her eyes.
Ellen opened her eyes with a low moan, looked at me and her priest
teacher alternately, and then she widened her eyes.
I was perplexed.
The extreme dumbass was bewildered.
Because it was a precious scene, it was quickly engraved into her eyes.
Ellen pondered for a moment, and then she seemed to realize what kind of
yellow she was.
“Yamma, if she sleeps like that, go away. Do you think it's good to be old
already? t.”
The priest smiled at my rude remarks.
Her voice blew out, and Ellen turned her head away from her side. She was
obviously on the verge of selling.
But it's just the two of us here
No, there were also priests.
“Ellen, even if you say this, Reinhardt is carrying you. The teacher whose
face has turned blue! Teacher! How do you do it! Was it like this?"
“Seo, sir… Why are you saying that…”
No, you bastard! What if I say that? When Ellen heard that, she glanced at
me. I never thought I would.
“It looks like you prac ced too hard, but don’t do it to the extent that it
hurts your body.
“Yes… I’m sorry.”
A er leaving these words, the priest said, about my shop, a er
Saying it would be expensive, she le the recovery room.
“Whatever it was, I fell asleep there.
Ellen blankly answered my ques on and she looked up at the ceiling.
"During prac ce of her moves, she was bea ng the scarecrow and
suddenly her sword broke .... she lost her balance and I think she nailed
her head to the scarecrow."
She seemed to remember how she fainted and she remembered Ellen
She said that exhaus on wasn't the problem, it was the scarecrow.
Her headbu was the problem. this
She said she was like a concussion
I mean.
Come to think of it, it was very serious.
is it you is not it. No, I don't know if exhaus on and concussion may have
Even without me, I don't know if he's ever been brought up for doing
something like this. I guess now
you should have bought it
"Hey, I saved you, then."
I'm going to have to give the raw color to the fact that it's okay. I mean,
unless I made a sandwich and brought it with me,
I wonder if it would have been found as a dead body tomorrow
who knows?
The world's strongest talent dies a er hi ng a scarecrow in the head...
There was no such thing as a bar. Ellen lay down and looked at me quietly
No, she nodded her head slightly.

It wasn't his usual voice, but his voice was crawling slightly. You're cute
baby. Seriously, the charm of Dum-Dum-Dum-Chung is when the concept
Ellen was obviously overworked today. She did not rest harder than usual,
and she con nued to wield her sword. That's why I told him to take a break
while I knew it wasn't good enough for me too.
Her self-control bloke took her bunch beyond the limits, and as a result
Even when she was exhausted, she wielded her water lily sword and
pierced her scarecrow.
No one else knows why, but I do know.
He's more mental now than usual.
in a trembling state.
So, she didn't ask why she was overdoing it.
“You’re not waking up, what are you doing?”
Since I received the divine spell, my recovery is complete.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 59

“I want to wash.”
Ellen sniffed her own body.
She said she wanted to wash.
"If you're going to wash up, you think it's going to be too long for
bed me?"
There were a lot of things going on and it was almost 11 o'clock. Of course,
not observing that doesn't mean a big deal is going to happen, but if the
superintendent finds it while on patrol, I think it's going to be a bit of a
pain in the ass. Of course, that's not very likely.
but you
In the original story, Ludwig passed the bed me.
Because there were a lot of scenes where I was running around.
“I hate the smell.”
Ellen was swea ng profusely and didn't want to feel stuffy. It must have
been more than usual, and he was very s cky when he was carrying it.
A er washing everything before ea ng
I also ate
Today, I decided to give a li le more than usual. During this me, Ellen
must be a li le more depressed than her usual.
So she even made a sandwich and tried to give it all away.
".....okay. There is a restaurant, then.”
She was going to the restaurant, Ellen
She shook her head.
“You might get caught by the superintendent.” Well? What are you
drinking? I want to eat a er washing, but then I'll skip bed me, and I don't
want to risk ge ng caught by the superintendent, but she wants to eat
a er washing. What kind of greed is this?
“Can’t we eat in the room?”
Was that what it sounded like?
The temple is not divided into male and female dormitories, but is divided
into classes, and men o en enter women's rooms and women enter men's
rooms. In class B, you must have found a place to play in the room,
In the case of Class A, they even go to each other's rooms.
There didn't seem to be much going on.
Men and women are different, but how can they be the same building?
Are you using a dormitory? Aren't you thinking?
The class part is important, but the dormitory part is also responsible for a
huge amount of narra ve.
do. Under such circumstances, male and female dormitories
If we split it up, in the dormitory part, it's a male
I can only do a descrip on. Because the owner, cer fied Ludwig, is in the
men's dormitory.
It is said that it was my responsibility as a writer to divide the dormitories
for men and women in order to induce incidents and form rela onships.
Probability is me
It would be be er to share it, but the probability of being a noob
this is big
What the hell is happening in a dormitory full of males? At best, I'll get up
to the new wall and kick a ball.
That is why the dormitories for men and women are in the same space for
descrip ve, not prac cal, need. There is no need for realis c se ngs. I'm
going to use se ngs that are easy to use. In the end, only for the ar st's
own convenience, the male and female integrated dormitory
it has been bought
I feel nothing when I enter the room of a classmate who is only a child by
my standards.
Chances are that he doesn't even think about it.
one hundred percent,
If you were a college student or higher in the second half of the year, it
would be a bit chewy, though. Ah
Don't be in such a situa on, I'd be frozen over.
But even that is bullshit.
Just temple students by my standards
They're all kids!
I retrieved the sandwich from the gym and entered Ellen's room.
As soon as he entered his dormitory, he went into the shower room.
I hear the sound of water, I'm a sandwich
put it on the table and put it on the chair
sat down
It wasn't much different from my room. The room itself smells a li le
different, but of course it doesn't smell like cosme cs.
Cleaning is not your job anyway.
There were not many items that appeared to be personal belongings. My
room doesn't even have anything, but his room is pre y cool too. No, my
room isn't overwhelming. There are no personal belongings other than
clothes other than textbooks and major books that are filled at the temple.
There were exercise equipments for physical training, and they were
probably installed by the temple at Ellen's request rather than personal
belongings. The private room is quite spacious, so various exercise
equipment can be accommodated.
had come I know I have something like that in my room. Although the
details were slightly different, the overall framework was the same.
Overall a nice looking room. The feeling of a women's room is slightly
only smell
However, Ellen's belongings are not without small beggars.
In one corner of the room, there was a trunk in a place where the other
guys should have a magic research table or something like that. It was an
elongated trunk unlike an ordinary trunk.
But the one painted in magenta
The trunk was ghtly sealed. It's not that big of a trunk, so it's easy to carry
around. It was a rectangular, elongated case.
I shouldn't know, but I know what's in there.
Ellen Artorius brought it to the temple
Because this would be the only thing I had.
A er wai ng a li le longer, Ellen came out of the shower room. The guy
shook his wet hair and shivered for a while.
The ou it is sweatpants and slippers.
Come to think of it, he's always been like this for a long me, but me too.
Uniforms or training clothes.
He and I sat facing each other at a table in the room.
"Let's eat and sleep. I'm red."
We started ea ng as if we didn't have anything else to say. To be honest,
these days, it's normal to overwork your body, so
is the happiest
Suddenly, the headmaster a acks
I'm not going to do this If anyone knew that the two of them were in the
same room, it would be a weird rumor, but in the first place, the Royal
Class as well as the temple itself were almost empty.
We ate sandwiches without saying a word. However, it took quite a while
to eat because I made a lot of it.
- Kurreung!
There was a roar of thunder, and rain began to fall outside. Ellen stopped
ea ng her sandwich and she looked out her window.
“Did you eat it all?”
Ellen stared blankly out of her window and grumbled the sandwich.
Seeing things that were so different from what I usually do, I felt very
disturbed. I wrote this fes val period from Ludwig's point of view, never
from Ellen's point of view. That's why I never said specifically how Ellen is
feeling right now.
So I don't know. how sad you are Ellen is pouring
Stare at the sound of rain and the occasional flash of lightning. Are you
afraid of thunderstorms or do you like it? I don't know anything like that.
But I don't think I'm afraid.
She is Ellen and she is not good at talking about herself.
Only at the moment when the object of that case is revealed does Ellen's
iden ty, known only to Bertus and a few of her teachers, be revealed.
I was a li le startled by the sudden call to me.
Ellen is looking at me.
And now, for the first me, my name
it's called
That's all he said while looking at him. He wasn't smiling at all, and he
wasn't par cularly blunt, but he had a neutral expression on his face.
I also felt that I was gradually ge ng more and more aware of his mood.
I s ll don't know for sure, but it will increase more and more.
“Some mes being human makes me feel like a dog. There may or may not
be a reason, but that’s the way it is.”
At my sudden tantrum, Ellen fascinated me.
stared at me
“S ll, if you don’t talk too much, it will become a disease.”
It's just not good enough to be in pain. And even though Ellen has a blunt
personality, she eventually believes that she has her own feelings and
There is this. As if she behaved bluntly, and eventually she fell in love and
started teaching me her swordsmanship.
Even the slightest anger causes me to react violently, and Ellen maintains
her almost composure no ma er what.
In hindsight, Ellen and I are opposites.
And, I think that people who are opposites get along be er than people
who are similar.
I talk too much and have a dirty temper.
Ellen, who speaks very li le and has a gentle temper.
According to my standards, the combina on is surprisingly right. When two
talka ve guys meet, they'll just talk to each other, and when two talka ve
guys meet, they'll stay silent all day.
It might be like a dog, but when I say it's okay to talk some mes, Ellen
what was she thinking
Would she be surprised to find out that she was depressed?
Ellen, who had been silent for a while, watched her blankly at her
thunderstorm, and she opened her mouth quietly.
“You can save the world with your life. So, do you think it should be?”
It was nonsense.
But I know what that means.
Ellen thinks that death is death a er all. Even if you save the world, you are
the only one in the end. People adore her warrior Artorius, but in the end
Ellen was mourning her brother's death.
She is resen ul though.
Knowing that, I didn't say it was nonsense.
In addi on to the smooth lines, the engraved ancient characters were
wri en on the cut blood vessels.
It's a language I shouldn't know, but I was able to read it. As I could read
and speak the languages of this world, I had a language correc on. i read it
could pay
He never described what ancient characters were engraved on. so that
Meaning it was the first me I saw it.
[Will it be forged with tears?]
I don't know what this means. But he knew what kind of sword this sword
The sword of Ellen Artorius.
Before that, the sword of the warrior Lagann Artorius.
"It's a sword named Lament."
...... "
This is a memento le by La Gan Artorius to Ellen before par cipa ng in
the Demon World War.
The warrior Artorius is said to have carried two god swords.
The sword of Als, the war god, Alsbringer, and the sword of Mensis, the
moon god, are two swords named Lament.
No one knows where Rament is, except for a few who know about it. Later,
when Ellen's iden ty is revealed, Rament's whereabouts are also revealed.
“Yeah, I just wanted to hit it.”
I was forced to be surprised because I knew it
Why am I just reac ng like that?
showed Ellen is my reac on
Sa sfied, she raised the corners of her lips slightly and smiled.
It's hard to see him smiling properly. my heart is scared
[Ellen Artorius revealed her iden ty faster than expected.]
[Achievement - Ellen's Truth]
[You have earned 500 achievement points.]
And unexpectedly, achievement points
came in un l

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 60

Ellen didn't dare say anything about keeping her iden ty a secret.
all. I don't know if she thinks it doesn't ma er to anyone else the moment
she tells me, or if she thinks I won't be flir ng elsewhere.
Of course, when Ellen's iden ty is revealed, the Temple
There is a great commo on in She didn't want it, so she doesn't intend to
gossip. In the end, though, Ellen seemed to be feeling a li le be er for her.
next day.
- Ah, hello, dear ci zens of the Hwangdao.
- Take a moment while you are busy on the way
I suggest you something good
I stood here.
It was a tense moment. this situa on
Having given Loyar a firm warning not to let her fist fight in the . There
shouldn't be a fight.
The man who approached the peddler had a harsh impression even if he
pretended to be.
“I see you again on this route
Didn't I say that if it appears on the page, it will be inves gated
However, as I listened, the context of the conversa on seemed a li le
“Well, that’s… In the first place, we got a seat here…”
"Ah, when are you talking about the enemy? We said we do it. Huh?"
What the hell is this?
"Ah, yes. I'll get off. At the next sta on..."
“Don’t stand out again. Huh?”
He seemed to know roughly how things were going.
It smells like honey and flies are entangled.
“The siberians who have no morals like this. Even if it’s a business with no
founda on, are you going to change the owner of the rice bowl as you
“……Wow, what?”
I'm not a janitor, I just got up and said it.
“You, what? what are you What a bastard…”
approached The passengers were staring blankly at the situa on that got
worse and worse.
Because one passenger is suddenly pissed off and slamming it at a
He's stronger than that old-fashioned bastard.
I slapped hard on his shin. It's not broken, but I'm sure
He slumped down with his tremendous leg strength.
ar cle
“Siberum, I’m a bastard at the temple, am I a bastard here too?”
Even if you are the last in the Taereung Athletes Village, the athletes
I mean, you're a player, kid.
To be honest, I'm the guy who spars with the na onal team every day,
When I didn't have the skills, I won with brutality.
But now you can take a picture of someone who fights with brutality and
press it.
This is how the accelerated educa on that Ellen had crushed on was
The passengers were ini ally nervous when they saw the moon arguing
with the merchant.
And suddenly, a er being s ll, the twin bath
Park gets confused when she sees me
He seemed to doubt his eyes when he saw a thug being beaten by the
young man.
Obviously, the physical strength, strength, and reac on speed have
improved through the training. seconds there
If you add up to the pace of his abili es, a clumsy guy can eat it up.
It's quite possible that he's been vigilant about it, and that he's knocked
down one by one and sits down.
Hanging out with an adult isn't something to take lightly, so I'm going to
make him the next one.
I threw it outside at the sta on.
"Hey Kkondae, you think you're lucky today. If you're doing the worst and
you're unlucky, you won't be able to get your dog's money back. Okay?"
He was absurd that he had been thrown, and his eyes were the size of a
Passengers look at me like a monster
was watching
"a er."
I had no inten on of interfering.
Seeing a cub that sells and eats in front of his eyes
That's why his eyes suddenly turned around.
I thought he was only beaten at the temple.
My personality is becoming more and more of a slut as I have a well-
founded confidence in my superpowers, but the club member looked at
me and was stunned.
“Tell your sister that you will stop by later.”
“Uh, ah… that, yes.”
bastards like
Where to put someone else's rice bowl in the future
are you trying to drag
The fever was so high that I kept crumpling up, and people were saddened
by those days.
A er ge ng off the sta on, I changed into the other clothes I had
prepared and even changed my appearance with Sarkegaar's ring. It seems
that no one is following them, but from now on, such disguise and tail-
shaking should become a daily rou ne. Iden ty as a demon is also a
problem, but the fact that he is already a member of a Rotary club
If that's a problem in itself, it's a problem.
The commo on in the subway that just happened was tolerable. The two
guys who know I'm affiliated with the Rotary club are actually the most
dangerous, because they're both watching.
Let's live like spilled water. He's already famous enough for the fights |
What's not going to be famous on the outside?
Anyway, a er passing through various places and alleyways, I headed to
Aligar Shopping Street. Yongpal Land is s ll
It was full of breathtaking numbers fights.
The nervous ba le between those who want to be ripped off and those
who do not want to be ripped off like a background sound.
The first me you enter Elerys' shop
Sit s ll in the same posture as you saw
Oh, there was Elerys.
There were s ll no guests.
"Ah? How can I…”
Elerys is using her pseudonym here, and she was taken aback when
someone she didn't know suddenly told her her real name.
"It's me."
A stranger wanted to know his name, but soon realized that I was me, so
Elerys stood at the counter.
jumped up and then come
She locked the store door and looked outside
Elerys spoke reproachfully, and I shrugged.
"I was careful enough. It's okay."
I didn't get off the sta on right away, but a er disguising myself, I made
useless transfers and went round and round. Even a er that, if you step
behind me, I'm thinking of praising him so that he can find him and come.
Elerys was s ll not relieved. She said and shouted something to order. She
nodded slowly.
"Yeah, it seems fine.
At that moment, Elerys is relieved of her heart. She smiled brightly.
"It's been a long me since I've seen you. How are you?"
“Uh… something happened.”
Elerys climbed up and slowly
He grabbed my hand to talk.
The vampire's cold body temperature somehow felt reassuring.
In all my stories, Elerys had paler in her complexion, even paler.
“Really, I don’t know if I should say that I’m low-key… No, I think you’ve
done more than before…”
Even if it's not the same as when I was a nerd, it seems that it was very
shocking to do something bizarre.
In fact, without her presence, of course, she carries the kids on her board,
which is not enough. I even had a duel with my senior, and as a result, my
name was added to the senior unit.
Well. It's a real blow for the prince of the Demon World to sneak into the
Royal Class and become a star.
is a thing
"S ll, I'm not a fan of holding on to a guy who's s ll standing s ll, I'm just
arguing for nothing."
“Haha… what do I do with this temper hair?
Are you okay?”
Elerys let out a deep sigh as if she couldn't live.
“S ll, I haven’t wri en this yet.”
I took out the relic that Elerys had given me, the fireworks of Hwayo, out of
my arms.
“It’s a good thing, but…”
I wonder what will happen if I use it properly, but I haven't had an
emergency to use it yet. Elerys asked if she was hungry, and as she
rummaged around, she brought food.
“What, do you have something to eat?”
“Yes, I have some frozen food in case you are coming.”
kind guy.
Elerys eats her frozen pasta
He warmed it up by magic and handed it to me. It wasn't terribly tasty, but
she said it was prepared by Elerys, so it felt be er than the taste.
Watching me slurp the pasta, Elerys smiled faintly.
there was.
“By the way, I couldn’t even imagine that it was a superpower.”
For Elerys, it was really strange that I had awakened my superpowers. I
I had a lot to name.
“That… it seems like a very powerful ability… but… L, um…”
"I know."
The mechanism of the ability to actually win if he wins mentally seemed a
bit odd to Elerys.
That's not all.
My achievement score now is 2280. Use the retreat func on during a duel
20 points were used, and due to the
Up to 600 reward points and 500 points obtained a er hearing the secret
from Ellen.
Therefore, new talents can be imprinted. I can't have more than one
superpower, and I'm thinking about what to do with my next talent.
It's growing slowly, but objec vely, it's doing nonsensical things.
Entering the first year of Temple High School,
Even though the semester has not passed, two
Because neung is blooming Although people may be jealous of the
possibility of infinity, I wouldn't consider it impossible.
It is a ma er of contempla on at this point whether to use a combat-
related talent or a magic-related talent.
It's like her son comes back from boarding school and tells her mom the
whole thing about what's going on. Actually, Elerys's expression is a bit like
that too, and a er figh ng, everything
Taking a deep breath at the talk of nindan
especially so
“That’s all I’m talking about, are you okay these days?”
“Ummm… something like that happened.”
It seems that something had happened while Elerys was also protec ng
this shop.
“First of all, it is definitely dangerous to come here.”
“You know that.”
That's why he made a dazzling move by spinning around and pulling off his
“That’s not it.”
But at my words, Elerys shook her head.
"It has been determined that this is the place where degrada on was last
"Oh yeah?" I don't know if it's Bertus' or Charlo e's side, but the pursuers
knew that I had come to this place. I have no choice but to sell scrolls
I came to this area and wandered all over the place. There was a kid
running around trying to sell scrolls, but most merchants thought it was a
fake. Remember it's definitely not common
There must have been merchants.
In the first place, I was trying to get some money and then go into hiding. It
was a coincidence that I met Elerys,
"Yeah. You didn't seem suspicious of me, but they were the only clues.
This is the place where I was found, so keep an eye out for it
are doing.”
It's not my tail that's the problem, but the fact that Aligar Shopping Street
itself is already a monitoring area, so Elerys is saying it's dangerous to
come here.
“And I heard about it, but…”
"Like what?"
“Hey, fireball scrolls in the store.
You stole one... I heard it was Mr. Bor Tong's scroll shop. I think I got a
specific clue from that, but it was probably the scroll I bought from you.”
Ah. I think I know who you are talking about.
“I didn’t steal it, he gave it to me.”
"Yes? Mr. Borton was furious about stealing the Fireball Scroll. go...."
“That bastard was a really bizarre bastard.”
Elerys didn't seem to know what I was talking about.
"No, I'm selling Asmodian scrolls, so I'm just trying to sell fakes that I drew
plausibly, did you think like this?"
“Other niggas tell me to shut up, but do you know what the yangban was
“How was it?”
Elerys lted her head.
They told me to draw the same. There was no such thing as a very bad
thing. So, well, it seemed like he was dreaming of si ng on a cushion by
himself, so I asked for something as a sample. That was the Fireball Scroll.”
Hearing my words, Elerys narrowed her brows.
“…I didn’t see it that way, but it’s really bad.
You are a person. There was even a lie that it was stolen…”
As if genuinely disappointed, Elerys shook her head. no,
It seems that there are very few decent people in this shopping street?
Disappointed, what to do?
“Those who live by believing in fake scrolls may die. But how do you think
Magic scrolls are expensive. We s ll don't know what adventurers earn for
a living, but the adventurer party, which does not include wizards, buys
scrolls to use in mes of crisis. What if the scroll used in such a crisis
doesn't work? Nine mes out of ten they will die.
So, that burton man is like an MVP even in this evil shopping district. Elerys
looked at me and smiled.
“Well done, my dear. A person like that has to suffer.”
Blinded by greed, he couldn't see even an inch ahead and threw the
fireball scroll. He is a pity that greed and intelligence are not propor onal.
Scammers only beat bad guys, nigga like that
He's so stupid that he can't even do anything big.
Anyway, this is the last place I've seen, so it's dangerous Elerys.
was quite understandable.
| “Sheesh, I was going to stay here while school was closed.”
“Isn’t the Temple much more comfortable?”
Elerys didn't seem to understand why she wanted to be in a place like this.
I have a ring so I don't have to worry about ge ng caught.
“You are here.”
“Ah… that’s right. thank you. Lowering."
Elerys smiled and nodded her head.
“We have no ced that there are no people watching here,” she said. So I
think you'll be fine with a few days as you wish."
Sword Master, Superpowers, Nabal, I don't need them all.
A er all, magic is the most convenient in the world. Staying with Elerys for
a while
I have no inten on of just playing while school is closed.
“By the way, the Rotary club. Oh, I think there was something like a power
struggle. Do you know what it is?" |
"Is that so? Loyard doesn't tell me about internal affairs unless it's very
It is not an organiza on that was created to be created anyway. This place
was built because I lived on the street. So, even though Loyard is in charge
of financial support, he discusses the opera on of the organiza on and
does not do so.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 61
That night.
"Damn, are you sleeping?"
“No yet.”
I was lying on the bed, and Elerys was si ng on the chair by the bedside.
She's too lazy to sleep, but she doesn't
It was a subtle feeling she didn't hate.
“Why, do you have something to say?”
Elerys didn't say yes, nor did she say no. A er being silent for a while,
Elerys quietly opened her mouth.
“I don’t think humans are be er than demons.”
What are you talking about? Elerys was staring at me. There was sadness in
the vampire's red eyes.
“At first, demons are a mixture of many races, and humans are a single
I don't know who is be er or worse. There are many demons with superior
racial characteris cs. However, although they are physically superior to
humans, they may lack intelligence, and they both lack both.
There will also be There will be races that are superior to both,
At my words, Elerys shook her head.
“It doesn’t mean that.”
“I told you that I do not believe that humans are be er than demons.”
“Oh, was that what you were talking about?”
Elerys seemed to think she was more fortunate to have defeated the
Is she actually she just didn't like war? El Reris is the ship of the demons.
“Humans are a race that knows what prosperity is.” |
Elerys must have been watching the demon realm increase its arms,
thinking only of war. However, humans are a race that knows how to focus
on life itself. Elerys came to the eclip c and saw the scene, and this world
was destroyed.
It seemed like he didn't want it.
The demon realm is a war with humans.
Three rolling by one goal
It was the world, and Elerys did not end such a world.
“But humans fight and kill each other.”
However, humans also engage in wars and slaughter within the same
species. Elerys hated the Demon Realm, but she knew that even the
human world had such a side. A er all, she believes that Elerys believes
that human society is the best or the lesser evil.
is it
I believe that humans are be er than demons.
it doesn't ma er
“So some mes, there are moments when the wickedness of man is fed
up.” “Like that swindler?”
“It could be an example.
It’s okay.”
taking someone else's life for money
a guy who wants to joke around. It can also be regarded as a model that
maximizes the wickedness of human beings. But Elerys didn't seem to be
telling the story.
Elerys was silent for a while.
She knew what she was thinking and Elerys was shivering.
"what's the ma er. Did something happen?"
“Tomorrow… you will find out tomorrow…”
Elerys said she couldn't even speak with her own mouth. She didn't tell me
anything anymore.
next day.
I went to the Rotary club with Elerys. That tangent as always
loca on. A large cavity inside the ditch.
It was raining not long ago, so the sound of water flowing in the cavity was
In front of the bonfire, Royar was looking at us silently. Sarkegaar had
arrived as well, as I had contacted them beforehand. Elerys unleashes her
soundproofing magic
While I was there, Sarkegar approached me and hugged me fiercely.
"Hey! I believed! I believed that he would become the master of powerful
power! Eventually, the blood test that inherited all the quali es under the
world is coming! I sincerely hope that you will dedicate yourself as soon as
possible and present the wrath of the demon realm to the humans.. ..”
“Don’t be noisy. I think my ears are going to bleed.”
“Yes, lower.”
You are always like a talka ve child.
Even if he has the mental victory superpower
It seems to have had a staggering effect. I firmly believe that I will become
the overlord of the demon realm.
there is. I think I can stay s ll.
There was no need to say twice that I became a psychic, as Elerys
convened a mee ng yesterday and delivered the rough details.
"Hey, it's not that you're too flashy.
are you? I heard that you were bea ng the kids, but it’s a duel.”
I shrugged at Royar's words.
“If I’m being picky, I have to get it right, is it okay? He even said that he was
a coward, so he just came down to the floor
I took a picture.”
Let me describe how I then won the surrender. Loyard and Ereris
's expression became conspicuous.
“You also inherited the quali es of a monarch. That cruelty! Pride! figh ng
spirit! All the virtues of being a great monarch come
"cancer! That’s right!”
Let's hit the ball this me, Sarke
Le expressed his despair with his whole body.
“If you are too dependent on violence,
I'm worried..."
Elerys said so, too, and Loyard sighed.
“I heard that you hit a chess board on the magic train again yesterday.”
"Are you saying it's ケッpan?"
Elerys widened her eyes as if she was hearing it for the first me. It's
because I didn't say anything because I thought I'd hear more nagging if I
did the work on the magic train. Loyard outside me
He also looked at the leak like a rip off.
But I also have something to say.
"No, if you want to intervene in someone else's business, you have to find
another dealer cheaply. You're trying to sit down on a table already laid
out, but are you watching it?
You don’t even have to give up money.”
Without any of that, hey, we'll do it from today, so leave those who say
fuck off? It's not hard
Royar opened his eyes and looked at me.
"Although superpowers are superpowers, temple educa on
I think this is great. how much is that
It’s enough that you can already beat a grown man just because you’ve
become me.” |
Is he sarcas c now that he only learned to fight in school? uh? Right?
“It doesn’t make sense for anyone else.”
To put it bluntly, a guy who learns from a mixed mar al arts training
sanctuary can give it to a street thug and get a job.
don't you? Of course, I also had superpowers, and it was also due to the
other person's negligence.
Of course I'm s ll young, but Royal
Guys with combat talents in grades 5 and 6, when they go out of society,
they get into fights.
If you do, they are all you can chew on. As with talent, the Temple does not
allow such bastards to grow in vain.
“Anyway, what if you tell us not to fight and you fight?”
Tell them not to fight on the train, and then when sanc ons start to come
in, business will stop.
I was the one who said it should be closed.
“I didn’t mean to leave these thieves alone. Will you be pa ent when
someone tries to overthrow you?”
Take this or that, take it or lose it
If so, you should stretch out your fist.
"Anyway, is this a lot?"
I sat down by the fire and asked, Royar nodded his head.
“Our club is star ng a new business and there are rumors that things are
going well. So even those who are talking
And there are those who started systema cally.”
Magic trains are open spaces, so some niggas sell stuff on the subway
An unspecified majority see it. So what? Shall I do that too? girl who wants
The forma on of stones is a natural procedure.
So I personally started
There are others who want to start as an organiza onal unit.
“So those who come into the organiza on usually plant people on trains
and drive out other merchants.
“Stupid bastards… and then they quit the business altogether.”
It is already a bad news to have people shou ng at you while crea ng an
atmosphere of fear in the train. When users start filing complaints, it takes
That's a problem. Then it's a business trip, and nobody will be able to use it
Those who try to eat the plates will eventually end up ea ng up this
business itself. Royar once told me not to fight, so I guess he was just
observing the situa on.
I say it's dry and dry, but actually my words
You listen very well. are you a real dog?
“Is it possible to track down their organiza ons one by one and kill them?”
It's said that the magic train vendors are even figh ng for power. It's really
Only things that transcend the prizes happen.
“I can’t do it, but… Club members aren’t really good at figh ng in the first
The homeless and the beggars gathered. Even if they say they can do bad
things in a bad situa on, they will not be able to compete if they are an
organiza on that actually puts a lot of effort into it.
“Inevitably, I have to step forward, but as you know, I am from here.
Not known already? I am
If you break one by one, the guards and
There may be fric on, and there is a possibility that it will have a bad effect
on the lowering.”
Loyar is a Lycan slope a er all. If you get caught by the guards, you'll be in
There was a possibility, and if so, the problem may eventually come up to
me. Bertus said he would look a er him, but if it was found out that Royar
was a demon, the situa on would be strange.
“Hmm… it’s difficult.”
If this is the case, then you are par cipa ng in organized violence.
They'll try to eat the whole plate, and eventually the guards will come.
We will ban the entry of peddlers.
If you stand s ll, you'll be out of business, but if you take ac on, that's a
huge risk.
“What can’t be done with magic?”
I asked Elerys what could be wrong with magic, which is an all-purpose
cheat. Elerys answered immediately.
“...I do not like violent methods, but if there is a violent incident caused by
magic, more sanc ons and inves ga ons will be imposed than the gang
war. Another way is to enlist
That is, as I said before, a very dangerous method.”
Violence or murder caused by magic
If this happens, even in the empire, the intensity will be high.
It was clear that he would proceed with the inves ga on. mind
Law is a dangerous force that can lead to massacre depending on how it is
used. Likewise, making it into a household is a dangerous thing to do.
“Hey, if you’re going to kill them all
You can leave it to me.”
Sarkegaar stared at me with a sinister smile. definitely sarque
Since Garra has the ability to transform, it leaves no evidence, about
hey, it could be ridiculously swept away.
Of course, Elerys's face turned blue.
"There was a massacre in the middle of the Eclip c.
you want to grow? Regardless of whether it is or not, I will never allow it.”
More than anything else, I was afraid that I would all be terrified to see the
words of casually killing me. Every me I feel that this guy is a real bastard,
I get goosebumps.
I'll kill them no ma er what
It's not something you have to do un l then. Yes, ac on is needed...
While I was thinking about it, Loyard suddenly
got up from his seat and then the water
Joe started heading outwards.
“What, not talking, where are you going?”
"There seems to be a commo on outside. I'll check and come back."
Sarkegaar and Elerys remained on the side of the cistern, and I, who was
not strange even in the Rotary Club, went out with Royar. Elerys told me to
just stay, but she didn't know what was going on.
seemed to have to be checked.
let's go outside I could see all the club members gathered. As I pushed
through the crowd, Daibun was in front of me.
“What’s going on?”
"sister? Oh, Reinhardt? When did you come?”
“Just now.”
“Okay, what are those?”
"That is...."
Opposite the club members
Dozens of men staring at us
was watching
“It’s that guy, bro!”
And, a familiar face looked at me and pointed at me. obviously subway
tried to touch a club member in
It was the guy who gave it to me. The guy called 'Brother' smashed the
head of the guy who shouted next to him.
- Tight!
"100 million!"
“You bastard like a head, you got beaten up by such a bastard, is that this?”
“Hey, that’s… that bastard looks sloppy, but his power is incredible!”
Probably because I'm a member of a Rotary club
It seemed that he came all the way here to guess and retaliate. Why is
Loyard like that?
He looked at me with a scathing look, as if he had hit the board.
The one called my brother looked at me and Royar in turn.
“Is that the wild dog of the famous Irene? Is it a snippet?"
“Yes. What's your business?"
"Uh, it's nothing else, but the young friend over there slapped my younger
brother in front of everyone else, right?"
“Oh, I heard about it.”
Loyard stared at me as if to say more
He was looking at him.
“Well, if it’s for a young guy, I think it’s the guy’s fault, but… We also have a
thing called face.”
“Who are you in the first place?”
At Royar's ques on, he made an exaggerated gesture and clapped. That's a
bad guy.
| “Ah, the introduc on is late. it's seven stars
Did you hear it?”
Isn't Seven Star a cigare e?
“This is Argent, the commander of the Seven Star Ac on Squadron.”
You mean Seven Star, Nabal, and the Seven Stars, right?

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 62

He calls himself the commander of the Seven Star Ac on Squadron, Argen.
Looking at the guy he introduced as Tra, Loyard
he sighed briefly.
“The Seven Stars based in the Aligar district? Yes, I have heard of it.” |
A Rotary club is an informa on-gathering group. So three
It seemed that he already knew about the organiza on called Venstar.
So, I am based in Yongsan-gu.
You become a fan by giving an ac ve Chilsungist member on the subway.
“Then what kind of thing happened that the guy next to him assaulted a
member of the Seven Star gang?
Don't you know?"
| “Well, I think it’s a pity, but a member of the Chilseong fac on would be
beaten by a kid.
Because it’s so inconvenient.”
Royard said that as if he had no par cular apology or inten on to do so,
sarcas cly, and with those words, the impressions of Argent as well as the
other members of the organiza on were severely distorted.
“Uh, it was so bad, I just fell out of it in one shot.”
Of course, he couldn't stand that bird and I heard it too. I don't feel sad if I
fall into the habit of pu ng my mouth shut.
“Ha… I didn’t understand the situa on. Do you think the members of the
Seven Stars are just like this? I came here to talk in a good way because I
thought about the face of that person, but I guess…”
“It’s yours who can’t understand the situa on, you siberian.”
Let me hit the twins all of a sudden
Not only the thugs on the other side, but also Loyar's eyes widened like
“Wow, what?”
“I am a Royal Class student who is receiving full support from the Empire
and the Temple.
Do you know that you are doing this shit?"
As I was rambling, my mind jumped in the other direc on.
You may not even know the Royal Class, but there is no one in this zodiac
who can't understand the word temple.
“Oh yes, I can’t believe it. okay. I can't believe it. But first of all, I'm a
psychic, so Royal Class
I'm a student."
I smiled looking at them with my arms crossed.
“If a normal temple student touches
The guards come in and they're all blown away.
do you know that But among them
They are also in the elite class.”
Temple students are basically very wealthy or children of high-status
families. Therefore, temple students are guaranteed their iden ty not only
inside the temple but also outside the temple, and their safety is one of
the most important things in the eclip c.
It's the Empire's most reluctant thing to do if a Temple student gets
harmed or is killed, causing a problem with Temple's credibility.
But even royal class personnel who are nurturing with all their might?
I'd rather just walk to them and see
threw out a spit
“Hey, hit it.”
“What, what?”
“Dare you slap a royal class student?
There is an organiza on called Seven Stars, but the guards
If you want to know what he's going to do, give it a try, Siberian."
I have no inten on of figh ng.
Rather, I'm going to give you the le cheek and the right cheek, so I ask you
to hit me one at a me. More than ten of them faltered and backed away
as I approached.
"Hey, these bastards can't send a child to the Temple..."
Algentra mu ered in disbelief, and I was made of metal in my arms.
I took out a card.
“This is a Temple student ID, would you like to know?”
Of course I have a student ID. They see it and I'm royal
I don't know the class, but I'm a temple student
He seemed to have figured it out for sure.
These guys know enough that they see blood a er touching a temple
“Are you a fucking bastard?”
He looks like he's bubbling, then starts raising his hand to slap me on the
I was thinking wrong.
Life Memorandians are not heads, not their heads.
I couldn't figure it out If he's calm, he doesn't live like this.
I quickly lowered my body to avoid the palm of my hand, while ge ng up
and squeezing his crotch with my knee.
It is egg breaking, a technique that has become my trademark all of a
“Keek… Kuk-hyuk!”
“Are you really saying Amma Chiran?”
He grabbed his crotch and sat down.
Is it because I'm used to Ellen's sword? It exploded so slowly that I didn't
even have to use my superpowers to dodge it. Everyone is silent for a
“That bastard George!”
The niggas behind me ran up to me,
- Whoa!
Before I knew it, Loyar stopped in front of me and smashed the man who
was running towards me in the face with his fist.
There was no need for other club members to intervene.
Loyard is single, equivalent to ten people.
is literally a strong adult male
beaten up It took less than ten seconds for the situa on to se le.
- Uh, uh... “Wow....” Not only me, but also the members of the club
watching were dazed as if they had seen something unusual.
He was looking at Loyar, who was wiping his palms with a look of
It's the end of the ganji. Brilliantly Paba Park!
When I did it, all the thugs lay down.
“If you think I won’t be able to organize you guys, you are mistaken. It’s not
that I can’t, it’s that I don’t.”
Royar trampled on Argent's head, one of the rumblings, and said so coldly.
A er proving it in the many-to-one fight, I was thrilled to say that.
“Bring them all inside and look at people.”
Loyard is a passerby for those who babble
I think it's a bad sight
Did you say, bring me inside?
Together we headed to the sewer.
The club members arrested them one by one with the Ning Maro they had
picked up from here and there. Struggling bastards had to be beaten up by
club members and ed up. Daibun aside, the other club members believe
that no ma er how much I sharpened the ac on leader, I overpowered
him in one shot.
seemed not to.
“What are you going to do?”
Royar asked me for an opinion. Once you get the job done, take
la this is it
yes, shit
take responsibility
I looked at Argent, who was s ll struggling to get out of the pain.
“Ugh... the young man dares to...
Do you think it will be okay...?" |
This bastard s ll didn't seem to understand the situa on well. They are
probably trying to get more revenge.
“If you don’t know, just take it easy. You are trying to take over the nobles
He seemed to have a good sense of the cost of touching the Temple
student, so I explained it so that even an idiot could understand it.
Although it is a li le different from the real nobleman, in the end, it is
equivalent to
Temple students who need to be guaranteed safety
it's a fan
He was trying to beat the nobility. At that word
His expression began to darken. ruler
It seemed that he had no idea what Gi was trying to do.
"I'm going to go down this road to the guard now and tes fy that Aligar's
Seven Star organiza on tried to touch me? I don't know what you guys are
doing, but they probably aren't the ones who live proudly. Do you have any
idea what is going to happen?”
I don't know where the organiza on called Seven Star is located in
Yongsan-gu, but if you're a Loyar Rena Daibun, you probably know it.
she did First of all, it is a group whose real purpose is to collect
informa on.
It was then that he seemed to realize that his ten-stretched slap on the
cheek of a naughty bastard was nothing to do with the organiza on being
sha ered.
Presumably, there is a possibility that an inves ga on into the Chilsung
fac on will be ini ated just by my request. It's not a regular student, it's a
royal class. The mere fact that I've been through dangerous things within
the zodiac will make the guards nervous. If I even had to die, that would be
the truth
It would be a huge accident.
Is there even an illegal gang in the first place? Take it for performance
will try
The guy was mu ering, not knowing what to say. I don't know if it's a self-
esteem problem or what.
But I put my hand on the ed man's shoulder.
“S ll, hyung, it is a society where we live together. Is not it?"
Not only that guy, but also Loyard, who was listening to the word “a society
in which we live together,” was dumbfounded. It's like you're saying
something like that to get some bullshit.
“If your brother’s organiza on disappears with such an extreme measure,
what benefit is there other than making the mundane things easier?
understand it all I understand. It's like they're trying to make a living, and it
makes the world angry when some young man comes forward and swears
at him. I don't know how many people there are at my words, but if I said
dozens of people would die, wouldn't it be a wild dream?"
Suddenly, his expression began to change strangely as he pretended to be
an unprofessional person. No, am I even more upset about this? When you
see a high school kid who grabs a ball and pats his shoulder and says he
understands it all?
However, the important thing is to say
It is the message itself that all of you may go to jail or die.
“If you like your brother, I can quietly move on to this job. Let's go be nice
to each other. We do whatever we do, without anyone disturbing us.
because I want Look over there." I pointed to the water flowing into the
inner gully. The water from this channel flows into the river wolf in front of
“Honestly, if there’s no need to bother you any more, if you hang a large
boulder on your brother’s leg and put it in, will he find you before the
world collapses?”
When I laughed out loud and said that killing you was a pre y convenient
op on, his expression became more a rac ve.
“But I won’t do that. this one Are you inhuman?”
I put my hand on his shoulder and whisper so ly.
"So. One more me, if we put a pawn in our shop, the guards will come to
visit us, not the Rotary club. Even if the guards didn't move, nothing
changed. Is it okay for our sister to go directly? Ah
did you see If hundreds, not dozens, come, you'll be knocked down, right?
Don't think too sad. If there is an opportunity later, we can share a more
construc ve story, and although it is a bad rela onship, is there anything
bad about making a good rela onship with this opportunity? Huh?"
I ignored him because he was a young boy, but now he seemed to get fed
up with the fact that a young boy was saying such things.
In an instant, he received death threats and threats to destroy the
organiza on, etc.
Hearing that we should do it, he nodded with a bizarre expression on his
You can think of the guards as just my phrasing, but it's just Loyar's
Because I saw your figh ng skills.
"That... yes..."
I slapped him on the shoulder and slept
happened in Lee.
Royar and Daibun are the ones I struggle with
was looking at me as if possessed by the words.
“I will release you. I think you've probably figured it out."
At my commanding words, Royar and Dai Boon nodded blankly.
it was only
A er closing the case, go to the campfire
As a baby, Royar asked as if it was ridiculous.
“Lord, do you teach eloquence at the Temple?”
"uh? It’s not really like that.”
Loyard, who had seen him bewitched with his words, seemed hard to
believe even the report. In the past, I wonder if I was just a bunch of crazy
“Some mes I feel like I have become a completely different person.” |
“I think I might be like that. ancient
Because I don’t even know what I was like today.”
Rather, Loyard responded to my casual reac on.
he smiled midly. What would it be like if I became a different person, a er
all, I am an Archdaemon.
“Are you sure you understand? If you can move the guard, do it.
Wouldn't it be be er to There will be no chance of retalia on.”
Royar is right. bastards
There is a good chance of retalia on,
There is also the possibility of doing other nonsense.
“If they are that stupid, it’s terrifying. If you feel that way
tell me.”
There may be people who don't understand speech. I thought I'd never be
able to hit it, but I'm so mad that my hand goes out. It was a good study
because I realized that there might be some guys that thugs can't think
calmly. not really right
One was ripped apart,
But if they're quiet enough to know what to say, they'll call the guard.
can't even do anything. There are clear reasons to take risks.
“I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, but there might be a
big picture. So I le it. what do these guys say In other words, it’s like a
“Isn’t that the big picture?”
I laughed out loud at Royar's ques on. A bonfire was approaching from
"I haven't made a decision yet, but I have to eat all of the dark forces in the
Because I don’t know.”
I haven't decided if I will or not, but maybe someday I will.
Not at the level of the Thieves Guild Master. If I do, I will have to show the
execu on ability to the extent that Bertus is astonished.
“Ah, no… Degrada on. Aren't your dreams a li le strange?"
Royar seemed to be shaken mentally when he heard that the Demon
Prince was trying to become the king of the human world behind him. You
have to dream of becoming a great demon king, because you are saying
that you will eat the thug king.
“I told you I was going to be a spy, but what do you think the guy who
created the spy organiza on is?”
Royar's face became red as if he had just looked back at himself.
Are you like the incarna on of evangelism?
You don't have the right to say that to me.
| I've been away for a li le while, Elerys and Sarkegaar in front of the
was wai ng These two have to
didn't come out Elerys must have thought that Loyar would protect me no
ma er what.
Royard told what had just happened.
I explained to both of them in detail.
“Wow! A er all, a dignified move full of confidence! Belief is admiring
admira on
I can't help but hey!"
Sarkegaar's reac on was somewhat expected.
...Lowering. I enjoy violence so much.
Isn't it? S ll... I think I did a good job just sending it to you, but...
I think you need to learn how to do it.”
Naturally, Elerys' reac on was also within the expected range. Elerys sighed
and shook her head as if she couldn't live.
“In addi on to that, he said that he released them because he was going to
take over all of the shadow powers of the zodiac later.”
Hearing those words, Elerys and Sarkegar had a confused expression on
their faces.
“No, I’m not saying I can do it, I’m saying I can. It has not been decided
If I need to do that later, or if I feel like I'm mentally ready to do that, it will
depend on the conversa on I had with Bertus.
Nothing was planned.
S ll, it's absurd that I'm thinking like that, leaving my family
it was shaped Anyway, right now
Because I have no plans to do anything.
Once on the Aligar District route
The beaters have been sorted out, but the other side will s ll be full of
scumbags, so that's all for now.
It wasn't resolved.
“First of all, it seems difficult to catch those who come in individually.
Those who come in systema cally are where they are organized. Let me
figure out how big it is. A er it's figured out, I'll do it whether Loyard
comes along.
You will have to take ac on.”
It would be nice if it was resolved in a good way rather than a power
struggle between organiza ons, but the noise is
must be created
“Anyway, we can’t be ac ve on all the magic train lines. new
Don't even try to fight with those who want to come in, do something like
territorial nego a ons. It would be okay to find out whether they are deaf
or not.”
“Yes, lower.”
You can't eat it all anyway. Would it be be er to pass on the know-how so
far to the newcomers and do it in a symbio c way?
didn't know either Instead, you should never give up the net exhaust
That's funny.
It makes me feel ashamed because I forcefully create rights that don't exist
and do such bizarre idiots saying that it's my land, so it's my land.
You are really managing an illegal organiza on. I also feel like
“Let’s talk about this like this, huh? Do you have anything else to say?”
I looked at Elerys. Elerys said apparently, as if she had something to tell me
last night. It was about human wickedness.
She hadn't told me anything about it today.
All three faces go to my words
But the feeling was different.
Sarkegaar hate.
Royar is furious.
For Elerys, these were expressions of sadness.
It was Sarque Garh who opened her mouth.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 63

The event occurred as if it were natural.
[Event Occurrence - Rescue Demon Prisoners]
| [Descrip on: During the Victory Fes val, Asmodian prisoners were held
at a black market somewhere in the Yellow Capital.
want to trade. As the prince of the demons, decide whether to rescue
them or leave them alone.]
[Success Reward: 50 achievement points per rescued prisoner]
But to be honest, because of my embarrassment,
The vent was pre y good.
The source of this informa on was Sarkegar, not Loyar. everyone is bored
He couldn't hide his expression.
“It seems that auc on access rights are being secretly traded in the
aristocra c society. Of course, the prisoners of war will arrive here through
the warp gate in me for the victory ceremony, so the auc on has not
started yet...”
Why the hell did you buy demon slaves?
I don't know, but there's talk of the black market auc on pass among the
Sarkegaar seemed to have caught what was floa ng around.
“Why are you trading demon prisoners on the black market? Where are
you going to use it?”
To that, Royar replied. “...Maybe it’s just a desire to collect, but it’s usually
the items that will be traded, isn’t it?”
“It’s obvious…”
You say you buy demons like goblins and orcs out of greed? As for items
that are usually traded...
"no way."
It was then that I realized why they were making these faces. At my stupid
words, Elerys quietly shook her head.
“The demon with the highest price is, of course, a succubus.”
The most compe ve item is, of course, a succubus, and its purpose is
obvious. just yesterday
Hey, I think I can see why Elerys talked about human wickedness yesterday.
“Damn it, I don’t know, succubus
Isn’t it… dangerous?”
If my common sense is correct, a succubus is a typical form of a dreamer,
and it steals human spirit. But you trade succubus for that purpose? dying
do you want
“The succubus obviously exploits the spirits, but there must be a way to
brainwash them to prevent that, and perhaps even perform a surgical
opera on.”
Eliminate the danger of succubus and
make it an example then say that
Only the succubus that has removed the danger
will take
“The prisoners may not have arrived yet, but it must be a huge number.
Not only succubus, but incubus and many other races will come out as
trade items.”
At Sarkegaar, I nodded with a firm expression on my face.
Dyrus thought that most of the demons captured would be slaughtered,
and so did I. but human swearing
The sim didn't end there. Literally indis nguishable from humans
They were trying to distribute Gan-type demons in this way.
It's just a slave market with a different race.
In the original work I wrote, there was no such thing as a demon zoo. Then,
although there may be a person who raises monster-type demons in a dark
place that I do not know, he means that it has not been transformed into
the sun.
And most of it is sexual.
It was clear that it would be sold for the purpose of
Loyar, Sarkegaar, and Elerys all have slightly different feelings, but they are
the same.
There was a sign that it was difficult to see.
“So, this is what you want to save, right?”
When I asked them, all three of them had a somber expression on their
Sarkegar shook his head.
“It is unacceptable to see the human bastards act like that, my lord. But I
know the weight of work. It's a sad thing though. If we go out of our way to
save them, if we fail, not only will we be angry, but also you may be in
"...Me too. Of course, there is no way I can do any harm to him, but the
three of us are the only demons who can help him. If we lose one of the
three, if we lose even one of the three, it will put us on a weak founda on
if we don't. I think there will be big problems.”
Although Royardo Sarquegar hates to admit it, he seems to have no choice
but to admit it.
“…I agree.”
Elerys also bit her lip slightly and nodded her head.
All three want to rescue the demons who have been captured. But they
had more goals than that. That's my safety.
If it wasn't for me, the three of us would have collapsed in the bloody
demon world and the human race
I can't wait to see one ac on, so I run like a fire moth to rescue the
would have heard
Three people who did not appear in the original
That is, in a place that has nothing to do with the original
would have lived I didn't interfere
In many ways, these are closely related to the main story.
I would have lived a life that fits the probabili es in a place without this. Of
course, there is a possibility that he died somewhere along the way.
I don't know everything in this world. They know the big bones, but
ul mately they don't know all the details. It doesn't describe the life of
passerby 1, but it does exist.
They are on the black market where prisoners are auc oned off.
He must have tried to get in and rescue the demons somehow.
The current progress of the original work is in the very early stages.
all. The infiltra ng demons are the secret of the emperor
If they were caught and killed while infiltra ng the black market that takes
place in the area to recapture the demons, the main character and the
party may not know about it. In the beginning, the main part of the early
part is temple life, which has nothing to do with the big events happening
At best, what is happening now is
Dewig enjoys a feast with his friends
While wai ng, Delphine Izadra is kidnapped, and Ludwig somehow rescues
it. for temple personnel
Safety is the most important concern of the Guard
It's a case of being sloppy for what I said.
But... I think it will happen with a high probability. I didn't interfere much
with Ludwig and his party, and Charlo e, an excep on from Class B, is in
the Imperial Palace.
Ludwig runs to find his kidnapped classmate, and I have to go find my
people who have been taken prisoners of war.
No ma er how I look at it, it seems like my side is involved in a more heroic
It's an incident that doesn't feel like a normal thing at all.
stand a problem. Well, kidnapping is also a common thing.
It seems like a distant event.
There I am just a high school student.
Without me, these three would have tried to rescue the demons, and with
a high probability they would have failed. If it was successful, a huge
incident of the demonic prisoners escaping would occur within the eclip c.
It's about not trying it because I think it's a priority right now.
You must be feeling a cry.
how will we do it.
To be honest, I'm not even a demon
don't know why to do it
I will He has no inten on of actually rebuilding the Demon Realm, but he
does not think that humans are the only ones in the end. The three in front
are not human, but by my standards
Because there's nothing different about being human. and
In the end, it is more important than other people in that you are on my
absolute side.
The intelligent demons, and those who should be essen ally my people
Sold into slavery in this zodiac,
You will live a real life.
It is true that if I can prevent such a situa on by le ng go of various
thoughts, I would like to do so. i rescue them
Then they will also be on my absolute side
how will you
But there are too many risks to take
Big. If these three are arrested or their iden ty is revealed, there is a high
probability that they will all die.
throw it away
I really want to save them, but I hesitate if I risk my life
is also true I don't even know myself that I'm not going to be such a great
person in the end.
I have to try this and that, the old man who went back to high school,
believes a li le bit
Aren't they nothing more or less than just a mere bastard who's only
sulking among children?
For me, it was obvious that many denials and nobles would par cipate in
the imperial capital.
If you think about the possibility of infiltra ng the black market and
recapturing the prisoners of war, there is no point in coming out. The guard
will be strict,
It may or may not be possible to enter in the first place.
These three flying and crawling a lot more than me must have failed.
Everyone gave up with a sad expression on their faces. Because the country
to protect is an absolute existence. They don't even ask me for numbers,
they just happen
just le ng you know the facts.
“S ll, can’t we just talk and share? Try it or not.” |
Whatever it is, in this and that way, I believe in and follow me, who is
There is something the three of us desperately want, but I couldn't tell
them not to do it at all.
Those words touched everyone's eyes.
I felt it pass.
“No lower. Only the safety of the supreme supreme deity must be kept as
the top priority. It's certainly heartbreaking and horrendous, but there's a
respect for everything."
Sarkegaar is the opposite of emo on
Sina was against it. He's a guy who puts my safety and future first.
What you are saying is understandable enough.
"done. I haven't decided whether or not to do it, but let's start by talking
about whether there are sharp numbers."
I agree with Elerys and Royar's opinion.
Without even listening, I asked to talk for a while. Obviously, I wouldn't try
it if it's a risky method. not succeed
If it is impossible to do, it must be done, and if not
just do it
Elerys opened her mouth first.
“Assuming you do something, you must
There are three pieces of prior informa on you need to know. The loca on
of the black market, the number of prisoners and the security situa on.”
“I will.”
If you don't know it, you're shoveling on the bare ground in the first place.
First of all, you need to know where the black market opens. At Elerys'
words, Loyar nodded his head.
“As we may be able to recognize it, the black market-related informa on is
high-level informa on that spreads secretly, even among the aristocracy.
Informa on like that on the street
Most likely you won’t get it.”
That's right. Since there is no way informa on about a huge denial or a
black market that only aristocrats are supposed to enter, it is unlikely that
the informa on could be obtained from the Rotary clubs.
“Ini ally I brought As it is informa on, I think it is right to look into it from
my side, but first, you need to get a cket to enter the black market.”
The cove is a fairly secret market.
Big, you have to get a cket to get informa on
can Sarkegaar in the aristocra c society
Only floa ng informa on can be obtained. That's why you're taking risks
and playing the role of imperial aristocrats,
“How much is the cket?”
“I know forty gold coins. Lowering."
The entrance fee alone is 40,000 won. If you don't do anything and just
look around, it's a loss-making auc on. So, I'd rather try to bid
compe vely to get something. It would be a strategy to use the
psychology of not wan ng to lose money to make you spend more money.
“Of course, at this stage, we don't know who is selling ckets, but I think
we can figure it out. Also, if you take the risk, you can steal the cket from
the person holding it and enter the auc on house as a disguise. Of course, I
will have to think about what ac on I will take against the person who will
take the cket, but...”
It is possible to get a cket, but
If there is a problem and you enter someone else's cket, there is a
ques on of what to do with the person whose cket was stolen.
have. Whether using decep ve or hypno c magic, he didn't a end the
auc on, and he did the same as he did at the auc on.
Because something is made.
The loca on of the black market is iden fiable informa on. The number of
prisoners is unknown at this stage.
So, who are the people who open the black market?
"What about those who open the black market?"
So, now the next ques on. this me
N. Elerys opened her mouth.
“I don’t think there’s anything difficult about it, I’m sorry. Allied forces take
Sugges ons by pulling out prisoners in the middle
It can be inferred that the person who had control over the prisoners in the
first place would have a close rela onship with the fact that they could be
sold at the market.”
“I will.”
“If there is a widespread fact that prisoners who have not yet entered the
black market will be released, it means that this black market plan has
already been made before the return of the demon realm conquest.”
A er the prisoners came in, they didn't even go to the order of stealing
them in the middle. summer sols ce
However, rumors that a black market would open were already spreading,
if not extensively. Among those with such dark desires...
At Elerys' words, I nodded.
“Isn’t that the fact that we have already talked to the person who manages
the prisoners of the Imperial Army, and that the men in the unit that
manages prisoners of war are clearly related to the organiza on?”
"That's right. Everyone at the commander level knows
Even if you don’t lose, any soldier with a rank close to the gun decision
maker will surely know this.”
It would not be possible to withdraw prisoners of war without the
permission of the commander or commander of the prisoner of war
management unit.
“Damn it, I think it rides too high…”
I couldn't help but sigh. Pho
How many administra ve units are in the alterna ve conquest army?
Although he may have a high level of status, it is almost certain that
someone close to the top-level commander is involved.
“There is a clear possibility that it may even be related to the imperial
“We cannot rule out that possibility.”
Royar nodded at my words.
| If le alone, they are des ned to be beheaded or awaited. I can't deny
that it's common sense to sell it on the black market and swept away the
money of rich denials. Therefore, there was a possibility that the imperial
family itself was already planning this black market. A lot of money is sure
to flow there.
You might think that selling the demons, which has been decommissioned
and no longer dangerous, would be a viable business rather than killing
The black market may be an underground event to celebrate a fes val in
the imperial family. It's sure to take prisoners
I don't know if it's possible at the commander level.
have to take a huge risk
it's a thing
There was a story like this in aristocra c society
Even if it's not public, it's only floa ng around, it's possible that the
imperial family doesn't know about the black market case.
very low
In fact, Bertus and Charlo e may already know about it.
"I'm not sure who it is, but the candidates close to it are too great."
Simple gangs, including the Thieves' Guild
It is not a level job that can be touched at the job level. This was a project
planned by the imperial family or other great powers equivalent to it.
Then, naturally, the last thing you need to know, about the level of the
security forces
Es mates are also available. It's obviously going to be huge.
“Break through the strict security
And, I do not know how many demon prisoners
We have to rescue them and hide them somewhere.
None of the three phases of the opera on seem impossible.
"How is it possible with magic?"
A er all, I had no choice but to summon a cheat. Elerys shook her head at
my gaze.
“As it is a place that is sure to be a ended by important guests, there will
be a huge security force. There must be wizards among them.”
“Am I on the same level as you?”
At a glance, Elerys seemed to be a fairly high level wizard.
“I don’t quite know that. All of the Demonic Conquest forces, including the
Empire, must have been severely weakened, and even more so with the
elite forces. But there must be wizards on the same level as me, and they
I don't know if this will go into spending, but I'm sure there's no way magic
could interfere with the auc on. Even if there is no wizard, it is clear that a
barrier related to an -spelling will be formed.
all. Don't just rescue prisoners
You can even try to use magic to steer the auc on in your favor.”
Large-scale hallucina ons or hallucina ons
The number of people who only want to bid with new magic
There may be a guy who wants to write. Therefore, it was ambiguous what
he was trying to do with magic. measures are definitely
'Cause I'll be standing It may be due to various reasons other than simply
taking prisoners
What would these three do in the first place? It seems like he tried, but in
the end, he couldn't bear his anger and tried to a ack recklessly.
But a er reviewing it, it's reckless
was also too reckless. There were only three, and it wouldn't change if I
added them.
Did these three eventually jump into the impossible? So, knowing that all
three would die, he made a reckless a empt.
did you
If it were Sarkegaar, he would have jumped in anger in a situa on where
reconstruc on of the Demon Realm was impossible, and Loyard would
have thought that this shouldn't happen, and I don't know what Elerys
would have done, but he jumped in the end.
seemed to It was clear that Elerys had a sense of guilt and debt towards
the Demon Realm.
But because of me, they didn't make the decision to become a moth.
Break into the auc on house and rescue the prisoners
It is close to impossible to rescue
But where are you going to put them? Success is a problem. Because I
don't know what the number will be.
But I've been thinking about it for a while
Elerys lted her head.
“Do we really need to do anything when the black market opens?”
Well? What do you mean?
“During the black market is the worst day to rescue the prisoners, sir.”
Then what did Elerys say?
I understood
The moment the auc on starts, the cost
It will be the most strengthened. So, you try to do something risky at the
most dangerous moment.
“Before the auc on was held, or a er all sales were over and the demons
were handed over to individuals. Wouldn't that be rather easy? There will
be guards even before the sale. A er the ownership is transferred to an
individual, each of them will have to manage it on their own, so I think it
would be rela vely easy to take it out.”
“Ah… that’s right.”
As if she hadn't thought of it, Roya
Le slowly nodded her head.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 64

“Those who go to the auc on will definitely pay a high price. suffering right
will have to go through but won't kill you
ability is high. So, I think it would be be er to approach it with the concept
of stealing rather than breaking in or raiding.”
“Certainly… that one looks like a possibility.”
A er all cap ves are sold, they are placed under personal control. At that
level, they could be rescued one by one with Sarkegaar's transforma on
ability and El Reris' magic.
“If you know who bought what, it will take some me, but you can rescue
them one by one.”
| Concentra ng on the black market itself, I was only thinking of solving it
in one shot.
The demons sold as slaves in the mean me
The fact that you're going to have a lot of trouble
It's annoying, but there's s ll a chance that we'll be rescued in the end. All
you need is a record of who bought what at the place, which must have
been an anonymous auc on.
Elerys' words are certainly dangerous.
It was wri en and seemed reasonable.
“You won't be able to rescue them all that way, but it sure looks safer that
Sarkegar nodded his head.
“But the enslaved demons disappeared.
Rumors spread that it was stolen or stolen.
I'm going to start Then some
A er we rescue them, we will each have strict vigilance or hide them.”
Sarkegaar's rebu al is also somewhat
right. According to Elerys' words, we will be able to rescue some of them
with certainty.
all. However, among those who par cipated in the black market, rumors
that the slave demons were stolen or disappeared will begin to circulate,
and it is clear that strict management will begin.
How to finally save it all
is not Of course, you don't necessarily have to rescue them all.
“You are right, but it seems that the only safest way to choose at this stage
is that...”
I thought that Elerys' method was the best op on. that's safe
Because the risk is low. Sarkegaardo
Even if Loyardo Elleris's method had some shortcomings, he seemed to
think that it was the best at the moment.
But in the end my opinion is a li le different.
Whatever the outcome, the sold demons
Disappearing everything is not the same as simply disappearing black
market auc ons.
If Elerys' method was successful, organized crime stealing demons.
happened, and it has to be a big event that makes the zodiac
did. The fact that the released demons are hiding somewhere in the
eclip c itself is already a huge security threat. That is why a huge number
of guards must have roamed the zodiac, and the news must have reached
the Temple.
However, I have never wri en a descrip on such as to refrain from going
outside the temple because the demons have disappeared, and you do not
know when or where they will appear.
Soon, there is a clear future that this method of rescuing demon prisoners
by stealing will not have much effect.
This method that Elerys had thought of would have come to mind without
me. Sarkegaar and Loyar's reac on was like this was the only way, so
obviously they did something.
Otherwise, this method would have been tried.
Elerys' method failed or succeeded in rescuing a few demons. handl
You might get caught soon.
Black market trading of prisoners of war
It would have happened or not.
Their rescue a empt would have happened without me.
So, in the end, Elerys' method was
not achieving great results or failing
There is a strong possibility that
I know these three facts.
I don't know what the empty causality is filled with, but I only know the
result in the end.
In the end, all the methods these three can come up with or perform will
be failing methods. Unless my presence inspires them in some new way.
The only variable is me.
The only possible answer is the way I can think of it.
I thought about wri ng the scribe's advice, but I didn't like it because of
the poten al for bad things to happen.
"Hey, do you have any other thoughts?"
“Ummm… I’m thinking about it.”
It was Elerys' ques on. I'm not happy with my own method because I'm
only restless and don't give any answers. would have read it for sure.
Elerys's answer was in a category I could not have imagined. The obvious
life of raiding or infiltra ng the black market
Because I was angled. That's why el
Leris said that we should start a rescue opera on a er the auc on was
over, and that felt right to me.
No ma er how much I think about it, I think Elerys' method is the best, but
I only know the future that it wasn't the best in the end.
It doesn't ma er why it failed. Don't try the way to fail anyway
because it's right of course in a different way
It can be done, but you should think a li le more about other ways.
First, we need to check how far we can go.
“Elerys, can you use the Mass Teleport spell?”
This is a large-scale space-transporta on magic that was once used when
escaping the Darklands with Charlo e. “It can be used, but it takes me to
Once at the level where it can be used, Ereris is already at a tremendous
he's a wizard Even teleport
High spell, cast it on a large scale
because you can do it
“How much?”
“About thirty minutes.”
"Is there such a thing as a mass teleport scroll?"
“No degrada on.”
half an hour.
It's a pre y long me.
Mass teleport scrolling is of course more
Since it is even rarer, Elerys did not have it. Once again, how rare are the
two teleport scrolls that I used in the prologue?
it felt like it was
“It's impossible to buy me un l you get to where the prisoners are hiding
and cast the mass teleport spell on them all. Inside the auc on house,
there must already be measures in place to defend against such a feat.”
I nodded at Sarkegaar's words. Against the , especially magic
It's obviously on the limit.
“Yeah, that’s right. But is it easy to prepare such a level of defense in the
first place?”
“It’s not like that, darling. In the case of Temple or Imperial Castle, such
systems are always in opera on, but it is quite difficult to temporarily build
and maintain them.”
“Is it safe to think that places with barriers or defense measures at a level
that suppresses space movement magic or the use of magicians inside are
not so common?”
“Yes, lower.”
I found out some facts.
Measures against magic will be temporarily established in the auc on
house itself.
The only places where such measures were permanently established were
the Imperial Castle and the Temple. Of course, magic can be used inside
the temple, so it's not the kind of barrier that blocks all magic.
Magic-related controls and magic countermeasures
It's a rare place where it's built.
“Then the prisoners are not the auc on house.
If it's somewhere else, you mean you can move it with a mass teleport
spell? Thirty minutes cast me given
All in all, so how many people can you teleport to?”
“Twenty is the limit. At night, it will be possible un l fi y, but…”
Although she was able to withstand the sunlight, it seemed inevitable that
she would be weakened during the day. Twenty people...
How many prisoners were there? It was frustra ng not knowing that. A
huge number will be taken prisoner
However, most of the prisoners of war must have already been executed.
I hate to say this, but the demons that will be sold on the black market will
usually be individuals with commercial proper es.
Succubus, Incubus, and other humanoid demons I don't know. It didn't
seem like an outrageous number.
all. Right now, I am the Demon King of the prisoner transport procession
I saw it when I escaped and entered the castle.
Most of them were monsters.
Royar looks at me.
"Are you thinking of another way?"
“I know it’s a stupid idea, but
The best me is when the soup market is open.
I think it's the ming...” |
The either fails or sees only negligible effect. He didn't have the guts to
convince the three of why it shouldn't be.
On the black market where the prisoners would be held
Cannot use mass teleport spells
none. You have to somehow get them out of the way to get them out with
a teleport spell.
Twenty by day and fi y by night.
take them all out and tele
If you can send it to the port, you're already teleported and naval, and you
won't need it. Doing such a thing through a huge security force
You won't need to teleport as soon as you can.
Impossible for us in the current power
it's only a day
not with us
...... What is it?
“Isn’t this black trade itself illegal?”
It's not just a market, it's a black market
It's a secret auc on. A secret transac on between bastards backed by
wealth and authority. It is completely different from the normal back
Elerys answered my ques on.
“If you think about whether it is illegal or legal, it is ques onable even if
there is such a law. Because it is not common for demons to be traded as
Asmodian trading is neither illegal nor legal.
all. Royar added.
"However, the Imperial nobles bought and sold the demons that they
declared were enemies to be destroyed.
It is clear that he deserves cri cism for the fact that he is doing so.”
“There may be problems legally, but there are certainly problems in terms
of morals, and there is enough room for cri cism.”
That's why the loot trade called Asmodian prisoners doesn't happen in
public places.
it doesn't
It is impossible for us to raid the auc on house.
it's a thing If we can't do it, others can do it.
“What if there was a rumor that a black market was opened for smuggling
demon prisoners to the private sector?”
At those words, the faces of the three men changed to bewilderment. like
why are you doing that?
“They say that the demons must be destroyed, and make them slaves.
The fact that you are buying and selling is already
It is a work that undermines the pres ge of the empire.
worthy of the wrath of the people
Isn't that work?"
In the end, what the upper-heads do
It would be great if ci zens knew they were out of line with the jus ce they
were talking about.
It is self-evident that he will be angry.
“Are you saying that the ci zens will be angry and even raid the black
“If they find out where the black market is, there can be a lot of
commo on.”
The guys who will be there are tall
Even though they are of a silver status, they are never great men in an
honorable posi on. If ci zens flock to the black market and start to
corrode, they will be in a hurry to avoid their seats.
There is a place where public power should be
Even if not, public power will exist. If they put the imperial authority in
front of the ci zens to control such riots, they would know that the
government took the lead and sold demon prisoners for money.
it will be decided
“But if the ci zens do it, wouldn't it be the end of the empire? Disguised as
a military force. Otherwise, they can use violent methods when they come
At Elerys' words, I nodded. I'm thinking of ge ng a clue
It comes loose like a thread.
In this difficult puzzle, I could see a different possibility than Elerys's
“It is true that the imperial power is piercing the sky. However, the fact that
the demonic prisoner trade itself s mulates some ci zens, but it must be
against the inten ons of the more important ones. So selling on the black
I will bet.”
“If they are more important...?” I grin and give my answer.
“Religious forces.”
There is a force sent by the Lord Protestant Church for the pure purpose of
destroying evil. They were one of the most important pillars of the Allied
At this point, there are forces gathered for the Demon World War from all
the Shinto churches. And even a er the Demon World War, it is the most
powerful group of paladins and priests regardless of their beliefs in the
They are called the Knights Templar.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 65

The Knights Templar are a religious armed force that is not under the
control of the Empire. yes
Because of this, their logic of ac on has nothing to do with the na onal
interest of the empire and follows religious beliefs.
They are dealing with demons that need to be destroyed.
That fact alone will create a huge conflict between the two large groups.
And the cause is on the side of the Knights Templar.
“If the Templars begin to interfere, there will be a great commo on, and
eventually the black market and the forces behind it and its par cipants
will avoid the Templar’s interference.
I have no reason to In the end, the prisoners have no choice but to hand
over the jurisdic on to the Knights Templar.”
| The Empire will have to step out. The Knights Templar to make some
money by selling demons.
Because you can't be hos le.
There is no jus fica on for the Empire to exclude the interference of the
Knights Templar, so it is a natural result no ma er what power you actually
They secretly traded the demons because it was not enough to catch and
kill them all.
The Demon World War was regarded as a sacred duty.
The ac on of the Empire to the Dunn Crusaders
is already a huge betrayal in itself. Protestan sm is, of course, spread
within the Empire, as is the case with the Principali es. Religion is, a er all,
a force that controls people's minds. Hos ng them is an op on the Empire
will never choose.
Eventually they admit their mistakes.
Or I'll cut the tail. The prisoners of war will be taken over by the Knights
Soon, my proposal was to destroy the black market itself. Not with our own
hands, but with someone else's. enemy's hand
very old to crush enemies using
strategy. We can't do it, so let others do it.
At my words, Elerys nodded his head.
"Degrada on, that method will certainly be able to stop the trade of
demon prisoners in the black market itself. But in that way... all prisoners
will be executed without excep on."
“I will.”
It's just a strategy to put them in the hands of those who want to kill them
and those who want to make them slaves.
“S ll, you’re trying to make the angry Templars a ack the powers that are
trying to block any a empts to take them away, right?”
I slowly begin to explain my plan. This, a er all, is just one of many types of
“Obviously the Knights Templar will take prisoners, and coercion will be
Will. But they masquerade the prisoners
I don't think there's anyone out there trying to teleport you out. First of all,
you must be very angry. of course, gnome
Prisoners captured by raiders
may be trying to slaughter However, as long as they are alive, the prisoners
themselves are evidence of the Empire's treachery. I'm not going to try to
deal with it right away. They will use that as evidence to accept the
Empire’s apology.” |
In the end, even if you die in the future,
I'm not going to try to deal with the prisoners right away. At the very least,
you will have enough me to talk to the Empire for a day or a few days. It's
more of a castle than a story, though.
"Of course, if you're worried that the Knights Templars might raid the black
market as this rumor spreads, the black market organizers are
might change the If so, rather good. The changed place must have been a
place that was improvised without the ability to prepare in advance for
countermeasures against magic. and place
It doesn't ma er if the Auc on a endees will be no fied of the changed
loca on. So, first of all, we need ckets.”
There is a high possibility that there is no prepara on for magic in a place
that has been changed quickly rather than in a place prepared in advance.
Rather, it would be easier to infiltrate, and it is possible for Elerys to take it
out with a mass teleport.
“If the Knights Templar take prisoners, they will try to keep them, not the
Empire. The same is true in that case. As I said before, you can sleep
In the end, it's all about Elerys using the mass teleport.
“Or, well, there is another way. A er figuring out the transport routes of
the prisoners, Elerys went to a place prepared in advance.
I am using a mass teleport spell.
it is So when the convoy of prisoners passes by, they teleport and
Prepare the order at the place where the prisoners are to be transported
and wait,
Intercepts by telepor ng as they pass by. In the end, it was all Elerys' mass
teleport spell that ma ered.
There is a precondi on that the assump on that the Knights Templar will
take over the prisoners is a prerequisite, but I think there is a high
probability that it will happen.
“In the second case, the god of the Knights Templar
Infiltra ng before can be difficult. Aside from the magic protec on barrier,
they can recognize my entry as an undead.”
“It is, too.”
“The third op on seems the most likely right now.”
If the black market itself changes, it is beyond our control and can only be
judged at that me.
For now, knowing the loca on of the black market, the Knights Templar will
take the prisoners through some route.
It was best to predict which route to escort and wait for Elerys to finish
cas ng the next one on the way.
“But in the end, only 20 people can be rescued this way. All other prisoners
will die
If the number of black market prisoners is less than 20, it is a way to rescue
them all, but if there are more than 20, it has to be a strategy to throw
away all the others.
Royar, who was s ll, opened his mouth.
"Degrada on, why not use a warp gate instead of a mass teleport?"
“Yes, once the Knights Templar took the prisoners
It seems likely enough to happen un l all of them are removed from the
black market and exis ng powers lose control of the prisoners of war.
Then, instead of saving some by mass telepor ng, you can save everyone
by using the warp gate.”
“But it must have a warp gate in the convoy route of the Templars.
Are you good at it?”
It's not that I didn't think of it either. However, since the warp gate is
located in a fixed loca on, it was a strategy that could not be quickly
decided at this stage when the loca on of the black market was not yet
“There are many warpgates in the eclip c.”
Since Loyar was running an informa on organiza on, he had no choice but
to know more about the eclip c than the three of us.
“In front of the temple of the St. Electric Division, one of the major
facili es of the emperor, of course, we
There is Fgate.”
Wherever it goes, the convoy will eventually arrive.
The place is fixed. The warp gate is inevitably a convoy route for prisoners
of war.
“Okay, plausible, yes.”
If you use a warp gate, you can save any number of prisoners.
“If the convoy arrives in front of the Temple of the Knights Templar, then
you can make a commo on and have them all run towards the Warp Gate.
follow along the gate
You don't have to worry about the chase.
NS. All we have to do is break down the gate itself at the arrival point.”
Elerys nodded his head with a nervous expression.
Warp gates are two-way. A broken gate can't go anywhere
and no one can arrive
"Okay, but you have to plan well in advance. Everything may not go the
way we thought it would. Once the Templars know exactly where the black
market is.
We need to make them go to them, we need to hope that the Templars
don't massacre the prisoners right away, we also need to neutralize the
troops sta oned at the Warp Gate, and allow enough me so that the
Templars don't mind the prisoners.
I should do it too.”
“I will take care of the disturbance.”
Loyard will take the role.
it was shaped
“Are you okay? I could die.”
“It's not against everyone, it's a disturbance. Possibly injured, but dead
I don’t think it will.”
“I will also be distracted with magic.”
Not only Royar, but Elerys too.
Assist with magic
“Even if I disguise myself as a soldier at the gate,
I will rock it.”
Sarkegaar is, in a way, the most important
One role, the role of subduing the warp gate.
Put the prisoners in the warp gate
Naon Loyar, Elerys, Sarkegaar
Everyone jumps into the gate and then destroys the gate to prevent Elerys
from chasing him. And to return, you can use the mass teleport spell.
If that's the case, it's a perfect job.
But since there are so many prerequisites, we don't know where the
variables will come from.
I'm not going to do anything, but I'll keep an eye on the situa on and see
how it goes.
When a crisis situa on occurs,
to forgive.
The three of us, except for me, tried not to do anything dangerous because
of me, but in the end, under my instruc ons, they would carry out the
opera on to rescue the demons.
It causes a huge disturbance within the eclip c. It was never secret and
safe. Even if you succeed
In the Gan dynasty, the alert was going to be strengthened. It's a case of
powerful high-ranking demons having a chess game in the middle of the
Even if it is released as planned, the risk is reduced for the me being.
It should be done, but it doesn't work out as planned.
If so, any of the three could have been sacrificed. Everyone agreed with
If anyone out of the three is caught or fails, someone's iden ty is
discovered, and there is a risk that my iden ty will be revealed
The three of them cau oned me to use Kegar's ring to escape.
I don't know if it's worth that much to the captured demon prisoners.
But the three are prisoners of the same ruined country.
I couldn't see him living such a miserable life without dying like that. So the
three risk their lives. Even if I am not risking my life as the monarch of a
ruined country, I do my best to the best of my ability.
Seriously, it's something you shouldn't do.
However, just by deciding to rescue them and giving detailed instruc ons,
it seemed that Doroyar, Elerys, and Sarkegaar had already gained some
intangible trust in me.
It was not known whether it was the demon's respect for the monarch, or
whether it was the country's personal respect for humans.
They already acknowledge my absoluteness for the mere fact that I am an
Archdaemon, but they are determined to rescue the prisoners.
From that moment on, he seemed to give me more respect than that.
“Damn, thank you.”
So that night, while lying in bed, Elerys thanked me over and over again.
“You guys will do almost all the work, so why are you thanking me?”
That's true. what i have to do is
Events that will occur using the retreat func on
In a way, it is the most important role to rule out and make an event that
does not happen, but where can I say it?
'cause I can't
“I thank you for allowing me to do such a dangerous thing.”
In the end, even if I do nothing
The run ac on itself was allowed.
Perhaps compassion is not part of the quali es of a monarch. Ereris is
From that point of view, it seemed that the ac ons I was going to take
were highly valued. If I had relentlessly told them to leave them alone, I'd
understand it, but I'd be sad.
The funny thing is, what a reckless thing to do
Seeing that he had come up with a plan a er locking up, even Sarkegaar,
who had a different posi on from El Reris, seemed to have been impressed
with me. Perhaps Sarkegaar saw my ac ons as the a tude of a monarch
who values all demons in the demon realm.
I s ll don't know what type of Royar he is, but in the end he also saved the
wanted to go out there i go
I came up with a physical plan, so he
In the end, it was an impressive sight.
“Are you okay anyway? No ma er what you do, someone might get hurt.”
Elerys doesn't like slaughter. But she eventually has to use her magic to
confuse the Knights Templar. Just as these three risk their lives for this
work, of course the Knights Templar
This could cause anyone to die or be injured.
Maybe hesita ng or making a mistake.
That was my concern now.
“...I have eaten the lives of so many people.”
Elerys is blank, with her eyes closed
She becomes sad.
“It’s so familiar, it’s just disgus ng.”
It's not that I couldn't do it, it's that I did too well and did too much.
I couldn't say anything to Elerys' sad self-help that there was no need to
The fes val starts on Monday, and Sar Khegar will get his auc on ckets.
That way you can pinpoint the loca on.
peel. It was a huge amount of forty gold coins, but it was not impossible to
be flexible. Because I didn't even use the money that was prepared for my
temple entrance fee. In addi on
Even a Sarkegaard led a noble life.
There must have been a reserve fund so that life would not be possible
without an ideal organiza on.
The long fes val, which starts on Monday, runs for a month from today.
Monday through Sunday.
We revel in the fes ve mood
Facing the yellow road.
- Wow!
- Long live the Allied Forces!
- Long live Artorius!
- Hurray hey hey hey!
People cheered for the soldiers who arrived at the super-large warp gate in
the Temtoan district, north of the Aligar district. Through the warp gate, a
con nuous procession of soldiers con nued.
A huge number of people kept coming out of the blue portal inside the
huge round gate. They were marching towards the imperial castle.
| In terms of Seoul, they are star ng a march from Jung-gu to Jong-ro.
Near the endless procession of soldiers, people cheered.
Knights and cavalry on horseback are the farthest
I arrived, and then the infantry
Including them, they lined up. cheers
There was no discrimina on in
Everyone was sending endless cheers to the Allied Forces, which had
achieved a miraculous result of victory in the Demon World War.
Ludwig saw this scene somewhere.
will be watching Watch the par es held here and there because of the
fes val.
Go, shoot while ea ng food
There is a high probability that Delphine Izadra will be kidnapped by
If it doesn't happen, well, that would be a good thing.
A huge number of soldiers were walking in step. As the Allied Forces, a
huge number of countries and groups par cipated in the war. They each
walked with the feet that symbolized them.
The procession of this triumphal army will go on for an incredible amount
of me. these are ci zens
Entering the Imperial Palace with cheers from the people
of course, would enjoy the honor of being treated with the utmost respect
there, and those of merit would receive their due reward.
In the cheers of a huge crowd, we distance ourselves a li le from them.
Let's share the story
“The prisoners of war may arrive at a different gate than the triumphal
We just want to see this scene
I am not here for It's a sight that loses your appe te to see blood anyway.
In the end, it was the prisoners who had to come this far
This is to visually check whether they are being pulled through the same
gate as the triumphal group. If you can take the prisoners now. 'Cause
that's what I could have done.
If prisoners of war are being transported
There was also an a empt to check the scale. But no ma er how much I
look at you
No wagons or processions appearing to transport the ro.
This is where the triumphs come in
As open as possible, cap ves that would frown upon could be sent
was more likely to be sent.
“Even if we succeed, the only ones we can get are the guys on the black
market, right?”
“I will.”
The demons with commodity value that can be released on the black
market, they will be the only ones we can save.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 66

Other prisoners not released on the black market will probably be
managed by the Empire.
And there was no way to get it out. I don't know if the Empire will kill those
prisoners or do something else. It is possible to conduct experiments or
But they can't be saved by us.
It's impossible to try to save them too.
it's a castle I'm already just decora ng
It was also extremely dangerous.
“Did you say it’s from Thursday?”
Sarkegaar has already bought a cket.
Today is Monday, and the black market is open from Thursday. From
Thursday to Sunday, the black market will be open for a total of four days.
The ques on is, are all those prisoners on the black market? If the
prisoners were replenished every day, we could only save a quarter of the
demons that would eventually be auc oned off.
"I think there's probably all of them..."
They are probably prisoners of war who will enter the castle and be
detained. Rather than taking them out every day
It is more efficient to take it all away from the beginning
enemy So the auc on is held for four days
However, on the black market, it will appear on the auc on house.
All the prisoners will be there.
The best thing to do is to find out from which gate they are being escorted
before they are detained in the black market and take them away right
There were dozens of warp gates alone in the eclip c. It is impossible to
monitor all of them.
The Rotary Club was not used to gather informa on for this opera on.
Only me, Royar, Sarkegaar, and Elerys move. Later, it would cause a
terrorist incident in which the demons are rio ng, Ro
Using the Tari Club to gather preliminary informa on could lead to
unnecessary suspicion.
“Are you going to come to the gate on the Badelz side as well?”
“I think so.”
The loca on of the black market is Badells District, a place that is stored in
my head as Mapo-gu
of the Merchant Guild Headquarters, opened in the basement. As an
added bonus, the merchant guild is a strong coali on force with the black
that's what came
When I heard about the loca on of the black market, I wondered why I
didn't think of it. It was quite a natural place.
The Merchant Guild must have had a history of storing a lot of expensive
products, so it would be enough to temporarily accommodate prisoners in
a storage room equipped with security, size, and security. Of course, it will
be easier to conduct an auc on,
How far is the merchant guild involved?
there may be But it was obvious that great powers were connected
It is impossible for business to go awry. Because he must have judged, he
would have agreed to the huge act of opening a black market at the
Merchant Guild Headquarters. Of course it may be coercion, but we don't
know that far.
The loca on is the Merchant Guild Headquarters. I don't think there was a
good place to hold a black market auc on. Also, as there are many denials
among the merchants, it is possible that they too will directly par cipate in
the auc on.
Even if there are rumors of a black market opening soon, the possibility of
a change of loca on is very low. Even if I think about it, the Merchant Guild
It's almost impossible to come up with an auc on site op mized for the
Since Sarkegaar is a nobleman, he has to a end victory events and par es
for the me being.
He wouldn't be able to come out of the imperial castle.
He only a ends Mondays and Tuesdays
From now on, I decided to join our side even by making excuses.
The prisoners opened the gates of the Badells district.
There is a high probability that it will arrive through, and Loyar is currently
monitoring it.
S ll, me and Elerys might not know
Because of the possibili es, the triumphal procession is endless.
I was staring at the scene that followed.
Monday evening.
The area around the Imperial Castle would be crowded with people, and
the magicians were making fireworks.
They gave away free drinks and food, so on the streets, people get drunk
from victory and get drunk.
was overflowing with people. There were many people who didn't know
each other si ng at a table in the street and talking while embracing and
Of course, the miraculous survival of Princess Charlo e de Gradias was also
one of the important topics. It had been a while since her princess
returned, but it was full of things that people would be delighted with,
such as Artorius' bravery, the greatness of the Allied Forces, and her
miraculous survival of the princess.
There were also stories of the princess becoming her psychic.
Charlo e doesn't seem to be concentra ng on her power struggle per se,
as she's focused on finding her valier right now. In fact, Bertus said her
Charlo e was self-defea ng, and I, to some extent, nodded her head at
-The princess must become the empress, of course!
-cancer! Don't be like that!
-If you have survived such hardships, you will surely receive God's blessing.
God Gee!
However, public opinion is not without hesita on that the princess should
be more of an empress.
It came, and there was no one to object to it. Public opinion
overwhelmingly supported her princess.
A er being kidnapped by the demon realm, he is rescued drama cally.
old princess. She is also the only survivor.
The story was so great. Bertus had something to beat that story.
there was no Chances of becoming a sword master
Although there is s ll a long way to go, Sword
Becoming a Master is a great thing in itself, but the Demon King is already
dead. A er becoming a sword master, there is nothing to do.
Stories don't make emperors
However, if Charlo e, who is supported by most of the public opinion, did
not take the throne, it was natural for her to end up in a huge conflict as
she was.
At this point, in my personal opinion, the one with the be er ability is
Bertus. However, public opinion supported the princess, and the princess
was also not extremely small compared to Bertus. Therefore, the
composi on of succession to the emperor was s ll read as a favorable
situa on for Charlo e.
Now that the Victory Fes val is taking place, the ci zens of the Empire will
choose Charlo e as the next emperor.
It seemed certain.
Of course we had no prisoners at the end of the triumphal procession,
regardless of that.
I was about to cross over to Mapo-gu a er confirming that there was no
convoy. At the confluence, we were mingled with drunken and merry
- It's free, it's free! Eat and drink to your heart's content!
Tables spread out in front of inns and restaurants are served with free food
and alcohol, whether they want to share the joy of victory apart from the
fes val.
There were quite a few stores to try.
The Demon Realm has been a very old enemy of mankind. Now from the
fear of them
The mere fact of being freed is enough to make people happy by giving
away free food like this.
If I had lived my whole life in the Imperial Capital, the demons would not
have even seen the p of their hair in their en re life, and they would
never have seen one in the future. But where did their fear and hatred of
demons come from?
A er all, people are afraid of the unknown. In fact, the demon realm must
have been planning to conquer the human realm as well.
We sat at an empty table. Royar was wearing a robe, Elerys had a li le
disguise magic, and I didn't wear any disguise. Ah yes, because he was in a
completely different form from Reinhardt.
Royar opened his mouth.
“I saw a lot of black-torn wagons coming in through the Bar dels Gate,” he
"Did you check what's inside?"
Loyar nodded his head at my ques on.
all. It was very noisy around, Elle
Reese also applied a li le soundproofing magic so that no one would hear
what we were saying.
Since it has nothing to do with the Rotary club, the mee ng point was
decided here.
“I haven’t seen it, but only the smell and the sound.
was sufficient to judge.
The target is clear.” |
Loyard had felt it before, but the sense of smell
and hearing were par cularly developed.
“Are you really a dog?”
“No, I don’t like it… something… you’re too dog-like.”
If you put your hand out, it smells good.
He listens well, and like a wild dog, anywhere
What is this?
Even if you don't change, you're like a dog, right?
Loyar fell in love with my words, and Elerys covered her mouth and
“It's not a dog. He’s just a dog.”
At Elerys' mouth, Loyar's face turned red. eleris too
It looked like it was fun to secretly grind Royar.
"Well, anyway, that's just what I said, sure.
Is it down there?”
“Yes, lower.”
What was loaded was hidden, but by the sound and smell, Elerys
understood that the numerous wagons that had arrived through the
Badel's Gate were wearing demon prisoners.
Royard con nued to convey what he found out.
“I don’t know what the improvement team was like.
All wagons are strictly escorted
There was. People seemed to be interested in the carriage, but they didn’t
seem to know what it was.”
He must have thought that the loot from the Demon World War was
something like that, and in fact, the loot was also transported there. Some
of these wagons contain prisoners
there would have been
“Most of the wagons seemed to be moving towards the Imperial Castle,
but some were heading towards the Merchant Guild Headquarters.
Has confirmed."
Royar probably went up to a high place and watched the carriage
procession. sulfur
Some of the wagons that had to go to the castle headed to the Merchant
Guild Headquarters.
“The total number of wagons was thirty. Judging by the size, sound, and
smell of the wagons, it is es mated that on average there were about five
of them in each wagon.”
“Then maybe one hundred and fi y people…”
Thanks to knowing the loca on of the black market in advance, which
direc on to escort prisoners to the gate
Being able to infer about the Thirty carriages, then about one hundred and
fi y prisoners.
It will be exchanged on the black market.
“No, lower, I expect about a hundred or so.”
But Royar shook his head at my guess.
“Why, the actual number is less?”
"no. Lowering. There were about a dozen wagons loaded with anything
other than prisoners.”
"If anything else?"
“It seems that prisoners are not the only ones traded on the black market.”
“Ah… that’s right. It can be.”
Other than the prisoners obtained from the Demon Realm, the wagons
loaded with other loot also entered the Merchant Guild. Twenty carriages
loaded with prisoners, and ten carriages loaded with loot.
The black market is not only for prisoners, but also for extor on
The loot from the True Demon King will also be traded.
"Hmm... I don't know if it's even the prisoners, but if they stole the loot,
the imperial family's
there would be no permission There must be a possibility... Or is it the loot
that you decided to sell?”
The possibility that the imperial family had nothing to do with this black
market case increased slightly. Or the loot to be sold is something the
imperial family is not interested in. In any case, it was highly unlikely that
the imperial family would be unaware of this black market.
Most of the prisoner escort wagons made their way to the Imperial Palace.
what can we do
there is not
However, there are about a hundred prisoners who will appear on the
merchant guild black market.
They can be rescued or slaughtered, depending on what we do.
“It’s fortunate that we have prior informa on so we can know the size of
the prisoners for sure. How's the guard?"
“I have confirmed that I am stricter than usual. There were more than ten
guards at every entrance to the Merchant Guild headquarters building.
They weren't ordinary level soldiers.
It is.”
A high-capacity armed force disguised as a guild guard was already
guarding the guild headquarters. they are knights
I don't know what it will be like, but it would be difficult to leave it
una ended.
Of course there will be wizards inside.
"Okay... Now we have to force the Knights Templar to a ack there. This is
As slaves, they may end up living a life of subsistence, but they are demons
who can live anyway.
I will restore their freedom, and it is right to put their lives in jeopardy.
I can't decide what
But as the last leader of the demon realm, I made a decision. I have no
inten on of rebuilding the Demon Realm, but I will rescue them. made a
Li le by li le, a leader made certain judgments before arguing about right
and wrong, and he was slowly realizing that he had to be the one who
perfectly executes those judgments.
They are all crusaders due to the failure of this opera on.
If slaughtered by the Knights Templar, I
can you stand it Thousands of lives are lost due to negligence, can my
mentality be able to handle it?
Some people sacrifice their freedom and just live
Oh, maybe you want to be.
I can not know.
So, let's take it easy.
"I'll have to think of a way to pass this informa on on to the Crusaders
without ge ng caught."
I will definitely succeed.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 67
The Knights Templar also returned with the Triumph Army. Their triumphal
event was different from the triumphal event of the Allied Forces under
the control of the emperor.
The Knights Templar is a huge unit of the Allied Forces.
Although they were killed, they were superficially the armies of the five
gods, and when the emperor praises their achievements, the emperor
does the work that the gods are supposed to do.
Therefore, the Knights Templar would return to the Templar Headquarters
and receive congratulatory and blessing speeches from the Popes of the
five Orthodox Churches. All of them as dis nguished guests in this empire
In me for the victory ceremony, he had personally come to the
headquarters of the Knights Templar.
The headquarters of the five main churches are all located in different
places, and among them, only the Great Hall of the predecessor Ars is
located in the zodiac gradium.
War God Ars, Sun God Shalam, Moon God Mensis, Purity Tuan, Courage
The leaders of a total of five orthodox religious groups are in the capital.
A er all of them congratulate and bless the Knights Templar, a er that,
together with the emperor, they won the ba le from then on.
We will be holding an event to commemorate the
So, now, not because of any conflict, but for religious reasons, the victory
ceremony on the first day is separate.
will proceed with
Originally, the Knights Templar also returned from a great war, so if it's not
debauchery, they will commemorate the victory and take a comfortable
rest a er a long me. And the religious leaders will also be happy to share
stories about the victory with the emperor,
In that peaceful, friendly, and happy fes ve atmosphere, I am the Templar
and the Imperial Family.
It is going to cause huge trouble between the two large groups.
Trying to treat demons as sexual slaves would be a huge religious heresy,
se ng aside whether it is legally right or not. Even the rich or nobles of the
empire want to buy it? The Knights Templar and the religious leaders who
are here now do not roll their eyes.
that's weird
There is no need to wait for the auc on start date. The prisoners are
already merchants
As long as you know you're in De, there's no problem at all if the Knights
Templar a ack there right now. I will a end the auc on
Immoral imperial aristocrats on the scene
Because I have no interest in arres ng you.
We were s ll cha ng while si ng at a table in the bustling street.
“There are two ways. Dissemina ng informa on to the Knights Templar
and spreading rumors
throwing it away.”
At my words, Elerys and Royar turned their heads.
Leaking informa on to the Knights Templar itself, and spreading rumors to
the public,
to reach the ears of the electrician
thing. Two methods can be taken.
| “In the former case, a certain reac on can be expected, but doubts about
the sender of the le er will become possible. Considering what we're
going to do, the Knights Templar can't guess that the people who leaked
informa on, whether they wrote le ers or whatever, were demons.
will be able to.”
It was the horse of Elerys, and Royardo Go.
nodded the dog. dangerous thing anyway
It may not ma er whether the informant was a demon or whatever, but it
was difficult to see that making a tail was a very good choice.
“The way to spread rumors is that it can be inferred that informa on
leaked in the middle, so there will be no doubts about the subject of
informa on provision. But in this case, when will the Knights Templar hear
the rumor?
Can iden fy and iden fy behavior
There is not."
“I will.”
“It is also possible that the black market organizers will take ac on before
the Knights Templar when the rumors start to spread. Those who are most
sensi ve to such rumors are probably the black market side. It could
change the loca on of the black market or even cancel the auc on.”
The la er had the disadvantage of not knowing when the Knights Templar
would take ac on. The moment you hear the rumor and take ac on
The US auc on may be over.
“The former has a definite effect, but it leaves a tail called two spears, and
the la er does not leave such a tail, but instead, it will make the event flow
in an unpredictable direc on...”
Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. If you use the preview
func on, you can check what will happen in the future, but that was not
something I could use at will.
[Not available at this me.]
When I tried to use it, only this message was coming up.
Damn, there are cheats, but I can't use them my way. Don't even tell me
that you can write it in the first place.
An uncertain but safe path, a sure but slightly more dangerous path.
“Let’s go to Tuseo. If the black market or the Empire gets their hands on it,
they may not even be able to try it at all.”
I'm s ll a li le predictable
thought it was be er
“I will.”
Both seem to follow my opinion
Giving informa on to the Knights Templar.
am. We joined Sarkegaar the day a er the triumphal event and sent a
le er to the Knights Templar on Tuesday.
The black market where demon prisoners are traded at the Merchant Guild
Headquarters is said to be open from Thursday.
We watched the movement of the Knights Templar all Tuesday. Elerys and I
looked at the atmosphere in the place where the huge temple of the St.
Electric Division's headquarters could be seen in the distance, and Loyar
and Sarkegaar decided to keep an eye on the merchant's guild. from there
Because there was a possibility that certain movements could also be seen.
The Knights Templar corresponds to the Rosenak district, or Yangcheon-gu
in Seoul. If the convoy is heading from Mapo-gu to Yangcheon-gu, you have
to cross a bridge because it has to come down from the north of the river
to Gangnam.
Elerys is especially dangerous because it is in front of the headquarters of
those who use the most dangerous power, divine power.
He seemed nervous.
“It doesn’t appear to be making any special moves.”
It has been over six hours since I sent the le er. Dozens of fears of being
There is no way that it would not have been known since he even sent a
“Possibility of ques oning the credibility of the proposal
is enough They might be discussing it internally.”
Sending armed forces to the Merchant Guild would be something that
should be discussed internally, and it is not prudent to send the army to
the Merchant Guild by trus ng an anonymous le er from an unknown
It's understandable enough.
S ll in the stage to discuss internally
You never know when they'll make a move
Ki and Elerys keep moving to an inconspicuous place nearby.
I went and looked at the movement. Because there were so many people
on the street, it was easy to get buried in the crowd.
The problem was deep at night. They turned around one by one, and the
only ones le were drunken drunkards. At a me when the streets were
ge ng dark, Elerys and I were in an inconspicuous field on the side of the
hid in cows
"It looks like he won't move today..."
It's already a very deep night. It was too late to take ac on.
“I think it would be be er for you to die.”
Even if I am here anyway, there is nothing I can do, and if the situa on
worsens, it is only dangerous. What Elerys said was true, but I couldn't.
What happens when a crisis strikes?
If you don't know if things are working, you can't even go back.
"No, I have to watch this.
I have a duty.”
So, I gathered around and expressed my inten on to stay here, even if it
was a bit coercive, to El Leris.
“And if it’s this me anyway, the magic train is cut off, so it’s more
troublesome to go back.”
It was such a deep night, so if I had to sleep here, it would be more difficult
to go back to the Temple or anywhere else. Eleris seemed to know, me in
the shadows
Even when a grand fes val is held, night is night.
On the quiet street, the babble of drunkards was only occasionally flowing.
- jock
From afar, I hear heavy footsteps
started to Elerys and my eyes met. Elerys looked her head out of her alley,
and she looked at me and nodded her head.
The Knights Templar began to work.
It was night, so I couldn't be swept away by the crowds. A er cas ng her
invisibility magic on herself, Elerys fell far behind.
She followed along.
She said, 'It's possible they can see through the magic. Don't get too close.
Her voice was so low that El Leris spoke as if in a whisper, and I shook my
Paladins are obviously veterans.
A total of nearly two hundred Holy Knights of the Knights Templar were
marching even fully armed. Every knight is a god
He is good at holy spells, and if he gets hurt, he
He recovers himself and fights. Since I received Adriana's recovery spell
myself, I can imagine how great it is.
Two hundred such monsters are on the move.
Masters strengthen themselves with divine power and engage in ba le,
and even self-heal when injured.
return to the condi on of
It is only natural that the pres ge of the empire will be tarnished.
The fact that the Knights Templars are dispatched at night is a kind of
considera on in considera on of the face of the Empire.
is it? Late at night, when no one is watching
to get rid of it quickly.
However, this case would rather raise the honor of the Knights Templar.
Isn't it be er to do it publicly?
From a Mahayana perspec ve, it is undeniable that the Knights Templar
should do their job quietly, but...
Without ques oning, I followed these hundred or so paladins marching.
'I'll give you this back.'
I also forgot to return the firework of Tuesday to Elerys for a while.
Fortunately, the midnight march con nued to the front of the Merchant
Guild Headquarters. I wondered if I was going somewhere else, but so far it
has flowed as intended.
A place where you can see the Merchant Guild headquarters from a
distance, Elerys will a ract me.
He went to the roof of a building using the floa ng magic.
He looked at him and nodded his head. It would mean that our loca on
can be iden fied just by smell and sound.
Because of Royar, we do not have to see the scene with our own eyes.
The other two, including myself, nodded at Elerys' words. I should have
shouted something out loud because I blasphemed God, but that wasn't
the case at all.
Royar shook his head.
‘Even if the voice is low, there is an argument
it's coming and going
Royard said that the content itself was horrendous while not inten onally
causing a fuss.
A black market was opened here, and informa on was obtained that
demon prisoners would be traded there. In the name of God, I believe that
if you are upright, you will not interfere with the search for this place. If the
allega ons are not true, the Knights Templar promise to make a formal and
respec ul apology to the Merchant Guild.
Royar seemed to be able to hear all the conversa ons in the distance.
'The guards don't seem to want to make it easy, either,' he said.
However, even if the Knights Templars came to visit, the other party would
not easily permit the search. That was expected. Royar pricked his ears for
a while and seemed to concentrate on the conversa on. The three of us
remained silent and looked only at Royar, in case we could get in the way.
I wondered what the conversa on was going to be.
- Shreung!
Clearly from afar, the sound of many people drawing their weapons could
be heard. ba le is happening
At the message that popped up in front of me, my heart
I don't know how much achievement points are needed and I can't use the
func on.
Seeing that message, I had no choice but to stop for a moment. probability
This over-falling event is an achievement
I knew I needed a lot of points, or I couldn't get them at all.
Is this something like that?
Out of resentment at the fact that they tried to auc on the demon
prisoners, is there no op on other than to kill them all?
‘Hey, why are you doing this?’
Elerys asked worriedly when I thought I was a bit strange.
'Oh, no... just. What if they kill all the prisoners...
It was a rough look around, but it was also true, not around. They tried to
cause an incident where if they tried to kill a prisoner, they would escort
them to the Templar's headquarters using the evacua on func on.
The black market and demon prisoners can be used as evidence to obtain
an apology from the empire.
'cause you can So, only living prisoners can put pressure on the empire.
I thought it was a probable case, but wasn't it? yes
A cold sweat was running down his spine. What should I do? Should I use
refusal in some other way to keep them alive? If so, in what way?
I can only imagine that the ground collapses and the prisoners escape
through the tunnels. Of course it couldn't be done.
A er a while, Royar grabbed my hand.
‘Damn, take it easy.
Royar whispers to me.
‘The Knights Templar are taking the prisoners out.
There is.
With those words, I felt like I had a brain arrest again.
I realized why I couldn't use the opt-out func on.
You can make things that don't happen happen.
But what is actually happening is that there is no reason to use hogogo.
The decommissioning func on I used was exactly the same as what was
going to happen in the future.
They had no inten on of killing the prisoners in the first place. So I couldn't
write the re rement.
It was just a happening because of my misunderstanding about the Togo
func on.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 68

The Knights Templar became prisoners one a er another in the midst of
the guards who must have been chewing on their faces.
seems to be taking out temple knight
wouldn't even be able to.
'...Then can I do it too?'
There is a ring that can use the power of the clan as it is, so I must be that
one too, right?
'I don't recommend it. You will probably find it very uncomfortable and
awkward. You're probably not very good at moving.'
Because my body structure changes, it may be difficult for me to adapt,
Elerys said. The Dreadfiends must have been trained to be good at that
kind of transforma on. I wouldn't be able to move properly, but the fact
that it was possible for me and me was enough. I don't know if one day I'll
ever use it.
'About a hundred people in total. Looks like we're leaving now.
'great. let's go too
The arrival point is confirmed by the headquarters of the Knights Templar.
be wrong Because that's definitely in the category of what's going to
happen. So it was impossible to use the refurbishment,
This is a clear loophole in the retrieval func on. If something doesn't
happen, you can't use refusal. With this informa on alone, I can see the
future without spending any achievement points.
it is
Of course, the bad guy doesn't like me using shortcuts, so if I try to
hammock this too o en, I'll take some ac on.
Before we le in advance, Loyar suddenly stopped trying to get up.
Royar didn't respond to my words and stayed focused. As if there was s ll
something to be heard.
Royar, who had been s ll for a while, frowned.
“The Knights Templar, we think
It seems to be a slightly different group.”
A er saying that, Loyard ran across the roof and between the roo ops.
Elerys took me with her magic,
Loyar moved as if seeping into the darkness and quickly headed towards
the Templar's headquarters. They a ack when they pass in front of the
warp gate.
Sarkegaar guards the Warpgate
You will be disguised as one of the soldiers. I don't know who you swapped
with, but you said don't kill him, so either stun or dazzle you must have
taken a different approach.
"Your Highness, you must avoid yourself now."
A er arriving at the raid loca on, Elerys looked at me as if she shouldn't be
here any longer.
“I know. But what did you say?”
I looked towards Royar. Roya
Hear even dirty stories
His expression con nued to be wrinkled.
“As we started the convoy, they giggled as we le the Merchant Guild
What is this sound? “Did you laugh?” “I have a lot to share…”
can't figure out what that means
it wasn't quite What do you mean by sharing?
“It’s becoming more…. It was there in the first place, right?”
“It seems so…”
The black market was the only thing that took the prisoners out
In the first place, the Knights Templars also stole humanoid demons like
it was
“If it becomes a problem, the guy who is supposed to be the leader of the
convoy in response to a ques on from his subordinates….. he said that it
was for demon research, so I could just go around. Different
They said that the Allied Forces and the Empire would give such an excuse.
There is nothing I can do about it…”
Loyar hates the Knights Templar
seemed to feel
Entering the imperial family and entering the merchant guild are not all.
Even the Knights Templar had demon prisoners. Judging from the situa on,
it is clear that each Allied force was robbing the metallurgical prisoners of
war. If it is discovered, keep it for research purposes.
I prepared an excuse that there was only one.
There was no excuse for doing so, and the Knights Templar gave the cause
to rob those prisoners as they are.
It was then that he seemed to understand why the Knights Templar came
out at night.
When this news became known, the pres ge of the empire
Of course, it might be known that other groups also received Asmodian
prisoners. And among them, the Knights Templar Satan is a group that
should never do such a thing.
Of course, if this fact were revealed, it would seem ostensibly that it was
brought to study demons, but everyone will know that the actual use was
not so. Have your excuses ready
So there is no need for people to know this secret.
That's why the Knights Templar went out in the middle of the night to gulp
those cap ves. Only a few people saw it
to be able to see.
In the end, it turned out exactly the way I thought it would. They're not
going to behead the prisoners, they're going to take them to the Holy
Seeing what they were doing, all other excuses were useless.
I've got a rough excuse, so I'm going to kill the slaves on the black market
on the basis of blasphemy.
It is the inten on of the guinea pigs to swallow it. They can have it, but you
guys have an impure purpose, so it's an excuse not to.
while pu ng
“The result is the same... The process is garbage.”
In conclusion,
I overes mate their faith.
Even if we save them, it is a grain of wheat compared to the many
prisoners who are eventually captured.
was in each of the Allied Forces' camp, and also in the Knights Templar.
The number that can be rescued from the black market is very small. It is
impossible to save them all. It was because we had to plan a huge event
just to rescue a hundred people.
A er leaving everyone to run, I
I went up to a hill far away from Zhang. It was very far, but it was a hill in a
distance where you could see roughly how it rolls when there is a big
commo on.
Finally, I use the retrieval func on.
[Use the 'Re re' func on.]
Today, all the demon prisoners, Sarkegaar, Elerys, and Royar escorted
escape safely through the Weep Gate.
[Requires 2000 achievement points to trigger this event.]
It is highly probable that a significant number of people escape, but it is
less probable that everyone escapes safely.
it will be a story
Although it requires a lot of volume, I used Togogo without hesita on.
There was no reason not to use it.
[You have used 2000 achievement points.]
Then I felt at ease.
I don't know what will happen to the unsaid parts, but tonight's opera on
will be a success.
And, I saw.
A huge flame soaring high in the square in front of the Knights Templar
He could clearly see what Elerys could do with the fire of Tuesday.
Fierce flames soaring toward the sky began to whirl.
An epic firestorm unfolds.
- Curl rumble!
A great light was followed by a storm that ripped the atmosphere apart.
“Oh, no…”
That's a spell to confuse, isn't it?
uh? Isn't that a tac c to minimize damage and create a mess to escape
from the gap?
Cap ve Nabal and the Knights Templar
Isn't that the kind of thing you're trying to blow up both at wholesale
"Hey, this seems to be crossing the line..."
Is the Knights Templar doing this to kill them all because they are so bad?
I am determined not to do anything that goes against the plan ng of Elerys
in the future.
promised to
Hell was unfolding.
- Curl rumble!
When a huge firestorm erupts
The Knights Templar knew that something strange had happened.
hit it
“It’s an a ack!”
"It's a wizard!"
About two hundred members of the Knights Templar and about one
hundred prisoners
All of them seemed to have been trapped in this enormous firestorm.
And at the center of that firestorm
there was a woman
Wearing her robe, holding something like a pendant in one of her hands, a
mage whose iden ty could not be determined by veiling the inside of the
robe with veil magic could be seen controlling the flame storm.
A wizard who can perform magic of this scale without cas ng, most of
Paladins were to the point of wan ng to deny reality even while looking at
“Not one!”
“It’s a demon!”
“It’s a werewolf!”
And, the silver monster that appeared from one side of the storm
appeared with a roar enough to swallow even the sound of a flame storm.
The cry of this demonic monster s ffens the muscles of those who hear it.
It is a force called Roar.
"calm down! There are at least two enemies!”
Lycan Slope moved like lightning and rushed to the paladins and deflected
them, and the warp gate in the middle of the flame storm was suddenly
ac vated.
At the frightened prisoners, the wizard only pointed to the gate. There are
no detailed explana ons or desperate calls.
The simple message could also be understood by the prisoners. at the
appearance of the wizard
Even if they were embarrassed, they could not run away from the only two
enemies now that they were wearing a huge amount of protec on magic.
- Kurreuk, Kurreuk. Kuroo!
suddenly. Something was growing from the ac vated gate. It grew bigger
and bigger and began to change into the form of something.
- Kuruk! Kuruk!
Something bizarrely inflated, as if a bubble was boiling, took the form of a
lizard with black scales.
started to

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 69

The southern p of the Empire, the border with the Kingdom of Kernstadt.
Dairathanis Forest.
I was facing the destroyed warp gate, three demons, and a total of one
hundred and seven demon prisoners.
The rescue opera on was successful.
The destroyed warp gate was surrounded by forest, and there were no
guards or anything.
In the first place, this was an abandoned warp gate that was no longer
maintained. If you decide your escape loca on to be a big city,
It was a headache, so he tried to escape to a warp gate that was not
currently managed.
The gate in front of the Knights Templar is a giant crab
Because it was not a site, it was not possible to travel a very long distance.
Normal gates, large gates, and extra-large gates each had limita ons in
movement distance, and it was fortunate that the gate in front of the
Knights Templar was large.
S ll, this was an incredibly long way off.
And Elerys, who managed to escape
She broke the warp gate and teleported me here.
“All have survived and degraded.”
"great. Everyone did a great job.”
Both Sarkegaard and Loyard were unharmed. The ba le itself didn't seem
to last long. The moment the dragon appeared, all the Knights Templars
were frozen in this absurd situa on, while the prisoners ran with all their
might to the warp gate.
passed through
If the ba le had been prolonged, it was clear that all three would have
been in danger.
I don't understand what's going on with this
The prisoners of war feel a sense of relief and fear
He had these mixed expressions.
But it was strange.
As I am a demon, there are things like horns, but neither the succubus nor
the incubus nor the tail or horns were visible at all.
It didn't look much different from humans.
Well, that's it.
[Event Complete - Rescue Demon Prisoners]
[The number of rescued prisoners - 107]
[You have earned 5350 achievement points.]
You have used 2000 achievement points and secured more than 5,000
Sarkegaar, Loyar, and Elerys began to un e the cap ve prisoners.
First of all, I should introduce myself.
“I am a junior in Bali. The previous king passed away, so now call me Balier.
I guess.”
At those words, all the demon prisoners, who seemed to have a long way
to go, began to kneel one by one.
Thousands of people began to bow down to me, burs ng into tears.
As if I thought it was all over
It was as if they had found even a single ray of light at that moment.
And, everyone was on their knees, but there was only one person who
didn't kneel. “In Bali…? Are you Bali?"
The woman who stares blankly at me is her
It was a look that seemed to doubt her eyes.
“Wait, are you a princess?”
And Sarkegaar's reac on, even more terrifying, surprised me even more.
I am the only Archdaemon le in the world
Why does Sarkegar call her her princess?
It was soon known what she had done.
“You are the daughter of Reina-sama, the Succubus Queen, the former
Four Heavenly Kings.”
"Oh yeah?"
Succubus Queen.
and the Four Heavenly Kings.
I don't know about the Demon King because he didn't set it up properly,
but of course I never really thought about what the Four Heavenly Kings
were like. And one of the Four Heavenly Kings was the succubus queen,
and this queen's daughter was recognizing me.
If you look at how they treat me, it seems that the blood rela ves of the
Four Heavenly Kings are treated like royalty.
It was a succubus with the impression that he looked similar to me in
human terms.
...and pink hair.
Ping feet, is it really strange to see it in real life? No, I think they look good
together, but it's a sense of incongruity, isn't it?
The succubus approached me while collec ng clothes close to rags and
stood in front of me. The boy's expression had a mix of bewilderment and
hesita on. Are you nervous about the situa on?
“…you don’t recognize me? Air. I do not remember?"
The succubus Kin who introduced himself as Aire
is surprising that I do not recognize
Guy was stunned.
“You have lost almost all of your memories of the underworld.
“I don’t know that either.”
That pink-haired succubus seemed confused by my words.
The succubus, who introduced himself as Irene to my words, looked a li le
got stunned
“Did you know me? I don't know what the memory is, but I'm sorry. I can't
remember anything."
At those words, not only Airi in front of her, but also the expressions of the
countless succubus behind them.
also got weird What am I talking about with them?
What else did you do? I'm glad I lost my memory.
Airi rolls his eyes as if confused, and eventually hesitates.
stood and nodded.
“Whatever it is… Thank you for saving me. I never thought you'd be alive...
but because you're alive... it's all good..."
Airi, I would have died right away.
seemed to be thinking Obviously, the way I survived was pre y crappy. If I
was the original Balier, I couldn't do anything, but you know who I am! It
feels like all of them have flew away while arguing.
"Okay. Everything is fine. Let's go over there and talk a li le bit."
I took Airi to one side of the woods. I felt him crawling and following me. I
don't know what it was, but it certainly wasn't a good rela onship.
Somehow, you're looking at me
It may feel like
“As Sarkegaar said, I have lost all my memories of my me in the Demon
Realm, and I don’t want to remember it again. If I did something bad to
you, I apologize.”
Apologizing for something that I can't even remember is something I'm
slowly ge ng used to. But at those words, Airi's eyes widened.
“Ah, no… that… you don’t have to apologize to me. Oh, rather I…”
Airi, don't speak, make a fuss
He covered his mouth in surprise.
“Ah, that, ah… that, that’s it…”
Is the flow a li le different from this one so far? I see this, I have a look
You seem to be very surprised by the fact that he saved you?
I don't think it's because you keep staring at me because you're afraid of
I think he's doing this because he thinks he can't save me?
“Did you give it to me?”
"Ah, ah, that! That! That!"
That's right.
I don't know about the other guys, but I don't think he was bullied, but the
exact opposite.
“Mi, I’m sorry!”
Airi was saved by the kid she held on to her fic onal day, so she was lost.
According to what Airi said while trembling, before the Demon World War
broke out,
Airi and I are like childhood friends
I guess it was
To be precise, he wasn't my friend, but he was in charge of me. I think Airi
really taught me not to be rude when I was churning around like an idiot.
Actually, even though Airi and I were of different races, it was possible
because they were treated like royalty.
So when I see Airi, I see a hornbi bag
He seems to have taken medicine and trembled when he ran away from a
mountain or when the powerful demon king was by his side.
So, it means that both me and her were in a rela onship that hated each
other. In fact, it was me who was beaten on the fic ous day,
Just like I treated Loyar as a dog, it seems that the succubus were also
bullied. Every me Airi saw that li le girl, her eyes turned upside down and
slapped me,
A er all, Airi is a normal succubus
It must have been possible because it was a different being, Succubus Kin.
Succubus Queen was said to be the second of the Four Heavenly Kings.
So, if Airi is the demon realm,
She was the daughter-in-law of the Demon World Number Three. So, when
the demon king's son flirted with her, she was able to give a true
educa on.
He is also a very high-ranking guy in the Demon Realm. If the status is
hereditary, I will be the Demon King and he will be the third highest rank
a er that.
All the Four Heavenly Kings died, and Airi was captured a er the defeat.
And he was rescued by the demon king's son, whom he thought would
have died, even from a bad rela onship since childhood.
So it was hard to believe this situa on. Of course, he said that he had lost
his memory, so he seems to have understood to some extent.
“Let’s bury the old things as things of the past, I can’t even remember, but I
can’t take revenge.
because it is I know. Hearing that, it sounds like he was a man worthy of
being beaten up.”
"Oh that...."
Airi couldn't help but say no to my words. It made me wonder just how
crazy it was.
Even so, if the staff in charge were to the point that it was not very serious,
it seems that
"Let's talk about it, do you know the detailed composi on of the prisoners
“There are eighty-five succubus, fi een incubus, two lycan slopes, three do
flagangers, and two nightwalkers.”
Most of them consisted of succubus and incubus. I don't know what a
Nightwalker is, but all the others must be humanoid demons anyway.
“How about power? I heard what the humans would have done.”
At that, Airi ghtly closed her eyes.
all. Just imagining it makes you think of painful things.
“What, why?”
"Ah .... he said he lost his memory, so maybe he ..."
Airi had an expression on her face as if she didn't even know it, but soon I
lost my memory.
However, as he recalled the story, he raised his pink hair slightly.
He couldn't see it because of his long hair.
There was a hideous wound on the temple side, as if something had been
torn off.
“The humans… cut off all the horns and tails.”
It is not originally without horns.
In order for humans to neutralize the power of succubus and incubus, the
tail and horns
was forcibly removed.
Airi's tears were dripping down as she thought about the disgrace of that
Airi said that demons with horns are usually the source of magic. That
being said, now that the horns are gone, Ai Iri has lost all of his magical
power, and all the poten al for that magic to grow.
So succubus and incubus
all doing
It also lost its racial characteris cs. He has lost all his abili es, such as
absorbing elemental energy and entering other people's dreams.
“Hey, he’ll grow up again… or not?”
“I can grow up again. but awesome
Hehe, the speed is slow... it's gone
the same not only that
What ac on did you take?”
“Are you taking ac on?”
“All the magical power management func ons in the body were destroyed
by human wizards. Even if the horns grow back, there is no way to use that
magic power… It’s like that.”
They were trying to sell safe toys to the wealthy or aristocrats. yes
At the same me as destroying the source of magical energy, the ability to
use magic was also destroyed by some manipula on. The wizards
succeeded in completely incapacita ng these prisoners.
Although she is a high-ranking demon called the Succubus Queen, Airi has
lost all her strength and growth poten al.
“I’m sorry Bali…. The thing that saved us is something I’ll never forget for
the rest of my life…. Thank you, thank you so much, so I
I want to help something... We're all useless..."
Airi is si ng down and crying
was small They must have all been demons with their own powerful
powers. And Airi, the succubus queen, had, or was likely to have, a
par cularly strong power.
But all have lost that possibility. So Airi seemed to feel guilty, knowing she
couldn't repay me in any way for the help she had been given.
| “ the first place, where did you get it to use it?
It’s not.”
At my words, Airi looked up at me with her tear-soaked face.
She said, "In the first place, there was a place to use it.
she didn't save I did it because I thought it might be possible.”
That's true. There were achievement points, but that was only secondary. I
was not interested in rebuilding the Demon Realm in the first place, but
Elerys, Sar Kegar, and Loyar wanted to do it.
Then I was just telling you to do it.
It was not a concern in the first place to cause unrest in the Imperial
Capital with about 100 demon prisoners.
It would be sad for them to lose their power, but there was no reason to
feel sorry for me for that.
“So, you guys go back to the Darklands or whatever. The purpose was to
save them, and from then on, you don’t have to listen to my orders no
ma er what you do.”
If you're going back to the Darklands, Elerys will send you a mass teleport.
Airi was staring blankly at me for a long me, as I never thought she would
hear such a word.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 70

You don't have to follow my instruc ons. So if you want to go back to the
Darklands, go back.
I tell all the prisoners the same
A er instruc ng Airi to deliver it, they gathered together with Sarkegaar,
Elerys, and Loyar in a secluded place.
“Everyone worked hard. No one was hurt, so that’s the best result.”
“It’s all thanks to your wit and courage.”
Sarkegar's s nky Abu again
And Elerys smiled too.
“To be honest, I was lucky.
lower it. When the dragon appeared in the raid, it was frozen for quite
some me.”
“It was a surprise.”
Sarkegaar took the form of a dragon, but the dragon didn't really appear.
In the first place, dragons are legendary animals, so there are no
eyewitness accounts. It simply took the form known as that of a dragon.
There may be no dragons, and even if there are, I wonder if it is a
commonly known appearance.
no one knows
If the Paladins had come to their senses a li le faster, some of the
prisoners could not have been recovered, and either Loyar or Ereris might
have been seriously injured or dead.
I was terrified of what would have happened if I hadn't used the checkout
func on to make sure everyone was safe. Anyway, the results were good.
you are happy
“I heard you were told to decide the whereabouts of the prisoners
I nodded at Royar's ques on.
"If I could go back to the Darkland and live in peace, that would be be er.
There's no need to overdo it."
In the first place, secretly infiltra ng 100 people into the eclip c is not
something I can do at my level. He also lost his magic there. It is difficult to
protect myself, but it is impossible to protect them.
Therefore, it would be best for them to return to the Dark Lands, which are
rela vely untouched by humans.
a er a while.
A er hearing Ai Li's report that they had finished talking among
themselves, I went back to the place where the prisoners were gathered.
They all looked sad. They probably heard what I was doing through Elerys
and Sarkegaar. It is said that he infiltrated the Imperial Capital and went to
the temple to rebuild the Demon Realm.
In the middle of the enemy camp, the prince
He was planning a clean job, and although he couldn't help, he seemed
pathe c to himself that he was only a burden in the present state.
“Has everyone decided?”
Airi nodded at my ques on.
“Almost everyone decided to return to the Darkland...”
Airi takes risks at best.
I felt sorry for not being able to do anything about it. He must have hated
me so much, he hated me
Sorry for the squaring for bothering you
seemed to do it,
“No need to be sorry. Forget about figh ng and war and live there.”
They seem to have been touched by my considera on
Tears started dripping down. They will be sent to the fron ers, out of the
reach of humans, even in the Darklands.
will be.
The pride of being a high-ranking demon goes with the horns.
disappeared to There were other races, too, but they seemed to have
decided they couldn't be of any help.
It is be er to live freely in the Darklands than to live as human slaves.
It is sure to be be er for
“Then I will prepare the order.”
Elerys began preparing the mass teleport spell. It's this big and it's night
me. If you cast it twice, you will be able to send them all to the Darklands.
about an hour
A er this, Elerys was able to send most of the prisoners to the Darkland.
And then, I was staring at those who were le blankly.
“Why don’t you guys go?”
About ten people including Airi
of the succubus remained and were looking at me.
A er all, it's almost all back.
I did. Then the guy who doesn't come back
Were you saying there would be?
"...we don't want to go back."
Airi said so as the representa ve.
“…No, what if I don’t go back?”
"I can't do anything and I'm not in a fight.
Tongue can't help, but I ended up
It is the royal family of the demon realm. You are working hard in Bali, but I
can’t just go back to the Darkland and forget everything and live
Airi, who was a personality changer, is secretly hiding in the heart of the
empire, and he himself must be of some help to me as a royal family in the
each seemed to It was the same for the other ten remaining.
No, this is a goal.
I know the desire to be loyal, I know the desire to pay off debts, I know
everything, but what are you going to do with the rest?
“We have lost all our power. I know it won't be of much help.
But this body is the last weapon
"...So what are you going to do?"
Airi looked at me with a determined expression on her face.
“You need money to live in the human world.” “You know that.” “And I
know that some mes huge amounts of money can threaten the human
world just by itself.”
I don't know if there will be a financial crisis in the empire or something
like that, but there is no law that says it won't happen. What the hell do
you want to say?
“Bali, doing business.”
What does this mean?
“If you can achieve great commercial success and hold the gold coins of the
Empire, it will be of great help in rebuilding the Demon Realm.”
"Oh, that's great too. The princess. I can't help but admire her insight."
I mean, that's not right. Sarkegaar nodded his head as if plausible enough.
“A er re-establishing enough power, if you hold the con nent’s money
when figh ng humans, you can win without figh ng. Or it could divide the
empire and cause chaos. In this war we have only used force, but next me
we will use all the means available.”
Listening to Airi's words, Elerys' expression became more and more bizarre.
No, what is that bitch talking to my kid? It was the same expression.
A succubus that is a super high-ranking demon.
In order for Kin's empire to collapse, the
He gives advice to seize the money. Moreau
The story of only going to have to overthrow the empire
I get it, but isn't it a very unsa sfying advice? Destroy it with power and
ruler! Not like this, but causing a great economic depression in the empire?
But in the end, it was the other way around.
But what's that got to do with that you're not going back?
“Uh… not really. That's right. But there's no way I'm good at commerce and
finance, right? Even now, I'm going to Temple... and as far as I know,
commerce requires a lot of capital. But we don’t have that much money.”
There's nothing you can't do if you turn to crime or start using Elery's
magic for the bad. army
I had no desire to do that.
“You don’t have to worry about that part.”
As if Airi had already thought about the issue of capital, he pointed to
himself and the remaining succubus.
“...why are you guys?”
“If you sell us to humans as slaves, you can win huge sums of money. If you
use it as capital, it is enough…”
"Ah, what kind of bullshit is this!"
He saved me not to be a slave
Selling as a slave to get money
What nonsense?
When I shouted, Airi cried and cried.
“S ll, this is the best I can do! This is the only way I can be of any help to
you in this situa on that has become useless for anyone! If I can take
revenge on the humans by trampling on my insignificant pride, I can do it
ten or a hundred mes!”
“Oh, li le!”
Perhaps it was because of what I had done, I had forgo en all about the
past and Airi was ready to die if I were to die.
"Bali, we've made up our mind. Don't worry. It's just a cheap price for
rebuilding the Demon Realm. So..."
Behind them, the succubus fell on their knees and chanted a call for help.
“Noisy things!”
There's even a bit of a dog whistle.
Whether I shout or not, the succubus
They cried and begged to sell them.
driving me crazy.
The succubus is at best sold on the black market.
I did it, and because of that, I went to rebuild the Demon Realm.
Found hope in the future, he decided to become a slave again.
There are those who have returned, but Airi and the remaining eleven
have done such a thing to repay the favor they have received from me, and
the Imperial Gold Coins to rebuild the Demon Realm.
Trying to be the beginning of domina on.
Even if the ride is bizarre, it's too bizarre
isn't it? They say that the succubus sells themselves at a high price, raises
capital, takes over the commercial sphere of the empire, and then creates
chaos in war.
Of course, this was absolutely unacceptable. Sarquegar seems to be a
decent idea if he spins the abacus in his head
I said it was the same, but I was really mad
As it turned out, he shut his mouth.
Maybe they lose their power
Desperate for things, even on that side
He seemed to be trying to find his own usefulness.
A child who holds the gold coin of the empire and shakes it
If you think about Lee's words, it makes sense. Of course, I have to assume
that I have tremendous talent in commerce and finance, but of course I
I mean, I didn't even pay a en on to stocks in the past. I don't know, I
don't know
Airi began to ponder whether or not to think of another way when I said
“Then why don’t we go to the window and send a fixed amount every
month? It's not a huge amount, but s ll…”
“...why does your head keep rolling in that direc on?”
Why is the winning streak like this? Is it like a succubus special? boy
The money you earned while rolling your body is every month
Do you think you'll want to die when you fall into my hands?
Rather, I am confident that I will be deceived.
"It's a pity that the horns and tail are gone, but it looks like you can fit in
well into human society.
So I have to do it a li le farther away, but I will need a god.”
Of course, the succubus absorbs the spirit through such work and becomes
it's a se ng
I know that, but isn't that impossible in the first place? If that's the case,
then there would be no reason or need to make money in that direc on.
“Are we… doing the right thing?”
I sighed at the ques on as if there was such a thing.
“Well, I don’t know if this is rude or not, because you are a succubus, but I
hate that you guys try to work in that direc on. And I don't want that kind
of money to get into my hands. Loyalty and demonic ashes
good thing this is But there are demons
Is there a demon realm, is there a demon realm, is there a demon? Just let
me do it myself, even if you find your own way
I really don't care. Huh?"
“Wow! If there is no demon realm, the demon
“Shut up!”
“Yeah lower…”
Sarkegar tried to intervene, but heard me scream and was crushed.
The succubus began to shed tears when I told them to find a way to live
happily while they were loyal to me.
Anything you do is counterproduc ve.
They just recognize me as nothing more or less than a benevolent
monarch, so whatever I say will only strengthen my loyalty.
no! Not a benevolent monarch, just do what you guys really want to do
and live! It's annoying!
“I don’t know what I can do, but I think I can do the other job well enough.
What are you guys saying you can’t drive a wagon, and what can’t you do
with bricks?”
The scene where the succubus queen plays a nogada
I've been thinking about it, but somehow it seems like it's worse. no right
do you?
“But it seems that it will be difficult to raise enough capital to take over the
imperial financial circles through such a thing...”
There was nothing to say at the sound of collec ng dust and making a
“It’s okay to do anything, as long as it’s not like that. Then, whether you
run a pub, an inn, or a transport business, everything is fine.”
Succubus becomes a con nental transport business conglomerate
When I thought of the family, I laughed
It's almost impossible to come out, but there's nothing you can't do.
Airi was silent for a long me, as if contempla ng as she put her mouth
He said he wanted to be helpful even at the best of his own risk, but it
seemed a bit sad when I refused with a single blow.
“Yeah… yeah, Bali. If you don't know anything else, I'll never do anything
you don't like."
If I was really Bali, my staff would say these things in front of me.
For a moment, you must have already felt a tremendous sense of
I just feel embarrassed for Airi to do this.
“I will make sure to be someone who can help you in any way.” |
I will do anything I want. Seeing that expression on his face, I was
embarrassed because I thought he would do everything I asked him to do.
Of course it can help with force
If not, I will definitely find another way. I clearly understood what this
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 71
I got some promises from Airi. Don't do anything dangerous un l you tell
Don't try to start anything without a way to hide your iden ty.
And the most important thing was iden ty. Not in the capital or large city
of the Empire or the Principality, but in a place like a village on the
outskirts of the country.
Loyar and Ereris provided specific informa on on this part.
I don't know what Airi is going to do, but I'm sure you've understood what I
meant. Since Elerys is there, you can also teleport to meet periodically.
“Once you dye your hair, you must.”
"uh? Ah... yes.”
Pink hair spla er too much. I was locked in the black market, but I'm sure
someone has seen Airi. Most of all, I was fortunate that Lee Lee was not
discovered as a succubus queen. If he had, he wouldn't have appeared on
the black market.
Of course, seeing the succubus in real life
Because it's obviously very few. To be honest, even if I go to a city on the
outskirts of the empire, I get stuck.
There won't be any fuss. The severed tail and horns seemed to be
unknown unless you deliberately look at them, and even if you look at
them, they look like severe wounds, but traces of horns
did not look hos le.
Airi once told me that she wants to raise money to seize the empire's
it will I honestly think that's impossible, but Airi seems to need a goal now.
You have to do something to overcome despair. That's why I'm trying to do
something even though I think it's impossible.
Where do I have to send Airi to do business or do anything without her
iden ty being discovered?
Let her head roll.
“First of all, it must be a place with a lot of wanderers. If there are a lot of
people coming and going, it won’t be considered strange if someone
suddenly appears.”
Loyar nodded his head at my words.
“Yes, in a small village where all the members know each other, it can be
rather suspicious. If it is a city with a lot of wanderers, it will be a trading
hub.” |
Everyone agreed with Royar's words. If it is a trading hub city, it will be easy
to do business with a large floa ng popula on.
The trading city will be an important transporta on hub.
All ci es with extra-large warp gates are playing that role, and among the
gates, there is an extra-large gate, not a regular gate, so general and large
gate users flock to it.
In terms of subway, the extra-large gate is like a transfer sta on, so it is a
structure that naturally a racts people.
The transporta on hub is where there is a very large warp gate.
“Where there is a huge gate, transporta on is very convenient, so the guy
in the Empire will go straight through the gate a few mes.
It’s a place you can do it.”
One possibility should be considered. “Are there no gates among the
mari me trade hubs? It's okay to be a trading base on the ground without
a gate."
When it comes to empires, there are a huge number of warp gates, but
that's an empire.
it's possible In the outskirts, there were many neighborhoods where warp
gates did not exist, and there must s ll be trade that traveled long
distances using wagons. Of course, if there is no gate, the money going to
and going will be rela vely small.
However, safety is the number one priority.
There's no such thing as an empire map right now
I couldn't judge by looking at the map.
“How about the Edina Islands?”
was there anything like that? I never wrote anything like that. It wasn't the
only thing like that, so I was just saying that now. W Long, there are more
neighborhoods I don’t know.
But if it is an archipelago, it must be an island area.
“Where is it?”
“It is an island country beyond the southern waters of Kernstadt. It's too
far away
I heard that there is no gate to the merchant, so trade relies only on sea
trade with Kernstadt. I remember that there is a gate that connects the
islands, but there is no gate that connects to the ground.”
“It’s an island…”
About the internal affairs of the Tenni Empire
It is clear that there is not much interest in
The actual size of the economy may not be very large, but it is not that you
want to become a big person anyway, you just need to have a sense of self
that you are doing something.
Airi nodded at my gaze.
“If the gates are connected between the islands and foreign trade proceeds
only through mari me trade, it will be the busiest among the islands.
Supplies will be concentrated in the port city. If you go there, there will
definitely be a lot of people...” 1
I don't know how big the popula on is, but if there were only a few people
living there, the name of the country would not have been given. Airi
nodded, saying that he could be relieved if he was there.
S ll, I was le with some concerns.
"Are you okay?"
He said boldly that he would do anything. You look about the same age as
He is also a child a er all. sad to die
it's near
And I wasn't saying it would be okay.
Sailors die funny unless they are quick. So there are a lot of people who are
quick-tempered and rough. The fact that there are so many thugs at the
docks is where supplies are gathered, but it also affects the basic structure
in which people living on the beach are forced to live wildly.
Of course, it's weird if you know how to do it because you don't have any
memories, but if you've learned it, shouldn't it be something you used to
I lost my memory, so I said something like that
Yar shook his head with a firm expression.
“Even if you had a memory, you wouldn’t have had much.” .........So you hit
a fic ous day?”
Since I didn't learn properly in the first place, it was a bit painful to say that
I would not have been able to use swordsmanship even if I remembered it.
Airi had an ambiguous expression on Royar's words. It's so hard to overlap
the me and the present me in my crazy days
it was shaped
“For the princess, if I had to say it, she was an honor student.”
The level you need to worry about because the weight class is different
No, Royard politely said to me
Meg was on the way.
“So, even if you don’t have magical power, your power is enough to knock
out these bastards.
"Ah, yes... I mean..."
Although weak, she is a succubus queen,
would have thrown
I learned from the same person, but I
This hit and Airi learned hard.
"great. Then let's set it up that way, it's a li le bit easy that there isn't a
way to contact us in case of an emergency, but it's s ll within reach of the
It's be er than being on the side."
I don't know what they can do, but my wish is that they just live quietly
without being no ced.
When I think of my conduct in the temple, I
I'm never going to say it, but
For the me being, like the kids I put out on the water
Ereris decided to take care of one of these ten succubus, one succubus Kin.
You'll need some basic capital, too, so Loyar decided to send it to Elerys.
Elerys will mass teleport me, Sarkegaar, and Loyar.
started cas ng.
“The atmosphere in the eclip c will become serious. Lowering. Going
straight back to the temple
It seems good."
I nodded at Elerys' words.
all. Elerys, who can do so many things with magic right away, leaves for a
while to help Airi.
She'd be be er off going back to the temple and quietly ge ng stuck. Airi
was looking at me with an expression mixed with complicated emo ons.
Airi carefully opened her mouth.
"You said you lost your memory... if this is your true form."
Airi put her hand on my shoulder and she smiled at me.
“You deserve to be the king of us all.
I have enough.”
Perhaps the re-evalua on had already ended within her, and Airi seemed
to trust me. She hates and hates me for a nigga she doesn't know, then she
ends up
She becomes trustworthy.
She felt that the result was everything, and she felt good, perhaps. Airi is
She is a cube queen, and depending on how she grows up, she can become
my strong ally.
But she said that now that she has lost her growth poten al.
She has one more ally, and there's nothing wrong with feeling good.
“You said you were my sister-in-law.”
"Uh... Yeah. We didn't really learn much together."
She is an opponent who shares the same master and at the same me is a
royal family in the same demon realm.
"Goodbye, tell me if anything happens.
It's not my hometown, and it's not really a death penalty.
I heard that the demons are going to be black traded.
And, there was a succubus queen who belonged to the same royal family
as me. Without me, Airi would have had a terrible life. But in the end Airi
couldn't be alone with my help, and he's trying to do something with him
That’s why Airi is even a writer, even myself.
They will start their business in a port city in the Edina Islands, south of
Kernstadt, which they do not know.
It's a twist and turns, but in the end, it's a bit out of the way and a li le bit
heartbreaking. get the elixir
Restores Airi's physical condi on. Then things will be a li le different.
Of course, it is s ll unknown when it will be available, but
I don't know what kind of existence the succubus queen is in detail, but
first of all, it was the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon World.
Elerys with overwhelming magical power
He wasn't even the Four Heavenly Kings. That might mean that Airi's
poten al is greater than that of Elerys.
all. Of course, Airi seems to want to rebuild the Demon Realm, but I just
hope that there will be at least one more strong person when the gate
eventually explodes. When that situa on comes, it is a demon and
In the end, a er all this process, I got an ally called the Succubus Queen. I
went to a place where there is no gate, so I can only go to meet him
through Elerys, but it would be be er to go to a safe place.
I feel safe,
I was listening to the instruc ons of the Superintendent General while the
remaining members of the temple dormitory were all convened in the
main hall.
| “As of this me, all students are prohibited from going out of the temple
un l instructed otherwise. If there are any returning people, let them
In the chao c atmosphere, Temple issued a ban on going out. Shortly a er
the Victory Fes val took place, a terrorist incident presumed to be an act
of the demons occurred within the Imperial Palace.
No but in the middle of the night
Satan was a acked, and there were many who saw the huge firestorm that
colored the night sky red.
Those who have already returned to their hometown
I don't know the news, but they come back too
Otherwise, you will not be able to leave the temple un l the case is closed.
Therefore, there were not many of those who remained in the temple.
What I caused was unusual, and I knew it. what happened
It was quite predictable what would happen.
“All the fes vals have been cancelled.”
"That's right. It's not normal."
At Kono Lint's words, Cayer nodded.
A victory fes val that would have been held for a month in the original
It happened in the middle of the eclip c in a grand fes val celebra ng the
destruc on of demons.
that's bad This was worse than sprinkling dung on the Emperor's face.
Where the demons fled on the warp gate, the Empire will do everything to
track them down.
I heard it.
He mu ered frightened.
My ac ons caused the temple students to be banned from going out, so
the planned 'Delphine Izadra Kidnapping'
The case disappeared.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 72

Originally, it was the fes val period, so he was excited, so Lu Dwig was his
best friend, Class B.
Delphine Izadra, Rani, number 9 and 10
Together with Un Sesor during the fes val,
shoot down the road
Then, amidst the seething crowd, he is sca ered with Delphine and Dra.
Delphine, who she thought was just sca ered, finds out that she is actually
kidnapped by thugs. Ludwig reports to the guards and at the same me
ignores the command to wait at the temple and engages with Raanion
The beginning of the story of finding Delphine
It's a minor case.
Ludwig eventually finds the thugs and fights them to save his friend.
And, somehow, it vomits a spirit that knocks everything down.
Ludwig didn't have much confidence in himself, even though he was the
last in the royal class. However, as long as you learn at the temple, no
ma er how young you are, this is the first part that shows that you are
incomparably stronger than an ordinary person. In fact, Ludwig is physically
gi ed, so his physical abili es are quite impressive.
It's also excellent.
In the end, the abduc on of a Temple student is a very big deal, but I wrote
the plot in the beginning to show that Ludwig is a hard-working guy.
Anyway, I think it's a good thing in the end that one stupid development
that I used has disappeared because of my ac ons.
Because I didn't want Delphine to have the terrible experience of being
kidnapped. Of course, because of that, Delphine was originally close.
But I'm even more fond of Ludwig.
There will be no developments, but
Because they're always friendly.
It was a pre y bizarre experience.
Delphine doesn't know that he was about to be kidnapped, and that the
incident disappeared because of something completely outlandish.
also don't know
It's just that there are a huge number of demons in the eclip c.
I'm just scared of causing a terrorist incident.
I don't want to condescend, but as a result
It meant that I helped, but the feeling that only I knew about it was quite
Anyway, the temple is also in the eclip c.
I was in a somber atmosphere because of what happened, and the outside
must be more than a portrait house, and Hwangseong is more than a
house where I was born in a row.
it was clear
"Isn't there a stronger demon lord hiding there? There was nothing like this
during the war."
The children scrambled to each other and let their imagina ons run wild.
As children, I think adults would do it more than they would imagine. It
was clear that the demon realm had not yet been completely annihilated,
and that he was in great chaos just by being able to achieve such a level of
This ac on to rescue the prisoners resulted in victory for the humans.
It made me realize that it is not a me to celebrate, but a me to be wary
of the demon remnants.
Was this a good thing, or did it cause even worse things in the demon
But me and Sarkegaar, Elerys,
Royar made a choice.
[A total of 107 demons were rescued, but the result was that it greatly
s mulated the vigilance of humans.
There are a total of six people le in the Class A dormitory now.
2 Ellen Artorius
3 Liana de Granz
7 Adelia
No. 8 Cordo Lint
10 Caier Bioden
there I am Except for number 3, everyone is commoner, and there is no
one to return to.
I didn't go back because I didn't have oil, but 3
was the guy Despite this long school closure, he returned to his mansion
and returned to the temple yesterday.
Since there was a terrorist a ack on the eclip c, the Granz family must
have heard that they should return to the Temple, which is safer than the
mansion. That's why the guy's expression wasn't very good. she is res ng
in the mansion
But I was forcibly sent back to school.
Of course, school closures are ongoing.
There's really no need to do anything in the temple.
Ellen was wondering if there was a terrorist a ack in the eclip c.
She said she was training as usual anyway,
I got in there too.
For a while in the dance hall at night, she drew her sword again.
While arguing, as I was red as usual, I was lying around, and Ellen stood
s ll.
She looked at me and she asked.
I shook my head at the sound that had no bo om and no end
“Demons, why did you do that?”
Ellen said she wasn't talking, but she seemed suspicious of me. mind
Why the hell did the tribes a ack the emperor?
peel. She was curious about it. Ellen, who is indifferent to her, may not
have cared about it, but she was curious inside.
“Well, I know that.”
The demons rescue the demons who are trading in black
If the truth is revealed, it will have a ripple effect,
Come to think of it, it is
It is highly likely that the truth will not be revealed at all.
“I don’t know why you fought the Knights Templar.”
The Knights Templar and the Asmodians are supreme. Of course, not all
demons are like that, but all undead types are vulnerable to divine power.
In fact, Elerys, a vampire, was figh ng the most dangerous enemy.
“If she wanted revenge, if she dared to enter the zodiac
Isn't she supposed to be aiming somewhere?"
Ellen had a lot of ques ons about her, so she talked quite a bit.
She does not know why the demons a acked the Temple Knights because
Ellen does not know about the demon prisoners. Ellen's ques on is
jus fied. But most people don't even think about it.
Because demons are evil.
There are many people who give up all their thoughts with this single
word. but el
Ren was speaking from the posi on of thinking that the demons were the
same intelligent body.
Shouldn't she have been aiming for the zodiac rather than the Knights
Templar for revenge? Ellen raises a valid ques on.
did it
"I think there's something we don't know."
But I think they had a purpose. Should I a ack the Knights Templar?
I'm sure there must be hidden reasons. A er all, she said that Ellen said
she wasn't ignoring or afraid of demons, so she must have a reason to act
on them too.
she's guessing
If I was a demon prince dreaming of rebuilding the demon realm, it would
be the right me for her to think that Ellen should be eliminated.
Dangerous enemies fear me or despise me
Not an enemy, but trying to get me right
because the enemy
“If there is anything, it will be revealed soon.”
But to be honest, I'm so smart,
I only thought about it that much.
Come to think of it, I'm a funny guy.
He led the demons and terrorized the emperor.
You are disqualified as a human being.
A person who is likely to become dangerous to the demon realm in the
Ryu's strongest hero is growing up right in front of his eyes, but he's saying
he's doing well
It is disqualifica on even as a demon.
It's a disqualifica on from both sides.
what am i doing
School closures and stay-at-home orders con nue
Everyday life was repeated like a rou ne. L
It was. Breakfast a er morning exercise, lunch a er breakfast, training
a er lunch, training a er lunch, training a er dinner, and dinner.
Superpower training was not conducted separately. The more you use a
superpower, the more you get used to it, and I'm training with Ellen, who
can blow me away even if I use my superpower to the fullest.
Soon, the match with Ellen itself was already a series of super powers.
You can't do superpower training.
Strictly speaking, I am somewhat familiar with spontaneous rou nes. Most
people have to con nue the involuntary rou ne of going to work and
leaving work. it's kind of passive
There is also coercion.
However, as a writer, I lived a life where I had to write voluntarily even
though no one was forcing me to write. The result is hmm... a li le? feel
like this
Even if it was a feeling, I wrote it voluntarily anyway.
So, I have the guts to do what I need to do today, even if no one tells me to
do it.
That changed from wri ng to daily physical training.
Even if that rou ne is possible, there are mes when it really seems like it's
going to go away. Outside, the chaos, destruc on, and despair of the
demonic terror incident are on their knees, but the inside of the temple is
a different world.
I was sober

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 73

'Honestly, as a human being, I think we should play today. Today is the last
day of the holiday. uh? Even if the bones aren't fermented, are you ge ng
hair loss all this way? Don't you know how terrifying it is?'
'hair loss?'
'Gramma. If you exercise too hard, your hair will fall out. The root of your
hair is more important than your life. Follow me before you regret it.
'Are you losing your hair?'
'no it's not! Absolutely not! I've never been! It's called ubiquitous! uh. One
of them will thank me.'
A er Sunday morning training, I drag Ellen to the main street.
came out to She lost her hair, but she didn't seem to believe my dog. It
bothered me so much, so I just gave up
It was like
S ll, if it was before, just grab it and reject it
I would have done it, but I see you following me reluctantly
I feel like I'm very close with him now.
I hear,
| Anyway, people are a li le bit of a change of mood.
the law has to do
No ma er how I look at it, I think I did more than Count Asura.
If you look back a week now, you decide to cause a terrorist incident in the
Yellow Capital, succeed in that, and then go back to the temple and whine
to your classmates to go out to play on the weekend.
what am i
“What do you want to eat? I will buy it.”
We skipped lunch at the temple, so we plan to go eat first.
It was. Beggars are forbidden to go outside the temple. Walk around the
inside of the temple grounds. You could do anything
“Not cheonggukjang.”
Ellen said succinctly, knowing that if you say anything, I'll buy you a hellish
No, is it such a deplorable thing?
“...I thought you liked cheonggukjang?”
“I ate it because it was there.”
“It’s shocking…”
He didn't seem to want to eat it. It's strange, I'll be craving for this
The me has come. Of course, the number of experiences
Maybe it's because I wrote
It seems that it s ll takes me to make this guy an idiot.
“Then you mean anything other than cheonggukjang is okay?”
“I hate weird things.”
Ellen looked at me and she cut it off.
On Tuesdays, I have a swordsmanship class with Ellen, so I tend to eat
lunch together. That's why every me I recommended something strange, I
had a hard me ea ng it.
has many mes
A typical example was durian. I don't know why, but it was. A er ea ng,
Ellen spit it on her pavement, the one who usually doesn't.
She then groaned as she held onto the wall.
“Why, this is all an experience.”
There must be drunken tofu or something like that
Because it's the same, I want to eat something like this...
"no. You like weird things.”
It's not that you like weird things, but your reac on to ea ng weird things
is good.
Seriously, if I keep doing this thing for a day or two, I think I'll get really
“I just want some meat.” |
In the end she decided that Ellen thought she wouldn't let her leave it to
me so she decided on her own menu.
“Yes, you are finally overcoming your choice barrier.”
I wrapped it up as if it was an asce c for le ng me take control of the
menu myself, and Ellen took the lead as if she wasn't an asshole.
“Not enough.”
“Then I ate more… no, no. No."
When I tried to tell Ellen to eat more of the 400-gram sirloin steak, I
shrugged it off.
all. If I asked him to eat more, my pocket money seemed to run out.
“It’s just crossing the line to eat ten plates here.”
It is one of the most reasonably priced shops on Temple Main Street. Even
if you have a lot of money, you need to be prepared to rob your wallet, not
to the level of a big decision to feed this guy.
Ellen wants to see if she looks pale
it was awesome Of course, for others
It's always the same face.
Surprisingly easy to read
she is a guy
"Oh okay! Eat one more!"
“Then Porterhouse.” “ just varies.”
I just took it out
“Conscien ously, dessert is what you buy. This is the original floor rule.”
Ellen, who shredded the steak not to be offended even if it was not the
most, is a dessert.
Let's go eat and obey my words
nodded the dog. The main street had not only restaurants, but also cafes
and entertainment facili es.
I just set it as yes, but I never described what it was except for a few, but
there were a lot of them.
- Whoops!
And I don't know why, but there were places that sounded like ba ng
grounds, no, ba ng grounds? What did you replace the pitching machine
scene with?
Anyway, Irum’s representa ve shot
A pitching machine using a magic stone? Oh. Then it's understandable
It wasn't just that.
I wondered what the sound was, but it was the sound of a bowstring
- Got it!
In some cases, the shoo ng range was changed to a bow instead of a gun.
There seemed to be a version replaced with a dart, ah, what's the
difference between this and Hyundai? I guess I just put it together because
I lack imagina on.
Oh, and that's me.
This is the era of the modern medieval fantasy
Every me I realized that it was a bizarre genre, I felt a ngling in the back
of my head.
“I don’t think it’s this way.”
“It seems so.”
We're looking for a dessert shop, we're looking for a place full of
didn't say As I was about to turn around, I heard a voice I had never heard
before from somewhere.
- Ah, ah! Ah. This is not right! Ah
From a nearby store, a youthful voice, as if a lot of drugs had gone up, was
heard. back hair
I only looked wet, but I didn't know what I was doing
Trembling and struggling, I take one step at a me
was crawling
- Pick!
"Oh! I missed it!"
Without even knowing how to shoot an arrow,
The way it was pulled up looked very thin.
all. It's a pity, it's Nabal, and I think I'm was ng money in the first place.
As I got closer, I saw a face that I knew.
“Hey, senior.” “Ugh!”
That li le guy was startled when someone called him and missed his bow.
"What are you doing here?"
"You, you... you?"
It was Redina, a young senior with a history of talking vaguely when I hit
one the other day.
“Did you come to play alone? What about my brothers and sisters?”
She seemed sure to walk around alone. If anyone went with me, this li le
boy would be a jerk
There was no way I would have le him shaking and archery. Because there
was no hope at all.
At my words, Rdinah Barak exclaimed.
“It’s not my brother and my sister, but my friends!”
"Oh, why are you screaming?"
Anyway, he had a lot to say. Adri said that he was very worried about me
being hurt, not only for speaking harsh words to the weak-minded kid, but
also during the duel.
Because I heard from Ana.
Anyway, I wanted to apologize a li le, but I didn't come across anything.
But this
To see you in such a harsh place...
When I tried to see what they were doing, it was a shoo ng range that
looked like an archery range. In the end, the method of ge ng a prize
according to the score obtained by hi ng the target was the same.
However, the target was quite far from me, and it seemed that this li le
boy would be able to hit it a er about two years.
“…No, you thought this was going to happen and fell for it?”
No ma er how hard it seems, this clenched man is also this guy, but the
boss who let him do it without hesita on seems to have a problem too. Is
this enough?
When he looked at the prizes, they were all dolls. What is this obvious
“It doesn’t ma er, so don’t disturb me and go quickly.”
Redina pushed me hard as if not to disturb me.
“No, I don’t know what you want, but can I do it for you?”
At those words, Ledina's complexion changed slightly.
“No, I was sorry last me, and to be honest, I also told Adriana-senpai
about this.
I heard a lot. I was going to apologize, but the ming didn't come out, and I
also apologized for what I said. If you tell me what you want, I will get it.”
I do not know it well, but I am confident that I can shoot be er than you.
Le Dina sighed and handed her the bow to me.
“What do you want?”
What Rdina was poin ng to was an incredibly bear-shaped stuffed toy. hate
When I asked what I would like to have on the topic that I was giving out a
lot, I saw that he pointed right away, so the real kid is a kid.
Anyway, it's a big one...
...the number one product.
"uh. Well."
I pay a one- me payment
provoked a protest
I am a shrine
Of course it couldn't be.
You have to shoot an arrow ten mes and hit the 100-point target ten
mes to get 1000 points. However
That's why Redina is aiming for ten thousand points
It was the right product to get.
“...what is the difference between you and me?”
I recorded a score of receiving only the basic prize of 120 points in total.
That said, it wasn't much different from the bakery. Redina couldn't even
pull the protest properly, but I'm interested in the subject that can pull the
Since the number is so small, in reality, I am more serious.
Without superpowers, I wouldn't have even hit the target in the first place.
It was my first me shoo ng a bow itself, so I want to think that even
hi ng the target was a great thing.
"Uh, hmmm! It's... not going well?"
“What, you pretended to be nice.”
Le Dina didn't even know her horns, so she had an a tude of why she
pretended to be good-looking.
“This is just a taste, is it real from now on?”
I paid the owner a one- me fee again.
“I said I would win, but I didn’t say I would.”
I'm going to eat first place right away
I didn't think.
"Hey, show me."
I handed the bow to Ellen at first.
Le Dina opened her eyes wide and stared blankly at the tenth arrow that
hit the 100-point target.
I also had the same reac on.
Even the boss had the same reac on.
By pulling the bow a few mes,
It seemed like he was looking at the tension, but roughly every me he
shot a pick, he hit the 100-point target.
“Have you ever shot a bow?”
"how many."
His talent for weaponry encompasses his talent for all weapons. Even
Does it make sense to put them all in ten thousand points because you
haven't shot a few mes? Isn't this a scam? And honestly, that target isn't
even close.
The president handed a large teddy bear to Ellen as the first prize with a
shaky expression.
“Hey, student. Professionals do this
it's not I'll give it to you this me, but not next me. Understand?"
Obviously, if a guy with archery talent does this, it will be wiped out, so I
can understand the president's remarks. Of course, Ellen wasn't really an
archery talent, but
She stood gaily as Ellen was holding a teddy bear she was almost the size of
her own. Le Dina stared blankly at the teddy bear and Ellen, seemingly
Ellen silently handed the large teddy bear to Le Dina. “Uh, huh? are you
giving me?” “I don’t need it.” “Wow, whoa! Thanks mate! You are a good
Ellen respected Redina as a senior. Le Dina was so moved that she was
holding a teddy bear bigger than her own.
was building
“Hey, the bow is yours, but the money is mine.
I paid for it, so I'm not giving it to you?"
“……Yes, hit it.”
Ledina looked at me with a gaze almost as if she was looking at me with a
condescending remark.
“You have all kinds of problems, but the most important thing is to say
things you shouldn’t be doing.”
“The biggest problem is that. Thank you for the compliment.”
Redina is happy to finally receive a present
But when I made her angry again, her face turned red. for a while too.
LeDina looked at Ellen, her eyes twinkling.
“There you are! junior Can't you do that too?"
What Ledina was poin ng at was tossing a dart on the other side of her.
She didn't know what the first prize was, but it was obviously something
like a doll. Ellen nodded her head slightly as if she couldn't do anything.
no these kids.
“No, how are you going to carry one teddy bear with you while the other is
“Is that so…?”
Holding a teddy bear is pathe c
It looks low, but if another one is added, how are you going to take it to the
dormitory? of course
I can listen, but it's annoying.
“Okay, let’s go get something sweet.”
"Oh! My doll!”
I grabbed Ledina's teddy bear from her and ed it to her side.
At a nearby dessert cafe, the three of us sat down and each chose a drink
and dessert we wanted to drink. It was full of sweets, from cakes and
macarons to ice cream.
Originally, Ellen had decided to buy it, but there was also Ledina, so I
decided to buy it.
I made tea.
Le Dina ate a li le cake and ate her body
trembled. Ellen has no reac on.
But, as always, he began to eat diligently.
I didn't touch the dessert, just sipping the tea. Le Dina lted her head as
she looked at me whether I was weird like that.
“Do you like that?”
I don't know about the taste of tea. Yes, I had tea. There was coffee, but I
didn't want to drink it. Reddy, what is it with me sipping on the taste of it?
He opened his mouth slightly as if he wanted to see all the bizarre things.
“Just why are you ea ng?”
“It’s just black tea, but I don’t like sweet things.”
I hate sweets, and black tea is just that. So I made tea. Redina
She looked at me like I was a more bizarre one.
“I hate sweets, but what do you come for dessert?”
“I want you to buy him. just you and me
You look like you like sweet things.”
Le Dina said she had nothing to eat.
I was slightly moved by the words that I came here to buy you guys, so I
widened her eyes. “I don’t like sweets either.”
I snorted at Ellen's words.
“Damn it, even if you don’t like sweets, it doesn’t ma er because you like
to eat too much.”
"You're right, can't you just say that?"
I don't really like sweets
He was ea ng the hardest. Even Rdinah is ea ng metallurgy
But she was staring blankly at Ellen ea ng and drinking without a break.
“Sister. Then you get fat.”
To her slightly worried words, Ellen answered plainly.
“I’m not losing.”
In response to that answer that completely made people shy, Rdina stared
at me with a firm expression on her face.
Is it possible that he is young?
It looked like a ques on. “I really don’t know what kind of body it is.
But he’s a crazy guy who only works out all day, so he doesn’t really gain
“Ah… you have a figh ng talent. It seemed like it would be. And why do you
keep saying the same thing… No. It’s okay.”
Le Dina shook her head as if to admit she wasn't an asshole when I told
“Anyway, I just wanted to say sorry.”
When she brought up her main point, Le Dina sighed as if she was bowing
"done. A er all, you won the duel anyway.”
As if she had already won the ridiculous duel, it was all over, and Le Dina
didn't seem to want an apology. And she laughed at Le Dina bashfully.
“Honestly, I hate you too, but I hate that senior more.”
Mayaton, who dueled with me, has a reputa on
It certainly didn't seem like this nice guy. So instead of winning
Le Dina seemed to feel refreshed by her.
“Is he that bad?”
“I have to educate you guys.
It was the senior who did it. I don't know, I don't even want to say anything
else. no."
She is the youngest and has a weak heart because she skips grade A class,
so she forced Le Dina, who could not say anything bad about her, to
discipline her juniors.
No, but boy, she says she can't say anything bad to other people, so I'm a
perverted bird.
Aren't you being a bit harsh on me right now, talking nonsense while
talking about meals?
Of course, I have nothing to say because I have commi ed a crime.
long though.
“By the way, how old are you?”
"me? fi een years old.”
Of course, compared to my classmates, there is a huge age difference
whether I skipped or not, but I am two years younger than my first year.
you're fi een
You are living with these things.
Once again, I realized how much I was among the children. | “What is your
"Ah... you don't know."
“You should have told me.”
What the heck was it that made me skip grades for 3 years?
“My major is magic.”
His major is magic. Saying that, Rudy
I spread my hand out.
And then, a small flame rose above his grasp. A flame just sprang out of his
grasp without any warning.
“…Is it superpowers?”
Like Pyrokinesis?
"No. It's magic."
- Break! Break up!
The li le sparks disappeared, this me on the palms of my hands, and
small sparks started flying from above. Ellen was also blankly staring at
Redina's palm.
"What's this?"
Without any warning, sparks and electricity were generated in the palm of
his hand, and this me he li ed the spoon without touching it.
what? Mul ple superpowers? Is there such a thing?
“Because it’s all magic.”
Le Dina smiled and took her spoon in the air, cut a small piece of her cake
with it and put it in her mouth.
magic skills.
“They say no cas ng.”
It was then that I realized why he looked like a superpower.
If it was magic, there was no cas ng process that he had to go through. Of
course, right now, it was the lowest level magic.
Higher level magicians can cast low-level magic without cas ng, but later,
she can use high-level magic without cas ng.
What, I never set anything like that.
"I'm second year A-1."
Adriana was number A-2, who had tremendous talent for divine power and
had excellent physical abili es.
A sophomore with even more talent is a kid in front of you, not anyone
this was

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 74

Skipping is basically about having a good brain
possible. So, magic skills
You can guess to some extent that
It was. If it was a magic that could be used, the ability to use it immediately
without cas ng was definitely worthy of high praise.
In the first place, there must be a level of intelligence that can understand
magic and a talent related to mana management, so no cas ng is probably
the most characteris c talent, not the only one.
It's a great one to do once.
“It’s a magical talent, but it seems to be similar to a superpower. I don’t
know for sure.
It is also a superpower and also a magical talent.”
At Le Dina's words, I and Ellen nodded her head. As it is a superpower
related to magic, there is no law that it does not exist. Of course, it is quite
surprising that I have a superpower that I have never even set before, but
| ...In the beginning, in this world, there were no superpowers.
From the beginning to here, there is no reason or need to set it up like this.
If you look closely, you have abili es that I don't know.
It is natural to have superpowers, but
S ll, the ability of no cas ng is prac cal.
is a powerful ability in Depending on how he grew up, he had the poten al
to become a huge guy.
Redina sighed as she ate the ice cream.
“But then what do you do? no power
If you hit it, this is the end.”
You have to have the decep ve ability to buy it
If you don't have enough magical power
A er all, it is nothing more or less than a portable lighter.
Magic is the most convenient and powerful ability. Right now, even the
super high-ranking wizard, El Reris, has very few things he can't do,
including movement, camouflage, and a ack. Wizards are almost
Therefore, it requires a lot of prerequisites.
It is a basic condi on to be smart, and you will need the ability to have
enormous magical power, you must also have talent for controlling magic,
and you must also have talent for the corresponding magic field.
Of course, this is a condi on for Daesung, but if you can't have all of them
and one side is weak, it's difficult to make it.
The best example of the importance of the Magical Rang is Elerys, as far as
I know.
It has so much magical power that it can cast Mass Teleport in succession.
And now I got it back, but if there is a firework of fire, it seems that it can
be used as a cas ng only for summoning flames, and if it only supports the
amount of mana, it seems that the Pyrokinesi
is just usable.
Rdina also has a strong talent for the use of magic itself, and she can
It looks like he has a good head, but the amount of mana
This seemed pre y low.
Even if you know how to use magic, in the end
If the amount of mana that can be handled is insufficient, the magic will
not be ac vated.
“It will get be er if you do that. I am s ll young.” |
What do you do when you're only fi een and whining that my mana is too
“I say so…”
Le Dina sighed as if she didn't know. When she says something like that
while ea ng macarons, it is only cute.
| What should I do when a fi een-year-old kid has a huge talent in his
hands? Seeing what he's doing is beyond ridiculous levels.
“Would you like me to tell you something that makes you feel be er?”
"Huh? What? Why are you feeling be er?”
The guy looked at me and lted her head as if I was talking about
something that made me feel be er all of a sudden.
“It’s a cra y thing to be human by nature, and I’m glad to hear of cases
worse than you. I’m not that good. It’s going to be like this.”
First of all, this is similar to catharsis.
It's also a concept.
“...if you feel good about things like that, you seem to be a bad person.”
"No, because people are like that?"
Looking at the lives of the poorest, I s ll
I mean, you're a guy who grew up in a public educa on that says you're
be er than them. In some countries, it is also used in public educa on.
That's the way! You live be er than them.
Ah? uh? Be grateful and live without complaints! Is it like this?
“Oh my God, there are some guys who are gi ed with huge magic but have
no ap tude for using magic.”
“What, what?!”
When she heard me, Le Dina had her face fla ened and even lost the
macaron she was holding.
“I was born with a lot of magical power, but I’m not good at mana
management? lie! Where is that!”
It sounded so absurd. It's a bizarre sound to the extent that he was born
with a huge amount of muscle but couldn't use that power because he
didn't have any tendons. Le Dina frowned, telling her not to lie.
“It’s the story of Cayer Bioden in our class.”
It wasn't me who answered, but Ellen, who was silent.
It was surprising that Ellen answered instead, but it was even more
surprising that he had put Cayer's talent in his head.
“Do you remember something like that?”
“……You said it before.”
On the first day of the temple, I heard Kaier say that he was ap tude for
huge magical powers and ill-suited for mana management. He seems to
have remembered that
Le Dina Cursed For Her Genuine Talent
The teeth of Cayer who was born with a silver talisman
As she listened to the story, she couldn't help but open her mouth and she
didn't say anything for a while.
Kaier was born with a tremendous talent called giant magic, so he was
born with a huge amount of magical power, and his magic growth is huge,
but his magic is not used.
Because he has a talisman, he cannot use that magic arbitrarily. So he's
class A, but he's number 10, so there's a lot of ignorance of class B. There is
no place to find self-esteem
because it is not in
He's like a dam without a sluice gate.
“That… what about him?”
Le Dina's face has turned white and she's worried about her junior with
that damned talent.
She seemed to be star ng to cry.
“Anyway, seniors aren’t like that, are they? how is it? Did your worries go
away as soon as you heard it? Phew, it's not me, so it's all good, did you
think like this?"
A er hearing the worst case, Redina
He was worried about Cayer as he realized that things were much be er.
She must have felt relieved immediately upon hearing of a worse case than
herself, and she would feel guilty about it.
She opened her mouth blankly, Le Dina, and she immediately turned her
face red and she called out to me.
“You filthy scum! You are such a bad guy!”
Seeing me despising her classmate and raising her senior's pills at the same
me, Le Dina screamed at her.
Redina has other classmates
Almost all of them went back in me for her school closure.
It seemed that she was walking around her temples, sucking her alone.
When she sees that she con nues to go out with her a er finishing her
dessert, it seems that she was bored of her wandering around alone.
“It’s very quiet.”
She said that Le Dina, no ma er how many people she used to get out of,
she seemed unfamiliar with the incredibly sluggish Temple.
“There must be an impact from that incident.” To be precise, it's my case.
Some people were missing, but there were very few students on Main
Street. We were the only ones in the dessert cafe,
“Did the demon king resurrect to take revenge on us?”
There were rumors floa ng around, of course, and everyone was
fantasizing about this situa on in their own way.
Even this story that the demon king may have been resurrected to take
revenge on humans.
It would be a possibility that not only Rdina thinks, but also other people
think of it.
“That’s something you don’t know.”
At my words, Redina looked up at me. Her big eyes filled with fear. Her fear
was completely understandable. The previous incident was that even the
emperor was within the range of the demon remnant.
Because it is not the same as it turned out to be
“What if that’s really the case? Artori
Us is dead. who kills the devil
Whoa then?”
Ellen is Artorius' younger brother.
The temple students who know this are me and Vertus, and Charlo e has
to hit more. Redina is just saying. Artorius will go beyond a personifica on
and almost become a deity.
And the personified and deified person is not talked about by the
standards of an ordinary person. Beyond that stage, they are treated like
Redina Artorio, the hero of mankind.
I mean, but Ellen will think of her brother as a member of her family.
Ellen has her own brother figh ng the Demon Lord
Do you think that it is treated like a tool? Ellen made eye contact with me.
She wasn't sure what emo on was lurking in those calm eyes, but she
didn't look happy.
I spit the teddy bear on her side. “Then we should all perish together.”
“Where is that!” |
Ledina con nued to talk about what to do if the demon king resurrected
and invaded the empire, and Ellen was silent.
It's ironic.
The Demon King is dead.
However, there are demon princes who do not want to become demon
Artorius is dead. However, there is a younger sister of a hero who does not
want to become a hero.
As if I was Charlo e's foe a er all,
In any case, I finally came to the realiza on that I was the enemy of Ellen.
Two of my closest friends at the temple.
In fact, because of the fact that they are the people who will have the most
difficulty with my truth, my heart suddenly cooled.
“Thank you, junior! I will cherish the bear!”

Returning to the Royal Class dormitory, Redina thanked Ellen for giving her
a teddy bear and hugged Ellen ghtly.
- pat pat
Of course, she must have imagined her senior hugging her junior ghtly in
her own way, but no ma er how much she looked at her, she was holding
her own.
was the look. A er hugging Ellen, Redina looked at me with a narrow gaze.
“Reinhardt, you need to change your habit of being sharp on purpose.”
I realized again today that I'm a strange, open-minded bastard.
As if, Rdina admonished me.
"I'll try that in my next life."
“Oh really!”
- Quick!
“Go ahead!”
Redina eventually got pissed off, so no cas ng.
I smashed electric current magic on my cheeks
all. I jumped out of my seat because of the ngling sensa on.
"No, did you use magic on your juniors now?"
“What is this child! I know you are so lucky!”
Le Dina was in the mood to give her a real electric massage if she flirted
more. Redina looked at me and smiled mischievously.
“Anyway, thank you too. later i
I’ll buy you a tea!”
Then Gdina with those short legs
Hug the teddy bear and wobble
she went up the stairs
To a guy who can't speak harsh words to others
I always hear harsh words, is it magic?
me who makes me bi er
“Well, I guess I have the talent to force people who can’t get angry to get
angry at this level.”
So are Eren and Adriana.
Gordina as well.
It's really an achievement to listen to one voice or get one shot while
clenching and fussing.
I feel like I'm building It's funny because it's a joke that doesn't actually get
achievement points, but
“…you know that now.”
Ellen looked at me and she stared at me like she was crazy. We went back
to the first-year class A dormitory. In the hallway on the way back, Ellen
quietly called me.
“If the Demon King really had been resurrected.”
The guy must have been thinking about it. Ellen stops and looks at me.
“Do you think I have to fight the Demon King later?”
Le Dina didn't assume that she was whining, but she ended up figh ng the
demon lord and she herself. But she seemed to have Ellen con nuing her
She thought that Ledina and she should fight Artorius of course with the
Demon King. It's kind of like ordinary people
It was a natural idea for me. It is natural for a hero to fight a demon king,
and people think that way.
But she says Ellen and she herself has more superior quali es than
Artorius. she knows
So, if the Demon King was resurrected and war broke out again.
If she knew Ellen that she was Artorius' sister.
People would of course think that Ellen had to fight the Demon King. She
will think that she has no one to face the Demon Lord except for Ellen.
Of course, she's not quite ready yet, but one day she will firmly believe that
Ellen will defeat the Demon King.
She has no inten on of risking her life for Ellen to save her world. She just
knows she will be forced to do it. She asks Ellen that's why she is. Do I think
the same way as Redina?
In a way, her Ellen ques on is arrogant. She is convinced that she has the
quali es to defeat the Demon King. Of course, because it's real, it's
nothing but
“I wish I hadn’t.”
Ellen seemed curious as to why.
“Without you, I have to eat alone.”

...I'm serious.”
Ellen subtly narrowed her brow as if she didn't want to say anything
“I’m serious too, kid.”
I sighed and crossed my arms, watching the sunset outside the temple
look up
“I don’t plan on ea ng with you for the rest of my life, but it’s kind of like
not having a meal with you for the rest of my life.”
I don't want you to die.
In the end, that's just what it meant. Ellen is
She was facing me with her back to the sunset
all. She was backlit, so she couldn't see what kind of expression she was
"You mean you don't want me to die because of your needs?"
“There are people who ask you to die for us, and there are people who ask
you not to die for me, right?”
I couldn't see the expression on Ellen's expression at my words.
Perhaps, she seemed to be smiling.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 75
Since the fes val has been canceled, all official schedules must have been
canceled as well. so it's monday
Returning to work, Charlo e and Bertus did not look very red.
Monday when the regular curriculum started again.
The atmosphere of the en re temple was very deeply submerged. It is not
simply a ma er of royal class, but the expressions of people passing by are
dark or tense.
there seemed to be
| It was enough to feel that the en re atmosphere of the temple was
down. un l yesterday
If it was gloomy because there were no people, now it is sluggish even
when there are people.
The pressure was quite heavy.
And right now in that temple, the ones that are the most sluggish and sunk
are none other than Temple Royal Class 1st graders, A and B classes.
“You must know that the safety of the temple is comparable to that of the
Imperial Castle. As long as you don't go outside the temple, your safety is
definitely guaranteed."
Mr. Epinhauser was giving a message.
“However, due to the unusual occurrence of this kind of incident in the
zodiac, each parent
Temple is also fully aware that this can be a concern. I'll put safety first,
though. If you think it is dangerous, you can apply for a leave of absence.
Obviously, since they are children of a prominent family, there is a high
possibility that the emperor will decide that the emperor is in danger and
have them quit the temple.
there was. So now the temple is unusual
I will deal with a leave of absence during the semester
is to say In an unprecedented situa on
Because it is a law that requires unprecedented measures.
Wait, a vaca on?
“Tell me four mes.”
It was Harriet de Saint-Touan who suddenly raised his hand.
“What happens when I take a leave of absence? Can I just come back next
“No, if you take a leave of absence now, you will be paid. It is possible to
have students take the common educa on in the second semester without
taking all of the first semester of common educa on.
there is no There is a common curriculum
I can’t help it.”
He said that he would allow me to take a leave of absence, but I had to be
prepared for the delay. dog
Even if you apply for a separate professor course, the common educa on is
implemented on Mondays and Thursdays.
is becoming If you take a leave of absence from the first half and get
promoted to the grade just by listening to the second half, you can only get
one semester a year in the first place.
you can go
In the first place, I never introduced the concept of a leave of absence.
It's there, but it's not a university.
But now, an unprecedented terrorist a ack has taken place, so the se ng
that I did not use is
was popping out. The system that allows you to take a leave of absence
when you want to take a leave of absence starts a er gradua ng from
higher educa on, which is equivalent to a graduate school. Now, the leave
of absence is acknowledged, but paid is unavoidable.
Watching the future get tangled in real me felt like a brain freeze.
Anyway, if you take a leave of absence, your pay is confirmed. I'm forced to
kneel for a year. There is no one who likes to be paid, but he is a crane in
the dangerous zodiac
If it is judged that teaching life is more dangerous, it can be paid as much
as possible.
Soon, the guy taking a leave of absence will drop out of this class itself.
Each and every one of them is a member of the main story, and if even one
is le out, the story will definitely deviate significantly from what I
expected. Already deviated, but more deviated.
It's a daily thing now, but later I
These are the guys who will spend a lot of money, who is one year?
are you delaying?
It's difficult.
And that's why I asked that in the first place
It was Riot.
“No. 4, are you willing to take a leave of absence?”
"Oh that...."
Harriet seemed to be paying a en on to the people around him, and then
burst into tears.
“My parents said it was dangerous…”
Number 4 in Class A. Heriot de Saint-Toine of Magical Talent.
The guy I used to make fun of because he doesn't have bubbly hair and has
a cute appearance.
He is the most loved of the Saint-Ouen family.
She is the youngest daughter to receive. So, even if there is a limit to being
paid, it was quite possible that she wanted to get her daughter-in-law out
of the dangerous empire.
“A er the inquiry, I will follow you.”
“Sir, I want to be consulted.”
"Three mes, you too."
Harriet One as well. Even Liana de Granz, who had been silently able to
electrokinesis, raised her hand.
If this goes on, an unprecedented situa on in which two people in A-class
will escape.
get sick,
The karma comes in real me.
A karma called the Bu erfly Effect.
“And number 11.”

My head is about to get complicated, Epin
Mr. Hauser called me. Most of the glances are like, what else have you
It was the gaze.
No, it's just my name, what's the point of being treated like someone who
bought everything?
“It’s one store. Even if I don't tell you the reason, will you understand?"
"Ah. Ah. Yes."
Then I remembered that I had saved Ellen and decided to get a shop.
Everyone was astonished that the troubled child had received the store.
Even if you pay a year's pay, the kids won't run away, but in the end, they
These guys are related to Tori. Of course, it doesn't ma er if it's a story
that ends with only the temple life, but a er the gate is opened, each one
is a big power.
They also have sequences in which they grow and become stronger in their
own stories, and it is impossible to know what will happen if they leave the
class. It doesn't look like it's going to be a surplus, but it should s ll be in a
conspicuous place.
While they were contempla ng what to do, Harriet and Lily seem to have
come to counseling.
Ana took the class silently.
Regardless of whether the two of them were going on a leave of absence
or not, the class atmosphere was thin ice the whole me.
Most of my classmates seemed to be curious as to why I got the store, but
that didn't ma er.
“So, if we subs tute this formula like this…”
At worst, even the teacher could see that he was nervous. Teachers must
have educated some of their precious children, so they might be used to it,
but now, I can feel it's no cing.
That's Bertus's eyes.
Last week, a terrorist incident occurred in the Yellow Capital where
demons were expected to be the suspects. As a result, all the fes vals of
the zodiac were canceled and the honor of the imperial family and the
empire fell to the ground.
Victory in the Demon World War is actually a lie
It's nothing but gossip
it will be a plate
So Bertus is a huge cyclone.
It is clear that it will work, and it will be inconvenient to plant it for
No one wants to do anything other than the obvious prince's eyes.
I was in the back seat, so I couldn't see what Bertus looked like in the front.
However, everyone was listening intently to class in silence, feeling as if
they were walking on thin ice.
Likewise, the teacher only diligently conducts classes and has a strong
desire to open quickly.
Lunch break is one hour.
And it was the same at lunch me as it was a thin ice sheet. that's awesome
It was a landscape.
It was true that the atmosphere of the current yellow zodiac was quite
bad, but the atmosphere of the Temple was also quite bad. However,
lunch me, when all grades were ea ng, was chilly. I can only hear the
sound of the dishes moving quietly,
No one spoke loudly enough to hear their voices.
Of course it has to be, this is Berto.
There is also Charlo e.
Even though they were only first-year students, it was obvious that the
princess and the prince were not in a good mood, so even the seniors had
a quiet meal. Once again, even if they did nothing in the Royal Class, it was
felt that they had a great presence.
There are people who don't even no ce.
This is the case with Ellen Artorius, who started having lunch together at
some point.
Of course, she's a shy guy by nature, so it doesn't really ma er if you look
into her eyes or not. It's definitely just binge ea ng, bringing it back, ea ng
it and repea ng it.
Even so, I usually felt a li le buzzing.
Hundreds of people are si ng in this huge restaurant, but the sound of
dishes is real
It was a creepy feeling.
Neither Bertus nor Charlo e looked par cularly bad, but neither did they
look good. They were ea ng quietly, but neither of them spoke anything to
each other.
This is it. I will lay To be honest, it's true that I'm a li le bit obsessed with
Are there people in their thir es who are looking out for seventeen kids?
“If you just look at it, there doesn’t seem to be a sequel to yours.”
Ellen was eager to eat her without saying a word.
And in this silence, many eyes were fixed on me, who opened my mouth.
No, I'm going to say it with my mouth. What?
A ernoon gym classes are now at a level that can be followed to some
extent. Of course, with those who belong to the physical monsters by my
is s ll incomparable, but
Perhaps it was thanks to steady exercise, I felt that my physical strength
improved overwhelmingly compared to those majoring in magic or non-
combat. “Reinhardt, don’t use your superpowers. Kyung
It seemed that I was pre y good at running, so my gym teacher took me
out of it and gave me a lot of a en on. The gym teacher seemed to think
that my sudden jump was some sort of foul using my superpowers.
“You didn’t write it?”
"I've heard that it's your psychic physical strengthening, isn't it?"
“It’s true… but I didn’t write it anyway.”
It's true that I didn't actually write it.
Of course, when figh ng Ellen or training alone, I keep using it to get used
to using my superpowers in real life, but I deliberately didn't use it in class
because I was afraid I would hear anything.
The teacher narrowed the brow at my plea.
“...a guy who didn’t even know how to run properly un l recently had his
new stamina.
did it get so good? Tell them to believe what they believe.”
Even though the teacher is different for each subject, the teachers keep
track of the children's profiles. I have awakened my super powers. Even the
teachers will know all about this.
The guy who had been bullying un l not long ago suddenly jumped so well,
I seemed convinced that I was using my superpowers.
“No, because you really didn’t write it?”
But when I said that I did something I hadn't done before, my fever went
up. my pursuit
The teacher's expression wrinkled at the words, and the atmosphere of the
stadium, which was s ll chilly due to physical training, became colder.
While everyone is running, me and the teacher
was watching the
“Are you protes ng now?”
A gym teacher to your dear sons
In fact, he's a yangban who even gives ulcharyeo.
He was very tough and stubborn. If you don't have enough courage, you
can't even push the nobles down hard.
I'll do it.
But the way I suddenly approach you
It looked like the faucet was going to turn around.
“I was sta ng the truth, not a protest. I didn’t have any superpowers.”
Say it's not right Then say it's right? The teacher opened her eyes and said
The moment I was about to say
“Stand, sir!”
“...What is it, Ludwig?
Ludwig ran back and forth from afar.
I called the gym teacher.
“It’s been a while since Reinhardt got up every morning and worked out.
all! I've seen it all!"
Ludwig didn't even ask if he thought I'd be upset, but he started to protest
on my behalf. Reinhardt is training a lot as well as new wall exercises, so it
is natural for his physical strength to improve.
Wow, this is impressive enough, isn't it? Ludwig! You are the main
character too!
The gym teacher who listened to Ludwig
blew me away
“Is that true?”
“Yes, I do it alone and I’m like Ellen.
I’ve seen them do this many mes.”
No ma er what happened, the gym teacher, who was running at the same
tempo, looked at me alternately and Ellen, slowly nodded.
“Yeah, you were trying. Reinhardt, sorry for the misunderstanding.”
The gym teacher meekly admi ed his mistake. He's probably prejudiced
against me
there seemed to be Like a problem child who buys and hits here and there.
“Yeah, well… I think you can be suspicious enough.”
Now that the misunderstanding was cleared up, I had no reason to say
anything more. I could feel that the other students were also concentra ng
on this while pretending not to see them.
“Good luck Reinhardt!”
“Uh, thank you.”
Mee ng this guy every morning exercise helped me in the wrong place.
Hell training disguised as physical educa on class ends
me, except for a few, the kids are s ll
Washing in the shower with a dying sound
it started.
And all of a sudden, I don't hear death
belonged to the payer. At this point, there were only me, Bertus, Ludwig,
and Cliffmann.
The other guys looked at my body and started to gossip. The one who
didn't gossip was equally astonished to see me.
When Ludwig saw my body while washing, his eyes widened in surprise.
"Reinhardt... What's wrong with your body?"
It's because I'm so muscular.
"You have bruises all over your body. What is this?"
It's because the whole body is covered with black bruises.
“Even if you don’t want to be hit here and there with your training sword,
you fall, and you roll like this
"I got a bone disease like this. I'll have to go see the priest."
“What are you taking with you?”
It's a throbbing bruise that will reset again tonight when it recovers. with
It's rather fortunate that it ended like this.
In the first place, there are people who deliberately do not receive
treatment in order to get used to the pain itself.
You might get seriously injured later, but I don't want to roll over and over
because I'm in pain, and I can't do my job.
Everyone sees my body full of shit and thinks I'm a fucking bastard
seemed to do
“You seem to be working hard Reinhardt, okay.”
- tuk tuk
Suddenly, as Bertus washed up and le , he tapped my shoulder and
No, you bastard, if you hear something like that while you're washing your
clothes naked
did you? Everyone seemed to be astonished to hear what Bertus had told
Those words that seem like nothing today
These were the first words Bertus spoke of.
So is it stronger?
It was as if he had said it without much thought, so it became more
At the end of the physical educa on class and a er the closing ceremony
liver. Mr. Epinhauser le , and the children began to prepare to go back one
by one.
It was stressful for everyone to have to live like a dead mouse in silence all
Ji. It's like going out of hell
Everyone quickly ran out of the classroom. Among them, the most hasty
was the number 9 Erchi de Rafa.
It was Eri.
And, as always, he had a chronic illness that made him quarrel with
Scarle , who was leaving the class next door.
Likewise, looking at Scarle on the way home from school, the mood is
black today.
Like ins nct, I forgot Scarle 's hair
"Hey, dog eyes."
With a shuffling sound in the back of the head, Scarle shook her body
with a low scream because of the sudden bea ng in the back of the head.
“I told you not to stand out.”
I spit out a word of contempt like that
would have tried to pass by. always
It's always been like that, because everyone looked at it and ignored it.
My words to just close your eyes and slap you didn't seem to have any
effect on Scarle . At this rate, it seemed that Scarle would be bullied for a
while longer.
However, things were bad today.
It was bad for Erhi, not Scarle .
“You stand there.”
A voice that was so cold as to freeze, stopped Erhi's footsteps as it was
about to pass.
“Uh… huh?”
Not only Erhi stopped, but all the students who were about to leave school
As if me had stopped in the hallway. All in one person, just one word
stopped at
I told him to stand looking at Erhi, but his voice was so cold that everyone
it's hardened
“I was just trying to see just one, but I can’t.”
“Uh, what… what…?”
With an eerie cold expression
Staring at Lehi, the guy walks away.
He was supposed to help Scarle .
What a Ludwig
The only ones who can change such a planned story are those who were
not in the original script.
one of them is me
“What are you, why do you keep touching my child?”
And the other was Charlo e de Gradias.
“That, that… that…”
Scarle came from a humble origin, so she touched
it will Even if it was a B-class, Erhi had no inten on of making a big fuss
with the empress.
“What is that? Be sure to tell me.”
“He, he… he just feels bad…”
"From my point of view, my class is s ll
Don't you feel worse when you hit Smate for something that doesn't sound
like a red hair and red eyes?"
While he was doing what he normally does today, he touched Charlo e's
heart. Normally, she might have skipped it because she just didn't want to
make a fuss, but now Charlo e is in a very uncomfortable state.
In such a situa on, when I looked at the reel of such an annoying thing, it
was as if the heat had risen to the end.
"Hey, why is that? Okay. I'm fine.
I'll talk to you."
Bertus intervened in the ever-growing atmosphere. Charlo e stared
intently at Bertus.
“Are you going to talk to me?”
“Then, it’s a bad thing to do, so convince me not to do it in the future…” |
“Yes, please. Take good care of your people.”
Laughing hard at those cool words, the situa on
Bertus, who was trying to mediate, froze. Charlo e looks at Bertus.
She had a smile that was close to ridicule.
“Don’t let your people do anything like this that puts the honor of the
Empire away. Do your best.”
A er Charlo e said that, she grinned.
“Oh, you know we’re talking about Class A, right?”
Class B is mine and Class A is yours. talked from that point of view
It seems like it, but I'm on the other side
what was read
Bertus' expression hardened
is read from
Behind the black market was the power of Bertus.
Saying that you take good care of your people.
That's power or informa on for Bertus.
He scolded me to make sure I manage things a li le more.
it was Charlo e turns around, she stands blankly
She grabbed Scarle 's hand and grabbed it
She threw it away and walked out of the classroom together.
Bertus heard those words from his face.
She was dazed for a moment as she never thought she'd fall. Of course, it
will take a long me for him to regain his original a tude.
I don't know what it was, but it seemed that Bertus had been humiliated
because of him, so Erhi's complexion was pale and red.
“Uh, uh…”
“I think I was out of luck. My brother is in a bad mood today.” “Uh, uh… ah.
Bertus smiled so ly and gently pa ed the boy on the shoulder. Bertus
stares at Charlo e's back
he was smiling
“I really want you two to become friends.”
I think I know what that guy is thinking.
He is now saying that he has been insulted.
than itself. She was paying a en on to the fact that Charlo e had
a racted Scarle that she was mine.
She knows that knowing that someone is important to someone is a huge
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 76
A er school, Bertus is always together.
He called me to his room, not the tea me terrace where we were talking.
Bertus' room was not much different from mine. He wasn't more
glamorous or anything like that because it was a private room for the
However, he had a lot of books for a guy with the talent of a sword master.
He had some fitness equipment, of course, but there were more
bookshelves than that.
A hard-working villain. I don't think it's bad, but seeing everyone from the
other side is scary.
“Let’s have a cup of tea.”
"Uh what. Yeah."
Bertus made me a cup of tea himself. Rather than living in the imperial
castle where he was served by various things, Bertus seemed to like to do
things on his own.
He didn't reveal any kind of overwhelming superiority hidden inside, and
Bertus just seemed like a good guy.
“So, did you have a good rest during the holidays?”
“No, I think it was harder than usual.”
In fact, in the terrorist incident, his head seemed to be sharpened, and
a er that, it was a series of training and training that worked with Ellen to
the extreme.
On the contrary, the days off seemed to be ghter. Bertus laughed out
“It seems like it was. Look at your body.”
I must have said this a er seeing my body full of bruises, aside from the
fact that I had muscles. I'm really training with this clenched fist
That fact itself gives Bertus a high score.
If you value figh ng itself
Perfect as a Bertus minion
He's not me, he's Ludwig. He's the kind of guy who can go up to the level
of Ellen just by figh ng.
But why did he have to call me? I don't think I'm really calling you for a cup
of tea or something.
“Compared to the first me, it is remarkable
long year. S ll, training is good but too much
Don't do it to the point of hur ng yourself, ooh
Rin is growing up, isn't it?"
“It should be.”
As a child, Bertus warned several mes that overtraining is not a good idea.
It was something I was keeping in mind as well. I didn't ask or say anything
in the first place. Because I didn't want to be touched by a hedgehog for
“It’s not something else, I just called because I was curious.”
"How did you become friends with Ellen?"
Isn't it enough to focus on one's own situa on? Why all of a sudden
are you asking? Bertus scratched his head and laughed.
“No, I talked to him a few mes just to get to know him, but no ma er
what he does, he just does this... But you and I train together, and we talk
o en, right? I want to know if there is any secret.”
Obviously, Ellen can't talk to anyone except me.
Not even one classmate to share
there was no If you know Ellen's background, you're forced to
There must be a lot of people approaching Laura, but only Bertus knows
In the current class, Ellen's image is very good, but she's so blunt that it's
hard to approach her. That will be it.
“It’s hard to put into words.”
Come to think of it, I just happened to be like this, but when I asked him to
tell me how I could get to know him, I didn't get the hang of it.
“Uh… to be honest, I think we’ll get to know each other.
I think I was treated without this at all.”
“…I really don’t know.”
“Honestly, I don’t know.”
Bertus sighed at my stupid reply.
I haven't done anything very good to him. Strictly speaking, a er playing
around with me and taking my medicine, I ended up like this. Some mes
we eat together, some mes we eat together, some mes we ate together,
and we get it back because we're fussy about extreme discipline.
All of a sudden we became friends.
Of course, even if they became friends, nothing has changed.
"Anyway, Reinhardt, you're strangely talented? You're going through all
sorts of accidents here and there, but you've become close with Ellen, who
is the hardest to get close to, right?"
And even Bertus, whose level of talent at her present level is in fact
nothing, seemed to greatly overes mate Ellen's ability. Of course, there are
some things that focus on her background itself.
"I'm just asking, do you like him?"
“…No, not at all.”
It's good, but it's not that long at all. Why is Bertus suddenly asking such a
ques on? Bertus is my gin
He was staring intently at me as if he was trying to read Righteousness.
“Ummm… what. okay. you're so weird
Because it seems like you don't really care about girls. Aren't you calling
Saint-Touan a bummer?"
Bertus giggled as he thought I was just dealing with girls.
“It’s just that I’m not old enough to be interested.”
"...isn't he the age of interest?"
“I don’t think I am.”
I speak as if I am the subject, but others
This subject is To me, they're just cute li le babies. How nice it would have
been if you too were cute and cute for your age.
“But what if you like Gal, why are you asking this?”
“Hmm, why?”
Bertus was laughing out loud, but he didn't answer. Something
I think I have a plan, tell me everything
doesn't suck Well, I don't see any reason for this guy to be honest with me.
“Well, it’s a very later, if-of-event.”
As if he didn't want to say more, Bertus started a different fight.
S ll, considering the things I know about the se ng, he's interested in
Ellen's power, so he's a reasonable person to Ellen.
ro is not interested she won't be here forever,
So there would be no reason to care whether I like Ellen or not. Then why
did you ask...
“By the way, what do you think of this case?”
Bertus raises a subject that is too large to be diverted.
and came in
So while I listened, I doubted my ears.
“It’s about this case. won't know
isn't it?"
No ma er how good she looks at me, does she dare to ask for opinions
from someone from the street? Obviously, because I'm from the street,
there must have been a part where I wasn't very good at boundaries...
“Uh… I should have listened… I thought it was a big deal.”
I came up with an answer that was as simple as possible for the common
people to come up with. on the eclip c
The western demons have caused a terrorist a ack, isn't it a big thing, not
a small thing?
Bertus nodded his head slowly.
“Is that the end?”
As if there was an answer he was hoping for more, Bertus looked at me
and asked. water
Ron, seriously, I don't know what other answers you'll get, but I'll have to
come up with a different answer from the point of view of the mastermind
of the case. I can't.
It was. I'm going to say something
That in itself is already dangerous. speak
I might even say things that are unknown to me as if I knew them.
Bertus was suspicious of me and it didn't seem like anything at all.
I just want an unusual answer
It seemed
It feels like tes ng my insight.
Then the answer that came to mind was that. “Well… I wonder how this
happened now a er the end of the Demon World War, and I wonder why…
the Knights of the Crusades.
Maybe there was a collision, and maybe there's a reason other than what
is generally known... How much? I don't really know the details because
I'm s ll in the temple."
That was in line with what Ellen once ques oned me. There were other
reasons not to be seen on the surface. If not,
From the point of view of the demons, there is no need to fight the Knights
Templar with a bigger goal.
As if my words were valid, Bertus nodded his head.
“It’s about the cause, but…
It's hard to go into details, yeah
It’s not a reasonable idea.” |
Judging from what Charlo e said earlier, the power behind the black
market was the power of Bertus. Whether or not Bertus took the lead, he
eventually opened a black market there and the informa on was leaked to
the demons.
So please take good care of people
I heard shit In addi on to missing the demon prisoners in droves, an
unprecedented incident occurred in the Yellow Capital.
because it's crazy
But Bertus didn't look too bad. Under the assump on that what you see is
“As you know, there is no one else in the Temple I can talk to except you.”
"Oh yeah."
Knowing his true self, Bertus was someone he could talk to to some extent,
even in the imperial family, but within the Temple, he had no one to talk
Everyone's heads are s ll small, and right now, Bertus has a kind image.
because it is known as Bertus crossed his arms and narrowed his brow.
“There was a commo on and everything, but in fact, I was wondering if
this was such a bad thing.” |
That was quite a shocking remark for the imperial prince to say.
Bertus did not dare to warn him that he would be dead if he went
anywhere and talked about this. Because you'd think I'm the kind of guy
who rolls his head to the point where I don't go anywhere.
But isn't this such a bad thing?
The black market they had planned went awry, the imperial family and the
imperial face were all wrinkled, and they gave their poli cal opponents a
quarrel. But this is bad
are you?
“If it wasn’t for the Demon Realm, do you think the system of an empire
that governs the en re human land could have been completed?”
At Bertus' words, I widened my eyes.
“Without enemies, humans do not unite.”
“No, let’s say it differently? Humans make enemies to unite. Friends like
Scarle are like created enemies.”
Humans need enemies to unite. In order to unite, they deliberately assume
non-enemy enemies as enemies.
In small groups, bullying is the same.
When it gets bigger, the state assumes an enemy country and induces the
people to unite.
Humans must make enemies to unite. And those who induce unity are
ar ficial
set the enemy
Bertus is talking about
It was.
It is also the story of the Allied Forces and the Nazis, as well as the
communist and capitalist camps.
It was both a story and a story about all the problems that divided fac ons
over numerous unanswered issues.
In the end, it largely depends on the concept of bullying.
There is no difference, Bertus said.
do it
Make enemies to unite.
"Now that the Demon World War is over, the situa on in the empire will
gradually become unstable. The species themselves have come together
and the enemies to fight against are gone. Now it's me to take care of
their greed."
The existence of a huge adversary called the Demon Realm became a very
great cause for humans to unite.
That is why empires could exist. Thanks to none other than the existence of
the Demon Realm.
However, now that the Demon World War ended in victory, there was no
enemy le to unite and defeat. Bertus therefore foresaw a future in which
the empire would be divided in the future.
Actually, I have tried to proceed with such a story. To trigger a big event
when there is no longer a material as an everyday object.
I was trying to go for a scenario where the empires would break apart and
wars would start as the na ons split.
However, in the end, he chose to open the gate, so that road was not used.
Now, of course, Bertus doesn't know that the gate is open, so at this point
It's predic ng the event that is most likely to happen.
Humans who have lost their enemies divide themselves
Then, the empire will enter a golden age, but at the end of it, the war
between humans will begin through the quarrel.
If the gate does not appear, history
will definitely flow in that direc on.
“But at the same me, the demons were doing something like that in the
The power of the demon realm that I only thought was annihilated
I played quack in this zodiac.
That's why people pay tribute to the demon realm.
The ar llery lasts, and the empire can maintain the same solidarity as
when the demon realm existed as long as the fear lasts.
“Fear is very effec ve for governance and unity.”
Therefore, Bertus suffered a considerable loss, and this incident, which
people were terrified of, was more necessary for the Empire than ever. was
evalua ng
It was true that he suffered some damage, but Bertus was looking further.
The demonic terrorist incidents actually help the empire to remain.
In reality, the Darklands are already human.
Be aware that you can't be a threat to them
Letus would know. So, the ac ons of these guys, who are mere remnants,
can neither destroy the empire nor inflict significant damage. So, in the
end, their existence helps the Empire.
I had to agree to some extent with Bertus's bold point of view.
Seeing that, he seems like a guy who would actually like it if he knew that
the candidate for the Demon King was s ll alive. If the existence of the
enemy maintains the unity of mankind, the demon
I wish the prince would rather rebuild his power.
Because it can be said.
Of course, that's why I didn't do anything to reveal my iden ty in the first
place. Bertus seemed to be trying to see if I could think that far. Or, he
seemed to want to see if he had any signs of agreeing with his thoughts.
Is there such a reac on in the imperial family?
Trembling, Charlo e doesn't know what to think.
From the point of view of the mastermind, it is possible to feel in real me
how the event is received.
It was a very strange feeling.
I hope Airi and Elerys are doing well.
that's it,
I had more important things to do than that.
Herriot de Saint-Ouen and Liana de Granz.
If two people can take a leave of absence, it must be stopped somehow.
Harriet and I can't even be called close friends.
And I have never had a conversa on with Liana de Granz before.
what about Harriet seems to be able to say something, but in the case of
Liana, if someone you don't know very much tells you not to take a leave of
absence, you wouldn't even listen.
a er dinner,
Pu ng all your worries aside, for now I'm in the dormitory
I searched for Harriet at the company.
And, there was a problem.
“...Where did he go?”
In the magic lab, in your own private room,
There was neither the lobby nor the restaurant.
Come to think of it, the only person I know of a haunted loca on is Ellen. If
it's not in the dorm, you'll have to find it outside.
Fortunately, there was someone le to ask. Harriet wasn't in the magic lab,
but there was another guy.
I went back to the magic lab and opened the door.
“Uh, huh?”
A woman who answers with a slightly frightened feeling
In Class A, Herriot majored in magic and there were only two of them. So
the two are friendly.
A-7 Adelia.
Her talents include summoning magic and magic cra ing.
She specializes in summoning magic and making things with magic applied.
Magic cra ing skills are very important.
Magic cra ing is magic in a small way
It's like a lantern, but in a big way, it means that you can design things like a
horsepower train.
I've never had a conversa on like this with this guy, but it seems like he's
afraid of me because I've done something I've done so far.
“Where did you go?”
“Papa, papa.... is it ght?”
Calling Harriet Paktong made him feel terrified.
“Gramma. where did the dog go I can't see where he went."
The guy could feel he was thinking about it in real me. If you answer
about Harriet while looking for Pak Tong, you are acknowledging that your
friend's nickname is Pak Tong. He hesitates, only his lips
was trembling
"Ah, that's right. Do I do anything to you? I'm just asking where you are."
No, why are you trying to make a person a bad person? Honestly, I've never
been a fan of a quiet guy, have I? what is this
are you scared
...when you think about it, it's a bit scary. As I went out nervously, he shook
his head.
“He, he… because I have a job to use as a communicator…”
In the end, he acknowledged that Harriet's nickname was Pak Tong, so guilt
was evident on his face.
“Oh there?”
Although there is a disadvantage that the opponent must also have a
communica on magic tool, there was a place where communica on magic
could be used in the royal class dormitory. I don't have anything to use at
all, but if my parents are powerful enough or rich enough to have magic
tools for communica on, I'll be able to communicate with them regularly.
Anyway, it seems that Harriet was there now.
When business is over, I want you to leave
Adelia con nued to stare at me.
She didn't go far, so maybe she'll be returning to the dormitory soon.
Because of the me who knew me, I kept looking at my eyes to see what
was out of my hands.
“Hey, talk to me.” “Uh, huh? me or me?”
"Well then, who else is here besides you?"
Adelia was trembling even her hands, wondering if she was going to die.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 77

If the regular haun ng place of the figh ng talents is the dance hall, then
the fixed haun ng places of the magical talents.
is a magic lab. Even in private rooms
You can set up a research bench, but it's only natural that the facility here
is be er.
There are only two magical talents in Class A, so both of them use them.
There was no one to come in except the two of them, so what appeared to
be their personal items were sca ered here and there.
I don't know what's important, so I won't even clean it if you don't ask for
Gosh, it was a rip off.
“You party very much here.
I don't know why the dishes that look like they ate something are piled up
on one side, and why are the clothes lying all over the place. I have a messy
res ng table
I wiped the sofa next to me and sat down.
Adelia squa ed and sat across from me, her face shriveled up.
“Hey, ask me to clean up. what is all this? I'm not even cleaning it myself, is
it hard to say a word?"
“Ugh… okay…”
With a look like a child being scolded for some reason, Adelia lowered her
head and answered in a voice the size of a mosquito. There were a lot of
things I didn't know about this and that research equipment, but the mess
was like this.
There was no mess board.
“By the way, is he taking a leave of absence?”
"I think so."
Adelia in a sullen voice
she froze Harriet and Adelia are in the same major. So the two are really
close. Herriot was originally a Class B.
He despises people from the commoners and has a strong sense of
privilege. But Adelia is a commoner. Even Harriet can't stand the loneliness
in the end, so she treats her as an excep on and cherishes Adelia. It's like
“What if you quit your dog?”
"I don't know... I think I wish I didn't..."
Adelia didn't seem to like Harriot's taking a leave of absence from school.
Because I was in front of her, she kept wiggling her hands and feet in fear.
It's true that she put the jolbo a ribute on him, but it's really inconvenient
because he's in front of him. It looks like I'm harassing you.
Anyway, Adelia hates Harriet dropping out of Temple.
“Then, wouldn’t it be okay to convince me that I can’t just stay here?”
It would be nice if he could do the work for me. I mean, Adelia
She raised her head and looked at me.
She had eyes of astonishment.
“Oh, how can I… Harriet is a very, very high noble, how can I ask for such a
favor…” |
Since her me at the Temple hasn't passed yet, Adelia is s ll friendly with
Harriet, but she's probably having a hard me with her. There is a huge
difference in iden ty
It's me to think a lot about whether she can say things like this or if I can
be friendly with a kid like this.
“Oh my gosh, if you want to do it, do it. What are you thinking so much
First of all, inside the temple, classmates are judged according to the
principle, and there is no need to reveal their iden ty.
do. Of course, there are people like me who take it as it is, and there are
people who abuse it like Mayaton, but properly
Some people don't accept it.
Those who can't accept it are nobles and royalty, but there are also
commoners. Like Adelia in front of me. At my words, Adelia rolled her eyes.
“You, you can, but… I’m afraid.”
Stop all the kids casually
Adelia didn't seem to understand the way I was treated.
“What can I say about the decision of the Archduke Saint-Ouen?”
Probably because he doesn't have the right to say that at all. Rather, he
seemed to think that it was rude to Harriet to say not to go, and further to
Harriet's father, the Archduke Saint-Ouen.
hey The king of nega ve thinking
this. Some class A guys are so self-conscious that I hate to see them.
A child with such low self-esteem is a headache in another sense.
“Hey, you’re an eight-year-old who will buy and suffer for the rest of your
“I, why are you doing this to me…”
Adelia, who has reached the fullest level, was whining at my bad words,
and she was startled and covered her mouth. nothing
I wonder if I was angry because I talked back to you
It seemed to be watching.
If Harriet is in a ght spot, he's thin.
Dumb, it's cute.
Harriet is a noble, so it's hard for me,
is a commoner, but he is afraid of being an asshole.
A friend who is afraid to find this. Adelia again asked her a li le bit, rolling
her eyeballs.
“Oh, but you… do you hate Harriet taking a leave of absence?”
“I don’t like it.”
His eyes widened at my simple answer. Those eyes had a lot of meaning.
Wasn't it bad with you guys?
I thought Harriet would like it if he said he'd take a leave of absence.
That is....
do you like her
Ah, the one who tormented Harriet un l now.
It is the first me that a child can read everything he says just by looking at
his eyes.
- ra le
“Adelia? here...”
Heriot, who came in with the door of the magic lab slammed open, looked
at me and hardened like ice.
Heriot's face turned pale as he sat down and talked with Adelia.
“You, you… you, you. Why are you…why are you here?”
“Why, is there any reason not to be here?”
Isn't there a rule that only magic majors have to come here? Harriet's face
turned pale, then began to turn red more and more.
He looked at me alternately with this messy lab.
In fact, it wasn't just a disheveled dish, it was also a mess of clothes.
This is a shared space, but these guys were using it like a studio for two
people. It must feel like the wrong guy has entered his room.
He looked like he had been caught by the person he hated to show the
“I, I, go out!”
Soon, he gave a congratulatory spirit that was close to screaming.
threw up
Of course I can't get out of there.
It's not hard
"No, it's not what you guys paid for, so go out, Mara."
"get out! get out! get out! Come out!”
He turned so red that almost red water dripped from his face, and he
grabbed my arm and began to drag me. It seemed that the kid, who was
scared of even rubbing his collar with me, was so shy that he touched me
"Uh-huh, your clothes are torn nigga! Torn!
Do you know how much this is?”
Is it very ricey?
It's not a good ou it though, but Ellery
It's my casual clothes that Suga bought me!
“Go, go, go, go, go, go!”
"Ah, did I even swear that I was a dirty bitch? Why are you doing this?"
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa beenve ever since ever since!"
Like a broken machine, Harriet repeats the words to get out like a parrot in
the end.
I pulled him out and threw him out of the magic lab.
No, it's not like I can't show you anything, I just want to say that the kids
are a bit messy, but why are you doing this?
A er a while, he opened the door to the magic lab.
She opened it and only showed her face. her face
It seemed that he was s ll not hiding his shame because he was blushing.
As if asking what he was doing in the magic lab, he asked with a wary
expression on his face.
It was.
“I was looking for you.”
Somehow, the guy's face makes more money
seemed to be lost
I thought I'd be clamoring for why I should talk to you, but a er thinking
about it for a while, he said he got it and sneaked out.
“Can we just talk inside?”
"No! I hate to die!" |
Harriet groaned. I'm not here to steal their research because I'm an
industrial spy.
is anything going to change?
Kids are so...
A er all, it was a restaurant that I took him to. It was a long me before
dinner me, so no one was in the restaurant.
Surprisingly, it was surprising that he was following me. He didn't say
anything, but quietly followed him to the restaurant. He and I sat facing
each other at the table.
I'll listen to whatever bullshit you say
was the a tude. Surprisingly coopera ve. Without needing to rush, I went
straight to the point.
“Are you going to take a leave of absence?”
“……Then what will you do? good what You bastard who hates to see you
can't see it for a year."
Harriet smirked. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to live without looking ugly?
do you want to It was like this.
"Stop it."
“Don’t take a leave of absence.”
More of a command than a twist
Harriet's face groaned at the sound.
Even her face was ge ng redder. As the fever suddenly rises, he starts to
fan his face.
The expression on the face is the expression of being hit by any kind of
"her! under. under! Whoa, what... what! under. under! Oh yeah. Whoa,
what… hot!”
you like it so much
are you
A er fanning his hands for a while to see if his fever was rising, he looked
at me with his arms crossed as if he was full of energy.
“Why should I listen to what you say?”
No, I told you not to take a leave of absence. Didn't I say that I like you?
Why are you looking at me with such a look of an cipa on? If I say I like
you, hey! I am a fool like you
I can't believe it's an honor just to mix words with this, but
crab! Get ready to enjoy a sense of superiority while doing this
Can you see clearly what you're doing?
"Um... I don't know what you're thinking, though. If you take a leave of
absence, aren’t you going to return to school next year?”
Her expression hardened at my words.
He seemed to have a sense of what I was trying to say. I grin and look at
"Then, you're going to be my junior. Are you okay?"
“Hey, where is that? You're only a first-year student!" |
Boy, he must have been very worried about that. They make fun of me
because I'm a sucker, but I'm not really an idiot.
He must have been trying to simulate clearly in his head what would
happen when he was delayed for a year a er taking a leave of absence.
Obviously, Reinhardt, who enjoys tormen ng himself, was trembling in fear
thinking about what he would do.
“Next year’s educa on for juniors is what I will do. De, can you afford it?"
"Nonsense! You said you didn't like it ah! You said it was bad!”
So, Harriet was about to run around asking what kind of bullshit you were
talking about, even on the subject of a duel.
“You don’t like being hurt, do you think it’s a slave?”
As I cast Southern Fire in a crazy way, Harriet opened his mouth.
“Worst! You really are crazy!”
“Yeah, a hundred push-ups. Fi y rounds of the gym with duck steps."
Harriet's face turned red and he began to tremble.
I went out with Ellen, who had no reac on at all, and talked to the guy who
gave me a quick reac on no ma er what he said.
you are so happy
“So, if you don’t want to be played by me as your senior, isn’t it be er not
to take a leave of absence?”
"this person! this! you! you really! Really... Really..."
Eventually, Harriet trembled and burst into tears. see the juice of this?
You mean this angle?
“Uhhhhhhhhh! Bad…bad bastard… scumbag… hehehehe!”
Harriet suddenly groaned and burst into tears.
“I don’t want to take a vaca on either! real gin
I hate it... hehehe! Uhhhhhhh! you
I'd rather die than be the same beggar junior! I'm not going to the temple
Even when he was a classmate, he seemed to want to beat the Temple just
by imagining what he would do to his younger brother when he became a
I did know one though.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 78

Harriet cried and cried
Eventually I pa ed her on the back.
Of course, he cried more, telling him not to touch his body.
I don't know how to comfort a crying baby, so I took a candy from the
convenience food storage on one side of the restaurant and handed it to
He quacked saying he didn't eat, and when I forcibly put it in his mouth, he
pretended he couldn't win and ate it.
It was so cute that it was fatal to eat it even while crying because I was
joking around saying I didn't like it.
10 points.... 10 points.... Watching them chew and squeeze candy, there is
nothing so cute in the world.
“I was just joking around, so I was choking and crying like a three-year-old
do you are you kid Could it be that I really do?”
I couldn't stand the bird and put my mouth shut while the guy who had
stopped crying nibbled his candy and stole the corners of his eyes. OK
The guy opened his axe's eyes and looked at me.
“You really will! If you don't do it for other kids, you'll do it for me!"
uh. I think it's surprisingly straight forward.
Even if it doesn't happen to other kids, if he takes a leave of absence from
school and returns to school next year, it seems like he'll have to go and
deal with it.
A er all, the original was a kid smarter than me. You accurately predicted a
pa ern of my behavior that I didn't even know I had. He told me not to
take a leave of school, so it was like a confession.
He grabbed me, and he was looking at me as if he was looking at me, who
suddenly made a strange noise.
That's how I feel when I see him.
If I had a daughter, I would have teased her like I do.
I guess. Gyaaaah! The more you cry
have fun and play
There is a 100% chance that she became the extreme daughter genius.
Harriet seemed convinced that if she took a leave of absence, she would
lead a hellish temple life as Reinhardt's junior.
“No, I can’t deny that… to be honest, I just heard about it. But if you don't
take a vaca on, why not? Is there any problem?”
“How do you know that?”
As if what would he do if he knew anything about you, Harriet was so
excited! and turned her head away.
No ma er how much you ignore me, despise me and make fun of me for
being a beggar, it's no use.
| Can you talk to me?
You've already lost at the point you followed.
"If you know what you're doing, you don't know if there's anything sharp
about me."
Actually, there are no sharp numbers, but if you talk about them, you may
come up with some numbers. And if there is no way out and he wants to
stay in class, then he can use the old school, and Archduke Saint-Ouen
thinks that Harriet doesn't have to take a leave of absence. did you say I
don't know how many points it is.
Harriet looked at me and seemed to roll her head. eyes that trust me
It was clearly not the light, and it seemed that he really wanted to hold on
to the straw.
“Isn’t it good if I take a leave of absence? You're going to torment me."
Harriet seemed to be thinking in the wrong direc on. You should be
smirking at the thought of harassing me, so why do you think of a way for
me not to take a leave of absence?
“Oh, it’s a joke. I hate when you take a leave of absence.”
There's a very complicated reason behind it, but it's hard to explain to you.
"Why... you don't like it?"
Oh God.
Why am I slapping this guy?
Do I have to keep saying the same thing over and over again?
...God is me.
“It’s fun just being with you.”
To be honest, it's kinda funny. Harriet is
He wrinkled his impression as if he was expec ng something.
“Mr. Lee! A er all, you're saying you don't want me to take a leave of
absence to keep teasing me!"
“Even if you go to Moro, you only have to get results.
Nope! You don't want to take a vaca on! I don't want to see you taking a
leave of absence either! Whatever the reason, the purpose is the same,
right?” |
Harriet began pouring swear words at me through his eyes. No, in the end,
if the goal is the same, whatever the reason
Isn't it possible to have a winter drink?
If you look at him, his a tude is ambiguous as to whether he likes me or
not. Now, I have a really disgus ng expression on my face. A er all, being a
person is something you can like and some things you don't like.
In other words, it's like Cheonggukjang.
The smell is wow! I want to, but at some point, it suddenly vaguely passes
through my head.
That guy.
In fact, he may not have hated it that much.
I want to meet you a er a long me....
Is this how you feel?
Anyway, Harriet was in a state of irritability right now, but if she takes a
leave of absence, it will be even worse.
A er a moment's thought, she opened her mouth.
“Dad… tell me to take a leave of absence. Repeatedly."
The expected answer came.
Harriet began to explain.
In the first place, there was a terrorist a ack. When the news came, the
Grand Duke of Saint-Ouen was not in the Duchy, but in the Imperial Capital.
As the triumph of the Empire began, almost all of the influen al nobles
would have been in the Imperial Capital at that me.
Harriet did not return to the Duchy of Saint-Ouen, but was in the zodiac. if
He could have returned to the Temple, but he didn't.
“I told you that temples are dangerous because something like that
happened in the zodiac, Dad. So I stayed with my dad all the me...” |
A er the terrorist a ack, the fes val was canceled and all official events
were canceled. The Archduke of Saint-Ouen was probably protec ng
Herriot at the eclip c or at the grand duchess near the eclip c. He already
thought it was natural for him to protect his daughter with his own hands
at a point in me when he was in trouble with the security of the emperor.
The Duchy of Saint-Ouenne is a very magical country, and the House of the
Grand Duchess of Saint-Ouen was originally
It was a family of wizards from genera on to genera on. Therefore, it is set
that Harriet de Saint-Ouen was born with the most outstanding talent
among the wizard bloodlines.
Summon, Destroy, Enchant, Magiccra ing,
An incredible talent for everything in the magical field of mind, alchemy,
and even black magic.
'Cause I'm gi ed Harriet possesses an insane talent to masterfully
understand and acquire any magic that exists.
Soon, the Saint-Ouen family was a deep-rooted sorcerer.
family, and therefore the Archduke of Saint-Ouenne
He is an archmage of a great level. he is
He actually par cipated in the Demon World War.
Now, Archduke Saint-Ouen is one of the most powerful wizards in the
The Duke of Saint-Ouen looked at his daughter, and that's why
He can't let his daughter-in-law go to the temple anymore now that the
zodiac is in danger. Even if it's not as good as the Temple, the Principality
Make them a end the internal magic school
I'll try to teach myself.
To be honest, he wouldn't have bothered to come to the temple if he was
just him.
He said, "He didn't even let me go back to the Temple in the first did he get there."
Apparently, Harriet can't go back to the temple
Shout out to her dad who wants her to let her go
She blew up and made a fuss, so she came back for a while.
But she must've heard that she can take a leave of absence, then she can
go to the temple, but take a year off.
You've probably heard it, maybe it's Saint-Ouen vs.
It must have been a compromise point.
You would think that a year would be enough me for the culprit to be
caught and the eclip c to stabilize.
The Archduke's words are quite reasonable. Rather, Harriet, who insists on
not taking a leave of absence, is ge ng old.
But the important thing is the terror by demons
I know it's not going to happen any more. Of course I don't know what's
going to happen later, but Harriet
There is no possibility of becoming involved in family-related violence.
I've already been involved in a lot of bullying related to demons,
Anyway, I only know that the Archduke's worries are useless at this point.
“I cried and cried saying I could never take a leave of absence.
Write it and do it.”
“I already did...!”
Naturally, I tried to say that I already did it.
The guy was startled and covered his mouth. If you tell me that you cried
while whining to your parents, I will do it again.
I can't even play around with it.
“No, it’s possible for a child to cry and do it all. What’s the shame about
It's a shame if I do it, but it's possible if you do it. At my words, Harriet's
expression turned into a puzzled expression, and his face turned red and
he bowed his head.
“Without that…”
In the end, I confessed that I was crying and screaming like I was desperate.
Grand Duke of Saint-Ouen
From his standpoint, his daughter's life comes and goes.
You can get over it by spending a bit of money on it
it won't work
“Hmm… what is it?”
I can't think of any logic that the Archduke of Saint-Touan should leave his
daughter-in-law at the Temple. At my vague words, Harriet looked at me
with ax eyes.
“What is it, you can’t be sharp either.”
“No, I said let’s think about it together, did I say there was a way?”
“There may or may not be shit, but work
Do you need to give me strength to come out? So, let’s give it strength
together first.”
"Ugh! It's really dirty! I'm going to vomit.
“What do you mean, don’t you poop?”
"Eww! Whoa! Ahh!"
He doesn't know what he heard
Harriet covered his ears and squeaked.
said It seemed that the more he talked with me, the worse he felt in real
me instead of answering.
It is meaningless to say that if you take a leave of absence, your progress
will lag behind. At first he was
Since it's a special case for Lamoro, the principality could hire a lot of
wizards and receive personal training.
If it's a childish reason, I'll be separated from my friends
I hate it. It must be like this
I will convince you that
| Harriet needs to stay in the Temple
lack of jus fica on
jus fica on.
A child is taking a short break from school.
I wonder if it will take a minute or so, but
She really has no reason for her now that she is.
I'm sure it's safe, but since Archduke Saint-Ouen can't believe it...
No, in the first place, both the prince and the princess are quietly a ending
the temple, but if you are an archduke, you are a fart, but what do you say
about Ji?
Damn it all of a sudden.
Ah. I think so.
How about doing it this way?
"The prince and princess are just going to the temple, right?"
Both of them seemed to have no inten on of taking a leave of absence at
all, and in the first place, Temple or Hwangseong are both in the same
yellow gradum, so it would be meaningless to take a leave of absence.
“But in this situa on, if you suddenly take a leave of absence, the two of
you will
Could it be that the Grand Duke’s family is a bit unfavorable?”
"Uh, huh? What, that... what does that mean?"
Harriet's face turned white when I suddenly men oned the prince and the
“No, that’s right. Even if such a thing happened in the Zodiac, both
precious bodies are s ll a ending the temple, but you are the Grand Duke.
Even though I'm from there, I can't stay at the temple any longer because
the emperor is dangerous. In this case, let’s analyze it a li le more clearly,
the Grand Gongga is the temple’s treasurer.
Ignoring the inside, ignoring the princess and the prince who are quietly
walking there
Couldn't it be something?"
Of course, the words are up to you. line
When I think about whether the two of them will care about this, I'm
inclined to think they won't. But if we just force it to become a problem,
there might be a problem like this
it has the ability
And now the ming is sensi ve.
Royal class is also sharp
He is looking into the eyes of the princess and the prince. The atmosphere
inside the Hwangseong would be more than this, but not less.
You said that you were taking a leave of absence during this sensi ve me,
so I will leave the temple because it is dangerous.
yo. This! going to do it
It's not just a temple student, it's the prince
A guy from the same class...
Depending on the interpreta on of the situa on, it is possible to infer that
Bertus may be very offended. s ll terrorism
The prince who is upset because of it, the princess of the Principality of
Saint-Ouen, the temple is in danger.
while sprin ng back home.
It can be read as an act of throwing stones at a thin ice sheet.
“Even Bertus and you are of the same class. I don't know the princess, but
the prince
something that might offend
And, even if the situa on is a li le bad right now, I
This is the me when the power of the imperial family was the strongest
since the establishment of the country. If you only have one of the two
eyes, you'll have a lot of trouble later on. It's not even on the side of either
side, it can upset both of them.
It is important that there is a situa on.”
It's not about abandoning one and taking the other. It's just a situa on
where you can fly out of both eyes.
Harriet had her face pale, and now she was trembling. As much as her
sense of authority and nobility is strong, this guy has a tendency to
suffocate with ranks higher than him.
“That, that… Then, what then? Isn't it a big deal?"
...No, what's wrong with him?
“...Hey, you bastard. I told you to convince your father Jill with these words.
Why are you being persuaded?”
"Uh... huh?"
Harriet was so startled that she couldn't even respond to the words I said
about her.
If it is forced to be a problem, it is a problem, but it is more likely that it is
not. That is why I told my father to convince my father that it is right not to
take a leave of absence at a sensi ve me, because touching sensi ve
people may cause serious trouble.
But then she realizes that Anne really is in such a situa on and she slaps
“Do you think the two of you will hate you so much if you take a break?”
It's true that the Grand Duke of Saint-Ouen and the Duchy of Saint-Ouen
are a huge family. It's a family that doesn't have to be so obsessed with
things like that, even if they may hate it a li le.
By the way, except for the prince and the princess, the status of being with
him here is the daughter of the Duke of Granz, No. A-3 Liana de Granz, and
No. A-6 servant of the Kernstadt royal family.
Only Richie,
“It’s just that. In reality, there is a high probability that this will not be the
case, but it is correct to do this because your father is doing this and that.
I'm going to say it like this.
If the temple is actually dangerous, would the two of them be quietly at
the temple? So tell your dad not to scrape it, even though it's actually
Harriet nodded her head as if to understand what I was saying. I don't
know if this will work, but
It would be worth men oning.
“Now, there are two contexts. The first is that I am taking a leave of
absence because I am in a very sensi ve situa on now.
, and then it may give a bad image to the prince and princess. The second
is that the two quietly went to the temple
It is because I am convinced that the guards at the temple are safe, and
even if it wasn't before, the guarding state of the temple would have been
much stronger than before, so it would have been safer than before. Say it
this way.”
“Uh, uh… huh.”
Harriet nodded blankly at my stormy words. I don't know if it will work or
not, but it's definitely worth a try. I don't know if it's me
Harriet is a daughter, so I don't eat those words.
Even if you do, you will always have a say
So if you come up with a be er idea later, you can do it.
I think it would work be er if she told Bertus not to take a leave of
If Bertus had expressed his wish for Harriet not to take a leave of absence,
If so, the effect of this cause will be maximized. Rather than do it directly,
wouldn't it be be er to just go? It suffices to express it in such a way as to
encircle it.
Because the message close to the allusion is enough for the listener to
interpret it. Bertus started out with a very simple reason: he didn't want
his classmates to skip a grade.
even though.
Ask Bertus to tell Harriet if he must take a leave of absence.
Shall we do it?
She'll make it clear, but she's extremely reluctant to owe him any kind of
debt. I think that's for later
Anyway, Harriet had listened to all I had to say and she looked at me
"What are you?"
If you think about it seriously, it's really bad, but a er listening to it, I
wondered if that could be the case. Harriet came up with the idea
I looked amazing.
“Something comes out of nowhere.”
Her expression became even more bizarre as if she didn't know what the
hell she was talking about. A er that, Harriet and I could not a ach any
specific reasons.
We kept talking.
“No, you just have to do whatever comes to your mind… If that’s the case,
why don’t you just write a script?”
“I mean, I’m nervous! What if I forget
“Oh my gosh, are you a magic major in such a subject?”
“Because it’s not ght!”
"No, I didn't say that I'm in trouble right now, are you really?"
“I didn’t just say it was a pain, you said it was a pain, you idiot!”
We were arguing in the dining room and sharing these jokes. and the night
was in a deep state.
"Uh, are you here?"
And Ellen Artorius always appears in the restaurant late at night.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 79

He was staring intently at us in the dining room, scrambling to write
something down. Today, I was not able to even step into the gym because I
was consul ng this guy all evening. Ellen
She also finished training and washed the towel
was draped over her shoulder,
Harriet looked at Ellen like that and s ffened slightly.
She said, “Uh….”
Ellen wants to talk to anyone but me
I never do that. Harriet is a personality that the common people openly
ignore, but Ellen is
Although she is a commoner, the atmosphere itself is a li le different.
She is the type of person who is hard to deal with even if she pretends to
be. actually on the class bulle n board
If you've seen the published sebum hair data, you know that Ellen
possesses physical abili es that cannot be compared to her classmates.
She is something unusual.
Everyone will recognize this.
So Harriet sees Ellen and she doesn't know what to do with Bertus in a
different way.
seemed to not know.
Harriet is strong and weak.
I despise those who are despised, but the children who come out a li le
have a hard me.
It's a posi on I don't want to see in the original, but I can't see that aspect
well because I've been constantly honing it.
By the way, it was me for Ellen to come for a late night snack. Come to
think of it, I'm ge ng used to ea ng around this me.
You were hungry even if you didn't train.
“Hey, what would you like to eat?”
"What... what do you eat?"
"No, you're hungry."
Harriet was stunned, unable to comprehend the situa on at my sudden
request for something to eat. Ellen stood s ll, and when I mo oned for her,
she sat down next to me.
It was just the two of us ea ng every day, but for the first me the three of
us had something to eat.
All of a sudden, Ellen eats what I do.
was quite accustomed to I
He does it some mes, but it's a percentage.
If you lose, it's about four days. If I do it four mes, he does it once.
I glanced at Harriet and Ellen si ng face to face.
Ellen just sits blankly with her chin on her palm as if she's not thinking, and
Harriet's face is wide open, perhaps because of extreme awkwardness.
It's just a funny sight to see.
What I made was a simple chopsteak. Ea ng it as a late-night snack
Make it simple I'm out of stamina, so I can't afford to make something
The meat is always of good quality, to be honest.
You can bake it and eat it with just salt.
What do you like to eat with it?
But I didn't train today. So I had some stamina le , so I turned around and
did some tweaking. Of course, this is not difficult, but
“Oh, what if a person makes something
Isn’t it polite to set the tableware?”
“Uh, huh?”
Harriet suddenly had a bewildered expression on my ponytail, and Ellen
got up as if familiar with it, took her dishes and placed them one by one in
front of her. As Harriet looked at Ellen listening to me, she became even
more upset.
Harriet was staring at the sight of Ellen suddenly appearing and making
something as if she was familiar with it, as if she couldn't understand it.
and again,
“What… what are so many?”
Seeing the gigan c pan full of chop steaks, Harriet opened her mouth.
was slightly wide open.
“You can see it.”
Watching Ellen take her food, I wonder what Harriet's expression will be.
I wondered again.
Ellen has an unusual speed from the start.
was ea ng with With a long, carefree expression, Harriet took a piece of
chopsteak and drank it with a fork, then turned into a mysterious
“…do you know how to cook?”
"It's more than just knowing how to do it, it's about being able to make it
edible. Don't underes mate life on the street."
It didn't look like it was very tasty, but it didn't seem like it was to the point
that I couldn't eat it at all. what he's been through
Far below that of professional chefs
would be the level
But once it's edible
I was surprised that they made it.
“Don’t force yourself to eat.”
I said so while ea ng the chopsteak I had. You don't have to force yourself
to eat. Because there is a guy right in front of you who can eat it all. Harriet
forks quietly
He ate the food slowly, making fun of him.
To be honest, a er ea ng this guy, he spit on me saying it was tasteless.
Park Joo imagined a picture. To be honest
I've only eaten good food so far
un l
But he's niggling
Also, he obviously kept ea ng.
Harriet couldn't keep her mouth shut as she watched the fan empty. Ellen
ate it all as if something had happened, and took a sip of water with a
casual expression.
she passed
Yes, I see it all the me, but some mes it surprises me. You ate almost
everything by yourself, and the expression on your face that you didn't eat
anything is so shameless that some mes you just want to grab a bite?
It feels like ea ng everything alone like a pig and 'new saliva' is disgus ng.
A er Ellen finished ea ng, she put all her dishes in her pan and started
cleaning her up. If I make it, he cleans it up, and if he makes it, I take it out.
| Harriet stared blankly at the familiar behavior of Ellen.
“ seem to be friends with him. What do you eat every night?”
Harriet asked, lowering his voice.
"uh. In the original case, it’s a me to get a big bite and eat something
around this me.”
"what? right?”
At the sound of being hit, Harriet gave a startled expression on her face.
A er all, he never comes to the gym, so he won't know what's going on
there every day.
Even if I lose, I'm not a person to be beaten
You must have thought, give Ellen a shot every day.
are you saying She had an unbelievable look on their face.
Seriously, he never sees me in the changing room.
I li ed my robe to reveal a bruised abdomen and flanks.
“What are you doing...! you what are you Why is your body like this?”
When I suddenly li ed my clothes, I was startled and terrified, but when I
saw my bare skin full of blood bruises, my complexion turned white.
“My pseudo-swordsmanship is so bad, he takes a look.”
“Yu, similar swordsmanship?”
His similar swordsmanship.
It s ll hasn't evolved!
“And yumma.”
I'm dazed at my wounds
He looked at Harriet and gave him a pint glass.
"Hey, yumma?"
"okay. I bring food to you and clean up the ashes. If you don't no ce
anything, move quickly
Do you know what to do?”
As long as you are in the restaurant at this me, you must follow this rule.
“I don’t burn coffee or tea, what is it?”
“What, what?”
When the Grand Princess suddenly received an order for her coffee errand,
she couldn't help but be astonished.
"My, I... Why do I have to do this..."
Harriet's self-esteem was sha ered.
Even though her face turned red, tea
The set was brought to the table.
There are things that you have to do without knowing why you have to do
it, so of course you have to do it too. didn't mean to say that Harriet would
never be able to say anything bad about me.
Yep, that's what the users in your town do.
But this is a temple, even in a temple
Although there are users, the consciousness of this me
I mean, there is no party.
“Hey, what the hell is this...” As Ellen and I poured tea into my teacup, the
expression on his contorted expression was exquisite.
He says this is so good. my, my why? Why am I being treated like this? Hey,
this is nonsense! All the facial expressions and a tudes that are like that
are revealed, but they actually do it.
So cute.
shit, you're the best
“Damn it, have you ever drank what Bertus is drinking?”
Actually, Bertus did serve me tea today. In fact, even when talking on the
tea- me terrace,
He likes to ride
Of course that doesn't mean respect
In the first place, I was completely ignorant of cars.
It seemed like he was just doing it, knowing that
In the first place, he wouldn't even speak if I rode it.
“Bertus…? to you?"
But Harriet seemed to be astonished at the fact that Bertus drove a car for
a guy like me himself.
“So, the car you drive is nothing compared to that, and it’s not really an
honor or an emo on.”
"Huh, huh! Ha! Whoa, what... what..."
Even the prince is quietly ea ng with his own hands, but Harriet's face
became red again at my words, which were frowned upon.
Originally, we don't even have tea me, but Harriet is forcing her to drink
tea to get him to do something.
win He's caffeinated before bed, but he's a bit naughty.
Ellen took it out for tea.
She started ea ng cookies.
“You seem to be drinking tea to eat cookies.”
Ellen was constantly ea ng her cookies as if she wasn't going to deny her.
Harriet was staring blankly at it, as if bored, and was always like this.
I nodded quietly at Harriet's gaze as if asking if he was conscious.
"...if you eat too much... won't you gain weight?"
Harriet looks at me blankly.
I feel déjà vu.
Like Lordina a while ago, is she a bitch? He looks at me with that feeling.
I was too red to speak, so I didn't say anything this me.
Ellen has enough for me and Harriet to eat.
She le the cookies and then it's quiet
drank tea I've been told not to cross the line so many mes, so now I don't
do all the shit by myself.
Harriet is restless
It was like No, I despise him for being a beggar, but it's kind of funny that
he, who is a commoner, is having such a hard me...
Of course, Ellen's atmosphere itself is a li le difficult to approach, but
Harriet doesn't say anything.
This seemed unfamiliar.
But even when he's with me, he doesn't say much or anything.
“How did you two become friends…?”
No ma er how you look at it, it seems that there was no reason for
Reinhardt and Ellen to become friends at all. Ellen looked at me and Harriet
alternately, and
sipping her glass down,
Ellen stares at me.
I feel like I'm deba ng whether to say it or not. What the hell are you trying
to say...
no way.
"at first le er...."
Why are you trying to start from there?
I woke up in a convulsive moment, and Ellen bit her mouth, and Harriet
stared at me with her smirk.
No, I thought I forgot about it because I didn't men on it in the first place,
but it wasn't at all! Of course it's natural to remember, but I thought you
weren't giving any meaning at all?
Of course, it's meaningful and nabal, and that's not the point...
"Well, that's it. Well, take a swordsmanship class together, uh. Because of
the duel last me.
just, uh Since I'm doing physical training, take a look at my training, uh.
That's why it's black. uh. Right!"
"Huh. right."
Ellen nodded her head so ly at the glare of my fierce eyes asking for her
consent. As if that wasn't wrong.
I was so confused that the words came out as if stu ering. Harriet is my
He nodded his head as if he was a li le embarrassed by the sudden
explana on. It seemed like I was embarrassed because I was in a sudden
“Ah, anyway. you tomorrow Be nice and tell me what happened.
...I don't know why I have to tell you that, but okay."
With those words le , Harriet said he was red and got up and went back
to the dormitory. It was almost me for bed.
"Hey... what if I try to talk about that?
Do you…”
As I whined, Ellen lted her head.
“You said you fell in love with me at first sight.”
......I'm sorry. help me."
Ellen had an a tude that she wasn't talking about without her, and she
obviously didn't
It was true.
She writes a love le er to her classmate
The price of 200 points is like this at this me
pushing in If I had known I had over 6,000 points, I wouldn't have done
I was so drunk with 200 points of sweetness!!
“Did you lie?”
At Ellen's subdued voice, I looked at him.
It was a lie. If it were him, she wouldn't even gossip, and I'm sure she'd say
that was it
Ellen didn't say anything at that me other than she refused. but she is
Now that Ren admits that we became friends, she asks if I was lying when I
said that.
If I tell the truth, will it hurt you?
Wouldn't that make it even weirder to lie?

In the end, I had to admit that I lied to Ellen in exchange for 200 points.
Ellen sip her tea again, nodding her head.
“It seemed so.”
Ellen knew at that moment that she had wri en such a le er without me
liking her, and she wasn't even falling in love at first sight.
"I'm sorry."
At this moment, there were no other excuses, no grounds for her self-
ra onaliza on.
She just had to say sorry.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 80

the next morning.
As usual, I went out to the lobby to prepare for my morning workout.
“Hey, Reinhardt.”
“Oh, yes. Hello."
The fixed members of the early morning movement began to appear one
by one. There are high school students, but most of them didn't know, and
I haven't seen each other since the last duel.
Some seniors look at me
greeted warmly
What is this, this good and uncomfortable feeling?
In the first year, there are three fixed members of the Dawn Movement:
me, Ludwig, and Ellen. The ones that appear occasionally are Bertus,
Cliffman, and Scarle .
Ellen le first, and I was wai ng for Adriana. I haven't made any promises,
but I'm sure it will come out.
“Hey Reinhardt, I’m early today too.
are you here?”
“Uh what.”
Ludwig in udon clothes looking at me
He greeted me brightly, and I nodded.

Then, two people in sportswear were walking out from the 1st grade B-
class dormitory room.
“If you are red, you need to rest. Don’t overdo it.”
B-3 Scarle .
“Yeah, okay, okay. And make it easy You are my classmate.”
And B-1 Charlo e de Gradias.
“Well, that’s… it’s a habit, so I can’t help it…”
“Whoa, yes. It will get be er gradually.”
The two were out for a morning workout together.
“If I get in the way, you can leave me alone. I don't mean to force you to do
it together. Your training comes first, right?”
"No, you s ll have to take care of your health... I'll watch."
Yesterday, Charlo e saw Scarle being bullied by Erhi and she finally
couldn't stand it.
and she went out. Yesterday in the class B dorm.
I don't know what happened
Mann, Charlo e and Scarle at dawn
was going out
Charlo e only made her Scarle her own.
It seemed obvious she was going to li it.
The two of them made eye contact with me as I was wai ng in the lobby.
“Uh, hello? Reinhardt.” “Uh… hello.”
Charlo e said she smiled slightly and she greeted me lightly. My ability is
that it will help you find
Ever since, Charlo e has been hard on me
don't roll
She lives in a different way from Bertus. Scarle looked at me and she
bowed her head slightly. He and I are not close friends, but in a sense we
felt like we were alike. In the end it didn't work out according to my advice
But, what Scarle suffers is her Charlo e's.
It will disappear as you enter her protec on.
All problems are solved in different ways.
The kidnapping of Delphine Izadra
Gone, Scarle 's bullying is Charlo e
This solved it.
| ...somehow Ludwig is ge ng more and more redundant
I feel like I'm becoming
The main character is just becoming the last in the B-class, nothing more,
nothing less!
Baek Ji-hwa of the main character's weight, it's okay as it is
Is it okay?
However, it is kind of like saying that the propor on of the original
protagonist must be high in Possessive Water.
preconceived no ons of
Isn't it bad like this?
Even if you go to Moro, are you going to Seoul? Loudwig is a crazy hard
worker who knows how to do well, so he'll be strong anyway.
I'm thinking about whether it's okay to let this bizarre development go.
“I’m sorry, junior, were you wai ng?”
Church older sister, who was always calm and kind, was walking down her
Adriana has been working out with me in a long me, and she
compliments me on how much my stamina has improved.
“You worked hard, junior. It hasn't really changed, but it's definitely
"That's fortunate."
"Okay. Let's just do it like this."
It's been a li le over a week without Adriana, but it's clear that her
physical abili es have improved.
failed It looked like I was definitely less red than before. “Now, shall we
raise the tempo a li le?”
Of course, Adriana was s ll far below the standards.
“Huh… huh … huh…”
It's good that her health has improved, but Adriana increases the intensity
by the amount of her improved health.
It was the same as being exhausted by throwing it away.
What do you do when your stamina improves, that monster?
He would uncondi onally roll on me un l I was exhausted, but the future
was s ll bleak.
“S ll, it’s amazing to have followed you this far.”
strength in aerobic. Adriana and I sat down on a bench to rest a er
finishing our one-lap rou ne.
“By the way, I heard that demons a acked the Knights Templar.”
Adriana also returned from her stay in the monastery of the Duchy of
Saint-Touan, but of course she
He seemed to have heard the news.
“He said yes.”
Anger at Adriana's calm gaze
was young
“The demons have not yet been exterminated.”
It was an expression full of will to par cipate in the temple even
immediately. Adriana, who was always gentle, hated her demons as well.
Now, I was at the point where I wondered what kind of expression I would
make if I knew that I was a demon prince.
It's probably hard to see a good one.
“They say there are no fatali es.”
“Yeah, I’m glad. There was God’s blessing.”
God bless me and I'm Nabal, so it's because I've been told that I don't let
anyone die as much as possible? Of course, there were some that used the
retreat func on, but there were ten million cases where there were no
deaths from the Knights Templar.
No, I am similar to the God of Crea on, and I used the retreat func on and
there were no deaths.
what? It's wrong, but it's right.
“I don’t know if World War II will happen someday.”
That's Sarkegaar's wish, but I don't think so. It was obvious that Adriana
admired the Knights Templar.
“Are you going to join the Knights Templar?”
Adriana is already able to use her divine powers even now. With this level
of talent, the Knights Templar would almost be able to enter the Free Pass.
At my words, Adriana nodded her head.
“I was originally going to go to graduate school, but I wanted to go as soon
as I finished my royal class,” she said.
She was Adriana and she was originally going to go to graduate school.
However, because of this incident, she seemed to want to join immediately
a er comple ng the six-year course in the Royal Class. There was an
incident where her demons were riding a horse in the zodiac, so she
decided that Adriana would join her sooner.
“Why junior?”
She looked at me as if she had something to do with Adriana.
According to what I saw before, the Knights Templar
It was obvious that she was corrupt. succubus
Because it was the same with the Knights Templar that had demon
prisoners like Su. If it is discovered, it will be a research purpose or
something, but the actual use is understandable.
It is unknown where the corrup on extends, but the Knights Templar are
already a powerful armed force, and it is difficult to see them as innocent.
I think that Adriana will join in such a place, so she is a li le worried
True. Adriana goes there
Will she become disillusioned and walk away? Or will she be an equally
corrupt paladin priest?
"no. just...."
Adriana's eyes are pure now
she was herself
She tells Adriana that she shouldn't join the Knights Templar. She has no
right to me. She's actually pre y far away at this point
It's also a thing of the future.
The incident I commi ed is big here and there
It felt strange to see her making waves. For me, it was just an incident that
started as a mo ve to rescue demons.
However, this resulted in the unity of the empire becoming stronger.
Someone is going to take a leave of absence from Temple.
Some are willing to commit to the military.
That just one event can cause dozens and hundreds of side effects
When I saw it with my own eyes, it felt rather unrealis c. I think that all
three things are connected, but it was unfamiliar to me because it was
pushed in front of my eyes.
Not predictable at all.
- Shall we take a break?
-Ha ha... ha ha... no... you can do a li le bit more.
- I think you should rest, Charlo e.
- No... No... It's okay...
In the distance, Scarle and Charlo e were running. Even if you pretend,
you can see that she has a lot of physical strength, but Charlo e was trying
to do something with her clenched teeth.
In a way, that scene is no different from what I had created. Because
Charlo e stopped Erhi's nerve-wracking behavior due to the low pressure,
and that's why Charlo e stopped talking to Scarle and her.
Everything in the world has cause and effect.
But one cause creates hundreds of events, and that cause eventually
It gives me a headache to think of it as a result of hundreds of different
There were too many consequences. this
Things will cause hundreds of other events.
Then the causal reasoning becomes meaningless. Because the causality of
such a vast amount is chaos.
In the end, there is only one conclusion.
“The princess is also enthusias c.”
"Iknow, right."
I can't get rid of all the shit I bought.
I don't know what will happen to Harriet.
But there was s ll Liana de Granz le . She doesn't know how the hell to
stop her if the guy is going to take her leave. while she s ll can't speak
are you In the case of Harriet, there was even a link called a bad
rela onship. Because evil is also a rela onship. so talk anyway
I could have done it....
The answer came from a surprisingly strange place.
A er breakfast, I could see Bertus having a conversa on with Liana de

“It’s just like I said. She wanted to take a leave of absence as much as
possible.” |
Liana lted her head at Bertus's outrageous words.
“It’s not forced, but it is. We're looking forward to seeing you, but I'm paid
for a year
Wouldn't it be be er to just be together than to become vaguely seniors
and juniors?"
Bertus was speaking kindly. It's not forcing, it's just a sign that it's sad to
fall. However, the inten on hidden under that smiling expression was fully
If you're going to quit, be prepared.
I fully understand the inten on behind that.
could read Liana nodded her head slightly with her firm expression on her
face, whether she had read his way or not.
"Okay. I'll tell you."
A er all, the prince is the prince.
In fact, Bertus' request is a compulsion.
it's okay Rather, it is a request, so it is closer to a compulsion.
I even ask
read in this sense
Of course, it is true that in this situa on, it would be best for Bertus to
dissuade him from taking a leave of absence. On the contrary, it was my
last move to persuade the children to take a leave of absence even if I had
to owe Bertus a li le.
But even though I didn't ask for it, Bertus took the first step to dissuade the
children from taking a leave of absence.
It is natural.
“Uh, what should I do!”
Harriet's face turned blue.
what comes
Tuesdays are private lessons
It was the day I heard the song, so I didn't have to meet Harriet. He said I
was going to my morning lecture and he grabbed me at the front door of
the Royal Class dormitory.
It was.
You can see why you're doing this.
“Why did Bertus even tell you not to take a leave of absence?” “Uh, how
did you know?”
"I saw you do it with Granz before."
It was also done for Lyana de Granz, so of course, Harriet did the same to
you would have heard so very upset
As the sun goes down, I found a day where I could at least have a
conversa on like this.
"What should I do? Don't I look really hateful?"
Harriet dies if he goes outside the eyes of the prince
Even just thinking about it made me cry. I don't know what's inside, but on
the outside, I hate me, but if it's enough to whine at me, I think I'm really
“What do you do, what do you do? It’s a good thing.”
“Are you okay...?”
“No, it was an excuse in the first place, but that was the truth.
that's what happened It would have been easier if it had been easier to get
permission, wouldn't it?"
The first excuse was that I couldn't take a leave of absence because I
no ced Bertus.
In fact, Bertus has even told him not to take a leave of absence. Then it
becomes a fact, not an excuse.
Rather, Bertus laid his plate be er. I can't thank you, but I'm trembling
because I thought I might have really hated Bertus.
“S ll… you can’t take a leave of absence.
Even if I'm allowed to... didn't that make Bertus hate me?" |
Of course, I will not be forced to take a leave of absence.
He has the ability, but the fact that he wants to take a leave of absence is
outside the eyes of Bertus.
it's a sound Rather, I thought about it later and got scared.
“Pick up. Can you hear me? I think it is more rude to be so shy.”
"uh? Whoa, what... what?"
I know one more characteris c of this guy.
mentally driven to extremes or frightened
Otherwise, even if I say it's ght, I won't respond
do. He himself has already understood from the inside, that he is a noun of
the mes when he is directed towards himself.
"Don't take a leave of absence just because Bertus wants to take all his
classmates with him.
You don't know if I said that with pure inten ons, right?"
“But in fact, the fact that he is afraid that he has a crush on him or that he
hates me is that he is already trea ng Bertus as a top shooter, man.”
What if the prince is angry? Being fidgety like this is like worrying about
what to do if Bertus is already jjombang. It was then that Harriet realized
what he was doing and his face turned white.
"Oh, no! It's not! That... I didn't think so!"
“Then just take it easy. Because he's a lot more daring than you think."
It's bold enough to say that the nobles talk badly to me, but the
commoners from beggars say it's the same thing to me.
Her eyes widened as Harriet spoke as if I knew Bertus well. how do you
know that
seems to.
“No, that’s right… I said I gave you a car too…”
Are you saying you're close enough to drink tea together? Are you saying
that Bertus is generous enough to even ride a car for a lowly beggar like
Probably the la er? is this kid
Harriet's face, which had turned pale, seemed a li le reassured at that
moment, and the color gradually returned to her face.
I'm glad... Ah, anyway, go, go... Thank you..."
No, no ma er how reassured
Are you even saying thank you to me?
Of course, it wasn't an easy word to say, the guy had her face shriveled up
a bit.
The guy staggered to see if there was any strength in her legs and walked
towards the tram stop.
“Where are you going? I have to ride with you.”
The guy got his hands and feet shrunk just by imagining having to ride the
same bus as Chin Goo who said goodbye.
“How were you thankful for what? Please tell me in detail.”
When I smile and say, the guy's
His expression turned red.
"go away! I will walk!"
Harriet groaned and shrugged.
out of her field.
And then, in fact, she realized that she had to walk a long way, and a er a
He came back with a more red face.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 81

On Tuesday, I have a swordsmanship class with Ellen.
Listen to and learn horse riding in the a ernoon.
Similar swordsmanship eventually has the name of swordsmanship.
Maybe it's because I'm in charge of swordsmanship
The assistant seems to have improved my skills quite a bit
he praised
“You seem to prac ce a lot, don’t you?”
“It’s s ll bad.”
"It's s ll be er than before
Much be er.”
Even when there is no lecture, the teaching assistant
He did not spare praise, saying that hard work is clearly visible.
On the other hand,
- Hmm... I don't think this is enough yet, Ellen.
- Let's do a li le more. It was a li le sad. You need to lower your center of
gravity a bit.
Ellen is a teacher, not an assistant.
She was learning, but she was receiving more correc ons. She didn't even
get much praise for her. It was Ellen who was being cri cized by her the
she is natural
My star ng point is 0. so a li le
Compliments come in even if you grow up.
But she said that Ellen started with 100 from the beginning. You do well,
you do well. It is meaningless to give only praise. This is not a compe on,
it is educa on, and the teacher is
Even the perfect student must teach something.
So, Ellen, who has skills incomparable to her classmates, was ini ally set by
her extremely high standards.
The guy who got the bread points gets praised even if he gets 10 points,
and the guy who gets 90 points gets 90 points.
If you accept it, why are your grades the same?
It's similar to being groped.
This is the advantage of mango food.
What if I got into the body of the sword genius Ellen?
- It's s ll not enough. The ability to measure the spacing of the sword is s ll
Why is the kid she was good at suddenly ge ng sacked?
She would have been asked to come and go.
“Okay Reinhardt! just one more me
Let's see! That's great!”
With a body in Bali that can't do anything
I'm glad you came in.
“Reinhardt? Why?"
“Hey, I got frustrated for a while…”
I think I'm lucky because I'm narrow-bodied
A bit of disillusionment with myself
pushed up
As always, we had lunch with Ellen on Tuesday and horseback riding
lessons in the a ernoon.
finished up to Harriet is s ll in the Grand Duke
I wouldn't have been able to talk. how
come back
In Liana's case, there was Bertus's remark, but he s ll doesn't know what
will happen, and anyway, because of Bertus' sudden ac on, the children
didn't take a leave of school.
It will be a good day if you do.
She thought so and she returned to the dorm
But, a completely unexpected person awaits me. there was
“Ah, Reinhardt.”
“Do you have me?”
Charlo e was wai ng for me.
Charlo e, who was wai ng for me out of the blue, made a strange request.
“You want to go outside?”
"Huh. Are you okay?”
It was the sound of being able to accompany you outside the temple. No in
this country?
“I can’t go, but I don’t know…. The ban hasn’t been li ed yet, has it?”
The inves ga on into the Asmodian terror incident would not have been
completed yet. So the ban on going out for temple students is s ll
not solved What about Charlo e in my words?
He looked shrugged.
“There are some excep ons.”
I was told that when you become a prince and a princess, you get special
treatment even at the temple.
I couldn't really object.
“But without an escort? it's okay?"
“It’s bound to be fine.”
Charlo e just takes me alone.
It was obvious that she was about to leave the game.
what? Is he insecure? Seeing my pouty expression, Charlo e covered her
mouth and she laughed.
“There are only three safest people in the Empire right now.”
Charlo e pointed her finger somewhere. If I'm right, it's a golden castle
This was where it was located.
“You know who one is.”
And this me she pointed towards the dorm.
“There is Bertus.”
And, this me she pointed to herself.
"and me."
I don't know what the reason was, but she was confident that she wouldn't
be harmed at all.
She didn't seem worried, as Charlo e was the only one with me.
| The temple student couldn't get anyone out right now, but she said
Charlo e was able to get herself and me out just by saying that she was at
the entrance to the temple. She didn't even ask why she was leaving.
Class was over at 3pm, so there was s ll a lot of sun le . She's Charlo e,
she's ready, she flips robes
she wrote She'll be known much more for her face than Charlo e Bertus.
As I con nued to feel anxious, she smiled faintly in Charlo e's robe.
“No need to worry. Even if something really happens, there are
countermeasures for everything.”
Charlo e walked ahead as if wondering why she was so worried.
“But where are you going?”
"Aligar district shopping street."
Then why are you going out on this weekday?
He seemed to know what he was going to do.
The last place Balier was seen, Charlo e, is about to go there.
Charlo e, dressed in robes and me in her casual clothes, boarded the
magic train.
“Isn’t it okay to use the warp gate?”
Of course, few people even use a warp gate to go from ward to ward.
The Warp Gate is not a facility that you can use for free. But if it was a
princess, it would be a free pass.
In the magic train, Charlo e shrugged
it was shredded
“Since the last incident, the warp gate management procedures have been
strengthened. I don’t want to leave a record of buying it.”
The demon prisoners escaped via the warp gate. It is not known to the
public, but a er that, the warp gate was built.
Height does not include medical history as well as user tests
It looked like the parts were considerably strengthened.
And, I have strong warp gate search
You should not know the reason why you became angry.
“What does that have to do with Warpgate?”
“Um… I’ll tell you when I get off.”
Charlo e doesn't seem to have anything to say in a crowded place.
She looked drunk.
By the way, I came here because I wanted to go out together, but Bertus or
someone else
Isn't there a possibility that they might have caught up with us? no one to
Are you sure, or do you think it doesn't ma er if you catch up?
You might be one of the three safest people in the Empire, but I'm not. If
Bertus treats someone who says he has a liver and a gallbladder, then his
head is already spinning, figuring out what to excuse him for?
I'm with the princess who deviated out of nowhere
The two were riding a magic train.
It's a unique experience that no one else can do.
We got off the sta on in the Aligar district and headed to the shopping
“The suspects who caused the incident escaped via the warp gate. Yes,
that’s it.”
Is Charlo e the secret behind the Demon Prisoner Trade?
She didn't tell her.
“Didn’t you follow me to the gate and get caught?”
“These guys took the lead. closed
I forcibly ac vated the gate, got out of there, and then broke the warp gate
where I arrived.”
It was quite arduous to ask ques ons like I didn't know about an event I
knew. Charlo e spoke calmly about what she could say.
“Anyway, I don’t know why I’m going to Aligar Shopping Street.
Do you feel like you are walking on a single ghtrope?”
Between Bertus and Miss Charlo e
I can't do this or that
Things come Find out and run away
It's not like that, it's a bat between the two
A funny situa on where you have to run away with your tongue
this may come
Bertus must already know that me and Charlo e have something to do
with each other. You just haven't spoken to me about it yet. The same goes
for Charlo e.
“I know what you are worried about.”
S ll, because of the guilt, Charlo e
It's true that I lean more towards
She could have been a li le more frank with Charlo e than she would to
"For my own reasons, I
I need it, and I don't even know Bertus.
But in the end, for my own reasons,
It looks good though. Right?"
Charlo e must have seen or even heard of me talking to Bertus.
"I don't know what Bertus thinks, but he's not a bad guy for a long me."
“As long as you are in the Temple Royal Class, you can assume that Bertus
will not do anything to you. It's okay to be safe. Technically you'll have to
watch out for me, but you know
I need you to bleed.”
Charlo e means something different from Bertus.
He used to speak directly to me.
“Is it all right while you're in Royal Class? Why?"
Just because he's a classmate?
“As you all know, temples take exams and give grades, don’t they?”
“And do you know that there are not only individual tests, but also group
tests, and there are subjects or ac vi es that require teamwork, and that is
also included in the evalua on criteria?”
that's of course you know
A class and B class fight against each other, and that is actually reflected in
the grades. Of course, there must be a field in which the classes compete
with each other, so that the lower class, the main character's class, will be
promoted to the upper class later.
Because there is a pleasure that comes from winning.
Group ac vi es are ra onal for giving grades.
Although the last name is inferior, it is a se ng I deliberately put in for the
compe on itself between classes.
"So. If you harm your classmates, get on with them, or talk directly and
deal with them, it will be a fire during group ac vi es.
Aren't you going to get be er?"
“That’s right…yes.”
It's not just a sports game or a problem of this level, but a small number is
In some cases, it is already disadvantageous.
I am in the compe ve structure of A and B classes.
Because I made a lot of weird group ac vi es every year.
Soon, you will lose your grades.
“So, you’re not going to touch me because if Bertus does something to me,
my grades might go down?”
"Huh. So if you're not at any level, I'll leave you alone."
Bertus is smart, but isn't he the type to be so obsessed with sex?
“It sounds a bit unconvincing... Are grades that important?”
“I don’t know if it used to be, but it’s pre y important now.”
Charlo e says so and she looks at me.
My grades at the temple were in the past.
If not, this is the most important issue for both of them right now. That's
why Bertus won't try to knock me down.
“You know? If something happens to each other, we will deprive each
other of the power of the other side.
“You know that…”
Apparently, on the first day of entering the temple, the emperor
He sent a decree for the run to the Temple Royal class. It was a message to
both Charlo e and Bertus, as well as a message from the Emperor to warn
both of their followers in Royal Class not to do anything in vain.
Obviously, the two have perfect succession to the emperor.
Un l we se le down, harm each other
won't be able to
Obviously, the Emperor would know that Bertus was trying to kill Charlo e.
I don't know what was going on, but the emperor didn't take it as an issue
with Bertus.
However, in the future, we will suppress the situa on where blood and
blood are aiming for each other's lives.
would like to
Rather, Bertus and Charlo e are in a situa on where they desperately
want each other to be safe. Uninten onally, the two of you are in trouble
If it happens, a third erra c guy
Enough to become an emperor
Because Jae Hwang Kwon is powerful.
Such a situa on.
“Then, in this situa on, will grades at the Temple affect the succession
structure of the throne? Shall I give it to you?”
Even though Temple is the best educa onal ins tu on on the con nent, it
is impossible for the one who graduates with be er grades to become the
it's snow The problem to be determined on the basis of such
because no
However, even if it does not have an absolute effect, it is certain that it will
definitely do.
Bertus and Charlo e are even in the same grade.
This is an indicator of who is be er, Bertus or Charlo e.
And Temple doesn't get all the grades with their own abili es. In many
cases, results must be obtained through group ac vi es and tasks.
Grades at the Temple are bound to have an impact on the succession of
the emperor. Clearly significant, if not absolute
affects one
“So it means that if one person is missing, the loss is that much.”
"I see...."
If there is a lack of one person in a group ac vity, it comes with that much
loss. Therefore, it was Charlo e's story that Bertus would not do any direct
harm to himself in any way.
Only then do I understand why Bertus had discouraged the children from
taking a leave of absence.
there was. If two people are missing, the class number will be nine.
Compared to class B, two are not enough. group evalua on
There's no point in talking about it. Bertus must somehow outperform the
Performance at the Temple wasn't really important to Bertus, but now it's
That said, of course, it's important to Charlo e as well.
“Is the fact that the two of you divided into Class A and Class B was
inten onal?”
“Um… can’t you see that it’s not like that?”
We s ll don't know what Charlo e's superpower is, but it was pre y clear
that the two were of different classes and that they were both number 1.
Both are class leader posi ons. to lead the class
It's also a skill a er all.
In the end, Charlo e's words that there's no need to be too afraid of
Bertus are to some extent
It was true.
And she made some sense that Charlo e didn't have to be afraid of me
because she needed me in a different way.
Then there was another ques on.
“By the way, if it’s a B-class… it’s a bit long to say something like this, but
isn’t it a bit disadvantageous?”
It is a class division with a gap in talent. Class B corresponds to the inferior
class. Will Charlo e have any dissa sfac on with the treatment?
Charlo e shrugged.
“I think this is be er for me.
"Ah... I know what you mean."
The honors student's dilemma applies here too.
It goes without saying that class A outperforms class B.
However, if class B surpasses class A even once, then class B works a
So she seemed to think that Charlo e thought she was be er off that she
herself was in class B. Actually, she may not have flowed like the original,
but in the original, Class B some mes surpasses Class A later.
“In one way or another, it’s telling me too much as an A-class.”
"is it? Even Bertus knows all of this.”
Just because I dare to tell you
Charlo e grinned as if nothing was wrong.
“Okay, the gossip is over.”
We arrived at Aligar Shopping Street. Many adventurers today
The place that is also being eaten away.
“The child I am looking for. The last place the child was seen is this
shopping street.”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 82

Charlo e had a reason to come here with me.
“Tell me if you feel something.”
"Uh... I don't know if it will."
I didn't know what kind of miracle my super powers would cause, so I
brought them here on a whim. Maybe I'll get some clues from where I was
last in Bali.
it's r
Charlo e probably already has all the informa on she can get here.
However, there are things that she wants to check for herself, and if she
brings me in, something may change, so she seemed to have come.
“Have you ever seen someone like this?”
Charlo e began her inquiry as she wandered around, holding up a portrait
of Balie. I wandered around the scroll shop. As you may already know,
Charlo e wandered around the shopping street, asking ques ons about
this and that.
Have you seen it, and if you have seen it, do you know where it went?
She, of course, goes to the Ali Gar store here. A place where people who
pay money are likely to be treated harshly.
“What are the kids doing here? can't watch scram."
Charlo e is wearing a robe, but her stature is small, and if you look at her
pretending to be me, she's a minor. She doesn't look like an adventurer.
So she didn't even deal with her. nine
If there is no such thing as Kyungsoo.
This was rather a yangban.
It was the heavens and the earth where the kids came in illegally without
having to pay any money and swearing at them.
What she said was a feast of words that would make her want to bite her
tongue and die when she finds out that she is the 1st Princess of the
If that's the case, she'll be wearing a temple uniform, not a normal one.
Then she would have thought she had a lot of money.
“…I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but yes, there are a lot of people who don’t
even talk to me.”
Of course, she sighed, as if Charlo e was red of being beaten on the
doorstep a er she had been running around for a while.
“...I think the focus is a bit wrong. Aren't we supposed to be angry at
hearing things like this from commoners?"
She talked about what she would do if she chased Charlo e out, and what
she would do if she dealt with her, but she didn't show any signs of anger.
Charlo e laughed out loud at my words.
She said, "She was wearing a robe and she heard a savage, and where the
hell is this guy?
to do! Do you know who I am! like this
That would be really funny.”
She was deliberately hiding her iden ty, and she seemed to be ge ng
angry because she didn't know she was sleeping. It seems that what is
important now is not my face or my pres ge.
Seeing her Charlo e, who jumped directly on her own feet, she could feel
how desperate she was.
“Do you feel anything or anything like that?”
“…not at all.”
As if she wasn't expec ng much, Charlo e wasn't too disappointed.
"let's go."
She said that Charlo e said she didn't want to give up yet.
it was
The only place I could get informa on was at the scroll shop. Fortunately,
not everyone was slamming the door.
“What is it that people are looking for like this?
Did you hit a big accident with the scroll?”
Scroll shop owners who remember me usually reacted like that. A boy who
came to sell fake scrolls, and since then he's been everywhere to find him.
A group of people walking around.
I've been involved in a huge crime
He seemed to think of everything.
“People like the guards just ask
I looked around and now I'm a kid like you
I'm looking for you."
The store owner seemed to find it strange, saying that now everyone is
looking for it.
“It’s hard to go into details, but it’s an important issue. Can you tell me
everything you can think of about him?”
“I have nothing to say. couple | I was carrying a scrollbook about a month
By the way, I drew it well, but it's such a stupid scroll. So I chased them out
because I thought they were selling fake scrolls. This is the end.”
"thank you."
“Tsuk, it seems that the young one obviously hit it in a big accident. That's
how people should earn money honestly. You too, be mindful.”
The store owner suddenly gave me and Charlo e a warning, and we said
le the store
“Whoa… A er all, it’s all things I already knew, so there’s nothing special
about it.”
Even if you listen to it with your own ears, it is natural that it is not much
different from what you reported.
“What are you talking about, fake scrolls?”
Of course I didn't know why Charlo e was here in the present situa on,
and she didn't know what Balier was doing here. Charlo e looked at me in
her robe, and she opened her mouth small.
“Did I tell you that the dog escaped with me from the Demon King?”
"I said I saved your life..."
“It’s hard to give details, but she had a reason to get away from me.”
She should have run away from her valier because of Bertus' possible
retalia on. She, Charlo e, she knew why I le her.
Of course, she doesn't seem to know at all that she ran away because I'm a
“But what the hell can a kid with no memory and no knowledge do? She
ran away recklessly, but her path must have been dark. But he had magic
scrolls from the Demon King. Maybe this Ali sells it to the shopping mall
I think he was just trying to get some money.”
Charlo e was deducing her truth from the facts revealed. She said some
guy was selling fake scrolls. There, she concluded that Charlo e's fake
scroll was her demon's scroll, so she must have concluded that the boy was
definitely Balier.
“By the way, the scrolls of the demons and the scrolls we use are different
in structure. Traders who are not wizards
Kigi must have thought it was just a joke or that he was trying to cheat.”
"Oh yeah?"
Asmodian scrolls and the scrolls used by humans are different in structure.
Because of this, I was ignorant and wandered around trying to sell
Asmodian Scrolls and ended up
I was able to meet my Elerys.
“So, in the end, I felt a problem and
Knowing she can't sell scrolls
I don't know if she is or not, but she said she stole a fireball scroll from a
she heard But it's not strange. There are eyewitness accounts of the fireball
scroll being stolen, but no one bought the fireball scroll.”
“Isn’t it because they stole and then ran away in fear?”
“It could be. then here is
No, you have to look elsewhere
I would have to...” |
At my inten onal misinforma on, Charlo e nodded her head as if she
“Let’s go to the store where the fireball scroll was stolen.”
Of course, I didn't steal it, but I did it myself.
Yes, I got it, but I couldn't help but correct it.
Charlo e led me and walked ahead.
It's all informa on she already knows, but she thinks Charlo e thinks she'll
know something if she dares to double-check her eyes and ears with her
eyes and ears.
Blinded by her greed, fireball scroll
She blew one up and she arrived at the nigga's shop.
- quiver
I never thought I'd be back here.
".......what? What kind of kids are you?”
The owner's man, Elerys, told me his name, but I can't remember. But he
s ll looked mean and greedy. Charlo e took the lead and walked towards
the counter.
“Are you sure, Mr. Borton?”
“……Uh, by the way?”
At first, some guy calls his name
all. Charlo e seemed to have go en almost all of her prior informa on.
“Did you tell someone the other day that you stole a fireball scroll?”
Normally, I would have turned it upside down in a rage, but now I'm in a
situa on where it's really bad if I stand up, so I clenched my teeth and
endured it. The situa on with his face contorted as he thinks of that me
I mean, you were trying to sell a scroll.
But what is a fake scroll that is elaborately drawn? So what are you digging
for, I told you to turn it off. then
When I kicked him out, he swung a fireball scroll. I was so angry that I
found out later... I tried to find him, but to no avail. This is the end. Then, to
see if he had hit something, he said he would catch him, and people came
here and there.
I'm shivering and walking around."
It was an arbitrary explana on. And he gave me fireball scrolls
The part that was handed over was adapted in such a way that I stole it.
"But what clue is this? It rose to the sky or fell to the ground.
I don't know, and I don't even know his name."
Borton took a deep breath as he thought it would be impossible to find a
person based on such an eyewitness account. Thought of the lost money, it
was s ll a night's sleep. Charlo e looks at Borton and Rob
smiled inside
“It’s a clue, obviously.”
“Only this?”
Charlo e looked around the store itself, not the bortons, she said.
When I said that I got it, I had a confused expression.
Like it or not, Charlo e suddenly fell in her arms.
She pulled out one of her scrolls.
“I’ll give you this scroll for a quarter of the regular price.”
“It’s not fake. Please confirm."
When the li le girl suddenly took out a magic scroll and showed it, she laid
it out on the counter and looked at it, and she lted her head.
“...Lightning Scrolls... authen c. The list price of a scroll is 1 gold, and a
quarter of it is 25 silver coins.”
“If you want to buy it, you can buy it, or you don’t have to buy it.”
Charlo e said that 1 gold was the correct price, as if she had nothing to say
about the price, and Bor Tong, as if what kind of rice cake was this, she
handed Charlo e twenty-five silver coins. It was close enough to me that I
was happy because I had a clue and a bunch of money.
A er she took the silver coin, she smiled at Charlo e.
“Well then, where in the process did I have a chance to steal your scrolls?”

As soon as I saw the scroll, the child who came
Charlo e pointed to the scroll cabinet behind Borton. It is structured in
such a way that guests cannot access it in the first place.
If Bali shows the demon scroll
gave it to Borton for appraisal
take it inside the sun looked at
If you've done it, secretly fireballsk
You could have stolen the roll.
But Charlo e made no such excuses.
I deliberately sold one scroll at a very cheap price to keep track of how the
transac on proceeds.
saw it
Charlo e said she had designed the store's structure in the first place.
It is possible to steal by seeing it with your own eyes.
She was trying to find out if she did or not.
She says Charlo e with her head slightly lted, as she sneers.
"That kid stole the fireball scroll," she said.
it's definitely not you hide something
There seems to be something Tell me.”
She told Charlo e that she had seen the lie of Bortong, and she was
completely up to every corner he would excuse
blocked it off
| “What are you saying! stole if stolen
Where the hell is that li le bitch…”
Her face turned red at his absurdity and she tried to step out of the
It wasn't Charlo e wearing a robe, it was me. She said Charlo e didn't
reveal her iden ty, so she didn't have to.
It probably means she doesn't want to be minted.
“I am a student in the Temple Royal class. If you don't want to get bloody
while talking nonsense, let's talk quietly."
She said that Charlo e didn't go her iden ty, so I'm done. Thank you,
Master Yangban. If I hadn't, everyone might have run away.
“De, Temple...?”
I waved my student ID in front of my eyes, and the last thugs
I'm a li le curious if this guy and this yangban are a li le different
looked red.
“Yes, Temple, I don’t care if you lose, so you shouldn’t beat me?
As I mu ered with a very threatening force, he seemed to be struggling
between the feeling of being ignored by a young boy and having trouble
with the Temple student. Charlo e looked a li le surprised that she didn't
know I was going to intervene.
A er all, she saw through the lies of Charlo e Bortong. She knows the
truth sooner or later
"If it's stolen, you'll have to explain how he stole it, and if not, tell me what
you're hiding."
My side would be a li le more menacing than Charlo e who covered her
face. Charlo e is me
Let's go see what you do
She seemed speechless.
Above all else, I can't stay s ll because I'm so pissed off at that bastard
talking nonsense.
“You can’t get a sense of the fact that this isn’t an ordinary case, right? you
are false
Allegedly disturbing the circumstances of the case by providing
there is a sense Would you like to tell me now
Being dragged away by someone who can't lead, in a gloomy basement
Will you tell me a er you're beaten?"
I don't know what Charlo e's expression was at my ridiculous blackmail
threat. Neither can I control the powers of Charlo e or Bertus.
It's just a list of scary words according to what you hear.
False informa on, disturbance of the circumstances, and allega ons.
If you put up words that you shouldn't be involved in, people will start to
get scared.
there is bound to be
I mean just blackmail. Because I don't even have the authority to do that.
“That, that… that…” But it’s hard to think of it as blackmail from the point
of view of Borton who is listening. I had no inten on of coming back here.
I wanted to see him get punished.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 83

Borton eventually confessed.
" you gave it to me?" "Yeah, yes..."
However, he did not confess everything, but confessed as defensively as
possible. stolen
It's not really, it's just given.
“Why do you just give him the fireball scroll?” |
“Hey, I felt sorry for a child trying to sell fake scrolls like that, so I gave it to
"...a lie that doesn't even sound like such a word
Why are you doing it? Oh, you're saying you're a thief? But now he's pi ful,
so he just gave it to me?"
“Yeah, yes! I just gave it to you!”
Charlo e looked absurd, as if she thought I would believe the lie. I was
thinking about this guy when he gave me a fireball scroll, but he was really
stupid and shameless.
In the end, I got annoyed.
It's not hard for Charlo e to break this yangban's lies, but she's always
She picks up the rubbish and serves.
She wasn't trying to make a scroll and sell it! He handed me a fireball scroll
and said to draw the same thing or something like that, but when I gave it
to him, he suffered. Thinking like this, what are you doing?"
Eventually I got annoyed all the way to her head and I
Charlo e didn't seem too surprised by my reasoning, whether she had
already guessed it in her head. Borton is his father
When a lie was exposed and reached the truth, his complexion became
"Oh, no! Z, proof. Buying a person without proof, driving them to be
scammers, and then using them! What did I do! I lost a fireball scroll!
Losing money!"
Charlo e took a deep breath.
“Hey, Mr. Normal. imperial law is intended
do not punish you like that
Even if you tried to do something, even though there would be moral
problems, you didn't actually sell fake scrolls, so you're deceived.
it's not I just want to know the truth. so that kid
did not steal the fireball scroll. Is it this?”
As Charlo e spoke like an adult, it was only then that Bor Tong began to
regain her composure.
"That... yes. That's right. I didn't steal it. It... Anyway, I gave it to myself.
That is true.”
“How can a person be so stupid? That's why the public educa on system in
the Empire should be started soon! That way there will be at least one
more idiots like that
Aren't you going to hear it?"
The reason these idiots exist is because there is no public educa on. Is
So in the end it is the responsibility of the empire
Did you feel upset? Is it a concept that makes you feel ashamed and angry
when you see a guy like that?
“Wow, the point of view is different in many ways…”
Oh, you're a princess. The way of thinking is different from that of the
I have lived in a world where idiots like that abound even when public
educa on is properly implemented.
Although I cannot agree with that,
“Oh, by the way… are you going to calm down?” "uh? iced coffee. I'm
Excited, Charlo e came so close to me and her nose that she vomited
feverishly. It's hard for me to understand that morality isn't the problem,
but that people get angry at people who are so stupid.
It was a point of view.
A er a while, she took a few deep breaths, as if Charlo e had calmed
“Okay….he told her she was a thief
She was a li le puzzled. One ques on has been solved.”
It seems that she was suspicious of reports of stealing the crawler. So she
seemed to be quite sa sfied with the fact that she eventually checked it
out for herself and found out the truth.
“By the way, Reinhardt, you are great too.
It’s tough.”
“What am I?”
“At the me I was under pressure.”
As I bully you, the truth is a mess
It seemed to be referring to when the . Charlo e looked at me and smiled
“Have you tried it a lot?”
I sighed at the evil laughter.
“It’s not like you haven’t done it, but you don’t do it that o en, do you?”
More than anything else, I was so annoyed that he casually picked up
nonsense and rushed forward.
there is also
“There’s nothing wrong with being able to do anything. I looked good."
"I don't know if it's a compliment or a cri cism for being good at blackmail,
but I'm grateful."
Charlo e seemed to reevaluate me again. She said Charlo e and then she
pointed to one of the stalls lined with shops along the street.
“Let’s eat something to clear our minds.” At the same me, she was jinxing
a bag of silver coins she had just sold the Lightning Scroll.
“The day will come when you will get street food from the princess. It's an
Charlo e is slightly confused by my generosity
“…I o en hear that you are rude to Bertus.”
"To be precise, I've heard that it's not cheap."
“…it’s a no-brainer.”
He's a strange guy who seems to look at the eyes of the prince and
princess, but doesn't see them at all.
' said Charlo e.
“If you didn’t come to the real temple, you’d be in my name.
Couldn't he have died?"
If a possessor of cheap things like you lived as a commoner, surely he
would have died early.
Charlo e was swearing. The principle is that students are judged by each
other, but no ma er how hard I try, I go beyond just being honest with
“So I think the day I graduate from Temple is my final day, and I’m thinking
about whether I should pay for it forever.”
“If you want to live a li le longer, you have to be like that.”
Charlo e, you might be
She said, and she burst into laughter.
Charlo e and I went to a stall near the shopping street.
I bought and ate churros-like s cks. It's a long piece of bread with some
sugar dipped in it. It looked like churros, but it tasted like a pretzel.
No ma er how much you think about it, it's a medieval worldview where
sugar is common. what the hell In the first place
Even though I gave up thinking at the point where Bee was selling candy.
Medieval fantasy is not medieval!
"By the way... I think I'm just saying this, but you're like a princess, so you
just eat what's sold on the street?"
This is a low-key food for me to eat. I didn't want this
However, I was surprised that I ate it so casually. He even asked to eat,
“Actually, it was a bit tricky at first.”
“I know what you’re thinking, but it just felt like what you imagined.”
The type of person who hates street food or low-quality food. She said
Charlo e said she used to be
Well, she was even more curious about it. She looks like a no-nonsense
Seeing that, I have a bias.
No ma er how good he looks, Bertus says he's a bad guy.
Charlo e looks a li le bad or naughty
Look, no, he's all there for a reason. doing this,
It's the first impression rule.
A er all, I'm the funniest guy.
“When a person runs out of water to the point of drying out, the puddle of
water on the floor
lick it too tell me what to eat
there is no Did you eat the dirty leather shoes?”
Charlo e looked at me and smiled. It wasn't a laugh, it was a face he made
reluctantly because he couldn't cry.
She saw the mask she wore all her life and the face she wore throughout
her life insignificant in the face of her absolute desire for survival. She and
she realized that she wasn't that different either.
“What was the scariest thing? The torture they do, the torture they do
It wasn't a threat, it wasn't a curse, it wasn't anything."
She says Charlo e is s ll with a dark expression on her face, she's staring at
the churros she's ea ng.
It was.
“People who were so hungry that they ate each other. A er ea ng each
People who are shocked and mad at the very fact that they have done such
a terrible thing."
She sees Charlo e looking at me.
"I'm not a demon there. People were the worst."
Humans feared the most. “The reason they became like that is because I
can be like that too. It was the most terrifying and terrifying for me.”
Because I might become like them, Charlo e is not a demon, but a
perishing person.
The livers were the worst. it's yourself
Because I didn't know it was going to be like this.
"That much... It was so terrifying and frightening that I thought I was going
to go crazy... No, in that situa on where I was already crazy..."
At that me, she was crying as Charlo e was holding a corpse.
“Ummm… A er that, it’s delicious to eat anything… Is this something like
Charlo e shook her head.
“A er that, she said that she would never eat anything more delicious than
the one she ate then.
just know that Whatever you eat, just do it.”
She hasn't come to appreciate all the food since then.
She knew that nothing in her life would ever experience a taste more
ecsta c than the taste of the biscuit she had then eaten, so Charlo e was
not picky about food.
No ma er what I eat, it doesn't taste as good as it was back then, so I
ended up ea ng anything.
“……Isn’t that too pessimis c?”
“Wouldn’t it be be er if I became a pessimis c person instead of going
Charlo e frowned and smiled.
The only thing that didn't go crazy in that scene
It was a bit sad to hear that she had already made a save.
But her Charlo e smile was so beau ful that she fainted for a moment.
"Aren't you going to keep saying things to me that I shouldn't listen to? It's
okay to say something like this. I don't think I'd be too embarrassed if I said
that I have to die now, a er hearing this."
To be honest, you and I aren't that close now! Of course, you seem to have
opened up your heart to me to some extent, but isn't this a bit rushed?
I wanted to do it, but I couldn't
are you? So let's catch one hogu
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 84
“…by the way, you didn’t even eat half?”
Charlo e looked at the churros I ate and barely touched, and she was
He mu ered as if nothing.
“I hate sweets.”
Refined carbohydrates fried in oil
Daa added sugar as a bonus? raw
Even every angle is breathtaking.
Why are you ea ng this?
Of course, I ate the candy Elerys gave me, but that's it,
At my words, Charlo e opened her mouth slightly, as if it were funny.
She had a sweet expression without a real earl tang.
“You’re surprised that I eat anything that doesn’t suit my status, but it’s
more interes ng that I was a street beggar and said that I didn’t like
sweets? i this
Are you offended?”
A princess who eats anything on the street.
He said he didn't like sweets, so he took one bite and le the whole thing.
Both are legends.
To be honest, the princess has a story. My side hits harder.
"Um, it's different with the Princess. I used to eat sloppy things every day,
but now that I'm ea ng more luxurious things, I realized what my ea ng
habits are. That's what it is."
“...I really hate to say things like this, but are you hungry?”
“Gram. you should be hungry They grow up ea ng only the best in the
world’s best educa onal ins tu ons.”
“…I really have nothing to say.”
As if there was really such a bizarre thing, Charlo e smiled in disbelief as if
it had lost its absurdity.
“Then what do you like?”
“Hot meat stew.”
Charlo e's expression grew more and more strange when she compared
her soup.
...what is it? When I'm talking to you, I some mes think of stubborn
ministers. The way he speaks, his taste, and…”
Are you saying this sounds like a kkondae?
To be honest, if you look at me at your age, you can feel that way.
"Thank you. I'll take it as a sign of being mature."
“Just know that matura on doesn't always mean good.”
I knew for sure that it was a sarcasm of being mature rather than mature.
Of course, I forcibly crumpled the remaining pieces of churros into my
| "...what. Why do you suddenly eat it when you say you don't like it?
I mumbled for a while, ate the terrible sweet, and sighed.
“But if you throw away the princess’s bounty, it will be used.”
She doesn't know what Charlo e will think if the princess throws her
bounty in the trash, but she doesn't do anything good to throw it away.
Of course, it's not that the princess bought it, it's that Charlo e bought it,
but it's important.
“…it’s the most ridiculous thing that you care about such things.”
Charlo e didn't know whether she was paying a en on or not, and she
seemed to be on the verge of giving up on understanding me now.
Her brief break was over.
We sat on benches and watched people coming and going on the street.
“It seems that there are things that you have to come to know in person.”
“Um… well, it looks like that today.”
Charlo e took a deep breath.
Obviously, Charlo e would have ordered someone to search Aligar Le
Shopping Street.
But even that obvious the case
Couldn't figure it out
“I know that I only do what my people tell me to do, so this is a harvest in
its own way.”
only do what you are told
She seemed to judge that Charlo e had a harvest just because she didn't
mean that much, but she eventually knew that her people were lacking.
It's not that she's hard to figure out informa on either, she's just asking
Charlo e for the results of her inquiry.
brought it Without ques oning the authen city of the informa on.
Of course, it's because I know the truth, and Charlo e has her own
despera on, so she thinks fiercely.
If I hadn't known the truth, I might have just moved on.
“I don’t think you should know the inten on that you need water if you ask
them to dig a well…”
Charlo e seemed to be firm in her disappointment with her subordinates.
From Aligar Shopping Street to Bali
Then she told me to explore.
That she intends to find Bali
It's a wri en instruc on, but I literally just went back a er an inquiry. So
she went so far as to reveal the lack of credibility to Charlo e herself.
She said, “There are more facts that I have learned by checking with my
own eyes.”
“What else is there?”
Charlo e stares at me. No, it's a look you don't even know.
“The report I received was from a store
A certain owner gave a certain tes mony. this
I mean, it was documented.”
“Um… is that so?”
“By the way, there are some things that you can see when you come and
inves gate yourself. The loca on of the stores that obtained the
tes mony...
It’s easy to get to know.”
Charlo e pointed to the other side of the shopping street.
That was the entrance we came in.
"Copper wire."
At Charlo e's words, I get goosebumps on her spine.
it sprouted
“He came in from the entrance over there, and he went into every scroll
shop he saw at least once. we today
You won’t be able to enter the places you were kicked out like you did, but
all the shops with eyewitness accounts are here.”
And Charlo e pointed to the other end of the shopping street this me.
"And, a er that fireball scroll shop, there are no eyewitness tes mony. You
don't have to go there in person. The movement just ended here."
knew right away
Charlo e is smarter, much more than me.
The loca on is not visible in the document.
But when you come to the site, you can see the loca on.
If you connect the posi ons, the movement line is read.
She said, "If you stole the Fireball Scroll, it makes sense that it disappeared.
You can think of it as running away from pursuit."
“Yeah… I guess.”
“But we found out that the scroll wasn't stolen. Then he would have no
reason to run away.”
If it had been stolen, they would have tried to sell the scrolls elsewhere
outside the shopping mall. Then it is understandable that the line is cut off.
But the truth is, the scroll wasn't stolen, it was handed over to the shop
all. Then he has no reason to run away, and therefore no reason to cut off
the movement.
"If he couldn't sell the Asmodian Scroll, the child would have been trying to
sell the Fireball Scroll he got from the shop owner. Anyway, he must have
been in a situa on where he needed money. There are two possibili es.
The Fireball Scroll shop lied again... .. Well, there is a possibility that he is
pretending not to know a er doing harm to the child himself, but it is
probably impossible with his head...”
I felt like my whole body was ge ng colder and colder.
"Or there. Next scroll shop."
Charlo e points somewhere.
“There is a possibility that the place where the movement is cut off is the
Fireball Scroll Shop or there.
very high.”
There was Elerys' scroll shop.
Charlo e has overly limited informa on.
Only then, she had reached the truth.
She shouldn't let Charlo e reach Elerys' shop.
“That… can’t it be that it’s not there?”
"Things like that happen, too. Actually, I just chased him away, but maybe
he doesn't remember."
Why do you have to doubt Elerys right away?
It didn't seem
“However, there have been no eyewitness informa on ever since.
The bo om line is that there are people who lie among the scroll shops
that follow the Fireball Scroll Shop. It is very likely that one of them did
something to the child.”
Damn it, there's no jus fica on. She tells Charlo e that she is having
reasonable doubts, and it is impossible for her to treat those reasonable
doubts as her vain.
Even if she can, she doesn't want Charlo e to miss a single clue. that she
may have traces of Bali
If she only had one chance, she would try to ques on Elerys.
“It’s not a scroll shop… is there a possibility that it disappeared somewhere
"Ummm... that's right. By the me you carry a scrollbook, you're already a
target for pickpockets and bad criminals."
Don't focus too much on the scroll shop
Charlo e lowered her head as I drank my sleeping water.
nodded. She's been roaming the mall for a long me with her scroll book,
so she says
It is possible to say that she was pickpocketed or that her goods were
“It’s not too late to think about it a er you have secured all the tes monies
up to the next five scroll shops.”
The more informa on, the be er.
So the possibility is the
, and now you can do it a er traversing the scroll shops to figure out who
In the end, she had no reason to stop Charlo e from going to Elerys' shop.
She only needs to block it, and only strange doubts arise.
it will be obvious
And the most important thing.
Now Elerys is looking for her Airi and her companions.
I will go to the Edina Islands to take care of you. It's clear she hasn't come
back yet.
She doesn't know if Elerys' absence is a good thing or a bad thing, but she
says she's popping out in ways things don't predict.
It is clear that I will not be able to reach my true iden ty. But she made
Ereris suspicious of her.
If that happens, even the iden ty of a vampire will be discovered
There is a strong possibility that it will be
Can not help it.
Use the exit func on.
Charlo e will inves gate Elerys' shop.
She comes to think she's not worth it.
[You will need 10000 Achievement Points to perform this refurbishment.]
Damn it.
Charlo e's will to find me is so
She was strong and found a meaningful clue.
Ignoring it is almost impossible. Probability is too far behind.
- Tickle! Tickle!
"Hmm... it's locked."
Charlo e's shop door is locked.
She lted her head to make sure she was there.
Elerys has not returned yet.
| “…because it could be a day off.”
"Then why don't we find out about the other side first? Isn't she coming
back someday?"
I pretended to be as calm as possible and said that. But she said Charlo e
was staring at the door she had locked.
She seemed to see some possibili es, star ng with simple suspicions. I
could clearly feel the subtle shards of joy in that expression.
The expression on your face as if you've finally reached the clue you
thought you'd never find
was doing
It was surprising to me to see.
With only insignificant eyewitness informa on, Charlo e.
Silver to iden fy the place where I disappeared
because you have reached the
Charlo e went straight to the shop next door to her, which is a weapon
and armor shop, not a scroll shop. I went to other scroll shops and they
didn't seem to hear me.
“…why do these kids come to this Dell?”
“Is the scroll shop next door closed today?”
A middle-aged man with a bushy beard
He lted his head as he cleaned his armor.
Charlo e began to interrogate the shopkeeper, not hers in Bali.
"No? Miss Elena seems to have gone a li le farther. She didn't open the
fortress barrel door."
I now know that Elerys' pseudonym is Elena.
Elerys has been closing the shop for quite some me.
became She of course was in a situa on where she couldn't be there now.
This is ge ng more and more in the worst way I didn't expect
was spreading
"How long has the store been closed?"
“Ummm... Last Monday, so congratula ons
It's been since my beginning. maybe at the fes val
Wherever we went to play for a long me
I don't think it's What do you do when you are young?”
There, Charlo e had a slightly sullen expression on her face. The owner
may have gone on a very long vaca on to coincide with the start of the
fes val.
's reasoning was quite plausible.
The fes val is over, but you can s ll go on vaca on. “Is the owner young?”
“You are young and very beau ful. Thousands of people trying to gather
around here... No. What am I talking about?"
He scratched his head, wondering if it wasn't something he could do.
definitely ellie
Because Su seems to have a lot of trouble with that part.
“By the way, Miss Elena, what is she looking for?
are you? It's a scroll shop. I'm sorry, Miss Elena, but there are quite a few."
Because he thought he was not his guest, he was talking so ly. Clearly, he's
smarter than the other shopkeepers.
He seemed to be on the good side.
“There is a reason for that. Don't you know when that person named Elena
is coming back?"
"Hmm... Well, where are you going, somehow, it's because you le without
saying a word."
“Does anyone know about that?”
I want to stop, but I can't stop this conversa on
there was no
"Well... Miss Elena doesn't even a end the merchant's mee ng, and she
gets along well, but she's not par cularly close with anyone or anything
like that.
it's not rusty Eat rice together
Isn't there anyone who has never seen it? S ll, people are really good-
natured. I don't have a business, so I'm not a merchant
They say it looks like…”
I get along well with everyone, but I don't have any close friends. It's not
like the Aligar merchants here, who live as merchants, but only those who
Suspicion becomes doubt, and doubt becomes certainty.
I don't know the details, but something is wrong
He feels that he is one person.
As if Charlo e had made up her mind, she grinned.
“Uh… huh?”
"Follow me."
Charlo e le the bewildered owner behind, as she grabbed me and
dragged me to Elerys' shop door.
“I have to force you in.”
As her doubts grew closer to certainty, Charlo e seemed to be inclined to
use a more forceful method.
Inside the robe, she saw her blue light emana ng from her earring
Charlo e was wearing.
She wasn't alone for nothing.
She said that Charlo e had ar facts similar to the one I had on Tuesday's.
She's obviously not the only one with that.
“Break it.”
- Coupang!
At just one word, an explosion echoed from the door of Elerys' shop. An
intangible shock wave smashed through the door.
- What, what!
-what's the ma er!
“You, what are you guys doing!”
The street is engulfed in a sudden explosion
was cheap
“Let’s go in.”
But, as if she didn't mind Charlo e, she walked without hesita on towards
the side of the smashed door.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 85

Elerys didn't put protec ve magic on the door. So the door is easy.
crab was broken
However, if the protec on magic was on it, it would already be a piece of
evidence in itself. A locked store door is a problem if it is broken or not.
The moment Charlo e paid a en on to this place, it was already over.
can't stop at this place right now
Charlo e's slap in the back of the head is crazy
'Cause I can't do shit Leaving the commo on outside, Charlo e the shop
went inside
“Hmm… the cabinet is locked.” The scroll cabinets in each scroll shop are
now literally shu ered. Charlo e crossed the counter and glanced over her
scrolling cabinet.
She said, "There's a magic lock installed. But it's what everyone uses...."
The property of the scroll shop is the scroll itself. So it was only natural that
the cabinet itself had a magic lock to prevent the of the scroll. Charlo e
takes up one wall of the store as a barrel.
and knock the shu er of the scroll cabinet
I tried tapping.
“Reinhardt, if there is a fireball scroll in this, what do you think the
probability is that it is the fireball scroll from that store earlier?”
"Well... wouldn't it be low?"
“Um… is that so? Although it is quite expensive, it is not a rare scroll. If
there was, it could have been sold…”
There's definitely a fireball scroll.
that it can't be evidence
She knew Charlo e.
She pulled Charlo e out of her arms and a book of hers. It was the
scrollbook I knew. She said Charlo e flipped through her pages, and she
soon pulled out a scroll.
“S ll, it wouldn’t hurt to check. She may have the Demon Scroll that the
child had.”
Elerys took my scroll and killed it. She had a good chance that she was
thinking this way.
The magic name of the scroll that Charlo e took out is obvious.
Order date of any unlock or dispel type
it will Charlo e spreads her scroll and spells
The moment she was about to fall.
"Huh...? No, what kind of mess is this?"
Elleris, who should not have been here originally, appeared from the stairs
upstairs in her shop.
"You, who are you...?"
Elerys looked at me in turn with Charlo e, who was just about to cast a
dispel spell, with a puzzled expression on her face.
One word about who you are.
Thanks to those words, I no ced that Elerys had a complete grasp of the
situa on. I don't know what happened
Only Elerys was back in her shop, and she now knows what's going on.
pretending not to know me. She is proof of that.
“Ah… are you there?”
Charlo e was bewildered for a moment, and she looked at Rob.
took off
“My name is Charlo e de Gradias.
As an Imperial Princess, she has a few ques ons for you.”
Charlo e decided that now was not the me for her to hide her iden ty.
Leaving behind the commo on outside her, Elleris panicked, and she knelt
in front of the princess and bowed her head.
“Woah, the Imperial Majesty of the Crown Princess came to such a shabby
place as a fisherman…”
“I have no inten on of dragging it long,” she said. You can answer the
ques ons asked.”
Charlo e, revealing her iden ty, began to speak in a coercive and cold
manner. Elleris was certainly behaving like an imperial commoner.
I don't know what's going to happen, but please, it should work out. I hope
Elerys has prepared her plausible excuse. There is nothing I can do to help
at this point.
I think I'll come in here with Charlo e and even run into Elerys.
Because I couldn't lose, my mind was already chaos itself.
“You know that all sorts of people around here are looking for a single
"Yes, I know, Your Majesty."
"I heard you said you've never seen him. Are you sure?"
Revealing her iden ty, Charlo e is respec ul of her, but she is sure that as
she is imperial, she casually asks ques ons and answers like that.
She had the a tude that she could do it.
“Yes sir. I'm sure. I've never seen such a child."
“Look into my eyes.”

“Look into my eyes and tell me.”
As if she was trying to spot a lie, Charlo e was staring intently at Elerys.
Elerys also struggled to raise her head to face her Charlo e.
“Have you never seen it?”
“Yes, definitely not.”
Ereris's blatant lies
What did she read in her eyes? Charlo e is
She looked at Elerys like that for a while, then pointed her chin to
somewhere in her.
“Unlock the scroll cabinet.”
Fireball Scroll.
Charlo e can't tell if it's there or not.
She meant to cut it.
She doesn't even know where she went. She knows only Elerys. Elleris
trembled in fright and soon disengaged her magic lock.
“Show me your ID.”
“Ah, yes… here it is.”
Charlo e checked her ID handed to Elerys, and she soon lost her interest
and went to the open scrolling cabinet, where she began to rummage.
As she rummages, she asks Charlo e dripping.
“Was the Count of Persia a pre y decent lord?”
It was a random ques on. what the hell is this
What ques on?
"Well, that's... The Count of Persia.... Locally, it's called the Bishopric of
Rendry. The Count of Persia is not actually a lord..."
“Oh, it was.”
And, at the sudden response from Elerys, my spine felt cold.
Now Charlo e has asked about Elerys's place of origin.
I don't know where it is, but Elerys's fabricated origin is the Count of Persia.
Charlo e is Elerys, Count of Persia.
If I said this was a pre y decent lord, I would have said that it was actually
a bishopric ruled by Bishop Rendry. If she was from there, she wouldn't be
unaware that it was in fact a state decree.
was a kind of trap inves ga on.
She asked a fact that she would not have known if she was from there. And
Elerys answered the ques on correctly.
Charlo e is aware of such detailed issues within the Empire. Confirming
forged origins
In order to make it happen, Elerys did a thorough research on what kind of
place it was.
Both were creepy in my opinion.
Charlo e rummaged through her cabinet,
She didn't stop asking ques ons.
“Are you a wizard?”
“No, my lord. However, there are tools that are technically capable.
“Hmm, there's no reason for a wizard to have a scroll shop. It is said that
there is no such thing as a case of not doing it at all."
As Charlo e rummaged through her scrolling cabinet, she quietly crossed
her arms and looked at her cabinet.
"There is no such thing as a fireball scroll..."
Either way, the Fireball Scroll has already been disposed of.
“It’s a unique shop that doesn’t have any a ack magic in the first place.”
Charlo e knows one thing that Elery's scroll shop is different from other
she cried
“Bring the ledger.”
Charlo e looked like she wouldn't leave this place un l she had all the
suspicions proven.
She realized anew that Elerys was her me culous personality. business is
Leaving Go Noi, Elerys is the chief
Her wealth management was also me culously maintained.
She's on a spy mission in the Demon Realm in the Imperial Capital, and she
never knows when she'll be discovered.
am. So, she seemed to have prepared everything so that she wouldn't be
suspicious of her in this part.
“The reason she doesn’t deal with a ack magic is because
“That… because a ack magic is easy to use for violent events.
It would be nice if it was used, but I know that there are quite a few cases
where this is not the case...”
Elerys had in mind the possibility that her scrolls she had sold would be
used for criminal purposes. So, a ack magic
They don't treat crawls at all.
It was also like Elerys.
However, it is, a er all, a weakness. In this part, Elerys is me culous.
she couldn't
“But isn’t a ack magic the most in demand?”
"Yes...." -
So business is not going well.
There will be. The fucker wants me
I'm going to sell it, but I can't even get a hold of it.
A er Charlo e finished her book, she closed it.
“You seem to have nothing to do with the child I’m looking for.”
The possibility that Charlo e is divina on now is that someone who
recognized the true value of her demon scroll took the whole scroll book
and then did it. However, Elerys does not deal with a ack magic, and
according to the evalua ons around her, she is a person who does not have
much trade speed.
She's a merchant, but she doesn't have a bath, so scroll
It goes without saying that there is no possibility of robbing the drum.
So, she seemed to have cleared her doubts on that side. But she pointed to
Charlo e her ledger.
“By the way, it doesn’t seem like there’s even a maintenance fee for the
store here?”
As Charlo e looked at Elerys's shop, it seemed that she had other doubts.
Looking at her books, she said that Elerys' shop sales were very low.
"How is the shop maintained? At a point where you don't even deal with
a ack magic, which is in high demand, you don't seem to have much
inten on of making money..."
The cost of maintaining the store comes from Rotary clubs. But she said
that once Charlo e got there, it was very likely that she would be entwined
with me as well.
It's really creepy.
Does this happen?
“That… you’re actually losing money.”
Of course, if Elerys eats away the capital,
Standing around, she said she was doing business. knife
She said she couldn't because she couldn't run a soup business.
It's just a simple excuse. clumsy
I jumped into the business board, but my stubbornness
I mean, I'm cu ng my weight off.
“At the same me, did you even go on vaca on in me for the zodiac
fes val?”
“Ah… that’s…”
“Where did you go?”
“Just… camping near the Yellow Island….
Then I heard there was a riot
Stand outside a li le more and come back today
If you go somewhere through the warp gate, track the gate usage history.
I can see it, so that's what I'm saying
it was ter
“Camping.... It's camping...” |
good me are you? this is the look
How come
This is the army that Charlo e is longing for a successor.
You seem to be possessed by a senior?
Are you going to make a living like this?
He seemed to be genuinely pi ful.
"egg I've heard that all of the Ligar merchants are just s nkin' bastards, but
I don't think all of them are like that."
As if I didn't know that there were people like you who decided to go
Charlo e seemed excited in many ways. She seemed to have confirmed
that Charlo e had no doubts that she could eventually find her inside the
And one last ques on.
“Up there, can I go upstairs?”
Charlo e pointed to the stairs leading up to the inside of the store.
The room on the upper floor of the shop where Elerys lives.
There was only one living room and one room.
“…it doesn’t look like a living room.”
She looked at the room with only the bare minimum of things she needed,
and that's what Charlo e had to say. Table and chairs in the living room,
and a bed in the bedroom
There is only a blanket and a blanket.
“That… because I can’t afford it…”
It is true that we are actually living in poverty,
In a room that is too airy
She didn't seem to find Charlo e anything except that her sense of life was
extremely poor. Elerys crawled a er Charlo e, and I was nervous too.
It looked like it was going to explode.
Originally, Elerys' room was found in most households, but there were
some that were not as good as this one.
Direct cookware and food storage,
- Click
But now Charlo e opens the freezer and she sees the frozen convenience
food there.
He nodded slowly, looking at her.
This is what Elerys had prepared for a while so she could feed me if I ever
came. I don't know how expensive refrigerators are in this day and age, but
the mere existence of them avoids the ques on of not ea ng.
could do it
Now she thinks Charlo e is the prime suspect in what she did to Balier, and
she's scouring Elerys' room, but she's actually in the house of a vampire
who has infiltrated the eclip c.
I'm searching.
Eleris might be a demon.
If she sims she can find other suspicious parts but she finds Charlo e find
I was just looking for traces that could be traced.
Charlo e went into the bedroom this me. All I had was a window over the
bed, a blanket, and a wardrobe.
Ellery some mes avoids Charlo e's gaze.
There were mes when our eyes met.
'Are you red?'
'Looks like that!'
There were several exchanges of gaze in that sense. Charlo e stared
quietly at her bed, and she took her hand there.
“Yes sir.”
“Who is this haircut?”
There, obviously, there was a golden hair that was completely different
from Elerys's reddish brown hair.
My hair color was blonde when I took her human form with her horns
hidden. And the hair that Charlo e had now picked up was blonde.
That's my hair. I came out just in me for the start of the fes val and slept
here for a few days.
Now Charlo e must be mistaken for my hair to be her hair on her volley.
That's right! So my hair is my hair, it's only natural!
That's my hair when I'm in a different mod
did you? Not Balier, but Reinhard Mer.
Is that Rikarak?
By the way, why did your hair fall out? No, I usually fall for it, right? When
you sleep, it usually falls out. It's okay unless it's sold out! No, I'm blonde,
so I can't go black.
She held back her desire to run quickly and check the number of hairs she
had lost.
“I asked who the hair is.”
Of course, Charlo e has a completely different point of view than mine.
started interroga ng Elerys.
Elreris's face was already bright red. The day comes when she will see a
vampire with blood on her face. Did vampires have blood?
Charlo e found someone else's hair on the bed, apparently not yours.
She is interroga ng her.
“He, that... my, my... my me. M….. Boyfriend….. ga, it’s like…”
What excuse could Elerys have other than that?
Charlo e was terrified, and she threw away a piece of her hair she was
“That, that… it’s like that…”
“Yes… Your Majesty…”
As Charlo e was s ll young, she didn't seem to have any tolerance for it.
Both Elerys and Charlo e had their faces wide open in a slightly different
sense. Charlo e is
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 86
Elerys suddenly turns into a boyfriend
He picked up and served Myeong and his iden ty in detail. It came out so
precisely and so quickly that I almost felt like the fic onal boyfriend was a
real person.
No, he may be a god image of a real person. Charlo e's background check
There is clearly a possibility that
It's clear he's a bit strange, but Elleris is not charged.
She seemed to judge Charlo e that way. She had no evidence, she only
had a heart a ack, and she had no physical evidence to convince her of it.
What she would have been like if Elerys hadn't been in this posi on.
There was no evidence in her scroll cabinet, but on her bed lay blonde hair,
presumably her Balier hair.
Charlo e said that only with the circumstan al evidence, Elle
She would have dug into Reese tenaciously.
“……It’s the cost of repairing the door.”
Charlo e handed two gold coins to Elerys.
“Go, thank you, my Majesty…”
It must be a larger amount than the actual door repair cost.
“Excuse me, Elena.”
Charlo e said she didn't seem to have any more ques ons for her to ask
Elerys, as she le her shop. Before leaving, Elerys and my eyes met.
She came out into the street, Charlo e, she had been walking for a while,
and then she suddenly stopped.
“No ma er what you think, it’s winning.”
Charlo e didn't seem to stop her doubts. He drags me down the alley
I turned around, and he looked at me.
“Then… are you saying that all of that person’s tes mony is a lie?”
“Even if you say it has nothing to do with the disappearance, the person
itself is suspicious.”
At those words, my head felt frozen. She thought Charlo e was convinced
enough, but she wasn't convinced at all.
“The scroll shop has the highest demand for a ack magic spells. But you
don't sell it because it has the poten al to be used for crime? That's not to
say that business isn't the goal in the first place. I guess
that it doesn't ma er. I looked at the ledger and rented
I can't even pay the fee. By the way, it's been more than two years since I
started a scroll shop for records. They said they had been in a business
with no sales for these years.”
One suspicious thing.
Scrolls that do not sell a ack magic scrolls
roll shop.
Even though there is no sales, somehow the store con nues to be
maintained. That is, the business itself is not the purpose.
"Yes it was."
“Even when the owner of the room disappeared, what did the owner of
the room do there? how
It’s a room where you don’t even know if you lived there.”
Two suspicious things.
The room itself is already anonymized. I have no idea what kind of life they
are living there. Elerys' room, which had no sense of life at all, was not
damaged even if it was vacated at any me.
Leaving the troubles in Bali, it seems she has come to the conclusion that
Charlo e should be inves gated first because of the suspenseful nature of
the shopkeeper named Elena.
What if she thinks that Elerys might be her demon spy? of course
Elerys can get out of her own way
She must be there, but she will never see Elerys in the eclip c.
She has to do something.
Whether she rides water or whatever, for now it's not me that's the
problem, it's Elerys that's in danger.
The store is a disguise and has a different purpose.
Confidence in hers had already been reached.
Then, in order to materialize her convic on, Charlo e uses her own power
She will start inves ga ng her Elerys that she used.
It is only a ma er of me before she realizes that Elerys is her demon.
“Charlo e, don’t get me wrong.”
If so, it might be be er to stop Charlo e's thoughts by telling me some
truth from my side.
“I think we should stop here.”
At that, Charlo e narrowed her brow as if she were talking about
“Should I stop here? What are you talking about?"
Charlo e had no clue as to why she had to stop here.
It was a look that he couldn't do.
Although she has no perfect evidence, she has captured a suspicious
circumstance. If she digs up Elerys, maybe she can reach Balie.
She doesn't know, she'll think Charlo e.
“As you say, that person is doing her shop for some other reason.
isn't it? However, he deliberately loses money by doing strange things such
as doing a scroll shop without a ack magic.
is it?”
As if she wanted to hear what I was saying, Charlo e listened quietly.
“There’s no reason to do that, it’s just that that person is a bit of an idiot.
Isn't he supposed to be just as good? I don't know what the other purpose
He has the odd guideline that he doesn't sell a ack magic because he
might be used in a crime. I don't know if it's anything else, but that person
wasn't kind at first. At my words, Charlo e subtly nodded her head.
“I will. But that and us
What does that have to do with having to stop here?”
Your guess is that he definitely went into that store. That seems certain.”
By telling the truth through plausible reasoning, I try to stop Charlo e from
thinking further.
"And obviously the kid knew there was something wrong with trying to sell
the Asmodian Scrolls. Wasn't she supposed to be selling the Fireball Scrolls
at the next store?"
“It would have been.” “Someone like the shopkeeper just cast such a
dangerous offensive spell.
What would she be thinking when she saw the kid carrying it?”
A scroll shop owner who is wary of terrorism using magic sees a child
carrying a fireball scroll.
“It must have been stolen.... What is this?”
| “Would you have paid the price and somehow made it impossible to
carry the case or take it away?”
In fact, Elerys bought my Fireball Scroll at a fair price without knowing who
I was. li le girl
It is also true that she was angry about why she was carrying such a thing.
"By the way, she must have seen a kid tying her scroll book to the one she
offered to sell fireball scrolls to."
“That… that’s right.”
Elerys stole a scrollbook from me
Almost stole the scrollbook.
And she found the Demon Scroll. Charlo e didn't seem to understand
what I was trying to say with such a lengthy explana on.
“From here on, it’s specula on.”
It's a fact, not a guess, but she had no choice but to tell Charlo e.
She said, "He checked the contents of the scroll book, so she was able to
recognize the demon scroll. Then he must be a wizard."
Although he is a vampire wizard, he only tells the half-truth of being a
wizard. If you ask him how he knows, he has nothing to say.
"Assuming he recognized the Asmodian Scroll. The person must have said
where did this come from?"
“I will. What do you want to say?”
She asked, as if Charlo e didn't know what the hell I was talking about.
Charlo e always loses her composure in stories involving Balier.
She, of course, was also right that I threw a cannon at her right now,
“I thought he was protec ng the child in some way.
| Before I get to the more dangerous truth, I'll tell Charlo e her half-truth.
decided to
Hiding it or sending it somewhere far away. She didn't say anything
specific, but she said Charlo e seemed to think she was thinking of these
and other possibili es.
“I’m sure we can find the child.
If you do, you should find out more. And that person is protec ng the child
how do you know what Your thoughts are only guesswork. Yes, your guess
is true. Then why do we have to stop here? According to what you said,
you're the only one who has a clue, right?"
“It might be more dangerous for the child to find out.”
Charlo e's eyes widened at my words.
“If we find it, we can find Bertus.”
It's good to find a boy. But she said that Charlo e wasn't thinking of her
a er that.
“We've already had a match on the street,” she said. I don't know how far
this fact will spread. but you found a clue
If you think about it, even Bertus knows this.
it can be get more of that guy
If you start moving people around to see you, Bertus will know.”
Then Charlo e tells the boy's whereabouts and whereabouts.
may be known, but there is a possibility that the informa on will even
reach Bertus' ears. Then she sees the boy
“You confirmed that the child was safe with my superpowers. I don't know
how she's doing, but if I force her to find out the informa on he's hiding, it
might be even more dangerous."
The assump on that Elerys is a wizard must be true, and the assump on
that Elerys will recognize the demon Scroll is not true.
Besides, the specula on that Elerys was just a good person and helped the
boy in trouble must be true.
But I think if Elerys really has a clue, she'd rather touch it.
If it's not a big deal, it's right not to touch it, and if it's something special,
you shouldn't touch it.
It was said in that sense.
“I can’t be sure. Of course... I don't doubt your abili es, but
I don't know if Ram is really protec ng that isle... I'm not sure."
In the end, it's all just specula on, isn't it? It's true that Elerys is a clue, but
Zero may not have anything to do with it. She may have disappeared
somewhere else, but it seemed unse ling to stop in such an ambiguous
"great. Then let’s go back.”
“Yeah, if you give the impression that we're not backing down, even a li le
Can't you tell the truth?"
of course it's bullshit
All you have to do is sign Elerys that it's okay to speak.
I jumped up from my seat when we got back.
"Everyone, you're back... Your Majesty."
The me is now the sun has set.
There were fewer and fewer people coming and going. People are statues
with the door open
I cast my eyes on the dot once and passed by
However, there was no sign of anyone eavesdropping.
Charlo e looked at the open door and pointed towards the stairs.
“I have something to talk about upstairs.”
“Yes sir.”
Elerys faltered and she climbed upstairs. Elerys showed her nervous
“I won't ask for a long me."
Charlo e has come to interrogate her this me.
It wasn't.
"I think you have a clear connec on to the child's disappearance."
When the words close to certainty came out, Elerys clearly showed an
she did
She sobbed quietly as Charlo e covered her face with her hands. No
ma er how happy things happen, people become like this.
She was Charlo e and she was sobbing in ecstasy.
She said, 'Yeah, that kid I'm protec ng.
'Your Majesty will not harm the child, he will not harm the child.
I already know through it.
'But too many people are a er him.'
‘That’s why I couldn’t tell you the truth. Let me apologize for this.
'She says this to me, because your majesty said you would find out
everything from me no ma er what.
He said the child is doing well. I think it would be be er for Your Majesty
not to know where the child is or what he is doing.
'I am a wizard. It's not that great, but he's protec ng an isle.
It is quite possible. I
It may be hard to believe, but I hope you will.
Charlo e, who had been s ff for a while, sat down as if she was about to
collapse. she is so
She was sobbing as if she was out of breath. L
In order to protect Leris, rather El
It was like exposing Leris.
She will also protect Elerys.
“It’s okay… it’s okay. It was okay... it was okay..."
She didn't see her face in person, but she did find someone who said she
was protec ng Balie. She said Charlo e she only found out the truth
Even as she did she was sobbing in emo on.
She said, 'I think it's possible to send and receive news on a non-dangerous
Like a le er or something.”
'However, coming in person is dangerous for me and the child. So, I think it
would be be er to send someone else to send and receive news.
In addi on to understanding the meaning of the sign I sent, Elerys took
another step.
'For example, this boy who came with me today...'
Elerys even created her jus fica on for me to go in and out of her shop in
the form of Reinhardt.
We don't know how this ac on will eventually reveal some of the truth.
However, if he stayed s ll, the fact that Elerys was a vampire would have
been revealed.
It may not be the best, but now
The best thing I can think of at this moment is that

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 87

The magic that I boarded to return to the temple
It was night on the train, so the number of people inside the train was
Charlo e's heart beats mad at her emo ons.
She calmed down a bit, as she calmly tried to organize her thoughts.
“By the way, what on earth is that person for?”
Elerys finds the boy's whereabouts.
I was so surprised that I was doing it.
I'm just sor ng out my thoughts
It was like
"Well... I don't know too well, but magic
Those who live are guys with a lot of secrets
is it you?”
"Ummm... It's hard to agree with, but since there are a lot of geeks out
there, I'm sure..."
Among the wizards, the bizarre are rather common. Even if it's not a bad
way, there are a lot of people with strange personali es.
So I don't know what the plot is, but since wizards are a tribe full of bizarre
writers in the first place, there is no reason that there is no wizard who
does such nonsensical things.
"I'll have to think about it once I've completely confirmed that I'm
protec ng that isle."
It was s ll only verbal tes mony. Whatever the le er, Charlo e says she
won't touch Ellerys once she's sure the child is okay.
If she's in her Charlo e state right now, it's almost as if she'll let her go
even if she knows Elerys is her vampire, provided that Vallie's safety is
“I wish I didn’t belong to some kind of magic society…”
"Magic Society?"
Charlo e made a nonsensical noise and I
lted her head.
“Ummm… there are groups like that that do magic research away from the
public eye.”
Of course, these are things I know for a long me. magic secret society. It
was like a 2nd bo le in middle school and it was good, so I put it in.
A magic organiza on that hid underground for magic research and
experimenta on, or for the freedom of magic research itself. There is not
one or two magic associa ons, and their tendencies are very different.
am. conduc ng an -human experiments
Some of them move to block the threat posed by magic in the shadows.
Charlo e says Elerys isn't like a member of one of those magic socie es.
She seemed to have these doubts.
It's much be er than ques oning whether she's a demon or not.
"S ll, if you look at the way the store is operated... it doesn't seem like the
Black Order..."
Knowing is a disease
That's what you say about Charlo e
it will
It was a long day.
Going out and returning in situa ons where going outside the temple is
prohibited. Charlo e managed to find Ellerys through the simple method
of interroga on. The feeling of seeing the simple ac ons I did as a clue and
reaching the truth from the sidelines
was terrifying
She wandered around her shops without thinking, trying to sell scrolls, and
the fact that she finally met Elleris and se led there was a result of Elerys's
shop being suspicious.
Arriving at the temple, Charlo e and I went back separately.
I decided to go back to the temple a er a few laps outside. actually dinner
Because I didn't train at all.
It didn't seem like Bertus had tracked Charlo e and me out and knew
where we had been.
Frankly, this is not the me for Bertus to care about me and Charlo e. It
turned out that he was behind the black market case, so
We put all our efforts into solving
there will be In fact, your head will explode.
Anyway, Sarkegaar's tail was trampled on
shouldn't have
Royal class dormitory a er exercise
There was someone wai ng for me as soon as I returned home.
“Where have you been all day?”
“I’ve been working out.”
Herriot de Saint-Ouen.
He looked a bit annoyed that he had been wai ng for me for quite some
Follow Charlo e all day
About La Herriot's cancella on of leave of absence
was not thinking at all.
“How are you?”
Anyway, if it's resolved, there's no need to talk to me. Why were you
wai ng for me?
There was also the objec on of Bertus, so it seems to have worked out
well. Harriet was silent for a moment with her arms crossed with a hint of
“What, do you just want to take a vaca on?”
“…No, that’s not it. I couldn't take a leave of absence. If Bertus said that,
there is nothing we can do.”
"...Then it went well, isn't it?"
It's just what I wanted, so it's okay to just say it's the way it is. Why does he
seem so restless?
"What? do you have any problem? If there is, tell me quickly. I wash and
When I said that as if it was bothering me, Harriet's expression became
There was something very unse ling about it.
"That's... that's... My daddy's looking a er you."
What nonsense is this?
Heriot is a child, but Archduke Saint-Ouen isn't a person I can deal with at
my level right now?
“No, why does your high-ranking father-in-law look at a guy like me?” |
Harriet narrowed the gap between her eyes when she said that she was a
bum, but I wonder if she had already given up on correc ng my language
did not give
Rather, Harriet was fidge ng with his fingers. It's cute to see him roll his
eyes down and glance at me.
Do you think he's looking at me?
“He, just… did you think I wasn’t the kind of kid who could talk like this?
look. Just... You shouldn't take a leave of absence by talking to the
communicator and doing this and that. I was just saying that... Are you
reading something that was wri en somewhere... So... Then, who wrote
No ma er how talented you are or how smart you are, Harriet is just a cute
daughter-in-law to the Archduke of Saint-Ouen.
I love daddy every day! Dad is the best! I love you! He was the guy who
was naughty about this.
will How cute is your family?
Because it's set up as a guy who grows up
It could have been enough.
Then, the kind, cute, and adorable daughter-in-law of the world. He must
have been a kid who said good things are good and bad things are bad.
Oh I don't know, buy that one! Oh I don't want to do that! It must have
been the guy
Then the boy suddenly said, 'Father. Taking a leave of absence at this point
might seriously offend Bertus.
It is conjectured. There was a situa on where Bertus even told me not to
take a leave of absence. I was afraid that it might harm the family if I was
forced to take a leave of absence... I spoke with this nuance.
From the point of view of the Archduke of Saint-Ouen, it was a bizarre
would have been
So naturally, he must have thought that he was reading something he had
wri en, and he thought that someone had wri en the script because he
was doing something that Harriet had never done before. What is Harriet
Something similar to a script saying you can't eat it
Because I even wrote it.
“…Anyway, I was the one who wrote the script, and he confessed to me.”
"...Oh my God. I don't believe you I'm not the kind of kid who can say that."
Even if he has good brains, he is s ll a child, and he is a child who has been
given a lot of money.
Since the child has suddenly matured and can't memorize sentences well, I
thought that there was a behind-the-scenes force (?), and that was the
correct answer.
So, for some reason, the Archduke seems to want to see me. Harriet finally
got over her dad's coercion and apologized for men oning me
It was a sight to behold.
This bastard, that's why you've been wai ng for me un l this deep night
Have you been watching?
“Yeah, it’s already happened, so that’s okay, how did you introduce me?”
“That ....that ....”|
“Maybe, I was born as a beggar on the street, so my personality is very
dirty and I get hit everywhere.
I have a li le lamb that goes around. Isn't that what you said?"
Perhaps it was the correct answer, Harriet's complexion turned white.
“Come here, you bastard. Let’s get a real one today.”
“Mi, I’m sorry!”
As I slowly approached, Harriet groaned and stepped back. Ah
Hey, is there ever a moment when he'll say he's sorry with his mouth?
“It’s really surprising that the words “I’m sorry” came out of your mouth,
but I’m in so much trouble right now that those words have to come out.
Do you think I'm even more annoyed?"
"I couldn't help it!"
Even if it's cute this me, it's no use, you bastard.
“Illusion, perfect night.”
- Exactly!
"Wicked! G, really. I really hit you! Really.
I hit you!”
“Then are you going to hit me with a fake?”
“Don’t say that… that’s ridiculous… I really hit me…”
Harriet looked at me with a bewildered expression on her forehead. The
last doubt that you're really going to hit me
It looked like it had collapsed.
uh, how about me? You say I get a chestnut on my forehead? This is not
this is the look
Also cute is the best
“A er that, look at it like this.”
Harriet's face reddened again at my words.
“I hit you, look at what! bad guy! Thug bastard!”
Harriet eventually went back to her room, brimming with anger.
The next day, Wednesday.
Wednesday is a day for magic sensi vity training and superpower classes.
This Magic Sensi vity Training is for Royal Class 1st graders only.
The number of par cipants was full.
Divinity and Superpower majors don't take this class, and everyone else
takes this class.
Of course, I am a superpower major, but this
was taking a class I plan to listen to it later.
Because magic by itself has a different use than super powers.
Oh oh....
It's a class where a teacher like a certain yoga master lays down on the
students and makes some kind of sugges on. As I listened, I felt something
strange and fell asleep. In fact, aren't we all being hypno zed by that yoga
Of course, without saying anything about sleeping, when you wake up, you
feel refreshed.
All in all, it was my favorite class. line
Zero It is a class where I just need to stand up a er being idle.
- The energy of the universe... is transmi ed....
God of Sleep...
When I woke up from my sleep, everyone had a blank expression on their
faces. It feels weird. I have to say that I feel like I'm waking up a er being
dead for a while.
By the way, is that Yoga Master Yangban actually a wizard? Just pretend to
be a wizard
More like a Dao than
looks wow
“There is a midterm evalua on in class next week.”
At those words, all the dumbfounded kids came to their senses. I was also
confused as well.
Of course, from next week, the exam period corresponding to the midterm
exam will start according to the schedule.
“…it seems like we haven’t learned anything, but how do we evaluate it?”
A-Class Cayer Bioden's Ques on
and everyone seemed to agree.
How do you do alterna ve assessments for classes that end a er you
sleep? What did you not teach me?
“This course is not tested. We are just checking our achievements so far.”
Everyone was screaming at those words. I understand you don't take the
exam, but what else do you mean by performance? I never taught
anything, but achievements exist? Everyone had that look.
"I will check the amount of your magic increase. You will be given points in
order of the increase amount, right?"
horsepower increase. it's a measure of evalua on
“As you know, you have been constantly trained to increase your magic
power and respond to magic during this class.
Is that right?”
It's not just sleep.
He was s ll training while he slept.
Actually I don't know why
Regardless of training performance, the amount of mana con nues
rose It was because the mana that was 9.9 at the beginning had now risen
to 11.
It didn't just rise, this class
It was helping to increase my magic power.
it was
“Okay, then, I hope you have an hour full of magic un l next week.”
Everyone was staring blankly at him, as if they realized just how great the
yoga master in front of them was.
I can now properly par cipate in the superpower control training. The
power of the superpower itself is on the lower side, but the speed of
ac va ng the superpower itself was no one who could match me in this
Of course, there is only one guy with a faster ac va on speed than me. I'm
almost improvised, but I need a process of thinking. However, he can use it
as quickly as he is at the level he is in the moment he thinks of it.
A Kono Lint of teleporta on. Of course, it's useless because it's a problem
to be naked the moment you use it. Poor guy whose penalty eats
Anyway, a er him, then Liana de Granz.
As the king of spiritual victory, this is just gum for me.
"It's all good, but I wonder if you've go en stronger because you've
worked out hard.
It's very strange that I don't know if I'm wri ng or not. I'm working hard
I heard.”
In psychic training, my teacher puts pressure on her eyeballs and I use my
psychic powers.
It seemed that it was impossible to understand if I did not properly look at
whether it was applied or not.
Of course I don't care because I can figure out if my superpower is
ac vated or not
there was no
The sense that the superpower itself is progressing to some extent is
But in the end, the superpower is wheat
It's the same ability as a middle school soldier. In a state of psychological
extreme, gooooooooooo! The ability to awaken while doing it. Actually, I
felt the same way to some extent.
The development is no different. In a crisis situa on, one's ability evolves
one step further and suddenly crushes everything... That kind of feeling...
Anyway, it looks pre y cool and it's convenient, so it's a se ng I put in. But
it's a pain in the ass to be in a posi on to prac ce it.
In the end, the ability to grow faster when you are pushed to the extreme
in a situa on of some great crisis rather than rising like this.
That said, I don't want to do stupid things that deliberately find a crisis
situa on...
- Break up! Gripping support!!
“Oh, Granz, you definitely have more control than you used to be. output is
It seems to be gone.”
"thank you."
Liana de Granz, such as a genius with superpowers.
It would have been nice if I was the type of person whose ability grows
quickly even when I'm s ll. Of course, the growth rate is not terribly slow,
so there is no rush.
In the end, it's my fault for se ng it to become more powerful in mes of
When you see me in psychic class as I start to show my psychic powers
There is a guy with a more astringent expression.
A-6 Heinrich von Schwarz.
He was truly educated by me when he said why he was taking classes on a
subject that was not even a superpower. I s ll look
The person who didn't like it really awakened his superpowers
It seemed to make him even more annoyed.
Of course I'm a crazy dog
A er knowing that, I openly argue
it doesn't come
But every me he sees me, he turns his head wildly.
Harriet is cute, but you're not.
He doesn't even want to tease me.
I don't like that guy.
On the way home a er class. Eyes met Charlo e from the private room.
He and I have a lot of secrets, so it's dangerous to pretend we know each
other in an open space.
I didn't say hello, but Charlo e.
He looked at me and greeted me with a slight smile.
She looked like she was in a good mood when she pretended to be
Charlo e, unlike before. It is as if a heavy burden has been li ed from the
The others thought Charlo e was laughing at her, and she seemed a li le
Come to think of it, I have to go to Elerys' shop to pick up a le er.
Of course, I'll just pretend to take that le er and write it myself.
Going to pick up a le er is a temple
We decided to do it a er the curfew was li ed. It's impossible for me to go
out without Charlo e, and it's suspicious to go out together again.
So I was clashing Ellen and her water lily sword normally again. Ellen
didn't seem to care if I came or not. If he comes, he looks a er my
swordsmanship, and if he doesn't, he does his own thing.
“Aren’t you studying for the midterm?”
Next week, you will have to take the integrated midterm exam and do the
midterm assignments given in each lecture. I didn't pay much a en on to
it, but everyone is studying on their own during the midterm exam period.
Both Bertus and Charlo e con nued their studies while they were both
busy with other things.
It is clear that you are doing
But Ellen had a midterm exam and was ac ng as usual.
“ that a very unlucky kid who gets 1st place in the whole school despite
you being like that?”
I'm actually the one who set him as such a kid
you are a hundred percent As for the brain, the one with the be er brain is
a guy named B-2 Louis Ancton. But that guy is a san-nim, so he's in sports-
related subjects.
He doesn't score points. So, Louis Ancton is the first to take integrated
subjects, that is, only the wri en test, but individual professor subjects
As for the total score, which is calculated by adding up the scores, Ellen
always ranks first.
Even if I don't study, I feel a li le weird because I'm just hanging out with
the guy who ranks first in the whole school as usual.
do i have to study?
No, I think it would be a bit weird to realize that I have worse brains than
these kids.
Ellen looked at me as she stood s ll and lted her head slightly.
“Aren’t you studying?”
Of course, she's just asking.
| But from what I hear, you're not as smart as me, so you have to study
isn't it?
It sounds like this
Does this shaggy make you angry for nothing?
“If you don’t do it, neither do I!”
“What does that ma er?”
"Oh no! I won't!"
I went into nker mode.
Throw it that way.
The moment the gate opens anyway, the temple
It's sexual, it's naughty, it's all useless
I mean.
Study hard, both of you!
- ra le

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 88

Anyone who came to see me would know. Heriot's father, Archduke of
This gentleman is so impa ent that he comes to the temple the next day?
Mr. Epinhauser said that your parents
I said I can meet you or not, because I am you, but I have the guts to
dismiss the request for a visit from the Archduke of Saint-Ouen.
is not a guy
I call it gang yak gang.
Temple Royal Class Dormitory Main Lobby Mr. Eppenhauser is my mee ng
She took her and went back. Although she said it was a mee ng room, she
didn't feel like an army, it was just a fancy drawing room.
“Are you Reinhardt?”
“Oh, yes.”
He was a middle-aged gentleman in a black suit, a black fedora, holding a
gray wand, and a handsome mustache. Rather than being a wizard, he just
looked like an ordinary and neat aristocra c babooner.
"It is an honor to meet you, Grand Duke."
Proper manners for dealing with nobles
don't know the same so say that
was just doing
“Sit down.”
I sat across from the archduke. He didn't even beckon, but a teacup was
placed in front of my eyes and the tea was slurping out.
flowed out
Magic is too easy no ma er how you look at it
the bo om one
He didn't give me a full name or anything. He just sat s ll and looked at
me. Do you think you're already giving in enough just to sit face to face like
“I heard you gave Harriet some instruc ons. Am I right?"
He was reluctant and pushed him right from the start. He seems rude, but
to me it was rather good.
He's a great person you don't want to deal with for long. He was dry but
not overly aggressive.
I thought he'd hate me, but he didn't show any signs of that. ll now..
“I just said that I didn’t want to take a leave of absence, so I just told you
the best part in my opinion.”
“Herriot asked you directly. Is it this?”
Of course, I told Harriet not to take a leave of absence for details, but in
the end
He asked me how and let me know
It is true that I gave
| “Hmm… yes. It seems that this case is also being completed without any
addi onal damage. Keeping Herriot in the Temple
I'm thinking it's not bad either."
There was also Bertus' request, so it must have been impossible to ignore
it. The Archduke Saint-Ouen seemed to have given up on forcing Harriet to
take a leave of absence anyway.
But why does he have to look at me? Curious about the iden ty of the guy
who cheated on his daughter-in-law?
“But Harriet can’t do that.”
At my ques on, the archduke stared at me
I saw.
“Herrio is like you, a child from a lowly | Ask him something or comment
I asked, and he said there was no way.”
The Archduke of Saint-Touan said so and he was just staring at me.
Why is the cub suddenly ac ng thick? “I can’t, but I had to ask anyway.”
"Hmm... Reinhardt, you are lowly
I don't mean to insult you."
The Archduke of Saint-Touan placed his staff on his thighs and interlocked
his hands.
“Herriot didn't want to mix with someone from a humble background. Of
course you are from
According to him, Harriet shouldn't have spoken to you. By the way... you
actually give Harriet advice, and even
Harriet accepted it.”
Harriet was a guy who didn't want to mix with commoners saying they
were dirty. Because he is set to be a man who lives drunk with the sense of
superiority he feels. So, B-class also tended to be scornful and despised.
“Is it possible that Harriet likes you or something? Or are you?”
“Well, I don’t know about that, but I’m not at all!”
What the hell are you delusional about, you bastard!
“You don’t like it? Does that make sense? Even if there is a problem with
your eyesight..."
How could you not like my daughter! Archduke Saint-Ouen looked at me
with such a startled look.
What is Lee Yang-ban's sudden erup on?
“Oh, Dad! What are you talking about ah ah ah ah!”
Harriet, blushing, broke into the drawing room.
He was obviously eavesdropping outside
Riot went out the door with a blushing face.
pointed to
“I, go! you go out! Get out of here!"
"for a moment! Wait a minute! Wait a minute, Reinhardt! Talk more!"
“Shit, it’s noisy! Dad, be quiet!”
I le behind the con nent's strongest wizard, showing his daughter-in-
law's head-to-head behavior in front of my eyes, and went downstairs to
the drawing room.
came out
- It really sucks! Why did you come! Why are you talking like that!
- Oh, no... Honey. So that's...
-I do not know! get out! Don't stay here! You didn't come!
- Becoming her father, who his daughter likes and does ...!
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! evil! evil! evil! Don't say anything! Don't
say anything! evil! evil!
There was the sound of Harriet squeaking and the Archduke of Saint-Ouen
trying to figure out what to do.
...I was worried that I might get hurt for nothing.
Dunn, I'm the asshole.
Ande, who came from under such a father, who lost Zara and became that
- I hate daddy! I hate you! it's annoying!
- Oh, no! I'm all for you...!
- I don't know!
How does Harriet talk to his father?
I also knew for sure that it was my daughter-in-law.
Because it's that way, say it logically
Of course, when they come, I'm sure someone wrote the script. uh.
I don't want to be ed up any more. let's run away Fortunately, a er
Harriet was devoured, the Archduke didn't look for me any more.
Of course, Harriet drove the Archduke out.
I don't know what it is, but a er a while
It turned red and knocked on my door.
“Gee, not really! know?"
As soon as he saw me, he immediately said that
“No, what is it?” “Dad misunderstood!”
It was like he was talking about something like this because he likes me.
It was really unusual to be restless when the oysters turned red.
Rather, it's even worse because I'm just saying this out loud
Do you want to be robbed?
“Huh… you don’t like me?”
“Wow, what?!”
When I put in a fastball, he freezes
The oysters turned bright red.
“My, I! Why, why do I like you... like you? don't say
no sound! Why am I from a lowly beggar like you? Do not be ridiculous!"
Harriet was rolling his feet as if it was something he couldn't even imagine.
"No, no. Why are you so angry? Like someone who has been stabbed."
I threw a word like that and closed the door ghtly with a smile.
- Hey! Hey! Reinhardt! Open the door!
Knock Knock Kung!
- Don't get stabbed! I'm not ge ng stabbed! Open the door, you bastard!
It's not hard
I didn't open the door so I could burst out and die.
| Harriet returned home red of
A erwards, I sat down at the desk.
He currently has 6130 achievement points. If one more talent blooms, the
remaining achievement points are 4000 points. Double the points required
to unlock your talent
If it is true that the assump on that
I can drive two more talents right now.
However, based on my previous experience, it would not be bad to leave
achievement points as insurance for emergencies. You can get over the
crisis if you use the retreat func on when you are in an emergency.
Spending too much on it is a bad idea in my opinion.
I decided a er thinking about what to develop my next talent.
In other words, it is the decision of the future career path,
[Magic Sensi vity - 2000 Points]
[Magic opera on - 2000 points]
These two talents are one of the prerequisites for becoming a master of
the combat series, and are also necessary talents for wizards.
Two talents that underlie all behaviors that use magical powers.
For wizards, use magic and if necessary to use mana, for melee experts,
use magic to strengthen the body.
is needed for
Anyway, both are universal talents, so it would be be er to have them.
Because Ellen is on the swordsman side, it's not the me yet.
It may seem,
Both are necessary talents, but I
acquires Magical Sensi vity first. Magical Sensi vity is a talent that
contributes to the growth of magic itself. luck at this level
It is more important to increase the amount of magic power itself rather
than the dragon.
[You have used 2000 achievement points.]
With this, I have two talents.
self-sugges on, and magic response.
The remaining score is 4130 points. As expected, it took 4000 points to
bloom the third talent.
Refrain from using it has ly
ruler. Horsepower management is at this stage in the first place
It is not of much use if you acquire talent in advance because you will not
learn it.
Whether to acquire the third talent or not, let's postpone it un l a er the
midterm exam.
Of course, I have to pass the exam well.
there is no such thing as u
As with most exams, there's really no reason not to look hard.
If I focus on midterms, it's because of achievement scores, not grades, a er
[3000 points within the top 10 in the midterm]
The midterm exam-related challenge that I had confirmed before was s ll
there. This is not a class grade, it means to be in the top 10 in the total
grades of the first year of Temple High School, which is about 10,000
students. Even if I had a bigger head than the kids, it was an obvious
subject that would be difficult.
In addi on, as the challenge was updated, two more midterm-related
challenges were added.
[Middle exam chea ng and ge ng caught - 500 points]
[Achieving the lowest rank in the midterm exam - 1000 points]
If you are last out of 10,000 people, you get a thousand points.
A er chea ng and being caught, the last place is one thousand five
hundred points.
Both are easily overlooked. bakery work
There's nothing you can't do if you're trying to beat yourself up. It's
overwhelmingly easier than ge ng into the top 10.
The real pulse longevity is so funny?
10's just right.
That evening. restaurant.
Evening training is over, but I'm s ll ea ng late night snacks with Ellen
It was.
The menu is fried rice.
Ellen made it.
Originally, kids like him
Shouldn't it have something like the Yorichi a ribute?
Now you don't need my hunsu, you make it yourself well, right?
If you do it a li le more, you can compare things like me
I don't think so?
“…not studying.”
“People do this and that and that.”
I will study un l the midterm is over.
When I said that I would take a break from training in the future, Ellen
nodded her head while mu ering fried rice. My goal is to be in the top 10
in the integrated midterm exam.
is to record to private tutoring
All together, it's not less than 10.
Therefore, the subjects to be studied only need to be learned in the
common class me.
“I think you will do well in your studies.”
You say that compliments come out of nowhere like this? I'm stunned by
the sudden compliment
Now, Ellen, she said calmly, as if that was a very surprising thing.
“Yeah, you have a good head.”
I really didn't know he was thinking that way. what? of course i rate
You may be thinking this way because of the words used for cows.
“Uh… thank you.”
no, uh It feels good. At the point where I feel be er a er being praised by
high school students for having good hair, it already feels like a bit of a
By the way, he must have a lot thicker hair than mine.
“Hey, would you like to study with me then?”
Of course, I ask you to share your intelligence
Ellen refused her words like a knife.
Anyway, I have a short-term goal.
aka cramming.
Even if you're a first-year high school student, can you beat the 10,000
students and make it into the top 10?
I will take the exam next Monday and in the common class on Thursday.
Other private professors' lectures will also start mid-term evalua on, but I
didn't want to worry about that.
You can study on your own, and I have the confidence to see well, given my
level. But I'm just good at seeing
What is the midterm exam in the original development?
Was it Kim?
Ludwig is going to be a doomed bastard
It was a part to show.
Isn't there that common old-fashioned main character type? Full of figh ng
and strong sense of jus ce
The main character, who is just a brat.
So Ludwig studied hard
However, his grades are always hovering around the lower ranks. Of
course, then he studied with a guy named Louis Ankton in class B, and his
grades gradually improved.
As far as the head goes, the best guy in the current first year of Royal Class,
Louis Ankton.
Of course, this guy is selfish with San-nim and has the a ributes of being
one of the best. He's not a bad guy, but he's mean and he's the type of
person who wants to give him a hundred balm. Actually, on the first day of
the temple, when me and Cayer had a fist fight in the dressing room, I gave
it to the teacher.
The guy who gave it to me must have been Louis Ankton.
Only a er Ludwig gave this guy some help and took care of it does he open
his heart to help. It must have been when I was in 2nd grade.
Ellen has no inten on of studying at all. If possible, I'll be in the top 10
you have to get a car
One conclusion.
Thursday evening.
"Uh... huh? Me?"
I finished my common class and called Louis Ancton from school.
“Then who are you?”
I approached Louis Ancton, who was shivering slightly in a frightened
mood, and put my arm around his shoulder.
“I have a ques on for you.”
“Uh… huh? What, what are you asking?”
If you study with this bastard, you'll be in the top 10
There is a very high probability that The fact that I, who was infamous in
first grade, spoke to him, Louis Ancton's complexion, turned pale.
“Oh baby, am I going to hit you? what is this
Are you scared?”
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 89
Louis Ankton in the original Ludwig
He openly ignored the stupidity of the character and set people with a
brain worse than him as those who hate seeing him look down on him.
each other
He belongs to an outsider even in the class B, which is a good friend, and
considers class B as low-level humans, and lives intoxicated with
intellectual superiority.
So, in the end, there are cases where he receives true educa on a few
mes, and he is a guy who later changes his mind and joins forces with the
B-class kids to do blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
It's not even at the level of a villain, but Louis Ankton is an annoying
bastard that gets stepped on.
“Wow, why are you in our dormitory…?”
But notoriety is fame, right?
Louie Ankton is my newest crazy
He knows that he knows that he's a cub.
In front of him, he groaned.
I was forced to go home with Louis Ancton
Class B dormitory with shoulder to shoulder
entered into
In fact, it was my first me entering a class B dormitory. Of course, class B.
There are quite a few instances where I meet students from private tutors
in private tutoring, but
It wasn't up to the level of anger.
Charlo e, Ludwig, and Scarle .
These three are the guys I know.
Out of nowhere, first-year supervillain Reinha
When Ruth appeared, the guys who made eye contact with me felt like
they were ge ng scared. Even Louis Ancton is dragging around like a
prisoner. “Oh, Reinhardt? what's the ma er?"
As Charlo e was walking down the hallway, she met me and smiled
broadly. He seemed to think that it was not at all strange for me to be here.
When he smiles at me, it makes my heart ckle. I feel guilty, and I feel good
because it seems that we have go en along well in the end. Complex.
“Oh, I’m going to study.”
“Ah… with Ankton?”
"Uh. Do you think he has good hair?"
So I thought you were with him
Charlo e smiled.
“Ah, yes. That’s right.”
Charlo e nodded her head and this me she looked at Louis Ankton.
“If you don’t mind, can I join you?”
What you need to get good grades on the exam
So am I, and so is Charlo e. When I said I was going to study with this guy,
she seemed to agree with me.
In the original story, I did what you said
Why should I help you? I'm cheap like this
pass without
However, the development is different from the original.
In front of Louis Ancton, who was not wrapped up
Supervillain Reinhardt and the Princess
I want you to teach me this study.
“Uh, yes. Huh!"
No ma er what you think on the inside, the answer that will come out is
There, the development was different from what I expected.
"uh? Reinhardt? What's going on in our dormitory?"
Rudwig, the doomed bastard, appeared.
“Oh, Ludwig. We are going to study together from now on, would you like
to do it together?”
And the proposal of the princess who was cute, pre y and lovely, and even
"It's good!"
That's a fucking black hole!
Ludwig doesn't study, it doesn't mean he doesn't study. He is a hard worker
in everything, so he studies hard. But the grades are just miserable.
The original plan was to get her private tutoring from Louis Ancton. But
un l Charlo e joined, it was fine. Because Charlo e has a good brain.
But all my plans were thwarted by the interven on of the doomed bastard
We are now si ng at the round table in Class B's common reading room.
With textbooks piled up next to each other.
“Ah… that, Ludwig.”
"Yes, Charlo e. I'm listening."
"Now, according to the flow of the context, the speaker
He is in denial about his own fault. can you tell?”
While solving a literature-related problem, Ludwig asked if he could explain
why he did not understand this part.
"He. I don't know what it's like to be in denial. He said he was wrong,
"right. it's wri en like that But he's right, he's wrong, but he's trying to
change the subject by saying that it was actually someone else's fault,
“Ummm… is that so? I was wrong though.
Because I did…”
"no no. So that’s…”
That black hole head couldn't solve all the problems, and was par cularly
vulnerable to literature. Of course, I can't read the context, I don't know
the context any more, I can read a text and solve the problem
He was a madman who went back to reading again.
Charlo e was pa ently telling Ludwig li le by li le, Louis Ankton gaping
her mouth open.
How could such a canine head exist?
It was such an expression.
“No, you Sippullum. pretend like this
If so, shouldn't you know? What do I need to explain? How the hell did you
learn to write with such a mind?"
In the end, I was so pissed off that Ludwig scratched his head ahahaha!
and he laughed.
"Sorry, I can't even try to study at all..." |
Reinhardt! Don't be too harsh."
Charlo e asked why she was speaking harshly. She looked at me and
narrowed her brow slightly. I didn't want to go against Charlo e's heart
even though I didn't know the others, so I calmed her anger while boiling.
This is the main character...
All this is my fault, my great fault.
Anyway, due to the appearance of the black hole Ludwig, we are studying
and nabal, and we are
I was in the middle of a miraculous treatment project for the head of the
head out of the blue.
“Now, what is the name of the country that is the largest Principality in the
southern part of the Empire and is called the First Principality?”
Ludwig's expression hardened seriously at Sharon's raucous ques on.
“Ke... What is K? cairn? Cairnheight?"
“Kernstadt! It's Kernstadt, you bastard! Are you wrong ten mes? same
problem? uh? This is a 10-year-old mourning egg
Ah! In the first place, it was so easy that it didn't even show up on the
exam! You can't even memorize this!"
It was Louis Ankton, not me, who got up from his sullen nightmare. Louis
Ancton, who had begun to go beyond astonishment to the point of disgust,
got up with his face reddened, looked at me and Charlo e, and then slowly
sat down again.
Although he makes fun of children, he is a good guide to anger, and he
even forgot that we had two children and got up and started arguing.
Charlo e seemed to understand her feelings now, but she didn't say
anything to Louis Ankton.
But she said that Charlo e had a slightly sad expression on her face.
She carefully placed her hand on Ludwig's shoulder.
“Ludwig.... When I was young, I had a big head | injured or Have you ever
been like that?”
It seemed that he had decided that there was a problem at the level of
disease in Ludwig's head.
Wow, here's the nicest guy talking the worst.
"Huh? There's never been anything like that...?"
“Uh… huh?”
No, there's nothing like that, so why is his head that way? With this feeling,
Charlo e opened her mouth slightly.
“A er all, the Empire started a public educa on system.
I have to…”
Charlo e knew what she had felt the other me and this me she knew
that she was serious about enforcing it, she blanked out and she began to
tame public educa on.
Temple is not public educa on. elite educa on system. And Ludwig in the
You came from high school, just like me.
He said he had never been educated.
Neither of them were educated, but Reinhardt and Ludwig are two polar
I understand why I'm ge ng weird looks
go a go
Charlo e is an innocent Lou with a firm expression on her face.
She looked at De Behe and began to speak.
“Ludwig. It's not your fault. Basic educa on for the people
It's the Empire's fault for not doing it. Yes, you have no problem.” |
Charlo e, don't you really hate Ludwig?
Your words are the worst right now.
“That, right? Then you're lucky!"
"Yeah! From now on, the average intellectual level of the people must
increase. Sad cases like this shouldn't happen any more."
"Thanks Charlo e!"
Without Charlo e's realiza on, she fires venom, but the listener
appreciates it.
Confessions were unfolding chaos. At this moment, Ludwig's intelligence
was already proven.
He must not lose his gaze over there.
“Hey, what do you think will come out of this exam?” “Uh… huh?”
“Take a quick picture.”
In this chaos, I must fulfill my original purpose.
It was impossible for him to study quietly as he wanted by the startled
madman Ludwig, but he succeeded in ge ng Louis Ankton's exam
predic ons piece by piece.
evening me.
I casually ate at the B-class restaurant.
“You, you… you have to eat in class A.
is it not?”
Louis Ancton asked with his eyes if he would even eat a meal here.
“Isn’t there a rule like that?”
It's not that they don't go in and out of each other implicitly. The other
guys watched me with a strange expression as I entered the B-class
restaurant and casually ate.
what do you want I want to say something, but I'm afraid I'll hear bad
things from Charlo e.
ate quietly.
Charlo e is my suppressor. “Whoa. Thanks everyone. Now I know how bad
my hair is.” |
Ludwig laughed and said so.
And the expressions of Louis Ankton and Charlo e
got to see
"Even knowing that now seems to be enough clues as to how crazy you
"is it?"
I mean, what's so good about Ludwig?
Eunji laughed. A er all, he's a guy who doesn't get angry no ma er what
he says. Was it because he had a bad brain that he couldn't even be
blamed for this year?
S ll, I'm pre y sure he's a good-natured guy. The awkward atmosphere
was maintained for a while because I was there. As I casually cha ed with
Ludwig, everyone began to mumble and eat.
Obviously, the B-class had a different atmosphere from the A-class.
Everyone seemed to be close, and suddenly uh
Some started playing the instruments they were holding.
It was an instrument that looked like a ukulele.
An exci ng and fast melody was playing, and everyone was listening to the
performance while ea ng rice as if it was a common thing.
“Are you good at playing?”
Ludwig asked as if asking for consent.
"Oh, you're good."
The dormitory suddenly feels like a medieval tavern.
Although it was rough
The guy who plays the ukulele is the B-10 Lanian Sesor.
Talent is music, with Delphine Izadra
Together with Ludwig's best friend. That guy is in charge of making the
atmosphere in Class B. He is a guy who plays an instrument at any me in
the dormitory, and if there is a song requested, he will prac ce and listen
to it.
He seems oddly useless, but without him, everyone in the B-class gets
bored without realizing it. So, surprisingly important guy posi on.
"It's good?"
As quietly as Charlo e asks for consent
she asked
I feel like I should have a glass of beer instead of dinner like this in an
exci ng performance.
It certainly looked more exci ng than the A-Class, which only made the
quiet sound of dishes crashing. Charlo e looked at me and smiled quietly.
Aside from her other things, she said that Charlo e seemed to like her B-
class kids quite a bit.
I felt like that was a pre y good thing.
To be honest, when I heard the rhythmical performance of
Doonggiddangdang Doonggudangdang..
Really honestly.
It's worth a cup of tea.
Class B is an inferior class, but everyone is having a good me. It was a
different feeling when I saw it with my own eyes.
It's not that I hate A-class life, but everyone is passionate about self-
improvement, and training and training are repeated. Ellendo
If you look at it straightly, it's not fun in the world, it's just focusing on
“Let it go!”
Rayan Sesor, drunk on his own performance, was cas ng a self-encore.
Seeing that scene, he said that he had long forgo en the concept of
enjoying life.
I realized that
It was a night that made me want to go to bed without thinking about it,
drinking it and lying on the floor.
Even a er dinner, I'm always B
Studying in class reading room. Ludwig said he was sorry he had to go to
strength training, but he would. I'm sorry to be there for more. Did you do
In the reading room, me, Charlo e, and Louis
There are three le .
Louis Ancton is the expected exam
I checked the problem list, and I memorized it. To be honest, I didn't need
any help in wri ng the brain except for memoriza on.
“Reinhardt, by the way, were you the type to care about test scores?” |
I shrugged at Charlo e's ques on.
“ there any reason not to use it?”
Of course, I tried not to care, but
I was doing this because of the score. Charlo e seemed very surprised that
I was studying for the exam.
"Hmm.... Somehow, I thought you were doing something like that."
Charlo e laughed so ly.
That's correct.
You're spo ng me right!!
Charlo e also has a good brain, and I have a thick head, so unlike Ludwig's
case, it was a lot of work.
I got almost all of the problems that I prac ced.
At this level, solving literature or math is gum, and memorizing is a job that
requires me to memorize well in the first place, so it's like an occupa onal
I can't write while rechecking the se ngs every day, so I have to memorize
certain parts. To be precise, it is memorized.
So, memoriza on itself is a field in which I am confident in the first place.
Louis Ancton said that such a day was unusual.
looked like
“……Why, is there any problem?”
"uh? Ah. no...."
“What are you surprised about?”
"No... you have a good brain..."
Due to the nature of the bullshit, I think that he is a scoundrel comparable
to Ludwig.
I would have done it, but the more I look at it, the sooner
Memorize the room and almost get the problem wrong
I was surprised because it wasn't.
"What the hell did you think of me?"
I blinked my eyes and asked him, and he flinched.
“Oh, no! It’s not like that, it’s just…”
“I knew you were smart, but I didn’t know you were good at studying,
Charlo e smiled as if it was unexpected. Eren and Charlo e seemed to
think I was smart.
yes of course it should be fine This is natural. If I'm dumber than you guys,
it's rather shameful.
But actually, Charlo e, Bertus, Louis Ancton, and Ellen are more brainy
compared to the four guys.
It's true that it's nice.
In par cular, Ellen loses fights and studies.
She is overwhelmingly overwhelmed by high schooling.
"done. Let's proceed red and red. The exam is just around the corner.”
let's study
A er that, a er all classes were over, I studied with Louis Ankton and
Charlo e in Class B. What will Bertus say if he finds out I'm studying in
class B?
It was terrifying, but with Charlo e's words, I realized that I didn't need to
pay too much a en on.
She's the same smart guy by the way
However, the study methods were different.
Charlo e did all the things she usually took notes of.
She grasped the poem and memorized it as if summarizing the point.
Louis Ankton's approach was a li le different.
“This is going to be a problem.”
"Why?" “It’s the only way to ask ques ons.”
This guy studies while thinking about where he's going to put it if he makes
a problem. Of course, it is natural to memorize the whole thing, and check
and study the parts that are likely to be asked from there.
Even this guy already has a common subject
She is confident in her personal teaching subject mid-level evalua on
She was preparing for fall. I am studying magic formulas that I am not
familiar with.
My goal was to get high marks in common subjects, so I am not preparing
for the mid-term evalua on of individual professors.
didn't Almost all other parts are wri en, so the subjects that need to be
solved are only alchemy and divine studies.
Anyway, Louis Ankton was catching up on what might happen, and that
method was what I needed the most.
“Whoa....the access restric ons should be li ed soon.”
Charlo e didn't study, she mumbled so blankly.
I'm the only one who knows what that means, Charlo e
Looking at her, she said so.
She said that Charlo e must be more careful from now on, so she won't go
directly to Elerys's shop.
I need to go outside as soon as the access restric ons are li ed
You can go to Elerys's shop
so you can go to
It was all the thought in my head.
Except for morning training all weekend, she did not do any physical work
and she studied hard. I think she memorized everything
Even if I do, I study hard
I was red in a different sense than before.
So, in the end, I took out the common subjects and studied the subjects of
individual professors. I feel like I'm going to lose my mind if I just stare at
the same content.
I'm sure you'll see it well, but looking at the li le pigeons, I'm sure you'll
get away with just one mistake. All subjects
There are over a hundred people who get perfect marks.
Even if you make one mistake, you will be out of the top 100.
I got one ques on wrong on the integrated midterm exam.
Therefore, the integrated midterm exam ranking, 784, etc.
One problem was wrong, but this is what happened.
it was nagari
But something even more poignant happened.
“This is a ranking that combines the mid-term evalua on of individual
professor subjects and integrated exams.”
Professor Epinhauser is a private professor
By combining the midterm evalua on results, the Royal Class
Posted the ranking of the total grades for the first grade.
Everyone was shocked to see the result.
[1st place - Reinhardt]
[2nd place - Ellen]
[3rd place - Bertus de Gradias]
[4th place - Louis Ancton]
I got 1st place in the wrong place.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 90

In the integrated test, he placed 784, but his internal grade in the Royal
Class was 1st.
The reason was simple.
To put it simply, I got all A+s in the midterm evalua on of individual
professor subjects.
In swordsmanship theory and swordsmanship prac ce, my skills have
improved so much thanks to the ba le with Ellen, so I won all of them un l
I met Ellen in the mid-term students' tournament compe on.
You guys, weren't you as good as my pseudo-swordsmanship?
Or it may be that a fairly strict standard is required for swordsmanship to
become an ability,
He didn't even use his superpowers except when figh ng Ellen. Of course,
when I had a fight with Ellen, I cut five seconds as usual.
Anyway, for swordsmanship, Ellen also got an A +, and she got an A + for
me, who showed great skill improvement. Normal class niggas who
listened to swordsmanship together were the Royal Class at first.
Ignore it because it's not a big deal. go. Watching the day when my skills
improved tremendously in just a few months, I was also told that it was a
royal class.
Equestrian skills were also not good at first, but now I know how to drive a
horse more skillfully than the others, so I got an A+.
Magical Response Training is based on the total increase in magic power.
Looking at the evalua on, the yoga master teacher
The speed at which my magic power rises is amazing
said it was fast Therefore, he received an A+ by recording the second
highest figure a er Kaier Bioden, who is a huge magic talent.
In the first place, my super power control was enormous, so I had no
choice but to get the highest score, and medita on also got the highest
score because my concentra on was huge. Just being pa ent, though.
And sacred and alchemy are memoriza on subjects.
Because I studied separately, I got the highest score, and in the general
mar al arts, I got the highest score by clearing all the physical training tests
because I had an assistant with my superpowers.
In the private tutoring course, it was only me and Ellen who got the highest
marks in all subjects.
However, Ellen had two ques ons in the integrated test.
she was wrong
So I became number 1.
She was aiming for the top 10 on the integrated test, but she ended up
taking first place in the wrong place on a subject that she didn't.
All students except Ellen, even
Even Bertus was staring at me with a slightly stunned look.
what is that bastard
It was a complex expression of surprise and doubt.
Apart from me, Bertus had won this compe on against Charlo e.
Charlo e's overall ranking is 6th out of 20. I cleared my notes, but my
physical strength was s ll very weak, so I was excluded from physical
educa on classes.
It was a natural result because I didn't get grades.
“What…how are you number one? Does this make sense?”
Harriet was confused and asked me. He didn't seem to understand how
this could happen.
“Isn’t it just a fact regardless of whether it makes sense or not?”
"lie! I can't believe it!”
“Yeah, good work in 8th place.”
Harriet finished eighth. At my provoca on, Harriet's face turned bright red.
“Me, I majored in magic, so I only studied magic! There is no need to do
well in the integrated test!”
Of course, Harriet was only interested in magic, so he looked at fields other
than his major as usual.
“Oh so what. Anyway, you lost.”
His face turned bright red at my expression of ‘lost’. All the classmates
were watching what the two of us were doing
all. I got up and tapped Harriet on the shoulder.
“Hey, 8th place, 8th place has an 8th place life. squeezed.”
“Wow, what?!”
"Why are you envious? This me who lives first?
Harriet's face turned red and blue as I smiled maliciously, deliberately, as if
joking. Bertus was laughing with his mouth covered, what made this
spectacle so funny, and the other guys looked at my
He blatantly puts up Harriet like this.
Cogni ve dissonance comes
It seemed
You know I'm asking Harriet to pick it up, but I didn't expect it to be this
will be.
“You, you! you! On the subject of beggars!”
It didn't hurt as much as the mucus of the eyes of Harriet, a beggar's one-
“The Grand Duchess who lost to a beggar... No! It's not even true! 8th
place! You have been horribly trampled on! Heh heh heh heh! Grand
Duchess, you are truly great and sublime.”
"Aaaaah! You! You! You are dying!"
It seems that Harriet can't take it anymore.
He ran to me, and I just opened the classroom door and walked out.
“I mean, come a er me! at the speed of 8
Follow me!”
It was uninten onal number one, but
It was a good feeling a er all.
Lunch me, Bertus sits next to me
it was
“It’s great, Reinhardt?”
“Honestly, how did this happen?”
Bertus is a good guy as long as Charlo e wins anyway. In fact, in her
original work, Ellen con nued to score higher than her, but she didn't even
care, and she thought that she was a be er talent and needed more.
She is the guy who does.
Of course, I don't know how it feels to be the first to choose what to do
with life, but I don't really care.
“I knew you were working hard, but it’s very surprising that you’re the only
one who doesn’t.”
Apparently, Bertus decided to rate me more highly.
And Bertus looked at Ellen, who was quietly ea ng in front of me.
“Really, I thought that the first place in the Royal Class was a strange
picture with a problema c child, but the first place was rather this one,
“Are you serious?”
"No, really, isn't it?"
“Yeah, I can’t really deny it.”
For Bertus, in his opinion, L
She thinks Ren will be the undisputed number one
it seems there was
However, the first place was me, not Ellen.
Bertus found it quite amusing. Ellen did not react much to Bertus's words.
This guy is also 1st place, but I don't care if that's the case
Because I'm not the type to write.
And as she passed the class A dining table, she held up her hand and
looked at me.
there was a guy
“Reinhardt! Was it number 1? Congratula ons!" Almost everything he
writes gets an A+, but his wri ng is the worst, so he's always immovable.
"Oh yes. Thank you."
It was Ludwig who finished last without a doubt. Charlo e also passed me
by and looked at her with a slight smile. what does it mean
She knew without even having to speak.
Every me she smiles at me, she seems to have a different meaning of
heart pounding. She's such a very complicated nuanced heartbeat that's
both good and guilty.
This me, you're being pushed back by Bertus, don't you care?
“By the way, Reinhardt, you seem to have become close with my half-
At those words, my spine shuddered slightly.
Do you only know that we are close?
I don't know if I know anything else. But the B-class guys know that
Charlo e and I get along pre y well.
"Uh huh... just by chance."
"Okay. Don't be too nervous."
Bertus said I wasn't really like that.
I didn't use it, so I told him to take it easy. I don't know what other guys
said, but I couldn't believe it because it was Bertus's words.
I told you not to be nervous, so it's rather long
said to be old,
"Since the midterm exams are over, now it's a group
The mission will start soon.”
At Bertus' words, I now felt that the next event was approaching.
“Are things going as planned?”
“Since that incident, nothing has really happened, so the access control will
be li ed now.
It won’t ma er.”
group mission.
A test disguised as a picnic.
it was coming
In May, the weather was ge ng warmer.
During the monthly physical scan, it was revealed that I had developed a
new talent called magic sensi vity, so there was quite a lot of commo on.
When I said infinite ap tude, I was skep cal, but I already have two
You will be surprised too.
It was quite noisy, so I decided to postpone the flowering of the third talent
un l later. If your talents explode in succession, they will be rewarded in
their own way.
There was no reason to rush.
As Bertus said, a er the common class on Monday, Mr. Epinhauser started
the announcement.
As far as the name of the mission goes, this too is ul mately a test.
“From Temple High School, we conduct a group mission once per
“The group mission is between A and B classes.
Compe ve, compe ve, but also classy
Test the team's coopera ve spirit and unity
is a rigorous test. Keep in mind that the more coopera ve or contribu ng
to the group, the more points the individual is awarded.”
"The grades obtained in the group mission are reflected in your semester
grades. Of course, the winning class has more grades.
can be obtained.”
“Group missions can be conducted inside the temple or outside.”
| “Unlike regular classes, this is a royal class. So, you will be given a more
difficult task than the normal class. Be aware that very dangerous
situa ons may arise. In fact, a lot of people get hurt or get injured.”
“Of course, depending on an individual’s judgment, he or she may not
par cipate in the group mission. In that case, the team mission score will
Bertus needed a competent class member and discouraged the children
from taking a leave of absence.
Dunn the biggest reason.
This is because the group mission held once a semester is a very important
factor in grades. If even one person is lacking, there is a very high
possibility that it will be at a disadvantage.
For example, in the midterm exam, Bertus surpassed Charlo e, but the
If Class B wins the mission, the real
Law could mean that Bertus could be beaten to Charlo e in the overall
This is also the se ng I put as an aggressor to give a real compe ve
rela onship between A and B classes. Anyway, it's school life, so I go on a
picnic, but
play without hesita on in compe ng with each other
Because it's no fun if you cheat. If there is no such thing, at most a nervous
ba le or an argument, then there is nothing to talk about.
Of course, as with these events, not all missions go as planned by the
teachers. There are unforeseen accidents, completely outrageous things
happen, and there are no real threats or threats.
to come face to face do.
The best fixed event and group mission for convenience-oriented event
If you think about it, making your precious children do such a dangerous
thing in itself is a bit daun ng. what to do
That's how I wrote it, and that's how it goes.
If you want to ques on it, look at the past me! me
Because I want to pursue it now!
Anyway, it's a group mission.
the first of them.
“The theme of this group mission is ‘survival’.”
we go to a deserted island
There is no reason to be uninhabited.
By the me I was wri ng that, I was watching Law of the Jungle.
The clue of the group mission is survival, but
Mr. Pinhauser didn't even tell us that we were going to a deserted island.
In group missions, only the subject is informed and
It's like you know everything only a er you arrive.
Of course I know where we're going. I wondered if it was canceled because
of this terrorist incident.
Because it doesn't seem like it was.
It was only natural that everyone was puzzled by the nonsensical sound of
And one good news.
The exit control was finally li ed.
Leaving the group mission is next week.
It runs for a total of 5 days, from Monday to Friday. Other high schools also
conduct group missions according to the period, so all lectures are stopped
in the mean me.
“Since then, there has been no such thing as being monitored or anything
like that?”
“We are looking more closely, but it certainly doesn’t seem to be.”
“Bertus is definitely on this side.
There is no, it looks like it's just plain.... in the first place
I don't think I even thought to find it
A er the lockdown was li ed, I le the temple and headed to Elerys's
shop. Now it was a place where I could come in Reinhardt's form, but I
didn't have to take any risks, so I went round and round again to transform
and visit the store.
As always, Elerys and I went upstairs to chat.
“Are you okay with this anyway? No ma er how Lee Charlo e becomes an
ally, the situa on in which you are exposed may be dangerous.”
“I have a lot of thoughts, too, but when a crisis comes, it’s enough to be
able to pull myself out. Sarkegaar and Royard also seem to have decided
that it would be be er to watch the situa on.”
Elerys had already finished talking to the other two guys.
“By the way, weren’t you there at the me?”
Apparently Elerys closes her shop door
she was leaving But she comes in Charlo e. You suddenly appeared
“It’s not a protec ve magic on the door, but it’s an alarm.
The law has been put in place. They sensed that the door had been
destroyed and returned quickly.” |
Un l then, Elerys had been in the Edina archipelago with Ay Lee. However,
the alarm magic installed on the door
She sensed that she was moving and returned to teleport. It was truly an
improvisa on at a great speed.
If she hadn't returned in me, she might have le Charlo e unaware of
her, but once Elerys would have lost her en re store. Because she had a lot
of suspicious things.
“What about Airi?”
“She is based in Rajak, Edina's main port city,” she said. I'm checking to see
if things are going without any major problems, so don't worry too much
It seems like it would.”
With her teleport spell, Elerys can check Airi's party at any me. So she just
has to leave it to herself. She seemed like she didn't have to worry, she
For now, our policy is to maintain the status quo.
It was decided. If there's a problem, she just needs to avoid her body on
Elerys' side. before that
Losing Charlo e and maintaining this rela onship
It will be helpful for us as well.
“Anyway.” “Yes, lower.”
And I have something to brag about, even if it's a li le childish.
“I took first place.” “ ”
“I got first place.”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 91

Hearing the progress report from Elerys, I
To tell you about my current situa on, I went out as soon as the
restric ons on going out were li ed, but there was something more
“I think I will wait. He came right away.”
Since I was in and out of Class B, the other guys didn't even care about me
coming and going. So, as soon as I get back to the temple, I go to class B
and when no one is watching, Charlo e.
handed a le er to
Charlo e, knowing what the le er was, quickly put it in her arms.
Charlo e's eyes flu ered violently.
"Thank you Reinhardt... Thank you."
As soon as the restric ons on going out were li ed, he knew he was
wai ng for this and le immediately. Did it even impress me? Charlo e
expressed her con nued gra tude. Every me she heard her say thank you
to Charlo e, she felt like a needle in her heart.
In the end, everything is just a lie, and I have to keep lying.
The content of the le er is just that.
Sorry for leaving without a word, I'm doing well under that person's
protec on
have. I wish you were unharmed
In the end, this is the kind of content that I just lengthened and wrote.
There are also things that you can't help but know if you are in Bali.
Because it was wri en, the authen city was not ques oned
I won't.
“Because what is it? I will go.”
“Ah, yes.”
Standing in front of Charlo e in this state for a long me
I hated it for a long me, so I took a step back.
“Congratula ons on number one. Reinhardt.”
“Uh… yes.”
Leaving behind Charlo e, who speaks quietly behind me, I am in the B-
class dormitory.
It would be good for me that this lie is not revealed.
When all these lies are revealed, Charlo e doesn't know how to look at
this day.
was ge ng scared
The midterm exam was over, and the challenge was not accomplished in
the end. Well, there are mes when being human fails.
But it's funny that I tried to get 10th and got 1st, and that 1st place doesn't
have any benefit.
The rou ne is back to normal.
- Kaang!
“Oh really.”
I have also picked up a water lily sword that is out of my grasp. Ellen just
stood s ll, as always, looking at me.
I have to do it every day, I put my sword like this every day
You just have to be abused un l you hit it. Giving yourself up as a test
Otherwise, a single a ack succeeds
never did it
“I got a li le s ff a er taking a break.
I guess.”
Yes, she must have taken a week off.
She seemed to have hardened her body. 'Cause in the training I started
again, I was breaking even worse than before.
“…isn’t it?”
What do you mean no? I thought I was a li le more sloppy than before.
“I raised the level a li le bit.”
"Oh yeah?"
It's my fault that I'm broken more badly than before
It's not that she's s ff, but that Ellen, who used to only use 1 skill and
power, is now using about 1.5 power. It means that my level has risen that
“It feels subtly good, but I’m curious again. How much do you care for
Ellen looked troubled, and then she pointed her ceiling with her water lily
And Ellen stared at her on the floor.
"Are you poin ng at the ceiling, aren't you?"
Do you think it would be understandable even if it was not the ceiling and
the floor, but the sky and the earth? Ellen shook her head, saying that
wasn't enough.
“If you use your superpowers, that’s enough.”
Ellen pointed this me around her own knee. Without using my psychic
powers, I and Ellen were about five meters tall in the gymnasium, and the
ceiling and floor were about the same size.
There is a difference in strength, and when she uses her superpowers, it
comes up to her knees.
It's a huge difference though. If there's a difference in skill between Ellen
and Ellen, it's already
There's a bit of a level up there.
“You prac ced so much with me that you don’t really know how good you
“…not pretending to be handsome, I know you are actually handsome. Isn’t
it a bit unlucky to say that?”
“Because it’s true.”
It's only natural that I'm so strong, but I'm at a loss for words at the reply.
In fact, Ellen's skills are constantly improving. than my skill level.
His skill will rise faster.
Ellen is a wall I can't keep up with forever.
“However, I felt it during the last swordsmanship evalua on.
I did it."
A swordsmanship tournament between students.
| “Other niggas are dragged away,
I saw it all.”
I, who specialized in swordsmanship, strengthened my body with self-
sugges on ability.
About 2-3 correc ons are added.
The current state of physical ability is as follows.
[Strength 5.9(D-)] [Reflex 6.5(D)] [Dexterity 7.4(D+)] [Magic 11.1(C)]
[Health 10(C)]
If the correc on value is actually applied here, the rank of each physical
ability will be slightly different.
Compared to when it started, it is almost double the physical ability except
for magical power.
Now, we will gradually enter a sec on where the growth value is slow, but
the results of our efforts are visible in front of our eyes. If you add the
correc on of superpowers to that, I'm already quite at the level of a
to have the physical abili es of
That's why I don't have the proper swordsmanship skills yet, but I can
defeat all of my classmates who specialize in combat with only my reflexes
and physical abili es.
could Even if they weren't in the Royal Class, their opponents were first-
year high school students who majored in combat.
Because I only prac ce swordsmanship with Ellen.
I was a jerk, but the other guys
It was so refreshing when I competed with him.
Seconds before actually figh ng Ellen
I didn't even use my skills. What's behind
I hate it. S ll, they all won.
Then they didn't even realize the level of similar swordsmanship. Is this
this? That doesn't seem to be the case.
Displayed informa on is not all.
I have too many high-level opponents
He knows how to deal with the guys who have learned swordsmanship to
some extent in the face of this. Regardless of how much swordsmanship
you actually have,
Keep prac cing with the overwhelming guy
A er seeing it all, my level went up tremendously without realizing it.
that's a shame
doesn't seem to be upset
Of course, it seems that there were also influences that some of the more
advanced classmates did not have in class, but next me I will take another
swordsmanship class.
It may be a li le different if you listen to the right.
"come in."
While fixing the sword, I stabbed Ellen with the training sword.
- Whoa!
Ellen tries to put her sword against my piercing sword. The direc on is
from top to bo om, just like tapping and pressing.
Pushing her sword away, she grabs me by the collar with her le hand and
smacks me, digs in and scribbles her right elbow around her chin, or swings
her sword.
As I spill it, I slam my sword to her floor and then stab her with her
try to put a sword on me He has me with dozens of deriva ve movements
linked from one movement.
has been suppressed in one
I let the stabbing sword flow through the guy's judo, and then oh
Digging further inward, he stabbed Ellen with her le elbow into her chin.
The methods he used are my
will follow
Then, as soon as I caught the movement of pushing my elbow, he leaned to
my le and blew the elbow and turned sideways at the same me.
Damn it.
Throw your center of gravity too far forward
Standing, caught behind.
For a brief moment when I couldn't react because of the reverse ac on,
Ellen was already on the back of my back.
pointed her water lily sword at
“It’s dead.”
Knowing one does not mean knowing ten.
I have a kid who knows up to ten, and he shows me two when I barely say
one. If you say two, I'll show you three. Then suddenly, if I say ten hala, I'll
probably be doing fi y or so.
Learning... is endless.
morning training.
Adriana looked at me blankly with her mouth slightly open, knowing that I
had placed first on the first grade midterm assessment.
“I already know that my image is not very good, but it’s a bit sad that
everyone reacts like that.”
Say it like I'm a li le sad
Now, Adriana's expression was startled.
"Ah... I'm sorry, junior. I knew you were working hard on this and that..."
Adriana is a li le naughty, baby
scratched the
“Honestly, you have a good brain image.
Are you sure not?”
“…I have to admit it.”
It's rare to be a smart problem kid. He's a guy who stalks everywhere.
Because I have prejudices.
No, it's not prejudice.
“The more you know, the more surprising you are.”
At first, he must have been a madman who openly swears at seniors, but
You'd be surprised to see it. There she even apologized to Ledina, number
2 A-1 No.
I'm now in good shape with Adriana to the point where I can run and talk
to her. My classmate's average stamina is about 6-7, D rank, but I have a C
rank of 10.
all. It's definitely above average, and it's higher when assisted by
superpowers. Of course, I'm not talking about the average of guys with
combat skills.
It may not be as good as going around the temple with a sprint like Ludwig
did, but he has 30 health. Ranked A+. Be er than Ellen in some ways
It's more of a monster bastard.
“By the way, this is your first group mission, your junior.”
“The first mission, then, will be survival?”
“Is that original fixed?”
“Um… I usually know that.”
The first group mission is usually a survival mission.
all. I didn't know the requirements again.
“Senior, what is the topic of this year?”
In some cases, it is a capture-the-flag-style ba le of posi ons, and in other
cases, the team that acquires a certain item in a specific loca on first wins.
Of course, since it is composed of a large scale, it is not only a long-term
ba le, but also a situa on that is close to a ba le between students.
We don't do it right now because we can't control our power.
However, there are many situa ons where survival is also dangerous in its
own way.
“If it’s survival, I think your junior will do well.”
....because I'm from the street, I think I'll do well."
“I’m not going to deny anything.”
“I said I was from the street, didn’t I say I was from the wild?”
“Huh… it’s not really that kind of problem.”
Adriana smiles and runs next to me at a fixed tempo.
“The survival mission is because children from noble families give up
halfway through.”
All of a sudden, insects
It is said to grow in a humid and humid field that is overgrown.
Of course they don't accept it
heaven and earth
May right now.
May in another world was blue. at this me
To be honest, studying, nabal, throwing away everything, and lying on the
lawn of the Han River is the best way to enjoy it. In fact, there are people
who do that.
The fes val has stopped, but people seem to have returned to their daily
lives. The terrorist incident would have been closed since then without the
perpetrators caught.
While the anxiety about the demon realm remains, people regain their
vitality. The Empire acquired a huge amount of booty.
And all the countries that par cipated in the war acquired enormous
Eventually, the golden age begins with the wealth obtained from the
demon realm.
May is the beginning of such a golden age.
The weather is perfect for going out.
"Uh... what's so hot?"
"It's more s cky than hot..."
The en re first year of the Temple Royal Class
Go somewhere through a large gate
Appears to be a high-ranking wizard while moving
Mass teleport by temple officials
Magically arrived on a deserted island in the tropics.
[Event Occurrence - Group Mission]
| [Explana on: The theme of this group mission is survival. Survive un l
the end of the mission.]
[Purpose: Not to be eliminated un l the end of the mission]
[Reward: 1000 achievement points]
And, of course, an event occurred.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 92

Twenty-two students, including myself, were gathered on a white sandy
beach overlooking the clear waters.
Everyone was told to wear comfortable clothes rather than school
uniforms, and they were told to wear long sleeves and long pants as much
as possible, so they were all dressed similarly.
Of course, Class A and Class B were located quite far from each other.
Epinhauser was in front of Class A.
The students suddenly came to this place.
He seemed to be perplexed by good things.
The only one who wasn't embarrassed was Ellen, who said she would do it
no ma er what happened. Even Bertus seemed to be ge ng a li le
Mr. Epinhauser begins the briefing
she did
“This is an uninhabited island included in the Imperial Kamsencha
Archipelago. The island is about three mes the size of the Temple.”
Although uninhabited, it is very large
had it Since the rainforest covered it, the inside of the sandy beach was all
dense jungle.
“You have to survive in this area for about five days from today, Monday to
Friday evening. All of you are given a bo le of drinking water, and with the
common supplies here, you will only need to survive un l Friday, whether
hun ng or gathering, in any way.
| Five days of survival may seem like a daun ng task, but it's actually not
Everyone started to open their mouths blankly as they heard those words.
In par cular, as if it made sense to have to survive in this harsh
environment, the aristocrats were even more astonished.
“Wow, isn’t it dangerous? W, there might be something here... if you get
hurt or anything happens..."
"Yes. Isn't it too irresponsible to just survive recklessly...” |
Harriet thinks this is nonsense
He murmured blankly, and Heinrich von Schwarz also complained.
“It is not compulsory. If you want to give up, give up any me. You just get a
failing point.”
Of course, he is from aristocrats, and he is Nabal.
Asking them to survive on a deserted island for 5 days is crazy.
However, the people gathered here are the best talents in the empire in
terms of talent, not just their skills. That is why they are receiving great
special treatment. receiving special treatment | They are given a special
With such a logic, such a difficult task is given.
“You will all be given this bu on-type ar fact.”
Mr. Epinhauser pulled out something that looked like a bu on from his
pocket. | “Use this if you are in an emergency or want to give up. If you use
it, you can go straight to a safe place. However, keep in mind that if you use
this, you will be eliminated.”
You can give up whenever you want to give up. And in the event of an
accident, ac on can be taken at any me.
Press the bu on as soon as you receive it
I saw the same guys. However, if you keep failing in group missions, there is
a possibility that you will be paid if it is really serious. Of course, there is no
one who is paid in the original.
However, now that the development has changed, I do not know
it's one thing
Mr. Epinhauser, as always, spoke only the facts with an indifferent and
sober a tude.
was just explaining.
- Don't overdo it, guys. Your grades are good, but safety comes first. you
guys live
It's a safer place than each, but if you're really struggling, you'll have to use
Ar facts. got it?
And from afar, Mr. Mustrang, the opposite of Epinhauser, was briefing the
children. But do you think it's more terrifying to say it like that?
“Let me know if you have any ques ons.”
At Epinhauser's words, Bertus raised his hand.
“Are there any dangerous monsters here?”
I bet you didn't send us here without even checking that.
It was Letus' ques on.
“The rule is not to provide you with informa on about the island. But I can
tell you one thing.”
Mr. Epinhauser boldly drew
she says
“This mission is designed to test your abili es in the face of crisis and your
behavior in real situa ons.”
nothing can be predicted
The ability itself already exists. Now let's see how to use that ability. Is it
selfish, coopera ve, cold-hearted, irra onal?
see the ji
“You guys are royal class. Even within this temple, you, who are a
privileged class, have to prove more than the general class.”
There are people who have great power but cry and sit down, and there
are people who struggle to overcome this even though their strength is
The group mission is to confirm it.
Being a Royal Class, it has very powerful privileges. Therefore, it is logical
that it is natural to have to overcome stronger trials.
The teacher doesn't even tell you if it's dangerous here.
“There is no long explana on. If you want to give up, press the bu on. If
you don't think you can survive un l Friday, giving up in advance is a good
But in that case, you will become losers.
Everyone could fully guess what Epinhauser had not said. “And one more.”
Mr. Epinhauser is now turning to the most important fact.
“If you meet certain condi ons, the mission will end sooner than expected.
Also, the class that sa sfies the condi on
gets extra points.”
special mission.
If certain condi ons are met, the mission is
It has been completed, and the condi on has been sa sfied.
Lass gets extra points.
“Of course, this is an addi onal mission.
No problem if you don't do it. With this, all messages were propagated.”
Mr. Epin Hauser took out a bu on-shaped ar fact like ours from her arms
and disappeared through space movement.
He must be watching our situa on from somewhere, but he's really gone.
“Gee, really… did you really go?”
"Nonsense. how...."
“What should I do?”
The children are truly gone. was in great shock.
But, strictly speaking, isn't this abuse?
Suddenly, it was only then that I realized what kind of development I was
wri ng.
From afar, clear waters were constantly crashing towards the shore.
They were children who had been put out by the water.
Class B, which was far away, was le on the beach a er Mr Mustrang le
| Both A and B classes are ignorant.
seemed to be the same. Bertus was though ul with his arms crossed. You
must have known this, but seeing it with your own eyes, you must have
realized that this is a situa on that doesn't even make more sense...
Coun ng the side where the mental is out is oh
it's cumbersome
Except for me, Ellen, and the though ul Bertus, everyone seemed to have
gone mental or outrageous.
“What the hell is this? Why do we have to do this? what help is this
can you?”
It was the words of Conor Lint. “So… what? If this happens all of a sudden,
what should we do…”
These were the words of Cayer Bioden. Just because I'm from common
people doesn't mean I'm uncomfortable with this situa on. The air is
humid and the sun is hot. No one is accustomed to this kind of situa on.
Those who came from aristocrats seemed to be already full of thoughts
about giving up. It's so ridiculous that I can't even speak
it seems to come out
Even ordinary people can't stand the situa on, but it is fortunate that the
nobles, who have only suffered from good clothes, good food, and good
sleep, do not cry in this situa on.
In the original development, Class A, with a lot of aristocrats, somehow
managed to survive the first day.
Most voluntarily give up. He voluntarily gave up one by one like that, and in
the end, Ellen Mann
stayed and survived
Class B is led by Ludwig.
He completes the mission.
It is not known what will happen to the B-Class as it deviated greatly from
the original development. So, I have no inten on of following the exis ng
A-class dogs.
First of all, you need achievement points, so you have to be pa ent, and it
will be impossible to survive alone, so these guys have to be dragged
I am the one where Epinhauser disappeared.
I opened the common supply box le over in Li.
When I move, everyone stares at me
started seeing it all. It's normal to whine and it's natural to be impa ent. If
you let 17-year-olds do this kind of thing, it's even funnier.
I took out my common supplies and organized them. Everyone stares at me
like that
I was watching everything
Two jungles.
Ten arrows per shortbow.
a bundle of ropes.
One large, one medium, one small
Three types of pots of each size.
Three throwing javelins with barbs.
one ax
three small knives.
One firestarter.
Eleven canteens of water.
And eleven bu on-type ar facts. I think that's a pre y good amount. It's
basic, but definitely only for kids.
As much as it is to be thrown away, there are enough tools provided.
Everyone was staring blankly at what I was doing. I set the other guys aside
and looked at Ellen.
“Hey, aren’t you going to give up?”
Ellen nodded her head.
"Bertus, won't you give up too?" Bertus nodded her head, albeit with a
serious expression on her face, when I called her to sleep.
Unlike the original, Class B has Charlo e. So Bertus gave up.
I won't.
Two guys who will never give up except me. I took my jungle sword,
He handed the shortbow and arrow to Ellen.
“I’m going to go inside with him. You are in charge of this.”
“Uh… going in? That way?”
“It should be. I need to find something.”
"Oh, no. Are you okay? I don't know what might be there?"
“Are you going to die?”
When he said that he would go inside the jungle without hesita on, Bertus
was really nervous.
It was a gloomy look. It would be a hundred mes be er to leave the
overall direc on of the children to Bertus. Bertus seemed perplexed, but
he soon found his composure.
“Ah, okay Reinhardt, I’ll talk about it here.”
Anyway, it's Bertus. That guy wouldn't want to do anything dirty inside
either. But I asked for a fairly simple job of taking over and controlling the
kids in the leader posi on.
It's the same as that guy is reluctant to this situa on as he's grown up
it would have been
“You go with me.” "Huh."
I took the lead, and Ellen followed me quietly without saying a word.
In the end, in this situa on, Ellen and I are the ones who are abnormal.
Ellen is also good with bows. so the burden
If there was any victory, she had told Ellen to follow her to entrust her
hun ng.
Through the jungle road and the thick forest, Ellen and I gradually moved
“It’s terribly hot.”
Both me and Ellen were drenched in sweat. Ellen wondered if her long hair
was cumbersome
She ed her hair up with her string and secured it. Beads of sweat were
forming on her face and on the back of his neck.
Fortunately, there is no mosquito, the jungle's worst villain.
This is a test and a mission. Even though Mr. Epinha User never gave me
any informa on about the island, I know a lot.
This island is a controlled environment. Therefore, mosquitoes, which pose
a risk of infec ous diseases and pose a risk to life, were completely
eradicated in the first place. Of course, that means there are no insects at
not, but
Unexpected crises may occur
There is definitely a possibility, but it is not the extreme wild itself.
- Duck food!
When we cut down the bushes on the jungle road, when the noise
There was also the sound of birds flying through the door.
"Can't you shoot a flying bird and hit it?"
“……It’s not like that.”
Ellen says she's a good archer, but she's not an expert. She said that she did
not have the skills of a shrine maiden.
She has no inten on of going deep. I soon found what I was aiming for.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 93

survival in the tropics.
The most important thing is drinking water before ea ng. May be
tempered due to dehydra on
because it is Coconut is the perfect survival food in that it solves both to
some extent.
I twisted the coconut berries one by one and pulled them apart. It was the
first me in my life that I climbed a tree, and I was able to climb it
surprisingly easily because I was able to climb up to the point that I was
able to climb trees be er than a monkey because of my physical ability.
Ellen also climbed another tree and easily twisted the coconut. I was able
to burn without hesita on, but what kind of wood does ashes burn well?
So, a er picking about ten coconuts, I went down to the ground. Five each,
we have one coconut
I hugged him and returned to the beach.
"What... what?"
- poop
As we laid down the coconuts, those who were s ll dazed were terrified to
see us. Clue B in the distance
Rath was also doing something right and wrong. Class A seemed to be s ll
undecided. “No… did you bring all these birds?”
Bertus looked astonished at my ac ons.
“Once you run out of water, you should drink even that.”
There are eleven canteens, but when the water runs out, you have to drink
a coconut as much as you want. As if the distribu on of personal items had
already been completed, everyone had an ar fact for escape and a
Everyone was si ng idly by the shade, but it seemed like they didn't even
know what to do. Even Bertus was the same.
Seriously, it's even weirder if the Prince manages to set up the camp in this
situa on.
First of all, the most urgent problem of drinking water could be delayed a
bit. And it seems that no one has given up yet.
"Reinhardt, let's talk for a second."
“Oh, yes.”
Bertus took me to a place far away from the classmates.
“Where have you been doing this?”
“It’s not that I’ve tried it, but rather that I’m s ll and doing something. You
have to stand s ll to lose your stamina, but before that, you have to do
It seemed that I looked too familiar or thought that I was an experienced
person. I've had a lot of second-hand experience, but it's my first me
doing it actually. Bertusdo County
It's the same thing as ge ng lost in the situa on.
It seemed that I should give some advice.
“First of all, no ma er how crude you are, you need a place to sleep. A
place where you can hide from the sun and shelter from the rain.”
“But how do you make it? In this situa on?"
“There are trees, vines, and palm leaves all over the river. I think we can
make something like that.”
"Hmm. Would that be? Only leaves?"
Even before I did this survival mission, I was thinking about what to do. I
knew how to build a hut, but I wasn't confident enough to do it well. to do
it you can
“I don’t need you or me to think.
There are kids who can do that.”
But there's no need for me to leave a guy who can do this be er than me.
“No. 7 Adelia. If you do it to a dog, it will do well.”
That guy's ability is magic tool cra ing. Of course, I don't know what the
rela onship between cra ing magic tools and building a hut is, but in the
first place
It is common to design and build something in
A talent that is incomparable to causality
a guy with
If it's a guy, at least he's more like me
I will present a blueprint.
It's kind of like the military, who paints art students with paint.
“Ummm… is that so?”
Bertus has no idea.
it was shaped
Bertus, who returned to the shadowy area where most of the A-classes,
who were mostly mentally exhausted, had gathered, called Adelia.
And he asked. I think I'll have to build a hut, do you have any ideas?
He is a guy who specializes in magic cra ing and summoning magic. But
when he suddenly asked me to give up the house, he showed a look of
“The pillars should be made of wood, and the roof should be made of
something like palm leaves. Do you have any good ideas?”
At Bertus's words, Adele with a chubby trait
Leah murmured in a crawling voice that was full of embarrassment.
"Ummm... it looks like it could be made like a tripod... But do we really
have to sleep here?"
"If you don't want to give up, what would it be?" Bertus was smiling, but
there hasn't been a big guy yet to look at that smile and say, "I can't really
do it. Of course, if you sleep in a place like this for a day, you'll no ce it and
want to beat it up."
Harriet squa ed, buried his face in his lap, and said nothing.
He may be crying. It's a crying situa on
"Ummm.... When it comes to making... a tree and a vine. A very big one. I
think there should be a lot of things like those leaves..."
Adelia murmured that she must have been drawing something in her head,
she said.
"great. Then let’s do it.”
The same goes for Bertus.
But losing to class B is even more annoying
it will So, forcibly pull the tension
But, shouldn't we try something first? It's okay to do nothing and give up,
isn't it?"
Bertus pointed to Kaier, Erch, and Kono Lint, who were idly idly by.
"Here, these three, vines from the inside and bring me the leaves. As many
as possible."
Everyone has to do their own thing. They all looked a li le disliked, but
they had the guts to refuse Bertus' orders.
They were men without silver. Bertus too
When I decided to start something, my thoughts seemed to go on and on.
“Saint Touan. Can you use magic?”
When Bertus called, his eyes widened.
Harriet, who was there, raised her head with a bewildered expression.
“Uh… huh? Ummm... it's not that high level yet..."
"it's okay. It should be at a level that can cut that level of wood. how?"
What Bertus pointed to was a tree the size of a log.
“Ummm… I think I can…”
Harriet is depressed, but not at all.
He nodded as if he had nothing to do.
"Okay. Cut down as many trees as you can, it's dangerous, so be careful not
to get hurt."
Harriet did it, even though he was depressed.
"Ellen and Cliffman, can you help set up the camp as Adelia asks?"
In my opinion, two psychics are the key items for surviving the jungle this
“When are you s ll mad about the enemy? Once we’re on the same boat,
let’s row together.”
My throat is grapefruit, but it's a private thing
Heinrich quickly turned his head at my words that he did not want to crawl.
"...Why me?"
"wait. I'll tell you everything later."
It was clear that Rihanna was also wary of me. She didn't like it because
she dared to explain the situa on step by step. Because I didn't really want
to be friends with these two either.
Since the situa on is the situa on, I will use it as soon as I can. If you don't
like it, it's a mouse
I'm going to make sure to listen to what I'm saying.
“From now on, you can light a fire in any situa on that requires fire. For
now, we'll have to make fresh water."
"...fresh water?"
“Yes, there must be water, right?
You're the only one here, except for Harriet, who can use fire as he
Although I once said he was not even a flint, of course he's be er than a
flint. If you don't shave your mouth,
“I asked Adelia how to make a vapor condenser. A er that, water
make it.”
And do you think you can give me orders?”
It's annoying, but should I just give it to you?
Let's not make the situa on worse.
“Whoah… I hear it from my mouth or from Bertus, it’s the same thing,
nigga. Do you want to go in trouble? If you don’t do this, they will all wither
and die within two days.”
In this tropical environment, dehydra on is a serious problem. It's actually
right to treat flint
Long, but this nigga won't do this job
If you do, you should always rehydrate with coconut. make a vapor
Boil the seawater and con nue to make water.
It is a simple but most important role.
If you say you don't want to listen to my orders, you'll end up listening to
Bertus again.
“……I am doing this for everyone. Be mindful.” “Oh, draw it. hard work.”
Heinrich came out as if he understood
She didn't want to talk any more, so she disappeared. A er Heinrich was
gone, there was Liana de Granz, who seemed a li le reluctant to me.
“You have to hunt.”
I pointed to the beach.
“Fishing to be exact.”
Save money with a car ba ery
If you put it on the river using car ba ery power and set it on the river, the
fish will become trapped. I'm stunned and I'm floa ng Of course, that was
Of course, there will be no such laws here, and even if there is, you have to
survive on a deserted island no ma er what you do.
I took Liana and headed to the beach.
-Shoot aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...
“Aren’t you electrocuted or not?”
“It is.”
Liana, who is a blitz ability, basically depends on her blitz immunity. she
shoots herself
Because it is not damaged by the electricity it produces.
She looked quite reluctant to Liana.
“Try on the beach and use your superpowers.”
"...I don't think it's possible."
He hesitated, but began to concentrate, and I wondered if it was me.
I was afraid to get an electric shock, so I backed away for a while.
- Break up! Break up!
A blue electric current flew from Liana's outstretched hand, and
immediately it exploded into the waves. Clearly, this guy was on the side
with great control over her superpowers.
And, nothing really happened.
Liana clicked her tongue briefly.
As the guy said so, this me she walked slowly to the beach and dipped her
arms in the water.
What, even though he seems a bit naughty
do everything you ask
She seemed to ac vate her powers this me as she dipped her hands in
the water. Although it was invisible to her eyes.
Of course, it made no difference. The sea was calm, and there was no such
thing as a fainted fish coming up. Liana turns to me and says,
“I said. It won’t happen.”
“…that’s right.”
I've only heard of ba ery fishing
not actually
I've never done it. Leah, my abili es are s ll lacking, what?
I don't know if that is the problem. Liana came out of the water and
frowned at her wet shoes.
She seemed annoyed that only her shoes were wet because of a stupid
“I know what you are trying to do, but for that to happen, I either dive to
the fish or swim.
you have to get close the hi ng distance is so
It's not wide. And I can't swim.”
He seems clumsy, but he explains it well.
It seems to be, and something is very strange.
Anyway, I thought if it was just electricity, it would be able to stun a fairly
wide area, if not just fab and electrocut the en re ocean. That wasn't it.
"You can't swim... Then I
“…you didn’t get first place, didn’t you?”
Liana had an absurd look, as if she was thinking that this kind of guy was in
first place. Too bad she can't use this guy, she's too lazy to fish.
“What is the range of your abili es now?”
“Five meters.”
The output is not very strong at this stage. Seems like I'm s ll struggling.
Liana sighed and started tying her hair up.
She said, “Okay. walking around in the shallows
If a fish comes close, then you can electrocut it.”
She said to get out of the way because it was a hindrance, and Liana began
to go into the sea.
Liana de Granz.
It's a li le bit bad and it's chilly
In the other half, the temper is dirty, the bi erness B Cl.
Recognized by the Rath kids.
However, a er the sediments in A and B classes were resolved later, I
realized that he wasn't a very temperamental kid.
turns out It's just a ma er of tone, and the B-class kids don't come across
A-class very o en, so they don't really know what Ann is.
I set it up that way, but it was weird because it was in front of me.
A subtle feeling of good and bad.
"for a moment."
looked at me
“Come to think of it, I can’t even touch fish.”
Another feature I set
quite nonsense.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 94

Liana can't touch fish, but she decides she's not in a situa on to use that as
an excuse.
She only made sure she eventually roamed the waterfront again
started to
Living in a tropical resort
I had never been to Then she never imagined that she would suddenly see
a scene like this on a deserted island like this.
it was long,
Of course, the scenery is no joke, but I didn't have me to appreciate it
right now.
"Move away! It's over!"
- Ugh Jijijik!
The tree begins to bend in one direc on.
He collapsed with a muffled sound.
Harriet had broken the tree, and on the contrary, he was the most
“Hey profit! bug! It's a worm!" To be precise, he was terrified of the insects
that fell from the trees, but in many ways this situa on was the most
I hate it, but I use different types of magic
Harriets available to us
most needed
At Adelia's words, Harriet was helpless.
It was true that about five trees were knocked down. Now, these trees
must be trimmed and used as either a pole or a floor. Cliffman was pruning
the jungle road, and Ellen was poking through the tree with an axe.
Palm leaves and vines were s ll being brought in, and Bertus was helping
the vacant places while taking the lead.
“What are you going to do over there?”
Bertus seemed curious about what the B-Class would be like.
“It looks like he is doing something.”
Class B, seen on the far shore, was also bustling and doing something.
“What is a specific condi on...” |
When certain condi ons are met, the mission ends and the class that
achieves it receives addi onal points. If you don't want to stay for a long
me, it's a good idea to visit the island more.
Even Bertus doesn't want to stay in this environment for long. Then they
would rather want to achieve that condi on.
“Reinhardt, um…”
Bertus is trying to tell me something. Go, sigh.
"No. It's okay. I don't know what it is, but it's foolish to look for it blindly.
Let's not do anything dangerous first. Let's start by building the camp
properly and then think."
No ma er how much I went into the jungle without hesita on, it would
He seemed to think it wasn't.
And an urgent voice from the beach side
this has been heard
"what's this...?"
“What’s so big?”
“Oh! Ginger!”
Liana caught but couldn't get her hands on her so let's finally see what I
brought myself
Everyone stopped working and was stunned. Harriet and Liana were
terrified, saying they were disgus ng.
not fish
Something similar to crayfish was caught. He's even five mes bigger than
the lobster you're familiar with.
“This is uncondi onally delicious.”
At my words, Ellen violently shook her head.
it was thanks I'm thinking of ea ng jam already.
seems to be
It goes without saying that the bigger the crustacean, the tas er it is.
Ichiin Law.
“...I think we should first check whether this is edible or not.
It is.”
Bertus expressed concern in order to calm me, who had my eyes turned
over by a crayfish that appeared out of the blue.
“Isn’t it supposed to be cooked well?”
"Ummm... But it's because there might be poison or something like that." |
In fact, Bertus' ques on about what would happen if he ate anything was
the most ra onal decision in this environment.
“The teachers will definitely be watching from somewhere, and they will
warn us if we try to eat something strange.”
If the kids are hungry and want to eat something like poisonous
mushrooms, the paper will come right away. This is real survival
not a mission So Bertus finally agreed to my words that I'll warn you if you
try to eat something you can't eat.
It seemed
“But what are you going to do with this?”
Liana was terrified of how disgus ng she looked as she le her taste. Capt.
She could be someone with something like cephobia.
“What do you think complicated? You can bake it or you can do it.”
Aristocrats, especially girls,
In the sutra, he roasts something over direct fire.
Everyone's expressions began to rot as they imagined it.
“But even one of these is not enough.”
I caught a huge lobster, but it was not enough for eleven people to eat. At
Bertus' words, Liana, who was drinking her water from her own canteen,
became her dazed expression.
"...I'll be back."
She was drinking the water from the canteen without knowing how to
waste it.
At Kono Lint's casual words, I rolled my eyes at him.
“Yamma, do you think climbing a tree is easy? do you want a daughter?”
“Uh, huh? Oh no, not that…”
It's not cheap, so it's easy to say that you don't have to pick coconuts.
And I got sleepy....
Wait a minute.
No. 8 Kono Lint.
The ability is instantaneous.
“...Now that I think about it, you are right.”
There is a side effect of being naked if you use the ability, but
If no one is watching, you can just use it, right?
“No, you are in charge of coconuts from now on.”
“Uh, uh, huh?”
All of the class members are Kono Lint's abili es.
Knowing what the side effects were, everyone started to laugh.
A er appoin ng Kono Lint as a coconut slave, I entered the jungle alone.
I do not know how it will proceed, but to be honest, I
I don't really care about winning or losing. give me
The condi on of the lose event is survival, not victory in the group mission.
As long as you hold out un l Friday, you will earn achievement points.
doesn't have to win
So, there is also a desire for Charlo e to win a li le bit.
So, I do not intend to impose any specific condi ons on my own. It
wouldn't be possible in the first place though.
I'm not confident in archery, so now I have a jungle sword and three
I don't know if I'll ever be able to do hun ng or not. It took a long me to
get it.
However, the current goal is to find fresh water rather than hun ng.
The island is quite large and has mountains. So, if you look carefully, you
can find flowing water. Then bother your nose
Instead of picking coconuts, you just need to pick up water from there.
Actually, there is a river here.
I know it, so I'm trying to find it. of course where it is
I didn't know where I was, so I was just looking for it.
As I had to go out through the dense forest on the jungle road, the
consump on of stamina was extreme. In fact, it was extremely difficult to
take ten steps right away. water
Ron wasn't all vines, so he could have moved along a more accessible path.
A er walking for a while, I finally had to stop.
I might get exhausted and fall down
all. Let's go back with the meaning that we have paved the way first.
-Quiyi profit!
Seeing that it was a scream, it seemed that it was not an ordinary situa on.
I looked towards the sound and saw someone running through the jungle
chasing something.
- Ear profit!
Someone shot a bow while running through the jungle, and even hit the
The screams of the beasts were ge ng louder and louder.
Long braided hair flu ering
A girl running through the forest like a squirrel.
B-9, archery talent Delphine Izadra
it was
-Peeing! ping!
- Queek!
As if the chased beast had fallen, the guy who was shoo ng the bow also
stopped walking.
Not only does he have the physical ability to run like flying through the
jungle, but in the mean me, he shoots bows at wild animals that were
running away with all his might.
un l they match up.
He is Ludwig's best friend and at the same me one of the main heroines
of this novel.
“ do I get this?”
He caught something, but he seemed to be wondering how to get it.
“Hey, can I help you?”
“Uh… huh? who is this?"
Delphine was startled when she suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice. When
I appeared, Delphine's expression so ened slightly.
I was in and out of class B, so even without a conversa on, my face was
quite familiar.
"What. Did you catch such a big thing?"
It's almost as big as a big dog
It was a wild boar. He had been hit by four arrows, and one shot was
straight in the head.
“If you can’t carry it by yourself, I’ll help you.”
"Uh... yes! Thank you."
I caught it, but I had a hard me figuring out how to get it back, but I was
Me and the guy con nued to take a break in the middle while dragging the
fallen boar.
"Ugh... it's very heavy..."
How could a dead beast be so difficult to move?
“Isn’t archery fun?”
To be precise, it almost feels like flying.
Archery while running here was amazing
Even there, Delphine smiled at my words.
“It’s familiar to me.”
“Yeah, I’m from Talprad. Almost everyone there learns to hunt.”
"Oh, I see?"
Of course it's something you know.
A group of rangers from Talprad, a mountainous country located in the
northern part of the Delphine Izadra Empire.
is from Talprad is famous for all the people who know how to shoot a bow,
and Delphine is one of them.
was to be treated.
Therefore, he entered the Temple Royal class with only one archery talent.
Since I grew up hun ng from a young age, moving back and forth across
rough terrain, now I am like a fish in the water.
He is only honing his archery skills right now, but later he uses a special
power called Elemental Art.
In fact, it is the se ng that the rangers of Talprad inherited the blood of
the elves, which were known to have been annihilated a long me ago.
Delphine strongly inherited that power, so he
Of course, he has tremendous talent in the guild, and a er that, he will be
able to use elemental magic.
Of course, that's a long way off.
Delphine Izard as close to Ludwig
Rado had a kind and sarcas c personality.
all. It didn't seem like he was scared or terrified of me because I ran into
and out of class B and met him o en.
“How are you guys? How are you doing?"
“I’m doing this and that, but I don’t know what will happen.”
"okay? Class A has a lot of great kids, so I think they can do it with ease.”
Originally, Class A and Class B should be friendly. But in the beginning I
Because I ate all the aggro, A
class guy
I heard class B, cow and chicken
Even though it looks like it, I don't hate it. Class B guys don't hate Class A
because there are a lot of good-natured guys.
So, the rela onship isn't as bad as before, or it's not, so I can casually ask
ques ons during these coopera ve missions.
Certainly, as Delphine said, the A-Class is full of excellent guys. But there
are so many whinings as much as they are excellent, I don't know what will
“A er tonight, there won’t be one or two kids who will say they’re going to
"okay? Ummm... that's right. I’ve been camping a lot too, but I’m worried.”
Delphine has done a lot of hun ng, so he's used to sleeping in the
wilderness. However, they are worried because they may not be the other
children. So he himself ran into the jungle to find food,
We end up taking a break in the middle
I was able to drag the boar to the beach where my class B camp is.
“Whoa… well done. Thanks Reinhardt.”
If I had been alone, I wouldn't have been able to bring it here, and
Delphine smiled brightly as she wiped her sweat.
"I... this, what is this?"
And, to make a camp in full swing
I was astonished to see that the B-class guys who were ckling had caught
a wild boar.
"Wow... how could this... Huh? La Inhart? What's going on here?"
Charlo e, with her gorgeous wavy blonde hair ed up, rolled up the
sleeves of her arms and legs. her palms are muddy
Seeing that her last name is her surname, she does this and that
seemed to have been
"Ah, I met him inside the jungle and helped move it. I wouldn't have been
able to move it alone."
At Delphine's words, the B-class personnel as well as Charlo e's
expressions became strange. No thanks, but what is he doing? It was these
She smiled as Charlo e let out her sighs.
“Reinhardt… This is a coopera ve mission, but it’s a compe on. What if I
help the other side?”
If you do something to help the other party, the other party gives you a
face-to-face. I laughed out loud at Charlo e's words.
“Hey, can you send me bare-handed?”
Charlo e burst out laughing at my words.
“It’s cool. Did you all have a plan? Well, then Delphine caught him.
Delphine decides.”
Delphine shrugged at Charlo e's words.
“Um… yes, I can give you enough.”
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 95
The slaughter was done by Delphine himself. Perhaps because he had been
hun ng, he was also good at handling knives. There were those who
looked at him like it was strange, and there were those who couldn't look
at him because he was offended.
I'm upset, but I've been watching what you're doing.
There are no great people in A-class with a lot of body who can do this.
peel. The country should also know.
"Wow... it looks difficult, doesn't it?" “Ugh. I certainly don't know how to
do it right. what adults did
It’s just following.”
A er the pig's intes nes were removed, Delphine hung the pig upside
down and put a sheath around his neck to drain the blood. It was natural
for him to remove the arrows embedded in his body.
Red blood was dripping down my throat, and I was red of it. Of course,
Delphine, who did it himself, had his hands turned red with blood.
But this is it....
I know it's fine.
Parasite, are you okay? No problem. I set it to high, but it's really no
problem, right? Can I eat it if I just cook it well?
"It takes some me to get rid of the blood and skin it. I'll give it to you
"Oh yeah? Okay then.”
As he was about to go back, Ludwig came with his shirt off and a fish stuck
in a spear with his eyes wide open.
"Whoa... Delphine! What is this? Ugh! Look at the blood. Huh? Reinhardt?"
He also looked a li le surprised that I had come here.
“Come well. Would you like some fish? To be honest, I think we have a lot.”
Of course, our Inseong-gap, Ludwig-kun, gave me the floppy fish I just
No one no ced why they gave it to me.
When you smoked it, s ck it on a skewer at the bonfire
The fins were cooking, and B-2 Louis Ancton said, "Why do I have to do this
kind of work?" with the same look
I watched the fish being grilled.
It certainly looked like a lot.
This survival mission was originally a part to show that B-Class in Ones are
strong in ba le. A-class who has great talent but is extremely reluctant to
do tough jobs, and rela vely talented
It is lacking, but the ability to do this and that shows a lot of B-class.
There are many areas that B-class children will use objec vely. Oh my, why
is this noble body doing this? There is no such child at all. So, in the first
place, the B-class kids have no choice but to perform be er in reality.
"Thank you. I will eat well.”
Ludwig smiled, telling him to tell me if my words were not enough.
“Whoa. Everyone must have forgo en that this is a compe on.”
Charlo e shook her head as she watched it, but her eyes were smiling.
“Come get some meat later!” cried Delphine to me on the way home.
It seems that preconceived no ons about me have completely disappeared
by moving my luggage once.
“… you got it?”
Bertus suddenly said that I ate fish.
He had a puzzled expression on his face when he said that he had received
“Uh, I was just giving too much.”
“How did you get there?”
"Ah, Delphine caught a wild boar from the inside, and it looked heavy, so
he helped me move it. So I'll share the meat later.
I was going to get it.”
“Are there wild boars?”
Bertus said I helped class B.
He seemed to be shocked that there was a wild boar before he gave it to
him. The other guys were equally astonished.
“Aren’t there some dangerous animals? What if I get a acked later
It was Cayre's words.
Hey buddy, it's not even a dangerous animal, the wild boar itself is already
it is an animal
“I’m going to have to make a call or not.”
At the point where there were wild boars, it seemed that Bertus had
already become more vigilant.
“Okay Reinhardt, well… Anyway, having something to eat would be a good
thing in itself.”
As if he had more to think about, Vertus seemed to have decided that it
was just a good thing that I had helped class B and received food.
“Are you pre y much done by the way?”
“It seems like something happened.”
It didn't look like home at all.
“It’s surprising that it’s more plausible than I thought.”
Harriet was swea ng profusely.
He con nued to process logs with magic.
The wooden s cks he processed thinly
It's like facing each other. Like a camera tripod. The stem was reinforced by
tying it with vines to prevent it from collapsing, and the sides were wound
with vines, and then the ears of palm leaves were inserted to block the
“I think two people can sleep at a me.”
I nodded at Adelia's words. It's cramped, but the two can sleep. We are
eleven, so in one place that used to make six or five, three people should
If you make it too big, you risk collapsing.
It seemed right to make it smaller.
Adelaide has a lot of worries
It seemed
“It looks like it will leak when it rains...” “You have to bear that much.”
A fully waterproof cabin would not be possible in this situa on. There is a
place to lie down. It is a sensible situa on.
Adelia seemed to be struggling with how she could make the environment
be er.
“But if you make logs like planks, you can make something like a floor.”
Of course, the problem is that Harriet has to do it alone, but I passed the
field of labor and headed to the fire.
There was Heinrich von Schwarz, who was in charge of the fire to keep the
simple dis lla on unit running. This guy is ho er
To keep the bonfire from above, he picked up and collected firewood, and
con nued to light it when the fire went out.
Perhaps because of the heat, the guy's face, which was originally vanity,
was ripe. flirt
He doesn't have the energy to understand, so he keeps on fire
I was just staring blankly.
The small pot hung inside the big pot had quite a bit of water. It's not
enough to drink, but you have to keep running it to get everyone's drinking
water. Un l you find fresh water inside
you can endure
“What fish?”
“I got it.”
“You got it?”
I put the fish on a large leaf to use as a chopping board and started
trimming it.
I don't know how to do it, but I know how to do it.
- Cock!
When I cut the fish head off with a knife, Heinrich was terrified. Leaving
behind the last struggle of the flapping fish, I plucked the boat.
Remove the bladder and intes nes and avoid
got it
I don't know what kind of fish it is, but I can eat it
would be looks like a bream
Heinrich was staring at me with a terrified feeling as he calmly cut the fish
next to me.
I put the fish on a wooden skewer I had prepared beforehand, and screwed
it up next to the bonfire where the pot was boiling.
“Tell me when this is done. It'll take a while. And if you have salt in this pot,
collect it. Even if I eat salty without anything
I have to.”
“Uh, uh… yes.”
The guy with the sword is the boss, Heinrich replied straight away to my
Everyone worked as if they were in a state of being half-psychedelic, so
me flew by quickly regardless of their mo va on.
The canteens that were given one each were Jin.
i.e. it ran out
S ll, dis lled water is s ll being made, and Kono Lint has been harves ng
coconuts, so the moisture content is sufficient at this point.
“…it doesn’t taste as good as it tastes.”
“Am I delicious?”
“It’s because of the heat, that’s it.”
Kono Lint and Erchi forgot the coconut and expressed their opinions. Taste
or taste, you have to drink it if you don't like it un l you find fresh water.
Fortunately, Liana de Granz is a fish.
Even if she couldn't touch her, she was stunned with an electric shock, so
she could catch a total of five fish.
So, on the first day, around sunset. A er we completed the camp, we were
pre y much in the middle.
We made a big bonfire and started grilling fish and lobsters. And I started
to bake the legs of a slaughtered wild boar that I got from Class B.
Fish and meat were sprinkled with salt and grilled.
“...there is no such thing as a fork or a knife...”
Harriet stared blankly
you murmured
“Where the plate is the leaves, what do you want?
Are you?”
If it was originally, even if it were to be thrown into my face
How gloomy he must have been, Harriet didn't answer. Even in this dazed
state, Harriet was the one who worked the most today. this guy
Without this magic, the camp construc on itself might not have been
Harriet casts his gaze on the distant shore
He pouted his mouth.
“What are they so good about?
Is this fun?”
In Class B, when the camp was completed and food was ready, most of the
personnel jumped into the beach and splashed around. No ma er what
the future holds, the other side is busy enjoying themselves.
We were just si ng in a circle in front of the bonfire and idly idly by. It's
true that something is being grilled and hungry, but these are the
expressions that make you really want to eat that.
“Come on, understand how difficult it is for everyone. Sleep this way here
or eat this way
It would be unfamiliar and unpleasant to do that.”
In the end, Bertus came out. “Nevertheless, this is our first coopera ve
mission. I don't know what other missions I'll have to take in the future.
You can't fail the mission, right?"
He was smiling, but everyone knew that Bertus was the one who was
kneeling the most, so there was no one in front of him who was sarcas c.
Bertus is a fish on a skewer
I picked it up and it wasn't hot
He took a handful of fish meat and began to eat it.
Everyone is shocked that the imperial prince eats fish meat like a bastard
on a deserted island.
I was looking at you with one expression.
“Enough to eat.”
Bertus puts fish oil on the corner of his mouth.
He chuckled and chuckled.
"So. let's eat."
In order to prevent the A-class nobles with high stature from being fussy
any more
Hae Bertus chose the path of destruc on first.
No ma er what the inside, she's so perfect on the outside
If it's a guy wearing a crab mask, maybe he's just fine. A er all, Charlo e is
also a person who wears a mask like that,
I really don't know anything now.
Bertus gave the cooked food li le by li le to all the class members.
there was. He forcefully eats it if he gives it to him.
because you know that you will.
Harriet took a bite of the gigan c lobster tail and her eyes widened. He
then looked at Adelia in the seat next to him, who ate the same thing.
Both of them were surprised with their eyes closed. He probably felt the
same way.
She must have eaten lobster, but she must have never eaten such a
monstrous lobster.
“It’s delicious and I feel bad…”
The person who thought this was very delicious
Harriet is already feeling defeated by Cher.
murmured in this desperate tone. Although it is huge, it is a small amount
for eleven people to eat. Herriot is Bertus
I didn't even eat half of the fish meat I gave.
The lobster seemed to be edible.
I'm sorry, but I'm re-gaining my taste buds.
I got the lobster meat as my share
S tched it on Harriet with a wooden skewer
gave it to you The boy's eyes widened.
“Hey, why are you giving this to me?”
“Oh, don’t ask, just eat. Because I don’t have the energy to argue with
When I forcibly dumped it, he accepted it and stayed silent.
He suffered the most today, and he is also the guy who is not used to this
kind of environment the most. You will con nue to suffer
But during this mission, I decided to take care of it.
You must be sad and depressed, but even if you eat, you should eat well.
Harriet seemed to be exhausted and exhausted as well, so he quietly began
to murmur the lobster meat I had given him.
"Ellen? Where are you going all of a sudden?"
Ellen Artorius suddenly takes a seat.
I got up and walked somewhere. Bertus called Ellen as if embarrassed, but
he didn't answer, picked up a javelin and eventually started running.
“He, he
Do...?" |
Harriet stared blankly at Ellen, who suddenly jumped into the sunset sea.
I thought I knew why he was doing that.
About thirty minutes later,
Ellen Artorius just ate
I came back with three lobsters similar to the one in the Javelin.
“He… what is he?”
Everyone started reevalua ng Ellen, a pre y girl, with shocking eyes.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 96

In the end, thanks to Ellen, who went out on an evening hunt out of the
blue, everyone was filled with lobster meat.
Because lobster is be er than grilled fish and tough wild boar leg meat,
which is cumbersome to eat by picky eaters.
“I’m hungry… I’m full…”
Everyone was so happy that they were living on this uninhabited island.
Of course, Ellen didn't even say that, so she cut the boar meat with a knife
and ate it.
there was
"That's great, Ellen, thanks to you."
Seeing Bertus finished ea ng with a sa sfied expression on his face, he was
and Ellen pointed towards the beach.
“There were a lot of very large clams.”
"Oh yeah? Good."
I'm thinking of ea ng it tomorrow
is the shape
Pigs eat and think about what to eat next, and this is the match.
Everyone, Ellen is silent and has good skills.
I was vaguely thinking that it was a dumpling
Well, in reality, she probably didn't know much about Ellen.
But today, something about Ellen
would have known more.
The fact that she is so good at hun ng that she suddenly ate something
and then jumped into the beach without saying a word and started
hun ng, she was so powerful.
or find out that
Or eat too much. or.
She must have thought that she ate a li le too much at meal me, but this
me she should have realized it.
“He… I’ve seen him before, but he eats a lot.”
Harriet wondered how strange it would be to maintain that savory taste
even in such a situa on.
she mu ered
“Hey, eat this.”
“…this, what is this?”
“You can eat it. Eat it.”
Harriet carefully took a bite of the white squid-like thing I had given him,
and turned into a bizarre expression.
“What, what is this? Coconut?”
"uh. You should eat everything you can eat.”
Harriet, who ate the coconut flesh, chewed and swallowed it all the same.
Everyone was staring at me as I started to eat the coconut inside.
“You can eat this, so don’t throw it away, use a knife or whatever, and dig it
Then, one by one, they drank the juice with a long and casual expression
and began to collect the empty coconuts.
The sunset passed and it became night.
“Everyone worked hard today. Don't go into the forest because it's
dangerous, just walk around this shore. Whoever sleeps early, sleeps first.”
Bertus finished his meal naturally.
He began to control the sleeping children.
"And I'll be vigilant. I don't know what's going to happen. It seems like we
will be standing for an hour, taking turns one person at a me. I'm not sure
how to measure the me..."
It is said that there is a way to measure the me by looking at the night sky,
is there anyone here who can do that?
“I think it’s… about eight o’clock now.”
Adelia staring blankly at the sky
said so
“Oh, it’s me to check. I'm glad. Then, at ten o'clock, I'll assume it's
bed me, and from then on, I'll set the clock for an hour in the order of the
Adelia will keep checking the me.
'cause I can't I'll leave the me of the night to your own conscience."
It means that you take turns when you think it's about an hour or so. Not
sure, but there was no way to do it.
If so, then Bertus is the first to stay vigilant, and I am Malvern. Malvern is
actually a big deal with not being vigilant.
There is no difference.
“Come on, everyone, just keep in mind not to go into the forest, and let
those who sleep well sleep and those who rest, rest.”
Children who are mentally broken in this extreme situa on
I managed to get through the first night somehow, trying to control myself
and comfort me.
The most weary would be no one else, but Bertus.
Most of them must have been extremely exhausted, both mentally and
physically. Therefore, the children who had ques ons about how to sleep
in a place like this or what to do if insects came out tried to feel what a
cramped hut like a tripod was like, but they did not come out.
You probably fainted as soon as your head touched the floor
I would have fallen asleep like Fa gue wins over everything.
In the case of Heinrich, he was s ll managing the fire, making dis lled
water, and filling the empty canteen.
Today, he realized how important water is, and he thought that what he
was doing was the most important thing.
It was a moonless night, so there were a lot of stars in the sky and even the
Milky Way.
I moved closer to the beach and sat down. The sea water that is clear
enough to be transparent, and the night sky.
It was literally a scene that killed me. Now I was able to enjoy this
spectacle with a li le more peace of mind.
The camp side of Class B s ll looked noisy. They're probably playing at the
level they came to play.
“Whoa… what are they doing was ng their stamina?”
When did Bertus come by my side?
sat down
“See if there is any energy le .”
“Haha… I’m envious.”
Was Bertus envious of being able to enjoy this situa on?
He said vague words that I don't know if he was envious of his physical
ability to play like this.
“Reinhardt, you did a great job today.”
“Well, I don’t know.”
“If it hadn’t been for you and Ellen to suddenly go into the woods, she
would have given up the three of them on the spot.”
As soon as I started ac ng suddenly, the hearts of the kids who were about
to give up stopped, and more than anything, Bertus' thoughts of giving up
“One of us was crying all day long.
why do i have to do this Is it really the right thing for Lil's body to do
something like this... It's like this. As if one of them came out to play, they
were excited and played un l late at night.
Are you saying…”
Reluctant A-Class.
Enjoying class B.
Even Bertus seemed to feel the gap now.
“…there is no match.”
The guy smiled bi erly. we are
Those who endure and those who enjoy it. The result of this mission seems
obvious even if you don't look at it.
In a way, it looks weak. It seemed that Bertus was mentally concentrated to
the point where he had to say such a thing. Although it is a harsh situa on,
in the end, food, clothing, and shelter could not be found on this
uninhabited island.
It's just a comfortable situa on.
But Bertus was only able to provide food, clothing, and shelter.
He would be reluctant to admit that he was under stress because of his
He'll feel that he's only that small of a human being, and that'll hurt
Bertus's self-esteem.
“I am glad to have you.”
Certainly, it sounded sincere.
Class A consists of seven men and seven women.
It consists of four people.
Six finished huts.
So two people use one hut, and one of the men uses a private camp.
Camping alone is Vertou
It was his share. In this situa on, he also assumes the role of the leader,
and the prince
do it too
Of course, everyone knows that the treatment is not that great.
It's s ll dark in the morning. My former turn, Cayer Bioden, woke me up.
Sleeping in an uncomfortable bed with wide eyes
The fresh tea was strong.
“Keep filling the pot with water, if you think it’s a dangerous situa on,
wake everyone up, don’t turn the lights off, and just do that.”
He hates me, but now I
The guy has no idea. To be honest, from my point of view, now he's not
even treated as a dwarf, so I don't like it or hate him.
He didn't know if the vigil kept the fire alive.
The bonfire con nued to burn. I see Cayer crawling into the palm leaf hut,
and I build the hut.
Firewood made of le over wood
pushed into the
I don't have to wake anyone up because it's my last turn. Well, there is no
set wake-up me, so there is no reason to wake up anyone else just
because the day is bright. I will sleep on my own and wake up.
The camp is in a circle around a bonfire.
is installed with
A total of six huts slightly covered their entrances with palm leaves.
You can see the inside of the entrance.
Everyone was sleeping there as if dead. A er scooping seawater, pu ng it
in a pot, replenishing firewood, there is nothing to do.
there was no
how long has it been
- crumble
There was a rustling sound from one of the huts, and someone poked their
head out.
“Have you all slept?”
It was Liana de Granz of the squishy and sassy.
He crawled out of the hut and staggered to his feet. His whole body looked
like it was creaking. You haven't slept yet, so why are you crawling out?
Then he suddenly walked towards the forest.
it starts to
“Hey, where are you going?”
He was walking silently, ignoring my words.
“Don’t go into the woods. It’s s ll night.”
"No, what? You were talking..."
- Pak!
let me catch you He slapped my hand and glared at me.
I'll freeze just by seeing you
It was like a cold glance.
Do you think I'm crazy?
“I’m going to shit. okay?”
If he talks to him any more, he will kill him. disappeared into the jungle
with momentum.
enough to men on it directly
It seemed certain that he was in a hurry.
The guy who went to shit is Hamheung Chasa.
“...what if?”
I mu ered to myself blankly in front of the bonfire. something happened
is it? Or is it just cons pa on?
If anything happens, I'll have to go to the rescue, but what if I'm
embarrassed? Isn't this going to cause permanent scars on Duke Young-
ae's humble mentality?
No, but isn't it strange that you don't come back for more than 20
minutes? I didn't hear a scream. Or I was so red that I went to work and
fell asleep. or?
Is that a problem?
I got up from my seat and walked towards the jungle.
If there's something wrong with words,
it will be sloppy
“If it’s okay, a spark! Double sparks if there's a problem! If there is no
answer, I go in!”
It was quiet for a while.
- Break! Break up!
I could see an electric light flickering in the dark forest. No, did you get in
Conscious, but something is wrong.
I got a sense of what all.
“Oh, that. If you need something to clean, just...”
- Break!
As soon as I got there, lightning flashed.
That stupid guy went in without thinking about it because of the sudden
poop, but he didn't seem to realize that there was nothing to clean.
"mind! Just wipe it with a nearby leaf! Where's that here!"
- Break up! Break up! Break up! Break up! Break up!
I don't know what he was talking about, but I read it with the feeling of not
talking like a dog. No, where are you going to clean up in this situa on?
You have to ask for something that makes sense.
“Or maybe some seawater?”
a er a while of silence.
- Break!
One spark went off.
I put seawater in a medium-sized pot and carefully set it down near where
it was supposed to be.
“……It’s good to write, but. Be careful
Stand... you can eat and do something here... you know?"
There was no answer, but we
gave tacit consent.
a er a while.
Liana returned with an empty pot.
He's going to lose his dignity as a human being.
He had the expression of being trampled upon.
To Young-ae, a peasant who grew up to be beau ful and precious
It must have been an unbearable experience.
What the hell did I give these guys this kind of mission? It must have been
that guy who was offended, but actually I was more embarrassed.
As if he was a marione e being controlled by something, he sobbed and
started walking to the beach without looking at me.
Then she quietly began rinsing her pot with seawater.
The back of his clothes was slightly wet.
“I will give up.”
The guy who came back said so, pu ng her pot back in its original place.
The pot was definitely wiped clean.
But let's not eat anything here.
I made that promise strong.
Anyway, a er he did this kind of thing, it seemed that the wise man's me
had come.
Growing up noble while receiving ogu ogu
A whole seventeen-year-old girl had gone through something like this, and
she couldn't tell her to stop trying to quit.
To be honest, even Bertus admits this.
“Well… it’s not worth it before you do it, but a er you do it, isn’t it?”
If that's the case, would you hit me in the first place? Liana looked at me
with a blank expression at my words.
" it."
“Yeah, yes. Stop watching what you can't see
Wouldn't that be rather embarrassing?"
As she looked at Liana, she realized that her face wouldn't turn red when
people were so shy that she didn't feel ashamed at all.
“Yeah, it’s a body I’ve already thrown away…”
The guy suddenly makes a self-depreca ng noise and creeps back into the
Resigna on, acceptance, and self-sacrifice.
Rather, it caused the situa on because of despera on.
I was watching the unprecedented phenomenon of gain in front of my
I've already rolled in the shit. i got dirty
uh. So it doesn't really ma er Do you want to go to this level of self-
- sniff
Moments later, in Liana's hut, she eats her nose.
I heard a sound, but I couldn't tell if it was crying or something.
What is shit...
I am a beau ful shining star
Under the lucky night sky, I was thinking like that.
It was a very thought-provoking night.
And a long me passed again.
- crumble
A rustling sound began from the other hut. There someone appeared.
"Hey, Reinhardt..."
Suddenly crying and calling me is something else
It wasn't anyone, it was Harriet.
He looks like he's about to cry
was staring
"I'm fine, what should I do..."
He looks like this when he's really in a hurry. Even so, the feeling of begging
was evident because he knew that he would take care of me when I took
care of him. I don't know if it's self-esteem or what, please me
It was an expression asking what to do.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 97

Even this guy was afraid to go in alone, so he stood there for a long me,
unable to walk in front of the jungle.
And he looked me in the eye.
I want to ask you to go with me, but if we go together, worse things will
happen in the end.
because I know that
Eventually, Harriet went into the jungle alone.
Harriet with habitual flushing syndrome
Even a er everything was se led, his complexion turned white and he
staggered back.
He also quietly went to the beach, washed his pot, and gave up on
put the pot down next to me.
this pot.
never use it
“...if you tease me with this... if you tease me. I'm really really me I'm really
going to die."
I didn't say anything, but Harriet, who stepped on the trap, was looking at
Tears welled up in the corners of the boy's eyes with a white, red
expression. He could already feel a sense of shame in Harriet when it was
said that if he made fun of this, he would die instead of killing him.
Playing with this is killing me. You really don't want to see me die, do you?
Don't you hate me that much?
Harriet looked at me with that expression
there was.
He has no inten on of making fun of him, but if he makes fun of it, he'll
catch a real person.
I'm a bit of a nerd, but not to that extent.
"Well? what happened? If you have nothing to do, go in and go to sleep.”
As I pretended not to know, Harriet eventually burst into tears.
“Thank you....”
Harriet stole the corners of his eyes with his hand.
no you
that hand.
Don't even play around in your head.
When people are under extreme stress in an environment they are
completely unaware of, they usually do two things.
The result comes out.
If you have an upset stomach or start cons pated. In general, it is a military
training center where such a situa on occurs a lot, but it is not uncommon
for cons pa on to persist for more than a week.
However, people with lactose intolerance may have an upset stomach a er
ea ng breakfast milk. of course just chea ng
I also have this guy.
So, at this point, it is inevitable that those with an upset stomach will be
very embarrassed. I'll suddenly eat something I haven't eaten
So, there will be more stomach upsets. The person who is cons pated is
rather grateful,
I am the cons pated type. Of course, strangely enough, even in the current
situa on where the body has completely changed. when wri ng
Of course, this part was not described at all.
But when it came to reality, I realized
The fact that the most important thing in a group survival situa on was not
survival, but pooping.
What a gracious existence the toilet paper was
will it
How lucky it was to have underwear to change into.
the next morning.
Those who saw the work had a different mentality than yesterday. white
It feels like it was burned, only ashes remain
It was like looking at people's faces.
The female students seemed to feel par cularly ashamed.
Of course, everyone had the same expression on their face saying they
were going to die because they wanted to wash. me too
“Why is that, did something happen last night?”
Bertus looked at Liana and Harriet, especially with ro en expressions on
their faces, and asked if he was sick.
"uh? Ah. No... it's just that the bed is a bit uncomfortable...”
“Nothing happened.”
As they turned around like that, the two looked at me, not Bertus.
Harriet said, 'Please! Please don't tell anyone!' It was the same expression.
Liana said, 'If this is rumored, either you or I should leave this life.
It was a face that showed a determined will.
It's true that I'm evil, but it's not that bad.
It seems like he's already worn out at the point of admi ng that he's a
“Are you going to eat the le over meat for breakfast this morning or
something like that? It’s hardened so I don’t think I can just eat silver.”
Kono Lint said so, holding a medium-sized pot.
"No!" "No!" "No!"
Me, Liana, and Herriot.
The three shouted at the same me.
Ellen, who went into the sea last night and caught three lobsters, and I,
who can swim, became in charge of sea hun ng. The liana-style hun ng
method of wai ng for the fish to arrive took too long.
“Are you going into the sea?”
When it seemed that I and Ellen were going into the sea, Harriet called me
and Ellen to stop.
"Uh, I'll have to get some breakfast."

...Are you good at swimming?”
“I don’t know if I’m good at it, but I can
hey you know.”
Harriet's face was slightly red. Apparently, during this group mission, the
percep on of me was changing in real me.
"That... do you need something like that?"
Harriet turns to look at me and Ellen and says.
“Something like underwater breathing magic.”
tell me right away
Harriet gave me and Ellen a breath of water
did the magic The dura on was said to be between thirty and forty
It was a strange feeling to be able to breathe underwater. It's not like my
lungs are filled with water, but it's an odd feeling that's hard to describe.
But if this magic suddenly breaks at an ambiguous ming, isn't it be er to
drink water?
Let's get some free me
It wasn't too difficult to open my eyes in the water.
There's also the underwater breathing magic, and both me and Ellen know
how to swim, so we can go a li le deeper.
The colorful underwater scenery of coral reefs unfolded before my eyes.
For a moment, I felt like I just wanted to appreciate this scene.
Ellen swam in the sea, gently teasing her limbs and waist. Then she started
picking up the abalones that were a ached to the rocks.
Ellen moving in the water is her mermaid body
It was almost like rum.
It's the same with being pre y, but it moved so freely in the water.
Jan is really good at anything.
Swimming in the sea was not only good, but also elegant.
Ellen said I didn't pick up clams and just stared at her and she flew me out
of the water.
He looked at her and lted her head.
I shook her head as if it was nothing. Some mes he just stares blankly.
I picked up abalone and clams, and yesterday Adelia weaved her vines.
She tucked her into the net. Those that were too small were not taken
because it was obvious that the message would not be sent.
I wish I could catch some lobsters because kids eat them the most without
any hesita on, but I didn't see them at all.
Running around the jungle required a lot of stamina, but moving while
submerged was not common.
If it wasn't for underwater breathing magic
I would have heard more from this ship. Regardless of the field of magic,
you can use it proficiently
I felt that Harriet's talent that could be used was enormous.
I collected abalone and shellfish. If there was a big fish, I tried to stab it,
but it didn't seem to be in this area.
I watched Ellen grope her rock jaws and then her handcuffs and her self-
mimicking octopus emerged.
The octopus tried to run away by squir ng water, but it got stuck in Ellen's
javelin in response.
Ellen lted her head as she watched the octopus she had unwi ngly
She showed me her javelin p where Ellen hung the octopus at me.
- Caught the monster.
He said so with only his mouth in the water. As you can see, it was the first
me I had ever seen an octopus in my life.
It was only natural that everyone was startled by the appearance of the
giant cephalopod.
“Hey hey hey!”
“I think I’m going to vomit…”
| Harriet looked at her with a pale complexion.
She didn't even know, and Liana walked into her jungle, staggering as she
felt sick to her stomach.
"...I know it's edible, but looking at it like this, I don't want to eat it."
Bertus has never eaten an octopus.
But seeing that he was alive, he gave off a bit of a tee.
“If you’re not going to eat it, don’t tell me, I’ll eat it by myself.”
In addi on to this, I have caught a lot of abalone and shellfish, so you can
cook them and eat them.
I picked the head of an octopus, removed the intes nes, and rubbed it with
salt. Since there was quite a bit of salt, there was no problem to use it for
Ellen said I pounded an octopus in the sea
I was watching you wash.
“Is this delicious?”
“Um… I think you’ll be fine for now.”
Ellen is a visual, Nabal, and all she needs is a taste.
A er I finished cleaning the octopus, I went to camp.
I'm back. With Adelia as per my request
Harriet cut a large stone in the shape of a plate with processing magic. It's
a stone fire pit. A er fixing it in a suitable posi on, Heinrich collected
firewood and made a fire under the rock.
Open the fire pit that has been cleaned
By the me it is slowly drying out, I am a clam
with abalone, and octopus.
- Chii profit!
"Ugh! Ginger!"
Everyone was watching the octopus do the twist on the fire with a terrified
In the end, it was me and Ellen who ate the octopus
there were only two
A camp was also set up, and it was not difficult to find food if there was a
water breathing magic.
But we were s ll busy.
This is because when the most basic needs are sa sfied, people want the
next level.
- Oops!
"Haha... I just made one..."
Camp is complete but now it's up
Trying to upgrade spend the day
As a result, they all had one thing in common that they were extremely
uncomfortable because of the moisture coming up from the floor.
So cut the log in half
Put it together, make a floor and ten
The current goal was to put a tree on top of it.
all. It was mainly up to Harriet and Adelia, the masters of magic warfare, to
cut down trees, but the other guys were also busy picking up vines and
leaves like yesterday.
I entered the jungle with Ellen.
“Is there any water?”
Ellen was not sure if there was drinking water on the deserted island. She
told Bertus to find her drinking water because she had come in.
“The fact that there are wild animals is that they can replenish water.
There must be a creek with drinkable water, or a place with stagnant
“I will.”
Ellen seemed to have convinced her that she was going to have some
water because of what I said she was sure. Like yesterday's Delphine Izadra
No, but Ellen and I are jungle roads and bushes.
slashed and moved forward slowly.
Armed with three javelins on a jungle sword, Ellen had a short bow and a
jungle sword. I even brought a canteen, so I'm sure I'll be able to push it
out for quite some me.
There is no need to find water to drink as drinking water.
If my predic on is correct, it will rain tomorrow. In the original
deployment, the B-class had all the poorly built tents flying.
It goes away and you get wet and your body temperature drops.
Soon, if you make enough rain gu er, you will not have to worry about
drinking water.
But now what I'm looking for is water for washing, not drinking water.
Everyone seems stressed because they can't change their clothes, and if
you know where the fresh water is, go there even if you don't move the
camp there.
it will be okay
At this rate, there was a high possibility that the children who could not
stand the fact that they could not wash themselves would give up
voluntarily one by one. whining
Even if you hate to see crabs, everyone
There are a few corners where I need them, so it's good for me to hold on
to them all.
Although this uninhabited island is a jungle terrain,
It has the shape of a mountain rising from the center.
Although visibility is difficult due to overgrown trees, in this type of terrain,
There is a possibility that there is water in this fold and valley part. The
loca on of the valley was confirmed by climbing a tree earlier.
The direc on to go was decided.
“I’m terribly red.”
I wondered if this was what the terrifying heat was. Just touching the
sweaty clothes on the body is unpleasant, and I wonder if the whole body
has turned into liquid.
was close to
Ellen's breathing was disturbed as if exhausted.
“Are you going back?”
She might be exhausted if we go further here, so she asked Ellen that, but
It seemed difficult, but she shook her head.
“I think I can hear the sound of water.”
“...isn't it an auditory hallucina on?” |
Of course, he seems to have a be er hearing than me. Isn't this what it is?
It's the kind of thing that makes you fall into the illusion of seeing an oasis
in the desert. mirage-like.
"No... I think I can hear it."
Ellen said so with a blank expression on her face.
No, come to think of it, if it's hearing
Can you strengthen it too?
i am somers
self-sugges on
Obviously, focusing on my hearing, I felt that the sounds were captured
more precisely. Has this kind of reinforcement ever been possible?
The sound of leaves hi ng the wind,
Crying of bugs and birdsong.
in the midst of those sounds.
Is it slurping or slurping? Something like the sound of water is clearly
“I hear you, over there.”
"let's go."
When the cross-valida on is over, Ellen sees more
She took the lead as if nothing had happened.
As I arranged, there was a waterway flowing through the valley. The
waterway, presumed to have started at the top of the mountain, was
flowing down as it descended.
It was quite large.
Spacious and dark inside
Looking at it, there were places where the water seemed to be quite deep.
The flowing water was clear and not muddy.
Originally, drinking this kind of water in a tropical area would make you
want to die. Parasites will be infested with germs.
But this isn't a real jungle. Drink this water because the water quality is
also be Purifica on magic or whatever.
There were no dangerous beasts around.
Ellen cau ously approached the valley.
You gently scooped her up with the shovel of her hand and squeezed her
She must have had an incredibly tough long. he
It's the first me I've seen him be so ac ve. As she drank cold water, her
body trembled as if she was sober.
Of course it was me as well.
“I go in.”
-with a plop!
I didn't need anything else, I just blew myself away.
Since it was a pre y deep valley, there were places where the water was
stagnant at the level of a swimming pool. In a fairly wide valley with a
depth of about 3 meters, I sat idly in a shallow place.
Ellen dived as if she were a seal and she swam.
It doesn't show on his face, but he looks like he's dying of excitement. I
dive because of the eerie blue and clear water
I could see all of Ellen's zeal while swimming in one state.
It's like watching a seal swimming in a zoo. It's closer to a mermaid than
Make sure the water is drinkable
I had to try it, but knowing that water was safe to drink in the first place, I
filled the empty canteen and drank the water to the fullest.
But, kids, would you s ll want to come even if you knew there was a valley
Even if you come to take a bath or do laundry, stone
You'll be swea ng again on the way to your baby.
If that means moving the camp to this place at all, yesterday's
I think the dog is going to be pissed off because I have to live my life again.
Let's leave the decision to Bertus.
A er she had been swimming for a while, Ellen crawled out of the water.
He straightened her hair and then she looked down at me and pointed
down the valley.
She said, "Go down there."
“I will take all my clothes off.”
You are so excited now.
Of course, swimming naked isn't the problem, it's probably because you
want to wash your clothes. I also went downstairs and rubbed my clothes
in running water, then brushed them off and put them on a sunny rocky
The sunlight is great, so it will be crispy soon. No, because of the moisture.
Do you not want to dry well?
I don't know disease.
- Spoon bung bung bung!
I couldn't see it, but I could s ll hear Ellen swimming from above. Of
course, you have to wash your clothes like this before returning.
It looks like I'm going to get sick again.
Well, it's s ll bad to suck it up once
it won't
Originally, Delphine would have discovered this valley. Probably not today.
of course
Since a variable called Charlo e has been added, I don't know what will
- Reinhardt!
And suddenly, Ellen heard a loud voice
called me to
“Let’s go back.”
She wears clothes that have not yet dried
Ellen's expression hardened. She felt nervous.
“Why, is something happening?”
"It's kind of weird here. I don't think it's okay to stay."
Ellen started poin ng to some parts of the valley above and below her.
“There are animal bones all over the place.”
“……That’s right.”
Charlo e took a different direc on from the exis ng development.
If the development is a variable, the fact that I brought Ellen here is also a
included in Ellen doesn't enjoy the valley, but she sees the suspicious parts
and she gets a clue.
“And over there.”
Ellen pointed to the other side of her.
There were bones of animals, and there were traces a li le different from
what they are now.
“Who made a fire over there? There will be no traces of the teachers. I
think this has something to do with special condi ons...”
Ellen carefully draws a conclusion.
“I don’t think this is a deserted island.”
Someone other than us lives.
Ellen is one step closer to the secret of this island.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 98
A er seeing the traces of ea ng and ligh ng a fire, Ellen concluded that
there was someone living on this island other than Class A and Class B
it went
“Then does it have to do with that par cular condi on?”
“I will.”
On the way back, Ellen was more vigilant than before. Ellen has a premise
that this is a mission.
She'll know that as long as her life is at stake she'll never come.
Of course, con ngencies happen.
There's no way you won't Ellen took the lead, clearing her guard, and I
A er all, he's a smart guy, so he finds hints right away.
Anyway, we were all dressed in wet clothes and we were so nervous that
we came back to camp in sweat.
It was an important fact, so when I reported it to Bertus, he immediately
took over all the work.
Suspend and put all personnel in one place
collected on
The children became angry when they heard that they had discovered the
valley, and then their expressions became astonishing when they heard
that there was something other than us on the island.
“Uh, what do you do? Aren't you a cannibal?"
“What are you talking about!” Kono Lint's face went pale, and fear began
to spread slowly. Naturally, everyone's complexion turned pale.
“The fact that this island is not uninhabited
A er all, it will be part of the mission. It must have been planned by the
Temple. don't be too scared Who is that specific condi on?
It must have something to do with...”
Of course, Bertus was calm. this
In the end, it was just a mission, so I came to the natural conclusion that
the situa on would be under control.
“That means, if we find that person who is not us, then this mission will be
over, isn’t it?”
“That would be nice, but I’m not sure.”
“I guess...” |
There are other survivors besides us.
It has to do with the clear condi on. If so, the moment you find the
Sean ends. At Bertus' words, the mood changed dras cally.
“Well, then, do we just need to find that person?”
Harriet suddenly turned pale.
I want to get out of this environment quickly
It is the hope of all children. Bertus nodded his head as if he understood
what Heriot was saying. “I don’t even know that. But once you find that
person, how
It would be right to help finish the mission early.”
“Then let’s search all the islands! If you find that person first, you can go
It was Cayer's words, and everyone seemed to agree. It's more accurate to
find the survivor somewhere on the island and finish the mission quickly.
"Ummm... I think it's right to choose that one, but..."
Bertus pondered and turned to me.
I looked
Reinhardt, what do you think?"
At those words, everyone's eyes turned towards me
I understand that these guys' opinions of me have changed. These guys,
who have been like cows and chickens un l now, are ge ng be er when I
do something. Now it seems that I am thinking that I can be a vending
machine with the correct answer.
Even those who hate me right now
As much as I can feel that it is right to follow my words.
But honestly, I don't want to give any more hints here. A-class with the
original development
It is true that I want to lead differently, but if I give a hint, it is class A
becomes the victory of
For this mission, honestly, I want the B-Class to gain strength from
Charlo e.
| “Ummm… I don’t know about anything else.
Why don't we all go to the valley?"
I don't know complicated things, and my sugges on about how to play in
the water was the best answer in this situa on.
Ellen voiced her opinion that she would be in danger, but she failed to
convince her that everyone's eyes turned to water.
It took about thirty minutes for the eleven people to reach the valley
through the route Ellen had laid out.
Everyone was sweaty and exhausted, but believing in the hope that they
could wash at the end, they followed me and Ellen, who were at the
As soon as they arrived at the valley, they opened their eyes wide to see
the valley larger than they had imagined.
A er a moment of silence, everyone began to plunge into the water in
“Ugh! It was so cold!”
“Be careful because there are deep places.”
But the guys who threw themselves into the water didn't seem to hear me.
Ellen threw herself back into the water and started flopping around.
I told him to avoid it because it was dangerous, but when he looked at the
water again, he seemed to have lost his mind.
- Whoa!
In a situa on where you feel like you're about to die from sweat
The children who met the water at that me began to rumble and play like
the children of that age. Bertus also jumped into the water without
hesita on and smiled unpreten ously.
Yes, the kids should be like this.
The water in the valley is quite deep, so it is not uncommon for those who
stumbled and creaked in the water.
It happened a bit. Of course, I, Ellen, and Bertus, who knew how to swim,
took them out.
There were mes when it was a bit bizarre.
The Konolint must have fallen into the depths of the water and suddenly
appeared out of the water.
“Hey, crazy! You must be crazy!”
“Hey, yumma!”
Naturally, he le his clothes behind and just teleported out of his body. The
female students who saw it screamed, and the male students exploded
when they saw it.
"Ugh, ooh! Look, pussy taste!
"clothes! Someone bring her clothes!"
Harriet covered her eyes and nervously
, and Bertus giggled and took Kono Lint's clothes out of the water and
handed them to him.
It makes sense to use teleporta on in the face of death, but bear with it.
Everyone was playing in the same pool, and the girls started cha ering
among themselves.
“Hey, Bertus.”
Harriet as the representa ve, idly in the water
I called Bertus, who was si ng there.
“Ah Saint-Ouen, what’s going on?”
“Up there from us... that. I'm going to wash..."
Is it shameful to say, Harriet?
His face was pale and he hesitated. Of course, Bertus seemed to know
what he was talking about just by listening to that.
nodded the dog.
"Ahhh. I know what you mean. are you okay with that? I don't know what
might be here..."
He seemed to have fully understood the meaning of wan ng to do some
washing at the same me as doing laundry. But Bertus doesn't know what
might appear, but he takes off his clothes and asks if it's okay.
“Ellen looks a er whoever comes or who doesn’t. said.”
“Then you are safe. okay. I won't let other kids go up."
Together with Harriet, the schoolgirls began ascending from here to the
invisible upper valley.
“You know a li le bit?”
Bertus said as if he didn't want to explain with his own mouth, and
everyone turned a li le embarrassed and nodded his head slightly.
Just thinking of the female schoolgirls up there looking naked makes their
hearts flu er.
It's hard to read that they are expressions of people imagining things they
shouldn't have imagined.
all. Did you have an adulterous devil? These children
Kono Lint started looking at the female students going up with a puzzled
He seems to be thinking about the op on of peeking over to teleport.
“Don't even think about doing something useless. You just saw me.”
“Who, who says what?”
At my warning, Kono Lint shook her head.
Of course, in the end, she ate it all up and washed her clothes and le
them on the rocks.
A er her she started playing in the water.
It is a place where you can't see the top from below, and you can't see the
bo om either from above.
it didn't ma er
It was Kono Lint who scored the most goals.
- Pot!
As long as the guys are alone, this guy is playing around, using
instantaneous movements.
It was. He suddenly teleported to the surface and started doing weird
things like diving.
The problem is that the clothes come off, and this guy even used
teleporta on itself con nuously. The speed of ability ac va on and the
level of the ability itself are actually top-notch. However, he is a poor man
whose performance comes only when he gives up his dignity as a human
It was the same as Bertus had taken off all of them. At first, during gym
He used a shared shower, so seeing each other naked was not new.
“Whoa… there is definitely something there.”
Bertus seemed convinced that the island was not uninhabited by the traces
of his meal, including the sparsely visible bones of the beast. Bertus looked
at me as I sat blankly and asked.
“Is moving the camp here a bit risky?”
“I think there must be a one-to-one. It would be nice to find a survivor, but
A beast might appear.”
At my explana on, Bertus nodded his head.
it was Camp because it is an environment with drinking water
It is a good place to install, and it is also good to find a guy who is supposed
to be a survivor as he will come here to get drinking water.
But at night, you never know what threat will come. built there so far
camp must be abandoned.
“Let’s get together later and talk.”
Bertus put his choice on hold for now.
a er a while.
A er we finish washing, we even talk about clothes
A er Lin, he joined again. Obviously, the female students had a more
cheerful expression on their faces.
Harriet was showing her smile for the first me since she came here.
I thought it would be nice to see her rela vely improved expression.
“Everyone knows this is a good place to set up a camp, right?” |
Everyone nodded at Bertus' words.
it was
“Let’s think about whether we should re-create the camp here, or go back
and use the original camp.”
“I don’t think it will.”
Surprisingly, Liana, who seemed to have something to say about a man,
shook her head. The other female students also nodded their heads.
Everyone is a li le red except for Ellen.
It was the expression.
"At the beginning of the day...a snake came out."
Ellen dies with a javelin stuck in her head
She seemed to have li ed a pre y hunky snake.
With that one word, the withdrawal was decided unanimously.
it was fixed
Eventually, when they returned to the camp, everyone sighed again. S ll, it
could not be said that there was no performance because all the water in
the water tank was replenished.
Of course, when I came back, I filled the canteen to the fullest.
I drank water, but I s ll brought a large pot full of water.
did. You won't have to worry about water for a while.
“Are you going to rest today?”
Show signs that the sun is slowly going down
Bertus said so. If you sweat more here, washing to the best of your ability
is useless.
also do,
“How about taking a break a er finishing camp work?”
But I objected. How to set up a camp on a wooden floor
Up is not finished yet.
Everyone opened their ax eyes at my words and looked at me. I wanted to
rest for a while, but my eyes were mixed with cri cism, asking if I had to go
to work.
“No, I did it this way, but I thought it would be appropriate to finish it.”
these guys.
Get ready to bow down to me tomorrow.
As the camp progresses, me and Ellen receive the underwater breathing
magic from Harriet.
A er that, he went out hun ng for dinner.
Walking in the sea under the underwater breathing magic was a strange
thing even if the purpose of hun ng was not.
I wonder if Ellen thinks like me, she some mes moves through the coral
She even stared at the li le fish.
Ellen put her finger on her finger, and she watched the li le yellow fish
that were bi ng her finger. me too
As I watched it, Ellen's eyes met.
I couldn't have a conversa on because I was in the sea, but I could tell just
by looking at how I was feeling right now.
Ellen's black hair flu ering in the flow of her water was quite impressive.
Her harvest was three lobsters and two large fish resembling red snapper.
It is large enough to feed eleven people.
seemed to
Out of the sea, once again in the water
Wet and wet, we stood on the beach passing the sunset. I went back to
camp, but El Ren didn't follow me.
Let her look back, she burns there
There was Ellen, who was quietly watching the se ng sun.
“What are you doing, you’re not coming soon.”
Ellen walks away with her back to the sunset while enjoying her scenery.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 99

Cut the logs in half and glue them together to form a rectangular base.
And put the huts you made on top of it.
There, a new hut was built today, and now there are huts equal to the
number of people. The kids are the new huts
I ed it to a log with a vine to prevent it from being blown over or blown
away by the wind.
If you leave it like this, when it rains tomorrow, everything will fly away and
be smashed.
The non-visit order was the same as yesterday.
Everyone seemed to feel a li le be er than yesterday because of the log
floors. Of course, in such a situa on, there are those who feel embarrassed
by themselves, who like that they have a be er place to sleep.
It seemed like most
Everyone was red today as well
Eh, I fell asleep no ma er what the dormitory was.
And it was the same with me.
dark night.
sounds of rain.
- Kurreung! Kurung!
- Whoops!
Hut New raindrops and wind had to wake me from sleep.
Anyway, it was impossible to build a hut that would block all the rain and
wind under the current condi ons.
"what! What rain!”
One or two shouted in the hut. It was impossible to sleep comfortably in
this chaos. It was dark clouds and the bonfire was turned off, and the view
was completely dark.
The flash that flickers with each flash of lightning is the only thing that can
dis nguish objects.
It was one light.
A storm is coming.
- Don't go outside! Once inside!
It was Bertus' call.
It is raining, but it is natural to get wet the moment you go outside. It was
best to be in a place where there was a li le bit of shelter from the rain
and wind. I couldn't fall asleep again, but wai ng un l the sun came up and
the rain stopped was the only op on I had right now.
If you go outside now, the only result will be a sudden drop in body
temperature due to rain and wind.
- Hey, it's about to fly!
But all the huts are firmly established
Whether it's decided or not, the hut is about to break
There seemed to be a place where
-If it breaks, go somewhere else and once!
Even in this situa on, Bertus was calmly giving instruc ons to the children
in confusion and fear. If we hadn't reinforced the floor with logs, we would
now be lying on the wet sand.
- Oops!
In the end, who can't win against the strong wind
There was the sound of the hut breaking.
- Aww!
This scream was Harriet's.
- Oh, I can't see anything! Oh my God!
In the dark, Harriet panicked.
He seemed to have fallen into a womb. It would be nice to use something
like light magic, but there's no way you can use magic calmly in that
situa on.
-Oh, I can't see anything! Oh my God! I think I'm flying!
- Saint-Touan! Enter another hut!
-Oh, I can't find anything because I can't see anything!
- Flash!
A flash of light flashed, and I pinpointed Harriet's loca on in the situa on,
then stepped out of the hut. The boy was lying on the floor and fumbling
“Who, who…?”
Harriet finds someone herself in the dark
He seemed to feel relief and fear at the same me. I traced through the
darkness and returned to my hut. I dragged Harriet in and sat next to me.
I made him lie down in the remaining space.
“Calm down.”
“La, Reinhardt?”
It's funny and sad to hear that it's me all at once even in this chaos because
it's called pak-tong.
I call this guy a paktong, so it's me
Knowing that, I definitely felt reassured.
“Bertus! I'll take him!"
- Alright Reinhardt! great job!!
"Calm down. It’s just raining.”
I'm drenched in the rain and scared
I'm red of it and my whole body is trembling
He gently pa ed the boy on the back.
“The rain will stop, you don’t know that much.”
It was as if I was feeling the cold just shivering away from being scared.
“Keep your body temperature by using fever magic or whatever. Then this
is nothing.”
"Ah Okay...."
He takes a deep breath following my guidance
He seemed to be trying to calm down.
However, it did not seem easy to calm down in this chaos where the
bloody wind and thunder constantly resounded. Before you can adjust to
an unfamiliar environment, you can experience the worst possible situa on
in that environment.
will face It was not easy to calm my mind.
The huts creaked, and a few more seemed to be broken.
The children were screaming, and I could see them running out to fix them.
"I'm scared...."
I don't know what kind of expression Harriet was making in the dark, but I
could definitely feel her trembling. S ll, I wonder if my con nued stroking
my back had any effect, and soon a er, he ac vated his magic.
Maybe he had cast something similar to thermal magic, or a pale yellow
sphere appeared.
He started pouring warmth into the stool.
“Okay, well done.”
The brightness of the light itself was weak, but it was enough to barely
discern the surroundings. Although the wind was blowing, it had the same
effect as pu ng a small bonfire inside a hut.
Harriet calmed his mind and began to summon the spheres of light one by
one and put them this me towards the other hut.
I didn't know he would do something like this, so let's say I'm a li le
stunned. Harriet is
Staring at me like I did something wrong
looked at
".....Nope. con nue."
In mes of crisis, we need to help each other.
It's simple, but seeing Harriet doing it himself makes me feel pre y weird.
Since I got help, I think it's natural for others to help too.
do i do I wasn't originally like this
I would.
Fortunately, the sphere of light that Harriet summoned seemed to have
succeeded in quelling everyone's anxiety.
"great job."

A storm was raging.
It will be difficult to fall asleep again, but at least it is not cold now.
The storm that came in the middle of the night is the morning
By this me, it had subsided.
will do
Of course, it didn't stop raining. It was s ll raining almost like a torren al
downpour. The waves were raging wildly on the beach, and in the distant
sea, just looking at them, the daun ng waves ran wild.
No ma er how much underwater breathing magic
Going into that sea is suicide.
It is morning, so the view is clear. It would be best to avoid the rain un l it
stops, but the rain con nues into the night. If you stay here like this, not
only will you starve all day, but you will also have to starve un l tomorrow
Food security is not a problem, but food security must be secured.
“You, where are you going?”
As I scrambled to get up, I saw Harriet perplexed. the guy
He seemed exhausted from summoning the hea ng sphere all night long.
among us
I must have been most red.
“You have to do something. you rest.”
As I walked out into the pouring rain, Berto was already out before me.
He looked at Suga and raised his hand.
“There is no mess.”
I don't know if he really needed to come out, but Bertus was broken all
He was checking three huts. It seemed that all personnel were checking to
see if they were safe.
Reinhardt, there's a problem."
Bertus' expression hardened seriously.
was lost
“Cayer is gone.”
Originally, the Class A had all been abandoned except for Ellen at this point.
So, originally in class B
What should have happened is star ng to happen in Class A.
Cayer Bioden is gone. Bertus was trying to figure out the situa on now.
“It was strange. when it rains
A nightmare should have woken us up... didn't it?"
Cayer's vigil order is my previous one
am. A storm began to roll in. The vigilant Cayer was supposed to wake
everyone up and prepare them, but he didn't.
“Erhi, who was on the previous turn for Cayer, said that he had definitely
woken up Kaier. And he said that he slept a er seeing the start of the
“I never woke up.”
Cayer didn't wake me up. We all just woke up to the sound of the storm.
“What happened to Cayer, who was vigilant?
Something seems like such a situa on.”
So before waking up my next vigilant, Cayer, he went through something
and went missing.
“There is a possibility that Cayer had to give up on his own voli on, or this
situa on itself could be a mission, or maybe he accidentally went into the
woods and got lost... It's complicated... .”
In my words, which are close to specula on, Bertus
nodded his head.
“Are you sure this is also part of the mission?”
“Isn’t it right to see that?”
Bertus seemed to need certainty. I don't know if Cayer gave up, wandering
in the woods, or what really happened. If the situa on is not under control,
it may be that Cayer's life is in danger.
But the teachers give no hint
I won't.
Everything must be resolved at our discre on.
It is our choice whether to search for Cayer, give up, or uncover the truth.
“There are three strong possibili es right now.”
Bertus con nues his speech calmly in the heavy rain.
“However, Cayer went into the jungle in the middle of the night, somehow.
he sees the ball If there is a reason to do it, it could be. And in the
mean me, a storm begins to fall and I am lost and wandering through the
“Both, survivors on this island have kidnapped or harmed Cayer in some
way. If that is the case, there is a high probability that Cayer gave up or was
eliminated. When you said that the survivor was a kind of mission the
teachers could control.”
"three. Class B kidnapped Cayer.”
Bertus was considering a possibility I hadn't considered at all. Bertus is
suspected of going to class B.
was placed on
“Class B? Why?”
“The way to clear this mission is work You just have to hold on un l the day
of the week.
But that's the way to win the mission
not this.”
To survive un l Sunday is to clear the mission, not the way to win the
A er all, this is a coopera ve mission as well as a compe on
It's a mission.
As Bertus considered all possibili es, his compe tors were also skep cal.
“There is another thing to winning a mission other than mee ng certain
condi ons.”
Know what Bertus is talking about
It was like
“If you make the other side give up, you just have to hold out un l Friday.
I can win.”
Another way to win this mission that even I, the writer, could not think of,
was Berto.
He was already catching up.
He was truly an incredible kid.
Of course, Bertus knew that was unlikely. But Bertus thought that there
was no way Charlo e could not know the way he thought he would win.
use such a radical method
Although the possibility of doing so is low, it seems that he decided that
the possibility itself is a possibility.
So, as reconnaissance, I asked him to come and check how the B-Class was
doing in this messy situa on.
asked for He said that in Class A, I was the only one who had frequent
contact with Class B, so I wouldn't have any doubts.
He also told me to take care of issues such as sharing the situa on at my
own discre on.
Let's get through the heavy rain and go to class B camp
There was a mess there.
The huts were all destroyed to the point that it was impossible to fix them,
and the personnel were
had le the secondary camp. I knew that a storm of this level would come,
but I didn't reinforce the huts.
If so, Class A would have faced the same situa on.
Class B decides to assess the situa on once the rain stops, and camp
Tennis recovery would have been impossible.
Somewhere in the jungle, maybe the big me
They must have all gathered under the radish.
"shallot! Ludwig! Delphine!"
I go into the jungle and recklessly
I called Charlo e and Ludwig. Even if you don't walk very long, you'll soon
become a big tree
Ludwig appeared by the nest.
"uh! Are you okay!”
As I approached, Ludwig came up to me, wading through his rain with a
welcome expression.
“Whoa, what kind of mess is this?” “Is everyone gathered over there?”
"Uh, yes, but everyone's in a bad state.
not this.”
Let's follow Ludwig's lead B.
I could see the Rath personnel all huddled together under a large tree to
avoid the rain. Everyone could not completely stop the rain, so it was the
same as ge ng wet.
Fortunately, Harriet summoned
It is slightly different from that, but under the sphere of light
I was floa ng, and there was warmth
was flowing and seemed to be barely holding on.
At this point, I know that a guy named Ashur, who is a divine talent,
secures the least amount of warmth with divine magic.
This must have been the one that Ashur summoned.
Charlo e, who had been si ng s ll, rose from her seat, pulled me in, and
sat her near the Sphere of Light.
“Why did you come here to reconnaissance?”
Charlo e, seemingly observing what I meant
this smiled
“You cannot say that there is no such purpose. Things look very bad.”
"Certainly yes, it wasn't a thunderbolt in the middle of the night
Everyone in Class B is trembling
there seemed to be A guy named Ashur looked full of trouble just by
maintaining holy magic,
"How's the situa on there?"
“We also destroyed a few camps. Not as much here, but s ll
I don’t like sulfur very much.”
Charlo e nodded her head saying yes. I checked the personnel and
finished assessing the situa on.
“Doesn’t it look like one person is praying?”
Everyone's expressions hardened slightly at my words. A person with a face
in class B
There wasn't much of it, so I was blown away.
“Louis Ankton, is he missing too?”
Charlo e's expression changed at my words.
"what? Your side... what happened?
"Uh, we lost Cayer."
Disappearance is not unique to one side.
occurred on both sides. Originally, it was supposed to be the story of the
disappearance of Rayan Sesor.
But, only that part was slightly different.
Soon, the possibility that the class B suggested by Bertus was the culprit
disappeared. Class B will go out searching for Louis Ancton when the rain
“I can’t tell you much from my standpoint.”
I said so and looked at Charlo e.
One student from each class A and B went missing. From this clue alone,
Charlo e will be able to deduce many things.
“Water is flowing in the valley that comes out if you go all the way in that
direc on. drinkable water. I found it yesterday.”
"drinking water?"
Everyone's expression changed at those words. It is true that it is raining,
but drinking water
Existence was very important informa on
just because. Charlo e gives this informa on for free.
Seeing her informing her with , she had a complicated expression on her
“Careful, Charlo e.”
“Yes, thank you Reinhardt, be careful.”
Charlo e showed me off pre y far when she returned home.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 100
“Class B is also missing…”
Hearing my story, Bertus nodded slowly.
“When I woke up in the morning, it would be a bit unreasonable to see
that one person from each class got lost in the jungle.”
In the end, Bertus seemed to have decided that it was right to find the
survivors on the island.
“We’re in a mess, too, but this was be er…”
Bertus is a B-class camp.
Yes, it's fu le to say that it has become a wasteland
He couldn't hide his smile. We're li le guys too, but this is the best.
"Okay. Someone's a acking us, and we have to catch him whether we like
it or not.
would do Maybe that's the specific condi on the teacher said, of course
that's it, but I'm going to s ck with this situa on.
I need food.” |
The first topic is the search for criminals, and the second
The topic is food collec on. do one thing
It's too much work, but from now on, I have to do both things at the same
“The only ones who can properly use force in an emergency would be me,
Cliffman, Ellen, Granz, and even you...” |
| Herriot's magic requires cas ng me, and Adelia did not learn a ack
spells. In the case of Heinrich, his abili es are not yet at the level he can
use to a ack. In the case of Kono Lint and Erch, the level at which they can
fight is s ll
So, there are only five people who actually have combat abili es. And I s ll
can't figure out who the opponent is.
“Is it fair to say that Ellen is the only person who can move here alone?”
“Okay, luckily we have Heinrich who can set fire in the rain, so if you have
game, it shouldn't be difficult to cook it. If you don't like it, you'll have to
scratch Coco's soul."
Bertus went to the camp and shouted.
"Come on! It's hard because it's raining, but it's all me.
Everyone became beggars at Bertus's cry.
He started crawling out of the hut.
Cayer is gone, and what remains
A total of ten people. everyone is in the rain
Everyone had a blank expression on their faces because they hadn't slept
since the storm started.
What Bertus put together step by step
explained them
Cayer Bioden is missing. In addi on
One person was also missing from Class B.
The two appear to have been abducted by other survivors inside the
island. MI
It is presumed that it is part of the slaughter, and it is expected that from
now on, it will probably be hun ng us every night or hun ng individuals
who travel alone in the forest.
We must find him and subdue him before he gets hit by any more
survivors. Otherwise, you'll be gnawed off like this and you'll both fail the
“From now on, I, Reinhardt, Ellen, Granz, and Cliffmann will be divided into
three groups to search and hunt in the forest. The rest of us clean up this
camp and repair the broken huts. And if you can make rain gu er, I want to
make as many as possible to secure drinking water. But everyone, don't go
too deep into the forest. I don’t know what will happen.”
Bertus said so to the rest of us.
A er sugges ng what to do, we gathered the people who decided to go
into the forest.
"Ellen, I think you'll have to go in alone, are you okay? I think it's
You can move as a team of three.”
“I will go alone.”
Ellen took a shortbow, an arrow, and a knife. That is enough.
“Okay, Cliffman, come with me.”
“Let Granz move with Reinhardt.”
In this way, three groups were formed.
“Just because we found a survivor,
Don't try to subdue it. As much as possible, let's start by iden fying what
kind of guy he is, and then come up with a plan. Let's make sure that our
top priority is to secure food for now."
Everyone nodded at Bertus' words.
“Let’s go in.”
Through the pouring rain, we
entered the ar cle.
The Class A guys who came into the forest now and Liana were a li le
This guy has superpowers. of course me too
Although he is a superpower, he is actually capable of figh ng.
close to
That's why Liana is be er than the other guys. Her stamina was much
weaker, and she was suffering from a drop in body temperature due to the
she was The remedies that Harriet had put on had run out of me, and he
was struggling to move in the rain.
“…do you want to go back?”
“No, keep going.”
The guy was red, but he didn't want to be a burden, so he ghtened his
eyeballs and was walking with this grimace. I feel that my stamina has
increased tremendously, but I also felt that this guy's stamina was quite
Of course, if a ba le situa on occurs, lightning strikes
It's much more helpful than my abili es.
will do
A er walking for a while, I finally had to stop.
“I can’t. Get some rest.”
As if he had no energy to speak, he sat down, leaning against the trunk of
his tree. heavy rain
The ground was muddy because of the fall. His lips became pale, as if his
body temperature had dropped sharply.
“Are you in bad shape? maybe a stone
I think I should go.”
Rather than replying to my words, Liana raised her hand hard. “Give me
that.” "it? Uh, ah... this?"
“Uh, that.”
Liana grabbed her jungle sword in her mine hand, and she suddenly began
to give strength to her eyeballs.
- Chii profit!
Raindrops that hit her jungle road started to evaporate. It seemed to heat
up the jungle sword by applying an electric current. He cools the heated
jungle road by touching the raindrops
Danny hugged it like a hot pack.
all. I am already applying my abili es.
was the look.
“I want to burn it all down.”
Liana was mu ering nervously. She roams the jungle in this environment
I like this situa on itself
seemed not to. Of course, who the hell would like this?
A er she had been there for a while, Liana soon returned to her
complexion and handed her jungle sword to me.
“You do it too.”
Her jungle sword was heated to a slightly hot level.
“Uh, uh… yes.”
The more I look at it, the less friendly it seems
he's a weird guy
Due to Liana's stamina problems, her forward speed was very slow
compared to other teams.
will reel As she rested in between, she had to move forward as she hugged
her jungle sword as a hot pack and regained her body temperature.
“But what if we get lost in this way? No, aren't you already lost?"
She was in the rain, and it seemed that Liana had already lost her sense of
direc on. i am the sky
pointed to
“You just have to climb the tree and check it out.”
It's enough to ride a tree, and if you try to figure out the loca on on the
high ground, you'll get lost. However, I was able to find it again. If you can't
find it, you can go all the way in any direc on and you'll find the sea, so just
go around the beach. Liana, as if it was all right, like a love doll
She quietly hugged her.
“But how the hell do you find an animal to hunt in this rain...”
Liana grumbled and suddenly her eyes widened.
“…Isn’t that that?”
Let Liana look where she points, huh?
In her flag, she saw a roe deer drinking from the rainwater that had
accumulated in a puddle.
I made a hissing gesture, and Liana nodded her head with a firm
Haven't no ced us yet.
The distance is about fi een meters, which is not a distance that Liana's
ability can reach. I have a javelin
But javelins are not used to it. super power
Even if it is supported by force, can it be caught with one blow?
'Let's approach slowly.'
At my words, Liana nodded her head without her saying anything.
nodded. Fortunately, the heavy rain prevented her deer from no cing our
Approaching five meters slowly, we can reduce the gap by ten meters.
there was. At this distance, I thought I could hit it enough.
But if I can't do a single blow, I'll run away.
what about
There is only one Javelin, so you only have one chance. i put javelin
I showed it to my Liana.
Is this even possible?
- Can you leave an electric current in this?
We'll just metallize the electricity itself, but is it possible to let the current
itself remain? Fire under normal circumstances
It is possible, but he is already able to apply his abili es.
To put it simply, it is a lightning enchantment on a weapon.
-Uh, I think I can.
Liana focused her mind and began to apply her electric current to her
javelin spear.
- Jiying!
"Oh right."
Of course, I forgot that if I energized the rain-soaked javelin, my hand
holding it would get electrocuted.
was ght
Fortunately he didn't die.
However, it was only natural that the roe deer ran away, startled by the
screams I made while being electrocuted.
nonsense and bullshit.
Both of them are in awe of the roe deer that they lost in the rain.
I stood blankly in the rain.
“Hey, even if I said so, didn’t you, who is an electrician, need to know a
li le bit?”
In my red box, Liana opened her axe's eye and stared at me.
“You and I did well with that kind of head.”
"Did you say you'll pay me now?"
“I think it’s a good thing I didn’t say I was going to be stoned. Oh, it would
be be er if it was a stone head
I'm glad you didn't get electrocuted. It's a clumsy head. A poor head that
can even run electricity."
What makes him different from Harriet?
It's similar to not losing a single word, but it's more than not ge ng a deal
at all.
Dill is coming towards me. I quit because I thought I would even grab the
collar if I had more quarrels.
"....I lost. Let's stop."
On a rainy day, he showed off his blitz ability and grabbed his neck.
all? You want to die of a heart a ack.
Anyway, both of them were so excited about their prey that they couldn't
make a ra onal decision.
all. Even if I think about it, it rains casually
who asked me to enchant me
It's true that my head wanted something different from Ludwig.
Even the guy who asked me to do it is the same as hi ng a goal,
“Huh, let’s look for it again.”
“I think he ran away.”
We walked again in the direc on the roe had fled. due to heavy rain
There was nothing to see because it was a window. Tracking has neither
talent nor skill. Just because you've seen the Law of the Jungle or Bear
Grylls videos a few mes, you can't chase the beast.
It's not possible.
just walking blindly.
“I haven’t gone very far…”
Fortunately, the roe deer did not go far. A er walking for about ten
minutes, I could see the grass in the distance trembling.
- Crackle!
The bushes are shaking unnaturally. I don't know if it's a roe deer or what,
but there's something there. Liana and I approached slowly, holding on to
her sleeper. With Javelin ready to respond at any me.
- Whoa!
And, as if s ffening the muscles of the body, an eerie, low cry is heard.
there was.
it's a beast
As we got closer, we saw a jaguar stomping on the roe deer we were
chasing, quietly spewing a warning cry at us.
This guy must have hunted the roe deer we were chasing.
Liana froze as she encountered her beast.
My situa on wasn't too different. Just looking at the beast, not the
monster or anything else, made my whole body s ff.
what's crazy
It didn't come from the original.
It was there in the original, but I couldn't find it.
I grabbed Liana's s ff arm and slowly backed away from her.
The jaguar found us and a li le
The closer we get, the more they will a ack us. I don't know if I'll be able to
respond to the agility of cats and beasts.
Rihanna looked at me and was terrified
She cried out only with the shape of her mouth.
- Why is there such a thing!!
- There must be.
As if there was a mission like this, Liana seemed to have her delirium
she backed away
She's caught her prey, so she won't be a er us.
two choices.
- Either drive him out or kill him and take his prey, or leave him like this.
Let's choose to fly
-Is that something to worry about?
I can almost feel that Liana is pouring harsh swear words into her eyes as if
there is such a crazy person.
- If you throw a javelin like before, you will be kicked out.
is possible write electricity.
...Are you a real stoner? electrocuted
Did you just forget that?
Liana was worried about whether she really had a serious defect in my
- Not me, you.
Of course, I didn't forget that the bird was electrocuted. Throw a lightning-
enchanted javelin.
But I'm not the only one throwing it. Because that guy is immune to
- I? Throw a spear at me and hit that? do you think it will be?
- You bastard, who's going to hit that?
I pointed to a bush with wild beasts.
-That puddle over there, you just have to hit it over there.
It was raining all over the place, so the puddles were full, and the place
where the jaguar caught the roe deer was clearly stagnant.
It was then that Liana seemed to understand what I was talking about.
- What if we dodge it, he's not trying to a ack us.
- What if it runs at us?
I'll try
- Are you doing anything?
-Anyway, I can do anything.
just do it
My physical abili es are not at the animal level.
Ryeo is coming within Liana's range. Rather, if I drag aggro for a while, I can
a ack with Liana's lightning strike.
It's not even a life-threatening adventure, but you can do anything like this.
Liana seemed to be in trouble, but she eventually grabbed Javelin.
She moved away to avoid any chance of being electrocuted, and then Liana
did her best to jabble with a gloomy expression on her face.
Lin threw
-green onion!
“…is this going to happen?”
It was a pre y big puddle, but Javelin
Orthodoxly embedded in the wrong tree.
He missed it completely, but he hit it as if he was aiming at a completely
different place and hit the goal even more.
- Kyaaaaaah!
The jaguar senses the a ack and rushes in.
“Uh, what should I do!”
I'm running with a jungle sword
Aimed at the jaguar. The speed of the beast's charge was unbelievable
even with the naked eye.
If you stab it, you will avoid it. Hold the handle and the sword horizontally.
The method of half-swording that Ellen occasionally showed.
It feels like blocking rather than stabbing.
The purpose is to stop, not kill.
“Just grind!”
self-sugges on
This me, it's not physical strengthening.
My body becomes an insulator!
- Kagak!
At the same me as I bit the jungle sword horizontally in the jaws of the
jaguar I was running towards, blue sparks flew around Liana's eyes.
- Whoa!
“Shut up!”
I felt a sharp pain as if the electric current running through her body was
forcing my muscles to contract and relax from head to toe.
The bouncing jaguar staggers. This moment must not be missed.
I move my immovable body as if forcibly awakening the moon towards the
- Cuckoo!
And he slammed the jungle sword right into the guy's head. The feeling of
something breaking is more accurate than the feeling of being cut.
passed on to his hand.
"Heh heh... heh heh..."
It was a ba le that didn't even last five seconds.
However, Liana and I are quick to show off her abili es.
These two have a fast reac on speed
Otherwise, this result would not be
would have been
“You… are you okay?”
I looked at Liana and grinned.
“Some mes you get an electric shock and you have to do this to kill the
parasites in your body.”
"What... what do you mean?"

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 101

It was difficult to bring the roe deer, so the jaguar could not. I didn't even
want to bring them because I heard that carnivores are not meant to be
Just moving one roe deer with Liana, who is struggling with stamina, is
already extreme.
was in a state of exhaus on.
"Ha ha... ha ha... ha ha..."
Liana returned to her camp, and as she stood near the trunk of her tree,
she almost fell on her stomach, before Heinrich forced
A bonfire was burning. pour out
The falling rain puts out the bonfire, but as Heinrich kept the fire on, the
steam con nued to rise.
“Granz, are you okay?”
Heinrich asks like he's worried
Oza Liana looked at her guy, shaking her limbs.
Heinrich was set to say that she likes Liana de Granz.
“You… do you think this looks okay….”
“Ah, that… yes.”
...I understand the feeling somehow.
It's the one you're talking about thickly.
Just like the female version of me? Woman
That's Reinhardt, right? unexpected thing to do
While doing everything, I don't talk shit for nothing.
Am I the only one doing it?
“Isn’t a jaguar like a ger?”
When Harriet saw the roe deer I had caught and asked how she got it, she
was horrified when she heard that she had met a beast.
“It’s not like a ger, but it’s like that.”
“...You got it? you?"
She looked like she couldn't believe it. Surely, if two 17-year-olds caught a
jaguar, what would that be?
I pointed to the roe deer carcass.
“Then, would this be possible with my oral structure?”
When I spit it out, Granz and I have the same ponytail.
In any case, the state of a roe deer that has been bi en by the nape can of
course be made with human teeth.
was not the state Harriet seemed to believe that he had just met the Beast.
“Aren’t you hurt?”
Harriet looks at me with a li le weeping.
“…I got an electric shock, but it’s okay.”
"Electric shock? Why did you get an electric shock… Ah.”
Harriet said I'm back with Liana. She nodded her head blankly as she
remembered it.
Obviously Liana, not Jaguar, almost killed me. By the way, she asked me if I
was hurt. I don't feel bad about this either.
The camp has been heavily rebuilt in the rain. Collapsed camps are
It was cool, and when the cold got worse, Heinri
It was as if he had returned to the bonfire he was managing, warmed
himself up, and returned to work.
As I looked over my shoulder, I ed the hind legs of the roe deer with vines
to a large tree
hung on the branches
He cut off the roe deer by slashing it with an axe. You can cut the artery,
but it's already muddy and jagyu
The part that Eh asked would have a severe bacterial infec on. Blood
started pouring out, and frankly, it looked good.
It wasn't.
Then he cut his stomach and cut off the intes nes.
All the classmates who saw the terrible sight were terrified. Like Harriet
and Liana, Adelia was trembling at all.
No, how could you do such a thing? those faces
It's the same with me being disgus ng and about to vomit! You can't even
do it, so I'm not the only one doing it!
“This bastard. Do you know who wants to do it? It's like looking at a person
very much
do this? will you guys uh?"
Let me shout nervously
They slowly avoided my gaze.
Of course, my face, hands and clothes were all red and bloody, and it was
very eerie to me.
In the heavy rain without even ea ng breakfast
A camp is a camp road, a hun ng group is a hun ng group
I had to do a lot of physical work. Even if there are no signs of dehydra on,
everyone is great
It was natural to be red.
No ma er how much Heinrich is in the heavy rain. However, it was difficult
to cook the meat.
So, I take the blood and the leather
Peeled roe deer meat with an ax and jungle road
sha ered It was quite a dras c task to the extent that it was right to say
that it was to break rather than write. Foot bones or slaughter skills
It wasn't good, so I couldn't help it.
I eat meat divided into chunks
placed in a large pot.
And it stopped.
It was a simple, ignorant job. seasoning
If there are other auxiliary ingredients, you can make food like food, but
there is no such thing here. The only seasoning included is salt.
Together with Heinrich, Rihanna also worked on hea ng the pot with
electricity to stop it.
As the pot boils, the meat is cooked
The kids definitely have different eyes too.
I felt lost.
It's now the third day, but I'm hungry and I'm about to go back. The taste is
so good
I wanted to eat something, so I saw him wai ng for the meat to cook.
When the meat is ready to cook, Bertou
Swah Cliffman is back.
“Oh, did you catch this?”
Seeing the remaining chunks of roe deer meat, Bertus' eyes widened.
Whether or not Bertus was unsuccessful, he combined birds and small
animals to a total job.
I caught four.
"No, how did you catch so many?"
In a way, I stole what was hunted, but he caught seven wild animals.
Bertus has not only his hair, but also a physical
I feel like I forgot he was a great guy too.
“There won’t be much you can actually eat.”
S ll, I caught seven
It's strange. As if reading my eyes, Vertus giggled.
“Reinhardt, hun ng is a fairly common hobby for aristocrats. Of course, it’s
not like this kind of hun ng.”
Ah. There seems to be a reason that Bertus, the pinnacle of the wealthy,
was accustomed to hun ng. Isn't it aristocra c hun ng to shoot only the
bow at the prey driven by the hunters? Bertus looked a li le be er than
that. The bow was taken by Ellen, so he was hun ng with a single spear.
Actually, Bertus' hun ng skills will be outstanding.
Bertus looked around the camp and he asked me.
"Isn't Ellen back?"
“I think so.”
Ellen hasn't come back yet where she is and what she's doing. Of course,
she wasn't the kind of guy who was going to be tough, so Nana and Bertus
didn't care. some other guys
He looked worried, though.
“I don’t think Erhi is there either?”
Come to think of it, Erich de Lafaeri wasn't on the camp side either. Bertus'
ques on
Heinrich opened his mouth carefully.
“Erhee, that guy…”
“He said he was going to look for Cayer...”
His friend went missing and no one
He didn't seem to want to find it, so he went into the forest. Kono Lint was
also staring blankly into her jungle.
Connor Lindt, Cayer Bioden, and Ergi de Lafaeri.
These three are best friends, so it is natural to worry about each other.
“I went in blindly without even having to dry it…”
Individual behavior started at a me when individual behavior was not
good. Bertus seemed to be contempla ng with his forehead narrowed, but
in the end he let out a deep sigh.
“Let’s think about it for a while and then eat.”
First of all, the roe deer meat alone was enough to eat, so we started
They stopped and gathered and ate the cooked roe deer meat by s cking it
on a wooden skewer.
It was chewy, but it wasn't to the level that I couldn't eat because it was
In answering Bertus' ques on about how he caught a roe deer, he even
talked about a jaguar. At the words that Liana and I had teamed up to catch
a jaguar, Bertus seemed momentarily stunned.
“It’s surprising that there is such a thing, and even more surprising that you
caught it.”
To be honest, I just hit what Liana caught, but in a way, I was also struck by
her lightning at the same me and survived.
it's my ability
A er ea ng for a while, Harriet suddenly burst out laughing blankly.
“Heh, heh heh… heh…”
“...why are you so scared all of a sudden...”
A child who looked depressed and irritable
All of a sudden, they smiled blankly as if they had lost their mind. Harriet is
a tough paddle soaked in the rain
She mumbled roux meat and smiled blankly.
“Saint-touan? what's the ma er?"
He looked at Harriet's complexion to see if Bertus was worried too.
Hey, when I don't know, even a clown mushroom
did you eat it?
"Ah, no... A er only a few days, it's been a while since I've been ea ng like
this, as if it's normal... Suddenly... Suddenly, it's funny..." Everyone is ea ng
roe deer meat regardless of the seniority, so it looks like the steamed sage
me has arrived.
It was.
In fact, everyone was now content with the fact that they could eat
without complaining. If you have something to eat because you are
starving, you will just feel be er. Doing this now would be self-defea ng.
Harriet doesn't feel angry anymore and it's ridiculous, so it's funny.
“Yeah, that’s funny.”
Bertus also giggled as if he had lost his absurdity and con nued to eat
The guys from the nobility were laughing out loud, but again, it's funny
that they don't look so bad.
it was crazy They all looked as if there was something new to them.
A er the protein-filled meal, while cleaning up, Ellen and Erhi did not
Kono Lint seemed uneasy about Erhi not coming back. that guy too
If I let you go, will you jump into the jungle?
“I’m not worried about Ellen, but Erhi may have a problem.”
Bertus wondered if he was worried.
seemed to be missing He went to find
If you get caught up in a problem, it's just as annoying.
"great. Let's keep doing what the camp was doing, and let the hun ng
team look for the scout and Erhi again. Don't go too deep."
“I can’t do more today.” Liana sat down and held up her hand. I
supplemented my energy, but he's with me
As she brought a roe deer, she overdone the stamina to be used today.
“Are you red, Granz?”
“Even if I hit it to death, I can’t move.”
Now that I see it, Granz seems to be talking to Bertus without hesita on.
"great. Then there's nothing you can do then
Cliffman, me, and Reinhardt, the three of us, let's take a look at each one
separately, so don't go too deep.
Let's take a look around this area and come back, I think we'll be back in
about an hour at most."
Because of one person ac ng alone, three people must act alone. Erch
probably gave Bertus the impression of an unhelpful bastard because of
this incident.
The jungle sword me and Bertus and Cliff Mann went into the jungle with a
javelin and an axe. Everyone entered the jungle in a different direc on.
Class A sub-threesome. Three arrogant brothers.
Caier Bioden, Erchi de Rafa
Eri, Kono Lint.
Cayer is a bad boy at the beginning who ignores Class B and crushes him on
every occasion, and Erhi gets a true educa on from Ludwig while harassing
Scarle .
is a role, and Kono Lint is not
I'm not harassing the oysters, but revealing the woman
is the guy
It's an A class, but to be honest, it's just a trio. frivolously
He quarreled with me, who was the last in A-class.
He had been crumpled a er being truly educated,
Talent itself is excellent but lack of effort, ability equal to half a penny, or
great talent but huge flaws.
However, the three are very close to each other. It's only natural that Erhi
went into the jungle alone because he was worried about Cayer's
disappearance, but it was quite
It was also surprising.
It is clear that Cayer was eliminated.
De Erchi is also a common thriller development.
If so, it is right to leave here. wait
It's said to be there, but if you don't stay s ll, you'll be fine. what in this
Then, while ac ng alone to find him, one by one he becomes a vic m.
It's a classic development.
What if this is a classic thriller-style development?
Thinking about it, it was funny.
Of course, Ellen Artorius, who is thought to be the last survivor, died while
trying to save the main character at the end of the day.
it will be jeongseok
Harriet, the whining man, of course, doesn't survive long.
No, Adelia, who was very scared of the doggies and thought she was going
to die in the first place, was the last survivor?
So, in the end, Adelia is the main character.
Roughly speaking, this is an absurd classic thriller-style development.
So don't do it at this stage
It corresponds to the development of going to find a soldier of interest and
dying with a serious man.
So, out of the three, who will be the first to go out?
First of all, it won't be Bertus.
Cliffman and I are one of the two.
Isn't it right for Cliffman to go out on your side in terms of weight? aside
from skills.
Or rather, the camp with only non-combatants may be a acked while the
three of us are away from the camp.
I walked away with fu le thoughts. A er all, I'm less worried about tonight.
Erhi honestly doesn't know what's going to happen.
He didn't even want to find Erhi.
So I walked through the jungle.
As long as you survive un l the end of the mission, achievement points are
awarded. So winning or losing has nothing to do with me. So it's enough to
find Erhi, and it's enough not to look for it. He wants class B to win as much
as possible, so there are some things he doesn't dare to do. That said, you
can't do something suspicious that gives hints to class B.
As I was walking alone in the pouring rain, the scenery of the jungle caught
my eyes again.
come on
If there was a blue hell, it would be like this
want. Nature is beau ful, but if you overdo it, you will realize the new
truth that it is like shit.
Anything has to be right.
Because it's in a place like this, there's no rain sound ASMR.
Of course, hearing that while being beaten in person makes me feel like a
Even if the rain stops, that's a problem. Even if you sleep with your body
dry tonight, when you enter the jungle the next day, it will be even more
humid than usual.
you might die
Thinking about tomorrow, I felt like a dog in advance, and it was around
the me when I was about to go back.
- I said Vicky.
- What if I don't get out of it?
A conversa on could be heard through the rain.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 102

As we proceed carefully through the bushes, a bizarre thing is happening
It was.
Erhi and Scarle were facing each other. There was something lying next to
Scarle , and seeing that it was a beast, it seemed that the hunt was
Erhi blocked Scarle 's front.
He was standing and swaying.
That bastard, he seems to be arguing when he meets Scarle because he
says he can't give up his habit.
- Hey dog-eyed, have you grown up a lot? I also answer
- When you say something nice, leave it behind.
It seemed that Scarle was trying to steal the hunted beast. no this bird
You came in to find a friend who was wearing a hood, so you're just flir ng
with a strict kid?
The moment I decided I had to stand up before he did more nonsense.
- Boom!
- Whoops!
I could clearly see Erhi kicking her stomach and flying away from Scarle 's
violent kick. scalpel
Le walk slowly to Erhi.
You, I trampled on Erhi's wrinkled face.
- The princess was like that.
- You, you, this dog-eyed theme...
- No ma er what I do to you, you will protect me.
- What... what?
Scarle kicked twice on Erhi's stomach in embarrassment. the guy sucks
I could clearly see the body curling up while inhaling.
Scarle looked down at Erhi with cool eyes.
- Just as I did to you
If you don't pay it back, it's because you don't want to be like you.
- Whoops!
- Whoops!
A er kicking Erhi from the face one last me, Scarle mu ered quietly.
- Careful. Because I don't know what I'll do to you if I lose my mind.
It seemed that he was holding back Scarle 's boiling vengeance. He
seemed to think that if he lost even the slightest bit of self-control, he
might kill Erhi.
Erhi's complexion darkened, and he couldn't even look at Scarle as he
le .
She must have known that Scarle was far superior to her. under
She con nued to harass when she learned that Scarle tolerated her
bullying because she was extremely afraid of being expelled from the
she was evil
But now that she has an ally named Charlo e, she is no longer afraid of
Scarle .
Contrary to the development in her original story, Scarle has an ally
named Charlo e.
So, not with Ludwig's help, but with my own hands, I subdue Erch.
results appeared.
A er wai ng for Scarle to leave, I made my way through the bushes to
the scene, terrified.
I looked at Erhi, who was si ng s ll.
"La... Reinhardt?" “Oh, it’s me.”
I grabbed the man who was si ng down stupidly by the neck and forced
him to stand up.
“I, Bar, I just saw it. I saw it! I saw that dog-eyed bastard hit me!"
“I saw it.”
“Hey, that dog’s eye color has finally revealed its true color! Like that
"Oh shut up."
It's annoying to hear, so I play Erch
I tried
“Are you proud of being beaten for doing something you’ve done, you
"100 million!"
“If you stay s ll, you will go even halfway, so why do you always cross the
The guy was just shaving his mouth and got hit by me. Knowing that I am
the youngest person, where a cheonmin is in the body of an aristocrat
No nonsense came out when he touched his hand.
If I say something like that, I'll know that I'm a madman who gets one more
“You’re not like this right now, but you’re Bertus, so you have to worry
about what you’ll hear?”
"What... what?"
The three classmates risked their unilateral ac ons not to do so.
I had to go into the woods alone.
It doesn't ma er if you get hit by Scarle
I mean, it doesn't make sense to worry about what you'll hear a er coming
The boy's complexion turned white.
“It’s okay to be a useless person. it can be Because when people come
together, there can be such a person.”
Bertus leaned against the tree, in front
Erhi standing in the corner and bowing his head
was looking at
There was a smile on his face, but it was definitely on the verge of taking
off the mask.
Gen was all visible.
“By the way, I think there is a difference between a useless person and an
unnecessary person.”
Usefulness and necessity are different.
It's okay to be useless. At least it doesn't harm the group.
But people who don't need it mean harm to the group in the first place.
because it means be er
Like Nana Cliffman and Ellen, the stamina
Able to scout through the forest
Neither, nor do they know how to use superpowers or magic like Herriot,
Adelia, or Liana. Kono Lint con nues to play the role of supplying coconuts.
B-class Asyir, who has the same divine power talent, can use divine magic
even in a very small amount, but this guy can't do that either.
He is in A-Class because his talent is a ached to swordsmanship, divine
power, and mar al arts, but he is lazy and likes to show off, so he doesn't
put any effort at all.
Erchi is an example of the truth that talent and skill are not propor onal.
So, together with Cayer, Erhi was doing a job that anyone in charge of
chores could do. In such a situa on, I had to take an unnecessary risk by
ac ng alone.
Bertus pointed out explicitly that you are a useless person beyond a
useless person.
"Erhi. Do you want to be someone you don't need?"
“Ah… no. no. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Bertus."
The tone was gentle, but the message it contained was eerie. Bertus, who
is under extreme stress, is trying to maintain his composure with all his
might. However, in that situa on, I did the individual ac ons I was told not
to do. He touched Bertus' heart when the situa on was bad.
Perhaps this effect is sure to last quite a while. He must have lowered the
usefulness of Erhi by a few steps. Erchi was trembling when he first heard
these words from Bertus.
Other niggas can't hear
But I was keeping an eye on this one.
“Okay, I’m penalized because I made a mistake.
Let's say we get the number, and from tonight onwards, we will go into a
two-person system.”
Cayer, who stood alone last night, disappeared. So, from today, Vertus
decided to increase the number of non-visitors to two.
“Standing full- me tonight. Let’s end it with that.”
One side of the vigil takes turns, but Erich con nues the vigil. like that
set up two
"Oh, thank you, Bertus."
Rather, Erhi was grateful to Bertus for seeing him that much.
The camp reorganiza on has been completed and the evening distance is
sufficient. Now everyone was passionate about making rain gu er and
storing rainwater. When the rain stops, I have to make dis lled water again
without a hitch.
In the evening when the rain gradually stopped, Ellen returned.
……What, what is that?”
Adelia widened her eyes like that and she mu ered blankly.
Everyone was more surprised by what Ellen was carrying rather than Ellen
Ellen laid you down on her floor and said calmly what she was carrying.
“Come and pick it up.”
That's the ashes that I hunted and couldn't bring
it was a guar
It's great that you brought that up by yourself.
It would have even been wet and droopy in the rain. Everyone was looking
curiously at the dead jaguar with a broken head.
Ellen said that this jaguar was hun ng me and Liana.
frown at
“Ugh… I’m sorry.”
“Did I die from this? What are you pi ful for?”
Harriet looked a bit pi ful for a dead jaguar with a broken head. Heinrich
seemed to have a different opinion from those feelings.
“By the way… what about this? Can I eat it?”
There is a percep on that it is okay to eat some roe deer and wild boar, but
everyone felt a bit terrified of the meat of wild beasts.
“I never eat.” | Liana was the one who didn't like to eat.
Everyone seemed a bit like that.
“Even so, Ellen had a hard me bringing it… but it’s a bit like leaving it
It was Bertus' words. To be honest, even though he is incredibly strong, it
must have been a very difficult task to bring this all the way here by
But cat meat is good for your back.
reminds me of a myth
If that's true, how good is the meat of a cat and a beast for your back?
membrane. stop it just just just uh. just stop! is it huge?
I was curious for a while, but I want to check
My back is s ll intact.
no use,
"Well, I don't know anything else, but it would be expensive to sell skinned,
but the meat is later.
If you don't like anything to eat, let's eat."
Bertus pondered and came up with an answer. Not during the mission, but
a er the mission.
seemed to be thinking of
“Reinhardt and Granz got it, and Ellen brought it, so can the three of us
share the proceeds?”
“I’m done.”
Liana shook her head as if she had no interest in her money. Ellen and I
made eye contact, but something felt warm.
“Even if I sell leather… I don’t have the confidence to take care of it.”
"okay? Well... you'll have to be good at peeling off the skin."
Bertus scratched his head as if he had no choice.
“It’s a pity, this kind of thing costs about twenty gold coins. Even if my
condi on is a bit bad, I think I can get half of it…”
ten gold coins.
Ten million won.
“…I think I can do something about it.”
To force crea vity
nothing but money
I am not confident in the skinning and processing. But if you leave it alone,
it will rot by the end of the mission.
I and Ellen dragged the jaguar carcass to class B.
Class B has almost finished rebuilding the camp.
Oh, and now I'm star ng to eat something
It seemed
"What's this...?"
Then, when I and Ellen suddenly appeared, dragging the jaguar's body, it
was only natural for all the B-class children to panic. Everyone was staring
blankly at the large cat and the beast as if in wonder.
“Yes Reinhardt, what is this?”
"Can you peel this skin off nicely?"
I'm bad at skinning, but this guy knows how to do it.
Let me ask you what are you doing
He clapped his hand as if he knew.
"that. ... I'm not sure I can do it well. Because I'm no expert. Are you okay?”
“It’s okay. A er the mission is over, sell and share.
let's have it Use meat for your own use.”
Since all we need is leather, we decided to give the meat to Class B
altogether. All of us were reluctant.
Me, Ellen, and Delphine.
The three of us share the proceeds
did with Of course, it was necessary to take into account the situa on that
the leather could rot or there might be products with no commercial value
at all.
"It's crazy why there's such a thing, and it's amazing how they caught it,
but it's really amazing that they're trying to sell the skin."
Charlo e shook her head, saying she was so startled that she had nothing
to say.
Don't you even care about the mission?
Cool! It was these eyes.
No, technically speaking, it was Bertus who told you to sell it, right?
Somehow, I became the middle bridge, so class A and class B had to
compete, but they are coopera ng rather than coopera ng.
It's a money-bound collabora on, but it makes sense. When the sun went
down, the rain stopped, and everyone sighed in relief.
Heinrich and Liana began to burn wet firewood, and soon a er
fire was made everyone by his side
was dried up. He even started a work similar to smoking by hanging the
meat that Bertus had hunted and trimmed over a bonfire. If le alone, wet
Because of the weather, it will quickly rot.
Seeing everyone huddled together and basking in the fire, it is small in size,
like a labor market at dawn.
“Uh-huh.... And when it comes to tomorrow, I think it would be be er if it
Everyone laughed at Harriet's grumbling. When it rains, I hate it because it
rains, and when it's sunny, it's just annoying. We dried our wet bodies as
we ate smoked meat for dinner.
“Ellen, by the way, you were in the woods the longest. Did you find out
Ellen suddenly came with her jaguar, so she hadn't asked what Ellen had
been doing all day today.
“I found a survivor camp,” she said.
Everyone's eyes widened at that great informa on
so popped up She was asking with her eyes whether everyone should tell
this story earlier.
“So I waited for when he would come back, but he didn’t come, so I gave
up and came back. Maybe make a camp in several places.
It’s like living in a dark and comfortable place.”
Found a survivor's camp. However, it is presumed that there are several
camps, not just one.
This is not the end.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 103

Everyone seemed too scared no ma er what the mission. Slowly, it
seemed that I was doub ng whether this was really the mission, and there
were signs that it was the right thing to give up on this.
However, clues about the survivors
points are gathering.
Survivors can raid the camp at night me.
will be.
Survivors have their own camps all over the island. eat there
It seems that they do, and it is not known which camp or when they are
Survivors appear to be cannibals.
Is there one survivor or mul ple survivors?
can't be sure
Everyone now knows that catching the survivor is under certain condi ons.
Catching survivors was a way to finish the mission quickly, but it was also a
way to take risks.
Finally, a er dinner,
He was ge ng ready to fall asleep, not hiding his anxiety.
“Alarm magic installa on is complete.”
Harriet has installed an alarm magic around this camp that will sound
when anything other than us approaches. That was the only safety
measure that could be taken now.
Everyone is drenched in anxiety and goes to the hut
went in
Erhi stays up all night
will be bedridden
- Beep, beep!
With an alarm sound that sounds an alarm magic
The camp was turned upside down.
"what's the ma er!"
The quicker one crawled out of the hut in an instant. farthest
My reac on was me, Cliffman, and
It was Ellen.
The alarm went off, but things have already happened.
- Whoa! Sah, save me!
- Aaaaah!
We can hear two screams echoing in the darkness of the forest
It was. The other guys also crawled out of the hut. Everyone was terrified
as they knew what had happened.
“Uh, uh… what should I do?”
Harriet's complexion was white.
I set up two vigilantes, and both were caught.
“Erchi and Adelia seem to have been captured...”
The one who was caught was Erhi, the fixed vigilant.
It is now presumed to be in non-visit order
is Adelia.
“It would definitely be slow to take the two of us. if you catch up now
I might be able to catch it.”
At Cliffman's words, Bertus quietly nodded his head.
“I should be able to, but…”
Everyone looked at the dark green jungle, and it seemed difficult to get
into it. Could you go into that pitch-black darkness and catch the raider?
peel? It's clear that you won't even be able to discern things
And again, there is a high possibility that we will be in danger again.
“I can use light magic.”
Adelia was kidnapped right in front of her. So Harriet stepped forward as if
trying to overcome her fears somehow. Bertus looked at Harriet.
nod your head
"Okay. Let's go now."
Only Ellen and Cliff, who had the highest figh ng power, li ed the Jungle
Blade, and three Javelins, Na, Bertus, and Liana, respec vely.
heard one by one
“It might be more dangerous to remain in the camp. everything has to
move And bring everything you can, even a small knife.”
Everyone nodded at Bertus' words.
Hopefully we can finish the mission within tonight.
Recover two kidnapped classmates and leave this damn deserted island.
This moment is rather precious
It was like a mee ng.
The midnight jungle was terribly dark.
- Sareuk.... Sareuk....
Harriet, who was at the forefront, summoned a sphere of light to light the
Ellen and Cliffman walked side by side as if escor ng them.
In the center are Bertus and Kono Lint.
I walked, and Liana and Heinrich walked in the rear. Heinrich too
Light a tree and make it like a torch
He was illumina ng the rear while maintaining his firepower.
Both the front and the rear light their own lights.
there was a means
“There are footprints le .”
“Oh, look.”
Because the rain stopped, the a acker's footprints
Ellen found what was le . ber
Tooth narrowed his brows as he looked at the footprints.
“It wasn’t photographed properly… but it’s clear that it’s huge.”
Judging from the size of the footprints, it is clear that the a acker was a
large, stature stature. Even if they're actually kids, it's enough to run away
with the two of them around them or on their sides.
“Okay, let’s keep following this trail.”
If you follow the footsteps, you can catch the a acker. Everyone felt very
nervous because there might be a ba le situa on.
"This, this... this is really... is it okay?"
Kono Lint expressed his doubts as if this was really like a test. That was in
line with everyone's thoughts now. Is this really a test? What are teachers
doing? Actually, this is not the real situa on.
Such doubts and fears
In the end, even that is part of the group mission.
all. Children are even kidnapped right in front of my eyes.
But wai ng in front of this is even worse.
Everyone moved forward, thoroughly guarding their surroundings in
silence. The excrucia ng fa gue was temporarily forgo en in this terrifying
A er walking for a while, the leading group suddenly stopped.
“There’s something over there.”
At those words, everyone held their breath. There was a faint but
glimmering light where Eley was poin ng.
“Aren’t you supposed to follow me?”
During a brief exchange of opinions, a distant fire
The light started coming towards us.
Soon, I could find out who they were. Soon, someone who ran like the
wind through the jungle appeared in front of us.
“Are you guys searching too?”
It was Delphine Izadra.
It was not only us who searched the jungle in the middle of the night, but
also the B-Class. only
It was the first me they had gathered in one place since the start of the
body mission. Although some teeth were missing,
Class A and Class B gathered in one place. That's why Charlo e and Bertus,
even if they don't agree, get the situa on right quickly.
We started talking because we wanted to make a decision.
“Did you two get kidnapped?”
As the representa ves, Charlo e and Bertus were talking, and the rest
were wary of their surroundings.
It's a compe ve mission, but both are mentally you
I was exhausted It's fine to focus on the win, but both Charlo e and Bertus
They seemed to want to finish this mission as quickly as possible even by
sharing informa on.
“We just kidnapped Lanian and Chris na.”
One each yesterday and two each today. Eight people per class are le .
Bertus crossed his arms and stared into the darkness of the forest.
“I’m pre y sure there will never be one assailant due to me…”
As it was yesterday, it is impossible to a ack both camps at the same me
if there is only one raider in me. Bertus seemed to think there were at
least two raiders.
all. At Bertus' guess, Charlo e nodded her head.
“Actually more than two.”
“……Did you confirm?”
“We were a li le further ahead. I found the trail split in two.”
Because Delphine is good at hun ng and tracking.
Class B not only moved faster than us, but was able to discover more
informa on.
“Let’s go a er things like this one by one.”
Two traces.
Charlo e suggested that Class A and Class B take over and track it down.
And, Bertus nodded.
One trail was a trail going into the depths of the island, and the other trail
seemed to be heading to the other side of the island. Charlo e gave Bertus
priority, and Bertus chose the trail leading into the depths of the island.
“However, if there are two assailants and catching them is the condi on for
What happens when you both catch one?”
Liana said that there is no case for both to win, she said curiously.
“Since I get extra points, I wonder if other parts will be evaluated as well.
De.... Rather than that, it's a bit of a headache since I'm going to have to
catch both...” |
If it's not one, but two, the mission will end when you catch both. Bertus
seemed more troubled by the thought.
Even at night, no ma er how bright it is.
However, the field of view is limited. keep the trail
A B-Class with a tracking but tracking Del Finn might be able to move a bit
From the jungle at night came the crowing of unknown beasts.
- Slurry!
“What, what!” And, even in the sound of something whispering in the thick
forest, the children
I was extremely nervous. That was no different for me.
Cold sweat on everyone's face and neck
was ed
"Nocturnal beasts may suddenly a ack you. Be careful."
It has already been confirmed that there are large cats and wild beasts.
Apart from the assailant, there was also the possibility that such wild
beasts would a ack.
Everyone knew it was crazy to come into this lush jungle at night
They were expressions of real feelings.
Soon, we reached the valley we had discovered the other day.
“I think I crossed the road.”
As Ellen said, traces are in this valley
was cut off However, due to the heavy rain, the valley was almost
“How did you cross this road?”
This was enough to make Bertus doub ul.
The state of the valley can be crossed by jumping
It wasn't that far away. We will be swept away the moment we step into
this valley.
But it seems clear that the raiders crossed this valley.
“I, there… can I use this?”
Kono Lint put down the bundle of ropes that had been draped over his
"Oh... yes, there it was. Okay. Well brought."
According to Bertus' instruc ons to bring everything, Conor Lint brought it.
all. This guy honestly can't help
It seems like he couldn't leave it at the camp, so he brought it in, and
surprisingly it helped with this situa on.
“I think I can cross this by tying it to the tree on the other side and on the
other side and fixing it...”
Of course, everyone has that thought in their head.
“How do you get this to the other side?”
But take this to the other side
However, the fact does not change. Berto
S looked at Ellen.
“Ellen, can you run and cross?”
At Ellen's words that it would be impossible to jump over a distance of this
size, Bertus nodded his head saying yes. He has to cross it anyway, but
there is no way to send the rope to the other side.
No, there is.
"Tie something like a stone to the end of the rope
If you throw it away, it will send you to the other side
I can.”
At my explana on, Bertus nodded his head.
“…I can do that. That's just sending it to the other side, you can't e it to a
tree, right?
In the end, someone has to cross over and e them up…”
Bertus, who had said it up to that point, no ced something.
He bit his mouth like it was sweet.
It's not just Bertus.
He all looked at Kono Lint without a word.
Only one person can cross
He's a guy who can cross his body.
“I… over there? Hey guys...? I, I… Why am I?”
Bertus placed his hand on Conorint's shoulder.
"Believe. Lint.”
Kono Lint didn't have the guts to refuse the gentle coercion.
The work proceeds smoothly without all the female students looking
across the valley.
done. Kono Lint teleported across the valley. naked
it was natural Cliffman stones on the rope
He ed Meng and threw it to the other side, his nose
No lint hurriedly hangs on a nearby tree
ed the rope
Then I crossed over to the other side on a rope ed ght on both sides and
handed him the clothes.
"Hey, what kind of thing is this..."
“Where can you do anything?”
At my words, Konolint screamed, her face shriveled up.
“I didn’t want this to happen!” |
S ll, during this mission, Kono Lint's ability was used quite usefully. If you
give up her dignity, there is no inves gator-level capable like this guy.
"Hey! Come over now!"
A bloody torrent descends at the bo om, and you have to rely on a rope to
cross it. It's definitely not a combat skill.
All the guys seemed hesitant.
Harriet was shivering as if she would never do this, especially with her face
turned white.
| Next to me was Ellen. And then Cliffman tried to cross over. Around the
me he reached halfway with his body on the rope.
Ellen and I and Kodo Lint could see.
Something approaching from behind the party.
“I, that… that. What is that...?"
Kono Lint murmurs as her complexion turns blue.
“Run away!”
Ellen exclaimed.
“Run away, you bastards!” |
When my cry was added, then everyone
stared at their backs.
Something was approaching the children with their red eyes shining in the
A survivor of a deserted island.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 104

The first thing the orcs did was snatch children and a ack them.
It wasn't.
- Boom!
He smashed the rope with his stone axe, making it impossible for us to
cross or cross.
- Plunge!

“Ugh! !”
Naturally, Cliffman, who was hanging on the rope, fell into the valley and
was swept away.
started to go Ellen, I, and Kono Lint were isolated on the other side of the
The orcs found the children who had started to run away.
chased a er
“What, what is this! what's this! Hey, can I do this?”
Kono Lint wants to deny reality when he sees Cliffman being swept into the
valley water in front of his eyes, and a huge orc appearing and chasing the
It seemed
Medieval fantasy classic monsters,
It was originally arranged for me to appear, but seeing it in person gave me
In the first place, orcs are not a mob in this worldview. A race with
overwhelming physical abili es that cannot be compared with humans.
why are you a mob
Like I said, I don't care about historical evidence, but I'm a bastard with a
strange stubbornness.
Green skinned Dwayne Johnson right in front of my eyes
Holding this stone ax and roaring, I can't
Isn't it strange that
"Such a sick person..."
I had goosebumps on my back because I didn't expect this guy to show up
like this. Connor Lint mu ered blankly as her face turned white.
“It will be a dropout. The teachers will save you.”
If that was the case, he would have already been rescued since drowning
was confirmed. we paid first
The bu on-type ar fact received is a tool to give up on a mission, but it is
also a tool to cast a recall spell in an emergency. Sensing Cliffman's crisis,
he must have been summoned to the place where the teachers were.
In the end, there is no risk of life in this mission. It just creates a situa on
that is infinitely close to that. That orc is also a puppet who, a er all, only
listens to the summoner's orders. In fact, if the students are in danger of
being killed by that orc a ack, the Recall Magic Act is ac vated and they
are automa cally eliminated.
But even though I know all of that, my stomach is numb. Do not know
How scared are these guys?
“If you catch that, the mission will be over, right?”
“…Isn’t it?” “You, are you going to catch that?” Kono Lint seemed to be
absurd by Ellen's casual words. Ellen reposi oned her jungle sword as she
gazed at the distant lights twinkling.
"I do not know."
But it looked like he was going to try.
Orcs are across the valley, and our armament is a broken rope and a jungle,
One javelin and one knife are all.
But the biggest problem is not armed.
“What should I see…”
Kono Lint is right. We didn't have the most important light now. Harriet,
Heinrich, and Liana, who could create light, were all on the other side.
There is no light, and you have to cross over to the other side to face the
“When you reconnect the rope, it will
I can cross over.”
"Ji, are you serious? Are you going to cross that road?"
Conor Lint was startled by my words.
The rope broke, but the break on the other side wasn't very long. The rope
slack was enough to reconnect the broken part.
“If you don’t want to cross, are you here?”
I said he would never do that and he ended up using teleporta on. While
Ellen turned around, Kono Lint re eted the rope I had thrown. In the
forest, the screams of children
Orc cries echo from afar
was losing
I walk over and deliver the clothes, and he picks up the clothes, Ellendo
she came across
We couldn't walk fast because it was dark, but we started walking in the
direc on we heard the screams. Ellen walked slowly, checking the path in
front, Kono Lint in the middle, and I in the back.
“Hey, I don’t even think about this…”
kono lint this is never a good idea
He was shivering, saying he didn't seem to be.
No ma er how I think about it, I think I used to be a crazy person. At the
very least, you want high schoolers to have this kind of experience? Will
there be a trauma that will last a life me?
- Whoa, whoa!
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Hear the shouts and screams from afar
You think I was crazy
It only gave me greater confidence.
The Class A personnel fled, and as he did, Heinrich tripped over her vine.
The orcs that were chasing a acked Heinrich as it was. Heinrich
disappeared with a halo of Lee Kol magic. That's it, eventually reassuring
the children
I did it Because this is part of the mission, and it reminded me that even if I
get a acked by that, I won't die, I'll just be eliminated.
The number of people is three.
Bertus, Liana, and even Harriet.
“Saint Touan! Can you use a ack magic?" "I can use it, but I don't think I
can use it right now!"
I need to focus my mind, but now
It's not a situa on worthy of being. this situa on
It's too hard just to run away.
- Whoa, whoa!
- Boom! thud! thud! thud!
no longer secretly moving
The orcs were chasing a er the children, screaming.
Bertus ran with his teeth clenched. It was set according to the mission, but
there was no way for people to live peacefully in this place where wild
beasts exist.
Looking at the footprints that were too large, I wondered if he was a tall
It was such a stupid idea.
If you think deeply, an extraordinary thing happens, as a result of ignoring
the clues you could have no ced, you are being chased by an orc.
there was.
'He's smart enough.'
The orcs have been a acking the moment when his party split to cross the
valley. He even cut the rope while someone was crossing it to crash
Cliffman into the valley.
I mistook it for a simple, ignorant monster
must not do
“Grantz! Can you beat that guy with a lightning bolt?”
"I do not know!"
Harriet can use a ack magic.
However, in the current situa on, it is difficult to concentrate, and Granz's
Blitz is quick to ac vate.
As Cliffman was swept into the valley with his jungle sword, he only had
two javelins, Bertus and Granz, who were armed.
Not on the level of Fman and Ellen.
But he was training over and over again. Because it's a figh ng talent, it's a
direct hit against that orc.
He knew that if he had a war, the possibility was only with him.
- Whoa, whoa!
"I think I'll catch up!"
Harriet's weeping exclama on hinted that the chase was coming to an end.
“Grantz! I'm going to face you, so let's try and see if the lightning will work
in that gap!" "Okay!" “Saint-toine, it will be difficult, but prepare your
a ack magic. Try to focus.”
“Oh, I’ll try!”
“Climb up to something like a tree. They might try to a ack you.”
Ul mately, this is the judge's board.
'There should have been Ellen, or Reinhardt.
Now that it is unknown what choice the guys le on the other side have
made, Bertus has to fight the orcs with only these three.
While Bertus is running out of me, if Liana's lightning strikes, hunt the
can do. If lightning doesn't work, Harriet hunts orcs with a ack magic.
Defeat is not death.
However, when faced with an Orc, whose height exceeds 2 meters and is
full of muscles that seem to explode all over the body, in front of those
who have given up on fleeing, anyone can only think of death in front of
their eyes.
'It's a mission to determine that if you give up in fear even in a fic onal
situa on like this, you'll be more useless in real life. It must be something
like a test of coopera on and leadership.'
I know that the inten on of this mission is roughly that.
But knowing that doesn't mean that giant green monster is a ra onal
being. Even if that great violence is fic onal, some mes all you see is
That monster you've only seen in books, it's one of the common demon
tribes who say that they killed all of them because there were too many of
them a er the victory in the Demon World War.
Humans waged war with an army made up of such things and won. A
monster that is several tens or hundreds of mes more dangerous than an
By trampling, crushing, tearing and killing even the waters, the humans
won the victory.
Among such humans, one must not be afraid of an orc, who is presumed to
be only a summons, who wants to rise to the most dignified posi on.
You can lose. Because he is s ll young.
However, you shouldn't be afraid.
Those who want to become emperors should not be afraid of this.
Bertus pointed the javelin at the orc.
- Flash! flash!
- Whoa, whoa!
“I think we are figh ng.”
In the distance, along with the roar of the orcs, lightning flashed from
moment to moment. Ellen and I walked a li le faster. What the hell is going
Heinrich wouldn't be able to use his abili es in ba le yet, and if he did, he
would be as close to Bertus and Liana. Harriet calmly casts a spell in this
situa on.
you won't be able to write
As I walked around, the site was far away, but I started to understand it to
some extent.
There is literally a fierce ba le
it was happening
- Break!
The orc, hit by the lightning that Liana fired, frowned and took a few steps
all. It was definitely effec ve, but it didn't seem like the level at which the
orcs would die.
There is already one javelin in the orc's stomach.
was embedded, and Bertus was holding the javelin he had received from
Liana and
was blocking access. No ma er how he survived, Bertus was in a mess.
I couldn't have a power fight with that, so I would have done everything I
could to avoid it and roll the floor.
there seemed to be no
The orc ran towards Bertus with a stone axe, and Bertus tried to turn to the
side instead of stabbing the javelin.
- Cock!
Two people fell out in front of them.
The last thing le is for some reason a tree
Her face went white as Harriet saw the ax pointed at her.
And, the moment he throws his axe.
- Kaang!
Ellen appeared with an accurate flying stone axe.
In the uninhabited island survival part, I tried to show two things.
In fact, Class A has so many whistleblowers that it is difficult to actually use
They are bastards, and the B-class has a low level of talent, but they do
what they have to do without saying much, and they have a lot of
mo va on. In fact, the B-class is be er than the A-class.
and two.
- Le !
Ellen Artorius was the only one in A-Class who did not give up.
| By showing that Ellen hunts orcs alone, Ellen moves
Strong enough to be incomparable to the gisaengs
show that you do
Ellen is first important in this part
is dealt with
In the original, all but one of the class A voluntarily gave up. B
However, in this group mission, Class B won, but Ellen was the only one
who met certain condi ons.
those specific condi ons.
orc hun ng,
- Kagak!
- Kaang!
In terms of power, of course, it is overwhelmingly pushed. But Ellen misses
his a ack.
Go out and dodge the jungle road
He was gradually adding stab wounds to his body. The jungle sword is an
unsuitable weapon for stabbing. And its hard sphere is not easily cut.
Compared to his huge body, the wounds, which are only scratches, are
being added one by one. However, it was clearly seen that the damage was
accumulated, and Ellen was evading or evading all a acks enough to rise.
It was only a moment to stare blankly at Ellen, who was doing her best to
fight with such strange movements.
It's not the me for her to watch.
Of course, approach is difficult. She has to intervene for nothing, and she
only gets in the way of Ellen.
I threw a stone at the back of the orc's head, which showed his back while
strengthening his body.
The guy who turned nervously turned around and yelled at me, and Ellen
didn't miss the gap and slapped him on the back of the jungle road.
It's Ellen, but will she decide it's be er to just ignore me and get rid of me?
Even though she knows she won't die, she can't help but sweat.
The orc rushed at me, and I turned to the side and let the orc's charge flow.
- Kook!
I swung a stone axe, but it cut a tree
It was just fi ng. However, seeing a large tree cut in half by a stone ax is
terrifying to see.
it was too
It is an unstoppable force. Ellen rushed to the recoiled one, and the orc
slashed the stone ax ver cally.
- Boom!
Dodging the stone ax that struck the floor, Ellen took her hand to the
javelin in the orc abdomen that Bertus was supposed to have pierced.
I pulled out the spear stuck in that aircra with one hand.
His wife Ellen, without her delay, took the javelin straight into the orc's eye.
it went
- Whoop!
There was no fuss in the con nuous movement, and there was no me for
the orcs to react.
The orc, whose one eye was disabled, staggered and began to stagger his
back. I
Without interrup on, Eren came alone
She almost incapacitated K.
"Okay, okay..."
A slightly faint exclama on came from somewhere.
- Curl rumble!
And rather than that exhaus ng exclama on
There were also more threatening sounds. The jungle flashed red in an
instant. I looked back and saw a red fireball burning on the right side of
Harriet's face, clumsy in the tree.
there was
“Get away from that bastard!”
The orc, wounded in his eye, stepped back
He started hi ng, but Harriot, who completed the magic, was faster.
- Easy profit!
Both me and Ellen threw themselves back and fell off the orc at the same
A roar and explosion engulfed the jungle.
Fireball is a spell that has the performance of an -tank rockets in modern
have it set
- Chewy!
There was a loud explosion that sounded like nnitus in my ears.
So, it was natural that the orcs that were hit directly were sha ered, and
No wonder Harriet, who shot the door, lost balance and staggered from
the tree he had climbed in the storm a er the explosion.
If this is the case, the result will be that the orcs are caught at the most and
are eliminated due to the fear of falling. The distance was not enough for
me to accept.
I immediately shouted at Kono Lint, who was far away.
"No! Accept it!"
"Take it, child!"
At my urgent cry, Kono Lint seemed to be contempla ng between shame
and the safety of his classmate, but soon a er receiving a Harriet from the
air by con nuous teleporta on, he saw my spirit of gently landing on the
Naked of course,
“Go, go, go… hee hee hee!”
"Oh, I couldn't help it!"
Harriet was astonished that someone had accepted him, astonished that it
was a naked Kono Lintra.
Conor Lint put Harriet on the floor and then disappeared again in a series
of teleporta ons. It looked extremely sloppy.
How many mes does he take off his clothes and put them back on?
“Heh, heh heh! Black! Oh, I was scared, I was scared! Whoops! Ouch!”
Is it safe now? Harriet is my
He hung up and started to cry. fire
While comple ng the ball spell, what do you think?
Whether you are comple ng your order with your mind
you wouldn't know
And it was Kono Lint who saved me, so why are you doing this to me?
Would he be very upset?
what to do
During this mission I flagged him
I think I plugged it in too hard.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 105
Four Class A survivors.
Ellen, I, Herriot, and Conor Lint.
In addi on to being exposed to great fear and stress,
Because he used even a high-ranking a ack spell
Harriet fell asleep almost fain ng.
I carried the sleeping Harriet back to camp. Then, a er laying Harriet well
in the hut, he came out to the campfire.
The lights were off, but it was already dawn and the sky was shining black.
"...Isn't the mission supposed to be over now?"
They found out that the survivor was actually an orc, not a human, and
even caught him. So, wondering if the mission is over now, Kono Lint made
a hopeful specula on.
“There may s ll be one le .”
“That’s right….”
There were two marks. If the traces pursued by Class B also lead to Orcs,
then Orcs
The correct answer is that there are two.
“Then you mean you have to hunt the last orc again?”
“If the class B hunted the orcs that they pursued, it would be over.”
But there is a problem.
Class B is capable of dealing with orcs.
So I was originally pursued by orcs.
They are eliminated one by one, leaving only Ludwig and Delphine, and
Ellen, who appears drama cally from there, stops the orcs.
Ellen has already hunted an orc by herself, and the remaining one is also
hunted by herself.
There, she sees Ellen performing her first prowess, and Ludwig goes crazy
like this.... Ellen is in front of me now, so that won't happen.
B-class will self-destruct while dealing with the one remaining orc. Ellen
She's blank like me, because she's only looking at the sky.
what about
I'd like to help Charlo e, but then it's Ellen, not me. Boy, because of her
personality, if she asks to go, she seems to follow along.
"Uh, uh... What, what is this?"
Suddenly all of our ar facts
started to shine
- Flash!
And, with the flash, we were all moved to somewhere.
With the recall ar fact suddenly triggered, we're not just like what we
Only reached the shores of other islands.
The slightly different thing is that there are a lot of bungalows that you can
only see in resorts near the beach.
“The special mission has been completed. As of this me, the group
mission will end.”
In front of us, Mrs. Epinhauser and Mrs. Mus rang, stood before us.
there was. Harriet seemed more surprised than we were when he was
suddenly teleported from his sleep.
The day was gradually ge ng brighter.
“A total of four Class A survivors. Hunt an orc. The person killed was A-5
Herriot de Saint-Ouen.”
Epinhauser taught class B.
looked at
"One B-class survivor. Hunted an orc. The person killed was B-1 Charlo e
de Gradias."
Charlo e frowned as she crossed her arms as if she didn't like her.
The only survivor of Class B is Charlo e. And Charlo e hunted the orcs.
There were so many implica ons of that simple result that I couldn't help
but be a li le dazed.
Charlo e would not have hunted orcs with her weapon, so she must have
used her superpowers. Although it is unknown what her psychic powers of
her Charlo e are, she alone can control orcs.
It would be enough to be able to hunt.
Originally, Ellen was supposed to hunt two birds, but Class B was as I
She didn't kill the orcs, but only one variable, Charlo e, hunted the orcs.
“We will inform you about the overall mission results and victory or defeat
at a later date. Let me rest for now.”
A er telling him that he could use the bungalow in the back, Epinhauser
walked bluntly as he always did.
"Guys, you've worked hard. Take a good rest today."
Ms. Mustrang, regardless of class
He told us to rest in peace and led us to the bungalow.
The coopera ve mission is over.
| [Event completed.]
[You have earned 1000 achievement points.]
It was my honest feelings right now that I wanted to go to bed a er
washing my face and being naked.
The one who was eliminated first is summoned to this side by the recall
magic and has to wait un l the mission is over.
Wai ng is wai ng for a horse, this place is wild like it was just before
It is not designed as a resort.
It was a crescent-shaped island.
The bay-shaped beach that entered deep inside was calm and perfect for
swimming, and the rough food I ate un l now was
The food is good, and the accommoda on is well equipped.
All weekend a er the mission is over
stand up and play
So, in a way, the guy who got eliminated first caught on.
I fell asleep and woke up around noon. Of course, I had all my new clothes
ready, so I changed everything from my underwear to my coat.
At the beach, Ludwig and other B-class guys were splashing around and
playing. Now they're all in swimsuits
It's a li le different than before.
"Hey Reinhardt."
Vertus, dressed in resort style, looked at me and raised his hand. In his
right hand he held a cup of lemon-flavored smoothie. I also lay on the
sunbed and drank a fruit punch blankly.
was on the way,
I hate sweets, but some mes I crave sweets. Especially in this situa on. It's
calorie pumping.
There was something cool in it, and I was also mentally exhausted, so I just
stretched out
Because that bastard, Bertus, is doing that.
He looks like a rich, handsome, poor kid.
Bertus sat down on the sunbed next to me and burst out laughing.
“If I had known this would happen, I would have given up sooner.”
“That’s right.”
Rather, the dropouts are sucking more, so it's funny that Cabertus made it
seems to have disappeared Of course, the one who survives the longest
gets a higher individual score, so if you think about grades, it's good to
survive to the end.
Bertus sighed as he lay on the sunbed next to me.
“It’s like heaven because the environment supports it.”
Tired of thinking it was a deserted island
So I just wanted to leave, but when the facili es were properly equipped,
the scenery caught my eye and it felt like a pre y beau ful place.
“But I hope I don’t have to do anything like this again in the future.”
“I agree.”
It got even more terrifying when I first experienced the shit I wrote. jungle
for kids
to make the rules of Now that I think about how I was able to eat and live
somehow, it is even more surprising.
Anyway, the mission ended on Thursday morning, not the originally
scheduled Friday evening. So all we have le is to spend the weekend on
this gem of a beach.
Now, the real excursion begins. Bertus works on a sunbed
Then he looked down at me and smiled.
“Anyway, you did a great job, Reinhardt. It was a lot of work for Ellen and
tell me They both seem to be sleeping.”
"okay. You suffered too.”
If I said that I had to do something long a er taking the first shot, from
then on
Bertus led the children. It is true that he suffered hard, not joking. I even
had a fight against an orc.
I was in the seat next to Liana, who was lying idly and drinking a drink, and
Liana and her eyes fell.
“You suffered too.”
Liana lay down at the words thrown by the public.
She nodded her head.
"you also."
what is it
If it seems that there is a sense of camaraderie among A-classes at one
me in this coopera ve mission, is it a bit of a leap?
I was reminded again that if we go through high school together, we can
create a unique bond with each other.
As it passed noon, the dead guys also started to wake up.
"Ugh... my whole body aches. I feel like I'm going to die."
“Are you okay, Harriet?”
“No, how about Adelia?”
“I, I just… I got caught and then came here with a stroke…. It was scary and
surprising, but it didn’t hurt.”
“It’s good… Let’s go eat.”
"Yep. That's the restaurant.”
“Finally, I will eat something worth ea ng…”
Harriet came out with a blank expression and headed towards the dining
room with Adelia. Probably because I was shoo ng the jungle in the middle
of the night, I was not only mentally exhausted, but also physically
Fa gue seemed to be considerable.
Harriet made eye contact with me as he walked towards the restaurant.
“Did you sleep well?”
Harriet somehow caught my eye
avoided and walked away.
Coming to a safe environment, many things will come to mind, including
holding me and crying and whining about what to do with me.
Because you depend on me in a mentally broken situa on and things don't
work out
I'm sane
My, what have I done? What did I say? You must be crazy! I must have
gone crazy! it seems like this
Jan will probably be like that for a while.
- Reinhardt! Won't you swim?
In the distance, Ludwig was flir ng with the kids, beckoning me to my side.
The mission is over, just to play purely
These are the guys who play.
"I'm red of swimming now, you bastard!"
-okay? Then there is nothing you can do!
No, are they really crazy people?
How can you keep playing like that?
- Puhak!
And, I'm far outside the bay
I could see a girl in a bathing suit waving at the sea.
That guy.
Ellen shakes her dick for a while and then ends up
She came back with a lobster in her javelin. He looks at me in a swimsuit
She approached and she pointed to a large lobster that had been pierced
through a spear.
“Let’s eat this.”
“...and this again?”
Asking to eat together is a bit surprising
Do you really want to eat this again?
The children eat a lot of food, each prepared differently, but Ellen dared to
catch lobsters herself.
Ellen wore only her sweatshirt over her swimsuit. in reality
There were quite a few B-class guys ea ng in swimsuits.
“ you really want to eat this again?”
“I want to eat cooked food.”
This guy just ate it
I wondered how delicious a giant lobster would be if cooked properly. So
she took the lobster Ellen had caught.
It looks like it is being cleaned at the restaurant right now,
All the people here are people who work at Temple. So the cook is also the
one who made our food.
there, definitely Skills are guaranteed.
Of course, Ellen said she didn't want to eat only lobster. She had already
brought her fried rice, sausages and pasta, and she was ea ng. In the
mean me, she ate more than usual, probably because she couldn't eat to
Soon, she came out with lobster garlic bu er and gra n.
It actually tasted even be er when I ate it cooked.
I got out of the restaurant because of the delicious smell
The gaze of the guys who ate as they were meant to be
It was natural to be drawn to this direc on.
However, there is only one lobster dish because Ellen caught it herself.
“You can eat it,” she said.
At that, Harriet, Liana, Adelia, and even Bertus approached him.
She took one bite at a me.
“It’s okay.” “It might be tedious, but it s ll tastes good.”
All cooked lobster tastes be er.
It is highly praised.
“This is good too, but I think the first one I ate was tas er... Ugh.”
In a situa on that Harriet did not expect at all, she seemed to remember
the lobster she ate on the first day more delicious with psychological
correc on. and it's delicious
His face turned red as he didn't like himself to remember that.
Those factors cannot be ignored either.
The B-class guys also looked closely and asked Ellen if she could eat it, and
even tried one bite at a me.
“Do you know how to share food while you eat it?”
“You can catch more.”
“Oh, was that so?”
If it's not enough, just grab more
It was a way of thinking.
I haven't eaten lobster in a while.
I thought I ate enough, eat it
A er all, it was delicious and I ate quite a bit.
And then, I remembered what I had forgo en. "Ah, leather!"
Ellen seemed to have thought about it too.
A er dinner, Ellen and I went to see Effin Hauser. this yangbando
In the end, what you want to enjoy is the same, you know
He was lying blankly on the sunbed, wearing something like a Loha shirt.
I honestly feel it.
This worldview is really weird.
It's the same as my mental state, there's even Aloha shirts and things like
clothing malfunc on. Synthe c fibers are also available. I don't know how
to make it though.
It's a nonsensical worldview like a modern-modern-medieval complex
“If that’s the case, I brought it back. I've entrusted you with the
medica on, so you should be able to receive it by the me you get back to
the temple."
When I asked what happened to the jaguar leather, Mr. Epinhauser gave an
unexpected answer. Since the mission is over, I didn't know you would pay
a en on to that part.
“Think of it as the loot of the mission.”
Perhaps it was entrusted to a person who specializes in taxidermy. A er
selling the money, Ellen, I, and Delphine share the money.
will eat
A er ea ng, I laid down on the sunbed side by side, and Ellen lay down on
the sunbed next to me.
I feel like I can sleep un l the day a er tomorrow like this.
The pocket money given by the temple is also quite large, so money is not
urgent. There's nothing wrong with just being there.
“What will you do with money?”
“Not at all.”
Ellen didn't seem to mind either.
She didn't say a word, but she must have been very red of this guy.
She did a great job of her job without a word she complained about. As she
actually roamed her jungle she saw a lot of Ellen and she looked like she
was terribly exhausted.
She flirted in the jungle, but now she
Wash her well and make her face and hair look so
it was sent
I put a towel on the sleeping guy's leg and got up. it's a bit slow
Just having a place to sleep, something to eat, and something to wear is a
hell of a paradise
this is going to be
Life is really nothing
I want to go
- Reinhardt! come in! Fun!
“Are you crazy about swimming?”
Ludwig was ea ng and he went into the water again and was making a fire.
“How are you?”
The one who suddenly came and hit my shoulder
It was Bertus.
“There’s not much like this, shall we go and play?”
| It reminded me that Bertus had never been in the sea.
A er all, it's the boss's order.
“Huh… then, shall we?”
Don't show me what your water play is.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 106

A dwarf was made in the water. As Bertus and I went into the water, the
three A-class brothers (Erch, Kono Lind, and Kaier) also immediately
entered the water.
Except for Delphine, the only ones who entered the B-class water were all
Of course, a er a while, two unexpected figures began to approach the
“I, there… I am…” |
"Why? It looks interes ng? Let's go in."
“Boo, I’m ashamed…”
Charlo e in her swimsuit dragged Scarle in her swimsuit to the sea.
was approaching Of course, it was a swimsuit for the temple ball, so it
wasn't like a bikini, it was just a school swimsuit.
S ll, the men's eyes turned to that direc on for a moment, and then they
all stared blankly.
started seeing it all. Obviously, both of them are very beau ful women, so
it can't be helped.
there it is
Erhi remembers being beaten by Scarle , so for some reason he looks at
couldn't even see
“Can we join too?”
Charlo e approached and asked, Scarle
her face was blushing.
“Okay Charlo e!”
Ludwig warmly welcomed them, and Bertus grinned.
As soon as Charlo e got into the water, Bertus poured a drop of water on
Charlo e, who had put her water on her, looked at Bertus, who had
grinded the water on him.
“What are we going to do now?”
Charlo e grumbles with a cold expression on her face.
looked at Bertus.
“Are you playing like this in the first place, or are you in love? no way?"
"Are you in love? Are you in love while you are playing? You can't accept
play as play? Are you the only person who can't do that?"
- Chop!
"Hey bastard! Stop it!"
In the end, harsh words came out of Charlo e's mouth.
“Hey, if you come in to play, you have to play. If you’re angry, you use it!
"Aaaaaah! You crazy bastard!" |
Berthus suddenly went mad and started pouring water on her Charlo e,
and Charlo e also screamed at her and started pouring water on her face
to face.
“Help me guys!”
"Don't bully Charlo e!"
Charlo e eventually sent her rescue request, and she began a acking the
Imperial Prince, including Ludwig and Scarle .
“Ugh! Whoa!”
It is a sight that is not bloody as if something was bloody. Bertus is not
pretending to be kind, but openly arguing with the princess. Of course, it's
a bit of a joke, so it's funnier than the atmosphere is cheap.
The ini al development that I directed was complete.
Something totally wrong was unfolding. What is this friendly or bloody
I don't know this sight.
Actually, can't the two of you get along enough?
"Guys! I need help too!"
In the end, this fucking board became a class compe on.
The fierce water fight was rela vely
It ended with the victory of the class B, which had a lot of numbers.
it happened
“It’s the worst…”
But Bertus, who relentlessly a acked only her Charlo e, gave Charlo e an
edge, but her nose and eyes were red. It looks like she drank her water
through her nose. Of course, Bertus will also bring water.
ate the same
“If we lost but we fought well, that’s what we’re talking about.”
Bertus stu ered and said so.
Charlo e opened her ax eye and stared at Vertus. Actually, each other's
These guys are looking for a breath, but like this
They just look like bad brothers.
Charlo e catches a person just with her eyes
She murmured sullenly as she glared at Vertus with a sullen chill in her
“Be ng on honey chestnuts, and breaking watermelons.”
At Charlo e's sudden sound, Bertus seemed to be a bit perplexed.
Charlo e looked like she wanted to beat Bertus for a real one.
No, before that, breaking the watermelon is
Why the hell do you know?
“Are you scared?”
Bertus burst out laughing at Charlo e's provoca on, and he also had a
gloomy expression on his face.
and looked down at Charlo e with her eyes.
"No way."
“Bring me a watermelon!”
He is kind and gentle towards Bertus, Charlo e, and others.
But when talking to each other,
The things that turned their personali es upside down were all put
The watermelon was sca ered on the sandy beach.
And with it in the center, Charlo e and Be y
Rutus faced each other. turn ten laps
The first person to break the watermelon has a chance to throw a one-shot
at the opponent's pot.
Both had their eyes covered with towels.
“Hey there… guys. Isn't that dangerous?"
When Ms. Must Lang tried to crack a watermelon with each of her
children, she seemed anxious.
“Whoever runs ten laps on the spot and breaks the watermelon first wins!”
Ludwig stood as the referee. Everyone seems to be a li le scared, but
interes ng about the all of a sudden the watermelon slicing match in
I started watching intently.
“Come on, let’s start!”
Bertus and Charlo e began to rotate in place.
In fact, the suspicion that they might be good friends was only a doubt in
the end.
a er a while.
- Whoops!
"Ah mistake."
Charlo e used the bat to grind the head of Bertus, not the watermelon.
The swinging form is originally from top to bo om
Not from right to le
Everyone knew that she wasn't already targe ng the watermelon when she
was put on the pedestal.
Somehow, while wandering round and round, he kept moving toward the
direc on he could hear Bertus' voice, not watermelon.
“Hey, where is this?”
“It was a mistake!”
- Pak!
"100 million!"
“Oh, another mistake.”
It's not about breaking the watermelon, it's about breaking the head
That's what I wanted to do.
Bertus took off the towel and gave it a chilly look.
I looked at Charlo e with my eyes.
“You are behind.”
“Is that a mistake? Are you going to be mad at me for making a mistake?
Are you saying that you shouldn't be infatuated while playing?"
“You did that on purpose!”
In the end, a chase between Charlo e and Bertus, who threw her towel
off, ensued, and she was, of course, forced to be physically pushed back,
and Charlo e could not escape for long before she was caught.
Angry, Bertus picked up Charlo e and threw it into the sea.
“Bye! What if I drowned?”
“This crazy bastard!”
- Plunge!
The two of them laughed at each other, and in the end, everyone laughed
at the sight.
It's bloody, but if there is a problem with each other's mind and body, both
of them fight because of the emperor's decree that both of them will be
deprived of their power.
I couldn't get it to get ho er in the beginning.
So, in the end, it just looks like a fuss. Actually, the funniest point is that
both of them are mad at each other.
It wasn't a development that couldn't eat each other as it was originally,
but class B and Class A seemed to have become more than just normal
conversa ons if not friendly.
evening me.
A er dinner, the teachers convened us. Whether it was something like a
parasite infec on, the wizard and the priest cast various kinds of
purifica on magic. Of course, it was a bit daun ng, but Sarkegaar's Ring
didn't reveal my stomach.
A er the medical check, the teacher
All classes were no fied of the results.
“Class A and B have both completed the special condi ons.
The number is the same But class A
Four final survivors, Class B
There is only one final survivor. other
As a result of reflec ng various evalua on scores, this mission ended with
A-class victory.”
The story that was supposed to have been a B-class victory ended with an
A-class victory because the storyline was reversed.
In the end, Charlo e did not win. Ms. Epin Hauser had a piece of her paper
pasted on one wall in the dining room.
“Of course, it is true that the winning class gets extra points, but not
everyone gets nega ve points just because they lose. Please check the
individual evalua on scores recorded here.”
Not all winning teams get the highest points, and not all losers get the
lowest points. A guy who is lazy a er doing nothing can't get the highest
score just because the team won.
This is not the end.
“In addi on, stores are given to individual members who have been of
great help to the class or have played an important role during the mission.
In class A, it's number 1, number 2, number 5, number 11. In class B, the
numbers 1, 9, and 11 are
all. The reason is a ached to the personal evalua on record.”
Bertus, Ellen, Harriet, and I are given shops, and in Class B, Charlo e,
Delphine, and Ludwig have shops.
It must have been because Berthusya had a hard me taking on the
leadership role, and Ellen and Harriet played a decisive role in the orc
hun ng and con nued to struggle.
It's natural, and I'm naughty
I think it was because of what I was doing.
Class B also has a shop from that point of view.
seemed to have been given.
“The store is also included in the evalua on record, and at the end of the
semester, the person with the highest number of stores receives a special
award. Also, keep in mind that shops and penalty points are
If you receive a penalty point for viola ng the rules or having an accident,
you can use the store you received in advance to make up for it. For
example, it is like a privilege of immunity. Of course, it is reset a er the
semester is over,
Anyway, although Class B lost, Charlo e would have scored quite high. I
don't know how
Because Charlo e also did the hun ng of ten thousand orcs.
Ms. Must Lang handed out her notes one by one to each of her seated
students while Ms. Effin Hauser gave her some explana ons.
“Finally, within each class, this
It played the biggest role in the mission. Write down the number of people
you can think of.”
Finally, the MVP draw remains.
I was deba ng whether to use Ellen or Harriot, but I wrote it in Herrio .
I thought for a while whether to write my name, but by the me I thought
about it, I was already crazy
I felt like this, so I restrained myself.
Class A vo ng results. Two Bertus, two Ellen, four Herriots, and three me.
Class B vo ng results. Six Charlo e, three Del Tweezers, two Ludwig.
That's why Harriet and Charlo e were selected as MVPs.
“I… me? Why why?"
Harriet had no idea that he would be elected, so his face was red.
was lost
The MVP got one store as the MVP, so both Harriet and Charlo e got two
stores for this joint mission.
At night, class B boys I started making campfires all over the place. Ji
I made a bonfire over and over and played with fire again
It seemed that the B-class guys star ng with the A-class couldn't
understand it at all.
But Ranyan Sessor played an instrument and sang, and that wasn't too
In Class A, everyone was sca ered and rested or went to bungalows and
went to bed early.
“Aren’t they red?” | Harriet looked at it and mu ered as if it were
ridiculous. There was tension in the other world from an uninhabited
island, but when they told me to rest, it seemed strange that they were
more excited to play.
“Looks good.”
I lay on the sunbed and do that
I was turning it on, and Harriet was next to me.
sat on the sunbed.
“By the way, if you have something to say, do it.”
“Wow, what! My, what can I say to you…”
Harriet's face turns red at my words.
It was visible even in the middle of the night.
“Not none.”
He was lying s ll, hesita ngly, and it all came, and he was si ng next to
him, neither talking nor not speaking, he was wai ng for a long me. I
can't wait to see what you're going to say...
Finally, a er mu ering for a while, he finally opened his mouth.
“That… go, go, go… thank you.”
I thought for a long me just trying to say that, right? Apparently, I wanted
to thank you for taking care of me during this mission.
Of course, I grinned at Harriet.
“Huh. okay?"
“…why are you smiling?”
“Specifically, how and how much were you grateful for?”
“Wow, what?”
“Thank you, then tell me what you are grateful for.”
I laughed out loud and jumped up to ask a ques on, and he slowly pulled
his body back.
started to
"Yes? What were you grateful for? Yes? Let's hear it.”
Harriet frowned when I suddenly went into boost mode.
"profit! I hate you too! It's the worst!"
"Oh, why did you just say thank you?"
"go away!"
His face turned red, he yelled at me and went into his bungalow.
It was a very long break. At the temple, training and training were repeated
almost every day, so it was the first me in a long me that I had a moment
where I could just sit s ll.
During the mission, I rolled so hard that it can't be compared to when I was
training, and it felt like I got a long break in return.
Ellen wondered if it was fun to watch under the sea while using the
underwater breathing magic.
She asked O to do the underwater breathing magic.
“…Is that fun?”
Harriet Sends Ellen In And She Breathes Underwater
A er cas ng her spell on herself, she and Adelia
went out to sea together. A er returning, I saw him cha ng with Adelia
with excitement, probably because it was a very strange experience.
It's been a while since I've been on a break, so lying on the sunbed and
ea ng
Other than that, it was completely stretched out. temple
When they return, they have to repeat the training according to the ght
schedule. A day off like this will not come in the near future.
So, I was res ng with all my might.
So, except for ea ng and sleeping, I just kept hanging out.
“…Is it a mollusk?”
I stayed there un l Saturday when Charlo e approached me.
“No, it’s just that I’ve been drooling since yesterday.”
It seems that I looked quite eccentric because I was just hanging around
like a ghost on a sunbed.
“When I go back, I have to roll hard again, so I try not to do anything when
I can’t do anything.”
“Hey, that’s funny.”
Charlo e wears gorgeous blondes today in pony
She was ed with a tail. Her hair is very thick, so it goes well with anything.
As if she wasn't going to swim, she was wearing a white sleeveless dress.
She Charlo e sat next to me and drank her drink.
She Charlo e hunted orcs. super power
It's a secret, but it kills orcs
It is the ability to be able to
But a er the mission is over, she's Charlo e
seems to have some complaints
It was the expression.
“Did you catch the orc alone?”
Charlo e seemed to be momentarily stunned by my ques on, and then
she nodded her head slightly.
“The method is a secret, but it is.”
All B-classes were individually defeated.
And, the mission ended when the last remaining Charlo e had to kill the
Charlo e lted her head slightly, as if asking why.
“No, I don’t think I like it very much.”
Ask only to the level you can ask
see. She's been friendly with Charlo e, but it's a bit odd that she asks even
sensi ve parts.
Powerful ability, but treated as a secret
ability to do. She looked at Charlo e as she was troubled and she smiled
“Um… I hate that I rely on my superpowers.”
She smiled a er she said that, as if Charlo e could tell her that far. She
doesn't know what abili es she has, but she says Charlo e hates her own
abili es.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 107
around Sunday evening. We finally returned to the temple.
“Hey, do you like the house a er all?”
“It’s kind of strange to hear the guy I had the most fun with said that.”
"is it?"
Ludwig giggles when he hears my face
laughed A dormitory can be called home
I don't know if there will be, but anyway, it's like a house. Ludby
Hi too, but when everyone sees the temple, I realize that I have returned to
my daily life.
I was in shape.
It wasn't just us who came back.
Adriana also finished the group mission
Guess I'm back, so the 2nd graders are royal
I was entering the class dormitory.
see you're happy excitedly
“Oh, senpai.”
“Is your junior also arrived now?”
"Ah yes. Yes." “What is it, Reinhardt?”
Next to Adriana was a sophomore A-1, a li le girl who skipped grades,
“You’re the one I see as soon as I get back to the temple, so next week will
be unlucky.” |
Le Dina woke up with her arms crossed.
She shook her head as if she was.
“On a group mission, just star ng a group
Did you line up?”
“What? group club? do you wanna go crazy?"
“Stop, stop.”
ardina turns her double wick in her eyes
Rihanna intervened and stopped.
“Understand, junior, does Redina feel a li le bad a er losing our group
| “What! It's not like that! picture
And she said we won!”
“It’s true that you feel bad about losing.”
“No good!” | Apparently, sophomores lost to Class B on this mission. i am
Looking at Dina, she giggled.
“It looks bad a er losing, so I’ll take a look at it because I feel good because
I won.”
When I spoke as if babbling with high tension, Redina's face turned bright
"Adriana! Scold him!"
"100 million! Why are you hi ng me!”
“It’s become more and more inten onal to choose only hateful things,
Adriana is more, Rdina is weak
She got this ght and she doesn't know what to do. She thought she was
holding Ledina's hand
She started walking into the dormitory. “Anyway, congratula ons on
winning! Then see you tomorrow morning?"
"Adriana! Scold her some more!"
“I’m hungry, let’s go in and have dinner.”
When I saw the two of them walking hand in hand, they looked like real
sisters, but they didn't look like her classmates at all. It was completely like
that, even to the li le boy who said it wasn't a problem of height.
A er dinner at the temple a er a long absence.
"...I'm sorry to say this when I came here, but aren't you coming back to
your normal life too soon?"
A er returning to Jojo, Ellen started wielding a training sword in the gym
right a er dinner. of course i train
I was trying to start right away.
“If you do, take it.”
Ellen threw one of the training swords at me, and I now have enough
reflexes to receive it.
“Whoa… I’m going to give it a lot of money again.”
Ellen has a lot of talent.
and it is difficult to list them all. But behind her talent, she wields her
sword as casually as she does every day.
Le was supported by her moments.
Like Ergi de Raffa Eri, her talent is outstanding, but a guy who doesn't put
in the effort can barely
No one like me can win.
Ellen hone her own talents every moment of her life.
She's a hard-working genius.
Ellen actually figh ng an orc
As she looked at her, she was unbelievable. She didn't allow even a single
a ack against the giant, muscular pig, and she evaded and blew it all away.
She even pulled the spear out of the orc's body, and at the same me put it
in her eye.
Watching her shove it back right away, she doubted her eyes.
There will never come a moment when she can beat this guy.
But she with this nigga every day for free
Being able to hit her sword itself
It is already my great asset.
- Kaang!
Of course, there was only one thing that ended up being one match.
A er returning to the usual rou ne
A er morning training and class, swordsmanship training con nued at the
dance hall. Perhaps it was because of the hard rolling on an uninhabited
island, the usual training day felt like paradise.
When you want to wash, you can wash and eat
It made me realize how absurd it was to say that there is water to eat and
drink whenever you want.
Even the gymnasium is air-condi oned. It is a new feeling to feel how
fortunate I was to be training in such a blessed environment.
this is it
A er experiencing the poverty once, my studio
The mental victory that it was actually a hotel
something similar
Actually, it's funny because my superpower is like a mental victory, so it
seems like it's the right method for me.
Anyway, it is a good thing a er all, that a er one experience of surviving on
an uninhabited island, the will to train has become stronger.
Meanwhile, Wednesday.
Bertus called me, and suddenly he handed me a large pocket.
".......uh? What is this?”
“What? money.”
The red bag, which looked like it was made of silk, was full of sparkling gold
Oh right.
“Jaguar leather?”
But it's s ll in the process of being stuffed
would you?
"okay. It's easier to find someone to live with than you, isn't it? I think it
was sold prepaid. I will tell Mr. Epinhauser where I can send him.”
It's hard for me to find someone to buy such expensive leather.
It seemed that Bertus knew the buyer in advance. It seemed that the
payment was also received in advance.
By the way, it's honestly impressive that you care so much, isn't it? or
It also feels like the price I paid for what I did in the middle.
"No... But there are so many?"
I think I heard about ten gold coins, but looking at the weight, it far
exceeds ten.
“To be precise, the buyer was my maternal grandfather, so he gave me a
generous price. Royal class first group mission
We won, but it’s only natural to pay a generous price for the loot that came
out of that.”
Bertus's maternal grandfather is a Salesian eunuch
So, if it was Bertus' maternal grandfather, he was, of course, the Duke of
In the posi on of being almost killed by the Knights of the Duke of Salerion,
Bertus' words were quite creepy.
His grandson, who will become emperor in the future, won the first Royal
Class team mission. To the Duke of Salerian, that jaguar hide would be like
this long piece of evidence against Charlo e.
It is up to you to give meaning to it, and Bertus is the person who will buy
it the most expensive.
He sold it for a high price.
It's pre y nasty that he's the head of the group that tried to kill me, but
“Anyway, thank you.”
I did, and now I'm Duke of Salesian.
Also, when I escaped from the Demon King, things I could not have
imagined were happening.
For the price of jaguar skin, I received thirty gold coins. It is worth about
thirty million won. What I had le behind in the jungle turned out to be a
lot of money, so I was quite startled when I returned. The money wouldn't
have been there if Ellen hadn't brought it, and Delphine skinned it
If I hadn't given it, I wouldn't have it again.
Leah I also have my share, but she said she wasn't interested, so I didn't
have to take it.
So, a er school, I took Ellen to the class B dorm and called Delphine. Then
they offered ten gold coins to each of them.
“Since I have received thirty gold coins, let’s take one-third or ten.”
"Wow... did you sell it that high?"
“Not me, but Bertus sold it for me.”
Delphine couldn't believe it when ten gold coins fell in front of her eyes.
The guy was not willing to take her hand for the money I gave him.
“Hey, all I did was just peel the skin with my clumsy skills... Can I take this
with me...?” |
It wasn't a big deal, but this big money
He seemed a bit guilty about whether he could have it.
“With that said, I was electrocuted.
You get this money for hi ng the head of a bullshit beast, what's the
difference between you and me? Just take it.”
If it's hard, I've come with this
Ellen did the most.
“Is that so...? Well, thanks anyway. I want to eat something delicious with
my kids.”
Delphine and the kids with this huge amount of money
He looked like he was thinking of buying something. Except for Charlo e,
almost all of the Class B's are small civilians. Ellen has ten gold coins.
puts it in her uniform pocket and stares at me
I looked.
“Let’s go eat something delicious.”
“…don’t you want to eat something that is expensive rather than delicious?
It’s so expensive that you can’t usually eat it.”
He was just thinking about ea ng it in a different way.
In the end, Ellen and I ate a full course at a high-end restaurant where only
the children of wealthy families go inside the temple.
The taste was there.
The taste was...
"No, it should be, one serving on the theme of a restaurant
Did you lose 1 gold on it? this
Does it make sense?”
It turned out to be a bigger amount than I expected, so I was a li le upset.
“It was delicious.”
“No, I understand the taste, but you don’t have to pay this money to eat,
" it?"
Ellen was delicious, so she wondered if she was okay.
“S ll, the quan ty was not enough.”
“...Really, you must have opened a dimensional ri above” |
There was an unfounded convic on that the gate was already open in
Ellen's stomach.
Anyway, Ellen said she was hungry and ate three hot dogs on the street.
She studies normally and works hard anyway.
When we return to our daily training rou ne,
Nothing happened. If there is one thing that has changed, the physical
ability that gradually increases, and so on.
[Strength 6.2(D)] [Right 6.7(D)] [Dexterity 7.7(D+)] [Magic 11.3(B-)][Health
[Asmodian Domina on D] (Arc Daemon's unique ability) (Cannot be used
in this state.)
[Self-sugges on D]
[Swordsmanship F]
Comprehensive Ability Assessment - Lowest Level Demon Lord
Ba le level evalua on: D+
do you see
Finally, my pseudo-swordsmanship is F-rank swordsmanship
evolved into all.
I did it. that it has been reached.
Self-sugges on was also raised to D rank, and thus his combat ability was
also raised to D+ rank. I jumped up one step from F+ and jumped!
To some, it may seem like a trivial growth, but to me, it was the result of a
lot of hard work.
Ellen lted her head as if she didn't know why she was doing that when I
suddenly sat down on the floor of the gym and was thrilled. For my
pseudo-swordsmanship to evolve into a swordsmanship, that guy's share
would be 90%.
"Thank you man! It's all thanks to you!"
"...Are you sick?"
As I cry and express my deepest gra tude, Ellen becomes suspicious of my
condi on.
I put my hand on my forehead
There is no fever, but she lted her head and laughed.
"Hehehehe... I, I was a guy who could do it. I... thought I could do it!"
That’s why it’s so different from similar swordsmanship
It was such a big surprise for me. Every me I checked the stat window, I
felt dirty!!
... Of course, a er doing this kind of shit, I ended up re
Bell ra ng is s ll only D+
It's a bit unfortunate, but I can't help it.
life is long
This means that there is much more me le to work.
Only one semester had passed, but when I remembered the simple fact
that I had to do this for several years, I suddenly felt like my whole body
was losing strength.
"...Oh, I want to beat you."
I liked it by myself, but in despair, when I played the drum and played the
drum, Ellen turned her nerves off me and swung her sword by herself.
started to wrap
But when I think about the guys who fit me, who only got a D+ in combat
evalua on, they are more legendary than me.
In any case, it is not an anatomical diagram, but there was nothing special
during the training repe on. some mes seen
The only disappointment is checking small growth figures.
In the morning, exercise with Adriana, and a er class, strength training
un l dinner, and swordsmanship training at the gym a er dinner.
But here's the problem.
The morning rou ne was ge ng more and more frightening.
“Let’s go just once, okay? junior?”
The church sister's preaching was reaching its peak.
The best thing is that I can't even show my temper because I've received
something from this gentleman so far.
It was a big problem. The gents I met along the way who said let's share
good words can be rude, but I can't figure out how to politely refuse to say
something like this to someone I'm close to.
I don't know.
“It’s okay if you go once and don’t come out if you don’t want to. So, only
Sister, I'm dead!
"Ahh! Got it!"
In the end, I fell in love with that persistent preaching.
“Instead, only once.”
“Yeah, junior! I'm sure your juniors will like it too!"
Adria was finally declared defeated.
It was nice to see her smiling broadly.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 108

The temple is, of course, a club ac vity that can be said to be the standard
of academies.
have. Magic Research Department, Swordsmanship Training, or
There are clubs specialized in the major you are studying, there are music-
related clubs that are close to just hobbies, there are also uniden fied
clubs, and of course religious groups.
there is also Over 100,000 students
Coun ng the number of clubs is meaningless.
Of course, I set up that there is a club.
However, the main character, Ludwig, was not in the club, so there was
nothing to describe in detail. go to club
If you throw it away, what happens inside the club becomes the main story.
Of the two standard types of academy, I chose one.
I don't know if there are any other club members in Class A right now.
Anyway, Adriana is going to take me to a club inside the Royal Class.
Adriana believes that she worships the god of innocence, Thu An, but she
is a member of the five major denomina ons.
They said they were gathering.
Of course, it is not just a club, but a god who enshrines the five main gods
inside the temple.
All of them were installed. there
There are also classes related to western sacred studies
And on weekends, even if you're not a major
A worship service is also held by students who believe in each god. Even
non-majors, there are many students who have faith, so I know that each
temple is full during weekend worship.
Rather than taking me to the weekend service right away, Adriana will talk
about this and that and then take her to the service once I open my heart.
Of course, I have no inten on of going to the temple.
Club ac vity day is every Thursday
She said a er dinner. place is royal
It seems that there is a dedicated club room on the top floor of the class
The name of the club is 'Grace', and it has the largest number of members
in the Royal Class.
Also called a club. Five Orthodox Gods
It is the most because I have gathered them all
have no choice but to
A er all, a er skipping the evening training, I said that today should be the
first and the last.
I vowed to myself and headed to the lobby.
“Ah, comrade, you are here.”
Adriana was wai ng for me in the lobby.
“Then let’s go.”
Take the elevator installed in the dormitory
Well, it was also a ride. I rode it frequently in other places, but it was
surprising that I never rode it in the dormitory.
The seventh floor had a different structure from the lower floors, where
dormitories were located. there were many rooms
And there were rooms with the name of the club in front of the door. Due
to the nature of the royal class, where only talented elites gather, there
were hardly any clubs whose purpose was to play.
“It’s over there.”
Adriana walked all the way down the hallway to her right, where she stood
in front of a fairly large door.
She said, 'May the grace of the five Lords be with us.'
On the door is a silver plate with beau ful handwri ng.
The le ers were engraved. silver nameplate
Is it engraved, is it a Royal Class ligan?
"let's go. They are all good people, so don’t be too nervous.”
“Am I the one to do that?”
Adriana frowned at my crooked answer and smiled.
"Okay, then I'll have to say something different. Don't get into an accident,
“Yes, yes.”
Adriana opened the door, and I followed her in.
It cannot be said that all of them are, but there are characteris cs of
people who believe in religion. Under the premise that they are not
fana cs, but ordinary people with fairly sound faith.
Should I say that there are no shadows on my face, or that I have no
worries? Gentleness seems to depend on the passive
feels like that.
“Ah, the friend that this friend was new to.
Goo? nice to meet you. I'm Agerton in fourth grade."
“Ah yes, this is Reinhardt, 1st year.”
They are usually kind and wrinkle-free. It didn't seem like the whole group
came, but everyone welcomed the new face with trepida on.
“If you’re in the first year, you’re Ashir and your classmate, right?”
“Yes, the classes are different.”
It seems that B-4 Ashir, who has a B-class divine talent, also belongs to this
club. He looked at me from afar and said, 'No, why is he here?'
“Ah… hello.”
“Oh yes.”
I barely met him, so I spoke roughly like that. Most of my seniors knew me
because of the last duel. I'm sure it's great to have a senior at that me.
It seems to have had a ripple effect.
Whether it was because of the incident or the original nature of these
people, both her men and women treated me favorably.
"Dinner? Have you eaten?"
“If you’re hungry, are there snacks in the cabinet over there? You can eat
I felt like I was in a different world when I was being welcomed by people
with no wrinkles. You can see how excited they are that a new face has
joined the club.
It was.
“Reinhardt decided to only tour today.”
Adriana told her seniors that she brought her own, but she shouldn't have
mistaken her for joining.
all. That didn't mean it was Kim's face.
“Okay, yes. The tour is good too. It feels like you're here to play when
you're bored, so you can come any me."
“That’s right, there are a lot of people who don’t sign up and come to play
when they want. You can think of it as making friends with your seniors.”
Anyway, I see people who are happy just to have someone come and sit
does not adapt
I hate the bad guys, my twisted judgement
When I see a person who is too kind, I get deceived
makes you feel wrong I'd rather be Berto
I wonder if a guy like Su would be more comfortable.
Good energy and I don't go well together!
The number of people is approximately twenty. The total number of
people in the Temple Royal class is about 120, so 20 people is a huge
it will
Of course, since the high school consisted of a total of six grades, the age
range was also very different.
“Oh, is that Reinhardt from the first year?”
And the person who greets me with a bright expression is now familiar to
me, even though it is the second me I have met him.
“It’s Ceres van Owene, 5th grader. It’s been a long me, hasn’t it?”
The president of the Royal Class student council, whom I remember seeing
once when I was in school, also belonged to this club.
The student council president is not a religious major.
He only said that he personally believed in the sun god Shalam. And he was
also said to be serving as the vice president of this club.
You're a yangban who's been busy with construc on work. Dong Ah-ri is
the vice-president, but to be the student council president, doesn't it feel a
bit twisted?
Even though it felt like everyone was about to start now, I could feel them
taking their eyes off me.
Is there something wrong?
“Ummm… I think we’re all here, shall we start?”
The three presidents of the student body and vice president of the club
Les Van Owene said so with an awkward expression.
“Who is the president?”
In response to Adriana's ques on, the student council president
He had a subtle smile.
"Ah, haha... The president seems to want to take a break..."
With that said, the overall atmosphere
I felt down. present grace
The club president has been absent for quite some me.
seems to have been
In the end, club ac vi es were canceled without a president.
became small I didn't know what to do, so I had nothing to do. The star ng
rite is to recite the common prayer with everyone closing their eyes.
it was shaped
There was definitely something different from the religion of his previous
-Blessed are the five gods...
Everyone memorizes prayers, but only
There was not an atmosphere of sophis ca on, but in fact, there was a
subtle brilliance coming from the bodies of some people. use divine power
The prayers of those who could do so became strength in themselves and
were visible.
It's just that the children get together and pray together, and you can feel
the majesty of it. that
A few desks and miscellaneous household items
It's a club room where we gather, but instead of what?
It felt like I had been there before.
The divinity that actually flows out of prayer
Is the power affec ng me as well?
Along with the pleasant warmth, I felt as if my fa gue had disappeared.
Well, I wonder if this is a place like a fountain of life, and it fills me with
I'm sure this isn't the reason why I said it would be nice if Adriana came.
However, it felt different from the religious gatherings I had envisioned.
A er the prayer is over, everyone closes their eyes
popped up
Adriana looked at me and smiled.
Do you think it's different? He seemed to be saying this.
“Let’s discuss the main issues first, and then talk about the experience
everyone had because we had a team mission last week.”
Since there is no president, Ceres van Owene, the vice president and head
of the student council, will be the host.
it was
“First of all, all of your outside volunteer ac vi es were restricted because
of the raid that happened in the Yellow Capital last me, right? It was
released this me.”
The raid on the Knights Templar seems to have had an effect here as well.
“But last me, all schedules went wrong, so the schedule to dispatch the
wounded soldiers to treatment was canceled.
I think we should look into ac vi es.”
In this club, there are actually people who can use divine power, so the
directly to those in need of the power of
Volunteering to help
it seemed to
There are only people who have been hit by a holy water bomb on their
humanity, but here?
In many ways, it doesn't seem like a place for me at all? What are all these
Anyway, it seems that they were trying to provide free holy magic services
to wounded soldiers and civilians who were injured or suffering from pain
and were not ge ng help. that is
It looks like it was canceled due to the last incident.
I am currently looking for other volunteer ac vi es.
it looks like
“Anyone with an opinion?” “I heard there were a lot of orphans a er the
war. There seems to be a shortage of workers in public daycare facili es
But how about going there?”
“I think that’s a good idea.”
Hearing one member's opinion, Ceres nodded, saying it was a good idea. If
there was a scribe role, someone was dicta ng it.
When various opinions of volunteer ac vi es are presented and they are
sorted out one by one,
was small
What I thought was very different
It's surprising because it's such a posi ve place in a meaningful way. It
seemed that only people who thought it was natural to help someone
because they had this kind of power were gathered.
God blah blah blah blah faith blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
I tes fied and thought it was going to be a mee ng like this, but it wasn't at
Wouldn't it be more like a volunteer club?
A er going through various stories, in the end, two guns, helping public
childcare facili es,
and slum medical services.
“Public daycare facili es will find out the loca on by asking the teachers,
Ojina Ghe o Medical Volunteer Service
In case of local circumstances or safety issues
It will take some me to pick a place for the door.”
It was felt anew that the Temple was a place with great social influence.
Even the Royal Class is only a club a er all, but it is enough to get the
agreement of the ins tu on.
Ah. I want to leave
They are divine yangbans, so I don't think I should be with them.
I guess I'm a demon
Rather than the bad-tempered guys
There is something, something in front of good yangbans on a holy level.
Something more painful!
Before coming, I was afraid to be here more in a different sense.
The volunteer ac vity policy was set, and everyone said a word about the
group mission. Whether you win or lose, was it fun?
I just casually talked about what it was like.
“Isn’t this the first group mission for first-year students? Ashur, Reinhardt,
how was it?"
Ashur hesitated, saying that they were a survival mission and talked about
this and that. Although he was unfortunately defeated, he said he didn't
really know that the Orcs would come out, and he was confused by the fact
that he faced the Orcs.
Saying that I just ran away and I was a li le shy
"Haha... Originally, the first group mission was a bit difficult." “There are
some things that I do on purpose. Should I call it a kill?”
The seniors seem to remember the old days
We even talked while we were there. sec onal mee ng
Jean looked at me this me.
The Reinhardt class would have won? how was it?"
“Winning is winning, but in the end it’s like a dog
But... ahhh! Why are you pinching me!"
As I spoke honestly, Adriana, who was listening next to me, pinched my
thigh. no, this bastard. now
If you're wrong, you're going to beat me.
“Can’t my juniors be nice to me?”
“What do you do with your personality like this?”
Adriana is also a senior to me, but college
From the point of view of the seniors at their raw age, it seems that she is
just a second-year kid or the way Adriana and I flirt is cute.
was looking
Everyone seemed surprised to hear that she had fought the orc directly.
Even Adriana.
| “It’s not that I did it, but a guy named Ellen grabbed it all, and a kid
named Heriot sharpened the fireball, so I didn’t do anything in par cular.”
"s ll! It's great that you thought of figh ng."
“Yeah, that’s great too, Lineha.
I feel like my whole body is shrinking because I'm in front of people who
praise me so casually!
In the end, except for the first prayer, religious colors were not felt very
much. Everyone was just talking and cha ng.
“Okay, the official stories are over. Then the prayer is over, and those who
will remain remain, and those who return will return.
Let's go.”
The club ac vi es ended like that. To be more precise, it seemed that a er
the end of the day, they would get together and talk or eat snacks or
something like that.
As in the beginning, the closing prayer also created an atmosphere of
magnificence in the heart.
A er the prayer, Adriana asked me if I could stay a li le longer, and in the
end I had no choice but to forget the cookies.
entered the board.
Reinhardt doesn't really have anyone to follow?"
“Ah yes what…”
The seniors asked me this and that as a new face, and I answered
If I said I believed in myself, Adriana would get a worse reac on than me.
“S ll, it’s not bad to always have a place to lean on. good luck once
Take a look. To the givers, we give them
You are rewarded for the trust you have sent.”
At the me of divine power, the words of the seniors are true.
no, that's right
I'm the creator, and these five lord gods say I'm the creator? But,
conversely, what is the paradox of the Creator having faith in his
deriva ves? That would be a pre y daun ng day.
My cubs, you will believe you, Tonan, the power to me.
You're fucking stupid!
In the end, they just told me to think carefully and didn't force it. Everyone
talked to me, but they also talked to each other.
“By the way, the president… isn’t he coming at all?”
“Ummm… I do persuasion, but I don’t know.”
I was talking about such things in a small voice among seniors in high
school. It must have been a while since the president of this club had not
been present.
"By the way, I heard that demonism seems to be popping up here and
there again..."
“Yeah, because of the last incident, the demon realm
There is an atmosphere of direct integrity, so it seems that demonism is
spreading again. My uncle is a Custodian of the Ars Church, and I heard
about it a while ago."
“Wow, that’s a big deal!”
Because Ludwig wrote the incident where he collided with the remnants of
the Demon Church, he also remembers the doctrine of the Demon Church.
Even within the Demon Church, there are pro-Majo forces within humans,
and there are those who serve the Demon God, which is a concept
opposite to the Goddess. However, a er the demon realm completely
collapsed, it should have died naturally, leaving only the remnants of it.
However, it caused a misunderstanding that the demon realm did not
collapse because of the last raid in the capital, but that it s ll had great
power hidden.
So, naturally, it is not
The demon religion, which should have been locked, has found a glimmer
of hope and is maintaining its supremacy. will be
In the future, when I do something, I keep telling myself not to do anything
that will spread the a ermath like a wildfire like this.
The overall atmosphere in the talk of demonism
has become solemn belief in the orthodox religion
In Japan, the Demon Church was the target and the main enemy of the
His own uncle is Quige of the Order of Ars.
The old woman who said she was a here c interrogator cau ously opened
her mouth.
"That... I'm not sure about this... There may be students who believe in
demonism inside the temple..."
“Hey, lie!”
"Stop! Daresa."
Ceres, who was always gentle, narrowed his forehead.
I looked down at the senior named Daresa. That guy shuddered at Ceres'
“I know what you mean. bitches
is not like that.”
“Well… isn’t it dangerous?”
what? Ceres seemed to know who the group believed to be the Demon
Cul sts.
“I finished talking with the student council president. I also got the
confirma on that it wasn't like that at all."
"s ll...."
Ceres stared at the old man who kept talking with a cold gaze.
“They are just kids who say things that could be misunderstood. If this
rumor spreads in a strange way, the good guys will be caught by the
Inquisitors. that
The children caught by the here c inquisitor
You don't know how you're treated, do you?"
If there are false rumors due to some specula on,
The children may be arrested by the here c inquisitor, tortured and killed.
talk nonsense out of interest
A er all, you might look like I’m a real leprechaun, so stop talking bullshit
and shut up
I mean Chiran. I was just talking about it in a good way.
“Sin, sorry...” |
Daresa's complexion turned white at those words.
In a voice crawling in redness, he said that he had done something wrong.
Ceres just looked around the whole rum-friendly, not-so-fussy Gi-Sero.
“Wherever everyone goes, demonism spreads
It seems like there are kids like that in the Temple.
Stop it."
Everyone reiterated that they knew it when it was frozen.
that bastard,
Because I'm the student body president, I just do it when I say it.
[Event Occurrence - Demon Church Inside the Temple]
[Descrip on: There are rumors that there are demons inside the temple.]
[Purpose: to uncover the truth of the rumor.]
[Reward: 300 achievement points]

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 109

A er the club ac vi es were over, I went down to the first floor with
"how was it?"
"It's fine. They all seem to be good people."
I didn't force my faith.
Seeing how we can do good things with our own strength, I felt a li le
In front of people who are too kind, I some mes feel shame of unknown
origin, but I did just that today.
“You don’t have to sign up, so if you’re bored, come visit us any me. If you
have any concerns
There are things I can listen to, and there are things I can do to help with
careers, studies, and such.”
In the end, it seems that Adriana wanted to introduce good seniors to me
rather than forcing her to believe in me. Help even if you don't have faith
These are people who are willing to help whenever you need them.
Come to think of it, this is huge.
In the Royal Class, there were many prominent families, and there were
also people with outstanding personal abili es.
many. This is especially true for seniors who are older. You have a fixed link
where you can meet them at any me and ask for help at any me.
Wasn't it weirder to not do it?
“Yes, I’ll go play some me.”
“I thought about it, junior!”
Adriana smiled broadly because she was so happy that I decided to go to
the club once in a while.
It was nice to have such a large number of connec ons all of a sudden, but
I also had some ques ons.
“But there is a demonism in that temple. What are you talking about?”
Achievement points are mul faceted. To me, it is more valuable than
money, and to my ques on, Adriana shook her head.
"Well...the student council president and seniors seem to know something,
but I don't know. It's not something to ask, so it's probably not a big deal
because you said it's not a big deal. Daresa
It’s probably because the senior is a person who worries a lot.”
I probably don't know about Adriana.
is the shape She men oned a senior called Darre Sa and the student
council president, although she said it wasn't a big deal.
This was something I had to figure out on my own.
And other issues.
“By the way, does the president have any problems?”
She seemed to be shivering, even though everyone knew something.
“Ah, ah… that.”
Adriana scratched her cheek as if she was a bit reluctant to speak. She said
she didn't seem to be talking about here, and Adriana took me out of her
dorm. It was midnight, so we walked quietly and sat next to each other on
a bench with the light of a street lamp quietly falling.
“Do you know who the president is?”
“No, I have no idea.”
“Ah, juniors aren’t interested in seniors at all.”
Most crowded in Royal Class
is the president of the club.
“He's famous. Olivia Ranche.”
Olivia Lanche. it's an unknown name Here, too, it seemed to be a story in
the blank.
“The president is a famous person, but there are other people who are
actually more famous.”
“Anyone more famous?”
“Yeah, Le Barrier Ranche. Haven't you heard of it?"
“Yeah… I don’t know.”
I've never heard of this either.
“You are the commander of the Knights Templar.”
I was ea ng at all.
it was that bastard
When he realized that I had wri en the name of a fairly important person
in power and had forgo en about it, he was easily sold.
“Then… who is the president?”
"Yeah, you're the captain's daughter."
Olivia Lanche. 5th grade.
She is the daughter of the commander of the Knights Templar.
The Knights Templar is a group of paladins and priests from the en re
Protestant Church. Do it naturally a er the Demon World War is over
Soon, according to the resolu on of the five popes,
Although it is a direct group, the commander of the Knights Templar itself
is a powerful person in the end. Religion is a group regardless of state, so
the actual power and influence of the commander of the Temple Knights is
a handful even for the king of any monarchy.
should be
Olivia Ranche, the daughter of the leader of the Knights Templar, Reverier
She was nicknamed the Saint of the Eredian
I was told it was about a reel. passionate about volunteer work
Not only that, but, in fact, he seemed to be very good at it.
“To be honest… it’s my dream to be like him.
She was such a perfect person in every way that Adriana wanted her to be
her role model.
“She originally said she would join the Knights Templar a er gradua ng,”
she said.
It seems that she wanted to do a li le more than she did when she was a
student when she joined the Knights Templar, rather than focusing more
on her studies. She is such a kind person that she even has her nickname
that she is a model student and a saint.
“But for some reason, these days, you don’t even come to mee ngs…. I
heard that you don’t go to temple classes as well.”
Adriana seemed concerned about him.
A criminal who lived an upright life as if he had measured it with a ruler
suddenly became crooked. Not only does the guy who was devoted to
volunteer work, even as the president, don't a end, she doesn't even go to
regular temple classes.
“I don’t know how it will turn out because it’s a high school job. Teachers
must be in a lot of trouble.”
If the guy who was originally crooked does that, he will be expelled from
school or given a disciplinary ac on, but a criminal among criminals
run So even the teachers
Trying to lead me on the right path somehow
she looks like she's in a hurry even gradua ng soon
But if you are doing that, will your clothes explode?
it will be light
crooked criminal.
“So, I’m actually feeling a li le bit like these days. I don't know what's going
on, so I'm frustrated and worried."
Her own role model and spiritual support
It was hard for Adriana to watch her crumble.
She said, "All you have to do is ask her what's going on.
Isn't it?"
“Uh… huh?”
"I'm not going to class, so I've been at the temple for a long me."
"Ah. Huh. That’s true, but… he’s also a senior who’s gained a lot…”
no this dude
That's right, a er all, he was only a sophomore in high school. It can be
difficult for her to tell a senior who is a long me ago what she is worried
about these days.
“It’s frustra ng, so what are you going to do by wai ng un l your stomach
explodes? If you are curious, you can ask.”
“Is that so…”
Adriana was silent for a moment, then she nodded her head firmly as if she
had made up her mind.
The next day, morning.
Adriana came out to her early morning training and she looked worse than
she did yesterday.
“Did you just visit yesterday?”
"uh? Ah... yes. Huh...."
From the look on her face, she didn't seem to get a very posi ve response.
Or did she even hear a word about what to do with her senior work?
Originally, she would have to do a jog soon, but Adriana led me to a nearby
Reinhardt, you work hard today!”
“Oh, yes.”
Ludwig and other guys who rushed through the early morning movement
greeted me when they saw me. Scarle and Charlo e were also exercising
every morning. Ellen was already running too far,
Adriana has her deep look on her face
It was.
“What’s going on?”
Adriana looked like she had gone through something she couldn't believe.
"Chairman... you're going to quit."
“… are you qui ng? A club?"
Of course, it will feel like betrayal, but is it worthy of such an expression?
“No, it’s not a club…”
Adriana had a reason to be surprised.
“You're leaving the temple...” |
With her gradua on nearing, Olivia Lanche was about to quit Temple.
She said, “She said that she had abandoned not only him … but all of her
From what I heard, it didn't seem like a simple story.
The seniors were res ng, but they must have known that. I tell the younger
juniors that they might be confused
doesn't look like it,
"Why is that yangban like that?"
“I don’t know… because you didn’t tell me why.”
specifically what you were talking about
I don't know, but it seems like they just said they'd probably just throw it all
away and didn't explain the detailed reason.
It's not just a bit out of line
Beomsaeng, who has been doing well so far
I'm going to destroy all the Ando Temples as well. In the area where the
temple is located, she was even called a saint in the Eredian district, but
what the hell happened?
Did she ever fall into the religious faith that she drank? Is there any chance
she could lead this way? But she con nued her religious life un l now, and
then made a U-turn in the opposite direc on.
I don't know if it can be thrown away.
Adriana seemed to be in great shock. she deserves it She learned the
shocking fact that her idol was suddenly trying to destroy both temples
and faith.
“It’s clear what’s going on.
What happened to Olivia Ranche?
it is clear But since she is a distant senior, she won't even deal with her
it will
“Um… we know what happened.
Even if you know, there doesn't seem to be much you can do. The yangban
said he was going to beat me up, but we can't just tell him to shut up or let
go of the boat, isn't it?"
“…not really.”
Adriana is pale and bare
she was looking
Adri, who was always proud and calm
Because she's watching Ana's face like this...
it's terribly cute
As is the case with Harriet,
Am I a sadist?
No, if you take all the things you've done so far, there's a 100% chance
you're a sadist, right?
Or is it rather strange?
“Junior, what have I done to the president?
Would it be rude to try to find out if this happened?”
Adriana mumbled in her sullen voice. she will change the person's
She knows she can't, but she's so strong
She is a person of one belief and faith.
What is the reason for suddenly giving up on everything?
seemed curious.
Why does she have to be broken? She seemed to think it was rude but she
said Adriana that she was trying to figure it out.
“That would be rude.”
“…and so will it…”
Adriana sighed deeply.
she rested me A er all, she was afraid to let it go
I can't.
She doesn't care about Adriana because it's rude to dig behind her and do
she rings
"I'm an expert at being rude."
“I’ll be rude for you.”
Adriana says I'll find out
in big
He looked bewildered.
What a rude thing to do, that's my front door.
“Huh, your junior…?”
The grassy Adriana is also cute, but I like her to be as usual.
What about the Demon Church that got achievement points?
It was the truth of the rumors he was looking for, and there were no
achievement points at stake in Olivia Ranche's work. rela onship between
the two
Neither is it in my opinion or it is rare.
S ll, despite all of my rude behavior and bullshit so far, oh
It was Adriana who took care of me un l now. Even though he must have
been a very bad first impression, oh
I mean, he was an adult who took care of me.
From my point of view, Adriana feels like Elerys in the temple.
In the end, it was only good for me that she even made a connec on with
this club. I wish I had faith but I just want to get to know a lot of people
It was an ac on I had to do.
Because I keep ge ng help, I
There is something I want to help you with.
Adriana thanked her for the first me, but she asked her seniors not to
quarrel or buy. I was grateful for her heart, but there were signs of
worrying that I might get hit anywhere as usual again.
Of course, it doesn't look like you'll find out if you hit it.
I mean 5th grade. Before the Royal Class, if you are a talented 5th grader,
you are already full.
There are a lot of guys who aren't confident enough to fight unless they're
full and tall. There must be monsters who have reached the level of
superhumans among them, Olivia.
Is Ranche the same?
5th grade Olivia Ranche.
What is the reason the yangban wants to destroy the temple and also
destroy his faith? I yelled out to be rude instead.
I don't really have any guesses.
Isn't it impossible to find out if it's for personal reasons?
As long as I stay s ll and see if I can find out anything, I first went to see
Bertus a er class.
"Oh, Reinhardt, what's going on?"
A er the uninhabited island group mission, I felt that Bertus was very kind
to me. Pho
While I was contempla ng whether or not to do it, there were things that
were s mulated by my ac ons,
I think deep down I might have lost the group mission if it wasn't for me.
will be doing
It's definitely a good thing to keep building a crush on this guy. Somehow,
it's a li le scary and a li le bit squishy.
The mind is complicated.
S ll, this is not something that should be kept secret or something to be
done. You won't have to look at Bertos or Charlo e.
“I just want to ask you something.”
On the dormitory's tea me terrace, the sun was s ll up, so we had plenty
of me.
“Do you know Olivia Ranche?”
"Ah, you're talking about the daughter of the Knights Templar?"
Vertus nodded her head, saying he knew whether it was a celebrity or a
celebrity. Because she is the daughter of a temple knight leader, there
must be some things that you can't help but know.
“Do you know him personally?”
If you are familiar with Bertus, you might be able to find out more easily
"Hmm, I've seen the Knights Templar on a few official occasions, but she
said that even though her daughter was famous, she didn't actually see her
because she didn't have a tle or tle. S ll, she's heard a lot of rumors
about it.
it was what did you say Saint of Eredian? big Ah, um... Mistake. Yeah, that's
what it's called."
Bertus burst into laughter as it seemed strange to bring out her words that
she was a saint. I've seen the head of the temple knight a few mes, but he
doesn't know her daughter.
She is right. Commander of the Temple Knights
She is an important person, but there is no reason for her to be important,
as the temple knight is not hereditary. acquaintance with Bertus
there has to be no
“Why are you asking that?”
Bertus was curious when I asked him about his high school years out of the
“No, he said that he quit the temple and destroyed his faith, so I’m curious
as to why, and it’s not really a big reason.”
“… are you going to quit?”
“Uh, that’s right.”
Bertus looked surprised, as if it was the first me he had ever heard of it.
"Ummm... I didn't have to worry about high school stuff, but that's what
Bertus didn't seem to want to scrape up informa on he didn't even need
to know. Bertus is a strange, out of place cow.
I started thinking about food.
"It's strange, even if you don't know him well, he's famous not only at the
Temple but also outside."
“How famous are you?”
Bertus doesn't know about 5th graders.
He was in a posi on to synthesize a lot of informa on, so he knew much
more than I did.
“Because I was a temple student, I didn’t par cipate in the Demon World
War, but I heard that he already possesses a level of ability that is good
enough to be used in actual combat. In the end, he didn’t par cipate in the
war, but I know he took a special leave of absence for a year and went out
for medical support. Now that the Demon World War is over, I know that
he has returned to school, and it seems that he can already use high priest-
level holy magic.
he became famous It was then that the nickname “Saint of Eredian” was
Not at the level of ordinary priests, but already high priests
This is the level at which you can use class divine magic. He was s ll a
student, so he did not par cipate in the war, but he saved the lives of
people in the Demon World War.
would have saved a lot.
“He’s a great person.”
“What is it? When that person joins the Seonggi Order, he becomes the
next general, and when he joins the Tuan Church, he becomes the next
The yellow one.”
His skills are great, and he
He strives to give to people. then
With the fame earned through ac ons,
Although he is only a student, there is no one who will object to him
becoming the leader of a religious group in the future.
“Then you suddenly decided to quit everything... Hmm. It’s difficult.”
Bertus frowned for some reason. Why is he in trouble?
“Are you in trouble?”
At my ques on, Bertus took a sip of tea and folded his arms.
“No, I wanted him to become the next Knights Templar division
Although we don't actually know, Bertus is Olivia Ranche's next
commander of the Knights Templar.
I guess I was thinking that this would be the case.
“Isn’t it nice to have that type of person si ng in a place like that in many
He said so, but he was able to read the insides of Bertus.
The Knights Templar is a huge power that is difficult to deal with from the
Empire's point of view. In a place like that, there should be only a kind
person si ng without any measures to do anything nonsense.
I won't.
Soon, in that tone, the current commander of the Knights Templar
He could read the judgment that he was not a very suitable person to
Bertus' taste.
Obviously, the Knights Templar have demon slaves, and in fact, during the
last incident, the Knights Templar took the succubus and tried to have
them. Bertus will know what's going on, so she
It was clear that she didn't like the stones.
Well? Come to think of it.
no way....
“Maybe there are two reasons for this.
I feel like I'm losing, yes." |
Bertus says while looking at the scenery outside the dormitory in the
a ernoon sunlight.
“One is that he was disillusioned when he found out that the Knights
Templars were a different group than he thought...” |
Bertus looked at me this me and smiled. He looked like he was trying to
make a pre y nasty joke.
“Second, it must have looked like a man.”
Plus, he remembered something he had forgo en.
Priests in Tuan cannot marry.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 110

Bertus didn't say what kind of group the Knights Templar really was. In
order to do that, I must first tell you the fact that each country divided the
demon prisoners for their own insidious desires.
I have to.
Of course, even if Bertus didn't say it, I knew it.
I don't know what happened to Olivia Ranche in the original development.
So I don't know if Olivia Ranche's desire to quit the Temple and give up her
faith has something to do with my terrorist incident.
may be ninja However, since it was an event that had a significant impact
on the Knights Templar, there is a possibility that Olivia Ranche, the
daughter of the commander of the Knights Templar, was also affected.
Of course, it is an event that might have happened even if it had gone as it
should have been.
Had she known that the Knights Templar were using demon prisoners as
slaves, she would have felt a great sense of betrayal.
A er gradua ng, she was going to join the Knights Templar. However,
through a certain process, the Knights Templar were able to overcome
their ugly desires.
If she finds out that she has done such a thing for the sake of her, it is
understandable that she wants to give up on the Temple and also her faith
a er she feels betrayed.
A group that has dedicated their lives to commit suicide
But knowing that the inside is ro en, the feeling of betrayal will be
Since the Knights Templars were corrupt, you would have known that the
Tuan Order was the same.
It was definitely a possibility. Just by listening to it, you can see that he is a
person with a sense of jus ce, goodness, and deep faith.
This is the first possibility.
The second possibility is Berthus's malicious joke.
Priests in Tuan can't get married, but because they have someone they
love, they want to give up their faith.
It's not en rely impossible, but if it's true, it's a bit of a bummer.
How fiery love is it?
Bertus remained silent for a while a er making these two conjectures.
"Ummm... I guess this is a serious problem, Reinhardt."
“Is it serious?”
“Doesn’t that person think he’s going to have a big accident?”
Bertus even looked a bit impa ent. buy? It seems that it is an accident that
a yangban of that level already throws away his faith to voluntarily
withdraw from school, but a bigger accident?
“I can’t tell you in detail, but that person
If you're trying to quit your faith and temples by recognizing the corrup on
of this Knights Templar... Wouldn't that person be trying to uncover it in his
conscience or something?"
I think so.
“The real big accident is to have a good haircut like you.
It's not about the rolls, it's about honest bastards like Olivia Ranche."
Calling Via Ranche an honest bastard
expressed in a stately manner.
No, but why are you suddenly giving me a deal?
so great that you have to give up your faith
found out about the church's corrup on. But her demeanor is honest and
good-natured. She will try to expose the fact that all the denomina ons
people believe in are internally corrupt. Even if her own father is at the
center of her corrup on.
The image of the Knights Templar and the image of the en re
denomina on will be severely damaged.
Of course, such an event did not occur in the original development.
Because I didn't even know that the Knights Templar were corrupt. in the
first place
It was not the main subject of descrip on.
I have a group called the Knights Templar, and it is the first choice of a
paladin and a priest. wri en like this
all. And in the gate incident, they par cipated in the war. It was only
described as such.
Soon, this incident occurred as a bu erfly effect because it was an
extension of the terrorist incident I commi ed.
Either it was or it wasn't Olivier
It is concluded that Aranje does nothing.
How this will proceed is unknown at this me. But Bertus recognized this
"Hmm... I think I'd like to watch it go back for a moment..." |
Anyway, Bertus doesn't like the Knights Templar. It's not an insider, but it
would be a huge issue if a reputable saint flirts with it.
However, in that case, it is even revealed that the demon prisoners were
divided among the true na ons. The general public had no idea what the
story behind the terrorist incident was.
because I can't
Not only for the Knights Templar, but for all the na ons that par cipated in
the Demon World War, this was a huge disaster.
it might be a hit
“I want to meet you.”
Bertus is the Imperial Prince.
No ma er how 5th grade, Bertus's
I can't refuse an interview request.
Bertus said he'd like to talk to him, and he got up. The stories to be shared
there were not of the nature to be told to me, so I did not bring them with
How is this, it feels like things are ge ng bigger
It is.
Have I not touched the beehive now?
Bertus returned around evening. A er dinner, Bertus called me back to the
tea- me terrace.
"how was it?"
“… I guess I have to say that people themselves seem nice, but it makes
them strangely uncomfortable. There's nothing really wrong with that
person... Hmmm... It felt like the first me in my life."
interest meal.
I think I felt the same way I felt the last me I went to a religious club. you
When I see an innocent and kind person,
That strange feeling of being uncomfortable.
Ah, I feel strange because my nature seems to be closer to Bertus.
It was. Bertus sighed as he drank his tea.
“Obviously, it was just as bad as I expected. Without words.”
A good thing is a good thing, but from Bertus's point of view, it seems like
he was a dog-eater who couldn't communicate. I don't know what he was
talking about, but it seems like he was trying to nego ate something like
that, but the seeds didn't seem to work.
However, I also admire Bertus's toughness, who calls a saint of Eredian and
a person with a grandiose modifier just an asshole.
“Originally, if you want to solve your doubts, you just need to know that.” |
Bertus is the one who actually got the answer for my dragon that I
originally asked.
“I discovered a problem within the Knights Templar, and I am about to give
up on it. And again.”
Bertus lted his teacup and put on a strange smile.
“It is not a ma er of qui ng temple and qui ng faith. If you do that, you
won’t be able to die at my name.”
Seeing Bertus talking about someone's death with a smile, I realized what
kind of person this guy was originally.
"You may..."
Are you trying to kill this bastard Olivia Ranche? She couldn't even ask if
she was trying to kill him. But Olivia Ranche is a great person who could
cause a big accident if le alone, and that's the empire.
It is also related to the face of
So Bertus is Olivia
She might try to get rid of it before she gets into an accident.
“Ah, I hope I do.
Bertus seems to know what I'm thinking, so I won't
he expressed displeasure.
“Isn’t this a temple?”
Bertus said that as if he could understand this, and I nodded.
it was
Yes, Olivia is a problem for me to tease her with her mouth. but the temple
It is also a big problem for the Empire to have problems with the royal class
Huge problems to cover problems | What causes it is what Bertus thinks
it will be a book
Bertus won't put his hand on it, but to be honest, I can't be sure.
“By the way, he didn’t know you, so why was he suddenly curious about
Bertus seemed more curious as to why I was curious about it.
"...a senior I know is worried about me."
“Oh, that person?”
Knowing that Adriana and I were close, Bertus nodded his head.
“It didn’t happen to him.”
Whether or not Bertus used his hand, it was the tone of which he was
certain that trouble would soon arise.
Cold sweat began to form on his palms.
I couldn't give Adriana this informa on right away.
Honest bastards have a big accident. Adriana is one of those idiots.
I wasn't sure it wouldn't. If she finds out, she'll try to do something
She's dria I didn't even know she might be in danger.
Damn it.
The life of a yangban who does not even know her face is in danger.
Bertus had a conversa on with Olivia Ranche, who was sure to do
something for the sake of the Empire's pres ge. But he realized that the
words didn't make sense at all.
There's absolutely no chance it's because of me. Even if the odds are low,
it's possible that Bertus might use his hand.
This me I went up to the 5th floor by myself. Talking to Adriana will only
result in one more guy to buy.
was about to come out.
When I appeared in the lobby of the 5th grade A class dormitory, everyone
was in the lower grades.
My eyes widened as to what was going on.
“I, that… I’m looking for a senior named Olivia Lanche.”
"Ah... that's right. Okay. Wait here for a second."
"thank you."
As if he knew what was going on, the senior who I asked about the dragon
Olivia's case certainly seemed to play a role in the gloomy atmosphere of
the fi h grade A class.
The senior who told her to wait a moment in her lobby kindly went to call
him directly.
If you are in 5th grade at Temple High School, you will be 21 years old.
am. She is already an adult. But she said she paid a year, so she must be
Olivia Ranche, whom I will meet, already possesses her immense divine
powers enough to use her high holy magic.
Maybe she's talented in combat
I don't know if she's trembling, but it's presumed she will.
Soon, pretending to be in a royal class uniform
The person you want to be that person as soon as you see it
She was walking this way with a senior.
She must be in despair, so her expression is a li le s ff now, but her gentle
personality and good nature are s ll there.
“A lot of people are looking for me today. What's happen?"
I don't know, but she was a great beauty anyway.
It is clear that she is called a saint of Eredian with such a goddess-like
I'm sure it would have played a part too. Her long, near-white, voluminous
pla num hair reached her waist, and her beau ful eyebrows, green eyes,
and slightly pale pink lips were watery.
Looking at it, I can't help but wonder how a person can be so fragmented.
It was to the point where I felt nauseous. It was so perfect that it felt
“Uh, uh… um. My name is Reinhardt, a first-year student.”
“Ah, ah… you are Reinhardt. Huh. okay."
It must have been that she had heard my story while talking to Bertus
earlier, so she smiled and gently stroked my hair.
“You seem to care about me, I don’t know why, but thank you Reinhardt.”
It was a touch that made me feel sacred just by touching it. Of course I felt
my heart pounding. no. big
it's a thing I didn't come here for this. It's almost impossible to
It's not like love at first sight or anything like that.
I feel like someone who has to live in a world completely different from
me, and I wonder if it's okay to be facing this way.
Eye-opening in our school year
Kids are innocent, this guy makes eye contact
is about to become embarrassing.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 111

Olivia Ranche gladly agreed to do so when asked if she could talk to her for
the first me in her life. Reluctant, suspicious, or strange about me
There was no sign of each other at all.
The place she decided to talk to was one of the empty club rooms on the
7th floor.
“No one will listen here. Are you okay?"
"Ah, yes..."
She pulled out two chairs and sat down on one side. She's about 170 li tall.
why is her head so small
did you? Seeing that benevolent expression on her face, even if she doesn't
believe in religion, even if she makes a pseudonym
She looked like she was going to be strong.
It was the first me I had ever felt so daunted just by mee ng someone.
Not because I was scared, but because of my appearance.
it was a feeling
I sit across from her and close her eyes with her
"Hey, I heard you were talking with Bertus."
“Ah, the Prince. Yes. That’s right.”
“I don’t know what you were talking about in detail… but I know the
general situa on.”
Her expression darkened slightly at my words.
"I see. But before that, did you originally know me? I'm really sorry
But... I'm Reinhardt about you
I've heard of it, but it's the first me we've met today... I was a li le
puzzled when you said you were worried about me."
Olivia seemed quite perplexed when she heard that her younger brother-
in-law was worried. | “I, it’s not… Adriana Sun | I was worried about the
ship. to senior
You seem worried about what's going on, but I'm careful not to be rude to
ask, so I tried to find out for you."
“Ah… Adriana… yes, she did…”
What happened to Adriana's story?
Olivia is wretched to know if it's a sound.
She lowered her head with a single expression.
"I think I'm worrying too many people..."
Whatever her inten ons of doing this to herself, it seemed difficult that she
was tormen ng the people around her.
She said, “I don’t know the seniors well, but I know that she has a lot of
expecta ons and I’ve heard that she is also an idol to some. I know it's off
topic to say this, but... can you change your mind?"
The fact that Olivia is Inseong-gap is to the distant junior who appeared out
of nowhere.
Even when she heard these words, she knew enough already at the point
where she didn't slap her cheeks.
Olivia is staring at me.
It was.
She was s ll gentle, but her expression showed the stubbornness in her.
“If you change your mind… does that mean you just have to put up with
everything like this?”
“It’s not like that, but it’s an opinion not to act has ly un l you reach a
posi on where you can change something. If you are ac ng like this now, it
is a problem for your safety...”
“You’re talking about the same thing as the prince.”
I guess what I said was what Bertus said.
It seemed to have nothing to do with words.
Get into a posi on where you can change something and then change it.
What you are doing now will only endanger yourself and will not change
anything. a momentary commo on
will happen, but in the end nothing will happen.
In terms of the military, it was just an arrogant remark like you were
appointed and eliminated all absurdity. But he couldn't think of anything
else to convince Olivia to say.
“It was Reinhardt,” she said.
Olivia looks at me quietly.
“Jus ce cannot be compromised.”
He seemed to understand why Bertus called him a bastard.
If the author who speaks stereotypes like that isn't an idiot, then what is it?
Of course, that mindset itself would be great
I don't know, but that's why
The barrel doesn't change.
“Once we allow one compromise, we will compromise again. prac cally
If you acknowledge and realize the good things,
West. If the scope of the compromise expands like that, eventually I will
give up a lot of things, and eventually I will resemble the things I want to
Once it is difficult and I start to put up with it, eventually, under the name
of reality, I become similar to the one I want to change.
“Senior, if a person who repeats compromise becomes a coward, he is
People do terrible things.”
A person who has too much confidence in himself, whether right or wrong,
is the most feared person in the world. How many harms have they done
to society?
Olivia Ranche has that convic on.
She looked like a person.
Wouldn't something more dreadful happen if this person silently became
the commander of the Knights Templar or the Pope? or a large-scale purge
takes place.
A completely different ques on from before raised his head.
If so, what should I do?
“You speak as if you have seen such a person.”
I've seen many examples. just these three
I just didn't see it in the show.
Reinhardt, I think I know what you're talking about. You'd think I'm an
overly fundamentalist. A fundamentalist who cannot tolerate any injus ce,
and believes that all priests should have a correct religious view and
prac ce it.”
I didn't tell you how young you would know my thoughts, as if you didn't
know anything.
This person was trying to talk to me properly.
“Reinhardt, jus ce is not subject to compromise, but in the end this is the
only compromise I have made on my own.”
Olivia understood what I meant.
Olivia Compromises Her Own This Behavior
she said.
“If I endure now to save the ro en tree from the root, I will become one of
the two. Either by acknowledging reality and compromising, I become like
the people I want to change. It doesn’t change and eventually rises to a
place where you can change everything, do everything the right way
or sacrificing a lot of people in the name of changing it to
Olivia is an asshole, but she's not stupid.
Because it was her own problem, she said that Olivia herself had already
done her deep digging.
She knew that the only road wai ng before her was either a fallen priest or
a future of slayer who would kill millions in the name of the Reforma on.
She said, "I just don't want to be either of them."
She just wanted to escape from both the inevitable futures she would face
if she went on like this. She wasn't a disillusioned believer or
disappointment with the Knights Templar, it wasn't just a though ul
This man made this decision with the thought that he might be a disaster.
Falling is a problem and not falling is a problem.
This decision must be made for herself and so many others.
It was John's decision.
Olivia made a compromise in the end so as not to compromise.
to quit everything,
Bertus and I told this man how to compromise and put up with this
moment, but me and Bertus
Neither of them knew this man at all. If you put up with it, you will end up
killing this person
I didn't know that I was wai ng for the things that were filmed
there was.
“Sorry for being off topic.
I think I… misunderstood.”
I couldn't say anything other than that. went off topic I judged someone's
mind and heart would be like this based on only the truth I barely knew,
but Olivia Ranche was a completely different person than I imagined.
If she was this much, she would have already prepared herself for her own
death. She knew without even asking.
“No, Reinhardt, thank you for worrying about me, whom I don’t even
know. I'm serious."
She gently hugged me as if she was truly grateful.
I felt like I had lost a lot of things.
“Be happy.”
It sounded like goodbye.
Olivia wasn't the kind of person who could convince her that your life was
in danger.
In a way, she knew that Olivia's choice was her own best.
She couldn't decide.
Is it Bertus using his hand, or is he using his hand from the other side?
Over the weekend I could see the results.
A er the morning workout, I did jogging as usual with Adriana and me.
I have found out the truth, but it is Adri
I wonder if I should tell Ana
I was s ll worried.
Adriana's Faith to Know Olivia Made That Decision
Because it was clear that there was going to be a big blow to If I spoke too
has ly, Adriana would be seriously shocked. I didn't know if I had the right
to decide that, so I had no choice but to remain silent.
Adriana and I had a lot of tension. Adriana is depressed for her own
reasons, and I feel guilty for her truth, whether I should tell her or not.
We were able to see it on the way home from early morning training.
“Ah… Senior…”
“Ah… it’s Adriana. Reinhardt too…”
A temple by the side of a certain man
She was Olivia Lanche coming out of the dorm.
She was dragging a large trunk, as if she was about to go somewhere far
“Are you acquaintances?”
“Yes… Father.”
With those words, the iden ty of the man standing next to him was
immediately known.
The commander of the Knights Templar, Le Barrier Ranche.
He looked at the two of us and spoke briefly.
“To go forward.”
Adriana is the commander of the Knights Templar.
The fact that it is in and Olivia Ranche
The fact that she's leaving, she's frozen in front of me
She didn't say anything.
But I could clearly see her red corners in Olivia's eyes. And the cheeks were
slightly swollen.
She's not leaving on her own right now.
She said she'd quit herself, but this isn't her qui ng, she's being dragged
It was felt at once.
"Goodbye, both of you."
It looked like a prisoner and a jailer, not her daughter.
Adriana was chasing with her eyes the back of her daughter, who was
blankly moving away.
"Senior... are you leaving...?"
“…I think so.”
"If I'm not mistaken... Elder. I think you were crying.”
Olivia said she was going to quit Temple, but for some reason she was
being dragged away.
Bertus knew in the first place that he had no reason to use his hands. Of
course, Le Barrier Ranche was aware of Olivia's condi on, of course.
Predicted she'd slap her hand over there first
'cause you would
In a way, the presence of the commander of the Knights Templar was an
inevitable result.
When the Templars push into the temple and try to take Olivia Ranche, the
Players have the right to refuse it.
However, this could not prevent her parents from coming and taking their
Keeping Olivia Ranche at the Temple, who doesn't know what to say, must
have been unse ling for the Crusader Division commander.
So, Olivia Ranche was dragged away faster than originally planned.
Even a er a brief look at it, it is coercive and ver cal
The rela onship between men and women was clearly visible.
In the end, even if her envy wasn't what she wanted, she wanted to quit
everything, so she did what she wanted. But the look on her face as she is
It looked true.
“What… how is it going, my niece?”
Adriana and I couldn't go back to the dormitory and sat blankly on the
“Actually, I talked to Olivia-senpai yesterday.”
“I, really?”
I guess I'm hiding it now, Adria
It seemed impossible to me.
I had no choice but to explain the details in an abstract way because I
didn't know the original. Olivia knew that she knew the ugly side of the
Knights Templar, and she, therefore, believed that she herself concluded
that entering this Templar or Order would have bad consequences for
herself and many others.
That's why she tried to quit everything
Adriana is dazed at my words.
she lost Would you be shocked that she told me while she didn't tell
herself? Would she have been shocked that she had an ugly side to the
Knights Templar that she had even tried to enter herself.
.....I see."
What the hell was Olivia doing?
Adriana whether she made enough of a run
seemed unimaginable. I think it's a demon slave gun, but I
There will be many other things you don't know.
"I'm so confused... what, how
I don't know what to do…”
It's clear that the Knights Templar took her Olivia to cover up her secrets.
see. Adriana had lost focus in her eyes, perhaps because her values, upon
which she was based, had shaken her head.
Anyway, the bo om line is that Olivia will never return to the Temple. Le
Barrier Ranche forced her daughter to drag her with her hand.
No, wait.
Olivia Ranche serves Tuan, the god of innocence.
“...who does the commander of the Knights Templar serve?”
“Oh? Ah… I know that you are serving Tuan.”
“...don't the priests of Tuan not get married? But how can my daughter…”
It must have been that she believed in Tuan according to her parents'
beliefs, but how could a temple knight commander who follows Tuan's
doctrine have a daughter?
“Senior is… a foster daughter.”
Olivia Ranche was adopted.
Then the picture is drawn.
Because she was the daughter of a temple knight leader, she did not have a
strong divine power.
Because she has the talent of strong divine power, she was adopted by the
Knights of the Temple. Cul va ng the next Knights Templar Commander or
She said that the guy she had raised like that suddenly threw everything
away and even tried to damage the Knights Templar and the Order.
The Knights Templar commander isn't usually angry right now.
“Junior, don’t tell me what you just said.”
Adriana Do It Before Her Self Judgment
She mu ered blankly as if she had something to say.
"She may be arrested for heresy interroga on, whether true or not," she
said. Never even tell her seniors.”

We were not in the posi on of making fun of Olivia's mouth, as we are not
celebri es in her weight class.
Adriana jumped up from her seat.
She looked like she was determined to do something.
“I’ll have to go with you right now.”
“ wouldn't hurt to check what's going on.”
How do things go like this?
She was reluctant to not know what she was doing, so she
She decided to follow.
"If you get caught, you're going to say it's a pity that the senior you like has
to leave, so you're just going to follow him, don't you?"
Even if a random follow-up is discovered, it can be roughly assumed that it
is a child's a ack. Plus, if you want to touch us, you have to be prepared to
collide with the Temple.
The head of the temple knight can take her daughter-in-law, but he can't
take us.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 112
Fortunately, it was a weekend, so even though it was early in the morning,
it was a free me to go out. There weren't many people on the morning
walk except for the hardworking students who were exercising, but we
were able to follow them at a fairly spaced distance.
Olivia Ranche is walking with her head bowed like a criminal, and the
Knights Templar division commander is walking next to him without saying
a word.
They exit the temple and go back
There's a problem. Me and Adriana couldn't help but stare at each other.
The magic train is not something you can ride for free. It was only natural
that I didn't bring any money, as I had followed him in a hurry during the
morning workout. The problem was that I was only thinking of following
along in a hurry, but didn't even think that I had to bring money.
It was a crisis that had to end as soon as the two idiots started following
“Uh, what?”
“You shouldn’t leave things like your student ID and do things like trauma…
I don’t even have a student ID.”
We came out with only the body.
Of course, if it's valuables, I always wear it.
has Sarkegaar's Ring and Tuesday's Fire, but I'll leave it to you
Not one thing at all.
It was early in the morning, but there were quite a few people at the
sta on. Even though it was the weekend, there were quite a few people
who went to work as a temple.
You have to make decisions quickly. I don't know if it's the school staff or
the shopping street, but I approached the man in the suit.
“I, there. Teacher?"
"Huh? What's going on?" "We are Temple students... We forgot and le
our wallets here. I need to catch a train in a hurry... How can I just pay for
the cket..."
W, get sick.
I never thought I'd be doing something like this.
This is a terminal angler! Ah... I lost my wallet, can't you just give me five
thousand won... This is it!
"......okay? The student ID is... missing.
this is it Then tell me which school
Do you want to?”
“Royal Class 1st Grade A Class No. 11
This is Reinhardt and Adriana from 2nd grade A-class. Yes. If you tell me
later, I will definitely return it.”
“Royal class? Heh... I don't know what it is, but it must have been a bit
rushed. Don't forget next me."
"thank you!"
Fortunately, he believed what I was saying, probably because he was a
faculty member, and he handed me the cket price. He seemed to realize
that it was the truth when he told me about his affilia on.
The emperor's hearts are not coming. This is the golden age
Adriana was staring at me with a blank expression on my face as I begged
and got my cket price.
"Well, I see, junior..."
Adriana was blankly thinking that I was from the street again.
nodded her head.
no it's not! It's from a rigged origin and it's my first me doing it!
It felt quite like a dog to receive a en on for being fluent because of the
rhythm he used to sing.
A er we bought the ckets, we went back to that
followed them We didn't get in the same train car, but we waited for them
to board and got on the next car. It was early in the morning, so there were
not many people on the train.
So we cha ed like a whisper.
“Where are you going?”
“Senior’s house must be the general manager’s residence near the Temple
of the Knights Templar. Get off at the Temple of the Knights Templar sta on
in Rose Nak.”
Rosenak is in Yangcheon-gu.
To be honest, I couldn't remember all the wards, so I put a map of the
zodiac in the room.
Anyway, I've been to the Roznak district where the Temple of the Knights
Templar is located. The last me in the Asmodian Prisoner Transac on
It wasn't meant to be with good inten ons back then, but somehow this
me, it's headed for a rather shaky business.
We changed a few routes and followed them all the me. They seem to be
talking about something, so let's strengthen our hearing.
could be dis nguished.
It was as if he didn't no ce at all that there was a follow-up. we are them
was in the blind spot of the field of view. to others
It was a low voice so I couldn't hear it, but I could hear it clearly.
- Do you really want to go down a difficult road?
-...sorry. father.
- You're going to succumb anyway.
- Why don't you just... excommunicate me? what I saw, what I heard. I will
forget them all.
- It's not going to happen.
-You can change your personality. if you change your mind
to be. But talent cannot be changed.
What is innate cannot be changed. you are born with everything
Appearance, talent, ability, everything. Because of you, you became my
-There is always noise in a group. He who is determined in everything
You can't be a leader. It's just a human being who lives intoxicated with his
own handsome man. You are a leader, not an outstanding individual
is des ned to be All of this is just one of those things you have to accept. I
was not surprised when you cri cized me. At some point, there are things
to say and things to be done.
-I can't... do that. I am, like my father said... I am just an ugly person who
lives with my own handsome man. father. please....
- Do you change as you get hurt?
It is wise to accept it now.
Something beyond my imagina on is about to happen
seemed to be
If Olivia didn't accept this, it seemed like she was trying to put pressure on
her in some way un l she did.
It wasn't the concept of punishing Olivia, but she had no inten on of
le ng her go.
- I don't think anything will change my mind. father. please please.....
- I won't listen any more.
The Knights Templar commander hasn't said anything since then.
“I didn’t say anything specific, but I heard people say that it hurts.”
“Yes. Something… I think it might be a coercive method.”
Adriana's eyes flickered as if she couldn't believe it when she heard it.
In a coercive way, Adriana will only have one thing in her mind at her
Either way, here cal interroga on is bound to come to mind.
“Wait, I guess… are you going to do some kind of here cal interroga on…
or something…?” |
“It’s not likely at all.”
I'm not guilty of anything, but I force myself to live quietly without saying
They try to make God change their minds even by remodeling them. Be
careful because it's outside.
The head of the Knights Templar Go-go said nothing a er that, but rather,
there was no confirma on, and Adriana and I had no choice but to think
extremely about what Olivia was going to end up with.
Arriving at the Templar Sta on, the leader and Olivia headed to the Temple
of the Templar, not the house. We had no choice but to stare blankly.
He said that he would simply quit the temple and forget his religion, but
the leader forced himself to do it.
I was thinking of accep ng it. It will be accompanied by a violent method.
She wouldn't have thought she would do this to herself, even though Olivia
was her stepfather. Had she known, she would have run away somewhere.
She thought it would be enough just to keep her mouth shut, but she
didn't know that her stepfather's obsession with her was this much.
“What is the reason for having to do this.... where is it...”
Adriana hid in her alley,
She sobbed as she covered her face with her hands.
She's Olivia She's a good person, but what the hell is the reason for trying
to force her to become her successor by even torturing people she doesn't
The Knights Templar commander, Olivia Ranche, learned of the ugliness of
the Order and the Order.
She wasn't embarrassed at all about what she was
all. She knows she needs to be a leader anyway
She thought it was something to do.
So, regardless of the last terrorist incident, Olivia Ranche is inevitable
It was a situa on that had to be dealt with.
However, in my novel, the character Olivia Ranche is not treated as
important un l the very end.
Even in the Gates incident a er a great man like Olivia Ranche
It becomes a sweet story that she does not appear.
The Knights Templar commander fails to change Olivia Lanzee's mind.
She will be completely ruined at this stage or she will die if she imagines
the extreme case.
And the reasoning was confirmed.
[Special Achievement Event Occurs - History of
Inflec on Point (Olivia Ranche)]
| [Descrip on: If Olivia Ranche is rescued safely, her planned future will
change greatly.]
[Reward: You will receive a special achievement, one of Olivia Ranche's
characteris cs at random.]
an inflec on point in history.
If a person who should not exist is brought to life and that person can exert
a tremendous influence, it is an inflec on point in history where history is
greatly overturned. I knew this because of Charlo e's case. In fact, due to
Lot's survival, the main story has been changed on a huge scale, making it
Olivia Ranche was on that level as well.
Just that this event happened
Rhodes is already very fond of Olivia Ranche.
It became clear that something fatal for her would happen and she would
either die or become her bum.
Soon, it was as if the badger told me the future.
“This is… this is nonsense. This must not happen.”
Adriana said so a er she cried for a while, and she looked at me with a firm
expression on her face.
As Adriana said, I am Olivier.
She doesn't know Ranche well, but she
She doesn't want to die or be ruined.
She wants to save her if she can.
Compensa on is only secondary in the end, and I just want to save it. Such
a good person is being treated unfairly like this
Having to have or die is annoying.
In the first place, I don't even know what the nature of Olivia Ranche's
reward is. It was the first me such an abstrac on was given as a reward.
It's obviously not a talent.
In the beginning, I set the characteris c
never had so it's here
It is an addi onal se ng made by volume.
“That’s what I think too… What should I do?”
Rescue Olivia from entering the Temple of the Knights Templar
It is impossible for both of us to pay. In the first place, the two of us had no
reason to even go inside that temple. Entry may be possible, but
somewhere there is Olivia Ranche, who will be imprisoned or tortured.
won't even be able to go
Power must be opposed with power.
If it's Charlo e or Bertus, it's a sharp number
I don't know why, but I don't see any par cular reason why they should
save Olivia Ranche.
Even if the prince or princess puts pressure on the affairs of the Knights
Templar, it is already a task that has to bear a lot of noise, but it interferes
with the affairs of the Knights Templar.
do it
Interference in internal affairs is already a serious diploma c issue in itself.
The Knights Templar is a na onal
But it's not much different from that. No, rather, the reason is that real
power is trying to interfere with religious groups.
may be a bigger problem.
The person who can help in this situa on is Charlo e or Bertus, but it must
be difficult to get their help.
“If many people knew about this… would it change anything?”
Adriana says the Knights Templar are nonsense
I found out that he was trying to get me to do something stupid. What if
thousands of people hear rumors that the saint of Eredian is being tortured
by the orders of the Knights Templar?
What the hell are you doing?
It was clear that the sim was going to go crazy.
“It must be different. But the moment he admits that fact, the Knights
is the fear of crossing an irreversible river
NS. Either way, you have to deny that it is groundless.”
Just acknowledging that they did such a nonsensical thing, the image of the
Knights Templar goes beyond being thrown into the gu er and sha ered.
Of course, I will deny it at any cost.
And religion itself already has a huge support base. Nonsense about the
Knights Templar
It may be dismissed.
What should I do? The way the rumors go will certainly take a while, and
there is no guarantee that Olivia Ranche will be fine while it turns into a
real move.
It is the fastest way for a huge power to move, but Bertus turns his
a en on, thinking that Olivia Ranche will take care of it by the Knights
it went She's got nothing to do with Bertus, even if she's trying to make her
the next knight commander through her mind mods. anyway
Because he'll be transformed into a guy who won't buy blood.
In the end, moving Charlo e and Bertus is risky and there is no jus fica on
or jus fica on for doing so.
huge power.
Power must move...
Come to think of it, I was only thinking of the strongest power I knew.
There are many such strongest powers around me, but I realized that
another great power exists.
A power with a clear cause and a clear power.
and 0.
“Um… senior, don’t laugh and listen.”
“Uh, do you have any thoughts?”
But it's a bit hard to speak with my mouth
sold out
“Seo, how about talking to the teacher?”
Let's go to the teacher!
As I said, I was not funny with myself, so I even groped a bit.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 113

The power of each teacher in the temple is not strong. They only teach or
supervise students in their own school's classes.
However, the head of the temple are also teaching
It is made up of circles, and they are not people that can be ignored.
Although the Temple is an ins tu on of the Empire, it also has a
tremendous amount of power in its own right. Of course, he does not
exercise power over parts other than the temple, but when it comes to
temple-related issues, the authority of the temple is powerful.
If the safety of the temple students depends, of course, this is the temple's
It is a temple to protect the safety of students
This is the most basic issue
I'm praying.
At my explana on, Adriana's expression turned into a mysterious one.
“Well, what will that be…”
A er all, you have to think about something, sir! It's a big deal! 'Cause it's
the same as doing
Not only this.
“It a racts not only the teachers, but also the student council.”
Another power, the Temple Student Council...
In the religious club 'Grace', there is Ceres van Owene, the student body
president of the Royal Class, and she can talk with the student body
president at any me, which encompasses all of the temple students, who
are about 100,000.
She is the head of the temple's student council, where the sons and
daughters of her family gather. someone
I don't know, but I'm guessing it's just a guy
Clearly, the name of the Temple Student Council President
If you push it in, you won't be ignored.
If the faculty and student council move, even the Knights Templar will not
be able to ignore it. The combina on of the two can be interpreted as the
meaning of the empire itself.
because it might be
When people gather, power arises, and when extraordinary people gather,
extraordinary power arises.
The jus fica on for the safety of students is perfectly suited to that.
| “Okay, buddy, what are you talking about?
One first-year student and one second-year student heard the en re
temple once in an alleyway. Let me go, I'm making a small plot.
"However. Are you okay?” "What?"
“This is very dangerous. If things go wrong, my juniors and I could be
handed over to the Inquisi on for harming the denomina on or taken to
the Inquisitors.”
Anyway, if we take this route, we
I have to go to the teachers and tell the truth about the case, and I have to
tell the Royal Class student council president the same thing.
The authen city of our words is unknown. we bullshit
Or, if the Knights Templar collide with the Temple
So if we can iden fy the two of us, we will become targets of the Knights
Of course, that's a risky way.
“I do a li le play.”
There were thoughts too.
“It starts with an anonymous le er.”
“Yes, I’m sending you a le er saying something like this is going to
“…do you believe the le er that came anonymously?”
“Of course I do.”
An anonymous le er, the content of which is that the commander of the
Temple Knights tortures his daughter. Who the hell believes in a swearing
without any evidence or anything like that?
But of course I believe.
“I’m going to send it to our mee ng, so I can’t believe it.
Adriana and I will believe the le er I sent to the group I belong to. I don't
know anything, but I'll check it first
Say it in a way that we'll see.
Do you develop suspicions from the club?
Go ahead and put it into ac on. Donga
We will transfer the opinions from Lee to the Student Council and to the
faculty and staff.
Then the source of the rumor is unknown, but the ac on occurs.
The course of ac on has been set. Now you have to move fast. that torture
You never know when the hell it will start or at what point Olivia will die or
be ruined.
There's no such thing as proof, in fact
All I can say is the conversa on with the commander of the Temple
That's the only thing I overheard.
“Now then, let’s go back…”
Adriana and I had to stop again as we tried to enter the sta on. The two of
us stare blankly at each other again
started to

".....Iknow, right."
When you beg in the first place, two tee
got the price four ckets
I never thought that I needed this in the first place.
“…we think hard about what’s important, and this is really stupid.”
Un l now, they thought head to head as if they were imagining an
opera on of a certain century.
You didn't even have money to go back to in advance.
adriana stares at me
it started.
“Huh, junior. that....."
Those eyes were expec ng something from me, and I thought I knew what
they wanted.
I can't do what I did before
It was the run eyes.
“Uh, huh?”
“Let’s go senior this me.”
“Huh, I’m a junior…”
Adriana cried and begged
But, I clasped my arms crossed. Where do you want to eat raw?
"No. go." "Ugh... ah, okay..."
In the end, Adriana began arguing in front of the Knights Templar and
arguing for her cket price.
A graceful, well-looking girl with an expression that looks like she's about
to cry
So, she looked so sincere that
But Adriana succeeded in her short cut.
-thank you! thank you! May the blessings of the five gods be with you!!
-Uh, no what... It's okay, sweetheart. what is this...
-thank you!
Adriana bowed her head to the passerby who paid her cket, and she
thanked her with an apologe c bow, and she looked ridiculously cute from
a distance.
She lived and lived She didn't know she would beg her, she had Adriana's
face blushing. She looks like she's going to sell out. I giggled and smiled
with my arms crossed.
"You're successful in one shot, you have the talent.
Isn't it?"
“Hey, don’t…”
Adriana trembled and looked at me. Ah, in a different sense than Harriet
you're so cute
And did you forget that I'm a crazy person who does more if I don't?
“It seems that Nami Jeong also fell into the Knights Templar, how do you
feel? My major is this way....” |
- Pak!
Is Adriana really mad?
This me, it’s not my back, but my face
it went
She was seriously bea ng her, and for a moment she lost her mind.
“You’re trying to kill Hubel just because he was joking around!”
“Noisy! Shut up and follow me!”
Adriana grabbed me by the collar and started dragging me back.
It's also subtly funny that Adriana, who only speaks polite and kind words,
makes her double talk.
A er begging twice, we managed to
I was able to return to the temple. in her pocket
How grateful it is to have money
I couldn't help but feel it all over again.
It was early in the morning, and the sun was already shining brightly.
The opera on was simple.
Just put the le er I wrote in the club room. Club mee ngs are held on
Thursdays, but members come and go from me to me. Just sim on the
It is rarely empty, such as gathering together with severe members to pray,
study, or chat. and she said
just sneak a le er to the club room
Just drop it and someone will open it and see. Since the contents are not
serious, the informa on will also be passed on to the vice-president, Ceres
van O Wene.
A er that, club mee ngs will be held, so from that me on, Adriana and I
can catch the wind.
It was necessary to do this in order not to reveal that the source of the
informa on was the two of us.
I immediately wrote an anonymous le er and handed it to Adriana. I'm not
a full member yet, so Adriana
Pu ng it aside makes me less suspicious
will be
“But isn’t it right that I shouldn’t be in the mee ng?”
I don't know if Adriana will be able to do her judo alone without me, but
she's not sure if people will convince me that I'm there in an emergency
mee ng or an emergency mee ng.
“I didn’t officially join, but … I brought her junior, because it was related to
Ollivia senior. Is it possible to say it this way? actually line
Did you even talk with Bae?”
“Um… I guess that’s just an excuse.”
Adriana nodded her head with a serious expression.
It's just one le er, but it depends on how we do it.
A situa on arises in which the flag student council and the temple leaders
are engaged in a flag ba le with the Temple Knights. It's unclear how
things will turn out, but Olivia Ranche's life is at stake.
Adriana knows what she's up to right now, so she'll be nervous.
Will the student council and leaders of Temple really move?
As long as they move, is it possible to pressure the Templars and rescue
Olivia Ranche?
nothing is certain
This is the best we can do now.
If it's a normal weekend, do morning training.
It was the right me to do it, but I went back to my room to organize my
She doesn't know her very well, but Olivia Lanche's first impressions were
too strong.
Aside from her achievements and rewards, a person who lived a short life
of only twenty-two while only helping others should not face such an end
in the end.
it seems
Good people live a happy life.
Seeing something that doesn't actually happen is happening right in front
of your eyes.
I want to see.
how this will play out
It is difficult to measure but only this
I definitely want to be successful.
Olivia Ranche Using the Rebuild Feature
safely escapes the Knights Templar.
She tried to work once.
[Excessively abstract refurbishment work is not performed.]
'Olivia Ranche escapes the Knights Templar safely. The work itself is too
abstract. She had to come up with a more specific plan.
There is a limit to organizing things in my head, so I wrote down the
direc on of the specific case in the room.
Temple student council and faculty members Olivier
Trying to bring Aranche to the temple,
The commander of the Temple Knights has no choice but to raise
My promise to return Via Ranche's recruits
I wrote a long sentence for a dragon.
[You are trying to do too many things. 10000 achievement points are
required to make these events occur.]
[Write a novel at all.... Poom.]
“...this motherfucker .”
It's been a long me since I've wanted to punch people in the no fica on
window that I'm deliberately trying to piss people off.
it got messed up
Don't talk un l the end. I think I know what this damn thing really means
more annoyed
Write a novel. Oh, were you the one who did that? However, the skills
are... poom.
That's how it feels, you bastard!
| If there are too many items, even if the probability is sufficient, it is the
same as genera ng numerous events without other variables.
It takes a lot of achievement points to come.
So how about this?
It's a feature I've never used before. It was said that it could be used only in
certain situa ons, but this me it was shown that it could be used.
Damn it, a cheater who doesn't have the ini a ve to use it. S ll, I'm glad I
was able to write it this me.
Anyway, you can use the preview for this case.
How is this going to happen in the future?
Watch it go, and problems arise. If I do, I will be able to correct it through
my ac ons so that the future does not happen.
[The 'Preview func on', which is available for a limited me, is a func on
that allows you to see the results of what will happen in the future.]
[If you use a lot of achievement points, you can understand the overall
But, as you know,
You just need to know that it is not possible.]
Previewing the full version of the future is expensive, so don't even dream
of it.
No, you can just say no, but why do you say no because you have a lot of
achievement points? No ma er what I do, it's just not going to happen,
right? To say the least, even if I have 200,000 achievement points, I can’t
because I need 200,000 points!!
What are you comfortable with with achievement points so far?
If I try to do it, my score
To be honest, all I needed more was the inten on of this ill-mannered
I know now!
Even now, they tell me what to do a er re rement, so don't even dream.
[You know it well.]
Well, something flashed right in front of my eyes, but it was so instant I
couldn't see it. What did this bastard say? obviously abusive
I guess?
The thickness is beyond the limit now
It's about to break free.
[Anyway, the preview func on shows the key future situa on of the event
you want. The key situa ons will usually be mul ple, and are therefore
segmented. Of course, every situa on has its own clues.]
Out of nowhere, somewhere in the southern part of the con nent
I mean, don't do shit that shows what's going on in a neighborhood bar. If
things go on like this, we will see the future that will be decided.
Wait, but what kind of situa on is it that things go like this? Preview
If I do, my thoughts will change by itself, so the future will also change
according to my ac ons?
[In this case, if you use the preview func on
It is assumed that it has not been used. If you are your normal self, you
know the future
Think about how you would have behaved in a situa on where you
Damn it.
The preview func on in itself felt like a bit too much of a twist.
I need to be aware of exactly what my usual behavior is in a situa on
where I don't know the future. That way you can take different ac ons at
important points.
Of course, the preview might just show you that everything worked out.
all. Right now, I'm only using this because I don't know what might happen.
Please, I hope it goes well.
Use preview.
[Do you use the preview func on?]
[As this is the first use of the func on, a discount price is applied overall for
this case.]
[The cost will change from the next func on use
This can happen.]
[1000 points] [500 points] [200 points] [100 points]
As if choosing a product, four items came to mind.
It's the first me you use it, so it's a discounted price.
Damn, the price is subdivided. The more expensive you choose, the more
certain it will give you a hint. It can be used many mes, so I'll start with
100 points.
[Use 100 achievement points.]
One of the key scenes in this case involving Olivia Ranche is the head.
begins to unfold inside.
A completely different landscape unfolded before my eyes, as if in a dream.
The 100-point future showed a s ll world, not a moving image.
The me is night.
The date is indicated.
The 323 year of the imperial calendar, June 28, around 22:00.
Today is Saturday, May 23rd.
This is about a month later from now.
Even if I didn't look closely, I could tell what was going on.
Olivia Ranche was si ng idly on the cold stone floor in old clothes. Her
ta ered clothes were covered in blood.
There was saliva dripping from her slightly opened mouth. Her eyes were
out of focus.
She doesn't know what she's been up to. There are places on her bare skin
that can be seen through her torn clothes. It looks a bit ar ficial to be a
there were things It was a s ll scene, so I couldn't see it properly, but I
could understand that it was a trace of a certain magic circle.
The strange thing is, the clothes are covered in blood, and the clothes and
body are covered with dried scabs.
There were no wounds or scars all over his body. Except for something like
a strange magic circle,
However, there were pieces of something around her.
A closer look reveals bloody nails. torture of plucking nails
is sure to have done
But her toenails were s ll a ached.
It almost seemed to know what had happened.
“Such a bastard....”
It's the Knights Templar.
Tortured, restored to the original state with a recovery spell, and then
tortured and repeated. If divine magic is used in torture, this
I was horrified to see with my own eyes that crazy things were possible.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 114
In the world of preview, I remembered the things to remember and
returned to reality. The fact that Olivia is imprisoned un l a month later
means that even if we try to save Olivia for over a month, we fail. As me
dragged on, Olivia suffered a lot of torture and some sort of magical
treatment, and ended up being a disgrace.
If she goes on like this, she fails, and I don't know why she fails.
A 100-point future is where we fail.
Show the key sight of what will happen
It was long, but it didn't show why.
I realized that I was failing, but
This me I have a 200-point preview
I've already seen the failure results at 100 points, so at 200 points, I hope
to see a clue that could be the reason for failure.
A 200-point preview showed a short dialogue.
The date is May 24, 323, the imperial calendar, around 16:00 on the day of
the week.
it's tomorrow
The place is a place I know. It was the club room of 'Grace'. including me
All members of the group were si ng around.
“I was asked if I could see the president for a moment… I could see it.”
Olivia is in 5th grade, but the Demon World War
She paid herself a year to do the relevant volunteer work. That's why Ceres
seems to be called her chairman.
“But… the atmosphere was definitely strange. The senior's expression is
very dark, and I think there's something.... There are things I can't say
because the manager is by my side. For sure, listen. let it be just the two of
I said it a few mes, and she looked around at me, but I had the feeling she
was never going to let it go.”
Probably Ceres Van Owenga Temple
She seemed to have stopped by the Knights Templar and tried to
understand the situa on. And it was long to meet both Olivia and her
manager. But Olivia couldn't say anything because the general manager
was there.
"The manager decided that her daughter would quit Temple, so she just
respects that decision, she said," she said.
There was something suspicious, but there was no confirma on. Olivia
didn't seem to be able to say anything special, as if she was being silenced.
Ceres van Owene is the god of the Knights Templar.
I had met the two before, but returned without confirma on. I have my
doubts, but I can't be sure. It would have been impossible to ask for Olivia
to be brought in recklessly without evidence.
“First, tell the teachers…
It was a long me, but maybe a er the faculty and staff mee ng
It's going to take some me
Olivia only needs to save her ranche this
June 3, 323 in the Imperial calendar, around 17:00.
It was two weeks from today.
What I saw this me was an unknown space. It looked like a conference
room, and there was a group of people si ng around it. There were about
twenty people. I wondered who these people were
There were two familiar faces.
Epinhauser and Mustang.
I know what
This is the Royal Class Faculty Mee ng.
One teacher for each class, the superintendent teachers, various assistant
teachers, and execu ve level teachers in general posi ons are all gathered
there was
“This is nonsense!”
Someone shouted in anger. It was a woman, and I didn't know who it was.
“I'm sure Olivia is going through something! Having turned down her
request for a personal interview, isn't she already certain at that point? If
she ain't got nothing, then she
Why is she rejec ng her? Even her students say Olivia has a bad
complexion, and she must know something's going on!"
The headmaster of the Royal Class, who looked a li le older, who sat in the
most senior seat, sighed at her exclama on.
“It’s not like we don’t know that.
You know, Mr. Sarbina. of the temple assembly
That's it.... Now there's nothing the Temple can do. Next is the realm of the
inves ga ve agency. However... without any evidence
Will she be able to inves gate the electric division commander?
is… opaque.”
What the hell happened?
“Only one day… Really. Even if it was just a day earlier... No, if I had taken
care of the ma er a li le sooner...”
The teacher, who is presumed to be Olivia's homeroom teacher, has tears
in her eyes.
She lost and she eventually started crying.
I don't know what it is, but the response from the temple side is due to the
mee ng going through the mee ng.
got delayed So something is definitely wrong.
If only one day earlier what are you talking about??
"Unfortunately, Olivia Ranche is no longer a temple student. So there's
nothing we can do anymore."
It wasn't un l she heard those words that she felt like she was pu ng the
puzzle together.
She said that Olivia Lanche dropped out as of yesterday. So, what can
Temple say about Olivia Ranche's personal life?
She has lost all her cause.
What are you guys, give me my daughter, Mara, I'm not even a temple
student anymore. Or it could be that she was forcibly dropped out of the
temple because she was bothered by it as if she had go en a sense from
the temple.
There are things teachers can do
But in one day, everything went awry. Or, if she had known that Olivia
might suddenly give up her resigna on, she could have spoken to the
administra on department in advance to delay the process.
She didn't waste 800 points.
She now clearly knew what was the problem.
Ceres van Owene was Olivier in the early days.
I could have met Ah, but Olivia
Because of the no cing of Liberia Lange,
She didn't say anything. There is a fear of Le Barrier Ranche for not saying
anything, but she has many other possibili es.
She thought of any magical opera ons that appeared to have been
performed on Olivia.
If so, it is possible that she has applied some manipula on to prevent her
from speaking at all.
A er that, the student council president would have asked the teachers for
help. but the teachers
In order to make such a direct request to the Knights Templar in the
absence of evidence, he had to be careful, so
Official request to extradite her recruits
They debated to decide whether to send them or not.
Therefore, a er the temple itself has decided to take an ac on,
Via Ranche is no longer a Temple student.
So the temple is Olivia Ranche's god.
is the role of the inves ga ve agency,
It was clear that he didn't do anything.
In the end, the original purpose of the Knights Templar commander was
It seems that both brainwashing or subjuga ng Olivia have failed.
Even that did not achieve its purpose.
If it goes like this, it will just be catastrophic for everyone.
Around the end of the evening, Adriana called me.
“Sister. let's go."
Looking at his face, he seemed to have done what he had envisioned.
In the club room of grace a er the evening hours, all the members were
gathered except for those who had not returned or were not present
because it was the weekend.
All the people on the side who seemed to have read the le er had
seriously hardened expressions.
“Ah… did you say Reinhardt?”
Ceres van Owene, the student council president and club vice president,
looked at me with a slightly ambiguous expression. He had a stern
expression on his face, wondering if he could be here or not.
“Ummm… that’s right. You said you went to see the president. Come on, sit
They didn't seem to want to chase me, realizing that I had been visi ng
Olivia because I was in the same grade. You seem to know that I care about
her for some reason.
In front of her, the anonymous side I wrote
paper was placed
“If this is a prank, it would be a very bad prank, but... no ma er how you
look at it, it doesn’t look like a joke.”
“What does it say?”
"What happen?"
Those who knew had serious facial expressions, and those who did not
know had long and gloomy expressions, wondering if something big had
“There may be people who don’t know yet, but this morning, the Chief of
the Temple Knights came directly to the temple and took the president.”
“Hoe, the president? directly?"
“Yeah, it was too early so I couldn’t see it myself, but some people
I think I saw that scene.”
Only her classmates would now know that Olivia Lanche was gone. So
everyone seemed to be confused.
“And this le er says that the Knights Templar Commander will do
something very bad to you.
it's wri en Torture-like… something like that.”
Everyone couldn't help but be surprised by the sudden appearance of the
It is already surprising that the Knights Templar had taken her daughter
away like a kidnapper in the middle of the night, and an anonymous le er
flew in, claiming that she would torture her.
“What… what nonsense is that?”
“Who is playing such a prank?”
The atmosphere immediately became chao c. It was only natural that
unbelievable stories poured out in an instant.
“Come on, come on, stop.”
Ceres gave strength to the eye area to calm people down.
“This is a vicious prank. It's also a huge insult to the commander of the
Temple Knights."
At those words, Adriana and I had a chill in her spine. It is a natural result
that the authen city of the le er itself is ques oned, but this
If I do, I'm going beyond the troublesome level, ah
It is unlikely that Driana will be captured.
“...But, whether this is true or not, there were a few people who saw the
president this morning while he was taking him away. People who exercise
in the morning seem to have seen it.”
Ceres heard that Olivia had disappeared in the middle of the night, and
apparently there were stories from those who saw it.
It was.
“There are stories in common that the president seems to have been
beaten by the director. He said it looked like he was being dragged away.”
Olivia was beaten by her manager. that
Adriana and I weren't the only ones seeing. the manager actually fosters
The circumstances of the violence against her daughter seem certain. That
alone everyone
looked surprised.
“Who wrote this le er and le it here?
Regardless of whether or not it is, it is a star to the president
Ceres said that the contents of the le er were fu le.
However, the captain would do anything to Olivia to change Olivia's
decision to renounce her faith.
She seemed convinced that it was going to take a long me.
Circumstances of violence against foster daughter have already been
iden fied became
It may not be torture, but suddenly
I'll fix my child's crooked thoughts
What does Le Barrier Ranche do to
will do
There was no need for me and Adriana to say anything about the
authen city of the le er. Ceres has already gone so far as to think that he
should check it with his own eyes.
state was
"I'll go check it out for myself tomorrow and tell you how it was, so be
careful with your mouth un l then."
It was already late, so it was difficult to find him now. Therefore, Ceres will
visit the Knights Templar tomorrow a ernoon as scheduled.
As he sees the flow, it's clear that me and Adriana didn't say anything at
this point. Ceres Hoja already has the results we want.
Because I've reached Ron.
This is the procedure that leads to the foreordained future.
allows you to meet Olivia, but doesn't allow them to be alone.
I do not know. There is a very high chance that we will not be able to meet.
The moment Ceres returned empty-handed, I
will think of other measures to get evidence, and that way you can get
confirma on.
Because now that I met Olivia and confirmed that nothing could be saved, I
already had a second plan in mind, which is a method that I can of course
think of when it flows into the pre-determined future. That it didn't work,
I'll see Olivia tomorrow
However, it can be deduced that the commander of the Knights Templar
will not allow him to meet Olivia from then on.
Soon, there will be only one chance to meet Olivia tomorrow.
Olivia was no ced by her manager,
She said nothing because she or she was under some kind of magic that
forced her to become dumb.
she didn't
“Vice President, I think we should consider one case at a me.”
When I commented, my eyes focused on me. The moment I commented,
the person who wrote the le er might be suspicious of me, but now is the
me to act.
If it's like this, it's s nky yellow.
“It’s only one, what does it mean?”
At my ques on, Ceres slightly lted her head and smiled.
"Ummm... Although the president is in 5th grade, he's a paid student, so
the 6th grade seniors here probably know more about the president than
Olivia is living with her juniors on her paycheck. That's why
The 6th graders of gold think about Olivia
would have known be er.
Of course, there were two 6th graders here too, and Ceres looked at them.
There was one male and one female senior.
“Ummm… now that I think about it… I don’t want to talk about the blind
person very well.
I think it was good.”
It was the male senior's words.
“I am sure you are scared. What if that topic comes up.... the atmosphere
is good.
do i have to sit down I've seen quite a few like that. I felt like I was
trembling a bit.”
The female senior seemed to know be er. Everyone is Olivia
She learned that she was afraid of her father, Le Barrier Ranche. I looked at
“If I go to see you in this state… I won’t be able to talk properly no ma er
what I ask.”
“Um… But if you ask me to stay alone… I’ll be able to hear more details.
I would.”
No, the manager won't allow that.
it will
It didn't seem like everyone was talking as if the young junior had become
a big guy or something. It was fortunate that all of them had great
personali es. I'm a li le nerdy
If there was a guy named Eun, he would have said to keep his mouth shut
because it was noisy. Ceres doesn't have to be, but he seems to agree with
"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with being in a situa on where you can't
have a proper conversa on. But how do you prepare?"
There is a way to somehow get an opinion from Olivia, who is unable to
speak because of keeping her mouth shut or having been subjected to
some magical ac on.
“I think it would be be er to take one more person.”
You don't go alone, you just have to take one more person with you.
“Anyone… Reinhardt, are you saying you want to go too?”
I'm sorry but what are you going to do there
is it? Most of these expressions were.
“No, not me.”
I told you to take me, take me
gon didn't
B-4 Ashur, who was si ng quietly, exclaimed. That guy is me
He seemed to understand what he was trying to say.
I have a classmate.”
B-7 Ivia.
He's a dog freak, but he needs it more than anyone else in this situa on.
“Why do you think you need him, La Inhardt?”
“He is telepathic.”
Everyone groaned at those words.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 115

Ivia is a guy who has no affilia on with this club. But if she asks the student
president, she will do it.
Right now, the ability level is low, so it will only be possible to send
telepathy unilaterally, but in the future, two-way communica on may be
possible. And for now, that was enough.
If you are being threatened right now, touch her nose. if you are being
Try fiddling with her hair. this
Wouldn't that just be enough?
Telepathy with one insurance for everyone
I need to bring a poet with me.
agreed to It was a good idea and I got compliments as an added bonus.
Such a tes mony of the person provides a basis for Templar to come
forward immediately, rather than a ludicrous reac on as I saw in the
preview. If you go a li le further, you can even go to the guards.
But there was no sense of insecurity.
all. If it was a li le later when she began to undergo torture or magical
procedures, she would not be able to hear such an answer from Olivia at
this stage.
But the die has already been cast.
The next day, a er lunch.
"It's okay. There's nothing to be anxious about."
Ceres held the hand of the anxious telepathic power, Ivia.
He was standing in front of the Temple of the Knights Templar.
“Hey, can I do it? I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong..."
"it's okay. Because if-if it's a thing. Nothing will happen. If you feel like
you're in a situa on where you just have to ask a few ques ons on your
own, then you can."
"Yes Yes...."
Ibia, who has a calm and mid personality,
She suddenly couldn't believe she had come to a place like this.
Yesterday she suddenly became unfamiliar with the Royal
When the class president found her and said she needed help because
something very important happened, I wondered what was going on.
Obviously it wasn't difficult. She might even do nothing on her own
I even didn't know.
It's not difficult because she's been fed up with her psychic training class.
But her own abili es are not in this real world.
It was natural for her to be terrified to think that she had to write in sulfur.
Even when the situa on was next to the commander of the Temple
Knights, the daughter
The student council president of the Royal Class stood in front of the
Temple of the Knights Templar without hesita on. Choi
It is the place where the Paladins of intent are gathered, and the place
where the Paladins who made great achievements in the Demon World
War belong to.
The Knights Templar, which most of the religious majors who belong to the
Temple dream of becoming a member of.
In front of him, Ceres van Owene, without hesita on at all, walked among
the great colonies and stood before the gatekeeper.
"What's going on here, Temple student?"
Although it is the weekend, the two were wearing school uniforms to
reveal their affilia on.
“Temple Royal Class Student Council President Sere
This is Svan Owene.”
She pulled out her student ID and smiled.
"It's nothing else, but Olivia Lan, the daughter of the Knights Templar and
my friend.
I came to see her body. Can she see me for a moment?”
"Um? The manager must be busy..."
“Please, please.” |
Ceres says with a smile.
"Olivia's sister suddenly disappeared.
I wonder if the students were kidnapped.
There is a bit of a commo on.”
So Ceres put a subtle pressure on her that she had to check that she was
safe, or that the Temple would be in turmoil.
However, she was not a regular student at the Temple, but the student
president of the Royal Class. Outside the temple, the tle does not have a
strong pres ge, but it is also not something that can be easily ignored.
Even the student whose business he was carrying disappeared in the
middle of the night was confirmed to be safe.
that you have to The temple has already gone mad, and if he can't see it
with his own eyes now, a bigger ac on will be taken.
may be lost
So if she doesn't want to scrape and crumble, she just wants to shine on
her face
Su's story could pave the way to her dungeon room.
The general manager was nowhere to be found, and Ceres and Ibia were
escorted to the general manager's office and had to wait for quite some
"it's okay. Don't be nervous.”
“Yes, yes…”
Ceres warmed up Ivia's nervous hand, holding her hand.
how long have you been
- ra le
The door to the office opened, and Leveria Ranche with a cold expression
and Olivia Ranche with a dark complexion entered the office.
Without having to ask, both Ceres and Ivia were convinced.
Your dark expression already says it all
there was
It's an honor to meet you, Commander. I
This is Ceres van au Wene, president of the Royal Class Student Council.”
“This is Ivia....”
"Nice to meet you, it's the Knights Templar Commander, Le Barrier
A er a brief self-introduc on, the manager sat her Olivia next to him and
took the two of them together.
I met you
“Yeah, I was worried that her daughter suddenly disappeared from the
"Yes. He disappeared without a word and the students were in a riot...
Fortunately, you were here. I knew that something big happened last
| “Students know that they are free to go out to the temple on weekends,
isn’t it?”
"That's right. S ll, it's a sudden thing..."
Ceres' cross-talk conversa on
it started. The general manager is Olivia
She said that she went through a lot of trouble and that she was mentally
and physically unstable, and that it was difficult for her to con nue her
temple life.
That was in line with Olivia's recent behavior. However, the current
situa on is not voluntary, but inten onal.
The general manager is that Olivia is having a hard me mee ng anyone
right now, and even
uh she don't wanna talk to anyone
just added a word. and anyway
She con nued to talk in an enthro. On the other hand, Ceres says that
Olivia and I shouldn't be talking alone.
were taken out, but all were rejected.
So it was Ivia's turn.
This Via concentrates her powers on her steadfastness and her powers
she does
[Don't be surprised, sister. I am telepathic.]
suddenly come into my mind
Olivia trembled at the voice. all
Fortunately, the manager did not no ce the sign.
| [Unnie, are you in a situa on where you can't talk right now? Then one
more me on her hair
Twist it, please.]
Olivia twisted her long, white blonde hair once with her right hand.
Ivy's heart was pounding.
[If you need help right now, let her clench her fist.]
Olivia clenched her fist with her right hand
it looked cool
[Are you being tortured...?
yo. This?]
Olivia nodded her head subtly.
The complexion of her Ivya began to grow pale and red.
“Why is this student so nervous?”
And, of course, she seemed to have also grasped the signs of the anomaly.
“Ah, ah… He must have been nervous because he saw the Chief of the
Temple Knights.”
But now, LeBarrier Ranche is communica ng through telepathy.
The emergency mee ng of grace has been called again. This me she had
even included this via. It seemed clear that the situa on had been grasped.
Ivia was terrified, and rage flashed in Ceres' eyes.
there was
“It was all true.” |
It doesn't ma er who sent the anonymous le er.
Everyone was astonished at Ceres's words.
“With some trickery, the president was made dumb
She made it up, I don't know, but I'm sure she's going to be tortured or is
being tortured. And the president is asking for help.”
Via Lee confirmed her Olivia's request for salva on by her telepathy.
“It is no longer a problem for students to solve.”
Eventually, things start to get bigger and bigger.
“This in itself is already a felony.”
This news must be communicated to the faculty and staff as well as to the
Adriana and my eyes met.
At the end of the effort, a huge power can move without our existence
being detected in this case.
I succeeded in raising it in one incident.
The Knights Templar Commander Tortured His Daughter
Whether it's a rela onship between a woman and a woman, if that
happens, not only the temple but also the guards will have a cause to be
dispatched. Having secured a solid cause and tes monies, Temple took
ac on right away, rather than being sarcas c as seen in the preview.
On Sunday night, the Temple Royal Class staff moved in groups.
The teachers led the armed forces and guards operated by the temple
itself and started heading to the Temple of the Knights Templar.
I didn't follow it and watch it.
However, I could confirm that the case was twisted in a completely
different way.
“Reinhardt, you made the job so much fun.”
"....What are you talking about?"
“Caught it.”
Not a Bertus but a fuss in the night
He was watching the troops and teachers who were dispatched from the
tea me terrace quietly.
"Try to save Olivia Ranche.
I could see them walking around here and there.”
Even if there is no evidence, it seems that it is obvious what I was trying to
do by asking about Olivia Ranche's story and visi ng it myself. So, it seems
that Bertus intui vely no ced that I was the cause of this chaos.
I just hit it with my senses, but it was to the point where I got goosebumps.
"It's great, a first-year kid is a bit sassy.
"I haven't done anything."
Bertus was giggling.
“But our Majesty is not going to let this end as a trifle.”
an excuse has been made
So smash it
This may be a small incident, but neither Bertus nor Charlo e, but the
Emperor will intervene from now on and increase the scale of the incident
“But there is no way that the Knights Templars can accept it quietly. The
religious backlash will be huge, so, in the worst case, there may be a
situa on where the Knights Templar will aim their swords at the Empire.”
They are not the ones who will be quietly disbanded. this
The Great Power of the Knights Templar in the United States is the
combined power of the five major gods, and there is no way to let go of
that power. If the emperor tries to dismantle the Knights Templar on the
pretext of this incident, they may draw a sword, calling the emperor's
ac ons a religious oppression.
"Congratula ons Reinhardt."
Bertus pats my shoulder.
“You started a war to save a man.”
It felt like the blood all over his body was ge ng cold.
it's war
The row that tried to save Olivia Ranche
Dong Yi
My brain seemed to stop when I heard that the war between the Five
Great Religions and Empires might develop into .
As Bertus said, it created a situa on in which hundreds of thousands of
people died in a funny way to save a single person.
something like that
Is that possible?
The only thing I did was to develop into such a big event.
is it? Is that possible? i did
Follow the work and write anonymously
Was it just a bit of agita on?
That's how the war started
When I was frozen, Bertus caught me
I looked quietly.
“Can you stop me?”
"Uh... huh? What?"
Bertus looks at me quietly.
“Are you going to stop me?”
“You seem to be having a hard me dealing with it. Will you stop me?”
Mark of unknown inten ons of Bertus
You look at me quietly.
I nodded my head blankly.
The future has changed.
on a huge scale,
But again with one short ques on and answer.
The future has changed.
It was not revealed that the Knights Templar commander tortured his
daughter. rigor
In other words, Olivia Ranche was at a stage where she was being seduced
by words, and if she persists like this, she will be subjected to physical and
magical torture.
knowing you're going to get hit
it was the state
It was the Temple that came out, but when Bertus began to intervene, it is
presumed that the imperial family took the ini a ve in the case.
The imperial family wants to dismantle the Knights Templar, but in that
case it will inevitably face a huge backlash. The imperial family did not
recognize this incident as a scandal of the Knights Templar.
It was reduced to the case of the individual leader of the Knights Templar
Instead, the imperial family fires the commander of the Temple Knights.
and was remodeled as a pro-imperial person
It looks like you're asking for an order.
While the imperial family was nego a ng such under-the-water
nego a ons under this case, Temple seemed to have taken over the
ma er with Olivia Ranche's recruits and decided to keep her mouth shut.
In fact, Olivia Ranche was not tortured, so it was difficult to issue any
Soon, as of Monday, Olivia Ranche
She returned to the temple.
She decided to quit temple and her faith, but it was she who was a student
at her temple that eventually made her come back alive.
[Special Achievement - The Inflec on Point of History (Olivia Ranche)]
[The main character (Olivia Ranche), who should not exist in the original
world line, has survived.]
[The future has changed dras cally.]
[You have earned 1000 achievement points.]
In addi on to earning achievement points, special events were also
[Olivia Ranche's Characteris cs 'Sacred Affec on'
'God' has been acquired.]
Trait: Divine Spirit
Descrip on: Olivia Lanzee was born with a strong mental power. Because
she is, she is immensely proficient in mind-manipula ng magic.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 116

divine spirit.
I wasn't expec ng it at all, but it was such a huge reward that I wondered
what kind of rice cake this was. The resistance magic that was raised only
a er receiving a tremendous amount of resistance training, even though it
was limited to the mental world, had a tremendous level of resistance
Olivia Ranche returned safely, so there seemed to be a brief commo on
among the seniors. the case didn't get bigger
As a result, the detailed truth did not spread among the students. The
members of the club of grace give their teachers
Did you hear that Olivia Ranche was tortured?
What she did, what she did, did not spread what she said.
The imperial family handled this case quietly.
because you want to go
Adriana and other members of the Club of Grace seemed to be crying and
rejoicing that Olivia had returned safely.
So, I went to class as usual, and in the evening
I was just about to eat and train.
But Olivia Lanche came to her dormitory during her freshman year.
“Can I talk to you for a moment?”
It was a slightly dark complexion, but I
A face as miserable as the future I saw
was not
She came to me in the middle of the night and she took me and walked
outside the temple dorm. It was quiet around the Royal Class because it
was night.
“I heard your role was great,” she said.
"...What. Exactly what Ivia did, right?”
“Yeah, I said thank you to that kid too. Thank you too, Reinhardt.”
From me and Adriana's heads
It was a plan, but in the end, the most important thing was Ivia's telepathic
Olivia walked for a while without saying a word. She didn't walk fast
enough that she felt like she was walking.
She said, “She thought it would be enough for her to just quit Temple, give
up her faith, and she didn't want to hurt anyone, and she kept quiet.
I wanted to live...” |
LeBarrier Ranche couldn't give up on Olivia. So he tries to manipulate
someone to the point of destroying them, and then tells Olivia her psychic
magic and
Knowing that her brainwashing didn't work
Olivier is ruined as much as the soup is ruined
She would have had to kill Ranche ah ah.
“I must have been too naive.”
iced coffee
I thought he would let me go to sleep if he did that, but he didn't. lock
yourself up
In mida ng, through her torture and brainwashing
Dor Barrier Ranche tried to let her Olivia live her own way.
What was she supposed to say during those days of being held cap ve?
Olivia's first impression of her was a warm and friendly atmosphere, but
a er a few days she was feeling lonely.
“What are you going to do with the temple?”
Olivia tried to quit her temple. But she is a temple student, so the Knights
could be released from
“…If you quit the temple, it will become more dangerous now.”
“Yeah, I’ve learned too many things I shouldn’t have known.”
Olivia learned about the secrets of the Knights Templar, the corrup on of
their religion, and how terrible they were. She was there and she was now
rescued just before she was harmed by the Knights Templar.
If she does not have the protec on of the temple she will bring Olivia back
to the Templar. Last me it was for brainwashing, but this me for silence.
In the end she seemed to have decided that Olivia had decided that she
would remain in the temple even if she had to protect herself.
“Would you like to sit down for a moment?”
Olivia said she had been walking for a while, and she sat on a bench, and I
sat next to him.
Whether in her body or in her hair,
A scent that makes people feel at ease
I was upset.
“Are you giving up on your faith…?”
“You don’t have to be a member of a group to prac ce your faith, right?”
Olivia Ranche said she wasn't giving up on joining the Knights Templar, she
said she was giving up the faith itself. It's not impossible for her to believe
in God alone. She dares to give up her whole faith.
I was curious again.
“I know what you’re talking about.”
Olivia nodded and fainted.
She smiled broadly.
“Would you like to see this?”
- Whoa...
In her right hand, which she held, was a young white light. It was an
expression of divine power.
“The power of Tuan, the god of innocence.”
“Yeah… what. It would be.”
“Why are people who are not at all pure?
Can I use this power?”
Olivia looked at me with her sad eyes
“Why are so many priests and paladins doing things contrary to faith and
doctrine able to use such strong divine power?”
betraying the doctrine head-on, terrible
There are priests and holy knights who do countless things in the Knights
Templar. However, without being judged or punished, they have a very
powerful divine power.
“Why can’t I s ll use this power when I’ve decided not to serve Tuan
In rejec ng faith, the divine power
remains in ro.
Olivia seemed to have had too many ques ons.
“The divine power is not propor onal to the size of the faith, and it is
something that can be used even if you do not live strictly according to
She was calming down a story that could even be brought to the
Inquisi on with those words alone. She is with the fallen priests and they
Seeing this power, it seemed that he had doubts about the Five Great
Shintoism itself.
“The gods lend power, but they don't really care what we do with that
power. Perhaps that is why the Knights Templar, which should have
disappeared long ago, are s ll alive.”
The gods don't watch us. He lends his power, but he doesn't care what he
does with it.
“Then the existence that doesn’t watch us
What use is all the prayers and hymns for?”
A er such helplessness and disappointment, Olivia eventually realized that
faith in itself was useless. numerous myths
Doctrine and teachings are separate from God.
Not just for emo onal reasons, Olivia had given up her faith quite logically.
A er all, I learned that my divine power would con nue to be strong
regardless of my faith.
“If you don’t know, it’s only the gods who do that.
"Well? Oh no.”
Olivia said she was weird and she said it was a mistake, she mu ered.
The gods are not interested in the world.
| Then the opposite being, the demon
This may be different?
Why is this gentleman suddenly making such a dangerous noise? Olivia
smiled mischievously, and she froze, so she couldn't ask any more.
no way.
Are you black?
“By the way, Reinhardt, why did you try to help me?”
Olivia didn't know if she wanted to change the subject.
Her tongue asked for something else.
“The le er was wri en by you and Adriana. He also knew everything.”
“Ah… was it?”
It turned out to be good because the result was good, but it seemed that
everyone no ced it by the me I le the mee ng. So she even said that
Adriana had it all.
That said, Olivia found out that the key people who saved her were me and
“Is it because it was Adriana’s request?”
Olivia looks at me with a smile on her face.
It feels like my heart is about to explode. It felt like her brain was shu ng
down because she was such a dizzyingly pre y person. What, is this
happening in real life right now?
Olivia looked at me and smiled mischievously as I lost my ear.
“Have you ever fallen in love with me at first sight?”
“Yeah, yeah?!”
No, suddenly!
To be honest, I wasn't in love at first sight.
God seems to go out!
If I lower the guard a li le more, I think my soul will be sucked!
"It's a joke. Why are you so surprised?"
Olivia giggled, covering her mouth. What is it, now that I put it all down
Has she become a person who even makes such bizarre noises?
Olivia narrowed her eyes, and she suddenly brought her face towards me.
She's right in her ear.
She whispers in a very low voice.
“Did I say I’m not going to serve Tuan?”
Priests in Tuan never married
all. But since I gave up on that, I am now a free body that doesn't care
about such things. Is this what you're appealing?
Olivia con nued to whisper along with the strange laughter sound of uh-
“Of course, Reinhardt is too young right now, so he needs to get older.
Han… around 4th grade?”
"Oh, why are you here!"
Olivia lted her head as I dropped her fuss.
"me. I've heard that it's worse if you're modest in this part, so it's pre y
As Olivia was fiddling with her own hair, she looked at me and smiled.
“I’m not pre y, am I?”
yes, I admit To be honest, even listening to the most beau ful girl in the
school, I have nothing to say. I'm not that kind of kid. If it's me, I'm just
there won't be
But it's a very strange feeling to say that I'm pre y.
“He, ah, I understand, but you didn’t do it with your own mouth…?”
she turned black
She was obviously blackened in many ways.
uh. I'm in a bad mood
Looking at her, Olivia raised the corners of her lips.
She had a seduc ve smile.
She may not have been such a person in the first place, but she began to
spread her lust that had been sealed by her gentle saint.
Isn't this a disaster in itself?
Olivia pulled me slightly.
“Anyway, thank you Reinhardt.
- side
And on my cheek enough to make a sound
kissed lightly
"Can we do other things when we're more grown up?"
I couldn't do anything in that posi on for about ten seconds.
I really have a brain freeze.
The fallen and blackened saint is a first grader
I have become a scoundrel who throws sex drips on li le kids.
“…so that’s a big deal.”
“Seo, senior...?”
The next day, when she went out to the early morning workout and
explained what happened to her Olivia last night, Adriana's complexion
turned pale.
she is fed up
Her own idol and her role model are her beliefs.
Beyond abandoning her, it seemed that her personality was turned upside
down by 180 degrees, and she was shocked. Even I gave away the doctrine
of innocence.
I'm going to do everything I want to do! same a tude
She is afraid of stealing, which she learned late there will be no people
“Ummm… well, it’s embarrassing, but… shouldn’t you like it, junior?”
Adriana was shocked, but she even went so far as to say she was a saint in
the Eredian.
Lee said she wasn't supposed to like it if she got kissed by Olivia.
She said, "I think she's just going to make fun of her away from sleeping,
but I know she's teasing me, but I can't deal with it because it's in front of
my eyes."
I'm sure you'll enjoy watching me be embarrassed. In fact, you must think
of me as just a child. But if you do it right in front of you
Not knowing what to do, her brain freezes.
gave me the mental interference resistance trait
Someone is a acking my mind!!
"That... what can you do? Joe, isn't a good thing a good thing...?"
It seemed that Adriana could only say that she would think it was an honor
if she didn't react.
When am I going to do something like this?
But this is so bad for the heart. A er running for a while, Adriana
She said as if she remembered it.
"Um ... But the senior said that he and I and her junior would like to eat
together .... Thank you."
“I, can’t I go…”
Adriana was adamant.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 117
Adriana and I are lifesavers for Olivia. Because the two of us followed suit,
we got to know the whole story, and we were able to move the Temple
through anonymous le ers and everything.
Olivia was afraid of her stepfather
She didn't do anything on her own. She seemed to have decided that she
would step up from the Temple side and solve all the problems, including
her custody.
Anyway, Olivia is not only dealing with personal problems, but also the
Knights Templar and
Even if it was stamped on the side of the Five Great Bishops, it was firmly
stamped. She, of course, won't be able to easily get her hands on it while
she's a temple student.
A er class on Tuesday, I went out to Main Street with Adriana. Olivia s ll
seemed to be doing well in this Zen class. She was docile, knowing that
being in the Temple was the way to go, so it wouldn't be a big deal.
“You will have to wait. Your senior will take more classes than we do.”
“Yeah what. It would be.”
Adriana and other members of her grace didn't seem to think that Olivia
was her traitor because she had abandoned her faith. She seemed to have
started to ques on her own beliefs about her own beliefs about what she
had suffered, and about what she might have suffered.
Isn't this the case that all the royal class give up their faith or develop into
something like this?
“By the way, what about that senior club?”
“Well, you won’t pray, but you will come out.”
"Good for you."
Olivia seemed to want to go back to her club, as she wasn't in any place to
enforce her faith anyway. However, she finds it difficult to say that the
president of a religious club is a person who rejects faith.
She was killing me near the Main Street tram stop, and soon saw Olivia
ge ng off the tram.
“Ah, Adriana. Reinhardt, did you wait long?”
"No, we've just arrived, senior."
Olivia suited her as if the Royal Class uniform had been made just for her.
Naturally, the eyes of people passing by were also drawn to her.
I didn't know she was quite famous, so everyone knew who Olivia was.
"let's go."
Olivia is my hand, and Adri
She took Ana's hands one by one and walked. “Oh, why do you have to
hold your hand…”
"Why don't you like it?"
No, she doesn't even have to hold her hand
yeah this Above all else, holding hands with a man
I don't like it because it feels like walking hand in hand with children.
What are you, above all, holding Olivia and her hand? The eyes of the
students looking at you with this kind of expression are s nging.
“Oh, no… rather than hate…”
“Then let’s go!”
Olivia looked at me and even gave her a wink.
You're doing this on purpose now! I'm sure you're doing this on purpose!
People's eyes became even more s nging.
The three of us like Adriana. She went to her restaurant and ate pasta. It
was a pre y decent place.
“I also… I don’t want to join the Knights Templar.”
“Um… I must be a li le confused by my work, Adriana, I’m sorry.” |
“Ah, no.... Sunbaenim went through a bigger problem.”
Adriana also seemed to have given up on her joining the Knights Templar. It
was already a known fact that the general manager would change, but he
didn't seem to expect that anything would change significantly. The two of
them cha ed, and Olivia spoke to me from me to me.
“By the way, Reinhardt is said to have superpowers?”
“Yeah? Oh, what… is it?”
“What ability?”
Olivia asked if it was surprising that I was a psychic.
“That is the ability of self-sugges on…”
“Self-sugges on? Is self-hypnosis something like that?”
“It’s similar.”
“What kind of ability is it specifically?”
“That… a li le. that. It's ambiguous. If I suggest something to myself, my
body will be strengthened like that…”
My biggest weakness.
“Anyway, if I believe that I can run fast, I actually get a li le bit faster… well.
As I explain it, I get a li le sloppy.
If you win mentally, you have the ability to actually win.
It's a shame to say that in every word!
“It’s true that Reinhardt’s ability was helpful this me too, senior.”
"uh? Did you?”
Adriana follows Olivia as the two of us are being dragged along, and as she
hears me talking about strengthening her hearing, she asks for a story she
decided she needed help with.
explained versely.
Yes, my superpowers definitely play a role
I did
"I see. Thanks again La Inart.”
Olivia said that her complexion darkened a li le as she remembered that
then, but she felt
She said four gree ngs.
"Well. This is not enough, Reinhardt.”
"What can't you do?"
Olivia looked at me and smiled bashfully.
"When you graduate from Temple, you're going to marry me, okay?"
“K, Kek!”
I screamed at the sudden noise, and Adriana died while ea ng.
For a while, all the tears and runny nose
was sneezing
“What are you talking about? Repeatedly?"
“I have received this kind of grace, but it is polite to return as much as I
have received, apart from doctrine, faith, and morality.”
Olivia was smiling so ly. Oh please, her face is so chea ng that I can't really
deal with it. If you give back what you received, what do you give back?
“Reinhardt saved my life.
are you My life similar to that
I'll give. How about it, isn't it fair?"
Oh please.
Because if you keep doing this, it feels like the truth
“Why are you doing this when you graduate from Temple anyway?”
Olivia shook her head when I told her to stop talking bullshit.
“Anyway, I’m now at Temple Graduate School.
I'm going to go, Reinhardt, you're asleep
You'll be in the temple un l you upgrade? o en
I'll come play."
Originally, I would have planned to join the Temple Knights a er finishing
high school, but since I decided to stay in the Temple for a long me, this
class will be there un l I finish the Temple High School.
Adriana watched with her dazed expression on her respected senior poking
at her first-year boy.
It is a face that wants to deny reality.
"Why, does she have anyone else she likes? Like .... Adriana?"
Are you doing this to put me to the test? Adriana told her not to be absurd
and she was swea ng profusely. Although this nobleman has quit, Adriana
s ll serves Tuan, the beggar's god of innocence, who has decided not to
join the Knights Templar.
“Why, Adriana, beat you too, beat yourself up and be comfortable with
“I, not me!”
Olivia has now even pushed Adriana into her corrup on.
This yangban has put aside all other problems and is already heresy itself.
What to say even if you are arrested on the spot and taken to the
Inquisi on
there is no level
Adriana and I became Olivia's a achment dolls.
Adriana was originally close, but she seemed to feel more in mate with
this incident.
Fuck dripping like an unbridled foal
How have you endured un l now?
I'm about to want to
I don't know Adriana more than anything, but I
I'm a man, but I casually hug you and hold my hand
It looked like it was going to come back. Oh, I'd rather act like that without
hesita on
They don't see me as a man at all
I felt like I was just playing.
He liked Harriet's reac on, so I remembered that he kept making fun of
This is how it feels to be in a posi on. I'm dying to die like this.
No, strictly speaking, I didn't just dislike it, but rather than dislike it, it felt
very difficult.
A er all, I really love you noona! If it's like this... I'm sorry, I didn't expect it
to be accepted this way. I'm sorry, I hurt you so much...
This tech is obvious. Never go over it
"I had a nice me today. See you at the club, both of you.”
“Yes yes...”
"Come in, sir..."
I felt like she was ripped out of her soul, and Adriana had a stupid
expression on her face in a different way than mine, probably because she
had been watching her esteemed senior depraved all day.
this had been
“It feels like a toy…”
“Senior... How the hell have you endured un l now?”
Adriana, on the other hand, has held up her personality un l now.
Rather, it seemed that he admired it.
The conflict between the Knights Templar and the Imperial Family has not
been resolved yet, but Olivia will be safe as it is. I didn't join 'Grace' a er
all. Even if you don't put your name on it, it's because every single thing
has already earned the trust of the members.
A place that I have to go to on a regular basis
I didn't want to make it. Of course, the senior members of the club of grace
from all walks of life greeted me when they saw me, and Olivia, in
par cular, thought it was fun to make fun of me.
These were ac ons such as suddenly approaching me and hugging me, or
stroking my head and walking away. Even kissing her on the cheek was
A pet or a achment doll.
that's the posi on
Not when we're alone, other people's health
That being said, it was more of a problem.
People who didn't know me o en looked at me with a 'what is that
bastard?' expression. Some people can't even hold hands for a second, but
I'm almost wearing them.
- That kid,
Aren't all the women in the world flir ng with each other?
-what? Why do she and all the girls get along well? The seniors are like
that, and the personality is sloppy.
- You're nice to women. with us
People who knew me, mainly A-class boys, started talking.
I'd like to say something, but if you look at the wood grain, it's all true, so I
couldn't really refute it.
I have to say that he is a close schoolboy, but in the end, Ber
one tooth
And a er Ellen, Herriot, Charlo e, and Adriana, I became close with Olivia,
who is now a distant senior.
I knew best that it was a situa on where there was nothing to say even
a er hearing such a word.
“Hey there, Reinhardt.”
Kono Lint is crooked walked over and came to me.
"The secret... what?"
Beyond the gossip, there was also a guy who asked me to pass on the
secret method.
Today is Thursday's common class me.
During the break a er lunch, Koh No Lint came to me si ng blankly
outside the classroom building where I was taking common classes.
He whispered to me so ly, as if he was asking me to do some leaks.
Even those who pretend not to be and who are mumbling behind their
backs hold their breath and wait for my answer.
Legs were clearly visible.
I hate how I look, but the reason must be because I am envious in the end.
They're like decent guys.
“What’s the secret?”
"That... you're only close with girls."
The word 'man' with girls was offensive, but I couldn't deny it.
That's the trick.
The secret to making friends with girls.
“I honestly don’t know.”
To be honest, I really don't know.
all. In the case of Harriet, to be honest, I started joking around at first. or
You're doing something like 'Get!'
Ellen happened to be in class together, and to be precise, she became
friends while ea ng.
it's gone What do you keep picking up between meals?
Because it was just me and Ellen.
In the case of Charlo e, at first he threatened me. Then things start to go
awry, and Charlo e's love affair with Bali
It became something like a rock book, so
it happened,
Adriana's first impression is great.
it wasn't good It seemed like I was going to dive into the cement floor
instead of heading to the bare ground, so we got to know him when he
tried to dry me out, and this is purely because Adriana is kind.
Olivia's case is a bit special, but she did it for Adriana a er all, so this
wasn't really my inten on either.
Strictly speaking, there is not a single guy that I became friends with
because I wanted to become close.
So, what can I say to the ques on of how to make friends with schoolgirls?
I can't. it is I don't know either.
Kono Lint I don't know because I don't know. She seemed to think she
didn't like to tell.
"Ah, anything is good, so please tell me. Huh?"
Of the three naive brothers, Erhi and Kai Er are the ones with a burst of
personality, but in the case of Koh No Lint, they are ignorant in their
abili es.
is the case He's not a bad guy, other than that he's really interested in
female students.
It makes me want to ask her mad dog Reinhardt directly, so this guy's
tenacity is great in his own way.
“By the way, who do you want to be friends with in the first place?”
“Uh, huh?”
When I ask myself, the guy is bewildered
The color was strong. with whom
Asking if she likes her is the same as asking who she likes in the first place.
“Uh… I’m not really interested in him or anyone… it’s just, uh. I'm just
Who is she actually interested in Kibo
But it will just be vague. Because this guy is like that.
I'm not a da ng expert, how did this situa on come to be?
Oh, and he was actually single!!
I got the wrong number, you bastard. A er all, the kids here are just kids,
so I'm not really nervous about it. An adult woman like Olivia
In front of her chair, she said she couldn't breathe.
In fact, in front of an adult woman, it's a style that makes you a bastard.
They were just kids, so I was comfortable with them...
is this
“…can’t we just be comfortable with him?”
He didn't look like a woman, so he treated me like a normal person. Was
that the way?
“Yeah, kid. I have an odd mind
If you approach it, it won't ma er. Just empty your brain and act.”
“Are you emptying your brain?”
“Oh, I’m just hungry, so let’s go eat together.”
In Ellen's case, it was
“If you act like something, you just don’t no ce it and say what you want to
say without ge ng cold.”
In the case of Harriet, this was the case.
“If you think you need help, just help.”
In reality, it was a li le different, but in the case of Charlo e, it was like
“Just do it. If it doesn't go well, it doesn't go well. Doesn't it make you more
reluctant if you're too nervous or act decei ully?"
I don't know if this is correct.
In my case it was just like this.
“Oh, oh, oh… that’s it…”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 118

a er lunch break,
Conor Lint went straight to ac on. As she prepares for her next lesson,
Kono Lint is straight out of the classroom to someone.
the crab approached
“Hey, Granz.”
“Uh, why?”
Kono Lint's target was Liana de Granz. Were you thinking about that
bastard, Liana?
But, I don't think it's a very wise choice, do you? Is she the female version
of me?
“Hey, would you like to eat together a er class is over? There's a nice new
shop on Main Street.”
Well, the comment is a bit ominous.
I feel like I'm being too open-minded, but you?
"...why me?"
Not surprisingly, Liana lted her head and laughed, 'Why do I have to eat
with you?'
Wow, it's someone else's business, but I'm more pi ful. A cold sweat is
pouring down my back. that
She couldn't even look at the sight, whether Erhi and Kai Er were feeling
the same way as me.
“Uh, huh?”
“You’re going to have gym class soon. A er that, I’m red and I don’t want
to move.” "Ah. okay. ! I think so!"
Conor Lint creaked like her kokeshi, turned her around, returned to her
seat, and sat down.
She knew it wasn't going to go well, but watching her eat directly like this
made it hard for me to bear it all.
A er a while.
“…Isn’t it?”
Before gym class, Kono Lint whispered to me in her dressing room. Erhi and
Cayer couldn't even hear what I was saying.
I felt like I was standing up.
“Well, first of all, it wasn’t normal, and when I asked to go out to eat, the
answer was “why?”
It is natural for this to come out, and it must have been a bit embarrassing
to say something like that without any reason.”
There are more!
Naturally, uh. naturally now
I guess I don't even know what it is. Is it really natural to ask to go out to
eat or to go out to play, or something like that? How are you doing?
Am I confused now?
Of course, Ellen now hears that we are going to eat first, and if I ask to go
out to play, it seems like she'll follow along.
If it's Harriet, why do I have to be with you? But if you force it
Even if I grumble, I will be dragged reluctantly
It seems.
This would have been possible because the two of them had developed a
friendship beyond a certain level. In the first place, Kono Lint has no
acquaintance with female students.
We have to start from zero, zero
What is the natural way to start from scratch? I mean, I don't know either.
I've been beaten up, too, so I don't know how to do that!
| “What are you talking about secretly?
Bertus changed into his gym uniform and approached with a smile.
“No, this child wants to be friendly with girls…”
“Hey, stop!”
As I tried to speak casually, Kono Lint covered my mouth with her. However
Bertus had already heard everything.
“Ah… so you were in the middle of counseling or something?”
Bertus looked at me and Kono Lint alternately with a subtle expression,
and his expression became ambiguous.
"Think of a more important issue...
No, it happened. cheer up."
- tuk tuk
Bertus' a tude as if he knew nothing
He tapped her Kono Lint on the shoulder and le her dressing room.
“…Honestly, I don’t know, but I think the other person is wrong.”
Harriet or Lia, who are picky, if I approach like this, I will
why? The same reac on is bound to happen. In A-class, Ellen might be like
this when she's about to eat, and what about the dumbass type like
You may be able to follow along.
When I told her to target her differently, this guy fell in love with Liana or
something like that.
She said I'll give it a try
nodded his head.
During her PE class, Kono Lint was busy running around during breaks.
No, how many people do you flirt with per day? Aren't you supposed to
take some me? stamped with dislike
do you want
“Uh, yes.”
When Ellen asked Kono Lint if she had me to finish, she refused like a
sword. Even without seeing Harriet, the result was obvious, so I skipped it,
and the guy approached Adelia, who was exhausted from the con nued
physical training.
How about the chubby Adelia, who seems like she's going to slip away
while hesita ng? Kono Lint started by handing out a bucket of water rather
than pouring it out this me.
“Uh, ah… thank you…?”
Adelia is killed when Connor Lint suddenly demonstrates her kindness by
handing her a bucket of water.
The pair lted their heads.
"Are you red?"
“Ugh… that’s right.”
“A er gym class, it’s cool together
Do you want to go get some ramen?”
Adelia lted her head at Kono Lint's sudden sound.
"Ah... I'm sorry, I'm going to go buy some magic items with Harriet.
A erwards
Let’s eat together.”
“Oh, that’s right? Then there's nothing you can do Ah, ah ha ha!”
Even though Adelia wasn't hurt, she refused to rock.
Class A except for Harriet in one day
Wai ng for all the female schoolgirls
Kono Lint, who established the rock, flails
She was returning towards the boys.
It was a sight that was hard to see with my eyes open, so Kaier and Erchi, I
was that guy.
I couldn't even look right.
"I, Reinhardt said that everything failed.... He, but Adelia said we should
eat together later... Are you interested?"
“No, I was just saying that. Don't believe it.”
He flopped down next to me with a soulless expression on his face.
“Uh… what. Those, the kids who have promises... that's unavoidable..."
Here, when I asked how many people a day he was hi ng, this guy became
Nana was unusually careful with her words, as she might fall into
This bastard had a bad feeling today, but it's more than a bad feeling, it's so
pi ful.
“Hey, is this the right way? I'm just asking you to go out to eat normally...
Isn't that what you're talking about?"
Kono Lint looked at me with a resen ul look. I wonder if you gave me a
weird solu on, that's what I actually found out
No, it's the wrong way
It was such a belief.
That's right... Looking at it with my own eyes, it seems like it was the wrong
way to do it. At first, a guy I wasn't even close with asked me to eat, so I
looked a bit embarrassed...
S ll, when we have a li le more opportunity, let's go eat. It's a bit strange
to say something like this! Shouldn't there be something to watch out for a
li le more and not do something called grasping the situa on?
“Yeah, yes… it doesn’t seem like it… I mean.” |
Ellen and Harriet honestly don't eat.
I think we should go there, Adelie.
The kid I know is scared of me and is going to cry and eat mustard, and
Liana seems unlikely.
“Hey, Reinhardt…”
Conor Lint was desperate, but she didn't seem to give up yet.
“Can’t you show it yourself?” “Bo, show me something nigga.”
This guy wanted to see a demonstra on by an experienced assistant.
I'm not Casanova! How did it happen!
“I, please. Just show me once. please."
Mental breakdown due to my wrong order
The Kono Lint I had had the momentum to grab even the crotch of my
pants. And you arrogant three brothers, didn't you hate me? Kono Lint You
think you might be flagged as a traitor?
Is it something you want to exchange girlfriends with two of your best
“No, it’s not like I have great abili es or anything like that.”
| 11
I think so..
Would you like to bother me less if you show me how you are too? Being
treated like a Casanova
I don't like it either,
“Huh… Yeah, look, I’m no different from you.”
When you see me flir ng in front of my eyes, what do I do with women?
I won't stop talking nonsense like a ringing reveler.
That is why I am most likely to get up from my seat and do my request.
I turned to the tall guy.
| Exhausted Guernsey Liana Deg si ng on a stand and drinking water
She turned to Lanz.
"...why, I'm red of dying."
Liana looked at me with a hint of why are you bothering me. definitely
athle c
He looked worse than before the start of the hour.
“Would you like to go eat a er you’re done?”
This is a nonsensical comment that is no different from Kono Lint. You
won't feel well, so if you're at this momentum, of course, you'll be
will do....
“…I am not hungry. I want something cold.”
this isn't it
Why did you succeed?
Even a er exercising, in a situa on where you feel worse, did you respond
to my outrageous sound?
The guy I thought he would reject uncondi onally, and the guy who said he
didn't want to move because it was hard a er gym class.
Liana asked me to see her in her classroom a er gym class, but she turned
her a en on to me. Feeling possessed by a ghost, I returned to Kono Lint.
How is it?”
"uh? Uh huh... I don't like to eat... I heard that we're going to eat
something cool..."
“What, what?”
Kono Lint, as well as the other guys overheard, felt startled. Seeing him
approaching Liana, who was in a bad mood even if he pretended to be, he
seemed to think that it would be natural.
“What the hell did you do?”
"Hey, well? It didn't ma er... I just wanted to go out to eat...."
Rather, it means that I am a demon who sings.
I don't even feel like a picky kid
I thought I'd be kicked out in a good looking situa on
And I just threw it roughly, and there was nothing different from Kono Lint.
Oh, I mean, it was a more unfavorable condi on.
Kono Lint started whining for me to tell him the secret again, and I really
had nothing to say.
So, I show you how to close
By this I have the ability to seduce women at all
I tried to appeal that there was no such thing at all, but on the contrary, I
met the result that further aggravates the misunderstanding.
And incidentally, a day with Liana de Granz, which was not planned at all.
A non-tradi onal date happened all.
Of course, I'm just going to drink something cool a er school, but
“I hate going to Main Street. Would you like to eat at Kunchi?”
A er gym class, I and Liana
Rather than going out to the shopping mall, I decided to have a cold drink
near here. what happened, what happened Was he not interested in me at
does he like me
When I called, I was rather embarrassed. Of course, we didn't talk much
about that.
There is also a canteen inside the classroom building, but we went out to
the nearby street and went to the street where there are cafes.
sat on the outside terrace.
The three arrogant brothers secretly followed me
I felt stepping on it.
“Why are you following Jane?” "....Well?"
The follow-up was so clumsy that Liana seemed to see it too. Oh, you guys
aren't the only ones who don't like it. Liana had a yogurt smoothie, and I
had ice lemon tea.
Those guys are also quite far away from the cafe outside
He sat on the terrace and glanced at us.
Liana didn't seem to care as much about the guys she was following.
“Haha… I’m red of gym class.”
Liana said that her whole body was aching and she drooped in her chair.
She's blankly she's sucking the yogurt Liana doesn't seem like she really
cares about me, frankly. It's hard enough that I'm about to go back
it looks like
"It's strange that I'm s ll having a hard me, but when I get used to this,
Isn't it done?"
It was only one semester, but twice a week
I do this hard training every now and then. It's even more surprising that
you con nue to struggle with it. Guys who aren't good at close combat
usually s ll have a hard me.
At my words, Liana squints her eyes and looks at me.
“It’s because you exercise every morning.”
This guy is my workout in the morning
i knew The guy who does morning exercise
I thought only she knew. Training twice a week for basic stamina
It was going up, but it was s ll heavy.
“Why do psychics need stamina in the first place? The same goes for magic
majors... But you are also a superpower. No, but you are a physical
“I have no reason to strengthen the physical element,” Liana con nued
murmuring her.
“Is there anything bad about building up stamina because good things are
“… you speak like teachers. I have no luck.”
She said she was red of talking like that.
I didn't even look at me.
What, he doesn't seem to have any interest in me. Why did he come here
in the first place? So I came here too, but I'm not really interested in him.
There's nothing bad about it, though.
“I’m just curious.”
“When Kono Lint asked you to eat, you refused.”
"Uh, it was."
Why do I have to eat with you? I said it like this
I came out when I called.
I'm a bit unlucky myself because it seems like I'm flir ng, but I'm really
curious. What's different?
“Oh, I wonder what the reason is?”
"as it were." “…don’t you know?”
No, then I ask because I don't know. Do I ask because I know? Liana takes a
sip of yogurt
Withered, she folded her arms.
“Oh, you really don’t know.”
Of course, she thought she knew, but it was rather strange that she didn't.
“It’s okay if you don’t know.”
“Because it’s done.”
Liana doesn't say anything more.
it was
In the end, without knowing why, I returned to the Royal Class dormitory
with Liana.
Talking about classes and having a hard me
Except for sweet stories, there are stories
there was no
"how was it? What did you say?”
Connor Lint asked, glancing at Liana as she returned to her room with her
curious expression on her face. If this bastard liked Leah, I wouldn't get this
kind of reac on. just out of interest
I think it was because he was flir ng with girls.
“What are you talking about? I was just talking about the hardships of gym
class and nothing like this.”
“It’s strange… What the hell is the difference between you and me?”
Liana seems like she has a reason for sure, but she doesn't seem like I
know, so she just doesn't bother to tell her.
Rather, I am more curious. this child
“And nigga, why are you following me and making a fuss?”
"No... He, I'm curious... "Be careful because you might think he's a weirder
Conor Lint thinks she keeps telling me that she has work skills she doesn't
know about
I've been poking around, and the moment I'm star ng to get nervous and
tell him to turn it off.
“…you guys are s ll talking about this.”
Bertus came out looking a li le red.
I looked at Kono Lint in turn.
“Whoa… there won’t be an end like this.
it's like Both of you follow me.”
Bertus brought us both to the tea me terrace as usual. Conor Lint only told
Bertus about this.
It seemed a bit daun ng to be called.
“Lint, did you wonder why Reinhardt is so friendly with the female
“Uh… so to speak.”
“If Reinhardt has any special narra on, the way he speaks, or anything like
Are you curious?”
“Uh, uh.”
Conor Lint, Bertus made it known
If I could give it, I had the momentum to bow down.
all. Bertus covered his eyes with his right hand, and caught his breath
My secret that I don't know, this guy
do you know me to the girls
Why does it work?
“Lint, don’t be hurt, listen.”
"Huh. I won't hurt you."
Bertus put his hand over his eyes and looked straight at my leader, Connor
“Reinhardt is handsome.”
His eyes were full of regret.
“It’s just that.”
There is no other reason. Berto
S was shot directly.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 119

Because of Sarkegaar's ring, I could change my appearance at any me, so I
didn't think much about my appearance.
When I first set the appearance with Sarkegaar's ring, I didn't have to make
it ugly. He's not a handsome man with bright eyes that anyone can look at,
but he's definitely a good-looking face.
Un l now, I hadn't even thought about it.
In the beginning, Bertus was awarded with Conor Lint.
I looked at each other in turn and looked more
I said something nuanced that I didn't have to think about something
The way you work and what you say are important
No, Reinhardt is handsome and he
I'm not going to say this... because I'm afraid that saying this will hurt Kono
was that
Even so, Kono Lint kept trying to touch things he couldn't reach, so he told
me directly.
“……That’s it, that’s what it was…”
"Hey, Lint, it's not that you're ugly. Reinhardt is a li le, very handsome."
Conor Lint le her mouth blank
There were no words.
A great message, a method, and what is needed
Reinhardt is just because he's handsome, and it's natural that Kono Lint,
who is rela vely less handsome, shouldn't.
So, it's only natural for a bird to behave like a stork to get different results.
“By the way, Reinhardt, it’s a li le strange that you didn’t even know that.
Aren't you looking in the mirror?"
“Uh… not really?”
“Whoa….. You have a lot of trouble with your classmates, but in the end
you get along well.
I think I.”
that was it
Was it that the correc on value for favorability due to appearance was
playing a huge role without my knowledge?
For sure, Liana, who doesn't really care about me, is obedient to the idea
of going out to eat.
Was that the reason you followed?
If I had been very ugly, I should have already been portrayed as a top secret
favorite and ignored by the me I teased Harriet.
So what about Adriana?
That was really important...
Even if he wasn't super handsome, I felt fortunate to have made him a
handsome face. Kono Lint didn't say anything for a while, and then she
started looking at me.
To be precise, he's staring at me.
“You are a man’s enemy from this me on.”
"What is he saying now?"
“Somehow, this guy with a bad personality talks hahahaha with the girls!
It was all facial teeth, you motherfucker!"
Conor Lint jumps up in indigna on
She said and she cried.
“I, I can’t accept something like you uh uh huh!”
I'm angry because I'm so open about the bullshit
It didn't, and it was rather funny.
No, if Bertus knew it was because I was handsome, wouldn't he have
known if he had eyes too? Now, as if it's the first me I've known it, isn't it
a bit ridiculous?
"Huh...why is that bastard like that?"
“How are you, pure and nice?”
Bertus laughed out loud as he said the words that didn't suit him the most.
From the next day, the hos lity of the three gae-no-dap brothers toward
me was felt even more intense.
Reinhardt was already a celebrity when he had a duel with a senior from
the beginning of the semester. Even though it was originally a duel with the
sophomore, the third year became the champion, and even that champion
had to lose to ugly, so he had to become even more famous.
This was a pre y posi ve image.
But these days, Mo is close with Olivia Ranche, who is even more famous.
It is true that there is a subtle atmosphere flowing through the frequent
sigh ngs.
what is that guy What happened? It feels like this.
Olivia Ranche was walking the path of her priest, who worshiped Tuan, the
god of innocence. So, although she may have been the subject of a lot of
a en on, she has never had any scandals or scandals. Of course, it is now
a public fact that she has given up on her faith, but it is true that,
somehow, it is true that Reinhardt, who suddenly began to seize her
a en on from Olivia Ranche, opened the door for her.
Of course, there was some hos lity mixed there. The subtle hos lity
towards Reinhardt is slowly rising not only in the first year but also in the
senior level.
all. Above all, among male students.
There is a club in the Royal Class.
The largest is a religious club called 'Grace', but there are many minor
clubs, although there are only a few.
There are only three people
However, there was also a club called 'Monthly Royal Class', a newspaper
club that publishes a monthly magazine.
Of course, the monthly magazine published by only three people is of li le
interest to Royal Class students.
don't have In the first place, if we only consider the faithfulness of the
contents, the media club 'Temple Times', which is a member of the central
club that covers the en re middle school, is much be er. There were about
fi y people in the first place. No ma er how special the Royal Class is, the
number of pages is absolutely lacking.
So, the content published in the monthly royal class is a compila on of the
content of the Temple Times, or it's just a bunch of good stuff. Someone
said they don't get along with whom, who likes whom
It seems like it, or the popularity of each class
It's just li le things like tables.
However, no ma er how indifferent everyone is, it is an important story for
the members to whom it belongs.
What topic will you publish a monthly magazine on, what's the news these
days, and what people's interests are.
By far, all the feature ar cles originally planned were returned to nothing.
The topic of Royal Class that comes to mind right now is Olivia Lanche's
giving up on her faith, and Reinhardt, her favourite.
“There is no one who doesn’t get dust by shaving.”
And, the 4th grade Raider Zabry, the president of the Monthly Royal Class,
is the one who hates this rising Reinhardt.
The other two are the same.
I even wondered if he had corrupted the saint of Eredian. The situa on is
wrong, but for those who do not know the details, it is possible to infer
that Olivia has given up her faith because of Reinhardt. line
Zero Olivia received by Reinhardt
Her treatment was also something Olivia wouldn't do to anyone.
“Take it off. If there's anything wrong with it, let's bite it."
“Let’s show the power of the press.”
These three were the types of people who should never be involved in the
Except for the president, the other two members inves gate a guy named
La Inhart.
They were dispatched to 1st grade A and B classes, respec vely. Then he
talked to the guys who were caught saying that he would interview them.
S ll, as a senior, I was not rejected.
“Reinhardt? Oh, he's a hard worker."
Bertus, who was the first to be interviewed
was a simple answer.
What kind of guy is Reinhardt?
Next up was Kono Lint.
“…you say you’re handsome, but honestly, I don’t know. Sheesh, such a
parasi c, rain-like guy…”
Kono Lint, who unwi ngly praised him, said he didn't want to even think
about it and went away.
| In the 3rd grade while covering Class A
Dian had never actually seen a guy named Reinhardt. That's why I also put
the ques on of whether you think Reinhardt is handsome.

...I don't know.”
Do you think Reinhardt is handsome?
It was Ellen's answer to the ques on.
So what kind of guy do you think he is?
The following ques on was posed.
Ellen pondered for a long me about Reinhardt's ques on, but in the end
she couldn't answer anything.
"I do not know."
Ellen replies like that and she goes her own way
went to
“He’s such a bad guy. He hates to even think! Pretending to beggars and
being ungrateful! You keep harassing me!” |
A first-year student named Harriet de Saint-Ouen said so. Thinking he got
it, he asked more ques ons. Obviously, he's the guy who hates Reinhardt.
“How specifically are you tormen ng me?”
"Yes Yes? Oh, but... what is this? Why are you asking?”
“Ah, I belong to a club called ‘Monthly Royal Class’, so in this special
I am going to introduce you to a classmate named Reinhardt.”
At that, Harriet looked startled.
it became
“Ah… Then what am I going to say?”
"So. How about it? Reinhardt is a li le... a bad friend in your opinion?"
Harriet looked around.
I lowered my voice to make sure no one was there.
"That... it's not necessarily that bad.
Yo... Just, I got a lot of help from this and that... That... that... Mo, I don't
know... He's a bad guy... I have to say it's not that bad... .”
“That, right? Then they say Reinhardt is handsome, what do you think?"
"Yes Yes?! He, that beggar is handsome, what's so handsome! Ha ha ha ha
I'm ugly too... ugh!"
Harriet u ered nonsensical gibberish and disappeared as if running away.
The next interview subject was Cliffman A-5. prac cing in the gym
La o en met, but he has never been
He'll have a conversa on with Inhart
the guy who didn't.
“...His personality has corners, but he is sincere. He is said to be a friend
with guts
each. Seeing you con nue even a er being beaten like that…”
Cliffman is overwhelmingly defeated by Ellen.
Keep repea ng training while learning
Inharart's tenacity was highly appreciated.
Cliff Mann said that about his looks.
If so, it was evaluated as good or not.
Then there was Cayer Bioden.
“That crazy bastard… Come on, wait. You said this is a monthly magazine?
So, is it in the newspaper?”
“I didn’t say anything.”
Kaier thought he would be harassed by Reinhardt if he said anything, so he
threw it out.
Then he met Liana de Granz.
“Are you handsome? Hmm… I think that’s the way it is.”
“Is there anything else?” |
“It had a big impact on the last group mission. A person who works hard at
everything even if his personality is a bit strange A person who dislikes is
rare? A er that, I should say that it is a feeling of acceptance rather than a
good view of everyone.
It was assumed that Liana had a moderate degree of favor for Reinhardt.
He is next to Ergi de la
I met Paery.
“...that, I don’t know about anything else, but Reinha
I think it would be be er not to think about doing an interview with Ruth
"Why? A er the class members interview
Inart himself should be interviewed.”
"If you are a child, you will probably do a rage."
"Ah... But would you do that to your senior?"
"Did you not forget that his duel opponent was in 3rd grade?"

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 120

Class B's coverage was be er than Class A's. others line
I didn't know much about Hart, so the answers that seemed to come out
were Charlo e, Louis Ankton, Scarle , Delphine, and Ludwig.
"He sounds a li le old-fashioned, but he's a good friend. He is kind, kind,
and knows how to help people in need.
I also got 1st place in the midterm exam. I
In the group mission, the opposing team, our class
I also helped You look like a weird kid, but your senior is also a line
You'll love it when you get to know Hart. look? Ummm... he's handsome,
for sure."
The princess, Charlo e de Gradias, gave rave reviews.
“...At first I thought it was a yangachi, but it turned out to be a yangachi.”
hearth george
It was the words of Louis Ankton. In response to addi onal ques ons, Louis
Ancton ran away saying he didn't want to get caught.
“…I o en thought that I was envious of having a lot of things that I didn’t
In other words, courage or... a good person
I think it is. I want to get closer
But… I don’t have the courage.”
It was Scarle 's vague answer.
“I don’t know him well, but I think he’s a good friend.”
It was Delphine Izadra's answer.
“Reinhardt? I think you're a great friend
Each! You work hard, you are smart, and you use your superpowers,
right?” |
It was Ludwig's cheerful answer.
| The club president, Raiter Zabry, who compiled the interview contents in
the club room, wrinkled his impression strangely.
“…I don’t know if the reputa on is good or bad.”
“Isn’t this great enough?”
"No, the good side is good. The disliked side said that he couldn't speak
properly in the first place and ran away?"
Obviously, most of the interview content is posi ve, but I didn't answer at
all because I was afraid that people who looked like they didn't like it
would be harmed.
"And the fact that he has a bad personality is common to almost
everything. In reality, he's a villain. This bastard. That's what his classmates
are afraid of." |
In fact, there were many cases where the person who evaluated it as good
also said that it had a bad personality.
What a notorious Reinhardt is to say that it is published in a monthly
magazine, and the vic ms are afraid of it and run away.
Erch even warned Reinhardt that if he went to interview him in person, he
would look harsh.
“This is this, this is not your average bastard.”
The chairman shook his head, convinced that Reinhardt wasn't an ordinary
"Is that so?"
"Hmm... I think I like it more..."
“Or what?”
Raider chuckled.
“Even if I’m not that kind of person, I just have to let people know that I’m
that kind of person.”
The pen is migh er than the sword!
It's not a word to use at mes like this, but the word is deeply embedded in
everyone's mind.
".......what? newspaper?"
When I heard about it during Ellen and her dinner fight, I wondered what it
was. As the senior ships roam the A class, I
I wandered around asking ques ons about
it looks like
I didn't know anything about it because I was doing physical training
outside. what? Why are you chasing me? where are you going to use it?
"I asked what kind of person you are."
"...why are you asking that?"
"I do not know."
it's tough
What kind of newspapers do seniors you don't know try to write about
me? I'm s ll annoyed because the back of my head hurts these days. S ll, I
don't want to buy anymore, but I can't even break into a club with seniors.
It is also not true that there is such a thing as a newspaper club. digging
He must have been there, and it seems that Ellen was also asked a
ques on.
“So, what did you say?”
“I didn’t answer.”
No, he s ll has a lot of things to do with me, but does it mean that I didn't
say anything to anyone?
Ellen seemed to ponder for a while again, and then said as if tossing it.
“What kind of person are you?”
what. I suddenly got a ques on like this
hair becomes white
what kind of person am i
“Uh… Come to think of it, I don’t even know.”
I don't know how to explain myself
I will Ellen thought about it from that point of view, but in the end she
seemed to have come to no conclusion.
“Let’s keep doing what we’re doing.”
I held the training sword, and Ellen also held the training sword.
It's a li le tough, but that's what seniors do
If you start arguing, there will be an endless feast of gossip.
It was June.
That first weekend in June.
Newspapers published by a royal class club called ‘Monthly Royal Class’,
which should have been unaware of the iden ty of the original class, are
placed in the lobby.
Most of them knew that my stories would be published in monthly
magazines, so everyone took one as soon as it was published.
I skipped all the small details and looked only for my part.
[People Special - What kind of person is Reinhardt, Royal Class A-11?
He used to be a demon prince, but now he is even published in
newspapers even inside the royal class.
It's an odd situa on in many ways.
[Reinhardt, a freshman who is hea ng up the public opinion in the royal
class lately, who is he? In order to discover the reality, we [...]
What is reality? What kind of dark boss am I?
No... To be honest, if my true iden ty is revealed, not the Temple, but the
en re Empire will be overturned.
It felt like these guys did a lot of research on me. I almost wrote that I
wasn't an aristocrat, but just a street bum. And it was all wri en that I was
a psychic.
Of course, that's not really a secret.
(...a significant number of students praised Reinhardt, but we
Read enough of the lines hidden in between
I could pay [...]
[...I was able to find out that a significant number of students were afraid
of him,
It could be confirmed that Buey clearly expressed Reinhardt as both
“…what kind of bastard are you?”
am i a bitch? yes it can be
yes That's what I've been doing all over the place.
In the end, the content did not confirm any specific cri cism of me, but I
was deducing that I was a bad guy based on the fact that I refused the
interview in that part because everyone was scared with the idea of
retalia on in mind.
no what
First of all, can you see that I decided to make a bad guy and wrote it? The
inten on of deliberately grabbing a pod and trying to spit it out is just plain
Ul mately, at the end of the ar cle, Reinhardt ended with the convic on
that Reinhardt was a bad guy who was posi oning himself as an object of
fear and fear among his classmates.
It was even evaluated that the young man was already a horny person who
revealed a lot of women, as he only received good reviews from female
In the part that women reveal about horny
The feeling came.
The fact that I'm close with Olivia Ranche is the cra iness of the seniors.
Otherwise, seniors in the upper grades would do such filthy things.
There is no reason.
I could feel the other guys reading the newspaper in the lobby slowly
staring at me.
That bastard is going to work again.
It was these expressions.
"Hey bastards, if you're like this, then this nonsense ar cle is true!"
As I shouted, the atmosphere became even cheaper.
“……The plague.”
What you just shouted proves that this ar cle is true.
“You are insul ng me for doing this. dummy."
Harriet looked at my blushing face and covered her mouth as she smiled. It
was refreshing to see such a malicious ar cle being published on me.
"No, did you say I'm a bastard?"
“What? me, not me! Me, I didn't say anything!"
Harriet was bewildered and then shook his head.
messed up
“You, for sure.” "No! I'm not! Idiot! I, I... I was trying to help you!"
Harriet said her eyes were blushing, and she groaned, and she went back
to her room. Seeing that she was making a very sad tee, it was clear that it
wasn't her.
...I have to apologize.
I really need to apologize for this.
In the end, I called Harriet, who went into my room, and said I'm sorry for
being mean.
she apologized She must have been a li le bit sad because she was really
sad. The corners of his eyes were red and prickly, to the point of wan ng to
press his cheeks.
Of course, I didn't do it because it would make me angry for another week.
I take him to the tea- me terrace
went to and sat down.
He didn't even look at me and said, 'Hey!' kept the mod.
“It’s really too much.”
"I'm sorry. So what did you say?"
When I asked him, his face turned red in a different way.
“Mom, I don’t know… I didn’t say anything.”
...I'm sure it was a compliment, not a gossip.
The guilt grows even more.
“By the way, what are you going to do?”
Wan ng to know more, Harriet crossed his arms and changed the topic.
“How about what?”
“Are you going to get past this? Aren't you just making a fuss like you
usually do?"
Problem children also have their own expecta ons.
How to creep.
The guy who checked the newspaper in the lobby earlier
He looked like he was in trouble, but he also showed a sense of
an cipa on.
With this pa ern, Reinhardt always buys and hits once, but that guy can't
stand s ll, he's a senior and he's a nabal, and he turns them all over.
I would throw it away
do you show
are you showing
This expecta on was clearly read. Even Harry must think that I am the type
of person who doesn't let go when he sees this.
Since he is an uncondi onally crooked guy in this situa on, this
expecta on of those who want to see how radically crooked he can be.
Should I show you this?
S ll, I really want to do that, but it's true that I twisted it, but honestly
Even if they wrote it with malice, there are some things that are par ally
"If that's the case, then all your seniors wouldn't know that you're like this.
Be s ll.”
will you?”
“…something is par ally true.”
Harriet is turning her head at my words.
He looked at me in surprise.
“You, you… you really, that. Only women reveal… Is that so?” |
“No, not that part!”
Harriet was suddenly frightened and covered his chest with both arms.
no! What is there to hide
Are you all saying this?
“That’s right, you… you are only close with women… and boys don’t even
talk to each other except for Bertus…”
Heriot seemed to think that what he admi ed was partly true was
something en rely different. In fact, everything Harriet said was true
except for the horny part, so he couldn't come up with an excuse.
“By the way, even the female seniors…”
low quality.
Harriet said that with a look on his face.
there was.
“Isn’t it? How did this happen, not on purpose!” |
“Well then, who do you like? Is there anyone you like?”
here you If you say that, you can see his face explode, but if you do, it will
be impossible to follow up. playful
Let's hit him, he'll get a permanent wound on his mental
can't leave it
“There is nothing…”
In other words, all the guys I'm close with like it.
I just don't like it with the opposite sex!
“...So, let’s get acquainted with everyone first. Is this this?”
“Why do you say that?”
“My brothers said that a guy like you is the worst guy in the world.”
Now bringing personal experience
are you? In the first place, why did you do this to the oppas for a long
Well, what your brothers say is not true...
A bastard like me is the most trash...
The percep on that I am a bad guy who just stabs me and sees me while I
don't like anyone is gradually ingrained in Harriet.
seemed to be
get sick
What's wrong with this dog-like newspaper?
Also, I didn't want to worry about such a small thing. there old man
what can you do about what they did
it may be like
The Demon Prince Balie might be able to endure it. have to be pa ent
“I have to hit them all and destroy them.”
But the bastard Reinhardt can't stand it!
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 121
I don't know what to do, but I recklessly go up to the 7th floor and go to
the club room door that says 'Monthly Royal Class'.
knocked on
- Bang!
I was thinking of going to each class directly if he wasn't there, but the
door opened. It sure looks smaller than grace
It was a club room, but probably because it was a royal class, it was quite
There were three people si ng at a table that looked like a conference
table, and it was the senior who opened the door.
It was a man who looked like
"Are you... Reinhardt?"
I went in and said, ‘What are you bastards doing?
But suddenly, my head went blank.
The people who seemed to be members originally had dark expressions on
their faces, and there was, of course, a person who was definitely not a
Charlo e, with her right hand res ng on her chin, grabs her seat and
crawls over one of her tables.
She was silent and she was looking at me pathe c.
“Whoah.... you’re coming directly as well.”
Charlo e shook her head in disbelief, as if she didn't want to come here
because of your temper.
All the seniors in a somber atmosphere kept their mouths shut, and I sat
down next to Charlo e's face. What, why is he here?
“Why are you here?”
"...I'm sure you'll come and have a blast, so I'm here to stop you before you
buy and hit."
Charlo e has read how I will act. No, but was she trying to put up with it in
the first place? She didn't want to come? Did you come here because
Heriot kept scratching you?
...she came anyway, so to Charlo e
She read it right.
Charlo e read this and came in an cipa on that I would be upset and
would buy it.
it was But she read it so accurately that it was a li le creepy.
The seniors looked frozen when the junior princess of Kinhaedo suddenly
came to visit, and Charlo e looked at today's monthly magazine on her
table, and she had a subtle smile on her face.
“Of course, the ar cle was developed in a slightly different way from my
interview, so there were some things I was curious about.”
At those words, all three of the seniors were stunned.
felt like doing much more than
In front of their junior, Charlo e, all three of them were like mice in front
of cats. By the way, there are only three? The Royal Class has a small
number of people, so it can be unavoidable, but
Charlo e smiled and she made eye contact one by one.
“Seniors, I will definitely be interviewing you.
I think I said it in the sense that Reinhardt was a good friend at the me.
Isn't that the point?"
It's scary when it's bloody, but it's smiling
Even when this happens, it's kind of scary. ber
Toothrang is bloody in a slightly different sense. In response to Charlo e's
ques on-like interroga on, the guy who appears to be the president
opened her mouth.
“Well, that’s.... Combining the interviews….. in the interviews of first-year
classmates, they were afraid of Reinhardt and
It felt like it was… so we focused on that unspoken thing.”
“Ah, so what is it now that Reinhardt is harassing his classmates while
talking between words and everything?
Did you write a guess in the ar cle that you might not know?”
“I wrote it because it was judged to be almost true, not specula on…”
I go back and forth between respec ul and half-talking, but half-talking
To the extent that it felt extremely polite.
“The certainty of the interview
Are you saying that you chose the uncertain one among the uncertain
circumstan al informa on that did not appear in the interview?”
“That’s not it!”
Charlo e was s ll smiling at those words, but she cut off the president's
"Anyway, the content of my interview that Reinhardt is a sincere and good
friend is not at all
Has he been ignored?”
The problem isn't that I've indulged Reinhardt, it's that I'm completely
ignoring my interview as the Imperial Princess.
Don't you think I am? in that sense
It was a horse.
I'm scared.
You are some mes scarier than Bertus
“That, that… that…”
“Of course, it is true that Reinhardt is only friendly with female students,
and in fact, at the beginning of the semester, he caused various problems.
There is s ll an unknown.”
Are you doing this all of a sudden? If you'd rather lose, look at me and lose!
It sounds like you're talking to someone else, but I'm sick now!
“But a er that, I didn’t really have any problems.
Without hesita on, Reinhardt
I don't think it's zero horny or anything like that. Reinhardt is good
He is a friend who maintains a friendship.”
Do you give him a hit and then heal him?
Anyway, Charlo e is my own to turn over.
She's afraid she'll come and she'll come early and she'll hold her
there seemed to be I don't want Kim to buy and sell, so I'm on your side
Taking ac on eventually made me worry
it will be over
Thanks, she's kind of like Charlo e because she's pre y sure she s ll sees
me as her bastard,
“I think it is very wrong to harm an individual student with such uncertain
informa on.”
There are nega ve comments about me, but no ma er how much a
student-level club, there is a regular
It publishes a monthly magazine. pseudonym
Even though it was Ron, it seemed unacceptable for Charlo e to disguise
itself as a press and report based on inten ons rather than facts.
The seniors were listening to the story with a more nervous expression
than being scolded by the teachers.
“I don’t know why you wrote an ar cle like this targe ng Reinhardt, but
there’s no way it wouldn’t have happened before as long as there are
Charlo e looked towards her president and blinked.
“Is the old publica ons s ll there? I want to see you.”
"Uh, ah... ummm..."
Seeing this, the princess and the prince seem to obey the temple rules, but
at all
don't keep
In the temple, flat is the principle, but
The high-status princess, she told the 4th grader
Although she was nominally a favor, she was almost unwilling to give
The president handed the monthly magazines of 'Monthly Royal Class'
stored in the club room to Charlo e, and Charlo e shared it with me.
She was sleeping and she told her to take a seat next to her.
So I went earlier with Charlo e
I was browsing through the objects. Charlo e doesn't want to harm
anyone or spread rumors without a good reason, like these guys did to me.
She looked like she was trying to confirm banging.
If she thinks Charlo e decides that she's over the line, how can she
Do you want to get rid of the club?
- Square... Sarah...
“Hmm… this is a periodical that is only available inside the Royal Class, isn’t
“Uh, yes. right."
“Are you looking at a lot of people?”
As Charlo e looked at her ar cle, she didn't stop asking ques ons.
“Um… well, to be honest, I hardly ever see it… When there’s an issue, there
are people who see it…”
“Well, actually, even when that happens, I tend to read the weekly Temple
Times, not ours.”
While the president murmured,
The old man intervened.
These guys are accurately assessing the value of their publica ons, but the
president's eyes widened as if he was talking about useless things to
another senior who suddenly interrupted. S ll, there is such a thing as
looks like one
"Um... So, unless you're curious about the inside of the Royal Class, I don't
look for it.
It's a newspaper that doesn't. It is also a monthly magazine, and if you
want to see the internal publica ons of the temple, there is more called
the Temple Times.
You mean you don't read weekly magazines published by large clubs?"
“Wow, that is definitely the available manpower.
Because there are so many… the quality of the ar cles and the amount of
informa on are unparalleled.”
It's published monthly, but people don't see it. In fact, when you try to do
the act of reading a newspaper, you read a weekly magazine made by a
much larger number of people than a monthly magazine made by only
three people. It's natural.
It wasn't even the third-rate bullshit or the yellow press. Because it wasn't
even read in the first place.
So in this case, who the hell is Reinhardt in the Royal Class? If you want,
people will look at you. In fact, I saw first-year students covering La Inart,
so this me I read almost all of this monthly magazine.
It seemed Even my seniors don't like me
Those who are curious are likely to see this publica on.
Charlo e sighed.
“I’d rather be happy that way. The content is purely specula ve reports and
conspiracy theories are poured out with circumstan al arrogance, but if
people believe in it, it will only cause serious problems...” |
As Charlo e con nued her words as she scanned the ar cle with her eyes,
she suddenly stopped breathing. She was looking at an ar cle in a
publica on last month, May, in which Charlo e kept her s ff.
The Zodiac A ack, Why Did It Happen?
The a ack on the emperor, presumed to be the work of the demons,
caused great confusion in the emperor society and the en re empire. The
incident is presumed to be the work of the demonic remnants, and the
There was an announcement that they are currently pursuing them, but
there are no clues or news that they have caught the assailants un l now,
about a month a er the incident.
is not going However, we have some fundamental ques ons
I am not concerned about the fundamentals. This me, we will answer
some ques ons that the authori es do not announce, regardless of the
iden ty and purpose of the assailants.
We would like to examine it.
The incident took place at night, taking advantage of the ambi ous hour
when all the ci zens of the eclip c were deeply asleep. We know a brief
synopsis of the fact that they clashed with the Knights Templar and ran
away by stealing the warp gate in front of the Templar.
But, why is it that the main forces of the Knights Templar are outside
during that night me?
Were you with me? The Knights Templar did not say anything about this.
There is no posi on other than the claim that he was a acked. Why the
hell was the most elite unit of the Knights Templar of that size roaming the
outside of the Knights Templar at night? We need to ques on this.
Therefore, we believe that this incident is an a ack on the Temple Knights
by demons.
You can think enough about whether there must have been some real
reason behind the a ack.
Charlo e sees the ar cle and she is silent.
she was
Why did the most elite of the Knights Templar wander outside at night
while fully armed?
did you go stone at night
Weren't you on a secret mission that you should know about?
Why did such a massive raid take place, there were no casual es, and they
just ran away through the warp gate. If it's an a ack, it's a li le different
Shouldn't we have been looking for a place?
What did they dare to gain by a acking the elite troops?
The ar cle points out a number of allega ons and reveals some other truth
we don't know.
I was saying there was.
Knowing that there is a truth that has not been revealed based on the
facts, even though it is only a suspicion, that will be the great wealth of the
It was a tone of confidence.
Charlo e with a firm expression on this club
I look at the members one by one.
“…these are people who will do a great job. really."
Did you guys turn around because you wanted to lose? This feeling was
Naturally, Charlo e was very angry.
“No, I’m glad no one has ever seen this or paid any a en on to it. temp
Do you think it's okay to be a student in the Royal class? this is a temple
At the same me, it is a conspiracy against the Knights Templar and also a
conspiracy against the imperial family! Thank you that no one has ever
taken the trouble to write such a ridiculous specula ve ar cle!”
Charlo e was really angry in front of her seniors and she squealed.
But I couldn't help but understand the real reason Charlo e was so angry.
This ar cle draws a fairly close inference about the truth hidden by the
Imperial Family and the Knights Templar. I got it in the first place
I said it sucks.
But Charlo e is angry that if anyone has looked carefully at these
unfiltered ar cles, she will again know that these guys' lives may be in
Do you want to live without a hitch?
it will
Everyone was trembling at the princess's extreme anger, and I was no
It was.
Sister, I'm scared!
Besides that, Charlo e didn't stop yelling as she looked through other
publica ons.
“It’s all just a fluke and you see specula ve misinforma on! What does it
mean to say that there are demon cults inside the temple, what is it that
there are revolu onary forces in the temple?
What else, really, really.... Do you think you use everything that comes to
mind? It's not even worth talking about. Are there ghosts in the temple?
Why are you even making ar cles like this?”
The problem also occurred on my side.
[Event Occurrence - Revolu onary Forces]
[Descrip on: There are rumors that there are revolu onary forces inside
the temple.]
[Mojeon: Reveal the truth of the rumor.]
[Reward: 300 achievement points]
[Event Occurrence - Magical Society]
[Descrip on: There is a rumor that a magic society is infiltra ng the
[Purpose: Reveal the truth of the rumor.] [Reward: Achievement score 300
[Event Occurrence - The Phantom of the Temple]
[Descrip on: There are rumors that there are ghosts in the temple.]
[Purpose: to uncover the truth of the rumor.]
[Reward: 300 achievement points]
Three events occurred in an instant. what? like an event vending machine
Did you see a place?
“And what else is this? like. I made a big concession, so I don't know if it's
the eclip c, but the temple
That there might be a demon spy in there? I really really... Temple has a
barrier that blocks demons. How do demons get in through such a thing?"
[Event Occurrence - Asmodians of the Temple]
| [Descrip on: Rumors that there are demon spies in the temple... Oh, it's
[Purpose: ᄏᄏ.... Instruc on...! ᄒᄒ...!!]
[Reward: 1]
[Event - Asmodians of the Temple' has been canceled.]
Again, this is bullshit.
Charlo e shakes her head, this guy
As if he couldn't leave her alone, he lit a double wick in her eyes.
...A demon spy.
Is this a place where you can only say things that are unexpectedly correct?
Charlo e is crazy now

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 122

Charlo e had le the club room a er making a counter-forced request to
immediately collect all my ar cles and correct them. It looks like you don't
want to deal with it anymore
It was.
She is now in her freshman year and she is in a class B dorm where she is
drinking tea with Charlo e.
“I’m not really that stupid…”
Charlo e drank tea and shook her head as if she felt nothing but an
outrageous feeling about the crazy 'Monthly Royal Class' that picked up all
the rumors and published them.
"Anyway, I don't think there's a teacher in charge. There's no way I can
approve ar cles like that."
“I will.”
She seemed convinced Charlo e that such nonsense publica ons wouldn't
circulate if she had a teacher.
In fact, it was a place where all nonsense rumors were reported to the
extent that it would be ridiculous even if I heard them.
“I’m going to have to close it or whatever.”
Charlo e seemed to be determined to disband those idiots. But I had a
different idea.
| “Um… do I really have to?”
Rumors are rumors, and every single one of them becomes an event. Just
to check if it's a bullshit door or not
achievement points are awarded.
There's nothing wrong with having them. It's up to me to pick up rumors
on my behalf or not. This me, things got a li le thicker.
Although released, in the long run,
There was nothing wrong with me having them.
“…Reinhardt, you are in a posi on of harm.”
I wondered if there was any reason to leave Charlo e alone.
“It’s a newspaper that no one reads, but what. Rather, no one sees it as an
internal publica on of the Royal Class, and shouldn’t we just warn them to
think about and write about sensi ve issues?”
She honestly only raises suspicions, but she doesn't know the truth.
Now that Charlo e has scolded me, I'm going to do my best to think about
it when I write ar cles. It was because they looked like they had never
even thought of that before.
“Think about it, if you get together, you can do one thing, but if you tear it
apart, three things might happen.”
It might be be er to collect the crazy ones. and be careful
, so that in the future, I'm going to slander someone or raise suspicions
about a large organiza on.
Gi-ha won't do anything crazy.
Because this me, I got it right.
Charlo e seemed to be thinking for a while,
She took a deep breath as she narrowed her brow.
“Yeah, it’s funny that you, the vic m, say something like this, and that I
have to step out.”
"no. thank you for stepping out If it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't
have looked good."
She's lucky that Charlo e stepped in and stepped on her. If I went alone
again, senior
Maybe I got into a fight with the guys and sold out
I don't know.
“Yeah, it won’t be too late to decide a er looking at the next publica on.
It’s a newspaper that no one reads in the first place.”
Charlo e looked like she'd be really screwed if she looked like this next
month too.
In the end, there were four events. All events are rumored.
Demonism, revolu onary forces, ghosts, magic socie es.
All of this may be true, or all of this may be nonsense. However
If it was a rumor, it wasn't as bad as it was a rumor.
Achievement points are more than money. the more the be er.
Just finding a hole where it will come out is already a huge boon for me.
Charlo e, drinking tea,
"Well," she said, and rested her chin on her hand.
“It’s okay though. Some may even be worth looking into.”
“Do you know?”
“Never that absurd specula on.
It's not about being swayed by Be mindful.”
Charlo e looked at me and said so.
“Things like demonism or revolu onary forces.” |
Rumors about the Demon Church were informa on obtained in advance
not only from the monthly royal class, but also from Grace. She affirmed
that, according to the student president, it is a ma er not to worry about.
I did hear
“Mashinism actually started a er the last incident.
Rumors are coming from all over the place.
There is no way that this temple, where people from all over the Empire
gathers, will be absent.”
I'm not sure about Charlo e, but the Demon Church
He seemed to think that the possibility of being in the temple was quite
"And it's a revolu onary force.... It's natural for people to have strange
thoughts when their heads grow bigger, isn't this a place where people
raise their heads?"
Come to think of it, Charlo e was very cold to me at first. So, there was no
hesita on in picking up the bad words of the price. Vertus and him too, in
front of me
The line mask comes off..
In front of me, both of them show their true faces. is this good?
In any case, the temple is a place to learn and, a er all, a place to raise
people's heads.
If a person has a big head, he will have strange thoughts.
"It's strange that the so-called republicans aren't in the Temple."
There may be demonism.
But it is strange that there are no revolu onary forces.
Charlo e thought so. The boy looked at me and smiled.
“How about Reinhardt, would you like to find out with me?”
"......with me?"
"Huh. It sounds like Reinhardt likes Empire, right? Demonists and
republicans are both enemies of the Empire, aren't they?"
That's what I said to Bertus, I like the Empire, I really like it
However, in the original development of this world,
Ah, this is democracy. Isn't that the kind of development where I'm on the
side of the revolu onary forces? Isn't it my job to deliver democracy?
But one day, I became an imperial loyalist.
how are you?
"Perhaps there's no need to worry about this, since there's no need to
even no ce Bertus."
Hadada will take the lead in suppressing democracy and republicanism as a
minion in the empire. I've heard that demonism is nothing to worry about,
but republicans
If you find it, isn't it 100% beheading?
I am not a democrat or a republican in the first place, am I the enemy of
mankind, the Demon King?
The enemy of the enemy is your friend.
With that said, I have to push the republicans for the chaos of the empire.
is the posi on? Lee Jae Lee is like that
There was a moment of delirium.
Today is the weekend. Charlo e is like me and she said this, let's find out
these demons and republicans, but that's later.
She handed me a le er from Charlo e saying she had business with the
imperial family. She was a le er to Bali.
'I want to spend it o en, but you will have your work too. every me
I'm sorry, Reinhardt.
'What do you have with this?
Charlo e had her own business, but she looked at my newspaper and
turned it upside down, so it must have been a delay in me, so she
hurriedly le the temple. Have I become close enough to take away her
precious me? Of course, since I'm in the role of Jeon Seo-gu, some people
care about me, but
There is no reason to deliver in the first place. As long as Bali is myself, it is
a le er to me. S ll, a picture where you sit blankly and write your own
reply and hand it over
I couldn't make it, so I
I went out to the temple as it was meant to be.
I did not disguise and turn and turn and do this. Ereris has already made
contact with the Reinhardt me, so there will be no interference from
Charlo e's side. Rather, it was more dangerous for her to go to Elerys with
her disguised as a different person. Because the le er to Reinhardt might
look like a picture in the hands of a tough guy.
There may be mes when Bertus is following me, but I guess Berto is
Now, it seemed that Charlo e was interested in the child she was looking
So now I was able to find Elreris' shop more comfortably than before.
“Are you here, my lord?”
Elerys smiled as always.
she welcomed me
It's been a while since I've found you, so I'm L
I told Leris about his current situa on. I was just here, so the store door
it is closed Of course, even if it's not closed, there's one thing that people
don't find very o en.
“…Are you talking about uninhabited islands?”
“Isn’t that too much? No, how |how talented children are
Even if you say that, you mean to leave the seventeen-year-old children on
a deserted island and just let them survive?”
Elerys didn't seem to understand what kind of absurd thing the group
mission was doing.
She said, "The mental state of the person in charge of the temple who
planned the group mission is ques onable. What nonsense ...."
Mi, sorry....
Actually I did it.
I shouldn't have watched Law of the Jungle back then...
| Elerys con nued to accuse the temple manager who planned such a
ridiculous mission whether he was worried about me a er going through
such a hard me.
Of course, in the end you'll beat me
I was just ashamed.
“Is there an orc? Two horses too? Aren't you underes ma ng the orcs too
much? A heavily-armed orc can easily counteract ten well-trained human
You can. No ma er how summoned
But what are you telling the children to deal with? Whether the mission is
successful or unsuccessful, weak children may experience trauma that is
not enough for the rest of their lives.
It's a job.... The person who planned the mission
I'm sure it's San-nim who doesn't know what a real ba le is!"
...all true. okay! my fault
Hey! I know! I figured it out too late, that was the problem. Did I know that
we would meet face to face!
“Anyway, in the end, it’s great that you hunted all of them.”
“I didn’t do it, though.”
“It’s amazing that you somehow managed to survive in that environment,
my dear.”
In the end, Elerys was that harsh and nonsensical.
He was smiling as if proud of me who had cleared the impossible mission.
She hears curses and compliments at the same me, when she gets sick
What is this happy feeling?
“Are you here because of that le er by the way?”
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen your face, so I did that. Are you okay
“Yes, even those who explored this area
It feels like everything is gone now. I think you can relax your vigilance
when you come here too.”
Charlo e achieved her goal, and Bertus eventually gave up on the chase.
That's why eleris's shop is now quite made safe
it was shaped read the le er here
I have to write a chapter.
“How about Airi?”
Airi, the successor of the Succubus Queen. Ambi on to make a lot of
money in the southern island na on and seize the imperial gold coins
has a I heard that he started a business once.
“It’s almost as if it’s not going smoothly.”
" old do you think it was?"
I couldn't pay a en on because of various things, but it's only been a few
months. Elerys scratched her cheek and gave an ambiguous smile.
“Ummm… that… seems to be focusing on people rather than money.”
“…what are you talking about?”
"Uh-huh! That... in the direc on of recrui ng influen al people... Yes."
it's a catchphrase
What you're doing is a bar, is it okay to use the plausible word of
subsupposi on? you
Hump? Is it purely expressed now?
“The captains, or the usurers, or the chief officials….. and they are trying to
do business in one way or another.”
The place where Airi se led was the capital of the Edina Archipelago and
the largest trading port of Raja Ker. There were captains, usurers, and key
officials who operated trading ships as regulars.
Airi is quicker to get the coopera on of such giants than to earn a few
He decided that it would help him grow.
What is it, I just sent you to do something, but the scale seems to be
ge ng bigger and bigger? Even if you go to Moro or go to Seoul, the
method is a bit bizarre, but isn't it really crazy?
“ to the usurers
Borrowing money at a low price, obtaining permission from key officials,
and fishing all the humans who do not know what to do through the
Is this because you're arranging?"
"Yeah... it seems so."
Even if it rots, it's Junchi, or even a group of succubus who have lost all
their abili es would have been more effec ve at seducing them. is he
magic? Would it be difficult to seduce you even without it? I want
something like this
Anyway, Airi is doing well.
it seems to go
“I s ll tell you to be careful. It’s just that things don’t get any be er.”
“Yes, I will pass it on.”
The pink haired succubus queen is in business
I'm in the process of nurturing my dream of becoming a street singer, so I
don't know where the world is going,
I don't even know
I opened Charlo e's le er. The content of Charlo e's le er was rather
bland. The words of missing you and sorry were in the first le er, but not
here in the second le er.
I wonder how are you doing? I had this happen. These days like this
I have a job, I think.
[A friend named Reinhardt delivered this le er, and although his
personality is a bit angular, he is a gentleman, so why not open it in the
middle? It seems like it's a bit of a concern. I'm not that kind of kid.]
...I feel like I'm going to lose my mind. Ah
You, but if I don't see it, there's no such thing as a reply. I can't help it.
[In Temple, do a group mission. All the class members get together and do
these and other things. you came too It would have been great if It was
hard, but it was a fun experience. he's like this
There were mes when I wondered if I could do it, and I thought Anne was
good at it, but when things like that happened, there were children who
collapsed. To be honest, I thought I would do well because I went through
something like that, but I don't think that's the case.
It was you.]
[I regret that I leaned on my strength in the end. I never wanted to lean on
that power, but in the end, in the face of such a fake crisis, in the end, I was
a li le disappointed with myself, who leaned on that power.]
At the end of the le er, there was a men on of superpowers. Charlo e
didn't seem to like to rely on her own abili es.
[Goodbye, I don't know when I'll be able to see you again, but I hope that
day will come.]
I send a reply to Charlo e's le er, again li ered with lies. When she asks
Charlo e what her superpowers are, she answers.
I wondered if I would do it, but I don't write it down
didn't Know what Charlo e is trying to hide
She didn't want to figure it out.
Rather, if I think about how I would act in a situa on where I know what I
should not know, it is be er not to know.
She writes down her impressions of Charlo e's daily life and the decorated
daily life that I spend.
Lies beget lies.
wrong begets wrong
I don't even believe I'll be able to tell this lie forever.
How long do I have to tell this lie?
It's not just Charlo e.
I know that everything will be destroyed the moment it is revealed. the
one I built
All rela onships in the game are ruined the moment my secret is revealed.
it has to be so
A er wri ng for a while, I put the pen down and pressed the corners of my
eyes firmly, and Elerys gently embraced my shoulder.
As if she knew what I was suffering right now, Elerys was holding me
It wasn't for Charlo e, nor for myself.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 123

Even a er wri ng the le er, I stayed at Elerys' shop for a while.
“Elerys, you know about the Demonism.
there is?"
I am the scene where the remnants of the Demon Church appear
However, it has never been specifically set for demonism. I just wrote
about the incident where the remnants were installing, but there was a
conflict with Ludwig, who was traveling on vaca on, and it was wiped out.
So I haven't set it up, but there's something I don't know.
At my ques on, Elerys lted her head.
he looked at me
She asked, "Why did you suddenly become curious about Kyo that you
Rather than worrying about whether I was trying to build power by using
demonism, it was the a tude that I was just curious about such a thing.
"No, it's like the Demon Church has been on the move since the last me
we did it or something like that."
“Ah, is that so?”
Elerys put her chin on his arm and put on a subtle smile.
“Degrada on, there is no such thing as a demon.”
“……No? at all?”
“Yes, lower.”
Does it mean that it has become a non-existent existence because it is not
set? Then there is no such thing as Demonism, a demon that does not exist
Do you mean to believe that
But did you also describe that they use divine power when wri ng about
the case of the Remnant of the Demon Church? If you worship a god that
doesn't exist, how do you use your divine power?
Cogni ve dissonance is coming.
Elerys started explaining with a subtle smile.
“There are religions in the demon world, and there were few believers, but
there were priests.
all. In other words, the religion that demons believe in in the demon realm
is called Demonism by humans.”
what is this again Demons also had religions, but demons exist.
If you don't do it, there are no demons.
did you believe
“…there is no drink? So the demons believed in a god that didn't exist?"
“No, not like that.”
Elerys shook her head.
“There are two demon gods universally known to humans. Suiran, the god
of slaughter, and Nox, the god of darkness. Other than that, Kier the
Corrup on, Tallard the Terrible, and Egrsi the Hatred.
There is an idea, but this one is not well known.”
Although he learned about the Five Great Shintoisms in the sacred studies
class, he did not tell us about the existence of demons. Therefore, the
names were the first to be heard from Elerys.
“So you’re saying that demon doesn’t exist?”
“It was twisted.”
misrepresenta on.
What does this mean?
“There are five gods in the Five Great Shintoisms.
all. Ars, god of war, Shalam, god of the sun, of the moon
Shin Mensis, Innocent Tuan, Courageous Liter, aren't they five?"
"...uh. right."
“Slaughter and war, and the moon and darkness. Sun and cowardice, hate
and courage, don't they mean the same thing? water
Ron Corrup on and innocence are long opposite concepts.”
The god of slaughter and the god of war.
The god of darkness and the god of the moon.
The god of fear and the god of the sun.
The god of hatred and the god of courage.
The god of innocence and the god of corrup on.
Opposite or similar feeling.
I mean, don't you feel the correla on?
Elerys looked at me and smiled.
“Humans acknowledge that the demons believe in the same five major
religions as themselves.
I didn't want to. So, we started to change the name of the god we believe
in. They serve the same Als, but the Als they serve are the god of slaughter,
Shi Iran. The Mensis they believe is actually Nox, the god of darkness. It's
like this. In the case of Tuan, I even turned it upside down.”
Some humans who learned about the beliefs of the demons did not want
to admit that the demons believed in the same gods as them. Therefore,
they changed the name of the god they believe in as they wished.
Because the communica on between the two worlds is cut off, they
believe in the Asmodian belief system.
They started calling them whatever they wanted, and that became a reality
in the human world. Even humans who start to believe in that false belief
will appear.
started. That is demonism.”
Demonism was a religion that had nothing to do with demons. Among the
demons, those who have faith believed in the Five Great Shintoisms.
didn't even
Humans do not want to admit that they worship the same god as the
demons, so the god they believe in is different from the god they believe
I wanted to believe in God. Therefore, the created virtual being is a demon.
That is why they were saying that the gods are evil gods and that our gods
are gods, but seeing the fabricated truth, a swarming group of people who
follow the true demonism has been created, and that is the demonism.
“…So, demonism is rather a religion unique to humans.”
“Yes, lower. In reality, they just believe in the same God.”
The devil doesn't exist.
Those who believe in Ars, the god of war, or those who believe in Suiran,
the god of slaughter, end up worshiping the same en ty. There was no
difference in the case of Knox and Mensis,
“So the demonists can use divine power too, right?”
Demon gods do not exist, but in the end, Knox is a Mensis, and Suiran is an
Alsun, so you can use your divine power through faith in the demons.
“Yes, I will. However, the direc on of power changes depending on the use
of the person holding it.”
In the end, even if the same divine power is used wickedly, an evil power
will be revealed. Even if they serve the same being, the divine power is
manifested in a completely different way.
The divine power of the Demon Church and the Demon Church priests was
manifested in that way.
“Then, in the first place, there is nothing like this judo to suppress the
“Essen ally, it is because they worship the same god. How about?”
Elerys lted her head, subtly
It became one expression.
“Humans will not admit that the demons they created were actually gods.
No, I can’t.”
To disparage and deny the demons was rather to insult their gods.
Humans, especially priests and paladins, would never admit that.
“Also, demonists have bad inten ons and believe in the Lord God disguised
as a demon and gain strength. We cannot guarantee that they are not in
A person who enters the Demon Church with good inten ons
there will be no people they actually have power
In fact, they are dangerous beings when you acquire them and then use
them in an insidious way.
“Therefore, the original demon god does not exist, but it is just as good as
it does exist.”
It's not real, but it does exist.
The demon is a concept created by humans, but that concept affects the
real world. Then, being a demon disguised in the name of the deity is not
much different from the fact that it exists.
“Doctrine may be good, but faith is not necessarily good.”
Elerys smiles.
The law is good, but faith in the law is not good.
Elerys' words were deeply ingrained in my heart.
In the end, because of the illusion of being a demon, the reality of
demonism arose.
“It’s complicated.”
“Yes, it is a complicated ma er.
In the end, the human desire to separate themselves from the demons
created the concept of a demon god that does not even exist. and
For that reason, the demon religion, which serves the deity with impure
inten ons, has emerged.
In the end, all humans were playing drums and jogging with each other
and fell backwards, which is a situa on where their noses were broken.
Demonstra on of demonism in front of demons, saying that they are
showing pro-demons
‘What is this bastard talking about? What is Knox and what is Suran?' You'll
hear the same thing.
In the first place, if the gods were concerned about the use of divine
power, the demonists would have been unable to use their power. But the
gods don't care where the divine power is used
does not Olivia Ranche was desperate.
Oh Dae-Jin lends his power as the ruler of power, but he doesn't care
where he uses it. Therefore, fallen priests can exist, and the
things can exist.
“Isn’t it blatantly irresponsible to be the God who lends you strength if you
believe in yourself in the first place?”
“What would you like to do? They must have been created that way in the
first place."
A er all, these holes are being filled in this way because of my negligence
in making the fallen priest use the divine power intact, and introduce the
demon religion without se ng a demon god. Demonism, as well as the
fallen priests
There are also parts.
How do you use divine power in a fallen priesthood?
= The gods have no interest in humans.
stand then
What is a demon religion? Why don't you explain what demonism is?
In fact, the same trust 001
In the end, this dog-like situa on is unfolding because of the irresponsible
statements I made.
it is
blast furnace,
The person who made it that way = I.
In the end, it turned around and I was hit in the bone.
It's my fault.
It's my big fault.
I just lightly asked about demonism, but I learned a pre y shocking truth.
became The nega ve effects of humans on demon religions created the
fic onal concept of demonic gods. In the beginning, the demons believed
in the Five Great Shintoisms, although there were few people who had
So the misunderstanding is so deep
There are very few or none of the human beings who know this truth. And
not only the Knights Templar, but the whole society will try to kill the
person who makes this claim. It would be the same as denying the en re
religious history they have.
Humans would never admit that they and the demons shared the same
belief system.
And, in conclusion, I agree with Elerys's statement that there are no
demons, but demons do exist. Demonism is already dangerous in itself
because it is one force.
If demonism is a crooked way of believing in God in a crooked way, people
who want the world to fall apart, then it is a group with the nature to be
beaten and destroyed, apart from saying that demons are real.
Charlo e returns late on a Sunday evening
I handed her a le er from Bali.
"...Didn't you actually see it?"
Charlo e said that I saw Balier in person.
I wondered if it was or not.
"uh. She only replied and she got it forwarded from that person.”
“That’s right… Yes, thank you Reinhardt.”
Shallot silver is the most important treasure in the world
He went back to his dormitory with his le er in his arms as if it was
If there's a triangle in my mind, it doesn't look like it's worn out yet.
It s ngs very easily.
It was not known where Charlo e, who wanted to search for demonism
and revolu onary forces together, would start. She'll be approaching from
the Charlo e side first, so I decided to just wait quietly.
and June.
Now it was summer in full swing.
And the whole dog that suits the dog-chim-deok delusion begins.
Monday, common class me.
“Because the weather is ge ng ho er, from today, the gym class will be
replaced with full- me swimming.”
Swimming is not allowed in the summer of the academy.
According to my very personal opinion, that from today onwards, all the
gym class that was like hell will be replaced by swimming.
There was a no ce from that teacher.
“Oh oh oh!”
The most exci ng thing was Kono Lint, and the purpose of the excitement
was so obvious that the female students glared at him. He's the kind of guy
that can't be helped if he doesn't want to be disliked.
- S ll, swimming would be a li le more comfortable, wouldn't it?
-Is that so?
-...I can't swim.
Of course, the A-class female students, except for Ellen, had no combat
Physical fitness training like jade is changed to swimming
He seemed to be very sa sfied with what he had.
It's not that swimming is harder than any other exercise, you guys?
This is not going to the pool
Gym class a er lunch.
A er we all changed into our swimsuits, we gathered at the outdoor
swimming pool. Physical educa on classes were originally run jointly with
Class A and Class B, so now all 22 first-year students are par cipa ng.
Gathered in the outdoor pool.
By the way, I heard that the pool water is used by collec ng rainwater. Did
you collect it and release it today? I heard that you use purifica on magic,
so there shouldn't be a problem with the water quality.
Swimming pool as soon as swimming lessons begin
The surrounding area has also been cleaned and remodeled.
seemed to There were no sunbeds, but there was a lot of shade.
The teachers and assistants who were conduc ng the physical educa on
class were all wearing swimsuits. You'll probably be working like a lifeguard
from today.
The swimsuits for boys are square, and the swimsuits for girls are also plain
swimsuits. The color is navy blue. It was a simple swimsuit with a design
that was nothing special. Among the male students, there were quite a few
of them who turned their eyes around without knowing it.
But there was one that stood out the most.
“Miss Granz, you must have heard that it is forbidden to wear personal
Liana the gym teacher bouncing alone
She pointed to De Granz. She was wearing a white tube top bikini.
Even she said he was late. She's a good fit, too, but she's wearing it all by
herself, so she's sloppy.
“...the one I had was so small I couldn’t wear it. So she brought the
personal ones she had in the dormitory.”
Oh, so it was late.
Both male and female students stared at Granz when he said that he had
go en smaller. The guy wiggled her lip slightly, feeling that she was a li le
Yes, she must have go en smaller. fully
It's also not something that should happen. S ll, the amount paid at the
beginning of the semester is already ge ng smaller...? Are you s ll growing
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 124
There were three outdoor swimming pools. One with a depth of 1.3
meters. One 2.5 meters long. 4 meters each.
It is divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced level.
-Bar, I can't reach my feet!
- Calm down, don't be nervous,
- Whoa, I'm scared! No, don't let go! Don't let go! Let go, let go!
First, check whether you can float in the water for intermediate users, and
then the one that doesn't work is a beginner's pool, and you can't float.
The ones that are there were moved to the intermediate level, and the
ones that fly from the intermediate version have been moved to 4 meters.
| Beginners and intermediates learn survival swimming.
Basically, it's about learning how to float and how to swim.
Each pool was huge, so it was quite spacious for 22 people to learn.
Combat including Harriet and Liana
All non-talented guys can swim
I couldn't come to the senior class because I didn't know how to do it.
The guy in the senior pool had a human-like subject and El Ren, who was
no different than a mermaid.
Bertus, Cliffman, and me too.
A total of four people in class A.
In Class B, there were three people, including Scarle , Delphine Izadra, and
Maybe it's because I learned to swim before
Even a er changing my body, I was able to do quite a bit.
“Come on, you guys know how to swim,
It was confirmed that he had all the basic swimming basics. Everyone is in
good physical condi on.”
Originally, the physical educa on class at Temple was tough, but I said that
the swimming class started according to my chewy sensibility. Therefore,
out of the total two hours of swimming class, one hour was taught and the
remaining hour was played on its own.
Catching up with the kids in swimming class
have to play! is not it?
It was wri en with a feeling like this. You only need an hour to learn.
soon. I used to play and play, I didn't write about what training I had. I just
took a class and played like this
Everything was like this
So, what kind of training are you going to do?
I do not know.
“From now on, you will record a 1500 meter swim.”
...I beg your pardon?
playful asshole.
"Heh, heh heh... heh heh...” |
A er swimming 1500 meters, I crawled up and stretched out under the
shade. It was impossible to finish the race without a break. I am not a
Even though I took a break in between, this is enough.
“Reinhardt, you look very red.”
“…don’t, don’t tell me…”
Ludwig wasn't too hard.
It was a pre y decent complexion.
Yes, Ludwig takes swimming lessons and plays. Because his stamina is a
monster other than human, so he never gets red! No ma er what class
he took, Ludwig could handle it.
it can be
He's also a physical monster, but it's not just a ma er of stamina.
Swimming takes a lot of energy if you don't know how to do it well, but it
was even more difficult because I was the partner.
It means you know how to swim, but that doesn't mean you can't do it at a
professional level.
“Ellen is very good, but she doesn’t look hard at all.”
The result was 1 with Ellen overwhelmingly
This is probably the reason why Ludwig is in second place. The physical
condi on is good for Ludwig, but Ellen is a much be er swimmer. It didn't
seem like it took any force, but it went well.
3rd place was Scarle , 4th place was Bertus, 5th place was me, and 6th
place was Delphine. Except for Ellen and Ludwig, everyone was red and
sat there blankly.
I am already a miracle in itself that I finished the race. He even wrote super
powers. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha... ha ha ha ha ha..."
Delphine walked over to Ludwig, almost crawling as if his legs were
shaking, and stood next to him.
fell on the
“Delphine, did you have a hard me?”
“Don’t…don’t tell me…don’t…”
Delphine said the same thing as I did, and then lay flat on her stomach like
a corpse for a while.
6th place has been decided, so the final 7th place.
- Puhak! Mouse, mouse! Hum!
“Coming soon!”
Cliffman tries to swim by force. looked like a mouse.
There was s ll one hour le , so we had to swim another 1,500 meters by
the gym teacher. And the result was the same except that the rankings of
Scarle and Bertus were reversed. Of course, everyone is doing it the
second me, so the record is the first.
was farther away than the second.
“Come on, you guys, get some rest. If you want to swim, do it, if you want
to rest, rest.”
The gym teacher is enough for you to do
A er everything was done, I gave him a break.
of course.
"Uh huh..."
“If you squeeze someone like a mop and tell them to rest, is that okay...” |
- Plunge!
Ellen and Lou swimming in the depths of the water in a 4-meter pool.
Except for Dwig, everyone was red of the water.
Originally, I was going to find out about the demonism and revolu onary
forces with Charlo e from today.
“La, Reinhardt.... Probably not today...”
“I know what you mean.”
“Tomorrow or something… No, tomorrow is going to be even harder…
Anyway, I’m sorry…”
“Go in and rest.”
A er class, my face became
Charlo e probably can't do it today.
With the words, she was supported by Scarle , and she returned to the B-
class dormitory.
Just like the advanced course was incredibly difficult for her, she does know
how to swim, so she takes the intermediate course.
It seemed that Charlo e had lost her stamina.
She'd been given a break for an hour
However, it was the lower-class course guys who only prac ced floa ng in
the water to play properly. The rest were almost all burned out.
Of course, Ludwig went out to play on the subordinate course and flopped
All her plans for the day were canceled because Charlo e was exhausted.
The outdoor swimming pool is open to anyone a er class hours.
was good Of course, it is the swimming pool in front of the classroom
building where the Royal Class common classes are, so you may encounter
Anyway, rather than the main swimming class, it is important that the pool
can be used at any me so that the pool event occurs. Ludwig would go
out o en with his friends.
So I went back to my usual schedule.
I usually go outside un l dinner.
Do physical training and dance a er the evening
He trains swordsmanship with Ellen in the field.
“...Should I skip it today?”
Because she swims like that, her whole body
It was terrifying. a li le used to
I should have go en more comfortable, but now
- Whoops....
It started raining outside the window, which was ge ng dark just in me.
This is also a good excuse.
Let's rest today.
She tried to do so, but she changed her mind when she returned to the
Class A dorm and saw Ellen entering her gym.
Where is the me to rest on my pals?
Even that talented guy works hard. I
What are you going to do while playing?
I immediately changed my clothes and headed to the gym.
Today the situa on was a li le different.
- Kaang! Kang! Kang!
Swordsmanship with Ellen always ends in a few rounds, but today, how
many mes?
Gladiator came and went. Even I'm Ellen
Rather, she blew her sword, which was about to come off her, in her
reverse direc on, and held her sword around Ellen's neck.
I even succeeded in nudging.
My skills didn't come to this level a er a lot of hard work.
“...are you in a bad mood today?”
He seemed to be in a bit of a bad mood.
I have to say that I can't seem to concentrate.
me. Even if I push you, you take it sullenly
Giving out one round a er hi ng
“Just, a li le.”
“Are you red?”
Maybe I lost a lot of stamina during today's swimming class? but Ellen
shook her head.
"That's not right."
- Kururuung....
It was raining outside.
Come to think of it, he reveals his iden ty to you
It was raining the night I gave the instruc ons.
“Do you think that when it rains, your condi on goes down?” |
On that rainy day, Ellen had an unusually sen mental look. She gave Ellen
the a ribute that she hates rainy days
I've never been, because there may be parts I don't know.
Ellen shook her head at my ques on.
“No, I like rainy days.”
My condi on isn't down and I'm fine, so why can't I concentrate?
No, I rather like it and focus on it
Can't you?
“Would you like a break?”
Ellen nodded at my words.
Ellen and I le the gym and went out to the outdoor terrace. Bertus and
o en
It wasn't the tea me terrace we were talking about, but it felt like an
outside hallway. The rain didn't come so far, so Ellen and I were looking out
at the rainy outdoor scenery that had suddenly turned into a torren al
In the sudden rain, I saw students running around without umbrellas.
Come to think of it, was there a rainy season or not? It's the same town as
Seoul, so it's the rainy season
Do you want to come to the railroad similar to the real Korea?
If the rainy season starts, this would be it.
“I didn’t know you liked rain.”
Were you unable to concentrate on your training because you wanted to
watch the raining scenery quietly?
Eren sees the quietly raining scenery
Looking up, she suddenly asked.
Ellen asks her something out of the ordinary.
“Do you like rain?”
It was very surprising that he asked such a ques on.
“Well… I don’t think I like it very much.”
I hated it because it might cause my hair to fall out in the rain, but it
doesn't really ma er now, but Ellen nodded quietly at my answer. Ellen
stares blankly at the rainy landscape.
“Are you friends with Charlo e?”
“...why is that all of a sudden?”
Why is this suddenly happening to a kid who had no interest in anything I
do with anyone?
“It’s just, I think I’ve seen you talk o en.”
Even if it's not super friendly, you've probably seen her in a normal
conversa on with Charlo e from a long me ago. In fact, you must have
known that we studied together in the B-class dormitory during the
midterm exam period.
“It’s friendly… should I see it?”
It's a rela onship that can be said to be close enough than the other guys.
What, the kid who didn't do this suddenly asked me this, so it's a bit
strange. She pretended not to care, did she care or something? Even if she
pretends to be shy, does she look a bit arrogant or something like that?
Ellen stares into her rain, she this me stared at me
"You're close, that's all?"
Why are you asking this? He didn't seem to be interroga ng or
interroga ng.
“Isn’t there something else?”
“...why is that?”
Is it that I like Charlo e or are you asking about those feelings? If so, what
kind of reac on would you expect? But I didn't really want to do that.
There really isn't anything else in that direc on.
“It’s just… it happened because of various things, but there’s nothing
special about it.”
Ellen bowed her head for a moment at my answer. Ellen raised her head
and she looked at me silently.
“You are like my brother.”
All of a sudden Ellen said that I was like her brother, she said. The hero
Lagann Artorius and me, where the hell is it?
Ellen was smiling.
But she looked more sad than ever. Ellen looks at me
He turned and stared at the raining outside scenery.
“It was a rainy day like now.”
Ellen looked like she was reminiscing about her past.
“My brother is going on a short trip away. I did. He had already returned
from a long trip, and he said he would be leaving soon. He said he had
come to say hello before that. It will take a while, but I'll be back. I told you
not to worry.”
Smiling, but not smiling at all, she tells Ellen what she did in the past that
she was important to her.
“He said he would come back. Why did you give me the black?”
Ragan Artorius said he would go on a trip, and he would have par cipated
in the Demon World War. He would have said he would come back and le ,
knowing he would never come back.
On the subject he said he would come back to, he gave Ellen the divine
sword Lament as a keepsake and le .
Being similar to the warrior Artorius was not meant to be sarcas c.
I was just saying that my brother and I are similar.
But I couldn't figure out what the similari es were.
“You know everything about me, but I don’t know anything about you.
What are you thinking and what are you trying to do? what do you value I
didn't tell you anything."
Then I wonder why Ellen is like this
She seemed to know if she had pulled it out.
Her rela onship with Charlo e was not asked about Ho-oh. She became
friends with Charlo e.
I was asking about her background.
“I knew you cared for me and cared for me, but you didn’t tell me anything
Ellen stares blankly at the rainy landscape.
“I don’t know anything about you.”
Not long ago, she told Ellen that she had no idea who I was.
It's not because Ellen's thinking is slow.
She said Ellen didn't know who I really was.
She knows exactly what she does.
She knows Ellen the most because Ellen is my best friend.
Because she knows best, she is the only one who knows that Ellen knows
nothing about me and she knows nothing about me.
she ellen she didn't think about me
it's not
She's the hardest thing she's ever thought about me.
Who is Reinhardt? He comes from a beggar, has superpowers, and has a
good personality.
Other than that, nothing has been revealed. Nothing about his family,
background, or past is known.
Ellen realized a er her last thought that she had no idea who I was. A story
that is difficult to define in one word who I am
is not
She said it because she realized she didn't know who I was.
I also realized that I didn't say anything about myself.
Wasn't it because of the rain?
I can't concentrate because of me
was it
Do you think I'm suspicious?
“…you didn’t even ask.”
At my cowardly plea, Ellen stared at me
looked at
“If I ask, will you tell me?”
“Why does she look like her brother when she sees Charlo e, she tells me
I'm going on a long journey. Why is she from a beggar?
Do you know and can do various things, and why do you train every day as
if you are being chased by someone? Why are you so anxious? If I ask, will
you tell me?"
I can tell you, but that's just an excuse. The real truth can be told to anyone
there was no
I am Reinhardt from a beggar. summer sols ce
But it's actually a Rotary club.
It is being raised as the successor of the local organiza on.
This is a lie.
I'm not a Rotary club, I'm actually the son of a demon king, and I go to the
temple now to melt into the human world and prepare for the gate crisis
that will happen later.
is going
This is also a lie.
I am the creator of this world, I am here to be punished, and I know the
future of this world.
I am the creator of all the sad things you have been through or will go
This is the truth.
I am a human being surrounded by many layers of lies. I can't tell Ellen the
whole truth.
I can't believe it.
“You can’t answer.”
I don't know anything about you. you say nothing Just like my brother did.
Charlo e doesn't know, but Ellen knew that some mes when I see
Charlo e I get weird eyes because of her guilt. She was Charlo e so she
was asking me.
I was just friends with Charlo e, why the hell?
Does she look like that?
Why is she looking at Charlo e with the eyes of a sad liar?
she had asked for it
I couldn't tell you anything.
If you understand me that much, you'll be able to spot such clumsy lies.
Ellen was staring at me.
“So you feel like your brother.”
Unlike the hero Artorius, who cares for me but doesn't tell me anything
important, Artorius as Ellen's older brother was such a person.
“I think so.”
Ellen looks at me.
“The thought that you, like your brother, will suddenly disappear.”
If things don't work out, that might be the case. I
If it is discovered that I am a demon, I must disappear from the zodiac. You
may not even be able to say goodbye.
Ellen seemed to think she thought about me, and she eventually came to
think that she was nothing like her brother.
“I don’t want to go through something like that again.”
Life that I might disappear suddenly
Angle is just Ellen's delusion.
But I do know that it can really happen. So I couldn't help but say that such
a thing would never happen.
At this moment, it seemed that no ma er what I said, my lies would be
read. Ellen asks me what my secret is
do not lose If you ask me, do you think I won't answer?

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 125

A few days have passed.
It has been raining since that day. It stopped occasionally, but it rained
more mes.
The rainy season seemed to have begun.
Charlo e said we'll inves gate when the rain stops, and she puts the drink
on hold.
It wasn't Charlo e and her inves ga on that ma ered, it was Ellen.
She wasn't the only one in the gym.
Ellen didn't even go to the morning workout,
She always didn't show up at the restaurant when she came to make a
She had no choice but to know what was going on.
avoiding me If it is not an unavoidable situa on, you are likely to run into
She is avoiding the situa on.
Even if she ran into her in the dormitory, she just passed by without her
body. She didn't even say hello or pretend to know each other when she
met. She did just that when she prac ced together, and ate together.
But she had a slightly different feeling than usual. Even if we didn't say
hello, we made eye contact. But she didn't even look at me now, Ellen. She
was completely ignoring it.
I have many secrets, and about those secrets
Standing doesn't say anything Ellen
was forced to think of the case of her eventually her brother.
She cares for me but she tells me nothing
Who doesn't, knows everything about me but tells me nothing about
who doesn't.
I don't want to know another person like that. I'm definitely on my own
I'm sure it's going to make me sad, so I'm trying to get away from it even
In the end, the newspaper clubs did not achieve their original purpose of
undermining my reputa on. But they made Ellen fly in the wrong direc on
by realizing her new truth.
made it crazy
It was difficult.
Someone who gets mad like Harriet
it's be er Because I can do a conversa on.
Ellen calmly thought about it, and as a result I
She thought that having a be er rela onship with her had to be her own
sangje. She didn't try to dig up my secrets, nor did she gossip about me
being suspicious.
She had a big heart for herself and told me the secret first, but she didn't
even ask why you didn't tell me anything.
It just quietly pushed me away.
Ellen's feelings are understandable.
As she can't say anything, her insistence on staying the way she is now only
s mulates Ellen's trauma. look at me
I'll keep thinking of her brother.
So, for a few days without Ellen, I swung the training sword alone. She
didn't know if she was in her room at all, or if she was training somewhere
else because she might run into me.
-Pak! Pak!
So I was bea ng the scarecrow with a water lily sword. Originally, it wasn't
like that while arguing with Ellen, but this was the me when the gladiators
should have come and go.
But doing it alone is boring and boring
One hit the second.
There was another problem.
- Pak!
- Pak! Papak! Pak!
There are three fixed appearance members in the gymnasium.
Me, Ellen. And Cliffman.
While me and Ellen clashed with each other, Cliffman said that we were
Whether or not there was, I beat the scarecrow alone.
However, since Ellen has not appeared at all for the past few days, Cliffman
seems to know that the atmosphere is strange. Because my table is s ll
you guys fought
If you don't say it, you'll know. It was the first me during the school year
that Ellen had not been in the gym for such a long me. what's up
He seemed convinced that there was also.
dog is awkward
She's a guy I've never even talked to, and up un l now, she's just been
focused on her training.
I can feel him pity me!
- Papa Pak!
There was nothing to say, but I had a strange feeling as if they were sharing
a bit of comfort and a li le bit of gra tude.
See, if I did something wrong, I apologize immediately.
Oh what a er, ah. I do not know.
It was a strange feeling that a conversa on was going on without saying a
Is this knowledge or something?
is that?
“…do well.”
Even Cliffman said a word when I le a er training.
That was the first conversa on I had with Cliffman, whom I hadn't spoken
to since from entering school in March to June.
It was raining all the me, so I couldn't even go out in the morning.
There was no one to talk to. If Ellen says that I think she's trying to avoid
me because I have too many secrets, I'm sure she'll wonder what my secret
is in the first place,
If you go further, Ellen will become the hero Artori.
She is Usu's younger sister, and I have to go as far as to say that she hates
me because of her trauma to her brother.
She couldn't tell her classmates or even her seniors. I haven't spoken to
Ellen since.
"..Hey. Let’s talk for a second…”
I don't even deal with it like this
pass by
In the end, the weekend came with nothing to do.
And the guys who are quite sensi ve to the situa on are a strange air
current between me and Ellen.
no ced An example was Bertus. He seems to know the situa on, but he
doesn't want to interfere.
I don't know what it is, but be strong. this
It was the expression.
It is Bertus and Cliffman who can roughly guess the situa on,
“...Did you fight him?”
And it was Herriot de Saint-Ouen.
“What are you figh ng for?”
At my words, Harriet lted her head.
"...if you see them s cking around to the point where they feel bad and
then suddenly saying nothing, isn't it a fight?"
Did you feel badly stuck together?
The expression is a bit strange, are you? to that extent
Wasn't it?
“Well then. More than personality like you
I've been hanging out with one guy for way too long."
and this guy.
Somehow it looks a li le be er.
“You look so pi ful, so maybe you can tell me what’s going on.”
He seemed to be mo vated by the thought of sugges ng a guideline for
me to get through my predicament. In the end, no ma er what, I want to
help because I am in trouble.
is it?
have cute,
"done. It’s not like that.”
"...what is it, I'll do my best to help. Sheesh.”
However, it was a problem that I couldn't talk about, so I had no choice but
to accept it with gra tude.
“Thank you for caring though.”
“What, what! I didn't care!"
At my outrageous remarks, Harriet's face lit up.
It turned red and was fierce. Normally, it's the right me to get angry and
throw it away, but I'm really worried that he didn't leave my side.
“Really… didn’t we fight?”
“It’s not like that.”
He didn't inquire further, as I didn't think I'd tell him. In the end, I was
thankful that he cared about me. As in the case of Adriana, this guy
seemed like a bad guy at first, but then he became like this.
I really don't know if it's a human thing.
As Bertus said, there are some appearance buffs.
I wonder if it was
Me and Harriet were staring blankly out the window in the hallway.
It's raining. Harriet looked at the pouring rain and mu ered as if smoking
something else.
walked away
“It’s raining heavily.”
“That’s right.”
“It’s raining too much, so I guess it might overflow.”
The Han River may overflow due to con nued heavy rain. yes it can be
“Originally, I was going to go to the riverside with Adelia this weekend, but
it was overflowing.
Everything is ruined.”
Come to think of it, it's Ellen now and the Demon Church
And that wasn't important.
It seems that Han River Park has already been flooded.
So what happened to the Rotary club that lived under Banpo Bridge?
Wasn't it all washed away?
"Huh? You, where are you all of a sudden?"
“I have to go!”
Didn't the whole shack flew away?
I immediately grabbed my umbrella and went to Temple Bar.
went outside
It wasn't a storm, but the wind was blowing very strong, so even with an
umbrella, I couldn't help but get wet. Take the magic train to the Bronze
Gate pier and get off
The spectacle unfolded through the heavy rain.
Irene, who had turned red and muddy water, was roaring. Access to the
park was, of course, controlled by the guards, and it didn't seem like it
would make any difference if it wasn't controlled. The en re park site was
already locked.
At the bo om of the Bronze Gate is the original port.
You should be able to see the club members who were drinking and dice,
of course, that side was also submerged in water.
It was obvious that they had all been smashed. It won't rain in a day or
two, so it won't be like this today. Maybe it's at this point, but it's not like I
was going to use it all in my sleep or something like that?
There were not many people because of the heavy rain, and all the people
I could see seemed to be passers-by. The club members didn't seem to be
nearby. I walked over to the guard blocking the driveway to the park. He
looked miserable as he was drenched in the rain without an umbrella and
wearing armor.
"What's going on?"
“Hey, you guys are under the bridge!”
"uh? Ah. those guys? Why?”
Apparently, even the guards knew the Rotary club. Because it's such a
popping group.
“How are they all?”
"Ah, if they were all of them, they would have come out sooner. They also
have eyes, so what's the point of staying there and being swept away?"
Fortunately, it didn't seem like a big deal.
“By the way, it’s a messy lined shack, and it’s refreshing to see everything
swept away.”
| ......I have a big problem in a slightly different way
I guess.
By the way, where the hell are these bastards who have neither houses nor
genitals gathered now if they aren't under the bridge? It's raining, so I'll
need some shelter.
“If it rained so o en, you wouldn’t see beggars gathering under the bridge.
It’s the same thing, though, because people flock to other places.”
“How about somewhere else?”
The guard took a deep breath.
“Probably went into Wenster Market over there. Is there any other place
they can shelter from the rain around here?
There is a place full of beggars who pray.”
Wenster Market near Bronzegate Pier alley.
In this situa on, it seems that the only place to escape from the rain is
A fairly large market street was formed where it should have been the
high-speed terminal area of Seoul. If the Yongsan Shopping Mall above was
a market for adventurers, it seemed to be a huge market selling food and
other daily necessi es.
Whether it was a permanent market or the market was open, but there
were few people probably because of the heavy rain. Fortunately, the
awning that blocks the sky
It had a double roof, so it didn't rain on the market. It certainly looked like
a good place to escape from the rain.
Of course, my purpose was not to go shopping, so I went into a dark alley
without people. You can find a club member and ask where Loyar is.
I know I should take care of it, but I have to go looking for it, but I also want
to ask for my regards a er a long me.
To be honest, I wanted to confide in someone in this head-breaking
situa on. I'll tell you what happened with Ellen.
All I can do is have a trio of demon spies.
Of course, Sarkegaar is dangerous. As soon as I heard about Ellen Artorius
The road will run rampantly saying I have to kill him right now.
To be honest, Loyard probably wouldn't think much of it, but wouldn't
there be a proper answer? I think it would be best to go to Elerys and tell
Even so, I thought it would be be er to talk with Royar and then go.
I sleep squa ng in the alley
She looks like a beggar even if she pretends to be in
Shake it in half to wake it up.
"Mister. Mister."
“Ugh… uh, uh. What are you doing?"
“Are you a member of your club?”
"Club? What kind of club is that... noisy?
mind! Wake up and go.”
The beggar pa ed my hand and waved it as if to turn it off.
Dokgodai or this gentleman? well, all
The beggar may not be from a Rotary club
yes According to the guard, the original
Because it is a place with a lot of land.
It was also true that I felt strong because I was walking through the
crevices of the building rather than where there were shops. drain
Water was gushing out through the roof, and rain was pouring down on the
part without the eaves.
Even if it is called the eclip c, a er all, it is a place where people live.
Market buildings are crowded
Because it is a place where it is, the dark alleys are li ered with garbage,
and even if one person dies, no one will know.
It seemed
I wonder if this just came in.
Aren't you mee ng some tough guys, not Rotary clubs?
“Child, this place doesn’t come and go.”
Not surprisingly, even if I pretend to be in a dark alley, it’s scary to think like
I put it on Lee Yangachi
A guy who looks like he's staring at me
He said so. Judging from his appearance, it didn't look like he was a beggar.
“Get out of here before you see anything bad.”
Luckily, he's a pre y gentleman.
I thought I was taking the wrong path and said it well. Because they are
Those who sprint all over the place ah
Neil. I was going to ask about the Rotary club, but I stopped.
I don't think I should stay here long. had a strong intui on.
“Oh yes. thank you."
I didn't mean to make a big fuss because I wasn't very picky about my
opponent. He looks like a thug, but the kids look a er him
is it a guy Seriously, even if you try to rip it off, do you think it won't be
much considering it's money on your nose?
“Hmm, kid.”
But then that bastard suddenly called me up.
“I think the umbrella has a temple mark on it?”
The umbrella I am using now has the temple’s
symbol was drawn. He wasn't wearing a school uniform, but he must have
recognized this because of the mark on my umbrella.
“Yeah, what about it?”
I tried to quietly back off, but I think I'm going to break my head.
“If you were a temple student, would you have a lot of money?”
He seemed to have changed his mind when he realized that I was a temple
student a er trying to see him as a child.
It's quite serious to touch the Temple student.
It's true that he did it, but he's the one who thinks it's enough if he robs
me and slashes me. “I’m going to take a look at your pockets.”
I didn't bring a lot of money, but there is definitely money. He seemed to
be a gentleman who didn't touch the child, but his a tude changed as
soon as he realized that he was a temple student who said that only rich
people a ended.
Slowly, he begins to approach me.
“Money is good.”
"It's okay kid
If you give it to me, I will send it to you safely…”
I am type B.
Type B is a preset for close combat only.
“Go crazy.”
- Bah!
I slap his stomach at the same me
Eh, I slapped him on the back with a kick.
- Kudangtang!

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 126

The choice of what to do with the robbers was on my side in the first place.
“So, you’ll let me go and decide what’s going to happen…”
Something is wrong.
Scared to look back, I could see two In Spirits waving clubs at me.
get sick
You weren't alone!
The two were too close to react.
- Boom!
When I regained consciousness with the thought of breaking my head, I
realized I was ed up. It was in a state of being ghtly bound by a rope to a
I should have ripped it off once. s ll
I have enough power to subdue a single person in that situa on, but isn't it
a fool to just rip it off?
I made sure I was alone, but I'm not that low on a en on
When the hell did you get caught? rain cow
Was it because Lee didn't feel popular?
The place where I was captured seemed to be inside a certain building.
Only a small amount of debt is flowing through the closed wooden
It was dark inside, so I couldn't tell the things apart.
"Wake up."
Then, in the darkness on the other side, I heard the voice of a man si ng
on a chair.
Judging by his voice alone, it wasn't the Yangachi he had just met in the
alley. Probably in his late twen es or early thir es. But I couldn't figure it
“If you swing around recklessly even if you know how to use your fist, this
is what happens.”
That's right.
He doesn't want to be ripped off, so he punches him in the head, and then
gets hit in the head and is dragged to a place he doesn't know.
I had to admit I was careless.
I am strong enough to break the rope.
- Creak! squeak!
"'re working in vain."
But the ed rope was not even moving.
It's completely locked up, so it's impossible to escape.
Do I have to say that it's hard to see a good look if you touch me? That's
true, but there were mes when stupid thugs would get angry and punch
their fists when they heard that. There's a lot of possibility that he's a no-
I know from experience that not everyone can communicate.
Some people get their fists out of their emo ons
Go, because actually I just did.
Damn it.
The biggest door with all my belongings stolen
it was my A person with invisibility magic
Rkegar's ring was not stolen
The fire of Tuesday was stolen. Disguised as an old rusty pendant, I know
the value
I can't see it, but if it was there, I would have somehow managed to get out
of it using the flames.
Can I get it back somehow? no
Hell, I'm going to be suspicious.
He seemed to be examining my belongings lying on the table. In the weak
light from the window, he is my student
showed evidence.
“Temple Royal Class 1st year, my name is Reinhardt...”
He read the le ers slowly. murmured a li le.
“If it's Reinhardt, it's at the Rotary Club.
It's the guy you sent to the temple."
“ to do that...” |
"Why, are you surprised that I know that?"
He started laughing in the dark. “There is no way the Thieves Guild doesn’t
know about Rotary clubs, kid.”
What I touched was a group of street thugs
Wasn't it the Thieves' Guild?
Rotary clubs and the Thieves' Guild have a symbio c rela onship.
Fortunately, I thought that he would be released without any major
“I don’t like it.”
He started saying strange things.
“It sounds like you’re trying to do something or do whatever you are doing.
Aren't the li le ones sent to the temple? Are you looking to expand your
business? Now, ah yes, I mean, you were trying to hit me openly.”
Rotary clubs and the Thieves' Guild have a symbio c rela onship.
However, without funds from the Thieves' Guild, Rotary clubs cannot
possible situa on. so in fact
ver cal structure.
Loyard is doing something to get out of that structure.
A er he was able to become self-reliant to some extent, he was trying to
get out of the control of the Thieves Guild.
Soon, the conflict between the Rotary club and the Thieves' Guild was
becoming visible.
Damn, the worst should be somewhere
I wasn't expec ng to ask for my ransom or anything like that.
“If only Irene’s wild dog disappears, the club will disappear. I heard that
bitch's average last name
It's not that he's gone, but it's been difficult for him to use his hands un l
now, but it's good."
I'm not glad I met the Thieves Guild
It seemed to be the worst case scenario.
In the dark, he looks at me and smiles.
“You should be a bait to lure wild dogs.”
They were trying to kill Loyar and disband the Rotary Club.
I ate this.
How do I get out?
It's impossible to get out with superpowers
do. The strap is too ght.
If even the firework of Tuesday was in my arms, I would have tried to do
something with the flames, but that is impossible.
If this is the case, wouldn't the angry Loyar or El Leris come and inves gate
everything? I don't know about the two of them, but I think Sarkegaar
would really do that?
Well. When I think of my helpers, I feel reassured.
As long as that bastard's purpose was not my life, but the life of Loyar, I
wouldn't have to die. If his life is in danger
Not dangerous.
Also, if my predic on is correct, if I can't go back to the temple like this, the
temple will
I'm going to fuss to find it. perhaps
Charlo e or Bertus might come out.
Even if Bertus doesn't know, Charlo e will definitely try to find me.
“Fufu, Master will like it if he finds out.”
That guy is cleaving his throat without realizing that it is grapefruit.
That's right.
I think it's a very difficult situa on.
Isn't it true?
If things go the way I think.
Being kidnapped now wasn't the worst, it could have been a godsend. It's
not that I'm unlucky in the Thieves' Guild, but maybe I'm lucky.
“Don’t be too scared, kid.”
At the man's words in the dark, I shudder
Yeah, don't be too scared later either.
You are making a big mistake now.
Saturday and then Sunday.
It was s ll raining. 1st year class A dormitory lobby
Riot de Saint-Ouen looked out the window quietly.
was looking at
“Heriot, what are you doing?”
"uh, ah...."
Adelia, who majored in magic and a friend of Heriot, asked.
“Let’s go to the lab.”
"Huh? Ah. go first I'll be a li le later..."
Adelia walked into her dorm magic lab, and Harriet narrowed her brow.
He was staring out the window.
'Why don't you come?'
Will Reinhardt return a er yesterday?
Of course, students who are absent on the weekend
There are quite a few. In the case of Bertus and Charlo e
Back on the weekend for the imperial business
This was o en the case, as is the case with Liana de Granz, who likes to
stay in the Imperial Palace.
However, Reinhardt tends to remain at the temple even on weekends. Of
course, it's not that I don't go out at all, but is there any other place to stay
outside the beggars under the bridge?
Seeing that he was rushing out yesterday in this heavy rain, he probably
went to check the beggar zone. But he couldn't have spent a day there.
So Harriet stayed in the lobby to see if Reinhardt returned. With all the
magic research projects behind them,
'What if I'm worried about that child?
It seems like you do.'
Harriet frowned at the thought. He was about to go to the magic lab,
pretending that he didn't need them all.
A-2 Harriet stopped her walk as she saw Ellen come out of her room.
Harriet clearly felt that the two of them had grown cold these days.
Although the two of us didn't talk much, we always went together and ate
together, but these days, we're not together at all.
Even Harriet seemed to be working for Ellen.
She felt ignoring by spinning. Reinhardt had a complicated expression that
was hard to say,
Reinhardt that filthy bastard must have done something wrong again,
Harriet thought so.
However, whenever he felt a strange feeling of reassurance while looking
at the scene, Harriet became displeased.
"excuse me."
Harriet summoned Ellen. L
Ren stopped and hit Harriet quietly.
i've seen it all
Every me he looked at those dark blue eyes, Harriet felt a li le nauseous.
Nothing really happened, but Harriet was a li le reluctant and scared of
"You... what happened to Reinhardt?"
“...why is that?”
It's not that nothing's wrong, but Ellen has asked why she's curious about
“Oh no, just. That bastard is s ll dying. I went out yesterday and didn't
even come in... because..."
“…you didn’t come in?”
“Didn’t you know? You weren’t there at breakfast.”
“Ah… I thought you were just not ea ng.”
Ellen had not seen Reinhardt outside for the first me now.
“I don’t know, I just rushed out yesterday and didn’t come in.”
“…it must be someone you know is at home or something like that.”
Isn't Ellen just like that?
She said as if tossing.
“Does the beggar know anyone at home?”
“… it could be.”
Does Reinhardt live with someone he knows? Harriet had no idea that
Reinhardt knew anyone who had a home.
Harriet, who naturally despises beggars, is thinking hard about herself. She
wasn't even conscious.
But Ellen doesn't believe in Reinhardt's birth that he was a beggar.
she didn't
Ellen eventually went her own way without saying what had happened
with Reinhardt.
Ellen said that she suddenly turned back,
She headed towards the gym.
Because she had nowhere to go. It was probably good
- ra le
When I opened the door to the gym, Cliff was alone there, wielding a
training sword. Cliffman looked at Ellen, stopped the sword he was
wielding, and stared intently at Ellen.
Like Reinhardt, Eren never talked to Cliffman.
one thing
“I never saw Reinhardt. but.”
Cliffman said so, as if he knew exactly what he was thinking.
“…you didn’t say anything.”
Cliffman looked startled when Ellen said that with a bit of hesita on.
“Uh, um. Ah. Yes it was."
Pretending that she is correct but not true, El Ren closed the door to her
Ellen went to the restaurant this me.
Of course she had no one.
Reinhardt, who le last night, did not return.
Ellen stood idly in her dining room for a while, and then she eventually
went back to her room.
She said, 'It's going to be a weekend ou ng.'
- Curl rumble!
I don't know where to go on the weekend when the thunderstorm
con nues, but what else is there to do?
And what does it ma er? I'm thinking of going away now.
It is also funny to wonder.
She stopped thinking about Ellen she was.
She said, "I've heard long that she's 11 no comeback."
Ms. Epin Hauser looked at an empty seat in her classroom and said.
“It’s not a return on Monday, it’s an absence at all.”
Take the empty Reinhardt's seat
and the children lted their heads
all. Even if I am a problem child, I will miss class
I wasn't that type. problem
Awareness is like that at the beginning of the semester
Excellent grades and excellent in group missions
She showed a humble appearance.
Reinhardt is the epitome of a case in which his image was ruined by
eroding his first impression.
Because it s ll has a bad reputa on to some extent.
“I didn’t even write a night out, I’m going out for a while.
It was reported that he didn't show up un l Monday... that means there's a
Harriet had her complexion turned white. She said, "Has anyone talked to
number 11 before going out?"
“Me, me!”
Harriet de Saint-Ouen with a red complexion
her hand flashed.
A-11, Reinhardt is missing.
Harriet is Reinhardt.
Hearing that he might be flooded, he suddenly le his seat in a hurry.
I told Mr. Yagil Epinhauser.
He didn't even think that everyone was missing at first. Because you're a
nerd who doesn't know what kind of accident you'll have, come to the
temple for nothing
I hated it and thought I was absent. If it was Reinhardt, everyone could do
that, and that was the reac on.
Of course, contrary to the thoughts of the students, the teacher
A student who heard, and even a student of the Royal Class, may have
gone missing in this situa on and move at a fast pace.
it started.
The Temple Guard, of course, the Imperial Guard?
mobilized and the search began.
What I thought would be easy to find, or just a brief devia on, changed
when Reinhardt didn't show up un l Wednesday. all work
He realized he was going back strangely.
Rumors like this circulated about whether he was being humiliated for
touching someone who should not have been touched by his
temperament. Reinhardt's reac on was that he could do that.
He didn't just move the guards.
“His name is Reinhardt, and his impressions are like this.”
In a mansion inside the eclip c, Bertus handed Reinhardt's photo to
"find. The loca on is roughly... I think it's on the Wenster district side. Near
Bronze Gate.”
“Yes, my lord.”
“Of course, don’t just look there, you’ll do well.”
Someone who received Bertus' orders
“To make you go out in this kind of weather.”
Bertus took a sip of tea and smiled while looking out the window as it was
pouring with heavy rain with a teacup in his hand.
“Annoying bastard.”
Outside the window, it was raining nonstop.
Same day, different place. “My name is Reinhardt, and here is the picture.”
“Yes, my lord.”
| The person who took the picture Charlo e gave me
He checked it and put it in her arms.
“Perhaps something happened when they came out because they were
worried about the flooding of their organiza on base. So, let’s try to find it
around the Wenster district.”
“The temple said it could not be found.
The thing is that the tracking magic on the student ID doesn't work.
Reinhardt obviously took his student ID. What that means is that the
kidnappers or suspects know what the Temple student ID is. It's not like
they're normal guys. Organiza on rather than individual
I would like to try to find it.”
“Yes sir. I will keep that in mind.”
“Find me as soon as possible. He is a dear friend to me.”
The person who received the instruc ons quickly retreated. Charlo e
clenched her chin on her work-seat sofa
As she sat, she seemed unable to hide her melancholy.
“Haha… It would be nice if we just bought and hit it as usual.”
"I wish she wasn't kidnapped, but just wandering around and messing
around as usual," Charlo e mu ered blankly.
The Temple and the Imperial Guard aren't the only ones.
She started looking for the missing Reinhardt, even the prince and

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 127

No progress had been made in finding Reinhardt un l Friday, despite the
efforts of many.
Reinhardt disappeared.
Not showing up un l Friday means things may have already become
Ellen walked blankly through her rain with her umbrella on. The rain is a
li le weak now
It was falling, but this damn rain didn't know how to stop. Class was over,
and there was nothing to do.
But she had a class today and she didn't even remember her Ellen.
She couldn't focus on anything because she thought Reinhardt might be
Ellen walked the temple aimlessly.
“Again, I made a mistake.”
Everyone has memories they want to erase.
I have a past I want to change.
'Do not lie.
'You don't love me at all. love. Don’t say that.”
'Ellen, what do you mean? My brother… I love you very much.’
Ellen has few words for her.
But she wasn't like that before.
'okay? And then you leave me here, give me a knife like this, and now I'm
going too far again? where else What else are you going to do? This me it
will be years later! I'm not going to tell you anything! Saying I love you only
with words! If that's the case, don't come back at all! What if I came back
out of nowhere in a few days? I'm going to be a be er person than you? to
work hard? What the hell do you have to work hard for? What are you
doing with such a good knife? What a great person! I don't think you're a
great guy!'
'Ellen... I'm sorry. I have work to do. All I have to do is...'
'okay! That's what ma ers! Nabo
all more! You're more important than your family! You won't tell me what
it is! It's always been more important than that! Those things you couldn't
even say were more precious than me! oppa loves us
you don't! I hate you!'
hit in the cheek
Not my brother, but my father.
'Oh, Dad!'
'Don't act like a fool.'
‘Black, heh heh! Heh heh heh heh!’
'Go, son.'
'...Ellen, I'm sorry.
'Black! I hate you! I hate it all! I hate everything! I hate you the most!’
Ellen Artorius hates her brother
But he hates himself even more than that
he does
that day.
One day in the past when it rained heavily like now.
He hates himself for leaving the last words to his older brother who leaves
a er making a difficult decision, not to say that he loves him, but that he
hates him.
I didn't immediately believe that I had le for a long trip, but I thought I'd
come back anyway.
As always, I thought it would appear suddenly a er a few years or so.
However, as me passed, my brother did not go on an adventure as usual,
but the Demon Lord.
When he learned the truth that he had gone to the Dark Lands to defeat
him, he was sure he would never come back.
Then what did he say
I felt it
He was the last to stand before his family at the risk of death, and he
himself cursed in front of him.
If you think about how your brother must have le , Ellen killed herself that
wanted to be
To her brother, the last appearance of himself was crying and ha ng, it
must have been a state of dislike. How bad would that hurt? Just thinking
about her made El Ren tormented.
So Ellen has never spoken to her since then.
she's gone
She hurt someone so badly with her words that she would never make that
mistake again.
The number of words she spoke gradually decreased. Short answers and
short conversa ons, Ellen is so increasingly curled up inside her like a snail
she went in
I did.
She said that she was sparing her words.
“I hate people like you.”
She again said she was wrong.
For her own reasons, she hurt someone. Reinhardt must accept
Enforcing standards that have no reason to do so
and hurt her.
She thinks she made a mistake, she lines
When Hart disappeared, she realized.
She thought, of course, that Reinhardt bought her suddenly, and she
thought she might be gone, but she didn't think it would be her right away.
But Reinhardt himself said that
It was terrifyingly and suddenly disappeared.
Reinhardt disappeared.
he may have died
In her memory of her Reinhardt, her last appearance of herself will be the
one you say you don't like.
His words that he seems to disappear suddenly became some kind of
What happened to her Ruth?
Or maybe his own words were hurt, and Reinhardt had to hide himself.
is it lin
Ellen was so confused that she now even makes such nonsensical guesses.
She said that because she thought she wouldn't need Reinhardt. She felt
like she had to be pushed out before she became more precious, so she
When she suddenly disappeared, she had no choice but to know Ellen.
She wasn't a no-go.
She thought she was missing out, but she wasn't.
It wasn't easy for her to ignore. But she wanted to get away from her
somehow. Every me she sees Reinhardt, she thinks of her brother and she
can't stand it. It was hard to bear as she remembered her own fault and
the last appearance of her brother.
She eventually repeated to Reinhardt the same she did to her brother she
had done to her brother. And as if punishing him, Reinhardt was afraid to
make such a mistake.
has disappeared
He was careful, but he made another mistake.
He made the same mistake.
are you ge ng punished?
She said she wouldn't do such a mistake and would be punished for doing
it again.
Ellen no ced a man si ng on a bench a er she had been walking for a
while. She was on the promenade and it was a rainy day, so the only
people around her were the girl in front of her and herself.
Even without an umbrella, it rains all over my body.
It was a girl crying, covering her face with both hands.
“……Heh heh heh heh! Black!”
Ellen said she approached the girl quietly and put her umbrella over her.
"... uh... black?"
It was Harriet de Saint-Touan who suddenly raised her dog to someone to
put an umbrella on.
Originally, she should have been embarrassed just by being caught crying,
but Harriet nodded again, not sure if she was in the mood to do so.
She fell and she began to cry.
Ellen knows why she's crying.
She knows why she hides like this, she can't even use an umbrella, and she
cries all over her body in the rain.
Because she wants it now, and she wants to do it herself.
She looked at it and she seemed to Ellen and she knew what she had to do.
She hates doing nothing.
Just like when her brother le , she doesn't want to just cry anymore.
"...let's go."
“! Whoops! uh huh? uh, where?"
Ellen looks down at Harriet and she says quietly.
“Let’s go find it.”
Harriet was looking up at Ellen, her eyes drooping. Harriet was there for a
moment, then she stole her eyes and she nodded her head.
She didn't say she was going to find someone.

But even if she didn't have to say it, the two were thinking of the same
Harriet reported that she would be res ng for the weekend at her out-of-
home residence, and Ellen said she was coming to sleep with her at
She gave a reasonable excuse.
Today is Friday.
All classes are over, so over the weekend
You can go outside.
Harriet changed her wet clothes a bunch, and Eren went from her school
uniform to casual clothes too.
Aip then le the Class A dormitory.
"What do we do?"
Neither Harriet nor Ellen want to find Reinhardt, but she doesn't know
what to do.
call She went out with an umbrella recklessly, but in the end it was just a
blind spot.
Harriet tries to roll her head to the best of her knowledge.
It is known that Reinhardt came from some beggars under a bridge.
“The dog probably went to check on the beggars under that bridge….”
what happened a er that
I don't know, but the first des na on is that
is presumed to be
"Do you know where that bridge is?"
“That… I don’t know.”
There are more than ten bridges crossing the Irene River from north to
south. that bridge
Ellen and Harriet don't know which bridge the beggars were under. Neither
of them are from the emperor.
Just as Ellen realized, so did Harriet.
She knew she didn't know much about Reinhardt. He used to tease him for
being a beggar, but he had no idea where he lived, what he did, or how he
got to the temple.
I didn't even wonder.
Ellen lted her head.
“By the way, was Reinhardt talking about being a beggar under that bridge
“Ah… that’s right.”
Ellen didn't know the details, but Harriet knew the rumored progress.
As she thought, she seemed to know who to go find.
Caier Bioden and Erchi de Rafa
Eri followed Reinhardt, so Reinhardt was a great person.
He saw him hanging out with the beggars under the bridge, not from the
“Bioden or Lafaeri, you two know where that bridge is.”
Harriet was able to pinpoint who to go to.
The two found Cayer and Erch in the Class A dormitory, and were able to
get a clue.
I can't remember either, but they said it must have been the Bronzegate
Bridge, so I guess you're right.
They asked why they were asking, but Ellen and Harriet didn't say what
they were going to do. No ma er what the teacher's ear
Even if you go inside, you might be told not to do anything in vain.
The two were now really ready to leave the dormitory and were able to run
into a group of people coming out of the B-class dormitory.
Charlo e looks a bit angry.
“Shah, Charlo e…”
“S ll, we have to do something…”
And it was Ludwig and Delphine Izadra, who somehow felt like they were
being scolded.
"What are you guys going to do? On the contrary, it may even become
dangerous for you!"
Charlo e put her hands on her hips and she looked at them both as if she
was about to leave the dorm and she would eat them.
“You are not the only ones who are concerned about Reinhardt. The
teachers and the temples are already moving. Don't make your work bigger
for nothing, just relax in the dormitory. Reinhardt will be fine. trust me."
"I will..."
Delphine and Ludwig are probably missing.
old Reinhardt go find yourself
It looks like Charlo e just caught on to it.
all. Since the last uninhabited island group mission, the in macy with
Reinhardt seems to have increased significantly in this situa on.
It looked like he couldn't be there.
In the end, Ludwig and Delphine had no choice but to return to the B-class
dormitory, dead. It seemed that Charlo e could not stand the turbulent
momentum. Let Charlo e go in. She goes out this me.
She stared at Ellen and Harriet as they were ge ng ready.
They are not friendly with each other, but they do know each other.
“...where are you guys going?”
“We are...”
Ellen is afraid to say anything
Harriet intervened.
“Hey, ooh, we’re going out for dinner!”
"Oh, right? It's raining, so be careful."
"Uh, yes! Thanks for your concern!"

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 128

The two went outside the temple with umbrellas on. It's Friday, so all
It could have been colored. So Harriet was on the verge of bringing quite a
bit of money. Of course, you can sleep in the house of the Saint-Touine
family inside the Imperial Palace instead of the inn, but I don't know how
things will go.
The two headed to the Wenster district where the Bronze Gate was on the
magic train. The magic train wasn't crowded, but it wasn't too small either.
- Alas, hello, dear ci zens of the Empire.
- Today, your precious me to sleep
If I could lend you a poem, I would like to introduce you to one of Jo-eun's
There you see it these days.
Harriet sighed as he looked at the cha ering vendors.
It's not because I don't like it.
"uh? Oh no.”
When Ellen asked if there was something wrong, Harriet shook her head.
“… Just because I’m so used to this kind of thing.”
How is it that you are used to this kind of bastard?
There are no teeth, so sigh comes out.
The magic train is an item that can only be found in the zodiac.
all. She was originally a princess of the Principality of Saint-Touan.
Throughout his life, Harriet mainly used wagons to get around.
Since Temple entered high school, hehe
Riot received at Temple since her elementary educa on
The aristocrats had a slightly different mindset.
How is she supposed to use the means of transport she gets with the
She said that she was inferior, and in the early days, even when riding the
tram inside the temple, she o en thought about it. It is of course
impossible to sit on the tram, which is buzzing a er class is over, and to
stand up is frustra ng.
Harriet was terrified to ride it. However, she ended up taking the tram
because carriages are forbidden inside the temple.
had to get used to it.
It was the same when she went out. Harriet told her trambo that she had
to use it mixed with commoners on this gigan c, elongated, bizarre vehicle.
I felt a sense of rejec on.
She, of course, can travel by horse-drawn carriage. Because there are many
people who move in carriages inside the eclip c.
But there are very few such people.
It is as convenient, fast and convenient as a magic train.
because it's not cheap.
Moving on a horse-drawn carriage on the well-developed Yellow Island is a
waste of me before was ng money. And me is more precious than
money to the wealthy. There is no such thing as a noble-only space in the
magic train. There were many demands from the aristocracy, but the
imperial family had no inten on of making such a thing.
It's terrible for Harriet to use this, but her magic train is a warp gate.
It is the fastest means of movement inside the temple unless you use it.
And the use of ultra-short-distance warp gates is not permi ed in the first
place. such insignificant
If you open all the warp gates, it will overload the warp gate with a lot of
There, the speed of the magic train goes through
Seeing it was beyond my imagina on. wagon
could not be compared.
I hate riding, but when I need to move quickly from where to where
There is no other op on at all and it is foolish to choose that. At first, I
wondered how I would ride such a thing, but in the end I had no choice but
to succumb to its convenience.
Harriet was an authoritarian aristocrat, but he ended up having
conversa ons with the common people.
I got used to it, and I got used to riding on this chubby magic train.
'This is all because of Reinhardt.'
A naughty guy who shouldn't have made eye contact, let alone his
opponent, talks to himself and even makes fun of him. puts his hand on his
It was crazy and outrageous, but
Now that I've been hit, I've built up immunity
it will So no ma er what happens, no ma er what situa on you have to
endure, Reinhardt
be er than him He is going to come to think like this.
That's why, by nature, an aristocra c young girl who doesn't have a lot of
money is just doing things that she couldn't normally accept.
has become
'But now I'm on my way to find him... 1
Harriet didn't even know what the hell he was doing.
The water level of the Bronzegate Bridge, as well as the Irene River, was
dangerously raised due to the con nuous heavy rain. The park had already
been completely locked up a long me ago.
The two had arrived at the place where Reinhardt had come a while ago to
find Reinhardt.
“There can’t be anything under the bridge in this situa on.”
At Harriet's words, Ellen nodded her head.
all. If anyone lived under that bridge, it would have been washed away in
the first place.
We don't know the details of Reinhardt, but the two infer Reinhardt's
behavior based only on the circumstan al informa on they know.
have to pay
What happened?
“When I heard that Irene might overflow, I rushed to think of something.
Did you say you went?”
“Yeah, it was.”
“Reinhardt must have been worried about the people here.”
"I think so."
Reinhardt comes from a group of beggars in Bronzegate. So this rain
A er hearing the news that Irene might be flooded, they must have come
to check that the people here are safe.
“But the river is overflowing, and all the people here have gone
peel. I think I may have gone looking for them.”
Up to this point, both Ellen and Harriet could think of parts.
Reinhardt must have gone somewhere to find the missing beggars.
“Then… maybe I’m just late to help those people or to do this? got a bit long...” |
Harriet said it like a wish. Speaking of which is unlikely
Harriet knew this too.
Naturally, Ellen shook her head.
“You could come back to the temple for a while and explain the situa on,
but you didn’t. Of course it could be, but... then you'd be lucky."
I've been doing all sorts of things just to help those who are suffering from
heavy rain.
Maybe it's because I can't even come out to the temple. The two thought
that it would be be er if that was the case, even if the possibility was low.
“Anyway, Reinhardt is here.
must have gone to find out where the people went.”
“It’s true that we just need to find out where those people went…. They
don’t know what happened to Reinhardt.
What if I had a felony before finding them? Ellen was told by Harriet that
gal s rred
“Even if they do not know where Reinhardt is, let them know that
Reinhardt is missing.
it should be long And, those people
More about Reinhardt than Libra
You know this.”
Whether you know it or not, the bo om line is that you need to find them
“Yeah… Then where did those people go?”
Where did the beggars under the bridge go?
They faced the same troubles as Reinhardt.
“Let’s ask those people.”
blocking the entrance to the park
is a guard.
Ellen chose the same answer as Reinhardt a few days ago.
As a result of asking the guards, Ellen and Herriot succeeded in ge ng on
the same track as Reinhardt.
The only place to shelter from the rain in this area is the nearby Wenster
Wenster Market. If adventurers go to the northern Aligar district, the city
of Wenster
The market is the largest market visited by the general public. Heading
there, Harriet was somewhat hesitant to step.
“… my brothers told me not to go to Wenster Market.”
He looked a li le terrified.
"Ah... My brothers graduated from Temple, so I know Hwang Do well. But I
wouldn't even go because it was dirty, but s ll
Mayor Stur told me not to go.”
“There are a lot of criminals. If you're a temple student, you won't get into
an argument if you do, but here's
There are a lot of crazy people who don't think about that... Especially I
told them not to go to the back alleys. They say there are criminal
organiza ons…”
What Reinhardt didn't know, Harriet already knew. As Harriet spoke, she
looked blankly as if she had realized something.
“Ah… maybe.”
“…I think I know roughly what the situa on is.
It's a temple, it's Nabal, it's a place where criminals are hiding.
ster market. Reinhardt came into this Webster market to look for beggars.
Two bad criminals and a dirty temper
The saddest combina on of Reinhardt.
The two could immediately realize that it was rather strange that
something didn't happen.
When the two actually thought about the reality of the Wenster market
and Reinhardt, it felt like a rough es mate came out. Harriet thought as he
walked towards Wenster Market.
sorted out
“So Reinhardt knew that the beggars came here to escape the rain.
You must have known, you must have been arguing around here in the
back alleys asking where they were, right?"
“So I can’t beat my temper and run into it. It's a bit rough because things
are going wrong...
suffered from It will be like this.”
As they spoke, their faces darkened.
If it was kidnapped or something like that, I'd rather be lucky. However,
there could have been enough situa ons where the youngest had already
been stabbed by the wrong criminal.
Reinhardt may have already died.
call It is possible to make such an inference
Because of their condi on, their expressions could only become serious.
Not only that.
“Are we… okay?”
In front of the huge entrance to Wenster Market.
Harriet began to wonder if he was really allowed to go in here. Although
Reinhardt's temper is dirty, it is ul mately a figh ng talent for
strengthening his body. Although young, not as good as Eren, but a er
Figh ng works fine now.
Reinhardt was like that, and we asked if we would be okay.
“Let’s go around the market for now.”
Ellen doesn't seem to need to be in a hurry.
Dan suggested that we do an inquiry first.
The two went into the market and started exploring. Harriet plays the role
of the smell of food overflowing the market and the fishy smell of seafood.
There was no good expression at all. I'm used to it, but it's really the first
me I've ever been in a situa on like this.
Ellen, as always, was not very caring.
"Oh, you mean that li le blonde kid?"
"Yes! Yes! Have you seen it?”
Harriet's eyes lit up with the shopkeeper's eyes, who seemed to know
something. My pride as a nobleman has already been thrown away
all. Respect for commoners is nothing
neither is it
“No, I haven’t seen it. But she's looking for him, and it doesn't make sense
that she's talking here and there. Not only the guards, but also the
temples, while not selling anything.”
Wence from the guards to the temple
He was thrashing around the market.
Charlo e and Bertus had already known that Reinhardt was missing from
the Wenster market, even from the circumstance alone, so they had
ordered them to search this area in advance.
“I like Temple students. No ma er how, there's such a fuss about the
disappearance of a kid. How much be er would it be if I could spend
money on my child’s temple?”
The boss who was asked the ques on was taken care of out of nowhere
started shoo ng. Even if there is only one Temple student, when you see so
many people turn the whole market upside down for the safety of that one
person, you realize once again that Temple's pres ge is great.
Of course, Reinhardt was also a student of the Royal Class and was already
very different from the ordinary Temple student in that he was the
classmate of the prince and princess.
The two were walking around the market.
I asked the stores, but other people were trying to find Reinhardt.
I've only heard that there was a lot of rumours, but I haven't heard of any
eyewitness accounts.
“It’s strange.”
Both were feeling strange. Harriet took Ellen to a less fishy place, and she
found her strange.
I started making points.
“I think both the guards and the temple know that Reinhardt disappeared
from here.”
Since it was not such a difficult reasoning, those who were looking for
Reinhardt already paid a en on to Wenster's market.
“Then why couldn’t you find it?” A er looking around the market, he must
have searched all the back alleys as well. There’s no reason to be afraid of
the criminal gangs run by the guards and temples in the back alleys.
Reinhardt is missing.
The incident was presumed to be last Saturday, and the search began on
But no income un l Friday.
Why couldn't the guards and the temple find Reinhardt? If he was dead, he
should have found a body, but it wasn't.
Even at this moment, they have guards who are exploring the whole
“I’ve been looking for this a lot, but if I can’t find it, I don’t think there’s
anything in the back alleys…”
Harriet mumbled melancholy.
“But let’s go.”
There doesn't seem to be any clues in the back alley, but I had no choice
but to go inside.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 129

With a maze of complex buildings and gaps between them, Ellen and
Herriot carefully
went on
“The guards will tell us to leave because it’s dangerous when they see us.
You have to run away from it.”
Unlike before, in this back alley, because of the disappearance, not
criminals, but security.
Bo les were piled up. At Ellen's words
Riot nodded.
“This me I learned something new about noise canceling. Write it down
and move on.”
“I wish there was invisibility magic, but not yet.”
"it's okay."
Herriot has learned some new magic since the last deserted island mission.
It was because he had experienced a situa on where magic, which he had
no interest in originally, was actually very useful.
Such were the underwater breathing magic and the hea ng ball
summoning magic. It was the lowest level magic that I learned without
much thought, and it was a great help to Ellen and Reinhardt's food
collec on, and it was very helpful when it rained.
It helped to keep
In fact, many of the a ack spells learned as powerful magic had nothing to
do with it except for once. Due to the problem of cas ng me, prac cality
was also reduced.
In the end, even a er the group mission, Harriet had a slightly different
opinion about the really useful magic.
got me thinking
If it had been on an uninhabited island, it would have been of great help to
hun ng. so harriet
is to be used right away rather than the top spells.
He had learned many useful magics, and noise canceling was one of them.
A er the brief cas ng me was over and the magic was ac vated, the
noise from Harriet and Ellen's ac ons was greatly reduced, if not
completely gone.
Ellen took the lead.
It was raining, so the smell wasn't too bad, but it was steaming. A stench
that is suffoca ng
It was an obvious space.
Uniden fied piles of garbage, traces of food, and traces of urine sca ered
everywhere were clearly visible.
| Harriet wasn't used to that, so he tried to avoid his gaze. There, when he
saw the rats roaming all over the place, his stomach churned. I'm glad I
didn't scream.
Fortunately, there is rain and there is noise suppression magic, so the
guards are two girls.
I didn't hear this moving noise.
“What are all these buildings?”
Even if the market is the same, Herrio is very close to the back of the
I wonder what the buildings are doing
it looked like one
“It will be home.”
"House? in this place?”
How can a person live in a stack of buildings like an anthill? As a great
aristocrat, Heriot was showing a typical figure incapable of understanding
the lives of commoners.
The roads in the back alleys inside the market complex like a maze were
flat except for the guards passing by.
Occasionally, sleeping crumpled in the alley
There were also homeless people.
When Harriet saw the bone, it froze at all, and he couldn't even get close
to it. Ellen approached instead.
“Hey, be careful…”
"Uh, umm... What. Who is it? Hey, what kind of girls have come all the way
to this place?"
“I’m looking for a guy with blonde hair of this height. My name is Line...”
“Oh no. How many mes do you say you don't know?"
She had already been asked the same ques on several mes, and the
homeless man, who was drowning in fire, couldn't come up with an
A er that, I found some people who looked like homeless people or
beggars who were not criminals, and Ellen asked a lot of ques ons.
A er wandering around for a long me avoiding the guards, Ellen and
Harriet ended up with no income as a result of their inves ga on.
… I think everyone has already been asked about Reinhardt.”
There were beggars, but none of the beggars knew about Reinhardt, and
the criminals seemed to be all hiding because of the guards.
I broke into the building and killed you guys.
I have to even talk about whether I'm a criminal or not, I don't know
Reinhardt or what.
is it? But it was obvious that the guards were already doing it.
They both want Reinhardt to return safely, but they don't think we must
find it. herriot
This carefully pulled her out.
“Since this is a place everyone is already looking for… even if there is a
clue, it must have already been found, and I don’t think we need to wander
In the end, it was only concluded that it was meaningless for the two of
them to search the Wenster market.
Harriet and Ellen le Wenster Market and headed back to the boulevard.
Wenster Market is already a search zone. Even if these two were added to
it, nothing would change.
“Didn’t Reinhardt come here?”
"I do not know...."
The guards go a er them like this
However, the fact that Reinhardt has not been found means that the point
where Reinhardt disappeared is not this place.
It is possible that Reinhardt did not come here. The reason that all the
criminals that could be a clue ran away was because they were the ones
who kidnapped Reinhardt.
So it is quite possible that it is.
So where the hell should I find Reinhardt?
“There are some strange things.”
Harriet raised another ques on.
“The guards asked the… beggars all these things.”
"right." There is already a sign of dislike for the inquiry is reversed
it looked strong
“The criminals ran away, but the beggars are s ll there.”
“The beggars under that bridge said they seemed to have come this way,
but none of them were there.
ok then No one knows Reinhardt
Because it is.”
beggars under the bridge.
According to the guard, the beggars
When you come, cross over to Wenster Market and it will rain
said to avoid If they had escaped here, they should have stayed here. The
guards beat the beggars
Because I didn't get kicked out. So beggars no ma er who roams or not
It was in the back alley.
There are beggars, but no beggars under the bridge who know Reinhardt.
“They didn’t come to Wenster Market in the first place.”
At Harriet's reasoning, Ellen nodded her head.
it was
“I think we need to find those people first.”
The Wenster market, the strongest clue, is already crowded with people.
Even without these two, the clue is there. Then you will find it someday.
The two focus on the Wenster market itself.
A house where nobody cares
However, the beggars of Bronzegate Bridge
decided to find
Both assump ons were correct.
Neither the Temple nor the guards were concentra ng on that under the
inference that Reinhardt had disappeared from the Wenster market. They
were trying to find the criminal gangs there and link them to Reinhardt's
Reinhardt had not yet reached the stage of trying to find the beggars he
was trying to find.
The harm rain of those who only do what they are told
it's similar Temple and Guard Wenster
He was concentra ng on the fact that Reinhardt had reached the market
That's why Ellen and Harriet don't need us because other people are
lagging behind.
I have come to the conclusion that I should go to
The beggars under the bridge are quite a noisy group that even the guards
The guards didn't seem to impose any sanc ons on them, but they didn't
like it.
did not appear to be Neither Harriet nor Ellen have ever seen them in
I didn't, but drinking under the bridge
I can imagine you talking awkwardly
He didn't think it would look very good.
Ellen and Herriot went back to the entrance to the park where they first
got informa on, and found the guard again.
But maybe the shi me has passed or the person has changed.
"Ah, those beggars? It's always towards Wenster Market..."
“It’s not there.”
When she was about to say the same thing again, Ellen cut off her waist. It
is highly likely that Reinhardt went there, but the beggars were definitely
not there.
“Um… yes? Then where the hell did they go on this rainy day....they have
neither a house nor a mosque.” |
Apparently, it was raining heavily and I always went to the Wenster Market
if it was not possible to stand under the bridge.
At one guard's words, the other giggled.
“Well, they made quite a bit of money, so they don't go to the market
anymore, do they?
do you know Grab an inn and go there.
Will you be staying?”
"money? What money do beggars make? and the inn? That sounds funny.”
The other guard lted his head as if he was saying what a weird sound, and
the guard who joined in
The sickness squealed.
“They are no longer candy parrots, they sell things on the magic train.
didn't know
uh? So there are almost no complaints from the park side anymore. But I
get red of seeing each other every me I go to work.”
“…they were the thugs?”
“Yeah, the bees look like they’re very s ngy, don’t they?”
Ellen and Harriet listened to their conversa on.
eyes met
'Ah, hello, dear subjects of the Empire.'
'Today, your precious me to sleep
If I could lend you a poem, Jooheon's one thing
Let me introduce you.
The two had already met the opponent they needed to find.
Interest in changing occupa ons of beggars under the bridge
Having a company in the same industry or behind the scenes
It just didn't ma er to most people. So the guards
Among them, there were only a few people who knew that the beggars
under the bridge evolved into the subway parrots.
Beggars are beggars, people don't care who they are, they're peddlers
They're just annoying creatures, and no one wonders what they're doing.
Anyway, unlike the riverside parrot, the magic train can con nue to
operate regardless of rain. So, even during this rainy season, they could
con nue to trade by train.
Ellen and Herriot immediately boarded any route of the magic train.
"I wish they knew where Reinhardt is."
It didn't just happen
Absent from the temple for a long me due to other work
Both hopes were the same. The two moved from one car to the next in
search of vendors.
I didn't even have to look for long. on board
As we move from square to square, the top rolls on the floor, a mysterious
magic top.
A blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
It was difficult to associate with the beggars under the bridge in the first
According to Reinhardt's instruc ons, the merchants entering the subway
were thoroughly dressed a er washing.
“Ah, everyone. If you think I can tell you with this top...”
"Hey. Mister."
Again, Harriet was shy, so Ellen went first. She saw her peddler smiling as
Ellen spoke to her.
“Hey, I only take one silver coin from the lady.”
When I talked to her, she seemed to be interested in the tops that were
lying around. Of course, Ellen is like a top
I wasn't interested.
“Do you know Reinhardt?”
When a strange name came out, the salesman lted his head.
Fortunately, he knew Reinhardt.
“Is that guy missing?”
As soon as he heard that, he picked up the tops that were lying around and
got off at the next sta on. Harriet and Ellen followed, and then began to
talk in a quiet place.
“Did you not know?”
“It’s the first me I’ve heard of this… This is a big deal, but I need to tell my
What else do you mean? But the peddler takes care of this urgent ma er
He seemed to think he should report back.
“Thank you guys. But you guys…” “Reinhardt’s classmates.”
It seemed like they were going to leave, but Ellen and Harriet were burning
their will as if they were going to follow suit.
The merchant can't resist Ellen and Harriet, who are inevitably following
Together, we head to the stronghold of the Rotary Club.
had no choice but to do
Ellen and Harry realized that it was only natural not to find the Bronze Gate
beggars on the market streets of the Wenster District.
I had no choice but to realize.
The merchant was heading towards the southernmost p of the eclip c.
“I heard you are staying on the Bronzegate side.”
At Ellen's words, the merchant wears an umbrella
I shook my head as I walked.
“As it used to be, we’re slowly trying to get our seats right.”
Slowly living under the Bronze Gate
I was just trying to sort it out. So, he adequately explained that the base
had been moved while it was raining.
However, this place was close to the border between the eclip c and the
outer region. Miscellaneous goods that got off only at the end of the magic
train line
Ellen and Harriet quietly followed In.
It was a suburban area with few buildings and people.
I couldn't help but be nervous. Because I was heading to a place that was
too sparsely populated. What if that person has a different mind? That
thought was bound to come to my mind.
".....I'm scared."
"it's okay."
Said in a crawling voice as if she was scared, Ellen whispered as if she had
nothing to worry about. Harriet also has one jungle during a group mission.
The majesty of Ellen who fought with the orcs
Thinking about it, she calmed down a li le.
Even if the merchant in front of me thought about it, it would have been
easier to deal with than the Orcs at that me.
Fortunately, such worries were unavoidable, and as soon as the merchant
walked for a long me, he could see huge tents set up in a quiet vacant lot
in the distance. field
Inside the front curtain, people are murmuring
A sound was coming.
And the construc on where something is being built
the scene was seen.
“Are you building… building?”
“I think so.”
It wasn't raining, so the work wasn't going on, but looking at the columns
and the site, it was a pre y big building.
seemed to be
“Once you guys kept following me, I was forced to bring them, but once
you enter, you have to be careful.”
“Are you careful?”
The merchant scratched his head as he looked at Ellen l ng her head.
“Our sister’s personality is great. Quite... uh
Anyway, I don't care if it's a temple student or anything.
Think of it.”
| Ellen nodded, and Harriet sighed in annoyance that he had to keep an
eye on the beggars. If it wasn't for this kind of thing in the first place,
Harriet is a great aristocrat who has no reason to quarrel with such poor
One side of the large tent was completely open, so people inside could see
through. I wonder if the behavior of the scavengers must be shabby.
But, unlike Ellen and Herriot's imagina on
It was a li le different.
It looked like everyone was not managing it properly because of the heavy
rain, but everyone was in a situa on where they met at Wenster Market.
Compared to the shabby beggars, I was nothing less than a nobleman.
Because everyone used to wear clothes properly.
...Hey, what kids?”
A colleague who all returned has two girls
When I brought it back, my eyes widened.
“…they’re kids who have grown up nicely by pretending to be?”
Even in casual clothes, Harriet was a noble or wealthy class with straight
ears, and Ellen was also extraordinary.
The energy and comfort that comes from appearance and a tude
A bad a re is far from a beggar
it looked cool
Harriet looked a li le red and L.
Ren was calm. S ll, someone appeared through the people who were
star ng to murmur at the sudden appearance of two pre y girls.
A young woman with tousled white hair. Her a re wasn't much different
from the others, but the atmosphere from her golden eyes looked like a
normal person.
was showing that this was not the case.
Irene's wild dog.
“What li le ones are you?”
Loyard is looking at Ellen and Harriet.
frowned at her award.
Ellen and Harriet introduced to Loyard that they were Reinhardt's
"...okay? But how did you find it?”
If these two were Reinhardt's classmates, they were classmates, and
Royard was wary as if he was wondering why he came here and why he
came. Reinhardt's Breath
A problem related to the hidden secret
Because I didn't know they were guys.
“Reinhardt is missing.”
Royar, as well as the club members who heard it, were astonished at those

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 130

Ellen explained to Loyard what happened at the Temple and what
happened a er that.
all. Reinhardt cares about you.
Headed to West Bronzegate, and then
What went missing a er heading to Wenster Market
is es mated to be So, the temple and the guards are scouring the area
right now, but un l now, Friday,
Even the fact that there is no harvest.
“Damn, in a situa on like this…”
Royar was sharpening his teeth when he got serious. Things were not going
well. Rotary club boards under the bridge due to heavy rain
As it seemed that all the houses were going to be wiped out, he was about
to come here with all the people except those who were put into the train.
There was construc on going on, but it was never finished. However, in
order to move the base that had become like this before, the base was
moved first before comple on.
all. But in the mean me, Reinhardt
I came to the Bronzegate and encountered a very strange thing.
Reinhardt went missing during over me. was not in a situa on where he
could relax in front of an unprecedented situa on.
"Okay. We'll take care of this, so you guys go back to the Temple."
Had it not been for these two to come out of nowhere, I might have
overlooked something really important. Apart from being grateful, Loyard
thought their roles were now over.
“We want to find it together.”
However, the girl who was speaking at the forefront shook her head when
told to stop and go back.
"Um, I know what you're thinking... You guys are s ll young. You might look
rough, so go back."
Royar lightly grabbed Eren's shoulder.
I grabbed him and tried to take him out of the tent.
But Ellen turned her body slightly to avoid Yar's touch.
Are you running away now?
Royar once again tried to grab Ellen's shoulder with one hand this me.
But this me, Ellen took a step forward and avoided Loyar's touch. A er
those two failed touches, the atmosphere that had been slightly murmured
began to cool slightly.
What are these two doing now?
It was these eyes.
Loyard decided to use a slightly rougher method rather than behaving in a
good way.
each was A guy who doesn't understand words
because it seems
Royar tried to grab Ellen quite quickly this me. a li le this me
He decided to go into rough ac on,
His hands were very fast.
But this me, Ellen avoided Loyar's touch with just one step.
Now the atmosphere is really cheap.
Loyard was quite sincere, reaching out, and the li le girl took a step
Because I just avoided it.
Harriet sees a strange thing happening right before her eyes.
Her complexion had already turned white before her nerves. She guessed
it wasn't unusual.
“Being Reinhardt's friend is the last thing I can see. Come back when you
say something nice.”
“We can help too.”
There was a li le bit of anger in Royar's golden eyes.
He's a temple student.
He seems to be confident in his movements.
However, if that is the case, it would mean that it doesn't ma er if you
treat it a bit harsher.
Royar reached out his hand like lightning this me. He intended to grab the
nape of his neck, not his sleeve, and throw it away.
But a er Ellen read the trajectory of her hand and moved her head to her
lower right to avoid it, she took another step back from her.
“I have no inten on of figh ng.”
Ellen also said that she had no inten on of a acking, while calmly avoiding
However, such ac ons are only words and ac ons that make a human with
a fiery temper like Loyar even more angry.
I have no inten on of figh ng = If I go out seriously, you will get hurt.
It is only read in this sense.
The club members had their mouths wide open as if they couldn't believe
it even with their eyes.
Everyone has never seen a Loyar lose in a close fight. He has seen himself
smashed to pieces, whether in his twen es or thir es, several mes, and
some of them have not even been beaten in person. There are also a lot of
people who have been hired as bosses a er seeing them in person.
But a girl easily avoids the hands of Loyard, who seems quite angry.
there was
El u
that that
is this a temple? Are all the temples like that?
Everyone makes such shocked faces
there was
“Child, you are my sister. You are doing this because you are worried. It
seems like you know roughly what's going on, and if I'm right, Reinhardt
will s ll be fine.
So if you go back quietly, I will send Reinhardt back to the temple safely."
It was the last nego a on. Just one more step from here, and Loyard will
really let go of the es of reason. She already looked at her a lot for her
Reinhardt's classmate, Reinha
Here she seems to be having trouble with Ruth.
The hearts of the children who came to
So I'm giving it up here.
But Ellen shook her head again this me.
“I want to go with you.”
- Duduk
Royar's golden eyes lit up.
“Let’s do it.”
Royar ran up to Ellen and smashed her fist.
As if it had been a joke un l now, Ellen's eyes widened as if torn apart as
she watched Loyar's rush.
'too fast!'
Ellen gets beaten up and Harriet screams
She didn't dodge, but the guard did. Ellen crossed her hips to block Loyar's
punch, and then she bounced off behind her. Ellen bounced and rolled a
few laps before she managed to get up.
"Ha, ha... ha ha..."
She only got one punch
But I wondered if my arm was broken.
Loyard, whose eyes have already lost taste
He seemed unwilling to stop. Toward Ellen, who had already been thrown
out of the tent,
Yar rushed once more.
'This person, what is it?'
Roya to the extent that it makes you feel like a white ghost is a acking you.
Besides being incredibly fast,
Her momentum itself seemed to exert a silent pressure that made her
whole body s ff.
Ellen didn't know that the Lycan slope was a kind of pressure on her
opponent, but she felt a sense of crisis that was different from dealing with
ordinary people.
'I think I'm going to die if I do it right.
Just as Loyar comes out sincere, Ellen is star ng to think she might really
die if she only focuses on avoiding. I don't know what Royard thinks,
The shudder that made the hairs of her body stand upright made Ellen
think about it.
- Shh!
Loyar extended her fists, and Ellen leaned her body inside her instead of
avoiding it.
while digging into
- Whoops!
She slammed her fist into Loyar's chin.
The name is a minority.
But, instead of holding a breath, Loyard seemed even more angry. Gwigi in
the eyes of Royar who was hit
“Are you breezy?”
I thought that my opponent might die if I hit it with all my power, so I
adjusted my power instead.
It was against the inten on of Ge Loyar.
Now this is enough for an ordinary person
It was a blow that was enough to knock down furiously, but Royar didn't
even blink an eye.
This person, the vital point is not the same as the vital point. Ellen couldn't
help but freeze.
Ellen slapped Loyar's lap on her stomach, then she flew away and rolled
over her floor.
Temple girl and Irene in the rain
Wild dogs were figh ng. Ellen didn't boil, but she managed to hold on.
-Pak! Puffy! puck!
In the midst of this, there was a huge ba lefield
this was going but the result
It seemed clear. It seemed that Ellen was definitely lacking in both
technical and physical aspects.
“No, you don’t have to dry it?!”
“Yeah, yes, but…”
“My sister, when I was like that, I touched her limbs
Aren’t there one or two bad guys?”
In that state, Loyar's eyes were completely gone and it seemed impossible
to dry it.
Harriet was astonished in another sense.
She was Ellen, who fought almost as if she was playing with an orc. But
that Ellen is now being pushed back.
| The people at the club are surprised that a li le boy fights Irene's dog like
that, and Harriet treats Ellen, the strongest of her classmates, as an adult.
It was unbelievable that she was overpowered like that.
"Ha... Ugh..."
Loyard is L pan ng in the rain
She looked at Ren quietly. ar st
It's true that I went all the way to the top of my head, but I stop thinking
it's not spring
“He’s worse than a beast.”
The strength, skill, and hand speed of the opponent are all lower than you.
But what he has been able to withstand un l now is that ridiculous reflex.
All of them managed to avoid vital points, of course, they were guarding as
much as possible.
It seems sincere, but it isn't.
Royar was thinking about knocking out his opponent in modera on. If it
weren't for that, Ellen would have already broken her arms in her first
a ack, her colorless guard.
So, she tried to make only her kneading sound in modera on, but it didn't
“The temple raises monsters.”
Even though Ande is s ll young, it's not easy to knock him down unless
he's really determined to kill him. Are there such monsters in the temple?
“Haha… uh…”
This guy in front of you is something special. The guy who came with me
right away is trembling with fear.
'Should I kill you?'
Royar was thinking that way while keeping his distance from Ellen.
An uniden fied monster raised by the Temple. Already at this age, if you
have this level of ability, you will grow into a monster that is difficult to
describe as the years go by.
If you kill a Temple student, you will have to leave the zodiac, and it will
harm the Rotary club. He cannot return to the eclip c again.
However, if this guy is le alive, it is clear that he will become a huge threat
to the Demon Gye Jae Jae case.
He was said to be Reinhardt's friend, but in the end, they probably became
friends because he knew nothing. A er that, it will be your enemy.
These monsters should be killed while they can be killed. In the future, no
one will be able to use their hands.
Why is Reinhardt with such a monster?
his friend did you go how did you become friends
is it
Without Reinhardt, it is impossible to judge now. Royard only believes in
the words that Reinhardt is planning to rebuild the demonic system.
But maybe this friendship with this guy might also be some kind of design
of Reinhardt?
At this moment, you must make your own decisions.
this guy
will obviously be very upset later
Even though it may sound like a ck- ck on the outside, deep down in her
heart, Royard never loved Reinhardt.
I had no inten on of giving up.
If I kill this guy, will the master be in trouble at the Temple? Or would it be
more difficult to keep him alive?
Killing it can make your master in trouble.
But keeping him alive is more difficult.
I had a strong feeling that he was a deadly guy in the world of the Demon
World Reconstruc on.
He won't have a chance if he doesn't kill him now
it seems
I'd rather kill him now and let the master go to the temple
Get out of here and help later in another place
it's be er to mock
This shouldn't be saved.
Royar raised the sensa ons in his body. It's not just a fight, it's really going
into ba le mode.
Instead of using Irine's wild dog, he uses the power of Lykanslov Loyar.
Ellen swallowed her saliva as she saw the momentum of her body ge ng
'You are commi ng an indescribable sin against me.'
No ma er how serious it is, it is killing the master's friend.
Royar ran towards him with both his hands outstretched instead of
clenched into fists. like a fist
Not required. ten fingers in this situa on
Even if only one body gets caught, it is torn as it is
it will burst out
Ellen felt it clearly in her rush and in her eyes.
This is life.
That man is trying to kill me.
Like ins nct, Ellen sensed it.
Ellen opened her eyes and swung her right hand toward the rushing Loyar.
At the same me, something began to be summoned from Ellen's grasp.
- Shh!
Ellen's empty right hand was holding her own sword.
- Kagak!
And, Loyard reflexively
The sword being swung by the right hand
blocked with
His sword half pierced his own grasp
aww it stopped
Everyone was startled by the mysterious sword that suddenly appeared
from the girl's grasp.
was staring

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 131

There was silence in the rainy vacant lot.
The hand of the suddenly summoned Black Loyar
I didn't cut it, but it was half embedded.
Suddenly, a sword appeared from the hand of the girl who had nothing.
And the sword swung, Loyar blocked it with his bare hands.
Two unbelievable things happened at the same me, and his all mouths
were open.
In the situa on where Loyar had a sword stuck in his right hand, instead of
grabbing his sword, he kicked Ellen's stomach and took the sword.
- Slurry....
However, the stolen sword simply disappeared from Loyar's hands. As if it
never existed. And it was clasped in Ellen's right hand, who had fallen
down again.
Royar's eyes widened at the sight.
Make it like summoning magic
not a jin sword
'Soul Bond?'
The sword or tooth that the owner and the soul are bound
run is possible
And there are few in such a black world.
Ellen staggered and stood up. Her body was soaked in the rain, but Ellen
s ffened.
He was staring at Royar with his expression.
all. For some reason, Loyar did not know, but she knew as much as Ellen
that he was really trying to kill her.
others don't know That Loyard was really trying to kill Ellen. |
However, a lot of damage had already been accumulated. once again the
same stone
If he does, he will surely die.
'Why... me?'
Ellen cannot understand this situa on.
It was.
Royar looked at Ellen silently.
She is an uniden fied girl who carries a soul-bound sword.
It was impossible to discern what the sword itself was, but it was clear that
it had extraordinary powers.
Why does a gore like this have such a sword that doesn't even exist in a
few in the world?
My heart commands me to kill
However, Royar was even more confused. Does Reinhardt not know the
iden ty of this guy? or know
is it? If you know, why are you talking about such a monster?
So you s ll haven't told me? |
Could it be that this guy's existence is already part of Reinhardt's grand
I don't know exactly who this guy is. But it is clear that he is a bigger giant
than he thought.
And this guy is Reinhardt
Running through the rain to find it. It's des ned to become an enemy
anyway, but I'm inclined to think that Reinhardt wouldn't have become
friends with this guy without thinking.
Loyar is Sarkegaarna Elerischer
I can't think of complicated things.
'I'm glad I failed.'
He shouldn't have done what he didn't do.
Loyard, a er all, is Reinhardt's
His mind was dizzy at the thought that he had almost put a huge
disturbance in his big picture.
I don't know who he is, but he's not something he can touch.
“By this point, you will know the difference.”
Loyar looked down at Ellen, who was in a slender circle.
She didn't want to touch it, but she s ll
A life to take on the search for Reinhardt
no angle
He's a dangerous guy, but it's not going to help right now.
“Go back. It gets in the way.”
How on earth are you going to help me with a weak subject?
Royar was speaking with his eyes.
Ellen bowed her head, and she had no choice but to clench her teeth.
"it's okay...?"
In the end, Loyar subdued Ellen, and ordered him to turn off his mind and
return to the Temple, as he will return Reinhardt safely. Ellen threw her
umbrella away and walked blankly through her rain, Harriet being careful.
She followed her behind and put her umbrella over her.
Ellen's expression as she walks with her head bowed
Harriet didn't know what it was.
However, for the first me in her life, Ellen's expression of overwhelming
defeat was hardened.
Even though she summoned 'Lament...
She summoned Rament because of the sense of crisis in her life, but her
new sword only slightly digged into the opponent's palm.
not an ordinary person A normal person can block the unity of the divine
sword with his bare hands.
none. No, it can't even block a normal sword's unity.
However, the opponent blocked the new sword.
Her gray-haired woman really tried to kill herself, but when she saw her
own sword, she changed her mind and let her go.
She doesn't know why she wanted to kill her.
She may not know why she chose to keep her alive.
“Well, there are a lot of those people, and they seem to know something…
You will find it. Huh."
Harriet made an exaggerated gesture when Ellen didn't say anything, as if
she was trying to think as posi vely as possible. Harriet wondered what
her sword was her just summoned by Ellen, but now her Ellen's condi on
seemed even worse.
what the hell
No ma er how has ly the head of a mere beggar organiza on wielded it,
he said he was able to block the blow of the divine sword?
What is Reinhardt and what does that white-haired woman mean?
She doesn't think she's the strongest in the world, but she doesn't think
she'd be defeated by anyone so horribly.
I was arrogant to think that I could be of any help. A er her disastrous
defeat, Ellen couldn't make any protests before her words that she would
get in the way and leave.
She realized that she would be in the way if she followed the gray-haired
woman, so she had to withdraw from El Ren.
She doesn't know who the white-haired woman is.
What you don't know about Reinhardt
increased more
'I... don't know anything a er all.'
She hurt Reinhardt because she wanted to know what she didn't know, and
she asked Reinhardt to make up for it somehow.
I wanted to do it.
She wanted to do something.
But even that wasn't something she could do on her own.
In her u er helplessness, which she felt for the second me in her life,
Ellen walked blankly.
“Don’t tell anyone here what you just saw. I didn't see anything.”
A er Ellen and Harriet le , Loyard put a ght grip on the fight.
She was a quaint girl with a soul-bound sword.
“But that guy and her skills are no joke. Are there only people like that in
the Temple?”
At the words of one of the club members, Royard frowned.
"shut up. Don't even talk to each other on this topic. I don't know what
that guy is, but he's no ordinary guy. If we play around with our mouths,
we might do some harm to us at the Temple or Empire level.”
To be precise, Reinhardt didn't say anything about me.
Because I thought there must be a reason. Loyar's words were absolute
within the club, so he nodded as if everyone understood.
Rotary Club Number Two, Daibun stood up.
“Sister, how is Reinhardt…”
Separated from the previous fight, everyone was disturbed by the news
that Reinhardt had been kidnapped.
"I'll take care of it. You guys get ready to work when the rain stops. It
doesn't look like it'll stop any me soon.
According to his own judgment, the line ha
Ruth will be fine, but it's me for him to delay
there was no
"Are you okay by yourself?"
Daibun asked as if worried about Royar going alone. Of course, Royar
snorted at those words.
“I kicked out the li le boy who cut off my palm as much as a yo, so I don’t
need you, will you take me?”
Ellen accepts it as a disastrous defeat.
But, Loyard doesn't like Eren.
He was considered a monster that wasn't even there.
Of course, the club members here are no match for Ellen.
Loyard put on his robe and started running in the rain.
As a result, Ellen and Herriot directly
Although Reinhardt could not be found, it was true that he played a
decisive role in finding Reinhardt.
It was enough just to inform Royard, who had no idea that Reinhardt had
been kidnapped.
Loyar doesn't normally contact him, but as the situa on is, he immediately
moves to the shopping street in Aligar district and goes straight to Ellery.
Su was tangent to
Ellen and Herriot are s ll lacking in their abili es in the end. To be honest,
Loyard didn't mind taking the two of them. Assuming there is no Elerys.
If you went to rescue Reinhardt with the two of them, you would not be
able to take Elerys with you. Of course, at this point, there were more
things Elleris could do than Ellen and Harriet. It's hard to find something
that Archmage can't do.
When she heard that Reinhardt had been kidnapped, Elerys trembled
“What if?”
“The amount of money the club is now rolling has grown and there are
also complaints.
I'm trying to make an official base
there is So during this heavy rain, I thought the shacks would be washed
away, so I le it altogether. I want to move it to this seaweed.”
Royar crossed his arms and shook his legs. He looked anxious.
“By the way, it seems that the low-ranking lady came to see us directly
because he was worried about us. So walking around thinking we'd be on
Wenster Market Street
Come on.... I've been harassed by some guys.
looks like god I think he was probably kidnapped. Damn, the ming was so
bad. Even if I try to tell you in advance, there is no way to contact the
Temple from this side...”
“Hey, what kind of guys would do that…?”
Elreris's expression was filled with confusion and anger. Kidnapping is just a
You can imagine the worst.
“I think it was a thieves guild.”
“Why the Thieves Guild?”
Loyar doesn't share the internal affairs of the organiza on unless it's
something he does.
Elerys is a member of the Rotary club, both inside and outside the Rotary
I had no idea what was going on.
“I think they are trying to overthrow us. So there were some who tried to
avoid the Wenster market altogether. Because that's their area. Maybe he
couldn't touch me directly, so he was just trying to figure it out, but he's
known as the successor of our club.
They must have caught him because he said it was good because he
appeared in their area. Of course they have that kind of informa on.”
The rela onship is a bit vague, but Loyard
His reasoning was quite close to the truth. Reinhardt entered Wenster's
market, unaware that it was a ger's den.
The Maya Club and the Thieves Guild have a friendship
When it was, it was no problem at all.
But for Reinhardt, things have changed.
didn't realize
Elerys got up from her seat as if she couldn't hear more.
There was a quiet rage in her calm eyes.
“Where is the thieves guild headquarters?”
There was anger in Elerys' eyes, as if they were going to go and destroy
them all.
it was breaking Royar is that
He pa ed on the shoulder, trying to calm Ren Elerys.
“Calm down for a second.”
“…The fall is dangerous, so you have to move quickly.”
“I mean, it’s kind of weird.”
“Is that weird? what?"
Royard said that this situa on is a bit different in many ways.
I was thinking of winning.
“Now the temple and the guards are stalking Mayor Wenster. that is
I know you are missing there. Then, of course, the Thieves’ Guild would be
on the suspect line.”
Loyard knows that Mayor Wenster is the sphere of influence of the Thieves
Guild, but if the guards and the Temple side inves gate, how much will it
Anything that can be known Royar
I don't know, but the powers of the prince and princess were also trying to
find Reinhardt.
"They're not fools either, so you know that the Thieves Guild is the prime
suspect. But why haven't you been able to find it?"
“You mean the Thieves Guild might not be the culprit?”
"Ummm... maybe that's it, or maybe the searchers are focused on the
Wenster market and aren't searching anywhere else at all."
It's immediately clear that the Thieves Guild is the prime suspect, so why
hasn't he found Reinhardt yet? that
That said, the culprit is not the Thieves Guild.
do you mean
Royard thought that part was ques onable.
"done. You'll find out if you peek. Or you'll know it's not, and if it's right,
you'll know it's right."
Elerys unfolded the map of the eclip c on the table, and looked at
she said
“Take a picture of the thieves guild headquarters.”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 132

The Thieves Guild is, of course, hidden. It's not an official group like the
Merchant Guild, but a group of criminals. So the main sphere of influence
is the back alley of Wenster Market, and there are countless thieves guilds.
Buildings that are complex like a maze
Hidden in the fields, underground.
“There were guards all over Wenster Market, so you must have looked all
over there. We don't have to go.” |
Already a major search area, there is no need to search. So you have to
look elsewhere.
“They basically don’t try to create a fixed headquarters. no ma er how big
Even if it’s a group, the guards will sprout
Shut up and grab them all
I don’t even know, so I don’t leave data very well.”
Loyard took a few odd spots on the map, not the Wenster district.
“These guys change headquarters periodically. So the inves ga ve agency
can't get a sense of where the Thieves Guild exists.
may be.”
The fact that the Thieves Guild has a fixed headquarters makes its loca on
easily exposed.
It means that the gender is high. therefore
Although the Wenster market is the sphere of influence of the Thieves
Guild, there are only sca ered bases, not the headquarters. throw away
any me
to places where you can.
Its headquarters are located elsewhere and change periodically.
"Do you know where it is?"
"uh. Here, here, here, here…”
Loyard with his finger on the map
points to the parts.
“…too many?”
The places that Loyar touched were all over the eclip c.
It is distributed in , and there are more than twenty
gone The fact that there are so many loca ons to change the headquarters
periodically, it seems that all the me is wasted while wandering around.
Royar's reac on was as if he knew what Elerys would think.
"Where do you think all these loca ons are?"
“…that’s… I don’t know.
“You know the reservoir?”
“Reservoir? what is that?"
“Uh… the poetry of collec ng rainwater, so to speak.
It’s like New Year’s Eve.”
A storage tank is a facility that temporarily collects rainwater to prevent
rivers from overflowing during heavy rains. It is a facility to prevent river
overflow by discharging water when the river water level is stable.
"It's so huge that there's no be er place to use it as a hiding place. It's not
a public facility, but if you buy one or two of the civil servants who manage
it, it's easy to take over, and they're like this.
Ha's large reservoirs are located at their headquarters.
I am wri ng while changing to .”
Because it is an underground facility in prepara on for flooding,
Ci zens who are extremely large and who are usually interested in this
even if they are forcibly occupied
Since there are no public officials, they can be used secretly as long as they
buy them.
"I don't know what it is... Anyway, I'm taking turns using that reservoir as
my headquarters, right?"
Royar had a close rela onship with the Thieves Guild.
Changing the headquarters in this way
knew that there was But Elleris lted her head.
“Wait, but it’s been raining for quite some me now.
That’s it.”
It's a rain gu er facility, but now that it's been raining for quite some me,
aren't the reservoirs already full? The Thieves Guild's headquarters would
then be gone.
Royar shook his head.
“Yamma, if you close the sluice gate, rainwater won’t come in.”
“Ah… that’s right.”
Even if it actually rains, if all the holes through which rainwater flows are
blocked, water will not fill the reservoir. In fact, when it rains, that way, the
headquarters is not flooded.
“But if you shut off the floodgates of all the reservoirs and then stop
func oning properly, it will definitely get worse. That's why they block the
water gates only in the places they've made their headquarters, and open
them again when they evacuate. No tea.”
If the tail is long, it will be trampled on, so the Thieves Guild
Only the place that is used as the headquarters has the floodgates closed.
And related balls
It's to prevent interference from non-members.
“But now it is raining. Is not it."
“ this the situa on where the headquarters cannot be moved?”
The blind point of this method is that the headquarters cannot be moved
in the raining situa on. I'm already full
You can't use Ryujo as your new headquarters.
"We just need to find a reservoir where rainwater doesn't flow in because
the floodgates are completely closed. That's now the Thieves' Guild
At Loyar's words, Elerys' expression became strange.
“…you have a bad head, aren’t you?”
“You bastard, this is what I do, so I must have go en be er without
knowing it!”
Loyard shouted, telling him to do it right if he wants to give a compliment.
it keeps raining
“Ellen, let’s go in now.”
“I’m fine.”
Ellen enters and sits in front of the Temple Royal class dormitory and she is
blankly she is on the bench.
was si ng on
Harriet sat blankly on her bench, as she sat down and gently grabbed
Ellen's mo onless arm, but she didn't move.
“He was very strong. You couldn't help it either. you, you are very good
You cried.”
To Harriet, Ellen appeared to have lost the weight of her defeat. She did,
but Harriet said she fought well enough for Ellen, and she showed
incredible abili es. she thought she was.
She thought it wasn't something she would be so depressed about, she
thought. She wondered about the sudden summoned sword or anything
like that, but she didn't dare to ask. As soon as the ba le was over, as if the
summoned sword was there
She disappeared like a mirage,
"I have a cold. Let's go in."
At Harriet's words, Ellen blankly raised her head.
“It’s… it’s not like that.”
The water on her hair was Ellen's Earl.
It was dripping down into her burrow.
Maybe it's because of the water drops running down her face, Harriet is
crying just like Ellen.
looked like
“Just a minute, will you stay like this? If it's just a moment... it's okay."
What makes it so difficult is that Ellen didn't think she would move. The
sun had already set and it was night.
| Why are you trying to get the rain right in the middle of the night? what
do you think
are you going
Harriet couldn't comfort Ellen.
If Reinhardt returns, Harriet asks if she can comfort Ellen like this.
she thought
Harriet doesn't know Ellen well.
But if Reinhardt comforts Ellen, she will make Ellen more miserable.
I thought it would
Contrary to the word "wait", she said that even a er Ellen had passed, she
was just si ng there blankly.
Harriet returned to her dorm, leaving her Ellen outside her. it was friday
Because tomorrow is the weekend, everyone is free
She seemed to be was ng her me. She used to wear an umbrella and
weathered heavy rain. So Harriet was like a wet mouse.
“Heriot! Where have you been and are you coming now?"
“Uh, ah… just.”
“It will be cold. Hurry up and wash up.”
“Yeah, thanks…”
Harriet smiled weakly at Adelia's worried ques on. It is true that it is cold,
so take a shower with warm water quickly.
wanted to go into her own room
But, from the other side, someone raised her hand slightly.
“Where are you going?”
"Ah... Bertus."
Bertus smiled politely and smiled at the wet Heriot.
"Did you go looking for Reinhardt?"
“Oh, no! my, i why me?"
Bertus giggled as if he was having fun listening to Harriot's plain excuses.
He was always kind and had a good feeling when he just started school. of
course the iden ty
I was afraid because of my status.
But at some point, Harriet was a li le reluctant to be Bertus.
The reluctance that comes from not knowing what they are thinking, not
just the difference in status itself.
What is the difference between a person who always smiles and a person
who is always expressionless? Harriet was thinking about that while
looking at Bertus these days.
Aside from his iden ty, he is a bit shy,
“How was it?”
He said he didn't go looking for Reinhardt, but Bertus didn't even bother
asking for his plain excuses.
"...not really."
Let Harriet answer that in a crawling voice. Bertus s ll nodded with that
"it's okay. Reinhardt is back.”
That sounds like comfor ng words
It sounded like he was talking about an already established fact. Those
words sounded like a prophecy, and Harriet raised her head.
“I, really?”
As always, Bertus didn't give any of his details.
Loyar and Ereris had to conduct a tedious search opera on. Pre y
It was necessary to find a large number of large reservoirs and check
whether the waterway was overflowing.
But there was a problem.
“Damn it, it rained so much, I don’t know if it’s overflowing because the
reservoir is full or the sluice gate is closed.”
At Loyar's nervous words, Elerys nodded her head. It turned out that the
water gate was blocked because there was a thieves guild inside, maybe it
was a reservoir whose capacity had already exceeded the limit due to the
con nuous rain.
I couldn't tell if it was Ryuzo or not.
“I’m going to use life-detec on magic.”
Fortunately, Elerys knew her solu on. Although high-level detec on-type
magic such as life detec on cannot be used by everyone, Elerys is a
universal magic.
It was like buying.
“Magicians will be more comfortable living.”
At Loyar's words, Elerys laughed.
It was.
“I’ve only looked at books for hundreds of years.
If it isn’t like this, it’s weird.”
At those words, Royar stared at Elerys.
“ old are you by the way?”
“If you ask me so cheaply, I think I’ll give you an answer, you gossip.”
“Are you going to come here and follow the genealogy?”
"Then don't ask her lady's age in the first place."
"What a lady, she's a granny."
“What the hell is this?”
“What? congratula ons? It's not a beast, it's a beast?"
“If I want to, you are a blessing. If you find me, I'll make you hungry, so be
prepared. It's because you didn't share the informa on that made Ha Ji-ae
like this. You found me a while ago
You came, but I don't know anything
He said there was nothing to do.”
“...Damn it, I thought it was going to be like this
"shut up. Cas ng is almost over.”
Elerys is magical Like a master, he finished cas ng while ba ling.
Life detec on magic is ac vated.
“It’s not here for now.”
Elerys gave a simple answer.
She began to head for her next des na on.
“By the way, how did your hand hurt?”
Elerys on the move to Loyar
she asked Royar's right hand was wrapped in a bandage dyed bright red.
“…you said two of your friends gave me this informa on.”
"Yes it was."
"I keep saying that you're following me, so it's just a mouse
I tried to chase him away, but one of them was trembling because he was
probably non-combatant, but the other's stubbornness was no joke. So I
looked at your hand…”
At Loyar's words, Elerys seemed to have lost his temper a li le.
“…No, he said he was injured in a fight with a child.
are you now?”
“Because I wasn’t an ordinary kid!”
"No, it's called Irene's wild dog.
Have you really become a wild dog? now
Do you even get hurt while figh ng with a child?”
Elerys is seriously concerned.
With a momentum that I don't know whether to take the medicine or not
She was asking if you were regressing.
“I don’t know, damn it. I'm raising monsters in the temple. How did I
overcome it this me, but a er a few years, like me
Even if I burn the whole train, I'll cut it up. That li le boy.”
When Elerys heard that, her expression turned
I tried to look at your hand in modera on, but I accidentally
I thought I was hurt, but a er a few years, I can ride a train full of them,
but my opponent doesn't
Are you saying it will be?
As Elerys knew, Loyar was not humble. He's not the guy who talks like this.
"What, it wasn't a mistake?"
“It’s true that you took a look… Sheesh. Because he used a strange sword.”
“…No, the other person said that he even used a knife? to you?"
As if what the hell was he thinking, El Leris looked startled. Royar, walking
in the rain, was a li le shaky.
became right
“Oh, no… I didn’t write it from the beginning… A er all, ah really. I made a
mistake... No, it's not a mistake. At that moment, I thought he was a guy
that shouldn't be saved... so I went out seriously. The li le boy suddenly
had a sword s cking out of her hand?”
Elerys was astonished once that Loyar had a empted to kill the master's
friend, and that a sword had protruded from his opponent's hand.
“It was a soul-bound sword. who is
I don't know, it's not a normal bet, it's a normal sword
Nor is it I stopped it and it ended up like this. Damn it, I don't think it'll get
any be er."
Loyard is a bandaged oh
He waved his right hand.
" are you going to kill such a weirdo...? Are you crazy? Are you
Because you dare to worry about your deteriora on
Did you mean to kill that weird kid who even came to the crabs? Sincere
anger blazed in Elerys' eyes.
“Hey, this is not the me! Now we have to find him!”
“You, see you later.”
A er finding Reinhardt, as if to prepare for a slap, Elerys walks with her
She con nued the note.
'Soul-bound sword?'
He made up the saying that monsters grow in the temple. When Loyar said
that she had been wounded in a fight against her child, Ellery's words were
almost real.
“Anyway, never tell Sarkegaar. he must kill
The road will run wild.”
"...Damn it, isn't it right to get rid of it?
I s ll think so.”
“Noisy! If you say that in front of Sarkegaar, you will die, I will die, and
Sarkegaar will die too.”
Of course, she said that apart from him, she told Elerys.
The master's friend is uncondi onally precious.
Saturday morning. the dawn is s ll bright
me before the me.
"It's here."
Elerys and Loyar are Irene.
It was only a er arriving at the thirteenth reservoir in the north that the
loca on could be determined.
Elerys was feeling the many vitality reac ons underground. Of course,
since only the vitality reac on was felt, it was not possible to iden fy the
specific number of people and who was who.
“Okay, I’ll go from here.”
Now, Loyar is Irene's wild dog.
here to get Reinhardt back
will go in So, with the help of Elerys, a demon spy wizard,
should not be accepted
“Can you do it alone?” |
“There are quite a few flying and crawling guys in the Thieves’ Guild.
There is. If it doesn't work, I'll change and become a sin
I will kill them all.”
Thieves Road, a large-scale criminal organiza on
take it Therefore, it is different from ordinary gangs of idiots. So he's a
dangerous player
There had to be quite a few.
However, if it is judged that the life of the master is in danger, he hides his
iden ty and does not stand up. The first thing to do is to rip them all apart
and then bring back the master, and the next thing to think about.
“You seem to have true loyalty, and it seems that you are not, and it seems
that you are.”
"shut up."
Elerys used invisibility magic.
Watch the situa on behind you and go to Loyar
If it's dangerous, it will help with annihila on.
Loyar is the reservoir that goes underground.
I started walking around to find the entrance. There is no choice but to find
an entrance for people entering the interior, not a passage for rainwater
gu ering.
Royar began to search his surroundings thoroughly.
"Teacher. So, listen to me a li le more…”
"No, why am I your teacher? I'm a lot younger than you."
“Well, then how…”
“I don’t know what the name is, you keep saying it. If you want to turn the
en re bowl of rice over, keep stretching it like this. uh." |
“No, what are you talking about?
I understand... but if you suddenly ask me to give up the whole
organiza on..."
“No, who wants to eat the whole thing here? And you guys are like me | Is
there anything bad about having a connec on? I
What money did you give me?”
"That.... I'd rather have some money...." |
"Oh, what the hell are you guys right?
Even if it wasn't, it's the money I earned through blood and sweat.
Why do I covet it? These are yangbans who don't really understand what
you're talking about... Killing everything I'm going to destroy
I didn't say I was going to throw it away, I just had a good me."
"No, though..."
“But what? Where do we go? do you?”
“Oh, no, that’s not it…”
As an uniden fied quarrel was going on, suddenly, a noise resounded from
one side of the reservoir, which was nothing more than a huge cavity.
-Who are you?
- Where are you, Reinhardt, you bastards! I will kill them all!
-bang! Whoops! bang!
Noise began to reverberate from the edge rather than the center, where
the orange light was lit, and the expressions of the people si ng at the
round table became strange.
And among them, the boy si ng at the most plausible table lted his
walked away
How long has the squeaking noise gone? An out-of-the-way assailant soon
appeared with a face full of anger.
Reinhardt, as well as the mul tude of people si ng at the round table,
“Sister, are you a li le late?” |
To Royar, it seemed unreasonable to see Reinhardt as being kidnapped
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 133
yo was like this
Reinhardt was taken to the Thieves' Guild headquarters on the same day
he was kidnapped. Reinhardt was able to face all the key members of the
Thieves Guild there.
Reinhardt said nothing, and he took no ac on.
He just stood s ll.
'You crazy bastard!
-puck! puck! puck!
'Are you crazy! kidnapping the temple students
Don't you know what's going on?"
'that! Don't, Master!'
'This stupid nerd is real! Everyone flies away trying to catch a mouse
Do you want to!”
Triumphant bringing Reinhardt
How to catch Irene's wild dog
The guy who said he had it was beaten on the spot to turn into a blood
The Thieves Guild Master was a great thinker.
The guy who kidnapped Reinhardt seemed to be at the level of a branch
manager, but in the end he was just a dwarf. She was so stupid that she
couldn't even imagine what kind of a ermath the kidnapping of a Temple
student would cause.
However, the guild master realized as soon as he saw that this was a major
accident. lower part | The organizers thought too short. There is a guy
named Reinhardt, who is believed to be the successor to the Rotary club.
He uses him as bait to deal with Irene's wild dog, the thorn in the eye.
But that's like burning a house to catch a wasp nest in my house.
The Thieves Guild headquarters was in chaos. Some crazy thing did some
crazy thing
'What is it...'
'I'll remove it.
| 'Byung Hal, the missing place is also a place
The cow atmosphere is also the atmosphere. The eyes are definitely on our
'Isn't that the only thing I can do now...'
'Hey, you bastard! Take us one by one and try to torture them!
A few people have seen this, but one is sure to blow!’
If Reinhardt was kidnapped from an ambiguous place, the story would be
However, the kidnapping loca on is the Thieves Guild Panchi.
was the mayor of Webster.
Because the place is a place, if they only know that Reinhardt went to that
place, then those who know by inferring the rela onship between the
organiza ons will have no choice but to know that the Thieves Guild is the
Silence is the best op on, but it is natural that the Thieves' Guild will rise
on the dragon's line.
You can put a tantrum on a strict organiza on, but too many people have
seen it already. And since the Thieves' Guild is such a large organiza on, it
had no choice but to be squeezed once. A number of people at the
headquarters have already seen a kid named Reinhardt kidnapped. It is
already an impossible situa on to cover the dumptang.
It's s ll a criminal organiza on. Add torture and interroga on, this fact will
caught up The guild master was almost dying of blood because of a major
accident by a low-level gang member.
In the end, the guild master did what he could.
He freed Reinhardt. He didn't release him at all, he just released the
cap ves.
Later, when things went wrong, they were treated harshly.
To avoid as much as possible.
'Hey, friend. I'm sorry. My teammates made a mistake... huh? egg
Did you? have you seen it before? I... huh? Are you scolding me?'
'Oh well, it can be. it's not the case
Guild Master's lips tremble
and Reinhardt would be like this
He was calm as if he knew.
“Please return my belongings first.”
'uh? Ah. okay! yum! Where's his stuff!'
The Guild Master is the best for Reinhardt
was very favorable. get rid of it somehow
I want to leave, but if I get rid of it, things get bigger
Because I know it is, from this moment on, the line
Hart's body was filled with only the thought that he shouldn't touch even
the smallest of hairs.
Reinhardt, who had returned all his belongings, including the fireworks of
Hwayo, was ed up and slowly loosened his s ff body.
'Where are you going to take this? Dispel
Did you do it?”
Reinhardt handed his student ID to the guild master.
'Because there's a tracking magic on here. this
If I had it, the loca on would be revealed as soon as I knew I was gone.'
'What, what...?'
'It's s ll the weekend, so the search won't start. By Monday, you'll know
I'm gone and you'll be looking for me in the Temple.
It's s ll Friday, so Reinhardt
Even if you don't come back, you'll be wondering where you've been
because it's the weekend.
The problem starts on Monday.
'uh? uh uh uh... yeah...
The guild master, at Reinhardt's words,
He nodded blankly. kidnapped guy
This rather bizarre aid to the kidnapping
situa on was.
'Me, over there... Reinhard-kun? Why are you telling me that…”
If you stayed s ll, the guards would come and rescue you safely, so why
would you do this?
The guild master could not even guess the inten ons of a bizarre li le boy
named Reinhardt.
It's like we're all trying to eat and live, but do all the people here need to
buy one for me?'
His words are good, but his smile was so evil that the guild master was a
li le nauseous.
The guild master could not release me. The moment I released him, I went
to the guard and told him that I was kidnapped by the Thieves Guild.
As I said, it's already over.
So if you kill me anyway
Since the interroga on of the Thieves Guild, a powerful group of suspects,
will begin, the situa on is expected to be discovered anyway.
In other words, the whole organiza on was blown away because of the
crazy deeds of the subordinate members, and they can't even do this.
Because you can't release me and you can't keep your mouth shut. A er
that, the Thieves Guild Headquarters received a fairly hospitable
treatment. I couldn't go out, but they didn't threaten or torture me. Prize
I don't know how the sulfur will roll.
Even while the search began, the guild did not give an answer.
'The search for Wenster Market has begun. It's all spread out.'
'Damn it... Damn it...'
I didn't say anything katabuta. In this case, the correct ming
Because there is a law.
While living in confinement rather than confinement,
it was wednesday
'Yes, why?
'What the hell is... what is it...?'
The guild master had a completely white complexion in front of me.
'Why on earth... the prince and the princess are looking for you?'
'Ah... I laughed.
'Because they're my friends.'
The guild master just wants to commit suicide
it was shaped
Wednesday evening was the ming I wanted.
A group of people had entered the Thieves' Guild headquarters. The guild
members were so nervous they couldn't even open their mouths properly.
It was the same with the Guild Master. Only a group of people who came
here from a place where everyone was frozen was calm.
Everyone was wearing a sword at their waist. The clothes were plain, but
just by the look, I could guess that these people were knights or
They were not wearing uniforms or armor, but they were knights of the
Duke of Salesian.
As soon as the search began, they found me.
In an instant, the Thieves Guild caught the culprit, and even found out
where their headquarters was.
It was a terrifying speed.
'So you're not going back?'
'Isn't he kidnapped?'
'It's true that I was kidnapped, but...'
'A er all, they are pests of society, do you really need to keep them alive?'
They asked if it would be okay to kill everyone here. They are bastards who
live without the law, you can kill them regardless of the law.
Nina was the a tude.
Salary in front of the Thieves Guild
The Frozen Duke Knights were more brutal. They were talking about death
with a look that didn't even look like death.
I had survived the pursuit of these guys when I escaped from Demon
'Pests have their own use... don't they? His Majesty the Prince, if I tell you
this... you will know what I am talking about.'
'...... Hmm. okay."
Can you make me s ll missing?'
'...See what's there. I get it.
The knight who appeared to be the commander looked at me and turned
'Come back.
Bertus made sure I was here.
A er a li le delay, Charlo e sent
Persons who are presumed to have arrived here as well. He said the same
thing as Bertus did to the senders and sent them back.
S ll, the guards and the temple could not find their way here, but Charlo e
and Bertus went straight ahead.
found a way
Both fac ons have so much informa on that the public powers cannot be
Both were terrifying guys.
The Thieves Guild thought they had been moving secretly un l now, but in
fact, everyone's complexion turned white as they realized that he was just
dancing a sword on someone's palm.
If Bertus and Charlo e understood my words, from today on, the guards
and the temple
I'll just pretend to find me. You must be guessing what I'm trying to do...
The public authori es will now only pretend to find me.
With this, the plate I wanted was laid.
Since Wednesday, I'm proudly here
They couldn't stop me when I walked out, but they didn't.
The Thieves Guild was already discovered by Bertus and Charlo e's forces.
And since I had work to do, I asked him to leave for now. With a request to
make it appear that he is s ll missing.
The Thieves' Guild has already become an organiza on whose decisions
are made by my words. 'Cause I've already stepped on my tail
He couldn't even close his mouth.
A er that, I became the Gap of Gap holding the right to escape from life or
To some extent, it is certain that Royar will come
there was hurt Of course, it was quite later than I expected, but when
Loyard came, I tried to explain the general situa on and ask him to step
back, but he came to a situa on where everything was being sorted out.
Loyard is dumbfounded when he hears my explana on.
I was lost as to whether or not there was.
“Aren’t you scared?”
How do you think in this situa on?
Can he do it? Royard seemed a li le angry.
“I knew it would roll roughly like this even if I stood s ll.”
From the beginning, the Thieves' Guild had nothing to touch me unless I
ran away. At the moment when I was kidnapped, I thought I was lost, but
a er thinking about it, this I knew it was my own opportunity,
In addi on, from the moment he regained the flame of the fire, he was
confident that he would run away even if the turn turned bad, so he used
It was obviously a risky adventure, but it is also true that it was an
adventure worth trying.
As long as the powers of the prince and princess knew this place, my life
would not be in danger, and they could not stop me even if I le .
The Thieves Guild has been a portrait collec on ever since the prince and
princess came. It's like this
this would be
It's a situa on where the whole organiza on is going to be dismantled
while trying to deal with subcontractors who don't listen.
Loyard knew I was kidnapped and huh
It seemed difficult to comprehend this situa on, where I ran frightened,
but the Thieves Guild had all the thieves under my feet.
This is what power is.
I wondered if it would be a wise way to use other people's power as if it
were my own.
do you know who i am
who do you know I did anything with him, I did everything, I did
everything, Mom!
It was just an extension of this.
It's good to have friends.
“Well… But since you’ve even come to my sister, let’s talk about it, shall
The Thieves' Guild execu ves did not seem to be able to accept this
situa on when the en re Rotary club, which had only been a
subcontractor, was transferred.
The Guild Master was especially like that.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 134

I put all the plates on the floor, but I ran into opposi on in the wrong place.
Royard was very against it, saying he couldn't do this even if he died, so the
thieves' guild execu ves had a strange complexion.
It was an a tude that I did not know whether I should think of it as a good
thing or not. I couldn't speak my way, but Loyard would rather sleep
A er staring at him with eyes as if he wanted to kill the road, he had no
choice but to withdraw his remarks.
A er a lot of arguing, in the end, I bury this ma er to the Thieves Guild
I would give it to you, so I told you to be aware that I owe you a debt, and
then I le the headquarters.
‘Well, this is also a rela onship, so let’s get to know each other from now
‘That, that… yes.’
'Ah, people can make a mistake. Why are you so frozen? Let's do well.
Don't fight."
'Yeah...thank be honest?
We didn't know what to do... we didn't know.
At my casual words, the guild master had a soul-sucking expression on his
face. Anyway, if I stay s ll, the Thieves Guild will be destroyed.
it's a long one
So, I definitely felt that the execu ves thanked me. Although he showed his
stern ambi on, he seemed to be grateful to Loyard because he hated it and
it was pato, too.
Not all my inten ons, but good
That ended well.
I was freed from kidnapping, but I was horned.
I le the Thieves Guild and went to a dark place where there were no
people, and I complained to Loyar.
“Children, why can’t you eat the table a er you’ve set it all up?”
“Damn….. I’m red of controlling just over two hundred kids, so how do I
take charge of a big organiza on like the Thieves Guild with my li le one? I
can’t even count.” “I’m glad you’re okay… but… you really are beyond my
imagina on.”
"...Elerys? Were you there?"
Elerys looked a li le annoyed that she had regre ed her worries.
Ask my worries! say with a face
was the feeling He seemed to have watched everything while cas ng
invisibility magic.
"It's impossible to hide yourself every me the full moon rises, but being a
Thieves Guild Guild Master is unreasonable."
Royard said it wouldn't last long if I ordered it, and that made sense.
“Sheesh, I thought I’d roll in a big one for free.”
No ma er how you think about it, it's worth it.
Anyway, the thieves guild are rotary
I can't even say that there's no harvest because I've completely lost touch
with the club.
there was no
It was clear that he was able to exert influence on the Thieves' Guild.
“By the way, what excuses do you have for the Temple...?”
I'm not going to say that I was kidnapped by the Thieves Guild, but about
those five days of absence.
What excuse should I give? sleep a minute
Did you go on a long trip to find Ah?
What do I have to talk about?
“...what if you eat the thieves guild?
Are you talking about your concerns as a student?
Well… I really don’t know.”
Elerys saw that I was dealing with the worries that ordinary students would
never do and the concerns that ordinary students do at the same me.
It looked like he was ge ng red of it.
Loyar and Elerys specifically asked what had happened, and I explained
everything from the beginning.
Both Elerys and Royar had their expressions s ffened.
“Hey, you have to keep in mind that something really bad was about to
happen.” |
“...if you kill his temper and buy it, where will it be?”
Of course, they both nag.
"...I know. I was fortunate enough to be caught in the Thieves Guild.”
The people who kidnapped me aren't the Thieves Guild
If it had been, it would have been more dangerous. In the end, I managed
to overcome this situa on in my own way, but I knew that the youngest
child could have really died if he had touched his asshole.
Things ended up working out like this
However, if we magnified it, it was really close to death.
The consequences of my carelessness were good anyway, but that doesn't
jus fy my carelessness.
I was really close to dying.
In the end, I had no choice but to sincerely apologize to the two of you
who came all the way here for worrying about me.
To Loyar and Elerys, this and that
I heard this It was then that I realized why Mayor Wenster had no Rotary
club members.
I've also heard unexpected stories.
Join the Wenster District Guard and
iden fied and made a statement.
Kidnapped by an unknown group.
They seemed to have kidnapped me and tried to extort the ransom, but
when the situa on got serious, they le me somewhere and hid.
They are blinded so I don't know who they are. where were you caught
may be just get released and go back
just came
Officially, he was missing
The ma er would have been resolved.
Charlo e and Bertus are safe for me. , but the guards and the temple
probably didn't know.
I've been swea ng all over Saturday making fabricated statements. In the
end, I just kept repea ng that I didn't know anything, and the inves gator
didn't know if he believed it or not. But it didn't bother me any more
A er checking that they are in good health and securing a statement, they
met me in front of the temple.
took me to
"You've worked hard, kid. Don't go into dangerous places from now on."
"thank you."
He was arrested all day, so the evening or the temple was closer. I'll have to
go back to the temple and talk to the teachers again, so make another fake
you'll have to
We got on the tram and arrived in front of the Royal Class dormitory.
Wearing the clothes the guard gave me and the umbrella the guard gave
me, I tried to enter the dormitory.
-Shoot aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...
When is this ugly rain going to stop?
The Thieves Guild Gun was not that dangerous to me. And the plan to
make Loyar the Guild Master eventually went awry, but things worked out
and a connec on was made with the Thieves Guild.
That's good. As Bertus said, you are the king of the dark district, because
you created the star ng point of such a squeaky thing.
S ll, my heart was heavy.
I wondered when he had been like this, and his eyes met with Ellen
Artorius, who was si ng on a bench in the rain.
The guy with his red lips stumbled
woke up
She was told that she had been beaten up by Loyar.
I don't know why it's raining in vain here.
I don't know.
seemed to know
Ellen was trying to get away from me. But when I was gone, this guy went
looking for me.
She didn't know specifically what she was thinking, what heart she was
trying to find me.
But in the mean me, she met Loyar, and she said that she was disturbed,
and she was beaten by Loyar. She even summoned the divine sword
Ramen, but was defeated.
I don't know how Ellen feels right now.
But she tried to find me, she said he was disturbed, and she was kicked out
and she was even defeated. He stood up blankly and looked at me with
unfocused eyes.
"......I'm sorry."
She tried to find something to say, but in the end, only those words came
It would be shocking to lose to Loyar, and you would wonder who the
Loyar who defeated him was.
You must have known that I have many more secrets,
“My secret…”
When Ellen said I was going to say something, she broke it and came in.
"it's okay."
The corners of the guy's bluish lips are right
Le trembled.
“I’m not curious about that anymore.”
What kind of emo on are the corners of your mouth trying to express? It
was probably a laugh.
seemed to be happy
He trembled and suddenly hugged me ghtly.
-Shoot aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...
“You don’t have to tell me.”
His voice and body were trembling. His body was seriously cold. He's on
the nape of my neck
was buried in his face.
In that part, he felt something hot in the area where his eyes touched.
It looked like tears.
The sensa on forced me to freeze.
Ellen is crying.
because of me.
“Just, just… if it’s okay, if that’s it… if that’s it, then that’s it.”
I feel forgiven, but I feel more guilty
It was a growing word.
A commo on passed once.
The news that they found me has already been reported to the teachers.
Reported to Southern teachers.
Epinhauser seemed to be absent.
He made a report that was not much different from what he did with the
guard, and there was another me
took this
The news that I had returned spread all the me, so when I returned to the
dormitory, a lot of people were wai ng for me.
“Sister! it's okay?"
“Yeah… no one was hurt.” “Oh, I’m worried… I’m worried… uh…
Adriana hugged me and sang a roar. She didn't go looking for me in person,
but she showed signs of having trouble sleeping at night.
all. Not only Olivia, but also all the members of her club of grace came and
said hello to me.
"I'm glad Reinhardt..."
Olivia was also in tears. The grace club is among themselves
He seemed to have been stopped by his teachers while trying to find him.'re the best asshole of all the people I know."
“Is that a compliment?”
“Yeah, that’s a compliment in its own way.”
Charlo e, who knows her situa on, said that as if she was ge ng red,
and she shook her head flu eringly.
“We’ll talk more about it later.”
Bertus looked at me and smiled. You both know what I've been up to
It didn't look like he was worried.
They both played a major role in my survival.
There, Ludwig and Delphine, as well as the B-class guys I didn't know well,
came and said hello to me.
Somehow, I thought my school life was shit, but no one was as good as me.
same as,
People around me talked about my worries late into the night and told me
that I was lucky that I was safe.
Actually, I wasn't in any danger here, but I threatened the kidnappers.
On the contrary, it slowed down me. If you say so, will you be killed?
Thank you, but the guilt also creeps up slowly.
In the end, it was late at night, and they went back one by one, and I was
finally released and sighed in relief.
Ellen cried, she used to be the first to see me, and now she seems to have
entered the room.
She said hello to everyone, but she never used to one yet.
- smart
I knocked on the guy's door.
- smart
are you sleeping
I don't think it's going well.
A er wai ng for a while, the door carefully opened. I couldn't see her face,
only her voice was heard.
-Can't I... see... tomorrow...?
Looking at his voice, he seemed to understand why he couldn't come to
see me.
“…what is it?”
| Perhaps she cried so much that her voice was chapped. blot her face
condi on
this won't be
S ll, she was the guy who came to find me, so I wanted to say hello.
Well, there's nothing I can't do tomorrow.
“Then go…”
- Come on, wait.
But in the end, he couldn't stand it, so he slammed the door open and
grabbed my arm and pulled me in.
- click
The guy closed the door. He kept his head down, not wan ng to show his
“He said he was looking for me.”
"Thank you. I'm sorry."
He suddenly hugged me without saying a word.
"Ugh, heh heh! heh heh heh! huh, worried... worried... black!"
| Harriet wept as if she was out of breath. I hold him and walk away
He pa ed his back.
Damn it.
I'll be back a li le early.
Perhaps because of her heartache, Harriet cried for almost an hour.
As I was about to go home a er comfor ng her crying, Harriet asked me
with her head bowed.
“Aren’t you scared…?”
“…I was scared.”
Before Wednesday, although he acted casually, frankly, it was scary.
Because I could die at any me according to the guild master's will. There
may be cases where I use up all my firework, my superpowers, and
achievement points.
And I didn't know if I would die if I did.
Of course you have to kill people in that case.
would have done
It was completely different from what the kids thought, but it was actually
“You are weird.”
"You should have cried... you must have been scared..."
I am the one who should cry A er going through a situa on like this, I cry
for relief, and other people have to comfort me.
But I was happy that I had returned safely, so I comforted those who were
crying. Just like I did with Harriet now.
“You… are strange.”
So Harriet made me feel weird.
It looked like it was ge ng stuck.
“I’m lazy.”
Harriet didn't say anything to my pretense.
“Yeah… I think so.”
The answer was completely different from what I expected, so I couldn't
help but be a li le perplexed.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 135

The next day I came back, Sunday. Ellen was not at breakfast. I got a sense
of what was going on. A er a brief chat with Harriet, he seemed to
understand what was going on.
'I was just following him... he
has suffered a lot Mak, should I say... your boss...? He even got into a fight
with him...'
I heard it.
'A er you come back, whether you come back or not, you keep si ng on
the bench in front of me
It's raining... Even if it's dry, I can't hear it...'
It seemed that he was si ng blankly on the bench without ea ng and
si ng blankly. If I were to come back, the first thing I wanted to see was
Ji. Or if it was because he was mentally out, I didn't know.
I must have caught a cold.
- smart
So I knocked on Ellen's door
all. A er wai ng for a while, Ellen with a haggard look opened the door.
She doesn't seem to have the energy to speak.
“If you are sick, you should go to the priest on duty or what are you doing
here?” |
I don't know if a cold gets be er with a heel, but ah
Isn't it right to just sit around and say hello?
"it's okay...."
Ellen tried to enter as if she was going to close the door if she had nothing
to do.
“...I knew it would be so, so I boiled it.”
Because I have a lot of regrets, I do everything.
“I heard you were glad you weren’t dead.”
He was lying down and ea ng the porridge I gave him. The day will come
when we will see things like this
wanted I caught a cold in the midsummer, which is said to not even catch a
“Why was it raining like that?”
She doesn't mean I'm coming back just because she's in the rain, but Ellen
She sat in the rain all day long.
“It was all… it was my fault.”
Eren is blankly avoiding my gaze.
she mumbled so i was kidnapped
Why did he feel like it was his fault? There wouldn't have been any reason
why it had to be.
“I said that, so I guess that’s how it happened.”
You're the one who knows best that it's nonsense. But Ellen felt that way.
She said it must have happened because of what she said, and she must
have regre ed it.
“So I wanted to do something, but there was nothing I could do.”
I set out to find me, but in the end, I only heard from Royar that things like
you were no help, and a er losing, I had no choice but to understand.
"So... because I'm pathe c. Because I don't like it."
Ellen closed her eyes.
“If I didn’t do that… I couldn’t stand it.”
She couldn't do anything and she hated herself, and she was tormen ng
“I don’t think I hated secrets.”
Ellen looks at me. Her eyes were red and bloodshot.
“To helplessly lose someone important to me, that’s it. that's what i didn't
like In that situa on I can't do anything
It was… I didn’t like that.”
When she found out that her brother had le to fight in the Demon World
War, she told Ellen that she could do nothing.
When I went missing, she said Ellen went looking for me, but in the end
she had no choice but to leave it in her hands to someone else.
She seemed to think of what Ellen she really hated while she was gone.
Without Royar, I would not be in danger. In the end, this kidnapping case
I don't know, but a er a certain moment, my own crea on
became a pole.
In the end, it was pointless for Ellen and Harriet to run around to save me.
all. It didn't really do anything to save me, because I didn't.
But he didn't say that.
"I'm sorry."
At my apology, Ellen looks at me quietly.
“I’m more sorry.”
We stared at each other silently for a while.
A er the kidnapping incident, a tumultuous event passed. A er a separate
consulta on with Epinha User on Sunday, the kidnapping case was largely
se led.
Ms. Epinhauser clearly didn't believe my statement, but she asked more
ques ons.
i didn't mess up Just like Bertus, he was a yangban who s ll didn't know
what he was doing.
A er my kidnapping, the Class A has undergone several changes.
“The rain has stopped, so what do we want to eat?”
Harriet and Ellen became friends. exact
To put it bluntly, a er Harriet had been struggling with Ellen and she went
out to find me, she seemed to be able to put everything together more
| Herriot, Adelia, and even Ellen.
The three of them started walking together. Naturally, Liana de Granz was
the only girl to go alone.
She became a stone.
For Harriet, it seems that it felt like a pain ng that was strangely out of
"The... Would you like to go with Granz too?"
That's why Harriet asked Liana de Granz the same thing again.
“What is it?”
A er my kidnapping, the four A-class girls started walking around in a
bizarre way. Harriet became the focal point, so all the girls didn't know
I started going
At first, he said that he evolved from an aristocra c young girl who had no
wiggles and no frills to a central point for girls. To be honest, I was just a
girl with no hair un l the end of the novel.
I wonder if people change,
And another change, one more.
A er the incident, Ellen slowly avoided her gaze when she saw me.
It was the same with me.
It definitely feels different from last me.
Last me I felt like I shouldn't pretend to know, but this me it was
completely different.
It feels like you can't look at me properly.
In the end, tell me that I'm precious
Whether it was shame that I threw it away, or whether it was shame that I
looked weak at crying in front of me, I slowly avoided my gaze.
I was also stabbed in various ways, but there were also things that I felt
sorry for, so I was not able to approach them willingly.
It felt like we were ge ng awkward because we cared so much about each
what is this
It feels really weird!
And three changes.
"...Good job."
"......Thank you."
Cliffman and I spoke.
“With him?”
“...a subtle feeling as if there was no reconcilia on...”
The conversa on didn't last long, but it was enough to have a short
conversa on with each other.
what is it
Rather, it's like a dog hanging out with him
how do you feel? It's the perfect pair to crouch and care for each other,
Anyway, Ellen was like that last me.
It seemed like he couldn't come to the gym for some other reason. You
could just leave, of course
It seems like I don't have me to shoot around with Harriet.
She doesn't sleep when she goes first
However, when Harriet took her, she felt like she was being dragged and
Therefore, the fixed appearance member of the gymnasium is this
It's just me and Cliff.
“…Would you like to join us?”
I'm not good at wielding a sword alone, so when I asked that ques on,
Cliffman stared at me.
Two shy men started prac cing with each other carefully.
I was kidnapped, but in a very strange way
The environment of Class A has changed.
Ellen and I reconciled, but somehow it got awkward, and Harriet suddenly
I became a class insider, and I ate with Cliffman while I was only friends
with girls.
The week a er my kidnapping was over, Thursday.
“The Thieves Guild is the beginning?”
“It’s like that, but what specifically?
I hadn't thought about doing it. Because it happened by chance that I was
Bertus cha ed with me at the last minute. Eat all the powers behind the
It is Bertus' goal to keep him in his hands. But he can't control it himself, so
he tries to set me up as a proxy.
Therefore, in this case, I understood the inten on of taking advantage of
the situa on in which I was abducted.
"I know it's big, but you're amazing."
Bertus grinned, saying he didn't know where that guts came from.
"Take care of yourself, I can't help you out, but I can give you some advice.
Bertus has absolutely nothing to do with this. If I am caught doing some
dirty work, I have to keep in mind that only I will be cut off.
Of course, I haven't eaten the Thieves Guild yet, so there aren't many
things I can do at my level right now.
Ellen said that she didn't go to the gym, but she didn't mean she gave up
She just doesn't go to the gym.
“…Why did you come here again?”
| Ellen had arrived again at the Rotary club's new base in the south of the
equator. Roya
Le looked at Ellen who had suddenly come to her, and she looked
“Teach me to fight.”
what kind of bizarre sound is this? Loyard looked at me with those eyes,
but Ellen
She brazenly she approached Loyar.
“Figh ng, please teach me.”
"My, why did I give you that..."
“You’re good at figh ng.”
What does this mean? Loyar looked like he was going to have a brain
'...You grabbed it? He even tried to kill him, right?'
'That, that...'
Not only grab Ellen, but kill her.
As he pondered whether to do it or not, and thought about the expression
on his master's face when he heard that he was actually trying to kill him,
Royar's stomach ache.
'Don't do anything you haven't been told.'
The master didn't even swear as usual, he just said that. But, frankly,
Loyard seemed to get red of the anger in those words. For a moment, his
head stopped in fear.
A er all, this is the bloodline of the Archdaemon.
If anything happened to Ellen, Loyar knew it was her dead life.
So she even ran into him
I didn't like it, but he came to me.
You want me to teach you how to fight out of nowhere?
“Hey, kid. much more than me in the temple
There must be a lot of good-looking people, but why don’t you learn from
“Ajumma is different from teachers.
there is."
Apparently, Ellen had a brief rela onship with Loyard.
In the stone, I realized how different the actual ba le was from training.
She thought that Ellen was the only person she could teach it to but Loyar.
know more about figh ng want.
I want to be a li le stronger
So Ellen came to Loyar.
Of course, Royard focused on other areas.
At the word "Ajumma", Royar's golden eyes flashed. Ellen lted her head.
“Yes, Aun e.”
Royard is very angry.
“... should I call you my sister?”
“If you teach me to fight, I will do it.”
As Ellen posed her baktu pose, she smashed the last hit.
- Quick!
A tendon grew on Royar's forehead.
“Okay, let’s do it, kid.”
- Shh!
Loyar rushes to Ellen like lightning
- Boom!
And that Loyard's fist, Ellen
got this
Since she didn't have Ellen, she played mostly prac ce matches with Cliff
Mann. Cliffman's talent is 'ba le', everything that pertains to figh ng.
is a talent for In terms of comprehensive talent, it is as great a talent as
Harriet's 'magic'.
It goes without saying that weapons are included. Even Eren, who is no
different than a talent vending machine, doesn't have that talent.
So, this guy is also a monster in the same field as Ellen, and it was only
natural that he was far superior to me.
The style was a li le different.
If Ellen was able to subdue me in an instant with her fine cra smanship,
this guy was almost like a beast.
- Kang! card
Although Ellen is not lacking in strength, she pursues the extreme of her
skill itself. She calculates the sword that she has no choice but to win and
completes it as it is. Needless to say, his tenure is excellent.
But Cliffman is more powerful than virtuoso.
Reflexes, dealing with animal senses
It was a style that pushed
The guy's figh ng ins nct is the best
It feels like forcing a path.
Ellen calculates the correct answer, but when this guy swings it, she feels
it's the correct answer.
- Boom!
I stumbled out of bed and got up.
When Ellen finishes one match and subdues me, it stops at the last
movement and says, 'You're like death, but this guy kicks me out, knocks
me down, or hits me.
If Ellen subdues, this nigga
do too
It's incomparable to Ellen.
It was a rough style.
"'s okay?"
"Ah oh."
When figh ng, a er the wild boar is over, he grabs me and raises me up
and asks if I'm seriously injured. what? like this
Do you also call it gap moe?
"I can't control my power well... I'm sorry."
"Oh my. I'm sloppy."
“...But, compared to the beginning of your semester, you have grown a lot.
Why are you talking to men like this?
don't squeak Complimen ng each other, complimen ng each other...
Anyway, his technique was a bit lacking, so he couldn't control his strength,
so compared to when he was figh ng with Ellen, he was a boner.
“... Let's stop for today. It's late."
It was late, so I nodded at Cliffman's words. Eat something and go to sleep.
Bed me was ge ng closer, so I went into my room and washed up.
I guess everyone went into the room and the hallway was quiet, but
someone came into the hallway from afar.
it was coming
It was Ellen.
seemed to have gone out. Because her whole body was covered in dust.
It's not just dusty. His face was bare, his hair was messy, and he was
severely injured by limping.
It seemed The guy made eye contact with me, then lowered his eyes and
tried to pass.
oh why really
A child who was not like this in the world suddenly looks at me and seems
to be turning around.
Whatever you say, I'll go my way. This guy s ll doesn't care about other
people, but he looks at me.
Feeling guilty and sorry
I lose, and he has no reason to feel sorry for me, but I can only think of that
he's sorry. I think he's doing this because he thinks he's been harsh on me.
No, it's true that I have a lot of secrets, and I'm sorry that I couldn't tell
you. you
Why are you sorry?
So I also feel sorry for myself, so I think I'm going to turn around.
"You... how did you get hurt like this?"
Did you go out and fight? It's a bit awkward for me, so I'll pass it by, but
seeing this, I couldn't pass it up.
Even if he's a loser, he's not a good kid, is he?
“Just what is it? Let's go get treatment."
“It’s okay, what’s okay? Follow me."
I grabbed Ellen's arm.
“Ah, it hurts… Go, go slow…”
I grabbed it and dragged it, so Ellen stumbled
I was walking and trying to fall.
He looks weak and slept too much for the past few days
looks like a week She's a poor looking Ellen, she'd see something like this.
Seeing her pathe c look, her heart
It's a li le squeaky, but it's more of a concern than that.
If a person suddenly changes, they die!
"Ah oh. okay."
Ellen limped and she followed me.
- Beep!
And, a er being beaten by Cliffman all day, I was also in very bad shape.
“...I need to get treatment on my way...”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 136

“...were you two figh ng?”
Both of them were in exhaus on, so the watch priest had reasonable
suspicions, but we both shook our heads. A er receiving the healing spell
for a while, my condi on improved quickly.
S ll, while checking the wound, I glanced at it, but the condi on was more
serious than mine.
His arms and legs were covered with bruises and bruises on his long
“He looks like he was figh ng, what did you do out there?”
How did the priest on the watch come to be like this?
I asked if I was hit, but Ellen shook her head.
it was
“I am the same.”
Ellen didn't say any more, and Ellen and I, who had been cleaned by the
healing magic, le the room where the on-call priest was and headed back
to the dormitory.
“...I thought you were going out and playing. What did you do?”
I thought the four girls were playing together, but Ellen seems to have gone
to the wrong place.
“The white-haired woman.”
white haired lady? What are you talking about?
“I asked that aunt to teach me how to fight.” should. Are you talking about my sister?"
He and Harriet knew about the Rotary club, so she had nothing to hide. |
No, you went back to Loyar? Even a er being treated like that? I think I
know what you're thinking. It was the first me I lost like that, so I was
I heard that it's no help so turn it off
Was it that shocking? Is she enough to go to the person who tried to kill
her and teach her to fight?
"Hey... I understand why... but don't do it."
I've been paying close a en on to Royar.
But when he turns around, he's the type that doesn't see anything. I've
seen her fight before.
“Then if you get hit somewhere wrong, you’ll be hooked. You have to do
that while looking at the other person.”
I don't know why Loyar did that to her, but Ellen's physical condi on was
literally sha ered. Even if Loyar mismanaged her powers,
If she says Ellen could die.
| God to never experience that again
She has something she wants to do, but she doesn't want to have to do
anything again because she's weak. So Ellen was blank, and she was
drenched in her rain.
She never wants to feel that way again. Ellen held my hand quietly in her
He doesn't look at me, he bows his head
there was.
"uh. uh."
The boy was speaking as if asking.
“Who are you? who is that person Why was that person trying to kill me?
Why didn't he kill him? I won't ask why you lied to me again a er you were
kidnapped and released."
Harriet and Ellen say I'm free from kidnapping
The statement made a er he was released was a lie.
know what I was kidnapped and released, but I don't know anything. He
made a false statement that he had just been released when he came to
his senses.
But since I was released a er Loyard le , both Ellen and Harriet know that
I lied.
I was not going to say anything about the suspiciousness, and Royar and
mine, and I would not be curious.
"So I... I'll do this."
Ellen said she wouldn't be curious about anything. Being trained by Loyard
is just
Can't she pass? She was begging.
It's not a ma er of whether I allow it or not. Originally, Royar was my boss.
But I'm actually Loyar's superior
And so I have the decision-making power
that's right
Ellen says she's doing the wrong favor, but she's actually right what she
should be asking me.
she wants to be strong On a topic that was already strong enough, she
resented being defeated by mee ng someone stronger than herself.
It was a strange feeling.
Ellen was originally a character with no desire to win. She's just doing it,
and she's good at everything, so it doesn't ma er if she wins or loses, but
she's always been a winning character. She said that's because she's full of
But she got involved in one thing or another as Ellen got involved with me,
and in the end she ran into a problem that she wanted to solve but she
couldn't solve on her own, and she despaired.
So Ellen had a new feeling of her desire for her strength.
...and so.”
I warn Loyard to be gentle.
i have to give
"You don't care about me because you made a new friend these days?
You're going crazy."
Ellen listened to me, and she was a li le stunned and then a li le dazed.
Then she lowered her eyes slightly and she murmured a li le.
"........I'm sorry."
“...Oh, no. I didn't mean to hear that."
I didn't mean to say I'm sorry, but I wanted a normal reac on like
something or something.
He looks scared in my eyes!!
I think it will take some me for this guy's mentality to normalize.
Even if Ellen's condi on deteriorates to the point where she becomes ill,
she receives a set of recovery orders from the priest on the watch, and she
immediately returns to full condi on.
Of course, preven on of malnutri on, as I did when I was in my early days,
I ate a lot more than before.
A er class on Friday, I told Loyard directly to go out with Ellen and look
a er her. Royar expressed his displeasure. Nominally, Loyar is the boss, so
I'm asking for a favor, but ul mately it's an order.
“So, sister, please take care of me.”
“Ah… it’s difficult.”
Loyard's eyes were like, 'No! Why do I have to do this! Even though I'm
doing this, I can't see it with my eyes, you bastard!' was doing this
Outwardly respec ul, but I am commanding. “...if it breaks in one place
due to incorrect power control, it’s not my fault.”
"Yes. it's okay."
Ellen only said that she was courageous.
Loyard seems to have thought that Ellen wouldn't be bothering her so
much that she wouldn't come if she grabbed her too hard, but she'll
probably come to her un l she fills her castle.
She said that Ellen had a great heart. Even if he saved him in the end,
Loyard really wanted to kill Ellen, and Ellen knew that.
But she said that she casually came to the opponent to teach him how to
Club members seem to want to watch their fight with excitement, Roya.
Le, unwilling to show anyone, dragged Ellen and took her to a remote
place. Everyone seemed to be sad.
I also did some tours of the new clubhouse. The size of the clubhouse was
enormous, as it was large enough to accommodate the en re club of about
two hundred people.
The field work was being supervised by Dai-Bun, number two.
“...doesn't need to be an expert?”
It seems like they aren't using professional manpower, but they're just
building it on their own?
“They roll around and eat, so there are a lot of people who have done this
and that. Has any of them ever raised a building?"
The story of beggars is all blue
It seems that there are people who have done construc on and design
related work. It doesn't seem like everyone is like that, but it's being
designed and supervised by people with that kind of knowledge or
It was like
There are all kinds of people, so there are people who can do anything.
That was strange again.
“Thanks to you, Reinhardt.”
“I just said a few words.”
"yo. This. A few days ago, the Thieves Guild gave me a lot of support to
make it bigger.”
"Oh yeah?"
I was trying to get rid of a Rotary club, but I got a lot of help from me, so I
decided to start a new club to do some sort of fading.
It seemed that he gave a huge amount of funding to build the Usu.
Even if it's a criminal organiza on, a er all, there is another thing like face
that they have to take care of. Thieves' Guild bastards have to bow down
three mes a day in my direc on.
S ll, if it had turned into a fight, many people would have died.
It was fortunate.
I glanced around the clubhouse construc on site and headed to where
Ellen and Royar were training.
This area was the southernmost part of the eclip c, so there were no
people at all. If you go further down, you will come to a forest.
Presumably slapped hard by the short bird, Ellen tumbled across her floor
and cla ered her body.
waking up and waking up
“Can’t you use black?”
Ellen calmly said that she wasn't sick.
she asked that
“I don’t use it… but I won’t be able to do it again.”
Ellen had a water lily sword standing in a nearby tree.
she threw one of the two at loyar
And, Royar accepted it. I was wondering if I should steal the Ash Training
Sword, but that's what I was trying to do.
"Hmm... It's been a while since I last black."
For saying such a thing, Royar seemed to have great skill with swords.
Of course, she pushed her with strength and reac on speed, but as a
result, Ellen was no match for Loyar even with her sword.
Ellen says she hits a counter where when the sword hits, she sheds it, shi s
her center of gravity, or staggers her direc on.
However, the moment Loyar's sword was received, the training sword had
enough destruc ve power to sha er, and it was also incredibly fast.
So she told Ellen that her counter or advance was completely impossible,
so she avoided her, but she got a loophole.
The basic condi ons are very different.
Because of the overwhelming weight class difference, technology becomes
meaningless. Ellen seemed shocked by that.
But she seemed to realize what she needed more than despair.
I told Loyarna Elerys that Ellen's
He didn't tell me about his iden ty. that
She just said that she was an extraordinary guy.
Loyar finds out that Ellen is the younger brother of the warrior Artorius
who killed the Demon King.
How is she going to react?
She'll say I have to kill her, right?
Anyway, in front of the Demon Prince watching
It looks like Lycan Slope, a demon realm spy, is training the hero's sister.
was watching silently.
Ellen, her club members, and me, who had been training all evening and
had been torn apart, all got together and ate together.
It's not a proper meal, it's a rice ball
but only
What I felt the club's finances improved was that the rice balls were not
raw, but had something similar to meat inside.
“Hey girl, you hurt a lot. Are you okay?”
“Your sister must have a very dirty temper.”
“How did you say that you have a place to beat a child like this?”
“Noisy bastards! Have I been a quiet kid?”
The members of the club are all over as they watch Ellen slurp her food.
She said a word to them.
She didn't have such a nice and pre y child when she arrived, but now
she's ea ng rice balls more like a beggar than the rest of the club, so she
couldn't look so miserable.
The hand holding the rice ball is also trembling, so I'm done. I can't help
Royar's power control. Because Ellen is not a skill that Lo Yar can easily deal
with. So if you want to train, Ellen
It was bound to become such a mess.
"'s okay."
Ellen, who ate her onigiri, staggered and stood up as she was not at all
- Whoa! uh!
Everyone knows she stumbles and wakes up
shouted out
"Haha... Yumma. Am I the only one making a bad bitch because of you?"
Loyard is annoyed by Ellen in many ways. As if she was, she ckled. "I'll
come back later..."
"Do not come."
“I will come.”
I supported the squeaky Ellen, and her clubmates gave her a clear-cut boo.
- Reinhardt you. It's a man.
-By the way, would Reinhardt be weaker than that girl?
- Say that.
- I'm going to get caught, but that's it.
- That kid isn't usually toxic. sister
Even a er ge ng hit so hard, I get up
I see
“I’m going to get sick…”
It seemed that a strange misunderstanding was becoming a reality among
the club members.
“Are you okay?”
Ellen didn't seem to even have the energy to walk on her own.
She felt very strange. I love Ellen, who has never been able to win.
She is overwhelmed. Of course, Royard is a few years old
A er all, she hinted at me that she wouldn't even be a match.
Elerys is a crazy guy too.
But, Royard was also a formidable guy.
I felt again that
Ellen eventually passed out when she was walking, so she had to carry me
back to the temple.
At the same me, she ended up doing her strength training as well as me.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 137

Ellen suddenly starts training with Loyar.
I was small, so I mainly prac ced with Cliffman. starry bizarre
Events did take place, but he returned to his daily life at the Temple.
So it was July.
- What are you going to do on vaca on?
- Aren't you supposed to worry about the final exam before that?
Kono Lint was excited as the vaca on approached, and Erhi had to think
about the final exam before that.
and gave him a pint glass.
What did you do for the final exam already?
However, a er the final exam
A month's vaca on is given.
During his first vaca on, Ludwig will go to Delphine's hometown of Tal Prad
to train as a ranger. There must be an event where you will encounter
In Class B, as in the original story, Delphine, Ludwig, and Lanian became
close friends, so the vaca on event will proceed as it is. Unless Charlo e
suddenly does something out of the ordinary to do something with all the
class B kids.
And even if the incident of receiving ranger training disappears, it's not a
big deal. Of course, there is the fact that Ludwig, who has been trained as a
ranger, gets used to the mountainous terrain and develops tracking and
hun ng skills.
In the first place, from the point of view of everyday life, there are not
many major events.
It has to deviate significantly from the development of the work, so that
it's just huge
I didn't really study for the final exam. The final exam-related challenge
was updated, but it was similar to the last me. I failed last me, so I don't
think I will succeed this me.
So this me, rather than studying hard, I plan to work hard.
I was trying to get grades in the first place
It's not just a ball to get achievement points
I mean, I was called.
By the way, what should I do on vaca on? I have no inten on of playing.
You can train as usual, but you can s ll leave the temple for quite a long
me, so you can take a more progressive ac on.
It's something a cow wouldn't have been able to do.
Not at all with Kono Lint, who only wants to play.
In other words, thinking about what to do during vaca on
was in the middle
Today is Wednesday, and I had just returned to the dormitory a er all
classes were over.
“Hey, Reinhardt.”
When someone called and turned around, there were four A-class girls. It
was Liana de Granz who called me.
What's going on?
Liana pointed to her window with her chin.
“We’re going to eat dessert.
will you go?”
“Hey, why is he!”
Perhaps it was an unexpected remark, Harriet's face was red. Of course, my
pace, Liana, shrugged her shoulders.
It literally just seemed like it.
In an instant, the eyes of Kono Lint and Erhi, who were cha ng about their
vaca on plans, turned to me.
Oh, I want to kill that bastard. He was looking at me with this expression.
Ellen was also in the group, apparently trying to hang out for a while. What
is stupid Adelia?
He had a somewhat anxious expression. he's the same
you're scared of me
Harriet had an apparently bewildered look on her face when Liana
suddenly pulled me in.
A er the kidnapping, Ellen and Harriet
Her a tude toward me has changed a bit, but Harriet s ll has a side.
what to do
I can feel the eyes of Erhi and Kaier looking at me as if they want to kill me.
“If you buy it.”
“Anyway, I decided to buy it.”
Watch me at the answer that seemed like it was natural whether Liana was
going to buy it anyway
The two men's foreheads became even more distorted.
“Then let’s go.”
I didn't think much of it, but I got up from my seat, saying that people who
looked at me would be even more pissed off.
"that that! then! Everyone, let's take the other kids too!"
Harriet exclaimed as her face went red as she didn't want to take me alone.
Maybe then me too? The eyes of the two bystanders changed.
“Are you guys going too?”
Erhi and Ko, who watched Liana from afar as if there was nothing she could
not take with her.
She looked at No Lint.
The price for a dessert for 7 people would be quite high, but as expected,
the class is different for the Duke Youngae.
“Uh, huh? uh, us?”
“That, that…”
When the two of them asked to go, their faces became red and they
started arguing. Un l a brief period passes, Erhi and
Kono Lint looked at each other and said
Without it, Liana began to take the lead.
“Don’t hate it, let’s go.”
The person who can't put a spoon on the table
Looking at the two of them, I wondered if I would feel sorry for them all.
You're going to live like that for the rest of your life, you assholes.
I said that with my eyes.
I thought Ellen and Liana had similar personali es, but looking at them this
way, they are completely different.
felt something
Ellen is just an idiot.
And Liana is cool.
The subtle difference between cool and dumb...
Ellen rarely reacts.
“It’s delicious. There is too much cream.”
Liana has a reac on, but it is short and straigh orward. There was a clear
difference between talking less and just spi ng it out outright.
"Yes! So delicious! Eat this, this, Adelia.”
And reac on rich Harriet.
Especially when it comes down to it
Anne had a lot of reac ons in the first place. in the past
I had a strong feeling of being cheap, but her personality
Because of this change, the appearance of having no buds has almost
Maybe it's because I strengthened my immune system?
“Is it delicious? Is it delicious?”
“Ugh, it’s delicious…” |
And Adelia, which can be described in one word, "Jolbo".
“Aren’t you ea ng?”
Liana asked me as she watched me not even touch the dessert.
“Reinhardt hates sweets.”
Ellen, who should have been quiet if it was according to her character, did
what I was going to say. Come to think of it, I used to be Rdina
When I ate dessert with you, I once said that I didn't like sweets. He
seemed to remember that.
At that, the girls stared at Ellen.
looked at
Of course or not, Ellen was doing what she said to me, and she was
munching on the parfait.
“Ah… do you hate sweets?”
Harriet said it like it was the first me he knew it, and I nodded.
“It’s not that I hate it terribly, but I don’t really eat it.”
Come to think of it, the only classmates I know that I hate sweets are Ellen
and Charlo e.
“…there is a dessert that is not sweet.
You came here thinking you were?"
Liana looked at me like she was crazy.
“It came out because it wasn’t meant for dessert, it was just to buy it.”
Liana clicked her tongue at the bizarre sound that she wouldn't even eat
because it was free.
“Hey, I s ll have to eat what I ordered.”
Of course, I made a piece of cake, but I didn't even touch it. At Harriet's
remark, I pointed at Ellen with her chin.
"It doesn't ma er because he'll eat them all anyway."
If there's any le , it's that guy's camouflage
It doesn't ma er because it's all in.
Ellen, who was treated like a bum, didn't even care about her, and she was
ea ng her own. At my words, the faces of the other three became bizarre
Ellen eats well, they too
you all know,
you are really friendly
He is looking at the two of us with that expression.
Of course, I didn't eat anything, but I was drinking tea. Liana looked at me
with a slightly narrowed eyebrow.
"Because you're talking weird. Fuck you, how can I flirt like you
It makes me wonder if I can become a human being.”
“You just have to try.”
Adelaide, who was quietly drinking iced tea at my bizarre sound, gave her
drink to you.
was blown out with
“Ah, ah… that. That… Mi, I’m sorry!”
Fortunately, no one was hit, but Adelia wiped the drink with a ssue. He
laughed at my words and was afraid that I would get angry.
“Yeah, but I’m envious of Ellen ah… She eats so much and she doesn’t gain
Adelia shi ed the topic in a hurry, trying to change her words.
"Adelia, you too, like him, all day long.
If you use your body, you won’t be able to get stabbed.”
Adelia's face went red at Liana's words.
“Hey, but Ellen is her figh ng talent…. I’m a magician…”
Adelia was hesitant to see if she was worried that she would crave dessert
but she feared that if she did so she would go to the hell of an irreversible
flesh. I'm actually envious of Ellen who eats it up.
oh really
A li le boy who does this when there are many people
It's a bit annoying to see. where do you put it
Why is a kid who has nothing to do with it ea ng so much that he looks like
he doesn't exist?
I'm all upset, you bastard!
No ma er where I put it, I'm not ashamed, Ande
It's embarrassing no ma er where you put it.
I wanted to slap a slap in the back of the head to make it work, but I
endured it because I didn't even touch the dog when I was ea ng.
...maybe I actually grind and then I break
I don't know, so I'm pa ent.
“By the way, what are you going to do on vaca on?”
Everyone started to think about Harriet's ques on.
"Ugh... I think I'll stay in the Temple."
Adelia remains in the temple.
She seems to want to. At the temple during vaca on
It's not that there's nothing le inside. Because we are a royal class, we can
receive support even during vaca on.
At Adelia's words, Harriet lted her head and smiled. “Why? Don't you
want to go home a er a long me?"
At Heriot's words, Adelia's face
turned red
She seemed a li le shy.
...I can't do magic research at home." “Why can’t I study magic… ah, ah.
Mi, I'm sorry... That's right..."
Harriet unconsciously mumbled and stumbled. I wonder what you thought
he apologized
Adelia is a commoner, and Herriot is a princess of the Duchy of Saint-
It is impossible to have a magic research facility in a commoner's house. to
Of course there are things, so I didn't even know that there was a life
without them.
They're friends here, but if you graduate from Temple right away, you
won't be able to see each other. Adeliana and Herrio must have both
remembered what they had forgo en about each other.
Adelia's face was blushing from embarrassment, and Harriet wounded her
friend by spi ng her words out thoughtlessly.
Her face turned red as if she had given it to him.
A temple is a place where things that cannot be mixed outside are mixed.
I, a beggar, and Adelia, a commoner, Talking about what to do on vaca on
while being hurt with the Duke's daughter and the Grand Duchess
There are only temples on all con nents that can be put on.
Anyway, it seems that Adelia will be staying here for the en re vaca on at
the magic research facility.
“Isn’t it good to take a li le break though?
Do you want to con nue studying during vaca on?"
At Liana's ques on, Adelia shook her head.
“Ugh, that… I don’t have much me to master magic cra ing before
gradua ng and get an enchanter license.”
“Enchanter license?”
As far as I know, his talent is summoning magic.
and magic cra ing? summoning magic
But you're trying to learn an enchantment?
Why are you trying to learn something other than your own talent?
And what's the license again?
To my doubts, Adelia has her face punished
She lost, so she couldn't answer. somehow
He seemed to be ashamed of himself.
“Enchantment becomes money.”
Her answer was instead of Liana, who had a fat expression on her face.
she did
“Is enchantment money?”
"Does a wizard who can use fireball magic make a lot of money. Would a
wizard who can make fireball scrolls make a lot of money?"
“……Is that so?”
“There are sorcerers specializing in destruc ve magic, and if you want to
make money, you have to run or go to court.
Become an upper wizard or a noble family escort wizard
is that Pay depends on who you serve
It's different and there's not a lot of space. Since the Demon World War is
over, there is no demand, and even a prize that you have to risk your life to
do you have a zodiac? However, the enchantment series is safe and easy to
make money.”
Thinking about it, Liana's words were natural.
Enchantment scrolls are objects that allow anyone to use magic, and the
gents who make them can use their rakes to sweep the money.
it will On the other hand, magicians specializing in destruc on magic are
difficult to earn money.
There, the Demon World War, where magicians specialized in destruc on
magic were ac ve, also ended.
“What, then, is it that all wizards who specialize in destruc on magic
become unemployed?”
“Hmm… is that right?”
A er the war, the demand for violence has decreased, so many wizards are
“…Then, can’t we just enchant them all?”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 138

Harriet began to explain in a brisk manner to the sound of not knowing
what I was doing except that anyone could enchant if the enchantment
became money.
"If anyone can become an enchanter, the scroll price will plummet.
The technology is kept secret even by the Magic Associa on, and it is said
that only a handful of people are given licenses and the technology is
passed on to them. And if it is discovered while passing on the
enchantment technique arbitrarily, the Magic Associa on sends it to a
hunter. more than you think It's a very secure magic system. That's why I
can't actually teach you at the Temple.
It’s a magic that I can learn at the associa on once I get an enchantment
Scroll if it's something anyone can do
Why would this be expensive? Harriet said.
To maintain the scroll price, the Magic Associa on was controlling the
number of enchanters. There seems to be something like an enchanter
license test. It seems to be a concept like a no ce organized by the Magic
Associa on.
"So you're saying it's a monopoly?" “It’s an oligopoly. It’s not just the Magic
Associa on that has enchantment skills.
A wizard with top-secret magic skills
The group can't have anything to do with the associa on, so they're also
ac ve in limi ng enchanters."
Hearing that, it's weird and fun
It was also sloppy.
“At first, the Ba le Mage series was cold rice. All the really smart wizards
are. Go to Enchanter or Magiccra er
And, the wizard who can use teleport is great, but that's all in the end.
Design warp gates and magic trains
A magiccra er is treated like a great man.”
Wizards are the professions of geniuses in the first place, and even there,
the overwhelming geniuses
Safe and easy to make money Magic Cra
Majored in Tna Enchantment. Even in the case of Magic Cra ers, the social
honor they get is different.
However, it is difficult to choose that major.
It seems to be the star of the
Geniuses in any medical school
hyung, orthopedic, talking about going to the dermatologist and rain
it's similar
In fact, when people think of doctors,
I think of medicine, but actually in medical school
Surgery is a cold meal, and when you think of a wizard, you think of a
wizard who throws destruc on magic, but actually, a ba le mage is a cold
So Adelia is trying to get her enchanter license for her money. Even though
she really isn't her own talent.
Of course, Magic Cra er is also a lot of money.
It seems like it's a major that makes a lot of money, so you don't need an
enchanter's license.
It was quite surprising that the se ngs that I had stumbled upon were
built into such a society.
Magic scrolls are expensive.
Behind the scenes, no one can create magic scrolls because of this simple
This is why enchanters are magical
It is said to be among the top
Another background was created.
So, the main story character, Adelia, was affec ng her in such a way that
the enchantment was not her talent, but she was trying to get an
enchanter license.
Oddly, this
“Of course, this is when magic and money are involved, with the excep on
of Harriet.”
With a man who is a wizard for money,
There is bound to be a difference between a person who becomes a wizard
regardless of money. Why Harriet Should Make Money With Magic
there is no In the first place, he was a child of a family who was unfamiliar
with money ma ers.
As a doctor, there are people who go to the Department of Gipi because
they have a will.
In the case of Heriot, you have the freedom to choose your major. Of
course, he's already talented.
Because it is too steep, he can master all magic, but
“I do not think that approaching magic as a pure science is the right
a tude as a wizard. I hate people who say things like that.”
I'm just thinking of making money with magic...!! Magic is... a study, not a
means of making money...!! 👌👌👌
There are quite a few old-fashioned wizards who say this.
Adelia and Herriot, in many ways
Both of them trembled. Apparently, there is such a person among the class
teachers they listen to.
Adelia seemed to be ashamed now because of her values that violated the
purity of magic, and Harriet was sorry she didn't have to be sorry for
herself because her circumstances were different from Adelia.
It seemed
Adelia learns magic because of money.
To master magic itself
Harriet de Saint-Ouen learns law.
There was a reason Adelia had to become smaller when she stood in front
of Harriet. Because nothing was be er than Harriet.
Adelia's talents are magic cra ing and summoning magic. That's already
part of Harriet's talent.
Even if we get along well.... Actually, it's not a joke about inferiority...
Is this okay? Even in the original
Nothing happened between these two.
"Hey, what's your life?"
Adelia lived and raised her head at my nonsensical words.
“No ma er what other people do, money is the best. What's wrong with
making money? It deserves praise.”
There is nothing greater than money, you bastard.
So what are you trying to sell? Adelia's face reddened slightly at my words.
Habitual flushing worse than Harriet
it's a rear
“…ah, yes… thank you Reinhardt…”
“Are you really saying the same thing to offend me?”
Adelia nodded slightly,
Liana sighed at my remark that it was a bitch.
“Do you do it on purpose if someone dares to point it out?”
"of course."
“He’s really crazy.”
Liana clicked her tongue as if she didn't want to deal with her. And Adelia is
now Gran
She kept her mouth wide open as she watched me even quarrel with Chi
Yes, you are such a bastard, but even looking at it, I can't understand it. It
was this expression.
Liana smiled and looked at Harriet.
“When we graduate, the first thing we do is start with this one.”
Rihanna's sugges on made Harriot nodded.
"great! Absolutely do it! When you graduate, you are dead!”
Adelia's plan in their plot
The color appeared white, and Ellen lted her head to see if she had heard
what was going on.
I chuckled.
" that situa on, I'm sure you guys are fine.
Are you going to let me graduate?” |
Do you think you will be able to graduate safely?
At my words, Harriet and Liana turned into expressions that said, "Oh, you
must have been good enough."
“I’m going to play.”
When we get back to talking about what to do during vaca on, Liana will
play normally.
Said she.
“I just want to go around the places where there are villas in each area.” |
Liana wants to play around as if touring the family villas.
It was engraved.
"right. But this me, I think I will go to the Edina Islands.”
“Edina Islands? Where are you?”
Everyone seemed to have never heard of the Edina Archipelago, but I
flinched. If it were there, it was the southernmost island country on the
con nent where Airi had a tavern.
“It's an island south of Kernstadt, and people don't go there o en because
there is no connected gate, but I heard it's a great place. It's like an
unknown tourist des na on
“If the gate isn’t connected, are you going by boat?”
Liana nodded at Adelia's ques on.
it was
“If you go by boat, the vaca on will be over by going there once. I will go
with the butler.”
“The butler?”
"Ah. The butler is a wizard. I'm going to teleport."
Adelia was commanded once more at those words.
Not a butler, but a butler, and a high-ranking mage to the extent that the
butler can use teleport. Can't you just call that high mage for a trip?
The Duke of Granz.
It will feel far away. Adelia seemed to feel every me she told her that
Harriet and Granz were so far away from her.
Of course, to our Dum Dum Dum-chung,
Kay or not, I ordered it and didn't eat it
I'm messing around with the crocodile.
...this bastard goes with this, but it'll always be like this.
No reac on, eat a lot.
Why are you going together? No, why are you guys taking you with you?
These three seem really nice, don't they?
Really upset!
Somehow, they are in a posi on to become parents who see that their
daughter does not get along well with her friends.
My friends are nice, but my kid isn't good!
Sorry for raising you like this, guys!
Anyway, Liana looks like a stone during vaca on.
“I'm just going to go home, but she's like Adelia. To do some magic
research, while asking her brothers.”
Harriet is expected to return to the Principality of Saint-Ouen to study.
Temple also has facili es
Good, but only for the Grand Duchess of the Principality
Facili es would be much be er. And since these oppas are also wizards, it
would be good to ask ques ons about it,
In many ways, Harriet is in a posi on to not have to learn magic at the
And this me his eyes were on me.
“Well, I have no plans yet.”
He had no idea what he was going to do with the temple. You can stay and
prac ce, but it is more meaningful
I also want to do something.
All that was le was Ellen.
“What about Ellen?”
Ludwig's vaca on was described, but Ellen's vaca on was not. When she
asks herself a ques on, she asks Ellen K.
He said while ea ng a piece of crab.
“Originally, I was going to rest at home…”
Originally, it seemed that he was going to go back to his hometown and
rest, but he seems to have changed his mind.
“I’m going to register as an adventurer.”
"what?!" “……Are you suddenly an adventurer?”
“Why adventurers?”
“Isn’t that dangerous?”
The guy who was quietly ea ng is a bomb
When she made her remarks, she was all astonished in her own way.
No, you're an adventurer. What kind of bullshit is this?
“I want to go to the Darkland.”
It seemed that her hair was turning white.
This bastard is finally crazy.
Everyone lost to the declara on of a random adventurer
fell for nick
"Ellen, the Demon World War is over.
Not all demons are dead.”
At Liana's words, Ellen nodded her head as if she knew it.
“The Darkland is also a Dark Land, but why adventurers?”
Darklands s ll has a lot to be revealed.
If you find and report an undiscovered area or unusual feature in the
Darkland, the Adventurer's Guild gives you money. Dungeon or something
like that.”
To Adelia's ques on, Ellen talks about money.
she did Adventurers in the wrong place
I'm the answer to what the fuck
came and gone
He's going to the Darklands for money.
Wouldn't it? It will be an addi onal day,
"Come on, you don't want to go alone, are you?"
“I’m going alone.”
"No! You, you... that. I know you are strong, but... What if you run into
dangerous demons?
Do you want to make a cake?”
Knowing that Ellen can summon an uniden fied sword, Harriet finds the
other children
It was a li le be er than that, but it seemed like he thought it was
She said, “She decided to get a teleport scroll from the temple. If it's
dangerous, I'll use it."
It's not a sudden thought, but I already reported my vaca on plans to the
temple and paid a super high price.
It looked like they were going to get paid for the corresponding teleport
Even in Royal Class, would you do that? Is Ellen special?
Everyone asks a worrying ques on one word at a me
except me,
"do not go."
And I said firmly, not worried.
Do you want to lose weight a er wandering around harsh places? What
are you talking about, boy?
This obviously wasn't in the original.
called unfolding.
“Don’t go, why are you doing that?”
A er answering the other children's words, Ellen closed her eyes and
remained silent for a long me at my words.
The way it suddenly lowers its tail
Everyone's expression turned bizarre.
Everyone had that wri en on their faces.
“I’m not going…”
Is it just those three?
I also felt weird.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 139

In the evening we returned to the dormitory.
A er all the other guys went in, I was the last to enter Ellen.
called up
“Let’s talk for a moment.”
I thought I should talk to this guy for a bit.
I took Ellen to the ball in front of the dormitory
went to the circle nigga what i'm gonna say
Hearing that there is, it comes from a li le behind me
came A er confirming that there were no people around, I turned towards
“Why are you looking at me like this these days?”
This guy has been watching me a lot since the last kidnapping. They say
that I'm going to the Darkland, but my heart doesn't like it.
It looked like he ate hard.
I was told not to go to such a dangerous place.
But at least I knew I was going to be stubborn, but when I said that I
wouldn't go right away, I felt weird.
The child who didn't do that suddenly became very
look at my eyes
The reason seemed clear. Last me, I was supposed to keep my distance
from myself, but suddenly a strange incident occurred that I was
I thought I wouldn't need it, but I was shocked because the award just
There, she regre ed and apologized for the things she had said to me, and
she even felt as though it was her fault that I was kidnapped.
it is sheep Of course it's not his fault,
My brother and I, who had many secrets, overlapped each other
She said she didn't like it.
But in the end he knew he couldn't kick me out, and he felt guilty about
what he said was a mistake.
it is
So it's watching me. self
I'm afraid I'll make a mistake again.
"What did you do to me? You could have done it. Then the unfortunate
thing happened, and it has nothing to do with you that I was kidnapped.
You even went looking for me. What are you sorry for me?"
I close my eyes and say nothing
I said so to Ellen who was not there.

...I do not know."
Ellen had her head down and she couldn't even look into my eyes.
“…I don’t know what.”
“I don’t want to make the same mistake as last me, but I don’t know how
to do that.”
I s ll regret what I did last me.
it was sheep
“Because I don’t know… it keeps happening.”
Ellen didn't want to do or say something she would regret like last me.
But he seemed to think that what he said and did might be a mistake.
That's why when you treat me, you become passive and look out for me.
So, she said that she was going to the Dark Land, and when I told her not
to go, she said yes.
If I tell you not to go and insist on going, I might get angry or hurt.
The reason Ellen has looked okay so far is because she doesn't care much
about others. She just did what she wanted to do. Ellen said she didn't
even no ce.
But in the end, this guy is inexperienced in dealing with people. She
doesn't know how to deal with people who aren't the kind of thing she's
supposed to be okay with. She never cared about what she said or did, but
now she does.
Can I do this, say like this
can i do it
In the midst of these worries, Ellen finds an answer.
She couldn't, so she finally got her eyes on me
it will She already made one mistake so she doesn't want to do more so
she's more careful
it happened
She doesn't know how to treat me.
She tells this guy that I'm an important friend
It's nice to be treated, but
I didn't want to see her look.
She's not like this guy.
She just doesn't want me to stare at her.
“Sit down.”
I sat her Ellen on her bench and sat next to her.
A er all, she has the world's strongest talent
Even if she's a guy, she's just a clumsy guy when it comes to interpersonal
problems. A er all, I am the first to be called her friend.
A er experiencing a situa on where I disappear, what do I mean to
you must have been thinking
In the end, I think that I should do well when I am there.
So I want to do well, but I don't know how to do it well, so I act like this.
"You know I lied, right?"
- nod
Ellen no longer curious about my secret
She said she didn't. She said she should be okay.
But no. You must be curious, and you must be struggling because you do
not know me. It will seem more and more overlapping with her brother's
case, and it will become more and more stressful on the inside.
Naturally, Ellen knows my lies about her kidnapping. But she doesn't know
the truth. She'd be thinking to the extent that Loyar must have done
“Actually, she was kidnapped by the Thieves Guild guys.”
“The Thieves Guild?”
Ellen knows about the Thieves Guild. Maybe she doesn't know, because
she has no way Ellen's interest in the criminal gangs inside the imperial
“Yeah, you have my sister you went to visit.”

“It’s like a foreign subcontract from the Thieves’ Guild. only beggars
Rumors or informa on that you can pick up on the street. Giving those
things to the Thieves Guild and ge ng paid. Do you know what I'm talking
Ellen was the first she had ever heard of the phrase she was a
subcontractor in her life.
That's right, she's a word you don't need to know
“It’s like a minion.”
“Ah… yes.”
She could tell Ellen the truth.
She's not a cheap nigga, and she even ran around for me.
There was nothing she couldn't say.
To be honest, she's also impressed. A er all, I do this because I am an
important person
Isn't it the same
I'm going to tell you everything.
It's be er to say everything.
Ellen's eyes widened as I suddenly began to confide. i say
I guess I didn't think I would do it.
| “As you know, our organiza on is a gathering of beggars, and it is not
easy for such an organiza on to send students to Temple. Is the temple
tui on too expensive?”

“You know, I’m a li le special, right?”
I know a lot more strangely than my age. Considering my origins, this is a
very disgus ng thing.
“So the organiza on tried to raise me as a successor. That's why I sent it to
the Temple. A er gradua ng, let's live with those people somehow.
What... yes. The club isn't a criminal group, but to be honest, I'm a er a
criminal gang.
It was meant to be raised as a servant.”
“But when I came to the temple, what was the enemy?
It was discovered that the last name is infinite, so I was admi ed to the
Royal Class."
"...I see."
Ellen nodded her head blankly.
“Anyway, I believe that our organiza on is a thief.
I hope to break free from the influence of de
there is. As you know, I was originally going to go to the temple quietly, but
I came to the Royal Class, and there are too many prominent people here.
Here's my situa on
If it was revealed, it seemed like it was going to explode with sparks.”
prince and princess. not only that, but
It is a royal class overflowing with the children of a powerful family. So, I
wanted to cut off the connec on with the criminal organiza on because I
was afraid that the shrimp would explode in the whale fight.
Of course, this is not all true,
“Anyway, the organiza on is the Thieves’ Guild.
I want to end the rela onship, so a few things
Hit the job, that's gonna plant niggas
It looks slimy. That's why they were trying to get rid of you. But last me I
was in the rainy season
Without knowing it, I went into the back alley of Wenster Market and got
caught by the Thieves Guild. He didn't know me and kidnapped me, but
once he ed me up, it was me.
Ellen finds out about the circumstances of the a erlife and is entangled in
He listened blankly, as if he couldn't believe my story.
You might have thought that Loyar and the beggars were a bit unusual, but
hearing these stories of power struggles between the Thieves' Guild and
other organiza ons in the back world, I would not believe it.
I was shocked to hear that I belong to such a world. It seemed that I was
surprised to hear that the words of death and everything came out of my
mouth calmly,
Of course, I am not the heir of such a great organiza on.
But Ellen is an outsider.
So, it seems that they think that I am a huge tycoon living in a ba le
between some huge criminal organiza on. She said that she lives a
completely different life from hers.
no... it's not like that...
"What happened?"
It is a terrifying criminal organiza on. He had been kidnapped by the
Thieves' Guild, a much larger criminal organiza on than Loyar's. that
But how did you get away with it?
Ellen asks.
“It wasn’t my organiza on that ma ered, but my affilia on. I'm a royal
class student. There is a prince and a princess in my grade, so it was a
mistake to kidnap me in the first place.”
In fact, as soon as the guild master saw me, he realized that he had
stepped on a lot of poop, and his mentality exploded.
“So in the first place, the guild master was scared as soon as he saw me.
It's complicated, but Bertus and Charlo e don't
Well, I found out that they were the culprits. About Wednesday.”
I came back on Saturday. The culprit was caught on Wednesday, so why did
you come on Saturday? Ellen will be curious about that.
“I told you not to tell anyone that I found me,” she said. The Thieves Guild
had something to do with it.” |
remained missing. Ellen is star ng to not understand what I'm saying
It was like
“This is what happened, I was going to eat the Thieves Guild.”
Ellen looked like she was about to give up on what she was thinking now.
"You said you didn't want to be associated with a criminal organiza on,"
she said.
“I did, but…”
I didn't want to be found out, but Charlo e and Bertus found out right
away anyway.
You change your mind in every situa on. So, anyway, ea ng the Thieves
Guild is true.
I lost, but the price of burying this case
Someday, you will get paid for saving the ropes of these guys.”
He didn't say anything like the king of the dark house. I don't know if I'll
actually do it or not, and if it does, it'll end up in Bertus' palms.
And I don't know if I'll be good at that.
I want to know about the background of my outline and the truth of the
I told Ellen.
"I see...."
Ellen nodded her head blankly.
Heir to a criminal organiza on, and kidnapped
In this situa on, I would rather eat the Thieves Guild.
The owner of the crazy guts to go.
Ellen didn't explain everything, but she nodded blankly, as if she knew
He seemed shocked that I was a bigger person than he had imagined.
Clearly there are a lot of misunderstandings.
He's making a face like he's a really, really dangerous person right now, but
he's such a great person.
uh huh I s ll can't figure it out
“But actually, this is a camouflage.”
I s ll have more to say.
“Actually, I am the last remaining heir to the demon realm.”
“But actually, I have no interest in wars, and I just sneaked in to live
comfortably in the human world.”
what kind of bullshit Ellen's expression distorted slightly with the same
Why are you doing this all of a sudden? I can even see the ques on marks
drawn in Ellen's pupil.
is it magic?
Are you kidding me right now?
Are you crazy?
It was this look.
uh huh
It's too early to be surprised.
“But actually, it’s also a disguise.”
On the stomach on the stomach on the stomach.
I'll tell you the real truth...
“Actually, I am like the creator of this world.
But, to be punished, I am now possessing a human body.”
Ellen's eyes went beyond embarrassment and bewilderment and became
as calm as a deep lake. The absurdity went beyond the limit and rather
calmed down.
Ellen's eyes have never been seen before
It was so cold. Charlo e and
Bertus some mes shows bloody
it's the eyes
But Ellen felt a li le different about her.
It wasn't that she was pressured, she really felt like she was going to die.
She may be killed in this spot. is to the point of thinking
W, as expected, did you cross the line too much to talk about the demon
world in front of Ellen?
that, but you know about me
You said you wanted...
It's true....
“If you don’t want to talk.”
“Just say no.”
- Tight!
"100 million!"
Ellen was the first to put her feelings on me.
slapped her on the back of the head.
Ellen said that she was so angry that she jumped up and giggled as she
went back to the temple.
“Oh my gosh, it hurts so badly.”
Who the hell believes this?
He must have been mad at what he said about the demon world, but
because he upset me, the feeling of apologe cs disappeared as a teacher
I guess it's run
A cow like that knowing who my brother is
do you reel? are you really crazy
You'd be really mad at me.
But it's hard to believe, but that's you
The truth I wanted to know
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 140
Ellen has some trust in the criminal organiza on, but the demons
He seemed to think that I was making fun of you by saying that he was
your creator god.
In return for pissing her off, Ellen treated me as usual.
She did have Ellen find her every day. She some mes came to the gym and
prac ced matches with me.
Of course, since I'm prac cing with Cliffman these days, things have
changed a bit.
“Hey, you two should try it.”
"...with me?"
Ellen and Cliffman pretend to be each other
We were pretending, but I got caught in the middle.
So now the two can talk to each other.
Ellen's a tude was that she couldn't do anything, and Cliff Mann looked
yo. This. I feel like you've been figh ng Cliffman lately, and that guy doesn't
talk to everyone, even Naha.
The height is a bit awkward.
He's a guy who doesn't even treat me well. Even though I am of the same
However, the prac ce opponent is Ellen. Even with the tle of the pre est
girl in Tokyo, it can be.
Of course, a person with human Ulleungjeung has a bigger problem with
this castle.
Cliffman takes Ellen from the opposite side properly.
I couldn't even look.
Someone who is awkward even for me fights with Ellen?
Aren't you screaming and vomi ng in your pants?
did you just do it?
Cliffman didn't even start.
Can you see me swea ng in a cold sweat
it was awesome
"I'll go."
- Pot!
Ellen jumped in,
Cliffman was beaten without even responding to the training sword hi ng
the top of his head.
- Swallow
Ellen turned to look at Cliffman with her usual expressionless expression.
She is not expressionless.
He's very upset right now.
Oh, it reminds me of Ellen and her first fight.
At that me, it wasn't because I was nervous, it was because I wasn't
capable enough, but I was beaten. Ellen stared blankly at Cliff, who had
been subdued by her blow.
“What if?”
Ellen looked at me blankly, she mu ered. A er all, it was clear that he was
perplexed now.
how about what
“…let’s go find the priest on duty.”
Me and Ellen support the fainted Cliffman on both sides to find the Priest
on the Watch.
had to go
Fortunately, he was not seriously injured, and Cliffman came to his senses
when the priest on duty cast a recovery spell.
I couldn't even react and got hit by a pot
Is it a shame to faint or Cliffman's face?
He was so red he couldn't even open his mouth.
"Why didn't you get it?"
Ellen knew she had seen her before, so she knew Cliffman was a great
man. However, he did not receive, spill, or avoid a light first move, he was
bruised and beaten.
She knows it's not that much, but it seems that Ellen didn't understand
that she was so s ff.
I don't know if everyone is like that, but I'd love to see a kid like you in
front of me.
People who can't speak because they're nervous
I'm sure the truck will go over it for a long me.
Sadly, Cliffman is one of those guys.
one of them,
“That, that… that…”
Cliffman was so nervous.
I wonder if I couldn't bear to say
started to stu er.
The original Class A official assah two.
Ellen and Cliffman,
Ellen in her own way, Cliffman
Cliffman, in his own way, both of them have serious shortcomings in
maintaining interpersonal rela onships.
“You did well with Reinhardt.”
“That, that… that…”
“…that’s all you can say?”
"that is...! That, not that…”
Seeing that the two of them with poor interpersonal skills were talking,
there was no such thing as a great exchange party.
Cliffman passed out and opened dinner
The wetness faded quite early.
He wasn't seriously injured either, so he le the priest's office on the watch
and went back to the dormitory.
“I’m going to have a snack, and you
Asked by Cliff Mann, the guy shook his head with his face red.
"Oh, no! It's okay! I'm full! Uh."
This child must be social today
Maybe I've run out of things, if I stay with Ellen any longer, I'll cry and
vomit and collapse.
It was like
No, did you have this kind of power? It seems to be especially maximal for
“Well, then I’ll go!”
Cliffman sprints and sleeps
He disappeared into the room.
“He’s a strange kid.”
How serious would it be that Ellen treats her like a strange person? of
course Ellen
immediately walked to the dining room as if he had forgo en about
“I want some stew.”
“Isn’t that what you call a snack?”
"stew. With beef.”
“Are you doing this on purpose?”
Ellen stared at me and nodded her head.
It's good to be back as usual.
It's good.
“Then what did you do? OK?"
“I can’t do it.”
Ellen seemed to realize that it was best for her to do what she usually does.
I don't know if it's because I realized that I'm not easily hurt.
It's good.
“I don’t know, so you do it once. Next me, I'll do it."
Why does she seem more brazen than usual?
A er all, in the middle of the night she cooks and ate beef stew.
“I must have misunderstood your habit.”
Ea ng like this has become a daily rou ne. I ended up ge ng red of
things that could be easily made and eaten. fried egg
If you eat something like sausage or a lot of stuff, you're bound to get
bi en.
So some mes I just go into detail
I've heard of it, but this guy remembers everything, and then suddenly he
does the same thing he did last me, and it's like this.
Of course, it wasn't because he was no cing me these days, but when he
returned to his original state, he immediately became a gang.
This guy also saw something over his shoulder. Turns out, she was able to
do it to some extent, but in the end, she liked what others did the best.
there seems to be
Yes, ramen is the best when someone else cooks it. What would you say
about the food?
“Where did you learn this?”
Ellen asked if she was curious. She wouldn't have asked if it was yesterday,
she no ced
She decided not to look, so she seems to just say whatever comes to mind.
where did she learn
Of course I learned it from YouTube. like this
If you do a search, you'll find everything.
“What are you learning, you child? Cooking
Did you buy a book?”
Of course, that's not all she remembers, she actually bought a cookbook
and tried it.
I bought it not to learn, but to check if what I remembered is correct, but
there were many recipes that I didn't actually know, and I didn't know how
to actually cook beef stew. This is what I really learned from reading the
Ellen said I even bought a cookbook
I was a li le stunned by her words.
“Why, are you impressed? I bought it for you.
no it's not?"
like a dog
It was a statement like the standard of Tsundere.
I want to turn back me
Actually, I bought it to eat, but if I'm alone, I wouldn't eat this.
That's right, you bought it for him! He has no one to talk to!
“I didn’t say anything.”
"...can't you really hit me?"
“If you can.”
Saying you'll never get it right
Ellen is a stewer of it or not.
She was passionate about it.
By the way, his mentality is now normal.
Since I'm back, I have a ques on for you.
“Yumma. Why did you want to go to the Darklands?”
I said I didn't want to go because I didn't want to go, but why did I want to
go to the Darkland in the first place?
Money can't be the goal In the first place, if the purpose of money is to sell
the teleport scroll that was supposed to be paid at the temple
more money
“Prac cal experience.”
“…Prac cal?”
"Huh. Last me I felt I don’t think there’s anything like prac ce.”
Ellen didn't feel her arrogance skyrocketed. But if she loses to Loyar
There seemed to be a lot to feel.
She never had any prac cal experience.
She felt it all over again. Of course, she wasn't withdrawn and nervous in
the real world, but the feeling of approaching death can only be found in
the real world.
Ellen was shocked by her defeat, but it seems to her that in the end, it was
a big s mulus for her. Not much me has passed since then, but she seems
to have improved a lot.
This guy's fearsomeness is strong, she's her own, but she's at the speed of
ge ng stronger.
“No ma er what, you need real-world experience.
Isn't it a bit far to go? And what do you do when you risk becoming strong?
The Demon World War is over.”
I know that the gate incident will happen later, so I'm training with this
clenched fist. Ellen's strength is a good thing in the end from the point of
view of preparing for future situa ons.
But she said Ellen, she has no reason to be in a hurry. I just went to the
Darkland and saw the actual scene
What if I even die while arguing for accumula ng?
“It’s not necessarily for the same reason as the Demon World War.
There are many reasons to be strong.”
Ellen was just saying that, but she could guess what she meant.
She doesn't want to experience the situa on of being powerless when she
needs strength. A er all, there is nothing wrong with becoming stronger.
“And besides the Demon Castle, there are many dungeons and hidden
treasures in the Darkland. I heard you.”
| I didn't know what adventurers were earning a living from, but since the
Darkland isn't completely leveled, it seems like they're searching for the
goods that come out of it.
Ellen said she might be there
She seemed This part is black as I have never set it up. There are parts
where Ludwig explores the dungeon, but that was a dungeon in the human
world, not the Darkland.
Anyway, the job of an adventurer was not the main subject of descrip on.
So she didn't know what adventurers were doing,
Their main target seems to be the treasures of the Darkland. Ellen is there
It's cold,
"...Isn't one ramen enough?"
Even though there are other things, there is nothing like the new sword
Ramen, but it is a crazy sword with the aura blade-level sharpness that is
common in old fantasy novels, and it is passive.
Loyard, who blocked it with his bare hands, went crazy.
It was a bastard, not that you or Rament were weak.
“There’s nothing wrong with being there. anything."
It seems that Ellen's longing for power eventually spreads to a bathing in
water. L

Ren tries to find the treasures of the Darkland.

And he doesn't know what it is.
Of course, the treasure is secondary, and it seemed that he was trying to
get stronger while gaining prac cal experience in the Darkland. In mes of
crisis, you can run away with the teleport scroll.
“I’m not going anyway.”
Ellen said I didn't want to go, so whatever the reason, she eventually
decided not to go, so she didn't seem to mind.
Is she a good listener or not?
Darkland. It is an unknown area that I am not familiar with. if i'm from
don't know where to stand
In this world other than what I have set
A lot of very powerful magic items
Typical examples are the ring of Sar Kegar that I have and the fireworks of
Going to the Darkland isn't as bad as I thought.
“Come with me.”

It's dangerous to send him alone, but I'm sure it'll be less dangerous if I go
with him. I have finally decided what to do on vaca on. "No."
I'm making a plan in my head, Ellen
She shook her head resolutely.
“You can’t fight.”
Did you and I have a different ending? Doesn't he know that I can help with
this and that?
It's true, so I don't have anything to say. No, it's not true.
But you!
Isn't that too much!

...I was hurt.”
"...I'm sorry. But it is true.”
bad year.
I'm doing this because I think about how much I will lose.
a er.
I've been drinking for a long me.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 141

Obviously, Ellen can do more than one person, and I can't even compare to
a normal person in terms of physical strength and figh ng quality. Because
his name is also a superpower.
But, of course, with Ellen,
There is a difference. So it was only natural for her to think that I might be
in danger if I followed Ellen to the Darklands to gain her real-world
It's not that it's important for her to get in the way, it's not that I might be
in danger, so don't follow me.
“If you don’t take me, I will go alone.”
In the end, I told him to take me anyway.
“You told me not to go.”
Don't go because it's useless to me
Why are you suddenly saying you're going to install it?
It was this look.
"Oh, I don't know! Anyway, go with me! I'm good at figh ng too! I'm not as
good as you, I'm doing it now!
Ellen stares at me in exaspera on as I swear at her out of the blue. spit out
“Why all of a sudden?”
Ellen was thinking of going too. She seemed to be folding, but when I
suddenly asked her to go with me, she was puzzled.
“There is a treasure.”
“It’s going to be money.”
In the end, the only excuse was money.
No, it's actually quite a treasure trove.
If you find something and get some money, it will be helpful in running the
organiza on, too, for Airi.
Can I put it on? How good is it?
That's why I need money, Ellen will figure it out.
| ...Joe Let's get to a safe place then.
This isn't the only vaca on I've ever had."
In the end, the boy sighed as if he had given up.
Ellen reluctantly agreed, as Ellen seemed to think for a long look then at
the sound she said I would eventually catch up.
Even if I thought you didn't go, I said I would go. I'm a dog scum, but when
I heard the reason why Ellen wanted to go to the Dark Land, she thought
she had to go.
S ll, I can't let it go alone, so I'm going to catch up and travel around a li le
bit more safely. Even if Ellen doesn't know, it's safer for me to be with you.
I don't pay much a en on to the final exam itself, so even during the exam
period, it was no different from usual. That grade is not up to me.
So now, a er comple ng the temple class, I was at Elerys' shop. An excuse
to bring le ers periodically
because there is It was a er I wrote another reply to a le er from
Charlo e.
This area has been out of the surveillance zone for a long me, so I'm going
in and out of it comfortably
It was.
“Yes, lower.”
"I heard that adventurers came and went in and out of the Darkland. Is
that true?"
Ellen seems to be quite troubled by her taking me, but if she doesn't take
me, she'll probably get nothing.
this is rich
Because I have three people around me who are familiar with the
“Ah, it seems that there have been a lot of adventurers in the fortress.
explored the darklands
As you go.”
And the egg where Elerys' shop is located.
Riga Shopping Street is where adventurers gather.
where Elerys is darkland cumshot
Even if you don't know well, you will have no choice but to know about the
hot points where adventurers flock.
“Are there so many treasures in the Darklands?”
“Hmm… The Allied Forces must have already plundered all of the Demon
Castle, but since the Darkland is very large, there must be treasures
somewhere that adventurers can covet.
Dan must be more than the land of these men.”
Originally, adventurers did not enter dangerous lands like the Darklands.
But now that the Demon World War has ended with the victory of humans,
adventurers will be slowly moving towards the Dark Lands.
But the words are a bit strange.
many. It's not, it's a lot. “You don’t know if there are any treasures in the
Darklands, do you?”
Elerys smiled at my words.
“The land is too wide, so there are many things I don’t know. but in the
There are numerous demonic forces formed in
So, wouldn't they have some treasure? There must be hidden dungeons
here and there.”
Elerys explained everything about the Darkland.
She said she's ignorant, and that's probably true.
But it's a demonic force.
“Weren’t all demonic fac ons destroyed during the Demon World War?”
“Oh, I think I know what you mean.
It's a se ng where I lost my memory
Elerys seemed to realize that she had li le knowledge of the former and
the Dark Lands.
“The powerful demon forces received a call from their predecessor, the
Demon King, prior to the Demon World War.
I did. But all the demons call
It's not over, I'm s ll sleeping in the Darkland
There will be countless John Demon forces. Each demon fac on must have
par cipated, but they must have le a successor or a last resort.”
It is true that the general mobiliza on order has been dropped, but not all
demons have been summoned. So when the Demon King died, the Demon
Realm was destroyed.
It wasn't annihilated.
“There were also forces that did not respond to the call. They are going to
be pre y good.”
“…you failed the call?”
"Yes. Mainly, the demons of the periphery far away from the influence of
the previous demon kings.
The families were like that.”
This is another thing I didn't know.
Those who have never seen the Demon Lord are the Demon Lord
Due to the lack of control of the
did not comply Then they pretended not to know whether the demon
realm was destroyed or not, so their power
It will be rela vely be er.
"Hmm... So, the Allied Forces did something like a one-point a ack to
capture the Demon King, and it was impossible to occupy, so it ended up
Are you saying that you only got votes and withdrew?”
Heavy rain to protect the occupied territory
Dragons and manpower will be invested, and the Allied Forces
Human forces including the en re Darkland
There was no force to occupy.
It is also true that large-scale demon forces, including high-ranking demons
in Darkland, suffered devasta ng damage, and it is also true that they lost
the power to fight against humans.
However, in the end, humans could hardly plunder anything other than the
Demon Castle in the Dark Land.
So, in order to take the remaining treasures of the demons who have lost
their power, adventurers are sad.
It's creeping in, and it's actually
It is true that there are treasures.
“Why are you suddenly curious about the Darklands?”
I shrugged at Elerys' ques on.
“We are running out of money.” “Ah… yes.”
To be honest, I'm not desperate
There are a lot of John's corners.
“I’m going to try a treasure hunt this vaca on.”
Elerys was astonished at my idea of plundering my hometown because I
needed money.
didn't hit
That's right.
Seriously, I think it's a real hornbill
It's kind of like a thought..
In the case of adventurers, defea ng evil demons and bringing their
treasures, but my posi on is a li le different.
It will be a situa on like the scoundrel that the heir of the demons is
plundering the Darklands.
“Of course, if you are in need of a treasure, you can go there by yourself
without having to go there yourself… Of course, I don’t know where it is,
Ellen has a fourth-dimensional wall that cannot be crossed by me, but Eren
is now
You can't compare it to Elerys right now.
If the goal is treasure hun ng, she doesn't need to go with Ellen, she just
needs to send Elerys.
"I'm not going alone."
Of course, treasures are treasures, but more importantly
thing is different
"If you're not alone... is that the kid Royard spoke of?"
"uh. I want to gain prac cal experience.”
It is more important for Ellen to safely build up the prac cal experience she
It is important for me to be strong, but in order to prepare for the future
Ellen with a different level of poten al than me
This stronger one is much be er.
Technically speaking, turning Ellen into a monster is a be er op on than
raising me.
Without knowing the reason, Elerys couldn't understand her words as I
was trying to help him gain prac cal experience.
She would rather rebuild the Demon Realm, and Elerys hates that
direc on.
She would understand if it were long, her classmate
It seemed that he did not understand because he wanted to help.
“Anyway, it would be dangerous to send it off alone, so I’m going to follow
"That... I understand what you're saying, but... You, you can be in danger
“ know that. Because in this state, you cannot rule the demons.”
My demon domina on ability is sealed in the current situa on, disguised
as Sarkegaar's ring. To use it properly, you must return to the form of a
horned demon.
As demon rule itself is a species specific to Archdaemon, it is unavoidable.
but el
Leris shook her head at my words.
“Even if you return to your true form, it’s the same thing.”
"........uh? Why?"
Even if you can use demon domina on, is it dangerous?
why? Wasn't I immune to damage limited to demons? I have low demon
domina on skills.
But obviously it depends?
“The power of degrada on is s ll weak. You will meet an opponent with
whom you do not have dominance. Otherwise, they might a ack you.”
“Isn’t that the case in the Demon King?”
I mean, the ogre just ran to protect me.
“…Aren’t they the Demon King’s soldiers? He had already been trained.
There are almost no demons or idiots on the outskirts.
Wild monsters that don't do that
Unrecognizable or out of control
There are many possibili es.”
I thought I was invincible in the Darklands!
That's why I purposely sealed the demon domina on ability.
I was going to go with that feeling!!
“Actually, you are Sarkegaarna.
You can't rule over demons like Loyar, can you?"
...that's right.
They follow me for loyalty
it's not rhyming
How much is it to the demons at this level?
Anyone can get stabbed in the back, and those who don't know who I am
won't even recognize me.
Even if you find out, you may get a reac on like this.
Whether it's her real face or Reinhardt's appearance, it's dangerous
“Yes, lower.”
“Is there really only one good thing about being an Archdaemon?”
Talent is bought with achievement points, and one-legged demon rule
The ability is s ll underpowered, and I can't use it in this state, and it's
inconvenient because I'm a demon, but what's the good thing about it? |
In the first place, Bali was a crazy Munchkin, but why am I like this?
Because he was originally a person who should have died
Don't you have any of that?
"Ummm... Arcdaemons have a very long lifespan. Degrada on."
That's a great advantage! uh!!
It's ridiculously good to say the least, but it's a very long-term advantage,
so it doesn't mean much in the current situa on!
My predecessor, the Demon King, was originally like me, but a er living for
a long me and cul va ng, I became stronger.
Anyway, I'm worried about Ellen, so
to follow you to the darklands
It was, but in Elerys' words, oh
I might be in danger.
Even the demons on the outskirts were in the first place.
He did not obey the orders of the Great Demon King. In the Darkland,
there are clearly hos le forces who don't care much about the Demon
I wasn't going to go alone with Ellen and her. It's dangerous for Ellen and I
to go alone.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 142

Elerys thought about it and then nodded, saying that she would do it.
Sarkegar is disguised as a nobleman.
Royar is busy running the club. half
I have nothing to do other than hold on to it, so it's hard to make me
during vaca ons
It wasn't luck either.
Leaving Elerys' shop and returning to the Temple, I responded to Charlo e.
“Thank you, Reinhardt every me.”
“Well, it’s not difficult.”
I guess it's me to get used to it
Seeing Charlo e receive my secret reply and see her overjoyed, s ll makes
her heart pound.
I don't usually do this shit
Yes, I even made a different style of handwri ng.
Oh, I feel like a professional scammer.
“By the way, let’s find out what we were going to find out last me.”
“Ah… that?”
Demonism or Revolu onary Forces...
It's been delayed, so it's s ll
I didn't know about that part. There was the rainy season and there was
also my kidnapping. Charlo e seemed to have decided that she could not
procras nate any longer because if Charlo e delayed any longer, she
would start her vaca on.
“... what about the final exam?”
Charlo e's expression turned a li le puzzled at the out-of-the-box finale.
“Reinhardt… I seem to forget it some mes, but I am a princess.”
From my point of view, those two
Of course the dog is more important.
it was the sound
No, didn't you procras nate too much for something like that?
“Anyway, I don’t think it’s as serious as I thought. final exam though
'Cause I'm well prepared
do not worry."
It's like a final exam. You'll do well.
That was Charlo e's a tude.
“Oh, come to think of it, Reinhardt you
You might be worried... well, that
Rum, shall I find out on my own?"
Charlo e just remembered my midterm grade, so you are worried about
the final exam too.
"Should I do it?" she asked.
Even though I got 1st place, I don't think I have an image of a good student.
"No, that's fine. I just don't care about the finals."
Of course, I have no inten on of choking on my studies anymore.
Charlo e's eyes widened at the outrageous sound that the first place in
the midterm is planning to throw the final.
There are rumors that demonism and revolu onary forces are hiding inside
the temple.
I don't know if demonism exists or not.
But, she believes that Charlo e will surely be a revolu onary force
according to her specula on.
in the special environment of the temple for a long me
As you go along, you will learn about the iden ty system itself.
Uselessness and dissa sfac on are bound to pile up.
The temple is for commoners to see people who are far more stupid and
inferior than me are nobles in society and help out.
I'm be er than that crap, but who's the only reason I'm born to be a
superior person?
The temple is a structure that inevitably creates those who cannot
acknowledge it.
However, in the end, in the original development, the demonism or
revolu onary forces inside the temple destroyed Jundong.
No episodes were made.
A er all, they don't sit in very important posi ons un l the story is over. it
is Or the bar of the main story
entangled in the events that take place outside.
Anyway, they're going to be dwarfs in the end, I think whoever they are.
Because one too big incident that happens later will eat up all the twigs.
A er Thursday's common class, Charlo e and I near the classroom building
where the co-educa on is held.
met at the cafe of
“I don’t like swimming…..” “Are you going to rest today, then?”
Charlo e shook her head at my words.
The blonde hair that hung down on the table like a jellyfish flu ered as
Charlo e shook her head.
“It’s like this every day… If you rest today, it’s over.”
The last class of the common class is always physical educa on.
So today's swimming class just finished
It was in the midst of chasing.
There were kidnapping incidents and other incidents, but in the end, the
inves ga on could not be conducted because of the tougher physical
educa on than usual, including swimming lessons.
Monday's common class (swimming) -> Charlo e's physical fitness
deteriorated, so Golgol dam for two days -> If it was supposed to recover,
Thursday's common class (swimming) -> Charlo e's stamina deteriorated
over the weekend -> Monday's common class (swimming) -> Golgol dam.
Because of this infinite repe on, Charlo e's stamina is not le behind.
Early morning training at work is a big reason why Charlo e can't return to
her condi on.
was one of them, but
S ll, he's a geek when it comes to using his body. Of course, her stamina
won't improve tremendously in a few months, but I
My stamina has improved quite a bit now.
Of course, there are cases where the a ereffects of being kidnapped by the
Demon King last a long me.
Charlo e li ed her head laboriously, and she drank the lemonade on her
She said that some mes she looks like a real doll.
"Ha ha..."
At some point, Bertus didn't no ce.
I saw and met Charlo e. I don't know what Vertus is thinking, but it
doesn't seem like he has any special inten ons to touch,
She honestly cares about Bertus
There is nothing she can do with a play life. She's dangling her legs, so
she'll let her go.
Anyway, I'm an A class and I'm good at it
So in the end, Bertus needs me
do. I feel like I'm riding a ghtrope, and I just do what I want to do.
In a pre y spacious cafe, not only us
There were other seniors.
“By the way, how do you find out who believes in demonism in this wide
When Charlo e was about to start the inves ga on, it looked like she was
at a loss. At first, it seemed that she was trying to find a demonic religion
rather than a revolu onary force,
She said, "Did you ever find out?"
“Hmm… If it’s no ceable, it’s going to get in my ears, but there wasn’t
anything like that. A er all, if there is, it is definitely small.”
In the end, she finds herself looking for Kim Seo-bang in Seoul, but she is
also under the premise that Kim Seo-bang is hiding that she is Kim Seo-
Finding Kim Seobang
Me and Charlo e were si ng by the window, so I could see people passing
through the window through the glass.
- uh?
- Reinhardt!
“Woah, plague.”
So, naturally, I made eye contact with a person passing by.

Charlo e lted her head as if wondering why she was suddenly
She made eye contact with someone she didn't want to see. The person
who made eye contact with me would just go, but he dared to enter the
Reinhardt! Long me no see?”
Reinhardt was Olivia Lange, a 5th grader who went around telling people
not to touch anyone because when they graduate she'll marry me.
it was you
Same 5th grader and student council president Ceres
Van Owen was there.
“No, how can you pretend you don’t know when you met a junior you
- booby booby
Olivia sat next to me, hugged me, and pa ed her cheeks.
“Ha, don’t…” “Why don’t you- don’t you smell good?”
"Oh, wait... go away." |
"Heh heh, I can't seem to push him away. Are you a man too?"
Oh really, don't do this, Aun e!
Not only Charlo e, but also the student council president who came in
with Olivia blamed Olivia.
Looking at her, she was a li le pissed off.
Charlo e's look - what the fuck is this?
The face of the student council president - Why did you suddenly become a
It felt like this.
“Oh, the princess was there too. Hello, my name is Olivia Ranche, 5th
grader.” |
“...Oh, yes. Feel free to call me Charlo e
Yo… I’ve heard a lot about it.”
Charlo e's face was turning white at the appearance of a bizarre character
and her ac ons.
"story? what are you talking about? Is Reinhardt talking about me?” Olivia
immediately became aroused and asked what La Inhardt had to say about
me as if it was interes ng.
she started
Why do you keep coming back!
" Not from Reinhardt, but from the other side…”
"Oh yeah."
On the other hand, Olivia stared at me as if she wasn't interested.
“Reinhardt, aren’t you talking about me elsewhere?”
“Why am I talking about seniors in other places!” “Why, I have to go and
say that I am a future bride. Something to be proud of.
“Why am I talking like that!”
It's really hard to deal with.
I think I'm going crazy!
At my words, Olivia was on the other side of her.
I glanced at her Charlo e and she smiled sullenly.
seemed to build
what is this bastard
Can you make a face like this?
“Hey, Reinhardt, there were a lot of rumors around the temple because
you had a lot of girls.”
“Because of whom!”
Because you're accusing me
It was because of Ari's bitchiness!
“Isn’t the compe tor all rude? I guess I took it too easy.” |
Olivia said that no ma er how senior she was, she began to look at the
Imperial Princess, even if it seemed a bit mischievous.
Are you my compe tor?
It feels like this.
No, why are you marrying a beggar and a princess! Isn't this almost
A er taking off the tle of a saint, it was over the line. Charlo e is Olivia's
She was dumbfounded as she met those unspeakable gazes.
If you are treated like this, what should you do?
Charlo e seemed to have had a brain arrest.
“Reinhardt is my friend.”
A er Charlo e regains her composure, she calms down.
she said so
"Oh yeah? That's good, then."
Olivia was all right, and she clasped next to me. Charlo e sees it
' she said with a subtle smile.
“Not just a friend, but a precious friend.”
“So please don’t trouble my friend any more.”
Olivia at Charlo e's polite request
seemed to ponder for a moment, but soon
She pouted and distanced herself from me.
Oh she seems to be back
Most of all, I hate Olivia, who doesn't completely hate that kind of dog shit.
“Reinhardt, are you popular?”
She looked at me with Charlo e's subtle smile, and she felt a slight chill in
her spine.
what, what...
what's going on
I think there's a subtle new scripture going on between Olivia and
Charlo e, maybe I'm mistaken? Axe or something like that? Charlo e only
cares about her volley, right? That's fine too. uh.
“I’m sorry, Charlo e, the president was originally like this.
you are not Reinhardtman in par cular makes me miserable You're on the
save. It's called an apple, but eat this."
"thank you."
The student council president brought drinks and desserts and set them
down on the table. When the hell was this decided?
“It’s not about being cruel, it’s about showing affec on, isn’t it Ceres?”
“That’s what makes you miserable.”
Charlo e lted her head at her words of being her president.
“By the way, isn’t your senior the president the president?”
Ceres shrugged at the ques on of who the student council president would
call the president.
“Ah, because I am the president of the club I belong to.”
Chairman of the Chairman. Olivia put strength on her shoulder, as if she
had had an affair. "cancer! That is why I am also the president of
“…I didn’t sign up.”
Whoever decides it like that!
“Reinhardt, are you in a club?”
“No, no… I just stopped by once.”
As if for the first me in her life, Charlo e looked at Olivia this me.
“What club is it?”
“It’s a religious club. The name of the club is Grace, of course, but I am now
a non-believer!”
President of a religious club (no religion).
“Ah… that was it.”
Charlo e said she knew about religious clubs, but when she saw her eyes,
it was hard to believe her. She was pre y famous at the Temple for things
related to Olivia Ranche, so she can't be unknown to Charlo e.
Don't you know this lure Olivia Ranche is doing to me? Bertus knows, but
she doesn't know what Charlo e is like.
“By the way, what were you talking about? Talking about someone
Reinhardt likes?
So are you talking about me?”
“We were talking about demonism.”
As soon as Olivia shook her head, Charlo e spit it out.
In an instant, Olivia and Ceres' faces hardened.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 143
“Are you a demon religion?”
Ceres looked at me as he asked Charlo e.
She must have gone to the club of grace
At that me, a senior was talking about demonism. At that me, Ceres told
him not to talk outside about demonism.
He had been paying close a en on.
He was ques oning Charlo e with his eyes as if he was talking about
Of course I didn't mean it.
“Last me was that monthly royal or royal month
I stopped by a newspaper club about liver or something. Among the
ar cles in the previous issue there, there was an ar cle that said that there
were demonists inside the temple.”
“...Oh, that royal class internal monthly magazine?”
It wasn't me that Charlo e got the informa on, she was from the
newspaper gang. Ceres looked at me slightly apologe c to make sure I
wasn't the source, and I shrugged.
"I told you not to do anything useless..."
Ceres sighed as if it was ridiculous.
Apparently, no one reads that monthly magazine except for the last issue I
dealt with.
seemed certain. first heard of both
Because it was a sweet feeling.
Of course, Charlo e looked at her a tude and she didn't seem willing to
let it go.
“Do you know anything?”
"Ah... no, about that part...
I don’t know.”
Ceres knew something, but he didn't want to say anything. Obviously last
He had said that if you gossip about the demon religion, severe people
could be tortured and even killed. So I was warning you not to spread
The princess is digging for it, so she may not want to say it even more from
the student president's point of view.
there would have been no
Of course she didn't seem to believe her student president, that Charlo e
said she knew nothing.
“Ceres, there’s no point in hiding it for nothing.”
But before she could say anything to Charlo e she opened her mouth to
“Hoe, Chairman! What are you talking about!”
Not only Ceres, but Olivia as well.
You seem to know something about the
“Don’t underes mate the princess, we
If you don't say it, you'll know it somewhere else anyway
I will wife.”
Even if we hide it, the princess will find out the story we know through a
different route anyway.
So she had to hide it and it was meaningless
all. She lied in front of the princess at once
Ceres' face was red a er being caught.
“I know what you are worried about. So, I don't really care about lying. Ah
If only you could tell me.”
Charlo e seemed to have guessed that Ceres was worried that innocent
people would be caught up in heresy trials and die.
Olivia had even ripped it off, so Ceres sighed and wrote something down
on her notepad and handed it to her.
“I mean, it’s really not a big deal, so you don’t have to worry about it.”
The memo that Ceres wrote down said so.
A er Ceres and Olivia le , we sat quietly in the cafe.
“It’s not a big deal, but it’s incredibly award-winning.”
Of course, it was a bizarre mee ng.
“They only get together on Saturday nights, and except for the president,
the members don’t know each other’s iden es at all.”
Club ac vi es are o en held on weekends, but are usually held during the
However, in this case, it seemed that the mee ng was held only on
weekends, even late at night. And all members are working anonymously,
and even when they gather, they cover their faces with robes and carry out
ac vi es.
This is incredibly award-winning. line
Zero isn't it? demonism
Even if it's not, you have no choice but to receive a misunderstanding
similar to that.
| [Exodium]
It seems that this was the name of a club that had a widespread
misunderstanding that it was a demon religion.
The mee ng me is at night, and with the excep on of the club president,
not knowing who you are. And to the point of not accep ng new members
very well.
The character of a closed club is strong.
The purpose of the club is 'research on singular phenomena.
It's not a big deal, but it's suspicious
“Since we don’t accept new members, we can’t even wear our camouflage
clothes… What’s wrong?”
If Charlo e is even more award-winning, she won, so there's no reason not
to look out for it.
She seemed to be thinking. Charlo e seemed to be wondering how she
could research this club.
She said, “I could have asked the president of the student body to give me
the roster… but I’m a li le hesitant about this.”
“Even if I am a princess, I am an ordinary student at the temple, and I have
no authority to tell the student body president what to do and what to do.
Of course you can put pressure on it, but
If you are already the student council president just by doing something, it
could be a problem.”
The club is the management area of the student council, so teachers are
not allowed to touch it recklessly. Even Ceres could not par cipate in the
list because it was a regular class club, not a royal class.
In fact, Ceres said he had heard 'through the student council president'
that the club was not a dangerous group. In the end, Ceres didn't even
check the club with his own eyes.
So she said that Charlo e's request for the president of the student body
to put up the list was just for the first me.
it's not a thing Autonomy to Temple Students
A er gran ng a cket, the imperial court spit it out
Because there is a picture that does it.
So, if the student council president is a kid, will he have a big fight with the
princess on the spot?
I mean I don't know either. Because he is the student body president of the
100,000 temple students, he has enough rights and jus fica ons.
It's not that she can't interfere anyway, it's just that it's not a good thing to
do. The student body president is Exodium
respects the anonymity of the club
was shaped,
I crossed my arms and spit it out.
“It’s not winning, what’s not winning? It’s hard to find something that isn’t
“So...” |
It is impossible to join a club and spy on it. It is highly likely that it would be
excessively unreasonable to obtain a list and find a list of members.
"Based on what you know, you're having a mee ng somewhere in the club
building around 9 o'clock on a Saturday, right?"
Charlo e nodded her head at my words. “Then how about eavesdropping
around there?”
I chuckled.
“I have good ears.”
Hearing enhancement would be enough to eavesdrop on what they were
Friday passed and it was Saturday evening.
“Are you ready?”
The sun had already set, so darkness was spreading all over the temple.
Me and Charlo e each
He was wearing a hooded cloak.
Exodium's club room is at the Temple.
It is in a place that is used as a club-only building. Says Since it is a building
used by over 100,000 temple members for club ac vi es, it must be huge.
commanded I've never been there before.
Me and Charlo e ride the tram
It was late and it seemed that most of the staff were on the tram,
Life was rare.
“I wish it wasn’t a big deal like the seniors said.”
“It should be.”
It's not just one or two that's suspicious, it's a group. The best thing is that
the club shouldn't really be a big deal, as Ceres said.
If you find out that they are true demon worshipers, of course the club
And there's nothing much about it
There was going to be a situa on where even the president of the student
council would have to take responsibility.
The tram soon stopped in a cluster of club buildings. Charlo e looked at
the club building area where she occupied the large lot, and she looked a
li le startled.
"Um... I don't think that's the only club that does nigh me ac vi es
Exercise-related clubs prac ce at night
There were some places where the lights were on and there were quite a
few students exercising in the stadium.
Actually, the club building is also lit up.
There were quite a few places with tongues.
When I listened to the sound, there were places where I could hear
instruments and songs.
There seemed to be a lot of guys who were passionate about not only
temple life but also hobbies. They said that the temple was wide, but what
was mainly described was the royal class and club ac vi es.
Pages are rarely described.
So this scene is like an addi onal se ng that I didn't expect.
It felt quite strange.
“They said Exodium was the third building over there.”
Charlo e pointed to a building, and she walked to the place, similar to the
classroom building.
“Do you see some?”
As Exodium's club ac vi es drew nearer, me and Charlo e could see
students in sparse moon robes entering the building.
Charlo e looked at the figures in her robes as she looked like she was
thinking about something.
"uh? Ah, no, just… because everyone is a li le bit short in stature.”
As Sharon said, the guys wearing black robes couldn't tell where they were,
but they all looked small.
The loca on was similar to the classroom building because it was a three-
story club building, but it had a completely different feel. The building
where uniden fied miscellaneous household items are lined up in the
On each visit of Rongo, the name of the club is wri en down.
there was a tongue
Hundreds of thousands of hobbies
what a place There are many buildings
It was probably natural that the inside was messy. Some people are ac ve
at night
It was long, but it definitely felt more sluggish than the day me.
Me and Charlo e entered the second floor, not the third.
To be precise, I was thinking of overhearing what kind of sound was coming
from the place that corresponds to the lower floor of Exodium's club room.
Fortunately, no one doubted us whether there were any ac ve clubs on
the second floor.
“Time seems to be running out of me... How about you? Can you tell the
At the top, people will gradually gather. The sound of footsteps was already
heard in the hallway upstairs.
It sounded like a conversa on.
Short conversa ons made up of words and words.
A er a while, the same ques on and answer came.
- Trumpeter.
Since the same content was repeated twice, I got a sense of what it was.
“…what are these bastards?”
I was puzzled, and Charlo e stared at me as if I was wondering what was
going on.
“Are you using a password?”
Black, bugle.
These guys barely swear by the club topic
write up to?
Charlo e says it's a passphrase slowly hey
seemed to disappear.
“There is no sound from inside the room. I don't think you're talking at all."
Not only that, but all the people
He didn't seem to say a word un l then. Every me one person entered,
only the sound of cancer relief could be heard.
And, the club we know
The start me has passed. no more guess
no sound was heard.
“…I can’t hear anything.”
Charlo e lted her head at my words.
“We are si ng together and not saying anything.
| It's been a while, but what do you mean by not having a conversa on?
Charlo e is
It seemed incomprehensible.
That's not it.
“…No, I don’t think so.”
I don't know how many people came in advance, but I heard the
passphrase five mes.
Then there are at least six people in there.
“There are more than six people, and the sound of a chair being pulled or
coughing or whatever.
I need to hear something like that, but I can’t hear it at all.”
There is no sound at all from the direc on presumed to be a club room.
“…the noise-cancelling magic seems to be in place in that room.”
The sound of conversa ons inside
Do not suppress noise so that it does not leak into
It was clear that the law was at stake.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 144

Don't you have to use a password to enter, and there's a noise canceling
ring inside the club room? The club called Exodium was full of suspicious
“Isn’t the student council president who said there was no problem with
the club is also involved with that?”
"Things like that happen, too. The Royal Class student council president
also said that there was no problem.
But, in reality, I didn’t seem to know properly.”
I nodded at Charlo e's reasonable suspicion. What does the student
council president do?
I don't know if it's true, but what's the reason for wrapping up such a
suspicious club?
Charlo e and I have some weird shit
In the hallway just downstairs from the club room, I thought about how I
could know what they were doing.
“I should be able to open the door right away and ask what you guys are
doing, but…”
Charlo e looked like she was contempla ng a hard-line policy. It became
impossible for her to eavesdrop, and she had to come up with a different
method. But can you make everyone confess just because they a ack?
Hard-line measures are, a er all, extreme measures.
“I waited for these guys to finish their ac vi es. You could be beaten by
stepping on one of them.”
I came up with another hard line. It won't be there for a thousand or ten
thousand years anyway, so when it's over, everyone will come out. If you
catch one of them and inves gate it, you will know what the club called
Exodium is doing.
"Hmm... In the end, both of them involve violence, so you should be
prepared to be punished when it's not really a big deal."
I nodded at Charlo e's words. Punishment should only be at the level of
expulsion. I was already branded as a problem child,
Me and Charlo e were leaning against the window at the end of the
hallway on the second floor, contempla ng which method to choose.
“…I guess they haven’t come yet.”
Charlo e pointed out the window.
She's there with her robe on
A student entering the building
seemed It's enough for a late student...
No, wait.
“... Come to think of it, did the members say they didn’t know each other?”
"...Yes it was?"
The chairman said that he knew the iden ty, but it is a gathering where
they gather while wearing robes.
“What if I go in instead of him?”
I already know the password by eavesdropping
"No. There's a big difference in height with you. you will definitely get
caught Even the president there will remember his voice.”
“Can’t we just say that we took a break because of a cold?”
“…the club president who even writes a password will believe it very
Charlo e was nega ve about her undercover infiltra on. Finally, club
ac vi es
Catch one of the niggas who come out
It seemed to be the best decision I could make under the current
And Charlo e and I could see the door on the other side of the second
floor opening.
Even if it's the 3rd floor guys, the 2nd floor guys don't really care if they see
But Charlo e lted her head as she saw the guy coming out the hallway.
“…is that De o?”
She was far away, but I could recognize him.
B-8, it was De omorian.
B-8 De omorian, talents in witchcra and psychics.
Along with Scarle , it is one of the objects of B-class avoidance. Of course,
thanks to her Charlo e's protec on, Scarle is no longer being bullied, but
Det Tomorian is
I s ll don't know what
He's the type to be reluctant to go around with an eerie aura with a
gloomy impression.
Dark circles are thick and skinny, and my hair is always frizzy.
Scarle actually sees her why is she bullying him? If you wanted to,
De omorian is ah... A li le, I'm reluctant. It felt like this.
She was actually a guy who saw ghosts and said spooky things.
But why is he here at this hour?
“De o!”
Except for Bertus, of course, she is kind and kind to most, and when
Charlo e sees Det Tomorian, she runs out of her hallway and calls him up.
De orani, are you even calling me by my nickname?
You... you don't do that to me!
Det Tomorian said that when Charlo e called her, she moved her body like
a mber, and she faced Charlo e.
I saw.
She said, “I said I wasn't there every weekend. Were you in a club?"

She looked at the person with a slightly sullen eye, and Charlo e was
smiling as if it wasn't a bad feeling. I also approached Charlo e because I
was going, but it was a li le different.
It was eerie in a sense.
“What club are you in?”
Instead of answering De omorian, I am myself
He pointed to the whole visit.
[Occult Research Division]
It's not really a club like this guy.
I realized once again that the guys, who were not even the main characters
in class B, were doing this and that in a place I didn't know. De omorian is
definitely not the kind of guy who became friends with Ludwig in the first
Just a li le creepy.
You feel like a ghost in this way, and then you gain weight.

...Ah. That’s right…”
Charlo e looked at the sign that she was the Occult Research Department
and said, "Ah, ha ha..." and she smiled awkwardly.
She always feels this bastard, but when I get close I see a living skeleton
I feel like seeing If you eat well
can't it? How have you survived the temple strength training so far?
No, it's because of me.
It is clear that it is the cons tu on that does not gain weight at all because
it is set as the best anchovies in the world view.
I'm sorry, friend.
The boy slowly walked into the bathroom with his wooden body sobbing.
Whether the princess hides her secret or not, she is a person who takes
care of herself first.
I don't know what you're thinking, extreme my pace,
De omorian is such a guy.
“Hey, if I ask De o, wouldn’t he know?”
what, what
She's what Charlo e calls her by her nickname.
Are you just annoyed? Are you jealous?
Of course she looks like Charlo e has no idea
she wins
She lives in the same building anyway, so Det Tomorian doesn't know
about her shady club. I think Charlo e's ques on seems quite reasonable.
“Let me ask you.”
Soon he came out of the bathroom.
“Sat, do you have a minute? Can I talk to you?”
The guy was silent for a moment with wide eyes, and then pointed to the
club room.
I think we should talk there.
“…Aren’t there other members? Doesn't that get in the way?"
The guy shook her head at Charlo e's words.
"...I am alone."
A guy who works alone in a club.
The subject is occult.
“That, that, that’s right.”
Charlo e and I had a slight cold sweat on our backs.
- Druckle
Me and Charlo e follow in the footsteps of De omorian.
La Occult Research Department opened.
“…it’s dark…”
The lights were all off, and the blackout curtains were s ll drawn even
though it was night.
And a single candle in the middle of the room was the only light source.
And around the candle, an uniden fied Jin was drawn.
No ma er how I looked at it, it didn't look like a magic circle.
all. Because it was somehow ugly even to pretend.
It is drawn with something red,
It's not blood, is it?
"Hey, it's too dark, can I turn on the light?"
Charlo e asked cau ously.
“……Then the ceremony is over.”
He didn't say what the hell he was doing. Charlo e began to tremble
slightly on her lips.
She said what the hell was the ritual and whether it was okay or not.
she doesn't
If you want to talk, do it all the way, you bastard!
I can't even do that because I'm afraid I'll get a curse if I hold on to one.
I call this innocent Scarle ominous
It's exactly the same as Erhi who bullied me.
Let's not be prejudiced. Let's not be prejudiced. Let's not be prejudiced. I
am an adult
"Ah... you mean it didn't work?"
"....I do not care. You can do it again later. It took about a week, but…”
“Hey, I won’t turn it on either…”
I don't know what it is, but if Charlo e turns on the wrong light,
De omorian's week in progress.
It might ruin the one-day ritual
As she might have thought, she gave up turning on the lights.
He sat down in front of the candle, and he dragged a chair and placed it
near it.
“…Sit here.”
Whether it was because of the eerie atmosphere in the room or because of
that guy's words, a strange feeling of fear came over me that if I sat
somewhere other than there, bad things might happen.
“Uh, uh…”
I read your thoughts now.
Don't you think this occult research department with only one De omo
Rian right now is more suspicious than the Exodium up there?
Me and Charlo e were seated in the seat of De omorian authority.
“Are you alone… in a club?”
“We are recrui ng members... but no one comes in.”
Will you come, my child?
Beyond the eerie
He said that he came in out of interest and then le crying.
Even with the faint light of a candle, just looking at the strange tools
sca ered around here gives me goosebumps.
It seems that De omorian created a club by himself. Charlo e seemed to
be curious about something different from the eerie scenery here.
“Um… But can you make a club by yourself? Wasn't it supposed to gather
more than a certain number of people...?"
Yes. It would be impossible to create a club alone. Would you like to recruit
the minimum required number of people?
“I can.”
No one else can, but sleep. At the strange sound, Charlo e shook her head
and laughed.
"... Temple... I can't teach witchcra ... I'm self-taught here... It's like my
private study room...."
“Ah… it was…”
Charlo e nodded her head as if she could understand what she had heard.
I'm not familiar with De omorian, but I did describe it.
He has a talent for witchcra and psychics, but Temple has no relevant
curriculum. Isn't magic like super ancient magic that has already been
prac ced? So, De omorian does not have to come to the temple, but he
wants to study magic comfortably with the support at the temple.
it's been done
So, study magic on your own.
For the convenience of crea ng a club for
I saw it from the side. I can't teach you, so I have to study my major by
That's why, unusually, permission to open a one-person club was granted. omorian is the main
There is no place to learn to drink, but anyway, you will be able to use
magic well later. I don't add the reason
When I opened it up, it was just that it was a ached to the back se ng
that I was self-studying in a one-person club.
By the way, the Royal Class internal club
No, it was made like this in the general club room....
This guy wants another member. In the case of royal class internal clubs, it
is impossible to secure members because the total number of people is
However, since the subject is the subject and seeing what this guy is doing
doesn't seem like a joke, it seems impossible to secure members.
If you talk with him, she's really haunted and that's not what she's doing.
“Oh, by the way… Are you really calling a ghost and doing this… Then?”
In the middle of the temple, using the magic that summons demons is
actually what the demonists do.
Isn't it even more serious than doing something?
Charlo e takes the target from the Exodium
He seemed to be seriously contempla ng whether or not to change to .
"Ghosts are everywhere...not calling them...but feeling them already
"So... it's wrong to call it..."
Oh, I feel like I'm really out of my mind...
“Of course… if you do this kind of ritual… nearby
Because they are flocking to the … it’s not necessarily wrong…”
There are already a lot of ghosts around here
It's crowded, and Charlo e and I can't feel it.
Charlo e suddenly moved my hand gently.
caught on
Perhaps she was holding it without me knowing, she held it rather than
me, and she let go of my hand in a hurry because she was startled.
It looks like it's going to be scary.
Well, I don't know how to defeat ghosts either...
I... I'm a rat poison for jump care...
Even in a fantasy world, ghosts
I'm sure you'll get a heart a ack if you make a sudden jump.
I hate it the most in the world....

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 145

When I suddenly jumped, Charlo e
The complexion looks like it's about to fall
She turned white and she looked at me.
“Why, why… what, what?”
“Hey, it feels like something suddenly passed in front of me…”
Of course, it's not a ghost, but Charlo e's complexion seemed to be ge ng
more and more pale at my words. She didn't know Charlo e was afraid of
her ghost.
No, she's sure to be frightened by anyone immune to her ghosts in a
spooky place like this. It was a really creepy space.
I'm grateful for the achievement score, but I'm not doing this to surprise
me that the event was completed at this me, right? Of course, if it pops
out suddenly, you will be surprised!
Anyway, I was trying to find out the truth about demonism and related
ghosts in the wrong place.
I have completed the event.
| Ghosts are everywhere. can't feel
just do it
De omorian said that the event was completed. That would be the truth.
That's right.
There are ghosts all around me
all. is this?
I wish I didn't know that
But now, if you sleep with your back on the window for nothing, your back
will be s ff.
- moon moon moon moon
"La, Reinhardt... Calm down."
I shook her leg badly, and Charlo e put her hand on her my thigh.
Far from protec ng her, I'm more scared! I know the truth because of the
system message
You can know more objec vely!
"Ghosts... in general do not harm people..."
You mean harm under unusual circumstances, you bastard!
De omorian.
When we talked, it was even more than I thought
he's pissed off why do people
I think I know if you're avoiding it... It's your fault
I know it's not
Don't put the truth you don't want to know into my ears,
“By the way… there is something I want to talk about. saying.”
“Ah, ah… it was.”
The original purpose was a problem with a club called Exodium.
But when we entered the rat den to catch rats, it felt like we found a cobra
living there. I found a place more dangerous and insidious than EXO's
“Me, up there….. You know, a club called Exodium…?”
However, I have to solve the original problem.
Charlo e asked courageously. At the word Exodium, Det Tomorian nodded
her dog.
“Upstairs… that’s it.”
Probably this guy too, EXO-D
Um was also ac ve at night, so he seemed to know it well. Charlo e's eyes
widened at the thought that she might be a clue.
"Oh yeah? So do you know what people do there?"
This guy doesn't seem to care much about his surroundings. So you
probably don't know anything.
“...I signed up.”
However, the answer was completely different from what I expected.
It seems that De o Morian was originally trying to find out if there were
people studying in a field similar to himself rather than forming a club.
There are a lot of clubs and people have a lot of interests.
But spirits and witchcra are quite
I had no choice but to have a manic taste, Dong-a
A er looking through our list, it was Exodium.
The club seemed to have caught my eye.
The purpose of the club on the surface of Exodium is 'study of singular
phenomena'. De omorian would have had no choice but to be interested.
Magic and psychics are also special phenomena.
because you can
“It was difficult because the condi ons for joining were difficult... but I was
able to sign up...”
I don't know how he signed up, but De omorian seemed to have signed
"So? What are you doing there?"
De omorian lted his head slightly to see if he was worried.
“It wasn’t a phenomenon… they were just unusual kids.”
How unusual are these guys who are told they're special? De omorian
began to explain the members one by one.
“So… there are children who believe that the power of darkness is sleeping
within them… and there are children who say that they are the dragons
who played games and have lost their memories….
There is a kid who says that I am the heir of the Great Evil... But he fights
there every day with a kid who believes he is the reincarna on of an
| 11
Charlo e was a li le stunned that she didn't understand what she was
talking about.
“Anyway…they were unusual kids…”
Somehow, the guys who go there are all short...
Wasn't it just a club for kids with 2nd disease in middle school? Isn't this
the bastard or something he's doing?
Was the noise canceling just for fear of making fun of anyone who heard
Charlo e began to organize her thoughts with a puzzled expression on her
"So. The club called Exodium is.... Children who believe they are a huge
being gather together and talk like this, but in reality
It's just a bunch of li le kids... What should I say? How should I express
“Concept quality.”
“Concept? That's right... It's a concept club... is this it?"
Charlo e's eyes flu ered violently as she said it, as if it was bizarre.
“Why are you doing such a thing… why are you doing it?”
If you do that, rice or something will come out! Why the hell would
Charlo e do such a thing?
It seemed that he did not understand.
“…I don’t know.”
In the end, De omorian also wondered why they
I just didn't know what I was doing. Because this guy isn't a middle
Oh no...
s ll....
When she was in her second year of middle school.... Maybe she was a
special person...? Doesn't she have any doubts about it?
Am I bad? Don't you think like this??
Was it just me? Don't you guys understand that? Have you ever?
Am I closer to the Exodium guys than these two...?
“These kids are the power of darkness, the existence of darkness, and
murmuring around, so it was a false rumor that they were demonism…”
Why did Charlo e then drink in Exodium?
She nodded her head blankly, as if she knew that Kyo had been framed
A gourmet that leaks on the inside won't leak from the outside?
All Exodium guys are middle schoolers
Because they are Lin people, they some mes say strange things about the
power of darkness or the existence of darkness, so rumors of the Demon
Church were spreading.
It was then that I realized why the student council president and the royal
class student council president said they weren't just like that and didn't
give details.
Protect the human rights of Exodium guys
I was trying to give
They're actually second- er concept bugs.
I didn't tell you the truth because I was afraid I would be teased if such
rumors spread!
President of the Student Council... I don't know his face, but he's a nice
“It’s disappoin ng…”
Charlo e had hoped she wasn't a big deal, but she was so serious that she
sighed as if she was fading.
It was a much more dangerous place than the Exodium.
She confirmed that she was actually an exodium club without even having
to go inside. The truth of the rumors event was also completed, and 300
achievement points were entered.
It's a demon church.
There's no way it's in the temple.
“But why did De o come out?” “...When I first went, they asked me what
my hidden power was….. and showed me.”
Even if I don't see what the situa on is, I draw a picture
“The members cried and rioted…”
De omorian's dark circles A deeper depth of water was cast around the
dark circles of the eyes. Charlo e asked with a puzzled expression.
“Dude, what did you show me?”
crazy guy
Her Charlo e's complexion turned blue.
"....Ah. Ho, I’m just saying this just in case you don’t have to show it to me.”
This kid went to a place where fake madness spreads and showed real
Kwok, I am a dark being. What the heck, to the kids who are concep ng
like this, ho ro oe eh m erek! like this
It's disgus ng that you don't get red of peeing if you show it wet.
When the real thing appeared, it must have been a mess, and De omori
An didn't seem to go to Exodium a er that.
Anyway, the truth has been revealed. to demonism
Rumors about it don't ma er.
“Well then, De o.... See you in the dormitory.”
"Yeah... Goodbye..."
But she learned of the existence of the Occult Research Department, she
wanted Charlo e to make her even more so that she might need ac on.
A er leaving the club building, Charlo e and I were walking towards the
tram stop.
“Haha… It’s good luck, it’s good, but what is this feeling?”
Charlo e took a deep breath. It would have been a big deal if there was
really a demonism inside the temple. But Ceres'
As I said, these guys are just conceptual.
They're just drunk guys.
You may have a disease that gets be er with age.
Charlo e is fortunate, fortunately, but she is dismayed and stunned that
she is only running.
She seemed to feel absent.
"Why the hell are you doing that?"
“That, well?”
Charlo e didn't seem to be able to understand that even if she was gone
for the rest of her life.
So, as I suffered from the same disease, I do not know the cause of the
disease. Reasons and causes of people falling into secondary disease
What is it?
I've been thinking about it, but I don't know.
And she had a completely different idea.
“Hmm.... Come to think of it, I’m actually
About sodium... I think I've heard of it."
“Have you heard?”
Listening to De omorian, I remembered that I had never heard of such
guys even though I didn't know about Exodium.
“Hey, when I first took the psychic test, I did various experiments.”
“Ah… yes. I know what it is.”
I don't know what Charlo e's superpower is, but it's the same.
must have been tested, so what do you mean
Charlo e nodded her head in understanding.
“But, the teacher in charge was a li le worried.”
“Mrs. Rolandria?”
Charlo e and I were listening to the class of Mr. Rolandria, who is in charge
of superpowers. Perhaps the teacher knows what her Charlo e abili es
“Because my abili es are self-sugges ng….. it’s dangerous if I’m that type
of person
They said it wasn't."
"Well? What kind of… ah.”
Charlo e pondered.
I know what His complexion became muddy.
“So, if you believe that you are some kind of dark existence, isn’t that what
it is….. is it like this?”
As he spoke, Charlo e's lips twitched as if bizarre.
No, I don't know if it's a great dark being, but there's something really
great about it. you just don't know that,
“To be precise, if I believe that I am a God, I don’t become a God….
There was no need to worry about it.”
“But why?”
Mr. Rolandria clearly said that.
“So, some of the kids seriously believe that they are a great dark being...or
that they believe that they are dragons who have lost their memories for
the sake of entertainment, or that there are kids like that.”
If you're that type of man to me
I asked if it was a big deal.
he is there Some mes sophomores in middle school have kids who believe
they are gods. Seriously... if it's not a god, it's a very evil being... or that he
thinks he's a dragon who has lost his memory for the sake of Yu-hee.... It's
surprisingly common.
Sensei Rolandria certainly said that.
Charlo e listened to me and opened her mouth slightly.
"Ah... Then what you said..."
“Uh, I think it’s them…”
Mr. Roland Dria must have been talking about the guys from Exodium back
then. Charlo e heard her up there and she mu ered blankly.
"I wonder... isn't the teacher in charge of Exodium the teacher Rolandria?"
“…I think so.”
I've been watching occasionally, if not always, so there's a good chance I'm
familiar with it.
“There must be a lot of hardship….”
Sir... What kind of ba le have you been figh ng?
We prayed for Rolandria's mental well-being and headed to the tram stop.
Now that it was late at night, there were hardly any people because the
night club ac vi es were almost finished.
Three silences flow at the tram stop.
one is me
One is Charlo e.
And one is the li le senior Rudina
it was
A second year's magical talent, Redina.
I didn't ask anything.
She didn't even pretend to know.
But when I see that her face is blushing with a sign on her face saying
please don't talk to me...
She knew what was going on.
I keep her mouth shut, and the cold on her forehead
It was even sweaty.
Hey, did she say she was fi een?
At fi een, she's originally a sophomore in middle school, right? I didn't ask
anything, but there's only one reason why I'm so scared, right?
This is like a thief is crazy
Your feet are numb, right?
That's right.
When I come to a mee ng, I wear a robe, but
When you go back, take off your robe and Taeyeonha
It's less suspicious to go around, so it's true that you're taking it off now.
Above all else, he's got a piece of cloth, presumably a robe, s cking out of
his bag.
a hundred puffs
As I kept staring at him, he finally melted because he couldn't turn away.
My neck is on my side like a scrap metal doll moving
slowly returned to
“Who, whoops, whoops.... juniors/? Oh! greatness! uh huh huh greatness!
during this night? What is... um, what's going on...?"
Now, on the way home from a club ac vity that would be embarrassing to
give away, Le Dina ran into a junior who should not have been here in the
first place!
In other words, she pretended to be an autographer, but she's a jerk. She
happened to meet a school friend while shopping in Kihabara!!
It's just a situa on where she gets stabbed for nothing.
"Oh, you were senior. How are you?"
Charlo e came first before I could react.
she reacted
“He, he, he, he, he’s a Hwa-Hwa princess, and you’re also hmm! First me!
Bar, boo boo boo…”
“...why are you so nervous?” “ah, no… that, that, hey.
what to do
To tease or not to tease
To tease or not to tease

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 146

A dragon concept that I've heard from Rolandria-sensei.
It was closer than I thought.
I did nothing wrong, but I became a prisoner
Lynn Redina went back to the Royal Class dormitory and was caught
between Charlo e and her.
Ledina has her face pale
She was speechless. how
She didn't even ask if she knew what she was doing.
I have no choice but to die now. It was this look. Charlo e looked at
Redina, whose soul had been sucked away with my words, and she glared
at me.
Why do you have to say such a thing!!
Charlo e scolded me with her eyes. She was pouring out.
“…well, maybe that’s when you were young.”
“I was like that too when I was younger! uh!"
No ma er how much he comforted him, the mentality of Rudina, which
was sha ered, did not return.
“No, you only saw me and Charlo e. I'll make it non-wheat. uh?"
Redina is loose like a broken thread.
was moving. my words in your ears
It didn't seem to come in.
The li le girl who fell in love with her actually joined the dark middle
school 2nd class club and was doing concept vaginal. Just imagining the
scene made me burst into laughter.
“Awesome, poop! Oh no... I'm sorry. So. I was laughing because it suddenly
ckled me, not because I was laughing…”
So, even if I wanted to comfort her seriously, it was counterproduc ve
because the smiles kept rising. Charlo e didn't even understand the
bizarre behavior of Concept Jill, so she didn't seem to know what to do to
comfort her. So she was helpless and just kept doing it.
Jardina hacks her head towards me as she arrives at the entrance to the
Royal Class dormitory.
Her face was red, and her eyes were
The water was murky.
"iced coffee. You must not tell anyone.” The expression on her face was so
desperate that me and Charlo e were forced to nod her head. A er Le
Dina ran back to her dormitory, Charlo e and I made eye contact.
“…I’m red…”
While researching the Demon Church, I came across completely useless
informa on that a senior a year older than me was seriously ill with a
secondary disease.
Early morning workouts with Adriana were s ll going on.
But today was a li le different from usual.
“Books... heh... heh...”
“…No, why are you having a hard me buying it?”
Redina was following Adriana's dawn movement with me today. magic
Just as the tombs all exercised together and built a wall, this guy was no
But this morning, I went out to exercise with Adriana.
“Let’s take a break. I was a li le surprised that Le Dina suddenly asked me
to do her workout.”
We found that Le Dina couldn't keep up with her stamina a er running, so
she sat down on a bench and rested for a while.
With a look like he was about to die from exhaus on, Redina was staring at
Don't say it! Don't say it!
Your eyes keep giving me a signal
It was.
Probably because you know that I do morning workouts with Adriana. He
must have been worried that I would tell Adriana something I didn't know
I don't mean to say it, but are you going to con nue to follow the exercise
in the future? would that be
“Drink some water, Rdina.”
“Heh... uh, huh... heh...”
It is clear that her classmates do not know anything about Le Dina's club.
So it must have been the morning exercise to keep an eye on me.
By the way, isn't he in charge of cuteness in the second grade A class in the
first place?
I don't think her classmates would find it very strange if she knew, but I
think she would say that she was cuter.
Of course, he was constantly pu ng pressure on me with his eyes to make
sure he never thought so.
In the end, it's okay as long as it's not serious.
Everyone knows that to some extent, they are self-conceptual.
So Le Dina is not a serious concept that requires her ac on. A er all, this is
just for a while
It is a disease that heals.
That's a problem.
| ••• ...
“Why do you keep following me!”
Even a er the morning workout is over, this li le boy doesn't think he'll
fall. As soon as breakfast was over, he came down to the first floor and
monitored me closely.
Because it was Sunday, there was no class, so I was having a fight with Ellen
and Cliffman in the gym, and I was watching it.
“Hey, just do what you want to do. Me, I just want to see?”
It was almost impossible to see a cold sweat.
No, if you're going to be sarcas c like this
Why did Ari do this, child?
If you chase me like this all Sunday, what are you going to do from
I finally put down her training sword, grabbed Le Dina, who was monitoring
her day, and came out of the gym. no one in the hallway
A er confirming that the
I looked.
“She doesn’t just know me, but Charlo e knows what to do with her.”
“...Wow, I don’t think the princess will say anything…”
“I think I’m going to say I’m a ght-lipped guy, right?”
“Oh, that! He, it's not that..." He seemed to have less credibility when he
said that I was going to keep my mouth shut as there was something he
had done.
Actually, it was me who teased her yesterday, and I regret it. If I had known
it would be such a hassle, I would have just pretended I didn't see it.
A er all, this is all my karma.
“Don’t talk. you're not talking? What's good about me talking about it?"
Redina makes me flinch
She's a li le scared, so she shrinks a li le
It was.
"And do you think it's any good if people know about it? It's right there.
Even if they know that, will they just say yes?”
you're a bigger person than you think
not this! You have such a secret, my classmates need to find out.
There will be no depth!
Even if I know that my sophomore senior is a concept junkie who believes
that he is a dragon, he says something else and it's something I'm just
going to eat.
There's nothing wrong with listening to it.
...I'll buy some laughs, but uh.
“Gee, really… aren’t you really going to tell me?”
Le Dina was looking up at me with her eager eyes. She's cute, but now it's
more annoying than cute.
Get off nigga!
“Aren’t you talking?”
Redina stared at me for a long me.
Looking at her, she shook her head with a warm, lukewarm expression.
"Well then... Come on, talk to me for a second..."
If you keep a secret, you keep it. What else are you talking about?
In the end, a er morning training, I le and Rdina
headed to a deserted park near her dormitory.
"Anyone who knows that I'm talking like that... You know that it's only you
and the princess, right?"
Exodium is an anonymous club. So the members only know each other's
don't know who
“Doesn’t the president know?”
The Chairman of the Exodium members
don't you know Erdina's Earl to my ques on
Her oysters were red.
“...I am the president.”
You weren't a regular member, you were the one who made the den
yourself. Le Dina, a li le boy who fell in love with her in many ways,
seemed to be doing strange things. Her guy had her face ripped open.
“Sa… Actually. I know it's nonsense. I know that the people in the group
also tell stories that are a bit exaggerated... But they all know that it's
because it's fun..."
Le Dina was also acknowledging that her club was a gathering place for
concept lovers.
But why are you doing this?
Le Dina wiggled her hands and feet, as if she was trying to say something
very difficult to say.
“Hey, but I… I’m not really a dragon… I think seriously.
I am doing it.”
What do you mean?
It was as if my hair had been bleached white at the sudden nonsense.
Has he already surpassed the level of concep on? Of course, he seems to
be aware that his thoughts are a bit strange in the sense that he is not
claiming it proudly.
Seriously believe I'm a dragon
I'm not sure, but am I not a dragon? Isn't it incredibly strange to ques on
that? It's serious and at the same me a super donor, isn't it?
Is this really the second bo le?
Le Dina's face was blushing as if red water would drip from her face. She
seemed to know for herself that what she was saying was nonsense and
Of course, I know this guy is serious in his own way.
He is not joking or joking around, it seems that he is really worried about
At the mee ng, they would say, ‘I am a dragon.
Of course the topic of conversa on is I think I might be a dragon. Normal
counseling at this point will never be possible.
“For what reason did you come up with such a thought?”
Ledina stretched out her grasp, and she seemed to summon sparks,
lightning, and wind. The ability to unleash magic without cas ng.
also cas ng.
It's Ledina's talent.
"Dragons... can use magic without cas ng."
Dragons cancel the cas ng phase.
Uses high magic instantly. so
I'm wondering if I'm also a dragon.
“…this is super power.”
“Oh, no. He said he wasn’t sure if it was a magic-related talent or a
As Ledina explained, she had done it. It's a magic-related talent, but at the
same me it's a super power, and it's an ability that even the Temple
doesn't know about.
Obviously, it felt a bit vague to have a superpower related to magic. mind
It's a superpower that can't be manifested unless you learn the law.
“It is said that he and his superpowers are originally awakened in difficult
situa ons. I didn't have any of that. that
Nyan.... As soon as you learn magic, just cast
I was able to write without ng.”
In most cases, superpowers are awakened in extreme situa ons. But there
are certainly excep ons. In the case of Liana, she naturally used her
superpowers. rdinado
Are you an excep on to this case?
Le Dina seemed to have doubts that her cas ng ability was not a
superpower but a racial characteris c of a dragon.
But anyway, with only one of them, you think you might be a dragon?
“Other than that, in the first place, the senior The amount of horsepower is
inferior. A dragon must have great magical power.”
No cas ng is like that. But in the first place, if it was a dragon, it had a lot of
magical power.
It would be great, but he was also worried about his low horsepower.
There's no such thing as a dragon.
“Well, that’s… I wonder if my power is sealed in some way or something….”
That said, it is not convincing
You know, Rdina's voice was crawling.
Apparently, he took care of himself for the sake of entertainment.
Maybe it's a dragon who lost his memory with Jin
He seemed to be in deep trouble.
When you start to believe in order to believe, there is no limit. Once he
thinks he's a dragon and starts pu ng things together, it makes sense
this is the law
The autosugges on should have been him, not me. With this kind of
thinking, even a human might be able to change his race to a dragon.
“So what about your parents?”
If there are parents who gave birth to Rdina, there is no possibility of being
a dragon.
It's a situa on where both parents have to be dragons.
"...I'm from an orphanage."
Rdina said so in a slightly gloomy voice.
“Uh, sorry…”
"No, you're the same. Anyway, I have no memory of what kind of parents I
was born to."
Le Dina's birth is unknown.
Not sure if it's a superpower or what.
unknown birth.
Anyway, Le Dina has only the weakest clues of those two, and she finds
herself a dragon.
She seemed to be suspicious of this
all. Her lack of magical power seemed to think that some kind of restric on
was placed on her own body,
That's nonsense.
“I know you think it’s nonsense,” she said. However...."
“Ah, so it must be a dragon.”
The evidence is weak and the logic is lacking.
“Mi, do you believe me?”
“Who said it might be?”
But somehow it occurred to me that this strange delusion might be true.
Is he a real dragon?
Anyway, Le Dina wasn't laughing at me or saying something, she said that
she might be, and she was instantly reconciled.
“Uh, so… I thought you would laugh a lot…”
Ledina mu ered a li le as her face turned slightly pale. She certainly has
such a vain belief, and she must have been very determined when she
confided it to me.
It was.
"Thank you, junior..."
It doesn't ma er if you're a dragon or not.
“No, who acknowledged that he was a dragon, a er hearing that, I was
wondering if that might be the case.”
Just by listening to this kind of story seriously, Redina seemed to be moved.
As soon as she heard from Elerys, she said there was really no way for her
to know if she was a dragon or not if she'd lost her memory that she is a
dragon, she said.
Of course, Elerys is a dragon in legend.
I declared that I am a monster that exists, but

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 147

I knew about the Demon Church, but in the end I did not know about the
revolu onary forces.
couldn't She's been pressed for me, and because of the last case,
Charlo e seems to think that even if it was, it might not be as much of a
gossip about the Demon Church.
she prayed
A er that, when he met me, he treated me quite warmly. It seems that she
was very grateful that she listened to the point without ridiculing it un l
the end.
“This is the final exam result. to check.”
The new final exam season is over.
1st place - Ellen 2nd place - Louis Ancton
3rd place - Bertus de Gradias
7th place - Herriot de Saint-Ouen
8th place - Reinhardt
Since I didn't study, of course, my grades had to go down. S ll, 8th place
doesn't sound like a bad grade, right?
Everyone looked at me sideways as they saw that 1st place in the midterm
exam fell to 8th place. A er all, he was a business man, this bastard. Yeah,
you can't study well.
That's the way the people who hated me looked at me.
"under! Last me they teased me that I was in 8th place, but are you in 8th
this me? Did I win?"
Harriet must have remembered that I teased him in the midterm, so when
he got a be er grade than me, he immediately casted a pill.
"Wow, did you s ll remember that? Grand Duke Yeongae is small."
"what? So, so... shoja?”
"Yeah, you li le bastard." “Jjomppang?! Did you say jjomppang now?”
“Hey, profit! Oh, I can’t even study!”
“It’s not that I didn’t do it, it’s that I didn’t do it, and if I did, you would
have hit me hard. Oh, and isn't it? If you take the midterm final, will you
lose on the overall score? uh? did you lose again? What?”
“Hey, Grill....I can’t…” I was ranked 1st in the middle, and you were ranked
7th and I was 8th in the final. and he's a prize
One point, I have two stores.
| Her overall grade for the first semester is uncondi onally lower than
mine. let me know that
Harriet's complexion turned white.
He knew he had lost and won.
Harriet always had to be beaten in a deal exchange with me. He doesn't
even hate him that much anymore, but it's also cute that he keeps arguing.
No ma er what you say, I have no inten on of seriously figh ng you, so
you will lose uncondi onally.
“No. 11, No. 4, noisy.”
“Sin, I'm sorry...” |
At Ms. Epinhauser's words, both me and Herriot were crushed.
In the end, the final exam was Ellen's 1st place and Lu
Dewig's last place went as the original story unfolded. Charlo e s ll has
her stamina
It was like he was being pushed by Bertus because he was a Gem disease.
She said that temple grades ma er, she said,
She finds it too unfavorable for Charlo e to get ahead of Bertus.
“Anyway, next week is a vaca on. We will not give you any special
assignments due to the Royal Class policy, but I hope you will spend a
meaningful me as much as possible.”
Ms. Epin Hauser isn't the type to lengthen her speech. On vaca on
Everyone seemed excited.
No ma er how good the Royal Class environment is
But in the end, it's best to take a break.
“And for number 2 and number 11, follow me to the office.”
Ms. Epin Hauser ended her ceremony by calling me and Ellen.
The reason Mr. Epinhauser called us was not because of an accident.
| “I plan to go to the Darkland during vaca on.
Mr. Epinhauser had just received the report Ellen and I had sent. There was
no need to report on what to do during vaca on.
But she was uncondi onally good at repor ng. Ellen also reported in
was true,
She said, “I thought it would be be er to have a tutor, but I refused.”

Of course, in a dangerous place like the Darkland, the Temple is s ll only a
first-year Royal.
He would be reluctant to send even two of his classmates.
So it was originally said that Epinha Uzer would follow as a lead teacher,
but both Ellen and I refused.
Beggar educa on for prac cal experience
It was in the name of not going to receive it.
Of course, I was joined by Elerys in the middle.
I didn't want Epinhauser to follow along because I was going to do it.
“Teachers should also rest during vaca on.”
And this yangban, do you want to leave behind students even during
vaca on?
As I said with a sly smile, that teacher Epinhau looked at me.
“Just because the students take a break doesn’t mean the teacher takes a
In any case, it was Epinha Uzer's reply that the work is the same. What kind
of fun does this yangban live life for?
It made me curious again.
“Anyway, as a result of the faculty mee ng, it has been decided to give you
enough support.”
It seems that a faculty mee ng was held about the two of us going to the
Darkland. Ellen was originally a Teleport Sk
The roll was supposed to be paid.
Maybe she wouldn't let Ellen go if it wasn't for her. Ellen is her power
Because it has been proven that this is excellent. There, I was cross-legged,
Effin Hauser put it on her desk
She handed the paper she had lost and handed it to Ellen.
"A teleport scroll, one for each, and a requisi on document with the
temple's seal."
I was given two super expensive teleport scrolls, one each. It must have
been meant to be used for escape purposes in case of crisis.
In addi on to that, the requisi on documents. Phil on adventure
It's about requisi oning John's goods.
“If you show the documents to the Temple Armory,
will open it requisi on of useless goods
don't let the sun go down all requisi oned
Items are the property of the temple, so
Be careful.”
It was not a textbook, but a document that could be requisi oned for
weapons and equipment that could be used in actual combat.
It is a weapon cra ed in a temple that receives tremendous support from
the imperial family. It must be a different level of equipment from the
items of the Aligar district, which is full of dragon arms.
This is the majesty of the Royal Class, I wrote that it was a huge support,
and I
It was surprising to see how he could receive such a few words.
Epinhauser not only
She even pulled out a pocket of gold coins.
“It’s fi y gold coins for my travel expenses,” she said. I don't think they're
like that, but don't use them in vain places."
A er requisi on documents, about fi y million won
subsidy was also received. useless
They tell me not to use it, but even if I use it for something useless, I
wouldn't know. Of course, I don't think so.
“I will work through the Adventurers’ Guild, so there is no need to write a
separate report. The records will be checked there."
Of course, it will receive such great support.
If you look at the adventurers guild's records anyway, it means you'll know
everything you've done.
| Since next week is a vaca on, and the final evalua on is over, all
individual professor subjects are closed.
It was strong. Except for Mondays and Thursdays, where common
educa on was held, there were no classes.
So, in reality, there was not much difference from the start of the vaca on
from now on.
“The message is over.”
Mr. Epinhauser looked at me and Ellen and added briefly.
“Don’t get hurt.”
She didn't know what to say, so she was surprised.
Summer vaca on from late July to early September.
During that month, Ellen and I were dark.
go to land
Of course she wouldn't mind doing it all month, but Ellen said she would
be back with a week or so le .
The reason is because there are three people who are traveling together.
Liana de Granz said that during her vaca on she was going to rest in
co ages here and there, and finally she said she would take a week off in
the Edina Islands.
Liana invited three of her classmates. She says and she does. So, it seems
that Ellen spends the last week of her vaca on at the villa of the Duke
Of course, I can't go unless things are going well.
I would.
“Are you really going?”
“Then are you going to fake it?”
Harriet was astonished that Ellen eventually decided to go to the
Darklands, and she decided to go too. He didn't seem to understand why
he would go to such a dangerous place.
“What if I get hurt?”
Harriet was in tears. It seems that there is nothing to worry about.
"If you get hurt, you get hurt. Do you have to die?"
I won't go unless it's just the two of me and Ellen. Ellen wouldn't have been
able to go either. I've got her insurance, called Elerys, so I'm going with
peace of mind. Heriot looked at me and sighed deeply. I want to follow it,
but it is also scary, and above all, I will never get the permission of the
Archduke of Saint-Ouen.
Rumors spread that the A-Class will come out and Ellen will go to the
there was.
"Isn't this a bloody place for a date, Reinhardt?"
Bertus seemed surprised to hear that I was going all the way to the
The three arrogant brothers are now
Not a human on the same level as me
each seemed to They're talking about what they're going to do on
vaca on, but me and Ellen are going to go down a harder path than during
her school year.
“…don’t get hurt.”
“…Uh, yes. okay. Thank you."
Cliffman, as always, spoke shyly of concern.
Why do I flirt when I only talk to him?
Are you the same? feel good?
Because we're s ll awkward with each other
Things are happening!!
“I don’t understand Ellen or you either.”
Liana is going to the Darkland, and Ellen and I do not understand at all.
it was shaped
“If you are alive un l the end of the vaca on, come with Ellen to play.”
“Think about it.”
Liana said if she had nothing to do, she told Edina to come over to play.
That's something to think about then.
- Me, over there...
Liana is going, and from a distance from her, the servant Rich von Schwarz
calls her.
was seen to be erected.
Heinrich was set to like her Liana.
- On vaca on... What are you doing?
- to go play,
- Where are you going?
- I'm going all over the place, by the me it's over
We decided to get together and play.
- Oh, oh yeah?
Liana has a cool personality.
- Would you like to come too?
-Uh, huh?! Is that okay?!
- Then. I'll give you the date and loca on.
- Go, thank you!
That bubbly and cool personality.
The more I looked at it, the worse it seemed.
Heinrich nigga never thought she'd get her invita on from liana
her face was shriveled up.
There were also people from class B.
“…Darkland. I'm really crazy
I have nothing to say .”
Charlo e knows I'm going to the Darklands
"I found out too late," she sighed. egg
If she had, she obviously wouldn't have gone.
“Are you really fearless?”
“There are treasures in the Darklands. I need some money.”
Charlo e opened her mouth slightly, as if she was absurd.
"If I give you that money, won't you go?"
If money is the purpose, I'll give you money, so it's a risk
I was told not to do anything.
I'm going to have a heart a ack.
“Then Ellen will go alone.”
"...don't you think you're going to be of any help to him?"
No ma er how much you say you are harsh? I'm hurt too!
“Anyway, it’s not just about money. I'm not going to a dangerous place."
"If you know how and how dangerous the Dark Land is, will adventurers go
there? Because they don't know, adventurers flock there."
Charlo e was so loud at me in the Class A dorm where she rarely came.
She didn't stop even as she glanced at Bertus to and fro.
I worry so much that I can see you like that
It was also quite impressive to do. Charlo e is mine
Seeing her a tude, she sighed.
“…I really don’t think it’s any more ridiculous for me to do this to you.”
No ma er how many friends I talk to, I find it funny that I don't listen, and
even I myself stop giving orders to anyone. seemed more ridiculous.
“Come to me before you leave. I have something to give you.”
Charlo e stared at me for a moment, like a madman, and then she hurried
“Reinhardt, is it true that you are going to the Darkland?”
Ludwig also appeared.
“Are you okay? Isn't it dangerous?"
“I’m carrying a decisive ba le weapon next to me.
Are you afraid to go?”
When she described it as a decisive weapon, she thought that Ludwig was
Ellen, so she burst into laughter.
Of course you think it's Ellen, but I think it's Elerys.
"I'm going to Delphine's hometown this me.
"Yeah, I decided to take the ranger class. It's going to be a fun deal.
Reinhardt, would you like to take it with me later?"
“When the me comes.”
It seemed that Ludwig would go to Delphine's hometown, Talprad, to take
a ranger class as the original story con nued.
It's strange to see people coming from all over the place saying they're
worried about me.
It feels like you've become an insider.
Anyway, I'm telling you I'm going to the Darkland.
The door spreads throughout the first grade, so the room
The crane was noisy from the start.
Monday through Tuesday.
“Junior, are you going to the Darkland?”
Adriana asked me about it during my morning workout. It seemed he was
"Yes, I'm not going to dangerous places, so don't worry."
“Ummm… I’m sure you’ll figure it out, but… it would have been nice if we
could go together.
Adriana looked a bit worried that it was just the two of us going out to a
dangerous place.
Come to think of it, she said that Adriana was able to use healing spells, so
she would be good if she went with her, but her skills would be good
enough already, and she sighed as Adriana sighed.
“This vaca on, she goes back to the monastery.
I decided to receive training…” |
But Adriana's vaca on schedule
It looked full. Olivia and
The person who believes because of the work of the Knights Templar
Adriana didn't give up on her path to priesthood for once, though she's
been struggling with her body.
I smiled at the sight of sorry that I couldn't come with you.
"it's okay."
“If you go next me, tell me in advance. I will make me for it.”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 148

If we only have common classes on Thursday, school vaca on starts, so on
Tuesday, Ellen and I headed to the Temple Armory.
| The temple stores enough prac cal weapons to arm all combat veterans
in case of emergency. In fact, the temple students are not going to be put
into ba le, so it is a well-known rule, but a er the gate incident, the
temple students are put into prac ce.
So, having an armory in the temple is like a kind of addi onal se ng to
give the temple students the right to be put into prac ce in the gate
situa on.
Actually about the Temple's Armory
It was set at the me of the gate incident. Before that, there was no such
thing as an arsenal or anything like that in the temple, and I didn't even
think about it. This was originally meant to be a rou ne
because it was
In the first place, why do we need an arsenal of a level enough to equip all
students in the school?
Even thinking of myself, I'm a funny guy.
Although the Armory is a major temple facility, it was a place where
students did not have to go, so we arrived by tram.
It was the first place I saw even though I had been living in the temple for a
long me.
“I thought it was like a warehouse.”
Ellen was a li le dazed, thinking she might be like a huge warehouse,
though she wasn't shabby.
Temple's arsenal is more than a warehouse.
It looked like a Korean museum. human
Although it was the door loca on, it was the Temple's armory, so I could
see quite a few temple guards guarding the warehouse.
We showed each of the evacua on orders to the manager at the guard
post at the entrance.
“It’s a B-class.”
He glanced over the order to leave and nodded slowly.
Class B? what else is that?
Also, is there a specific se ng that I don't know about?
The manager started to explain if he felt my doubts.
“It means that even B-class equipment can be borrowed. Up to S, A class
equipment storage
Access is restricted. But on the other hand, equipment below B-class can
be borrowed freely.”
"Ah yes."
The temple seemed to store equipment by grade. S ll, it's a Royal Class,
but even if it's not S-class, how can it not be A-class?
I thought this was a bit sad, but the manager folded his arms.
“Even B-class equipment is not available on the market.
These are things that are hard to see. Class A
Even the equipment is taken as a treasure in each country.
These are high-level equipment. Not to men on the S-Class. Such
equipment cannot be tampered with.”
I don't know about the ra ng se ngs, but the Temple Armory has a huge
amount of ar facts.
It's true that the bands are in full swing.
Even if you're a Royal Class student, you can't easily give it away. It's not a
If it was an S-class device, it would be like that.
The egg that was the weapon of the warrior Artorius
Something about the lower level of Sbringer or Ellen's Rament.
At this point, I don't know if Alsbringer has entered the temple. It's
probably kept in the Imperial Palace. History has changed a lot, so I don't
know if Ludwig will have it as it was originally.
Ellen and I had one guide next to each other.
“Anything you want?”
I answered the guide's ques on.
“I think we need some kind of weapon and armor.”
"Oh, yes. Then let's go this way."
| The inside of the arsenal is so huge that I thought I would get lost without
a visit.
all. Because it was a B-class withdrawal order, the recep onist went to the
place where the B-class equipment was displayed.
took us to
Ellen was blankly staring at the endless display of weapons, armor, shoes,
and countless other objects.
The guide started explaining while walking.
“The B-class equipment in the temple is almost enchanted. It is an
expensive item, so you must return it a er use.”
Quality is also quality, but basically
is chanted Enchantment was originally
making expensive things more expensive
it's a magic word
Let Ali go to the ramen shop in the shopping district.
There are only a few things that I may not have, but they are endlessly
lined up here. Even Ali was like that in the shopping mall.
If you want to buy something, you'll be hit with snow
However, at the temple, requisi on is possible just for being a royal class
capable There is no bargaining and no bargaining.
The majesty of the temple.
“Shall we look at the weapon first?”
The recep onist is a display case with weapons displayed.
stood in front of
My eyes were about to dazzle.
Basically, it was divided into swords, spears, axes, bows, and blunts.
But the sword is up to the sword. Short swords, long swords, bastard
swords, two-handed swords, and even giant yam swords. wick
Even a longsword like Uh had different shapes.
Other weapons were also displayed with a huge number of types of
I think I'm going to have a choice problem.
There are so many I don't know what to choose.
“Can I grab the sword?”
The recep onist opened the display case where the swords were
Ellen thinks she's not going to write a lament there.
Ellen grips the sword and balances her weight and balance.
It seemed to measure s.
“Well, the sword is probably enchanted with hardening magic.
A possible enchantment...”
“Oh, that’s fine too. It has a fire enchantment on it, so it can be used as a
torch. Good in many ways when you need a fire. But the magic stone…”
"It's a good choice, but I wonder if it'll be strong enough to handle a two-
handed sword... Wow, you're stronger than it looks?"
Ellen wielded dozens of swords.
She was checking from me to me, and the recep onist recounted what
kind of enchantments Ellen had on her weapon.
What the heck, how did this person memorize what enchantments are on
all these weapons?
And I thought I was going to pick him up a er looking at him a few mes,
so why did it take so long?
Ellen, who's serious about weapons, is shopping
She was poisoned, and I was blown away by the recep onist who was next
to me and explained in the same tone as if I was not ge ng red.
A er picking and choosing, Ellen chose a simple style long sword with an
automa c restora on func on.
“There are many other good weapons.”
“This is it. You do this too.”
Ellen said she should do the same for mine, and she recommended her
own sword.
“Isn’t lightning enchantment okay?”
You can summon a magic weapon, isn't one automa c restora on too
simple? As you can see, it has a strange func on
There were many things Ellen shook her head at my words.
“The one who manages the weapons is more comfortable.”
...Ah. okay."
comfortable No, it's convenient.
It must have been something I heard from my brother.
When he talks about his brother, it's like some kind of cheat.
I can't say anything!!
As I will explain later, Enchanted Magic Dance
He said that if you don't wipe off the blood and oil on the sword and
sharpen the blade a er the actual ba le, the sword will quickly get
damaged and you can't use it. In case the sword itself loses its func on if
the ba le goes on for a long me because the sword con nues to pile up
while being used
There also seems to be
Weapons with auto-recovery func on
It is an enchantment that keeps the condi on of the sword itself at its best
in a situa on. It seems that there is no need for post-management,
Ellen ended up choosing her best weapon in her fight.
Ellen seemed to be contempla ng whether to take her bow or not, and
then she turned away. It's not a war, it's an adventure, so you don't need a
lot of unnecessary equipment.
A er that, Ellen and I picked up the armor. The material is leather.
Lightweight Enchantment
There were chain armor and plates, but it was difficult to move.
The armor consists of one set of guns.
It was. Instead of full body armor, Ellen and I wore only the breastplate, the
gaiter, and the gaiters.
“Is this enough?”
The neck, upper arms, and thighs were exposed, so there was no sense of
emp ness.'s summer now."
That's right, the more I wear it, the more I want to die. In fact, it was a li le
frustra ng, and of course, the weight of the armor was not felt well
because lightening magic was applied to all parts.
The armor is lightweight and has fire-resistance, acid-resistance, and
hardening enchantments, so the protec ve power is reduced.
That's enough, the guide added.
In addi on, a er taking out two backpacks that reduce the weight of the
luggage in boots suitable for long-distance travel, the
I felt like I was ready to go.
A er packing my armor and weapons, I realized that no ma er how much
safety measures were in place, I was walking into a dangerous area on my
own feet.
A er pulling out the gear, me and Ellen pulled out with all the gear in their
“Aren’t you going to need something like that?” “…I can’t ride a horse.”
I took riding lessons, so now I know how to ride, even if I'm not very good
at riding. Ellen didn't seem to know how to ride a horse because she had
not yet learned to ride. If you learn, you will learn quickly.
“And you won’t be able to afford to worry about the end.”
Because the place you are going is the place you are going, there will be a
lot of difficul es in opera ng a horse.
I had to agree with Ren's words.
The departure date is the Friday following the Thursday a er the last class.
Once you have the basic equipment, you are done.
“Let’s pack our bags and go.”
Then, start planning your schedule
it's me to see
go to darkland
That's an overly vague statement. In terms of Earth, it sounds as bizarre as
going to the Northern Hemisphere. Da Krand refers to the eastern half of
this huge con nent.
So, from which point in the Darkland, which path we will move?
had to decide
Ellen went to the Dark Land recklessly, registered her as an adventurer, and
tried to get around.
But, since I joined
mood has changed
As Charlo e said, wandering around the Darklands without knowing how
dangerous it is is suicide.
it's an act
“There are three major outposts built in the Darklands.”
These were the words of Loyar, who opened a huge map.
Me and Ellen came out of the temple to the newly created Rotary club
Not long ago, I was just giving instruc ons to Loyar.
'I'm going to the Darkland with Ellen.
'Get some informa on through the Thieves Guild. Humans known about
the Darklands
page informa on
'that And you, too, will have something to remember in your own way.
Think about where you can go and wander around safely.'
'Yeah, eh?'
'What is yes? if it's black
If you have a Dark Land map made in the Demon Realm, you may not have
to do this, but the way to save it is far. So, through the Thieves Guild, get
the map of the Dark Land that has been discovered so far.
he instructed
“This is the area where adventurers are most ac ve right now. Eggsian
It was a forward base established by humans during the Demon World
The base has an extra-large warp gate installed. It is also the point where
the Allied Forces entered during the Demon World War, and it was also the
point where they returned when they returned.
Before that, bases and warp gates were closed for supply and other
It was installed, but now if you retreat
All of them withdrew deep in the darkland
They seem to have decided that it is difficult to install and maintain the
bases there.
So, at this point, except for the bases abandoned in front of them, the
Egsian Outpost is the front line.
Therefore, now that the Demon World War is over, the outpost has been
transformed into a base for adventurers exploring the Dark Land.
it was tae
“Around this area, adventurers set up a safe area.
Securing and se ng up bases
We are expanding. The east side, which was the route of the Allied
advance, was extensively explored.
and rela vely open to the north and south
This is less of a situa on.”
The eastern route where the Allied Forces advanced was this
Not as much as it has been swept away once
It has been delivered and opened up a lot.
However, some danger may lurk in the south and north of the base.
“These days, we are exploring the north, but the rumors are not good.
There are some guys who said they did it right away, but there seem to be
quite a few who didn't come back.”
A group of adventurers who le for the north
Many mes it didn't come. what's up
It would be said that there is
“To the south there is a wide forest area. It's not a jungle, and dangerous
things don't seem to be found, but there are enough things or things to
I'm afraid I'm not going well."
Royar explained that far, and he looked at Ellen and me in turn.
“So, the safe route is towards the east from the Eggsian Outpost, and the
Maginot Line is on the Saints Point side. You'd be er explore the safe areas
around here. listen
They said that you can get a decent amount of money just by filling out the
The adventurer guild pays money just for the informa on about the
feature itself. There are many ways to make money even if you don't put
your passion into hun ng monsters. There, those who are more greedy hit
the jackpot or lose their lives.
Loyar was quite nega ve about me and Ellen going to the Darklands. Of
course, he seemed relieved to hear that Elerys would join in the middle,
First of all, it was not confirmed what was in the northern and southern
parts of the Eggsian outpost.
So, follow the safe eastern march
Roya says that moving while standing is the best
It was Le.
"thank you."
Ellen went to Loyar, who recognized her instead.
She expressed her gra tude.
Of course, Ellen has a tendency to provoke by saying things she shouldn't
do to Loyar.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 149

- Puff!
“It’s an incredible growth rate.”
Loyard rolls the floor while being bounced off
He looked at Ellen and opened her eyes.
This guy taught himself to fight
It's only been about a month since I asked for it.
But in just one month, it was growing at an incredible rate. He was already
equipped with a reac on speed and ability that could not be compared to
a month ago.
'If you learn to enhance your magic power in this state...'
Even now, even when he didn't know how to strengthen his body with
magic, Loyar was swea ng.
There is no difference between what can and can't enhance magic power.
Those who can enhance their magical powers are not called monsters for
But this guy didn't know how to do that, and was following his abili es.
No ma er how human-shaped Lycan slope
Even if it is, the basic base cannot be compared with that of a human
being. Even if he didn't use magic enhancement, he's gradually following
I have never seen or heard of such a person.
Ellen staggered to her feet and pa ed her body. She was full, but her s ll
eyes were always unshaken.
The appearance that collapsed a er the last defeat
Like when I saw it, Ellen collapsed
Even if she loses and collapses, she con nues to run.
Like the ground hardens a er it rains.
“I will go.”
As Ellen had fallen once, her mental strength was stronger.
- Kagak!
Royar tried to slash the sword aimed at his shoulder while at the same
me thrus ng a fist into Ellen's abdomen.
But he seems to have predicted the a ack,
Ellen turns her body to dodge her a ack.
Loyard's temple with Xie's le elbow
She a acked it.
But this me, Loyar lowered his stance to avoid it, while shoving his arm
between Ellen's legs and knocking him down.
- Boom!
“Wow!” “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... a monstrous bitch...”
Royar was looking down at El Ren, who was thrashing with chest pain.
There are people stronger than this guy all over the world.
Not yet.
ten years, no.
Will there be anyone stronger than this guy in 5 years?
For the first me in his life, Loyar felt a sense of fear when he saw a
Why the hell did the master tell me to help this guy train, and he said he
needs real-world experience, so Elerys is next to him.
Are you trying to help out?
In Loyar, the Imperial Emperor is in front of you. Even so, he didn't seem to
feel this way.
Even if the dragon eggs were wriggling to hatch in front of him, he didn't
think he would feel this way.
Ellen seemed to be an unknown en ty that Loyar could not understand.
The tremendous pressure and fear felt not from her strength itself, but
from the speed at which she grew stronger.
That was confusing Royar.
I don't think this is it.
I don't think this should be the case.
Why is the master circling around this guy?
“You, let me ask you something.”
Ellen staggered at Loyar's words.
woke up.
“I could die for Reinhardt.
At Loyar's sudden ques on, Ellen seemed a li le stunned.
Ellen paused, and she pondered for a long me.
"....I do not know."
In the end, she couldn't help but answer Ellen like that.
“No, I don’t know…”
Royar looked at Ellen silently and smiled.
“Yeah, that’s enough.”
saying that I don't know.
She ponders whether or not she can die for Reinhardt.
Royard thought that was already a sufficient answer.
“I have something to tell you.”

At Loyar's sudden words, Ellen said
lted her dog.
Thursday's last class is over.
"OMG! finished!"
Everyone leaves school, led by Kono Lint, who is excited as if school life is
She ain't got no vaca on homework, but no ce
The words of Mr. Pinhauser to whom she had been told to spend me
together would not have been in Connor Lint's mind at all.
There are quite a few people here who are born with the peculiar spoon of
talent. For example, the three brothers
like that,
In the beginning, the best talents in the empire were selected, but only
because of their talents, I picked them and went to bed.
Although it is a se ng that surpluses exist. So, later, there was a case of
clashes with the hard-working Orbis class guys.
S ll, those who are the best talent are my
I wonder if I can be so incompetent
It is long.
I'm leaving tomorrow morning, so I skipped all the training schedules for
today. A er returning to the dormitory, the first thing I did was visit
Charlo e.
Because she told me to come find her before she le .
What Charlo e gave her was a medal.
...isn't this the imperial coat of arms?”
I was now able to recognize the imperial coat of arms.
“The coopera on of any public ins tu on will be enough for this alone.
It would be enough for a threat.”
I am under the protec on of the imperial family
It was such a medal to cer fy that it was. I don't know what kind of magical
ability he has, but there must have been problems that could be solved
with this alone.
“Can I just give you this?”
“Is that right?”
"It's not something you can just give to anyone," Charlo e wrote.
“I mean, you annoy people by doing useless things. Whoa.”
Charlo e looks annoyed and she ckles and she grabs me and nagging for
a long me
did it No ma er how good Ellen's skills are, if she acts her way, she can
look as dirty as in the kidnapping case last me, and there's a good chance
that she won't go through it nicely this me.
Charlo e urged her to kill her temper rather than to go to the goal with a
strict child.
“Are you going tomorrow?”
“Uh, in the morning.”
Charlo e looked at me and folded her arms.
“If I could give you one piece of advice…”
Charlo e smiled so ly at her.
“Watch out for people.”
Not monsters or demons, but people
be careful.
“It should be.”
I fully understood what that meant.
The imperial coat of arms is a person, not a monster
Because I gave it to you to use it.
Vaca on starts on Thursday
The hasty guys hurried back to the Temple.
What was surprising was that Harriet, who she thought would have
returned home a day earlier, saw Ellen and me off on Friday morning.
Harriet is also Harriet, and she also had another one she didn't expect.
Adelia was about to go see off me and Ellen.
They both had their eyes wide open at night.
We wear everything from backpacks to armor
All prepara ons had been completed.
“Hey there, Ellen…”
“Can you take this...?”
Adelia crouched to Ellen.
she held out something with blue metal
It was a worn bracelet.
“La, Reinhardt…you too…”
And she didn't just give to Ellen
He also handed me a bracelet of the same shape.
“...what is this?”
Adelia murmured at my ques on.
she started talking
"That... it's disposable, but don't protect it.
The law is at stake. When in danger... help
it will be It was made in a hurry, so it’s for one- me use… I’m sorry.”
It looks like both of these guys have been up all night making this bracelet.
Obviously it wasn't made in one day. Adelia's talent is magiccra ing to
make these magical items, but Herriot could do the same.
The two of them worked together to make these two magic bracelets.
Harriet turned away from my gaze, not wan ng to speak with her own
Dark circles dripping under the eyes
I see it
Ellen said briefly.
But does Adelia even say she's sorry for not giving her a be er gi ?
How low is her self-esteem?
“Thank you both.”
At my words, Adelia scratched the back of her head, and Harriet made her
face slightly slanted. The boy pretended not to know and mu ered.
“Don’t forget that Edina Yeol is also coming.”
It would mean to come back safely and not get hurt.
We pass through the Eggsian Outpost.
Heading to Saints Point. and
In the middle, he joins Elerys.
Of course, I'm going to pretend I'm mee ng Ereris, so I'll just make it up to
join the adventurer wizard. I'll pretend to be a novice wizard who isn't very
good at magic, but if something really dangerous happens, I'll show my
true skills.
The plan is like this.
Me and Ellen are at the Eggsian Outpost.
Register as an adventurer in the Adventurer's Guild.
and joined at Saints Point.
At the inn, he made natural contact with Elerys.
Then organize a party and then explore the vicinity of Saints Point.
With Elerys by her side, you can go to a slightly dangerous place.
The equipment provided by the temple was sufficient, but when trouble
There is the imperial coat of arms, which is an object that can be solved
financially, and there is a bracelet with protec on in case of an emergency.
Insurance to insurance is insurance to insurance.
Me and Ellen moved to the giant warp gate inside the eclip c.
Unfortunately, just because you were a royal class student, the warp gate
was not free.
“…it’s terribly expensive.”
Ellen nodded her head blankly as she calculated her expenses.
Ellen and I calculated the warp gate fee and could see why the temple paid
so much for it.
The Eggsian Outpost is currently located at the easternmost p of human
territory. So I had to travel the longest distance.
It was necessary to go through four extra-large warp gates to get to the
Eggsian outpost.
on average for one move in distance
two gold coins. Since me and Ellen are two, we need four gold coins to
It takes sixteen gold coins to go
cost, and a round trip requires thirty-two.
Then, the only money that can be used for travel expenses is 18 gold coins.
It is true that it is a lot of travel expenses, but there was a reason the
temple gave a huge amount of money of fi y gold coins for a month's
travel expenses.
It seems expensive when you think of an airplane, but here you go by
is quite reasonable as there is no movement required
seems like an enemy go,
No, in fact, it can't be compared to an airplane because the movement
efficiency is so good.
We applied for use of the warp gate and waited for our turn. Since the last
terrorist incident, the security of the warp gate has become very strict.
iden ty verifica on
The body search and iden fica on process of users were also very
Not just soldiers, but personnel who look like knights are also near the
warp gate.
was placed in
Me and Ellen gave the soldier their ID
Temple Royal Class Student ID.
Me and Ellen moved towards the first stop.
We had to use the warp gate a total of four mes while crossing the
Gosh, there's a problem.
" didn't know this would be a problem, did you?"
Me and Ellen were staring blankly at the long queue in front of the gigan c
warp gate.
We couldn't even stand in line.
“Yeah… this is likely to happen.”
We were now in a place called Salam, the trading city of the Imperial
Dominion. Salam
I don't know where you are or what you are doing.
no need to know It's just a pass
because it's just
However, if it was a trading city, of course, it would have been a
passageway through which many goods came and went. Through none
other than the super-large warp gate in front of you.
“I think we were too used to the eclip c.”
"I think so."
There are more than ten super-large warp gates in the eclip c. So, the
entrances and exits are distributed to each extra-large gate.
Hurry, crowds of people at a gate
there is no Unless there was an event like the last improvement event.
However, there are at most two or three extra-large warp gates in local
strongholds, and usually only one.
In general, a place with only one very large gate becomes a big city
because of that one.
The extra-large gate, which can be moved over an ultra-long distance, is
the des na on of the surrounding small and medium-sized gates, and is
also the entrance to the small and medium-sized gates.
So, of course, a bo leneck is inevitable for very large gates. The gate is
both an entrance and an exit, so people keep pouring in and out at the
same me.
This is the difference between the eclip c and the province.
There was a very large gate, but there was only one, so there was a huge
Many kinds of people, including what appear to be merchants, wagons,
and travelers
of people wai ng for gate use
was ironing
The line in front of me right now is too dark
Well, we couldn't even stand in line.
Can't even stand in line.
“Even if we get a wai ng cket, we can’t go un l the next day.”
Ellen said she went somewhere and asked this and that and then came
back, she said.
Even if you cancel the cket today, you can use it un l the day a er
tomorrow. It is natural for users to be pushed back by that.
“Doesn’t it look like the next gate will be different?”

It's be er to travel faster than an airplane,
What's the use of this if you have to wait two days to use it?
Even at the next gate, if this happens again, it will take another two days,
and another two days a er that, it will take 6 days to move. Ellen lived up
to this
She stared blankly at the line.
The cost of going back and forth is also an expense, but if me is
consumed, it is of no use.
I decided.
“…is there any way?”
At Ellen's ques on, I put my hand in my arms.
It was.
“Let’s use our power.”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 150

"Use the gate."
“Once you get your cket...”
“Look at this.”
There is no place in the human land where the name of the imperial family
does not work. Because the en re land of man is the territory of the
As soon as we check the authen city of the sentence
Priority gate access was given without asking or ques oning.
It seemed to be exempted from paying the cost, but the cost may become
a problem in the future.
paid properly. It seems like an unfair advantage just for using the gate
priority, but if you get exempted from the fee, it's nothing.
because it turned on
“…I think I’m doing something bad.”
I shook my head at Ellen's words.
"Why is this a problem when I use what I was told to use in an
If you ask me, this is similar.
My travel plans are on the verge of ruining, but what if this isn't an
No, Charlo e knew this in the first place.
You didn't give me the imperial coat of arms
peel? Is this a bit too far? Did Charlo e know this far?
“…Spirit victory?”
“...why does that word come up here? And isn't it mental victory?!"
With that ability, at the level of the person with that ability,
That's what you meant!
And not mental victory, but magne c dark vision!
“If you twist, you will come in two days.”
In the end, he's good and he's squeamish
Me and Ellen are high on the imperial coat of arms
As a pass item, I was able to get to the Eggsian outpost in just one day by
ignoring the queue at the next stopover.
The Eggsian Outpost was the first human base built in the Darklands.
This is where the march for the Demon World War began, and we marched
through it.
Dunn's army is back.
a star ng point and a return point.
That's the Eggsian outpost.
[Event Occurrence - Darkland Adventure]
[Descrip on: Complete the adventure in the Darkland safely.]
[Reward: Rewards vary depending on performance. Don't get bogged
down and get a lot of results.]
And, the event not to be sad
caused it
But it doesn't tell you what the reward is. Just saying that you will achieve a
there is only subtract? Will I be subtracted?
come up to
I just swipe back from the reward
It's obvious you're doing this for the sake of ge ng it.
What are you going to give me! You didn't say anything a er giving me 1
achievement point a er this. I'm worried that this will happen!!
Anyway, let's not worry about that at this point. If you care, you lose.
“It’s not much different.”
“Did you think the sky would be dark because it was called Darkland?”
The sky was dark where the Demon King used to be, but this place was no
different from the ordinary world. Even at the me of the Demon King, the
surrounding environment was barren, but the sky was just overcast.
“Isn’t it just a city rather than a base?”
“I see.”
Troops withdrew almost with minimal
Therefore, it seemed that the name of this place would be more
appropriate as a city rather than a base. This place, which used to be a
large military base, is now a new hotspot for adventurers.
it became
The surrounding buildings did not look much different from other ci es I
had passed by.
But people were different.
Soldiers armed with uniform equipment
In many cases, people here have different rooms.
They were all armed in some way.
Most of them are adventurers, so they are heavily armored.
Only the soldier armed with light armor
It's a different part from the field.
Unlike the past, when the number of civilians is small and a lot of
wanderers come and go
A completely different city.
For example, it is a city of adventurers.
“Let’s go to the Adventurers’ Guild.”
“Draw it.”
The Demon World War ended at the beginning of this year. So, at most,
half a year has passed since the end of the Demon World War.
am. That is why the search for the Dark Land has just started booming, and
it cannot happen un l the pioneering progresses so much.
there was no
Adventurers are just now pouring in, aiming for a quick buck. Exploring the
Darklands is s ll in its infancy.
So both veteran adventurers and newcomers who are just about to
become adventurers
They are flocking to the Eggsian outpost.
Wandering adventurers flock
It was natural for the inn industry to develop to provide accommoda on
for the youngsters, merchants selling equipment and supplies, and the
entertainment industry for adventurers who were in a hurry.
And with that instant money, day by day
The forces of the shadows who want to eat will also grow. There's got to be
a gambling house, thieves
there will be many
The rapid rate of urban expansion is
I could tell from the number of people coming and going and the countless
new buildings being built.
Therefore, it was only natural that those who wanted to register as new
adventurers were infested with the Adventurer's Guild.
No qualifica ons are required to become an adventurer.
No requirements were needed.
Anyone can be an adventurer.
However, it is a system that starts with the lowest grade, F grade, and
builds up the performance. Naturally, F-class adventurers cannot receive
any support from the guild.
The adventurer's license does not have any rights or qualifica ons in an F-
class state. So it's okay to overdo it. adventurer
The guild did not seem to manage the adventurers. I can't do it.
By the way, what the hell are adventurers doing when they first arrive at
the zodiac?
I wanted to go round and round and say that I came to go on an adventure
on my own...
I mean, I really don't know what the world is.
Because the cer ficate issuance process was very simple, I was able to get
an adventurer's license similar to an ID card right away without having to
wait too long.
Both me and Ellen are now F-rated.
Ellen stood blankly at the crowded Adventurer's Guild counter. Even
though her business was over, she couldn't take Ellen's footsteps from her.
I know why.
There were pictures hanging at the end of where Ellen's gaze was directed.
Huge pictures hang quite high.
And the name is wri en at the bo om of the picture.
[Adventures Guild Hall of Fame]
[Ragdna Olfi]
[Lagann Artorius]
There were five pictures, in the middle of which was a picture of Lagann
A group of five warriors who defeated the Demon King.
They were also adventurers.
For adventurers, SS rank ends.
They upgraded the adventurer rank to legendary in the Adventurer's Guild
a er the Demon World War. It is a grade that does not exist in the first
All of the greatest adventurers in history
It has become something of a permanent affair.
Ellen stared endlessly as she watched her brother, who had become a
legend among adventurers, stuffed with her pictures.
What is she thinking?
At least, she didn't seem to be proud.
There is no need to raise the adventurer rank. The adventurer itself would
end up doing it for a month while on vaca on anyway.
The fact that Ellen and I were registered as adventurers was just incidental.
It would be nice if what we do could make money.
So, rather than receiving a quest and moving, we will move once and then
report to the guild if we find a peculiarity, and we will move in such a way
that we get paid.
Of course, if there is a quest that looks pre y good, it wouldn't be bad to
carry out it.
Ellen experiences the same star ng point as her brother
What are you excited about doing
It was unknown whether
“You have to take a wagon to get to St. Point,” she said.
Since it is not the zodiac, there are no trams or horsepower trains. From
now on, primi ve moves
You have to use the pod.
Sum of Saints Point
She goes to Ryu's place, pretends to have met Elerys by chance, and
becomes her party. A er that, we can do whatever we want, whether we
get a job through the Adventurer's Guild branch in Saints Point or wander
around freely.
Me and Ellen headed to the nearby wagon sta on.
Countless carriages were lined up all over the place.
“I’m going to Saints Point.”
“Oh, then take this. The price is two silver coins per person.”
Ellen paid four silver coins, and I
and Ellen boarded the carriage carriage.
"Just one more person and we'll be off!"
There was no set me, and it seemed that everyone had to board before
depar ng. Everyone except me and Ellen in the wagon carriage.
There were five people on board.
I could see them squin ng at Ellen.
“Hey, the li le girl is already an adventurer?”
At the sudden ques on, Ellen shook her head.
“Do you have the strength to li a sword?”
“Arthur, you look like an aristocrat, but you’re hurt.”
“I wonder if the other kid is cha ng! Are you an escort?”
- Heh heh heh!
I don't know if everyone knows each other or not
Even if I pretended to, it was strange to see young children in a place
where adventurers gather.
It seemed that the noble girl was trying to impersonate an adventurer, and
I seemed to think of it as an escort.
If you ask me, it's the other way around, these yangbans?
Is he a lot more sassy than me?
If something happens, will he protect me?
“Be careful, kid. It's not a good place to be here.”
- tuk tuk
A man in his thir es si ng next to me tapped my shoulder with a hand
that looked like a pot lid. I don't know if he's a veteran or not, but he felt a
li le shaky.
Obviously, the two of us are just youngsters just by looking at them, and
we are both youngsters in reality.
I do.
Because of Charlo e's words that if she behaves her own way, she might
end up in trouble for Ellen, she was going to put up with it for a li le bit.
I didn't even want to start a useless fight.
This is not a temple. Me and Ellen are holding swords, and so are they.
It's knives, not fists.
Soon, the last passenger boarded.
“Hello everyone?”
He was a young man with dark blue hair and a sad look.
It seems that adventurers don't know each other, but they all exchanged
gree ngs briefly.
-Come on, let's go!
The coachman spoke, and soon the wagon departed with less creaking.
As I was used to the magic train, I wasn't used to the wagon's ra ling
Ellen sat across from me,
The last passenger, the young man next to me
there was.
“Oh, to see all my friends who look younger than me. Hi?"
“Oh, yes.”
He smiled sadly and put his hand to me, and I couldn't say no, so I took it.
“I am Daria It's Aus n. you?"
“This is Reinhardt.
“But how old are you?”
“I’m seventeen.”
The man si ng next to me kept talking annoyingly.
However, he said he couldn't spit on his smiling face, and he didn't seem to
have any ill will, but he couldn't tell him to shut up because it was so noisy.
He doesn't know how long it will take to get to Saints Point, but he doesn't
like the person si ng next to him.
He didn't even want to shout.
Aus n said he was twenty this year. He thought he started at a pre y
young age, but he's more like me and Ellen.
There's a guy who looks young and he's surprised
He mumbled something he hadn't even asked.
“Are you two?”
Aus n nodded slowly when he said that I and Ellen were a party.
“Then would you like to join us? They're wai ng for you at Saints Point. It
will be safer if we move together. There is also a B-rank adventurer in the
party. I'm a veteran. If you follow him, you will be safe. I'm s ll F rank."
will help you build your career
That's what Aus n said.
"That's Okay."
But Ellen doesn't even need to listen.
She seemed to cut off and she refused. Aus n scratched the back of his
head to see if Aus n was slightly embarrassed by the knife-like rejec on.
“That’s what the group is like.”
"Oh that. okay...."
"Hey buddy, it's too bad that you're arguing."
“Well, it’s not like that…”
At the sta on, the men booed,
Aus n's face went red. Aus n was probably interested in Ellen.
it looked like a dump
Not only Aus n, but the first adventure I rode
Even what the fathers say is useless
There were stories worth listening to.
"Isn't the northern part of Eggsian s ll difficult?"
“Yeah, what. No one came back safely.”
“What the hell is there?”
"I don't know. Some say there is an orc colony, some say there is a swarm
of goblins." “Didn’t a subjuga on squad of about fi y or so not be formed
last me?”
“It’s all missing.”
“Huh… it’s a huge thing no ma er what
There will be.”
The main topic was the story of the northern part of the Eggsian Outpost, a
place that is currently known as the most dangerous area in this area.
Saints Point was rela vely safe as it was a base on the east side of the
Most of the adventurers heading to the northern part of Eggsian could not
“The South?”
“They said it was all forests. There is nothing.”
"I've been down for over two weeks, but there's nothing but forests.
What's different from a desert? This is it."
“There is a saying that it is not a forest, but a barrier. It's like a maze." "Why
is there a barrier in that place all of a sudden?"
“I don’t know.”
“Not that. It used to be a dragon tomb, but it was cursed...” |
Useless rumors are intertwined so that no one can know the truth.
seemed to have been
I thought that something like an event might happen, but it didn't.
If there are too many gossip, you don't know what it is.
The wagons leaving the outpost were following the old Allied advance
route. The surrounding landscape is very different from ordinary nature.
“It’s not par cularly dark, isn’t it strange to call it Darkland?”
Aus n mu ered blankly as he looked at the scenery behind the carriage.
It's not dark, in fact, it's nothing too different from the human world. On
the contrary, the expansive scenery looks beau ful.
But people call it Darkland.
"Iknow, right."
It wasn't me who answered, it was Ellen.
Aus n's sudden reply from Ellen seemed to startle her a bit.
- Diagonal Diagonal Diversity
The carriage was moving slowly. Feeling the wobble of a carriage moving in
a certain rhythm,
I remembered a billion
That's how it feels when you're two and a half years behind in the military.
It's uncomfortable in the world, but it's the feeling of ge ng a good night's
As I was falling asleep, Ellen, the so est voice, called me.
As soon as I looked at Ellen, I don't know what she was, but she could feel
A li le more calming than usual.
Eyes ready for something...
Now, just by looking at that guy's eyes, you can tell to some extent what
he's thinking.
- Mul ple.... Mul ple....
The wagon is ge ng slower and slower.
There's no reason to slow down.
Be nervous.
Ellen was saying that with her eyes.
The surrounding landscape had already changed. The trees were growing
out of the wide boulevard.
It is presumed that they are heading to a sparsely populated place.
I could see the adventurers inside the carriage, each with their hands on
their weapons, pretending to be calm.
Pretending not to, he was staring at us.
It's like wai ng for the right ming.
watch out for people
That moment has already arrived.
Were you actually watching while talking like it was nothing?
I had goosebumps on my spine.
- Bah!
In the next moment, I could see Ellen mercilessly slash the person si ng
next to her with the hilt of her sword.
“Wow, what!”
Before they could try anything, Ellen started the a ack. Perhaps they did
not know that this was the case, and the adventurers who sat inside were
Aus n, in par cular, was astonished at what had happened out of the blue.
that made sure
Aus n is no match.
Strengthen the body using super powers.
The type is close combat.
I also took the side of the person si ng next to me with a hilt.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 151

A er neutralizing the adventurer si ng next to me, I flashed Aus n si ng
next to him.
Pick it up and throw it out of the wagon
I also got out of the wagon.
The inside of the wagon is too narrow for a fight.
Ellen smashed one human
Gon himself got out of the wagon.
The wagon was completely stopped.
Even the coach was a match.
“They are quick-wi ed kids.”
Three adventurers, s ll unharmed, crawled out of the wagon. guys face
was wary of
Two were killed before they could even put their hands on it.
"How did know?"
One man drew his sword and asked. Ellen drew her sword in front of her as
“I heard that most adventurers are no different from thieves.”
They live where the law does not reach.
Ellen must have heard about the actual condi ons of such adventurers
from Artorius.
There are no robbers among adventurers.
An adventurer has the poten al to become a robber at any me.
“Rather than taking risks, there are many adventurers who are novice
adventurers armed with expensive equipment.”
Me and Ellen were armed with expensive looking gear, and even new ones.
all. young there
They may or may not be robbers.
But since he saw us, he had no choice but to become a robber.
Ellen seemed to know they were going to be like this. This is like a fairy tale
full of romance and mystery of adventure.
is not a space.
It is full of adventurers who venture for money rather than for the purpose
of adventure.
is the land of robbers.
Adventurers risk their lives to earn money
it's a job
If there is a less risky, but surefire way to make money, there is no reason
not to choose it.
He knew that it would cost a lot more money to take off Ellen's equipment
and sell it than to take a risk to hunt demons and get paid for figuring out
the topography.
So, while we were having a normal conversa on, we were constantly
squin ng at Ellen and me.
It's probably not something you've done once or twice. “Wait, no. . . . . . . .”
Aus n staggered to his feet and drew his sword. how much help
I don't know if it will Aus n seems to be on our side, so he's three to three
situa on.
The guy who appears to be the leader nods his head.
it was
“Don’t regret it, li le ones!”
The guys started running.
They approach Ellen, I, and Aus n respec vely.
In an unexpected situa on, I was faced with a real ba le with humans, not
demons. Being nervous is also tense, but now I haven't even felt the
The guy in front of me started slashing his sword from top to bo om.
Seeing the sword slashing from top to bo om, I was a li le embarrassed.
You mean it comes this way?
Although it was the first me in actual combat, he had received a sword
like this hundreds of mes.
I've been hit with a sword like this hundreds of mes.
There was only one thing different from so far.
too slow.
I held the sword handle with my right hand and the sword with my le
This is the half-swording that Ellen occasionally shows.
I caught the sword as it came down while holding the sword horizontally.
- Kaang!
Then, naturally turning the p of the sword, he pushed the sword towards
the neck of the man who was rushing in.
Pour and s ng at the same me. Defensive and offensive shi s occur at the
same me.
His sword flows down the right side, and the p of my sword is aimed at
the nape of his neck.
If you push further here, you can puncture the caro d artery.
- Clink!
“Hey, save me.”
As soon as the knife came to the nape of his neck in just one hit, he
immediately let go of the sword. His complexion had turned white.
- Boom!
Ellen didn't even use a sword.
She incapacitated it by throwing a low-kick at the man who was rushing in.
With just one kick, he was lying on his stomach and rumbling.
...there's s ll a weight difference, but I'm ignoring it. How strong is your leg
- Clink!
And the guy who was about to fight Aus n saw the two of them being
subdued in an instant and immediately let go of the sword.
“Ha, surrender.”
Aus n didn't know, but he quickly realized that me and Ellen were not at
the level they were going to face.
The fight ended as soon as it started.
Winning is winning
You won in a life-threatening situa on.
"...what's going on?"
However, somehow the a ertaste was very fu le.
Why is it so easy? It was the same when I was prac cing with Ellen, but the
actual ba le ended in just one match.
of course that's it
“Anyway, you bastards. Once in the center.”
Time to rob the robber.
Five adventurers.
Up to one coachman there.
A er disarming them all, he kneeled down.
I'm squa ng in front of you
held six money bags and waved them.
“Brothers, these are the things you will leave behind when you die, so
what are you doing hiding now? Give more when you say something nice.”
“Well, that’s all…”
“Because I gave it all away…”
My threats made them cry. Ellen was leaning against a tree, not wearing
shoes, and Aus n was staring blankly at what I was doing.
subdue robbers and reverse robbery
It was hard to believe even looking at it.
“If you look at the team that even employs a coachman, it’s clear that he is
a repeat offender, but all he has is less than ten gold coins?” “That!
I chuckled.
“Then we can put out the equipment.”
In the first place, these guys are me and Ellen's equipment.
was trying to rob
“Take it all off.”
At my words, they no ced and started to take off the main island. You
might be tempted to try something with your bare hands, but me and Ellen
were far beyond their level.
I sighed as I looked at the men with all their armor off.
“Child pair.”
As I flu ered my eyebrows,
His expression became more visible. You wouldn't have thought that
something terrifying would happen to a young blue-eyed guy like me.
“Are you going to take it all off? to you now
Do you think you have a cket?” I rummaged through the clothes of the
men who were all naked except for their underwear, and found five more
gold coins.
Five adventurers and one coachman who took off all of them with only
their underwear le .
“What should I do? It seems difficult to take all the equipment, but it
doesn't look usable either.”
If you sell the equipment, it will be money, but the quality is good. To say
that I spent all my money on equipment would be an understatement.
Maybe leave it somewhere or hide it
i would have
And we're not here to do business.
At my words, Ellen shook her head.
“Money is not the problem. Let's decide what to do with those people
It wasn't that they suddenly turned into street robbers, but they were the
ones who did this with the coachman in the first place.
What would happen to these rookie adventurers and nerds?
The fact that these guys hide their faces like that, and yet they haven't
been arrested means that all the adventurers caught by them didn't come
back alive.
Ellen asks a natural ques on, but it has a gruesome meaning.
there was
It's up to you to decide whether or not to kill those vicious criminals on the
spot. Regardless of whether we can do it or not.
If we had been defeated, they would have robbed us and killed us.
Kills people.
Is that possible for me now?
There was a me when the knights were knocked out of the demon king's
castle, and I wondered if they were dead or not.
does not know
But I saw people die right in front of my eyes, and there were countless
I don't know if I'll be able to do it myself with the sword I'm holding. that
Can I afford it?
I was already used to violence itself, but I wasn't used to killing at all, and I
didn't want to. The same goes for Ellen.
How about Ellen?
It seems like she will if she has to, but she'll never be happy.
"How about handing it over to the Eggsian Guard...?"
Os watching my conversa on with Ellen
Tin cau ously suggested. Six in their underwear trembled on her knees as
life and death depended on our decision.
was in
We don't handle it, we hand it over to the guards.
"...from anyone's point of view, it seems that the person who was robbed
was not the person who was trying to rob."
I had to agree with Ellen's words.
We didn't hurt a single hair, and the robbers were all robbed except for
their underwear. If you take these niggas and say they're trying to rob, oh
We're going to be arrested.
“If these people call us robbers, we can get in trouble.”
"Oh, no! No! If you release me, be quiet! I'll go to jail quietly!"
“Please save me just once! I will live a good life!”
We had just ignored them as li le ones un l recently, and it was quite
funny to have them named a er the leash in our hands.
“I can’t believe anything you say you’d be like when you get out of the
bathroom before you even go into the bathroom, you bastards.”
Of course, I had no inten on of believing any of their tes mony.
Sending it back to the guard would be be er
You might get into trouble.
In most of the web novels I've wri en, it's a standard development to
coolly pluck the seedlings and go. On the contrary, if you don't kill it, you'll
get a lot of hate comments asking why you didn't kill it.
Because it's my situa on, that's right
I knew it, but I couldn't make that decision easily. Most people say that I
can't twist a chicken's head with my own hands, but it's right to be
embarrassed when I have to kill someone out of nowhere.
Of course, I'm not at the level I've never had a chicken head, but,
“It’s a bit dead, so should I cut off my hands one by one? Don't do this in
the future. He might die from bleeding, so the wounds should be burned
with fire.”
At those words, Aus n and Eren stared at me.
looked at
this gaze.
I think you know what it means.
“…is that more psycho?” …it’s so detailed that I’m scared.”
Ellen rarely got a li le red of her complexion.
It was Aus n's reac on, she was red and speechless.
no, it doesn't kill
I was thinking of an appropriate punishment.
But if you cut off your wrist, you might die from bleeding
Was it my own considera on? If you don't burn with fire, you might die,
right? You said you were trying to save me? this the problem with people who have portrayed violence in wri ng?
When I think about it, it's like a ga orai
do it
I'll pluck out your eyeballs, but if you don't have them, your face might
collapse, so I put a pebble that looks like an eye in the place of the
eyebrow, and I'm doing this because I'm thinking of you.
Is this how you feel?
Aus n seemed to be ge ng more and more afraid of me in real me.
Of course, the robbers who heard about it were convulsing aside from their
pale complexion.
He seems to have regre ed that he touched the crazy guy by mistake.
“Just let it go.”
A er all, Ellen didn't seem to want to have blood on her hands for nothing.
Ellen took off the leather armor they had taken off, as well as the
equipment and clothes they had taken off.
She pointed to them.
They are too used equipment, so it is unlikely that they will be sold. and
like that
If you go to sell things, you might rather live up to the suspicion that you
are an adventurer who robbed,
“Burn it all.”
For the crime of trying to rob us, these guys were punished by going back
to the underwear wind up to Eggsian.
I won't even sell robbers' gear
I burned it all there.
The equipment that did not burn was destroyed by Ellen herself.
No ma er how much you wear gaiters, you can use your sword like
breaking a baseball bat with a shin.
When I saw the scene of the smashing, even me, I was in a cold sweat.
That's not a sword, can't even a car break the blade?
That's what I was thinking.
Everyone knows that the robbers just realized they touched some crazy
The color had faded.
Even though they lost everything they had
He bowed his head as he watched us leave, saying thank you for saving us.
Anyway, we captured eight gold coins and a wagon. three horses
was hanging
Aus n, who had driven a carriage before and had already been to St. Point
a few mes, drove the carriage. Look at what this guy is doing earlier.
You look weak, so I can have a different mind
It didn't seem like he was the type.
Me and Ellen sat in the remaining seats on either side of the driver's seat,
not the boarding car in the back.
“But isn’t it expensive?”
Even if it's a medieval fantasy, this worldview doesn't have much to do with
the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages, horses were not terribly expensive.
did you?
No, even in modern mes, horses are expensive.
I think I made a lot of money because I robbed three horses like that.
It was like a self-talk, but Aus n answered.
"Ah... that... that's talking about a horse for a knight. Of course these
It's not cheap either, but...” |
I nodded at Aus n's explana on. These wagon horses certainly looked
bigger than ponies, but they didn't feel like they could be ridden. I think I'm
a li le old,
It seems that there is a difference in breed and weight class from the
horses I rode in the temple riding class. Aus n and Ellen
I was swea ng profusely because it was extremely burdensome to drive a
carriage while being caught in the middle.
“That… by the way, you guys are really strong.”
"Iknow, right. I was surprised too.”
I mean, I was surprised when I did.
“No ma er how professional the robbery
I thought they were adventurers who ate for a while, but I didn’t know that
it would end in one match.”
They must be vicious criminals, so they must have experience in killing
people and have enough real-world experience.
it will However, the game ended with a simple sword swiping from top to
bo om with a single sword.
There I don't stop
If the caro d artery was punctured, one person would be quick
It was sent to the liver.
“There aren’t that many people who are professionally trained in the
mar al arts.”
Ellen's low voice said so.
Ellen crossed her arms and watched the scenery passing by.
“To be precise, adventurers can do anything. Few of them have been
properly trained in weaponry.”
“That’s right….”
Ellen was talking to me, but somehow Aus n mu ered blankly, as if
Being an adventurer is a job that idiots rush into in the first place. I do all
the stars, the stars, and the crappy things
it will He wears a weapon and actually wields it, but he's not professionally
While living an adventurer life, you can become good at using your sword.
But it's more like survival swordsmanship than systema c swordsmanship.
it is
It is a sword for survival.
In other words, it was like a fight between a street fighter and a mixed
mar al arts fighter. Of course, you can push it by weight difference, but
weapon skills have a bigger impact than technique.
So, it must have been too easy for me to subdue them.
“Most of the weapon skills are the ones the opponent is armed with.
It is a technology that assumes a state of affairs. If you're only going to do
an adventurer's job,
It's also a skill you don't need. Unless it's the case now."
Ellen's words were plausible again.
The enemies of adventurers are demons or monsters. They are usually not
armed. Of course, there are armed
This is only true in a few specific cases.
But what Ellen and I learned is how to subdue and kill armed opponents.
Soon, dealing with armed humans
It is a prerequisite technology.
Adventurers don't need to know that in the first place. So, if you are only
going to do the work of an adventurer, there is no reason to learn
swordsmanship in detail.
Of course, it would have been nice to know
Nothing, but
Anyway, Ellen and I con nued to hone our skills to subdue armed humans.
No ma er how much experience they had than us, they could not be
compared to our systema cally trained opponents.
At best a clumsy monster or clumsy
The swordsmanship that even beginners wielded was just a sword fight on
the street.
Such a level of swordsmanship could not work for us in the first place.
I can never be Ellen's opponent, and even though the me itself is short for
Ellen like that, my opponent who I learned persistently every day.
it can't be
A er all, the swordsmanship of most adventurers is at the same level as
the similar swordsmanship I had acquired the other day.
can't get out of
This is new again.
“You guys… did you learn swordsmanship as a professional?”
“…if you ask me, it would be like that.”
I learned it in lectures, but most of it was from Ellen, so my swordsmanship
teacher is actually Ellen.
“I’m envious…”
| I can feel it from Aus n's vague words
This feeling did not come easily.
I'm far weaker than Ellen
I thought so, and it is true.
On the ba le side from inside the Royal Class
I wondered if it would be average now, that's what I was thinking.
But Aus n didn't even seem to be able to learn swordsmanship. I don't
know if it's a money issue or something else.
In the temple, only in the royal class
It's not like there are guys who do affair
all. Combat major in general class
There are many guys to choose from.
Those guys will be treated like great talent in a place like this.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 152
The road to Saints Point was not boring.
Aus n has been asking us about how to become stronger, whether it's
strange or not, who learned swordsmanship professionally.
“...all you need is a genius nearby.”
“It’s him. him.”
How to get stronger.
All you have to do is have a nonsensical genius s ck with you and teach
you. then
Even if a beom-jae can't achieve genius-level achievements, he can do
First of all, this can only be achieved when a genius gives up on his
achievements and is kind enough to teach the beomjae.
...Thinking like this, Ellen was a real angel. Even if the reason for the start
was Hun-su, she con nues to take responsibility, right? what to do Even if I
get this, I can't give you anything in return, right?
Anyway, as I pointed to Ellen, Aus n looked at Ellen with a puzzled
“Yeah, you… are you that genius?”
Ellen said she was casual, she said yes, but she didn't answer.
a way to get stronger
I was a bit confident about punching, but it's no longer true that I can get it
working in real life. It was not at the level of being eaten, but it was enough
to easily subdue even criminals who killed people in a funny way.
“It is too late for people like me to enter a swordsmanship school.
Fortunately, I heard that there are veteran mercenaries among the
adventurers. It is said that there are cases where people can teach you this
and that if you make them a disciple...”
I'm like a cheat that made me stronger
I thought I was adding a li le bit of effort to my abili es.
But a er hearing Aus n's story, it seemed a li le different.
Learning at the temple itself is
Wasn't it like a cheat on me?
I think like this.
You don't become an esquire of an incumbent knight, you become a
disciple of a re red mercenary.
Learning swordsmanship, which they may or may not tell you, seems to be
one of the few ways Aus n thinks right now that he can be strong.
The temple environment itself is already more than a cheat compared to
the general public.
it's A skill that is regarded as one of the best in society
It goes without saying that teachers with
Because it is infested with monsters during class.
Aus n talks as if being taught by a veteran is a life-changing opportunity.
I am full of teachers who far exceed the level of a regular knight, and I can
prac ce as much as I want every day with the strongest prospect in the
Before the cheats I had, the environment was absolutely incomparable.
“What are you going to do when you become strong?”
Out of curiosity, I asked Aus n.
I'm doing this for my own reasons, but for most people now
is the beginning of the Taepyeongseongdae. Darkland
has already become ex nct.
In a world where there is no need or reason to be strong, what reason do
you have to be?
It seems that most of the adventurers are scammers with the goal of
making a fortune in the first place. Aus n didn't seem like that.
“I want to be like Artorius.”
At that, neither I nor Eren was silent.
Artorius is gone from the present world.
The most common topic, but with Ellen
Because it was a topic that hardly ever came up among me.
Artorius, who became a legend among adventurers.
For adventurers who are not hot-bloods, and those who dream of the
romance of adventure itself, Artorius will inevitably be an utopia.
“Ahaha, uh, of course it can’t be like that… But… it’s a dream to be like
I wonder if I can dream, oh
Steen laughed awkwardly.
“Even to die like that?”
Ellen said quietly.
“Is it a dream to even die like that?”
It was quiet, but it was a sharp tone. Aus n's expression hardened slightly
at the sudden sound.
Do you want to be like Artorius un l you kill the Demon King and die?
It was a slightly aggressive ques on from Ellen.
“Ah, ah… that, well… can die a great death like Artorius. If so... it would be
rather an honor for someone like me. Oh, of course, that would be
Aus n said he was presumptuous.
he apologized apologe cally. He said that people who respect Artorius may
feel bad if they hear it.
Those who respect Artorius would be offended by those words.
Ellen didn't say a word for a while, then spit it out.
“Do you have any family?”
"family? Ah... My sister and my parents are at home.”
Aus n's family consists of Ellen's family
The composi on was very similar.
Ellen seemed to think about her for a while. She will want to say
You could tell what words were running through her head.
Aus n is a novice adventurer. She wants to be strong, but she is not strong.
just in the situa on
Even if she hadn't been for me and Ellen, she would have already been an
immortal guest.
She'll want to tell her don't gossip and she'll go home.
But she says Ellen is indifferent to the lives of her others. She and she will
wonder if she deserves to say that to herself.
You're weak, so telling Aus n to go home will only hurt Aus n.
Ellen seemed to think about her for a while.
In the end, she said nothing to the guy.
Her route to Saints Point took a total of four hours. use the gate
I also did it, and some mes I missed me in the middle, so the sunset was
already slowly passing.
“It’s good, though, I might have had to go home in the middle of the night.”
Aus n said she walked into the entrance to St. Point and she smiled as if
she was lucky. three
Tsu Point felt more like a base than a city.
If Eggsian is a big city, it feels like a village. A significant number of these
points, serving as supply bases for adventurers, were spread along this
eastern march.
With this momentum, if further explora on proceeds
I thought that a large urban area centered on the Eggsian base could be
It was night, but Saints Point was quite
Many buildings were lit up, so it wasn't dark.
Even if it's not a nightmare, it feels like a place where people live.
“But what about this carriage?”
The carriage is not originally ours. Now that we've arrived, we have to do
something about it.
“Take it.”
Ellen said so as if she was going to be offended, and she didn't really care
because I didn't even want to own this wagon.
“Well, is that okay? With three horses, this would not be a penny or two...”
It's stolen, but the horse has a name tag on it.
neither is it
“Sell it or throw it away, do whatever you want.”
“Yeah…thank you guys.”
“With the money I sold, I just went back to my hometown… um. no."
Ellen was about to say something, but she stopped. Aus n is an adventurer
with an uncertain future. I'd rather go back with the money from the three
seemed to want to But she didn't tell Ellen more that she felt she had no
reason to interfere in the lives of others.
“Our people will stay at the 'Rockhilt' Inn over there. To find our party, we
just need to find Mr. Hugson at the inn.”
We got out of the wagon, and Aus n started driving it towards the inn
where their party was.
Whatever the case, he made it to Saints Point.
“For now, let’s take a break here and
Let's start planning, and let's go tomorrow."
Now is the me to find Elerys.
The inn ‘House of Giants’.
Elerys will come across us here by chance and join her party.
all. Being a wizard, I joined the party with Ellen.
There were enough reasons to convince him.
That was the original plan.
- loud voice
But as soon as I enter the giant's house, I consider myself very important
I had to admit that I didn't.
-miss! Come with us!!
- Hey, did I men on that first?
- I'll make it 5:5 there! The five of us are 5, and the girl alone is 5. how is it?
- This yangban has good morals! Where are you trying to hit with money?
- We'll give you three gold coins for each bath at a 5:5 ra o! Even if it's
empty, give it to me! Uncondi onally, three gold coins is a business that
goes in and out! Pay more to the lady's side as well! Yes?
The tavern on the first floor of the inn was nothing short of a mess.
Ahaha... that, that...
“Ah… I…”
And a lot of people's love calls
Inside, a woman who was presumed to be Elerys was at a loss for what to
Maybe he was in disguise, his face shape was different from his original
Although it had changed a lot, Elerys' facial features were visible here and
there. Her stature has also go en a li le shorter, and it's subtle, as if
resembling or not, but rather, it's recognizable.

But what the hell is this?
Thousands of people around Elerys were begging them to come with us.
Guys who give you money, you can take it all, so we only pay
There were even guys who could take care of them.
It was saying that they couldn't go with them while promising the best
treatment somehow.
I turned to the innkeeper at the counter, observing the way I slowly turned.
"Is there a room?"
“Can we have a double room?”
2 person room.
“Do you like to write in each room?”
Ellen shook her head.
“I don’t know what will happen. Write it together.”
They seemed to foretell the possibility that something happened to each
other while we were wri ng each other and didn't no ce.
I almost got robbed from the first day, but there's nothing wrong with
being careful.
“Five silver coins.”
Pay the innkeeper five silver coins
While doing this, I pointed around the bustling Elerys.
“…but what is that?”
“Ah that one.”
The innkeeper sighed.
“There was a rumor that there was a wizard, so other inns also came and
brought this uproar. Not even selling alcohol. If there is a fight, it's a big
“…why does a wizard even say algebra like this?”
At my words, the innkeeper narrowed her brow. "...I thought it would be
the case, but it's raw, isn't it?"
“If there are a hundred adventurers, only one of them is a wizard.”
The explana on was given by Ellen.
It was then that everything made sense.
| I thought wizards were rare, but I never imagined they would be this
It was.
there are a hundred adventurers
let's play
Of these, 97 are combat-related.
Two of them are priests.
And one of them is a wizard.
Adventurers were a group made up of such an atrocious job ra o. Eojoong
idiots run in with the thought of having a drink.
Among them, there are many thieves who are indifferent to adventures
and explora on and live by stealing novice adventurers gear. Just like the
ones we met today.
Most of the adventurers are imaginary, niggas like the neighborhood
This garage is overflowing. Dog or cow jump
You have a huge propor on of talented people
it's low
However, it is only natural that the ra o of the elite occupa ons, the clergy
and wizards, is extremely small among the elite.
So when the wizard appears
I'm in a fuss trying to take it.
Healers are no joke in MMORPGs.
There is a shortage of people here, but for extremely realis c reasons,
priests and wizards are treated as extremely valuable manpower.
Last me, Liana and each major in magic
When we talked about the ghost of Korea
It was a bit funny when I remembered it.
Coming to such a place would be mostly ba le mages who majored in
destruc on magic, but they are treated as unprofitable occupa ons in the
wizarding world, and their popularity is low.
But in a scene like this, there is a riot to bring such a ba le mage.
A er all, a wizard is a profession that knows wherever he goes, like a
I don't know how Eleris was discovered to be a wizard, but there is a
problem with this.
I happened to meet you and joined the party.
The plan itself became impossible.
- Aigoo, please take care of yourself.
- Oh, I've already talked to our side.
Are you done?
She approaches the explosively popular Elerys and asks them to act
together, and if she agrees to it, it seems obvious that she will immediately
provoke those compe tors tremendously.
There is nothing to quietly join the party.
It also became impossible.
Surrounded by people, Elerys, who was unable to do this or not, met her
I want to pretend I know, but I can't pretend to know.
'Lowering! Please save me!'
Only those desperate eyes went back and forth.
Even Ellen was unaware of this situa on, so when I was dazed, she urged
me to go to the room quickly. She can't leave Elerys alone like this.
You just have to be a li le more proac ve.
"...Isn't it okay to have one of our wizards?"
At my direct comment, Ellen lted her head. I can't figure out how to make
a party request to Elreris through those demons, but I had to convince
Ellen first.
Ellen lted her head as if there was a wizard in front of her, as if she
needed to join her party.
“No… there’s nothing wrong with being there, right?”
“……It is, though. You can't meet the condi ons."
People are now overflowing with people who are willing to give money to
the wizard to join the party. I put the wizard in the party un l I endured
such bleeding.
Ellen ques oned.
No, I don't need money. can't explain
I'd do it.
"There's nothing wrong with saying it once, right?"
“…and so.”
Ellen seemed to be ignoring her, and she went up to the room first.
probably not
seemed to think Now, you have to break through the gaps between those
demons and catch Elerys, whose popularity is exploding.
If Elerys, who refused all other offers, responds to my request, people will
look at me with a scornful look, but I have to bear it.
At the me when I was about to break through the people who were
buzzing around Elerys.
The inn door opened quite wildly,
The soldier came inside.
Everyone who had been murmuring at the sudden loud noise looked at the
person who had entered. “They say there are wizards,” she said.
He was a man carrying an ax on his back with a rather rough impression.
There was silence in the inn at the person's back.
- It's Hugson.
- Hugson?
- Why? Only B rank here.
-Is that him?
People were shou ng in small voices.
Aus n said that there was a B-rank adventurer in his party. He also said
that he was staying at the Rock Hilt Inn, so if he found Hugson there, he
would reach his party.
It seems that the person who came in now was Hugson.
- Oh, I'm exhausted.
- He'll take you, right?
-At least it's a B rank...
- I'm not at the level to be at Saints Point...
When I listened to it, I was a bit cringe.
Ah, is that guy a B rank? That's way too high! What happened! Why is a guy
like that in a place like this? Damn it!
...I feel like I'm looking at something like this.
Anyway, being a B-rank adventurer seems to be a fairly high level.
He approached Elerys as if he couldn't see the people around him.
“Come to our party.” this
He bluntly told Elerys.
said so. Elerys is a li le stunned.
It was a fat expression.
“Come to our party, because it can bring you an unparalleled performance
compared to other par es.”
Of course, Elerys would have nothing to do with the condi ons he was
proposing. me
because I was wai ng for
Hugson didn't answer, as if it didn't make sense for him to think of any
op ons outside of his party, but he grabbed Elleris' arm.
"Oh! me, over there! Hey! I!"
“Follow me.”
Elerys is dragged out recklessly
Let's keep reason in my head
It looked like something like a string was about to break.
“Hey uncle.”
This sea balm.
“Will you let go of that hand?”
Who are you going to touch right now?

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 153

Apparently, the B-rank adventurer is a tle with great pres ge standing at
this Saints Point, although I don't know about other places.
Everyone looks at me and that guy wants to die
Were you excited? Because you started looking at me with this expression.
Even Hugson, hearing those words, lted his head.
What did I hear now?
It was this look. Even if Harriet does that, it's cute, but it's only the ugly
looking old man like that.
“Tell me one more me? let it go.”
“…who are you giving me orders?”
Hugson said in a tone full of in mida on as he looked at the approaching
day as if he was absurd.
“Then what are you?
and order that person to follow
is it?”
You don't like to hear yourself talking to others in a command line?
It can be. It's because people are all passive dependent. me too,
But it's okay to say that to my people
Elerys looked at me and her lips twisted grotesquely.
What surprised me the most at my sudden departure was not someone
else, but Elerys.
“Do you need an answer? I can offer you the best condi ons here
And, it is our party that can bring you the best results. It is an issue that we
do not need to worry about.”
Saints Point is not a very large base. And according to Royar, the
surroundings are safe.
So, the high-ranking adventurers
It's not get. So Hugson
's party is the highest level party here. Others seemed to admit it too.
In other words, the talent who is receiving love calls from small and
medium-sized enterprises is offered a scout for a large corpora on.
I'm here, but why do I have to ask for your opinion? Of course it should be
Thinking about it this way, I think he's right...
But this case is different. It doesn't ma er whether you're a large
corpora on or a chaebol, for now!
“Anyway, it’s not like I’m dragging myself away without asking my own
inten ons.”
“Huh… yes, wizard lady. So, will you come or not?”
Elerys stared at herself.
She looked at Hugson as she looked and gave her an ambiguous expression
on her face.
“…I will decline. also."
With that said, Hugson, of course, was watching.
The faces of the Dunn people also became bizarre.
that girl
Abandoned large corpora ons!
Where the hell are you wai ng for a call?
Everyone had that look. Hugson is
His eyes were wide open, not knowing that his proposal would be rejected.
“...I don't know what level of magic she is, but my sugges on is
Are you ready to refuse?"
Hugson was asking if you were a wizard worth being so expensive. At those
words, Elerys shook her head.
“It’s not… but I’m like this
I hate people who act.”
Elerys watches her arms catch her
She pulled it out and looked at me.
“Rather than a person who is talented but overly dogma c. I may not have
enough skills, but I want to work with someone like that who asks for my
opinion first.”
And Elerys advanced the topic to the point that she would join my party. At
the same me she refused, she added a natural reason to party with me.
A er all, it's not like I'm ea ng for nothing.
Hugson, of course, and everyone inside the inn was astonished by Elerys'
couldn't stop
Hugson said he didn't like it, but he couldn't force El Leris to go.
Elerys wouldn't have joined the party if I had le it alone, but Hugson
looked at me with a daun ng look, thinking that he had lost the wizard he
had caught because of me.
“ look like a rookie, it would be be er not to install too much.”
What were you trying to say
De, the eyes of Elerys looking at me were telling me everything.
'Don't say nonsense anymore!'
The silent pressure forced me to nod slowly.
“Oh yes. Excuse me at the beginning.”
Think you lived because of Elerys.
Hugson le the inn, and Elerys walked up to me with a gun and held out
his hand.
pushed out
“This is Lelia. nice to meet you."
We are formally the first face. Ellen's righteousness
He promised to con nue pretending to be the first, even if he didn't want
to buy her sim.
“This is Reinhardt.”
Somehow, the guys around me are envious
His gaze fell on me, but it didn't seem like it was just because he had
acquired a wizard as a companion.
Ellen was wiping her head with a towel while I was making a fuss below,
whether she had washed or changed into her casual clothes.
She had now brought Elerys to her room. To say hello.
“…I really brought you here.”
Ellen was a li le dazed as she didn't know I was really going to bring a
“This is Lelia.”
“… this is Ellen.”
The two shook hands. Ellen seemed awkward because she really didn't
know there would be addi onal members.
“What condi ons did Reinhardt offer?
I don't know, but... We don't have much money to give to the wizard."
“Condi ons? Oh, I don't need that."
I told Ellen what happened down there
He explained what kind of self-inflicted it was.
Of course, Ellen was s ll not convinced. It seemed a bit strange that he
passed all the good condi ons and joined us, no ma er how difficult the
situa on was.
"Actually, it's because I'm not that high-level of a magician... But if I join a
party under such condi ons, I'm sure there'll be a lot to expect from me...
Then it might be a bit difficult... ge ng preferen al treatment
Rather, I feel more comfortable working under such equal condi ons.
People think that all wizards are arch wizards.” |
It seemed that Elerys had already thought of an excuse.
If you receive preferen al condi ons, the
get expecta ons will sa sfy that
If I don't, I'm afraid that I'll get harmed later, so I've been rejec ng all such
“... it could be.”
Ellen understands that.
He nodded his head slowly. Of course, she probably hasn't completely
pushed the boundaries.
“I can use some a ack magic and some sub-magic.”
Elerys did not specifically say what kind of magic she could use. a li le, a
li le, to some extent. She was just so vaguely expressive.
Anyway, Elerys also joined, so she can feel relieved about the unexpected
situa on from now on.
“By the way, how did you get into such a difficult situa on?”
I was most curious about that.
They all say that wizards are wizards.
It wasn't something she wore, and Elleris wasn't wearing a robe and
wearing a magician's tee.
How did you find out you were a wizard?
She was asking, but it was actually an order. Elerys smiled vaguely at her
and scratched her cheek.
“Ah… well, there are people who keep talking to me, so stop… with magic.
I was going to scold you... er... well... I didn't know it was going to be like
She apparently used magic to get rid of the badly accusing guy, and she
succeeded in expelling it, but when it was revealed that she was a
magician, the situa on became even more troublesome.
Elerys didn't even think that a wizard would be such a popular job in the
it looked like a dump
“Do you have any work in mind?”
Elerys said more about the topic.
She didn't want to talk so she turned the topic
all. It must have been very embarrassing for me to say such a thing.
For me, I was told to kill my temper and live, but I couldn't overcome my
temper, so I used magic.
At Elerys's ques on if he had a plan, Ellen shook her head.
“I was trying to make a plan from now on.”
“Then shall we think about it together?”
We sat around a table in the double room.
I need prac cal experience, so I went to Darkland
I came here, and I picked Saints Point because it was the safest place.
“Do you have a map?”
Me and Ellen opened a map of Darkland from the Thieves' Guild. Most of
them were blank, but they would con nue to be updated according to the
achievements of the adventurers.
The Eggsian outpost was located in the westernmost part, and the eastern
part of it, the Darkland, was gradually being revealed.
Allied forces at the Eggsian Outpost
Spider along the place that used to be the eastern march
Adventurers spread out like a string
supply base. The older brother who dared to stretch out
To express Tae, it was shaped like a root.
Saints Point was a place that belonged to a fairly safe area.
The further north you go, the more dangerous, and the east
The deeper you dig, the more dangerous it becomes. frontmost line
In the same place, there must have been high-ranking adventurers who
had gone through everything before and a er. of course
There is no reason why the lower class can’t go, the lower class
Some adventurers would go in because they thought they had nothing to
Me and Ellen did a preliminary inves ga on, but Elerys had more
preliminary informa on.
I would have known more.
And actually know more about the Darklands than any other adventurer.
there would have been no choice but to
Saints Point is centered on Dongbu Jingun Road
If you think about it, it is located in the south
It was. So our main search path had to be south, not north.
“Actually, the search for this area is almost complete, so it will be difficult
to obtain new informa on. There are no par cularly dangerous places, and
at best, there must be a job of making detailed maps.... Map drawing
Do you know?”
“Not at all.”
Elerys would have come before us to understand the actual situa on at
Saints Point first, so she knew more detailed informa on than we just
Saints Point is safe. So my job is to create detailed maps. And drawing a
I can't do all three resets.
“So, this is an intermediate base for going down to Klitz Point, which you
will find if you go down a whole day to the south. Pre y it's shape Of
course, there were no casual es.”
A full day south, there is Klitz Point. Saints Point prepares to descend to
Klitz Point.
It's the middle bridge for that.
The area around Clitz Point is quite open.
Progress has been made, but it is not complete. There was eyewitness
informa on that demons appeared.
“And further south from Kli s Point. There has been a problem there
“Is it a problem?”
At Ellen's ques on, Elerys nodded.
The point is the supply base for adventurers.
At the same me, it is a concept like a base built by humans as they
pioneered the Dark Land.
St.'s Point is not a point not too far east of Eggsian. It's because it's pre y
close to Eggsian.
Saints located on the south side of East Jingun Road
Saints Point was for the purpose of exploring the south, so if you find a
space to set up a base while exploring the south, you will find a new point
by the Adventurer's Guild.
is built
Elerys pointed to the map. Saints Point, which descends from the Eastern
Jingun Road,
Points located on every road going south from there.
Eastern Jingun Road
Saints Point.
cleats point.
Alzheimer's Point.
A-1 A-2 A-3
Alts-1 south from the Alts Point
The points consist of Alzheimer's-2 and Alzheimer's-3.
it had been To broaden the scope of your search
so it will work down saints point
On the southern naviga on route going down, those 1,2,3 points of
Alzheimer's correspond to the front line.
Elerys pointed towards Alts Point.
“Recently, those with Alzheimer’s points
Contact from the South has been cut off. posture
No single cause was iden fied. Some adventurers set out to inves gate
But I don't think I've found anything yet. The predic on is that the Altz
Point was probably a acked and destroyed.”
It is presumed that the Altz Point, an intermediate base responsible for
supplying the lower three points, was destroyed.
“...Then what happened to the three points south of Alts Point?”
Ellen's expression hardened, knowing that the situa on was not serious.
“It must be isolated.”
Alts Point must have played an important role in supplying supplies to the
three outposts in the south. But the middle bridge has collapsed, so we
need to bring supplies to the forefront.
I couldn't be in a hurry.
Therefore, the personnel who are now at 1, 2, and 3 Alzheimer's must be in
an isolated state.
For some reason, the intermediate supply base was recently destroyed,
and adventurers went out to inves gate, but the results have yet to come
“So I only work at Saints Point.
If not, in isolated bases
The biggest quest is to escort a convoy that supplies supplies. The convoy
seems to be taking supplies for the reconstruc on of Altz Point, as well as
supplies for the three points further south.”
It is presumed that the Alzheimer's Point has collapsed, but the truth of
the incident itself is not yet known.
It was not revealed.
However, supplies were quickly supplied to the three front-line bases
where intermediate supplies were cut off.
Should be.
That is why we deliver supplies to the three supply bases at the
southernmost point where there is no danger.
A convoy was organized, and escor ng the convoy was the biggest task.
it was
There's not much you can do about staying at Saints Point.
If you're leaving Saints Point to do something more dangerous, the largest
quest you can take on right now is convoy escort.
I looked to Ellen.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 154

Alts Point collapsed and the three bases to the south were isolated.
did. Points if you leave this situa on alone
One collapse is the other three points
It can spread to pain.
So the guild sent a transport
Emergency items while restoring intermediate points
trying to cut A large-scale transport of goods would take place, and it must
have been a fairly large day.
Me, Ellen, and Elerys headed to the Adventurers' Guild office in Saints
Point to receive the corresponding quest.
And there we had some pre y bad news.
“Ah, convoy escorts are no longer accepted as they are already full.” |
Maybe one step too late, I'm not in the guild
As if in trouble, he smiled apologe cally and showed the list of convoys.
Clearly, the list of about fi y or so was full.
Ellen was staring intently at the list. There are convoy personnel
The name and adventurer rank were wri en on it.
And at the top, I don't know Ellen
Her familiar name was wri en on it.
She was clearly marked as B-Rank Adventurer Hugson.
“But Hugson, chief of the escort,
If you get permission from Mr.
you can add You can find Mr. Hugson at the Rockhilt Inn.”
The B-rank adventurer yangban was in charge of the escort.
It was then that I had no choice but to understand why people didn't even
click Hugson.
He was not only a B-rank adventurer, but also had some power.
If you are the most advanced adventurer in Saints Point, does the guild
even give you this kind of authority?
"Hey, I didn't know this was going to happen..."
Although Elerys did an informa onal inves ga on, she seemed perplexed
as she didn't know that a man named Hugson could be like this.
As Elerys and I were stunned, Ellen giggled as if wondering what was going
...The name of the yangban whom we had an argument with earlier is
Ellen nodded her head as if she had go en an es mate.
She said that she wanted to be accepted as an out-of-garden person.
It was clear that she wouldn't have a tooth.
We returned to the Ta ered Inn and gathered together again.
“We can just go down together.”
Ellen commented that she had nothing to do with the convoy, and that we
should just go south on our own.
| “Hmm… Let’s inves gate the Alts Point incident itself, not the convoy
Are you talking?”
There are adventurers who le before us, but no news from them has
arrived yet. So, it would not be bad to inves gate the Alzheimer's Point
collapse incident itself and report it to the guild, rather than escor ng the
patrol squad.
“It’s good to make money at the same me, but there’s nothing wrong
with moving between us.”
We finally decided to give up the transport job.
“It must be great to be a B-rank adventurer. It's such a big job, it's enough
to take on the role of a convoy commander."
Elerys was quite surprised that the B rank was a higher tle than expected.
It was. To be honest, I was quite surprised too. Come to think of it, it seems
like a pre y high ra ng,
Ellen mu ered as she crossed her arms.
“It became a snake’s head.”
I lted my head at the sudden sound.
“What do you mean?”
“I don't tell you the way to St. Point, no need for an escort. So, in the first
place, this is Saints Point.
This is where the escort begins.”
“…Is that right?”
“So, this is a request that came to the Saints Point Guild office in the first
place. However, there is not much work here, so there are no high-ranking
adventurers. The tallest one, by the way, was a man named Hugson.”
In fact, it was Ellen's guess that Rank B wasn't something that deserved to
be the general manager.
“So, is this because I was the head of a snake and then I got a windfall?”
"Perhaps, just in case. It might have something to do with the Saints Points
Guild office."
“Hmm… maybe it is.”
Hugson may have been monopolizing the good quests that came down to
Saints Point by himself by coopera ng with the local guild. In this case, he
was even in charge of the work that would normally be assumed by a
higher-ranking adventurer.
At Ellen's fairly plausible reasoning, I and Elerys nodded their heads
“And looking at the list earlier, except for Hugson, all of them were D and F
rank adventurers. Almost all of them are new.”
“…A newcomer?”
To be sure, Aus n also bragged about having the same party as Hugson.
Ellen was staring at her list, and she seemed to have figured it out.
“Is there any reason to write a new one?”
“There will be a total budget allo ed for this quest. Low-level adventurers
can pay less. the rest is all you
You're going to want to eat it." |
At Ellen's words, I opened my mouth.
If the budget of 100 gold was given for this quest fee, if you put high-
ranking adventurers into the convoy, their share of food will decrease, so
they filled the staff with newcomers.
There's no way to go down anyway
I'm sure you'll be able to tell. The purpose itself is not to fight, but to
“Heh… what a great yangban that is.”
Hugson is a greedy man.
Aside from the fact, it has nothing to do with us anyway. Because I didn't
want to do transport work. There wasn't much to see in Saints Point a er
He decided to separate us from the convoy and head to Alts Point.
I haven't eaten dinner yet.
Ellen decided to have dinner. L
Leris says she doesn't eat, so she doesn't
A er she gave the excuse that she ate, she went back to her room.
Of course, we talked before,
does not appear to be impossible at all. She said there was no ques on
about her because she didn't keep ea ng.
The issue of catching wizards is gone.
It must have been quiet in the middle of the night, but the first floor was
noisy with people drinking.
- That guy?
-Huh, really... Skip the B-ranked party and go out with a kid like that.
did it with
- Maybe it's because I'm not good at it.
I don't know.
-Ah, even if it rots, Junchi says sorcerer is magic...
It was rare to hear the story of me appearing out of nowhere and stealing
the wizard. He didn't really care. one
If you play against one, you will have to stay at Saints Point for a week.
Ellen has three hamburger steaks.
She added a bunch of potato salad, and I had only one.
“…do you eat a lot here too?”
Where the hell does that appe te go away? Ellen is fat at my bea ng
She looked at me with an expression.
this is the look
“I would be more ac ve, but I should eat a lot.”
Whoa, whoa, look at that mouth coming out of that.
"...that's right."
It's not right to eat a lot.
Preserved food was bought at the Eggsian base.
There is no need to replenish with Saints Points.
Even when he's homeless, he eats a lot
isn't it?
Anyway, I have a problem.
- One more beer here!
- Yes!
Pour it like that and drink it.
If you ask me for a drink, would you just give it to me? I can't even speak at
the temple, but in a wallpaper like this, wouldn't they just give me
something like alcohol if I paid for it?
“…Would you like a drink…”
When Ellen hears me, she stares at me
i've seen it all
What I was saying didn't make any sense at all.
"...that was just a word..."
I felt a sense of crisis that I might be killed if I put alcohol in my mouth.
I'm not saying don't drink, 'what are you?
Did you say that?' I was scared. hurts your self-esteem.
Even so, no ma er how much older I am in reality, the worldview is the
Isn't it natural to peck at a prospec ve person?
One by one about the poorly shot
Is it uglier to make excuses?
But I'm with Bertus and Charlo e
In other words, some mes Ellen is scary!
I mean, I've always been beaten by him in the name of Dalian! It's my
ul mate in charge.
“Are you drinking?”
Ellen asked her something out of the way as she ate her hamburger steak.
Of course I drink. drank a lot
But since she became this body she's only tried it once. A mysterious poem
drank by the beggars of the Rotary club
It was a big drink.
S ll, it was alcohol.
“…can’t we?”
At my mid protest, Ellen raised her head.
It was.
“It’s not a bad thing.”
She then cut the hamburger and spoke in a firm tone.
“But not today.”
“You don’t drink?”
"If you're going to drink, drink later."
you're not going to eat it?
“With me.”
I was stunned for a moment when something completely unexpected came
out. I understand you shouldn't drink, but why don't we drink together
“I want to drink too.”
Ellen was probably curious about the taste of her alcohol. She is frankly she
Ellen is sincere in everything she does, but she is not the kind of guy who
pursues a good life.
She works hard at what she is given, not the type who seeks jus ce. If you
want to try drinking, it's not Kabung.
Besides, this guy, suddenly became incredibly curious about what would
happen to her if she got drunk.
While I was stunned by Ellen's random gun.
Suddenly, the inn door swung open like déjà vu.
Just had the same thing happen a while ago.
Just like that me, there was silence for a while in the inn.
- Jump and buck
And, unlike a while ago, a group of groups entered the inn.
It was a group of people wearing uniforms, and they were all armed.
And next to him is the B rank I saw earlier.
There was a big adventurer Hugson.
There was also Aus n, who was shivering with his complexion turned blue
for some reason. Hugson silently pointed at me, and men in uniforms
approached the table where Ellen and I were.
I know what that conquest is.
"My name is Zaler, Officer of the Saints Point Adventurers' Guild."
It was the uniform worn by the adventurers guild staff.
“Reinhardt and Ellen. Am I right?"
“By the way.”
That officer with a cold impression is me
A er confirming Ellen's iden ty,
“I have received reports that both of you are charged with robbery.”
Hugson grabbed Aus n's shoulder, which he had worn next to him.
Aus n's complexion turned blue.
“Aus n, tell me what you see.” “That, that… that…”
get sick
“If you don’t speak properly, you will be robbed of the carriage you
He seemed to know how things were going.
Hugson Aus n right before my eyes
is threatening
“I, the two of us... a acked the adventurer and the coachman in the
They stole their equipment...”
Aus n trembled and said so
all. The person who introduced me as the guild officer was poin ng at
Aus n and looking at me and Ellen.
“We already have witnesses. I don't think I'm going to get away with it."
“Oh shit…”
As I was about to roll my eyes, Ellen called me. Are you worried about me
turning the faucet again and pu ng the pak board?
Ellen says so ly.
“Take it out.”
As soon as I heard it, I knew what it was.
Oh yes.
It's not a great magic item, it's a huge
It's not even a relic.
Human power limited invincible cheat.
The imperial seal was in my hand. Ellen took her ID card out of her arms.
“...temple student...?”
A temple student ID, which means the seal of the imperial family and
guarantees the iden ty of the con nent's best educa onal ins tu on,
Ellen didn't even look at her officer
Chae, she mu ered as if passing a hamburger steak.
“Take it if you can afford it.”
You can talk about turning it off so elegantly.
A different meaning of silence fell in the inn.
"What are you talking about! Of course, that's okay!"
And what broke the silence was the situa on from behind
It was Hugson who was watching the baby.
"Huh, Hugson! This is an item that will destroy all three of you if you
tamper with it!"
Hug when the officer in charge suddenly rushes
shouted to Sonn.
This ain't no indulgence, I dare ooh
It can be incredibly troublesome if they are caught trying to frame Lee.
“It’s not possible that the liver could have protruded out of the stomach
like that!”
When things didn't go the way he had hoped, the bastard started yelling
and screaming with his face reddened.
"uh! You bastards, this is a simple river
I thought they were kids too, but they're traitors
you take it! Temple students on the imperial coat of arms
un l the name? You guys are summarily executed!"
-thud! thud! thud!
He must have lost his control and had an ax
He slowly started coming closer.
“Only one more step closer.”
Ellen mu ered in a cool voice.
“You die.”
“To die.”
Ellen got up from her seat and stared at Hugson, whose face was blushing.
looked at
It's a look I've never seen before.
A cold rage was simmering in his expressionless, eerie face.
Even though it wasn't directed at me, it made my hips ngle. In fact,
Hugson, who was about to wield a weapon right away,
When Ellen stood up, I was about to step back without realizing it.
"Why, even a duel?"
Ellen stared at Hugson with the hamburger knife in her right hand.
“I need one of these.”
Defeat an ax with a single dining knife
Ellen's nonsense saying that you can do it
no one laughed at
There was a sense of pressure on everyone that they really thought they
could do it.
“If you can’t do it, turn it off.”
This me, Ellen's charisma was not as elegant as before.
imperial coat of arms. Temple student ID.
And now the uniden fied
this is not an indulgence
However, if they are touched incorrectly, they may fly away.
No, it might fly right away before that.
“……Let’s go back, Hugson.”
In the end they take one last step forward
and made a wise choice.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 155

The saliva that fell a er Hugson and the guys from the Adventurers' Guild
returned home
The old man did not disappear.
| Of course it was because of me and Ellen. People were no cing, slowly
closing the drinking party and going up to my room.
“The Saints Point Adventurers’ Guild seems to belong to that nobleman.”
It seemed that way when I saw a guy called a guild officer treat Hugson like
a boss. I ate all of my food earlier and was watching Ellen get rid of the
le overs.
"...By the way, are you a li le bit temperamental?"
Dani Ellen Die What She Says
I didn't know what to do, so I was a bit surprised. It's the first me I've seen
this guy say such harsh words to someone.
"It's be er to scare her away than to kill her."
“…Yes, I’m more afraid of words now.”
Leaving Hugson alone would actually make me
Even if I can't win and wield a weapon
I thought I would, then kill Hugson
It was said that I went out hard because I had to.
It really puts pressure on you that you might fall behind, and it actually
makes people water.
make it go away It was an unbelievable sight even with the naked eye.
“Is that person threatened?”
Ellen seemed to think of Aus n as she was shivering in blue.
“……That’s right.”
Aus n is a fledgling F rank at best.
crawl. Belonging to a B-ranked Hugson's party
I've done it, but I'm just a rookie.
Aus n, what happened to Hugson
Without realizing it, he must have boasted about what happened today.
About two rookie adventurers who almost got robbed, but conversely
subdued them and robbed them. I should have told you about the carriage
that suddenly appeared.
Hugson heard the story and
You would have known that I was one. It is a problem that can be inferred
enough if you have heard the same explana on of impression impression.
So I realized that conversely, the robbery charge could be overlaid on us.
He must have put the pressure on Steen. If you don't tes fy that we
robbed, you've been robbed because of your wagon.
If Dumtang didn't want to use it, he would have told us to tes fy that we
robbed him.
So, through the adventurer guild officer, who is in charge of the bond and
the point, they must have tried to arrest us or have us tried on charges of
There is a big problem if we touch it carelessly.
Day bastards wouldn't have counted
it will
“Illness. He's even trying to frame him for stealing a wizard he was trying to
“My biggest problem is that it almost could have been possible.”
If it wasn't for the special items we had, we wouldn't be able to say
anything about it. It felt new to me that this place was outside the realm of
the law.
Adventurers who easily turn into robbers, save lives according to the taste
of powerful people
A point I can control.
Outside the realm of the law, humans cannot be seen
Because of this behavior, I suddenly realized that I had come to the
It had nothing to do with demons.
“I originally said that humans are the scariest.”
That too must have been what his brother had said.
This is Ellen's connec on with adventurers.
Although this was the first me, he was well aware of the behavior of the
adventurers, whether he had heard anything from Artorius un l now.
The first thing I caught was about being robbed of the wagon.
It was Ellen, and it was Ellen who came directly from the conflict with
Ellen seemed to always be aware that it was not the demons that she
should be most wary of, but the same human beings.
“...can I just exchange a room with him?”
“…No, I can’t trust him.”
So, can't Ellen have a fight with Elerys? She shook her head at my words.
Ellen couldn't believe the person she saw for the first me today.
So she was deciding that it would be be er to share a room with me.
But neither of us can sit in bed
I couldn't even lie down.
I've seen it before, but I didn't men on it. Goal just by talking
I feel like I'm going to have a toothache.
They said it was a double room.
Obviously it's a double room.
"...the owner here doesn't seem to know the concept of a double room."
“The bed is big, so it’s a double room. What is it?”
However, there were only two beds that were large enough to
accommodate two people.
I saw it, but I tried to ignore it because I thought it would hurt my head the
moment I men oned it.
But now that it's me to sleep, I want to know what to do with this.
“…do you want to sleep on the floor?”
“…you don’t have to be uncomfortable…”
Ellen mu ered so ly at my words.
“No, I want you to sleep on the floor, not me.”
Oh I don't know.
I ended up lying down on the bed.
Ellen looked down at me with a cool expression
I saw.
dog trash.
With her eyes, she can see clearly what she is saying.
“...the strong should be considerate of the weak
Am I wrong?
It is right that the strong take care of the weak! You are the strongest!
So you should sleep on the floor!
Ellen pushed me, lying on my back, with her feet.
"go away."
"100 million! This bastard!”
Ellen took me to the edge of the bed
I pushed him away and he laid himself in bed.
all. Go away, boy, did you just say that harsh sound before?
Efforts to calm the atmosphere with dog noise were also in vain.
When I lie down next to you, my heart is troubled
It's a situa on with no reason to feel bad, but tomorrow we have to march!
I mean, I had to sleep! I'm actually very red today because I've traveled
thousands of miles!
Although it was done with a warp gate,
She couldn't sleep for a while, and when she called Ellen, she replied
quietly that maybe he wasn't sleeping either.
“What if they a ack us at night?”
Hugson withdrew, but looking at his temper, he harbored a grudge and was
worried that he might come back at night.
“Then I will really kill you this me.”
Ellen said she had already given her a chance.
I'm worried about ge ng hurt if you come again
I'm not saying I'm going to kill you
' she asserted.
It's brutal.
If anyone hears it, I've killed many people.
I know you will
Ellen's a tude changed a lot by coming to the dangerous wallpaper
instead of her safe temple.
felt something
One must say that she stands by the day.
S ll, it was also true that Elerys was there, but her Ellen was there, so her
anxiety was greatly diluted.
I'm a human too, so I came here on my own feet, but if I click, everything
flies away.
As long as you come to the place you are going, there is no choice but to
be anxious.
Ellen said she looked at her ba lefield quietly.
“Thank you for coming with us.”
It seemed that Ellen felt what I was feeling.
If she had been alone, she would have been much more insecure, as was I
and Eren. That would be a separate issue from strength.
“Are you saying I can’t sleep?”
Ellen turned around and lay down, as if she didn't want to hear the bullshit
Fortunately, Hugson didn't put up with a fuss late at night.
the next morning.
I don't even know how she slept,
Something fluffy touched her face
ah there was
so and a li le.
It's cooked.
How can such blatant things happen?
I'm burying my face in something now
there was. No, it's more of a touch rather than buried.
This line was not crossed. It's the kind of feeling I want to have!!
Let's raise our heads slowly. I saw someone's face.
Maybe he woke up at the same me, or the day Ellen was burying her face
in her chest with cold eyes, a cold gaze was looking down at him.
what are you doing
It was these eyes.
“Come on, wait a minute.”
"for a moment. I don't know what you're thinking... this is what it is. uh."
Ellen undid her lapels, trimmed her frizzy hair, and sat down on her bed.
She then looked at me and she said briefly.
"Things like that happen, too."
Why would you kill her while doing that?
Are you looking at rum?
If you share a bed together, it can be messy! uh! That's right!!
Damn it, no ma er what I say, I can't say anything because I'm sure it won't
sound good in the end.
Ellen yawned profusely and she groaned and stood up.
“Let’s get ready.”
Ellen slaps me on the cheek or slaps me like a common slaps ck! She did
not show the same standard reac on. She looked at me like trash, rather
she acted as if nothing had happened.
The development is chewy, but the reac on is not.
It's me to be ashamed
She was not shy.
If you say something wrong, you will be killed.
I was so terrified like that.
A er she was ready for her departure she and Ellen had breakfast. Elerys
also came down on me.
"Good morning, you two, I'm ready."
“You must eat.”
At Ellen's words, Elerys smiled and she shook her head.
“Oh, I ate too soon. I just have to start off like this.”
Elerys wasn't wearing armor like us. However, she was wearing a robe, not
a short dress like yesterday.
Rather than pretending to be a wizard, she probably wore it to block the
sun. A er a light breakfast, the three of us le the inn.
Reaching the Alzheimer's Point, there
The current goal is to inves gate what happened. Of course, it would be
useless if other adventurers had already reached it and figured out the
truth, but because you never know what might happen along the way...
If you go south of Saints Point, you will reach the next des na on, Klitz
The distance is a full day..
Elerys said she could feel the pain in the morning sun, but she didn't show
It's clear she feels the pain in the sun, but she wonders if it's tolerable
I don't know what it's like
I wonder if she felt my gaze, Elerys
Her eyes met and she smiled.
She seemed not to worry.
-there! Tie it right there!!
At Saints Point, there was a sight I had never seen yesterday. a lot of gyms
Cars were coming in.
“Is that that? supplies.”
“I will.”
Wagons were arriving one a er another from the north entrance of Tsu
Point. of the convoy mission under which Hugson was in command.
It was supposed to be an escort target.
"It's amazing...."
There seemed to be dozens of wagons that were constantly coming in.
There will be many more personnel to escort that convoy, so that convoy
arrived at Altz Point much later than we did.
it was going to come
When you see this, the magic is real.
that means
With one mass teleport, you can move such materials in one room without
requiring a lot of manpower and me.
Of course, the mass teleport is Elelis.
It's a high-level wizard that is about the same level as a super high-level
spell that can be used, and even Elerys has to invest a fairly long me in
cas ng. There wouldn't be many wizards of that level on the con nent.
So there is a warp gate that is an alterna ve,
Where teleports cannot be used and there are no warp gates, you s ll have
to replenish supplies in this way.
By the way, I didn't have a chance to talk to Elerys, so I couldn't ask.
If it's Elerys, one teleport
What Happened at Alts Point
I would have known, would I have known it separately?
But since he had already le , he couldn't talk to Elerys separately. I guess I
didn't have enough me to find out.
We see the conges on where the wagons come in
I passed a sight and headed for the south exit
On the way, I saw Hugson yelling at a whale whale from the Rockhilt Inn.
- Come this way, not there, you bastard!
He seemed to have a really great personality.
I'm not in a posi on to say that
And then, someone who was running hurriedly on an errand from
somewhere looked at us and stopped.
And he just rolled his eyes and walked away.
It was Aus n.
“Do you know anyone?” At Elerys' ques on, Ellen nodded slightly.
“Rather than know. I have a face.”
Aus n said he didn't want to be called a robber, so he called us robbers.
It was probably due to Hugson's threats,
In the end, the charges that we did not have
He was an accomplice who tried to overturn it.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 156

To go down to Alts Point via Naklitz, we pick the rough terrain.
I had to choose between the two, whether to choose the path that has
already been developed.
There is a possibility of making new discoveries if you go through
unexplored areas, but the march was slow and you would have to go down
a fairly rough road.
If you go on a road that has already been paved, you can get there quickly.
It would be nice, but there was probably not much to be gained from the
journey itself.
“Since Lelia-san is also there, it would be be er to go the easier way.”
Considering the stamina of the wizard Elerys, it is right for Ellen to walk on
her path. She seemed to have judged that she was.
“Oh, I’m fine…”
Of course, there was no point in worrying about Elerys' health. She doesn't
know what a vampire's health is, but maybe
Much less stamina than me and Ellen.
I wonder if
Come to think of it, magic is his main specialty, but is Elerys capable of
close combat? she never asked
“Anyway, the search for this area is almost over, so even if you go on a
rough road, you won’t have much to gain. Just go.” “Ah, yes… Thank you for
your considera on.”
Elerys smiled shyly.
She would cry in the sun, but Elerys looked like she was really good at
ac ng. We walked the paved road south of St. Point.
“It’s not my concern, but it would be difficult for my wagons to get
“I think so.”
The road wasn't quite wide, and even south of St. Point was a terrain full of
mountains, even though the mountains weren't that high. There were
numerous ups and downs.
It seemed that it would be difficult for that long and long convoy
procession to pass.
Of course we're like wagons to pull
There was nothing, so I just had to walk. Me and Ellen didn't have any
physical problems, and Elerys didn't really need Ellen's considera on
Of course, even if it's not heavy armor, it's definitely
She was wearing armor, and she was carrying a backpack, so she was
totally comfortable.
it wasn't,
There is summer.
“……It’s hot.”
A er walking for a while, I started swea ng. Ellen who said that if she had
brought all the armor from the other parts, she would have been fa ening
to death.
The words were understandable.
Of course, the situa on is be er than the last me I survived on an
uninhabited island. The incredibly high humidity there was almost choking
Although the sun was strong here, the humidity was not that high.
Ellen also wondered if her situa on was different.
She says she's not red but she's hot
looked like
“Oh, it’s hot.”
Elerys looked at me and Ellen, stopped the two of us for a moment, and
then she cast for a moment and then she used her magic.
“It’s cool.”
Her body cooled down with the sensa on of cooling her body.
“It’s a low-level magic called Chilling Touch.”
It lasts quite a while, but she said she would rewrite it if it needed to be
effec ve, Eléris smiled.
"...thank you."
“What. Small things like this are the role of a low-level wizard.”
Ellen expressed her gra tude quite sincerely, and Elerys shook her humility.
Superpowers, figh ng talents, and Nabal, there is no such thing as magic.
The acquisi on condi ons are the most difficult, but in the end, magic is
the best! Low-level magic is also incredibly convenient depending on how
you use it.
With the refreshing feeling of air condi oning in our bodies, we walked
down the road again. There is nothing dangerous in this area, so I just walk
along the slightly uncomfortable trail.
It didn't feel much different.
Elerys accelerated her steps a li le, and then she stood next to Ellen, who
was walking ahead of her.
“By the way, what kind of rela onship do you two have?
Why are you asking such a thing all of a sudden? When she looked at
Elerys' expression, she couldn't hide her excitement at the bo om. I
immediately grabbed Elerys by the shoulders.
Japan Chi E
“It’s dear. friend."
Her words did so, but her eyes were saying something else.
'Why are you asking such a thing!'
'It's fun kid!'
Elerys has fun and wants to die
She couldn't hide her affec on.
What kind of girlfriend did her son have?
I wonder if she's Ram so she can't stand it
Don't make a run face!
Somehow, I thought I was going to follow you
Have you ever wondered what kind of guy Ellen is?
“Yes, my friend.”
Ellen stared at me in response to Elerys' ques on and spit it out.
“You mean they’re close enough to go on an adventure together, right?”
Elerys, who began to shake her claws,
She didn't stop at the flag.
“Yes. I think so.”
Ellen looks in front of her this me and walks.
she replied
A er that, it makes me feel inspired.
A er walking for a while, around noon, we found a spot under the shade of
a tree near the road.
ate the seeds It's like a tool for cooking.
I didn't bring anything, and on the street
All they ate was preserved food.
I ate jerky and biscuits with a plantain
all. Elerys also cracked a biscuit.
ate and ate Elerys ate what she felt, but she forced her to eat.
She didn't tease.
Ellen was staring at Ereris, who was s ll drinking food and water.
“Mr. Lelia doesn’t sweat at all.
That's cool.”
At Ellen's sudden words, goosebumps rose up on her back, not on Elerys,
but on my side.
what? Did you no ce him? Do you think it's weird?
Ellerys, who must have had a lower physical condi on than us, was s ll dry.
“I keep using Chilling Touch on my body,” she says. I also have a
cons tu on that doesn’t sweat well.”
Even if Elerys prepares it in advance
Lies came out profusely. We didn't sweat too much a er receiving Elerys'
magic, so Ellen nodded as if so.
Ellen said she wasn't suspicious, she was just asking. She didn't eat much
that Ellen knew that she had to conserve food to preserve. She, of course,
was not tasty enough to eat much.
"'s supposed to be like that, but there aren't many people there."
Ellen is on one side of the road that can be seen
Looking at the end and the other end, I mumble so ly
she walked away
“Because it’s a road without a few people,” she said.
“I guess…”
There is a road, but it is a road that has nothing to go on except for
adventurers. So it was probably natural that there were no passersby.
Elerys lted her head.
“By the way, the Adventurer's Guild is amazing. They keep making and
maintaining these small villages, and if they are destroyed, they even
rebuild them.”
Elerys is once again the chair of the Adventurers' Guild.
She seemed to be amazed by her natural power. Elery
Ellen replied to Su's words.
“The Adventurers’ Guild is an ins tu on run by the Empire.”
“Ah… is that so?”
I thought it probably would, but the Adventurer's Guild was not a private
organiza on, but an ins tu on supported by the Empire. So yesterday's
adventurer road
The person in charge of de must have been able to interpret what he said
about inves ga ons and so on.
“Empire supports the founda on, pioneering
It is run by individuals called adventurers. The risks and rewards are up to
the individual.”
The Empire supports capital. Instead, individuals, called adventurers, take
risks and step into the danger zone on their own.
go away The land of the Dark Land secured in that way will become a new
territory depending on necessity.
It seems that some powerful magical ar facts are purchased from the
Anyway, the original government is the empire, the subcontractor is the
adventurer's guild, and the subcontractor's subordinate is the adventurer.
“Now let’s go.”
If you walk all day today, the next des na on
You can reach the acquaintance Klitz Point.
...The sky has become very cloudy.”
Elerys said as she looked at the darkened sky, as if she was concerned.
She eventually set off again and it started raining an hour later.
- Shoot aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
It wasn't raining, but it was raining pre y badly. The three of us walked in
our raincoats prepared in advance. The road became muddy because it
wasn't cleaned properly in the first place.
- Kurreung....
As Elerys walked, she kept spi ng, perhaps because of the bad weather.
No, it didn't seem like it was simply because of the weather.
As Elerys con nued to do so, she asked if Ellen felt her strange sensa on.
“Ah, no, I was wondering if the departure of the convoy would be delayed
or something like this.”
| He seemed to think that the large convoy could not pass through this
muddy road.
“It’s your business, but what do you care about?
yo. This?"
"Ah... well, yes, but..."
At my words, Elerys scratched her cheek with her vague expression on her
“Three points isolated on the south side
If the delivery of goods is delayed... I thought it would be troublesome.”
It seemed like he was worried about other people for not being able to
give me my habit. Clearly, if it rains and there is mud, the departure of the
convoy may be delayed.
Then the people and adventurers in the isolated point set far to the south
He seemed to think he was going to die or that he might.
"How long have you been isolated there?"
“Ummm… As far as I know, it’s been more than ten days.”
One day walk to Clitz Point.
It is a three-day walk to the next base, Alts Point.
Also, the lower bases, Alts 1, 2, and 3, are located in a place that takes
another four days.
It is clear that there is a food shortage. Supply is not going fast
Otherwise, the monster isn't the problem, but the adventurers starve to
there is also
M I'm worried, but actually Elle
As Reese was concerned, a large-scale starva on
may occur
“It’s strange.”
She was walking in the rain and listening to the story
“If the interim supply base collapses, we will not be standing s ll in
isola on.
It would have been be er to come back to Clitz Point...”
Alzheimer's Point, which collapsed at the forefront
A trip of at least 7 days is required to return to Klitz Point. However, as the
informa on is unknown up to this point, no adventurer has returned to
Clitz Point and reported what happened.
"Is there any reason I can't come back?
I wonder….”
From what Elerys says, she can't tell what happened at Alzheimer's Point.
not confirmed it was shaped
Frontline personnel at points 1, 2, and 3 are in isola on.
The line to return to the cleats point
The land is somehow not selected.
There, check the news of Alts Point.
The adventurers who went there have not yet returned.
I don't know if they're up to something or if they're just ge ng late.
In any case, we could only speculate that the cause of the collapse of the
Alzheimer's Point was the crux of the problem.
It's a one-day drive to Klitz Point.
But because of the sudden rain,
Our journey was delayed, and we were not able to reach the vicinity of
Klitz Point un l long a er the sun went down. In the darkness, she had to
move carefully step by step, relying on Elerys' light magic.
“I think it’s over there.”
As I stood on the hillside, I saw a faint light piercing through the rain. Ellen
was poin ng the way.
“Damn it, I want to rest soon.”
Although she was wearing a raincoat, it had been raining for a long me
and her shoes were all wet. Ellen and I were exhausted from walking in the
rain for a long me.
The cleats point was ge ng closer and closer. The scale would be similar to
or smaller than Saints Point. As the des na on approaches, I naturally walk
this is faster
As I was walking at the sight of a dim light, I felt as if I was a ship that had
found a lighthouse while dri ing astray.
"for a moment."
But Ellen, who was walking in front of her, suddenly stopped.
“Cancel the light.”
"Yes? Oh... yes!"
Elreris at Ellen's sudden command
seemed puzzled, but she canceled the light magic.
It's strange that your voice is quiet
She seemed to have found her even though she was.
“Is there anything strange?”
At my ques on, Ellen was silently staring at the light beyond the rain.
“Why is there only one light?”
one light?
Ellen I never thought of
She seemed to have found an abnormality in the part.
“Clitz Point is about the same size as Saints Point, but it’s very different
from what we saw yesterday.”
Following Ellen's words, I remembered the night view of St. Point
It wasn't even a night view, but many buildings were lit up. If you look at it
from a distance, many buildings are on fire.
It must have been like seeing this illuminated town.
But now I can see through the rain
There was only one dim light.
Strictly speaking, not one.
It seems that only one building is lit. Many other buildings that must have
been there were engulfed in darkness and invisible.
Even if it was an inn, there would be several inns, but it would be strange if
only one inn was lit. Even though it's night, it's not me for everyone to
“I think there is a problem.”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 157

Ellen was suspicious of everything she saw. I just found the light and
wanted to take a quick rest, but Ellen started her doub ng why there was
only one light.
If the day doesn't stand, I'll live as an adventurer
Tell Artorius that it's hard to leave behind
It's probably because they keep coming.
Both monsters and humans must be on guard. Clumsy bastards will pay the
price in one way or another. The three of us got off the road and
approached Klitz Point.
Unlike Saints Point, which is rela vely safe, the border point of Klitz Point.
A fence was erected on the It seems to be to prevent an unexpected
a ack.
The pouring rain and darkness severely limited visibility, but it
He was hiding us from the enemy.
We were soon able to reach near the barrier.
“Can you hear something?”
Ellen asked in front of the barrier if she was thinking about strengthening
my hearing.
However, even a er strengthening his hearing, the only sound he could
hear was the sound of rain.
“The rain is so loud, I can’t hear anything.”
There was only one building with the lights on, and I had to catch the
sound coming from it, but it was covered in the rain and I couldn't hear
anything. It was also far away. Ellen nodded her head as if understanding,
and took off her jacket and backpack.
“Mr Lelia. Please wait here. Reinhardt will go with me.”
“Are you okay?”
Elerys asked worriedly, but Ellen nodded her head. me too
She followed Ren, taking off her jacket and backpack, and lightening her
ou it.
The height of the fence is about three meters.
Ellen put her knife in the middle of the fence. A er a few more pushes, the
guy drove the knife up to her handle.
“Let’s step on this.”
It was the sound of jumping over the fence using the handle of the knife as
a stepping stone. Originally, it would have been impossible, but now I have
the physical ability to do anything like this.
- Stroke!
Ellen stepped on the handle of her knife and grabbed the spiky part of her
neck like her handle and swung it away.
You never know what will pop out the moment you pass.
A fight may ensue.
Ellen had already passed, so Elerys held my hand quietly.
She didn't say anything, but what did she
She has been told enough to take an angle.
- Pak!
Just like Ellen, I have a knife handle.
I stepped on it and jumped over the barrier.
Rainy condi ons are more favorable for us. Because the noise we make will
not be heard by anyone unspecified.
However, it is dark, so I can't understand things properly except for things
that are close
it didn't happen All I could see was a light from a building in the center of
Clitz Point.
We didn't approach the building right away.
“Let’s move slowly.”
Me and Ellen moved while lowering their posture. Even in the darkness,
there was a darker place, and Ellen and I moved li le by li le taking
advantage of the darkness in that darkness.
-Shoot aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...
- Sareuk.... Sareuk....
And as it moved li le by li le, the sound of rain stopped and a sound was
heard. Hearing enhancement
Perhaps it was only in my ears that Ellen was about to move, but stopped
when I caught her.
- Hey, it's raining and it's crazy...
gurgling sound.
is a person
A er someone passed by, I whispered in Ellen's ear.
“It’s a person.”
Klitz Point, where most of the buildings are somehow turned off.
A person who walks in the rain without a light.
I wasn't even sure it was safe yet. rather more award-winning. Ellen
whispered in my ear whether she was going to move more carefully.
“Let’s not get too close over there yet.”
The only building with lights on, L
Ren seemed to be trying to check the building with the lights off rather
than there. Ellen and I moved slowly, slowly, because we couldn't even see
who was walking where.
We stuck to the wall of one of the buildings that were so dimly lit.
“Not the door, but the window.”
Ellen whispered briefly, and we
I circled the wall and found a closed window
Ellen carefully looked out the window.
I opened it and luckily it wasn't locked.
In the dimly lit building, Ellen grabbed the window frame and went inside,
followed by me.
And, we couldn't see anything as we were afraid to go over it, but we all
could figure it out
Reflexively, we shut each other's mouths.
He covered the opponent's mouth, not his own.
He was fine, but he was afraid that the other person would scream.
Knowing that we had the same thoughts, we slowly let go of each other.
The reason was simple.
Even if you can't see it, you can feel it.
At Ellen's words, I nodded in the dark.
“It smells like blood.”
the smell you know
When I saw the horribly dead corpses in the Demon King, I could smell this
kind of smell everywhere.
was vibra ng in
Inside the building where nothing is visible.
It wasn't popular, but the smell of blood was waving. You can tell even if
you can't see it with your own eyes.
This is not at the level of someone who was bleeding.
there is a body There were a considerable amount of corpses that gave off
a strong bloody smell. I've smelled this kind of smell, so it's like this with
one or two corpses
I could guess that it couldn't smell like ground blood.
“There are corpses, and there will be many.”
Ellen nodded at my whisper.
There was a massacre at Klitz Point for some reason. And it's most likely
the work of these guys in the only building with lights on right now.
Or, it is possible that the massacre occurred and the people locked up in
the building are the survivors. without even having a conversa on
The possibili es have been read well enough.
“Let’s go. I can't see anything."
The inside was much darker than the outside, and if you walk around the
building like this, you will only accidentally step on a corpse.
Ellen and I went out again through the window we came in.
Somehow at Klitz Point
gained weight It is presumed that there are bodies in buildings that are not
lit up.
Who are the people in the only building with the lights on?
“The body was not buried.”
Ellen organized her thoughts and whispered to me.
Looking at the buildings where the bodies were le una ended, they saw
the dead.
I'm not very fond of it. If the survivors of the unexpected raid had
gathered, wouldn't it have been enough to collect the bodies and collect
“A bandit or a robber… I think it’s kind of like that.”
So Ellen's suspicions are plausible.
it felt like
bandits or robbers.
They a acked the local store, Klitz Point. If so, the loss of contact between
Alts Point, which is located further south of here, and the sta on south of
it is also due to these guys.
It can be inferred that the
Those who looted Altz Point climbed up to Clitz Point. The news of the
adventurers who went down to find out the truth about the collapse of the
Alts Point has not been heard.
And now I know why.
Adventurers must have passed through Klitz Point to descend to Altz Point.
it will
They met and were killed by robbers who had already occupied Klitz Point,
Fuck the niggas that went north from Tsu Point
beaten and killed
The adventurers who stopped by for supply came in without knowing that
Klitz Point had been occupied.
And the dead bodies are le in these buildings.
The adventurers would not be able to deal with such a group because they
did not form a large group and moved only in small groups.
cleats point occupied by robbers,
Then naturally go to other thoughts
I had no choice but to touch.
"Wait... Then what happens when the convoy arrives this way?"
I could feel Ellen holding her breath at my words.
These robbers are going to get a convoy of stuff into Klitz Point out of
curiosity, they'll kill them all, and then they'll gulp the supplies.
A massacre has already occurred, but another massacre is occurring. Of
course, there are also convoy escorts, so I don't know what will happen,
but it's clear that a big fight will happen anyway.
“I have to tell you this.”
She said so in Ellen's subdued voice, and I agree with her.
- Hey! Move quickly!
Then, a loud voice pierced through the rain.
People were coming out of the building with the lights on. Me and Ellen
hid themselves in a rectangular wall that was not visible from there and
watched what they were doing.
Everyone was on their way out with lanterns around their waists.
"What are you trying to do...?"
The pouring of people started to sca er in unison, and we lowered our
stance even further.
Then I heard the door of the building we had entered once swung open.
Fortunately, we were near the point barrier, so they didn't come all the
way to us.
Focus on the sound while strengthening your hearing.
Not one person entered the building.
It was a bunch. The footsteps were proof of that.
- Oh, the smell.
- Are you going to clean this up? The smell remains.
- I'm going to clean it up.
- What about bloodstains?
- I was told to put a carpet or leather on it.
They seemed to be moving to dispose of the corpses. hear from close
Because it was a sound, it seemed that Ellen was also listening.
- By the way, it's raining like this, is my work transport leaving?
At those words, Ellen and I couldn't help but feel our hearts sink.
- I'll be there some me if I'm late. late
Time to erase the smell of the ground and erase the traces
Isn't that good because there are too many?
- That's right.
| These guys already know the convoy is leaving. Now I had no choice but
to understand why the body was being removed in such a hurry.
A er disguising as if nothing happened,
They're trying to kill all the escorts when they're distracted while the
convoys are res ng at Klitz Point.
-If we assume it's the work of the demons, we can do this a few more
mes in the future.
- What more do you do? Aren't you re ring? I'm going to hit you when I'm
done with this one. It wouldn't be a penny or two.
-You're a li le naive.
They weren't robbers or bandits.
Adventurers get together to collect guild supplies
planning to rip it off it was
They were doing things like that casually while moving the bodies.
Ellen and I exited Klitz Point and returned to where Elerys was wai ng.
The more I hear, the more I can't believe it
There were only threads.
Me and Ellen lead Elerys away from Klitz Point without a word.
moved to the wrong place.
He took off his coat and his body was already soaked.
“What happened?” “…it’s complicated to explain.”
At Elerys' ques on, Ellen frowned and opened her mouth.
Klitz Point is occupied by an uniden fied group, and all who were originally
at Klitz Point are killed.
So I thought they were bandits,
It seems that the adventurers got together and became a robber.
“Well, the convoy arriving soon is in danger.”
Elerys is astonished that the massacre has already taken place, and
wonders what will happen to the massive convoy that will follow.
this was missing “I already knew that a convoy of supplies would come.”
11 0
They predict the adventurer guild's behavior.
was doing
If the Alts Point collapses, the guild will put in supplies to rebuild the base.
predicted it, and plans to steal it
will set up
Even the convoys and cleats point
They try to disguise the annihila on as if it was the work of the demons.
You might want to do this a few more mes.
If their plans go as planned, it is not known that they are actually the
ac on of the adventurer robbers. They can either con nue to be
adventurous in a casual way, or they can grab a big share and then
You may or may not be an adventurer.
They slaughtered a lot of people
The work is hidden beneath the water surface.
“Such….. ridiculous…” Elerys couldn’t even close her open mouth in
“So it seems that all the adventurers who entered Klitz Point and the
adventurers who were not in the same group were killed.”
It was not a group that was wandering in the dark, but a group of
adventurers coming and going.
It would have been to figure it out. If El Ren hadn't figured out the
suspicious thing in advance, she would have had a knife fight with the
adventurer robbers out of the blue.
Convoys aren't the only problem.
It's clear that they're taking over the midpoint now and killing people
trying to come back from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Alzheimer's. So there were
no people who returned from isola on.
Elerys was prepared to leave us and pondered whether to use her own
hands or not.
She seemed to But I will not act without my orders.
It is unknown how many robbers have taken over Clitz Point. However, it is
es mated that there will be at least twenty.
“There are two ways.”
Ellen organized the way she thought calmly.
“How we do our own hands, how we go back and tell the convoy.”
"...You want to use your own hands?"
"Huh. It would be dangerous, though.”
Ellen was considering the op on of going directly into that robber's lair and
wiping it all out.
Of course, if it was Ellen, she could have been good enough. But it's not the
first murder, and it's a massive massacre. She doesn't know if Ellen will be
able to handle it.
No ma er how much Elerys assists you, you could die if you twist.
“I think the best solu on is to go back and inform the convoy.”
Of course, I am aware of the risk.
G. Ellen added: this moment
It was the safest way to go back and report the danger.
“But you said list."
Hugson formed a convoy of new recruits to increase his share of food.
All of them are newbies among newbies. If a fight takes place at Klitz Point,
You may die helplessly. In the worst case, they all run away.
On the other hand, the adventurers of Klitz Point are accustomed to killing
even though their skills are unknown. Because they were people who
casually share everyday stories while moving bodies.
“Do I really need to take a risk…?”
Elerys looked a li le nega ve about how to use her own hands.
He seemed reluctant to know that I might kill myself, leaving nothing else.
“If this news comes out, the convoy itself could be dismantled because of
the frightened people.”
I don't know if it's Hugson, but I thought it was just going down to the
Alzheimer's point, but a large gang of robbers was wai ng.
I was afraid to say that I was doing it, so I didn’t even start
and is likely to run away.
Then the transport itself will be dismantled. At Ellen's words, I couldn't
help but lt my head.
“If the convoy breaks down, it’s just like that… That’s right. supply."
As she spoke, she realized
The purpose of this convoy now is to rebuild the Alts Point, but the isolated
Supplies, including food, to the bases
Procurement is also a very important task. So a huge amount of material
was put into
It is also about to become
If the convoy breaks down, the adventurers on the front three points may
wither to death.
Ellen was looking at the big picture.
It's safe to go back and inform the convoy
However, the isolated
Points will be distributed more slowly.
it will be The guild's troops will be dispatched when they find out that a
massacre has taken place on the en re point, but that must be reported to
the Egsian Outpost.
“Besides, when you know the situa on is ge ng worse, these niggas will
separate themselves from each other.
I might go back to Tsu Point and sca er. Because there is no evidence or
When they unite, they become robbers, but when they disperse, they
become adventurers. There are no witnesses or anything, so we have no
way of knowing what the robbers were like.
Even we heard only voices. What kind of guy are these guys over there?
don't even know if
I realized once again that this place is not governed by the law and that
each other's enemies are the land.
In the end, it was the best choice for us to use our own hands.
Making decisions is easy, but what happens next is not easy.
Ellen and I both have to kill people. Directly with your own hands.
It doesn't ma er if they deserve to die or not. Whether or not I can endure
it on my own is a completely different ma er.
But it cannot be delayed forever.
The day will come when your hands will be stained with blood. I don't
think I'll be able to survive un l the story ends without that.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 158
-Shoot it...
Rainy night.
It made the journey difficult, but it's the best moment right now to get
things done
was the environment. The noise is drowned out, and the field of vision is
more limited than usual.
Elerys did not dispute the decision of me and Ellen.
The opera on is simple. They are patrolling in the dark. stupid mother who
doesn't know anything
When the humpbacks arrive, neither rats nor birds know
It's probably for killing crabs.
Fortunately, it seemed that there were no adventurers other than us near
Clitz Point because of the bad weather.
Just as they use darkness, we use darkness and noise.
“…I’ll write a scroll.”
Elerys pulled out a scroll book from her arms.
At Ellen's ques on, Elerys nodded her head with a firm expression.
“Nightvision scrolling
Night vision magic. In the current situa on, there is no be er magic than
Then our opera on will be even easier
lose They can't see through the darkness, but we can see.
It's scrolling anyway.
It's disguised as a low-level wizard, but it's probably an excuse when you
need a higher-level spell.
The scroll that Elerys was holding probably didn't actually contain any
magic. She pretends to use scroll magic while she casts her own spells.
She's been making up plausible excuses.
Scrolls are expensive, so it would be an excuse to say that you can't use
them casually, and if you suddenly use high-level magic, you can just say
that you carry them with you for insurance purposes.
Elerys opened the scroll, and she soon found that she and I had night vision
magic on Ellen.
has been cast
In a world where there is only darkness, light and darkness are separated.
It was a li le different from the infrared camera.
When I first got the underwater breathing magic
Rum was a weird feeling.
You can't see through the rain, but darkness can't be a problem anymore.
Ellen is now looking straight into my eyes
she says
"let's go."
It didn't feel like my heart would explode. Rather her head calms and her
heart beats
calmer than usual.
| I think I should be nervous, but rather
are you calming down
She thought it might be the influence of the 'Sacred Spirit' she received
from Olivia. Not only does it have resistance to mental magic, but it also
gives you strong mental power. and she did
I don't know if it has anything to do with it or not.
Anyway, because of the tension and excitement,
I didn't think I could.
Elerys watched the situa on from behind.
she decided Once the internal situa on is determined
A er she even cleaned up, she decided to bring her.
When she turned around, she saw Elerys looking at me with sorrowful
eyes. She was the gaze that sent the loved one to a place she didn't want
to send.
Feeling her complicated feelings, Ellen and I stepped on the knife of the
barrier we had stepped on the other day and infiltrated the cleats point
once again.
The situa on is different from before.
Due to the night vision magic, the object becomes indis nguishable.
There were people with lanterns hanging around their waists as the work
to move the body con nued. There must have been some torches that
could not be used because it was raining.
That one should be avoided for now. We first lowered the posture and
I understood the situa on of Tsu Point.
Niggas put corpses on one side of the point
stacked up like We were watching the scene in the dark.
How many people have died? wander around
The guys seemed to be easily over fi een. There were a total of five guys
digging in the ground.
I think he's going to dig a pit and dump the corpses in one shot and cover
them up.
it was
A sound could be heard from inside the building. They are working on
removing the body and cleaning up the bloodstains. It almost seemed to
cover the carpet or whatever.
They only need to be able to fool the convoy for a moment. The lit building
looked like it had been used as an inn.
There are many ways to a ack defenseless people, whether poisoning food
or a acking them while sleeping.
When I counted only the bodies being moved, there were more than 30.
How many convoys did they have to kill so many people? Me and Ellen
avoid people with lanterns and places with lights on.
It clings to the wall behind the inn, which is believed to be their hiding
-Wah ha ha ha ha!
- Oh, it would be nice to take all of these with me.
- It's okay to take it with you, nigga!
While everyone was working, there seemed to be a drinking party inside.
Then the guys
He must have been above the rank of an execu ve in this group.
There are people who drink. It just makes it easier to deal with. Ellen
murmured lowly.
“At least twenty people.”
“I think so.”
About 20 robbers who are accustomed to killing, and a convoy of fi y
surprise there.
Annihila on is obvious
But we are only two.
They don't know that the enemy is hiding
But we slay these niggas in the middle of the night
Can you kill boo?
“Once all the work is done, I will come into the inn. Let’s deal with it at
At first, I had no choice but to wait for the rats to flock to one place.
We held our breath in the dark un l their work was completely finished.
What is the effec ve me of night vision?
I don't know how much However, it is a magic that Elreris used while
disguised as scroll magic.
So, even a er more than two hours had passed, Night Vision was s ll in
Or, don't worry, they'll be watching from afar, so if the validity period is
running out, they'll cast a spell on us from afar.
A er the guys who had been walking around with lanterns returned to the
former inn, we started to act.
It was s ll raining.
“There will be one entrance to the north and the south. Let's start with the
northern entrance first."
Kli s Point North Entrance.
There are two people there to a ack if any adventurers enter.
The sentry was standing without a lamp.
These niggas from the north
The light of the sun adventurers is discovered
It looked like they were watching it or not.
Ellen knew in advance and
If we hadn't canceled the light magic, our approach would have been
understood by these guys.
“You are right.”
Ellen and I approached slowly, each holding a knife.
“Close your mouth and cut your throat or turn your neck. Don't give me
room to scream."
Ellen was the first, but she said as if she had done it dozens of mes. They
were sheltering from the rain under a poorly made roof at the northern
- Will anyone come here in this weather?
- If it rains on the way, I'll hurry up and come.
-Didn't the three of them come during the day?
-But s ll, Durtman whined that he stabbed him in the shoulder.
- The guy who got stabbed because he couldn't kill it in one shot
this is the climb
They were casually cha ng.
Ellen and I slowly approached behind them.
not suppression
- Whoop!
Ellen and I a acked two guards from behind at the same me.
I stab the nape of my neck with a sharp knife. It was an eerie feeling.
A sense of aliena on that is different from using meat, and struggling to
He was forcing his mouth shut.
Me and Ellen kept their mouths shut un l their struggles were over.
Of course, even if the caro d artery is cut, a person lives for a short me.
that wait.
I could clearly see how much blood could pour out of that li le wound in
that brief moment.
Humans die easily.
But pouring out at the moment of death
The human vitality felt in the blood was grotesque.
I was desperately holding on to the moment un l the person I killed
reached death.
don't move
don't scream
die quietly
Un l it completely stops moving
I give him a li le bit of freedom
The moment I confirmed death, I ins nc vely felt it.
I will never forget this feeling, and the fact that I was weighing down the
struggles of a dying life gave me that eerie feeling.
“Let’s clear it.”
Me and Ellen dragged the two bodies that had stopped moving and threw
them into the grass outside the point.
killed a person
Ellen and I had red blood on our hands and clothes. It was only then that I
began to feel that the influence of the divine spirit was clearly upon me.
If it were normal, I would have experienced something like this
For a moment, it was clear that his hands and feet were shaking. I have a
sore throat and want to sit down
would have been But there was no such physical influence.
It was just confusing.
The very fear that I could do such a thing swept over me.
Ellen looks straight at me.
The boy's eyes were s ll silent. There was no excitement or fuss
Ellen grabbed my cheeks, my
Crab brought her face close.
“Don’t think about it now.”
He looks straight into my eyes. Now is not the me to think.
“Let’s do what we have to do.”
Ellen's deep, calm eyes like the lake erased the last remaining confusion
from my mind.
can think It can be confusing and it can be scary.
But now you shouldn't think about all of that.
There are four guards, two on the north and south sides.
We killed the two men at the south entrance in the same way and threw
them roughly into the thick grass outside.
Clitz Point is already in the dark
got it all figured out the other guys
I entered the inn.
There are no outside monitoring personnel. So I brought Elerys, who was
wai ng outside the point.
“You have to finish everything before the replacement arrives.”
As Elerys entered, she had a dark expression on her face as if she had seen
a corpse le outside.
'Cause I ain't gonna keep a watch all night
There will be a replacement. She actually watched the shi , and she
doesn't know how much me is le un l she leaves.
However, now I have to kill all the people in the inn. all are asleep
It will make the story easier, but some
There may be owls.
A rat in poison. those mice
How to kill them all.
You can surprise those who are having a drink, but there will be a brawl.
All-out war isn't something we can't take into considera on because Ellen
is there, but at least that's it.
It should be le as the last resort.
If there is a way to subdue without figh ng, that's always the best.
If Elerys uses her true powers, she can do it with a single magic shot, but
that's not a considera on. If magic was the method, Elerys had to strike
them all at once with only a combina on of low-grade magic.
Breaking in and figh ng is the first step. Because you have to take risks and
go beyond the impossible.
Elerys came up with a fairly simple answer.
“How about making a fire?”
set fire to the inn
“Is it raining?”
Ellen lted her head as if she could do it. Point's buildings were almost
en rely made of wood. But now it's raining.
“The most dangerous thing in a fire is the smoke, not the fire itself.”
“…I do.”
It is not burning to death that kills people in a fire, but suffoca on by
“Isn’t that the only way to get out of the door?”
This me it was my ques on, and Elerys shook her head.
“I’m aiming for that.”
Elerys pointed to the inn's entrance.
“There is a magic called Dig among the low-level magics. It is a magic that
digs the ground.”
Digging magic.
“If there is a fire, you will have to escape through the entrance. They make
a big pit in front of me.”
In case of fire, it is necessary to escape. I'll be out of my mind, so I'll run
out and watch it without even looking at it properly.
Elerys dug a huge pit in front of the inn's only entrance. bastards

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 159

Ellen wants to deal with the shi ers if they ever leave the inn.
We waited, and Elerys and I wandered around Klitz Point.
It was to find supplies.
The point has the size of a small town. So there are inns, guild offices, and
All the people who should have been there would have died.
Without Ellen, Elerys said comfortably.
“…are you disappointed with humans?”
Elerys chooses humans, not demons.
she did
But the ugly face of a human I've seen
He was asking if he was disappointed in humans because of his habits. She
already knew a lot about the ugliness of human beings. So, looking at her
now, it seemed that she was desperate for a human or not.
I was angry at the last slave trade incident, but it seems like I didn't come
to know that side of humanity all over again.
But she seemed to be worried that Elerys might have been disappointed in
my human form or not.
“Good things are just good things, bad things are
It’s just bad.”
Some people live a good life and some live an ugly life. There are people
who come and go back and forth at that me.
“A servant is just a paper. It cannot be bad or good in itself.”
That's the way it is, so why should you be disappointed with the species
Bad guys are just bad people, not bad people.
Good people are just good people, not good people.
Good and evil are only personal. The group to which their good and evil
belong, or the species to which they belong.
cannot represent
So, even if I was a real demon, I couldn't be disappointed with humans
seeing this kind of scene. There are just guys like that. crazy bastards.
would think like that
So these guys are dying not because they are human, but because they are
crazy bastards.
“...I was off topic. Lowering. sorry."
At my words, Elerys smiled. It seemed that she was worried for some
“Do what needs to be done.”
"Yes. Degrada on."
Ellen's words were only running through her mind.
Now is not the me to think.
Elerys and I went to a nearby tool store and packed all the flammable
materials. I couldn't figure it out, so Elerys took this and that, and I put it in
her backpack.
She also took the bow and arrow that Ellen had requested.
When I returned, Ellen pointed to her inn.
She said, "You can get into the kitchen through the window at the back of
the inn. It looks like the lights are off there, so I guess I'll just have to go in
there and start a fire."
“I’ll take care of the fire.”
It's my job to go into the kitchen and start a fire. In the mean me, Elerys
casts digging magic at the entrance of the inn several mes to create a trap
pit. To a depth that I cannot climb on my own,
"I'll deal with those who try to escape through windows or other routes."
Ellen has the highest personal combat power.
not through a door, but through a window or other route
She takes care of the guy trying to get out.
I was surrounded by flammable substances
Chae headed towards the back of the inn.
A window into the kitchen. The wooden casement windows were not
locked, and the lights were off inside.
It was quite high, but I went inside and took out the flammable materials in
the empty kitchen.
Then, open each stopper and pour in all direc ons. Something like oil
There were some that smelled like alcohol.
A er sprinkling them all over the kitchen one by one, I went outside.
To prepare for an unexpected explosion.
There is a reason why I took on the role of making a fire.
This is the back of the inn, so Ellen
can't see
I grabbed the pendant hanging from my chest.
Fireworks of Tuesday.
At first, sparks about the size of a lighter came out. Haven't used it much
since then. It would be nice to find out about having such a powerful
magical ar fact.
'Cause there's nothing
Haven't used it once before.
With this, Elerys created a firestorm with a force that seemed to pierce the
Creates a flame within the scale allowed by the user's magical power.
My horsepower is superior compared to the same class
It is quite strong, and the growth rate is very fast. He has acquired the
talent of mana management, so he will be able to demonstrate even more
powerful power.
However, while the amount of horsepower is important, more important
lies elsewhere.
'An object that responds more to dark emo ons, with a greater spark
when used against someone maliciously.'
Elerys said this was never a good thing.
He said no, he handed it to me and said something like that.
It's the first me I use it to a ack.
I use this water to kill someone
use gun
It is used to kill about twenty human beings inside.
No need to worry. think later.
They must die, so die.
With that kind of heart, I will con nue to hold the fire of Tuesday.
sparks happen
To kill niggas worse than demons
huge flame.
for a moment.
Isn't this reac ng to my self-sugges on?
- Hwareuk!
Oops, I want to do it for a while.
- Cuckoo!
Flames that engulfed the en re kitchen in an instant reacted with the
flammable material, causing a flame that was close to explosion.
| I'm just bouncing backwards
rolled over
Rolling the floor, I could see what I had done.
- Curl rumble!
“Oh my… crazy.”
One side of the inn is a huge fire.
swallowed by salt
I don't know if the firework of Hwayo exerted more power than I thought,
or the reac on of the flammable substance was the problem, or the
problem was the reac on of my superpowers and the firework of Hwayo.
It may have all been a problem,
- What are you talking about!
- Fire!
Anyway, it was a huge success.
A er all, in the flames I created, I
I was about to lose star ng with the kitchen
The flame that should have spread slowly is the inn
It began to spread inside at a tremendous speed.
The trap in front of the door had already been completed.
I dug the ground several mes at the entrance of the inn.
A huge pit with a diameter of about 5 meters was created when it was cast.
It was so deep that you wouldn't be able to get out by yourself.
- Bump!
- Boom!
The guys who tried to escape the inn to escape the fire and smoke began
to fall into the pit without knowing it.
They escaped one by one without knowing that there was a trap at the
entrance because of the smoke and noise, and were falling into a pit. If the
falling posture was incorrect, the neck would be broken and death could
- Curl rumble!
Through the windows of the inn burning in the rain
There were some guys who showed their faces and took a breath.
- Peeing!
But Ellen s cks her head out of her window
She started shoo ng arrows at the minions.
If Ellen runs like Delphine Izadra,
She wasn't a shrine maiden enough to shoot a standing beast, but she was
able to hit as many targets as she could.
The arrows that were once shot to present her doll to Le Dina, but this
me, one by one, takes a person's life.
- Out! There are some guys out there!
Somebody sees the existence of an enemy shoo ng a bow.
I figured it out, but there was no use in this mess.
“Kek! Kellogg! Keluk!”
As they started falling into the pit one by one, the guys inside realized that
there was a trap in front of the door and couldn't get out easily.
But the inside of the inn is full of smoke. If you don't come out quickly,
you'll suffocate and die, and if you want to get out prematurely, you'll have
to jump over a huge five-meter-diameter pit.
should be
Either way is a dilemma.
- window! Get out the window!
Those guys who made such a judgment even in the midst of rising flames
and smoke.
there was
There were guys on the second floor and on the first floor smashing
windows and popping out.
And, me and Ellen drew their swords.
“Kuh-huh! Whoops! Ugh!"
But he didn't inhale a lot of smoke. The guy who just escaped without
being properly armed
They didn't even recognize us.
- Sigh!
Ellen tried to sa sfy the vitality of the adventurer who ran out and killed
her with a single knife. It was a skill like a ghost that did not show any
hesita on.
I didn't stand s ll.
- Whoops!
“Big, big, big!”
The sword given by the temple is a considerable prize.
It was easy to kill those who had just escaped and were out of breath.
It's just stepping on a small ant and killing it
Thinking like that, I
One by one, on the backs of those who can't resist,
I put a knife in the nape of my neck.
Carnage in front of a burning inn, only two of those who were meant to do
slaughtered by people
By the me the fire in the inn was ex nguished by the rain, all work was
had been finished
I ran my forehead with a trembling hand a er finishing the labor-like
At the site of the trial and blood loss, only that thought lingered in my
Even if it was a surprise a ack with just three people, he succeeded in
killing all groups of about twenty people.
Ellen and I were covered in blood. Even though it was raining, the stained
blood did not wash away easily.
Not all were dead.
“Uh, hey… sa, save me…”
“You, what are you guys… Why…”
The guys that fell into the pit were mostly alive, although some were
injured. The depth is more than four meters. I couldn't do that un l I had
to climb up, and three of the nine who fell out looked like they had already
broken their backs or necks or were dead.
Me and Ellen go down the pit
was looking down
They've fallen into their trap anyway, most of them are dead, and now
Our lives depend on our choices.
He seemed to know he was there.
I don't want to live
But it wasn't bad to keep at least one alive.
"Wouldn't it be be er to keep at least one alive?"
At least one witness had to be kept alive so that it could be used for
repor ng later. At my words, Ellen slowly
Gal nodded.
“It would be be er to report it to the guild.”
I'm on my waist
He took out the yep and tossed it down the pit.
“Kill each other.”
I looked down and spoke briefly.
Niggas take a minute, they understand the situa on
seemed unable to
“Hey...! Dude, what the hell are you doing!”
Even Elerys realized what I had done, so she was almost speechless.
Ellen looked at me as if she needed to, and narrowed her brow.
I look down on those bastards with stupid expressions. looked and laughed
“It’s be er to let the garbage kill each other than to kill with our own
It's just that they make themselves feel dirty and do it on their own.
Because I don't want to do it with my own hands.
The knives I threw as they groped the dark floor
started looking for
- Whoops! snuggle
"Evil! What is this, this dog! How about you!"
"Aaaaah! Save me! Save me!"
bastards who can't get along.
In the end, I was confirming with my own eyes that there was no such
thing as camaraderie with these guys.
a er a while.
“Heh... heh heh heh heh. Nana! I lived! I survived!”
You cry out from the pit
There were survivors who worked. Ellen watched the elated expression of
the last survivor who had killed all her companions.
“Let’s cover it. in a bad mood."
When Ellen saw her like that, it seemed as if she had lost the will to save
her. It was a look of disgust and contempt at the same me.
"Uh, uh, uh! Hey, promise! The promise is different
- Koo!
Elerys took the dirt she had scooped up again.
It turned back and filled her pit. Han Soon
I wonder if it was buried alive in the liver
I couldn't hear the car.
Ellen looks at me silently.
Then she suddenly grabbed my hands.
"do not be like this."
Ellen and I, both in red blood
It was a miserable hand that became Buck.
It wasn't a given word, but she knew enough what Ellen was talking about.
The madness of the slaughter, the violence focused on the dissolu on of
anger itself.
Ellen seemed afraid that I might fall into it. Ellen just looked at me and I'm
about to fall for it. She seemed to feel it.
The fire went out, and everyone died except us.
I nodded as I grabbed Ellen's hand, which had cooled in the rain.
The situa on was se led.
But I can't tes fy to their ac ons.
Not a single witness was le .
If there was such a thing in the guild and we solved it, the performance
It will be recognized as of course private
It is true that sanc ons were imposed, but it could be said that the
situa on was unavoidable.
there is,
“If something goes wrong a er repor ng it, it could be our fault.”
Evidence is everywhere, of course, but there's one possibility when we'll
cover it all up. Of course, there is the imperial family sentence, but I wasn't
sure if it would be possible to solve them all.
Ellen pondered, and as if she had made a decision, she and I looked at
Elerys in turn.
“Back to Saints Point.”
Back to Saints Point.
“I have something to check.”
Ellen tell me what she's thinking
she did not give
But since she le , she said Ellen
She heard that she never had a bad me.
Ellen began to rummage through her body.
“What are you doing?”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 160

It rained all night, so we had to go back on a stronger road. a lot
He was exhausted, but he couldn't sleep because of the rain.
In turn, we compiled an outline of the incident to report to the guild.
“They are probably the ones who a acked the Alts Point. If you a ack the
Alts Point, the intermediate supply base, you will be at the forefront of the
They knew they were going to organize a large water convoy to support the
Ellen nodded at my words. My niggas collapsed the Alts Point. Then, to
support the front line in the guild, a huge amount of material will be
because I knew
Adventurers on the front lines don't know what's going on. So the guys
took over the Alts Point and went up to the Clitz Point.
“And the adventurers who came down to search for the Altz Point, and the
adventurers who chose to return because the supply was cut off, must
have been killed.”
Everyone who came down from above and who came up from below were
all killed. So no one knows what happened
didn't know Adventurers move fast
To go straight, you have no choice but to move on the route through Altz
Point and Klitz Point. So, he must have been helpless without knowing that
there were adventurers who became robbers.
“How many people have you killed? Just because of the money…”
Elerys murmured without a heart as if lamen ng.
she walked away Destroyed two points, and killed all the adventurers who
came in and out.
No ma er how many materials were secured, would it be worth the price
of the countless lives of those who died?
Ellen shook her head.
“It won’t be just for supplies,” she said.
“…Is this all the things like the adventurers’ equipment and possessions
were aimed at?”
“It must have been.”
Not only supplies, but also the equipment and possessions of the
adventurers would have been stolen.
“I no ced that there were quite a few loot in the inn. didn't get it all
So that will be evidence.”
No witnesses, but the name of loot
evidence remains of Ellen seemed to have the idea that our argument
would not be taken as completely nonsense.
As I walked all night, the day was slowly ge ng brighter.
“Everyone is here.”
Saints Point depar ng early in the morning
Well, I came back early in the morning.
Saints Point overlooking the distance
Many wagons are wai ng in the
there was.
Perhaps it was because of the rain.
“Let’s go straight to the guild office.”
Ellen said she had something she wanted to confirm.
As soon as we came back, we were wet and the adventurers' guild
secretary of Saints Point.
arrived at the cow. The resident clerks looked a li le dazed when they saw
Even though it was washed away by the rain, with Ellen
Because I was covered in blood.
“It is an emergency. Please call the officer.”
Ellen immediately called the field chief execu ve.
The guild officer who was trying to interrogate us the other day showed up
as soon as we were wai ng. Perhaps because of our behavior, not only the
officers in charge but also the security forces of the Adventurers Guild are
around us.
A few were stuck
“It’s an emergency, what’s going on?”
The officer in uniform looked at us and narrowed his brow.
It seemed that he felt certain that he had come back a er suffering an
unusual event. Ellen shook her head.
“It's a convoy issue. her
I think Gerson should also talk.”
“……Mr. Hugson?”
He also saw that we already had the imperial coat of arms.
The officer seemed to ponder for a moment, then he had someone call
Hugson reappeared a er a while.
“...what are you guys, come and go
are you doing?”
Not knowing that he was protec ng his name, Hugson made a very
displeased expression.
it was Because of the weather, the convoy schedule is off, so I'm s ll very
there seemed to be
Ellen slowly began to explain.
“My party and I went to Saints Point yesterday.
We le and headed to Kli s Point.” |
Hugson's expression so ened slightly at those words.
“Yeah, so what about that?
Why did you come back?”
"Clitz Point was occupied by a gang of about twenty or so adventurers, and
everyone was killed."
At Ellen's words, Hugson and the officer, as well as everyone in the office,
turned into astonishment.
From Alts Point to Clitz Point. and robbers. Ellen Hugson
staring at her, she says
“We killed them all last night, and we came back to Saints Point to share
the news.”
There was a gang of robbers.
but killed them all.
"what? What.... a non-verbal bull Lil...”
Hugson says this is outrageous bluff.
He frowned as he thought.
“Look and judge.”
Ellen took a deck of about ten cards from her arms and put them down.
Some were soaked in blood and some were rela vely intact. “Hey, this
Hugson and the officer looked at the IDs we had brought and their eyes
were tearing apart.
crab floated
“I haven’t been able to retrieve all of them, but they are the adventurer IDs
of those robbers.”
I wondered why I was looking for a body all of a sudden
Danny, these were the things I brought as evidence in case people didn't
believe it. I didn't get all of them, but there are more than ten.
"... I, really you guys...?"
The officer's eyes trembled violently. The fact that there was a robbery is a
big deal, because there is evidence of a nonsensical story that only three
people killed it.
Ellen said she had come to Saints Point to make sure she did something.
"You, I don't think you're good at managing your facial expressions."
Ellen glared at Hugson with cold eyes, her streak of adventurer iden ty.
pointed to the evidence.
"Why, do you know everyone's face?"
Ellen made sure she had something to check
It was like
Ellen suspected that she was an accomplice to Hugson, the convoy
commander. sudden
Everyone is terrified by Thrun Ellen's words.
there was.
“Wow, what… are you talking nonsense?”
"You guys, I knew exactly what the convoys were leaving today."
Ellen was catching something suspicious about the people she was
eavesdropping on.
“Of course, the convoy schedule itself is confiden al.
because it's not adventurers coming and going
It could be the informa on you heard before killing him. okay."
But the convoy schedule itself robbed
What they knew is not conclusive evidence.
However, there was one more doubt.
“By the way, this convoy, except for you, is an E to F rank adventure.
let go. Most of them are not very reliable
people who are not you some
It must have been structured that way.”
The composi on of the transport team.
Ellen said that when she first figured it out, she did it to increase her share
of her food.
I thought, and I agreed with that.
But there is a robbery at the cleats point
When informa on about the wai ng was added, Ellen began to suspect in
a different direc on.
Isn't she filling the export bin with easy-to-kill guys? It will be easier to
subdue it if it consists only of newbies who are not opponents.
The number of convoys, including escorts, to those who have already
commi ed a massive massacre
Killing ten people and ge ng rid of them would have no remorse.
Two suspicious points.
“And now you see this ID
Ellen stole something of her as her final proof
He pointed to Hugson's expression, which seemed to be holding it down.
“You are definitely an accomplice.”
Hugson didn't answer.
The guild officer was trembling his lips.
“Huh, Mr. Hugson.... W, here is this one….. Your brother….. Mr. Hudson’s
iden fica on card… but…” |
The guild officer had an expression on his face, hoping that the puzzle
pieces that were circling in his head would not fit together.
The officer in charge is presumed to be unknown.
“Hey these bitches who will kill you!”
Hugson struck Ellen with the ax he was carrying on his back.
Ellen lightly hugged her while avoiding it.
Closed the distance with Sonn.
There was no reason for Ellen to hit him with such a heavy and slow
“I thought it was going to be unbearable,” she said.
Ellen knew she already knew from her one encounter that Hugson was a
very impa ent person.
They are easily agitated, have poor emo onal control, and act impulsively.
He was afraid to frame us as robbers because he stole a person he was
trying to bring in. Because that's not possible
He was even trying to be eaten.
All of his real comrades were murdered. He knew that he was never going
to be calm in front of evidence, so he deliberately provoked him.
Exhibi ng aggression in this situa on is already evidence in itself.
- Bah!
“Turn it off!”
Ellen didn't even pull out her sword, but put her fist in her big chin.
- Tight!
Ellen broke her back and vomited.
grabbed Hugson's hair.
- Puddy Duk Duk!
Ellen wretchedly grabbed Hugson's hair, enough to pull her hair out just by
holding it.
"It's not your skills that make you superior to others, it's just your cruel
“Ouch, off!”
Ellen cut Hugson's hair as it was
She slammed it down to the dock.
Like most adventurers who easily turn into robbers.
The subject that has come this far with one nature that is crueler than
others is mistaken for skill. Hugson is such a guy.
In the end, she can't even touch Ellen's hair.
“Don’t mistake that for skill.”
Ellen looked down at Hugson with her contemptuous gaze.
The three of us had to rest our red bodies first. She no ced that Ellen was
reluctant to rest that she had judged that she wasn't safe yet, but she
already knew that she was mentally and physically
Even as an enemy, she was close to the limit.
Eventually we fell asleep in the inn, like fain ng. It was only natural that
she had a three-person room just in case,
Because she thought it would be fine with Elerys no ma er what.
, I just slept on my stomach like a spill.
Hugson was detained in a temporary deten on center a ached to the
guild office.
Naturally, he denied the charges. The guild officer said that Hugson
He didn't even know he was plo ng things, so he was busy, sending out
rioters to his headquarters, the Egsian Outpost.
If you don't cut the Hugson properly
Because his own neck might be blown away.
We woke up around noon.
A er cleaning up and ea ng, etc., the guild office came to visit us.
He said he should be inves gated as an important reference.
We told the guild inves gator, a high-ranking officer who ran like the wind
from the new headquarters, everything we saw, heard, and did.
He seemed to have nothing to do with Saints Point's interests.
| “ is difficult to establish self-defense in murder. Of course, based on
various circumstances, you would think you made the best choice, but not
one, but dozens. for killing them all
It is not possible to be acqui ed in all cases, so deten on measures are
Before the words were long, I showed the seal of the imperial family and
the temple student ID.
He looked down at them without saying a word, and sighed.
“If you have a clear iden ty as a temple student and are protected by the
imperial family, there will be no fear of escaping. There is no need for
As if he was going to do something without restraint
Murder is common, but in the end it's not okay to kill.
Those who kill and hide cannot be found, but those who kill a person who
should be killed should receive a trial, not a reward, if they reveal it.
Hiding was the answer, but Ellen chose to report to the guild to catch
As a result, Hugson will be inves gated, but we are also responsible for our
ac ons.
should bear
it was absurd
However, there were no complaints about this situa on.
“Anyway, in this case, don’t conclude that your ac ons were jus fied. Then
it will be.”
It was an absurd situa on, but we could have taken more absurd gains
than that.
He commi ed murder, and whether it was a good murder or an evil
murder, it is ul mately wrong.
But even if we do such a thing, we are a privileged class that can get over

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 161

Me, Ellen, and Elerys three more days a er returning to Saints Point
stayed at It was also to see how things were going, and to be inves gated.
it was also for
Hugson is currently at Saints Point.
under inves ga on. allega ons revealed
Otherwise, it will be difficult to survive. A er all, he was just a guy who
only helped out at this Saints Point.
The chances of us being tried for murder are slim. So, except for the
punishment we deserve, we are a guild.
Performance will be determined according to the benefits brought to you.
This isn't about resolving the quest.
Therefore, there is no set remunera on, and we do not know how much
this performance has been achieved.
And this is the case. We couldn't know our achievements or remunera on
un l a er the inves ga on was over and the truth was revealed.
Saints Point and its southern points are frequented by low-level
There was a massive massacre there.
According to the evidence that they lost and the suspects were secured,
the Eggsian Forward City put quite a lot of manpower.
In a place where only Hatbari was teeming, troops, not adventurers, were
deployed. | “I think the convoy mission will disappear altogether and
professional troops will take its place.”
Intensified adventurers, in addi on to that, Klitz Point collapsed.
There was a plan to invest more materials and rob them, so we have no
choice but to invest more specialized manpower.
it is not in Even from the guild's point of view, it must have been shocking
enough to know that the general manager of the quest had a plan to steal
the supplies.
During our stay for a few days, we had done all the inves ga ons we were
supposed to do, and we were ready to move again.
-Is it them?
- That's right.
- The three of you killed them?
- Hey, maybe....
- That magician is really amazing.
or? Is that so?
-Anyway, thanks to those who saved their lives, heaven and earth.
We had become celebri es in Saints Point. Even if his job had disappeared,
he would have fallen into Hugson's trap and changed his reputa on.
He killed a lot of people, but as a result saved a lot of people's lives.
The dead do not speak.
So it felt like words ckling the back of the head for the living to praise us.
Me, Ellen, and Elerys were ge ng up late and having lunch.
He had been busy res ng his exhausted body a er being inves gated.
This case was nothing more than Ellen solved it from start to finish. Catch
something first, guess first, first
All I knew was Ellen.
I thought the accident was a li le creaky a er the collision with a large
robbery. Killing something and ac ng casually is like a dog, so his head
didn't roll quickly.
He had already reached his mental limit, so he couldn't afford to think
about anything else.
To be honest, it's strange that I'm s ll holding on, but Ellen is even weirder.
“I needed experience, but I had a completely wrong experience.... Damn
How much do you have to be careful about people?
knew But this experience
Neither Ellen nor I was hoping for it.
“…I expected it to some extent. I didn’t know it would be like this.”
But Ellen will somehow be like this
seemed to have known Ellen was clearly in a state where her vigilance
remained sharp. She seemed to keep in mind that, above all else, she had
to be careful with people.
What stories did Artorius tell her brother Ellen? I don't even know that.
The biggest event in Saints Point, the Collapse of Alzheimer's Point, has
been resolved.
I uploaded one big number, now it's here
It didn't ma er if there was nothing to see. If there are more from here, go
down to the southernmost point
But the problem there will be solved by the newly formed supply convoy.
“Once back to Eggsian…”
“I, there…”
We were trying to sort out our future plans when a voice interrupted our
Ellen, I, and Elerys looked in the direc on the voice came from.
Aus n was there, with misery, shame, shame, and countless other
emo ons running through her face.
He struggled to endure the shame
opened his mouth.
"I'm sorry, I'm here to say thank you... If it weren't for you guys
The Lee convoys... they must have all died, including me.”
If it weren't for us, the convoy would have le , and to them all
They would have been slaughtered defenselessly. I came here to say thank
you and apologize for that.
Even if it was due to in mida on, they tried to frame us. for it
It seemed like he was s ll feeling guilty.
You wouldn't have to come. We didn't do this to get Aus n's apprecia on.
But Aus n has come to apologize.
That's enough.
“Yeah what. Don't worry too much..."
As I was about to say something, Ellen
Looking straight at her Aus n
she said
"Uh, uh...?"
“Stop doing this.”
Ellen was speaking in an orderly tone, not like a bastard. Aus n's face
turned white at the sudden words. Ellen stares at Aus n and speaks in a
cold tone.
“The ability to save one’s life
“I don’t have the eye to recognize a dangerous person.”
“You don’t have the prudence to consider the risks your work entails.”
“In order to do that, you must have no sense of humor, but there is
another.” |
It was the first me I had ever seen such abusive language come out of
Ellen's mouth. As much as Aus n was perplexed, I was perplexed.
He has no skill, no discernment, no prudence. But there is a sense of
“Hugson would be disqualified as a human being.
He was, but he passed as an adventurer. He was daring, cruel, and
The moment Aus n comes to apologize, Ellen makes him think he must
quit the adventurer.
seemed to have been
I don't know if he doesn't apologize and is shameless, but he can't either.
He should have no conscience if he lacks a lot, but Aus n tries to keep his
That's why Hugson excelled as an adventurer. he's just a killer
However, since adventurers are a tribe that aims for a hot pot a er all.
Sub-humans survive be er as adventurers.
The skill to do anything with anything
If it doesn't work, you shouldn't be an adventurer.
Hugson didn't know his skills, but he was a bit fussy. Why the hell did you
come into a world where people like that survive?
If you don't have the skills, you have to be smart.
If you are neither talented nor wise, then God
should be moderate.
Without all of that, even conscience
should be thrown away
If you are to be kind, you must have the ability to overcome the
weaknesses caused by that kindness.
you don't belong anywhere
Eren was poin ng that out.
“I don’t know if you are disqualified or passed as a human, but as an
adventurer you are disqualified. So stop.”
Ellen hates anyone who wants to become an adventurer, saying that she
admires Artorius.
It seemed They are people who just pursued romance without knowing
what the reality of adventurers is.
They are just vic ms. They don't even know that they have to risk their
lives for their clumsy longing.
You don't die figh ng monsters
Being robbed by a street robber and staying together
Ryo might be stabbed in the back of the head.
can't even think of
Aus n's face went pale at Ellen's honest accusa on.
"Ah... uh, huh... um... is it like that..."
He shook his head with a miserable expression. At Ellen's sober words, the
fact that she couldn't even refute the slightest seemed bleak.
A Rank B adventurer is in your party. Aus n, who boasted, had no idea who
the man was.
Is it really a good thing to trample on the dreams and hopes of the guy
who was inflated with dreams and hopes and send him back home?
Ellen cracked it a bit, and she now chooses to destroy it altogether.
She told me to live a normal life. I won't listen to you if you say it out loud.
must have done
I watched Aus n limp as he le the inn. Even a er hearing these words,
they may receive a request again and do not know what to do, and they
may give up and return to their hometown.
Ellen must have thought that it was be er to be alive than to pursue vain
dreams and hopes.
But she opened her eyes to see if Ellen couldn't believe what she said
there was
She didn't think she would ever say something like this to anyone.
“Let’s talk for a moment.”
I got Ellen up and took her to her room.
went up
Elerys was looking at me and Ellen as they went up to the room with a
complicated expression.
Back in her room, I met Ellen.
I saw. She had no idea what to say. She had no reason to say anything.
Ellen looks at her floor with her head down
she was watching
“Are you going back?”
However, I just look at Ellen staring blankly at her bare bo om and ask.
It was a harsh experience.
Not one, but dozens of people had to be killed. I thought about it later, but
because of this and that, I didn't have me or me to think about it. Ellen
said she kept me there as she tried to think and figure everything out.
I couldn't either, Ellen does it
she was
“You don’t have to force it.”
So it was natural for Ellen to be more emo onal than me. Because Ellen
thinks that she now depends on her ac ons, her own life, and her own life
as well.
She must be even more nervous and stressed. She was there and she went
through something like this.
It's strange that she doesn't break down in this situa on where she's
driven to the extreme. Her sensi zed feelings let Aus n widen
she vomited
She was so pathe c that she couldn't bear to say a word. and like that
I was surprised by what she said.
Losing her self-control, she was startled by herself.
it will
So she asks
If she wants to go back, she says go back. She doesn't have to force herself
to keep doing this.
Ellen rested her head on my chest.
"It's just that I'm red..."
He didn't cry or cry out of the blue.
But while he said that, he rested his head on my chest and didn't say
anything for a while. I stood s ll, wrapping one hand around the boy's
But Ellen began to tremble li le by li le as her feelings grew stronger.
When she starts showing weakness, like a dam collapsing, her weaknesses
burst out.
as if
"I... I'm scared..."
Ellen was shaking.
“I feel like I’m star ng to resemble my brother… I’m scared…”
"What are you talking about?"
“It doesn’t ma er what happens to other people’s lives… I thought so…”
Ellen seemed to be adding something else to the stress she was feeling
“I’m doing the same thing with my brother….”
If you don't eliminate the robbers that have taken over Clitz Point, many
people will die.
So she said that Ellen annihilated the robbers.
she decided to blood on her own hands
He did not hesitate to be buried.
While she was thinking about what to do next, she put into ac on what
she decided should be done.
But as the thought of her later came to the surface, she realized that Ellen
was her.
He did everything for others like her brother
Having promised that she would never live the rest of her life, she decided
to take a risky ac on when the situa on came up and she didn't even care
about her own body.
to save someone's life
killed a soldier
Lagann Artorius must have acted like this.
At first, she must have had an ordinary sense of jus ce. Do it because it can
be done,
Because saving someone's life can't be a bad thing.
But as it was repeated, a sense of duty would have arisen.
A few at first, then dozens, then
and hundreds of people. beyond thousands.
In the end, saving someone's life is our party
She came to be revered as a brave warrior.
And in the end, she came to a point where she took it for granted that she
would even sacrifice her own life.
Therefore, in the end, she killed the Demon King in exchange for her own
She fears that Ellen realizes that she is star ng to follow the same path as
her brother.
she was crying She never wants to be like that, and she's been doing it
since her first steps.
She won't regret it.
She regrets saving someone
She ended up marrying Lagann Artorius
Realizing that she is the same person, she feels fear in itself.
She felt something of a bloody nature that was essen ally immutable.
“It’s worth it.”
I mu er as I pull his head towards me a li le more strongly.
I know what you're worried about. “In that situa on, everyone makes that
But in the end it's worth it.
“Anyone can do it if their abili es and skills support it.”
There are people who can't, and there are people who can't.
the same ac ons we made
There are plenty of people who can do it.
“We became it, and that’s why we did it.”
“No other reason.”
We made an ordinary decision.
The process and the ending were never ordinary, but we were ordinary.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 162
Tired mentally, not physically.
Because of her, Ellen didn't even set the sun, but she went to bed very
Because of her anxiety and tension, she probably couldn't even sleep
properly. It was too much for her to see that this was a safe place anyway.
Seeing the guy sleeping with her forehead narrowed, she felt sad. It was
obvious that she was nervous even as she slept.
And then she's going to give up a child.
There may be some reassurance that I am with you, but it seems that the
burden from that has also increased in the end.
Since she was in a three-bedroom, Elerys also had one seat.
was in
She said, “Would you like to go for a walk?”
At her sudden sound of her Elerys, I pointed her eyes at Ellen. She's
probably not at risk from Saints Point, but she's been a bit leery of leaving
her sleeping baby alone.
'it's okay. She'll put an alarm spell on her.'
Elerys did that just by the shape of her mouth.
she said seems to be reassured.
She seemed to have something to say.
Me and Elerys leave the inn and start anew.
I took a walk while watching the sights of Saints Point, busy with the
prepara on of the Fortune Convoy.
Saints Point is not very big, but it is walkable.
“You have made a good friend.”
"... right."
It was the first me I had such an easy conversa on with Elerys, except for
a brief moment at Klitz Point.
“But it also worries me.”
Elerys looked towards the inn where we were staying, and she had a
slightly sad look.
"He's so strong that he's about to break."
It seemed to mean that he was worried about Ellen, not me.
She's too strong to break.
I think you know what that means. Ellen con nued to be strong all the way
to Saints Point. She was on everything and she was doub ng everything. As
a result, we could be safe, but Ellen was suffering from her extreme mental
exhaus on.
Because she's so damn sensi ve, she's like this or that
She was able to avoid the run risk, and the incident
She was also able to uncover the truth behind her.
But she might do that and then she suddenly collapses.
Elerys was worried about that.
It seemed
“I will show everyone my weakness.
You need someone.”
No one can be that strong. Weakness is present in everyone.
I need someone to show my weakness
“It seems like that child is someone like that.”
Someone who can show weakness.
In Elerys' eyes, she said, to Ellen, I was that kind of person.
Yes, Ellen o en showed such weakness when she stood in front of me from
me to me.
she never shows it to anyone
looks weak.
“I think that's a good thing.”
“……Then I’m glad.”
“Please treat me with respect.” Elerys looks at me.
“I’m s ll doing it.”
"Is that so?"
Then, as if lucky, Elerys smiled.
“ was not a good thing to be here. It was obviously sad, undesirable,
and I went through something I didn't want him to go through...” |
Elerys looked at her sunset and said with a look that was mixed with her
complex emo ons.
“I think I can rest a li le more.”
killed someone
But it was to protect someone.
It's not a good thing, but Ellerys is sad and a li le relieved.
It was like
“But… are you okay?”
Ellen wonders if I'm in agony
seemed to do
Guilt and sorrow for the murder.
She had Ellen let her think about it later, and in her thoughts she was afraid
that she herself would follow in her brother's footsteps.
how am i
She said Ellen let her think about it later.
Le ng go of what she has to do for now.
The result of organizing her thoughts is one.
“It should be fine.”
I'm not thinking about it for now
Tomorrow we return to the Eggsian outpost.
I decided to go ahead and plan a later schedule, but I thought it would be
okay to take a break for a few days. Ellen needed some me to rest without
thinking in any safe place.
It's something she's been through, and if she stays like this for a li le
longer, Ellen might get her stress-related hair loss.
That's a major issue.
How miserable it is to have a pimple in your head! I'm fine, but you're not!
There is a ring of permanent immunity to hair loss!
You must protect Ellen's hair.
A er ea ng I go to bed
said Ellen is sleeping restlessly
So she skipped dinner.
Isn't that what happens when you wake up hungry in the middle of the
night? Elerys was also si ng on her bed, preparing to sleep.
She actually doesn't know what she's sleeping on.
When we sleep, it seems that we are pretending to be asleep alone and
monitoring our surroundings,
Suddenly we heard a knock on the door of our room.
The guild's business must have been almost over by now.
Ellen had woken up a er hearing only the sound of her, and she suddenly
got up. Was he right that he was sleeping?
I slowly approached the door with my sword in hand. Because you never
“Who show?”
- The Adventurer's Guild inves gator.
I've never heard a voice from outside. It was an inves gator of the
Adventurers Guild dispatched from Eggsian.
I thought it was all over now
However, it seemed that there was s ll some work to be done.
When I opened the door, there was an inves ga ve officer with a cold
impression looking at me.
there was.
“Can I talk to you for a moment? Don't worry. It's a story related to the
inves ga on, but it's a story related to your allega ons.
is not.”
"Don't worry," he added.
Perhaps it was a quiet conversa on, he came into our room and sat down
at the table.
Ellendo, Elerysdo, and I also wondered what the inves gator was for.
“You guys are the Clitz Point a ack.
It was presumed that the guys who a acked this Altz Point were doing it as
they came up north. right?"
“I think so.”
At those words, both I and Ellen nodded. The robbers who a acked Altz
Point came up north and also raided Klitz Point. The fact that it was
speculated that he was trying to steal the goods from there
was forwarded to the officer in charge.
"Tes monies regarding the assault on Klitz Point are now available from
Hugson. They said that the men sent to the advance team were planning to
occupy Klitz Point and raid the convoy."
“……Is that so?”
Hugson pleaded guilty to the allega ons.
I don't know how he got the confession using some kind of method.
However, it seems that the inves gator somehow managed to get a
confession from Hugson.
Ellen and I lted our heads. What do you want to say?
"The point is, it's a 'startup'. They started from here and went to Clitz Point,
not from Alzheimer's Point.
I said there was no.”
He pleaded guilty to the assault on Klitz Point, but insisted that they had
nothing to do with the Alzheimer's Point incident.
It is argued that this is a completely different case.
“The robbers we already got from Hugson.
I traced the movement of the guild through the guild data.
all. They all died three or four days ago
We went down to Klitz Point via Tsu Point. I also confirmed that their a ack
on the Alzheimer's point was impossible due to me constraints."
Hugson was not perjury. Inves gators have already collected the data from
the Adventurers' Guild.
Based on this, we found that they had nothing to do with the Alzheimer's
Point a ack.
Our reasoning is wrong. Alzheimer's Point and the area to the south have
lost contact
The reason was s ll murky.
But why do you have to tell us this? we are inves gators
No, there is no reason to take responsibility for our assump ons being
But Ellen seemed to know why.
“…you want us to find out why?”
...I know you well.”
The inves gator clicked his tongue briefly.
“The current manpower is very scarce just by organizing a transport team.
Eggsian and the guild don't have much energy. There are no adventurers
with reliable skills in Saints Point.”
By the way, Hugson, who was the highest ranked adventurer, was trying to
do things that didn't even sound like words.
Although the three of us are young F ranks, we are bold and talented
enough to annihilate the robbers that occupied Clitz Point.
From the inves gator's point of view, if they quickly know the cause of the
collapse of the Alzheimer's Point and the threat is serious, they should add
more convoy escorts.
is the situa on
“It's very dangerous because no one has returned from Alzheimer's Point
expected to be zero. So he is free to choose. I'm just here to make an
It is impossible to force adventurers to request a quest. If it was an
adventurer guild inves gator, it would have been a fairly high posi on.
“The purpose is to reconnaissance Alts Point. If there is a threat, keep in
mind that it is reconnaissance, not extermina on or subjuga on.”
He is very understaffed in this situa on.
was about to entrust us with a commission.
“The expected risk is B rank, very
It's a dangerous quest. The reward is ten gold coins each. If the informa on
is clear, I will give you ten more gold coins.”
So he was able to promise a fairly large payoff with just his shoes. If you go
back down to the alts point and see what happened, that's enough gold
You can receive thirty rewards. sudden
If you do, you get 30 more.
Not annihila on, but 10 million won per person for each reconnaissance
mission. The pay is also high in my opinion.
But it's definitely dangerous. We don't know what happened at Alzheimer's
“Ha, I do!” “……?”
Before me and Ellen could say anything, Elerys suddenly shouted.
Instead of wai ng for our judgement, why is Elleris suddenly rushing?
“Ah, that… that. Oh no. I wish I could.... it was... yes.”
Ah. Then I remembered
Elerys' tool store with li le sales.
Worst living environment, sunny
He was blinded by the talk of money without realizing it.
...Elerys, you can make a lot of money.
My body was ahead of my thoughts. Ellen seemed to ponder for a moment
at the sudden accelera on of Elerys, and then she nodded her head.
"It's not a subjuga on, it's a reconnaissance. I think it's a worthwhile job."
Perhaps to ask her opinion, Ellen asked this
She once looked at me.
“Then what are you going to do?”
I like that too.
It is in the same vein that an adventurer at the Hugson level took on a large
commission for Saints Point because there was no manpower at Saints
There are no talented people at Saints Point.
As the rookies who suddenly appeared, we have no choice but to entrust a
very important task. If you go down to the south, there may be some really
talented people, but it was impossible to reach them.
It takes me to recruit talented people from other regions.
The inves gators tell us that if the mission is successful, the Saints Point
Adventurers Guild or
Explain that you can come to the Eggsian headquarters.
did. A request form with the inves gator's signature was filled out on the
spot and handed over.
“S ll, it’s just a reconnaissance mission, but the pay is high.”
A er the inves gator returned, Elerys
She said so.
“If you fail or die, you don’t have to pay. Because the quests I made directly
from the Adventurer's Guild are guaranteed for payment
I don't pay an advance fee. That’s why the commission fee is high.”
It was Ellen's answer.
It's about ge ng paid for success. You won't get paid as much as a client
who bets directly from the Adventurer's Guild.
But the dead don't get paid.
If we fail or die, the adventurers guild won't give us a penny.
also be There are cruel and cruel adventurers, but the world of the quest
will eventually
So, I bet big money and send adventurers on a dangerous quest. And only
those who return alive are paid.
In the end, the Adventurer's Guild isn't cruel either.
it's cool The fires and rooms that are engulfed in money are stupid, but in
the end, the money
If there is no adventurer guild holding and shaking, the fire moths will not
be entangled.
Elerys had a gloomy expression on Ellen's explana on.
In this place, dignity as a being is worthless in the symbol of greed, money
is where
“I will be leaving tomorrow. I go to bed early.”
During the inves ga on into the incident, he was sufficiently rested.
We decided to move south again star ng tomorrow.
It takes approximately four days to reach Alzheimer's Point. Before we
depart, we
A er comple ng the maintenance and procuring enough food to preserve,
at the request of the inves gator, he joins the Adventurers' Guild of Saints
“I can help you with your horse if you need it.
The movement of the convoy is determined by the outcome of our
mission. As a large number of personnel move, every delay in the day
causes damage to the isolated front area as well as the tying of these
The damage caused by it is also huge.
That is why quite a lot of compensa on has been promised to us.
So the inves gator said that he could support the horse apart from the pay.
Of course, Ellen said she couldn't ride. I haven't learned it yet.
“I know how to ride.”
Elerys said so that she could afford to dy up her riding. As the ma er was
urgent, it seemed that it would not be a bad idea to ride a horse.
Of course, my riding skills aren't that great. However, I think it would be
possible if it was moving, not racing.
“Then I think you should ride behind me, but…”
But Ellen said she can ride and
She seemed to be thinking of something else a er leaving Nigo.
“It’s going to be tough. Let’s not take it.”
When and where an emergency will occur
I don't know, but it seems that they decided that riding a horse was rather
Anyway, I have to ride a horse
I didn't think it had to be
all. Even if you ride a horse because the terrain is curved
It won't be very fast.
I and Elerys agreed with Ellen's decision.
“I hope all three of you return safely.”
We nodded at the inves gator's words.
We made our way back to Klitz Point, where we had le . Since Elerys gave
us a chilling touch magic, there were hardly any problems with the heat.
"...but come to think of it, it's only one day away, so you're going to get to
Klitz Point tonight, right?"
Ellen nodded at my words.
"Ummm... I'll have to spend the day in a place full of corpses."
Elerys looked exhausted.
“You can sleep.”
“Are you homeless? It's a choice between sleeping in one place where
people are killed..."
I hate both!
Anyway, even if you don't take a break at Klitz Point, you will eventually
have to go home. The road to Altz Point was quite a long way.
“By the way, what the hell happened at Alzheimer’s Point?”
Neither Ellen nor I had any sharp thoughts at Elerys' words. In me, it was
clear that Hugson's robbers had nothing to do with the destruc on of the
Alzheimer's Point. Niggas on the alz point collapse
Large-scale supply of supplies started
I knew it was going to happen and headed to Klitz Point via Saints Point. In
the first place, they didn't even get to the Alzheimer's point.
“I don’t know for sure, but there are two possibili es.”
Ellen walks in her lead and opens up possibili es.
“However, those who were lucky via Altz Point were killed by robbers at
Klitz Point.”
There must have been adventurers from the front who knew they were
isolated and tried to return.
all. On their return, they were killed by the robbers occupying Klitz Point.
So you can know the news of Alzheimer's Point
there is no
one such possibility.
“Two, there were robbers or similar problems at Alzheimer’s Point, and
those who were trying to come back died at Alzheimer’s.”
Two, they didn't even come back to the cleats point in the first place.
We didn't even know if the events at Alzheimer's Point had already ended
or were ongoing.
“Anyway, the purpose is reconnaissance. Let’s not overdo it.”
If it doesn't seem like something we're going to touch, we can just look at it
Ellen said so, as if trying not to forget the essence of her mission. I don't
know what would happen if it was an unexpected situa on, like the last
me I annihilated the robbers at Clitz Point.
For once, we were thinking of figh ng as a last resort.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 163

Apart from the journey down to Altz Point, we had to make a choice today.
Far away, cleats point approaching
there was
“…what should I do?”
In my opinion, neither Eren nor Elerys
couldn't come up with an answer.
Last me it was raining and we arrived in the middle of the night, but today
the weather was nice and we were able to reach the estuary with a view of
Klitz Point as the sun went down.
Eul's bitch with no living
Clitz points with a cozy atmosphere
When there was light, it looked even more lively.
I had to choose between sleeping in that dark and eerie place or staying
Homelessness is dangerous.
At Klitz Point, you can have a rela vely safe break with walls and ceilings.
Of course, you'll have to put up with the spooky stuff, and you'll have to
put up with the bloody smell.
I'm a li le reluctant because safety is my top priority
I think it would be be er to stay at Klitz Point, even if it's just a reference.
“…Let’s go first. If you can stand the smell, you should rest there."
Ellen seemed to decide for a moment. I decided to rest there as long as the
smell of the sca ered corpses was tolerable.
Thinking like that makes me feel terrible again
Just looking at the body is like a dog, but a er a few days, the body must
have been decomposed and maggots must have been twisted. like that
I couldn't have the confidence to see with my bare mind.
Even the bodies we killed. Elreris was also thinking that way, so her
complexion was very bad.
...but aren't vampires undead?
If you ask me, I think Elerys is a corpse.
hey one?
All I could think about was that she felt like she hit Elerys with something
like a pad lip.
I think it was a very rude thought.
A er she did something like an apple in her mind to Elerys, she entered
Klitz Point.
If the smell of ro ng corpse vibrates, Ellen suggested that we go home,
not Klitz Point.
First of all, the smell of ro ng corpses that Ellen was worried about
doesn't come out at Clitz Point.
So it's not that good. "The corpses... where have they all gone?"
The corpses of the original people at Klitz Point were all pi ed by the
smashed into one. so
They were buried, not buried.
We also dug a trap at the entrance of the inn and buried the robbers alive
But we niggas escaping through the window
Either stab them to death or use a bow
shot and killed dispose of their bodies
There was no such thing as me to do.
So the corpses of those robbers
It should be spread out. the dead
Wherever they went, they were all gone.
Me and Ellen had removed the two guards from the entrance and threw
them into the bushes. The corpses that should have been in the bush were
also gone.
Not only that.
“…not who buried it.”
The pit in front of the inn, and the pit where the bodies were thrown,
seemed to have been dug all over.
Did what happened at Altz Point really make it to Clitz Point?
Or this is something completely different
is it an incident?
Anyway, it seemed that something unusual happened again at Klitz Point.
“Did something like a beast… ate all the corpses?”
Elerys carefully reasoned. A beast wouldn't be able to eat so many corpses.
In the first place, there had to be some le over bones.
“Is there a beast that can eat so many people’s corpses whole, dig through
the pits of their bodies, and eat them all?”
At Elerys' reasoning, Ellen asked with a serious expression.
“Ummm… you can’t see that there isn’t.”
Elerys seemed to have her candidates passing through her mind. Elerys has
such a strong appe te for beasts.
He seems to know that there is.
The bodies have disappeared, and the situa on is suspicious.
Obviously this area is dangerous. Ellen was thinking.
“I don’t know if homelessness would be more dangerous, or if it would be
dangerous to stay here.”
It is dangerous to con nue ac ng at night. It's all about being homeless
This means that you are vulnerable to night raids in these exposed places.
But staying at Klitz Point not knowing what happened is also dangerous.
You have to choose one risk between the two.
We were being forced to choose an uncomfortable easy choice now.
“There is a way to go down all night like last me, but…”
This method consumes too much stamina.
all. It couldn't be a good choice to lose stamina in a situa on where the
southern route might be completely safe. to consider
It's an impossible op on
“Let’s take a break here and check the situa on. It's completely impossible
to hide from the outside. I think that one is more dangerous
At Klitz Point, there is s ll a building with walls and a ceiling. If we hide
ourselves in it, even if we don't know, we won't be able to figure it out.
Ellen made her decision as the leader of her party.
The corpses disappear and the ro ng me
There was no other discomfort except for the gloomy and eerie
We unpacked in another inn, not the one we burned.
In the event of an unexpected occurrence, it is not a room where it is
difficult to escape, but rather a dining room on the first floor.
I decided to take a break from the party.
In mes of crisis, the scope of ac on is wide and open
Watching all direc ons through a window in space
It was a possible choice.
By ligh ng up all the torches in the point to secure a light source, you can
an cipate any possible threat, or you can choose not to use the light at all.
there was.
“Don’t turn on the lights. You might be a target.”
Ellen chose the la er. There was a massacre inside the inn as well, so the
smell of blood rose through the leather and carpets covered.
But it wasn't unbearable. It smells pre y good that me has passed
this was missing
There is a restaurant in the inn, so you could cook your own meals, but in a
sharp atmosphere, I was not in a posi on to worry about that.
However, when ea ng with preserved foods such as bread and ham inside
the inn,
I cried. There was some food that started to rot, so I didn't touch it. “I don’t
know what will happen. You eat a lot too.”
Ellen thought she had to stock up on enough stamina, and she ate the food
stored inside the inn, as she wasn't brought by us anyway.
I don't intend to do it in this situa on, but don't you just want to eat a lot?
“Hurry up and leave early in the morning.”
“I would love to do that.”
Elerys agrees with Ellen's words. He nodded his head as if
She decided to rest on the spacious table on the first floor of the inn as a
but it's a snooze We stood vigilant because we didn't know what was going
to happen.
The first one is Ellen, the second one is me, three
The second was Elerys. Take turns sleeping for two hours. Ellen said she
had to stand twice as she was vigilant and rest for a total of eight hours.
she decided
“I could stand twice. You don’t have to push yourself too hard.”
Elerys said she'd be vigilant for four hours, whether she was worried about
her, but Ellen shook her head.
"No, Lelia-san needs to preserve more stamina."
She seemed to be considerate of her as a wizard. Of course, Elerys used to
say thank you, but she was restless.
I'm fine! very fine! In fact, it is more lively at night!!
It's like holding on to what you want to do.
Go to bed early and leave early in the morning while it is s ll dark. We
want to shorten our stay at Klitz Point as much as possible.
How long have you been sleeping on the table
has it passed
- Tuk-tuk.
If you stay alert while sleeping, you wake up as if you never slept. The
moonlight was seeping through the windows around the dark inn on the
first floor.
Looking at Ellen's expression, it seemed as if nothing had happened.
"You've worked hard. Grow up fast."
Ellen nodded and climbed onto her table and lay down. I won't be able to
fall asleep right away, but I wish I could get a good night's sleep.
Ellen will be more sensi ve just as I am sensi ve while sleeping. I might
wake up if I hear a ra ling noise, so I sat down on a chair with my arms
crossed and looked at the windows around me once. I didn't want to make
Ellen crazy by just wandering around.
Even though it was midsummer, the surrounding area was so quiet that it
felt chilly.
Being able to sleep peacefully in a place where so many people have died
How strong is my nerve cord
I felt it.
If you return safely from here, you can't know how much your skill itself
will improve, but your mentality will inevitably become stronger.
He seemed to understand why Ellen wanted to gain her hands-on
Her training and prac ce alone has its limits. she that
The above can only be obtained in prac ce.
Murder was never the experience she wanted.
But Ellen and I
Something was gained and something was lost.
I don't think this can be called growth. But we've definitely changed, and
we can't go back to the way we were.
Elerys was lying on her side at her table, looking at me. She probably didn't
even sleep in the first place.
Just as we are nervous, Elerys will be even more nervous. a possible
I was s ll on the lookout for
I guess This journey started in the first place
A er she said Elerys never slept properly
will there be
Just as Ellen is crowded, Elerys must also be mentally crowded. She didn't
make any tough tees at all.
Elerys looks at me quietly in the dark and smiles.
No ma er what happens, you will love me and Ellen.
can turn it on
So rest assured
It was a smile that conveyed such feelings.
So, as the ght nerves were released, my mind seemed to feel a li le more
at ease.
It was a smile that blew away my stress and fa gue more than sleep.
i am safe
'A li le
'Fine. You are sleeping I'll be looking around.
Elerys replied only with the shape of my mouth to say that she is okay with
she did
How can I break Elerys' stubbornness?
Elerys said that I can sleep well.
did not fall asleep on
I wasted me just watching the surroundings. Elerys says she won't wake
up Ellen at all when her vigilante comes.
It was like I'll let her grow up.
how long has it been
Elerys looked at me with a firm expression on her face.
it got messed up
'You must prepare.
Get ready.
At those words, the muscles all over her body s ffen.
'Something is coming.
In the eyes of Elerys' spread of her watch,
It seemed like something was caught.
I went straight to the window and looked at the cleats point in the
moonlight. darkness
It didn't look good.
I can't use night vision. But I put on self-sugges ons that strengthen my
eyesight. Infrared vision possible
I can't do it, but even a li le
Hoping to see you be er.
It's not a night vision class, but it's definitely star ng to become visible in
the dark.
Something was gathering at the cleats point. That's a decent number too.
"wake up!"
They both woke up to my cry.
Uniden fied figures were advancing towards Klitz Point on a large scale.
I couldn't check it properly, but
The hordes are advancing towards Klitz Point.
Ellen and Elerys both stood up and equipped their arms. The shapes seen
through the window were soon recognizable under the moonlight.
"That... what is...?"

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 164

The dining room on the first floor of the inn was spacious. Zombies enter
through the window, not the door
There were a lot of possibili es to come.
From there, push in all direc ons
It was impossible for the three of us to face the heavy rain.
So we went into the room on the second floor
shut the door window in case
Jump off the door and escape.
“Stop the door!”
A er locking the door, Ellen and I can see her closet and bed, as well as the
weight of the room.
All the large items were moved to the front door. I don't know how long I'll
be able to hold out, but I'll be able to buy some me.
-bang! bang! bang!
The zombies who jumped into Klitz Point were already knocking on the inn
door as if they had already reached it.
“Are the corpses… all turned into zombies?”
"...I think so."
Ellen mu ered in disbelief.
Along with goblins and skeletons, one of the representa ve miscellaneous
mobs of fantasy, zombies...
I never introduced zombies. So, it must be a randomly set zombie.
The zombies here seem to be able to run, not slowed down.
The slow zombies are used too much, so these days, running new type
zombies are the trend.
Damn, why are you following this trend?
Anyway, the whereabouts of the missing bodies are known.
it happened who ate the corpses
I'm not gone, I'm moving on my own feet
Demon domina on cannot be used. It won't change anything if you use it.
Because zombies have no reason at all.
I'm also a target for those guys.
Ellen looked through the second-floor window and looked at the crowd of
She got this white.
Ellen, who has maintained her mentality for some me, covered her mouth
with her complexion white as if she could not see her.
“...Damn it.”
I saw it for a moment and I lost my mind
It was like losing.
My ro en body came up here
As it is, just by looking
It looked like he was mentally broken.
The form of a living corpse could never be a good spectacle.
Face to face, let go of the danger and never
It's the kind of monster you don't want to run into.
It's dangerous and disgus ng, but it can't be helped. They will soon break
through the inn door and try to smash the door to our room. It's
impossible to last forever.
have to do something Elerys calmly began to explain.
“The zombie can only be killed by hi ng her on the neck. He doesn't die
from any wounds. physical abili es, especially strength, than before
would have been stronger. Don't get caught in their hands. It will be ripped
off with flesh. You can't give them a place they can reach."
Ellen couldn't even raise her doubts at the sudden burst of informa on.
Because it was a situa on in which informa on and ac on were urgent.
But with the appearance of zombies, I
was the biggest problem.
“Is a bite infected or something?”
"...infec on? Yes, the body will be poisonous, so if you bite it, you will
become infected, but...”
Seeing what Elerys said, it seems she didn't understand what I was saying.
Bi en by a ro en corpse, that's all
That means it's already deadly.
But that's enough. Being bi en by a zombie certainly doesn't make you a
- Whoa, whoa!
- Crook! Kroup!
- Whoa!
-bang! bang! Wow! Oops!
Soon the inn door was broken and zombies started pouring into the inn.
They are supposed to know where we are without looking.
They'll break through this room.
Ellen gri ed her teeth and had a determined expression on her face.
“…Mr. Lelia.”
“What you saw now, I hope you don’t tell me anywhere.”
- slurp
Ellen said she was no longer hiding her me and that she was judging that
she immediately summoned her lament. Ellen is now taking out the
rament she hadn't brought out even when annihila ng the robbers.
Without this, it is difficult to overcome the situa on
She thought she was going to cry.
Seeing this, Elerys opened her eyes. She knew it, but it was the first me
she had actually seen it.
Ellen with the Soulbound Sword
She must have known from Loyar that she was a ninja.
Loyar said he carried an unusual sword, but what was Ellen's sword?
she didn't know
Let me tell you about Ellen's iden ty.
However, Elerys recognized that the sword Ellen summoned was Rament.
Mama. Hey, this is... nonsense..."
Naturally, she had no choice but to discover Ellen's iden ty. Elerys sleeps in
her truth beyond her own expecta ons
I was dumbfounded.
The fact that I, the last prince of the demon realm, is friends with the
person who possesses the divine sword Rament is shocking in itself.
Originally, the divine sword Rament was the sword of Ragan Artorius.
The girl who has it for some reason.
Ereris must have realized Ellen's true iden ty.
"I don't have me to panic."
The zombies started knocking on the door of our room. At that me, Elerys
said that now is no surprise.
Realizing that, her eyes calmed again.
It's me for Elleris, who now knows about zombies, to make her own
"I'm was ng me here, and when I feel like all the zombies have entered
the inn, I escape through the window."
“And then?”
I am also a zombie in this world
I don't know what it is, so Elerys' judgment
I thought this would be correct.
“Then we do it like last me.”
Elerys suggested that she use the strategy she had previously used once
Dig a pit at the entrance of the inn. If we leave, the zombies will also run
out of the inn. Dig a trap in front of it.
“Will it be me?”
However, it is not a surprise a ack like before, so there is not enough me
to make a large pit. It takes me to cast the digging magic in stacks.
I decided I couldn't afford it.
“I’m going to cast a stack of magic from this side, un l the size of the pit
Please hold on.”
- Kwajik! Quajiic!
The door to the room was gradually breaking.
Elerys casts digging magic from the window of the room on the second
floor towards the door of the inn on the first floor.
Hold un l the pit is big enough to trap all the zombies.
Then, you have to escape.
Any zombies trying to get out through the inn door will be trapped in the
Ellen nodded her head with a firm expression.
Elerys opened the window and started cas ng her spell.
- Quajik!
- Scream!
Squeeze your head through the smashed door
Ellen cut off the zombie's head with a single knife. her neck
He didn't hit her, but split her head.
The strength of the zombies is how strong the beds and wardrobes pushed
are gradually pushed back.
there was
We were stabbing and cu ng through the cracks in the broken door the
zombies trying to push in.
- Whoops! Whoops! puck!
"doggish! Ouch!”
I think I'm going to lose my mind in a different way than last me.
The charred corpses, the corpses with at least one limb, decayed black and
blue, and the ro en inner vibrated.
There were no maggots in the edible flesh, and with his eyes open, he
stabbed the corpse with a knife while looking straight at the corpse.
I felt terrible when I was there.
You have to cut off her neck to die, but you can
was not the situa on. Because I'm just s cking my knife through the cracks
in the broken door.
They constantly stab the corpses, but they try to push in without dying.
"Shut up!"
- Whoops!
In order to protect my mentality, I rather did evil. He opened his eyes even
more and stabbed the knife several mes.
I'm stabbing, but I'm being tortured
is a minute
Ellen is also holding a Rament, but a stab is not enough to kill these
I'm having a hard me because I couldn't
every single thing
The sword was smeared with the flesh, blood and oil of the corpse.
It was terrifying to watch it come out.
Fortunately, however, the blood and oil on the sword's face reconciled like
smoke and kept disappearing.
A sword with an auto-recovery enchantment.
He seemed to understand why Ellen said this sword was the best in ba le.
The sword itself con nues to return to its best condi on.
But this was not the me to admire the sword.
- Duck! Dude!
However, the zombies gradually broke the door and pushed in the
barricade. If there is a li le gap, these guys will come pouring in like a
water wave. then me
Even high gear is a acked by these guys.
It is impossible to stop the rush of dozens of zombies with a single sword.
- Dude!
Once pushed, the power was added, and the barricade was being pushed
away in an instant.
“Not yet! Not yet?”
"That's Okay! Escape!”
At the cry that seems to go away, I immediately go to the window
Garro grabbed Elerys by her side and jumped through the window.
It wasn't that high, and even though she was holding Elerys, the impact she
felt on her knees wasn't that great. body strengthening
it would be power
Ellen then flew her body through the room window and landed lightly.
At the entrance of the inn, a huge pit was made for the zombies to come
out and get out of the inn. Ellen looked at me, taking in her rough breath.
“It’s the same as last me. Let's deal with those who escape through
windows or other routes instead of through doors.”
The opera on is the same.
It just turned into a zombie.
Some of those zombies are dead at our hands. There were corpses that
appeared to have been burned to death, and Ellen and us were stabbed to
death by arteries or vitals.
Because there was also a corpse.
You have to kill twice the ones you kill once.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
The zombies gathered on the second floor of the inn all got tangled up and
overturned when we escaped.
I run out of the inn while fading away
comes out
“You have to hit the head and blow it away. Don't be too serious though.
We have to keep our distance.”
But this me the method was tricky.
It doesn't die unless it is blown away by a fatal trauma to the skull or by a
blow to the neck.
It was difficult to deal with, but it became easier because the target was
there was also
The zombies ran out of the inn, one by one into her pit dug by El Leris.
intelligence does not exist
That's why the guys in front fall into the trap
Everything was disappearing like being sucked into a pit. Because I don't
have the intelligence to understand that it's a trap.
However, apparently some impa ent bastards came out through the
windows on the second floor or through the windows on the first floor.
It was impossible to fight against a large group, but in this state, it would
be possible to defeat them one by one.
“Reinhardt, please protect Lelia.”
Ellen le Elerys' escort to me and jumped in to kill the zombies that ran
Ellen with the ramen was like a ghost.
Elerys' advice to blow her away was correct. And, she said, it was an easy
way to kill him instantly.
But if there is Rament, there is nothing
there was no need
- Sigh!
This is because any crazy weapon that cuts the waist horizontally with just
one swing of the sword, or cuts it in half by slashing it from the right
collarbone to the bo om of the le waist, can sever zombies with just one
Ellen is a zombie jumping out of the window.
went to kill them
"Great... oops!"
- Chop!
However, while my weapon was good, it wasn't Rament-class performance.
So, be more specific
had to
Zombie movements are not strategic.
and was honest.
They just run around and try to bite.
It is now difficult for me to understand and respond to the movement of
such an a ack.
It's not a thing.
I cut the nape of the zombie that was running at me obliquely with a knife.
it went With more than half of her neck cut off, the zombie fell to the
ground and murmured.
If you hit the nape of the neck like a slap, it will not be cut off.
Not slashing, but slightly obliquely as if slicing meat. Instead of striking the
sword that touched the nape of the neck with force, it was like sweeping it
down slightly. Carefully calculate the angle at which the neck touches the
blade, and rub the blade as if pushing it out to cut it.
When you feel the sensa on of touching the bones, you need to apply
force even more strongly at that moment, as if to break it from then on.
Because the p of the sword is not strong enough. Slightly lower than the
middle of the blade.
Adjust it so that it touches the neck.
Knowing what you don't want to know
Rather than knowing, zombies rush
As I cut it, it is naturally engraved in my mind.
To mu late those who don't die by stabbing.
I don't want to know this, but I am forced to know.
- Oops!
On the back of the zombie's neck that rushes again
with the sword in place. cut this me
Instead, he twisted the sword while locked in and broke the cervical
vertebrae. i axis
I kicked the droopy zombie and pushed it away.
Ellen told me to protect Elerys, but she doesn't think she's playing with
Elerys either.
It wasn't.
- Whoa!
An eerie sound resounded just to be heard, and a rushing zombie fell a er
her head was smashed and her line was straight behind her.
It's not a magic aid.
- Hung Hung Hung Hung!
As the string in Elerys' hand rotated, a menacing pounding sound was
Elerys was wearing a sling.
A zombie that was running from her distance fell on her head.
As it was hit, her skull was smashed and she died.
One by one, Elerys put on her sling and began to turn her sling, looking at
the next target with a careful expression.
Sling in this situa on.
It sounds like a joke, but the zombies hit by that were literally burs ng their
It's a concept that can't use powerful magic, so think hard about other
a ack methods.
I know you did, but that's a sling.
Was it a power wizard concept?
- Whoops!
“Ugh… ugh!”
- Scream!
I feel like I'm running out of breath even as I slash the zombie's neck with
all my might.
And it was ridiculous.
However, in this terrible scene, the mental that is likely to collapse is rather
His playful slingshot felt oddly like a crutch.
There's no need to use strong magic for something like this.
It felt like Elelis' leisure.
- Pak!
Elerys slings each zombie one by one while I shudder and slap the zombies
head hard.
was breaking
It was an unbelievable hit rate.
“Whoa… Whoa…”
“Haha… how… it’s almost over…”
2 21 Days,
A er about 30 minutes of figh ng, the zombies were all sorted out.
In addi on to the dozen robbers,
Because everyone who was originally had turned into a zombie, the
number was huge.
There were zombies that fell into the pit, and over 30 zombies around us
had just returned to their corpses.
The smell of hell and the cruel sight made me feel dizzy. Ellen, who killed
the most zombies, returned to us with a reverse summoning of Rament.
This is not the end.
“Burn everything now.”
I never thought the corpses would come back to life. I'm already out of
breath, but to prepare for an even more strange situa on
So we decided to burn all the corpses.
- In the ear, in the ear!
- Crooked! Crook!
The screams of the zombies inside the pit echoed wildly.
“It may move suddenly. Be careful when carrying it.”
At Elerys' words, me and Ellen were careful and gathered the dead bodies
started to be driven into
While dealing with zombies, our bodies
I've become an idiot for nothing. The feeling of touching a ro en corpse
was terrible. No ma er how much I killed a zombie, I couldn't get used to
When the fight took place, they opened their eyes and killed them, but
when it was all over, they couldn't even look at the faces of the dead.
Was death also disgus ng?
It took only a few days for humans to lose their human form.
Human beings are extremely disgusted with their crude resemblance to
humans. that
That is the essence of the uncanny valley.
The zombie was a terrifying specimen of that uncanny valley. Because it
was originally human, its discomfort is maximized.
Carrying the body separately and the neck separately made me think about
He was a acked by zombies, but he brutally killed people and provided
I feel like a person trying to destroy.
Except for the zombies trapped in the pit.
Gathering all her sieves, she poured the flammable substances Elerys had
brought from here and there and set it on fire.
- Whoops!
And, a er pouring a lot of flammable substances and oil into the pit,
was pasted
With a terrible scream, two flames rose at Klitz Point.
We each sit down at random
I stare blankly at those two flames
there was
Why the hell are the corpses at Klitz Point?
Did you become a zombie?
Did something like this happen at Alzheimer's Point?
Then, even before the three leading points
Has it become like this?
Ellen, who was si ng next to me, rested her head on my shoulder.
There were too many unresolved ques ons.
But we were too red to share that story right now.
"A li le

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 165

next day.
As the blue dawn dawned, Ellen and I woke up.
We were asleep, leaning on each other, with our backs against the wall of a
We were so exhausted that we didn't know what was going to happen. To
the point where I give up thinking and fall asleep, falling asleep
It was more like fain ng than it was.
“Are you awake?”
Elerys seemed to be awake.
She greeted me so ly. Ellen's eyes were bewildered
“...Maybe you haven’t slept…because of us.”
“No, I was too sleepy…. It almost got me into trouble. All of us.”
He said that, but obviously he didn't sleep. When I woke up, I couldn't
understand how I slept in such an environment.
There were piles of charred corpses, and flesh and blood sca ered
everywhere. The smell of burning corpses was also unpleasant.
“There was water to wash in the inn. First wash up, eat something and
I do. I'll clean up the way a bit more."
We decided to dy things up from scratch.
The zombies became ashes to the point that they could never rise again. I
don't know if it was that much of a fire or what, but Elerys was joking while
we were asleep.
would have taken a bite.
Ellen and I each washed our dirty bodies in a zombie-infested inn. I
changed my clothes to something else, but I couldn't help but spla er on
the armor.
It was also the me when the sword had to be cleaned, but because it had
an automa c repair func on, I only wiped it off with a cloth oiled with oil.
A er a simple preserva ve for breakfast, we got together.
“Can I keep going south?”
Elerys lted her head and expressed such a ques on. It had many
meanings. Already, a large number of mysterious zombies have occurred at
Clitz Point. If you go south, it will be more dangerous. Will she con nue to
descend under such circumstances? what happened
If there is, Elerys will protect us, but the decision is le to us.
“What about Lelia?”
Ellen asked Lelia's opinion. Yesterday was an unexpected threat, but she
knew it would be dangerous from now on
that's the way to go
"Well, I'll leave it up to you to choose."
Lelia concedes her choice to us
she did
Ellen looked at me this me. Up un l now, Ellen had decided and acted,
but this me she has to make a decision together. My life was in danger
yesterday. This could happen again, or it could be more dangerous.
S ll want to go?
"...if you go, go, if you don't go, don't go."
Of course, I deferred her choice to Ellen. Unlike when we both annihilated
the robbers
In other words, he suffered severe mental damage.
Dealing with the undead is a ma er of skill
It used to be a mental issue. It was incredibly difficult to deal with those
abomina ons.
"'s okay?"
Ellen looked at me and asked. The ques on is, can we endure such a thing
any longer?
"...I think it wouldn't have been okay if I was alone."
“…… ,
“How, it seems that the burden itself is somehow becoming.”
Ellen heard my answer and she nodded.
Ellen takes turns looking at Elerys and me
I saw.
“I think so too.”
Just being with someone is this
It helps to endure the horror.
It seemed that Ellen was the same as I was.
In the end, we decided to con nue south.
We headed south on the road to Altz Point. Ellen is more wary of her
surroundings than before, but she asks ques ons like this and that.
she indicated
“How did the zombies know right away that we were there?”
It was a ques on directed to Elerys. Yesterday, Elerys gave an immediate
answer to what a zombie is and how to deal with it in an emergency.
The encyclopedia of knowledge, being a wizard is not the best if you have
to play that role. Yesterday's Elerys was just like that.
Of course, she doesn't know because she's a wizard, but because she's
from the Dark Lands. Ellen said she knew that she was magic
She must be misunderstood.
“Zombies can track creatures. I don't know if it's by smell or some sort of
ins nct. So there’s no point in hiding from some rain.”
Therefore, the ba le was inevitable.
“It means that if the zombies appear again, we will have to fight.”
“It would be. But zombies are usually
It moves at night, so you have to be careful at night.”
According to Elerys, zombies are
It looks like a planet
“Then you sleep during the day… or something like that?”
At my ques on, Elerys put her index finger on her lips and she lted her
“I don’t know if I can describe it as sleep. It is said that during the day,
zombies move in search of stretched places or places with low
temperatures. I'll probably wait there un l the night comes, but I don't
know if he's sleeping or not."
“Why are you looking for a place with a low temperature?”
Zombies do not sleep during the day, but seek out shade areas where the
temperature is low. There, Eren expressed his doubts.
“Probably because of the speed of corrup on.”
Corrup on.
Decay proceeds rapidly during the day and in high temperatures.
“Zombies are usually me-limited. Since the body itself has already
stopped metabolizing, the decay will con nue, right?
Then if the corrup on con nues, you will end up with only bones.”
Elerys raised her index finger and flicked it. She's giving some pre y awful
explana ons, but it's kind of a cute gesture.
A zombie is a reanimated corpse, but eventually the decay itself con nues.
Flies and maggots twist.
So, I don't know if a zombie can be called a living thing, but it's a deadline.
In the end, only the bones remain.
Zombies don't care, but do they have an ins nct to try to extend her
“And when that happens, the behavior changes completely.”
Is it a deadline? does it change? Elle
Reese had a strange smile in my gaze.
“What if the zombie moved with only bones le ?”
was that
When the zombie's decay progresses to the final stage, she becomes a
skeleton, not a zombie.
A er all, the two were the same kind of undead.
“You know a lot.”
At Ellen's words, Elerys was a bit startled, as if she thought she had
doubted her.
“Ah, that… the me that appears in all the monster encyclopedias.
It's a dragon. Just in case you didn't know, I kept looking."
"i See."
To me, Ellen didn't seem par cularly suspicious. Ellen said she looked at
Elerys, wondering if she was different this me.
“You’re good at using slings…”
“At my level, if you only believe in magic,
because it can't One other means to prepare
have to do it I’ve been throwing it as a hobby since I was li le, so I’m good
at it.”
Since he is a low-level wizard, he cannot solve everything with magic, so he
has prepared a secret solu on. Of course, the accuracy of the slingshot is
ridiculous, and if the zombie's head gets hit by that, it can explode.
it was jun
It was tremendous power. some low level
Magic is incomparable. Elerys swung it out of her arms yesterday, showing
her a sling that was split in the head.
“Some mes there are enchantments a ached to it.”
Not an ordinary sling, but a secret magic
Was it the concept of goods?
There is a “weigh ng” magic on it. Objects thrown here on foot gain
weight for a very short me.”
“Ah… so that kind of power…”
The zombies' heads exploded, not broken, for a reason. Even light objects
will become cannonballs if you throw them there.
Ellen didn't ask why she didn't bring it out the last me she annihilated the
robbers. Do you think it's a thing of the past?
But is that a real magic item?
Isn't he just throwing a sling and cas ng weight magic?
She couldn't talk to Elerys on her own, so she was confused with me.
“Then why did the zombies arise?”
That was the most important ques on. At Ellen's ques on, Elerys narrowed
her brow.
He lted his head and lted his head.
"Well.... Zombies can occur naturally or ar ficially through black magic.
In some cases, it is made with
Zombie outbreaks can be either ar ficial or natural.
“But if it were a zombie created by a warlock, it would be under the
wizard’s control, but yesterday’s zombies were controlled…. There was no
sign of that?”
Zombies just came from all direc ons as if led by us. As if showing an
organiza onal pa ern of behavior
didn't fit
“Of course… in one case it might be a warlock involved, but at this point it
is assumed that it is a naturally occurring zombie.”
Elerys seemed to judge that it was unlikely that this mass outbreak of
zombies was the work of the Warlock.
“When do zombies arise spontaneously?”
At my ques on, Elerys narrowed her brow again.
“Ummm… there are so many reasons I can’t put it into words. S ll, to
explain it in an easy way...
In a place full of energy, strange phenomena occur.... Zombies are one of
those strange phenomena.
unclean spirit.
Too difficult to understand the facts of the case
It was every word. However, if you think about it, a lot of weird things
happen in places where the fire is burnt, and zombies are one of those
weird things.
That is.
It also meant that this place was already an unclean place.
Elerys gazed quietly at her winding road heading south.
“You can think of it now as we are going to find out what is the cause of
that unholy energy.”
We were all aware that this southern man was leading to even more
dangerous things.
"It's like that beyond the Alzheimer's point.
If the phenomenon spreads…”
“Yes, something unusual has happened.”
If the Alzheimer's point is the core of the case, the unholy anomalies can
extend to the Klitz Point, which is three days away.
it's happening
It was clear that something unusual was going on.
“Mr. Lelia.”
Ellen quietly called Lelia.
“Mr. Lelia may die.”
Lelia lted her head when she said it was okay to go back.
“Me and Reinhardt are teleported. I have a roll. So you can run away. In
case of an emergency, we will run away with a teleport scroll.”
It's dangerous to be together more than this, and we have a means of
escape, but you don't. So Ellen is sugges ng that you can go back here.
She's worried about Lelia.
“If you die and report on the zombie apocalypse at Klitz Point, you can get
quite a lot of money.”
"Oh, I see."
Elerys nodded quietly as if she knew what Ellen was talking about. She
then smiled slightly.
"it's okay. I have at least one such trump card.”
You might ask what it is.
“Like the sword that Ellen took out yesterday.”
I don't ask for your secrets, so you shouldn't ask for my secrets either.
Ellen couldn't help but ask what the secret was.
Ellen bit her lip and she was s ll
she froze
“If it becomes dangerous and only us escape by telepor ng, I hope you will
not be resen ul.”
"sure. Those who can live must live.”
Ellen seemed to think she was called Lelia and she couldn't understand the
wizard more and more.
But she had a brief encounter and she fought for her life with me twice.
So she said that Ellen didn't disagree with her once she was with Lelia, a
slightly suspicious wizard.
It's a three-day drive to Alts Point. It will arrive around the day a er
We walked all day and kept going south
all. There were no unexpected things, including zombies in the middle.
“The zombies might come like yesterday. You should avoid sleeping on the
I and Elerys agreed with Ellen's words. If there are zombies, they pinpoint
our loca on. So hiding was meaningless in the first place.
“I wish it was on a cliff-like place that zombies couldn’t burn… but that’s
not the case.
see. Then on a big tree, it would be uncomfortable
But you have to sleep there.”
“That’s a good idea.”
You may not be able to sleep properly, and you may fall from a tree while
sleeping, but the best res ng place you can choose right now is on a tree
that cannot be reached even by zombies.
We walked before sunset, making sure there were trees for us to climb and
Soon, I was able to find a beau ful Lee Goryeongsu with quite thick
“It looks sturdy.”
Zombies can't climb trees, so it seemed like they could rest by leaning on a
sturdy branch or something. Ellen and I had a history of climbing bare
palms on a deserted island.
“...but how do you ride this?”
But it was climbed up holding the tree.
It was an unbelievably large tree.
all. Hold this big tree with your bare hands
couldn't burn
Ellen didn't answer, and rummaged through her backpack, and she pulled
out the rope.
“……That’s right.”
I couldn't even think of using a tool and just thought of hi ng it with my
body. If you have a bad head, your body suffers.
Ellen ed a stone to the end of a rope and threw it at a branch. hang on
the branch
The lean rope wrapped around the branch ghtly as it rotated three or four
Ellen seemed to try pulling her tension on the rope a few mes, then she
grabbed the rope and started burning.
She climbed about six meters in an instant, and Ellen said that she landed
on a branch and then she stomped on it a few mes with her foot.
- Stay strong, come on up.
It seemed no problem. I grabbed the rope and started to burn. I was a li le
surprised as I climbed up because I was able to do things that would have
never been possible before.
As she climbed up and looked down, she felt dizzy. Of course, the thickness
of the branches was considerable, so to be honest, I thought I would be
able to lie down.
But it's safe and it's Nabal, and if you fall asleep here, won't you break your
Ellen looked down at her and cried.
“Mr Lelia. As long as you hold on to the rope well, I will pull you up.”
She can't be climbed by anyone.
It looked like he was going to give up. Elerys
Holding the rope around her body, Ellen
He pulled up the rope as if it wasn't too heavy.
“Wow, you are so powerful.”
Elerys doesn't take much of her strength, and as she looks at Ellen as she
li s her up, she says so in admira on. If you raise it this high, even if a
horde of zombies comes in, you can't help but stare at us like a dog chasing
it was
Ellen can stumble over other branches, or use a rope to climb higher.
She walks busily, hanging up and going up.
was straight A place to rest a li le more safely
She seemed to be checking to see if there were any cows.
As a result, she is hollow and
The inside of the tree trunk is slightly dug.
She found a place that was like a cave. It was like a crack in an old tree.
“I don’t think I’ll ever fall from here. Spacious enough.”
Although it was cramped, it seemed to be large enough for three people to
enter and somehow sleep. Even if she rummaged around a bit, she was s ll
in the tree, so she didn't have to worry about falling.
She was, of course, a li le shaky
I was inside a hollow tree, Ellen si ng in my arms, and Elerys si ng
opposite her.
A er all, it's not that wide, so Ellen sat with her back to my chest.
It looks like she is hugging her from behind. Both of us should sleep in this
posi on.
"Hey, you look good together..."
Elerys said to me as if teasingly, cas ng her so gaze.
Don't say nonsense!!
“Eat something now.”
Of course, Ellen was talking about rice as she leaned her back on me and
she didn't even think about it.
It was a rela vely safe place, and you'll hear noise when zombies gather.
it's nonsensical we're on fire again
stood the bed
two hours each.
This me I was the first. The pitch black night falls, Elerys and Ellen Mo
Two fell asleep. Is Ereris sleeping?
I don't know what But if you haven't slept, isn't it that you've been awake
for too long? The burden would be enormous.
I thought that Elerys would also like to get some sleep. Because it's safe
Ellen said she had fallen asleep quickly, but she was breathing evenly.
She wiggled for a moment as she felt a li le uncomfortable, but she didn't
really care. Normally, even if I didn't pay much a en on to these things, I
would have been pounding or feeling a li le hot.
Just as Ellen is very sensi ve in this situa on, so was I.
It was not strange even if a ghost appeared.
I was originally a ghost and jump care
He was the type to hate.
But now that I've seen something worse
Wouldn't you like to see something like that?
If zombies are coming, how do you respond? There's no such thing as
climbing trees or something that can do that, right?
All sorts of thoughts came into my mind in the dark.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 166

next day.
Fortunately, nothing happened, and we climbed down the tree and
con nued our journey.
If this is something that Elerys cannot handle, what should he do?
Of course, you can escape with the scroll.
Leris can also teleport away, but
We trusted our own insurance and con nued our way south. If you walk
diligently tomorrow, you will know
You will be able to reach the Tsu point,
A er examining the dynamics in the flag, Saint's Point
When we return to Troy, our mission is over.
A er a light meal, we walked diligently. Judging from yesterday's case,
there seemed to be no zombies, but we had no choice but to be concerned
about safety. This me, instead of a tree, he climbed up a sheer cliff face
and rested on a flat surface above it.
It was located on the top of the mountain, so it was a place where you
could see the scenery in all direc ons.
But wherever you look, the mountains overlap.
I didn't see anything suspicious at all.
I don't see anything suspicious.
“It’s creepy.”
But an unknown, eerie feeling ckled the back of our heads. It would have
been nice if something appeared, but there was no such thing, which made
it even more bizarre.
next day.
We set off early in the morning. If you walk a er the sun goes down, the
sun goes down at Alzheimer's Point
I will only arrive a er passing
Eh, because I got to the Alzheimer's point early today and decided to get
out of there and come back overnight.
“Be a li le more careful, Alzheimer’s
Even if we don’t get to the intro, if we have a serious problem to deal with,
we’ll get back to you.”
Ellen s ll ain't happening
She wasn't but she's nervous enough to say that
was in one state.
In our intui on that we were heading to the heart of the ma er, we kept
walking, except for a brief break in between.
It must have been around five in the a ernoon.
"That's... Alzheimer's Point."
As we crossed a hill road, we reached the Alts Point located at the end of
the slope of the hill.
could find We stopped for a moment without approaching any further. To
understand the situa on of the Alzheimer's point.
“On the surface, there doesn’t seem to be any problem…”
As Ellen said, I also strengthened my eyesight.
I looked it up, but on the surface, the Alzheimer's point was on the normal
side, except that there were no people walking around.
"I'll try telescope magic
yo. This."
Elerys used low-level magic to more reliably search from a distance.
A er cas ng for a while, Elerys
was quietly staring at the Alzheimer's point.
"It's a li le different from the case of Klitz Point. There aren't any corpses.
Elerys mu ered blankly.
“Rather than a corpse, I can see the remains of something that has been
eaten…. Things like bones…”
Debris as if eaten, close-up
It looked like that kind of sight.
“What have you been preying on?” |
“ this stage, it seems like zombies
Things like the remains of zombies ea ng people stand out. However, since
me has passed, they are all the remains of bones.
“When I think of the rain a while ago. If there are any traces of people
coming and going
There must be traces of footprints le , but none of them are visible.”
Last me we annihilated our robbers
It rained.
At that me, if all traces including the footprints were washed away, the
footprints that appear to have been taken a er that are not at all.
not visible
"Alz Point seems to have been empty for a while. If there were some rains
here, it would have been sca ered around."
“They a ack living things, so there was no reason to return to the
Alzheimer’s Point where there were no living people… Is that so?”
If it's zombies then they're all out of alz points and empty
Quite me has passed.
The Alzheimer's Point is the road to and the return route to the front-end
Alzheimer's-1, 2, and 3 points. Ellen summed up her thoughts and spoke
“It sounds like no one has returned from the previous three points.”
“…I guess so.”
The front three points may have already been wiped out.
All three of us couldn't deny that it was highly likely.
“Let’s go.”
There is nothing strange about the place. We decided to enter Alts Point
Just looking at the village without people, the atmosphere is gloomy and
exudes energy
However, if you see things like red bloodstains all over the buildings in the
village, you will feel a sense of fear in addi on to that.
will occur un l
There are human bones all over the place.
un l there is
The Alts Point is on the way to the three bases ahead. That's why it's three
mes the size of Saints Point or Cliff Point above. No one is at a point on
that scale.
We tensed up and searched the vicinity of Alts Point. I couldn't see any
survivors or even a li le rain, but I didn't know where it was coming from.
Moving separately could be dangerous, so we searched each building
There were bloodstains and bone fragments all over the inside of the
building. all the maggots already
There was not even a ro en smell coming from the bones that had dried
up hazy from ea ng them.
“Have you been a acked by zombies?”
Looking at the bones that looked like they had been eaten, Elerys
ques oned with a serious expression.
"no. I don’t think so.”
But Ellen shook her head. Ellen looked at the bloodstains on the wall.
“Once I was a acked by zombies and my Alzheimer's points were wiped
out, there should be more bone fragments than now. However, the bones
that look like they were eaten by zombies are all over the place, but they
are all Alzheimer's Point members.
I have a lot of trouble.”
Signs of preda on are visible, but their numbers are too low.
“Perhaps it wasn’t eaten alive, it was eaten dead.”
Ellen quietly picked up one of the white dried bones.
“Because a decapitated corpse will not become a zombie.”
There was a cut surface that was presumed to have been cut with a single
knife by something sharp.
She said, "Alz Point people were slaughtered by someone or many with a
weapon, and the zombie apocalypse will come a er that."
It wasn't a living person who was eaten
A corpse that did not become a zombie.
Ellen seemed to have come to that conclusion.
Traces of sharp cuts visible on some bone fragments.
I do not know who the culprit is, but it is presumed that he has a very
sharp blade. It's a weapon that can cut through people with a single knife.
And such weapons are not common.
Because that's impossible with technology alone.
We carefully searched the inside of the point again.
“Adventures Guild. Let's go there.”
As if Ellen knew exactly where she was going, she headed to the
Adventurers' Guild inside Alts Point. Adventurer's Guild
There was also a lot of blood on the inside.
Ellen had a reason she came to the Adventurers' Guild.
“I need to find the Adventurer’s Guild Journal.
Most of what happened at Alzheimer's Point will be documented.”
He seemed to think that there was a high possibility that there were
significant clues. She knows what to look for, she already knows Ellen.
there was
The Adventurer's Guild Office, behind the drawers
Jeddah and Ellen are in the manager's office with a huge
I came across a book.
“I think it’s the manager’s journal here.”
“I’ll see you.”
Ellen opened her journal.
The last recorded date of the log was Tuesday, July 21st.
Today is Friday, August 7th.
Then the case at Alzheimer's Point
It happened about 3 weeks ago.
Tuesday, July 21, 323 in the imperial calendar.
IC 72
- You shouldn't have sent people to the grave.
Snowden will kill us all.
that was the last record
all. what grave.
Is that grave the culprit?
And the name Snowden.
Ellen turned the pages, and she kept turning the pages looking for the first
men on of the tomb.
Thursday, July 2, 323 in the Imperial Calendar.
-A-Rank Snowden, B-Rank Pai-Jin, and B-Raise three adventurers are
located about two days east of Alts Point.
reported finding unusual structures. Judging from the sketch, it is
presumed to be a tomb due to its closed structure. Since it is a highly
reliable party, there is no possibility of false informa on.
As the informa on spreads, it seems that a large team is being formed for
a proper search.
The adventurers of Altz Point discovered a grave about a month ago. and
to search the grave
made a team We formed a team because we didn't know what kind of
danger there would be.
Sunday, July 12, 323 in the imperial calendar.
- An expedi on consis ng of about twenty A-C rank adventurers who le
to inves gate the graves in the eastern part of Alts Point has returned.
According to reports, the tomb consisted of three floors, and there were
no dangerous demons or threats.
They returned with a large amount of jewelry and precious metals. It was a
significant result.
There were also several items that appeared to have been enchanted.
Detailed results will be known a er the evalua on.
In such a case, there are mes when we fight each other for even a li le
more, and then we fight with each other, and we must stop such a
situa on.
As a special feature, the coffin on the third floor of the tomb contained a
It seems that the black expedi on team leader Snowden decided to have
it. No one seemed to dispute that fact.
coffin in the grave.
What adventurers shouldn't touch
maybe I touched it
I have some anxiety.
Tuesday, July 14, 323, imperial calendar
-Fortunately, the expedi on adventurers shared their share without
figh ng. The rewards are huge, so there seems to be no reason to fight.
A total of two magical items were iden fied. Earrings and bracelets, which
were taken by each other except Snowden, who was the first tomb
It is presumed that the sword that Snowden secured is a magical item, but
Snowden needs an appraisal.
said no
Wednesday, July 16, 323 in the imperial calendar.
- I had a nightmare last night and today. oddly enough
Everyone in Alzheimer's Point had a nightmare. The content was different
and incomprehensible, but is it possible that everyone's bed becomes
uncomfortable at the same me?
Thursday, July 17, 323 in the Imperial Calendar.
- At the burial site next to the point, zombies suddenly rose up and killed
three people by bi ng them. Ac on was taken immediately, but why did
this happen?
An ominous feeling keeps creeping in.
Friday, July 18, 323 in the imperial calendar.
- Snowden's behavior is strange. He says he holds the sword he brought
from the grave even when he sleeps. As if he had become a different
He said fewer horses, and he didn't eat anything. Snowden's colleagues
have reported that the sword must have possessed ominous magic.
Will inves gate tomorrow.
Saturday, July 19, 323 in the imperial calendar.
- Snowden did not respond to the sugges on that the sword might be a
product of black magic.
He only had a strange smile and said strange things. no, it sounds like
He didn't either.
I'm sure Snowden was cursed by some kind.
it looks messed up When he tries to forcefully take his sword, Snowden
decides to have three guild troops and even an old comrade with him.
killed him and ran away.
It was becoming increasingly frightening to understand the situa on.
Snowden's sword must have been cursed. A search party was set up to
track Snowden.
Sunday, July 20, 323 in the imperial calendar.
- Organized to kill Snowden
As soon as the search team le the point, they were slaughtered by
Snowden in the spot we saw.
Snowden slaughtered all of the reconnaissance team and then
Snowden was great, but he didn't have that kind of skill.
Everyone was confused. points
Those who want to escape, and snow when they escape
People who said they would be killed by Dan
it's confusing
that grave.
The grave is the culprit behind everything.
Knowing everything, we looked at each other. With this, the situa on was
broadly understood.
Adventurers shouldn't touch
I came out of a tomb with a cursed sword. A mad adventurer named
Snowden, who had the sword, was in this situa on.
was the culprit of He caused a genocide at all Alzheimer's points, and the
curse of turning the dead into zombies fell around them, and the curse was
spreading more and more.
“It could be the kind of sword that rules the mind of its owner.”
Elerys said so with a firm expression on her face, presuming that the
problem was caused by such a sword. Ellen Backpacks Journal
put in
“Come back. we're done
It was our job to figure out what happened to the Alzheimer's Point.
You can prove it with this journal.
With this our mission is over. Our mission is not to solve this problem, but
to understand the full story. The iden ty of the person who destroyed the
Alzheimer's Point
Now that you know this, you can leave it to others next me.
cursed sword. crazy because of it
It should be seen as a disaster that occurred by touching an object that
should not be touched.
We le the Adventurers' Guild and headed outside Alts Point. this
It must be dangerous, so today, without rest, as soon as possible near the
Alts Point
was planning to leave.
"... well, it's like this."
Someone was standing at the entrance to Altz Point, where we entered.
A certain man with sparse gray hair, empty eyes, and gray skin.
what kind of sword the man held
He stood quietly at the entrance.
Even if it prevents us from going out
like you want to
Snowden, the culprit in the Alzheimer's Point case. It was obvious that it
was that man. The man can't come near, but it's far away
He didn't even bother, he was just blocking the entrance.
"...he doesn't look like he's alive."
It was Elerys' words.
Clearly, that man seemed to have neither will nor ego. even the plain
Both eyes were telling me everything.
The author is already dead, and he is only led by the curse of the sword.
He wasn't the only one.
- Crumple! ! ね
“…even zombies?”
At the entrance opposite the Alts Point, zombies were appearing one by
dangerous situa on. unknown in front
There was Snowden under the curse of , and zombies are flocking from
If you're surrounded by zombies, it's over. At Clitz Point, it was possible to
break each one, but if you a ack in groups, you can block it.
there was no
There were not many zombies yet.
“ have to break through.”
Although his iden ty is unknown, the one who marks the entrance is a
cursed man.
If he doesn't break through, he dies. Ellen doesn't consider her teleport
scroll yet
didn't seem to
She thinks Lelia will die if she leaves. Because I never said that the trump
card was the means of escape.
“I don’t know what the trump card is, but can I stop those zombies with
Elerys firmly voted for Ellen's choice.
He nodded his head.
“…Let’s do it. But when it gets dangerous, you have to escape. I don't care.”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 167

The difference between Snowden and our armed forces was stark.
Even just by striking back the sword I wielded, I am pushed to the power
I took a few steps back.
I felt a sharp pain as if my hand was about to rip. The ba le with Mayaton
was incomparable.
I'm glad I didn't miss the sword.
In the past, I would have missed it.
- Whoa, whoa!
The zombies coming from behind were in charge of Elle Ress.
- Kook!
- Cuckoo!
| Elerys pretends to be a lesser wizard.
made up The fireballs that Elerys fired were proof of that. under
But Ellen had no me to be shocked that Elerys had stopped pretending.
there was no
- Kang! Kang! Kagak!
It seemed to be hard to bear just by receiving the raging sword a ack.
Aside from their abili es, their physical strength and reac on speed
themselves were at a level different from ours.
- Kaang!

“ !”
The good news is that we are two. If you a ack at the same me, you will
always be exposed to one a ack.
- Pooh!
Put Ellen's sword on the back of the one who deflected it
puts his sword
But he swung his sword straight at me, not paying a en on to the wound.
He drew his sword in an instant and stepped back, but if it had been a li le
deeper, the nape of his neck
was about to cut
He stabbed deep but he thought he would die
- Slurry....
However, the wound will heal itself
He didn't even think he would.
Both me and Ellen looked at the wound that had healed on its own, as if in
“It should be cut, not stabbed.”
It must be cut with a single knife and thrown away.
If it was one-on-one, it wouldn't be an opponent, but the effect of the
pincer a ack was great.
Can overcome this overwhelming weight difference
have. Ellen and I prac ced a lot with each other. Although we had never
prac ced pincers, we were able to predict to some extent how each would
It's not a fantas c breathing, but we're good at pincers, as we o en do.
He focused more on Ellen's side as he ins nc vely realized that Ellen was a
threat. A er a few ba les, I threw a sword at the guy's neck.
-puck! Snap!
As if slashing the throats of zombies, I cut off the neck of the guy who
blocked El Ren's a ack and cut it off with a single knife.
“Hey… crazy…”
The neck that had fallen was a ached to itself.
His neck escaped and returned, but he made no expression. No emo on
could be read in the eyes that looked like open holes.
It was a completely different feeling from seeing a zombie.
It felt like seeing something completely different, neither human nor
Overwhelming power, reac on speed, and regenera on.
In a situa on where informa on about the enemy is limited, all you can do
is guess.
“I have to let that sword go.”
The only clue I have now is that that sword is the source of everything.
If the source of the regenera ve power also comes from that sword, then
you should let that sword go.
If that doesn't work, consider the next number.
In the worst case, it teleports to escape.
Snowden ran towards us. I'm the one he's aiming for this me.
If you try to accept it, you are rather pushed by force. I melted away the
power of his sword, or deflected it. surely,
In terms of overall strength, he is ahead, but
school is not enough
The swordsmanship itself cannot be compared to Ellen. I was trained by
Ellen like that for a long me.
I learned how to react when there was an overwhelming difference in
power. He had to become proficient because he was pushed by Ellen in
I'm so used to figh ng opponents with overwhelming weight differences
I'm sick of it!
- Kagak!

“ !”
His nerves were distracted as he was a acking me and catching Ellen's
sword coming in from the side. Ellen has a definite technical advantage,
and I also have the advantage of being a li le ahead of this guy when it
comes to technique.
So with this infinitely regenera ng enemy
I don't know what it would be like to go to Earth War.
The opponent is possible right now.
This me he lowered his sword at Ellen and slammed it.
An unbelievable thing happened.
Ellen took the sword that it was striking and threw it away with her body.
but Ellen
Her body was wrapped in blue light.
Rather, she hugged her as if she would not let go of his sword.
Disposable protec on bracelet. then that
thinking about it
A single defensive spell
created a gap
My body was ahead of me.
“Give me your arm, you bastard!”
- Scream!
I hit the sword with all my might and cut off Snowden's wrist.
- Chaeeng!
Ellen kicked the sword from a distance as soon as it fell.
But he screamed and ran towards his severed wrist. As if he had been calm
un l now and lost his temper
It was like an ac on.
His fallen hand didn't s ck. it doesn't even play
The deflected sword was trembling and trembling.
Dropping the sword from his body
seems to have been the correct answer.
Ellen hit the guy who was about to run for the sword into her torso and
bounced it back.
"I'm weak...!"
The monster-like power I've had un l now is gone.
The guy bounced off easily. burr
The enemy, and the sword that hums alone.
Ellen swung her ram at Snowden, who was thrown straight out, and struck
her in the neck.
The trembling body of the man in an instant
stretched out
- Whoa!
But that didn't end there.
Suddenly, the sword begins to float in the air.
Then he flew away somewhere. all
Toward one of the zombies that Elerys was devasta ng, but had not been
able to deal with.
- Cock!
And, in the hands of one of the zombies, I got my hands on it. To be
precise, it was as if he had ordered one of the zombies to catch him.
The cursed sword changed its owner at will.
A zombie with enhanced abili es runs towards me with a sword.
- Kook!
With just one sword hit, I was pushed back.
Whoever the host is, the host itself is strengthened.
Even if you cut off your arm, the sword will fly away to the zombies on its
own. around
It seems clear that they dominate the zombies.
If you don't do something about the sword itself, this will only repeat itself.
Elerys is
She was doing the most important job of ge ng rid of the invading
zombies. She dried up the seeds of the zombies and then blows her arm
is best
Even with my physical strengthening, it was impossible to keep up with this
guy's power.
The good news is that they are ignorant and only believe in their strength
and push. How was it possible to drain?
But the body is ge ng more and more strained.
I feel like my whole body is creaking.
- Shh!
And I felt that he was learning. Taking a break, Ellen a acks her arm.
The girl blew his body and avoided it.
Knowing that we are aiming for amputa on, we are focused only on their
a ack.
All other wounds are regenerated. Keep recovering with the power of the
sword itself.
is going
-bang! Whoops! bang!
Elerys can't afford to keep stopping the zombie hordes. Do you think we'll
figure it out on our own? Can you protect us if we are really in danger?
Such a conversa on is impossible in this situa on. It's unknown if Elerys is
leaving her strength behind. And even if she actually can afford it now she
shouldn't believe it.
Instead of asking for help from Elerys, you have to do it yourself.
Don't trust insurance too much.
Her whole body is ngling. My wrists and shoulders were hur ng to
withstand the blow of that bastard.
It looked like it was going to break.
“You can’t go to earth warfare.”
Don't go to Earth Warfare. But the opponent's stamina seems infinite, and
It felt like my body was about to be crushed a er a short ba le. It seems
that Ellen has already put a strain on her body.
But is there any way not to go to Earth Wars?
In a confronta on, Ellen calls me.
If you keep changing owners, just exchanging swordsmanship will break
your wrist.
Ellen seemed to have judged herself that she could cut off the bastard's
arm on her own.
But what about this situa on where there is no countermeasure except for
the pincer?
“Don’t interrupt me again.”
Ellen takes a deep breath.
Before she departs for the Dark Lands,
Hey. fuck him once
It was the same day that Loyar asked Ellen if she could die for Reinhardt,
and she said she didn't know.
Loyar had promised that she would tell Ellen something.
'Try to grind with all my might, no ma er where I am."
'Would you like to get one shot?
'I'll do it.'
As ordered, Ellen smashed Yar's sword with all her might. There was a
sound that was close to a roar, but Royar was completely sane, only slightly
pushed back.
The first me I faced Loyar, I had a li le bit of power control, but this me
it was definitely power.
However, he becomes suspicious that his main prey that smashed Loyar
might have been broken.
Loyard was not hurt at all.
'You know what this is?'
(...Magic power enhancement.
Royar can protect and strengthen his body with his magical powers. 'The
difference between a person who can do this and a person who can't do
this is heaven and earth. It's like magic. Not everyone can do it. Magic
Just as there are very few of them, there are very few who can do this.”
'I won't tell you why I know how to do that, so there's no point in looking
at you like that.
Just as there are very few people who can learn wizards, there are very few
who will enter the superhuman stage by strengthening their body with
magical power. Again, very few reach the masterclass.
'So, you're dead, who can't use magic enhancement, and even if you wake
up, you won't be able to defeat me.
Will. It would be a different story if I used that weird knife. There won't be
much of a difference though.
The level itself is markedly different. So, Ellen can't beat her original Loyar
unless she goes beyond her limits.
'The temple won't teach you yet. this
If you learn something wrong.... It's hard to express, but the blood flows
from your body. die by pouring You can't learn magic if you have a bad
head, but this is a dangerous technique that will bleed and die if a bad
person learns it.
I'll be careful.'
power enhancement.
It is a power like a double-edged sword. That is why we choose and choose
those with the right quali es, and be very careful.
le teaches If you teach wrong, you will only lose valuable talent.
'If it is a skill that only geniuses can understand in the first place, then there
are geniuses who have learned that skill, right? Then, in the end, those
geniuses are like beomjaes. reprin ng
Only magicians become wizards, but among those wizards, there are
excep onal geniuses.
rum. so is this.”
Royar looked at Ellen and said.
'You will learn this very easily.'
In my opinion, you are a genius
It's a monster beyond. So, like most people, you don't have to learn
'Honestly, if it's you, you don't need to learn from anyone?'
Even need to learn from someone
there doesn't seem to be
‘…I don’t know how to do that.
At Ellen's words, Royar shook her head.
'You didn't even try.'
I didn't learn it, so I never tried to do it. It was natural. don't learn
why do you have to
Ellen said that the white-haired lady was weird.
she thought she should
She said, 'You feel the magic in your body, you use them to your will, and
you strengthen your body with them. liver is short.
That was an overrepresenta on of the concept of mana enhancement.
with only those words
Because it's not something that can be sorted out.
It's simple, but why can't anyone learn it, then?'
'Only to you.'
Royar was confident.
'Even if it's difficult for everyone in the world, it will be as simple as you.
'...why are you so sure?''
'It's the first me in my life I've seen a guy with as crazy as you are."
Loyar was judging that none of the people he had ever seen in his life had
more talent than El Ren.
Hoping that he was on Reinhardt's side, Loyard taught Ellen.
Un l someone teaches you how to enhance magic.
No need to wait, others
It's hard for you, but it's easy for you
would be,
'If you use it incorrectly, you will vomit and die. Saying.”
'Then that would be your sale.'
'What is it? If you're bored of wai ng for someone to teach you, you're
live it up That's not too much
No, if there is me le , go to the temple
Wai ng for you to teach
'Can't you teach me yourself?'
'why me?'
irresponsible person.
But somehow it was a word of thanks.
Ellen remembered that.
And now, she had an enemy in front of her that Ellen couldn't understand.
Use that person straight away in prac ce.
And she didn't give that advice.
But now.
Ellen realized that in order for her to get around this situa on, she had to
do it.
She has no reason to try anything she hasn't learned. I know it's a
dangerous technique, so I don't want to touch it
it was
But she has no choice but to do it because she has a reason to try
something she hasn't learned.
It's about using magic on your own without knowing anything about magic.
level is ridiculous.
She has to run away with a teleport scroll with Reinhardt herself.
But she doesn't have the courage to run away.
I don't know how a wizard named Lelia, who had many suspicious parts,
suddenly fires high-level magic.
A er all, she is just a wizard.
She wouldn't be able to deal with a monster like this. It is her role and
Reinhardt's role in dealing with a guy like this.
The wizard is doing the wizard's job. That too perfectly.
She can't leave and run away.
He didn't have the courage to run away, leaving someone behind and
leaving him to die.
She doesn't know her very well, but she's someone she's been figh ng
He was neither a precious person nor someone he knew well, but he was a
person who was with him without saying anything to his unreasonable
demands. He made no objec ons and followed her own will without saying
a word. I don't know what secret they hid and were with us, but once
It is not a thought to be done at this stage.
She seemed to be saddened by the unreasonable demand to kill so many
people, but she was the one who finally agreed.
Let's dig up the secret later.
Let's not throw it away for now. wrap for us
You can't leave someone crying.
She told Aus n that.
If you're not strong, then you shouldn't be shy.
With that said, she had not chosen her op on of abandoning her
suspicious comrade in front of an incomprehensible foe and running away
without hesita on.
I couldn't really choose.
Then you have to be strong.
You have to be strong to take care of yourself. You have to be strong to
should go
So now, I have to gamble with her life.
A gamble that risked your life to use something you've never even
prac ced before.
I didn't have the courage to back down, so I got stronger
He risked his life under the compulsion to be barbaric.
Just like her brother did.
I can't ignore my conscience, so I follow the path of my older brother, who
was obsessed with being strong enough to keep that conscience.
I don't know how.
But I'm going to do it.
power in the body.
It raises the physical ability even more.
Also, apply it to the skin like armor.
Cover and add protec on.
The white-haired woman who was skillful in mana enhancement, survived
the blow of Rament only by this mana enhancement. She wouldn't be able
to get to that level herself. ramen
Just because she knows how to enhance her magic to some extent doesn't
mean she can't stop it.
She might be a masterclass. Ellen had guessed it.
She's not even sure if she'll be able to use it.
The power that knows the result but doesn't know the process.
power enhancement.
She was a gray haired woman and she was sure she could do it, even if she
didn't have to learn it herself.
Unfamiliar things are inherent in the body, and you have to use them to
explosively boost your body's overall abili es.
Never in her life had she been so focused.
Never in her life had she ever been so nervous.
In an extrasensory awakening slowly, Ellen opened her eyes.
At that me, Ellen's eyes were full of blue ears.
The opponent was watching him.
- Pot!
Ellen's body disappeared.
She was beyond human speed.
As she floated in the air, the p of her Ellen's sword was swung right at her
zombie's arm with her sword. All of her Ellen's body is blue.
Her energy was churning.
- Kwakang!
But the zombies blocked the sword a ack.
“Oh my… crazy.”
The sound of Reinhardt's silent mu ering could be heard in Ellen's ears.
The guy who had never been pushed out of power un l now was pushed
back in an instant.
He couldn't back off.
If he can't back down, he's bound to get stronger.
Ellen calmly con nued her a ack in a super-sensory sense that if she was
careless, her reason would fly away.
Even with her eyes she couldn't believe it. Ellen was pushing the monster
that had overpowered us in physical terms.
--bang! Kwak! Kang! Kang!
The guy tried to let Ellen's sword strike down, but it kept pushing back.
It seemed rushed in itself.
power enhancement.
It is a core subject in the temple curriculum and occupies an important
part in the main story. It is supposed to be learned from next year. I will
learn from next year, but Ellen is the only one who realizes right away as
soon as she learns.
All combat talent students prac ce that and go through a lot of trial and
error. That is natural. Stay awake un l gradua on
The fact that there are many people who cannot
because it's true
A er that, Ellen quickly reached the level of her superman.
But now. History has changed.
Ellen awakens her magical powers with her magne sm.
She succeeded in her madness of bea ng.
[Achievement - Superman (Ellen Artorius)]
| [Ellen Artorius's Forecasted Future]
I entered the path of superman even faster than ever.]
[You will get 500 achievement points.]
Her achievement was achieved because Ellen changed her history. But now
I couldn't care less.
You cannot meddle in Ellen's fight.
- Whoops! Whoops!

" !"
I want to make sure that the zombies Elerys miss can't interfere with El
Ren's fight.
One by one they were killed. The degree of corrup on was worse than at
Klitz Point, and it was hard to see the disgus ng smell and disgus ng
While cu ng off the zombies' heads, I killed all the zombies that were
trying to approach El Ren's fight scene.
-shed! bang!
I don't think it's the sound of a sword hi ng a sword. A roar like heavy
weapons hi ng each other
it rang
Ellen, who used her magical power enhancement, was radia ng her blue
light energy out of her body. mind
It was like a goblin fire.
- Zhao!
And, with a blow that raised him, his chest opened.
- Sigh!
Ellen went straight ahead and slashed the edge of his defenseless elbow.
The sword le his hand once more.
- Whoop!
And, cut the neck of the zombie who lost the sword
Ren hit it. Ellen succeeded in cu ng off his arm for the second me.
- Whoa! Cool! Cool!
But Ellen began to vomit her blood, terrifying to deal with the zombies. The
fact that she used magical enhancement that she had never learned was
already a miracle. Of course there are side effects.
The situa on is serious.
The sword starts to move on its own again
It's trying to find another owner.
And Ellen is incompetent. When my sword finds its next owner
no turn answer
I can't afford to expect Elerys to do anything.
She has to do something.
She has to do something!
“Oh my… the plague!”
I'm the one who flies through the air
He grabbed the handle of the cursed sword.
use re rement.
I am not ruled by such a sword!

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 168

I held the cursed sword, and the divine spirit protected me.
As I grabbed the cursed sword, the running zombies began to fall like
As if the cursed power emana ng from the sword itself had been blocked.
"Let go Reinhardt!"
“Put your sword down!”
However, both Ellen and Elerys were more astonished at the fact that I held
the sword rather than the end of the fight.
Of course I don't know that I'm not ruled by the sword.
“…I don’t think this has any effect on me at all.”
“Let it go!”
“Let go! Quickly!"
"okay. I knew.”
- Cock!
Seeing the two of them urgently, I slammed my sword into the floor. Both
that I held the sword and let it go arbitrarily
I was staring blankly.
The black moved on its own, and now it just stood s ll like a dead mouse.
There was no movement, no reac on.
Because the fight was over in an instant, Ellen
and Elerys approached me.
"Are you okay?"
“…I feel a li le red.”
Perhaps it was because of the a ereffects of using Magic Enhance, Ellen
looked exhausted. there
She even vomited her blood on.
Ellen, who suddenly used magical enhancement that she had never
learned before.
Even with the cursed sword that rules the owner, I am s ll intact.
Elerys, who pretended to be a low-level sorcerer, then suddenly launched a
high-level a ack magic.
All three of us complicated things to explain
have commi ed
All three of us did things that are difficult to describe in words.
Ellen did what was generally known to be impossible.
Even if I hold the cursed sword somehow
It is presumed that he is immune and his sword is incapacitated.
Elerys had been hiding her skills un l now. Ellen stumbled over to my side
as she seemed exhausted.
“First of all, so as not to ask why you have been hiding such power un l
I will.”

Elerys wins, but she is now alive
There were too many things that had to be done. in the end el
Ren knows that Elerys is suspicious.
The op on of escaping by telepor ng
did not select
“This sword. Do you know what it is?”
“Ah… I don’t know too well, but I’ll do a detec on first.”
Elerys took her hand near the monstrous sword that once stopped her
ac vity. In case you didn't know, I wasn't holding it.
The sword itself didn't look special.
Rament is also engraved with shining runes.
Except that there is seemingly very
Like it's not flashy or anything like that.
As a special feature, this sword did not have a cross guard. It was a straight
It is in the form of an ordinary long sword, but a li le
It had a dull color. summer sols ce
All enemies look like a cursed sword
The grip was covered with worn leather, and the pommel was presumed to
be a black water drop-shaped obsidian or jewel.
was embedded
For a while she seemed to be detec ng around the sword, but a er a
while, Elerys sighed.
"I don't know... If it's an enchanted object, I can tell what kind of magic it
is, but this sword... I don't know. Maybe it's a curse... I don't know what
kind of curse it is... I don't know. Curse is not a standardized form of magic,
so the causes and effects are very diverse. consciously made
It’s not a thing, so I can’t help it.”
It's not that you don't know the curse. It is presumed that a curse is on it,
but its iden ty is unknown. Perhaps the curse was originally like that.
“But the cause of the curse is unknown, but the result is what we saw. Rule
the mind of this black man
And, it is an object that spreads evil enough to cause undead to occur
around it, and then it will dominate the surrounding undead.”
“It’s a dangerous thing.”
“Yes, a lot.”
Because of the protec on of the divine spirit
not ruled by this sword, but
Their case will be different. It is not known what will happen if Ellen or
Elerys hold this sword.
“This sword I know how to dispose of
Let’s see…”
“No, wait a minute.”
It was me who cut off Elerys' words.
“I think I can write this.
yo. This
Both Elerys and Ellen seemed stunned by my words.
“Look. Am I okay?”
When I held the sword without hesita on, Ellen's
her face heated up.
“What are you doing!”
Ellen lost her composure and yelled at me. It was the first me he had seen
an angry expression.
“No, let it go!”
Neither of them believed at all that I was fine with this.
No, it's evil and suspicious, but it's a powerful weapon, and if you can use
it, you should use it. Why would you discard it? Crazy?
Ellen, Elerys, and I were on the verge of burs ng into death.
In the end, a er struggling, I took the sword
I had to let go of it. right now
I couldn't refute the logic that the more I hold it, the more dangerous it
might be.
Ellen grunted while clutching her temples, as if she was ge ng more red
as I struggled with all her energy in a situa on where she was s ll
In the end, it was decided not to discard it, but to take it to the temple and
check the safety of this weapon.
Anyway, Elerys's ac vity and Ellen's magical power-enhancing awakening.
And join my divine spirit
This complicated Alts Point reconnaissance
with the complete resolu on of this case.
It was.
“Now, please explain.”
Ellen looked at Elerys quietly. It suffices to say that it is not necessary to
explain what it is.
Why did you deceive us un l now and pretend to be a low-level wizard?
The corners of Elerys's lips twitched. It turned into a completely sullen
“That, that… what? Big, is it a concept...?”
He probably had an excuse he had in mind, but trying to say it out loud
seemed difficult for him to bear.
“That… the novice wizard who went on an adventure… that’s the concept.”
“...what do you mean?”
As if Ellen told her not to be a bitch, Elle
I looked at Reese. concept?
“I, I’m actually… the dragon who played Yugi….”
I tend to tell Elerys almost everything that happened in her temple. Le
Dinara made it clear that the li le senior knew he was a dragon. So she
had to ask this ques on, is it possible for a real dragon to go out and lose
her memory? Elerys' answer was nega ve,
But I'm going to use this here.
I couldn't even imagine.
Elerys con nued her explana on by stu ering and adding more words.
“…that… I want to try adventures like humans and experience various
But, if you show your skills... it won't be an adventure... Yes. That's why... I
was hiding my skills... But now it's an emergency... I was afraid that
everyone would be in danger... I had no choice but to throw away the
concept... Well, that’s the situa on.”
A rod vampire who claims to be a dragon from a game.
The truth hits harder.
I'd rather be a real dragon.
“That’s why… I was looking for good people at Saints Point who are easier
to get around than high-ranking adventurers…. Reinhardt helped me when
I was in trouble… So…”
A person who can enjoy the adventure itself rather than the rough ones
with the original version's skills
was looking for, and that was us. That's the reason it seems to be trying to
“There is no such thing as a dragon.”
Of course, Ellen cut her off as if she wasn't bullshit.
"Why, why not? I have..."
Looking at Elerys, who became a dragon concept, I felt like I was going to
lose my mind.
is this trendy?
“He, and I’m a dragon or whatever… Anyway, you guys are in a dangerous
posi on.
It's true that I saved you guys from the sulfur... right? I wanted to help you.
That's all...”
Anyway, thanks for saving you guys
All you have to do is woah!!
It's completely messed up.
"evidence. is there no such thing It is said that dragons use magic without
cas ng.”
“Hey, that’s a myth.”
Elerys made a poor excuse. However, everything about dragons is actually
a myth. what's the truth
And no one knows what lies.
At first, Elerys didn't even believe in the existence of dragons.
"Uh, umm... it's hard to show my real face..."
Elerys suddenly closed her eyes and opened them.
red bloodstain. There is a ver cally torn pupil.
“These are Dragon Eyes.... It’s a characteris c of dragons. This is it.”
Show the dragon's eye and Elerys
She closed her eyes and then opened them. Her eyes had returned to their
original state.
I just wondered if that was hallucinatory magic or something. “…Really?”
“Yes, really, then...” |
The story of dragons has a blind spot. There are many legends about what
dragons are like, but nothing is clear about what dragons really are.
Even if it's actually a winged lizard
It is also unclear
If you ask me to prove that you are a dragon, nothing can prove anything
because people don't know anything about it.
Dragon Eye or whatever
I don't even know if it's really evidence or not. Because no one has actually
seen a dragon.
So, Elerys is proposing that the nonsense she put together is proof that I
am a dragon.
Ellen doesn't know, so I heard it...? I want to
Ellen seemed to be pondering.
Clearly, Lelia was too much to see as a low-level wizard. The stamina that
can keep up with our forced march without shou ng, the amazing
slingshot hit rate, and the magic that appears in the right place. There is
quite a lot of knowledge out there...
And just, as it is, the higher level magic
A tremendous amount of magical power that can be fired.
....a dragon or whatever, I was thinking that you might not be human.”
At first, Ellen seemed to have doubts that Elerys might not be human.
“Oh, that… was it? ”
Ellen seemed to be skep cal, but she eventually decided that she had no
hos lity to whoever Elerys was, so she sort it out.
seemed to be
It seemed a bit disgus ng that she ended up using her magical power
boost to protect someone she didn't have to protect, but
Anyway, Ellen knew that Lelia had no hos lity towards us, whether she
really believed she was a dragon or not. She struggled so much that I was
surprised too.
Elerys says weird things, I imagine knowing it's bullshit
Inconsistent body! I was joking around like this, but it felt like hell.
We collect the corpses of zombies
burned it The curse of the sword itself is gone, but just in case.
Once wrapped around it with something like a cursed black bandage, it
was completely sealed.
Well, I stumbled on my back. this is enough
I don't know if it was a single measure, but if I don't do this, the two of
them will not see what I have.
Either way, I didn't want to hand this sword into my two hands. 'Cause I
don't know what's going to happen
“By the way, I need to take a look at the situa on, Ellen, it seems that you
don’t know how to enhance magic...”
Elerys remembered that Ellen had vomited her blood.
"That's right. Are you okay?"
"....I do not know. It's a li le dizzy."
Ellen seems to be conscious that she's feeling a bit ill.
It was like
“Can I take a look?”
Ellen says Elerys is s ll suspicious
She was a bit reluctant to think about it, but in the end she realized that
Elerys was on her own body.
I allowed her to touch me.
“Ummm… it looks like my magic has been severely depleted. Maybe it's
too much to buy power
It’s forgiving.”
I didn't know how, and I released too much power, which put a strain on
my body.
“I’ll share my magic with you.”
A blue light flowed from Elerys' body, and it began to flow into Ellen's body.
A er a while, Ellen's complexion improved a bit.
“Are you okay?”
“S ll, I am not an expert in trea ng injuries like this. Perhaps there is a limit
to the divine power as well. back to the temple
Seek out the experts and take the right ac on.”
Injuries caused by magical enhancement are not of the nature to be healed
by divine power. I know that. Because Ludwig had a hard me learning this.
For example, it is necessary to find a qi therapist, a person skilled in
magical enhancement. And those people are in the Temple,

...thank you."
A mysterious wizard who claims to be a dragon.
Although Ellen is reluctant, she seemed to admit that Elerys was genuinely
trying to help us. more properly
If you had helped me, I would have solved everything on my own, but Ellen
didn't ask that far.
Anyway, everything is fine.
"Now that this is the case, it goes back to teleport.
I'll send it to you. Scrolling is a waste, so don’t use it.”
Now that the concept vagina is over, Elerys says she doesn't have to go
back on foot.
she did
"Hmm... But wait a minute."
“Do you have any business le ?”
Ellen seems to have convinced her to some extent.
The work is now finished.
So, the Alzheimer's point means it's safe now.
“The treasures will remain here, aren’t they?”
There are many treasures that have been lost.
"I don't think there's any reason we shouldn't eat it?"
Why are you throwing away the precious things? I'll have to scrape it off If
le alone, the adventurer's path
Some tough adventurers will retrieve it.
I would.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 169

Collect the treasures le in the Alts Point. There are small jewels and
precious metals, but there are three important things that you must bring.
wri en in the journal
thrown things.
cursed sword.
Earrings and bracelets called magical items.
But I couldn't find the bracelet, only the earrings. As a result of Elerys'
detec on, it was confirmed that it was not a cursed object.
“It’s an earring with Tranquility magic on it.”
Elerys explained my ques on.
“It’s the kind of magic that calms the wearer’s mind. A psychic spell used to
calm a person in confusion.”
It is an item with a passive func on of Cheongshimhwan or a nerve
stabilizing agent. is this good?
“…Is it a good thing?”
At Ellen's ques on, Elerys nodded her head.
“Surely it is. It's important to keep your composure in a crisis, right? It's not
something that can be easily made. Of course I don't need it."
“I don’t need either.”
Ellen handed the earring to me. Ellen is more calm in crisis than I, who has
a divine spirit. She is, so she wouldn't need these magical items.
And, I don't really need this because the Divine Spirit takes over.
"Hmm... I'm sure there's something to be said for selling it or not."
I put the earrings in my backpack. There is nothing wrong with having
expensive items in the first place beyond who uses them.
In addi on to that, we were able to pick up a lot of jewels and gold coins
from the luggage of the inn where the adventurers were supposed to have
I felt strangely guilty about taking things that were not owned by the
owner. gold coin
About nothing, selling the value right there
Found precious metals that are difficult to cut.
We split it up and shared it.
It was not possible to accurately divide into thirds because there were a lot
of precious metals, not money, but I decided to take that much.
"You all have the magic items. I don't need them."
Since Elerys is a dragon, the concept is that she is not greedy for such
things. Of course, I brought money, including precious metals.
“Then I’ll prepare the teleport magic.
yo. This
It takes five days to get back to Saints Point. Elerys tries to shorten that
me with a mass teleport.
“…It’s even weirder that it’s not a dragon.”
“Ah, haha… It will take a while, so sit down and rest.”
You can use the highest level of space magic. That said, Ellen is really
The claim that it is a dragon is becoming increasingly credible.
seemed to add up.
During the cas ng me of about thirty minutes, we stood by our side un l
the order was completed.
stood and waited
“In the end, how did it end?
There was no op mis c expecta on that the reconnaissance mission
would end with only reconnaissance.
But I didn't think it would solve the whole case.
In the end, although Elerys' help was great, the two of us had a pre y big
that has been resolved.
"Don't keep it on your body for too long. Report the incident and leave it to
the temple immediately."
Ellen stares at the cursed sword ed to my back whether she is s ll
was watching
It was understandable enough to be worried.
Returning to Saints Point by telepor ng, we told the adventurer's guild
He told us about what happened at Alts Point.
The officer's log there is enough evidence
"Zombies...and the cursed sword..."
As he iden fied the sequence of events, he realized that the situa on was
even worse.
“By the way, not only did you recover the zombie swarm of Alzheimer’s
Point, but also the cursed sword?”
"Yeah. I couldn't avoid a fight."
When we entrusted the reconnaissance mission, the officer in charge
looked at the three of us with a shocked expression on our return a er
solving all the cases. He's the sword I've been tying as a giant
Glancing at you, you hide your uneasy look
“Anyway, water acquired by adventurers
It is a principle to leave the guns to adventurers, but excessively dangerous
items are
I have to pay the price of jus ce and take it from the guild.”
He seemed to think that holding the cursed sword might pose another
danger, and he was not wrong. Because adventurers recklessly touched
dangerous objects, and this division was born.
Neither Ellen nor Elerys thought that it would be be er to leave this to the
there was no word
"Fine. I am about to take it to the temple and ask for an analysis.”
“…Yes, it was.”
He must have remembered that we had Temple student IDs on the
imperial coat of arms.
"I've only heard it said, the temples are amazing.... the children are s ll
young... they can solve such a big case."
He doesn't know the details, and it seemed odd that we were dealing with
such a large-scale case. Temple Temple, but seeing it in person is different.
Of course, Elerys helped a lot, and we are different from regular temple
students, but I didn't explain that.
“The predicted risk was said to be B rank, but I think it was incomparable
to that. 10 bonus gold coins for a given period, 10 addi onal rewards, a
total of 20
don't pay each and later events
Even if addi onal money is paid according to the analysis result
Rock it.”
The Adventurer's Guild is big. In fact, the commission was more risky and
he did more work than he had asked for, so he would pay the maximum
remunera on, and a er analyzing the case properly, he would pay a larger
amount as remunera on.
“The two of you should just send the money back to the Temple... I know
this wizard is not a Temple student...” |
“Can I go to the Adventurers’ Guild to find it?”
“Then I will.”
He looked at the three of us silently.
I don't know what you expected of us. But it didn't seem like this was what
he was expec ng.
“All of them must be F-rank adventurers, but maybe because of this and
the last case, the adventurer’s rank will be updated.”
As I have shown, I have only solved two cases, but the adventurer rank will
rise straight away. How many steps?
He said he could pay me
Fill out the paperwork, one for the three of us
handed over The Adventures of the Eggsian Outpost
If you submit it to the guild, you will be able to receive a reward.
“It was a lot of work. Represen ng the Adventurer's Guild and many other
express your gra tude Post-processing is on the guild side
I will do my best.”
In his face, we are s ll young.
There seemed to be some kind of respect for him. It felt pre y bizarre.
Ellen looked at me.
Did we help someone?
I think we just killed something. I did a terrible job of killing the dead again.
In the end, we do not know what the situa on is at the forefront beyond
Alts Point, the intermediate base. It may have already disappeared a er
being a acked by a swarm of zombies.
Ellen had the experience she needed the experience. she doesn't know if
she'll be happy with it
all. Like I don't know myself yet.
Ellen looks at me and says so ly.
“Let’s go back.”
Anyway, the brief adventurer role is now over.
It's already late, so we
I took a day off at Tsu Point.
next day.
We return to the Eggsian outpost.
He received a reward from the Adventurers' Guild. Each was worth twenty
gold coins. adventurer
Rank will be adjusted through ex post evalua on
and how it was organized through the temple will be conveyed.
We now return to the temple.
Claims to be a self-proclaimed playing dragon
Now even with the wizard Lelia
it was me to lose
Elerys said goodbye to us in front of the Warp Gate of Eggsian. Ellen asked,
looking intently at Elerys.
“What are you going to do when we go?”
"Ummm... well. I'm going to wander around again... or not. Of course, I
honestly don't want to go through such an intense experience."
In the past, Elerys had said she was fed up with killing things. The words to
protect us in all circumstances
Maybe he was tormen ng Lo Elerys.
I suddenly had a thought.
“It was a short me, and to say that I was happy with all of you….
It worked, but I can't say it was a good experience. Killing something and
chopping a corpse can't be a good experience.
“It was nice to be with you two. Really."
She told Ellen that she had to lie un l the end, but she knew that Elerys
was sincere. Ellen was looking at El Leris silently.
She looked at her for a while, and then Ellen opened her mouth.
"I can't believe what you're saying, and I s ll don't know what the hell
you're doing."
| Ellen said she didn't believe that Elerys was a dragon, but she seemed to
be convinced that she was some sort of strange being.
She doesn't know why she acted like this.
But Ellen held out her hand.
“S ll, thank you for being with me.”
In the end, Ellen admi ed that un l the end she had only been helped by a
mysterious wizard named Lelia, and she thanked her. Elerys stared blankly
as she looked at Ellen's outstretched hand.
Somehow, he looked like he was about to cry.
“ would be nice if we could travel together again someday. Not such a
dangerous place, a li le more. pre y and beau ful place. In a place like
that… I want to see only good things and go on a trip like that.”
Elerys raised her eyebrows slightly and took her hand.
“I hope so too.”
Ellen didn't know how to treat people.
She is now able to say that.
It's obviously something we've been through
Among the changes, it will be a posi ve part.
So we le Eggsian.
[Event Complete - Darkland Adventure]
[Measuring performance....]
[You did your best! good job!]
[Reward: A ributes of Ellen Artorius
One of them will be shared at random.]
[Talent - You have acquired the Bloodline of the Champion.]
And, she obtained a reward she never expected.
Traits: Warrior's Bloodline
Descrip on: A hero is capable of becoming more powerful than an
ordinary human.
I ran into the castle. They have a tremendous level of growth limit that
cannot be compared with ordinary humans, and their growth rate is also
not easily slowed down.
Neither the Divine Spirit nor the Divine Spirit I received from Olivia Ranche,
I never set a trait.
In the original story, there was a part that could not be explained by talent
alone. Why did Ellen Artorius con nue ignoring the growth limit that
everyone else faces?
Are you growing fast?
The possibility is supplemented by the addi onal se ng of this warrior's
A er all, 'because she's a hero's sister' is just a name a ached to it, but
Ellen's trait is not only this one, but there are probably other things as well.
However, there is no way to determine what the characteris cs are.
This is a characteris c of growth rate and growth limit. Just because you
train your strength every day, it doesn't mean you're constantly growing at
a certain level. When it reaches a certain level, the growth rate slows
down, and the growth limit comes.
As the running record goes up to a higher level, it becomes a ba le of 0.01
seconds. A er all, all growth has limita ons and individual differences. For
some, the upper limit of muscle growth may be B rank or A rank.
have. There will be people with S rank.
This characteris c raises the limit sharply. If my original strength growth
limit was B rank, it would be something like raising it to A+ or S rank.
The Divine Spirit also gave me a very strong advantage, but this warrior's
bloodline is not the same as Ellen's.
giving me similar growth limi ng condi ons
same as
Soon, it was a trait I needed more than any other talent right now. Because
it is a characteris c that can transcend the limits given to individuals.
They said that this Darkland event gives rewards according to their
performance, but surprisingly, they gave me a lot of recogni on for my
hard work this me.
It can be said that it is a sa sfactory reward a er a long me
there was only
I appreciate it to the pussy
the moment is coming
[Strength 8.1(C-)] [Right 8.1(C)] [Dexterity 9.5(C-)] [Magic 12.4(C+)] [Health
[Asmodian Domina on D] (Arc Daemon's unique ability) (Cannot be used
in this state.)
[Self-sugges on C]
[Swordsmanship C]
Ba le level evalua on: B
One way or another, it could not be denied that the actual ba le led me to
the next level. The rank of self-sugges on has risen by one, and thanks to
steady training in swordsmanship, it ranks C.
rose to It was at this level even before going to Darkland.
Level is not everything, but in the end, it is bound to be an indicator to
some extent.
A huge increase compared to the past
Long but in the end B, that's a minus
corresponds to There is s ll a long way to go.
Of course, this is already a good enough ability to hear some diagnos c
And now, it has entered a period where the growth is star ng to slow

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 170

A er returning to the temple, we returned the equipment and consulted
with Mr. Epinhauser.
“ was a hasty decision. I didn't send it."
Even that calm, cold-headed teacher Epinhauser was remorseful a er
hearing what we had been through.
The two of us, mere students, annihilated the robbers, wandered around
the land cursed by the cursed sword, and eventually recovered the sword.
The story about the wizard Lelia, who was with him, was shortened and
explained. me and el
Ren talks about Lelia's skills.
decided to hide. Ellen said she couldn't understand Lelia, but she seemed
to end up liking Lelia as she did.
Temple too Eggsian Base and Darkland
I had no idea what was going on. There are a lot of adventurers involved,
so I thought it would be okay, but the adventurers themselves are already a
I hadn't thought that it would.
Most people who have never been to Eggsian would think so.
Neither Ellen nor adventurers should beware
I thought I did, but I looked
Because there were so many things I couldn't believe.
If we had known reality at the temple, we would
would not have sent it.
S ll, I did as much as I could in the Temple. At first, we were going to have
Epinhauser as our guide, but we refused, and we even gave them teleport
scrolls to help them run away in case of crisis.
"And that's the cursed sword."
I laid the sword wrapped in bulk on the table. He told me not to touch it
directly, just in case. Epinhauser
The teacher stares at the cursed sword
was watching
"You didn't fall under that curse?"
"Yeah, I've been guessing... I wonder if I'm born with this kind of resistance
to magic or curses...."
Anyway then.
I couldn't explain it any more than this. The characteris c is a physical
It's a kind of force that can't be sensed.
“Yes, I will ask the temple-related department for analysis. Don't worry, I'll
warn you that it's a very dangerous item. Of course, this is your thing. If the
Temple decides that you may use it, I will not interfere with your
possession.” If it is judged that there is no safety problem, the temple will
grant this cursed sword to Haeju.
Whatever I do, I accept that I use it
will do it
It's an ominous thing, but it's clear that something with powerful power is
imbued with it. “If you need psychotherapy, tell me.”
I had a terrible experience, so I thought I might need something like that,
so Ms. Epinhauser said.
Neither of us received psychotherapy. Even when Epin Hauser said that El
Ren had awakened her magical powers on her own, she was almost
horrified. universally impossible
Because it's something I'm thinking of doing. It was so much fun to see the
yangban astonished.
Of course, Ellen has followed up on her condi on. Because it was an injury
that could not be healed with the power of ordinary priests.
The person who did the treatment was completely unexpected.
“It’s like releasing a dragon in a narrow alley. Ellen student.”
"great. What if she fell while taking her first steps? It's the first step, so it's
safe to say that you're star ng to walk now."
“Come on.... breathe in.... exhale..”
“I can feel the energy of the universe... Ahhh...”
yoga master.
Or the man who suspected that he was a hypno st,
The magic-sensi ve training teacher who just fell asleep during her class
and woke up a er class.
It seems that that person was a person who had no one to follow from all
over the con nent in the opera on of her internal magic. For example, I
should say that I am a master among masters. Swordma
It doesn't look like it's a master, but it looks like it's some kind of master.
master of master.
Then Grandmaster.
Anyway, Grand Yoga Master Yangban
He gave Ellen a similar treatment.
In the first place, injuries caused by magical enhancement are not injuries
that anyone suffers. In terms of mar al arts, it's like wearing a coin.
Without class, you can't even get that level of injury.
Then there are very few people who can treat it.
But there is someone in the Temple who can completely heal it.
Anyway, I realized that Temple's human resources were no joke.
A er Ellen's treatment was over, she had a pre y sassy expression on her
"Magic enhancement?"
“Don’t write, it’s dangerous, when school starts
I decided to take one-on-one instruc on.” |
It seems that the Grand Yoga Master teacher has decided to teach Ellen her
private lessons on strengthening her magical powers in this unprecedented
situa on. It's like teaching a child who plays with a nuclear weapon alone
how to use it.
Anyway, what's going on in the Darklands now?
it has been concluded
It wasn't that long ago that she le the Royal Class dorm, but it felt like she
had returned home a er a very long me.
However, the scenery of the temple dormitory was something unfamiliar
to the two of us. It wasn't just because it was a vaca on and there weren't
many people there.
We didn't say anything.
A sense of relief that we have returned here safely, and something within
us that has changed.
Complex emo ons came to and fro, but I couldn't figure out what they
all. It was difficult to describe in one word.
| Eventually we went into the room, couldn't even rest, and sat blankly
side by side in the lobby. I think we're going to have to have some
conversa on when we're done with something, so let's sit down together
for now.
There were no words whatsoever.
Forget what to say
like did too.
Only then did I know
Ellen and I were too red
all. There was no moment to rest in peace while going through the difficult
things over and over again.
So, now that it's all over, the Mac is unleashed. in the darkland
Everything that stood there was a terrible memory
It was.
I didn't want to get it out of my mouth. The case was resolved, but all of
those cases were horrible and terrible.
I'm done and now I have to go
But, I felt like I didn't have the confidence to have a conversa on to finish it
We've both been forced to do it, but we both can't forget
Some scars or engravings have occurred.
It may hurt to confirm it verbally.
Ellen put her head on my shoulder without a word
put on
We didn't say anything for a while
A er returning from the Darklands, it was only natural for him to con nue
Three days have passed since I returned to the temple.
It was s ll vaca on.
"let's go."
Few people remain in Royal Class. Except for us, Adelia Han
name only
So we ran early morning exercise together. Now I was able to run at Ellen
and her pace. With a li le help from my superpowers, I was fine.
At the beginning of this year, I was squeamish, but a er a while, it ended
up like this. As a result of hard work, superpowers, and cheats.
A er a long workout, we
I shook my head and sat down on the bench.
A er returning from the Darklands, we
There was no conversa on.
It's not that it's awkward.
I didn't know what to say.
We have a topic about the Darklands in
A er consul ng with Mr. Pinhauser, he did not take it out at all.
Ellen was talka ve when she was in the Darklands. Because there was a lot
to think about, a lot to discuss, a lot to doubt.
However, when he returned to the temple, he spoke less again.
The meaning of Ellen's return to normal is a li le different.
What happened in the Darklands, we never talked about. He didn't talk
about the subject as if it were taboo.
By the way, we both avoid the subject
I couldn't have a single conversa on.
With that thought all over her head, it was only natural for her to be like
But in the end, it's a story that kills people and almost kills them. how to
It happened, but I couldn't help but think of it like a trauma. People we
killed, figh ng zombies.
I actually keep having nightmares.
Zombie maggot-cu ng face and it
I can't sleep because I remember the slaughter
Rather, I have nightmares in the field
didn't But when it comes me to organize my thoughts and come to a safe
place, the thoughts come rushing in.
coming like a hurricane
I decided not to think, I feel guilty and
Apart from the terrible images
overflowed in
So we were avoiding talking about the Darklands. As a result, we had very
li le conversa on.
Even a er they came back, they were s ll together except when they were
I didn't know what to say, so I just prac ced and prac ced.
Would you like to have dinner for conversa on? Huh. Sleeping sportsman.
It was only this.
Of course, not only did he talk less, but there were also things that were
different from before.
Ellen is a li le more self-confident than before.
treated without rum.
He leaned on me and even said he was red during training, so he lay on
my knees and fell asleep.
It's nice to feel a li le closer, but...
what is it It felt like a couple without any conversa on at all, so I felt
A lot of things have happened, but only two weeks have passed since the
vaca on started.
I was only in the Darkland for over a week. And yet, so many things
happened that changed me and Ellen forever. | Thinking that he would
have come back by this me, I went to Elerys's shop and found Elle.
Reese was seated.
Elerys took off her camouflage called Lelia and returned to her true form.
"great job. And I'm sorry."
"Fine. It wasn't enjoyable...but it was a meaningful experience.”
Elerys smiled sadly. "That child. A er all... Is it a child related to Lagann
"...younger sister."
"Is that so."
The younger sister of Artorius who killed the Demon King.
The son of the demon king who killed Artorius.
Elerys said that the rela onship between the two
I'm confused as to whether this is possible
It seemed
“He’s a good kid. He was upright, strong, and good-natured.”
Elerys quietly took my hand.
“May I not have a sad rela onship with that child, I sincerely hope.
Even though she said that, Elerys had a look on her face as she watched
the story with an end in sight.
“Especially Sarkegar should never, never know.”
If Sar Ke Gar knew this, he would do anything to harm Ellen. What about
Loyar, but he wasn't hur ng Ellen when he told him to stay s ll.
No ma er how strong the rela onship between me and Ellen, in the end,
there is only one truth.
It's like a glass castle that will break any me
is only a thing
“Make sure Loyar locks you in.”
“Yes, lower.”
“And give me this.”
I put my backpack down in front of Elerys.
Precious metals brought from the Darklands. It will be sold through the
Thieves' Guild.
I don't know how much it's worth, but it was definitely not worth a penny
or two. I brought everything that belonged to Ellen as well as mine. There's
no way he can sell this by himself. Regardless of what she can and can't
She obviously bothers.
Elerys got her share too, so she won't have any problems with her finances
for a while.
it was
“Take a look at Banjihara, who doesn’t get any sunlight. What do you do
just to earn? You have to spend money.”
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 171
Con nue training.
I used to get fed up with rou nes before, but now I feel like taking a break.
In par cular, Ellen, who was always suspicious and wary of everything that
came to her, was coming back to her usual way, like a cat squeezing her
teeth in the Darkland.
That's true, but the man-brained L
It's Ren.
As I imagined....
I think it might be cute,
Of course, Ellen's appearance in Darkland is more technically cool than
It was.
He was so charisma c. she's usually flirty
There were a lot of things that were said out loud, but they were all true.
Anyway, it's a li le different, but as usual
oh boy
dumplings. The sensi ve appearance in Darkland was the opposite of the
usual Ellen.
Anyway, when she returned to the safe environment of the Temple, Ellen
was on her way back to her original form.
Of course, the two of us didn't have a good conversa on as usual. We train
together in the morning and train together at the gym, but it felt like we
were working.
It wasn't awkward.
I just didn't know how to speak. So there were only short-answer
conversa ons. Originally, it was a pa ern of me playing pranks or arguing,
Ellen reac ng bluntly, or eventually this guy ge ng mad.
she doesn't come out
In the middle of the night, when she cooks something, she just makes it for
me, and Ellen just eats it.
It wasn't that they were uncomfortable with each other. Because this guy
definitely seems comfortable to me.
But she doesn't want to say anything because only the topics she doesn't
want to talk about are lingering in her head.
Lunch me as usual.
There are only three remaining in the temple during the first year of Class
Me, Adelia, and Ellen.
Adelia said she was so worried when we got back that she almost cried. Of
course I s ll had a hard me and it was for Ellen, but
We didn't tell you what happened in the Darklands.
I just said that the protec on bracelet you made was a big help. In fact, the
first me they cut off Snowden's arm, Ellen used her protec on.
It was because of sanc fica on and holding the sword.
Mine hasn't been used yet. So I'm going to drive it once in a while.
“Hey… aren’t you going to tell me what really happened?”
I guess we didn't do anything
Adelaide doesn't seem to believe her words.
It was a ques on.
“Did nothing really happen?”
"Ugh, uh-huh! Mi, I'm sorry! Gwaga, I was just asking..."
The guy was startled by my blunt answer, and he shrugged it off.
No, I'm not mad, but he's wondering why I
Do you always treat me like an angry person?
are you hot?
That's it.
"...... " One
Of course, Ellen, with her eyes wide open, ate quietly.
It's clear that she's not ge ng enough sleep.

“ !”
I bounced back and slammed the floor a few mes before waking up to get
"Hey... are you going to kill me?"
“……It’s a mistake. I'm sorry."
No ma er what happened, we were prac cing in the gym as usual.
This bastard is ac ng a lot harsher than usual.
Ellen took hold of her lily sword and she gave me
“Let’s do it again.”
Ellen rushes towards me and strikes her sword. Rather than taking the
sword, I tried to avoid it by turning to the side and aiming at the nape of
the neck.
- Tak!
But as soon as I stepped on the side step, he walked over my leg as if he
had expected it.
- Boom!
Eventually I lost my balance and fell, nigga
He pointed his sword at me as I fell.
“So… where are you thinking of cu ng one…?”
It's not about hanging your legs, it's about hi ng your ankles. It was hard
for me to get up properly.
Ellen looked down at me and she grabbed my hand and li ed me up.
My skills cannot be compared to before.
but s ll use super powers
Even if you strengthen your body, you do not use Magic Enhancement.
He said that he couldn't be a match for Ellen who didn't.
As I got stronger, this guy keeps ge ng stronger too. As much as I followed,
It's way ahead of that.
He just keeps ge ng slapped, but like this
As the crabs con nued to be beaten, I made a lot of progress without my
Ellen raised her sword again, this me
stabbed in my side
- Kaang!
But this me he didn't push the sword, but my sword that stabbed in.
slapped the sword of

" !"
Don't miss out like before. but the sword
Roy twisted his chest open wide. Ellen deflected my sword and pierced her
training sword into my stomach at the same me.
perennial root
The blunt p of the water lily sword cut the abdomen strongly, so I gave it
as is.
I had no choice but to sit down.
I had to stop, but I couldn't.
"it's okay? I'm sorry...."
Eren was also embarrassed, so he knelt down in front of me and looked at
my condi on.
"Hey... I guess you... you can't control your power..." |
He looked very red with his eyes wide open.
If you are red and red, you have to lose to me, but because you can't
control your strength at all, it's rougher than usual.
If I con nued like this, I ended up ge ng hit and killed by mistake.
“Let’s stop for today.”
".........Huh. sorry. I was wrong.” “Don’t keep doing that. It could be.”
I stumbled and got up slowly. Originally, I would just take a break, but the
on-call priest
I'll have to visit Rado. like this
Because it was really a boner's plate.
Ellen was staring blankly at the door of her gym where Reinhardt had le .
She doesn't sleep well, so she wakes up five or six mes a day.
Ellen has a good memory for her.
Before she goes to sleep, she remembers the faces of the people she killed.
And when she slaughtered them with the appearance of terrible zombies
She remembers the shape of the intes nes and flesh that came down and
Before she fell asleep, she once remembered her terrible
Suffering, a er falling asleep, those images
This image appears in the dream.
I can't sleep well.
She is the face of the person she killed, the terrible horrors of zombies that
have risen from the dead. Those things pass by in my dreams
As if waking up from a co on game, he wakes up in a cold sweat.
Reinhardt would do the same. I hate having nightmares like this.
I don't want to fall asleep with such a terrible image anymore.
She didn't in the Darklands. On the contrary, I had never had such a
nightmare in Darkland.
Ellen knows.
Lately, she hasn't had a conversa onal conversa on with Reinhardt.
It was more of a ques on and answer than a story.
Words that come and go and end as they are
It wasn't a conversa on. what did you say
I wish I could, but she didn't know what to worry about. Because he didn't
want to talk about that topic himself.
but before that.
Ellen addresses a more fundamental problem.
she was pissed off
It wasn't because of the change on Ellen's side that her conversa ons had
Reinhardt, who had always been the first to speak, decreased the number
of words.
She was always speechless. past
She was and s ll is. Whether or not her head was clu ered, she herself
was always speechless.
Reinhardt is the one who doesn't talk right now.
Because he couldn't find anything to say.
'Always... always... talking to me first."
Conversa on always starts from Reinhardt
it started. Everything was given by Reinhardt.
It started with horses.
His answer to that there is always yes, no. It was such a short answer.
Even with such an answer, he constantly talks
con nued whatever you say keep
went on Even if he doesn't respond
Reinhardt con nued talking.
Anything weird or nonsense.
Reinhardt always kept the conversa on going. As if he were s ll wai ng for
an answer from his silent self, he had been persistently saying this and
Reinhardt was speechless, and now the two of them do not have a
conversa on.
Ellen, she was the first to realize how passive she had been un l now, and
she stood idly in the gymnasium for a while.
Ellen locked herself in her room and didn't come out. Even without Ellen, I
am myself
I went through my training rou ne. Prac cing posture and swordsmanship
while bea ng the scarecrow is also quite familiar now.
I used to do physical training alone in the first place,
That night.
A er evening training, I made something by myself even without Ellen, and
then I washed up and went to bed.
However, just before going to sleep, someone knocked on the door. Who is
it? There is no roll call in the dormitory, and since it's a vaca on, the
principals don't patrol.
Are you Sarkegaar? Once upon a me, I turned into a maid and came to
visit me once.
There was nothing I couldn't do twice.
But when I opened the door, there was an unexpected person.
"..what's going on at night?"
There stood Ellen in pajamas. Of course, you shouldn't go into each other's
dorm rooms at night. However, it is a vaca on now, and the supervisor's
supervision is loose in the first place.
It's not okay, but it's something that shouldn't be no ced.
Ellen didn't even ask me to come in, but she strode into the room.
There was nothing to be ashamed of to see, so it didn't ma er if I came in.
But he did something I didn't expect.
lay down on my bed

...what are you doing?”
“Cut here.”
There was a brief brain cessa on.
What is he talking about now? Are you out of your mind because of the
a ereffects of Darkland?
Ellen stared at me.
“I keep having nightmares these days.”
It was enough to guess that the fact that his wide eyes were the effect of
not being able to sleep well because the bed was rough. and
so am I,
But what does having nightmares have to do with sleeping in my room?
“I didn’t have nightmares when I was with you.
So you'll sleep here.
This seems to be the idea.
“ ma er how much vaca on it is, the principals
Even if you don't go around, isn't there such a thing as one? What if I get
Ellen lay on my pillow and shook her head.
I'm not saying I can't, but I'm caught
I'm a bit giddy at the point of saying what to do same as
"I do not know."
If you're caught, you'll get caught, or whatever. Yes, I'm sure the
headmaster will find out
The rate is very low, it can be.
“And why didn’t my doctor tell me in the first place?
Are you asking?”
“ just slept last me.”
If you've already done it once, why can't you do it twice? Even if you try to
force it out, it seems obvious that it won't happen.
No, I know I've become more comfortable and less hesitant, but this is
enough! Is it enough to casually walk into the men's room and say that I
sleep here?
“...I would say that if you were caught, you couldn’t get them out by forcing
them to come in and use force.”
As if to take care of it, Ellen made the blanket.
Covered and well prepared.
What the heck is this, what you did in Darklands
Even if the run ac ons give Ellen immunity,
did you plant
She can't do what she did in the Darklands
what is it
I think the thought circuit has changed in this way?
“Don’t turn it off.”
Anyway, I turned off the lights, shoved Ellen against the wall with her feet,
and put her on her bed.
lie down She didn't have one pillow, so it didn't ma er anyway, but there
was only one blanket.
Ellen turned her body towards me and stared at me.
The dark moonlight shone on her Ellen's face.
Why are you looking at me! what to do!
“Are you having nightmares?”
But I'd rather have nightmares
It means that Larry is feeling be er. For now, you've just slept.
Ellen looked at me quietly and suddenly
she said
"What are you sorry about all of a sudden?"
“Because I went to such a place…”
Ellen was looking at me with her sad eyes. Horrible memories haunt the
two of us in the name of nightmares. Going to the Darkland itself was a
bad memory for us, so it seemed like he was sorry for me.
We came back a long me ago. Only in this strange situa on
I was able to bring up a story.
“I was the one who asked you to go.”
Ellen said I wouldn't go when I told her not to go, she said. Rather, I was
the one who encouraged and took Ellen like that.
“If I hadn’t talked about it… you wouldn’t have thought of going there
But Ellen got the story out of the way anyway, so I'm going to go to the
As a result, she thought
I thought it was a nail.
"...then let's pretend we did something wrong to each other
Whatever awaits us there, I thought I'd take it.
So was Ellen. It was beyond our imagina on, but we didn't go there
expec ng a lively and beau ful story anyway.
I decided to take it and I experienced it. So there is only one thing le to
“I… I’ve been thinking about it.”
Ellen seemed to s ll have a story to tell.
"We're not talking these days."
Eren seemed to be concerned about the fact that we couldn't have
conversa onal conversa ons these days.
“I was in pain because you didn’t say anything. I'd love to tell you
something. I want to sort this thought out somehow. Because you didn't
say anything... I was thinking like that. I realized.”
Ellen's eyes lit up with guilt.
“Always, always, you talked to me.”
I think it was like that. When I spoke to Ellen. Whether we were going to
eat, exercise, arguing, or cha ng about this or that, I always talked to you.
Not all conversa ons were like that, but most of the me I started them.
Even in response to only a short answer, I con nued to talk, no ma er
Ellen doesn't talk much in the first place.
I'm not the type to say anything. So, the answer that came back was almost
a short answer. Long conversa ons even under normal condi ons
It was difficult to keep up.
Ellen was thinking about not talking to me. She realized that she was
always wai ng for a conversa on like this and that she was making no
effort on her own.
Ellen sits s ll under the blanket, my hand
“I’m sorry, Reinhardt, everything so far… I haven’t tried anything so far.”
So Ellen woke up in the middle of the night
The crab also came to me.
Unlike before, she wants to talk to her side first..
"...Is there anything to be sorry about? I like cha ering, and you respond
briskly no ma er what you hear, so I
It was more comfortable.”
It's not that I'm doing this for nothing, it's the truth. Ellen didn't care what I
was rumored to be in the class. She didn't care about that reputa on or
anything. Because I'm not interested at all.
So, no ma er what I said, the reac on was bland, so I just dealt with it.
She told me that Ellen was always passive, so it's not like I did anything
great. I usually say a lot of nonsense.
A person who is speechless, someone who keeps mu ering something.
It's just that we got along well in some way.
At my words, Ellen smiled a li le. It was painful to see Ellen smiling like
that in the moonlight.
Wake up, baby Ellen took my hand and closed her eyes.
"good night."
I don't think I'll have nightmares.
Before that, I have to worry about whether I will be able to sleep.
next day.
“Hey! What, what!”
I suddenly feel a pain in my head
Because of this, I woke up in shock.
| ......”
When I woke up, I saw El Ren, whose hair was frizzy, staring at me with a
cool gaze with her eyes half-opened.
“What is this bastard! Why are the sleeping people suddenly sulking at
...don't touch anything strange."
“, me?”
“My, where am I!”
"...tell me?"

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 172

Anyway, I woke up at the same me and it was dawn. We go to early
morning training every day, so at this me, our body just woke up on its
own. Ellen adjusted her clothes in her own room and gathered on the
porch of her dormitory.
"let's go."
So far, there has been no conversa on
As Ellen tried to talk to her for the first me, something seemed to have
come to an end.
We don't have anything to do with each other, but it feels like something
has been resolved.
S ll, there wasn't much of a difference. We talked while running.
“Didn’t you have a nightmare?”
Looking at your face, your eyes are as wide as yesterday.
or it wasn't
“I was dreaming. It was not a nightmare.”
Ellen didn't say what she was dreaming of.
She always said that she only answered with one short answer and that
she didn't keep up with this shit.
Maybe she was thinking, Ellen now even asked me the reverse ques on.
Are you trying to change?
It's not okay at all
“I didn’t even have nightmares.”
Before that, he tossed and turned a lot, and then finally fell asleep. I'm too
red to dream
I didn't see this.
By your side, I don't mind
Do you think you can sleep well?
I don't know if you can, but I'm having a bit of trouble.
It is clear that Ellen Artorius has no human heart.
She's the only problem, but this.
“Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping in my room today too?”
“If you don’t like it, you can come to my room.”
“Why are you like that?”
“If the superintendent is a problem, you can sleep outside because it’s
vaca on anyway. Us
You have a lot of money.”
“Why are you talking about that again?”
Why are you talking on the premise that you are always sharing the same
bed with me? Don't you have an outsider? of course stop
I know I'm comfortable, but...
Should I put something like self-control as a new talent?
Ellen didn't seem to want to listen to me.
A er the workout, we sat down on the bench.
ah rested
“Anyway, it’s only un l vaca on, then.”
Be er than me since I came back from the Darkland. Ellen, who had
apparently suffered from a more serious nightmare, was becoming more
and more dejected.
Anyway, I don't know why, but she doesn't seem to have nightmares when
I'm next to her. So, there was nothing I couldn't do to ask her to stay by my
side un l she got out of the nightmare. It will be an opportunity for my
mental to become a li le more red.
“And, you should know that I am a very gentleman. uh?"
how is this
Do you know how great it is? my two
The second life is s ll the product of a lot of hard work hoping to be a full
“Don’t do this to anyone.”
At my words, Ellen stared at me.
He seemed a li le confused about what he was trying to say. Any country is
Were you feeling a li le offended? think too much
Did you throw without it? Should I apologize?
Ellen pondered her for a while, and then she opened her mouth carefully.
“Last me, before I went to the Darklands… the gray-haired lady asked
“…who is your sister?”
IT 9
Loyar is nicknamed Irene's wild dog, and the names are me, Elerys, and Sa.
No one knows except for Rkegar.
That's why the club members call her sister, people call her Irene's wild
dog, and Ellen calls her the white-haired lady. Every me she does, she gets
beaten backwards,
Rather, Ellen wants it.
But Loyard asked Ellen something.
How did you see it?
“She asked if she could die for you,” she said.
Why did Royar ask such a thing?
She thought Ellen was a dangerous guy, so she told me not to touch Ellen.
I do not know.
"me. She replied that she didn't know then. She doesn't know un l she's
been through it."
Ellen quietly fiddled with her canteen.
all. As if she was thinking of something.
Could she die for someone? It would be true in the case of Impossible to
But in the case of Can Die
this may not be Because she has to go through a situa on like that to
So she said, Ellen, she doesn't know.
It was a problem she had to go through
I will.
S ll, the answer itself that I don't know is quite far from saying that you
can't die for me already.
And Ellen and I went to the Darkland. And who risked their lives
I had an experience that took my life.
Ellen says as she fiddles with the canteen, she doesn't look at me.
“I think I could die for you.”
Ellen knew she could die for me, and she seemed to have a god. Whether
that's the conclusion I got a er figh ng in the Darklands, or the conclusion
I've come to now a er returning from there.
A er finishing her words, Ellen looks at me.
“You… you can’t be anyone to me.”
i know what you think of me
But I remember what Elerys said. No, she already knew, even if it wasn't
what Elerys said.
The truth will destroy our rela onship all too easily. And I don't believe this
lie will last forever.
it's no longer dangerous No, we are already very dangerous.
For me and for Ellen Artorius.
We may end up being worse off than anyone else.
Maybe it will. Someday.
".......I'm sorry."
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for speaking carelessly
I said that, but it wasn't just that I was sorry.
- Tight!
I pounded a hard chestnut on Ellen's lap.
"Are you going to die unlucky?"
Ellen's eyes narrowed, wondering if she didn't understand what was
happening to her.
“Shut up and let’s go get some food.”
Ellen seemed to be a person without me, with her mouth s cking out all
day that day.
She ignored the rum.
Imperial Emperatos, located in the eclip c Gradium,
Inside the Imperial Palace.
Originally, I was the residence of her empress, but a er the death of her
empress, this place naturally became the palace where her working
empress stayed.
The exact opposite of this is the Imperial Palace, where the prince resides.
And the prince and princess rarely meet each other unless there is an
official seat inside the imperial castle.
There is no threat of assassina on as safety measures including ironclad
security and protec ve barriers have been established. Even if there is, the
prince and the princess have not a empted to assassinate each other at
all, but
Anyway, everyone in this
They are under the control of the princess.
No secrets are leaked.
And the Imperial Palace, where the Imperial Princess resides
's bedroom.
There Charlo e is not a dress
She was si ng on a rocking chair while she was dressed in casual clothes.
Due to the blackout curtains in the slightly dark room, the light was only
coming in.
A bedroom in broad daylight but close to night, with very li le light.
Someone was kneeling in front of Charlo e, who was si ng in her rocking
"...Majesty. Now… you have to admit it.”
“…you decided not to talk about that any more.”
The man on his knees bowed his head even more at the powerless voice of
the princess.
"Majesty. All informa on has been put together. They scoured the en re
con nent to get everyone's iden es and informa on. How many mes.
recheck several mes
I double-checked and re-verified. bump
I may have missed something.
was like.”
The man nailed his male head to the ground
I was about to try.
“A total of fi y-seven people were kidnapped. The boy we met back then
There is no boy with the same impression and age as the same. This is for
sure. "Dyrus." "The boy wasn't kidnapped!! You already know that!"
“He was too good to be a kid who had been kidnapped for so long! He
didn't even look like he was starving, and he was caught like his lord said.
Maybe it's because he's just arrived.
The chance of not knowing is too slim!”
Uniden fied in the Princess's escape from the Demon King's Castle
A er making a breakthrough with the boy
It was he who became Charlo e's escort.
As she organized her thoughts, she already knew that it was suspicious.
Contrary to Charlo e, whom her skeleton had encountered, the boy
looked fine. For some reason, I found the magic scroll right away. The
demons moved as if helping the boy.
And, he dared to run away.
We obtained a list of all the abductees, but they made a similar impression
to that boy.
There is no one who has
| No ma er how many mes I said it, it was no use. No ma er how many
mes he told me that he was a strange boy and that he needed to be
properly inves gated, the order did not come off.
“Dyrus, are you finished?”
“Yes, my lord.”
Dyrus raised his head quietly and looked at Charlo e.
“What will change?”
“If that kid wins, what’s the difference?”
Charlo e said in a s ll, powerless voice.
He said quietly looking at Dyrus.
“If I wanted to run away alone, I would have used the teleport scroll as
soon as I found it, but to save me, I came back to the garrison and saved
me somehow.”
"Dyrus, no ma er how much you say, it's useless. The child is suspicious
and uniden fied.
Even if you don't know, it's all useless. Nothing changes.”
“He risked his life to save me. The fact never changes. It doesn't change the
fact that he didn't want anything in return for saving me."
There are too many suspicious circumstances, but nothing changes.
The boy risked his life to save himself. Although there are many other lies,
there are no lies. shal
Lot leans against her rocking chair and shakes her body li le by li le.
“The command is the same.”
A ray of light entering her room flashes across Charlo e's face.
“Don’t know more about that child.”
Each me a ray of light crossed her Charlo e's face, her Charlo e's eyes lit
up for a moment.
Charlo e's momentarily visible right eye is not the usual golden color but
Like, she was dyed in pitch black darkness.
She was bathed in a deep, dark black color that felt like a hole in her abyss.
"Majesty. Only that child You may be the only one who has a slight chance
of knowing how to solve the condi on.”
“I said it was.”
Charlo e's black eyes gleamed gloomily.
“She doesn't want to endanger her life, which she has made her live longer,
by pu ng him at risk.”
glimmer of hope.
Dyrus tries to find it from the boy, but the princess refuses it. As long as it
is confirmed that it is in a safe place, there is no need to bring it out into
the world.
Some wizard's scroll shop.
Only Charlo e and Reinhardt know in the world that it is the place to
connect with the child.
Charlo e even told her own people
She didn't tell the story.
"I'm red. Get out."
“…Yes, Your Majesty.”
A er Dyrus le , Charlo e covered her own eye area with her right hand
and bruised.
Hani she looked up at the ceiling.
'Who are you?
A lot of things she didn't want to admit, she gets red of me and has to
admit it gradually.
'Are you really my enemy?'
Charlo e covered her right eye with her right hand and she took a few
deep breaths.
Put her right hand away, her Charlo e's eyes again
She had returned to her usual golden color.
Is it cruel?”
Me, to me... Why are you doing this to me?
Will. me, to me What are you trying to do to me!’
Do you think this is cruel?'
Stop it! Stop it! Whoops, whoops! Stop it!'
'It's a war with a bell. each other each other
It's a fight that started with an end.
Don't touch me! me! Leave me alone!”
'There's no reason not to have insurance just in case.'
Closing her eyes, Charlo e's body trembled slightly, causing her
She was a terrible memory to remember.
- Whoop! puck!
'Uh, uh, uh... ah ah ah ah ah!'
'Oh, uh huh! Ahh! Whoa!'
Seeing the people who ate each other, the cords of this castle were cut.
Seeing those who have forsaken their dignity, seeing those who have lost
their dignity.
Watching people devouring the flesh of someone who has died, and trying
to eat the living ones without their reason.
And looking at her mother, who ate someone in the mouth of the mouth.
Charlo e lost her mind.
Even if it's not like Dyrus' words
i know
She just didn't want to admit it. The existence of that child was his only
hope. so accept
just couldn't
'Heh, heh heh heh... heuk...'
(I, calm down...'
I just wanted to believe that the child was a survivor by chance.
With his head he knows, but with his heart
She just couldn't accept it.
But now I have to admit it. So much evidence, so many truths that we have
no choice but to accept
there was.
He killed all of the prisons where he could have been.
‘Huh, whoops! Who, who... who. who how...'
'Oh no! me. I've been stuck here too!'
But how are there any survivors?
I was surprised by the boy's existence. he himself
She didn't lose her temper and kill everyone
I feel like it's been confirmed.
There was even a sense of joy.
So there was no doubt.
But now I had to admit the simple truth that there could be no one alive in
that situa on.
The child was not a survivor.
Among the countless moments that had been rushed by, he already knew
something suspicious.
The boy had no idea what he should have seen if he had been locked up.
The scene of that gruesome and horrific massacre
He didn't know at all.
So I try to remember only the most important facts.
you saved my life your life
at a bet
I'm just trying to remember the truth.
Charlo e's senses rolled down her eyelids and her tears.
She hasn't changed much since then.
We s ll cha ed li le, but luck
It was combined with exercise and training.
The odd thing is that a er all, Ellen le her room and slept in mine.
But man is an animal of adapta on.
A er a few days like that, I lost my mind.
When Ellen leaves the temple to visit Loyar, when does Loyar ask?
It rained heavily in the middle of the night
She pretended to come back.
Time passed, and the vaca on was just over.
I was tucking into my pants.
Me, Ellen, and Adelia
I took it and went to the temple.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 173

Although the imperial coat of arms gave priority to the use of the gate, the
pres ge of the Duke Granz also allowed the gate to be used first. We
passed through the super-large warp gates, the southernmost part of the
con nent.
will be heading towards the
“What about Herriot?”
Liana answered my ques on.
“I said I would go ahead and wait,” she said. Heinrich will be there too.”
A total of six people go to the villa of the Duke Granz in the Edina Islands.
Me, Ellen, Liana, Adelia, and Herriot.
And to Heinrich von Schwarz.
Liana said she was just going to play this vaca on, and she probably did.
Liana's electrokinesis makes her grow fast. Even if she doesn't put in much
effort in the first place, she gets stronger and stronger on her own.
Ellen s ll trains her hard, but Liana doesn't either.
She's like a talent among talents.
“How was the Darklands?”
Liana was the most curious about our visit to the Darkland.
she asked
“It was just okay.”
"...Huh. right."
Ellen nodded her head in agreement with my words.
We didn't want to comment on what happened in the Darklands. It's not a
good story, and it's not a good story to know.
Slaughtered villages, robbers, zombies, cursed swords.
Because what we went through there was too terrible to be called a heroic
“Hmm, by the way you…”
Liana looked at me and Ellen alternately, and she lted her head slightly. “I
think the atmosphere has changed a bit.”
Something had changed, but it was a change that was difficult to pin down,
and Liana seemed to have felt it. we say nothing about him
She wasn't subtle, and it seemed that Liana wasn't very curious either.
Passing through the warp gate, the southernmost
A er heading to the Granz House Wizard
Teleported by Edina Archipelago
A mass teleport can move at once, but a mass teleport is a higher level
spell than a teleport. tell
By cas ng the report spell in succession, we are going to move us to the
villa one by one.
In the Edina Islands, there is a pub run by the succubus queen Irie, but I
never go there. There are things I want to see with my own eyes to see
how things are going, but there are mes when I don't have me to spare.
As in the last me, we passed through the large gate several mes to reach
the shore where the wizard awaits.
“Ellen! liana! Adelia!”
Heriot, who had arrived in advance and had been wai ng, ran to us.
Heinrich von Schwarz, who was standing slightly awkwardly, also
“It’s okay, Ellen!”
"thank God. I was very worried.”
Heriot nodded his head again, saying he was glad that Ellen was safe.
“Isn’t it dangerous?”
"Huh. It was fine.”
Her life had come and gone several mes, but she didn't have to say it.
Heriot looked at me a er saying goodbye to everyone.
She dies. It's me to say hello, why did you come back unharmed? "...I'm
glad you're safe. Reinhardt.”

...uh. okay."
I will smile brightly and say things like that
I didn't know, so I was a li le embarrassed.
She looked so happy, she couldn't say anything.
I teleported to the villa one by one, and my order was the last. It crosses
the great ocean and goes south to the archipelago.
The guys who arrived first were admiring the scenery before they even
unpacked their luggage. On the edge of the beach on a private beach
where there are no people, the mansion is perfect.
Hani was standing
Last me on the uninhabited island, the scenery was good, but it was very
However, the humidity here was low and the scenery was so clean that the
sky and the sea seemed to meet.
Ellen was staring at the scene silently.
The servants who came out of the mansion took care of our luggage.
Spend a week here and go back to the Temple 2
The semester begins.
“Our wizard was busy and went home. Like it or not, you guys have to stay
here for a week.”
Of course, it seems that the summoned wizard is not here to play leisurely.
A er moving us all, he went back to his business.
Just because he got red of it in the middle doesn't mean he didn't go
back. There's no need to go back
It's the first and last break for me and Ellen, who rolled over during the
summer vaca on. A er returning to the temple, he con nued his training.
are you
“Let’s eat something first.”
Liana said that she played is also a game, but she said let's eat something
first, and she dragged us into the mansion.
“Hey, what is all this…?”
It was me and Adelia who were bewildered by the splendidly prepared
Heriot, a nobleman, Lich, a servant of the royal family, and the daughter of
the Duke of Granz, the owner of the mansion, seemed not to be
par cularly impressed.
and Ellen,
The sound is more laid out than the vast and beau ful beach scene just
It was as if his eyes were turned to expression.
“I don’t follow formali es. Eat as much as you want, eat as much as you
want. If it's not enough, tell me."
Liana declared as if she was going to give her something like table
manners. so te
Even those unfamiliar with evil manners ate comfortably.
Of course, I ate while Ellen ate the ombre.
To be honest, Ellen's amount of food was too high, and I tend to eat a lot
compared to other people because of her momentum.
Ellen is the realm of the gods, and I am the strongest among humans.
That's the feeling.
Liana is here in the Edina Archipelago.
In the suburbs of the port city of Rajak
Said she. Rajak was also the city where Airi opened her pub.
However, this seems to be the capital of the Edina Archipelago, so even if I
tried to find it, I wouldn't be able to find it anywhere.
“If you get red of the beach, you can go to Razak to play. Of course you
are alone, and you will get lost.”
Liana told her to take it easy as she pleases. Rather than ge ng together to
do something together, it's like le ng friends rest together at my house
where he came to rest.
“…have you been well?”
Heinrich asked me that during a meal.
“Uh, roughly.”
I had a very bad first impression with this guy. I got into a fight when I was
arguing that a guy without superpowers had crawled into class. A er that, I
tried to avoid thinking that I was actually the child of a huge tycoon, but
when I found out I was a beggar, I ignored it altogether.
A er that, on an uninhabited island, I'll s ll be concerned about just talking
about when.
It has nothing to do with what I said.
But this situa on.
All but two of us are girls, and this guy is interested in Liana.
There is no one I can talk to comfortably. So she doesn't like it, but for now,
I'll try talking to her.
Have you seen demons or anything like that?"
“……Not at all. It was nothing.”
It wasn't a story worth telling, so I just gave a rough answer.
“Then what did you do when you got there?” “I just walked around. It
wasn’t very dangerous.”
“...Then you were just was ng me?”
me wasted
With that said, she wanted to hold her back a li le. Ellen was quietly
ea ng.
She seemed to even flinch her slightly.
She was definitely sarcas c. | She's not was ng me, she's been through
more horrific events than you think.
I had no inten on of boas ng about that childishly.
me wasted
It would be be er if me was wasted
would have
… Maybe it is.”
Heinrich was embarrassed by my casual acknowledgment
seemed to have done
In summer it is the sea.
Since it was going to be a cliche, we decided to go for a swim a er having
So everyone changed into swimsuits
“…are you doing this on purpose?”
At Liana's seemingly absurd remark, Ellen lted her head, and I
replied bluntly.
"...somehow both of them seemed like this."
Harriet nodded, looking a li le red, as if he and Ellen expected this to
“Do you dare to wear a temple swimsuit up to here?
Should I wear it?”
Ellen and I wore the swimsuits provided by the temple. All the others were
wearing their own bathing suits.
Liana in a tube top bikini, Harriet in a swimsuit in a wrap skirt and Adele
Leah was also modest, but she was wearing a one-piece swimsuit.
Heinrich was also wearing a trunk swimsuit.
Anyway, Ellen doesn't know why she cares about swimsuits, and I just go
with Temple swimsuits in a similar vein.
Liana didn't seem to mind that. Harriet seems to have expected her to be
like this to some extent,
“If you can’t even swim, it’s a swimsuit.”
“Swimming is important, is the swimsuit important? It’s a house where you
can pick up something like a star.”
I understand that swimsuits are more important than swimming. Liana
frowned at my sudden dismissal.
“Oh, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you, I already hate seeing you.”
As if her pleasure had completely disappeared, Liana shook her head.
Then she stared at me in a temple swimsuit.
“…ah… well, the swimsuit isn’t that important.”
She looks at me and Heinrich alternately
there was. What, why are you looking? feel me
For some reason, Heinrich suddenly twitched.
She carefully put on the laning ou it.
Swimsuits are not important.
I think I know what you mean.
Adelia, let alone Harriet, couldn't even look right at me.
Clearly, Heinrich, a pyrokinesis capable, does not exercise. I have
superpowers, but a er all, I am a close-combat type, so I exercised a lot.
It's a swimsuit and it's a nabal, and it's different just looking at it.
I have a good body.
“Wow, it must be a stone.”
“It’s crazy! Oh, where did you touch it!"
Liana comes to my stomach without hesita on
Touching it, I jumped in surprise. Why is this?!
“…are worn out?”
“That’s not the problem!”
“Hold on, stay strong.”
“Why did this really happen!”
“Wow, why don’t you just pass it on before I knock it out and touch it?
Liana de Granz's indecisiveness
Even I was terrified. Harriet, Adelia, and Heinley Hee
He was watching with a puzzled expression.
“This pair, then you too!”
As I countera acked, Liana widened her shoulders.
“Yeah, it worked. What are you going to do?”
I didn't know it would come out like this?
“Isn’t there such a thing as a line you keep? Is this surprising?"
Liana covered her mouth as she looked at her frowning, and she smiled.
Liana and me, Heinrich
It felt like he was looking at me with uncomfortable eyes.
One chaos passed and we swam. It was different from normal swimming.
Cas ng underwater breathing magic on a deserted island
Reminds me of swimming in the sea, ooh
All Riddle received underwater breathing magic from Harriet and looked
around the sea.
Heinrich and Liana seemed curious as this was their first experience. under
Enrich is crooked and looks like Liana
I got a tee I want to go to, Liana
Caught it, she took Heinrich and roamed her in the sea.
He's a guy who doesn't seem to have any a achments.
Ellen and I go hun ng
had gone into Of course, the scenery under the sea was similar but
different from that me.
Harriet dragged Adelia and gave her a look around. When you first come in.
Ellen swam through the sea, and occasionally made eye contact with me.
| It seemed like he wasn't enjoying it very much. I was fran cally looking at
this scenery on a deserted island, and even said that it seemed like fun.
I was like that too.
It was largely because the anxiety had not gone away yet to focus on the
crazy playing.
I swam almost all day. It was possible because Harriet kept renewing the
underwater breathing magic.
“Uh, it’s very difficult…”
“The ground… it’s awkward…”
Everyone except me and Ellen went through a sudden exhaus on. It's
incredibly difficult to move in the water all day even with the underwater
breathing magic. A er everyone had washed and changed their clothes,
they floundered in the living room of the mansion.
A sumptuous dinner was eaten as well as lunch.
Everyone was exhausted and had not yet gone, so a er the evening, they
were laid out in their own way. The mansion had enough rooms for us to
use alone.
Liana mu ered desperately, saying that she seemed to have lost her
strength a er coming to rest.
Res ng is the most difficult thing
I had nothing to do, so I went for a night walk. My body is a bit itchy, but
except for this me, I will roll hard again. So, let's rest properly when we
take a break. My mentality is also a bit shaky
bless you,
I looked at the beach and saw a red flame flu ering in the darkness.
A flame that could have been about two feet long was burning on the
sandy beach. that
And in front of him was Heinrich.
What are you doing over there?
Are you s ll prac cing your superpowers here?
I'm passionate about it.
I didn't really want to worry about it, so I passed by and wandered around
the beach.
returned to the mansion.
Liana and Adelia fell asleep early because they were exhausted. Harriet
was si ng in front of Ellen in her break room, talking about this and that.
“...why can't you tell me?”
“I just thought it wouldn’t be a good thing to hear.”
but the atmosphere is not very good
It was like Harriet stared at Ellen.
When you look at me, you find me
she asked
“You guys, nothing happened.”
“…what are you talking about?”
“The protec on bracelet, I told Adelia that it was useful.”
Were you talking about that? Ellen said she found the protec on bracelet
useful, but didn't say how she used it.
But when Harriet heard the story, he knew that there were circumstances
in which such protec ve equipment could be used. Adelia guessed, but did
not ask,
What kind of dangerous thing happened to Harriet?
She asked Ellen, and Ellen answered silently. Harriet is who we are
He seemed to want to know if he had been through something dangerous.
I s ll wear it because I haven't used it, but Ellen did.
“As Ellen said. It’s no good to know.”
What do you have to do
What are you doing to hear stories of killing people and slaughtering
corpses? Harriet's expression changes.
It was clearly a wounded expression.
It was something he gave us because he was worried about us. But we
don't tell you anything about what happened on that journey.
If you do not know the content, you will only be frustrated and sad.
I know I won't be able to treat me and Ellen the way I used to. So I couldn't
“…even you guys treat me like a child.”
Harriet went somewhere with an incomprehensible voice. in his place
Their eyes met with the remaining Ellen.
It was sad eyes.
Ellen's voice trembles. She couldn't tell others of her experiences, which,
to say the least, would buy people's disgust or fear. We could talk about it
except for that part, but in the end, the fight against zombies was not
much different.
“Am I really was ng my me…?”
No, it wasn't a waste of me. We definitely got something.
If it had been a waste of me, nothing would have changed.
“It wasn't a waste of me. never."
But, if only I had wasted my me.
If nothing had changed.
Then it might have been be er.
We are in a secret that only we know
I couldn't even e a knot in it.
But it can be overcome.
This is only a momentary confusion. I couldn't help but stare at Ellen as she
looked out of her window with a gloomy expression on her face.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 174

That night.
We slept in our own rooms.
In the dorm, Ellen shared a bed with me these days. But now she is with
other classmates. In this situa on, Ellen didn't even bother to sleep with
I don't seem to have nightmares these days though, so wouldn't it be okay
to sleep alone now?
Thinking like that, I couldn't sleep. The other guys seem red and fall
asleep right away, but it's useless.
My stamina improved so I slept all day, but it wasn't too hard.
When it becomes a daily rou ne to abuse your body, rather than overdoing
it in modera on, you don't get red and you can't even sleep.
In the end, I couldn't sleep, so I went outside to have a cup of tea.
Because the dormitory for the users was prepared as an annex, there were
no users now, and we were the only ones in the mansion.
“…what, aren’t you sleeping?”
...I woke up.”
Ellen sat blankly on the terrace at the end of the hallway on the second
floor, so she approached and asked, and she answered.
She fell asleep and woke up. She couldn't help but no ce that his pajamas
were slightly wet. She also had a nightmare. It looked like he was swea ng
I had nightmares too, but not to the point where I couldn't sleep like Ellen
did. Ellen seemed to be suffering more trauma than me.
I sat in the chair next to Ellen, but
I had nothing to say.
When it was just the two of us, I thought that things seemed to be ge ng
be er. But when I saw my classmates, I couldn't help but realize it again.
“Liana seems to have improved her abili es a lot this vaca on.”
“Yeah, I just did what I usually do, but she’s heard that I’ve grown a lot.”
Ellen wasn't wai ng for her to talk to me, she said she was the first to
speak to her.
She definitely changed Ellen.
“Adelia is simple now with magic cra ing, but she seems to be able to do
permanent engraving and basic design of magic organs.”
"Hmm... it's fast."
Adelia also knew that she was stuck in the temple so she could only study,
but she had a good me and she knew how to do more of this and that.
“Harriet seems to have studied destruc ve magic, and she studied auxiliary
magic that can be used in prac ce.”
Harriet seemed to have studied a lot during this vaca on by selec ng
magic that could be used in prac ce.
Looking at the beach earlier, there was a lot of increase in Heinri Hido's
ability. The one I just saw was at the level of a bonfire
Because it really wasn't.
Everyone has grown up in their own way.
“Everyone worked hard.”
"Huh. I think so."
Ellen stared blankly as she watched the waves crashing onto the shore.
Everyone has grown up in their own way.
“I think we were in too much of a hurry.”
“I wish I could have had a normal life. Red
Lee wants to become stronger, faster, even a li le stronger... I think I made
a mistake.”
we got stronger That's for sure. Ellen was at the beginning of Superman,
and she, too, had a lot of upgrades in her abili es.
She made a lot of money, a cursed object, but a powerful sword
got it
But even if I did it as usual,
it would have been done
In the process, we had a terrible experience, and we have no choice but to
lie or shut our mouths to those who ask it.
was not in
The children had their own lives during the vaca on, and they grew up in
one way or another.
Maybe I made a mistake while taking a shortcut because I wanted to go
even a li le faster.
In the end, he had no choice but to hurt Harriet.
Ellen seemed to have a lot to feel when she saw her classmates who had
grown up step by step in a way that was different from ours.
I took a deep breath. As someone who had the same experience, I didn't
want to say this.
“We can’t think posi vely, but let’s think posi vely.”
"Yeah, even though the things we went through were terrible, you can't
say the results were bad."
A cruel dichotomy is what Ellen needs now. I looked straight into Ellen's
eyes, who looked a li le confused.
“We saved more than we killed.”
“It was a terrible experience, but nothing shameful.”
If it weren't for us, at least fi y people would have died. terrible
and experiences that are difficult to tell
But it was never a worthless experience.
Ellen was in awe of what we did.
He seemed to be engrossed in the idea that work was worthless.
"It could be a mistake that we went to the Darklands, but we didn't make
any mistakes in the Darklands."
We made the best choice there. There is no reason to sink in a sense of
shame and nightmares.
Going to the Darklands may be a mistake, but we did the best we could in
the Darklands.
“…Is that so?”
I nodded at Ellen's ques on.
next day.
We had a simple breakfast prepared by the users.
"...why is the atmosphere like this?"
Liana sensed that the atmosphere was strong.
Guernsey lted his head. Harriet's table
Jung is no ceably depressed, Ellen
He didn't have much of a reac on in the first place, but he ate breakfast
and drank.
Harriet, as usual, is squealing or exhilara ng! It wasn't like this, but seeing
how seriously he was hurt was hard to bear.
When Harriet gets really hurt, she gets mad.
can't pay
She just hurts alone.
She finds out about it all over again.
It was hard to see her like that.
“Anyway, I’m going to go to Rajak today, and anyone who will come follow
me. Those who are not, rest here.”
Apparently, Liana was planning to go to the city of Rajak today. I don't
know what I'm going to do, but I'm too lazy to follow, so I decided to rest
“Ellen, please follow me.”
It seemed that Liana was going to take Ellen, her good fortune.
“I hate seeing your swimsuit. Go and buy a new one. I will buy it.”
It seems that he was upset just to see Ellen playing at the resort in a
temple swimsuit.
No, is this really annoying?
How does the duke know her daughter's heart? Ellen seemed to have no
objec ons.
No, but to be honest, I was the same person who brought only Temple
swimsuits? But she only buys Ellen?
“Hey, me?”
“Wow, are you asking me to buy it confidently? Nope?"
“Oh, good work.”
Of course, I was just saying, and I didn't really want to buy it.
Heinrich said he would follow along, and Adelia hesitated and said that he
would go.
“I will rest here.”
“Yeah, do that.”
Harriet seemed to be res ng in her mansion, not in the mood to go
anywhere. I thought I'd follow her, but seeing Harriet's expression, she said
to leave her alone.
I have something to give
| I don't know if this will make you feel be er.
“I will stay here too.”
I also decided to stay in the mansion.
Everyone le the mansion and headed for Rajak. It's a suburban area, so
it's a bit far away, so everyone seems to go by horse-drawn carriage.
Only Harriet and I are le in the mansion.
When I knocked on Harriet's room, Harriet with a depressed expression
showed her face.
"Let's talk."

Harriet le the room without a word.
At the end of the hallway of the room card
Outdoor Terrassi I talked to Ren
there was There she took Harriet out and sat her in her chair.
Of course, it was day me, so there was a refreshing scenery different from
that at night.
“Are you mad?”
Normally, she would have asked if she was upset, but she would have been
hurt more if she did, so she asked.
“I’m not angry.”
Harriet mumbles with a gloomy expression on her face.
"It's just... I was really worried about you guys. Saying that as if you didn't
need to know anything like me... I felt like I wouldn't understand even if I
heard it..."
Harriet murmurs, clenching her li le fist.
“That’s sad.”
He was worried about us, so he stayed up all night to create ar facts.
She said that she saved us, what prize
She must have asked, anxiously and excitedly, how she had helped Huang.
You don't have to know her answer. do that
only me
I can't help but be sad
Ellen was feeling guilty about not being able to say anything. So this
morning the atmosphere was cheap,
If you let it go, it's sure to surprise you at the most and it's sure to be a
portrait house atmosphere.
“I’m not ignoring you.”
“It’s just that it’s hard to say. really."
It's like I'm being chased when the day is right in front of me
I had to do something. to a safe environment
When she comes back she ra les and knows what we've been up to
I feel it
I speak in a nice tone like never before
Now, Harriet looks at me quietly.
I took something out of my pocket and put it on the table.
It was a pair of earrings.
"what's this?"
“He came and picked it up.”
I just wanted to say something nonsense, but Harriet didn't understand.
It was.
“It was brought from there. you do."
“...what is this?”
“It’s an earring. Can't you even see it?"
It is not necessary for Ellen, who has stronger mental power than me, who
has been corrected by the divine spirit.
was a thing, and I didn't need it either.
You can sell it, but a er thinking about who might need it, I finally thought
of him.
“I heard that it is an ar fact that is permanently engraved with Tranquility
magic. I don't need it and I don't need Ellen. So, if you can keep your
composure when using magic, won't cas ng become easier?"
Heriot looked bewildered when he heard that the object in front of him
was an ar fact imprinted with magic.
More than anything she seemed to be the most incomprehensible of what
she gave herself.
“...Where did you get these things?”
“You said it was hard to say.”
I looked at the guy and smiled.
“It’s a bit of a bribe, but take this and move on.”
It may be sad You may feel upset about not saying anything.
“If I can say one thing, I risked my life to save it.”
They didn't give details, but in the end we were able to get these things
a er our perils. said
we risk our lives saved stuff. It was held in his own hands. Harriet grabbed
her earring and she shook her head.
…I also wanted to help.”
“It really helped.”
“...I also wanted to go with you.”
Tears fell on the back of Harriet's hand as he bowed his head.
“By the way, absolutely not, where a kid like me is dangerous. Do you want
to go to a place like that? I was scolded, very scolded... I was almost locked
up. I'm afraid I'll escape So, you guys. Only a er Dad confirmed that he was
back... Only then was I able to get out of the room.”
Heriot wanted to come to the Darklands with us. But, of course, no parent
would allow that. So, it seems that Harriet was not on vaca on, but a life of
Only a er confirming that we had returned to the temple did Archduke
Saint-Ouen grant Herrio freedom.
The Duke of Saint-Ouen made the right decision.
If Harriet followed us, this guy
would not have been able to afford trauma
are suffering, but somehow enduring
Ellen and I are the weird ones.
It's not about being a child or anything like that. who can afford this
It's weird at first.
“I too... can use magic, become more proficient, then... then...”
Harriet was weeping and clutching at the earring I had given her.
"Can I go with you guys?"
Heriot seemed to feel sorry for himself for not being recognized as a true
wizard. If I could play the role of one person properly, I would have been
able to travel with us.
seemed to do
Because his parents didn't recognize him, and he knew he wasn't there yet.
Harriet seemed to be upset about it during this vaca on.
“What can’t be done now?”
You can already use enough prac cal magic
can My skills would have improved a lot compared to the last me on the
uninhabited island. Just lack of experience. as much as you want to go
can go together
but you can do it yourself
There is a ques on of whether or not there is.
I have no inten on of taking I don't know if I'll ever do this again.
However, for now, this lie seemed necessary to Harriet.
"Thank you... Reinhardt."
Harriet didn't ask more about what we went through.
“I will cherish it.”
The guy cries and clutches his earring
there was.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 175
Harriet seemed more upset than angry. can't be of any help to us. Be a
child to your family
Although he was ignored, he seemed to be sad because he seemed to have
been ignored even by us.
It is a slightly different concept from being angry.
In the end, Harriet seemed to be feeling pre y relieved because of what I
said around him.
He and I cha ed a bit more on the terrace. Harriet wore the pair of
earrings I gave her. She wasn't that flashy. An emerald half the size of a
li le fingernail
It was a bu on earring with embossed . It wasn't too flashy, and it felt like
just the right accessory.
“Hey, this… Thank you… I feel a li le weird.”
The corners of Harriet's mouth, which had a slightly blank expression,
“Are you ge ng weird?”
“What should I say… should I say I’m feeling a li le bit down…?”
It certainly feels like a magical item, but the tranquility magic calms the
mind and body.
You seemed to be feeling weird.
It's because it's the kind of thing that forces Harriet, who always has high
tension, to look like Ellen. Then you might feel like you're feeling weird.
I think you can think of it as a concept in which nerve stabilizers are
automa cally administered...
“Do you always have to? Use only when necessary.”
| “Uh, uh… I’m sorry.”
It's a gi , but I'm sorry that I can't wear it all the me. No, inevitably
It doesn't really ma er because it's something I gave you in hopes of using
it in a real situa on.
“But how precious is this?
I don't know, how much is it? If it's your family, don't you just have a
warehouse full of these items?"
That's what I was thinking about before giving.
The Duchy of Saint-Ouen is a country famous for its magic. The Archduke
Saint-Ouen whom I had seen before was an Archmage. So, if I give this to
Harriet, there is a possibility that it will be worse than the common magic
item in the warehouse.
There were also plenty.
So I was deba ng whether to give it or not, and gave it to me to relieve the
feeling. swimming
Riot took off the eerie earring and put it in her arms, and thought for a
“There are three main requirements for determining the rarity and price of
magic items, one for the number of uses, two for the magic used, and
three for the endowed object.”
"Huh. If you look at the one-shot magic scroll, it's a magical item, right?"
Magic scrolls are disposable items. Harriet told me to wait a minute.
Danny went into his room and brought something. It was a wand about
thirty cen meters long.
"What is that? A magic wand or something?"
“It’s like a weapon for self-defense. Just in case you didn't know, I took it
with me. In the case of a wizard wand or staff like this, there are usually
two. In some cases it helps to stabilize or control the user's magic flow, and
in other cases it is filled with magic. The difference from scrolls is that only
people who know how to use magic can use them.”
A wand or a staff may help with the use of magic itself, or may be charged
with magic.
“There are ten charges of Chain lightening here.”
"Then it's a lot more expensive than a scroll, isn't it?"
"right. If you use up all the number of uses, it may become a waste
product, while others can be recharged and used again. Naturally, the
rechargeable one is harder and more expensive to build. This is something
that can be recharged.”
A wand that can use the advanced destruc ve magic called Chain Lightning
10 mes, and can be recharged. It must be an incredibly powerful magic
...there's a reason he wanted to follow him, he had something to believe
“But there are some wands like that. The magic is permanent on the object
It is sealed, so if you pour your own magical power, the engraved magic will
be ac vated."
“That is the rarest thing. Imprinted spells can be cast directly without
cas ng
because there is Things like that are incredibly rare. I know that most of the
technology that can be made has been put into prac ce.”
The rarity of magic items varies according to the number of mes magic is
used. And recharging is also important.
Soon, an ar fact imprinted with magic
is very rare i am my
I realized how absurd the firework of Hwayo hanging from my neck was.
Wan with only one spell permanently engraved
Dna and the staff are also treated as ancient relics, but the fireworks of
Tuesday are like magicians.
I, not even a car, can create sparks with my own will. It is an item that can
use one type of element, not one type of magic.
| I thought it was a huge treasure, but when I heard it from Harriet, I
realized how powerful a magical item it is. Even across the en re
con nent, it is a huge treasure.
“By the way, this is the case of destruc on magic,
Enchanted by armor or clothes
Items are o en permanently engraved. It's because it's very difficult to
engraving a start-up type of destruc on magic."
In fact, Ellen and I took the enchanted equipment from the Temple when
we went to the Darkland. I think it will be very expensive
I heard this, but it was all permanent.
Enchantment is a type of destruc on magic.
It's rare and expensive.
“Of course, the rarity also depends on what kind of enchantment has been
enchanted, but in the case of enchanted accessories, they are extremely
Harriet held the earring I had received between her index and thumb and
showed it to her.
“It’s small.”
"Isn't it easy to permanently imprint magic on such a small object? It's not
even a low-level spell like lightening, it's a mental stabiliza on spell. Trang
quality isn't the highest level, but it's a high-level mental magic. You can
get such a magical effect just by pu ng one on your ear, but it can't be
done easily."
Three factors that determine the rarity of a magical item
The second requirement was what the granted goods were.
Soon, size ma ers. Large items such as armor and swords are easy to
enchant. However, in the case of ornaments, very high-level
Looks like he needs a drink.
And the earrings I gave Harriet were half the size of a li le fingernail.
“So, this is a very precious thing.
Harriet looks at me and smiles.
There was only one reason why Harriet gave such a Japanese speech to my
ques on of how precious this is.
“Thank you Reinhardt.” It was to explain to me how much a gi I didn't
know was worth, and to say thank you for it.
"Me... the guests?"
And while we were cha ng on the terrace, suddenly someone spoke to
She was the maid in charge of the work in the mansion.
My answer is that she is a bit troubled
murmured with
“That… there is a problem.”
“Isn’t that a problem?”
“...the lady le her wallet.”
Ah. nonsense
Forget it, it's burs ng
An idiot is a li le different from an idiot.
You seem to be doing well, but you make an unexpected mistake at a
strange ming.
Liana de Granz is that type.
I made a plan and gave everything to do
I went shopping a er comparing it and it arrived
What about trying to calculate? wallet?
I came across this situa on.
The users must have been bewildered when they saw a bag of gold coins
lying on her table while cleaning Liana's room.
Of course, since he's a great noble, his name is a god dragon, so Duke
Granz could put it in front of him and act like this.
But this is not a zodiacal gradient.
The Duke of Granz, who is said to be a great aristocrat,
The power is across the sea to this distant southern island
Whether it will be effec ve in LA
I do not know.
Except for one coachman, he didn't even take an a endant.
Adelia didn't take her wallet either." "...I think Ellen is the same."
We each checked our luggage, but no one could say anything, but Heinrich
Jim couldn't find it, but Adelia and L.
Ren confirmed that he didn't take the money.
I don't know if Heinrich took the money or not, but I think he somehow
didn't. It's like I wasn't buying anything, I was just following Liana.
The wizard of the Duke Granz could teleport it to me, but I'm too busy with
work, so it's only on the day we decide to go back.
will come The users didn't have sharp numbers, so they seemed to want to
ask us.
If this is the case, a situa on arises where the duke's family, Young-ae, is
excited to say that she is going to shoot her friends, and she goes crazy
because she doesn't have any money. It is a huge disgrace to even wash
the dishes because you don't have money to pay while ea ng.
"Ummm...but you must have already entered the city of Rajak, but we
must have taken the money bag.
Even if I lose, how can I bring it back?"
Wouldn't it be be er to just sell some side and wait for them to come
It doesn't look like he'll be found just because he's been looking for it, and
Harriet lted his head quietly.
“Are there any kids with student IDs?”
It was quite plausible that Harriet said that the beggar who le her purse
may have taken the Temple student ID. Well, Ellen may not have taken it,
but the others may have. A temple student ID is an iden fica on card. You
never know when or where you will need it.
“By the way, can you find out if you took your student ID?”
Harriet nodded.
“I can now detect the tracking magic on my student ID.”
This is an extension of my last disappearance.
it looks like
A er my last disappearance, Harriet seemed to have learned how to detect
the tracking magic on her student ID. Of course, at that me, I ar ficially
used the tracking magic of my student ID.
I have removed .
What is it?
It's strange, I'm sorry, I'm grateful,
it's kinda
The users were telling us with the feeling of grabbing a straw for fear that
the young lady would be humiliated, but somehow it was the correct
To catch up quickly, me and Harriet
One of the horses in her mansion was borrowed.
Can you ride a horse?”
“… I learned it last me.”
Harriet's eyes widened at the fact that I knew how to ride a horse. Heriot
also knew how to ride her horse as if it were a basic skill of a great
Of course, it's a big deal if you're in a hurry to get wet and fall, so Harriet
and I drove our horses a li le faster and headed for Razak.
It wasn't too far from Rajak. It was also on horseback, but the city Horses
and wagons are ed around the perimeter.
there were places
“Hey, it’s like that wagon. It has the Duke of Granz's emblem."
We parked a wagon on the outskirts and walked into the city on foot, so
we found a wagon outside.
Even among the fields, he could see the dazzling Duke of Granz's carriage.
We le our horses to the wai ng coachman and entered the city of Rajak.
“ feels like a port city.”
The sea is far away, but the smell of the sea pushes in
I felt it coming in. But it's more bland than an unpleasant fishy smell.
It was a feeling.
Rajak is not like the zodiac, but every
It was a bustling city. A building that looked like the royal castle of Edina
Kingdom could be seen on top of a distant hillside and sheer cliff.
As we entered the city entrance, we saw a gentle descent like a slope, and
the view of the city.
This came at a glance.
There were numerous ships going to and from the huge port and wharf.
“Where the warp gate has not developed
It’s s ll like this.”
Harriet stared blankly at him, curiously. Due to the warp gate system, trade
routes have been dras cally shortened, so this is no longer a thing of the
It seems to be the shape of
There were many white buildings overall, so it looked clean rather than
distrac ng. I think I can see why Liana said this was a li le-known tourist
Huge ships going to and from the transparent sea
There was something about it that made me feel good just by looking at it.
A messy harbor full of grease and fishy smell
A port city painted like a pain ng
it was
“Anyway, let’s find the kids.”
Harriet closed his eyes and was silent for a moment as he cast the tracking
spell. A er a moment, Harriet opened his eyes.
“Um, over there.”
Harriet was poin ng his finger somewhere in him, but he honestly couldn't
figure it out. Harriet took the lead, I followed.
“It’s exci ng to learn magic.”
As Harriet walked, he had a strange smile on his face.
“Honestly, I learned this student ID tracking magic just like the last me….
Even if it’s not you, there might be a disappearance case. So that’s what I
It would have been nice if I knew something, it would have been nice if I
knew what kind of magic to use. Harriet has such regrets.
It seems that every me he tries to learn that magic.
“However, to use it to return the money bag like this…”
A magician learned in case of disappearance
Anyway, return the money bag to your friend.
I did not know that I would be wri ng to give. this
all. You will use it in a way that is different from what you intended it to be.
For Harriet, it seemed strange.
“Well, that’s how it was with the last me underwater breathing magic.”
“Because I want to learn a certain kind of magic, so it’s more interes ng to
me to learn it right away?”
Intermediate steps have been omi ed.
If you want to learn, learn. What's difficult?
I'm not a magic major. What Harriet said now would be a slap in the face
for magic major classmates. A genius is a genius.
Harriet frowned as he looked at me at my sarcasm rather than my sarcasm.
“Well, I always said I liked my hair. Why are you talking like you don't
"When did I say you had a bad head? I said you were a good runner."
“That's it! And again, it’s ght again!”
Harriet groaned, blushing his face.
I mean, he likes the feeling of this tension. A er a long me, I felt be er.
I am also a sadist limited to him.
“Anyway, find the kids quickly.”
“Are you doing this on purpose to make me angry if I can forget you? do
me good
Pretending to give, you are always like this! finish
is always like this!” |
I'm sorry.
To be honest, it feels like breaking the daily quest.
I wonder if I need to wake up, but if I don't, it's kind of sad.
“How did you know? no, why in the first place
Do you know now?”
“Really annoying!”
As if he couldn't hold back his anger, he clenched his fists in my chest.
“How are you? Are you just defea ng me?”
“It doesn’t hurt at all! My hand hurts even more!” |
It was rather embarrassing because it was a punch that wasn't even a bat.
Where are the kids who le their wallets and what are they doing?
A er walking around the city for a while, arguing, Harriet took a deep
“ seems certain that it is a difficult situa on.”
It's not really what you see, but it's difficult
How is it that one thing seems so obvious?
Is it?
“The loca on has not changed. It stays the same.”
He seemed to know what he was talking about. Harriet made an inference
a er seeing that the loca on of the first track and the loca on of the
children a er we had walked for a long me were the same.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 176

Me and Harriet have kids.
Entered a restaurant to be confirmed. field
The four people who le first as soon as they le | Huge amount of food at
the table
It looks like you can't even come and go
this was caught
As Harriet predicted.
“Hey, these bastards are here.”
“Don’t call me a bum…! Ah. uh, uh…”
This me, she didn't call her, but Harriet shouted like a reflex, and her face
turned red.
If you only hear a squeak, you know you're talking about it.
I trained so well.
Heinrich, Ellen, Lyana, and Adelia were all staring blankly at the two of us
who had come out of nowhere.
“It’s okay to get cold. Do you leave money while you go shopping? You too,
like him, make up a similar nickname
give me?”
“It’s not ght!”
- Dope
Liana stared at her pocket of gold in front of her, her mouth open blankly.
Before she could go shopping in earnest, Liana said she had a gourmet
place in Rajak and she seemed to be trying to lighten up.
Liana is always with Ellen at any me.
She knows she eats a lot of sweets, so she goes through the menu
As she was about to finish ea ng, she realized that no one had brought any
As I predicted, Liana, Duke of Granz
The sound of asking me to hang it on the street
but she was rejected.
So, in a situa on where she was wondering how she would overcome this
situa on, it seems that she was all si ng blankly,
Meanwhile, Harriet and I suddenly appeared.
“Student ID tracking?”
To Liana's ques on of how did you get to us right away, Harriet answered:
all. Adelia learned that magic.
She looked a li le surprised at that.
“When did you learn that again?”
“It’s just humility.”
Adelia learns magic that makes her money, but Harriet learns magic that
she wants to learn. Today, I am accumula ng a sense of defeat. Adelia
becomes pi ful if she just has a normal conversa on with Harriet.
Ellen and my eyes met.
It seems that Harriet is feeling a li le be er, so I'm curious as to why. I just
shrugged my shoulders a li le. Let me tell you right now
'Cause right now it's awkward
"I'm glad anyway... Thank you both."
Liana sighed as she sighed in relief.
Heinrich didn't look very good for some reason. In other words, Harriet's
sta on
Hal was big, but I wondered if it was arrogant that I was helping,
Liana looked at me or not, she said.
“Hey, you worked hard, so I’ll buy you a swimsuit too.”
...So it seems like I came all the way here to get a swimsuit and wear it. You
came here with a very, very, one hundred percent, pure goodwill?”
“ you have something like that? Wasn't that a tangible reward?"
Liana didn't expect it at all.
She made an overly surprised gesture.
"Because I'm not cheap, I'm not a rude guy, am I?"
“Oh, I know it's not cheap
do it You have a conscience, don't you think?"
“…you shouldn’t be against your opponent.”
What is the difference between Harriet and him?
The dill doesn't s ck at all, and my side gets hot. Judging by the
rela onship between his teeth, he is taller than me.
As Harriet shut her mouth as if fed up with me, he began to look at Liana
with a godly expression on her face.
“Liana, what’s the secret?”
“…what’s the secret?”
“He can’t move if he only talks to you. How are you doing?"
"When you hear everything, at least do it where I can't hear it. Huh?"
“Well, noisy.”
Maybe Harriet can't stop me
Liana's secret to brush it off with her words
seemed curious. Liana looked at me and shrugged.
“Even if he pretends to be the last, he’s a jerk who can’t really break out at
all. Be bold at all.”
“So you can hear everything.”
“Damn… boldly?”
Harriet rolled his head and seemed to recall yesterday's situa on. Uh,
touch it, if you can, you're probably thinking about that yesterday.
Harriet looked at me and made a meaningful expression.
“…Yamma, this is human nature.
Are you calling?”
"what? This... human nature?”
"Uh, I can't do it for him, but I can really do it for you."
It doesn't ma er what you say, it's about who says what you say. No ma er
what you learn, you are not Leah or de Granz, but Harriet de Saint-toine, so
the result may be completely different.
Even if you play the same idiot gag, some people will be ripped off, but
some will be wow haha
It's good to have a good sense of humor! That's where the word came
Even in the same gag, different reac ons come out depending on who is
speaking! So do you know how embarrassing it is?
It's not an experience.
“I don’t know what kind of daring thing I’m going to do, but I’m going to
treat myself well, because I might look bad.”
As I smiled with a spooky expression, Harriet's expression began to turn
In the case of Liana, I couldn't, but what about you?
What do you think will happen to you?
Harriet seems to be running wild imagina ons in his head.
“Uh… uh, what. Rice, you pervert! Gee, really... a real crazy pervert!”
What the hell was Harriet thinking? His face turned red and he covered his
chest and squawked.
No, you didn't say anything in the first place, did you? Why are you playing
drumming and playing janggu alone?
"What the hell are you going to do with me?
Did you get this kind of reac on because you said that?"
“Oh no! Oh, you didn't say anything, you didn't say anything!"
“Then why is Sorin a pervert?”
“Mo, mo… I don’t know!”
It's no use whatever you teach Liana.
You and my humanity are perfectly correlated eggs.
Anyway, I got some money, so I ended up going to swimwear shopping,
which was my original purpose.
But that's right.
Medieval fantasy has nothing to do with the Middle Ages. I think so, but
isn't this enough without a conscience?
I don't know if there is a specialty swimwear store and the fabrics there are
different from modern swimwear fabrics? synthesis
I know tex les and modern clothing are just plain blunt, but what the heck.
This worldview has a lot more similari es to modern mes than medieval
What should I call you? What kind of bizarre worldview did I create?
Again, the conclusion is the same.
If you think about it, you lose.
There is a swimsuit store.
And buy a swimsuit.
I don't know anything else!
It was her purpose to buy Ellen's swimsuit, but Liana wanted to buy her
own too. She looked at Ellen's swimsuit and she tried on her own.
“How are you?”
When he tried on a swimsuit, he asked me and other people's opinions.
“Uh, that… uh, very… I think it resonates very well.”
“How do you know if you look good, tell or not look?”
Burger without even looking at it
Lich, the servant who replies that it suits him well. At the sound of seeing
and speaking properly, I shed even more cold sweats. A er hearing
Heinrich's answer, Liana
She looked at me this me.
“Hey, look.”
“Oh, it suits you.”
“...don't you even try to look at me?”
“Ah, anyway, what kind of clothes wouldn’t suit that beau ful and noble
Lady Lanz?”
“I’m doing this on purpose to piss you off.”
I looked elsewhere and answered dryly, and Liana seemed to be okay.
She asked the other kids for their opinions. Ellen wore what Liana had
chosen for her, just as she was, no ma er what she looked at.
When I look in the mirror, it seems that there is no emo on. Of course, our
Granz girl is far more overwhelming in height and style, but of course Ellen
can't be missing anywhere. Adelia and Harriet stared blankly at Ellen in her
"Me, me too... Shall I exercise..."
Both were looking at each other with envy.
It's a basic black bikini.
“It suits you.”
I'm in a weird mood, so I'll stare at you for a long me
I feel like I don't like it. Should I say it's awkward?
So I just said it like that because it suits him well.
Ellen stared at her reflec on in her mirror for a while.
Liana and Ellen changed their bathing suits so that they did not get red of
changing clothes. Adelia and Heriot also looked at things they liked.
Of course, it's a choice for me too, so I think it'll fit just right without even
trying it on.
bought a trunk swimsuit.
“No, if you’re going to buy a swimsuit, do you try on dozens of them?” |
I'm the type of person who hates spending hours shopping! the first me I
I've been walking around for two hours from the store.
A er all, when I go back saying I liked what I saw the first me, I get really
ripped off.
It's like a modern and modern medieval fantasy, so there's no need for
such a thing, so why is it there?
Liana nodded her head as if she was talking about something
“To buy one, what do you mean?”
Liana pointed to the stack of swimsuits she was wearing.
“I will buy them all.”
The Duke of Granz, who had mansions all over the con nent, looked down
on the distribu on of the young girl too much.
In the end, both Ellen and Liana bought a bunch of swimsuits.
“If you buy a bunch of these and don’t get the right size later…”
“It’s a new place to live.”
“So is it.”
What if it's not right? Throw it all away and buy a new one. Rich people
with different dimensions have a different way of thinking.
Now that the business is over, go back to the mansion and swim again or
You know how to play
It was understandable that Liana didn't bring an a endant because she
was coming with her friends. Because she seems to have no ced to some
extent that Adelia feels uncomfortable.
So, she had a lot of stuff in her hands, both Ellen and Liana. Because Ellen
is such a monster, yes.
And, having a hard me holding it
there was tea
“It’s good to have enough money to live as you are, but didn’t you think of
taking it with you?”
There's always going to be a screw-up somewhere
because I do
“Give it up.”
I heard that Liana took her half of her luggage with her. If there's strength
here, I'm next to Ellen.
Liana stared at me when I took half
He looked up and held out the rest.
“Hey, listen to everything you say.”
“Hey, I’ll take it!”
“Uh… yes. thanks."
A er all, Heinrich von Schwarz
Tsu heard it. Of course, that child's strength
Hearriot, Adelia, and Liana shared the fair share again.
In fact, I bought a lot of it.
As I was trying to get out of Rajak, I heard noises from among the people.
- I've been drinking so much since broad daylight! OK?
-All.... It must happen...! OK!!
- I went to a pub again with that damn bitch! I don't know!
- It's not...! oh, drunk
- I'm thinking about helping the family, you bastard! They don't work, they
only serve alcohol and pour it on!!
what is it
I never run into Airi, but I hear her name everywhere.
there was.
The fact that the liquor vendor has been selling alcohol since broad
daylight is doing well.
- Clap!
-I'll go and kill that fox bitch
It should be!
I can hear the sound of homes being destroyed everywhere.
Are you okay? want to make a lot of money
I've done it all and I'm actually making a lot of money
It's like
It's good to make a lot of money, but isn't that where you get stabbed?
Ron said he was confident in his skills.
I have a lot of me anyway, so when I have me, I come alone to Rajak and
look for it.
Shall we go?
I le La Jacques with a sore back.
A er returning to the mansion, I swam like yesterday. Ellen and Liana wore
new swimsuits and played at the beach as usual, not diving this me.
I lay on the sunbed and look away
I was just looking at Lisa. not much water today
I didn't feel like going in.
Adelia, Ellen, Herriot, and Liana.
four people arbitrarily playing on the beach
While looking at the pasture, I can drink or drink
it was
Harriet seemed to be in a be er mood than yesterday, so it was okay. I just
sat there blankly watching the scene.
Being s ll means I just want to exercise, but I decided to take a break and
came all the way here.
The moment I was thinking about exercising because I wanted it to be a
li le funny.
Heinrich von Schwarz spoke to me.
“Uh, why?”
“Aren’t you playing?”
The guy in the swimsuit was wearing a sweatshirt like yesterday. Of course,
I wasn't wearing a swimsuit because I didn't want to go in the water.
“Not much today.”
It's a bit like pu ng yourself in there alone
go? The guy is standing next to me
“Didn’t you really do nothing in the Darkland?”
“Oh, that’s right.” “It’s s ll Darkland, but isn’t it dangerous?”
I guess I'm talking about Darklands
It seemed like he was wondering if he didn't want to do it or if there was
really nothing wrong with it.
“I didn’t even go anywhere dangerous in the first place.” “……What if you
don’t want to go to a dangerous place?
Did you go all the way there?”
Why the hell are you asking this?
“Are you going to gamble with your life? just
It was because it was be er to be careful.”
Whatever you say, it's a lie anyway
It was annoying to even think about. I don't know what this guy thinks of
“So, there were rumors everywhere that I was going to the Darkland like a
You haven't really done much, are you?"
I stared at Heinrich. He looked a li le dazed when I looked at him.
“Uh, but.”
“Ha, if it were me, at least the goblin master would have come from Lee.”
“You’re going to be bored.”
“Look, my abili es aren’t what they used to be anymore.”
- Whoops!
He focused for a moment, and then a flame erupted in the middle of the
sandy field.
all. I don't want to care what he says, but as I saw last night, I'm sure the
ability trigger speed and ability level
went up considerably.
It looks like you put a lot of effort into it.
“Yes. I must have suffered.”
Heinrich was a li le perplexed, perhaps because he wanted me to be a
li le surprised by my humble acknowledgment.
| I see that I am jealous, angry, angry, or something like that.
seemed to wish
But thanks to the fireworks of Tuesday, I can already do everything
Heinrich can do. And there was no reason to do so even if there was no
firework for Tuesday.
Because my ability is my ability and her ability is her ability.
“So, argue with me like before.
You know it won't be good." |
The boy smiled and walked to the beach. He didn't really have anything to
say to the back of his head.
Why do not you try to form a rival rela onship with me?
If it had been in the past, I would have a acked Ma Pak right away, but
now I don't want to. It's already too ring to get mad at such trivial
It felt like my mentality had passed on to the next level.
A er swimming, everyone washed up and went out to dinner. They didn't
look red because they didn't swim all day like yesterday.
But everyone seemed to be going to bed early because there was
"Are you okay?"
Ellen also had a nightmare yesterday. She didn't have a rule not to sleep
today, so she asked, and Ellen nodded vaguely.
She has quite a bit of spare me by the way, and she really thinks it would
be good for her to go to Rajak and meet Airi once, but I'd say she's going
I thought about it before going to sleep, but now
When consciousness is about to pass.
Someone knocked on my door. I went out to see if it was Ellen, and Liana
was there.
"come out."
“…the first me?”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 177

The place where Liana took me was the largest of the rooms in the
mansion. The room with only one light on was filled with a so yellow
Not only me, but everyone else was si ng around the table and sofa in the
room. It was the last me I came.
And on the table is an ice bucket, and
There were bo les of unknown names all over the place.
“If they saw us drinking, they would riot, so we waited un l we went
I thought it came out like lightning because it was alcohol.
It's a trend that comes to picnics and drinks with the kids. It's common, but
because it takes place in this worldview, it's another bizarre Jjamppong.
How far do you want to mix this?
It's a li le different that the alcohol on top is not soju, but wine with a high
alcohol content. By the way, I don't know if minors are allowed to drink
I don't know. First of all, Harriet had a slightly excited expression on her
face, and so were Heinrich and Adelaide.
“Have you been drinking?”
“Uh, not a lot.”
I nodded my head at Liana's ques on. Ellen just sits s ll.
It was. It seems that Liana has been stealing and stealing quite a few
Is this guy a problem child style or something like that? Even trying to drink
alcohol to classmates.
The more you know, the more he hits you.
"Everyone, don't hate to eat, it's not forced."
Liana skillfully uncapped her bo les, and she poured li le by li le into
each glass. Then he filled her with ice.
“Oh, by the way… aren’t you scolding me for this?”
“I haven’t been drinking…”
Harriet and Adelia looked a li le nervous, but frightened.
“Who scolds me? This is something I’m going to throw out and see.”
He's a guy who can be forgiven for anything he's done wrong. Ellen in her
own cup
She stared s ll at the golden liquid poured in.
Come to think of it, Ellen in Darkland
she said If you're going to drink, let's have a drink with you later, I'm
However, it came to be realized in a completely strange place. Heinrich
looked at the drink in his glass, a li le nervous.
I didn't worry.
I immediately drank the whiskey in the glass.
“Wow… this is it.”
There's no reason to refuse alcohol anyway, since you've decided to play
anyway. everyone
He stared blankly at me as I drank without thinking.
The sensa on of this hot nape.
This is it.
I had forgo en for too long.
“Uh, um… well, then me too!”
Heinrich stared at me like that.
He drank as if he had made up his mind.
“Kek, Khehe! Kek!”
And, for a long me a er hearing Saree
was sneezing
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolgogogogogogo against when
going down…” | Liana, who pa ed Heinrich on the back for a while, sighed.
You have to drink it prepared for what's going to get in her throat. Once it's
swollen, her body refuses.
Aren't you sending a response, you bastard?
“It’s not a quick drink. He's weird."
Liana warned Heinrich not to follow me because I was the one who hit this
one-shot. Adelia and Harriet squirmed, drank whiskey, and stuck out their
Ellen took a sip of the whiskey and narrowed her brow slightly.
Yes, what do you know about the taste of alcohol? Liana knew she would
react like that, so she uncapped the other bo le.
“Then you drink sweets.” Liana, who is a sweet wine family, poured wine
into a wine glass for the three of her. No, I didn't drink a bo le or two a er
seeing him choosing alcohol.
He goes out to the temple every weekend and goes back to the Duke of
Granz in the zodiac, not because he's comfortable at home, but because he
can't drink alcohol at the temple, right?
I'm almost convinced it's this.
All three drank sweet wine and nodded.
“Wow, this is delicious.”
“Yeah… it’s sweet.”
Adelia. “This is fine.”
And it was Ellen's reac on.
"okay? Then you drink this."
Liana looked at me and she grabbed the bo le and she lted her head.
"Didn't you eat sweets?"
"uh. Don't give it to me."
She s ll remembers the story she had at the dessert cafe the other day. Of
course, it was clear that Heinrich's eyebrows narrowed slightly in that
“Heinrich, are you? can you give me this too? If it's too toxic."
“……No, keep going with the same thing.”
Liana probably has no idea that Heinrich is interested in her. So she said
that her servant Lee
She wouldn't even know that she was s mula ng Hi,
Why do you keep making such choices as if you were compe ng with me?
That child. Of course, look weak in front of interested women
I need to know what I don't want to win.
I'm not your compe tor, you nigga.
She couldn't speak, so she had no choice but to watch.
Liana, I and Heinrich are whiskey.
Ellen, Herriot, and Adelia drink sweet wine.
The snacks were chocolate and cheese.
At first, I was a li le scared, but as if everyone had a drink or two, I drank it
However, this is usually the case.
uh? Is it delicious? Aren't you even drunk?
Then all of a sudden I saw an unfamiliar ceiling,
“Hey, yumma. not juice eat it slowly Then it hooks up.”
“Okay, drunkenness comes a li le late. Drink slowly, Ellen.”
"Huh. okay."
Ellen was hi ng the wine like grape juice over and over, so she needed
a en on. As I said, Harriet and Adelia, who ate like Ellen, began to restrain
“But I wonder what she will do if Ellen gets drunk.”
Liana stared at El Ren with a so smile. I'm definitely curious what it will
look like. Are you red of talking too much?
On the contrary, it might stretch out just by sleeping, and you can't know
who's drinking habits look like without a drink.
“By the way, what will everyone do next semester? class or something like
Liana was asking her about her plans for the next semester. So far I've only
been playing
There wasn't much to talk about. So, it is only during this drinking party
that Rihanna sang out of the blue that we can have a proper conversa on.
“Hmm… I think it will be similar to the first semester. I mostly take magic
classes... I think I'll mostly go with Adelie Ah. If it's anything else... this me
for an alchemy class.
I want to hear more.”
"Ugh... I'm just like Harriet."
The two are the only two in class A
Since I majored in law, I con nued to s ck with it even in my second
seems to go
This me, his eyes were focused on me.
“Am I different? super powers and medita on,
And the magic response training will be fixed
Oh, swordsmanship.... I thought of something else
I didn’t do any more.”
I think I will probably take the same swordsmanship class as Ellen. Heinrich
and Liana are sure to hear about superpowers, and the big picture doesn't
change. Ellen seemed to ponder for a moment.
“I am not that different. If there is... it's like demon ecology."
“…Demon Ecology?”
Everyone lted their heads at the nonsensical story. I don't know what kind
of class the Asmodian Ecology is. But looking at the name, it must be a
class to learn about demons.
Ellen must have felt that she had no prior knowledge of zombies as she
dealt with them. So, she seems to want to study like that, just in case.
That's right.
Actually, I think that's what I need to learn the most, Ellen and that class.
I have to listen together too.
“Ummm... Asmodian ecology, looks interes ng
this is Shall I hear you?"
Liana took part in her lecture on Asmodian Ecology.
She seemed interested.
“By the way, the study of demons that I never met… Ah.”
Harriet had a fundamental ques on about why he was studying Asmodian
I was about to say something, but then I shut my mouth. Something
happened in the Darklands. I can't tell you,
I thought it might be the reason, so I didn't seem to be able to ask. Ellen's
expression darkened slightly as she realized she had made a mistake in her
When the atmosphere gets a li le weird, Liana
li ed her glass.
"It's vaca on, so I just brought up the study. Let's have a drink."
Drinking only in ambiguous situa ons
Hit the cup and hit it.
Is he in high school? In fact, the souls in their thir es and for es came in.
Isn't it?
We cha ed in a cozy yellow-lit room.
“By the way, there is a fes val in the second semester.”
Chewdeokmul has a classic development.
sea in summer. Hot springs in winter.
and school fes vals.
It's go en so boring now, but I definitely added something that would be
sad if I missed it. The fes val of the temple, with the total number of
people exceeding 100,000, is therefore very grand.
“Ummm…but as far as I know, Royal
I heard that class is not for enjoying fes vals...”
Harriet said a li le hesitantly.
Liana nodded her head.
“Yeah, it’s a fight.”
“How is the Orbis class?”
There are two special classes in temples.
Royal class selected by talent, Orbis class selected by ability.
Orbis at fes vals like ointment warfare
Class and Royal Class are compe ng. And that is one of the main events of
the Temple Fes val.
In the original, the compe on structure of A and B classes inside the
Royal Class, and
Orbis Class beyond Rath
and Royal Class.
There were two types of compe on.
So, in the first semester, compe on with Class A
A er showing the composi on, in the second semester, the fes val
Through the newly named Orbis Class
It was a way of showing a lucky compe tor.
To be honest, the class A was selected only by talent, so he has very li le
there are If I were to pick it up, it was an A-class Kai.
Erbioden, Ergi de Lafaeri,
There are three older brothers who are represented by Kono Lint. Of
course, in the case of Kono Lint, it's not a lack of effort, but a penalty of
However, the Orbis class is selected based on their skills, even if their
talents are inferior. That's why there are very few idiots. Because they all
worked hard.
In the first year, if it was originally developed, the Royal Class would be
devastated. Some of the most talented people win individual matches.
Anyway, the confronta on with those guys is the point.
The point was approaching.
“Be careful, you two, because close combat majors actually get seriously
Liana said, looking at me and Ellen in turn. Even though I am a superpower,
in the end
It is part of the close combat class.
“By the way... do the Orbis class kids really hate us so much?”
Adelia is a li le scared, so be careful.
le asked. Harriet answered.
“My second brother is in Orbis class.
it was So when I got selected for royal class, I really hated it. I didn't tell
you not to go."
I don't know how many of Harriet's older brothers are, but there are three.
all of them
It must be from Temple. And the second graduated from the Orbis class.
Everyone lted their heads because it was a story they had heard.
“I know that there we believe in one talent and do nothing. Encouraging
the teachers in the same way
We pray, and the atmosphere inside the class must not lose to us. This kind
of atmosphere is very strong.”
This is what I know too.
An elite group that receives special treatment for one talent.
A group that became an elite a er a lot of hard work.
The Orbis class hates the Royal class very much. However, the Royal Class is
not very interested in the Orbis Class.
Ul mately, it is a one-sided hatred. That's because of the limita ons of the
Orbis class.
It is also
In the lower grades, you can overcome the difference in talent with effort.
However, as the grade goes up, the gap between the Orbis class and the
Royal class gradually widens. If you lose to the Orbis class, if you only have
talent and don't make any effort, you'll become a lesser than Beomjae.
Because it makes you realize that A person who does not feel even
standing there and does not make an effort is just the end of it,
That's why the Orbis class rather than the lazy geniuses of the Royal class.
Makes you a genius who works hard.
Effort cannot surpass talent.
Orbis class when that absurdity
He is immersed in a structure that can not help but feel inferior to the
Royal Class at the door.
Liana folded her arms.
“At first, the Orbis Class and the Royal Class were very close to each other
without encountering each other.
A dormitory far away, yes
I used to keep it nearby, but I heard that a fight broke out and moved it
whenever I had me.”
From me to me, quarrels ensue and incidents of violence occur. even
ordinary school
They're not even cadets, they're the best elites in the Temple. Assault if
you do it wrong
It's not a case, it's a murder case.
So, Orbis Class and Royal Class have separated their dormitories apart from
each other, so it's easy to run into each other.
there is no Harriet took a sip of her wine and she sighed.
“But it’s a much be er deal now. In the past, we used to walk around in
school uniforms, and when we recognized each other, we would argue for
I don't know what the Orbis class uniform is. But I never got into a fight
because I wore a royal class uniform.
Things are ge ng be er now, so it's not like we're growling just looking at
school uniforms like we used to.
S ll, the two are never on good terms.
And a legal clash between the two classes is scheduled for the second
Orbis Class will be sharpening his sword to defeat us. The Royal Class loses
team fights due to teamwork problems, and only a few wins individual
matches. Ludwig in a solo exhibi on at Orbis Clare
They meet the best in their first year and lose.
By the way, I don't know what the match will be like with the addi on of
more people.
Liana looked at Ellen this me and asked.
“By the way, Ellen, are you going to the tournament?”
As it is a fes val, not only the Daejeon Ba le, but also the en re temple-
scale Daejeon event is held. The largest of these is the tournament held at
each grade level.
Guys who specialize in close combat mainly par cipate.
Ellen competes in the original tournament, where she wins her first year.
Ellen's head-to-head match is Orbis
The best first-year student in the class. tournament
She's the guy who beat Ludwig lightly in E. Ellen easily defeats the guy who
lightly beat Ludwig.
This also corresponds to the sequence in which Ellen becomes Ludwig's
wall, as in the uninhabited island.
of course,
The evalua on was disastrous. Readers were probably in a rage saying they
were red of the world's best mar al arts compe on. That is, a er all, a
one-pa ern.
fight and win, fight and win
Oh, I'm going to skip this part, but what episode does it end?
I got a lot of comments like this.
So a er I wrote it, I took a tranquilizer because of the malicious
That dog-jam part is slowly approaching reality.
But Ellen's reac on was a bit nega ve.
It was. Originally, she would just compete and win.
It seemed to have changed a bit.
Soon, Ellen shook her head.
"I don't think I'm going out," she said.
"Why? If it were you, honestly, I think you would be number one.”
I know why.
“I just don’t think there’s any reason to leave.”
Ellen realized that her magical powers had been strengthened.
She seemed to think that Ellen had no reason to go out because she had an
overwhelming skill gap against any of her classmates at the moment.
I put her hand on her Ellen's shoulder.
"Yeah, well thought. You don't come out."
I looked at Ellen and grinned.
“If you come out, I won’t be in first place.”
Everyone's expression on my sudden declara on
got to see
“...without me, I don’t think you’ll be number one.”
“…are you serious?”
All of her burst into laughter at Ellen's sudden surprise.
At the sudden announcement of my par cipa on in the tournament and
the contempt of her Ellen, everyone became more cheerful.
Do you guys think that laughter blooms only when one person is
sacrificed? like bad bastards,
"Why can't I get 1st place nigga!"
“ I have to tell you?”
She tried to get along in modera on, but Ellen looked at me quietly,
sipping her wine.
"You're no match for Cliffman. What if he leaves?"
“…that’s right.”
When the facts come in, there's nothing le to say. Even if I use my
superpowers, I am Cliffman
could not win against He might have improved a bit over the break, but
Cliffman probably wouldn't have played it either.
You can't beat Cliffman.
Then, if there is someone who can defeat Cliff, you cannot defeat that guy.
“Hmm, okay. Then, I can rip off all the legs of the Royal Class and Orbis
Class, who are superior to me, and compete.”
“Don’t you say that because you really think you’re going to do it?”
Liana glanced at me at her meaningful remark. And Harriet got it.
“ can you split the legs of a child who is more capable than you in the
first place?”
“Are there any business in the raid?”
“Are you really going to do it?”
Harriet's face widened as he thought my bullshit might really come true.
"I do not know. It's just a joke, it's annoying."
It was just a joke, because Ellen wasn't there.
I don't think I'll ever be able to take first place
goes That was a joke.
I have no inten on of going to the tournament.
It's be er to just flirt with Ellen than anything else to improve my skills.
And from the second semester, I plan to focus on other tasks, so I don't
have me to play around with them.
Get off the fes val.
The first mar al arts compe on in the world? don't go out
confronta on? is absent
My life is not so rosy,
I can't just live like a real student.
“S ll, get out.”
But all of a sudden Ellen le
I said something out of the ordinary to see.
"What? He said he wouldn't be in first place."
You say you're not good at figh ng.
Go out now, what does this mean?
"Just curious."
Ellen was staring at me. Are you curious about my skills? You must have
seen it in the Darklands to some extent.
Ellen goes to a tournament in the original
So she wins lightly.
However, Ellen has become incomparably stronger than the original. So
Temple Tournament where the result is too obvious
He decided not to go out.
you don't go out “You have to go to the quarterfinals.” So, Ellen said that I
can climb to a certain extent a er I learned the sword from myself.
I wondered if there would be.
Not herself, but her disciple
He seems to want to watch it.
“…are you drunk?”
All of a sudden, Ellen didn't like her, but she pretended to be good-looking.
Everyone's expression turned weird. this
I'm not a Russian kid, suddenly

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 178

Ellen wasn't drunk, but she looked a li le drunk. Of course, not only Ellen,
but everyone seemed a li le excited.
I was excited that Harriet was also slightly drunk.
Delia and I were talking about something.
“So, how about making something like a starter type magic weapon?”
“Well, wouldn’t that be too difficult for our level…”
“Okay, let’s do it. You can ask for the ingredients from the temple, and if
you don’t have them, I’ll get them!”
“I really...? You, I'm so sorry..."
He seems to be unleashing the thoughts that are in his head without
hesita on.
Ellen was si ng on her sofa and hugging her knees.
I get it.
You're the type to become cute when you drink alcohol | this. Ellen looks
at me, hugging her knees and pu ng her chin between her knees.
"I'm hungry."
“Eat this.”
"...Not this."
Cheese and chocolate don't seem to be enough.
do something is the expression
“Ummm… there must be no such thing as convenience food.”
Liana says Ellen is hungry.
I wanted to prepare something else, but I remember
There seemed to be nothing. Heinrich was drinking without a word.
that guy that That's bad.
Heinrich cares too, but what's important is Ellen.
She holds her breath un l she comes up with something.
She keeps looking at me with the same feeling.
"Huh, this is a really crea ve truth..."
Finally, I looked at Liana.
“Are there any ingredients here?”
“Is there?”
How would I know that
“What are you going to do?”
"I don't know, I'll make anything."
“Did you drink?”
"done. I didn't take much. Huh!”
She said so but got up from the couch
I sprained her leg.
"Hey, hey. Let's go together."
Liana thought she thought I was drunk and she seemed to follow me out of
the room.
“Aren’t you drunk?” you know where the kitchen is?"
This was a mansion. A place where you have to get lost if you don't tell us
where the kitchen is.
am i really drunk
In her kitchen, led by Liana, there is a food pan.
Her coffin was loaded with groceries.
I grabbed it as much as I could and pulled it out.
Liana looked at it with her anxious expression.
was staring
"Do you know how to cook?" “I am not confident that I can sa sfy the taste
of the peacock Young-ae, but the carnivores above can eat it.
It’s something you can make.”
“Are you deliberately telling me to get mad again?”
It's not about making snacks that go well with wine, it's about making
hungry carnivores full a er drinking.
“Be careful with the knife.”
I cut the sausage into bite-size pieces and roughly chopped the onion, bell
pepper, and mushrooms. Then put it in a pan and fry. I added ketchup,
sugar, pepper and salt in modera on.
It didn't take very long either. Liana looked at the finished food in an
I lted my head.
“What is this?”
| “Sausage is s r-fried with vegetables in modera on, then ketchup and
sugar and pepper are added and tossed.”
“…you were asking for a name, not a course.”
Do you understand when I say shoot?
Just say it's cool and eat it!
Of course, because Ellen is going to eat it,
I made a lamb, and there was bague e, so I sliced it and put a lot of it in a
bowl. Liana ate one look suspiciously and then she lted her head.
“I can’t say it’s very delicious… but it’s amazing that it’s surprisingly edible.”
“Obviously, that was the reac on I had last me.”
Both of them lived only on luxurious foods, so they couldn't show a
reac on that they were delicious, but E t didn't do it.
Liana looked at me and folded her arms.
"The more I look at you, the weirder you are
“I don’t hear that o en.”
Come to think of it, she seems to have heard that from most people.
Her eyes widened when she returned with a ton of bague es and sauteed
Of course, Ellen is silently s r-fried with sausage and vegetables.
She dipped the yin with a fork and started ea ng it with the bread. Liana
has something to eat right in front of her, so she eats li le by li le.
there was.
Adelia ate and her eyes widened.
“Reinhardt is… surprisingly good at everything…”
“Uh, thank you.”
Adelia was also a li le drunk, so her face was red.
“At first, he was just… a very scary kid.
I thought... but I don't think so..."
In his bare mind, the kid who couldn't even look into my eyes properly
spoke quite plainly when he was drinking alcohol. Liana nodded her head
“It is not. To be honest, you looked different in the last group mission.”
In the group mission, everyone was about to give up, but me and Ellen
moved first. Actually, it was Bertus who led the children, but I gave hints
here and there.
There were many.
“No, that’s right… at that me… a li le… cool
Was it... right?"
“Uh… huh? Uh, ah... what. me, i
Adelia looked at Harriet and asked, and Harriet shook her head in
s rred
To be honest, from that me on, my classmates' evalua on of me changed
a lot.
I also felt a change. Liana looked at me and gave me a so smile.
"How can I fix that guy's crooked personality..."
- Tak!
Then, a low-pitched profanity broke the atmosphere.
In an instant, the atmosphere pours cold water
as if frozen
“Con nue Reinhardt Reinhard Reinhardt, what’s so good about that
Heinrich von Schwarz, with his eyes open, mu ers blankly, with his glass
down roughly.
this cub.
got drunk
"He comes from a lowly, poor temperament, he punches everywhere, and
he doesn't know his subject, and he talks like that to the royal nobles who
can't even look at him.
Got it!"
Adelia trembled as he suddenly shouted, Ellen began to stare at Servant
Lich, and Liana narrowed her brow. Harriet is
It seemed gloomy.
wow, this bastard.
In this situa on, I was feeling that something fine was accumula ng on me,
but this is what happened in this situa on.
“Hey, shut up.”
I looked at him and said briefly.
“If you talk more, you will regret it tomorrow.”
To be honest, if you want Heinrich to fuck you, it's best for me to just stand
s ll here.
'Cause I know I'm destroying myself right now.
Leaving it alone is the future of this guy.
A way to make work difficult.
So, shut up is the least I can give to this nigga
it was rain this is my maginot line
On this trip, it was obvious that the judges were twisted in various areas.
So, even when I was bullied, there was no reac on.
But my words make him more
He seemed to have touched it even more.
“……What’s so good, you said Kernstadt
To me as a member of the royal family, this and that? a thousand bastards.
I think this is s ll a temple
Nope? Because you're in the temple, do you think you've become a great
noble or royalty? If you take the same class with the prince and the
princess, you will be like that.
“Hey, stop it.”
Liana de Granz placed her hand on Heinrich's lap. Heinrich's body trembled
greatly at Liana's words.
"Why all of a sudden? If you're drunk, go to sleep."
It was probably the most hated word for Liana. Trea ng a drunk person as
a drunken person is the same as pressing the explosion bu on.
If you're drunk, go to sleep. kappan
don't hit
If you hear something from someone you like, you will be even more
pissed off.
“Hey, what are you?”
The guy looks at me and says
"This bastard is nothing. Everyone is talking everywhere about going to
Crand this me.
He was a fool who pretended to be handsome while walking around, but
was scared there and just wandered around to a safe place without doing
anything, huh? is that an adventure? Is it a picnic? What's the difference
between playing like this here?"
There were a lot of things that piled up.
Tired but not hot. Dealing with it is ring, and being serious with a drunken
guy is already losing.
In this situa on, I just look pathe c
I endured enough.
And I have no likes or dislikes for Heinrich von Schwarz.
Do you really need to take care of the guy you're talking about?
What I'm going to do if I act so thickly
there is only one
If you stay s ll, you'll eat your own shit.
leave it alone
It's the best thing for this guy to do. Even though
Yeah, why are you bea ng a kid, tell me
The arrow will return.
I'll be quiet.
That's the worst thing for Heinrich.
"Hey, I told you to stop..."
"Hold on. You're nothing but two archers in the temple punching the
weaker than you. Would you be afraid to go to such a place? Huh?
Cowardly bastard."
Now he doesn't even listen to Liana's advice and he's been poin ng at me.
"Why, are you going to hit one? As always? In the Darkland, this is probably
the only thing a guy who can't even use a sword can punch in the end. Try
it. It seems like it'll be as easy as it used to be..."
It was neither Liana nor I who cut Heinrich's horse.
“If you talk more.”
Ellen was looking at Heinrich with cold eyes, picking up a bo le of whiskey.
“Kill it.”
He was about to hit Heinrich's head with the disease right away.
At Ellen's sudden, bloody words, the atmosphere that had already been
simmered became even cheaper. I took the whiskey bo le from Ellen's
“Hey, yumma. Calm down. Why all of a sudden?”
Ellen freezes with a killing gaze
She looked at Lynne Heinrich.
“Don’t talk without knowing anything.”
"what. “I don’t know what…” “Don’t say anything you don’t know well.”
Just as Heinrich had lost his mind, El Ren seemed to have lost his mind. I
was furious when I heard Heinrich insul ng me for being a coward in an
unstable situa on due to stress.
It's never a proud memory, but we were never cowards.
However, it is not something that can only fall for such provoca ons and
shake off her bluntly.
Servant Richie was scared for a moment, and then I
Let's dry Ren and let it calm down a bit
Blushing her face at her shame, suddenly
Her a tude changed.
“...Oh, did you go to the Darkland together too?”
Heinrich smiled at Ellen as if he had just remembered it.
It was an obvious laugh.
“Aren’t you also scared when you went there? Why, are you ashamed and
ashamed to point out that?”
“Stop it, you! Why do you keep doing this?"
“That… that. Why? Heinrich.”
Even Harriet and Adelia told Heinrich to stop, but he seemed unwilling to
Liana de Granz's expression turned cold.
- Break!
Her lightning was released from Liana's body, and it hit Heinrich. She
endured it all. She eventually ran out of heat and she used her hand
“...if I had known it was a guy like this, I wouldn’t have taken it.
I have come.”
Liana looked at Heinrich, who had stretched out in one of her lightning
bolts, like an insect.
there was. A er she had silenced the sudden riot with a single blow, Liana
sip her whiskey.
"It's okay. I'm not dead."
It's best to say things like that calmly
It was scary.
Anyway, Heinrich did something he couldn't do because of her jealousy or
rivalry with me, and got her moustache nailed down to Liana de Granz.
Didn't you think I'd hit you in the head in the first place? Of course, there is
no reason to do such a good deed to someone who is deliberately rude,
Anyway, I had a lot of personality to die for. Yes, it would have been a drop
kick right away.
Of course, it was a me when my posi on was unstable, and I did not want
to be ignored. It was partly because I had no reason to worry about such a
thing now, and I didn't want to get really mad at anything he said while
It's best to leave the drunks alone
There are things that I just watched as a bee,
In the end, I got my own judgement twisted, ah
It was retalia on for not doing anything.
It's been a long me since I've had a drink and it feels good, but the biggest
thing was that I didn't want to get in the mood.
Heinrich fainted and laid him on the bed in his room. There was such a
thing, and she was likely to leave her posi on, but Liana didn't seem to
want to.
“By the way, you two.”
Liana looked at me and Ellen alternately. Ellen did not have a good
expression because Heinrich's words s ll looked unpleasant.
it was
“I didn’t believe in the saying that nothing happened in the Darkland,
Liana said she just didn't know anything about Ellen and she told her not to
She seemed to be thinking.
And nothing happened in the first place
She didn't even believe her words.
“If it’s something you can’t tell un l you hear someone like that coward,
you can guess what it’s like.”
Liana took a sip of whiskey.
look at us behind
Liana why we can't talk
He seemed to be guessing the truth to some extent.
“If you don’t want to talk, you can’t say it.”
Wine in Ellen's glass, mine in mine
Pour each whiskey.
“But, whatever you did, I think there must have been an unavoidable
reason for it.”
what we did there
There must have been an unavoidable reason. Liana said so.
“Why couldn’t you guys help? That might be curious.”
Liana smiled and took her glass.
“Because it’s my friend. I think so.”
Liana de Granz, Ellen and Me
She thinks of her as a friend. guy's mouth
I didn't know that such a word would come out, so I couldn't help but feel
a li le dazed.
It's not a very old rela onship. There wasn't much to talk about.
But you have to spend a long me together
it can't be drink
Shin Liana was a li le more honest and talka ve than usual.
So she's been saying this. We're friends, so you might be wondering about
She's drunk and fussing about her iden ty, and he's the exact opposite of
Heinrich, who said, "Do you think this is s ll a temple?"
it was big
Beyond iden ty, we can become friends. I think of you as a friend.
Ellen was a li le surprised by Riana's words.
He was staring at Liana quietly.
I know what that look means.
can i say
seem to be worried If we did, we didn't say it because it was clear that
everyone was afraid or reluctant of us.
But hiding it even in front of these words is not polite to Lyana or to Harriet
and Adelia.
It seemed like he didn't want to hide it anymore in front of people who
could understand him.
I looked into Ellen's eyes and nodded slightly. Ellen took her deep breaths a
few mes. It looked like he was already drunk.
“We killed people,” she said.
Ellen calmed her down, but she con nued her speech in her slightly
trembling voice.
Except for Liana, Adelia and Harriet felt startled and held their breath.
“There were twenty-six in all.”
Unlike me, Ellen remembered the number of the dead.
Ellen calmly con nued her explana on. Slowly from the beginning.
Everyone held their breath to see how our da crand journey went
Caught and preempted a robbery a empt on the way from Eggsian to
Saints Point.
Being part of a wizard at Saints Point. There was a conflict with a B-rank
adventurer named Hugson.
Alts Point Reconnaissance and Convoy Missions
Of the two, I chose to search for Alzheimer's point and went south.
And, the massacre and annihila on of the robbers at Klitz Point.
He then returned to Saints Point to discover that Hugson was an
accomplice and arrested him.
Receive a special request from the inves gator at the Adventurer's Guild
Headquarters and return to the Alzheimer's Point.
down thing,
All the corpses of Klitz Point are dead.
Raised, and they came to life as zombies and a acked us.
A bizarre incident that occurred due to the cursed sword at Alts Point.
And the ba le between the cursed sword and the zombies it controls.
Ellen did not reveal the iden ty of Lelia, a mysterious wizard.
And a er all those fights, she realized that she herself had strengthened
her magical powers, and the cursed sword
Un l the end of her that she recovered and le it to the temple.
The three of them had a blank expression on their faces a er hearing all
the stories.
“It was a story that so many people died and even killed our own hands. I
didn’t think it was a good story to hear. So I couldn’t tell.”
Ellen sees Harriet drowning in Earl, and she says:
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Ellen apologized to Harriet that she had not said anything to her. Harriet bit
her lip, and she shook her head.
“No... no. are you okay. would have
I think... I thought it was impossible to say
Sun. I... I'm sorry. If you don't know. It could have been something like
Rather, when Harriet listened to her situa on, she was convinced that she
had not said anything, and she apologized to Ellen.
With this, it seemed that the last sediment le between the two of them
had disappeared.
“…it must have been difficult, both of you. great job."
Liana said so. These were short words, but they seemed to understand us.
Rather than understanding it, he seemed to think it was great.
“……It’s scary…but it’s very, very scary, but both are amazing. If it were
me... ah
I wouldn't have done anything. me, i! two people. I think you did well! have
I think you did the job! him, and
The thought of figh ng without running away... that's great... so... don't be
depressed. Huh."
Adelia seemed scared, but as if to squeeze her courage, the two of us did
affirmed the work.
Harriet turns to look at me and Ellen.
“Both of you. You saved a lot of people.”
We thought that the children who heard this might be afraid or reluctant
to us.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 179

next day.
Naturally, Heinrich von Schwarz, who was intoxicated, said he couldn't
remember anything.
Heinrich was the only one who cut the film, so everyone remembered
what happened yesterday.
Ellen feels he hates Heinrich
this is for sure
It seems that Harriet thinks it's pathe c.
I feel like Adelia is a li le distasteful just looking at her...', but she is sure to
be 'extremely hateful' because of what she did yesterday.
Most importantly, Liana de Granz.
“...why do I have to apologize to him?”
“If you do, just do it.”
“…I don’t remember anything.”
“Then say you’re sorry because you can’t remember.”
Just like yesterday and today, Liana de Granz is a great person.
Marge to Heinrich who made a mistake yesterday
Just tell me to apologize just to give you a chance
did. But Heinrich showed his displeasure.
Most importantly, Liana de Granz's thoughts on Heinrich.
Confirma on of 'garbage'.
The guy woke up late in the morning and didn't get up un l lunch me. Us
Everyone says they get sick in the morning, in the morning
I even skimmed it all.
Of course, it seemed that one of the users who no ced something was
saying something to Liana. You can't tell because the smell of alcohol
Anyway, at lunch, Heinrich asks him to apologize for something he doesn't
know what's going on, and why should I apologize for something he can't
was claiming that
"done. What do you do with an apology? There's no way that an apology
for something I can't even remember is sincere."
Heinrich's forehead distorted at my words that no apology was needed.
Fucking you is so easy. The more you show me your ugly side, the more I
see you
If you do, you will only destroy yourself.
Liana looked at me and her eyes widened.
“Huh, is Reinhardt an adult? Now, do you know how to tolerate this?”
"It's not like you can't be a child like anyone forever, right?"
“...Did I just say that?”
At Heinrich's words, I ate a row of bacon and laughed.
“Why are you stabbing me?”
“Let’s do this now, shall we?”
Heinrich, as he was drinking yesterday, and before that, he is quite
confident in his skills because of his improvement.
seemed to be
I guess I'll have to sort things out at this point.
"Hey." "Why."
I li ed my fork and dipped it into the shredded steak.
“Would you like to eat this and go out and talk? The two of us separately.”
Be pa ent once or twice.
I didn't want to do it, but I ended up doing some dying up
seemed to have to
I tend to speak harshly
It was. What's with the color of your eyes?
I used to scare the kids with those words.
But let's talk about my calm
Very serious talk to other kids.
Everyone ripped me apart as if I felt like an idiot.
“I’m just going to talk.”
Heinrich seemed to be proud of what I did, and a er all that I did, I le the
mansion with Heinrich.
Behind the mansion, I go all the way to a place that no one seems to be
able to see, and I am a servant
I met Richie.
It's only once or twice that I watch him squirm alone in a harsh
“Why, let’s do this? Come in if you want to come in.”
Heinrich was not afraid. He seems to have gained confidence in his ability
to improve, and he seems to think that I'm not really a big deal because of
what I did in the Darkland.
“…don’t you know that I am very considerate of you?”
It's annoying and there are so many other things to take care of, so this
bastard is accumula ng
There are clearly things that I didn't care about.
But, in hindsight, I was quite considerate at the point in me when I le
this guy alone.
that has been done
“Anyway, I think I’m confident. Let's try it.
As if it was the word he had been wai ng for, he looked at me and his eyes
lit up.
“You might die? I can't control my strength right now, am I?"
It seemed that he was confident that he would burn me right away even if
he loosened his hand. I
He looked at the man and sighed.
Unlike punching, pyrokinesis is not a strength that can be used in prac ce
He seemed to be very excited at the thought of finally paying for his
humilia on in the first semester.
“I’m going to show you today that I’m not what I used to be.”
The guy concentrates his mind.
- Shh!
As I strengthened my body, I ran towards the one that focused my mind.
- Boom!
I honestly put my knee in his stomach.

“Did I play?”
Why do you think this bastard grew up?
“Keep... Cuckoo! Whoa! Black!” |
I looked down at the nauseous guy with my back bent. Concentra on has
already failed.
A kick in the abdomen.
It just ended with that. There was no such thing as a showdown between
super powers and super powers.
There is too much level difference. basic physical abili es.
"Just like you're not the flint you used to be, I'm not going to be the guy
you used to grind."
| Un l the guy who is just nauseous with a broken back comes to his
was standing in front
It seems that this guy, who had focused his mind for five seconds and
started a spark, reduced that me to about one second.
But how long is a second?
I have enough me to split that second now. So what I lose to Heinrich von
There can be no such thing as
I could trample and crush a groggy guy like this, but even that
didn't He stumbles at me
Stand back and look at me with a confused look
look up
It was quite a distance. but the guy
He wouldn't have even seen me approaching.
His superpowers got stronger, but I got stronger.
I didn't think it would be like this. I'll go out with just one kick
It was crazy, I couldn't even avoid it.
“If you had shown this in front of other kids, how shameful would you be?”
I did this on purpose in a place where no one was watching. If you are
beaten in the sight of others, it's usually a shameful thing
it won't be It was something I could do whenever I wanted to insult you
and trample on your pride.
But so far I have endured. So I cared for you, Heinrich von
I'm talking to Schwarz.
"This is the last me I'm protec ng the pride of a person who doesn't like
“And don’t try to form a rivalry with me. I'm not interested in Granz at all.
Why are you mad at me?"
When I suddenly made a nonsensical noise
The guy was very upset. the guy is lia
I never thought I would know that I was interested in De Granz.
It seemed
“What is that, ugh, what does that mean? What are you talking about?”
“……Hey, when I look at him, I can see everything he’s fidge ng, but if I say
no, would you believe me?” “Oh, no. No? Not at all?”
"Oh yeah? But why does my expression rot if I and Granci mix even a single
“That, that… that!”
The guy's face turned red.
was walking Baby, arrogant and cheap
Even the ignorant royal baboons are ashamed of this kind of issue. Now I'm
a li le kid
"done. Anyway, I'm not interested in him, so stop messing around with me.
If it gets worse, I'm going to destroy you in front of real people. Then don't
blame me It's a good thing to pass
I walked past him and said quietly.
“And, when I go back, I apologize to the kids.
If you don’t do it, you will regret it even more.”
A er that he didn't bother me anymore.
He reluctantly casts True Educa on on the servant Lich, who mistook
himself for becoming a li le stronger.
He could have been more aggressive, but he didn't.
A er all, he's a classmate, and he's someone you need to keep an eye on. I
can't be friendly with everyone
But being an enemy with someone is a bar
didn't At the beginning of the semester, I did not want to be ignored, so I
acted a bit excessively.
But now I don't need to.
Any me my classmate hits me in the back
There's nothing good about me if things get bad enough for me.
Of course, that doesn't mean he's not an embryoless baby enough to help
Heinrich on both sides.
| “Hey, I’m sorry everyone… I was a li le, frivolous.
Returning to the mansion, Heinrich Lee
Siblings in front of Ana and her children
He apologized for ruining the flag.
I can't remember what happened yesterday, but I think I made a mistake
and say I'm sorry
also added.
Everyone didn't seem to understand why Heinrich suddenly apologized for
what I had done. She didn't seem to have been hit because she had no
apparent trauma.
“Okay, you know. Don’t do that in the future.”
“Uh, yes…”
Liana wants to end it with that
She seemed to be trying to sort things out. A er saying that, she looked at
Liana and Heinrich in turn.
"By the way, you two didn't fight, did you?"
“That, that…”
Heinrich seemed a li le hesitant, then smiled awkwardly and scratched the
back of her head.
“It’s not like that. Just because I was talking, I think I did something
I didn't know Heinrich would say such a thing, so I and everyone else got a
li le burnt out.
Heinrich realized that he was s ll no match for me.
I could have beaten Heinrich down in public, but he didn't. He only called
to confirm his skill gap. |
Am I right to resent it or I'm going to sleep
Do you know that he really cared for you?
He didn't seem to be grateful. 'Cause in the end it worked out for me
But it didn't seem like he hated me either.
He eventually said that I had been pa ent a lot, and that it was not for me,
but for the sake of Heinrich himself.
seemed to understand
Liana is the subtle atmosphere between the two of us.
Looking at it, she grinned.
"great. Then I should have a drink of reconcilia on today.”

"Heinrich, if you drink too much today, I'll knock you out, you be careful
Like a crazy alcoholic, today
drinking again?
Have you reached the level of making excuses for drinking?
“Gee, faint…? Did I faint yesterday?"
Heirich's face turned blue because he had just found out that Liana had
fainted, not the film was cut off.
Heinrich has been feeling a li le out of place so far.
To be precise, he cared so much about me that he couldn't play properly.
Because I was only paying a en on to what I was doing.
A hawk is a medicine, give me a shot and feel the difference in her skills
When she said she wasn't interested at all, nigga
She seemed to be ac ng comfortably.
Of course, it will be difficult to restore a bad image as it is, but
Anyway, Heinrich didn't look at me anymore. Of course I
It seemed like he was paying a en on to me in a different way, but I
turned it off.
In the end, as Heinrich paid less a en on to me, he blended in a li le
be er and got along.
Liana, the owner of the mansion, says it's okay, so don't look down on
Even if she has a tone, she reveals it outwardly
didn't What about Ellen, she's always dry, so she doesn't show well,
And the proper es of Liana that I didn't know at all.
In the end, she said that that day, with the excuse that she would make up
for it at night, she got together again at night and had a drink. Like
yesterday, Heinrich not only drank alcohol alone, but also talked about
various things.
It was different from yesterday.
“Ignoring that I’m a minority…”
"My... me?"
“Yeah... Ha, Heinrich, I know you are of a very high royal family, but...
Because… I was depressed…”
When Adelia got drunk, she said everything Heinrich was talking about
yesterday, and put a lot of effort into it.
I'm not saying you're a bad guy, you said this and that to Reinhardt, but I
was also sad because I was hurt. Talking like this is a li le different.
"He, he... I, I did... I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Adelia."
Heinrich's face turned red when he heard all about what he had been
drinking yesterday.
I lost and didn't know what to do.
He seemed to understand now why Liana had to apologize in the first
“Yesterday, Reinhardt was amazing. He used to go out of his way in this
kind of situa on, but he kept pu ng up with it.”
At Liana's words, Heinrich apologized to Adelia, but con nued to look at
me. He didn't seem to believe him either. Because of my fucking
personality, my fists should go out right a er hearing those words, but I
endured it.
Of course, staying s ll is a fucking shortcut, so I endured it, but
But Heinrich seems to have sensed how much I had cared for him.
Even though he said what he said, I didn't make a fist at that me.
I realized that it was true that I had endured a lot.
"uh. That… I’m sorry Reinhardt.”
Eventually he even apologized to me.
“You know.”
I didn't really point out.
Of course, yesterday Ellen killed Heinrich.
The story I threw away and what was said, Darkran
It's not even a topic un l the work in the de
Fortunately, there was no such thing as someone ge ng drunk that day
and ac ng like a dog. There was also one that Liana had finished her
posi on before in the first place.
Before going to bed, to cool off for a bit, I went out to the beach in the
middle of the night.
It was similar to the uninhabited island, but a slightly different landscape.
As I was si ng on the beach, someone came out next to me.
“You’re not sleeping.”
“A li le later.”
Ellen naturally sat down next to me.
it was
And then again, she naturally rested her head on my shoulder. I'm used to
doing this now.
For a while we stared blankly as the waves crashed and crashed.
“Are you okay?”

If the pain of the past has improved a bit by telling the kids about it
yesterday, I'm happy with that.
“I didn’t have a nightmare yesterday.”
“It could be because of the alcohol.”
"... is it?"
“Whether it’s alcohol or whatever, if you didn’t have nightmares, you’re
Is it because of drunkenness or because of confidence? Ellen is bored
Yesterday she had the nightmare that was tormen ng her.
I didn't sleep.
Maybe it was because she drank her alcohol, so she could feel Ellen's
breathing ge ng ho er. how long has it been
“…are you sleeping?”
“No, what if you sleep like this?”
Ellen le her leaning on my shoulder
fell asleep
Harriet was ge ng ready to sleep in her room.
She was dizzy, perhaps from drunkenness, and it seemed that if her head
touched anything, she could fall asleep immediately.
A er she had changed into her pajamas, she went to the window to draw
the curtains because the moonlight coming through the window was too
The beach was visible through the window. It was a beau ful landscape. It
doesn't look much different from what we saw on an uninhabited island,
but it's a calm environment here.
The beach at night seen through the window of the mansion was beau ful.
As in the case of a deserted island, about heat, moisture, and survival
There was no need to worry, and because I was wearing clean clothes, I
could only enjoy the scenery.
But Harriet didn't really hate her memories of that me.
She has to hate it, it's supposed to be the worst memory of her life, but she
didn't have to.
Harriet sees the night scenery outside the window. someone walking
towards the beach
A er a while, I sat down and started looking at the sea.
Just by looking at his back, he could tell it was Reinhardt. Can't sleep? Shall
we go out for a while and talk to each other?
Harriet stood by the window and pondered for a moment.
However, Harriet didn't have long before she could see someone else
making their way to the beach.
It was Ellen.
Ellen naturally sat down next to Reinhardt, and she rested her head on
Reinhardt's shoulder.
Reinhardt didn't respond as if it was a familiar event.
He didn't know what he was talking about.
Know. The two are very friendly. And because we shared such a terrible
experience, we have no choice but to rely on each other and grow closer.
Of course I knew it wasn't.
inevitably it has to be
it will
Seeing Ellen ge ng angry about Reinhardt's work as if it were her own, she
already knew that the rela onship between the two had changed a bit
from before.
I knew it, but seeing it with my own eyes was painful.
- Charak!
Harriet couldn't see the scene any more.
She quickly pulled the curtain.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 180

So I rested comfortably as planned.
As I will hear later, Liana de Granz is
I'll let Inrich pick a li le more there.
If it was, she seemed to be trying to chase him away.
The wizard was supposed to come back on Sunday.
How did she get her out I told her that Liana was trying to let her go by
giving her a teleport scroll. super expensive
To use the Teleport Scrolls of the Duke of Granz to drive out the ugly, it
seems that the Duke of Granz has a lot of money.
If I hadn't nailed it, Heinrich would have go en worse by Liana. It goes
without saying that he had feelings for me, and he would have had the
pleasure of being fucked right away, but his temple life would have been a
A er all, he didn't stop at Airi's pub in Rajak. He seems to be doing well
without even having to go.
I don't want to leave a trace by suddenly visi ng a place where there is no
connec on.
So, we returned to the Temple a er res ng at Liana's mansion un l
"It was fun, right?"
Adelia said she had a good memory that she had played in the mansion,
and Harriet smiled and nodded. It does seem a bit out of energy.
We, who had gone to Liana's mansion, returned to the temple at once.
Of course, with the excep on of us, the vaca on is over, so most of the
people went to the temple.
had returned.
"Haha... I don't think I've played much, but it's already over..."
The first thing I saw was the Kono Lints hanging out in the A-class
dormitory lobby.
She had three old-fashioned brothers, already gathered.
“By the way, Erhi, you… are you different?”
"Ah. okay?"
Cayer to Erich de Lafaeri
I looked at it and lted my head.
“I did some exercise during vaca on.”
The boy pretended to be okay and was squeezing his arm. He's not that
kind of guy, but he did exercise during the vaca on?
"I'm red. I'll take a break. Everyone worked hard."
Liana said she was red and went into her room. She played, but she was
red on the way back, so she went into her room, saying that everyone
would rest.
"Good job."
"...uh? Oh yeah.”
Heinrich Gina said so
Her gonza went into her room too.
Somehow, the bad rela onship seems to have been subtly resolved.
It was a feeling.
"Hey, it's Reinhardt."
And, Ergi de Raffaeri, one of the three gae-no-dap brothers who saw us
return, looked at me and waved his hand.
what. Why are you doing something you didn't do?
“Oh, yes.”
“How have you been?”
“Just like that.”
"How was your visit to the Darkland?"
Why are you pretending to be friends? “It was nothing.”
"Oh yeah?"
Hearing my words, he put on a strange smile. He seemed to know where
the source of that child's confidence was.
I did some exercise during vaca on, so what do you think can eat me now?
I thought the traffic control was over, but it wasn't.
Heinrich von Schwarz is not alone.
Second semester.
It looks like there will be a second game with those who have gained
useless confidence.
They keep trying to get up and go up.
StateCE HH 2
Is this like a villain's fate?
Ellen seemed to have escaped her nightmare. And she shared the bed, she
said un l school break, so she came in
She'll kick you out too.
A er all, the vaca on started quickly, and as it passed, it was quickly over.
The first and second semesters have begun. this or that
There were changes, but there were also things that did not change.
For example, the morning workout that I always do with Adriana...
“Sister! long me no see!"
"Yes. That’s it.” “I was very worried! I'm glad you're safe!"
Adriana is my warrior with a bright face
Congratula ons on her return. When I asked what happened in the Dark
Land, I answered appropriately. I've told a few kids, but in the end I
decided it wasn't something to brag about.
just because.
Of course, the fixed personnel that we met in the morning were s ll there.
So did Ludwig and Ellen, and Scarle and Charlo e.
Everyone passed by and simply said hello. Charlo e looked at me as if she
knew what had happened, and she had a strange smile on her face.
“Reinhardt! long me no see!"
“Oh yes.”
Ludwig must have been training as a ranger while on vaca on. character is
s ll
However, looking at it, I could feel that something had changed. Some of
the blind spots have disappeared
should it be the same
“Isn’t it dangerous?”
“It was fine.”
"thank God."
It seemed as if it had become the norm for everyone to look at me and
Ellen and ask about their work in the Darklands. the amazing
Because it was work.
With the guys I haven't seen in a long me
A er the divorce, I le the dormitory with Adriana and me.
“What did you do during vaca on?”
“Um, I got religious training. It was me to do some volunteer work, pray,
and serve.”
Adriana said that she enjoyed her full vaca on. Take pleasure in helping
someone. There were mes when I suddenly felt respec ul because I
thought that Adriana was a completely different person from me.
“Wow, juniors, but it really has changed a lot. A er all, it’s a month if we
call it a vaca on.”
"Oh, where are you touching me!"
I was a li le embarrassed as Adriana casually touched my forearm. My
muscle strength improvement was just visible with the naked eye.
“Uh, huh? That... ah. that. I'm sorry."
Adriana's face turned slightly red when I panicked, and she apologized to
me. We conducted the morning training for the first me in a month
“Wow, you’ve grown so much now. Did you do it all the me during
vaca on? I couldn't.”
Of course, it's been a while since I've been training at dawn with Adriana. I
trained at dawn with Ellen. Of course, I was just playing for the past week,
However, my training period couldn't keep up with Adriana, and I was
exhausted towards the end.
"Heh heh... heh heh..."
"Huh... Junior-nim, you worked really hard. I'll admit it."
Adriana praised me, of course, because she said it was only natural for her
to have a much be er physique.
She could at least run with Adriana, if not un l she ran out of stamina, un l
she got a li le red. A er the new wall drill, we sat down on a bench and
rested for a while.
"Huh... It feels good to exercise a er a long me."
It feels good to exercise, a feeling I've never felt, even though I keep doing
“Did you rest un l now?”
“Yeah, I was busy.”
Praying and serving, Adriana doesn't seem to have me to exercise.
Adriana shrugged, she mu ered a li le.
“…it was really hard.”
“…was it hard?”
“Um… I have to say I feel lost. Yes it was."
Olivia Ranche's case, disappointment with the Holy War Division, and
Adriana seem to have been very concerned about whether or not to keep
her faith.
So, during this vaca on, Adriana seemed to have worried a lot about her.
“But, is my concern really about the faith itself, or is it about giving up? I
don’t know too well… I couldn’t make a decision easily.”
I don't know if it's about giving up faith or worrying about faith itself.
I had no idea what Adriana meant.
“I think I know now.”
Adriana looked at me and smiled.
“So, I’m not going to give up.”
think about something, decide something
did. Adriana's troubled process is known
I can't, but in the end I won't give up on my faith
she decided to
She can't say I'm this or that with that decision.
In any case, Adriana seemed to have found an answer to her troubles she
had been struggling with throughout her vaca on.
Adriana said she never gave up her faith
she decided to what complicated thoughts she
I think I did, but you didn't tell me that. I don't know what I didn't say.
It's been a while since I entered the classroom, so it's pre y new
it was embarrassing Ha with the girls on her vaca on
I've only seen Inrich's side, and the ones I haven't seen in a long me are
Bertus and Cliffman, and the three arrogant brothers. Of course, the three
arrogant brothers just passed by yesterday.
I passed, but
“It’s been a while, Reinhardt.”
Cliffman s ll greeted me awkwardly, and I nodded.
“Oh, yes. How have you been too?” “So what… did you go to the
“Just, nothing happened.”
She answered everyone's gree ngs as she always did, when she heard
laughter from behind.
- Kick.
- Why did you go there?
The three arrogant brothers.
They were laughing at me. Heinrich seems to have the same point of view.
Treated as an empty gangjeong, who was imprisoned to the Darkland and
returned without any income.
Why the hell are you scratching like this? Is your head itchy because of the
new school year? You want me to lose some?
"long me no see."
I didn't really share anything with Bertus. I was just smiling at the people
behind me who were strangely despising me.
"great job."
It seemed that he and Ellen already knew what they were doing during the
vaca on. I just shrugged my shoulders as there was no point in doing
anything in front of him.
- Druck
“Sit down.”
Then, Epinhauser went into the classroom.
came in
“As of today, the second semester has started. The first thing I need to do is
request a lecture
I guess Submit your applica on by today."
Some have already done it, but I had not done it yet, so I had to fill out the
lecture applica on form by today.
Epinhauser, as always,
She simply conveyed the things that had to be conveyed without any
“The big events during the second semester are group missions and
fes vals, except for midterm and final exams. The detailed schedule will be
announced later. And today, the first class is a physical scan.”
It's like a yangban like well-dried jerky.
He said, "How are you?"
I thought that was the end of her message, but Ms. Effin Hauser pulled
something out of her arms.
“No. A-2 and No. A-11, a new adventurer ID has arrived from the
Adventurer’s Guild did."
new ID.
Then I came out of the Adventurers' Guild and Ellen
I remembered that I had decided to upgrade the adventurer rank of . She
was supposed to send it to the Temple side. Everyone was bewildered
when the story of the Adventurer's Guild suddenly appeared.
looked like
Except for those who know the circumstances,
Ms. Effin Hauser looked at her IDs and she handed me and Ellen one by
“It has been upgraded from F rank to B rank. That's pre y unusual. That
means that the cases you solved were very serious cases. You can be
Rarely, Mr. Epinhauser is with me.
She also gently pa ed Ellen's shoulder. As I am not a yangban who does
such things, I and the students also opened their eyes.
Ms. Epin Hauser, she asked, if we need psychotherapy because of what
we've been through. We feel guilty or trauma zed
I thought I might suffer from
So, unusually comfor ng us
you said something similar I'm afraid we'll suffer because of what we've
It's okay to be proud, it's nothing to be ashamed of,
“An addi onal fee has arrived. One hundred gold coins each.”
A shocking rise in rank from F rank to B rank adventurer.
In addi on to that, an addi onal reward of 100 gold coins each.
Except for those who knew the situa on, everyone seemed to be
perplexed. I said nothing happened, but you may not know it well, but in
the Adventurer's Guild, there was a drama c rise in rank.
There are material things.
A huge addi onal reward of 100 gold coins.
It would be the compensa on for the annihila on of the Klitz Point robbery
and the Cursed Sword incident.
Everyone said I didn't do anything
It was a lie, and he must have felt that he had solved something bizarre.
In par cular, it seemed that Heinrich and the three brothers Gaenodap
were greatly embarrassed. I was terrified and ignored him for not doing
anything, but seeing how he goes back, that's absolutely not the case.
It seems that I no longer need to use my own hands.
You will be scared
“And, I have a story to tell you about the item I le with you.
So you can come to your private room.”
And another one.
cursed sword.
I have something to say about that too.
it was sheep
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 181
A brief break a er the inquiry.
Me and Ellen were like, 'What the hell did they do?' Leaving her gaze
behind, she went to Epinhauser's private room.
"Once the sword has created an environment where its powers are not
rampant, it is very safe.
A erwards, several wizards are studying.”
The temple seemed to be very careful with safety so that the curse of the
sword itself did not affect other places.
“For one thing, the sword is once yours, but there is a very high chance
that it will not.”
Ms. Epin Hauser admi ed that she once owned the sword with me. The
temple is the appraisal of my possessions,
But if you can't acknowledge my ownership now, there is one reason.
Because it is an extremely dangerous item, it is impossible to allow it to be
le in the possession of an individual.
understanding goes Because it destroyed a village and turned the
surrounding area into a land where corpses turned into zombies.
However, it is a sword that does not appear in the original.
we can't solve the local affairs
Had it been, someone else would have done it, not us. The cursed sword
was dangerous, but we can deal with it alone
Because I did If people with be er skills than us were put in, somehow
it would have been resolved
Of course, a number of complex condi ons were at work here, but I did not
think that it was a case that no one could solve if it were not for us.
We se led on things that were going to be resolved anyway. It feels like
“At this point, it is being considered for disposal. I thought I should tell you
It is considered too dangerous to be disposed of. Then the water that
disappeared from the margins of that cursed black story
It is said to be a gun.
“Did you ever find out what the sword was?”
It was Ellen's ques on, and Effin Hauser pa ed his head and interlocked.
"No, it has not been revealed. Except that a very dangerous curse resides."
Even Elerys couldn't figure out much about the nature of what she was
called a curse, she said. Because cause and effect are different. But in the
temple, the same
The answer came.
Elerys' brief examina on and detailed examina on of the Temple
eventually came to the same conclusion. is this
“I might judge that the temple’s ability is insufficient, but I am confident
that it is not. I don't know if you know, but the temple has a limited
curricula for black magic. Soon, black magicians who have mastered black
magic are serving as instructors.
It’s about Iran.”
That was what I knew. Black magic is evil magic, but in the end it is one of
the most powerful magic branches. so
Lectures are also being made on black magic, although it is limited.
So, someone who can teach black magic, a black magician, is also serving
as an instructor. It is made up of clean warlocks who have never caused
social controversy.
In fact, in Class B, Anna de Gerna, a guy with black magic talent, is learning
black magic at the temple calmly.
Of course, black magic majors have a lot of experience.
It’s clean and nabal, and it’s Gyeongwon-si in the magic world
There is a se ng that does. Because of that atmosphere, the warlocks
some mes hide in the shadows,
It's not that the temple doesn't know black magic.
Even more curses than Elerys
very knowledgeable
Even though I knew it, I didn't know what the cursed sword was.
“They say that the power of that sword is too ancient to be known in
detail. In other words, it is a curse that dwells there, and at the same me,
it can be regarded as an ancient magic that has already been prac ced in
the present age.
it will So it is very difficult to analyze, and it is impossible to know what
kind of power the curse will exert. So, at this point, there is an evalua on
that it is right to dispose of it as soon as possible a er researching it.”
Anyway, in the end, it was decided that the cursed sword was too
suspicious and dangerous to allow me to use it.
"Of course, it's a ma er of taking your possessions at will, so I don't know
if it will be similar to you depending on the faculty mee ng.
We will pay for items that are judged to be of considerable value. We can
promise to provide equipment of at least A rank or higher.”
S ll, the Temple looked a er me a lot, so it seemed like she was trying to
appease me with something else.
But it was sad.
First of all, I am not affected by the curse on the sword, so I can use the
sword itself. Of course, I'm not sure that anything dangerous won't happen
just because I'm holding it, but
The cursed sword was even more historical than I thought.
But in the end, I can't figure out
It will be discarded a er research.
Ancient, unknown even to warlocks
prac ced magic.
“Do you have anything to say?”
I am not so greedy for the cursed sword. Enchanted superla ve
The equipment was B-class equipment, but if it was A-class equipment, it
would be a treasure. that
There is no reason to refuse when you give it to me.
But, it's not worth it.
I'm pre y sure it's something not to be missed.
Even if I throw it away, I want to know what it is and throw it away.
ancient magic.
old curse.
prac ced skills.
"If it's ancient magic..."
One last possibility came to mind.
“Witchcra , can you think of it as something like that?”
An ancient power that no one knows even within the temple, and
therefore cannot even be taught.
Shamanism, “Then, why not ask De omorian of Class B for analysis?”
I had a strong feeling that I might be able to find out what the cursed
sword was if it was De omorian, a B-class witchcra talent.
Or drink
Epinhauser once used a spell
He responded warmly to my request to find out the iden ty of the object.
to figure out something you don't know
Because you never know what will happen if you use a power you don't
know well.
Mr. Epinhauser said that he would talk to Mr. Mustrang and De omorian
for once, and then turned us around.
The hallway back to the classroom.
“Do you really need that sword?”
Ellen s ll seemed reluctant to have the sword. Because it's my main thing
and it's ominous
It was natural to think.
“It’s a waste if you throw it away without knowing what it is.”
There I can use that, so I just throw it away. Ellen seemed dissa sfied, but
she broke my stubbornness
She didn't want to.
Since she is a sophomore, she has no body data
A physical scan to measure replaced the first class.
That's right, it's just a physical exam. Of course, how much more than an
ordinary physical examina on
It's to check if your physical abili es have improved. A er entering the
measurement room, touching the physical scanner and undergoing some
tests, each
A person's physical ability is announced on the bulle n board.
Even during the semester, the data was constantly being updated because
it was a monthly project.
A-11 Reinhardt
[Strength 8.3(C-)] [Right 8.5(C-)]
[Dexterity 9.6(C-)]
[Magic 12.8(C+)] [Health 13(C+)]
[Magne c Sugges on] [Magic Sensi vity]
My data has risen slightly since returning from the Darklands. You have to
slowly enter a sec on where growth slows down, but the trait you received
from Ellen, the bloodline of the warrior, makes it go beyond that sec on.
was going to give
Overall, it is an even growth. Comparing it with the data from the
beginning of the first semester, it can be used as an exemplary example of
improving physical ability.
If you strengthen your body with self-sugges on here, it seems to go up to
The self-sugges on rank itself has risen quite a bit.
The reinforcement itself is considerable.
When you think about the me when your physical abili es were do ed
with F and D, will your feelings be renewed?
it was awesome
The third talent will be imprinted soon, and unless there is a big change, it
will be a talent related to magic.
"Erhi! You've grown a lot, man!"
“Um… is that so? It’s s ll a long way off.”
Seeing the updated physical data table, Kono Lint pa ed Erhi on the
hit He did some exercise on vaca on.
they say
Shall I check it out?
A-9 Ergi de Lafaeri
[Strength 10.2(C)] [Right 6.4(D)] [Func on 5.4(D-)]
[Magic 4.1(F+)] [Health 8(C-)] [New Spirit ]
[Holy Power] [Swordsmanship] [Body Arts]
Did you just lose weight?
This bastard wasn't interested in the first place, so I can't even remember
the previous body data, but it's clear that he's only grown in strength.
Your agility, dexterity, and stamina are too far behind, man. balanced
need to grow
However, Erhi's power itself is greater than mine.
rank was high. The poten al is overflowing, ah
The guy who was surplus without any effort
I don't know why I tried
More than anything else, it's a talent for divine power, but I s ll haven't
used my divine power to this extent, so my divine power isn't good
Yes, I wasn't even ge ng an evalua on.
"Hey, won't you go up to A in no me at this rate?"
“Ah, it can’t be.”
Erhi shrugged his shoulders at the praise of his brothers and lowered his
humility. By the way, what about that Kono Lint?
I'm sure it's a dogfight answer.
A-8 Kono Lint
[Strength 3.1(F)] [Right 7(D+)] [Dexterity Note 5.1(D-)]
[Magic 1.4(F-)] [Health 4(F+)]
[Teleporta on]
Not even the words of a real naughty answer are not enough.
Wasn't even the results of physical training received in the common class in
the first place?
It's not Erhi, it's this guy who is a ached to the Royal Class with pure
superpowers, and the same ability, right?
Kono Lint was demonstra ng a physical ability that was not as good as my
first point of view.
No, I didn't mean to see these garbage in the first place.
A-2 Ellen
[Strength 18.5(B+)] [Reflex 20.3(A-)] [Dexterity 23.1(A)]
[Magic 27.2(A+)] [Health 20.5(A-)]
[Weapon] [Magic Domina on]
At the beginning of the first semester, Ellen had a lot of data with B rank,
but now almost all of her body data has reached A rank. As she is ge ng
closer to the limits of a human being, her growth is slow compared to a
guy like me.
As she approaches the limit, the extent of her growth is bound to slow
down. Because the bloodline of a hero is not an ability that allows us to go
beyond the limits of human beings.
She doesn't even have a comparable classmate even in first semester. It
wasn't there, but it's true that it's even stronger now.
If you use magic power enhancement, your physical ability will increase
I don't know, but I wonder if it will go up to S rank. If you think about it that
way, it's a crazy monster.
Everyone who sees Ellen's body data has no choice but to widen their eyes.
I used to be a monster, but now
'Cause I've become more of a monster
Of course, Ellen Artorius wasn't interested in anything like that.
He was si ng on her seat, holding her chin in his hand and staring blankly
at the blackboard.
Even though it was the second semester, the contents of the common
educa on classes were similar. Because it was s ll summer, physical
educa on was replaced by swimming lessons.
At the beginning of the first semester, I was exhausted when taking
physical educa on classes, but now it is not too much of a problem.
It was a new feeling to be able to handle the physical educa on class
Today, even a er class is over, the guys who remain in the classroom
without returning
there was.
- Hey, let's take this class.
-Yep. I think it will be fun.
Adelia and Harriet, who wanted to sign up for the same course, did, and
Ellen and I did. Although the three brothers and sisters had different
majors, they were talking to each other whether they wanted to take the
same class.
Ellen signed up for her lecture at her seat
Glancing at her, she immediately le the classroom.
no that?
I got up straight from her seat and called Ellen to go to her office.
“Hey, yumma!”
The guy lted his head as if there was something wrong.
no really.
This is a bit sad uh!
“Hey, if it’s like this, shouldn’t we have to say something like that, let’s
listen to the lecture together?”
During that me, we got to know each other so much that I had forgo en
that this child was a dumbass. This bastard, come to think of it, even when
we became quite close in the first semester, if we met in the hallway
They didn't even make eye contact and just passed by.
“…why do we have to listen together?”
It seemed that he did not understand what it had to do with being close
and a ending lectures together.
You were a guy with a level problem despite his sociability. I feel it for a
long me
It's strange, but it's slow. this part
is very slow,
Yeah, there's no reason to listen together. Strictly speaking, it must be
You don't have to. uh. okay. obviously yes
“If there is something overlapping, you can listen to it together, child!”
You're not a psychic, so even if you don't take a psychic class, you can take
swordsmanship together!
“...can I show you?”
Ellen Lectures Her Baby When I Go Pa ence
She showed her applica on cket.
I don't know why he's angry, but if he wants to hear it with him, it seems
like he will. When I saw the lecture applica on form that I casually held
out, I felt strange.
Why do I feel obsessed?
No, is it obsession?
That, though... Wouldn't it be nice to have a close friend in class?
something like that
is not it?
A picture hanging on a kid who doesn't really care about me?
Even though I thought so in my mind, I wrote down the swordsmanship
lecture that Ellen had applied for and demon ecology. Ellen's metable
contained several one-person lectures related to mana enhancement
rather than mana response training, and it was a class that I couldn't do
unless I wanted to a end.
Seeing me wri ng my syllabus in the hallway, Ellen asked me, staring at me.
“Do you want to be with me like that?”
I'm not taking the medicine, I'm really curious
It seemed to be asking.
"We're s ll together anyway. We keep prac cing together."
Regardless of class, we're together almost all day, but do you want to be
with me so much that you want to a end class together? why?
This seems to be the idea.
am i that good There was no sign of raising drugs in this way at all.
I'm just really curious.
A monster who doesn't know the real human heart
is it water? what you've done to me
What do you mean!
A cold sweat was running down my back because of the shame that was
hard to describe.
"Okay, turn it off!"
Ellen got pouted a few mes, but it was the first me I've been pouted.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 182

The schedule for Semester 2 is as follows:
Monday and Thursday are s ll common classes. Subjects remained the
There was no significant change in individual teaching subjects.
It was.
Tue - Swordsmanship Theory II, Swordsmanship Prac ce II, Swordsmanship
Prac ce.
Water - Medita on II, super power control, super power prac ce.
Drama - Magical Response Training II, Comprehensive Body Art II,
Asmodian Ecology.
Most of the classes I took were the same, but only the teachers had
changed. 1st semester
The other thing is the Asmodian Ecology and the Superpowers Room.
Before and a er, the only subject called swordsmanship prac ce.
| There are two prac cal subjects.
Prac cal subjects are classes to subdue or fight objects summoned by
summoning magic or summoned by illusion magic. Of course, before the
swordsmanship room is to subdue the enemy with swordsmanship, and
the actual ba le with superpowers is to do it with superpowers.
I use a sword and strengthen my body with super powers, so those two
classes must be the same class for me a er all,
Asmodian Ecology is a lecture that teaches the basic knowledge about
demons, and Super Power Prac ce is to test the use of super powers in
prac ce.
Tuesdays are all about learning swordsmanship.
It seems like I'll be stuck with Ellen all day.
And a er class, the dormitory.
“Well wri en.”
I stop by the class B dorm, Charlo e
returned the imperial coat of arms to shallot
handed me the imperial coat of arms
she laughed bi erly.
"It sounds like it was put to good use? Huh? Don't you ignore the warp
gate queue? If you try to get into an argument, it will come out right away."
Have you ever felt like royalty? Charlo e looked at me sternly.
“Hey, you know all that?”
“If you go around the imperial coat of arms, of course, you will come to see
everything, right?”
Since no one was carrying such a thing, it seemed that they all went up to
see it even when using the gate. The same thing I used in Darkland.
“Well, wasn’t it that you gave it to me to use it at that me?”
“That’s not right.” |
Charlo e covered her mouth and smiled, saying it had been just one tease.
Indeed, the imperial coat of arms was the most helpful of all the things we
brought with us. In addi on to saving me,
It allowed me to avoid pointless quarrels and avoid situa ons where I
would be involved in a murder charge.
Because of this one sentence,
Because the journey has ended safely,
Charlo e was a huge help.
“I have read all the incident reports. You worked hard, Reinhardt.”
Just as Bertus knew something, it was only natural that Charlo e knew
everything we went through in the Darklands.
“Would you like to go for a walk a er a long me?”
Charlo e's proposal would not be rejected
there was no oil
Charlo e and I walked through the park in front of the dorm. There were
no people in the vicinity of Royal Class, so there was hardly any chance of
encountering anyone.
By the way, vaca on is over, but in Bali
Maybe it's a le er to someone or something like that. Without me in the
role of Jeon Seo-gu, Charlo e wrote her le er.
I would not have been able to send Because she doesn't go to Elerys' shop
through her own people.
“It must have been difficult. It was not an ordinary case.”
Charlo e walked s ll, she said.
“…I can’t even say no with empty words.”
Obviously, both Ellen and I suffered from quite a bit of trauma a er that. I
was feeling a bit out of place now.
“Ellen Artorius…”
Charlo e quietly put the name in her mouth.
Standing, she rolled. She doesn't know Ellen's real name.
It's just Charlo e, me, and Bertus.
She spoke slowly, as if Charlo e was savoring her last name, Artorius, as if
she was trying to say Ellen's name for the first me.
She said, “She is the hero’s younger sister. She thought it would be great
and she said it was
She thought .... She strengthened her magic by herself ....”
| She marvels at it, as if Charlo e didn't think she'd be able to.
She seemed
She said, "Ellen Artorius is not the hero's younger sister. Lagann Artorius
may be remembered as Ellen's older brother."
Ellen is be er than Lagann Artorius
become stronger, a feat that surpasses her brother
If it is achieved, the reputa on of Lagann Artorius may be pushed back.
She seemed to think that Charlo e thought she might be in that situa on.
“It’s hard for you to go on an adventure with such a great person and come
back without any problems.”
Ellen has something to look forward to. But I had no expecta ons and she
made it through her journey with Ellen unharmed. that
I'm no ordinary man by any means, and she seemed to think so, Charlo e.
“…I was glad I didn’t get in the way.”
Charlo e smiles so ly at my words.
uh it looked
“S ll, she’s gone on a trip together… Have you ever had a heart palpita on
or something like this?”
Charlo e looked like a mischievous friend asking about her friend's love
“…what are you talking about?”
“No, it’s just that you never know.
What's with that expression, that funny feeling that you're about to die?
"What I did there in the first place was far from that, so keep your mind on
Was it the only thing you were holding on to?"
Her expression hardened at my words.
“Ah… that’s right. Sorry, I lied.”
Charlo e apologized to me, thinking that it was a thoughtless ques on in
itself to ask someone who had a shocking experience.
“By the way, thanks to what you guys have done, the imperial family will
soon take ac on. In the end, it all went well.”
“Are you taking ac on?”
Does the imperial family have something to do? Charlo e giggled at my
ques on.
It's like why you shouldn't.
“The Adventurers’ Guild is supported by the imperial family, isn’t it? But
why did the adventurers try to rob the guild?
I'll do it. Wouldn't it?"
She gave her support to pioneer the dark lands, and she's thinking of
intercep ng the grant. It seemed that it greatly touched the heart of the
imperial family.
"We need to ghten up the management system for the Eggsian base and
adventurers. We can't make a big deal out of criminal adventurers and
prevent this stupid thing from happening again, but it's common.
We have to do something to make sure it doesn’t happen.”
The Imperial Family is suppor ng the Adventurer's Guild, but the Egsian
Outpost is running.
I didn't know the shape. That is, with the resolu on of this case, the news
reached the prince and the princess, and the current state of Eggsian even
reached the ears of the imperial family.
Originally, robbers would rob the guild.
He was trying to disguise himself with the ac ons of the demons.
Because we stopped it, the Imperial Family needed to make the
management system of the Eggsian Outpost and the Adventurer's Guild
more precise.
I felt sexual.
“There is a huge shortage of manpower, so a lot of manpower is put in, and
there are a lot of outcasts.
Arthur I think there are a lot of criminal gangs. Ah
So, thanks to what you guys have done, Eggsian will be a li le safer than it
used to be."
What Ellen and I did was a li le bit be er than we thought, Charlo e
seemed to mean it.
"100 million!"
Charlo e suddenly slapped me on the back.
“So, neither you nor Ellen are depressed.”
“… did you see that?”
Charlo e smiled as she brought her index finger to her lips.
"You're talking like a man who has sinned from the Darklands, saying
nothing has happened, doesn't it seem like that?"
There was no income to go to the Darklands. Me and Ellen to anyone who
She said so. Charlo e knows what we've been up to. So tell me the post-
processing of what we did
gave it
Because we've come forward, the adventurer crimes of Eggsian will
decrease further in the future.
“Then, I will go back soon….
"...what's the ma er?"
Charlo e, who had been speaking casually, suddenly came.
She stopped, covering her right eye with her hand.
With her back bent, Charlo e shook her slightly.
"uh, ah. Nope. for a moment. Wait a minute."
"what's the ma er. Are you sick?"
“No, wait… wait…”
Charlo e closed her eyes and she took a few deep breaths, and a er a
while she sighed as she li ed her head. She was swea ng a li le.
“Whoa, it’s okay now.”
"what's the ma er?"
“Ah… it’s nothing. some mes like this.”
Charlo e is fine as if nothing happened
She pretended to be, but she didn't seem okay at all.
“It’s just like an a ermath. Ever since I came out of the Demon Castle.”
I thought it was like panic disorder, but Charlo e really cares that it's
She said don't lose.
I don't think it's a big deal. But she didn't seem to tell me what was going
on. She said that Charlo e said she needed some rest and that she was
going back to her dorm, and she said we walked towards her dorm.
She took her le er from her arms on her way back to Charlo e.
“…I’m sorry for asking you every me.”
"No. It's nothing."
If there's one thing that's different from her old days, Charlo e's
expression as she gives her le ers is a bit sad.
it was visible
The content of her le er was not much different from before. She wrote
about what she did and what had happened during her vaca on. There
was a message saying how are you doing?
I was ge ng used to wri ng replies with nonsensical lies. The more she got
used to what she shouldn't be used to, the more her guilt for her Charlo e
A er wri ng a reply from Elerys' shop, I went down to the first floor.
"Lowering. How are you going to do this?"
Elerys was laying her large pockets on her table.
Precious metals obtained from the Darklands.
She sold it through the Thieves Guild
money came in
A total of three thousand five hundred gold coins. It was a huge amount of
money equivalent to about three and a half billion won. At first, more than
twenty adventurers
It was said that the goods included in the expedi on were enough to
sa sfy each of them. I ate it, so it was natural to come out with this
It's like the three people in the party are divided into thirds, so each of
them gives more than a billion dollars to each other.
“Leave my share to the Rotary club, I will take Ellen’s share.”
“Yes, lower.”
“Whether it’s a house or a room for you, don’t invest in a Rotary club for
“Is that… is it really okay…” Elerys seemed to be wondering if it was okay to
spend this huge amount just for herself.
I said, but a huge amount of money is right in front of me
It looks like he's going to get dizzy.
If I spend money it's Rotary. It's club related, so I don't need this money
right now. If I were to start a new business, I was thinking of it as capital for
So the only thing I'll take with me is the money I agreed to give to Ellen.
“But it’s too heavy.”
- squeak
Money is good, but this is heavy!
“That… will be exchanged for pla num coins as well.
I guess I did... But it's also because I'm going to a financial ins tu on for
nothing... It can be inconvenient to ask about how to get money or
something like that... I brought it this way..."
"done. What do you mean by exercising?”
S ll, it wasn't too heavy to carry.
I only take classes related to swordsmanship all day.
In the end, even though I was pissed off by Ellen, I was s ll in the same
lecture as Ellen.
He's a character with a developmental cancer who gets irritated by the
common obsessive man, but in the end gets sloppy. what am i If a
character like this is a suppor ng role instead of a main character, I hate to
see him, so when do you kill him? comment like this
Swordsmanship theory, swordsmanship prac ce, and swordsmanship
prac ce.
It is a subject ed to a barrel. Although a lunch break is given a er the
prac ce,
It was a class taught by a different teacher from the first semester, so the
there was. In the first semester, Ellen was the only Royal Class classmate
who took swordsmanship class together.
About fi y people a end the lecture
Among them, royal class personnel
included four.
Ellen, me, B-2 Scarle , and B-11 Ludwig.
Somehow, I ended up taking a class with the main character.
“Reinhardt! Are you going to take this class together?”
“Ellen is with you. Hi!"
- nod
Our cheerful one-tool protagonist, who was always lively, was s ll alive.
Elle just nodded at Ludwig's words and looked like a nerve cord.
Ludwig sat down naturally next to me.
Ellen on the right, Ludwig on the le
Did Ellen a end classes with Lud Behe in the first semester of the first
year? I guess I didn't hear it.
This seems to have changed the story a bit.
Maybe there was only Scarle .
For Ellen, things have changed so much because of me that she won't act
like the original.
“Scarle ! Scarle come here too. Let’s sit together.”
"Ah yes."
Scarle , who was si ng far away, was Ludby.
She sat down next to Ludwig when she called him. But it was obvious to
her that she was awkward. Scarle made eye contact with me and she
nodded slightly. As if that was the only thing Han knew.
different from the original,
In the original case, Ludwig saved Scarle from being bullied during the
first semester and became close friends.
she should have lost
But what solved Scarle 's situa on
It was Charlo e.
So Ludwig wants to be friends with Scarle , but Scarle 's side is Ludby.
He seemed to be s ll having a hard me. Proof that she is s ll respec ul.
Great with one of the main heroines
The case has disappeared, so the situa on is like this
am. Of course she said Scarle doesn't seem like she hates Ludwig, she just
doesn't seem friendly.
So the weight of Ludwig now is the ball
the flag itself
Honestly, do I know?
Do you want to know the propor on of the main character in a plate that is
not enough even if I worry about my rice bowl!!
No ma er what I do, the gate will always explode, just as the gate will
always burst no ma er what Ludwig does or not!
The status quo is included in the main story
- This class... There are four royal classes.
- There are two Orbis classes.
- The level of the class is very high....
The moment Ludwig meets Orbis classmates for the first me as the
second semester begins.
I was following Ellen and suddenly this situa on happened.
became intui ve.
| There are dozens of hundreds of school uniforms in the temple, all of
which have different designs. water
Ron, I don't know. All I know is the Royal Class uniform that I wear.
However, there are only two school uniforms that are the most famous
among them. A class in which the uniform itself is both a business card and
an iden fica on card,
Royal Class, and Orbis Class,
Orbis or Royal, they are a small elite with only about 20 at most in a grade.
There are six such guys in one lecture, so it's natural for them to be noisy.
Guys with expecta ons
There seemed to be, and there were some guys who lamented that it was
certain that it was sexual advances.
Anyway, this is the first me I've seen Orbis class uniforms. it looked like
suffoca on,
Royal class uniforms are pre er.
The theory lecture teacher came in, called for a endance, and raised their
hands one by one.
"Royal Class A-2, Ellen."
“Royal Class A-11, Reinhardt.” "Yes."
“Royal Class B-3, Scarle .”
“Royal Class B-11, Ludwig.”
One by one the names are called.
"Orbis Class A-8. Adler Belkin."
"Orbis Class B-3, Nilsonia."
Like the Royal Class, the Orbis Class also uses the A and B class division.
Even within the special class, the ranks are determined. Maybe the Orbis
class would do it of course,
Of the fi y students, four were in Royal Class and two were in Orbis Class.
As Harriot said the other day, the Royal Class has no interest in the Orbis
However, the Orbis class con nues intensive training with the goal of never
losing to the Royal Class within the class.
As it is a posi on earned through hard work, bloody hard work is a daily
rou ne for them.
A class that hates talents.
So, Scarle , Ludwig, me, and Ellen, the two Orbis class guys who glance at
us si ng next to each other.
It was natural that his gaze was not pre y.
Scarle and Ludwig are the only ones taking this class in the original
Ellen and I would never have been there.
So, how is the development going to be different?
I don't know.
The class a er the theory lecture is swordsmanship prac ce.
Originally there, Ludwig Orbi
In a prac ce match against a class student, he suffered a devasta ng
Unlike the royal class scumbags who only believe in talent and don't put in
effort, Orbis
It was a scene to give some impact to the first appearance of the class

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 183

Prac cal lectures a er theory lectures.
My worries were useless.
As soon as the prac cal lecture starts, the person in charge
The teacher gathered us in a huge training room and started talking with
“There are six special classes, would you like to prac ce and compete
against each other in the Orbis class and the Royal Class? Anyone want to
try it?”
“I will do it!”
At first, Ludwig jumped up when he was told that he was going to
...he was that kind of guy in the first place.
Everyone is Orbis Class and Royal Class.
I'm half-blind when I hear that it's a cross-training exercise.
paired up Ellen was bea ng her like she didn't care, and Scarle
She looked a li le nervous for her to be called.
“Then one person from the Orbis class
Come out.”
"I'll do it.
A girl with a determined expression walked out of the Orbis class.
| B-3, introduce yourself as Nilsonia
one guy. A class A guy named Adler Belkin was watching with his arms
Nilsonia and Ash defeat Ludwig horribly, and Ludwig learns that the Orbis
class's skills are not very good.
"Be careful not to get too radical."
Even though I knew that the teacher in charge, the yangban, the Orbis
class and the Royal class were rivals, it is clear that they put it on purpose.
Ludwig and Nilsonia face each other with a water lily sword.
“Did you say Nilsonia? Please.”
A guy named Nilsonia didn't even respond to Ludwig's gree ng. She had an
expression that seemed to be a real match.
Alone, the atmosphere is brutal.
He rushes to Ludwig wildly, as if Nilsonia has nothing to look out for. I can't
remember what the proper descrip on of the duel was.
Maybe it was because of the overwhelming difference in technique, or
something like that. So, Ludwig spurs the training even more. It was like
- Kaang!
As soon as the water lily swords hit each other, Nilsonia slid her sword and
tried to brush off his sword.
And the moment Ludwig was about to push the steam in, his eyes
changed. It seems like when was the last me you made a pointless
- Kang!
In spite of the a empt to deflect, Ludwig applied his strength to the sword.
- Kwadang!
And Neil Sonia, who was bounced off by that one light push, had trouble
on her floor.
She was wildly spread out.
Victory or defeat was decided in an instant.
“Ah, Mi, I’m sorry! it's okay?"
Why does he win?
It was Nilsonia who lost, but the brain arrest was on my side.
There was only one reason for Ludwig's victory.
overwhelming power difference.
Ludwig's physical strength itself was too strong to the extent that it was
impossible to do anything with technique. What to do with swords
Just pushing it before you even try
bounced off
In the original development, Ludwig became physically strong, but he was
supposed to lose because of his skills. That's why I lost all of them in a
prac ce match that I thought was five mes.
However, the results were different.
-fruit sugar!
"I'm sorry, are you okay? I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
In the next three rehearsals, Neil Sonia did nothing and was just
I was pushed out by a rogue weight class car, and I was miserable.
In the end, Ludwig looked into the gap and was hit by a sharp low kick and
fell down.
I got sick.
Nilsonia sat down on the floor and opened her mouth.
was wide open blankly.
Like she never imagined she would be so devastated.
Even Ludwig is fidgety and worried about losing, which seemed to make
Nilsonia even more miserable.
He has a knack for making people feel like shit with good inten ons.
"Stop, stop, I think the weight difference is too big. Stop it."
In the end, a prac ce session scheduled for five
There was even a declara on from the teacher in charge that the result
would be obvious even if you didn't see the end of the series. Nilsso
Nia limps and hides her sense of defeat
With her wretched look on her seat,
She came back and she sat down.
The face of the Orbis Class A guy was also seriously hardened.
Ludwig came back to us, sat down, and scratched his head. It seems he
didn't even know it was like this.
The one who had to be defeated won the victory. overwhelmingly,
What has changed?
Then, the ro en face of Orbis Class A, who was watching the situa on,
quietly raised his hand.
“Oh, do you want to try it too?”
Defeat of the Orbis class in this situa on
It looked like it couldn't be finished. as
Orbis class lost poorly in the prac ce match against Yal class?
'Cause they're almost like an army
As soon as something becomes known, we gather whatever we want.
I will be beaten to come by seniors
may be
Once, the guy who lost was angry that he lost, but his face was
contempla ve. I am afraid of what will happen if this becomes known.
Dalian opponent? Will Ludwig-kun do it again?”
The teacher looked at Ludwig. Ludwig said ahaha and laughed like a fool.
He scratched the back of the head.
“Ah, well, if it were an A-class… I wouldn’t be able to compete with the one
who was last in the Royal Class…”
bo om.
With that said, the two Orbis class, of course, the regular class
I could see the guys twitching loudly.
Orbis class B class, but s ll 3 is the last in the royal class.
It's like he said he lost.
this cub.
Do you know how to piss people off? Sun-soon?
Of course, it will be different if you line up with your actual skills, but it is
true that Ludwig is the last seat in the Royal Class.
But saying that here does nothing more than piss you off? Orbis class is a
bit harsh in front of everyone, isn't it?
The Royal Class is the last to be this much.
That's what it sounds like, darling!
"Hmm, yes. Class B is between class B. Class A is class A. Is this okay. Yeah.
That's plausible. Then, get one from Royal Class A."
The teacher fell for Ludwig's weak character cosplay. The guy who thinks
it's an outgoing Adler or something is rather A-Class
As if it was Lass, he was looking at us quietly.
I pa ed Ellen, and Ellen looked at me and she lted her head.
“Don’t go. what are you doing."
Go and win! I don't want to deal with a guy like that who just looks like an
idiot! Ellen looked at me with a fat expression and she shook her head.
Ellen mu ered quietly.
“Go and win.”
I suddenly remembered the me when I was drinking at a villa in the Edina
Islands. Nahan
I have to go to the quarterfinals, so what?
had spoken
How much am I against the Orbis class?
Looks like Ellen wants to see if I can eat it
It was.
go and win I could see Adler's expression wrinkled at those words. Do you
think that I don't even need to deal with you in person?
“The ground is scolded.”
Of course, Ellen doesn't even pay a en on to it.
Am I your Pokemon? Garat Reinhardt! do you have to go
“Damn disease, if you win, I know that you will scold me.”
I feel like I'm being treated like a Pokemon, but I
Anyway, he got up from his seat.
My opponent is Adler Belkin, number A-8 in the Orbis class, and Nilsonia is
a woman, but a thin man. I have a cold impression, but
It was evident that he was very uncomfortable.
Royal class ranks them in order of talent and the number doesn't change.
However, the Orbis class is different.
Con nue classes through compe on every semester
and the number changes. value the effort
Because it's a class, we rearrange the rankings according to our efforts and
Since it's the second semester, there must have been a change in the
rankings compared to the first semester.
In Royal Class, number is not ranking.
However, in the Orbis class, the number is the ranking.
So, the Nilsonia that Ludwig just faced is probably 13th in the Orbis class.
Of course, there will be magic majors there, and there will be academic
students too, so I can't say that's necessarily a powerless ranking.
Orbis A-8 means that he is the 8th talented person in the first year of the
Orbis class.
You may want to look at a wider range.
Temple with over 100,000 students.
If you are a first year high school student there, there will be about 10,000
people in total.
The Royal Class is selected by talent, but the Orbis Class is selected by skill.
Exaggera ngly speaking, this guy in front of me is the 8th person with the
8th ability among all combat majors, including all classes except for talent.
So he was able to get selected for the Orbis class.
That guy is staring at me with the momentum to catch me and kill me.
“Now, this is the first of five prac ce sessions. Let's not both get too excited
about the outcome."
Teacher? Is your partner already very excited? Why are you playing in sleep
The announcement of the start of the prac ce round rang, and I was
wai ng to receive it.
But he didn't come closer, he looked at me from a distance and opened his
“You said A-class number 11.” “Oh, by the way.”
“Then you’re the last in the Royal A-Class?”
To make you feel worse, I have to say yes here.
Do you really need to?
“Well? The Royal Class is not a system like yours. Numbers are not rankings
or skills.”
As I said that, I shrugged.
“You’re the one who came out with a bang.”
I smiled slightly and pointed to my classmates in the Royal Class who were
"I'm an A class, but I'm actually the weakest among the royal classes I
Do I really need to make you feel bad?
Of course it is!
When excited, people say it's a mistake!
“So. If you lose to me.”
Ellen is Garat Reinhardt! so I came
“I thought you were a fucking dog.”
Reinhardt used Taunt!
“…prepare to spit.”
The effect was awesome!
This bastard definitely beats a bit.
- Kang! Kaang!
Strength and agility, sword-wielding co on
Seeds are also decent. I con nued the match by stepping back so as not to
give him a chance to slash his sword in.
went out
At least my swordsmanship No ma er how much I learned from Ellen, it's
only half a year. I have prac cal experience, but I
it wasn't
This is a temple It is full of guys who are professionally trained in weapon
And this guy entered the Orbis class only with his skills.
He wasn't the one who learned the swordsmanship he faced in the Dark
Land. He's a guy who's been sharpening his sword for a long me and
bleeds even more than me.
- Kang! Kaang! Kang!
“You only know how to get out? the weakest
La is this?”
When I kept backing away and refusing to try to grab it or get in, he
sarcas cally found my loophole and kept poking in.
Power is superior to me.
It is also certain that this guy has the upper hand in technique.
But because of his excitement, he has a rough sword. He was so eager to
feed me somehow, I could feel the whole thing.
Unlike Ludwig's fight against Nilsonia, I calmly backed away.
Poke or squeak during birth
Because I didn't give it, the match was prolonged.
I couldn't keep going back, so I
I tried to aim the sword at the nape of his neck as he blew the sword that
came stabbing me in the chest with a half-sword.
I keep pretending to be pushed away, and then at once
But, as if he had predicted my way, the sword he had been stabbing me in
a circle as if wrapped around it blew away.
| Even though I’m being hurt, I want to know what this is
with feeling.
“Don’t be shy.”
He put his sword at my neck. like
Contempt is like looking at a worm
It was a long expression.
It was a defeat.
“The first matchup is a victory for the Orbis class. original posi on.”
It's a total of five rounds. Ludwig and Scarle looked quite surprised at my
loss. Ellen was looking at me with a fat expression.
She looks dissa sfied.
This guy is definitely hi ng a bit. And in my first match, I beat the weakest
me, not lightly.
“Royal class is said to be full of guys who only believe in their talents and
don’t put in much effort, but you seem to be the result.”
Adler beat me once and blatantly despised me. Looks like this guy got a
am. Because I kept retrea ng and failed in my clumsy countera ack.
“I don’t think I need to do anything more with you, how about a stronger
I already had an es mate, so I thought I would be able to pass it on.
"Hey, let's ask Kim, who came out."
"...what?" “What did you say about your talent?”
I looked at him and smiled.
“Actually, my talent is superpowers.”
While holding the water lily sword, I aimed it at him.
“I didn’t use my superpowers, but you’re unfair.
I'm afraid you'll think about it."
I was treated like a guy who believed in his talent and didn't put in any
effort. I just said that my talent was completely wasted,
“Can I use my superpowers from now on?
I just dealt with no superpowers.
Why Ellen Looks A Li le Angry
there is Because I didn't use my superpowers, and I lost because I struggled
to deal with it.
“Can I trust my talent from now on?”
What do you do?
His eyes went cold at my second provoca on. Hatred of talent. I thought he
was a guy who believed in my talent and didn't put in any effort, but now
he's a skill that he acquired purely through hard work.
was fought with
If this guy wants to go beyond the Royal Class, he'll have to subdue me
when he uses his superpowers.
“Do it, whatever.”
Those words were enough to provoke Adler.
“Then are you going?”
Type A.
Even if I call the melee sword ba le preset
But, I decided to do it a li le differently.
strength strengthening.
Strengthen your strength to the max.
The guy approaches me and stabs me with his sword. It is a sword for the
purpose of chaining the swords and con nuing from there.
I just took the sword and backed away, but this me I didn't.
I just slashed a er the stabbing sword.
- Kwachang!
The fragments of the training sword, which had been sha ered in a single
swing, sca ered on the floor of the training room.
He was staring blankly at me with a broken water lily sword with a puzzled
expression on his face.
all. The training sword was broken in just one a ack.
If the training sword had not been broken, it would have flown along with
the sword or missed the sword.
Silence fell in the prac ce room.
“Do you need to do more with me?”
The moment you put your sword against me, the training sword will be
sha ered, otherwise if I try to hit your sword once in the first place, I will
miss the sword.
So. The more you do, the more obvious the result.
I just heard Adler Bell
I returned it to Keane.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 184

A long swordsmanship before using superpowers defeat at the end.
Let's use our superpowers in just one go the end of the match.
Adler seemed unwilling to step back.
A er that, I conducted three prac ce sessions, and I used my superpowers
in all of them.
But since I strengthened my body with superpowers, my abili es are
stronger than Adler Belkin.
rogue was excellent. Breaking the training sword was only done once.
I am stronger, faster, and more precise than him. Technique itself is the
treasure of superpowers
He was be er than him because of his affec on.
My superpower, which is ge ng stronger, is not just physical
strengthening. now the sword
The level of alcohol itself is also improved.
In the end, Orbis' A-8 Adler Bell
Keen sat down with a look of defeat.
returned to
B-class Nilsonia lost to Ludwig.
And the self-proclaimed weakest, class A
Adler Belkin lost.
The prac ce match between the Royal Class and the Orbis Class was a
devasta ng defeat for Orbis.
“It’s okay.”
- Exactly!
“……Why are you hi ng me?”
Reporter Ellen, who went back to her seat and was going to spend the
night on Ellen's forehead, looked at me, covering her forehead with her
“If you lose, I will be scolded, if you win, you will be scolded.”
“…I never agreed.”
“Neither have I agreed to be scolded.”
Ellen says she's out of words
Her feet came out.
If you look at it, he squeaks some mes.
that's incredibly cute
It's equal to or be er than Harriet.
But unlike Harriet,
The problem is that this is a bit tricky.
...but why do I work so hard
What do you think?
“Reinhardt, isn’t it great? Your skills have improved a lot, really.”
“Is that so?”
Ludwig mu ered next to him, thinking that it was great that I cut him off
with his psychic powers.
My Dalian is Dalian and I wonder why you became stronger. big
What has changed to become this? Scarle didn't even speak to me, but
her expression was slightly recalled.
It seemed impressive.
“By the way, you are the weakest. What are you talking about? I can't beat
Ludwig couldn't believe I said I was the weakest of the four.
“It was based on the premise that I didn’t use my psychic powers.”
"Ah... I think I'll be far from you though."
Don't be bullshit, you bastard. I don't know if it's the premise of using
super powers.
all. You have only one talent, but you're the main character anyway."
A system that I have never set up as a trait is probably suppor ng that.
Just like Ellen has traits like a warrior's bloodline, and other traits I'm not
aware of.
Ludwig also had such a correc on characteris c.
there will be a lot of good why? Because he's the protagonist.
Maybe he also has the bloodline of a warrior? A er all, you will eventually
become as strong as Ellen.
And even if I use my superpowers in the first place
Eren, who doesn't use magic enhancement, won't win, and it won't work
for Scarle either. Scarle 's skills are comparable to that of Cliffman, a
combat talent.
It's about arguing for superiority.
S ll, thanks to the strong self-sugges on through these and other
experiences, I could feel her physical abili es explode.
Only magic power can be strengthened here
I wouldn't have asked for anything more.
Improvement of physical ability due to enhancement of magical power,
improvement of physical ability due to self-sugges on.
You can grab it all with a double buff and carry it around
there will be
But would I be able to do that? It seems that the me has come when I
need to imprint the third talent, and I have endured it for a long me.
Anyway. In the Orbis class, the class was conducted without any results for
the senseless revenge of the royal class.
A er all the classes, I looked up Ludwig's physical data and found out why
Ludwig suddenly became stronger.
B-11 Ludwig
| [Strength 14.2(B-)] [Right 10.4(C)]
[Dexterity 9.7(C-)]
[Magic 9.2(C)] [Health 32.2(S)]
Ludwig's physical abili es were rising so rapidly that it could not be
compared with the original development. His physical strength surpassed
that of humans, and he has entered the S rank.
all. Ellen didn't even reach S rank in her body data.
The reason is one.
Ludwig did not get involved in incidents and troubles within the class
because of my existence.
So he didn't pay any a en on to that and concentrated on his own
training, and his physical ability increased significantly more than before.
The importance has disappeared, so the main character is more than the
original. got stronger Because there are no obstruc ons.
Even if I use my superpowers, if I get along with him right now, I think I'll
get hit.
What's this?
In conclusion, I didn't have a fight with the Orbis class. We just prac ced
and prac ced while we were taking classes together. Jin's feeling is pre y
It seems like he was hurt a lot, but anyway, the class was finished properly.
A er that, there was no quarrel at all,
However, when I returned to the dormitory, the atmosphere was a bit
- Just tell the teacher.
-done. sloppy.
The three arrogant brothers were si ng in the lobby and talking seriously.
What's the ma er, you're saying don't tell the teacher?
Chuck looked like Erhi was the main character. Look closely, the guy's face
is slightly
it was swollen
“What are you? Where did you get it?”
"Hey, Reinhardt..."
Cayer, Kono Lint, and Erch all three of them were all gone when I suddenly
approached them.
Looking at Ergi de Lafaeri's small ponytail, it was obvious where he had
been beaten. Erhi, the punishment during the vaca on
I was trying to rub it on me a er doing some crunches, but when I found
out that I had done something unusual in the Darkland, I was dented.
All three of them looked puzzled as they didn't know that I would show
“What are you asking, you bastard?”
Why are these cubs so slow?
do you want to get hit?
I sat obliquely on the armrest of the chair where Kono Lint was si ng,
I heard the story of picking up and serving.
“...I had an argument with the Orbis class.
It seems that Erhi was also in a similar situa on to us today. This guy took a
swordsmanship class in another place, and it seems that there was an
Orbis class guy in that class.
But when I heard it, I hit my goal.
"Hey bastard. That's not an argument, it's an argument.
"That's it! I, I was just talking!"
- Jump!
When I raised my hand, Erhi's body trembled violently. Instead of hi ng
you, are you pecking just by raising your hand?
It's amazing how these bastards got their fear of me gone and then
recharged right away.
Anyway, Erhi was in a similar situa on to me today.
“Isn’t it a good thing you got beaten up a er losing prac ce and ge ng
beaten up a er class? And you, Cayer."
"Uh... huh?"
“When I tell the teacher what kind of pride this is, did I say, ‘Mani’?” |
"Well, did you get hit anyway...?"
When I frowned, Cayer
shut his mouth
Similar to mine, but the opposite.
While listening to a swordsmanship class, Erhi had a prac ce match with
the Orbis class like today. And it seems that his self-esteem was hurt a er
he lost horribly.
“Anyway, to the kids who are sensi ve to that, you don’t have any talent,
so if you tell them that you will be able to step on them next year, you’re
lucky they didn’t get hit. You met the in la ce nigga. I beat him up and let
him go.”
A er losing to the Orbis class kid, I don't have any talent or anything.
Let's enjoy it now~?
it looks like shit
I'm glad I didn't get hit, you bastard. In any case, it seems that he touched
the opponent's repulsion and came back a er being beaten on the spot.
Erhi was crushed as if there was nothing to refute my words.
Erhi is also a guy with a slightly different storyline than the original.
He's a guy who doesn't know how to do hard work, but the ming for this
guy's effort is very poor.
However, looking at his physical data, this guy seems to have a bit of a
workout while on vaca on. Of course, it seems like he only hit Jungnang.
As soon as he started school, I no ced that he was ac ng strangely to me,
so I could just guess why.
“At first, I think you did some ironing on vaca on to rub against me, right?”
“That’s right.”
I wonder if my guess was correct
's complexion darkened.
This bastard felt like living under the pressure of me, so I trained my
conversion during vaca on. And the new semester seemed to start a er
stepping on me,
It's clear that the three arrogant brothers are looking at me in a nega ve
way, and there has been a me when Ergi was beaten by me like Kaier.
However, it is certain that those expecta ons have been sha ered early
on. Not only did I get stronger, I had a strong feeling that I must have
go en stronger.
However, once I have gained confidence, I will have to go somewhere, but
it seems that it was the Orbis class. Erhi and the other two, whose
thoughts were discovered
He was dying in real me.
"A shameless bastard. If you can't beat it, don't be arrogant, both me and
the guy you gave me today."
I'm so confident that I'm being fooled. I actually won, so why bother saying
you won't be able to lose? Erhi couldn't even raise his head at my face.
"Are you a thug? You're bea ng the kids again."
When I turned around at the sudden sound, I saw Harriet looking at me
with her arms crossed and sighing.
“...what did I lose?” |
“Otherwise, why is his face like this?”
Seeing Erhi's face open, he must have thought I had hit him.
seemed to be
“No, it’s not me, am I? Hey. Did I hit you?”
“Huh? Uh… ah, no. He didn’t do it… but…”
Erhi said I was playing with a gloomy expression
Let's try to fix it right away.
What is this, who threatens to pretend not to be hit by the girl who hit me
No, really I didn't!
Harriet hit me like I'm crazy
I was watching everything
“, he looks like a real thug... now he's a gangster
Even the night…”
this child.
Seriously, I think you're a li le disappointed
Nope! Really
I didn't hit you!
I want to cry.
I feel like a shepherd boy.
Harriet took a deep breath and looked at Erhi, who had become crumpled,
and snorted.
shouted in his voice.
"You too! Don't you get beaten up by a guy like this and don't get
Talk to the teacher or do something like this
You shouldn’t do that.”
“Ji, I really didn’t get it right…”
"Or what's wrong with your face? If it's right
You have to tell me you're right!"
“That, that… that. that is...."
When she was in school she seems to come up with PTSD.
It hurts more to hear something like this from a third party than it is right.
Harriet seemed unaware that she was sha ering Erhi's dignity.
Me and the one who was mumbling behind my back recently
I see a sign of what to do
I was just trying to do some shit.
Harriet intervened out of the blue and slightly beyond her true educa on?
Didn't she want to be beaten like this?
She didn't actually lose!
"It's really not a big deal. He has a dirty temper and can't do anything if he
goes out hard. He keeps ignoring him because he's s ll."
“Uh, that… that…”
Harriet said she was bea ng Erhi with apnea, without knowing what she
was talking about.
“Heriot? what's the ma er?"
And Harriet was mu ering something like a muffled sermon, so I was
drawn to Aggro.
This me, Liana de Granz showed interest and approached. Harriet sighed
and pointed at me.
“That thug kid doesn’t give me his habit, and he bullies them.”
I was just asking what's going on! I didn't actually hit it! speak a li le
It was rough, but I didn't really hit it!
And now you're harassing! I don't feel like I'm being harassed, but
Look at Erhi's face.
It makes me want to die when I come to Liana.
you've got a look The other two aren't much different either.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 185

Erhi became a living corpse. I got beaten up by the Orbis class and whined,
but in the royal class, my mentality was sha ered.
If you think about it, Erhi is the ins gator of Scarlet's bullying, so even if
he's already a permanent sandbag, he's a guy who has nothing to say.
That's not what I'm going to say
“Are you pretending to care about the kids?
self. And you didn't really hit me?"
“You’re going to be bored.”
"Really! I really didn't hit you!"
No ma er what I say, I can't believe it.
Anyway, Harriet is like me
He did not know how to dry a er seeing it, so he was strangely
The three brothers, who are arrogant, are slowly paying a en on.
I went into the room looking at it, so it was just me and Harriet in the
lobby. “Why do I care about them? It's just that you don't go around like
that. I hate to see you.”
Was my point of view not the kids being bullied, but the li le things I was
doing? It's kind of sad too.
Harriet's personality has changed so much that it's incomparable to the
original. Where did Harriet go, who was despised by the common people
and did not even treat low-level children as human beings?
She seems to have forcibly disappeared because she has a rela onship
with me.
“What else is this me?”
"What else did you do because you were so grumpy?"
Harriet says I'm not like that for nothing
I wondered why I thought
it was sheep
“It’s not a big deal, I was just asking where did he get the shot from, what
did he do?”
“…you got it right?”
"Yeah! I'm not a fan?"
Are you not a fan? It was the eyes that clearly read this inten on.
I am firmly convinced Yes, it can't be helped. I am a shepherd boy In this
part, no one believes if you give an explana on.
“It seems like he was beaten while arguing with the Orbis class. So I just
said a few words not to flirt anywhere...”
“… to the Orbis class?”
"okay. I think I got beaten up a er having an argument a er class because I
was so mad a er losing prac ce.”
Harriet seemed a li le stunned when things seemed to be very different
from what he thought.
"Why is he like that?"
“Why are you leaking to the leaking gourmet?
If I ask you, will you hear anything more than that it's a leak because it's a
“…what are you talking about?”
“It’s just that guy.”
When Heriot said that he was upset a er losing, and he was beaten in
reverse while arguing, Erhi seemed even more pathe c.
He's been ge ng hit, but he's also out of character.
Heriot's evalua on of Erch seemed to have go en even lower. Harriet was
looking at me with her arms crossed.
"...if you think about it, you're like that too."
“If you quarrel and judge anywhere, you will get hit.”
"...what is that?"
“It is clear that you will fight for nothing if you meet the Orbis class.”
Because of my personality, just like Erhi was beaten, the situa on in one of
the two is
It seemed certain that it would happen.
“…have you already done something similar today?”
"....what? Have you been figh ng?”
“I didn’t fight! mind! I o en share
I know you look like a crazy bastard! We prac ced, this me!”
I already had a fight with the Orbis class guy, and today's job that was
terrifying at all
Let me explain, Harriet was pissed off.
It was like
"...Yeah, we didn't fight."
“Am I surprisingly a person who takes care of politeness and face? It may
be hard to believe.”
“...Ha, a er losing on purpose without using superpowers, and then using
superpowers and winning everything else, you must have been mean to
yourselves. do you know everything?" it's not."
why do you know me so well Do you know exactly where my personality
I was talking with Harriet in the lobby, and someone from behind me
"Ah oh."
Changed from school uniform to training uniform
It was Ellen.
Ellen points her chin to her gym.
turned on It's the sound of going to training.
“It’s good to win with superpowers, but you know that if you win without
superpowers, you’re a total loser.”
"You know? Aren't you proud?"
“I was arrogant, but I believed in superpowers.”
Mr. Lee.
Anyway, it's training me.
"uh? Ah... yes.”
Harriet nodded with a slightly blank expression on my face.
Today's training wasn't very long. uh
Because I had to give Ellen what I couldn't give her.
“…are these all gold coins?”
Ellen saw a huge bag of gold coins that I brought to her room.
you were surprised
“Exactly yours, one hundred and eighty.
To count, count to count.”
It certainly seems difficult to count. Ellen thinks she's surprised by the
amount of gold
She did, but she didn't, so she didn't seem to like it at all. what to eat with
will think about
In the end, the real income in the Darkland is not the cursed sword and the
magic earrings He gave to Harriet, if you think of it like a snob, but this
Huge amount of money worth billions of dollars.
However, since we were in the Temple, an environment where food,
clothing, and shelter were completely guaranteed, neither Ellen nor me
were impressed with the money. L
Ren limped around her room as she picked up and released her gold coin
She said that she let go and let go and then she looked at me with a fat
“It’s Jim.”
Ellen seems to feel that this huge amount of money is nothing more,
nothing less.
“Then give it to me.”
“I hate that.”
In my a empt to eat a thousand nyang with a single word, Ellen said no,
she shook her head. Sheesh, I thought I was born.
Ellen was staring at her pocket of gold.
If money is embedded in it, eventually borrow it.
Do you think that there is nothing more and nothing less than a sack of
silver barley?
evening me.
The only difference is that Ellen eats with her girls.
that it's done
And she included me in it. Of course, Ellen says she doesn't talk, and she
doesn't have much of a reac on. Mainly, Harriet and Liana are talking and
Leah tends to do her reac ons.
I'm also the type of person who doesn't say anything unless I talk to him
They say that I have to put a coin in it and it is thick
That the answer is a broken vending machine
You know, you don't talk to me well
“I want to ask you something.”
Today, unusually, Ellen opened the door to her horse first. She wasn't
looking at me, she was looking at Liana and Harriet.
“Yes, ask.” “This is the first me Ellen has said she wants to ask something.
Huh. what?"
Both of them were doing things that Ellen didn't do, so it was strange. Ellen
nodded her head to see if she had a lot of trouble.
“You two have a lot of money.”
"money? Uh... is that right? So will Harriet.”
The Duke of Granz has villas all over the con nent.
She is the Grand Princess of the Principality of Saint-Touan. Harriet is more
like a princess than a noble in the first place.
Asking them if they have money is the same as asking if they are breathing.
It's just normal. Suddenly
Why are you talking about money?
“If you have a lot of money, what do you do?”
this guy
Gold coins in the room un l dinner
What are you doing with this while holding money? What
Should it be rumored that she spent her money well? It looks like he was
worried about it.
When I imagined Ellen doing that alone in her room, something cute..
I don't think so, kid.
What do you do when you have a lot of money?
The two will receive such a ques on from Ellen.
I didn't know that, so I was a li le dumbfounded.
“Ah… that I got paid from the Adventurers’ Guild. Are you talking about
The addi onal remunera on received was also quite high. That was
yesterday, Mr. Epinhauser.
delivered through But it was a cute amount for these two.
“Other than that, there are jewels and
I got money for these things, but that's a lot
But I don't know where to put it."
“How many?”
over a thousand.”
Thousands of gold coins.
“Kek! Khehe! 👑 👌👌👌👌👌 please!"
"Ah, Adelia! Are you okay?"
“Drink water!”
As she listened quietly, Adelia sighed in surprise that her eyes popped out.
Ryeo-sun was coughing wildly.
She was surprised to the point that her eyes suddenly popped out, and
Adelia calmed down, and her face turned red and she quietly ate.
Thousands of gold coins.
over a billion.
“It’s a lot…”
Even Harriet and Liana didn't deny that it was quite a lot of money. The
amount itself may be the price of chewing gum for them, but they earned
it in one gulp. Of course, I know it wasn't easy because they knew the
details, but
What if you have too much money?
Where do you usually spend your money?
Ellen seemed curious about it. “Well… I think I’m going to buy some magic
tools or a rare magic stone and study it… or something like that. Although
the amount is quite large, it will be used up quickly
I think lil.”
“Ugh… I o en think that if I have a lot of money, I want to do that.” |
It was Harriet's words, and Adelia agreed. Although the temple provides
support in one way or another, it is not an indefinite investment. There are
quite a few things that can't be done due to money limita ons.
The magic major definitely has a place to spend money. But Ellen is a magic
not a ball
“Usually, I spend my money buying clothes. Ellen made a lot of money. I
think I'll use it soon."
It's a billion, you bastard!
You say you're going to use it to buy clothes? What are you wearing?
I barely endured the fact that I almost rushed at Liana's words, which
suddenly made people crave for the backbone.
A er all, Liana is interested in her self and her personal hobbies.
If you spend a lot of money
It looks like you can write anything.
“..... Then I thought about it.”
Harriet carefully listened to Liana's words.
opened her mouth. When I really want to hear something
You seem to have realized something.
“Ellen, don’t you have any plain clothes other than school uniforms?”
"there is."
Ellen pointed to the clothes she was wearing. At those words, Liana and
Herriot's complexion darkened.
“…I mean, I was talking about plain clothes other than training clothes.”
Harriet is right.
Ellen is only in school uniform or training clothes
am. civilian clothes
There is no such thing as Ryu. I've never seen you wear anything like that
Ann school uniform or training clothes
all. Even right now, Ellen is wearing a sweatshirt.
A er class, everyone changes into their normal clothes and walks around.
Adelia is wearing a gray dress.
In addi on, Harriet was wearing a black dress that looked luxurious in a
lace style, and Liana was wearing a blouse and trousers.
was wearing
It's not that I'm trying hard to dress up, but everyone wears their own
casual clothes.
But Ellen is always just a sweatshirt. Almost the same design
It's not much different for each sweatshirt.
Liana also opened her mouth blankly as she realized that she had already
realized it.
“You, don’t you think there’s one more common one-piece dress?”
Saw Ellen wearing a skirt
Only when she wears a school uniform. Liana grabbed Ellen's hand as she
entered her swearing mode.
“I can’t, you. Let's go buy some clothes."
Liana bought her a swimsuit because she didn't want to see Ellen in her
school swimsuit the other day. This me she seemed upset that Ellen didn't
have one of her proper plain clothes. Liana she decided to go shopping for
Ellen's plain clothes and this me she looked at me.
“Hey, come along too.”
"...what? Why am I? I didn't ask where to spend the money?"
Liana frowned at my words.
“What are you different? You, too, are the same as training clothes on Heo
Guheon Day.”
Just as Ellen wore her plain clothes without a skirt, I didn't even have a
sweatshirt or a proper pair of pants.
Ellen and my clothes are different only gender
The style was just the same.
No, you only train for Heo Guheon Day, so why do you need plain clothes?
You wouldn't even wear it anyway?
Ellen must have been thinking the same thing.
"Anyway, tomorrow's class is over and it's shopping. Everyone gather in the
Is it a misunderstanding that Riana de Granz feels like she has the strongest
voice in this posi on?
On Wednesday, there were medita on, psychic control, and psychic
prac cal classes. Medita on and superpower control are s ll in the first
It was a job I did.
Yesterday's swordsmanship class was a class in which a dummy was
summoned using summoning magic and fought with the dummy. There
was also a case where monsters were summoned, and it was literally a
class that competed with a remote-controlled doll in swordsmanship. It's
about figh ng something like a golem with a sword.
This is the superpower version of that class, and it's a class exclusive to the
Royal Class.
The superpowers inside the Royal Class are guns
six people.
Liana, I, Connor Lint, Charlo e, Heinrich, and even Ibia.
Only those who take this class will be aggressive in their abili es.
B-class Ivia has telepathic abili es. That's because there's no aggression
yet, so he doesn't take classes.
It happens later, but whatever. Now, nobody knows
Of course, in the case of Kono Lint, who has the ability to teleport, it is a bit
Depending on how you use it, there are many ways to use teleporta on
aggressively. But the fatal side effect of ability,
Prac cal class because of being naked
is not
Of course, the level of the Royal Class psychics has risen in their own way,
so they also develop into Kono Lint's psychic abili es.
there was
Before the super powers prac ce class.
Superpower control class.
- Oh... Oh! Lindt! Unbelievable!
How can this be possible!!
| - Stand, sir...! I did it! de
Dear.... I finally did it!!
- That, though! Don't come near in that ou it!!
-Billion... uh. Yes....
Kono Lint is deeply moved by the teacher in charge in the closed classroom
where he always prac ces his abili es.
was sharing
“…what’s going on?”
A er one ability test, Liana lted her head when she heard Kono Lint's
Charlo e didn't seem to be taking classes anywhere else at all.
"Everyone! Good news!”
And the training school of Kono Lint
Saga opened the closed room door.
I cried out with a wet expression on your face.
“We, our lint, lint-kun finally
uh! You can teleport your underwear together.
There is!”
At those words, everyone's class stopped, and even the teachers in charge
had a bewildered expression on their faces.
It was a crucible of astonishment.
“I, I… Really?!”
“Okay, Mr. Lelin! No coincidence! I made it three mes in a row!"
"Hey, this can't be!"
Kono Lint, who is capable of answering the dog, blooms.
has evolved her ability to teleport her pan es together a er training!
“Wow.... Big breath....”
Kono Lint, who appears to have just picked up her clothes, was so moved
by herself that she shut her mouth and shed her tears of emo on. servant
Richie and Ibia were also shocked by the remarkable growth of Kodo Lint.
If her ability, which had to give up her dignity, finally gave up her dignity,
She's grown to be usable.
Liana's face was a li le red of her complexion, and her face was lost.
“It’s so… it feels great… but what is this feeling…”
Now that the fatal penalty is gone, it is right to celebrate.
But, it's subtle. I definitely remember this part. Konolint's abili es con nue
to evolve.
She now moves her underwear together, but later will be able to move all
of her clothes. Even if she doesn't give up her dignity
Her ability level is improved enough to become
But, in the process. It must have been the socks next.
Moving together with pan es and socks
Kono Lint, who succeeded in 'Kono Lint', has a strange shape, so in the end,
the socks can be moved together, but the socks just don't move.
“I… I, I thought I could do it…!”
We all had no choice but to cheer for her thrilled Kono Lint for this

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 186

abili es con nue to develop.
In the prac cal class that follows, Kono Lint
cannot par cipate Only pan es move
It became possible because his figh ng ability was the worst.
Even if the clothes and weapons were actually moved, it would be the end
of twis ng the wrists of a child with his skills.
Taking prac cal classes is Ivia and Kono
Four except for Lint.
Charlo e, Heinrich, Liana, and me.
As soon as Charlo e started taking classes alone, she went somewhere.
Her Charlo e's abili es were so great that she managed to capture orcs on
her own during deserted island missions.
Her actual performance will be outstanding once.
Heinrich's wai ng me for her ability to ac vate is reduced.
Perhaps it was a problem, and in the prac cal class, he diddged and rolled
and pooped porridge.
“Heh… heh heh! Ugh!"
- Gwareung! Kwareung!
Angry at the goblins that are running around you
It caused flames to prevent him from approaching, but he couldn't hit it.
For Liana.
- Flash! bang!
As she stood s ll and fired a lightning bolt at the rushing goblins, the
goblins hit there sca ered like smoke and disappeared. A city with a range
of only five meters
As if when was the temple, output is also an intersec on
also increased tremendously.
Liana's powers were on the orc when she was on a deserted island.
The crab couldn't do her damage properly. If it is now, the orcs will become
completely roasted as soon as they approach it.
No ma er how you look at it, it's an opening ability.
Lightning is invincible...
I was simple.
- Boom!
The goblin that was summoned frightened by kicking the head of the
rushing goblin was reconciled to smoke and disappeared.
"...I don't know if Reinhardt-kun has go en stronger or his super powers
have go en stronger."
My teacher doesn't know if it's just that my physical has improved so much
that my abili es have go en stronger or if I have go en stronger.
said she.
A er class on Wednesday, Liana de Granz and I went back to the dormitory
together. Everyone gathers in the dormitory anyway
There was no reason to go back because I was going to go shopping.
Ellen breaks her magical powers too soon
I got discouraged and took private lessons.
Know. She'll be taking a lot of classes related to magic enhancement. I
don't know if the yoga master teacher is teaching or not,
A er returning to the dormitory and wai ng for a while, Herriot and Adelia
returned. They both went back to their room, changed into their casual
clothes and came out again.
“Did you wear makeup?”
"Huh. However?"
Seeing the slight change in the color of Harriet's lips, he nodded when
asked. I don't know where or how I got my makeup, but it feels like
something subtly different
I did win.
“I heard that pu ng on makeup is the best thing to do.”
At my words, Harriet looked at me and closed her eyes.
I was blown away
“…well, what, are you trying to make fun of me because I can’t wear
“……No, I was going to say that I did well…”
Why does he think I always have an offensive stance? Her face turned red
at my words.
"Well... well. I didn't mean to hear you say that, did you?"
If you do this, my tongue moves without realizing it.
“I just said it, didn’t I just say it to make you feel be er?”
“Are you in a bad mood?”
“Do you look good? Being praised
Did you have it in your ear?"
“I didn’t hear it! Not good at all!”
"I'd hate it even if I complimented her for saying she wore makeup really
well. What's the problem, nigga?"
"Aww! I'm annoyed!"
Harriet ended up s cking with Liana, realizing that it was a loss to mix
things up.
"Isn't it me you know that if you talk to him for more than five words,
you're sure to get mad?"
Liana pa ed Harriet on the shoulder as if to understand that dealing with
her would be a loss.
Anyway, a er wai ng a li le longer, Ellen finally arrived at the dormitory.
Liana said she doesn't o en go directly to buy her clothes in the first place,
she said.
Most of the me she makes to order, she calls the bou que and she can
get her clothes there.
It seems that they pack a lot of clothes and buy clothes they like.
That's what her rich people do.
Her other rich man, Harriet, said he didn't care much for her clothes. If you
just need robes, it seems to be made according to the size of the occasion.
It's not an image at all, but if you ask me
Harriet is a criminal. self study
Although he's only a hard-working criminal.
It's not at an extreme level like Ellen, but Harriet is the type of person who
only pays a en on to her major, so she's also not in plain clothes.
There doesn't seem to be much.
She's a bad boy like Adelia, and she's living on the pocket money given to
her by the temple, and she's not interested in buying anything with it.
With the excep on of Liana de Granz, who brought us along, she almost
always buys clothes. She has li le or nothing to do. She was not
par cularly interested in
“It’s been a really long me since I’ve come out in person.”
Liana is lined with her clothing stores.
When she arrived on a luxurious street, she said so. Clothing stores inside
the temple
This is a lot but she says Liana and she wants a full-fledged shopping.
“Ellen, if you close your eyes and buy, do you think all gold coins will
disappear in an instant?”
What are you looking to buy?
It's not my money, but I'm already
It was almost a waste of money.
Of course, this me, Liana isn't buying it. As she goes shopping, she buys
clothes with her own money. Ellen was black-eyed when it came to her
ou it, so she had to s ck with Liana.
She recommended this and that.
She was busy going around the many stores, trying on and buying these
and other clothes. There was nothing wrong with having plain clothes, so I
bought a few clothes I liked.
“...Try it on and buy it.”
“It would be roughly right.”
"Are you guys not twins? Haven't you known un l now? How come they
both say the same thing?"
Liana was astonished to see that Ellen and I, too, live without even trying
on if they want to look right. It seems that Ellen and I have established a
hypothesis that they are twins who separated immediately a er birth.
Harriet and Adelia also bought clothes.
Harriet was looking in the mirror, trying on one-piece dresses and other
clothes and shoes. Harriet, wearing a white dress and pink shoes, looked in
the mirror and met my eyes.
“…don’t say anything.”
Her face was red from embarrassment. why not? Do you get along well? I
can't stand this gap, do you know how to argue?
I didn't want to say anything, so I just kept my mouth shut.
"...if you said you didn't say anything, you didn't really say anything!"
"...what do you mean you bastard!"
“If you’re not going to say anything, why keep going?
Hit it, look!”
It seems that the medicine has risen since I kept staring and didn't say
“Are you worn out? Looked good together! cute! uh!"
"What, what! Why are you complimen ng me like I'm angry!"
Harriet's tone was thick, and the words in it were praise, and his lips
all. Eventually, Harriet trembled and ran into the dressing room.
"Hey, hey. Come to work."
Suddenly Liana called me.
“Shut up and have a look.”
It was Ellen where Liana took me.
“…it’s too empty.”
It was a bit awkward to wear this kind of ou it, so I was touching the hem
of the dress.
Ellen was wearing a silver-colored off-the-shoulder ruffle dress. She was
there and she was wearing black enamel shoes. Because of her natural
white skin, the contrast between her white legs and black clothes caught
her eye.
If Harriet was cute, she had a hard me seeing Ellen.
“You look so good together, so why are you wearing only a fic ous old
day training suit?”
Liana mumbled as she stared blankly at her figure of Ellen. How could such
a talented person be ro ng? That's the look you want
“It’s uncomfortable.”
Ellen said it or not, it seemed quite uncomfortable for her to wear such
empty clothes. Ellen met her eyes with me. Harriet looked at me and she
told me not to say anything, but Ellen said she looked at me.
She said nothing.
Should I say something?
Of course, even if I didn't say anything, Liana was talking to herself.
“Hey, look at his waist. Where do you get your strength from on this
When I touched Ellen's waist line, Liana's ears were missing. thin huh
She was surprised by the Lee line, and it seemed that she did not
understand that physical data on such a subject was currently ranked first
in the Royal Class.
“No, you eat like that in the first place, so does your waist make any
Liana is an error in the laws of physics in this world
She seems to be star ng to ques on the award.
...that's what I did. I'm sorry.
“Why don’t you say anything?”
Ellen didn't say anything while avoiding my gaze, so she did that at first.
she asked what. Tell me what it is. Is this what you're talking about? When I
was a li le dazed and didn't say anything, Liana laughed.
“What is that?”
Liana clasped her Ellen's waist with one hand.
look at me closed
“I was always swea ng and cu ng, but when I saw that the other person
was wearing it properly... Huh? Why do you feel a li le different?”
“Hey, what the hell are you talking about! Shut up!"
What are you saying, kid!!
“Why did you become dumb with honey? Can you say something? Goes
well. pre y. Don't you have anything to say? Why can't you say those
simple words?"
“Don’t be noisy! It’s not like that.”
It's not like that! It's a more complicated feeling, I can't explain it properly!
"Goes well. uh."
" it?"
What's wrong with you
Ellen bought the clothes.
Everyone who le the shop bought a lot of clothes and returned to the
temple. Everyone returned to the temple with their new clothes on, and
their closets were completely filled.
“Try this, try this on.”
“……It’s annoying.”
"No, you want me to try some clothes on?"
Without going back to her own room, Liana stormed into Ellen's room,
bought a bunch and tried on her clothes one by one.
I also met Liana de Granz for the first me today.
She's also pre y good at trying on someone's clothes.
that it's fun Above all else, a hanger that goes well with anything she wears
is in front of her, so she keeps ge ng greedy. A kid like this wore her school
uniform and training clothes on her hoax day. If you ask me about this, I
think it's a waste of talent.
Ana firmly believed.
in her boots
While trying on this and that including skirts, dresses, and accessories, L
Even though Ren expresses annoyance, Liana
tension is too high to push
“Oh, let’s go buy a dress later. You look really good.”
Liana is sure to wear a proper dress instead of this casual dress.
I missed you.
Liana was sure that everyone would see this sports addict again.
“Yeah, that Reinhardt bastard today, seeing one of you wearing a one-piece
dress, you’re crazy, but if you show me you’re wearing a dress, you’re going
to be blown away, right?”
Reinhardt's reac on was also interes ng.
Unlike usual, I can't see properly with Ellen.
Seeing the way we couldn't meet, I felt strangely
She even had fun.
"...why is that?"
But at Liana's words, Ellen smirked. what i wear
What is the rela onship between Reinhardt and Reinhardt? Liana stared at
Am I wrong?
“You didn’t like Reinhardt, did you?”
Ellen giggled.
“Then don’t you like it?”
"no. I don't hate it.”
Ellen was silent for a moment, as if contempla ng, and then she opened
her mouth.
“I think you like it….
I don't know if I got it."
“Ah… I know what you’re talking about.”
They just think of them as very close friends. Liana wasn't there for a long
me, but as she watched Ellen all the me, she knew that although her
abili es were excellent, she was clumsy and inexperienced in this and that
She likes Reinhardt, but she doesn't know what her heart is like as the
opposite sex or what.
She must have never had a crush on anyone. Ellen Reinhardt
Likes. But she doesn't even know what her feelings are.
Liana chuckled.
"Hmm... I just get nervous when I'm with him, isn't there anything like
"at all."
I've been trembling When she had to do her first murder with Reinhardt in
the Darklands, when she was figh ng hordes of zombies, she knew that
she wasn't asking for anything like that.
She never trembled because of Reinhardt, though.
“I accidentally touched her finger ps with him. Have you ever felt your
heart pound or tremble when you touched her body?”
"does not exist."
In the beginning, I prac ced swordsmanship every day, so that was my
daily rou ne.
Reinhardt trembles a lot.
just red running out of power
By the me training is over, it's very noisy.
fall off
Liana was ge ng more and more excited, and her expression was ge ng
She said, "It's not like I'm nervous, or I'm going to do something I don't
normally do, or anything like that.
".......does not exist."
“If your dog seems to be more friendly with other kids, isn’t he annoyed or
angry or anything like that?”
"at all."
Ellen never really felt that way.
she never had She's with Reinhardt
She was comfortable when she was comfortable. There is no reason to be
nervous. Liana sighed with her leaking expression.
“We went to Darkland together, so I thought there would be something
between the two of us, but there is none. Are you really just friends? No, I
don’t know Reinhardt, but you seem to be like that.”
Liana sat down on Ellen's bed as if she had made sure that Ellen thought
Reinhardt was her true friend.
"If you like someone, will that happen?"
I get nervous for nothing, I get angry when I think I'm friendly with other
people, I do things I don't normally do,
Ellen wondered if it was true that Liana said that if she fell in love with
someone she would. Liana looked like she was thinking for a while, and
then she suddenly got a blank expression on her face.
“…that’s right.”
“Being thinking about it. who do i like
never seen I’ve seen almost all of them in love novels.”
Even though I've never done it myself
What do you do when you like someone, she said
All of a sudden, Liana de Granz
Realizing that, she went blank.
The kids who didn't know or teach each other were arguing with each
other about this or that.
Eren thinks about Reinhardt
try it
'Goes well. uh.
This is what Reinhardt said when she wore clothes she had never worn
She couldn't put it into words, but she felt a strange sensa on in her chest,
a li le ckling in her chest. It was the first strange feeling she had ever felt.
Would that be evidence?
Probably not, Ellen thought.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 187
That night I went shopping.
- Kaang! Kang!
“It’s dead.”
In the end, the appearance of changing into a training suit and flir ng with
a kite doesn't change. I bought plain clothes, but I don't know if I'll ever be
able to wear them.
I wonder if the day will come when I will be able to wear Inama.
There are always three people in the gym, as always.
Me, Cliffman, Ellen.
Ellen and I fight and Cliffman
is the one doing it alone. Occasionally, Cliffman and I have ba les. Of
course, it's s ll awkward. Cliffman doesn't even make eye contact with
Ellen, and that bastard's tantrum is a real disease.
A er arguing for a while and eventually being overused to the limit, I lay
down on the floor of the gymnasium.
s ll no match It's natural, but Ellen is stronger than I was, so it's
Ellen sat quietly next to me, who had been lying down.
“Why, do you have anything to say?”
He didn't say anything, but it felt like he had something to say, so I asked.
Ellen said she was s ll for a while before she asked.
“Have you ever liked anyone?”
“…Why are you asking such a thing all of a sudden?”
"just. I'm just curious."
It was a ques on that went far beyond expecta ons.
have you ever liked someone of course there should be It was before I
became this body,
But, well, there's no law saying you don't have a first love just because
you're 17, so I just said that. It's not really that weird.
“How do you feel then?”
Ellen didn't seem par cularly surprised.
“…feeling like a dog.”
“Do you feel like a dog?”
“Yeah, like a dog, then what about it?”
I don't know if you're da ng sweetly, but I fell in love with someone
If that person isn't interested in me
It's not like a dog, isn't it like a dog?
“ should feel happy
Ellen doesn't know why she's like a dog
He nodded his head. I lie down. He sat up and looked at Ellen.
"Come on, let's think about it." |
“Someone appears in your dreams every day. The first thing you think of
when you wake up in the morning, you think of it while ea ng, you think of
it while working, it’s just nice to be with you, and it feels good just by
making eye contact, anyway, it just reminds me of you. ”
“But how are you? that person meets
is there anyone Even if you say no, you're not interested in me at all? That
person treats me like trash. Or are you trea ng me like someone who just
keeps talking to me in a bad mood? Are you avoiding me?”
“Isn’t this a dog?”
Love is like a dog, you bastard! It's sick, it's sick! Unfulfilled love is all
Ellen giggled at my sudden abhorrence.
“Is it tea?”
“Is that the procedure a er making a confession? I couldn't even confess.
Where is the crazy guy who confesses while knowing it's going to be a car!
It's just that you're all alone and breathe un l you forget.
“...Anyway, you know what it feels like to like you.”
"okay. Anyway, I wonder why all of a sudden.”
Ellen said she stood s ll for a while, and then she grabbed my hand that
was lying around. It's not the first me he's been leaning on his back these
days, and it's not new.
"tremble? If you do this.”
“What kind of bullshit? Why are you trembling? Don't you have an
She trembled a bit when she drank to alcoholic levels, but this body is not!
There is no such thing! No more hair loss or tremors. I'm reborn!
“I’m not nervous either.”
Ellen is alone and she seems to know something
Gal nodded.
Why is he here?
what did you eat wrong?
A er her nigh me training, Ellen washed and changed her clothes in her
private room. She went to her dining room to grab something she ate.
It is now a fixed procedure for her to eat late night snacks with Reinhardt.
Unless Reinhardt wasn't par cularly busy, it was always normal to eat like
Liana de Granz gets nervous when she likes someone, she said.
Ellen had never felt that way when she was dealing with Reinhardt.
Reinhardt said that when you fall in love with someone, that person
appears in your dreams, and he always remembers you any me,
anywhere. And he said that if he wasn't interested in him, he was like a
dog. He seemed to hate the fact that he liked someone.
Likewise, Ellen is not thinking of Reinhardt wherever she is. You may or
may not make eye contact.
So she just held her hand, just in case, neither Reinhardt nor herself
or it wasn't
like it always happens. she didn't mind
Ellen came to her conclusion easily.
She likes Reinhardt, but he doesn't like him that way.
She is Ellen, she thinks so.
She doesn't know herself well, but when she synthesizes this and that and
her own feelings, she
Her run has come to a conclusion.
But I also have that ques on. She's just a friend, haven't I been too open-
minded towards Reinhardt? To be sure, he did to Reinhardt quite a few
things he wouldn't do with normal friends, and he s ll does.
Maybe I did something a li le strange?
Ellen inadvertently felt that awareness. I don't know how to deal with
people, so I don't know how to keep a proper distance. What is the line in
human rela onships?
I don't know if I'm in D, so there are moments when I crossed that line
without realizing it.
Clearly, Liana believes herself to be Reinhar
I'm a li le apprehensive about thinking of her as just her friend.
seemed surprised.
Ellen says she's the first to do what she does to Reinhardt herself and
they're kinda weird
She thought for the first me that there was also.
As she arrived at the restaurant and was about to enter, she saw Ellen
making a slight fuss inside her and she stopped.
She-whatever you eat at night makes you fat!
- Well, then you can exercise.
that's it
- Why do you keep ea ng when you say you don't want to eat? Are you not
- There's a lot of talk about the subject that was brought in while ea ng
sweets in the magic lab. Don't worry and eat properly!
- Ouch! Oh, you didn't eat?
- Heh, cookie crumbs on the lips
Can you tell me apart?
Harriet and Reinhardt were arguing. As always, Harriet who talks with a hot
face, and the line that smiles and puts medicine
It was Hart's face.
Ellen was watching her silently.
- Anyway, don't hate to eat like that.
I was hungry, so we ate together while having a late-night snack.
A er all, while I was ea ng something in the magic lab, Reinhardt told me
to come if we were going to eat dinner together anyway.
seemed to have come. Harriet had been dragged and had a fight,
It happened occasionally. Ellen and Reinhardt train late into the night.
Just like Harriet studied late into the night
Because it's o en in the room.
Hearing Garan Reinhardt's words if he didn't want to eat, Harriet sat down
at the table with her lips closed.
.... see what you're doing,
- Uh, hold on.
Ellen enters the kitchen, Lineha
At the entrance of the restaurant, I glanced at Harriet, whose back was
Ruth and her face was slightly recalled.
Reinhardt who is friendly with other people
I can't even think of anything
it was
Why would it be bad for a friend to be friends with a friend?
“Oh, Ellen.”
Ellen entered the dining room and she sat across from Harriet's. slightly
recalled expression
Harriet twisted her lips.
“Are you forcing me to bring you even when you say you don’t want to eat?
Harriet said it was annoying, and she shook her head.
Ellen looks at Harriet silently.
A slightly recalled face.
A sharp and sharp tone of voice.
She seems to be trembling a bit.
To Ellen about Harriet de Saint-Ouen
Her image is good. She didn't originally rate her at all. don't know
Because it was Ram. But when she went along, she could get to know West
Harriet's other aspects.
I don't know how she used to be, but at some point, Harriet doesn't do
things that despise anyone by exposing her iden ty and talent.
When conversing with her friend, but commoner, Adelia, she says that she
is not too considerate of Adelia, and if she makes a mistake, she
immediately apologizes. She tries not to say that in the first place.
Ellen, Harriet, and Adelia are going to go to school together and they are
shunning Liana.
Because it feels like with liana
also went together.
She is a person who knows how to take care of her surroundings.
unlike yourself.
When I'm with her friends, I tend to lead the mood and speak well. Almost
nothing is known about magic.
She behaves a li le differently about Reinhardt. He's not friendly, he's not
friendly, and he's almost always figh ng. Of course, Reinhardt puts the
medicine first, but
For Reinhardt alone, Harriet behaves differently. all other
It's not like that when dealing with people.
Words and ac ons only for Inhart
there are
When she meets Reinhardt, she becomes different from usual.
"Anyway... I'm grateful for taking care of me, but I have a talent for taking
care of people and not thanking people, so Jan."
A slightly recalled face, the subtle subtlety I make when talking about
Reinhardt in the absence of Reinhardt.
Ellen knows how she feels
She probably wouldn't, she thinks so.
“What are you making?”
However, Harriet de Saint-Ouenne
It seemed that he liked Ruth.
Then what should she do
She didn't know that well.
But she is as casually line-ha as she is now
Trea ng Ruth is to Harriet's upper body
will be,
Ellen thought so.
About the problem with the cursed sword
Her answer was soon heard from Mr. Effin Hauser.
“Your opinion that we should find out the true nature of the sword through
magic was accepted.
Uses mysterious powers to learn about the mysterious sword. Temple
seemed to have decided to do so. De omorian is the main liquor
I don't know if I'll be able to find out the history on the sword.
Of course, I don't have to look at it myself. I will only hear the results. Know
what kind of ceremony
I can't, but it takes me for the results to come out.
It was going to take a while.
"Tonight, the ceremony will be held in the temple chapel of Tuan inside the
To prepare for any unforeseen disaster
Sorcerers as well as priests are unclean
They will try to prepare everything so that the energy does not flow
To that end, the sacred place must be used as a ceremonial site, and such
unclean water
Easy to get the gun into the temple
I also allowed
“Can I a end?”
"Hmm... I wonder if I really need to see it, but it might not ma er if you're
looking at it from a distance."
Even though I wondered if there was a need to see it in person, I decided
to observe the site in person because I might have to write a review if
there was a big threat that I did not expect.
Thursday night.
At the end of the ceremony about the cursed sword, Ellen wanted to see
her too.
She stood and followed me. De omorian is oh
He must have always skipped all classes and was preparing for the
Inside the temple, there is a dedicated
All temples were installed. among them
Ceremony at the temple of the god of innocence Tuan
Ellen and I took the tram towards the temple of Tuan.
“It shouldn’t be anything special.”
Ellen seemed worried about her, she said
“It should be.”
If the items we brought cause this car accident at the Temple, it is en rely
my responsibility. Forcibly dragging things that will not grow even if
discarded or thrown away
because you came
Those who choose to major in religion will come o en, but Ellen and I were
the first to see the temple inside the temple today.
all. The Temple of Tuan is more than just a temple.
It was close to a huge church.
The huge front door was wide open, but people were being controlled.
Since we had obtained access to the temple in advance, we were able to
enter the temple by showing our student ID.
A er passing a few corridors, go inside the huge door again, the dome
's chapel was revealed.
In the center was a statue of Tuan, the god of innocence. That cursed
sword exerts the power to raise the dead. Therefore, I thought that the
temple of Tuan, which has the opposite power to that power, would be
suitable to suppress that power, so this place was decided.
A large number of people were gathered in the dome chapel. Almost all of
them are Temple officials.
it was ter
There were many people wearing priest's uniforms, and there were many
wizards. Because everyone doesn't know what's going to happen
were doing jobs.
Prepare a protec ve barrier in advance with magic and divine power in
case of an unexpected accident.
will put
I thought a lot of people were suffering because of one thing I brought.
And the priests were glancing at the center of the chapel with lukewarm
expressions as they were doing their jobs.
center of consciousness.
Cursed swords from the floor of the chapel
Floa ng in the air of thirty cen meters crotch
It was.
trapped in some kind of crystal crystal
It looked like a tongue. not sorcery
It looked like he had done some magic.
There, De omorian was moving slowly and doing something.
“…that’s ominous.”
Both me and Ellen had to share the same sen ment. Why do the priests
keep staring at you like you have a cramped back?
I had no choice but to see.
That bastard is drawing an uniden fied main alcohol group with blood on
the floor.
The temple chapel of Tuan, the god of innocence, also draws an
uniden fied shaman with blood right in front of the statue! I don't know
what kind of blood it was, but first of all, in the same bucket next to me,
there was red blood from the sagebrush.
De o Morian was trying hard to see if he had any awareness of such a
thing as blasphemy itself.
Everyone is doing this a er ge ng permission to do it at the temple, but
they had long and curious expressions on their faces to see if this was
really okay. We see it, but how do the priests feel?
The magic circle was drawn simply, not the complex magic circle I saw on
scrolls. Why is even that shaman so crooked?
I was staring at you wondering if it was something like that
I saw it and it's not. I looked inside Te omori and mu ered blankly.
"...I think you have epilepsy?"

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 188

People lined up around the chapel. We were all observers regardless of
safety measures, so we were watching the scene from afar at the far end of
the chapel.
As the priests chanted the protec ve spell, a sacred atmosphere filled the
A warm atmosphere as if everything would be completed without any
accident enveloped the en re chapel.
And, si ng cross-legged in front of the cursed sword, De omorian begins
to mumble something.
It is not known in detail, but a certain ritual begins. I wish I could check
what the cursed sword is and whether it can break the curse today.
Everyone was in a nervous state, and the murmur of Te omori can be
heard all the way from the center of the chapel so far.
Hearing enhancement would allow me to hear, but I didn't want to hear it.
for a very long me,
nothing happened at all.
Ellen and I made eye contact, but we could not chat in this solemn
But the idea will be the same.
When will this end?
An hour has passed since the ceremony started, and nothing has
happened, and Det Tomorian is s ll mu ering something.
They were ac va ng the protec ve barrier.
Come to think of it, it reminded me of joining De omo Rian's Occult
Research Department with Charlo e.
At that me, she asked if Charlo e could turn on the lights when it was too
dark, so Det Tomorian.
I said this.
Then the ceremony is over,
It was okay to turn on the lights, but she said that she would have to
perform another ritual for a week.
Doesn't this end in hours and take days or weeks? Then the people here
He's going to die because he's red, and De omorian can't stop ea ng and
eat like this in the middle?
It came, but I don't know how many hours it is.
Now, I can't ask De omorian, and the priests and wizards would like to
know, but everyone was concentra ng on their own, so I couldn't interfere.
Even when I tried to leave, the door to the chapel was firmly shut.
I think I can open it up and just leave
It is, though.
If you open the chapel door, you may get cheated, or your concentra on
may be disturbed and that Tomorian or someone makes a mistake. or
something like that?
It's so quiet everyone will hear us sneak out.
Ellen and I were on our own feet in a prison where no one could get out
un l the ceremony was over.
Ellen and I sat side by side on one of the chairs in the chapel, staring
intently at the ceremony.
It was past midnight without being able to return to the dormitory.
Ellen said she was red and she nodded. Normally, at mes like this, I
would just lean on me and fall asleep.
It's been a while since I've seen him stumble, so I just pulled it up and laid
it on my lap. That's about it, because it's nothing to me or him anymore.
... "
Ellen looked up at me as if she had just woken up, and she tried to get up.
In the sense of just growing up when I'm sleepy, I pressed the guy's head
Ellen wanted her to resist a bit and she was desperate
As if she was sleeping, she just closed her eyes.
Somehow, this casual skinship became easier for both of us.
It's not bad, but...
what is it
It's a strange feeling as if you skipped a rela onship and became a married
couple of ten years.
The ceremony was s ll going on, and the expressions of the priests and
wizards gradually showed fa gue.
was being revealed
Contrary to the ini al nervousness, the cursed sword did not leak any
atrocious energy, and the original state con nued.
was keeping
Knowing that the ritual is s ll going on
The only clue he has is that De omorian is constantly mu ering
I thought he was weak, but he wasn't at all.
Although it looked far away, there was no sign of exhaus on or hardship.
Even though a lot of me had passed since the ceremony started,
De omorian con nued to perform the ceremony in the same posture as
the first me.
He is also a great guy in many ways.
A er all, it won't be long before me too
can't stand it, sit down and fall asleep
It was.
It was someone shou ng that woke me and Ellen from their sleep.
"stop! Stop it now!"
I, of course, and Ellen woke up in that sudden castle.
Controlling this scene
The visible high priest exclaimed.
“It is dangerous beyond this! You must stop!” Colorful lights were pouring
down from the stained glass of the dome. Suddenly it was morning. But me
and Ellen couldn't help but pay more a en on to what they saw under the
light of the stained glass.
The eerie black energy emana ng from the cursed sword was wriggling
menacingly under the light of the stained glass.
It was a huge black energy comparable to the size of the goddess Tuan. |
Everyone was nervous as they saw the bizarre energy that seemed to be
alive. "It takes me... to quit..."
“Yeah, yes. hurry. come on stop I don't know what's going to happen
beyond this."
It seems that the bizarre energy that came out of that sword didn't cause
the accident, but it's ge ng bigger and bigger, so the ceremony shouldn't
be held anymore
He seemed to have a strong convic on that
Whether De omorian is in control, or is the barrier laid out by the priests?
I don't know if it's because of that, but that dark energy didn't a ack or
slander anyone.
However, that gigan c and insidious cursed energy that lives and breathes
destroys De omorian.
To surprise everyone in this place except for
had no choice but to
While everyone is nervous, me passes again, and the mysterious energy
emana ng from the cursed sword is inside the sword again.
went back into
“That… what the hell…”
Ellen seemed to have a fundamental ques on.
I know it's a very dangerous thing
But I thought it would be like this
Eren didn't even think about it.
She said that Det Tomorian gave up on the ceremony she was conduc ng
in the middle. If we con nue like this, irreversible things will happen.
It was because of everyone's intense anxiety.
A er the dark energy disappeared, the wizards began to take ac on by
clinging to the cursed sword.
Things seemed to have calmed down, so Ellen and I headed towards the
center of the chapel.
“Are you the students who brought those things?”
He looked at me with a serious expression and asked. Students here, me
and Ellen,
Because it's the only De omorian and we said that we would come and
observe the ceremony.
“It is not a tree. such a dangerous
Because I stopped things from messing up the world. That’s a good thing.”
He didn't look like he was scolding us.
“But it’s a very ugly thing.
me. I don't know what it is, but I can't put this in the temple anymore."
He said so. It's not even a moderately dangerous thing. I s ll don't know
what it is, but that's why I think I'll make the decision to either discard or
seal it
it was I couldn't say anything more about giving it one more chance. “No…
I knew what it was.
But I don't know if it's because I've been up all night, but De o Morian
staggered towards us.
walked to
I don't know what I was originally going to do, but my consciousness was
cut in the middle. But De o Morian found out about the history of that
cursed object.
“That, right? What kind of heinous thing is that thing... Did you find out?"
“Not exactly, but… yes…”
The person in charge looked at De omorian, as if he was going to talk to
“Very old.... such an object.... A very deep history... A piece of history that
is too deep to see its end... 'An object older than anything in the world... ..”
I don't know what it is, but it's older than anything else in the world.
Stones and objects older than rocks.
“This is something that was made before the world… this one.”
Older than the world, I
I couldn't understand it, but the priest seemed to be astonished.
“That, that… that… that… maybe. I hope that…”
Ellen also realized something, and her expression hardened seriously. Then
Ellen mumbled blankly.
“Holy things…?”
They are the things of the gods who created the world, so things that
existed before the world.
Things that must be older than everything in the world,
It is one of the relics of such gods.
De omorian found out that the cursed sword was a holy thing of the gods.
Because old stuff like that has no choice but to be like that.
The High Priest came out in surprise and Ellen
alternately looked at
“If this is true, what you guys found… seems to be a holy relic of a demon.
Even the demons gave holy things to the world…”
A holy relic of the gods that spreads unholy energy that revives the dead.
If that is the case, then it must be the holy relics of the demon gods, not of
the five great gods. The high priest has no choice but to conclude that
did not seem to exist in
“A demon known to have such power….. the god of corrup on. Kier... Was
it Kier's holy thing?"
Kier, the god of corrup on, corresponding to Tuan, the god of innocence.
For the first me in human history, the Holy Spirit
was found
He doesn't know if he should be happy with this situa on.
He was confused as if he didn't know what to do.
“…The Holy Spirit of the Demon…? Kier?”
It was the same with Ellen who lost her ear.
But I was stunned in a different way.
no drink There are only gods who are believed to be demons.
Then, of course, there would be no such thing as a holy spirit of a demon.
There are demonism, and those who believe in demonism can use their
divine powers, but there is no way a demon can send down his holy things
into the world.
There is no such thing as Kier, the god of corrup on
does not Kier, the god of corrup on, is just a nickname given to Tuan, the
god of innocence.
If De omorian is right, the Cursed Black Relic is for sure.
There are five holy relics of the gods.
However, there are only two that I have featured in the original. Alsbringer,
the sword of the war god Als. The sword of the moon god Mensis, Rament.
Regarding the relics of the other three gods, there was no need to appear
or set them.
there is no There was no reason or need to show all five.
But now that this has become my reality, Even the relics that were not
originally on the stage have their own loca on and history.
There will be.
Ellen and I discovered an object believed to be a sacred object of Kier,
which we drank in the Darkland.
There are no demons, and there are no demonic relics. But that is a holy
thing. The power corresponding to the opposite concept of Tuan, the god
of innocence.
have it
Then, in the end, it is concluded that its iden ty is, with a high probability,
the relic of the god of innocence, Tuan.
In some way, or by demonism, the power of the sword is only manifes ng
in the opposite direc on.
I originally set it only for Alsbringer and Rament.
However, a er entering this world and taking theology-related classes in
the first semester, I also learned about the other three holy things.
Kier, the god of corrup on, was originally Tuan, the god of innocence.
If that is the case, then it is the relic of Tuan, the god of innocence.
The holy sword Tiamata is certain.
[Event Occurrence - Holy Sword Tiamata]
[Descrip on: You are forced in the Darkland
Did you find out that the item you brought with you was actually the Holy
Sword Tiamata, misunderstood as the holy spirit of a demon? What a
lucra ve coincidence. It's like your novel.]
[Reward: It has already been given.]
already given
What the hell is this?
Confirm the iden ty of the Holy Sword Tiamata and kill it
It's a reward, right?
This event message is as if this guy directly said that this is the Holy Sword
Ti Amata. This proves that my reasoning is true. I think that's a reward...
You verified that it is the Holy Sword Tiamata, so please try it somehow?
He was thinking that the cursed sword was not an ordinary object. Because
something that spreads evil energy over a vast area and resurrects the
dead as zombies in that land can't be a trivial thing.
That's why it's a dangerous thing
I prayed that I could not give up easily even though I knew it,
However, it was of course unexpected that it was the level of divine relics.
Three holy relics of the gods I didn't set
will be in my own place,
It was discovered by me and Ellen in the Burn Darklands case.
If it wasn't for me, it would have been discarded or sealed as an ominous
sword without even being misunderstood that it was a holy relic of a
will be.
The holy sword Tiamata, which had not originally appeared on the stage,
appeared. However, at present, there is a misconcep on that this is a holy
relic of a demon.
are receiving
Of course someone has this stuff.
The temple will not allow you to
They will try to seal it or destroy it.
I don't know if I'll be able to destroy the relic, but it was clear that I
wouldn't let anyone have it anyway.
I picked it up, but in the end it's mine
In this situa on, if you force yourself to have that sword, you may be
misunderstood as a demon worshiper.
You bastard, I thought it was weird to be obsessed with this before?
No way the temple could come out like this
it's a bowl
Tiamata has already been rewarded
take it
This seems to be the situa on.
"It's a demonic holy thing...
On the way back to her dorm, Ellen mumbled as she mumbled. I am the
only one who knows the truth of this situa on.
The opposite concept of the god of innocence, Tuan. Kier, the god of
corrup on,
Only a few, including myself, know that they are actually the same god.
But there are doubts.
Demons don't exist, so why not?
Is the sword Tiamatha wielding a power that is the opposite of its master,
the Godhead?
A demon has a meaning similar to or opposite to that of the original god. In
the case of the pure god Tuan, the opposite is true.
But the original version is the god of innocence. If you worship Tuan as the
god of corrup on, you will become corrupted.
Can you use your power?
So, did the Demon Cul sts even corrupt the Holy Sword Tiamata? that
is it possible
A er all, people ride the cursed sword
I can't help but believe it's the sword of Kier the god of rock
situa on that is not in Because they are actually spraying evil powers.
If that's actually the holy sword Tiamata, it's not that I'm being dragged
into blasphemy, but people ask if there's a problem with your head.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 189

Regarding the holy relics of the demon gods, the temple side was
demanding that they keep a ght secrecy.
Me, De omorian, and Ellen. It was because it was the first me in human
history that the relics of demons were discovered, and it was because
there was nothing good about being known to demonists or the general
Even if that is true of the Holy Spirit of the Demon God, Ellen and I did a
great job. Before something that could cause great chaos in the world
becomes a bigger threat
because it was brought before
However, since the found object is an object, it is impossible to publicly
announce or do so. So this will be a great event that will go down in
history, but in the end, no one should know, so it will be buried under the
I couldn't return to the dormitory yesterday, but there were no problems.
On Friday, there were Magical Response Training II, Comprehensive
Physical Arts II, and Demon Ecology Class with Ellen, Liana, and Harriet.
The class was conducted with a brief overview of the demons. In fact, most
people never encounter demons.
The Demon World War ended there.
It was informa on I didn't need to know.
Unless you want to go directly to a dangerous place.
Ellen studied hard, but Sol
To be honest, I couldn't concentrate at all.
What is more urgent for me now than the ecology of goblins or orcs is to
somehow use my hands before the holy sword Tiamata is sealed.
A er all classes on Friday, I, Ellen, Harriet, and Liana went back to the
dormitory together.
"It's funny, I've never heard of goblins building houses. I thought they'd live
in caves or something like that."
Liana has no useless knowledge.
It looked like fun too.
“Well, by the way… I was more shocked that the number of orc villages
exceeded a thousand when the orc village was large…”
Harriet's face turned white as he thought of the orc village he had
encountered during the uninhabited island, where a thousand orcs were
swarming. Ellen is a long-distance check to see if she repeats the class
content without saying a word.
it was right
No, it's not a revival, it's like a curious expression on the dinner menu.
“Shall we just eat dinner outside and go in?”
Classes are over, so I have some free me over the weekend. How about
ea ng outside and going in with Harriet like that?
she did Ellen and Liana nodded as if they were okay.
“I have a place to go.”
But I had something to check, so I thought we wouldn't be able to have
dinner together. Harriet looked at me with a mischievous expression on his
"Huh? I didn't even try to take you in the first place, did I?"
“Oh, yes. Goes."
“Uh… huh? Uh, yes.”
A e that would normally give a stern answer
When Ming le without saying a word, Harriet seemed a li le perplexed.
I was in the Royal Class dormitory library. Unlike the dormitory spread out
on the le and right on the first floor, if you go straight ahead, you will find
a banquet hall and other annexes, one of which is the Dormitory.
it was a library
I don't know how many books I have, but looking at it, it looks like a huge
amount. Harriet or Adelia would have borrowed books from here to study
magic, but here I am.
is the first me
There were high bookshelves and ladders to climb the bookshelves
It looks like a building made out of books.
turn To have such a huge library for only one hundred and twenty students
at most.
The privileges the Royal Class receives are enormous
The more you feel it, the more it seems to be exaggerated,
I saw some students reading books on the chairs in the reading room. The
number wasn't even three. There were no familiar faces.
“What book are you looking for?”
A man who seemed to be a librarian came to me as I was si ng there.
“Find a book about the holy relics of the Great Lord God.
I want to go.”
"Oh yeah. okay. wait here
Since the book collec on is so vast, it seems that the librarian finds and
retrieves the desired books rather than the students looking for them.
The librarian went somewhere and she immediately put down five books
with her.
"I'll take care of it, so you can leave it alone. If you're going to borrow it,
make sure you fill out the rental card, and the rental period is one week."
"thank you."
I had no inten on of even borrowing it, so I sat at the table in the reading
room and opened the book. They weren't very thick books.
[History of the Five Holy Spirits]
I opened the book.
[Ars of War - Arsbinger]
[Shalam of the Sun - Lapelt]
[Mensis of the Moon - Lament]
[Liter of Courage - Alixion]
[Pure Tuan - Tiamata]
The names of the five holy things were wri en in the table of contents. I
wasn't interested in other relics.
So I went straight to the page where Tiamata was wri en.
[Sword of Purity, Holy Sword Tiamata]
Tuan, the god of innocence, is a deity who rejects all unclean beings and
longs for purifica on and eradica on of them. Therefore, Tiamata, the holy
sword imbued with the power of the goddess, is different from the other
five holy things in its role of destroying unclean beings.
It is known that it exerts so much power that it cannot be taught.
Therefore, in every period when Tiamata appeared, undead, vampires, and
beings who oppose the will of innocence arose.
It would be safe to say that there is no unclean being that cannot resist the
power of the Holy Sword Tiama a. As such, the Holy Sword has the
strongest exorcism among the Holy Relics.
The first Holy Sword Tiamata appeared,
A er that, the descrip ons of the people who carried the Holy Sword
Tiamata were lined up. What they did with Tiamata and what evil beings
they repulsed.
It was about
It's not what I need right now, but I was able to find out what kind of
power the Holy Sword Tiama a had.
Assuming that it is against the undead, it is the strongest weapon. I wonder
if I really need it, but the specs of the weapon itself aren't bad either.
Because there is nothing wrong with having anything.
As I con nued reading, I came across the last part.
Tuan's last champion, Laigorn.
Numerous achievements he performed a er acquiring the Holy Sword
Tiamata are listed.
uh there was
It's not a powerful undead hunt. It was not the undead that he mainly
hunted, but the demon Chris ans. He went around smashing the
numerous demonic forces that ate away the empire.
Many such feats followed, and soon the last record came out.
It is a record of the 30th year of the imperial calendar.
Now is the 332th year of the imperial calendar. this moment
That was 300 years ago.
Around 30 years of the Empire.
An uniden fied group took over Tiamata. In the process, Tuan's champion,
Laigorn, was killed.
A er taking Tiamata, they
It is presumed that he fled to Land. two
A large number of paladins inside were sent to the Darklands to track them
down, but no one returned.
- Chug
From then on, the priests and paladins of Tuan searched Da Krak to
retrieve Tiamata, but they did not get any income, and more and more
people were vic mized by the Dark Land's monsters.
In the end, the Tuan Church failed to recover Tiamata, and then it has
reached the present.
It is not known with certainty who the uniden fied group that killed
Laigorn were or why they took Tiamata.
However, at that me, Laigorn was moving for the mission of eradica ng
the Demonism.
He systema cally killed Laigorn, the biggest obstacle to their expansion,
and was another Tuan's champion.
It is considered the most persuasive reasoning that the demonists, who
were afraid of coming out, hid Tiamata.
three hundred years ago,
It seems that it was a me when the power of the Demon Church was in
full swing. Laigorn, the champion of the god of innocence Tuan, is not an
undead but another main enemy, the Demon Church.
He did a lot of things to destroy it.
But in the end, he was led by the Demon Chris ans.
He was killed, and the demon cults were Darkran.
Drew escaped. there is no exact evidence
It seems like it, but it seems to be the case.
The holy sword Tiamata disappeared to the Darkland.
And beyond three hundred years, the Dark Land
An uniden fied cursed sword found in
The demonists who worshiped Kier, the god of corrup on, must have
hated the polar opposite gods, Tuan and the followers of Tuan. And freeze
that champion, Rygorn.
It goes without saying whether he hated Mana.
As a result, it is quite strange that those who worship the same god hate
each other the most.
one situa on.
Anyway, Kier's followers killed Laigorn. Then, he hijacked the holy sword
Tiamata and fled to the Dark Lands.
They must have tried to corrupt the Holy Sword Tiamata as they worship
the god of corrup on. And the result must be that cursed Kim,
That sword is in a grave somewhere in the Darklands
I don't know why I fell asleep. female
Inferences would be possible. The castle knights of Tuan must have
eventually found the demon cults who stole Tiamata, and at the end of the
ba le with them, annihilated them all.
somehow succeeded in
And without recognizing the corrupted Tiamata, it was defined as an evil
object and the burials of the demonists who died
They were sealed together in the tomb.
Or the demon Chris ans
There is a high possibility that he could not bear the corrupted sword itself
and sealed it himself. The thing that controls the mind of that black man
are you
It is possible that the Paladins of Tuan sealed it, and there is a possibility
that the saints and demonists sealed themselves.
Of course, the truth of the past is unknown.
The important thing is that the holy sword Tiamata is certain.
Kier, whose object is the opposite deity,
This situa on itself is exer ng its power.
If so, it may be that there is no a ribute in itself of the 'divine character' in
the first place.
Following the doctrine of Tuan, the god of innocence
If you believe in Ahn, you can use the divine power of the power of purity.
Following the doctrine of Kier, the god of corrup on, if you believe in the
same being, Tuan, you can use the divine power of the fall.
It is right to believe in the same existence.
summer sols ce
However, in the end, a completely different force is manifested according
to the direc on of belief.
It is not that there is no drink.
There is no a ribute in the given itself in the first place, so borrow your
strength as you believe
Are you just giving?
Neither Tuan nor Kier. God is merely the lender of power.
If you believe in the god of innocence, you lend the power of innocence, if
you believe that you are the god of corrup on, you lend the power of
corrup on.
Soon, a god can be a demon god or a main god.
It is not God who determines the direc on of God's power, but the person
who believes. A er all, the fact that the power of the demon itself already
exists is as evidenced by Tiamata's corrup on.
In conclusion, Tiamata has fallen. They corrupted the thing of the god they
hate the most, but in the end they are both the same god. By borrowing
power from the same en ty, the same en ty changed the direc on of the
force itself.
So the holy sword Tiamata was cursed
became a sword
Demon Chris ans corrupted Tiamata
Did you know that Du Quiere and Tuan were actually the same person?
Just as the Protestants couldn't believe it, the Demon Chris ans wouldn't
have been able to admit it either.
If corrup on is possible, then vice versa.
Demon Chris ans corrupted Tiamata.
Then, if the priests who believe in Tuan purify the sword they received, it
will return to Ti Amata.
But so far, Temple has taken such a measure. wizards, priests
Recognize and do the curse on the sword
To se le down, or to release it, this and that
would have tried
But why didn't the black return to its original state?
The way the priests have done so far may have been wrong.
Demon Chris ans inten onally tried to corrupt the holy sword Ti Amata.
However, the priests of Tuan tried to iden fy and purify or remove the
curse placed on it.
The way was wrong. This sword is not a cursed sword in the first place, but
the direc on of the force is twisted. curse in the first place
The same is not hanging.
I had to restore it, but I kept pressing the delete bu on. If only they knew
that the cursed sword was the holy sword, the priests would be able to
restore Tiamata.
but before that.
I see that the Holy Sword Tiamata is corrupted.
Can the church priests accept it?
The thing that spewed out of this sword was a drink
Can you handle the fact that it's not the power of Kier, but the power of
the corrupted Tuan?
You have to accept that the corrup on of holy things is possible. it's pure
It is to accept that the relics of Tuan, the god of integrity, have been
corrupted in the opposite way.
Priests will never admit that this relic is Tiamatha.
Just saying that the cursed sword is Tiamata has the poten al to bring me
to the Inquisi on.
Knowing the truth that the cursed sword is Tiamata, he was able to get
some clues.
But there is no way the priests will believe me, and even if they do, the
holy things will drink.
It is possible that it can be transformed into a relic of
You may or may not accept the last name.
Even if they knew the way, there were too many prerequisites, such as
having to convince the priests,
Something revolu onary has to happen.
Besides, do you have any more authority to say anything more about the
object that has already been proven to be the holy thing of a demon?
It was no longer a student-level job. So no ma er how many things I've
been looking for, my words won't work anymore.
The Imperial Family and the Five Great Shintoisms will also pay a en on to
the discovery of the first demonic relics.
That's what I'm going to say there.
As far as I know, this isn't a demon's thing, it's a holy sword Tiamata. (17
years old)
At that moment, my neck doesn't run away
That's weird.
This is a great event that will go down in history
all. Even if I was a first- me discoverer, adults wouldn't believe me at all.
Damn it.
What do you do if you find a way? Tiamata has already gone far...
Should I borrow the power of Charlo e and Bertus to do anything? but too
There is no reason to be obsessed with the relics of the crab demon.
sheep are bad
For now, it is fire to exert influence over Ti Amata unless the power of
other fac ons, not my own, helps me.
I'm sure it's possible
Eventually, I got out of the library and returned to my private room.
Then, when I returned to the room, I saw something strange.
I couldn't understand the current situa on, to the point where I could talk
to myself in a blank slate.
Why is this here?
A long sword without a cross guard, a sword with a slightly darkened blade.
“What is this?”
A cursed sword rested upon my bed.
In this situa on, why are there things in my room that should never be by
my side?
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 190
I should tell my teachers that a cursed sword suddenly appeared before
there is nothing
I've been thinking about how to bring Tiamata, but it's being
misunderstood that this isn't a Tiamata, it's a sacred relic of a demon that
will surely destroy the three tribes just by possessing it.
If you are caught possessing this, your neck will fly off. there's no excuse
Was it just suddenly? This makes it even more chao c.
I can't even see the temple now, but there must have been a riot.
Suddenly, the Holy Spirit
because it's gone
Who is it?
Who would do this to fuck me
are you doing it?
If this scene is found out, I can't even make any excuses.
Not because he was found out to be the son of a demon king, but as a
person possessed by the holy spirit of a demon.
stand and die
I immediately took a training scabbard from the gym and put the cursed
sword into the training scabbard. It was not unusual to wear a training
sword around his waist, and there was no way he could be misunderstood.
I pretended to be carefree and became night
I went to the dormitory in front of the temple.
And everywhere people look
I threw it out of nowhere and returned to my room.
Temple must have gone mad trying to find that
Teni, anyone will find it. It's a dangerous item, so don't touch it.
You'd probably hear a bit about it.
It's not that someone brought that damned sword to fuck me.
I soon found out
On my bed, the cursed sword was lying in the same shape as before.
no one has it This is not possible. I threw the cursed sword outside several
mes in the same way.
But several mes
Time and me again the black was lying on my bed in the same shape.
no one can put
The sword came to my feet.
I can only explain it that way.
Isn't this what it is?
Even if I throw it away, I keep coming back home
is a cursed doll.
Is that the magic sword version?
What does the message about rewards mean at the start of this event?
the sun went down
The reward has already been given.
It wasn't about revealing Tiamata's iden ty or anything.
I am already the owner of the fallen Tiamata
became, and Tiamata con nued
come back to me
The purpose of the event was not to purify Tiamata and obtain it.
Holy Sword Tia, misunderstood as a holy spirit of a demon
A cursed sword that keeps coming back to me even if I try to throw it away.
It seems that this sword has already accepted me as its master. It seems
that yesterday's consciousness had an effect on what had stood s ll so far,
and the weakened power
wake up or
Did the ceremony not complete properly, but ended up in an ambiguous
situa on?
Even if I take it away, the sword returns to where I am.
If I find out that I have already become the master of the demonic holy
things, I cannot survive.
I am the one who now has a soul bond with the holy spirit of a demon. It's
useless to say that this just happens randomly and I don't care. I won't
even believe you.
Say this is actually the Holy Sword Tiamata
Hey, no one will believe you.
No ma er where you go, there are only traps. The direc on of this event
was to somehow deal with this situa on.
It's not the me to go to the library and read a book.
It was.
It is presumed that the moment I grabbed the sword in the Darkland, I
became the master of the sword. But so far, the sword has not returned to
me or anything like that.
However, due to yesterday's ritual, something changed in Tiamata, and the
sword, which had been quiet for a while, returned to me, the owner.
kuman comes back
The day will come when everyone will be obsessed with swords. What kind
of will is the sword itself?
Is there any possibility? un l when
Let's throw it away Are you doing this now?
If this was Tiamata, I would be treated like Tuan's champion, and I'm the
only one who knows that right now.
It was in a situa on where it was presumed that this was a holy relic of a
The temple must have been turned upside down since the demonic relics
disappeared, and it is clear that the first discoverers, me and Ellen, will also
come to visit soon.
I don't know what to doubt. What should I do with this situa on? I couldn't
do this or anything, but suddenly someone knocked on the door.
- Knock Kung
- Reinhardt, come out.
It was Ellen's voice. Hearing his voice, I felt a sense of uneasiness.
Once I hid the cursed sword not in bed, but under clothes in a drawer in
my closet. Ellen must not see this situa on. I'll keep it a secret, but it's
good to see this li le guy first.
there was nothing to
- ra le
“Uh, why?”
Ellen's expression was serious.
“Mr. Epinhauser wants to come.”
Knowing that Tiamata had disappeared, I immediately started inves ga ng
at the temple.
A cold sweat runs down my spine.
Mr. Epinhauser was wai ng for us outside the Royal Class dormitory. At
first, he had a cold expression
Epinhauser is more serious than usual.
It was an ugly expression.
"The demonic relic has disappeared."
“That, that…”
Ellen opened her eyes when she heard that the holy relics of the demon
god had disappeared, and I
I had no choice but to reel.
I don't know why, but that's my
I can't say I'm in the room. There is nothing good about saying that even if
the holy relics of the devil are thrown away, they keep coming back to me.
The owner of Tiamata is called the champion of Tuan.
The holy relics of Kier, the god of corrup on
The thing that comes to me is that the holy spirit of that demon
It is said that they chose me as their master.
Soon, people will think of me as Kier's apostle or champion. If you just cut
off the neck, that would be a good thing. Before I die, I'm sure I'll see all
the bad things.
must be kept secret. Ellen was also deaf, and I was also deaf in a different
"Do you know anything?"
“Yeah, me too…”
"Hmm, yes. Number B-8 who conducted the ceremony.
I don't know, but you guys know why
There is no…”
A er the ceremony was interrupted, the relic suddenly disappeared. So,
the reason is not us, but De omorians.
He seemed to think he knew. And that will be taken care of by Ms.
Mustrang, who is now in charge of Class B.
“Isn’t it dangerous?”
Epinhow with a nervous expression on Ellen's face
I asked the teacher
“Yeah, I say it’s safe to say good-bye.
It's not a situa on where it can be done.
Even as a joke, I can't say that things are okay. A dangerous object
presumed to be a demonic holy thing suddenly disappeared in the middle
of the temple.
“That, maybe. Is it not possible to track down the energy of that holy spirit
and find it...?"
At Ellen's worried ques on, the teacher shook her head.
“I'm not an expert in that area, so I don't know, but it literally just
disappeared. They say that the energy of the Holy Spirit has completely
disappeared.... It would be be er if it disappeared like this, but that
doesn't seem to be the case."
The good news is that
The evil energy emana ng from the cursed Tiama a has vanished.
all. So wizards and priests are having a hard me tracking the relics. If that
was possible, they should have come into my room right away, but they
Once not tracked
“First of all, it is not a good thing for students to know. Stay silent on this
ma er, we'll do our best. Never try to find it yourself
Don’t do it.”

If rumors spread that the demonic relics appeared and then suddenly
disappeared, there would be as much chaos as the last terrorist a ack on
the Yellow River. First of all, it was clear that Mr. Epinhauser was not
suspicious of Nana or Ellen.
A er Epinhauser passed away, I pondered for a moment.
Should I tell Ellen the truth? I
The sword I received is probably my master
I chose it, even if I throw it away, even if I throw it away
to come back to the room.
Ellen looks at me.
When she sees those eyes, she's ready to say something
she disappeared
Look, I'm ominous so bring it
I told you not to.
I was saying that with my eyes.
Yes. Ellen con nued to be nega ve about my bringing this sword.
Abandoned or mysterious magic in the Darklands
She wanted Sarelia to take care of it.
In the end, it is true that I came to this situa on because of my greed.
that's true
I can't believe it even if I say it's Holy Sword Tiamata
won't be able
It's in my room for some reason now. Even if you throw it away, you keep
coming back.
If I tell the truth, I think I'm going to be beaten down! That's what I said!
It won't actually kill me...but it'll probably be half-death.
woman, get sick,
I'm so scared....
I'm more scared of being hit by Ellen than being referred to the
Inquisi on...
Is this how your husband feels right before he is found out that he bought
a game console without his wife?
No, this is not at the level of a game console, is it not at the level of buying
a supercar without your wife's knowledge? It's not the same level as a
back-to-back, but an angle where you get beaten up and divorced.
Of course, it's not like that with him and I,
I think I'm going to get hit really hard, beyond being scolded if I tell you Lee
you'll eat me right away
In front of Ellen's bloody gaze, my lips trembled in the end.
“Um, sorry…”
I mu ered like that with a crawling voice as I became a jjuguri.
“It’s be er to be gone. I'm going to find it and write it down somehow.
Ellen stares at me with her eyes wide open.
Her eyes alone are enough to kill me.
"I want to know?'
“Oh, no! I, not at all!”
Mi, sorry, it's in my closet in my room!
Even if I want to throw it away, I won't!
I really wanted to cry.
bed me.
I sat on the bed with all the lights in the room turned off.
Cursed in front of me si ng on the bed
You keep coming back to my room like a doll
The cursed Tiama a lay there.
It seems that I have become the owner of the cursed Tiamata. Even if you
try to throw it away, it won't happen.
Come back to my room, not my hands
I do not know what the mechanism is,
It seems that the cursed Tiamata has already become its owner from the
moment I hold it. In fact, as soon as I grabbed this sword, all the zombies
that were animated by this sword returned to their corpses.
From the moment I grabbed it, I was already the owner of Tiamata. of
Is it a concept that only those who can overcome the curse can become
the masters of the Tiamata I have been given?
But in the mean me, the Temple has been inves ga ng
This sword comes back to me while I do it. or nothing like that.
It is clear that the ceremony De omorian conducted yesterday had some
influence. That consciousness somehow elicited the power of this sword or
something, obviously. That's why this sword keeps coming back looking for
me, conscious of being the owner.
Holding the cursed Tiamata in my hand, I stare at it silently.
Do I really need to clean this up?
I feel like that out of nowhere.
Since I became the master, this sword
He did not spread evil energy around him. Except for the situa on where it
seemed that De omorian was performing a certain ritual and forcibly
pulled out its power.
Cursed Tiamatha has no evil influence unless I use it for evil purposes.
I guess.
To put it bluntly, it is not affected by the curse of the demon sword Ti
Amata, the opposite of the Holy Sword, and this does not have a
par cularly bad effect. And I am the perfec on of this sword
Now that I have become a master, I cannot use it for any impure purpose
without my will.
If I dare to use Tiamata to purify it, I can't do it, so someone
should do that
When it is known that he has become the master of a demonic holy object,
his neck escapes, but when it is known that he has become the master of
Tuan's holy sword, he receives unnecessary a en on. It is a global focus.
It's not that Ellen is hiding that she is Artorius's sister and the owner of the
divine sword Rament for nothing. Even if I'm not the son of the Demon
King, it's the norm to lead such a troublesome life. There are secrets to
hide, so I don't want to.
So, this can't be par cularly bad for me.
I discovered that the cursed sword was a relic, and it came into my grasp. It
does not cause any par cular harm as long as I am the owner.
And there must be a lot of commo on because of the disappearance of the
demonic relics...
To calm the commo on, I purged the cursed Tiamata, and in fact, this was
the Holy Sword Tiama a, and I was the owner.
do you go all out?
If you stay s ll, you will be half way there. This is just the current situa on.
However, even if we write this as it is, an important premise remains.
Although the current direc on is slightly different, this is the Holy Sword
And, like Ellen's Rament and Al Sbringer, soul unity will be possible.
If so, is this sword already in a state of being soul-bonded with me?
Ellen can summon and reverse summon Rament. She is usually kept in a
sword case in her own room, but can be recalled and returned whenever
She raises her hands in the air.
She summons Tiamata.
get sick
Again, nothing happened.
The black one on the bed didn't even move.
A er that, I tried everything by myself to say that the sword could li itself
in my hand, but the cursed Tiamata did not move.
I don't know if it's a soul bond or something, but it doesn't respond to my
There doesn't seem to be any special way to summon the Soulbound
Either way, it's definitely half of it.
Cursed Tiama a is a half-thing, and I am the half-owner of this thing.
Keeping it hidden in the room like this is a workaround. In the first place,
the users in the Royal Class dormitory come in and out to clean the room.
I'll take care of the cleaning, so don't come in for a day or two. If it
con nues, it will be bad.
For the first me, you can hide it in a place where users cannot touch it,
but it is useless if you clean my room all of a sudden.
Even if I leave this as it is, my master
As long as you don't have a clue, it won't do any harm to anyone.
However, for that to happen, the soul bond between me and this sword
must be properly established so that summons and reverse summons can
be freely performed.
It's crazy to keep the damned Tiama a in my room in this impossible
situa on.
I have to do something somehow.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 191

Loss of the Demonic Relic.
There will be chaos in the teacher unit
Students know nothing.
Anyway, I feel a li le guilty because I'm looking for things that I can't find...
what to do
People have suffered, and that's in my hands
If I say yes, my neck will fly away
Because it's a plate, it can't be,
There was no morning exercise.
You never know when a nuke will explode in a room
There's no way you can do something like exercise casually with a bomb. It
looked like Adriana was wai ng for me, but she couldn't get out.
Even just si ng s ll in the room, my heart was pounding and I couldn't
sleep well.
What if someone sees that?
Look, if the Temple teachers find out about this, how are they supposed to
get it out of the Temple?
I somehow got it with Sarkegaar's ring
Is it possible to get out of play?
It was not intended
But it was a spectacle to think about what would happen if things went in
the worst way possible.
A royal class student suddenly brought a cursed and monstrous object to
the temple.
However, when I found out, it was presumed to be a sacred item of Kier,
the god of corrup on.
It suddenly disappeared, and it turned out to be a royal class student who
brought it
the guy had
Inves ga ng that student, I found out what
Anam was a descendant of the Demon King.
If that's all revealed, it's clear that even with 100 million achievement
points, you won't be able to buy it!!
By the way, the circumstances are so contrived and accidental.
The cursed sword I accidentally found in the Darkland is being
misunderstood that it is a holy relic of a god, and it is being misunderstood
that it is a relic of a demon, and it suddenly keeps coming to my room.
Unless it's ar ficially designed to fuck me, it doesn't make sense.
Oh this!
get sick
I feel like the world itself hates me.
of course,
It's ominous in the darkland in the first place
If I had le it like that, nothing would have happened.
Even if it was designed that way, my decision ul mately brought about this
situa on.
I had nothing to say.
There were many moments when I was able to give up the cursed sword,
but I ended up in this situa on a er trying to use it somehow.
I couldn't sleep well and didn't go out for a morning workout, but I lay in
bed and try to sort the situa on out somehow.
Cursed Tiamata.
In the temple, the curse on this sword
I was trying to squash or do it. We do not know the detailed mechanism of
divine force.
Therefore, if you think that this is not a cursed object, but just a holy relic,
and approach it in a way of restoring its original form, you will not get a
slightly different result.
Would it? I just think so.
I'm neither a priest nor a wizard, so even if their methods were wrong, I
don't really know how they went wrong.
But the important thing is that we can no longer leave this in the hands of
the Temple Priest. To say that I have the cursed sword that has returned to
my grasp is suicide in itself.
I will be misunderstood as an apostle of the devil, and the religious forces
will try to catch me and kill me, whether it is my will or not.
I'm not the devil's apostle, am I? If you do, I'll cut my neck off while saying
yes. Who the hell believes the guy who owns these things? Even if it was
me, I wouldn't believe it.
The lost demonic relic, I who have it.
A situa on where you can't get help from the Temple.
Who can I ask for help
there are three
One is Ellen, and Ellen is more likely to trust me than to help. Of course, I
am prepared to be hit hard
I'm sorry, but Ellen is at this point.
I don't know what you can do to help me.
Next is the De omorian who performed the ceremony.
You can ask De omorian what the ritual he was going to do yesterday was
really about, and he could proceed with the rest of the ceremony.
I don't know what yesterday's ritual was, but I woke up to the power of
It is certain that something has changed. So Tiamata, who had been quiet,
suddenly kept coming back to me.
If I carry out the ritual to the end, the soul bond will be completed, and I
may be able to control the sword at my will. Because the cursed Tiama a
does not exert a nega ve effect on its own. I'll just put it somewhere
nobody knows about and take it out only when I need it.
And third.
The biggest reason I wasn't ruled by this cursed sword.
Traits - Divine Spirit.
Its original owner, Olivia Ranche.
Olivia Ranche had a strong divine power to be called the Saint of Eredian.
But she abandoned her faith. Although she has already fallen into disfavor
in her faith, she s ll possesses immense divine power.
I saved her life. It is quite likely that it will help me.
If it is presumed that this sword is actually Tiamata, the holy sword, not the
holy object of a demon, it is a purifica on ritual or restora on ritual.
may proceed with
And, she might be able to take ownership of this sword from me at any
I wonder if it's possible to transfer ownership of this sword to someone
Then, even if possible, there is no one who can give.
Because this sword controls the mind of the one who holds it.
The ones who are defini vely immune to this curse are me and Olivia
Ranche with the divine spirit.
Just as I became the master of the sword when I held it, if Olivia Ranche
holds this sword, she will not be affected by its mastery.
Whether it's possible or not, if you can transfer ownership, the only thing
you can take is Olivia Ranche at the moment.
Of course, I don't know if I'll grant that request or not, but
It's the weekend.
In the end, I was forced to leave the room altogether, so I put the cursed
Tiama a in a drawer and locked the lock. Even if the user came to clean it,
he wouldn't open it.
But I keep going a er breakfast
has opened up
It's like playing porn on the computer and going out.
No one's going to enter my room, but what if someone does? what if you
see full of such thoughts.
The decisive difference is that if you get caught, it doesn't end in shame,
but your neck is blown away.
Anyway, I feel the same way! The back is incredibly ght!
Fortunately, the anxiety didn't show on his face, and as we ate, someone
I couldn't even detect my abnormality.
a er breakfast,
First of all, I am the B-Class De omo.
I went to see Ryan.
But he was not in the room.
“If it’s De o, I was called to Mr. Mustrang yesterday, so he hasn’t come
Charlo e, who met in the B-class dormitory, lted her head slightly at the
ques on of whether she had ever seen De omorian, and answered that
"Oh yeah?"
“Ummm… you must be worried too.”
Charlo e sighed briefly to see if she knew what was going on.
He rested and pa ed my shoulder. devil's castle
It must be a big deal that water was found, so I thought I was going to do
seemed to be
“It’s okay Reinhardt, the teachers will take care of everything. Don't worry
too much and rest. It's not your fault."
Charlo e's uncondi onal trust in me makes me sick.
The imperial family also roared on the back of the object presumed to be
the holy substance of a demon.
there will be The fact that it suddenly disappeared would be even more
How is the internal affairs of the imperial family
I don't know, but the atmosphere there too
would have been ripped off
Damn it.
They brought so much great stuff that there was a commo on here and
This is the loach itself.
Of course, once it became known that it was the Holy Sword Tiamata, it
would become a fes ve atmosphere. The cursed sword was Tiamata.
Apart from acknowledging that
There might be some kind of controversy about Yesong in a different world
Does Tuan really mean that the cursed Tiama a spews out the power of
corrup on? Cursed Tiama a is Tiamatana or not? The holy relics of the god
of purity have been corrupted. When it is restored it represents the power
of innocence
Could it be something to do?
I'll fight like it's true or not.
It is not a material nuclear bomb, but an ideological nuclear bomb. The fact
that holy objects are not absolute objects would cause a great s r in the
religious world.
Anyway, I'm going to ask De omorian what kind of ritual it was.
But he seems to be being held cap ve by the teachers.
You shouldn't be going through hardship. In the current situa on, it is only
De omorian who is most suspicious of me, not me. Tiamata disappeared
a er he performed the ritual.
Certainly the ritual never seemed sacred.
It wasn't, and if you look at it, wasn't it a blasphemous sight?
However, De omorian did not proceed with the ceremony because he
wanted to do it in the first place, but because the Temple ordered him to
do it.
There was no De o Morians to consult first, so I headed to the 5th grade
dormitory this me. And I called Olivia Ranche.
“Reinhardt! long me no see. Welcome!”
"iced coffee! Why are you here!”
As soon as Olivia Ranche saw me, she turned into a flower, ran over and
hugged me recklessly.
“I’m sorry! Didn't you miss your sister? Yes? Didn't you come too late?
"Joe, hold on! Hold on!"
“I hate it!”
damn it,
I thought it would be like this!!
Olivia Lanche.
He was a believer in the god of innocence, Tuan, and everyone was
expec ng him to become the next commander of the Knights Templar.
However, a er she learned of the corrup on of the Knights of the Temple,
she tried to give up her faith, and she should have le the stage as it was
originally, and ended up being a badass or dying.
Since then, Adriana and I have done this and that, and she has been able to
rescue Olivia Ranche from the clutches of former Knight Commander Le
Barrier Ranche.
And Olivia Ranche gave up on her faith. Disillusioned with corrupt religious
Beyond that, I was disappointed in the subject of God itself.
A er that, when he comes and sees me, Reinhardt will marry me later, so
he tells me not to touch anyone.
she went on and on
So, I received jealous gazes from people, and
He even got the tle of a bastard.
In fact, it doesn't look much different from that, so there's really no excuse
for it.
Anyway, in terms of whether he's close with Olivia Ranche, he's not close.
this person unilaterally
You're just making me cute. How to be cute
Excessive is the problem.
“Noona was sad…. I had nowhere to go, so I was here all summer vaca on,
but she doesn’t come. I thought you'd tell me what happened in the
“Why am I talking to you like that?”
“Aren’t we supposed to know nothing about each other?”
“Why the hell are you doing this?”
And even though I hate it, I’m too shy to push myself out because I’m too
It's hard to dig!
When I'm with this person, it feels like my mentality is split in real me.
Anyway, outside the Royal Class dormitory, we talked about this and that.
He clung to my arm and smiled, but I couldn't even look into his eyes.
“The public heard it. I got a lot of money by solving a huge case, and my
adventurer rank jumped up.”
“Where did you hear that?”
“Oh my, there are fewer people who don’t know? You and a kid named
Ellen go to the Dark Lands and don't know the details, but she does
amazing things
Rumors have spread that she has come together?"
It is an issue just that first-year students go to the Darkland, and it is
certain that they came back a er solving an unusual case. It seems that the
story has already spread.
“So I was expec ng you to tell me some things…”
Oliva Aranche pouts her mouth
She pulled off the sad bo om tee. no, palace
If you don't mind, come and ask, or were you wai ng for me to come?
Pretending to be crooked, but not at all showing off. you do it on purpose
“I’m s ll going to consult about that problem.
I had something to ask you to meet.”
“The problem…?”
"Yes. Before that, I want to ask you something..."
I look straight at Olivia Ranche and ask.
“What I’m talking about, can you keep it a secret no ma er what?” |
"of course?"
As if she could, of course, Olivia Ranche gave her a bashful smile as she
“I am not joking.”
But this man, when she came back safely, she said nothing at all because of
her demeanor, as light as a feather.
However, her trust is not lost.
She has no idea how much of a joke and how much of a sincerity. She's so
so that she looks like a flirta ous and joking person no ma er what she
When I say it's no joke, Olivier
Alanche's expression hardened.
“You need help.”
The smile disappeared from Olivia Ranche's face, as if I was being serious.
It hangs on my arm and then gently releases it and looks at me with a firm
"...Yes. I need help."
“I don’t know if you will believe it or not…”
Olivia Ranche looked like her lobe with a smile, unlike her laughter that
was something of hers with her ever.
"I'm on your side."
It resembled the slightly sad smile she had when she was called the Saint
of Eredian.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 192

It is said that human nature does not change.
Olivia Ranche is a light-hearted senior who plays strange pranks, but in the
end, her nature hasn't changed.
She seems to feel a certain sense of duty to help someone. and she is
She seemed to think that if she was the one who saved her life, she would
of course think she should.
Let me seriously seek help myself
I could tell just by looking at those eyes that I would do everything I could.
A person who is usually insignificant, but who can seriously help whenever
She said that she was Olivia Lanche.
Most students will not know, but the inside of the temple is clu ered right
now. So I wanted to share this sensi ve story outside the temple. But I
took the Tiamata I received from the temple outside the temple.
It is impossible to take Even if you try to go out disguised as a training
sword, of course you will get caught at the exit.
As long as the sword-shaped demonic relic has disappeared, walking
around with a sword around his waist just looks suspicious.
So I gave a brief explana on in the park in front of the dormitory, which is
What happened in the Darkland, and the cursed sword. A er bringing it to
the temple, De omorian conducted a ceremony to find out what it was.
A cursed sword presumed to be the holy thing of a demon.
And the present that suddenly keeps coming back to me.
At this rate, he might be suspicious of being an apostle of the demon god.
Olivia Ranche taught this to the teacher
If I report to the denomina on, I will be dead.
not like me
But I believe Olivia Ranche won't.
Olivia, who killed all her stories,
She narrowed her brow.
“The stories are all unbelievable.
It’s just…”
A very long story to tell from the beginning
So quite a bit of me has passed. Olivia was silent for a moment, as if
retracing my story from the beginning.
“Yeah… you couldn’t tell anyone. If the denomina on finds out, it will try to
kill you first, regardless of whether you have the sword as an enemy of
your own accord. like an inquisi on
It won't even open."
She served Tuan, so she knows what the priests and here c inquisitors of
the Tuan Church are.
you will know
I, who was chosen as the master of the holy relic of Kier of the Corrup on,
which is Tuan's opposite play.
“The choice of the holy thing itself is | What Happened Because You Are
am. You will think this way.”
In any case, if Jin-wi was chosen by such an unholy power, it would be evil
in the first place. Olivia Ranche once said that Tuan would try to kill me
with that logic.
Because she served, she knew exactly.
"But... I don't know how to help with this..."
She was shocked to hear that she was a holy spirit, but Olivia didn't know
how to come to her on the day she was chosen for it, no ma er how much
she thought about it.
But I also thought about what I was going to talk about.
“Senior, first of all, this is my guess, but I don’t think this is a demonic relic.”
Olivia Ranche tells the story of what she has to say un l now that this is a
holy thing, and then she says that this is, in fact, she won't be a demon of
the gods.
She looked perplexed.
“Then… it’s not a holy thing, it’s just a li le evil thing… You mean you think
like this?”
I shook my head.
“I don’t think there is such a thing as a demonic holy thing in the first
She looked even more puzzled by those words.
“…there’s no such thing as a demonic holy thing?”
“At least I think so.” There is no such thing as a demonic holy thing.
“Then what do you think?”
“It is speculated that it is the holy sword Tiamatha, the holy sword of Tuan.
I think that's the result of the fall, and that's water."
Olivia, of course, denied my nonsensical reasoning. I don't know if it's a
different holy thing, but the holy sword Tiamata is the exact opposite.
“There is no such thing as hard evidence. However, a er hearing the
assump on that this was a holy relic of a demon god, I found out about the
sacred relics of the great gods. Thousands of years ago
It means that the relics of the five great gods have been con nuously
discovered ever since. There are people who use it, and the history is
"...right. That I know be er."
Olivia Ranche watched briefly yesterday and she said more about the Holy
Spirit of the Five Gods than I did.
knew this So, he would have known more about what the Holy Spirit of
God had done.
The relics of the Five Great Bishops have not always appeared in history.
However, the history of someone doing great things with the holy thing has
con nued.
“By the way, the holy thing of demons has never appeared during this long
human history.”
“...not really.”
Nothing is known about the relics of demons, not even that such objects
De omorian's tes mony.
The unknown but very powerful power of the cursed sword.
And the power to resurrect a corpse as an undead.
The truth that it was discovered in the Darklands.
Based on them, I only guessed that this might be the holy relic of the devil.
Once the relic of Kier, the god of corrup on
I'm guessing it's the temple right now
I'm not saying it's for sure.
Olivia is convinced that the cursed sword I have is a holy thing.
But I'm the devil's holy grail
He refutes that there is no way this is a demonic relic because he has never
had an enemy.
"It is said that Tiamata was last discovered about three hundred years ago,
and the demon cults who killed Tuan's last champion stole Tiamata and
fled to the Dark Lands," she said.
Olivia nodded at my words. | "right. A er Tuan's last champion, Lai Gorn,
was killed by the demon cults, the demon cults went to the Darklands...
and took Tuan's holy sword...."
Olivia was talking about a story she knew herself, and then she realized
that I had found this in the Dark Land.
She gradually slowed down.
“Is it possible then that the demonists at that me cursed Tiamata and
became this way?”
“For now.”
“It’s too specula ve. How can a holy sword be like that? I can not believe
I couldn't help but cry because it was hard to convince Olivia. No ma er
how much you forsake your faith, you are not denying Tuan itself. It is too
much of a specula on that it is possible for the holy relics of purity to be
corrupted to produce the opposite power.
As long as you can't convince them that the demon Kier and the god Tuan
are the same en ty, it's just a discussion in place. And I can't explain it.
The fact that there are no demons is because I have to know the reality of
demon belief, and it is strange that I know the reality of demon belief itself.
It makes no sense for me to know the iden ty of the demon religion. So
let's talk about the truth of demonism
can't do it
Tiamata, the holy sword that destroys the undead, can become the demon
sword that rules over the undead. Honestly, no one can hear me
is a story Even Elerys, who knows the iden ty of the Demonism faith, can't
believe it when this situa on is communicated to me.
will do
Olivia said that the Holy Sword disappeared to the Dark Lands and she
found this cursed relic in the Dark Lands, so she cannot believe my claim
that this is Tuan's Holy Sword.
She said, "It is only in the Dark Land that no demonic relics have ever been
maybe it? It may have only existed among demon tribes who served
Olivia's guess was reasonable.
The Holy Spirit of the Five Great Gods in the Human World
Just like there are, humans do not know
Isn't there a relic of the Five Great Demons in the Dark Lands? And by
chance I found it,
Here's something to counter.
“…there was a Demon World War. If there was such a thing, one of the
demons with a demonic relic would have par cipated in the war. But even
the Demon King died, and the Demon King Castle
He confided all of his wealth, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do
with demonic relics or anything. If there was such a thing, the rumor would
have spread sooner.”
“……That’s right. right. Even if it wasn't a ba le, I went out to support the
Demon World War. I've never heard of anything like a demonic relic."
If there was a relic of a demon, there was no way that such relic would not
have been used in the all-out war between humans and demons. Olivia
actually provided treatment and support for the wounded in the Demon
World War.
I even went to war for that purpose.
The informa on of her then knows more about her. I hadn't heard of
demons using powerful relics such as demonic relics.
Enormous goods and magic in the Demon Castle
I robbed my arms, but there
There were no reports of relics found.
Olivia knows be er than me.
It is a powerful relic called the holy relic of a demon.
If you were in Crand, why did you go to the Demon World War?
Wasn't even a single book used?
So when I said that she never had such a thing as a demonic holy thing in
the first place, Olivia seemed to be ge ng more and more anxious.
It's the inference she started with a conclusion.
There are no demonic relics.
If so, there is no way it could be the holy water of the cursed black demon.
If so, there is one conclusion, and this is the holy relic of the Five Great
But why did the Holy Spirit of the Five Great Lords become like this?
Tiamata is the Dark Land of Demon Chris ans
took it and disappeared. In the process, the Demon Protestants did
something to the holy relics.
So it was my guess that I had come this far.
"First of all, that's what I'm thinking. It's so out of the ordinary that it's a
holy relic of a demon that suddenly appeared.
I can't even have the strength and stamina
Joe. That's why I think that the holy things of the Five Great Bishops have
been cursed and become like this."
If what I'm saying is true, I'd be misunderstood as the owner of the holy
relics of a demon god that doesn't even exist. The truth is that Tiama a
was only slightly nega vely influenced.
"Yeah, I know what you're talking about.
If it had been in the past, I would never have believed what you said..."
If I had said this when I was a devout believer, it would have already been
Tuan by itself.
It is a great blasphemy against
“If what you say is true, I will be a li le more disappointed with the gods.”
But she no longer serves Tuan. So Tuan's relic is corrupted
Regardless of whether you can do it or not
I wasn't angry with my words.
No Tuan's Priest Can Trust
It's a job, and there's no reason to try.
You must believe that the cursed sword is Tiamata, and you must restore it.
because it's work
"I'll take a look at that thing. Jeonghwa
I don't know if I can do it or not
I might as well try.”
However, Olivia Ranche was able to try it without any hesita on.
The demonic relic has disappeared.
She thinks she has le her and Reinhardt's hands anyway, and she thinks
it's a ma er for her teachers to take care of.
But I'm also a bit anxious.
In this situa on, Reinhardt usually
He is willing to do anything. He may have caused a bigger accident by doing
another useless thing by himself.
Ellen was worried. so today
She tried to forcefully hold her in the gym so she wouldn't do anything
fu le.
But Reinhardt ate breakfast and hurriedly went somewhere.
I'm trying to do something useless again. If I do find it, I'll have to take it
somehow. Thinking, Ellen was in the lobby.
She waited for Reinhardt, who did not know where she had gone.
- You're just looking around the room.
- Well, of course not. What am I going to do to eat you?
- Oh, please... Don't talk like that.
It completely destroyed Ellen's anxiety.
A throwaway situa on was approaching.
A 5th grader, whom Eren also ran across from me to me, Olivia Ranche,
1st grader A, hanging on Reinhardt's arms.
She was just entering the class dorm.
She was dangling from Reinhardt's right arm.
She doesn't see each other o en. When she's with Reinhardt, she's a li le
overly in mate with Reinhardt. She knew just that.
- Do you keep coming in to see something in my room?
- Heh heh. indeed. Why?
- If you try to do something strange, I will yell at you.
- Oh, what are you thinking? you also
Are you a man?
Reinhardt's disgus ng expression, and the woman who clings to
Reinhardt's arm and smiles
She was worrying in vain.
A certain female senior is reckless in line-ha
About to enter Ruth's room, Reinha
Ruth seemed to agree reluctantly.
Reinhardt made eye contact with Ellen.
But, without pretending to know
she passed by
-Aren't there any sweets? tea?
- do not have. What do you expect from me?
Ellen seems to be being harsh, but
She ended up watching Reinhardt's back as she was being dragged away.
She was worried that she was going to have an accident, and she didn't
have to worry about it at all. It's just that she's having a normal weekend.
Ellen has an unknown feeling in her chest
It seemed like it was wriggling.
It was a strange feeling she had never felt in her life.
- Get away!
- Why, you're good too.
-not good! Is it bad?!
- Are you just talking nonsense to your sister? Yes? will you be mad?
-Ugh it's frustra ng....
It felt like something was crushing her chest, or it felt like it was ghtening,
Like bugs crawling in her chest and head.
which, unpleasant,
It was a strange feeling.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 193

Entering the room, I sighed.
"Let's just pretend we're normal
I did it because it s cks so well, you bastard
I didn't mean to do it.” |
“Dog, are you a bitch? You, you… there is nothing you can’t say to me.”
If Olivia Ranche enters the room with a serious expression for nothing, it's
suspicious, so just pretend to go to a junior's room.
She asked me to act casually
extent was excessive.
She said let's take it easy, she didn't mean to drop it
All the missing pieces fell. Anyway, it seems like we have to go into my
room with a firm expression on both of them for nothing to talk about
serious things.
Let's just pretend we're horny! demonic
Horny is be er than Sado!!
I closed the door and drew the curtains.
Bring a senior woman into the room and close the door
lock and close the curtains,
| No ma er how anyone sees this, it's just that. Oh, it's impure! Olivia
Ranche didn't meet my eyes and scratched her cheek slightly.
"Ha, ha ha... I'm sorry, I'm just a li le nervous, I'm a bit nervous..."
this man,
scared now
It became clear that the usual jokes and accusa ons with me were purely a
I was scared because it became such a bizarre atmosphere like a real game
yes you bastard No ma er how old you are, you've never had that kind of
experience while serving Tuan.
Someone who has never ridden
Seeing that he clenched his fists, it seems that his hands are swea ng
“Hey, uh. Hey. I'm actually good at figh ng... That, something like that. not
like that
De... maybe, that. Be careful."
"What the hell are you talking about!"
"Ah, anyway! That, that, that's right..."
If you tell me that if you do something strange to me, you should be
prepared, it sounds like I'm trying to do something really bad!!
You acted like you could do anything and you didn't even start, but if you're
so terrified, how do you think you're really succulent? A er all, did I just
treat you like a child, not a man?
But when it really happened, did your imagina on spread out and you
Didn't you know now that I'm also a man a er all?
what is this bastard? Do you even have a cold sweat on your forehead?
I thought the atmosphere would only get weirder when I was dealing with
it, so I carefully locked it up.
I opened the rob and took out the contents inside.
Looks like an old sword
It is just a sword with no road characteris cs.
It is misunderstood as a holy thing of a demon, but it is actually a
corrupted item of the holy sword Tiamata.
Olivia, the sword that I presumed to be, said with a trembling expression
that I drew the sword.
I watched you hold it.
“It controls the mind of the person holding the sword. I said…”
“In my case, it seems I have an innate resistance to this kind of curse, so I
didn’t, but…”
"Ummm... Then I'll be fine too. Actually, I also have a pre y strong
immunity to mental interference from a long me ago. I found out thanks
to the an -magic measurement.”
Fortunately, Olivia Ranche knew that her own psychic magic and
interference resistance were very high. So she must have known that even
if Le Barrier Lanche did mind manipula on on her, she couldn't control her.
So, a er all her torture, she tried to break Olivia Ranche's will. In the end,
as much as her mental magic resistance
Because her will was strong, she ended up becoming my scoundrel without
being broken,
"Can I catch one?"
" careful."
"yes I'm fine."
I knew it was going to be okay, but I said so for now.
I supported her blade with her hand and pointed her handle towards her. i
am nothing
She knows she'll get be er, but Olivia Ranche isn't sure she'll make it.
S ll, she didn't seem to hesitate.
Olivia Ranche, with a nervous expression on her face, gently grabbed the
cursed Tiamata's handle.
I don't know if the ownership will pass like this. But the Tiamata reacts the
same way when Olivia Ranche gripped it the first me I held it.
there was no
“Ummm… sure… I know what you mean. It feels like a very powerful,
interfering force.”
I didn't feel it, but Olivia Ranche seems to have sensed that the cursed
Tiama a was trying to do something to her and it failed.
“…This might be the Holy Sword Tiamata…”
"Am I the first person to touch this sword, except for you?"
“Perhaps it will.”
Since it is a cursed item, you should have been careful handling it. Be
careful that it is an object that controls the mind of the one holding the
because I gave
Except for me, Olivia Ranche is the second person to hold this sword safely.
“It’s strange.”
Olivia Ranche stared blankly at the cursed Tiama a.
“It’s a completely different power, but it’s the first me I’ve ever felt so evil
and so bad…”
Olivia held the sword and gave a somewhat sad smile.
“Nevertheless, it is a very, very familiar force.”
Powers that share the same origin.
Olivia Ranche seemed to have sensed it vaguely. I don't know what divine
power is, but Olivia Ranche has been honing it all her life.
Because she held it directly, Olivia could feel the direct power of this sword
itself more accurately than any other priests.
So, instead, she uses the divine power of government officials.
Able to use Olivia Ranche with her sword
I realized it just by holding it.
“The power of Tuan is the power of determina on before it is pure.”
“Is it a barrier?”
Olivia silently looks down at her sword.
“Rejec on of all that is unclean, annihila on, hatred and hatred of all
beings who betray providence. I do not tolerate the existence of such
things. so pure
It’s closer to a climax rather than a hurricane.”
Only things like that exist in the world
A level of integrity that shakes Dodochi. two
That is the doctrine within.
“Tiamata is a symbol of that will.”
Tuan's doctrine is the will to exterminate those who deny providence
without forgiving them, and the determina on close to hatred.
“By the way… this is the exact opposite.”
“...isn’t it the other way around?”
“I hate all living things, I hate Providence, I hate that kind of providence in
the world.
I have to turn it over… that…”
Olivia Ranche is feeling the sword. “Another kind…..determina on.”
Tiamatha as the Guardian of Providence. It is a symbol of the resolu on of
those who have betrayed providence.
Corrupted Tiama a. it's providence
Hatred of self and denial of providence
It is a symbol of hunger obsession and determina on.
“…It’s a very different power, but in the end, the ‘will’ is the same.”
“...the words of determina on against opposing values.
is it?"
Olivia Ranche seemed to realize something about her.
“It’s so different from Tuan’s power, but fundamentally it’s a power that’s
too similar.”
The decisive person symbolized by Tuan's power
body is too similar Therefore, Olivia, who was accustomed to its power,
had no choice but to feel the same as the cursed Tiamata was overly
opposed to Tuan.
“Of course, there is a possibility that this is the relic of Kier, the god of
corrup on. However, if this is really the relic of Kier, the god of
corrup on... Kier's power is strange enough.
looks like tuan The way power is expressed
Quite the opposite, but the source of that power is very similar. It cannot
be a force that arises from another being.”
Olivia concludes.
“This is Tiamata right….
But... that the relic of Tuan... is flowing out the exact same type of power
as that of the demon Kier..."
opposite way of expression.
But overly similar sources.
Corrupted relics, but fundamental powers
Olivia feels that the driving force itself has not changed.
Between the two opposite gods and demons
“Kiere and Tuan are actually… the same en ty… is it?”
Olivia Ranche discovered her shocking truth for herself and lost her face.
She renounced her faith, but she was stunned to speculate that Olivia
Ranche might be the same as Kier, the depraved god whom Tuan, whom
she had now adored, had taught her to hate so much.
She ques oned her faith and she threw it away, but she never thought the
truth would be so unbelievable.
Olivia Lange in the Fallen Hallows
She felt the power of a completely unfamiliar demon, but she eventually
found that the power of that demon was too familiar.
It is very similar to the power of Tuan.
So she ins nc vely knows that Tuan and Kier are the same thing.
did. A lot of priests can't figure it out
did it
It was only natural that the priests did not no ce.
At first, I looked at the cursed sword thinking that it might be Tiamata.
impossible, the existence they believe in
Because there can be no doubt about it.
Olivia can see the situa on objec vely because all her religious
preconceived no ons are gone.
And she eventually came to the inference that Tuan was the same as Kier.
A er that, it's a chain.
She must have come to the point that all of her beliefs about demons were
illusions. It wasn't usually a shock, so I thought Olivia would come back to
her sanity.
waited un l
“Whoa… yes. I guess I've learned something else I shouldn't have known."
The truth of the Knights Templar is only a part of medicine compared to
the truth we have now realized. That the devil is the same as the god
If it is known, the founda on of faith itself will collapse.
'cause you'll lose
Of course, get the credibility itself before that
I will not be able to,
“So, can you bring this back to Tiamata?”
If the priests of Kier have corrupted Tiamata, the reverse should also be
“Ummm… I might give it a try, but I can’t guarantee the outcome. my
Power may not be enough.”
No one can help with this but Olivia. That is why she purifies Tiama a with
only her own power.
will try
"Ummm... that's going to take a while. Can't we get this out?"
“Yeah… maybe.”
Purifica on ceremony in a more secret space I'd love to proceed. use this
It is also dangerous to carry it out of the room. Yesterday, I pretended to be
carrying a lily sword and tried to throw it away, but at that me it was
known that the demonic relic had disappeared.
You can take it with you if you take the risk, but you won't be able to take it
out of the temple. Olivia Ranche scratched her cheek as if in trouble
walked away
"Then... I guess I'll have to hold a ceremony in this room..."
As in the case of De o Morian, it is a very me consuming task.
"Uh, what's going on... Reinhardt, me, I guess I'll have to spend the day in
your room..." |
Olivia Ranche could see in her eyes that she was very nervous because
what she usually clings to is the angle she has to go to and spend a day in
the boy's room.
If that's the case, she shouldn't have done it in the first place.
She's the first one to openly say something like this
What is it that makes you scared?
It would have been nice to have the ceremony held in a safer place, but I
had no choice now.
Eventually, the ceremony had to be held in my room.
I can do the ceremony in my room, but I don't know if someone will come
into my room.
I do not know.
So in the end it was decided to hold the ceremony in a certain place in my
“...Is this okay?”
“……It’s only here. surely."
Olivia decided to conduct her ceremony in her shower room in her room. if
you close the door
You don't even know who's in and what. Of course, the shower isn't that
narrow, but it's not terribly spacious either.
Her sanc fica on ceremony is held in her dorm room, in her daughter
Lynn's shower room.
What the hell is this situa on?
“I don’t know how long it will take, so I’ll start right away.”
"Roughly how long do you think it will take?"
“Well… I don’t know how long it will take as it’s something I’ve never done
before. You may have to stay up all day. It might be more than that.”
Fortunately, today is Saturday, so I have plenty of me to lose tomorrow.
“Isn’t it be er to eat something and do something?”
"it's okay. What is this?”
There may be physical problems
Olivia smiled as if it was okay.
She put the cursed Tiama a down on the shower floor, and Olivia Ranche
knelt before him.
posture? a day?
Frustrated, I stacked some cushions and handed them to Olivia.
“Oh my gosh, then I get on my knees.”
"Huh? Oh... huh. Yes, thank you."
Olivia laid her cushion on her back and she knelt down on it.
“What do you have to be thankful for? I am grateful.”
In the end, all these efforts are for me, not for myself. More than anything
else, I was grateful for doing everything I could as if it was natural even if I
didn't say anything.
can help someone
Then of course you have to
seemed to think
With that mindset, she must have lived her whole life.
He was a completely different kind of person from me, so I was silently
watching her begin to pray.
I watched as the power of the god of innocence resided all over her body.
God answers the false prayers of those who have forsaken God.
her tuan s ll lends her her power
For lending strength to prayers that are not sincere, Olivia Ranche would
be grateful or grateful.
I was watching Olivia Lanche quietly praying outside her shower room.
Originally, it was said that it would take a long me, so I had nothing to do
except watch.
The divine power emana ng from her Olivia's body wraps around her
cursed sword. it seems like something is happening
However, the process was too slow.
Olivia, performing the ritual herself, might know something, but she can't
be bothered because it seems like she's paying all her a en on.
If it's like this, don't eat anything today
I'm going to go ahead and wear it, but is it okay?
I don't even have to Whether I am here or not, the ceremony will proceed,
and there is no reason why I have to watch.
because there is no
But I didn't eat lunch.
If someone is doing their own hard work for me, I can eat and rest casually
and do that.
there was no Of course, Olivia Ranche wouldn't mind whether I did it or
not, but for nothing I couldn't be comfortable.
I am guarding the room in case someone comes, but honestly, no one will
She's supposed to be Ellen, but Ellen says if I don't come to her gym she'll
be doing something vaguely she's doing her thing while she's
She tends to do it, but she's not the type to call out why she doesn't come.
Time passed without anyone coming.
Prac cing with Reinhardt has a kind of rule. To be precise, it's not a rule,
it's a natural thing to do.
We do it together, or we drink together. Ellen comes to the gym almost
every day, and as does Reinhardt, she says some mes she doesn't prac ce
and does other things.
If Ellen did, she just didn't go out to find Reinhardt because she was the
type to train alone.
Of course she goes back and forth and goes to training if she runs into it
She made some sleeping gestures, but she didn't force them.
She has always been that way.
So, Ellen tends to say that even if Reinhardt doesn't come, she just does.
But today, that doesn't work.
Why aren't you coming?
That thought lingers in my mind.
- Pak! Papak! Pak!
Except for himself now, there is only Cliff in the gymnasium.
Are you with that old man? s ll?
I would have gone back to the beginning. In the lobby, knowing that
Reinhardt's room was going to be in 5th grade Olivia Ranche, I just
prac ced in the female armament.
It's been quite a while, of course
would have gone Reinhardt didn't like it when the senior had to look
around his room.
Of course I would go back. lunch me too
it's gone
But Reinhardt eats lunch.
did not come
Is it s ll there?
What the hell are you doing there?
Why the hell do I care about that?
What if yes or what?
would have gone No, it will s ll be there.
He doesn't know why he cares about it, but those thoughts are intertwined
and conflic ng with each other.
An unknown insect crawling in my heart.
This confusion itself was unfamiliar and unpleasant. It's the first feeling I've
ever felt. I feel bad for myself for feeling that way.
This is just nonsense.
nothing to help me
it's emo on
Neither his own growth nor his rela onship with Reinhardt would help at
such a feeling
Reinhardt lives his own life. He has no reason to go further here.
because it's a friend just a friend
Although they are very important, I decided to think of them as just
So throw it away
have to throw it away
- Puck, puck! puck! Whoops! Cuckoo! Quick! It's crazy!
Ellen looked down at the sha ered and sha ered dragon scarecrow, with
her cold eyes
she was sleeping
She was not a water lily sword, but a scarecrow was broken.
“Uh, uh.”
She was terrified as she saw Ellen looking down at the sha ered scarecrow
with a bloody expression on Cliffman, who was bea ng the scarecrow from
not far away.
Does she break me? what happened
Cliffman looked into his eyes and couldn't believe it.
Ellen looked at herself in horror.
asked Cliffman briefly, who was looking at him. It looks like he has
something to say.
"Oh that. no. nothing… not.”
Cliffman unknowingly told Ellen did respect
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 194
The ceremony began around ten in the morning.
Is it 1:00 in the morning, long past bed me?
Ji. The ceremony con nued. There was no such thing as a roll call, so there
was nothing to worry about.
Meanwhile, Olivia Lanzee had not drank any water, and she was s ll
concentra ng on her consciousness.
I didn't have to, either, but I kept starving. Her hunger was not so great.
I don't know how red you are right now or how hard it is. Therefore, on
the part of me who is watching, I am rather restless.
What can I do for you? Should I wipe off the sweat? To be honest, she
didn't think it would ma er if she just slept, but I didn't think of such a
shameful thing.
So I just kept watching.
Because I've only been working on one thing for over 12 hours. without a
However, it certainly seems to work.
For a very slow but long me, the progress of the work could be seen.
Cursed like a shell being peeled off
The shape of the sword was changing.
The cursed Tiama a is returning to its original form. This dark and dark
sword gradually takes shape as a milky white sword.
go find
Olivia Ranche's purifica on ritual was clearly working.
Suddenly, a white light flashed from the sword, and it did not return to the
holy sword with some great brilliance.
But the scales are peeling off one by one
As if a curse burns in the divine power. One flap comes off
The skins of the cursed sword were gradually disappearing in a reddish
The holy sword is slowly but surely restored.
It's not drama c, but it's constantly changing.
do it
Olivia Ranche sits s ll in my shower and con nues to pray in the same
posi on as she did before.
I'm on the other side of the wall in my room with the lights off
Leaning forward, he watched the scene as if it were his duty.
Olivia Lanzee, me too.
He spent the day in that state without changing his posture.
A long me like eternity in silence
What changes while flowing is the cursed sword
There was only one slow change that occurred in
When the last scales of the cursed sword were peeled off.
"'s over."
"Thanks for your efforts."
With the bright blue light of dawn. The ceremony was finished.
“Get some rest. thank you."
“Yeah… it should be.”
I don't even have the energy to stand up properly
He helped Olivia Ranche up and laid her on my bed. She fell asleep, fain ng
as if it was too hard to even keep her conscious.
I raised my hand towards the sword lying on the floor of the shower room.
- Slurry....
The black that disappeared from the shower floor was suddenly in my
As Tiamata was restored, it seems that the spiritual bond with me has been
perfected. Olivia Ranche seems to have succeeded in waking up clumsily
during the half- me of De omorian, although the method is different.
The ivory-colored sword looked more like a warm texture than iron. The
sword that looked like its skin had been peeled off s ll did not have a cross
guard, but the blood that was cut in the middle of the milky white sword
had characters engraved like other holy things.
I could read it.
[I will purify the world with wrath]
The phrase on the holy sword is pre y creepy.
The restora on of the Holy Sword Tiamata has been completed.
[Event Complete - Holy Sword Tiamata]
I was able to get the reward that had been given to me while I was cursed,
with my whole set back.
| [An addi onal reward will be given.]
[You were able to become the master of Ti Amata because of the 'Sacred
Spirit'. Also, that characteris c is Olivia Lanzee and Gong.
It was a hoax.]
[Reward: You share the Holy Sword Tiamata with Olivia Ranche.]
And it came with an unexpected reward.
When I reverse summoned Tiamata, it went into my desk drawer. I move it
to the place I want to keep. I want to sense where the sword itself is.
The posi on of the face is understood naturally.
This is true soul bonding.
And ball it with Olivia Ranche
stay Co-owned with Olivia Ranche
things that have been
Olivia Ranche fell asleep as if fain ng, and I was equally red.
Of course, I can't sleep next to him, so I put Tiamata in the drawer.
I locked it and went out into the hallway.
It wasn't the me to wake up, so there was no one in the hallway as the
dusky dawn dawned.
Let's lie down on something like the lobby sofa and take a nap. You're red
and you're going to die. I've been starving for a while
was not sick
Now, it doesn't ma er if Tiamata in that state is discovered by people.
People believe that the cursed sword is Tiamata, and regardless of whether
or not it's genuine, it's genuine. With this result, what's the use of you
The world is consequen al. I was convinced that the cursed sword was a
holy thing and purified it.
returned to the sanctuary. temples are holy
Mistaking it for a demonic holy thing and discarding it
tried to seal.
No one can say anything to me because I'm right.
Due to the cursed Tiamata, stress for two days was no joke. what
I'm worried that there's something wrong with Lee.
enough to go,
As I staggered into the lobby, I saw a guy si ng blankly on the sofa.
She was Ellen.
“…what are you doing when you’re not sleeping?”
Ellen sits blankly on the sofa.
He looked at me when he knew I was coming. dawn
It doesn't look like he's even going to exercise.
Ellen seemed hesitant, and she asked cau ously.
“Are you exercising?”
I sat across from Ellen. I didn't sleep, but he didn't seem to sleep.
Ellen didn't say anything.
I didn't say anything either.
I'm the one who didn't ask anything.
It would be strange to explain something.
It's like suddenly picking up excuses by yourself
it will be about something she didn't even ask
West. Whatever it is, when the ques on comes back, I have nothing to say.
S ll, somehow it's all resolved now
let's say
Speak and be comfortable
Even if it's a bit harsh. "Hey."

“Make one promise.”
“What promise?”
Ellen said that when I suddenly heard my words,
Gal went out.
“Un l you hear it all. Don’t give me away.”
I don't know if you lose a er listening to it all, but don't hit me because
you got mad while listening to it.
Once you hear it all, hit me...
Ellen doesn't know what I'm talking about
was a bewildered look at I took Ellen to the quiet gym.
Even if it's a bit noisy here, no one will listen to it.
“That… you know. That demon’s holy water, you know. That’s. I had it.”
"What... what? What?"
Ellen didn't seem to understand what I said, although it was brief.
“To be precise, it was because they recognized me as the owner. They keep
coming back to me... So I didn't steal it. He said that it came to me at will,
and he kept staying in my room even if he threw it away.... That was the
situa on. That’s it.”
get sick
Because his expression is ro ng from moment to moment, my
I don't know what you're talking about
Ellen's expression turned cold. She speaks her words because she is in a
bad mood
has been frozen
Ellen was staring at me.
all. She's not screaming, and she's not climbing the main prey.
She is just staring at me.
But she clearly looked very angry.
ok tell me more
It feels like this.
“Do you… con nue?”
"Huh. Keep talking.”
If something caught my eye, it felt like it would kill me.
In front of Ellen's cool eyes, I was very nervous and finally finished
explaining everything.
From the cursed sword suddenly appearing in front of me, to asking Olivia
Ranche for help to somehow solve this situa on. And to let her know that
the cursed sword is Tiamata and let her purify her all night long.
I hurriedly summoned Tiamata and showed it to Ellen before her eyes.
“I hope it was… Tiamata…”
Ellen couldn't believe that her cursed sword had turned into the relic of her
Tuan when it was shed. but can't believe it
Even if you don't, the reality is right in front of you.
What was presumed to be a demonic holy thing was a curse
It was Tiama a in the received state. I have this in front of my eyes, and
there's no point in trying to say anything.
In the end, it was a dangerous thing, so I asked him to leave it alone.
We have now recovered Tuan's relics from the Darklands, not demonic
relics. It would be great to find the relic of the demon god, but it is true
that the relic of Tuan, which was lost three hundred years ago, has been
It must be a huge achievement.
And, it became a soul bond with the relic of Tuan. That means that I am
also the champion of Tuan, the god of innocence.
"A er all... you were des ned to have this... Is this what it is?"
The cursed sword had no effect on me. Ellen seemed to contemplate what
inevitably it was in the end that I had Tiama a.
“It’s a coincidence. That senior didn't fall under the curse of this sword
" could be."
Olivia Ranche also explained that she helped purify the sword.
A er I reverse summoned Tiamata, I
I looked into Ren's eyes.
"That... I'm sorry. I didn't hear you."
Now is the me to get angry.
How many mes did I tell you to throw it away?
there was no No ma er how good the results are, my stubbornness made
it dangerous.
Ellen looks at me with her mouth slightly puckered out.
"......done. Don’t do that in the future.”
Obviously, at first he seemed embarrassed and a li le angry, but now he
seems to be ge ng be er. I was really prepared to be beaten back, but
Ellen was a bit heartbroken.
I looked fine other than that.
I... did you buy it?
“Like you said, now useless greed is
I'm going to the goal, not to play."
This is sincere.
Damn because the result was good My neck almost flew away.
Of course, if I hadn't taken on this adventure, I wouldn't have been able to
obtain a great weapon called the Holy Sword Tiamata, but un l when
Because I can't have only good stories as a result.
Ellen took her deep breaths as she sat down on the floor of her gym.
“So, what are you going to do?”
“Are you going to report to the Temple that the cursed sword was
Temple was s ll in turmoil. They must all be struggling to find the lost relics
of the demon god.
Hiding Tiamata is no longer difficult. Because it can be summoned and
reverse summoned from anywhere. It is also possible to put it in the river
here instead of in my room and take it out whenever necessary.
“I think it’s right to say, but…”
“It will be annoying. very."
There is no reason for Ellen to hide that she is Artorius' younger sister and
the holder of the divine sword Rament.
Popularity, as well as people's great expecta ons, will annoy Ellen terribly.
And, under the guise of being a hero, she will be secretly inflicted.
to people's pressure.
"Do not say. It'll be forgo en soon anyway, so there won't be any major
problems beyond Tiamatha."
It would be a problem if it was a real demonic relic, but it was returned to
No abnormal problems will occur. So Ellen seemed to think it was be er to
hide that I became the owner of Tiamata.
“Yeah, that would be be er.”
There will be some commo on to find the lost demonic relics, but as a
result, if nothing happens for a long me, like the last zodiacal terror
incident, it will eventually be quiet.
The cursed sword problem has been resolved, and the holy sword Tiamata
has been restored.
And she was prepared to be beaten up by Ellen and told her all the truth.
Ellen said she seemed angry, but she seemed relieved that in the end she
had all the problems solved.
Ellen and I sat with our backs against the wall of the gym.
“Did you not sleep at all?”
Ellen looked at me with a bad complexion and she asked me.
"...uh. Someone is doing this all night because of me, carefree
I can’t sleep.”
“…it must have been.”
It didn't ma er how much she slept, but because of guilt, regret, and
gra tude, I was watching her un l the end.
“Let me sleep in my bed and I’m in the lobby
tried to sleep in But since you are... well. To talk.”
Ellen is on the verge of dying because I'm red.
Her eyes widened slightly as she realized that she couldn't sleep because of
“…Sleep here for a while.”
“I will.”
I lay on the floor of the gymnasium.
Although the floor was hard, it was not uncomfortable because I was red.
Ellen is lying and sleeping.
She was staring at Reinhardt.
The worm that had been crawling in her mind was gone.
angry I was upset to hear her say that such a thing had happened.
I was angry all the way to the top of my head. She said that a few mes,
and she eventually gets greedy.
has fallen into a dangerous situa on.
S ll, she persevered at the thought of hearing the whole story for now.
However, as she listened to the story, Ellen found herself unwi ngly
relieved of her anger. Guess I should be angry, but Reinhardt obviously did
something stupid and was put in danger.
The anger had already been released, so I couldn't express my anger
without it.
It was the only thought in her mind.
The Holy Sword Tiamata is by far the best. I don't think anything other than
being a li le surprised about the important thing, the holy relics of the
there was no
It's like that too.
It was like that too.
It couldn't be.
Everything was there for a reason.
Such thoughts, relief, certain resentment and sadness, and unknown
emo ons
The one who disappears all at once
I felt bad.
The recovery of the holy sword Tiamata.
The world would be surprised, but Ellen wasn't too surprised by it.
Other than that, I think it was more important.
Ellen hugs her lap and stares at Reinhardt, who has fallen asleep as soon as
she closes her eyes.
She is like a li le child who takes a closer look at an animal she sees for the
first me..
She's been watching all this me, but now
like seeing it for the first me.
Ellen is only now seeing Reinhardt for the first me.
seemed to be looking at
It would be uncomfortable to sleep like that.
Ellen loosened her interlaced hands and stretched her legs out.
And Ellen li ed her Reinhardt's head slightly and placed it on her own
If you sleep like this, it will be uncomfortable, so I do it.
That's just the reason.
it would be uncomfortable
And I'm just sorry
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Something I was sad about, something I doubted

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 195

The case was closed.
The thing I was most worried about was that De omorian would suffer
hardship because of me.
Whether it was because he was a Temple student or whether the
inves ga on revealed that he was not charged with it, it seemed that he
had already returned to the dormitory a er being inves gated all Saturday.
Olivia Ranche already had a feeling that she and I were co-owners of the
Holy Sword.
"Hmm, I really don't want to use it. I think it's yours, Reinhardt."
Olivia Ranche was trying to help me regardless of her holy sword itself, so
she said that she had become a soul-bond with Tiama a.
She looked a li le nauseous about herself.
| By the way, this gentleman is very red, and lunch me will pass in my
slept sloppy un l
Look at how messy it is
Far from breaking you...what is it? Why didn't you get the nerf when you
just woke up? Isn't that absurd?
"Ugh huh!"
Olivia Ranche, who was stretched out a lot,
She opened her eyes and looked at me.
“By the way, I want to show you something interes ng, Reinhardt.”
“Wow, what is it?”
It shouldn't be weird! Oh, that can't be! It's only been a day, isn't it, you're
just ge ng used to it, isn't it?
"Look at this."
Olivia Ranche raised her right hand and closed her eyes.
- Whoa...
"...What's this?"
Olivia Ranche's hands are weak
Seeing that, I couldn't help but be astonished.
This yangban is capable of exercising tremendous divine power.
can Yesterday, when the ceremony was conducted
Tuan's divine power was used.
"Heh... I think I've understood the essence of divine power."
But now in the hands of Olivia Ranche
It is believed that what was formed was the divine power of Tuan.
There was an excessively evil and dark energy flowing through it.
“Maybe… this. is that?"
Olivia Ranche's eyes, which had opened her eyes, were feeling a certain
insidious energy that was completely different from before.
“I am the sta on of Tuan, so to speak, the key.
Learn how to use the power of Er
I think I threw it away.”
Tuan will soon be Kier.
Olivia Ranche reveals Tuan's divine power
I understood that if I changed the current way, it could func on with the
opposite power.
And she went through a whole day of ritual yesterday to restore Tuan's
relics to their original state.
In doing so, she understood how forces work.
So, Olivia Ranche can use Tuan's divine power, that is, the power of
innocence, while at the same me being able to use Kier, the god of
corrup on,
It also seemed to be able to use power.
She is now able to use both of her two completely different sides of divine
The power of innocence and the power of death.
“Is that so... Am I the only true believer in Tuan? It’s funny.”
Because he forsook God, he understood God. Since she abandoned Tuan,
she could be called a true believer who understands both sides of Tuan,
who can use both of Tuan's and Kier's powers.
Anyway, Olivia Ranche has become the only person in the world who can
use both the power of a god and a demon.
what is it
Cases bounced and bounced, and eventually the Holy Sword T
Amata isn't that important, it's more than that.
Ki who witnessed the birth of an even more monster
it was a minute
“Ah, so is that going to happen?”
- slurp
Olivia Ranche summoned her holy sword Tiamata from her bed into her
own hand. Since you share ownership with me, Tiamata is mine and Olivia
Ranche's as well.
When she smiles wickedly at me
staring gloomy
“Is she corrup ng the restored Holy Sword Tiamata again into the Magic
Sword Tiamata?”
“Well, what are you talking about, you gentleman!” “Hey, it’s a joke, it’s a
If I hadn't dried it, I was really going to do it!
In the end, it's true that Olivia Ranche saved her day from crisis. to be
It doesn't ma er if I use it in a cursed state
It was an object, but it was very great that the soul bond was properly
established, so that it was possible to control Tiamata.
It's a secret that the Holy Sword is in my grasp, and as I thought, whoever
I threw it at the bo om of the iris, which I couldn't find. I didn't even have
to go there. to send it there
I really feel like you've gone there
I save Olivia Ranche's life
It's true that I gave it to you, but in the end I'm on my own
thank you as
Olivia Ranche was a big fan.
If he was so grateful, he told me to buy some rice later. Then I went back to
sleep in my room one day, saying that I should con nue to sleep.
With her head refreshed, Ellen said that a er Reinhardt woke up and went
back to her room, she also returned to her room and washed herself.
I couldn't concentrate properly yesterday, oh
Let's always focus a li le bit. Reinhardt's troubles are gone, so he might
come to the gym today.
Of course, it may not come if something happens, but what if it doesn't?
Ellen said she was leaving her private room to go to the gym when she
made eye contact with someone.
She looks a li le red but nevertheless her gaze is bound to go
The senior who helped Reinhardt, Ol
It was Libya Ranche.
She must have spent her day in Reinhardt's room, and now she seems to
be returning to her own dormitory.
Olivia Ranche smirked as Ellen stared at her and she nodded.
“Ah, are you Reinhardt’s friend?”
"Ah yes."
“Do you have anything to say?”
Reinhardt was definitely dangerous. If it hadn't been for this person's help,
He would have been in trouble.
If so, then he is grateful. Yesterday, for nothing, I felt a strange feeling and I
felt guilty about myself.
He felt that inner guilt, as if he hated someone who helped Reinhardt in
good faith for no reason. Ellen looked around.
There is no one around.
"thank you. That... I heard. You said you helped Reinhardt. I must have
been in a lot of trouble, but thank you for your help.”
“Ah, yes. okay. You're the one who's close to Reinhardt."
Olivia smiled kindly, she just said she did what she had to do, of course.
She is the one who helped Reinhardt with only good inten ons.
Ellen said she felt her unknown feelings yesterday and she was a li le shy
about herself, she said.
“By the way, you know that Reinhardt is my giant, right?”
Olivia Ranche gave her a slightly sinister smile, and she went back as she
said those words. Ellen stares at Olivia's back.
I don't like that person.
I don't like Harriet, so why do I hate that person?
Ellen didn't know why.
Even if Tiamata is in my hands, nothing will change.
Unless there is a major incident where the undead army appears in the
eclip c, I have nothing to write about myself. in the darkland
I don't know if I'll go one more me or not, but even in that case, it's only
for Undead.
It is an object that exerts powerful power with
Of course, according to what I heard from Olivia Ranche, Tiamata has the
opposite possibility.
I was joking, but in reality, Olivia Ranche will be able to corrupt the
restored Tiama a again.
The Holy Sword Tiamata is used against unclean beings.
It is a sword that exerts great power.
On the other hand, the cursed state. Magic Sword Tiama
Burning exerts the opposite power.
It will exert absolute power in killing the living.
In the end, if you change the way of expressing power depending on how
you use it, Tiamata will depend on whether you use it properly or corrupt
Absolute to both the living and the dead
become a weapon of power.
Of course, it's impossible for me, who can't handle the divine power, but
with the help of Olivia Ranche.
A holy sword and a magic sword at the same me.
If Olivia Ranche can help, t
Amata becomes an all-purpose weapon.
Of course, it would be best not to use a holy sword or a magic sword, but
Ron knows that one day he will use it, but
Monday a er Sunday.
a er common class hours.
"What's going on? Are you saying you're going to buy me all the food for
Da o?"
“You suffered because of me, but you have to do something.”
"...I'm some mes surprised when I find out that you care about that?"
On the way home from school, De o Morian, and
He was heading to Main Street with Charlo e de Gradias.
| The B-8 De omorian will have a hard me
I didn't feel like something was wrong with me. S ll, I'm sure it was
suspicious. Anyway, I was released, but in the end, it was because of the
request I made.
Tiamata was also secured safely, and this guy's ball is as big as Olivia
Ranche's ball.
There were a lot of things I was personally sorry for, and he didn't know
the details, so I wanted to do something.
A er all, it is only a small thing to buy rice, but
And, Charlo e didn't call, but she followed.
When I said I was going to buy De o Morian rice in class B, Charlo e
followed suit, wondering if it seemed strange.
Princess, you seem to have plenty of me.
S ll, I'm happy with the outcome.
De omorian was originally a gloomy and silent guy, so he followed me
when I said he would buy me food, but he didn't say anything.
So, the empty space in the conversa on was filled in by me and Charlo e,
who followed me because I was bored.
“Haha… I really don’t get used to this guy’s swimming. I'm red of dying."
It's s ll September. Because it was a hot day, the last physical educa on
class was s ll swimming. However, my stamina has definitely improved.
He didn't become a super corpse like he did when he first swam.
De omorian is red, but it doesn't look like he's going to die.
“What do you want to eat?”
“...sashimi, six mes.”
what is it
should i say it's you
Of course you're from a northern primi ve tribe.
I know that sashimi has nothing to do with what I want to eat.
it's you....
I looked towards Charlo e.
"it's okay?"
"Huh? I said I didn't care about that."
Eventually we went to eat sashimi.
I knew there were all kinds of restaurants inside the temple, but they
specialize in yuk sashimi
I never thought there would be a point.
De o Morian seemed to come o en alone, so he gave direc ons.
He ate six sashimi piece by piece, and the shallots first
I opened my eyes to see if I could see it and ate a few pieces.
Surprisingly, it turned out to be good enough to eat.
It's really rude and rude to think like this, and I'm sorry for him...
A skinny Det who craves raw meat sashimi.
Looking at Tomorian's face...
Anyway, it's okay!
Of course, the taste itself was quite good.
Most of the food sold at the temple is the best.
Because it is made with high-quality ingredients.
“De o, eat some of this too. tasty."
Come to think of it, Charlo e is De omorian.
call by nickname So, there was something like an inner twist. That's just my
It's like a brother,
Do you want to call other guys by nicknames?
Classmates only?
“Originally, everyone takes care of me like this.
"Huh? Ah...."
Tell De o Morian to eat this and that
When I asked as I watched them take care of them, Charlo e smiled
“That… just, uh, yeah, thinking about the old days… it’s like this without me
was it like that
De o Morian looks like someone who is always hungry for something. It is
because of the se ng that it is the world's strongest anchovies that do not
gain weight at all. So Charlo e is the Demon King
I remember when I was starving, so I take care of it like this.
what, what...
The reason for taking care of me is so salty....
“No ma er how much you eat… you won’t…”
When Ellen says this, do other girls think these motherfuckers? with these
I see, he looks salty even when he says the same thing.
Make bu er bibimbap every day
How about you? Isn't it s ll steaming?
I'm not gaining weight, but will I have cardiovascular disease?
“Well, that… Anyway, I’m sorry. If I asked for something, I would have
The gist was this.
| “Aside from rice, I have some money for anything else. It's not about
making money. what can i do to help you tell me if there is such a thing or
what you need.”
It was impossible to know what would have happened if the priests of the
Tuan Church had made up their mind and tried to kill him. I don't know if
the temple protected it or not, this Charlo e protected it.
I know, but De omorian is just something I did.
It was really dangerous because of the request.
I couldn't even tell the truth about it, so I was very sorry. At my words,
De omorian slowly shook his head.
“It’s ok… Everything you need… The temple prepares everything…”
She replies with a sluggish tone of voice, as she s ll planks the meat.
“If you need help… I’ll tell you later…”
“Uh, uh… yes.”
If De omorian asks me for help, what is it?
is it a day
I wish it wasn't like a ghost...
If you have a holy sword, you can tempt a ghost in one queue... But before
that, I'm not confident I won't die of a heart a ack! I'm a person with some
sort of death history who died a er seeing malicious comments!
I'll tell you later if there's anything I need about De omorian, so it looks
like this is what it's all about for now.
I don't know what the reputa on of this guy is in class B. However, it will
s ll feel a bit reluctant in the original development. Always gloomy, silent
and alone, strange
'Cause it's mu ering
But now the invincible Charlo e is by my side
Do you want to become friends by taking care of this and that?
“By the way, this is just a personal curiosity. The last ceremony was
What were you trying to do?”
"Ah. That..."
She didn't even see Charlo e herself, but she did report
I would have go en it She told Det Tomorian that she had performed some
ritual on the cursed sword and that
She later found out that the sword was gone.
De omorian chews the meat sashimi.
started explaining.
“I was talking.”
“…are you talking to me?”
"I was trying to communicate with the energy that resided in that sword...
But that spirit
Because luck is asleep... li le by li le
wake me up Un l I can answer... But. Half-awakened and answered with
very li le informa on. A... The consciousness was interrupted in the
primi ve magic.
It was very different from the standardized magic of today. De omorian
tried to have a conversa on with the aura of the sword itself.
But he was asleep, so he couldn't talk, and he kept pricking him next to
him. Hey, are you sleeping? mind. wake up Hey, do you have something to
say? uh? don't wake up
me? even this way? even this way? Baby is poisonous, poisonous. It
doesn't even happen
What is it like this?
So I woke up halfway through and was able to hear about sleep talk. But
consciousness was interrupted in the middle.
In the end, I tried to talk, but
It is true that he was trying to awaken the energy of Tiama a, which had
been lost. So the bond of soul with me is clumsy
The sword has moved into my room,
Then, the energy of Tiamata in the state of the demon sword may have
fully revived.
Olivia Lanzee restored it with her holy sword, but wouldn't it have been an
accident if Tiamata had arrived with her magic sword? Anyway, I was the
In the end, it is unknown whether the ritual that De omorian was going to
carry out would have been dangerous if it had been completed.
I'm glad I didn't have an accident because I stopped the ceremony in the
“By the way, are you really sure that it is a demonic relic?”
Charlo e lted her head.
“That… I don’t know… I only know that it… is a very old thing…”
“Hmm, that’s right.”
It was not the De omorian who assumed that this was a sacred relic, but
the high priest who controlled the ritual. It was not revealed whether it
was really a demonic holy thing or something else.
Eventually, she even apologized to De omorian, and even ate.
Let's finish this ma er slowly and focus on the temple life.
“But what exactly is witchcra ? I am very curious to hear this.”
Charlo e nodded and De o Morian stared at her Charlo e.
"It's clunky and I don't know, but it feels like I can do all sorts of things. In
the end, De o found out what even the temple black magicians and priests
couldn't figure out, right?"
"I couldn't figure it all out..." |
“Anyway, where did you find out a li le bit?”
De omorian scratched his head at Charlo e's praise.
what. He's shy right now, isn't he?
"That... Actually, the last me I went to the De o club room... it was a bit
eerie, and it was. I think I misunderstood. I'm sorry."
"No... everyone is..."
The boy's response was that it was nothing new.
“By the way, De o, magic is a sphere.
What is the enemy?”
“…what is it?”
“Yeah… Destruc on magic or illusion magic,
In the magical fields of alchemy, enchantment, and magic cra ing, you get
a feeling that it is roughly what it is, right? But magic is... I know you can do
this and that, but I can't remember exactly what it is, so what's the
difference between magic and witchcra ?"
Listening to Charlo e, she is likely to have such ques ons.
Of course, the magic that De omorian uses is something I set. Of course,
I'm not the main character, so I didn't go into detail, but
To put it bluntly, magic, including destruc on, illusion, alchemy, and
enchantment, is a genre of magic.
Witchcra is not that kind of concept. Witchcra is primi ve magic, and in
the past, the word for magic was only magic.
Witchcra is a concept as a synthesis magic. I am not referring to any
So, to put it bluntly, Harriet has a talent for magic that can master all
magic, but witchcra is not a genre of magic.
There is no talent for magic is
It's magic before magic.
On the other hand, De omorian has a strong sense of magic.
He doesn't have any talent, but he can master all methods of magic.
A er all, witchcra is a comprehensive talent.
That's how I set it up. How did De omorian, the beneficiary of that talent,
Shall I?
“…if there is a clear difference between magic and witchcra … it is the
clarity of causality…”
“Clarity of causality?”
Charlo e had a bad feeling. But I kind of thought I knew what you were
talking about.
“Destruc on magic has a magic formula and a method of mana
management for using the magic called fireball.... If you follow the
procedure as it is, the magic called fireball will be ac vated.... But magic
isn't like that... ..”
“Ah… so. Are you saying that there is no standardized method?”
“Saying yes.... Even if you use the same spell, some mes the effect is even
stronger.... Some mes it has no effect.... Or you can get a completely
different result....” |
Witchcra is an ancient magic whose causality is opaque.
it's a system
It's called Super Random Magic.
Charlo e heard the explana on, and her complexion was
A li le red.
“Hey, that looks kind of dangerous…”
"I'm careful about that part..."
They say they are taking care of themselves, but no one knows how careful
they really are. Charlo e nodded, as if she understood somewhat. She
feels Charlo e a li le scared
She lost De omorian and she shook her head.
a lot
“It’s not necessarily… dangerous rituals or rituals…. There are many simple
things…. Astrology, contempla on, handwri ng… Fortune-telling,
Palmistry on the ornament.
Even if it's not magic, it's a familiar dog
Charlo e lted her head.
“Are you also using magic to do that?”
“Yeah, sorcery... A er all, there are more things to judge about these and
other small things... Rather, I’m more used to such things...”
This means that shamans are more likely to take care of someone,
contemplate, and receive blessings than doing rain and ancestral rites.
“What else is Yeji? Can you see the future?”
"Like I said... I'm not sure."
Det Tomorian turns to look at Charlo e and me, and she asks in a low
“...can you take a look...?”
"now? Can you do it right away?"
Oh no.
Are you afraid that something ominous and dark is going to read you out of
the future? But she had Charlo e's eyes gleaming as if it were a miracle.
She's a li le nervous about Charlo e
She smiled as she looked at me.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 196

Charlo e is marrying me.
It wasn't just Charlo e who was mesmerized by the out-of-the-ordinary
sound, it was me as well.
“Hey, what. What kind of nonsense are you talking about all of a sudden?”
At my words, De omorian stared at me.
looked at
"I... I just said what I saw..."
“Oh, no. Anyway, does that make sense?”
“That, that… so. Huh. right. This is what I'm saying, but... I'm that, imperial
Charlo e said, shaking the corners of her lips as her face turned white. This
is the temple, so I'm an imperial family and Reinhardt is a commoner, so
how can the two of us get married? I hate to say things like that myself, but
it's such an absurd future.
Charlo e can say that
there is only one
“Because I don’t know what people do…”
Yes, that makes sense. No one knows when, where, what, how, what will
But I had goosebumps running down my spine.
I don't know for sure, but Charlo e later found out that I was Valie.
is this a sound? what about a er that
While I was steaming, I had a job with Charlo e.
How do you get married or whatever?
What are you talking about?
no, before that.
In the first place, wouldn't that make Charlo e suspect that I might be
Balie? If Charlo e begins to harbor such doubts,
The body being discovered is a distant future
it won't work
It was a big deal.
While I was going to a public store, Charlo e
If you make an upper-bound guess, the situa on is be er.
get caught
“I could be wrong… I was just saying what I saw.”
"okay! Then you must be wrong! ah ah ah He, I doubt your abili es
Nira. That doesn't make sense. Is not it? How big is the iden ty difference,
huh? No big deal then, kid, apart from your status in the first place, such a
thing can never happen! of course!"
“That’s right… isn’t it? Huh."
Charlo e shook her head with a bewildered expression.
it was thanks
"That's right. There's no way such a absurd thing could happen."
This must happen before Charlo e starts to misunderstand her strangely.
De o
Morian was obviously wrong.
She said she said.
"then! My, I... are you marrying Reinhardt? Ha, no, that's ridiculous!
Impossible to do that!”
“Well, uh, how could such a thing happen? uh. Is it impossible?”
Charlo e and I looked at each other while denying that such a future
would never come.
no wonder.
We couldn't look at each other properly.
Charlo e returns to the Royal Class dormitory
A er she arrived, she took off her school uniform and was washing her
body in her shower room.
She was just asking for fun,
She beat her to the fact that she had a secret she couldn't tell anyone. that
At mes, she had her spine numb.
She doesn't know the details, but she guessed as long as she had such a
secret. Yes, witchcra is scary. It's a strange power. She thought so.
“Hey, that’s ridiculous.”
But she doesn't care what happened a er that
It was.
She is Reinhardt and she herself is married. As soon as she heard it, she
wondered what this meant. Her head stopped for a moment, and she had
no idea what to answer.
Her own marriage with her Reinhardt.
If there is a case where the probability converges to zero, that would be
the case.
Because there is a basic difference in status, you will not only encounter
opposi on from the imperial family,
It already ends there. pre y big
Even aristocrats can't even consider themselves a candidate for a husband.
However, commoners enter the temple
A bum from a criminal gang though
Will the baby become her own husband?
That's absurd.
earlier than that.
Charlo e sees Reinhardt as more than her friend
never thought of
If she is the child, she does not know, and then she will do whatever she
does, at the expense of the imperial opposi on, or,
Even if she has to leave the imperial family. If so, I don't know
De omorian gave the simple answer that people don't know. Charlo e
knows that. No one knows what people do.
She lives a full-fledged life in the imperial family, but one day, she might
suddenly be kidnapped to the Demon Castle because it's a human thing.
she knows about the child's whereabouts
She is a wizard by her name, Gun Elena.
And Reinhardt is like a link between the child and himself.
What if she had something to do with the child?
Reinhardt is the only Charlo e who can advise her on the child's affairs.
As she talked like that,
If it becomes
Really, is that impossible?
people don't know
It may not really be impossible
call she herself loves reinhardt
It's really impossible to be
can you be sure?
“I… what do you think…”
I o en only imagine the worst. Even now, I only imagined the worst case.
She wondered what would happen to the boy and that she might turn to
She is disrespec ul to the child and to Reinhardt.
Impossible. It's not that I doubt De omorian's skills, but there's no reason
to be shaken by just one word. That Tomorian himself could be wrong.
didn't you say
And it's true that she doesn't have a heart, but what can she do?
Reinhardt's reac on is not like that.
It was an a tude that was never going to happen.
He vehemently denied it. very intensely.
As Charlo e thought about it, she felt strange.
no what is it?
'...Isn't that funny?'
She's right, it's improbable, but she denies so vehemently, and even looks a
li le angry.
Is she going to do that?
What does she have to regret?
Although she is now a temple student, she is living irrespec ve of her
To put it bluntly, except for the emperor on all con nents.
It is a noble body that no one can compare to.
She is confident in her heart that she lacks neither the brain nor the
financial resources nor the ability.
Her character is.... I honestly think she's pre y on the outside.
But what's the price?
Even if I get down on my knees and beg for thanks, I won't even look at
you, do you hate yourself?
what do you say
Personality, status is not good in the class, rumors about personal life are
not good, and if you're good-looking, in the end, it's a topic that only has
one nice face?
it's crazy
I might marry a guy like that
Of course, if you're serious about it,
It's not just that.
It's true that she has a dirty personality, but she acted more dirty, and
He helped, and he's s ll keeping his secrets well. She may be hated by
Bertus, but she doesn't hesitate to make friends with her.
I know that about her private life is just a misunderstanding and rumors.
In terms of courage, audacity, and ability, it is on the good side. good
Rather, it was rain among her classmates.
There are not many people to teach.
Thinking about it,
Really, if you really take it seriously,
Regardless of her status, it is right that she should be evaluated as a great
Charlo e has to admit what she admits
she thinks
She's focused on the kid
It's true, I didn't really think much about Reinhardt.
However, Det Tomorian's outrageous remarks caused her to take Charlo e
Reinhardt out of the blue, and in the end, she felt a li le strange.
However, she said that Charlo e eventually got angry that Reinhardt hated
her so much.
She was just punching the wall in the shower for nothing.
-Pak! Pak!
Of course, her malt-free body doesn't sound quite eerie, and Charlo e only
hurt her fists.
Even if you give me something, I won't have it.
Even if you like it, my side will reject it. What? Can't such a thing happen?
I can do this if I do it
I mean, she's the imperial court when she herself becomes emperor
There is no such thing as an impossibility of doing the opposite or
But what does she hate about what she says? how long are you going to do
Charlo e looks in the mirror as she gets in the shower with a bunch of
horns on her.
She reflects herself in the mirror.
She says Charlo e looks in the mirror with a lot of anger, and she hates
things she has no reason to refuse.
She comes up with only one reason why she might.
'I... am I not that a rac ve?'
She looked at Charlo e blankly as she looked at herself in the mirror.
Charlo e suddenly realized that she could not see herself objec vely.
Without me to organize my thoughts, I just went out on a Monday night
for a while.
Regarding the case of the Holy Sword Tiamata, first
need to tell my people
it seemed like
By the way, De o Morian's words caused confusion in his head.
Charlo e and I are ge ng married.
Of course, there is a possibility that I may be wrong.
I'm not saying that's what happened.
But if that's the case, why
Will it be like that?
It's found out that I'm Balinese, and Charlo e forgives me for that. Is it like
that, so it's like that anyway?
S ll, my status basically doesn't match the imperial family at all. The
current situa on is only possible because I am in the Temple. She assumes
that Charlo e will become emperor, so it's very likely that she'll never
marry me. Of course, Charlo e's imperial powers have all other objec ons.
I dare you to do something like that.
It would be a different story, but
If not, Charlo e will be compe ng for the throne.
Defeated in , she runs away somewhere, so she'll marry me anyway, she
might be talking like this,
Of course, if such a thing really happens, the process is unknown, but the
result is one.
Charlo e and I will get through the gate crisis and survive. Because it
means reaching a certain des na on in the name of marriage.
If De o Morian's words are true, then
What it says is not our marriage, but the fact that we survive.
The sound of catching a floa ng cloud made my head too complicated.
Aside from personal hoot, if such a thing happens, as to why it is
happening, it is I was suddenly unfamiliar with myself thinking about what
kind of ending I was talking about.
I didn't really think about whether I liked it or not.
As I walked out of the temple and walked down the street, I suddenly
thought of that.
I was so obsessed with the empty causal reasoning itself that something
important inside me seemed to disappear.
“Are you here?”
“Yes, lower.”
I had just come to Elerys' new address.
It is near Aligar Shopping Street. Eléris was about to get her semi-basement
room and move into it as she wished.
Judging by the look on her face, she was very fond of it.
| It's damp and humid, but Elerys seems to like this. A vampire who uses
morning sunlight instead of an alarm certainly looked pi ful, so it won't be
the case here.
The room seemed to be well reserved.
There are no good neighbors, and the upper floors are shops and not
residen al areas, so everyone is empty at night. Elerys was me culously
scru nized and gloomy
It's okay if I come here from me to me
I reserved the room in a place that would be inconvenient.
Elerys is happy with the new house.
Seeing it, I was a li le happy too.
However, under normal circumstances, it is a place where you can hear
that you must live in a place like this..
| First of all, let alone the few household items, it feels like a haunted
“I need to do some cleaning, but I will do it gradually. this me the interior
I want to do it too.”
The atmosphere of the damp and gloomy room with Elerys, who was
contempla ng how to decorate the new house, was too mismatched.
...Is the interior a bit more normal? First of all, have a coffin
Aren't you going to do it all?
“By the way, what did you come here for?”
“Ah, that.”
It is dangerous to meet too o en to be bored. So I'm here to deliver
Charlo e's le er or something like that.
If not, I didn't come here for nothing.
"You have that sword from the Darklands."
“...Yes, did you find out what it was in the Temple?
“Um… it’s not something the Temple revealed.”
Anyway, it's a bit difficult to show
“That was the Holy Sword Tiamata.”
Naturally, Elerys has no idea what I'm talking about.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 197

Even a er my long explana on of the Holy Sword Tiamata was over, Elerys
had a long and though ul expression on her face.
So, it was only a er she finally showed Eleris the Holy Sword Tiamata,
which had become soul-bound, that Eleris understood the situa on.
It was a problem because he reacted violently like a terrified vampire to
More startled than when she was hit directly by the sun, she jumped out of
her place, and even trembled as if she was going to be destroyed.
“... the undead takes damage just by looking at the holy sword, right?” |
“Hey, it’s not like that… But, apparently, it’s a contradictory thing…”
Elerys sighed in relief when I reverse summoned Tiamata. taking damage
It's not, she explains, but it makes me feel like I'm shivering just looking at
"It's amazing... that sword was Tiamata..."
The very fact that the Holy Sword Tiama a could be corrupted in such a
Leris seemed very surprised.
“In the end, I want to congratulate you because it is a good thing that you
became the master of the Holy Sword... In my circumstances, I can't... yes."
“I know what it is.”
Since I had become the master of the most lethal weapon for her, Elerys
seemed a li le terrified. “S ll, thank you for telling me.”
Elerys thanked her for thinking that what I had said about Tiama a was
evidence that I trusted her.
Elerys and I talked for a long me about the difference between the
Demon Gods and the Goddesses. Being a god is meaningless a er all, and
the power changes depending on the direc on you believe in.
Olivia Ranche changed her usage of Tuan's divine power, allowing her to
wield Kier's power as well.
“God seems to be even more bizarre than we imagined.”
“So that’s it.”
I didn't set it up properly
It's a long problem, but
“But I have nothing to write about. Somehow, I got it all in my hands."
If you listen quietly to class at the temple and flirt with Ellen, you will get
stronger. And although the Holy Sword Tiamata is a powerful weapon, it is
a limited weapon.
I don't know if it's a corrupted Tiamata, but there's no way I'll ever have to
fight the undead, and I'll kill the corrupted Tiama Taro and kill them.
Do you fight while standing up with a draw? in the first place
Eh, my mentality can't stand it.
I brought it because it was a good thing, and it is true that it was a be er
product than I expected, but in the end, there is nothing bad about it.
Elerys closed her mouth as if contempla ng my words, and immersed
herself in her thoughts.
“At this point, its use as a symbol will be stronger than its use as a
“If it’s a symbol, are you referring to the symbolism of the Tuan Church’s
sacred object?”
I had a hard me guessing what Elleris meant.
“It is a situa on in which it is revealed that he is the owner of Tuan’s Holy
Relic Tiama a under the circumstances that he is discovered to be a
“The Tuan Church has to choose between the two. Either deny Tiamata, or
admit that demons can become Tuan's champions."
I knew exactly what you meant.
The Tuan Church follows the doctrine of purity,
It rejects undead and demons.
However, the demons, and also the demon king, the Arch Demon, must
not be the master of Tuan's holy relic Tiamata.
However, the demon king is the owner of Tiamata.
Then they can claim that the Tiamata I have is fake, or the demons can
become Tuan's champion. must admit that
“But, as you know, high priests will be able to tell that this is Tiamata. Even
if they are not pure in their faith, they cannot deny the power of this
You cannot cover the sky with your palm.
Denying Tiamata and acknowledging that demons can become Tuan's
Both are difficult for the Tuan Church.
“The fact that you are the owner of Tiamata is one of the major issues that
can shake the whole of the Five Great Bishops.”
“…I guess.”
“I can’t say that the whole Tuan Church will be on the side of the
denomina on, but if that happens, Tiamata will be a very powerful means
of gaining poli cal and religious protec on.”
Tiamata is more useful than a weapon
There are other things that are more useful.
In the worst case scenario, if it turns out that I am the owner of Tiama a,
the Tuan Cult may try to protect me.
Of course, there's always a chance they'll try to get rid of me.
Once I got confirma on from Elerys about the other uses of Tiamata. L
Leris said that I am the owner of Tiamata.
He didn't seem to be too concerned about what happened.
Of course, I didn't come here just to report on the Tiamata case.
Prepare for gate events.
You have to start doing it in earnest now.
As a primary prepara on, I am repea ng training in training to make myself
Of course, that can't be enough.
The gate incident is basically an accident.
Accidents encountered in unprepared situa ons.
Therefore, the casual es are not only huge, but also unmanageable.
Because of the level of damage, they are s ll only students, and even the
high-ranking Temple students are being called out with all their might.
I am the only one who knows the point of the accident that no one in the
world knows.
If prepara ons can be made in advance, the casual es will be reduced
astronomically. the point of occurrence of the gate, its circumstances, and
the flow of the situa on.
If the Empire or anyone knows that in advance, they can prepare for it.
There is no reason not to do that.
Of course, just being strong on my own is not enough. If you can move a lot
of people, you can do more.
However, I know that in the future, an extraordinary and unprecedented
large-scale incident called the gate will occur, and prepare for it.
how to tell people what to do
Explain and persuade?
It is true that there are princes and princesses who can move many people
by their side.
But even if I know the gate incident and believe it, if you ask me why I
know it?
Even the fact that I am the Demon King cannot be explained.
so once.
The best unit for calling people.
I need an astronomical amount of money to prepare for the Gates incident,
not to seize the Empire's money.
Money is a means. I don't know what or how much you can do with it
However, once the basic unit, money, has to be earned inexorably,
can be prepared
First, there is the Rotary club.
“How is Airi these days?”
And the one who made money from the Edina Islands
Airi, who lives for the purpose of sieving
side is second
Elerys, Sarkegaar, Loyar, and Rotary clubs. And the Thieves Guild. The
connec ons between the prince and the princess.
Airi of the Edina Islands. A close rela onship with the local wealthy.
power in the eclip c.
Money in the Edina Islands.
By those two means, I am gay
You just have to be prepared for emergencies.
Airi's current situa on. At the ques on of him, Elerys lted her head.
“Um… According to the most recent check, things have progressed quite a
bit since last me.
It looks like it.”
“Are you progressing?”
“Shipowners or usurers. You seem to have made quite a few friendships
with the locals. Rather than having a lot of money, we help people who
move capital itself.
It means that I am able to get a job.... It seems that the intended purpose is
being achieved. just...."
Airi is money, but huge capital
He said he was trying to recruit those who own it. how it is
I don't know, but anyway, the result seems to be as expected. Being able to
control the people who move money is not much different from having a
lot of money.
But Elerys looked a li le worried.
"I don't know how much money it will be able to shake up the imperial
gold coins, but the princess will soon be able to exert influence over the
Edina Islands themselves.
You will be.”
I put it there just for a pas me, but Airi did a great job. Less than a year
later, it is now located in the capital of the Edina archipelago, and there
already local wealth and power.
I made a lot of connec ons with the guys.
That's what Elerys was worried about.
Airi did a very good job.
I'm worried about the future, which might cause great chaos in the human
“There’s nothing wrong with having a lot of money. Anyway, they will do
what I say, but if that happens, then you will have to take your own
"... Is that so."
Even when I say that I will control it, Elle
Reese looked uneasy.
The money Airi has is her purpose
and will be used in a slightly different way. Elerys' anxiety is unavoidable,
but if Airi manages things well, it's only me. Because there are many tools
that can be used, the more the be er.
“How is the Rotary club these days?”
“Oh, are you talking about there?”
The Rotary club's case remained.
The clubhouse, the new home of the club, has already been completed,
and everyone knows that they are escaping from the beggars and
pretending to be people.
The strange thing that I was kidnapped by the Thieves Guild because I
didn't share the informa on last me.
A er the incident, Loyar tells Elleris and Sarkegaar the situa on of the
Rotary club.
con nued to share
In Airi's case, it was a problem because it worked out so well, but Elerys
narrowed his brow as if the Rotary club was also a problem.
“Sales are ge ng harder and harder. There were also too many other
compe tors, and as a result, the magic heat
It seems that they are increasingly being avoided by customers.”
Subway parrots are ge ng more and more difficult.
Of course, that was to be expected.
“I will. Because I didn’t think it was going to be a hammock business for a
long me.”
“As the standard of living of club members has improved, the amount of
money they need has increased. It seemed he was at a loss as to how to
run the club. keep going to the thieves guild It’s a difficult situa on to even
open your hands for.”
There are things you need to live like a human being. The standard of living
of the club members has improved, but the subway Angbeol who
supported it are ge ng less and less income.
is in progress
I was thinking that it was me for a different revenue model. It's funny to
talk about a profit model or anything else, but it's funny.
Anyway, Royard is worried these days.
looks like a lot
I have to live on my shoulders
There are so many things, will my head explode out of nowhere?
It would be wonderful,
“How about this?”
“You are doing business legally.”

At the word “legal”, Elerys shook her head.
“You literally made the peddler inside the magic train legal. It’s a business
that can be done.”
“…Are you saying that you are borrowing the power of the prince or
It is not illegal at this me to sell goods inside the magic train. However, as
users are uncomfortable, it will soon become illegal.
will be
But it makes it legal.
It is not me who can do that, but the prince or the princess.
“Yeah, we should do business properly, instead of carrying around and
selling things like we do now.”
Originally, I was thinking of the kind of business that would pull a cart on a
train and sell snacks, but that's not allowed.
will fly
In a horsepower train that is not operated by seats, it is clear that
passengers will be extremely uncomfortable if the cart moves around.
Some mes you have to stand and ride.
“Now, every sta on where the magic train stops is just a sta on, and there
is nothing in it. Let’s set up a store and do business there.”
All sta ons are just boarding gates and there are no shops in the sta on
there is nothing
Why are you kidding me? You have to think about selling something a er
pu ng something in a store or something. A sta on is a place with a lot of
floa ng popula on.
Started as a parrot and moved to a legal business
go away Permission should be granted by Bertus or the Princess. It's not a
loss-making proposal, so it's definitely worth considering it posi vely.
If you don't, then it's me to go and think about it.
“ certainly sounds like a good idea. But... even if we get a permit,
wouldn't it cost a lot of money to set up stalls and shops at numerous
sta ons?”
It is the task of se ng up dozens of stores. Even if you give permission, the
If you don't, it's s nky yellow.
This yangban tes fied.
| “Who runs a business with his own money? you can get an investment
There were plenty of places to put them.”

“The imperial government is giving us the monopoly right to do business,
and there is no other compe tor than us. Why are we doing this with our
money? You have to do it with someone else’s money.”
Business is basically done with other people's money!
If this is the case, it is a monopoly business with the permission of the
what a beau ful word
Rotary clubs that have entered into an exclusive business agreement with
the government;
It's crazy not to put money here. Elerys knew magic, but didn't know about
business, so she had an expressionless expression.
Are you in business with no money?
will that happen? is that okay?
this is the look
Because Elerys is cute some mes too.
“For now, the Merchant Guild will definitely do it for you. They will run at
you drooling like a dog if you give them a supply cket.”
“I think so.”
I personally don't like the Merchant Guild, but he told me not to hate
money even if I hate people. They must have a lot of money, and if they
decide to get all the items from the Magic Train Sta on Shop through the
Merchant Guild, that's good enough.
will be stunned
Investments, as well as commodity prices, are high. you can slap it If the
merchant guild asks you to compete for a bid with the right to supply
goods, it will take care of itself.
I'm going to go back and shave it off. Merchants will eventually compete
with each other.
With the investment received from the Merchant Guild, the items supplied
by the Merchant Guild are sold.
In reality, the Merchant Guild does everything, but the money comes from
the Rotary club. Of course, it is clear that the Merchant Guild will also
receive huge profits, but
There are only people and franchisees in Rotary clubs, but both are
you will make a lot of money
Because power is so good.
Power is be er than money to buy power.
It's easier to make money with
“Tell Loyar. I'm going to talk to Bertus or Charlo e."
“Yes, lower.”
It's good to hear that you can do it, or you can think of another way.
Even if you leave Airi's case, it will take care of itself.
If these measures work, Rotary clubs will be different from what they have
been before.
You will make other money.
Elerys seemed to be worried about something else now.
“Damn, but can Loyard handle a business of that size?” “Hmm, that’s
“Right now, running a club is a headache, and if you take on a business of
that size, it will be easy to roll up.”
In Elerys' thoughts, Loyard is a bummer.
blind. that's people management
It seems to have go en a li le be er as the game progressed, but the main
version is going to be tough.
Strictly speaking, it's bullshit,
Elerys was worried that such a Loyar would not be able to afford to take on
a project of this size. I have to go to the temple, so I can't.
“Elerys, are there any beggars without a story?”
“Beggars and vagrants are people with a story, no ma er how big or small.”
“Yeah… I do, but…”
Elerys nodded as if wondering what the story had to do with this.
“There are more than two hundred beggars with many stories.”
In one of Tolstoy's wri ngs, Anna Karenina, it is said:
This is a very famous phrase.
Happy families usually look alike, but all unhappy families are unhappy for
their own reasons.
Rotary clubs are a gathering of those unfortunates.
Two hundred or so misfortunes of each.
“Among all of them, wouldn’t there be at least one person who sat down
because of a big business, whether it was a big roll or a blow in the back of
the head?”
Among them, there will not be one or two people who lost their business
and sat down.
The business is not something Loyar does by rolling his head alone. he
advises them
You go in and go ahead.
Elerys clearly said so.
He nodded his head.
A er giving Elerys some rough instruc ons, I went back to the temple.
The next step should be followed gradually.
Occupying the dark quarters of the zodiac.
You have to think about it too.
There is a way through the Thieves Guild
And, there is a way to use the Rotary club. However, I think it would be
be er in many ways to move toward the Thieves Guild as much as
I wonder what the hell can I do with them
long, but
If you control the dark people, you might be able to destroy all the warp
gates in the zodiac at once.
warp gate,
That's the key.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 198

The situa on at the gate where the story was blocked and I wanted to do
something, but I did not know what to do, and the cost of wri ng novels
with a lot of people dying at the bad ending came to a halt.
You have to be a party to the dreadful situa on and prevent or minimize
the damage.
A er the warp gate is transformed into a dimensional gate connected to
another world, movement between all warp gates becomes impossible.
And the eclip c has the largest number of wars among all ci es on all
con nents.
There is a phgate.
Because there are the most warp gates in the eclip c, the most people die
But, in the end, it's the zodiac.
Hwangseong also has a lot of combat troops, and because there is a
temple there, it takes a huge hit, but the emperor itself is unharmed.
From that point on, the war connected to another world
Destroy Fgate or join the other world
Block the connec on.
The only thing that could have been dealt with was the emperor. Almost
the en re con nent was in chaos.
In the Chae Empire, only the Yellow Emperor was unharmed, and the other
cut off from all areas.
A er that, the Empire and the Temple, where only the eclip c remains, a
long and long ba le begins to destroy or restore the warp gates dispersed
throughout the con nent.
I wonder why the gate incident happened a er all
He did not describe at all what happened.
It just suddenly happened like this. It's like this.
But in this world, probability is supplemented
has been
There is clearly a reason why the Warp Gate was suddenly connected to
another world.
If you know the reason, you can prevent the gate incident from happening
at all.
I wrote novels as much as I could and passed over the parts that had to be
explained because it was bothersome.
This will be the biggest punishment ever given.
I didn't explain the most important thing, so figure it out for yourself. If you
would this be the inten on
If we don't find out, billions of people will die horribly.
The conclusion exists, but the cause is unknown.
My first thought was to destroy all Warpgates on the en re con nent.
But that would be impossible.
I don't know if it's a warp gate for the en re eclip c
Also, it is impossible to destroy all warp gates in all places. one sweat
While you sweat, the Warpgate will be rebuilt.
The warp gate has become an indispensable item for mankind in this
world. that
If someone destroyed it, those who destroyed it
Naturally, retalia on comes back to water
It's Rongo, and it's about to be remade.
In the original story, he gradually restored the empire's territory by
destroying the warp gate and restoring it with magic.
If the gate was destroyed or normalized, alien beings no longer came out.
Although the zodiac was manageable, in the end a huge number of people
Because the eclip c is the place with the most warp gates, the monsters
pour out the most. The zodiac suffers a devasta ng blow.
If you destroy all the warp gates in the eclip c before the gate incident
opens, will the monsters not appear in the eclip c?
It would be impossible to break all the gates on the con nent, but if you
limit the story to the eclip c, how could it be possible?
Of course, we s ll don't know what the real cause of the gate incident is.
Even if you destroy all the gates, something similar might happen.
Find out the cause of the gate incident
It's best to prevent that from happening in the first place,
Destroying as many warp gates as possible before things happen is
subop mal. However, there is a clear possibility that breaking the gate in
advance is not a good thing. Jeon
There is a possibility that the tongue unexpectedly explodes in a third blitz.
First, you need power and you need money.
Just suddenly to Bertus and Charlo e
When we were in our 3rd year, warp crabs from all over the con nent
I'll believe you when I tell you that we must destroy all the warp gates
because it will be connected to another world and there will be a mess.
there is no
If you're going to se le things that way, you'll need proof. Evidence that
such a thing is happening. I don't know if there is such a thing, but if there
is such a thing, I will be able to persuade the imperial family.
It seems like a lot of me, but not much.
Powerful beyond my reach
One effort is needed
money, people.
and power.
You must acquire all three powers.
“…So you want to do business with a seat at the sta on?”
“... I mean, it does happen. Are you okay?”
Bertus looked at me with a slightly puzzled expression at my words.
The next step to deal with a catastrophic crisis equivalent to the
destruc on of the world is at the subway sta on.
You're asking me to do business with you.
What the heck....
Bertus seemed stunned by my sudden sugges on, and then showed a
sinister smile.
“Does your income seem to be ge ng more and more dangerous these
days because of your compe tors?”
“Yeah, what.”
Bertus, of course, is with the Rotary club
You must know where their income comes from.
it was He wasn't par cularly surprised. It's rather surprising that he le me
alone so far. Bertus groaned and shook his head.
“It certainly felt like you were making fun of a place with a lot of floa ng
popula on. anything
There would be no harm in doing that.”
Bertus seemed to be reviewing it posi vely.
“There was talk of driving out all the vendors because of the complaints
raised by the magic train.”
“…Is that so?”
In fact, it was not the first me that such a story was being discussed.
At my ques on, Bertus nodded.
“Yeah, that’s why I’ve been blocking the ac on so far.
Then there will be no need for that.”
"Huh? Blocked?"
What else is this? blocked? my
seemed startled, Bertus twisted his lips.
“His classmate’s precious family is on the road.
Sit on the... No, they're the guys that sit down. Anyway, if you don't have a
source of income, you'll be in trouble, right? So I told him to leave it alone.”
I... I'm really impressed right now. Oh no, you should be impressed!
"It's very unpleasant to see you making that kind of expression. I like that
you feel a li le unlucky as usual."
"...what do you mean?"
Berthus seemed a li le dazed, perhaps because my moved expression was
disgus ng.
I guess Bertus values me more than I think, and I don't know.
seemed to be paying a en on to that part.
If a villain is on my side, it's good, right? What is our dog?
“Anyway, it looks like you want an exclusive business right, but even if you
guys take the business right, you don’t have enough capital to start a
Bertus knew about greed, but he said that it wasn't too much, can he
handle it?
he asked.
“It should be invested.”
“Invest, yes. The thought itself is there. Then where?”
“At first, I thought it was a merchant guild.”
Bertus looked at me and grinned. “Are you secretly rolling this way too?”
"I don't know if it's going well, but I'm wondering if it's going to be the
For Bertus, it seemed strange that I had come up with a business plan and
thought of a place to raise investment funds as a plausible place.
I hadn't thought of that type of thing at all.
No, I'm not really that type. I don't know how to do business.
It's just an idea, and the actual opera on will be taken care of by other
There are downsides to being rolled up, but there will definitely be people
in your Rotary club with business experience, and they will run the
business with their collec ve intelligence.
I just need to get permission.
"great. 9:1.”
What do you mean? I was stunned by the sudden sound of numbers, and
Bertus frowned.
narrowed down
“If you were thinking of ea ng this for free, wouldn’t that be even more
surprising? just i do 9
peel? Do you want to do 1?”
"no! no! no! One! Of course you should give 1. cancer! so be it! Hey, I'm
not too ignorant! I'm like that
I hear you a lot!”
“Am I not going to invest separately? S ll, I'll give you one, right?"
"Then! Whoa. I'm sorry for taking too li le!"
"okay? Then you should get two..."
“No, that’s right, my friend! haha! thing! That’s right!”
Bertus said that I was the only one who spoke to him.
It's fun to watch the expression die and live
I was staring at it like it was.
Bertus puts up a condi on of 9:1
It was long, but he said he would consider my proposal posi vely. I'll let
you know later a er everything is decided
it looks like
Anyway, it's not because the government didn't work that the government
has been able to do what he's been doing up un l now, but because Bertus
has to block it.
It was a bit of a shock to know that it had happened.
Of course, it's not a big effort, just leave it alone, it's probably just one
word. that's somewhere
There was no other reason why I had to go to Bertus instead of Charlo e.
Because of De omorian's sudden gun, he didn't have the confidence to
see Charlo e's face properly. you guys get married Hearing this, he
suddenly came to me and wanted to do some shopping at the subway
sta on.
Allow me to.
Something like this is out of shape
it doesn't look like it!
I just know I don't have to worry about it, but for nothing.
just for nothing
anyway yes!
In fact, a er De omorian's sudden burst, the rela onship between me and
Charlo e changed slightly.
"Uh, ah... Reinhardt."
"Um, ah... is class over?"
“Ah… Then. Huh. I will go.”
"...uh. okay."
It got incredibly awkward.
Occasionally, Charlo e always smiles brightly and smiles with a slightly
high tension.
I said hello to her, but a er that, whenever she happens to meet her, it's
awkward ahaha. They smile and stare at each other for a moment, and
eventually pass by because they both don't know what to say.
You should just think that the foresight that De omorian saw is simply not
true. We both have that in our minds
It's kind of like ge ng confused by foretelling the possibili es of how
things could happen.
I hope someday that I'm Bali
It felt like I had heard a prophecy that things were going to get caught up in
a strange way, and I have no idea how Charlo e would feel.
Charlo e and me because of the damn big stone that De omorian threw.
The bizarre result was that they became awkward with each other.
Ludwig, who was standing next to him, lted his head, wondering if
Charlo e and I felt the atmosphere was a bit strange.
“Did you two fight?”
“…No, it’s not like that.”
Today is Tuesday.
It was the day of the swordsmanship class. So, a er the swordsmanship
class, I returned to the dormitory with the guys I had been taking classes
with, Scarle , Ludwig, and Ellen.
It was.
Ludwig was concerned that me and Charlo e had a bit of a fight as they
seemed to have escaped.
It seemed to be fixed.
“You both did a great job.”
"Ah oh. bye."
Scarle nodded at me and Ellen
He looked down and went back to the B-class dormitory with Ludwig.
Scarle said she didn't change the way the original story unfolded, but
she's okay with this in her own way.
It seemed It's quietly changing
it looks like this
I wish she had a few words. How long will she be respec ul
Today's swordsmanship class was nothing special. The prac ce session with
the Orbis class guys wasn't as close as last week.
I prac ced with Scarle and Ludwig. Ellen is watching
in the situa on.
I lost to both without using my superpowers.
Ludwig while using superpowers
and had a slight advantage. It wasn't overwhelming for Scarle , but she
was defeated. Scarle 's skills had already been predicted, so in a way, she
was a natural result. She says she's a very strong guy in the first place, and
her poten al is as good as Ellen's, as she's a huge hit in the Gates incident.
Later, a powerful an -magic immunity level
Because of her magical powers, she is also a guy who has earned the
nickname Spellbreaker.
Scarle also has her own growth rate,
As Ludwig is the main character, the gap between him and Scarle will
increase if there is even a slight carelessness.
I'll either grow bigger or Ludwig will catch up with me soon.
She'll probably have a long way to catch up with Ludwig. Because that guy
is the main character.
And Ellen overwhelmingly defeated all of us without using her magic boost.
In other words, measure your own figh ng power
that's what you saw
peace me.
Ellen Scarle >>>>>Ludwigina
when you do your best.
Ellen (Magic Enhancement)>>>>>>>> Scarle > Me
(Super Power) Ludwig
That's what it feels like. I don't know what's going to change with Tiamata
I couldn't consider you.
Close combat talent and training guys can be added here
Bertus and Cliffmann, Erch, many
You have to hit it un l Delphine. However, since Delphine is an archery
talent, strictly speaking, it is not a close combat type.
It is self-evident that Cliffman and Bertus are also far superior to me.
Cliff Mann is feeling his body every now and then every me he fights, and
Bertus has never actually seen a sword face to face, but he's more or less
like Cliffman.
So, in my current state, melee combat
Of the two talents, only Erch and Ludwig can definitely win the Royal Class.
A guy who doesn't give much effort. and
Atmospheric type main character. It must also be won with super power
Although it has grown beyond comparison with the past, it s ll lacks a lot.
I headed towards the Class A dormitory with Ellen.
Back to the dorm, I saw you last week
The scenery of Dunn was unfolding like déjà vu.
- Hey, let's talk to the teacher?
-Ah... I don't know... A dog-like bastard.
The three arrogant brothers were si ng just like that last week and today.
Ergi de Lafaeri, who was beaten by the Orbis class last week.
That guy has swollen cheeks again
He was surrounded by Chae Conor Lint and Cayer.
Last week, I gave it to someone from the Orbis class, and I said that I was
beaten in the face because I didn't have any talent anyway, so I could rip it
off later.
So I told him not to flirt a li le bit, and he gave Erhi to me.
I'm nagging at Harriet, who I thought I had hit.
I heard back.
“Hey, go in first.”
Ellen walked towards her room at my words, and I walked over to the guys.
As I approached them, I could already see they were ge ng fed up.
"Hey, where did you get the shot this me?"
Same pa ern as last week.
Having an argument in the Orbis class
Hit me up, I'm back in Royal Class
A pa ern of listening to nagging.
Erhi frowned and shook his head.
"no. Not this me!”
“Yeah, yes! I didn't do anything this me! My, are you going to argue that I
am crazy again?”
Because I didn't do anything, I was arguing and saying that it wasn't like
that, so I yelled at me as if not to nagging me.
“...or not. Why are you screaming and yelling at me?”
Where are you?
shout out?
“Uh, that’s not…”
Erhi was startled by my sudden accelera on and shut his mouth. I met him
and sat on the sofa next to him and folded his arms.
“What this me?”
If Erhi is right, did he just stay s ll this me and then get hit? I got it by
mistake last week, but this me
Is this not on?
"Hey! I told you to stop!”
And another déjà vu.
Harriet's voice was heard from behind.
“You hit the kids again!” |
I guess I had just returned, and Harriet was looking at me with her eyes
wide open.
Why are you really doing this to me?
"No! Hey! Last me and this me, it's not me? You've explained it all! Don't
you think you beat the kids when you're bored? Isn't it? It's been a while!
Why do you keep doing this to me?"
If you're really serious, the last me I hit a classmate was because Heinrich
wanted to hang out with me, so he gave me one! that
To be honest, it was mutually agreed upon! Before that, Erhi was shot
while trying to steal Scarle 's game on a deserted island, and was beaten
while whining at me.
That's it!
It was a long me ago!!
It seems like I'm really embarrassed hehe
Riot's expression changed slightly.
"Oh yeah?"
Strangely, the corner of his mouth twitched.
Jae, that's what I'm embarrassed about.
You seem to enjoy something?
It is an expression that has always been teased, but has learned the taste
of being teased.
It was a look that knew the taste of revenge.
Seeing that
why are you doing this to me Why only me!
This is what Harriet said every me I made fun of you.
I did it in ancient mes.
"It's obvious what a thug like you is doing, who only knows how to beat
kids. Don't lie. It's definitely you."
"No! No! It's not me this me or last me? I know I've commi ed many
sins, but it's not like I'm not!"
He knows how to beat me!!
As Harriet and I quarreled, Ergi de Lafaeri's expression grew more and
more dying.
Being slapped in the Han River and slapped in Jongno
situa on.
In the end, Erch endured the shame and told Harriet that he wasn't beaten
by me. It's such a pity
No, but I didn't hit him. I'm not lying.
"To Orbis Class? Again?"
Heriot's expression distorted at the remark of another hit, but in reality
It seemed to be true that he was hit by a Raw Orbis class guy. To the guy I
got hit with last me.
I asked him with my arms crossed.
“How did you do that this me?”
It's hard to believe everything Erhi said, but this guy said he wasn't
quarreled like last me.
"No... I didn't do anything this me... But a er class... I bumped into him...
It seemed that Erhi was terribly offended by explaining the right thing to
me and Harriet from me to me. Kaier and Kono Lint also looked at Erhi
with pity for giving such an explana on.
Harriet frowned.
“Last week, you said it was your fault, and you held on to it and hit you this
me for no reason?”
| It seems that Erhi has a strong hair on the Orbis class he is taking classes
with. So a er class, he slapped his shoulder and passed, and he was just
arguing with me.
It's definitely a shameful situa on
seems to be I don't have to tell the teacher, but I can understand Kono
Lint's story, too.
However, it seems that the judge's judgment has been seriously twisted.
Erhi is over the line
It's true, but a er a week or so, if I see you arguing with me again,
"You're strange. Why are you bea ng Al?"
Harriet frowned and mu ered quietly.
Just like last week, boy, something seems to have changed. It's like nagging
me saying I don't want to see kids bullying,
what is it
Did you evolve into a class leader character?
No, don't have that a ribute. me that
I don't like it very much. I hate it like Ludwig's bright and lively Jus ce sect.
Harriet stared at me. Just by looking at his face, he seems to be very
"Why why?"
“Aren’t you mad?”
No, why am I mad? I didn't hit it? I heard that the Royal Class came from
outside being beaten up, but as a classmate, aren't you angry or
I don't have that kind of sense of belonging.
What do you want from a demon prince who has no sense of belonging to
the demon realm?
uhh, ascent.
That's all I can think of,
“It’s strange, I thought you would hit me right away.”
“Why the hell am I doing this?”
“You are such a person.”
“Not at all!”
But not only Harriet, but also Cayer and Conor Lint were looking at me.
'Show me something! Reinhardt! You're a do-it-yourself guy! You’re a
senior, you’re a nabal, and you’re a s nger!”
All their thoughts are read.
What the hell is that expression that wants you to do something? Is that
the kind of expression you want to buy and run as usual?
This me, he seems to want the direc on of his thinking to be toward the
Orbis class.
Instead, those expressions wishing you revenge.
Please buy it! For our revenge!
...what the hell?
Is this, a er all, a kind of trust?
“Baby. If you feel bad about being beaten, tell your teacher training harder
You have to think about giving it to me. What are you going to do with
“I, I didn’t say anything!”
Oh right.
You didn't say anything....
Erhi is ge ng more and more unhappy.
seems to be becoming
Harriet mumbled with a sullen expression.
it went
“I know the Orbis class hates us, but it's a bit harsh.
He did it too.”
"...what? to you?"
Harriet suddenly became the class leader.
it wasn't
I'm already angry that the Orbis class had hit me too, but I'm even more
upset because another classmate said that I was hit too.
I was
But what happened to Harriet?
“Yeah, blitz magic came to me from a destruc ve magic prac ce class
today. even a mistake
But somehow... it seemed to be inten onal. He did get penalized."
something pop! do,
“Hey… these li le bastards.”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 199

“Uh, where are you going?”
"Leave it, it's just going to kill you all."
"it's okay! Are you okay? I'm not hurt!" “No, you bastard is just a li le
mischievous. Do you shoot a ack magic near people? You have to be
beaten behind to come to your senses.”
Harriet grabbed the hem of my robe as I was about to run out of the
dormitory right away | all. I was expec ng an accident, but it seemed like a
really big accident was going to happen, so I was taken aback.
As soon as the three arrogant brothers saw that the judges were twisted,
even sparks burst.
ran away
“He said that he received a penalty and that he would be disciplined if he
did it one more me, so I won’t do that again.
I will! It won't happen in the future
You don't have to worry about it!"
Eventually, a er figh ng for a while, I gave up on my side. Harriet told me
to calm down and dragged me to the tea- me terrace to sit down.
“I can’t really tell you what… Even if I was really, really hit
It wasn't even that dangerous magic."
| “Dangerous, nabal, and deliberately
It doesn’t ma er what you did.”
No ma er how joking it is, you make a mistake in magic class and grind
magic around people? What happened to that bastard head?
As I was bragging, Harriet lit up.
He kept looking at me like he didn't. He seemed worried that I might break
into the Orbis class dormitory while he wasn't looking.
He told me to calm down and made me an unusual cup of tea by himself.
did un l
“I wonder if I will get the reac on you expect, but I am scared when it
really comes out. I can't predict what you're going to do."
"...Hey. I didn’t really buy that much, did I?”
At my small plea, Harriet twitched the corners of her mouth with a puzzled
“It’s only the beginning of the second semester of the first year, so I don’t
think it’s already a problem to have had an accident several mes…”
“…that’s right.”
Others haven't had an accident and are living a quiet life, but if you look at
the truth, it's ridiculous to say that you don't have to buy so many things.
“And, when Erhi said he was hit, he didn’t really care, but I didn’t even get
hit, so why are you so hot?”
"That's it..."
That's it.
As she tried to say it, her tongue hardened. What should I say right?
Erhi is a guy with bad preconceived no ons, so I don't care if he's right or
do. Of course, even that guy's behavior was arranged by me, so I have to
hate it, but it's self-defea ng.
Harriet was slightly reminded of her face.
A er all, it seemed that I was happy to some extent that I was angry with
“You are a friend.”
In the end, that was all I had to say.
“…Isn’t it Erhi?”
"Why am I friends with him?"
Yes, it is true that the faucet eventually turned, so to speak. It wasn't the
ac ons that ma ered, it was who they did it to.
Harriet seemed to roll the word in her mouth.
She didn't look disappointed or sad. He seemed relieved, and he seemed
to be happy.
I was making a face I didn't know.
And training on the tea me terrace
Ellen in her uniform approached and her eyes met. It's not like she's out of
sight here, so she must have been looking for me all the way here.
Is she about to ask to go to the gym?
But, Ellen glanced at me and Harriet for a moment, and she turned her
back without saying a word.
Wasn't she looking for me?
“Anyway, don’t buy me. tomorrow
Because I can figure it out on my own."
"okay. I knew.”
Harriet was si ng in a posi on where he couldn't see Ellen, so she told me
not to think and hit me, and she nagged her for a while and served me.
In the end, that long nagging has passed
Harriet, who was shot back and forth, sighed.
I took a deep breath and sip my tea.
At first, I had a business with Harriet.
"Hey. But you know. Don't you want to try something like that?"
“Is that so? what?"
Harriet nodded at my ques on. “It’s like a club.”
Heriot looked startled as if the club were suddenly saying something.
“You study magic.”
“Mainly with Adelia. Right."
"Huh. But what's with the club?
Does it ma er?”
As if to tell the main story quickly, Harriet seemed a li le uncomfortable.
Just like me, Ellen, and Cliffman live in the gym, Harriet stays in the magic
lab unless there is a special event.
stay stuck Just like Adelia...
It doesn't seem like it, but it's a huge crime. Magic is limited,
"Wouldn't it be be er if we did that together a li le more?"
“Get together?”
This academy was not a club thing.
But as long as this has become a reality, there is no reason not to do it. Of
course, I have no inten on of joining a club, and although I have a li le
connec on with 'Grace', a religious club.
extent is the end
Just like Ellen got stronger at an earlier point than the original. I hope the
other guys are stronger than the original.
It's best to leave Ludwig alone.
belong to the case
Harriet works hard if le alone, but there is no reason not to show him a
slightly be er way.
“For example, a class B with magical talent.
Gathering with Jin kids, magic research donga
If we're doing things like Lee, wouldn't it be nice if we could talk about the
magic field we don't know each other well? You don't have a talent that is
limited to a specific field of magic, right?"
"It is, but... with the B-class kids?"
“Hmm… I don’t know about the Magic Research Society in the Royal Class,
but I know there are clubs.
Rather than asking the teachers. The level can't be high. That’s why I
It seemed that Harriet had a reason for not belonging to the Magic
Research Society. He seems to have thought that the topics and researches
dealt with at the student level could not be of such a high level.
But this reac on alone has already succeeded
As for Harriet, she must have been disgusted with why she had to study
with B-class people who were inferior to her in the original work.
But Harriet now has a very different personality.
| Rather than class B or anything else, I dared to organize a club where
students gather.
do you have anything good? this is the a tude
If you're not jealous, why do you have to? like this
“No. It will definitely help.”
"...Why do you think so?"
Class B has two magical talents.
A big talent with enchantment and alchemy.
Lis na.
And Anna has a talent for black magic.
De Gerna.
Both of them have strong talents in their own right, and they later become
a force in the gate crisis in various ways.
However, it is not the two of them with magic-related talents who can
really help Heriot grow.
"That guy named Louis Ankton in Class B. That guy will be a huge help."
"Ah... he? But isn't he a wizard?"
Even Harriet is not interested in the B-Class, but of course knows who is
have. So you probably know Louis Ancton's talent.
“You study magic.”
“Yeah, I know that…”
Louis Ancton with 'academic' talent. He's amazingly good with just one
He cannot use magic, but he is walking the path of a magician who studies
magic as a science. theory
is fast, but not prac cal.
Class B's Cris na and Anna de Gerna take the advice of Louis Ancton to
achieve magic. Behaving harshly with classmates
A er darkening,
When it comes to magical talent, that guy is a growth pump.
Originally, I thought I would hate Harriet, but now that my personality is
very harmful, I think I will accept it, so I'm only talking about it now.
Studying with Louis Ankton, Harry
Ut, Adelia, and both of the B-Class are all supposed to get help.
Of course they don't even ask their doctor
It sounds like a bit of a bummer that he already had an idea in his head.
It's not like I'm doing this for a day or two, even this me, everyone says
it's good.
it is
Harriet seemed to be pondering.
"Ummm... I don't know, really.
“Then let’s just get together and talk. You do it if you think it will help, or
you don’t.”
"...if that's enough, you can try it once."
Harriet nodded as if he could do anything about it.
Laying the paving stones like this
you can go
I do not know to what extent their achievements will be, but I can suggest
a number of magical research tasks, including the possibility that the Warp
Gate will be connected to another world.
If you find it, it's great, and it doesn't ma er if you don't.
You can also make things in advance that will be made later.
It's also true that everyone's magical achievements will increase
tremendously just by doing these ac vi es together.
Louis Ankton, who is not a wizard, but is knowledgeable about magic.
He can help everyone achieve be er things.
I am drawing such a vision,
Harriet's face was slightly reddened and my
“Well, but you… you don’t have to go to the Magic Research Department.
Why are you doing the same thing? That... you, you... you are a
superpower. He, if you dare to do club ac vi es like that with me... you'd
be bored... are you okay?"
Yes? What do you mean?
"me? Why am I doing that?"
Three or three children who know how to use magic, get together, talk,
and do research together.
My words gave Harriet a slightly puzzled expression.
“You, you don’t?”
"No, of course. I'm not even a wizard.
You don't even know much about magic. What can I do to help?"
Apparently, Harriet meant 'let's make a magic research club with me' when
I told you to try a club.
seemed to have heard
No, come to think of it, it's only natural to hear that, right? First of all, get
your kids together and make a club. I say this There's no reason at all to do
So, Harriet's understanding of what it means to make something like a
magic research group together is probably natural.
But it's normal, it's normal.
He realized that he had been mistaken, and saw Harriet's face ge ng
I can't stand it!
“Do you want to do that with me?”
“Uh, huh? uh, what?”
Harriet's face heats up more and more as I giggle and stab him in.
“Why are you with me?”
"What, what?! My, me. What am I! Ha, ha ha! Why do you do that with
someone like you who doesn't even understand the basics of magic? So,
what can you do when something like that comes to you? Whatever you
say! Even if you come, they will say you don’t like it!
As soon as he started scratching, Harriet, as expected, went wild and fired.
Seeing Harriet so angry a er a long me, I even felt a refreshing feeling as
if a 10-year-old conges on was going down.
"No, if you don't like it, why are you so angry? You wear the earrings I gave
you. It's a disease that you always get up and down like that, man."
"Ahh! Really, why are you doing this to me? You only have to be nice to me
or do bad things. Oh! Lee, Lee!"
“Uh, uh. Hey. yum, put that down. I'm not throwing that. uh." “I will throw
it! I will definitely throw it!”
Harriet picked up a teapot of hot tea and stared intently as if he was about
to throw it at me.
Harriet shook his hand holding the teapot, and eventually put it down
without throwing it. Of course, he was joking around whether his anger
had subsided or not.
Shame of dying
Is it good that you sublimated into anger?
I don't know if it's bad.
Of course, he doesn't sign up, and that doesn't mean he's going to leave
everything to Harriet a er this.
“Aren’t you friends with the class B kids?”
“…I only know the face. You don't even say hello."
Although Harriet has become close with the A-class girls, the boys are s ll
at the same level as everyone except me. So, not to men on class B.
“I won’t join, but I will try to convince the B-class kids. Yes
It would be a bit like doing it yourself.”
“You do it?”
Harriet said I was going to do that.
He seemed surprised that he was doing it.
“Yeah, just like you said, I’m an outsider who doesn’t even know the basics
of magic, but because I’m a bully, I can grab people I don’t like by the neck
and gather them all in one place.”
“Are you saying that if there’s a kid you don’t like, you’re going to take it by
"No, it's true, it really is.
would you?”
“I really think so, do you? this sheep
Arch bastard.”
"No... it's a joke dude."
Harriet also has a way to get me, and when he sees an opportunity like I
do, he bites off at that part.
“Anyway, people will talk to me well and gather them all together. A er
that, it’s up to you and the other kids.” |
The common goal of improving the level of magic
Royal A, B class magic for votes
Experts come together.
Originally, it was only performed in class B, and joining class A is very
is in progress
You do it by pulling it in advance.
Just as Ellen awakened her magical powers in advance, Harriet will be able
to become an even more powerful wizard in advance.
| Harriet seemed to have relieved a li le of her inner worries when she
said that I was even going to gather people.
But Harriet s ll had a sullen expression on his face.
"Why. Do you have more to say?"
“…if you really want to work together, we can do it together.”
"Wow! I really hate it, but you really want this.
If you want to do it together, I can join you!”
what does this mean 'Cause I don't even want to do it in the first place and
I don't even understand magic
It is an ac vity that has no meaning whatsoever.
But if I really want to be with you, you can join me
What are you talking about? |
As I was thinking about it, I couldn't help but know when I saw Harriet's
sad expression on her face. His expression was the same, but his eyes were
We're talking about doing it together.
Then just say we'll do it together
If you do, you can do it together.
To feel like a kid's way of asking
also do,
The worries didn't last long.
“Yeah, there’s nothing wrong with having at least one chores manager.”
I don't know anything about magic, so I don't know what I'm going to do at
the Magic Research Society, but I'm sure there will be.
To be precise, that's pre y good.
If you say you don't like it here, you can't predict what kind of expression
he will make.
I didn't want to see that expression. “Then let’s do it together.” “Heh, I
can’t help it, then.”
Do you know that your expression and tone don't match at all right now?
Is this the first me I've seen you smile so brightly?
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 200
| In the first semester, it was too much to even take care of myself. So I
didn't have me to worry about anything else. First of all, I was in a
situa on where I didn't know if it would be possible to even take
responsibility for my own body properly.
Of course, now that I'm in the second semester, I've become incredibly
strong, and I haven't gained enough strength to properly take care of my
But once the rou ne itself became stable.
Once the rou ne of personal training or performance is stable, other
You can also pay a en on to the side.
Airi's work, a new business for the Rotary club.
and the main story characters.
to facilita ng growth.
I have to keep doing my work my way and the other work going the other
Is it the Magic Research Club or the Magic Research Club?
It's not yet decided if it's a law research club, but I'll go to the B-class kids
and talk about it one by one.
He told me to take out the beef horns too quickly because we had to share
them, so we were going to visit them one by one a er class.
The next day, Wednesday.
I did a morning workout with Adriana. Of course it's s ll raining on Adriana.
Even if the absolute value dropped a lot, there was no such thing as falling
I couldn't go to the morning workout because of the Tiamata problem for
about two days, but Adriana seems to have been doing morning workouts
alone at that me. When she asked what had happened, she said that she
just slept a li le and couldn't get up, and waited around.
Adriana wondered how she would react if she found out that I had become
the master of the Holy Sword Tiama a. Because I have the relics of the god
Tuan that she worships.
I'm sure you'll be shocked, though. Of course, I had no inten on of saying
anything. Adriana
Because your heart is precious.
“Whoa....” |
A er one round of her rou ne, Adriana and I sat down on a bench in the
hillside to rest.
“Summer is coming to an end soon.”
"Iknow, right."
As we enter October, the heat will end and fall will come. And a er a short
fall, winter comes. Adriana gazes at the landscape of the temple that
spreads down the hill.
“If you come here when it snows, the scenery is amazing.
Adriana said she had lived in the temple for a year longer than me, so she
had no choice but to know the winter scenery of the temple. I'm sure it
would be great if it came when it snowed.
“...But you mean you exercise in the morning even when it snows in the
first place? What if I slip and get hurt?"
“This is it.”
Adriana flowing in her own hands
Showing her divine power, she smiled.
Even if you get hurt, it's enough if you recover. This yangban is also very
“By the way, did you ever have an argument with the Orbis class?”
I had a job yesterday, so I was curious again.
The case of Orbis Klass and Ludwig is scheduled for a school fes val,
He was already involved with the Orbis class due to various small things.
Has Adriana ever had a fight with the Orbis class since she was a year older
than me?
“Orbis class? why? Did you have a fight with her junior, Orbis class?”
As if wondering where the character was going, Adriana looked a li le red
and distanced herself from me. no! really!
I know you've accumulated karma, but what are you talking about?
If I do, is it uncondi onally connected to the character of the problem
“No. She has never had an argument, and she only prac ced and dabbled
in a healthy way a few mes.”
Of course I'm a li le bit too hairy
It was long, but she didn't have to say it because it would only disappoint
her if she had to say it.
That's right.
Come to think of it, I didn't get into an argument, I was arguing, right? If
you ask me, you bought it right? Because I ate another world, there was no
such thing as an a erthought.
At my ques on, Adriana gouged out.
she walked away
"Ummm, the Orbis class kids
I don't hate lil. We also have a lot of kids who don’t like Orbis classmates,
and in Ard’s case, we’ve had fights a few mes.”
2nd grader A-3 Ard de Gri s. He's the guy I had a duel with. Of course, it
was Meia Turn, a third year student, that I actually fought,
Mayaton, you haven't seen him since the duel. 1st year freshman
All I know is that at the me when I was about to chas se Ki into a duel,
the image in the Royal Class had already fallen completely into hell.
Anyway, it seems true that the sophomores had some trouble with the
Orbis class as they had been at the temple for a while longer.
“How did the fight go? Did you win?”
“Oh, it must have been similar. Orbis class kids really put a lot of effort into
it. Of course the fight gets too intense
It was dried before.”
Ard de Gri s's real skills
I don't know how much, but Orbi
It seems that it was difficult to dis nguish between superiority and
inferiority when there was a fight with the class. Adriana sighed as she
took a sip of the water from the canteen.
“It’s understandable. we are talented
There are, and there are a lot of kids in the Orbis class who really think we
can get stronger without any effort.”
There are guys who only believe in their talents and play, but like Adriana,
they prac ce early in the morning.
there are people who do So, there is a distorted side to the Orbis class's
hatred of the Royal Class.
“More than anything else, the Orbis class forcing hate for the Royal class is
the biggest problem. Teachers are like that, seniors are like that, and if you
don’t want to lose to those guys, work hard… I think it’s something like
The Orbis class inten onally s mulates a sense of inferiority to the royal
class and elicits effort. You guys aren't even talented, but you can afford to
take a break.
do you think How are you trying to deal with the Royal Class without even
trying? It's like this.
I heard it's almost like the military.
Adriana knows that some of her classmates hate the Orbis class, but she
doesn't seem to think much of it. He seemed to be thinking about a more
structural problem than that.
“So you mean that you don’t like it or hate it?”
"Well. It's kind of like that. It’s not like nothing happened.”
Adriana told the story and she gave her a slightly troubled smile.
"What happened?"
"uh? Ah... yes. I didn't fight. It was a bit difficult… it was a job.”
At my ques on, Adriana scratched her cheek with a slightly bewildered
“That… among the Orbis class kids.
Hana… followed me for a while…”
“Are you following me? For what... ah. no way."
She looked at Adriana's slightly embarrassed expression, and she seemed
to know what was going on.
“Did you say you fell in love at first sight or something like that?” “.... uh, uh
Adriana nodded her head slightly, her face reddened.
Clearly, there was nothing strange or surprising about her that it had
“Hey, I’m going to become the Paladin of Tuan.
Even if I say, I can't give up
I didn’t know… it was a bit difficult.”
I will become a priest of Tuan, so no ma er how much you like me, I will
accept your heart.
can't how many mes she said that
However, it seemed that the words did not make sense at all.
Adriana isn't arguing, she seems to have had this kind of problem.
“By the way, it must be a li le difficult for you. If anything like that.”
She's not just an Orbis class, Adriana is the one who likes to sleep
When she gets hurt, she is in a posi on where she can never accept that
“Ugh… it’s kind of like that. So... I think of you as a friend, but the other
You might think differently, so I'm a li le cau ous."
Adriana is just comfortable with the opposite sex
Because the other person might have a different opinion when dealing
with her, it seems that she has hurt her without knowing it. Adriana's
expression darkened slightly.
Adriana stretched her out.
“Ugh… So, juniors are a li le more comfortable.
I can't seem to find any interest in me at all."
“…you see that?”
“Then you can see it.”
Adriana looked at me and smiled.
Be nice to everyone and be comfortable
I thought she was a person, but she didn't know that Adriana was a person
who was careful about that.
Trea ng me comfortably means I'm approaching more than normal or
something like that.
Was it because there was no sign at all?
Adriana laughed sadly, fiddling with her canteen.
“If the person you thought was a precious friend wants to be more than
just me, what should I do…”
Her heart cannot accept it.
You want to remain friends, but your partner doesn't want that. and she
I knew I was doing it.
Adriana seems to be in that situa on now.
“Pretending not to know… would that be a bad thing?”
It seemed to be a different story from the Orbis class.
someone likes you But that person is a dear friend to Adriana. I can't be
more than that, and I don't want to be.
But she's got to know that she doesn't know what it's like to pretend she
doesn't know what it's like she can't conclude that Adriana
It seemed
“That would be bad.”
I drank water from the canteen and answered briefly.
I really mean to Adriana
was that what you were saying
I didn't know either.
There is a saying at the bo om that her body lacks even ten.
So that means it's busy.
To be honest, I don't even need ten.
No more, no less, just three
I wish there was
One for your Rotary club, one for training in the temple, and one for your
me like this
It cannot be neglected because it is also necessary for privacy and, a er all,
human rela onships within the temple are also very important. Everything
is resolved by becoming strong alone.
I don't know, but it's not like that.
Of course, making three bodies is not possible with addi onal se ngs, so I
have to run myself.
Even though no one told me to, they live filthy and hard.
No, but to be honest, I don't think I would work this hard if someone did it
for me.
Due to an incident related to the magic research club
I entered the class B dormitory. The only A-class magic majors are Herriot
and Adelia. Adelia is Harry
I'll be able to convince you, it's up to me
this is not
I will be taking charge of two B-class magic majors. and B-2 Louis Ankh
it's turn
Louis Ankton once helped me prepare for my first semester midterm exam.
It was almost counter-forced.
“Hey, long me no see?”
"Uh, ah... Reinhardt, uh, yes..."
Louis Ankton of the Illimbo Sannim a ribute was s ll s ff when he
encountered me. To be honest, I never did anything to him. that
We did it to study together, and it wasn't bullying or ripped off, I didn't like
didn't even make a sound.
“I am going to make a good offer.”
“And bring Anna and Chris na to the magic lab.”
Damn, I just didn't bother, who likes a guy who says things like this in the
command line?
I want to do it.
To be honest, I explain every word
If you pretend rather than ask, you pretend to be like this. mind! Give it!
Just give it to me, don't! Sun! just do it,
very comfortable....
I have already crossed the river of no return long ago.
It's unavoidable now....
Two B-class magic majors.
B-5 Alchemy, Enchantment Talent
ris na,
Anna de Gerna with B-6 black magic talent.
There is no magic talent, but B-2 Louis Ankton who studies magic.
Enchantment is a very expensive magic that Harriet hears. It does not
teach anyone, and it is a system of magic with strict security.
But that's not to say that magic itself is rare, and that it's a higher-level
magic system.
A-7 Adelia is summoning magic and hawk.
He has a talent for direct cra ing. Whereas enchantments enchant objects,
magiccra ing creates machines powered by magical powers. Typical
examples are the magic train car and the warp gate.
Magiccra ing is comparable to enchantment.
It's an unimaginable high-level magic system.
Of course, it is natural that Harriet, who has a talent for magic itself, is a
higher talent than all other magic-type talents.
The unique one is the 6th Anna de Gerna.
The talent is black magic.
Although it is an insidious and evil type of magic, there are warlocks in the
temple and they are their teachers. Not all black magic is hard to be
cursed. The magic system and science of black magic
is to study
"Hey. I brought him..."
“Oh, well done. You did a good job.”
Anyway, as I said, Louis Ankton came to the Class B magic lab with the
other two. At the words of my hard work, I could feel Louis's expression
slightly s ffened.
It's kind of embarrassing that she's being treated like a total minion. No,
but I said hard work and hard work.
They both saw each other face to face, but never spoke.
So, both of them know that there is no reason for me to call them, so they
are both curious and bewildered in their own way.
I prayed.
But, the important thing is that I came here because someone I'm not very
close to is looking for me.
it's all over
In the end, I want her to be the first impression that really ma ers. I
haven't done anything like that since I ran like a crazy dog in the first
Now that the second semester has started, I have a swordsmanship class.
Except for the fact that he was with the Orbis class at the me, he's been
quiet. Of course, there are rumors that he came from the Darkland to solve
a strange thing, but,
That's a different ma er than being open-ended.
Either way, both come to the point where I'm looking for them. If you don't
come, I don't know what you'll do.
Chris na was wearing her glasses, and her hair was in her braided, orange-
blooming hair. Her clothes were like white robes, and she
It looked like a robe worn by men, and there were various stains on it.
Some of her are presumed to be drugs, and others that appear to be
covered with dirt.
She handles alchemy reagents as well as frequently dealing with plants and
herbs, so her clothes get dirty easily, so I know it's always like that.
Anna de Gerna looks like a De omorian, are you okay as soon as you see
it? It's not as gloomy as I want it to be, but it's always an open feeling. She
has black hair, black eyes and is wearing a black robe, but her skin is a bit
If De omorian is like a skeleton, what about this one...
A vampire who wants to throw a blood transfusion pack
should it be like
Elerys has such a bad complexion too.
not true,
He looks a li le pale and sickly
If there is a beau ful girl who exudes a dark aura, I think it would be like
Anyway, they were all staring at me.
I didn't come here to talk badly. It's your dormitory. Sit down, everyone."
She was trying to be nice, but ended up saying it in command line.
I guess I'm too used to this now. Did the clothes called Reinhardt, the
incarna on of strength and weakness, s ck to the body?
Everyone, including Louis Ancton, crawled into their seats.
Each of these guys has their own personality.
Class B was the main subject of descrip on, so I know the personality of
each individual character. Of course, I've go en to know the Class A guys
be er now,
Louis Ankton is a man who lives with a sense of superiority, and is an
unlucky man who looks down on people who are dumber than him and
ignores them.
Chris na is bright and cheerful.
She is curious.
Anna de Gerna exudes a dark and gloomy vibe, but the truth is, she's not
such a bad guy.
But these three guys with different personali es all freeze like a mouse in
front of a cat in front of this supervillain body
That's right.
Well, good is good.
It's just that it's easier for them to talk when they're scared.
“You guys, don’t you want to do something like a magic research group?”
“…The Magic Research Society?”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 201

When my rough explana on was over, the faces of the three were each a
li le bit.
Even though it was different, I felt surprised.
One is that the proposal came first from that place to create a joint club
between Class A and Class B, which we used to see each other like cows
and chickens.
Second, the person who said that was not a student majoring in magic, but
a country completely new to magic.
The offer is amazing, but why are you bringing it?
I felt this ques on.
“I think that's what I did. In fact, I'm sure I'll join the club."
“You… you are a superpower.” “Yeah, that’s how I know…” “That’s right…”
Each of the three had their own ques ons. I didn't come here with a really
bad story, but because I came here with a story about a club, so the
remaining anxiety seemed to have disappeared.
Harriet does a favor, not a favor
I'm standing in there, I'm there
I don't know what to do. To be honest, it seems difficult to par cipate
every me.
“Yeah, I have nothing to do. just what
Think of it like a side leg. In other words, it’s like a chores manager.”
No, people who don't even know me say that I'm in charge of chores, so
you look at me with a face that says, "You can't do that."
I don't know if there are any chores, but what should I do? Can I tell you
the magic formula? I just call it a folding screen.
“Anyway, I think it’s a good opportunity for you and the A-class kids. In the
end, the key is Louis Ancton. it's you."
"...I'm teaching my kids magic?"
I've already told you that Louis Ankton will teach the kids magic. The
reac on at that me was quite surprising. Because all three of them
opened their mouths as if they were talking nonsense like that.
“I can’t even use magic, so what kind of magic do I teach? I only study
theory and can’t prac ce it.”
As shameful as he spoke, Louis Ancton had his face reddened. He can't be a
wizard, but Louis Ancton dreams of becoming a magician.
But what magicians really want to be is a wizard.
People who can understand with their brains but can't use magic are
probably magicians. Louis Ancton is unable to use magic and he resents
himself and is frustrated
he will do
So now I know the magic, but he says I can't use it, and his face is burning.
It's like some kind of repulsion.
“Why not? Are there any magic created by magicians? According to
Harriet, there are many great yangbans among the magi, and there are
also many great wizards."
This is what I heard from Harriet. When I thought carefully about the
saying that Louis Ankton was going to teach you magic, there is actually a
case like that.
A er all, that's it.
Louis Ancton, who can't use magic, actually did a great job in improving the
magic proficiency and level of students in the original work.
So, the background se ng that even magi can teach wizards was added.
According to Harriet, the magicians
Some of the greatest people are more than archmages
There are people who achieve the achievements of and are treated as
great men.
There's nothing a magician like that can't teach a wizard. At my words, he
shook his head.
“That’s right…but.”
I could feel he was grateful for my words now.
A magician who cannot use magic must live with the fate of half a penny
for the rest of his life.
Among wizards, enchanters and magic cra ers were treated as high-
ranking occupa ons, and I heard that ba le mages were cold.
But it's not a ba le mage, it's magic
A magician who is not even a samurai.
Even if you don't see it, the academics and the sorcerer's contempt
it will be huge
But they also depend on their achievements.
You can become a greater person than a wizard, and you can make a mark
in the history of the real world of magic.
Louis Ankton is s ll a student. under
But the reason this guy is twisted and ignoring bad-headed guys is because
he has no other way to trust him.
The inside is messed up with resentment, anger, and regret for not being
able to use magic.
He has strong self-esteem but low self-esteem.
B-2 Louis Ankton of academic talent.
“...can I?”
With my arms crossed at his words
"You or anyone else?"
“If it’s not you, who else can do that? I'm sure, only you can do this. Just in
case you don't believe it
Just do it this semester. with no effect
'Cause I'll crawl under your crotch barking like a dog."
“Uh, huh? Is he even doing that?”
To my certainty, his expression is even more
Not only did it become bizarre, but the guys who were s ll listening were
also bewildered.
“Damn, would I do such a thing?”
“Well, then what do you mean?”
“It can’t go wrong, you bastard.”
When things don't go well, Louie barks like a dog
It will pass through Ankton's crotch.
But I have absolutely no inten on of doing that.
Because, there's no way it won't work.
In my wild convic ons, Louis Ancton
His expression turned a li le weird.
Something other than joy, sadness, or emo on.
For the first me in my life, to be recognized for something
He was making a face that looked like Abon.
A er that, there was a lot of talk about it, but in the end the answer was
Louis with an inferiority complex to wizards
Ancton was quite excited about being able to teach magic to wizards.
seemed to have
So, it seems that he doesn't believe in my convic ons, but he seems to
have enough will to try.
Cris na, who has a lively personality, said that it would be fun to do that,
and she said that she would do anything with her.
She scratched her cheek as Chris na gave her consent.
“Actually, I was a li le scared. I wondered what I did wrong to you.”
"No, there's no way that's going to happen." “Yes, but…” I was a li le
apprehensive at first, but I was not at all malicious and I was rather helpful.
Chris na's expression brightened when she knew she wanted to go.
You bastard Reinhardt is calling me? Maybe I did something wrong with
did you?
If you think about it, Louis, Anna, and Kris na all had the same facial
expressions. Where is this madman going this me and how does he get so
annoyed that he's trying to catch a strict guy? It felt like this.
But in the end, that wasn't what I was looking for.
“I must have misunderstood you.”
“...most of the facts you know are not misleading. But I'm not the kind of
guy who beats up anyone for no reason." “That’s right….”
It's true... there's no such thing as something you don't know about me...
If it's wrong, it'll hit you, but if it's not really bad, it won't hit you!
“By the way, Reinhardt, aren’t you a wizard? Louis said he taught us magic,
but he dared to
Do you have any reason to recommend crea ng a club like this?”
That's a valid ques on. I'm not really close with these three. At best, the
only person I've ever talked to was Louis Ancton.
all. It's a face I've seen o en, but actually, it's no different from the first
Ul mately, it is a ques on similar to that of Harriet.
“Is there any par cular reason? It's okay to just try something that's not
bad, if it's good it's good, or it's not?
With this sugges on of mine, you guys will improve your skills, so maybe
not? Would you like to buy me some rice later?"
"...rice? Is that okay?"
Is the rice a li le weak?
"No, if you give me money, I get it, I like money
Ah yes.”
Ji-Louis and Chris na giggled when they knew I was joking.
Yeah guys, don't be afraid for nothing.
I'm the type of dog that won't bite if you don't touch it
Are you a baby? So it's pre y quiet now
hey you live
Anna looked at me and nodded quietly.
"You... you were a good kid..."
As Anna said that, she looked at me and smiled.
You look at me with a smile, why are you ge ng goosebumps?
In the case of De omorian, if it's a gloomy feeling, Anna seems similar, but
a li le different.
I have to say she is sullen. Feeling a cold sweat on my back for some
reason, I organized the conversa on.
“Anyway, everyone decided to do it. Then, let’s get together and talk for a
See you in a few days. It might be like this, but I want to get things done
quickly. We all get together today to organize how we will move forward,
and to do research projects.
A semester is not that long.
S ll more specific about club development
There was no progress, but Harriet's opinion was that we should get
together and share the story.
So, first of all, I persuaded the three of the class B. And he took A-class
Heriot and Adelia out of the dormitory.
Can we talk in the dorm?
But just to change my mood, let’s go away for now
I came out to the cafe street near the classroom building.
When we arrived at the cafe, there were a total of six people si ng around
a large table, including me.
A-4 Harriet de Saint-Ouen. [Talent :
A-7 Adelia. [Talent: Summoning Magic, Magic Cra ing]
A-11 Reinhardt, [Talent: Self-sugges on, Magical Sensi vity] (Supplies)
B-2 Louis Ancton. [Talent: Academic]
B-5 Chris na. [Talent: Enchantment]
ment, alchemy]
B-6 Anna de Gerna. [Talent: Black
All of the first-year magical talents gathered, and one teacher. one surplus.
With drinks ordered one by one, we
sat around
and quiet
no one u ers any words Everyone sip on the drinks that came out.
It's just si ng there and no one speaks.
everyone is watching
“What, why are you looking at me?”
just looking at me
Of course, this one scared me or scared me
didn't eat
you tell me anything! the same facial expressions
No, I am redundant. He said he was in charge of chores, so I didn't intend
to do it, but Harriet didn't whine that we should do it together, but anyway,
it came with the idea that we would do it together!
I had a responsibility to speak up, so I cried and came to eat mustard, so
now I have to watch society?
I'm the most inappropriate person here, but everyone I was just staring.
Harriet says she's only friends with A-class girls, but in the end she's only
friends with girls. Of course, it can be said that she is friendly with me, but
in a way, I feel like the first (?)
I don't think this guy is so sociable either.
It's not the sweet type.
The other guy is Adelia.
Everything can be explained with one character, Jolbo. High blood pressure
in the spotlight
will come too
Louis Ankton.
He's got a good head, but he's basically a rough guy. It's like having a social
conversa on with others.
won't be able to do anything.
Chris na.
Although she is a lively guy, she seems nervous because she is now in front
of two A-class magicians.
scared you! Don't look at me like that with your gloomy eyes!
Let's not talk Anne.
But if it's me as a character, it's okay, right?
If I'm asking here, sociability is something I shouldn't be doing, right? Is it
okay to look at you like this, asking the guy who comes out of his fists to
lead the conversa on if all the rumors are going around and the judges are
a li le twisted? Didn't you guys just do it?
It's what I brought up, so I'm responsible for it.
I don't know if that's what it means,
“I wanted you all to gather and discuss your personal views on magic,
greed, direc on, and things like this.
But since I see your li le ones, I think I’m going to go to bed a er drinking
a drink here.”
let them talk freely
I wish I had le the right to speak to me, who had nothing to do with
"Anyway, everyone knows the story. I think Louis Ankton here has the
quali es of a very good magi. Of course, it's not just that.
You can freely select a research topic and study it in your own way, or you
can solve the problems you are facing now by gaining knowledge about
other magical fields.
I can do it, of course I don't
I don't know the law, but when I have a problem, I o en find the answer in
the wrong place.”
I don't know if magic has a concept similar to Manryu guijong or
consilience, but in the end, knowledge is power, right?
“So, all these people
You know that you want to start a club that studies magic. I was hoping
each of you guys would talk to each other and discuss whether to really do
it or not...
If it's large, the conversa on won't be anything. Hey guys .. hey guys."
Let's agree to each other's lively discussion of magic! no! I won't! Far from
coming to this conclusion. shy of each other
can't say anything
I don't have the ability to have magical discussions.
I got a gesture from everyone asking me to do something, so I just have to
do it somehow.
- Tak!
I pounded the table.
"I'll do it, I'll say it. Raise your hand if you don't want to."
Everyone opened their eyes wide and stared at me.
“No? If not, I'd do it."
Confused at my sudden offer of the hand and the snatch passed, Harriet
shouted. A topic that everyone didn't even have my opening speech on
I'm surprised that I let the snatch pass
was looking at one.
"Uh, huh? Hey! What if you make a decision like this all of a sudden! We
should talk a li le..."
“Tell me, who was the one who looked at me like the kids who didn’t tell
me the good things and couldn’t take my eyes off of me?”
“Oh, that’s…!”
“Then let’s start a lively discussion about magic research. Sun. Sun
Don’t be bright.”
“That, that…”
Harriet blushed and trembled when I told him to start the discussion right
away, but he didn't say anything.
“If you don’t want to be snatched away, discuss it, right.”
Not only Harriet, but the other guys too.
Everybody say nothing like honey-eaten idiots
Basically yes, discuss it all of a sudden! If this is the case, ah, that, that,
that, that, that.
And so are the giants.
There are more people who do not raise their hands than those who raise
their hands.
When you want something to pass or want to do, it's be er to say people
don't want to do it than people who want to do it.
Because I can't hear well. That's all human beings are.
That's why I didn't say to raise the hand of those who would do it, but
rather raise the hand of those who wouldn't.
Ah, unanimous pass ok because nobody heard. deduc ble.
“Anyway, I decided to do it. You decided to do it, but suddenly you just say
you can't do it or you can't do it. uh."
Leave the voice to me alone and accept the sin of not doing anything
“It’s just, I’m going to show you what happens.”
Recognizing as a bastard is to use that a ribute whenever it is
advantageous for a topic you don't like.
will have to get used to me quickly.
Everyone came to talk, but for not talking, I was drawn into the forced
forma on of a club. Everyone was looking at me with puzzled expressions.
except for one,
uh, what Do you have anything to say?"
Anna de Gerna was looking at me with a gloomy smile.
"Then the president... Who does it?"
That's right.
A club must have a president and a teacher in charge. If there are six
people, the size is rather large for a royal class, so will a teacher in charge
be assigned?
Since there are six people, we don't need a vice president.
Anna seemed to think she had to decide who was in charge because she
had decided to do what she had decided to do.
...But why do you keep looking at me?
Not only ashes, but the other guys
was staring
"No, honestly, this isn't it."
Don't be weird, you bastards.
Whether it's the Magic Research Club or the Magic Research Club, it's a
magic-related club.
Are you kidding me?
I'm in charge of chores, I'm a surplus, I have nothing to do here.
The president is a heavy duty huh. magic is the
You don't have to be able to write so ly.
If you have club-related things,
I have to be called to a place, something huh
I'm with my teachers when I need to take a class
I have to pray, and how can I do it with the student council?
You may run into them, and there are so many things to do, and I, who is in
charge of chores...
It's a chore, right?
Harriet looked at me with a confused expression and smiled with a smile of
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 202
Emperor Emperatos,
Charlo e dressed in her court robes
She was si ng on the sofa in the opulent emperor's office.
And, opposite her, where Charlo e was si ng, was Ber, who was also
dressed in robes.
Tooth was si ng.
The two are wai ng for the emperor. de
That's why I'm in a spacious office, so now
There were only two.
It's not like we've got something big to do. Periodically, the emperor calls
them both to the same seat. And I hear various stories about temple life.
As with any parent, you just want to make sure your children are doing
Of course, the children are the emperor's
If not, one of the two would die sooner or later.
We're so bad that we have to get along. is different from the general
assump on.
There was no conversa on between the two of them because it was
impossible to say that they were good friends. If you ever make eye
Because it's the only thing I don't like.
But they both have a common theme that they don't really like.
“Reinhardt wants to set up a shop at every magic train sta on?”
That's what Reinhardt is.
Bertus says that Reinhardt has a bad temper, but he does it anyway, and he
actually shows a decent appearance during group missions.
He's shown, he doesn't seem to have much ambi on, but when he has to
show, he's a good show guy, so he's quite fond of it. actually some
There were a lot of parts that were helpful or overlooked.
A typical example of passing by
Class B on the subject that is class A
God's Compe tor Charlo e de Gradia
to be friendly with Su. Bertus didn't say anything to Reinhardt about him.
In fact, when Reinhardt disappeared, the two
Find Reinhardt in our own way
I was trying
Anyway, line to Charlo e and Bertus.
Hart is a common theme.
Bertus had something to propose to the emperor today, and before
Charlo e takes a tack and ruins it, this is Reinhardt's job, not me.
I was just telling you to stay.
The content is to set up shops at numerous magical train sta ons
throughout the eclip c. The current horsepower train sta on is designed
to maintain its func ons as a sta on, including boarding and aligh ng, and
a cket office.
There were only places.
The history of magic trains is not so old that people have touched on how
to use the empty space.
Reinhardt said he wanted to use that empty space.
“To be precise, Reinhardt was just making a sugges on, and the real
business owner is probably the Rotary club or something.”
“Why are you helping with that?”
At Charlo e's ques oning why you helped Reinhardt, Bertus asked.
"We decided to share. 9:1."
9? You're such a pure bastard, aren't you?"
Charlo e is a bastard Bertus, so casually believable.
was sure
Of course, the bastard is right. Charlo e D.
From Gradias's point of view, Bertus opened his mouth slightly out of
“...Brother, I know you hate me very much, but I don't think I'd be that bad.
I can’t be the 9th.”
"...okay? Isn't that a bit surprising?"
“I know I am a person who lacks faith and trust, but I have good morals.”
“Oh, you know that again
It's surprising, knowing that I didn't fix it
Even more surprising?" |
“My brother is a great person who is no different from me, so why are you
like this?”
There was a momentum to become a spark between the two of them
staring at each other quietly.
"Anyway, this is not my business.
It's what Inart suggested, so this is upside down
I mean, it's Reinhardt, not me, who gets red of it.
I hope you don't make fun of me."
“Well, okay. I don't know. But did you not know that you care so much
about Reinhardt?”
Bert at Charlo e's slightly sarcas c smile
Tooth took a sip of his car and robbed him.
He said as if he wasn't.
“My brother’s precious person is also precious to me.”
It's a horse with lots of bones, and you don't even know what kind of
bones it contains.
The precious person of my enemy is also small to me
The meaning of the word “precious” men oned before and a er is
But when he heard that, Charlo e's expression was calm. Perfectly
understated Charlo e
There was no emo on on her face.
She didn't come out.
“Did you think so too?”
I am like you At that, Bertus
"what. So, does this mean that we only value our brothers and sisters?”
"Well? How about?”
Neither of them reveals how Reinhardt is helping and caring for him.
Only the result remains.
Reinhardt is sandwiched between Charlo e and Bertus. good for that
It may happen, but it will never happen.
| In the world's most dangerous single ghtrope, Reinhardt has to keep
searching for his life.
Reinhardt's story ended with that. There was another silence between
Charlo e and Bertus. The two don't talk o en in the first place, but when
they do, it's a bad rela onship that only goes back and forth between
these days.
A er a long silence, Charlo e spoke first.
Her expression trembled, and the feeling of forcing her to say something
she didn't really want to say was evident.
In addi on."
“It annoys me that you are the only one I can ask this ques on. Let me ask
you something.”
“...I have nothing to say about the ongoing mine development rights issue.
If a compe tor asks, you don't think I'll be able to tell you that, right?"
If Charlo e had to ask her anything, that was all she had to say, so Bertus
cut it off as if he didn't want to say anything. Charlo e is stumbling over
Looking at her, she crossed her arms and clicked her tongue.
“It’s not like that.”
“I keep talking about the Merchant Guild-related problem, but it has
nothing to do with me. Of course, if Reinhardt gets into this business, I
think we can get involved with them, but strictly speaking, it's not me,
"Aren't I pre y enough?"
At the sound of Charlo e's completely unexpected and absurd sound,
Bertus paused her thinking for a moment.
Did I hear it wrong now? heard wrong
Bertus heard it clearly, but she concluded that she had heard it wrong
because Charlo e couldn't ask that. She's out of the blue, and there's
absolutely no reason for Charlo e to ask her about it in the first place.
She gave her impression as she looked at Bertus, who had Charlo e clearly
heard but didn't answer.
“...why don't you say anything? People ask.”
".......uh? What did you say?”
Bertus finally decided that the ques on had to be reconfirmed.
Charlo e sighed as she folded her arms to see if she was offended by
herself saying this with her mouth.
“So, I’m not a rac ve enough.”
“……What, what? Come on, why are you doing this all of a sudden?"
Bertus' complexion was white when he was confirmed that he hadn't
heard anything wrong.
She was fed up.
What do you mean by asking this?
Bertus was gripped by a serious fear he had never felt in his life. Bertus
now felt like his head was going to explode because of the unpredictable
context and purpose Charlo e's ques on brings.
Berthus is seriously terrified of her as he suddenly sees Charlo e making
an unpredictable move. Charlo e frowned at her as Berthus suddenly
she loosened
“Are her ears blocked? Tell me honestly, aren't I pre y?"
“Hey…why are you asking me that?”
Bertus had no idea why he and his half-brother, a compe tor figh ng for
the throne, were asking the ques on whether I was not pre y.
“You’re the only one I can ask? It's okay to cri cize mixed with evil, so
please tell me something."
Clearly Charlo e is on this issue.
When she asks for opinions around her, the truth is
A person who only answers what they want to hear
live among people
So she came to the idea that she had to ask someone who didn't like her so
she could come to the right conclusion.
I don't know what Berthus is, but Charlo e's ques on is really out of line.
was found not to be in
"Hmm... Brother. You're a rac ve enough."
"Um, I guess I'm right..."
“Among the fish.”
Bertus crossed his arms and grinned.
“Brother, don’t you know that your twins are more like fish than humans?”
Of course, it's just a mixture of evil. But Bertus smiled as he saw Charlo e's
face distorted.
double board? Did I say double board now?"
“Okay, brother. There may be a mate among the fish. Look for it, and I think
it’s a pre y good face on that side.”
“Are you done talking now? Do you want to lose it now?”
The more harsh sounds came out of Charlo e's mouth, the bigger Bertus'
smile grew.
“Hey, I answered my ques on honestly, what I thought, is this wrong? And
make an impression, don't you think the fish-like twins are turning into
deep-sea fish?"
"done. Shut up. It's not my fault for asking you."
Charlo e threw her gaze at her window, as if to get it off her mind.
Bertus is very angry with Charlo e.
Seeing her expression, she smiled.
Of course, suddenly her half-brother I baby | He thought about why he
asked the ques on of whether he was a rac ve or not, but Bertus could
not figure out the reason in the end.
Charlo e has returned from the Imperial Palace. yesterday
She's nonchalant about what she asks, and she'll get an answer like a dog.
It's an unexpected insult, and it feels like her face is boiling.
It's hard for her to objec fy herself, but she says Charlo e is Clearly every
I think it's powerful I think this is rather a humble evalua on. city
Girls are always shining, so I'm used to what the goddess of beauty says
neither is it true
Just pretend you know Just looking in the mirror is enough to make you fall
in love with yourself in the mirror because you are so lovely and beau ful.
what is this enough
I don't know if it's huge, but I'm sure
it's pre y good
It is enough to have a deeply humble self-confidence.
But what did that Reinhardt guy say, and he jumped out of his mouth,
displeased with her sweet words that she might marry him?
I think she's a good guy because she's ge ng help like this, but her pride
There was a scratch on
What do you think about me, who has money, power, ability, and beauty?
Do you think that people who are taller than me even exist on the
con nent?
Charlo e is increasingly aware that there are people in the world who have
be er condi ons and abili es than her.
Her self-consciousness that she didn't even know she was slowly passing
over to the other side.
what is ji?
I don't even think about it, but there are people who go beyond me, right?
It's not something to worry too much about the guy who doesn't even
want to give it to him, but he can't help but feel bad for nothing.
She had no doubt that Charlo e believed that something she was a racted
to to her existed, but for the first me in her life she was contempla ng
whether it existed or not.
She's not the only one.
A new Rotary club project.
The magic train from the eclip c to the warp gate
It is the most important facility. I agree it's a pre y good idea to set up a
store there.
But that's not the problem.
Why did you ask Bertus instead of me? She herself is the emperor's
daughter, and she can say anything like that.
She can go take it and give it to me.
It's not something that only Bertus can do.
It's not like we see each other every day and we're always together.
But they share a secret they can't tell anyone, such a close rela onship
I thought
She's such an important story, she's not herself
She consulted Bertus.
She seemed to be more reliable than Bertus and she was more capable. is
Obviously, Reinhardt declared that he would s ck around like a bat and
s ck there, and she thought that Charlo e had no choice but to do it.
So she has to look good to Bertus and she has to look good to herself too.
Because Bertus is in the same class, she can talk like that and ask for a
favor, but she thinks that.
she knows
pissed off
Why don't you talk to me and to Bertus?
Do you actually hate me?
When she reached that point, Charlo e stopped in her seat.
In the ten weeks she entered the Royal Class dormitory, she was forced to
stand s ll as she stared at Charlo e.
Reinhardt might hate me.
Reinhardt learns the truth she shouldn't have when she finds out while she
is forced to go along with her on her quest to find the child.
Reinhardt cooperated with his will
didn't do it When asked to cooperate
She simply followed.
From the beginning, the lives of Rotary club members were at stake, so
they cooperated reluctantly.
In a situa on where she has no choice but to grant her own request, it is
only to do so, and in reality, she may be reluctant to do so. She fears that if
the secret is leaked or discovered, her rat may disappear without even
knowing it.
It's something she might be struggling with.
such a secret.
No one wants to know.
Your circumstances are ul mately your circumstances.
Charlo e realizes it for the first me.
She always knew that she had only used Reinhardt. She didn't wonder
about Reinhardt's feelings or Reinhardt's thoughts, feelings, and the
pressures and pressures of Reinhardt.
she is his
Despite the risk, he always appreciates and appreciates the help.
She was doing it.
But she was the only one.
Reinhardt sympathizes with his own situa on, his situa on, and his
sadness. So that's helping me | all. She had been thinking that way.
Reinhardt's power
He was not at all concerned with the fact that he might have been crushed,
reluctantly coopera ng, and reluctantly dealing with himself.
I was selfish
Reinhardt may be more comfortable with Bertus than himself.
Because Bertus wouldn't ask Reinhardt to do anything dangerous.
Charlo e realizes that she
She stood blankly.
She said she was an A class girl without Charlo e knowing what she had to
say to Reinhardt.
She headed to the dormitory. I think she should apologize. But how? She
didn't know what to say.
I'm sorry to bother you.
You've been taking risks for granted.
You don't have to do the same thing as delivering le ers anymore.
Then, how should I contact the child?
She said that Charlo e couldn't even ask her own people to do it. The
people of her Charlo e did not find any traces of her child, and it was
during her own personal visits that she went with Reinhardt that she did
find it.
The fewer people who know the truth, the be er. Only Reinhardt knew
about it.
But her own dyrus, including her
People have this percep on of the child
had not changed
Judging that it may be the only possibility that can solve your condi on
there was So I had stopped her search.
If Reinhardt wants to stop doing dangerous things, his le er delivery must
be stopped.
But then the only link with the child is lost. I am forever cut off from
everything I could feel through a le er.
Only when she con nues to use Reinhardt for her own selfishness does her
link with the child survive. You have to constantly expose yourself to
pressure and risk.
I am grateful to Reinhardt, but I con nue to do this only with gra tude.
There is no reason to do
What, what should I do?
There is something I don't want to lose.
But at this rate, you have to keep sacrificing someone. Con nue sacrificing
the person who treated you with kindness, who came to you with hos lity,
and one day you will make a real sacrifice
it may be
Charlo e didn't know what she was going to say, and she headed to her
class A dorm.
Her voice, which she had become accustomed to, was ringing through her
hallway, even without her face.
- No really, hey. This is ght! Why do I have to do that?
- The decision is already over! joy! And even if it's a pain in the ass, you
don't get angry at all? I think you're more pissed off, so I'm not in a bad
mood either?
- Yeah, it sucks.
- Yes, Chairman.
- Oh, you're not the president?! Chairman no
Called! no! I will not! don't do it!!
...Ah, how did you feel? I think I know why you teased me. This is that, dill,
dill what. that. Deal exchange? say that? Yes Chairman, good work in the
- Aaaaah! I really don't think I'm doing it! please save me!
- How do I, as a member, make such a decision? Chairman Lee.
- Because I'm not the president!
what is it
As Charlo e heard Reinhardt figh ng someone, she wondered if she had
been a li le foolish to worry about it.
Is that bullshit...?
Are you not thinking about anything?
it's day
You seem to be living a pleasant temple life where there is no sense of
pressure, tension, or fear?
- Oh please! I'll do everything else. uh? other. annoying! It's annoying! me
Lots of work to do!
- You're in charge of chores, so you've decided to do the chores of the
president. did you promise?
- It wasn't like that!
Charlo e is feeling ght in her shoulders somehow.
She lost, and she tumbled back to the B-class dorm.
But, her Charlo e's heavy heart
She did not sink easily.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 203

Classroom building with common classes. A er the day's common class
was over, I stopped by the faculty room.
"....What is this?"
“Hey, I’m applying for a club. Yes."
“I know that.”
Mr. Epinhauser narrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the piece of paper I
held out. This yangban is very expressive of emo ons
It was enough to make this impression.
"As long as my eyes aren't wrong, it says 'Magic Research Society'."
“And the president said 'Royal Class 1
Year A Class 11 Reinhardt'.”
“And, as far as I know, you are a superpower with a superpower called 'self-
sugges on', and you are being trained in close combat.”
The teacher put down the club applica on form that I had given him on his
desk, then sat down in a chair and looked up at me.
Epinhauser said nothing, neither did I.
I'm really scared of dogs when I stare at them quietly. It's been a while
since I've seen a mouse
Facing the eyes of Mr. Epinhauser, who was supposed to be able to kill him
instantly, made my stomach ache.
Epinhauser made me listen to this and that because I didn't know what to
do in the first semester.
You're even touching magic here? Are you crazy? would like to
“Teacher, please just say something cool.”
Staring at you is even scarier. are you?
“Aren’t you crazy?”
“It’s fine. Yes."
Epinhauser's reac on to restraint seemed to have its limit. He looked at me
and squeezed his eyes shut and vomited.
“Then, explain.”
If it had been just as normal as before, I wouldn't have go en this kind of
reac on.
it will
Although the accident itself is already unusual. I wonder if it's normal to
If I didn't explain it properly, I felt like I was going to get really hit.
I'm sorry that my hidden talent that can make anyone mad eventually
pisses even this iron-faced Epinhauser.
was it empty?
No, but when you hear it, it's not that strange.
It's like a magic research group without magic.
say you,
“So, that's it...” |
When I divulge my circumstances
was small
“Ah, was that so?”
Fortunately, Epinhauser, who heard the explana on, did not react as if the
cub had taken medicine. Her eyes seemed to have so ened a bit, and she
was about to breathe a sigh of relief.
“I don’t want to do it either, but I’m forced to do it. Yes."
“I don’t want to do it, so why do I force it?” “Oh, well, there are
complicated circumstances here…”
“Is it coercion?”
Yes! I honestly think it's coercion! Why do I have to be president? really
Thought to contend that this was a riot, Epinhauser shook his head by
“Hmm, you’re not the kind of guy who would suffer like that, so there must
be a reason.”
Yeah, I'm used to it now. I actually live like that, so I don't even think about
denying it anymore.
“Yes, there are quite a few people, and there are A and B classes.
It's impressive that everyone is a member of a club. Is there anyone who
wants a separate club room and teacher?”
"There is not. I think you should figure it out on your own.”
“Okay, then I’ll let you know if I have permission later.”
It's strange that the president isn't a wizard
But almost all of the members are magicians.
I am the guys who are versed in magic. so
There is no reason not to allow the establishment of a club.
"Number 11."
As I was about to leave Epinhauser's private room, the teacher called me
He just looked at me and didn't say anything. A er being silent for a while,
he added briefly.
“It’s 1 point for the store.”
"...thank you."
Mr. Epinhauser had this to say about the store.
Yu didn't have to add anything.
| Even if you don't tell me why, you won't know
seems to be
The store I received in the first semester went in and disappeared when I
was organizing the final grades of the first semester. To be honest, I don't
really care about temple grades, so I wasn't very impressed.
But stores aren't the only thing that's useful.
If you receive a disciplinary ac on or penalty points, you can offset it with
the store. That didn't happen in the first semester, of course, you shouldn't
go over the limit, but a small accident can be turned into a store.
It means that there is one penalty point for the second semester or the
privilege of exemp on from disciplinary ac on.
"I did it?"
“Then I did it, man.”
Harriet was wai ng for me in the hallway, and when I came out, she asked,
with a bright eye. I hate being president
Thinking that it might leak somewhere and throw it away, I inevitably
followed him to the school office.
That's what makes me the president
ok will you die? Do I bother to die? uh?
damn it,
nose s tched I was going to go there whenever I wanted to go to the
graceful rum a er pu ng my name on it, but as the president, I must
a end. If he doesn't come, I'm sure he'll be furious,
“The results will be announced later. It will take a few days.”
He has to be pissed off for my taste, but seeing him like it so much, the
judgement is twisted.
i'm kinda bad
Just looking at how happy he is
do you think this sucks? How far can I taste
did you throw it away?
"That's not what the chores I was talking about.
It was you…”
It's true that the president's job is to do miscellaneous chores, but I didn't
want this scale! Harriet asked if I could see a ro en expression on my face.
Covered up and giggled.
"Now that you're the president, you know that you have to leave
uncondi onally, don't you miss it even once?"
“Is it that good?”
“Well then...!”
Harriet covered his mouth as he spoke, then opened his eyes wide and
shook his head.
"no! no it's not! Yes, yes, I love it because I think you will do all sorts of
troublesome things while you are the president! that's so good! It’s a
“Hey, this child. It's a job I asked you to like and there's nothing good for
me. You take care of me both physically and mentally, and do all of these
things. Is it harsh? Is it difficult to say a word of thanks?”
"huh! You're always like this! You're doing well, but you're in a hurry at the
end! I will too!”
“No, you didn’t do it well. make it clear Did you scratch from start to
“Ah, what can I say- Good luck in the future, Chairman!”
Harriet said that he was a good boy, said Ebebebe, and then ran up and
down the hallway.
went out
you're the president
You seem to have completely forgo en that that word is an honorific
The original inten on was to pull ahead what the magic majors among
their classmates would go through later so that they could get stronger a
li le faster.
it was meant to be
So, you guys study magic here and play? I was like this, but you got caught
trying to play together, and in the end, you became the president.
Of course, that doesn't mean you can't take the me at all. No ma er how
much I train with Ellen every day, I have to pay the extra me.
Regarding the club room problem with the teacher in charge of the club,
Epinhauser will tell you when the results come out.
easy to say This is not a ma er of just giving permission.
It's not a general club, it's a magic research club.
It's not just the room that's the problem, there must be facili es for magic
research, and there must also be a space for those facili es.
It's not a mee ng that can be resolved by si ng around a table and talking.
You can use the exis ng equipment in the temple, but if you need new
equipment or have an issue like that, report it to the school and the budget
and use will allow it.
will also buy from within.
for a moment.
Come to think of it, I have to do all these things, right?
anyway a er that.
Problems related to clubs will only come out a er some me, and un l
then, there were very few things related to them.
Harriet is so excited, it's a fic ous day to do research with Adelia.
was dividing the road. Of course, I was also the chairman, so I told him to
be part of the story, but to be honest, I don't know what he was talking
In the end, it's a quiet day, even if it's a bit busy.
Of course, it's boring just because it's calm
no. A hard worker who trains every day
I have to keep up with my schedule.
And, I made a big decision.
The current achievement score is over 6,000 points. 'Cause you never know
what's going to happen
Achievement points are par ally saved in case of emergency.
was le behind
Also, my talents are blooming too quickly. The Royal Class is a place where
talented people come in, and new talents are awakened in the class.
guys are rare
However, I realized two of those rare talents within a year. Growing up too
quickly would raise suspicions, so he did not allow new talents to bloom.
But now, a major crisis situa on is not foreseen, and rather than becoming
poop a er saving, it is now the third me.
It's me to bloom
There is no me like now.
[Magic opera on - 4000 points]
The me has come for the third talent to bloom.
Self-sugges on, magic response, and magic enhancement.
I'm going to start my magic power training now.
[Use achievement points.]
A new talent, mana management, bloomed.
There are no major changes in the body. Magical Sensi vity also
accelerated the growth rate of magic power, but un l I can enhance magic
power, there is s ll no merit in using the flame of Hwayo to do anything
with the magic power itself.
in Bali
Age: 17
Race: Arcdemon
current ability
[Strength 8.5(C-)] [Right 8.8(C-)]
[Dexterity 9.9(C-)]
[Magic 13(C+)] [Health 13.2(C+)]
Talents: Superpowers - self-sugges on, magic sensi vity, magic opera on.
characteris c
[Sacred Spirit] - Increases the magic resistance of the spiritual world
[Blood of the Brave] - The growth limit is greatly increased. increase in
growth rate.
holding capacity
[Asmodian Domina on C (Arc Demon's Unique Ability)
(It cannot be used in its current state.)
[Self-sugges on C]
Comprehensive Ability Assessment - Lesser Demon Lord
Combat Level Assessment - B
Comparing with the physical data at the beginning of the semester, there
was a small increase in detailed physical ability even though not much me
had passed.
The growth rate seems to be faster than before. It should be slow, but on
the contrary, the growth power is increasing went
| The reason is probably 'the influence of the warrior's bloodline. Due to
the characteris cs shared by Ellen, my growth rate has been further
At this rate, by the end of this semester, some of the statuses will be able
to rise to B rank. If it's a B rank, you should take 14. That would be quite
There are two magic-related talents, but the u lity of magic is s ll low.
A er all, it is an investment for the future.
However, this did not end there.
[Talent - Magical Sensi vity [Talent - Magical Opera on]
[The lower talents are ready.]
[When magical power reaches A rank, 'Magic Sensi vity' and 'Magic
Opera on' evolve into 'Magic Domina on'.]
What else is this?
Evolu on of talent.
This is a concept that didn't exist.
I set the ma er for general talent, but the talents are combined to evolve.
this is great
what's the situa on
But once it's good, it's good. Because there is more possibility than giving
Currently, there are a total of four guys with general talent in the Royal
Ellen's 'Magic Domina on', 'Weapon'
Cliffman's 'Ba le'
Harriet's "Magic"
Louis Ancton's 'Study
If I'm going to add more here, there's even the magic of De omorian, but
anyway, the overall talent has a huge merit. Even if there were a thousand
achievement points per talent, the magic talent was 20,000 points.
But what about now?
[Swordsmanship - 8000 Points]
| Beyond 1000, 2000, and 4000 points, you now need 8,000 achievement
points to unlock your fourth talent. What do I have to do to earn enough
I don't feel
What was your overall talent?
[Magic - 50000 points]
[Combat - 50000 points]
[Weapon skill - 30000 points]
[Academic - 30000 points]
It's also twice as expensive, but it's not like that, but it's more expensive
than before.
have. I can't even dream of living my comprehensive talent with
achievement points.
And the possibility of comprehensive talent.
Mana control, one of Ellen's talents, is a combina on of mana
management and mana response.
[Magic Domina on - 50000 points]
Among the general talents, it is the highest talent second to magic and
Magical Sensi vity and Magical Dominance are Magical
required in any ac vity that uses
It is a universal skill. Wizards need it too
High, close combat dreaming of a master class
It is also necessary in the two series.
And higher than that, the mastery of magic. The level at which you can
enhance your magic power
It's not easy, but in a master class.
Even if it's not true, I can definitely reach it
there will be
But the condi ons are very strict.
Magical A rank.
In other words, it seems to be the concept that, as the magic power is A
rank, the understanding and control of the magic power itself becomes
stronger, and the talent is forcibly evolved.
Bertus also has the ability to respond to magic and use magic, but his
magic is not Rank A. Then, when the magic reaches A rank, Bertus will also
use his magic mastery talent.
will you get it?
In fact, from the first me I saw Ellen, her magical power was ranked A.
Ellen is also a monster with magical power.
Then the domina on of magic is innate.
but if certain condi ons are met
It's the ability to reconcile.
My magic power now is 13, rank C+.
rank division.
14~15(B-) 16~17(B) 18~19(B+)
20~22(A-) 23~25(A) 26~30(A+)
It is said that when my magic power goes up to 10 purely, my magic power
becomes A rank.
The horse was 13, my very early magic stat was 9.9.
So far, it has climbed 3.1, and this too, according to the yoga master
teacher, was fast.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 204

Lots of work to do. And in the end, the training had to be strengthened
even more.
A slightly different training rou ne from the first semester
added them
One is the strengthening of superpowers.
- Gwakang!
“Certainly, I have a feeling.”
“Do more of this. I think it’s good.”
"I'm glad."
Ellen took my blow and nodded her head. Autosugges on is an ambiguous
superpower. So, un l now, she has been using it in prac ce by calling up a
reinforcement type preset.
Here, she devised a more func onal way to use it, and it seemed to be
quite effec ve.
To elaborate, but to use
while squealing a bit If it s ll works, it's good anyway.
Rather than strengthening it, it is closer to specializa on. A li le more
about how to use super powers itself
It adds diversity.
One is the specializa on of autosugges on,
And another one.
“…I don’t know.”
"...I don't even know how to teach."
Ellen was staring at me with my eyes closed and trying to do nothing in the
The first step towards mastery of magic.
I'm trying to improve my magic power.
Ellen learned how to enhance her magic by herself, and since then, she has
been par cularly focused on adap ng and mastering magic enhancement
through one-on-one lessons. Ellen is quite special.
In this case, only Ellen takes this class during the first year. I will not even
accept the applica on.
Superpowers are also superpowers, but I have magical powers.
You should be able to strengthen it.
Magical castle while dealing with magic itself
I also have to do it quickly.
So I trained for a long me in the gymnasium.
One-on-one magic enhancement to Daga Ellen
you get training
But Ellen is literally a genius beyond genius, and she only knows how to do
it, but you just looked at me like you couldn't.
“I can just do it, why can’t I just do it?”
“This pair, are you and I the same? It's just weird that this is what it used to
"...s ll."
“But what is it anyway?”
Are you and me the same?
I have two talents related to magic.
I was wondering if I could get a li le bit of a sense of magic enhancement.
nothing feels
Four thousand points of talent, is this performance certain? I have no idea
what's different!
He has two magic-related talents.
If it were possible to get angry right away, Bertus would already be a sword
master. Because those two talents are also possessed by Bertus.
magic domina on.
that's a thug
Ellen said that she herself had harnessed her magical powers by herself,
and then she released it.
You can't teach someone how to breathe. just because you know how to
do it That breath is magic to Ellen
It's just reinforcement.
She said Ellen, she alone, with a slight impression
She alone said that she had a power boost and that she unleashed
She's googling her head alone, and that's all.
She didn't say anything as she couldn't think of anything she wanted.
Because Jae is like that, first of all, it's cute.
I'm in a good mood.
“Try it again.”
"...Try it. Looks like I did something, then."
I didn't do anything... I really didn't know anything, and if I had to ask
myself to do it again in that state, nothing would come out!
“Anyway, do it.”
Eren sat face to face in front of me, and I sat down and focused.
Of course, I don't even know the horns. in the body
There is such a thing as magic, but you can feel it
I don't even know how to wear it, but it's impossible to use it to strengthen
the body.
Ellen looked at my sheep with a worried expression.
grabbed her hand.
Is there anything she can detect on her side?
But she put my hand down as if Ellen she was suddenly startled.
"..Nope. con nue."
Is he coming out now? You don't seem to care?
Ellen never held my hand again. She's just staring at me like I'm doing it.
Ellen and I sat next to each other like that and whined for hours.
It was a hellish training that a blind man could not even groped for an
No, I couldn't even call it training because I didn't know what it was.
If you invest me in areas such as swordsmanship and physical training,
you will get the result of that amount. Although growth is slow, it is clear
that physical pain eventually leads to growth.
call it
However, this was not the case with magical enhancement.
Ellen, who is an overly genius, is only making noises, and I am trying to do
something, but in the end my stomach is full.
It's all I give, so I'm just craving shit.
In the end, should I wait un l the regular curriculum starts? But even if it
starts, I wonder if I can get a feel
I don't know.
I have all the necessary talents, so I wonder what will happen if I do it.
If I can use Mana Enhance before the end of this year, even if I'm not an
Ellen class, I'd be a great genius.
I would.
I'm not expec ng too much.
A er all, if both talents evolve into magic domina on, all of these
problems will be resolved.
So, in the end, if we only consider the life of the temple, except for the
midterm exam, group mission, and final exam, there are no accidents and
nothing special.
Of course, personally, there will be no me to rest because of training,
Rotary club business, and the Magic Research Society.
Most of the main stories that take place in the second semester are in
fes vals and group missions, but I don't know what will happen in the
In the first semester, I had a rough life because of people who ignored me,
and now I am not being ignored by anyone. So I'm thinking of buying it
there is no
There is no reason or need to do so.
So now in a construc ve direc on
Everything was going on. money
To earn, to become strong, or to gain power
I plan to live and pay a en on to what I am looking for.
It's not stressful, but in the end there are a lot of things to take care of.
Even if it's not chronic fa gue,
was suffering
And so a few days.
There was another thing I was concerned about.
“Uh, ah… hello. Reinhardt.”
"uh? uh...."
Don't let Charlo e take it easy on me
There was something beyond her awkwardness.
De omorian's nonsensical story
A erwards, Charlo e and I became awkward for nothing. But in the end, it
was a story that had no reason to believe at all. I thought it would get
be er a er a while, but it didn't seem to be.
No, it was more awkward than when I had just heard about it.
It seemed
Strictly speaking, rather than awkward.
seems to be making it difficult for me He didn't even make eye contact
with me, le only a brief gree ng and then passed me by in the hallway.
Was it something that made me conscious as a result of thinking about it?
Doesn't it look like that? Then it's a li le more or less, it's a feeling of high
shouldn't it be?
It doesn't seem like he became conscious of me or anything like that, but it
seems clear that he became conscious of me in a different way.
But I had nothing to do with Charlo e. Why is it difficult for me
What is it?
Did I or did something else happen without my knowledge?
Do I even doubt myself now?
reached the point
However, there is nothing special about working with De omorian.
Other than that, I couldn't think of any par cular reason for Charlo e to do
Are you really conscious of me?
I don't think so?
I guess that's right?
You call this an axeman?
What the hell am I thinking? If the princess looks at me for a moment and
cares about me, what will she do? S ll, Charlo e is biased towards Bali,
right? No, that's fine too,
But when Charlo e likes Balier and she turns to Reinhardt,
what the heck should i call it?? Are you remorseful? But now that I have
both, I don't think I've changed my mind. Looking back, it seems like a
change of heart.
"What are you thinking about?" "...uh? Why?"
“Your expression is bad.”
In the end, she said Ellen, who was going back to school a er class.
She has other problems as well, but she feels that Charlo e's demeanor
has become a bit strange, which makes her thinking very complicated. shal
Lot eventually gave me personal needs and
Because she is a precious person regardless of the reason.
She's the first person I've ever met when entering this world, and she's also
the one who made me know I could risk my life to save someone.
A er mee ng her again a er many twists and turns, she made a bad first
impression and ended up talking normally and being friends in modera on.
It became a rela onship we could live with.
But a er De omorian's words, something changed.
She said that Charlo e said that whenever she ran into me, she used to
slap me awkwardly, as if a li le embarrassed, but she's not embarrassed
lately, but she's been struggling to get her gree ngs out.
She bows down and she passes by.
I don't know the details, but I know that the situa on is ge ng worse and
It is a home of a family.
Let's say she really likes Charlo e and she likes me (Reinhardt).
So, what will she do in the future?
She hates, bea ng Charlo e made a confession to me
What? What if it goes like this?
Does she dare turn down the courtship of the princess on a lowly subject?
Could it be that she's blown head while she's doing it?
It's an honor, Princess. What if it goes like this?
There is no place for a thousand things like you in the royal family! Could it
be that the head is flying like this?
Anyway, the head might fly away.
What if the princess likes me alone
As she con nued to think, there was no spectacle like this. I don't know
anything about what Charlo e was thinking.
Or is she afraid?
De omorian's prophecy is true
Is this going to happen, is she trying to get away from me because she's
afraid of it?
If so, what should I do?
I'm not even thinking of marrying you
I don't have it, so I have to ask you to treat me like usual
Then, would you dare to discuss marriage with the princess? while flying
isn't it?
No, no ma er what you think about, your focus will be on a blow-by-the-
head conclusion.
The reason is not well understood.
I'm sure Charlo e is having a hard me with me.
it looks messed up Some mes I feel like I'm avoiding
It may be that you are in the mood.
We only had one day together, but Charlo e was me.
I like (Bali). that's for sure
all. But she was told that in the mean me she was going to marry another
country, Hart.
Because of me her heart for her Bali
She's afraid she'll fade, so it's right to avoid me
Did she come to think of it?
Of course, I don't believe in De omorian.
But let's say it's really a predic on for the future. For example, trust
If the same
On the contrary, the ac on to avoid it becomes the ac on to realize it.
King Laius, your son will kill you
Just as the act of abandoning Oedipus when he heard the oracle that he
would marry your late wife became the decisive event that made the
oracle come true.
If so, what Charlo e is doing to get away from me right now is rather
It will be the decisive ac on that will make the trust come true.
Of course, this is a story that is possible only under the assump on that
De omorian's words will become reality.
A er all, all narra ves related to the oracle
There is one thing to say.
Fate is unavoidable, and what will happen must happen. avoid fate
What you do to protect yourself will rather bring about that fate.
Thoughts on Charlo e's troubles, I felt an eerie burning down her spine.
I feel like everything I do to somehow manage the gate situa on will
eventually either have no effect or cause other problems I never expected.
The gate incident is fate.
I try to avoid it.
Do the driving devices arranged to avoid it work properly? Even if it works,
wouldn't it be another kind of gate event?
I can not know.
The gate is later.
What makes Charlo e difficult for me anyway
I don't know the exact reason, but in the end
It's because of what I heard from De omorian.
The problem is that.
If she wants Charlo e to walk away from me, what the hell am I supposed
to say to her that I don't have to be there? my
are you qualified to say anything?
She says Charlo e is doing her own thing, don't do it or do it haha
I think it's funny too.
Eventually, she locked herself in her room, thinking about this and that,
when the pager rang.
Charlo e's slightly gloomy voice came over the pager.
[Wait... Can I talk to you?]
From Charlo e's voice over her pager, she felt as if she had decided
At her Charlo e's call, I le the Royal Class dormitory. Charlo e was
wai ng for me on a bridge over a small pond, deep in the park in front of
the Royal Class dormitory. There were no people because people didn't
come here very o en.
Few people, but well managed
The water in the pond was clear and clear.
With her arms draped over the railings of her legs, Charlo e looked at me
and shook her head.
"You're here."
It felt a li le different from Charlo e when I passed by.
She's awkward and more than difficult.
Now he had eyes that felt deep sorrow. Charlo e leaned against the railing
of the bridge facing the pond, and I leaned against the bridge in the
opposite direc on.
was pu ng on
We don't see each other face to face.
It'd be more comfortable for Charlo e, me
I think.
I don't know what Charlo e is trying to say.
"Am I a li le weird these days?"
“...I can't say no with empty words. Huh. It was strange.”
“I heard such an embarrassing story.
Well… I couldn’t help it.”
“...because I was like that too...”
The story of De omorian.
Saying we're going to get married.
Maybe that's what Charlo e has been like lately.
“It’s absurd. right?" Me and Charlo e get married, Charlo e says, it's
nonsense, she says. I agree there.
“Uh… not really.”
“Am I feeling a li le bad?”
Charlo e smiled slightly mischievously.
He looked at me, and I was a li le stunned at those words.
had no choice but to
“No, it is. I have no idea, because you just vehemently deny it. I feel bad for
nothing. Am I that bad? I think like that.”
“Oh, no, no! It's not like that! You know what I meant when I said that!”
It's not that you don't like it that it can't happen, it's just that I said it from
a very realis c point of view that it couldn't happen! You know that!
It's not that he's not happy when he says he might marry the princess, he's
scared and says that it's never going to happen.
Yes, it could have been bad.
“ wasn't meant to be like that. I'm sorry if I made you feel bad."
"I know. I know. I know what you mean. It's just. It's just like that. If you
had heard that and liked it... it would have go en weirder.
Charlo e looked at me and smiled.
I love it ah I later married the queen. Life is good
It would have been even weirder.
It's not that it's awkward, Charlo e is sincere.
would have avoided me. I guess he really believes it. I'm scared. It's like this
“By the way, De o also said that there is a possibility that he was wrong,
but I thought about it seriously for nothing. If I ever get married to you,
then why the hell would it happen...?"
“Yeah, can’t it?”
“Ah, no… there’s nothing that can’t be done…
Isn't it a bit strange to talk like that in front of me?"
I really did too. If I ever get married to Charlo e, why on earth will I get
married in what way?
“Of course, it’s not like I like you or that I’m interested in you. Just, if there
is such a result, whether there can be a reasonable cause and effect before
the result arrives. That’s what I was curious about.”
Charlo e didn't want to misunderstand her, she said, with a smirk.
Charlo e did her troubles alone. Is there any reasonable
Did you come to any conclusions?
Charlo e was staring at the fish as she swam in the pond.
“Reinhardt. Hey."
"I think that I'm going to marry you. I don't think it's that hard to happen."

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 205

Charlo e and My Marriage,
like i thought about him
Charlo e thought about it too. Charlo e seemed to think she wouldn't be
so impossible.
In fact, I don't think it's even that impossible. But I was thinking not as
Reinhardt, but as Vallier.
But Charlo e was telling her that it wouldn't be so impossible for her to
marry La Inhart and not Balier.
As I panicked, Charlo e narrowed her eyes and she looked at me.
“What do you hate again? I hate you so much?”
“Oh no! It's not that I hate it! You, you, all of a sudden, do it!”
May I marry you in front of me? Isn't it weird for someone who isn't
embarrassed by this?
“You don’t like it? So are you okay?”
"Dude, why are you doing this to me..."
It's not that I didn't like it, so it must be good. No, what the hell are you
looking for from me? Charlo e licks her tongue
t and filled
“In the end, I can’t say it’s good. 'Cause you're such a bad boy too Where
am I lacking?"
"please please. i think i'm going crazy No ma er what I say, it seems like a
trap, so I can’t say anything.”
“Ugh, okay. I will stop tormen ng you.”
As I pleaded in a cold sweat, Charlo e wrinkled her eyes as if she was
going to stop, and she laughed.
“It’s just that. I don't know what your thoughts and feelings are. Do you
know my heart?”
Charlo e said she'd been imagining what it would be like if the future
came to marry me, she said. She doesn't know my heart, but she knows
her own heart, so she doesn't know Charlo e.
She seems to have imagined accordingly.
“You and I have a secret we share. It makes me emo onally dependent on
you, and will I be able to like you over me?
I don't know.... that's what I've been thinking."
Things about Bali.
If it's a secret, that's all. direct the le er
There is also direct delivery,
But a er all, I'm just a contact person. Actually, it's not Reinhardt that
Charlo e is relying on her heart, but her feet.
Lieda. But why did I come to think that I might become dependent on me
and might eventually like it?
“…not that kid?”
As if she knew the words would come out, Charlo e smiled at me.
"le er. You don’t have to let it go now.”
Of all the faces I've seen in my life
It was a sad smile.
"...I've been so selfish un l now. As you take it. I never thought about how
dangerous it would be, how you'd feel.
I know you're in trouble because you're stuck between Bertus and me. It
may be embarrassing. It might be scary, but I never thought about it.”
“I think I was taking too many things for granted with that one word.” |
"I'm sorry Reinhardt, I'm a princess
So I didn't think you deserved such a thing of course."
1 Are you reluctant to listen to me because if you refuse my request, you
might lose members of your family like yours?
I don't know, I never thought of that. You may not have been worried
about that, but I definitely should have thought of that.”
“In the posi on of asking for a dangerous job, what is the risk that the
person doing such a job has to take? Aren't you embarrassed Are you
afraid of me? I should have thought But I didn't think about it.”
“It’s all my fault, it’s negligent, La Inart.”
“I was engulfed in my sorrow
I think."
“So, Reinhardt, I am grateful that you help me with all your good
inten ons.
I was just thinking I didn't really care about what you were thinking, really
how you thought of my request."
“You are not mine.”
“It means you want to be mine, but you can't. I don't mean to draw the
line that you're not mine. you are between me and bertus
I am in a posi on where I have to keep walking the ghtrope,
The only reason you are doing that dangerous ghtrope is because of my
one request.”
“You just belong to Class A.
It is be er to live with Letus.”
“But because of me, because of my greed, I put you in a dangerous tug of
war.” |
“I put you in danger, I made you suffer, and I acted as if I had already paid a
lot of money with a single thank you.”
“You have no reason to help me. All I've done to you so far is coercion
Nothing more and nothing less.”
“So Reinhardt, I’m sorry up un l now.”
“You don’t have to send the le er anymore. I got a lot from you So come
down from the dangerous ghtrope now. Now choose one.”
"Side with Bertus."
“I don’t feel bad about it, and I don’t deserve it.”
“If you stand on my side, you will be Bertus’s enemy, but if you are on my
Even if I stand up, I will not be your enemy.”
Charlo e stopped talking and she looked at me s ll. It wasn't because of
what I was doing when I got married.
le er.
What I'm passing it on to me
Think how much of a burden it must have been
disappointment with himself.
That's why she's Charlo e and she's been having a hard me with me.
It wasn't that she was difficult.
she was apologizing to me
She doesn't know how she came to that thought, but she was saying that
Charlo e could stop delivering her le ers.
“Then... From now on, I will pass it on through someone else.... Is it like
Then, she will have someone other than me to find Elerys.
It won't work, but things are a bit complicated
will lose
But she shook her head, Charlo e.
“No, I will not send the le er anymore.
It was also a completely unexpected reac on.
"You didn't know. The only thing I know about the child's whereabouts is,
you and I in the world. And only three of them, including the wizard."
“I don't even tell my people
ok Now, for some other reason
I couldn’t speak.”
So if I don't deliver the le er, she says Charlo e has to deliver the le er
only do
“Then… what are you going to do?”
"I don't want to communicate anymore."
When she called me on her pager, Charlo e, her voice seemed to resolve
something with her. She made that decision and she wasn't nego a ng or
anything like that.
It was she had decided not to keep in touch with Balier anymore.
She did not tell Charlo e about the whereabouts of Balier to her own
people to keep her secret. At first, she seemed to like the fewer people she
knew, but now for some other reason.
She seemed to be unable to say it.
She pretended to deliver a le er addressed to me, and guilt stabbed me
while I read and replied to it.
No more wri ng those hellish replies
you don't have to
I want to
"So. I no longer have to take risks.”
But because Charlo e fears I'll be in danger, she says, if it's the guilt that
Charlo e has caused by realizing that she's been forcing me to do
something wrong,
You don't have to.
With such a sad expression, you don't have to force yourself to cut off the
things you don't want to cut off.
“You s ll don’t know me?”
To Charlo e, though, I was a li le more sassy, but I was a li le rough.
went out
When you feel dirty, call someone
in the tone of me,
He speaks in the tone of the bastard Reinhardt.
“I say fuck it if it’s a fucking thing
He’s a thrower.”
Charlo e looked slightly perplexed when the sudden harsh words came
out. I guess I didn't expect it to come out like this.
Yes, the Reinhardt that people know is crazy. The guy who gets annoyed
when things don't go his way, and puts it down why he's ac ng like a fucker
when someone acts like a bitch
all. whoever the opponent is.
Did you forget that I am that kind of person? I speak harshly to Charlo e
for the first me.
“I would have said that if the request you made to me was true, I would
not have done it because it was such a fucking thing. By the way, have I
ever been like that?” “……No… I didn’t.”
“Yeah, I did it because I wanted to.”
Charlo e's eyes widened at my words.
“I spit out whatever comes to mind, and do whatever I want. You are no
excep on.”
Charlo e was an excep on...
Bertus as well...
But for now, I have to say this!
“I did it because I wanted to. I didn’t do it if I didn’t like it.
is nonsense.”
Transparent water droplets were forming on Charlo e's eyes.
“So from now on, it’s like a le er
If you have something to send, don't think in vain
Just think about it.”
“Do you want to send it?”
“You don’t want to let go.”
“How difficult is it to deliver such scraps of paper?”
Tears rolled down from the corners of her Charlo e's eyes. She then looks
at me and smiles uncontrollably.
She was crying as Charlo e laughed.
“Yeah… well, that’s what you say.”
Did she even expect it to be like this? Did you know I was going to say this?
Charlo e dipped her flowing tears into her handkerchief.
"it's okay. S ll, you don't have to deliver the le er now."
Charlo e said so with her sad eyes.
Apart from my problems, as if I had already made up my mind about Bali.
“Why? Are you rude?”
“…It’s not rude, but it’s hard to say.”
Charlo e looked at me and bowed her head slightly. I couldn't help but be
surprised because I didn't know he would do something like that.
“Thank you so much, really, so far, La Inart.”
Now I deliver Charlo e's le er
you don't have to
You don't have to suffer from wri ng replies li ered with lies.
But it was even more painful for me to see Charlo e struggling to bear her
But what can I do about it
there was nothing to say.
Charlo e didn't cry, but she wept a li le as she dipped her tears.
Charlo e, who found her composure only a er a while, smiled awkwardly
at me.
"Sorry, I always look ugly to you."
“What do you consider to be an honor?”
Isn't it a pre y bad tle to say that the princess is the only person who
shows weakness?
"Anyway, that's what I'm talking about. I don't have any further le ers to
deliver. So it's between me and Bertus.
You don’t have to ride anymore.”
Charlo e didn't even think of me as resen ul or a raw enemy even on
Bertus's side.
She said she wouldn't. I think Charlo e
It's her business that I've had with Charlo e and stuff like that. What
should she do with Charlo e when the le er goes away?
I had no reason to do this.
So Charlo e is le ng me go now.
“So, let’s stop pretending we know each other. What are you doing?”
“I mean… is that so…?”
Charlo e when I said that out of the blue
This was a bit of an odd look.
"Is this sad?"
When she expressed that she was sad with a fastball, she seemed to be
even more embarrassed by Charlo e.
“Of course, I don’t like having my head explode between Bertus and you. If
you tell Bertus to s ck with you while you're done, you're actually using
“...that, like that... is it going to happen?”
“I thought we were friends, and because we’re friends, we’ve helped each
“Chi, friend?”
"What's that embarrassing reac on? Did you really think of me as just a
“Oh no! No! Not at all! Not like that!”
Charlo e shook her head, her face shriveled. Somehow, I'm in front of
Charlo e
So far, it has been a feeling of suffoca on. However, he said he felt sorry for
me a lot, so now that I'm leaving like this, I was at a loss for what to do.
Should the de be reversed?
Even if it's close to the end, Charlo e is just babbling.
“So, are we friends?”
“That, that… that…”
As I asked with a smirk, Charlo e licked her lips, her face slightly shriveled.
She said these words straight out of her mouth
Either she was unbearably ashamed of what she had to deal with, or she
said these words, and she seemed absurd to hear her say.
“Oh right isn’t it?”
“Oh, that’s… uh…”
I used to do it whenever someone pressured or scolded me.
I mean. She must have flirted with Cayer
that's what she used to say
In the second semester, I can now say those words to the princess.
Although the details are slightly different,
It's not right my friend!
"No, no... that's right..." |
Charlo e is ashamed because of her shame.
is it because For some other reason, she nodded slightly, trembling with
her bare face.
“So, you can of course do anything you ask your friend, and you can meet
up with a friend and talk about it, so don’t think too complicated.”
“You’re so smart. Some mes that's the problem.”
Trying to interpret the situa on as bad
Then you can imagine the worst case.
What I did just because it was her Charlo e's request, she ended up
convincing Charlo e that she was doing me a very big mistake at the end
of what she thought it might be her fault.
Thinking too much alone is a problem in the end.
Of course, it is true that I think a lot on my own, but
I also think Charlo e is having a hard me with me.
So, didn't she spread her bizarre imagina on? The reality was completely
Charlo e and I, alone, think deeply about her partner and make
assump ons about this and that.
And we were both wrong.
In the end, you can only know the truth by telling the story. Charlo e was a
li le dazed when she heard me say you have a problem with your brain.
She then took a few deep breaths. Charlo e smiled a li le mischievously,
the color of her wrinkled face returned.
she looked at me
“Yes, we are friends. So let me ask you something.”
“Yeah, what is it?”
"Is Bertus your friend too?"
I was a li le surprised because a random ques on came up at a completely
unexpected me.
had no choice but to
"Are you also friends with Bertus?"
“…that, that… well. I think it would be nice if you could think of it that way.
Are Bertus and I really friends? Charlo e thinks so, but Bertus has no idea
what's inside. Charlo e looks at me and she lts her head a li le
She smiled as she did.
“Well, don’t you think of Bertus more closely than I do?”
He's obviously smiling, but somehow he feels alive. No, I'm Bertus.
Would you consider it more friendly? Is that uncondi onally oh-han? I've
been a bit surprised by Bertus lately, but one of them
If I had to choose, of course I am you!!
Bertus said he was trying to kill not only you, but me too!!
“Oh, no? It’s not like that.
place? Why do you think so?"
“Then why are you in your club’s new business, my
Did you ask Bertus instead?"
Ah. Charlo e's words made me feel like I had had a brain arrest.
That was it!
Whatever Bertus told you
You know too!
“I was either unreliable, or I believed Bertus could do be er, or I just asked
because I was more personally friendly.
Everything or something?”
If you can tell me, why did you ask Bertus? am i a friend? Oh, so Bertus is
even more of a friend than me, so you asked for it?
Charlo e was asking with her eyes. Did he feel sad for me a er hearing
No, maybe because of that
Did Charlo e come to this conclusion that I might actually hate or be afraid
of sleeping?
“Oh, that’s right. Because of the situa on and the atmosphere, I have no
choice but to…”
"I have no choice? What could have been done?”
“Yeah, that’s right, since De omorian is ge ng married to you and me.
Later, if I suddenly come to you and ask you to do something like that,
please! picture! uh! It’s kind of like that!”
It was then that Charlo e realized what kind of ming I had that she could
not ask for such a request.
Even if I pretend I don't care at all
And even if you pretend you care, there's no way you can go ask for
something like that at a strange me!
Both Charlo e and I had our faces red. rock
And in the end we're like this
I'm back with the first topic.
De o Morian's prophecy.
We didn't say a word for a while.
At the end, Charlo e stu ered and opened her mouth.
"...However. Really, honestly. Let me ask you one thing.”
Charlo e looked at me and asked.
“Isn’t that good enough for me?”
"So, I'm not a rac ve enough."
“Dude, why are you asking such a thing!”
"No! You! You're so strangely disgusted! Isn't it something to be thankful
for? Hey! No ma er how good Ellen Artorius is, am I s ll more than a dog?
“Why are you talking about dogs all of a sudden!”
“Anyway, I’m fine with it! Just tell me! That's not right!"
right no Charlo e was giving me back what I had just asked. No, I was
talking about the world's gloomy a while ago, but a er the declara on of
friend, why did the context of the conversa on suddenly jump this way?
"Right! a rac ve! uh! I'm sorry!"
“...When I heard it, it felt like I was lying down and receiving me, didn’t it
make me feel worse?”
“…what do you want from me?”
"...I do not know either."
Charlo e would rather give me that answer.
As she gained it, her expression ro ed as she felt even more defeated.
Charlo e turned her on with her sullen look on her face and she sighed.
Charlo e looked at me and smiled.
“Congratula ons Reinhardt.”
“What congratula ons?”
“I mean, being the second friend of the Imperial Princess of the Gradias
Be friendly with everyone in class B
seemed to be
I was drawing a line in my mind
same. Does being a real friend mean a lot to Charlo e?
First, you know who you are.
So I'm Charlo e's only friend
would. Charlo e looks at me, frowns at her, and smiles mischievously.
“Consider it an honor.”
“Yeah, Jaeger, that’s an honor.”
“You seem to be ge ng more and more comfortable with me, so I guess
you should consider it a good sign, but I’m not sure.”
Charlo e was watching the fish swimming in the pond.
The sadness she had hidden inside her was now nowhere to be seen on
her face.
“Let’s do it well. anything."
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 206
Returning to the private room, Charlo e washed herself, changed into
comfortable clothes, and then went to bed.
lay crouched on the
Did she do well?
She should have done this someday, but she thought.
She's the one to be seen no more, she's the one to no longer be seen. She
was just thinking that she would have to cut it off someday. But the
moment she breaks that weak link, she thinks everything is gone, so she
can't decide.
within reach.
Although she cannot see her, the very sense of being able to touch the
child at any me is great.
she demanded
She couldn't afford it for her to disappear.
But in the end, she said, Charlo e broke the link.
She cut herself off. above Reinhardt
Because of the realiza on that you are in trouble
Crab was the biggest, but she ended up having her own
Her Euro should not have had any further contact with the child.
A certain boy who does not know who she is, and whose iden ty is
It was a foolish act that was governed by her mind and emo ons. And
breaking the link with the boy was an act that was ul mately governed by
her heart and emo ons.
'Happy in a place that me and Bertus can't find'
It was the right thing to do for the boy who was in danger of ge ng
involved with her own. If it's really for that kid, do this
was right It's unknown who it is, and Suspicious, but Charlo e wants the
child to be happy.
I don't know where she is or what she is,
She wishes the boy happiness.
She is Charlo e and she is now trying to forget that child she is.
But not everything has disappeared.
A er all the foolish things she did to find the child, she found another
rela onship with Charlo e.
She is a classmate with bad first impressions and bad rumors.
A er giving and receiving a lot of help at the end of this and that, she
became friends.
A er a lot of work to find someone with a heart, someone with a different
mind came into existence.
She felt guilty for Charlo e.
She felt that having these feelings in itself was some kind of cowardice.
Because she was afraid of the dangerous path, it seems that she chose the
comfortable path in the end.
She doesn't like Reinhardt.
But, I think I know how this feeling of being worried about something will
Charlo e de Gradias fears that.
'De o.'
'I wish the saying that I was marrying Reinhardt was true."
Charlo e hugged her pillow, she was there
She put her face on.
'That's because I'm s ll alive un l then.
Her pillow was dripping with water li le by li le.
She is likely to be disappointed in herself if her strong, hear elt feelings for
the child change easily.
But more than that.
I didn't want to die.
She did not want to lose her life in vain, the precious person that the child
saved. This life is the gi that child gave to him. It was the only thing that
remained because of her rela onship.
Life isn't greedy. I don't want to live any longer.
This life itself is so precious. It is the only and last gi I received from the
most precious person in the world.
So I don't want to lose. So rather. I hope that prophecy is true.
Then don't lose this precious thing
'cause it's been Because it means that you can endure even a li le longer.
Reinhardt's thoughts. He thinks that if his marriage to Charlo e de Gradias
is true, he and Charlo e will survive the Gates incident.
She said that Charlo e had similar thoughts.
She no longer has to deliver her le ers.
Charlo e asked me why she made that decision.
didn't tell She may be wondering why she doesn't even try to deliver her
le er through someone else's hand.
I was skep cal, and several possibili es came to mind, but in the end the
specula on was meaningless.
Only Charlo e will know the truth.
In the end, the big stone that De omorian threw brought about a change.
That didn't change much.
To be precise, she is back to normal.
“Hello, Reinhardt.”
"...uh? What is the end of one word?"
“Then what do you do?”
".... Basically, you're a human being.
I lack a lot of courtesy. My status is not important, let's do it fundamentally
Are you there?”
“What am I supposed to do with this?”
“Then you have to fix it.”
correc on.
It's not back to the way it was before
All in all, I just got to treat Charlo e a li le more. And when she sees me,
even Charlo e puts twin wicks in her eyes and she berates me if she can't
be nicer.
It has become such a good feeling that her rela onship seems to be bad.
Charlo e and I have become more comfortable with each other now that
we are not connected, and now that we are comfortable, we tend to
stretch out some mes.
She gets into a tantrum.
It's a li le different from Harriet.
If we were in the same dormitory, we would have bumped into each other
more o en, but I didn't see Charlo e very o en except during superpower
classes and common classes.
Charlo e needs to change my personality a bit.
She said, "Even if she doesn't fix it, she's been fine so far, so why not?"
“Huh. How could such a seed be born in the Empire?”
Sorry, I'm not imperial. called importa on.
Charlo e calls her body like she hates it.
She trembled and she took Scarle and went away.
Of course she said she was arguing with Charlo e, but when she said she
was going she grinned and she waved her hand to me.
Her Charlo e smile has something to put my mind at ease.
The face of the first person I saw when I came here is praying.
Charlo e, her very existence alone makes this and that complex meaning
to me.
The things I wanted don't happen, and events happen and come to me in
places I don't even know or think about. If you deal with it, yes again
Unpredictable results come.
The le er problem is what happened in the end
I don't know, but I think it's over
If the Magic Research Society waits for the results
Rotary club's new business is Bertus
Listen to the progress from
The non-problem with Charlo e was se led. It's clear that she's go en
be er as if her rela onship has deteriorated.
"Oh oh! Do you feel something?"
“How are you?”
“I’m ready, I’ll pack the shit and come.”
- Tight!
Huh! Why hit! And why are you hi ng me in the head? Will you take
responsibility if I lose my head?”
“...can it get worse here?”
Eren narrows her eyebrows and stares at me for her bullshit. Her magic
strengthening training doesn't really make any sense, so she only makes
noises like this.
“You, are you serious? am i crying
uh? Are you crying at this age? how much
Do you think you don't want to see it? uh?"
The truth is, I'm in my thir es a er being hit in the head by a 17-year-old!
look how ugly
Do you think you won't like it?
“It’s noisy, go to the bathroom quickly.”
Her magic power training is not progressing.
| a er going to the bathroom. I sat down with Ellen again and did magic
strengthening training.
- Slurrr....
Ellen's whole body was trembling with blue mana, and her eyes gleamed
with blue light.
there was. As she asks to follow along, Ellen is demonstra ng her magical
"By the way, I'm just thinking about it, you know. Can I use it as a light
source when it's dark?"
“…I haven’t tried it. and useless cows
don't li Follow me quickly.”
“I really don’t know why I’m talking nonsense like this, so can you please
let me know that this kind of bullshit is coming out?”
"I do not know. Sit down quickly.”
Ellen looked at me as if she was prepared to be hit with a magic power
punch if she yelled at me one more me.
“And there, you too.”"
“Who else is there but you?”
She alone sang Cliff Mann, who was flir ng with her scarecrow, with one
gesture, and Ellen went to Cliff Mann with a nervous expression.
Occasionally, if I didn't seem to be able to figure it out, I would call Cliffman
to join me.
“Well, I don’t even know what to do…”
"try. You may not be able to do it.”
“…I really don’t know.” |
“If you don’t know, you won’t do it for the rest of your life, will you?”
“Well, it’s not!”
“Someday you have to learn. I think we learn ahead of me.”
Cliffman is basically very outgoing. It seems that dealing with people
themselves rather than falling off consumes mental energy. Ellen Harn is a
lack of sociability in a very different sense.
And the most difficult person to deal with there was Ellen. for some reason
I don't know, but at some point she said that she was afraid of Ellen, not
that she was difficult.
seemed to be
So, that was around the me I got into the damned Tiamata problem.
I think I threw
In front of Ellen, like a rat in front of a snake
I'm afraid I'm a parent, but some mes
There are mes when respec ul words come out without knowing it.
So, the regular members of the gymnasium are doing magic strengthening
training under Ellen's leadership.
Both me and Cliffman have zero performance.
If the Magic Research Society moves to raise the level of each magic major,
In the end, he teaches mana enhancement in his own way.
trying to hit
"That... But they say that if you use it incorrectly, you can get seriously
You might get hurt if you do what you teach, not the teacher. Cliffman
expresses his refusal as much as possible.
But Ellen shook her head.
“You guys aren’t even close enough to get hurt.”
If you are injured while poorly managing your magic, it means that you are
able to manage your magic by itself.
Cliffman and I both had nothing to say to Ellen's fact a ack about not
worrying about ge ng injured on a topic that one must know how to do to
get hurt.
"You. You know that some mes you talk really badly, right?"
“It’s true.”
In the end, it was true that neither Cliffman nor I had anything to say.
From the second semester, I plan to be a li le more ac ve. So I'm going to
open up some plates.
The only worry is that Ludwig has to get stronger as he goes through
various things, but there are a lot of stories missing, so I was a li le
worried if Ludwig didn't get as strong as he thought he would, but I
confirmed that it wasn't necessary.
The less you do, the stronger you become.
And if it doesn't work out, I can make Ludwig stronger with the knowledge
I know.
I only know the case isn't it Whether I change the future or not, I can use
the things that are there.
The case is variable.
But whatever I do it will happen
There are things, and there are events that don't happen no ma er what I
I'm going to get my hands on those things li le by li le
The temple is basically equipped with a protec ve barrier and an -magic
countermeasures, but in the end, accidents happen constantly. Of course,
if there's no such thing, make a case
Because it is difficult, some parts are lax
must do it.
Perfect environment, perfect safety
Because nothing more than just going to school in an ordinary place can't
A fight between students.
or interference from outside forces. Or chaos inside.
Originally, I would let things happen if I didn't interfere.
But the more Ludwig didn't do anything, the more
As long as you know that you will become stronger on your own because of
your own self-improvement, I think it would be okay to take precau onary
measures in case of a fairly serious crisis.
In other words, in order to reduce the weight of the ar ficial pearl Ludwig,
I am playing the role of the protagonist instead.
Ludwig doesn't have to be the protagonist of this world. It's not Ludwig
that ma ers, it's the Gates incident, and that's all it needs to be resolved
anyway. Ludwig doesn't have to be strong through pain and suffering.
There is no reason to have to go through something like this in advance,
because it will surely come later anyway.
If Ludwig is a coward and someone who abandons his appearance as a
coward through some process, he should let the main event happen, but
Ludwig was originally
he's a spunky guy
He's not the kind of guy who runs away when he has to fight out of fear.
He's the one who does when he has to. Even if you steadily become
stronger through ordinary training, you will find out later and pay for the
Measures were taken to make the magic majors stronger.
There are many ways to make combat majors even stronger. And unlike the
method for magic majors, it helps me as well.
In the first semester, I strengthened my self-esteem, and it is a castle that I
can take with me throughout the vaca on.
I also got the sword Tiamata.
| In the second semester, I am now with anyone other than myself.
focus on events
If it is something that will happen anyway, we should do our best before
the damage becomes great, and if it is something that will not happen
depending on our ac ons, we should consider whether or not to abolish
the incident in considera on of the seriousness of the incident and its
Of course, that does not mean that basic training can be neglected.
You have to do more while keeping what you've been doing.
Magic enhancement is not progressing. If progress is fast, that's weird. I
can't be that genius
because I think
By self-sugges on, I am a master of magical enhancement.
If you believe it, nothing happens. S ll, I'm holding on to the feeling that
something will work out, and it's been less than a month since I started
training to enhance my magic.
I don't know if I should call it a project, but project five anyway.
Edina Islands business.
club new business.
magic research group,
strength training.
interference in the future.
And last.
A er all, Alpha and Omega.
achievement score.
[Achievement Score: 2430]
Up from the original 6430 points in exchange for a new talent, mana
The enemy used four thousand points.
Talent is inherently rare. So I
Among them, he belongs to a fairly talented person who has three talents.
That even at the beginning of the semester, there is infinite ap tude
only existed but had three talents
done. He also has super rare talents, super powers, so it sounds like I'm
sa sfied that I keep telling Ellen a genius genius.
In the first place, magic enhancement is not something you can do as a
teenager. Even talented guys can only use it a er being trained for a very
long me.
Even in this place where only talented worms gather, magic enhancement
is a power that only a few can awaken. In fact, the fact is that there are a
lot of guys who can't catch on un l they graduate.
So, it's not strange that I can't get a grip even though I have all the
essen al talents of mana sensi vity and opera on. Ellen is just an out-of-
the-ordinary existence.
However, I do not want to strengthen my magic this year.
Even a leader can use it enough for next year
there will be
Anyway, at this point, I don't really need any of the following talents.
It would be nice to have weapon-related talent, but although I don't have
any par cular talent for swordsmanship, my swordsmanship level
con nues to rise through training with Ellen.
The achievement points required to acquire the next talent are double the
number of four thousand points. eight thousand points.
What ma ers is the achievement score itself.
Whether it's used for workbooks or occasional previews, I've never done it,
but I use it to add se ngs or whatever.
To me, achievement points are more important than money, and I don't
know what's going to happen, so I've been hoarding a lot of money for
quite some me, but this me I spent a lot of money.
It's pre y big, so you'll have to save it up just in case.
There are no events, so there is only one way to earn achievement points.
Just comple ng the challenge.
[Challenge List]
[Control of Edina Islands - 40000 points]
[(Fes val) Unlimited Tournament Win - 15000
[(fes val) 1st year tournament winner - 10000 | [Mid-term exam overall
rank 1st place - 8000 points]
Unlike in the past, challenges that give a lot of points were added, and the
second semester
As the main fes val is the fes val, there were challenges related to the
fes val.
But what do you do when you score a lot? what is that? Take control of the
Edina Islands? Airi is there, but give me a kingdom right now, right now?
There was some kind of slap on the face of the emperor in the past
But, is it always supposed to be something that is never going to happen at
the top?
What is the equanimity of the dark side of the zodiac? If you write
I don't know what will happen.
[(Fes val) Miss Temple - 1100 points] (It doesn't have to look like
[(Fes val) Mr. Temple - 1000 points]
[(Fes val) Women's Dressing Compe on Winner - 1100 Points]
And what else is this?
I know Mr. Temple, but Miss
Why are you there!
And why miss more score than mr
Why is it a hundred points higher?
I'm telling you to do the same thing you did last me.
gold! Transformed into a ring, whatever!
And what about the women's dress contest? Why is that one hundred
thousand points?
go away!
[(Fes val) Miss Temple - 1500 points]
[(Fes val) Women's Dressing Compe on Winner - 1500 Points]
Reward points in real me right in front of your eyes
Wouldn't it be a hundred thousand points? Oh yes, fi een hundred calls?
Are you doing this now?
don't you?
[(fes val) Miss Temple - 2000 points]
[(Fes val) Women's Dressing Compe on Winner - 2000 Points]
Also, the numbers change in real me.
Somehow this bastard, I'm dressing up as a woman
Do you want to see things like the world's best beauty pageant by using a
gun ring or anything? don't you?
[(Fes val) Miss Temple - 4000 points]
[(Fes val) Women's Dressing Compe on Winner - 4000 Points]
Why is this cub is only a big deal in this?
four thousand points? I won't even give you four thousand points
If that's s ll forty-five points... the future | It's a score that can be
If that's enough... maybe I should...?
Could you... give me 40,000 points?
...Isn't that right?
It was thought that the 40,000 points had crossed the line, and the reward
points were not set at 40,000 points.
As I looked, I looked more closely at the items below the challenge with
only mental damage. There were challenges related to the midterm exam,
It wasn't much different from before. I had a history of failing once before,
so I didn't want to touch it.
A er all, that's what the challenge is all about.
These are either very difficult to achieve, or a bit daun ng. It's full of
bizarre things like running away at night from the temple, ge ng drunk in
the dormitory and cu ng off films, and the score is poor.
[First Kiss - 500 points]
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 207
There is a problem in that achievement points are collected one by one
and used up in one shot. This me, let's start the magic strengthening
He spent a lot of money while buying a new talent.
However, since you never know when an event will occur, it is necessary to
always keep the achievement score above a certain level in case of an
So, to make up for it, I'm going through the challenge now.
So I'm trying to collect achievement points...
If you win the 1st year tournament, you will get Wang Chang points, but at
this point
It should be seen as an impossible task.
First of all, Ellen, the winner of the tournament, announced that she would
not par cipate last me, but it was more clearly than me.
There are strong guys. Eliminate Ellen.
But Scarle is definitely stronger than me
Bertus and Cliffman.
Of course, if you ask the three not to par cipate in the tournament, you
can give them an internal tuck.
But to the Orbis class guys who persuaded the three of them not to
par cipate.
it's definitely going to break
very sadly,
What I can achieve at the moment
The challenges are what delinquent youths do
one good luck.
And on top of that.
[(Fes val) Miss Temple - 4000 points]
[(Fes val) Women's Dressing Compe on Winner - 4000 Points]
[First Kiss - 500 points]
[Fight against the Orbis class - 500 points)
these are four
Sadly, there are more possibili es for Miss Temple or Women's Dressing
Tournament than Mr. Temple! It's not impossible at all if you can somehow
disguise yourself and use the Ring of Sarkegaar!
My face as a Reinhardt is a bit chubby, but I can say that the Temple is the
'Cause it's not like it could be
Well, the women's dress-up contest is only for those who are prepared to
do that, so I thought that there might be few compe tors unexpectedly,
Of course, they both don't care.
That's why the first kiss and Orbis
It's the same thing that it's weird to fight against a class. First kiss! What do
you mean, put it somewhere?
The challenge is to make me a weirdo somehow.
In such a case, the challenge should be made with the theme of something
that is difficult to achieve in the first place, but it seems to be made with
the theme of how bizarre it is?
What are you going to do with the Women's Dressing Tournament and
Miss Temple?
In the end, I just couldn't see it. Not regularly checking the challenge list
It is also for this reason. Because it's all just these things.
Let's suddenly go to Orbis class and face each other.
It is a self-evident reason.
But why would you do that?
Even though it's known here and there that I'm like a dog, my guiding
principle doesn't change.
First of all, unless you're a quarrelsome guy, don't touch it.
There is no jus fica on for this. I s ll do not move unless there is a minimal
reason. If they don't argue with them first or something like that, there's
no reason for me to give them up.
I just don't want to do something like that.
First kiss...
Let's not think about this at all.
Whatever happens, it's bound to be trash or crazy!
blast furnace,
I had no inten on of taking on any challenge.
I'm curious about the achievement score, but that's it
Because I didn't need gold right away, and I didn't have a crisis like that
that cost my life.
"...Huh, really... what about swordsmanship class? That kid must be pissed
off again..."
In the lobby of the dormitory, the sight of Ergi de Raffae Lee talking with
the three nerdy brothers caught my eye.
“Why don’t you just tell the teacher now?”
"So. How long are you going to suffer?”
Conor Lint and Cayer are the killers
He was convincing Lehi.
"No, that's not the problem, it's like we're going to have a prac ce group...
Even if you don't like it, they say I taught you a few things... That's the way I
can't get out of it... And, the kids I'm in class with... They laugh at me a
“You poor bastard.”
“Isn’t the teacher too irresponsible?”
Recently, Ergi de Lafaeri Orbis
I was being harassed for the whole class because I touched one of the
classmates by mistake.
Bullying itself is not the problem.
It's a royal class, so I'm ge ng beaten up, so I'm taking classes in other
general classes
The students also seemed to implicitly ignore or ridicule them.
Simply put, something similar to bullying
that's what you're doing
As he was looking at the mortal dogs, the three old brothers, he came to
The cause I was looking for.
I was here
"Hey, kid."
"Uh... huh? La, Reinhardt? Why?"
As I approached him, he flinched and flinched. crazy
While we were talking, a crazy bastard appeared
It's natural to be embarrassed.
“Hey, you bastard that bullies you. Let me see you.”
I clenched my fists and gave a sly smile.
"Because I'll take responsibility and take care of it."
A dog who bullies his classmates.
I don't think the cause is enough, isn't it overflowing?
“Yes, you?”
All the three arrogant brothers are in this crisis
He was looking at me with a look that had found even a single ray of light.
We're good if you'll come forward, but why would you do it?
Everyone was good, but they couldn't hide their embarrassment.
For achievement points, ostensibly for other reasons.
Reinha, the crazy dog, to avenge the classmate who was beaten by the
Orbis class.
At the words of Ruth going out, these three
The expression was worth seeing.
On the subject of pecking just by talking to me, the expression on the face
that the world can’t be this reassuring
took in
It's not about winning.
I might lose I don't know who he is. If I'm at the top of the Orbis class, I'll
But the condi ons are a match.
It doesn't ma er whether you win or lose. It must feel dirty, but dying
Being beaten while punching is a women's dress contest
It's be er than going out or becoming a real girl and going to the top high
school beauty contest!
I don't know if Olivia Ranche will come out.
She's loosing and she's confident to beat that nigga
I mean, I'm afraid...
And the Orbis class is going forward
He is also the protagonist of many things that will happen.
Because I'm also a high school assistant. once discharged
There were enough reasons to check.
Compete for 500 achievement points.
There was also a related challenge in the first semester. At that me, I
didn't even know there was a challenge and gave me Kaier, but it was
ridiculous because the challenge was completed.
They told me to pull out the horns too, so I took all three of my dog
brothers along the way.
Erchi de Lafaeri, Kono Lint, Cayer Bioden,
Three people follow me.
I feel like I'm the leader of the three arrogant brothers, but this.
No, if you think about it, I'm a nerd in a slightly different way from them,
right? There are definitely more serious corners than these guys.
The leader of the three no-nonsense brothers.
Reinhardt, the naughty one,
I have all the a ributes to be their leader. Was this really fate?
There's no reason to do it unless you get achievement points, and I didn't
even know un l five minutes ago that I'd be dragging these bastards
around like an idiot.
“Well, are you okay? His skills are…”
“What is it? It doesn't ma er because I'm going to call a stronger guy and
give it to me."
If the eldest brother of these guys is me, I also have an eldest brother
whom I serve.
Ellen Artorius.
If I get hit, Ellen's eldest brother
You'll figure it out! Don't be scared!
Kwok, Reinhardt, that guy is ac ng.
I was just the boss.
The strongest first year in the Royal Class, Ellen Artorius-sama, will deal
with you.
I wouldn't actually say that, but even if I lose, that's roughly how it goes,
"By the way, where are you going?"
Cayer said hesita ngly, a bit frightened.
“If you want to defeat the Orbis class bastard
Where are you going?"
I'm at a stop on the tram route map
pointed to one
[Orbis Class Dormitory]
“Hey, you’re going there directly?”
“How are you? Then go to main street
All Orbis class bastards are like this with me?”
It's only natural to knock on the door in front of their house to find
Everyone knew that I was about to enter the ger's mouth, and my
complexion turned pale. If you ask me, I mean, it's right in the middle of
the enemy line.
I know I'm a crazy guy, but when I say I'm going directly to the Orbis class
dormitory, everyone wants to go back.
The silver color was strong.
“If you want to go back, go back. It doesn't ma er if you go alone."
I wait with my arms crossed for the tram to arrive. said so. you can go back
At the words, the boys looked troubled.
“Do it, if you’re going to live like that for the rest of your life.”
go back
Go back and live the life of a coward.
No ma er what I felt at my light words, none of them said they were going
Today is Thursday.
If it's Friday, the students go home
There are mes when we go out or play, but in all probability, the target
will remain in the dormitory. If not, you will have to wait
Orbis class dormitory is temple department
It is the an thesis of the Royal Class dormitory in Ji. Unless we all run into
each other on the main street or in a lecture, we don't meet near the
dormitory at all.
Of course, dawn clouds sweeping across the en re temple
At the same me, I had seen the Orbis class doing a morning canter with
Adriana a few mes.
The Royal Class trains autonomously, but the Orbis Class trains uniformly.
act as
So, talented people who lack efforts like Erhi are easily thrown out.
On the tram to the Orbis class, Erich was restless.
"Well, by the way, Reinhardt.... Even if you win this long, he's more
vindic ve than that.
What if you embrace me... and be more harsh on me?”
What does this nigga want from me?
I don't care if you get hit or not in the first place. I just have a reason to
s ck with it, so I'm just going to give it a go.
“……Why, do I even do post-processing?”
“Oh, no. that. It’s not… that…”
Let me look at you with open eyes and say
The guy curled up her tail. Kai
And Kono Lint, I love him too
It was surprising that he thought that the situa on might become more
serious a er Zhuo Fan. I sat on the tram seat, folded my arms and sighed.
“Are you sick of being bullied?”
“…all, of course…”
“Why did someone who knew that?”
This guy slapped the head behind Scarle , who was s ll, and tormented
him for nothing. It was no longer possible, but Erhi became the vic m of
the bullying.
erchi what i'm talking about
It was a cold expression, I know. He wouldn't know when he was bullied.
person who suffers
how would he feel
I listen to swordsmanship lectures almost all day. Erchi there was a lousy
Orbis class a er the power is exposed
He is being ignored not only by the guy, but also by the general class.
Erhi, he wonders if he feels what he has done and is reflec ng on it.
I do not know. Usually, people do not remember what they did. The worse
it is, the more Did I? It will be something like this
Erhi didn't say anything.
I don't know if I feel guilty, but it seems that I feel something. "done. would
that be your fault The person who made you like that must be at fault."
Just like Scarle is the vic m of a strange setup I created, Erhi will
eventually be mine.
Because they are the perpetrators of the strange se ng created by
All the troubles in this world come and go
eventually come back to me i'm erhi
Cri cism is ul mately lying down and spi ng.
“…are you insul ng my parents now?”
However, Erhi raised his voice slightly.
No, I didn't mean that?
| But if you listen to it without knowing it, it's a pad lip no ma er how you
look at it, right? who made you that way Are you sure this is your parents?
I suddenly cast Flame Pad Lip
Because of that, Kono Lint and Cayer are also in color.
Are you really without a line? These were the expressions.
| I didn't mean it that way,
I’m sorry if I did.”
“You’re too harsh.”
Erhi was passively mumbling like that, and depending on what you hear,
you can hear it that way, so I was just going to apologize.
But now that I think about it, it's a pad lip and a nabal, right?
i don't have both
"No, but fuck it. I don't have both, can't you say something like that to you
who have both?"
"Isn't that right? Someone who has it says that it adds to your CP. Do you
want to live in a dirty world? Huh?"
“Oh, no. You said it first, so why are you mad at me...” |
Watching me suddenly swear while I was apologizing, the faces of the
three of them became conspicuous.
You're be er than nothing, so shouldn't you be pa ent even if you eat a
pad lip from me?
Even I thought it was a funny joke.
No, it wasn't actually a pad rip.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 208

The Orbis class dormitory has a slightly different atmosphere from the
royal class dormitory.
Walking between the streets lined with colonnades, the royal class
dormitory with the entrance to the dormitory felt like entering a huge
temple in a way. Constructed in an architectural style
This is a royal class dormitory.
However, the dormitory of the Orbis class
felt a li le s ff.
Can't say it's clunky. Because this building is also magnificent in scale.
If the Royal Class feels like a luxurious temple, the Orbis Class dormitory
feels like a castle.
quiet castle. The heavy and in mida ng architectural style was already
making us feel the atmosphere of the Orbis class.
The Royal Class is free-spirited, but the Orbis Class has a military-style
discipline and a clear hierarchy.
where it rolls
The building itself already shows the order and unity that the Orbis class
Should it be like giving?
It was a magnificent place, but somehow it seemed to take my breath
"Wow... It's my first me here... It's amazing."
“I thought it would be similar, but it’s completely different.”
Conor Lint and Cayer each expressed their apprecia on. The dormitory
building has the same atmosphere as the other atmospheres between
itself is different. Contrary to the two of them expressing their apprecia on
for the building, Erhi seemed uneasy.
“… people are all looking at us.
“I will. Because I'm wearing a uniform."
Although the Orbis class is small, there were students who came and went
around the dormitory, and now it is a familiar Orbis class uniform.
They were all passing by and staring at us. I don't talk or argue, but 'them
guys are
Why are you coming here?'
They don't know us, but they recognize our uniforms.
Under those gazes, the hos lity felt just by the fact that we are a royal
We are in a place where there are only people who hate us.
At Erhi's words, the other two guys seemed to be taken aback as well.
Looking at the young gaze of the enemy, it seems that we have come to
realize where we are now.
The Orbis Class, like the Royal Class, is a small group. At most, it must be
one hundred and thirty people.
The conflict between the Royal Class and the Orbis Class is being
unilaterally caused by the Orbis Class.
In other words, it is a composi on that the Orbis class unilaterally dislikes.
The Royal Class feels like the Orbis Class hates us because it hates us.
In Royal Class there is no one to jump over. The only thing you don't try is
It's a personal ma er, and his own laziness
If you go beyond and try on your own,
Have outstanding achievements in your field of study
because you can
Since there is no target point, the Royal Class does not need to use
inferiority or hatred towards someone as a stepping stone for growth.
it is
However, the Orbis class sets an enemy called the Royal Class and is forced
to overcome them.
So it's natural.
All the students coming and going, whether they were seniors or
classmates, was the reac on that saw us as invaders who entered their
“You look like lower grades, what’s going on here? Recklessly towards the
Orbis class
You can't look good when you come, didn't you learn from your seniors?"
From the young gaze of the enemy, a man who seemed to be a senior
approached us.
And it was natural to say something like that.
The momentum was rough, but in the end it was a warning
it will I don't know why I came, but
Get out of this area because you might not see it
it's country
Because we look like lower grades
taking care as you
Blonde with golden eyes, pre y well
It was a good looking man.
Suddenly, the person who looks like a senior is the first
When I said that, all three of them were terrified.
“I came to meet you.”
Of course, I wasn't scared at all.
You can win, you can lose, you can be beaten like a dog.
But what does that mean? Selling a side and feeling shame about losing
are good things. 'Cause I ain't dying
A er going to Darkland, I can call it growth in the mental part.
I don't know, but there has been a clear change.
We have already seen the end of violence. A er death, the corpses rise
and run again
cut off his neck and crushed his head.
A er all, losing and winning in a fis ight is just that. A reason to be happy
when you win
There is no reason to despair.
He got angry because his classmate was beaten and put on a shell that said
he had come to take revenge.
But I didn't really mean it like that.
I'm here to earn achievement points.
That's it.
Well, by the way, since there was such a mental change, isn't it right to
change into a woman's dress and go to a beauty pageant to get points...
S ll, that's a bit...
Nothing beyond shame and shame
what is that
I don't think I can handle that! It's easy to just eat a week! Anyway, my
mentality has changed.
But I s ll can't handle it! It must feel like something other than your life is
being killed, and it's s ll trauma c to play with Kono Lint. twice
I don't want to do that again!
“…you said you came to fight me?”
You look like a senior in Orbis class
He seemed to be taken aback by my words that he came to meet me
“My name is Reinhardt, number 11 of the first year of Royal Class A. To be
precise, this guy here said he was being bullied for no reason by a first-year
Orbis class, so I came here to personally seek a solu on.”
I explained the task without hesita on. In front of seniors, it's not royal
class, but in front of Orbis class seniors, I'm proudly matching with your
first graders.
Calmly saying that you're here to show off
All three of them were looking at them with admira on.
A real bastard, a thing is a thing.
These are the faces
"Yeah, I wanted to leave him alone for a while, but he seemed to be
harassing me quite seriously. So, can I come in and call you?"
That senior le quietly and the other three
I looked at the people in turn.
Beyond absurd and bewildered, it looked a bit interes ng now.
"Okay. I'm going to try to solve a personal problem personally, but I'm not
going to say this and that. I'll call it myself. Who is that?"
A er all, I didn't even ask who he was. It doesn't ma er if you win or lose
Thinking about it, I didn't even wonder who was harassing Erhi.
Let me stare at Erhi, guy
He hesitated and opened his mouth.
“It’s Orbis 1st year A-class number 5 Lil Car Aaron…”
...I think it's a female student?
Orbis Class 1st grade A-5. Lil Car Aaron.
It wasn't the guy I was mainly dealing with. Neilsonia and Adler Belkin, who
are taking swordsmanship class with me, have a bit of a role to play against
Ludwig at the beginning of the second semester, but this guy doesn't even
have that. He was outside the scope of my narra ve.
It was understandable to some extent that Erhi didn't bother to tell her
teacher while con nuing to give her.
The fact that she was constantly being beaten up by a girl must have been
a disgrace to me. Even konolint and ka
Even Ier didn't seem to know for the first me that his opponent was a
female student.
No, why the hell would that be a shame?
In the first place, since the strongest first year is Ellen, doesn't it ma er?
I'm beaten every day, I'm not ashamed, I'm just thankful, right? be honest, I get annoyed some mes.
Anyway, that's what I call useless pride.
The senior Orbis class who brought us up was a 4th grader. Even though we
belonged to the Royal Class, it didn't look like our hearts were twisted
because we were in the first year.
Revenge for bullying among first-year students
I came to open the so-called confronta on.
It seemed quite strange and interes ng in itself.
Unlike the Royal Class, the Orbis Class is nothing more than an army.
3-B-4 Giliot! Here it is!”
The senior who introduced himself as a 4th grader
made a passing junior sprint with a single word and came right in front of
What is that 3-B-4 or what?
I don't know, but in terms of the military, it's like an official statement,
You mean 3rd grader, class B, number 4? Watching the juniors approaching
us quickly, the senior in front of us nodded and pointed to the Orbis class
“Assemble in the first-year public gymnasium.
Without asking why, as soon as the order was issued, he sprinted towards
the dormitory.
year disappeared
- Hello!
Come to think of it, I saw a lot of juniors who met seniors coming and
going, bowing by bending their waists 90 degrees.
It's very different from the Royal Class.
energy. All the three wretched brothers who saw it
The expression on his face, which had been hardened, hardened even
In fact, seeing how the Orbis class goes back makes me even more scared.
“Let’s go, guys. Now everyone will gather.”
And he spoke in a command tone to his juniors and in a rather gentle tone
to us.
There was something about it that somehow scared people even more.
The public gymnasium gathered by an unknown senior is also in the Royal
Class. However, there is a gymnasium in each dormitory's annex building,
so I've never been there. Maybe even the Royal Class people didn't seem
to have much.
We had to get there first because we had a mee ng on me and we went
straight to the gymnasium, but the first graders had already arrived at the
public gymnasium as if they had wri en some magic.
Perhaps a set! As soon as they heard the voice, it was obvious that they
rushed in, and someone was holding their breath with their mouths shut.
Apparently, this was the place where the seniors caught up with the
It was felt that the Orbis class's public gymnasium was definitely used a lot.
The worn-out floor, the water lily swords that showed signs of being used a
lot, and the scars carved on the scarecrow showed such things.
There's something wrong with being beaten by seniors.
The guys, who were terrified, suddenly realized that the situa on was very
different from what they expected when the senior brought us in royal
class uniforms.
There were about twenty people gathered, including us.
Probably all first graders in Orbis class
four of us
One senior in the 4th grade who ordered the assembly.
I also saw Nilsonia and Adler Belkin, who I knew. They both had their eyes
wide open, not knowing why I was here.
The reason I had to come to the Orbis class was because of achievement
points, but there were other reasons as well.
From the second semester, the Orbis class begins to get entangled with the
main story. I also had a personal desire to see what kind of kinky guys I was
The star ng point is a fes val, so whether I interfere or not, these guys and
the Royal Class are intertwined.
it's done
Clash between Orbis and Royal Class
will happen in the end no ma er what i do
belong to work
Here's what it's like to be called a villain in the second semester, but
Ludwig's rival posi on
There is a guy who comes out as
Of course, you can't recognize it just by looking at the face. Even though he
made facial expressions, he doesn't remember them all, even if he does.
A few lines of text detail the face
Because it's not something you can draw inside.
However, there are some things that can be recognized only by the
Although he was assembled, he no ced a guy watching the situa on with a
calm eye.
He's the only guy who doesn't seem to be nervous at all.
Perhaps that guy is the first grader in the Orbis class, A-1 Gray is Amorel.
She is currently the top performer in the first year of the Orbis class. A
posi on where he overwhelmingly defeated Ludwig at the fes val and lost
to Ellen.
But Ellen is a monster, and he's a formidable monster. me at the moment
is no match for that guy.
If that guy is the one who bullied Erhi, you lose.
The ship was confirmed, but that was Lilka Aaron
It's not a Jan because it's a guy named Lan.
Her personality is cynical and cold-hearted, similar to El Ren, but she is
completely different.
she is a guy
So she's not really that bad
What I'm paying a en on to is another guy. Gley had a different meaning
from Amorel, and he could recognize him at a glance.
If she could recognize Gladen because she was calm and not nervous,
unlike the other guys, she could be recognized in a different way.
The look in her eyes is somehow a li le unse ling. something this bastard
It's a bit harsh. De o Morian and Anna de Gerna have a slightly different
These bastards look like they're going to buy and hit,
I want that feeling.
Orbis Class 1st year B-10.
Last of Orbis.
The real villain of this semester.
Ender Wilton.
I can read that guy's eyes properly
I can't, but I said that I can see as much as I know.
Aside from the fear felt from the assembly itself, the twisted inferiority and
anger felt in the eyes are glimpsed.
It is the cornerstone of the Orbis class, which values hard work and
training. all with effort
Teachers and seniors say that we can overcome
Class B 10 in this teaching place
it's burn
In the place where numbers are reassigned every semester, the first and
second semesters are all numbered B-10.
She is slowly going crazy with a sense of disillusionment and inferiority
towards herself that she cannot become stronger no ma er how hard she
In the original story, that guy loses in the preliminary round to Ludwig, the
end of the Royal Class, in a tournament during the fes val.
Now, Ludwig is stronger than before, but at that me, he was
overwhelmingly defeated by B-3 Nilsonia.
With Ludwig like that, that guy
competed last.
The ba le between the strongest of the Royal Class and the strongest of
the Orbis Class ends with the victory of the Royal Class.
He was also defeated in the fight between the last ones.
He couldn't get as much results as he tried, and he was defeated even by
Ludwig of his rival class. He was recognized as the last among the last.
He has no talent and wants to overcome everything with effort, but he
can't even do that.
That guy eventually makes the wrong choice to become stronger by
touching black magic.
And in the first semester of the sophomore year, by defea ng all of the
Orbis class, he vomits a spirit of going up to A-5 of the Orbis sophomore
And defeat yourself at the fes val
He challenges Ludwig to a duel.
But Ludwig wasn't playing either. Hard training during winter break while
losing to Gladen Amorell at the fes val
and Ludwig, who became a sophomore
is much stronger than the fes val
because it was tae
Ender Wilton became stronger, but Ludwig defeated Ender Wilton a er a
Even though he touched black magic, he was defeated. I was the same last
place, but I got stronger only a er I touched black magic, but that guy
It became stronger without even that.
The only difference is talent.
Ender Wilton despairs in front of a wall that cannot be overcome even with
forbidden power, and eventually goes crazy.
He becomes more and more dependent on black magic, and he can't stop
even though he knows it's a shortcut to ruin.
Ludwig hears from Anna de Gerna, a gi ed black magician who was
watching the duel, that Ender Wilton seems to have something to do with
black magic, and inves gates Ender Walton.
Eventually, Ludwig learns that Ender Wilton has grown stronger by
tampering with forbidden powers, and he tries to stop him before he
causes more trouble.
Ludwig finds Ender Wilton alone.
He's giving Ender Wilton one last chance to come back, who has already
crossed the line a lot, but it won't work.
Ender Wilton didn't want to hear such a thing in the end, and when she
found out about this, she killed Ludwig to silence it.
He points a knife at Ludwig.
But to an opponent who has already been defeated, Ender Wilton is
defeated again.
and storm.
Ender exposed to too much black magic
Wilton's body was in an unstable state, and the black magic that was
sleeping in Ender Wilton's body ran rampant, turning him into a monster.
Ludwig fights Ender Wilton, who has become a monster, and, a er many
twists and turns, becomes home to black magic.
Succeed in defea ng Ender Wilton, who has become a devoured monster.
Someone within the temple has the power of black magic.
He tried to become strong even by borrowing, and eventually became a
monster, and
Debig kills him.
That's pre y much the story.
This is the main event and at the same me another
It is also the star ng point of other events.
How did Ender Wilton receive help from black magic as a combat student?
Who used forbidden black magic on Ender Wilton?
That leads to the next case.
Fake villain, Gley is Amorel.
And the real villain, Ender Wilton.
I checked the faces of the two guys.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 209
Ender Wilton's Black Pain ng.
As a result of this incident, Ludwig grew
Rather than do it, the mental explodes.
No ma er how much he turned into a monster, he ended up murdering.
Ludwig reports the full story of the incident to the Temple, and in the end
he is not punished, but he suffers from the trauma of the murder itself.
So Ludwig has been around for quite some me.
Ludwig goes through a period of stagna on un l he goes out mentally and
One conclusion.
Eliminate Ender Wilton's case.
Dwig becomes stronger than the original. I'm not going to be able to take a
long break because of my mental breakdown.
what to do
There is no workaround for that yet.
All of that is right now
Think a er you leave.
A er all, I'm here to explore and earn achievement points. I also checked
Ender Wilton's mate,
- Pair!
When the senior who brought us calls a en on
He claps his hands like a key and smiles brightly.
"It's okay. As you can see, I didn't call because I had something to scold, but
because a customer came to me. Don't be nervous."
An unknown 4th grade senior.
She didn't say her name, but she seemed to be an unusual guy. He was
frozen so much that he set up two columns in the first grade.
He said briefly looking at his juniors.
“Lilka Aaron.”
“1-A-5 Lilka Aaron!”
As soon as her own name was called, someone raised her hand.
"Forward." "ancient!"
As soon as he was called, he walked forward pretending to be an enemy
and stood up.
What the hell do you have to do to make the kids who have been in school
for half a year already become soldiers? You should cringe when you see
young kids doing this.
I felt goosebumps because it felt like I was training so well.
Orbis 1st year A-5 Lilka Aaron.
She has brown hair and brown eyes.
Is she about 154 tall?
she is small
...Erchi, even though there is a physical difference, did you get hit by a boy
like this? Of course, compared to Ellen, I have a much be er physical side,
but it was a bit daun ng.
Hey, you're a li le bit too shy, aren't you?
The impression is a bit sharp, but a kid like that would only be cute if he
had that kind of impression.
“They say you bullied the Royal Class kids and came to seek revenge.”
At those words, Rilka Aaron opened her eyes. But his gaze did not turn to
“Is that true?”
“Oh, do I have to say it twice?”
"No! It's true!"
It seems like a common ques on, but the words of that senior in the 4th
grade seemed to carry an unusual weight.
At those words, Rilka Aaron turned her gaze to Erhi. It seemed that she was
very nervous because she had gathered at the call of her senior, but there
were some obvious emo ons in her gaze.
contempt, contempt, disgust.
and laugh.
“That guy is Erchi de Lafaeri, a first grader in the Royal Class, A-9. That guy
doesn't have any talent in the Orbis class, so he's in the royal class anyway.
They say they're all garbage that will catch up with you later. When are you
going to catch up? I was checking it every week.”
Even a er those words, it’s s ll cold and quiet
The atmosphere was even more subdued.
Those words are the revolt of the Orbis class. The s ff atmosphere turned
into anger at Lilka E.
I already knew that Erhi had said something like that, but I realized what it
meant to shoot directly at those who hated hearing those words the most
because I was here.
If the atmosphere was converted into damage, Erhi would have died on the
"Oh yeah...?"
Even for the senior who brought us, those words would be repulsive. He
glanced at Erhi once.
Subtle smiles, emo ons hard to guess. But anyway, the mood changed with
Lilka Aaron's words.
"great. Aaron, for whatever reason, it seems that you bullied a royal class
student named Erhi, and that friend named Erhi came to seek revenge for
the violence he suffered.”
At those words, laughter erupted from the Orbis class.
pathe c guy.
Is it because he couldn't do his own thing, so he called his friend? is it
On a silly topic.
Outright ridicule and contempt spread, and Erhi grew more and more in
the atmosphere.
was ge ng smaller.
“Did you say Reinhardt?”
"It looks like that friend wants revenge on you, what are you going to do?"
Lilka Aaron.
The guy stared at me.
“I can deal with anything you want.”
It's not because I can see the senior's eyes, it's that
The guy nodded with a confident expression
nodded. Due to the agreement of both sides, the senior nodded happily.
"Okay. Then there's nothing to look at for a long me."
He dragged me and Lilka Aaron, as if to mediate the situa on, and made
them face each other.
“It’s not a duel, but in a fight like this, there must be something at stake,
right? Reinhardt, what will you promise if Aaron wins?"
Handwri ng, what do I have to promise? me
came to respond nominally to harassment
And, if that kind of me fails or loses, it's something I can promise.
“Well… if I lose, I don’t care if I roast him or roast him. I do my best not to
report to the teacher or anything like that.”
"Hmm, I don't think it's a par cularly desirable condi on... Aaron, have you
ever formally apologized for the insult that a classmate named Erhi did to
the Orbis class?"
“No, no.”
“Then I will name the Royal Class.
I apologize for the insult I did to the high Orbis class. How about this?”
The senior smirked and said so.
"If I could, I would, but I don't think I can really represent the Royal Class. I
don't know if it's the student council president. I'm just a student and I'm a
I cannot represent the Royal Class. as one of the students
I can apologize, though.
“Hmm, right? Then all four of us who came here were sincerely, ‘I’m going
to get down on my knees and apologize. How about this?”
kneel down,
You are trampling on the pride of the class
thing. The Orbis class wants that. Taking Royal Class.
standing on it.
Isn't that the same as this 4th year senior?
Rika Aaron was shining her eyes. Erhi has already stepped on it.
But a guy called the Avengers appeared. You must have come because you
are confident in your skills, and do you even think that if you step on me
like that, you will truly surpass the Royal Class?
We must kneel in defeat.
“Um, then it’s our condi on.”
The 4th grader grins and she points to herself.
“If Lilka Aaron loses, I will take responsibility for the mismanagement of
her juniors and I will get down on her knees and apologize. Of course,
there will be no future bullying for Erhi.”
His words were a bit heightened
The atmosphere turned cold again.
crazy man,
I never thought it would come out like this.
How can he convince the duelist that he must never lose?
he knew there was
Lilka Aaron.
In the eyes of the guy who is about to fight me
One more emo on was added.
just fear,
He loses himself and bears the price for himself, and for others to bear the
cost of defeat is a completely different ma er.
The Orbis class is more like an army.
From there, Rilka Aaron took her own row
She was forced to fight according to her consent, but it was not her own
honor or face that was at stake, but that of her senior.
Royal class if you win the duel
There will be an announcement since we won against .
But what if you lose?
Her own defeat has forced her to kneel in front of a sophomore, a
sophomore, even a royal, far away from her seniors.
It would be rather fortunate if that was the end of it. As an investment that
tarnishes her senior's honor, Rilka Aaron doesn't know what her seniors
will do. Even if that 4th grade senior stays s ll, the 2nd and 3rd graders
won't stay s ll.
I will take care of myself and follow up on my own
ac on will be taken
Lilka Aaron ends up with her own problems
No, Orbis Class 1st year
The whole may have to suffer.
There is no need to say no.
When you fall, I kneel.
An unknown 4th grade senior, with one word, Lilka Aaron, as well as 1st
He ins lled fear in Che.
For the sake of dying, I'd rather die.
I'd rather be on my knees
It was like a run.
strict sibling rela onships. A system like the military.
An absurdity even worse than the efficiency it brings.
This absurd and violent structure of the Orbis class destroys Ender Wilton.
It would have turned him into a monster in the end.
A desire for strength and a sense of inferiority. I wrote that this is the
reason, but seeing it in person, I feel something different.
Ender Wilton will also be under strong pressure from his seniors. 'cause I'm
fat Judging from the atmosphere, it is certain that there will be bea ngs
between seniors and juniors.
The atmosphere of the Orbis class is definitely more eerie when it comes
to the dormitory.
Even though I'm an outsider, I'm out of breath at the fear and pressure
these guys feel.
It was close to being blocked.
The senior in the 4th grade was about to start a fight, so he personally led
the three brothers and stood at the edge.
Naturally, the space around me and Lilka Aaron became spacious.
It's a ba le, not a prac ce match. The crowd was created uninten onally,
but it wasn't en rely unexpected.
the old man says
“Declara on of surrender. Or incompetence.”
“Let’s win or lose with that.”
“Let’s look at each person’s strength, not their skills.”
“Now then, the decision between Reinhrt, No. 1 A-11 in Royal Class and
Rilka Aaron, No. A-5 in Orbis class…. Anyway, let’s start now.”
At first glance, it seems to be an ordinary word.
But the Orbis class guys are crying
looks like it's stabbing
effort, perseverance.
That's the best for the Orbis class.
It is an important compelled virtue.
A declara on of surrender, or incapacity, means one thing.
A er the declara on of surrender, it is even more terrifying will be wai ng
If you don't think you can win, you're forced to fight un l you're
In Rilka Aaron's eyes, there was a strong will and a sense of fear equivalent
to that.
not be grounded
not be grounded not be grounded not be grounded
can't get
He seemed to be constantly repea ng himself.
Was this the guy who bullied Ergi de Lafaeri? I cringed like a frightened cat
at a few words from my senior,
His claws are raised and his eyes are shining, but thinking about a er
defeat, this li le guy in front of me can't even see me..
I was just pi ful.
I can either lose or win. So you can fight. Because there is a loss and there
is a win. Doesn't care about winning or losing. A er losing, you just have to
work harder, and a er winning, you just have to be vigilant.
However, if you drive it as if there is no a er defeat, people will be in a
state on the verge of collapsing before a fight like this.
He didn't even fight, but he was already half-broken.
This can make him desperate, but is this the right way to grow him?
Does this guy know anything about me?
he probably knows
Because Adler Belkin was overwhelmingly defeated by me using my
superpowers. The Orbis Class is a li le different from the Royal Class. The
atmosphere between seniors and juniors, the atmosphere inside the class,
Not everything can always lead to bad outcomes.
These niggas go through hard training
Live by strict rules.
mostly. In that case, the classmates become very strong.
These guys have a very strong sense of camaraderie for each other. Strict
rules and a difficult life inevitably make people that way.
So, informa on about the Royal Class students, who are defined as rivals
and enemies, must already be shared internally.
You probably already know about me. That's why I'm so nervous when I
see Rilka Aaron, who is number 11, two steps lower than Erhi, who is
number 9.
“How old are you?”
What is the level of my skill level in the Royal Class really?
Adler Belkin says I'm the weakest
she said Of course, that's not really the case. In the Royal Class, what is the
rank of my armed forces among combat talents?
Four of them have a definite advantage over me, given that they use
Ellen, Cliffman, Bertus, Scarle .
I never shared a sword with Bertus.
It's long, but you know it even if you don't see it.
Boiling, but Ludwig with a slight edge on me.
My opponent, A-5 Lilka Aaron.
“Like you.”
Of the two special classes, both me and Lilka Aaron are fi h.
Who is stronger among the fi h in the rank of each class will be revealed
right now here.
Of course, in terms of combat talent, only Delphine and Erch are added
from the five men oned above. Since Delphine is talented in archery, it is
out of the ques on, a er all, there are only Erhi and Ludwig under me.
A er all, I am third behind. The term "weakest" is not en rely wrong.
It doesn't ma er if you lose, it doesn't ma er if you win. However, there is
no reason to lose on purpose.
Lilka Aaron slowly stepped on the words and stroked lightly like a breeze.
and ran to me.
- Whoops!

" !"
With great speed and powerful rota on, the back kick hit my upper arm
straight away.
It was surprising to me that he could sharply grind a round kick with that
small key at an angle enough to slap me in the head, but
What was more surprising was the destruc ve power contained in that
I felt it ins nc vely at the right moment.
this guy
It's not a mar al art, it's a mar al arts major.
The arm that blocked the kick was ngling.
It makes me wonder how such power comes from such a small body, but I
have already seen Ellen at the level of breaking the laws of physics in that
Then she is
The guy ate a round kick, and in an instant he stepped forward with a gun
and spread the distance. Because it was small, it was a quicker movement.
A er looking at it once, I made an es mate
It seems,
Physical strengthening is no longer just about increasing physical abili es. I
became able to 'harden' my body to some extent.
It will feel like kicking a stone. But he was carefully examining my
movements to see if he could bear it.
It was definitely not a swordsmanship, but it felt like this was a specialty.
Steps, movements, and I flew without a bird to escape
because it turns
But Erhi met him in a swordsmanship class and broke it with a sword.
once again,
Lilka Aaron walks up to me lightly.
But it's so nimble.
But it was solid.
The low kick that flew to the thigh as it is
He stretched out his hand while allowing it, but he
He turned his shoulders to avoid me and walked away from me.
Close combat is not my specialty.
What's wrong with asking for a training sword now, and in the first place,
this isn't a Dalian. If it's a water lily sword, aim it at the nape of your neck
and you're done. This is not it.
At the end of a dogfight, the side that either declares surrender or cannot
fight more loses. If the water lily sword was in my hand,
I have to hit him in the face or whatever.
is to do
And for me at my current level, doing something like that would be murder
if I did it wrong.
Figh ng isn't a gimmick, but it has superpowers.
Jae's long-distance combat is close-quarters combat.
Lilka Aaron approached me cau ously
She seemed to be figh ng in a hit-and-run fashion, hi ng one shot at a
me. Actually, there is a weight difference, so if you allow me to a ack
even once, I might collapse.
I also know that I am a superpower, so I don't look down on it.
The main focus is kicks.
The reason is that kicking isn't a long term.
La, that's the only way to get rich
seems to be because
If that li le guy comes in to punch him, you have to go into his opponent's
Inevitably, there is no choice but to be a style that focuses on kicks and falls
- Pak!
He pushes me in and kicks in front
slapped my thigh, and I took a few steps back.
He didn't stop with that, and I was pushed away and gradually caught up,
linking low kicks and high kicks. I backed away calmly and slowly.
Don't think of kicking as a long-term. This is not a fight with rules.
Pretending that only kicks are a long-term
When I reach out and grab hold of my arm
A nimble guy can suddenly grapple. if you hit it
No ma er what country, the moment is over.
If figh ng was a long term, of course, I wouldn't have digged into just kicks.
That guy has no choice but to prac ce clearly how to subdue an opponent
with a difference in weight due to his size.
It is only natural that he must have mastered ar cula on and grappling.
He pushed me calmly, but very quickly. High kick, low kick, push forward
kick, I slowly backed away and his outstretched foot
I was hit literally on the stomach.

“ !”
Strong because of being pushed while rushing
weight was put on I have a li le posture
Disturbed, the boy's eyes lit up.
a li le gap.
When I couldn't react as he retreated, I quickly rushed in and li ed his le
foot as an axis. It was ridiculous to watch it.
what is this
Feeling like ge ng hit by a combo in a figh ng game?

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 210

It's been a while, but my eyes are dark for a moment at the distant shock
that makes me lose my mind
If the guard had been lowered even for a moment, that powerful kick
would have hit the head next to me, and it was an unfamiliar ceiling line.
He quickly retreated to avoid my follow-up a ack.
The atmosphere was chilly, but Lilka Aaron
are pushing So the Orbis class guys used to be nervous, but they seemed a
li le excited.
But Rilka Aaron's expression was not good.
The guy was clenching his teeth.
I remember what Ellen once said.
'My fist hurts.' are lying.”
' really hurts.
I mainly play swordsmanship with Ellen, but
She also did quite a bit of close combat training.
She said the reason was simple. He taught me that if I look at what I do, I
think there will be more fights with fists rather than swords.
what is it I was grateful for the considera on, and although it was a feeling
of uneasiness, she taught me
I had no reason to refuse.
While pretending not to be like that, my nerves
Because I spend a lot
Ellen has had several occasions when she said that her limbs hurt when she
flirted with me a er strengthening her body. She gets pounded and she
slept that the fan guy hurts more and she does.
She was upset that the kid she had been beaten whining that I was sicker,
but what Ellen said was true.
Ellen Artorius even said that.
If that's the case, then, if I'm not in a vital posi on in front of a lot of guys,
it's clear that if I get hit, the other person will go out on their own.
That's why they don't a ack as much as possible.
'When dealing with mar al arts majors, uh
Don't a ack if it's too late."
'I'll show. try.
Eren took a pose in front of me.
I mean, I know how to do it as much as a mar al arts major, and you'll
it will That wasn't surprising.
I drive Ellen with a jab and a straight
When she arched, she looked into the gap and clenched her fist.
And as it is, Ellen takes her by the arm
She pulls me and she grabs my arm with her flying arm
caught and walked away
'Hey! Hey! damn! look a er me! I searched! Come a er me!’
'got it?"
'Okay! know! okay! I know!
She had a hard me telling her body all the me, but Ellen gave me such
advice. At that me, Ellen was doing her kick, and when I grabbed her foot
from her front kick, she made a special show of weird things, such as
floa ng her body and walking her arm bar while spinning.
In any case, there are numerous examples of the fact that if you reach out
or grab your hand carelessly, you will be strangled.
...what is it.
It's a shame that he was a li le shy because of more than enough physical
It just hurt so badly.
‘Grappling can be used in more situa ons than you know. There are
probably many things you don't know, and you can't deal with all of them.'
'...right. What then?'
'Don't drop the guard. don't get caught No magazines.”
Grappling if caught.
Grappling even if caught.
Anyway, it’s a pre-emp on, so if you go wrong
That it could end with a fatal blow
it will In a field that lacks swordsmanship, he cannot become a master of
close combat. So, when Ellen meets a student majoring in close combat,
She taught me how to deal with it.
In the end, her goal was not to flirt in front of such children. If you foolishly
believe in your strength and fight, you will be destroyed by your skills.
I didn't tell you about melee combat itself. Seeing what I'm doing is a
sword fight
But, since there are a lot of things that get entangled in punching, I should
have told you.
How would you use this in a situa on like this?
'You know how important the guard is, right?'
'Do you know why it's important?'
'Isn't it okay if the head and face match?'
chin there
Ellen points to her own chin.
'It's over when you hit your chin. That's why you shouldn't lower the
If it hits her in the jaw, a shock is applied to her brain and she is stunned.
So the guard protects the chin as well as the head and face.
said it was for
don't get caught
do not hold
don't hit your chin
So don't drop the guard.
'Then just give it a shot?'
'...don't fight in the first place.
'no! People know how things will turn out!'
One day Ellen looks at me pathe c
It's not two days, so I thought that was it.
Anyway, Ellen could give her melee combat, but that's our main goal.
Because it is not, a basic part in case it rains with major students
only informed
She said, 'You're going to get red of hi ng as long as you do physical
strengthening and it doesn't hurt. If it doesn't take anything like
ar cula on.
Anyway, it's good to win, but winning a er being hit is worse than losing.
Aren’t you crazy?’
I hate to win! just go!!
Aww I'm red I lost.
This is sad! That's like Jung Shin Seung-ri!
'What's missing?'
Ellen sighed briefly at my raw whining and she looked at me.
'You're more agile than others, especially in close combat like this. Because
of my superpowers.’
'...I guess.'
strengthening and hardening the body itself
Because of this, in a close fight with Ellen, Ellen
Because I could even make the sound of my pain come out of her mouth.
'So, hit and hit.'
'I inten onally allow excessive a acks, and hit harder.
Ellen said that with her brows narrowed.
she did
'Take it easy. In all close combat, the body is supposed to come into a ack.
You can't use tools, so there's a gap as big as it gets in. In the end, every
a ack is just that much gap.”
'You're chea ng.'
'Give enough checks and hold out. strength
Don't show your anger, pretend you don't mind
and just do it right Don't try to be clumsy, just be right like an idiot. That
way your opponent gets distracted. I'll think of you as a clumsy guy.
'Then I'll show you bigger and bigger moves. to knock you down If you
don't know how to hit and get hit, they'll try to knock you down. While
using big moves or a acking with big movements. to distract the opponent
is what it is.”
Just hi ng, the opponent will be exhausted. If you don't fall, you'll get
red of hi ng it. Then you'll want to finish it all at once. Then there will be
big moves.’
'A big move will, of course, create a big gap."
'Then stab me.'
'Don't stop it.'
'Don't stop me, I'll hit you too.'
'That's what's important. Trick your opponent. Pretending to be clumsy,
pretending to be the right person.
Then you make the other person impa ent, or make them perceive you as
a conceited guy.
'I'm hi ng the counter.'
'You can knock it down with one hit."
Because I'm good at doing things worse than others. Advice to allow one
room larger and plug it in harder than that. If you allow enough a acks
that you won't be knocked down anyway, and KO your opponent, you win
All you have to do is believe in your stamina, which is unusually stronger
than others.
Every a ack is that much gap. It is ul mately a loss to offset that gap with a
turn called defense.
Through the gap called a ack, I also stabbed into the gap called a ack
is counterfeit,
The opponent is going to a ack, so there must be no prepara on for
defense. It's not an air exchange, it's an a ack exchange. Since there is a
physical strengthening called superpower, it means that you have to
believe in your strength and just give it one shot and force it with a
powerful blow.
Ellen believes in her superpowers and gives her ten flesh and takes only
one bone, because she can't win with figh ng symbiosis with technology.
will do it, she said.
A er all, victory belongs to those who stand last. Whoever has the upper
hand before that, in the end, the one who falls last loses.
In Earth Wars, I have an advantage. Damage accumulates, but it's
is not
Lilka Aaron keeps her distance and watches her ming to come in.
As Ellen said, has ly reaching out or trying to direct an a ack may cause
ar cula on. and i
Although I received general body training, I did not delve into it very
I know a li le bit about swords now.
I'm sorry, but the mar al arts student will try
I don't know everything about suppressors.
The main a ack is kicks. It is presumed that this is because it is the only
a ack method that can secure the marich despite his small height.
- Pak! Wave! Pak!
His leg strength is great, but that's all, he's not as good as El Ren.
It's not because of my superpowers, it's because I'm beaten down, so I'm
bound to get be er.
Wasn't it there? In fact, it seems certain that that part is large,
It hurts, but it's not unbearable.
I am right, but my opponent is ge ng red.
My body is a li le more rigid than the average person. So he didn't allow a
single a ack, but he seemed to be in pain.
Even if it's not a rock, it's sweet like this
Kicking against my hard body like that
It's only natural to have that kind of expression.
right and win It wasn't a pleasant win-win, but he was actually ge ng
closer to it.
You can see Lilka Aaron's expression passing through various emo ons.
why don't you fall
This should be enough to get you down.
The guard is ght and I'm not red at all
There was no sign of any damage, no sign of damage.
Somehow, I have to see the end soon.
Or I fall first.
its impa ence and impa ence.
As Ellen said, Lilka Aaron must have been obsessed with the idea that if
this were the case, she might be the first to fall.
it was
want to do something
He approaches me quickly and kicks me in the stomach.
As soon as I was pushed back by the push and my posture was disturbed,
he started again.
Leap into the air once.
Air back kick. The rota onal force was more powerful than before.
So, that much gap is added.
The direc on of the kick is to the le .
I keep the le guard, back off
I'm not flying, I'm running.
Le arm guard.
The right hand is pulled back.
hit and hit
- Whoops!
A heavy shock felt on the le arm.
And the feeling of a strong blow felt in the right fist.
- Boom!
Lilka Aaron flew back and rolled over her floor, terrified of hi ng her kick.
She got a kick like that without properly maintaining the guard, so her eyes
are far away
He felt like he was losing, but he didn't fall.
"Ugh! Ouch! Ooh! Oops!"
But Lilka Aaron is lying on the floor of her gym, vomi ng.
She won't even be able to breathe properly.
She was countered at her ming when she didn't expect to be a acked, so
it's only natural for her. Everyone, I’m rather sweet at that me
He succeeded in one a ack, and with it, he was shocked to see that he had
knocked down her opponent.
Hani was looking
The fight is over. In the end, even though she succeeded in numerous
a acks, she was knocked down by just one counter.
The fear that permeated her eyes.
I was defeated, but I couldn't be defeated, so I looked into the eyes of a
person who was forced to rise
was watching closely.
The fight is already over.
Is it difficult to even stand properly?
seemed to tremble. Counter punches in the abdomen at unexpected
It's only natural because you got it right.
Her super powers even strengthened her body.
Standing up is already at a level that makes no sense. But even though his
leg had already loosened, he got up with his teeth clenched and
confronted me.
He will feel like a castle that will not collapse no ma er how much I a ack.
He a acked dozens of mes and was hit only once. But it seemed
unbelievable that he had been driven to this extent because of that one
I've already lost my will, but I can't give up.
It's not that you're on your knees, senior
must pay the price senior is great
Because he was afraid of another price he would have to pay a er the
humilia on God would suffer.
Lilka Aaron can't sit s ll.
Lilka Aaron rushes again with her concentra on and physical limits already
reached. It wasn't as fast and swi as it was the first me I could grasp it.
But it was s ll fast.
Avoiding kicking the running guy, this me I aimed at his face and pierced
his fist.
But, as if he had predicted it, the boy turned her head slightly
shed her fists.
That's not the end.
He grabs my wrist and at the same me bounces his whole body up and
I put my foot around my neck.
Flying Armba.
But, of course, it was expected that it would come like this.
The arm was given out on purpose. If you fall down like this and get caught,
it's over.
physical strengthening.
Strengthen your strength to the max.
You have to grapple with your body already pushed to its limits. now
Even in this unfavorable posi on, I can forcefully release it.
I forcibly hung the guy hanging from my arm on the floor of the gym.
Lilka Aaron, who had been stuck on the floor from the back, let out a gasp.
Strength can be overcome with technology, but when the body is already
pushed to its limits, it is impossible to overcome the weight difference.
Now he has strength even if he walks a joint
can be released with
“Ugh… uh…”
The thrown guy was forced to get up, shaking his body, and I watched him
s ll.
The fight is over.
It was already over when I got a counter punch in the stomach. However,
the moment I was able to forcibly release the joint that this guy had been
walking through, it was definitely over.
There is no such thing as a state where you can release your joints with
force when your body has reached its limit, and there is no way to win in a
hand-to-hand ba le.
Everyone knows it's Lilka Aaron's defeat. Everyone now knows that Lilka
Aaron can't win.
it's my victory
Even an unknown 4th grader who is watching this scene will know that.
But Lilka Aaron stumbled
Defeat other than surrender or incapacity
There is no such thing as a judging board. That senior isn't really a referee.
It's not a duel, it's just a fight.
You can't say surrender yourself. That guy's eyes are telling me that. If I had
died, I would have died, but it seems that I cannot declare surrender on my
I'm sure you're going through something terrible
The old man said let's see the tenacity.
Lilka Aaron in a situa on where defeat is certain
must prove
that I did my best.
What can you do for the honor of your seniors?
You have to show that you have done everything.
Fight un l you're out of ba le, now | God's reward for weakness
You just have to reduce it a bit.
So that guy can't even stand properly and gets up with his teeth clenched.
orbis class,
Temples that exist with the Royal Class
One of the special classes of
A place where you prove yourself through hard work, not talent. Therefore,
the military-like discipline, strict training, and sword-like senior-junior
rela onship
It was set up as a rolling place.
While checking how the se ngs I made are working in detail, when I find
unexpected parts, I
I felt surprised or displeased.
In this case, it is unpleasant.
A world made up of the sentences I wrote.
People who have to live in the absurdity of that world.
When I see them, I feel a certain sense of responsibility, guilt, and
Lilka Aaron staggers over to me to prove that she's lost but she did her

" !"
When he lightly kicked his thigh, his posture was greatly bent and he sat
An opponent who collapses even with a light a ack
I just thought that it would be impossible to a ack with all power.
The guy gets up again with his trembling tremors. The guy approaching her
to be beaten struggles to come up to me and she a acks to the max. no
more body strengthening
It didn't hurt at all though.
it's just a rant.
Giving up won't work.
Conversely, if I surrender, it won't mean anything. Lilka Aaron isn't this
long, everyone who sees this
not a person
Everyone watches the ba le already over in silence. Orbis Class 1
The faces of the graders were already miserable.
I want someone to step forward, but I can't do anything because of the
senior who is here.
there won't be The senior watched this scene with her arms crossed.
I feel compelled to be bullied. The guy who had to be beaten at me un l I
lost my inten ons and was just incapacitated, just got up over and over
again with her dead eyes.
The guy is looking at me.
Those eyes say something to me
It was like
The details are unknown, but only one longing was read.
please let me faint,
don't let me get up,
Such a wind was read.
Yes, the fight is over and the opponent is being forced to keep going.
It's not that the best I can do for an opponent who has to con nue the
fight that's over is either I surrender, or that the fight is over.
“Come on, get some sleep.”
I dig inside Lilka Aaron, shoving my fist into his stomach once more.
- Boom!
"Ugh... Black!"
Lilka Aaron, who received a powerful shock to her abdomen, fell to the
floor of her gymnasium as she was, with her back bent.
The guy couldn't get up.
“It’s over.”
A senior 4th grader who watched the scene spoke briefly.
“Hey, take him to the watch priest.
At those words, some of the first-year students who had collapsed rushed
out and carried Rilka Aaron, who was lying face down. I hit it with a lot of
force. If you hit it hard, you fall.
because it may not be
In fact, it may have been that the intes nes were ruptured or something,
but the priest on the watch knew
It's a ma er to do.
I won't die.
[Challenge Achievement - Orbis Class
[You will get 500 achievement points.]
It was also confirmed that the challenge intended for this purpose was
"You won, Reinhardt."
4th grade seniors who don't know names are everything to me
He put his arm around my shoulder as I walked in.
“Why, if you win, you should be happy.”
"Hey, it's the 5th, but to lose so overwhelmingly. I didn't know it would be
like this.
I'm talking about losing to...” |
The senior smiled and scanned the faces of the other Orbis class guys who
remained in the gym.
“Is the water a bit bad this rider?”
I knew what that word meant. Everyone doesn't like that
His expression, which had been hardened, was dyed with fear. The one
who lost was Lilka Aaron, but in the end, all of the lower numbers were
defeated by me.
Everyone must pay the price of defeat.
“Anyway, a promise is a promise, so I apologize as the representa ve…”
“I don’t know how to apologize.”
I let go of the old man's hand on my shoulder, his straight side
I looked at the award.
I can only see it with my own eyes. In this place, the monster named Ender
Wilton has to be created over and over again. The slightly radical case of
Ender Wilton is only a li le unusual.
Can't be broken in this structure
there is no
No one is free from this system that promotes and enforces hatred,
jealousy, hatred, and feelings of inferiority.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 211
Watch my sudden announcement
The three brothers, of course, Orbis
Even the classmates felt embarrassed.
Why are you doing this a er winning that bastard? It was these
It was the same with the 4th grade seniors who were embarrassed.
"Ha, ha ha... What did I hear now? You with me? Why?"
“It’s a bummer.”
“Looking at you, you look like you’re one of the most fucking bastards out
I glared at him as I clenched my fists.
He must have been a vic m of this system, and a er enduring it, he would
have become a perpetrator. You may s ll be a vic m,
“When I see a fucking bastard like that, my stomach gets twisted.”
Orbis Class 4th year.
i will lose
"So I do not know what I am, and you would like to know that you are a
fucking baby, so this is this. Huh?"
Not only did everyone's expressions become more and more strange at my
aggressive words, but the expression of the 4th grade senior, who was
laughing out loud, was gradually so ening.
"I know you're a bummer, you bastard. To be honest, I'm a 17-year-old
Would you like to hear something like this from a junior in another class? Is
this kind of fun? What do you mean by con nuing to be kind to your
younger juniors? Is your head s ll too small? uh?"
“...The Orbis class problem is the Orbis class problem. you interfere
You don't think so?"
“If the problem of making innocent children assholes is not a class
problem, it is a social problem. You are such a social evil bastard.”

I look at the 4th grade senior, who seems to be ge ng more and more
“It’s strange that the Orbis class rolls like this, so what should I do? It's
weird, but it's because of bastards like you that make this weird place
“People don’t get cocky when they’re in a fucking place. Where the fuckin'
bastard is the fuckin' Typically, a bastard like you, a fucking bastard like you
whose hobby is muddy water and chewing on the atmosphere. I don't
intend to change the fucking atmosphere by ea ng like a senior, but
inheri ng it as it is, no, you bastard who develops it further. because of
bastards like you
Society doesn't change."
A dog is a dog wherever he goes.
This cub is the maxilla of malignancy.
It's not directly harassing, but it solves everything with nuances. kill the
Don't even say throw it away.
I wouldn't do anything about Rilka Aaron's work myself. I'm going to pass it
on to her juniors in a way that I'll take care of.
She won't crave directly, and she won't hit anyone directly.
He solves everything with just hints and doesn't want to take the tle of a
bad guy. What if I didn't do anything when there was a problem? said,
the kind of guy who wants to do it.
Even in this fight now, this guy is figh ng
I didn't say anything like that, if you're lucky, you should be ready for a
If you just lose, I'll kneel.
With that single word, I just let the kids let their imagina on run wild.
He's a coward before a bad guy.
Before the system's troubles, this guy is just a fucking bastard in his own
The faces of the Orbis class bastards are ge ng more and more bizarre at
my direct abusive language.
what is that bastard did you turn
The three brothers and sisters are a li le different.
This bastard is buying again.
It was these expressions.
It's also a response that you've been wai ng for.
Look at Reinhardt's spicy taste, kid.
“Even if you fight and win against a freshman, you won’t hear anything
good. What am I for?”
I also try not to fight. It's natural to win, but it's okay to win
Lin can't hear it. I can't even imagine losing, and I don't think I can win
However, in the end, this guy con nued to press his juniors as if it was not
just before.
Seeing what he does, it seems that he is not known as a good senior, but in
the end, he is the type of person who will never do anything harsh to
So there is no reason to fight a losing ba le even if you win.
The true cause of the Ender Wilton Incident.
abuse of elders.
Vicious cycle of vic ms becoming perpetrators
The case of Ender Wilton in the structure of
It had to be made.
I don't know if I can break it.
But words can communicate.
Fuck you, fuck your senior.
Crazy, is it okay?
“Are you scared, Sipalum? If you're scared, turn it off. Just make a fucking
Don't be shy, why are you in the first grade?
Let go of the shit you eat, let go of the stomach? not sold? nothing to do?
Oh, or do you not know what to say to your juniors because you're so
fucking bastard?"
A man who has nothing to do with the subject ma er of his age and the
problems of the lower grades.
My words are the last
It seemed to be the limit.
He's staring at me and sweeping my head back
passed over
Today's first mee ng, a blind person.
"You cheeky bastard."
It made me open my eyes right away without having me to build up.
“Okay, let’s do it.”
A fight with nothing to lose.
That guy really educates a cheeky junior
He seemed to have decided to
“Oh, you s ll don’t know my name? Okay, tell me what happened."
The guy looks at me and smiles.
"This is Orbis Class 4th Grade A-1 Oscar de Gradias."
no wait.
were you royal?
Only then did I get a good look at his face.
blonde hair and golden eyes.
That was a characteris c of the Gradias family.
The Gradias family is a nerd.
is it?
If you look at Bertus and Charlo e, it feels like a smirk.
Oscar de Gradias, this cub is a kind to pretend to be kind,
The atmosphere is pre y bloody because it shows color
was exuding air.
Was this guy something special?
But, in the end, when I cursed a fucking bastard for saying it was a fucking
thing, that was the imperial family.
No, not all blondes on the con nent belong to the Radias family!
I'll have to be more careful in the future.
But the water has already been spilled.
It is difficult to pick up. I want to pick it up
nor did
It's a wall you have to hit anyway.
“It would be a bit disappoin ng if you changed your mind a er you found
out who I was.”
“It’s not going to happen, so let’s do it.”
I don't know how much this nigga hit
And, he may have some posi on among the imperial family.
But, I didn't know you were the royal family here. I'm sorry.
You cannot pick up what has already been spilled. If you're an imperial
family, you're Nabal, and you're the fuck, you'll have to hit me. It's not like
this is what I was thinking, but as long as it's like this, I'll move forward.
“Yes, there are two members of the royal family in the first year of the
Royal Class. I'm not afraid of that, is this?"
Oscar de Gradias drew one of the training swords provided. He's a guy
trained in weapon skills.
I also drew a water lily sword.
It doesn't ma er that he's simply imperial
It is Grade 4 A-1. He is not a guy who seeks self-esteem in his juniors
because his skills are inferior. He's really good at his skills and he's sweet.
Regardless of whether he is an imperial family or not, I have to say that
there is no chance for me to win.
“The rules are the same as before, and the ba le is impossible or declared
The guy looks at me and smiles.
The fact of being a member of the royal family, and self-introduc on of A-
The three arrogant brothers seemed to think that I had already stepped on
a landmine, and the first graders of Orbis seemed to think that the future
was bright because I touched a guy I shouldn't have touched.
The rules are the same as before.
Declared defeat, or incapacitated in ba le.
But he seemed to end it all at once, with no me for me to declare defeat.
- Kwakang!
The guy who ran up to me in an instant smashed my training sword. It feels
like the palm of your hand is whining. But he did not miss the sword.
Strengthens the body with a swordsmanship type. Oscar came in with a
sword, and I pushed my sword against it.
- Kagak! Cock!
Squeeze the sword in a sword-to-sword situa on
Come in and aim at each other's necks
it's um If the balance of power is even slightly disturbed or out of
alignment, a ack immediately.
will allow
He grabs the sword with his empty le hand and tries to lt it upwards.
Half Soding.
I also drew the sword in line with his movements.
Grab your hair and get lost in a power fight
don't want to
- Kaga Gak!
“The basics… are you faithful?”
The guy looked at me and gave me a sly smile. I was going to push it in an
instant, but when I responded to it, I was honestly surprised.
Lan was the eye
“You seem to have learned from a pre y good teacher, didn’t you?”
Are you showing off that you can afford to talk casually?
“Yeah… you can’t even compare to a bastard like you.”
As far as I learned from Ellen, my swordsmanship has an advantage beyond
the rank itself. In what situa ons and how to respond, when and when
I've been learning how to lose by giving every day to a guy who is born
with the ul mate in combat sense.
- Whoops!

" !"
But he rubbed his sword and kicked my ankle, the day I lost my balance
came with a sword towards him.
- Whoops!
The blunt p of the training sword pierced my chin, and I quickly retreated
back and caught my breath.
“If it was a real ba le, did you know that he was already dead?”
The guy looks at me with a relaxed expression.
"But, this is a fight, so I haven't won yet."
Allow one a ack.
If it was a real ba le, he was killed by Oscar de Gradias. But is this a fight?
It's not over yet. I'll beat you up un l I declare surrender.
There is no such thing as shame
“The sound of surrender doesn’t come out of your mouth.
I guess.”
“Let’s do it un l we come out.”
- Kang! Kak! Kang!
When he succeeded in one a ack, it drove even more fiercely. look at the
As if it was over, the offensive was fierce.
Side, Bo om, Top, Interrupted Stab. It's not about stabbing with swords.
While blocking the a ack, if you see a gap, use your le fist, kick, or the
training sword itself.
comes stabbed
-puck! Whoa! puck!

" !"
“You’re full of gaps, junior.”
There is no comparison with Lilka Aaron just before.
This guy is far superior to me in physical ability and swordsmanship itself.
There's no way I could be an opponent, and if it was a prac ce match, I'd
already lose more than five mes | all. But it's a fight, so he uses me
They slap, stab, and swing to knock them down.
A er the fight with Lilka Aaron, it was also due to the accumulated
- Boom!
I took a few steps back as I was hit with a front kick in the stomach. the guy
will see
Without thinking, he slashed his training sword and ran towards me.
I can't.
Write ‘that’.
- Kaang!
Raise the slashing sword from the bo om up
His arms li ed up as he struck and his chest opened.
- Bah!

“ !”
As soon as he slapped his right foot on his side, he fell to the side and
rolled over.
“Whoa… Whoa…”
The bastard hurriedly got up, adjusted his posture, and nodded and
“What did you do?”
He looked a li le flustered, as if something had happened that shouldn't
have happened.
Yeah, that would be weird.
"Did you not know? I am a superpower."
Super power.
Lilka Aaron was aware of it, but Oscar de Gradias said that I had
It was as if he didn't know he was powerful.
But in the last fight, 'I didn't use this.
"... it's super powers."
Oscar gave strength to the eyeballs when he said that it was my
A strange thing just happened.
That's when I suddenly li ed his sword with an explosive power different
from before.
because it was thrown away.
sense how much power I have
There must have been, but suddenly such a superpower
It must feel strange when you leave me.
I was using self-sugges on as a power to strengthen my body.
But not long ago, I realized a more advanced use of autosugges on.
It's just 'skill'.
I imaged my image, gave it a skill name and started using it, another 2nd
bo le jacking.
The use of this ability, as always, felt suicidal enough, but the effect was
The one I just used was 'one blow',
All my superpowers with just one ball
Concentrate on strengthening.
This me it's quick.
Before he could even no ce, I reached his eyes and stabbed his sword.
- Get a card!
To the guy who was blocking the stabbing sword, I went a li le further and
smashed the headbu .
- Tight!
-Fructose sugar!
| I smiled as I grabbed the ringing goal and took a few steps back.
"Why, isn't it serious?"
I was terribly embarrassed while se ng up the skill, but there is no other
thing that comes out as efficient as this!

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 212

It was a coincidence that I discovered a new use of autosugges on.
As always, during the match with Ellen, there was a me when he was only
ge ng hit, and then the drug really went up as soon as it went up. Of
course, it must have been one or two mes,
Anyway, there was a me when I really wanted to release Ellen's iron-
walled guard just once, just once.
Because it's good for just one me, that sword
let's take it off Let's make a gap with just one blow.
And then I swung it, what was it?
nothing happened at all.
Again, the a empt to take it down failed, and Ellen's countera ack allowed
the nape of the neck.
'It was just a li le strange.'
My a ack failed, but Ellen nodded.
went out
'It was a li le different than usual.
Ellen had been figh ng with me for a while now, so she knew all the details
of what it felt like when I wasn't using my superpower and how it felt when
I was using my superpower.
But my a ack at that me was more than usual
All were said to be a li le more powerful.
Didn't break through, but in the end actually
A single blow is much more than usual
was reinforced.
'Try again.'
I don't know how Ellen did it, but she told me to try it again, and a er a
A er one test, I was diagnosed with magne c cancer.
I learned a new way to use poetry.
Beyond strengthening the overall physical ability
For a brief moment, focus your superpowers in one direc on. A ack,
reinforcement, or movement.
I have set the reinforcement type preset
then call it whenever you need it
As in, this case is the same.
If you know how to use it, give it a name, and remember it, in the future,
just remembering how to use it will trigger the corresponding
reinforcement system.
...well, it's not a joke because you have to use it while remembering the
skill name that you have created as a delusion in your brain.
I'm glad I didn't say it out loud.
Just thinking about it in my head is enough to cause mental damage.
A er this, it will definitely be Asura later!! I think this will happen!
I definitely have that poten al...
...So these days, when I fight with Ellen, I've been trying to get used to
using skills that are the result of my delusions.
Of course, only Ellen knows I'm doing this stuff in my head.
'... no ma er how you look at it, it's a strange superpower."
...I think so."
Ellen puts her earring on her ear and puts it on her nose
He seemed to think that my ability to become a nose ring when hung was a
strange ability beyond efficiency.
It's amazing because it's like anything, but the output itself is s ll weak.
It's a strange ability rather than a great one.
It's my first me trying out a new way to use self-sugges ve poetry for
anything other than Ellen.
Oscar was looking for me at a distance from me. She succeeded in her
a acks a few mes, but took enough damage to knock her down.
couldn't give
“…it’s annoying.”
The use of skills is bound to have significant advantages. If my superpowers
are suddenly driven by reinforcement in one direc on,
Opponent is my movement, speed, and wave
The brute force is unpredictable.
Ellen also had a hard me when I first started using this ability. It's so
anomalous that it's hard to respond.
Of course, as me passed, he started to beat me again.
That's the reason. Ellen has go en used to using my skills now, so she's
going to use this at this me.
will read that Because I predict people themselves, I can't really win
against Ellen.
But it's not the Oscar de Gradias in front of you.
He's definitely superior to me, but he doesn't even know what my
superpowers are. However, physical strengthening super powers
I'm only going to guess roughly.
Opponents don't know exactly what I'm capable of
It's a clear advantage.
There are currently three skills set.
Strengthening the destruc ve power of the a ack itself
One blow.
Swi ness, which enhances reac on and speed for approach or avoidance.
Hardening ( 硬化 ) that maximizes the body's defense when an a ack is
unavoidably allowed.
| There are many other skills in mind, but I haven't go en used to them
yet. There are only three of these that are prac cal.
- Kang! Kaang! Kang!

" !"
However, the gap was too large.
Even though they have worked hard, the training period was at most over
half a year.
And that effort is like life for the Orbis class.
This system is absurd, but in the end it forces effort.
No ma er what you do, it will be maintained because it is effec ve in the
end. Because no system can have only shortcomings.
4th year Oscar de Gradias worked hard in the Orbis class
it's the guy
My talents are mana reinforcement, mana management, and self-
sugges on.
The two talents related to magic are useless to me at this point.
Also, I use swordsmanship and other weapons.
No related talents
Except for my superpowers, I have no advantage as a royal class. It differs
from the Orbis class in only one superpower.
that is.
My opponent has accumulated more than three years of me than me. No,
from before that
If I say that I have been trained, the gap between me and my training me
is even bigger.
Therefore, the difference in accumulated me cannot be narrowed with
Half a year of superpowers.
At least three years of intensive training.
I can't beat this guy.

“ !”
A er I was severely stabbed in the abdomen
He took a few steps back and grabbed the boat.
If I hadn't stopped it with a coin, I would have collapsed. Even if it was a
training sword, a stab like this could be fatal if it hit the abdomen.
That guy didn't have ejacula on in his hand.
“I don’t think a freshman would have been a match for me. Are you a
Oscar de Gradias smiled as he watched me grab my stomach instead of
being knocked over in a devasta ng blow with quite a bit of force.
That was the end of admi ng me.
But that guy's smile is somehow
unpleasant rather than pleasant or pleasant
“Isn’t that absurd?”
“...what are you talking about all of a sudden?”
“I have been prac cing swords since I was li le.”
He is s ll smiling with his sword pointed at me. But there were many
twisted emo ons in that smile.
“However, isn’t it absurd that you, who looks like you haven’t been holding
a sword in a while, can stand in front of me? .”
“Only because you are a superpower.”
“I mean, does that make sense?”
There was hate in that smile.
He doesn't know what he hates, but his smile shows twisted anger and
According to the difference in me accumulated, I should have been
overpowered by that guy in one hit. But I didn't fall apart from being
beaten, and that guy even allowed a few hits to hit me.
Isn't that absurd?
Ignoring the accumulated me just because of being a psychic, a matchup
like this was established.
Oscar de Gradias was quietly angry.
He has nothing to say.
I didn't have the talent, but I got this power by using cheats beyond talent.
I can't say I didn't try, but I can't say that I came here just by trying.
Can not.
Words to say to Oscar, who speaks of resentment and hatred that the me
and effort accumulated in front of me become meaningless in front of
there was no
I didn't even want to laugh,
Whatever the born person says to the unborn person ends up scratching
“I hate hard work the most in the world. There are so many things that you
just can’t get.”
Oscar de Gradias.
imperial family.
I had a vague idea of what he meant.
Not only does this guy have talent, he also has a hatred for being born.
He is full of hatred for something that hard work cannot achieve.
He is imperial, but he can never be emperor
those without.
He can't have what he truly wants, no ma er what he achieves on his own.
So, it must be that he hates everything he is born with. Talent and birth...
A er all, since you were born as a member of the royal family, saying that
you are not blessed is meaningless.
A person who has lived in a sense of depriva on cannot see what he is
Oscar hates hard work.
He did not enter the Royal class, but he was a 4th grader number 1 in the
Orbis class.
Except for Royal Class.
This guy stands at the top of all 4th graders at Temple.
The one who puts everything into effort becomes one of them.
to believe in effort, or to
or to hate
Oscar de Gradias was the la er.
This is usually the case with those who, a er hard work, get nothing.
It wasn't funny.
“Is a guy who hates hard work forcing his juniors to do it?”
If you hate effort the most in the world
So, this guy forces his juniors to make an effort. Why the hell does he hate
Orbis class guy who hears that
Their faces were also slightly distorted.
"If that's all you can do, you should do that. Isn't it?"
No ma er how much I hate it, even if there is nothing I can do to change it.
If all you can do is try, you should
only do
“If you’re not born with anything, you have to work hard.”
It sounded like miserable self-help.
He seemed to think that something that was not born could be a sin in
itself. It's a sin not to ride. that sin is effort
must be repaid with
“If you resent the world, will anything change? There is nothing I can do
about it, but I have to do it.”
Close to twisted and miserable self-hatred
It was a luck mindset.
Just as the Orbis class guys were broken in this structure, Oscar de Gradias
was a broken human.
No, this guy must have come in with her broken.
She would have been admi ed to Orbis class as a human she was more
suited to than anyone else.
I wonder if Oscar de Gradias was wrong I do not know.
"Your idea, then you or you are so live. Don’t let strict kids live like you.” |
You can't force effort by making other innates a sinner as well.
A madman who tries to drag everyone into the same hell, knowing he can't
get what he wants a er all his efforts.
Oscar is such a bastard.
“You may be right.”
- Clink!
He suddenly threw his water lily sword on the floor.
broke it
“By the way, I heard such things from people like you. My stomach is a li le
Anger flashed in the boy's eyes.
As if it were disgus ng to see them babble as if anything could be done to
those who were not born with the subject they were born with.
The bastard now, he seemed to be serious.
He gave up his sword, not that he gave up figh ng.
- Slurr....
“Let’s finish it quickly.”
I was silently watching the changes taking place in his body. Blue energy
began to flu er in his golden eyes, and blue air flowed through his body.
ed up
power enhancement.
Grade 4.
If it's Orbis Class #1
Excluding the Royal Class, he is the strongest among the 10,000 or so 4th
It's not unusual to use Magic Power. No, maybe it's normal.
However, at the me when he realized mana enhancement, he was already
a talent and had no meaning whatsoever. Being able to do that is already a
blessed talent. It's not too late to be in 4th grade.
This nigga get nothing by the effort
it's not that
He obviously got something.
S ll, he hates the effort.
Mana enhancement means that he is too weak compared to what he really
"I'm a bamboo, you're a genius."
"Yeah? I don't think so."
“If that’s not genius, what is genius?” “Then maybe my standards are too
Everyone was staring blankly at Oscar, who was using magic enhancement.
The reason I threw away my training sword is because I don't need it
anymore. Rather, it is cumbersome to use a training sword while using
magic enhancement in situa ons other than actual combat.
Oscar felt like he would feel more dirty when he faced me, so he showed
his magical powers to end this fight quickly.
Even if I didn't use magic power enhancement, there was no chance for me
to win.
There was no significant change, only the emphasis was placed on the thick
shell color.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 213

- Kudangtang!
I rolled back a few laps on the floor of the arena in exchange for allowing
just one blow. The water lily sword was already out of my hand.
It was enough to miss the sword.
Like Lilka Aaron did, I woke up with a few nausea.
Even though the impact was reduced as much as possible with hardening, I
felt like I was going to turn over.
He seems to want the fight to end quickly.
- Boom!
The guy approached me once again and extended his fist towards my face.
But it could not be avoided.
- Bah!
Fortunately, my le wrist, the guard, was hit, and I felt pain as if my wrist
was about to break.
Luckily it wasn't broken.

“ !”
The kick in my thigh made me back
made it roll on the floor. end it
As long as I'm going to be ripped, this guy will always look a er me.
there was no angle
I was kicked, beaten, and thrown out before I could even get into a pose.
Another pain is added before you even feel the strangely intense pain.
- Whoops!
- Pak!
- Whoops!
The succession of Oscars, who had strengthened their magical powers, was
terrifying. I was beaten hard in less than a minute, almost in the
I was pushed into a corner and fell over.
My whole body feels like it's going to break
No, it may have already been broken.
I thought I was used to the pain,
It was so painful that my whole body trembled. If I hadn't already go en
used to pu ng my body into extreme condi ons, I wouldn't have even
thought of ge ng up.
It's a similar situa on to Mayaton.
At that me, most of my classmates hated me. But I'm going to the
While being beaten and beaten un l
Let's keep ge ng up, cheering for me a li le bit
became an expression.
Cheer based on compassion.
it's s ll the same
The Orbis class members who looked at them with skep cal eyes on the
day they easily defeated Lilka Aaron, I a acked the seniors.
Seeing you being trampled on horribly, your expression
It was ge ng weirder.
stop it why.
Those were the faces.
It was the same with Mayaton.
But nothing compares to Mayaton.
My opponent had an advantage over me even in a normal state, and as
long as I used magic enhancement, there was no chance for me to win.
“I mean, you weren’t really trying to win against me, were you?”
“I know that, you bastard.”
Even under this circumstance, on the day of the twins, Oscar was staring at
him as if it were ridiculous.
can't win It's not like I thought I was going to win anyway. oscar
seemed incomprehensible to me.
“I don’t know what to do with the vagina fight this year.”
“You told me.”
I stumble and stare at him.
“You are a younger person who is much weaker than you.
The fucking sha ering
, which is not the same class as another class
He’s such a fucking bastard that I have to hear from my juniors that I’m
pathe c.”
Even though it's a fight that can't be won, I need to know that you're a
fucking bastard, so I stepped out.
Because no one can say that.
Because there is no one in the Orbis class who can say that.
“If someone doesn’t tell you, you won’t know. I'll do it for you."
“Yeah, I knew I was going to lose. i will lose But, you need to know that.
Whatever your reason, you just enjoy torturing your juniors.
I'm just a lucky sadist You are a cowardly bastard who never touches it.”
“Are you cowardly?”
"Yeah. Your way of making a hole in every word. That's what the real
fucking bastards do."
absurd system.
But even in that system, this guy doesn't want to take on the role of the
let's go
“…..Isn’t it so reassuring to be a classmate with the Imperial Prince and the
Imperial Princess?”
Those words eventually came out of the guy's mouth. They think that I
trust the prince and the princess and act like this.
“No, I’m the same as I used to be. I don’t have a back. Why, if you don’t
have a source to believe in, have you been living your life without even
being a dick when you’re fucked? So, you’ve been beaten backwards in the
Orbis class. Aren’t you enjoying the status of an assailant now?”
I look at him and smile while shaking my finger ps.
“You are just such a bastard. Yes, the environment is not important, it is
innate. Just as nature determines a person, so are you.”
...... "
“You were born as a fucking bastard, just. Cowardly, mean and unwilling to
do anything with one's own hands
It's a baby without. You're just a bastard who rides on problems rather
than eliminates them. And you blame it on the environment. I can't
because I'm not born. And then you hurt yourself
I'm red of bullying, so now I'm surrogate sa sfac on by tormen ng
others. making others miserable
you enjoy You are a fucking cub that I am going to see the misery that I see
from you. "
You also have a talent.
A talent for stalking.
Those words were very good to touch his heart.
It wouldn't do me any good if you pissed me off."
He ran towards me with his eyes wide open. Oscar's movement was even
faster than before, with the addi on of magical power enhancement.
It was unpredictable.
He lost his composure.
The guy who stepped forward while running, kicked his right foot with his
le foot as an axis.
turning to the side.
| I tap his temple with his elbow
I missed it.
Magic enhancement also provides protec on.
There was a sense of an -elas city in his elbows
But, apparently, he fell to the side.
I just scratched my nerves and made him move honestly.
I succeeded in feeding one shot, and he
fell sideways
I sat s ll and watched his eyes slowly rising up with my temples on my
Embarrassment and anger in his eyes.
I wondered about allowing a straight hit despite using Magic Power.
"Ha. I made this mistake..."
let's surrender
let's finish
If you hit one last and surrender
That guy can't hit a follow-up. A fight that blood cannot win anyway, let's
win mentally.
Let's go to the priest on the watch and get some treatment.
'Cause I can't win
It started knowing that it was an unwinnable fight, so let's end it now. It's
not like my life was at stake anyway. may lose
have. If the defeat here is death, I'll try to do something more, but it's not
like that.
What I was trying to convey wasn't that great a message.
You have to say that even when you are being brutally beaten like this,
even though you know that your opponent is not at all worth it, it's fucking
disgus ng.
Everyone is afraid of seniors and afraid of the gathering of seniors, but no
one is saying they hate it.
No one will even say that they are afraid.
I keep talking while ge ng beaten up in a fight I can't win.
Fucking shit is shi y shit. Even if it's weak
I can say run.
In this beggar-like structure, the perpetrator
They make fun of children without even taking their own way
Even if you tell a bastard who says you're a bastard, it doesn't ma er if you
get beaten up a bit
It shows that there is no
you can lose
You just need to deliver that message.
- Kwaang!
However, even while I was trying to avoid the guy who ran into me again
with an intermi ent car and slapped his face with a kick, I was hit by a
follow-up hit and rolled on the floor.
I did not declare surrender. You can quit now.
I think I've done enough, but I can't.
can't win
As the thought ran through my head countless mes, I realized something.
In the Darklands, I fought a ba le for my life.
And a er returning to the temple, the temple
To a certain extent, I became detached from the prac ce of figh ng or
figh ng and conflict with someone.
Things like that happen, too. why is he there
it's annoying
Most of them just passed. Heinrich tried not to respond to the quarrels. I
ended up using my hands,
There was no reac on to the quarrels at the beginning of the semester
between the three gae-no-dap brothers.
Things like that happen, too. What's the big deal
I've go en stronger since Darkland
it was you
This is weakened.
It's not something you've grown up with, saying that it's possible because
your life isn't at stake.
It's a fight you can't help but lose. So let's win mentally. It's not like I'm
going to die anyway.
How is this different from resigna on a er all?
A er training, I
He acquired the strength of I have a long way to go. I'll be stronger later.
Right now, I wasn't desperate right now. He made an immediate effort and
training, but he wasn't too desperate for the current situa on.
They fight to lose to a fucking bastard. Even if I lose anyway, that guy
Because I said this fucking shit.
Because Ender Wilton and other first-year Orbis class lads who had the
same fear caused by the harsh ac ons of their seniors engraved in their
minds saw it.
Did you try to be sa sfied with that? Dani can lose because his life is not at
The mind ate it.
I shouldn't be like this.
I realize that I have become rather weak a er Darkland.
My strength shouldn't be like this. That's not how it was dealt with.
I forgot. What is the basis of my power? As I con nued to use my
superpowers, I was forge ng the essence of my power.
Of course, you can't win in a fight you think you're going to lose.
You have to fight, believing you can win. Even if I can't win, I
have to believe
this is solid
I've been stagnant since Darklands. Regardless of whether Tiamata was in
my grasp, my mind itself was stagnant.
You should not rely solely on training and relying solely on the spirit of
it happens again
I have to believe I will win every fight
“A guy who doesn’t even know how to stand properly
He lived.”
"I don't know if I'm a coward, but you're pathe c. Guts is commendable,
but isn't that enough to call it an ogre? When you give up, you should give
up, and now is not the me.”
Seeing me trembling, Oscar gave a fishy laugh.
was holding
“Even if you have superpowers that much, you
It won't be a big deal even if you're in 4th grade
I guess.”
the coming of the underdog.
Oscar laughs at me.
The kids looked at me in amazement.
Please, I felt a kind of wish that I would fall down a bit. Lilka Aaron wanted
to fall. So she let her down.
But I don't want to fall. I don't fall.
I will lose, but I forgot to even think about it. I must not stand s ll. With an
excuse that my life wasn't caught
can't run away
I must do my best in every moment. I'll do my best as a fucking bastard
Should be.
I was drunk with clumsy strength and forgot about it.
I was living forge ng that faith is my spear and shield. It was my most
powerful weapon, but I was drunk with my clumsy strength and forgot
about it. Leaving the most powerful weapon aside, I'll take another
was holding
Skills didn't ma er.
Don't forget the basics.
I must retrieve my most powerful weapon. You have to fight with it.
forget the pain
The pain is gone.
The body returns to its best condi on.
My hands and feet stopped trembling.
“...what are you?”
It's something I've been thinking about for a long me.
I'm looking for Oscar de Gradias
“I, you.”
Words that made me who I am today.
As I recall those words I'm staring at the guy.
In the end, Ender Wilton is a sidekick.
The system, the naval, the events that will happen in the future, and, in
fact, my best
John's feelings are just that.
I want to George that bastard.
A er all, I'm just a crazy dog swayed by my own emo ons rather than
I want to win.
So, I win.
'Why not?'
Ellen's words come to mind.
'I can just do it.'
'Am I like you?
I gave up because I couldn't. Of course I thought no. Because El Ren is a
genius and I am a genius.
'Trust me that you can enhance your magic.'
'Were you already doing it?
'Why not?'
'Am I not?'
I seriously didn't believe it. He believed that he could enhance his magic
power, but he didn't really believe it. Ellen can do it because it's Ellen
there is I won't be able to.
Such distrust was hidden behind the scenes. Having seen Ellen for so long,
she knew how stupid he was, and the subconscious was subconscious that
I couldn't do what he could do.
get rid of that ignorance
Last belief for victory.
You can feel the mana.
Mana can be used.
Succeed in magic enhancement.
add it there
speed with speed.
A ack reinforcement with one blow.
Hardening ( 硬化) strengthens the body itself.
three superpowers.
And with the power of mana enhancement.
- Kook!
Leg strength enough to break the floor of the gymnasium
ran towards Oscar.
- Koo!
An a ack that combines three skills.
I s ll don't know what to call this.
A stepping stone while rushing.
And with that foot as an axis, a side kick loaded with all the power is
inserted into the abdomen of Oscar de Gradis Ars.
- Zhao!
As people and human bodies collide, I
With an unbelievable roar, he flew to the other side of the arena.
- Kwaang!
I could see the one that flew to the other side of the gymnasium wall and
collapsed as if it had been hit.
- Boom!
Everyone was looking at him with their eyes wide open, as they crashed
into the wall, fell to the floor of the dance floor, and did not move.
1 2L | ALE
| [Achievement - Path of Superman]
[You have earned 500 achievement points.]
An astonishing s llness engulfed me in the dance hall. A-1 Gray was
astonished even to Amorel.
| B-10 No. Ender Wilton opens his mouth
there was
But my body was full of shit. The pain in the place of being hit is not the
His consciousness gradually fades away in the unfamiliar pain that feels like
his whole body will be torn apart.
Did you survive this? In my fading consciousness, I stumble and walk,
squeezing consciousness.
Frozen Orbis Class Guy
say to them
“Dammits… did you see…?”
I gave my eye color as much strength as possible
“Fuck it, even if you screw it up with a senior… a li le. I'm not saying it's
right. what. I don't have a clue... I don't."
My eyes trembled violently as if I was embarrassed and afraid to suddenly
say such a thing, who was the first person I had ever met.
“So… you bastard, you bastard, I hope you don’t mind.”
Even if you get hit so badly, you won't die. Rather, there may be such a
thing as a miracle happens and knocks out the senior.
I was going to say something like that.
“Don’t be afraid! I mean, say, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it! I don't know! It's a bit
harsh to say... K-huh!"
- Uh, uh!
- Why is he like that?
“Wow! Cuckoo!”
I was finally speechless and vomited blood.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 214

It's been a long me.
No, is this the familiar ceiling now?
The ceiling of the dormitory recovery room. It always feels like respawning
here in this pa ern.
I'm used to it now.
It's not that I fainted, but I've been here quite a few mes when I needed
treatment from the on-call priest.
And the pain as if the blood vessels in the body were torn.
It hurt so much that I couldn't even speak properly. I don't know what it
feels like to have my blood vessels ripped, but it was a pain that felt like my
whole body was being burned with fire.
- twitch
Then someone was startled by the sound of my moaning next to me, and I
jumped up. See if he was somehow sleeping on the bedside
This bare-faced guy.
“I, I, I, I, I woke up! I woke up!” |Herriot de Saint-Ouen was surprised or
happy, shouted, "Wow!" and hugged me ghtly.
"Uh, uh uh! Hey, hey! Oh, it hurts nigga!"
“I thought you were dead aaaaah! this! this person! this bad guy! Bad
Harriet suddenly cried and clinged to me, and the more I did it, the more I
felt like I was going to lose my mind, as if my whole body was burning in
“Ugh! Whoops! I'm the bad guy!"
“Ah, it hurts. It hurts. Hey...."
I think I'm going to faint again.
S ll, he pa ed Harriet on the back somehow.
Ellen also vomited her blood when she forcibly used her magical
enhancement for the first me. I haven't learned a power I don't know
how to use properly.
It was a side effect of using it.
| I did the same thing.
It worked, and I was able to use my explosive power for a while, but the
price I had to pay was greater than Ellen's.
Ellen vomited her blood, but she didn't faint.
I vomited blood and passed out.
four days.
It was a me when I fainted.
I passed out, and in that state I was oh
It seems that he was moved to the recovery room of the Rubis class. A er
that, it seems that he was transferred to the Royal Class recovery room,
Not only the children, but also the teachers were outraged. Accidentally
broke into the Orbis class dormitory and had a fight
It's a shame, because there, I suddenly passed out while vomi ng a er
using Magic Power.
The result of the fight, so to speak, is my victory
It seems like it might be a draw
Oscar de Gradias fainted briefly, but got up again.
I'm really completely unconscious
because I threw it away
I feel like I won, I feel like I lost,
Of course, I wouldn't worry about winning or losing, but anyway, I passed
out and passed out, so I was able to win mentally, but it was by no means
The Grand Yoga Master teacher who looked a er Ellen's condi on was
summoned again this me.
You seem to have seen my condi on.
I was reassured that it would take me to regain consciousness although it
was not life-threatening, but everyone said that they came to see my
condi on from me to me.
Harriet watching me at the bedside
While I was sleeping, I regained consciousness,
Everyone flocked to the news that my consciousness had returned.
Ellen looked at me with a very angry expression.
Harriet is startled when I wake up and hugs me, then he realizes what he's
done, his face goes red, and he doesn't even look at me.
“… Junior, do you know how worried I was?”
Adriana is happy waking up, but wondering if what I've done is so
She was pre y and at the same me she was lost.
“She was worried about what would happen if she died leaving her sister!”
Olivia Ranche also came to visit me and said bullshit.
was doing
“…it doesn’t ma er. Do you have to do something like this to do something
Liana de Granz shook her head, perhaps because of the story that I had
awakened my superpowers at the end of a duel, and increased my magical
powers at the end of something similar to a duel. Adelia was behind
Liana's, she cau ously asked if she was okay with me as she murmured.
"...I'm red of being perplexed by these kinds of things. it's okay?"
Charlo e also looked at me and crossed her arms and clicked her tongue.
Surprisingly, the three naive brothers and Cliffman also came to see me.
Everyone said something different.
It feels like you've become a good friend who gets everyone's a en on.
In reality, he's just a guy who passed out a er going to another school and
bumping into each other.
But actually, rather than worrying about what they are saying, did you
make an accident again, you bastard?
In par cular, Ellen seemed really angry. I don't know how she was worried
when she was down, but now that she's up, she must be angry.
Well, I'm a pa ent now, so don't hit me...
“If you have a mouth, say it.”
Eren a acked me with a vicious force.
Accidentally broke the Orbis class seal
She went to sleep, and she had nothing to say because she had passed out
for four days.
say anything
"It hurts so much..."
I don't know anything else and I think I'm going to fall behind!
I don't know if it's really painful if her blood vessels are torn.
She died of high blood pressure, but she was unconscious and not sick!
So, to be precise, the tendons all over her body seem to have been torn
li le by li le. Actually, I don't even know what that feeling is.
In terms of the type of pain, it feels like a burning pain plus a bruise.
It is bi er at the same me as being set by fire.
However, the pain was felt not from the outside, but from the inside of the
What I've done is crazy, and the priest on the watch is what I'm talking
As soon as I heard the news that I had woken up, the Grand Yoga Master
came to the recovery room. When a yangban, who was normally thought
of as a hypno st, appeared in this situa on, he looked like a god.
The same teacher who even healed Ellen.
“Sir.... it hurts so much...” |
Because it hurts so much, it's polite and everything disappears.
How do you do it!
Do you think it will be? At my direct appeal for pain, the yoga master
smiled as so ly as in class.
“Student Reinhardt, it is natural to be sick.”
“Well, the extent of the pain is not natural…. Really… I think I’m going
“I’m glad it ended in pain
NS. In the case of Ellen student, excellent
Her quali es protected her, but her line ha
The Root student wasn't like that.
At the end of the day, her body's magic circuit will be completely
It would have been devasta ng."
“It is said that the body may have become incapable of enhancing mana for
the rest of its life. Ellen
If a student drove a wagon that was too large on a paved path in the
woods, Reinhardt drove a wagon in the woods."
"I don't know what you're talking about..."
“It means that the forest has been destroyed by running on a road that
does not exist.”
That being said, I could understand it to some extent.
Ellen had prepared a way for her to enhance her magical powers, and there
she had infused too much power. So, she used a force beyond the range
allowed by the road, and the road was broken.
Ellen's magical power is A+ rank.
She must have done so with all her might because the situa on was
But I don't know the level of her magic itself
Low, but unprepared for strength
was blown into
It was a condi on that had no choice but to damage the body even more.
Unprepared and unprepared, I drove the carriage at will.
I drove a wagon in a forest with no roads, so I broke a tree and ran.
The forest will soon be a metaphor for the body.
Ellen rides a wagon that's too big on a forest trail.
I drove a wagon in a forest where there was no road and cut down all the
I was doing something even more dangerous than I thought. It could have
become a body that could not be strengthened for the rest of its life.
In terms of mar al arts, don't wear a coin. degree
If it was even a li le harsh, I would go that way
may have been completely disabled.
I'm glad it ended in pain.
“Fortunately, Reinhardt has discovered a new talent for mana
management. That’s how it ended up like this.”
"Is that so."
horsepower management.
Because of that talent, I did not fall into a more serious condi on than I am
If I didn't have a talent for mana management, I would have had to pay a
higher price for using force enhancement through self-sugges on.
If I hadn't put in my talent for mana management by spending a lot of
achievement points, I wouldn't have thought that I would be compe ng
with the Orbis class, so that's what it is, a er all,
I survived thanks to mana management. If it wasn't for mana management,
wouldn't it have been possible to enhance mana in the first place? I don't
In Ellen's case, she vomited only a li le blood and felt dizzy, thanks to the
highest level of magic-related talent called 'Magic Domina on'.
I passed out because I had that sub-talent, and now I am in intense pain.
Lee is on
In the end, you took the risk, but did you break through one of the gates?
"Then... now I can also learn magic power...?"
“It will be like that, but for now, I will be observing Ellen student’s private
do it The quali es of a Reinhardt student, sorry but much behind Ellen's.
gets hit. She never disappoints herself. Because Ellen's student is too good.
It's dangerous to learn while you've barely learned how to operate magic.
We will be a li le more careful.”
The Grand Yoga Master pa ed my head lightly.
Ellen awakens her magical powers with her powers.
Just like I did, I learned to enhance my magic.
It was long.
But it's different.
At first, Ellen used magic enhancement for quite a long me, but I was
In terms of me, it's less than five seconds.
No, it is ques onable even if I realized that I was right. 'Cause I don't even
know what I did
So instead of learning magic enhancement, I'll be observing it. To go to the
learning stage, my quali es are far inferior to Ellen's.
“First of all, you have to nurture yourself. It will be difficult to move
The yoga master swears by me for a long me
Sit down and do all kinds of things
She did something similar to qi therapy. In fact, the pain seemed to have
subsided a li le.
The a ereffects of magical enhancement cannot be recovered by divine
magic. That is why this Grand Yoga Master teacher is in this field.
Being the best teacher and the best therapist
also do
If it wasn't for that man, I'd be more
been stunned for a long me or really crippled
it may have been
“ long will it take? Joe?"
“It will take some me to fully recover.”
The price of using magic enhancement as an aggressor
So I thought I'd have to stay in bed for a while.
A er the yoga master passed away, I lay blankly in bed.
The watch priest said there was nothing he could do, but if there was
anything he needed, he told me to call him. My reward with divine magic
Because I can't do anything about Tae.
In the priest's room in front of the recovery room, there will be no one on
the watch for 24 hours.
there is no
The pain had subsided, but it was s ll terribly painful. Every me I moved
my body, the muscles and tendons all over my body screamed like 'If you
move, you'll fall behind'.
To eat, I had to feed the porridge a er se ng up the bed.
I forget the pain.
get sick,
Self-sugges on doesn't work either. Why not! It's me to fight Oscar!
look like this In the end, my self-sugges on seems to amplify the output
clearly in actual situa ons. Of course, the fight with Oscar was not a real
ba le.
It seems right to use explosive power in a more emo onally intense
situa on. No ma er how much inner distrust there was, the magical
enhancement that wasn't possible when training with Ellen was able to
succeed in the fight against Oscar.
In the end, from a wri ng standpoint, the superpower I wanted was right.
Exploding under extreme condi ons 2 bo les
Enemy... something like that.
I get stronger when I'm angry... Something like that.
From a wri ng standpoint, that was good.
It's like a dog from the point of view of using it! any me
Can't I give the maximum output?
Although I was the second case in which I succeeded in enhancing my own
magic power,
I don't think it will be a big issue.
I've been improving my magic by myself.
Then the guy who almost fell behind. That's it. There is a very
overwhelming case of Ellen.
I think you may have heard that the crotch was torn while trying to follow
the stork.
Poom, Jae, went with Ellen and then
Guess she's like Ellen.
Aren't you hearing this?
I did something bigger to earn 500 achievement points.
[Achievement Score: 3430]
Five hundred achievement points. In addi on, five hundred points for
achievements for successfully enhancing magical power.
I earned five hundred points more than I expected.
S ll, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing in the end. boaha
I think you'll have to stay in bed for a while and you won't even be able to
go to class.
Not only that.
It is clear that the fight between the children has grown, so it must have
go en bigger.
No ma er how much I think about it, this is a punishment, how can it not
be done as a store?
But later is later.
I'm going to go crazy because I'm sick right now
"Ah, Reinhardt, I need something.
Do you have one too?”
Eventually I called the teacher.
“I’m sorry… he in our class. swimming
Could you please call me Riot de Saint-Ouen...” “Um? Is there anything I
can say?” “Yeah, huh. I have an important request....”
In the end, I decided to write a cheat.
I couldn't move on my own, so I asked the direct priest of the party. It was
already evening, so Harriet went straight to the recovery room.
At the words I called, Harriet looked a li le puzzled.
“Are you here…..”
“Don’t call it pak-tong… Mr. Lee. really.
I’m only looking at you this me.”
He seems to be angry, but when he sees my dying expression, he crumples
his anger inside. In this state, are you going to listen to what I say?
Why are you cuter than usual?
Do I have to be in pain every day?
No, I don't want it to hurt this much anyway. Instead of being sick like this
for the rest of his life, does Harriet feel like this every day?
Serious enough to choose to just die
it hurts
I really don't know if it's normal, but I just can't concentrate on anything
because I'm sick.
“Are you in a lot of pain?”
Even though I was mid, I felt like I was dying, so I cried a lot.
If it wasn't for the pain, I might have thought differently.
I don't know, but it really hurts like I'm falling behind.
“I think I’m going to die…”
“What should I do.... So why are you doing weird things….
It's your revenge."
“It’s also… it all has to do with the circumstances…”
I'm like this, so I don't give too much face-li . Harriet sat down on the chair
by his bed and he looked at me.
“By the way, what request do you have? Can I get you anything? Do you
need anything?"
I don't like being sick.
It might be surprisingly good.
To me, this child, who is always picky, looks at me with worried eyes.
I feel like I can do anything you ask me to do. This is okay.
I think it's good to be sick because it's sick, but I'm pre y sure it's not.
This fluctua ng mental state is the most sure proof that I am sick.
Asking what else to call Harriet
not meant to
“Let me sleep…”
Harriet is embarrassed by my outrageous sound.
It was one glance.
“I want to sleep, but I can't sleep because it hurts so badly... I have to force
myself to sleep...” |
It is painful to be awake in pain. So sleep magic, sleeping pills, or narco c
painkillers are good.
I want to. It won't hurt if you sleep.
“That, that… that’s it?”
“That’s right…”
I just sleep un l I'm well and wake up
I wish I was in a good state.
Sleep magic is not suitable in the fantasy world.
It's magic, but there's something you can't bet on me.
sleep is good
There is nothing in the world that stops when you are sick. I can't sleep
when I'm sick.
“Ah, that… this, I’ve never done it… okay…”
Harriet seemed to hesitate a bit, his face blushing for some reason, and
then he suddenly placed his hand on my chest.
“Come on, sleep well…. lullaby…”
- pat pat
I forgot what to say as I watched Harriet pat my chest. It was such a shame
in the world to do this, and his face was so red that he couldn't even look
at me.
No, is this a bummer?
I was blown away by this sudden tantrum.
If it was normal tension, he would make fun of me saying I can't
understand this.
I should have gone, but I’m so embarrassed that I can’t breathe
It felt like a choking.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 215
night me.
Ellen washed up a er her training in her gym. She then went to the
she was not funny
Go to the Orbis Class dormitory
fought, even in the second half
Forced to enhance magic while figh ng a ship
As she wrote, she fainted.
four days of fain ng.
When Reinhardt woke up, before
All the emo ons I had felt were gone.
she is alive safe. She doesn't have to worry.
When she was so relieved, she was angry.
I was so angry that it was hard to bear. Reinhardt and himself both paid the
price for their clumsy success.
However, he was in a situa on where his life was at stake, and Reinhardt
was only arguing with his senior.
It was difficult for Ellen to find a reason to do something crazy in such a
situa on.
She wants to say something. Why is she in such a hurry, why does she
choose such dangerous ac ons?
She told me never to do that in the future.
Seeing you like that makes me feel like I'm going to die
While watching you who didn't wake up, it seemed like it was me, not you,
who was dying.
With that said, will you stop doing this?
I don't know, but I want to say
It was. So, would you please refrain from such risky behavior?
Why is it so urgent? Why are you pushing yourself so hard?
She was the only one Ellen thought of her.
A er the Dark Lands, the gap between her and herself grew even wider.
She learned how to enhance her magic power, and Reinhardt also got a lot
stronger, but her absolute gap got even bigger.
She was so much that she asked me to teach her to enhance magic. She's
not doing well, and she tried to force it. But she said she was frustrated
that Ellen couldn't teach her properly, and she was frustrated that
Reinhardt couldn't do it but she tried to do something about it.
So, did she do something reckless again? I did something reckless last me
and realized my super power, so I guess I thought it might happen again
this me.
I did this because I wanted to somehow follow myself, who had become
too strong.
Reinhardt's impa ence was what Ellen thought was the reason.
She doesn't have to.
Reinhardt distanced himself from himself.
does he hate it
With that in mind, Reinhardt's impa ence can be understood to some
extent. I'm angry, but I can somehow accept that kind of feeling.
Ellen reached out to her dining room kitchen and grabbed her knife.
She always accuses herself of ea ng too much, but she knows that
Reinhardt eats too much too. Something like porridge to eat in the
recovery room wouldn't be enough. It's going to make something.
- plump plump
Ellen cuts the knife without a word. vegetable
Trim and chop the chicken.
It's hard to move her jaw, so the chicken meat is only tender leg meat, a
li le smaller than the normal size, enough to swallow without chewing,
She didn't know how to cook.
She had no reason to do it.
At home, her parents prepare the meals, and the chefs at the temple serve
meals. Prepared snacks were enough to eat between meals.
Assorted breads, jerky, sausages and biscuits.
Those things were enough.
But now it doesn't fill the castle. La
When Inhaart occasionally stopped serving food for something, I hated
ea ng those snacks like I used to.
When that happens, she makes Ellen by herself.
She or she didn't eat at all. Without Reinhardt, she was more likely not to
eat at all.
I used to sit alone and eat this and that, but now I'm alone.
li le.
because I'm lonely
No, I'm not lonely, I'm bored," Ellen corrects.
She said she was Ellen, now she is alone and she doesn't like to eat
She didn't know how to do things like food, and she didn't have the guts to
do it.
But she said now that she can.
Because Reinhardt insisted that he not just eat it and eat it and then ask
you to make some and bring it back later, she looked over her shoulder a
Ellen says she is dexterous and has a good memory. She knew that she
could cook most of the dishes she saw Reinhardt made. She some mes
even makes her own.
She knows something she has never tried. Because Ellen has an excessively
good understanding, she can see the result without even looking at it.
there are things
Ellen's talent for her cooking is no excep on.
to be honest.
very frankly.
Now she thinks that Ellen is be er at her food than she is Reinhardt and
she herself is.
She can't make anything she's never made before, but she sees Reinhardt
making it, and a er she's actually made it, she has a picture of how to
make it even tas er.
Even if you don't try, you know
Reinhardt made it into snow, and now he decides what seasoning to
You can also predict what flavor it will taste by adding it.
So, a er seeing Reinhardt make it, she could make it be er herself.
But she says that Ellen doesn't dare hold her sword.
When Reinhardt gets grumpy and forces him to do it, she doesn't make it
perfect. A li le boring, a li le salty.
Or you deliberately omit key ingredients.
do it on purpose
Reinhardt asked why he couldn't do something like this, and she ended up
holding out his hand once.
make it s ck
I have the awareness that it's a bad thing, but it's not a bad grudge.
If he makes it be er, if Reinhardt finds out,
He didn't seem to be able to cook again.
There is the awareness that it is an immature thought and a bit of a bad
But Ellen knows Reinhardt to some extent.
If he makes himself be er, Reinhardt will be proud of himself. He o en saw
Reinhardt smiling in the kitchen, grumbling as he made something for
He pretends to hate it, pretends to be annoying, pretends to be annoying.
He's smiling and making it if he doesn't seem to see it.
Ellen knows that he likes to do things for himself.
Now if he finds himself making food be er, it's Reinhar
It would take away her pleasure, but Ellen knows that much.
learn the sword pay for it
She thinks she is. But he himself is not only a sword
But, if I do be er with the food, Reinart may get hurt.
I hope there is one thing that I think Reinhardt does be er than me.
I hope that will remain as Reinhardt's pleasure.
Ellen doesn't hold her knife very well in her kitchen.
She s ll doesn't know how Ellen treats other people, but as far as she tells
Reinhardt, she seems to know a li le bit about how she should get along
with Reinhardt.
Actually, that's a good reason.
There are mes when Reinhardt only likes to do something to him.
Reinhardt was always grumpy, but always
he makes something If he wants to eat more, he accuses him of being a
carnivore, but he goes back to the kitchen.
If he says he wants something to eat, he makes it for you while mu ering
to you.
If you can't make it because you don't have the ingredients, ask the users
to replenish the ingredients and make it the next day.
that's just good He said it would taste be er if he made it himself, but he
murmured that he wanted to eat it.
Doing things with words.
If you don't say anything, how about this while serving food you've never
seen before?
Pretending I don't care, the truth is
Concentrate all her a en on on her evalua on
wai ng
If you like it, say thank you
If you say it doesn't taste good, they tell you to stop ea ng it and take the
plate away.
something like that
all those processes.
it was good.
Reinhardt is such a guy.
He speaks harshly, harshly, and picks only ugly sounds for nothing,
In the end, he does whatever he asks to do. He cares a lot about people by
pretending not to be.
And yet, strangely s ll, his personality
is dirty He gets caught up in a fight or gets caught up in himself.
Reinhardt is s ll not well known.
But, that's over, Ellen thinks so.
I was angry.
But the anger soon disappeared. She doesn't even feel that Ellen is mad at
her and that she forgot about it.
She cooks her ingredients, and she cooks the soup, without Ellen knowing
she's smiling involuntarily.
Just like Reinhardt did, I cook with a smile I don't know.
Soup with chicken and vegetables, un l vegetables are cooked and
crumbly. It is cooked so well that you can skip it without chewing it
properly. If it is too salty, it will be difficult to eat a lot, so the liver should
be a li le weak.
Because Reinhardt eats a lot. Since you should eat a lot to get be er
quickly, Ellen made quite a lot.
Put the finished stew in the pot, Ellen
headed to her dorm recovery room. It was night, so everyone went to bed,
so she had no classmates in the hallway and lobby.
The on-call priest in the dormitory recovery room was asleep. She was
si ng in her chair and sleeping with her arms crossed, not even knowing
that Ellen had come in.
She wouldn't sleep well while she was on watch, but she said Ellen she
didn't bother waking her watch priest.
As she went into the recovery room she could see Ellen and she Reinhardt
She's late, so she can.
“Eh, Ellen?!”
“Yeah, there was.”
However, her eyes met with Harriet de Saint-Touan, who was gently
brushing her sleeping Reinhardt's hair.
Harriet li ed her hand from Reinhardt's head in amazement. Seeing that
his face is blushing, it looks like he's been caught in a scene that shouldn't
be seen
it was right
“That, that, that. that is. uh. this. This. he I asked you to cook it. no!! Well,
it's not that you put it to sleep! Huh. With water, millet, and sleep magic...”
Harriet picked up excuses that weren't excuses, and Ellen just stared at her.
What is so shameful?
Ellen doesn't know.
It's only a brief moment as she enters, but she could see Ellen clearly as
Heriot's face was brushing Reinhardt's hair.
Ellen is Harriet's warm and gentle
saw a smile
She doesn't stand in front of Reinhardt
She was making up her expression while looking at the sleeping Reinhardt.
I can never show you, but I can show you as much as I want to sleep
If affec on was a substance, it was the eyes and expression that seemed to
flow down.
The expression that seems to overflow
It was.
Is it such a shame to see someone else look like that?
Ellen can make a face like that have. It was somewhat embarrassing.
I don't know why I'm envious, but
If only I could make a face like that
Envy you.
Ellen feels a bit of envy.
“Oh, but… what is that? It smells delicious…”
If Harriet was trying to distract her, she asked, looking at the pot Ellen had
“I made soup.”
"soup? Ah...."
It was made to give Reinhardt.
Gun Harriet must have guessed it, but he seemed a li le perplexed, but he
nodded blankly.
Beggars made to give Reinhardt
However, perhaps because of the severe pain, he was forced to sleep with
sleep magic.
Both are a lot anyway.
"Want to eat?"
"uh? Ah... is that okay?”
It was made to give Reinhardt, but there is no reason not to give it to
Harriet. The two shared a bowl of soup in front of Reinhardt, who was
suddenly asleep.
Harriet took a bite and his eyes widened.
"I'm glad."
“Ellen is also good at cooking…”
When you say you too, Harriet thinks Reinhardt is good at cooking.
It will be an expression of your thoughts. Harriet says Reinhardt and Ellen
cook something every night, and Karl is mostly Ra.
I know Inhart loses.
But Ellen is also good at cooking. But if you listen to Reinhardt's gossip
every day, she knows that Ellen rarely cooks.
But now that Reinhardt is sick,
Ellen has made the soup herself.
Harriet, who has been accustomed to luxurious food, can sa sfy his taste
What can't Anne do?
Harriet is somehow in a strange sense of defeat.
Eat a li le soup at
Reinhardt learns swordsmanship from Ellen. So, on days when nothing is
going on, I am locked up in the gym all day. how many
had even seen it in person.
Unlike magic research, physical training is
I was wondering how to do it
No, I wasn't curious about swordsmanship training. I just wanted to see
what the two of them were doing all day long, who naturally became close
while training with each other.
I also have a bit of that mindset.
At the beginning of the first semester, Reinhardt, who had no talent,
definitely got stronger. To be honest, Reinhardt from the 1st semester was
just a bad temper, weak stamina, didn't know swordsmanship and didn't
know how to do anything, but he was a strange guy who tried to do
But now he uses a sword.
Thanks to Ellen.
Harriet knows that Ellen has an incomparable talent for swordsmanship
and close combat.
She learned her swordsmanship from Ellen, so it is only natural that
Reinhardt became stronger.
That's why he s ll prac ces swordsmanship with Ellen.
So Harriet thinks so.
Reinhardt is smart, so he could have learned magic.
If Reinhardt had learned magic instead of swordsmanship,
Ellen is unparalleled in her swordsmanship.
an impossible person
So Reinhardt had been with El Ren all day, so he could use his current skills.
have been equipped
Harriet doesn't underes mate himself.
If the pinnacle of her melee talent is Ellen, her magic talent is at the
pinnacle of Herriot.
So, she's not a swordsman to Ellen
If only you had taught me magic,
She could have been with me all day in the dorm magic lab.
this is how you do it That's what it does. If you think of this magic formula
like this, you can ac vate it more comfortably.
So, keep going.
by le ng you know
If not as good as myself, I would have become a wizard enough to put
myself into ac on, and I would have been able to stay with you all day,
un l the standard bed me passed.
But it has already passed.
Reinhardt made a choice.
Reinhardt taught Ellen a swordsmanship.
We have so li le me to be together,
So Harriet wanted to learn her swordsmanship in her spare me.
Swordsmanship is the basics of a noble child
Because there is nothing that cannot be said of educa on.
Giving some excuses, I'm stuck too
Shall I say Or even physical training.
Just pretending not to know that I just want to be with you.
Of course, I was also curious about what the two of them were doing
because they were locked in the gym all day.
There were mes when I watched Reinhardt and Ellen's training in various
The training they saw in person was very different from Harriot's
imagina on.
Harriet is swea ng while flir ng
And I wondered if it was because we talked a lot with each other and
became so close.
Just looking at it gave me goosebumps.
Ellen pushed hard, and Reinhardt was in a hurry to block, but fell, fell, and
was knocked over.
Harriet said she frowned as she watched Reinhardt be beaten.
Can I go there?
Aren't you sick?
No, it's training. Do you do it like this?
That's how I had to do it.
Such a thought struck me.
There was hardly any conversa on.
'It's dead.'
'Be a li le quicker... do it. I'll follow you...'
There were only short words like that, and almost every day I was doing
something close to me.
Of course, there was something called subtle physical contact between the
two that Harriet was deeply concerned about.
But that's close-quarters figh ng and control that is close to punching,
grabbing, or pounding. If your heart is bea ng like that, it's not because of
anything else.
It must have been out of fear, Harriet thought.
I thought we became friends while we were training together, but Harriet
seemed to be doing something like that.
It was strange that Reinhardt didn't have any bad feelings while doing that.
So Harriet said that Ellen and Reinhardt's training didn't make him
not seeing
If you look at it, you will be out of breath
I can't see it like
Her desire to learn her sword was completely gone.
Reinhardt keeps ge ng up and falling again even if he falls down.
Ellen con nues to subdue Reinhardt like that without seeing him with the
same a tude and a tude as the first me.
Both of them had very strong mental powers incomparable to their own,
thought Harriet.
Once I fell or got knocked over, I might just sit down and cry. Harriet
realized how easy it was to think about learning swordsmanship as a
He realized once again how blessed he was by si ng at his desk and
looking through the magic book.
Ellen eventually teaches Reinhardt her swordsmanship.
“Did you know how to cook?”
So, even though they say it's the price
Didn't Ellen learn to cook from Reinhardt? I thought so.
“A er all… did you learn from Reinhardt?”
“...I have to say so.”
Ellen's answer seems to be unknown.
Harriet quietly imagines Reinhardt teaching Ellen to cook.
Reinhardt and Ellen are slicing potatoes, slicing, and caring and lovingly
telling them things because their hands might be cut.
When I think about it, I get goosebumps. I don't even know why I'm
'Uh-huh, put it there.
'Ahh, that's it. If it’s this, it’s long enough to eat.’
'Is it fresh? Let's have a low-salt diet a er swea ng like this, right?'
'If it's bland, add salt or sugar? mind!'
'Hey, I keep telling you not to hold a knife and stare at people so hard.'
Harriet's imagina on and reality are very different. Not knowing that,
Harriet gets depressed when he imagines Ellen and Reinhardt lovingly
teaching each other how to cook.
Even though I know that he's a guy who can't teach me kindly one by one,
my head rolls like that.
S ll, Harriet is be er than before.
Because he made the guy who had been confined to the gymnasium all
day long and somehow forced himself to become the president of the
Magic Research Society.
Every week, on a set day.
Then Reinhardt grumbled
It will also illuminate his face.
Reinhardt is that kind of guy.
He talks strangely for nothing, and says strange things to get angry for
He knows he is always there to help when it ma ers.
Harriet quietly ate the chicken soup.
looks at Ellen.
Does Ellen like Reinhardt?
I think she definitely likes it. Otherwise, she would eat soup in the middle
of the night like this
It won't boil.
But her Ellen's expression doesn't always change, so it's hard to tell what
she's thinking. There is hardly any reac on from her. So, she said that
Ellen's occasional behaviors such as stopping soup
It feels nonsensical.
She is so different from herself. She is not easily shaken, and she is strong
enough to endure everything no ma er what.
possessor of spirit.
Harriet is so jealous of Ellen.
She is just as Ellen envys Harriet in some ways, and Harriet envys Ellen in
some ways.
What does Eren think of Reinhardt?
Her sincerity is unknown, but there is a desire.
She wished the two of them were just friends.
You're such a close friend, I guess that's all I'm doing,

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 216

It's a pain in the ass
Of course, on the premise that there are many people who genuinely care
about me.
That Harriet endured the shame and my ashes
Do you pat me at the outrageous word “Woodala”
That's enough to say that I'm done.
The next day, something even worse happened.
It was the day she had class, and Ellen came to the recovery room in the
morning breeze, and she said she wanted to eat, and she brought some
chicken soup.
“...when did you do this?”
"Yesterday? Oh... I must have been sleeping then."
Take it when she was sleeping with sleep magic
seems to have come What the hell
I thought I would be beaten if I got sick or worse,
She brought food from the dawn wind.
It's against the law for you to impress me like this at this me. I tried to
pour a spoonful of soup in a bowl, but of course it didn't go well.
It's natural for my hands to tremble and bounce all over. Because my body
wasn't in good shape.
no wonder.
Ellen looked at me for a long me. As if you were worried about
In the end, she said, Ellen, she said nothing and she took her spoon and fed
her to my mouth. Somehow, doing something like this without saying
something is something
“……Is that what you did?”
As soon as I took a bite of her, my thoughts were
it was what? Why is it so delicious? I don't think he did this?
Ellen stared at me at my nonsensical praise. Dude, look at what comes out
of your mouth. hey, hey.
“I am good at cooking.”
She told Ellen she was offended and she poked her and she said so. You
don't cook very o en, but how did your skills become like this?
That's what she said, but Ellen gave me a drink or two, hard at work, and
fed her soup. When she somehow emp ed a bowl, she scooped up a bowl
of her soup from the pot, and Ellen again scooped it up.
“Eat more.”
Do you want to eat more or eat more?
“Eat a lot to get be er quickly.”
Ellen forced her to put soup in my mouth.
It was like cold torture, but in the end it wasn't a bad feeling.
It's a pain to be sick when was harriet
Call me if you need anything. Ellen says she makes soup for me, and she
cooks for me.
It even feeds.
S ll, I don't need a post that I'm sick of, I just want to get be er.
It really hurt to go back.
Anyway, I didn't miss class for four days, and a er that I got out of bed.
Even flying was difficult.
The hardest part was going to the bathroom. The priest on the watch
(female) wants to support
She vehemently refused to say that she was okay, while she went on her
crutches with Augur.
She was fine to go, but she fainted on the way home from work.
If you passed out on the way instead of coming back,
Terrible memories were about to come.
“Reinhard-kun, it’s not a shame that a pa ent can’t get out of bed.
"ruler. wear it If you fall on your own like this, your recovery will be slower.”
“Please, please.”
When I vehemently denied it, the priest on the watch stuck out her mouth
and she looked at me. "Hmm, she's been stunned for four days, so you
don't think she's wearing it?"
bad memories.
A bird that I can't remember has already been created.
I already dumped that. awake
When I was born, I wasn't wearing it for some reason
I did.
“Yeah, I’m not driving anymore! I can't remember, so it doesn't happen!"
“What do you mean? Hurry up and take it off! Oh no, I'll take it off, so be
"No way!"
She ended up arguing with her lips for a while.
“Hmm, big.”
“Oh, Mr. Epinhauser.”
The recovery room door opened and Epinhauser appeared.
“Come on, sir! Save me! I'm not old enough to wear a diaper yet!"
When Mr. Epinhauser came in, the priest on the watch let go of the pants
he was holding on to.
No, by the way, it's not now, it's not yet, so it's kind of like it because I think
it's going to be full someday.
I don't know if I'll live later
But the words have already been spit out. The direct priest looked at me as
if he had promised that he would wear it sooner or later, and then went
back to the priest's room.
“Looking at it, there are no major problems. The 11th Army has a good
“...Oh, no. I think I'll be behind
“At a point in me when you have the energy to say something like that, it
probably won’t be that much.”
No, it really hurts.
In fact, I had to shut up because it was true that Epinhauser said that if it
hurts more than this, I will not be able to speak.
Mr. Epinhauser had a cold expression as usual. A facial expression that
shows li le emo on.
Mr. Epinhauser has a cold impression and a cold a tude, but he is not a
bad teacher. I don't really scold the students, it's okay
'Cause I don't even take a single bite.
Eppenhauser is not a bad teacher.
So, is she a good teacher?
I also don't know
Epin Hauser praises cri cism
also s ngy Of course the store last me
gave me one,
Epinhauser's job as 'teacher'
It's very mechanical.
Does Ms. Epinhauser have any affec on for her students?
I don't know.
Because she doesn't really discipline. Penalty points if what I did crosses
the line, well
One thing to do is shop.
If it's allowed, you can do it, and if it's not allowed, you shouldn't.
Don't let your emo ons get involved in your work.
I don't know if it's a good teacher or a bad teacher.
As a result, I feel like an Epinhauser
teacher is good
Because there is no unnecessary interference.
He didn't say anything like he's okay, or glad he found his consciousness.
As usual, what to say and what to say
just say what will be

“I will be summoned to the disciplinary commi ee as soon as my physical
condi on recovers to the extent that I can move. Know it.”
I crossed the line this me. A lot of it too.
Mr. Epinhauser, like a machine, spoke only the words he had to convey to
me. E. Pinhauser was at fault,
He didn't say why he did it or the things he did.
Me too, so I didn't say anything like that I wasn't at fault.
'Cause it's not my fault
"What parts are subject to discipline?"
“Two duels with other unauthorized class members, and the use of
superpowers in those duels.”
Figh ng was permi ed in the name of a duel, although it was not. And I
used my superpowers in that fight
all. My ability is pyrokinesis or work
It is not an extremely dangerous force like Electrokinesis.
But in the end, superpowers.
The use of superpowers for offensive purposes is definitely the biggest
viola on of the rules.
“Are there any chances of being expelled?”
At my ques on, Mr. Epinhauser shook his head.
“It won’t happen.”
Mr. Epinhauser seemed confident.
Royal class students can't be expelled so easily.
“But this is the Royal Class interior door.
not me Orbis class got tangled. Besides you, the two Orbis class students
are also subject to disciplinary ac on.”
It's a problem for me who went to fight, but the guy who responded is also
a problem. Therefore, both Rilka Aaron and Oscar de Gradias were subject
to disciplinary ac on.
“If it was an internal problem, the disciplinary commi ee
It will be made up of Yal class faculty and staff.
However, as it is a problem for both classes
Includes both classes of staff
A disciplinary commi ee will be formed.”
The accident I hit this me is different from the previous one. The Royal
Class could not be finished due to internal problems.
So Orbis and Royal Class
Faculty members hold a joint disciplinary commi ee, me, Lilka Aaron, and
Oscar de G.
A disciplinary commi ee against Radias will be held.
I'm sure it won't go well
It takes me,
Orbis and Royal Class are students
Isn't Lehman's rela onship bad?
Aren't teachers like cows and chickens?
S ll, in the end, the Temple obeys the law of the Temple.
do you follow
I have never heard from anyone that I have to pay the price for touching
the royal family.
We do not know what the outcome of the disciplinary commi ee will be.
What I do know is that if you receive an extended or indefinite suspension,
you will stay in the dormitory for that period.
that I can't stand.
I know that because I wrote a scene where Ludwig was disciplined for an
accident. I got caught up in an argument outside the temple and had no
choice but to fight with my friends.
As it turned out to be a fight, he and his friends were all suspended from
That was actually Bertus' joke.
It will be revealed later,
Anyway, Ludby during that suspension.
Hee, Scarle , Lanian Sessor, Delphine Lee
Zadra. In this way, the four of us were unable to enter the temple
dormitory, so we went on a trip or went to sleep while going through the
warp gate for a period of suspension.
while going on a short trip.
So, the word is Suspension, but in fact, it was hard to tell the story inside
the temple, so I forced it outside. It's like I was forced to write something.
So, I don't know if that will happen to Ludwig, but a disciplinary commi ee
will be held against me.
I'm not going to be expelled, but I don't know what kind of disciplinary
ac on I'll get.
Even if I was suspended, I don't think it would be that bad. Since there is
s ll me, there will be things to do at that me.
There were quite a few people who came to see me even though I was just
lying in bed. Even I don't have the energy to talk, so I'm lying blankly,
floa ng amongst themselves for a while
There were some guys who went in.
There's no such thing as loyalty, but Ludwig has a bunch of his friends.
also brought
You seem to think of me as a friend, but I don't think so?
Am I going to cover the day unexpectedly?
Either way, Ludwig
Rayan Sesor, who came with me, is a sound of consola on.
I thought I was going to play evil and stu ered.
Noisy, but good to hear anyway.
A er all, I was the only pa ent in the recovery room, so there was no one
to tell me to turn it off even when the B-class guys came and made a mess.
He didn't seem to care much about the on-the-spot system.
"I... are you in a lot of pain?"
Scarle hesitated, she asked.
She couldn't even say no, so when she said that, Scarle looked at me with
her mouth shut.
I don't really have any connec on with him. At the most, she took
swordsmanship classes together in the second semester. I've done a bit of
dar ng, but I'm mediocre
Don't be angry or upset
But even though he seems to be having a hard me with me, what can I
say? You seem to have a good impression of me.
That too a lot.
I think I know, but I don't know
I hope Scarle gets well soon. ' she said a er a few words.
The B-class guys also said a word to me. I haven't started the Magic
Research Society yet, but Anna de Gerna, Chris na, and Louis Ancton, who
are members of the Magic Research Society, also said something about
whether I felt more comfortable than before.
The reac on from the kids is very favorable considering that it happened
a er figh ng with the senior Orbis class.
To be comforted a er an accident, I think I lived in a car class.
it's been
Time passed while I was lying in bed.
Heriot told me to use sleep magic when I was in pain, and to call me
whenever I needed to. Olivia and Adriana also came from me to me, and
unexpectedly, even the li le senior Rdina came to visit, and you buy every
He nags like I'm an adult when he's younger than me because he hits me.
It wasn't really wrong, so I didn't have anything to say.
I only buy and buy things that are older than ashes...
I'm not actually a year older than you. That... a lot more...
even more pi ful
Le Dina was nagging in front of me with her hands on her hips.
“You’re even more of a problem because you’ve succeeded in enhancing
your magical power.”
“Why? If it's good, it's good. It looks like it will hurt, though.”
“Aren’t you going to have a bigger accident now?”"
"A er figh ng with the third grader, I got a li le stronger.
Because I fought with a 4th grader. 5 this me
Aren't you going to fight a bitch?"
“No. It was not intended at all.”
Of course, that's where I asked to meet first.
There are no plans to fight with the 5th graders. Le Dina was making a fuss
in front of the pa ent, and she shook her head, saying that she didn't know
how she had a junior like you.
Of course, she didn't know that Le Dina would come, but she had
something to say.
“Anyway, let’s talk while we’re here.”
"What? What are you talking about?"
“Whether it’s s ll that Exodium or Jiral… Eup!”
“Everyone, shut up!”
Le Dina covered my mouth with her, and her face turned red and she
Two of them, the club of which Redina is the president. It seemed that she
thought that the u erance itself was fatal.
I don't! that
“Oh no, don’t even talk about it now!”
A er being discovered by me and Charlo e, she seems to have quit the
Exodium president. Le Dina li ed her hand from her mouth and I
ques oned.
| “What is it, then another friend who is hur ng
How are the spheres?"
“Everyone, I handed over the president to another kid… he, and not the
sick kids!”
Le Dina gagged as she thought she thought her friends had been insulted.
“Anyway, it’s fine if you quit.”
Redina has magical talents and an uniden fied superpower called no
cas ng. Although she thinks she might be a dragon because of that she
She thought I'd give her a try later, but she came to me for something else.
She had something to say.
“We’re going to create a magic research group led by first graders, come
“…The Magic Research Society?”
At my sudden invita on to join the club, Redina lted her head.
no cas ng.
Although the problem is that the amount of mana is low, it is true that
Rdina also has tremendous talent. She said this guy is even stronger than
he is now, so there's nothing wrong with that.
“Yeah, that ek… okay! okay! I don't say anything, anyway
It would be of zero help.” “No, I don’t even want to come in. What’s wrong
with coming in? Why are you on the subject of juniors?
Do you have orders for the ship?" |
Le Dina frowned, perhaps because my tone was twisted.
Of course I didn't respond to that.
“Ask Harriet for details. I'm actually having a hard me talking right now...
And do you know how to use sleep magic?"
“Sleep magic?”
"uh." “You know that.”
In order not to ins ll a vicious misunderstanding like in the case of Harriet
last me, I
taken out from
When the real Harriet suddenly pa ed me, I felt like I was going to lose my
If she made fun of it, she thought that the child would strangle herself on
the spot, so she couldn't say anything.
It's hard to say, it ckles
It was a bad feeling.
It's not a bad feeling, but it's not bad, so it's kind of like something that
gets weirder!
“Give me some of that. I need to get some sleep…”
“…that’s it?”
“That’s about it…”
Le Dina knows a lot when she sees me like that
She looked at me with a grin.
Of course, sleep magic is not that high-level magic.
And it's not like you can uncondi onally put your opponent to sleep.
If you put your opponent to sleep right away, there is no crazy trick like
I must accept without thinking of resis ng any arbitrary will that magic
exerts on me.
Maybe it's magic resistance
And the concept of giving up that resistance
I could feel it to some extent.
It won't be magic immunity level resistance like Scarle , but everyone has
magic resistance and I have it.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 217

"Hmm. Are you sleeping?"
Reinhardt, wake up.”
Someone was waking up the sleeping consciousness with sleep magic.
I was forced to sleep in the first place.
On I was soon able to find consciousness.
“Uh… uh. Well. Bertus?”
It was Bertus who woke me up. A er this happened Charlo e came to visit
and she looked all over the place to make sure she was okay.
He passed away, but Bertus did not come.
“I’m sorry for waking you up, but I’m running out of me.”
Looking out the window, it seemed that the me had passed at night and
the date had not passed. Bertus is
He said he was sorry, but he didn't look sorry at all.
He sat in the chair opposite me and folded his arms.
“Do you have any disease that you can’t do without doing this regularly?”
“It’s not like that…”
That challenge that gives you points if you hit each other
It's my fault.
Of course, I have nothing to say because the execu on is mine, but Bertus
had tried to come and check the status once, but it seems that he has just
run out of me because he has been busy with this and that.
“Last me, the business case was approved.”
"Oh yeah?"
“I was going to leave it to you, but it looks like I can’t afford to worry about
And… the disciplinary commi ee will be held soon, right?”
“Then send the authority to the club?”
"It's good."
Anyway, this is my role, and what I do specifically is the club. So, even if I'm
fine, there's nothing I can do. It is not something I can do in the first place
to receive an investment and to pay a en on to various aspects.
Rotary club new business problem
With your help, we will move forward smoothly. You will have to pay 10%
back, but that should be at a level you can afford.
Paying 10% in the first place cannot be seen as a loss in itself.
rather good
This can be interpreted as a business with Bertus' stake in it at 10%, so it
can give the impression that it is a business that the prince is involved in.
Then the idiots will come in and rush to share, or
There is no such thing as cost slashing. I accidentally touched a business
involving the prince and lost it
'Cause I might be embarrassed
I don't know if Bertus knew this part and asked for 10 percent, but I think it
would have been be er if I didn't ask for it.
Did Bertus come here to talk about a new business?
That said, Bertus hadn't le yet.
“Do you have anything more to say?”
Bertus shrugged his shoulders as if he had nothing to say, but kept his seat.
He's not trying to do something like a nursing home
Well, that's kind of creepy then, Ber.
Tooth smiled sullenly.
look at me
“You should have something to say to me.”
I have nothing to say about Bertus.
I must have something to say.
I know what that means.
“Are you talking about that old man?”
I didn't mean to ask who the imperial family I touched, Oscar de Gra Dias
“Aren’t you curious?”
“…well, I guess I should be curious, but… I don’t know.”
I don't think I touched it wrong.
I'm sure. Because of the conclusion that comes from pu ng together the
words of Oscar de Gradias during the fight.
He is a person who has absolutely nothing to do with the succession
structure of the emperor. There are two people who are close now, Bertus
and Charlo e.
The rest of the imperial family, although belonging to the imperial family,
are far from the imperial family.
The royal family far from the succession structure
They are powerful but at the same me insecure beings. It is always the
subject of purges because it can be upheld as a sacrifice for a sudden coup.
Of course, it is impossible for such a thing to happen in this situa on where
Hwanggwon is strong.
The imperial family is a privileged class and at the same me lives in Paris
And since Oscar seemed disillusioned and hated for his own plight, the fly
life, it would not be a significant imperial family.
“You seem to know a lot.”
that I didn't ask.
By itself, Bertus is already in the posi on of Oscar de Gradias.
He seemed to understand that he was measuring to some extent.
“Some people would rather be born as beggars.”
Although he is a member of the royal family, he is rather envious of being
born as a beggar.
Oscar de Gradias seemed to be such a person. Oscar stands among the
imperial family
what will the heat be So did Bertus, and Charlo e kicked her tongue when
she saw me crashing. Why did you touch the royal family?
didn't say
“If you want to ques on it, you can ques on it, but you just need to know
that it won’t.”
"...thank you."
“I have nothing to thank. Because I am not going to do anything.”
If Bertus or Charlo e took issue with the fact that they touched the royal
family, something would happen, but the two had no inten on of doing so.
Doing nothing is already helping.
Does Bertus not know much about Oscars?
That guy obviously can't have
was greedy for To be precise, he seemed to be angry and despairing at his
posi on too far from Hwang Kwon.
Do Bertus and Charlo e not know that they have such greed?
If we find out, will he die?
Oscar won't do anything in the end. No, if it's a development that Bertus
uses his hands in a place I don't know, I don't know how he'll die later.
may be
Oscar was a bastard, but that doesn't mean he thinks he should die.
So I didn't say anything about what Oscar was thinking or what.
But the Bertus side will wear it first.
"Is there anything else I need to say?"
“…what more to say?”
Bertus seemed to think he had a business on his side, but he had a
business on my side. What more do you have to say?
“About your brother, do you have anything else to say?”
...... "
Oscar, Bertus, and Charlo e.
blind children.
Bertus, the pinnacle of that slender eye, asked with a s ll friendly smile.
What to say about the Oscars.
have to say,
When he sees him, he asks if he has anything to say to me. In the end, I'm
not sure if I should look at the things I didn't say and put them in order...
But I've already told you a lot just by not saying it.
Oscar de Gradias seems presumptuously dreaming of imperial power.
Should I have told Bertus about that?
“You seem not to be, but you try to avoid strange and really extreme
situa ons. It seems extreme, but strictly speaking, it’s not.”
Bertus crossed his arms and looked out his window.
look quietly
“It seems like they don’t cover the front and back, but at the end they do.”
I don't know if Bertus was disappointed with me or not. It's just that I'm
not feeling well because I fought Oscar, but he's going to die according to
what I'm saying.
His breathing might be dangerous, so it seemed strange to keep his mouth
shut on the ma er.
“Just a li le bit about innate things.
He seemed envious.”
In the end, Bertus had asked me knowingly, so I had no choice but to talk
about my impressions. Oscar seemed to want to be emperor.
Bertus smirked. “Did you not tell me that if I knew that, I would do
"...Should I say that I didn't want to cause trouble. Well...yes. I have
nothing to say. I'm sorry for hiding it."
I don't think it deserves an apology..."
At my honest apology, Bertus was s ll smiling.
“Reinhardt, do you want to be emperor?”
what kind of bullshit is this?
As I froze, Bertus asked again, as if nothing had happened.
“Do you want to become emperor?”
" at all."
“…well, it must be difficult, but it seems that there are more headaches
than good things, and I hate that I can’t do that.”
I'm not saying this because it's in front of the prince, it's just the truth.
pawns and emperors.
If I do either one, I'll be a pawn
all. With great power comes great responsibility, and I hate responsibility.
In this situa on where you have to come to this world in the first place and
take responsibility for a lot of things
Looks like my head is going to explode Emperor? let me do it
also don't
Bertus knew what I said was the truth.
I nodded knowingly.
“Yes, you can.”
“Why are you asking such a thing all of a sudden?”
If you say I'm the emperor, I'll make you
Or make a nonsensical noise and buy it
It makes people fall apart.
“But what if you want to become an emperor?”
“More specifically, if you said in front of me that I want to become an
emperor, what would I think?”
"...I guess I'm crazy."
“Is that so?”
Bertus chuckled and laughed. Uh oh, I see signs of slowly opening my eyes.
It's tough just looking at it
“You can’t be emperor.”
It sounded natural, but it had a deep resonance.
He seemed to know what Bertus was trying to say.
"So. No ma er what Oscar-brother thinks, I just don't think much of it.
Why are you doing that? It’s just that.”
I can't be emperor. The very fact that he was greedy for it made Bertus
It doesn't even make me angry.
oscar de gradias to become emperor
can't the one who lusts for it
Che does not offend Bertus
can not do it.
There was something Bertus once said.
He allowed the ants to be fair to me, and it doesn't ma er if the ants are
peacocks or countes or commoners.
They said it was all the same under me anyway.
Oscar de Gradias is an ant.
It's just an ant dream of becoming an emperor
it's just a prize
Even if he had said it, it wouldn't have made much of a difference in the
It seems that this, something that can be said for nothing, is hidden and
only makes the impression worse.
“It might be dangerous.”
But Bertus didn't like my ac ons.
I look out the window to see if I'm not interested there was
“If you can’t have it, there are people who want to destroy it.”
Bertus murmured an unfamiliar sound.
In any case, it seemed that I would not pay anything for touching the royal
Of course, you will have to pay the price for viola ng the temple rules,
If I had known that the a ereffects of using forcibly enhanced mana would
be this much, I would never have done it. It was terrifying to see me flew
away before the pain.
Is this the fear of muscle loss?
I think I'm going crazy because I can't exercise! It was a waste of me that
literally evaporated, so my impa ence grew even greater. I have to
exercise, but even at this me, me passes and the gate avalanche is
approaching, but I can't stand s ll...
Of course, the body is slowly recovering.
Come on, I didn't hurt my leg
Able to move with crutches
It has recovered to a degree.
So, even if I couldn't exercise or train, I was able to go to class. go
The pain has subsided a lot, and it is now tolerable.
“As of the present me, disciplinary ac on for an unauthorized duel
between Orbis and Royal Class
A commi ee is established.”
Of course, the first place I would go to was not the class, but the
disciplinary commi ee.
that's an event.
looks like a real dog
I don't know when it happens.
No, with Ard de Gri s.
There was an event in the duel, but this me, there were no events in the
duel twice. I've earned thousands of achievement points.
[Event Occurrence - Disciplinary Commi ee]
No, but this event
why is it popping up
[Explana on: A er many incidents and accidents, you were eventually
referred to the disciplinary commi ee.
I did. The reward varies depending on the discipline received.]
[No Punishment - 0 Points]
[School Volunteer - Volunteer Day X 10 Points]
[Organic Suspension - Suspension Day X 20 points]
[Indefinite Suspension - Suspension Day X 40 Points]
[Expulsion - 5000 points]
Seriously, why is he doing this to me?
Shouldn't it be the other way around? Why do you give more rewards
when the level of discipline is higher?
Fight here and get expelled. Is this now? You just want to make me a weird
bastard in a beauty pageant in a woman's dress.
I don't know if it's the beginning of the semester, but I don't want to be
expelled for coming all the way here!
The venue for the disciplinary commi ee is Royal.
It was neither a class nor an Orbis class, but it was the main building of the
Each school in Temple has a principal
including execu ve level faculty and staff. that
This is where the faculty and staff oversee the temple. Of course, teachers
here have a lot to do with educa on, not to men on that they have greater
authority than ordinary teachers.
these are those who do not have
Ludwig has only come here once.
A er the guy becomes the owner of the Arsbringer, he decides whether to
allow it or not.
When a long, long mee ng about to happen.
A long debate ensues as to whether or not Ludwig was recognized as the
owner of Alsbringer. picture
And finally Ludwig in Alsbringer's
You have no choice but to acknowledge the owner.
I didn't come here because of discipline like I did.
So, they are not very important characters, but when it comes to temples,
it is a place where very important faculty members gather and their heads
explode over the opera ng policy of the en re temple.
it is
Lilka Aaron and Oscar de Gradias are si ng next to me, centering on me.
Oscar gave me defeat, not defeat
So it never looked good.
Rilka Aaron had her original impression of being cold, and she wasn't
looking at me.
But she keeps ge ng a li le uncomfortable
She frowned.
Where is she sick? What happened to me must have already healed?
I'm just wondering if I'm in a bad mood
On the right side of the long round table
The Royal Class teachers were seated on the le , who were believed to be
Orbis Class teachers, and on the other side were the three staff members
of the main building.
As soon as I saw the Orbis class's an pathy towards the Royal class, it was
immediately apparent that it wasn't just the students' problem.
The facial expressions of the Royal Class teachers, including Epinhauser and
B-class teacher Mustang, showed li le emo on.
no honesty was seen Class B teacher
In Mustrang looked at me,
She checks my complexion to see if I'm okay
only to the extent
However, the teachers of the Orbis class
There was hos lity on his face.
Even the teachers feel inferior.
I'm crazy about this.
and the head office staff.
In front of the old-looking man was wri en Templar Vice-Chancellor
Assyria Walken.
Vice-Chancellor, if you ask me, you will be number two among the Temple
The width between Orbis and the Royal Class, which is the most specially
managed in the Temple.
As it is a natural disaster, the temple’s
It's all about ge ng number two.
It is the number two of the temple, one of the most important projects of
the empire.
You will be treated as a higher rank than any other great aristocrat.
If it is an internal problem, we will try to solve it within the class, but this
was a conflict between classes.
Because it is a special class, the disciplinary procedure is also heated.
I'm trying
The elderly Vice Chancellor, Assyria Walken, spoke quietly.
“The detailed circumstances and progress of the incident have already
been reported, so I will summarize the details first.”
The three of us have no inten on of procras na ng because the teachers
have already inves gated each of our posi ons and reasons for the
seemed to be
He reads the wri ngs on his papers and goes down.
“First of all, Orbis 1st year A-5, Lilka Aaron.”
“The student has consistently used violence both inside and outside of
class every me he lectures on swordsmanship against Royal 1st grader A-
9, Erchi de Lafaeri.
And in retalia on for it, he had an unlicensed duel with Reinhardt, a Royal
1st grader A-11, and was defeated. As a result of the duel, he suffered
injuries equivalent to internal rupture.”
built-in rupture.
It was safe because of the watch priest's measures, but in order to stun
him, I hit him with that much power.
I did it because I thought it wouldn't cause any major problems, but the
internal rupture
When I heard that, I felt terrified.
"Next, Royal 1st year A-11 line-ha
“The student in ques on is Erich De.
As Rafaerie con nues to be assaulted
He decided to go directly to the Orbis class and impose personal sanc ons
without going through the process of repor ng it to the teacher.
In the process, with the coopera on of Orbis 4th grader A-1 Oscar de
Abina went to a duel. There, a er injuring Rilka Aaron, he also invited
Oscar de Gradias, who organized the duel, to a duel. As a result, he uses
power enhancement excessively.
Although he was stunned, he used superpowers against his opponent in
every fight, as well as enhancing his magical powers. It is the cause of all
cause of all circumstances.
This isn't expulsion right?
“Next, Orbis Year 4 A-1 Oscar de Gradias.”
“The student tolerates private duels between students and does not bring
the teacher along.
He a ended the duel as the organizer of the duel. In the process, she took
immediate ac on on Lilka Aaron's injury, but she also
She accepted the fight with the lower grades. lower grade
In the course of a duel between
High school students who are responsible for safety
He was very negligent in that he had a duel, and he even used mana
enhancement in the duel.”
Oscar de Gradias also had problems.
Using superpowers is also a problem, but
It is clear that the use of magic enhancement in Two is a similar or bigger
Even the fact that an upper-grade student fell for the provoca on of a
junior and tried to take over it added quite a bit of guilt.
Although the lowest crime is the root cause of this case, Lilka Aaron
accepted the fight and lost.
And the highest is probably Oscar de Gradias or me who went to the Orbis
class myself. I don't know which of the two will be.
“Are all three objec ng to this theorem?”
"There is not."
All three of us stared at the theorem
There was nothing to add to or subtract from. It was just a literal fact.
Because I said I wouldn't be expelled. Whatever it is, I just hope the
disciplinary process ends soon.
My whole body aches because I'm not completely healed yet. lie down and
During the process of the disciplinary commi ee, I will not say anything at
'In nature, it would be helpful for you not to open your mouth.
Epinhauser had a saying
all. I'm sure I'm going to do something like shaving my skin with my dirty-
tempered hair, so shut up.
There was nothing to say about it.
The guy who bought it is talking all the me
It's only natural that I'm ea ng my flesh
Also, because of my personality, I never say anything good.
'Cause I don't think I'll go

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 218

At the word of expulsion, the calm atmosphere became heavier. The Vice-
He said so in a sudden word.
“What is the evidence that Reinhardt’s crime quality is the highest?”
At the words of the Vice-Chancellor, the teacher con nued the explana on
with a calm expression.
“A emp ng to resolve an assault case that could end with a report to the
teacher with private sanc ons.”
“In the process of that private sanc on, Lilka Aaron
She inflicted serious injuries with an internal rupture. There is enough
room to be interpreted as an a empt to kill inten onally without
handwri ng.”
“Also, the fact that the duel organizer, Oscar de Gradias, once again
requested a duel.”
“And in the whole process, the use of superpowers that should never be
used to injure other students, and the use of another dangerous ability,
'Magic Enhancement'.”
“It can only be said that Reinhardt’s guilt is the greatest.”
“In the case of student quarrels or personal sanc ons, according to the
school rules, according to the level of violence, we have a wide disciplinary
spectrum ranging from volunteer work, abandonment, indefinite
suspension, and expulsion.”
"Therefore, we advise that Royal A-11 Reinhardt should be expelled.
It’s great.”
If you put it on your ear, it's an earring, if you put it on your nose, it's your
Did I say girl?
In the hopes of fain ng, the punch that tried to knock him out turned into
an a empted murder.
it was rough
My ability, which is nothing more than physical strengthening, has become
that of using my superpower to kill my opponent.
My magic power boost isn't even worth half of it
It also disguises itself for similar reasons.
I almost killed another student. And I am the cause of all the fights.
So I deserve to be expelled. The faces of the Royal Class teachers were
ro en except for Epin Hauser.
The Vice-Chancellor made no comments.
Let the Royal Class teachers speak about Reinhardt’s usual behavior.”
He seemed to check my usual behavior.
"That, he... This is Mustrang, the teacher in charge of Royal 1st grade, Class
B. Reinhardt-kun is an excellent, good-natured student who has good
friendships and values everyone. I never do this with evil inten ons.
I want you to know that I am not.”
It's good to listen to me, but that's a lie.
It was an overly strong shield that I wanted to refute while listening.
“That, so in this case, Reinhardt was careless, but he was originally a good-
natured person who couldn’t hurt anyone…”
Even, Ms. Epinhauser, who had been s ll, took Ms. Mustrang's excessive
I cut the degil in the middle and ate it.
"Don't lie, Mister Mustang."
"Oh. that...."
Mr Epinhauser was Mr Mustrang.
look at and say
No, it's true that the shielding is harsh, but what if you, who should be on
my side, tell a lie here?
As internal strife suddenly seemed to arise, the Orbis class teachers were
He was laughing out loud as if it was ridiculous.
“This is Ee Pinhauser, a teacher in charge of Royal Grade A Class. This
teacher is lineha
As the teacher in charge of Reinhardt, he is probably the one who knows
best, if not all, of Reinhardt's usual conduct here.”
“Your conduct is never good.”
I'm not going to get expelled!
"Reinhardt has been causing problems, both large and small, since the first
semester. In small terms, from a fight between classmates to an argument
with seniors, he even fought a duel with the third year."
At those words, Orbis and the general staff, as well as Lilka Aaron and
Oscar, seemed to be perplexed.
It's the first me I've ever known that he's just a guy who just puts it
“It cannot be denied that it caused major and minor problems a er that,
but the biggest problem is that.
all. He responds posi vely to his pe y disputes, and has a reputa on
among his classmates.
This was very bad.”
“That’s right, not just this me, it’s been like this un l now, so the student
who deserves more expulsion…”
“Master Jai, I haven’t finished speaking.
It is.”
At this me, a er cu ng off Orbis Class teacher's words, which she wants
to bite off, Epin Hauser con nues her words.
“It was only in the first semester that I had a very bad reputa on. This is a
report from the on-call officer in the recovery room.”
On-call in the recovery room?
What does he have to report?
Ms. Epin Hauser presented her prepared papers to the staff of her main
She said, "I came to class A, class B, and the recovery room once. Also, a
significant number of students, including seniors, o en visit Reinhardt to
nurse her.
duty priests.
They simply keep the recovery room.
No, he came to visit me
I was making a list of students.
However, it was strange that the guys I wasn't even close with had come to
see me at least once. Did you come to me when I was fain ng or sleeping?
“Reinhardt’s behavior in the first semester, of course, cannot be said to be
good now, but I think it can be said that he confirmed that his reputa on
among his classmates was very good.”
Behavior is s ll bad.
But all the students, of course, the seniors
Till you like me
Epinhauser was trying to convey that message. behavior is bad
She doesn't have a good personality, but in the end, she says that her
temple life is going smoothly.
Damn, I almost misunderstood that that Epinhauser guy was trying to
immerse me. Acts are bad, but reputa on is good.
The vice-chancellor read through the report to see if there was more
informa on in the report, and then nodded.
“Apart from the conduct, the friendship seems to be very smooth.”
"Hey, what's the difference between behavior and friendship! A er all, the
fact that Reinhardt violated a lot of the rules doesn't change! The rules of
the temple! That's the law of the temple!
You violated more than enough!”
Orbis class teacher somehow expelled me with the momentum of water
even with bubbles in my mouth
She seemed to be trying to make it happen.
But Epilhauser s ll
She con nues her words with her face that does not reveal her emo ons.
“I understand the importance of the rules. All of the other faculty
members, as well as the students, will know.”
“Miss Jaden, do you know that there is something like this in the temple’s
“Ar cle 1, Paragraph 1 of the Temple Rules. All Temple students, regardless
of status, are treated the same and have the same educa onal
opportuni es.”
At those words, the atmosphere in her hall became quiet.
"Temple's rules deny the existence of Orbis and Royal Class from the start."
Temples that are not being observed from Ar cle 1, Paragraph 1
What kind of rules are you talking about in ?
Mr. Epinhauser made such a rude remark in the main building of the
Her words stunned Orbis and her general staff, as well as the Royal Class
teachers. but epinhow
That teacher was quiet.
“The purpose, not the rules, should come first.”
“The purpose of the temple is to nurture excellent human resources. To
make them contribute to imperial society and increase the total value of
humanity as a whole. That is the purpose of the founding of Temple.”
“The teaching profession is only a prerequisite for suppor ng its purpose,
and if it is consistent with the purpose, the teaching rules are only
secondary. I think so.”
“Therefore, regardless of status, regardless of the school rules, the Temple
is a place where students who are chosen and chosen are admi ed to the
Royal Class or Orbis Class and treated specially.
Ms. Epin Hauser said she was talking about the purpose of the temple, not
the rules. As she said those words, Jaden, the Orbis class teacher, who she
was constantly wrestling with, exclaimed.
“What does that have to do with this now?”
“Reinhardt at the me of admission was not a psychic.”
“Reinhardt had no talent, he was born with infinite ap tudes, and he was
the excep on to a special admission to the Royal Class with only the
poten al, with poor stamina.”
"Is it too long to talk in detail?
all. I'll just give you the gist.”
“At the me of admission, Reinhardt was a below-average student with no
“During the first semester, Reinhardt realized his superpowers in a duel
against the aforemen oned third-year Mayaton. Also, a er a while
He awakened a talent called force response.”
“Reinhardt had a lot of training and lessons.
enthusias c about, A-2, very
Every day with the excellent student Ellen, we are repea ng our own
“During summer vaca on, I just men oned Ellen.
A student named Reinhardt and Darkran
I went to de. danger there
The mission of S rank has been solved and the adventurer rank has been
raised from F to B rank. From there, he has acquired magical ar facts that
are difficult to men on, but very important.”
Now in the second semester, Reinhardt is in 4th semester
Duel with Oscar de Gradias
In , he used Magic Power on his own, albeit unsuccessfully as a result. In
addi on, it has been confirmed that he has also developed a new talent for
mana management.”
Mr. Epinhauser looked at Zayden quietly.
“It will be easier to reduce.”
“Reinhardt, who was incompetent at the me of admission, won the duel
against the third year in the first semester.”
| “During vaca on, I risked my life to walk around rough terrain to save the
lives of at least fi y people, and to understand the truth of the annihila on
of several villages.
We have repulsed over a hundred zombies and recovered magical ar facts.
"And in the second semester, Reinhardt didn't lose this duel against the
Orbis class 4th graders, but he didn't lose either."
“I will tell you again. The purpose of the temple.”
“Excellent talent.”
Mr. Epin Hauser looks at the Vice-Chancellor Assyria Walken this me.
“Reinhardt is the most talented person at Temple.”
Epinhauser valued me more than Ellen.
The case depends on the packaging.
Orbis Class teacher wanted to make it a case of a empted murder with
unwri en intent.
But Mr. Epinhauser had another
cover the sheet
I entered the first year with incompetence
I fought and won the 3rd grade when I was in school, and now in the 2nd
semester, figh ng against the 4th grade and drawing a draw possible
he's crazy
Are you going to force such a talented person to be expelled from school
because they are bound by school rules?
Have you forgo en the true purpose of the Temple?
When he asked Effin Hauser if there was a chance he could be expelled, he
said it wouldn't be because he was a Royal Class.
But what about the disciplinary commi ee?
Depending on what happened, I had a good chance of being expelled.
Mr. Epinhauser was saying he wouldn't let me get expelled.
“Reinhardt's rapid growth also proves that Temple's educa on is very
advanced and effec ve. Reinhardt was aware of his own shortcomings, and
he gave to students who were superior to him.
Crabs always ask for guidance. It could be said that this is a pure func on
of the special class.”
Ellen is in a state of comple on to some extent.
I entered, but I have nothing
it was tae I am so strong
The reason I lost is because of the excellent educa on at Temple.
It's not that, I got stronger thanks to Ellen.
what if?
This is because it is a synergy effect that was created by gathering excellent
talents. That's also what Temple did well.
In the end, remarks that ignore the rules are offset by remarks that Temple
is doing well. The Vice-Chancellor was watching me silently.
A er all, the purpose of Temple is to train excellent talent, so I
Are you thinking about whether to lower the level of disciplinary ac on?
Expulsion seems to have disappeared from my mind.
However, Jaden's eyes, who wanted to somehow kill me, did not go out
“Listening to Epinhauser, it is clear that Reinhardt is an excellent person,
but his skills are not everything.
NS. He is also important
In law, a student who makes trouble without a heart even though he is s ll
in the lower grades is not an excellent person, but a dangerous person.
all. Con nue to support and educate him
It's dangerous to do! Right now, Rilka Aaron would have been dead had
Reinhardt's hands been a li le too heavy!”
Murder A empt,
That yangban seemed to keep driving the story there. Even the vice-
chancellor's expression seemed to be irresis ble.
However, Lilka Aaron, who had been silent un l now, suddenly opened her
At her sudden remark, everyone's a en on was focused on Lil Car Aaron.
Why is he suddenly?
“I wanted you to do that. I am."
At Lilka Aaron's words, her teacher, of course,
Her Oscar's expression also hardened. Rilka E. Ren looks at me.
“I didn't want to get up. We didn't talk, but Reinhardt was just trying to
keep me from ge ng up. I know how I feel, I know what I think
It was because of that, and I believe so.”
“What… what?”
All of a sudden, Lilka Aaron, who should have been the vic m, defended
me, and Zaden's expression turned earthy, and so did the other teachers.
Lilka Aaron looks at me with her calm eyes.
That's right. Of course I knew.
Lilka Aaron didn't want to get up, and she begged with the light of her eyes
to let her fall. So that's what she did.
But she never imagined that this guy would admit it on the spot. Vice
Chancellor kept Lilka Aaron quiet.
was looking
“I don’t understand. She inten onally wanted to hit hard to get her down,
and Reinhardt just agreed to it, right?”
“If you lose, you lose. All you have to do is tell me to stop figh ng, but why
did you do that?"
Oscar had her eyes wide open, and Lilka Aaron suddenly stood up.
“Wait, excuse me.”
He started ac ng something no one expected.
- Shhhh...
He suddenly started unbu oning his school uniform blouse.
“Wow, what are you doing, Rilka!”
“I have something to show you.”
All teachers do this or that
While not being able to, Lilka Aaron suddenly
She eventually took off her school uniform blouse.
No, before she was all naked, everyone had to know what she was trying to
She took off her underwear as to what the guy was determined to do, and
took off all her clothes with only her chest underwear on.
Everyone was astonished.
Not by suddenly taking off his clothes, but in another sense,
Her shoulders, arms, abdomen, flanks, etc.
Her whole body was covered with bruises.
“Reinhardt! Rilka s ll assaulted her so badly that her wounds couldn’t
There can be no Reinhardt.”
Rilka Aaron looked at her homeroom teacher, Mr. Zaden, and said.
“I was beaten by the seniors.”
“Why did you lose? I lost, and I asked if you saw your senior look rough.”
“I thought that if I admi ed defeat there, my seniors might kill me.”
“Even though I fainted, I was right. You can give up the fight if you don't
pass out
because there is no If you give up on yourself, you will hit me even harder.”
“So, I wanted you to be stunned on purpose. Reinhardt did just that.”
Lilka Aaron finally shrugged and burst into tears.
"What Reinhardt did to me was an a empted murder? So he should be
expelled? Then .... Then ...."
He looks at Oscar de Gradias with a s ff expression as he sobbs.
“All the seniors from the Orbis class are re red.
Aren't you supposed to go to school? But why? You get so angry over small
things like this. You know everything. Teachers all know that seniors are
doing this. Teachers also ask for
You say The kids don't try. seems to have go en lazy That's how you make
the ships that stand in the way hit us. all
Knowing... and even doing it..."
As Rilka Aaron cries, she calls out to the hard-faced Orbis class teachers.
“Shouldn’t all Orbis class students be expelled and all teachers should quit?
This is it, this is it
If he should be expelled for what he did, then the Orbis class should be
abolished. My
It's more frightening and terrifying for my seniors to hit me and for my
teachers to pretend they don't know about it than for what I got in a fight
with him."
“I heard that Reinhardt had a fight with his senior.”
“Everyone is afraid, but no one
because I can't open it. everyone hates this
Because if you open your mouth, you will get hit harder.”
“If you tell the teacher, nothing will be solved.
You know it won't happen."
Reinhardt said he told me to say fuckin' shit is shit. therefore. Jeon
I am speaking here.”
“Orbis Class is a fucking disgus ng place. It is a place that turns people into
monsters with a sense of inferiority, and later turns into monsters whose
vic ms do the same to their juniors.”
Lilka Aaron was here with a completely different purpose: to report the
true form of the Orbis class to the disciplinary commi ee.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 219
A er showing off her torn body, Lilka Aaron got dressed again. The
trembling of her finger ps, she showed nakedly that her pain was not
To show you at this moment, he
Even if it hurts, be pa ent and do not go to the priest on duty
it was
She even showed new bruises.
She wasn't beaten once and ended, but was beaten con nuously.
It was a disciplinary commi ee for students.
But in this posi on is Vice-Chancellor Temple.
If the disciplinary commi ee had been held inside the Orbis class, she
would be Lilka Aaron's.
Her words would have been in vain. Teachers also don't want to break this
structure. I don't touch it myself, but the seniors take care of it.
Makes people work hard
I don't want to get rid of that structure, and I'm even subtly insis ng on it.
Oscar de Gradias' expression was a bit strange.
She seemed s ff, and she had a strange smile faded.
As if this situa on was funny.
The vice-chancellor, Assyria Walken, looks at the Orbis class teachers,
whose complexion has turned white.
New sinners have been added.
“Is Lilka Aaron true?”
“It is true.”
Seeing the teachers in the Orbis class unable to answer, Assyria Walken
She seemed unanswered.
Excessive violence between students, and teachers who even insist on it.
A new problem emerged as a hot topic.
“The atmosphere of the Orbis class is coercive.
I knew it was an enemy and rigid, but was it this much?”
Assyria Walken seems to have guessed to some extent as she is the vice-
chancellor, but she is aware of the assaults that a senior inflicts on her
I didn't expect the water level to be that high.
Mr. Epinhauser was not very surprised, and Mustrang was very surprised
and worried.
He looked like he was about to cry. No, are you really sniffling?
But in that atmosphere, Orbis
One of the class teachers spoke up.
“I don’t think this is a story to be shared here. It is be er to only talk about
what is in line with the purpose of the current disciplinary commi ee, and
to share this discussion elsewhere...”
“Yeah, that’s right.”
Assyrian Walken nodded at that.
“This is not what we are going to talk about here. But before the next
disciplinary commi ee or non-commissioning commi ee, my student
named Lilka Aaron. And what among the Orbis class students
It seems obvious that the story will come and go, but no, the words don't
seem to come and go."
Violence and violence will come and go. If Lilka Aaron goes back to the
Orbis class dormitory like this, I'm sure she'll really die.
may be forged.
"The Orbis class seems to need immediate ac on."
Assyrian Walken si ed through her reports, and she tucked them into the
corner of her desk.
“This disciplinary commi ee is on hold.”
Look at this hot guy.
“I think urgent ac on is needed for the Orbis class.”
Assyrian Walken decided to focus on the other side right now, not on this
She said, "All the first-year students of the Orbis class are convened as
current execu ves and in the main building."
And he predicts that if we delay even the slightest bit of me, he might get
his hands on the inside of the Orbis class.
there was
The crazy thing I did was fight the Orbis class.
It's an unexpected Orbis class
The premise of Su was spreading into a big event that could be blown
If this is the case, the next flow is obvious.
[Special Achievement Achievement - The Inflec on Point of History (Orbis
[Your ac ons have greatly changed history.]
[Get 1000 achievement points.]
Achievement points that dropped to 2,000 points
It was restored to the sacheon point.
Because this is why I can't stop buying things.
In the end, the disciplinary commi ee event ended with the disciplinary
commi ee itself being put on hold.
it didn't turn out well
From a posi on where I know the future to some degree, if not completely,
the bu erfly effect is quite strange every me I experience it.
I feel like
When I first saw Ergi de Lafaeri being beaten by Lilka Aaron, I never
thought it would turn out like this.
I went to fight Lilka Aaron in order to earn achievement points and check
the figures of the Orbis class.
And he fought Oscar de Gradias, who was constantly sulking because he
couldn't overcome his temper.
What I showed you there was that, if you take care of your seniors, in the
end, they are not defeated enough to kill us.
This is right and this and that is right. Lilka Aaron eventually passed out,
but she eventually died.
rock hit.
it's right anyway
But why aren't you screaming?
It was a bit of a comeback, but the response followed. Those guys were in
so much pain. who asks one
was hoping to open
It was not the Orbis class that opened the door, but the Royal Class guy.
It's a crab slap,
Anyway, the disciplinary commi ee ended on hold, and we, including the
teachers, le the main building.
The way teachers looked at Lilka Aaron was more like a traitor, not a
I haven't had a proper conversa on with Lilka Aaron.
To be honest, if it was bad, it was bad.
with no reason.
But is there something in the fist that goes back and forth? He wanted him
to faint, and I did.
It's funny.
That's why you bought something similar to someone's favor. I really don't
know the world. I asked the back of Lilka Aaron, who was standing s ll in
front of the main building.
“Are you okay?”
"...I don't want to hear from someone who did that."
Lilka Aaron is full of shit too, but I'm messing around with her crutches. It
seemed absurd to hear that I was okay with that.
“Doing this doesn’t change anything. then you should resign Or move to a
regular class.”
He seemed to be prepared for quite a lot. There are too many meanings for
the privileges you have as an Orbis class.
They were forced to sacrifice nothing and nothing.
Rilka Eh, it's be er to give up than to deal with that anymore.
Ren seemed to realize.
Everyone was pa ent because they didn't want to wear the s gma of
falling out of the special class. but more
I decided not to stand it.
“I am not the only one who intends to resign. Everyone thinks the same as
It's not just Lilka Aaron.
It wasn't an act I did alone, but to Rilka
Ren decided to carry the gun.
So, I thought I could understand why this event was an inflec on point in
history. This incident could escalate into a case of leaving the home of a
first-year student in the Orbis class.
“Anyway, I don’t mean to be honest with you, but…”
Lilka Aaron, a short stature, looks up at me.
“I’m thankful for you.”
A lot of things change because of the fight with me.
Everyone came together and decided to change it. Hopefully Ender
Wilton's affair will go away with this too.
There should be no need for him to touch black magic or become a
If this guy's desire for strength is due to the assault and coercion of his
seniors, then if this case is resolved well, it will disappear without difficulty.
| However, if Ender Wilton touches on black magic out of personal desire
and inferiority complex, the case will s ll be alive.
s ll ambiguous
Ac ons must be ensured. Whether you meet in person or touch the black
magic that you will touch, you have to do something about it.
Oscar de Gradias, who le the main building a li le later than us, looks at
the two of us.
The guy passed us by without a word.
with a strange smile.
Now Orbis class, teachers and seniors are literally fucked.
But why are you smiling?
A strong, unknown energy flowed down his spine.
On the way back to the Royal Class dormitory a er breaking up with Lilka
Tram with Royal Class teachers who were present on the disciplinary
commi ee for mistrea ng me.
was riding on
“Really, how could that be? Even if the seniors are like that, the teachers
condone that…”
Ms. Mustrang is angry and
She has been exposed to coercive and violent environments
The students in Ruby's class sighed deeply as if they were feeling sorry for
“Reinhardt, the disciplinary commi ee
It's not over, it's on hold
Don't buy it, okay?"
“Yes, yes.”
Mister Mustrang paid a lot of a en on to me.
The Class B teacher, Mustrang, is a compassionate teacher. She has been
set as a good-natured, good-natured teacher for students. She is a teacher
who fits the B-class atmosphere.
Most of her children are rude and arrogant A-class, and the teacher is also
cold and cold. She is also a teacher who fits the class atmosphere.
But today, I didn't know much about Epin
She saw a different side of Mr. Hauser.
With a cold and sober tone of voice, thorough me
defended it
It is certain that her conduct is bad, but her friendship is amicable.
The purpose of Temple is to train excellent human resources, and
Reinhardt is the most excellent human resource at Temple. There is no
reason to throw it away.
It was a very Epinhauser-like advocacy method. Mr. Epinhauser
She looked out the window of the tram as if something had happened to
Mr. Must Lang mu ering something.
I'll have to say something though.
“Teacher, thank you for today.”
Epinhauser taught me that far
She never thought she would defend it, and there was an exaggera on in
it. It's not something to say about Ellen Artorius, who is the best talent in
“What do you mean?”
“You have no reason to be grateful.”
Ms. Epin Hauser said so, and she just looked out her window silently.
She seemed to think it was nothing to be grateful for.
There was no announcement, no word of good luck in the future, no words
It's the teacher's job to protect her own students, and I did it.
As if that's all, Mr. Epinhousie doesn't even want to thank me.
The more I looked at this yangban, the more bizarre the yangban was. Are
you ashamed of this man?
is it?
“Well, I’m s ll the best person in the Temple. Isn't that a bit exaggerated?"
So, I secretly asked why he put on such a deterrent shield on purpose. To
be honest, I don't even think about it that much.
Teacher Epinhauser just stared at me
looked at
“Opinion will differ from person to person, but I definitely live that way.
Was this gentleman serious?
As if I didn't understand, Mr. Effin Hauser looked at me and spoke so ly.
“No. 2 was completed and entered the school, but you are comple ng
here.” |
Unlike Ellen, I entered the school with nothing
growing at a speed Ms. Epinhauser was evalua ng the speed at which she
was reaching, not the point at which she reached it.
No, but it's really frustra ng.
What should I say? with that look
It feels really weird because I'm praising it.
“Does Ellen know how to use her magic boost?”
“You did it this me too.”
No, but the side effects are different, right?
Apparently, this gentleman definitely thinks of me as the greatest genius of
the Temple.
Because I'm taking it so seriously...
It's kinda....
My involvement with the Orbis class
It's over in a dimension, but it's star ng now
only to
The temple headquarters realized that the chain structure of violence
spreading inside the class could never be resolved inside. It seemed to take
reasonable and immediate ac on on it.
If you let me go by leaving it alone,
'Cause I'm sure I'll keep my mouth shut Work
Dan decided to protect all the first graders who were only vic ms at the
temple headquarters.
It was like
Soon, urgent for the whole Orbis class
school closure order was issued.
Confucianism may not be resolved un l the class internal dispute is
completely resolved. Many students are expelled
Or teachers may be kicked out.
Special classes are also available in the temple
are also treated as special.
But as long as it's an internal problem and it's serious, someone will be
sentenced to death.
it might be
To be honest, the bruises on Lilka Aaron's body are terrifying to me.
because it was about
How did you beat someone like this just because you lost a fight?
I was about to cry.
I am now able to move and use crutches | If I went, I could go to class.
On Friday, a er the Asmodian Ecology class, we were on our way home.
The guys who are studying Asmodian Ecology together are Ellen, I, Liana,
and Herriot.
“You threw the Orbis class away with just one fight.”
“It was because of the disciplinary commi ee, and I didn’t say anything
I mu ered nervously at Harriet's non-teasing teasing. To be honest, I didn't
expect things to get this big.
I didn't say anything to the disciplinary commi ee. Lilka Aaron made a
board with her kids to soak up all of her seniors.
So, if I say that my influence wasn't there, it wouldn't have to be.
In the end, it's true that the dominoes started to crumble when I touched
them. Had I le it alone, the Orbis class would have con nued to roll like
this. Harriet asked, frowning if it felt good that I was a li le bit annoyed.
"Your thinking is ge ng bigger and bigger? To be honest, what's next for
you? Are you going to slaughter the Temple?"
Boy, I'm used to being teased now, and I'm star ng to try not to lose in the
deal exchange.
Because it's true, I have improved my stamina.
My stomach has evolved... "Herriot, I'm worried that that bastard is really
like that."
Liana looked a li le terrified that Harriot's evil words would come true.
“I thought I was a nerd above the real level, but I was single in the Orbis
I'm going to break into it and fight it, and from there I'll even touch the
seniors in the 4th grade..."
Even the cool Liana this me
She seemed genuinely astonished. In my mind, I can see that I have
upgraded my story by a few steps.
Ellen, who was going back together, was walking quietly next to me no
ma er what we were talking about.
Then Ellen suddenly opened her mouth.

"Let's go slowly." Ellen pointed at me. It was only then that they realized
that they were walking too fast while walking with me on crutches, so I
slowed down a bit.
Harriet raised her face slightly, and Liana scratched her cheek slightly.
“Now do you realize that you were always swearing in front of the pa ent,
you servants of the devil?”
The devil seems to be a demon, so actually
The devil's seed is good.
I didn't say anything about whether I was a li le sorry for both of them.
A er all, I have only Ellen on my side! I
I looked at Ellen.
"Can't you just carry it with me while I'm doing it?"
li it up! You gave me rice last me too!
take care of me!
“…I hate that.”
At my blunt nkling, Ellen moved away from me slightly as if a li le
exasperated. Liana and Harriet were both looking at me with amazement.
“Wow, you’re such a bastard.”
Liana's venomous words made me so miserable that I had nothing to say.
why not! When sick, people usually regress a li le bit!
Of course, in my case, I have to regress to the level of demen a!
it's really fucking annoying actually s ll
Not all pain is be er, but my whole body is ngling,
- Beep!
"100 million!"
You are walking well, but suddenly a crutch catches your chin and you try
to fall. Ellen grabbed me like lightning.
Ellen supports me and I'm worried. She seemed to have been asking.
"it's okay?"
It's like lightning
You get the reac on speed.
What is a heart a ack? I'm trembling uh
it's shit
“Shall I pick you up?”
Ellen seemed like I was having a really hard me, so she really had the
momentum to li me up.
I, Heriot, and Liana looked like they had lost their hearts at Eren's sincere
“Come on, I’m kidding nigga… I can just go…”
What Liana said at her co age in the Edina Islands is right.
I don't say anything, but when the other person comes out with chinten,
it's rather chewy.
In the end, I was similar to Olivia Ranche.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 220

an inflec on point in history.
It's been a total of three mes so far.
The first is the survival of Charlo e de Gradias.
As a result, the main story has changed dras cally, and the survival of such
a character is inevitably something that can change history.
The second is the survival of Olivia Ranche,
Olivia Ranche has a strong divine power, I don't know what to call it, but I
can't use the divine power of darkness (?)
was able to whatever you do later
It is a great man to do at least one thing.
A er all, this special inflec on point in history
Achievements change the main story.
It seems that the history of the world itself is focused on a major change.
Of course, history is constantly changing, big or small, as long as I exist. The
last Hwangdo terrorist a ack was also a big event, but the achievement of
the inflec on point of history was not achieved.
Anyway, this is the world where the boss wants to do what he wants, so if
you want to give, give or not.
There are mes when they give and there are mes when they don't, but if
it's like giving this me, it's probably a story that history has changed
dras cally because of this.
The third inflec on point in history.
Orbis class incident.
The Orbis class went on an emergency closure.
There will be a major change in the composi on of the staff.
There was one thing that could be directly confirmed.
“I think we might not be able to compete against each other at the
fes val.”
“I won’t do it, because even if it’s resolved, I’m in a posi on where I can’t
show my face at such an official event for a certain period of me.”
“Is that so?”
“It will probably be.”
To Harriet's words, I answered that
brought out
As me passed, rumors about the internal problems of the Orbis class
spread throughout the Temple.
Therefore, the Orbis class is not in a posi on to enjoy leisurely fes vals or
enjoyment apart from this incident.
The main event of the second semester.
It completely evaporated in one shot of my fight.
It is an inflec on point in history. Because the events that take up a large
part of the main story have been blown away. Tournament and Nabal were
all gone.
Trying to stop Ender Wilton's blackening and blowing up the en re main
Is this... well done?
Anyway, that's not what's important.
Harriet and I stood in front of a building
there was. I'm s ll on crutches.
|I couldn't proceed with individual training, so I decided to keep the other
side of the job at the moment during the recovery period. When my body
is fully recovered, from then on, I will focus on my personal affairs.
I intend to focus
Even though you're a pa ent, you're walking around with crutches and
doing things here...
How faithful am I?
It is enough to admire yourself.
“Is this our club room?”
"okay. Should I call this a room?
I don’t know how.”
Not only me and Harriet, but all the other guys as well. Louis Ankton,
Adelaide, Chris na, Anna. And there is also a li le senior Lordina.
Redina accepted my offer.
All of them are members of the Magic Research Society.
[Royal Class Magic Research Society]
The nameplate is engraved, but in front of her
It's not a room, it's a fairly large building.
It was.
Not a club room, but a club house or club research ins tute. Isn't this
The Magic Research Society does not gather around, but requires a lot of
It took a li le bit of me because there were a lot of things that had to be
prepared at the temple a er ge ng permission to open.
It seems that the magic majors in the Royal Class do a lot of personal
research without doing club ac vi es, so we are the first to create a club.
So, the Royal Class side struggled with what to prepare, and eventually
came up with a special alterna ve.
“…just emptying one lab.”
I didn't prepare it, I just gave it to the place where it was. It was said that
this was a place used by a professor-level wizard as a research lab, but
when asked if it could be used here in the Royal Class, he said that he could
use it willingly and le the room.
He said that he needed a larger research ins tute.
Although it is not a large facility, it is
More than luxurious to write as Ari
It was about as big as I thought it would be.
Everyone looks around the club's mansion in their own way and marvels.
was in the middle What do I see?
I don't know if it's rain, so I'm just si ng blankly in the central hall.
- Wow. What is this?
- First me seeing it...
- This is a magic stone fusion furnace...
- Junior, junior. What's this?
- Oh, this is...
It seems that magic majors have a lot of equipment they've never seen
before, but it was Heriot and Louis Ankton who wore them all.
Heriot knew it because she was the Duchy of Saint-Ouen who was famous
for her magic in the first place, and Louis knew from the knowledge she
had learned from books.
It was like
It took quite a while to go round one full circle, and everyone gathered in
the main hall.
“What is that face? I got such a great place.”
Harriet looked at me to see if he was excited by my gloomy expression.
“What the hell am I supposed to like…”
I don't know what it is. Well, it's pre y cool. What's the reac on other than
this? I s ll don't understand why I'm the president here!
“There is equipment here that can professionally research magic in all
fields. nine. Facili es like this are rare in our Principality.”
It seemed to be a different place from the dormitory magic lab. Seeing that
everyone has a good expression, I think it's a good thing.
“Yeah, well, it’s good because it’s good.”
“I love you more seriously!”
"haha! That's great!"
“You are angry!”
I think I'm in a really good mood, but it looks like I'm ge ng steamy
because I'm lazy. No, for me in this situa on
I have to ask for forceful tension, what's the big deal?
will anything come out?
Is this fun? Isn't it fun?
This is a movie that I don't like at all.
I feel like I'm watching
Garbage movie full of jumpscare
same thing!
Everyone looked around and sat down at the round table in the hall.
the chairman is me
Either way, it's a terrifying picture.
I am the president who has the least qualifica ons, but everyone stares at
me. Like the demons in this sociable hell
say you,
I will do the research, so I have to do the coordina on of human
rela onships.
Everyone talks at first glance, but we haven't been able to get to know
each other yet, so we have no contact points.
I only look at me
Especially li le senior Redina, I'm the only one
eagerly look at
Junior, junior, I ask a lot of ques ons like this, but in the end, I am the most
comfortable being able to deal with that guy.
“Stop all the rude opening remarks and procedures, I don’t know how to
do that.
I don’t even want to do it.”
The first mee ng of the Magic Research Society.
it starts today
“Anyway, not a club room, but a club house, and if you have permission
from the superintendent,
They said that you can sleep here on weekdays as well as on weekends.”
I was only in the hall, but I knew about this club's mansion because I had
received it from Mr. Epinhauser in advance.
Individual labs and equipment that can conduct magic research in almost
all fields.
and the bedroom.
The presence of the bedroom gave me an eerie horror
gave it away
It was originally called the professor's lab.
It wasn't the professors who slept here, but the graduate students...
“Then, can I not follow the standard bed me?”
“...the headmaster will not come here.
'cause Perhaps it is.”
Everyone's expressions brightened when they said that it was okay to study
all night.
Everyone is happy that they can study all night. Especially Harriet and
Leah is delighted
Say you sleep here and go somewhere else
They told me to look a er them if they get caught while playing, but there
doesn't seem to be any need for that.
I like magic so much that I feel like throwing up
It's just guys who do.
“The teacher in charge is supposed to be Mr. Mustrang. If you don’t know
how to handle magic research equipment or do dangerous research, you
will have to observe or get permission.”
The Magic Research Society is not a typical club, so the teacher in charge
must be a wizard.
should go
And Mister Mustang is a wizard.
That's why the class, who had nothing like that in the original story,
became the teachers in charge of the Magic Research Society.
I heard you volunteered.
Class A and Class B magic students are strangely gathered to study magic.
Hani took her feet off.
But, honestly, I don't like Mr. Mustrang very much.
No ma er how I think about it, I'm a really weird bastard.
Mustrang and Ludwig were portrayed in a posi ve way, and in reality,
You hate them both...
I hate figh ng people.
I like Epinhauser,
Oh yes, yes or no, your life is yours. You are responsible for it,
I like this type
Ms. Must Lang is very savvy and cares too much about her students, so I
think she'll interfere with this and that.
The teacher in charge of the club is just the teacher in charge, so you don't
have to show her face.
But Mr. Must Lang, judging from her and her yangban personality, it is
certain that she will come and go.
Unfortunately, Ms. Epinhauser was not a wizard and could not be a
teacher. It's not like crying and ea ng mustard in the end, but
unfortunately, Ms. Mustrang is the teacher in charge.
S ll, she's a good person by nature, so there's something wrong with her
being a rim stone.
Today, rather than a formal mee ng, I came to see Dong-a Lee's mansion,
and for a formal mee ng later, Ms. Mustrang will be present at least once.
“The formal mee ng is once a week, but since the facili es here are good,
there is no
It doesn't ma er when you come The magic lock is on, so only registered
people can't enter. No worries about the . However, such a valuable
Don't put it here."
It seems that I am speaking more like a teacher rather than a president,
but everyone is looking at me with that feeling and nodding their heads.
They're all cute.
I want to bite you
I want to bite you and kill you. i this
why are you doing shit
"Anyway, this is roughly what I got from the teacher..."
Of course, now that I have been the president, I have my own thoughts. I
don't know magic. So, whether it's research or lectures, they'll do it.
“Louis, are you ready for the lecture?”
“I don’t know if it will go well or not, but I’m preparing for it.”
My role as president is coordina on.
Louis Ancton is a club to improve their skills.
Even before I started, I'm s ll alone
I put my head down and study. exam
and work independently of grades. He is very passionate about being a
magician who teaches wizards.
"great. Start whenever you are ready.”
Because I use the honorific tle of the president, they are old
Gon treats me with a slightly different a tude. In the past, I was shy, but I
was afraid to listen, but now that I am the president, I feel like I am
Louis is preparing for a lecture. You can start trading right now, but star ng
It's kind of hard to do right away.
"I can't help you with your research, but there's something I want you guys
to do. May I tell you?"
Everyone looked a li le puzzled at my sudden remarks, but they nodded
their heads. Isn't it surprisingly good to be the chairman of the banquet
Although I cannot par cipate in the study, I | Can you throw in a savior
theme or ac vity goal?
all. The original number was six including me.
But, her senior Le Dina also joined and became seven.
gate situa on.
The best thing to do is to prevent the event from happening at all.
The key facility in the gate incident is the Warp Gate, which connects it to
another world.
But if you can't block the gate, you have to fight. Everyone has to get
Therefore, the result that should be reached is the improvement of
everyone's skills.
More precisely, the improvement of combat ability.
So I'm going to give everyone an individual research topic.
to improve prac cal skills.
“First, senior.”
"Huh? me?"
The first target is Rdina.
Le Dina gave her goosebumps when she suddenly called her to sleep.
“Senior has the same amount of magical power as a rat’s tail, isn’t it?”
“You’re talking too harshly!”
“It’s true.”
“Mr. Lee! I hate you too! Worst!”
At my words, Erdina snorted, but she looked like she was about to cry
because it was the truth.
Talent is no cas ng.
She has crazy chea ng skills, but she has a chronic disease.
all. The horsepower is extremely low. physical | I looked up the data and
found that the amount of horsepower was actually
very low
Horsepower 4.2.
It's only F+ rank. Compare to peers
That would be a very, very low number.
13 and C+, less than half of my magical power.
The most important thing for magic growth is magic response.
It is judged that the horsepower sensi vity is very low or there is an
inadequacy. S ll, it's be er than Cayer, who has no ap tude for mana
management, but
If you have to give up either of the Magic Induc on and the Magic
Management, it is be er to give up the Magic Induc on. Kaier has a crazy
talent called giant magic, but he is ill-suited to mana management, so even
if he has magic, he is useless.
Anyway, there are things that Redina lacks in a slightly different way from
Kai Er.
Natural growth will not ma er if we do more here.
Measures will be taken soon to enhance everyone's magic range, but it
seems that Redina will not be able to solve it well either.
If so, another alterna ve is needed.
“Senior, let’s not use his magical powers now.”
Everyone giggled as if to say something.
"Is there a law that says you have to ac vate magic with your own magic?
If you extract the mana stored in a magic stone and ac vate it, is that
Everyone was stunned by my radical idea. No, I'm an ignorant ignorant of
magic, so this novel bullshit

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 221

Stone Magical.
Extract the magical power stored in the magic stone
This is the magic method used. I
I don't even know the magic magician, but in the end these three
As the person who made the crown, something
they have no choice but to know
Of course, if you can't handle magic, you can't use Stone Magical either.
I'm not saying Cton can be a wizard.
Most of them seemed to be hearing the word “Stone Magical” for the first
“I don’t know what Stone Magical is, and I was wondering if there was
something like that, but it seems there is.”
don't you have anything like that? But yes, there is such a thing. I was
hoping for an answer, and Harriet got it right.
Harriet looked embarrassed.
“But it must be very difficult... it must be at the level where you have to
learn magic all over again. There was at first, but you
It’s a type of magic that no one uses because it’s so difficult.”
okay. I know because I described it.
Stone Magical is magic outside the body.
, and therefore the method of using it is completely different from the
magic that ac vates magic with the magical power of the body.
So the system exists but is buried.
But I Stonemaged Rdina
I am not sugges ng that you learn a new magic system called curl.
“Then there is a magic stone that can use external magic like internal
It’s okay.”
"You keep saying it's easy?"
Yeah, the words are weird and not very probable.
But what, I know that something like that will really appear in the future,
Harriet seems to think that I am an outsider talking nonsense a er all, and
Redina seems to be deeply moved by the word that you are a new
magician because you are a magician.
a li le.
There's nothing wrong with hearing stupid things!!
And I'm not lazy, I'm a god!
I'm all right!
"....uh? Yes? me?"
Adelia is startled by the sudden call.
He looked at me with one expression.
“If not, do it.”
This guy will later become such a magic stone, correct
In other words, she creates ar facts.
A powerful ar fact that stores magical energy and uses it as internal magic
to ac vate magic.
I know that they make something called a Power cartridge.
The gate incident begins in the first semester of the third year, and the
children are embroiled in an unavoidable fight. Of course, a er a fight like
a typhoon in the ini al chao c situa on, the Temple students go out to
support the ba le in earnest.
However, in the Royal Class, combat personnel and non-combat personnel
are divided. fight
There are obviously some impossible guys.
It's inevitable because you can't lead guys whose talents are not suitable
for ba le.
But they each have their own
Roles and du es will be created.
For example, in his spare me, Louis teaches magic to students majoring in
Adelia is part of the combat crew because she has a talent for summoning
magic, but she also has another talent called magic cra ing.
Almost all ba les have no choice but to be long-term ba les, so students
majoring in magic suffer from constant deple on of their magical powers.
In terms of age, he is only nineteen. some special
Except for the talent, never before
There is no choice but to face the limit of the enemy's magical power.
Not only is it a problem for the Royal Class, but it is also a problem faced by
all wizards who have par cipated in the ba le.
Magic is powerful, but it cannot be used like water.
But figh ng is not inevitable.
So, while Adelia is put on the ba lefield, she finds me to come up with a
solu on to the situa on.
The mana built into the magic stone outside the body is absorbed into the
Ar facts that can be used like the magic of .
power cartridge.
The method is different from the Stone Magical men oned by Harriot, but
the formality is the same.
So, Adelia is going to make something like a magic booster and some kind
of cheat, but I'm asking you to make it in advance.
If not, make it happen.
At my words, Adelia had a stunned expression on her face.
“That, uh… I don’t know what you’re talking about. Could that be...?”
It's like, can the creator of it be able to do such nonsense? Harriet also
looks at me with twin wicks in her eyes to see if the ear is falling out.
“If that kind of thing is made right out of the box as you say, Adelia will
remain a great man in the world of magic. Would that make sense?”
uh. She's actually going to remain a great person.
S ll, all I had to say was that the only reac on was that an outsider had a
big dream and demanded nonsense, and the reac on of the other guys
was not much different. everyone
I really don't know anything, I really don't know
He had a warm expression on his face.
"right. Don't you think your and my magic will be like this for the rest of
your life? Really, you are so great!”
Le Dina was almost crying, so she barked at me. She sheds tears.
No, you're all saying it's okay?
I am God!
I'm right!
I can't really convince you of that.
“Ah yep.”
In the end, I wrinkled my eyes as I looked at all of them with long and
casual expressions.
“I’m ge ng a li le more comfortable these days, you bastards.”
In the end, I had no choice but to choose the most convenient and easy
solu on.
origin regression.
Did you forget that I was 'that Reinhardt'! Is it funny that I s ll use crutches
while having a big fight with a senior in 4th grade?
show me?
When I suddenly turned around, everyone's faces became startled.
“If you force yourself to become a president, do whatever you ask, you
bastards, arguing whether it’s right or not
I'm sleepy Hey! Adelia!"
"Yes! Huh!"
Adelia's complexion darkened,
she replied
“If you make it, make it. sudden. Turn it over and earn it.”
“That, uh, huh…”
“Is the answer cool?”
"Yeah! I'll make it for sure!"
"Okay. It should be like this."
Tired of being white, I answered bravely
I looked at Adelia with a sa sfied expression.
watched with
If you made it into a chairperson on a day like this, this club would roll over
from me to me.
it's your responsibility
In the end, at my compulsion, Adelia nodded her head as her complexion
turned white, and the other guys, including Harriet, also
He was staring at Rune in astonishment.
But no one was able to tell me this or that about my angry appearance.
'Cause I'm like that
I mu ered with my arms crossed.
“Where are you not? You can't do this without even trying it, you idiots.
eh. There's no such thing as figh ng these days."
I didn't forget to chime in once.
You don't have to worry about not being able to get a feel for doing
something completely wrong.
I ordered it like this, Adele
Leah seemed terrified that if I didn't make what I ordered, she might do
something terrible to me.
So, if I can't make it, I'll start developing it with the feeling that I'm going to
“And the senior helps her research Adelia, and she makes the senior good.”
"Me, me too...?"
Rdina looked at me with a sullen expression and said so.
“Oh my gosh, did you try to eat it raw then? I have to do something.”
“You can make it real
do you think?"
“Throw away the objec ons and try to help.”
Redina is sent as a research assistant for Adelia. no rebu al
“Next is Chris na.”
“Yeah you.”
Everyone seems to be ge ng more comfortable with me.
When he suddenly went out with an angry tension, he realized who I was
and turned into a bewildered expression.
Chris na of alchemy and enchantment talent. She says he's a non-combat
“You have to help me directly.”
“Can you help...?”
Adelia gave the excuse that it was to solve Redina's lack of magic power,
and there are good excuses here too.
“As you can see, I’ve been clumsy with my magic power enhancements, so
it’s like this, isn’t it?”
Side effects of magic enhancement.
"A drug that can make the body more sensi ve to mana management or
responsiveness. Make something like that."
Everyone's faces became glamorous once again at the nuclear bomb-level
nonsense that came out again.
No, really, these bastards.
It's really all about making things later! It doesn't make sense to hear it
now, but these are the things you really do later!!
The gate incident in the first semester of the third year.
Mana enhancement is taught un l gradua on
There are many people who cannot
I actually wrote un l my sophomore year, and I had nothing more to say, so
I threw the gate into trouble.
However, in a situa on of human disaster level, even the Temple students
have to par cipate in the ba le, but the level of the children is excellent,
but it is not the highest level in the empire.
At that point, only Ellen, Bertus, and Ludwig were aware of magical
The rest of the combat majors were strengthened by their magical powers.
didn't wake up So the fight is
It didn't happen, but I quickly broke the magic enhancement
just have to cry
So, Adelia makes a special drug so that everyone can adapt to her magical
My name is Moonshine.
This is roughly the meaning of moonlight.
It was a name.... Who is Moonshine in the comments?
made illegally not by moonlight
I was very upset because it was called moonshine....
Anyway, you can give it a different name, so Adelia makes it.
It is a drug that not only helps to awaken magic power, but also helps to
get used to it more and more. In fact, it also helps to increase horsepower.
Harriet was finally pissed off.
"You can do it. You can only make one.
Why are you trying to make something here that will remain in the history
of the magic world even if you lose it? If you're going to ask them to make
such a huge thing, go to the Temple Graduate Research Center or the
Horse Tower, not here!"
Harriet is right. I ordered two items at the same me that will go down in
It's crazy to say that it's not grad school, it's a high school club trying to
make something like that.
Beyond that, the head is a bit strange.
graduate lab? If something like that could be made, I wouldn't have made a
club like this. You can just go there and order. Why would you do
something like this?
But that means it's something only they make in the world. The graduate
lab speaks to me I don't know if I'll listen to it or not, but it's not something
that can be made just because I hear it!!
In this high school club, I can't convince you that it's something that only
you guys can make.
So, in the end, the only answer is compulsion.
“Damn, will you say the same thing again? Whatever the case Here I am
the king.”
"Papa, don't call it a pak-tong!"
When Harriet shouted 'Fuck' in front of the B-class kids, his face went red
and blue, and he was furious.
“Anyway, make it.”
“Hey, I’ll give it a try, but will it work?
Chris na nodded her head as if she didn't want to upset me anyway.
She has one more thing to tell Chris na.
“And I have another ques on for you.”
“Why do you only enchant objects?”
Here are some prac cal ps that you can apply immediately. Why is
enchantment only for water? That's pre y much how common sense is
“You don’t enchant things like po ons?”
Everyone looked a li le surprised at my completely different idea.
"Well... it looks like it could be done, but would it be so... useful?"
The preconceived no on that an enchantment is hung on an object is
broken later.
Moonshine is a product made by adding enchantments to a drug
formula on.
Enchanted po on.
It seems like everyone is thinking about the new concept, but this me,
their expression is bubbly.
"Anyway. I'll think about this and that."
A power cartridge for students majoring in magic.
Moonshine for combat majors,
Start developing two powerful items. If those two are completed, the
Magicians will become even stronger.
Louis is preparing for a lecture, so I'll touch it.
Our Grand Duchess Paktong, who can do anything, is all that is le .
Anna de Gerna of black magic talent there.
In Anna de Gerna's case, she doesn't have anything par cularly special
about it. Because she takes on the role of a combatant who uses black
magic and jumps into ba le.
So, he decides to put people in need,
This me, he looks at Harriet.
“Being thinking about it. Are you the one here?"
“...Wow, one-saw?”
“In terms of talent, you are not top-class.”
In this place where monster talents are gathered
A guy who stands above everyone with a simple and simple talent called
'magic' in calligraphy.
In the original story, he is rude, unlucky, and arrogant, but his skills are not
Herriot de Saint-Ouen was the best in the country.
He's just become a cute guy no ma er who he sees now. When I see Anne,
I feel like I've done something really big, so I'm happy for nothing.
I really didn't expect it to be this cute.
Harriet's face was ripped off when you said you weren't one of the top
magicians in the magic major.
“Well, what do you say… You, you said that you were squeamish, then
praised you….
Very shy while pinching my fingers
I'm pissed off
No, why do you like him?
I don't know at any other me, but I'll like it now
Wouldn't that be the ming?
“So, you can do anything.
Are you there?”
Then Harriet opened his mouth and
His complexion became earthy.
Two guys with alchemy talent and magic cra ing talent will each create a
magical item that will remain in human history.
He seemed to have no idea how absurd a spell would come to him, who
had talents in all fields of magic.
He seems convinced he'll do crazy things.
Unfortunately, Harriet did not make anything special or innova ve
inven ons from the original work.
He simply acted as a combat mage that sweeps away enemies with
overwhelming magic.
Harriet with Power Cartridge
De Saint-Ouen is literally a decisive weapon | It was a monster like no
other. Of course, this makes me more cheap and arrogant, but
It's okay now because it's cute anyway.
He's going to make Harriet do something that wasn't in the original.
Most of the things I've done so far, and most of the things I'm going to do,
are to prepare for when the gate bursts.
It makes Harriet do something completely different.
“You, don’t you want to study dimensional magic?”
'Get rid of the gate situa on'
He orders Harriet to do it.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 222
“...Dimensional magic?”
Rather than hate Harriet saying no
It seemed a bit disconcer ng. When it comes to other things being made,
they're just crazy stuff, but suddenly dimensional magic is a bit out of the
You don't know the purpose or the reason.
“Why is that all of a sudden?”
“Isn’t dimensional magic the highest level of all magic as far as I know?”
dimensional magic.
Louis Ancton intervened.
“Rather than that, the concept of a dimension
It is being treated li le by li le in the field of secondary magic. A lot of
space magic and summoning magic deal with dimensions.”
At that, Harriet nodded.
“And you know those spells are usually great high-order spells, right? In
addi on to telepor ng only to move through space, warp gate systems and
Think of the kinds of summoning magic that opens the .”
Almost all dimensional magic is related. The number corresponds to the
super high order.
“So, there is no magic field that deals with the dimension itself.”
"Is that so?"
There are magics that use the concept of a dimension, but there is no
magic that deals with the dimension itself.
“Then, you can make it.”
I stare intently into Harriet's eyes.
If not, make it
If not, make it
“You are a genius.”
“Uh, huh?”
"You can do it. ght.”
“Hey, do you want me to do the most difficult thing and say it’s hard?!”
“That’s how much I trust you.”
At those words, Harriet's expression, which was about to turn red, seemed
to have a slightly different meaning. lips are trembling.
“Can you?”
"Uh, uh... I'll try, I'll try... I'll do it."
At my words, Harriet subtly nodded his head in a cold sweat.
Dimensional magic research.
I don't know how this will happen to me either. So, it is not known what
the outcome will be for Harriet.
“Well, so… why the dimensional magic…? Do you think I can do it if I just
do it?”
Harriet asked with his face flushed.
I honestly have no excuses for this...
“I want to go to another world.”
"Uh huh?"
So, I'm a sincere bullshit
threw Lee away
Everyone seemed to have had a brain freeze at my novel, nonsensical dog
gate situa on.
The warp gate is connected to another world.
The first plan is to destroy all warp gates on the en re con nent. However,
there is a clear possibility that it is an unsealed measure.
The next step is to develop powerful magical items in advance to improve
individual combat abili es. Of course, if that happens, not only the Royal
Class will be used, but the en re temple, and beyond the en re temple,
may be supplied to all con nents.
There is also the possibility of causing other problems due to the over-
accumula on of force, but we have not yet given an answer to that
ques on.
If you think it will be a problem, you can use it secretly only inside the
temple or in the royal class,
If Harriet succeeds in the field of dimensional magic, where it doesn't even
exist, there are things that will become possible.
As long as there is a future connected with another world, this world will
surely exist even now.
So, rather than wai ng for an invasion, we might be able to invade another
world in reverse.
In the end, my request is three.
Make a power cartridge.
Make moonshine.
Do dimensional magic research.
In exchange for making me president, these guys have to listen to my
nonsensical orders.
Of course, rather than listening because I'm the president, I realized again
that I was a madman, and I'm following because I'm afraid because I don't
know what will happen if I don't do what I said.
long, but
Anyway, these guys don't just use the lab on club mee ng days.
It seemed that this place would be used as a magic lab dedicated to the
first graders. dormitory laboratory
The equipment is much be er than the private room
because it's shaped
With this, the magic major students
I have arranged it so that it rolls well on its own.
When Moonshine is created, more magical power
You'll see rapid progress in anger.
Ellen will use it too, so she'll get to Swordmaster in my year
maybe it?
Anyway, I'm exhausted from walking around with my aching body.
Those who want to stay stay, and those who return, return.
Harriet and I are the only ones going back right now. I guess this guy is
following me because I'm worried because I'm using crutches while
pretending not to be like that.
“Do you think there really is such a thing as another world?”
Harriet is s ll in my other world
It looked ridiculous.
Regardless of whether or not it is, this is a different world from my point of
“Let’s see if it’s true or not.
“Then why?”
"just? I'm just curious."
There's no excuse other than stumbling around.
“You are a really weird guy. And I'm curious about what I'm curious about,
but I hate having other people do it the most."
“Well, then, why don’t you make me the president?”
"really! I regret most making you president!"
Harriet was going to poke me
Rather, I regret that I put
seemed to be exhausted. harriet is arm
I need to research dimensional magic that is not even there
So I opened my arms.
“Anyway, it’s what you ordered, so I’ll call you whenever I need you.”
"What can I do to help?"
"I do not know! Anyway, I'll just call you! you
I do it my way too, so I like mine too
I will do it!”
this child.
Thinking that you have something like the right to call me any me
I guess? No, thinking about it in real me, I feel like I'm star ng to like you
more and more
"That's right! I'll have to go to the Warpgate on the weekend then!"
“Why the warp gate all of a sudden?”
“There is no genre called dimensional magic, but if a warp gate with a
permanent dimensional gate is open, wouldn’t it be helpful for research on
dimensional magic? You too."
Harriet smirked at me
I see
Do not lie! you just want to go play
That's it!
“Can’t you see these crutches now?” “Oh, that’s right…”
It was only then that Harriet realized that he had been trying to drag the
wounded out over the weekend, and he felt sorry for him.
I'm just kidding you that it's a bummer.
There are mes when I look at him like a real bum.
So it's cuter.
"Hey, if you're sorry, pick it up. It's hard."
“What, what?! Whoa, whoa, whoa, what crazy sound!”
“Anyway, pick me up. Grand Duchess. Carry this humble beggar.”
"This, this! This is real! You! You! Iden ty
Why are you talking about me and not you? Are you really crazy?”
At the sound of my absurd bullshit, Harriet was furious, but in the end, he
really wanted to pick him up.
In Ellen's case, I didn't get it, but I got it this me. To see you more
However, he eventually ran out of power.
I couldn't possibly get up.
“You are weak, Grand Duchess. this humble body
You can't afford the car." |
"Hey, hey, really! I really hate you! You! I really hate you! Really!"
In my bullshit, Harriet eventually got goosebumps! and exploded.
Royal Class and Orbis at the fes val
Compe on between classes has disappeared.
The challenges associated with it are gone.
Things that I never thought I'd go out anyway are gone, so that's good.
That's why the other guys' me will be le . Magic Research Society
I'm going to roll
By the way, the whole Orbis class will be closed... or something like that,
isn't it?
That's not what I want.
The crutches were soon gone, but the condi on was s ll garbage. Exercise
was completely impossible.
I couldn't do early morning physical training with Adriana or the gym
training with Ellen.
This is why it hurts a li le. I know that me doesn't go by in vain, but I feel
like I'm going crazy.
“Are you s ll sick?”
“I got be er from a very sick level to a crazy level.”
The me is night.
A er training, wash up and go out
it had been shipped
Ellen always knows when she sees me
She's been asking if she's fro.
It's not that crazy, but it's crazy. At my words, Ellen stared at me.
It's like a grumpy face.
I've been sick for too long.
Because I haven't been to the gym for quite some me.
so is that
“…are you mad?”
As Ellen spit out while shaking her head
she says
“It’s not wrong to be sick.”
Ellen sits leaning against her window and she doesn't look at me, she says.
“S ll, if I get hurt like this in the future…”
“I will be really, really mad.”
Ellen didn't get mad at me in the end.
It's so scary, but it feels good
It was a strange feeling.
“No, I can’t exercise, I can’t eat.”
“Let’s eat something. I will make it for you.”
I can't use my body, so I'm confident that I'll have to sharpen a knife.
Because it's ge ng be er and be er.
Ellen shook her head.
“I’ll make it for you.”
A er all, being sick is a job.
“Do you feed me?”
“…that’s not enough anymore.”
Ellen glared at me as if she didn't want to cross the line.
Ellen drank in front of Reinhardt ea ng the creamy riso o she had made.
She sat the week and she was ea ng food like herself.
She tried to make a li le bit, but in the end
Because she is a pa ent, she did her best. The taste was very, very good.
Because she is a temple with only the best ingredients, it is not easy to
make her, and Ellen's skills are also good.
“Now you can do it all.”
She wondered if Reinhardt would be disappointed or sad if she made it
be er, but that seemed to be a mistake. I'm glad Reinhardt has one less
annoying thing to do.
It was a fight called
“Un l everything gets be er.”
Ellen said, of course, that this was special and that she wouldn't grab a
knife later. Reinhardt nodded her head, asking if it was me to make a fuss.
Reinhardt was injured worse than himself, and he seldom healed easily.
However, while he rests quietly and waits for his recovery, he keeps
wandering here and there because he is running out of money. If you stay
s ll, where are you?
do you s ng like that?
“The Magic Research Society?”
“Oh, I went today and it was fine. Not a room, but a whole lab.
It seems.”
magic research group,
Ellen is Reinhardt's Magic Research Society.
When she heard that she was going to be president, she really had doubts
about her ears.
From here to magic? this makes sense
is it?
but detailed
Knowing the situa on, I thought it might be possible.
Reinhardt only suggested it because it seemed like magic majors would like
to gather together to study magic. He said he had no inten on of becoming
a member.
But he became president, not at the level of a member,
Probably because of Harriet, El Ren thinks so.
Next to Reinhardt, the Magic Research Society
I couldn't help but know when I saw the expression on Herriot de Saint-
Ouen's expression that looked very happy as he was walking.
Harriet likes Reinhardt.
Ellen knew that.
However, Herriot, who majored in magic and superpowers and combat
There are not many things that overlap with Reinhardt in life.
He almost always lives in the gym.
I don't see Reinhardt very o en. So it was not that Harriet brought
Reinhardt into the club.
peel. I was guessing so.
However, Reinhardt took on the posi on of president of the Magic
Research Society, which was of no help to him.
What does that mean?
"Ugh... I'm red of ea ng."
Ellen screams in pain and eats riso o.
I glanced at the Reinhardt I was ea ng.
I have to be busy with my own work, but I pay a en on to the symbiosis of
Magic Wars, and even take over the work of the president.
What is the reason for that? It hurts so much that I can barely move on
crutches, but I walk around diligently.
Not for yourself, but for someone else.
for Harriet.
Maybe that means only one thing.
Herriot de Saint-Ouen.
“Hey, why are you looking like that?”
"Why are you so dead? Who's dying?"
Ellen didn't know what expression she was making.
What face did I make?
Ellen didn't know.
“It’s not because it doesn’t taste good, it’s because it’s hard to move the
Reinhardt thought that Ellen was in a bad mood because of his nagging.
He said so slowly, but
She diligently teased the spoon.
Reinhardt has been on the dance floor lately.
does not come he can't come
know that
When everything gets be er, Reinhardt opened it again.
He came to the warlord, wielding a water lily sword, fussing all day long,
and whining in pain so that I could see him again.
it will be
Ellen felt a sense of insecurity that she was about to be deprived of
something she had never had.
It's not mine, so it's not stolen.
There is no reason to think that way.
However, I do not know that
Ellen couldn't help it as she kept rising.
Ellen eventually le over half of the riso o.
She's lucky she can a end classes, but she's not
She didn't see it at all.
She s ll listened to the newly added magic power training she did with
Rather than doing mana management myself, the yoga master teacher
gave me something similar to qi therapy. Should I say it was cool, I felt a
certain energy flowing through my body sweeping all over my body.
I guessed that it would be like this if I properly strengthened my magic
This, the midterm exam and then failing
I don't think it is I don't have any regrets about my grades, but I don't want
to get paid.
Of course niggas trying to do something to me when I'm so weak
There could have been
But now it's all resolved
seems to be
There were four people who hated me.
It's the three arrogant brothers and Heinrich.
Heinrich a er the last Edina Islands
My hatred for me is a li le diluted
seemed to They weren't close friends, but they didn't show any open
contempt or avoidance of me.
Regardless of the outcome of the three arrogant brothers, I fought for
Erhi's revenge and was seriously injured. s ll scared of me
It seems like it, but I don't hate it
looked like
For some reason, the rela onship with those who had been on bad terms
un l now has been sorted out to some extent.
It's more of a fear than ha ng me. It's not par cularly good, but it's a
rela onship that doesn't cause any accidents.
In the end, because of an injury, I wanted to focus on training, but I
I've come to pay more a en on to the work of the magic research group
than the gymnasium.
Of course, I can't help with the research itself.
The things I will do are things that I can take care of as the president.
For example, the budget.
“So, you want the budget to be three mes larger than it is now?”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 223

As the club president, I have to be called to these small schedules.
There were not many clubs because the total number of members of the
Royal Class was about one hundred and twenty.
A ending the club mee ng are the Royal Class Student Council President
Ceres Van Owene and the Vice President.
There, Ol, the club president of 'Grace'
Libyan Ranche.
Raiter Jabri, president of 'Monthly Royal Class', heard loudly from Charlo e
a er an accident the other day.
And about five seniors who seemed to be the presidents of other clubs
were si ng there.
I felt that the scale of the Royal Class was definitely small. However, there
was a lot of budget le for the club's support, and a club with a big theme,
the Magic Research Society, was created, so the budget was also very
Of course, magic research is a lot of money.
It's because you have to go in.
Five thousand gold coins.
five billion.
It is an excessive amount for a high school club subsidy. other clubs
There aren't many places to put money, so it's not like I'm taking it this far.
Magical research is special in many ways.
Hamada inevitably eats money.
However, it is natural for the president's complexion to darken when I ask
him to triple the subsidy.
"Why? No kids playing
If you say you need it to study, give it to me.”
My overwhelming side, Olivia Ranche, smiles so ly and looks at Ceres.
Ah, this noona is usually a bit of a douche, but in mes like this, she
definitely listens to me.
Of course, there is quite a bit of anger that Olivia Ranche is super cute on
Those who only embraced her seemed to have go en worse because of
those words.
Is it really a good thing that that person is on my side...?
what are you What the hell are you?
I really don't know what to do when I receive such gazes. What they say to
me directly
'cause it's not
Of course, the student council president sighed deeply.
“Reinhardt, no ma er how royal class it is, there are limits.
I applied for Ari. simply a student
Isn't it not just a ma er of the board level, but that a faculty and staff
mee ng was held to allocate that much budget?"
“… did you?”
“Then, it wouldn't be easy to provide such facili es and research funds. Of
course, if this is a graduate school, or if you are a club with many
It's not impossible to get a provisional budget. But not like that.”
Ceres gave Joe Gonjogon an explana on for my reckless ea ng needs.
“I know there were a lot of pre y nega ve things going on at the faculty
mee ng. S ll, Epinhauser and Ms. Mustrang strongly insisted, so that much
support was allowed.”
I didn't know that again.
1st grader in a place I don't know
Two lives give us as much as possible
It seemed like this was the case because I was voicing my enthusiasm for
Epinhauser wouldn't have really vomited, but
“Of course, if you decide to do magic research,
I know that I need money without limit, but now the amount of support is
quite high, and I can't say anything other than that it's realis cally
impossible if you really ask for three mes the amount, Reinhardt."
"Ah, why - special class, special class, you have to do everything you ask
"...Seniors. a li le. Please be quiet.”
Ceres, who doesn't do it very well, looked at Olivia Ranche, who was
grimacing instead of me, and Olivia crumpled up at the gaze.
I'm just scared if someone is in love with that yangban
wow no. By the way, I didn't look for physical data, but that yangban was
not just a divine talent, but also a real person.
He seems to have a lot of ap tude for close-to-zero combat.
I think it was true that I cau ously said that I was good at figh ng, but you
look like that.
All I need to do is shine my face
It is not because I want to flirt when I come to the Ari mee ng and ask for
an increase in the amount of support out of the blue.
'Get some money.
Because Harriet made such a decree
It was.
Of course, the three studies I ordered are not possible just by heading to
the ground.
Resource magic is a super high level magic without even a field, and power
cartridges are all kinds of magic.
Hellstones must be collected and researched, and Moonshine must also
experiment with numerous reagents.
It's unclear at this point whether there will be any success or not, but the
money is huge.
it is clear that
That is, no ma er how much budget you have, it is ul mately insufficient.
So Harriet ordered me to get some money if I was going to do something
Damn it.
Don't leave children starving in every corner
Feeling like Nura is begging you to raise money
Why do you have to feel in a place like this?
Harriet isn't my wife, and the Magic Research Club kids aren't my kids
either! But why is the situa on like this?
Anyway, Harriet puts his hands on his hips and goes out to get some
money! I said, and I came to a strict place to do something anyway.
A er all, it's a club, so I tried to talk to Harriet, who had some money, how
it couldn't be done with your own money.
In my opinion, it crossed the line a lot.
So anyway.
give me some more money
are doing it
I didn't come to a harsh place. Because budge ng takes place here. In fact,
it has already received a huge amount of budget.
That's right, but it's definitely lacking.
That's really funny
If it were my money, oh it would be like this.
Other people's money goes in the name of budget
Hey, it didn't feel like my money
all. It's not really my money either.
It's a li le lacking, but this feeling that I even wanted to.
Ceres said that it is prac cally impossible to provide further support here.
"Isn't it really? What's wrong?"
“I don’t want to give, but I can’t. That’s what Reinhardt is.”
Ceres showed a sign of trouble as he didn't care about me.
“Ceres, money isn’t the only thing here, is it?”
Olivia Ranche smirked her head and pointed her finger somewhere in her. I
don't know what's in there.
“Ah, maybe… the student council?”
Olivia smiled brightly.
“If you get some budget from there, you can’t really increase it threefold.
would you?”
Seeing Olivia proudly insis ng on stealing other people's money because
we don't have our own money...
what is it
I'm an idiot too, but I thought that that person was a strange person just as
weird as me.
Temple Student Council.
There is a student council for each class, and there is a general student
council that oversees the student councils.
Temple secondary educa on begins at the age of 17 and ends at the age of
22. The Student Council oversees all student councils over the course of six
Of course, there must be a lot of allocated budget, and you can ask the
Temple Headquarters for the budget.
It might be possible to get more.
Rolling money is different from the royal class
this will be different
Ceres Ban, President of the Royal Class Student Council
Owen also has quite a voice in the student council.
However, in the end, it is pushed back in scale.
The student council itself is a huge power within the temple.
Royal class level support has reached its limit. Of course, you can ask for
more, but the teachers have already held a faculty mee ng to give this
amount. Can't ask for more
castle is high
I don't know what will happen later, but you'll hear stories that only a
strange nonsense is heard when the new club asks for money.
So now the hole for the money is a gun
It's just the student council.
A er the club mee ng, I
went down to the
“Student council?”
“Yeah, this has already been raised to the limit, so it’s the only way to get
Harriet reluctantly asked her to come, but when it was confirmed that the
response was unsa sfactory, her mouth was slightly twisted and she fell
into trouble.
I also made them do something out of the ordinary, but I wanted to get
them from somewhere with a generous budget.
“Will the student council give the budget easily?”
Ceres needs more here too? why? With that feeling, the student council
president didn't seem to have much of a reac on.
Harriet looked a bit sorry that he thought he had made an unreasonable
“You can s ll think that you have more money than your actual budget” |
“We decided to use all the funds we received for the club’s budget.”
Magic major students receive more research funding than other students,
and they receive more than the standard amount upon request.
Magic major students decided to use all the research funds that came out
of it for the club budget.
It seemed that an agreement had already been reached. Aside from my
coercion, I seemed to be interested in these research projects.
“Then how much is the total?”
“Ummm… each field is slightly different. It's me and Adelia who get the
most work, and a thousand gold coins a semester. I know that Lis na has
seven hundred and Anna has five hundred. If you try to be more flexible,
it'll probably be... more than 3,000 in total."
Adelia, who has a lot of money, and Heriot, who has talent in all fields of
magic, receive a subsidy of about 1 billion won per semester.
Magic is really supported beyond imagina on, but this.
In any case, the budget of about eight billion
It should be judged that there is
"What money are you guys talking about all of a sudden?"
Did you hear our story while passing by?
Ana de Granz stopped and sat on the sofa near us.
"Maybe that magic research group?"
Liana talks about the Magic Research Society
He nodded his head as if he knew what he was saying.
“What do you need so much money for?”
“I’m going to make this and that, but I don’t know how to make it, so I
think the budget will be much higher than it is now.”
There is no way to know how much you will have to spend to get results.
We have a huge budget and available funds, but we don't know how it will
turn out.
If there is no result, the budget is literally blown away.
“I’ve already received enough internal support for the Royal Class, so I’m
going to knock on the door even to the Student Council.”
At Harriet's words, Liana nodded and giggled.
“Do you really need to get that money from inside the temple?”
My eyes lit up at Liana's words.
“Why would you give me money?”
Don't they have a lot of money?
".......really. I hate to say this. You're such a beggar some mes. Man, it’s
just, ugly.”
She didn't say anything, but when we talked about money, Liana didn't
know, but my low ra ng seemed to have been lowered even more.
"I don't know what you guys will make, but if it's made, is it money?"
Harriet nodded at Liana's words. But the answer is obvious.
“It’s not going to make money, it’s going to change history.”
Moonshine, Power Cartridge.
I don't know about dimensional magic, but the two are definitely
it becomes money
"Hmm, then you can make a business alliance with an outsider and receive
research funding.
Isn't it?"
Why are you only trying to get money from the temple?
Find a place to invest
In the Rotary club thing, go that way
Liana's words revealed that she had gone to her hair and that I had not
been able to extend her tongue in that direc on this me.
“Are you a genius?”
“Anyway, if you can make a business plan or a research plan, make it. You
Liana crossed her arms and she smiled confidently.
“Don, we love it as much as we do a lot of it in our family.”
If made, it might change history.
stuff that picks up.
The Dukes of Granz can afford to invest in the item at will.
"Huh? Shall I ask Daddy then?"
Harriet de Saint-Ouen also nodded.
If it's an investment rather than a private expense, it's not an unreasonable
Archduke of Saint-Ouen.
Duke of Granz.
With the support of the two families, the budget is almost unlimited.
a few days later.
"I'm mad at my dad."
Liana returned to the temple and shrugged her shoulders.
She shrugged and said so.
“…are you scolded?”
Liana scratched her cheek, feeling a bit embarrassed at my ques on.
"Don't say nonsense.
The research plan is too abstract and
Because there is nothing.” |
When you think about it, it makes sense. We will make things that will
change the world (17 years old). So give me money.
Who the hell gave these kids money? A temple is a temple, so we give it.
Of course, external capital is that kind of us.
can't believe what you say
Temple University Research Center or Tower
Kids say bullshit that I can't believe even if it's a hindrance
No ma er how much money you have, you will fail.
You can't spend money on obvious research.
Just because you have a lot of money doesn't mean you spend it arbitrarily.
So, very obviously there is no reason to give us money.
“Anyway, sorry.”
“What are you sorry for? I've already put in a proposal for such a duke.
I’m sorry.”
“... Oh, right? Then, show respect to me, the duke's daughter, as well.
Won't you?"
“When you graduate.”
"done. let's not talk
If you're going to sell the crap, then you're a seller.
you seem to be good at something
You're crooked when you're s ll
Liana de Granz, who is always cold and a bit apathe c, is charming when
she pouts like this and then gets a li le flustered.
not a point
liana failed,
Her face turned bright red and she was shivering
When she sees Harriet returning, she sees
He seemed to know what the outcome would be.
"Don't talk to Dad again!"
It seemed like a big fight.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 224

Liana was scolded for asking the Duke of Granz for an investment.
Harriet fought.
She'd seen her last me she was a dazzling, shivering daughter in every
The Archduke of Saint-Ouen is surely our sweet daughter, what bullshit is
that? I would have had the same reac on.
| probably banged on it
all. Oh I don't know! give me money! Give me money! make
I can! while doing.
S ll, that's what Archduke Saint-Ouen did
I'm strict. I thought I was a fool, but when they told me to give tens or tens
of billions of money to spend on this bad thing, that's no way.
The posi on of the side who does not give money is also good enough for
this year.
Even the kids who make them think that they can't make them, but on top
of that, they don't come out of their mouths when they say they want to
spend a lot of money.
happy to be
The immediate family's investment request was also closed.
Invest in some outside business
If you ask for it, the result will be obvious.
In the end, I realized how great it was that the temple gave us a budget for
a morning of gold coins.
Ms. Epinhauser and Ms. Mustrang
It was a lot of hard work in a place we couldn't see.
And in the end, I wasn't too sad that I didn't get the money.
It is an unexpected way to approach the concept of investment money, but
it is risky.
The Dukes of Granz and the Grand Dukes of Saint-Ouen.
That means that the great families will have a stake in Moonshine and
Power Cartridge. means that We share our research results there, and they
start produc on and sales at will.
Soon, we made our stuff
this won't be the case
The two are power in-play from all con nents
A very high level that causes a sudden
It's tough stuff.
You must not lose control of the object.
coopera on of the two masters.
Regardless of whether it was or not, it was also dangerous money to
So, even if you don't receive the investment anyway, it's okay to not have it
because it's money that has been subs tuted for risk.
S ll, it is true that money is needed.
more money than now,
Apart from studies, everyone is passionate about research
it's sim
Therefore, the items that have already been purchased and
Organize items to be done.
As a result, necessary events also occurred within the club.
It was too much for the president to do by himself, so Louis Ancton, the
best among us, took on the new general secretary posi on.
He's like a human calculator, so it's quick to look at numbers, and his
knowledge of magic also played a part.
Louie's role was quite important.
I don't have any knowledge of magic, so if the kids need anything, I'll do it,
so I give the budget execu on permission.
But Louis knows why it's necessary, and knows that some things aren't
really necessary. Louis Ancton is a Harriet-like guy who can't use magic.
all. He has knowledge of almost all magical fields, so demand synthesis and
validity verifica on are possible.
The equipment, materials, and reasons required by each person are
synthesized, and if it is reasonable, Louis Ancton arranges it, and
When I finish talking with the personnel and bring it to me, I execute the
budget and ask the temple to purchase supplies.
I take part in the external work, and Louis organizes the work in the
professional field.
So in the end, it was important that the kids were already spending their
money horribly.
“There aren’t enough sta s cs to give an average, but at this rate, the
budget will be exhausted in a week or so a er the next group mission is
"No, that's it?" |
"Uh. There are supplies to prepare, and there are not many new
equipment to be brought in, but they are definitely there. A er a certain
amount of prepara on, the cost will be less, but it is true that this is not
no. Is this a realiza on that the financial crisis is already becoming visible?
S ll fi y billion?
no? When did it become 4.5 billion?
Can't you say this?
“Don’t worry about money, you were the one who told me to spend
everything I needed first, but… should I cut it down a li le?”
Louis looked me in the eye and said so, but I shook my head.
"No. You should use it if you need it. I also ordered a nonsensical order, so I
can't even ask you to save money on research."
Louis said that the necessary budget had already paid for the research
It was predicted that it was over. There is s ll room for it, but it will be
gone soon.
“I have to do something.”
Daddy'll get some money for you!
If not, make one!!
I finally got out of crutches a er ge ng busy with things other than
training and preparing this and that. Of course, I s ll can't run or do
strenuous exercise. This too, at least because of the yoga master teacher,
made it this far.
It seems that magic enhancement is already a class just by receiving
treatment, but of course I don't feel it.
Anyway, my body is slowly recovering.
The Orbis class problem seems to be prolonged. A er all, it's cheap shit,
but if the internal absurdity of the Orbis class is resolved, that's overkill.
I think it's kite shit.
Because the absurdity is not solved, but there is no possibility that it will
get worse.
I felt a li le bit behind.
But the Orbis class problem has already le my hands.
What we need to focus on now is the Magic Research Society.
Can't you make money by self-sugges on?
Anyway, money is coming.
I wish it could be something like this, but I can't even eat the seeds.
“It is an absurdly large increase in the budget...”
So I'm looking for the student council room now
oh come
There were two people in the student council president's office.
Temple Student Council President, 5th grader Lane Carly.
Vice President, Year 4 Hermann von Logaris
Well, it could be, but it's kind of interes ng that the president is a
commoner and the vice president is an aristocrat. The vice president seems
to be a fairly high-ranking aristocrat of Kernstadt,
Lane Carly is a commoner from the immediate control of the Empire.
All of this is what I heard from Ceres van Owene.
She didn't come with her. If you bring yourself along, there is room for
interpreta on as pu ng pressure on the Royal Class.
while going
At first, I tried to go alone, and if the story didn't go well, I told him to go
alone for now while thinking about it again.
The president, Lane Carly, was a pre y cool-looking beauty.
Vice-President Hermann von Logarius
Similarly, a cool and calm impression
was the owner
They both have faces that somehow match the student council officers.
The two have one thing in common.
All of them have dark circles.
'The student body is over 100 in number. It’s about the same as a Royal
Class member.”
'If there are so many
Only one?'
'It's a lot of work.'
'So, the work of the student body president and vice-president cannot be
combined with academic work. So, just serving as the vice president of the
student council for a whole year replaces the one-year curriculum.
Temple's student council has over 100,000 students.
The president and the vice president don't go to school at all because the
student council has too much work. To be precise, I can't go, but just
working for the student council is enough to count as having completed
the educa on course.
nevertheless, it rained heavily
dark circles.
2nd semester is busier. They must both be very sensi ve.'
'There is a fes val.'
School fes vals, planning and implemen ng them are the main projects of
the second semester of the Student Council. Therefore, it is clear that the
two of them will be very busy at this me without even opening their eyes.
I came here to make a rather unacceptable request to such people for a
large club budget. Rain Carly Lee glanced over the papers I handed him
with a businesslike expression.
“I read the statement. R&D expenses are insufficient. But the exis ng
budget is five thousand
About gold, even though most of the budget for royal class club support
was received, it was not enough...”
She didn't say things like shu ng it down because it's annoying.
“Of course, royal class clubs can also receive support from the student
body. But it's unprecedented. Originally, each special class had to do this
with an internal budget."
"You mean no?"
“I'm not saying it can't be made because there's no precedent. If there is a
valid reason, there is no reason to increase the subsidy.”
It looks pre y businesslike, but the thinking itself is flexible and there's
nothing that can't be done.
it was too
I stared at her silently and couldn't help but shudder at her.
“Chairman. I have a nosebleed.”
Suddenly, with an expressionless expression like an iron mask, a nosebleed
dripped from Rain Kali's nose.
The vice president seems to be familiar with
He took out the gun and handed it to the president, who
wiped off the coffee
"that. Are you okay?"
“It happens o en.”
It seems that both of them are not surprised.
Something very funny and salty? No, isn't that dangerous in the first place?
Of course, Lane Carly con nued her blunt words, wiping her nose with her
handkerchief, whether it was her nosebleeds or not.
“The amount requested for support is 15,000 gold, and there is not a single
club that receives this level of budget.”
“I know that the nature of magic research requires a large-scale kite.
However, the budget for the largest magic research club in the Temple is
5,000 gold coins.”
“You might think that there are more than the Royal Class, but the
symbiosis of magic warfare in that club is two hundred people. I'm not as
small as you guys."
“Also, even that club has some magic.
It is receiving such support on such a scale because it has achieved
sa sfactory results in research. I didn't get that level of support in the first
"Even if it's a royal class, the number of club members is only six. It's new,
and nothing has been accomplished."
“I mean no. performance. at all."
“It’s impossible to provide such a large amount of funding just because it’s
a royal class.”
“A budget of this size is applied by specialized research ins tutes of
graduate schools. It is a 'laboratory', not at the level of a club with a
professor, whose skills have already been magically verified. Of course only
Get more than five thousand gold
you will be able to pay But you are not.”
Then yes.
Let's talk about things that never happened.
In the end, it was made on the topic of a new club nothing but one vision
That said, it is impossible to receive such a large amount of subsidy.
“You need money for research, but if you have a track record to receive a
research grant, isn’t it different? In order to achieve results, we need
research funding.”
“It’s not that you don’t have research funding, it’s that you don’t have
It doesn’t make sense to me that it’s necessary.”
“Doesn’t it need a budget that goes beyond common sense to plan things
that go beyond common sense?”
At my words, the president and vice president stared at me
In my mind, I think I want to give a cool double bath.
"The temple is a place where the imperial imperial family's huge support
and student tui on pays off. But it doesn't have unlimited capital."
“It would be.”
“You can't spend money on things that are not well-founded. It is unlikely
that these things you are planning will be developed. This is true. The
reliability of whether you guys have the ability to develop this is also very
low. This is also true.”
Lane Carly didn't seem to be accusing him.
She's the one who protected her quite a bit when she was accused of
being a cul st who was drunk by the second bo le club, Exodium.
It can be predicted to some extent that he is a good person with a good
heart no ma er what his facial expression is.
But that doesn't mean I'm a hogu
“People rely on possibili es. Because the future is unknown and the only
basis for judging it is possibility. just
It insists that an object with a low probability of being li ed will be made
by a group with unclear experimental capabili es, and requires a large
do. The student council cannot give a budget to such a place.”
“Of course, if it is a hobby club that is not produc ve, we will give you a
club room.
We can support you, we can support you for dinner, and we can provide
you with materials needed for the ac vity.”
“But such clubs are usually needed.
One amount is small. With that kind of support, we can do whatever it
“But in front of the big topic of magic research, the required budget
becomes very, very large.”
“My words are that a budget of that size cannot be supported without any
basis. Do you understand?"
In the end, the words were long, but what I expected
Dunn was the answer.
can't give We have nothing to prove our abili es other than the Royal
If there is no performance, research funding cannot be provided. Research
funds are required to achieve research results.
“Then, we need to have a track record, right? To be precise, our poten al.”
“Maybe we can review it.”
This means that we will not even consider it under the current
I took something out of my pocket and put it on the chairperson's desk.
"...What is this?"
There was a blue bracelet.
“Bracelet with one- me protec on enchantment.”
Ceres van Owene's final advice.
'Oh, and there's something you need to know about the student body
'Rain Carly is a magic major.
protec on bracelet.
Ellen used it, but I didn't.
“What about this?”
“It was made by the first year of our class.”
Rain Carly's expression turned slightly surprised.
“In two days.”
The only thing that turns surprise into surprise
Words were enough.
Rayne Carly, with her eyes wide open, was staring at the protec on
bracelet on the desk.
“...You said you made a magic engraving item in two days? 1st year?”
I had no idea how amazing this stuff was. But the student council
He was predic ng to some extent what he was going to hear.
we have achieved nothing I was sure I would hear stories about
So she asked Harriet.
'Hey, there's this. this.'
'Huh? uh. Why?"
Before coming to the student council, I asked Harriet about the protec on
'Is this difficult to make?'
'uh? uh, uh... um...
Harriet is proud of his skills.
But I'm not the type to be self-congratulatory. So I'll get my face on my
ques on
Lost hesita ng.
'Did you guys make this in a few days?'
'Two days... or so?'
'How long will it take? That is to say, first-year magic war students who are
on the same level as you make it.
'Ah, uh... that. That's... uh...'
Harriet could speak, but he murmured as he wiggled his fingers in
embarrassment to speak with his own mouth.
Oh, it's important, so tell me quickly. You're a dog, aren't you?
'That's right...'
'Are you going to say something right? How long would it take for a
product to be made by other ordinary classmates?”
‘That, mo…’
'Why are you mad, you idiot! can't make it! All right!'
Harriet squealed at my chin and walked away gaily.
Disposable protec on bracelet. produc on period
Two days.
Classmates are not at the level that takes a long me, but it is something
they can't even touch.
That's why Lane Carly is mute now.
“I made two to be exact. The sum of two A-class magic students
It was a work of art, one was a magic cra ing major, and the other was an
introductory level guy.
Harriet and Adelia.
Buried in Herriot, Adelia is also a crazy genius. Adelia
I was in charge of the basic design, and Harriet helped
A major student, but a first-year student, a beginner
They both made this stuff.
“In two days… this…”
Lane Carly mu ered blankly.
“Chairman, Kofi.”
Then, blankly, the coffee spills
Again he wiped his nose with a handkerchief.
No, that gentleman, aren't you supposed to sleep? Do you think I'm going
to die there?
“I said it was a one- me thing, so I can’t see it for sure. But I don't know if
the protec on on this stuff really works. With this framework, the
produc on period is too short.”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 225

I briefly explained how and under what circumstances the protec on
bracelet was used.
The detailed verifica on has data in the Adventurer's Guild, and it has
already been reported to the Temple. He said that if you want to check the
details, you can ac vate this disposable protec on bracelet.
“Royal class....”
The president had an expression that felt anew what the overwhelming
capability of the Royal Class was.
“Even the two of us can create such a thing. This is a magic research group
that gathers all those first-year students.
It's not en rely unfounded.
It's not enough evidence, but there's definitely something to call it
“I am sure that those guys who are beyond common sense will produce
results that are beyond common sense.”
Royal Class is not a place for common sense. It is a place where there are
people who should not be judged by the standards of ordinary people.
A woman who naturally does things that should not be possible due to the
absurdity of the name of talent
Where the stones grow.
The pinnacle of absurdity is also a guy like Ellen Artorius.
She's also a guy like Harriet de Saint-Touan.
It's not convincing enough.
“If performance is lacking, that’s all it is to make something similar to this
or something even greater than this.”
The budget is not enough, not without it. If you need performance for your
budget, quickly come up with something plausible rather than absurd like
throw it away
Chris na's Alchemy.
Adelia's Magiccra .
Anyhow, if you make anything with those two, the thread will be created
automa cally.
“However, in order to achieve the core goal, addi onal goals
I just came here because I hate was ng me on se ng things up.”
But the only thing that ma ers is me.
Both the president and the vice-president were speechless.
“Let’s review it.”
"thank you."
Therefore, the review itself became possible in a situa on where even the
review was impossible. The president of the student body looked at me,
leaving those words behind.
"This is Saddam, Reinhardt, aren't you majoring in magic?"
"....Yes. Yes, but."
Although I introduced myself, my major
I never said anything about it.
“Why do you want to be the president of the Magic Research Society?
Are you there?”
“…everyone is a sandal who only studies, so someone has to do this for
me, so I’m forcing myself to do it.”
“'s wide. As expected."
Was it as expected before that?
"Do you know me?"
I lted my head at those words, as if they already knew me.
The answer was not the president, but the vice president
It was.
"We all bowed down for what you did.
Because it’s night me.”
“…Is that what I did?”
“Orbis Class.”
Orbis class incident.
A er all, it was known to the student council, what do you mean being all
night for that?
Vice-Chairman Lane Callie, who started bleeding again with a calm
expression on his face.
Crab says while handing a new handkerchief.
“As the Orbis class went into emergency school closure, the fes val
compe on was cancelled.”
“So everyone is staying up all night preparing for something else to do
instead of the match.”
Orbis class school closure.
cancella on of the event as a result.
The student council will replace that hole with something else.
It is said that he is struggling with his head wrapped around to make up for
what is it
It's called the bu erfly effect.
Faced with the effect in a really unexpected place, no ma er what you
I didn't get used to it.
So the student council already knew me before they saw me.
Of course, the impression must be very bad
But when they ask you to come there and give your money, there is no
such thing as a double desire.
If it were me, I would point my head as soon as I came.
ripped off
In the end, I had to admit that these two were more big- me people than I
The student council did not provide a budget. I decided to review it. So
nothing is certain yet.
Even if I get an extra budget, I don't know if that'll be enough, anyway, the
more money, the be er.
I don't know what people do, but there are so many things I don't know.
Even in the first semester, I was in the second semester
I didn't even expect that he would do such a thing to get research funds
here and there.
To do things outside of training
I thought I would, but even then I'd be going around to get some money
didn't think
If there is a nega ve answer from the student council, I wonder if I should
go ahead with another project for performance and create a forced
performance with it.
Anyway, first of all, the student council's answer
There is no choice but to wait.
“Reinhardt, how are you?”
Come back to the Royal Class dormitory
Livia Ranche was wai ng for me in her freshman dormitory.
“...why are you here?”
“What, I want to see my future husband. Can't you come?"
Really sad!
While doing this, I pretend to be pou ng,
seems to go back
It's crazy, but actually
It's so cute I'm going crazy!
When the kids pass by and look at me again, the line gets weird! These
days, I take care of my image, but it gets weird when only you appear!
Liana, who was passing by, looked at me and said ah. That guy's femininity.
with this look
You look at it and pass by!!
“I never agreed and I don’t want to, so don’t do this while watching the
“Um, so what if you don’t see…?”
In fact, I'm afraid then.
No, right?
"Huh. Yeah. Shall we go to a place no one sees, then?"
While I'm laying my voice down in a cool way
Olivia Ranche shuddered and shrugged her shoulders.
“Ah, that, that… that’s nonsense… that’s just a joke!”
Olivia gets nervous and faints when I really drag her away
As if she thought she could do it, she was in a cold sweat and made an
overly gesture.
I know how to handle this yangban.
go out hard Because I was scared in a different way than Adelia.
“So what?”
“Oh, no. just. I'm here to ask if the budget nego a ons went well... Why do
you get angry when you look at your sister...” |
He seemed to be feeling a li le sad because he was genuinely sad. Oh, am I
a bit harsh?
“I've heard that they're going to review what they say absolutely can't be
done. S ll, I don't know what's going to happen yet." |
Knowing that I care about this, I was curious about the progress and
seemed to have come directly. A er all, he's someone who listens to me
anyway, so there's no need to be too harsh on me.
She's actually been a huge help.
No, it's s ll too blatantly accusatory
That's right.
Ellen is looking at me from afar.
I don't know what she is, but now she's just fucking scared. I know she's
just watching, huh? he's here I'm looking at something like this.
I think I'm going to have panic disorder!!
do i die
Do you think I'm going to die?
I don't know the reason or the cause, but I think I'm going to die!
“I’ve been thinking about this and that, too. your budget It seems like there
is a place to get it.”
Fortunately, Olivia didn't say anything weirder, and said something else.
How does this guy know that? I don't know what it is, but the more money
the be er.
And Olivia Ranche seemed to know another way.
“You can donate.”
really live live what
If you don't have money, you can donate.
What kind of mind is this?
No one invests.
Increasing the budget is difficult.
Then you can make a dona on.
What does this mean?
Olivia Ranche used to say that
how is it? am i smart It's her snoring
It was a dignified force that seemed to spit out.
"...well, religious groups make quite a bit of money out of that, so I think
that kind of thinking was born. Not now."
You don't have money because you're from there? Then the good, pious
and rich Shin Do-bun will give it to you! Is it possible to live like this and
come up with such a bizarre idea?
I've given up my faith now, but haven't I given up on that way of thinking?
In my words, Olivia Ranche sincerely
She had a shocked expression on her face.
“You, you… you really… you think you’re so stupid…”
Really sad.
Olivia was in tears. Ah
You, you are free to do things at your own pace. I know this person was
definitely not this kind of personality.
I don't think this is bipolar disorder.
Olivia was crying and bit her lip
He s cks out and looks at me.
“The supporters were talking about it, you idiot.”
“…a support group?”
joy! With a hint of laughter, Olivia beeped.
She made a chin tea.
What are the real a ributes of this person?
Ji? It's a bizarre jjamppongtang that has almost all of the character's
a ributes. Some mes he's cool, some mes he's very kind, and some mes
he's a righteous and tsundere.
even do things
All of those a ributes seem to go crazy with each other li le by li le. Olivia
crouched for a moment with her arms crossed and air in her cheeks. She
soon began to squirm her.
“The Royal Class is operated with temple capital, but it also holds its own
support group. Like your club, the more money you have, the be er.”
aid associa on. It was the first me in my life that such a thing existed.
“Are many rich people coming?”
“If you are not rich, why come?
The purpose of the support group itself is to make connec ons in advance
with outstanding talents in the future, temple teachers, or the en re Royal
Sponsorship par cipa on is from 4th grade.
Because the gate exploded when I was in 3rd grade
It didn't even come out at all.
“Not only the wealthy, but also magic associa ons, pres gious knights, and
other influen al people come to us. We also receive personal sponsorship,
and sponsor the temple or the royal class itself.
Do it too.”
A support group is held to support, recruit, or make connec ons with
outstanding talents in the future. I think that
There is likely to be
These are the people with the best talents in the empire. If you are
majoring in magic, go to the Magic Associa on, if you major in combat, you
will be in a place like the Knights Templar.
is what The knights will also be
So, recrui ng from places where force is needed
will come in
The same goes for non-combat.
A smart guy like Louis Ancton
He might be treated even more.
“So I went to the support group this me and tried to find someone to
support your club, but I’m trea ng you like an idiot.
nine. See.”
I was so shocked by my words that I was making an absurd claim because it
is a place where religious groups receive a lot of dona ons.
was shaped like
Wow, he thinks I'm a real bitch. while doing this
Yes, I was a bit harsh. instead of me
One of the angels who went to the support group to get money

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 226

I don't know if I created a club or a startup. He should have rested because
he was in trouble because of an injury, but he couldn't train, so he was
focusing on other things..
Un l the Royal Class Regular Sponsorship,
me was le Next group mission
will be later from 4th grade and up
Although a endance is voluntary, there seems to be no problem even with
the lower grades.
You can leave it to Olivia Ranche, but she seems to be saying things that
shouldn't be necessary if the man is sent alone....
It is true that I am grateful for many things, but I am worried because I
cannot predict what I will do.
| Not only a magic research group, but also nerves
I had one more thing to write.
“It’s like we don’t really need to do anything.”
Rotary club headquarters.
In Loyar's office, I was listening to the report.
“Yes, the people dispatched by the prince are solving everything including
investment nego a ons and licensing issues. Literally, we only need to
dispatch people.”
This is a business that decided to give Bertus a 10% stake.
But in this case, even if you ask for 90%, oh yeah, that's enough, it seems
like the people who Bertus sent are taking care of it.
“Of course, it's not that I don't know the whole picture. Experience inside
the club
Because they are walking with them.”
People sent by Bertus and members of the club
If those who have touched the business of middle school go together
It seems like we are working together
it was
that's a rela onship.
The more you experience it, the more prac cal
It's incomparable to power.
“First, give priority to sta ons with a lot of floa ng popula on and push
about fi y shops.
We are going to install it again.”
Business is really great.
To the extent that Loyar, who hates paying a en on to things like this, is
able to make a formal report. It's my specialty to use my body, but I hate
this kind of thing, so even when I told him to eat the thieves guild, he said
it was absolutely not allowed, so he didn't stand up against it.
But in the end, Loyard is in charge of the business in this situa on where
he has to do the head work.
With the help of those sent by Bertus, the business of crea ng shops at
each sta on seems to be progressing.
"Your head doesn't hurt?"
Because I'm the type that hates things like this
It deserves less, but I ask you how
Bonnie Royard shook her head.
"You just say you're going to do something and say you've done it, and you
just nod your head. You don't have to think about anything other than
remembering what you've been told."
"Hmm, he sure does a good job.
look at me?"
“They even provide an approximate es mate of the expected sales and
expected net profit. Is there anything I can do about it?”
This is actually a Bertus business, isn't it such a nonsensical situa on where
I eat 9?
Apparently those sent by Bertus
It seems like you are doing things quickly, beyond just doing things on your
However, Royar seemed a li le uneasy about other concerns.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“…you are ge ng involved too deeply. on everything.”
Was it such a story?
Loyard's already exposed award as the Rotary club connects with Prince
is sulfur
Of course, Royar was originally known by the nickname of Irene's Wild Dog.
Bertus must have known Loyard earlier. You will never know the iden ty of
the demon,
And I, too, have no choice but to be exposed to the outside world as I make
connec ons with the prince and princess, and run a big business.
there won't be
I don't know about Loyard, but the Magic Research Society is one of those
“It could be dangerous.
Aside from this business, the things going on in the Temple side have
nothing to do with the Demon Realm.
“It’s something I have to do, but what can I do?”
At my words that there was nothing I could do, Royar was silent.
There is nothing that can be done for the reconstruc on of the Demon
it's not
These are the things we do to prepare for the gate crisis. It was not for the
sake of the demon realm that I set up a club at the temple and has ly
threw out burdensome topics.
So that I don't have to, I've grouped the kids together in advance.
You never know what will happen, and you never know when your true
iden ty will be revealed.
In that case, the temple as well as the zodiac
have to float
Even without me, the kids will know
We're going to build a plate so that we can be strong.
I think that would be it.
But, does that really work?
I didn't want to leave the temple anymore.
I made so many precious things there.
Repeatedly, I was injured, and I was out of crutches, but in the end I had to
face the consequences I had to face.
1st place - Ellen 2nd place - Louis Ancton
21st - Ludwig
22nd place - Reinhardt
midterm exam results.
I ended up being ranked last.
under Ludwig.
Something happened that didn't happen in the original.
A miraculous drop in 1st place in the midterm exam of the first semester.
Everyone was looking at me a li le terrified.
[Challenge Achievement - Be the last in the midterm]
[You have earned 500 achievement points.]
[Special Achievement Achievement - Dog Head (Rude)
Behe) below]
[You have earned 100 achievement points.]
It's like this on purpose.
I'm upset again.
2nd semester midterm exam last...
As a result, inten onally
it will
Classes with a barrel due to fain ng and injuries
There were quite a few days I didn't go out. and
Unlike subjects that receive inclusive educa on,
Most of the teaching subjects are prac cal.
Because the propor on of classes that use the body such as
swordsmanship, superpowers, and general mar al arts is large.
The only private teaching subjects that I don't use are Magical Reac on
Training and Demon Ecology.
So, I couldn't par cipate in all the prac cal exams in the midterm, and I got
a failing point.
Of course, since injuries are unavoidable situa ons, the scores from the
final prac ce
It would be nice to revise the midterm evalua on, but
all. The midterm exam was failed.
There is no significant difference in integrated educa on subjects. There
were many days when I couldn't a end class, and I couldn't concentrate at
all because I couldn't open my eyes because of other work.
Of course, I could have done it if I wanted to study, but the situa on turned
out like this. i just threw it away
If you're going to fall, you have to go to the bo om to get achievement
Originally, I didn't want to do that on purpose, but because of an injury,
Achievement because it became impossible
I threw big because I wanted to earn points.
So, in addi on to the 500 points for comple ng the challenge that came
out, 100 points for comple ng the weird achievement.
get sick
Anyway, I'm be er than Ludwig.
it's ght
No, it's Harriet who's chubby,
You're dumber than Ludwig.
Isn't that a bit harsh?
Not everyone made fun of me. i'm a fortress
Uh, I'm busy with various things, and I'm injured.
Because I knew I had been hit.
S ll, the last one...
It was true that they had the same expressions.
But what
However, the achievement score is more important, anyway, if this is an
achievement, then it is an achievement.
Harriet de Saint-Ouen couldn't help but be astonished to see the midterm
exam results.
Reinhardt, who took first place in the midterm exam, finished last this
We're not really close, but I do know that a guy named Ludwig, who is the
last of his age, is a bit out of the ordinary.
We're not very close, but if we run into each other,
The guy who greets you with a bright smile.
I wish Reinhardt had half his personality.
No, he really hates him if he looks like him
Reinhardt looked at him and smiled and said hello, Saint-toine?
something like this
I don't like it very much.
what did you eat wrong?
That answer seems to come right away.
Anyway, to Harriet, Ludwig is a guy who only has that kind of
sen mentality.
Not long ago, at the Magic Research Society, I heard from Louis Ankton, a
class B, that Ludwig was such a ruinous idiot.
However, Reinhardt had a lower grade than that devasta ngly stupid guy.
If it was normal, he would tease me for being last.
I enjoy watching my face turn red as I give it to you.
It would have been embarrassing, but I couldn't do it this me.
Reinhardt placed 1st in the midterm exam for the first semester. His brain
isn't bad.
He must have failed all prac ce due to an injury.
But s ll, if he had scored some points in his wri ng, he wouldn't have been
inferior to Ludwig.
He didn't study.
he didn't
'Bring the money.'
Because of what he said.
All of the class members look like Reinhardt
Everyone is shocked by the record
was doing Even Bertus was surprised.
because I saw
As always, there is only one expressionless Ellen, and Reinhardt doesn't
seem to care whether he is last or not.
But Harriet won't care
He told me to bring a bunch of research funds.
Actually it was a joke. As the president,
Because I ordered you to do something like this, you said you should do
this too, so I just posted the medicine.
However, Reinhardt went around looking for it with an a tude of um, of
course it should be.
So he was very embarrassed. Of course, what are you talking about? I
thought he would get an answer that wasn't enough.
As if it was natural, I was convinced that it was because I was really trying
to get research funds.
I go to club mee ngs, and some students visit me un l they graduate from
I heard that he also visited the student council room where there was no
5th grader Olivia Lanchera was talking to a strange senior whose eyes
seemed to dazzle her just by looking at her, making her feel uncomfortable,
and she knew that even that was a non-research story.
Reinhardt was very busy.
Even though he was incapacitated, he was s ll on his crutches.
However, he would not have been able to study at all, not only because of
the research funds, but also because of the words that he should join a
So, Harriet can't make fun of Reinhardt.
I feel guilty.
Harriet glances at Reinhardt, who is staring blankly at the blackboard.
Did you despair because you didn't expect the result to be so disastrous?
all because of me
It's all because of me.
Harriet wanted to cry because it seemed like she had done something very
bad without her knowing.
A er the inclusive educa on was over, Harriet caught Reinhardt, who was
about to lead his body exhausted from the physical educa on class and
return home.
“Oh, right.” At her own call, Reinhardt acted rather as if he had
remembered the task.
Holding on to Harriet with this word, that word
laid out
“Did I say? Do you think she will be funded by the sponsoring society?”
"Huh? Oh... Yeah. I don't know, but I thought it would be resolved."
"Oh yes. I guess I said that."
Reinhar what's so crazy
It seemed to come and go whether or not he explained what he had said.
No, is it because she was so shocked by her midterm results?
“Anyway, don’t worry about the research funding, and I don’t know how
the sponsorship will work, but if that doesn’t work, there must be another
I don't know why, but Reinhardt wasn't even a wizard, and he eventually
joined the Magic Research Society by his own coercion.
And he asked me to make things that didn't even sound like a horse, but in
the end he was running around because he was the sweetest.
with an imperfect body,
Come to think of it, Reinhardt was always like that.
Be blunt and say things you don't want to hear
and deliberately quarreling, annoyingly
I act, but
When he asked for help, he always helped. He didn't even want anything of
his through it. Harriet said it wasn't long, but she had received a lot from
Reinhardt in a short period of me.
she realized
| 1st semester group mission, persuading my father, ar facts, and even the
magic research group.
It seems she was just ge ng help.
This me, she was trying to somehow respond to the unreasonable
request to get a lot of money from somewhere, but she even finished last
in the midterm.
what do i say,
Are you even doing this?
Harriet watched Reinhardt talking to her about research funding issues in
front of her eyes.
"......what. Come on?"
All of a sudden, something jumped up and I burst into tears.
“What is it, what is it? Why are you crying all of a sudden? I didn't say
anything this me? uh?" |
Maybe when you suddenly cry, baby
Reinhardt waved his hand, wondering what else he was kidding.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."
"I'm sorry. Because of me... Because of me, I'm last place..."
"Uh huh?"
Reinhardt's look of embarrassment was evident when he saw Harriet
suddenly burst into tears.
"Because of me, you're the last one... You're inferior to Ludwig..."
“No, I was the last, so why are you crying? And why is Ludwig bea ng,
standing s ll?”
Reinhardt looked absurd to see Harriet burst out crying suddenly, as if he
didn't really understand.
"Hehehe, I... I said something strange... So you're overthinking it... I'm
sorry. I won't do that in the future... Black..."
“Hey, when do you gossip about ge ng money?”
“What… I didn’t know you were really going to do it…”
Reinhardt put his hand on the weeping shoulder, not sure why he was
“I don’t care what the grades of the sick guy are important, or anything like
Grades don't ma er.
So, what's important?
More than grades, he asked for more
Is it important? Only one such request is more than his grades that will last
for the rest of his life.
Is it important?
Harriet doesn't know Reinhardt's sincerity, so he can only guess everything
from Reinhardt's words.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 227
Last in the midterm.
Others arbitrarily understand that it was last place due to unavoidable
circumstances. No, in common sense, as long as I'm the head, I can't help
but get be er grades than Ludwig just by looking at my handwri ng
properly, right?
What do you see me as?
Anyway, due to circumstances
I was lucky enough that they didn't see me as a dog worse than Ludwig.
I earned some achievement points, but the penalty is rather small.
Harriet suddenly started sobbing
I was a li le confused, but
A er all, no ma er what I prepare or plan, the rou ne of the Temple
Curriculum is the midterm exam.
And the next staff.
2nd semester group mission.
A er the group mission, final exams, and fes vals and winter vaca ons are
scheduled a er that.
A collision with the Orbis class was scheduled for the fes val, but it
completely evaporated. The Student Council is the main event of the
fes val.
Hana Orbis VS Royal Class vs.
How are you going to fill the void in the war?
Nothing to bother Royal Class
It would be nice if you were...
A no ce from Mr. Epinhauser
it's not done
The last mission was an advantage for guys with superior physical strength.
Not all missions are like that. Then it was neither magic nor combat, but
talent. of academic talent
Guys like Louis Ankton or the musically talented Lanian Sessor won't
con nue to stand out.
Semester 1 is a mission where the good-looking, improvised, and physically
ac ve guys were ac ve.
Semester 2 is, therefore, a mission where smart guys have an advantage.
The theme of the 2nd semester group mission is 'reasoning'.”
I added various se ngs and interpreted it a li le differently from the
original, but the result
Ron is that.
play mafia games
From Law of the Jungle to uninhabited island group beauty
As Sean wrote.
When I use this... it's like a mafia game
It was probably in vogue.
Every me I feel it through my skin, I realize how ungrateful I was.
A er the midterm exam, group missions will be held once again for a week.
That week was also a period of recovery a er all, so I am now almost
completely in shape.
I felt be er.
“Are you okay now?”
“Uh huh.”
“Can you exercise?” “It’s a bit overkill, but… you have to start slowly.”
Ellen asked me this and that when I said that my body was almost back to
my original condi on.
This guy, is it my mistake to feel that his eyes are somehow twinkling?
“Let’s try to strengthen our magic power li le by li le, then.”
Ellen and I are learning magic power-related classes with the yoga master
am. So now it's me to train
I'm going to try to use power reinforcement for a while. “…I’m sorry, I used
it as a mess back then, but I s ll don’t get it.”
I really hate you!
You're too special, am I special now?
Why are you trea ng such a slow guy like this?
I really can't believe this
That'd be quick! Is it because Epinhauser is the temple's best talent
recognized by Sensei?
“Someday it will be…?”
"...that's what I want the most."
Anyway, Ellen is now figh ng in the gym.
He seemed to be contempla ng what he could do with the addi on of
mana enhancement when he was in trouble.
A teacher who cares so much for his students
I mean.
I want to cry because I am moved, but some mes I feel depressed because
I am treated so insignificantly.
Anyway, I must have lost muscle because I rested for too long. It's hard to
get a rough feel for magic enhancement.
If it's for one price, that's right.
I force myself to do something as ridiculous as Ellen, on a subject that I
have no talent for.
'cause you've done it It is true that neither me nor Ellen exist.
It's a very cheap price if it's been around for a few weeks.
Anyway, a er this group mission is over, we start arguing again and do
individual training.
should go
It's a group mission, but at the same me the mafia
Im also
Of course, it doesn't start and end in one si ng like a real mafia game.
"Wow... what's here?" “It’s spooky…” “No, why is it snowing at this me of
"I didn't mean to ask you to come dressed warmly..."
- Whoa, whoa....
Although the weather is now in autumn, it is not the me for snow.
We were in the northern poles where there was a blizzard.
Old Castle, Epiax.
We le Hwangdo and arrived at the place of this group mission, in front of
the snowy and snowy castle.
A quiet castle located in the snowy field. It is outdated rather than
beau ful and has an eerie atmosphere. It's even more eerie when it comes
to snow.
This is the place for the 2nd semester group mission.
sea in summer.
hot springs in winter,
This is the hot spring, though. Of course, it's a er the mission is over, but
First, the main mission.
[Event Occurrence - Group Mission]
[Descrip on: Eliminate un l the end of the mission
I won't do it]
[Reward: 1000 achievement points]
The reward of 1,000 achievement points is quite
it's big
It's a group mission.
To be honest, if it was just school life, even if I didn't enjoy it, it would have
been okay.
It's like,
To be honest, I can only think of it as a waste of me at this point.
At least, the body has recovered to some extent,
I just want to exercise.
S ll, achievement points are at stake.
I have no inten on of
You have to do your best.
Is that s ll true?
“Does everyone agree to execute Reinhardt?”
“Of course I should.”
Wasn't this what you wanted?
Detailed condi on names, some rules
Although this is a li le different, fundamentally this group mission is a
mafia game.
A mission to prove reasoning, thinking, and logic skills.
On the first day, I vomited a flurry of hunger for no reason and no reason.
Of course, he didn't protest.
The mee ng in the castle was held on the first day a er hearing the
explana on of the rules.
One mafia for each class.
two people. Of course, I changed the name to the assassin, but anyway the
Two out of twenty two are mafia.
Before I even started properly, I got everyone's a en on.
'...why are you looking at me?'
Everyone looked at me strangely.
There are many reasons, but in the end
'It's the first me I've done something like this. Do you think blocking the
variable is the correct answer in this situa on?'
Charlo e's words.
'Hmm... it's not like that.'
Bertus' response.
'I think the best thing to do in a situa on where there is no informa on to
iden fy the culprit is to hang up a guy who might be messing around.'
At Charlo e's words, everyone nodded, saying that it seemed so.
Obviously, Reinhardt feels a li le uneasy even as an ally.
I was convinced by Bertus' response and the A-Class response.
You two are mafia.
I hung on like that.
group mission.
[Event Failed]
Of course, as it is a group mission, the rules are slightly different from
those of the Mafia game.
in class A and class B, respec vely.
An assassin is assigned one by one.
The assassin is, for example, kkakdugi. they
If you win to the end, you get the highest score regardless of class.
Go out of the castle during the mission
The mafia can assassinate two people every night. Hands like a real mafia
of course
It's not about killing someone by poin ng them out.
Assuming that you killed the person you encountered while passing by, you
must go to the other person and declare that you killed the target as if you
were sentenced, and then exit the scene.
The scene of the murder, the alibi of the classmates at that me, the
person who was killed last met
who the person was At that me, who was the person whose alibi was
unclear and what was the route?
By inferring such things, the culprit
should be specific
Once the perpetrators are iden fied and opinions are gathered, it is
possible to decide whether or not to execute someone at that loca on.
One person in class A
I can see, one person in B class
can be named
The assassin must kill two people in a day, and ci zens can also kill two in
one day. Of course, ci zens
You may or may not kill her.
It is unknown whether the person executed was an assassin or not. Even if
the mafia is le alone
You can assassinate two people every night.
Clare who correctly iden fied and executed the perpetrator
Suga gets bonus points. of course, innocent
If you executed a ci zen, that's a minus.
But the 'discussion itself' is also evaluated
enter the item. The more non-coopera ve and poor decision-making, the
worse the evalua on.
who makes reasonable inferences
It is important to iden fy the culprit correctly.
do. That's why a smart guy has an advantage in missions.
This group mission ends as soon as the victory of the mafia or the victory
of the ci zens is confirmed.
A er that, the overall evalua on
Whether it's a class A win or a class B win is the deciding factor.
In the original development, no one died at the mee ng on the first day,
but this me I was the only one hanging on.
With the mafia, especially under the premise of playing with people you
know, the person who dies on the first day is usually someone who is
somehow twisted or just a comfortable opponent for everyone.
I guess I'm the former, | Even so, it was a group mission, but Class A and
Class B worked together and hung me up on the first day for no reason and
without any basis.
No one shielded.
Charlo e slept with her every month and spoke her own words,
Harriet and Ellen.
Everyone thinks that hanging me up is a victory and a nabal, and I think I'll
be less red for now
It seemed certain.
“Sir, isn’t this absurd?”
As soon as the execu on was decided, the me of the uninhabited island
Mission by Autumn Recall Ar fact
Summoned in reverse, I said that as if in a protest to Mr. Epinhauser.
Mister Mustrang was looking at me with pity and pity. “This was also a
ra onal choice made by the class members.”
“Is this?”
Epinhauser seemed to accept it as a natural choice.
no! Am I innocent? Why does hanging innocent ci zens help ci zens?
“Because you might mobilize means outside the mission. I wanted to avoid
will be.”
If you make a mistake, if you put a double bath
Because I might be able to cast Bitch while standing. First of all, I didn't
want to be red later, so I expelled them.
That's right.... If my opinion doesn't work, you bastards.
Ci zen or mafia, it was right to kill me first...
It's true I'm an innocent ci zen, but I'm innocent
Not a classmate.
So I hung on, and although the kids had no reason to stand at this point,
everyone realized that hanging on me was the right thing to do.
In order to eliminate the variable called 'Keppan'.
Charlo e and Bertus are right in the end.
it was
So, aren't they both mafia?
“So who is the mafia?”
"Mafia? What do you mean?” “Oh, no. Ah, the assassin. Yes. Assassin.”
I'm in a cold sweat because I'm talking nonsense.
Epinhauser is a woman who has already dropped out.
As if there was nothing she couldn't tell Seok
she said so ly.
“No. A-1, No. B-1.”
such an ailment.
They were both right.
This is a collabora on between the two of them who usually manage their
image well, and they have a different color when they are in color and their
hair turns amazingly.
There is no future for the ci zens.
In the original, the mafia was Bertus and Det.
It was Tomorian.
It's an unimaginable combina on.
The original condi on of the mafia game is that the mafia and the ci zen
are equal, but this is a bit bigger.
So if at least one assassin is s ll alive by the me a er the last mee ng on
the fi h day, the mafia wins.
become li
The number of surviving mafia doesn't ma er.
Here, in order to cause even greater confusion, Bertus even assassinates
himself. All the rest of the instruc ons were laid down on the Net
Of course, it is possible that the mafia do not assassinate at all, but that is
impossible because the mafia must pay two scapegoats a day.
The process is complicated here and there, but our dog-head Ludwig
finished it.
The iden ty of the mafia is revealed.
The reason Ludwig survived is to score goals.
Quite the opposite for me.
If I hang on because I think I'm going to put a chess board, Ludwig is
treated like a dog head harmless to both ci zens and the mafia.
Because the mafia is an intelligent criminal, Ruud
Behe cannot be a mafia, so he is not suspicious.
All the reasoning is wrong and it is confusing, so it is be er to keep the
mafia alive.
So, he survives almost to the end, but Ludwig watches over here and there
as if he was on an undercover service with his guts rather than his head,
and finally reveals the iden ty of the assassin.
what kind of story was that
I'd like to know how it goes this me.
The Bertus De omorian Guild was changed to the Bertus Charlo e Guild.
Because we both got along so badly, oh
It might squeak,
Anyway, the original story is to assassinate the smart guys first.
If everything goes on, it's Harriet who will die on the first day.
and Louis Ancton.
As it was eliminated, the event was treated as a failure.
thousand points.
It's a pity I couldn't eat it, but I don't think it would have survived for long
even if it went on like this. Come to think of it, hanging on me is a natural
choice because of my ac ons so far.
seems to have been,
Actually, this is a brain ba le regardless of skill, so I can't stop an assassin
with a sword,
Anyway, the me ran out un l the mission was over. When you bruise like
Lee is also awkward.
“Can’t we go back to the temple?”
"Can not be done."
I wanted to train alone at the temple.
It seems that it is not possible to Well, the Royal Class is completely empty,
regardless of the grade, because everyone is on a group mission right now.
there will be
Last me on a deserted island, a er the mission was over,
We ate and played in a well-organized environment lined with bungalows
But this me the environment is not that good
didn't This place is full of snow
it's a place
Goseong Epiax is located in the polar snowfield.
It is a mansion located somewhere around it. Of course, there is something
about that old castle that makes people feel scared by its eerie
atmosphere, but this is not the case here.
Just as a group mission is a picnic in the guise of a mission, there is a hot
spring in this mansion.
Even if it's not fancy, there is a smoke field inside, and the users prepare
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 228
two at trial.
two at night.
That's the maximum for each day.
In today's trial, no one was told
I had to run, but I hung up on my own.
The mafia kills two people a day.
I could do it, so the first two nightmare had to come out tonight.
A different development from the original.
Ellen, not Harriet, became the vic m of the first night.
“Hey, what is this… Bertus…”
And not long a er, Louis Ancton of Class B was summoned with a puzzled
Lost on the first day.
Ellen and Louie.
In the end, it's as planned.
An ex-dog who picks off the smartest guy first. Because Ellen's hair is
definitely good too.
"Hey, isn't that a bad grade?"
Louis seemed to be worried about ge ng bad grades on her first day.
“Louis, unless the assassins win, the grades will be awarded by combining
A and B classes, so you don’t have to worry about that.”
"Oh, yes. That's right, right?"
Ms. Must Lang came to visit, and she reassured Louis as if she didn't have
to worry about her grades being graded differently according to the order
in which she was sacrificed, and she wasn't like this.
Likewise, Mr. Epinhauser came to visit us.
Specifically, Ellen.
“Two mes, it’s a failure. You will know why.”
Mr. Epinhauser boldly drew
She said and went back.
Those words le both me and Louis Ancton perplexed.
Why did he fail? vic mized
Wouldn't the order ma er?
But Ellen's reac on is that she, of course, knew she would?
"What? What fail?"
To my ques on, Ellen lay on the table.
She said as she picked up her cookie and ate it.
“I was just asking you to kill me. To the assassin.”
Ellen iden fied the iden ty of the mafia on the first day, and it seems that
she went looking for it and told her to just kill me.
“No, why?”
If you find out your iden ty, you just have to act according to the mission.
I know who you are, so kill me.
Why are you doing this?
At my ques on, Ellen stares at me.
“You are all right.”
"...what does this have to do with that?"
“Let’s train.”
no really.
He doesn't seem like that, but he has a human soul
I have a talent for le ng go.
Me and Ellen on a terrace in the mansion
Sit down and have cookies and tea.
Louie seems red, so he grabs an empty room and goes to sleep.
How the hell did Ellen find out?
I don't know, but she found the assassin's iden ty
all. She might have taken a hint from what she tried to hang me up and
hang me up,
Anyway, that's why Ellen is the goal of the mission itself to find out the
iden ty of the assassin.
However, she just dropped out quickly, so in the spare me she wants to
train with me.
So Ms. Epin Hauser told Ellen that she was a failure, and she was a failure.
But if that's the case, tomorrow's mee ng
Wouldn't it be be er to end the mission quickly a er revealing the iden ty
of the assassin?
Then we all go back to the temple early
you can
Of course, you can play in this mansion, but if the mission is over, those
who will return will be able to return.
“Why did you have to fail? You could have finished the mission quickly.
Then I could have just returned to the Temple.”
“It must have been.”
Eren fiddled with the teacup,
The snow that spreads out beyond the Lars window
stares at the landscape.
This is also an overwhelming landscape.
It was long.
Even though the snowy field in the moonlight is night
It was shining white.
Ellen, of course, knew she could return to the Temple with her if she
finished the mission early. Temple is a be er environment for training than
Ellen doesn't look at me.
“At the temple, you’re busy.”
She says so without looking at me.
"I'm busy, I don't have me to train."
Returning to the temple, he seemed to think that I would be concerned
with other things than training. He was unable to train due to an injury, but
he seemed to think that it was no different now that he was able to train.
I have a lot of work to do, so I'd rather go to the temple
I thought I wouldn't be able to train.
Ellen said she chose to take her me because she voluntarily dropped out
rather than returning to the temple when she finished her mission.
un l the mission is over.
Un l then, you can train.
There's no reason for Ellen to do that.
There's no reason why she should care so much about my training. The gap
is s ll huge, and Ellen won't get anything out of her training with me.
She is hung up on things for no reason.
I didn't have much to say.
“Are you sad?”
Ellen fiddled with the teacup,
I take a sip of Hongja, which I don't like to drink in Soen. s ll haven't seen
Chae, she gazes at the pale snowy field.
"li le."
Knowing that she had no choice but to
Do Ellen was sad.
“I am not strange.”
She was sad that she had no reason to be sad.
Ellen seemed to feel strange about herself.
“No, it’s strange to be human.”
I could only say that. I say Ellen in the moonlight
She is thin as she smiles, she says.
Maybe it was because she had the divine sword of the moon, and Ellen
was the most beau ful in the moonlight.
She is so hard to look at,
“Because you are very strange.”
That may or may not sound like a cri cism.
It's midnight, what do I want to do to prac ce?
However, Ellen and I entered the indoor gym a er a short tea break.
You don't have to, but you shouldn't
I want to know what else you want..
Snow was s ll falling outside the window of the gymnasium.
Eren immediately iden fied the assassin.
It looked like it, but she wondered how the hell she figured it out.
“How did you know right away the culprit?”
Ellen seemed worried about her.
“You have the greatest influence over your classmates.”
Ellen says she doesn't normally speak, but that doesn't mean she can't
speak. She also knows how to speak coherently. Just like she did in the
influence is the highest.
It's a shameful thing to say, but it's true. I'm not familiar with both A and B
classes, but I have quite a few connec ons, | Class B 3 due to this magic
research group
Myung has completely come under my sphere of influence.
“If I were an assassin, I would deal with you first.”
"...I know it's about a mission, but aren't you terrified when you say that?"
do you handle
In fact, if he tries to do that, I have no means of dealing with it. I will not be
able to move and my hair will fall off.
“But what does it have to do with me being the first target and catching
the criminal?”
"If you are executed at the mee ng
Otherwise, you must have been assassinated last night. If a though ul
person has been designated as an assassin.” “…I think so.”
Actually, who do I make a pair of two with?
Unless he said that he was going with me, he would have tried to
assassinate me at any me.
There are also detailed missions, so at some point you have to be alone.
“First of all, you, the target, were executed at the mee ng, so a er that,
we will aim for the second ranks.”
“Ah… that’s right.”
“A er the first night vic m I think
I saw a total of four. Bertus, Charlo e, Louis Ancton, Herriot.”
Guys who are second to none when it comes to smart hair. Two of those
four will be vic ms.
"But there's a chance there might be an assassin among those four. If
you're near someone who's never going to be an assassin, the assassin will
show up someday."
In fact, Bertus and Charlo e are currently suffering from cancer.
was chosen to live.
"Herriot can't be an assassin."

“…if you’re an assassin you should like the situa on.
But he didn't seem to like it very much."
Did you?
In the end, I was unanimous in s cking with it, but it happened so quickly
that I didn't know how each of the kids reacted.
No, then I'll give you a shield. Because of his personality, you can't kill Reinhardt in front of all the
kids! I'd rather strangle myself than say the same thing.
“So I found Charlo e while hiding near Harriet’s private room. That's it.”
The assassin was different, but it was the same way as in the original story.
The vic ms of the first day were Harriet and Louis.
But unlike the original, Ellen wanted to give up on the mission, so she
waited near a poten al vic m, and she found the assassin and suggested
that he just kill me instead of the dog.
She said that Ellen said she was Charlo e that she was an assassin, she
didn't make it specific, she just thought what she would do if she was an
Of course, there is a way to think about it a few more dimensions and read
it and start with stupid kids (Ludwig Hee).
“Maybe the other assassin is Bertus.”
I knew by asking the teacher, but Ellen found out that Berthus was also an
assassin as soon as she found out that Charlo e was the culprit.
seemed to realize
She knew the answer, so she didn't even ask.
“Reverse reasoning, because she found out that Charlo e was an assassin.
Because Charlo e was the first to speak of Hazan at the mee ng, and
Bertus was the one who responded the most.”
When she gets to know the culprit, she learns the reasons behind what
happened before.
She's the first to win as an assassin
what i want
So, as a joke, Charlo e said something to me first, and Bertus responded
In the original story, Ellen is always there
But I get assassinated
She wasn't trying to win, but she took the mission seriously to give up
quickly, so she got to the point right away.
She works hard because she wants to give up.
Because she's a funny guy.
A mansion near Goseong Epiax, there
Ellen and I prac ced for a long me at the indoor gymnasium.
It's not as good as the Temple, but in the end, you can train with only a
training sword and space. Considering the combat major, it's good value for
No, I wonder if there is any major with poor cost performance compared to
The two things I felt while prac cing a er a long me.
- Kaang! Kagak!
"it's okay? Are you s ll sick?”
As Ellen li s me up from my fall, she says anxiously.
“…don’t you?”
Ellen grew a li le gloomy, she said. not completely be er yet
If so, there is no need to force it.
One thing I realized
“It’s not that the pain is the problem, I just feel like my body is s ff.”
While I was holding the training sword, the problem wasn't that my injuries
weren't healed yet, but I got the feeling that my body was s ff because I
had rested for a while. It seems that flexibility should be restored first than
anything else.
“And, I don’t think I’m going to do anything other than evaluate…”
Two things I realized.
“You are something more than you used to be.”
“It has grown a lot.”
While I'm on break, Ellen's skills improve
I felt an improvement. he looks at me
She feels it even though she's doing it.
Not playing, but while I stopped training, Ellen felt even more advanced.
simply to enhance
It's not the problem, it's the skill itself.
Even if I live twice as long as him, it's a gap that I can't keep up with.
it happened more
I know it's a wall I can't follow in my life, but just because it's go en farther
what would have changed,
It makes me cry for nothing.
"is it?"
Ellen smiled as if she didn't know.
S ll, she said it wasn't because she was sick that she couldn't train, it was
because she wasn't feeling well.
At her words, Ellen seemed pre y happy with her.
I mean, it's pre y funny now.
Whoever sees it, Ellen is just always fierce.
You know that she is and she has a fat expression,
Like me, she reacts subtly differently to find out how she feels about this.
It's not that he doesn't have any reac ons, it's that he has very subtle re-
ac ons.
If you eat something delicious, like Harriet, huh!! tasty! While doing this, I
but sleeping with her eyes blinking a few mes
I stare intently at what I'm fed up.
When she gets grumpy, her mouth comes out very small.
When she is sad, she gazes quietly into the air with her eyes slightly
Some mes when I'm really angry, I scream.
She learned a lot about Ellen and she was Artorius.
“Then let’s do it again.”
“Yeah, I’ve been there.”
- Kaang!
She learned a lot.
“Let’s do this today.”
A er quarreling in the middle of the night, I
I was more exhausted than usual, and I was exhausted.
It didn't seem like he had been off for that long, but I could feel the tension
in my body dropped a lot. So I couldn't do it any longer than usual.
Ellen sat next to me, si ng on a chair on one side of the gymnasium. She
also got red faster than I did before, and Ellen wasn't swea ng a drop.
He's not as good as Ludwig, but he's got a lot of stamina.
I'm red, and it's late at night, so I'll have to shower and sleep.
It's not winter, but it's polar right now, and there's a hot spring here.
There's no reason not to use it.
For the hot spring, there is an open-air bath outside the mansion and a
separate hot spring inside.
Of course, there are separate men's and women's baths. It's snowing
outside, but I headed to the open-air bath outside.
- Whoa, whoa....
Even if it's an open-air, it's not en rely outdoors, it's surrounded by a
wooden outer wall.
there was. There was a hot spring that was steaming hot, and there was
snow piled up around it.
A er the mafia game, here
What a common cliché-like event
it should happen Well, these are close to happenings, so nothing has a big
impact on the main story.
Anyway, I was the first to drop out, so I am the first user.
wooden exterior wall. And beyond the wall on the right, there is an open-
air hot spring, and there is a women's bath.
But that wall is very low...
With just a li le bit of jumping power, I think I might be able to jump and
grab it and jump over it.
I have no inten on of doing so,
“It’s terribly cold.”
I just wanted to go to the inner hot spring, but I wondered how many mes
I would go into the snowy open-air hot spring, so I went to the hot spring.
went in
Come to think of it, I don't think he really liked going into hot water to
support his body.
I felt like my whole body was loosening up because it was coming in a er
being beaten hard.
It looks like her face is frozen, but honestly, it's not to the point of being
too strict about it.
I'm already used to the pain.
I sit blankly in the hot springs and look at the snowy night sky.
- click
The sound of the door opening was heard from over the wall on the right.
- Pop, pop
You can also hear footsteps on the snow. Because it's outdoors, there's
snow around the hot springs.
Ellen also needs to wash up and go to sleep, so it looks like she's in a hot
- Reinhardt, are you there?
Why are you calling me in this situa on with embarrassment?
I was holding my breath!
I don't even know why I endured it,
- Isn't it cold?
“It’s cold.”
- It's cold, so why wash outside? It's inside too.
“Why are you doing that?”
“I am just.”
It's like Ellen soaking her body in a bath.
The sound was small.
get sick
I don't want to think about anything, but I end up thinking about anything.
I do not know. Let's go out a er a while.
- Reinhardt,
Oh, why do you keep calling me? In this situa on
Talking through a wall
It feels really weird!!
Do you know that you have a talent for turning people around while
pretending not to be like that? It's weird if you don't know!!
My head is complicated, but the answer is natural
go out nicely
- Do you like snow?
I can't even remember the last me I felt like I liked or hated snow. I guess I
just don't like it or hate it.
For that reason, I went out to the open-air bath for nothing. He sat idly
under the snowy sky, despite the cold.
“You seem to like it.”
I dared to take the inconvenience and go out to the open-air hot spring
because I wanted to see the snowy scenery.
Then, as a result, the eyes like
isn't it
I thought so.
What about Ellen, she said, Ellen said she hates rain. the day her brother
reminds me of this
- I like it too.
Ellen said so.
Just as I took the inconvenience and came to the open-air bath, Ellen
seemed to come to the open-air bath for the same reason.
I like it too.
That answer.
It's hard to hear.
-Let's make a snowman tomorrow.
suddenly a snowman
In fact, his occasional outrageous remarks really made me feel weird. He
told me to train, and he suddenly wanted to make a snowman regardless
of training.
this comes out
Especially since the words came out of Ellen's mouth, it was even more
strange. let him do that
Because I never thought I'd do it.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 229

The next day, morning.
Currently, the number of people recalled to the mansion is s ll
There are only three including me, Ellen and Louis.
“So, what we need addi onally are Granite and Elium... no ma er how you
transport it
Do we have enough space to stand?”
“Last me I found out, there is something like a large storage for club
groups inside the temple. We could rent a part of it, but all the big clubs do
that. Of course, there is no cost.
I took it and applied for a lease, so the space is
You can think of it as already there.”
"okay? So what about transport?”
“That’s what the warehouse staff will do for you.”
“Well… the temple is really nice.”
“Yeah, honestly, I didn’t know that I would even support you in this part.”
Louis Ancton and the Magic Research Society
We also shared stories. this guy
Aside from being smart, people themselves are a bit me culous.
Since we have created a club and are in the posi on of running it, it seems
that we are going to learn all about what parts of the temple support and
use what we use.
“You’re smart, you did a good job, Mom.”
"'re kind of like that to compliment
Shouldn't it be done?"
She said so, as if Louis was a li le bit stunned, and I twisted her lips.
“How can I be born like this?”
“I think I’m star ng to understand what kind of guy you are now.”
Louis seemed to be accep ng of me as just a pony with a strange and dirty
temper who didn't need to be afraid of me. That's why the harshness of
this guy's personality is o en revealed.
Louis is helping with the details that I would not have been able to pay
a en on to alone. I'm good at earning a job, but I'm not good at
appren ceship.
It's almost like a vice president rather than a general secretary.
It's a six-person club, but...
No, but the budget is 5 billion?
That's pre y huge isn't it?
Ellen at breakfast with Louis
She was staring at me since she was talking like that.
I'm not saying anything.
Her unspoken pressure comes through.
Okay.... Okay Don't!!
I'm not going to talk about this here!
No, by the way, Louis Lee said it first... 1
If the mafia isn't caught, it's a group beauty
Sean runs un l Friday evening.
From then on un l Sunday, he rests in this mansion and returns to the
Ellen offered to train for the rest of her me, but she erra cally put on her
cage overcoat and she came out of the mansion.
It is a mansion in the polar forest. It's not like a blizzard, but the snow
keeps falling
The snow near the mansion had been cleared, but there was snow piled up
on the edge.
Ellen squa ed and rolled her snowballs together with her gloved hands.
She then rolls her around.
“You do it too.”
I thought he wouldn't do this.
No, he won't.
do what you don't Ellen, in her thick overcoat, closed her eyes with her
gloved hands.
As he gets hit, he makes her snowballs.
I don't know what
jae is really cute
He's far from cute, but he's always cute these days.
Characteris cs of the strongest in the world view)
Let's make a snowman.
It's cute, so I think it's okay.
Suddenly me and Ellen roll her snowballs.
Anyone who sees this will damage Reinhardt's dignity.
Caring about such a thing is already
Thinking I ate it, I made the snowball ghter.
It had been snowing quite a bit, so me and Ellen were able to create a fairly
large snowball in no me.
“Stand out.”
Ellen flashed a fairly large snowball and she put it on top of the one I
rolled. Every me I see such a slender child with such strength, it is
unfamiliar to me. It's me to get used to it.
I was thinking of making a snowman, but this
Isn't that the end?
It ended very quickly.
But Ellen didn't seem to end there. Ellen with her gloved hands
Started pa ng her snowballs.
“…what are you doing?”
“Now I have to make it.”
“What do you add here? You made a snowman.”
If you stack two snowballs, it's a snowman. Ellen looked at me and giggled.
“Why is this a snowman?”
What the hell is his standard snowman?
I was staring blankly at Ellen, who started sculp ng her snowballs.
“Come close your eyes a li le more”
Ellen said she didn't want me to let her play, so she kept collec ng
If the snowman I think of is a hut, Ellen thinks the snowman is a palace.
I knew that he had very high dexterity among his physical stats, but seeing
him use it to make a snowman makes me feel weird.
“No, what if we make a real person?
Are you?”
“This is a snowman.”
It's not a snowman, it's like, say, human eyes, right?
human eyes? Is there such a thing?
Anyway, Ellen shaves, polishes, and licks her two snowballs.
Danny, she made human eyes. The snowballs I had gathered were used for
Watching Ellen's real- me talent waste
Johnny It's a bizarre feeling that can't be put into words.
Ellen looked at the snowman she had made from a distance and saw that
she was sa sfied.
nodded his head.
human eyes.
“And maybe this is me?”
Because of the limita ons of the material itself, the eyes are not perfectly
similar, but the face is very similar to me. I don't know if I even have to say
that I'm wearing it, but the ou it is the same as the Royal Class uniform,
Even with a slightly crooked posture, with arms crossed, and making a thick
expression, this is
I'm totally fine.
Did you express the wrinkles in your hair and pants?
But it is snowing in the end. As snow accumulates on the head, it will
gradually lose its shape.
Ellen knew she was worried about it, so she took a large umbrella from
somewhere and fixed it to cover her snowman.
In the end, if not what I thought, we made a snowman outside for hours.
Ellen worked with her bare hands, as her gloved hands couldn't have made
such an elaborate snowman.
So her hands were burning red.
Her face was also shriveled by the cold,
“Isn’t it cold?”
"Girl, your nose is leaking."
When I say Ellen licks her baby and the back of her nose
Leader, he stared at me.
“It’s not leaking.”
A er one glance, she realizes that sneezing is a lie, and she stares at me
even more annoyed.
“It’s not leaking, it’s not cold, it’s Nabal, so let’s go inside.”
I took Ellen's hand. It was almost as cold as an ice field.
“If you get frostbite like this, cut off her hand.”
Ellen did not refuse when I led her.
Is it because it's cold?
He seemed to be trembling a bit.
Back at her mansion, Ellen and I had hot tea. my face is blushing
Jean Ellen was sipping hot tea. Ellen was watching the snowy scenery
outside the window, where she was standing s ll with her umbrella on.
There were a few people who even looked at the snowman Ellen had made
with wonder.
“Are you really making a snowman like this?”
A child that seems unlikely to make a snowman, no, a man made of snow.
you. As you can see, it's not the first me
It seemed Ellen looked out the window and said quietly.
“Some mes with my brother.”
Again, this seemed to be the case. I don't make it by myself, but my brother
and I seem to have made it o en. She imagined Ellen and her brother on a
snowy day and she would make a man out of snow.
Ellen as a child,
what would it look like
I can't imagine it well. Even now, if you ask me, I am young,
Here, imagine Ellen, who has been reduced in size.
Ellen Artorius, the baby version with a fat expression.
I think it's incredibly cute
Hey, don't you have any pictures?
“It’s been a long me coming.”
Thinking of her brother makes me sad. But Ellen is not shy about talking
about her older brother standing in front of me.
It's been a long me since I've made a snowman that I had been making
with her brother. I didn't even think of making a snowman at this age, so it
was a bit of a new feeling.
Ellen said she likes snow, she said.
It's like she hates rain because it's the day her brother le .
Her eyes seemed to be because of the good memories she had with her
"What are the kids going to do?"
I suddenly wondered how the group mission was going. I was also curious
about how the collabora on between the two intelligent people was going.
However, since the two are not on good terms, there may be
disagreements. rather more
There's a good chance it won't roll.
“How do you think it will be? mission results.”
I tell Ellen to look out of her window quietly.
she asked
“I wish it didn’t end sooner.”
What's going on, she asked, Ellen
She gave an en rely absurd answer. and say
Then Ellen opened her eyes, as if she had been surprised by what she had
As if she spit it out of her mouth and she didn't know how to say it herself.
Even if it ends early, you can s ll stay here anyway. There is no need for an
early return to the temple.
But Ellen didn't end early.
She wished she could.
What did that mean?
That day, in the evening. “...why are you here?”
“That… was executed.”
Harriet is eliminated and summoned to her mansion.
Ellen looked up to Harriet like that.
was watching
Harriet was worried.
eerie and gloomy and cool
This sensi vity is not due to the atmosphere of Goseong Epiax.
No ma er how much the mission, it feels bad
Jeongin It's not because of this mission right now.
Worrying about when you will be assassinated
Yesterday, Ellen and Louis Ancton were assassinated.
suffered Reinhardt was executed at his first trial for half-joking and half-bad
trickery by his classmates.
During the last uninhabited island mission, the group mission
Those who drop out early will feel in an area outside the mission.
I found out she was ge ng along
all. It will be the same this me.
Right now, there are only three Ellen, Louis, and Reinhardt in the outer
that is.
There's no reason to be anxious, it's bad to be anxious It seems like work,
but Harriet
Feeling anxious and irritable
She said so, as if she was worried about Adelia with her. She also knows
that Ellen and Reinhardt hit the bo om.
It's not new to just the two of us, and there's no reason to worry about
that. It has always been like this, and the two of them went on a long trip
No more.
I think I don't like it anymore.
It doesn't happen for a day or two that we were alone, but one more day
from that day or two
What is added is that one more day builds up. As they build up each day,
the rela onship between the two of them cannot be squeezed in.
becoming non-existent.
Ellen is a friend.
She is a good and good friend.
she doesn't like it she doesn't hate She has no reason or need to do that.
However, I hate seeing Reinhardt and Ellen together.
She doesn't hate it, every me she finds herself trying to hate her dear
friend. Harriet is annoying. Her feelings are so close to impulse that she
can't control her thoughts.
She shouldn't hate it.
But just thinking about what the two of them might be doing together
causes an unpleasant impulse to dominate their emo ons.
Because it's so obvious that they value each other. I can't deny that
She, who is trying to forcefully squeeze into the gap, is so miserable and
By forcing Reinhardt, who is not even a wizard, to join the Magic Research
Society, and forcing him to become the president, she wants to have
Reinhardt's me at least a li le bit.
It's miserable.
What's the difference between a naughty child and a child?
Begging you to look at me, to give me some of your me
Ruth listened to it.
Ellen gives Reinhardt infinite help.
gives a hug It is no exaggera on to say that the current Reinhardt was
made by El Ren.
he swarms himself He only helps himself when he has no reason to help,
and he can't do anything for Reinhardt.
such inferiority.
I want to be the person needed by a loved one, but that is impossible.
To stop the deepening between the two
So Harriet couldn't hide his nervousness now that Ellen and Reinhardt
were outside the mission.
The two of us have built up a lot of me already, knowing that we can't
stop it.
Even though I know there's no reason to stop
Just a vague sense of uneasiness powers Harriet
was listening
She doesn't want to lose Ellen, but there are mes when she feels like
she'd rather lose.
If I hadn't been friends with you,
I could have liked Reinhardt a li le more comfortably.
Loving someone in and of itself wouldn't have been a feeling of guilt
towards someone.
Harriet is the one who thinks like that.
She hated herself the most.
She wondered if she was this ugly
she was wearing
She like Ellen is tormented.
Harriet is also suffering.
So now, Harriet is completely focused.
this didn't work
mee ng me.
I couldn't even focus on the discussion to find out who the assassin was.
like this
Well, none of that ma ers.
want to grab it
Me too, quickly.
I want to go outside.
That's all Harriet wants.
“Heriot, why are you so anxious?”
With a so smile, Bertus looked at Harriet, who couldn't hide her
smiles and so eyes That's it.
However, those who could see could read the truth hidden in Bertus' eyes.
"Yeah. You look anxious.”
For example, at the table opposite her, she sees Charlo e responding with
a similar look.
De Gradias or something.
those two eyes.
So , yet creepy eyes.
“Well, like someone who has something to hide.”
Those were the eyes of a beast that found its prey.
“Ah, ah… that, that. that, that! My, what am I hiding?”
Harriet de Saint-Touine is doing her first ac ng role.
Disappoin ng smoke.
This is an opportunity.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 230
Charlo e de Gradias was overcome with a strange feeling.
“Hey, it looks like he slept, but, somehow. that. I don't remember well."
is he stupid?
It's not even bullshit that a fool can learn magic.
Harriet is by no means an idiot.
However, he seems to be constantly anxious, so Bertus asked what kind of
rice cake this was, and he responded slightly, but he was gibberish.
Last night, Louis Ancton and Ellen Artorius were assassinated. When asked
where he was and what he was doing at that me, he could simply answer
that he was sleeping in a private room, but not even that, I don't know. I do
not remember. I think it's because I'm so anxious and confused.
Even pretending to be, he picks up suspicious words and serves them.
“Is there anyone who can tes fy to your alibi last night?” “Well, I don’t
think so…”
“Heriot, you drank tea with me late last night.”
“He, he, did he?!”
A child who is not an idiot, acts like an idiot.
Jae why are you doing this?
Demen a is not the age.
Charlo e is already very uncomfortable to plant. | The start was good.
Because Reinhardt, who is the biggest stumbling block in this mission, and
obviously the most annoying, was easily bypassed by using her children's
preconceived no ons.
She said she ended up winning this mission.
Once the goal of winning is given, you must win.
Charlo e lived that way. Just like Bertus lived such a life.
So she was able to make an infinitely sober judgment in this situa on.
Reinhardt was the biggest stumbling block to assume, and he succeeded in
removing it from the start.
That night, she agreed to deal with Harriet de Saint-Touine and Louis
Ancturne at the thought of Cheri Hazan, star ng with the smart guys.
Not only is Harriet smart, but she is also a member of a new club called the
Magic Research Society. Friendship rela onship is also good
all. Influence on classmates
It's safe to say it's next to the track.
The proposal was made by Bertus, and the execu on was made by
Charlo e.
But what
'Kill me.'
On other occasions, while carefully examining the surroundings,
Said the crab was moving, but she suddenly turned back
was caught
Ellen Artorius, 'You're an assassin. Just kill me.'
‘Hey, don’t you know what that means? I was looking for someone to stay
with him because he was a li le alone.'
'Just kill me, you're here to kill Harriet.'
As if not to say she won't eat her seed, Ellen read her own ac ons and
asked her to kill me without end.
And for some reason, the opponent just wants to be eliminated from the
Charlo e already felt defeated by that alone.
and felt uncomfortable.
'...Yes, you assassinated.
- Pot!
Immediately, the recall ar fact is triggered and
Ren disappeared. Charlo e was also offended by her reading, and she was
annoyed that Ellen's inten ons were unknown.
I'm not interested in anything like this
Like it, it's unpleasant
It feels like someone is doing their best on something they don't even care
Not funny.
I feel like I've already lost before I even start, but I can't give up because of
And now, the target he was targe ng because he was smart is gibberish
and suspicious.
We should get Ellen, not him.
I should have judged
It was a misjudgment. Of course, Bertus's
Although not,
As a result, a er Reinhardt, the next target to check was as if he had given
up on his own.
But she couldn't predict Ellen, just that she was already offended by
Charlo e. “Well, I mean… A er all, I don’t have an alibi…. Absolutely not!"
Watching Harriet de Saint-Touan crawl into her trap on her own, Charlo e
lost her breath.
She's a fool, not a fool.
Then there must be a reason for the foolishness itself.
Hang on like this
If the result of foolishness is execu on, execu on
This will be the purpose
I want to hang on to him.
I'll figure it out slowly.
Ellen and Herriot.
Neither of them have much interest in the mission.
'How much do they like Reinhardt?'
annoyance rises
I was afraid of Reinhardt's influence, so I put it aside.
That was correct.
Even with the disappearance of Reinhardt, the two most dangerous targets
in the mission are about to give up on the mission.
One is self-defea ng in search of the culprit, and the other is not an idiot,
but tries to self-destruct.
The op on I chose because I thought it was the right answer. It gives you
more rewards than expected.
Because this was unexpected, Charlo e
Eventually I got annoyed.
Reinhardt's influence was greater than he thought.
'What's so good about that bastard?'
Anyway. It disappears on its own, but there is no reason to stop it.
But he just feels bad when he sees an opponent who doesn't do his best.
Charlo e has already lost her interest in this group mission.
“Let's vote, it looks like this.
She suggests that Charlo e sleeps her opponent every month with a smile
on her face.
'I think it's worth liking...'
When Charlo e thought of Reinhardt, she had no idea that she was smiling
a li le differently than usual.
She was stunned when she heard her explana on of how she got hung up.
"Hey, head-to-head, that's why you were gibberish and hung up on that
This ght...”
“Don’t call me a bum! That, and the head-to-head?! You're tall!? haha!
Harriet's face turned red and blue, and she had an expression of wan ng to
deny reality again.
had been It's a back-to-back a er the pak-tong,
Why the hell do I have to listen to him like this? is the expression
“Isn’t it the me to listen to the pak-tong more than ever, you pak-tong?”
"profit! you! you really! no! not
stupid! I'm not stupid!"
Following the head-to-head in the new meta, Harriet's red hot flashes in
the classic meta. It looks really pi ful.
But while gibberish, I hung up.
hey, what is he The head is nice
Weak before? Seeing that you are s ll being honest with me,
I'm sorry to hear that you got caught up in some sort of criminal drive.
I haven't actually seen it, so I can't tell just by hearing it.
Anyway, Harriet wasn't assassinated, but as a result, he was eliminated the
next day.
And a er a while, the next dropout arrived.
The other dropout was Kono Lint.
Originally, class A would be assassinated by class B.
Designate the person who is supposed to be an assassin, and class B
designates the person who is supposed to be an A-class assassin.
Of course, that's not necessarily the case.
However, a er all, it is a group mission, so there is nothing good about
reducing the number of people in one's class. It felt like a acking the
opposing class.
However, in today's trial, only two Class A people were executed.
Me, Harriet, Ellen, and Conor Lint.
On the second day, four people from Class A had already been eliminated.
“What are you?”
Just like Harriet was unfairly executed.
Kono Lint also looked like a formidable person.
"No! I had nothing else, I was executed for just one ability! Does this make
He was so unhappy that he was ready to cry.
Even if Kono Lint's abili es, teleporta on, and alibi are certain, he doesn't
know what he will do because of the variable called superpower. How did
you approach this concept?
“…yes, you certainly have nothing to say if you are suspicious like that.”
In my words, Kono Lint's complexion is saffron
“Even if I was able to move my underwear together.... If I did that, I would
be a madman before the mission.... Even if I were an assassin, would I use
my superpowers!”
If Kono Lint were an assassin, and if he had superpowers,
Appears in the classmates' private rooms wearing only pan es and
disappears with a declara on of assassina on.
it would be
very much what it is
It's a criminal picture.
Kono Lint seemed really unfair. He wondered if he would do something like
Yeah, I won't. But what Your image is something like that. to be honest.
In a different sense than me,
looks like a dog
“Actually, he has an alibi, but if he is just an assassin, how can he
assassinate him? While talking like this…”
Harriet hangs up while gibbling.
Then, one by one, assuming that person was an assassin, how would he
assassinate? There was a discussion on the topic.
All the other kids just pass by
I went
The kids got caught in Kono Lint.
If he's an assassin,
Just wearing pan es and telepor ng to my room
It's coming in.
A er imagining the picture, everyone unanimously hung the Kono Lint.
It may not be, but if it is, it is
oh that would be terrible
It must be really sad, boy.
“It’s really sad!”
“Yeah, what. what to do Something like a half full of power.”
Kono Lint grumbles, saying that he doesn't even have the energy to eat
because he's sad that his ability is itself an object of contempt.
I le in search of a less private room.
Harriet, too, had been running quite unfairly, but suddenly she felt a li le
be er.
I looked all over the house.
“Wow, what is that? Very well made.”
Then I looked out the window and saw the eyes of a person with an
umbrella, and widened my eyes. A er looking closely for a while, Harriet
turned to me and looked into people's eyes.
"Isn't that you? Who made it?"
Ellen looked a li le reluctant to speak, and Harriet looked at Ellen like that.
As she fiddled with her hair, she seemed a li le perplexed.
“Ah, two, you two made it… Yeah.”
Harriet looked at me and narrowed his brow.
“I can imagine you making a snowman.
I'm not going. That too.” |
“I rolled my eyes and he did everything he made.”
"Oh yeah...?"
Actually, I didn't do anything in the process of making that snowman.
Herriot said that as I met my eyes, he said
I couldn't imagine this roll.
“Me too, I want to make a snowman.”
What kind of fashion is this?
Harriet whined that evening that he wanted to build a snowman too.
I want to make a snowman, but I send it alone
What's wrong with throwing it away, in the end I'm a snowman
Started the second round of making. Ellendo
Harriet lacks sophis cated dexterity.
But there is a kind of cheat called magic.
- gurgle . . . .
"Some people make human-shaped eyes, not snowmen, and some make
snow giants, not snowmen."
Heriot was ge ng bigger and bigger as he rolled snowballs that were over
his height using telekinesis magic. The snowball has grown too large
I can't push it at all, so I use magic.
Even if the snowball grows so large that it tries to destroy itself, it will
become ght again.
un l it came together.
I want to be a wizard too!
“Hey, look at this! Have you ever seen a snowball this big?”
“Is there?”
Harriet, whose face was red and swollen, shouted. I don't even care about
the cold
This seems to be the case. How good is he? Unlike Ellen, she has a pleasant
expression on her face.
Whether it is or not is revealed.
Because I like you like that, I feel good too
this is good
“Come on and push this. hurry."
Harriet grabbed my arm and dragged me
He went and threw his big snowball.
I was told to push it.
doesn't even move
I passed Harriet's height and not even mine.
The compressed snowball, which had been far pasted, was not something I
could roll.
“What, can’t you push this much?”
Harriet giggled, covering his mouth. No, is this trying to test me?
"show me?"
"Huh? What are you going to show me?"
“No, just look.”
I have no inten on of using it for snowballing.
Strengthening, maximally,
Tighten your arms, back and legs
pushed the snowball away.
- Bump!
However, instead of rolling the snowball, the giant snowball began to
collapse as his hand got stuck in the snowball.
"Oh, my, my, this..."
- Kururu!
Harriet and I as the snowballs collide
was buried in the falling snow.
We both got the snow on our heads, and it turned into something unusual.
"Hey! How hard did I roll!"
But Harriet seemed to be more upset that the snowball was broken, rather
than the problem with the pile of snow.
“No, I didn’t know it was going to be like this.”
"I do not know! go away! I'll do it again!"
Harriet grew up again by pu ng together the collapsed snow pile like
pieces of a puzzle piece.
- gurgle gurgle....
And Ellen was rolling her snowball, which had already passed her height, as
easily as a balloon.
No, Harriet did it by magic, and she's doing that shit with her naked body. It
was even bigger than Harriet had rolled over.
No ma er how strong I am, can I s ll do that?
“What kind of magic power do you use while snowballing?”
Upon closer inspec on, a blue energy was swirling around Ellen's body. At
my startled sound, Ellen looked at me with a sullen expression.
“If you don’t use it, you can’t roll it.”
The magic was yangban.
She uses Anne Choin's power to roll her eyes.
It means that you can already deal with mana enhancement at the level of
your daily life.
It's an incredible talent, really.
A er all, Ellen made a human eye, so she seemed to agree with Harriet's
plan to build a giant snow giant.
A made snowman, no, a snow giant.
is a total of three.
The largest snowball that Ellen rolled was one, and the next sized snowball
that Harriet rolled was two-fold, and the very large one that I rolled while
using my superpowers, but s ll the smallest among the three.
In order to maintain the balance, various opera ons such as machining the
underside with magic were added to create a snow giant about five meters
Usually, I use a wooden s ck to express my arms, but that's possible with a
wooden s ck.
Not at the level, but somewhere in the dead tree and nailed it to the side.
“I became a snow monster instead of a snow giant, but this.”
You turned into a bizarre, squiggly, two-armed snow monster. This isn't
cute, it's kind of creepy...
"That's not what you're talking about."
Harriet is remembered a lot
He was smiling as if it was good. mansion
It's fun for Yongin to do what we do
There were people watching to see if
all. They even brought me a hot drink saying it was going to be cold, so the
three of us stared blankly at the finished snow giant.
I, who was made of the snow Ellen had made, was next to the snow giant.
"Why the hell did I do this?"
No training, no magic research group work.
Spending an en re day making a snowman. No ma er how long it takes to
wait for the group mission to end.
"It's fun, isn't it?"
Harriet said with a bashful smile.
"What. That's right."
Well, that's all.
“Actually, I made a snowman for the first me in my life.”
Harriet hung up with her face full of remembrance.
His eyes twinkled at the giant snow giant.
“It’s snowing in the palace, but you don’t make it so that it’s not dignified
to do this outside. There was no one to work with.”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 231

None of this group mission went as expected.
I ran out on the first shot, Ellen voluntarily dropped out, and Harriet was
sentenced to death the next day.
And the most unexpected thing.
"Is it to confuse you?"
On the second night, Charlo e assassinates herself.
did it
“Well, that’s an excuse for a teacher, it’s just not fun.”
Charlo e just threw this group mission away.
No, temple grades are important.
what about?
The ming of the assassina on at night me. Ellen and I had dinner and
trained, and Harriet said he was bored.
watched the humidity.
And just when she was about to take a break, she found Charlo e drinking
tea in the living room of her mansion.
In the original development, Bertus himself
Might assassinate But now that her assassin is Charlo e, not Det Tomorian,
she has Charlo e assassinate herself.
The reason is, it's not fun.
Harriet knew from her teacher that Charlo e and Bertus had been named
assassins, so she had to let Charlo e assassinate her.
didn't seem to understand.
“No, is it okay?”
She said she wasn't a decisive factor in the succession of the emperor, but
she said that her performance at the Temple was important.
“It’s a win-win game and a loss game isn’t it?”
Nominal assassinates herself by the mafia in order to confuse her.
In fact, Charlo e and Bertus are leading the mood in the mee ng, so they
will start to get suspicious. Because you both gave and received each other.
In such a situa on, if Charlo e is assassinated, she will tell Charlo e that
she is not an assassin, and there is a possibility that Bertus will also evade
her suspicions.
It's a win-win, and a loss. Because the two became a team this me.
So, is this the one that you ended up dealing with Bertus?
I don't want to do it because I lost interest in group missions, but I can feed
Bertus with a kite.
So Charlo e just gave up.
Harriet was a li le nervous.
It was the same, and Ellen looked dull.
Charlo e looked at them with a so smile. he's already
I managed to manage it very well.
Charlo e's expression is like that right before she opened her eyes. She
suggests Charlo e in a so voice.
She said, "I heard there's a hot spring here? It's like a bath or something.
will you do this?”
“What, what? with me?!"
"what?! It can't be you!"
When I was startled by her outrageous sugges on, Charlo e screamed, her
face red.
Everyone agreed to Charlo e's sugges on, as she was about to shower and
rest anyway.
Reinhardt seemed to wash in the indoor hot spring, while Charlo e,
Herriot, and Ellen headed to the open-air bath.
“Ugh. It’s cold.”
They all wrapped long towels around their bodies and soaked one foot in
the whole cloth. Harriet found the open-air bath strange, and trembled as
she stepped into her eyes barefoot.
Everyone in the hot spring with a li le distance
went in
Ellen didn't seem to mind, Harriet was a bit restless, and Charlo e was
watching Ellen and Harriet silently.
All three said nothing.
In front of a situa on where he had to win, he always stood up for this. But
for Charlo e this me, for the first me, she gave up on her own will.
I got annoyed and lost interest. If she herself gives up, Bertus has to put it
all away. That's why she wanted to feed her some shit.
Because she's more fun that way.
However, she finds herself frustrated with her group missions as a result
and loses interest in her.
two causes.
Charlo e looks at them both.
Ellen Artorius, |
She is the younger sister of the warrior Lagann Artorius, and her talent
surpasses that of the hero.
She is predicted to be awkward. She has already created a case in which
she enters the path of her superman on her own. Of course, the next case
of Reinhardt was made right away, but the level of perfec on cannot be
compared to Ellen.
Herriot de Saint-Ouen.
Grand Duchess of the Principality of Saint-Ouen, a historical and magical
state. She is the best talent in the history of the gate. She was gi ed with
her unparalleled talent, her talent in all fields of magic. She has a talent
called magic that requires a lot of capital. With the support of the family
will grow without
These two, exaggeratedly, are the apex of the con nent in their respec ve
fields in the future.
will be
Superman's apex.
magic apex.
'But without Reinhardt, these two will die and cannot live.
It's funny.
The personal background of Reinhardt is really insignificant. but this way
Less than a year later, Reinhar
He made both talents, who could be called the future of the empire, his
I don't think it was intended, but that's how it turned out.
It seems like he's just living, but it turns out he's doing well in the end.
Is it an exaggera on to think that the future of the con nent is in
Reinhardt's hands?
Reinhardt wants to be his friend, and Charlo e thinks so.
Reinhardt is my friend, and Charlo e is like that.
But like them, to Reinhardt
Don't hang around your neck
Without Reinhardt, it is not enough to give up on a group mission midway.
As a result, a er Reinhardt's elimina on, he lost interest and came here.
how am i
Am I not from Reinhardt?
That's absurd.
It is right to consider whether Reinhardt is his person or not. comparison
because it can't
However, in that sense, it is unreasonable to regard Harriet de Saint-Ouen
as a Reinhardt's person. The Grand Duchess of Saint-Ouen and Reinhardt
from the beggars
It's like there's no comparison.
The same goes for Ellen Artorius. Although I may not be aware of it, the
status of Artorius Lagann has already surpassed even the emperor among
the subjects of the Empire. Those who survived to become heroes
naturally lose their reputa on just because they are alive, but Lagann
Artorius puts his greatest achievements on the line with his life.
Mixing the blasphemy, in the future, Arthurius, Lagann, is already on the
same rank as a god.
will be men oned in
Ellen, the younger brother of Lagann Artorius, is never behind Harriet.
Both have backgrounds too strong to associate with Reinhardt. But no
ma er how you look at them, they are Reinhardt's people. Reinhardt
doesn't seem to be one of them.
who I think is mine
When it comes to standards, Charlo e is very intui ve.
My man, he must be someone who can give me something.
There has to be something I want him to do, and he has to be able to do it.
Loyalty, work, whatever.
Also, you shouldn't expect anything in return for it. He must be blind to
So these are Reinhardt's people. They will give Reinhardt what he wants.
But they don't want anything from Reinhardt. Without asking for anything
in return, he helps Reinhardt. that
he will be blind
But as Charlo e develops such thoughts, she looks as if she is in self-
it hardened
me too,
It was the same.
Reinhardt will help you when you are in trouble, and if you need advice, he
will always give you advice.
If the imperial family needs help, he will help.
And, he doesn't want anything from Reinhardt like that.
The rela onship that started with the le er is now maintained even
without the le er. The only price they had hoped for was gone, but by
breaking that link, Charlo e and Reinhardt redefine each other as friends.
Herriot de Saint-Ouen and Ellen Artorius help Reinhardt even when he
doesn't have any.
That's why he's a Reinhardt man.
He will also help Reinhardt even if he doesn't want anything.
In the name of a friend, to Reinhardt
Crabs do so many things and nothing
wouldn't want
Charlo e de Gradias suddenly realized that she was also a Reinhardt
person a er all.
Reinhardt is not mine.
I became Reinhardt's man.
Charlo e let out her low laughter in her snowy open-air bath because she
was ridiculous.
Shaking her hair, she no ced that a lot of her snow had already piled up on
her head, and she watched Charlo e blankly as her snowflakes fell and
melted in the tub.
she didn't know
When she woke up, she was piled up like this.
She should have what she wants.
A strange feeling of being possessed rather than possessed.
And maybe.
Two compe tors in this unknown situa on.
Her own slightly squin ng Herriot
And Ellen, who enjoys a hot spring bath idly.
“Are you two friends?”
“Friend. A lot of."
Heriot was bewildered by a random ques on.
Instead, Ellen nodded and answered. Her innocent expression turned into
a blank expression as if shocked by her innocence.
Charlo e knows that their rela onship is a sandcastle that can be
sha ered with a single word.
It was felt that they had a deformed rela onship in which they tried to
ignore the ruins they had already seen.
can be crushed
You two, do you like Reinhardt?
At this one word, the two knew each other
They will admit to the things they pretended not to know, and they will
become uncomfortable with each other.
It would be ridiculous to deny that.
It is unknown how their rela onship will develop, but it will be full of very
sad and ugly things.
But Charlo e had no inten on of throwing such a stone.
'A compe tor.'
she herself is a princess
Although she is recognized as a friend,
Nothing more than this is possible Of course, no one knows what will
happen to me later. She said that even Charlo e was acknowledging that
she had some poten al.
But not now.
But those two
Just looking at it is dangerous and sad.
At Ellen's words, who had admi ed that she was close, didn't Herriot look
like she was about to cry? With a face mixed with guilt and frustra on, she
was pouring water on her face for nothing.
While washing my face with water for nothing, I was in it.
You are pouring out the flowing tears li le by li le because of guilt and
Those two are precious to each other, but each other
So it's a rela onship that has nothing but guilt for each other.
What is the reason for ruining a rela onship that would be ruined if le
There is no reason or need for that.
Charlo e had no inten on of going into that sorrow. She knows how to get
in there and put a flagpole, but she didn't want to make them both sadder
for nothing.
It only takes one word to destroy them.
The other way around doesn't come to mind.
There doesn't seem to be a situa on that can sa sfy both of them.
Charlo e only comes up with nega ve ways, but she doesn't want to make
them unhappy on purpose in the end.
To be honest, I don't want either of them to get hurt.
A er all, they are precious to Reinhardt.
Because it's one people.
But no ma er what Charlo e thinks,
She seemed to have no way of running.
The mission was finished on the fourth day.
Bertus hung up.
It seems that there was a limit to being alone in the end. Above all else,
Charlo e did not discuss anything with Bertus and just threw herself into
the assassina on. Bertus Men
It looked like it had exploded.
Rather than feeling a sense of crisis when Charlo e suddenly stroked her,
she read Charlo e's true inten ons and felt like she had a mental
As long as we are a team of assassins, we win and lose together
became a thing
Winning and losing, losing.
That means you don't get grades for each class. this me.
So hey, are you working hard on your own? While I was doing it, I threw it
The reason Charlo e explained to the teacher was plausible, so she did not
She has already gone through two mee ngs and is sure to be suspicious of
Lee Sang herself and Bertus, who has taken over and driven the mee ng
of arrows come So the two could be suspected of collabora ng.
If he is eliminated at this me, he can avoid being accused of going to
Bertus and greatly confuse his reasoning. was that
Anyway, that's why I didn't fail, and Bertus spent the fourth day cleaning up
shit alone.
hung on
The author of the mystery was, surprisingly, Ludwig.
It wasn't about a acking the crime scene or finding evidence or anything
like that.
I saw Bertus, who was s ll very annoyed, trying to somehow control the
mood during the mee ng, and threw it away.
‘Bertus, you talk too much. If you talk too much, you are the culprit.’
....what?" Such a childish reasoning. No, it's not even a reasoning car.
'Oh no wait, Ludwig? What are you talking about..."
'Or maybe later! I'll be sure to apologize. So.'
'uh? no. If you do it this way...!
'Let's hang on to it, Bertus
'Ludwig. Calm down, you guys can't do it without me!'
Class A has been eliminated quite a few mes, so Class B has the lead in
So, I hung Bertus as if I was taking it down.
Just finished the mission.
Wherever the elaborate reasoning game went, it ended up becoming a
fairly common mafia game. Hanging it once
Poor mafia game.
Because the mission was over, all the kids, including those who were
eliminated, were gathered in one place.
“Hey, Bertus was really right. I just took a picture.”
The talent to make people feel thick
Ludwig, who was there, laughed ahaha.
Bertus's complexion darkened.
Ah. he opens his eyes
it floats away
Not mad at Ludwig.
She was staring straight at Charlo e, who was grinning and smiling.
“Brother… shouldn’t it be okay to spit shit like this? Or was it not that I had
to say I was cheap...?" |
Unmasked Bertus grabbed Charlo e's shoulders and glared fiercely.
“Does the imperial family say such vulgar things with dignity? You're not
Reinhardt, oh, it hurts! Can't you let go?"
Charlo e scratched it with a grin on purpose to make it thicker. The two
show off their mask to others only when they treat each other.
They knew that pretending to be friendly doesn't mean anything, and
everyone was now accep ng what they were doing as a daily rou ne.
no. shallot.
But why do you put 'you're not Reinhardt'?
“No, Charlo e was an assassin?”
“But why is she dead?”
The guys who came to the mansion a er the mission had just finished
were astonished as they couldn't have imagined that Charlo e was an
couldn't stop
“If you do not fail, I will seriously protest against this evalua on of the
group mission.
will depend okay?"
"Why, I had my own reasons? If you protest, I protest too."
“What is the basis?”
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 232
The group mission ended a day earlier than planned.
Of course, such a situa on was also assumed, but both Ms. Mustrang and
Ms. Epinhauser did not look very good.
This is probably because the progress of this group mission was very
pathe c.
Wouldn't Ellen give up on her voluntarily? Harriet, a brain-eater, hangs up
while talking gibberish, and is mourned by the assassins
I wondered if they were playing properly.
Lot suddenly commits suicide, and in the end, mentally out, Bertus is a bit
too much.
In the mee ng, Ludwig's son
I got caught up in the death-defying reasoning.
These are the expressions that I really want to evaluate.
But evalua on is evalua on in the end.
How to choose the less pathe c rather than the be er one.
“This group mission is a B-class victory.”
Rela vely, the Class A guys were worse, and although Class B Ludwig said
you sound like a criminal because you talk a lot, he's right, he caught the
The result was a B-class victory.
On Fridays and Saturdays, if you rest in this mansion and return to the
temple, this group mission will be over.
I could go back to the temple in advance, but I'm going to stay here
because Ellen asked me to.
- Whoa, what's that snowman?
- What's so big? - There is also a statue of some sort next to me.
When the children returned, they all admired the snowmen made by me,
Ellen, and Harriet.
was doing One for sophis ca on, one for
is the size,
Everyone seemed to wonder who made it, and they were shocked to learn
that it was a snowman that me, Ellen, and Harriet had built.
Even though the other kids were like that, I rolled my eyes like a child and
said hahaho.
It was difficult to imagine itself.
"...what these bastards."
No, you can make some snowmen!
I just got bloated.
The mansion is quite spacious, for twenty-two people.
Each student is in a private room
It was an opportunity to rest.
Anyway, the evalua on of the group mission was over, although the results
were a bit sloppy. Class B victory. Of course, Bertus and Charlo e, who
were nominated as assassins, also received individual points.
Naturally, cancer was the only thing that played an ac ve role in a situa on
with pathe c results.
Let's live team
Drive the most important targets in a mee ng into someone else's hand,
not your own
Because I dealt with it.
So Charlo e and Bertus scored not bad in the end.
Of course, I lost by doing nothing, but I don't really care about that.
There were some guys who wanted to go inside as soon as everyone said
that they had integrity, and maybe it was because of the snowman I made.
I took a break, such as making a snowman.
What the hell, this sudden snowman fad.
Friday morning.
“It was a mission I did while I was doing something.”
Everyone nodded at Liana's words.
all. It was so different from the original that the mission, which was
originally quite tense, ended like a blur.
Having had breakfast, I, including the four A-class girls, were si ng
together and drinking tea.
“By the way, is it snowing here?”
Reluctant to be cold, Liana shook her body.
“I guess it’s because it’s polar.”
Because it was a place on the northern edge of the con nent, Harriet
added that it would be winter almost all year round.
“S ll, the hot spring was nice. My body is completely relaxed.”
Liana seems to have enjoyed the hot spring bath last night.
“I used to only go to tropical resorts in winter, but I don’t think it’s bad to
take a hot spring bath in such a cold place.”
It seems that Liana's taste of playing around will change slightly star ng
from this mission.
Come to think of it, it was purely thanks to Liana's sugges on that I went to
the Edina Islands in the summer.
This winter, he bought a hot spring and went there to play.
do you want to
Of course, at this point, I don't know
"I'll have to say it one more me a er I've said it."
Liana is thinking about going to the hot springs one more me in the
I went to the hot springs.
you were really good
Unlike Liana, her other kids didn't seem to mind. Once I woke up in the
morning, it seemed that I had washed myself beforehand.
“Shall we go for a walk?”
As if Ellen had suddenly remembered her, she said so.
it's a walk
Well, there's nothing you can't do.
The only ones out for a walk were me, Harriet, and Ellen. Adelia hesitated,
but did not come out because it was cold.
- Puck! Puffy!
- Hey, hey! Throw it away!
Be strong, Delphine!
- This bastard!
The B-class guys were throwing snow at each other as if they suddenly
started a snowball fight while making a snowman.
Making a snowman and having a snowball fight, they play like children.
I did too,
Near the house was a forest. White steam was rising from the open-air
bath outside.
We walked through the forest. because of snow
It was hard to see, but in the distance among the trees, the silhoue e of
the ancient Epiax was faintly visible.
“Isn’t it a li le creepy over there?”
Maybe it was because Harriet was cold or it was because she was terrified,
but as she looked towards the castle, her body trembled slightly. It was
definitely an eerie atmosphere.
“It is.”
I set it up as an eerie place
In fact, there was an atmosphere that made people get red of something
just by looking at the gloomy and eerie Goseong.
It's like icicles hanging down from every wall. Is it snow on the roof? Is it
the overall color of black gray?
Not an old castle, but well built
It was more like a castle.
But Ellen had other thoughts as she lted her head.
“That castle. What is it for?"
The second thing that is eerie is the use.
Ellen seemed curious about it.
“It didn’t seem like anyone was living there.”
“ that what you think about?”
Heriot, realizing the new fact, lted his head.
Of course, it's not a survival mission, so meals are provided, but that's
temporary because of the mission.
It was made by users dispatched to
The lord of Epiax, or the person who lived in the castle
There was no Ram or anything like that.
It was only about using the castle for a short me as a mission area.
And I don't know.
I just thought it would be eerie and good to play mafia games in Goseong.
one place. I didn't think about the history of that castle and why it was
abandoned now.
“Where was this place in the first place?”
And another ques on.
This is the place we arrived at by telepor ng magic through the warp gate.
We only know a li le bit, but we don't even know where we are.
At Ellen's ques on, Harriet narrowed her brow and pondered.
“If it snows like this at this me... I think it's on the edge of the northern
extreme cold zone or something like that.
Because there is heat... But I don't know exactly where the hot springs are
Harriet is not an expert.
In the end, it seemed like he didn't really know.
“What are you worrying about? You can ask the teacher.”
We have to ponder amongst ourselves, what kind of answer is old? Just go
and tell the teachers where is this place, what kind of place is the Goseong
you can ask
Harriet pouted his lips, as if he was slightly annoyed by my words.
“Chinnen has no desires.”
“What romance?”
“I don’t know, you idiot!”
As if it was leaking, Harriet was a teacher then.
I turned to the mansion while going to ask you.
What is it, he's at a weird ming now
Are you angry?
Epinhauser gave an easy answer.
“It is the northern pole. No jurisdic on, um. Go down quite south from
here and you'll find Glamos. It is a small country because it is a region.”
Glamosra is located in the northernmost part of the con nent.
is the name of a small country. even there
northern fron er. Mr. Epinhauser
Judging from the map that was unfolded, it was in the middle of the
con nent at the northern p of the con nent.
"If it's further north from here... I'm sure the B-8's place of origin will come
out. Of course, it's not close."
The De omorians are from a tribal society in the northern snowfields. In a
place without even a country
He's a guy who grew up standing up. how from there
It's strange that he came to know about the Temple.
Anyway, it is said that this top is no different from the unintelligible, and
here is also the unintelligible.
same as being
About the story of where this is
I heard the answer.
“What is that last name?”
Heriot asked about the Goseong Epix, which he was really curious about.
that castle
What is it? It's not huge, but it's not small either.
So he seemed to think that there must have been some unusual use.
"I do not know."
But from Mr. Epinhauser
The answer that came baffled all three of us
enough to do
I do not know.
All three of us were stunned because we didn't know if we would get that
“No, did you do the mission in a place you didn’t know what it was, then?”
“Are you sure it's not a dangerous place? And this is what I decided
Ma ers determined by the temple, not the clause
am. For me, I decide the mission loca on and content.
I have no authority to do it.”
The teacher gave the student such a great decision
To say that there is no government.
It's so direct that it makes no sense.
“It's not a strange place. Because of the climate in this area, it is difficult for
people to live.
It is an unfavorable environment. However, such a large-scale castle was
built in this environment, and there is no record of who lived in the castle.
The name of the castle was also named a er the discovery, and no one
knows what the original name was.”
Goseong Epiax.
It was a weirder place than I thought.
Because of the eerie atmosphere, the mission area
Although it is set to
It was the right place.
I'm sure there are no safety issues
And, the eerie that the mission itself wants to give
A place set up to give an atmosphere
However, it is really unknown why and for what purpose that castle was
actually built.
Without knowing anything, he entered the haunted house. Is this what it
feels like to come out?
It's unbelievably creepy.
But Harriet's eyes were twinkling.
“Well then! you can go back there
yo. This? It’s safe.”
"Hmm, it doesn't ma er, but why?"
I don't want to go there anymore
Why are you doing this?
“Just. I'm curious. We might be able to find out what that castle was like,
"Hmm.... The inves ga on has already been completed, so I won't be able
to find out more.
There will be nothing.”
Ms. Epin Hauser seemed to think that you were free to do anything in her
free me.
“But keep in mind that this is a polar region, even if there is no other
danger. Magic
The cold shouldn't be a problem, but don't stay too long."
Harriet looked at me and Ellen alternately, her eyes gleaming.
It is an expression that is ac vated by something like an adventurous spirit.
He seemed to know why.
You couldn't go to the Darklands with us.
So it seems like I want to try something like this once. like us,
I feel what it means, I don't want to go back to that gloomy place
Don't I can't say anything simple at all.
[Event occurrence - Goseong Epiax]
[Descrip on: Reveal the secret of the Old Castle Epiax]
[Reward: 500 achievement points]
And, out of nowhere, even mo va ng
turned on
Since you've gone crazy on a group mission, are you saying that you should
try something else?
there's nothing you can't do

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 233

A er the mission was over, there was nothing to do with Epiax, but he
returned to Goseong because of his interest-based business.
He says he also gives achievement points...
At first, I wondered if the three of us could find out what the Temple
couldn't find out,
I wanted to bring the other kids if they were interested, but Harriet didn't
seem to like it, so the three of us set out for Goseong.
In the snowy forest, Ellen Harriet. The three of them walk like this.
There will be nothing dangerous. There is no safety problem, so the group
mission was conducted in a suspicious place that I did not know well.
There was a lot of tension in Harriet whether it was exci ng to go digging
up the mystery of the mysterious old castle, or whether it was just fun to
go with us.
Of course, upon arrival, the tension dropped sharply.
- Whoa, whoa....
Revealed once again in the snow
The gloomy figure of Goseong Epiax.
At first, I thought it would be a mission area even if it was eerie, but now I
found out that this was a castle built in an uniden fied, uniden fied area.
So, when it arrived, I was terrified.
There may be no ghosts, but this is the feeling of uncondi onally coming
out of a ghost.
Of course, in this situa on, Ellen, who we can always trust, was just looking
at the gloomy castle.
“Hey, I’m going to write this.”
Harriet is in her arms, probably because of tension.
She pulled something out.
Earrings with Tranquility magic on them.
He always carries this with him.
S ll, it's something I gave you to use in a situa on like this.
Harriet hung the earrings and she took a few deep breaths.
“…S ll, scary is scary.”
Of course, Harriet did not change her personality as if her personality had
been turned upside down.
“S ll… I can see it this way.”
Aided by magic items, calm
Harriet, regaining a li le bit, nodded slowly. However, when I do, I do this.
“It’s not a castle.”
Harriet refers to Epiax.
“It’s a palace.”
Not a Castle, but a Palace.
I thought so.
A moat for defense, with a gun
There are no castle towers or drawbridges.
This is not a fortress or castle built for defense.
Balls made for life and rituals
Go, it's a palace.
I didn't come in just thinking it would be like that, but to see the Goseong
Epiax itself.
There were things I could see. It is not a fortress for defense, but a palace
for living.
Harriet lived here in the first place.
The only thing you can do is find out
he prayed
This is because she is a princess.
Although there are no walls and the buildings are almost connected to
each other, the main loca on was a central building in the form of a maze
with a hole in the bo om.
Was there a garden or something like that?
I don't know, but the site was also very spacious.
The more I looked at it, the more Epiax was really such an ugly place.
All the employees who stayed for a short me also moved out, so the
spacious Epiax was empty.
There was no such thing as lockdown. So we are gloomy and gloomy
I went inside the castle and walked.
If someone uses it without permission, no one will know.
But if you come all the way here and occupy the area without permission,
you should already be rewarded for that alone. Living around here
Because half is nonexistent.
“A palace of this size would be a king
There would have been people like him....” |
I and Eren had no choice but to agree with Harriet's words. However,
according to Mr. Epinhauser, this place is an unintelligible wonder, and you
have to go down far south to find the small soup glamos.
“I don’t know what the country of Glamos is doing, but will the scale of the
castle be this order?”
Harriet shook his head at my ques on.
"No, I don't think so. I don't know Glamos well, but the fact that I don't
know it proves that it's not a great country."
look down on you
Glamos people will be hurt if they hear this, since it's not a contempt for
the sake of contempt.
“At this size, although it is not at the level of our principality, I think it can
be used as a royal castle with quite a bit of financial power. Loca on is a
If you take the en re epiax and bring it to use as a palace for a certain
country, as long as there are many countries where you can use it with
gra tude
it looks like
- Again, again.
It was so quiet that the sound of our walking echoed through the hallway.
Ellen doesn't look too scary, and Harriet looks tolerable thanks to the
Tranquility earrings.
Achievement score, Nabal, go back
I want to, guys.
are you scared?
Of course, I couldn't get it out of my mouth.
“I don’t know much about architecture, but it’s a very well-made palace.”
So, unlike me, who was a li le nervous, Harriet walked down the hallway
talking. The ceiling, windows, and pillars were not built roughly, but were
aesthe cally quite plausible.
There were also statues erected in each niche.
“What pieces? I don't think it's a god."
There are statues, but it seemed difficult to infer the people who lived here
by finding certain characteris cs in them.
“When was it created, who the hell lived here, and where did it all go
We're not here for a mission, but to inves gate the castle itself. Inside the
castle there were various rooms. Harriet was leading the way. origin is from
A er all, only Harriet knew about the structure of palaces.
"Hmm, structurally, this is the audience room."
I don't know what point of view Harriet was moving based on, but he
seemed to know that the characteris cs of palaces were almost the same.
So, structurally, it should be an audience room
It was an open space and the ceilings were very high.
“Is that where we met?”
round table.
Here I hung on the very first day. Therefore, this spacious conference room
had to be an audience room in the structure of the palace. However, this
place served as a mee ng place to deduce the assassin during the mafia
“It doesn’t look like it originally had a throne.”
Harriet inferred that this may have been the original space. There is a
throne, but it has not been removed.
“Then it must have been that the people who lived here were not royalty
or anything like that.
A round table is placed in the space where the audience should be, if the
ruling class used to live.
It is presumed to be a palace, but not a royal palace.
Unfortunately, except for the sculptures and buildings a ached to the
castle, all materials have been erased. Of course, since it is a castle with a
very old history, most of the items that may have been broken or damaged
should be cleaned.
seems to have been abandoned
“I think all the beds and tableware were brought from the Temple. Not the
things that were originally here.”
They had already been emp ed when they withdrew. There were no
specific objects le inside the castle.
“It’s not a country, but it’s a country of some kind.
It is a group that can build a structure more than a royal castle in this polar
Harriet con nued to lt his head as he walked, thinking it was nonsense to
“By the way, why did you make it here?”
Ellen seemed to have another ques on.
“The condi ons here are very bad.”
It's polar, so it's cold all year round. It is difficult to obtain materials, and
the living condi ons are very
“If people had been used to build a palace of this size, it would have been a
very long me to find a builder and work in such an extremely cold
environment. Normally
It is not possible to build a building of this size in the environment.
It would have taken a very long me to build, but it would be much more
me-consuming and expensive to build a building of this size in this
You must have heard a lot.”
Since it is uninhabited, there will be no land problem, but in this very cold
area, the me and cost to build a structure of this size is to build a palace in
a common place.
cost even more astronomically
would have gone
Harriet nodded at Ellen's words.
“Yes. It is rather costly and me-consuming to construct such a building in
this loca on.
would have gone in But the fact that there is a palace of this size in this
loca on…”
“There are two assump ons.”
I also came to my own conclusions.
“It had to be this loca on.”
“It didn’t ma er if this loca on was there.”
A huge palace of the unknown.
I don't have a clue, but I can tell what a strange place this place is.
It's like approaching the truth of rock.
At my words, Ellen nodded slowly.
“It could be both.”
“What if both?”
“It had to be this loca on, and even this loca on may not have had much
to do with architecture.”
Ellen already has one possibility
It seemed
“It may not have been human who lived here.”
At those words, both I and Heriot's faces turned white.
why am i scared
I'm not human!
It may not have been a human being who lived here. Therefore, it may not
be human who built this road.
Ellen's guess was pre y reliable.
“Then… this must be the palace where demons or something else lived… Is
that what you mean?”
“I don’t know, but there may be races that can survive regardless of the
Even though I am learning Asmodian Ecology, all
I don't know anything about demons.
"This isn't Darkland."
Harriet seemed to have such a ques on. Although this is actually the
northern polar region, it is not the realm of the Darklands.
“It is possible that demons do not live only in the Darkland.”
“It is....”
Asmodians must only live in the Dark Land
it's not that you have to In fact, humans
It seems that monsters and monsters are appearing in the area and even
subjuga ng them.
Of course, it's not certain that the demons built this road yet.
“It may have been the base of something like a secret magic society.
Construc on can also be done with magic. A high-ranking wizard would be
able to procure any materials.”
Because Harriet was a wizard, it seemed like he was trying to pull the
strands towards magic.
If it was a secret magic society, there is a possibility that it had established
its headquarters in an uninhabited area where such a person would not be
able to come. Procurement should be solved by magic anyway.
Benedic on
Many wizards use magic
It would have been possible if it had been resolved.
Ellen nodded her head as if plausible.
“Then there will be no such thing as a throne and an audience
There is a round table conference room where it should be.
may also be.”
The commander of the magic society is not like a king, so the mee ng
room is located in the audience room
It is also possible that this
Non-human beings, or magical socie es.
It was clear that the original owners of Epiax would not be ordinary people.
It is unclear who the people who lived in Epiax were. But even though it is
s ll day me, the dark castle
Not only is it eerie to walk around,
- oh oh oh...
The sound of the wind chirping could be heard here and there.
It must be said that the wind howls It's just that feeling.
“Aww, it sounds nice here.”
“It’s the wind, you idiot.”
A er wandering around for a while, Harriet didn't seem to be in midated,
perhaps because of her interest outweighed her fears, or whether it was
because of her serenity earrings.
In a situa on like this, it's a pa ern that you have to squeeze out because
you're scared. Did I give too much cheat-like ar facts??
“Are you afraid of this?”
“Isn’t it weird that you guys aren’t afraid?”
Fear is for all ages! I'm especially weak against this! One is holding on with
items, and the other has an a tude that even if a ghost comes out, it's like
a ghost.
Harriet was watching me happily, the first me I've ever seen a jerk mode. I
really didn't know it would be like this.
“Hey, I wish there were even ghosts.”
“Do you want to sound like a dog?” |
He seems to want to see me surprised by ghosts more than being afraid of
ghosts. How the hell did you get your hair done?
"Ugh, what does the sound of the wind really sound like?"
The sound of the wind can be heard sobbing. I don't think this is what I'm
confused about.
"What's the whining sound, it's just the wind..."
-Uhhhh... heh heh heh heh heh...
No, really, what are you crying about?
"Uh, uh! What
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave not to have to!"
“Oh, oh my god!”
- Wow!
me too,
Herriot too.
He reflexively embraced Ellen, who was walking in the middle.
Ellen looked puzzled when the two of us suddenly started s cking together.
First of all, he reflexively hugged me like I was protec ng Harriet.
Harry holding Ellen by her side
Oh, and my eyes met.
you or me
You know ins nc vely that it's best to s ck to Ellen when it's dangerous.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 234

what's crying
Mixed with the sound of the wind, there is the sound of something
- Heh heh heh heh heh heh...
“Well, what is it? What. What. What?”
"Nana. Neither me nor me, I don't know. How do I know?”
Harriet and I were so a ached to Ellen that even the tranquility magic was
useless in extreme situa ons, and we couldn't think of falling apart.
no. It's safe, it's safe! It's a no problem place!
Something sobbing is running down the wall! “It won’t ma er.” Ellen said
as she wrapped her arms around the shoulders of me and Harriet, who
were clinging to each other. Even Ellen's calmness is comfor ng.
Ellen will take care of it.
No ma er what happens, uh He also has a new sword.
I have one too, uh.
Anyway, I'll trust you!
I hugged Ellen even ghter. It was the same with Harriet.
“The teacher said it was safe.”
But that's not what Epinhauser did.
She said she told me, so it won't ma er
It's a bit odd to believe that.
Temple isn't that perfect, is it?
I did it! I know!
The temple is surprisingly absurd!
If it's too perfect, it's hard to make a case, so there are parts that are a bit
Say it!
In this eerie place, you hear the cry of something uniden fied, but you
think it's not dangerous anyway, what's with your nerves?
Something was about to pop out, so we stopped and stuck to Ellen.
- slurp
“Ugh, ahhh!”
And then something really slipped through the wall, and Harriet screamed,
and I opened my eyes and grabbed Ellen even ghter.
Jay even screamed.
I felt like I was going to pass out with my eyes open.
I hate this!
- Heh heh heh... heh heh heh...
A whi sh figure roamed the hallways, crying. Though we scream
no guidance was given
Ellen was surprised to see it.
she didn't
“I think it’s a Ghost,” she said. The level is the lowest.”
"Oh, Ghost...?"
You're talking about ghosts!!
Why is the ghost here?
There's a ghost, so why isn't it dangerous!!
"Perhaps this is a place where the spirit is very strong. That's why the
ghosts you don't normally see come to life. They probably won't harm us,
and they won't even recognize us."
- Heh heh heh... heh heh heh...
“So, speaking of this, it’s not a monster or a demon, it’s just a
phenomenon. Don’t be afraid.”
In fact, it seemed that the ghost could neither see nor feel us. Ellen
seemed to know well whether she learned it from Asmodian Ecology or
from somewhere else.
Lowest Ghost.
No risk, just go with the status quo
it's a dark thing
It's probably not a demon, then.
From where to where is the demon
I don't know either.
Ellen said don't be afraid, oh
Hey, now Ellen is calm in this situa on
this is more terrifying
Come to think of it, De o Morian said
Ghosts are everywhere, feel
just can't
The Goseong Epiaxes have only such strong spirits that ghosts everywhere
can materialize them.
Soon, you can only see what you normally can't see, and that ghost itself is
especially dangerous.
that's not what I did
“Well, why don’t you come during a mission…?”
Harriet's complexion turned pale and the moon
The moon trembles and says The weeping ghost is the wall
I went through it and went somewhere.
“Then we might be surprised.
How could I have chased you away?”
Now that the mission is over and the temple manpower has withdrawn,
the ghosts that were expelled must have come back or something.
“Ah, so…”
Effinhauser when we're about to go
I remember the teacher trying to restrain us for a moment. like thinking
about something.
But the teacher told me to just go a er thinking about it.
No, I don't have to say that when a ghost comes out, it comes out, no
ma er how harmless it is, huh?!
Did you eat this?
No ma er how you look at it, do you think so?
Harriet and my eyes met.
I don't know what it is and I want to go out now.
"It's amazing, I've never seen a Ghost before."
But Ellen was more interested.
It seemed I see ghosts in this place
Otherwise, if you are an ordinary person, you should get rid of me.
I think, why is he suddenly
Does she seem to be pre y? One
And, don't most people want to see ghosts for the rest of their lives?
“No harm done, no sight of us.
I can't, so why are you afraid?"
It seemed that Harriet and I didn't understand why Ellen was afraid of such
a harmless natural phenomenon.
“I really don’t know where to start, but it makes me miserable because it’s
true for others. uh."
“I, me too…”
Both me and Harriet felt a strange sense of defeat for Ellen.
“Let’s go over there.”
At first, Harriet was buzzing and here
I've been shoo ng over there, but when a ghost appears
This me, Ellen took the lead.
Both of them look like idiots from my point of view.
First of all, Ellen is be er than Harriet.
this is for sure
It wasn't infested with ghosts, but she was awake.
It is certain that the people dispatched from the Temple had expelled the
ghosts. It was actually a place where ghosts came out.
If the kids find out, they'll be black.
Ellen is not only a demon, but also personally
knowledge in these fields is also
It seemed to be building up. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was a harmless
“You can’t figure out anything from a ghost, can you?”
Harriet clings to Ellen.
She said so.
“It must have been.”
Temple must have known that this is a haunted area, and in Goseong
He must have been trying to uncover the secret of Fiax. That means you
can't learn anything from ghosts.
Ghosts that are not in their proper form cry or cannot understand their
He was just walking around mu ering words.
I don't even know if it's a ghost from here or not. I didn't get scared as
badly as I just did when I saw that it was harmless.
Of course, that's not to say I wasn't scared.
"...can't you recognize something like necromancy?"
Harriet stared at me in my opinion.
"Even though the Temple is somewhat tolerant of black magic, necromancy
is forbidden. You shouldn't use such things."
Forbidden ( 禁呪) is a forbidden spell.
"Isn't that right?"
Although the temple has a black magic curriculum, it does not deal with
the evil magic that falls under this week. That's why I didn't use
necromancy when inves ga ng this place.
That said, it is not possible to use black magic necromancy, but the
necromancy technique used by De omorians can be inves gated.
The Temple doesn't know what magic is, so they don't even forbid it.
Of course, I'll think about that later.
We wandered around the old castle haunted by ghosts from me to me.
It was not known whether most of the household items were originally
missing or if they had all been removed or recovered while discovering this
So most of the rooms had no choice but to es mate their use. I already
knew what looked like a banquet hall, a place that looked like a storage
room, and a bedroom,
Epiax was very large, so it seemed impossible to go around it all in one day.
We entered into a large structure quite far from the central building. If it
had been on a mission, it would have been a bit remote to come this far.
was located on the cow.
Apparently, it looks the closest to the original.
It looked like a respected place.
“I think it’s a chapel.”
“But it’s a li le different. In the grand chapel in our palace, there are seats
of the five great gods.
The statue is placed in the back, and the pulpit is in front of it… this is…”
“It is built in the form of a dome.”
Ellen received Harriet's words.
It is not an ordinary church or temple-like structure.
It was built in the shape of a dome, and there were statues in each niche
on the circular wall.
was erected Other statues in the hallway
On the contrary, it was quite large.
However, it is not for any other reason that Harriet referred to this place as
a chapel.
“It’s the Pantheon.”
The statues placed on the wall of the Manshinjeon Hall and the circle will
represent the appearance of the gods. But we all know that this is not a
pantheon of gods.
Ellen says
“There are more numbers. They look different.”
A place built in a slightly different way from the chapel, the Pantheon.
However, if this is a chapel built in the form of a pantheon, the number of
statues should be five.
But there are seven statues here.
there were
Harriet nodded silently.
“What the hell did you bring?”
“I don’t know about the other statues in the hallway, but this one definitely
has a meaning.
It was Ellen's words.
The statues here must have been important to the original inhabitants of
this place.
Neither gave nor drank. Then it would have been five.
“Since they are all human, then they must have been all humans living
here, right?”
Harriet was right.
Harriet had reasoned that this wasn't the home of the Sorcerer's Society.
Then, the seven statues here will play an important role in this magical
It could be a ram or a piece of a wizard revered in history.
The faces of the seven statues are very detailed.
was sculpted. Although it has weathered over me, it appears to have
been painstakingly cra ed.
They weren't wearing robes, so they couldn't be sure they were wizards.
Of course, you don't have to wear a robe to be a wizard, but
"Hmm, I don't think you'll know anything by looking at the statue's face.
It's just elaborately cra ed."
Harriet sighed, thinking that it would be meaningless to think about what
the iden ty of the statue would be.
As I looked at the faces of each statue, I had no choice but to harden.
Her expression hardened at Harriet's ques on.
I loosened it and scratched my head.
“No what. just."
But my heart was bea ng like crazy.
One of the statues.
Its face, Elerys and so much
looks similar
I can't think no
This is Elerys right.
Why is there a statue of Elerys in such a castle in the northern polar
Accidents are quickly resolved.
'Yes, I am Elerys of Hwayo of the House of Seven Nights.
One of the Lord Vampires. Tuesday
The head of the house, Elerys.
seven stone statues.
seven stanzas.
Old Castle, Epiax,
This is the Seven Lords vampire family
It was obvious where it was related.
[Event Complete]
[You have earned 500 achievement points.]
My guess was true.
All Seven Lord Vampire Houses
What was it like to be in this old castle epiax?
It is not known un l
However, it is clear that the history of this castle must have been very long.
Elerys is obviously a clan on Monday and Sunday, what kind of
choreography is there?
said he did not know
But there are seven statues
There is this.
What statue is the vampire on Sunday and Monday?
He had no choice but to know if he had carved the ear.
There were only two statues that were the most weathered.
Two of the oldest of the statues, these were already there when the
Sunday and Monday vampires existed.
It becomes a place. there is ellis
There are even statues of
It became clear that Elerys was the head of Hwayo.
Ellen and Harriet couldn't figure out anything, but I was forced to figure it
Since when did the place exist?
And why is it not being used now?
Except for Monday and Sunday, the five Lord Vampire families.
What happened?
So I was organizing my thoughts on my own, and Harriet was rolling his
head in his own way, looking around the Pantheon.
Then, all of a sudden, Ellen grabbed her by the cuffs of my sleeve.
"excuse me."
"Uh, why. Did you find out anything?"
Eren is the statue in front of me
pointed to
“Hey, you think so too.”
what? What is he talking about?
Ellen can't hear Harriet.
A small voice whispered in my ear.
"This one looks like Lelia-san."
I don't know Anne Ereris, but I wandered around with Ellerys disguised as
Lelia. And Elerys came with her face slightly deformed.
Overall, I think it's Elerys.
It was a feeling.
So, in the end, a piece
Elle, who is slightly deteriorated under the name
The statue of Reese and the appearance of Lelia
It's oddly matched.
And, what did Elerys do to Ellen?
“Mr. Lelia, she said she was a dragon.”
“Uh, uh… that’s right.” When Elerys was asked why she was pretending to
be a weak wizard, she gave a bizarre excuse that she was a dragon who
played games.
And, in this uniden fied old castle, the pantheon, the dragon,
A statue resembling the introduced Lelia
Hamhan, seven statues.
A very old but obviously stylish palace,
Of course, Ellen did not fully believe Elerys' lies. She just thought she was a
very strong magical thinker, a person with some reason.
But found in this random place
Ellen's last suspicion was sha ered by the stone statue resembling the old
She claimed to be a dragon.
mad wizard.
She encountered a stone statue of her resembling her in a very old castle
that must have had a strange secret.
When the two pieces of evidence intersect. Ellen nodded slowly as she
now seemed to no longer doubt her.
“This is… where the dragons lived.”
Ellen is about to learn about the existence of a fantasy dragon.
She seemed to have lost confidence.
The li le lie you said ruined Ellen
I hit.... 1
He's going to live his life believing that this is the place where dragons were

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 235

I knew the truth, but I couldn't tell Ellen that, and Ellen came to believe
that this was where the Dragon Rare was.
If this is also the bu erfly effect, then it must be the bu erfly effect. It's
not that I did it, it's the bu erfly effect that started with Elerys' words.
problem, but
As Temple said, Goseong Epiax was a safe place in the end even though
ghosts haunted it. Of course the epiaxes I found out
If we find out the true iden ty of this place, we will no longer use this
place as a mission site.
Harriet found nothing.
Oh, and Ellen would rather know nothing.
She gained the certainty she should have wished for a wife.
Of course she told Harriet she didn't tell Harriet that she met Lelia because
she was a secret.
I was the only one who found out the truth about her.
Clearly, it was informa on that no one could find out if they did not know
that Elerys and Lord Vampire were the seven families.
| 11)
“Nothing happened a er all.”
"...Did you expect anything dangerous?"
"no! That's right!"
On the way back, Harriet's fine
She stood up and said it was a bit sad.
It seemed to have leaked, but
When I called Charlo e, she turned her head toward me, a bit perplexed.
Ellen and Nana are different types, so they haven't slept un l this hour.
everyone is sleeping
It was a probable me.
“Ah, that… um. That’s. Just. I want to see the eyes…?”
Charlo e said so. If it's her eyes, you're coming to Jicheon, would you be
able to see it in her own room?
"Isn't it cold? You don't even wear shoes."
Even Charlo e was her bare feet.
This mansion is not sedentary, and there is no culture of sedentary life in
the first place. man
Running up the hallway with her feet.
“Uh, um. I forgot…”
Charlo e said it seemed she was red and lost her mind, and she went
back and forth into her own room.
I stared at the door to her room where Charlo e entered.
I wonder if I had trouble sleeping at night. I went back to my room.
A er returning from the group mission, I was soon able to solve addi onal
ques ons about the Old Castle Epiax.
“Ah, have you been to the Vampire Council?
That’s great.”
“Vampire Council?”
“Yes, this is where the councils of the states are held.”
Oh, have you been there?
This is how it feels.
"Since all the residents have been evacuated since the discovery in the
Empire, it's probably not a par cularly dangerous place for humans either."
"re rement?"
what is this again
“Even though it was built in a place that humans would not be able to find,
it has been there for a very long me, so it will someday be
It was a place to be found. It just happened to happen."
Goseong Epiax was purposely created in a polar region where humans
cannot find it. In fact, Glamos, which is in the south, was the only one
closest to it, but it was a huge distance away, and a vast unintelligible
wonder spread between Epiax and its small country.
But my focus was on evic on.
"No, not that. Originally there
Because I was found by a human while living a crime
I'm asking why you moved out."
“When eyewitness accounts of an uniden fied castle start to circulate,
adventurers will flock to them, and if they disappear, an army will be
dispatched. inevitably
There will be war. Lowering. Rather, we tried to prevent troublesome
things in advance by emptying the castle altogether. In fact, it is a place
where the actual occupants
There weren’t many.”
In order to avoid trouble,
have you withdrawn from
It seemed. Actually, it's not wrong because it's an old palace, but it's been
well maintained, fearing that the statues and decora ons might be
The more I listened, the more ridiculous it became.
| The vampires did not hand over the mysterious old castle Epi Ax to
Humans are in a strange environment, but
Vampire Castle, a beau ful building
They are taking care of their children, even giving them the name Epiax. I
don't even know what kind of building it is.
“People are their property.
Thinking is the way to cherish.”
Elerys had a strange smile on her face. The behavior of people like that is
It seemed like he didn't know what to do.
We handed it over because we wanted to avoid troublesome work, but
somehow, they were taking care of them pre er than us. No one actually
lives there, and no inten on of doing anything with it.
Although it is eerie, it is a grand and elegant palace. walk them
As if it were a treasure I found, I cherish it
So vampires are rather happy to see humans manage Epiax under the
illusion that they are theirs.
was watching
Free slavery.
Goseong Epiax was co-occupied by vampires and humans.
Vampire Council.
Five vampires, excluding Sundays and Mondays
followed by swearing.
What bizarre situa on is this? Elerys closed her eyes slightly and took a
slow, deep breath.
“Although some vampires, including myself, were loyal to the Demon King,
in the beginning, the Vampire Council existed outside the Darkland, and
other families
It was located in the fron er of the fron er, both in the dark lands and in
the land of humans. so strict
In other words, he betrayed His Majesty the Demon King.
Giboda, it wasn't an ally in the first place.
You may think of it as
They never swore allegiance in the first place. So there is no reason to join
the war
there wasn't
Some demon tribes on the fron er did not par cipate in the Demon World
War. For example, the betrayal of loyalty
it was
But the Vampire Council cannot even use the word betrayal in the first
place. They weren't even collaborators.
The Vampire Council is human as well as the demon realm.
It is a separate force that is different from
Besides, Elerys hates war. She is against all kinds of slaughter.
The head of such a Hwayo, Lord Vampire
Only Elelis was loyal to the Demon King and par cipated in the Demon
World War. Of course, I don't know what he did before, but his job right
now was a spy job, and it doesn't seem to have produced much.
Why did Elerys swear allegiance to the Demon King?
was it done
And undead means a kind of state.
Vampires don't mean status 'servant'
It doesn't mean 'family'.
of course.
It's impossible to be born as a vampire
it will
A vampire must have a state before becoming a vampire.
Yes lower.”
“Before becoming a vampire, were you human?”
Elerys looks at me quietly.
“Yes, lower.”
Informa on about a new force called the Vampire Council,
In addi on, I learned that Elerys is not good at lying.
She said that Ereris had some secrets. She agreed to respect her.
“What good? By the way, are you s ll a ending that vampire council?”
"It's been a while since I've been out, but it's not a bad rela onship."
“Hmm… yes. okay."
Vampire Council.
Once you put something about them in your head
kept it dark
Vampire Council.
In other words, they are foreign powers. Elerys
It is not known what kind of rela onship he has with the Vampire Council,
but it seems that he is neither friendly nor hos le to humans or demons.
However, human beings have destroyed their palaces.
When I discovered it, I thought that it wasn't a psycho group who didn't
speak much at the me when I chose to evict rather than fight.
Elerys has many secrets.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 236

The group mission is over.
October, call it autumn now
It was decent weather. school uniform jacket
The weather will come when you have to wear it.
A re that has been changed to winter clothes is the same as before
and didn't change much. The biggest change was that the schoolgirls'
stockings were changed to black.
Working with the Magic Research Society, and with Ellen
Training is back on track again. Like Ellen's worries, I'm not going to miss
training because I'm so busy.
I always have spare me, and I definitely value my training very much.
It means that I can now do my morning exercise again.
Maybe it's because we haven't been able to exercise together for so long,
or Adriana didn't show up in the main hall of the dormitory at dawn. He
came to visit me a few mes, and he was nagging me.
Because of the magic research group, I saw Redina, whom I had to see
regularly, so I talked to her.
But why does he look like this?
“… he resigned.”
The answer that came from Rdina was completely unexpected.
Adriana resigns.
It seemed that she had already le the temple.
On the Friday a er the group mission is over, like us sophomores, on
weekends at the mission site
He was supposed to take a break and return on Sunday.
Adriana is afraid the mission is over.
She says she has requested an early comeback.
But when she returned to the temple, Adriana had already disappeared.
It seemed that she only confirmed the story that she had informed her
teacher of her inten on to drop out.
She said she had been a teacher and she had been consul ng about the
ma er for a long me.
Without telling anyone, Adriana had already been preparing her to leave
her temple.
Of course, it was only natural that Redina was more surprised than I was.
She claims to be her friend, but her
Because she followed you like you.
“What’s going on?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know…”
she said A er each started sca ered in an ar ficially created labyrinth, he
joined the class members and broke through these and other traps and
climbed the labyrinth.
going out.
It was said that it was a victory for the Class A that included Redina.
Adriana has no place for her to stay in the eclip c. If she goes back, she is
the only monastery where she was born and raised.
She had told me before. She was born and raised there.
The Principality of Saint-Ouen is fortunately not far from the eclip c.
Harriet's hometown and Adriana's hometown.
A er class on Tuesday, I went out to Buri Nake Temple. I do not know if I
will be able to visit the Principality of Saint-Touan within today.
What if the day is over? will work out somehow. Even though the disciplinary commi ee is s ll
on hold, one store can easily cover up to one day of class skipping!
If the disciplinary commi ee hits an aggravated punishment for
commi ng such a thing during self-reflec on...
I have nothing to say.
The expulsion will be prevented by Epinhauser somehow.
Super large warp crabs located throughout the eclip c
Before leaving, I asked Harriet for a moment.
'Artouan Monastery? Where is it?'
Apparently, Harriet didn't know where the Artouan Monastery was. All the
buildings in the country are the princesses of the Grand Duchy
Because it is impossible to know
Go to Arnaca, the capital of the Principality of Saint-Ouen, through the
giant warp gate. only
There were rows that could only be moved once.
I had that thought as I entered the super-large warp gate.
The zodiac is a bit special. In other ci es, you have to wait for several days
to get on a very large gate, didn't you?
So, you can go right away.
How long would it take you to wait at the gate to come back? Now I don't
have the imperial coat of arms or anything like that?
It's not like it's missing a day, but maybe it's going to fly out this week,
Can't I go now?
“Uh, huh?”
But there is already a super-large warp gate
sucked my body
When I heard that Adriana was gone, I was so impa ent.
It was too short.
Adriana, who once sighed deeply that Olivia might quit her temple, is now
confident she's doing it.
To say you don't know people's work is just looking at things like this.
Anyway, I was in a place I had never thought of un l yesterday.
If he came, I thought it would be because of Harriet, but I didn't think it
would be because of Adriana.
When I came out of the warp gate, I was in awe of the scenery that
The Principality of Saint-Ouenne is known for its highly developed magic,
and its capital, Arnaca.
“What is this?”
I couldn't keep my mouth shut when I saw the vast expanse of the city and
the castle towering in the middle.
The surrounding area was flat, but there was a towering mountain in the
middle of the flat area.
There was a palace that looked like it had been cut in half and built on top
of the mountain. It was so bizarre and overwhelming that I wondered why
that was even possible.
A white palace carved out of a mountain.
Where Harriet used to speak.
White Palace, Arnaria.
It was a beau ful and majes c palace that was overwhelming but
somehow slender.
“Ssang, if it’s like this, I can just give you some money.”
The Principality of Saint-Ouenne was a part of the Principality
I knew it was comparable, but I didn't know it was this much.
I felt it even during the Goseong Epiax, but Harriet is a guy who lives in a
palace, not a mansion.
The gap between a single room and a mansion.
The gap between the mansion and the palace.
The la er is more dominant.
No ma er how tall you are,
Being in the temple doesn't make sense. A er all, we study in the same
environment, eat the same meal, share the same classroom, and then
meet as if we were daily.
But even from such a distant place, there is a palace that feels huge, so
You were a real princess...
When you get back, that, a li le... I'll take good care of you.
It's a bunch of holy swords, but there shouldn't be any problem with using
There is no problem because even if you encounter a robber, you can kill it.
It was unfamiliar to himself that he had such thoughts casually.
Even if you walk a few kilometers at a brisk pace, there is no problem with
your stamina. I'm out of injury now.
I became a qualita vely different person from the first semester.
If there is the greatest contribu on to it, L
It will be Ren, and next will be Adriana.
But in order, Adria
go out first
The type of person I don't like at all
was human Talking to a senior,
A cowardly and ignorant number a er being beaten
I wrote and made the senior resign.
I used to be such a difficult person to get along with.
Crab Adriana tried to talk.
And she helped me with a reckless duel.
Even if the reason is that if I get too pathe c, her classmate bullies the
weak. She said she was afraid to listen
Adriana is someone she doesn't deal with and she is someone who can
reach out to humans like me.
She kept working out, so I can be a nigga I don't mind con nued to help.
So this place is, so to speak, a convent will be.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 237

Perhaps it was to minimize the exposure of the nuns living there, I could
not see anything other than the walls of the convent from the outside.
I couldn't see what the inside was like, if my huge square was a whole
convent, or if there was something like a garden inside.
When I said that I was looking for people in front of the huge front door,
instead of opening the door, I just opened my eyes at the small door next
to it and only heard that this is the area of Geumnam.
I start off as soon as I can, and twist it all over the place.
It's sure to take some me to get back, but I can't even enter the convent.
- Bang!
"Hey! I don't even want to go in, but please call Adriana! If you say you're a
Templar junior and you're here to talk for a minute, I'll come out!"
.... Sister Adriana said she would never meet anyone from the Temple. go
Did you decide not to meet anyone from the Temple?
What the hell happened?
“No, just tell me something. How can the nuns in Tuan be so
disrespec ul?”
There was no word outside the door for a while.
...what did the nuns in Tuan do over the line?
- What is your name?
“This is Reinhardt.”
- Don't wait for a good answer.
Oh yes, thank you.”
The nun seemed to have le , and I leaned my back against the clunky, tall
wall of the convent, staring blankly at the moonlight.
what to do....
Adriana is also a problem. I think I made a big accident with this again.
I went out in a hurry, so I couldn't tell anyone where I was going.
What if you know that I suddenly disappeared
one cake If the temple turns over again... this me, I might actually get hit
by Ellen... and come back with a word.
Did I, Adriana, drop out of my mind because of Dan's sudden dropout?
I've been kicking it backwards and forwards.
go back and say
No, I'd like to get back to you as soon as possible, but how about the
warpgate queue? There's nothing wrong with just being a temple student.
A er a while, the small door next to the front door opened carefully.
Adriana with a haggard expression is there.
was in
Adriana, dressed in a neat black and white monas c a re, suited her quite
Adriana goes well with her temple uniform
she had been
Adriana at that me was very modern.
I thought she was the ever-beau ful figure, but she
What does Adriana look like in her form?
Should she be clean or neat?
She looked like a very well-suited ou it for Adriana, who always felt well-
She came from the temple, Adriana said she would never see anyone, she
said I had come, and she came out of the monastery.
“She didn’t want to come out,” she said. By the way, if it were a junior... I
didn't know what to do..."
Having been doing crazy things outside of everyone's predic ons might
help here.
Adriana's expression was very bad, probably because of her heartache.
“What about the temple?”
In the mean me, this is my concern.
“It doesn’t ma er now.”
I'm worried about that too, but first of all, this issue was important to me.
around the monastery
Wild grass, now turning brown, swayed in the wind.
“Let’s go for a walk.”
Adriana took the lead slowly, and I walked beside him.
Adriana, who was always keen on training, didn't look like that at all
because she was wearing a monastery a re. She didn't know how to fight,
and she had an atmosphere that seemed to live her whole life without
“Somehow, she thought that a junior might come.”
“Yeah, because your junior is too wide.”
It wasn't once or twice that my back and forth.
So, did you guess in your heart that he would come to you even in this
situa on?
“It’s not very nice to hear.”
"I'm not saying it's good to hear."
Adriana smiled faintly.
“So, why do you want to quit Temple?”
“It’s just the result of thinking about it for a long me.”
“Isn’t that what happened in the group mission?”
“…there was. But I was thinking that something like that might happen. Of
course, when it happened, it felt different, but it was something else."
Adriana used to look like she had a lot of trouble.
She seemed to be struggling with something during the summer break,
and she vowed something.
she prayed
She and some of her classmates seem to like her, and she seemed
tormented because she couldn't reciprocate her feelings.
She said, "Arde said he likes me."
Adriana says she looks at me.
Ard de Gri s. A sophomore who asked me to duel.
Was it the guy who liked Adriana?
"She said she couldn't take it," she said.
“…what did that person do to the senior?
are you?”
Adriana seems sad at my words.
gal s rred
“There was no such thing. Ard isn't that violent, junior."
“So I shouldn’t be in the temple any more.
I thought it was Just, that’s it.”
“It’s enough to decide to leave the Temple, right?”
Adriana was silent for a moment, and she looked at me.
Adriana looked depressed.
“This is not the first me this has happened.”
Adriana is an Orbis class maid
She went through something similar to Seok.
and she had
It's not the Ardman problem, Adriana I've been having these problems over
and over again.
Are you red of it now? Adriana quietly looked towards the monastery.
“Junior, I grew up in this monastery all my life.”
And then, it started to be a completely different story.
Artouan Convent.
Geumnam area.
“Some of those who have lived their whole lives in a monastery, or this
Artouan convent, are like that. People who have never seen a man from
birth un l death. If people from orphans are entrusted to this convent at a
very young age, it's not impossible at all."
You will never see the opposite sex in your life me. So there must be such
people in the monastery.
Assume that you do not go outside for the rest of your life
Wouldn't that mean pu ng yourself in that prison for the rest of your life?
I couldn't understand why I was living like that. Adriana shook her head as
if she understood my ques on.
“There are people who can live happily with just such a life. A life that is
sufficiently sa sfied by devo ng one’s whole life to faith, its study, and
cul va on rather than to the desires of this world.”
It is possible to live in that huge but narrow prison for the rest of your life,
throwing away many of the human needs.
There are people who live like that.
Why does Adriana say this?
“Junior, I was outside the monastery for the first me last year.”
Adriana said she didn't a end Temple Elementary and she went straight to
Royal Class. So, she lived in a convent un l she was seventeen, and then
she came out for the first me.
"It's the first me I've ever seen a man as a man, and my whole daily life is
based on religious doctrine and
Standing in a world full of interpreta on, and prayer. I met people who had
completely different views than me and had completely different values
than me.”
Adriana walks quietly through the moonlit brown meadow.
Whisper, slurp, squirm.
Adriana was like a seeker.
She doesn't know what she's looking for, but she walks quietly, like
someone trying to find something.
"I learned so many things. There are so many different people in the world,
there are so many stupid things in the world, there are so delicious foods in
the world, there are so many strange things in the world. There are so
many joys in the world. There is such a misfortune in the world. The world
“The world.”
“The world is so beau ful.”
Adriana looks up at the sky. "Yes it was. I have come to realize that there
are sad things in a world full of things I have never seen for the first me,
but there are more good things and happy things.”
Adriana seemed to be delighted that the world she had been through in
the convent was so beau ful.
“I wanted to be friendly with everyone, so I tried to be kind and kind to
everyone. However, there were people who misunderstood my feelings.
I don't think from where to where
I didn’t know if he was trea ng his friend or how he was doing to the
person he was interested in.”
Adriana in her early days of school must have been similar to Ellen but
She said that she didn't treat Ellen because she didn't know how to treat
She said Adriana, she didn't know how to treat people, but she was so kind
to everyone
It was kind.
Maybe she was a li le overdone?
she that
"So it happened a few mes. When someone confesses to me, I reject it
and tell them that I can't do that because I'm the priest of Tuan... they hate
me. Did you treat me well, why did I misunderstand you?”
What I did just because I wanted to get to know him made me
misunderstand the other person. So Adriana was in her first year of her
royal class
It seemed that there were some troubles outside the studio as well.
She must have been hurt in that situa on
However, it seems that she was trying to keep Adriana the line between
people and people.
But even so, the mind that arises
It is unavoidable that
Ard liked Adriana.
She confesses, and in the end, red of repea ng such things, Adriana
decides to drop out of her temple.
“It does not end there. Someone with a heart I can't accept
Because there are people who like it. hate me
'cause I'll do it I even ran into horrific gossip.”
Adriana's eyes flu ered.
It is unknown whether it is the case of Ard or not.
She says that she can't accept Arde's heart, but she might like someone
else's Arde. Then that person hates Adriana.
What is her terrible gossip?
Adriana didn't even bother asking what kind of rumor it was.
He didn't say it, but it seemed like a dirty story that was difficult to even
men on.
She said Adriana was struggling.
I didn't know that at all.
“I don’t know There was a lot, and there is s ll a lot.
I'm trying to do be er, but it's not going well."
Adriana, who seemed to be good at everything and ge ng along with
everyone, was actually suffering.
Actually I'm older, but I ended up misunderstanding Adriana.
She said that Adriana was a senior to me, so I thought she was good at
everything, just like Adriana was really my senior.
Because she is a good person, she believed that she would take care of
Adriana I was having a hard me dealing with people in places I couldn't
see. How to get along well with everyone, thinking and ac ng and
some mes failing.
was ge ng hurt
“When I was a convent, I was sa sfied with just that. Because that was my
world. The other world didn't know."
However, Adriana had to change as she came to know the world she didn't
“There are so many things in the world. There are some things that need
someone's touch, and I might be able to do it. If I told you to go back to the
convent and live for the rest of your life, you probably wouldn't be able to.
I was thinking like that. of course it should
no need Because the director wants me to do more things in the world.”
Adriana isn't even forced to become a nun.
“At first, I was able to endure such a problem. Because her goal was to join
the Knights Templar. To endure the problems that arise in human
rela onships,
A er gradua ng and joining the Knights Templar, I thought that the reason
for my life was to work on a bigger goal.”
Adriana wanted her to join the Knights Templar. Dark Knights Templar
When she returned from Rand, she longed for the Knights Templar to such
an extent that she went to see it in person.
“But, she didn’t know. When Olivia-senpai quit her faith, the commander
of the castle electric division tries to torture her daughter, and she finds
out about such things this the right path ....”
A er all, this was the bu erfly effect.
Adriana, who was enduring the problems that arise in human rela onships,
with the goal of joining the Knights Templar, was not the ideal place for the
Order of the Holy War.
found out she was
Olivia abandoned her faith, Adriana did not, but she was in agony.
She's been suffering all this me, she's been suffering because of it.
Because her goals are gone, she's full of problems
Did she think there was no reason to endure the temple life any longer?
“So I just decided to stay in this convent for the rest of my life.”
Tired of maintaining one or the other rela onship with the people around
In the midst of her concern for herself, and the malice and rumors it
entails, Adriana eventually returns to where she started.
to cover
“I don't want to know anything I don't know anymore. So I just, without
knowing what I don't know, I just want to go back to where I came from
and be like this.”
In the midst of misunderstanding and misunderstanding, there was no
reason to endure life in the Temple, where even her goals had
She saw Olivia abandon her faith.
She learned a lot of things she didn't want to know
So, did she choose to return to the convent before she knew more about
Adriana looks at me.
She said, “I told Arde that I couldn't like you and I shouldn't. I have a body
that can't do that, so I'm really sorry, but I can't accept that feeling. said
always the same
repertoire. Always say this when you say no to someone.”
It was sad eyes.
"It's not Ard's fault. It's not the people who liked me either. It's probably
my fault. I didn't keep the distance properly, I misunderstood people... It
must be my fault for ac ng like that."
It wasn't Adriana's fault either.
I want to say that, but her mouth did not fall.
She was self-depreca ng a er her escape.
She wasn't ha ng anyone, she was ha ng herself.
quietly looking at me
“You can’t be friends with everyone.”
It sounded like a warning from someone who had already failed.
you don't do that
Don't even dream of it
Some kind of warning and full of regrets
It was one word.
to Adriana like that.
Adri suffers only pain in the temple to Ana.
I couldn't help but ask you to come back to the temple.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 238
Adriana sits s ll in a brown field
she sat down
When I was told to sit next to her, I sat down next to her.
It was chilly, but not so cold
“Everyone else was like you. It would have been nice.”
A person who doesn't pay any more a en on to themselves, even at close
Adriana said she wanted to be friends with everyone, and she's the perfect
friend for me
she must have been the same
She can't everyone be like me, and she can't be like Adriana.
So that's an impossible wind.
Someone makes a confession knowing that she will be rejected because
she can't stand her liking,
Who else is the person you like?
Seeing what you like, you harbor malice.
What to do if her friend sees herself as more than a friend.
There were deep concerns in those words that Adriana shed.
I didn't mind it. I'm in a rush with my problem. But could this problem have
been prevented if we had paid a en on?
Block it, what do you mean?
“You might be thinking about qui ng Temple for a trivial ma er.”
“It’s not a big deal.”
It may be frivolous, but the pain
You have to endure it if you like it
For some reason. Even a er enduring it, there would be nothing she
Adriana suddenly stops her temple
I was curious as to why you put it.
She wanted to tell her to come back, if possible.
I should remain in the Temple, but Adriana has no reason to.
So, I couldn't convince Adriana to stay with her monastery, and I couldn't
find any reason to convince her.
She doesn't know if it's best for Adriana to stay here.
However, it seemed that this was the only way for Adriana, whose temple
life was painful.
"Thank you for understanding."
Adriana was looking at me with a sad smile.
I wanted to comfort Adriana, but she didn't know what to say.
I had a problem.
This is the outskirts of El Cion.
And I arrived here on a medium-sized warp gate.
Even from that gate, monsters will come pouring out.
In almost every city outside the eclip c
A great wave or massacre occurs.
I can't stop the gate avalanche. Otherwise, Adriana will inevitably die here.
As Adriana said, she can't be friends with everyone.
You won't be able to save everyone.
It would be nice if there was such a way, but
I don't know how.
In an uncertain future, is it right to leave Adriana here?
The thought didn't last long.
If you can't stop the gate crisis, L
Destroy Shion's Warp Gate
shouldn't it be done?
Or kidnapped Adriana to the temple.
That's s ll a long way off.
Adriana made her choice, and I couldn't deny it.
Not everything ends like this.
It is a place you can visit in one day, so there is no reason not to come back.
“I will come o en.”
“Redina and the li le boy are worried a lot too, but she could bring her
Adriana looks at me.
When her name came out, Adriana looked like she was about to cry.
Just as Le Dina followed her Adriana like her sister, Adriana felt sorry and
regre ed leaving her Le Dina.
"Thank you, junior... No, I am no longer a junior."
On the hill in the moonlight, Adriana
smiled at me
"Thank you, Reinhardt."
I sighed.
“I am more grateful.”
A person who has always been grateful for nothing.
I'm leaving you here for now.
Later, I will definitely come pick you up.
I swore so.
Adriana le the Temple. And I take Adriana back
she didn't come
is this a failure
Some mes it felt like a failure, some mes it felt like it wasn't.
Adriana saw him off the day she returned to the far reaches of the field.
She won't be able to see Adriana in the Temple, but she can always come
and see her again.
Let's come with Rdina some me.
With that thought in mind, I le the Artouan Monastery.
“Goodbye, Reinhardt.”
Seeing Adriana waving her hand, her complicated thoughts flu ered.
He was the one who laid the founda on for my temple life. Even though
she knew it wasn't that she couldn't see her again, her steps didn't fall off.
You can't be friends with everyone.
Adriana's words lingered in my mind.
She must return to the temple.
It was already past midnight.
Adriana will remain in the monastery.
And, when it comes to that, she tries to stop her thinking about whether
it's right or not.
Now that the other person's work is done, I have to do my own thing.
Then, the next problem.
To return to my temple today
You must do your best.
[Event Occurrence - Return]
[Explana on: Before today's class starts
Return to the temple un l]
[Reward: 200 achievement points]
A small event occurred.
In the end, there was a small event that took 200 achievement points.
But I wouldn't be able to go back within today.
Once you go to Arnaca through the Warp Gate of Saint-Thion, take
Arnaca's mega-gate and return to the Imperial Palace.
nothing difficult
But how do you break through the huge warp gates with huge queues?
“The plague…”
I sighed vaguely in front of Saint-Thion's medium-sized warp gate.
If the kids find out that I bought this again, they might be right.
More important than achievement points.
When Ellen finds out I'm gone, she'll let her imagina on run wild again, so
if that's all she did, she might really kill me.
If you ask me why I didn't tell you, I have nothing to say.
I'm going back now!
I may be a li le late, but...
Upon arriving at Arnaca, the capital of the Duchy from Saint-Thion, a
brilliant night view spread out.
The Principality of Saint-Ouenne, where magic has developed to its limit.
S ll, an invita on like the magic train of the zodiac
Although there is no large-scale magic facility, Arnaca itself was a city of
light with a great night view.
Palace of the Principality Arnaria from afar
When I see the majes c appearance of the crab, I say
I forgot for a moment.
The zodiac has its own charm, but Arnaca also has its own mysterious
It was a city that felt like this.
It's not even a train, but I've seen trams running everywhere. It looked like
it had just been installed.
This is not the me to worry about the city scene.
Murderous queues in super-large warp gates
how about that....
I headed towards the super-large warp gate in the early morning hours.
Arnaca is wide, I have a tram running even at dawn
moved on
There are three extra-large warp gates in Arnaka. This is also huge. As it is a
country where magic has developed, the warp gate, a super-large magic
facility, belongs to many axes.
You don't even need to go to three places. When I saw the queues in one
place, I was convinced that it would be impossible for me to use it today.
They must have go en a wai ng cket in advance and arrived on me. Not
everything you see in front of you is users.
Even in the early morning hours a er midnight.
It was a situa on where he had no choice but to be stranded in Arnaca for
a few days. I have money and a place to sleep. It must be all around me,
but I may have known that I went missing out of the blue like last me.
You can get a free pass with the imperial coat of arms
It was a good me to be there.
How to get priority to use the extra-large warp gate.
I had to go somewhere.
White Palace Arnaria.
It's not like you're a student in the Temple Royal class.
But this is the capital of the Principality of Saint-Ouen
What's wrong with being the princess's friend?
Go to Arnaria at first and make it warp
reques ng the priority right of use of the site.
It's crazy even I think.
| No ma er how much his friend's father, the Duke of Saint-Ouen is the
lord of the duchy, the king of a country.
Vision is also an issue.
It's early morning, so it must have been me for a good night's sleep, but
I'll wake up at once and I'll use the warp gate, what kind of twinkle will you
It is expected
It's funny.
You're afraid of ge ng beaten up by Ellen, so you're thinking of going to
the king of a country and making a living.
What the hell am I doing?
S ll, the steps are heading in that direc on.
The achievement points depended on it, and it was a ma er of whether or
not he was killed by Ellen.
I'm a temple un l this morning
I have to go back!
If you don't like it, it's unavoidable; if you say yes, it's good.
In the end, I headed to Arnaria, even Bomu proudly.
white palace.
A strange and beau ful palace that looks like it was cut in half from a
mountain and placed on it.
The walls of the palace and the tops of the five high spiers on the walls
were gleaming white.
What magical func on does that spire do?
It would be long, but I don't know what it is.
There seemed to be four gates to the east, west, south and north, and I
headed towards the south gate.
A er crossing the wall, a high marble staircase led to the palace.
in front of the wall.
“The dragon.”
“Tell me.”
Although in human form,
Two guards, who spoke unnaturally, stopped in front of me.
They talk to me as if they are one body. The state of arms and the behavior
are very natural, but the
strange discomfort.
This is a golem.
It's a place where magic is very developed, so I set it up, but it's a golem
that looks exactly like a human being protec ng the palace.
For example, this is an automa c security system. it would be good There is
no fear of betrayal, and since you are not human, you will not get red.
“My name is Reinhardt, I belong to the Temple Royal Class. He is also a
friend of Harriet de Saint-Touine.”
At my words, the golem didn't show any change in expression. What is in
front of you is ordered
It's a machine that just works.
“I want to get my head around it, and I want to be given priority to use the
extra-large warp gate.”
At my words, the golems were silent.
Did thirty minutes pass?
The guards cau ously retreated in front of me.
- purr....
Then, the huge wall began to open.
“The Grand Duke is the message of.”
“Come in.”
It's not just a golem.
It seemed like a network-like system was also built.
It's a bit disconcer ng because it opens surprisingly easily.
that's okay right?
A er crossing the wall, there was a high staircase leading to the palace,
and I was a golem.
He walked next to him, accompanied by a guard.
It seems that the Archduke can receive reports and give orders through the
golem, rather than simply doing what he is ordered to do. If there is a
problem with the warp gate usage right, you just have to allow it, but you
tell me to come in..
The Grand Duke of Saint-Ouen is spherical.
The crazy daughter was a fool.
I don't know what your impression of me will be. It's probably not going to
be that good.
As soon as I climbed the marble steps, I could see the White Palace more
It is not similar in structure to the last Goseong Epiax. The bigger ones, of
course, and the epiaxes are a bit sharper.
If you give it a feeling, this place has a warm and so feeling.
Even though it was night, I could see the well-manicured gardens lit up
Many of the annexes and the central palace had people working even in
the middle of the night. Maybe that one too is a golem.
I had never been to the Imperial Emperor Emperatos, but it seemed certain
that this White Palace Arnaria was one of the most beau ful places on the
con nent.
What would it be like to live in a place like this?
I felt a li le bored.
Wherever I look, there are only golems.
It looked a bit sad.
There may be no human gods or servants, but it is clear that there will be
very few.
Harriet lived in a place like this.
I suddenly think that he must have had a lonely childhood. Wherever I go,
there are only golems, without friends.
Other than that, as Adriana accepted her life in her convent as her whole
As if she was sa sfied with that life because she did not know the life of it.
Because Harriet also accepted life in the White Palace as her whole life, she
did not know any other life, so there was no complaint about loneliness
Even at dawn, the White Palace, where you can see golems working all
over the place, was not quiet.
But no one looked at me and no one spoke to me.
The White Palace seen from afar was a beau ful and splendid building.
Upon entering, the White Palace looked only lonely. It was s ll beau ful
and bright, but s ll.
Accompanied by a guard, I was led to one side of the palace as I walked
through the garden where no one stopped me and no one spoke to me.
It didn't seem like he was going to the audience.
I was led to the palace where the Prince's bedroom was,
It was the main drawing room and the main lobby.
I thought there would be a grand duke.
Of course, there was the Archduke. he is gorgeous
Sit on the sofa, look at me with the tea set in front of me
there was
“Long me no see. Reinhardt.” |
It seemed obvious that I had come at this me. Because it looked a li le
No, I was self-aware that I was ac ng very rudely, but I woke up in the early
morning when an archduke who was the head of a country said I was
yes, what is that it could be.
let's play
“Are you Reinhardt?
What an elegant and beau ful lady.
"No, you said you were ugly, you were handsome?"
what a young man
What young man 2.
"He's handsome, but he certainly looks dirty."
What young man 3.
“Sit down.”
and the command of the Grand Duke.
I slept on the sofa at the other end of the archduke
I sat down swea ng.
What the hell is this?
Apparently, the whole family of the Grand Duke of Saint-Ouen is gathered
“I heard a lot of stories.”
He smiles kindly and recommends tea to me.
Presumably, she is Harriet's mother.
no i
Because I need priority to use the gate.
"How are you and Harriet?"
Why, her girlfriend came to say hello to her house for the first me.
boyfriend, same.
Has that been the case?

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 239

It's like a situa on where I came alone to say hello to my girlfriend's
parents without a girlfriend
I missed it.
No, that's not it, folks.
It wasn't that everyone wasn't sleeping, it was certain that the whole
family woke up when I said I was coming.
The Grand Duke had seen me once, but the other family members must
have wanted to see me at least once.
“I heard my baby talk about you like that. At first, it seemed like we didn't
get along well, but now how did we get to know each other?"
Mrs. Ear looking at me with a so smile.
I don't know her name, but Harriet's mother.
is es mated to be When Harriet gets older
She resembles so much that I wonder if this is what it feels like.
Yes, grow up like this. Of course, I don't know if she'll ever be able to be
this gentle.
and youth 123.
Her brothers, whom Harriet some mes spoke of
it seems
“I pretended not to be like that and looked at my face. I see now.”
The first thing you see is a slightly mischievous yangban.
“No, I s ll think it’s more interes ng that he doesn’t ask for his iden ty,
isn’t it? Is this a face like that?”
The second presumed yangban who seems to be talking strangely.
“It is not. But, he said he has good skills?”
No, it's a fair show all of a sudden.
I'm here to talk about Warp Gate Priority, but I couldn't say anything
because the Grand Duke was making a lot of noise.
He thought it was a lonely palace,
What do the owners of Arnaria say?
“Try this. Reinhardt, it’s delicious.”
like a dog
So. Not a dog in a bad sense.
Kind of like a puppy It's strange to see me, so I'm waving my tail so ly,
gathering around me and smelling it.
They are very cute dogs.
Well, I'm from a beggar.
These people have a preconceived no on about things like that.
I don't feel it at all, what is it?
even these people.
I think I'm completely convinced that Harriet and I aren't just friends, we're
actually da ng.
are you da ng? There is not even a ques on
Well, of course they're da ng, are there any problems in the mean me?
It feels like this.
I can't say no because I didn't ask at all.
If it's your daughter's first boyfriend, shouldn't she hate her
uncondi onally? Why don't you hate it? Do you think you would hate me?
Ah. The Grand Duke over there has that kind of expression on his face.
The archduke's expression was 'thickness' itself.
“Ah, that, yes… ma, it’s delicious…”
As I forcibly ate the cookie that Mrs. Saint-toine had given me, I had a sour
expression on my face.
nodded his head.
The Saint-Ouen brothers tended to talk a li le bit, but they didn't show any
reluctance to me. The Archduke was silent, and everyone asked me
ques ons.
"You say you have psychic powers? Can't you show it to me?"
“That’s because it’s a skill that I can’t really show…”
"okay? What kind of power do you have?” “It’s called self-sugges on… it’s
like strengthening the body. thing. No one knows how I feel.”
“You said that you also enhanced your magic this me? By yourself?”
"Oh really? Reinhardt, you are a genius.
You tell your family everything about me...
I can bump into anyone who tries to pick me up, but I don't know what to
do because they s ck around like a dog.
I'm weak at this.
In the end, I suffered with them for a long me.
The Archduke coughed, and with his chin gesture,
He pointed towards the stairs.
“Once we’ve talked in modera on, go back to your bedroom.”
Perhaps the family's curiosity is now
Feeling that it had been sufficiently resolved, the Archduke seemed to bite
Madame Saint-Ouen took my hand.
“I want to talk a li le more. Can't you go to sleep? It was late.”
Oh no.
Ajumma's version of Herriot..
I can't get used to it because my personality is completely different!
"Ah, no. I have to go back to the Temple by this morning..."
“Yeah… it’s a pity. Come hang out o en, later with Harriet.” |
In the end, having said that, Saint-Ouen Bu
Yin brought her mouth to my ear.
“My baby, don’t cry.”
"How many mes, you said?"
“In the future, are you careful?”
“Because I am a weaker child than you think.”
An eerie energy ran down my spine. The way Mrs. Saint-Touan was saying
that, and the eyes of the three brothers looking at me were slightly
different back then.
Crazy daughter stupid family.
If I made Harriet sad, it would have killed me in the most painful way in the
He already knew that I had rang Harriet a few mes. It was probably the
beginning of the first semester.
At the request of a commoner who came out of nowhere at dawn, the
gates of the White Palace were opened and the Grand Duke's family
welcomed him.
That's a favor he can receive because he's a friend of Heriot. They have an
But I make Harriet sad. Otherwise, a huge favor that does not fit this case
will turn into a huge sense of revenge that does not fit the case.
your family...
very scary....
I don't care if I'm the Demon King or anything like that, I guess I'm just
being killed by your family...
The Grand Dukes, a er all, never asked me why I was in Arnaca at this
I was just curious as to what kind of person I am, but I came out of
nowhere, so I got up in a hurry and was embarrassed.
Ask the Grand Duke, stop now and go
He returned as if he was sorry for the growing command.
Now it's just me and the Grand Duke in the drawing room.
Everyone was making a fuss, but only the Archduke was looking at me
"Priority to use of the super-large warp gate... Yes, that's all you can give."
As if it was not a difficult request, he wrote a document on the spot and
handed it to me.
"Thank you, Grand Duke." The Archduke didn't even ask me why I was here
at this me. It's just that I'm not sure what's going to happen.
He's probably just not interested in low-ranking affairs.
It's me, now that the business is over, I can go back, but the Archduke
didn't tell me to go, so it would be rude to get up first.
He had already made a big mistake, but he repaid it with kindness.
It cannot be more disrespec ul to the Grand Duke.
I don't have a reason to look good, and I don't want to look bad for some
What am I? my dog boyfriend
it's you!
But there's no need to be mean, right? What should I do?
The Archduke got up and I followed him. He said he didn't like Harriet
when he first met? do you have anything wrong with your eyes? I was
talking like this
The Archduke seemed a li le more serious now than he did then.
Me and the Duke of Arnaria
“They say they created a magic research group.”
"Ah yes."
"Maybe they're planning on making crazy stuff."
Archduke Saint-Ouen walks quietly through the quiet garden. He seemed
to have something to talk to me. No wonder I'm here, the temple's work
“It will be impossible.”
The Archduke refused to hear Harriet's request for some investment. It
seemed that Harriet was figh ng the Archduke on that ma er. Archduke
Saint-Ouen, the Archmage. If he says impossible, he is impossible.
In general, yes.
He only knows that it is made. Therefore, the Archduke's predic on was
wrong. The Archduke quietly walks with his back to me and says:
"You don't know magic. Those who don't know magic know that magic can
do anything, and there are many things they want. How is magic made up.
How to design a magic circuit. I don't know if it exists or it can't be planted.
I think that just one word of magic solves everything. The world calls it a
His words were accusa ons against me
However, it sounded a li le different.
It feels like a ba le between the development team and the planning
make something like this
How do you make this?
somehow. You are good at computers. Aren't you ge ng paid to do that?
No, you need to know something.
It's not that easy to do this.
How did you do it when you said you couldn't last me? Do it again this
no! Is that different from this one?
Is this an extension of this story?
But the Archduke doesn't seem to be grumbling
“By the way.”

“Things that changed the world started with the nonsense of such an
The Archduke walks quietly.
“Due to Emperor Legnet de Gradias, there were constant traffic jams and
accidents due to the carriages coming and going inside the eclip c.
You instructed me to make a means of moving scale magic. The Emperor
knew no magic at all. That was impossible. what
It's impossible for both of them to do something like that.
said Everyone decides the Emperor's judgment
They laughed and cri cized the Emperor as a magic all-rounder who was
ignorant of common magic.”
“But now, there is a magic train in the eclip c.”
“Another one hundred and fi y years ago, Emperor Organdua de Gradias
said that the rarity of teleport magic was less than useful.
You pointed out that it is too high. So, by applying the portal used in fire
ex nguishing magic, create a permanent portal to open each area.
You said let it go permanent portal
Lani, the magic stone that goes into it is huge.
How will you supply it, and with it
Connec ng all con nents like a spider's web? rain
The dragon problem, the technology problem, and the realism problem
were all problems from one to ten. It didn't sound like a word. Everyone
cri cized, everyone said it was impossible. Everyone's in the Empire
I lamented that I heard it.”
“But now, warp crabs all over the con nent
The site system is in place.”
“It was thanks to the Warp Gate that the Demon Conquest was possible.”
The nonsense of an outsider that everyone said is impossible.
The thing that changed the world that started from it, the Archduke turned
his body and looked at me
all. He was tall, so he was looking down at me.
It felt overwhelming.
“Reinhardt, how do you hear me?”
nonsense nonsense. It made things that eventually changed the world is
the meaning In that sense, is it a compliment?
But then the Archduke should have made an investment.
The Grand Duke fought.
He quarreled with his very beloved daughter.
The intent of that statement, then, is clear in the end.
“It is said that in order to realize the nonsense of an outsider, you have to
become an emperor.”
"I'm not that stupid."
He nodded.
“If you had taken this as a compliment, I would have kicked you out.”
What the Archduke had just said was not a compliment, but a sarcasm.
The one who tries to do what emperors should be, even those emperors
He was cri cized by the public for his body alone.
He's trying to get a job, only students.
That's why he thought my plans were in vain.
“It was possible because he was the emperor. It was close to a great history
even for the emperor who could rule over mankind and exert influence
over all mankind. sulfur
To the extent that Kwon stands at the crossroads of rise and fall
It was the work of.”
“Of course, the thing you will make is a magic train.
I'm not a warpgate thing. However, things that use external magic as
internal magic, and the superhuman
that can make it easier to reach
“One changes the history of magic, all
The other will change the history of the superman. So soon, it will change
the history of war.”
“I am convinced that these two are comparable to, or even more than, the
Magic Train and the Warp Gate.”
“You are not the emperor, and the children of your research group are not
the Magic Associa on, the secret and secret magic associa on, or the
members of the Temple Magic Research Ins tute.”
“Do you think such a thing is possible?”
The Archduke asks as if interroga ng.
There is only one word to answer.
I answered that without a single doubt. The Archduke seemed a bit
embarrassed by my casual reply.
“Why do you think so?”
“If not, I will make it happen.”
The answer I will give you is in the end
it's just lame
“If you don’t have enough money, you can make it.
If you lack the ability, if you have the ability,
only. A er all, the emperor is like that too.
Was it you?”
“If not, let it be.”
"Anyway, let it happen. I will promise you unlimited support. Do it un l you
can. Wasn't it like that?"
At my words, the archduke's expression becomes strange.
“I don't know magic. You don't even know, but, I'll let you make it. All the
stuff I need for that
I will save you at any cost. Because that's all I can do.”
The emperor knows no magic.
I do not know either.
The emperor promised. Unlimited support.
I promise too. Unlimited support.
What makes me different from the emperor? The Archduke is amazed at
the confidence I have
seemed to feel
“Yeah, it’s impossible, but you say you can. But the people receiving that
support are, a er all, only students.”
Even if they promise the same support as the Emperor, those who develop
them are not the best wizards in the world. The difference between the
applicant and the researcher is not resolved.
“No, I don’t think so.”
I dare to object to the words of the Archduke.
“I am convinced that Harriet de Saint-Ouen will become the greatest
wizard in the world, the greatest wizard in human history.”
The Archduke's expression twisted slightly at my words. I guess I didn't
know you were going to say this.
“Isn’t it so surprising that such a sorcerer, in his youth, made one thing that
could turn over three?”
Harriet will be the greatest wizard in human history.
In fact, the Archduke of Saint-Ouen would believe so. Why is it impossible
for Harriet to do something beyond common sense? Geniuses are absurd
by their very existence.
It is only natural for an absurd existence to achieve the impossible.
“A genius has his own way. That's something that ordinary people, most
ordinary people, can't understand. What is possible for geniuses is
impossible from the point of view of ordinary people. It is ridiculous to
judge how.”
You may feel insulted at the words that turn the Archduke and me into a
scoundrel. But I could see the duke's lips twitch.
You are not human if you, who is a daughter's head, do not bite into such
extreme praise for your daughter.
okay? My daughter is going to be incomparably stronger and great than
So much so that I look normal
then! so be it! cancer!
Our daughter is the best!
Do you know a li le bit about you too?
You're just screaming inside yourself right now.
“If not, it would be rather strange, I think.”
“……Hmm, big.”
A er forcibly coughing a few mes, the Grand Duke puts his fist to his
mouth to say that he is trying to cover his mouth.
“Yeah, I guess I lacked faith.” “I fully understand your concerns. I know the
road to the future will be bright, but you want me to go on a safer road.”
“Um… yes, that was the inten on.”
There is as much concern as there is faith in Harriet. Therefore, the distrust
of the Archduke's trust is unavoidable. Fearing that his daughter would
grumble with a task she couldn't solve, the Grand Duke was in charge of
the Magic Research Group.
It was not coopera ng with the stroke.
You can just give money, not an investment concept
There is, but he didn't do that.
Money is not the problem, my daughter is impossible
It must have been because he was afraid of breaking down while clinging
to work.
So the Archduke met the day he came out of nowhere.
Originally, he was going to tell him to throw away the research project of
the Magic Research Society.
But rather about my Harriet
He seemed to have been impressed with the unreasonable trust.
Rather, he didn't believe it more than me, an outsider, who knew best how
absurd his daughter's talent was.
The Archduke seemed to be feeling some kind of strange shame because of
it. “And, that. This is a different story.”
"Well. what?"
“Well… by any chance, didn’t you fight Harriet?”
At that, the Prince opened his eyes.
A er the investment, Harriet became the Archduke and the Great
It looked like a fight, and Harriet was Boa
In the Hani family, she's like a daughter who lasts a long me if she
stu ers.
The Archduke wasn't saying he didn't give me money, but he was definitely
telling me not to do the Magic Research Society itself.
The fight wasn't because he didn't give me money, it must have been a
fight between the daughter who told me not to do it, who said she would
do it, and the prince who told me not to waste me on such useless things.
Perhaps even now, the Cold War or Herriot is fun! I hate daddy! I hate you!
will be doing
He must be restless, obviously.
"When I get back, I'll try to talk to you a li le be er. The Grand Duke said
that it was because he was worried about hur ng his body and mind, not
the investment."
"Ummm... big. Hmm. Goo, you don't have to.
It's itchy, I'll scratch it instead
At those words, the prince's face lit up.
His mom was nice.
Seeing her dad, you know.
“Goo, um. Well... you don't have to worry about it... it's a thing, um. Big, to
my wife. Well. This is quite common…”
Harriet's personality resembled his father.
Look at that twitching thing.
My uncle is like that, but the archduke is like that, so it's strangely
“Huh, hmm. but that. Ummm... yes. Oh, if you can solve the problem, um.
That would be good.”
your daughter is dope
That's a bit weird.
Anyway, but it's okay.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 240

Anyway, my business is over, I'm back
you just have to cheat
But Archduke Saint-Ouen seemed to want to take a li le more walks. Isn't
this gentleman sleepy?
I was able to go back to the temple anyway, but me was me, so I
couldn't sleep, so I took a li le more walk.
There was nothing bad about it.
“Reinhardt, what do you think of Arnaria?”
The Duke of Saint-Toine is nothing more and nothing less than a friend's
father to me.
But what is this yangban, why does he seem to be ac ng like a father-in-
law? With that backwards posture, he speaks as if he is entering me in
rela on to me rather than my status.
I don't have anything, but now it seems like I've go en to the point where
it has to be something?
Of course, that aside, the Grand Duke's ques on.
What do you think of Arnaria?
"I think it's great. I have nothing to do with a place like this, but... I haven't
learned anything, so I can't express it properly. I'm sorry."
“You know how to speak mouth-watering words.
Was it too obvious that it was just a word?
The Archduke looked at Arnaria's garden.
“It’s a lonely place.”
Even the Grand Duke, who had almost completely automated the en re
palace, thought that the desolate landscape of Arnaria was lonely.
Most of the gardeners, guards, and users are golems.
It seems that there are no human users, but Arnaria seems to be operated
by a very small number of personnel.
For safety's sake, it's actually safer that side, but as a result, Arnaria has
become a safe and beau ful but lonely place.
I had no idea what kind of reac on I should react to the words of the
owner of the White Palace.
“Herriot has been here for a long me.”
“It must have been.”
A guy who doesn't have bubbly hair and doesn't treat people with lower
body or lower abili es than him. Harriet was one such guy.
He was treated with dignity in a place like this and only grew up nicely.
Among his family, who accepts him if he uses him, and makes a fuss if he
gets scratched on his body.
“Do you understand why I sent Harriet to the Temple?”
A ques on I've been hearing for a while.
Even if Harriet learns magic here
do. This is the Duchy of Saint-Touan and his father is an arch wizard, so why
does he have to learn magic at the Temple?
Princess Heriot de Saint-Ouen of the Principality of Saint-Ouen, a country
where magic has developed, went on to a end the Temple Royal class.
That's the se ng I spit out.
But Harriet did not dare to go to the temple
She doesn't need to learn the law.
Finally, the 'why' is supplemented here as well.
Harriet grew up in a lonely palace all his life.
She is arrogant, doesn't know how to deal with people, and lives a life
where everything gets be er if you use it in a crowd.
She is Aon's daughter. She meets commoners from me to me
A daughter who treats her vassals as worms.
A father who sees such a daughter.
“I wanted you to experience some people… Is that what you did?”
11 ID IT
A temple is a place where iden ty becomes meaningless.
In the temple, you cannot tap someone by iden ty.
Grand Duke of Saint-Ouen, Harriet, who grew up
I wanted to be different in this kind of environment
all. She wanted her to know that the world she had seen and experienced
wasn't everything.
The Archduke of Saint-Touan saw Harriet as her temple
she paid
The original doesn't change un l the end.
But now it has changed because of me.
The Archduke of Saint-Ouen, Harriet is like me.
Not even a guy, but a girl like me
She would have wanted to meet the stone.
“Herriot seems like she's made a lot of friends. Her personality has
changed a lot.”
"She can't say it's because of you, but she can't say it's not because of
The Archduke wanted Harriet to change, and actually Harriet did. She
seemed sa sfied with it. Her rough look was greatly reduced. In the end,
he went to the Magic Research Society.
Even if he treats him like that, it means that Harriet's friendship is very
She can't hate herself.
It was a li le strange for her to hear.
The Grand Duke of Saint-Ouen, and the Grand Duke's family,
She didn't seem to be ed to her iden ty. Actually, I'm from a street
beggar, and, to put it bluntly, I deserve to be looked down upon by
Actually, what was she doing for a while, and she did not do it.
But the Grand Duke's family is from me
Anyway, there seemed to be no prejudice.
Although she is a commoner, she is s ll my daughter's friend, so I have to
treat her well.
not at this level. He didn't seem interested at all.
The Grand Duke said at the outset that my daughter could not seek
opinions from a lowly person like you, but that was from her daughter's
point of view.
She didn't say anything because she couldn't admit that she was like you.
“What do you think about my origin?”
So, I was curious, so I just asked. The Grand Duke looks at me silently.
He seemed to be in thought for a while.
“…do you know about the history of the Saint-Ouen family?”
Soon, Archduke Saint-Ouen returned a completely absurd ques on.
"I do not know."
"The ancestors of the Saint-Ouen family were tanners."
“These are the professions of the execu oners, the tanners, the butchers,
and the lowly ones. At that me, they could not have houses near the
Among the lowly ones, the one who preached the most
Ignored and despised even by the lowly
It will be those who suffer.
“The tanner's house has a urinal for sterilizing the leather. Even because of
the smell, they could not own a house in the village. I've actually been in
charge of it before, and it's not enough to say that it's awful."
“As a tanner, the job itself is the reason for this marriage. He knew he could
bear it, but if he couldn't stand it and asked for a divorce, he had to accept
It's a run job. The Saint-Ouen family began with such a tannery.”
The Archduke of Saint-Touan tells the story of a past that he does not know
when. You can forget about the tannery, but the Prince of Saint-Toilet
remembered that.
“Such a Saint-Touine family, no. Among those who were not of the family,
the first
What do you think was the reason why the seed of a humble man could
have come this far?”
The gap between the hut full of tanned urine and the white palace Arnaria
can't be counted
However, the Saint-Ouen family are the masters of the duchy.
The na ve of Jeonhan was soon forgo en. all
However, only the owner of this White Palace did not forget where he
came from.
In order for a lowly person to become a noble person,
Only that was needed.
could jump over it. “The bloodline of Saint-Ouen had a strong talent for
magic from genera on to genera on.
But for the tanner, magic was just a far-fetched name. but how
From the moment that talent blossomed, across genera ons, we have
finally reached this point.”
"Na ve."
“It is pointless.”
“A er all, the world needs those who need it.”
“Those who are born noble may be valuable right now, but you never know
what will happen in the future.”
“In the same way, those born lowly may be lowly right now, but you never
know what will happen in the future.”
“Only ability, only talent. only power.”
“It can transcend everything.”
Archduke Saint-Ouen looks at me.
He was cold enough to be a meritocracy.
"It's meaningless that you're from a humble background. You've already
entered the Royal Class."
"Status? The moment you graduate, you will be in any kingdom, any
principality, or even an empire.
Even if you remain, I will give you a tle to capture you. No, it's not
dropping. I will give you my tle.”
I am a commoner, but I had no reason to live as a commoner.
It's because of my abili es. I am a person with supernatural powers, and if I
grow up safely by the me I graduate, I will become an incomparably
stronger person than an ordinary knight.
my ability. strength.
Because of that, I was already nothing more than a nobleman.
So, Archduke Saint-Ouen did not even consider a day when such a future
was guaranteed as a commoner.
Of course, he is supported by his abili es.
If you do, your iden ty will follow.
It is because there are values of the Grand Duke that he knows.
The people of the Grand Duke family are meaningless
Trea ng me like normal because I know it's sweet
it was
only my ability.
Is that why you recognized me?
The Grand Duke of Saint-Ouen and the Grand Duke is meritocracy
are the ones So regardless of status
does not
I will despise you if you are incompetent, or
I am respected.
“So the status doesn’t ma er. Don’t worry.”
However, what the Archduke was saying while looking at me was a bit
I was just asking out of curiosity, did I worry about my status? What were
you worried about?
“Because you deserve to marry Harriet.”
What is this guy talking about?
“It means that you don’t have to worry about mee ng Heriot because
you’re from a humble background.”
“Isn’t it just to ask about that suddenly in the middle of the night?”
It seemed clear that the en re Grand Duke had a serious misunderstanding
The Archduke was more misunderstood than that.
I was already da ng Harriet, and I thought that I had come this far because
I was thinking about the next step, marriage.
no wonder....
He opened the door as if he was wai ng....
It wasn't that I just stopped by Arna Ria, it wasn't because I liked Harriet so
much, I thought it was the guy who came to Arna Ria to get her marriage
license at night.
it is clear
“But, keep the good.”
If you touch my daughter before marriage, a er
A man with a bloody expression as if he knew how to lose
Even in death, I could not say that I had come to the Duchy of Saint-Toilet
to meet a senior woman I knew, not at all.
Say it, you get killed.
It's a misunderstanding
The moment the misunderstanding was revealed, I froze because I didn't
know what was going to happen.
Came here to get priority to use the gate
I got permission to get married out of nowhere.
If I want to become a nobleman anyway, I can become whatever I want.
So, since you are qualified to marry Harriet, don't worry and get along well.
S ll, keep the line, if you don't follow the back
because it will
At the words of the Archduke of Saint-Ouen, I actually
I couldn't say that you and your daughter-in-law weren't in a rela onship at
If we're not da ng, why don't we date?
It seemed
Now, if the Grand Duke runs into a runaway, I will stop him.
there is no riot
So, although I am a lover recognized by my family, I came out of the White
Palace Arnaria in a situa on where it was really nothing.
I feel like my soul has been ripped out
what is this
If you don't marry Harriet later
you get killed
I'm sure you'll hear that you were playing with my daughter, and she won't
believe her if she says she's not Harriet.
back now
Do I have to marry Pak Tong now?
Of course, it will be a er the gate incident is resolved, so it would be great
if we could face such a moment, but un l then, everything is fine.
The overnight departure that started with Adriana's dropout has come to
an end.
How did she manage to get her back on her way back to the Principality of
Saint-Touan on a day trip?
In the end she couldn't bring Adriana
This feeling like a bigger accident...
[Event Complete - Return]
[You have earned 200 achievement points.]
I returned to the zodiacal gradient at dawn.
There's no need to be beaten by Ellen anymore.
where did you go last night! Doesn't that mean you lose?
No, come to think of it, I've actually been beaten up by Ellen during
prac ce, but I've never actually been a fan of me.
Why am I so worried about ge ng beaten up like this? Aren't you that kind
of kid?
Did you get used to it because you got beaten up during prac ce?
Now there is no Adriana in the Temple.
That fact made me feel a bit lonely.
There were quite a few guys who knew my last night out.
But he also went to the Principality of Saint-Ouen. There were no guys who
knew that. I was very red from not being able to sleep, but there was no
me to sleep.
“Did you buy the night?”
“Uh… I have some work to do.”
breakfast me.
Ellen asked me if she was red and she rubbed her face.
At breakfast, there are always five people including me.
Four female students and me. Harriet says to me with a frown on her face.
“Where have you been wandering around? Did you crash again?"
It's an accident.
But this accident only happened to me
No, it's me too? Harriet is trying to figure out if there is anything he can
make fun of.
It looked like it was, but I didn't say anything.
But looking at Harriet like this, what do you think?
It seems that I was treated too harshly. Even if it's not as good as Charlo e,
when I saw Ar Naria, the White Bow, I realized that he was definitely
To such a child, he was bullied by all kinds of bullshit and all kinds of
Even though he was the first to pick it up, it seems like he hurt me a lot just
because it was fun.
In the end, her personality was changed, but I thought of Harriet, who was
treated with dignity in a dress at the palace.
Her sense of guilt creeps up slowly.
"No, I'm sorry for that."
"...uh? uh, what?”
Harriet said that I apologized out of the blue.
Now, a look of perplexity was evident.
"You're a princess. I thought I couldn't treat you like a princess, wasn't it?"
“Come on, let’s go. Suddenly what... what a cow
lee? Why, why, again, this me... What are you trying to say?”
Harriet said I had another sneaky plan.
Because of this, he seemed to have begun to spread his delusions by saying
something like this.
You bastard, what kind of design are you trying to make a princess sound in
the apple all of a sudden? it's the same look
Not only her, but also Liana and Adelia were terrified of me suddenly doing
No, but I honestly reflected on yesterday
I did, apart from what the Archduke said, my
I've been trea ng you too badly
I thought that was right.
The grandeur and splendor of Arnaria.
I treated the kid who lived there so badly.
I can't treat a princess properly, but I have to do it a li le be er.
You're a prickly princess....
should be treated with respect...
Let's not call it a paktong anymore.
“From now on, I’ll call you Princess, not Paktong.”
"Uh, huh?! Whoa, what. What the hell... a dog
sound are you Me, why are you doing this to me!”
“Eat a lot, Princess.”
Harriet made a bewildered expression on his lips.
was flu ering No, why are you scared? Are you doing well now?
"You, I don't know what happened, but get up."
Liana pa ed my shoulder and suddenly said something like that. the guy's
It was a li le bit blue.
Why are you here again?

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 241

Reinhardt is weird.
I don't know what he's been up to in the middle of the night, but since
then he keeps calling himself a princess.
“Princess, I need to go to the club room.”
It doesn't feel good to hear that at all. A cold sweat on your back and itchy
all over your body is a strange feeling.
It becomes a very difficult feeling that is difficult to bear.
“Why do you keep calling me a princess?”
“…you are a princess.”
That's right.
Grand Duchess, Princess of the Duchy of Saint-Ouen
peel. In fact, I have lived my life hearing the word Princess Lord longer than
the Grand Duchess. So, actually, Harriet has no objec on to calling herself
a princess.
The word princess came out of Reinhardt's mouth.
I feel dirty.
"Don't do it! This is a temple! Don't men on your iden ty!"
| “No, it’s forbidden only when your side coerces something with your
status, and the tle itself has nothing to do with it. Princess."
“Uh, uh!”
I feel like being teased.
No, why is the tle Princess?
Does it sound profane?
It looks like Harriet will be back.
Princess Degrada on.
It's a phrase I hear o en.
I hate to hear it coming out of that mouth.
"No, I'm not kidding you, I'm just trying to be nice to you.
Isn't it the Lord?"
"right! That's right! Just don't do it!”
“Hey, just call me a bum! I feel so bad!”
that's be er
As Harriet blushed at his shame, he exclaimed.
“Oh, it’s ght.”
"You, you... You! You, you, you! You, you, you! You, you!"
A princess who doesn't even s ck to her mouth to get these words out of
her own mouth.
I kept wearing it and bought it.
got hit again
“Anything? But you want to be ghter than a princess. A true legend.”
“Lee, Le… a legend?”
“Yeah, you bastard. Also this one
"profit! profit!"
Harriet was eventually forced to admit that the feeling of bloody tears had
become a proper name for her.
He became more comfortable to listen to than the princess.
“Uh, uh… uh… uh…” “Oh, no… are you crying? Why are you crying again?”
Harriet was really sad and cried.
I don't like the ghtness.
But now, she hates herself even more when she hears the princess as an
"Gee, really... Really, you bastard..."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Should I just call her a princess?"
"Aww! Don't do it! Don't do it!"
Many people call me a princess.
Many people call me the Grand Duchess.
There are many people who call me Harriet.
In the world, only Reinhardt himself
he calls it
Harriet found it strange that he made such a meaning of the word.
I don't know if anyone else knows, but I think it's be er to call him "Pak
Tong" than to say "Princess" in his mouth.
do it
He is such a self.
I hated it so much.
Reinhardt, who went somewhere in the middle of the night, did not
receive any par cular penalty. Because he a ended class properly. He
didn't tell us what had happened, but Harriet soon knew.
“You said you had a fight with your father.”
…why are you talking about that?’
'Why are you figh ng with your parents over something like that? It's all
because I think of my children.
'What, what do you know?'
'Anyway, make up. It's okay to be a parent. It is not one-dimensional like
children. So, make peace in modera on. Do you know how much it burns
inside your parents when you fight with them?'
Reinhardt, knowing he was in a cold war with his dad, suddenly asked him
to reconcile with his parents.
In general, what kind of interference is it, or what are you meddling in
other people's housework?
would have hit
But Reinhardt has no parents. I couldn't tell Reinhardt like that, what you
knew or what you were, meddling in our housework.
Whatever you say, reward Reinhardt
I think I will become a wife.
Harriet just said so.
So he connected the communica on from the communicator to the white
palace Arnaria.
A er some me, soon a er a slight delay, communica on was established.
Harriet says he thinks he's done it too much, he's sorry.
he said.
The conversa on was long.
He reconciled with his father, then his mother received.
- Ugh, my baby knows how to apologize first. all grown up
“...were you all grown up?”
I can't say I'm fully grown, but at home, I treat myself like a child.
do. Especially my mother is s ll a baby girl
call it
I hate it so much.
-But he is there.
- I don't know about anything else, but he's handsome. that
it's rum my mom agrees
“...what are you talking about all of a sudden?”
Who the hell is he talking about?
- Oh, it was a secret. Oh my, my mother made a mistake...
“…No, what are you talking about?” -Oh my God, if she had asked me to
keep it a secret, she would have kept it a secret...
"What the hell are you talking about?!"
Her mama says she only talks to herself
o en. So what is she talking about, she herself
could not hear any.
- Do you have Reinhardt?
“…Reinhardt? Why a dog?”
Her Reinhardt Although she o en talks about her, her mother's words are a
bit strange. She said she was handsome, it was like seeing Reinhardt in
- You came to see me in person last me. dawn
in the wind.
“What? Oh no. to Arnaca?”
- Then, how embarrassed was she when she came and asked to open the
door all of a sudden?
She said in the middle of the night where she had gone without returning
to the temple, even in secret.
- What's so cute? no ma er how it is How urgent was your heart?
Do you come to me right away on the wall?
“He, he. Why did you go to Arnaca?" -What is it? Perhaps he was anxious
because he was from his hometown. That's why he wants to get
permission, and he's already serious and serious. Not like a kid these days.
A very huge misunderstanding.
begins to occur
"Permission? What permission?"
- Of course I'm mee ng you guys. What do you mean?
“Are you mee ng?”
-Well? Weren't you guys ge ng along well? Love is love. Do you like my
baby Reinhardt?
what the hell is this
Harriet seemed to have stopped his brain.
I never said anything like that, but it seems that the whole family already
knows how I feel about Reinhardt.
-So Reinhardt seems to have come to Arnacael to see if it's okay to meet
you or not. Well, we talked well. My whole family agrees.
"Damn, what the hell... what the hell how..."
Reinhardt went to Arnaca to get permission to have a rela onship with
no wonder.
From the moment he returned, he suddenly called himself a princess and
seemed to be doing well. I didn't like it because it felt a bit creepy, but
Was it because you wanted to meet me properly now?
Nor is it
According to his mom, Reinhardt seems to think we're already in a
rela onship.
Reinhardt didn't come to ask if I could meet him. He seems to have asked if
it would be okay to meet him.
It cannot be misunderstood.
What is the reason for Reinhardt to go to Arnaca?
Other than stopping by Arnaria, ointment
There's absolutely no reason to go anywhere.
- Daddy is a li le early, but un l we get married
said in favor what's so urgent Dad and Reinhardt talked separately
De, Reinhardt is also looking there
He said that it seems to be
Reinhardt and his dad have already gone beyond da ng and even talked
about marriage?
-S ll, you're s ll a student and you're young, so don't do anything
dangerous, then your mom will only get angry. Understand?
| “Uh, uh… huh?”
What the hell happened?
-By the way, how long have you been da ng? It was a er visi ng that
uninhabited island that my baby's a tude about talking about Reinharat
It seemed like
Marriage of himself and Reinhardt,
My own private mee ng.
When Harriet is flooded with nonsense words and situa ons, her head is
it was ruined
It got really messy.
Reinhardt went to Arnaria.
Why are you suddenly talking about love and marriage?
did you?
Then, Reinhardt thinks he's already da ng himself. He is already certain
that he was talking about marriage a er da ng.
He was da ng Reinhardt... Me?
Since when?
Why didn't I know un l now?
Harriet felt like her hair was going crazy.
Arguments that start with a conclusion are usually erroneous.
The Grand Duke started with the conclusion that no one could not like such
a pre y and lovely youngest.
Of course, Reinhardt had just arrived.
She can't help but think it's because of my daughter. So they didn't even
ask why they came to Arnaca.
why? I'm guessing it's because of Harriet
Because I thought so ly.
So, Harriet de Saint-Ouen was experiencing great confusion.
She said, "Why do you keep looking at me? What do you have to say?"
“…well, you idiot.”
As usual, with a slightly rough a tude,
Seeing Reinhardt shoo ng at her, Harriet's heart pounded.
She said this outwardly, but she said that she actually wanted to marry her.
Reinhardt probably came
It seems she wanted to keep it a secret, so her mom swore to her to
pretend she didn't know about this ma er.
A er worrying about the difference between her and herself, she made a
trip to visit Arnaka in the middle of the night.
Reinhardt has been seeing each other since some day. It seems that you
are mistaken
Since when?
Uninhabited island? From the Edina Islands?
Or a long me ago?
If you think about it, from a certain moment, Reinhardt con nued to take
care of this and that, even though he seemed to be cklish.
Could that be the reason? Was it like she was trying to be nice to her lover?
no ma er what you think
Always saliva ng when Reinhardt is involved
You lose your sense of humor, but this has gone too far.
Common sense, that Reinhardt was in the middle of the night
Arnaca during go to the parents
I can't even imagine the picture itself asking for permission to marry me.
There must be some misunderstanding.
Harriet has been out of Arnaria for quite some me now.
her own family, especially a li le bit of herself
Overprotec ve, a li le overly proud
She knows now that she is crying.
There must be some misunderstanding.
Harriet spends the day in complicated thoughts.
Magic lessons.
Harriet concentrated his mind and
A er she had done all the calcula ons necessary for the strings,
She is in a shelter built for safety,
She casts magic.
About five meters above Harriet's head,
A red-infested fireball is summoned.
A fireball about five mes larger than a fireball.
- Easy profit!
It breaks through the speed of sound and targets more
rushing towards beauty.
- Cuckoo Kwak Kwak!
With a violent explosion that swallowed up a 20-meter radius of the
impact point at once, her axis shook.
Reinhardt stood in Harriet's ear.
Her water earrings were hanging.
“Cas ng me 30.2 seconds, Power Rank A or higher. Magical opera on
stability A rank or higher.”
The assistant by her side checked the magic ac va on and the process and
“Herriot de Saint-Ouen, perfect for Flame strike cas ng.
was successful. That’s great.”
"thank you."
Despite her complexi es, Harriet was the only classmate of hers to
successfully cast the Flame Strike, a massive destruc on spell.
Five mes bigger than a fireball
A top light that shoots a fireball at a speed that exceeds the speed of sound
and collides with the target, crushing the target with a scorching wind and
shock wave.
Destruc on magic.
The fireball smashed the orcs, but it can destroy the ogres.
flame strike.
It succeeded perfectly as if measured with a ruler.
People don't know, but Heriot can already cast Explosion, a higher level of
destruc on magic.
He can already use superla ve destruc ve magic that causes an instant
explosion at the corresponding coordinate point rather than projec le
ejec on.
Flame Strike is already on vaca on
Mastered magic.
However, all of his classmates were staring at him like some kind of
monster, who barely did that.
Magic is a formula.
A er memorizing the magic formula of Flame Strike, if you use mana as it
is, the magic is ac vated.
Unless it was a magic that could not be touched due to lack of mana or the
ability to use magic power yet, Harriet fully understood the magic in his
Numerous scholars and great wizards
These are pre-made formulas. They don't create new formulas, they just
follow the formulas that have been created.
Most of all wizards are therefore copycats.
You can even go beyond the realm of new magic crea on.
Copy is too much for Harriet
It's easy.
Harriet couldn't understand the ex-symbiosis who couldn't do that for
You just have to do it as it is, but why
Can't you do it the way you want?
Not understanding, Harriet once despised them.
Harriet is accustomed to standing above others.
his status and his abili es.
Un l he met that strange guy,
He obviously did.
A er the day's lecture is over,
The Magic Research Society building.
Students who have been assigned research projects, including Harriet, tend
to do research at the Magic Research Society. Reinhardt doesn't stop by
because he's doing his job unless it's a regular mee ng place.
"Haha... I don't know. There are too many reagents needed, and I don't
know what to do to get rid of the side effects."
Chris na, who was asked to make a special drug that makes her magic
sensi vity and magic opera on a li le smoother, sighed deeply as she had
many difficul es.
The same goes for Adelia, who had heard that she was told to create an
ar fact that could be operated as a magic body inside the body.
Can I make it in the first place…”
Everyone is pre y nega ve. I don't think Harriet will do well either. There
he received a bizarre spell, saying that he wanted to learn how to get to
this world to study dimensional magic.
The other two are objects of great value when made.
Why dimensional magic?
Harriet doesn't understand.
But Reinhardt believes in himself.
He thinks he can do it. Whatever happened at Arnaca was, a er all,
interes ng to Harriet in one way or another.
Rather than a class that touches on magic that has already been created,
this job where you don't know what to do or where to start.
Harriet ge ng his success or not
He is interested.
It's not about learning what someone else made, it's about pioneering a
field that didn't exist. I am s ll lacking in many ways, but there is
something that I can try.
Of course, even the genius Harriet s ll doesn't quite get the hang of it, but
He was now exhausted from all his studies and was having tea me in one
“Senior, is there anything that makes you feel bad?”
In Chris na's words, she is the oldest and the youngest senior in this
posi on. 2nd grader A-1 Rudina murmured with a depressed expression.
“Ugh… my friend dropped out. My name is Adriana...”
"Ah. Isn’t that… a senior who works out with Reinhardt?”
Harriet knew that the senior was Reinhardt's early morning movement.
Know. When we ran into each other, I o en saw the senior ship gree ng
Reinhardt and talking.
did you drop out?
“Reinhardt went all the way to the monastery in the Duchy of Saint-Ouen
and tried to persuade him.
D, I guess it didn’t go well…”
Principality of Saint-Ouen.
Harriet then remembered what Reinhardt had said a while ago.
'You don't know Artouan Monastery?'
'Artouan Monastery? Don't you know?'
‘You said you were in the Duchy of Saint-Ouen?”
'I know everything in the Duchy
would you? I don't know, stupid.'
'If you don't know, you don't know. Why are you so angry?'
'Aren't you mad?"
'Are you mad? Are you mad when you look at me? Are you sad?
Because I'm not angry!'
Reinhardt suddenly asked the loca on of a monastery somewhere in the
Duchy of Saint-Ouen.
That night, Reinhardt had gone somewhere in the middle of the night.
It is only then that Harriet realizes the truth about him.
His purpose was not to stop by Arnaca, but to meet the senior named
I don't know why, but I think he was trying to talk to the senior who said he
was dropping out.
Since that senior didn't come back, the story doesn't seem to go well.
Reinhardt came out of nowhere and said that he needed priority to use the
gate. If nothing else, it must have been true.
Priority to use the gate.
That's why I stopped by Arnaria. Because the queue to use the gate is too
long to just come back, it will take more than a day.
It was a mistake, and it was a misunderstanding.
Wasn't the family just making a fuss? That's what I was thinking, but it's
Talking about marriage or anything else, Reinhardt would not have said it
He thought it would, and it just happened.
thank God.
I haven't had this illusion for a while. Not La Inart's mouth, but someone
To know the truth through his mouth.
Harriet blankly grabbed the teacup and sat there un l his car had cooled
there was.
That night.
“Aww, that’s Saksin…”
Harriet le the theater in the middle of the night and met Reinhardt, who
was staggering around. Reinhardt ran into himself and made him stretch
and droop.
he embraced
“Aren’t you sleeping?”
“Now to sleep.”
It was a misunderstanding.
The misunderstanding of his family was transmi ed to him, and he almost
had strange thoughts.
"Ah... well... have you talked to your parents?"
Reinhardt hesitated and opened his mouth as if he had remembered
“That, your father…”
“I know what you are talking about.”
Harriet is somewhat shy
Interrupted Reinhardt's words, who were about to talk.
“You don’t have to say anything.”
“Uh… um. That, yes.”
Reinhardt scratched his head with a slightly puzzled look and looked at
himself. Marriage or anything like that is a misunderstanding.
Harriet knows it's a nonsensical misunderstanding.
But he didn't want to be confirmed by Reinhardt's mouth.
I thought she would be hurt if she just listened to it.
"That... I'll go."
Harriet didn't want to hear Reinhardt's explana on.
Harriet glances at Reinhardt's back as he turns.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 242

Early morning exercise was done by myself.
You can do it with Ellen, but
this wasn't messed up
The meaning of someone is that that person is gone
He said he would find out.
Ever since my stamina supported me
We used to exercise together without saying a word all the me, but when
it disappeared, the vacancy became quite large.
It made me realize that Adriana was an important person to me.
She took Ledina with her, thinking that she should go see her some me in
the near future.
The people of the club's grace, and some of the sophomores, seemed to be
upset because of Adriana's sudden dropout, but they
Whatever I did, I didn't care.
They also go to meet Adriana, will Adriana meet them?
She decided not to think about it because it was out of my hands.
Catch those guys who spread malicious rumors about Adriana.
I thought about paying the price for it, but I didn't.
Adriana wouldn't want her
Not doing anything about this would be the last thing I could take care of
How did the misunderstanding of the Grand Gong family seem to be
So in the end, exercise, training, and classes con nued as usual.
How did the Orbis class problem go?
I don't know if it's going on, but it's urgently closed.
It is clear that the school is ge ng quite long.
If you try to solve a problem from the root, you will have to uproot it, and if
you remove the root, the Orbis class will be virtually dismantled and
Thousands of people will be expelled, and thousands of teachers will be
“Are you ready, Reinhardt? you may not come I can do it myself.”
Olivia looked a li le dry, but
I couldn't go it alone. In the end, I'm going because of my problems, so I
couldn't keep saying I didn't know.
S ll, he insists on going alone, and insists that I follow myself.
A er a lot of figh ng, I finally won.
Thank you.
Olivia seemed to have a lot of trouble with Adriana's dropout issue, but
she ended up taking care of my business.
"Uh, I don't know what to prepare, but I'm ready."
"Huh, are you trustworthy?"
Olivia Lanche.
dress mode.
“Oh, look, we can’t even make eye contact. Am I that pre y?”
"Yes. You're beau ful."
“…Uh, oh my. You wouldn't say that....” This open-minded yangban is shy
when he goes out too hard. By the way, she was actually wearing an off-
the-shoulder dress.
Olivia Ranche is brighter than usual
It was about this day.
Livia, who followed my brazen compliments a er her spit, turned her face
red and fanned her hands.
Olivia is in a dress, and I'm just wearing a royal class uniform.
aid associa on.
A very powerful opportunity to receive dona ons from the Magic Research
I go to the party. Olivia reaches out to me.
"Will you escort me?"
“Only this me.”
I took her hand, which Olivia handed her.
“Eh, escorts don’t do this!”
- vaginal
Of course, not the escort, but holding her hand and dragging her around,
Olivia was terrified.
Originally, from 4th grade onwards, to applicants
It is a support group that I a end every year. It's in the form of a party, and
there, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
In a subtly tone, this is about sponsorship.
It causes
Since the support group is an official event held at the temple, it is held in
the banquet hall of the temple main building.
Originally, people without a temple pass would not be able to enter the
temple, but in this case, it seems that access is limited only to those who
a end the support group.
I was wondering if I should bring the Magic Research Club guys, especially
Harriet. She is the Grand Duchess of Saint-Touan, and her talent is
It will be very easy to get won.
In the end, a er much delibera on, I came alone to the support group.
As for the members of the Magic Research Society, I had to explain them,
and I didn't want Harriet to stand in this posi on.
It's not a bad place, but it's a place where you end up whining for money. I
didn't want to give Harriet that experience.
It seems that everyone goes to the sponsoring venue separately or as a
group from me to me. I was on my way to the sponsorship hall with
Ceres and Olivia.
“Originally, it was a special class support group.
You must also have an Orbis class. then
But because of the current situa on…”
“Is there only royal class?”
“Yes, I will.”
Originally, comparing two special classes
He will support him as if he is inves ng in a place that has more poten al,
but because of the problem of Orbis Klasson, it is s ll
school is closed
I don't know how it will be solved
Those who know will spend a whole semester.
It might be lost, but this.
Ceres van Owen was also in a dress today. she looks pre y impressive too
Enemy, but in the end Olivia Ranche is you
it stood out
“Come on, don’t look at me again…”
When I keep looking at him, he avoids my gaze, rather than ge ng
embarrassed. Olivia pinched her fingers and didn't even look at me.
this man,
What is the real iden ty? It's like being bold. Ceres has such an Olivia
she stares
If she were, she would have been a great senior
A er this, Ceres killed her Olivia.
She some mes feels pi ful.
she knows how it feels I am more than that person
Some mes when I see you, I get ridiculous
uh. Of course, with the self of the Magic Research Society
Although he was kind enough to offer to collect dona ons for a low-grade
club that had nothing to do with it,
In the end, Olivia Lanche is the person I am grateful for, no ma er what she
In fact, she doesn't even go to sponsorships because Olivia doesn't need
her support, but she's unusual this me around.
And she said again that she doesn't have to go to the support group, but
she has to be there because she's the student president.
is Ceres van Owene.
She scans the list she is holding.
“The sponsors are of different types. They belong to nobles, colossus, and
knights, or the magic tower or magic associa on."
“It would be.” “Among them, the Magic Tower or the Magic Associa on
would be the ones that could support your Magic Research Society, right?”
“It may not have to do with magic. Wizards belong to the Knights Templar
Is there any case?"
At Ceres' words, Olivia has a different opinion.
I put out a dog, and that was also possible. There is no way that only
groups related to magic would be interested in the Magic Research Society.
“Then, I will select only four of the biggest people from the sponsorship
mee ng.”
“Ileion Wolton, commander of the Knights Templar.”
"The Vice-President of the Magic Associa on, Saint-Reiden."
“Captain Shanapell of the 1st Knights of the Empire. Saviolin Tana.”
“The Merchant’s Guild Guild Master Owen de Ge mora.”
“There are other people, but these four are the biggest.”
The former commander of the Temple Knights, Le Barrier Ranche, was
sacked, and his successor, the Chief of the Temple Knights, a ended. Ilayon
Wolton, I don't know who you are. Olivia is reluctant
Her expression was evident.
Her father-in-law, the Knights Commander of the Temple, Le Barrier Lanche
is also a problem, but she says that Olivia will hate the Knights Templar
itself. No ma er how much she grows up, she wouldn't want to go to a
support party with him.
“I can go alone.” |
I'm reluctant to see Olivia like that.
She said so because she didn't want to let her go, but she shook Olivia's
“What, it’s okay. It's not like she didn't expect to come."
It seemed that she was prepared to think that she would come to this
place if she was a group of the Knights Templar.
Olivia Ranche, she is as nice as a real hogu.
She is the head of the Temple Knights, the Vice-President of the Magic
Associa on, and the First Knights Commander of the Empire. Merchant
Guild Guild Master.
It is clear that even if only one of the four sponsors is allowed, it will
receive a huge amount of support.
However, I hate the Knights Templar from my side, and the Merchant Guild
is also from my point of view.
There are some twists...
I don't know much about the Magic Associa on, but it's related to magic.
Chances are a li le bit of support for something
there is
The Imperial 1st Knights have nothing to do with magic.
But, what if I want to support you?
I don't know everything, but I know only one name.
The 1st Knights of the Empire, Commander of the Knights of Shana.
Saviolin Tana.
Sword Master, of course.
No, it's more than that.
As the gate incident breaks out, the Temple students are put into ba le,
but of course they
There are also combat troops other than the living ones. A typical example
is the Knights, and in the Ba le of Shanado, the con nent's best knights,
there are many
set the ball
As they are unfamiliar with combat, numerous knights take their students
and teach them combat and figh ng in the real world.
Saviolin Tana gives Ludwig a number of lessons in the process. At that
point, Ludwig had an Allsbringer, so he was treated as a very important
Ludwig and Ellen Artorius.
The two are transferred to Xaviolin Tana's direct unit and fight.
The best knight of the Empire taught the master of Alsbringer and the
master of the divine sword Rament, who are not yet accustomed to ba le.
Giving is natural.
She has a cold and cold personality, and she treats Ludwig very harshly.
Rude compared to Ellen, who is good at anything.
Whip Behee
The world was in peril, and Tana, the violin, had no choice but to treat
Ludwig more harshly.
It's be er to survive than to die, and with a weakened body and mind, you
will only reach the worst end of death.
To Ellen, who excelled in everything, Xabiolin Tana had nothing to teach,
but she had much to teach Ludwig.
During the ba le, Xabi Olin Tana teaches Ludwig many things, and she
loses her life while saving Ludwig near the final chapter.
Ludwig becomes a sword master at the end of the process.
A very important character a er the Gates incident, Xaviolin Tana.
She never thought she would see him in a place like this.
“Come in, shall we?”
She didn't think she would meet with Olivia Ranche, not even Ludwig and
We arrived at the main hall banquet hall.
“There are quite a few people.”
Royal class students in grade 4 and above
That's right, there are only about sixty members in total. and all a end do
not lead
However, there seemed to be over a hundred people, except for those who
looked like students even if they pretended to be students.
“If all the people who really want to come come, there will be over a
thousand people.”
Ceres added that this was a deduc on and deduc on. proud of the empire
The best students at the educa onal ins tu on Temple are the future of
the empire.
There are so many people who want to invest in such people or make a
line. Or there will be scouts a er gradua on. Promising knights, or those
with business talent.
All talented people must have a place to use them somewhere.
Some of the students seemed to be not even seeing each other as they
greeted supporters they already knew for the first me in a long me.
And eyes were poured on us who appeared there.
To be precise, to Olivia Ranche.
She gave up her faith, but she was famous as the Saint of the Eredian.
She was a promising paladin talent, but the fact that she, who had put
everything down for her, came to the posi on of the head of her temple
knights, her mood subsided.
To be honest, there is one thing that puts all of that aside and that Olivia
Ranche's dress is hard to take her eyes off of.
Olivia is used to that kind of gaze. As if she was, she had a faint smile.
What, I don't peck at this again.
She is a strange person to look at.
"Doesn't she have to do something formally or anything like that?"
"Um, there's nothing special. You just have to relax and go."
She ain't got no me for her appeal or anything like that
thank God.
Go up to the podium Oh, who am I? Give me some money.
I was worried that this would be
And if that's not the case, how the hell are her supporters going to get the
conversa on going? I just go to the first person I see, and I'm thinking of
such a business item. Can you give me some money?
So what kind of scammer are you? what don't you have?
However, contrary to fear, there were people who approached first.
“It’s no big deal for you to come here.”
“You haven’t come to a place you shouldn’t have come, have you?”
“It is not.”
I don't know her face, but because of her dress
The iden ty was guessed.
The current commander of the Knights Templar is Ileon Wolton.
Olivia grabbed a glass of champagne from the passing tray and she took a
light sip as she smiled.
She was Olivia and she was an adult.
“Can’t you change your mind?”
The Knights Templar seemed to s ll regret the departure of her Olivia
Ranche. If he knew that Olivia's will was strong enough for a li le bit more
grit, then she went back with a short gree ng.
Olivia Lange is too young to miss
She will be a close talent. Le Barrier Lange described Olivia as a talent with
all her quali es.
In order to entrust the Knights Templar in the future,
She is a well-chosen talent.
But she said Olivia can't go back already.
Ceres was looking at her sadly at Olivia. Although she is not her paladin
talent, she is a person who lives with faith in the five great gods.
She seemed very sorry for Ceres that Olivia had abandoned her faith.
“There are things that become more solid as me goes by.”
Olivia tells Ceres
she said and she smiled.
She wasn't just disappointed with the Knights Templar.
She learned about her faith and the reality of God since the incident of
Olivia Tiamata. Demons do not exist, and the gods and demons are actually
the same beings.
The fact that the power of God is determined only by the way of faith.
She knew that God had no expression on her face, so she couldn't have
Olivia Ranche un l she had faith again.
She decided to renounce her beliefs because humans were a problem, but
she realized that God had just as much trouble.
She said that Olivia would never again offer her faith and allegiance to God.
Therefore, considering joining the Knights Templar
She didn't seem to do anything at all.
Many of the seniors who did not know the Royal Class were talking with
various sponsors.
Ceres was the student council president, so
I ran out of things to do, my
Only Olivia was le .
“The majority of the seniors who came here are magic majors who need
some money, right?”
Olivia nodded at my words.
“By the way, I decided to pursue a career a er gradua on.
There are children who come to make arrangements.”
"Hmm... Wai ng for a be er offer or something like that?"
"right. Children from commoners are some mes promised tles.”
It was just as the Archduke Saint-Ouen had said.
The Royal Class is an outstanding talent.
In order to win, in some places, they promise a tle. Then there are the
four main groups here, but there are also those sent by the Principality.
Currently, students are open to sponsorship
At the same me as a place to make a line, gradua on
I have no inten on of going to graduate school soon.
It is also a place for them to find work.
We don't know how much a royal class graduate will cost, but it's sure to
be huge.
what is my price
I don't really think so, but Epinhauser said I'm the best at Temple.
It was also said that he was a talent of
Scary to think, inside the banquet hall, I could see a man with a cold
impression sharing this conversa on with someone.
Epinhauser is a teacher.
It's possible for a Royal Class teacher to a end a support party, but that
yangban is the only person who a ended the party.
to see the wet
Of course, it's not a fancy dress, but it's Epinha's usual hard suit.
Woozer was a teacher.
I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but I said with a firm
Seeing you lying, the harmonious content is ah
seemed to be The way that person has a friendly conversa on with
I can't even imagine it.
"Now, shall we go fishing for money then?"
Olivia smiles brightly, she says so.
"...I guess you shouldn't say things like that."
That's what I said, so I'm trying to get some money.
it looks like you've come
...even though the results are similar.
“Don’t be too disappointed. Reinhardt.”
Olivia seemed to have a pessimis c vision for her from the start.
No, she wouldn't be able to rip off her money if she was here, was she?
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 243
It was clear that it wouldn't have worked very well if I had come alone.
Everyone here knew about Olivia Ranche.
“Ah, this is first-year Reinhardt. He’s super talented, and he’s a junior with a
great future.”
“A superpower?”
“These days, this junior has various visions, so he created a place called the
Magic Research Society.”
“Hey, what are you studying?”
"It's an honor to meet you, Olivia."
"Haha, hello. This is 1st year La Inart..."
People have a different meaning than before.
I wanted to mix it with Olivia Ranche, who was ordered, and Olivia
introduced me like a e. And I emphasized the need for a place called the
Magic Research Society that I created and a considerable research budget
The par cipants from the four major groups also struggled, but others
were not formidable.
All of them were high-ranking nobles dispatched from each dynasty, as well
as imperial nobles and prominent people of various groups.
Olivia talked to all of them and introduced me.
But, as Olivia expected, the result
was not very good
“Ah, that is significant. I will support you, Reinhardt student.”
“Then, if you would like to support…”
"Oh, that's more than that, Miss Olivia. What do you think of her future
career path?"
Saying that she was more interested in Jetbop than Jesa, she wanted to
hire Olivia instead of sponsoring the Magic Research Society that Olivia
brought up.
Olivia Ranche, who was scheduled to join the Knights Templar, was like a
star in the sky. But now that she doesn't join her Knights Templar, she was
a huge sale on the free agency market.
She only sees Olivia, who doesn't come to this place even though she o en
I also felt that the atmosphere had changed.
The Magic Research Society was behind the scenes, and it seemed that
everyone was desperate to somehow a ract Olivia.
However, when everyone realized that Olivia's inten on was not to find a
career path, but to seek the support of a club she had created by her
juniors, she like a ghost cut off her a en on.
So yes, the reac ons were the same.
In the end, the mega sale is coveted, but the inten on of the sale is to help
a child who wants to make a nonsensical inven on.
because it was
A person named San Treiden, vice president of the Magic Associa on,
showed a look of embarrassment.
“Ummm… It would be be er to have big dreams. Be strong, Reinhard-kun.”
Somehow, it became a li le pi ful. It was meaningless if the members of
the agency had to say things like geniuses of non-payment.
In the end, we became like duck eggs from the Nakdong River.
“It’s not good either.”
Olivia scratched her cheek as if a li le embarrassed.
“It’s not that the lower grades couldn’t come, it was a place that had no
reason to come.”
“Yeah, that's right...” |
Being here, I realized something.
This is a place for scou ng, as well as a place to sponsor talented people
who are close to gradua ng.
Of course, from the sponsor's point of view, the shorter the sponsorship
period, the be er. Graduated from 1st year in the Royal Class curriculum
for up to 6 years
It is be er in terms of cost to support students who are close to gradua on
than to support them un l they graduate.
So, a good target to sponsor is 5th-6th graders. It is inefficient because the
period of sponsorship for younger students is too long to stay in this
posi on.
Their purpose is to sponsor
A er making a connec on and gradua ng,
Cou ng or doing something like a solicita on
because that's what you want
So the lower the grade, the more warm and lukewarm the supporters are.
I'm a freshman, and I'm trying to make stuff that sounds fu le.
Gradua on is a long way off, and the plan is unclear.
People can't support it.
A er all, it was a concept similar to investment, and it was difficult to get
S ll, I never thought I would be treated this badly, but I'm fortunate to be
able to walk at least because of Olivia.
“S ll, I’ll try as much as I can.”
Even if people's interest wanes,
I might get caught by a sphere, so I decided to keep moving without giving
The only person who wasn't interested in us from the beginning.
Me and Olivia went to the Merchant Guild Master, Owen de Getmora.
I imagined a middle-aged man with a belly because he was a guild master
of the Merchants Associa on, and he had aged quite nicely. I'm pre y
proud of myself in this place too.
In one corner of the banquet hall, he quietly sips champagne alone and
sets the mood.
I was just turning it on.
He wasn't talking to anyone.
He didn't look like a merchant.
"Hmm, it seems like you're dreaming of a really great inven on.
He doesn't talk much about my research project.
It was clear that he didn't think it was worth doing.
“By the way, I didn’t expect to see Reinhard-kun in a place like this.”
He seemed more interested in me than in the Magic Research Society.
To some extent, I couldn't help but guess why he was doing that. The
merchant guild, a business that opens stores at each subway sta on, is the
most important investor in the business. With the business going on, he
must know me and the Rotary club.
because it won't be in
A connec on on a completely different side from the Magic Research
Gori is between the merchants guild master and me
already existed in
Olivia doesn't know the specific reason, so she asks herself if she doesn't
know why the Merchant Guild Master is interested in me.
She was googling the dog. S ll, she didn't add anything to make the
atmosphere strange.
Those eyes that seem to span between an old man and a middle-aged
stare at me.
He had no interest in Olivia. Because he wasn't running a group that
needed force.
“Reinhard-kun, can I ask you one ques on?”
so look at me
seems interested in me
He is the only person interested in me, who has a condi on that everyone
in this posi on has no choice but to turn away from.
“Why do you think I am here?”
.... Guess what you mean?"
he sees me
sudden ques on.
| What does it mean to fit this
is there
The first person I see tests me.
Merchant Guild Master, Owen de Ge mo Ra. He is qualita vely different
from the Thieves Guild Master. It is certain that the Merchants' Guild is
doing some illegal business, but in the end, it is a group of Yangji.
Thieves Guild whose existence itself is an object of eradica on
He is the owner of a group that differs from the other. That's why he can't
take a seat in such a place full of dis nguished guests.
They will have money like no other group.
“Hint, I have no inten on of scou ng anyone, and I have no inten on of
sponsoring anyone.”
It seems to test my insight. this
Passing the exam does not guarantee that he will support me.
do you just want to know
Who are your important business partners?
But in the end I risk my age
At a point where I am not ignoring this
A person who can speak to some extent
it will be
He has no interest in scou ng or sponsoring. From the standpoint of
running a support group, it's an a tude that even the wife has nothing to
Then why are you here in the first place?
If you came just to come, there is no reason to ask such a ques on. of
Ron, that's a possible ques on.
Let's think about the results.
The role of the Merchant Guild Master is to make money in the end.
It must be said that a ending the sponsorship itself is a lucra ve business.
Come to think of it, it wasn't a difficult ques on.
Here, prominent figures are gathered in one place.
“It’s good enough to understand the situa on on the con nent.
There will be no room.”
“A li le more?”
“You can also understand their needs, so as a result, what they lack is
I think I might know what it is.”
People come from a prominent group, the Principality.
And it shows a movement to recruit talented people. Knowing their needs
reveals their wants.
We need to replenish the forces of the Knights, so we are looking for strong
The cost of their investment is their
reflect needs and wants. What is needed there, what is lacking there.
Just by reading the exchanges, you know what they want.
Therefore, it is possible to guess to some extent the enemy, need, and
financial status of the groups' strength.
Owen de Getmore is a merchant.
Water to sa sfy people's needs and desires
He is the one who prepares the case.
He smiled at my short reply.
“I just wondered if it would be like that
I do not know what to do in the Merchant Guild with the informa on
coming out here.”
Owen said it was great, but Olivia was looking at me with his mouth open.
What do you admire so much about this?
“Then we should talk about the next one.”
"If it's the next thing..."
“I had no inten on of sponsoring, but I never thought Reinhard-kun would
he sees me
“I am in a posi on where I have to support Reinhardt. It must be done now,
not because Reinhard-kun is in high school. Can you guess the reason?"
I don't want to sponsor, I have to support
only do Sponsors gathered here
I prefer to support older students.
However, the Merchant Guild Master thinks it is necessary to sponsor now,
as he is in his lower grades.
It wasn't too difficult either.
“My values are not who I am a er I graduate. You seem to be looking for
me, who is a student at Temple.
“It’s even be er.”
Owen took a sip of the champagne with a sa sfied smile.
A magic train shop called Owen de Getmor.
You have no choice but to know that the business is being carried out
under the support of the imperial family.
I want to put my feet in the close rela onship between me and the
imperial family.
He doesn't want Reinhardt, he wants the prince and his classmate.
If so, my values always arise now, not a er I graduate from Temple, but
now while I am s ll in Temple. So he wants to make a connec on with the
imperial family with what he wants a er me.
He doesn't know the exact reason, but it's enough to win me a monopoly
from the imperial family.
“Reinhard-kun, how much do you need? do you?”
in advance.
Ask for the price tag engraved on my name.
Too much would be funny, too
If you do, you'll look down on you.
Today, I do a deal with a mature man I see for the first me. I can't do that.
I have to do it though.
We didn't men on it directly, but in the end, we're dealing with a close
rela onship with the imperial family. The moment you men on it, it
becomes blasphemy.
We are trading intangible values.
"well. I don't think it's for me to decide."
He was asking for my price tag, but I was politely expressing myself.
change the product
It's a deal with the imperial family, and I can't set a price for it.
So, you rate it, how much do you think the bond with the imperial family
Owen de Getmora looked at me and burst into laughter.
“This one ate one.”
Olivia and I are the Merchant Guild Masters
They don't even seem to know what's going on between them.
“The right amount of money is saved within the right me.
I'll send it to you depending on the car."
he is a merchant
In the end, tell me how much you'll give me
However, if the amount is horribly low, the Merchant Guild will be cursed
even with money.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 244

“Reinhardt, what the hell happened?”
Olivia and I are the Merchant Guild Masters
I didn't seem to understand this situa on, in which he talked about and
eventually made a dona on.
“He seems to know you, and you seem to know something…. Noona
doesn’t know what it is.”
Olivia is literally having a pupil earthquake. Me and Owen didn't say
anything for sure.
All of a sudden, we do something like a ques on-and-answer ques on, and
we vote around facts that only we know.
I made a deal with it.
My own that occurs only while a ending temple
What is value, and why does Owen buy it?
“It’s roughly like that. What are you trying to tell me?”
"To the sad sea!"
As soon as I cut it off, Olivia started ea ng less. In the end, she said that for
quite a long me, she circulated her supporters, but
A er all, the reason I got sponsorship is magic
Not because of the study group or Olivia, but because of the work going on
in the Rotary club.
I didn't know that the Merchant Guild Master would show interest, so I
was actually caught.
But problem.
In the end, I got a promise to donate, but I don't know how much I will
give. What is lacking is the budget. The more the be er, the Merchant
Master had a special case, and no one seemed to support me.
“Okay, do you need more?”
Olivia seems to have read that feeling on my face.
“Well, you never know how much you will get, and the more things, the
be er.”
“Ummm… yes. Because I knew it was going to be like this...” |
What does Olivia think of herself?
there seemed to be
Knowing that it would be difficult for her to get support, she came to the
support group as well, so she has her own way.
It seems that there was a stroke.
The Merchant Guild was an excep on, and what did she think of Olivia?
Owen sat alone again and we sat at a secluded table and ate among
ourselves. There were many covetous gazes on Olivia, but no one
approached her because she knew she was an iron wall.
While Olivia was deep in her thoughts, someone approached us both.
“Number 11.”
“Oh, sir.”
As we sat in a secluded place, Mr. Epinhauser approached me.
Me and Olivia stood up.
'Cause I know who's standing next to me
"Gree ngs. Commander Shana Fel of the 1st Knights of the Empire. This is
Sir Saviolin Tana." A knight with a sword-like posture wearing the robes of
the Imperial Knights was standing next to him.
As she looked at her calm but sharp impression, I felt frozen in her gaze.
But, for sure. He must be a much older person than Epanhauser.
Of course, I set the se ng that superhumans who have reached a level
above the level will slow down aging and even become younger.
If it's a mar al arts novel, it's like a half-roman c fairy tale. Saviolin Tana is
She is a person who has reached the heights.
A person who is about to turn 60 is making a face that looks like he can
enter the temple as a freshman right now.
There is a strong sense of ambivalence.
“Temple Royal Class 1st Grade A-11
This is Reinhardt."
“This is Olivia Ranche, Grade 5 A-0 in Temple Royal Class.”
Olivia is number 0?
I was surprised at something strange.
Come to think of it, she was lazy, so
She should be in 6th grade and she's in 5th grade
threw it away So she would have had to be given her number again.
Originally, she should have been given the most Malvern.
She would, if you consider her talent rank
Since she couldn't do that, she was originally number 0, which is the upper
number of A-1 in the fi h grade, and which is not the original number.
Whatever it is, the day I see the saviolin
she looks quietly
“Are you the future of the empire?”
That Epinhauser man, about me
What are you talking about?!
Contrary to the fact that he was walking around talking like a bulge,
Epinhauser didn't seem to fit a toothpick on his face.
Mr. Epinhauser who is completely naive and says that I am the future of
the empire.
I think I'm going crazy in a number of ways.
The leader of Shana, the best knight in the Empire. Saviolin Tana.
She held out her hand to me, and I took it. hard and rough
it was a hand
The most powerful knight of the empire and the guardian of the imperial
ruler. Saviolin Tana.
The talents of everyone in the world are insignificant in front of Ellen
Artorius, but this person in front of them is also a monster.
At the present me, it is the con nent's highest in the proximity series.
He is also strong,
Xaviolin Tana is the epitome of Epinhauser.
it's senior pla
“I don’t doubt your eyes, but I don’t know.”
“I’m s ll in first grade.”
An unfamiliar nickname for the future of the empire.
Epinhauser's own opinion. Sa Violin Tana seemed to have done all the
es mates a er shaking my hand once.
You ignore people in front of you.
I'm red. 'Cause I'm the strongest
S ll, Saviol with a youthful face to Mr. Epin Hauser, who looks a li le older
Rin Tana is talking nonsense.
I feel weird.
Actually, Saviolin Tana is a distant senior. Some mes all you see is
“I think if the future of the empire is this way, it will be this way.”
Xaviolin Tana looked at Olivia Ranche.
Olivia greeted her, but she was looking at Xabi Olin with a slightly wary
It was somewhat underes mated that the two were spherical.
Olivia Ranche's view of the future of the empire, I don't know.
It may or may not be. Because Olivia Ranche in the original story
disappeared from the margins of the story. Is Olivia Ranche Ellen or the
second half?
More than Ludwig of?
Xabi Olin Tana says, looking at Olivia with her stern a tude.
“The proposal is s ll valid,” she said. Olivia."
“I don’t put your seat in the Knights Templar.
If you do, join Shana.”
the future of the empire.
Xabi Olin Tana puts her weight on her Olivia Ranche side. Like me, I have no
choice but to She must have shown a lot.
Olivia seems to have already received an offer to join the Imperial 1st
Knights. Judging by the look on her face, it seemed that she had clearly
refused, and Olivia looked at Xabi Ollin Tana silently.
It is an expression that seems to have decided something.
“How much can you give me?”
Saviolin Tana was slightly moved by those words.
narrowed the liver.
and then you see me
“Ah. Is that so?”
It's the first me I said hello, but Olivia
She seems to have known that she and I were moving around because of
her dona ons. I felt like my brain stopped.
“If you promise to join, you can pay up to 10,000 pla num coins.”
Ten thousand pla num coins.
One million gold coins.
In terms of Hanwha, 1 trillion.
Superman is a tac cal weapon.
As such, it is inevitably already treated as asymmetric power.
Is Olivia already at that level, or does she think she'll be able to get there in
the near future?
“You can invest that much for the future of your empire.”
Olivia Ranche's ransom was considered more than a fighter by modern
It was then that I realized that I was rather unaware of Olivia Ranche's
1 trillion is a huge amount, but if it is an amount that can buy the next
greatest empire, a tac cal weapon that cannot be dealt with, isn't it rather
If such a join belongs to the Principality rather than directly under the
Empire, that alone is a problem. From the point of view of the Empire, no
ma er what happens, they will want to prevent it.
Olivia Ranche knows why she won't be able to get her support, but she
refuses to join the support group.
She realized that if she went, she said as if everything would work out.
She already knew who would buy her the most expensive.
“Yeah, that’s enough…”
“Wait, wait.”
However, I grabbed Olivia Ranche's arm and neck.
“Now, what are you going to do?” Olivia lowered her eyes, as if she knew I
was going to turn out like this.
“I thought you were like this… I didn’t want to come with you.”
Somehow, I no ced that I was reluctant to come, but there was a reason
for that.
I didn't even look behind her and dragged Olivia out of the sponsorship
president. It didn't ma er if there was Epin Hauser-sensei or the best
knight of the Empire.
“Did you say you were going alone for this?”
Olivia kept her head down, not even mee ng my eyes. She says without
Olivia looking at me.
"Why, me. Anyway. They say that there is nothing to do a er gradua on,
and they give you a lot of money.
“You didn’t mean to go in the first place, did you?”
Here and there she must have received many offers, but Olivia had turned
them down.
all. But when I say I need money
Suddenly, she wants to get money in return for joining Shana.
And give me that money.
“What am I even doing like that? that
saved her life once? like that
A er all, you already paid it off last me. that
But why are you risking the rest of your life to do this?”
"....just. You can just do it.”
Olivia looks at me hard. Her eyes were flu ering.
“I don’t know how to live like this.”
She learned only to sacrifice and lived as it is, and she was the look of a
person who had no idea how to live for herself.
"If you can do something for the person who saved me, I think you should
do it. So, you do it. It's not a bad thing."
I always thought Olivia was a strange person.
But, she was a really weird person. she wants to be weird rather than weird
She is a person who thinks hard about the work of her other people rather
than her own work. She kept on being weird, but no one thought it was
Olivia Ranche is such a person.
For that reason, no one knew of her strangeness, not even me.
The person who was raised as the head of the Temple Knights and as a
symbol of the next Five Great Bishops is ordinary.
She couldn't have grown up. What was the environment in which she was
Eulji is unknown, but Olivia Ranche has been forced to live for the salva on
of others rather than her own desires.
So she became such a person.
The belief that was the basis and root of it disappeared, but his way of life
le as is
Olivia Ranche is a person who can't do it herself that she lives for herself
It was.
In a way, she's even worse than Ellen.
A person who resembles Artorius, who has gone. no,
she is more than that
If he had to die for the world, he would do it without hesita on.
There is only one reason.
Because he can do that.
Olivia looks at me with her swaying eyes.
“I don’t have anything I want to do now,” she said. I have nothing to do,
and I don't know what to live for. anything
I can do it, but if I can help you by doing it, I'm happy with it. It’s just that.”
Olivia Ranche was a broken human being as she was not a saint.
She was a saint, and when she lived in that percep on, she was a flawless
saint and had everything that was required.
But now that she can't be a saint, Olivia Lange had no idea how she lived
her life as an ordinary person.
It is a huge sum that it is hard to imagine that she has ten thousand
pla num coins.
If that is the case, it is clear that all research funding problems will be
But she didn't want to get the money Olivia Lanche had raised by selling
her own her future.
“That is… strange. She lives her own life first and has others. Why is she
willing to pay her life for something that doesn't ma er?"
“No, if it’s because I’m on the verge of death, I understand. Research
funding is important, but no ma er how much I think about it, it is not
something that her senior should have to do this much.”
That's the real problem.
She's not at all what Olivia should be doing.
She's eccentric in such a thing that she even tries to sell her future.
She is Olivia and she looks at me with a sad smile on her face.
“Then, will you tell me?”

“How to live for yourself. can you tell me?”
Her tongue hardened at those words. “Are you living for yourself?”
“You, too, are running like this for the sake of the Magic Research Society,
without knowing the slightest bit of magic.”
Olivia's words seemed to pierce my heart.
"You and I, what's the difference?"
for the future I am with you
a li le different
I want to say that, but my mouth is falling
Olivia and I, in the end, only the weight is different.
It was as if she was devoted to her, devo ng her me to doing things that
had nothing to do with her own gain.
“Not as good as her ex.”
“Yeah, that’s right.”
Olivia is dazed as her starlight pours
She looks up at the seemingly night sky.
“You and I are the same.”
When she said that, she had absolutely nothing to refute. She said that
Olivia was blank, she looked up at the night sky, and she rolled her slightly
red eyes.
she looks at me
“Shall we learn how to live for ourselves… together?”
Looking at Olivia Ranche's eyes that looked like they were about to burst
into tears, I pondered for quite a long me about what to answer.
There was only one answer.
“It can’t be naughty.”
“Gee, really! what do you really think of me
Olivia screamed at my outrageous bullshit.
Her face turned red and she screamed.
“You reap what you sow, now what?”
"Now, that was a joke! I, me! I, ah! I am not! I am not that kind of person!"
“Who is that person?”
"Hey, profit! Why do the kids hate you?
I think I know a li le bit now!"
Olivia grunted for a while to see if she was genuinely angry.
As long as she knew what Olivia's plans were, she didn't have to go back to
the sponsorship president.
But nevertheless, we went back to the sponsorship president.
In front of the world's strongest class teacher
The rudeness of dragging her senior away
If you commit a crime and don't apologize, your back is bound to break.
Of course I'm really Saviol Tana's
I don't know if I've no ced her or Effin Hauser's.
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
Epin Hauser didn't seem to care much about her, and Xabi Olin Tana was
just staring at me the way she felt.
However, the first feeling was because the eyes made people a li le
tougher, so I was scared.
I don't know if I'm angry or not. Olivia murmurs and looks at the strongest
person in the world with a cold gaze.
“Well, thank you for the sugges on, but I think we need to think about it a
bit more.” |
“Yeah, we have a lot of me, so let’s think about it slowly.”
Olivia Ranche, who passed everything even if I pretended to be
You wouldn't know that it was because of me that I changed my a tude
like this.
scary. If you are hit by the strongest person in the world
How sick are you?
She has her eyes on Olivia Ranche and may have even go en her imperial
permission to spend her unimaginably large sums of money.
Olivia Lanche.
Although she is a person I am grateful for, she is usually just a senior
catcher who clings to me to the extent that it bothers me, but how strong
is she? As long as she's been told that she is the future of the empire from
the world's most powerful person, she's said it all.
The reason why she saved Olivia is the inflec on point in her history is that
she now feels that she is slowly pulling into her skin.
Xaviolin Tana stares at me.
She said, "Did you say you need research funds for magic research?"
“I heard you have superpowers, so why bother with magic?”
“You can think of my fellow students to focus on their research, and I will
take over the work that should be done outside.”
Xaviolin Tana stares at me for three seconds, Olivia for three seconds
He stared at me again and again looked at me for about three seconds.
She seems to be deeply concerned.
It's just the facial expression.
You look like a grown-up Ellen, this gentleman.
He's a dumbass, but he's actually a person with a cute side on the inside.
I don't think I can read it, but I feel like my stomach is clear.
Teacher Epinhauser, who is completely unknown
It's similar, but it's completely different.
'Olivia originally refused,
She said that she would make a research grant, and she asked for money
because she would suddenly join the military.
'Olivia clearly a aches great importance to Reinhardt.'
'But Reinhardt took him out.
all. When you see that she has withdrawn her remarks,
Obviously she's weak against Olivia Reinhardt."
'If she sponsors Reinhardt, who can influence Olivia, maybe she will make
Shanna's impression of Olivia be er?'
So isn't that consequently her patronage to Reinhardt a way to increase
her influence over her Olivia?'
'Reinhardt is posi ve about Shana'
She will have a hos le a tude,
Kak will definitely have an effect on Olivia.
Are you sure."
'This me...'
‘Maybe a genius?
The person who looks deeper than Adelia is the wife
it's um
Maybe she's go en used to Ellen, so the change in emo on is sensed in
the expression and eyes that change slightly from the expressionless
Am I slowly moving into the realm of mind-reading?
Tana, the violin, sees me while thinking deeply and deeply by herself.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 245
The detailed sponsorship amount of Chanafel was like the Merchant Guild,
saying that it would sponsor an appropriate amount a er going through an
internal mee ng.
That being said, it must have been that the 1 trillion won, which is the fund
for receiving Olivia Ranche's contract, had already been agreed upon.
In this case, it is clear that it will never be that much as it is the amount to
catch Olivia.
Olivia was also moved by Chanafel's decision to support her and expressed
her gra tude.
Xaviolin Tana is Olivia's womb
He seemed to be sa sfied already.
I think it was the right answer to support me for her influence on Olivia.
Sponsorship from two large groups was decided.
The Merchant Guild, and Shana.
That alone made the atmosphere a bit strange.
“Hey, huh, uh… um. Did you say Reinhard-kun?”
“Let’s talk about the sponsorship I just talked about.
I would like to share more details…”
Reinhard-kun, can I talk to you for a moment?”
"Oh, I haven't been able to hear properly, but..."
The atmosphere suddenly turned strange.
There is only one reason.
O Wen de Getmora, the guildmaster of the Merchant Guild, who is s ll
si ng in the corner and watching me, smiles at me.
it looked built
Everyone thought my plan was fu le, and it was not for anyone who was
ignorant of magic.
It was a known story.
But the results ma er.
The 'fact' that the Merchant Guild promised support, and that Shana Pell
promised support, spread throughout the sponsoring venue.
There is no way the Merchant Guild can support the groundless work, and
there is no way the Knights Templar Chanafel can support magic research.
If that is the case, people will inevitably have the illusion that there must
be something in my plans.
Merchant's Guild's support is a close rela onship with the imperial family
it's for
Shana's support is to convince Olivia Ranche.
However, the people of the sponsoring chairperson do not know the
However, it is important to note that the two groups unrelated to magic
promised to support the seemingly impossible magic research.
Literally, I am now at the sponsorship president
From 'The Guy Who Speaks Strangely' to 'Image
He became a 'bad guy'.
Because of the two of us in the sponsorship contract we got for completely
different reasons.
So, out of the blue, the people who ignored me for nonsense changed their
a tude and were promising support for both of you.
Sponsorship is not an investment.
So they invest in me. However, the rewards are not returned. However,
they believe in the eyes of the Merchant Guild and the Imperial Family,
nonsense things i say
If this were made, you wouldn't be able to exercise a stake in it, but there
is an advantage that comes from just leaving us the fact that we backed it
And in the end, there is also a simple mechanism that people flock because
they flock.
So, I vomited the spirit of being promised sponsorship by almost 30% of
the people who suddenly showed up at the sponsorship venue.
This is probably the behavior of Owen de Getmora.
He is sponsored by the Merchant Guild money.
In addi on to the amount, I have created an environment in which people
cannot help but be interested in what I sponsor.
“I’m a li le embarrassed too.”
“Are good things good?”
“Is that so?”
Unfortunately, even if the sponsor list remains, I
I don't think I can remember the names of everyone who promised to
support me.
In the end, neither my expecta ons nor Olivia's expecta ons were met,
and I secured a huge number of supporters.
It was more absurd because it wasn't my ability, but rather a
When the sponsorship is over.
Once again, Saviolin Tana came to see me.
This me, it was not about sponsorship, it seemed like I had a business.
Because he kept me away from Olivia because he had a personal story to
What is a personal business?
“I heard about the Orbis Class Gun. Reinhardt.”
At Saviolin Tana's words, I'm far away
I looked at Mr. Epinhauser in Really everything about me
did it
This support group was originally a Royal Class and
It is a support group a ended by Orbis class members. However, not a
single member of the Orbis class was able to a end this support mee ng.
“You should know that you have made many enemies.”
She lowers her voice so that no one can hear her,
She seemed to say so.
“I know that.”
The cause of the Orbis class suffering from measles due to internal
problems is that
It was a duel between the tyrant and Oscar de Gradias.
The Orbis class incident itself is already
It was an inflec on point in history. So I made enemies of all the students
who would be expelled and the teachers who were fired because of that
Of course, it would be useless to hate me, but there will be a lot of people
who have revenge against me.
In that sense, he said he knew, but Saviolin Tana shook her head.
She said, "Don't think your enemy is the only Orbis class."
“How many people do you think were sponsoring Orbis Class at this
sponsorship venue? No, how many people do you think are not seated at
all a er hearing that the Orbis class is not a ending?”
It felt like my whole body was freezing.
“If the Orbis class students you are sponsored are facing trial,
imprisonment, or expulsion, you are the supporter of their sponsors.
You will also buy an oar.”
Students who promised to join or cast and received support will be
All investments made looking into the future
becomes a piece of paper. Of course, abili es won't go anywhere, but the
gap between Orbis class graduates and expelled students is huge.
They even end up living in prison.
Otherwise, it may be unreasonable to accept them.
Not only the Orbis class, but also the patrons who supported them were
is turned to Not all of them hate me, but each one of them is a giant.
Only one of them wants to dip me
is also fatal.
What I Don't Know About Saviolin Tana
It was to let me know before I went back to make them aware.
The fact that I am in a much more dangerous situa on than I thought. I
sighed as I looked at her cold expression.
“The price of one fight is too high.”
“The saying not to use your fists is not for nothing.”
I never thought I would get such advice from the strongest person in the
world, so I was a li le stunned.
“But it’s not strange.”
Xaviolin Tana looks at me.
“Rather, a guy like you, strangely, didn’t die early.”
She smiled faintly and supported her
She exited the venue.
The strongest person in the current worldview, Saviolin Tana.
One way or another, I feel like Ellen
Is it because it's Kim?
He was kind of a good person.
By securing a huge amount of supporters, the goal was achieved.
And, I wonder when I die
I also know that this is not the case
At the support party that ended late at night, Olivia
and I went back to the dorm. I didn't tell Olivia that I was in a dangerous
situa on because I had too many enemies for nothing.
Then I'm afraid of this person's personality
If you let me go and protect me at night
I'll even try to keep my bed
It was like
that's even scarier
“However, I’m glad it went well.”
"Yes. It’s all thanks to you.”
It was thanks to Oliviago that we talked about the support group, and
Olivia was also able to establish a link with Saviolin Tana.
So, as a result, the magic research society's budget was secured enough for
oh it was thanks Olivia looking at me
She laughs bashfully.
“Thank you?”
Oh, I'm going to say nonsense again, asking for another kiss.
“Are you really doing it?”
“Uh, huh?”
“Are you really doing it?”
What is that?
It's night anyway, and no one sees it, so it's just me.
hit it?
Olivia struggled with her face so red that she was recognizable even in the
middle of the night. I clicked her tongue as I looked at Olivia like that.
“T , my mouth is living on the topic of jolbo
"What?! Dumbos? Did I tell you now? You can do it! You can do it?"
"No, what are you doing, you gentleman!"
It's just that there's no one around, but your ears might be somewhere!
"I, it's the temple that ignores me like this
In, no, do you know that you are the only one in the world, Reinhardt?”
I think so.
Wherever I go, I say saints and saints, and everyone at the sponsorship hall
He was a coveted person, but I feel like he is being treated harshly.
Olivia was so mad at my a tude that she squealed in anger.
- Side!
And then she suddenly kissed my cheek.
no, this
this bastard.
Originally, I did it occasionally, but this me it's a bit too random.
Mingra couldn't help but be stunned.
Was it all just a concept a er all?
“You don’t support me, you don’t worship me, you don’t force or want me
to be who I am, and you treat me just like me.”
Olivia said looking at me as I lost my face.
“So good.”
She looked at me and smiled brightly.
Olivia thought she'd be crazy if I woke up, she ran back and forth and she
fell out of my sight in an instant.
Wearing a dress and shoes and running at that speed..
Just by looking at it, he seemed to understand why Saviolin Tana was such
a coveted talent.
- Beep!
- 🥳!
Then she broke her heel and fell,
-Mo, mo, pretend you haven't seen it!
Without looking, I could see Olivia's expression.
Ellen sat blankly on the sofa in the lobby of the hall, the entrance to her
She doesn't know why she's not in the dormitory and she was si ng
blankly in the lobby and she rescued her. Just, she couldn't stand it without
A er seeing Olivia Ranche's hand in her dress dragging her across the
window from the window of her gym, her lily sword was lost in her hand.
She heard that today she is going to a sponsorship or something.
So she's in a dress, she's that That's how I know
I'm just upset
I can't do anything, so I'm blank
she was si ng
The senior who was close to Reinhardt.
The senior who wore a dress and even made-up was too beau ful to see
He was told it was because of his work at the Magic Research Society.
Nothing will happen. If you ask me, it's just a public thing, I know.
Ellen is somehow anxious and blankly
She was si ng in the rain.
She doesn't even know why she's si ng.
Without knowing what she was wai ng for. She just couldn't stand it
without her.
How many hours will she sit there blankly?
As the sun goes down and the night deepens. There were few students
coming and going in the lobby, and she was the only one si ng in the huge
-Ugh, that's a shame.... What a disgrace this is.
Soon, though she's not used to the entrance side
I heard a voice I had never heard before.
She was s ll a beau ful woman in her off-the-shoulder dress, but she was
tumbling in with her broken heels in her hands.
Reinhardt wasn't there.
Olivia then came in and found her si ng on the sofa near the hall, blankly
Ellen and her eyes met.
"...Ah. We're Reinhardt's friends, how are you?"
“What are you doing here at this hour?”
Olivia lted her head as if she was going to see everything. I don't know
why that person came in with a broken heel.
Why didn't Reinhardt come back together?
I don't know either.
What is he doing here?
That too.
I do not know.
But, I feel a li le weird.
Our Reinhardt friend.
that expression.
strangely unpleasant
A friend of ‘our’ Reinhardt.
That sounds like 'my', not us.
No, this is too far-fetched. However, the other party stares at Ellen, and she
smiles a strange smile as if she understands.
“…wai ng for Reinhardt?”
I can't say no. Ellen nodded her head.
“Why are you wai ng?”
Ellen never thought about it. She was wai ng for Reinhardt. That's right.
But as to why he waited, she doesn't know. Olivia couldn't find any
She looks at Ellen silently.
"I know that?"
“Are you a li le annoyed?”
Ellen couldn't help but panic at the sudden, direct expression.
She doesn't have any contacts, she's just someone she meets occasionally.
She's the one who saved Reinhardt, and in one way or another
someone who is helping out.
She is a precious person of a precious person.
Then, you must be a precious person to me too.
only doing
Ellen is somehow not as good as this person. Olivia says she's annoyed with
Ellen, and she looks at Ellen silently.
"I do not know?"
“I don’t know what you mean.”
In response to the opponent's thorny reac on, Ellen also has a thorny
reac on.
Ellen, who she always maintains her composure, was embarrassed by
herself that she went out like this.
She said, "If you don't know, then she lives without knowing.
She will con nue to act vaguely like this from now on. I am fine.”
Olivia passes Ellen as she whispers in her ear.
“From now on, our Reinhardt is doing well.
It’s cloudy.”
It wasn't an illusion.
The opponent is deliberately trying to piss herself off, she does. Ellen stares
at the back of Olivia Ranche as she walks lightly in her bare feet.
Reinhardt's benefactor or whatever.
I don't like that person.
A er a while, Reinhardt returned.
“Why is your face ro en? what happened?"
“Are you mad?”
"no. I was not angry.”
"Maybe... did I... what did I do wrong?"
“No, I didn’t do anything wrong.”
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 246
A mee ng of the Magic Research Society a few days later.
“This… what is all this?”
“What is a dona on?”
I show the kids the sponsorship cer ficates that arrived on the Royal Class
Student Council side
could give
Everyone was crazy, when it comes to money
Even Harriet, who has nothing to envy, is soulless.
this was out
[Imperial 1st Knight Shana - 400 Pla num Coins [Merchant Guild] - 300
Pla num Coins
[Magic Associa on] - 100 Pla num Coins
[Count Kreutzen] - 50 Pla num Coins
[Knights of Raslan] - 10 Pla num Coins
Numerous post-principal funds arrived from the group with quick work
A pla num coin is worth a hundred gold coins. Soon, one pla num coin is
equivalent to one hundred million won.
It means that Shana supported about 40 billion won and the Merchant
Guild about 30 billion won.
Chanafel in favor of Olivia Ranche
price to buy.
The merchant guild has a friendly rela onship with the imperial family
is the price to buy
A larger amount than expected
it was
The student council's support has not yet been decided. That side is some
because it cannot be decided by
However, at this point, the support for the Student Council is no longer
“This is not the end, it will only increase. Of course, it can be said that all
dona ons from big places have already arrived.”
Nearly 100 billion won at one me
has collected dona ons. of course the trader
If it wasn't for Guild and Shana, this
It wouldn't have been an amount.
Unusual circumstances in many ways overlapped and overlapped, resul ng
in a huge amount that far exceeded expecta ons.
Everyone was looking at me like a god, who had been raking in this amount
of money just by going to the support group once.
I don't believe it either, but they can't easily believe it.
First and foremost, the accountant, Louis Ankton
could only be astonished.
“Is that not enough?”
“No… it can’t be.”
It's like that, but I don't know what will happen later. What is money, and
especially a budget?
Because I don't know where I'm going to get a huge leak.
In par cular, Harriet was unable to speak with his mouth open.
“It is unlikely that you will, but the details of the use of the principal
amount should be transparently disclosed. Because sponsors might be
curious about what we do. Regularly review your budget usage and
I have to report regularly. Did you understand what I said?"
“Uh, okay.”
The previous budget was huge.
Even more than that, a huge budget was wasted to make a living, and Louis
seemed stunned and scared. Seriously, if you make a mistake in your
ledger, something big could happen.
It was quite interes ng to see Harriet, who could not speak properly.
I also started a club called the Magic Research Society.
When I heard that things would turn out like this
I couldn't think of a tongue.
I was just telling you to make and run it on your own, but I became a
member, suddenly became the president, and
As I complied with Harriet's playful order to come to the rescue, I ended up
receiving a huge amount of money from unexpected events at the support
I don't really know what people do.
As a result, if I hadn't become the president of the Magic Research Society,
I certainly wouldn't have been able to roll properly here.
“It was hard. Reinhardt.”
Adelia said so. It was a look of genuine gra tude.
The other guys also thanked Adelia one by one when she spoke.
Harriet s ll looked stunned.
“I, really… you really saved me…”
Because of the unreasonable request to save money, I was the last in the
midterm exam because I had a hard me.
This is the guy I thought he did.
But the ending is beyond imagina on
has been making fruit.
Of course, I wouldn't have lost this much without Olivia, but in the end I
met Olivia.
The link must be one of my abili es.
“I… I really don’t know what it is anymore.”
Harriet sighs and looks at me.
"great job. thanks."
When Harriet expresses her sincere gra tude like that, she gets a li le
weird. They all look up to me, who has become a magic-ignorant god of the
Magic Research Society.
"If you know, do what you asked me to do, you bastards. You can't make
excuses for not having money anymore, can you?"
"Well then..."
Everyone took a deep breath as they knew it was going to end like this.
The Magic Research Society was on track.
Of course, there are no achievements, but only the founda on for crea ng
results, but
Over me, it may sound like a budget shor all, but at least it won't happen
this year.
I said that if you need money, don't worry about it and spend whatever
you have. It would be ridiculous if research could not be conducted
because of money problems.
But just because I just spent it, I really have a budget of 100 billion won in
one month.
Wouldn't it be like to spend it all?
The work of installing shops at each sta on had already been completed.
The space is there, it's licensed, it's invested. That's why we set up a shop
at the sta on
It didn't take long.
Seeing something like a convenience store installed at a sta on near the
temple made me happy.
This starts with my one word
This is what happened.
I wonder if this is a sense of accomplishment, and I know that business
people get a sense of accomplishment in places other than money.
I soon realized
Items sold in stores were not much different from those of modern
convenience stores. It's a simple meal for people who skip breakfast, or
There are mes when it is suddenly necessary
They sell things they don't carry around, such as ssues.
It is not full of users, but people come and go steadily.
Seeing this makes me realize that people don't even know what they want
put on
The sta on was just a stopover, to buy something or have a quick meal
I never felt the need to buy or have a wool snack.
But now people will be in trouble if that store disappears from the sta on.
Just like the people who used to just live without a smartphone from a
certain point in me, suffer from anxiety without a smartphone.
When the power cartridge was not present, the wizards who used their
magic to use their magic power later
The original story that can't even go into the fight
as in the unfolding.
people want but they don't know
any something.
Value comes from there.
“So what else is there?”
So I asked Ereris.
Elerys' semi-basement room, I clean it myself
The musty smell has disappeared a bit now as a result of dying up and
taking measures.
He created a magic research group and decided to make various things
there, and it was said that he brought a huge budget.
I was told
Elerys flagged her, saying she didn't know I had such a power.
The reac on to the thing you want to make is
was similar to
“It’s something that people don’t even know they’re uncomfortable with…
Elerys pondered my ques on, but nothing seemed to flash.
“I don’t know much about business, and I don’t know why you are doing
He didn't even suspect that making his classmates strong had nothing to
do with rebuilding the Demon Realm.
“But if it’s my area of exper se….. Magic
It is, of course, not a costly inconvenience.”
"it's okay. I'm going to tell you something, I'm not asking you to come up
with an alterna ve."
Elerys seemed to concentrate, and immediately summoned a flame above
his right hand.
did it
“It’s fire magic.”
“It seems so.”
The lowest level of the lowest level magic, somewhere
It was such a low-level magic that could only be used when ligh ng a fire.
what is that
Seeing my dazzling gaze, Elerys looked at the flames flu ering above her
right hand.
“I can mul cast dozens of mes with this kind of magic. It would be at a
level without cas ng. It is possible because it is too familiar.”
“…Is that right?”
“By the way, did you cast this me?
all. I needed cas ng.”
It's also a specialized field, and I'm an outsider.
I couldn't understand what Elerys was saying.
“It’s low-level magic that doesn’t have to be cast, but it was cast, right?”
“Why did you need cas ng?”
"This fire magic that I used now
It is not the magic in the body, but the magic around it.
Because you used me.
In this worldview, wizards use the mana in their body. So stay
Tus' magic rank means the amount of mana in his body.
However, when I was at the rental store, I used the atmospheric mana that
appears in fantasy novels.
Magic. Was that even possible in this worldview?
“Isn’t the method of using the external mana that you men oned as the
mana in the body as a way to overcome the lack of mana in the body?”
“But the magic of the present was also
I want to tell you that it is a method designed to relieve some
“If it is inconvenient…”
"Yes, you can use the mana of the outside to cast magic.
The method of manifesta on is dozens of mes more difficult than using
the mana in the body to ac vate magic. This is because we have to
measure and calculate the amount of energy that is always in flux.”
A concept like a car that has no fuel tank and has to draw gasoline from
is it
I couldn't understand it exactly, but I did understand what the concept was.
“Once upon a me, ancient magic was like this. That is why magic was a
special power that was granted only to a few even more than now. Even on
all con nents, there were only a hundred or so wizards, and nonetheless,
they had li le power. I also did magic in this way.
Mul -faceted magic cannot be cast.”
“…So, the current method of using magic was created to eliminate the
inconvenience of ac va ng magic while controlling the flow of external
mana, right?”
Just as power cartridges were created to break through the limits of magic,
the magic of today also breaks certain limits.
It was the established way to do it.
“People find it easier to use the magic in their body. I found out, and
therefore, various methods to increase the amount of magical power in the
body were studied.
This form of magic has become common throughout its long history, so
access to magic is much be er than it used to be.”
There is a way to use nature's mana.
It's just a method that was obsolete a long me ago because it's very
“I’m saying this because I don’t know what people are uncomfortable with,
and I remember that what was uncomfortable was like this.
But... will this be of any help to me?
I don’t know.”
I'm just saying whatever comes to mind,
I chuckled.
“No, that was a big help.”
Difficult doesn't mean impossible.
Harriet de Saint-Ouen was able to manipulate the mana of nature.
Isn't that the god of destruc on itself?
Will you be afraid just by imagining it?
it's awesome
of course,
“You, you! Why are you really only talking to me? Why are you making the
most difficult thing for me? Why are you doing that with me!”
When asked to study how to use the mana of the atmosphere to use
magic, Harriet really wept.
Magic that uses the mana of the atmosphere.
Even though Elerys has the greatest talent, it is probably unreasonable to
recommend that Harriet try it. A er Harriet's dimensional magic, he cried
when he ordered even nonsensical work.
He seemed to be mistaken that I was just doing something strange to
annoy him.
A er Harriet calmed down a bit, I
He said looking at the stone.
“No, I’m just saying that because I really think you can do it.
You're not doing this to hide, are you? Am I crazy?”
“You are crazy!”
That's right.
But not in this case. You're talking bullshit for the purpose of harassing me
on purpose.
But this is absolutely not the case!!
“No, but you say no without even trying it?”
“Why don’t people use that method because they are stupid? smarter and
be er than you
What people made with ki is the modern
Magic Theory…”
“What if they were all stupid?”
When I cut my horse and go in, tears in my eyes
This raised Harriet was stunned.
“If all those people are dumber than you, they made up the magic theory
that we are today.
What do you do?”
“Wow, what… what do you mean?”
“All the wizards that have ever existed in history could be dumber than
I just follow the path the idiots have made.
Of course they're smarter than me, but Harriet could be smarter than
He is the greatest talent in the history of magic as well as the Saint-Ouen
family. Harriet will be able to make the impossible possible.
Harriet seemed genuinely bewildered by the ridiculous compliment that
went beyond my boldness.
His face doesn't even turn red.
"Are you serious?" “Then, I’m serious.”
Harriet looks at me.
It seems to be trying to find in my eyes a teasing intent or suspicion or
But there is no such thing. I believe that Harriet must have had the talent
and brain of a wizard greater than all the wizards that have ever existed.
“How do you... think of me as a genius?
“You will become the greatest wizard in history, regardless of con nent or
You know my abili es.”
“Uh, yes…”
self-sugges on.
I look at Harriet with unques oned eyes, with the momentum to give it to
Harriet, not me.
“I believe so.”
It was said that it was self-sugges on, but this is true.
“So, you too, believe what I say, shut up and do what I tell you.”
“A er all, you end up like this every day!”
In the end, I couldn't help but watch Harriet cha er.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 247
A magic system that uses atmospheric mana following dimensional magic.
But Harriet seemed to be willing to give it a try in the end. I really think
Harriet can be successful.
I'm sorry, but I'm seriously believing it, but I'm only doing things that are
too unreasonable even I think about it.
are you
I wanted to take a breather now, so I stopped going to the Magic Research
Society and devoted more me to personal training.
I'm taking a magic strengthening class, but
I felt be er than before, but
I didn't feel well at all.
Ellen, who uses her magical power to roll her snowballs, was already
accustomed to the power itself.
“You are really weird.”
I suddenly got annoyed during class
As soon as they hit it, Ellen got a fat vote
stared straight at me
"Let's use the word special rather than weird, Reinhard-kun."
The yoga master told me not to fight.
He tapped my shoulder.
“Reinhardt-kun is by no means a criminal. It seems that he is star ng to
realize more and more about mana management itself.”
I don't know yet, but on what basis are you saying that?
S ll, I wonder if that's the case with the teacher, but I s ll don't know.
In the magic strengthening class I received with Ellen, Ellen learned so
quickly that she was taught the sophis ca on and fineness of her
opera on, and I was in the middle of the basics of the basics.
I'm pre y sure I'm a genius too.
But next to him, he even said that he was a genius
The problem is that there is always a bad existence.
I am backwards compa ble with Ellen no ma er what.
Swordsmanship and magic enhancement.
No, the word backwards compa bility is an overstatement.
Do the magic majors around Harriet feel this way?
The yoga master teacher said that Ellen was so good and she said that I too
have her achievements.
She tends to do it throughout the class.
Hearing those words dozens of mes throughout her class breaks her heart
rather than comfor ng her.
The magic enhancement class is like a special extra class, so there are no
tests and no points. Lectures are also taken a er the comple on of the first
year curriculum. Even I was added in the middle of the semester,
So, normally, all our classes end around one or three o'clock, but on the
day we take the magic strengthening class, the class ends around 5:30.
The magic strengthening class was not hard on my body, so I didn't have
any trouble taking it.
S ll, the interes ng thing is that just by taking the magic enhancement
class, you can feel the amount of magic increase to a certain extent, as if
you were taking a magic power response class. Of course, this is not a very
significant number.
Magical control when magic reaches A rank
The character is blooming, but it is s ll a long way off,
Only a er moonshine was made
It is something worth dreaming about.
On the way back to the dormitory a er class.
It was autumn, so even at this me, it was dark now.
“Where are you going?” Ellen walked out of the building where she was
having class, and she was going to the other side of the dormitory.
“I want to go see the gray-haired lady.”
"....Oh yeah?"
Ellen used to visit Loyar from me to me to get slapped, but now
This seemed a bit flimsy.
She's also a ached herself to magical enhancement, so now she knows
how much she'll be with Loyar.
Are you trying to find out?
“Then let’s go together.”
I know the business is going well, but I wanted to see what the two of
them would look like figh ng.
Ellen nodded and she took the lead.
The skirt of Ellen's school uniform in the autumn wind
It shook quietly.
The moment when Magic Enhancement becomes available
Then, the individual's combat power rises sharply.
It is very difficult for people who cannot use magic power to perform
many-to-one ba les, no ma er how good their skills are.
To do that, use heavy armor such as plate armor.
You will have to arm yourself with
In that case, the mobility is reduced.
However, mana enhancement is the ability to strengthen the body, and at
the same me, it is the power of
even to protect the body.
It is no longer necessary to use heavily armed equipment for protec on,
and the physical ability
Mobility is mediocre for a large rise
It far transcends human beings, and no ordinary knife can even enter the
So, it is the human tank itself.
-bang! Zeng! Koo!
I was thinking that as I watched Ellen and Loyar clashing in the woods while
empowering each other.
This is really absurd.
Because the sun has already set, I am a blue flame
The lump and the Loyar were clashing violently to the point of not being
able to see anything other than that. In general, there is a preconceived
no on that the warrior has the upper hand in the rela onship between the
wizard and the warrior in this genre.
I couldn't help but see it with my own eyes.
Even if the wizard flies and crawls, a human tank covered in blue flames
sleeps at a fierce speed.
He rushes towards the gods, and there's no way he'll be able to keep his
composure and sharpen his magic.
And there is also the concept of resistance.
Don't fall for insignificant low-level magic
In order to do so, they receive resistance training. At the Temple, I have
been training for resistance to magic since my sophomore year.
will receive
Lesser magic doesn't work, it works
High-level magic requires cas ng me.
But a er tenths of a second, the p of the sword will be thrust into the
nape of the neck, and that is not possible.
Looking back, Ledina's talent of no cas ng is in a way more powerful than
It seems like an incredible talent,
A er a long quarrel, it ended with Ellen breathing heavily on her to disarm
her magical powers.
Loyar himself also released the magic enhancement and pa ed his hand.
I've go en used to powering up to some extent.
Edo, Loyar s ll has an edge over Ellen
was occupying
S ll, it was Royar who was upset.
“A monstrous child.”
It's probably because Ellen's growth rate is even faster than she expected.
Obviously, a guy who didn't know how to enhance magic un l a few
months ago is now using it skillfully.
“What is the problem?”
Eren picks her breath and then she points it out
She looked as if she looked at Royar. Loyar looked troubled, and he slowly
opened his mouth.
“You are too rough.”
"Isn't it rough?"
“There’s too much magic dissipated, that’s it.
It's amazing to be, but that's
Second hit and use too much power
It dissolves and burns easily. If a mediocre guy uses his powers like you, he
won't fight for even ten seconds. You are capable of even doing this
because of your innate amount of magical power.”
“You put the first bu on on in a very strange place. Do you know what I
Ellen has a strong magical power in her actual combat situa on.
She awakened her anger. At that me it was explosive
and strong power was required. So, she put the first bu on of enhancing
her magical power by figh ng as if Ellen exploded her immense power.
"But I've heard it's hard to fix."
“…I guess so. I didn't learn to write it. It will take a lot of hard work.”
Magic enhancement is like magic a er all. It is not a school concept, but
there are ways that come down like a vision. It will be different for each
knightly order, and there will be an imperial family or a royal family,
We had to learn the temple's magic power-enhancing vision. It is also a
very good vision.
Take the first step slowly. Learning how to do it one by one.
But Ellen made her own way, and no other vision could fit into it.
Just as Ellen heard from the Yoga Master, I already know what I've heard.
Ellen's magic enhancement works her way
She has become something inevitable.
It is very powerful to produce explosive power, but its durability is low.
If she realizes her own magical enhancement,
You just have to use it in your own way.
Like Ellen, so am I.
What are the characteris cs of my magic enhancement?
It is s ll unknown whether However, there will be unique features of magic
enhancement that I can do, and that will be very different from the
method taught in the Temple.
The yoga master teacher couldn't teach us the vision, so he was giving a
class to enhance magic in the form of an assistant.
“The output itself is not enough, it overflows. So, by adjus ng the amount
of mana management, you train to increase your endurance.”
“Yes, I will.”
But it will be very difficult, says Loyard.
If Ellen was able to control her output,
A er all, this is a good thing for Ellen
it will
She can put out some crazy output, and she can even boost it a li le bit.
When I think of the way he strengthened his magic power when he rolled
his eyes, I think that was the case.
Make sure to use magic power in modera on.
It was in prac ce.
“By the way, I have a ques on.”
“What is it, I’m not going to answer you.”
“Ajumma is a master class?”
master class,
If you use a spear, you are a Lance Master, and if you use a sword, you are
a Sword Master.
All those who have reached the master level are collec vely called the
master class.
The case of Xaviolin Tana I saw a while ago corresponds to a sword master,
and the yoga master teacher is probably a master class. What the hell is a
I don't know,
Ellen seemed to have been curious about whether Loyard was a master
level or not.
The master class is the next step in magical enhancement.
it's a step
If you can apply magic enhancement to the weapon you are handling, it is
a master class.
For example, swordsmanship and swordsmanship and the like are possible,
but it is a master class, and the number is extremely small.
Xabi Olin Tana is recognized for her rank as the strongest among the few
If it is the standard for mana enhancement to objects that are not released
outside the body, wouldn't those who use the fist be already in the master
class at the me when mana enhancement is possible? Probably not,
maybe there are other criteria?
At Ellen's ques on, Royar grinned.
“If you call me sister from now on, I will answer you.”
At that, Ellen looked at Royar with a sullen expression and shook her head.
"...and that's it."
“Really, you should be beaten behind.”
Eren is literally beaten down
it was
On the way back to the temple.
Ellen is on my back.
If a kid who doesn't care is doing this, it's really painful.
Even so, I tend to be very picky about Ellen to Loyard, who has a dirty
temper. I don't know why, but she says it's funny
Did you even do it?
“Then why are you saying things you shouldn’t be doing and trying to get
yourself to be beaten?”
“…I don’t want to hear from you.” “…that’s right.”
I didn't mean to say that I'm arguing on a whim over saying I shouldn't, but
Ellen literally felt her whole body aching so badly that she was hanging on
my back and she was limp helplessly.
“But why are you only doing this to your sister?”
I was curious again. Of course, she suffered a devasta ng defeat to Loyar,
and since then, she con nues to lose, and even if she strengthens her
magical power, she is s ll unmatched. But even though she knows that
Loyar doesn't want to hear it, she says it as if she's teasing her, and then
she forcefully beats her.
I know that in the past, it was because I had to do that to my opponent,
but this
Zen, I tend to deal with opponents.
She said she would let me know if I called her sister, but her eyes almost
popped out when she said that.
How much does she really want to tease her?
She's s ll an easy-going guy, so when she provokes like that, she always
gets hit
Oh, it turns into a cake like this...
She's whining that she's in pain.
“…you bring it up.”
“If this happens, you will carry it.”
If she is hit backwards, it becomes impossible to move.
Then I will support you or li you up.
So you're taun ng me on purpose?
“…a kid?”
I was a li le embarrassed.
I'm not the kid who talks like this.
Ellen gave strength to her hand as she rested her so ly on the nape of my
neck. Maybe it was because her whole body had lost strength, and she was
so weak that a gentle touch of her hand would loosen it.
But she definitely felt empowered.
Feeling Ellen's breath on the nape of her neck
This got a li le weird.
Ellen didn't answer.
I also had nothing to say.
It was when she was walking so silently.
[Preview is enabled.]
She was forced to stop at the message that suddenly appeared in front of
her eyes.
It's a feature I've only used once so far. A cheat that can only be used once
per Olivia Ranche's , and only when ac ve.
I don't know the context, but I think it's a sign that something important is
When Olivia Lange was running, I was running to and fro and using the
But something. This me I felt bad.
[Preview - 100 points]
It's not like we're showing several like last me.
One hundred-point preview.
"...what's the ma er?"
When I suddenly felt like I was in a strange mood, Ellen asked, wriggling.
“No, nothing.”
The current achievement score is 5730 points.
There's no reason not to look.
[Use achievement points.]
The world stands s ll, and somewhere in this world
The point of view is projected into my eyes.
Tuesday, October 23rd, 323 year of the imperial calendar.
date is today,
That would mean it's going to happen soon.
It was me in front of me.
i'm down
Piercing wounds on the ship.
I was lying in a pool of blood.
Ellen was standing next to me like that, with her sword on her chest, and
her back leaning against the wall. Ellen's eyes had no focus.
Me and Ellen.
die soon
Fear of regaining the sense of reality, cows all over the body
bad luck
Me and Ellen will soon be killed by someone
do. Ellen on her back was not hurt.
It seemed like it was, but now it's hard to even li a single finger of her.
I don't really know what's going on, but Ellen can't use her hands. It wasn't
even a fight.
Who, for what, and under what circumstances is killing me?
"...what's the ma er? Are you sick? heavy?"
Ellen, unaware of the situa on, looked at me when I suddenly showed a
strange appearance.
Is my goal Or is it both me and Ellen? L, the witness who killed me
Did you also remove Ren?
I'm not sure, but it's highly likely that the target is me.
I don't know anything yet.
With Ellen unable to use her powers, the assassin is a er us.
Should she go back to the Rotary club? No, this place is sparsely populated.
In the sight I had just seen, no one flocked to my body.
On the way back to the Rotary club
may get wet
Traces of a fight on my fallen body
there was no
I wouldn't have no ced the a ack. If so, surprise. We were a acked by an
assassin in this sparsely populated neighborhood.
You have to go to a place with a lot of people.
Rotary club headquarters are sparsely populated
It is built at the southern p of the eclip c, so the way back to it is a
perfect place for assassins to a ack.
I do not know the exact loca on
But one thing is certain.
The situa on will happen soon.
Either go back to your Rotary club and get Loyar's protec on, or get to the
few remaining sta ons as quickly as possible.
Did you reach it and get on the magic train?
You have to choose between the two.
My heart was bea ng like crazy. I felt like I would lose my composure when
I suddenly realized that I was going to die so suddenly.
I die, and Ellen dies.
You have to judge quickly.
Shall I use the scribe's advice?
No, the situa on is about to happen, and there is no me to listen to the
scribe's advice and ponder. Now I have to trust my intui on.
Thankfully, this fucking bastard doesn't want me to die in vain. So you must
have informed me of this.
“Reinhardt, calm down.”
"what's the ma er. what's the ma er."
When Eren suddenly broke a cold sweat on me, she whispered cau ously,
as if worried.
But she was not in the mood to answer.
It's a sparsely populated place, but it doesn't mean that there are no
is that person
or over there?
Or all of them?
Because you never know who will a ack you when and how, everyone
around you
could only be suspected of being an assassin.
It doesn't feel like living. that
may know what
The wound was clearly penetra ng, and a sword-like weapon was used.
The chance of being a acked by a ranged sniper is low.
Going back to a Rotary club is rather risky. You may be a acked while going
back the way.
At the moment my life was at stake, I had to choose one of these
uncomfortable choices.
“I will run. Hold on ght.”
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 248
Fortunately, I ran with all my might to Ellen un l I got to the sta on.
No one came to a ack me.
I guess I've no ced, so I've given up on using my hands. Assassina on is
literally an assassina on, not a fight. There is a possibility that I no ced
what I was aware of and walked away.
Even when I got to the sta on and got on the magic train, I didn't neglect
to look around.
The imminent assassina on situa on was definitely passed. But will the
assassina on take place in another place just by changing the loca on?
There were plenty of abili es.
“Why are you doing this, Reinhardt, why are you doing this?”
Even when I got on the magic train, I was swea ng and keeping an eye on
the surroundings.
Now look at my complexion like Ellen is worried
looked at
Ellen was up and now she's down
It was true. The magic train was not full, so there were a few empty seats,
but I stood there.
I pull Ellen's neck without a word
Angon pulled him into my arms.
“...suddenly why...” |
“Hold on a second. Wait a minute."
When I suddenly hugged her, Ellen seemed perplexed.
This guy is weak now. In her current state, Ellen cannot fight.
She should be the closest. If someone tries to use his hand, he immediately
summons Tiamata. None of the passengers cared about me and Ellen.
I just feel a bit of a rude look, as if the kids in Temple uniforms are saying
they're da ng outside.
I kept my distance from all of the passengers, pulled Ellen into my arms,
and watched all the passengers.
Ellen did as I asked, and she remained quiet without asking anything.
It was cool weather.
I was swea ng all over my body.
“I smell sweat…”
Ellen, who had her nose stuck in my chest, grunted a li le.
“Be s ll.”
Ellen's voice crawled slightly to my sharp words, and she replied so.
On the train un l you get off at Temple Sta on
nothing happened in
Unlike the Rotary Club side, Temple Sta on is a very crowded area. In the
midst of the crowd, a knife might suddenly come into his side.
So as soon as I got out of the car, I waited for the crowd to leave. Ellen
knew I was serious and she stuck to me without asking anything.
Slowly, looking around. I came out of Temple Sta on. There may be no
assassins, but it is possible that they are s ll catching up.
The night was already thick, but the temple
There was a lot of moving people there.
S ll, don't be reassured.
Crazy killing two people on the street
it's a bastard If the assassina on was judged impossible, there was a high
possibility that he would just hit him without covering his back.
I support him by Ellen's side.
He slowly made his way to the temple entrance.
Is it safe to say it's in the temple?
I don't know, but I hope you're safe. If the assassin is an outsider, inside the
Because you can't come in
As if removing the possibility, the op on to return to the temple is correct
even if you cannot be relieved.
Someone in the crowd
Any me you try to get closer to the ideal
While preparing to summon Tiamata, I slowly but surely headed towards
the temple.
It was like a thousand years.
A familiar view a er passing the temple entrance
this unfolded
Only a few staff and students | No one looks suspicious.
But no one looked suspicious from the outside.
Did the assassin give up?
I seem to have no ced, so once
did you go
Even while riding the tram back to the Royal Class dormitory, I did not let
go of the last long chapter.
When I arrived at the Royal Class dormitory, I
was then able to relax.
My heart that felt like it was going to explode is ge ng bigger and bigger
The assassin never came. Whatever it was, he avoided the death that was
supposed to be today. I lost strength in my legs.
“Now… are you okay?”
Ellen didn't know anything, so she asked me anxiously when my expression
seemed relieved.
I hugged Ellen silently.
| Fan |
"Why, why are you doing this..."
Ellen hugged me quietly as she trembled without saying a word. like to
calm down.
She couldn't say anything.
She couldn't say anything.
Was I afraid of my own death, or was I afraid of El Ren's death?
But that fear is now gone.
That's it.
Ellen, who was healed by her watch priest,
She originally regained her energy.
In the night dance hall, I explained to Ellen how she was doing. say
I couldn't
“Who was trying to kill us?”
“I don’t know the details, but it just felt like that.”
"...don't you need counseling?"
Ellen has no choice but to think that I am just a nervous person.
She can't even explain the preview, so she eventually becomes neuro c.
She had nothing to say about the handling.
If the assassin had a acked you, you would know that what I said was true,
but in the end, nothing happened, so you have no choice but to know.
The assassin must be a prudent guy.
Even if I think about it, if someone suddenly shed a cold sweat while
walking quietly saying someone was trying to kill me, I would have
suspected panic disorder or schizophrenia.
“To be precise, you were trying to kill me, not you.”
".... you? Why?"
“Last me, you went to the Sponsorship Associa on because of the
Research Fund for the Magic Research Society.”
"Huh. You did.”
“There, I met a man named Saviolin Tanah.”
"I know, Shana.
Ellen nodded as if it was a rare name.
“Because that person did, the last Orbi.
Because of class work, my enemies must have been very numerous.”
The large-scale measles that the Orbis class will experience, the damage it
will cause, and the discomfort that the supporters will feel. Saviolin Tana
said there must have been a lot of people who hated me, the cause of it
But I never thought she would even try to kill me anyway. Of course, they
are not the only suspects. someone else i don't know
Euro may be trying to kill me.
"I do not know...."
Ellen s ll didn't seem to understand why I suddenly acted like that in such
a situa on.
“S ll, if it’s dangerous, don’t go out of the temple if you’re in a hurry.”
“…I should.”
Ellen doesn't know if there really was an assassina on a empt today or
what. But I seem to agree with you as much as I am in a dangerous
situa on.
Ellen looks at me quietly.
A er a lot of accidents, in the end, I have a lot of enemies, enemies I can't
heard it
"do not die."
“I won’t die.”
“If you die, I will die too.”
“What are you talking about all of a sudden?” “Kill the person you killed,
and I will die too.”
Ellen didn't mind saying that with her calm expression.
“So, please, don’t do anything dangerous.”
Was that the main point, Ellen was like that
He said and took my hand.
“I don’t know about anything else… I thought someone would kill me and
me too….
did you do it?”
Eren wants me to keep trying to protect her.
He seemed to think of what he had done.
“...if it gets in the way, leave it. I'm fine...”
“Don’t be bullshit.”
With that said, I pulled Ellen from her arms and looked into her boy's eyes.
“You’re not alone.”
Ellen said she said she could die for me.
Just as Ellen gained confidence in the Darklands, I also realized that
nothing had happened, but this millennium-like return to Templar.
“I can die for you too.”
I could now return those words.
Ellen's eyes widened at my words. Ellen said she looked at me silently, and
then she suddenly raised her hand.
- Exactly!
“Are you going to say something naughty?”
And, Ellen is what I gave back then.
Giving back her answer and chestnut, she smiled.
“Do something. I'm hungry."
I was discharged from Ellen's, her smiling face
could not look into
just because nothing happened
It's not over.
[Event Occurrence - Assassina on Threat]
[Descrip on: Someone is trying to kill you.
I am saying Destroy the origin of the provoca on, or
Subdue it.]
[Reward: One related a ribute]
The event happened a long me ago.
The reward is abstract. but the characteris cs
Giving events have usually given strong rewards.
However, it is not possible to reconsider the rewards in this situa on,
where it is an event, a naval, and lives are in jeopardy. This is something
that should be done without compensa on.
Not only did the preview make me avoid death, but it also made things I
had to deal with.
Someone or some group is trying to kill me. Their iden es must be
iden fied. They may be the majority, or they may be vindic ve individuals.
But who the hell is trying to kill me?
The biggest one is the Orbis class gun. But in that case, killing me would be
mere revenge. Because killing me won't solve anything.
more than anything
I don't know anything else, but I want to find the assassin who tried to kill
me with certainty.
It didn't really happen, but he killed me as well as Ellen.
sure to find
I don't know if it's right to take revenge for something that didn't happen
or not.
Anyone who does such a thing as a business deserves death.
He didn't kill me, he didn't kill Ellen either, but he was meant to be.
find and kill
And find out the reason behind it and pay the price
I will pay
It was the first me in my life that I had such a cruel heart, but there was
nothing like it in my heart.
I wasn't relieved. I don't feel comfortable with the fact that I've only met
him outside the temple. Because even inside the temple there may be
people who want to kill me.
Don't let go of tension.
I always wore a disposable protec on bracelet.
While listening to lectures, walking around the temple, I care about
everything around me.
was leaning towards
Preview when another threat approaches
I wonder if I will let you know one more me
I can not know. You can't just trust the bastard.
It felt like my blood was dried up alive.
The only place you can rest assured is the Royal
Class dormitory only.
Since the faces of the users are already familiar, it is a place where
strangers cannot find it.
Unfortunately, in this situa on,
It is difficult to use.
Even Ellen with me was an assassin.
He treated me nervously that I was there.
In the current situa on where nothing is happening, there is no evidence
that someone is trying to kill me and I have to go to ask for help.
You will be treated like a bastard with a crazy brain a er crashing here and
It felt like shit.
The situa on itself where someone wants to kill me
It's true, but it's just nonsense to others
I can't hear it.
I need proof, to do that I have cancer
You really should have been a acked by the salsa. And it is uncertain
whether or not I will be able to survive in the process.
Of course, you can forcefully ask for protec on or help from Bertus,
Charlo e, or the Temple, but in that case maybe
Make sure you don't go outside the temple.
Chi will be taken
If such a situa on arises, I will rather not be able to use my most important
Because I also have an ally that only I can control.
I sent a le er outside the temple. nothing to go out
Because it's dangerous now that you don't understand it.
a few days later.
Someone knocked on my window.
one bird.
He taps the window as if he has something to do with it.
I opened the window and the li le bird came into my room with a gunshot,
and I pulled the curtains.
I disguised myself as a maid last me, but this me
N Sara.
The li le bird croaked and took on the appearance of a graceful worker in a
maid ou it.
“Jaeha, long me no see.”
It was Sarkegaar.
A le er to Royar of the Rotary club
They sent the message, 'Send Sarkegaar to the temple,' in an amgu
language that we had decided only for ourselves, and Sarkegaar arrived
soon a er.
I don't think I'm a good leader.
To be honest, I tend to favor subordinates. Not for personal reasons, but
for personal reasons.
Literally, it's an example of a bad boss.
I'm Elerie for no par cular reason
I tend to visit the temple and talk about temple life. I'm also a good listener
Royar tends to visit for work reasons.
On the other hand, Sarkegaar, who works under the pseudonym of Count
Argon Fonteus, is rarely seen. I don't even know where Sar Kegar lives.
Also, the tension is always too high, and if you go through it with me, you'll
no ce that I'm not very interested in the Demon World Reconstruc on, so
there are things that I stay away from.
So Sarkegaar had been a long me coming. Of course, even though the
place was my private room, as it was a temple, I didn't say anything
“That he is on a winning streak
i knew it transporta on network of the yellow belt
Not to men on that you have already taken control of…”
It's been a while since I've seen you, and I've started making useless noises.
He seemed to be very moved by the fact that he had called him.
“God, for the sake of degrada on, the fire of hell
You can even go into the pit. Please command anything.”
With a very beau ful and so voice, please don't say such abusive things
I'd love to give it to you.
“It’s not that I’m going to go into the fire pits of hell, but if I think I’m going
to go into the fire pits of hell, now.”
"...what do you mean by that, sir?"
“I think someone is trying to kill me.”
“Are you saying that some horde of devasta ng evil in the world plots such
a thing?”
His voice is very low and he speaks like that, but in the end all he sees is
what he sees, Sarkegaar looked a li le cute.
“If you just tell me, I will ask for the cost of ripping their limbs off and
hanging them on the author’s hand for daring to injure the enemies of the
demon realm…”
“Why are you doing that in the Imperial Palace?”
I first told Sarkegaar the details of the incident to Sarkegaar, who was very
excited to hear that my life was in danger. Even what happened so far and
the fact that it has made many my enemies.
“Well, are you saying that we s ll don’t know who is aiming for the low?”
“Yes, but surely there will be. I have a pre y strong intui on.”
“Intui on, a great monarch must
Intui on is bound to go hand in hand.
It must have been the intui on of the lowering. I will make sure to find out
the assassin and the man behind him, my lord.”
It's great to have infinite trust.
It was Sarke who dared to sing Sarkegaar
Not because I need Garr's power
It was. In order to make contact with these guys outside the temple,
Sarkegaar had to act as a messenger.
Count Argon Fonteus is also recognizable in his own way, but there are
other groups as well.
“Tell Elerys the situa on, and tell Royar. And tell the Thieves Guild. that
one is like this
I don't know about assassin gangs or anything."
“Yes, everyone united to unleash the vicious forces that tried to assassinate
the lowering.
I will make you want to be colored.”
Those who want to assassinate the Demon Prince are not cruel by human
standards, but the heroes or saviors of mankind.
I think it might be the same.
Sarkegaar is on my side, so it's okay to say that.
My contacts at Temple wouldn't believe me because my words were
unreliable. So I have to do what I can on my side.
It would have been easier if the assassin had a acked me that day.
It was such a bizarre thought.
If that was the case, a lot of my allies would have stood up and tried to find
the assassin.
There is a good chance that the assassin is not an organiza on but an
individual who harbors a grudge against me. Then it will be extremely
difficult to catch.
It's not like I don't have a list of suspected suspects.
But, too many.
There are not one or two guys who will hold a grudge against me.
So, we have no choice but to inves gate step by step.
Elimina on method, elimina ng the possibility.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 249
I kept my mouth shut at the temple to avoid scratching it.
Ellen is the only one who knows that I am threatened with assassina on.
And she didn't even trust Ellen.
With her nerves on her nerves, she had no choice but to go on with her
temple life.
“Are you a li le weird these days?”
On the way home from the psychic class, Liana looked at me and said that.
On the days she has psychic classes, she tends to go back with Liana.
Heinrich too
Although they have the same superpowers, somehow
Liana a er being studded with ugly hair
She feels like she doesn't want to deal with her,
"It's true that you usually have a dirty impression, but these days it's even
worse. Is there anything? Did you fight Ellen? It didn't seem like that."
“It’s not like that.”
As I was walking around nervously, on my face, I wrote 'I'm up to
something these days.
it looks like it's going life is fran c, but I can't see it
Would you?
I clicked my tongue briefly.
“I think I’ve made too many enemies these days.”
To be honest, I wouldn't believe it
That's why I was just rambling around like that.
"What are you talking about all of a sudden?" |
“Because of my last Orbis class job, the number of people who have bad
feelings for me has increased beyond my imagina on.
But as many people as there are outside the temple, there will be inside
the temple as well. So it's a bit awkward. I wonder what might happen.”
“Wow, you care about that. It’s amazing to think about such a topic.”
Liana opened her eyes and shook her head.
Noona... I don't feel like dealing with my sister
hey now
Wait, wouldn't this electric woman be able to perform an almost
instantaneous automa c intercep on no ma er what the threat?
Will Liana s ck with her for a while?
... no, she tried to s ck with her ears
If it's okay, I'll be intercepted. Liana gave me a so smile and tapped the
cheek next to me.
“Why, do you think someone is going to kill you?”

“No, it’s not that it’s necessarily the case, it’s that it might be, because you
don’t know people.”
"...are you not taking it too seriously?"
Liana's reac on is not much different from Ellen's.
“With this case, the Orbis class
If the school is closed at all, it will cause damage
Not one or two people watching. Then I'm sure there won't be one or two
people who hold a grudge against me as the cause."
“Um… I guess it is.”
But at my words, Liana raised her head and laughed.
“By the way, the Orbis class will be closed or not?”
Liana seemed to be convinced of that part.
“On what basis?”
“Special classes were created to nurture excellent talents. As long as the
results are good, it is said that the goal of producing excellent human
resources is achieved, regardless of whether the internal problems in the
class are high and ro en.
Otherwise, everything else is just noise."
It was exactly the same thing Epinhauser said when he was on the
disciplinary commi ee.
Mr. Epinhauser, please look at me because I am a talented person no
ma er how much I am out of character.
I said it in the way it should be. Because that's the purpose of the temple.
So, in the same vein, the Orbis class also has internal violence between
seniors and juniors.
Even if there were demands from teachers and students, as a result,
excellent talents were produced.
it is true that there is
So, the Orbis class cannot be closed.
Maybe even pruning doesn't happen.
Temple Vice-Chancellor. Assyrian Walken also had this on the ma er of the
Orbis class.
It seemed like I didn't understand.
Contrary to my expecta ons, there may not be anything special in the
Orbis class. School closures are s ll going on now, but a er a while
There is a possibility that it will be dismissed as if everything has been
completely resolved.
Of course, students who are actually punished
and staff may be replaced
However, it seemed that Liana was thinking that there was no decision to
close the Orbis class.
When she heard it, she seemed to be right.
"So, don't worry about unnecessary things and go ahead with your
impressions, you bastard. I'm all uncomfortable."
She said she could say something like that because she didn't know, but
she felt reassured when she said that while Liana laughed.
Yah Ellen and Ellen are a li le more reliable in a different way.
And, as soon as I returned to the Royal Class dormitory, I wondered if the
foolishness caught by Liana was now a curse.
it was about
“The Orbis class is closed!”
Harriet gave me and Liana such a big
She delivered the news.
Me and Liana stared blankly at each other.
“Uh, um. Does that happen...?"
Liana scratches her cheek with her index finger with a puzzled expression.
Isn't this beyond the absurd level? Could it be that there is some kind of
curse that uncondi onally reverses his words?
closed school,
The Temple's two chariots and two special chariots.
It is one of the laths and is a royal class fragrance.
deliberately created to s mulate heartache
Although it is said to be a noble number two, the Orbis Class has also
produced very good talents from genera on to genera on.
As Liana said, it is a group that is fulfilling its purpose well, no ma er what
the internal problems are.
No ma er how serious the internal violence problem was, listening to
Liana, I was deeply convinced that the Orbis class would not be closed.
“Are you going to close? Are you sure?"
At Liana's ques on, Harriet nodded her head with a puzzled expression.
This guy didn't even know she was going to be like this
It was a bewildered look.
“I think that was decided at this me at the mee ng presided over by the
president. I don't know the details either, but it's decided that the school
will be closed for now."
It didn't seem like it, but considering the results in the end, it was also a
predictable event.
An inflec on point in history has occurred. Therefore, it is natural for the
Orbis class to be closed at the level of the school. A er digging into the
problem, were there so many problems that the school had no choice but
to close?
While denying the absolute goal of nurturing and producing excellent
The Orbis class is, to put it bluntly, an accessory of the royal class a er all.
The disappearance of the Orbis class will definitely affect the Royal class as
has been
“Then how are the kids there?
Will it be?”
“That’s it, I don’t know… Maybe I’ll go to another class?”
The details are s ll unknown.
Orbis Class Closed,
What I did end up being a pole
ran into a streak
"Hey... Do you think this is really a big deal?"
Un l recently, the Orbis class was discon nued.
Liana, who said to be relieved because there was nothing to teach, seemed
to feel that the situa on was very serious now.
As long as the situa on has come to this
Because there might be people who are vindic ve and shove them in the
“You, tell me where you need to go.”
Liana looks at me with a nervous expression.
When the situa on became like this, my life was
He was taking seriously that it might be rough.
- Break!
And a spark flew at the p of Liana's index finger.
“If this is the case, you can send some people in one room.”
Liana seemed to mean that she would escort me at any me.
Duke Youngae's escort.
Whatever actually happens, it feels good.
The decision to close the Orbis class means that my enemies must exist. It
could be the senior unit of the Orbis class, or it could be the teachers.
Since the beehive was removed by s nging the beehive, the bees who lost
their home were sent to the one who had the hive.
I will focus my hatred.
So I acted a li le more cau ously.
I didn't go anywhere alone. A er class, I didn't even go out of the
dormitory. Either she was always with Ellen or Liana was by her side.
Because they both knew I was in danger.
Ellen's skills were also reliable, but Liana's security was a li le more
She is a Liana who can instantly hit her lightning bolts within her ability
radius any me, anywhere.
She was able to react to unexpected surprises within her range.
Despite this and that, it was surprising that she was even decided to close
the school.
“Let’s talk for a second, Reinhardt.”
And then, Bertus suddenly called me.
“Don’t go around for a while.”
Bertus, who summoned me, drank tea and said so calmly.
Xabi Olin Tana's words that she had made too many enemies were correct.
Vertus brought those words out even though I didn't say anything.
“Since the school has been decided to close, you
So many people have been harmed because of it. either individual or
group. And even if all of them know you're not the real cause, they all
know that you were the catalyst. So, if you bounce around here for
nothing, you will trip over a stone beak.
It’s not about losing, it’s about falling off a cliff by being caught on a beak
of stones.”
Eliminate Ender Wilton's case and try to solve the Orbis class problem.
Things got too big.
“It’s you, as long as you stay in the Royal Class dormitory and don’t do
anything special, you’ll be fine.”
A word that means not to crash. of course
Where am I going in this situa on?
I had no inten on of going.
But Bertus' words sounded a bit strange.
I'll be fine.
The word itself gives a sense of discomfort. So is anyone else at risk except
me? As if he had realized something, Bertus smiled.
“I mean, people. the external enemy
If you hate the enemy inside the Dan a li le more
It has a scent.”
“Lilka Aaron…?”
“You don’t know, can’t you die under my name?”
I came from the first shot of the collapse of Orbis
But the final blow was the whistleblower of Lilka Aaron.
I can have the protec on of the prince, the princess, and a lot of people,
but Lil Car Aaron can't.
He's more dangerous than me.
Risk-free to get rid of absurdity
Write and make her whistle.
As a result, many problems were revealed, and the Orbis class sank with
problems rather than fixing them.
Therefore, someone has to accept the numerous damage and anger that
results from it. people will be a er me
He would not leave Lilka Aaron, who betrayed Lilka Aaron, who had
betrayed the Orbis class before him.
"What's going on...?" |
“The temple is giving me protec on now, but it can’t be forever, and I will
probably be assigned to another class.
Hurry up, the Orbis class will be sca ered. However, that gap is bound to
happen someday, and people cannot be safe forever.”
“Look, there was a case where a princess was kidnapped from Imperial
Emperatos, right?”
There is no such thing as absolutely safe.
What Sarkegar kidnapped her princess
But like Lilka Aaron, if you want to kill, you can kill as many as you want.
Bertus' cold expression seemed par cularly cold today.
Even if I worry about my life, I can't afford Lil Car Aaron's life when it's not
enough. Even I am not in a situa on where I do not know who is aiming for
my life right now.
The Orbis freshmen had Lilka Aaron as a whistleblower, but eventually
everyone decided to do her group ac on.
If you look at it a li le bigger, the lives of all those guys are in jeopardy.
As long as the school is closed, the damage is irreversible, and Orbis class
members are
horns are sca ered temple to all of them
protec on will not last forever.
Bertus helps me, but he has no inten on of helping Lilka Aaron, and there
is no incen ve to do so.
Back in the private room, I sat down at my desk.
it was
It's me to sleep, but I can't sleep
it was
Not everything can go the way you think.
Even if they didn't get rid of the absurdity of the Orbis class, they told me
to shout that it was absurd.
He actually screamed, and the absurdity of the Orbis class was revealed to
the public.
So the class was closed.
However, many of the resul ng
The anger was unpredictable. It will cause me and others who want to kill
I didn't even think
Didn't know the Orbis class was more ro en than I thought
it is one patch
If I stay s ll, if I hold my breath in the Royal Class dormitory, I will be safe.
But how long?
A day or two have passed since the people who were aiming for me
I believe that interest will wither.
Will Lilka Aaron be in danger in the near future?
If he dies, she won't be killed by me, but in the end she will die because of
my ac ons.
I thought it was a ma er of specifying who was behind the assassina on.
Serious problem, but solved
I didn't think it was something I couldn't do.
However, in the current situa on, there are too many candidates.
In a situa on where I do not know who the person trying to kill me is, it is
clear that there will be more people who would like that.
How the hell am I supposed to do this?
I can not know. I think my head is clogged.
[Scrivener's Advice] - 150 points
An ability that had been forgo en for a while.
As if the preview suddenly foretold my death, and I was able to avoid it.
The scribe's advice completely changed my life
changed it
A er mee ng Elerys on the advice of the scribes, all these things have
been on track.
When you don't know what to do, the scribe's advice is unpredictable, but
the instruc ons for ac on are
drop it down for sure
Clear advice and vague advice.
Clear advice dictates correct ac on.
Vague advice throws abstract words.
Vague advice is hard to understand, but it's more likely to be a safe method
when properly understood.
Clear advice is more likely to take risks.
And both are likely to have en rely good outcomes, and there is a
possibility that only very bad outcomes will occur, usually with both good
and bad outcomes.
will appear
The last me I used it, I didn't understand the vague advice at all. It was
only a er the situa on happened, ah
I said.
However, the scribe's advice is s ll usable for 150 points.
Since you have enough achievement points, you can listen to both vague
advice and solid advice.
free of charge
[A vague scribe's advice]
[Why was the Orbis Class closed?]
I knew it....
Again, I don't know what I'm talking about.
Orbis Class Closing School Presided by the President
It was decided at the mee ng. There is a good chance that the imperial
family's breath has reached there.
The problem of the Orbis class is more than the purpose of the temple,
cul va ng excellent human resources.
It was closed because it was a bigger problem. this
To say that there is something more than a degree
I would.
It is not known at this me.
Bertus or Charlo e would know the details.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 250

Meet Oscar de Gradias alone.
Let's start with the conclusion.
This has good results and bad results.
Two inspiring pieces of advice are that mee ng the Oscars is both the right
answer and the risky one.
It has something to do with the assassin.
He is an inescapable character.
Clearly, the guy was more concerned that things were going to be
interes ng rather than panicking to see Lilka Aaron whistleblowing her
whistle during the disciplinary commi ee.
He knew we might face assassina on threats, or we might actually die
got it
Oscar was the one who directly ins gated her assassina on
is it?
she doesn't think
Is she the person behind the assassina on?
There is a very high probability she will.
Did Oscar know that the Orbis class would be closed at the me of the
disciplinary commi ee?
she doesn't know that
But it's clear that you need to meet Oscar to get around this situa on.
it is
It was never a good thing, and if we meet again, it is not a good
rela onship for each other.
S ll, to somehow resolve this assassina on threat, she must meet the guy.
But she is objec vely much stronger than me. If that nigga comes out
seriously, she'll hit me with her bare body.
This advice clearly shows that you have to take the risk, even if you haven't
experienced it yourself.
it is
The sure scriptwriter even a ached the condi on of 'alone'.
It would mean that the moment Ellen and Liana, or anyone else, will not be
able to have a proper conversa on with Oscar.
If this is advice that only leads to bad results, the moment I face the Oscars
She'll tell him that he's going to die.
This advice from a sure scribe is not a reasoning, but a test of courage.
it was no good
He must go to a place where he might die. Because I don't know how Oscar
will treat me.
I have no choice but to take a look at her vague advice.
Orbis Class Closed,
You need to know the real reason.
next day.
I got advice from Bertus once. So this me I went to Charlo e.
Charlo e will do the dawn workout with Scarle .
Your me is dawn.
In a li le spare me a er exercise, I found Scarle in Temple One Park at
"Ah, Reinhardt, hello."
Scarle looked at me and she nodded.
“Uh, hello. But what about Charlo e?”
A er taking her swordsmanship class together, I didn't become close with
Scarle , but she's go en used to this guy's polite and respec ul words to
some extent.
But Charlo e was not with Scarle .
Didn't she always work out together in the morning? She seems to have
seen her occasionally, but not always.
"Ah. If it's the Crown Princess... you're not here."
"okay? Did you give up?"
Even though her physical strength was long, she seemed to be working
hard, of course, it did not seem to increase at all, but she was not the
a ermath of the demon king, so to speak, Charlo e was unsuitable for her
physical strength.
It seemed certain there was.
“No, I’m currently a ending school in Hwangseong, so I just can’t exercise
at dawn.”
Going to school in Hwangseong?
This was again the first me I heard it. It looks like she hasn't seen
Charlo e in the dorm for a while, and although she's from a different class,
she seldom meets in the dorm,
"She's only been a few days. She has a lot of work to do ...."
“Um… well, I do.”
There must be a problem with the Orbis class, and Bertus and Charlo e
work with the imperial family.
When it happens, she o en goes to school at the Imperial Castle instead of
the dormitory, so it's perfect
It wasn't that weird.
That said, she said that Charlo e would s ll be in the castle, and
fortunately, today is the day she and Charlo e overlap her class, so she
should meet and talk a er class.
Luckily today is Thursday.
She has an inclusive educa on day and she's next to Charlo e
She was taking a class in class.
A er class, I went to the dormitory.
Charlo e was about to go outside the Nira Temple.
caught the
“Yes, Reinhardt.”
Charlo e stopped at my call.
However, the expression on his face seemed to be somewhat lacking.
Is she very busy?
But she nodded, saying that Charlo e was fine when I told her if she could
spare a moment.
“It won’t be me for tea, but she can talk for a minute.”
Me and Charlo e sat side by side on a nearby park bench.
Charlo e lted her head at my ques on.
“You want to know the reason for the closing of the Orbis class?”
“Yeah, I didn’t think I was going to go un l the school closed. I was
wondering if there was any other reason besides this case.”
Charlo e is staring at me.
"No. you're digging for something else
Are you trying to do something stupid?"
The mourning of the shepherd boy.
I'm actually doing this because I have to do something, but I'm not going to
tell you at all.
“Stay quietly in the dormitory. You know it's a dangerous me to have an
accident, right?"
Charlo e says the same thing as Bertus.
These two, pretending not to be, take a closer look
If so, are the two of them very similar? some mes see
Some mes I wonder if they are twins.
Actually, he's a half-brother man.
“It’s not a big deal, it’s because I’m really curious. It’s also something I’m
involved with.”
Charlo e said she looked at me quietly and she folded her arms as if she
could do something.
“It’s not a complicated reason, it’s because I did something
“Is that off-topic?”
“Teachers applied for re rement on a large scale. Many of the senior
students also resigned, so to speak, they ran away from the temple before
being punished. More than half of the teachers and students have
disappeared.” “…Is it like a protest?”
Charlo e smiled faintly.
“If you touch it carelessly, it will be Orbis class.
You have to be prepared for it to be completely ruined
It's a kind of united ac on. I'll do it for you, so please come back. Did you
know you would say something like that?”
The senior Orbis class and her teachers, who were driven to the troupe,
conducted a group ac on. The class itself might collapse.
will you do more? in the same way,
It must have been bluffing. Charlo e's eyes were cold as she talked about
“This is a challenge to the imperial family.”
“With the support of the Empire, the Empire will be established
How dare those who live and educate on a meal, a bed provided by the
Empire, and an educa on provided by the Empire, dare to engage in such
rude nego a ons with the Empire?"
Apparently, the group ac ons of the Orbis class faculty members and her
seniors went against the will of the Imperial family, not the Temple
It was like
“So the decision was made to put it all down. because it's dry The Orbis
class no longer exists. There won't be any more."
The cornered rat bit the cat. But the cat tore the mouse to death. Rather
than being changed or punished, I bet the whole Orbis class for a deal.
and the imperial family took the deal as a challenge
So the Orbis class disappeared by order of the imperial family.
I was so excited that I was driven to a dead end, so I couldn't cover my back
and forth. Orbis class touched something that shouldn't be touched.
“But in reality, such an act itself is not a crime, so you should be punished.
I'm not going to However, I think there will be no mercy for the numerous
acts of coercion or assault within the Orbis class that will be revealed in the
Yes, if you don't want to work, quit, and if you don't want to learn, leave.
The closing of the Orbis class was only a result of figh ng a target that
should not be fought.
Originally, the temple was not considered un l the school was closed.
However, extreme measures were taken for touching the heart of the
imperial family.
I found out why the Orbis class was closed.
But, so in the end what is this
Is it sweet?
| Finding out who was behind the assassina on and Orbi
What does it have to do with the s class doing a bea ng?
Then suddenly Charlo e slapped me on the back.
“Again, you look like you’re trying to get work done, huh?”
"No, you didn't say anything?"
“When you see that you are thinking hard about something, you will try to
do something else. it's obvious Are you quietly stuck in the temple? No,
don’t leave the dormitory.”
“Yeah, I s ll have to go to class!”
"Who won't go to class?
Other than that, don't go wandering around in strange places! Look at the
pods when you understand everything! Really, anyway.”
because I don't have me Charlo e grabs me and nagging me almost like a
Japanese speech
laid out
She is the one who hears her nagging to the princess.
Isn't this a unique posi on in its own way?
If Charlo e knew what I was thinking, she would
While thinking of something more poignant, I
I stared at the nagging guy.
A er she shot at it for a while, Charlo e took a deep breath.
"...I think I've already been scolded enough to be scolded.
In addi on? What else do you have here?”
It was a slightly subtle expression, different from the ones he had been
nagging before.
“Don’t crash. I mean, I'm really worried. now and in the future
keep going.”
Somehow, Charlo e's expression looked sad. I'm busy, is there something
going on?
Charlo e followed her answer.
“I will go. I'm sorry, let's talk more.
I want to, but I’m busy.”
“……When will you return to the dormitory?”
In a situa on where her life was in jeopardy, what I said was quite pathe c.
“Um… If you don’t buy it, it might come soon.”
Charlo e narrowed her eyes and she said so.
I couldn't take my eyes off of Charlo e's back as she went to school lightly.
For a long me.
The vague scribe's advice eventually made it impossible to comprehend its
meaning. What conclusions can be drawn from the fact that the Orbis class
was disbanded because of the imperial family?
This is not democracy, the imperial family is the master of everything in the
empire. It was even operated with great support from the imperial family.
Tin n for the imperial family in the temple
can't you do it
In the end, what remains is defini ve advice.
You have to meet Oscar alone.
But no ma er how you look at it, it's a very risky op on. You may get a clue
about her by mee ng Oscar, but it is very likely that it will be a bad news.
The risk is too great. As a protec on bracelet against the fireworks of
Tuesday Will I be able to win the real fight against Oscar, which can
enhance his magic even if he wins a vote?
Lilka Aaron's problem is also a problem, but I can't hold my breath like this.
Because you can't stay locked up in a temple forever.
Let's wait for informa on first. Because there may be informa on that I
don't know yet.
A few days later, Sarkegaar came.
He “was on a list of groups whose business was assassina on.”
In the end, it is correct to go through the Thieves' Guild to get informa on
from the dark side. Sarkegar wrote down the names of several groups in
my notebook. They were all organiza ons I had never heard of.
“Obviously, this list is not going to be a list of all cancer scavengers, and
there will be hidden organiza ons. However, organiza ons that exist within
the eclip c
I tried it, but I confirmed that there was no assassina on quest against
At those words, I couldn't help but shudder.
There are a total of five organiza ons in the zodiac with the business of
contract murder, and the short
In me, Sarkegaar is already infiltrated.
So I ended up ge ng the informa on.
You bastard, I didn't know that un l now, but how capable are you?
Hell, he even kidnapped the princess from the Imperial Castle. Just as Loyar
and Elerys have excellent abili es, Sarkegaard cannot help but excel in this
By the way, there are five organiza ons that have murder as their business
in the Yellow Capital.
I feel like my bones are fading away.
“...the assassina on a empt at the organiza onal level will not
“Yes, lower.”
If that's the case, then it must be that he wrote his own hand in the place
that was targe ng me, or that an individual tried to stab him with
vindic veness...
It would be nice to see the face of the beast in the preview, but the bad
guy will die
Just for saving the obvious me, I can already feel it.
I take this next step on my own
you'll have to
The assassins and the contractors are clean.
In the end, it seems that the strands are ge ng closer to mee ng the
It's dangerous to be alone, but...
“Hey, I’m going to go back for a while.” “Oh, yes. great job."
Sarkegaar changed from his maid appearance to a sparrow figure as he
came into this place.
"Hey wait, wait!"
He then mo oned for Sarkegar to fly away.
Sarkegaar in sparrow mode l ng his head as if what's going on,
“Would you like to go somewhere with me?”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 251

It was decided to close the Orbis class, but of course it takes me and
It seems that the students who submi ed their withdrawal le er for
collec ve ac on were expelled from the temple for trespassing, but those
who did not would remain in the temple and be reassigned to another
The first graders are now in retalia on from their seniors.
This person convened to the General Headquarters to protect
A er that, I know that he lives there.
Both seniors and juniors are being inves gated anyway, so the seniors will
be living in the Orbis class dormitory building.
If Oscar resigned, I wonder if he would have to go to Imperial Empera Tosro
to meet him, but he can't get in.
Regardless of whether or not there is, I'm pre y sure Oscar wouldn't have
dropped out.
And he won't be punished. Seeing what he was doing, it didn't look like he
had ever touched a junior in person.
There is no way that he, who indirectly longs for his juniors, and expresses
them in an indirect way, would not have par cipated in the ac ve
opposi on of collec ve ac on. Even being an imperial family outside the
eyes of the imperial family, this is something I shouldn't do.
I le the Royal Class dormitory as if doing some secret opera on.
If I try to do anything alone again, there are a lot of kids who will stop me.
S ll, how do I get rid of the shit I bought?
Actually, I don't go alone.
I moved around, watching the sparrow-mouse de Sarkegaar, who sat on a
nearby branch and watched me, following me as I walked.
If the trouble is likely to get serious, Sarkegaar will break in. I don't know
how to make excuses at that me, but first of all, it's insurance.
Whatever happens, you will eventually die
because it's be er than
If Oscar kills me in the middle of the temple, he's going to run away too, so
I won't even try.
Only one visit to Orbis Class
But the class was closed.
If this is the case, the existence that brings disaster
maybe it's similar As a demon king, it seems like it is actually right,
A er all, among the Orbis class, there isn't a single one who looks good on
Can I find this? The Oscar isn't the problem, maybe someone else gets
Let's ghten the tension first.
The Orbis Class dormitory was currently designated as a control area. Royal
class dormitories are not for everyone, but this is the same.
However, the current control area means that there are guards at every
entrance to the building 24 hours a day. Of course I couldn't get in.
In the dormitory, I pack a lot of suitcases
Occasionally, they were seen carrying them out.
It must have been the seniors who had resigned and were told to leave the
temple because of that.
All of them didn't look very good.
But oddly enough, what is the feeling that that expression is not good?
Rather than feel bad, do something
Should I call it chilly expressions?
The faces of the seniors of the Orbis class, who were seriously hardened,
seemed a bit strange.
Sarkegaar in the form of a sparrow stands nearby and watches me.
“This is currently a controlled area.
The guard guarding the entrance said so as if to back off, and I pointed
inside the dormitory.
“I have no inten on of going in, but I want to meet someone. I have
something to tell you.”
Fortunately, it is not inflexible.
The guard asked who came to see
he asked.
When he said he had come to see Oscar de Gradias, he nodded and
another guard entered the dormitory.
how much me has passed
A blonde young man walks through the hall towards the entrance
appeared to be approaching
"...what are you doing to me?"
Also, he didn't quit.
Oscar de Gradias seemed surprised rather than offended when I came to
him. A er all, the assassina on a empt has nothing to do with this guy?
When we were told to talk, going out was completely forbidden, so he and
I sat down on a bench in a secluded place near the dormitory. Sarquegar
sits on a nearby branch and watches me.
He's just a cute sparrow, but when he gets angry, he turns into a dragon.
Contrary to what I was worried about, Oscar didn't seem hos le to me. But
she can't be vigilant because she's squin ng.
“Is it fun? You've only had one fight, but you have a long history
The Ruby's class is closed.”
"'s not funny."
"okay? I am having fun.”
Oscar just smiled. I don't know what they're thinking on the inside, but on
the outside they just have fun.
This guy is also the a tude of the disciplinary commi ee
It was a bit strange.
He didn't try to defend himself, he didn't cri cize me, and he was
momentarily embarrassed by Lilka Aaron's bombshell remarks.
The situa on itself turns a bit interes ng. seemed to be here.
Even now, he didn't seem to have any regrets for me. Is he a guy who hides
his emo ons well? Personally, I wouldn't have any reason to like it.
“Are you afraid of retalia on?”
Even though I didn't say anything, I knew exactly why I came.
"Honestly, yes."
“It’s a stupid worry. Of course, since the last incident, most Orbis class
students have come to hate you, and many other people have no choice
but to hate you, but what's the point of touching you? What's le is to do
harm to the prince and the princess's classmate.
All that remains is the fact.”
Why are you kindly telling me all this?
I might be figh ng this guy
I thought I was doing it, but my feelings were ge ng worse and worse.
“Don’t think that everyone in the world is emo onal like you.”
It was true, so I couldn't really deny it, and I didn't want to deny it.
Touching me is too risky, so there is no one to touch me directly.
But is that emo onal bastard really there? There must have been someone
trying to poke me and even Ellen!
“Well… well, it’s me, I don’t think much, and if other people have ideas, I
don’t think I’ll touch you. Is there anything be er than touching a special
class student? Of course, there will be people who are personally arguing.
So Orbis on Main Street
Be careful when you meet seniors from the class.
Just that much?”
Oscar smirked and tapped my shoulder.
“So, be safe and listen carefully to class.”
Why does that guy look so good? Why do I have no feelings le ? The guy
gives his words and looks at me.
"Hmm. No. Go."
What the hell was measured inside, Oscar just said that.
I was the first to get up when I said go
It was Ska de Gradias.
There was no sign of worrying at all. There was nothing she could tell a er
seeing it with her eyes.
I felt possessed by a demon. If my eyes aren't wrong, the Oscars are really
He had no feelings for me, and perhaps even seemed to appreciate it.
Oscar is gone, and a sparrow sits on my shoulder.
“Get something.”
As a sparrow replies, it cries loudly once.
“Oscars and Orbis class bastards, this is so weird.”
Where the hell did it come from
I do not know.
I'm sure there are people trying to kill me because of the Orbis class
incident. But Oscar tries to reassure me that it won't happen.
Of course, there is a good chance that it is false. Maybe it's something he's
trying to distract me and stab me in.
There are no assassina on a empts against me.... Doing such a thing is just
a risky act.
That's right.
The word itself must be correct.
By the way, what Oscar is enjoying.
I found it so weird.
Orbis class closure is not the problem. Something mysterious and reluctant
seems to be happening in real me.
What the hell was the assassina on a empt on me? A er all, are you a
vindic ve individual?
Rather than solving the problem, it felt like the problem had become more
However, Oscar is hiding something.
That's how it felt
“Find out what this is.”
- Yes, lower.
“Oh, oh, what a surprise!”
The sparrow suddenly spoke and I got angry.
I couldn't help but be surprised.
There is a demon called doppelganger. As the demons are common in
many ghost stories and legends, the stories are spread among humans as
The doppelganger is a race na ve to the Darklands with extremely small
popula ons.
Rather, it is o en found in the human world.
A type of demon that transforms into someone's form and pretends to be
that person.
Doppelgangers are portrayed as evil beings.
And just as a playful being
It is also described
A doppel that transforms into someone's form
A Dreadfiend who can freely change the shape of his body.
Dreadfiend is the perfect doppelganger
It is an upper compa ble en ty.
The easiest thing for Sarkegar, a member of the Dreadfiend clan, is to
overhear someone's story.
It is a flock as big as a mosquito, but can change to the size of a cockroach.
have. And cockroaches are here
It hides well there.
Sarkegaar doesn't like to change so small by nature. Because of the
durability problem of the changed appearance itself, if you die in that state,
you will actually die.
One of the things Sarkegaar does best is eavesdropping.
digging out someone's secret.
There is always someone who will tell you a secret.
If you disguise yourself as one of those beings and derive an answer, you
can easily get the answer. Of course, this is a pre y risky method because it
creates memories of mee ng and talking with someone you've never met.
First of all, Sarkegaar uses the first and easiest method.
Sarkegaar is already capable of infiltra ng the temple surrounded by
numerous barriers. So, it is easy to infiltrate the Orbis class dormitory,
where only the guards are standing at the entrance.
Gap in doors, in closets, and on the floor of furniture.
There are many places to hide and many ways to infiltrate.
Sarkegaar boards in the form of a bird Enter the company, Oscar de Gradias
followed in the footsteps of When he opened the dormitory private room
door, it turned into a small wheel
A er entering in front of the Shinhae Gate, go straight to the wall
He hid through a gap in the back of the cabinet.
Even if it is discovered, there are only issues related to hygiene condi ons.
No one knows it's a planted spy
There are many ways to destroy and prevent wiretapping using magic or
familiars, but Sarkegaar is a living zone.
When you become a cockroach, you really become a cockroach. It will only
become a cockroach with the soul and intelligence of a dreadfiend.
Such is the transforma on ability equivalent to the ul mate magic
It is the insec cide, not the an -eavesdropping magic, that can stop
Sarkegaar in this state.
There are no places where Sarkegaar could not enter, except for some
palaces in Emperatos, the Imperial Castle, where security and barrier
systems were maximized a er the kidnapping. There are places where
even a single insect cannot reach.
One of them was the Imperial Palace, where Charlo e de Gradias stayed.
Fortunately, Orbi is in excellent sanitary condi on.
Since there is no insect problem in the class dormitory, insec cides are
applied everywhere. or it wasn't
There's no reason to worry about what isn't there.
So Sarkegaar is Oscar de G.
I stayed s ll in Radias' private room.
As Count Argon Fonteus, he has already canceled all his du es, so there is
nothing to be busy with. The master needs him first.
Cockroach mod Sarkegaar climbs up the wall and looks down on Oscar's
private room from the top of the closet.
A few suitcases that looked like they were all packed. Oscar didn't even
give her a le er of resigna on, so if she gets assigned to another class, she
must have already packed her bags to go there.
It's just a room ready to leave, nothing special. It looks like everything,
including books, has already been organized.
Oscar was si ng at his desk. He was looking down from above, so there
was no expression on his face.
He is wri ng or not doing anything.
But she seems to be thinking about something with her arms crossed.
for a long me,
She ain't got no reason to talk to herself
she is just si ng
Sarkegaar changes his posi on and moves to a posi on where he can see
Oscar's expression. When cockroaches come out, get rid of them
I'm sure I'll do it, so I'm careful not to get caught.
Oscar's face, which he had not seen, was a smile.
Oscar keeps on doing something with a smile on what's so fun
seemed to think
- smart
sudden knock.
Oscar gets up and opens the door.
“Oscar, the le er has arrived.”
"Yes. thank you."
A le er delivered to the user's side.
Oscar opens the le er and reads it down. Sarkegaar once again changes
posi ons, strengthens his eyesight, and reads the contents of the le er
from afar.
[This is a reply to the magic algebra theory you asked last me.]
[The theory has been reviewed, and it turns out that it actually works, but
it is expected that some prerequisites are necessary to theorize
Sarkegaar was full of stories with incomprehensible exper se. Ask any
research ins tute a ques on about your major or a new theory
presented and reviewed
is the answer
Sarkegaar quietly scans the contents of the le er.
Full of incomprehensible jargon
It's a le er, but Sarkegaar realizes that the content doesn't ma er.
What is the reason for making a face like this when you see a le er full of
academic terms?
It is clear that the content of the le er does not give too much academic
It's almost a look of joy. Sarkegar sees Oscar's reac on inconsistent with
the le er's content,
get the confidence of
I don't know more details though.
That's a code le er.
Oscar writes a cryptographic le er to someone
lying down
It seemed that he was reading something completely different from the
content at face value.
That alone is already enough
It was.
Sarkegaar sees the envelope, not the le er this me.
[From - Imperial 2nd Magical Theory Research Center]
Know where to go next
Infiltra on and intelligence gathering.
Sarkegaar more than anyone else
is specialized in
Sarkegaar delivered to me first from what he had found out.
"You seem to be exchanging encrypted correspondence with someone..."
“Yes, lower.”
It wasn't just the feeling, the Oscars were really good. Encrypted
correspondence, students dropping out, closing of Orbis classes,
It makes several conjectures possible. However, at this stage, everything is
only an es mate, and nothing can be confirmed.
Does Oscar really have nothing to do with the person behind my
assassina on?
The idea that there would be no mass-scale assassina on a empts was
becoming increasingly certain.
Oscar's work seems to be a separate task that has nothing to do with
I should look into this too, but the urgent thing right now is who is trying to
kill me.
The most likely suspects were the supporters and seniors of the Orbis class,
those in power, and Oscar de Gradias. But the feeling and the a tude of
that guy are somehow different, I think.
There it smells of ssue. which
I don't know if it's an organiza on, but they're a group
It took an organized ac on called a boyco .
It is clear that the Orbis class is organized, and their interest is not mine.
If so, what was the pilgrim's advice trying to convey?
I took the risk and met Oscar. And I did find out, though I don't have any
defini ve informa on, that Oscar doesn't care about me at all.
If so, it goes down to the next level.
Erases numerous groups of dragons from his mind.
There is one guy who has a sense of humor.
The Orbis class was organized. Then, he can never be an organiza on.
He belonged there. Even so, he's sure it's camouflage.
Of all the many who may have had a personal grudge against me, one who
could really try to kill me.
By the way, I wonder if he is certain
do not know yet.
He's the guy he later tried to get his hands on anyway, so he's already
figured out his iden ty.
Although he is a character, he has an unforge able memory of
remembering his name while rumbling through the list of teachers because
he forgot his name as a one- me villain.
“There is a guy named Aaron Medera among the temple instructors.”
One of the temple's alchemy teachers
Naiza Alchemist.
That gnome doesn't belong to the Orbis class.
“Take a look at him. If anything comes up, report it immediately.”
River using black magic on Ender Walton
Angry guy.
“Yes, lower.”
A wizard who actually belongs to a magic society called the Black Order.
The gnome must be very resen ul that his own laboratory, the Orbis Class,
has been shut down.
There's a good chance he's not this guy.
If not, he just moves on to the next ranked suspect.
Because I have Sarkegaar.
How did Sarkegar treat him?
I didn't ask if it was fixed.
He just does what he tells him to do.
I love it....
That night.
Inside the Imperial Emperatos.
The palace of spring, the princess's bedroom.
The imperial family has been in a state of emergency for some me now.
There were very few people who knew the situa on in detail, but those
who knew that the atmosphere of the imperial family was not serious was
feeling it.
It's not the Orbis class's problem.
Although the Temple is one of the most important businesses of the
Empire, it is a business a er all.
Now, the imperial family is worried and worried about internal problems.
was suffering from ailments.
There are people who rejoice in this sorrow.
However, in the end, in a big sense, the imperial family could not afford to
care about external affairs now.
“Your Majesty, you should go to bed now.
At Dyrus' words, Charlo e sat down in her rocking chair and smiled bi erly
at her.
"...I know it's pointless, but I can't sleep well."
Not only Dyrus, but also Saviol Lin Tana, the commander of the Imperial 1st
Knights Templar Chanafel.
“You need to keep your stamina intact to get be er.
Despite Xabi Olin Tana's words, Charlo e sits s ll in a rocking chair and
shakes her body.
she was just there
In the palace where the princess's bedroom is, they
There was no one but two. In the empty Palace of Spring, Charlo e sat
blankly in a rocking chair.
“How was the reward?”
“…you don’t care about that…”
“The reward.”
Charlo e looks at Xaviolin Tana.
“I asked what happened.”
“…I have taken measures not to be upset.”
“Don't be sad....” |
Charlo e covers her face with both her hands, as she mumbles mercilessly.
“How much money is enough so that the cost of the life of a person who
can’t be exchanged for anything is not disappoin ng? In the first place, is it
a ma er of money…”
Charlo e put her hands up at Dyrus' words
She loosened her face Lin.
The princess' right eye turned black
she was stained
“It’s funny. I killed this
Dyrus shook his head firmly at Charlo e's melancholy tone.
“Your Majesty didn’t kill you.”
“If I didn’t kill it, what? With my own hands, by my own power, I killed the
long- me maid in my palace, but who else did it?" |
This me, Xaviolin Tana stepped forward.
“Your Majesty has lost consciousness, and it is just that you have lost
consciousness for a while by something evil. so what happens
You can't even remember what happened. Therefore, it cannot be what
Your Majesty did, and this too will get be er soon.”
Sabi Olin Tana's worried and hopeful outlook did not improve Charlo e's
expression on her face.
she will get be er
When she was only ge ng worse, what could she believe would get
be er?
Now, he some mes even loses his consciousness to an unknown en ty.
“Only in case of a single situa on, I am here by order, Jeon Ha. Nothing will
happen now.”
Saviolin Tana stayed at the Palace of Spring because of the Emperor's
Charlo e concentrated her mind, slowly driving away her power that had
engulfed her right eye.
she's good at this now doesn't happen In her tana's consola on her
Charlo e gazes at her
“Sir Tana, you don’t have to tell too obvious lies.”
"In one case, you're here to deal with me."
Majesty! That will never happen, even if I kill myself.
Seeing Saviolin Tana's complexion turn white, Charlo e smiled sadly.
“I’m not saying this to ques on you. Sir Tana.”
Charlo e closed her eyes and mu ered quietly.
she stu ers
“I am doing this because I want to ask you not to hesitate when the me
“I won’t hesitate, can you promise me?”
A er a moment of silence, Xaviolin Tana answered.
“I can't promise you. never."
Charlo e laid her body on a rocking chair as she idly smirked as she smiled
When the second semester group mission was over, she suddenly
sleepwalking that started.
She is standing in the mansion hallway with her bare feet in the middle of
the night
When she was, she knew that Charlo e was dreaming of herself she was
It wasn't un l she saw Reinhardt's face that she realized that this was not
her dream, but that she had moved while sleeping.
She said Charlo e hoped it would beat sleepwalking. But by the me she
decided she was no longer living in her dormitory, she knew Charlo e
wasn't sleepwalking.
Even though she knew it wasn't like that. She just wanted to believe.
But she now knows that it is no longer such a simple disease.
What had happened to her made her know that what had happened to her
was not simply a disease.
S ll, she was fine as long as she didn't fall asleep.
There was no such thing as losing her consciousness to something, unless
she fell asleep.
However, she now said she was not sleeping, but at some point she was
being robbed of her body.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 252

Someone tried to kill Reinhardt
Ellen s ll didn't believe it. But she didn't even consider it a blind delusion
of harm. I did a lot of resentment against Reinhardt here and there, and it
was true that I got even more grudges for this Orbis class.
Reinhardt at that me was definitely strange.
He was suddenly swea ng profusely, and he began to be wary of his
Then he returned to the temple, tense as if he had not pulled him out of
his arms.
Obviously, at that me she felt nothing for Ellen. She knows that Ellen is on
the one side that she has developed a lot of her senses. Roya
It was enough to sense Le's murderous intent.
Reinhardt felt a murderous inten on that she had never felt before.
No ma er what I think, I don't think
Reinhardt is convinced.
So he seems to be having a lot of trouble these days. He looked like he was
paying a en on.
Perhaps in order to keep his stamina intact, he is only trying to reduce his
strength in training.
He has enough of himself to keep one body.
I want to help Reinhardt.
The fact that he's already being helpful enough doesn't show.
Reinhardt is dangerous.
He wants to do something.
He gave that certainty that there was no such thing as an assassin and
turned Reinhardt back to normal.
I want to put it down.
If there is an assassin, he wants to do something with his own hands.
Ellen told Reinhardt not to do anything dangerous, and she was outside the
If she were Reinhardt she would be dangerous, but she's Ellen, so it's not
that dangerous.
She said that Ellen had already entered the ranks of superhumans,
different from her ordinary people. She is now Ellen who can cut through
dozens of clumsy assassins.
She came out and she didn't know what to do,
She may not know where to start.
I want to relieve Reinhardt's anxiety somehow.
There's no such thing as an assassin, reassure me
want to give
So Ellen went out of the temple recklessly.
She believes that Ellen has no assassins and she does not.
she's be er off without Reinhardt is a neuroscien st and Minin is older for
are you
But now Ellen has come out of the temple to find her assassin.
While she doesn't know what to do, she moves Ellen to the convic on that
she is now an assassin, or a group that wants to assassinate.
She has someone who wants to kill Reinhardt.
She feels a li le creepy, but she can't help but think.
How to kill Reinhardt
should i go
There are two condi ons.
Is it the person inside the temple? Someone from outside the temple?
First of all, it is correct to think that it is outside.
Reinhardt was like last me inside the temple.
Because he didn't show any strange behavior.
If there is, the outside of the temple is more reliable.
He did not feel himself, but Reinhardt felt alive then. If it is assumed that
the assassin was present at that me, why would the assassin conduct the
didn't you?
He would execute the assassina on under the best circumstances, and that
was the best me. Ellen was exhausted and Reinhardt was carrying her.
But Reinhardt no ced.
Then the assassin is a prudent man
He tried to make a witnessless assassina on in a sparsely populated area.
surrounded by crowds
Because the assassin didn't show up right away.
The op mal condi ons for assassina on of Reinhardt have not existed
since that day. Because Reinhardt isn't leaving the temple.
Is it impossible in the temple?
Standing at the entrance to the temple, Ellen looks around.
Without her pass, she can't even go through the checkpoint inside the
temple. horse power train
It is a system similar to entering the sta on of
Convinced by her that there is her assassin, Ellen traces her footsteps.
Without hesita on, Ellen entered the temple gates.
This is Ellen from A-2, a first-year Royal Class.”
Ellen showed her student ID when she entered the kwanliso. She's wearing
a school uniform, but she doesn't want to be ques oned.
“Oh, what’s going on?”
“Can a person who has not been granted access to the temple enter the
At the sudden ques on of the Royal Class student, the Kwanliso staff
nodded and giggled.
"Of course not...?"
“Why? Are you concerned about the security of the temple?”
“I was just curious.”
There's no reason to answer that a student comes and asks for nothing,
but she's a royal class student.
The staff, although a bit embarrassed, kindly pointed to the temple
entrance gate.
“Go over a fence or something like that.
You seem to be worried that it might come, but it doesn't happen. First of
all, the fence is so high that an ordinary person cannot jump over it, and a
barrier has been formed above it. If you try to get over it recklessly
Not only the sound of the beam, but also the stun series
He was hit by the automa c defense magic and could not move un l the
arres ng personnel were dispatched.
Likewise, I drop birds
It's not, but the temple's defensive barrier is a dome
it's form Penetra on from the air is also impossible, to be precise, it
detects the vehicle and takes ac on on the vehicle that needs ac on."
“A fake pass?”
“It’s impossible. It's a magical item, so each pass is unique."
“Can’t you use someone else’s pass?”
“Ummm… I see what you’re worried about.”
She is a student who suddenly comes to ask ques ons about Temple
I don't know why, but I'm very serious
"Stealing passes and disguising or disguising
It may be difficult to recognize if you use magic, but this is the place that
passes through the entrance gate.
At the moment, it is checked with a dispel once. The stomach will be
released then. And don't you keep checking with the biosignal analyzer?
disguised in a different way
It's the same thing as ge ng caught."
“There are only faculty and students in the temple.
Isn't that right?"
“Ugh. Not everyone can think it's safe. However, when selec ng employees
who will work within the temple or people who will open stores within the
temple, the same criteria as for those who work for the imperial family are
all. Of course, the problem is that
Although it does occur, the temple
The safety of our students is our top priority.”
The temple has few holes.
Ellen confirms it.
There is almost nothing, and there is. Check dispel camouflage magic.
means that if the person comes with camouflage blood on their face, you
won't be able to recognize it.
It is possible to iden fy individuals with a biosignal analyzer, but magic
tools are not perfect. If you are a person with deep knowledge in magic
tools, that level of disturbance can be disturbing. Ellen knows.
She may bribe any of the faculty and students. You can buy any of the
many people in the temple.
It is not at all impossible for an outside organiza on to assassinate
Reinhardt within the Temple.
In temples, which are overcrowded places, absolute security was originally
It belongs to the unavoidable task rather than the insufficient response of
the Temple.
"thank you."
Ellen said so and she ran through the gate
came out
Ellen realizes that she is safer than the rest of the eclip c, but that the
temple is not absolutely safe.
She said that Ellen didn't have as much power as her other classmates, all
she had was her power and her head.
She thinks and acts, she Ellen, and there's nothing she can do out of it.
She herself is the head of an assassin gang, and she has been
commissioned by her to kill a temple student. Let's fix it.
She had one chance, but her opponent
I failed to no ce.
The target that detected the assassina on threat did not come out of the
If so, there are two ways.
You have to either assassinate your opponent inside the temple or wait
un l you come out of the temple.
If you want to assassinate an opponent in the temple, you will need a
person with a temple pass, bribe him or take the proof somehow, and then
disguise yourself as that person and enter the temple. In this case,
biosignal analysis
There is an issue that you have to pass the qi, but although it is difficult,
there is no way at all.
is not going to be
El 11
Of course, entering the temple is not the end. Royal class dormitory
There is a premise that you have to even sneak in.
In the Royal Class dormitory, there is no separate guard, but teachers on
duty are sta oned there. It cannot be said that it is impossible, but if a
stranger suddenly appears, everyone can be on the lookout.
there is only
Royal Class is for elites only.
is where
What power would each student have?
Infiltra ng an unknown place and assassina ng it is a rather unreasonable
op on. The chances of going unno ced are very low.
Infiltra ng the Temple is not impossible.
However, it is very difficult to get out of there safely a er killing Reinhardt.
They want to assassinate Reinhardt without being caught.
If assassina on in the Temple is impossible, in the end they have only one
op on.
Wai ng for Reinhardt to come out of the temple
If there's an assassin, Ellen finds out something about her.
The entrance to the temple is always being watched by the current
You never know when Reinhardt will come out. to seize that opportunity.
For such people, pa ence is easier than ea ng rice.
Standing at the entrance of the temple where faculty and students pass by,
Ellen looks around her.
Somewhere out there, the Assassin's Eye will be watching Reinhardt.
And, if it is true that an assassina on a empt was made at that me,
The figure of himself on Reinhardt's back must have already entered the
eyes of the assassin.
If so, her own informa on would already be shared among the assassins.
In the name of Reinhardt's friend,
If the assassin is here,
He must be looking at himself now.
She apparently had Ellen read her live that, when Loyar tried to kill herself.
I didn't feel it from the expression, the momentum, or anything else.
It just felt ins nc ve.
Like the ins nct of a beast, as if you were born to feel that kind of thing.
I read the hos lity towards me.
He read the murderous intent towards Reinhardt.
A different world from magic.
Ellen tries to feel it. who is looking at you Jeong in this place
Is there a verbal assassin?
Was this how Reinhardt felt when he tried to enhance his magical power?
nothing feels Reading life was only ins nc ve, but how can I feel it
ac vely?
don't know if you can
I don't know.
The feeling of not knowing what to do.
The moment I felt like I knew how Reinhardt was feeling, and I wondered if
I had done it too much.
Ellen feels it.
Her gaze was not directed towards herself.
This was the first me her Ellen had been astonished by her own
understanding itself.
Is it even possible to do something like this
She can't be called murderous, but she doesn't look at herself or anything.
The very feeling of being 'watched'.
How far can I go?
Why the hell can you even do something like this
Is it?
While Ellen is afraid of herself, she walks somewhere, feeling her gaze on
her without her watching.
She felt 'a giving one.
Ellen says she walks somewhere.
She was a watcher, she was watching herself from a nearby cafeteria rather
than by the boulevard. She's not staring, but she's staring.
She doesn't look at Ellen nor she looks at her
'Watching her, she le the temple doorway and she moved somewhere.
As expected, when Ellen moves, she moves with the watcher. She said, 'I'm
sorry I couldn't believe it.
Although she is afraid of herself as if she was reborn as something other
than human. 'S ll, I'll protect you.' You can do anything for Reinhardt.
Whatever she was born with, whatever she is
I'm going to throw it away, so I can look like a monster beyond this.
Ellen thinks so.
When she heard Reinhardt say she could die for herself...
If only I could feel the feeling of taking the whole world once again.
She said that she could withstand any kind of monster.
Ellen believes so.
Eredian district, an alley.
The wait wasn't long.

" !"
Ellen held her breath, and as her watcher followed her into the alley, she
soon knocked him down right behind her.
As calm as Ellen's lake, the snow is calm
shines brightly
But her ac ons were never calm.
“Cook! Whoops!”
Ellen li ed the jaws of the fallen follower.
With it open, she shoved a piece of cloth that had been rolling on her floor
there to keep it from doing crap.
“Wow! Whoops!”
Ellen's calm eyes lower the follower
see everything
“Who are you?”
“Who made it?”
Ellen looks down at him with a grim expression.
“If you say these three things, I will spare you.”
“If you understand, nod your head.”
Ellen was expressionless, but now her Ellen was brimming with generosity.
But she opened her eyes to Ellen's bizarre phenomenon that was
happening right before her eyes. - Puduk! pudding!
On the face of the man in front of her, terrifyingly thick veins began to
-puck! Whoops!
Blood spa ered as the veins burst.
Ellen immediately ac vates her magic boost and bounces.
She had protected herself from her blood, but her situa on was already
taking place.
“Wow, whoop! Whoa, whoa! Whoa!”
- Puddy Duk! Whoops!
Suddenly, the blood vessels in the body of the man in front of him swelled
up, and the pupils just turned back.
passed over to
Right before my eyes, a person died with their eyes turned over.
Ellen is blank, she sees the dead body
was staring
-Push! Push!
Then, something protruded from the swollen veins of the corpse.
Ugly-looking, black earthworm-like worms crawled out of the man's veins
and crumbled like dust.
faded and disappeared
I do not know.
I don't know.
The raised veins of a dead man
was suddenly quiet.
| Even the wound that an earthworm-like worm had pierced had healed.
The man suddenly became like a dead body.
Ellen couldn't comprehend the situa on before her eyes, but she seemed
to know what was to come.
If she stays like this, she will be misunderstood as having killed herself.
Ellen looks down at the corpse of a man she suddenly died of, she ponders.
Should she go to the guard? If she explains what she is doing, she is also a
temple student, so there is a possibility that she will be inves gated and
this is high
but me,
It will obviously take me.
I don't know much about magic, but this is magic
There is certainty that it is related to
With her corpse in front of her, Ellen is cold.
she is troubled
some worms.
The dead man was controlled by it
seems to be
Is this really magic?
The temple search stand.
Can you dispel this magic?
Anyone controlled by this parasite
Can you enter the play?
It won't be.
If it were, those who were already controlled by this insect in the temple
would have tried to kill Reinhardt.
Someone who manipulates people with some bug is behind the
assassina on. However, those controlled by this insect cannot enter the
The temple is s ll safe.
Ellen knew she had an assassin, and she had a very big clue.
And, she said, now she has to make a choice.
Will she report to the guards and report this incident? Then why did this
person die, and she would have to spend countless hours trying to deny
her own allega ons.
few days.
You should be prepared to be ques oned for a few days.
she will Because it's a murder case.
Those few days will be a waste of precious me
Ellen looks down at the dead man.
Inside the alley, there are no witnesses anywhere.
She didn't kill herself.
He's a manipula ve man, and there's a good chance he'll be an inherently
innocent person.
your embarrassment.
I can't take responsibility right now, but
the person who made you this way
She stood up as Ellen vowed to find her inside her.
First, you have to go to Reinhardt.
Make sure she's safe.
Ellen's feelings of guilt were rising in the corner of Ellen's heart as she ran
to her temple while turning away from her corpse.
“Uh, why?”
Reinhardt was prac cing with Cliffman in the Royal Class dormitory and the
As if something was going on, I was a li le nervous, but nothing happened.
“What, why are you swea ng so much? Where have you been?”
"uh? Ah... no. just."
Someone actually wanted to kill you.
I don't know what it is, but that person is crazy
died as
He le the dead body behind and ran like this out of concern for you.
Ellen paused to say that.
If I say this, Reinhardt will
I'm going to try to do something on my own. only
If you get a book, it's obviously a dangerous act alone
I'm going to try to
'cause he's such a guy They will also try to put themselves at risk.
“Do you want to train?”
Reinhardt gave him a training sword
try to hand
Normally I would have accepted it, but not this me.
not like today
Reinhardt knows nothing.
But he knows that he is at the bo om of the danger. So he doesn't go
outside the temple.
“No, I have work to do today.”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 253

About magic, Ellen knew nothing but basic common sense.
However, I am convinced that the bugs that control people are magical
If it's an ordinary creature, there's no way the person the creature was
planted on can't enter the temple.
The clue is magic.
So she went to Ellen Harriet.
It's the weekend.
Herriot is working hard on research in a new club called the Magic
Research Society.
So Eren is a member of the Magic Research Society.
She went to the mansion.
Harriet said she was amazed when Ellen came to her, but she followed
Ellen out once she did.
"what's the ma er?"
Harriet said she was surprised that Ellen had come to a place where she
had no reason to come, but she was even more curious about what she
was doing.
“A bug that can host humans and control them?” “Yeah, is there something
like that?”
“…can there be?”
Harriet lted his head.
“Why are you curious about that?” |
Ellen tells this story to Harriet
I was thinking about giving
without the help of a magic major
that's stupid
But I can't quite say it.
To tell the truth, instead of Reinhardt, she'll just say that she's trying to do
something dangerous.
Harriet will definitely stop it.
Even if she agrees. She can't do dangerous things with Harriet. She can risk
her own life, but she can't risk her friend's life with her.
"I can't tell you the details. I'm sorry. But it's important." |
Ellen says she's just telling a frank thing rather than she's a foolish lie.
"Can you find out?"
...... "
Harriet looks at Ellen silently.
Harriet can guess that it would be Reinhardt's job. If it's not Reinhardt's job
for Ellen to make a face like that, then what is it?
Reinhardt's work I don't know.
I'm not feeling very well these days,
Is it related to that?
Harriet feels defeated again by Ellen.
“Yeah, I’ll find out.”
Nevertheless, Harriet nodded his head.
Ellen said that she did not enter the Magic Research Society mansion.
She said she could come in, but she said Ellen that she would wait outside.
Harriet is a parasite that controls people.
I don't know about the magic associated with it. I have li le knowledge of
any kind of magic, but I don't have that kind of knowledge.
Parasites that can control and even kill people must be of the Black Magic
family, and it is right for a desirable wizard not to be interested in such
Of course, this does not mean that Anna de Gerna, a black magic major, is
an undesirable wizard.
Where magic is always used is the most important thing.
Pain-type curses that inflict terrible pain belong to this week, but a fireball
that falls in the middle of a crowded square ignites a more horrific
situa on.
'cause it's crazy
Harriet didn't know anything about black magic, presumed to be black
magic, so she returned to the Magic Research Society to find Anna.
Harriet's Anna is a li le grumpy.
It's not because of a slightly gloomy tone or tone of voice.
Every me I see Reinhardt, I feel something.
Something. oddly.
I look at you with a s cky feeling.
I really don't know why,
Anne is a li le dangerous. That kind of thinking keeps coming up.
It's not because he majored in black magic, it's just that people are at risk.
When Reinhardt also looks at Anna constantly, she feels burdened.
So Harriet is a li le reluctant to go out with Anna.
S ll, at Ellen's request, Harriet found Anna.
She is Anna and she has never been directed by Reinhardt.
So she usually helps with her classmate Chris na's research, or asks Louis
Ancton to give her some be er spells and spells.
She is learning how to use force.
“A parasite that controls people?”
"Yeah. Is there such a thing? I think it's Parasite type magic."
Anna is contempla ng with her blurry pouty eyes
lts her head as if
to the le , to the right, to the le again,
back right.
Anna smirks for a while, then opens her red lips to the point of wonder at
her pale complexion.
| As with most black magic...
Lusite was originally forbidden.”
“Isn’t it now?”
“Only for specific uses.”
“What use?”
"Parasite is... a magic that causes disease or epidemics through parasi c
infec on."
“Ah… yes. I know that.”
Anna points to Harriet.
Exactly her chest.
"Uh, uh... why...?"
what? Why are you doing this?
Are you comparing now?
Even when Harriet suddenly tries to misunderstand her, Anna is only
talking about herself.
“Parasites that carry infec ous diseases can be used to get rid of diseases. I
mean it could be.... For example, yes
If you have parasites in your body,
In the form of ea ng … excreted in feces…”
did that mean
S ll, Harriet felt that the expression was a bit burdensome.
“Isn’t it okay to manipulate people and do that?”
"I don't know... Magic is so kind.
Because there are various types... But, I don't know.
Yes.... Mind control is a super high order spell even in mental spells.
But... if it's a magic that bugs can do..."
“…that’s right, it doesn’t make sense.”
Mental spells themselves are difficult, but if you start to interfere directly
with the mind itself, from simple spells that show hallucina ons, the
difficulty of the spells is endless.
goes up
Higher spells comparable to mind control, which can be said to be the
ul mate in mental magic, are mass teleport in space spells and fire storm
in destruc on spells. Of course the series is different.
I have no idea that a mage who can use your mind control can use mass
teleport and firestorm.
but you
A single bug replaces such a high-level skill that can only be used at the
level of an Archmage?
It's nonsense.
Why did Ellen ask such a ques on because it was so important?
“What are you talking about?”
Harriet and Anna are talking
Now, Chris na, who was working on this and that in the lab, approached
with her goggles on.
She was synthesizing these and other reagents and materials for the
moonshine work, so her hair must have been changed, if not naughty.
She le the lab to take a breath.
will be.
"Herriot... asked if there was any black magic to control bugs that could
control people..."
“A bug that controls people?”
Chris na is curious and lively
she is on one side
She seemed to have something interes ng to say, and her eyes were
“Um, I heard that there is such a thing. I wondered what kind of magic it
would be.
"Ugh... You're an insect that controls people. It's terrible."
Chris na shook her body.
But for a moment, Chris na took off her goggles and wiped her sweat, and
she li ed her head as if she remembered something.
“Do you know something?”
“Is it like a roman c poem?”
“Yeonga City…? What is it?"
Harriet was the first word I had ever heard. There is no reason for a
princess who has been cherished and raised in the house, there is no
reason to encounter such things as love songs, and there are insects in the
temple, but Heriot is terrified at the sight of grasshoppers.
There is no way to know of such a monster that you can only see
"What is it?"
By producing excellent wizards from genera on to genera on, if not as
much as Harriot.
Annado Sonata from the famous Gerna
It was like she didn't know poetry.
"Well, it's a parasite that lives in the intes nes of insects. It goes into an
egg state, grows inside, and when it becomes an adult, it steers the insect
to the waterside, pulls it out, then rips its belly and crawls out. It looks like
a thread. It's very long."
Neither Harriet nor Anna explained that naked
Surprised, she was astonished by Chris na, who smiled at it, and she was
horrified that such a vicious life existed. “If you don’t know, can you draw
"Oh no! It's okay!"
“…I want to vomit…”
Apart from being terrified of both, it seemed surprising to me that such an
evil, life itself, existed.
“So, it’s not like a love story that manipulates people, is it?”
“Hey, is there such a parasite?!”
“...where is it...?”
Harriet was startled, but Anna had just wanted to vomit, and she looked at
Chris na, as if interested in her.
If there is such a thing, it is obvious that you want to use it somewhere.
Harriet is increasingly concerned about Reinhardt.
started to become
I don't know what's going on now, but I'm sure something will happen
“There is no such thing. As far as I know, yes.”
"Huh, that's good."
“……I’m sorry.”
Harriet tried to ignore the small voice that was barely audible. Chris na
looks at Harriet.
“But that’s not all we know. There are things like that, but maybe we don’t
"Do you think it's really possible?"
“If you don’t have it, you can make it.”
At Chris na's dangerous words, a thought flashed through Harriet's mind.
If not, make Harriet didn't have any special major in magic. But Chris na is
an alchemist major.
Alchemists majored in alchemy
If not, make
Such a concept is evident in alchemy.
"Chimera or homunculus
Are you talking about (Homunculus)?"
“It’s a taboo, you get the death penalty right away if you find out you’ve
tested both, you know?”
Chris na smiles brightly.
“The percentage of mad mages is higher for alchemists than for warlocks.”
Harriet knows.
Warlocks are socially reluctant
But in fact, that is the view of outsiders.
In a society of wizards, more alchemists are hunted or purged for doing
really crazy things.
Actually, there is no known warlock and alchemist.
Because, those who majored in both have already
all died doing crazy things
“When improving the func on of things like It could be a chimera made to
rule over humans, or it could be a homunculus created from nothing to
perform that func on.”
Chimeras are created by synthesizing exis ng organisms.
Homunculus builds living things from inanimate objects, not living things.
It's different from golems.
Just as the magic train is not life, the golem is
It's just a machine.
Homunculus is life.
Bugs that control humans can be the result of either one.
“Is it possible to make something like that?”
“I don’t know if it’s possible or not. However
Can you think of what is possible?"
Alchemists are the ones who explore possibili es. They are beings that are
slightly different from most wizards.
“And there is a recipe for alchemy, so you can make it just by following it,
right? As long as there is no part that requires using mana, even ordinary
people can make it.”
“That’s right… I hope…!”
As Harriet listened to Chris na, she thought of a possibility and opened her
jumped out
“Even if you are not an Archmage,
Homunculus or Chime created by the Archmage
If you have a recipe for La, you can print anything like that. Of course, the
premise is that the level of detail is sa sfactory.
I have to go.”
Chris na is smiling, but the content is
It was creepy.
“Of course, I don’t know if such a thing is real or not. But hey, this never
happens! It cannot exist! It's not the same thing. I wonder if there is
something in the world where the word ‘absolute’ works.”
Harriet understood Chris na's words.
Already at the insect level, there are natural, non-magical creatures that
control things. It's not that it's impossible.
Magic makes the impossible possible.
Making what is already possible even more possible is rather easy for
"Um? Come to think of it, me too? A recipe? With just that? Maybe I can
make it?"
Harriet was convinced.
Anna is an outspoken problem, but I don't think she's like that either, but
she's a serious kid.
“Would you like to… make… see?”
“Please, guys…”
Harriet was really worried about the class B kids.
'Reinhardt... be careful...'
I don't know what happened this me, but Harriet kept on and on and on,
vowing to protect Reinhardt from the magic of the members of the Magic
Research Society.
Harriet le the mansion and waited for a long me, leaning against the
tree outside the garden.
He went to Ellen.
“I don’t know if it really exists or not. But I think alchemy has more
poten al than black magic.”
All these scoundrels in detail what she had heard Ellen quietly nodded her
it was thanks
"Thanks, Harriet."
“…what’s going on… won’t you tell me?”
At Harriet's words, Ellen lowered her eyes.
it was
"Is it Reinhardt...?"
Ellen doesn't answer.
That alone is already an answer.
“I, you know me… really, really… some mes. yes.”
Harriet says hard, looking at Ellen, where she can't even look at herself.
“I really think you are rude…”
Harriet is Ellen with her head bowed
She couldn't see what kind of expression she was making.
But even if you don't look at her own expression, you can tell.
She will have a pathe c look.
Am I just talking to my friends?
“No, I’m sorry, I was useless.”
Harriet stole the corners of his eyes. There were no tears, but she did it for
“Then tell me something else. 'cause I can't tell you this other. let me
"who is this?"
At that, Ellen raised her head.
Harriet, with her red bloodshot eyes, asks what she had been curious
about un l now but she didn't care for Ellen.
"Who are you?"
Ellen said she knew how long Harriet had wondered about this from the
look on her face.
Ellen is no ordinary person.
Harriet knows she can't be ordinary. She thought she wouldn't answer, so
she just didn't ask.
"Say that..."
“Ellen Artorius.”
At those words, Harriet just s ffened.
Ellen didn't explain anything further.
The surname Artorius explains everything with that alone.
It's not always the case that the last name is the same.
Harriet had many doubts at once.
felt that it was resolved in
why are you so strong why are souls bound
do you carry a sword Why are you always so resolute?
A tribute to doing dangerous things
Do you have any hesita on?
Harriet knew it all.
"Reinhardt... you know?"
I see.
Now the secret you're telling me, tem
A secret that no one in the game knows.
The two have been sharing for a long me.
this was
“I thought there was at least one thing be er than you.”
Harriet smiles so ly. With her disappointment and self-help for herself.
I had no inten on of clinging to that stupid thing.
But, in fact, even that was pushed back. So Harriet laughs at himself.
It's not that she hates Ellen, it's that she despises herself.
“Don’t say you’re sorry.”
Harriet looks at Ellen with her head bowed again and twists the corners of
her lips.
She wanted to cry, but her tears couldn't come out.
She couldn't even cry.
"You don't know... how miserable it makes me..."
If someone who is always walking a few steps ahead of me says sorry for
going ahead, how painful it will be to hear that.
do you know,
Ellen hears her own apology Harriet
Now I realize how she feels.
Ellen forced her apology she was about to come back
Swallow by pressing
say sorry.
In the end, did the inner story of that regret stemmed from a sense of
Ellen sees the bad part of herself in her words at the bo om of her own
sorry. I don't think she is, but did she really?
A sense of superiority over Harriet de Saint-Ouen
Wasn't it really
Even now, it is said that it is not to endanger Harriet, but in the end, it is
hur ng Harriet by saying that he will take care of Reinhardt's work.
He decides on Harriet's choice.
is it right
He refused to speak.
But at Harriet's words, she said that Ellen had no choice but to open her
mouth in the end.
Her sense of superiority is insignificant for her own behavior
she has to let go
She said, "There's someone trying to kill Reinhardt."
Looking at her dumbfounded Harriet, Ellen now looks at her calmly and
properly, she says.
“I’m going to kill him.”
Ellen doesn't pick her expression unless she decides not to hide it.
"shall we go together?"
Harriet was taken aback by Ellen's sudden words.
However, as much as she was straigh orward, Ellen's words contained the
The weight contained in her words is never light.
"Yeah. I'll go."
However, Harriet's troubles did not last long.
It was a brief thought, but a light decision
It wasn't.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 254

Ellen shared everything that had happened to Harriet. An a empt to kill
Reinhardt's strange behavior, and the
up to things.
Harriet was astonished that Ellen had seen with her own eyes the worm
that manipulated people.
She said, “Do you really have love songs for people….”
“Are you in love?”
Ellendo Sonata nodded her head as if she had heard it for the first me.
“That, so in the intes nes of insects… uh, uh…”
As Harriet tried to put through her mouth the explana on she had heard
from Chris na, her complexion went pale. Harriet has a good brain, so he
remembers a locust or a man s' stomach full of thread.
It will remind you of the shape of the insect in great detail.
As she speaks, she takes damage herself.
"Anyway, there are bugs that control insects..."
“Is that also magic?”
“No, it’s just that…”
"that's interes ng."
There are worms that control insects.
It's a bizarre argument that there will be no bugs that control people if the
law is added, but as long as it actually exists, it's not completely
The strands are alchemy, not black magic.
caught with
Of course, it can't be black magic.
Black magic is used in alchemy. It could be black magic-based alchemy, so it
was difficult to see that it was completely irrelevant.
The first clue, from Parasite, to what the hell is that magic?
can you know
I'm not sure. But that's all we can do now.
"Let's go to Mister Mustrang."
Since it is s ll at the student level, it may be unknown knowledge, so Ellen
and Harriet decided to go see the teacher in charge.
Royal Class teachers are dedicated to
I tend not to take responsibility. Concentrate on the protec on and
management of class members. In addi on, it is composed of talented
people who can take immediate ac on in case of emergency.
You can do it if you give a lecture, but rather focus on managing the Royal
They are pouring teachers
So, the principals in the dormitory
However, the homeroom teachers also live in the temple. Therefore, when
accidents occur, they are o en called to the dormitory even on weekends.
“You are a fun person.”
On the way to the life zone of faculty and staff
Sir Harriet speaks of Ms. Mustrang
She rated it that way.
Although she is not an alchemist, Ms. Must Lang is long, she is also an
advisor to the Magic Research Society. She would come from me to me
to see the children studying and say a word or two.
she used to
But she said that the research assignments were insane, so I was going to
tell you
She grieves for herself, too, and groans for hours next to her children.
And with a face wet with a sense of defeat
He is an incompetent teacher.... He o en wakes up lonely while self-
She's Mr. Must Lang, whose self-esteem is ge ng lower these days.
A er visi ng her faculty quarters complex inside her temple, Harriet went
to her address of her teacher Must Lang and called her.
She and she said a specific purpose.
A bug that controls people, can you make such a thing with alchemy?
"Guys! You can't make something like that, eh!"
Ms. Must Lang, who was worried about her li le one, was terrified and
grabbed Harriet and stretched.
Ellen seemed to know why she said that Harriet thought she had fun with
Ms. Must Lang.
I don't know the details, but I came here because I was just curious.
Her life calmed down.
A er ordering a drink at a nearby cafe, they sat around the cafe.
"A homunculus or a chimera that controls people... Why are you curious
about that?"
Ms. Mustrang looked worried.
“Just. I think she heard something like that somewhere.”
“Is there such a thing?”
"Well... if there is such a thing, no ma er what type of magic it is, it will fall
under sobriety, and sobriety is literally forbidden.
Since it is an order, there is very li le informa on. I don't even know if it
exists or not."
Even though she was a teacher, it was no different.
“S ll… an insect capable of manipula ng people.
S ll, Ms. Must Lang knew the madness of her wizards be er than her
students. There are those whose pursuit of knowledge has turned into
madness, and there are those who take a break from this week. There are
more unknowns than known.
"I believe that you guys are not trying to make it, but I'm s ll talking to the
old woman, but you shouldn't touch it.
When, okay? Then we too
It is difficult to protect.” |
"Of course not, Ellen here isn't even a magician."
“Yeah, but…”
Ms. Must Lang was very naughty, and she seemed very concerned that her
children might have strange thoughts. Ms. Must Lang looked at the
expressions of Ellen and Harriet.
He looked at them both and smiled.
"It's fine. I don't know what you're worried about, but if there's someone
like that, the Prohibi on Hunters won't leave you alone."
gold hunter.
At that, Ellen and Harriet shook their heads.
It's because it's the first me I've heard both of them.
“Are you the solitary hunter?”
"what is that?"
“Ah, well, it’s natural that you don’t know. There is nothing good to
Master Mustrang lowered his voice.
“Have you ever heard of the Magic Society?”
“Yes, I know there is such a thing.
yo. This."
Both Harriet and Eren knew that there were such groups, even if they
didn't know them specifically.
“It is one of those magic socie es, and they are hunters who hunt wizards
who use gold spirits.”
“...Mr Mustrang. Don't pass on unclear informa on to students."
Ellen and Harriet suddenly jumped from behind.
I looked back at the familiar voice I heard.
“Eh, Mr. Epinhauser?!”
As always, Epinha Uzer with a cold impression was looking down at the
three of them si ng around. As he was passing by, he was wearing
comfortable clothes, not his usual Western clothes. Ellen and Herriot were
looking at the casually dressed Epinhauser like a strange animal.
Of course, the clothes were different, but the a tude was the same as
Ms. Must Lang's face turned red as if caught in her pranks.
"Hey, there are hunters this week!"
However, the expression on his face is like that of a child who believes in
urban legends.
In fact, the story of the sober hunter is more of a legend. Ms. Mustrang just
likes to talk like this. The opposite of Epinhauser.
“…you have to be there.”
"S ll, don't talk too much. It's a group that hasn't been properly
iden fied."
Ms. Epinhauser came to buy a drink, and she went away.
“….. surprisingly, you’re talking all the me.”
For Harriet, the experience of Epinhauser passing by and pretending to
know him was a strange experience.
“Ha, ha ha… In fact, you don’t talk at all when you leave work other than to
talk about work. I think today is the first me this year…”
Even to say that there is no affec on is exaggerated, Epinhauser said that
he did not talk privately with anyone except for business reasons.
It doesn't seem to share.
S ll, the end of the year is near.
Hearing said that today was the first me I spoke to him other than for
work reasons.
It was a red expression.
If the construc on is that thorough, rather
maybe not?
Harriet thought so.
“Is it so great to be that sobriety hunter?”
At Ellen's ques on, Ms. Mustrang was relieved.
sweat was shed
“Well, well… I don’t know about it… Of course, it’s not as famous as the
Black Order.”
“I heard that too.”
Harriet nodded his head.
“They are only doing bad things with magic.”
“They are like social evil.”
He used such harsh expressions, which is rare for a Mustang teacher. All
magical socie es are secret organiza ons, and rumors about some known
organiza ons are nonsense.
Although exaggerated, the Black Order has one thing in common.
All of them are full of examples of harm done to the world. From the small
assassina on case to the large one, using a village as their laboratory. In
fact, it is as if the wizard of a local lord tried to swallow the whole estate
under the command of the Black Order.
Their purpose is unknown, but they are harming the world.
However, as with the Magic Society, the details of the hunters of this week
and the Black Order were not revealed.
“Anyway, if you want to learn more about it here, you will have to meet
someone who majored in alchemy rather than me.”
She pulled out her notepad and wrote her professor's address and name.
[Aaron Mede]
It was a note wri en like that.
“I am in charge of alchemy lectures at the Temple.
there is a teacher Since he lectures exclusively for high-level students, his
skills are certain, so if this person doesn't know, there is probably no such
spell. Since you are a lecturer, it is the weekend
You won't be there."
An alchemist recommended by Mr. Mustrang. If so, knowledge would be
sufficient. Normally, they would wait for a weekday to come, but now Ellen
and Harriet were in a hurry.
Informa on is urgent.
Harriet said urgently.
“What can I do if I go directly to my home address?”
"Ummm... I don't know if you'll meet me... but please don't be rude. He
has a nice personality, but it's not polite to visit him on weekends. know?"
At Mister Mustrang's worried gaze, Ellen and Harriet nodded their heads.
“I am sure.”
“I may not be sure, but I'm sure I got my hands on it this week. Even if I
didn't mean to lower it. If this fact becomes known, there will be no escape
from the death penalty.”
Hearing Sarkegaar's report, I
nodded. My private room in the Temple dormitory, Sarkegar, he gave me
the informa on he had found.
“The wizards are people who can do a lot in a short me. There's no need
to run away."
The mansion of Aaron Mede, the professor of alchemy in the Temple, is
not very large, but the site is spacious.
It is difficult to say that the mansion itself is simple, but it is comparable to
other mansions.
Rather, there are many facili es in the basement.
have. To study the many forbidden secrets facili es. I saw something like a
worm wriggling before my eyes.
disgus ng.
It looks similar to Yeonga, but it's black.
A sparrow came a er some earthworm and I wondered if I was not
"This is what they planted in people and tried to kill me with someone
else's hand..." |
“It’s a homunculus.”
"Yeah, magical creatures, fortunately, the temple entrance doesn't seem to
be able to pass through... but it's possible to jump through the air."
Dispels once when crossing the temple entrance. Homunculus is a creature
made of magic, and the best way to deal with it is not a sword but a dispel.
But Sarkegar came into the air. This homunculus is s ll alive because it has
not been dispelled.
Aaron Mede, apart from trying to kill me, it's good for the world to die
am. Perhaps the assassin of the day was not Aaron Mede himself, but
controlled by this worm.
He would have been the vic m.
A er seeing what I no ced, I must have decided to be cau ous for now.
He is not a teacher belonging to the Orbis class. So he s ll remains in the
But he's too risky to kill me directly inside the temple.
So he was trying to kill me with someone else's hand outside the temple.
“What would you like to do? I myself
You can deal with the degrada on.”
For the first me, Sarkegaar had just reported it, telling him not to use his
own hands to find out. If I hadn't said anything, Sarkegaar would have
killed Aaron Mede immediately on the spot.
“I will go by myself.”
“Do you really need to? Jenna Elerys, using the hands of Loyar
You can do it, though."
The pleural effusion was iden fied.
So now you don't have to be afraid.
“No, I want to ask you a few ques ons.
I have something.”
I found the guy who tried to kill me.
Killing is natural, but before that, I have a few ques ons to ask.
I got up.
"Let's go. Sparrow."

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 255

Temple's alchemy teacher. Aaron Me
It is uncomfortable to plant.
Even among her teachers there is a class. He was a teacher who taught
only the elite among his students, so the students who listened to his
lectures could play in Orbis class or general class.
They were on the poor side.
He personally dislikes Royal Class. Because he believes in talent and has
seen too many arrogant things.
Strictly speaking, I prefer Orbis class rather than dislike royal class.
I tend to
I like their urgency.
I like the a tude that I can do anything for be er achievement than I am
That kind of despera on obscures insight.
And in between those blurred insights, most of the me you reach out a
hand of guidance and seduc on
because the children of
The best talents in the Empire, a place where you can touch the
possibili es.
A biological experiment that can test its performance in real me
where it is replenished.
Temple is the only place on the con nent.
However, the cradle disappeared at once.
Reinhardt is a royal class beauty.
The dwarf that the real guy suddenly made is the end of this
It has become so
Strictly speaking, the real cause is that Orbis class students and teachers
unite and do strange things, but in this or that, the real cause is La
This guy is called Inart.
The place that supplied his own test subjects, especially the most
competent ones, suddenly disappeared.
I can't take ac on against the person who touched my experiment, the
mass chaos of the Orbis class.
So, it was lighthearted.
If you die inside the temple, there is a risk of exaggera ng the problem, so I
tried to kill you outside the temple.
It was because he was confident that he would not be caught using the
order's sobriety.
Because human beings die surprisingly easily. No ma er how strong a
knight, if he gets stabbed in his sleep, he will die.
No ma er how good he is, he's a student. It's not easy to kill, it's cheap.
When he dies, it's not him who will be suspected, but the Orbis class, so
the situa on was appropriate.
I am not revealed.
Recognizes the presence of a planted assassin | abandoned See the target
running away in a hurry
He felt the need to hold his breath.
The one who sensed the crisis did not even step out of the temple.
Like the Orbis class teachers, he wasn't expelled from the temple, so he
could have killed Reinhardt inside the temple. But he was extremely
reluctant to expose himself to danger.
As long as he remains in the temple, a guy named Reinhard is within his
He can't stay in the temple forever.
The moment you crawl out of the temple even one step was considered
your death.
However, things are taking a strange turn.
Another student who was with Reinhardt at that me. That guy is the first
to come out of the temple
When it came out, I saw it as an opportunity.
Sneaking behind, subdued and then hostage
write Reinhardt outside the temple
tried to bring it down to
Even if it's a Royal Class, it's a first year at most. I thought it would be fine
as long as I was stunned and kidnapped.
There, he would only use the hosts he used, so his existence was never
But what
He was already aware of the following, and rather seemed to induce it.
It turns out that the details of the girl are unknown, but she is the greatest
monster in Temple history.
Because he is a wizard, it is suitable for melee combat specialists.
The problem was that they neglected informa on about students.
Fortunately, she said that the Inspector she used was not known to the
Silver is an order-only order.
all. Because the evidence is already gone.
This is a sobriety used when the order wants to secretly kill someone.
I couldn't stay calm because of my anger and irrita on.
How could he have predicted that the first year of the Royal Class would
have the level of sense with an eye on the back of the head?
So he killed Reinhardt.
As for the method, he tried to find a more certain and precise method.
“…A bug that controls people?”
“Yes, can you alchemy like that?”
The guy who caught his host
He came to his mansion with another student.
what kind of cake is this
Aaron Mede, even when things go so well
It was to the point that it would be out of the ques on.
She told Aaron Mede that she had nothing to say about Ellen today, but
she already knew about Harriet de Saint-Touan, a magician.
She was more interested in Harriet's side than Ellen's.
She is the famous Saint-Touine family, the greatest genius in history. No,
perhaps the greatest genius in the whole con nent.
She is a child with a talent called 'magic' that has never existed in history.
She doesn't seem to be aware of herself, but Harriet de Saint-Touan is
known to people she knows.
Of course, Aaron Mede doesn't have any close feelings for her.
Those who are born are arrogant.
Like the Orbis class, he likes the struggles of those who are not born with
it. He believes that the viciousness and bi erness that does any means to
become strong puts human beings in the highest posi on.
That is why Harriet de Saint-Ouen was born with a strong sense of beauty,
so he did not know that he was lacking, so he had a sense of urgency for
He told the students that man is evil.
This is not an experiment in the guise of power.
| He takes very seriously, his own experiments
He thinks this is a gi .
Nothing is given to those who are not desperate. So Harriet
is said to be the best talent, but he is
it's just amazing
How did such a coincidence happen?
Didn't the two baits to lure Reinhardt come to me on my own feet?
They said that they had been introduced by the Royal Class, Mr. Mustrang.
A student named Ellen in front of her is trying to figure out the truth of the
bug that has crawled out of her host.
I've been running around for a day
She came here at the end.
Without knowing at all that this is a place you should never come to.
The two students, unaware of the hundreds of bugs infes ng the basement
of the mansion,
A student who just came to ask a ques on
was making a face
In response to an assassina on a empt on Reinhardt
Two students who are ac vely involved in the year.
These two are Reinhardt's very precious
will be friends
Great as a bait.
The pleasure of trampling on the arrogant sprouts of the Royal Class is an
added bonus.
"Hmm... I don't think there's anything that doesn't make sense at all. It's
like I'm saying this, but alchemists are a people who want to experiment if
there's a possibility."
It's difficult right now.
If the two students who were introduced by Ms. Mustrang go missing,
there is a low possibility that she will be charged with the crime.
be generous
“I think I’ve heard of people who write things like that…”
“I, really. really?"
Harriet's expression changes rapidly when he says that he can give a
meaningful clue. Ellen also opened her eyes slightly wide.
“It takes me to research the data.
I think it will take a while. So don't let me send you a message to the Royal
"thank you! Thank you teacher!"
at once return It is very foolish to use my hands now.
“Since you’re here, don’t even have a cup of tea
It’s bi ersweet.”
He offered a cup of warm tea to two innocent students.
follow along
Return it, but keep the insurance.
Alchemy may or may not contain magic.
That is, dispel does not work.
Aaron Mede was poisoning them both.
A poison that develops slowly. Symptoms will appear over a period of one
month. cardiovascular
The func on gradually deteriorates, eventually causing the heart to stop
and die.
Without an an dote, you will die.
will be.
A poison that cannot be recovered even with divine power
that has already been verified.
If things don't work out, you can lure Reinhardt using the an dote as an
insurance for that.
“Ah, yes… thank you.”
Harriet carefully put her hand on the glass.
drink it
About a month later, the cheeky madman who ruined all his thread
Aaron Mede smiled faintly at the thought of receiving her body.
She herself has an an dote.
So he casually savored the poison tea that he followed.
The tasteless and odorless poison cannot be dis nguished by taste.
Ellen didn't touch her car. like you have no idea.
As Harriet was about to drink her tea, she lted her head slightly and put
down her teacup.
“By the way, I have a ques on.”
Aaron Mede caught her eye with the greenish earrings hanging from
Harriet's ear.
If it is an ornament, it is not strictly prohibited, but
Performed by the Grand Duchess of Saint-Ouen
N Somehow, it looks so classy
It was an earring with a design that was not worn.
Harriet put down the teacup.
“Why are you asking such a thing, why don’t you ask?”
Harriet felt uncomfortable.
Everyone was curious.
he did it himself.
She told Ellen that when she heard that she
I wondered why the fuck she cares about things
all. It's a dangerous and bizarre story no ma er how you look at it.
Also from the children of the Magic Research Society. mus
From Mr. Trang.
Why are you curious about the insects that rule people, she heard such a
ques on.
Aaron Mede did not ask.
That li le discomfort.
Actually, it's not worth taking issue with.
NS. Aaron Mede smiled so ly at her Harriet's ques on.
“Magicians, especially students, are curious about everything. So you'd be
surprised how many mes I get these bizarre ques ons. So, no ma er
what kind of ques on I ask, I tend to say so.”
"Oh, I see."
Aaron Mede's answer was plausible. Aaron sees the li le boys in front of
her not touching the teacup, and seeing these guys
I no ced that I was on the lookout.
Not only are they kids, they are talented, but they also have insight.
Aaron Mede knows that trying to force her to drink her tea will backfire.
Harriet quietly looks not at Aaron Mede, but at her office in the mansion
“And, somehow… it’s strange.”
Harriet looked around her with a calm expression.
look around
It's not that she looks around, this space
He seems to be feeling himself.
“I don’t feel the magic of the Ley at all.”
“Leybeans? What do you mean?”
Harriet keeps ge ng orders from Reinhardt to do nonsensical things.
Wouldn't you like to study dimensional magic, or try ac va ng magic with
mana from the outside instead of inside your body?
| He didn't succeed at all of them
But, it is in the process of being done.
natural mana. use magic with it
It's a long way to go, but the mana of the atmosphere
I have become very accustomed to feeling and analyzing. Of course, other
wizards can do it too, but Harriet, who focused on it,
I was able to feel more sensi ve.
Mana is always present everywhere except in different concentra ons. say
it's the same space
The density is also different. so irregularly
Control the distributed mana uniformly
He said he doubts whether it was possible to use magic or not.
He hasn't reached his true goal, but the singularity here is catchy enough.
At the bo om of the mansion, the mana of the ley was not felt at all.
As if there was a huge hollow in the middle of the blue sea.
I don't know what's underground.
However, it is constructed for the purpose of avoiding exposure.
There are things that the barrier itself already tells.
“I know that barriers created to avoid detec on usually look like this.”
For security reasons or whatever
There is a place in the basement of the mansion made so that wealth
cannot magically see inside.
"Wizards, especially alchemists,
It's not strange to be there. And I am an alchemist.”
Aaron Mede is an alchemist.
Alchemists have to be par cularly careful with security, and that's the
theory. Because no one can peek into the lab's informa on. Actually, this
isn't all that suspicious. Harriet knows it too.
The scale of the barrier is too large.
Although he is an excellent alchemist,
There is a laboratory in the basement of the mansion that descends to a
depth of about six floors.
"It's a li le uncomfortable. You guys are curious.
I think I came here to ask you something, but now it feels like I'm being
ques oned, is it my mistake?"
Aaron Mede did not hide her displeasure.
When she came in wondering what kind of rice cake it was, she sensed
something strange and began to doubt herself.
Don't let it go any longer.
have to take it out
If you use her hand, you can use it, but at that moment, all the founda ons
built up in her temple are blown away.
When she tried to touch a nigga, things got seriously messed up.
In front of Aaron Mede, who showed her displeasure, Harriet seemed a
li le hesitant.
However, Ellen, who had been silent un l now, opened her mouth.
"The Homunculus dies when dispelled.
| “They are really rude children. yes please answer me A homunculus is a
creature created with the source of magic. It will disappear when
“...Then, there are people who are ruled by the homunculus we talked
about. So, what happens to him when you dispel him?"
Aaron Mede felt like the accident was freezing.
What is this guy talking about now?
“Yeah… I don’t know the details, but the parasi sm of the Homunculus
disappears. I will die.”
Aaron Mede knows that it is the la er. Homunculus host dominance is
irreversible. When the homunculus dies, the payer also dies.
No, he's already dead the moment he's taken over
same as that
“Why are you asking that?”
Ellen speaks quietly.
“From now on, we will deploy an an -magic field throughout this
“If anyone in this mansion is ruled by the homunculus, they will all fall
down and become corpses. If nothing goes wrong, I apologize. If I have to
receive disciplinary ac on and pay compensa on for property damage, I
will do it.”
an -magic field.
It is a magic that spreads a large-scale barrier that suppresses the use of
wizards beyond wide-area dispels.
Can a student wield that level of an -magic?
Harriet de Saint-Ouen is the greatest genius in the history of magic, and it
may be possible.
It's a big deal.
These kids are about to go crazy a er guessing.
When the an -magic field unfolds, it is natural that many slaves in the
mansion become corpses. His expression calmed down.
"They're just annoying guys in the Royal Class."
I don't like this guy or that guy
If you don't take off your mask, you'll lose everything.
it's a crisis
He had to write an extreme book.
- Kook!

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 256

Aaron Mede was first surprised that Harriet could easily block his surprise
a ack magic.
But her real surprise is that Ellen suddenly
Maximized from her summoned sword.
How are you holding the holy relics in the student theme? Aaron Mede
sees an unbelievable sequence of events in her astonishment.
Harriet put him in a force field
I see
"There's no way I'll ever be able to write something like an an -magic
It was like
I fall for the kid's trivial bluffing
abandoned A student uses such an -magic
It's not possible.
He overes mated Harriet, so
I got nervous at the impossible threat, so I put my hand first
has spent
The situa on has already happened. Aaron Mede took off her mask.
"Yeah, I don't know on what basis you found me, but you don't seem to
know yet that I made a mistake."
The secret of alchemy is one of the easiest to steal among magics. In some
cases, even those who cannot use magic can steal and use it.
Therefore, most of the wizards' private workshops have certain security
measures. Aren't the high-risk facili es known as dungeons the work of
paranoid archmages.
Security must be ensured in order to protect items that are easy to steal.
What will happen if you enter the alchemist's house carelessly? Don't show
The alchemist's workshop is the most thorough among all the wizards'
- Exactly!
In an instant, Aaron Mede's body fell behind the wall, and the door that
Ellen and Herriot had entered disappeared.
All the windows were blocked by an opaque protec ve barrier.
- Clap! shudder!
And, not only were numerous magic crossbows summoned into the air
aiming at them, but also purple smoke was flowing from the blue magic
stones embedded in them.
physical a ack.
solitary fog.
Changes in the room itself.
The alchemist's house is like a dungeon, and crawling into it with my own
feet is like commi ng suicide.
iden ty revealed. So there's no need for a topic anymore.
"So, I said I couldn't write.
Harriet pulled the scrollbook out of her arms.
all. The page automa cally unfolds according to Harriet's gestures, and the
scroll that escapes from there begins to shine.
Harriet is a wizard.
Before that, she was colossally rich.
- Flash!
An -Magic, An -Imagic Field Scroll has been ac vated.
Before Harriet and Ellen entered Aaron Mede's mansion.
"I think it's over there."
“I see.”
Ellen points to the mansion in the distance.
turned on
Aaron Mede's mansion was on the outskirts of the eclip c. It was not at
the level of an uninhabited man with no buildings at all, but it was a
mansion located in a place where people and people are rare.
It wasn't that glamorous, but it was a mansion that didn't look so simple
either way.
Even if it wasn't introduced by Mr. Mustrang, he was an expert in alchemy
and recommended him because he was quite talented.
Ms. Must Lang introduced Aaron Mede to Aaron Mede just because she
was curious about learning, she really is a human being.
She didn't know that there was a homunculus she shared, she said.
In such a situa on, the alchemy teacher of the Temple is visited.
Both Ellen and Herriot had suspicions that they might face an
uncomfortable truth.
This is the first thing I doubted about Sensei Temple.
It's annoying, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be careful. The two of
them are now playing detec ve games like children's pranks.
go all over the place to kill yourself
because you were on
At Ellen's ques on, Harriet shrugged her shoulders.
“It’s suspicious, but… it’s not that bad. the secret wizard
Because there is no such thing as Thinking about it
A wizard who doesn't set up a workshop or laboratory in the basement of
his house is no longer weird.
Ji. Of course, it's a bit big."
Feeling the large-scale magical shielding spread underground, Heriot said
“Can't we just let it go?” |
“I don’t know how to forcibly dismantle a barrier on such a scale, but it will
already be perceived just by trying to see it. In fact, if it’s not a big deal, the
problem will become bigger, because the barrier installed on someone
else’s property has been li ed without permission.”
The person you will meet now will be just an ordinary teacher.
Just being careful. Ellen may be fine, but once she prepares it properly,
Harriet tells her to use it when something goes wrong.
I also brought the scrollbook that was handed to me.
The magic contained in this scroll book, which can only be opened with her
own biometric informa on, is beyond imagina on. Exaggera ngly
speaking, this scrollbook itself already has the destruc ve power of the
Magic Corps.
Its value cannot be translated into price.
“Let’s talk a li le bit and apologize if you don’t like it.”
Let's approach it this way, L.
Harriet got fed up with Ren's words, and once she got her earrings as a gi
from Reinhardt.
kicked on both sides
Harriet sighed as she felt a li le calmer.
“Can it end with an apology?”
“What if it doesn’t end with an apology?”
Harriet is convinced as she sees Ellen speaking casually like that.
From some day on, Ellen, li le by li le, line-ha
It resembles rue.
she is a monster
Aaron Mede can erase such thoughts
there was no
Due to the an -magic field, the traps and facili es operated by magic were
First of all, it's not omnipotent magic. An -Magic Field is all magic fields
It's not something that can be neutralized. However, the level of magic
used was too high. The Principality of Saint-Ouen, famous for its magic,
used by the Grand Duchess
it is scroll
The power of magic was different from the normal commercially available
Yes, it can be, let's say.
However, in Aaron Mede's mansion, there are also traps that operate as
they s ll work
-bang! Kook!
If you are locked up in a room without a door, the monster will break the
door and move forward.
He was in the bizarre situa on of running away from his mansion.
A single student, covered in blue flames of magic enhancement, breaks the
wall and strides forward.
Just by bumping into the body, the wall
gets smashed
If it doesn't break, cut it with a sword.
Sword Rament,
A holy relic of the moon god Mensis, said to have a sword as cold and
sharp as the moonlight.
Aaron Mede was experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit in a way she did
not want to experience the most.
What is the difference between that and the Sword Master? A acks on the
body strengthened by magical power
It doesn't work, and the Holy Spirit replaces the Sword Master's
proprietary patent called Auror Blade.
I'm saying
-thud! thud! Wow!
If you can't see the door, Aaron Mede runs away from Ellen who breaks
Even, she knew where she ran
She was following me in the right direc on, as if she could feel it even
though she couldn't see it.
She could have escaped with a teleport scroll, but the an -defense
unfolded by that damn granddaughter
The Magic Field is blocking the use of magic. That's why the great princess
also used her magic
It's the same as being unusable, but what she's following now is a monster
that has nothing to do with magic.
Even if the users of the mansion weren't like Sword Masters, they would
have saved their me. They all collapsed as soon as the an -magic field
was ac vated.
Suddenly, Aaron Mede had even entered her own underground workshop.
The same is true of her underground workshop. The homunculus under
study were all sca ered and disappeared or had ceased to func on.
Aaron Mede entered the underground workshop.
Destroy the locked reinforcement door in the underground workshop
Ellen, who came into her rig, was removed from her own body.
Watch the scene unfolding in the blue flames spewing out.
Numerous bizarre experimental objects in the port.
Chimeras are s ll alive. Created by connec ng lives, things that cause
surprise just by looking at them.
There are also things that include humans. Connec ng human and non-
There were chimeras that were glued together.
Humans, and other parts, may even look like demons.
Ellen looks at Aaron Mede in the flames of magic.
“He must die.”
Aside from this, Ellen vows that she will surely kill Aaron Mede.
she does
Aaron Mede's underground workshop is the de of the mansion.
It was built in the basement of a large lot.
It is very wide, and there are many specimens.
Subjects unaffected by the an -magic field.
- Clap!
Aaron Mede pulls her lever to open her port and release her Chimera.
- Crackle... Crumple!
Some have excellent figh ng skills and some don't.
But it is enough to buy me.
Ellen sees that the lives that have been shuffled by inten ons are wriggling
in front of her, or screaming.
see the slap
Eren looked at her with pity on those desperate lives.
Aaron Mede runs through the underground workshop.
If she only leaves the an -magic field, she teleports to escape.
He ran towards the secret exit of the underground workshop.
Ellen stared at dozens of chimeras a acking her.
for a while too.
- Sigh!
Ellen began slicing her chimeras without hesita on.
Next to me was Sarkegaar in the form of a sparrow, and there was Elerys
who was hiding with invisibility magic.
He didn't know what was going to happen, so he had brought all the
available power except for Loyar. Aaron Mede
She's an alchemist, but she don't know what to do
it's r
“Is this a secret passage?”
- Yes, lower.
Said Sarkegaar in the form of a sparrow si ng on my shoulder.
When it chirps cutely, it looks like a bird, but when it speaks, it has an
uniden fied gloomy and dark voice, so it feels really strange.
A very dark existence, but in the shape of a sparrow.
I feel like I'm wearing something like that.
It was a mansion built on a sparsely populated site on the outskirts of the
capital, and the secret passage was there.
In the middle of the forest, even more outlying
there was.
Inside the lush vines on the hill covered by fallen leaves, if you look closely,
you can see something similar to an iron gate.
Enter this place and inside the mansion, Aaron Mede will snatch him the
moment he doesn't no ce.
- The atmosphere is a bit strange. It's like something is happening...
Stealth with invisibility magic
The moment El Leris was about to say that.
An iron door that should not have moved opened, and someone with a
desperate expression ran out of it.
The day he stood calmly outside
When I looked at it, my expression literally seemed as if my heart had
“…Yes, how are you…!”
I don't know Aaron Mede's face since I've never actually seen it.
- This is Aaron Mede.
So, because of Sarkegaar's explana on
I found out that
That stupid middle-aged man is Aaron Mederanda.
“...why is he here?”
- I do not know.
I don't know what it was, but Aaron Mede was in front of me.
Aaron Mede too, why did you look like you came out of here?
He was thinking while watching the talking sparrow and me wai ng at the
exit of the secret passage. He seemed to have given up on his thoughts.
The guy puts his hand in his arms.
- Beep!
I shoved my fist into the man's stomach, who was about to go crazy.
“I don’t know what it is, damn it.”
I grabbed the man's head, which was sloppy on the floor.
“Are you going to take responsibility for what you did from now on?”
“Wow, heh heh heh heh!”
Me and Ellen.
They didn't kill him, but he will pay the price for trying to kill him.
Very expensive.
With the sound of spurring the iron door, someone came out again.
The one who appeared with the sound of rough breathing was Ellen with
pieces of flesh and bloodstains all over her body. Ellen, who looked
desperate, fell down and looked at me alternately with Aromede, who had
grabbed her hair, and her face fell out.
“…Reinhardt?” ...why are you coming out again?"
What the hell is this?
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 257
I don't know when or where things started like this.
But the results are understandable. Ellen a acked Aaron Mede and he was
trying to escape through the secret exit and just caught me as I was about
to get in.
But that's not all.
Elerys knows Ellen, but she doesn't know Ellen the shard.
Ellen's right hand holds a Rament, and Sarkegaar won't be as ignorant as
She has to get Ellen out of this place quickly.
Before Sarkegaar figured out something.
“Let’s talk later.”
Now, ac on against Aaron Mede was a priority.
I take off his robe as it is
I brushed off all the scrolls that were on it.
He cannot use teleport by himself. The exact details are not known, but I
have heard about it.
"You came with Harriet?"
"Bring it this way."
"...Dangerous. I will be here.”
“Bring it.”
At my command, Ellen looks at me quietly.
Bringing Harriet is not a problem.
I'm going to send it because Ellen can't listen to what I'm going to say from
now on.
"Huh. Be careful."
Ellen entered the secret passage again, and I was le alone with Aaron
Mede. water
You can't see Ron, but Elerys and Sarkegaar are near me.
“Oh, that’s a mistake. I don't know what this is... but it must all be wrong."
Aaron Mede got everything wrong
What she thought was going to be bullshit I wouldn't believe.
“What if I misunderstood?”
I grab him by the neck and laugh.
"You did not want to kill me,"
I don’t lose.”
Aaron Mede is definitely a culprit, and even if he's not a criminal, he's like a
mad scien st who deserves to be looked up. I made sure Ellen was far
enough away.
Picking up a few words about the sparrow he's talking about might be
bothersome, so I bit Ellen away.
She had something to ask.
Aaron Mede desperately ran away
rather happy
If he had been slain by Ellen, she would have lost important informa on.
"I don't know anything else, I need to tell you how to contact the Black
“Speak quickly. If you don't tell me un l my friend comes back, I'll kill you
in the most painful way in the world."
Black order.
Probability that magic is the source of the gate event
This highest now, secret socie es of magic
It is necessary to understand the subject and inten on of Because the
random accident they hit may be the cause of the Gate incident.
Magical socie es that have not been set must exist, so of course, you
should know about those you know.
Magical socie es appear, but they are not treated as important, so I don't
know everything.
can not do it.
The Black Order is the first.
Fortunately, in the case of the Black Order, I am be er than other wizards.
there's something to know.
He was astonished to know that I was already wai ng at the escape area
and that he was also known as the Black Order.
“You… you. Who the hell are you."
I started to think that I was something that was beyond my understanding,
something frivolous.
This guy's thinking is right.
“I don’t know about that.”
I hold him by the neck, Birit
looks like a smile
“Do you think I will kill you? No, I won't kill you."
One of the few things we know about the Black Order.
"If you don't tell me, I'm not going to kill you, I'm going to hand you over to
Cantus magna."
He is known to the world as a gold digger.
Their real name is Cantus Magna
(Cantus magna).
A gold-drinking hunter, Cantus Magna, and a Black Order with a lot of
The Black Order and Cantus Magna are eternal enemies.
If you hand over this to Cantus Magna,
This bastard would rather live than die.
The man's complexion was turning pale.
Ordinary people may know the word “gold-drunk hunter”, but they do not
even know the name of the organiza on called Cantus Magna.
It's already surprising that I know that.
Between the Black Order and Cantus Magna
As long as you know the rela onship, you will think of me even more
hur ul.
"If you let me go, I'll make contact with the Black Order! I can introduce
you to the Society! Well, I can do anything! If you want, I can become a
member of the Order...!"
Aaron Mede's head exploded with a sudden explosion.
Literally, without any premoni on.
I was staring blankly at the sight of a corpse decapitated in an instant,
blood gushing out of my throat toward the sky.
live live
I see all the real starry sights. | Guess what happened
Could know.
Let's look back. There, a wizard in a black robe was staring at me.
Nothing could be seen inside the black robe.
I thought it would show up. No, I thought you were watching the situa on.
I don't intervene
but intervened.
I don't care if you don't know about the order, but I definitely men oned it.
Neither Elerys nor Sarkegaard was doing anything right now. But | you will
be very nervous
Someone in a black robe was looking at me in the dark dark under the
“If you suddenly appeared, I would say anything.
Say something."
Aaron Mede is a member of the Society, but at a low level.
However, the opponent killed Aaron Mede in a succinct manner. At least it
wouldn't be a minion class.
I don't know who
“No, you want to talk to me? seh ha
Why are you just staring at me?"
“Do you have any informa on about Cantus Magna?”
| The guy who had been silent for a while shouted out
At the end, I smiled inwardly.
He did not realize that Aaron Mede would provide a means to reconcile
with the Black Order.
However, if I men on Cantus Magna in front of the Black Order, they will
tell me
I knew he was going to come in contact.
The details may be arbitrary, but I have no choice but to know as much as I
know, and this belongs to the part I know.
The two magic socie es hate each other the most.
Niggas leave each other, annihilate each other
It is also a very important purpose.
So, it is natural to hang on to each other's informa on.
The Temple students refer to Cantus Magna.
Ordinary people know secret socie es that they should not even know
their names.
That alone makes them touch me
“Transac ons come at a cost.
won't you? You can’t give it to me for free.”
“...what do you want, boy.”
I'm looking for a black wizard in the hood
“Your knowledge.”
abs nence.
Numerous sodas held by the Black Order.
There may have been the gate incident.
To prevent the gate incident, I had to start a dangerous ghtrope again.
He seemed unimpressed by the execu on of one insignificant minion.
He appeared not because I threatened Aaron Mede, but because of the
men on of Cantus Magna.
“It should be solid informa on. boy."
“Do you know enough to tell if you are unsure or not?”
Black Orders are bad guys but evil
not the guys
They have their own principles, only that they are different from those of
the world.
That's why he didn't respond to my sarcas c remarks.
“I will come to you in an appropriate me.”
“It’s not that difficult.”
Can these guys even come directly to the temple? I had a feeling that I was
star ng to touch people I shouldn't have touched. The tension made my
skin ngle.
But what must be done must be done.
“If you are a boy who uses Lord Vampire as his minion, he must lie.
It won’t be.”
Naturally, he was already aware of El Reris, who was wai ng by my side
with invisibility magic applied.
Then he already knows the talking sparrow
There will be.
The fact that he is an unknown bastard is bound to give him already bizarre
trust by himself.
A wizard belonging to the Black Order is a mirage
disappeared like
Begin to cross a truly dangerous river
The feeling that you did it runs through your back.
He has to go wherever he goes.
Even if you fall in the middle, go for now
must be
Eren says I may be in danger.
Was she sir, she hurry up with Harriet
she is back
The wizard of the Black Order is back,
I put Aaron Mede's body away.
Harriet's expression was very bad, perhaps because of the sight he had
seen as he passed by.
“How did you do it?”
" I have to tell you?"
He tried to suppress the words that he killed him, but I didn't actually kill
Bloodstains from the dead body of Aaron Mede were all over the ground,
so it was possible to guess.
Harriet didn't see the body, but I said casually that I killed someone.
I couldn't find anything to say about it.
Rather than being angry or afraid, he seemed sad.
The person I became that kind of person
“You’ll know what happened later.
Let’s wait.”
how they got here,
Tell Ellen or Herriot why do I do this?
Talking about whether you came alone is postponed un l later.
“I need to solve this problem first.”
We have now killed Mr. Temple.
It was in order to solve this problem first.
I'll run Ellen and Harriet first.
With the words that I will do anything.
Ellen and Heriot looked like they had a lot of things they wanted to say to
me, and they looked uneasy, but I was so stubborn that we went together.
I couldn't force him to go back.
First of all, I was angry that the two of them were here.
Outside Aaron Mede's mansion, outside the eclip c.
Elerys removed her invisibility, and Sar
From the Kegardo sparrow to an ordinary person
returned to form But it was not the figure of Count Argon Ponteus. She was
just an ordinary adult woman who could be anywhere.
Both Elerys and Sarkegaard seemed to have a lot to say.
Elerys is mine
You'll want to ask why he wants to contact the Black Order. It can never be
with good inten ons, Elle
Reese's a tude was also quite cold.
And it was even worse for Sarkegaar.
“Jae-ha, if my eyes aren’t wrong, I think I saw one of the two kids who
came to help her holding a ram.”
Of course, Sarkegaar had no choice but to ask about Ellen. The eyes of
Sarkegaar, who always obeyed and followed my words, had changed.
He looks at me quietly with his face erased
Sarkegaar's gaze.
The impression was that of an ordinary person, but seeing it was terrifying.
The devil of fear.
Sarkegaar was outdated and did not come up with many explana ons.
The moon's divine sword Rament is with Alsbringer
Together with the sword of Artorius
is known
And it was not used in the Demon World War, and its fate is unknown.
And the girl holding it.
A girl with very strong power for her age.
Sarkegaar may be making some assump ons, and it will be close to the
Sarkegaar looks at me.
Sarkegaar's eyes staring at me with his terrifying expressionless expression
and his wide-open eyes, with his white eyes exposed, made his hands and
feet feel numb just by mee ng them.
“Even if you don’t tell me, there are many ways to find out.”
“Please, tell me everything now.”
The always loyal Sarkegaar needs no money, no praise, no reward.
Willingness to rebuild the Demon Realm.
For that alone, Sarkegaar would give his life to me, and if I didn't have it,
Sarkegaar would die for me.
I'll do whatever it takes to make me run
will be.
Ellen is in danger.
if you don't say anything here
Sarkegaar will find out on his own that Ellen is Ellen Artorius.
What Sarkegaar hates the most in the world is, of course, the hero who
killed the Demon King.
It would be Lagann Artorius.
The li le sister is going to be a monster in the Temple, and she can't let it
go she can't stand it.
If you don't tell me here, if you can't convince Sarkegar.
Ellen dies.
If Sarkegaar decides to take over Ellen, I can't stop him.
"Yeah. Rament is right."
“And the guy’s name is Ellen Artorius. She is the sister of Lagann Artorius.”
Sarkegaar's eyes widened at my words.
“I wonder why, the gods wondered, why, on the other hand, he has a
rela onship with the blood and blood of a warrior.”
Not only did Sarkegar's eyes gleam with blood, but the color of his skin was
blue and drums ck.
was stained with silver.
Because of his anger, his body was not properly controlled.
don't you dig Elerys was also twitching her fingers as if nervously.
Elerys is also in contact with the Black Order now.
I doubt my inten ons.
Sarkegaar wants war and Elerys wants peace.
I was now suspicious of both of them.
But the first thing to convince was the excited Sarkegaar.
He was angry at my ac ons for not telling Ellen now, and that he was
friendly enough to save my life.
one word.
If one word is wrong, it's not me that's going to die, it's Ellen's. I may suffer
worse than being dead.
Just as Elerys is on my side but dangerous in the end, so Sarkegaar is on my
side but in the end dangerous.
I was feeling it with my skin now.
"Isn't that obvious?"
“What makes sense?”
"She is the younger sister of Lagann Artorius.
Why shouldn't we be friends?"
“Are you, the Demon Realm Reconstruc on a ma er of emo ons
stemming from a simple desire for revenge?”
Sarkegaar's expression hadn't improved yet.
“Weren’t you the one who told me to go to the temple to defeat humans
with their weapons, the way humans do?”
'A er entering the temple, you are thoroughly learning the ways of
humans! Wouldn't it be true vengeance to take them down with their
Send me to the temple, the farthest opinion
It was Sarkegaar who spoke.
A er all, isn't this also an extension of him?
“The hero’s sister, who is supposed to be mankind’s most powerful
weapon, risks her life to save me, so why are you so angry?”
"This situa on today is what I intended
No, but I thought you'd love to know this."
Sarkegar shook his head,
there was.
“U lizing the blood and blood of that damn hero
you are doing Are you saying this?”
Sarkegaar watches me silently.
He took a step forward and he brought his face to mine.
It was close enough to the p of his nose.
“Hey, you’re bad at lying.”
Sarkegaar's three hundred eyes stare at me as if trying to pierce me.
“You think I don’t know that you really care about that child?”
When Ellen suddenly appeared, I lost my composure.
I couldn't help but be genuinely perplexed.
all. Because it was so unexpected. Sarkegaar had read that sign of mine a
long me ago.
Use Ellen. make it mine
will use it
Sar Kegar couldn't believe such cold words in the first place. By my
reac on, Sarkegaar already knew that Ellen was an important person to
As Ellen values me, so do I.
have already read it
Sarkegaar's eyes, I'm straight
face to face
I was afraid, but I couldn't back down.
“Then why not?”

Sarkegaar was rather stunned by my proud words, and Elerys also said that
She seemed perplexed because she didn't know what to say.
“Fuck, it was Lagann Artorius who killed my father, the previous demon
king, Ellen.
Is it?”
“No fuck, can’t I like some humans? Is that such a big mistake? uh?"
At my sudden remark, Sarkegaar's eyes moved in a different way than
"Lowering! Lagann Artorius is the enemy of the Undead Heaven, who
assassinated his predecessor, the Demon King. why,
Such a disgus ng, dirty-blooded person
Are you saying you can treat me with respect? This should not happen!” |
"I don't know, you bastard. It's true that I'm going to use the gal and that
the dog is important to me. So what should I do?"
“Uh oh shit really. Hey. Are you supposed to say this and that to what the
Demon King is doing?"
When I flu ered my eyes, Sarque
Le took a step back. I shook my head, looking at Sarkegaar as he backed
“Hey, I can’t.”
“Ah, why not…” “You are the Demon King.”
"You bastard telling me to be the Demon King. Seeing what I am doing, I
see that you can do it, huh? Isn't that what you do? It's just you, you
bastard. Transform into an Archdaemon and do what you do, bastard."
"Lowering! You know that's not the inten on! I don't covet it and I can't!”
“Yeah lower!”
I approach Sarkegaar. The closer I get, the more Sarkegaar
he backed away one by one.
“Then shut up and do what I tell you. I mean do what I did. What if I act
like a dick, what if I do something I don't understand? What are you going
to do with me, the hero's younger sister, friends or the dead or the dead?
What if I don't understand?"
“I am the only Archdaemon. my quali es
No ma er what this doubt, whether my inten ons are ques onable,
I put my face in Sarkegaar's face and say,
“You have no other choice but me.”
“Ellen, don’t touch me.”
Sarkegaar's eyes flu ered.
“If you don’t want to receive the Archdaemon’s corpse. I mean, do you
understand what I mean?”
I can die for you
I have no inten on of making it happen here.
I was threatening my subordinates with my life in a place where Ellen was
not now. I could clearly see Sarkegaar's eyes nged with fear, anger, and
"...degrada on, no."
Tears eventually flowed from Sarkegar's passionate eyes.
“That kid doesn’t know anything, doesn’t he?”
"I don't understand, but I
he will be able to accept the child
No, he will not accept the child.”
Sarkegaar's tears were, a er all, the tears that flowed because he was
genuinely worried about me.
“Damn, this is dangerous. It's too much of a risky rela onship, and it's a
gamble you shouldn't take."
Sarkegaar weeps and begs.
Ereris said it too. Hope our rela onship doesn't have a sad ending
Just because I can cherish the blood of the one who killed my father
doesn't mean that Ellen can accept the blood that killed her brother.
Not a simple enemy.
I am the bloodline of the enemy and the seed of great war.
It's impossible for Ellen to accept me
one thing
Sarkegaar's tears, worries, anxiety, and all those words are understandable.
can't understand
But I couldn't accept it just because I understood it. "Shut up. I don't know
about anything else, and if I touch even one p of Ellen's hair, it's a demon
realm and nothing else."
“You just need to remember that one thing.”
“Damn… please.”
"It's not possible. please. This alone, if nothing else, this is enough.”
"Answer me."

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 258

I didn't persuade Sarkegaar.
However, it was only a threat. I am Ellen
I couldn't hide that I valued him, so in the end, the only op on is to risk my
life and threaten Sar Khegar.
Sarkegaar will not be able to touch Ellen.
Test whether my in mida on is bluffing or not
I'm not the guy you want to be.
But in the end, it was true that Ellen was exposed.
Sar Ke Gar will never use his hand
However, Ellen can be monitored by Sarkegaar at any me, and her trends
can be tracked.
Sarkegaar will now keep an eye on Ellen. If Ellen knew who I was and
wanted to do something to me, there was a good chance that Sar Kegar
would use her hand first.
Elerys s ll looks complicated
You never asked me anything.
Sarkegaar returned with anxiety and fear, and so did Elerys.
This is not the end.
Returning to the original topic, the work of Aaron Mede
should be solved
Strictly speaking, it wasn't me who had the accident this me, it was Ellen
and Herriot.
In fact, the two are in the family of Aaron Mede.
because there was a ba le Of course, Harriet spreads the an -magic field
and directly
It was Ellen who played as
Actually, I didn't kill Aaron Mede, so there was no need to admit it.
But I was more reluctant to let them know that I had contact with the Black
Order wizard. Of course, I'm going to oppose the organiza on for what
kind of crazy you are.
And they don't even know that Aaron Mede was a member of the Black
She told Ellen that she was the one who got this far
It was strange.
It is possible to cover up Aaron Mede's death, but if it does, Harriet and
Ellen will be ques oned.
The two found each other through the introduc on of Mr. Mustrang.
Since Aaron Mede died a er Aon, there is inevitably a considerable
probability of Aaron Mede's death and their interven on.
can't hide
If so, you must reveal it.
Fortunately or unfortunately, there were no living servants in Aaron
Mede's house. In the beginning, everything was ruled by the homunculus
It was those who suffered.
Ellen and Harriet visited Aaron Mede's house, and saw numerous
experiments on alcoholism that were against humanity there, and Aaron
Mede went to them.
Trying to kill her, she was reversed.
in that way,
“You want me to do that?”
“I am not asking you to do that, I am. are you?”
Bertus smirked with his arms crossed at my request.
“I don’t know where the serious accident happened again, but it’s a
chimera and a homunculus. There's something unusual about your life. It's
clear. Now I'm ge ng a li le annoyed to be involved."
"Isn't it my fault this me? He was trying to kill me."
“So it means that ge ng involved in such a problem, regardless of whether
it is right or wrong, is already in trouble.”
“… it is.”
In the end, only Bertus and Charlo e could wrap things up in that way. The
facts were not significantly different. In fact, Aaron Mede tried to kill Ellen
and Harriet, and before that she tried to kill me.
I was going to talk about the Black Order.
she quit The imperial family made his underground workshop
If you look at it, you can guess on your own that Aaron Mede was a
member of the Black Order.
"It's disgus ng. To see that Mr. Temple was doing such a thing. What
wizards are..."
Bertus clicked his tongue with contempt. He's annoyed that there are so
many temple teachers like that.
it seemed like a lot
“If it hadn’t been for your request, I would have been able to cherish it
myself. You can turn it off.”
“The kids?”
“I’m not going to take any inves ga on. Because there is nothing good
about it.”
Just knowing that Sensei Temple had tampered with a lot of sobriety,
including experiments on her human body, puts the temple's image high.
This case will be buried. Aaron Mede will be treated like a disappearance,
and the issues involved, including an assassina on a empt, will sink to the
bo om of the water.
In order not to face troublesome problems, the powerful
Not even in trouble
In any world, it's the same.
Irrespec ve of my needs, this incident will disappear.
[Event Complete - Assassina on Threat]
[You have acquired the characteris c 'Ki Gam ( ⽓感)'.]
With that, the assassina on event that dried up my blood for quite some
me came to an end.
Characteris cs: Feeling
Descrip on: A characteris c that detects long-term threats from small to
life-threatening. At the same me as the ability to assist in ba le, it also
senses life ( ). risk factors
You can feel and understand in advance.
However, it is only an abstract sense to the last, and not absolute.
characterizing events,
They usually give big rewards.
It was the same this me.
The case was closed. No, it's not completely resolved yet, but it's now in
Bertus' hands. You will sleep on your own.
The scene of the incident is outside the eclip c, and there are no witnesses
because it happened inside the mansion. So there was no commo on.
So I had to sort out the rest.
I've heard all about how Ellen and Harriet found Aaron Mede. But I just
knew about it, but didn't organize it.
I first found Harriet.
He's even in the Magic Research Society, in the dormitory.
Not in the magic lab, but locked in her own room.
Harriet had a very bad complexion.
"Let's talk."
Harriet carefully opened the door.
"Will you come in?"
Normally, I would never have allowed him to come in, but now he seems to
be in a very bad condi on.
It didn't actually kill anyone, but you'd see something terrible.
Whatever you saw, it must have been beyond your imagina on. What I
imagined, what I only heard
Seeing it really means something else.
Si ng across from the table, Harriet stared blankly at the empty table.
Originally, I was going to get angry about why I did such a dangerous thing.
Like these niggas have a lot to say to me, I
'Cause I have a lot to say
“Why…why are you even doing that?”
“There’s no need to make something like that. It’s an insect that controls
people, or a mixture of humans and animals. Something like that. Why,
Do I have to listen?”
Harriet took the pieces that Ellen had cut.
It looked like he had lost his mentality.
He grew red of the wizard's malice.
“This me, I know it’s not like that… you. I know it wasn't because I wanted
to do that on purpose..."
Harriet trembled and carefully grabbed my hand.
“On things like this. on such a terrifying thing. Can't we get along with this
zen? I'm so scared... I can't understand... I don't know anything else...
Figh ng with kids, like that
Everything is fine.... For things like this...
Can't you stay away from this?"
Harriet trembled and eventually stopped crying.
"I, I'm afraid you're going too far away. No, I'm too scared because I think
you've already gone..."
I was overly calm in the midst of such things.
Harriet seemed afraid of that too.
“I don’t want to either.”
It cooled in Harriet's hand that was holding my hand.
I was swea ng.
“I’ll try to do that.”
That's a lie.
Words that can only be lies, Harry
A lie that can only be recognized as a lie.
I had no choice but to do it right now.
In the middle of the night I went to see Ellen.
Her clothes, which had become her blood-seven, had Harriet blo ed out
bloodstains with a cleansing spell, so she had no doubts when she
returned to the Templar.
Ellen and I were the only two in the gym. Ellen didn't say anything to me.
look up
- Clap
Ellen shut the gym door without a word.
She seemed to know why she was doing that.
- Jiying....
A Rament was held in Ellen's right hand.
“If you do.”
Ellen stares at me with her dark blue eyes.
I summoned Tiamata in her right hand.
Ellen's body is engulfed in blue flames and rushes towards me.
- Zhao!
I did my physical strengthening to the limit, but
In one stroke, Tiamata took my hand.
I got out, and Ellen's Rament was aimed at my neck.
Overwhelming skill car.
Did you want to show it?
Ellen's eyes were brimming with anger.
“Without Harriet, I might be dead.
I do not know."
Even Ellen, who had magical powers, would be an alchemist without
Harriot's an -magic field.
may have died in the house of Ellen said that calmly.
“You shouldn’t have come.”
I will fight Sarkegaar and Elerys
Ellen, who doesn't know she acted, is angry
had no choice but to
- Kang!
Unable to control her anger, Ellen threw her rament on the floor of her
The holy relics of the gods sweep the ground like garbage
was thrown around
“I told you not to do anything dangerous!”
Ellen yelled at her.
“I… how many mes have I. how many mes i like that. That's what I said, I
said...but, what the hell. Why...why?
Ellen trembles.
Tears were rolling down the corners of her eyes.
“Why the hell are you doing this... Why the hell...”
She thought I would be dead if she and Harriet hadn't arrived first. And
Ellen is right.
If I had gone alone, I would have died.
Ellen couldn't help but feel frustrated because she couldn't tell me about
I can't help but think that I'm a madman who can't control his desire for
Ellen wept and took my hand.
"I'd rather take that gray-haired lady with me.
It was rather a mistake not to take Loyar.
Ellen says I'm in danger
It just seemed to go crazy. She keeps going through it without a line
throw it away
It seemed too hard to bear.
“Are you mad?”
"Uh. I'm mad."
Ellen blows me away with her red bloodshot eyes
I see
“Then you don’t think I’m angry?”
As Ellen said.
Had it not been for Harriet, In the alchemist's mansion, Ellen must have
died. don't even fight
Without it, she would have died without even being able to cope with the
numerous magic traps.
She is mistaken that Ellen thinks I'm lucky to be alive.
It is Ellen who is lucky to be alive.
Sarkegar knows of her Eren's presence
she abandoned
If I hadn't risked my life and threatened him, Sarkegaar would have done it
right away.
And she s ll can't be considered safe.
Ellen was exposed to long-term risks.
Just as Ellen is angry, so am I. for what you did for me
She can't even blame Ellen for this, since she's at risk.
s ll.
she could have done it
Her heart was pounding when she saw Ellen come out of Aaron Mede's
secret doorway.
why is he
She's s ll alive though...
How do you get here?
What if she dies there?
And then, Sarkegaar saw Ellen.
what to do
What should she do?
A lot of thoughts are intertwined,
She was about to fly.
But all these things to Ellen
I couldn't tell you.
You were dangerous, and you will be dangerous in the future. I couldn't say
“I am stronger than you.”
Ellen looks at me and says.
“Aren’t you going to die then?”
“I won’t die, but I can protect myself be er than you.”
That's right.
Sarkegar Knows Ellen | Even if excluded, Ellen and Herriot are
did it right
No ma er how strong Ellen at this point is, it is below Loyar, and no ma er
how strong Harriot is at this point, she is below Elerys.
The two made a crowd. Without knowing the strength of the opponent, he
fought a life-threatening ba le.
I am very angry with myself.
I can do it, but they think they can't.
Someday everything will be in the pit of figh ng
It may have to be thrown, but
You don't have to go through it, is it?
But I have a more fundamental ques on.
It was.
If Ellen becomes the swordmaster and Harriet becomes the archmage,
Would I be willing to risk the two of them for me?
Apparently, it wasn't like that. “I appreciate you saying you could risk your
life for me, but you don’t really have to.”
So, I had no choice but to say that kindly.
“Then, do you want me to watch you go to die? At least, what are you
thinking? All you have to do is tell me what you're trying to do. Then you
could do this shit. Then… we could have gone together…”
Ellen had no inten on of backing down. This was a problem that could not
be dealt with. She couldn't even tell Sarquegar why Aaron Mede was
specific, and she couldn't possibly convince Ellen.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
I don't tell Ellen anything
Like I said, Ellen went to sleep without saying anything to me.
She recognized it by herself.
A er all, Ellen and I are the same. If we told each other this story, we didn't
say it because we were afraid that each other would do things our way.
Knowing each other will be in danger, danger
I didn't say it because I knew I was going to jump in.
I'm not going to do anything dangerous. I could lie, but Ellen wouldn't
believe it. actually i more
You're going to do something dangerous.
“Yeah, no ma er what I say, it doesn’t ma er.”
Ellen looked like she gave up.
You can't convince me If it were a guy like that, she wouldn't have lived like
“If you die, I will die too.”
As Ellen warns, she says so.
“If you trivialize your life, I will think that you are trivializing my life.”
A warning or a threat?
It's a warning and it's a threat
In the end, it was nothing.
In the end, it was only the words that came and went.
But, that's what life is all about
It is also wealth.
“That’s what I meant
I gave it back as it was. L
Ren looks at me. When I tried not to lose a single word, he seemed to be
angry in a different way than before.
Ellen held up a training sword while reverse summoning Rament, and she
threw a sword at me as well.
Ellen points her training sword at me.
“If you’re going to overdo it on a weak subject, you probably need to
prac ce more.”
I felt nothing at Ellen's provoca on.
'Cause I'm really weak
Ellen rushed, and I took the sword
got it back
In Ellen's eyes, digging into my gaps, I could see a lot of emo ons swirling
In the end, prac ce that day didn't go well.
It wasn't prac ce, it was just a fight.
- Kang!
“ !”ね
I thought that the words we said to each other would cause indelible scars
on each other's hearts. I feel like there's something I can't get back.
Rather than hur ng each other's heart, we chose to hurt each other's
Of course, I was sicker.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 259

I talked to Harriet and Ellen.
It didn't end there.
I had to explain the situa on to Elerys. Why do you know about the Black
Order, and how do you know about Cantus Magna.
about things you shouldn't know
He acted as if he knew.
Sarkegaar took Eren's case as a problem, but the Black Order's case.
didn't get it That's why I'm trying to get my hands on a new power, because
I can do anything to guess.
However, Sarkegaar may be fine, but Elerys is not.
Doing this and that stuff, now
They even try to approach the rack order.
Beyond the danger, if I don't dream of rebuilding the Demon World, it's
rather strange
is sulfur
Sasukegarh is rather happy about that.
It seems that there is no need to convince me at all.
So, I had to somehow solve this situa on in which Ereris, who had always
been my greatest ally, might become an enemy.
next day,
I le the temple and went to Elerys' class.
It had arrived in the basement.
Elreris' mood was very different from usual.
Unlike the one who always greeted me with a bright face, Elerys was
staring at me with a firm expression.
If Elerys tries to kill me, she can't stop it.
“It’s scary.”
“My servant, who is trying to contact the Black Order and comes to me
directly in this situa on, speaks of my fear. That fear cannot be real.”
“It’s really scary.”
Elerys looked at me quietly.
She said, "I thought you'd bring Loyar or Sarque Garrado, but you're
coming alone.
dark ring.
It's not night, but Elerys' ability
would have peaked. Elerys, who can kill me even in broad daylight, can't
help but kill me in this environment.
“Your Majesty, you are a strange person.”
Her eyes were flu ering.
“I don’t think I can understand the two of them trying to join hands with a
dangerous group called the Black Order and risking their lives to protect a
child named Ellen.”
He didn't seem to understand me at all.
"Lord, whatever you dream of, it seems that you believe in me too much....
You shouldn't. If you dream of rebuilding the underworld, you must stay
away from me. You do not dream of rebuilding the underworld. Even so,
you have too much faith in me.
Che...why do you trust me so much? Do you not know me well?”
Ereris speaks as if appealing. A face that looks like tears will fall right away
It was.
There was a bit of fric on this me with Sarkegar, but Sarkegar can never
kill me. In the end, I had to follow my compulsion, and although it was hard
to accept Ellen's existence, I wouldn't be able to touch it right now.
But not Elerys.
Elerys con nued to feel suspicious and worried if I was dreaming of war
and the reconstruc on of the Demon Realm.
Elerys is an intractable subordinate.
A subordinate who can kill me at any me if my inten ons are inconsistent
with her own values.
There's no reason to keep such a subordinate close by, but I'm on
Eleryrisman's side.
she's been kidding Ereris couldn't understand a day like that.
Her trus ng rela onship with Elerys now
gold is gone
She's about to reach out to the Magic Society, and she'll never believe me
that Elerys already wants peace.
So when I was thinking about what to do with myself, I was confused
because I appeared alone, as if asking to be killed.
When I fell into another world, I was mentally concentrated.
I was relieved to meet Charlo e, but Hwang
It was like ge ng lost even on the road.
I met Elerys when I was worried about the present, not the future in a few
years to come.
In a world full of humans, I met someone who had no choice but to be on
my side.
It's like finding an oasis in the desert
would it be The Ereris I met at that me was like a rope of salva on that
came down to me.
So, no ma er what kind of existence that Elerys really was, I had no choice
but to focus on her.
“I never lied.”
I stare at Elerys quietly.
“I am not interested in rebuilding the Demon Realm, nor am I interested in
Elerys had an expression of disbelief. Yeah, I can't even believe it. Being a
pacifist and doing things over and over again has now gone too far.
By taking Elerys to Aaron Mede's house, he also knew it was going to be
like this.
It was a moment that had to come someday.
Elerys has to do something very important from now on.
“If I knew the future. Do you believe it?”
I, for Elerys, are in the future
I was going to tell you about it.
know the future
Elerys is such an absurd cow.
She didn't know how to play Lee, and she didn't know how to react.
I wanted to tell others
But, I couldn't say.
To do that, you have to explain so many different things, none of which are
to say.
There were also things that couldn't be done.
S ll, I wanted to tell just one person, and that was Elerys for me.
To be precise, the heart of Elerys
I wanted to get rid of the last distrust in me.
I wanted to make Elerys on my side now.
By my side, no ma er what I do,
“Damn… what… what the hell are you talking about?”
“I don’t know all the futures. I know
What's going on is just a few big things happening in the future. And the
future that changes in real me is also unpredictable.”
It's hard to explain in detail. I am the creator god of this world. I couldn't
believe it, and I didn't want to.
This is a place I don't know. It's a house that someone else built on the site
I cleaned. I know about the framework, but the finished world is bound to
be a place I don't know.
“The informa on about the Black Order and Cantus Magna is just what I
originally knew. you know There is no evil reason or no way for me to do
“Damn… I don’t know what you’re talking about. Are you saying that you
can be someone from the future?”
“It’s not like that, but it’s similar to that.
Fortune telling is probably a term used only at mes like this. Elerys is sure
I've got some really big problem with my head.
was the expression
"You won't believe it and you won't believe it, but just listen."
Elerys hears me and remembers
The story is too long to answer each ques on one by one. Elerys was silent
for a moment at my words.
“There is not much that can be presented as evidence. The important thing
is that a er two years, warp gates from all over the con nent will be
connected to another world, and a lot of people will die because of that.”
"I called it 'Gate Incident', and I don't know the exact cause of it. But the
fact is that if le alone, tens of millions, yes, billions of humans would
easily die."
“So now it is possible
'Cause I think there's nothing but magic. I'm trying to get a clue from the
magic side. It could be the Black Order or Cantus Magna, the cause, or
maybe they know the solu on, so I'm trying to contact them."
“Expanding our forces now, too, is a precipita on that will destroy the warp
gates of the en re con nent if things don’t work out in the future.
I’m doing it because I don’t know if I should let it go.”
“Not only that, but there are many other ways to do it. When I think about
it later, there are so many things I can do
I have to.”
“Yeah, that would be hard to believe. You might be wondering why I know
such a thing.”
“Now, ask me.”
I am not free
So, Elerys has to move for me. Elerys can teleport.
So I am the only one around me who can carry out my most important
orders immediately and accurately.
Elerys said that I was either very crazy or that what I said was true.
You have to believe in one of them. Elerys was silent for a very long me.
| “You suddenly say something like this… I
what to do....” |
In the end, Elerys seemed to have a hard me believing what I was saying.
“Yeah, I can’t believe it. But I want you to know that I don't want war or
the destruc on of mankind."
It was more likely to be unbelievable.
Even the Orbis class disappeared.
It was no longer possible to present the small things that were happening
inside the temple in the yard as evidence.
But I do know some of the sure future.
“Do you remember when we started a club?”
"Yeah, you're crea ng a magic research group, and even running a
“Something amazing will be made from there.”
Elerys knew about the Magic Research Society by hearing from me in
advance. Being the president without knowing magic
was surprised at
And she's already heard about the stuff she's trying to make there. Elerys,
like everyone else, was nega ve.
So, Elerys uses atmospheric mana.
About the magic expression method I use
didn't you tell me
"no way...."
“Yeah, I knew they were going to make stuff like that.
That’s why I made it ahead of me.”
power cartridge and moonshine,
If those two objects were made by students, Elerys said I
You would have some faith in knowing the future.
“And, the future has changed a lot.
I don't know what will happen..."
Another sure future.
“Alsbringer will choose the master. Its owner is my classmate, Ludby Hee.”
Lagann Artorius The next owner of the Alsbringer.
Ludwig. Elerys never hears her name Ludwig for the first me in her life.
"Ellen... are you saying it's not that kid?"
Knowing about Ellen's iden ty, Elerys is of course the next If there was an
Alsbringer owner, it seemed unbelievable that it wasn't Ellen.
“You will find out in me. I
How is it that you really know the future?”
You may not believe it now, but the words I have said will gradually come
Even Elerys can admit it when you see her going.
there will be only
Elerys was in my bizarre convic on.
As she stood she seemed to feel something.
That what I say is true, or that I am not at all in an a tude of lying.
“I don’t know if he received a trust or something…. It’s something that I
can’t believe for the first me…”
“I think that’s the reac on of course.
I did it. So you haven't said it before. You will be treated like a madman.”
I don't know when the me un l the future I talked about will come. But
Eléris will wait un l she confirms what I'm saying is true.
Soon, she will be my ally at least un l then.
“You tell me such a story. In the end, it means that I have a role to play.”
Elerys looks at me, giving strength to her eyes, as if determined.
“What should I do?”
For the moment, Elerys seemed to be determined not to turn away from
“Don’t get me wrong, listen.”
It is important from now on.
“We need to rebuild the Demon Realm.”
Elerys made a slurred sound that was not answered.
She said she would not dream of rebuilding the underworld, but when she
suddenly heard the sound of her rebuilding the underworld, she couldn't
help but be astonished at Elerys.
She brings the whole story back to its origins.
It was a story that transcended dimensions. Elerys surprised her once and
she looked at me as she smirked.
In the end, she has such an expression that she wants to talk about these
bizarre things.
“To be precise, we have to make people believe that the Demon Realm has
been rebuilt, rather than rebuilding it.”
“What are you talking about… I don’t know.
"Now that Lagann Artorius is dead, if you hear a rumor that the Demon
Realm has been rebuilt, humans will be terrified, right?"
That was the reac on of the li le senior Ledina the other day.
Artorius died and the demon king
If it is resurrected, who the hell gives the Demon King?
Fear of the Demon King.
In the absence of Arturius, who was treated as the only adversary, the
Demon King
This has come again.
Humans are terrified.
“I don’t have much me. Only two years, no. Not even two years.” |
At the beginning of the first semester of the third year, the gate incident
| Not 2 years, but a li le over a year.
there was only
“The cause of the gate incident in those two years
If we can't solve the problem, we'll have to destroy all warp gates on the
con nent as the next best thing. It may cause other things to happen, but
for now, it should be.”
"...I can't do that."
All at once, one day at a me, the con nent's
It is impossible to destroy all the gates.
do. I am not the empire itself
is over.
But even if I cannot be the Empire itself, I can become the enemy of the
To be someone's enemy means to have influence over that person.
The forces of the underworld have opened the warp gate.
invaded the land of humans through
What if I make you believe everything?"
Hearing my words, Elerys widened her eyes.
"I'm going to block the warp gate myself... Are you saying this?"
“Even if it’s not destruc on, I’ll do it. Even if we do not destroy it, the
defense itself will be sufficient.”
It may not solve everything, but it will significantly reduce the ini al
“So, it’s insurance. Just in case, you don't have to really rebuild the Demon
Realm. to make people nervous. It's enough to make humans feel that such
ac ons are taking place here and there. And when it's decisive, whether I
go or whoever steps in, warp gay
You are saying that you will a ack the land of humans through the
It's not demons that actually come out, but monsters from another world,
but that's probably
good. Humans will be prepared.
This is what I end up doing
It's a prepara on for when you can't. humans are
You have to believe that the demon realm is being reconstructed.
and should be afraid of it.
Elerys looked at me with a firm expression.
“Are you saying I should take that role…?”
Sarkegaar and Loyar have work to do here.
But Elerys did nothing. Because he is a wizard, he can move around the
con nent in an instant, so his mobility is incomparable to anyone else.
We must entrust the reconstruc on of the demon realm to those who do
not want it the most. water
Ron, that's not a real reconstruc on, it's something else with a façade.
is only,
I guess I knew Elerys was going to do this somehow.
it was
".....Yes. Lowering."
Elerys also
accep ng an irresis ble fate
was making a face
"Lowering. But if all this... is a lie.”
If all of this was just a lie, would you even kill me?
"I will... be very sad."
Even in a situa on where she doesn't know whether to trust me or not,
Elerys chooses to either hate me or harm me.
It seemed like there was no choice.
Elerys, who first saw me in the eclip c,
She seemed to be trying to kill me.
was that my mistake
Elerys is as tall as the p of a hair on my body
She looked like someone she couldn't put down.
The general story is over, but important stories s ll remain.
“By the way… when it comes to rebuilding the Demon Realm, what should I
do and how to start…”
Rumors that the rebuilding of the demon realm has begun spreads
throughout the human world.
Even so, the power itself must be possessed. We must subdue the demonic
forces that are s ll strong and lay them under our feet.
that first hit.
“Vampire Council.”
It wasn't even the power of the demon realm in the first place.
“Gather them together.”
I plan to have it from now on. “If you lock the door and shove the holy
sword into the branch, it will do anything, whether it’s a blood oath or

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 260

I don't know if Elerys believes that I know the future.
But since Elerys had to do the most important thing from now on, he had
no choice but to tell him the most important secret.
Time will tell if what I'm saying is true.
It seemed to some extent that I had come into contact with the Magic
Society and that I had a lot of strange things.
So when I was discussing details with Elerys, I felt a li le more comfortable.
great crisis in the future
block it
There is such a premise that there is nothing to hide.
But no problem.
“…don’t you know?”
“It is.”
“Didn’t you say you knew the future?”
“So you don’t know everything? There’s a lot more I don’t know.”
“No, it is, but what if you trick the Black Order into a lie!”
Elerys shouted as if it was ridiculous.
uh, how...
I feel like I'm being scolded by her mother for losing her accident...
“What do I do, all I know is that Aaron Mede is a member of the Black
Order. So if I miss that situa on, I don’t think there will be anything to do
with them, so I just threw it away.”
"Ha... Maybe it's good... Then
And, of course, about Cantus Magna.
You don't know?"
“It is.”
As for wri ng, this is a super long episode. I see there is a problem.
When it comes to long-term serializa on, there is a limit to human
memory, and there are limits to abili es, so unavoidable things happen.
or forge ng the rice cakes he sprinkled.
It is difficult to touch, so the number of rice cakes
or can't do it at all.
Sorcerer's don't give me that 'return'
Those are not-so-cookies. It's not that I forgot, but because I thought
things would get too big, ah... I don't know.
It is the product of my irresponsibility.
The Black Order appears once in Aaron Mede's Gun, and talks about the
gold digger.
It is also men oned in the book, but that is the end.
I was wri ng with the feeling that they were some great guys, and there
were se ngs in my head, but a er that, it was only once
I mean, it didn't come out either. As the gate incident exploded, all the
small rice cakes were sucked in or forgo en.
I never even talked about what they did during the Gates incident.
However, when se ng up a magic associa on
Only the things I thought about remain in my head.
Magical socie es act and move according to their own standards,
regardless of the morals of the world. It's like the Black Order is the gold
hunter, Cantus Magna
will be the same
The Black Order appeared only once.
Cantus Magna was only men oned
did not appear
A er all, in this and that way, this is also cheap shit, so somehow I jumped
on my own
have to find out
If the Gates incident happened on the side of the Magical Society, you
should definitely know about them.
The problem now is that, although he pretended to have informa on that
would appeal to the Black Order, there was no such thing as a horn.
So, you're just looking at me pathe c a er seeing what Elerys did for the
first me.
“Um… I don’t know much about Cantus Magna. However. I know how to
meet them.”
“Is there such a way?”
| But if you say this again.
I think I'm going to get really mad...
No, but it's not complicated, but it's very easy.
There is nothing like this,
“They are gold-dish hunters.”
“Then, of course, if I use abs nence ( 禁呪), it will come, right?”
Elerys' expression turned cold. When El Ren some mes stares at you with a
fierce expression
I feel similar to
S ll, Ellen is always expressionless.
She's a nigga, so it's okay, but she always smiles
Because Elerys had that kind of expression on her face.
I feel a sense of crisis.
To summon the Gold Hunter, use the Forbidden Spell.
The word itself is correct!
“I really like this burn maybe
Elerys finally screamed and clasped my head.
- Tight!
“Hey, what did I do…!”
And then, on my own for what I did
Surprised, he stroked my head
I apologized.
Of course, my offer to use sobriety to summon Cantus Magna was rejected.
"Elerys, think calmly.
Guk Oh, that I hit the ball
If you know more, you will fight the Black Order anyway
it will be Anyway, you mean that one of the two is going to have an
argument, right?”
Elerys sighed and groaned.
“There may be people in the council who know something. First, let's look
for clues there. There are families that are deeply intertwined with the
royal family.”
“A long-lived vampire inevitably becomes a wizard. There is nothing more
difficult than studying to make up for the free me.”
A very dangerous way is to go back
He decides to get a clue from the Vampire Council.
For now, it will be decided what my next move will be there. It would be
very important whether or not they could be in my grasp.
Apart from the temple life, outside
About what to do in Elerys
gave her instruc ons to
I haven't come up with any clues to give the Black Order yet, but I'm going
to fight them.
It is very unlikely that it will be Because if it's too late, I can say that I'll use
sobriety to summon you. The reason why the Black Order doesn't use that
method, they must have their own reasons.
Aaron Mede's work was completed,
The only secret she shares with Elerys
are doing
...... ,
"Hey. Do you guys know how obvious it is?”
As she was quietly ea ng breakfast, she looked at me and Ellen alternately
as Liana bit the edge of her fork.
“Did you fight again?”
"No? And or what?"
“I didn’t fight.”
But I fought on everyone's face.'
“These two don’t talk much in the first place, but do they show whether
they fought or not?”
At Liana's words, Adelia laughed and scratched her head. It's probably
because I thought I might shiver the moment I said something.
A er the last incident, Ellen and I were strangely silent, as if we had a
subtle fight, as if we didn't fight.
Ellen was angry with me, and I was angry with Ellen too.
They do it because they care about each other, but the result is only bad
for each other like this.
What should I say?
both externally and internally.
There were so many things that seemed to explode.
Ellen is not alone. Liana asked, looking at the seat next to her this me.
“And what are you doing these days?”
" it's okay."
Harriet, who was waking up in the morning, shook her head with a
depressed expression.
Harriet was suffering something similar to her PTSD because of the
shocking sight she saw in Aaron Mede's mansion.
Harriet did not fight directly. A er she unfolded the an -magic field, Ellen
took care of it.
However, she saw humans being manipulated by a homunculus who had
been knocked down by her an -magic spell.
She wasn't murder, but Harriet seemed to think it was murder.
And the terrible chimeras I saw in the underground workshop.
That would be the direct cause of the trauma. I didn't go in at all, so I didn't
see it, but Ellen also seemed to be a sight she never wanted to think about
It is unavoidable.
I also had nightmares for a while seeing swarms of zombies.
Harriet, who must have grown up nicely, saw such a scene.
In a way, it is fortunate to see you suffer from nightmares and trauma. No,
by the way, everyday life is something you can do
It was fortunate.
What happened there was a secret, so very few people knew about it.
So, except for Bertus, no one knew why we were the way we were.
"Would you like to change your mind?"
Again, Liana, who cannot stand s ll in this situa on, forcibly raises her
tension, she said.
“A lot of autumn flowers are blooming along the Irene River, let’s go take a
look a er class.”
If you say you're not going, you smile and smile.
I thought they would give me an electric massage, so it didn't seem like
everyone was happy, but I nodded my head.
A er class, I, Ellen, Harriet, Liana, and Adelia le the temple.
Ellen walked away from me, and Harriet was with Adelia.
Naturally, Liana and I were walking in the lead.
“You, how do you think the last case was resolved?”
“……The approxima on.”
If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be able to come out like this. Liana's eyes
This seems like a good thing, but it also doesn't exist
she's a bad boy
“I think that’s what made it look like this again…”
She also assumed the accident happened somewhere she didn't know, but
he didn't ask.
But all of a sudden, I'm looking at flowers.
I have no interest in such things. If you think about it, Ellen and Adelia only
dig into magic, but it seems that their lives have nothing to do with
flowers, but of course, Harriet
She may have lived in a palace with a garden,
I don't think Eren will be much different.
“Do you like flowers?”
Liana nodded at my ques on.
"very? Even if it's clothes."
In the end, I'm just trying to change my mood.
It is clear that he is not interested in himself.
Who the hell is this going for?
Irene darling.
In other words, along the Han River in Seoul,
When the Rotary club is over here
I had to come by a servant, but since the headquarters moved, there has
been nothing to come.
The autumn flowers were in full bloom, and there were many people
taking a walk. a er the demon king died
of the world, a peaceful world.
There, I see people looking at flowers without much concern.
We were one of them.
Everyone came to look at the flowers without much thought, and Liana did
the same.
Even so, we had already come, so we walked along the mountain trail and
spread across the river
I saw the falling flowers.
Liana grabbed my arm and she pointed to a kind of flower sca ered across
the stream.
Most blooming flowers.
“What flower is that?”
“…it’s Cosmos.”
"...what. Why do you know?"
“No… it’s common sense.”
What the cosmos doesn't know is flower viewing
are you sleeping But Rihanna wasn't the only one who didn't know.
Everyone lted their heads. The way they looked at me seemed to have
Suddenly, in a place like this, the food of another world
what is a dog
“No, you didn’t even know?”
Adelia scratched her cheek at my stupid ques on.
“…it’s not that…it’s not that they don’t know that it’s Cosmos.”
"...Isn't it a miracle that I know flowers?"
Ellen, Herriot, Adelia, Liana Mo
Both nodded their heads.
Then yes.
It's shocking to know that even a common flower, no ma er how
commonplace it is, knows the name of a flower group like me.
get sick
I'm not really interested in it, but it's decent enough.
ro knows
Of course, I'm just trying to expand my vocabulary.
There were mes when I did the foolish thing of memorizing flowers and
flower language. It didn't really help me at all to write, but
S ll, I had to memorize the flower language of some flowers and some
flowers that have become commonplace.
About those flowers that everyone knows.
“Hey, what is that?”
“Is that?”
“...that is also a chrysanthemum.”
“Is it a different color? That one is white and that one is yellow.” “Hey,
don’t you know that both red and white roses are roses? You are
Were you so ignorant?"
“Oh, yes. It looked the same.”
It's nothing special, but everyone looks at me like I'm strange.
What the hell am I in your mind?
I guess I don't even have to ask
However, Liana asked me why it sounded fun to her when she saw an
unknown flower blooming.
Even while I was picking up the names of various flowers, there were many
flowers I didn't know in the end.
There were many flowers that I did not know whether it was a flower that
only blooms in this world, or a flower that exists in the original world, but I
do not know the name.
In the end, I didn't know everything. Of course, there were many more
things I didn't know.
But when the sun goes down. Everyone looked at me a bit strangely.
It was as if they had seen a completely different look from me.
"Oh really, why are you doing this? Am I so surprised that he knows some
"of course."
Liana says so as a representa ve.
“You really don’t know the more you look at it.”
In the end, it didn't seem like my other side of me was taken badly.
I don't know why Harriet
The oysters were red.
These bastards, I think the misunderstanding has grown too much.
I need to harpoon the atmosphere once in a while.
“But it’s kind of weird that I’m looking for flowers.”
I wonder what the sound will be this me
It looked forbidden.
“Flowers are the reproduc ve organs of plants, aren’t they?”
To be precise, it would be pis l and surgery, but
I look at the wild flowers sca ered across the stream.
“Isn’t it a bit funny to see people gathering like this to see their genitals?”
“You are crazy too.”
You have successfully set the mood.
I don't know if it's really changed my mood with just one flower viewing.
Everyone was about to go back, but Ellen caught me.
"li le."
Ellen blinks at me.
"A li le more. Let's stay.”
It must have been that they wanted to be alone. It was the a tude that
everyone wanted to do that.
It's not a misunderstanding that the two of us fought, oh
As if because of the harm, we should be given me to talk separately.
Everyone went back without saying a word, leaving the two of us alone.
It was an autumn evening when the sunset was passing.
We sat on the landing near the Irene River.
We used to be angry with each other.
I can't get my hands on more dangerous things
And most of it I can't even tell Ellen. I don't even want to ask for help.
Because this job is too dangerous.
Ellen shouldn't know any of the things I'd do, if she knew
The problem is that I do dangerous things
But you will know my secret.
If that happens, I don't know what will happen a er that.
I didn't want to imagine.
“I think it’s weird.”
Ellen said so ly.
“If someone is important to you, you should only say good things to them,
do good deeds, and so be it.”
“On the contrary, if someone is too precious, I only say things that I hate to
that person, and I feel like I’m hur ng them.”
Ellen is s ll, looking at the calm waters of the river where the red waves
are flowing.
“It’s stupid.”
“…that’s right.”
For nothing, I threw a stone towards the river. Watching the stones sink to
the bo om of the water, making small ripples.
Under the burning autumn sunset.
"I'm sorry."
“Me too, I’m sorry.”
We apologized to each other.
Ellen leaned her head against me.
It was something I had been doing for a very long me.
“Aaron Mede, you didn’t kill me.”
Ellen already knew.
go a know
Just a lie around, Aaron Mede died a er her head exploded. I can't leave a
scar like that.
She hid the body, but Ellen may have seen it.
Ellen didn't ask anything.
“When you become a Sword Master, will you tell me your secret?”
Even if it became more than a Sword Master, I couldn't tell you.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 261
I didn't make peace with Ellen. Because she didn't even fight in the first
We exchanged hurts with each other, and we ended up apologizing to each
other for that.
Harriet's problem remained.
That night, I called Harriet over to the tea- me terrace where Bertus and I
used to talk.
"It's okay. It's ge ng be er."
When I asked if I was okay, Harriet forced a smile and said so. texture
The country has no choice but to overcome. It's a different kind of horror
than seeing a corpse.
“I just don’t understand. I don't know why I have to do such a terrible
Magic makes the impossible possible. However, I can't figure out why he
had to do such a bizarre thing as the mixing of races or the crea on of life.
Harriet is ge ng be er, though his complexion is bad. However, as if
gradually finding stability, Harriet drinks tea.
“What about Ellen?”
“What did you say well?”
"I'm glad."
Harriet laughed sadly.
“ said you were figh ng zombies in the darklands.”
"Yes it was."
"It's hard for me to see things like that, but how hard it must have been for
you and Ellen."
We've been figh ng the horrendous things ourselves, and Ellen is the one
who took care of the Chimera.
Harriet was struggling even just looking at the traces of the fight.
That and this are different kinds of trouble. I wanted to tell you, but Harriet
seemed to be thinking about his own weakness now that he was having
such a hard me.
“Without you, Ellen would be dead.”
“...all I did was just open a scroll. There was only one."
"That doesn't mean I'm wrong
Harriet looks at me quietly.
Without Harriet, Ellen might not have chosen her fight on the spot.
However, as long as he decided to fight, Harriet's role was absolute.
No ma er how insignificant it may be to think for itself, it does not change
that it has been a decisive help.
“I’m going to try harder.”
Harriet's dark autumn night
look and say
“You are already working hard.”
Harriet sees me.
“S ll, you can work a li le harder.”
I don't know from when.
There was a li le bit of sadness mixed in with all of Harriet's laughter.
“During vaca on, will you be here?”
Magic Research Society ac vi es.
Harriet didn't go home, but there
He seemed to want to focus on the study of the book.
A desire for strength could be seen in Harriet's expression. This me, fight
without hesita on
Seeing Ellen and feeling something of her.
I'm the only one who thinks I don't have me.
Is it because of my influence?
Ellen and Herriot were both nervous.
You need to get informa on from the Magic Society. Also, when an
unavoidable situa on arises, I must use my status as the last demon lord.
Even if it is fake, you have to walk the steps as the next Demon King. The
heir of the Demon Realm, which has nothing, is only a good prey, and it is
not something to be wary of.
People should know that the next Demon King exists.
This requires minimal force.
Vampire Council.
First of all, regardless of their will, they will try to put them under me.
But the old vampires are holy swords
Whether you're afraid of me or you're afraid of me
I don't know how.
It seems that almost all of the Lord vampires are wizards, and there they go
to the magic club.
It is possible to get clues about it.
The Black Order decided to approach me.
Go, tell them about Cantus Magna
I was supposed to give you informa on, but in the near future
It is not expected to come close.
And they blew Aaron Mede's head, but they won't try to kill me just
because I gave them false informa on.
I already have Lord Vampire as a servant
Because I know that Beak is a mean guy.
There's no chance they'll push me to the Empire. No ma er who you look
at, it's a form of a vicious criminal repor ng a vicious criminal.
Un l the Vampire Council is convened
me is le
Final exams are coming.
A er the final exam, there will be a fes val.
And a er that fes val, winter vaca on
this comes
The busier I get, the harder it is to feel the seasons, but that's exactly how I
The short autumn is coming to an end.
It's not because I'm busy, it's autumn and spring
is originally
If you think you've come, it's a season that is slowly moving away from the
other side.
- sarcasm, sarcasm
The sound of stepping on leaves could be heard from all over the campus.
“What is this?”
I removed the fallen zelkova leaves from Ellen's head. He stood s ll with his
back on one of the colonies at the entrance to the dormitory.
The large leaves sit like a hat, but they sit without paying a en on. L
Ren is staring at me no ma er what
there was.
To be precise, not me, but the person next to me.
“You look like that when you look at your sister?”
He's staring at Olivia Lange.
“Are you dissa sfied with me?”
“You don’t like me being with Reinhardt that much?”
"Oh really, what are you talking about! If you're going to say nonsense, go
On the way home from business with Olivia Ranche, she ran into Ellen in
front of her dormitory. Olivia looked at Ellen with her fat expression on her
face, some kind of foe's young gaze, her eyes.
called out
Fortress Olivia has a business
Ellen and Olivia have a very bad rela onship.
But I mean....
She has a bad rela onship, there is a thing called friendship
that she is long
Did you two ever have something like that in the first place? I don't know?
“You wouldn't have been next to Reinhardt if I had been five years old? me
I can teach you everything.”
At Olivia's words, Ellen raised one corner of her lips obliquely.
It's the first me I've seen him make this face.
Ellen spit out with a clear laugh.
“I wish you were older.”
“This is it! Me, I'm s ll twenty-two! I, too, am young! I'm in my prime too!"
"Anyway, I'm older than Reinhardt. Five years old."
"Hey, profit! Reinhardt! When to hit him?"
Olivia ended up losing in the face-to-face match
She giggled and looked at me.
“...why are you asking my permission for that?
yo. This."
“Did you look?”
Ellen lted her head as if she was confident
made it
why are you doing this You are not such a kid!
Olivia gasped and she turned her head.
"huh! Her sister hates violence, so she's pu ng up with it! I know!”
Olivia S cks Her Tongue Out And She Dwells
She went inside the office.
that bastard,
everything is good It's really good.
Some mes, I just do things I hate so much that I really want to beat them.
Ellen looked at her returning Olivia and she turned her gaze to me.
"Can't you be friends with that person?"
“……Why are you doing this?”
"no. that person.”
Ellen was very angry.
“Why, what happened?”
"I don't know. I hate it. It's annoying."
It was the first me Ellen had expressed her feelings so openly.
"That... That person is also him. He helped me with this and that... There
are things that I have to do now.
How are you…”
“…Is it important?”
“Oh, great.”
Olivia Ranche is flir ng with me
It's not good for people to see
I know, but it's really necessary.
I couldn't help it either.
Ellen can't say anything when she says she can't help it, but she's very
It looked comfortable.
“Certainly do it.”
“That, what… what…”
“Because you don’t act clearly, that person keeps doing that.”
Ellen's painter turns to me this me. The body I see at the guy's cold gaze
It seemed to freeze.
“Or, that person is like that, okay?”
“No, not at all. No. Not good.”
“I think I like it. You're pretending to hate it."
"No! I hate it! I really hate it!"
Why are you talking like you're scolding your boyfriend who can't manage
his girlfriend?
It's a strange situa on, but I can't say anything.
what are you
If he said even a single word similar to this, he would have either cut off his
tongue or cut off his throat.
it's really terrifying
“Then don’t do it.”
“Uh… well…”
In the end, I responded like a boyfriend who couldn't manage his girlfriend.
There's too much to do.
If everything related to the gate is 'work', there are too many things to do
on a daily basis.
It seemed like it would break my head to deal with problems that arise in
human rela onships.
So, educa on, the main duty of a student, was behind the scenes.
Again, if you're last, it's dangerous. So this me, I'm not inten onally going
to be last, but I'm sure I'll be in the bo om.
“So, please restrain yourself.”
“Heh, is it wrong to express affec on?”
In the end, when Ellen told Olivia not to play around like Ellen told her,
Olivia went crazy! joy! He was shivering and shivering.
“’s really like this, so I’m with you
It looks like you promised something! I have no inten on of marrying you!"
Olivia's mouth widened at my face, and her complexion turned white.
“G... Really...?”
“Why are you upset?”
She's a senior she really likes, but didn't she keep appealing that she wasn't
interested at all in that way?
“I thought it was… bouncing…”
"Ah. It’s dizzy……”
“Well, if it’s not now, won’t it be possible to come to like me in the future?”
Seeing Olivia's dazzling smile
It seemed that her god was far away.
her words don't make sense
", while ea ng as much as you like,
If you don't watch the run, is your sister really pissed off? So you don't
know how scary it is?"
Olivia is right.
I used it whenever I needed it, and I couldn't get past one of these things,
so I didn't have anything to say.
Because she's s ll using it like that.
“Do you like him that much? To the extent that you are so passionate
about your older sister?”
“It’s not like that.”
“If not that kind of problem?”
Olivia suddenly hardens her expression Danny stopped talking about
“I will only say one word. she's me
did you do something wrong? There is no such thing."
Olivia was serious now.
“But I hate dogs. That's unavoidable. don't hate me
Don't tell me not to bully you, don't tell me not to argue. you know?"
Olivia bites her lip slightly, and she looks at me.
“The more you say that, the more I hate him for no reason.”
Olivia said so and made her visit
closed ghtly.
Even if it's squeaky, if you look at it, this
It's all about saving the world.
Why do I have to go through these things...
“I hate him too.”
Harriet nodded as if in agreement.
it was
“He, though… They say he was a very kind person before this happened…”
At Adelia's words, Liana shook her head.
It was.
"Look, she's a twin and not long that older sister."
“Cheap... two years...?”
Adelia is Riana's radical expression
seemed fed up with
Ellen, who brought up this story and who she said let's go out for dinner,
ordered five of them and ate them all.
She was a li le different from usual.
Somehow, there is a strong feeling that she is angry and is ea ng to relieve
her stress.
When Liana asked her because she looked bad, she said she didn't like the
guy Olivia Ranche with Reinhardt for nothing, she said.
At this moment, Ellen for the first me in her life
I tried to gossip behind the scenes.
Harriet agreed, Adelia didn't know, and Liana described her as her twin.
“By the way, Reinhardt is such an idiot, so maybe the two of them get
along well?”
At Liana's bright words, Ellen and Harriet stared at her Liana.
“Why? No?”
"Lee, Liana..."
Liana de Granz is unaware of the odds.
Liana says her stomach is not very hungry
She ordered a cheese salad, and she was metallurgical.
“She’s a li le bit strangely fussy. He says he doesn't like Reinhardt too, but
if he can't beat him, he might be interested... Oh. what. Why do you have a
shiver? Did it get that cold?"
Liana con nued her words calmly, and her body trembled at the sudden
chill approaching. Of course, Liana is
No cing that it was because of Ellen's gaze
she didn't
“She doesn't know anything else and she's a bit unlucky, she knows she's
pre y and pushes her. It’s like that.”
All four in this posi on have nothing to say about it.
Olivia Lanche.
The tle of Saint of Eredian is quite
It's gone before, but in the end it doesn't change the fact that it's her
appearance that stands out wherever she goes. Even Reinhardt expressed
his dislike, but didn't he see that he was really embarrassed or blushed at
Watching her cling to Reinhardt so much that she felt a bit disgusted with
even the most thoughtless person.
Trust your face, you're very mean.
This kind of thinking comes naturally.
"So what. What do you want to do?"
“'s not about what you want to do. I just hate it. It's okay to look at me
I bet yourselves.”
Ellen said so, about ea ng
she was focused
She's always a glu onous Ellen, but I feel like she has to admit that she's a
stress binge for today.
“Are you arguing? to you?"
I don't know if I stand s ll, but when Olivia comes over and sees Ellen, it's
scratch once
Not recently, but it has been around for quite some me.
Since the last sponsorship event, she has implicitly scratched every me
she met.
Because she's in the same dormitory, she's bound to run into each other
every now and then.
'Oh, hello? Reinhardt's friend?'
'Take care of our Reinhardt!'
'If you get too close with Reinhardt,
No? Do you know why?"
'Oh, you look pre y now. Not as much as her sister.
'Are you good at figh ng? But don't bother our Reinhardt too much.'
'Sorry, my sister is a compe tor, so that's a shame."
'Oh, are you mad? Are you mad? If you hit me, I'll tell Reinhardt. it's okay?"
Ellen grabbed her fork as she ate.
the more you think about it.
get hot
- Whoops....
Everyone was watching with her eyes wide open as the fork bent in Ellen's
Is that possible with human power?
But in the end.
Ellen is not the kind of person who does harm, even if someone hates her.
It wasn't much different for Harriet that Olivia didn't like her.
For Harriet, it's been a long me since she used to be but she's not.
“Um… But that sister must be a li le vague.”
Liana shrugged at Adelia's ques on.
“You didn’t come in as a divine power major. But if she has given up her
faith, what will she do with her gradua on? If you graduate with a Divine
Power major, wouldn't it be strange?"
At those words, everyone's expression turned strange.
I'll worry about the gradua on of a senior I don't like.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 262
The problem is that Ellen and Olivia have a bad rela onship, but I'm
working on something more dangerous than that, so I can't afford to focus
on that.
It seems like my head is going to break just with the things I've been doing,
but I should have been aware of the things that resulted from the things
I've been doing, even if I couldn't take ac on.
I am not directly related to
Sarque about the work of the Orbis class
I had le Garr to inves gate.
The last me the scribe's advice wasn't a trap
It was.
It was a clue rather than a trap.
Your assassina on proves that the person you suspect wasn't the one who
did it, but at the same me, another bizarre thing is happening.
night me.
I was facing Sake Garle who came to me late at night in the room.
A er the Aaron Mede incident, there was no sign that Sarkegar did not
follow direc ons properly or was planning other things.
The way you look at me just looks so sad
it was
It seemed even more so because there was a human that I cherish enough
to men on my life, and that the target was the younger brother of Cheol-
cheon Ji-won.
He wanted to do something, but he seemed to be suffering because he
couldn't do anything.
But that did not mean that he neglected his work. Also, he didn't even
men on Ellen's case. I know that if I do it for nothing, it will only excite my
Sarkegaar is an Orbis class.
About what happened a er school was closed
was inves ga ng
To be precise, about what was involved with Oscar de Gradias.
“It’s a revolu on.”
A er hearing that simple informa on, my head seemed to harden.
An Orbis class that has to prove everything with only abili es, regardless of
You can overcome everything with effort
A place to ins ll the idea of everything.
If those guys didn't dream of a revolu on, it would be rather strange.
“So, what caused the class itself to be closed due to an outrageous boyco
was a smoke screen to prevent further inves ga on and reveal absurd
“It looks like that.”
It wasn't that he was foolishly touching the heart of the imperial family, he
was touching it on purpose.
To hide the truth that should not be known under the surface.
[Event Complete - Revolu onary Forces]
[You have earned 300 achievement points.]
And, the long-forgo en event was completed.
Charlo e thought it was rather strange that she had no revolu onary
forces in the Temple. She didn't really inves gate him in the end, but I
found myself in the wrong place.
I have come to know the reality of the spectacle.
The Orbis class was a revolu onary force.
It will be most, not just some.
The reason why they did not assassinate me or retaliate against me was
because it was dangerous to do such an act now, when they should refrain
from moving as much as possible.
“It seems that the Orbis class has been engulfed by the revolu onary
forces for a very long me.”
It is the cradle of revolu onary forces.
They would have chosen and secretly recruited those who are likely to
agree with their will.
What if they graduate?
The Orbis class is not as big as the Royal class, but they are important
talents a er all.
Whether it's an Empire, a Principality, or a Dominion
They will be si ng in important organiza ons or important posi ons that
recognize their abili es.
“How big is it?”
“I don’t know. I also them
I did not see the mee ng of the members of the organiza on, but it was
only inferred from the conversa ons of the members of the organiza on.”
The inves ga on me was not very long.
I couldn't help it if I didn't understand the details
there was no
“However, as long as the Orbis Class, a key Republican ins tu on for
nurturing talents, has disappeared, they will
It is clear that the ming will be advanced.”
“Yeah, Oscar, he liked it for nothing.
It wasn't…”
Oscar de Gradias is certainly a member of the revolu onary organiza on.
He will con nue to hand over the imperial informa on to the organiza on.
He knew what would happen if there was a major inves ga on into the
Orbis class.
Revolu onary forces do not appear in the original.
That is, there was, but when the gate incident broke out, everything was
eaten up in the chaos.
A er the revolu onary forces took over the Orbis class, they were raising
republicans for a very long me.
Among those who came to the support group, it is highly likely that many
of those who supported the Orbis class were republicans.
Where the hell does it spread
maybe? Sarkegaar looks at me and says.
“Degrada on, use them.”
Of course he knew that Sarkegar would say something like this.
“Using them to bring chaos to the empire, then to annihilate both the
revolu onary forces and the empire.”
If I was going to become the Demon King, there would be no opportunity
like this.
But I'm not interested in that. A ba le between the revolu onary forces
and the empire causes great chaos in the empire.
And there the gate bursts.
...the perfect situa on to destroy the world.
It just popped up once.
That the bu on of the destruc on of the world was pressed
it was no different
No, how the hell do I do this?
bu erfly effect.
Those words now tremble.
There's only one thing I have to do.
I do not think about the success or failure of revolu on.
First, the revolu on must be stopped.
So, shouldn't I be in the original posi on?
It was to the point of being outrageous.
Sarkegaar says this is a great opportunity
was judging that
“Do some more research. Their detailed size, loca on, and who their heads
are. Find out everything, and if necessary, you can join that fac on.”
“Yes, lower.”
Need to know the detailed scale of these bastards
can also be taken
I'm sorry, but according to Sarkegaar's inten on
can't do it
Sarkegaar, not knowing what was inside me, was smiling happily.
Revolu onary forces clearly exist. It's sure to be massive too.
But I couldn't touch it. If you start to prune the twigs carelessly, the
cornered ones will start to move.
Then there will be chaos because you have touched it has ly.
I didn't know that one fight would bring such a result, but now
No ma er what you do, it will have a huge impact
come alive
You have to be careful and be careful.
At first, he had no choice but to entrust the collec on of informa on to
I felt like I was thinking about how to deal with a nuclear bomb that would
explode if touched incorrectly.
Killing them all or not, whether it is possible or not, is irrelevant.
The best thing to do is to put off pu ng them into ac on un l at least the
next year or so. Then it will be a er the gate avalanche or not.
If so, the gate incident was safely prevented. In other words, I am the
revolu onary
Do I have to open my eyes to see Jun-dong?
Even if the gate incident is safely prevented, is the inevitable second war of
the Imperial Civil War awai ng? me
Where should I stand from there?
seemed to go back. It is a world where there are only minefields wherever
you go.
In front of me, Sarkegaar does not touch
I find a way to blow my nose and I see something I like, but I was worried
that my head would explode in front of it.
Dongsangmong is just saying this, but
"great. Just go.”
“Yes, lower.”
Sarkegaar once again become a sparrow
try to change
A sparrow trying to get out of an open window, looking at its back
I heard you
Sarkegaar will only take advantage of me.
In the end, I am doomed to be used un l the end because I do not have
the will to rebuild the Demon World. I may be doing it wrong in many
places, but the biggest mistake I make is to use that blind allegiance to the
end will also be a big part of it.
- Tit?
Sarquegar turned to me and smirked his head.
“Last me, I’m sorry.”
I can't do anything for you, and I'll eventually become a four-iron savior
more than Lagann Artorius.
To my selfish apology, Sarkegaar
He looked at me like a sparrow.
- Lowering.
...... ,
- God is not serving the Archdaemon, but the lower one.
There is no subs tute for Archdaemon other than me, so you can't help
me, I clearly meant that.
Aren't you serving me because there is no Archdaemon other than me?
I said it like that.
Sarkegaar tells me that I am serving at my age.
I broke my tongue who said that back then
I wanted to ask.
- Please keep that in mind.
He is not loyal to the Archdaemon. If so, does that mean that even if I'm
not an Archdaemon, I'll serve me? why? Is it worth it to me?
- The demon who was detained by humans
From the me he made the decision to rescue the prisoners of war,
everything from the hair of God to the last piece of his soul was of low
It's not because it's an arcdaemon.
From that moment on, Sarkegaar recognized me as a lord.
Seeing my guilty expression, Sarkegar lted his head a few mes,
pretending to be a sparrow.
- Oh, come to think of it, I have something else to tell you.
It was as if something that had not been said came to mind.
-It's a bit different, but it's strange that the imperial family didn't no ce
don't you?
“...not really.”
Bertus, and Charlo e, and the Emperor,
It was surprising that the imperial family did not understand this issue. of
course sar
Some of Kegar's intelligence skills may be excellent, but it was surprising
that he was not aware of this problem at all.
-I wondered if he was just si ng around knowingly... I did some research
on that side as well.
- I don't know the details, but there seems to be a problem inside the
imperial family.
“What problem?”
- There is a rumor that someone died in the Imperial Palace.
Some problems are occurring inside the imperial court.
I don't know if it's anything else, but it's the Imperial Palace.
Come to think of it....
because of the assassina on a empt on me
I couldn't write at all.
Charlo e had been a ending school at the Imperial Palace for a while, not
her dormitory.
It's just that there's a lot of work inside the imperial family, I was thinking
about it, but come to think of it, Bertus was s ll in the dormitory.
Charlo e's Palace,
That someone died there...

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 263

Revolu onary forces are also a problem,
The problem was thrown around again, and I didn't know which one to
devote my me to.
Charlo e has been staying in the Imperial Palace, not her dormitory, for a
long me.
In such a state, a person died in the Imperial Palace.
Since Sarkegar learned during his espionage ac vi es, he said that most of
them were unaware of the difference between the inside of the imperial
palace and the aristocrats.
Does Bertus know about this?
Although I take classes with Bertus except for the integrated educa on
course, I take a superpower class with Charlo e.
But she just listens, and she doesn't know what she's doing in class
because Charlo e is completely isolated.
Where is the focus of the problem?
Is it her assassina on a empt on her Charlo e? if not
Is it another ma er altogether?
I do not know the contents of the class, but in the end
She could see Charlo e at the start and end of class.
I couldn't read anything from her Charlo e's expression.
Had she not listened to Sar Ke Gar, she would have thought Charlo e
would have no problem.
Facial expression management is as natural as breathing for Bertus and
Charlo e. That is why I could not feel any care, worry, or anxiety in her
Charlo e's carefree expression.
A er the superpowers class.
I caught her Charlo e on her way back to the Imperial Palace a er class.
I don't know if I don't know anything, but since she knew something, I
couldn't let her Charlo e go like this.
“Yes, Reinhardt, why?”
Charlo e smirked as I leaned next to her naturally.
what are you doing
Isn't that dangerous?
have nothing to say
I didn't know what to say. If you know it's dangerous, there's nothing to say
to the ques on of how you know it.
I didn't know what to say in front of Charlo e's plain face, which didn't
show anything.
I grabbed Charlo e for a while, but I couldn't say anything and just stared
blankly at her Charlo e's face.
It was.
“Are you busy?”
Somehow, he said things like that like a manipula ve guy. Charlo e looked
at her for a while, and then she suddenly heard her say that, and she
turned to a bewildered look.
“Are you busy?”
I do not know.
Just let it happen!
Let's just s ck with it! civil war
At the sound of her tongue, Charlo e looked at me.
She smiled so ly.
“If I’m not busy, what do I do?”
"play with me."
A er a sudden sound, even more suddenly
When her missing dog's sudden burst of gunfire, Charlo e furrowed her
brows in disbelief.
“That… that, uh… um…”
Charlo e looked bewildered and opened her eyes. She let out her sigh
Then, she smiled so ly.
“…it’s just a ma er of taking your me. any amount."
She had a smile that looked thinner than usual.
We can share the problem with the revolu onary forces, but the problem
is urgent, but what was more urgent was Charlo e's safety.
I don't know for sure, but with a high probability, Charlo e's life seems to
be in danger.
I don't know what I could do just because I knew it, but I didn't want to
remain unaware.
At least we can talk about it, right?
Charlo e will think she's a friend of mine, but she's a li le more special
than saying that Charlo e's existence is a friend to me.
For the first me, I risked her life to do something.
The person who made her realize that she can do it, and her survival is the
fruit of that.
So, I want to keep it.
The imperial family is noisy with internal affairs, and Charlo e is involved.
That's why they don't realize that the Orbis class problem is actually
involved in a very dangerous thing that might overthrow the Empire.
Of course, this is all a misjudgment in the end, and the possibility that the
situa on is under control is high.
there is
The story that Sarkegaar heard that a person died in the Imperial Palace
may also be a rumor a er all.
But, somehow, I have a strange certainty.
that nothing will happen
I'm very impressed with the strange sound of my begging you to play
As if he had made a big decision, from the profile of Charlo e, who bravely
led me to the front.
you get that certainty.
I couldn't get the main point out, and I can take it out
there was no
Charlo e took me out of the temple. She asked to play, and she's heading
somewhere for Charlo e, what the hell
do you want to
I don't know how Bertus is, but Charlo e seems to be doing her outside
without her escort
There seemed to be no such thing as fear.
Ears when the princess is just walking down her boulevard
She wonders if something trivial happens and she's wearing her hoodie on
the last ou ng together, but Charlo e didn't this me.
“Aren’t people just recognizing them?”
Her Charlo e's face isn't par cularly well-known.
He shrugs and wears a bracelet
“Not long ago, she bought a new ar fact.”
There's a 'cogni ve impairment' magic on it. Transparency
It's not that I'm angry, but I'd say my presence is fading. roughly like that
Unless you're approaching her on purpose, you won't be able to see her
When you might be bothered by a lot of people recognizing you, you can
cast the magic on your bracelet.
agree Of course, since I am a companion, I will not be affected by the
I thought it was a magical item needed only by celebri es.
“So let’s go.”
A er Charlo e ac vated cogni ve inhibi on, she led me somewhere.
Before she goes back to the Imperial Palace, she seems to be able to take a
short walk with her classmate in her spare me.
Upon arrival, I was at a loss for words.
“Ah, ah, nothing!”
It was on the banks of the Irene River that Charlo e brought me.
Came here a few days ago with the kids!
But when she says that, she disappoints Charlo e
I thought I would, so I didn't say anything about it. I don't know what's
going on, but you gave me precious me, and it's going to be boring.
You can't trample the princess's care like that. Charlo e looked at me and
smiled as she shook her head.
“You don’t like flowers?”
“I like it! uh! I love you so much!"
Charlo e looks at me and smiles.
“You are lying. you like flowers
go? A passing dog will laugh.”
“Oh, no, you might like it.
Do you have to go through that? Charlo e is
Seeing my forced tension, he tapped my arm.
“What are you trying to swear?”
“Are you friends? Be comfortable with me.”
Charlo e said so and she walked ahead.
I don't know what your situa on is, but it's serious.
I know all
Her management of Charlo e's expression is terrifying.
She was strict.
I'm upset with myself, Charlo e is Charlo e
Lot's troubled
But both of us. I like that tea
tongue did not
That's why we acted as if we were out for flower viewing.
There really wasn't much of a difference
Her reac on, Charlo e, wasn't much different from her other guys. I was
astonished to recognize some flowers and say their names.
"What the hell do you guys think of me..."
“Oh no, nothing.”
In the end, I only know at the level that everyone else knows, and even
that is shocking.
It was funny to be embarrassed.
But in some ways Charlo e is different.
It was a li le different with the guys.
Charlo e knew the name of every flower that bloomed in the stream. I
was a li le perplexed when the names of flowers I had never heard of were
“That’s Dahlia.”
“It’s a geranium, that’s it.”
“It’s Petunia. Isn’t it pre y?
I like iron flowers.”
“That’s a heliotrope.”
“Your name is great.”
“It smells great. Would you like to take it?"
“Oh, no.”
Not long ago, flowers were said to be the reproduc ve organs of plants.
Thinking about the expression, I felt startled and retreated.
am i crazy
Why are you thinking like this at this me?
Charlo e is smelling the flowers!
Last me I came, no one was interested in flowers. However
She said that Charlo e said she was pre y when she saw some flowers,
she stopped, and she walked slowly as she smelled the flowers.
“What do you know all this about?”
“Because I like it.”
Charlo e looks at me and smiles.
“If you like it, you will know it. I want to know more.”
“So, did you study?”
Charlo e lted her head.
“It just comes naturally.
I like flowers, so it’s like studying
Naturally, I came to know a lot of flowers without doing anything. Charlo e
who said that was a li le strange.
She even smiles like that.
Other than that, she could tell that Charlo e was really enjoying herself
now. She may not have come here with a happy heart, but it was clear that
she was enjoying this moment.
She's Charlo e wearing the perfect mask, but there's a certain expression
underneath that mask.
I can't see through if it's hiding
All I could tell was that this brightly smiling Charlo e's expression was not
a mask.
Charlo e loves flowers.
She thinks she's likable, but when she sees that 'like look, she feels weird.
She is seeing her for the first me.
“Uh… this is so pre y. What is your name. It’s not wri en.” |
Naturally, it seemed that there were flowers she did not know.
What does the garden in Charlo e's palace look like?
I suddenly wondered.
Perhaps you have a well-maintained garden with countless seasonal
I thought it would
Where you come is important, but also who you come with.
It must have been a few days ago, but it seems as if I had never been here,
as I saw Charlo e, who stopped from me to me to peer into the flowers.
At the flowers that Charlo e sees, I also stare silently.
She says the name of a flower she knows
She took a closer look at the scenes that only hit me
will see it all
It was like this place.
Next to Charlo e, who is looking at flowers, I
A few words because she doesn't know how to enjoy flowers
It was just a comment.
It is enough not to interfere.
“Huh… Pansy is already blooming.”
Charlo e was squa ng quietly in front of a flower I knew.
Charlo e knows flowers well.
If so, do you know anything else?
Fortunately, it's a flower I know.
If you look at what Charlo e is saying, the flowers
Because it doesn't seem that much different from the original world.
“Do you not know the language of flowers?”
“Flower language?”
“Isn’t there such a thing? Every flower.”
“Ah, yes, yes.”
But apart from that answer, Charlo e shook her head.
“I don’t really like that.”
“It’s a name tag that someone else put on it.”
Charlo e taps her pansy's wide petals with her finger ps.
"The flower language of roses is love, but who
It might be sad for you.”
Flowers have their own meaning to everyone.
is be er
So I don't like flowers.
She seemed to Charlo e and she thought so. She said that Charlo e
seemed to ponder for a moment as she gazed s ll at her pansy, and then
she picked up one of the fallen flowers. She was such a flower, as if
someone had cut it and le it without taking it.
“Do you know the flower language of pansy?”
“I can’t know that.”
“Well, at Reinhardt’s level, it was already a passing grade. If I had known
this, I would have been surprised.”
Charlo e held the flower and she looked up at me.
"Would you like to have it? Do you think it's trash?"
“Trash is a gi if you give it to me.”
“You have such a knack for making such a moving statement that the
listener is not moved at all. It’s also an ability.”
As Charlo e said so, she handed me a pansy.
In her Charlo e's mind, I don't know what name tag she gave the pansy.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 264
Flowers are actually very uncomfortable lines
it is water
I couldn't put it in my pocket, so I carried a flower with me. Charlo e saw
me do it and told me to just throw it away. I don't know if it looked ugly or
if there was another reason.
I really tossed the pansy Charlo e gave me among the flowers.
“Wow… really throw it away.” Charlo e looked a li le stunned.
"...abandon it?"
“No, but what I gave you was garbage.
Rado is a gi ?"
“Did I just give priority to the princess’s orders?”
“ really are. Why do people do that?”
“Are you sad? If you're sad, take it back.
"Hey. Reinhardt, I told you to throw it away, but by the me you threw it
away, it’s already over.”
“This is a mistake.”
“At a me like this, just saying nothing is good for you now
will you know And you hate me even more when I say that I really gave up
on the topic I asked to throw away?"
“Yeah, you can do that!”
Charlo e shook her head as if red.
I stu ered.
There are other reasons for throwing it away, but I didn't men on it.
Like you can't tell me why Charlo e gave her pansy. It's just that.
Do you know Charlo e because of cogni ve impairment?
There were no passersby.
I met Charlo e at least earlier this year. However, it felt like a distant past.
A girl who died in prison.
I didn't know who Charlo e was. She found out she was a princess, and
she was so troubled, but she eventually managed to get her to the zodiac
because of it.
If I hadn't met Charlo e, would I have escaped the Demon Castle safely?
If she hadn't come to the zodiac, what would I have been like?
Assump ons are meaningless, but I thought about what I would have been
like if that happened, but I was at a loss.
I only had a vague thought that I would have lived as nothing or died while
wandering in the wilderness.
It all started when he eventually met Lot to use in prison.
Charlo e is my beginning.
“... her eyes look like a middle aged man. What are you thinking when you
look at me?"
"My, when am I!"
Does Charlo e make me feel bad in my eyes Hmm?
turned into a smirk. While looking at the flowers, Charlo e says as she
“You used to be weird, but these days you seem a bit weirder.”
“I’m in danger, I feel anxious and anxious.”
I am different from Charlo e.
She is not good at managing facial expressions. So, if there is anything with
El Ren, the kids will find out, and if there are a lot of worries, the kids will
Maybe it'll change your mood.
"I don't know what makes you so uneasy, but a li le bit of strength on her
How about taking it off?"
Charlo e worries about me.
It would be hard for her to care about her own problems, I think.
Is it me to take care of me now?
what are you up to
I struggled between the urge to ask something and the urge not to say it.
“If you lose your strength, why do you need more strength?”
Charlo e took a deep breath. She said that Charlo e was walking a li le
ahead of me. She had just finished class, so she wasn't around sunset.
Charlo e's pla num hair shines in the autumn sunlight
received it and was dazzled.
Charlo e, who had been exhausted by her, seemed to have now regained
her health. Of course, but this
The wet looked much be er.
Then, while she was looking at the flowers, Charlo e, who was suddenly
startled, unknowingly grabbed my arm.
“What, what? Come on?"
“Bur, because of the bees. Phew...."
- Boo-woong....
Charlo e was startled by the bee
It was.
She wasn't a wasp, she was just a bee. bee
The silver went through the flowers and disappeared.
“What am I doing again?” | “What! you really. Some mes I seem to forget
it altogether, but I grew up nicely, didn't I?"
Charlo e saw my reac on and opened her eyes.
she said
she grew up nicely
He said that in the first place, he was too humble. The princess saying that I
grew up nicely. that person
Already cute with her body.
He's grown up so nicely that even those words are a bit difficult. steep
Although I have experienced
“…No, but are you afraid of bees if you say you like flowers?”
If you like flowers, bees will naturally look
doesn't it happen?
“…don’t you have something like that in my garden?”
Regardless of whether that is possible or not, the gardens of the Imperial
Palace are not the same as the plant ecosystem.
Even Jun's microcontroller is possible.
is this
S ll, considering the harsh things he went through, wouldn't the
punishment not be even at the p of his toes? Charlo e clicked her
| “I see you, really. Punishment is an unknown fear to me. It's only natural
that I've never been shot in my life, and that I don't know what I've been
through is just scary. okay?"
“I know you have a lot to say.”
“Isn’t there anything you can’t say to the real princess?”
Charlo e smiled at her as if it was ridiculous.
she burst
She said so, but she looked good.
She Charlo e likes flowers.
But the bees are afraid.
She knew that again. She said that Charlo e came here. There are a lot of
beau ful flowers on the banks of the river, but as soon as she saw there
were bees, she distanced herself slightly from the flowers.
She said that Charlo e would have lived in a garden where she had only
bu erflies.
She some mes forgets how precious she is, but every me she does this,
she some mes
She felt it.
She Charlo e, she smiles helplessly, as she laughs at herself, she barely
can't get to the flower she likes because she's a bee.
“Reinhardt, have you ever been stung by a bee?”
“There must be.”
“How much does it hurt?”
“It hurts so much.”
“Is that enough?”
She looked at me so Charlo e rolled her eyes.
“But, well, not to the point of dying. You'll be sick for a while."
She said that there were mes when she had anaphylaxis or some kind of
“Would you like to shoot?”
Charlo e said so and she tried to get near the flower.
“What else do you need to do on purpose?”
"is it?"
Charlo e scratched her cheek and smiled a li le silly. She Charlo e
pressed among the flowers
Rain watches the bees from a distance.
"It's scary not to know, right?"
There are things that you know are scary, but things you don't know are
Fearing the unknown, she distances Charlo e from the bee. lest she get
too close to it,
She said that Charlo e was afraid of something of her.
"Thank you for playing today."
Charlo e's words were strange.
She asked Charlo e to play with me.
She said Charlo e said she would give her me, she didn't ask for her me.
She was the first to s ck with it, and as a result
it was on my side
The reason she wanted to spend me like this was that she was actually on
Charlo e's side.
She Charlo e She looks at me and she smiles as if she was having fun.
"I'll go now. If you come in too late, there will be a riot in the Imperial
Palace. Surprisingly, I live in a place with strict me standards. I'm busy
these days."
Saying so, Charlo e waved her hand. “The route to the Imperial Palace is
over there. I will go over there.”
If you want to go to the Imperial Palace, it's right to go there, and I had no
reason to go with Charlo e to return to the Temple.
It's a li le sudden, but it's strange
NS. If Charlo e gets home late, there will be a real uproar.
She ended up saying nothing.
She didn't ask anything.
For Charlo e, a er all, in this situa on, my
Go with an ominous flower language to accept
I only received a single gin flower.
“Hello, Reinhardt.”
What does Charlo e say?
She felt like saying goodbye.
I don't know anything.
I had a strong convic on that if I lost Charlo e now, I would never see
Charlo e forever.
My senses say
If you let it go like this, seeing Charlo e is oh
It's always the last
So, I grabbed Charlo e's arm as she returned to the Imperial Palace.
"uh? Yes? Why?"
“Let me take a look at your house.”
A er playing with me, let me take a look around the house.
Why me.
The reason is always serious, but does the result lead to bizarre behavior?
There was a bit of a quarrel.
Going to a friend's house is one of those things that can happen.
However, if the opponent was the daughter of the imperial emperor, and I
was a low-income, non-rong-banger, the story had to be a li le different.
"No. really can't Why all of a sudden?"
Charlo e wasn't angry at the sudden death, but she said no, and she kept
driving her nails.
“Just. I want to see how crazy you live.”
Charlo e seemed terrified at my naked expression.
"Why the hell is this all of a sudden... Later, on the weekend or something
like that, I'll invite you when the me is right."
"today! Absolutely today! I'm the one who must do what I thought of!
When I was figh ng with the Orbis class, I remembered that day and killed
it that day! know?"
“I know, but why are you doing this all of a sudden…”
I was in a hurry, as anyone would expect.
Charlo e looked at her that day and seemed to have lost her mind.
I don't hide from people, so I'm not going to be listened to no ma er what
I say.
did you think it would
She said no, she said a few mes, but when she didn't seem to be able to
eat her seeds, she finally sighed and said she got it and she was taking me
She said that once she used the force, she
I was surprised to hear
The fuss that she said someone was dead is already
has it been put to sleep?
"Haha...why am I..."
Of course, it wasn't an easy decision for her. She looked at me as Charlo e
opened her ax eye.
Why suddenly the Imperial Palace?”
you said I do it because I want to see how nice my friend lives in the
No ma er how close I am, I'm s ll a friend
I don't want to commit such disrespect even to the Do Princess.
She didn't know anything and she didn't tell Charlo e anything, but she
couldn't let Charlo e go like this.
She even has a new trait called Gi Gim.
That was the decisive blow for her strong foreboding.
Don't miss her Charlo e today. Then you will never see Charlo e forever.
She wasn't like a revela on, but she felt something like that.
Of course, the story of the revolu onary forces is not even that small, and
Charlo e is entangled in another problem unique to Charlo e.
She knew she was out of the blue and she headed for the imperial palace
was in progress
Is this an accident?
Or is it an accident?
I hope this isn't a bad choice.
Charlo e had an anxious expression on her face, but she was taking me to
the Imperial Palace for the me being.
The scale of the Imperial Castle is larger than that of the Temple.
Soon, in terms of Seoul, the size of one sphere
That is, it far exceeds Charlo e took me past the entrance to the Imperial
Palace. The face of her princess was nothing less than an iden fica on card
here in itself, and I, a temple student, too, under the approval and
endorsement of her princess, was the imperial castle.
could come in
The security measures for the Temple and the Emperor are the same. So,
my true iden ty will never be revealed. If the camouflage through
Sarkegaar's ring is discovered here
It should have been discovered earlier in the Temple.
Charlo e had finally given up, and she didn't say anything to go back.
She said, "I'm going to force myself to bring you to the palace. So, you only
care about me. If someone else finds out about this
Because I'm sure I'll do it because I'll kill you and save you."
Charlo e looked at me and rolled her eyes, and I grinned and nodded her
"of course. Do I do that while looking at people?”
“...Please Reinhardt, I really want you to be there some mes. There are
mes when I really hate it, but now it is. Shouldn't it be at least not to tell
me that I'm being sarcas c?"
“You are my friend.”
"Acknowledging you as a friend must be one of the biggest mistakes of my
Seeing Charlo e sigh, I giggled.
“But the biggest and only mistake is not.”
“Shut up. I feel really bad.”
It seemed that Charlo e was serious about sex, so she quickly shut up.
Emperor Emperato
As soon as we passed the main gate, Charlo e and I boarded the tram at
the wai ng pla orm.
“Is there a tram here too?”
"Yes. Because it's spacious."
It was a tram that was prepared as soon as the arrival of the princess was
There were only two of us on board.
I pretended not to know, but I know this.
Ludwig also has a chance to enter the Imperial Castle.
Seo, because I did a descrip on of the Emperor.
There are three tram lines inside the Hwangseong Fortress.
Routes exclusively for the royal family, routes for nobles and bureaucrats,
and routes for others.
It must have been a route dedicated to the royal family.
Passengers who stand and ride like a temple tram
There were no handles for the seats, and the number of seats was not too
many due to the luxurious interior design.
Anyway, he suddenly recognizes the princess and clings to her, saying who
are you or what?
Without anyone, me and Charlo e rode the tram to tour the Imperial
Un l this morning, I was around the evening
I didn't think I'd be in Hwangseong for the first me in my life.
Hwangseong had a slightly different feel from Temple.
The temple is s ll mostly students
Because it is a space, it has a lively feeling.
If so, the emperor was solemn and calm.
| The people passing by also had serious expressions on their faces, and it
is unknown whether they were nobles or bureaucrats, but it was certain
that they were far ng humans.
Charlo e said she said no, but she had brought her along, and she seemed
to have decided to finally guide her.
"See over there? That's the Tetra, the Imperial Palace where His Majesty
the Emperor resides."
Where Charlo e pointed, past the vast gardens and fountains was the
Imperial Palace.
It was a palace that gave a feeling of solemnity rather than splendor. In
terms of splendor, the royal class dormitory was more splendid.
However, the great imperial palace where you can feel its solemnity and
solemnity seems to represent the authority of the empire.
I don't have to be flashy.
seems to say so
Since the supremacy of the con nent is clear, I feel proud that I do not
need to decorate myself.
The descrip on in my head even more
It was elaborately cra ed.
Trams go round and round the central Imperial Palace Tetra.
“Do you know about the Emperor?”
go a know
Emperor Emperatos,
The Gradias Empire did its utmost to build the imperial castle while
determining the capital.
Many magical barriers are schema cally laid out in the veins, and not only
the wall for refusing the intrusion of impure forces, including the intrusion
of foreign enemies, but also the wall.
Hundreds of complex magical barriers were spread out even in the Nira
“East, West, South, North, and South of the Imperial Palace Tetra
There are four palaces in There are other palaces, but the biggest one is
the four except the Imperial Palace. From the north, they call it the Palace
of Spring, the Palace of Summer, the Palace of Autumn, and the Palace of
“I heard that.”
“Do you know why it got this name?”
"No? Is there a reason?"
But even if I'm reluctant to explain
I think Charlo e is having a li le fun.
Standing I shook my head.
“In the early days of the establishment of the empire, they paid a lot of
a en on to the safety of the imperial castle. So, hundreds of thousands of
magic barriers were spread all over this area.”
“Yeah, that’s why the ley lines are twisted and the mana around here
becomes imbalanced, so Lee Sang-hyung
An injury must have occurred.”
"Suddenly four seasons at the same me
came into existence.”
"...really?" “Yeah, really.”
A side effect caused by the applica on of numerous magical powers.
With the excep on of the middle of the castle, there were spring, summer,
autumn, and winter seasons everywhere.
“Of course, a lot of me has passed now, and a er maintenance,
The statue has disappeared, but it must have been a long me since the
phenomenon had not been fixed. So, not the name of the original palace,
but the area
Palace of spring, summer along the seasons of
Palace, Palace of Autumn, Palace of Winter.
He also changed his name like that.”
The bizarre phenomenon disappeared, but it was called
Habits remain and replace exis ng names
did it
The tram kept moving, and a palace
As it began to appear, Charlo e pointed to it.
"That's the 'Winter Palace' where Bertus lives."
It was a palace boas ng a straight figure. It was said that it was a palace of
winter, so it was a palace that somehow gave a cold and eul-like feeling.
Of course, compared to Goseong Epiax, it is a fairy
It was a palace that gave a strong impression even though it was lonely
because of the people who lived there.
Bes plo ng in the Winter Palace
It feels like a good fit, yes.
In fact, the seasonal phenomenon has disappeared, but Charlo e looks at
the Winter Palace and sees me again.
“Isn’t it a li le pricey?”
“How good it would have been if that Bertus trembled and lived in the
Winter Palace.”
How can you say something like that all of a sudden?
answer me?
As I was stunned, Charlo e covered her mouth and giggled.
"It's a joke. If that had been the case, Bertus would not have lived in the
Winter Palace in the first place.”
The name is Winter Palace, but Bertus' Winter Palace was only in autumn.
However, although it is autumn, it feels like winter. The reason could be
found in the garden, not the palace.
Didn't you even describe this part?
A spacious garden in front of the Winter Palace.
There was not a single flower there. There were grasses and shrubs
planted with brown drying out, but not a single flower.
That's weird.
It was described a long me ago, so I don't remember it that much, but
Bertus' Winter Palace garden was so barren.
did you
I don't think I've ever described it like that.
Apparently there are flowers and there are flower beds.
But now why?
Charlo e said she knew what I was doing.
“Isn’t it gloomy?”
"Uh, what? It's kind of like that."
But in the end, I have to say that I am Bertus.
There was a sense of strife, but it was not flashy.
“S ll, I wonder if it makes sense that there is no flower bed even though
the name is a garden.”
| Charlo e crosses her arms and bites her tongue.
“Aren’t you like a kid? Did I just dig up all the flowers in my garden because
I like flowers? She said that when she heard it, she was more outrageous
than angry.”
I thought it wouldn't, but Bertus was also a childish person.
She likes Charlo e's flowers.
I think that was enough reason for Bertus to dislike flowers.
My memory wasn't wrong.
The reason there were no flowers in Bertus' garden was because Charlo e,
who liked them, was s ll alive.
Then, the reason there were flowers in the original Winter Palace garden is
because Charlo e, who likes those flowers, is already dead.
Now that I have no reason to dislike flowers, I can have flowers in my
Was it like that?
When Charlo e dies, it goes to Bertus' garden.
It's childish, but in the end it speaks of their hatred and hatred for each
it was terrifying
This was also a background se ng I was unaware of.
will be.
Charlo e smiles with a gloomy expression on her face.
“When I brought all the flowers I dug back into my palace and planted
them, it was worth seeing the dog’s expression.”
Bertus is not just a kid.
Charlo e was childish enough.
“Ah, it has arrived.”
The tram arrived north of the Imperial Palace. Charlo e pointed out the
window of the tram.
"That's the 'Spring Palace' where I live."
spring palace,
Even if you were looking at it from afar, no, it was a place you would know
even if you didn't know the name of the palace.
Rather than a palace of spring, shouldn't it be called a palace of flowers?
The garden was filled with flowers that were in full bloom.
Not long ago, a person died there.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 265

The well-maintained flower beds of the palace were full of unknown
flowers. But it didn't look messy. If the winter palace garden felt like a
secluded and well-organized park, the spring palace garden seemed to be a
place where fes vals were held.
Although Bertus' garden was barren, it was not unorganized a er all.
Charlo e's palace is gorgeous, but I
didn't catch
A garden full of flowers, a garden without a single flower.
I thought this part was referring to two people who looked alike a er all.
Bertus hates flowers because Charlo e likes them.
Charlo e must have planted even more flowers because Bertus hated
flowers. Even the flowers that Bertus had thrown away were planted like
Both cling to each other's likes and dislikes.
What will happen to Charlo e's garden if Bertus dies?
Now that there is no reason to be obsessed with flowers, it will not be as
flashy as it is now, if not to the extent that the flowers disappear.
A er all, they are the same guys a er all.
I thought so.
Charlo e took the lead and walked through the garden full of flowers.
Gardeners taking care of flower beds
Eun looked at the princess and bowed quietly.
There was no special conversa on.
There was no ques on about the unexpected guest.
If the winter palace is a cold impression, the spring
The palace looked comfortable and cozy, either because of its name or
because of its design.
The palace, which gave a warm feeling rather than splendor, seemed to
compensate for the lack of splendor as it was surrounded by colorful
The garden is also part of the palace.
I thought that it was the same with the Winter Palace and the Spring
It was the same with the Imperial Palace Tetra,
“…are there really no bees?”
Charlo e's eyes widened at my words.
“The flowers are beau ful. It smells good. manager
that is great. I didn't expect this, but were you s ll thinking about it?"
No, that's right!
It's natural for bees to tangle because the flower is Jicheon, but as you
said, real bees are
It's amazing because I can't even see my nose!
“Of course not. If I'm stung by a bee, the gardener's throat flies?"
As Charlo e smiled and said that, I was in a cold sweat.
A er all, there are no bees in this garden,
won't even come Pest control would be good too. Magic or whatever.
“No, then what is it? that. there is.”
“Oh, yes. That.”
Without bees, there is no pollina on.
am I not there?
“…you really worry about weird things. You will figure it out.”
“… Reinhardt, you know. I don't know that.”
There is no need for the princess to know about the issues she doesn't
know but knows. Charlo e loves flowers, and for one reason, this huge
flower garden is created. Gardeners don't need to know and have no
reason to know what to do specifically.
Power is like that.
Charlo e lives a normal life.
She only feels that she's far from me, she's Charlo e, and she's far from
I don't need to know that. The things below know what to do.
How dare you say this
Charlo e walked through her garden and arrived at the entrance to the
palace. A huge hall inside the palace, and spiral staircases, statues and
She felt that the palace was too large for Charlo e to live alone.
no. She won't live alone. She'll have maids and a endants, this and that
There must have been people in charge and escort forces.
no wonder.
No one appeared to be a user anywhere in the huge hall.
No, I can see it.
The servant who comes out to meet her Charlo e, this maid, I think there
must be someone like that.
She had no one to meet Charlo e, and she seemed very few.
Something happened here, and this one enemy ship will be a trace.
It's been a long me since she's been pushy, but she's Charlo e and she
eventually brought me here. I mean, I'm never going to see anything
Charlo e will be the first to wear it in the gloomy palace.
“As I said before, don’t say anything useless. I will take care of it.”
Talking about being bibi while looking at people. keep in mind
It was as if Charlo e had admi ed to herself that I could be rubbed.
I feel good about this
Then, someone si ng somewhere in the hall got up and she came to meet
Charlo e.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes when I saw the person approaching.
she was alive
The second lieutenant of the cavalry at that me, who gave decisive help
when escaping the Demon Castle.
“Are you back?”
“Oh, Dyrus, hello. This is my friend Reinhardt. Reinhardt, say hello.
My escort, Sir Dyrus.”
Dyrus, who was now Charlo e's escort, was in front of me.
I was vaguely guessing that Dyrus might have died, and I hadn't even asked
Charlo e Gen. i die
There's no reason to know Russ.
She became Charlo e's escort. She managed to somehow save the human
that Charlo e had saved her own.
However, if we think about it calmly, of course, Daurus's ability did not
reach a superhuman level. She doesn't know what kind of development
she has gone through since then.
No ma er what I did, I couldn't reveal the joy inside me in the end.
Because I don't know Dyrus.
He was unharmed,
then that's it
But contrary to my pleasure, Darus was looking at me with a vigilant gaze.
“Your Majesty, bringing in outsiders here…”
“Because they are friends.”
"s ll...."
Even with Charlo e's words, Dyrus looked troubled.
Rumors about what happened here are likely to be true.
So, the entry of outsiders must be prohibited now.
Charlo e was on the verge of recklessly trying to wrap my compulsion into
his own, and Dyrus looked troubled.
The princess who forcibly brought her friend home, unable to overcome
her friend's livelihood, now manages her life in her house.
And the voice of such Dyrus
Another voice came from another place.
It's not a familiar voice, but it's not unfamiliar.
“I know that you should refrain from bringing in foreigners here.”
There, the first empire I saw before
Commander of Satan Shana. Saviolin Tana
there was
Why is that person here?
She was walking towards me and Charlo e in her knightly uniform.
"It's not been a long me, Reinhardt."
Of course she recognized me.
“You must have been invited, but I have to leave.”
She said so, as if her Charlo e's opinion didn't ma er.
Is Shanatel the guard of the Palace of Spring?
The impact of the rumors Sarkegaar had spoken was being seen in real
me right before his eyes.
What the hell happened?
Is Charlo e safe?
“Sir Tana. It is me who decides it.”
“It is temporary, but it is up to me to take responsibility for the safety of
the present palace.”
Suddenly, the strongest of the current worldview and the Imperial Princess
were in a war of nerves.
“Is this the story of Reinhardt being a dangerous person?”
“I think you know that it’s not like that.”
I believed in the feeling and decided to install it first.
When Charlo e gets a li le, because of my compulsion
Isn't she figh ng a no-no?
As if Xabiollin Tana didn't get it right, she looks at me, not Charlo e.
It would have been be er for me to turn it off on my own rather than
having a nerve war with the princess, and it would have been an
expression of my inten on to go back on my own if I understood it
However, even when the strongest person in the world is in front of me, I
cannot back down.
I need to know what's going on here, what's going on with Charlo e.
I have no inten on of leaving.
She looked back at Charlo e as I looked straight ahead.
"Majesty. Wait, let’s talk.”
It was almost like a command line.
Is the authority and power that Saviolin Tana has?
"Yes. Sir Tana.”
Charlo e never had her momentum down there.
It is strange that Dyrus and Xaviolin Tana object to my visit.
If the owner of the palace decides that
De, the secretary and chief of the bodyguard oppose the associa on
because it's like
So, it is correct to think that this situa on is only happening in the Palace of
Ta, who sabiolin said that we would talk about it separately
Where are me, Charlo e, and Dyrus?
gone across
They had gone quite far, so I couldn't hear their conversa on.
It seems that Chanapelle is in charge of defense, but the knights' troops
were nowhere to be seen except for the commander.
It seems that she is the only one,
The other personnel are hiding somewhere and guarding.
I don't know if I'm in charge or what...
If there's a murder, the guards
Shouldn't it be further strengthened?
Why are you so sloppy?
I had an ominous feeling.
how much me has passed When they returned, Saviolin Tana looked very
uncomfortable to plant.
She felt sorry for Charlo e.
It's because I was forced to fight for nothing.
“Let’s go have dinner. It’s okay.”
Charlo e smiled brightly, she just said that, while the others didn't say
In the end, I forced myself to buy Charlo e and let her enter the Palace of
I was even more puzzled that this coercion worked.
It's a request that I'd like to hear even if it's an unusual situa on.
But under unusual circumstances, Charlo e eventually complied with my
“Would you like to walk?”
As if Charlo e would introduce her to her palace, she dragged me along in
the s ll and quiet spring.
wandered around the palace.
Dyrus and Tana did not catch up.
"What the hell is this all of a sudden... I didn't want to fight Sir Tana. go"
“Did you fight?”
"It's not like that... but I'm
Please know that I had to sabotage my reputa on to protect my image.”
Charlo e's gloomy gaze on me seemed to make me goosebumps. I wonder
if this is just me again trus ng my intui on and making a serious accident...
In order to uphold her poor reputa on, her own
A princess who sacrifices her reputa on.
You are such a good friend...
“Anyway, don’t be fooled by Sir Tana or Sir Dyrus, okay?”
"Of course. I'm not crazy."
"That's right. Or rather, it's weird now .”
I also have a conscience, but I have to admit it.
“It is. It was crazy, but I wasn't crazy enough to even go crazy with Chana
Fell. Rest assured.”
“But why are you so harsh on me?”
Charlo e covered her ears, as if she didn't want to hear any more.
- Noisy!
Enough to echo Charlo e's brief screams and echo through her hallway,
The palace was quiet.
The silence was unfamiliar to me, and Charlo e and I were both dazed
while arguing.
"It's quiet."
“…it wasn’t like this in the first place. Recently, I have reduced the number
of people.”
"Yeah, let's go."
She brought her along anyway, but Charlo e diligently took the lead to see
if she didn't want to treat her badly.
She had no signs of murder.
There's no way I'd recognize them, and there's no reason for them to
remain... The first place Charlo e brought me to was the gallery.
“Do you like pain ng?”
“...this can't be a lie. at all
I don’t like it.”
“Can it be said that I am not interested in everything about art in general?”
“Actually, so am I.”
Charlo e overlooked the numerous pain ngs and sculptures hanging in
the large gallery inside the palace.
"I do not know. A pain ng is a sub-imita on of reality. Then it's just a
deteriorated version of reality, but if it's a func on, it's in itself that men
lose. like a pak. However, it became meaningless at the me when the
flame-type magic developed. But I s ll see haunted people who s ll brush
their teeth and go around.
It's kind of weird to see."
Charlo e is some mes compared to Bertus.
It's so cynical that you can't go.
The me when magic similar to the picture developed
The value of pain ng as an imita on of reality has fallen.
She doesn't have a concept of abstract art here yet
Goro. She no ced something out of the ordinary. Charlo e denies the
possibility of pain ng
While she did, she walked through a gallery full of portraits.
“It’s a portrait of the people who lived in the Palace of Spring,” she said.
Some are imperial and some are not.”
"okay? Can I live in the Four Great Palaces even if I'm not a member of the
Imperial Family?"
She's only reaffirming what she knows, but she explains Charlo e
She looked pre y good, so she deliberately pretended to be curious.
She said, “The summer palace is the largest, and there are many a ached
palaces, where the imperial servants have lived since long ago. The autumn
palace in the south is also a place where officials work, not the royal
Who lived in the Palace of Spring in the original story?
It was where Charlo e lived, but she would not have returned, and there
would have been another owner. I don't even know that. Even in the
original work, Bertus lived in the Winter Palace.
He cannot know what he does not know. The residences of the imperial
servants have expanded a bit.
may be
Because of the two candidates for the sun, two of the four palaces have a
strong chance of succession.
It meant that one member of the royal family lived there.
One owner of each of the four palaces
Charlo e and Bertus,
Oscar de Gradias in the eastern summer palace, residence of the imperial
Bertus' words that even members of the same royal family could never be
the same made sense.
Strolling through her galleries, Charlo e then stopped by Yedidi's.
There was no dust accumula on, but there was a strong feeling that it was
a space that had not been used for a long me.
A large statue of five gods
In the chapel, Charlo e sees me.
“Is there a god you follow?”
“Not at all.”
“I thought so.”
Although I am the owner of Tiamata, of course
hey i don't have a god to follow
Religions in this world are unique. No, it has to be different rather than
There is no concept of not believing in God.
God is there.
Do you just follow God?
Those who follow are religious people. You cannot deny God. Because
there is a divine power called divine power, and there are holy things that
God has given.
“Am I too…?”
Charlo e shook her head.
“Of course, if Artorius hadn’t won, I would have died. Am I not supposed to
serve the war god Ars...? I thought so.”
Lagann Artorius wasn't a priest of Ars, but he defeated the Demon King
with the Alsb Ringer, the holy relic of Ars.
“Somehow, I thought that Artorius was the one who saved me… but I don’t
think that’s necessarily the case…”
Charlo e smiles sadly.
You must be thinking of Bali. Was my existence such a great salva on for
Charlo e? Of course, you're right that saved Charlo e's life. Without
Arturius before that, the war would not have ended.
"How strong was the demon king? Even if Artorius was defeated, wouldn't
it have been possible to kill the demon king if the allied forces worked
That's what I said, but I do know.
The previous demon king, Bali.
It is a novel that begins with the death of the demon king, but what about
the demon king's power?
If it wasn't for Lagann Artorius,
The Demon King would not have died.
The Allies would have been defeated.
People say that Lagann Artorius
He knows he killed the king, but he doesn't know how. Because the ba le
was fought inside the Demon King's Castle, without any spectators.
Only I in the world know.
If it wasn't for Alsbringer, even Ragan Artorius would not have been able to
subdue the Demon King.
Without Lagann Artorius, the Demon King would have won, and I would
run away.
would not have had to Charlo e must be dead,
“It’s funny… to think like this.”
A er leaving the chapel, Charlo e and I con nued walking through the
palace. There was a performance room where the orchestra played, but
there were no musicians. The musical instrument storage next to it was
also empty.
Charlo e introduced me to various places. The royal residence, kitchen,
dining room, dressing room, storage room and bedroom for VIPs.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 266
Charlo e's bedroom wasn't spacious enough to play soccer inside.
There is no reason to be too wide.
There was a huge canopy bed with elegant silk curtains, a mee ng table,
armchairs and sofas and a bookcase.
The furniture is arranged in an orderly manner, including
had been
The dressing room was also in the bedroom,
It also appeared to have an a ached bathroom.
The royal class dormitory was also substan al, but of course it could not be
compared to the princess's bedroom.
I suddenly wondered.
Charlo e decides to wear her clothes alone.
If you do, will her maids dress you? in the dormitory
Sun would do it all on her own.
Well, because there are some kinds of clothes that she can't put on and
take off by herself. like that
Ooh, I'm going to borrow someone's hand.
Of course I didn't ask.
I looked around the bedroom and finally let out a thought.
“The bed… is that too big?”
“…Really, I appreciate your point of view.
I want to go.”
Charlo e will make weird noises again.
Like she knew, she double the king size
He pointed to a huge bed that was far beyond.
not only horizontally, but also ver cally
It's also that long.
“But, sadly, you are right. That bed is so spacious.
But I found that bed uncomfortable.
I woke up a er trying out the dorm bed
The dormitory bed is also large, but that
not turning
No, to be honest, if I was to exaggerate a bit, would you be able to do an
empty tee on that bed? Have you ever seen people living in a gosiwon that
is narrower than your bed? uh
It's a li le smaller than the previous studio.
The princess's bedroom wasn't big enough to play soccer, but the bed was
bigger than most gosiwons.
“I originally thought I had to crawl to get out of bed, but what if the dorm
bed only needs to roll sideways?”
Charlo e was funny when she realized that she had been using
uncomfortable beds all her life only a er she tried small beds.
expression is cute
If you roll one wheel sideways, you can get out of bed. I love it.
As she imagined Charlo e doing this, she seemed to burst into laughter
regardless of the seriousness of her current situa on.
“Would you like to lie down?”
“…I know you think I’m a real nerd, but you know. I am that much
isn't it?"
I also have a thing called Zen! It's because other people can't agree, so
there's definitely something there! I will roll around in the princess's bed
I’m the kind of person who trembles, uh-huh
It's not a tori!
Charlo e covered her mouth at my reac on.
Chae she laughed.
"Why? That bed is honestly too big.
If you sleep on both ends, no ma er how much you sleep
Even if you look like a dog, you won’t be able to reach a single finger p all
night long?”
"Oh, why are you here?"
In the end, Charlo e went crazy because of my brute force and coercion.
Charlo e didn't take a look around the spacious bedroom.
Since it's a bedroom, there must be some sensi ve items. There were a
few portraits, but I didn't know who the person in them was.
didn't ask
She is an adult woman resembling Charlo e.
She didn't have to ask. in her charlo e
'Cause that's a sick name
at that me,
It was hard to see in human form.
what that.
I stopped thinking.
“Shall I show you something interes ng?”
With a meaningful smile, Charlo e grabbed my arm and led me
somewhere. Charlo e was facing the wall on the side with her bookshelf.
“If you read a novel like that, there’s something like that.
Ah. The royal family and the imperial family who live in this place
Um... It’s the kind of thing that people say they go out through secret
passages when there’s a riot.”
" way?"
Charlo e is on the wall between her bookshelves and the bookshelf, on
one part of the wall embossed in the shape of a column, she unfastens her
necklace and she is there
She snapped it into my groove.
- moon
with such a sound.
As the wall rotated, me and Charlo e passed over to the other side.
As soon as the rota on is over, I'm stunned
had no choice but to
".....what is this."
“Isn’t it amazing?”
In front of her was a staircase leading down.
The bedroom is on the second floor.
However, this staircase is not designed to go down to the first floor, but to
the basement.
seems to be
“This is the secret passage to the Palace of Spring.”
“Isn’t this… an important secret?”
Charlo e nodded her head casually.
"Huh. No one other than me would know about this, would it be like His
Majesty the Emperor? Even Dyrus, of course, doesn’t know Tana or
Charlo e waved her own necklace. This is the item used to ac vate this
secret door.
“This is the key.”
Inherited from genera on to genera on by the owners of the Palace of
will be a thing
"...I can't see this, can't I?"
Charlo e laughs at her head.
“You are a friend.”
Being reversed during the advance payment period, I was at a loss for
However, if you tell me something like this...
I'm star ng to get a li le scared...
“So, where does this go?”
“This is the heart of the empire. Secret passages aren't boring either."
Charlo e took me all the way down her stairs and at the end was a room in
the basement.
took me to
The secret passage ended there.
There was only one room. However, there was definitely a way.
rather than length,
“If it’s a place for escape, you should be able to go anywhere.”
There was a warp gate here.
Miniature Warp Gate. Of course it's disabled now.
| I don't know how far this can go, but if it leads to another warp gate
within the crossroads, it's a good way to escape.
| “You can use space movement magic in the Imperial Palace.
could you?”
“I can make it impossible, but
Why can't I just be the reverse?"
Charlo e said it like it was nothing.
Why are you even telling me this?
Charlo e just keeps a very important secret.
She speaks for fun. any other
She seemed uninten onal.
We have this in our house too! It's not a place to be proud of like a child.
I'll have to take this into account when the gate crisis breaks out. As it is
always inac ve, it is not known whether monsters will appear here or not,
but this was a place that I had to be aware of.
As she le the bedroom, she guided Charlo e from place to place.
There were many spaces, but there were
There were none or very few.
So it felt completely empty.
"It's just the size, but there's not much space that we actually use. It's less
crowded these days because there are fewer people."
Overall, it wasn't as good as the White Palace of Arnaka I went to last me,
but the Palace of Spring also looked lonely.
It's a different kind of loneliness.
White Palace Arnaria originally looked like that.
The Palace of Spring doesn't look like that.
It wasn't a lonely place at first, but it feels like it's ge ng lonely.
no wonder.
like dying.
That was the feeling.
Let's take a look around the palace once in a while. Now, a lot of me had
passed and the sunset was pouring in.
“Is there anything wrong?”
I'm fed up with Charlo e's harsh words.
To say that there is nothing special about a palace with a mini warp gate in
the basement would be a bit true...
“I want to say what you mean… to be honest, it is.”
A er all, so what.
There was only this mind.
Charlo e seemed to like my answer.
A er all, when it comes to palaces, the huge thing is only water. There are
a lot of empty spaces, but she said that Charlo e was not the owner of this
palace, but rather she was the one living in the room of one of these
The warm sunset light illuminates the hallway red
However, fewer people enjoy the light
It was even more sad.
In such a lonely sunset light. Charlo e has finished her round of the palace
look at me this day
“Actually, I wanted to see this at least once, and I kept thinking about it.”
For some reason, he was smiling like a lonely sunset.
“Bring a friend, tell me that I live in a place like this, show them around,
and it’s really great to live in a place like this.
I wanted to tell you that I don't even do it. Definitely, at least once.”
Charlo e made a wish out of nowhere.
She had a human face.
She was compelled to follow, but in fact, she was expec ng this from
Charlo e.
So, she pretended to fit
But in the end she didn't hate it at all, and she brought me here, knowing
that General Shanna would be against it.
“I think you know my heart. Reinhardt, it's really strange... Why do you
know so well? why... i need
When I do, will I be by your side?”
She seemed to know now what Charlo e needed.
someone who will just be by your side.
She seemed to need it.
"Actually, I'm qui ng Temple soon."
At those words, it seemed to me that the accident had stopped.
I don't know what Gigam's warning was, but he was trying to let me know
this in the end.
If I had spent me caring about other things like this, she would have
suddenly disappeared.
She must have had a frustra ng me, not knowing why she was gone. I
can't even ask Bertus how Charlo e is with her.
Charlo e,
Did you lose to Bertus in the end?
So what is the murder in the Palace of Spring? Berthus takes her Charlo e
Did you fail to kill him? If it failed, then there must be a problem on the
part of Bertus. Why the hell?
Anyway, there are so few people in the Palace of Spring because of the
emperor's struggle, and in case of any unforeseen disaster, is Tana, who is a
saviol in charge of Charlo e's bodyguard?
"Is it because of Bertus?" |
Charlo e's response to my ques on was strange.
“Then what are you going to do?”
“I lost the ba le for the throne in the end, so if it’s like this, then I’m
qui ng Temple… if that’s the case.”
Charlo e looks at me.
“Then, what are you going to do?”
“Then, what will happen?”
You already know her answer.
“It is obvious that the end of the royal family who lost in the ba le for the
right to the throne is clear. Are you going to die right now or a li le later?”
Charlo e stares at the exterior of the palace.
She said, "I could die right away, so I had to deport him away to see the
noise and then get rid of the cause. As if he had no choice but to resist the
entrea es of his servants. I'll let you die quietly in exile. Well. Some say he
was robbed or a acked on the way to exile... he won't be alive."
Charlo e looks at me a er explaining it.
“If I were to do that in the future, what would I do?”
The worries didn't last long.
No, there were no worries.
“I have to live.”
“I mean, anyone can do that.
Ignoring Charlo e's words, I took a step closer to Charlo e.
“Did you forget my superpower?”
“If I believe it, it will happen.”
Charlo e looked at me silently.
“I will save you. So, that’s how it’s supposed to be.”
“It’s nonsense, like that.”
“Yeah, don’t be fooled.”
I was looking at Charlo e.
Yes, this is just a hoax.
“But I forced myself to become a psychic, and I succeeded in enhancing my
magic. and
Also, I was able to enter the Palace of Spring by forcing a subject who was a
street beggar.”
In my forced life, I did it again
It's just forcing. my compulsion
It has always been a reality.
It will only happen this me.
I believe so.
“I will save you no ma er what happens, and if I fail to save you, I will kill
Anyone can say that they will try to live somehow.
But if I can't save you, I'll kill the next emperor. Not everyone can say that.
Charlo e was so startled that she knew what crazy I was talking about, and
her mouth was twitching.
I will do that.
Bertus may be my friend right now, but if he kills Charlo e, he will no
longer be my friend a er that.
As Charlo e tried to understand what I meant, she burst into laughter in
dismay as she eventually failed.
“You… what the hell am I doing to do this to you? No ma er how much I
think... you've made me this far. Why do you have to end up like that? I
really don't know…”
“You are a friend.”
Words I've been thinking about a few mes today.
Charlo e is her last cry with those words.
Er, she eventually forgot her words.
She was silent for a while. Charlo e swallows her saliva and looks at me
with a grin.
“I’m sorry.”
what is sad
"Today, I know you were doing this because you were worried about me.
S ll. That's enough."
Naturally, Charlo e had no choice but to know the reason for my strange
behavior today. “It’s not because of Bertus. So...."
Charlo e pinched my cheek slightly.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 267

Dinner at the Palace of Spring was splendid.
At the lavishly set table, she ate while assisted by her a endants. As if
there were fewer people, it was not that there were no meals. It was
uncomfortable for me to have someone helping me eat, but it wasn't so
I ate too much for nothing, Charlo e was forced to
He was looking at me with joy as I was crammed into it.
In the end, Dyrus and Sasha, who were ea ng together, ate too much more
than expected.
Even Tana, who played the violin, looked red.
“……No, do you eat that much?”
“When am I going to try something like this?”
Charlo e Leaves Her Temple
Bertus has nothing to do with it.
In the end, I had no idea what was going on here.
all. The reason she quit the temple is because she's Charlo e
she didn't tell
She was Charlo e and she was warned.
No ma er what happens to me, Bertus isn't involved, so don't do anything
So don't bring yourself into a crisis.
Even that is likely to be false.
A bizarre story lurks in her Charlo e's situa on.
It was certain that there was, but he would not have heard an answer.
A er dinner, she had tea me together and talked about this and that.
When the situa on is too serious, people say rather light things.
When you start men oning a heavy topic, the atmosphere is sucked into
that one topic, and you can't say anything.
We did just that.
I decided to go home a er dinner,
I had to return soon.
I don't want to go back yet, but I'm going to sleep here. It may work for
Charlo e, but it won't work for Tana, Savioli.
wouldn't do it
She said Charlo e said she would prepare well and she said goodbye
she said four
"bye. Reinhardt, Sir Tana will see you off.”
With such an everyday gree ng.
Soon, Saviolin Tana came to see him off. This is more than a drop-off
watch if i'm running right
it would be for
"Oh, yes. Sir Saviolin."
Saviolin Tana called me.
"It's fine, Tanaro."
I nodded her head at her harsh words.
“Yes, Tana.”
“…I wasn’t talking about taking the sutras out.”
“Yes, Sir Tana.”
The situa on is serious,
Because this yangban is strangely cute, no ma er how
It's true with Ellen.
“Follow me. I have something to check
Before leaving the palace she was mine
There seemed to be something to do.
She didn't dare Dyrus, but the reason this person saw me off was because I
had something to confirm.
She led me to somewhere in the palace.
Perhaps a place that looks like a gymnasium.
The lights were on, but no one was there. She suddenly drew her sword.
“Take it.”
She was suddenly a li le creepy, but eventually she grabbed the p of her
sword and handed it to me.
“It’s not a big deal, let’s see your skills.”
“What is the future of the empire that the juniors said?
I've been wondering if It was during a banquet at the me. I want to check
it out when I get a chance.”
The strongest person in the world says let's hit a sword. It is clear that
there is no par cular inten on. But the woman who gave me the sword
was bare-handed.
She had no other weapons in the gym. There's no way Charlo e would
prac ce swordsmanship here.
“Ah, that’s right.”
As I stared, she looked at her bare hands, wondering if she missed it.
“Don’t worry.”
- Whoa...
In her bare hands, blue mana condensed
As it began to become, she took on the shape of a sword.
It's not even an Auror Blade that projects magic onto the sword and puts it
on top of it.
She has reached a point where she can make a sword with only magical
power from her bare hands.
A superman beyond even a superman.
A Sword Master who surpassed the Sword Master. Saviolin Tana.
No, by the way, is this Yangban Sun going over it?
"No, what if you summon something like that?
s ll."
“Don’t worry. Because you can control it. It is now at the level of a rather
hard wooden sword.”
As if the kid knew what to do, she summoned her sword to come and
pointed it at me.
“Oh, then that’s a different story.”
“Do anything.”
Wan ng to know what to do, I approached her, holding her Tana's sword.
As I move, her shoulders and steps change even though I haven't touched
her. Gathering her distance, she moves before she even takes a defensive
stance as if she reads how I'm going to a ack.
this is read
The moment you hit the sword, you will be immediately blocked
Thinking it might, I step back a bit and measure the gap.
Never had this been possible.
However, 'It became possible a er I realized the feeling.
Giving is the most decep ve of all the quali es I have received.
Of course, the bloodline and divine spirit of the warrior are equally great,
but the morale of Gigam lies in its versa lity.
I feel like I'm always on the move. It's not just useful in specific situa ons.
In this situa on, the opponent's movements are more visible. It's not
readable, but a li le more subtle.
Watching the opponent's pre-ac ons that react according to my
movements, what kind of workshop is coming?
It is possible to predict to some extent what will happen.
It's not a special area of power.
I can only see what Ellen saw.
If I train for a long me, I can do what I see, with the aid of the character.
it has become
Whenever I change my posture and adjust the trajectory of her sword, she
moves with me.
He hadn't even hit the sword once, but it felt strangely like there had
already been more than five workshops.
It gets blocked when you enter. So the other way, then the other way, the
other way, then me again.
in such repe on.
The opponent's shoulder, stride length, and the direc on in which the
sword is held.
According to it, it predicts the workshop through minute changes in
“……It’s not a gimmick.”
She, too, must have seen what I saw on a much higher level than I did.
Therefore, a workshop other than this workshop was possible.
She nods her head. she sees me
I don't know why....
This guy is with Ellen, but people are read. Ellen o en didn't know what
she was thinking in the early days, but this guy just looks.
'It's not at a level that's not icy.
She said, 'She's been told that she's been learning the sword for less than a
She said, 'No ma er how much she used to learn from a genius.
'Is this possible?'
'What kind of talent is this?'
'You said you've also strengthened your magic power?'
'Did you say you have superpowers?'
'He's scared.'
'Should I ask you to come to Chanafel?'
'I like it."
'But it takes too long to graduate.'
I think that's probably what you're thinking.
what? Why do I feel like a mind-reader for this person alone?
- Slurry....
"done. I don't think I need to see any more
In the end she put a sword to me
Without looking at her, she reverse summoned the Auror Sword. I politely
returned her sword to her. Watching me with her mouth shut was
complicated by these and other thoughts.
She suddenly thinks that she wants Ellen to grow up like this.
“I don’t know if you are the future of the Empire, but I think Epinhauser
was not wrong.”
“Is that a compliment?”
“I was telling the truth.”
this person.
Not only Ellen, but Epinhauser as well.
it was Of course, the opposite is true of age.
She looks at me with her sword in her hands.
“Follow me.”
She le her gym without a word, and she went outside the Palace of
A night garden full of flowers, the gardeners were all absent. Did you even
go to work?
“It looks like it’s going to rain.”
Suddenly, an ominous thunderbolt was boiling in the darkened sky.
How long has it been since the sunset has passed? Wow, it's suddenly
cloudy like this.
She gave me a big long umbrella
handed over
But she didn't use an umbrella.
“Aren’t you using it?”
"not really."
It looked like it was going to rain soon, but as if it didn't ma er, she walked
quietly through the palace gardens.
The garden is so huge, get out
It had been a month just for that.
No guards were to be seen in such palaces and gardens.
Is it that Xaviolin Tana's existence itself already replaces numerous guards?
Some non-existent palace users also | It looked like they had already le
the palace.
In this spacious palace, where Charlo e introduced her, there were also
quarters for servants and maids, but I didn't go inside, but it was clear that
it was empty.
how far did you walk
- Fight. tuk.
it is raining.
I opened my umbrella, but she just got caught in the rain. I tried to put it
on, but he said he did it and distanced himself from me.
She walked quietly in the rain. It was enough for her to know that she
wasn't feeling well.
She and I walked through the palace gardens of the rainy spring. The tram
stop was s ll far away.
Suddenly, she opened her mouth.
“Your Majesty says you are the one who can take your secret to the grave.
“…Is that so?”
"okay. and help you a lot
Jun, you said you were a benefactor and a friend. so
Even if I tell you a li le bit of her own secret
He said good.”
It seems that those words were included in the stories they shared with
each other.
own secret.
The ending I didn't want the most.
Was it because of Charlo e's own problems, not Bertus or anything else?
“So this is very unusual. The secret of the imperial family can only be
known by you, an outsider, only by the will of the Crown Princess. It's also
not something I can decide on my own. So, when this happens, your life as
well as mine will be blown away, so only you know the story you will hear
from now on.”
With enough warning, Xabi Olintana opens her mouth.
“Currently, all foreigners are prohibited from entering the Palace of Spring.
Not just simply outsiders. most of the royal staff
All of them are wai ng outside, except for those they can trust.”
Work rather than add useless words
I just had to listen.
Charlo e didn't say anything directly, was it because she had to listen to
Xaviolin Tana's mouth?
Charlo e gave me her own secret, a part of it.
“So when His Majesty brought you, I and Dyrus wondered. it's all yellow
Because that's not possible. So, the one who went back and forth between
me and His Majesty
Keep in mind that Yagi is situa onal, not something poli cal. I have nothing
to do with anything that comes from poli cs.”

Saviolin Tana.
It is only the power of the emperor, and she has a large business card of
general manager Shana Fel and has absolutely nothing to do with poli cs.
Saying that it was a path that did not suit her ...
“You must be a superpower.”
“Then you probably know more about the dangers of superpowers than
most people, right?”
“Your supreme power is one of those dangerous abili es. It's the kind of
force that's not well controlled. so that
I couldn't reveal it to the public. so far
Your Majesty is in control of your own abili es
He was concentra ng on that.”
Charlo e's superpowers.
It's an offensive ability, and it's a kind of power that shouldn't be revealed,
so I'm res ng.
I was only predic ng what would happen.
“I cannot go into detail. However, the imperial prince himself is
experiencing difficul es in controlling his abili es. That’s why it’s ge ng
difficult for Your Majesty to live a temple life any longer.”

Those with psychic powers that are dangerous and difficult to control are
Charlo e's power is that kind of power, so she can endanger other
students at the Temple.
So she says Charlo e can't come to the temple anymore.
She says Charlo e will soon leave her temple.
It could be in a month, it could be next week, or it could be from today.
If this is true, then Charlo e's statement that Bertus has nothing to do with
it would be true.
That's right.
The story of people dying in the Palace of Spring...
In the end, is it the story of Charlo e's power running out of control and
people dying?
She said that was the reason Charlo e returned to the Imperial Castle
rather than the dormitory.
“Today was unusual in many ways. Do not think that things like visi ng the
Palace of Spring will be possible in the future.”
It wasn't a ba le for the emperor, but Charlo e disappeared from the
temple because she failed to control her abili es.
Prior to that.
A er all, what is Charlo e's ability?
Why the hell is Saviolin Tana here?
Why did my senses send me a warning today?
- Flash!
- Kurreung!
In a streak of lightning and flashes of lightning, I look at Saviolin Tana.
The raindrops that flowed down her cheeks as she walked blankly in the
rain, like tears.
“What if Charlo e completely fails to control her abili es….?”
“I have no reason to tell you.”
Xaviolin Tana says without looking at me.
Her expression was seriously hardened, just like me and her.
She seemed to be preparing for something of hers.
She is prepared for something she does not want to be prepared for.
Saviolin Tana.
Why is the strongest person in the world alone in this palace?
Are you in charge of the former guard?
why are you alone
No ma er how you look at it, she only has one guard other than her,
"When Charlo e goes crazy, she's here to put her hands on the Lord."
- Flash!
In the thunderstorm, Xabi Olin Tana opened her eyes.
The guild sent me a strong warning today. Even now, the danger signal was
s ll felt.
That's right. It must have been that Charlo e was going to die today.
By the hands of Saviolin Tana.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 268

Saviolin Tana is staying at the Palace of Springs to cherish Charlo e in case
of emergency.
Not Charlo e's Safety, but the Emperor's Safety
it was for
She was sure of that.
"Stop talking. Reinhardt, I'm not very pa ent."
Tana playing in the rain is like that
she said
Even if you are a friend of the princess, the story of you being tasked with
killing the princess
It was an off topic. The reason she beats her blankly rain is that she wants
to torment herself
Was it?
I don't know what kind of rela onship Charlo e and Xaviolin Tana have.
However, it is a ma er of touching the body of the noblest of the royal
family, except for the emperor.
It must have been that he had received an order directly from the emperor,
and Charlo e was also accep ng it.
But it would feel like hell if I had to carry out that order myself.
Something will happen today. But that's just a warning, not sure.
Suddenly, the Palace of Spring was moving away.
I must not go back to the Temple.
I can't leave Charlo e behind.
But how.
Neither Charlo e nor Xaviolin Tana would allow Charlo e to stay at The
Palace of Spring here. I crossed the line a lot. Already allowed too much
under the name of Charlo e's friend.
I don't know if Bertus is aware of this, but if he does, he'd rather be off
Charlo e.
am. There's no reason to waste your money on a compe tor who will
disappear on its own.
He was already approaching the stop.
“You know the entrance to the Imperial Palace. I want to take you to the
entrance, but I can't stay away for a long me.”
“Yes. Thank you, Sir Tanah.”
Originally, I would have to make sure I le the Imperial Palace properly, but
now the situa on is special.
She was driving me to the stop and returning to the Palace of Spring.
I am not allowed to stay.
There was no one at the stop. All those who have already returned have
returned. In order for no one to see her Charlo e's condi on, leaving only
a minimal
The palace is in opera on.
Now even that minimal person, everyone
All but Rus were bi en.
To make sure no one sees Charlo e killed by General Shanna.
That means that now, the room rate of the Palace of Spring is very poor.
Is it possible to secretly observe the situa on?
In other words, a grandmaster-class Xabi
raised Tana.
The Palace of Spring will be her domain. Is it possible to hide my presence
from her senses and infiltrate the Palace of Spring to observe the
situa on?
It is possible or not possible, it must be
Near the sluggish spring palace that has le people far away.
Now was the me for another accident.
Not for me, but for Charlo e.
Just like when I first fell into this world.
As if she risked her life in the Demon King's Castle, this me she had to
gamble with her life in the Imperial Castle.
I can't watch the first life I saved disappear like this.
A night of autumn rain in the dark.
Saviolin Tana is nervous. However, she is not the kind of nerve that is
vigilant about her surroundings.
She'll be concentra ng solely on Charlo e. The depression and confusion
she felt herself seemed to be quite deep.
There's my self-sugges on.
I don't know if it's possible to erase a miracle, but I'll try.
In that state, one more.
Use 're rement'.
Saviolin Tana does not feel my presence infiltra ng the Palace of Spring.
[The event requires 2000 achievement points.]
It's not impossible, but it's not cheap either.
If it was in the past, the price would be enough to buy one talent. With
these two thousand points, I imprinted the talent of self-sugges on.
Due to the combina on of various circumstances and condi ons, it is
possible to deceive the senses of the Grand Master for this moment.
The current achievement score is 5930 points. If I could save Charlo e
today, I would have used all of these points if I had to, or if I had not
enough, I would have borrowed them.
[Use 2000 achievement points.]
When Saviolin Tana disappeared beyond the flowers in the garden, I le
the stop
The year went back to the Palace of Spring.
An umbrella is placed in a basket of flowers in the garden, and self-
sugges on is also used.
No one can feel my miracle.
strong allusion.
My self-sugges on is more powerful in this real situa on.
I respond to my tension and urgency.
I can't let Charlo e die. My sense of crisis that something is going to
happen today has made possible things that were not normally possible.
I succeed in infiltra ng the Palace of Spring.
There is a belief mixed with convic on.
I don't know if my presence is really gone.
However, the actual rain reduced the noise and I moved very carefully.
I created a situa on that prevented me from feeling my miracle due to my
re rement, but I
If she suddenly runs up and grabs her by the back, of course she will
no ce.
Anything hidden is a miracle.
don't be reassured
I approached the distant Palace of Spring again.
In the cold rain, petals hit by raindrops were falling.
Saviolin returning in the autumn rain
Tana's back.
A er that, I also followed in the rain.
Saviolin Tana was not conscious of her surroundings.
As I expected, she seemed to have a lot of mentality on her mind because
of her pressure on her du es.
I would stop from me to me while walking and stare blankly at the
Palace of Spring.
I didn't know what he was thinking.
But a deep sadness she had not shown before me, Charlo e, was felt on
her back.
She never thought she'd meet Xabi Olin Tana before the Gates incident,
and she only outlines her story of her past, not her details.
Saviolin Tana did not par cipate in the Demon World War. To be precise,
the war
she didn't
Under the pretext that the most powerful force to protect the imperial
castle should remain, the emperor
Her ed her to her eclip c.
She failed to use her power where she needed it most.
That's a huge part of her sense of debt and her guilt.
She made Ludwig harass and horror, only because of the special situa on
that the world was in peril, and not because her heart was evil.
Xaviolin Tana saves Ludwig
and dies
At the same me, she spoke to Ludwig for all the cruelty he had ever dealt
do apologize
I don't know her normally, but she's just a cold and sober a tude, but
she's not like that on the inside.
rather ordinary,
She was just an ordinary person who was so strong that she had no choice
but to carry a lot.
Xaviolin Tana's Epinhauser
She is a mature senior.
She graduated from Temple and she would have joined Shana
Teni, she must have been a knight of the Empire for decades. She is so
nicknamed that she is the guardian of the imperial family.
So she must have had a lot to do with her royal family.
What was her rela onship with Charlo e?
I don't know her well, but that she cherishes her Charlo e is her, her
hesitant feet.
I felt it in my steps.
Seeing Saviolin Tana returning to the Palace of Spring, I also entered the
As I entered the entrance to the palace, I did not feel any magical barriers.
it had been
Thanks to Charlo e's guidance, I roughly remembered what was around
the palace.
I may have forgo en it a er a few days, but I just heard it.
The people in this huge, empty palace are Saviolin Tana, Dyrus,
And only Charlo e.
The lights were on, but because there was no one there, no one could see
- Rumble....
It used to be an ominous thunder, but now the thunder and rain will kill
the sound of my footsteps.
what should i do here I didn't know anything yet.
vague certainty.
Because of that feeling that was not even in words, I infiltrated the
princess's palace, refusing to go back.
If I'm caught in a bad situa on, even with Charlo e's pardon, Xaviolin Tana
won't let me go.
If caught wrong, she really dies.
In the illuminated light of the palace,
At least hide yourself in dark places
and moved in the shadows.
strengthen hearing;
When you strengthen your hearing, of course, the thunder sounds so loud
that it rips your ears.
The sound of rain was even more pronounced.
Self-sugges on is now B rank. A er he succeeded in enhancing his magical
power, his rank has risen as a result of con nuous training since then.
Therefore, its use is increasing. Not only has the scope of applica on
expanded, but the exis ng methods are also becoming more and more
The effect was ge ng stronger.
It was only natural that I could dis nguish the sound I wanted to hear from
the sound and the sound. This has been possible before, but even more
From the sound of rain, I was able to dis nguish even the sound of water
with a slightly different texture that ran down the ceiling of the palace.
It was easy to dis nguish the sound of Saviol Tana walking in the ocean of
all. It is possible to predict to some extent the distance from the sound of
I do not know the structure of the en re palace,
The approximate loca ons are known.
On the le side of the second floor, there is Charlo e's bedroom. Saviolin
Tana is heading that way now.
I'm in the dark corner of the hall on the first floor
I could tell the sound apart.
It must have been possible because it was a quiet situa on where there
was no noise in the palace. The only other sounds were thunder and rain.
- Your Majesty?
- You're inside.
Dyrus' voice was mixed in.
I heard the door open.
- Majesty. Are you okay?
- Yes, not yet.
Charlo e's calm voice
Charlo e's superpowers.
It is such a dangerous ability that the emperor must kill the princess. And is
Charlo e taking it on her own?
When her powers went wild and killed people
on the door?
- click
The sound of the door closing was heard, and no more sound could be
heard from inside the statue.
Probably because of soundproofing.
You have to go a li le closer.
go upstairs
Looking at the signs, Dyrus had entered Charlo e's bedroom and there was
no one in the hallway.
| Just in case, I sneaked into a niche in the hallway and approached
Charlo e's bedroom.
You shouldn't make any noise.
Even though Tana, a saviol-in-law of her age, has prevented me from
detec ng my presence, don't believe it too much.
In normal mes, you can never deceive
to deceive people
The closer I got, the more Saviolin Tana suddenly popped out and grabbed
my neck.
get an award
The whole body should get cold from the rain, but because of the tension,
the body
I got a fever.
cold sweat flows
Fortunately, they can't use magic.
If you were using noise canceling, you wouldn't have heard it at all. As I got
closer to Charlo e's bedroom, I could detect a very small voice in the
- S ll... you don't remember?
Tana's Worried Ques ons and Charlo e's
A gloomy reply was heard.
What do you mean you can't remember?
- I think the me is drawing near. Then please don't hesitate. Sir Tana.
- It won't happen. must,
There is a way to solve the condi on of the charge.... Hwang Shil is doing
her best to find out.
The imperial family tries to find a way, but already despairing in the tone of
the sa violin Tana
It felt like there was only a nega ve outlook.
-I won't be able to find a way un l my condi on gets worse.
Charlo e was nega ve, and Dyrus and Tana couldn't deny it either.
- Your Majesty, we must also find that child...
-Stop, please. I don't know how many mes
I don't know. Don't talk about that kid.
Charlo e mu ered nervously at Dyrus' words.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 269

- Your Majesty, I've heard about the child, but... Anyway, if the child can
make your condi on be er, we must meet at least once. I promise you.
Even if that child knows nothing, I will protect her safety with my honor.
Where is the child?
-I do not know. I don't know. Neither the sealer nor the child knows where
he is in the end.
You are all pointless.
Charlo e said she was the only one who knew her clues about her volley
and she was herself.
She told me that for some reason she didn't tell my vassals where I was.
Maybe she had something to do with what Charlo e was going through.
And Charlo e said I might be in danger, so she no longer wants her
You're not in contact with E?
She is now becoming more and more concrete.
It is very likely that her Charlo e powers are not her superpowers.
She's the only reason she's offered to find me if she has dangerous
Because she doesn't have a tongue.
- I'm determined. Sir Tana. If I get blood on my hands again, kill me.
It was true that Charlo e did that when a person died in the Palace of
Her powers went wild, and Charlo e killed people.
And, she doesn't remember it.
- I promise.
-......I can't promise you.
- I promise. please.
Xabi Olin Tana gave no answer to Charlo e begging for her death.
The conversa on is over.
I quickly hid at the end of the hallway on the right, in the storage room
next to the performance room. The door was open, and no instruments
were stored. All I know is that it's a storage room for musical instruments,
only what looks like a stand
So it was because
All instruments must have been taken by the musicians.
I was thinking about closing the door, but the sound of the closing might be
perceived instead, so I
hid in the darkness inside.
It's clear that neither Charlo e nor Dyrus and Xaviol Lin Tana have a
business here.
all. There will be no business in the performance room, and there will be
no more business here.
The storage room was dark with no lights on, but all I needed was darkness
and all I needed was sound.
Rather good situa on.
- ra le
The door to Charlo e's bedroom opened, and Dyreth Swatana's footsteps
were heard.
- Wouldn't it be be er to watch you sleep?
- It was useless. There were mes when I ed myself up and slept.
However, it was all pointless.
| ......i See. Are you s ll unable to leave the palace?
- For now, though... Get out of here.
Maybe it's just that it doesn't.
- I hope you will appear in Tetra or the Winter Palace.
Are you saying it might not be true?
- It's just a guess. I just hope that's not possible...
It is clear that we are talking about an event that has already occurred,
I don't know what it is, so I take the pulse of the conversa on
could not hear
No restric ons on movement
It's something related to Charlo e's abili es.
only heard
- By the way, are your shoulders okay?
....Okay. It's not a big wound. that
It was because he was careless. yet
It's a level you can handle.
- Aren't you going to the priest?
...If there is a record of being healed by a priest, that in itself is already
dangerous. The mere fact that Your Majesty could hurt me... you know
what I mean.
- Yes.
- Your Majesty may hear you. Please refrain from talking like this.
- That's right... I was frivolous.
Charlo e's ability did something like a runaway, and Xaviolin Tana was
Her enough to hurt her.
Is her Charlo e's strength enough to hurt General Chanapelle?
Those two are Tana, Charlo e's Xaviol.
She a acked and kept herself a secret
looks like
Her Charlo e's abili es run rampant, she loses her sanity, and Xabi Olin
Tana takes her defensive ac ons.
In the end, in the end, intui on that everything was late
Are you going to kill the late Charlo e?
When they approached the palace stairs going down to the first floor,
Saviolin Tana stopped walking.
- What's wrong with you?
it feels
she is vigilant
- Something....
I stopped breathing.
erase your presence
Xaviolin Tana feels nothing. how long has it been
- I think it's because I didn't sleep well.
Army, it's nothing.
- How many days are you?
- Six days... No. is it a week well
I don't know.
- Shouldn't you be res ng during the day?
- As with this job, there is also the tle of Commander Shana. me for that
I don't.
-i See....
work during the day.
Charlo e's bodyguard at night.
Xaviolin Tana has been around for quite some me.
It seems she didn't get a break.
The two moved again and went down the stairs.
I didn't let out my breath.
A li le
get a li le further away
- Well done, Dyrus, go back.
- Yes, boss... But, are you okay?
peel? You look red.
-Isn't that why you can't stay?
-i See....
- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be sarcas c. Me too, I'm a li le nervous
I see
- no. I didn't think so at all.
-is it. Good luck then, take a break.
Because you are not alone in suffering.
- Well then, I hope nothing happens,
- That's right.
Dyrus le the Palace of Spring.
I think I cut down on the number of people in the palace so that no one
sees Charlo e being killed by Xabi Olin Tana.
But, there was another reason.
She will also do it to prevent a situa on where someone is vic mized by a
runaway Charlo e.
There are three people le in the palace.
Me, Xaviolin Tana, Charlo e. would mean that my life could be at risk.
Should I leave the palace? It is clear that I am already in danger.
The danger signal that Gigam throws in Charlo e
Is it a danger signal for me?
I didn't know if it was a danger sign.
- Whoa.
The sound of Xaviolin Tana collapsing on a chair in the hall was heard.
It's right to leave here. Charlo e's abili es are strong, and Tana will be her
coping, but I'm sure not.
It's more likely that it's me who's at risk.
- Rumble....
You can't go out in the first place.
Saviolin Tana was now si ng in the hall corresponding to the entrance to
the palace. As if she was trying to monitor all direc ons.
- Pot! Papa!
As if Xabi Olin Tana was manipula ng something in her, her hallway was
becoming more and more clear.
No, even in my instrument storage room, a magic lamp lit up.
Xaviolin Tana suddenly the whole palace
lit the fire of
The possibility of escaping through the darkness disappeared.
To get out you have to get out on the bird she has vacated her seat.
As expected, Xaviolin Tana
She didn't move.
I couldn't move either.
The die has already been cast.
At the same me hoping that nothing will happen,
with the convic on that something is going to happen.
I held my breath.
It was a boring me.
However, it was a terribly stressful me.
Because Xabiollin was concentra ng on killing her presence with self-
sugges on so as not to get caught up in Tana's senses.
Xabi Olin Tana did not move from her place.
In the temple, my non-return might be a problem.
If nothing happens, what excuse should I make for leaving the Imperial
Palace late?
Secondary problems started to arise, but all of them were a er the day
passed safely, whether it was me or Charlo e.
It was already dark.
It was clearly past midnight.
Saviolin Tana, for some reason no one
She lit up the en re palace without her.
As if she was trying to drive away the darkness.
The light is bright even in the storage room where I am, but my field of
vision is blind anyway.
all. She didn't even no ce I was there.
What a boring me has passed.
- pot
The lights in the instrument storage went out.
It wasn't just that.
A er a while, the light coming from the hallway
has disappeared.
I don't know how to control the ligh ng of the palace.
Xaviolin Tana did not move. Did she turn off her lights?
I turned on all the lights, why turn them off all of a sudden?
It's not that she put out the fire.
As I cau ously pushed my head toward the hallway, I saw a different scene.
When the magic lights of the en re palace flicker
It flickered and turned off one by one.
- Now... un l this...
Saviolin Tana's small self-talk is heard. It was a voice of astonishment and a
li le genuine fear.
I can't think of anything other than when Charlo e is pu ng out the lights.
Why is this possible?
Why are you doing this?
I can not know.
Xabi Olin Tana gets up from her seat and moves. Looking at the direc on
she was moving, she was facing Charlo e's bedroom.
She held her breath in order not to be detected, and her whole body
s ffened.
She shouldn't be looking for me.
I used it un l the end of the year, so many coincidences
and the number of cases intertwined and I will not be discovered. There, I
hide my existence with all my might.
will contain condi ons.
The future is undetected, but if I suddenly start shou ng, there's no way I'll
ever know.
I have no inten on of tes ng whether or not I can change the set future.
You can't make a gamble that's already risking your life more dangerous.
- If you are awake, answer me!
Xaviolin Tana walks down the hallway and gets lonely.
She heads to Charlo e's bedroom and calls her Charlo e.
The Palace of Spring in the Dark.
- Flash!
- Kurreung....
It was a rainy night, and it was even darker, so I couldn't even dis nguish
objects except for the occasional flashing thunderbolt.
No, rather because of the light of lightning
My eyes couldn't get used to the darkness. The light actually obstructs the
- Majesty!
Saviolin Tana's cry was heard close to despera on.
- ra le
I heard the sound of opening the door to Charlo e's bedroom.
| There was no sound from Saviolin Tana. she opened her door
There was no sound like the door opening before opening.
Then she's sleeping Charlo e.
- Again... you're gone...
she disappeared
Those heartless, despairing self-talk
I heard it.
That moment.
- flash!
I almost screamed for a moment.
The moment when lightning flashes in front of your eyes,
I saw something.
something in front of you.
there was.
- Kururuung....
A er a brief silence a er the thunderbolt,
A roaring thunder followed.
What's in front of me?
I looked forward with my eyes wide open, but I couldn't see anything
staring at me in the dark. wrong
it's not
Obviously something was watching me.
Something I hadn't seen before, suddenly I
burned out
- Flash!
A flash of lightning once again dispelled the darkness.
A certain form in front of my eyes, a momentary poem
Appeared for a while and disappeared
clearly saw
what shape.
looking at me and smiling
It looked like Charlo e.
Something, never Charlo e, was watching me in the pitch-black darkness.
Couldn't see anything.
But the thing in front of me
Existence was clearly felt.
- Huh.
- Heh heh heh...
- Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh...
The grim laughter of 'it', my throat
scan the dummy
- Flash!
In another blink, I could see it properly.
An abyss body in your hair as black as darkness
Dark black eyes.
And the red pupils that are ver cally barking.
That was rather closer to the appearance of a demon.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 270
The reason I didn't scream was simply because I had applied so much force
to my jaw that my molars collapsed.
If the divine spirit hadn't supported me, I'd have passed out or bit my
would have gone too far
In the dark, as soon as it reached for me, I rolled over to my side.
- Slurry!
I don't know what's gone
But I felt a strong threat and ins nct
I just rolled my body into an enemy.
Something brushed past where I was. I don't know what it is, but
something must have been dangerous if it had been right.
One thing is clear.
Charlo e a acks me.
Xaviolin Tana, who ran quickly in response to the sound of laughter, had
already arrived at the instrument storage room.
“...why are you here?”
In my eyes slowly adjus ng to the darkness, the figure of Tana savioli and
the figure of the being staring at me in the dark gradually became clearer. I
was surprised by my existence for a while, Saviolin Tana
A bewildered expression looking at something in front of her
it became
“Uh, how… in the end…”
It was just staring at me s ll with a creepy smile. Is Charlo e's condi on
worse than before?
“Go away. I'll ask you a ques on later."
As if interroga ng this situa on was a ma er for later, Saviolin Tana hid
behind me as if snatching me.
“Don't go far from me. will die.”
It was then that I a acked me
I could see what the hell it was.
The darkness is refined and shot like a blade as if it were alive.
- Kwakang! Kang!
She quickly drew her sword and rushed in with her aura blade ac ve.
embraced the darkness.
With a roar, the shadows were sca ered in the air and sha ered into
"Majesty! You must get your sanity back!”
“……Heh heh. Heh heh heh.”
It didn't respond to Tana's words.
- Kuruk... Kuruk...
Her darkness was li ed up, and her blade, which was stagnant once again,
only slashed towards her.
Sabi Olin Tana was standing in front of me and striking the blade of the
sha ering shadow with her blade.
In an instant, she was catching the blades coming from four and five
direc ons at a ghostly speed. The wind pressure I felt on my skin when the
sword and the shadow collided explained that the power contained therein
was not unusual.
Dealing with darkness or shadows. That was Charlo e's ability.
Her Charlo e's abili es were as powerful as they were delicate.
But Tana had no choice but to win. All a acks were blocked, even she was
However, she couldn't hurt Charlo e.
She can't a ack, so she has no choice but to focus on defense.
But she has to subdue.
Step by step, step by step, she approached Charlo e through the blades of
The moment Xabi Olin Tana tries to snatch her Charlo e's neck at the
expense of her blasphemy.
- One by one!
As soon as the lightning flashes out the window, her figure of Charlo e
disappears all of a sudden.
She was clenching her teeth and staring at the spot where her Charlo e
had disappeared.
Although it was short, she was a workshop where an ordinary person
would have died hundreds of mes. If it were me who was a acked, she
wouldn't have lasted three seconds.
She turned her back and looked at me.
Anger was burning in her eyes as obvious as her melancholy.
- Pak!

" !"
She grabbed me by the collar and pushed me against her wall.
“You idiot! Why didn't you come back! Did you ever think that you could be
of any help to your Majesty here? stupid bastard! If I hadn't come, you'd
already be dead!!
Don't you know that your life is precious!"
She was pouring out an honest rage that seemed to blow me away at any
moment. she raised her sword
aimed at the neck.
“There are things in the world you shouldn't know and things you
shouldn't see. You ignored the considera on of His Majesty, and I
Ignored Ryeo. You will have to pay for that sin with your life.”
She immediately thrust her sword into Errado and was about to kill me.
Charlo e looked like a devil to anyone looking at it.
It is known to the world that the imperial family, and the heir to the
throne, are like that.
It's a big scandal.
There are rumors that he was kidnapped and cursed by the Demon King.
And the reality will not be much different.
There is no such thing as a superpower.
Charlo e asks the Demon King what to do
it was clear that Whether she knows Charlo e or not, that's for sure.
That's why the imperial family has kept it a secret. There was no reason to
keep me alive a er seeing it with my own eyes.
Death was at hand, but strangely, I wasn't afraid.
Now, than Saviolin Tana's sad mood. Charlo e's appearance was just more
“Of course, my life is precious.”
my life is not trivial
I don't want to die.
However, I was more afraid that Charlo e, who had become like that,
would not come back.
"But as much as my life, Charlo e's neck
I am here because my breath is precious. I was wondering if I could do
"You arrogant bastard, you're overconfident in your abili es." | her cold
glaring eyes
She stared piercingly at me.
“It’s not arrogant.”
“Then what is it! What the hell is this presumptuous behavior if it's not
“It’s desperate.”
Charlo e's life.
That was already a reason for me.
Therefore, I entered the Imperial Palace with only a strange sense of
anxiety, disobeying the orders of the Princess and the Commander of the
Knights of Shana, and the Palace of Spring.
infiltrated into
She risked her life for the first me to do something.
I cannot see the fruit of Charlo e's life disappearing in vain.
she looks into my eyes As if trying to check if there was any suspicion,
arrogance, or a childish mind mixed in the light of my eyes.
The p of her sword trembled at my neck.
how long has it been
The p of her sword lowered carefully.
She clenched her throat and was s ll staring at me.
“Your disposi on will be decided by your majesty at the dawn of
But she was sure that no harsh punishment would be imposed on me.
"May I ask what's going on?"
"Nobody knows." “…don’t you know?”
“What the situa on is, no one knows. Why the heck did His Majesty have
such power?
che why. At night, that power will take over your body.”
Tana's desperate expression represented the current state of the imperial
“I mean, I don’t know anything. However, I can only speculate, except that
it was caused by something Your Highness experienced in the Demon
King’s Castle.”
She looked into the darkness and grabbed my shoulder.
“Obviously, the situa on is more serious than before. don't fall away from
me I belong to you, no, I occupied your body
'It' moves through the darkness. It appears from the front, then from the
back, and some mes from the ceiling.”
As if she couldn't hide it any more, as I had already seen, she began to
confide in what she knew.
In fact, it suddenly appeared before my eyes.
'Cause I'm moving through the dark
So tying up Charlo e won't do you any good, and if you watch it, it'll
disappear suddenly.
So she turned on the lights in the en re palace. ride without darkness
There will be no darkness to walk.
Saviolin Tana, the way it works
Seeing you and con nuing to see the palace at night me
It was drenched in light.
But that method has been destroyed as of today.
It was.
It now turns off even the magic lights at will. At night, it affects even the
The night is the me of that.
“Does this happen every night?”
“Not every day. But it's ge ng more and more frequent. And, this is the
first me that all the lights are turned off. Also, His Majesty's eyes... The
last me I saw it, obviously. I only did one…”
Is this situa on resen ul and unfair?
His eyes were trembling.
| “The aggression is ge ng stronger. wife
It is said that she wandered around the palace at night me like this...
Some me ago…”
She blurs her words.
About her murder, she seemed to be unable to comment.
| “Anyway, you have to leave the palace. It's dangerous here. Whether or
not there will be punishment inflicted on you, it is only possible while you
are s ll alive. Even a er this
If you do, this me it will truly blow your throat.”
"all right."
Sabi Olin Tana was nervous, perhaps maximizing the sensa ons of her
body, and proceeded carefully, step by step.
In the dark, I strengthen my eyes and see through the darkness. I was able
to discern in the dark more accurately than ordinary humans. The
thunderbolt that obstructed my vision had now subsided a bit.
- Shoot aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...
Tana moved cau ously through the halls of the palace in spring, where
only the chilly sound of rain resounded. She has to go down to the hall on
the first floor and exit the palace. She will take me off once in awhile.
“What are you going to do?”
“I will have to suppress it. so far
Because I have done it.”
Inevitably, she used violent means to subdue it.
Melted into the dark and stunned before fleeing, or something like that.
So far this will be the way to go.
Judging from her reac on,
When I thought of the warnings of my moodiness
One conclusion.
What is the star ng point today?
The eyes that said that only one was eroded, now both eyes are like that
uh there was
The power that moths Charlo e has grown even stronger with today's
Tana eventually fails to subdue her Charlo e and she ends up killing
Charlo e.
then how do i do it
should i stop it?
The Demon King is involved. Charlo e's power is a byproduct of that.
I only know that.
Any modifica on involving the Demon King. But now was not the me to
Tana did not move has ly. Taking care of her front, back, le , right and top
and bo om
she moved forward
Even though it's not a long way to the entrance to the palace, she it was
- Kang! Kwakang
A shadow blade that suddenly flew like a dagger in the dark was the reason
why Tana couldn't break her boundaries. Like the dagger that suddenly
flew away, the black blades also aimed at me, targe ng Tana.
also did
She did it all by herself.
In her darkness I saw her clenching her teeth and clenching her right hand.
In front of the stairs leading to the first floor, Tana clenched her teeth when
she saw the entrance through the huge hall.
The entrance to the huge palace was blocked by something like a black
Exactly, it was obscured by black darkness.
And in the dark, Charlo e, s ll smiling with a creepy smile, was watching
“It looks like you have no inten on of le ng me go, let alone you.”
“…it seems so.”
When it comes, it seems as if you should come and see it, standing in the
way blocking the entrance
wasn't doing
A being who can move through darkness and a ack us with that darkness.
In this place full of darkness, ooh
The two may be just toys.
The opponent is far away, but it can appear right in front of you in the dark.
“Obviously, I was able to subdue it without difficulty the other day. I was
slightly injured because of my negligence.”
If it was just a minor injury, I wouldn't even have men oned it.
So, it wouldn't be a shallow injury.
“But I don’t know what the hell is that
I don't know, so I'm not sure I'll be able to safely subdue it again this me."
The strongest on the con nent was calmly predic ng the possibility of
The uniden fied opponent has the best ba lefield and environment. And
star ng from today, that power has grown even stronger.
However, Xabi Olin Tana, who has to face it, has not been able to rest for
more than six days, and although she has been injured, she has not been
properly treated.
Tana's condi on was the worst.
But it was a defeat due to poor condi on.
However, it is ul mately a defeat.
When you die, everything is over. best condi on
I can't even bring up the words that I could have suppressed it without too
much trouble.
no way. Is it Tana Xaviolin, not Charlo e, who is dying today?
Did my boss warn me that Tana's life, not Charlo e, was on the brink?
Xaviolin Tana is one of the main characters in the second half.
When she dies, he too will be an inflec on point in her history. in a very
nega ve way,
But today Xaviolin Tana dies. That doesn't mean Charlo e can't live.
She says if Charlo e doesn't die today and kills Xabi Olin Tana, she says
Charlo e will die tomorrow.
It's a force dangerous enough to kill Tana and you can't control it. If that's
the case, even if it was the princess who had the power, it would have to
be dealt with immediately.
Xaviolin Tana dies, and Charlo e dies.
Then soon, I will die today too.
I have only one variable.
I have to do something about this situa on.
But in these two fights, I was too small a variable.
“Reinhardt, you said you did magic enhancement yourself.”

It cannot be said that it is not to the extent that it is usable in prac ce.
“I will fight to protect you, but there is no guarantee that I will always be
able to protect you. My priority is to tell you first, then me. the last one is
keep that in mind.”
She handed her me her own sword.
“That shadow cannot respond unless it has magical powers. You may not
be able to enchant a sword, but if it is this sword, it will be able to pierce it.
She seemed to be figh ng with it, as she could summon her sword to
The sword of Saviolin Tana.
It's not a holy thing, but it's one of the na onal treasures of the empire.
Windblade, Tempesta.
Ludwig with Alsbringer, he
Saying Ludwig is Tana's keepsake
The sword that I used as the second sword of the gods was in front of me.
“It’s done.”
Summoning the Auror Sword will consume a lot of stamina.
You shouldn't do anything that would make Tana's condi on worse.
"said. It can be difficult to protect…”
- slurp
I summoned it.
“I have a black one.”
“Soul bonding…?”
She's a milky white sword in my hand
Seeing the sword with the , her eyes widened.
“This... this is...! Yes, how do you do this!”
She was looking at the relic of Tuan Tiama a in my hand in amazement.
“We’ll talk later.”
I don't know if it will be used here.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 271

The expression on her face looking at me was distorted in an instant.
Anxiety was spreading in the expression on his face, which had been
smiling badly from beginning to end.
Did you know Tiamata?
- Kureung!
From the dark wall blocking the entrance, not a blade but a wave came
That's it. We knew it was just a joke, not an effort.
make sure of it
The one who died today was Saviolin Tana.
- Cuckoo Kwak Kwak!
It must not be possible to block the waves with a sword.
She didn't use a sword.
However, by emi ng enormous magical energy from the magical
protec ve film surrounding her body, she made up for the darkness that
had overtaken her.
it was crushed
- Kurreung!
It was such a shock that the floor of the palace was cracked, and even I,
who saw it from the side, got red of it, regardless of this situa on.
The waves of darkness were swept away only by the injec on of pure
magical power.
The amount of magical power that surpasses even a superhuman S+ rank
For a grandmaster-class monster, this is
is it possible
It was hard to believe that this was the power to use in the worst
condi ons.
Darkness sweeps in from all direc ons. Charlo e, who was blocking us,
was in front of her, but I turned around at the intense discomfort I felt from
Darkness creeps over me
while maximizing physical strength.
Not as good as Saviolin Tana, but
I believe I can.
Not even believing.
I have already succeeded.
The second, of course, should be easy.
With an extreme sense of exalta on flowing through my body, I struck the
rushing blade of darkness with my Tiamata.
- Kwaang!
There was not a moment that I felt the admira on for not having vomited
The power on it was so strong that it felt like it was going to break my
-bang! Whoops! bang!
Xabi Olin Tana was walking down her steps, li le by li le, approaching
Charlo e.
Does this fight make sense? If you approach it, it will melt into the
darkness and disappear, but before that, take Charlo e.
can you squeeze
Just because you have been able to do it so far, there is no guarantee that
it will be possible now.
Charlo e was more focused on a acking Xaviolin Tana than me.
I just need to be alive.
I'm glad Tiamata has an effec ve countermeasure against this darkness. If
it had been an ordinary knife, it would have been cut off or skipped by the
blade of darkness.
This is not swordsmanship. I never learned to fight anything like this.
But in a fight, you can't really choose an opponent.
I don't know how, but I have to.
I had no choice but to focus on responding to the a acks inflicted on me,
keeping an eye on them.
- Kwareung! Quarreung!
I wonder if that's a human fight
So much so, that Saviolin Tana is a monster
Rum rushes to Charlo e.
When a wave of darkness pushes in, it pushes them away with magic
injec on, and the blades sca er with one press of the sword.
I couldn't even imagine what could be done in the best condi on.
Xabi Olin Tana rushes into her Charlo e and tries to grab her and snatch
she did
- slurp
It just disappeared as if it had melted into the darkness.
"Damn it...!"
It's from Tana's right direc on.
Around Charlo e, shaped like a spear
A shadow was cast.
Even if I try to break through the storm of blades and subdue Charlo e, I
am in the dark before I can reach you.
was just disappearing.
She was a spear that could pierce anything, but the shield that had to be
pierced did not allow a hit.
Then she should be faster. melt away
You have to catch it before you go.
However, Saviollin Tana, who was already doing her best, couldn't get any
To be faster, reach out your sword, not her hand
should be
| Soon, inevitably, I have to kill Charlo e.
It is a choice to subdue, but one Saviolin Tana, which is considered a
considera on, is the result of a war of a ri on.
She only had a future where she would be killed by the beings that rule
I was already on the verge of being pushed to the limit just by blocking the
blades of the shadows that rushed into me.
Xavi Olin couldn't help Tana, and even if he went to her, he would rather
endanger her.
Condi on hun ng was not the only problem.
I could see her right shoulder nged with blood.
Come to think of it, up un l now, she had been wielding her Tempesta with
her le hand.
"Ugh... heh!"
- Boom!
As she vomits her blood and rolls her on the floor
is it dead
I can not know.
Even if she hasn't died yet, she will die if she stays like this.
- Shh!
It hurled a dark spear at Tana, who had been using it for the final blow.
have to stop
- Cheekyung!
My body, reac ng to my desperate wish, transcended the limits of the
moment, and removed the spear of darkness that had rushed towards
Saviolin Tana.
I stopped in front of her as she fell.
It looks at her with a creepy smile on the day she blocks herself.
I don't even know if I'm listening to her or not.
Is it a creature created only with malice?
It only intended to kill, and there was no dialogue or communica on at all.
Xabi Olin Tana lost her consciousness.
When Charlo e runs out of her powers, she loses her energy.
She said she loses a billion.
Then there is no reason to hesitate anymore.
from the moment this happened. To some extent it was expected.
How can you push the strongest coffin like this?
If there is, there is only one.
ancestral monarch. in Bali...
Use Sarkegaar's Ring.
“As an enemy of the Demon Realm and the righ ul ruler of the Darklands, I
I return to the form of Bali, and stare at it.
"Who the hell are you."
Unfortunately, the expected response did not come.
“Heh heh heh heh heh…”
It was just shedding a deep, low laugh like the first me.
Isn't that the Demon King?
Or, is it just a kind of dregs, close to the traces of the Demon King? I fix Ti
Amata, and in the end, I look at it, which is just a fragment of the madness
the Demon King had.
I didn't expect much from that, but the ability to dominate the demons
didn't work either.
all. Because my level of ability is low
Hey, even if that's garbage, it's okay
Is it because it is not affected by that?
was not known
One result.
Whether I show up in Bali
Negan, there was no op on to avoid a fight.
I return to the form of Reinhardt again.
I don't want to fight in the form of Bali
it was
“If you are not the Demon King, you have not known your king, so that
must be your fault…”
I fix Tiamata.
“If you’re the Demon King, you’re a black bastard who doesn’t even
recognize your children, and that must be a sin in the end.”
"Huh, twitch, huh huh. hee hee .."
It's ge ng more and more crazy
Prepare for the dark waves.
“But, the thing that pisses me off the most. I mean, you're going into
Charlo e's body and shivering that bitch."
- Whoa, whoa....
Tiamata cries.
A bizarre sensa on as if the sword itself howled.
“So, whatever you do, get pissed off.
If you do, you should give it to me."
A bunch of dark spears run towards me
it costs
Tiamata's condi on is not serious.
For now, it seems possible.
| I am the window of darkness that explodes
towards him, he stretched out Tiamata.
- Flash!
The light that exploded around Tiamata,
The palace of spring was filled in an instant.
Holy Magic, Sanctuary.
I am the divinity planted by Olivia Ranche
He succeeded in demonstra ng magic.
there was
I share Tiamata with Olivia Ranche. So, call Olivia
I was talking like that.
About Tiamata.
'It's called Tiamata.
'Yep. Why?'
'Honestly, it's useless, isn't it?'
'...S ll, it's a sacred thing... isn't it too harsh?'
'what. This isn't God itself, it's just an object that God will make. And I say
the holy things are useless
I didn't do it.
'Then what's useless?'
'Tiamata and me who write Tiamata.
Both are useless. I have to say it doesn't match.
Olivia understood what I was saying.
'Ummm... Well, among the holy relics, Tia Mata and Alyxion were always
relics used by priests. Reinhardt, you were the first to be a priest of Tuan
and not Tuan.
You became the champion inside, didn't you?"
So that's it. I don't know how to use Holy Power, is this a Holy Power
Booster? What do you mean?'
'Isn't the sword itself good?
Of course, there is a saying that if you harm an innocent life with a
Tiamata, you will be punished by Tuan.'
'That's supers on.'
In the first place, it is useless to say anything about innocent blood on the
subject of turning into a dark relic.
If the official doctrine of Dan is called supers on,
If it's not true, it's supers on. Is it supers ous? Seniors know enough
'Me too, but Reinhardt, you are so... unrelen ng...'
Anyway, that's the problem. Tiamata is a very powerful relic, but it is
basically a priest or paladin.
Because it's for the sake of it, it's nothing more or less than a knife that's a
bit slick in my hand.
Like Ellen's Rament or Alsbringer, even if it doesn't have divine power, it's
not worth my meal.
Olivia then looked at me blankly, as if she was going to do something.
So, you and I share this property, right?"
'Hey, so it feels like a jointly owned property...'
| '.......No, why are you talking about that again?”
'No? Not jointly owned property
La, since it's a soul bond, Reinhardt, you and I have become soulmates,
right? Hey, already... Ooh, we've... got to where we are going...
'Oh, restrain yourself!'
'Durn your anger every day! I hate you! me: Yes
Even if I always treat you badly, whenever you call me, I follow you around
like this, isn't it cute?'
“Shut up and listen to me.”
'Sheesh. What.'
That's what Olivia Ranche, who seems to have more and more characters,
'Tiamata is, so to speak, divinity.
It's aera on.'
'The divine power inherent in it is enormous.
Whether that divine power is in the form of Tuan or Kier.’
'I'll take it Can't you write?'
Olivia lted her head.
'So, the divine power of the sword itself.
You mean you can take advantage of it?"
'It's a crea ve idea. then work
You don't have to join the Tuan Church.
peel? People will love it. The champion has come to my feet! while doing.
'You know it's not like that.
I cannot use divine power. But the holy things I have have divine power
The pendulum can maximize its power
it's a thing The Tiamata in my hand is a sword that can handle it a li le
be er, and it is a sword that works be er for the undead.
However, this is an item that turns a paladin, a human tank, into a weapon
of human slaughter when held in the hands of a paladin.
I want to draw out the power of Tiama a be er.
So I asked Olivia Ranche.
‘Isn’t it possible that seniors give Tiamata power and that I use it when
'Ummm... I don't think there is such a concept. There are things that non-
believers can use, such as magic tools and ar facts, that have been
enchanted with holy enchantments.”
'Is there such a thing?'
'Yeah, but I don't know if that works for the Holy Sacred as well? And those
are very small scale miracles, not large-scale miracles or powerful holy
magic, right?’
'This is a special situa on. One thing, two masters, and two soul binding
I hate to admit it, but a er all, me and Olivia Ranche are not soul mates.
However, they are using the same object as a medium.
The concept of me exer ng the influence Olivia had on Tiamata.
I wanted to know if this is possible.
‘Ugh. I do not know. you'll have to do it Then why is this?’
‘There’s nothing wrong with knowing how to use the Holy Relics be er,
right? when where
I don’t know what will happen.”
'Hmm.... to do something bad again
Are you sure?'
'No, who said that?'
That's right. Even if you don’t think about it now, you will definitely use it
later when you do something bad.’
Then there was the inten on.
It was planned to in midate vampires, and the real inten on was Olivier.
She couldn't even tell Ah.
With that inten on, I have been training Olivia Ranche to imprint divine
magic on Tiamata and to draw and use it.
Of course, it didn't go well.
It was impossible to do so unless a new divine talent was imprinted, and
faith and
The divine power that I build up based on prayer is not compa ble with the
person I am before I am the Demon King. It's enough to believe in me,
because I have to believe in something else.
But now it seems to be somehow.
was certain
Tiamata cries.
As if the sword had awakened, that feeling gave me confidence.
that you can do it now
“Kiaaaah! Whoa!”
- Curl rumble!
I am the light of the sanctuary and the remnants of the demon king
The darkness that shoots out is wriggling and violent
In the sight of the crabs collide, the hand holding Tiamata was pu ng
strength into it.
Holy sword Tiamata.
It is emi ng divine power in response to my will.
I'm from Tiamata's milky white sword
Seeing the white le ers glow
there was.
Looking at the le ers, I suddenly realize.
Tiamata responds to anger.
The one who dares to devour Charlo e's soul, but against the dregs
One of my anger. The power of Tiamata
was pulling
- Kureung! Kurung! Kurung!
It was in agony and stretched out both hands and pushed them towards
- Koo!
The intangible power of debt and the intangible power of darkness are
only colliding.
But it and I seemed to be figh ng each other's push and push power.
When it pushed me away, the reac on force pushed me back, and I had no
choice but to take a step back.
Light and darkness collided, crea ng a roar. Light and darkness collide with
each other
pushes away and begins to be pushed away.
It is the strongest sword limited to the undead.
But it's spewing out of Tiamata
It itself was a sure countermeasure to the existence that moved through
the darkness and a acked using the darkness.
The beams of light that collided and sca ered were definitely blocking it
from moving.
Block all direc ons with light and then subdue it
It wasn't a power planted for use here, but it had to be used now.
Leading the light from the sword,
Dark beings desperately trying to push
I tried to walk one step at a me.
When you take a step with all your might, it takes a step back.
Driven by a wall, bound by light
stunned behind
- Kureung! Kurung! Kwareung!
The fierce flu ering caused by the mixing of light and darkness was like a
It was like lightning.
The darkness recedes li le by li le as I walk.
You can swallow the light of magic lights, but you can't swallow a debt
based on divine power.
- Quarreung!
I cried out in a roar as if the world was collapsing.
“Give me Charlo e!”
aaaaaa be the key than Kiya! than!”
It hurts every me I walk
let out a shrill scream.
It's clearly affec ng.
I don't know whether the divine power has the answer or the light has the
answer, but that's suffering.
I was screaming non-human, and darkness was trying to eat the area of
light that spread around me.
- Cuckoo! Cuckoo Kung!!
The power of Olivia Ranche.
That's because of the medium called Tiamata.
year was further amplified.
Not only was he defending against the dark a acks emi ed by that
uniden fied being, but he was also steadily driving away the darkness in
this area.
Light is sporadic.
The light emi ed beyond the sanctuary emana ng from the sword
intertwined with the darkness like a snake and set fire to the darkness.
was growing
It was a bizarre form of burning white and black flames.
It was a mess that was hard to believe even with the naked eye, in which
the beast named light and the beast named darkness intertwined.
However, the darkness was not easily driven away.
The substan ated darkness seemed to push the substan ated light, and
consequently the day I was holding the debt.
It was a bizarre sensa on as if Tiamata itself had hit the repulsive force of a
powerful magnet.
- Kyaaaaaaah!
It screamed and reached out to me as if it was trying to push me with all its
might, and I was pushing my arm to try to get in too.
power swells
- Curl rumble!
s ll far
And, your opponent's strength is stronger than mine
It was strong.
are being pushed out
Now that I was pushed out of my power, I had to do my best not to go
further and not to retreat.
“Yeah…bye-bye… I don’t want to use crutches again…!”
Give strength to the hand holding Tiamata.
I add all the power I have.
It's already reached its limit, but it has to be squeezed out.
I'm not sure I won't vomit, but
Believing that you won't vomit blood.
Reach that, bring Charlo e back
hoping you can
power enhancement.
Using the power of physical and magical enhancement that has reached
the maximum, he tries to push forward the darkness.
have to move forward
- Kureung!
With an intense feeling of exhilara on as if the cells of the body were
awakened from the p.
- Whoa, whoa!
With the protec on of Olivia Ranche planted in Tiamata as well as
Sanctuary magic strengthening my body.
- Puffy. Puddy Duk!!
With intense muscle strengthening, it seems that the muscles of the whole
body and all the muscle fibers are screaming beyond their limits.
- Boom!
Despite taking one step, there was a roar that shook the en re palace.
Don't let my body fall apart, Ollie
Even though the divine power granted by Via Ranche was strengthening
my body, my muscle fibers were crippled in real me and restored at the
same me, and I could feel the magic circuit boiling over.
| The steps I have to walk are over 30 steps
It's not difficult.
If you just walk, that's all.
Nothing is so easy.
However, the steps are a li le heavy.
- Boom!
Twenty-nine steps le .
- Curl rumble!
In the fiercely infested ba le of darkness and light, there is not much
power that truly comes from me.
Except for magical enhancement and superpowers, all of them are
borrowed powers.
No, even that is not my strength.
It is also a borrowed power.
one thing i can do
Taking one step while chewing on the pain of a body that is about to break.
overcoming pain.
not to lose consciousness.
walking one step.
to keep walking that step.
Only that.
I borrowed everything.
All of them are borrowed property.
With borrowed power, wielding an unfair power, I must at least be vicious.
“Great... uh...! Whoa!”
“Heh, heh heh heh heh! hey! hee hee hee hee!”
Whether he was going crazy or frightened, the black being screamed.
con nue to believe
I don't fall. I take one step
This one step, now twenty-eight steps
If made with
I can make it through tonight.
Even if you don't know what will happen later, you can save today's
Charlo e.
Tomorrow is also dangerous.
You can save tomorrow.
Beyond that tomorrow, the day a er tomorrow, three days, four days.
If you go through that every day, you will be able to do it.
Dear Charlo e, the one I saved my life
To this, beyond survival...
More than that.
I will live what life is.
I will present it.
Beyond the borders of sugges on ( 暗⽰).
Beyond the boundaries of belief...
I li the darkness where spring should be,
I'll put back what it deserves to be here.
I'll bring it back.
Even a er this,
A er that, con nue.
"Uh, ah. ah. ah!"
- Boom!
one step.
- Boom!
two steps.
- Koo!
taking three steps at once.
- Whoa! Cock! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Ignoring the pain of breaking bones and ge ng them back together.
If you feel, believe, you feel.
If you don't feel it, believe it, you don't feel it.
self-sugges on.
That Trying to surpass even power.
Blood from his eyes obscured his vision.
Yet the eyes do not close.
- Koo!
As I took the next step, I was straight in bloody vision, towards something
whose expression grew increasingly weary of astonishment.
Towards the remnants of the Demon King.
But at the same me, towards that which is Charlo e.
- Koo!
Taking a step I had pierced once, and taking it again and again, I was able to
put that existence within the reach of my hands and ears.
Her black hair flu ered wildly in the light like its abyss, and her torn red
pupils filled with astonishment and horror.
can't run away Just as it is unbearable, unbearable
It was the same with me.
In the an -elas city as if my whole body was exposed to the wind that cuts
through the flesh, I reached out and grabbed its neck.
The right hand that grabbed Charlo e's neck
Her nails were broken and her bones were twisted.
- Curl rumble!
“Wow… uh…! Ugh...!”
Self-sugges on is a force that only works for me.
If you believe that, you will be the only one.
You have to get past that stage.
I'm not the only one
Others must do the same.
“Hehehehehehehehehehe! OMG! hey! hey profit!”
To apply my power to others
I don't believe in good.
must declare.
It is not the power to be so by believing that way.
I say it will be so, so it is
is the power.
i want
If you want it, you will have it. “Get out of Charlo e’s body!”
[The rank of self-sugges on is higher
I win.]
[Self-sugges on reached A rank.]
- Flash!
I know yeah.
moved the world
in the dark.
night in the rain.
- Kurreung....
In the dark, Charlo e realized she was being held by someone.
"...Eww. Ummm... nu, who..." .... are you awake?"
Although he couldn't look closely, Charlo e knew it was Reinhardt's voice.
Reinhardt? Reinhardt?"
From her cracking voice, she could tell that the situa on was dire. why turn
didn't you go Why is he not here in the bedroom, but in the palace hall?
As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, Charlo e could see.
A fallen chandelier, something huge
It became a mess as if even an animal ran wild
He was so badly injured that it was strange to be alive.
Reinhardt's face appeared.
It was strangely hurt that she was awake, but Reinhardt was laying her
Charlo e on her lap as a pillow.
The situa on is unknown, but
I don't know why I didn't go back
In the end, she loses her reason again, and in a strange power
He was possessed and injured Reinhardt.
If it weren't for me, no one would do this.
In her despair and guilt, Charlo e is about to burst into tears.
Reinhardt gently stroked his hair while shaking his hand, which had been
so badly injured that his bones could be seen. “You didn’t hurt me…”
Reinhardt pa ed his head and looked down.
"I saved you...
What she was saying, Charlo e couldn't understand.
"It's just that you know..."
It was true that he hurt him, but Reinhardt just said that as if to remember
something more important.
"Wow, what's going on? Reinhardt, what's going on... what's going on?"
I'd love to hear an explana on of what was going on, but Reinhardt wasn't
in a posi on to do that.
“I’m sorry I threw away the flowers…”
Reinhardt said something completely absurd.
What a logarithm is that?
“If you get something like that…, in that situa on, if you get something that
has that kind of meaning… that’s it. I think it will be the last gi I get from
you... I hate that...
please think of me
A flower with that meaning.
Reinhardt knew that.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 272
It's an unfamiliar ceiling.
This me it's a really low ceiling.
No, it's not the ceiling in the first place.
silk tent
This is it.
what is this
Why is the bed so wide?
I got up and looked around.
It's an unfamiliar ceiling.
The room is not low.
This is probably Charlo e's bedroom.
I guess?
Once inside, the view of the room was familiar and I was able to recognize
it at once.
I think I was sleeping right now on Charlo e's huge canopy bed.
"Hey, you're awake!"
And, as Charlo e almost threw herself at me when she saw me rise from a
distance, she embraced me.
The bed is wide.
Looks like he was watching me from the bedside
But in order to reach me, you have to get on the bed and blow yourself
“Uh, uh… uh. Huh."
"it's okay. Is there no pain anywhere? eyes or hands. it's okay? Huh?"
“Uh, uh… huh. I think it's fine.” "I'm glad... I'm glad..."
I wasn't worried about ge ng sick, but I'm fine.
It was not what I expected, but unlike the last me I strengthened my
magic, my physical condi on was almost at its best. Charlo e is hugging
Approaching, she fell slightly and looked at me.
Charlo e was in tears.
"thank God. I'm so glad Reinhardt."
“Uh… um. uh. okay. are you okay?"
"Huh. it's okay."
Charlo e burst into tears and she hugged my neck once more.
Charlo e scolded me or anything else.
didn't speak
Just hugging me as if I'm glad I'm safe and say nothing for a while
there was no
At first, I thought it was a bit wobbly,
“Hey… uh… uh… uh…”
As she wept a li le, Charlo e began to cry, as her feelings were overcome.
I didn't know what to do, so I pa ed Charlo e's back.
“Yeah, but… it’s all good. It's not the first me I've had this happen, am I?"
"It's been a few days since I passed out, and I don't know how things are
A li le... that. I want to know.”
As if there is an unfamiliar ceiling quota system, my nature makes me faint
whenever I do anything, the thing I wonder most when I wake up is the
situa on
The baby was a li le bastard.
Once he woke up in the princess's bedroom, the situa on itself was not
“Come on, wait a minute…”
Charlo e thought it was the first me she had stopped crying, so she
sniffled her for a long me, holding her breath, and then she fell out of my
arms. Charlo e with open eyes
asked, covering her own eyes.
“...Have you ever been swollen?”
“...are you going to pour it right now?”
uh. To be honest, she was just swollen.
Pouring is also up to the person. ann pour
also be Charlo e lowered her hand that covered her eyes.
"It hasn't been much me. It happened yesterday, and it's Friday. You're in
my bedroom... just to make sure other people don't know you're in my
I passed out on Wednesday, so I skipped Thursday and Friday.
“Fortunately, it rained heavily and there was a heavy thunderstorm, so
what happened at that me is unknown. Surveillance magic of course
Everything, including , has been inherited. Only you and I and Sir Tana
know what happened. The palace was badly damaged... but you don't have
to worry about that.”
Xaviolin Tana took a step back from what I had done. But neither Charlo e
nor Tanna properly know what happened
will not know
“I thought it would be be er to keep it a secret that you were there, so I
slept in my bedroom. Treatment is... a bit risky, but I'm thinking of calling a
priest. I... I wrote an elixir.”
“… Elixir?”
If it's an Elixir, is it the Elixir I think it is?
As far as I know, it must be a na onal treasure that the Empire has few
bo les of, right? Isn't it just a concept like a healing po on?
Somehow, my body was too healthy.
“Can I use it carelessly?”
“...why is this so rude?”
Those words were very impressive.
“And not me, but Sir Tana.”
Impression cancella on.
If it's Shana, a bo le of Elixir
Arthur could have brought some to use.
By the way, I'm fine, is the yangban okay? Charlo e's reac on seems to be
- smart
- Sir, can I come in?
As soon as the words came out, from beyond the door
Saviolin Tana's voice was heard. Charlo e looked at me.
I think it's a sign that it's okay to let me in.
The owner of the room is Ande, why does he have my permission?
are you looking for?
I feel weird!
I nodded and shouted that Charlo e could come in. Soon a er, Saviolin
Tana, dressed in a uniform, entered Charlo e's bedroom.
“…wake up.”
“Oh, yes.”
As she sat casually on Charlo e's bed, she said nothing.
Charlo e and Tanah must have had a lot of ques ons about me.
How did you get Tiamata?
What happened a er she passed out and so on.
She pulled out a chair and sat down by her bedside.
...... far.
They are si ng next to each other, but they are far away. Charlo e, who
was si ng next to me, scratched her cheek.
“...the bed, I really need to change it.”
The bed is too big and uncomfortable.
I thought I'd understand why Charlo e experienced her new world in her
dorm bed.
“I don’t feel sick, but we sit around and talk.”
I got out of bed and sat on the sofa.
Charlo e sat at the top, and Tana and I sat opposite each other.
“First of all, I want to say thank you. Reinhardt, I don't know the details,
but on that day you saved me as well as your Highness."
Circumstances did damage the palace
Do, Xabi Olin Tana would not have announced that day that she had been
subdued in ba le. If so, maybe Charlo e
She wouldn't have even been in her palace like this.
She would have made a false report. At Tana's words, Charlo e looks at me
to see if she has come to her senses.
“I couldn’t even say goodbye properly. Thank you so much Reinhardt.”
Charlo e looks at me and smiles.
She wasn't the grotesque, eerie smile that Charlo e, engulfed in power,
I keep seeing Charlo e smile like that.
I hoped you would
Awakening her words is secondary.
It was for strength and not for her Charlo e.
“Before you ask me anything, I want to know the situa on.”
I stare at Charlo e.
“Your problem has been solved, right?”
I have awakened the spirit.
Sarah to the one who ruled Charlo e's body
commanded to
Did it really disappear?
Rather than explain something, I wanted to know it first. Charlo e had an
ambiguous expression on her face.
| “I don’t know. But yesterday was's a feeling I can't put into
words. Should I say that it is hard to bear, or that something is ea ng me?
It's anxiety, it's also a sense of crisis, and something like that
You tormented me at night. that's gone suddenly."
“Ability itself?”
“It s ll remains.”
Anxiety was gone. That may be enough, but it probably means that her
Charlo e's safety is secured right now.
The power itself to deal with the shadows s ll remains. That's the
remaining anxiety factor. Charlo e didn't show it to her because she
wanted to break the use of her powers.
She now understands why Charlo e hated her abili es. Who likes her
powers she eats herself up.
"Yeah. We'll have to watch the situa on for now, but it's clear that
something has changed for His Majesty. She did something with her divine
In our view, we did everything we could do with not only magic but also
divine power. But none of that worked.”
Both Tana and Charlo e look at me.
“Reinhardt, what have you done?”
It has already become my strength.
So that's on the physical scan
will fly
“It seems that my superpowers have go en a li le stronger.”
It must be judged that it was an overly dangerous power, but in the first
place, it was impossible to hide it, so I had no choice but to tell the truth.
I outlined the situa on.
The first thing I explained was Tiamata's
it was from
The evil powers brought from the Darklands
with sword.
Charlo e already knew the ma er, so it was easy for her to speak. An
object that is presumed to be the holy spirit of a demon
and incompletely became a soul bond, and a er various judgments,
To try, she cleansed it and it
The story of how she turned into Tiamata.
The story that there is no dis nc on between a demon and a god was
omi ed. It was just a story that Tiamata was in a corrupted state.
In the process, I had no choice but to bring up the story of Olivia Ranche.
Both Tana and Charlo e were stunned by my words.
that Tiamata could be corrupted
And, I was chosen for it...
"This is... a complicated ma er to explain, so I had no choice but to keep it
a secret."
“……It must have been.”
“It is a ma er that will turn the religious world upside down...”
Both of them coming out of the shock
It took quite a while.
Either way, neither of them ques oned whether the issue was good or bad
because the result was a result. As if worrying about the holy relics of the
demon god that suddenly disappeared could be alleviated, Charlo e said
thank you for telling me.
and superpowers.
Because I can't do it if I'm aware of the concept of a spirit. It was a bit
vaguely explained.
A fight for something that ruled Charlo e
Ummm, I explained that too.
When I shouted to disappear, it really disappeared.
logic to explain it
was only one
“Do you think your self-sugges on has become usable to others?”
“Otherwise, the situa on cannot be explained.”
Sugges ons made to oneself can be applied to others as well.
A er all, words are a concept that is not much different from that.
I know that while self-sugges on is a force expressed through belief, words
and words are a slightly different concept, expressed through commands
or declara ons.
“The answer… was it a superpower?”
Superpowers are described by the word 'Anyway'.
It cannot be explained, and the miracles it produces are expressed in logic
that does not exist in the world.
Therefore, solving Charlo e's problem that could not be solved in any
other way is understandable, even if it is not understandable. it is not in
It's hard for Tana to accept the reality that this ridiculous situa on has
become her thing, but she eventually exits a er she wanders through hell.
He had a look as if he had found the .
“That means… you are the only one who can heal your condi on.”
Charlo e's condi on, which had been gradually encroaching on it, has
improved, but no one knows what will happen later. I am the only
preparedness for that situa on.
For example, she becomes Charlo e's doctor.
is it
But her expression on Charlo e was serious.
“It’s such a dangerous ability. only my ability
Big, no, more than me.”
The evolu on of autosugges on.
not only to yourself, but also to others
It is already an ability in itself that has become applicable
The danger has grown too strong.
Self-sugges ons and words did not appear in the original.
So, I don't know what kind of work this power is capable of. The words that
have bloomed right now will not be absolute, but if the level of ability
increases gradually. The absurd might be possible.
Of course, Charlo e didn't think my strength was in danger and she had to
get rid of me.
"Yes, how will that ability be measured?
I don't know, but she'll instruct the Temple to keep your new powers a
To protect me, my new powers are strictly secret.
it was I kept Temple's mouth shut, and even if I knew it, only Sensei
Epinhauser would know the reality of my abili es.
In fact, the dangerous ability was right, and considering the fight last week,
I was able to subdue Charlo e, which Xaviol Lin Tana couldn't control.
Of course, her actual situa on was a li le different from that, but if Xavi
Olin Thana had Tiama a, or if she had a High Paladin, the story might have
been a li le different.
In many ways, she was figh ng an opponent with a bad compa bility in the
worst condi on.
Keep new abili es secret. It was clear that it would be good. Tana seemed
to think she was a li le different.
Reinhardt in the Palace of Spring
How would you like to do it?"
There is no certainty that Charlo e's condi on has really improved. You
never know when what's going to happen, so I, the only one who can take
ac on, stay at the Palace of Springs and live with Charlo e.
It won't look good from the outside.
Because the life of the princess was at stake, the emperor would not
"no. No ma er how hidden it is, Reinhardt is the same class as Bertus. If he
lived like that, Bertus would one day find out about this, and Reinhardt
would be in danger."
“…I think so.”
Charlo e put my safety first.
The fact that I saved Charlo e and the ba le the day before yesterday is
It must have been because she thought that Bertus might try to get rid of
her me, aside from the prize she would receive if it was known that I had
saved Charlo e.
Bertus wouldn't even know that I was in the Imperial Palace.
"At first, Bertus knew your condi on.
“I don’t know the details. But you know I won't live long.”
It would be rather strange that Bertus was unaware of this situa on.
Need to check the opponent who will fall down on its own
there is no yo Therefore, it seems that there has been very li le quarrel
between the two in recent years.
But I saved Charlo e's life. She thought that she would collapse on her
own, so the person she was interested in revived.
Knowing this would be her life killed by Bertus.
So her Charlo e made the pre y bold choice to put me to sleep in her own
It was. Because it's dangerous for me to let Bertus know that I'm here.
“But… only Reinhardt can guarantee the safety of His Majesty at this me.”
She can't protect her Charlo e herself, and her imperial family can't do
anything either. She had to admit it.
There is no place in the world where Charlo e is safe. Only with me can
Charlo e be safe.
“She should go back to the Temple,” she said. also."
I cannot live in the Hwangseong.
Then Charlo e eventually returned to the Temple and had no choice but to
live in a dormitory with me.
Xabi Olin Tana knew that it was her best choice, both for me and for her
Charlo e, so she had no choice but to nod her head in the end.
only one day
Neither Tanah nor Charlo e did anything for just one day.
I didn't think it would be any be er in the future because it wasn't there.
“Yes, Sir Tana.”
"As for this ma er, I must keep it a secret from everyone else, but I must
report to His Majesty."
"Apart from my personal loyalty, only then can I convince Your Majesty that
your condi on has improved, and tell Your Majesty...
Knowing that ac on is no longer necessary
Because you will.”
Charlo e looks at me.
It was a face full of regret. Xabi Olin Tana is of the Emperor, not of
Charlo e. She is now responsible for the safety of the princess, but in the
end her lord is the emperor.
She shouldn't have any secrets she hasn't even told the emperor. A er all,
this is also necessary for her Charlo e.
Things got tangled and twisted, and eventually, I, the prince of the demon
realm, will come into contact with the emperor as well.
“I will do my best not to put you in danger. Do not swear on my honor.”
The oath of the con nent's strongest. She said that if I put myself at risk,
He would even sacrifice his own life.
That's what an oath on her honor would be.
“Not only your Majesty, but you also save my life.
She suddenly bowed her head.
“For that, thank you very much.”
“Uh, well… I don’t think I’m going to do something like this…”
As she bowed her head, she could feel the sincerity of gra tude.
Sabi Olin Tana said she would report the details of her findings to the
emperor, and she le .
Only me and Charlo e were le in the bedroom. Charlo e brought the tea
set and she was alone
She skillfully brewed her tea and offered her a cup to me.
“When I brought you to the Imperial Palace, I didn’t think about Bertus.
Because there was no need for that.”
She was Charlo e and she thought she was going to die soon. So she
would have thought that it wouldn't ma er much if Bertus found out that
she had brought me into the Palace of Spring. It doesn't ma er who the
rival, whose value has disappeared anyway, is close.
“Reinhardt, to be honest, the fact that you saved me will have a bad effect
on you.”
It was your mistake that saved me.
Charlo e said it casually. I narrowed my brow as she looked at Charlo e
with a sad smile.
“I don’t need to say that.”
"I'll do this again the next me something like this happens, whatever
Bertus says."
Charlo e seemed perplexed by my words. I smile and go with my teacup
I see Charlo e, who is in good shape.
"How about it, in the end it's what I said."
I told her Charlo e that I would save you.
When asked how she did, she said she'd do it somehow.
Anyone can say that, Charlo e had a pessimis c answer.
But in the end I saved Charlo e. Charlo e took the teacup with a blank
expression for a moment.
He looked up and nodded slightly.
“That’s right… I’m sorry. i can't believe you
“From now on, if I say anything, just say that. I'm not wrong. Because I am
absolutely right.”
At the sound of my dog Charlo e smiled broadly at me.
“Yes, I will trust you. Keep going.”
I didn't know I would get such an answer, so I was a li le embarrassed in
the end.
Charlo e took a sip of her tea, and I took a sip of Charlo e's milk tea.
“Anyway, I don’t know what will happen next.
Because I have come to live
Letus will try to find out why. Even if you can't actually harm me, you'll be
wary of me again. So.
The fact that you were in the Palace of Spring
should not be known Fortunately, I've expunged your entry log. Few
people have seen you, so Bertus s ll doesn't know who was here or what
"...that's a good thing."
"So. You must not leave the castle.” I couldn't help but bewildered at the
No, they said I can't live in the Palace of Spring. Is it because of the fact
that you are not allowed to leave the Imperial Palace a er all?
Did you lie to Saviolin Tana?
As if she knew what I was talking about, Charlo e laughed bashfully.
“You idiot, you know that.”
spit where Charlo e pointed with her chin
There was a wall of her thread.
secret passage,
A warp gate is installed in the basement.
“Go out there, connect it to the gate within the eclip c and you will be able
to get out there.
You know that one monitoring is weak, right?"
The way out of the Imperial Castle without anyone knowing it was in
Charlo e's bedroom.
“And this.”
Charlo e went somewhere in her room, and she opened the magic safe
there and handed me something of hers.
It was a small golden brooch.
“What is this?”
“Isn’t the gate two-way?”
“To be able to go out means to be able to come in, right?”
Charlo e how to make that brooch work
informed It seemed to be ac vated by opening the brooch and pressing a
switch or something.
"Ac vate this brooch and pass through any warp gate in the eclip c to find
the warp gate in the basement of the Palace of Spring.
will be linked to.”
Charlo e put it in my hand, and then she took my hand.
Charlo e's hand was trembling slightly.
"I... I'm giving you something that can come into my bedroom right now...
Any me . no one knows You can come in…”
Charlo e's face was red, and her voice trembled even more.
It's not something you can give to anyone.
No, I've given it to someone.
Is it also one thing?
This is like a secret key that can infiltrate the Imperial Castle without
anyone knowing.
It was.
“What does this mean… do you understand?”
Charlo e can't even look at me properly
there was
“Are you saying you trust me that much?”
Shallot stare at me today
Lips were s cking out.
“Yeah, whenever I need it. frozen
You can come and ask for help.”
Charlo e leaned a li le, crossed her arms, and looked out her window for
a while.
Red water dripping from her face
seemed to do
“Don’t throw away this gi …”
She says so with Charlo e's trembling voice. Do you remember what I said
before I fainted?

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 273

I woke up around the a ernoon.
The temple was shining today anyway.
absent two days in a row.
Charlo e said she didn't care because she knew about it and she made up
an excuse for it. I must have told the kids that I was going to do something
like a special mission under the direc on of Epinhauser.
As well as dele ng my access records,
Charlo e said she knew she was safe, that she and she had the power to
devour herself.
Rather than rejoice that she was quiet. She thought about what was to be
done right away, and she quickly moved on with them.
she gave up on everything When circumstances change, do what needs to
be done immediately.
It was a pre y bizarre experience.
People in the Palace of Spring have a heavy mouth
Eh, I said that it would not be known to the outside that I had stopped by
here. That's why I didn't go around the palace.
I was alone in her Charlo e's bedroom.
It's okay to go back to the temple tomorrow
When Charlo e said that she was going back, I
gal s rred
"I'll wait another day, though," she said.
Charlo e stared at me.
"You mean, you mean I'm going to be in my bedroom one more day?"
“...Reinhardt, thank you very much, you are very precious to me.
I will admit that Isn't that really shameful?"
I thought it was your room just because I slept for a day
are you going to!
Charlo e looked like she was a bit outrageous.
“Uh-huh, it’s inevitable for the safety of your precious body.”
“Why are you saying that with your mouth!”
I proudly go to sleep in your room
declared that he would
No ma er how important it is, what I'm talking about sounds like an idiot.
But anyway, I have to go back to the temple today, so the class is all over. I
wanted to watch Charlo e's condi on for one more day.
If nothing happened today, you could think that it would be really good for
the me being.
Charlo e didn't kick me out either, because she knew what I was saying.
However, she is now injured and has no choice but to go to the bedroom.
She slept, but she's got the guts and it's ridiculous, "... Okay. I'll sleep in the
VIP room then."
“What are you talking about?”
I shook my head at Charlo e's words.
What does he mean?
“I'm going to be here one more day to see your condi on, so what's the
use if you sleep outside? You should sleep here.”
Charlo e quivered her lips at my words. Her face is ge ng whiter and
there was.
"Ji, Ji... Now, are you going to sleep with me?"
Why are you talking like that?
“Do I really have to say that? I mean, you have to make sure there's
nothing wrong with you while you're sleeping!"
“That, that… that… you know that.
She was shivering in shakiness as Charlo e had never thought she would
have dared to be demanded of such a thing.
"No, what did I do? Just look?"
“Why, why don’t you sleep and watch people sleep!”
“No, sleeping is a problem, and not sleeping is a problem? what to do Is
this a funny guy?”
“Wow, funny guy…?”
Charlo e seemed to be mentally shaken by my reckless last words.
what is it
why do i have to hear this
This reac on is that Harriet is a luxury item, but Shal
She says Lot is also a luxury item. Actually she is Charlo e
She grew up with all the more respect she received.
because it will
Most of all, Harriet is now used to it, so she'll do it to herself too, but
Charlo e doesn't have immunity yet, so she'll react.
“Yeah, too. That... give it to me. you. I'm scared."
She looked like Charlo e would like to get her brooch she had given her
When she sleeps, I come in
Is it because she's going to do weird things to check if she's okay?
“Given and take away is the worst thing, so do you think I will lose it in the
first place?”
“Oh, no! Give it back! Give it back! this person! I just gave it to you!”
Charlo e and I played tag for a while in the spacious bedroom.
Eventually, Charlo e got red and ran away.
“Heh... Heh Uk... Heh... This, me, for nothing... I just exercised a lot... my
stamina only improved...”
Exhausted Charlo e's headless bedroom
She sat down on the floor and stared at me.
“Are you exercising too?”
“Worst, really!”
Charlo e groaned as if she was really annoyed.
She's the one who can raise the princess about.
Except for Bertus, I would be the only one in the world.
In the end, I decided to stay one more day, and I stayed in Charlo e's
Charlo e seemed restless.
No, I guess I'll sleep on a sofa or something, so do I need to be so nervous?
A er all, I grew up precious, so this must be the first me in my life.
Of course, in the Demon King, the situa on is even more terrifying.
It must have been, but that and this situa on are different.
Meals were brought inside
And, of course, I was hiding. Charlo e is
I don't need a waiter, and I've been told to bring more.
She thought she could eat a lot by starving all day, but she ate less because
of hunger.
Sharon looked at the le over food.
she looked at me
“Can I eat some more?”
"If you starve too much, you can't eat much."
"......Ah. right...."
Charlo e knows that.
A sumptuous dinner at the Allied Command barracks a er a long hunger.
Then Charlo e and I had dinner.
As she remembered that moment, Charlo e's expression became a li le
vague and sad.
a er dinner.
I was only in the bedroom, so there was nothing to do
It was night without
Charlo e was moaning like a poopy puppy. He seemed to be doing
something, but he hesitated again when he tried to get up.
Sit down and try to get up again
I sat down
Why is he here?
Eventually, Charlo e grunted and stood up as if she had decided
“Well… I’m going out for a while.”
“Go to another room....”
“Do you grow up here? What am I going to do every day? Are you saying
you're only going to check today?"
At my words, Charlo e opened her ax eyes.
“No, I mean, I’m going to wash!”
I'm trying to wash in the bathroom or the shower room a ached to the
bedroom, but my eyes are off. Is this this?
“…if you wash, you wash it. What do you have to wash it in another
"Yeah, you won't hear me..."
Charlo e had her face ripped open.
How do I express this sensi vity?
It's something she hears someone wash. Then why not?
Is that what a girl at this age has to say? I don't know?
No, someone who takes a bath in the first place
Doesn't it ma er at the point where we have the same thing?
Is it normal to care in the first place?
I... I don't know...
What's right and what's wrong
Yes I don't know!
“…even to that point, I’m not going to say this and that. Do it yourself.”
"I can't do this and that to me.
Charlo e seemed to be angry, and she groaned as she walked out of the
While Charlo e had gone to wash her, I also washed in the bathroom
a ached to the bedroom.
It was very big, but I didn't bother going into the bath.
a er washing I had that thought.
clothes to change.
The uniform I was wearing in the first place was not only bloody, but it
looked like it was torn everywhere, and it looked like it was thrown away,
and I was wearing something like a nightgown I got from somewhere.
I couldn't get out of the bath and wondered what to do, but Charlo e
came back a er a while.
Perhaps because she could hear the sound of water, Charlo e's voice could
be heard from beyond the bathroom.
- Are you, are you washing in my bathroom right now?
“Then why don’t you wash?”
- Uh, uh... uh...
Like it or not, it felt like Charlo e was pounding her feet.
No, I can use some. Why am I like this? I'm out of your bedroom anyway
I can't go out. “Okay, I don’t have any clothes to change into.”
“Give me some clothes.”
Charlo e lives and lives she hears these words
She didn't even think she was going, she didn't answer for a while.
Even so, isn't it too late for me to save Charlo e's life?
She brought her clothes to the princess.
It's not like this, no, it's not about the princess in the first place, it's about
her bathroom bill
Do you think it's kind of trash to say things like that while trying to write?
She's thinking like that.
...I put it in front of the door.
She had said so, in a voice that Charlo e could hear, but with complex
emo ons.
Of course, since this is the Imperial Palace, it wasn't like she had only
women's clothes.
When I first fell, Xaviol Lin Tana must have been picking up my clothes from
A er some commo on.
Charlo e and I were both in pajamas.
...this in itself is already a huge scandal if anyone finds out. Whatever the
circumstances, it's not a prince and a beggar, it's a princess and a beggar.
But in the end, we are doing this because of our circumstances.
I was si ng in a rocking chair in Charlo e's bedroom, and Charlo e was
lying in bed.
“…and then you want to sleep?”
“Well then… Chi, are you going to sleep in bed?”
Charlo e speaks in an apparently bewildered voice.
no wonder.
I am recklessly wide, but your saliva
I'll sleep on the podium! If I say that, it's disgus ng, but it feels like I'm
forced to give up my seat.
"what. Even if I slept in the same bed yesterday
He pretended to be okay because he wouldn't even touch her finger ps."
“Hey, that’s what it means, and it really wasn’t like that!”
Charlo e exclaims in embarrassment.
But it's okay for him to scream, isn't it?
Soundproofing for sure my super powers
If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have been able to overhear the conversa on
going on in the room.
Yesterday's Charlo e seemed like she had put everything down.
So tell me this and that, ah
and reveals important secrets,
She even said nonsense.
But now that she's out of danger, Charlo e begins to feel shy.
She will be able to rethink that she lives and she will.
She said that she was happy for nothing.
“What is it… you’re making a strange face…”
Charlo e blushed her face and pulled her blanket over her half of her face.
pulled up to
"Ah, anyway! Are you really going to sleep in bed?"
He really seems to be a troublemaker right now.
No, is it because he has grown up to be precious? Do you really care about
“I’m not going to sleep.”
“I’m here to check if you’re okay, can I sleep? do not worry. I'm not going to
look into your face and do that."
Si ng in a rocking chair with arms crossed, I stare blankly at the ceiling of
Charlo e's room.
What other inten ons do I have to do this?
I just need to check that you are okay.
Will nothing ever happen again, all you need to know is that
"........Are not you red?"
"Destroy the treasure among the treasures called Elixir.
If you ate it and it's not okay, then that's not going to happen anymore. Do
not worry about it. Leaking me for a day is not a problem.”
I said that because I wanted to say something strange, so that I wouldn't
hate it any less.
“Hey, it’s just… at the other end… it’s okay to sleep.”
“If you sleep, you will sleep on the sofa, so take care.
Don’t write it.”
Charlo e was silent for a while.
Just to make my place
I was lying in the middle of the bed, and then slowly slid towards the edge.
the opposite
So that you can sleep on the edge of the side.
S cking to the edge means s cking a li le closer to me si ng in a rocking
chair quite far from the bed
It is also
Her chair wasn't on the side where Charlo e was, but she was si ng next
to her.
I sit and Charlo e lies down.
we were side by side
I sat next to Charlo e.
"...I do not know. Why are you doing this to me?”
“Your body should be treated with dignity. Is it normal?”
“I’m not doing this because I’m a princess.”
Because Charlo e is a princess, there were many people who would give
her life.
But no ma er how I look at it, I'm that kind
It is not felt as a person of
I am not risking her life to save her because of her status.
Charlo e seemed curious about it.
“It’s just like that.”
I can't explain what I can't explain, so I can't say that
had no choice but to
I wasn't looking at her Charlo e's face.
She looks like Charlo e is looking at me.
As if she had decided something, she beware Charlo e
Her thread opens her mouth.
“The Demon King, did something to me.”
It must have been an old secret.
The moment it was revealed, everything about her was gone, so she must
have kept it a secret un l now. can tell someone
there will be no
Charlo e speaks with her own mouth what I've only been guessing.
“I don’t know what it was… but it was very painful and I was afraid. I felt
sick in my soul, not my body.”
I couldn't sympathize with Charlo e's words, so I just listened.
“I don’t know what it is. S ll... I don't know what happened to me. But...
I've been imprisoned in a prison-like place in the Demon King's Castle ever
since. Kidnapped... with the others.”
Charlo e's voice was gradually trembling. She seemed to be trying to say
something she was afraid to say.
"Can't you hold my hand...?"
I reached out my hand to the bed without a word, and Charlo e took my
Cold sweat filled Charlo e's palms.
| Is it painful just to say it?
what happened
Charlo e says, holding my hand, holding her breath.
“I starved for too long.”
“Everyone there has survived, for too long, with too li le food and drink.
and. By the me the war escalated, nothing was given to us.”
"People, too... for a long me... haven't eaten anything."
I look at Charlo e quietly.
Tears were already welling in her Charlo e's eyes.
“If it’s hard to say, you don’t have to say it.”
“No, don’t tell me.”
“It’s hard. Stop talking.”
If you say it up to that point, you already know what happened.
Her Charlo e's fear and horror, her guilt-filled voice alone, is something to
Formless, people who have been sha ered by something.
I remember the scene
Now Charlo e is not a cannibal, she is
I know you're talking about the future.
When told not to speak, Charlo e burst into tears.
“Only me… if it weren’t for me, if it wasn’t for me… I could have lived
everything. all. Only me, if it weren't for me, if it weren't for me... I would...
me... my everything. I go... uh, um... uh, mama... mama
say this.
Charlo e said she'd never done it to anyone she's ever done.
Even if everyone knows that something happened to the Demon King.
Now, I feel that this is the first me I am telling this story.
Otherwise, as if confessing her sins, there would be no way she could cry
and talk about it.
I have no words of consola on, no sympathy
There was no word of jus ce or a word to ra onalize it.
I just held her Charlo e's hand ghtly.
Charlo e also held my hand ghtly and cried.
for a very long me.
True Back, Charlo e's work so far
told me
There are two people who know about Sharo's abili es.
The first is those who know that they have super powers to manipulate
The second is those who know that they have this ability because of
something the Demon King has done to them.
The la er are only four: Dyrus, Saviolin Tana, the Maid of Spring Palace,
and the Emperor.
“What about Bertus?”
“I hope you don’t know… but I think you know.
Sun. Even if I knew it, it would have been recent.”
The power to manipulate the shadows is already an insidious and bizarre
power. So, if you want to weave, you can weave it nega vely.
Charlo e was looking for a way to take control of her powers, or get rid of
them. She's so she's looking for a seal mage She's what she's been
However, all such efforts were in vain, and her power was growing and
encroaching upon her.
At some point, Charlo e is suddenly in the middle of the night.
on she used to wake her up in strange places
She said she was.
“Maybe… you then.”
That's it. I remembered Charlo e looking into her eyes with her bare feet
in the hallway of her mansion in the middle of the night on her group
“That was the first me.”
For some reason, her Charlo e appearance at that me was a bit strange.
She was sleeping and suddenly she found herself in the hallway.
she must have made a god Then she looked like Charlo e was very upset.
It hasn't happened for a while since then.
She said she was.
But, once again, in the Temple dorms, Charlo e had it happen.
She said it happened in the Temple dormitory.
A erward, she Charlo e had a gut feeling that she was out of the ques on
and she le the dormitory and she began living in the Palace of Springs.
The sleepwalking con nued and became more frequent.
She later got eaten by her powers, uh
She said that she was tainted by Doom and that she roamed the palace.
She says she was fine un l then.
Although she lost consciousness and lost her memory, she did not a ack
anyone, and she
Because she said that she did not resist when Dyrus, who guards the front
door of the room, and the handmaiden, brought her back into the
However, at some point she had never been able to visit her, but she would
appear and disappear throughout the palace.
Then, she a acks one of the maids and kills them.
This happened.
She was Charlo e and she didn't remember anything.
But she felt that she was Charlo e, that she was late, and that she was all
She tell the emperor, she just kill herself
And she said, she said.
She did not allow the emperor.
Instead, she referred to Xabi Olintana as the Palace of Spring.
to send all the people of the palace to
reduced to small.
Un l she finds a way to deal with it.
The royal family could not find a way.
I'm not sure, but I feel like I
Without it, she wouldn't have returned with Charlo e since yesterday. That
day was the last moment.
A er that day, Xabi Olin Tana would be dead, and she said that Charlo e
would eventually become the Emperor's
She would have had to face her death at her command.
A er all, if it weren't for me, Charlo e would be
She would have died as is.
“I was afraid to fall asleep,” she said.
“…it must have been.”
“But she loses her consciousness when she doesn't sleep.
because it becomes She knew sleep wasn't a problem... but she was just,
In her Charlo e's hands, now it's raining from a cold sweat
Her Lotha did not feel any fear.
Only her warm body temperature is transmi ed.
“I’m listening.”
“I can sleep well a er a long me
I think."
Saying so, Charlo e closed her eyes.
"I'm glad."
I was just saying that.
“Tell me, nothing will happen.”
She looks at Charlo e quietly.
Pray for the power of her words.
I earnestly declare
“Nothing will happen.”
Charlo e closes her eyes, and she nods.
“I believe so.”
With a faint smile, Charlo e gradually falls asleep.
I listened quietly as her Charlo e's breathing spread evenly.
I watched her sleepy Charlo e's carefree face.
[Special Achievement Achievement - The Inflec on Point of History]
[The main character (Charlo e de Gradias) who should not exist in the
original world line
I survived.]
[The future has changed dras cally.]
[You have earned 1000 achievement points.]
Exactly the same message as at the me of the prologue came to mind.
I think it's a li le late, how come
Is this message coming to mind right now?
Shouldn't this message have originally come from last night's ba le?
I stare at Charlo e's sleeping face. Charlo e, holding my hand ghtly, was
asleep with a calm expression on her face.
I think there was some meaning in keeping this place un l Charlo e fell
asleep safely.
I don't know what this means, but
As long as nothing happens, I wonder what was going to happen
decided not to
Nothing will happen.
you will be fine
i will make it

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 274

The next day, I returned to the temple.
According to Epinhauser's instruc ons,
It was said that he was on a mission, and he roughly used that as an
So neither Ellen nor Herriot were angry with me.
A er all, what she's been through this me has been the most dangerous
moment lately. I couldn't say that, and in the end I found the danger
myself, whether Ellen was concerned or not.
It was like going.
But as it was inevitable, the regret grew even greater.
Because there will be many more like that in the future. “What was the
special mission?” I clicked my tongue briefly at Ellen's ques on.
“Rather than a special mission… a li le. That’s an excuse.”
did you crash again?
Ellen's expression seemed to be distorted, so I shook my head.
"Because of the problem with Tiamata.
“Did you hear it?”
"as it were...."
either true or not.
Because Charlo e and Xaviolin Tana knew I was the owner of Tiama a.
A er all, I'm lying, and will Ellen see my lies?
I was very scared to see it.
“Because I decided to keep it a secret. There will be no other problems.”
"...I'm glad."
Ellen stares at me.
“Are you worried?”
Seeing Ellen say such blunt words, her heart throbs.
It was like
“I wish nothing had happened.”
Ellen just said that.
Charlo e had nothing to do that night, so she spent the weekend at the
Imperial Palace.
A er sending she said she would return to the Temple.
When Charlo e and I go back to the temple together
Because Bertus might find it strange. I don't think anything special will
happen in those few days.
Because her Charlo e's survival has been confirmed in the name of an
inflec on point in history. I don't know how long its shelf life will be, but
for the me being, nothing will happen.
new characteris cs. It can be seen that the role of gi-gam was very
It was a stormy few days. Yesterday was Friday, so today is the weekend.
In the end, it passed safely. L
Ren grabbed my arm.
“You have work to do.”
"...uh? what to do Let's train?"
Ellen shook her head.
What nonsense is this?
“Wait for the kids.”
Eren grabs her arm and goes somewhere
dragged along
The place where Ellen took me was Class A
It was a dormitory, a study room.
Lyana, Harriet, and Adelia were si ng there huddled together. “Ah, the
main character has arrived. Is the construc on very busy? What is the
special mission?”
Liana greeted me with a trembling expression. Harriet looked at me and
jumped to her feet with a determined look on her face, Ellen dragged me
over and she sat me down.
“Well, what are these things… As soon as you come back, all of a sudden.”
Harriet put a note down in front of me.
“These are the main points and expected ques ons that will appear in the
integrated subject exam for the final exam. Just me and Ellen and Adelia.
I got it.”
Harriet's eyes twinkle.
Come to think of it. The final exam is only a few days away.
"If you look at this, you won't be last."
Why is it that people are moved by such a bizarre thing?
“You can’t lose to Ludwig again, okay?”
I don't really need anything like this.
Ellen, Herriot, and Adelia's expressions were so serious that I couldn't even
say that they had nothing to do with exam results.
The compe tor is Ludwig.
Where the hell did I fall...
Anyway, a er that, the ball went into a mess.
winter palace.
Bertus fell asleep a er receiving the report.
He was si ng on a chair in God's office. flat
It wasn't the cow's smiley face, it was a rigid expressionless expression.
Bertus read the report with no expression on his face.
The content is simple.
Charlo e de Gradias and the Palace of Springs are protected by the
Emperor's secret
was eliminated
"...Didn't I say that you can't control that ability?"
“Yes sir. That's what I thought... It was expected that the Imperial Princess
would take ac on soon..."
As for Charlo e's abili es, Bertus had been skep cal for a while.
Superpowers to manipulate shadows.
However, she is the power to handle the shadows, so the probability of her
ability is quite strange for someone who was imprisoned in the Demon
King's Castle.
Depending on how she wraps it, Charlo e's power can become the power
of darkness, and that's why she was cursed by the Demon King.
But he didn't have to.
Something she can't cover even if she tries to cover it
Protec on measures for the Palace of Spring.
News that the number of people has been reduced to a minimum and that
Xaviolin Tana has begun to reside in the Palace of Spring.
Her handmaiden was murdered in the middle of the night in the Palace of
A er various circumstances and reasoning, Bertou
She had a gut feeling that Charlo e's end was imminent.
So she le it alone.
However, protec on was li ed, and
The fact that Lot is safe is somehow this
It must mean that this has been successfully resolved.
A compe tor who was expected to fall will be back on the line.
She said, 'She's back.
I should have bi en when I saw the chance
Sealing her Charlo e's powers, the story that the princess is cursed doesn't
work if she succeeds in that kind of thing.
it was
Also, it would damage the honor of the imperial family.
The Emperor's wrath will be directed at him.
It was a structure where there could be no good compe on, but the
emperor wanted it and ordered it.
The way to a ack is in your hand, but you don't know if this card is valid or
Rather, it is highly likely that it will go against the will of the emperor.
'What the hell happened...'
It was her last mercy to leave Charlo e alone.
He didn't even want to touch the dying princess. There was also a concern
that she would buy a useless frown if she had to touch it.
If the situa on is resolved, the fight is over
should start at
How should I solve the situa on?
“Where are the boundaries of the Palace of Spring?” |
“It looks like it will be strengthened again.”
"Hmm... it's hard to get informa on now."
It was clear that the ght defense would be strengthened again, so it
would be more demanding than before.
“Saviolin Tanara would have seen everything that happened…”
"She won't open her mouth."
“Yeah, that’s right.”
Shana who only listens to the emperor's orders
is the foreman It is very unusual for her to send her to her Palace of
Springs, and originally she was trying to be completely neutral about her
succession to the throne.
Had Charlo e's condi on been restored, she would have returned to her
neutral posi on.
"Look at anything. What happened? Is the condi on of the Imperial
Princess really ge ng be er?"
“Yes, my lord.”
A er the servant le , Bertus folded his arms.
The fall of the adversary.
I think I should feel bad now that it has been reversed.
It was strange that Bertus was not in a very bad mood. Aren't you in a
situa on where you have to hit the ground, throw something, and even
However, Bertus was smiling.
'Hey, what are you doing every day? Unlucky’
'What does it ma er?'
'Anyway, it's an ugly pair of plates
can't be any worse Smile a li le and go Who slaps you for laughing?'
'Who dares slap me on the cheek?'
'Again, I understand the word strangely. Do you always listen to what I say
in a twist?'
'You always say things strangely in the first place. Every day I put up a
'Anyway, why don't you laugh a li le? I s ll hate it, but seeing your face
makes me hate it even more.
oh really annoying I'll turn it off when I smile
'I don't know if it'll turn off, and I might think it's a li le less unlucky.
Bertus, who had never laughed so much,
A er her mother died, she didn't laugh
At that moment, Dun Bertus smiled awkwardly.
'Yeah, it's be er. s ll no luck
'What do you mean?
When he was very young, he had such a conversa on. He can't even
remember how old he was.
It was a me when I didn't hate half-brothers as much as I do now.
I s ll don't know what kind of rela onship they are
It was when I didn't know.
But, a guy who is not always cheap.
Charlo e was that kind to Bertus, and he was himself to Charlo e.
The two are incompa ble.
If one exists, the other must not exist.
The fight that I thought was over has to be started again.
That would be fun.
Bertus thought so, and he was smiling quietly in his office.
in Bali
Age: 17
Race: Arcdemon
current ability
[Strength 10.2(C)] [Right 9.9(C-)] [Func on 11.9(C)]
[Magic 14.2(B-)] [Health 15.2(B-)]
Talents: Superpowers - Self-sugges on, Superpowers - Words and Spirits,
Magical Sensi vity, Magical Management
characteris c
[Sacred Spirit] - Increases the magic resistance of the spiritual world
| [Blood of the Brave] - Greatly increased the growth limit
Win, increase growth rate.
[Resistance] - Crisis detec on.
holding capacity
[Asmodian domina on BI (Arc Daemon's unique ability) (Cannot be used in
this state.)
[Self-sugges on A]
[Speech F]
[Magic Enhancement D]
Comprehensive Ability Assessment - Intermediate Demon King
Combat Level Assessment - A
The status we looked at in a long me was quite high.
Affected by the bloodline of the hero, my status increase speed is much
felt something
The ba le level is now A rank.
It feels like yesterday when I was an F-class.
went up a lot.
Mana enhancement became possible, and self-sugges on reached A rank,
and although the lowest level was long, the power of words and spirits was
The interes ng thing is that self-sugges on is
It's not that it's evolved, it's a concept that has one more superpower.
A-rank combat level would mean that I now have nothing to lose compared
to other savvy bastards.
There, at some point, the demon rule is C.
It was raised from C to B rank.
F-rank words.
I only reported it to Epinhauser.
I don't know if I've heard the details or not, but I've decided to keep my
abili es a secret.
A physical scan will reveal his abili es, but Epinhauser will keep it a secret.
A er all, even if I pretend to be a ghost Even when he said that he had
awakened a superpower that seemed very powerful, he was like that. was
just saying
It is not yet known to what extent the scope of its use is. I didn't have me
to experiment on my own.
Because I was forced to buy final exams and study because of my children.
The children didn't know what had happened, and they kept it a secret.
A new power, the word spirit.
And how to use Tiamata
new informa on.
responding to my anger.
I'm glad I saved Charlo e, but in the end it was something I needed too.
“Oh, Charlo e.”
Charlo e returned Monday morning.
Judging by the look on her face, it seems that nothing happened to her
even when she was alone.
She seems to have always had some shade somewhere
A shadow rolls from Charlo e's face
it seemed to me
She told Elerys that she would know something if she ever talked about
this, but she chose not to.
If she's Elerys, she doesn't know anything, but if she finds out that she's a
demon lord, she might try to use her hand.
She will try to resurrect her if it's Sarkegaar, and if it's Elerys, she'll try to
get rid of it.
Of course, depending on my persuasion, there is a possibility that Elerys
won't move, but there's no way Elerys can do anything about the imperial
mages failing anyway.
I'm the only one who can control her Charlo e's power. The fewer people
you know, the be er.
And now it is difficult to even leave the temple.
It was because of pressure from Harriet and Ellen to keep quiet and study.
A threat to Charlo e's life right now.
It doesn't look like anything will happen, so I'm going to keep an eye on the
situa on as it is.
Charlo e's job also passed the crisis, so I had to think about the next issue.
revolu onary forces.
You have to think about what to do with them.
The imperial family is thought to have missed the case of the revolu onary
forces because the emperor and even her compe tor, Bertus, were
concentra ng on Charlo e's problems because of the problem of
Charlo e's death.
If you do not take ac on, civil war or civil war may occur in the Empire, and
if there is a gate incident, it will be a decisive blow to the staggering
The revolu onary forces must be eliminated regardless of whether it is the
next best or the lesser evil.
But how the hell do you do this?
Sar Kegar, who is in charge of infiltra on and intelligence gathering, thinks I
am using them to create chaos in the Empire and rebuild the Demon
So tell Sarkegaar to kill all their chie ains.
can't get off
If you give Charlo e or Bertus informa on, there is no way to explain how I
found out.
The only way that comes to mind is the Thieves Guild
informa on obtained through
However, the real source of informa on is not the Thieves Guild. If you dig
up the stealing guild,
It is easy to know that the source of the informa on given is false.
Charlo e trusts me more than Bertus, so she can't explain it.
What if I just said that there is such a thing?
Time passes, but I easily
I couldn't make up my mind.
I did not want to influence the future succession scheme, whether it was
Charlo e or Bertus.
To be precise, I didn't want to raise Charlo e's hand to make Bertus an
enemy, nor did I want to raise Bertus' hand to make Charlo e fall.
I couldn't decide that easily.
there are so many problems
Even in the middle, in the temple, as a student
Time goes by.
When the final exams are just around the corner.
Besides Charlo e's return on Monday
There were other changes.
Her Charlo e's abili es are presumed to have overcome the crisis in her
current state.
It's just an 'es mate'.
So the imperial family, to be more precise, the sulfur
My goal is to bring Charlo e back to the Temple.
Of course, he seemed to have decided to consider safety measures as well.
On Monday morning, for a while before class, Royal Class is only for first
year students in the dormitory.
Ms. Epinhauser and Ms. Mustrang
Introduce this someone
“As of today, this is Sir Sa Violin Tana, who will be serving as the 1st year
Principal of the Royal Class.”
"Nice to meet you. Your daily safety, that
My name is Saviolin Tana, who is in charge of disciplinary ac on for high
school dormitory life.”
Xaviolin Tana was staying in the Royal Class dormitory all of a sudden.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 275

Charlo e's abili es are safe now, but you never know when they will
become dangerous.
In addi on, Saviolin Tana is also in condi on
Although this was bad, it was enough to have a hard me dealing with it.
So just to be prepared for a single situa on, the imperial family has her
Charlo e runaway to deal with it.
has dispatched
There must be another hidden reason besides such a hidden reason why
she stays in her dormitory and not in her Spring Palace.
right me
Charlo e's stay in the dormitory is to allow me to use her hands
temporarily in an emergency, and in addi on to that, to prevent me from
being exposed.
Of course, being a dormitory superintendent isn't a bad job, but you
suddenly become a temple superintendent from the Imperial 1st Knight
it's a weird thing
It is the Emperor's conclusion to deal with the safety of the Imperial
Princess and her runaway.
one who knows the situa on.
Bertus and Charlo e knew it was going to be like this, and I was a li le
Even if there is no gold, I think this approach is right
heard this
The role of the 1st Knight Commander is also very important, but the
safety of the Imperial Princess is such a serious issue that she has to step
down from that posi on for a while.
- Chief Shana...?
- why?
All those who knew about Saviolin Tana could not help but panic. Not
everyone seemed to understand the situa on.
Who will readily accept this situa on? If you don't know what's going on,
you're probably wondering what a bizarre Man Fools joke this is.
Oh, with that mongrel-like expression over there. I'll have a li le more
breakfast. look like this
Except for Ellen Artorius who is doing it.
Saviolin Tana, standing between Epinhauser and Ms. Mustrang, was
wearing a two-piece suit, taking off her knight's uniform.
“Her tle is enough for a teacher. Also, if necessary, I can take care of your
personal training.”
The people who are interested in the world view that the strongest person
will take care of the training
started to shine brightly.
The representa ve guy was Ludwig, who didn't know anything else and
had an excited expression on his face.
Originally, there is no homeroom teacher for each grade level. There are
superintendent teachers regardless of grade level, and they are on duty
and patrol on all floors.
But Xabi Olin Tana says she's a first grader only, she's pre y toxic
She was given a special posi on.
Of course, her interest would be class B with Charlo e, so the class A
wouldn't care much.
Apart from the newly-appearing headmaster,
The final exam period has begun.
Monday's integrated educa on subject exam is over
A er me, niggas cha ng in their spare me
there were many
“Aren’t you looking forward to the fes val?”
Of course, a guy like Kono Lint had no interest in that at all and seemed to
be full of thoughts of enjoying the fes val.
| “I heard it was a fes val, what the hell are you doing?
is it?”
It was Erhi's answer.
"You're having a beauty pageant!" are so
That alone is great for the fes val.
You seem to think it's worth it.
The official names are Miss Temple and Mr. Temple.
it's play
There is also a women's dress contest,
Originally, the final exam was also a final exam, but because of the
compe on, I had to be busy with various exercises, but it was blown away
en rely due to the closing of the Orbis class.
I know the student council is trying to do something about it.
For the Royal Class, there is nothing special to prepare, all you need to do
is enjoy the fes val.
“Uh, why?”
No ma er how excited I was, Kono Lint spoke to me.
“Aren’t you going to the tournament?”
"Uh, but... you're not enough to get into the rankings, are you saying
you're accep ng applicants from today?"
Compe ons are gone, but tournaments for the en re temple will be held.
There are tournaments by grade level, and there are tournaments of
unlimited level regardless of grade level.
Originally, there was very li le chance that I would win first place, so I
thought I would not go out.
[(Fes val) Unlimited Tournament Winner - 15000 Points]
[(fes val) 1st year tournament winner - 10000 points]
However, the rewards of the related challenges are
very huge
The Orbis class has been closed, so there is no chance that those guys will
par cipate.
It was very low, and even if I par cipated in the ba le, I was awakened to
enhancing my magical powers.
Magic power enhancement by self-sugges on.
In reality, it is safe to say that there is no one who can defeat me except for
Ellen. Of course, in tournament situa ons
We have to assume that the magic enhancement will work properly, but
My ability is par cularly useful in real life, but would you like to strengthen
my magic in a tournament that is a prac ce prac ce rather than a real
I was going to do it in Spring Palace, so it worked right away.
Ellen had said she didn't go out last me because her own win looked too
The final exam is the final exam, but
Tournament, this and that, eventually going out
I want to be right
Aside from achievement points, the tournament
If you win, you will receive a trophy and a prize from the emperor.
“Hmm, let’s do it then.”
The three arrogant brothers look at me.
Those guys were also looking at me with awe at some point.
Of course, there was something to be confirmed before that.
“Hey, don’t.”
I approached Ellen in the front row.
“I’m going to the first-year tournament.”
“You don’t come out.”
Ellen nodded her head coolly.
Is this guaranteed to win?
The gaze of the three arrogant brothers looking at me
This has changed.
that bastard It's match-fixing.
These were the views. No, but when Ellen comes out, I'm dead. She wakes
up and she doesn't win?
| I don't need 2nd and 3rd place! I have nothing to gain if I don't win! Just a
few pennies for the prize money! Do I have to block this variable
In a word, the emergence of a strong candidate for the championship
stopped me
I think it's a bit of a foul, but...
Ellen stares at me, and she says two-and-a-half.
“If you don’t win, I’ll scold you.”
"no! Last me, he told me to only go to the quarterfinals!” “Things have
Apparently, Ellen wants me
It seems that Jun has grown a lot higher than before.
Magic enhancement has been successful for nothing....
My absurd declara on of par cipa on in the war.
The most powerful rival, the Orbis class, would have been relocated to the
general class now that the class members were sca ered.
I wonder if those niggas really don't show up
don't know
But without Ellen, it doesn't change that I'm a strong contender for the
Suddenly it became like this.
-By the way, aren't there any Miss Temple students in our class?
If you want to gossip, you have to speak small.
you hear it
Harriet and Liana 'cast contemptuous glances at Kono Lint at the
outrageous sound.
Do you need to know that you are a slasher of my flesh in a different way
than me?
"Ah, no! I, I was just... I wondered if everyone deserved to go out..."
You just don't talk?
- Bump!
Suddenly, the door of the first grade classroom opened suddenly.
Leaning back, Olivia Ranche appeared.
No, I study during the exam period. Why do you come in person? Olivia,
who was stunned by the sudden appearance, ran over to me without
wearing any shoes.
Then, she chuckled a piece of paper and pushed it out. What I wrote above
Earl fell out when he saw it.
[Applica on for Miss Temple Entry]
Obviously, it was wri en that way.
"Sister, I'm going to Miss Temple!"
“...that, what is it?”
“Of course you’re going to take a picture of me, right?”
Miss Temple entry form. What the hell, are you planning to go out with
something like this?
"Ah, ah! Why do you s ck to me whether I go out or not!"
Tell me what to do!
Even grabbing my face and rubbing it
He got annoyed and took it off.
The kids' eyes are ge ng weird again.
Now it's crazy in the classroom.
That's the feeling.
I force them to separate, and Olivia immediately looks around the
sha ered classroom.
“Heh heh, it looks like I don’t have any compe tors here.”
Liana, Ellen, and Harriet's expressions are amazing.
it got mad
Why is he suddenly arguing? It was these expressions.
No, why come all of a sudden and turn off aggro? Olivia grinned as she
watched her classmates rot her expression from her cross-border remarks.
And then she suddenly strides somewhere
walked a lot
front row.
He was next to Ellen.
“Aren’t you coming?”
At the sudden provoca on, Ellen glared at Olivia.
“Why do I go out like that?”
At Ellen's words, Olivia covered her mouth.
Chae, she looks down at Ellen.
“…do you think you will lose?”
“Do you think I’ll lose if I don’t watch it?”
no! Why are you always quiet
I'm telling the kid!!
Leave me alone!
Olivia, smiling so ly, was about to want to smack her Ranche in the back of
the head.
I'm about to go and say something.
An accident happened.
- Cock!
Ellen got up and she grabbed Olivia's bait and threw it away.
The faces of the children who saw the scene were colored with
astonishment, and it was the same with me.
Ash, the lid is open.
Ellen came with a stern look on her face.
I grab Libya by the collar and stare.
“I don’t know why you’ve been doing this to me before, but it’s off.
Because I don’t want to deal with it.”
“For this.... just trying to beat a senior... haha
Yes now...?”
I was about to step out at the thought of Ellen having an accident.
Anomalies have occurred.
- Whoops!
“Remember that the world is... wide...?”
Olivia grinned as she grabbed Ellen's wrist by the collar of her own.
It doesn't look like it's hard at all
Olivia held Ellen's hand wide open with only her grip on her own.
She is the strongest in the first year. between us
She is Ellen, who is recognized as an out-of-standard monster.
No ma er how senior she is, everyone is astonished to see that Ellen loses
her power.
was looking at Ellen's hand | Ripped Olivia Dresses Her
She pa ed her and she smiled broadly.
- Cock!
Olivia pushed the dumb Ellen's forehead with her index finger.
“I know you are confident, but there is always someone be er than you.
Ellen looked at Olivia with her eyes wide open.
"Why, if it's not a beauty pageant, unlimited Saturdays
Would you like to join us in the tournament? I , Miss Temple or the
tournament, both of you are confident of winning over you?”
Olivia looked at me, leaving Ellen to go out.
- frown
Olivia winked at me and le the classroom, leaving Sun and Ellen alone.
Ellen stared blankly at the door to her classroom where Olivia had le .
Everyone was staring at me in turn with Ellen, who was blind.
- There was a me when that child was envious...
- First of all, Jan will never die for my name...
Erhi and Kaier mu ered a li le.
Kono Lint tapped my shoulder.
“Oh… stay strong.”
The day will come when I will live and live and receive sympathy for this
No ma er how strong I become, Ellen is s ll not ready to face it.
And, Olivia Ranche is definitely stronger than Ellen, but she is definitely
stronger than that Ellen.
Everyone seemed to be imagining that I would get caught in the rice with
unusual humans, etc., and fall like shrimp, etc.
Let's see.
a er a while. “I told you to stop looking for a quiet kid!”
"Mi, I'm sorry! Everyone, I won't do that again!"
I finally made it to the 5th grade classroom
Her temperament exploded and she told Olivia
did a shit
“Are you really going to drop it? Are you going to drop it?! show me?
Should I show you?” |
Reinhardt! I was too harsh! Huh! I apologize! Can I apologize to him?"
“Apologize and Nabal, just leave the child alone.
Lani! Can't you pay for the night? uh?"
"Yeah! I'll let you go!"
It was just the same grade as before, but the situa on was the same.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 276
Monday a er all exams.
The sign room for A-class female students is not going back to the
dormitory, but near the classroom building.
gathered at the cafe of
It would be right for her to go back to her dorm and study, but all of her
horns were ght.
She said, "I think she's a real crazy bitch." To her surprise, it was Adelia, not
anyone else who said it.
She didn't know that Adelia, who was always a li le terrified, would have
been able to talk like that, so Liana and Harriet, as well as her, Ellen
She was staring at Adelia with her mouth open as she dazed.
"Ah, that, that... was that harsh...?"
I wonder if she was using too harsh a word, so Adelia's face turned red.
scratched her cheek.
Liana was drinking lemonade with a straw.
She took a sip and shook her head.
“It’s not wrong. Well done Adelia. No, I'm at the low price Miss Temple
Why do you come all the way to the 1st grade classroom and fuck you?
what to say and what? No compe tors? outrageous
Not really.”
Liana wrote even more intense expressions. Harriet crossed her arms and
made an impression of her.
"...I really don't like it."
Harriet gulped her mocha sand into her mouth.
These days, she told Ellen that she quarrels with Ellen, and that must have
been what she looked like today.
She was always in a situa on where the calm Ellen would be honest and
say she didn't like anyone.
Even the appearance that overwhelms Ellen in her power was enough to
embarrass everyone.
All of a sudden, Ellen has become something of her grade to her
In the first year of the Royal Class, there were only two guys who treated
me like that.
Ellen and Reinhardt.
Ellen is Ellen.
Reinhardt is Reinhardt, and they both have something unique, so they are
treated that way all year round.
Of course Reinhardt means that's a good thing
is absolutely not,
Even if your opponent is a 5th grader. Ellen is Ellen,
That unlucky 5th grader overwhelms Ellen in strength.
Everyone was shocked by it.
Liana nodded her head.
“But that sister. You really like Reinhardt, right?"
stupid ques on.
At that, Harriet and Ellen stared at Liana.
“What I like… isn’t it…? Otherwise, there is no reason for that.”
Adelia somehow looked into Harriet's eyes and expressed her opinion.
"No, now that I'm done, I'm just wondering if it's just for fun and bullying.
To be honest, what's good for you?"
It is.
Depending on how you look, it might look cute
However, today's appearance was not much different from the appearance
of just arguing for nothing.
Reinhardt won't look good on him, and he won't look good on him either.
“Are you harassing me?”
It was Ellen who responded to those words.
"I thought that Reinhardt's son might actually like that guy like that, but
looking at it, he really doesn't like that kind of thing. She said that when
she said she hates her once or twice if she's really like Reinhardt
Isn't she supposed to stop?"
She thinks so.
Doing things that people you like don't like
What is the reason you keep doing it? La
It is true that Inharart kept telling him not to do it whenever he saw Olivia
Ranche's behavior.
Ellen was also pensive, but a er listening to Liana, she seems to be right.
Olivia Ranche hates Reinhardt
She con nues to act.
And Ellen is something that no one else knows
also know
Olivia takes her cursed Tiama a
she cleansed Therefore, she is a lifesaver for Reinhardt.
So Reinhardt told Olivia
You can't be more harsh than that.
know that
use that as an excuse She keeps tormen ng Reinhardt.
Whether it's her liking or not,
It is true that Olivia is harassing Reinhardt.
Ellen quietly drinks chamomile tea.
no ma er what she thinks
Leave Olivia Ranche alone.
inside the line
she seems to be
She has already been pushed once, but she may be in trouble,
Ellen said she had no hesita on.
She said that Ellen didn't go to her fi h-grade dorm with her not so serious
What she wanted to say was simple and not difficult.
She had no inten on of figh ng. Not because of her powers, but her own
ac ons that resulted in her outstretched fists in her classroom.
She had the shame that she had le and was frivolous.
It was because
She has no inten on of figh ng.
She has only one thing to say.
Please stop bullying Reinhardt.
She's in trouble, so why do you keep doing that?
She meant to say so. A er returning to her dormitory, Ellen headed alone
to the fi h grade dormitory.
She calls in Olivia Ranche, and when she comes out to see her, with a slight
smirk as the senior always does, she's fine.
She looked like she wanted to give her some medicine.
Even when she asked me to say something, her mood wasn't too bad.
Ellen's business was simple.
Don't bother her Reinhardt.
It's disrespec ul for her to keep ac ng like that, even a er she said she
doesn't like it a few mes.
please refrain,
Ellen said so. Hearing her words, Olivia Lange smirked.
“Haha… I heard something about Reinhardt…”
Olivia Ranche smiled ruthlessly.
What did Reinhardt already say?
It seemed like he was leaving the classroom a li le early for some reason.
“Did Reinhardt ask you to say that?”
"okay? Then why are you represen ng Reinhardt's posi on?"
Olivia's smiling expression turned cold.
She was already in a bad enough mood, and she looked as if she had heard
a decisive word that twisted the judgement.
“What are you from Reinhardt?”
Olivia walks closer to Ellen.
Ellen didn't back down, but she stared at Olivia with a firm expression on
her face.
“What are you, Reinhardt? As if Reinhardt was yours. Stop harassing my
Reinhardt. Are you talking in the same nuance?”
“You feel bad. If you hear something like that from a third person.”
Olivia stares at Ellen with cold eyes.
third person.
Those words touched her heart, Ellen.
There, Olivia said more of that.
'Take care of our Reinhardt!'
'Can't I be too close with Reinhardt? Do you know why?”
'Are you good at figh ng? S ll, don't bother our Reinhardt too much.
Reinhardt had spoken as if it were his own. Erendo Aiming At Olivia
looking, she says
“It was like that too.”
“Yeah, I definitely did.”
Olivia smiles.
“I did it because I wanted Reinhardt to be my own. how. Are you like that
Ellen didn't say anything.
Do you want Reinhardt to be your own?
She hadn't thought deeply about such troubles. He felt that if he got to a
conclusion he didn't want to get, there would be a chain of irreversible
events. Olivia s ll looks coldly at Ellen, who doesn't answer.
“Why can't you say anything? Can't you tell me how you feel?"
Reinhardt asks what you are.”
“… Friends… Yes.”
“That’s all?”
Ellen didn't answer.
The moment she answered anything. Everything seemed to be over.
Her fear prevailed that this spoiled senior, who didn't know where her eyes
were going, would go on with her strange words and destroy all of her own
rela onships.
In the end, Ellen didn't answer anything.
"If it's nothing more than a friend, at least you don't have the right to say
anything to me, do you?"
“That’s right. You're just friends, and I don't want to be more than friends
with Reinhardt, so don't approach Reinhardt for me."
Olivia seemed to be ques oning.
She forcibly opened a heart that no one had ever tried to open.
like you want to
“That’s a bit strange, isn’t it?”
What Harriet once said to her,
It was a similar word.
"I don't want to lose anything, but I hate losing it more. Do you want to
hold everything clumsily?"
Olivia puts her hand carefully on her Ellen's shoulder as she smiles.
That's the usual, innocent and kind smile
No, it was obvious cynicism.
“You are really selfish.”
Not choosing is also a choice.
Deferring all answers to the future and not doing anything is also
ul mately a choice, which is bound to bring about a certain future.
Cause everything to be ruined
am i selfish
It was as if Eren had hit her hammer in the head at Olivia's words.
Why does this person hate me so much?
She shakes me, what the hell does she want to do?
The person who was called the Saint of Eredian is just a person Ellen hates.
She wonders why this guy hates me.
She didn't know un l now, but she seemed to know now.
She knows she's selfish, that she's wrong about what she's doing, but she
has a stronger wish than that.
She doesn't want to be taken away by this person.
Grab a Reinhardt, never give it back
doesn't seem to be
It was then that Ellen seemed to understand why Olivia hated her.
She's like why she hates this guy.
afraid of losing it
So, she hates it. Ellen, who was afraid to realize her own heart and realized
her heart of her Olivia,
She discovers her feelings hidden in Olivia's cold eyes.
What is she in those eyes....
“Am I scared?”
The opponent in front of her takes Reinhardt
Just as you are afraid of being sick, you are also afraid of your opponent.
So they argue, shake, and scratch for nothing.
Olivia's sudden words from Ellen
expression was distorted.
“I am you? Why?”
The man who lost her composure at her sudden provoca on
Her expression already says a lot.
Ellen finds out that she has been stabbed in the face. Now that she realizes
that the other person is afraid of her rather than hates her, she realizes
that Ellen naturally she is.
She knew she was oversensi ve.
“Senior is gradua ng next year.”
Her me is no longer on Olivia's side.
Olivia licked her lips as if embarrassed by Ellen's words.
...Are you going to graduate school?"
“S ll, you should get out of this dormitory.”
You won't have to see the face you hate to see from next year.
On the other hand, she herself and Reinhardt con nued
I will stay in this dormitory.
Your opponent doesn't like it.
I didn't have to heat it up. You need to react seriously to your opponent's
there was no
Reinhardt has no choice but to stay with me longer than you.
He doesn't have to fight. he's already won
Why the hell did you have to fight?
I want to make myself ugly
is the opposite Please fit in with that kind of thing.
you don't have to go
Your opponent will hate you and will envy you again.
I don't know what you're trying to force yourself to admit, but you don't
have to.
“A year is quite a long me, isn’t it?”
Olivia clenched her teeth as if looking for her words, and she finally spoke
in a trembling voice.
"Yes. Try hard."
Ellen raised one corner of her mouth, and she
She looks at Libya.
She feels like she's doing something very bad.
However, she was delighted.
She felt like she was just being beaten up every me, but now it feels like
she's being fed. No, it's not just one shot, the other person passed in the
first place
It feels like she's got to know that she's figh ng an unfavorable fight.
Olivia eventually loses her composure and closes her eyes.
was turning red
Bi ng her lip, she stares at herself.
She seemed angry.
No ma er how she speaks, she knows herself that there is a gap she can't
close in the end no ma er how much she scratches.
What if she was Olivia and she was Ranche if she were her classmate.
She doesn't know anything else, but she wouldn't be able to look at Olivia
the way she does now in this smirk mixed with superiority.
Assump ons are meaningless.
Reinhardt, a er all, was always with himself, even if he had me to spend
with Olivia.
That doesn't change.
“You, you… do you know that if you’re in the same class as Reinhardt?”
“Yes, by the way.”
A place you can never enter.
A place you would be most envious of.
As long as you already have it, there is no need to be angry with this
It's just out of envy or jealousy.
At Ellen's brazen acknowledgment, Olivia
Bi ng her lip, she looked at Ellen.
“It would have been nice if you were born a li le later.”
Ellen grinned and said those words before she passed Olivia Ranche.
“You, you… you! you really! You are... really... this bad...”
Olivia pursed her lips, staring blankly at Ellen's fading away from her.
A er Ellen disappeared, Olivia bit her lip, tears in her eyes, and
she mu ered
“Cee… I just touched it and couldn’t find it before…”
Olivia was so angry that I even had tears in my eyes.
I wondered why I had to fight this kind of emo onal ba le, but if Ellen lives
As she stood, she felt the kind of exhilara on she had never felt before.
Even if she had slapped her with her fists, she wouldn't have felt this way.
It would have been nice if you were born a li le later.
When she heard her words, Olivia's expression on her face was truly
mesmerizing. She felt like she had repaid what she had suffered so far, of
course, and it seemed as if she didn't care what he said in the future.
She asks herself for no reason why she
It didn't ma er to her when she found out her reason for running her
She's so envious of herself that she'll never have her own place. She said it
was because she was so angry and resen ul that she was arguing for
When she returned to the dormitory, Ellen found her gait lightened and
she was walking down the hallway when she ran into someone.
“Ellen, is there anything good for you?”
“Oh, yes… no. just."
Ellen's good mood sank again when she saw Harriet.
Olivia obviously, she had said that.
She doesn't want to miss Harriet, and she doesn't want to miss Reinhardt.
So she clumsily tries to hold both.
So you are selfish
Olivia Ranche's words come to life.
I want to ignore it, but the word itself
can't understand the message
She wasn't stupid.
Harriet likes Reinhardt.
She doesn't want to think, but she knows she can. Reinhardt always cares
about Harriet.
If Reinhardt likes Harriet
If you do
What should I do.
I hate losing to Olivia.
She was also taken away by Harriet.
I was so afraid.
“Why, Ellen?”
Harriet asks kindly. As if she was in pain, she lted her head.
“…No. Nothing, I’m a li le red.”
“I’m going to study with Reinhardt,
Are you going to rest then?”
Apparently, Harriet was holding her textbooks in her arms.
She seems to be going to study for the exam. To be precise, I'm trying to
look a er Reinhardt.
“Any other kids?”
“If you don’t come just because you’re studying your major, it’s probably
just me and Reinhardt.
I think."
Then there will be only two of them.
“I will go too.”
"Yeah, bring a book. Then."
Harriet walks towards her gun room, and Ellen sees her back.
She thought Olivia's words couldn't affect her...
When she thinks about Reinhardt alone with her friend, she feels an
unpleasant feeling creeping into her chest.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 277
Olivia Ranche was in the gymnasium of the fi h grade dormitory.
She said, 'She won't learn more swords?'
'Yes. father.'
'I don't want to learn more about the art of hur ng someone, even if I'm
not going to use it that way.'
She knew it was pointless.
that she's already learned enough to learn
Because I already knew When she was in 3rd grade, she had already been
told that she had nothing more to learn.
Nevertheless, Olivia Ranche was afraid to become more proficient in
violence. It's ge ng easier for her to hurt someone and she's afraid of
herself. She said that Olivia was away from violence and she avoided the
possibility of violence.
But now, she says Olivia holds the sword
there was
Controlling the power flowing through her body was something I had been
doing for a very long me.
It was too easy.
She is Olivia now, and she is going to compete in the tournament.
Unlimited Tournaments.
And Miss Temple.
Miss Temple and Unlimited Tournaments.
Olivia was ini ally interested in her
there was no
It doesn't ma er if that annoying first-year guy named Ellen shows up or
'Miss Olivia. You don't have to be so fussy anymore.
' Fine. I can s ll afford it.
'I know everything. No ma er how ght our facility budget, Olivier
Oh, she's s ll a student."
I don't know anything else
I need money.
It was a war caused by the Demon World War, and there were countless
As if even the country could not relieve poverty, so many war orphans
The state cannot provide for all.
There is a hole somewhere, and there are sca ered children who lack
clothes and food. Olivia volunteered in the Demon World War
She has been suppor ng them since she le .
But now that she was the daughter of a temple knight leader, she lost the
ability to support Olivia.
She is Olivia and she is the one who can't let them go.
She abandoned her faith, but she abandoned the children
Because it's not Lin.
'If Reinhardt knew, he'd say something else."
She couldn't even speak to Reinhardt, because she thought she'd be told to
stop ac ng stupid.
Tournaments and Miss Temple prize money are on the one hand. With
those two prizes alone, for the me being, the facility she sponsors would
be able to sustain her.
We also know that support policies for war orphans will be announced
soon. Wait a minute, they will eat and wear
You just have to provide it with your own hands.
That's all.
So Olivia Ranche took her sword.
'About a year... is it?'
I put my sword down when I was in third grade.
However, for some unavoidable reason, she had to hold the sword.
In the Dark Lands, where she went in the name of service, because she
could not simply serve.
Although she was disillusioned that she had power, she was grateful.
She stayed behind a er that.
She is sure she will win, but I don't think it will be easy.
You will have to work hard enough to get your senses back. The moment I
was trying to calm my mind and calm myself down and draw up my
‘It would have been nice if you had been born a li le later.”
- fast
“Oh really!”
- Kang!
Olivia suddenly rises
Fever at her thoughts, throwing her sword away
it went
what and how?
Olivia groaned for a while alone in her kite arm, her face blushing.
Meanwhile, the door to the gym opened and someone came in.
- ra le
“Olivia. I was here.”
Whether she came to find Olivia, her partner approached her with a bright
"Oh, yes. Radia."
Olivia doing her bizarre things too
A er all, she's only a first-year, but she's s ll kind and friendly to her
juniors, her 5th and 6th graders in effect.
She came to see her now, not in 5th grade, but 6th grade, B-2 number
Ladia Schmidt. She smiles at her smirk at her Olivia
the crab has come
“It’s been a long me since I’ve seen you holding a sword. You want to go
to an unlimited tournament, too?”
“Uh ah… huh. for that.”
“That’s right… this is a pity. This me, I thought I might be able to try to
"Are you going to join Radia too?"
“Oh, I didn’t know. Huh. this is the last me
it's a chance Windsor will also be out.”
"Oh, I see."
When you are in 6th grade, when you are about to graduate
It's not like you've already graduated
is in a stateless state.
It was there that she took part in the Unlimited Tournament, where she
honed her sex for six years.
The desire to check the course is understandable enough.
Ladia Schmidt sees Olivia holding her water lily sword, and she's s ll
But Olivia felt her breath choking as if something was caught in her throat.
“By the way, do you know Olivia?”
“Sacred power, you can’t use it.”
“……Yes, yes. I know."
It is absurd to use divine power a er professing to be a person who has
given up on faith.
am. whether that is possible or not.
There are many people who use unapproved divine power.
If it works out well, he will receive training at a temple or church and
become a formal priest.
If you refuse it, go to the Inquisi on
become wealthy
So, unless Olivia chooses not to pursue her priesthood, she should not use
her divine powers in public.
With her divine power sealed, she must enter the tournament. Olivia
already knew that, so Radia Schmidt lted her head.
“Are you saying that even if I don’t use divine power, I can win as much as I
"Ah, no... I don't mean that..."
Ladia Schmidt wasn't sarcas c about her, she was asking because she was
genuinely curious, but she had to ask Olivia a difficult ques on. When
Olivia was embarrassed, Ladia Schmidt shook her head.
“Of course if it were you, Olivia, she would definitely be able to do that.”
It was a bright tone without a single piece of inferiority mixed. But the
words that followed terrified Olivia.
It was enough to make
“Olivia, do not deny the divinity within you.”
“Come back to God. where you should be.”
Olivia couldn't properly meet Radia Schmidt's eyes.
Cold sweat broke out on her hands, and a shiver ran down her spine.
With these obsessions, she lived with the scars of Olivia's work.
Even the members of her club of grace said that what she was about to
suffer was just a devia on from the individual leader of the temple knight,
and she asks, how about restoring her faith?
Radia Schmidt is not a member of Grace.
He is an aspiring paladin who serves the war god Ars.
Although the gods worshiped are different, he was a friend who always
emphasized the need to be in harmony with each other within the
meaning of the Five Great Bishops.
Olivia was ge ng red of these things.
I told you, Radia. I... gave up everything..."
“It’s okay, Olivia. Wait, her judgment may have been clouded. Wait, you
can get lost and get lost.”
Her eyes, as dark as the abyss of Ladia Schmidt, stared at her Olivia.
“So, I will guide you on the right path.”
“Because we are friends.”
Seeing Radia Schmidt smile broadly at her, Olivia trembled her lips.
What does she say is the right path she should take, and how does she lead
At one point, Olivia became increasingly afraid of her own friends who had
her faith.
She keeps running away from Reinhardt
She said that she might become
She thought so as Olivia.
As she finished her exams on Monday, she was also studying for her exams
as she was dragged around by Harriet and Ellen.
To be honest, if I'm not going to win first place, rather than studying for an
exam, I'm now training for the tournament
I need a lily
Anyway, last me I was really last, not because I was named, but because
of the achievement score.
It was because I needed it. Even if I don't study, I'm confident that I will get
rid of Ludwig's dying up!
Even if you can solve half the problem, it's possible!
“It will come out. Memorize it.”
“I already memorized it.”
“Memorize more then.”
But since they didn't know that, they stuck to me and pointed out the
exam ques ons for the integrated subjects.
I feel good.
In the end, I feel like I'm was ng my me like this...
It's a strange situa on.
The applica on form for the 1st year tournament has already been
wri en and submi ed.
The preliminaries will be held this weekend, and the tournament will begin
on the first day of the fes val if they qualify for the finals.
A er studying for a while, Harriet made a murmur and stretched her out.
He even looked at me intently.
“Are you really going to take a picture of Miss Temple?”
".......uh? suddenly?"
Harriet looks at me with a piercing expression on her face.
“I’m just going to take a picture. Or say it.”
“A er filming and leaving her horse, I have no inten on of going to see it?”
“Uh… yes? Oh, it was."
Harriet's expression was somewhat refreshing.
At first, my throat is grape juice
me is gold
It's like a leisurely me to watch
There is no secret, you never know when the Black Order will come, the
vampire council will have to do something soon, there is the Charlo e
Do you have me to play?
Harriet giggled for an unknown reason and then opened the book again.
“Are you saying that if you go to see it, you’re going to take a picture?”
But Harriet is s ll, and this Jen Ellen asks about it.
At that, Harriet looked back at me from the book.
“Aren’t you going?”
“It’s said that if you go to see it, you will take a picture.”
“Why do you say that? I'm not going to take a picture, and I won't take a
picture even if I go!"
What else is he talking about all of a sudden?
What about Ellen when I told her that she wouldn't even go? Then he
I never go to the Miss Temple contest. Rather, I needed achievement points
urgently, so I would have turned out as a woman and le .
I'm not interested in that!
And since it's impossible to disguise the iden ty of a temple student other
than me, it's impossible to go out disguised as a woman in the first place!
[Event Occurrence - Miss & Mr. Temple Contest]
| [In Miss & Mr. Temple Contest Please vote. If all the people you voted for
are elected, you will be rewarded.]
[Reward: One each among the talents possessed by the winner.]'s crazy again.
I want to trouble you somehow
A fran c man is trying to drag me into hell again.
what to do
Said I'd never go
A powerful event that cannot be missed has occurred. If you go to the
contest without saying anything.....
I wouldn't look good.
And the one most likely to be Miss Temple is Olivia Lanche.
Well, of course I would vote for it. One of Olivia's talents, it's just a
It's weird not doing this.
Can't we just launch it a li le earlier? I wouldn't know if I didn't even say I
wasn't going!!
But thinking about it, it's kind of weird.
In the first place, the Miss side can't make it, but if I go to the Mr. Temple
contest and win, what is the reward?
The winner is me and my talents already belong to me?
[If you are elected Miss Temple yourself, you will be given the op on of
'talent choice.]
Aww, really.
Even if Mr. Temple is elected, there is nothing.
Being Miss Temple is a talent choice... No.
That is impossible in the first place.
You can't even beat Olivia Ranche, who is already well established.
That's four thousand points if you win the women's dress contest
It's not at all different from the same bullshit.
I can't disguise myself, so I have to do that if I want to go to Miss Temple.
'I'm leaving Miss Temple.
'Mr. Temple?'
'Miss Temple.
'...You're a man, aren't you?"
'Is there a law preven ng men from leaving Miss Temple?'
Would I do such a crazy thing!
I am not par cipa ng, but I have to go to the Miss Temple contest.
You cannot miss this day-to-day event.
Saying I'm not going, I have to go secretly
Damn it looks like I'll be caught And what would happen in that case would
depend en rely on Ellen's mercy?
If you say you didn't film Olivia, she'll hear you say why did you go if you
don't film the man?
"That... I'm going to try it once. I can do it..."
All of a sudden, Ellen and Harriet's eyes changed as they looked at me.
“Oh no! It's a fes val! And it's part of the fes val! Well, then you should
enjoy the fes val. Uh, uh... ah, isn't it wrong?"
While talking, the atmosphere is bloody
It was about to ngle.
No, thank you for giving me this kind of event... I really appreciate it...
Why are you feeling so fucking...
To evoke the cold atmosphere, I couldn't resist the compulsion to say
something, so I decided to cast bullshit.
"no! It's not Miss, but you can go see Mr. Temple!"
"Fuck, you're going to see it, you idiot!"
- Pak!
Harriet slapped my head with a notebook, telling me not to talk nonsense.
"Oh, why don't you hit me!"
| No, in the first place, Mr. Temple and Mr. Temple are chosen together, so
you will see both Miss Temple and Mr. Temple!
While enduring the children's cold gaze
Also I was lost in thought.
Miss Temple and Mr Temple...
So, do you get two free talents?
If you match both Miss Temple and Mr. Temple, you have two talents?
no in the first place.
Do you think you have to match both Miss Temple and Mister Temple?
Miss Olivia Ranche.
who is Mr.
Olivia Ranche did not appear in the original. Because she wouldn't even be
in the temple back then.
Originally, this Miss Temple was of class B.
Scarle takes it. Scarle , who was despised for having red eyes and red
hair, was elected Miss Temple. Ludwig
It was a pre y important episode as much as the tournament.
In the original version, the Mr. Temple of this fes val was Bertus.
Because he was a prince and he was also handsome.
But again, Bertus is here.
are you going?
If Bertus came out and was elected, I already had everything except
swordsmanship among Bertus' talents: swordsmanship, magic
enhancement, and magic opera on.
If you have two, you will receive swordsmanship skills.
One of Olivia Ranche's talents is unpredictable. There's a possibility that it's
divine power, but it's not bad, and the yangban seems to be a monster just
as good as Ellen, so I think I'll give it something huge...
good not good
Even if not, Bertus's swordsmanship talent is the main factor.
If I lose, I'll use my sword be er than I do now
it will be
“I, wait a minute.”
As I got up from my seat, Ellen and Harriet seemed even more in pain.
"No, I'm not going anywhere else, I'm going to see Bertus!"

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 278

Since Bertus was in the dormitory, it was not difficult to find him.
“…Mr. Temple?”
“Why is that all of a sudden?”
“No, it’s just because you think you’re good enough to go out.”
Suddenly I'm knocking on the door Are you leaving Mr. Temple? When
asked, Bertus seemed a li le perplexed.
| Well, I'm a li le confused even thinking about it.
It is long.
“Why don’t you go out because you’re leaving?”
Therefore, it seems that the conclusion that Bertus came up with was that.
I actually told Ellen in class today.
You're going to a tournament, so you can't go, she said,
“It’s not like that, I’m just curious.”
Regardless of the possibility, Mr. Temple has nothing to do with me except
for the achievement points for comple ng the challenge if I am elected. It's
much more profitable for me to hit another strong guy.
"I don't know why I'm curious about that, but I don't think I'm going out."
Bertus seemed absurd for me to ask such a ques on, but he gave me an
This is Mr. Temple, which appeared in the original.
What is the reason for not leaving? If it's because Charlo e's problem is
complicated, it's understandable. For Bertus, Charlo e's resurrec on is the
biggest goal right now.
'cause it's gonna be shit
Bertus doesn't go out.
If so, who will be Mr. Temple?
It is unknown whether
You have to match both of them to get two talents, but this makes it
However, it is impossible to force Bertus, who said he is not going, to go
If I go out and become Mr. Temple, I will eventually receive only one talent
from Miss Temple...
In the first place, I wondered if I was at the level to be elected Mr. Temple.
In any case, as much as possible, this event presented me with a shi y
situa on.
want to see the benefits of
You can get two talents, but it's a bit disappoin ng to only get one...
Swordsmanship, the talent of Bertus, one of Olivia's talents.
It is a situa on where you can see the maximum gain, but Mr. Temple is
unclear. I'm sure Miss Temple, but I can't beat Mr. Temple
If you do, you will not be able to eat this day.
I headed back to the study room in front of Bertus's visit.
how do...
It's a shame that Mr. Temple becomes me.
If not, you can make it!
You make other tough people besides me as Mr. Temple.
Then his talent comes in for free. There are a lot of people here with rare
talents that can't even be bought with achievement points!
A person with more overwhelming talent than Bertus' swordsmanship is
Mr. Templar.
If you make it, you can eat me.
hang on
If anyone gets caught, Mr. Temple
don't make it
If it's ambiguous, you can re re and use it!
Thinking of the candidates that came to my mind, I headed to the
dormitory lobby.
Ludwig's stamina.
It's also an opening talent. rood
Shall we make Behe into Mr. Temple?
As I was walking while thinking about various things, I could see the three
arrogant brothers si ng together in the lobby of the dormitory.
There were not only three arrogant brothers, but also his servant Rich von
That guy has always been on the outside, but now he joined the three
gangster brothers.
To be honest, that guy isn't even a bitch.
long though.
They seemed to be studying, too, and they were gathering and looking at
you guys
I walked towards them. “Uh, uh… Reinhardt.”
When I suddenly approached them and sat down on the rest of the chairs
around them, tension grew on their faces.
“Is that… any business?”
Heinrich's animosity towards me is gone, but he s ll can't peck
“Look at me, wait.”
At the sound of my instruc ons, they look at me nervously.
First, Heinrich von Schwarz.
His ability is Pyrokinesis.
I've already confirmed that I can have mul ple superpowers, but I'm
pyrokinesis because of the fire of Tuesday.
no need to lose
Even if there is no fireworks of Tuesday, I wondered if spontaneous igni on
would become possible if the level of speech and spirit gradually increased.
He passes.
Connor Lint.
Talent is superpower.
But the flaw is serious. he is this
For giving me such flawed abili es, I feel sorry for them. When the flaws
disappear, he literally becomes a crazy scam character, but the ming
comes too late.
He passes too
Ergi de Lafaeri.
The talents are divine power, mar al arts, and swordsmanship.
All three are abili es that I don't have.
Those three aren't general talents, so it's a li le sad.
Cayer Bioden.
He has only one talent, huge magic.
this guy is perfect
Cayer's talent for huge magic is literally to have a huge amount of magic.
The amount of mana he possesses, as well as the power of mana growth, is
However, he has an ap tude for mana management, so he cannot use it
unless he has to use that mana.
Even Ellen's magic power level doesn't work for this guy. Ellen's current
magical power was A+ rank, and this guy is S rank. He's one step ahead of
S rank magic.
So, there is a serious flaw of incompetence for mana management, so it
can be in the Royal Class even though it is useless.
There is no such thing as an ap tude for me.
So, have the talent of huge magic
If you do, you will be able to use that magic power to its fullest, and of
course you will receive a tremendous boost from magic enhancement.
There, my magic even reached A rank.
When it reaches the level, it evolves into a new talent called domina on
with magic management and magic response. also know that
When you acquire huge magical power, a comprehensive talent called
magic control will follow.
this guy is perfect
This guy is perfect, but...
“Why, why…?”
I am cayer at my sudden sigh
was pissed off
When he becomes Mr. Temple, there is nothing be er.
I stood up and tapped Cayer's shoulder.
"No, it's okay. Is it your fault?"
Even when Anne is dead and awake, Mr. Temple is
It's a vision that can't be
It's not really a spectacle, but
because it can't be done
Even with re rement.... It is not possible.
I am neat in front of the wall of reality
I had no choice but to give up.
I don't know if it was the last match.
1st place match, this is not possible.
The one with the most coveted talent could not be made as Mr. Temple
due to prac cal problems.
He has the op on of managing and doing something.
There are mes when it can't be done.
I'm sorry for myself, but Cayer is that way.
Who the hell should I make Mr. Temple?
one. In the end, this me, the main character, once
Designed to make the protagonist
do i have to knit? He's been a very insignificant guy un l now.
When I returned to the study room, Ellen and Harriet were looking at me
with blank expressions.
"Because you came to see Bertus."
“Who says what?”
what i'm going to go to the contest
They both seemed to be very angry.
No, are you going to get so mad about that?
Of course. I've crossed the line a lot, but...
Of course, we are the only ones in the study room
It wasn't.
There is also a guy quietly studying alone in that corner.
I didn't know if it was or not, so the last me I talked for a while while
studying, and when Harriet apologized that I was sorry, I was startled.
A guy suffering from severe human schizophrenia.
my swordsman friend.
There is only one talent, 'ba le'.
A morale-level synthe c talent that ins nc vely finds the best way to win
in all kinds of fights.
Giant magic is what I need the most right now
Talent, but this guy's talent is universal
It's nonsense in terms of gender.
Rather, it is highly likely that combat is the talent I need more for later.
You'll get magic control someday.
Did you feel a chill in my gaze?
Cliff, who was studying with his head down, looked at me with a puzzled
“…uh… Reinhardt? Anything to say...?”
I strode over to Cliffman and put my hands on his shoulders.
“You, Mr. Temple, let’s go.”
Ann, there is a possibility.
He has enough poten al!
"Uh huh?"
"???" “……?”
Cliffman, as well as Harriet and Ellen, were suddenly stunned at my sudden
“It’s me to fix this human schizophrenia! what is it. Chu, what?
okay! Shock Therapy! Just take a picture of Mr. Temple! I'm going to fix it
for sure! Am I right?! Uh, right?”
take a picture
“No, no, no, what do you mean?”
Cliffman didn't even understand what he was hearing.
“Anyway! Are you a guy who can do it?”
“Hey, it’s so sudden, I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
“If it’s black, let’s peel it, right?”
“Why are you suddenly harassing a strict kid, you’re already a parent!”
- Tight!
In the end, my suppressor in this situa on, he
Lit was hit in the back of the head.
To tell a kid who was studying quietly out of nowhere to go to Mr. Temple?
I thought it was too absurd. Naturally, Cliffman is bewildered, and Harriet
and Ellen say that I suddenly
I couldn't understand why.
If you knew my situa on right now, would you think you could? The
problem is that it is difficult to explain.
Cliffman's talent ba le is the highest talent that is comparable to Ellen's
magical powers and Heriot's magic. 50,000 points to buy with achievement
The reward for winning the 1st year tournament is a huge reward of 10,000
achievement points.
presented, five mes the value of
If I can't go to a tournament and make him Mr. Temple, I'd rather do that.
Be er to go all-in
I was suddenly studying for an exam and I said something out of the
ordinary, so Harriet, I, and Ellen sat next to Cliffman and stared at him.
Harriet nodded and giggled.
“Why do you want to make Mr. Temple go out all of a sudden?”
"Literally? The fes val is just around the corner. You're trying to cure the
chronic disease of human leukemia."
I say this me Ellen giggles.
“Is it fixed then?”
“You will gain confidence. Whatever happens.”
Cliffman, sandwiched between us, was s ff and swea ng as if being
lynched. Harriet licked her tongue as he watched Cliffman die in real me
in the eyes of the three of us.
“If we just look at this kid, if he leaves Mr. Temple, he will have a heart
a ack. Do you think he can stand it?”
I don't know Mr. Temple, but now I think you hit the last blow?
In such a situa on, Harriet some mes beats up children without knowing
it, but this is the situa on now.
Harriet's personality is different from the original, but there are mes
when he writes lines that feel like the original, and now is the match.
“Yeah, yeah… I’m like… How can I go to Mr. Temple… There must be many
people who are much greater than me…” |
It was a protest that Cliffman squeezed out to the fullest.
“No, are you underes ma ng yourself too much?”
I don't know if it's Kaier, but do you have a chance? Am I not talking
nonsense? It was an excuse to say that the human dizziness might be
cured, but in reality, looking at only Cliff, there is nothing frustra ng.
and i make the nonsense
It’s okay to say that I don’t have to
you can do it!
and you can use it!
Not only is he struggling with whoever he is, and talking to someone is a
level that consumes his mentality by itself.
In fact, this guy doesn't show most of his skills even when he's prac cing.
Of course, even in that state, it doesn't change that he overwhelmingly
beats me, just like when I prac ced with Ellen.
At first, I was confused and couldn't do anything. Wasn't he stunned a er
being hit in the head with one blow? And nothing has changed since then.
“I think it’s all part of improving my skills. You tend to be too nervous. Then
it shouldn't be? look at me I was so full of confidence in a subject that had
no horns, and I ran into it everywhere, so I was stunned to even strengthen
my magical powers, right?”
“…the fact that you can honestly say that with your mouth… it is.”
"...I don't think it's something to brag about."
I told Cliff to listen, but hey
Ut and Ellen hated it.
you guys go! I do not need! S ll, I was embarrassed because I said bizarre
The kid is more nervous because of you guys!
He looks like he's going to vomit in his pants while crying!
...By the way, isn't this just annoying a er all?
Shouldn't it be stopped?
s ll....
It's an opportunity not to be missed.
I see frozen Cliffman.
He is also the tallest among first-year students, strictly speaking.
In other words, a handsome man with a rather cold impression
it's a long guy From a distance, it gives off an atmosphere that is difficult to
approach, but in reality, he becomes embarrassed when approached like
That's enough, honestly.
"What do you guys think?"
In the end, my opinion was limited, so I looked at Ellen and Harriet and
Cliffman could be Mr. Temple.
“Uh, uh…”
At my words, the two of them stare at Cliffman
Laboza's face is even more painful
it became
“……I don’t think you will be eliminated from the preliminary round?”
Harriet's candid answer.
"I think so."
Ellen's response.
Cliffman's face grew even redder at the unexpected compliments of the
two. I've go en weaker and I put my hand on Cliffman's shoulder
put on
“I saw it. I'm telling you to try it because it all seems to be me. Am I just
saying something like this to shame you?"
“That, though…”
Also, isn't this a bit
I'm lucky if I don't cry if I force the guy in this state to be on stage. Even cry
and become the object of ridicule of others? This guy might have a
permanent scar on his mental health, and he might drop out of the temple.
Maybe I'll just leave a child completely alone
I do not know.
It's a pity, but it seems like it would be a be er choice to put a guy like
Ludwig on it, who gets pushed away when someone pushes it.
"...if it's too much, there's no need to do it.
In the end, when you try to apologize and quit because you think that it
will only bother you if you put more pressure on it.
"I don't know why Reinhardt is doing this all of a sudden... Are you really
okay with this?"
Ellen suddenly intervened.
It shouldn't be like this.
It will not simply mean the rela onship between people. Cliffman is a guy
who doesn't show his skills properly no ma er who he is. Even though my
skills didn't come out, I was overwhelmingly talented
It is only being covered with one ability.
This guy also prac ced with Ellen in his own way and prac ced to
strengthen his magic power, but it didn't work at all because he was
Due to lack of self-confidence and depression, he said things that shouldn't
“You know?”
Cliff Mann bows his head and nods slightly. Does this guy also know that
fixing that part of himself is what he needs to do?
"I don't know why you have to go to Mr. Temple, but if you can go out
there and make things be er, I think that's not a bad way."
“…Is that so…”
Ellen s ll looks at Cliffman with an expressionless expression.
Ellen is be er than me...
“I don’t know if it’s something you don’t want to fix, but if you want to fix
it, you have to do something.”
I was going to send Cliffman out to Mr. Temple for a completely different
reason, but
Suddenly, Ellen responded.
"...I'll think about it...."
And Cliffman also desperately wants to fix that part of himself in the end.
seemed to do
- Druck!
Cliffman replied that way, and got up resolutely. Me, Ellen, and Harriet
stared blankly at him as he suddenly woke up.
"Where are you going all of a sudden?"
At Heriot's ques on, Cliff Mann covered his mouth and began to stumble.
“Hey, I don’t feel well…”
this guy
Is it really okay?
Maybe I'm doing something wrong again.
Cliffman staggered through the study room.
went out

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 279

Cliffman did not return to the study room because he had exhausted
today's social and mental skills.
No, he'd be right to say he didn't come back. Harriet was staring at me.
“What the hell do you mean?”
“What, literally.”
“Are you telling me to buy and hit other people beyond what you do now?”
"Why are you buying Mr. Temple?"
“If you force me to do something I would never do if I let it go, would that
be an accident?”
“I did it with pure good inten ons.
It's never good inten ons...
Rather, I think that Cliffman should be dried now.
The talent for figh ng is good, but if the situa on stops, you won't even
have the talent, and Cliff will be hurt forever.
He's a really good kid even though he has tantrums, so I don't want to let
him go.
I agree with Harriet saying that he had the accident act on his behalf.
I'm not sure, but isn't it already an accident to tell Cliffman to go to the Mr.
Temple contest?
“Are you really going to embarrass people by doing something so absurd?
is not it
- nod
Even if I think about it, suddenly making such an offer to a Cliff's size was
terribly out of the ordinary. No, it's something I wouldn't normally do. If it's
a problem, it's the bastard who gives out random events at random ming.
You can't do it either.
"...I think I know why."
Ellen looks at me and spits out like a toss.
No, how do you know why I did this?
“You say you’re going to see a friend, so you’re going to see that senior.”
no this is
What a nonsensical misunderstanding!
“Oh, no. What kind of bizarre thing are you talking about?”
“You’re using that excuse to go and see Miss Temple. Even if it’s not that
Her eyes widened at Ellen's words, as if Harriet didn't even think of it.
If there is anyone who can say that he is a piece of garbage just by looking
at him, it would be Harriet.
No, guys.... That's right, but not as a result.
I have a story....that...
"No, it's not like that, but why shouldn't you go there in the first place? If I
go there, what's wrong?"
“There is no reason not to.”
Why do you catch her while doing that?
I'm staring like you!
I'm going to go to the Miss Temple contest under the pretext of suppor ng
my friend by ge ng my friend to go to Mr. Temple, doing something
has become a guy You just have to go to see it proudly, but you've become
a strange bastard who dares to make bizarre excuses!
A er all, in the end, studying becomes a thing behind the scenes
I missed it.
Harriet seemed to be pondering, then looked at me and asked.
“By the way, are you going to the tournament too?”
“How do I know that?”
“You say anything, including things you shouldn’t say to you.”
That's right. But I don't know what it's like to go to a tournament?
Come to think of it, while provoking Ellen,
Whether it's a Temple or an Unlimited Tournament, you said you could
win. Then go to the tournament.
Ellen was silent, but didn't say anything.
“Are you going to leave?”
At my ques on, Ellen looks at me silently.
“Do you think I will lose?”
“No, you didn’t say anything, did you?”
She asked me if I was going to just leave.
But…..something I saw in class today, something I heard about, and Olivia
is a 5th grader...
Isn't it a bit difficult for Ellen now...
It's what many kids feel, but I'm not good at managing my facial
Ellen read something of her on my face
she seemed to have
She said, “Okay. She has no interest in tournaments anyway.”
Ellen said so and she started looking at the textbook.
But, she looks so good, but she doesn't.
“...I want to end here today.”
Perhaps she was offended, she said Ellen sat for a moment, then she said
she was red and she went away. I stared blankly at the door to her study
room that Ellen had quietly closed and le .
“He got mad because you said something weird, ma!”
“Why are you doing this to me!”
Suddenly, Harriet brought up the tournament and things got weird. of
Maybe it's Harriet's fault?
Harriet looks at the door of her study room where Ellen has le with a
confused expression.
"Really... Will Ellen lose?"
“I don’t know.”
“…I can’t quite imagine.”
Harriet seemed to have a hard me imagining her losing Ellen. She gave it
to Loyar and saw it explode in person, but she's very different from Ellen
back then and now.
Harriet seemed unable to imagine what she would look like Ellen losing.
Anyway, Ellen said she had no interest in tournaments, and that seemed to
be the case.
she was weird
If she were Ellen, she would win the match, so she thought she was going
to fight Olivia Lanche in the tournament.
Whether she wins or loses, I had no idea that she wouldn't have much
interest in herself.
“How about me?”
Harriet suddenly said something out of the ordinary.
“What about you? What are you talking about?"
“Am I going to lose to that older sister too?”
It was an unexpected ques on, so I was a li le stunned.
"You? What are you talking about?"
“…Why can’t I go to the tournament?”
“Aren’t the tournaments for melee combat majors in the first place? You
are a magician.”
"There's no rule that says you can't go out. I know that."
Yes, obviously.
However, the reason why the magic ba le ball did not par cipate in the
tournament in the first place is that it is almost impossible for magic
majors to win the melee combat series.
How about a melee combat major who casts a 5-second a ack magic and
jumps right in front of you in a fi h of the start of the ba le?
Does that mean you've dealt with it?
Even if it's a surprise a ack, it's a fight that is fought face to face in a
limited ba le area.
In the first place, it is insufficient to say that it is unfavorable.
If someone plays, Ellen will go out.
I thought
“You won’t know unless you try.”
I don't know why Harriet is doing this.
However, since the last incident at Aaron Mede's mansion, it seems that
Harriet has changed too.
Ellen also had a difficult opponent to predict her victory or defeat, and she
said that she would try against herself.
“…don’t overdo it.”
Harriet looked at me and smiled.
“Are you going to support me?”
“....original people are meant to support those who are thirteen.”
“What about that?”
I see Harriet giggling
I looked and sighed.
“Of course I will support you.”
He's a guy who's going to lose, so I support him.
“Annoyingly real!”
Harriet was heartbroken by my words, and
it was ferocious
Harriet, not Ellen, decided to compete in the Unlimited Tournament, not
even a freshman.
Actually, I'm going to support Harriet.
In the first place... just climbing up safely un l I meet Olivia Ranche would
be a huge feat.
In the end, studying for the exam was fu le
neither did it
Harriet says he's applying for an unlimited tournament entry, and he's
gone somewhere. No ma er how genius, it's a tournament
In an unfavorable situa on, he did not know how to break through the
numerous close combat majors and even his seniors.
I will
You must have your own thoughts,
I was forced to study because of the other kids. I didn't have much
mo va on to study for the exam.
A er leaving the study room, he swung his sword alone in the gymnasium.
power enhancement,
It's not as much as it was in the actual situa on, but now I've got a feel for
I became able to move something that could not be moved, and it awakens
a completely different new sense.
The achievements of the classes I had received without knowing it and the
self-sugges on that I had risen to A-rank were added, and I became
It's not going to be unlimited, but it's possible to win a first-year
Ellen, the strongest contender for the tle, won't appear.
“Break it.”
Another power, the Spirit.
He mu ered a li le to the scarecrow, but nothing happened.
..... get hot
Do you mean self-sugges on?
S ll, there was a penalty for doing something about strengthening the
body, but most of it was done by thought.
IT 11
However, these words must be put into words.
So, I put salt on what I want
Oh, you have to shout
In fact, the appearance of me shou ng to break up in front of the
scarecrow. And in this situa on, nothing happens.
Hundreds of mes worse than auto-sugges on
This is a shame play!
Why am I the strongest in the world
I became a person with superpowers.
Why is the performance of the ability propor onal to the shame?
In order to write words in a prac cal situa on later
I have to shout something, but nothing
If nothing happens, it's ridiculous
It will be sold!
Why do all my abili es feel like this?
Even F-class remarks are no more effec ve than F-class self-sugges ons.
It seemed
I don't think the fact that I grew up with a typical cartoon character-like
ability hasn't changed. That.... that comes out only when you're serious...
Of course, if you have a superpower that responds well in training and
doesn't work in real life, then that's no use.
I know this one is much be er.
“He, boo, boo… will it break…?” |
Somehow, as I became depressed, my voice started crawling more and
However, while prac cing words and expressions while shou ng loudly in a
powerful voice at the dance hall,
If anyone comes in, I'm confident of myself making my wood.
For several hours alone, un l the sun went down, he prac ced magic
enhancement, speech, and self-sugges on and swordsmanship.
- ra le
how long has it been
“Uh… are you here?”
Eren appeared in the gym in comfortable clothes. Am I s ll angry because
of my subtle reac on earlier? Ellen took her training sword from her cradle
and came towards me.
"lets do it."
"uh, ah. okay."
Ellen pointed her sword at me as if nothing had happened.
I didn't say anything, I didn't fight.
Ellen and I prac ce swordsmanship as usual.
- Kang!
- Kaang!
- Kagak!
"Read more trajectories."
“I’m doing it…!”
“You can’t do it at all.”
- Get a card!
He stumbled and fell, and his skills improved a lot, but he was s ll an
opponent for Ellen.
didn't go
In the end, this was more important to me than anything else.
Cliff Mann was s ll in trouble, oh he wasn't always in the gym.
- Pak!
As soon as Ellen shed her sword, I
She placed her elbow in the direc on of her chin.
If she had taken a proper picture, her neck might have turned, but it barely
stopped just before.
As always, this is my defeat.
A defeat that is not new to me.
Ellen's eyes met for a moment. All of a sudden, sweat dripped down Ellen's
face and her hair was tangled up.
She's always been defeated, and that's been my daily rou ne. But when
she confronted me, Ellen, who didn't sweat a drop a er hours of flir ng, is
now swea ng. At some point, even Ellen couldn't deal with me too easily.
She can't remember when, but at some point she realized.
I'm a lot stronger than before. Even if you can't exhaust Ellen, she's no
longer an opponent that can be suppressed with a quick bite like it used to
Ellen remains in that posi on, and she looks at me mo onless.
Ellen is shorter than me, so of course she looks up a li le bit when she sees
"Do you think I will... lose?"
Ellen asks so without a subject. Was she s ll thinking like that?
“How do I know that nigga?”
Ellen looks at me.
"You think I'm losing."
I don't know my skills properly, but the me gap is too big.
Olivia would be stronger than Ellen, I had implicitly thought so.
"I know. that i lose I just felt that way. It's not sad I know."
Let's see each other's skills
It wasn't even Yeojun. But the moment Ellen grabbed Olivia Ranche's wrist,
it seemed that she had already realized everything.
I have no match for this person. do you feel the same
“Hey, I’m sorry.”
Ellen looks at me quietly. In the end, Ellen hangs her lily sword from her
She wiped Danny's hand.
“Don’t apologize.”
“I hate that more.”
Ellen says she is si ng on the window sill by the window of the dance hall
as she stares out blankly.
Now, it's winter.
Is Ellen also thinking that she will eventually compete in an Unlimited
Tournament? But Ellen was wearing her casual training
She took off her cloak in her suit.
Ellen's clothes in her black short-sleeved shirt were pre y wet. Ellen puts
her sweatshirt over her neck, and she looks at me.
“I don’t want to win a fight with that person.”
“……Is that so?”
Ellen sees the temple now that winter is coming.
Ellen looks at me as she sits on her window sill and pats her toes.
“I am going to Miss Temple.”
“I want to beat him in that.”
I have no inten on of winning the tournament.
However, Ellen chose a completely different ba lefield.
"I don't want to be Miss Temple. I can lose that too. Because that person is
famous... and pre y. It's okay though."
“I only need one vote.”
Ellen says so and she looks at me.
You only need one cket.
Whose votes are needed, Ellen
She didn't say it herself.
just looking at me
I couldn't look right at Ellen.
Ellen says so, and she sits on the window sill
It came down so ly and she walked over to me.
Ellen grabbed my finger ps from her and gently let her go.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 280

next day,
“To try.”
Cliffman thinks about it all day.
As if he had decided, he told me that
He said so.
Of course, I groaned for a long me over the applica on form for Mr.
Temple. It seems like I s ll haven't made up my mind properly.
It seemed that Ellen and Herriot had already submi ed their respec ve
applica ons. Both of you probably know that each other is going to the
tournament and Miss Temple.
“Are you just wri ng with your eyes closed?”
“Well, I was really nervous because I was going to use it…”
Cliffman le a piece of paper in the dormitory lobby and became a wreck,
and I was just begging him to write it down once he had made up his mind.
It's easy to decide, but filling out the applica on is also a problem, but a er
a while, Liana de Granz, who was passing by, approached us.
“What are you guys doing? What hair from before
Do you have any bargains?”
“Ah, that, that… that…”
Cliffman said that Liana suddenly stopped talking.
As she walked, she staggered again. He's especially weak against the kids
who come in with a hook. It's the same with Ellen, and although her
method is different, Liana is also the type of fastball player.
In fact, Liana has very few boundaries between her close friends and
unfriendly ones. She speaks to whomever she speaks, she is not shy
I tend to deal with this.
Cliffman couldn't answer at all and was stunned, so I finally opened my
"I'm going to leave Mr. Temple."
"..... you?"
Liana frowned at those words. She looks like she wants to hear something
wrong now.
No, what am I doing? and me
no it's not?
"Not me, only Cliff will go."
...... "
Again the same reac on.
and really
is he?
The talent of killing people with one word
yes this child
Cliffman looked like a guy caught in a presumptuous dream. Liana
She sat across from Cliffman and she stared intently into the guy's face.
meaningless chum.
Liana knows why she's like that, she knows if it's you or not
She said nothing.
just staring and thinking
It seemed
“Oh, that… A er all… Isn’t that a bit too much… ah, ah-ha. Ahaha...”
Cliff Mann scratched his head and
In her applica on, she said that she should stop doing this.
I tried to take her hand.
Is this also not possible?
- Tak!
However, Liana slapped Cliffman's hand as she was about to take her
applica on.
“Give me.”
“Uh, huh?”
“I’ve been thinking about how difficult it is to write something like this, and
I’m ge ng frustrated.”
There was an emo on on this guy's face.
There is a strong sign that it looks interes ng.
Come to think of it, strictly speaking, he is a real A-class man.
He believes in his talent and has no interest in studies, and of course he
was born into a wealthy family and spends money like water. It's exam
period now, Ellen and Adelia, hey
Thanks to Riot, I have to force myself to study
Standing very hot
There was a sign that he could not miss out on such a fun event in such a
Liana started filling out her applica on form with Cliffman's name and
affilia on at will.
“When is your birthday?”
“Uh, uh, that’s…”
“It’s June 18th….”
“Height and weight.”
Liana becomes She wasn't, she filled out Cliff Mann's applica on for her,
and she handed it out, leaving only her signature line.
“Sign it.”
“Are you going to sign it? You have to do this.”
“That, that… I’m ah, I’m not ready for that yet…”
As Cliff Mann overcame her, Liana's eyebrows narrowed.
“Exactly just. do it if you do electric right? Do you want to be crispy?" |
- Quick! Crazy!
Cliff Mann shuddered as a blue light flashed from her Liana's finger ps and
scribbled his signature in her signature line.
Liana this child.
How to deal with Cliffman
She knows exactly what it is.
Does she know that an indecisive, clumsy child must be caught and
No, Anne, her original personality is just like this. Having accepted her
signed applica on, Liana lted her head.
"Does she have to submit this herself?"
“That, that… that, I don’t know…”
“Are you going to go?”
The signature can be forged. Liana nodded her head at my words.
“Who can’t go with me?” “Is that right?”
Liana got up from her cold seat and pa ed Cliffman on the shoulder, who
was shaking more and more.
“Hey, follow me.”
"Uh, huh?" "Ah, I can't understand what you're saying. Is it really
“Uh, uh, uh, uh ok!”
Cliffman jumped out of his seat, and Liana took the lead, holding her
applica on.
“He looks so good, he can’t do anything right. plaguy."
Liana took the lead, and Cliffman was looking at me.
Help me!
It was a look that sounded like that.
Me too... he can't do anything,
Cliff Mann trudged a er Liana reluctantly like a cow being led to her
A er a long me, Liana came back and brought Cliffman with the look of
It must have been that she had submi ed her applica on.
"That... why again this me...?"
“First of all, you look so boring. The hair, the facial expression, the posture,
For a moment, Cliffman's expression turned to death at the poignant
Liana sat her Cliffman down and held her hand
She started to do this and that, such as combing her hair in an all-white
manner, and messing her hair up.
she's right he ....
She liked to dress up.
This me she seemed to want to take Cliffman along with what she was
doing with Ellen. Male or female, just hangers are fine.
It doesn't ma er, is this
Of course, Cliff Mann staggered whenever her Liana touched her body, and
her heart pounded in real me. she was doing
“Um… something is missing…” How come this, Cliffman Mr. Temple-making
opera on has le my hands?
I guess?
"Anyway, you only trust this sister."
"uh? Uh, uh... Yeah... But why are you sister..."
“Surely, where do you vomit?”
"Uh, ah, okay!"
this is how it goes Is that right?
Woman in Man Reinhardt's Hands
It looks like it fell into Reinhardt's hands?
Without convincing or doing anything, Liana suddenly took Cliffman's
Put it in and she started to squirm around.
Even if I try to add anything, Leah
What do I know about you? ' she said, rather than taking control of her.
Cliffman's resen ul gaze brought a faint sense of guilt, but no ma er how
much he thought about it, there was a villain named Reinhardt and an evil
named Liana de Granz.
Among the vaginas, the la er is more a rac ve than Cliffman.
It seems highly likely that it will be made into a stud temple.
Actually, it's true that I care a lot about clothes, and I take care of my
appearance more than I do.
Because he'll do be er.
So, in the end, I didn't have a say, and the be er guy le , so I didn't have to
worry about it.
That didn't end there. While Cliff Mann and Liana were struggling, Ellen
spo ed Liana from afar and her gun approached.
Why is he moving so fast?
long me no see
"liana." “Oh, Ellen, why?”
"I want to buy a dress. Can you pick one?"
"dress? suddenly?"
Ellen nodded her head.
“Because I’m going to Miss Temple.”
Liana is shocked for a moment.
why does he do it
astonished, doub ul.
“Oh, oh oh!”
and excited.
You have an unlimited chance to dress up on two of your favorite hangers.
"It's good! Both of you follow me to my room!
no! Come over to our mansion this weekend! I'm going to call all of the
Huangdao bou ques!”
Cliffman on the le , Ellen on the right.
Liana de Granz is on the verge of a happy death.
Liana didn't ask anything about Cliffman and Ellen's outrageous decision to
par cipate in the Miss and Mr Temple.
It seemed that good things were good, and he seemed very excited to try
this and that.
She let that side take care of that side. It's me, I don't know much about
fashion or anything, and my job is to determine the winner through
re rement. If Liana puts it well, she will need less points for grading,
S ll, there is a variable called Ellen.
it went
El 11
It wouldn't be bad for Ellen to become Miss Temple. Olivia and El Ren are
both talented.
To be honest, you can get the talent of either one at random, and the most
important thing is
The one thing was that he got Cliff's own figh ng talent.
S ll, what....
Ellen and Olivia.
If I vote for either one, the person I choose should be elected.
I voted for Ellen, Olivia
is elected, in the end nothing
will receive
Frankly, obviously, Olivia has a high chance of being elected. some
considera ons
Because the level of recogni on is different from leaving.
However, Ellen said she needed only one vote.
So she is going to leave Ellen as she knows she has li le chance of
becoming Miss Temple herself.
Damn it.
Headaches are naive, but those things don't go away and become more
and more
only do From big problems to personal rela onships.
The problem just keeps ge ng bigger.
Although it is a test period, the atmosphere of the first year of the Royal
Class has changed a lot. It's not just because it's a trial period.
The new headmaster, Saviolin
It was because of Tana.
“Reinhardt! Sir Tana told me to gather students who want to take
swordsmanship lessons!"
Excited, Ludwig had just arrived at the A-class dormitory. Although the
exam period was long, it seemed that he would teach the men who
wanted to take swordsmanship lessons separately.
“Are you going to go?”
“ you have no worries about the exam period now?”
I'm not talking about it, but I have a lot to worry about and you should
study a bit, you bastard!
At my words, Ludwig laughed and scratched his head.
" Hey, I s ll have one or two chances like this
will it be You never know when you'll stop."
That's correct. I don't really care about test scores, Ludwig is interested in
improving his skills.
'Cause he's got no talent or interest.
Anyway, pass it on to Class A! Class B class dormitory prac ce room!”
Ludwig entrusted me with the propaganda, then flew back to the B-class
...why do I always have this guy twisted weirdly?
He should die rather than get sick, a er all, he is the main character I
made. I think it’s my fault, and I sigh and walk into the class A dorm room.
Saviolin Tana's message
In the end, I was no different from Ludwig. Because I thought it would be
be er to take Saviolin Tana's swordsmanship class rather than class.
Class B dormitory even during exam period
People gathered in the gymnasium.
In Class A, it's just me and Erhi.
Erhi, this guy seems to be working hard these days, but what are the
I do not know.
Cliffman really wanted to come, but when he said he would go, he was
caught by Liana and dragged away.
Ellen knew she wanted to go, but she likewise said she couldn't come
because she was Miss Temple Gun and she had something to talk to Liana.
She looked sad.
In Class B, they were Scarle , Ludwig, and Delphine Izadra.
| Delphine's swordsmanship isn't her main skill, but she learns it, and she
seemed to be purely curious about what the famous Shana general
manager Saviolin Tana was teaching.
Xabi Olin Tana she came into the dormitory and she didn't really know me.
I am here to protect Charlo e.
she will be And that's because the me who can take ac on should not be
If something goes wrong, she will look for me, but when she sees me, she
doesn't even know I say hello to her. She did and was just passing through.
It's just to protect me
However, it is subtly a li le sad,
'Oh, sorry for ignoring you."
'What if?'
'S ll, it's hard to pretend to know
because it can be done
'I'm sorry...'
Of course, his thoughts were wri en just as it was on his s ff expression.
She said, "Even in the midst of a busy schedule, we got together well."
She only ends her gree ngs
As if I was going to give it up, I put my training sword on the stand
took out one sack.
It was a pity she didn't have Ellen, the real ace.
Xabi Olin Tana saw her Ellen's skills and wondered how she would rate
them, uh
A er all, today is not the only opportunity.
Actually, Saviolin Tana is Ellen's
She seems a li le puzzled that she's not there
It was like She only guides tea.
“I am not very talka ve, and I am not used to teaching. So, if you want to
get something from me, you will have to learn it physically. A student who
understands a lot will learn a lot, and a student who does not know what
he has done wrong will learn less.”
Xabi Olin Tana glanced at her group of five.
“Come forward one by one, star ng with the hopeful.”
“I will do it!” |
Ludwig took the lead.
"What's your name?"
B-11 Ludwig!"
Saviolin Tana.
A er the original Gate incident, these two
becomes a rela onship
In the real ba le that goes beyond ba le, Tana, the violin, is harsh and
At a young age, Ludwig felt terribly at her overworked and rough teaching
methods, but had to get used to it.
She also taught Ellen, but she had to work more with Dan Ludwig than with
Ellen. Of course, that doesn't mean she didn't teach Ellen anything.
Ludwig and Saviolin Tana.
Uninten onally, my ac ons caused them to be a year older than their
original me zone.
I succeeded in mee ng them more quickly than ever.
A er the gate, the situa on was unavoidable, so Xaviolin Tana treated
Ludwig harshly, but now
The situa on is nothing.
Can these two build a more gentle and moderate priestly rela onship?
"going!" “You don’t have to shout loudly.”
"Yeah! I see!"
“I told you not to shout.”
".......done. Do anything.”
Xaviolin Tana rushes to Ludby
He succeeded in deflec ng the sword loaded with all his power with only
his right hand, and in one stroke he aimed the p of the sword at Ludwig's
Xaviolin Tana looked at Ludwig and lted her head.
“It’s not good.”
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 281
Ludwig never lacked skill.
He's not a good guy, compared to when he was in the first semester
Compared to the original, it has grown a lot more.
Saviolin Tana mixed swords with Ludwig five mes in a row. Naturally, he
was subdued in one hit.
Since her level was the same, she suppressed her with only her skills
without using her magic enhancement.
Clearly, she was different from Ellen.
With the minimum necessary movements, she can be ruthless just by
holding her sword face to face.
He didn't allow a single inch of Dwig's approach.
It doesn't seem like it's using too much force. While holding the water lily
sword in her right hand, it seemed like she was hi ng it slightly, but the
sword was pushed out and the track was disturbed.
Now Xaviolin Tana has no opponent in the close combat series. So, of
course, there will be an overwhelming level difference with Ellen, and of
course, Olivia Ranche is the same.
it will so en
Said there is a sky above the sky
Me and Ludwig bang on the ground
If so, then Ellen is in the stratosphere, and Tana Xaviolin is in the moon.
No, it might be a different star altogether. That yangban is enough to
summon the Auror Sword without a sword.
overwhelming wall.
Ludwig scratched his head to see if there was no sense of shame or
emp ness at being overpowered in vain.
He said, “I used to prac ce a lot, but it’s not enough. Sir Tana.”
“Call me a teacher. I am not here as a knight.”
"Yes, teacher!"
Sabi Olin Tana asked Ludwig to take her sword and try her pose.
“Ludwig, you have a very shallow understanding of swords. Learned
mechanically. I know the sword, but I don't know why it is needed. So,
because I don't understand, I put too much force on it. Swordsmanship
basically does not require excessive power. All universal swordsmanship
This story is premised on not using magical enhancement, but you need to
have a more in-depth understanding of the technology.
I will need you.”
"Yes, teacher!"
“If you want to know more, come and ask. more. next.
Ludwig, who was overly courageous,
Then, this me, Delphine came out.
"name is?"
“I’m Delphine Izadra.
Delphine Izadra, who was always strong, even if not as much as Ludwig,
was very nervous. In front of that kind of person, it's the right thing to do.
No ma er how elite class, a er all, Feynman or Einstein came to the
science gi ed class. They personally see our study methods and give us
It was strange for Ludwig to not be nervous.
Delphine turned to Tana with a water lily sword.
sun pierced in Tana again
Likewise, poking and incoming delphin
the p of his sword at an angle
As she pushed, she twisted her laver.
Delphine, who lost control of the sword, had his wrist turned over, and
eventually lost the sword.
Tana smiled as she watched Delphine pick up her water lily sword with her
face reddened.
"You're not a swordsman major."
“Ah that… yes.”
“Is it archery?”
"Yes?" |
“If there was such a callus between the thumb and index finger, that would
be it.”
At Tana's words, Delphine was lost.
She looked at her blankly. bowstring
The natural look that comes from touching me casually
Calluses, Tana seemed to have seen it.
“I have nothing to teach you. next."
She asks Delphine if Tana is willing to give her some advice on her archery
she went away Delphine's face turned red from embarrassment, and he
backed away as if to run away.
No, can you s ll say a few words? no car
Next up was Scarle .
Scarle was too nervous and licked her lips.
“I’m Scarle …. Please take care of me.
Rather than steaming her water lilies towards Tana, Scarle wants to do
her quest slowly.
It seemed
She sees the gap and tries to get in. Her Scarlet's skills are purely the best
among us who are in this posi on right now. Rather than the excellence of
the swordsmanship itself, I received correc ons for several condi ons,
"If you don't come, go this way."
As Tana takes a step forward, she turns to Scar.
Le took a step back, poin ng her sword forward. Do you think that the
moment her sword touches you, you will be completely subdued?
Tana wasn't even that hasty step. She took a step closer and she took a
step back, Scarle .
But she can't stay away from her forever.
Tana's sword wasn't that fast.
I'd rather go slow on purpose
goes in very slowly.
Of course, she wouldn't do that in real life.
like a problem.
What would you do if I went into a sword path like this? With that feeling,
Honestly strikes her sword from top to bo om towards her sword.
Scarle has never touched that sword so far.
I get caught up in that sword and run out
She or she saw that she was thrown away.
Scarle 's choice was evasion.
The moment she tried to avoid it as she took a slight step toward the side
of the sword.
Tana, who raised her lowered sword, pulls it towards her own body,
conver ng it straight into a stab.
She was close almost at the same me.
As if he had known in advance that Scarle was about to make a judgment
of avoidance, the moment Scarle 's body moved, it was already changing
to the sword stabbing of Tana, the violin.
But it is not impossible to respond.
Scarle turned her own training sword towards her sword, which turned
into the stab of Xabi Olin Tana.
push in
The direc on of the sword is deeper with Scarle .
If you push it like this, Tana's Black Sword
It is pushed into the outer orbit rather than towards Callet's body.
In this way, Scarle stabs Tana.
However, Tana's sword misses.
But at the same me as Scarle 's stab
As soon as the push hits Tana's sword.
She turned her wrist one turn, then turned her sword over her back.
In an instant, she took possession of her insides, and she pushed Scarle 's
water lily sword with ease and pointed the blade at the nape of her neck.
In terms of face value, one sum.
If we look at the previous ac on, the sum of two
ended in
"Hmm. Not bad."
Saviolin Tana nodded her head as if she knew to some extent Scarle 's
judgment and agility rather than the number of mes.
"...thank you."
Scarle lost in just two matches.
Why do I hear you say it's okay?
She didn't seem to know.
A er that, Tana looked at her Scarle four more mes.
Of course, she wasn't much different from before.
The only difference is that, like Ludwig, he uses psychological warfare
rather than just trus ng in his strength and trying to find the best move in
an urgent situa on through his agility.
Xabi Olin Tana seemed to see that in her Scarle .
“You are an excellent student, let’s keep going.”
"Go, thank you..."
Xaviolin Tana for Scarle
She says so without feedback and goes on
it was only
No, and shouldn't it be taught properly? Of course, when I look at Scarle 's
purely with her swordsmanship skills, I'm not at all a match for her.
But looking at Scarle 's expression, it seems like there was no need for
Her face is red, and she seems to be in a be er mood, as if she's very
Naturally, Ludwig and Delphine
I could see that he was envious, and Erhi couldn't even look at Scarle
there was.
The best swordsman on the con nent said he was excellent
Mo va ng swordsmanship trainees as much as that
Is there another word for leisure?
Those with great power and power can change the lives of others with just
a few words. Xaviolin Tana that's it
she is a capable person
Scarle will work even harder with this mo ve now.
At that level, there is no need to teach anything in detail. All that's le is
me and Erich de Lafaeri.
Erhi hesitated.
“No, what are you doing? Get out.”
“Uh, uh…? me?"
The previous turn is Scarle . Ergido
The subject is up to him, and he decides Scarle and Rain.
You'll know that school isn't bad.
all. So you don't want to go out and get bullied a er that.
So I wonder why you came here, but the name Xaviolin Tana is enough to
make Erhi excited.
You look like you don't want to go out now
of Erich.
"...would you like to go out a er me, then?"
“Oh no!”
If the baby is not now, the last car
I mean yes.
I am now stronger than Scarle , but I am certain that I will be stronger in
her overall ability.
“That’s Erich de Lafaeri, a first-year Royal Class A-9.”
"A class?"
Tana stares at Erhi quietly with the p of her training sword poked on the
floor of her gym.
'Um... he was scared.
‘It’s hard to pretend…’
'Is this kid in Royal Class?'
'Isn't the level of the Royal Class only this much now?'
'No, was she okay earlier?'
'I think I'm only going to say bad things to him...'
Saviolin Tana's expressionless expressions
Numerous thoughts churn in
“…you can’t look at it.”
“That… yes?”
“I don’t want to humiliate you. Don't do it.”
Sabi Olin Tana knew Erhi as soon as she looked at her, and it seemed that
she wasn't going to look at her at all.
excuse me....
Wouldn't it be more embarrassing to hear something like that?
Xaviolin Tana looks at me this me.
Last turn.
“This is Reinhardt.”
I picked up a water lily sword.
Xaviolin Tana and I are officially spherical. Because I met her face-to-face at
the Royal Class Sponsorship and was sponsored.
But there is no rela onship a er that. What happened at the Palace of
Spring is a top secret. So Xabi Olin Tana knows me, but she doesn't really
know anything.
So... it's kind of weird.
"great job. Huh. Good. her opponent's shoulder
It is good to infer the sword path from the stride length.
Ah. It is a feeling that is not easily awakened. But the sophis ca on is s ll
lacking. But don't worry. It comes from a lack of experience. If you con nue
to train and study, you will come to know it naturally.”
"great. but a li le more, like this. Hold more power in your hands... A li le
more. A li le harder. Oh, I s ll don't have that much strength.
isn't it Well. Right. okay. it could be. I am s ll young.”
“Great. Can you do this already? But it would have been be er to do this
than that. Look. like this. Do you know what it feels like?"
"no no. That's not it. like this. Huh. okay. okay. That's it. It's quick to learn."
| “A li le more, a li le more, no, one more me. Well. It's ge ng be er.
just one more me
Let’s see.”
this person.
You've been holding me like this for thirty minutes.
Why are you blatantly biased!!
Now I understand why Saviolin Tana offered to teach the kids
swordsmanship in the middle of the night between exams.
The other guys seemed to understand why they said a few words and
skipped over.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 282

How many mes did someone called the con nent's strongest knight have
his life saved? A er the individual's armed force reaches a certain level,
even if such a thing happened in the next turn
It will be a good old me.
She must have lived as a saving rather than someone saving her.
It was a combina on of misfortunes, but in the end I saved Xaviolin Tana's
That's a feeling she forgot
Did it cause any repercussions?
She obviously bowed her head to thank me, but she seemed to think that
that wasn't enough.
So, since you wanted to do something for me, you must have thought that
it would be helpful for me to take the tle of superintendent and take care
of my training while I was staying in the royal class dormitory anyway.
But it's a bit weird if I teach only the other guys. other guys
He calls me a sin and pretends to teach me, but only teaches me.
all good
But this....
In the end, I'm the only one who becomes a strange bastard
that's it
“Hey, you have to look a er the other kids...”
Tana, who had been concentra ng on me for a long me, seemed to have
come to her senses, and suddenly turned her a en on to the students
who were staring at us.
She said, 'Oh.
'I totally forgot!'
Please, I hope that I am the only one in the world who can subtly read
thoughts from that cold and sullen expression.
"Um, yes. I think you're good enough. Come on, let's see everyone again."
In the end, at my request, Tana looked at everyone's swordsmanship once
again. Of course she didn't put as much effort as she puts on me, but in the
end that was enough for our level.
Both Ergi and Delphine eventually listened to some advice.
Saviolin Tana's Teachings on Me
was definitely helpful, but
It was terribly cklish.
No ma er how I look at it, I'm not as good as Scarle , but when I hear that
she's great, I'm rather embarrassed. It's clear that this person doesn't know
that too much praise is Meg.
"Well, I guess everyone's got enough of this."
Finally, one more round, and one more me
A er holding me and teaching me this and that
Xaviolin Tana's Midnight Extra Lesson
announced that this was over.
Everyone seemed to be happy with their own way. Rather than that, he
seemed to be surprised to see the existence of a legend in front of his eyes,
Of course, it's not actually a legend, but
“The winter break is just around the corner, but I plan to hold classes like
this more o en in the future. If I have an idea, I will let you know in
advance so that I can come to the gym at the designated me, ideally.”
Class is over, and I go back to rest.
I went out of the gym to do it.
Reinhardt, that's great, but you were the only one who received so much
praise from Sir Tana!"
Ludwig pounded my shoulder with excitement as if he had been praised.
He enjoys doing other people's work as much as his own.
That he's a real person with integrity
Every me I know, I come to realize how much I am a human being, who is
twis ng in my heart.
“I’m just saying.”
“No, Reinhardt, that was great.”
Rarely, Scarle spoke with her eyes twinkling.
No, you objec vely say that even though you know you are doing be er??
Sir Tana must know something I don't know. Is this how you feel?
Erhi was severely dead.
He wasn't even harshly rebuked,
I don't even blame myself for being so ugly
it was
Xaviolin Tana is just not seeing you
She just said yes. that eventually
It was kind of caring. Considera on because you can't be embarrassed in
front of other students,
I wouldn't have been able to say that I'm good at what I'm not good at.
The look of the guy dying and going back to the class A dormitory.
Scarle looked at it silently.
Scarle , who accused her of being a witch, said that she was a good
student and that she herself was put to the test.
she couldn't even
it is making itself miserable
will be
She didn't feel a sense of exhilara on in Scarle 's gaze at Erhi.
I could only feel her gaze as if she was looking at someone else. Not
par cularly nega ve or posi ve, just looking at others.
She sees Scarle 's eyes and is convinced.
Scarle is now on Erhi and him.
that I was completely freed from the dark feelings that came from
It's be er to get away from it than to drown in it. She would be able to see
Scarle everything she had undergone posi ve changes.
“When are you going to take the next class? I want to get it again soon.”
“....just think about it, she's on a trial period
are you?”
Ludwig scratched his head at my words.
“Am I far from studying?
look. It’s be er to write like this.”
It's like a madman with nothing but muscles to the brain.
If we stay together longer, I will be contagious with a strange aura, so I
slowed down. As Ludwig, Scarle and Delphine went back to the
dormitory, I could feel a touch on my shoulder.
"Ah... Sir Tana."
Like she's a teacher now, Xabi Olin
Tana looks at me as if to correct her name.
You seem to be very sensi ve to the name you call yourself before this
person. Last me he told me to call him Sir Tanah, but now he is a teacher,
so he told me to call him teacher.
"Yes, teacher."
She looks around to see if no one is watching.
“In addi on to today’s class,
I have something to tell you.”
It's definitely an excuse.
“Walk a li le.”
“That’s right.”
She took the lead, and I followed.
Saviolin Tana and I walked out of the dormitory.
It was night, and the days were ge ng colder, so the area around the Royal
Class dormitory, which was originally rare, was quiet without anyone.
“Royal Class is s ll a fun place.”
“…S ll?”
She walks with her hands in the pockets of her coat. White breath flew out
of her mouth like smoke.
She is Epinhauser's Temple senior. she's a sassy senior.
Naturally, she was also from the Temple Royal class.
“It was no different with me. A guy who only believes in talent and does
nothing. A guy who works hard even if his talent is a bit low.
What's so urgent, this clenched and hardworking guy..."
She exhales her white breath.
“And, a guy born with everything.”
Ellen wasn't there today.
That's right, he's born with everything
Does that mean me?
Have I ever come to the point where I have been hearing such words?
A lot has changed, so I'm not the Reinhardt at that me when I was
incapacitated. So the guy who has it all
Even when I heard the word, I couldn't deny it.
Not the guy who brought everything, but the guy who keeps having
That expression would be more accurate.
“Which one was the teacher?”
“You know it when you look at it, don’t you?”
Saviolin Tana smiles at me
I didn't set her all up
all. What was her temple days like?
I have no idea what her past is like.
What was Saviolin Tana like in the temple days and royal class days?
can't see it It must have been with Ellen.
“Ellen Artorius, you didn’t come today.”
“Yes, there are some things to take care of.
She will know Ellen's iden ty just as she knows me. What would she think
of this person if Ellen was now gearing up for Miss Temple par cipa on
rather than training?
Would she think she was pathe c?
She is walking through the dorm's dim park.
“Actually, I don’t really remember what happened in the Temple.”
“I spent six years here, only living in the smokehouse. A er the
gymnasium, I spent me only in the prac ce training room. There were
guys I could call friends, but I don't know what I did with them.
I do not know."
Tana's eyes were empty.
The me spent here is immeasurable
No, there were no memories anywhere.
She must have been a fool who knew nothing but swords.
So those hours must have been replaced by her skills, but she
There were no significant memories of her le .
So it seemed that the place that should have been a place of memories
was not filled with anything.
“A er she graduated, she joined Shana, and she was there forever. As me
passed, people started calling me the best swordsman on the con nent,
and then, as me passed, a guy named Lagann Artorius took the tle of the
con nent's best swordsman, and that's now mine again.
It came back.”
she walks blankly
“You can’t just fill your life with such tles.”
she sees me
Reinhardt, don’t live too hard.”
A person who was born with everything.
It's not like that, it's like being chased by something
the guy
Did she see me like that? She rests her hand on one of the park's trees and
runs down the tree's grain.
“If you live too hard. Too many things.
You will miss them.”
what is she thinking I can read the emo ons from that expression for now
“What did you miss, sir?”
At her ques on, she unfolded the hem of her coat and pointed to her
sword scabbard around her own le waist.
Windblade Tempesta.
No, what she refers to is simply ‘the sword itself.
“Everything but this.”
She lived only for the sword, and she had nothing but the sword.
| All parts of life except the sword
white people.
Xaviolin Tana was such a person. Look at her vague and sad expression
, I laughed bi erly.
“That’s something you can fill in from now on.
Isn't it?"
“No, why are you all so old that you talk like the grandmother you do today
and tomorrow? If you look at me, I think you would do the same even if
you entered as my junior right now.”
What is he talking about now?
She looks at me with the same expression.
“No, you have to get stronger here. It must be there, then, isn’t it okay to
play for a while now?”
“Aren’t you on vaca on?”
“There is....don't do it."
Saviolin Tana nodded blankly.
“Then there is no me at all. Let's make some love and eat something
I go out to eat, and I travel a bit. What do you earn? Aren't you going to
spend it all?"
To spit on someone who ate as much as he ate for the night.
Actually, this person is much older than my original version.
how about
I'm the one to go
“What is this? You must have played before to know how to play. t.”
“What am I supposed to answer you?”
She was stunned as if she had never heard anything like this before. If
you're bored of living with the strongest person in the world, you're telling
me to start da ng.
I'm a really weird kid.
I heard something so absurd,
She doesn't even seem to be angry.
Rather than making people angry when they hear excessively strange
noises, they start to fall for it.
“If you don’t live too hard on me
“Before that, from the teacher,
That’s right.”
It goes without saying that superhuman aging is slow
And, when it reaches a certain level, aging goes beyond stopping, and it
even becomes a period like this.
No ma er how old you are, wearing the temple uniforms makes me
believe that you are in the same grade as us.
What are you pretending to live your life for?
Oh yeah."
Saviolin Tana finally burst out laughing as if it was absurd.
"also. I don't know if you are the future of the Empire, Reinhardt." |
But, she tapped me on the shoulder.
“But she is the strangest woman in the Empire.
It is clear that it is a stone.”
weird guy
That's also the one I hear the most
was one of them
But in the end, she didn't call me to talk about it for nothing.
“Soon, His Majesty the Emperor will visit you.”
does that happen in the end
“I’m telling you ahead of me not to be surprised if something like that
happens suddenly.”
Do you want to thank her for saving Charlo e and reward her, or do you
have something to do with me?
I do not know.
But in the end I also face this
It must have been one of the things I had to do.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 283
Of course, not everyone can welcome the emperor. He doesn't meet
Think from the results.
It is said that a person who has nothing to do, is not a nobleman, and has
no year or anything in the Imperial Palace, is going to have to save the life
of the Imperial Princess in order to a end the emperor.
It's actually the second one, though.
So mee ng the emperor is already
It is the glory of his life in itself, and there is no such thing, but even if it is
signed by the emperor and kept as an heirloom, oh so it should be,
It's kind of like it could be.
But what about
I've had an audience with His Majesty the Emperor once, and I'm not a
human being who will live with it as a life me honor.
It's not an honor to say that the emperor just said to see you, um. what to
do another strange
What if you get caught up in work?
I mean, this is more of a concern.
If it's a topic, you'll know secrets that many people don't know, and it's
something that even Bertus and Charlo e don't know.
ability is rich
You might be able to discuss the work of the revolu onaries without taking
sides with anyone, and magic, including the Black Order.
You can also ask ques ons about the associa on's work.
Or, you might be able to get informa on about a lot of magic and sobriety
that are treated as top secret.
Aside from the possibility of whether the emperor will trust the
informa on I give, and whether the emperor will give me the informa on I
want, that is for now.
What will be the connec on with the emperor?
It may be one- me or it may be con nuous. As far as my powers are to
help stabilize Charlo e's condi on, it will be closer to the la er.
The Emperor will be looking to meet me soon.
I don't know when the me will come, but I think it might be around the
me of winter vaca on a er the fes val is over.
The final exam is over.
"Ahhhhhhhh! It's over!"
Again, Kono Lint, who did not deviate from everyone's expecta ons,
brought joy to the fact that this damn second semester was over.
It's even a fes val from next week.
And now, next week is a one-week fes val
Enjoy and winter vaca on begins.
The final exam results have not been released yet, but I think it is likely to
be in the upper-intermediate level. Of course, there are many classes that
are absent.
That's why it won't make it to the top
At first I didn't really care, so I didn't really care.
Of course, the test was over, but there were some guys who started from
now on.
I par cipate in the 1st year tournament.
Ellen par cipa ng in Miss Temple.
Cliffman par cipa ng in Mr. Temple,
In addi on to that, even Harriet par cipa ng in the Unlimited Level
“Heriot, are you really okay?”
"Because it's okay. I'm thinking of everything."
Ellen's par cipa on in Miss Temple is also surprising
However, what surprised everyone was Harriet's par cipa on in the
Unlimited Tournament. S ll, the magic major is an unfavorable condi on.
However, it is not a first year class, it is an unlimited level.
Even the qualifiers start tomorrow.
Seen in qualifiers on Saturday and Sunday
Filter out the first contestants, on Monday
The finals run through Wednesday.
And from Thursday, unlimited tournaments start.
The winner of the tournament for each grade level will be awarded a place
in the finals of the Unlimited Level Tournament.
It is up to the individual to decide whether to par cipate or not.
I haven't decided yet whether to leave or not. But I don't think it would be
too bad to go out. Even if it's impossible to win an unlimited tournament,
there's nothing wrong with trying it.
It's a bit of a bummer to think that even before winning the championship,
it's already been won.
It's a bummer
1st year tournament star ng on Saturday
tee qualifier.
And Miss and Mr Temple.
Those two are the big issues at the fes val. A er that, when vaca on
comes, you will have to organize the remaining things one by one.
Just as Kono Lint was excited, Liana was just as excited.
He grabbed Ellen's and Cliffman's hands one by one and started dragging
them along.
"let's go!"
"That.... you must go... Ah, ah, ah, ok! I'll go! I'll go!"
Cliff Mann was about to say something, but when Liana glared at her with
a killing gaze, her complexion died suddenly, and she nodded her head in
Liana, that guy's tension is Harriot
is a li le high in a different sense, but now it looks completely exci ng.
From today onwards, the Duke of Granz
Solu to Ellen and Cliffman in the mansion
It seems like Sean is trying to do something similar.
I wonder if there was something that Jae worked so hard for.
But that guy's chronic disease, Heotdangki
Wouldn't it create some kind of nega ve synergy this me too?
by the way....
What about the real Miss Temple?
Who the hell am I supposed to pick?
I struggled between profit and reality, and it was a pain in the end to
Without Cliffman or Ellen, there will be no one in the gym today. I wonder
if he'll be at the Duke's mansion all weekend and only come back when
there's a qualifier. It seemed that they had obtained permission in advance
for the dormitory,
Harriet hurried to the mansion of the Magic Research Club. long me
There weren't many people there.
Anyway, as of today, the first and second semesters at Temple are over. A
fes val is just a fes val.
It was winter, and there was no one near the Royal Class dormitory, but
there was a fes ve atmosphere.
Whether there is such a thing, or is it just me?
The student council was originally the main event,
It is said that the gap between the Yal class and the Orbis class was filled
with numerous performances, concerts, and friendly sports events.
Each club at Temple as well as graduate school
It is said that even major students have cooperated, but it is unfortunate
for those who were expec ng a compe ve match, but in the end, I
wondered what to do.
I was not vigilant.
There was no one in the gym, so I took special lessons from Sabi Olin Tana.
Of course, there were also Ludwig and Scarle , not alone.
Delphine and Erchi did not come. Both for their own reasons,
Erhi that kid, it seems like he's trying really hard these days, but it's clear
that it's not going well. There are talents, but there are things that I have
played too much un l now,
S ll, he has a talent for swordsmanship.
I mean, he's a guy.
I have only an ap tude for swordsmanship, no talent. However, I have far
be er skills than Erhi, who is talented in swordsmanship.
That is, a er all, Ellen's existence freezes me.
Explain how mana helped a lot.
it becomes
In fact, it seems that I was in a situa on no different than having a talent
for swordsmanship.
Since an overly talented genius taught me, my achievement was bound to
be much faster than a guy with a talent for swordsmanship.
For example, Ellen is like my doping po on.
A year is a long me, but it is too short for an outsider to overwhelm the
because it's me
So naturally, I have no choice but to re-evaluate what I've been through.
'That's not what I'm doing.
She said that and taught me swordsmanship
I remembered the figure of Ellen who began to give.
My efforts, which started with Adriana, started in earnest when Ellen
If I had been alone, I wouldn't have been able to do anything.
Maybe he was s ll living as a guy worse than a guy like Erhi.
- Get a card!
"great. But when you do your best
There is a problem with the lack of sophis ca on.”
- Keying!
Tana looked at me, who had drained my water lily sword, which had
sounded like a gnawing, and hung it on the floor.
“It’s not enough, Reinhardt, your most important point… It’s a pity.”
'Aren't you going to be sad if you say it's a defect?'
You can see it all in the face...
Stop being biased....
“Magic enhancement is s ll very unstable.
army. Of course, being able to do it right now is amazing in itself. Please
don't take it as a reproach."
Xaviolin Tana looked a er me as well as Scarle and Ludwig of course.
At first, Saviolin Tana seemed a li le reluctant to fight Ludwig too much. To
be precise, she seemed more embarrassed than disliked.
I'm biased, and Scarle seemed to like it personally.
But those few days.
“All right, I’ll do it again!”
- Puff!
“Are you okay?”
"Okay! I'll do it again!"
“…Now that…”
"No! I'll just do it one more me!"
But seeing Ludwig waking up even if Saviolin Tana is a bit rough, things
have changed a bit now
'What is he? Troll?'
'I said talent is physical strength...'
'What is he...'
'I'm scared....'
Ludwig did not lose his ini al momentum from beginning to end and
courageously took a move against Tana.
Ludwig is an overly honest character.
It's not about the honesty of a person, it's about the honesty of that belief.
I may be lacking. But I believe it can be be er.
I can be weak. But I believe you can be strong.
| I can shake. but with
will grow more due to
He is such a character that was inspired by the old boy's cartoon sensibility.
It's cliche and obvious, but
Therefore, when you encounter such a person in real life, you feel
somewhat afraid.
unbreakable human.
Even if we lose dozens of mes and collapse again
challenging humans.
“I will do it again!”
I think I'm ge ng a li le bored now.
But I do not clench my teeth, even if I fall, my wrist is twisted and beaten
Looking at Ludwig asking for a move from Saviolin Tana, smiling all the
me, thankful for this opportunity.
I felt anew that a truly terrible person was such a person.
It was said that those who work hard can't beat those who enjoy.
“Scarle , let’s do it together while we do that guy.”
"Ah yes. Reinhardt.”
I was a hard worker,
- Kaang!
Ludwig was a fun guy.
In the end, by the side of the guy who saves the world with one
unbreakable mentality.
- Kagak!
I swung my sword diligently.
A er the special lesson, the B-class gymnasium
A er I came out, Ludwig called me.
“Are you going to the first-year tournament?”
“Uh what. Yes Ji."
“I and Scarle decided to go out too. know?"
“Oh, was it?”
Of course, I thought it would be so, so it wasn't a surprise. What was
surprising was that Scarle , who would have originally appeared in Miss
Temple, entered the tournament.
Ludwig said so, the choir
pointed to the side
“I’m going to prac ce a li le more, so I don’t know if Sir Tana will grant my
The guy laughs mercilessly.
"If I lose you so badly, that
Are you sorry too?”
Ludwig seems to be predic ng he won't be able to beat me.
And it will most likely be true. And this guy loses to me. It won't do any
damage to the mental though.
I will do my best nonetheless. then
because he's a guy
let's try
let's live well
Let's be honest.
People who have gathered such common aphorisms
A strange person who seems to have become this.
“Then I will go! Cheer up for the preliminaries tomorrow! I will do my
Ludwig is much stronger at the moment than he was in the original.
He is the master of not ge ng caught up in things. Ludwig had no cheats
like me.
But I'll get caught up in troublesome things
The more you get, the more odd advantages you get.
So I got caught up in a lot of strange things, and I'm definitely stronger than
Ludwig now.
But, will I ever be stronger than Ludwig in the future?
| There is no limit to that guy with an unrealis c mentality. Traits like the
Bloodline of a Champion
I'm sure this guy has it too,
Xaviolin Tana also seems to feel that Ludwig is an unusual guy, and Tana
seems to be a li le burdened, but in the end, the two have good synergy.
Having met her beforehand, Ludwig will become stronger at an even
greater rate than she had been before.
Tana does this special lesson for the purpose of teaching her day, but in
reality this will result in Ludwig becoming stronger at an incredible rate.
I'll probably be red of Tana all over the vaca on.
I will hold you and hug you She doesn't know much about Tana, but she
doesn't seem like she's going to beat Ludwig so much as she seeks her
“Uh, why?”
Scarle called me in the class B dorm hallway.
“Would you like to have dinner together?”
Come to think of it, because of the special lesson,
didn't eat S ll, Scarle
It was a bit surprising to say that.
“The princess said that if she had me, she would like to eat together.”
Oh, is that so?
Somehow, it seemed like he wasn't going to do extra prac ce while going
to a tournament.
Ever since Charlo e came back to the dorm, she's been very careful with
each other and only greets each other when they see each other, but she
doesn't talk much.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 284

A er dinner me was over, me, Scarle , and Charlo e, who had been
called from the dorm room, went out to Main Street.
It would be correct to say that ignorance is good news. Charlo e
If she doesn't find me, Charlo e will be fine.
So, un l now, when she hadn't heard from her, she looked as if nothing had
happened to Charlo e.
It was bright.
Since it was winter, the sun had set early and it was already dark at night.
But the bright lights everywhere, of course, the temple is already in
celebra on
Main Street was already a nightmare.
“Didn’t the fes val start on Monday?”
Charlo e laughed at my words.
She said, "Access restric ons will be li ed from Monday, but
Business hours and travel me restric ons
it will be released from friday temple pass
Those who have the fes val a li le earlier
You will enjoy it.”
According to those words, the fes val has already begun.
During the fes val, the temple, which was like a fortress, is open to
Of course, the guards are also considerably recruited, but for the people of
the zodiac, a week during this fes val is the only me they can see what
the fantasy temple looks like beyond the huge wall.
However, there are s ll a number of such civilians.
didn't make a full blown.
The preparatory period for the fes val.
In addi on to the bright lights, there were even street stalls on the street
of Temple, which was a li le more exci ng than usual, and a delicious smell
wa ed from all direc ons.
There were people buying food on the street, and students who prac ced,
played or sang on the street.
was also briefly seen.
“General classes must have been busy preparing for various events, but
who is the royal class that should be the busiest?
Is this fes val taking a break?"
Charlo e looked at me and smiled mischievously.
“Then say thank you.”
"Oh, yes. I should have expected this kind of reac on."
The Royal Class, who should be the busiest in the country, is also busy with
the things to do during the fes val, so they are leisurely strolling around
the streets on the eve of the fes val.
Charlo e must have skipped dinner while wai ng for us.
“Let’s eat that.”
As she had felt before, Charlo e is not par cularly picky about what to eat.
In Charlo e, the three of us ate chicken skewers that were being grilled on
the street, smelling terribly delicious.
When he sees this, I think he may just like street food, regardless of what
he does.
“Oh, hot!”
“Who is taking it? Eat slowly.”
"I didn't expect it to be this hot."
Scarle seemed a bit surprised by my being a li le too comfortable with
Charlo e.
She has a sight that is a bit too bizarre for a guy who gives everyone a very
honorable name.
long hiatus. Charlo e blew the hot chicken skewers out loud, carefully,
taking very small bites.
I ate it at a squishy level, but I gnawed so hard that it felt like a small rat
wasted my money.
It's incredibly cute.
Scarle ate the chicken skewers slowly so as not to get daisy.
I took a bite and just held it.
"...Somehow, I'm the only one who eats the hardest."
Charlo e turns to look at me and Scarle as she says so.
I am nominally from a beggar.
Scarle is actually a beggar.
“It’s too sweet.”
It was grilled with something similar to teriyaki sauce, to be honest,
although it wasn't that sweet, it didn't suit my taste.
“How sweet is it?”
Charlo e nodded curiously, and she looked embarrassed when I offered to
try it.
“Uh… huh? Why?"
“No, eat it.”
"Huh? Huh?"
“What should be? Are you dirty?” “Oh, no? That, that, it's not that...?"
No, didn't you say that because you wanted to try it?
“If you don’t like it, don’t.”
“Oh, no! What is dirty!”
When I try to take it back, Charlo e
He grabbed my arm, a chicken in my hand
Waxing the skewers, she bit.
I have a strong feeling of being forced to do so.
Scarle looked at the scene and her eyes were wide open.
no really.
Who is not a friend, I have a job that is not the job, and this is what so
great? Charlo e made her face blush.
Frowning, she shook her head.
“Isn’t it too sweet?”
“It’s a ma er of taste.”
"Are you really picky in strange places?"
The more I look at Charlo e, the more bizarre he gets.
He looked at me and clicked her tongue. Charlo e is
This me she looked at Scarle , who took a bite and wasn't ea ng like me.
“Why Scarle ?”
“It’s too spicy.”
I picked up anything, but it must have been spicy. She sees Charlo e
staring again as she frowns while Scarle lingers on the schnitzel she is
pushed out
“De, de… would you like to try it?”
Charlo e, once again, shakes the p of the yakitori that Scarle is holding.
She ate and she murmured.
Charlo e's face began to turn red.
She thought Scarle 's reac on was a bit blunt, so she thought she was
okay, but she's not.
“I’ll buy you water.”
“Hey, I shouldn’t have given it to him too…”
Charlo e couldn't chew properly, and her mouth was slightly opened so
that the contents of the yakitori in her mouth could be seen without the
head of Charlo e.
it was
what is this.
what did i eat
this is the look
Eventually we sat down at a nearby fountain and rested.
A er drinking the water I bought, Charlo e, who had been rinsing her
mouth for a long me, was so angry that she roared.
"what! Why are you selling something like that for money? You don't even
have to warn me! Who eats something like that!”
Charlo e licked her lips and wept.
"What's this. It's not spicy, it hurts. It hurts. My lips hurt."
“Can’t you eat spicy food?”
“Do I really need to find it?”
“There are people looking for it. I bought the best-selling thing ever.
Her Charlo e's mouth opened at Scarle 's words.
“Why would you do that?”
“I don’t know either.”
I'm not par cularly fond of spicy, but she seems to have convinced me that
Charlo e is a pervert for those who enjoy a masochis c food culture that
seeks pain.
Main Street sells all kinds of food, but the royal class dormitory and my
dinner at the Palace of Spring last me was far from spicy.
It's a life that doesn't seem to have anything to do with stuff like red
pepper powder.
Scarle said she couldn't eat it because it was too spicy. She was ea ng the
chicken skewers li le by li le.
It was.
He doesn't seem to enjoy ea ng spicy food well, but does he eat it?
“Didn’t you say it was spicy?”
At my ques on, Scarle took another bite.
“It’s a waste to throw it away.”
Charlo e and my eyes met.
It's bound to be an irrita ng word.
Then what will I become? Scarle and Charlo e ate their share of yakitori.
I put it away, but there is another reason other than that in the first place.
“Can’t you eat a li le clean? all. You are drooling!”
To avoid this, she handed the ssue paper she had brought in advance to
the two of them.
She resisted trying to clean it herself.
I hate to put that on my clothes
all. It's fun and it's dripping.
"Ah what! When did it flow like this!"
“Yeah, I will…”
Both Charlo e and Scarle have skirts and water around their mouths.
Seeing the sauce even on Ron's hair, he wiped it off in horror.
In the end, both of them pull their necks forward.
I started ea ng in this posi on.
The princess and the beggar eat yakitori in the same posture. Both are
soaked in sauce,
It's a precious picture.
"Oh, it tastes good, but it's uncomfortable to eat."
A er throwing the le over skewers in the trash,
Charlo e wears sauce-stained clothes.
brushed off Of course, turning it makes it clean
did not guide
“Anyway, is this all an experience? Go! Let’s eat something else!”
Charlo e took the lead. Scarle looked at Charlo e and smiled.
“Fortress, I don’t know for some reason, but you seem to be in a good
Charlo e and Scarle are close to class B.
stay Of course she said Charlo e she wouldn't have told Scarle a lot of
her own. That's why even if you think of it as close, it's s ll
It must be quite a distance, but
S ll, she knows Charlo e cares about Scarle .
“I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m glad.”
As much as that, Scarle also cares about Charlo e.
seemed to be thinking.
She looked like Charlo e was definitely in a good mood.
Then she knew Charlo e she knew why she was Friday night Oh she always
skips dinner and she called us.
When the real fes val starts, there are too many people
It's going to be difficult to walk around.
Tournament qualifiers start tomorrow
becomes small
Even if there is a bracelet enchanted with cogni ve impairment, I will be
busy because of my circumstances, and Scarle will also be busy with
Scarle 's.
“Guys, look at that, doesn’t that look delicious?”
Charlo e wanted her to enjoy the fes vi es in advance with us today.
Charlo e's white blonde hair, running wildly through her streets,
shimmered brilliantly in the light of the temple's winter night.
Rather than si ng in one place and ea ng food, we ate our favorite street
food while looking around.
Rather than one person ordering three, we ordered one and shared.
It was s r-fried noodles, and it was also a drink.
“It’s nice to be able to eat all of these things.”
Charlo e must have experienced this for the first me in her life.
Rather, it was Scarle who was most embarrassed. She drank the drink
with the same straw. She doesn't care about herself, but she's Charlo e's
It seemed the most surprising.
We were also able to come across some pre y nice things.
“Ugh… Chu, the taste of memories…”
...not a very good memory.”
It was a er seeing that they put straws in raw coconuts and sold them, so
Shallot became a flower, so I bought one and took a sip of each. Scarle
looks at the coconut with a puzzled expression.
"Hey, wasn't this delicious..." |
“So… no, isn’t it a different breed? It tastes so different from my memory!”
“It’s glorified, that’s it.”
" it?"
Coconuts are used as a subs tute for drinking water on a deserted island in
the scorching summer, which is different from now.
When I drank it, it wouldn't taste like this. Even now it's winter.
In a place where there is plenty to drink and eat, coconut is It's nothing
more or less than just some fishy, weird-tas ng nectar. Charlo e giggled as
she thought of the me on a deserted island.
She said, "Haha, I thought it was messy with all that stuff on my clothes
now, but compared to back then, it's nothing."
The prince, the princess, the grand princess, and whatever it was, everyone
got tangled up, and there was no such palace in Jiji-ri’s palace.
I had that happen in Class A, but Charlo e got through that moment
conduc ng Class B.
“At that me, when it rained a lot, did you think that it was all over?”
“It was.”
“At that me, Ashur was lit with holy magic.
When I summoned you, I really felt like I had received some kind of
salva on.”
“Yeah, so did I.”
The two tell the story of a mission that took place in Class B.
“Ludwig suddenly catches dozens of fish on the first day... I just wish I could
use my head a li le be er.”
“S ll, I think he has a lot of strengths.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean to say that there were many shortcomings.”
“Yes, I know what you mean.”
I saw you two talking
I thought I knew what you usually look like
all. It feels like Sallot is speaking mainly and Scarle is adding comments or
joking around. Scarle listens well.
seemed to give She looked at me as Charlo e thought I was marginalized.
“At that me, Reinhardt, you were great too.”
“I didn’t do anything.”
"Why, listen to Bertus later.
You said that without you, half of them would have dropped out on the
first day?”
That's what Bertus said.
In the first place, it's a bit strange that the two of you are talking about a
conversa on. Of course, rather than ignoring each other at all, they growl
If it's a conversa on, I wonder if it's a conversa on.
To be honest, I didn't take the ini a ve in the beginning, I just acted first in
front of the kids who were thinking of giving up.
So Berto, who was mentally ill
Suga started conduc ng
To be honest, I haven't done much.
The camp is organized under the command of Bertus, and the magic of
Heriot and Adelia. And Ellen's Hunt.
At the last orc hunt, with Ellen
It's almost as if Harriet did it all.
Of course, I can't deny that the beginning is half, and that it is important
that I cut off the beginning in the end.
Charlo e is the taste of her memories, but
She's holding a coconut that's too different to taste, she put her mouth on
the straw
take a sip
“I think this year has been very long.”
Charlo e looks up at the night sky.
There was so much light on the street that the stars couldn't be seen.
This year, even a er the end of the Demon World War, the Demon World
It is a monumental year for mankind, which is ex nct.
But in a different sense, this year has been very long.
For me and for Charlo e.
So many things happened.
The end of the year, now leave the fes val
At the end of the second semester of Temple
So, as I wrap up this year, I have only the things that will come at the end.
Charlo e was clutching the coconut.
Not as good as I remembered, but
It eventually resembles the taste you remember
There is no change in that
“Next year, let’s do well.”
“It should be.”
you should be fine
whatever it is
She asked if she was going out to Charlo e or something like that, Miss
Temple or something, and she said that Charlo e didn't want her to go out
like that. He said it would be funny if he was elected or not.
If she is elected, it is because she is a princess, so the elected part will be
large, and if she loses, the elected will not be restless.
Of course Olivia wouldn't mind.
It doesn't seem like it would be great.
A er all, Charlo e looked like she was going to do nothing at the fes val.
However, she wonders if Charlo e is unlimited or if she is a freshman, if
she comes out in a tournament, she won't be able to win.
I don't know how far her Charlo e can use her own powers, but she said
that she even drove Xabiollin Tana to her. Of course, she doesn't know
whether or not she can use it only when a certain condi on of darkness is
Of course, the possibility that her Charlo e, who fears and dislikes her own
abili es itself, will join her tournament and wield her shadow, is unlikely.
Although none,
A er Friday and Saturday.
The Royal Class dormitory was empty.
Ellen, Liana and Cliffman are Granci
He must be in the Duke's mansion, and Harriet and Adelia seem to have
spent the night there as well, depending on what the Magic Research
Society is doing. It seems that Bertus also returned to the Imperial Castle,
So now all that's le in the dormitory is me, Heinrich, and the three
arrogant brothers.
un l only five
breakfast me.
Eat in the dormitory cafeteria
While ea ng, ea ng nearby
Heinrich looked at me.
“Is the preliminaries star ng today?”
“Oh, yes.”
A er the Edina Islands incident, the guy who didn't feel comfortable
figh ng for nothing.
There are no major restric ons in tournaments. There is no such thing as a
ban on psychics, Heinrich or Liana
There is really no problem with par cipa ng.
However, Liana seems more pleasant to dress her up and Heinrich didn't
The guy licks his tongue and kicks.
“If it weren’t for you, I would have gone too.”
I'm sure I'm going to lose, so a er hearing about my par cipa on, I seem
to have stopped thinking about par cipa ng. Somehow, it's subtly ckling
to hear such a thing from this guy casually.
Heinrich seems to have a strong belief in my victory. It seems that the
three brothers who are listening to each other do not have a different
Kono Lint suddenly looks around.
The girl who gave me an eyebrow every me she said bullshit
There is no one here right now.
“Yeah, but there is something like that.”
Kono Lint, who was looking around, lowered her voice. At those words,
Cayer asked her curiosity.
“Women’s Dressing Contest.”
“A lady?”
“Yeah, I guess I do that too. It's not on the same scale as Miss Temple or
Mr. Temple, but men disguise themselves as women and women as men.
There are compe ons like that.” |
At those words, Erhi frowned.
it went
“Aren’t you crazy? Why are you opening that?”
“Is it s ll held every year? I think the reac on is good.”
women's contest,
It's dizzy just to hear.
I stared at Kono Lint.
“Shut up, both the bastards who go out and those who see them are all
I say that she once confessed to Kono Lint in the form of a woman...
I think I'm going to vomit
and anxious
I think something will happen
I'm worried because there's going to be an event!
[Event Occurrence - Women's Dressing Contest]
[Purpose: Win the Women's Dressing Compe on. ]
[Reward: Magic Power +5, Resistance to Magic Increase]
It's really dizzy....
Fucking bastard.
puppy like a dog.
I don't know what you're doing, but I don't know why you're doing this to
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 285

The recep on desk for the women's disguise compe on in the temple's
main building.
He was wearing a deep hood to prevent anyone from recognizing me.
“Hey, that’s right, sir.”
“I am not a teacher, but yes. Do you have anything more to say, Reinhard-
Please don't say my name!
I'm so famous that someone might know my name!!
There were a lot of students around me who came to apply for various
contests, but I was alone in the empty recep on desk for the women’s
dress contest.
Say it now!
That's how kids see them!
oh my, jae.... get out of there.
Jackpot case.
Knowing that I was sloppy, I wore a hood
look at me.
No, but at the compe on anyway
I'll show you.
You're naughty with this feeling!
“Oh, there you are. That's the women's dress contest... That's my iden ty.
Can you keep it a secret…”
"Ah, you're saying that you can par cipate in the women's dress-up
contest, but keep your iden ty a secret?"
Don't speak too loudly!
However, the recep onist smiled so ly, as if he had fully understood what
he was saying.
“Please refer to the pamphlet here for detailed informa on on the
compe on. Line.... Ah.
Hmm. greatness."
Don't look at me like that.
Are there many people like me?
No, I s ll have a reason.
I didn't even listen to my achievement score, so in the end, the bad guy
offered to raise my magic power by 5. How can you not eat it?
A er comple ng the applica on, I hurriedly le the Temple headquarters
to see who would see me.
“Fuck... fuck...”
I mu ered to myself and moved quickly to see who would see me.
like a dog
like a dog, like a dog.
like a dog!
Fortunately, I didn't run into an acquaintance.
When it becomes known that I will par cipate in the women's dress
contest, I will
It's over.
why did you go out
There is no excuse at all to say that it's because of the prize money or
something else!
People who go out like that and those who see it all get caught on the
subject of perverts,
it's just suicidal
You... did you actually like that?
Erendo Herrio and Olivia Dober
Tooth and Charlo e.
Everyone who knows me will be astonished.
but can't be caught I asked her to keep her iden ty a secret, and she
disguised herself as an unknown woman.
Introduce me like a man 1
it will
It is also stated in the informa on pamphlet for par cipants.
[If a par cipant requests for iden ty protec on, the organizer guarantees
confiden ality.]
Secret par cipa on of a guy with a gloomy hobby
Be sure to be prepared for any
is a contest
I'm going to change my face with a ring... Later, when I'm found out, I'll use
the excuse that I put on good makeup....
Since he will compete with a different face, no one will recognize an
uniden fied female disguise as Reinhardt. Actually, there is no reason for
royal class guys to go to the women's dress-up contest,
The host is suddenly Reinhard-kun, a first-year Royal Class member!
If you don't make bullshit like this, you'll never
you'll get caught
Only a monstrous bastard like a kono lint
it should be serious
If you go to a women's dress-up contest, I'll kill you. Do I have to put a
gossip or something? No, if you say that, you might suspect that I'm not
par cipa ng.
Increases resistance to magic by 5.
A huge big that is approaching magic domina on
While walking, I think I can understand the reason for the increase in
good is good The chances of winning are very high.
Why can't you like it?
Why do you have to go through these things when you try to spread this
nigga to me
is it? Just give me some for free! Why is the reward always greater when
you put up with shame than figh ng for your life?
"next. Royal Class 1st Grade A-11
Reinhard-kun and Dardia Class 1st Grade C-32 Olanken von Istua
The military qualifiers begin. Each student, please stand up.” |
My mental state is shaky and I can't even see the current situa on.
1st year to select finalists
tournament qualifiers,
In the huge qualifier arena, qualifiers were being held not only here, but
You can't even see what your opponent's armament is or what his face is.
now i'm upset
Looks like I'm going to go back.
It can only be seen that the fourth genera on is quite afraid of the fact that
the opponent is a royal class.
With the referee's signal, I rushed towards him. The water lily sword he
was holding was also thrown away.
In this state, if you use a training sword, you will probably cross the line.
go to the fist
I just heard it, but I forgot the name of the other person.
I'm sorry. unknown friend.
- Whoops!
“Reinhardt wins!”
The guy I met today was unlucky
Man, you are very sensi ve today!
- Duck!
A monster was running rampant in the group C preliminaries.
...what is he...?"
“Royal class....” There is no armament or anything. Whether the opponent
is a sword, a club, or a spear, it runs at a speed that is too hard to follow
with the eyes as soon as it starts, kicks the weapon and knocks it down,
grinds a knee on the stomach, whatever.
It ends in just one sum.
Armament basically meant distance.
all. If you gain an edge on the street, you
there is a circle
Therefore, it goes without saying that the sword is more advantageous
than the bare hand, and the spear is more advantageous than the sword in
the ba le of the sergeant.
However, if you allow one effec ve hit while holding the overwhelming
penalty of bare hands, the opponent rushes and subdues the opponent
without even giving them a chance to a ack in a losing situa on.
“No, no ma er how much you call it the Royal Class, you must be in the
same first year as us...”
“Aerae is famous even in the Royal Class.”
Like most students, Royal
Class and no longer but Orbis Club
I envy Lars.
The Orbis class isn't much of an object of envy. Because they are the ones
who achieved it through hard work.
However, the percep on of the Royal Class is a li le different.
Guys who enter only by that.
Therefore, it is also an object of jealousy and envy. It's not as bad as the
Orbis classmates, but there's bound to be enough jealousy that everyone
However, everyone had to change their minds when they saw the monster
who finished all fights in 5 seconds with a wrinkled face to see if something
very unpleasant happened.
It will make all the mar al arts that all students have learned so far
is the overwhelming physical ability.
Is that royal class?
What have we learned so far? What have I been training hard for?
The presence of the Royal Class makes one feel unfair, but seeing his skills
with his own eyes makes him feel embarrassed.
What is the desire to be a knight, and who is a public figure before close
combat? There is no way I can stand on the same line as such a monster.
And, although I hate it, I have no choice but to understand it in the end.
If that's the case, isn't it right to treat them like that?
In a place where monsters like that are raised, in a place where there are
people like that who make them unable to even deal with them.
Of course, the Empire deserves such special treatment.
“...I, I will abstain. such a guy uh
How do you win?”
If you are in Group C even though you are not your opponent, you will
have to fight that monster in the end.
Cranes who abstain without figh ng
Lives abounded.
Group C in the preliminary round.
Joe I belong to
In each group, qualifying rounds will be held in a tournament format.
and the final group winner advances to the finals.
A total of thirty-two finalists.
The group stage of thirty-two groups will be held over the weekend.
If I s ck, I s ck, the place where I go
went back to the match and went to the qualifying round.
“...because the last Daejinja abstained, the winner of Group C is Reinhardt,
Royal Class A-11.”
I was silently watching the back of the guy coming down from the match
without even thinking of figh ng on the other side.
I then looked around.
All students who were eliminated from the preliminary round
He was looking at me like a monster.
I check my condi on without a single sweat or a single wound.
In the exam hall, I check the distance from the students who look at me in
is this the street
I men oned that the Royal Class is li ered with guys who are no different
from the regular class.
There is no comparison with the normal class a er all.
It is a place where there are guys with unparalleled talents and skills.
Ignoring me for being a nerd, a bastard
Even Eri de Rafa Eri, who is living in a sense of persuasion, will be able to
easily subdue those guys if they hold a preliminary round here.
I see the sense of distance in the eyes of those guys.
I am very far from these guys.
gone away
I know that look.
I know what that look means.
That gaze was the gaze I had when I saw Ellen from me to me.
Suddenly, I was not looking at someone with that gaze, but someone
looking at me that way.
Their gaze on me was too far away.
I can't even admit that I'm the same person. is such a way of looking at a
different dimension.
I can no longer be like them. forever in the future.
Group C win, easy access to the finals
The final is divided into four groups of 8 players each, A, B, C, and D.
The winner of each group has a different winner
They fight with each other to decide who wins or loses, and the last
remaining people fight for the trophy.
In the qualifying round, the Orbis class did not meet Ludwig.
The organizers also have ideas, so every group.
I would have adjusted the power balance. I wouldn't do stupid things to
put guys with strong poten al to advance to the finals in the same group.
A er all, this is a tournament, a fes val
is the highlight of
Those with strong candidates for the championship will not be placed in
the same group in the finals.
So, even in the finals, I will not meet Ludwig or any other Orbis class
par cipants from the very beginning.
If you are from the Orbis class
1st grader A-1 Gray is Amorel
likely to come
Originally, he was the runner-up posi on that he defeated Ludwig and lost
to Ellen in the final, but he should have competed.
If I competed, can I win? If mana enhancement moves properly, I think it
will be an opponent.
long though.
In Ludwig's case, I'm going to win, and Gley is going to have to take it a
li le more seriously in Amorel's case.
Tournaments by grade level are held on Mondays and Tuesdays. The group
stage matches will be held on Monday, and the semi-finals will be held on
Tuesday for the winners of the group stage matches.
There will be a final and a ranking match.
On Wednesday... there's a women's dress-up contest,
On Friday, the fes val's finale, the Mr. and Miss Temple contest, and the
final of the Unlimited Tournament are held.
Unlimited level tournaments today and tomorrow
There will be qualifiers.
Unlimited tournaments are actually the biggest a rac on.
Unlimited from Thursday a er Tuesday, when the winner of the
tournament for each grade level is determined
The tournament finals will be held.
I'm thinking of trying it out some me. By the way, what about Harriet?
I know that today is the qualifier too...
I easily won the preliminaries because my freshmen were opponents,
usually in high school
Unlimited level tournaments for years
It wouldn't be surprising if Harriet dropped out of the group.
If he doesn't make it to the finals, he'll be really hurt...
Contrary to what I expected.
“Did you win?”
Harriet casually shrugged.
it was
“How, what, how? all won
You are the winner.”
What the hell did you do?
Harriet was close to close combat.
Overpowering the seniors and winning the group championship
did you?
Harriet said he wouldn't say anything to me, s cking out his tongue and
moving back to the dormitory.
went out It looks like he's going to the Magic Research Society's mansion.
Will it happen in a few days?
'I'm going to try harder.'
Harriet was trying to become stronger right away. Even before those
words, since I was embarrassed that I couldn't go to the Darkland with us.
Harriet con nued, he himself to become a sorcerer in his own right. He
was trying to get used to figh ng to be exact.
This will be the result.
by the way he
Did you have to stop by the dormitory to brag to me that you won your
group stage?
Why are you so cute?
“…I think I heard it wrong.”
“I heard you right…
I have a lot to say to Elerys.
did this
However, it seemed that even Elerys's head could not understand and
comprehend this harsh sound. I understand too. Clearly, clearly
"You want a dress... you want...?"
If you understand this, no more.
women's contest.
I ended up going out, but I can't do this because I just want to get out of
my body.
I need clothes. You'll need a wig
Of course, the wig is from Sarkegaar's ring.
It is possible to extend the reel longer.
If it was Rihanna, I could be astonished that I would do such a bizarre thing,
but in the end, I would laugh and say this and that.
It looks like it will bother you with your tongue.
Of course I can't choose that op on!
Thinking about how Ellen and Cliffman would see me beyond the teasing of
a life me makes me want to strangle myself.
But there is no way I have such an eye.
So, the only person who confided in me like this was Elerys, so I came and
I want you to choose a dress,
“Women’s Dressing Contest… it’s called…”
“…that’s it.”
"Hey... why...?" |
Elerys' lips trembled.
there was.
My child... It was weird at first, but it's go en weirder...
eyes are okay
“Well, anyway, it’s very important and necessary for me. It’s hard to explain
in detail.” “…you mean something related to the future?”
"No, I mean, yes..."
To be precise, it is related to my growth.
it's work Elerys is s ll confused
was pissed off
“Well, for me, I can’t really figure out what the rela onship between the
lady dressing as a woman and preparing for the future….. but…”
Even Elelis's eyes were trembling violently. Ereris... what bothers you
About ten million mes more disturbing than me...
“S ll, you must have a plan.”
Even the fundamentally crazy contest called the Women's Dressing Up
contest has the tle of a contest. This compe on is run normally under
the promo on of the Student Council and approval of the temple.
There is a prize money, and the format of the tournament is well
Fortunately, the number of par cipants is very small, so there is no such
thing as a preliminary round.
The men dressed as women at the preliminary round were bustling and
appealing their charms to the finals.
It's saying that you don't have to gossip about the entrants.
They immediately advance to the finals, come out in numerical order, make
a self-affirma on, and go back, then vote to determine the winner.
You can't become a completely different person, but if you put your hand
on your face and change your mood by pu ng on a completely different
ou it, even if anyone who knows me sees me, they won't be able to no ce
that I'm Reinart.
Cheats for this situa on, Sarke
Because I have Garr's ring...
It's like a real dog to say something like this... But there's no way there's no
one pre er than me there....
So the first thing you need is a compe on
dress to wear,
And what kind of bullshit to do during self-appeal me. You have to
Should I do something like a dance... or
I really, really want to cry. I can't really count the mes when I was injus ce
and sad while living in another world, but this
It's the first me I feel like I'm about to cry.
To me... Really, why are you doing this to me...
Never be caught being Reinhardt. I also have to put the dog-like
temperament in it so that no one can guess who I am by looking at it.
If you suddenly turn around and fight, that bastard is probably Reinhardt,
right? someone might guess.
Most of the guys who came to the tournament don't know me, but there
might be some guys who have heard of my notoriety, and Kono Lint seems
to come with a very high probability.
Ereris returned not long a er.
empty handed,
“Ummm… this, for now. I went to the bou que....the dresses are almost
en rely custom have to measure them and make them.... of
course there are products...but you can't wear them. ...that, yes.”
My height is about 181.
It's not overly tall, but it's big a er all.
Appearing as Sarkegaar's Ring
It can change, but it is an adventure to adjust your height in case of any
unforeseen circumstances.
Why did you go to the women's dress contest?
No, but the dog was short back then.
what did you do
You might hear something like this, but
Lari's short height is be er.
“Let’s make a dress with that long skirt. You can make excuses by saying
that you were bending your legs. You can lower your height a li le.”
"Oh, you're talking about a hoop skirt."
I don't know what you're talking about, but I think it's called a hoop skirt.
Reduce your height with Sarkegaar's Ring. If I cover my legs with a large
hoop skirt dress, even if I find out later, I have reduced my height.
You might be able to make an excuse that you were bending your knees.
The shorter the height, the lower the probability of recognizing my
iden ty.
The organizers keep it a secret, but do it well.
I feel like I'm losing at the point where I'm already preparing for a situa on
where I'll be caught, but I can't help it
none. I can control my body shape if it is just about any body shape, so I
can also tailor my body to the clothes, not the clothes that fit my body.
Elerys said she wanted to go back then and tried to leave.
“Oh, that… I think the sleeves should be that long.”
If you see my forearms, that would be a bit strange
It's not! Elerys heard me
She shook her lips again and nodded.
“Ah, that… yes… lower grade.”
get sick
Really sick.
I hate myself seriously thinking about how to properly dress up as a
But... you have to win...
If you want to win, there is nothing you can do.... I think I'd really want to
commit suicide if I get 2nd place...
Wai ng for Ereris, who went out to buy her dress. I stare blankly at the
mouth was open
At appeal me... what the hell do you do...
Someone please kill me
A er all, what the fuck you did all Sunday
It was prepara ons for the parade.
I need to focus on the finals of the tournament star ng tomorrow...
Why do I make the women's dress-up contest more important?
Do you feel like you are dealing with a topic?
For the dress, Eléris brought the design collec ons in book form from each
bou que and went through them. The design was also a problem, but the
important thing was that the sleeves and skirt would be large. I picked a
dress in that wedding dress style, called a hoop skirt.
And even pu ng the purchased dress in a dress case and bringing it home.
It was a series of strange feelings, but in the end I couldn't do it in vain.
As I said.
It doesn't make any sense to be at the top of the list when you're not
properly prepared.
If you don't get 1st place, this bullshit just turns into bullshit.
Now, I had finally tried on the dress Elerys had bought. The top priority was
also included.
You should be able to wear it by yourself.
So, now I'm with Elerys
She was wearing a full dress.
Without changing her face shape, for the first me, only her height was
adjusted to match the length of her hair and dress.
She changed her hair to silver instead of her usual blonde hair, so that
anyone could not recognize who I was. If the hair color is too different, the
impression will be much different.
Elerys looked at me with a lukewarm expression.
“Uh… say something.”
If it's like a dog, it's like a dog. If it's like what it is, say something like what
it is!!
“Why do you have to do such a thing?”
Elerys trembled with her lips as if in trouble.
There is no demon realm for her, but the supreme lord of the demon realm
is now examining her own female disguise by her subordinates.
“He, but… this, strangely… you get along well.”
Although it is a feeling, it seems that it is not very awkward or strange in
the end.
get sick!
Don't be proud!
“That's what's important. Do you know who I am?”
"Yes? Wow... the hair color has changed.... the impression doesn't seem to
have changed much..."
It is natural. In the end, the original version is the same and I didn't wear
makeup, so I have no choice but to recognize that it was me.
“Do you want to see the mirror…?”
I hate to see
I don't like to look dirty.
"show me...."
S ll, you must see.
Elerys summoned her reflec on in the air. I saw myself in the mirror
formed by magic.
A dead Reinhardt (silver long hair, wearing a dress) who seemed to be
carrying all the worries of the world was looking at me.
I... why the hell am I?
A er all, this is my karma a er all
is it?
It's like it started when I used the trick of transforming into Sarkegaar's ring
and ge ng a confession from Kono Lint.
place? The bad guy didn't even know about that possibility in the first
place, didn't I just show it to him? Come to think of it, this eventually turns
around and turns around and sees my karma
Is it wrong?
Very sadly, when se ng the appearance of Reinhardt, it's because the
original plate was made be er, so it's not too strange.
But no problem.
I can't see this from a distance
When I looked closer, I had no choice but to recognize that the people I
knew were me.
You should do the following:
“That… that… that… that… can I start…?”
Elerys put out the makeup tools she had bought.
carefully laid out in front.
Elerys said she knew no makeup at all. It must have been a technology that
had no reason to know.
So, he said he learned how to make-up with a ributes by wandering
around looking for dresses in bou ques.
I don't know how much makeup she learned in that short bird, but she
needn't worry
there seems to be no Elerys is Elerys. She seemed to do well.
But the problem is that she's pu ng makeup on my face, not hers.
I take off the uncomfortable dress first
Lygon sat down on the chair.
I tried on the dress, so I don't anymore
You can wear it.
Since then, she has only worn it once to the finals of the women's dress
"Uh-huh... Alright. Let's do it."
It felt like I was on some death row.
If I was going to Miss Temple, things would have been be er. It's just that
you can transform into something completely different. Rather, it seems
like it would be convenient.
However, this is a women's dress-up contest in the first place in the name
of Reinhardt.
Maintain Reinhardt's appearance as much as possible
You have to look like a completely different person
You have to achieve a bizarre goal. Actually, the organizers keep my iden ty
a secret, but they do. It would be strange if a completely different person
So, first of all, I changed the hair color and length, and you can use the
excuse that this is a wig.
Second, makeup. If you put on thick makeup, you might look like a
completely different person. The strange thing is that Elerys had never
done makeup in her many years of life, but she learned something in a
short me.
Koh seemed to be doing very well, even to me. Delicate dexterity was not
at an average level. Even if you don't, there are things you've seen so far.
I was just giving her face to the touch of Elerys with her dying look.
Importantly, Elerys said she couldn't enter the temple.
There are two ways.
I also learn how to make-up from Elerys, or I go to Elerys on the day of the
compe on to receive makeup and return to the temple.
both look like dogs
It was the same for me and Elerys, whose expressions were dying every
She said that Elerys had her eyes twitching like she had no idea what she
was doing.
But the more she put on makeup, the more Ele
Reese's expression becomes more and more bizarre.
there was.
What is it? With a look like that,
“…why are you so anxious?” |
“That… that… uh, I mean… that.”
Elerys' lips trembled.
“You get along so well… that… yes.”
Elerys once again vanished into the air.
I summoned the desert, and I could see the face almost finished with
“...Damn it.”
I see.
The makeup was so good.
Elerys did her first makeup look too well today, but basically, the original is
fine, so no ma er what you do, it feels like it's pulled out the way you want
it to come out.
That's right, Reinhardt's Earl in the first place
The oyster is not my face, a er all
To be honest, it's just a face with character customiza on.
something that can be changed.
I can't even remember what the original version of Balier looked like now.
of course
Seriously, that's a good pair.
As Reinhardt's face has been around for a long me, this one feels like
maid mode.
It's so weirdly good that it's even more annoying.
The problem is that.
“ looks like Reinhardt no ma er how you look at it.”
“That’s right… I do.”
Reinhardt's face wasn't made that way on purpose, but I have a strong
impression that it's because he lived like that.
So, what if Reinhardt was born as a woman? It feels like a real version of
Even if you don't recognize me right away,
Anyone who knows me can line
Isn't that Hart's sister? Does Reinhardt have a sister? It looks like it's
inevitable to hear something like this.
I've been imagining Kono Lint asking me to introduce her to her sister.
Even makeup has its limits. It succeeded in making it plausible, but it is not
well hidden no ma er how much you look at it.
Now on to the third job.
“First, what should I do with these dirty eyes?”
It goes into very fine, detailed molding work.
Ring of Sarkegaar, use that power.
Buy dirty-looking eyes
Trim your teeth, make your jawline a li le thinner, not overly no ceable,
but very li le
Adjust li le by li le.
Let's put an end to the weirdness for now.
Just think of the ground goal.
i win
No ma er what you do, you will surely win!
Look in the mirror and make fine adjustments
It took a month to finish.
It feels like saving a preset.
Remembering Reinhardt's appearance
Rum, remember this as well.
When I finished all the work, I felt like my eyes would fall out.
"...that. Lowering...."
“Now, unless it’s him, a girl… I feel bad… I think that’s the level… He, I’ll
As the praise made me seem more dying, Elerys stopped talking to her.
That's right.
I haven't touched anything much overall, but they even use a universal
molding machine for makeup...
Now that's it....
If this face isn't a girl...
That's even weirder...
There is a universal shaping tool called Sarkegaar's Ring that can do such
bizarre and crazy things.
"By the way... no ma er how much you look at this, it's Reinhardt's older
sister or Reinhardt's younger brother."
Since you can't touch the overall frame, whether you change your hair
color or fine-tune your face shape, Reinhardt's
It has to be a deriva ve.
You can't just turn it all over.
At this rate, if there is a person who knows me in the field, it will be
possible to infer that he is a person related to me.
That place is a women's dress contest.
Soon, you will find out that it is me.
like hell As Ereris lowered the Lord's curse, she struggled to open her
"Damn... I think I know what the problem is..."
Elerys pointed to my face in the mirror.
“The look is the problem.”
My face in the mirror.
You can see the faces all dying, and pretending to be under a lot of stress.
This feeling of nervousness reaching the p of my head and on the verge of
This is the default expression for Reinhardt mk.I.
The usual expression of a feeling of embarrassment for nothing. It wasn't
that my eyes were dirty in the first place, but I always wore an expression
that made my eyes look dirty.
However, as I was ge ng more and more stressful while preparing for this,
the thick expression on my face was ten mes thicker than usual.
So, now I am ten mes more than usual
It's more like Reinhardt.
“A li le… that smile…”
"...I'm not in the mood to laugh..."
What is it that you can't laugh at looking in the mirror in the same yard?
I want to, but I raise the corners of my mouth and force a smile
I tried, but it didn't go well.
The corners of his lips trembled as if they were going to rise.
Forcing a smile was more difficult than I thought.
Damn it, it's prac ce to look in the mirror and smile
Hey, what kind of announcer am I preparing?
“Joe, a li le more refreshing…”
“I’m trying…”
The mood is sinking into the gu er, but you have to create a lively smile.
It really tasted like death itself.
Elerys was right in poin ng out that the facial expression was the problem.
"Surely... it seems to work."
As I got used to it li le by li le, I felt it too.
He only changed his expression, but he was handsome
Reinhardt and I, who are thick
Tongue looked like a different person.
Not even older.
Even if I just changed the expression I wear all the me to a smiling image.
Eventually, as me passed, I prac ced laughing in the basement of Elerys'
class un l midnight.
“I think this is... perfect. Lowering. It’s like a completely different person.”
In the mirror, my mentality became powder and was sha ered, but as far
as the expression
There was a figure that was smiling brightly enough to be disgus ng.
I see.
It never looked like Reinhardt.
With this, all prepara ons for the women's costume contest
Also finished.
This is what it feels like to have a god coming from within.
No, bi er water comes up because it is not dry.
That night, I almost cried while sleeping.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 286

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 287

The provincial city of the Principality of Saint-Ouen, Saint-Thion
outlying area.
Adriana was now adjus ng to life in the monastery again. A life that is calm
and peaceful, like a wheel of a cart. As if when was the noisy day in the
temple, Adriana
daily life was quiet.
“Sister, the principal is calling.
"Ah yes. all right."
Adriana came out of her prayer room at the call of another nun and walked
slowly down her quiet hallway.
Where there is no reason to rush.
Where everything is quiet and secluded.
It can not be seen as a pleasant place, but Adriana was adjus ng to this
landscape again and was sa sfied.
She had faces that came to mind from me to me, but she herself le
So, she will have to forget about it now.
In front of her director's office, Adriana straightened her clothes.
- smart
“It’s Adriana. She said she called….”
- Come in.
Her Abbot Melia, who has been caring for her since a very young age, is
virtually her own mother.
Of course, when Adriana was very young, someone else took the
presidency, but when the former abbot passed away, Melia took over.
She lamented that Adriana had returned from the Temple. Giving her
talents to more people
Because it was sent to the temple in hopes of
But in the end she said Adriana she chose to come back and the Abbot be
sad about it
Even though she did, she didn't cri cize her.
Artouan Abbot Melia sat in her study, where she was like a library full of
her books, without any decora ons, as she looked at herself with a gentle
"sit down please."
Adriana sat down on a wooden chair, and she too
sat across from the chair.
A chapter with only frugality, no glamor
it was cow
Anything valuable here is only a book. It is difficult for thieves to enter the
Artouan Monastery, but if you do, it is a place where you can leave your
belongings and go.
The owner of the frugal house of such believers.
Abbot Melia looks at Adriana with her so smile.
“How is monas c life, Adriana?”
“Okay, sir.”
“Isn’t it difficult to adapt?” “Yes, everyone treated me like before…”
Adriana returning from the temple
They were very caring and caring
There was nothing wrong with ge ng along with people in her age. As it is
now, the director also called and talked to Adriana regularly to help
Adriana adjust well.
“Don’t you regret qui ng Temple? If you change your mind even now, I
can talk to you."
“It’s okay, manager.” Although not coercive, Melia occasionally asked if she
wanted to return to the Temple. Of course, Adriana's answer is fixed.
It was.
She didn't want her to be confused anymore. She spent the rest of her life
in a calm and peaceful place.
Sending is what's best for you
' Adriana thought so.
"Is that so... you're s ll very clear about this, Adriana."
Adriana had no desire for her to return to the Temple.
It would be a lie to say that she does not exist at all, but for now, she was
sa sfied. Melia stood up, leaning on the table.
“Shall we go for a walk together a er a long me?”
“Yes, Master.”
It was also a good thing for Adriana to talk to her boss and this and that.
Well, Adriana followed without hesita on.
Melia is a bar, not inside a monastery.
she went outside
The outskirts of Saint-Thion, the provincial stronghold of the Principality of
Except for the Artouan Monastery.
Since there was no place for people to stay, the area near the monastery
was a field.
Dry grass was blowing in the wind in the winter field.
"It's windy."
“Ah, thank you, Director.”
Melia placed her hand on Adriana's shoulder, and a so white light shone
on Adriana.
She wrapped her body around her and conveyed her warmth.
The two were not in their coats, but wrapped in the warmth of divine
We walked the field together.
“Yes, Master.” “It is almost a year since the Demon King fell.”
“Yes, it is.”
Now, a er what mankind has been longing for, some great narra ve has
These are the stories a er the end.
The Demon Realm, which had threatened mankind for a long me,
collapsed, and the Demon King was defeated by a hero.
Humanity has achieved the long-awaited victory. Adriana didn't know why
the abbot was suddenly so arrogant. But it's always like this
Adriana quietly walked by her side because it was Melia, who told her
stories to help her.
“The demon king has fallen and all the demons serving the demon have
disappeared, so the aspira ons of mankind have come true, and the
wishes of us believers have come true, right?”
Demons who serve demons.
If the enemy of mankind was the demons, the enemies of those who
believed in the Five Great Gods were the Demonism.
As the demons who believe in demonism have fallen, those who follow
demons among humans will also perish. So, Adriana had no objec on to
the saying that this was also a victory for the Five Great Bishops.
“However, I see this as a victory as well as a crisis.”
“Crisis...?” |
Adriana lted her head.
Melia stares into the winter fields with her deep eyes.
“The Empire began to fear the power of the Protestant Church.”
“In order to fulfill the will of the Lords and for their sacred duty, they saw
the beginning of a civil war.
I am saying How dishonest is this.”
Adriana had never heard Melia say this for the first me in her life.
“The Empire needed the power of the Five Great Spirits to win the Demon
World War, and now that the hun ng is over, they are trying to persecute
us like boiling a hun ng dog.”
“Persecu on…?”
| “Yes, the Empire is increasingly trying to set foot in inviolable territory.
I’ve already taken it in once.”
Melia turns her head to look at Adriana. Her eyes were not the eyes of her
mother, Melia, who was always gentle and kind that Adriana had
She seemed to breathe anger and hatred within her.
“I changed the commander of the Knights Templar to my liking.
At the me of fate, the imperial ambi ons
Aren't you going to run, Adriana?"
At those words, Adriana felt like she was choking her breath. Adriana
trembles her lips and speaks cau ously.
“Well, that’s… because of what the former Temple Knights Commander…
“Adriana, that would be an imperial propaganda.”
Rumors are distorted and the truth is distorted.
“For the former Crusade Knights Commander, he is the one who
accomplished the feat of subjuga ng the Devil. The Empire, fearing that
the Knights Templars would cause a civil war, was something we had to
keep in check.”
Hearing those words, Adriana couldn't help but open her eyes.
It was discovered that her temple knight leader had tried to torture his
adopted daughter, and she was sacked for her crimes.
In order to check the current temple knights and the commanders of the
temple knights, the empire
With this false rumor and fabricated evidence, the commander of the
Temple Knights was replaced.
The la er was a mix of lies, but the Empire actually intended that.
People are not reliable rumors
Eat good rumors to eat.
The la er tells believers that the imperial persecu on of the Five Great
Bishops has begun.
It was good news to eat.
But Adriana knows the truth.
This is the truth she and Reinhardt found out. She actually found out she
was another classmate in first grade, but she was very close to the truth.
The Abbot doesn't know that it's directly related to him, so the Templar
However, regarding the ma er of replacement, it is the
I believed it was a scam.
“More than anything else, since the successor of the Knights Templar is a
pro-imperial person, I can’t explain anything else.
It would be a no-brainer.”
This place is too far from the eclip c.
The dismissal of the commander of the Temple Knights and the ma er of
fellowship were accepted as religious oppression by a large number of
unspecified religious people.
Le Barrier Ranche is the hero of victory in the Demon World War. What he
did was that his posi on as the commander of the Knights Templar had to
be li ed, but in the end he had no choice but to arouse the resentment of
most religious people.
Actually, the removal of the commander of the Knights Templar was not
decided by the Empire, but it could be.
is not a thing
Religious people believe that the decisions made at the mee ng of the Five
Great Popes are the pressure of the empire.
“Adriana, not ge ng involved in poli cs is a virtue as a religious person,
but when poli cs starts to persecute religion, it is an issue that needs to be
taken care of.”
Therefore, Artouan Abbot Melia has not talked about poli cs all her life,
but now she believes that the Empire is in a state of oppression of religion,
so she is not interested in poli cs.
to talk about
Melia stares at Adriana with her deep eyes.
She said, “The Knights Templar is an integrated organiza on that exists for
the fellowship of Protestant believers in the five major provinces now that
the demon realm has disappeared. Unfaithful people will misunderstand it,
judge its inten ons, judge that the Knights Templar is a threat to the
Empire, and try to dismantle it."
The Knights Templar is the united power of the Five Great Bishops.
It was an unprecedented group.
Although the Knights Templar was a group created to subdue the Demon
Realm, it was not a group that could be disbanded just because the Demon
Realm disappeared.
The Knights Templar also served as a place for members of the Five Great
Bishops to gather and communicate in one place.
The Empire was disbanded at will by dismantling the Knights Templar.
Big things are going to happen if you do.
But even though the Empire said nothing, religious people like Melia
believe that the religious repression has already begun.
Figh ng between demons and humans is like this.
started with
They did not intend to a ack each other, but imagined that they would
a ack each other and prepared a mighty army.
That is why the war that took place is the Demon World War.
Believing in violence that doesn't exist
What do people do when they start?
“If we stay like this
No, Adriana.”
“Wow, Master...”
“We must unite the powers of the Five Great Spirits and fight against the
Naturally, prepare for violence.
However, Adriana is afraid of Melia's words and at the same me her
doubts are ahead of her.
In the end, the Artouan Monastery was a militant group.
this is not
It was all about how they had to come together, what the hell was going
on, and why she was telling this story to herself, Adriana didn't know
"Adriana, from the 'Nameless Order,' I need you."
An unnamed monastery.
Adriana was the first name I had ever heard.
Melia quietly grabs Adriana's hand and leads her somewhere.
"Adriana, it's frightening for me to let you go alone, but don't worry
because the person you're going to meet has promised to protect you as
much as possible. There's no danger.
He said he would.”
“Who, who… who are you mee ng…?”
in the winter wind.
Adriana sleeps over her hill exhaust
I could see a wagon parked on the side of the street and some people
standing next to it.
She is a stranger to everyone, but Adriana knew only one face of her.
That's it.
It seemed to her that Adriana knew why the abbot of Saint-Thion, on the
outskirts of the eclip c, had said this to her. Melia is Ard
He was holding Liana's hand gently.
She said, “Since you have suffered injus ce by being swept away by the
imperial mischief, now the only thing le to do is restore your honor.”
Adriana seemed to know why Melia was relieved to send herself to
If she doesn't know the details, then
There is no reason to be afraid to entrust God to that person.
She said, "Are you Adriana?"
Adriana can turn her complexion white when she sees a middle-aged man
with a cold look.
she was out
The former Templar Knights Commander, Le Barrier Ranche.
He was looking at Adriana silently.
He could tell just by looking at his eyes.
Le Barrier Ranche found out that Adriana was involved in his own ouster.
he clearly knew
He knew and found it.
But Abbot Melia did not know that.
“He is a kind and gentle child, but with a strong heart. Please take good
care of Adriana, manager.”
“Don’t worry. I know she is a good lumber.”
That is why she hand over her Adriana to Le Barrier Lange so easily. She
believes that Le Barrier Ranche is innocent, so she hands over Adriana to
Le Barrier Ranche.
Melia, who believed and followed her like her mother, became a member
of an uniden fied secret society. Le Barrier Ranche placed her hand on her
frozen Adriana's shoulder.
"You don't have to tremble too much. Adriana."
Adriana was trembling with her trembling, unable to take her mouth off
her. The cold eyes of Le Barrier Ranche stared at Adriana.
“Whoever sees it will know that he has made a big mistake.”
Why the hell is she taking herself?
What is Le Barrier Ranche up to?
is it
Adriana knew nothing.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 288

It was the long-awaited start of the Temple Fes val, and for me, it was a
week with many tasks to be solved.
For one week from today, the temple is open to all civilians.
Of course, most of the parents come to the temple to see their children. As
students from all over the con nent gather, there are mes when parents
come to visit their children for the fes val.
There are people who come.
Of course, even in this case, because the safety of temple students is the
top priority, there is a restricted area, so
Rain is also much stronger.
However, even if the defense is clear, it does not change the fact that a
large number of people will eventually gather. The fact that the temple is
open to civilians means that it is during this fes val that the temple is most
No accidents this year
During the fes val at the end of next year, just before the gates burst, this
vulnerable point is used to cause commo on.
But that's a long way off, and I'm not sure if it will ever happen.
If the changed history has an impact, the accident could explode again this
If the Black Order came to visit me as a temple, this would be the easiest
me. They haven't touched on whether or not they're arranging opinions
When it comes to you, you have to respond on your own. I'm sure they
won't at least kill me,
Anyway, Monday.
It's the fes val season, but I'm s ll on vaca on
Cliffman, Ellen and Liana all returned to their dorms.
All the students of the Royal Class were now assembled in the main hall
under the direc on of the student council.
In front of the Royal Class students all gathered on the first floor, the
student council president Ceres van Owen was standing on the stairs.
“From today, the Gradias Temple Fes val will be held for a week.”
In front of all her students, she used her honorific tle.
“Originally, the Orbis Class and the Royal Class were supposed to
par cipate in the opening ceremony at the Great Stadium, but as you all
know, this year, due to various events, the Royal Class is not only held for
the opening ceremony, but also for official events to be held during the
fes val. All events have been canceled.”
“So, very unusually, the Royal Class is given unlimited free me during this
fes val.
Students who wish to par cipate in
You can par cipate.”
“Originally, between the fes val and official events
I'll have to pass on the run notes, but you guys this year can just enjoy the
fes vi es. If you want to do something, do it, if you want to play, play.
You can par cipate in ac vi es to check your progress, or you can relax.”
“There are no precau ons between official events, but we will disseminate
general precau ons.”
"Currently, a significant number of civilians have entered the temple. They
are people of various ranks from all walks of life. I urge you not to cause
unnecessary quarrels with civilians, and
I hope you do not suffer.”
“At Temple fes vals, there is always a lot of fric on between students and
civilians. It could be the students' mistake, or it could be the civilian's
all. Uniden fied civilians are you
If you use undue pressure on a person, ask a nearby guard for help and
they will be dealt with immediately. current cost
It is in a very strengthened state, so where
You can see the Gun Temple guards. Of course, the same can be done if
you use pressure or force.”
In a word, in the end, it was an accident and not an accident. Ceres van
Owene finished speaking and
look down on them
“As president of the Royal Class Student Council, I hope that your year will
end successfully with this fes val.”
The fes val is an event and event enjoyed by all temple students who have
worked hard throughout the year. So, a er playing and having fun,
welcome the winter vaca on with a relaxed mind.
of course.
To me, this felt more like a final gateway to the year, rather than a
refreshment a er a hard run.
Through the tournament, my skills, which I did not know how to do at the
beginning of the semester, were
Verify that it has improved.
If I win the first-year tournament, I will compete in the Unlimited
Tournament Finals.
Test how far you can climb.
Miss and Mr Temple.
And even the women's dress-up contest. Let's get over this hurdle and take
a breather for a moment.
"I hope you have a good fes val. Ideally."
With the sound of applause from the students, the fes val began. With
those words, some students ran out of the dormitory as if they had only
waited for this me, and as usual, others returned to the dormitory with a
blank expression as if they had no interest in fes vals.
Harriet was moving with a group of herds.
She was a member of the Magic Research Society.
- You guys play. I'm fine.
- No, it's okay. let's go
- It's really good...
- There is s ll a lot to improve. Earl in the finals
I don't have it le , but I need to refine it more.
The members of the first-year Magic Research Society gathered, led by
- Junior! Do you prac ce today? don't you play
There, Rdina also joined.
-Oh, yes... I do. Seniors
You can go to the silver fes val...
- No, no, because this is more fun.
- Well, that's...
Apparently, the Magic Research Society is pushing Harriet, who
par cipated in the Unlimited Level Tournament.
Don't tell me what you did
I did it, but it's an unlimited tournament group example
They won the championship and advanced to the finals.
That's something I'm honestly not sure about
De Herriot did it.
The fact that Heriot's prac cal magical ability is at that level means that
even if Harriet's combat ability is very low, it is highly likely that he will be
on the same level as me and higher than that.
Ge ng hit and hurt, rolling, and sad.
Harriet felt a desire to become a fighter, and eventually succeeded in it.
So instead of enjoying the fes val, Harriet prepared for an unlimited
seemed to be doing all he could. It seems that the members of the Magic
Research Society are helping with that.
Gathering with the same majors to create a synergy that is different from
what I have already ordered
is going
That's a good thing.
Before heading to the Magic Research Society, Herriot made eye contact
with me.
You could come to take a look, but Harriet will also be busy with his work.
He looked at me for a moment with an apologe c expression, and then
Harriet walked into the dormitory.
went out
No, it's not really a big deal.
I wonder if there is any need to be sorry
Harriet le the dormitory.
I was at the back of the line for the Class A dorm, and Ellen was at the
I would have tried on this and that over the weekend, braided my hair on
what to do at Miss Temple, and pondered with Leah and Cliffman.
He turns his head and looks at me.
I le the temple on Friday and came back late last night, so it's the first
me I've seen your face in three or four days.
It's makeup. I've done it in the Dukes of Granz, but of course now Ellen is
her bare face, and her a re is just a school uniform.
Ellen looked at me and shook her head
go out
What should I say?
Jae why... it doesn't seem to be much different from usual,
something more. Do you think he's become pre y for nothing?
-Ellen! come to my room I am a cosme c bird
I just ordered it this morning.
- Oh, yes.
Ellen looked at me silently, then she grabbed Liana's arm and dragged her
-Yam! do you have to call
- Uh ah, uh, huh...
- If this is the case, isn't it me to take care of yourself? Why is the child
- I'm sorry...
Ellen on the right, Cliffman on the le .
Liana dragged her away.
As Ellen is dragged away, she stares at me.
she was watching
Are you deba ng whether or not to come to the tournament today?
what is it
To be honest, I didn't want to come to watch the tournament, but anyway,
rather than enjoying the fes val, everyone seems busier than usual.
It's a fes val, but isn't it more like a fes val?
That was the feeling.
- Wow!
“Oh, what again!”
Suddenly, Olivia rushes behind me.
Back hugging, I jumped in surprise
“Let’s play with my sister! There are a lot of things I want to eat and a lot of
things I want to do!” |
Olivia looks at me with her eyes twinkling.
“I’m busy with the first-year tournament finals today.”
"Oh right! Then I can go see you today
“When you come, you come, and when you don’t, you drink.”
As Olivia talks about it, she sees Ellen and Snow being dragged by Liana
from afar.
encountered this
“Is there going to be a fun temple?”
“Yeah… that’s right.”
Olivia releases her arms that hold her me and takes turns looking at me
and Ellen.
“Are you going to take a picture of me?”
I didn't answer, Olivia pinched my cheek like that.
“You idiot who can’t even say a word.”
Olivia laughed bashfully, and she went somewhere.
Numerous other events, performances, and events are taking place
throughout the temple, but I was far from the glitz and bustle of such a
fes val.
Today is the day of the 1st year tournament finals. Tournament Finals for
each grade level
It will con nue in the same stadium, and the seats will be filled with
I belong to group A. it's the first game
There are a total of 32 first-year finalists.
Round of 32, Round of 16, and Round of 8.
There are three games to be played.
Tomorrow is the semi-finals and finals.
To prepare for the freshman tournament, I moved with Ludwig and
Scarle .
Needless to say, Scarle and Rude
Behe also passed the preliminary round.
Ludwig is happy to see the draw
crab laughed
“Did we all split up by chance? thank God."
I am group A. Scarle is in Group B. Ludwig was in Group C. There will be
no mee ng un l the group stage winners of the finals are determined.
If we face each other in a tournament, at least a semi-final
is that
"Is it a coincidence?"
“Did you make it like this on purpose, then?”
It is my sin that made you like this.
"Of course, a group of winners If you put it in the yard, you won't be able
to watch the game later."
"Oh, I see...."
We have to divide the special classes so that we can see the game properly
I purposely made the draw like this.
A total of four groups in the finals.
Groups A, B, and C each have members from the Royal Class.
and group D.
A name you know in a part of the draw
Gladen Amorell.
The Orbis class disappeared, but the guy who moved to the normal class
par cipated in the war.
There may be other names from the Orbis class, but none I know. Like
Nilsonia or Lilka Aaron or Ender Wilton
An unknown guy might have par cipated, but Gley in Group D confirmed
that Amorell was there.
If each of us wins the group stage, who will Gley face Amorel?
I don't know yet.
We have a tournament final
was on his way to the stadium. There, three matches will be played today,
and the semi-finals and finals will be held tomorrow.
Ludwig was laughing out loud.
“I heard that all the kids are coming later, so what if I’m nervous?”
There are only two finalists from Class B. So guys, with a few excep ons, go
to the tournament as a group.
To be exact, Ludwig and Scarle
seems to be coming to see the propaganda of
Judging from the looks of it, everything seems to come out of nowhere
except for the Magic Research Society.
how about mine
Ellen and Harriet probably won't come
Olivia would have to come. But Olivia was also a li le angry earlier.
It seemed like it, but it doesn't seem like it
How about Charlo e? There are B-class kids, so would you like to come?
Then you may not have come to see me,
No, come or not, I just have to do what I have to do. Why?
Why are you feeling a li le embarrassed?
Why do I feel that I am the only one who doesn't come to the sports day
when everyone else's parents come?

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 289

In the temples, people can get hit by their feet.
overflowed Students are more distant than usual
There were many more, and the number of people who came for the
fes val was huge.
No ma er how many people there are, it is always a quiet and lonely
It's sad to see people messing around
was new
Because there were so many people, I could feel a certain amount of
commo on in the friendly voices.
A student who had an argument with a passerby, or a guard caught and
dragged out of my
It's like an outsider with a rather high-pitched appearance shou ng "Do
you know who it is?"
As much as it is complicated, there is no other essen al point
It was.
Me, Scarle , and Ludwig made their way through the crowd to their
des na on.
Temple's main stadium.
It is an amphitheater used for important games or events.
It is very large, and the number of seats exceeds 30,000.
It is used for important sports events inside the temple, as well as
important events such as tournaments like this one.
Today, the finals of each grade level tournament will be held here.
It was only natural that a relay screen was prepared for the audience.
Tomorrow, the semi-finals and finals will be held here, as well as the finals
of the Unlimited Tournament.
It's a place that people who belong to sports-related clubs would come to
quite a bit.
I've never had a rela onship with me un l now.
Royal Clan come to watch the tournament
These guys will come later, for now
Since we were par cipants, we had arrived in advance.
“People… so many.”
Seeing the crowds gathered at the entrance to the stadium to watch the
tournament, Ludwig murmured in disbelief.
“Tournaments are the main events of the fes val.
It’s one of them.”
“Wait, Scarle , so the kids who come to see us don’t have a seat?”
Scarle knew this in advance
I knew it in quite a bit of detail.
all. Inside the temple, the detailed privileges of the Royal Class are
"Oh, I see. But what is a garden outside the garden? the garden is full
How do people get into it?”
“……That’s right, a special seat is reserved for you.
you can think Would it be understandable if I said that the seat was not
included in the number of seats in the first place? That’s what the Royal
Class is allowed to do.”
"Ah! I see?"
For a brief moment, Scarle 's expression felt 'pity' passing by.
I really don't know what a human job is.
Long but....
Why the hell did the rela onship between the main heroine and the
protagonist become like this...
It's not that Scarle doesn't hate Ludwig, but she's not scornful, though, 'a
li le ... short mate. feel the same
It has o en been seen that
In the end, this will all be my karma.
Gradias Temple tournament finals by grade level.
We headed towards the visitor entrance, not the spectator entrance.
The iden es of the finalists must have already been shared, so we only
need to present our IDs.
We were immediately ushered into the wai ng room for players inside the
Because it was a huge stadium, the entrance of spectators was strictly
The wai ng room for players was also large.
There were convenience facili es inside, as well as exercise equipment for
warm-up, priests in case of injury, as well as guards for safety.
A total of 36 finalists in each grade level. All six graders must have gathered
there, so the total number is over two hundred. can you take them all
even had a private room ready.
We were ushered into the wai ng room for the first graders.
“When all finalists arrive,
We will provide you with informa on and instruc ons. that
Un l then, you can stay comfortably in your own wai ng room or hall.”
The three of us sat down at once in the hall, telling us to tell the desk any
me we needed anything.
Ludwig seemed to be admiring seeing the dazzling player vs. It was the
same with Scarle .
There were some who arrived before us, and everyone could see them
res ng or preparing in their own way.
However, most of them were alone.
These are the guys who were picked and picked from numerous classes in
the Temple. royal class
There is no such thing as a case where all three people in one class
advance to the finals.
So everyone just feels that they are each other's opponents, and the
comfort of the place itself and
Regardless of the situa on, everyone is tense
were guarding each other.
Most of them are thinking on their own, warming up, or doing image
training on their own.
Even though it's a freshman year of high school, in the end
This is similar to the na onal team compe on.
A place to choose the strongest among the 17-year-olds in the temple. To
exaggerate a li le more, it is a posi on that covers the best in its class
within the con nent.
I can't help but be nervous.
“Reinhardt! Would you like some bread?”
Of course, Ludwig doesn't know that. As if wondering, he asked where he
had just picked up a piece of bread, clearing the sun.
Scarle and my eyes met naturally.
You and I have similar thoughts
Yet you...
Originally, Jae and the...
no. done.
“Oh, give me one.”
“This is delicious.”
A er all, even though I'm of a different type from Ludwig, I don't want to
know that.
not a guy
“Yeah, me too.”
Scarle ended up ea ng it too.
The vigilant eyes of the guys around me
heading to reel
Most of them came alone, and in a place full of people who all looked like
enemies, three people who seemed to know each other well got together
and ate a piece of bread.
The three finalists appear to have come from the same place.
In that case, there is only one possibility they can think of.
You will have no choice but to know that we are the guys from the Royal
vigilance, hos lity, fear.
A lot of those eyes are on us.
“Uh, um…”
Ludwig glanced around to see if he could see it too, and Scarle was
quietly chewing the bread.
“What are you kids? First me ea ng bread
do you see If you twist it, you eat it too. yari
What do you want long?”
In the end, he got mad at that gaze and shot a word around him.
But in the end, this is the place where the people who said that they can
fly on the floor are gathered.
Unlike other clumsy bastards, this place is full of guys who are not only
proud of their skills, but also have low self-esteem.
“What did you say now?”
In this situa on where the nerve cords were taut, there were enough
people who would approach the guy who jumped first with their eyes wide
open. I put my arms on the sofa and smiled as I watched him approaching
But are you in high school?
What kind of kid looks like a human tank? Do you think it will be 2 meters
Of course, that didn't frighten me.
I don't know about the others, especially this nigga keeps making us
especially thick
was staring
“Is this your first me ea ng bread, do you think it’s good?”
"This bastard. It doesn't look like you're from the Royal Class, but since you
don't have the Orbis Class, you seem to think that you guys are going to
win uncondi onally, right?"
Suddenly, the mood turned harsh, and Ludwig stepped in.
“Ah, ah ha ha. La, Reinhardt. why all of a sudden Calm down. that there.
Sorry. My friend is a li le sensi ve.”
He turned to look at Ludwig and me, and I looked straight at him. The
human tank high school student looks at me and says:
“Who are you in the finals?”
Group A Reinhardt.”
"Okay. I'm in Group A too."
He looked at me like he was just trying to beat me, and he clapped his
hand and let it go.
“What’s going well?”
I laughed out loud when I saw that. “It’s so bad for you.”
I'd be proud of it, but what happened?
is it?
Don't you understand?
Finally, a er the unnamed human chariot withdrew a er a nerve war,
someone's voice was heard from behind.
“You s ll have an accident
It is.”

Ah, you.”
"It's the first me I've shared this story, but my
Do you remember the face?”
Of course it is.
We didn't talk, but the face I remembered
because it is Scarle and Ludwig lted their heads as they couldn't help
but see each other for the first me.
“But you don’t know my name, it’s Glaiden Amorell.”
The guy held out his hand to me. There seemed to be no hos lity towards
me in that outstretched hand.
“Uh, uh… it’s been a while.”
Did I lose the privilege of being a special class in the end due to the
upheaval that I was having?
He was the kind of guy who was a bit sorry.
Gley and Amorel sat across from me on the sofa we were si ng on.
“It’s gone now, but Orbis Cl.
I was a freshman in Rath.”
At those words, Scarle and Ludwig turned into an ahahaha as if they
knew why we were spherical.
Gladen Amorell didn't seem to have any other feelings for me. actually reel
Because Ka Aaron's whistleblower wasn't something he did alone, but the
whole first year of the Orbis class agreed.
Originally, I knew that I had a very cold personality, but considering that he
first talked to me and offered to shake my hand, it seemed that something
had changed during that me.
I'm not sure what the specific change is.
“If it were you, you would be in the tournament.
I thought.”
“I don’t know the specific reason, but I guess I just felt that way.”
This guy was authorized by Ludwig
He also mumbled the bread.
“The first graders then… are they all sca ered?”
"right. But, as it is in the temple, if you try to meet, there is no chance that
you will not be able to meet.”
The first graders of the Orbis class were dispersed into general classes,
respec vely.
However, Gladen Amorell took the ini a ve through the student council.
It seems that Ari was created to create a mee ng between the first graders
of the Orbis class. Clubs, regardless of class
because im
There are things we went through together, so that rela onship cannot be
easily broken.
He didn't even ask me, but Rilka Aaron said she's doing fine. I grew up a
li le late.
Dahda, fortress
He said that he was a li le tall, but he made a subtle joke that he wasn't
really tall at all.
“I think it’s be er to be like this. to be honest. Too. It was like hell.”
The Orbis class disappeared, but the guys seemed to be ge ng along.
It seemed oddly comfor ng to me.
All the problems I caused caused a lot of changes and accidents, but it
seems that there are always posi ve changes somewhere.
Gley and Amorel are in Group D.
The four si ng around here are the most powerful
are the winning candidates.
It was not the first me Gley had met Amorel, but it was the first me he
had spoken to him.
But she seemed clear that this guy had any favors on me. | “Of course, I
have no inten on of losing. Reinhardt.”
That's it, and a compe on is a compe on.
He and we all knew it.
“The main stadium of the temple has a strong
Protec on and barrier magic have been established.
all. So it's only possible here.
There are some special things.”
A strong protec on magic will be applied to all of you par cipa ng in the
finals of the tournament.”
“What you are going to do from now on will not be conducted in the form
of a prac ce match. If you are in a situa on where you could be fatally
wounded, wear a strong protec ve gear.
Law and summoning magic are ac vated, summoning you to a safe place.
Of course, it's going to be a loss."
“In short, even if you do your best, your opponent will not be seriously
injured or killed. Therefore, the Gradias Temple Tournament draws out all
the competencies of the par cipants, 'It will be a very realis c situa on.'
“The explana on goes like this, but in the end, what I want to say is
“Think of this as a real ba le, and by all means available,
Win. There is no such thing as a foul.”
“Of course, there may be things like ge ng scratched or selling. There may
be things like broken legs.
No loss rolls will be awarded for all eligible injuries. Keep in mind that
being hit with a single fist does not result in defeat.”
The 36 first-year finalists who listened to the explana ons from the
organizers were silently listening to the explana ons.
It is different from the prac ce that Ellen and I have been doing countless
Even if you a ack with the force to really kill the opponent, the protec ve
spells and barriers hanging on this stadium, and the numerous safety
devices applied to the par cipants, ensure maximum safety.
to ensure
So you can fight to the best of your ability. The original role of providing a
spectacle and limi ng the combat capabili es of the par cipants
can be pulled up to
A er all, it's a fight scene.
Exhibits the ba le reaching its extreme
This is to show what kind of monsters the talents the empire raises.
Everyone's faces were full of tension, and Ludwig, who was always relaxed,
had a firm expression on his face as if he had a realiza on that the finals of
the tournament were just around the corner.
“Then each of you can sit comfortably in your private room or hall, and
prepare it when a call comes in.”
Tournament Round of 36.
The winner of the group stage for today's finals must be determined.
“Group A, first match. Reinhardt, 1st year Royal Class, No. A-11, Lagerez,
No. C-2, No. C-2, Dallon Class.”
I'm in a tournament by grade level, no. Now it's me to compete in the
very first of all the fes val tournaments to come.
Of all the spectacles, he said that the paralyzed and figh ng scenes were
the best.
Temple Main Stadium.
Thirty thousand seats,
Seeing how full it is, I thought I wouldn't be too nervous, but I was scared.
No, that's right, in the end, children's fights
Called? No ma er how much the 1st-6th grade tournaments are held here
un l tonight, will there be so many gatherings? There must be people who
can't even sit in the audience and stand and watch?
Is this fun?
Then I realized that no ma er how much this worldview develops, TV,
smartphones, and the Internet
mass media, including
I realized that the place didn't exist.
In a world where there are very few exci ng spectacles, even children
Talents raised by the Empire fight swords
is pre y great by this standard
It's a sight to behold.
On the large screens installed in various places of the Temple Main
Stadium, the faces of me and the other person opposite me were
projected alternately.
- oh oh oh...
...A strange exclama on from the audience when my face is reflected.
First of all, it feels weird.
I tried to see if there were any faces I knew out of the many people in the
audience, but there were too many to recognize.
there was no
everyone is looking at me
It was a bit strange for me to see if anyone came to see me.
there will be no
Everyone is busy.
But strangely.
Among tens of thousands of people, to find
I shouldn't be able
Oddly enough...
Far away, black haired woman with a calm expression
love was seen
It was Ellen.
Ellen is looking at me.
Next to them were Liana and Cliffman.
and Harriet
It's clear that it's going to be terribly bad,
There was also Libya Ranche.
-Our Reinhardt is the best!
Handsome aaaaaa! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
And next to them, there were also B-class guys.
Charlo e looked at me and smiled quietly. She didn't say anything but she
said as much as Charlo e cheering me on
She could see clearly.
And she, of course, was for her bodyguard, but she sat beside him un l she
was Xabi Olin Tana. She was looking at me with her arms crossed.
It made me smile without realizing it.
-cheer up.
Ellen's small mouth was also visible.
-Ooh, ooh... ooh win! win!
Harriet stu ered too, but made her hands or arms wiggle and shout.
Not only Harriet, but also the Magic Research Society
The original guys are all over to Lordina.
It was.
- Junior! Stay strong!
what. I thought I wouldn't be able to come because everyone was busy
with my work.
you're all here
Ellen and Olivia, who don't get along very well, are si ng next to each
other, and they are si ng right next to each other, so they put their bodies
to sit as far away from each other as possible.
everyone is gathering
The one in his hand was not a training sword, but a true sword.
I was asked to choose a weapon that fits my hand, so I chose a long sword
with the same weight as the one used in Darkland.
The other person's armament is the same as mine
long sword.
-ruler. Then, the long-awaited Gradias Temple Fes val, Grade 1
Tournament 1st Grade Group A!
1 game! Let's get started now!
- Wow!
with the call of the moderator. in a roar like thunder.
it's the first game I should show you something fun.
I'm sorry, friend.
To my friends who came all the way to see me in the midst of being busy
with their work.
What have I been doing this year? Shouldn't I show you?
I do magic enhancement.
- Kureung!
Explosive power surges from my body
Blue flames soar a shout
Watching it grow bigger and bigger, watching the opponent in front of you
get red of it.
While adding speed ( 迅速), one blow (逸格), and hardening (硬 化).
Self-sugges on, magical power enhancement.
add all of this,
“I win.”
In addi on, adding the power of words.
I take one step
I've only taken one step
- Koo!
In the next moment, I had already reached my opponent's eyes.
I don't want anything other than that.
- Wow!
“...I think I should have come to see you.”
Harriet seems to be offended by the shouts
The third match of the first year in Group D had just finished. At most, La
Inart's match, which I have been watching, is literally ten seconds, no. It
was over in five seconds.
There was s ll plenty of me un l the next Reinhardt match.
2nd semester a er 1st year group finals
The annual group stage will begin.
So there is no need to watch the round of 36 matches of all grades, but
seeing Reinhardt who came to watch it, it all ended in an instant like this.
seemed to throw it away.
So, during Reinhardt's match, the crowd was overwhelmed, but a li le
This was stronger.
No, what is he? This was the reac on. pressure
It was rogue, but it felt a bit bland.
For fun, the gladiator who just fell and rolled and fought desperately
It was more fun to watch.
So they actually came to watch Reinhardt's game, but they don't really see
Reinhardt much.
Ellen and Herriot were busy. But in the end, I was deba ng whether or not
to come here, and I finally came.
Olivia, who met in the middle, didn't like it.
Even though she was struggling, she inevitably sat down next to them.
The reason was simple.
'Reinhar should be crowded even a li le
It's not going to find us right away."
If you sit in a circle by yourself in the audience, Reinhardt may not be able
to find you.
But if he sits with his friends, Reinhardt will be able to find him easily.
Indeed, Reinhardt is correct
he found them
When Reinhardt won her first match by an overwhelming margin, Olivia
Even when you're dumbfounded, you scream and bring me with you! Take
me yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa There were even instances where I
could not laugh when I screamed and everyone around me looked at me.
Reinhardt's next match will start when the Group D round of 36 matches
are all over.
will be.
Erriot looked at Ellen silently.
She thought Ellen might make it to the Unlimited Tournament, but she's
completely out of the way and she goes to Miss Temple.
“Ah… Reinhardt’s turn someday.
I came here to see you fussing around
It's not... Hey, when is Reinhardt's turn? Look at the draw.”
"Senior will see for you."
“If your senior does it, you should do it!”
“…Reinhardt doesn’t like people who say things like that. Oh, you don't
know..." "Hey, hey... hoo, that's all right. Let’s not talk.” A person who is like
an angel only in front of Reinhardt, who acts as if he can give everything he
has to Reinhardt, and is harsh on everyone close to Reinhardt.
He's ge ng more angular and crooked
The visible Saint of Eredian.
Olivia Lanche.
Ellen and Herriot,
The compe ons you par cipate in are different, but the person you want
to win is me.
it's ram
can i win
| Contrary to such concerns, Olivia Ranche acted as if she didn't care. No, I
deliberately ignored it and opened it.
That's what I'm trying to get
“Shut up.”
As Olivia started telling her truth, Ellen frowned and looked at Olivia.
"What? Would you like to go out there with your sister right now and play
an event match? People will really like it?"
“Aren’t you doing it right here, not there?”
Do you?! show me? uh?"
“I feel bad, so follow Reinhardt.
Don’t lose.”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 290

As me passed, the first-year round of 32 matches were all over, and it was
me for the winners' second match, the round of 16, to begin. A total of
eight matches were played.
It was me to be
Naturally, it was Reinhardt's turn in the first match of the round of 16 in
“Reinhardt! Stay strong!"
Olivia squeaked and screamed
-From now on, the round of 16 will be played with a best-of-two win out of
three matches.
The moderator further explained that in the quarterfinals, which can be
said to be the group final of today's finals, the rules of best three out of
five will be played.
this was added
Reinhardt made eye contact with those who came to cheer for the
audience in the round of 32, but this me he was not looking at them.
You might as well take a look at it once.
Harriet thinks so.
"....for a moment."
Olivia's expression hardened.
“It’s kind of weird.”
Ellen also no ced something. Both Ellen and Olivia seemed to sense
something the other audience did not detect.
"Why? What's going on?"
Olivia mu ered blankly with a serious look.
“Reinhardt’s condi on… I think he’s not in good shape.” “I think there is a
Both Ellen and Olivia could intui vely know that Reinhardt's condi on had
a problem.
Meanwhile, Saviolin Tana folded her arms in the seat where the class B
students were gathered, which fell to the right of their seat.
He was watching Reinhardt's figure while wearing a hoodie.
As Olivia and Ellen felt, Xaviolin Tana knew Reinhardt's problem.
Of course, more accurate than the other two.
“Reinhardt is not used to mana enhancement.”
“…maybe so?”
Charlo e knew it to some extent. “If you draw on a power you are not
familiar with, there will always be a limit.”
"Isn't that the limit?"
Reinhardt in a crisis situa on
He has always succeeded in drawing power. But this me the case is a li le
It is not a real ba le now, but a con nuous fight under the condi ons of a
tournament must be con nued.
Unfamiliar magic enhancement can be used
It is supposed to bring about the condi on hun ng.
“Reinhardt will be vulnerable to a series of ba les.”
If you use magic enhancement, the more you fight, the more your
condi on will get worse.
All royal classes gathered here
Students came to support Reinhardt
it's not
However, to some extent, he was certain in his heart that Reinhardt would
Ludwig and Scarle 's skills are great, but Reinhardt can even enhance his
magical powers.
But now, he realized that the enhancement of his magical power would
eventually have to hold Reinhardt's ankles.
As if worried about Charlo e, she looked at Reinhardt with a firm
expression on her face.
"You mean I had to win without using Magic Power...?"
“That would be the best way.... Even if it is possible un l today, what about
Clumsy power has its price
-From now on, Gradias Temple Toner
Let's start the first match of the round of 16!
With the call of the moderator, the first match of the round of 16 began.
The round of 16 ended with 2 wins and 0 losses, and my victory in the end.
There were no dangerous moments.
However, there were a few dangerous moments when I tried not to use
Magic Power in the first set. The opponent was a normal class, but in the
end, he wasn't a guy who could be ignored due to his skills. Eventually, in
the second set, you will turn off Magic Power again.
I had no choice but to write
One year without being admi ed to the Orbis class, a student belonging to
the regular class
While training during this me, there is a lot of possibility that he will be
be er than the guys in the Orbis class.
I was just trying to solve it with self-sugges on
But it doesn't work out as well as I thought it would
it was
Of course, I managed to win the 2nd place without using magic
enhancement, but
The day I returned to the wai ng room, Ludwigwas
Carle greeted me.
The wai ng room also had a separate sea ng area, so you could watch the
game. There, Ludwig and Scarle seemed to watch my game.
“It was great, Reinhardt?”
"Thanks for your efforts."

power enhancement.
I had a clear sense that it was a double-edged sword.
Of course.
To put it bluntly, it's a power that I've only used twice before today. I've
had success using it a third me, but I'm s ll not used to it.
You must pay the price for using your power.
He didn't faint, but it felt as if his whole body was down, and his body felt
heavy like co on soaked in water.
He even had to face the next game without being given enough me to
recover properly.
It's not a normal injury, but even if you get a recovery from a wai ng priest,
it's not a condi on that can be healed.
There were no problems un l the round of 16.
However, the quarterfinals, the final of the upcoming Group A finals, are
three out of five, and the semifinals will be held tomorrow.
The win is also best of 5 out of 5.
Even if other guys don't know, I'm not confident that I can easily defeat
Gladen Amorell, Ludwig, or Scarlet without magic enhancement.
If the condi on that worsened today does not return to its original state
tomorrow, or tomorrow
Losing too much power in the semi-finals
Mul faceted,
I may not win.
Mana enhancement was completely my strength. was mistaken
I was si ng s ll in the VIP stands in the players wai ng room, watching the
match following the round of 16.
- Kaang!
A guy who thinks it might be a bear or a human tank.
The guy was pushing his opponent wildly.
Magical enhancement drama cally increases physical ability.
It is a power that elevates
- Boom!
-1 Set was won by Richard Howlman of the Erazon class!!
The first set is taken by the guy who crushes the opponent out of balance.
Even if I pretend to be, I don’t know anything else, but my strength is me
A child like a human chariot that will surely overwhelm you.
That guy is my last opponent today. Ji
To face in a gold situa on, we have a li le bit of compa bility
bad opponent
Don't use magic enhancement on that guy.
can you win
My fingers were trembling uncontrollably.
As a rule, losers should leave the wai ng room, so un l recently it was
There are fewer people in the wai ng room
there was.
Irazon Class 1st year.
Richard Howlman. The human tank-like guy I had an argument with took 2
sets, so me and that guy got into the quarterfinals of Group A
It was certain they were going to face each other.
“Rilka is in that class.”
"Oh yeah?"
Gley explained to me as if Amorel knew. Lilka Aaron is in the same class as
that guy.
I'm not close with him, but I'm a li le bit worried.
“It is said that he is famous for his cruel personality. I didn't get into the
Orbis class because I was filtered out by the personality test.... I'm not sure
how it really is."
A story about the Orbis class
It may be a bluff, but in reality
I made it to the first tournament, so my skills
I confirmed with my own eyes that it wasn't bluff.
A guy with personality as well as skill.
“He’s just like me.”
" that what you're saying?"
Gley laughed at Amorel.
Somehow, this guy is just out of the dummies
I turned into a guy with a good feeling
Of course, Gley is Amorel and Richard Ha.
If only water is a ached, the result will be a clear win for Gley and Amorel.
Because I saw Ludwig and Scarle , and even this guy's match, all in person
in this grandstand.
Clearly, this guy is the best in this posi on except for all the other abili es.
Assuming I don't use Magic Power, I won't be able to defeat this guy. He
used to say his sugges on reached A rank, but he doesn't know if he'll be
able to give him a clear edge.
I don't know if he uses the power of his spirit, but he hasn't figured out
how to make it func on properly yet,
- Tickle!
The winner, Richard Howlman, snaps open the door of the grandstand, and
he strides in and looks at me.
“Are you ready? Royal class dregs?”
The victory was unclear.
Mana enhancement has become my strength
That's because I knew it wasn't.
He had an obvious smirk as he looked at me without an answer.
“Why aren’t you talking? Are you slowly ge ng scared?”
I looked up at him, crossed his arms and grinned.
"Baby, you. You said you failed the Orbis class personality test?"
"okay. It doesn't mean I didn't go in."
"What's the personality, looking at your pair, it's not your personality, it's a
fucking pair
I think it fell because of the board. Isn't it?"
His face contorted, and I giggled.
This is it.
A problem that can be solved somehow
It is more effec ve to curse at a problem that cannot be solved no ma er
what you do.
"It's really fucking ugly. Are you running around saying that as well. Hey, it
looks like your eyes are ro ng, so get out of it. Go out and wash some of
the s nky broth.
So, there is no such thing as a personal a ack.
"This is a chewing ...!"
“Take a look. If you want to be disqualified."
I rather put my face to the guy. I giggled as I watched his eyes turn around.
The guy raised his fist, but couldn't extend it.
If you stretch, you are disqualified.
I'm Richard Ha with fists crying
I looked at the cry and laughed.
“I have a bad temper, but I’m pa ent. Somehow
It seems that there is no problem with your personality
place? A er all, didn't you fall because of that face?"
"La, Reinhardt... that. Stop it..."
In the end, Ludwig and Scarle ripped me apart. Gley le the auditorium
with Richard Howlman, who was very angry because he thought Amorel
would buy something like this.
We weren't the only ones in the audience. Everyone else was looking at me
like some crazy dog.
Where did you roll and eat in a regular class?
Is the sheepdog rubbing on me?
I mean, the toughness is also a royal level.
“… Reinhardt, I really do. Some mes I don't understand why you do this
In the end, I heard a word from Ludwig, the sincerity.
I'm really glad that I'm in the same class as Reinhardt..."
Scarle sighed.
rested well
Everything went as expected.
Un l the finals of each group, there is no change
Scarle , Ludwig, and Gley were advanced by Amorell, and the first-year
tournament each had only the final match of the day ahead.
If it's a variable, it's that my magic enhancement gnaws at my condi on.
2nd place in the group final of 3 out of 5
Even a er winning, his condi on deteriorated in the last 3 rounds
If I vomit and fall because of this, it is my defeat.
- Wow!
The reac on from the audience was hot because there were only matches
le by some players.
Of course, I s ll don't know what the hell is this
I don't know if it's funny
A rich man wearing full-body armor shoots laser beams from his hands
while flying in the sky.
It's so much fun for a person who grew up watching
I mean, there's nothing to enjoy.
This world is a barren land of culture.
In order to create splendor, superman and superman
It should be a match between them, but the 1st year tournament is not like
Unlimited level tournaments
There will be many spectacular sights.
A er all, the last duel of the day.
I watch Richard Howlman standing far away across from me in the
see. He was looking at me with scorching eyes that seemed to eat me.
I keep wearing it so much that I think it's a bit harsh
Why did you put
To be honest, I just do it, but it was just to see that expression.
If your partner loses his temper easily and gets excited, you shouldn't do
Because there's no reason to do it.
It is best to win without using Mana Enhancement.
If you can create an overwhelming weight difference by strengthening your
horsepower, you don't have to worry about this, but now I don't want to
use horsepower enhancement.
If so, you must clearly recognize the difference between you and your
opponent and engage in ba le.
My armament is a long sword...
The longsword itself is already a two-handed sword, but it is not to the
extent that it cannot be used with one hand. Therefore, it can be used with
one hand or with both hands.
The blade length is about 1 meter.
But, as tall as an emi er, Lee
Chad Howlman's armament is o en Zwei.
A two-handed sword, also called a Hander.
The length of the two-handed sword is about 1.8 mm.
place. equal to my height.
A weapon that is superior to my armament in reach and weight.
Since it is an overly long sword, it is difficult to balance the weight when
stabbing, so his weapon has a Ricasso that can be wielded while holding
the guard. It has an extension handle, so to speak, and a second guard
made to defend the ricasso, Parrying Hooks.
It looks like a regular sword with handles and guards added one by one.
It is a sword with a long structure.
Judging from that guy's physical, it seems that he can handle that great
sword with one hand to some extent.
In terms of a ack distance and height, he has the upper hand.
In the duel with Lilka Aaron, he won
Soup Because of his small height, he only kicks
Like I had no choice but to go home. Richie
The weight class itself is this
The U.S. decides whether or not to use it once.
You have to admit it and go in.
The opponent has an advantage in the minimum condi ons.
But when did I only have an advantageous fight?
A monstrous bastard with a monstrous sword
is, in the end, any opponent I've been through
It's obviously weaker than the others.
It's only 8 rivers.
I got stronger, but in the end I realized that I'm not perfect and I can't be
The penalty of having to fight with one of my most important forces sealed
only exist
In the semi-finals or finals if you use magic enhancement.
Now is not the me.
-From now on, Gradias Temple Toner
Men's Quarterfinals! Royal Class Line Ha
Let's start the showdown between Ruth and Richard Howlman of the
Irazon class!
- Wow!
- Reinhardt! Stay strong!
I hear Olivia's cry faintly
- Reinhardt!
Even a voice I thought would never be heard was added.
| Even though the showdown has begun, I'm surprised
I had no choice but to turn my head.
Ellen was shou ng with her trumpets in her hands.
- Win!
I didn't know Ellen would do that, so she was astonished not only to me,
but also to Harriet and Liana, who were si ng next to her.
I only cried once.
But everyone who knows Ellen knows that it is a very rare sight for her to
do that. That's why they're not surprised. Olivia, too, was watching Ellen
screaming, startled right next to her.
She would do what Ellen wouldn't do, and she would do something she
didn't expect.
Ellen looks at me and shouts.
- If you don't win, I'll scold you!
Most of all, I was surprised.
I didn't write an autobiography.
It's not like the condi on has improved.
Oddly enough...
My hands stopped shaking.
Up un l now, I've been expec ng everything to be self-sugges ve.
When I believe in myself, it has changed, and it has developed me up un l
now. It was from that power that I had a power that I couldn't have.
But this me, it's from there
I never do that.
As much as this me, the superpowers, the supremacy, and Kihyun
It's not an award, nor is it an enhancement of magic power.
All tremors stopped at the one word of Ellen's cry.
That shouldn't make anything be er, but a word of cheer can cause the
damage caused by the instability of the magic circuit.
The broken balance of the body cannot be restored.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 291

The great sword, Zweihander, slams down towards me.
- Kagak!
I took the guy's sword with my sword and let it flow, twis ng the sword
and leaving the outside.
A er that, he switched to a half-swording posture and stabbed it towards
the nape of his neck.
If you're a clumsy guy, you've already allowed modern beauty here and
that's it.
However, the opponent is also a dirty-tempered guy, and although he is
excited, he is a guy who doesn't use the word clumsy as much as his skills.
As I pushed the flowing sword up at an angle again, I hung my blade on
Zweihander's parring hook and pushed it away.
In terms of the weight of the weapon itself, it is foolish to push the sword
further in a situa on where it is pushed in a power ba le.
I drew the sword at an angle,
widened the li Howlman sleeps quickly
change the tax
- Kaang! Kagak! Get a card!!
There were several more check-and-defense ba les.
He keeps his distance and uses his long reach to keep him in check. It's
good if it goes through, and there's no risk if it doesn't.
He sees no reason not to take advantage of his overwhelming advantage.
So he's just doing his best.
The long side always has priority, and the short side has to bear the
disadvantage of having to dig into it.
That's why, when using swords, figh ng with spear-wielding guys is terribly
annoying. I too, the guys who used spears in the preliminary round just
physically pressed them down.
It is difficult to see that it was suppressed by force.
In this case, the opponent's armament was not a spear, but the difference
in reach was serious.
And another one.
- Kaang!
Even in his black weight, my sword and
There is a marked difference.
Therefore, the limit of the weight on the p of the sword
had to be different.
It's a difficult weapon to handle, but if you can handle it well, it's like a
blunt weapon. And my nigga can handle Zweihander
He had curls and physical condi on.
| “Why is it that you act like you’re going to chew on your tongue, and then
it doesn’t work out when you deal with it?”
Richard Howlman laughs at me with a fishy smile.
In the eyes of others, I had no choice but to appear to be being pushed,
So I was right to be pushed.
“While slurping broth in the sacred duel, the bullshit is wiping away sweat
“..... ᄒᄒ”
Even though he was smiling, I could feel his impa ence.
No ma er how good the physical, I
The weight of the gun armament is considerable.
He must have been training a lot, but in the end, close combat consumes a
lot of mental strength and energy.
This is different from simple exercise.
As long as the precondi on of figh ng is a ached, ba le fa gue occurs.
He said he had priority
It uses its priority and con nues to a ack.
It means taking a stance.
In the end, I just accepted the situa on without priority due to the rich
difference and calmly backed away.
get red
If I see a gap, I'll bite you.
Since we are not all Ludwigs, our stamina is not infinite.
He's nervous, and I see a gap.
If the disadvantage that comes from the difference is unavoidable, there is
no choice but to use the penalty it has.
- Kang! Kaang! Kang!
I calmly back down, some mes on the side
Turns around and induces his a acks
hurry up
A li le
Be a li le more hasty
I back away as if luring, and induce the gnome's a ack.
The guy is holding a long sword, his right hand holding his handle, and his
le hand holding a li kasso, stabbing in the reverse direc on.
Although it is a short grip, it is a two-handed sword with a monster-like
length in the first place. Even if I listen like that, the reach is much longer
than my armament.
Basically, the counter stab is a form of shoo ng from top to bo om rather
than stabbing forward.
The wider the distance between the two hands holding the sword, the
easier it is to balance the weight, and the stronger the force it can apply.
In order to receive that sword, it inevitably has to be in the form of a slash,
but my guy is actually applying force in the way of half-swording, and I
To counter the tap, you have to raise and push in the same way as half-
But his sword has a paring hook
and it's not on my sword.
Then I win the power ba le. Even so, the paring hook on that guy's sword
blocks my sword, but if I push it, the sword slips and my hand holding the
er in the middle of the sword gets cut by that guy's sword.
difference in armament.
With that, no choice is possible
and some op ons become possible.
It is difficult to push or bounce off the balance of power with that
reciprocal stab that holds the sword long. If I clumsily face the sword, I will
be pushed back.
Stab the bastard's counter-reciprocal.
This thinking judgment, star ng from that one, occurs almost
from one to ten.
There were things I learned in class, but it was thanks to Ellen that I really
Ellen can use various armaments.
As she stood, she gave instruc ons on how to a ack and how to defend
against a number of armed forces.
In this situa on, go for that kind of slap
Black s ng, the statue with that armament
Countering the Dae with half-swording
it's suicide
For a brief moment, judgment comes from the body, not the head.
embodied memory.
Should I call it a spinal reflex?
A er a lot of prac ce and training, I can't draw conclusions from thinking.
no. I've bumped into it so many mes that my body has reached a point
where it's pulling out the memories.
Of all my things, this
It is the product of effort.
Breaks, rolls, beats and falls countless mes
The memory of this body that my body remembers even if I hate it while
being beaten is the only thing I gained through my sweat.
it's free to do
this is not cheat
According to the general knowledge gained through Ellen, in a situa on
with such an armed difference,
A slam with such a powerful force should be avoided, not pushed.
Neither this guy nor I ended up spending me at Heturu Temple, so there
is no reason to ignore each other before figh ng for each other.
He wouldn't even think this a ack would work.
Clearly, he has his own calcula ons in his head. In the end, this kind of fight
is a ba le between body and body, but it is also a ba le of numbers.
Assuming I'm avoiding the s nging stab, I made it dodge, and then the
situa on
may be designing a different deriva ve a ack.
If I dodge to the side, back
If you dodge with
They must be designing deriva ve a acks such as instantaneously
switching stabs or cu ng by turning the direc on of the swordsman.
During the brief me that the sword was struck, he made such a design,
and I made a design to destroy it.
The important thing.
Under normal circumstances, under normal judgment, it is best to avoid in
this situa on.
That's the right decision.
I make decisions that I shouldn't.
He said I wouldn't be able to come out
thought of that judgment.
It sca ers all his designs.
I raise the sword that slams it down. In a situa on where the weight, the
richness, and the opponent's physical are all superior to me, I
put the worst
Under normal circumstances, it would be the worst number, but
I am not common
I put all my power into one single sword strike.
One blow.
- Zhao!
I am a superpower
Being able to do something more than general is also definitely my
A er taking off Bom's two-handed sword with the explosive power it
suddenly exerted, I stab the sword I grabbed with a half-sword into his
open chest and into the nape of his neck.
- Flash!
With the sword that he didn't expect to be li ed, Richard Howlman, who
opened his eyes, was reversed by the recall ar fact.
turned out to be
cri cal success.
-1 set! Reinhard-kun took it
it's my victory
3 out of 5 wins.
Total of 3 wins and 0 losses.
-Royal class Reinhardt's 1st year tournament final group A match
It ends with a hand !!
- Wow!
I'm in the tournament hall a er the reverse summons
Richard Howlman was staring quietly.
That guy doesn't know I'm a superpower.
And, since this isn't a boy's cartoon, I didn't even bother explaining to him
that I'm actually a superpower and how his powers are in every word.
So he must have thought I was doing some weird trick.
Of course, in previous duels, all superpowers were being used. However, I
It was just that he was not using the one-point concentra on of the named
self-sugges on, skill.
In the end, a fight is just one break
To bring defeat, I
He took his a ack normally, and he exploded his power for a moment.
I just s ck with a momentary gap and go in
it will be
He didn't even know what had happened to him. You will feel possessed by
a demon. He thinks he has a clear grasp of the opponent's capabili es, but
Incredibly strong power in an instant
Because it would have looked like it was
“You… you did something… obviously a foul…”
Richard Howlman mu ered like a spit.
I didn't have to explain it to him.
“In the end, the lack of informa on about the other person is also your
If that guy is a foul or something, there's no such thing as a ban on psychics
anyway, so it's useless to do it.
already won
So, I have no inten on of raising the drug or provoking it.
All that's le for me is to win the finals in Group A.
He succeeded in achieving it by minimizing the use of mana enhancement.
Even though my duel was bland in this way and that, I con nued my
undefeated streak with no goals in the set.
was going The cheers of the audience were warm.
I was a li le nervous at first, but I've been through it a few mes and I'll
keep an eye on you
Although it was not pleasant to the eyes of many people, it was not
par cularly terrifying.
There were a lot of people in the audience watching me.
I was there watching people who would have hoped for my victory.
Semifinals, and you win there.
if final.
Now, there are two le .
All the remaining games were exhausted.
Gley and Amorel, like me, had a best 3 win, and set no goals.
Ludwig won 3-2 at the end of a close match.
Scarle went to two wins first, then conceded a set and finished with three
wins and one loss.
In the end, even though the set scores were different, the people I
expected made it to the finals.
Royal class, Orbis class, and finally special class It's all gone up.
A er the first year finals are over,
A break will be given and the spectators will
He would either take a break or remain there.
In addi on, the bracket for the quarterfinals was decided immediately.
I made eye contact with Scarle .
“Ah… Reinhardt.”
“…well, that’s it.”
Scarle and I.
“I said Ludwig. Please.”
"me too!"
Gladen Amorell and Ludwig.
The semi-final draw was decided as follows.
In the end, they are all difficult opponents, so I only thought that in the
end, whoever gets caught is one thing. Magic enhancement is the key to
this ba le.
It depends on when you use that power that you can't use several mes,
and whether you can endure the a ereffects or not.
It will decide whether I win or not.
It's hard to know that tomorrow is the final
it was nice
I thought a week's fes val was long
However, in the end, there are numerous schedules, so those who
par cipate in anything are on a ght schedule.
have to suffer
It's not over when the finals are over.
Regardless of whether I win or not, I have to go to the women's dress-up
contest on Wednesday.
“Reinhardt. Why are you?"
"No, just."
As I suddenly lost my expression, Ludwig and Scarle looked at my
“Everyone worked hard!”
When we le the stadium to go back to the dorm, Charlo e greeted us.
All Class B members including Charlo e.
And most of the class A.
Ren and Harriet didn't say much, but emo ons were already felt on their
“Oh, I just thought I would go out. I was able to lay them all down with a
Liana was rubbing her ear canal and making a nonsensical noise.
As it turns out, everyone was there except for Bertus.
Heinrich and Cliff Mann were among the three arrogant brothers.
No, but I saw Cliffman. Were you guys there too? Where have you been?
...presumably the mother who was si ng on the other side
It's a sheep, but I can't seem to find it.
There is Olivia Ranche and Erdina. She had previously confirmed that she
was a ached to the role of bodyguard.
There was even Saviolin Tana.
“Sister! Are you good at ssamjil now?”
“Is it okay to say you did a good job, do you really have to say that?”
“Hey, we’re hi ng each other like that.
If you don't go well, then that's more than that
You did!”
Li le Redina groaned and grabbed my arm.
“We decided to go eat something delicious together! Let's all go!”
In both Class A and Class B, all par cipants are gathered in one place to
celebrate their success in the finals challenge.
It seemed
In the original story, Class A and Class B were in a compe ve rela onship,
arguing and bi ng on every occasion, and the rela onship was terribly bad.
Class A was one-sidedly tormen ng class B, but class B didn't like class A
But now, the two classes were all gathering and talking to each other, and
Jong Lee was asking to go somewhere to play for the day.
- You say you're going to an unlimited tournament?
- Oh, yes.
- You did well on your own, but it's amazing, don't you?
I heard it's been a long me since a law student par cipated.
-...You should be fine.
-Yeah, I heard that you're amazing.
- That, so?! by?
Harriet doesn't seem very close to Charlo e, whom he doesn't know much
about, but she was at the forefront and talking about this and that.
“Let’s go Reinhardt.”
Ludwig smiled and grabbed my arm.
Everyone was leading the way.
I sense myself, who has suddenly become a part of this landscape.
People and people who have changed because of me
see their rela onship

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 292

The first year of the Royal Class are all twenty-two
is a person
Without Bertus, they were all gathered together, so there were twenty-
Olivia Lanzee and Rdina,
Twenty-three, including Saviolin Tana.
Of course, for Olivia to be involved here, she herself was overzealous.
I guess she thought, she worked hard on my shoulder
pa ed and returned.
She didn't forget to say thank you for coming to Olivia on her way home.
Even though she and Ellen had a very bad rela onship, she stood beside
me and supported me. It was the same with Ellen.
Aside from the fact that the head is about to break
Naturally, she was grateful to Olivia.
‘Take care of your body, it’s good to win, but don’t get hurt. Noona, that’s
A er Olivia returned, she led a large group of twenty-two men and
Charlo e and us roamed the streets.
There were musicians playing in the street, there were performers,
The street was full of life.
| B-10, the musical talent Lanian Seso
He borrowed an instrument from the musicians on the streets of Rega and
performed a much more perfect performance, and passersby stopped and
Running around and doing this and that
how much was it
I couldn't even remember.
Of course, there was no me to play un l late at night. A er we get
together to eat, and a er walking around a bit, everyone is on their own.
The one who goes back to the dormitory because there are
and the le side of the street divided.
Charlo e will go around a bit more with some of the class B boys and
Violin Tana. was the shape
The one going back is me, Ludwig and Scarle , who have the final
tomorrow. And Lanian Sessor of musical talent.
And it was Harriet with the members of the Magic Research Society.
Suddenly, Ellen was walking next to me.
She thought she was heartbroken earlier when she suddenly shouted she
was so startled. Now, he was back to his usual tumbleweed.
“Body, are you okay?”
“Are you going to answer honestly or lie to tell me not to worry?”
Ellen stares at me at the nonsense.
It's been a long me since she's seen Ellen with her lips popping out, so
she's in a weird mood.
“Honestly, no problem.”
Difficulty in condi on is not a serious injury in the end, but an anxiety that
seems to make a difference at the decisive moment.
Richard Howlman kept pushing that one shot and never beat me
Like, it's a very important issue.
"Don't get hurt. Don't overdo it."
“It should be.”
Ellen and Olivia sound the same a er all
Harriet was walking away from each other, talking to the members of the
Magic Research Society.
From the Magic Research Society, this Harriot's
They seemed to be tying up their heads together to support unlimited
tournament appearances.
In par cular, it seems that Louis Ancton is struggling hard.
What did you achieve? It was most likely a result of which I was unaware.
Can Harriet win?
I think it will probably be difficult.
But already in the Unlimited Tournament Finals
It is already a huge achievement in itself. There is a possibility that we were
lucky in the match, but luck is only possible if our skills are backed up.
Maybe he felt my gaze, or while I was walking, I was concentra ng for a
long me.
lted his head.
“…No, do your best.”
“…Isn’t that what you need to hear now?”
The Unlimited Tournament s ll has some me le , and the final is
tomorrow. Harriet couldn't help but laugh for a while because it was
“I’ll do it.”
Harriet smiled warmly.
It's the first me I've seen him smile like that.
“So, you are good too.”
Not everyone is cheering for me, and not everyone wants me to win.
But there are people who want me to win.
At first, it was just started because of achievement points, but for some
reason, it is becoming irrelevant to its original purpose.
I wanted to win even if there was no special reward anymore.
As soon as they returned to the dormitory, Ellen, Liana, and Cliffman went
back and forth to prepare for the Miss and Mister Temple.
But Olivia didn't look that busy, but what the hell are you guys doing to be
so busy?
Of course, Harriet, who must have been busier, went to the Magic
Research Society's house instead of the dormitory.
|The three nerdy brothers and Heinrich are le to enjoy the fes val, and
the B class is also very small except for those who made it to the
There were no remnants of
It's a fes val. Of course, we had a lot of fun, but there was s ll a lot of sun
le .
“It’s subtly sluggish.”
I was about to enter the room and change into my workout clothes, when
Ludwig, who was si ng in the lobby of the dormitory, spoke to me.
“…I didn’t get into the B-class dormitory by mistake, did I? I s ll can't tell
the difference between the right and the le , can I?"
what are you doing here
Of course, the line division between Class A and Class B is this
Without me, it doesn't seem to ma er
However, Ludwig stood up.
“I’m a li le anxious.”
“Honestly, no ma er how much I think about it, I think Gladen is stronger
than me.”
There was no expression of fear or fright in Ludwig's face. But is there an
anxiety lurking in that expression?
“So, can we prac ce together? Scarle said she's taking a break today.
by doing.”
Ludwig is a skinny guy with no measures
However, I haven't been involved with this guy any more than that. I don't
know if it's another character, but it's not very good for the main character.
It was because I didn't want to smell it.
But it cannot always be avoided.
“What is it? I didn’t even have anything to do.”
All injuries can be healed by the on-call priest if you do not use magic
So there was no reason to refuse.
- Kang! Kaang! Kagak!
Ludwig took a few deep breaths and scratched his head.
“No ma er what you do.”
Mana enhancement was not used, only self-sugges on was used.
He fought about ten mes, and the result was
It was my legacy.
The rank of his self-sugges on is A. Clearly, a superpower that has reached
a higher level.
Since the higher-level ability, the Word Spirit, has been derived, there will
be obvious limita ons to self-sugges on. But in the end, the superpower is
As for my abili es, my considerably strengthened abili es were enough to
deal with Ludwig.
The conclusion was clear.
If Ludwig comes to the finals, I will definitely win. There's no need to
upgrade your magic power.
“Damn it… I’m red… it’s my side…”
But it was me who won, but it was also me who was red.
This guy whose physical strength has taken S rank or higher con nues to
lose in the matchmaking itself, but
My power was running out.
What is this, I feel like I lost.
“Let’s get some rest.”
“Whoa… yes.”
My stamina is not weak, but Ludby
Since his hip stamina was so monstrous, he prac ced match-ups while
gradually adjus ng.
Maybe it was because it was a fes val, so the dormitory was empty and in
the first place, only Cliffman and Ellen come to the A-class gymnasium.
I had a lot of me, so I used my sword for several hours.
Not only was I exhausted during the confronta on, but Ludwig was also
swea ng profusely.
was about to go
It was about the me when I was about to stop now because I had passed
the me and was physically at my limit.
“I will lose?”
Ludwig mu ered as he hung the lily sword on the cradle.
It doesn't look weak.
In the ba le against Amorel, Gley only knew intui vely that his victory was
He knows he will lose, but he won't give up. Ludwig is that kind of guy.
I look at Ludwig and wipe the sweat with the towel hanging from his chair.
“I will.”
I have no inten on of denying it.
As for Gley, Amorel's skills are more than Ludwig's, and Scarle 's is be er
than mine. I can only deal with him with the variables of superpowers and
mana enhancement.
Before that, there will be a prerequisite to successfully win the semi-final
against Scarle .
Ludwig opened the window of the auditorium.
The cold winter wind blew in, but I was swea ng profusely.
Rather, it didn't feel bad.
“Reinhardt, I have a ques on for you.”
Ludwig looks out the window and says with his back to me.
It was the first me I saw a serious face of a guy who was always bright and
“Did you fight even though you knew you were going to lose?”
......Yes it was."
"But, you've won everything."
Ludwig looks at the darkness of the temple in the dark and winter has
I am the protagonist of some very strange things. I bumped into a fight that
I couldn't win knowing that I couldn't win, but I won everything.
In just one year, everyone has come to admit that an F-class nerd is the
strongest contender for the first-year tournament.
I hit a rock with an egg, but it's always a rock
Cracking eggs.
That was me.
“How do you think it could have been?”
Ludwig is curious about the secret
It was like
I wouldn't be asking about superpowers, magic enhancement, or countless
coincidences. Not that I have any doubts about the cheats I have.
“You have to believe it.”
“Do you believe it?”
In the end, I don't have much to say, so I end up talking about my
superpowers. Of course Ludwig knew that.
self-sugges on.
“You will lose, you will have to lose, but you have to believe.”
“Can you win?”
I also put my water lily sword in the cradle, leaned my back against it, and
folded my arms. “I will lose, but rather than work hard, I will win no ma er
You have to believe you will win.”
“What if we lose in the end?”
“What does that ma er?”
The result doesn't ma er.
“I will do my best even if I lose, but it’s like an excuse prepared for defeat.
S ll, I worked hard.
I'll do be er next me. Aren't you making a corner in advance for the
defeated one to escape?"
A er returning from Darkland, I have lived with that mindset for a while.
I can't say that I don't have that feeling even now. But you know what is
Possibility even in the moment when there is no possibility have to believe
Only then, you can grab the slightest possibility the moment you see it.
Even if you lose, it's not a sugges on to yourself that you'll work hard, it's
just for self-consola on.
My ability isn't like that, it's self-cancer.
I'm not in the past tense of hard work, I'm in the future tense of winning.
should be described as
Not judging the past, but the future
how to cut,
That's what made me who I am today.
“I thought it would be be er to believe that I'm going to win anyway,
rather than preparing excuses to create a corner like that. Just, is there
anything else like that?”
Of course, Ludwig is not a superpower. Even if you accept what I say,
nothing will change.
"Run away... Yeah, that's it. I... did it. Saying you worked hard isn't
enough... Yeah."
Ludwig closed the window and turned his head.
will lose,
Gley can't win against Amorel, but
“See you in the final. Reinhardt.”
Ludwig clearly said so.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 293

“Reinhardt? When I heard the dog, he said he was a superpower?”
“It’s a foul, that’s it!” "Are you screaming now?"
"Oh, no. That. That... I'm sorry."
Richard Howlman shouted and
He bowed his head in his son's fishing boat.
Richard, who did not win even a single set in the quarterfinals, was very
angry. When the opponent even strengthens his magic power
He already sensed defeat.
but the other side didn't even use it
Pushed by some strange power, I keep trying
There was a gap that wasn't there, and I lost because of it.
Lack of informa on about the other party is also a mistake.
So I looked it up and found out what, Reinhar
To begin with, he was a superpower.
That's unfair.
Why is it that he, who has been training honestly and swea ng, is so
absurd and absurd?
had to lose to
Richard Howlman was grinding his teeth with his eyes wide open.
Even if it wasn't for my superpowers, I won. could be trampled But such
excuses were of no use.
Richard Howlman was now in the dormitory of the Erazon class, one of the
regular classes.
Gathering are his classmates
There were also ships.
No ma er how much the temple, it was a fes val period, so it was quite lax
in various aspects, so they
was si ng in one dormitory room and having a drink.
Compared to the Royal Class, it is richer in many ways.
It's enough, but it's too much because it's a temple in the end
It was a space that wasn't cramped.
Even if I pretend to be, I live a temple life faithfully
was the class of students who did not appear to be dead.
The senior, who seemed to be the place of the mee ng, would have
become today's hero if he did well, but eventually met a variable called
Reinhardt and poured soju into the glass of Richard Howlman, who
became today's loser.
- Jorre...
“Anyway, are you going to keep your promise?”
“Ah, that… hey, promise?”
"If you don't make it to the quarterfinals, I'm going to a women's dress-up
Did you decide to go?”
The reason why women's dress-up contests are always strangely
It's a penalty like this between people you know
Because it's wri en as a game. This is because they are always full of
par cipants to do something similar to a guillo ne match among
themselves, and to ridicule the loser as they see it.
Those who are ridiculed, those who are ridiculed.
Therefore, the contestants
They are usually forced to par cipate in this way
there is bound to be
Apparently, not long ago, Richard Howlman accepted the bet his senior had
placed. He's full of confidence.
Of course, he never thought it would turn out like this.
His overconfidence can only lead to anger.
Richard Howlman's complexion became contempla ve.
“Oh no! That, why did I do that?”
“I said that if you make it to the quarterfinals, I will go to the women’s
janitor’s tournament? Were you in that class? Hey, has anyone here heard
of that? Raise your hand if you can.”
Everyone began to put up with extreme laughter.
Even if Richard Howlman's personality is half-hearted, he doesn't have the
guts to touch a senior, but he's half-baked enough to put a fist in the face
of a smirk here.
"Ah, ah-senpai. I will do everything I ask you to do, so please..."
“Go to the women’s costume contest. I don't want anything from you other
than that, bastard."
The senior drank the soju at once, and then, huh. and exhaled. While
Richard is at a loss, one of the first-year students sipping soju is careful.
Leh mu ered.
“Well, wouldn’t the applica on period for that be over?”
It took a while for Richard's complexion to get be er.
“Do I not know that? Hey, you can apply for that one hour before the
compe on.”
There was no way out in the first place.
The seniors giggled, and all the other seniors were dressed as women in 2-
meter-class human tanks.
Everyone seemed to enjoy it as they were already imagining it.
“Hey, this would have been a disaster if you had won this! I was really
trying to get out? know?"
in the first place.
The general class is the special class
The seniors already knew that it was impossible to advance to the
quarterfinals in a tournament that was obvious.
'Reinhardt....this dog-like con ar st
Richard Howlmann was burning his hatred for Reinhardt, but he never
dreamed that he would meet again in a few days.
The second day of the fes val.
It is the day of the tournament finals for each grade level, and of course it
is far from the 1st grade compe on.
I was supposed to start
Yesterday was also the finals, but in the end, the net exhaus on is today.
So the audience was much more today than yesterday, literally
The audience was going crazy.
Maybe it's not to drive me crazy, today the kids just le me alone. But
everyone will be si ng somewhere in the audience. Not only me, but
And I made my way to Ludwig, so yesterday
All 1st year rum royal class seats
would be si ng on
A er all, it is a product of royal class or Orbis class or eli sm. Does the fact
that there is not a single person from the general class in the strongest
autobiography means that eli sm is right in the end?
I don't know about that.
In the final, Gley is likely to meet Amorel. Ludwig seemed to be
determined, but it is only in special cases like me that the will becomes
If you use Magic Power against Scarle , you'll have to use Magic Power on
Gladen Amorell in the upcoming final.
For me, who is vulnerable to con nuous ba le, that is the worst situa on.
Even if you faint, you will be disqualified.
So you can't make a fuss. Tournaments end up earning achievement points
It's for, and ul mately, I want to be strong.
There's nothing more devasta ng than that when you get an irreversible
level of internal damage while trying to earn achievement points.
I'm never in an advantage. You are holding a powerful weapon called a
double-edged sword, but if you use it incorrectly, you will win the
championship and even suffer internal injuries.
The semi-finals of the first-year tournament under such circumstances, the
first match.
-With Reinhardt, 1st year Royal Class
Similarly, the semifinal match of the first year of the Royal Class Scarle .
Start now!
- Wow!
With a shout, I have red hair and red eyes
I was standing opposite the girl.
The armament is a long sword with the same style as mine. However, the
sword is a li le shorter and lighter than mine. However, the rich difference
is not so significant.
I didn't prac ce very o en with Scarle , but during this semester, I took
the same swordsmanship class.
I prac ced quite a bit while listening to it.
Scarle is fast and agile, and uses a swordsmanship based on her excellent
she buys I don't want to fight for strength
He is on the good side, and with his excellent technique, he bleeds out the
opponent's sword, or through the movement of his wrist, he instantly
reverses the sword and pokes the opponent's loopholes.
Based on solid basics,
Predict the sword and put a counter there
It a acks like it's in.
That is absolutely lacking for me.
Since El Ren, who is capable of everything from basic to applica on, told
me just to summarize the main points, my skills themselves are not bad
now, but in the end I started from the bo om up.
It wasn't built up slowly.
A er all, I am a student who only learned how to solve problems. In this
situa on like this
Conclusion rather than theory
have been learning
On the other hand, Scarle understood her theory perfectly, so she could
build on it.
I can understand all the problems.
The absolute difference in me invested in swordsmanship
The problem stems from this. so
In the first place, I am not a person who should be standing here.
If it wasn't for Ellen, if it wasn't for my superpowers, if it wasn't for magic
enhancement, I wouldn't be in this posi on.
But in the end I'm standing here
So, in my actual skill level,
Scarle dominates
have to deal with
Among the two main heroines in the original
I have been bullied for being one and unlucky
Dunn Scarle , a lot of the parts where he wasn't confident now had
In the original, Ludwig.
For now, Charlo e led Scarle .
That red haired girl looking at me
Scarle opened her mouth first before a acking.
The audience doesn't hear our conversa on.
“You are my idol.”
I couldn't help but panic at the sudden sound.
But it's not that I don't understand
It was.
Scarle and I, a er all, had backgrounds from the same street.
“I was afraid to get kicked out of the temple, but you were always proud of
what it was.”
Come to think of it, Scarle said I was in 3rd grade.
She was there to watch it when she was duel with May Arton.
It was a me when there was no contact or rela onship with Scarle .
Even that was a duel in an A-class dormitory. Scarle , who was being
bullied at the me, had watched my duel to the end, even though Erhi had
no ced her.
A er that, she con nued to have li le contact with Scarle , but she knew
at least that he had something of a favour.
Even when I was injured, he would come to the hospital and briefly talk
about various things.
It was a different feeling than liking me. While passing by in various places,
talking about trivial things.
I had a gut feeling that Scarle meant me in some way.
Was that the name of an idol?
“I thought while looking at you.”
“I am weak, not because I was weak, but because I am weak.
that it is.”
“You can do that, you can do that, you don’t get kicked out even if you do
that, no, you don’t even get kicked out. That's it. It doesn’t ma er though.”
“Not everyone likes you.
But not everyone hates you
It will not.”
“If you live a life that is only proud of yourself, you can get something from
that alone, and even if you hate a lot of people, it’s okay to live by doing
things that will make everyone hate you.
I see. But not everyone hates you, and some like you.”
“Just as it is impossible to make everyone like me, it is also impossible to
make everyone hate me. I knew when I saw you.”
“I’ve been trying to change since I saw you. Very It can't change much, but
I'm trying to change li le by li le
yo. This. Because you can do it too. I thought I could do it, I should be able
to do it.”
She thought it was Charlo e who changed Scarle .
But, it wasn't.
Scarle and I didn't have any contact, but you can look at me and live like
me. realized that
So it was changing.
Scarle she went to Miss Temple, now
She competed in her freshman year tournament.
A er all, both are trying to prove themselves in some way.
Scarle tries to prove something about her.
"sorry. This wasn't the place to have a conversa on. But, I really wanted to
tell you.”
Scarle went to the tournament, she went to be my opponent in this spot
She thought it might be because she had a purpose.
She said, “Because I can be your opponent here. I consider it an honor.”
Unbeknownst to me, I had become Scarlet's idol.
She says Scarle points her sword at me.
Contrary to the tone of her tone, which she had been speaking kindly un l
now, Scarle 's eyes subsided and her expression hardened.
“I will do my best.”
As the inaudible introduc on lengthened, the murmuring audience saw
Scarle take a step forward.
When she let go, she regained her silence.
Scarle 's momentum to do her best was completely different un l now.
She is different from the one she encountered during prac ce matches.
This is the main stadium.
A place where you can a ack with the momentum to kill your opponent.
Soon, it is a place where you can subdue your opponent by pouring
everything you have.
“That would be a courtesy to you.”
Scarle .
眞紅) runs towards me.
A girl in scarlet (
While nigga run to me, that red
I could feel her silver eyes hi ng me as if drawing her trajectory in the air.
- Kaang!

“ !”
With the immense pressure I felt in my grasp, I felt an extreme sense of
aliena on.
self-sugges on.
doesn't trigger
“My superpowers are of no use to me.”
Scarle is not a superpower.
However, it cannot be said that she is not a superpower.
This guy's talent is obviously superpowers and
because it is also related.
Crimson Swordsman, Scarle .
Her talent is immunity.
In the original, his nickname is Spellbreaker.
Magic and superpowers don't work on him
does not
Scarle 's nickname as a witch is absurd in the first place.
Scarle is basically a guy who can take all kinds of mental magic as well as
a ack magic with her bare body and it's okay.
Even in the case of her super powers, she nullifies all of them.
It is nonsense in the first place that Scarle 's nickname is a witch, as she
has an extreme resistance to magic.
Of course, she is not a body that is completely immune to magic. If it did, it
would also neutralize the barrier magic of this stadium. Adjustable drag.
If you push it to the limit, you will only become immune.
It is clear that resistance is
training is possible
However, there are only two people in this world who have resistance to
super powers.
One is Ellen Artorius, who has a psychic resistance, followed by Scarle .
And the resistance ability itself is overwhelming for Scarle .
So Scarle 's talent grows.
do not lose Where is the room for growth of immunity-level an -magic and
Is there
I did that, but, obviously, I grew up.
I keep my distance from Scarle with a firm expression.
Self-sugges on affects others
It is not the ability to influence myself.
However, it is not that I am not a acking Scarlet, but that self-sugges on, a
power that strengthens myself, does not ac vate, Scarlet.
Let's ability resistance also affects the surrounding area.
It would mean going crazy.
No ma er how high your resistance, the only thing you can resist is a spell
cast against you.
There's nothing that can prevent a wizard from cas ng a spell on the
Scarle can influence the superpowers that are being prac ced around her
now. I don't know if it's even possible with magic, but it's clear that I
blocked the ac va on of my own self-sugges on.
Scarle 's talent goes even further than in her original work.
The reason is probably me.
I don't know how it's affected, but Scarle has definitely changed.
It was not that I was figh ng against each other as if I was prac cing as
usual, but that I was going to use my talents to defeat me.
What does it mean to do your best?
Was the reason you didn't use this ability in prac ce with me un l now,
was it purely because you respected me?
- Kaang! Kang! Kagak!
Super powers sealed.
“You can’t use magic enhancement without the aid of super powers.”
- Kang!
Soon, you will have to get the assistance of self-sugges on
Mana enhancement that can be used was also blocked.
Gley is neither Amorel nor Ludwig.
Scarle was my nemesis.
In this posi on, Scarle 's talent is useless to anyone.
Scarle 's talent works only for me.
perform overkill
Scarle , Gley may lose to Amorel, I may Gley beat Amorel,
Scarle can have an overwhelming advantage over me.
- Kang! Kang! Kagak!
Even if it is possible to manage scarle 's raging sword while retrea ng, the
body remembers the things that should be called incorrect notes, even if it
is not the basic skills that have been accumulated so far.
because there is
You have to defeat Scarle with pure skill.
But is that possible?
Although the amount of me my opponent has accumulated and mine are
qualita vely different, in terms of quan ty, Scarle is overwhelming.
Self-sugges on soon became a part of me. Now that it's gone from ba le,
I'm on one arm and one leg
I felt lost.
I didn't know how to use it like my own body, but now that it is blocked, I
feel extremely helpless and empty.
Self-sugges on takes most of my helplessness
was occupied
I don't have superpowers, I'm like this
wasn't comfortable
Scarle shoved my sword up and threw it away, twis ng the blade and
using it
ripped my neck down
- Pot!
reverse summons.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 294
- Whoa!
There was cheering in the audience, but yesterday
Some of the spectators who had been watching the tournament for a long
me were bewildered.
"what! Why did Reinhardt lose?”
Olivia Ranche shrieked as if she didn't understand.
Most of the Royal Class audiences reacted like that. Even the B-class was
like that.
I hope Reinhardt, who has been on an undefeated streak, backs down,
embarrassed by Scarle .
Blessed, he was only pushed out and conceded the first set.
Not only could he not use mana enhancement, he was just pushed out of
his control. Of course, Scarle 's sword a ack was flashy and quick, and it
was true that he accurately caught the gap.
Reinhardt is strangely helpless
Everyone in this place knows things are going a li le weird, but they don't
know what's specifically wrong.
there was
"I can't use my superpowers."
Except for Ellen,
“I can’t use my superpowers.”
Others don't know, but Ellen knows.
She has shared her sword with Reinhardt so damn much, Ellen knows
everything about Reinhardt's sword. When to use and when not to use a
psychic power, and un l the power of temporary reinforcement is used
while using a psychic power. Ellen knew it all in detail.
So she could tell Ellen that now Reinhardt is somehow unable to use the
power of self-sugges on at all.
“Why can’t I write?”
"I do not know."
It was Harriet who opened her mouth to Ellen's words.
"That... As far as I know, he's said that his ability is immune. Could it have
something to do with that?"
For class B work, Ellen is a star.
She wasn't interested, but Harriet knew because of her magic study group.
Immunity is very unique, but depending on the circumstances
very strong talent.
Ellen nodded her head when she said that it might be exercising her power.
“Then, you mean that Reinhardt can disable his superpowers…”
“What is that! Reinhardt has superpowers, but if you can't use it, it's a
Olivia was upbeat, and everyone was already
Being a superpower is already a foul enough
No, she didn't talk.
That senior, who is on the bizarre side of Reinhardt, now knows that he is a
great person who will defend Reinhardt no ma er what he has done, even
with a reason.
He's a red yangban to say the least, so it's best to just let him run wild on
his own.
One conclusion.
A bizarre talent called immunity.
That is exer ng an absolute influence on Reinhardt.
The story I heard from across the street
Violin Tana on the pitch for the 2nd set
He was looking at Reinhardt who had been summoned again.
Charlo e was watching over Scarle and Reinhardt.
Scarle , Reinhardt.
Both have different meanings to them, but they are precious people.
If your mind leans to one side, everything
They are the ones who feel sorry for the other.
But this me the opponent is bad.
“What will happen?”
Sabi Olin Tana shook her head at Charlo e's ques on.
“It must be difficult for Reinhardt.”
Sabi Olin Tana doesn't know much about Reinhardt's super powers, but she
said that as a result, if she couldn't even use magic enhancement, the win
or loss was clear.
'I don't know if I can summon Tiamata.
But it is something that cannot be easily shown.
Xaviolin Tana is Reinhardt's hand
She foretold the ship.
If Scarle had fallen from another group in the championship, or the
quarterfinals, she could have predicted the win.
As a result,
Reinhardt had a very bad run.
The next set was similar to the first set, and in the end, I had no choice but
to hand it over again.
-Current set score 2:0! If Scarle takes one more set, Scarle 's progress to
the finals is certain!
The presenter's voice rang in his ears ferociously.
The screen was flashing the calm Scarle and me with a tense expression
alternately. Scarle said she would do her best, and she was doing it.
I always did my best in prac ce, using my strength to the maximum.
Scarle has never used her powers against me un l now.
Scarle does her best in this place to show her respect or homage to me.
The words I couldn't help but shove up to my throat, but they didn't come
out of my mouth. I have my abili es and Scarle has Scarle 's abili es.
They just use each other.
Scarle is a bad loser
Don't laugh at me and don't worry about me.
Am I your idol?
I'm so weak in front of you
Why am I your idol?
Of course, I know I'm not talking about the skillful part, but in front of
Scarle 's expressionless expression, I couldn't find a way to break through
In the first place, he uses a tool called superpower to run against
opponents with a marked skill gap.
was over
Now that those tools were unavailable, there was no chance that I would
overwhelm Scarle .
He didn't think he'd be blocked in front of Scarle .
I never thought of the possibility that Scarle 's talent might block my
superpowers. It was impossible in the original work, so I thought that it
would not be possible here.
Taking Liana as an example, in the original story, if Liana’s lightning strikes
Scarle ,
It does no damage to Scarle .
Now, Liana is in front of Scarle .
She won't even be able to trigger a line blitz.
had to admit
I was arrogant.
I was thinking of the final a er Scarle , not Scarle .
But the reality is struggling here
I gave up two sets and now I'm defeated
had to take
There is no way to win.
A er all, my superpowers were mostly mine.
In the case of Scarle , the match was bad.
What you need to be reassured is that there is only one Scarle in the
world with that level of immunity.
A moment to ponder whether to accept the price of arrogance in the name
of defeat.
"Have you given up?"
The start of the third set has already been announced, but Scarle asks
without approaching.
“Is this because I just believed in a superpower that accidentally woke up
in the end? Is this because I’m an incompetent and humble person who
can’t do anything without magical powers or anything else without
Scarle says so quietly.
Does that mean you're insul ng me?
Are you laughing at me for making me feel pathe c, and saying that he is a
dog that runs away without a tail because he has no place to trust?
It didn't sound like that.
Scarle points her sword at me and says.
"When you fight a third grader, knowing that no one will help you, you
keep ge ng up, knowing you'll be in worse shape...
Scarle takes one step closer to me.
“I remember your eyes back then.”
what did i think then
It was a long me ago so I can't remember. However, there are mes when
other people remember what I experienced be er.
Scarle seemed like that.
It was a strong memory for me, but it seemed to be even more intense for
Scarle .
In a situa on where there were no horns or anything, and everyone was
hoping for my defeat, I got up and was beaten up, beaten up, flew away,
and I kept ge ng up while I was falling.
My side was nowhere.
S ll, I finally got up and gave Meia Turn a shot, and finally awakened my
Those eyes, of course, are my eyes, so I don't know
But Scarle remembered.
“Show me those eyes again.”
Scarle walks towards me slowly.
Not to hold my hand, my
The crab comes to aim the sword.
| Emo ons are inherently heterogeneous between the two
It tends to come and go.
Scarle was not important to me, but I was important to Scarle . I didn't
do anything to Scarle , but Scarle
took something from her. Through its meaning and effort to change, I
became a different person and gained different abili es.
got to have
That's why Scarle calls me an idol.
Scarle doesn't want me to give up here.
He did not want to see his idol running away without a tail saying that his
supernatural powers were finally sealed.
like back then
I want to see them clench their fists and get up and do something.
Scarle doesn't know me. just idolize me In the idol, Scarle has the image
she wants from me, and that is different from the real me.
Self-determining by expanding certain parts of me, deified in a sense.
Scarle wants something from me.
There is no reason for me to make that wish come true.
this is a compulsion
you can do it
So show me
Show me that I'm no match for you.
In Scarle 's calm, serene gaze, I see a strong wind that he desires from me.
Someone who wants to remain my hero forever, to become a greater
person and to remain in front of me...
The painful experiences of childhood twist people. Scarle could be an
excep on.
The memories of going back and forth on the street and the bullying in the
temple, Scarle twisted there, and came out of the swamp, but as she
came out, she would have had no choice but to give herself to a new twist.
Scarle sought salva on from me, not from Charlo e.
So, the na on that has found salva on wants beings to s ck to my way of
Like I always did, even though I knew it wasn't going to happen.
This me he himself became my ordeal,
I want to go beyond even this.
The powerful means of superpowers is powerless
Now that I am angry, I am not much different from the situa on I had in
Mayaton in the first semester.
Scarle took me back to my freshman year of recklessness.
like trying to get over it.
If I lose, I can't find the answer
if so what would happen
Will Scarle disappoint me?
If you're disappointed, what's next?
I can no longer be your idol
Are you desperate to know that you don't?
I have to take responsibility for all those feelings
No reason to do it. Scarle is crazy
They idolize me and test me.
However, I wish I had known the real reason Scarle entered the
It is only.
It wasn't to prove myself.
It was completely different from the original.
Scarle went to the tournament to prove that she wasn't herself, but me.
She knew she was her biggest nemesis, so she wanted to see me surpass
her, so she went.
She can't make all those wishes come true, and there's no reason why she
She never said she wants to be your idol, and she has no reason to be.
Scarle didn't get be er.
She said he didn't get be er, he changed.
She's a nigga who's lived a twisted life, she met me and twisted me in a
different way
she just lost it
Scarle .
I haven't been able to face him comfortably all the me.
Being bullied for having red hair and red eyes, I think, I am a vic m of this
bad se ng.
Every me we meet, the mistake I made
It feels uncomfortable to walk around in the room
And I felt weird. So when Charlo e took care of Scarle , her guilt eased a
She somehow got it done.
I felt a strange sense of guilt and relief as if someone else had solved my
Thinking that the original development could not be ruined, I didn't want
someone to solve the problem for me. Even though he knew it was an
evasion of responsibility, he might have just let it go.
But Scarle isn't actually Charlo e.
I was in the state of finding the answer on my side.
She said what would happen to her if Scarle couldn't idolize me anymore,
I don't know. But she's my idol Scarle gets along with everyone, she's on
her own
She tries to be fair to her.
All problems caused by idolizing me only happen to me.
He might force something on me, and he expects me
You may be disappointed in your own way.
That would be the price I deserve for crea ng your deliberate misfortune.
“Yes, Scarle .”
Rather, it cleared my head.
I grabbed my sword and aimed at Scarle , who was approaching one step
at a me.
Autosugges on does not respond.
She said, "I don't know what you want from me."
However, the experience did not disappear.
The answer is only there.
“I’ll show you more than that.”
power enhancement.
In the absence of even self-sugges on assistance, it must be done.
You might get hurt, you might get injured.
If you fall, you won't win.
But, that's fine. A guy who calls me his idol, his classmate, who is too late
to fix it and wants to live a good life broken, says something to me.
He was a man who lived only the misfortunes I described.
She can't fix it, but she's broken
to live
She can do that much.
I don't feel it, but I've felt it.
I don't think I can do it, but I've done it.
It's like switching from a quad bike to a two wheel bike.
I won't be able to ride and fall,
Believing that she could go for a bit.
It doesn't generate as much power as belief, but isn't faith like that in the
first place?
It is rather strange that power has been generated as it is believed.
The original belief is nothing but an unanswered echo.
So, like all human beings, I have returned to my original state of belief.
stay, believe
I can do it.
I have used the power that flows through my body once, so there is no
reason not to do it again this me.
Things I feel I move li le by li le.
Scarle is watching me.
- Whoa...
The feeling of exhilara on seeping through his body was a completely new
sensa on.
Without the aid of autosugges on, I now
You are truly entering the path of superman.
“…you did it.”
I've only go en stronger, but Scarle
He was more than happy to be strong.
you are ruined
like everyone in the world
As if all the bad things you went through were my fault.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 295
At the moment when Magic Enhancement was used, victory and defeat
were already decided even before the sword met.
Scarle the next moment Reinhardt's body was engulfed in the flames of
blue magic, Scarle had already missed the sword.
- Kaang!
Reinhardt's sword, which rushed at him, deflected Scarle 's sword.
Most of the weapon techniques are designed to deal with fuselage-class
opponents. Therefore, the ba le between those who have entered the
stage of superhumans and those who are not is not about skill.
Due to the problem of the weight class itself, the fight cannot be
loss of weapons.
Soon, out of combat.
-3.... The 3rd set is Reinhard's
The third set ended with a shout from the moderator.
“What the hell is this?”
Olivia didn't seem to understand. Reinhardt can only use Mana
Enhancement with the assistance of self-sugges on.
'cause I don't know you can It seems that she has deliberately not used
magic enhancement un l now.
In this place, only Ellen and Scarle know about it.
Ellen alone in the audience, Reinhardt
What kind of growth has you achieved in this brief moment?
I was able to figure out exactly what it was.
Ellen involuntarily clenched her fist.
Reinhardt took it to the next level
all. No one else knew, but Ellen knew all too well what a huge step forward
mine was.
I'm so happy that...
Ellen said she wanted to get up right away and run to Reinhardt, but she
couldn't help but hold back.
Ellen's excitement and her audience stunned
Aside from being dumbfounded, the game con nues anyway.
Winning and losing is 2:1.
Reinhardt without the aid of superpowers
Even if he succeeded in enhancing his magical power, in the end, this is no
different from a double-edged sword.
In the next two sets, I can't use my superpowers, so I have to defeat
Scarle only by strengthening my magic.
However, if that happens, the remaining
Will you be able to win the ba le properly?
Although the immediate crisis was over, it was inevitable that the
championship would eventually become uncertain.
-Okay, let's start with the 4th set.
However, in a situa on where Scarle and Reinhardt were facing each
other. Suddenly Scarle raised her hand.
-Yeah, what's the ma er... Ah.
The bewildered voice of the moderator echoed through the stadium.
-Royal Class 1st year Scarle ..... declared absten on.
absten on,
The audience, as well as his opponent, Reinhardt, were greatly
embarrassed by that sudden declara on.
wai ng room.
'Reinhardt has to win. You can't take more power here.
Scarle withdrew a er leaving those words.
He seemed sa sfied already. Scarle wanted to see me not giving up. My
superpower, the most powerful force and means, has been neutralized.
when my reac on.
Scarle wanted me to get over it somehow. You always showed something,
and you never gave up, so I hope this me too.
I somehow reciprocated the coercion, not the coercion.
That was Scarle 's purpose in the first place.
As soon as I succeeded in enhancing my magic power without the aid of
superpowers and subdue myself, Scarle stopped tes ng me any more.
Had the set con nued, the outcome would have been opaque.
very momentarily
It was a magical enhancement that was ac vated for a short me, but it
was used without the aid of superpowers.
His finger ps were ngling and he felt a bizarre pain, as if torn muscles all
over his body.
Even with the assistance of autosugges on for a long me
It was a power that could not be used, but since it was used without
assistance, it had no choice but to overload the body more severely.
Scarle could beat me. But in the end, a er seeing the desired result, he
gave up.
here and there
I didn't want it, but in the end, Scarle came into the tournament to take
me to the next level.
Hit it with all your might prac ce prac ce
What can't be done in this studio
Because it's possible in Um.
The audience was buzzing, but in the end I returned to the wai ng room,
and Scarle looked at me and went back with the words to win.
It was an uncomfortable, yet somewhat responsible gaze that he was being
forced to expect. If I were an ordinary person, if I was a normal Reinhardt, I
would have said not to talk shit.
I guess
But Scarle had a sense of debt in many ways, so she couldn't say
Ludwig and Gladen Amorell were away to prepare for the next match.
So, I was the only one in the wai ng room where the first graders were,
and the audience was also me.
alone was occupied
No ma er who comes up, you can use auto-sugges on this me. Scarle ,
who was the biggest enemy I didn't expect, was me.
Let me show you what I expected
did it
It was probably Ellen in the audience who no ced my change.
It's been a year since I've been nagging like that next to me to try to
improve my magic power, and I've been whining that I can't.
But this me, there is no help of superpowers.
You have succeeded in enhancing this magic power. you want to compliment me?
I look like a kid who was anxious to get praise from the teacher because
something good happened to me?
No, actually, Ellen is my teacher's prayer, so it's not much different, isn't it?
Anyway, I was le alone in the wai ng room.
I'm back from my bad condi on
As I con nue to self-suggest that I can come, the semi-finals where my final
opponent will be decided
I sat s ll to watch.
how long has it been
-Come on, twice in the quarterfinals of the 1st year tournament
Second match, star ng soon!
Ludwig and Gley had Amorell stepping onto the pitch.
In the original, Ludwig does not bring Gley a single set to Amorel.
Ellen doesn't give Amorel even a single set of Gley like that.
But Ludwig is stronger than the original.
S ll, you won't be able to win. That guy is right next to El Ren and me at
this point. If you awaken magic power, you'll be on top of me right away,
except for Scarle , it's a special case.
hit with
Will doesn't always become strength.
The moment my self-sugges on was neutralized, I felt a sense of
incongruity when I realized that the power I was hoping for didn't reside in
my body.
That's why I'm used to my superpowers
it was done
So, I realized once again how absurd it is to bring power through an
unanswered belief.
But Ludwig decided not to say that he would lose any more.
The screen reflects Ludwig's face.
Ludwig is always kind with a smile on his face, and a good-natured person.
The boy's face turned cold.
It was the first look I had seen.
Gladen Amorell.
He was an A-1 in the first year of the Orbis class, and he had skills that
were comparable to those of the Royal class. Therefore, he was a strong
prospect for the Orbis class.
you can do it
If it were you, I'd break the royal class niggas
can Just do it now. Only like now, no, a li le more, I can work harder.
I've heard those words so much that I can't hear them.
He did what he was told and had to do more than anyone else.
Gley is Amorel.
A person who thought that they had to endure them in the spirit of forced
improvement, but found out that it was hell and escaped from that place.
Gley and Amorel bring laughter and relaxa on
As she realized there was no reason to live a life of coercion, Gladen
Amorel is now as sweet and kind to someone as she used to be.
Because I no longer live with the feeling that someone is chasing me.
But that doesn't mean I'm lazy. She feels that her skills have improved a bit
as she concentrates on the training she wants to do while finding some
me to relax.
The sa sfac on of voluntary training.
So Gladen Amorell changed her personality but didn't regress her skills. No,
even if she goes a li le further
free of charge
She brought back a smile from the one who hadn't laughed at all.
But, opponent.
Royal Class B-11 Ludwig.
Good personality, kind, friendly to everyone
There was no smile on Ludwig's sullen face now. as if he was prepared for
He puts up a wall behind him, and when he hits it, it's like he's thinking it's
all over.
| Ludwig lost his laughter and gladiator
He was poin ng the sword at Amorel.
The reversed sides are aiming their swords at each other.
Gley says that Amorel turns to Ludwig.
she says
“I think I made up my mind.”
Ludwig was silent for a moment, but with a s ll firm expression, Gley
opened his mouth to Amorel.
“I’m the most endearing member of the Royal Class. My talent would be
good enough to get into royal class, but I
It must be dismissed as the most insignificant talent.”
"...what's your talent?"
Normally, he would laugh like a fool and be a quick enemy, but now Ludwig
speaks calmly and with a firm expression on his face.
there was.
“By the way, in Class A, there was a friend who entered the school without
a single talent called infinite ap tude. in class B
also talked a lot I wonder if class B number 11 should be done at home. Of
course, I didn't think so."
“But the important thing is that he really, really had nothing.
Rum, there wasn't even the slightest advantage of stamina."
“But he could be weak, but he wasn’t weak. I can't say it was a good thing,
but the friend said he
He didn't back down from all the bad things he went through. No ma er
how many mes I fall, I get up again. At that point, I could have given up,
but it would have been right to give up.
It always happened again, even in a moment.”
Gley seemed to know who Ludwig was talking about, as Amorell knew.
“I am the opposite.” "let's work hard. anything. work hard Looking at it, I
believed that even if I was pushed back right now, I would be able to stand
shoulder to shoulder with my classmates with great talent.”
"I live with the mindset of a loser
I was sick.”
Always promise for the future
Being too objec ve about who you are now
have been thinking as I'm s ll here
Can not be done. I am s ll short of ashes. So let's work hard. I'm s ll
pushed, but someday I'll be able to stand side by side it will be what now
can't help it
“But she always bumped into her even though she knew he wasn't. collide
Busy and hur ng, believing that she can't win but she can win. She's had a
year this me with reckless and reckless a empts."
“Right now, I am much weaker than that friend.” “Obviously, I must have
been stronger than that friend. But while I ra onalize a lot of other things
just by the thought of working hard, he overtakes me so far
“I’m hiding behind excuses for myself, and now I’m working hard.
During that me, the friend challenged and bumped into the impossible. It
was impossible, but believing that it could be done.”
"okay. I admire Reinhardt.”
“To catch up with this street that has already been caught up.”
“I think that’s what I have to do from now on.”
“It may not be possible, but believing that it has to be done. I decided to
do that. Because Reinhardt said that you should believe it that way.”
"I'm not going to hide behind excuses that I'm working hard now. With that
thought alone, it'll just be the way it is."
Ludwig with his sword, Gladen
I look at Amorel.
Ludwig, the last of Class B, who accepted reality and resigned under the
name of hard work and persistence, is no longer there.
he changes
Now, he doesn't console himself by saying that he will work hard.
Not working hard, doing well
It's not about doing your best, it's about winning
for the sake of
A er all the bad results
He scratched the back of his head saying it would be be er.
throw it away now
Will cannot be strength. However, only one person in the world knows the
truth of this world.
The will cannot be a force, but Ludwig is the protagonist of this world.
causal nucleus,
I see the main character, the will to power
can be changed
such a protagonist.
Ludwig declares.
The world is always on his side.
what is that bastard
I couldn't help but doubt the results of the quarterfinals.
It was a complete victory for Ludwig.
It looked like they were having a conversa on, but when the duel started, a
situa on completely different from what I had imagined unfolded.
With the overwhelming power of Ludwig's sword strike, Gley pushed
I didn't even use magic power.
It's not even about using superpowers.
With only the power of his body, Ludwig counteracted all the sword a acks
that Amorel gave and stabbed him in the opposite direc on.
overwhelming weightli ing.
What could only be done using magical enhancement, Ludwig did it with
his bare body.
Even the people in the audience have monster-like powers.
Law Gley was staring blankly at Ludwig, who had defeated Amorel.
- Wow!
Those who do not know the situa on are excited about the overwhelming
and enormous ba le itself, but I was amazed.
That is not the speed and reac on that can be achieved without mana
I don't know what he did, but Ludwig has changed.
Even if you don't enhance your magic power, it's this much, but if you do it,
you're sure to be even more crazy.
I could tell that my words yesterday had some repercussion on Ludwig.
Will cannot be strength. I have the power of self-reported poems and
If outside,
I see the hard-faced Ludwig standing tall in the cheers of the crowd.
looking at the wet.
I realized what I was overlooking.
The strongest person in the current worldview, Saviolin Tana.
The next strongest in the world view, Ellen.
Olivia Ranche, another candidate for the strongest in the world view, who
survived despite having to die.
Heriot de Saint-Ouen, who has the greatest talent in the history of magic.
And I, who recorded tremendous growth in one year with the talent of
What do you mean by that?
- Wow!
A er all, the protagonist is Ludwig.
The protagonist can turn his will into power. It is cra ed to produce
incredible power by replacing anger, sadness, vengeance, and longing for
power. Even if there is no reason to make it, the world lends power to
Ludwig's wishes.
Power when you need it.
Giyeon in a situa on where you need it.
power I have.
Self-sugges on is, a er all, a deteriorated version of Ludwig's power.
The power to transform will into power is originally Ludwig's.
This world is made for the protagonist, and Ludwig will have everything he
Ludwig sees somewhere.
Exactly, look inside the grandstand.
I look down at Ludwig through the window. see.
Ludwig looks up at me.
The guy we wanted to meet in the final was really
met me in the finals.
Not a single thing worked out the way I thought it would.
It sounds like you were foolish in the first place to believe that you could
easily complete a 10,000-point challenge.
there was nothing
He struggled with Scarle , who had not been given much considera on,
and the defeat was deep, but he withdrew and made it to the finals.
Gley lost Amorel to Ludwig by an overwhelming margin.
If you work hard, you will be able to reach them someday.
Ludwig, who believed that way, was weak.
It is completely different from the original development, so it has become
impossible to predict now, and the situa on has become meaningless.
It's not that I've awakened magic power, it's a second
It's not about using abili es.
just the main character
One advantage is that Ludwig is
it was done
A er a brief break, the final stage begins.
The body is not at its peak. But that's why I'm in a serious condi on
it's not bad either
If you use auto-sugges on, you can use Ludwig and
It will be possible to face off against it, and if you use magic enhancement,
you will be able to overwhelm it.
However, it is not known whether or not it will be possible un l the 3rd
If you do not properly control the
I'm going to face a pathe c situa on, not because I lost to Ludwig, but
because I lost my condi oning.
- The long-awaited final stage will begin soon.
all! Royal Class A Class and B Class
A ba le between the two!
The ba le of the last in number means
just avoid.
Ludwig and I were facing each other while the presenter gave a Japanese
speech. It was a bit of a joke that I was laughing while flir ng.
Dunn's face hardened.
Now make a look that you like
Gooman Eun,
Ludwig, who had lacked seriousness, became serious.
"Did it have any effect?"
“…I think so.”
Ludwig did what happened to him.
He seemed a li le unbelievable. Ludwig looks at me silently.
"Can I follow you?"
"You haven't learned it yet, bastard."
Holding my sword, I smile at Ludwig.
"I mean, think that you can follow. No, think that you can trample things
like you and stand on top."
"Haha... Yeah. That's right. That's it.
Ludwig smiles and looks at me. But he's the clumsy he's shown so far
It wasn't a smirk.
“But, it’s not strange. Obviously Reinhardt, you are strong, but there are
many stronger people than you…”
Ludwig sighed, holding his sword.
"At some point... it doesn't work."
“That I can beat you.”
The smile disappears from Ludwig's face again.
"I can't imagine that."
When I heard Ludwig's expression and his words, I could tell.
Because there is only one person who thinks like that.
The guy who will be looking at me from the audience.
There are many people who are stronger than him, and there are many
people who are superior to him.
However, I can't imagine how I would defeat Ellen Artorius. Ellen is always
the same, holding me from a posi on far farther away than me.
Looking at it, it seems like he will teach me swordsmanship.
In the original story, Ellen was just that for Ludwig.
A wall that cannot be followed no ma er how hard you try. Something you
always have to look up to.
Now, looking at Ellen is my role
it has become
"You get strong so fast, you're way ahead of me no ma er how much you
I think.”
it's bound to be
Ellen came in already strong, but I started out worse than Ludwig and
overtaken it far away.
That's why Ludwig's eyes are more focused on me than on Ellen.
I can't help but wonder why I can't be like Reinhardt.
Ludwig was feeling the wall at me, not Ellen, and for me
I had no choice but to take it.
Ellen might be stronger than me, but Ludby
Hi's goal has no choice but to overtake me.
an impenetrable wall.
For Ludwig, the wall wasn't Ellen
la I have become
Ellen's place in the original, now I have.
-The long-awaited final of the 1st year tournament!!
Let's get started right now!
The protagonist's eternal rival and longing
target to do.
Is that my role in this world?
“It doesn’t seem like it, but I’ll believe it anyway.”
Ludwig takes a deep breath.
“I can beat you.”
As I hold my sword Facing Ludwig.
The only thing I taught Ludwig was
there is only one
No excuses prepared for defeat
La, make a promise to win,
It's not a big deal, but in the end I teach
will give
And, that's my specialty.
“You cannot defeat me.”
Ludwig looks at me and says
I also look at Ludwig and say.
And we look at each other and talk at the same me.
"you. win.”
- Kureung!
Blue magic covered my body, Lu
Dewig stepped forward and jumped at me.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 296
The sword is broken.
But neither do I, Ludwig panics.
didn't As if he knew it, Ludwig was about to hit me in the head with the
pommel of the sha ered sword.
power enhancement.
The power of physical protec on at this point.
it fits
I shoved his fist into Ludwig's stomach, allowing his head.
- Whoops!

“ !”
Ludwig was hit in the stomach terribly from being hit in the head, and he
rolled over the floor several mes and stood up. Each other's arms were
broken. No me to replenish.
Neither the broken sword nor Ludwig
The longer Ludwig rushed in, and the longer the magic power was
maintained, the more difficult the next set became, so I had to finish it
As soon as Ludwig fell, he rushed to get up, aiming for the grounding.
Pounding a er knocking down with a tackle.
That's what we're aiming for at the moment.
- Boom!
Ludwig fell on the floor as he fell straight on me.
This moment is already over.
moment to think.
The moment he fell, he grabbed my waist and handed me over.
Magic enhancement provides protec on, but does not increase the weight
- Boom!
Lose your balance in an instant and fly backwards
crazy guy
For a subject that had not even strengthened his magical powers, his
physical strength was already beyond the scope of a normal person.
That's a monster worse than me. Ludwig, who lacks physical strength
compared to me with unstable reten on, is superior in terms of reten on.
I don't know what the hell happened to that guy's body, but I can't deal
with it without self-sugges on and magic enhancement.
i win I never thought I'd be standing in the posi on of a rival, but it
shouldn't come down easily beyond Sererine.
Just as Ellen was the driving force for Ludwig's growth in the original story
I am also Ludby just by being
It is a growth engine that makes Hi strong.
Even I started from the bo om up, so I can't get enough of Ludwig's feeble
It even s mulates a sense of inferiority.
The stronger I get, the stronger Ludwig is.
Losing speed is also faster.
I must not lose to you.
You will only become stronger if I am the wall that always exists above you
The main character must be strong.
Someday you will be stronger than me, but now I have to be stronger than
Because it's a rival.
So, you can't lose
I'm taking seriously the guy I made but I've always avoided because I can't
subtly measure.
He seriously considers me a rival, so I have no choice but to accept that
The one who wins in the end is the winner.
You must lose to me now.
I will yield the final victory, so I will have to lose to myself from now on.
For that I can't lose
At the same me thinking, believing that we do not lose,
“You can’t defeat me.”
I declare that I will never be defeated.
As he ran to Ludwig and punched him, he avoided my stretched arm with
just a swipe, and used that power to push my arm over it.
grab hold of it and try to put it down
But, it comes with his pulling power
As I entered, I rather stood up on his knee and hit Ludwig's chin.
- Boom!

" !"
Lou was punched in the chin in his knee.
Debig fell over.
It's normal to lose consciousness, Ludby.
He rolled a few laps and got up.
I could see the red blood flowing from Ludwig's gums. It doesn't even make
you sick. He's a guy that can only be acknowledged for his tenacity. Of
course, this
It is only in this situa on that the pain is felt rela vely less, but
can't get
Unexpected variables in this tournament, where I played for achievement
points, changed my purpose.
Scarle and Ludwig, who were merely compe tors, each meant me in
different ways.
I didn't think there was much contact, but as a result of my ac ons so far,
these guys thought of me in different ways, but in the end they were
Scarle was idolizing me.
Ludwig wants to catch up with me, but I
He felt it was a wall he couldn't keep up with.
So, I will win overwhelmingly.
For the growth of that other kind of person who wants to jump over a wall
that can't be climbed, I have to do that.
So, don't show me.
Ludby's blood-stained lips
Higa rushes towards me.
I made this world so that the world is on your side, but I s ll have
there is much more
self-sugges on.
power enhancement.
and feel relieved.
And a training partner named Ellen.
Under all circumstances, Ludwig has to follow me and cannot follow me.
So, trample
The biggest weapon at this moment is not my magical powers or
superpowers, but my sense of humor.
read with a sense of humor.
To rush means to take an ac on that shi s the center of gravity forward.
What ma ers is ming.
At what pace will you a ack?
If you read to see if it's coming in in a way, you can put a counter there.
It is important to know which foot you are applying the force to, but more
importantly, if you look at the shoulder and shoulder, you can see the
movement of the arm.
side is possible If you are skilled in mar al arts, you can stretch out your
fists without moving your shoulders, but Ludwig and I are not at that level.
If the waist moves rather than the arms, you can guess that the a ack will
be done using the feet.
In the end, the ac on using the sword is not much different. Every ac on
has a star ng point, and it must come from the body.
Ludwig's right shoulder falls backwards as he runs.
His right shoulder is slightly pushed back.
Thing is, his right arm will be stretched out to me soon
means that
If so, it must be my inten on to use his le foot as an axis and insert his
right fist into my face.
It looked too accurate.
There are many ways.
As he let out his right fist, he cut the face of Ludwig deep into his le fist.
It could be smashed, or it could use the rushing power of its right arm that
came in as a weapon and throw it away.
The moment you read what kind of a ack will come, victory or defeat has
already been decided.
I neither shed nor resisted the a ack.
Even before Ludwig stepped into an a acking stance with his le foot.
I take a step, rather, stab forward.
Because he knew that the moment Ludwig's le foot, which was rushing,
hit the ground, his le foot would move his right shoulder as an axis.
I poke a point one ming ahead.
The moment immediately before the start of the a ack.
- Whoops!
I kicked the popliteal just before his le foot touched the floor.
As a result, it was as if he was rushing towards me to kick him.
The exact counter a ack just before the a ack is
In a situa on where you are not prepared for an a ack, the party
The more you did, the greater the damage.
Ludwig fell on the floor, unable to get up this me. magic steel
It was the perfect counter with the power of self-reinforcement on fire.
it's weird to happen
- First set! As Ludwig's army was judged incompetent, Reinhardt's army
takes the victory by decision!
Ludwig couldn't even get up.
Ludwig was lying down and looking up at me while the priests rushed up to
It was like looking at an incomprehensible existence.
Actually, I'm Ludwig's Run
Because I saw only one and broke it down with one exact shot.
read perfectly. Whatever you do in the future, you will eventually read it.
How the hell am I supposed to defeat an opponent like that?
It was the expression he was thinking about.
My characteris c of Gigam is excessive efficiency
was providing sure, i
I wonder if it's because it's the power I got as a result of going through the
most dangerous of all the things I've been through,
I was smiling.
“Did you say you can’t win?”
Not yet.
I swallowed that back.
I felt like a villain.
No, actually the villain is right. I am the Demon King, and Ludwig is the
second human hero a er Lagann Artorius.
A hero who is always defeated by the Demon King.
But one day I will catch up with the Demon King
Wouldn't that be the realiza on?
An overly perfect picture seemed to herald the downfall I would face
Ludwig gets up a er being healed by the priests.
"let's try again. Reinhardt.”
He had an expression on whether it was right to use an incomprehensible
opponent as his rival, but Ludwig did not give up.
“It won’t make much of a difference.”
“S ll, you have to know.”
No ma er how many mes he falls, he comes back
will happen
I will not give up, I will constantly bump into each other.
I always have an egg that breaks rocks
But this guy is the guy who throws eggs un l the rocks break.
I don't think I'm superior to Ludwig.
A person who has never been broken even once, a person who gets up
again a er being broken hundreds or thousands of mes.
Ludwig would be greater than me.
However, he cannot buy victory with greatness.
I'm stronger right now, and Ludwig can't cross this gap.
- The set score is 1:0! Reinhardt took the first set! Now, 2nd set of the 1st
year tournament finals! Start right now!!
- Whoa!
The shouts I got used to in just two days
Inside, Ludwig and I supplemented radish
sheet was paid
Sword this me.
Is there a difference between a fist and a sword?
In this first year tournament, which was already full of surprises, there
were no more surprises.
I rood in two sets in a row
He took an overwhelming victory over Behe.
So, I won.
I'm technically behind most close combat majors.
However, Ludwig prevailed.
So no ma er how much physical
I was ahead by strengthening Dahandeul's magical power, and his
movements were too easy to read.
It's a fight that didn't make sense in the first place for me to give away even
one set. Ludby
The only possibility for Hi's victory was that I was exhausted by overusing
magical power, but such a situa on did not come.
1 due to my victory in the finals, 2nd place was confirmed, and Scarle and
Gray played against Amorel for 3rd and 4th place.
As a result, Gley wins Amorel.
So, the 1st year tournament was over.
I don't think the moment in my life I'll ever hold a trophy in my hand would
come like this
I couldn't.
[Challenge Achievement - 1st Grade Tournament Right
[You have earned 10000 achievement points.]
It's the first me I've ever craved so much in one bowl.
I don't know if it was fun or not, but people cheered me on.
has been sent
“Can I catch up with you?”
There was no despair in Ludwig's face a er being defeated, but he felt that
kind of doubt.
It was like
"You know what I'm going to say?"
Ludwig looks at me and smiles.
“You have to believe you can catch up. is it?”
"no." I crossed my arms while holding the championship trophy.
“Not at the level of belief, of course it is.
You should think it's okay."
“Oh, right. Did you?”
How come
It seems that the main character has joined my self-sugges on school. Lou
Dwig, who took the 2nd place trophy, says:
“I can catch you. Reinhardt.”
“Isn’t it possible?”
I am a strange religion who believes that the future you have set is true,
but I do not agree with that fact.
We believe in the future we have set for ourselves.
A er all, Ludwig and I are fundamentally different.
But they had similar powers.
It's a bit strange trying to earn achievement points
There were a lot of things going on, but my plans didn't go too far.
I won.
On that day, Ellen was watching from afar.
She said she would scold me if I didn't win.
because I won
Do you compliment me then?

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 297

The same ques on and answer came and went twice, and Ellen and I
glared at each other
I saw.
“If you don’t win, you will be scolded! Then I won, so I should congratulate
“I never said I was complimented.” “Reinhardt is the best! Did you know
that Reinhardt was going to win?!"
Is this because the compliments are so hec c that even hearing it doesn't
really impress you?"
"It's sad hey hey hey!"
Ellen said she never agreed to praise her, and she li ed me up. Eventually,
the tournament was over and, as everyone expected, I won.
We won and lost the fight, but there was no feud between them. Ludwig
Boulevard Ludwig, Scarle
Because Scarle Boulevard was unique.
Just like yesterday, A and B class members are all woo
We went to play together to celebrate the victory.
A er all, it's a fes val.
Harriet and Charlo e, I really want my win
congratulated him with
Ellen also stopped me briefly on the way back to her dorm. Wai ng for
everyone to return, only I sneaked out.
Ellen hesitated.
I can give you some compliments, but I can't bear to say things like that.
do you think
The boy's face was a li le red.
“I… say something like this. a li le. It's strange... I know."
“…I was proud of it.”
My hair seemed to have turned white at the sudden sound.
“You were proud.” It's more than happy.
It was embarrassing.
No, it wasn't that it was great.
It's kind of weird to say that I'm proud!
"Are you my mother?"
At my words, Ellen's expression turned pale again. It's like you're trying to
raise me up or something?
The food I feed you more
“I taught you.”
This incapacitated child has even won a tournament a er I taught it for a
year! I felt the same way, this is it!
“A er all, are you good at this?”
Ellen nodded and smiled.
“All the while, you followed me well.”
In front of that smile and those words, I couldn't say anything else.
Most of the things that made me who I am today are L
It was Ren. Ellen looks at me and dazzles
she laughs
“You’ve worked hard un l now, Reinhar.
T, congratula ons.”
In the end, even if it was all thanks to Ellen's her, Ellen was fed up with it.
Teasing her persistently trying to learn her swordsmanship
it was me who did
Even if there were a lot of coincidences and cheats, I was the one who
tried to learn recklessly while swinging my sword, bumping and falling.
Not all of my strength was gained through hard work, but it cannot be seen
that there was no effort of mine.
So, Ellen is telling me about her hard work.
“…well…thank you.”
Whispering for praise
It's a li le bit cold to hear.....
That's right.
In the end, she also received praise from Ellen.
It doesn't seem like everyone is very jealous of my victory, and Ludwig Hee
and Scarle seem to have developed a stronger affinity for me a er this.
The results are also good.
My shoulders are ge ng heavier and my stomach is rumbling as if it's on
This is because of the side effects of magic enhancement. In fact, he used
magic enhancement throughout the 3rd set to overwhelm Ludwig, so
physical fa gue was no joke.
Excessive is right
It wasn't to the point of fain ng or vomi ng, but it was dizzy.
However, only because of the magic enhancement
it seems nin
Drunk with the joy of winning, I want to forget a li le bit, but in the end I
can't forget it.
Today is Tuesday.
tomorrow is wednesday,
women's contest,
It was just coming tomorrow.
Is this what it feels like to cry and eat mustard?
If the condi on is difficult, it gets worse.
It didn't seem like it would.
In the end, it was clear that I would not be in a condi on to do anything
a er the Women's Dressing Tournament, so I gave up the right to advance
to the finals of the Unlimited Level Tournament.
Tuesday night.
The mansion of the Magic Research Club.
Harriet de Saint-Ouen was tes ng something in the safety room in the
basement of the mansion. Even if you experiment with higher level
destruc on magic
It is a very large laboratory with barriers, protec on, and soundproofing
magic installed.
It is not without an outdoor prac ce room, but destruc ve magic usually
accompanies binge drinking, so tests are usually conducted in a place
equipped with such soundproofing measures.
It's a fes val right now, so go outside
There is no way to run the experiment,
Harriet was experimen ng with something inside the safety room, and all
the members of the Magic Research Society were watching it from outside
the security window.
- Whoa...
A stream of flames shot from Harriet's finger ps.
Soaring, on the other side of the wall, in a pile of targets
it hit
The target exploded with a small explosion, and this me flames soared
from the top of Harriet's head to his shoulders as if wrapped around him.
A low-level destruc on magic called Firebolt.
Five fireballs formed in an instant
It hits five targets at once.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
It was a very fast pace with almost no cas ng.
From Harriet's wrist to forearm
The blue magic line draws a strange pa ern.
there was
“Hey, this… is it really…”
A er that, Harriet con nued to use numerous sub-destruc ve magics,
including Lightning Bolt, or even
He demonstrated numerous magics, such as cas ng and flying magic such
as fireballs.
All in all, Harriet is a magic that has already been mastered. And even if
you are not a major in destruc on magic, you can do this to this extent.
Just different.
Cas ng is abnormally fast, and even mul cas ng is being done.
When Harriet came out of the safety room, all members of the Magic
Research Society looked at her.
and his eyes were shining.
“Okay! Are you done now?"
At Chris na's words, Harriet smiled weakly as if exhausted.
“To a certain extent, I think it needs to be supplemented a li le more.”
“Sister! You are a real genius!"
Le Dina ran around her and she rejoiced as if it were her job.
"This... that this is going to be real..."
Louis Ancton mu ered with a puzzled expression. Harriet looked at the
stupid Louis Ancton and smiled.
“It was made by you, but what if you panic?”
"No... this is. It's just a word. I don't think it has anything to do with the
Louis Ancton was even more absurd to see what she had envisioned and
yet realized.
“This, I think, is a magical system that no one but you can use.
no li I didn't even think that this was just a joke and that it would actually
be possible. are you?”
In other words, Harriet is using the tools Louis made too perfectly. Louis
Ancton, who created this in a short amount of me, is a genius.
But, more geniuses who can use it
means Harriet only.
"okay? Then I'll be fine."
Harriet's right arm, down the cuff
The blue-colored picturesque things hummed around his wrist, gleaming,
and then disappeared.
“Ugh! Reinhardt also won.”
Harriet is red, so when he stretches
Standing, he took a deep breath.
“I have to do something too.”
Unlimited level tournaments are 1st year tournaments
It's on a different level than T.
Even though he didn't know who would actually win, Harriet didn't think
he'd be terribly eliminated. Other members of the Magic Research Society
also knew what Harriet was capable of, so they never thought of it as
arrogant self-confidence.
He is an annoying person who keeps interrup ng without no cing and
picking up nonsense and serving him.
Olivia Lanche.
That he would break his arrogant nose, Harriet was firmly swearing.
He only cares about Ellen and I'm going to get his tongue slapped in the
wrong place.
He would not even have thought of going.
Harriet was not in the dormitory because he was busy, and the contestants
for Miss and Mr. Temple were not there to start preparing properly.
Soon, the guys I'm close with are all busy with their own chores.
I'm not lazy either.
"Hey Reinhardt! We're going to the parade, do you want to go too?"
Somehow we got closer a er the tournament
Crazy bastards, three naughty brothers and Hein-ri
he. Kono Lint looked at me and beckoned.
"no. to get some rest.”
"Ah... Did you overdo it yesterday?"
A li le."
Actually, it's right that it's overkill, and I also want to rest because my
whole body is so full, but I can't rest today.
The women's dress contest... I have to go...
In a way, this event that raises the magic power by 5 is the best in this
fes val.
It could be an important event...
My horsepower right now is 14.2.
If it goes up by 5, it is 19.2.
If you increase it by 0.8 million more, you have the ability to master magic.
it blooms
So I can't have to give up.
In the end, this situa on where my close friends didn't tell me where to go
today turned out to be a good situa on for me.
No ma er what I do, no one cares where everyone has gone. So, even if
you go out and come back to a women's dress-up contest, you won't hear
anything from where you've been.
I don't know about leaving the dormitory and coming back a er a ending
the women's dressing room...
I'm such a crazy bastard!
Yes.... with souls and souls in events and challenges
Crazy bastard who sold all his dignity
That's right. Ever since I turned into a woman and confessed to Kono Lint,
I've crossed a river of no return.
it's all my karma
It's said that if I sit s ll, I'll go half way, but the bad guy no ced something
strange, so I've been doing this to me ever since.
If you hadn't done that, this fes val e
Did you give Ming another spread event?
I don't even know
It's my fault, it's my fault, it's my big fault.
The women's costume contest is held at night.
Of course, it seems that it is not a huge space like the main stadium, but a
place like an indoor auditorium for a general class, but the loca on is
already known.
It's lunch me now.
The compe on starts at 6pm.
But I'm ready now
had to go It's clothes, I prepared a dress that I can put on and take off by
myself, but I put on makeup Because I can't do it alone.
Once outside the temple, a er ge ng makeup from Elerys, she will pack
her clothes in a suitcase and return.
Of course I'll wear a hood and come back
It is also scheduled
Fortunately, because it is a fes val period, the personnel control, including
pass inspec on, is very loose at the Temple Gate. maybe my
I won't listen to people who look at my ID and say that I don't look like
Although this is a bizarre thing in the end, it's not a bad thing.
Once outside the temple, a er finishing all the prepara ons, spend me in
a quiet place, and the contest start me is imminent.
If you do, then go back in.
There's no point in wandering around inside the temple for nothing.
Why the hell do you have to do this and that, like a covert opera on?
I don't know if I'm considering it.
in reality,
This is a hundred thousand mes more nervous than the tournament
What to do!
What if I find out? What if someone sees it? The host is suddenly
Reinhardt! What do you do when you say something like this?
Why don't you just go out? A er all, it's magic, me, year, month, it'll go
up, isn't it that you risk your life too much? Magical control, is it necessary?
Do you have any words?
Yes, there is no need to be more greedy here, is there?
Even though my mind was going crazy, I was leaving the dormitory with a
half-spirited expression on my face.
There were many people on the street during the fes val. But wherever
they went, I couldn't afford to care.
My brain felt like it was going to split in two as I was thinking about giving
up on the women's dress contest and at the same me thinking about
what kind of expression I had to make to look less like Reinhardt.
No, the brains are originally two-brained, le -brained and right-brained
So much that I forget even the obvious
The gold mentality was being ripped apart in real me.
I don't know what kind of spirit I went out with, it's broad daylight.
Although Elerys has moved, she s ll runs a scroll shop. It looks like she's
s ll out of business
But she told me to close the shop today and wait at home.
A residen al area near Aligar Shopping Street.
Elerys knocking on the semi-underground door
She opened the door.
“Are you here, my lord?”
Guess she was already ge ng ready, Elleris had her room cleaned and laid
out her makeup tools.
there was.
Elerys glanced at my complexion and she giggled.
"The tournament... didn't it go well?"
“No, I won.”
“But why is that expression on your face… um.. Ah."
Even with the happy news of winning, I voted
Perhaps she had forgo en the reason why she had a bad rela onship,
Elerys brushed the corners of her lips.
He shook his head vigorously and nodded.
"...But you did a great job, my dear. That's remarkable growth."
A er saying a few words whether it was a compliment or a consola on,
Elerys took me to a chair.
seated on
"That... Shall we start right away?"
"...I'll do it anyway, I'll have to drag it out
What good is it?”
They both looked miserable.
Once I washed my face, I made it through Sarkegar's ring the other day.
He changed his face to the face shape of Dunn.
It's a subtle change, but if you put makeup on it and change your
expression, you'll look like a different person altogether.
Although she has changed her face shape slightly to the reflec ve screen
summoned by Elerys, she is s ll manly.
Oysters, and the face that had only been replaced with silver hair was
"....Why? Oh no. no. Don’t say anything.”
Even I think it's weird! change a li le
I didn't even wear makeup, but this is it!
It's like drawing a girl and calling her a boy, that's how it is!
“…well, let’s get started.”
The beginning of a hellish me rises.
It's a day anyway
A er one day, there will be no more things to do in this terrible way.
A er all, no ma er how hellish everything in the world is, you will
remember that it was like that back then. Even if you twist a chicken's hair,
it's like dawn comes. Time flies anyway and the world is behind
Even if you pick it up, the women's dress-up contest ends today!
No ma er how slow me passes, tomorrow is bound to come, and when
tomorrow comes, I will say goodbye to this filthy filth, and I will be le with
nothing but bloated magic stats and achievement points!

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 298

Prepara ons were immediately over. A er all, it came out when me was
It's true that I've also packed the less case.
His hair had already been replaced with the last silver-plated feet. Facial
expressions are important, but changing the hair color also seems to have
played a part. In the end, Elerys and my blood
Due to hard work, the original impression is very
it was faded
“Oh, well. uh.”
And, one of the important things.
It was changed to an ambiguous voice that was neither too feminine nor
masculine. Because if it's my original voice, there might be a guy who
recognizes me only by listening to my voice.
In the end, what made him look like Reinhardt, his voice was so vague.
It's really sad that even changing it to something like that is a detail for
when all of this is found out.
If it's a completely different person, it's just 180 degrees different
Things can change.
I'd rather... Miss Temple...
There was no hesita on as I had the last insurance in place.
All that remains is to return to the temple in me for the start me of the
women's costume contest.
But you don't know what will happen if you go back too close. In order to
prepare in the first place, the par cipants may have to gather earlier than
the start me of the compe on,
So, I was killing me in the semi-underground of Ereris, and I was about to
go to the Aligar Shopping Street.
A re is casual wear.
Of course, it's not a temple uniform, and it's not a women's hallway. Right
now, I just changed my face shape and body shape a bit with makeup.
No... So, haven't you changed everything?
He was dragging a dress case with a hood on his robe in case anyone
wanted to see it.
Going to do some secret opera on
is a minute
Status is really that important
Is it John?
Do I even have to do this...
Amidst the sense of self-doubt and self-ra onaliza on, I slowly moved Ali
towards the sta on.
Inside the sta on, you check it every me you come, but the shops were
properly installed. Of course, it was ge ng bigger and bigger than it was at
the beginning.
The Merchant Guild was expanding its investment even more, realizing
that what I wanted to have when I first proposed the business, but when I
started the business, it was very naive. From a store that simply sells
The number of dot shops also seemed to be increasing.
It is now difficult to sustain the size of a business with just the number of
Rotary clubs.
The moment will come, and now the club
You will have to go beyond the hands of others and even borrow the hands
of others.
If you look like this, you will soon be in the basement of a large terminal.
A shopping mall-like structure may be created
it will I don't know when that will be
A er all, it is true that the money the club is making is growing
exponen ally.
If other groups or other merchants come in, there's nothing wrong with
that. We have the business right, so whether we receive the right money,
we only work and pay
Whatever you do, take it with someone else's hand
There are also endless ways to make money.
If you don't like the company that entered the store, you can wield the
business right and kick them out. Because that's what power is.
It's a bit strange that I live without even thinking about these things, and
now I don't mind these vicious thoughts.
it was
In front of the shops at Aligar Sta on.
If the Aliga district is Seoul, it is Yongsan.
It's like a ward. The floa ng popula on is great
It is famous for many shopping districts. Of course, the merchants are more
famous for their viciousness.
I saw some kids peeking around the store.
-How much is it?
-Oh, that's 10 fairy tales.
- That one, that one?
One person was in front of the club member in charge of the store,
poin ng at things and asking for prices, and the other was watching the
club member's blind spot.
these bastards
is that?
One was catching the wind, and the other guys were sneaking snacks into
their pockets. The busy people on their way didn't say much about
whether they didn't see it or passed it on.
I got a fight when I was a subway junkie
It's a cute thing to do.
S ll, a rice bowl is a rice bowl.
Where are these young yellow gore bastards?
The moment when I think that I will give you a true educa on and try to
approach the bright yellow organized criminal dream trees from the
- Pak!
"I got it. These bastards."
Someone approached from somewhere and grabbed the backs of the two
li le boys who were wai ng to pick up their belongings.
Knowing that the situa on was wrong, the guy who was a rac ng
a en on at the counter tried to get me out.
“Catch him!”
Someone who was wai ng for the instruc ons of the person who snatched
the two children first jumped out and snatched the guy who was about to
run away.
Suddenly, the three children were caught as criminals of the , and
passersby began to watch the scene as if surprised.
No, and what are these cubs?
Isn't the ou it a guard?
It didn't look like he was a member of the club, though, and the store
manager, who was a member of the club, was just as confused as me.
“I got caught, you bastards of this li le bastard. You don't know how much
we've been trying?"
The man who snatched the children is the cheek of a child
I'm blankly watching you slap
had no choice but to
“With you!”
- Tight!
"I'm already the less remote person who's been doing this.
"Evil! Heh, heh heh!"
“I’m locked up in a dungeon so I can’t see the sun for the rest of my life…”
- Exactly!
Without realizing it, my body went out. I was unwi ngly holding the
guard's hand, which was stroking the child's cheek.
"Ah, no... it's wrong for a child... to do something wrong.
What did you do... What are you doing... like this?”
It wasn't what I meant to give true educa on, so I stu ered a bit.
No, but s ll bea ng a child like this?
“I don’t know who they are, but these three guys are twins who have been
robbed more than 20 mes since they’ve been running all over the sta on.
When it comes to criminals, they are felony criminals. They're like social
evil, so a lady like you doesn't care."
Oh, lady?
It looks like my hair is going to be bleached....
No, it's true that she bleached her hair because she was silver.
But these three guys were some kind of professional thief bastard?
twenty mes?
Twenty hands so far on my rice bowl
did you put
Did you think it was just right? No, I want to beat him, but is that enough?
People suddenly beat the kid and suddenly I jumped in to stop him. And he
was looking at the children who started to cry a er being beaten with a
confused expression.
They appeared as if I was going to save them, but when the way they
looked at them suddenly changed, the kids were even more terrified.
“Yeah, anyway, it was wrong. Yes. S ll, in front of people... that's a li le,
uh. It looks like a big one, isn't it?"
The word dick...
Were you a li le cocky to do it in your current state? As I added a word
without backing down, the forehead of the person who seemed to be the
head of the gangs narrowed.
“It’s nothing to worry about, Ms., go on your way.”
It was a threat.
No ma er how you look at it, these guys are guards.
It wasn't.
The clothes are too big with passersby.
It was a look no different,
However, now I have something called sleight of hand.
Those wrists holding the kids, a thick neck, trapezius muscles, and
forearms. and calluses on the palms.
You can tell just by looking at those things.
there is something
not even a thug
trained people also very
A lot of.
The further you go from here, the more the commo on grows.
The kids were looking at me as if they were begging for help.
No, I was trying to beat you guys instead of him, so it's no use looking at
me, right?
I have no inten on of causing more commo on with this li le thing. I don't
know who these bastards are, but if you go further here, there's a good
chance you'll get into trouble.
I don't want to be found out that I'm Reinhardt of the Temple Royal Class
like this!
I look at you and try to walk away
At the same me, the monster smirked.
"Thanks to her smooth face, she grew up not experiencing harsh
condi ons. Be careful from now on. The world isn't so easy."
It feels like a screw is missing.
long me no see.
“This fucking rum is real.”
“You beat a kid on the street
What's wrong with this poor bastard who didn't learn and shakes his
The expression on his face at my outrageous twins
changed rapidly.
The screw broke and I couldn't get the brakes to work anymore.
“What are you guys doing in the first place? It's not the guards, it's the
guard's job, and it's probably not the job of bastards like you who have no
fundamentals or anything."
“I would have told you to be careful.”
"What are you careful about, you bastard..."
- Pak!
"Huh, you bastard who goes out of his hand if he's wrong, you bastard?"
I grabbed his hand as he reached out to slap me on the cheek and threw it
away. gnome
was astonished that his arm had been caught.
Yeah, he's a li le smaller, but his strength is
It's the same, the self-sugges on is the same. I stare at him.
"Are you confident or kinky?"
It's not the Reinhardt it used to be,
uh, of course...
Today is a li le different in a different way
Long but...
"Ha... Doing such a shi y thing, a fucking bastard got tangled up..."
His eyes changed, and there was a strange light in his eyes.
sense of feeling
From now on, if he tries to use his hand, I have to seriously go out too. eye
The moment when the ba le between me and the man in front of me is
about to start, something that no one knows about.
Breaking the silence, someone's voice
has intervened
"what's the ma er?"
Across the buzzing crowd
A soldier appeared.
“Do, Master....”
“...I think I said clearly not to make noise.”
Bertus with a calm expression was approaching this way.
Why is he here?
I don't know what happened,
It looks like it's fucked up.
“……Ah, that… it’s not. I, too, disrespect..."
I stared s ffly as Bertus pulled out the car and apologized.
Bertus didn't recognize me at all.
I never thought that my makeup would be verified at this place. I can't
recognize it because there are a lot of things that have changed over and
over with thick makeup
It is natural that
I feel relieved because I don't really recognize them, and I get cold because
I don't know when I'll be found out.
Sweat was running down my spine.
“Because it is s ll the temple fes val, there are many people using the
magic train, so inconveniences are increasing. Therefore, addi onal
security forces are deployed
Because there are so many things to do, some personnel are opera ng
without wearing guard uniforms. Also, since they are not professionally in
charge of this work, there are mes when they overreact.
NS. I fully understand that you may feel uncomfortable about that.”
“Oh, no… I didn’t even know…”
“But the person’s response is clear.
If you make a mistake, you will be disciplined according to the internally
s pulated procedure. It won't be enough, but how would it feel to be
forgiving like this..."
“Yeah, that’s right! sure!"
I asked what Bertus was doing while he was away in the Temple dormitory.
was here
Bertus did not reveal that he was the prince.
He merely introduced himself as the person responsible for the opera onal
stability and security of the horsepower train during the fes val.
During the Temple Fes val, people from all con nents flock to the eclip c.
an increase in the floa ng popula on
And, for that reason, the number of horsepower train users is bound to
increase tremendously.
all. Not only do people flock to the temple, but people also flock to the
Bertus enjoys the fes val during the fes val
Rather than taking on prac cal work, one more performance
It looked like it was trying to build.
She went to Mr. Temple at the me of the original story, where she had no
compe tor Charlo e, but now with her compe tor, Charlo e, she's doing
Maybe it's because she thinks she has to build a track record.
If you look at him, it means he is a workaholic a er all.
Charlo e is playing...
S ll, I feel like Charlo e enjoys the fes vi es be er than she works at this
me of year,
I suddenly found out that the reason Bertus con nued to be absent was
that he was taking on an important task of being in charge of opera on of
the magic train during the fes val.
I'm here to deal with all sorts of things that happen at Aligar Sta on.
seems to have been
So, I ordered him to catch them, but I chased them and climbed up as soon
as the drugs went up.
I came to see the Lin staff clench their hands.
It's a damn coincidence.
Too bad a coincidence.
Just at this moment, I lost Bertus.
to meet
You look like a real dog! Are you doing this on purpose? Why are you doing
this to me?
To put it bluntly, Bertus is the chief security officer, and his subordinates on
over me work in the basement.
Trying to slap a steel worker
Lin was apologizing to me.
He did not even reveal his iden ty as a prince.
Bertus, this is just a bastard.
I can't deny it now.
He is the emperor feeling....
"Well, it was because I didn't know the details... I'm sorry too."
The guy who beat the kids ended up being a plainclothes cop
He had nothing to say except when he found out that it was something
similar. The kids will get jus ce too, and he's mine.
If you can't win and try to punch a tough man, he will be disciplined.
There's no reason to stay here any longer. Above all, I don't want to remain
in Bertus' sight any longer!
“Well then, I’m alone…”
“By the way, it’s silver hair.”
Bertus' voice caught me as I was about to get up.
“It’s a precious hair color.”
"......Ah. That, woman, dyeing... is.”
“Oh, is it?”
Bertus narrows his forehead and looks at me.
“By the way, are you a temple student?
yo. This?"
".........Yes? That, that... that's why.”
“No, a li le… the day is ripe.”
Fuck! You have to run away!
However, Bertus opened his eyes as if in bewilderment that he was
surprised even a er spi ng.
"Ah! Not at all. I have no other inten ons. Really, that ... familiar .... um.
No. He must sound weird.
It's probably a collec on of what he said
Guernsey Bertus kept his mouth shut.
awkward silence.
I have to run away, the me to run away
When should I catch it? Bertus
thinks he said something strange
He was looking for words to say, and I was only looking at the ming to run
“...wherever you go, you seem to be traveling
yo. This?"
Bertus is the dress I brought
He looked at the carrier and asked.
just said it Should I go on a trip?
“That, just… yes.”
I frowned and grabbed the teacup
It was. It was the tea that Bertus poured over.
“Because this guy who doesn’t even know how to hold a teacup can’t be
an aristocrat.”
Memories of a long me ago suddenly pass by
How should I hold the teacup? Just looking at it, I see this cub line Hart and
a teacup mouse
Is this the same? Isn't that what you're doing?
No, Bertus wouldn't remember that.
There's no way!
But what if you remember?
From one to ten, everything goes crazy
It seemed
Crazy ki en, just a li le guy! why that
You go crazy and make the situa on like this?
Even if the situa on was malicious, I was the one who started the engine in
the end!
Suffering from the urge to smash my own head, I drink the teacup.
grabbed it with both hands.
Moon month month....
of course.
At the end of the tension, I think I got tremor
Rum shook his hand. Bertus is
He was just staring at me like that.
“Hey, I have a li le tremor… that. stay.” “Oh, is it?”
I finally took a sip, holding the teacup with both hands.
What I did to act casually was rather strange.
“You seem to be s ll young, but you
Lani, that's a bit surprising."
Bertus also picked up a teacup.
So, tremor at this age? Weird
That's right!
Why not?
Seizures at a young age?
“Because I am an alcoholic.”
The reason he came up with it was so embarrassing that Bertus spit out
the tea he was drinking.
on my face.
"that that! Sin, sorry!”
Bertus was genuinely embarrassed, so his hand
I get a towel and put it on my face. Hesita ng and restless.
I wiped his face with the handkerchief that Bertus had handed him.
hydrocephalus at a young age. The reason is alcoholism.
It sounds more like an improvisa onal answer.
Bertus lived in such a thing
I never thought I'd try
It looked like he was very upset.
I wiped my face with a handkerchief, as carefully as possible.
get sick
What if this makeup is removed?
Worrying about things like this is already
Is your dog hot?
"Then I'll stop... I'll go."
"Oh, I'm really sorry..."
It seems that Bertus is in a bad mood.
he bowed his head. I'd rather be so upset
one is be er
It's obvious that he thinks I'm waking up early because of the rudeness I've
commi ed.
Fortunately, I also knew that my stomach was perfect enough to deceive
even the savvy Bertus.
“May I Can I ask for your name...?”
As I was about to leave the sta on master's office, Bertus asked me about
the back of the head.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 299

A er the mysterious mysterious woman le .
Bertus wiped the sweat from his forehead.
'I made this mistake.
Beyond the level of dignity, beyond imagina on
Bertus for commi ng a rude disrespect
Cold sweat was running down his body.
If someone did that to me, I would have an urge to kill. Bertus spit the
drinking tea into his opponent's face. I had never seen, heard, or even
imagined the act of
That is, it was rude behavior that went beyond the limit.
However, the other party seemed to be perplexed
But he didn't seem angry.
It was such an absurd answer.
His hands trembled too much, so I wondered why someone who didn't
even know his iden ty would be so nervous.
I am an alcoholic.
It was an answer that did not suit her noble appearance at all.
The a re was not very luxurious and was plain. I couldn't figure out what
was in the large suitcase, but
It was difficult to see because the body was a luxury item.
Strictly speaking, it would be about a well-groomed commoner girl.
The only dis nc ve features are her shiny silver feet and delicate facial
features that look like a pain ng. It looks like she put on a lot of makeup,
but it didn't feel uncomfortable.
He was a strange person in many ways.
From afar, I heard the commo on, and I heard the shrill voice on the way.
-Huh, you bastard who goes out of his hand if he's wrong, you bastard?
-Are you confident?
No ma er where you look, it's not something a pre y girl would say.
- ra le
“I, my lord…”
“Uh, sit down.”
Bertus saw the man approaching in front of him frozen, and two other men
he was wearing.
They knelt in front of him, not in a chair, even though Bertus said nothing.
Bertus crossed his legs and crossed his arms, looking at his three kneeling
“Why are you doing this?”
“Sin, sorry!”
“Do you not understand what I mean by aiming for the safe opera on and
opera on of horsepower trains and sta ons? then
De, are you trying to create a sense of incongruity among the ci zens and
even slap a hand on one of those ci zens?"
“I’m sorry, my lord!”
The man who finally couldn't beat the maiden of Myoryeong and tried to
wield his hand.
These three are not just plainclothes cops.
They are the servants of La Vertus.
In other words, they were the Knights of the Duke of Salesian.
Bertus smirked.
“How much did you get?”
"Fortunately, it's nothing. If you really did slap the girl, I'd roll hard for a
week and then hear that the chief of the security department beat up the
people, and my half brother did nothing and I killed myself. It must have
been like watching. It's a pity. It's because she's such a mean person that
she can slap you off with one hand?
“I’m sorry, my lord. God's thoughts
It was short.”
"Oh, how much did you get, I don't understand. You got money from
Charlo e.
Otherwise, why are you doing this crazy thing?
Ji. Tell me, how much did you get from my half brother?”
The faces of the three knights of the Duke of Salerian became blurry at
Bertus' joke.
got red of it
Now, Bertus’ words and ac ons are subtly
He also resembled Reinhardt.
“Kill me, my lord!”
Bertus had no inten on of killing these three in the end, although the
judges were twisted.
Knights transcend the law to some extent when they become a privileged
class, especially when they become knights of a family close to power.
So the privilege they have is themselves
those who come from
There is this. so too ignorant
There are mes when I am arrogant.
Among the knights of the Duke of Salerian, there are only those.
A guard speaks a few words,
Even a er killing people, there are many cases where I am not responsible,
so I know that it is okay to just kill some ci zens
It's a li le bit like they tried to use a sword on the hands of the ci zens in a
place where people were watching. It was terribly stupid, but
“It’ll be fun if I try to break free my week like this again.”
Bertus drew it with a bloody expression.
A er speaking, he bit them.
Those who think short but too short
There is no use in being competent.
Those who like to fight can be sent to a place where they can do a lot of
their favorite swordsmanship.
Bertus had already decided which border to send those three to.
In the end, there was even a handshake against shopli ers, but even if that
was the case, I tried to stop the situa on.
If I had even hit Dunn ci zens, the problem would have been bigger.
He couldn't see Bertus properly, but he heard that the silver-haired lady
grabbed the knight's wrist.
He was a man who looked like he couldn't even use his power.
He's not strong enough to grab a knight's slap with one hand. of course
The fact that body size and physical strength are not necessarily
propor onal, Bertus was aware of some out-of-standard cases.
what is the person doing
For the first me in his life, Bertus himself
I was very curious about the iden ty of the person who spit tea on this
'I must have seen it somewhere...'
And he somehow got used to it.
It's not a face or an expression or anything like that.
-Huh, you bastard who goes out of his hand if he's wrong, you bastard?
-Are you confident?
no wonder.
Those words and ac ons seem familiar. However, the impression of the
silver-haired girl was so strong that Bertus couldn't get the image of
another person to overlap in his head.
He was so embarrassed by the fact that he was facing himself that he was
restless again.
I think it was kind of cute.
''s no good for a dear person to know
And, he never spoke, and he seemed to know who he was. Of course, the
face is not known at all.
It's strange to say that you know
there wasn't
what is the person doing
Berthus was about to do something out of the blue.
became upset at
By a dog-like coincidence, he was already fucked up just by encountering
Bertus. However, it was even more dog-like to think that nothing would
have happened if I had just watched the kids being beaten up.
At first, it was a concept, but now that I live like this, I feel like I really have
become such a person.
No, but, in my common sense, no ma er how twins are, it's not fair to beat
them up like a dog in front of people's sins, isn't it?
...even if the words are true
I'm already a bit giddy at the point I'm doing
It's been a long me.
let's not care
There's no way Bertus would come to see something like a women's dress-
up contest. In the first place, it seems that he is not going to be able to
even step toward the temple because he is in charge of an important task
rather than a temple fes val.
As the temple gets closer, the steps
It was ge ng heavier li le by li le.
I really don't want to go...
nevertheless have to go
Because this is all I want to do well.
I have to go....
The dress carrier was somehow heavy as if it were dragging a piece of iron.
One thing I decided to do.
If you go out like you just did, strange things may happen.
First of all, be pa ent no ma er what happens.
If you don't tolerate it, it might get worse.
"why me...."
Conor Lint stared blankly into her air with her defocused eyes. Lint was
now wearing a women's dress prepared by the organizers.
Kono Lint was useless
She wanted to cut off her tongue.
'The women's dress-up contest is today, right?'
'What is that?'
Heinrich von Schwarz, Kaier Bioden, Erch de Lafaeri, and Kono Lindt.
The four cha ed together throughout the fes val.
You were enjoying this and that.
'They say they are accep ng applica ons un l this evening.'
The only reason I brought up the story was because of the evil thought that
it wasn't me.
'The guy who lost by rock paper, get out of there. how.'
| Boys are some mes a strange bet
risk their lives
In other words, looking at the ugliness of others
to take a useless adventure.
'....what? why go out like that? Crazy?'
'Why are you having fun?'
how much will you be offended
Yoo-yeol can be felt just by looking at each other's faces wet with shame,
ac ng like they never want to do in front of so many people.
A life me of fun.
There's no reason not to look. Naturally, everyone reacted warmly.
It certainly was, un l Kono Lint picked up the magic word.
'Isn't it just me?'
There are four candidates. So the probability is one in four.
At a twenty-five percent chance, you buy fi y-five percent zeal. It is an
inevitable bet.
Before ra onal judgment took precedence, Kono Lint took the lead.
'If you don't, you'll go out!'
Now Kono Lint's Women's Dressing Contest is held
is in the wai ng room at the back of the auditorium, all explained.
Being without me means becoming someone else, and that was Kono Lint.
It's the same probability, but strangely, there are cases where one side
takes the first step, but Kono Lint is that partner.
It was.
“Baby. Aren't you going to stay?"
"Ah Okay....."
"Listen to your face. Why is your skin like this? You don't even wear
Liana de Granz was pu ng powder paint on Conor Lint's face. If she did,
she would laugh at herself, and her laughter was leaking out.
Liana, who usually sees herself like a cow and chicken, and her duke Yeong-
ae are honored to even do her makeup with her own hands.
is enjoying
Normally, it would be very emo onal and heart pounding, but Kono Lint
just died in real me.
'what? A women's dress contest?'
'Do you have any hobbies like that?'
'Oh, he?'
'Heh, black, big. ah ah yes It's fun! Ah, ha ha! Makeup? okay. What are you
going to do? uh! I'll do anything! Where are you? Today?'
I have no inten on of pu ng on makeup, but in the end
Jingu-deul are very passionate about coopera ng with women in such a
bad situa on.
Ellen and Ellen on Mr. Temple and Miss Temple issues
They knew that Cliffman was suppor ng Liana, so everyone went to Liana.
As if when was the last me everyone was upset, Kono Lint decided to
par cipate in her dress-up contest.
As soon as it was decided, she succeeded in recrui ng Liana, who was
usually not good at her words, as her makeup specialist.
As if it was all right because it was fun, Liana was doing Kono Lint's makeup
directly in the wai ng room behind the women's dress-up contest.
Not only that, but she was even choosing her clothes.
Of course, Liana did not lend her clothes to her own.
Dressed in one of the many women's suits prepared by the organizers,
Liana struggles to and fro, and she wears makeup.
She, of course, tried on her wig, etc.
She was in serious trouble.
A er thinking for a while, Liana bit her tongue.
and filled
“Wow, what?”
“You, no ma er what you do, just laugh
But do you?”
Liana giggled as she looked at her lint, as if it was ridiculous no ma er how
hard she tried.
Scenes similar to this were unfolding around them. Because the scale of
the compe on was not so large, the wai ng room was just a huge hall
behind the huge auditorium. Some people just take a deep breath
Bitch, somebody put on makeup like you
Some give.
Usually, the expression is bad.
There were people who fiddled while looking in the mirror hard, and that
was harder to see.
And over there, there was a human tank that was almost two meters tall,
wearing the largest size possible, but it was standing in a way that looked
like a short skirt.
It was even more bizarre to see that she couldn't bear whether she was
ashamed of herself like that.
this is hell
Kono Lint pondered which of the demons of Hell and the spectators who
came to ridicule them were more vicious.
Since the number of people other than the par cipants is limited to one
person who can help with makeup or the dress code like Liana, it was
fortunate that the only person who would laugh at this was Liana.
This guy's mouth is the problem.
Once you fall into a sense of wonder, you can't go back anyway.
Par cipa on number 1,
Kono Lint had a sign with her own number on her chest.
even one me
The par cipa on number is not the order of applica on, but the LAN
as a bonus.
The last to apply, he must go out as the number 1 hi er.
So it made me want to die even more.
“Why couldn’t you be born pre er?”
"Why is that my fault... Why do I have to be born pre y... I'm a man..."
"okay? But he wasn't par cularly good-looking."
"help me...."
Liana is pu ng on her makeup while joking around about what's so fun.
It was just banging.
who do you blame
I only blame myself for causing this hell.
Inside that hell where they see each other and hold back their laughter.
gave the contest
In a raining but a bit noisy wai ng room.
Kono Lint is a cornerstone of people who look like him.
I saw someone si ng somewhere.
A person wearing something like a robe
It was.
It looked like he was a par cipant.
He was wearing it under the hood, so he couldn't see it properly, but his
opponent's hair was silver, and his beau ful jawline,
She even showed her shiny pink lips.
Even if you pretend, the atmosphere is somehow different.
Someone approached the person who was si ng s ll in the corner without
talking to anyone.
It was the person who appeared to be the organizer of the tournament.
I couldn't hear the conversa on because it was far away, but it seemed like
they were talking about something.
Nodding his head knowingly, the man took off his hood.
For a moment, Kono Lint forgot his words.
It was the same for the other par cipants who happened to no ce the
He seemed to be having a conversa on in that state, and the organizers
nodded as if they understood.
“Where do you see that?” When Lianado Conorint couldn't take her gaze
from somewhere in her, she turned her gaze towards it and dropped the
makeup she was holding.
"...what. Can women par cipate? No, it can't be, can it?"
Liana was blankly she mumbled
Of course she knew she couldn't, but she couldn't help but say that.
No, not a girl, but a girl anyway.
The girl ends the conversa on with the organizers
A er that, she pressed her hood down again and used it.
"Is that a man?"
Liana turned to Kono Lint and asked her with a puzzled expression. Her
face was no longer visible,
“Well, even if you ask me…”
The two, of course, saw the silver-haired contestant.
They were all stunned.
Even Kono Lint thought that before the girl (?) pressed her hood to write,
she seemed to have made eye contact with herself.
The face of the girl who pressed her hood down
It was also clear that she saw it.
no way....'
Kono Lint was a flee ng moment, but the girl's face she saw clearly, her
a tude,
She felt the fall.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 300

As the start me of the compe on drew near, all the people except the
par cipants and the organizer had to leave the wai ng room.
“I don’t know if this is enough or not, but this is my best.”
In the end, I even put on a wig and full makeup, but in the end I couldn't
escape the ridiculous appearance.
Leaving Kono Lint behind, Liana shrugged and le her wai ng room.
There are about forty women le .
Only the contestants remained.
As if most of them commi ed some crime
They were sad faces. of course dog
There were also people who suited her more than a woman's dress.
Perhaps these are the people who have such a hobby.
Since there are over 100,000 students in the temple, there is no way that
there are no people who have a taste for it.
And something very
Dangerous and extraordinary-looking person.
Par cipa on number 40 wearing a hoodie,
He was so anxious and anxious that he was even bi ng his nails.
It's true that Kono Lint was in a dog-like situa on, but I wondered what
was wrong with that person.
If that's the case, what did you come here for?
Are you in the same situa on as me?
“Okay, the compe on will start soon. Let's go number 40, take off your
hood now."
Even though the host came out and started preparing, I was wondering if I
could not hear it or not.
“Please take it off. Par cipant?"
In the end, he was forced to take off his hood, and when the other
par cipants saw the figure (?), they had no choice but to forget their
is that a man?
Everyone was like that.
Par cipa on number 40 is in a situa on where it is impossible to laugh,
but for some reason, he put on a subtle forced smile with extreme effort.
“…I thought it was Miss Temple, didn’t it come out wrong?”
The par cipants next to each other seemed to know each other, and Kono
Lint started to wonder if that was the case. In fact, she was even more
credible that way.
Yes, that's the only case.
You can't be a man with that face.
So I started to understand.
Everyone was sure that this stupid pre y girl didn't fill out the Miss Temple
applica on in the women's disguise contest, so when she arrived at the
scene, they were all in the midst of these gangsters (?), so they didn't know
what to do.
I thought you were doing
submi ed an applica on to the Miss Temple contest.
But, when you see men dressed as women and even human tanks over 2
meters tall wearing one-piece suits, you can't help but panic!
I want to go out , but I am so shy and shy that I am obviously unable to do
this !
Even though the organizers didn't say anything, sympathy for the pre y girl
who was all blushing and rolling her feet (even though she didn't do it at
it started.
In the end, someone has to step in.
Since you are not in a place like this, you have to escort them to get out.
There was a person who was the first to ac vate the Knights Apostle, which
began to sprout in everyone's mind.
“I, um. greatness."
It was a human tank in one piece.
Wooram, who shines in par cipa on number 24
In this place, where most people don't match heavy human tanks and
women's clothes, the overwhelmingly unsuitable person began to
approach the pre y girl.
Conor Lint was astonished to herself.
'no! Even if no one else knows, you shouldn’t go out!’
To that weak and slender looking girl
That giant is too monstrous to approach.
A monster wearing a one-piece, muscular body itself, even worse because
he wore a long blonde wig, approaches the pre y girl.
Her girl was staring blankly at the giant ass approaching her.
She wears her clumsy smile without saying a word, but the corners of her
lips are trembling.
She must have been terrified.
Kono Lint, even if you were yourself, if a monster like that approached you
in that manner, you were confident that you would burst with bubbles.
But, of course, Richard Howlman-kun, a human tank who thinks he is
ac ng like a gentleman by demonstra ng his chivalry spirit.
He showed a gentle smile, not paying any a en on to his appearance.
“It seems that you have chosen the wrong tournament to par cipate in...”
“This is the place for a women’s dress contest. It’s not a Miss Temple
I said it because I thought it would look great on others, but because of the
situa on, the clothes, and the fact that I was a par cipant in the women's
dress contest.
It wasn't cool at all.
Of course, his eyes had to be focused on that. The silver-haired pre y girl's
eyes roll over and over.
She wanted to say something, but she didn't want to say it, and her lips
twitched and she looked nervous.
“You don’t have to be afraid. This is a simple event, so if you go out a er
explaining it well to the organizer...”
The same thought came to everyone's mind
that child. It is clear that he thinks he is very cool.
Using the present gentleness and considera on as a weapon | Know the
class of the girl who wants to go out
Are you going to get an appointment for dinner later, let alone your wife?
The girl, trembling her lips, cau ously opened her mouth, as she eventually
thought she could not defeat the monster in front of her by being silent.
“…Men…I do.”
Eventually, from the girl's mouth, there was a vague feeling of confusion
about whether it was male or female.
Kim's voice came out.
Richard Howlman asked with a bewildered expression, as if he was sure he
had heard something wrong.
Girl, no, No. 40, who said that she wasn't a girl, bit her lip.
Of course, the girl herself is angry at the abomina on in front of her, who
cannot understand her words at once.
I'm just gone
Fuck you, turn it off
It was the ac on that came out of this mind, but in the eyes of others, it
only seemed like an expression of savagery towards the person who made
him difficult.
hotness and savagery.
Similar, but subtly different.
Everyone is just arbitrarily misunderstood about that pathe c creature.
When I couldn't be defeated with a single word, I vomited out the number
40 in the end.
said as if
“That… it came right… that’s right…”
At those words, Richard Howlman, as well as the others, hardened.
Of course, no ma er how stupid the person in front of you is
Even though she is a pre y girl, she knows that such a mistake is absurd.
However, there are some things that people find difficult to believe even
when they see it with their own eyes.
I couldn't believe it when I saw it with my own eyes, but I even received
confirma on with my mouth.
themselves and biologically
They claim to belong to the same category.
“No, that’s absurd…”
Richard Howlman had a look as if he had lost his lifelong ideal in front of
his nose.
With a soul-sucking expression, the human car tumbled back and sat
down. But others too, face
Take a break from your squint at the number 40, who is blushing and
bowing her head.
Even red water will drip from your face
40, with an expression full of shame and shame, bit his lip and did not say
-Shoot aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...
In the bathroom near the wai ng room, I turned on the sink and washed
my hands.
I can't wash my face, I have to do chores
I don't even want to
I couldn't sit there because I was afraid that if I just stayed there, someone
would pick up the branches.
get sick
Kono Lint might be in the audience
I thought otherwise, but why are you a par cipant?
has it been Even like that?
Liana, who was doing my makeup, was afraid she would recognize me, so
her heart was about to fall.
When she first came, was it the same person who applied for par cipa on
by the organizer?
Even if you ask me if it's not, I explain it
I was swea ng it out...
Fortunately, the makeup and camouflage were perfect, so no one
recognized me, and even heard that I wasn't someone else at all.
That's why Kono Lint doesn't recognize me, and even that human tank guy
in the tournament doesn't recognize me. He even looked like he was trying
to be nice to me.
no, no ma er what
It's said that I look like an idiot to apply for Miss Temple to a women's dress
is it?
-Shoot aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...
I think I'm going out of my mind
let's be nervous
If I relax and come out with my temper, Kono Lint might recognize me.
Isn't that kind of a thick expression that only Reinhardt can do?
Oh see?
It could be such a crazy development.
let's laugh
Take care of your facial expressions, this will be over
Let no one recognize me un l
should go
"Uh-huh! Sin, sorry...!"
"Huh? W, here's the men's makeup... Ah."
Even the organizers of the tournament looked at me and misunderstood
got sleepy
get sick
No ma er what goes too well, that's the problem.
Said it was overpaid.
I must have put a lot of effort into this this me.
And my entry number 40.
This is random.
There are only 40 par cipants.
Obviously deliberately decided me as number 40
did it Obvious.
Even if it's not the long-awaited, the women's dress-up compe on
belonging to their own league has just begun.
-Now then, let's start the 8th Temple Women's Dressing Tournament
hosted by the Temple Student Associa on!!
This is a women's costume contest that has been held every year for eight
There was no overwhelming cheers as in the tournament, but the
auditorium of a general class was full.
There are ordinary people who came because they were interested in such
a strange contest, and the life me of a friend who par cipated as a penalty
There were many students who came to see the black history to go, and
there were those who came to see it for personal preference of those who
were interested in this field.
Soon, it was full of spectators who were all ready to laugh or watched with
excitement, even without thunderous cheers.
And there was a group of people from the Erazon class who came to see
Richard Howlman's dark history.
And Liana de Granz of the Royal Class, who came to watch the women's
dress contest, ha
Inrich von Schwarz, Erch de la
Paery and Cayer Bioden.
Four Royal Class students
It was located to observe the dark history of No Lint.
Leah si ng next to Heinrich looked at me and asked.
“Are you okay?”
“Um, in what sense?”
That I fall into my trap, only I know
When the guy who said all you can do was caught, everyone agreed.
Everyone was excited to see what kind of eccentric Kono Lint would show.
Erhi looked at Liana and asked.
“But how many dogs?”
Liana laughed at that ques on.
She looked at Erhi.
"no. 1"
First ride in this hellish compe on
Everyone couldn't help but laugh at the words of growing up. Just
imagining what Kono Lint will look like now makes them happy.
-ruler! There are so many great contestants this me! The first contestant
in the long-awaited women's costume contest! Let me introduce you right
The host was very tense in this bizarre contest.
- Royal Class 1st year! Introducing Kono Lint-kun! thunderous applause
I hope you get it right!
It was not like thunder, but loud applause erupted at the word "Royal
Liana de Granz is somehow a tournament
Even more excited than watching the show, they screamed and clapped.
It's such a shameless thing to say that it's like a duke's young girl, but it's all
Now, even the li le ones knew by now that Liana de Granz was a great
person who had nothing to do with that.
The three arrogant brothers, now one more joined, but they were red of
seeing Liana, who reached the peak of high tension.
They, too, are so excited about the misfortunes of others.
'A devilish bitch...'
Everyone, while those thoughts come to mind,
The first ba er with a red face. Kono Lin
T was on stage.
Liana's makeup was perfect.
Her ou it choices were also perfect.
Her wig selec on wasn't bad either.
Get it!”
“What is that!”
However, there were a lot of flaws on her hanger.
All four of us here, why is there a women's dress-up contest?
8 years despite this odd tle
It seemed to me that it was held every year for the second me.
I don't know about anything else, but it was funny.
- Lint-kun, are you a student in Royal Class?
- Yes.
- It's really cute. Have confidence
also good
At the host's words, Kono Lint was furious.
I stared at it as if not to.
- Oh, there was a misunderstanding. It wasn't Lint-kun, but the clothes
were cute.
Lint's expression ro ed at the host's words, and the audience burst into
laughter. In the first place, the women’s dress contest was like this
all. The point is that the par cipant, who joined because of something
strange, and the moderator who gently raises him, gently scratch him.
-Did you do your makeup yourself? That friend...
- Friends? You must be the one watching right now, right? I have great skills
yo. This? Who are you? can you raise your hand
It's me?
With those words, Liana, who was watching from her audience, raised her
hand. Even if her gaze was concentrated, Liana showed no sign of shyness.
The moderator, who saw her Liana, looked at Conor Lint and her Liana
alternately, and looked at her Liana with a feeling of ho-oh.
- Oh, you're a woman. Are you your girlfriend?
“Aaaaaah! Absolutely not!”
Her audience burst into laughter once more as her expression of extreme
dislike flashed across her Liana's face.
The three dog brothers were looking at Liana like that, looking at her as if
she were some kind of monster.
There is no way to be honest with people
It's a tough year
- Are you in denial? Lindt, are you hurt?
- Oh, no! Why am I hurt?
Kono Lint, who had appealed that he was rather hurt by denial, was dying
every minute.
-Why does the royal class have a women's dress-up contest?
did you come
- It's not like the other kids.
Hey? like a penalty.
- Do you think they play just like us? I don't think so....
The demon classmates in Royal Class were busy laughing, but the
audience's reac on was a li le different.
First of all, Konolint has a royal class premium.
Even in the temple, where the number of students reached nearly 100,000,
there were only two hundred students in the Royal Class. that
Speaking of the runny royal class, there is something to eat first and then
The percep on that most of the general class students must be arrogant
and arrogant elites
The one that is firmly embedded is the Royal Class.
By the way, the guy who is mu ering in front of me, pretending not to
know what to do, wearing a funny woman's disguise, is the Royal Class?
I used to think of it only as an existence in the sky
Somehow the Dun Royale class student, Chin
It's bound to be considered rude.
A state with such a royal class premium.
- Isn't he cute?
In par cular, the reac on of the female students was slightly different.
No ma er how well he hits the Kono Lint, he doesn't belong to the male
axis, but if you look closely, it's barely audible that he's cute.
Liana de Granz's makeup is added to it, so even if you don't hear that she's
pre y, it's good to hear that she's cute. Of course, the boys will not agree
at all, but some of the female students are shy and do not know what to
There were a lot of people who thought Kono Lint's appearance was a bit
- Cute!
- You're cute!
Middle school girls also wave their hands
Crackling and clicking, Kono Lint
Gold what's going on
Her eyeballs were about to turn ght.
A er a series of ques ons, the moderator moved on to the important
ques on.
-By the way, Kono Lint-kun is said to be a person with superpowers.
-Oh oh....
Super power.
People know that such a thing exists, but very few have seen it in person.
Even in the Temple, there are students of the Royal Class and people with
No ma er how superpowers exist,
Superpowers are s ll a foreign concept to people. That's why the
expecta ons for the Royal Class student who came out wearing a funny
woman's disguise at the word 'superpower' inevitably increased.
It's not that I put my teeth in random order and then put Kono Lint at No. 1
and Reinhardt at No. 40.
At the word "superpower", Kono Lint, as well as the male students of the
Royal Class, hardened their expressions.
- It seems that you haven't decided what to do during the appeal me
anyway, so how about showing your superpowers? It's teleporta on, so
that's cool!!
- Oh oh oh!
everyone who knows knows
Kono Lint's superpowers are known to the public.
It's not something you can show off.
Of course, the penalty has now been offset to some extent, but...
S ll, only underwear can be moved.
- Oh, no! never!
Kono Lint's desperate cry was heard.
The boys opened her mouth blankly in danger that Kono Lint's black
history might be nearly squared.
Liana also thought she wasn't, and her mouth was blankly open. a li le bit
Show me if you're crazy too! show me! She may have, but Liana was s ll
maintaining this surname.
People who don't know the details here
there is also
-show me!
Star ng with someone's shout,
- show me! show me!
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 301
can't show
- show me! show me!
Kono Lint is the story of the people who filled your eyes.
Bite your tongue while hearing the cry and die
It was the feeling of wan ng to go.
'You're doing something stupid!'
The moderator, without knowing anything, is doing it because he wants
something great because he has superpowers, and the audience is telling
the story of teleporta on that the Royal Class will show.
Excited to see my abili es in person
had done
If you suddenly teleport while wearing only your underwear in this place,
then suddenly this place of a women's dress-up contest is the worst case.
It's going to be a chaos
All in all, it was sure to be a joke.
There is a grave flaw in her own abili es. So I can't show
I have to say so. I was already embarrassed to appear in front of people like
this, but I didn't want to do anything even more embarrassing.
People watch the skilful teleporta on show flashing east to west
I'd love to, but what they'll actually see is a very dangerous picture of a
pervert wearing only pan es flashing from east to west.
Because it's obvious!!
like that.
I have to say
- show me! show me!
Kono Lint hears her cry for herself, and sees her gaze on herself.
Even though she is standing in this posi on like this, she sees their gaze on
That is the gaze of envy.
It was a gaze that Kono Lint had never received before.
It looks just like the Royal Class
The people's subtle jealousy, envy, and envy.
The boy has never been through
Within the Royal Class, it has been a long me since Palpoon was branded
as the same ability.
- Hey! That's great!
-Aren't we going to be able to move our tops together in a li le while?
-He, Chu, congratula ons, Lint...
When I was able to move my underwear together, my classmates with
psychic powers rejoiced together.
The reason alone that the pathe c ability became less pathe c was
enough to receive support and praise.
It is a pi ful ability to receive.
Just like Reinhardt, doing great things and going around winning and
victories, etc.
I can't even dream of my own abili es.
Awakening super powers while figh ng a senior.
Coming back from the Darklands a er doing crazy things.
At the end of the ba le, magically strengthen each
or grow up
Winning the 1st year tournament proudly
do it or
those kinds of things.
Things that surprise people that make everyone open their mouths are
their own
not the role of
But now, people are watching themselves.
Just for the reason of being a royal class, just for being a superpower,
There were even people who said they were cute.
It was the first me I received the a en on in my life, and what would
happen if I told them that I couldn't use my abili es because their clothes
would come off if I used them?
A useless girl like that in royal class
there is a stone
Maybe it will change that way.
Their eyes filled with an cipa on are cold.
Just imagining the change in your gaze
also suffered from
useless ability.
No, it's a great ability, but it's too much
imprac cal due to serious defects
How long do I have to be like this
Wai ng to see what we can move together a er underwear
When will I ever be able to become a useful person?
Kono Lint felt the cry of the people far away. The moderator's Chae Geun-
do, distant Mea
sounds like lee
In the a en on of countless people, Kono Lint is rather alone.
feel the feeling of being
I don't even think about wan ng to be like Reinhardt.
That goddamn bastard chooses only to do things that are as dangerous as
what he has accomplished.
He doesn't want to live like that. I don't think I'll be able to live.
But, I don't want to go through the trouble of buying and hun ng like that
unlucky good-looking guy
a li le bit though.
As if the world was strangely tolerant of him.
Couldn't you be a li le more generous with me?
How long will I be like this
With his abili es, he calls himself a superpower.
dog but show it to someone
Do I have to live an impossible life?
If there was anything you learned from watching Reinhardt
at least one.
Recklessness some mes leads to certain results.
Recklessness will only bring defeat
is not
me too.
I have something the world has prepared for me
will be
And, I know that it won't get in my hands unless I try.
The tree bears fruit, and if you don't take the risk of climbing the tree, the
fruit won't be mine forever.
- show me!
Kono Lint regains a sense of reality in the midst of a short but long agony.
The boy decided to do something.
The royal class classmates who had been ridiculed un l now had their
complexion turned white.
there was. It was because he read something from the boy's determined
- Hey! no way!
In par cular, Liana de Granz, who had the most fun so far, shouted, shaking
her head with her complexion almost pale. In the end, a reasonable degree
of disgrace is a joke.
Despite the passing, Liana is s ll not a bad-tempered person.
She is desperately trying to stop her as she is about to cross the river of no
But Lint is no longer listening to anyone else.
I decided to
Even if you fail, you have to go forward
There are mes.
- Show me, brother!!
It's not because of the cute middle school girl si ng in the front row.
“Lint-kun, if the demonstra on is difficult, take another appeal me...”
It's not even because of the hostess who jokes around with him.
-show me!
It's not because of the cry in the envy of so many people.
- Don't do it!
It's not for anyone.
It is because he is red of himself who has become red of this iden ty.
So, I can't live like Reinhardt
Probably not, but he decides to follow the way he's done it so far.
There is a situa on from which you cannot back down, and that is now.
Push yourself into an extreme situa on and move on to the next level.
If you fail, you are an asshole.
If you are successful, you will no longer have to live with a penny.
There is no more extreme situa on than this.
I have to do it, I will do it.
“I’ll show you something.”
- Wow!
Kono Lint's eyes in a dress
gave strength to her egg.
I will complete teleporta on by moving clothes together, and now I will go
on the path as a true psychic.
The coordinates to move are to the right of the stage.
The ability itself is easy to use.
I just don't know how to overcome the penalty.
I s ll don't know, but in extreme circumstances
Commi ed to realizing the extreme meaning of teleporta on,
Kono Lint clasped his hands together and chimed in.
- Pot!
All of a sudden.
Silence came to the auditorium.
Kono Lint successfully teleported.
- Uh...?
The audience was astonished.
The moderator was also shocked.
- uh...?
- What, what...?
And the Royal, who was watching the situa on
It was the same with classmates who were dumbfounded. It was not the
facial expressions of those who discovered the predicted side effects, but
the astonishment to see something completely unexpected.
And the party, Kono Lint, was equally confused.
Apparently, Kono Lint teleported successfully.
But his own body was s ll there.
What moved is clothes.
Kono Lint moved all of his clothes to the right side of the stage except for
his underwear.
Kono Lint was stunned.
So did his classmates.
Kono Lint's abili es have evolved.
What is happening now is absurd. Therefore, those who know it will know
that Kono Lint's ability has improved drama cally.
I know that I have made a change that is close to a miracle by going beyond
the level.
“Was it possible that teleporta on was… something like this?”
“Uh, that, that… uh. no."
However, the audience, including the presenter, was convinced that Kono
Lint's teleporta on ability was originally
You just have to know this
He didn't move himself, he moved the clothes he was wearing.
Kono Lint achieved miraculous growth in abili es.
- Whoa!
All of a sudden I'm naked except for my pan es
The end result was the same.
-G, so far par cipa on number 1 Kono
It was Lint-kun!
Of course, Kono Lint wasn't caught for performance obscenity or anything
like that. In the process, this ability penalty
Because it was the fault of the moderator who did not ask the ques on
Conorint puts his clothes on like he's running away
As if to run away, he went to the back of the stage, and the confusion of
many students and the audience, terrified by the sudden eye terror, was
se led.
It took me to become
“I… what did I see…?”
Liana de Granz mu ered dazedly.
It was also because of Kono Lint's sudden underwear trend, but of course,
Kono Lint was completely different from what she had before.
It was also due to the use of his powers.
Heinrich, Cayerdo, Ergido
It was the same as dumb.
People didn't know Lint, so I couldn't help but react with a bewildered and
stupid reac on. Because teleporta on does not necessarily mean that you
are moving.
But in the eyes of those who know
Kono Lint, who only moved her body
was astonished that he succeeded in sending the goods.
As a result, the clothes moved and it looked ridiculous, but it is safe to say
that the ability itself went beyond a leap forward and super-evolved.
Those who didn't know the facts had expressions that looked like they
were taken aback by surprise, and there were some eccentric people who
saw Kono Lint running away in embarrassment and said it was cute.
But these four who know the truth keep their mouths open and say
nothing for a while
-All right, let me introduce the next 2nd par cipant.
I will rock!
The moderator began to carry on with the contest to clear up the
These four were originally here to see Kono Lint's ridiculous form, so now
that it's over, there's no need to stay here.
Of course, a er all the par cipants are introduced, the winner is decided
through vo ng.
The order remains. But even if I did it or not, it was enough.
There were some shocking results, but the important business is over, so
there is no reason to keep your seat.
However, the Royal Class Net, as well as other people, did not easily get a
- What did you prepare for the appeal me?
- Dance. I'll show you.
The jokes the par cipants were making were just funny and made me keep
watching. The one who came out as a punishment voluntarily
The one that seemed to have come out also provided some pre y funny
things to see.
“Hey, what is that? What?"
"Ouch! evil! If it's funny, it's funny, why?
The shock given by Kono Lint was brief,
Liana sits next to Ergi de Rappa.
He pa ed Eri hard and smiled.
“No, you don’t have to shave your legs a bit! Ouch!"
Liana is the type to laugh while hi ng the person next to her when
something is funny.
“This is a pain in the ass... Oh, my stomach hurts.”
During EP me, the one who dances, the one who sings, the one who
wants to defeat me out of the blue, I did all sorts of weird things.
When a music major, who was a pre y good match for a woman's dress,
euphemized the eloquent baritone solo, everyone was dumbfounded and
I was about to applaud you.
A er such a women's dress-up contest went on for a while, she clapped
her hands as if Liana remembered something.
"Well, what's right... Are you going to hit me again?"
As if Erhi had had her new educa on, she cringed as she lit up her eyes as
if Liana had remembered something.
"right! right! Hey!"
- Pak Pak Pak!
Of course, it really hit me again.
"Oh, why do you keep hi ng me..."
Liana taps Erhi a few mes on the shoulder and she says as she looks at her
three brothers.
“There was a strange kid in the wai ng room earlier.”
"Strange kid?"
Erhi asked, and Kaier's vote
Jung got weird.
“I think it would be weird if there were any kids there who didn’t look
So it is.
Wouldn't it be weirder if there was a strange guy in a wai ng room full of
people who were obsessed with women's clothes? Because where these
bad guys are, there's a weird guy out there.
“No, did you have a pre y girl a er all?”
Rihanna struggled, but she ended up with a rough cket
She chose the strings.
She uses the harsh expression that Liana is a pre y girl.
Of course, it will be as manly as a place is a place. Liana lted her head as
she recalled her strange child she had forgo en about because of the
“I think she was 40 or something.”
Even if Liana is curious, un l then
She looked like she would stay, and she wondered if her other classmates
had Liana so far.
At what level?
I'm just curious.
What do you mean when a man dresses up as a woman and is that pre y?
All three of them didn't even understand why they were si ng there.
But, for the first me, it didn't open.
-Come on, let me introduce you to Richard Howlman, number 24!
A giant in a dress that is over 2 meters tall
Everyone covered their eyes when they appeared
I was about to want to go, and the host
It was a red look.
"...I want to go out."
Liana had seen it before, but she slightly trembled at the corners of her lips
as if she had lost her eyes.
-Uh hmm, big. Ummm... uh. Well. uh. Yes. Ah.
Such a muscular giant's face is red
While I was losing, I touched the end of the dress
If you cross her legs, even more
It was obvious he couldn't see it.
A er a fantas c talk show with a broken-hearted moderator and a shy
human tank full of shame, the moderator decided that it was unreasonable
to proceed further, so it went straight to appeal me.
- What did you prepare for the appeal me?
- Squat, I'll show you.
Everyone watched with a blank expression as the human tank suddenly
demonstrated a heavy squat while wearing a dress.
Since it was difficult to see in many ways, there were a lot of people who
escaped from that part.
In the midst of such great exchanges and jokes, the women's costume
contest was held, and soon the last order was reached.
-Now, the long-awaited 8th Women's Dressing Compe on is also
approaching the last contestant. The last contestant who is sure to surprise
you in many ways. Your real name is disclosed because you requested to
protect your iden ty.
I can't do it, but par cipa on number 40
th! Come with me!
There were only 40 uniden fied par cipants
It wasn't. Class and name from
There were quite a few par cipants who came out with wheat, so it wasn't
that unusual.
Liana already remembered seeing it once, and the other three onlookers
said that Liana
She has a word so I wonder what she's like
it was ter
One such last par cipant.
The uniden fied par cipant number 40 slowly climbed onto the stage.
- Wow
The audience's reac on to the 40th par cipant walking out under the
highlight lights was nothing but a blank exclama on of exclama on.
“…what, what…?”
The reac ons of the Royal Class students were also not significantly
different. Liana, whom she had already seen once, was dazed, and she was
just staring at number 40.
Silver hair that reflects her lights and shines brilliantly. It must have been
her wig, of course, but for her wig, her hair was too lively to the point
where it looked like her real own hair on her doorstep.
She has golden eyes, seduc ve pink lips, a beau ful jawline and facial
features, and a clean and delicate white neckline.
slender shoulders and the hem of the dress
It wasn't visible because it was hidden, but her waist line was perfect.
She was there with a smile that looked so gentle and kind, she was perfect
So, the same ques on is bound to pop up in everyone's mind.
is that a man?
That's a lie.
-That, that... It's a bit odd to say this, but... Are you a par cipant in a
women's dress contest?
There, the subtle, neutral feeling
Rather than exclaiming cheers or exclama ons, everyone was just absent-
minded. Does this make sense? I want that feeling.
- You asked for your iden ty to be kept secret. Is there a reason?
The look on his face, as if a needle wouldn't fit, and the cracks were brief..
40 mes soon restored his original expression.
...that, a secret to anyone. because there is
-I see.... Do you usually wear this kind of clothes o en?
At the host's provoca ve remarks, 40 mes stared at the host for a
Everyone just sensed that 40's real facial expressions flashed by for a brief
moment, but no one saw it properly. Number 40, who quickly regained his
smile, said with a so smile.
- No, not at all.
- You mean this is your first me?
It looks good, but people who see it
Your expression is as good as an iron wall, Taeyeon
I am pretending to be
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 302
-Then why did you have to par cipate in the women's dress contest?
- Money.
- Oh, the prize money, right. It can be.
The moderator kept asking ques ons that would make it difficult no ma er
what the beauty of number 40, and accepted number 40 as if it was okay,
but as the moderator con nued to ask ques ons, the power in the hand
holding the dress was ge ng stronger.
Each me the shame and shame increase, the more troubled 40 mes, the
more strange people's expressions become.
In fact, in terms of the behavior and context of Human Tank No. 24 earlier,
it is not much different. No, in a way it's exactly the same.
But in the end, the signboard is important, and people who were disgusted
with the same behavior 24 mes were reluctant to respond to the same
behavior 40 mes.
Without knowing it, you will go out of your mind.
It's cute, so maybe it happened anyway?
Dangerous thoughts are becoming more and more people's minds.
spreads in the ribs
-Then, what do you plan to do if you receive the prize this me? buy
another dress
Wear it or...?
Of course, the host did not stop being mischievous. The expression of
number 40 with an awkward smile as if in trouble is in itself to win people's
was enough for
-Stop bullying!
- right! Stop it!
- Ask a plain ques on!!
In the end, even the cri cism of the moderator who made number 40
difficult began pouring out. People have already gone to the stage of
emo onally responding to number 40.
- Whoa, I must have been a bit harsh.
I apologize.
- No, it's fine.
The moderator asked about daily life and hobbies, and as the naughty
ques ons disappeared, the silver-haired par cipant answered this and that
with a calm expression.
It was a ques on-and-answer session as usual, but people
I started to find myself hoping the book wouldn't end soon.
“……I don’t think I should look any further.
Erhi mu ered blankly.
I'm going to take myself to a dangerous stage.
It is star ng to feel like it is.
The other two boys weren't much different either.
Liana would normally have given her a look of contempt, but this me she
“Why do I get jealous of men?”
Liana was also dazed and she mu ered something like that.
-Now then, slowly appeal to me....
- Let's wait!
- You're doing it too fast!
People end their hand appeal me
He even tried to block the progress of the moderator who was going to
finish it with
No. 40 just laughed and said, “Ahaha,” as if it was difficult for the audience
to act like that, but it was pulling out a fire that shouldn’t have been pulled
-This, apparently, the number 40 par cipant has a huge influence on the
tastes of many people.
You seem to have exercised incense.
- That... I'm sorry...
- No, there is no need for the par cipant to apologize. but always me
cannot be turned off. There is a vote, and the contest should be over soon.
Now, it's appeal me. What did you prepare?
In the end, the host didn't give 40 any more me.
Appeal me.
- I will sing.
There was nothing new about it, as many others did. Of course, there was
no accompaniment, so everyone did it without accompaniment, or
someone brought a portable instrument.
Singing is a common talent show, but when I heard that the 40th
contestant, who seemed to have something special and a lot of secrets,
sang, my eyes lit up.
- What song is it?
- It's a self-composed song.
- Oh, it's your own song, are you majoring in music?
At the ques on as if he was trying to dig something up, 40 mes showed a
subtle smile.
doing this and that
No. 40 sang at appeal me.
And to the song you sing with that voice
Everyone was dumbfounded.
The voice is good, but the lyrics and melody are bizarre, so people are
confused in a different meaning than before.
Lyrics and melodies never heard before in a life me, what a lady tying a
soybean field says
because it was
Let me introduce myself, the song name is Chilgapsan.
It was bizarre and strange, but in many ways, it was sensa onal because it
was a style that was not at all in the culture of the emperor.
A er all the par cipants were introduced,
Now it was me to vote.
Forty contestants took to the stage once again.
From No. 1 Kono Lint, who showed an outrageous underwear show but a
shocking ability evolu on is hidden inside, to the uniden fied No. 40
contestant who can go straight to Miss Temple as it is.
Everyone came on stage.
The results were already known without seeing them.
The audience as well as the par cipants stared blankly for only 40 mes.
The more you do, the more your face turns red, and the pathe c #40
contestant smiles with a trembling corner of his mouth trying to keep his
I can't stand the shame even on my own, so I can't help but subtly kindle a
fire in people's minds.
Of course, the tunes of a style that had never been in the zodiac before,
sung at the appeal me, were very bizarre, but isn't there a magic modifier
a ached to this situa on?
fourth dimension.
If a guy who doesn't follow the signboard does weird things, he hears a
squeak, and the signboard
If the guy you catch up with does weird things
The term “fourth dimension” is a ached.
So, even if you do something weird with number 40, it is understood that it
has its own charm.
“I really… didn’t want to come out.”
Regardless of whether or not everyone suits him well, the 40th contestant
is really having a hard me holding on to this posi on. It was like he had no
choice but to agree.
Why did I come this far to a place I didn't want to come?
“By the way… how much money do you need…”
People had no choice but to guess that the number 40 contestant came
out because they really needed the prize money. People gossip and start
guessing among themselves.
“I don’t know who he is, but he must have been very handsome in the first
place, so why not just go to Mr. Temple?”
“Maybe not, Mr. Temple will also go out.”
“Ah, that’s right.”
Won the Women's Dressing Contest and Mr. Temple
If you also win, you will receive two prizes at the same me.
The hearts of all the spectators who came to watch the compe on are
Guys, I wonder what the hell Jan was originally supposed to be like.
Girls wonder how good-looking Jan would be if he was.
I was out of money, so I went to a women's dress-up contest.
Then, of course, I will go to Mr. Temple.
If I go to the Mr. Temple contest, will I be able to find out who he is?
Let everyone come to the conclusion that they don't know
it will become
While everyone was babbling, the Royal Class students were looking at
Connor Lint and number 40 in turn.
Forgo en by 40 degrees of a en on, the 1st rebellion
The flawless underwear show seems to have been forgo en,
Kono lint himself with the chin
was filled with astonishment about
Convoluted Konolint, to his friends that this situa on is both embarrassing
and deligh ul, I did it guys.
Eo Ra sends her eyes away, but in fact, they also look at it 40 more mes.
“Yeah, but.”
Ergi de Lafaeri tapped Cayer in the side.
“Hey, doesn’t it seem like he’s always looking at me?”
What Erhi said, of course, is to go to the number 40.
" I thought you were seeing me?"
"Isn't it me?"
At Heinrich and Cayer's words, Liana frowned at her.
“What are you talking about, you assholes? Are you a man? If you look,
you see me. Why are you looking at all of them?”
All four people in the audience thought that Number 40 was constantly
looking at them.
“I am?”
“Is it country?”
“It’s probably me.”
“No, of course, what are you talking about?”
All four of them begin to auxin over useless problems.
Everyone's thoughts are useless axes
No, it was actually right.
Forty mes con nued, as he rolled his eyes, as if seeing or not seeing, the
four people in the audience made eye contact from me to me.
As soon as they meet, they quickly look away, but they are clearly doing
right. Therefore, such thoughts are bound to run through the minds of
male students.
But he's a man...
No, though...
No, absolutely not.
Maybe it's actually a woman?
With such bizarre thoughts, he was sinking into a mel ng pot of confused
Of course, the number 40 isn't like that, but in fact, it's about paying
a en on.
Liana was looking somewhere else, this me she wasn't number 40.
“No, that person over there.”
Liana pointed to Erhi and whispered.
“It’s a li le creepy, isn’t it?”
There, with her black robe on, she quietly calls number 40 at the back of
the auditorium.
Someone was standing there watching. Of course, just as there are people
like Number 40 who par cipate in this compe on with their iden ty
hidden, the spectators are wearing hoods to hide the fact that they have
come to see this compe on.
There were also quite a few.
However, the overly dull black robe was enough to make me feel
uncomfortable just looking at it.
Erhi also felt a chill in the back of his neck for nothing, and his body
trembled slightly.
Leave those worries behind and the vo ng begins.
No. 40 contestant who disguised herself as a woman reluctantly due to lack
of money.
You must have secured a lot of ckets
However, they start to get sympathy votes when they say that they came to
the contest because they need money.
Even without looking at it, 40 wins were certain, and they were.
No one objected, almost a million
It was a match win.
It's a hellish me.
“How do you feel about winning the 40th?”
“Oh, thank you so much. Yes."
S ll, this is the finale of hell.
While trying to forcefully smile while holding the crown and trophy given
to the winner, this hellish me goes by quickly.
I hoped it would end
[Event Complete - Women's Dressing Contest]
[You have earned 4000 achievement points.]
[Magic Status has increased by 5.]
[Increases resistance.]
In the end, a er a fucking me, I got the reward I wanted.
And a prize, up to twenty gold coins.
twenty million won.
Actually, that's a pre y big amount.
But this money has really disappeared, and it might disappear even more
in the future.
I wondered if it was worth the price in exchange for my dignity.
My magic status was originally 14.2.
Now, my magic amount is 19.2.
Now, only 0.8 is higher.
If you do, you will have the ability to master magic.
not long ago
I did this shit for this.
Wreaths and trophies for the winner, and the feelings of victory and hellish
mes, and the applause and shouts of the audience.
- Oops! bring me!
- She's pre er than me, so I'm just an older sister!
The glow of middle school girls.
- brother! take me!
- Brother, I...
The luminescence of middle school students.
- Our secret friend, ha ha ha ha!
High school-level guys were no different.
I feel like throwing up
Nevertheless, I tried to keep my smile as much as possible because of the
people I knew watching the situa on. Just as Bertus didn't no ce, the
other guys didn't seem to no ce me either.
And dog-like ques ons at ques on me
The host who had tormented me with a smile looked at me with a real
"Now then, would you be able to encore the song you just sang at the fill
me to commemorate the victory?"
To commemorate the winner, we sang at Appeal Time.
He asked me to sing one more song, and eventually sang Chilgapsan one
more me.
I don't know anything else, but I don't know how everyone should take
this. It was quite funny to see him dazed with that expression on his face.
Do you know the sorrow of Chilgapsan ridge?
Anyway, the women's costume contest is over.
Now I can safely give out trophies. Abandon it and return safely to
You just have to go.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I... it's weird...!
Should I just kill you all and go to hell??

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 303

I got what I wanted and everything went as expected, but it felt like my
soul had been robbed.
And, I had to know the real responsibility that I was only thinking about the
women's dress contest itself.
Anyway, I have to get out of the venue, but of course there is no such thing
as a bodyguard to protect me. I should have thought that there might be
some crazy people around who are obviously trying to catch me on my way
But I only thought about winning, and there was no way I could have
thought of a safe route to return safely in advance.
Apparently, a lot of the spectators who escaped set fires that I shouldn't
Lin where girls and boys go
I was wai ng for the crab to s ck.
Seeing the crowds crowding outside the auditorium, I couldn't help but
feel it.
I feel like a celebrity.
But what makes me different from celebri es is that I am the winner of the
women's dress contest.
Regardless of male or female, everyone knows who I am
These are the guys who seem to be curious.
Do you know when you say Reinhardt? I don't know! I can't even tell you
Why are you curious!!
If you go out like this, you will be caught.
If those guys come within the safe distance, I can't even get out of my
The other women's costume contest par cipants saw the day they couldn't
even walk in front of the exit, leaving with a vague smile.
Of course, people will be entangled there.
there was no
what to do
As you can see, this is the only way out.
Should I go out the window?
“If… you’re not going…”
I couldn't even walk through the door, so someone spoke to me,
wondering if I couldn't get past it. When I turned around, there was Kono
Lint. This guy changes her clothes back into his own
It's not like one piece, but it was s ll funny because of the makeup.
Of course, I came here wearing clothes, so there is nothing like my clothes
to change into.
I should have just passed by and le .
“Ah, sorry.”
As I stepped away from the door, he crawled and tried to pass me by.
He is scared of me in a different way than when he was Reinhardt.
Kono Lint, I didn't see what that bastard was doing, but what happened?
I know it happened
He did something that made him teleport someone other than himself.
In the original work, the most developed form of Kono Lint's ability was to
move all the clothes together. I don't know what happened, but this
bastard can now teleport other objects.
I don't know if this has go en stronger or what, but first, Kono Lint's ability
to leapfrog is incomparable to the original.
It is true that progress has been made.
The increase in Kono Lint's ability is actually more enormous than my
increase in my magical power by 5 today.
Kono Lint keeps glancing at me
I look at it and now I'm about to go out.
ability rise.
Space movement to something other than yourself.
“Come on, go to sleep, wait a minute.”
Unknowingly, I am Kono Lint's arm.
caught the
“Eh, yes?”
As Kono Lint caught me, her face turned red and her lips trembled.
should i like this or not
The expression of not knowing.
It's not like that, you bastard!
There are people lining up outside.
"Hey, can't you turn it on when you move out a li le bit?"
Only Kono Lint can rescue me from this bizarre situa on right now.
Of course, the boy was terrified.
Kono Lint said that his abili es were originally
It's not a run, there may be side effects, and he explained that he might be
naked. Of course it could be.
That could happen.
no! it's okay!
I'm going to re re!
The achievement points earned through tournaments and women's dress-
up compe ons are as many as 14,000 points. Sum of previous
achievement points
That is, one hundred and eighty thousand points.
You can use this much!
“Even if there are side effects, I will take it. So. Please."
“Well, though… huh, you might see a rough side…”
When I recklessly teleport
Even if you ask me to turn it on, Kono Lint is difficult
The color was strong.
"It's fine. I don't resent it. Everything is mine.
I will bear it.”
He looks at me with a look that makes me wonder if he thinks it's be er to
be thrown away naked than to be caught by people outside.
you succeed!
You don't believe in you and I don't believe in you either, but you're a god?
In the end, a er a long fight, Kono Lint shook her head with a bewildered
“That, that… Then. that. I will do it.”
Today is the first me that Kono Lint has succeeded in moving objects into
space. On such a day, you should succeed in moving people into space.
Of course, there is a lot of possibility that something bizarre will happen,
such as moving only my clothes.
So, use the excava on.
Kono Lint succeeds in moving the blade to the outside of the auditorium,
where there are few people. clothes as well.
[The event requires 100 achievement points.]
100 points.
Surprisingly, the price was much lower than expected. I thought I would get
about a hundred and fi y points. This guy's abili es have already
developed tremendously, isn't it?
[Use 100 achievement points.]
“That hand…”
"Ah yes."
Kono Lint trembled and held out his hand
I grabbed it.
li le boy
Don't be shy? I stared at Kono Lint's blushing face as he focused.
“Hey, even if it doesn’t go well… too… don’t blame yourself.”
“It will be fine.”
He looks at me without concentra ng.
“…do you believe me?”
What are you going to do?
Just let it go!
I couldn't express myself, so I had to laugh and say that.
- Pot!
And, with the feeling that my eyes were darkened, the scenery in front of
me changed in an instant.
It was my first me moving through space in this way, so I was surprised
and had no choice but to breathe.
In an instant, outside the auditorium, people
It was moved to an open space outside, not to a crowded place.
Kono Lint was the only one who didn't move together.
The effect of re rement was obvious.
Fortunately, he was s ll wearing his clothes. I got out safely without being
seen by people, so now I just need to change my clothes and come back...
while thinking like that.
- poop
I could see something falling from the air.
I picked it up as it fell from the air to the floor. i around it
looked into the dim light of
As soon as I saw it, I realized that I had spelled the typo wrong.
The clothes that Kono Lint was wearing just before had fallen off.
Kono Lint succeeds in moving the blade to the outside of the auditorium,
where there are few people. clothes as well.
that child.
I teleported not only my clothes, but also my own clothes.
Somehow, it was ridiculously cheap.
Could it be that Kono Lint's new teleport has a new penalty for telepor ng
his clothes together?
Are you s ll half penny?
Should I go get this back?
No, can't you just come here too?
Now that things are like this, you're going to have to come get some
But it's on the street.
It would be difficult for Kono Lint to appear here wearing only underwear.
People just think I'm just a girl in a dress.
Should I go back to this a er all?
So what's the point of telepor ng out?
I just want to get rid of it.
I can't possibly do that much.
“I’m going to get sick…”
In the end, I had no choice but to trudge back to the auditorium where the
women's costume contest was held in a dress.
Fortunately, people gathered in the auditorium
I didn't have to go towards it.
There were familiar faces on the bench a li le further away.
Awai ng the upcoming Kono Lindt, Gie Heinrich, Erch, Cayer and Liana de
Granz are nearby.
because it was
It's dangerous to go to those guys.
But, the main thing for me is to get caught by people who say that to me,
my brother and my brother.
I hated it more than I did.
- Why doesn't he come out like this?
- Do you change clothes?
Everyone was grumbling when the Kono Lint didn't get out quickly, and I
approached them. Fortunately, the ligh ng wasn't very bright, so it was in
a loca on where people couldn't see me easily.
“I, there…”

The winner of the women's dress contest suddenly loses clothes
When they showed up with them, I felt everyone's surprise.
"You're a pre er guy than me. Why? Do you have any business?"
Liana looked at me and smirked.
she asked
You are a really bad bitch!!
All the other men were frozen, so it was only Rihanna who could talk.
"Royal class... Are you students?"
“Yeah, what about it?”
I was wearing a royal class uniform, so there was no problem even if I
no ced it.
“This is it. It's Lindt's clothes..."
At those words, everyone's expression turned gloomy.
“He asked me to move it to the outside.... I asked him, but he and his
clothes were also moved.... It would be difficult.... But, I have a long way to
go back. ....”
"Ah. I got it.”
Liana raised her hand to stop me, as if she didn't have to say anything
more, and she slid Conor Lint's clothes from mine.
A er all, you're quick at this point.
The evalua on of the subject that I thought was a bad bitch un l recently
changed like flipping the palm of my hand. Liana looked at me, grinned and
looked her up and down.
“If you have such a hobby, come play as the Duke of Granz.” "Yes?"
"If you call me Liana de Granz, I'll open the door for you. Men's and
women's clothes. You can try on anything you want?"
And then she giggled and smiled, and it was clear that she was taking the
pills on this day.
you are a really bad bitch...
Connor Lint's clothes on the side of these guys
A er returning it, I run away to that place
I've seen enough to see how dirty it is.
Now, please, let's get back to normal.
To look dirty There is no end.
Yeah, there's no way we'll get through it safely. my
There's no way you'd be nice to me in this situa on where the goal is to
shame crabs.
I was about to get out of this place, but in the end, someone who
recognized me followed me.
“Hum, he’s not that weird.”
“I wanted to go to such a compe on even though it was so difficult if I
was in need of money. Hmm. Hum.”
A middle-aged man with bald hair caught me and gave me a Japanese
It was. He was probably one of the spectators.
It seems that the situa on is pi ful and difficult, so he was trying to appeal
that he was not a strange person, that he was running a lucra ve business,
and that his children soon entered the temple.
“So, if the circumstances are difficult, I can personally support you. That's
what you're saying."
what is this
Why the hell is this situa on happening?
I don't know if I got it
Actually, this person is bad for me
You may be a philanthropist who is willing to help
it will
But, your eyes are weird.
Your eyes are really weird right now
you know?
I know that it's just a joke for the kids to take my older brother and me, but
this yangban is real.
It felt like goosebumps all over my body.
“Of course, I’m saying this because I’m afraid I might be misunderstood,
but I don’t want anything. Just, if there's anything difficult about temple
life, let's talk about it, um. That’s what you want to do.”
I mean, you can do that, but do you think your eyes are a bit weird?
It's clear that he's neither a temple student nor a faculty member, but
should I just grab him and tell him not to talk shit?
Unfortunately, it is a fes val situa on, so there are people everywhere in
the temple. Of course, of course, the guards are firmly erected.
If you are punched in a harsh place and then dragged away by the guards
and inves gated, that will be even more devasta ng. Of course, it will also
turn out that I am Reinhardt.
This is the last test.
If you can't stand it and get out of the fist, Royal Class Reinhardt wins the
women's dress contest and starts accusing the middle-aged man.
Rumors about you in the neighborhood will spread that you were taken to
the police sta on.
Then it's suicidal, really.
have to be pa ent
I couldn't stand it once, so I ran into Bertus.
If you can't stand it this me, it's really over.
"Oh, I know what you're talking about. That's fine."
"Uh-huh, I'm just accep ng favors from adults. Let's go somewhere quiet
and talk for a moment."
"it's okay. The prize money is good enough, and it’s not that difficult.”
“I’m doing this because things seem so bad, so don’t think it’s too strange.
Oh, do I look so weird?”
“I thought I was a strange person.
Nira, it’s really okay.”
“Well then, let’s talk a li le bit.”
Ah. Stay away, you bastard.
A ngling sensa on in the nape of the neck
it feels
dog gets hot If you don't understand even though I've been able to
understand you properly, in the end
I wonder if I should do it too.
I don't think you'll ever let me go
“It’s sad that you keep making me weird like that. Even if you sleep in a
quiet place, while having a drink…”
A moment when I can't use my fists, but I want to say even harsh words.
“What is it, uncle?”
Make a heavy reverbera on with just your voice
Jin, someone came.
When I turned around, there was a human chariot there.
He also changed into his own clothes, so he's not wearing a one-piece
ou it anymore.
Human Chariot, Richard Howlman,
Not alone, but with a group
was together They're the same class
Yes, there were quite a few people.
The middle-aged man froze at the appearance of an even worse monster.
“Oh, no. I have a story to talk to... this student..."
“This student has to do with the uncle.
You don't look like you?"
And Richard Howlman took my side
I looked.
It's a strange feeling, but it's all because you showed up.
chase me away!
How did my earnest eyes work?
The man who is over 2 meters tall turns his head and looks down at the
middle-aged man.
“You don’t seem to have anything to say?”
“That, that. i'm not weird
"A slender cow in the middle of the night... No, if you hold on to a student
and keep them from going wrong,
Is that a weird person or something else that's weird? OK? Aren't you going
to get out of here before you hand it over to the Temple Guard?"
is a slender student.
You, that slender student, a tournament
I was beaten for three genera ons, my son....
And he was obviously trying to be a girl.
"He, he... I think there was a misunderstanding. Hmm. Excuse me."
In the end, the persistent middle-aged man ran away without tails at the
appearance of the giant.
- Oh, that's great, Richard.
- It's engraved.
"Oh, that's noisy!"
Even from behind, the bad-looking bastards were whistling. Thanks for
kicking me out, but I think the worse bastards are twisted.
“Uh, hmm. greatness. All right, are you okay?” Richard looked down at me
and coughed.
Something is giving up now.
In the end, what is it, as long as it tastes good, as the saying goes. It just
doesn't ma er what a ributes I have, is this?
I think I'm going crazy....
no. already gone
"Oh, thank you."
Richard's classmates or seniors
It makes my blood pressure go up when I see them whistling. Those niggas
probably see Richard's like this
They must have come for
I don't know why this guy came to the women's dress-up contest, but
Richard says with a red face, he doesn't even look at me properly.
“It can be misunderstood, so it would be be er for him to die sooner
rather than later.”
“Yeah, it should be…”
- Hey hey, just let me go?
- Do you want to eat rice?
A li le!"
Richard shouted at the crowd behind him.
This cub, though,
do it I thought he was just used up trash.
But when I think about it, it was me who made the fight during the
tournament, not this guy.
I don't like overwhelming garbage. Richard looks at me with a puzzled
“I, that. come back soon Before it gets any worse…”
"Ah yes. thank you."
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 304
“No, you have stronger superpowers, but now you don’t have to leave your
clothes behind, you have to move them with you? Really, why is life so
twisted all the me?”
"....I do not know. How do I know that?”
The more Liana grabbed her belly and smiled, the more Conor Lint's
complexion grew ro en. Fortunately for her, Conno Lint was able to put
her clothes back on and go out into the streets, thanks to the fact that
Contestant No. 40, who had transferred her, returned her clothes to the
Royal Class students.
She didn't want to win, she just wanted that me to pass quickly, so Kono
Lint just wanted to go back to her dormitory, grab hold of her wrecked
mentality and rest.
It was a terrifying experience for her, but it was all over.
No, was she just a bad memory?
...Do you trust me?'
The person who smiled brightly saying that she can't even believe in
herself, but she does believe in herself.
That trust, albeit with a penalty in the end, immediately prevented the use
of her new ability.
she made it empty
who is where
It's not like she really wants to do anything, but it would be nice if she
could figure it out anyway.
at least be friends
maybe it is
girl, no. The hand I held for a moment to move the boy was strange.
The road was smooth.
Nervous in her wai ng room, she bit her nails, and her nails were unsightly,
but as so as her intertwined hands.
Conor Lint seems to be trying to get rid of her frivolous thoughts by
shaving her head wildly the more she thinks about her strange thoughts.
she acted
“...why is he here?”
Liana sneaks a peek at Kono Lint, wondering if her taste has gone down a
She took a few steps back.
“Oh, over there. Isn't it him?"
As she was walking down the boulevard, Cayer pointed to something as if
she had found something, and there was a girl who looked, but not a silver-
haired girl in a hoop dress.
She was only showing her back, but she certainly wasn't the only person
who wore that ou it today other than the number 40 contestant. Erhi also
looked at her and nodded her head.
"...I think something's going on?"
Heinrich looked at the scene and smirked.
In front of the giant who was over 2 meters tall, contestant 40, who was a
lot shorter than him, was standing opposite him. And around it, a bunch of
people who look bad even if they pretend to giggle and surround them
there was
It's not far enough to hear what they're talking about.
However, no ma er how you look at it, it is only a picture of that giant and
a group of people harassing or threatening par cipant number 40.
not visible on
Everyone is no cing that it was the guy who par cipated in the even bigger
women's dress-up contest. It was very shocking to see a person of that size
wearing a one-piece dress, so it remained in my memory.
Liana raises the corners of her lips at an angle and smiles.
“Hey, are the talka ve guys harassing the pi ful and pre y boys?”
Everyone is mad because the words are a bit weird
It became an expression, but from a distance it was
It was true.
I don't know what's going on, but it's obviously a difficult situa on.
“This older sister needs to save this.”
Liana is in trouble
Clearly a pi ful and pre y boy
The moment she is about to go to the rescue.
“…just going?”
One side of the group that surrounded
The door opened, and the silver-haired boy nodded his head at Geohan
and suddenly started going his own way.
I don't know what's going on, but it seems like they just sent it back safely.
Even seeing him say hello, doesn't it seem like something grateful
“What is it, Kim Sae-nee?”
"You're lucky if nothing happens..."
Liana didn't know if she was going to fuss, so she bit her mouth with
regret. Rihanna was watching as she watched the big boy walk away and
stare at Number 40 as he walked away.
“Anyway, that’s a sinful man.”
Liana said that it was so funny
It seemed like it was messed up.
“By the way, I’m curious what major you are and what class you are in...”
Liana closed her mouth as she said that.
she asked
The group that seemed to be harassing Number 40 just let it go as if it
wasn't the case. It was obviously a misunderstanding. But she beckoned as
Liana looked towards the increasingly distant number 40.
She is exactly a li le behind him.
“Hey that one.”
“Isn’t that the person who was at the conven on hall earlier?”
Where Liana was poin ng, someone in a black lobby was silently number
was walking a er
“It’s like… it seems.”
Erhi had just seen the eerie black robe, so she thought Liana knew what
she was talking about.
Someone in a black robe, who looked suspiciously suspicious, was really
following No. 40. Everyone's expression became serious at her words.
“I don’t know what it is, but isn’t he really a li le dangerous?”
An uniden fied assailant follows number 40
are chasing Liana, as well as the other Royal class students, thought she
was going to have a long way to go with Number 40.
“Let’s follow.”
“Wow, isn’t it dangerous…?” |
It's because Cayer is a li le mid.
said crab I wonder if he's ge ng involved in some sort of thing. | “Is now
the me to ask something like that?”
Surprisingly, it was Kono Lint, not Liana who said those words.
her tail was stuck
And this me, I was convinced that it wouldn't be a simple pervert like the
truth of that middle-aged man before.
In the arena, I clearly saw a guy in a black robe who was staring at me in
the back, though everyone was looking at me.
I felt bad for nothing, but since these guys weren't the only ones like that, I
just watched
I'm sorry, but he's following me now.
What are you trying to do to me?
I had to take off this cumbersome dress and take off my makeup, but this
bad guy was chasing me.
He wasn't following quickly, but he was clearly closing the distance.
Ramen won't do any harm to me, but I want to go back soon!
I went all the way to Main Street to somehow get away with it and got
mixed with the crowd, but the tail was wearing a black robe.
The sleeper con nued to follow me within a certain distance.
You could say that the guards are coming along, but it's annoying.
It was the specifica on that got involved.
I wonder why am I going through this
However, once I entered the alleyway.
Get out of the way and go out of the temple. And let's return to the
dormitory with Reinhardt's form.
The next corner of the alley thinking that this is really the last hit
The moment you turn
A black robed man behind me just before appeared in front of me.
This bastard is dangerous.
As soon as I started thinking about it, I was already raising my fists.
- Whoops!
However, my fist clenched into the air, and the robed man easily evaded
my straight with a single nod of his head.
Movement is not normal. Despite my sudden a ack, the intruder did not
a ack me.
“ seems like the business is over, so I was just trying to make contact, I
have no inten on of a acking Reinhardt.”
His head seemed to freeze at those words.
know me
No one no ced me.
"who are you."
Even with the mixed voice of my enemy, the opponent was calm.
“You should have known that Order would be contac ng you soon.”
Black order.
They said they would contact me soon.
at least if
A er all, that was today.
It felt like I had been beaten with a hammer beyond freezing my head.
no no....
no, really, why?
Why today?
Not to Ellen, not to Bertus, not to Harriet, nor to any of his dorm
But bizarrely.
The fact that I was disguised as a woman was discovered by the Magical
Society, who was not yet an ally or ally, who had to discuss the big things in
the future.
"Uh, since when... did you see it? Oh, no, how... in the first place..."
“I looked at the roster of par cipants. Reinhardt with par cipa on number
get sick My iden ty is a secret, but in the end, who I was was properly
recorded, but you saw it. How else do you know I'm going to a women's
dress contest?
was there?
Even though it's a Black Order and it's not really a secret document, these
guys can just go through the list and find it, right?
The Black Order gang was looking at me in their black robes.
“That, so… this, this one. My own circumstances…”
This has a story!
I can't say it properly, but there is a story!
“I have no interest in your personal walls.”
However, the members dismissed my words as if they were not interested
in anything like that rather than respec ng tastes.
It's a wall... a wall!
It's not like that! The follower, who I assumed was trying to do monstrous
things to me, actually had no interest in my appearance.
You're trying to make excuses for this, but you don't care about it.
me, though. These guys think that I must be a pre y big guy who uses Lord
Vampires as his subordinates. It's a bit of a bummer to see a guy like that
go around like this.
I thought it wasn't
"We don't care how well you look like a woman, it's how valuable
informa on you have to us."
This a tude has nothing to do with it...
It hurts strangely...
Ellen isn't that kind of bubbly either.
Is the Black Order a group of extreme scumbags, or is it just this guy....
A er all, did they easily infiltrate the temple because it was a fes val, or
did they actually infiltrate the temple?
I wasn't sure if that was a big deal or not.
I'm at the borderline between embarrassment and a sense of crisis
Back and forth, the members of the Black Order had only what they had to
“You said you need the knowledge of the Order, and you said that you can
give us the informa on of Cantus Magna. Am I right?"
"........Yes it was."
Talking like this tends to sell out, but the other person doesn't care.
But I felt like a weirdo.
"What knowledge do you need?"
Trading with the Black Order.
It starts at this bizarre ming
It was.
Are these really unrelated to the Gates incident? I don't know very well.
But somehow you have to find a way.
There is no me to play, and no me to devote to arrogance.
“How to open a portal to another world.”
There was no answer from the member of the organiza on to my ques on.
He didn't even ask why he was curious about it. Just staring at me in
“Do you know?”
“I asked what kind of knowledge I needed, I didn’t say I would answer it.
it was you If valuable informa on is provided from your side, we will also
share the corresponding knowledge.”
“Are you acknowledging that there is a corresponding knowledge to
You don't have to know how to do it.
The fact that the Black Order can tell me how to do that is already proof for
me. If you give me informa on about Cantus Magna, I will show you how
to open the portal to another world. The moment they said that, the Black
Order could already cause a gate crisis.
will become a group.
I don't wonder how
Whether you know it or not, that's all I need.
“I can’t answer you.”
However, the Black Order was not so easy.
“Then the deal is so unfair, I’ve given you informa on about Cantus Magna,
but you might not be able to give me the informa on I want, right? Why
should I make such a deal?”
There is no reason for one party to make a unilateral loss-making
transac on. It is my purpose to confirm that each other has a hand.
“Are you sure you have any informa on about Cantus Magna?”
"Is this informa on not ready?"
| The appearance of the gang members was quite different. A li le, but he
seemed angry.
“You can’t tell me yet whether your knowledge is ready or not.
and similar.”
Can we call this a nerve war? He and I hos le or a ack each other
She wasn't revealing her gender.
“We will contact you again a er discussing this ma er.”
A er all, is it something that can't be decided even with this guy in front of
“Un l then, for Cantus Magna
I hope one piece of informa on is ready.”
“What if you weren’t ready?”
"I don't think you're going to play pranks on us."
In the end, they only knew what each other wanted from this contact, and
nothing actually happened.
However, the Black Order didn't even say that he didn't know how to go to
another world.
It seemed that the possibility of resolving the gate incident appeared at
least a li le.
My heart was bea ng like crazy.
Solving this alone will not solve all the problems in the world, but there
may be other problems,
It's going to be one of the biggest hurdles.
The Black Order didn't care about my inten ons at all. just pay
It seems that they only do what is called a deal when they are ready for
each other.
“I will make sure to come back at the right me...”
- Break! bang!
The moment the conversa on was about to end, a flash of light suddenly
flickered in the air, and the
crashed into the corner of his right cheek.
However, the protec ve magic that appeared in an instant
light was blocked by
what suddenly?
“Pre y! Come on!”
Looking back, I saw Liana de Granz and Kono Lint, as well as the Royal Class
guys who had come to watch the women's sergeant's contest, standing
there watching me.
Why did they come all the way here again? under
But look at those desperate faces
He seemed to know what he was thinking and followed me.
Are you pre y anyway? you really like me
What is it?
Liana shouts with her complexion turning white.
Liana hurriedly shouted at me
all. The member of the gang looked at me as if he knew roughly what was
going on and nodded subtly.
Is it a signal to go?
It's a bit of a bummer, but it seems like he has an eye for it.
"Yes Yes!"
I hurriedly run towards Liana.
Za liana holding my hand ght and black
His eyes lit up as he looked at Robe's gang.
“You bastard! Are you a wizard?"
“I don’t know what the inten on is, but what kind of bullshit is this in the
temple? Get off now!"
- Break up! Break up!
An electric light flashed near Liana's hair. If you try to do something
nonsense, it's like you're going to blow up the electric light right away.
oh no
Even you, a member of the Black Order
It's not okay to argue with me.
It was a million luck thing.
“Hmm, that’s unfortunate.”
The Black Order gang is suddenly a kidnapper.
Ac ng and then stepping back
it started.
“Then see you next me. pre y
male and female.”
Are you kidding me?
I don't know if he acted or made fun of me, but the member of the gang
slowly retreated, turned and disappeared into the alleyway. Liana looked at
me when the black robe was gone and looked worried.
was asked by
"Are you okay? What's wrong with you?"
That... yes, yes... no
"Ah too..."
You don't have to come...
"Uh-huh, so what did you do without turning back? No ma er how hard
you tried, what if you come into an alley like this? You idiot? Where do you
live? Someone will take you."
"Ah... no, that. It's... okay."
In the end, this gloriously long day ended with Liana's silliness.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 305

In the end, Rihanna stubbornly insisted on taking me, and it took another
month to pull it off. Fortunately, the other kids seem to be okay with Liana,
so a er convincing them to just go for a while, Liana let me go with a
disgus ng look on my face.
There was talk that she had to report it to the guards, but she went back to
pretending that nothing really happened to her.
She was swea ng too.
A er removing all makeup and changing her clothes outside the temple,
Hey, I'm back in the dorm.
The dress was stored in Elerys' basement.
Because they are expensive clothes, I thought it would be be er to just
resell them rather than throw them away.
Of course, the trophy was thrown away.
There is such an expression in mar al arts.
Jin Won Jin.
In other words, the fundamental human body
It's the same concept as you, but drag this. The kind of end that can be
seen as death if you use it
It's like an emergency ba ery.
I feel like I took it out and wrote it, so my body is full of energy.
I've been out all day
You wouldn't have seen me all day in the dorm. Of course, other than me,
the guys who roamed around are heavenly,
Of course, I came back quite late, so when I returned to the dormitory, I
was able to see the guys I had met in a completely different way today.
“Hey, what have you been doing all day?”
A typical example is Liana de Granz, who boldly said that her sister would
take her.
“Because it was a fes val, I was wandering around.”
“Some mes you just want to be alone.
Suddenly, a force was put on her shoulders.
Because I might find a connec on between the person I just saw and the
way I am now. To be honest, I think it's natural to not recognize when you
look in the mirror.
I didn't really know all of them,
But when I met Reinhardt like this, my heart raced like crazy because I was
anxious for nothing.
Oh, was it you?
I pretend I'm okay, but a cold sweat runs down my spine.
Liana giggled and put her arms around my shoulder.
“Didn’t you watch the women’s dress-up contest?”
“Why am I watching it? Did you go?”
I went....
It wasn't the level I went to, it was the contestant, even the winner...
I can't recognize it at all, so I'm more excited
enough to do....
“Oh, I had a good view, but I couldn’t
did it A er all, you should have looked.”
Liana sounds like she knows and doesn't know, but in the end she says
everything I know.
You go into your room while flir ng with her
she abandoned
The three brothers and sisters, no, the death penalty was met with me and
a er that, but there was no reac on.
"uh? Oh no.”
Kono Lintman was a bit of a strange reac on.
But in the end, he didn't seem to no ce either.
of course.
Now that I'm back to my original Reinhardt look, it's not just the makeup
removed, but the body shape, height, and face shape are all back to
normal again.
It's even weirder if you find out!
Would that be...?
The southern outskirts of the eclip c.
A group of people gathered on the site of an abandoned monastery
occupying a fairly large site. Although it was not possible to iden fy the
people gathered by their clothes alone, in the center of the place where
the bonfire was lit, someone was si ng on an old wooden chair.
was si ng
A man si ng on a chair.
The former commander of the Temple Knights, Le Barrier Simplified, was
staring at the girl in the temple uniform standing opposite.
She said her name is Ladia Schmidt.
She is a semifinalist of the Unlimited Tournament, while she is also a sixth
grader in Temple Royal class.
"I don't think that's a very good idea."
“...I think it's worth a try. I will take the necessary ac on if the situa on
goes that way.
I said it.”
“Is this Ilayon Wolton?”
"Well, if Olivia comes back, there's no reason why she won't welcome her."
With a determined expression on her face, Ladia Schmidt looked like she
was preparing for something. She was looking somewhere in the
abandoned monastery with a firm expression on her face.
“But if things don’t go as you expected, things will go as planned. Radia.”
“Yes, chief.”
Apparently, the current Knights Templar commander was Ilay on Wolton,
but the female student called Le Barrier Ranche the leader.
Everyone here did not hesitate to call the former general manager, Le
Barrier Ranche, the general manager. Ladia Schmidt did not go back a er
her quest was over, and she turned her body again.
“…do you have anything le to say?”
Ladia looked at somewhere in the monastery where she could not hide her
sorrowful look.
“Does it have to be... that kid? A er all, my child is also a faithful person
who belongs to God...”
Le Barrier Ranche cut her words halfway through, as if he didn't want to
hear more.
“As you said, I don’t know if Reinhardt is be er suited for this role.”
When her name, Reinhardt, appeared, a strange emo on flashed in the
girl's eyes. Twisted hatred and anger were swirling in those eyes.
“But Reinhardt is a student of the Temple Royal class like you, and even a
classmate of the prince and the princess.
all. He'll know it's not something he can tamper with."
“Of course, if things don’t work out for you, you may have to work that way
too, but keep in mind that this is the best thing to do at this point. Also, he
didn't necessarily decide to sacrifice that child.
Depending on the situa on, no one will be hurt.”
“Yes, chief.”
A er Ladia Schmidt finished her speech, she le the abolished monastery.
The man standing next to Le Barrier Ranche said cau ously.
“Do you think it will work out the way you think it will?”
"at all."
Le Barrier Ranche shook her head with a firm expression.
“The idea is daring, but… it won’t go the way that child thinks.”
"... Is that so."
“I’m nervous, I know you’re good at it, but…”
Le Barrier Ranche clicked her tongue as she looked in the direc on her
schoolgirl had disappeared.
“I hope you don’t do anything useless.”
"sorry. Because we thought it would be helpful for us…”
The man who had brought Ladia Schmidt to an unnamed order bowed his
head to Leveria Ranche.
But what happened is what happened.
The usefulness of Radia Schmidt is not limited to just this one me.
She will be gradua ng from Temple soon, but she is also scheduled to join
the Knights Templar.
“From now on, let’s cover up people.”
“Yes, chief.”
Like it or not, Ladia Schmidt was a talented person who would be useful in
this group.
“How about Adriana?”
Le Barrier Ranche nods his head and instructs the man next to him.
“It should be right to watch
Ji. Ladia Schmidt's plan goes ahead
see the situa on, and if it doesn't work out as expected, write a le er to
Olivia. If she says she's got Adriana, she'll understand."
As long as you have Adriana with you, it's too easy to lure Olivia out of the
The only thing that ma ers is what comes next.
Le Barrier Ranche was si ng by the bonfire, staring at the blazing flame.
The ex where Olivia Ranchemann crashed
You can restore the honor of the Grand Crusader Knights Commander.
from there slowly.
Le Barrier Ranche is a god who will con nue for a thousand years.
I was thinking of wri ng the history of the holy land.
Si ng Odokani on the hard wooden bed, Adriana looked up at the pale
moonlight coming through the ny hole.
was watching
It was a windowless room, so it was windy and cold, but in the room where
Adriana was, the white sphere she summoned was the room.
was bringing warmth to
It is a corner room in an abandoned building with no doors and only one
hard wooden bed.
Two paladins stood guard in front of the open door.
Adriana put her face between her knees
An unnamed monastery.
In this place, which was led by Leverier Ranche, Adriana was living under
the supervision of the Paladins belonging to the Order.
Le Barrier Ranche takes revenge on herself.
i thought i was going to do it
But his own worth is there
didn't happen
In a few days, Olivia will be here.
'You can't explain her situa on well to Olivia.
All you need to do is to convince her to change her mind.
Le Barrier Ranche was just saying that.
If so, what is the situa on?
If so, what do you mean by persuasion?
She tells Olivia, who has abandoned her faith, to persuade her to return to
her faith, but Adriana doesn't know why she has to.
only know
The fact that she is the bait that will summon her Olivia.
Le Barrier Lange tries to win back Olivia's heart. Even if she fails to get her
back, she has fallen for the words of her foster daughter, Olivia, who tries
to restore her own authority and honor by overturning her words.
She herself is just the bait for it.
Adriana rejected it.
Olivia made her choice on her own, and she said she had to force it back
on her own.
I don't know why I don't even need it.
a er that,
Adriana had been locked up like this all the me.
An unnamed monastery.
The fact that they are trying to create a new division in mankind a er the
end of the Demon World War
Adriana knew now.
She was disappointed with those of the faith.
She didn't think it was the fault of her believers, she was the fault of God.
Those who believe in God are so wrong
If there is, shouldn't God give any message, warning or cau on to his
Adriana pours down her spear
She gazes quietly at the moonlight.
Olivia will be here soon. Olivia would have to come if she knew she was
being held hostage.
Because she is such a person.
She despaired of her own plight of being held hostage, but Adriana could
do nothing.
There was a fes val going on in the temple to the north.
In some ruins to the south, Adriana drew in a corner of her lonely ruin,
quietly complaining to God.
Thursday, breakfast me.
Conor Lint was having breakfast. Connor Lint went to a women's dress-up
contest, and the story about her was spread all over the class A.
But Cliff was the only one she was terrified of hearing it.
-today Are you okay, Harriet? How is your condi on?
- It's great, it's okay.
Ellen doesn't care, and Adelia and Harriet are busy talking about something
among themselves.
I thought Reinhardt would definitely say something if he said he went
there, but Reinhardt uh... Why did he go out like that? just say one word
it was only
It was surprising.
To be jealous, to hate, or to cri cize
I thought he was swollen or something.
So Kono Lint was watching Reinhardt for nothing. who first
Even if he's not a goofy guy, he's also a grumpy guy if it's just for nothing.
Kono Lint had a strange feeling when he ran into Reinhardt last night.
It's hard to put into words, but something.
feeling something bizarre. I don't know, but I think I know something, but I
don't feel like I know what it is.
Such a subtle feeling.
Although it is during the fes val, the morning scenery is not much
Looks like he's busy with his work, Bertus.
Everyone is seated except for .
Such an ordinary breakfast me.
Kono Lint slowly glanced at Reinhardt for nothing.
To look at him means to look.
To stare means to watch Reinhardt.
And, Kono Lint ate dinner next to Ellen in a seat not too far away.
I look at Reinhardt's hand.
its shape.
The shape was crooked, as if he had been bi en.
Kono Lint looked at those nails, as if electricity ran through his body.
She received an almost revela on-like intui on.
40 mes when I was anxious,
40 mes bi ng his nails.
He can't make him move through space
40 mes when I said
When you ask me to give you a hand, I gently put out my hand
40 mes,
of the nails.
Nails that have been bi en and broken.
Kono Lint mumbled without realizing it, and suddenly met Erhi and Kaier's
eyes as if they were talking about something.
Absolutely not.
The one of yesterday, the one with the silver-haired warrior-like
It's hard to put into words, but that.
with someone
Reinhardt just bit his nails
Because it's similar in shape.
It was number 40 with silver hair and gold eyes.
Reinhardt's eyes are blue.
But that's it, he's wearing a lens
it's a job
"why are you like this?"
Conor Lint knows that her own thoughts aren't even valid.
- You go out for an unlimited tournament today.
isn't it?
-...are you okay?
- It'll be alright. But aren't you going too? First Grade Tournament Winner
by doing
- No, I'm not going. for you
I'm lucky, but this...
-what?! do you think i will lose to you
-Huh, where the hell did you think you'd win?
- you, just
The voice is too different.
Compared to yesterday's beau ful voice that gave me a so and warm
feeling, doesn't the current Reinhardt sound a bit harsh even when he says
the same thing?
...Do you trust me?'
There is always a qualita ve difference between people.
Even though he was yesterday's man, No. 40 and Reinhardt, who were
gentle and gentle, have a gap as big as an angel and a devil.
Kono Lint forcibly suppressed the unpleasant thoughts that crept up in his
was trying to
If you keep looking at it, it doesn't look a bit similar as a result. With a silver
wig on her face, golden eyes, a li le shorter, and a slender body.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 306

Star ng on Wednesday, all I had to do for myself at the fes val was
As long as Liana likes me and helps Cliffman and Ellen prepare for the
She has nothing to do when I intervene,
But it would be nice if that guy's nonsense didn't show off in a strange way.
So today, Thursday, the finals of the unlimited tournament will be held.
And tomorrow, Friday, is the Miss Mr Temple Contest and the Unlimited
Tournament Finals.
I had a chance to qualify for an unlimited tournament by winning the first
year, but I
They decided not to par cipate in the finals of the Unlimited Tournament.
It doesn't seem like it would be bad to compete for experience, but there
was a problem that my condi on deteriorated more than I thought when I
used magic enhancement, and I was reluctant to take the risk of injury a
Even in the first-year tournament that I par cipated in quite lightly, I did
unexpectedly well, Black Order and Vampire Car.
When are you going to go to the actual ba le because of the fate?
I couldn't push myself anymore in the tournament now, which I might have
to do.
So, in the end, I don't have a specific schedule to par cipate in now.
The damn women's dress-up contest is over.
And, of course, the Black Order
I've come to think of him as a guy with the same taste,
Harriet Unlimited Tournament Final C
The par cipants had to go to the stadium in advance to prepare, so Harriet
had no choice but to leave early.
Before we set off, let's hang out with Harriet.
was able to share
“I don’t know what to say… will you be okay?”
I'm sorry to say this, but I don't even know how Harriet got through the
qualifiers and made it to the finals.
“You’ll figure it out.”
Harriet seems to be bothered by my worries
it ckled
I've been anxious since morning, so I've been asking ques ons about it,
and Harriet doesn't seem overconfident, but he doesn't seem par cularly
anxious either.
“And earrings?”
Heriot wasn't even wearing an earring enchanted with the Tranquility
Harriet sighed at my words.
“Are ar facts banned?”
uh. Did you?
If you think about it, it is. ar fact
What kind of skill is that if you wipe it all off with a quick bite?
I also want to be
Of course, I am a constant ar fact user at the me of Sarkegaar's Ring, but
I did not check whether the ar fact was imported or not.
That being said, it's something that can support Harriet's easily excited
I mean, you have to fight without it.
“Anyway, don’t overdo it, and if you don’t like it, just hit it. It won't hurt,
but be careful because you might get hurt
You can do it, so think about it..."
"Hey! My mom doesn't even nag me like this!"
In the end, when I did not stop picking up and serving, Harriet screamed.
Then, he looks at me with a sad smile.
“Are you so anxious about me?”
It had to look like that.
“Ah… no. It's not…”
“No, I know. that there is no choice but to And actually, it's not that bad
that you're doing this."
Harriet sighs.
"I know you're worried about me. thanks."
In the end, he could be hurt by accep ng that the nagging that he had
been doing since morning was because he hated himself, but Harriet
seemed to have decided to think posi vely.
“S ll, I’m trying to be different.”
I want to be strong.
It's also physical strength, but before that, I thought it was a ma er of
Ellen was thinking that her mind was ready, but her physical strength was
not ready.
Harriet thought neither was ready.
In the end, a er a lot of events and events, El Rendo and Harriet also
changed a lot. Rather than a specific reason being the reason, many things
overlapped and piled up, and the desire to become stronger was planted.
To both Ellen and Herriot.
“I’ll show you that this me.”
Harriet said something like that quite and proudly. He always seemed
serious and serious because of various things these days, but I think I've
seen Harriet smile properly in a long me.
"Can I look forward to it?"
“What do you expect…”
Harriet laughs.
“Is it more than that?”
Harriet le those words behind
She started with Um.
It was a completely ugly look.
However, there was a certainty that there would be no lies in Harriet's
words that he would show more than what he expected.
Unlimited Sat from people I know
Two people advance to the tournament
One is the Harriet de Saint-Ouen, who has just departed for the stadium.
The other is, of course, Olivia Ranche.
It wasn't just a taunt when I told Ellen that she was Miss Temple or that she
could be sold in an unlimited tournament, it was because they both
actually played.
was that
A er Harriet le , I was standing outside the front door of the dormitory,
leaning on one of the colonns.
“Huh, are you wai ng for my sister?”
"Well. That's right."
I thought it wouldn't, but I'm surprised."
Olivia le the dormitory and
She squinted her eyes when she found it, and she smiled.
“By the way, senior, can’t you use your divine power?”
She knows that Olivia is confident she is in her own skills. I really don't
know how much though.
S ll, her biggest organ is Olivia.
It is her divine power.
But, of course, she said that, since she had given up her faith, Olivia
shouldn't have used her divine power independently of whether she could
use it or not. my words
Olivia smiled.
“Yes, I can’t go to the Inquisi on.”
“... do you even do that?” |
“Unauthorized use of divine power is prohibited by the party
It's so ly banned.
Is she confident in winning the tournament without even using her shogi,
divine power? Of course, just ge ng to the finals will prove your skills.
Olivia nodded at my ques on.
Lee smiled so ly.
"Yes? Are you worried?"
“…well, you’ll be fine if you know how to do it.”
She almost felt good for nothing, and she said Olivi
Her acquaintance stuck out her tongue.
How confident she is, even when she can't use her most important ability.
What on earth is her Olivia's real skill level?
And, she had one more ques on.
"I have a ques on."
“Senior, last year, there was no such thing as Miss Temple.
Did you say you went out? Tournaments as well.” “Did she not have me to
volunteer last year?”
“She said she had done it before. She wasn't really interested."
“Ah, yes. It was.”
Olivia really likes to show off.
she was not a person She was always humble, caring and considerate of
people before she was like this. She even said she had up to a year paid
career as she went out to support her rear in Demon World Wars.
Anyway, she says Olivia Ranche isn't her favourite, although her personality
is a li le different, she flaunts. She's never been to Miss Temple, and she's
never been to a tournament.
Even though she said she never went out.
“Do you want to know why I am suddenly out of this?”
“Yes, it is.”
Miss Temple or Tournament nearby
Her invita on to go out would be tenaciously listened to, but she suddenly
wondered why she was compe ng in both of them.
I wanted to ask that. It wasn't that Olivia wanted to beat Ellen in the first
place, but that she had both par cipated in the first place.
She seemed to have decided to go.
“That… it’s not really that great…”
Olivia blushes her face at my ques on
Des ned, she scratched her cheek with her finger.
Olivia Ranche, who had no interest in showing off her beauty or power at
all, suddenly became interested in both.
Embarrassed, Olivia opens her mouth carefully.
“That… money… because…”
“Uh… huh.”
A person who seems to be more indifferent to money than anything else
than to show off is to compete for money? Olivia smiled dazzlingly, ah ha
what is it
It was a bit silly and naive.
Always with excessive tension, a er this happened, somehow, I will always
remain preten ous.
It felt like seeing the real face of Olivia Ranche, whom she had been
dealing with for a long me.
The first me we met, she was the one who graciously shared stories with
the sudden face-to-face request of a rude first grader.
Seeing Olivia Ranche at the me
It seemed
“Actually, he, I. Were you dismissed? To be honest, it didn’t happen.”
"......Ah. Yes."
“So… I don’t have money now…”
Was it like that?
When she was the daughter of a temple knight leader, she would not have
known that she lacked money without knowing anything else.
But Le Barrier Ranche is a Crusader Knight
Now that her rela onship with Olivia Lanze has been sacked a er being
fired from the manager's office, Olivia has been living her life in this and
that way.
I was able to get out of my troubles, but
A er all, it's a bizarre problem to tell others
you are in
So, there is nowhere to get pocket money.
So I needed money, so I went to tournaments and Miss Temple where huge
prize money was at stake.
It was to par cipate.
A er all, it was all about money. Olivia's face was blushing as she was
ashamed to say that.
It's a bit weird though.
“...the temple pays for dignity maintenance, right?”
Royal class students receive allowance every month in the name of dignity
Four gold coins per month.
Four million won, a small amount for some
It may be, but it is a very large amount.
Even if you pretend to be Olivia, she doesn't seem interested in luxury at
She doesn't have any trinkets or accessories, and she doesn't really have
any expensive hobbies.
Then, the dignity that comes out of the temple is maintained.
Isn't rain enough?
“That… it is, but…”
Olivia bit her lip slightly.
“This is so stupid and a li le bit raw, so I don’t want to talk about it.
I said…”
Olivia finally takes a deep breath in her, and she looks at me as if
“There are some orphanages that I personally support for a long me. But I
gave up my faith, I didn't give up on those kids. Originally, she had quite a
lot of pocket money from her former adop ve parents. There was no
problem, but even a er this happened, it was a bit difficult to reduce the
amount of support... So. There are also places where the financial situa on
is insufficient…”
“So the money I saved is running out, and I’m a li le limited in many ways.
She seemed to know why Olivia was reluctant to speak.
She knows she's an idiot, and she's forced to listen to her.
She was not originally a place where she was supported with the money
she earned by working on her own.
However, in the current situa on where she ran out of money, she could
not reduce the amount of sponsorship or quit. So she needs a prize for
winning tournaments and Miss Temple that she wouldn't otherwise have
been interested in.
In the end, she didn't do anything to argue with Ellen for nothing, but in
the end it was money.
It was the door.
Olivia quivered her lips as if in excuses.
“Yeah, it’s me. Isn't that enough?"
“How much is that?”
“It’s not like I’m trying to use the money I got for joining a place like
Shana… as a dona on.”
To Olivia, why am I on my own?
I once said that I can't live.
Did you think I'd be mad if I told you the real reason you need money?
"Actually, I've been thinking about it, but a er talking to you the other day,
I'm thinking that it's not a good thing.... S ll, this is
It’s okay.”
Whatever the purpose of the prize money, it is ul mately up to the person
who wins it.
Perhaps the places Olivia sponsors aren't the ones that are financially
relaxed. I don't know how much of her dona on Olivia is giving out, but
she can't tell how much if her dona on is reduced.
She must be the place to be affected.
let me say nothing She smiled weakly at Olivia.
"Well, you're stupid..."
Olivia walks away with a grin.
she murmurs
"I think it's stupid," she said.
Is it foolish for her to try to help others without even taking good care of
She used to think so. Ji
Geumdo, she thinks so to some extent. “S ll, wouldn’t that be a bad
But, there's no reason why people who don't live like that should ignore
people who live like that.
I feel like I'm living my life
She just got someone to live like Olivia
I do not know and cannot judge whether it is right or wrong.
Olivia looks a li le startled at my words and looks at me with her eyes wide
It's not a bad thing.
Never, she said that's what she's good at
it's not
“Thank you Reinhardt.” |
But she smiled brightly as if Olivia had been cheering her on. Every me I
looked at Olivia's ginned expression, not the preten ous expression she
used to have, I felt like I was choking.
“You are my strength. a lot."
Olivia smiled mischievously and pa ed my head inside, and she gave me a
slight wink.
“Sister, I will definitely win.” |
“…I didn’t mean to win.”
“…I barely understood that, so don’t be alarmed!”
- dodge
She hopped and ran out of her dorm before Olivia could no longer offend
me by bullshit. always, it was a huge main force.
By the way, Olivia didn't play in her grade level tournament.
If the prize money was the goal, she could go to the tournament by grade
Does that mean she thought her opponent was in her fi h grade, so it
wasn't fair to her? She's actually gone for one more year. She can't make it
to the 6th grade tournament
So it seems she only played in unlimited tournaments.
Seeing Olivia moving away, I became even more disturbed.
Miss Temple, and Unlimited Tournaments,
Olivia is both overwhelming contenders for the championship.
And Harriet and L.
Ren must be rela vely inferior.
So, apart from my personal feelings, I was suppor ng Ellen and Harriet
mentally. I'm figh ng a fight I'm sure to lose
But Olivia entered both compe ons not because of her mere interest, but
because of something very serious to her.
Now I don't know who to cheer for.
However, the financial situa on of the orphanage is problema c.
It was a bit unfamiliar to me.
I can't do that....
“Ah, over there.”
A er Olivia le , she was going back to her dorm when someone called me.
She was a student, and since I, who was the lowest grade in the Royal
Class, had no juniors, of course, I was a senior.
"Are you Reinhardt?"
“Yes, by the way.”
She was a female senior with a good-looking impression. The old man
called me and was looking at a distant place, not me.
To be precise, she was staring at the side where Olivia had disappeared.
“What did you talk to Olivia?”
"...well, it just wasn't a big deal."
In the end, she wasn't talking about winning, but she was doing something
like cheering.
But who is this person in the first place?
The old man in front of me started staring at me.
She didn't feel any hos lity in her gaze, but
What should I say?
A strange feeling swept over her spine. smile and face me
What should I say?
It's a strange feeling that laughing isn't laughing.
“So, who are you?”
“Oh, you didn’t introduce yourself.”
The old man held out her hand to me.
“It’s Schmidt. Radia Schmidt, 6th grade."
"...Ah yes."
I held her outstretched hand.
Contrary to her good-looking impression, the feeling came when she held
her hand.
She said she was not normal.
For some reason, I feel uncomfortable with her, so I look at the senior.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Oh no, Reinhardt, there's nothing to do."
The strange senior looks at me and has a subtle beauty
She looked like a cow.
"Not yet."
As she le a strangely creepy remark, her senior, whose name she did not
know, slowly moved away from me.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 307

I met a senior who gave me a strange feeling, but in the end, that person
I didn't know anything other than the name.
radia schmidt,
He was a person who made people hard for nothing. It was definitely
different from Bertus and Charlo e, but I couldn't explain exactly what was
Harriet is in Group C of the finals.
Olivia was also in Group C of the finals.
Anyway, the round of 32 matches will con nue.
As long as you want to watch Harriet's game,
It was like I had to go.
Royal Class 1st year par cipant is Harry
Oh well, that's why there must be some guys who don't come to the B-
class, but it's amazing
Crabs were rushing all over the stadium.
Even if I'm not very close with Harriet,
A first-year student, and a magic major, par cipated in a limited-level
tournament, so I have some ques ons.
He seemed to have a desire for it.
Since there is no conflict between Class A and Class B, it was strange to
have a sense of mo va on as a classmate, even if it was not friendly.
Except for Ellen and Cliffman, who will be in the contest tomorrow, as well
as Bertus, who was not in the dormitory at all, all the first-year students
were heading to the stadium.
- Break up!
"Hey! Why do you keep sighing unluckily?"
As I walked, I kept taking deep breaths, and Liana, who had been stretched
out, flashed her electric lights and shouted. like that kid
They all looked at us, but I
I didn't even look at that.
“Aren't you worried? baby now
Fight among the fearsome seniors
Are you going to do the hammering?”
My child went into the ger's den
this one!
It's not like the first graders are in the wai ng room like I did, and there's a
tough guy there. Arguing that this isn't a place for kids' power shows
If not, would Harriet handle it?
I'm arguing with a random prisoner like myself there
What if there is a be or?!
“Is Harriet a boy?”
“Then are you a kid?”
We were classmates.
s ll.
We are ght....
I can't help but worry. know
No ma er how much you say you'll be fine...
Nana in everyone's slightly confused gaze
sighed again. Liana frowned as she looked at me sighing. “Do a very
sacrificial rite to get rid of it, huh?”
"....ancestral rites?"
Det Tomorian, who had been following me blankly at the word Jesa, looked
at me quietly. “…It’s not a ritual, but it’s about a summary spell that brings
good luck…” “De o….if it works…it might be some kind of chea ng…?”
"is it...."
“Okay, let’s not do that.”
Charlo e De omorian Is Trying To Do Something
This was discouraged.
By looking at Charlo e's expression, it was clear that she thought chea ng
wasn't the problem, but rather that if De o Morian did something, she
might have a side effect.
“Don’t worry, Reinhardt.”
When it seems that I keep ge ng anxious, next to me
Ellen said quietly.
"Herriot will do well."
“On what basis?”
Ellen didn't laugh, and she didn't make an impression on her either.
It's just a normal, sullen face
It was.
“I trust you will do well.”
The expression was somehow familiar.
To the Duke of Saint-Ouen, I say that your daughter is the most magically
gi ed man in the history of mankind, and that she will surprise the world.
I wonder if it's possible to earn as much as you want. she had said so
She sighed deeply that she was par cipa ng in a tournament among
seniors on the subject that she said so.
Are you res ng well?
It's hard to believe that you'll do something, show you something great.
Was this the way Archduke Saint-Touan felt when he heard the Magic
Research Society's research project?
When someone is important, it feels like everything that that person does
is unreliable.
Is it the kind of thing that worries people and dismisses them as something
they can't do?
Harriet is unreliable. But is it because I value him that much?
Is it because you don't want to get hurt?
I am not his parent.
Nevertheless, in that way he
Thinking would be rude to Harriet in the end.
S ll... we're ght.
From the first game, it was like a three-dish rice cake.
what to do...
Even if I try to change my mind, it's not easy
it gets eaten
this is enough of a disease
"It's okay Reinhardt, you'll be fine."
It wasn't Ellen who had said that this me, it was Louis Ankton.
Naturally, the Magic Research Group guys were also here to watch Harriet's
match, and so was the senior Ledina.
There was no strangely worried expression on their faces.
"Hey Reinhardt! Useless worries.
But be prepared to be surprised!" |
Ledina giggled, covering her mouth.
Do you have some sort of secret weapon?
The Magic Research Society guys put their heads together in this Heriot's
It seemed to have produced some results.
The least fun in the grade level tournament
This is, of course, a first-year tournament. Because, of course, the level is
the lowest.
Then, of course, the 6th grade tournament is the most fun part of the
grade level tournament. However, as the grade goes up, there are cases
where the juniors are stronger than the seniors.
That's why there are unlimited tournaments.
From matching grade-level tournament winners against each other, now
grade-level tournament winners
It's an unlimited tournament.
Since it was created, the biggest big match of the fes val was this.
6th grade tournament winners
It is o en said that the person who advances to the finals of the Unlimited
Level Tournament wins, but in many cases it is not.
So, this is a true fes val
It must be the biggest event.
It is a place to choose the strongest of the Temple.
Of course, there is a condi on that it is limited to the par cipants, but
- Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
Therefore, people's expecta ons and shouts could not be compared with
the first-year tournament.
The special seats for Royal Class were empty, but there were also a lot of
people, and all the people were full up to the standing seats.
"Oh, it's too noisy."
Liana's voice came from behind me.
The Royal Class seats were quite full except for our first graders.
Olivia Ranche, Harriet and Law
Because there will be Yal class contestants. The shouts overflow so others
can't tell the difference, but I have a strong hearing.
With anger and concentra on, groups of people were able to dis nguish
sounds sufficiently.
-Who wants to win?
- Won't Radia-senpai do it?
- No, Olivia-senpai also par cipated.
-Oh yeah? By the way, I've never seen that senior fight. Isn't that person a
divine power major?
- That's what he majored in, but I heard he's very good at close-quarters
-okay? who?
-Huh? I heard it somewhere.... Who said it?
The gossips around came to see the others, but in the end Olivier
Most of the stories were about A. There were 5th graders who came to
watch Olivia's game, among them the student council president.
Ceres van Owen and members of the religious club Eunchong were also
present. Because it was crowded, I only made eye contact with them.
Even Xabi Olin Tana, who sat across from me, admi ed that Olivia is her
next-genera on superpower, so even if you don't look at her Olivia's skills,
you can tell a rough bit about her.
Next to me is Charlo e.
Si ng next to him on the right is Saviolin Tana, the headmaster and
Charlo e's bodyguard.
Olivia has always been appealing to her that she's good at her fights.
She said that and even she said that she hates violence.
Both are known to be true. Therefore, most of the royal class audiences
talked about Olivia's skills.
But an important fact.
It is clear that few have seen Olivia properly exercise her skills.
There are a lot of rumors about it, but she
She wasn't the type to show off her power, so it seemed like no one had
seen her properly.
She said she was amazing, she said she was amazing
There are a lot of words, but what did I see? no one was doing
“A man named Olivia, are you that great, Sir Tana?”
Charlo e, si ng next to me, whispers to Xabi Olin Tana.
Charlo e, a er all, seemed to be concerned about the noises she heard
around her.
She said, "Now you must call me a teacher, Your Highness."
Actually, that person's name for herself
Are you strangely sensi ve?
“…If that’s the case, I would have to call her Charlo e as a temple student
in the first place, and she would have to be a regular student, right?”
"...that can't be. How can I have such disrespect."
“Oh, so did you just call me Charlo e and treat all her classmates as
disrespec ul to her as ungodly?”
“...not that. The temple has its rules, so follow them…”
'No, if I say this, I'm a housemaster, so by the rules, I have to call your
Highness Charlo e, right?"
'Are you self-defea ng?'
'I was speechless.
'What do we do?'
For some reason, is it an illusion to feel like I can read her thoughts even
when I'm not looking at her face?
'Just... let's talk.
“Well. Olivia Ranche is an excellent student.
is. She stands out among the talents of the Temple Royal class with a
promising future.”
"Ah. How much?”
Xabi Olin Tana with her arms crossed, ah
Stadium before the start of the compe on
Even if she's not on the same level as Olivia, I'd be very surprised if she had
a slightly lower level student.”
"Hmm, Sir Tana... No, sir, how do you know about Olivia Ranche?"
“Most of what I heard from her junior Epinhauser, but as far as I know,
Olivia Ranche has not taken any close combat classes at all since her third
Most students say her Olivia's skills are great, but she knows why she's
never actually seen her. She has no reason to show even in class it was
“He said he didn’t want to learn any more skills to hurt someone.”
"...that's funny."
"Epinhauser was at a level that Olivia didn't even need to learn at the me.
said it was
Charlo e looked ridiculous.
“The moment she said she didn’t want to learn more, she had already
learned so much that she had nothing more to learn,” she said. Is it this?"
“...if I say so, it will happen.”
Skills that can no longer hurt anyone
I hate to learn! (nothing more to learn)
It's really funny dude.
Anyway, since then, Olivia has never taken any prac cal classes, and she
has never been to a compe on or anything like that.
"Of course, I've never seen my skills properly."
Is it that even Xaviolin Tana is all she ever heard from Epinhauser?
“Then it’s just rumors, isn’t it?”
A er all, since there hasn't been anyone who has seen it all with their own
eyes lately, it could be that his skills are really bad.
At those words, Saviolin Tana shook her head.
"Hmm, that's unlikely to be nonsense though."
"Yes. Did you know that Olivia Ranche went to support the rear of the front
line during the Demon World War?"
“I heard that. Toward the treatment of wounded or medical…”
Xabi Olin Tana looks at her Charlo e.
She did not par cipate in the Demon World War.
She was absent rather than not.
However, she would have no choice but to know the details of the situa on
in which her Demon World War was rolling.
“At a me when a human hand was scarce, how could an army with a
powerful divine power like Olivia Ranche only be able to do that?”
“...I wonder if she put her into ac on?”
“Of course, she said that, according to her own wishes, she did not put it
into prac ce. But in the area behind the front line, nothing really happens.
Everything is supposed to happen. say
Myeon, Demon Kings aiming at the area behind the front line
of the raid."
Me too, and everyone in the Temple.
I was thinking too naively.
It was a war, and when she went back support service, everyone would
agree that Olivia was simply trea ng people and caring for her wounded.
you were doing
As the nickname of the saint of Eredian.
When she said that she had returned from doing something noble, like an
angel in a white coat, she just thought she was like that.
“I’m not going to tell you the details because it’s not a good thing to hear.”
Xabi Olin Tana, she says, looking at the pitch where the first match is about
to begin.
"Olivia Ranche is in an unsafe place, she has faced many unsafe things, and
she's come back alive."
Olivia is not a greenhouse plant.
She went through a real war, and she came back alive from there.
So, did she become more and more disliked of violence?
She said that would never be a good memory for Olivia. That's why she
only went out for medical support,
She must have been talking like that.
She said, "Olivia Ranche says that in that area, she's not called a saint, she's
called a reaper."

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 308

The Unlimited Tournament was different from the first-year tournament I
went through.
A significant number of par cipants were high school students from the
Royal Class or the previous Orbis Class, and even if they were from the
general class, none of them had the ability to be ignored.
First, close combat among the finalists
The two series were aware of the enhancement of magical power.
It is true that there are many people who do not realize it un l they
graduate from Magic Enhancement, but that is the case with those who
This means that there is
It is a place to choose the strongest of the Temple. Therefore, there is no
choice but to install magic power enhancement as a basic.
Those who are close to winning candidates in the first place
We met in this qualifier and failed in vain
There must be some that are woven so that they do not,
Watching the group A match, I could see the strange female senior who
spoke to me in front of the dormitory earlier.
-This is 6th grade in the Royal Class, Radia Schmidt!
She was also a tournament par cipant.
She seemed to be the one who had been nominated for the tle before
Olivia's name was men oned.
Was it because you were conscious of your compe tors? She said that if
Olivia doesn't play her, she's almost certain to win, but she's out of the
blue and she's vindic ve because she thinks Olivia's going to make it
harder for her to win?
Olivia knelt for a year, so originally 6
must be a grade
That said, Olivia and Ladia Schmidt must have been together for a long
me in the Temple life.
She's going to be
But she said that Olivia did her monstrous thing.
is a recent thing. She doesn't think Olivia is going to get along with anyone.
Royal Class 6th grade, B-2, Radia Schmidt.
No ma er what that person was thinking, the important thing was that she
was incredibly talented.
Her feeling came when I held her hand, but when I saw her in her eyes, she
was even more different.
"'s amazing."
A er watching Ladia Schmidt's final match, Ellen and I had no choice but to
say that.
She was a paladin type, a monster that used divine power and magical
power at the same me.
She won cleanly and sent off, and the people who came out of the games
a er her, both winners and losers, could be great performers.
there was only
No ma er how much I win the first year,
It was clear that I wouldn't even be able to hand out my business card. It
wasn't something I was proud of just because I won the first year, but
seeing the skills of the seniors, I had to think that there was s ll a long way
to go.
I don't know what it would be like for Ellen, but I s ll have a long way to go.
In a state in which the audience has also strengthened their magic
I see the students bea ng wildly
He was also very excited.
| Charlo e didn't seem to care too much about things like this, but she was
next to Tana Xabiollin.
I was concentra ng while listening to the commentary.
It was also pre y helpful for her to cross it over.
Who's going to win this me, seeing the person behaving like that in this
situa on, the result seems to have already come out, etc. I hear almost
everything Saviolin Tana has to say
She, of course, had no interest in her at all.
"Adelia, wake me up when Harriet comes out."
"uh? Ah... yes.”
Liana lay on Adelia's thigh, who was si ng next to her.
I- Ellen-Liana-Adelia
Having sat in this order, he lay with her head on Adelia's side, pu ng his
legs on her Ellen's thighs.
Ellen stayed s ll as if it didn't ma er, but I didn't.
"Would you like to wear a skirt and do it?"
“Is it okay if I wear underwear?”
Liana lay down like she didn't care.
She tried to take her hand to the hem of her skirt as she held her own.
What, what, what do we do?
And when he tried to do that, Ellen, who was s ll, touched Liana's thigh.
She slapped loudly.
“Stay s ll.”
“Uh, yes…”
Ellen looked at her Liana, and Liana lay down with a bewildered expression
and nodded her head.
Ellen said she wanted Liana to do her crap, but she was holding her ght to
the hem of Liana's skirt.
-bang! Kwak!
In the midst of this, the two students who had strengthened their magical
powers were fiercely figh ng each other.
It's not difficult to follow, but it was a ba le between monsters that I
wouldn't be able to guarantee my victory in front of me.
Now, Harriet has to face these guys.
How the hell are you going to deal with the kids I'm not confident about?
We are ght....
You can do it right?
I'm nervous and I think I'm going crazy!
Aren't you mentally struggling a er losing?
- moon moon moon moon
“Stop dropping your legs.”
Ellen finally had to say a word to me.
it was too
No, but what should I do with my anxiety?
I want to,
- ha....
Somewhere I heard a sigh very similar to mine now, the ground shu ng
down. | suddenly focus on the sound of sighing
It wasn't because of anything else.
Now, somehow, it felt very similar to me, and somehow a li le bit.
got used to
- Honey, stop it.
- Aren't you nervous?
- My li le one knows how to do it well.
The Grand Duke and Duchess of Saint-Owen side by side
was si ng
If you think about it, it's also the fes val season, so it's not unusual for the
Archduke and Duchess of Saint-Ouen to come to the Temple. Heriot even
par cipated in the Unlimited Tournament, so it's only natural to come to
see it.
The seats weren't so close, so the Archduke Saint-Ouen didn't seem to
recognize me. But it seemed certain that I and Archduke Saint-Ouen had
the same thoughts.
Seeing how restless he was, it was worthy of dismissing him for saying he
was crazy around for sure because I was doing that.
This... but...
Should I go and say hi...?
How did the misunderstanding last me seem to be resolved?
My friend's parents came all the way here, but it's not like they didn't see
it, and they didn't say hello.
Isn't that a bit too?
But what's wrong with going to say hello? That's it.
what to do
Whatever happened, let's think about it once this is over.
Anyway, it seems like I have a friend who shares the same anxiety, so it's
be er
I want it all
Unlimited Tournament Finals Group C Three
second game.
That was Harriet's first fight.
-You are the only contestant in the first year, and at the same me, the
only contestant in the Magic Major in this tournament! Royal Class 1st
Grade A-4 Harriet de Saint-Ouen!
Not a school uniform, but Harriet, wearing long sleeves that looked
comfortable for ac vi es, stood s ll.
1st year, also majoring in magic.
Even those who don't know him already know that Harriet is at a
Of course, the first graders of the Royal Class, of course, Liana was lying
down, but now she was si ng properly and looking down at the stadium.
The opponent is Elnor Class 4th grader Ai Sa Shelkin.
I don't know who it is, but like all the finalists in the Unlimited Level
Tournament, you will be able to use magic enhancement.
Although it is introduced that he was from the general class, there is a
possibility that he may have been a transferee from the Orbis class.
The weapon is a sword.
Harriet is a magician, so he must be armed.
there was no
Unlimited level tournaments are held from the round of 36 to best of 5.
There was tension on Harriet's face. It would be the first me in my life
that I had a fight with someone in front of so many people.
I don't even have a serenity earring. It's not like the cas ng failed or
anything like that.
With a brief introduc on by the moderator, the first set began.
What will Harriet look like?
I want to take a closer look at the situa on
Both eyesight and hearing were strengthened.
Isa Shelkien looks at Harriet silently.
- Magic major, how does a first-year student do it?
I don't know if I made it to the finals
A fourth grader points his sword at Harriet and speaks quietly.
- If it was a fluke, that would be the end now
Hey. Junior.
Harriet didn't answer.
In the end, the answer is to subdue the magic major.
Not giving room to a ack. Aisa Shelkien's body is pale blue.
power enhancement.
- Boom!
And at the same me, a flee ng rush. A new version of Isa Shelkin
approaches Herriot like the wind.
Harriet watched the rush and put his hand in front of him.
was stretched out to
- Kwakang!
Isa Shelkien's charge thrust was blocked by a blue curtain centered around
Harriet's hand.
It is presumed to be a protec on-type magic.
this is fine pre-cast
is it
However, protec on magic cannot be maintained indefinitely.
As if Aisa Shelkien knew that, she opened up Harriot's protec ve magic.
Pooh pounded.
-bang! Gwakang! Kang!
A heavy blow loaded with magical power. If the protec on is broken, the
next protec on may be ready, but
Just doing it is not a skill.
As if the protec ve power of protec on has reached its limit, the blue light
gradually fades.
there was
We all watched the scene in silence
was watching Saviolin Tana was also watching the situa on as if she would
not make hasty judgments.
- Kwakang!
Aisa Shelkien's blow breaks her protec on, and she pierces her sword once
more, aiming for the gap.
The next protec on is not ready yet.
is it
The moment I wanted to allow the a ack.
- Shh!
The new model of Harriet has disappeared.
Aisa Shelkin, who lost her target in an instant, threw her sword into the air.
She couldn't see it, but her audience could all see it.
On the other side of the stadium, Harriet's figure appeared there.
Short-distance space travel magic, Blink.
“This is the first magic that ba le mages must master.”
Scared of Xaviolin Tana's brief comment, Isa Shelkien turned her gaze to
Harriet, who had opened the distance in an instant.
- Flash!
A blue light beam from Harriet's right hand hit Aisa Shelkien's body.
- ね!
Maybe it's because of the magical power of reinforcement, or maybe it's
because he's been trained in an -magic power enough, Aisa.
Shelkin flinched, but didn't fall.
However, he cannot easily escape from the shock he was struck by
lightning. that brief me difference.
The lightning bolt that hit Harriet wasn't meant to end.
- Curlleung!
A red fireball was blazing over Harriet's right shoulder. Isa Shell scares
fireball cast It was shot at Keane.
- Kook!
Before the fireball's explosion subsided
Eh, I was seeing an incredible sight.
As soon as the fireball hits, already
To Harriet's le is another fireball.
was created and fired.
- Kwak!
Another fireball shot at Aisa Shelkien, who once again became caught up in
the explosions and explosions.
Oh, and it exploded.
Saviolin Tana also saw the sight and narrowed her brow.
"The cas ng speed is... very fast."
Heriot's magic cas ng speed is so fast, a li le bit about magic.
People I knew were feeling it.
I won't give you a chance to get out. Apparently, Harriet hit a fireball three
mes in a row against Isa Shelkien.
did it
Was it already limited enough?
As the third fireball hit, Aisa Shelkien was reverse-summoned with the light
of the recall ar fact.
- First set! It's a victory for Harriet de Saint-Tous in the first year!
What the hell happened?
Jan, what the hell did you do?
Harriet pinpoints me in the crowd and looks at me.
Just like I thought I could listen to myself. the guy says
What the hell have you been doing all this me?
I don't know if I got it
All I knew was that a guy with unusual talent had started doing something
- Wow!
And, the audience, intoxicated with the destruc ve power and splendor of
magic itself, cheered.
I don't know what Ash did, but if it's that much, I'm the one I am now to
It's obviously not going to be a match.
I'm Harriet looking right at me smiled towards

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 309

The result was a 3-0 victory for Harriet.
The opponent, Aisa Shelkien, is herself.
I've been tricked by some bad trick.
Rum had a confused expression.
He was defeated by the magic major.
But he had no choice but to do so.
The downside of magic is cas ng. However
Harriet's Unusually Fast
In front of cas ng speed, Isa Shelkin
He was always one beat slower.
Harriet, of course, doesn't have the ability to cast no, but the cas ng speed
is different.
In a situa on that seems to have accelerated, I literally played with the
melee major student.
That's why Ledina's no-cas ng talent is nonsense.
| Heriot-like guy with enough mana
Just because this cas ng speed has increased, the combat students are
helplessly overwhelmed.
I do it, but if there is no cas ng at all
Because you can be beaten in place without even having me to breathe.
The audience is just cheering, but we are stunned a er watching it.
I had no choice but to throw it away.
It's kind of weird for Harriet to be like that already.
That's Saviolin Tanado who watched all the fights and added things like this
it was cool
She said, "Magic requires cas ng."
"Yes. It’s common sense.”
At Charlo e's answer, Saviolin Tana lted her head. She also seemed a bit
odd about this situa on.
“But ba le mages who have reached a high level o en use magic almost
instantly without the calcula on process of cas ng.”
“Yeah, so it is.”
“Herriot de Saint-Ouen seems to have the same cas ng speed as a skilled
ba le mage.”
Saviolin Tana's expression on the face said, 'There's no way that's possible.'
A thought close to the same convic on was revealed.
From Saviolin Tana's point of view, being a skilled ba le mage is a light
He wasn't talking about it, he was probably referring to a level of ba le
mage that was worn out in prac ce.
with at least ten years of experience
Ba lemage-level cas ng speed.
Is that really possible?
“Among many wizards, I pay a en on to the speed of the cas ng itself,
such as mul -cas ng and chain cas ng.
are only ba le mages. For the rest of the series of wizards, there is no
reason why cas ng should be fast. It is correct to pursue sophis ca on
rather than speed.
It’s a road… but what else would you need to spend me on that
It's great that the cas ng speed is fast
However, in the end, it is only for Ba le Mage. Wizards who make ba les
as their business are in a posi on of being disrespected by the wizards, as
I've heard from the kids the other day.
| A er all, fast cas ng is a skill required only for sword-ea ng wizards.
The fact that the daughter of the Grand Duchess of Saint-Ouen is so adept
at the skills that only ba le mages can learn, is this Saviolin Tana
It seemed difficult to do.
Harriet wanted to have a real force. That is why he devotes his me to
techniques that have li le to do with his noble birth.
Of course, the fact that such a thing was immediately possible just because
I took the me, neither I nor Saviol Tana fully understand.
What the hell is going on in the Magic Research Society?
did you throw it?
Adelia looked at my ques oning gaze.
He smiled with a sad expression on his face.
Is this a secret?
“Herriot de Saint-Ouen is going to do quite well.”
In the end, it seemed certain that Harriet had a considerable figh ng
power, contrary to my expecta ons.
Ellen said Harriet would do well.
| I don't know if she knew it would be like this, but Ellen isn't that surprised
She didn't seem to.
During the round of 32, she finally
Contrary to my concerns, I found out that Harriet had the right skills.
Harriet was clearly capable enough to win the Unlimited Tournament
qualifiers and secure a spot in the finals.
As Group C's round of 32 match progressed, the moment everyone in the
know had been wai ng for came.
5th grade in Royal Class, Olivia Ranche.
In the beginning, there were people who recognized Olivia as a celebrity
and cheered her on, and the response from the Royal Class was also hot.
The moderator gave a vague introduc on to Olivia. There were a lot of
things she was ckled, but she said that Olivia would stand s ll with a faint
it was only
But if it's a problem, it's a problem.
She gave up her faith.
But she can s ll use her divine power. at a very powerful level,
But if she gave up her faith in this posi on and she used her divine powers,
that alone would be a problem. If she used divine power while she gave up
her faith
That alone is an argument from the religious world
because it can come
Of course if she writes, she writes.
But if you don't want to take her noise, she
should wrestle without her divine powers.
The opponent is a 5th grade male student.
It was introduced because he was from the general class, but it seems he
was from the Orbis class. Olivia Knows Her Opponent
Because it looked like it was going. The Royal Class and the Orbis Class had
a lot to do with each other, so it's not that strange to know each other.
Olivia didn't look or look at me.
Everyone is wondering how good her Olivia is, and Xavi Ollyn Tana sees her
in person.
it's the first me
-Then, from now on, the last game in Group C
Let's start!!
with the start declara on.
Olivia Ranche, who goes into a fight without using her divine powers
She wondered if she would show off.
Her opponent's armament is a spear..
Olivia was unarmed.
The body of her opponent with the spear was engulfed in blue mana.
Olivia looks at her opponent with a smile on her face.
- I'm sorry for the audience.
Olivia's words echoed in my ears.
- Because my game is going to be a bit boring.
- Whoa...
Olivia's body burns blue
She was entangled in the seemingly mana.
Olivia had already guessed that she would be able to enhance her magical
powers. Without using any of her divine power, Olivia in her bare body
No, I could only tell she was moving, I couldn't even follow her movements
with my eyes.
- Zhao!
- Big... billions!
The next moment, Olivia had already smashed her fist into her opponent's
there was.
The opponent, who flew through the air with the mighty power of that
blow, ran through the arena for a long me.
got out and went away
Even if the magic power was strengthened, the destruc ve power of bare
fists was unbelievable.
- Oh, was this too much?
The first set was over in no me.
strong contenders,
No, that would be the only contender for the championship.
Me and Ellen have the same magical power as myself.
He was staring blankly at Olivia, who had blown away the angry opponent.
She must fight without divine power.
So, was the penalty right in the first place?
Olivia didn't seem to be able to stand up to her in that state alone.
The nickname given to such a person is the Saint of Eredi.
Rather, the modifier of the strongest temple
Wasn't she supposed to be stuck?
A er the round of 32 matches were all over.
A short break was given, and the round of 16 match was about to begin.
As in the first-year tournament, the winners of each group will face the
semi-finals and finals tomorrow.
So, if Harriet wins this round of 16 and wins the next quarter-final,
You will be able to compete for the finals.
But Harriet's goal isn't the final.
player wai ng room.
Harriet sat s ll on the sofa. I want to go into my room and organize my
thoughts by myself, but I thought it would be good to know ahead of me
the opponents I might face in the future.
“Did you say Harriet? you were awesome I'll see you at the next game.
Good luck.
It’s cloudy.”
"Ah yes."
There were people who were nervous
However, she was a senior woman who seemed to be in a good condi on
to meet in the next match. A na ve of the Royal Class, he knew that he was
not a melee type, but a psychic.
ability is wind.
Blow the opponent away with wind pressure
He easily overpowered his opponents in the way he told them to.
Harriet was contempla ng how to deal with it.
“Would you like to eat this? It’s delicious.”
"Oh, no... it's fine."
She sat next to her own and mu ered her run tales of this and that.
“By the way, if my wind is blocked by your protec on, there is no way to
deal with it.
What do we do? I don't really know how to fight."
Apparently, the opponent seemed to be carrying out his own defeat. He
seemed to believe in only blowing them away with the wind, but this me
the opponent is Heriot who knows how to use protec on.
for this opponent.
She had a bad match, and the senior woman who chimed in saying that
she must have lost, even though she was in 4th grade, she felt subtly cute.
She might pretend like this, and then suddenly reveal her hidden talents,
but Harriet wondered if she would even do it with the same royal class.
Pretending to be, she didn't even look like she was going to win. Harriet
keeps talking
Even though the walker was a bit annoying, she didn't hate her in the end.
"I don't think you're really nervous...
yo. This."
"Nervous? Well. what. No reason to do it?”
She mumbles her macarons and teas
Take a sip and smile bashfully
it was
She said, "In Group C anyway, Olivia-senpai would win."
As long as Olivia played, it was impossible for her to win, so she seemed to
have given up. Seeing that reac on, Harriet thought it might be the case.
She couldn't even see what was going on.
Most of the par cipants can enhance their magic power, but they stand
out among them.
The main force, divine power, was not even used. A er seeing Olivia's
overwhelming majesty, it was evident that everyone was half giving up.
If it were me, how would you deal with it?
Harriet pondered, but she didn't come up with a proper solu on.
Olivia Lanche.
It's an unlimited level tournament where you compete to beat that person.
Olivia Ranche's skills had only just been seen, and even Harriet didn't think
she could win.
But first, it was Herriot's heart that she wanted to stand in front of him.
Group C last scene Up un l the quarterfinals, it could be Olivia's opponent.
We can't win, but we're going to try our best as an adversary.
I don't know why.
Olivia must be stronger than Ellen
ah lanche
He's a win-win, especially in fights, that Harriet doesn't have.
It was emo on.
However, she was born at some point.
Her desire to become strong naturally becomes a desire not to become
Harriet sees Olivia Ranche approaching from afar, snarling with the
par cipants. She had been at the temple for a long me, and she was
smiling and talking with the other contestants who were now compe tors.
Eren said she didn't like that guy, she said.
Harriet doesn't like that person either.
Olivia was walking with Harriet
Her eyes met.
"Um, are you Reinhardt's friend too? Nice to meet you."
Olivia smiled bashfully.
That word, 'You too.'
Those words that put someone before me first.
Harriet is upset about that.
Harriet has o en seen Olivia Ranche arguing with Ellen for nothing. Harriet
knows where her desire to fight her comes from.
Olivia hates Ellen.
Ellen hates Olivia too.
“You were great. 1st year already
it's about My sister in the group C final today
Aren't you hanging out with me?"
However, Olivia doesn't hate Harriet.
She had a kind expression on herself, her tone of voice, and that a tude
that didn't seem like an enemy at all.
unreserved praise.
“Are you feeling okay? Would you like me to give you some kind of
recovery magic?”
useless care.
Harriet knows that her opponent is not at all wary of him.
I will only show hos lity toward you.
The a tude that doesn't seem necessary.
It's not even ignoring me, I feel like I'm being ignored even more.
“Let’s do it, both of us.”
I hate you.
you don't hate me
Harriet hates this because of the gap between their feelings for each other.
“I hate my sister.”
That's why Harriet suddenly became amicable.
She poured her cold water into her childish mood. Olivia looked at Harriet,
and she scratched her cheek.
"Oh yeah?"
As if Olivia had read something from Harriet's expression, she gave her a
subtle smile.
That's the expression that senior some mes makes when he sees Ellen.
That smile mixed with subtle ridicule.
"So what?"
Harriet looked at Olivia quietly.
Although Ellen was ge ng annoyed and pissed off at her being hated for
She doesn't even get such hate, so she won't know her own feelings for her
She'll never know how sad it is for someone she doesn't like to do her a
favor because she's seen as unworthy of dealing with.
I'll make you hate me
I'll make sure you don't ignore me.
“I just don’t like it.”
"okay? It’s unfortunate.”
At Harriet's words, Olivia was bright.
She smiled.
“I have no interest in you.”
'That word to you, even if I don't know anyone other than you, it's a word
that implies that I don't have much interest in you.
Again, that person was deliberately ignoring himself.
Although I may not be able to win.
Don't let me ignore you anymore.
Harriet looked at her back Olivia and bit her teeth.
Harriet has achieved rapid growth.
She made it to the finals of the Group C finals and made it to the
quarterfinals lightly.
The opponent in the round of 16 was a 4th grader in the Royal Class, a
wind-type psychic, but on the contrary, he won in vain. stop the wind
When I aimed five fire bolts in reverse with my wife, the opponent just
withdrew. It seems there is no need to do more.
She used to be a senior when she was May Ardern and she told me to
come see her if there was anything. She had never been there, but she
remembered her face.
In the end, she must have been a matchless opponent. The close combat
series seemed to fight in a way that was blown away by the wind, but he
was a person who was completely defeated by the magic major. So, group
C final.
Naturally, Olivia also advanced to the Group C final by lightly defea ng her
opponent in the round of 16.
Herriot de Saint-Ouen.
Olivia Lanche.
The winner of the two will advance to the quarterfinals and will be able to
try for the championship tle tomorrow.
We finished both matches well, but in the end, I and the Archduke Saint-
Ouen got sick again.
- moon moon moon moon
“……Stop trembling.”
Ellen's Noodles.
- ha....
- Honey, why again?
- Your opponent isn't too bad...
Likewise, the Archduke who is interviewed by Madame Saint-Toine.
No ma er how rapid Herriot's growth
No ma er how much Olivia Ranche did
As you can see, it's not like Harriet's opponent right now.
Her only hope is that Olivia Ranche will not use her divine powers.
That slight advantage is Harriet's only chance of a win.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 310

Harriet faced Olivia Ranche, who was smiling faintly from the other side.
there was Harriet's expression
Contrary to how s ff he was, the expression on his opponent's face was full
of leeway.
Her arrogant a tude didn't like Harriet.
'I was once like that too.
There was a me when everything in the world seemed trivial and funny
than you.
Everything is decided from birth
D, I don't know why you're struggling so much.
There was a me when I just laughed at them without thinking of
understanding them. Even now, I completely
I don't think I threw it away, but
The extent to which you have to fix yourself
was realizing
The opponent is arrogant.
Of course, the nickname of the Saint of Eredian is
As you can tell, she is known as an altruis c person, but for some reason
she behaves like a terribly bad person when it comes to things related to
She openly quarrels with Ellen.
She deliberately ignores herself.
That face you make every me.
With a so smile, I feel my true feelings
While hiding it, she only tries to provoke her others.
| Harriet knows that she has a slim chance of her win over him. Because I
saw that monster fight.
But if I go,
It's like that disgus ngly thick, disgus ng face is ge ng worse.
Angry, upset, feverish or whatever.
I'll take that mask off once in a while.
Me, forever and ever, with that expression
I'm not going to leave it alone.
-Now, the last match of the quarterfinals of Group C! let's begin!
Olivia Ranche stares at Harriet quietly.
“I don’t like being dirty. I will finish it quickly.”
Olivia's body is behind blue mana
Her concentrated mana surrounds her.
She hates being soggy.
Harriet was taken aback by Olivia's words.
“Isn’t that what a person who clings to Reinhardt who doesn’t like it would
"Ah, that?"
Olivia smiles, but instead of running, she walks slowly towards Harriet.
“It’s because I like things so much that I have to do things on my own that I
really hate.”
“Can’t you say something like this?”
Olivia with her dazzling smile
She con nues to approach Harriet.
an honest person with her own heart
She is someone who can be honest.
Even if someone else is hurt by her own heart, she'll push it away
is a person.
Because she accepts that when she gains something, she loses something,
she ends up hur ng herself and Ellen.
a person who wants to have
Harriet suddenly thought that he was envious of such Olivia.
But she was terrified of rising.
The opponent is only provoking himself.
Harriet was rewarded to keep his cool
To stop thinking about the great horse
is that moment.
The mo on of her gently spur ng her ground
The sound was light.
- Shh!
However, the speed of her rush was never light.
- Chiing!
At the same me as the protec on was ac vated in front of Heriot, Olivia's
fist slashed the blue force field.
- qua
As the protec on field collapsed in a single shot, her fists slammed in front
of Harriet's nose.
- Pot!
In the moment just before allowing the a ack, Harriet widened the
distance with a blink. Olivia turned right behind her and saw Harriet
swea ng, she smiled.
“It’s fast.”
Bling as soon as the protec on collapses
cast a big
But unlike Olivia's laid-back, Harriet couldn't afford to play with her Olivia
and her puns.
- Flash!
One of her lightning bolts hit Olivia's body.
This is the tac c she used in her first match. A tac c that removes the
protec on of magical power by pouring a lot of a ack magic a er making
the distance with blinking.
Even with this simple method, he failed in the preliminary round.
There are many people who have suffered helplessly.
If you're afraid of melee, don't allow melee
if not
Cas ng of the lightning-based magic has been completed.
The mul -faceted peak is close to instantaneous. So it's almost impossible
to avoid. Of course, an ordinary person will be stunned or cut off the
moment they are hit by the lightning strike, but the person who has
strengthened their magic is different.
Fight fire with a fireball with strong destruc ve power
It is best to make it a skill.
So far, it has definitely worked.
But as if Olivia had something to do with her lightning, even a er being
struck by her lightning, she rushed to Harriet again. very li le
She didn't even flinch.
Naturally, Harriet expected this much.
- Boom!
As soon as Harriet waved his hand, the ground of his arena rose and a
stone wall was built.
The protec on is easily pierced.
Then build a physical wall.
However, the opponent has no strategy.
“This crab.”
Believe in the overwhelming physical and push
“Are you going to stop me?”
- Kook!
Olivia Ranche killed Harriet by smashing her raised stone wall with her bare
ran towards
I'm not trying to stop you.'
It was a er Harriet had already cast magic in that short me.
There's no way a wall can stop Olivia.
The power of the opponent is overwhelming. Then you don't win by force
You have to win in another way.
Building a wall is from the other person's view
It was meant to be raised.
The magic used is Hallucina on.
hallucina ons and awareness of one's existence
prevent it from doing
The magic is limitless.
It confuses the opponent's cogni ve abili es, causing them to run wild on
their own and be defeated over the counter.
Now the opponent will not be aware of their existence. break the wall and
He came out, but he had disappeared like hell.
Harriet felt the moment she cast the spell.
put on
Magic cast on Olivia bounces
went out
It's not the highest level, but it's an intermediate level or higher level of
mental magic.
A magic that can be resisted so easily
this isn't it
Harriet couldn't help but watch as Olivia's fists flew towards him.
The first set was taken by Olivia a er a short ba le.
A er her reverse summons, Harriet was resummoned back to the arena,
staring blankly at her Olivia's grinning expression.
Hallucina on-based mental magic higher than Illusion was not at the level
that it was less effec ve, but it did not work at all.
“I know roughly what you were trying to do.”
Olivia, as if to give her a special note, placed her hands on her hips,
Herrio .
tell her
"Most of the spiritual magic doesn't work for me. Cute junior."
Hearing that, Harriet felt her head froze.
Of course, it was not commonly known that Olivia Ranche had an immunity
level of resistance to psychic magic.
It's no wonder Harriet doesn't know this.
However, at the cost of not knowing that, at this moment, all of the
winning re-plans that Harriet had envisioned completely disappeared.
I was thinking that mental-type magic was the solu on to the extent that I
couldn't compete physically, but that doesn't work for my opponent at all.
There's no way that's a bluff. Because Harriet clearly felt that the spell cast
had no effect whatsoever.
I expected the level of resistance, but it didn't work at all.
I didn't expect it to be at the level that I wouldn't do it.
“Why are you making such a distrus ul expression? The world is like that,
isn't it? Everyone is born with something, and this is a place only for people
who are born with it.”
The royal class there is a place where such people gather.
"Just as you are a nonsense person in your own way, I can't help but be a
nonsense person in my own way, right?"
Whatever they were talking about, the second set was about to begin.
“If that’s all you have prepared, just abstain.”
Olivia s ll doesn't lose her smile.
“Before it gets worse.”
I know that even in a disadvantageous situa on, even the trump card
doesn't work in the first set.
found out
She was desperate.
magic immunity. The only one with such talent is a B-class, Scarle .
I thought she was, but she said that there are other people with similar
It would have been nice if there were even a serenity magic earring. Is the
only target destroyed?
Gold Harriet was confused in his head.
-mind! ght!
And let go of that confused mind
And a cry rang in my ear.
one side of the audience.
A familiar voice was heard.
I know without looking.
Calling yourself that way, oh my god
'Cause there's only one
- Don't be scared!
The guy was yelling at himself. It's not a word to win, it's not a word to be
I'm just saying don't be afraid. That in and of itself was not encouraging at

Hearing the same shout, Heriot could see Olivia Ranche's expression
distorted slightly.
At mes like this, she would be cheering for the weaker side, Reinhardt had
clearly said so.
It was said with certainty of her own defeat, and she was a li le saddened.
In the end, the world is everything.
Reinhardt is cheering him on.
- Don't be scared, just hit it!
Reinhardt is roo ng for Harriet de Saint-Ouen, not Olivia Ranche.
“Even if you lose, you feel like you’ve won, so I guess you’re talking about
Seeing Olivia's hardened expression on her face, Harriet laughed.
Her smile disappeared from her face, Olivia. She had no playful
provoca ons or sarcas c words.
Harriet's confused thoughts were quelled by Reinhardt's cry, but in the
end, something worse could have awaited Harriet.
“This is a bit embarrassing.”
Olivia Ranche was angry right now.
to Harriet.
to Reinhardt.
it's annoying. I'll finish it soon."
The start of the second set had already been announced.
Olivia rushes in again.
Harriet did not extend the protec on this me. On the back of Herriot's
hand, strings of numerous blue magic lines suddenly appeared, emi ng
blue light.
started to
- Quad Dudeuk!
Cracks occurred in the stadium in an instant, and the stadium itself
Olivia Lanzee stumbles out of her balance
Taking a break in the street, Harriet spread her hands.
The magic that was just cast was Shockwave.
When collapsing the terrain with it turned on
It is by no means low-level magic.
And, there is another high magic
this unfolds
there is no back I will take one set by all means and methods.
Harriet stretched his hands to the sky.
A huge fireball that cannot be compared to a fireball.
“Eat this!”
Flame strikes on staggering Olivia Ranche
she rushed
- Cuckoo Kwak Kwak!
A massive flame explosion engulfed Olivia Ranche.
From the back of Harriet's hand and forearm, blue magic lines were shining
A stadium that was suddenly destroyed, and a huge
Un l the intense flame strike.
At the overwhelming sight, the audience
I forgot.
“It doesn’t make sense.”
Saviolin Tana, who was watching the situa on, spoke briefly.
“No ma er how prodigy Harriet de Saint-Ouen may be, it is impossible to
cast such a scale of destruc on magic at such a speed.
“…you mean you wrote some foul?”
“Well…but, general magic
There doesn't seem to be any way to use it. Just looking at those pa erns
that suddenly appeared on the student’s body…”
As Saviolin Tana said, Harriet's
Blue le ers appeared in his hands. disappeared now,
Massive destruc on magic was cast in succession. The me difference was
almost non-existent. Ellen and me, and Rihanna too.
Everyone was stunned at the sight.
“Maybe… Harriet…” |
I grabbed Ellen's shoulder and shook it.
“Does he have a ta oo now?”
I don't know what it is, but I think I got a ta oo!
No, there's nothing I can't do!
can do it! you can do it! that
That's right!
“Is that important to you right now, man?”
“Yeah, though!”
In Liana's face, I almost want to cry
was feeling There were definitely guys here who knew what that was.
“Louis! yum! Hey, how did this happen! What the hell did the magic
research group do to our ght stomachs!"
Louie looked at me from the front seat at a cry that was close to my
I never thought I'd react like this
It seems like I didn't get it.
"Oh, no... Why are you so disgusted with me?
Louis took a deep breath as if to calm down.
“It’s an applica on of scroll magic.”
“...what are you talking about?”
Louie is standing on the side of the half-broken stadium.
said while looking at Harriet.
“Heriot is wri ng and wri ng magic scrolls in real me.”
What the hell are you talking about?
- To our paktong at the Magic Research Society
What have you done!!
It was not only Reinhardt who was confused.
The same was true of the Grand Duchess of Nira and his wife.
So, by his side, he squeezed his daughter.
He didn't even pay a en on to the side of Reinhardt who was calling.
“My baby… what is that?”
“Well… I don’t know.”
Even the Archduke of Saint-Touan, who had mastered magic, could not
understand what his daughter had done to her own body.
It was a sight no one had ever heard of. Of course, the Archduke was not
afraid to say that he had a ta oo like Reinhardt.
He is a wizard before he is a great noble. So he just lives the way the
wizards think.
“It seems that our daughter has already done something that will surprise
the world.”
It doesn't ma er if you win or lose in this fight.
The Archduke Saint-Ouen developed a new magical system that his
daughter had never seen before.
was intui on that
Cas ng.
It is the beginning and the end of magic.
However, cas ng is a task that takes me a er all, so no ma er how fast it
becomes, you can't make that me zero.
there is no Magic is a great power and convenient power, but if you use
magic for the purpose of figh ng, it will take me to cast
There was a fatal flaw.
If me permits, magic can destroy everything.
Soon, the prepara on me for cas ng is ght, so the ba le mages are very
People with great skills are so vain
There are mes when you die in vain.
Cas ng is a natural process.
The thought of ge ng rid of it cannot be done in the first place.
Because that's no different from the nonsense of giving out answers
without formulas.
But Harriet knows the case of his seniors.
Royal Class 2-A Class, No. 1 Redina.
Talent is no cas ng.
It is said to have superpowers, but Harriet saw with his own eyes that it
was possible.
Magic that manifests at the same me as thought.
Such a thing is possible, is there anything that cannot be called yourself?
But you can't get super powers.
Harriet has many ba le mages.
As we've been researching, we've tried to dras cally reduce the cas ng
Of course he didn't acquire superpowers.
However, he only found a way elsewhere.
At the Magic Research Society, Harriet and everyone
He shook her head and pondered.
The answer was found by Louis, not Harriet. she understands magic
Louis Ancton, who can't use magic,
Therefore, the way of thinking is different from that of a normal wizard.
'Scroll magic can be ac vated immediately.
'Scroll is a paper imbued with magic that draws a magic circle, isn't it?"
‘By the way, the human body itself already has magical power, doesn’t it?’
'Yeah, so?'
'The human body is a scroll
Assuming that, can't it be ac vated by drawing a magic circle there?'
To Louis Ankton's comment, everyone reacted to what a bizarre sound this
But the words themselves are so wrong
there was no
Scrolling is basically achieved by drawing a magic circle on a medium
imbued with magical power.
Enchanted medium - paper
magic circle - formula
The medium as a person, the formula as it is
It was a very intui ve understanding that magic would ac vate if it was
drawn on a human body. Even Harriet, who had a deep understanding of
magic, was a bizarre claim that had no sense at all.
'That's what De omorian said. It is said that the warriors of their tribe
draw out extraordinary powers by drawing a ta oo called Warpaint on
their face by shamans.
'I know that witchcra is the root of magic, but... I don't know what that
warpaint is, but I draw a magic circle on the human body to draw power.
What the hell is this guy?’
'Yeah, I heard it actually works. If the warpaint is to use the magical powers
in the human body, then isn't it really that different from what I was talking
The context of warpaint is ul mately the human body
Draw a shaman on it to show its power.
If so, it will end up with scrolling magic and big
it's no different
Louis was also just saying something. Humans to reduce cas ng me
By scrolling through the body of human beings
Func oning like scrolling.
Because it's too radical. At Louis' words, Adelia lted her head.
'But assuming that's the case, if you can engraved a fireball magic circle
and ac vate it, is that person only able to use the fireball? If you try to use
other magic...'
'Your body will be full of ta oos...'
Even if you pretend to think, it's definitely not going to look very good, so
everyone voted
Jeong became sour.
Even if it happens once, it is true that if you want to imprint a lot of magic
on your body, you will of course become full of moonshine.
'And we can't even learn scroll magic in the first place."
It was Chris na's words. The spells related to the magic scroll are top
secret, so even the temple cannot teach them. However
You can do that, you have to say no
At this point in the magic that can't be learned
But Harriet shook his head at those words.
'It's not a magic circle. You just have to engrave the 'language'.”
Everyone was stunned again by that absurd sound.
'If the language is engraved, you can do it just by combining the necessary
character sequences.’

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 311

My body becomes a magic scroll.
Every me you cast a spell, you get complicated magic.
It's not about running it yourself. body
Call the runes engraved on the
Just inject it and the magic will be ac vated.
The body makes up the paper, and the le ers make up the magic circle.
It is not a level without cas ng, but
This is close to that.
An unprecedented magic system that gra ed rune magic and scroll magic
into the human body.
Louis Ancton, who conceived the dra , nailed it as not possible.
Magic has evolved, and runes are too primi ve.
Abandoning developed systems and returning to primi ve methods,
Implemen ng the magic of the great was too inefficient.
First of all, it was necessary to do the basic work of reinterpre ng and
inver ng modern magic into runes. An in-depth understanding of the runes
had to be followed.
Harriet could do it.
The magician, Archduke Saint-Ouenne, had emphasized the importance of
runes from a very young age, so Harriet understood the runes very deeply,
if not even at the level of a professional scholar who had studied the runes
for the rest of his life.
But in addi on to that, you need to memorize a huge amount of lure
formulas en rely.
I had to ac vate it and rearrange it every me I did it.
Harriet could do that too.
Memorizing is too easy for Harriet
it's luck
Therefore, Herriot was now in a state where his body, not his head, did
most of the actual work necessary for mana opera on a er magic
calcula ons. what you need
In addi on to the rune combina ons of numerous magic
just crying
It is a magic scroll that can be used indefinitely as long as the body allows
the magic power.
Therefore, Harriet did not have the superpower of no cas ng, but obtained
the same ability comparable to that of Redina.
- Kururu....
The set defeat has not been announced yet.
Hey, Olivia is re red.
NS. Harriet clasped her hands at the smoky smoke rising from the
collapsed stadium.
stretched out
Blue magic lines have the shape of runes.
It is engraved on Harriet's right arm while dancing. The larger the scale of
the magic, the larger the scale of the magic line that dyes the whole body.
Now, Harriet had runes shining all over the upper and lower arms of his
right arm.
A magic that is reconfigured into runes and ac vated.
I'll finish it off with a lightning strike from the sky, not a lightning bolt. A
sudden darkness descended from the normal sky, and people began to
- Flash!
A single ray of light hit the stadium.
- Curl rumble!
Shortly therea er, the lightning strikes inflate the air,
A huge roar shook the stadium.
In the place where the lightning strike was hit, there was silence for a
Soon a er, it appeared from the wreckage
Looking at Nan Olivia, Harriet smiled.
Victory has not been decided, but
It was because he was certain that he had succeeded in feeding one shot.
Olivia Ranche, a barren spear through the wreckage of the collapsed
stadium, appeared.
“This… is it really hot…?” | Harriet ate one shot, but
It doesn't change the fact that Olivia Ranche is a monster.
The fact that she wasn't reverse summoned means that she's already been
hit with flame strikes and torpedoes with her bare body.
means that it has withstood flame
Strike is a large-scale destruc on magic, and thunder strike is a powerful
an -personnel a ack magic with a narrow range.
But Olivia withstood both.
Spectators are unlimited
Even if this advanced destruc on magic is cast,
I couldn't help but be astonished at the fact that there was someone who
could endure it with my bare body.
The smile on her lips had already disappeared.
Looks like the joke is over.
Her right and le arms, hidden by Harriet's sleeves, begin to draw magic
lines again.
The stadium collapsed, and the off-site was meaningless.
Harriet will be defeated if he allows only one a ack, and Olivia Ranche will
be defeated if that iron wall of magical enhancement disappears.
The stadium situa on itself has an advantage for Harriet.
For Olivia Lanze, who had to get close, the ground that had collapsed and
became uneven is a difficult condi on to move.
But Olivia is such an ordinary person.
She is unaffected by Jun.
Olivia, who leaps on her ground as if she is flying and approaches her,
approaches her without stepping on her foot in vain.
Of course, Harriet, who has done the unprecedented thing of imprin ng
and using magic on her body itself, is not a person of ordinary standards.
Harriet is the point where Olivia leaps forward,
She casts her magic at the fragment of the arena floor where she will land
Cas ng is simple psychokinesis,
That is, telekinesis.
With a blunt sound, a rock on the ground that Olivia had to tread on
suddenly bounced off her right side.
In other words, the situa on in which her foo ng suddenly disappeared.
-fruit sugar!
Olivia stumbled on her ground and fell off the ground.
In a situa on where her ba le is intensifying, she stumbles on her foot in
her hand and falls out.
It is a fatal crisis situa on.
However, it was rather funny that Olivia fell violently in front of her so
“…….. of course.”
And, instead of cas ng her a ack magic, Harriet, who created the scene,
laughed at Olivia.
"Wow... wow really..."
Olivia staggers and wakes up
At the same me, she gazes at Harriet, who is fading with a foreboding
She never thought that she would be ridiculed from me to me.
Just for a li le boy like that.
to be treated like this by a wizard
I mean,
“Are you hot…?”
A dark fire is pulled in Olivia's heart.
Olivia Ranche, with the tendons on the nape of her neck and forehead,
clenched her teeth, approaches Harriet calmly once more. She didn't get
the same tricks she did this me. Because her just was an unexpected
a ack.
Just paying a en on isn't enough to dig into the loopholes.
As soon as Olivia rushed in and stabbed her, Harriet disappeared with a
short distance space movement.
But, the very moment she finished moving.
Harriet was facing the boulder that was rushing in front of her.
Short slack to cast protec ve magic
no car
- Shh!
It wasn't because Harriet's reflexes were fast that he avoided it, but simply
because the trajectory of the flying stone deflected him.
it was because
The speed of the flying stone contained the power that an ordinary person
would have had his head sha ered and died.
“This is not right.”
Olivia was bi ng her taste as if it were a pity.
She knew that if she got close, she would run away with a short space
movement, so she was the stone she threw at the moment that space
movement also ruined.
Fortunately, she was too far away from her, so she couldn't push.
Harriet had his spine chilled.
The opponent is increasingly finding ways to deal with the same pa ern of
a acks or ac ons that poke or avoid loopholes.
The moment of space movement, a short gap a er arrival.
In that instantaneous moment, the opponent is a stone
enough to a ack yourself.
Next me I won't miss it.
This is the last me.
There's not much power le anyway.
not. He has already used a lot of powerful magic.
“You seem to be running out of magic now?”
And Olivia knew Harriet's flair.
Watching Olivia move forward, Harriet prefers to use terrain rather than
a ack magic.
She chose to forgive.
He uses his telekine c power to li and toss the rubble of the arena.
-bang! Whoops!
Olivier the rubble like rocks
Breaking it down with the front you know and moving forward
there was
Ellen at least broke the wall and cut the door with the divine sword called
Olivia Ranche was doing it with her bare body. approaching every moment
Throwing stadium shards at Olivia
also has limita ons.
But Harriet seems to have no choice but to throw away the stadium rubble,
and Olivia breaks it down and moves forward.
That's why the bi er dust soared
It was natural.
Olivia reached Herriot's nose
Haeseon, again with Blink, Harriet fell
Seeing it gone, she bit her teeth.
Olivia guessed that this was Harriet's inten on as she saw the dust
obscuring her vision.
In this case, it is impossible to determine in which direc on the opponent
has moved. It was so dusty that even the audience couldn't really
understand how things were going.
In an instant, the blue magic power in Olivia's body suddenly burned
- Kook!
The other day, Xaviolin Tana was dyed in darkness
Just like she did when she fought Charlo e.
Magical shock wave exploded and sca ered
She kicked the dust away in an instant.
Olivia blew her dust away as if to remove her mist, and she watched
Harriet appearing on the other side of her again.
Now the stadium had gone beyond a mess and disappeared.
“Is there nothing more to throw at you?”
In Olivia's eyes, Harriet seemed too daunted to move through space, so
she was only making trivial a acks by throwing large fragments of her with
telekine c power.
However, all the fragments the size of a rock were crushed by Olivia.
All that remains are stones.
Short-distance movement or dust removal
It is now over, even escaping with a shallow hand.
That's enough, she's been dealing with the li le wizard too long.
“You don’t have to throw it anymore.”
But Harriet was smiling.
“I threw it all away.”
you threw it all away
Then, Olivia threw stones around her, even though she radiated a
shockwave of her magic.
I could see it was embedded.
A boulder like this, she should have been swept away by the shockwave
and stayed there.
Olivia sees.
In the shape of sca ered fragments and pieces of stone sca ered around.
I can't find out in detail though.
Anything found in the form of those fragments.
bizarre regularity.
“I have almost used up my magic power, but it’s because I don’t have to
use my magic power.”
Harriet threw the shards.
And, the sca ered fragments were arranged and fixed so that Olivia did not
no ce.
How to use natural mana.
Reinhardt told him to figure it out, but Harriet s ll didn't.
do silver
can't give
But, isn't there a way to use nature's mana in the first place?
In the form of a magic circle,
Magic circles are used in various places, but
Although large-scale magic circles some mes use mana from magic stones,
they are originally constructed in the form of drawing mana from nature.
Harriet's frenzied task of installing a magic circle in the arena of this short
did it
- Whoa...
Olivia has already been installed in an area so extensive that she cannot
I watched the Beopjin start to react blankly.
“I won.”
With Harriet's smile.
Heriot's magic circle is blue
to form the finished gin
At the same me,
Magic is ac vated.
The magic that is ac vated is Inferno.
Even more than a flame strike
It is a high-level flame-based destruc on magic.
It is impossible to avoid because it is a magic that spreads too widely.
Olivia feels it too.
This is ruined
Seeing her crimson flames begin to ignite beneath her own feet, Olivia
cried out in tears.
“You uh…! Leave it
“Because I’m the least afraid of the person I want to see!”
A er a me culous and intense fight, I
Too childish for a conversa on
- Curl rumble!
The crimson fire of hell engulfed Olivia and soared towards her sky.
Olivia couldn't stand this magic.
-Hey, Harriet de Saint-Ouen takes 2 sets!
The audience stared blankly at the eerie stream of fire that flew toward the
sky like a snake's tongue.
Harriet wasn't used to figh ng itself, but he knew what was important in a
Hide her own informa on as much as possible.
Harriet hid his secret number well. She breathes as much as she can
He ate one shot. Massive magic on the floor, making the illusion that
throwing shards is all that remains of the a ack
She hid her real inten ons to install Jin.
However, in the end, it's all a fluke.
Olivia looked down on Harriet too much, and Harriet made good use of her
There, of course, Olivia didn't use her divine powers to the end. She didn't
even summon Ti Amata, of course she didn't. The last Harriot's a ack had
he used divine power.
would have been able to escape from
In the end, Olivia was beaten down by mocking her opponent with her
many constraints.
Of course, no ma er the course, the most spectacular fight ever
The excitement of the audience was at its peak.
The set score is 1:1.
Olivia will no longer be vigilant.
In the stadium restored by restora on magic
Riot and Olivia were resummoned.
Olivia was staring at Harriet as if she was going to eat Erra right away.
She won't be vigilant, she won't look down on her, and she won't be
deceived any more.
So watching Olivia wai ng for the match to start, Harriet flashes her hand
“I will abstain.”
At those words, Olivia's complexion turned white.
Tiredness was a natural result.
“You, you! you! you! Stop it! absten on
“I can’t do any more because I’m red.”
Lack of magical power is no excuse.
In the case of Reinhardt, he could not restore the difficult condi on caused
by the enhancement of mana, but the ordinary mana deple on could be
solved by the magician on standby with a mana supplement called siphon
absurd disclaimer.
- Well... um. that. Herriot de Saint-Ouen
Due to the absten on, Olivia Ranche has been decided.... as the winner of
Group C of the finals.
Of course, you can't force a player not to fight anymore.
“Do not abstain! you! Don't do it!”
Olivia had to shout, but Harriet didn't want to fight any more.
Harriet can't beat Olivia.
“Yeah, just one set, just one more set! If you win the next set, assume you
win! I will abstain then!”
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 312
Group C finals are over.
So, tomorrow's tournament semi-finals
Olivia's advance to the tournament withdrew and lost
Riot had nothing to do with the tournament.
“You, you really, you really are a bad kid. You know I'm a bad boy, don't
“I’m only doing it for my sister.”
"That, that's...! That, though! You're bad too!"
Olivia reluctantly followed Herriot, her face blushing. Olivia
was won, not won.
She felt so lost even though she had won.
No, she rather lost because she won.
Harriet follows and swears by the side.
Lee glances at Olivia and says.
"It's noisy. The match is over, but don't bother me and go on your way."
“...Anyway, you! i will take revenge
please! Leave it and see!” |
Olivia is a loser on a winning theme.
Pick up her excuses and serve them, run away
She seemed to have run out of the tournament arena.
Harriet was smiling as she looked at Olivia's back.
a bit though.
I thought she was a self-controlled person.
It looked like she was angry all the way to the end of her head, but she
rushed to the arena to death, not touching a single hair of her own, as she
wasn't playing right now.
If she gets so hot, she loses her composure and tries to harm herself, or
maybe it is.
It seems like I can't stand it myself. Rather, she ran away.
I'd like to know if it's someone who definitely keeps the line that needs to
be kept, but looking at the way he does it, it doesn't seem like it at all.
'Because I'm a strange person...'
Good or bad, Harriet s ll has no idea about Olivia Ranche.
Of course, I don't know if she's a good person or a bad person, but she's
not a bad person.
When she le the main stadium, the first graders of the Royal Class were
swarming there. one of them.
Reinhardt exclaimed.
“Puffy! You did it nigga!"
I lost
Everyone was making faces as if they had won.
“Did I believe it?”
“…you didn’t believe it the most.”
", Hmm. nice. Hmmm!”
At Reinhardt's exasperated exclama on, El Ren and the other students all
stared at Reinhardt.
Harriet knew Reinhardt was restless because of anxiety.
He was amazing that everyone gathered around Harriet.
all. He said it was huge and made me stand up.
Even if he didn't use his divine powers, even if Olivia was looking down on
him, it was a huge thing to win a set.
| Of course, it was a crane to meet Harriet.
It wasn't just the live ones.
"Uh, uh, Mom..."
Mrs. Saint-Toine hugged Harriet fiercely. Harriet knew her parents were
also in the audience, and she knew she was coming, so she wasn't too
But she called her baby in front of everyone, so Harriet changed her face.
turned red
“It was great, my sweetheart. Are there any injuries?”
"Oh, don't call me baby..."
Because her parents had come, the students slipped away and watched the
Knowing that you are being treated like this at home makes the situa on
even more unbearable.
Archduke Saint-Ouen was also watching him with a happy expression. She
was so proud of her daughter, who had achieved considerable growth, that
she could see that she was at a loss. For a long me, she said that Harriet
had not been hurt and that it was amazing. Madame Saint-Touan looked at
someone while hugging Harriet.
“By the way… Reinhard-kun?”
“This… that, ah. Yes! Oh, long me no see!”
Everyone was surprised that Madame Saint-Ouen knew Reinhardt.
Long me no see?
Where the hell is Reinhardt going to see Euro Herriot's mother in person?
do you mean there is?
And Reinhardt's complexion is pale.
I was fed up with it and it was frozen.
"If I'm not mistaken...the person you call Paktong...I think it's our baby..."
At those words, Reinhardt's white complexion turned almost green.
Mrs. Saint-Toine is a caring and kind beauty
She looks at Reinhardt while herding the cow.
“Is that right?”
“That, that… that, that. that. That’s what…”
"Yes that's right."
The answer came not from Heriot or Reinhardt, but from Ellen's mouth.
Reinhardt looked at Ellen, frozen.
are you going to kill me
Even with that kind of gaze, Ellen just pretended not to know and started
another affair.
Ellen looked like she had a strong heart for some reason.
Mrs. Saint-Ouen's smile grew even deeper. But she smiled as if thousands
of blades were hidden
It was a creepy smile.
“Reinhard-kun, wait a minute. Would you like to talk?”
“That, that. That's it. That, four years…”
Then, Grand Duke Saint-Ouen, who had been watching the situa on
happily, suddenly approached and laid his hand on Reinhardt's shoulder.
“I have no choice but to call my daughter Pak Tong.
There is no story.”
Archduke Saint-Ouen's expression darkened.
it was gone
“That must be a great story.
they say."
It must be a great story, the Archduke of Saint-Touine was just saying that
with his eyes.
“Kill me.”
Reinhardt eventually paid the tax voluntarily.
He didn't fall behind.
But Mrs. Saint-Touan didn't know our daughter would have such a cute
nickname, and she pa ed me on the shoulder, thinking that it would be
less creepy if a knife were shoved around her neck.
Harriet didn't know what to do.
Even if you defend me, it's strange even if you don't defend me
'cause it's gonna be
I can't help but think that it is only now that I am paying the price for
making fun of the Grand Duke's daughter and the princess of a country as a
The Archduke of Saint-Touan did not say that if he called my daughter that
way one more me, he would kill me.
You just look at me with a cold gaze.
I was more scared because I didn't say anything.
“I don’t pick it up.”
What am I doing here?
A restaurant inside the temple.
I was si ng at the dining table with the family of the Grand Duke of Saint-
Ouen. The Archduke of Saint-Ouen exchanged gree ngs with Charlo e and
Xaviolin Tana, whom he knew well, and then decided to have dinner with
his daughter-in-law and pick him up.
and came
Eo young booyoung, I came along too.
I didn't mean to follow.
I didn't ask you to follow me.
It was just that Mrs. Saint-Toine naturally dragged me along. let's go eat
I didn't do anything, I just led him to talk slowly as we went, and naturally
followed him to the restaurant.
what is this?
what's the situa on?
Harriet was also stunned.
Why is the kid si ng here? no, um
Maga, why did she bring him?
She had that look.
Feeling possessed, the menu came out, and Harriet and I blankly teased
the fork and knife.
Let's not say anything, no ques on
let's not mark
No ma er what you say, even if you say something wrong
It seems to be irreversible.
Harriet's wealth in Arnaria alone
I saw my mother, and now I am si ng here with you.
| Harriet and I promised to marry
Even if the teeth are correct, isn't this the reverse of the order?
“My baby, when will we be able to do that again?”
"Yeah, I'm curious about the detailed principle."
Fortunately, neither Madame Saint-Ouenne nor the Archduke seemed to
be able to afford to give me any a en on, and in fact neither did I.
The second set we played with Olivia, Herrio 's skills that he showed there
exceeded expecta ons for a long me.
“Ugh… So I didn’t give it a name, but that’s the principle. It must be said
that scroll magic is applied to the human body.”
Harriet rolled up the sleeve of his right arm. There was no such thing as a
ta oo.
However, Harriet seemed to concentrate a li le, and soon blue magic lines
appeared on her arm and began to take the form of characters.
The Archduke Saint-O'anne transformed the complex string.
Looking at her, she nodded as if she understood.
“It’s Rune.”
“Are you saying that modern magic was translated into runes?”
Only Grand Duke Saint-Ouen would really know how difficult it was. So he
stared blankly at his daughter's calm answer to yes.
Although he is his daughter, he must have been surprised that he had done
something outrageous.
Harriet smiled subtly.
“I didn't do it alone. magic research
The club kids helped me a lot. Someone else had a different idea.”
"If it's a magic research group..."
Harriet looks at me.
“Yeah, that’s what he wanted to make.”
At those words, the eyes of Madame Saint-Ouen and the Archduke were
fixed on me.
Your daughter-in-law is three years old at the Magic Research Society.
He swore that the prize would make a surprise, but not in the way he
wanted it to, but Harriet had already done the nonsense. Magic Research
through collabora on with members.
In the end, I was right.
The Archduke of Saint-Ouen and Herriot said that they were new
About the magic developed by Roy for a while
had a discussion.
For the most part, I couldn't understand at all.
But he seemed to know what he was feeling because he had heard it from
A magic circle that animates one's own body
was made to func on as
I didn't know how to actually use magic and how making one's body
func on as a magic circle had anything to do with the ability to significantly
reduce cas ng speed.
“Daughter, this must be a magical system that only you in the world can
use. Ordinary wizards convert modern magic into runes, memorize all of it,
and call it out whenever necessary because it will take much longer than
the exis ng cas ng method. This method can eliminate the magic
opera on step in the cas ng process, but the calcula on process is rather
“…Yes, I will.”
In the end, it is a method of pressing it down with a well-rounded head.
ordinary wizard
Using this method is rather detrimental.
Increase the formula and improve the actual horsepower opera on.
Skip the step.
For Harriet, it's a near-instantaneous way to use magic, but for other
wizards, it's a mess.
Anyway, he was a genius, but Jin
Because I was a genius, I did what was possible swimming
Look at Riot...
What's wrong with it
I'm happy.
If I fight Ellen, I'm more confident.
I'm confident I can fight him, so why am I good?
“Why do you look the same as your dad and mom? Gee, I feel bad…”
As if me and the Archduke Saint-Ouen had kept on making a similar
expression, Harriet turned into an evil expression.
Madame Saint-Toine, the Archduke and I.
It seems that all three of them are feeling the same way now.
“How are you? Are you choking or not?”
"it's okay."
“…I have to hold my breath to wear something like this, but you don’t have
one? To be honest, isn't it fair enough?"
Liana tries to dress Ellen in a dress, and she is not only good-looking, but
also in her ght clothes.
Looking at her, she stuck out her tongue.
The Miss Temple Contest, which is approaching tomorrow, and the final of
the Unlimited Tournament
Together, this is the main event of the fes val.
So Ellen and Liana were doing the last check. So Liana was busy going back
and forth between Ellen's room and Cliffman's room.
It was.
So she said that during this fes val, she was actually the busiest Liana.
Reinhardt's tournament is over, and Herriot's Unlimited Tournament is
Now, only Ellen and Cliffman are le to do among the first graders of Royal
Class. Looking at Ellen in front of the mirror, Liana touches Ellen's cheek.
walked away
“Take a look. what's wrong
“No, not really.”
Ellen sees her own expression in her mirror.
I don't think it's much different from usual, but maybe it's just a bad
mood? Ellen tried to force her to smile, but she didn't like it.
A natural smile, it was difficult for her in the first place. So when she is
forced to smile, she has a strange expression. I wouldn't say she's ugly, but
she can't smile
Her face becomes an invisible expression.
But now, it was difficult for her to smile a li le more than usual.
Reinhardt's image today kept flashing in my mind.
'Don't you worry about it?'
‘What do we do if we lose…? uh? No, losing is losing, but what if we lose?'
'You don't look like you're trembling!'
'Ah Okay! don't fall! Aren't you trembling?'
'Did you fall again? when?"
He was so anxious that he could not stay s ll for even a moment, so he
took a deep breath.
'Wow, he. what. no. what is that? him.
'What happened, what happened?'
'mind! Look! You said you did it?'
'I believed it!'
Reinhardt was so happy to see that Harriet was so strong that he didn't
have to worry about it.
I could feel that he was genuinely worried about and suppor ng Harriet.
Eren was surprised too. She said she eventually withdrew, but she
managed to give Olivia a shot.
If I had been there, I would have done as much as Harriet.
No, Ellen thought so.
Well, if I were there,
Reinhardt cares about me like today
did you give
Would he have cheered me on like today?
Maybe, even though I was worried, like today
To the extent that I can't be restless like that
I thought it was Neil.
Reinhardt hates Harriet a bit. When it comes to a topic that I usually just
deal with, I worry about it.
He's good at whatever he does, so he wouldn't worry about it that much.
Jindahan can take good care of themselves
you will believe there will be
Because I hate Harriet
Reinhardt is more concerned and interested. Seeing Reinhardt like that,
Ellen had no choice but to admit that her uncomfortable feelings were
already in her mind.
She herself is jealous of Harriet.
So, she couldn't get her mind to get rid of the biggest ques on of what
happened today, and the ques on that made it feel like a stone was si ng
in her heart.
'long me no see!'
Reinhardt seems to have an acquaintance with Harriet's parents. The same
goes for the Archduke of Saint-Ouen, and the same with Madame Saint-
Seeing that Harriet wasn't surprised at all, it seemed that Harriet knew it
No, how, but why?
Why did Reinhardt meet Harriet's parents?
Has he ever met Harriet?
Why did you meet, Reinhardt?
Didn't he tell himself that it happened before??
No, Reinhardt gave it to himself.
There's no such thing as a reason to say
s ll.
He is aware that there is a lot he doesn't know about Reinhardt, but
He doesn't want to know this.
He doesn't want to know this.
Of course, he's not the only one who has such a ques on.
“By the way, it’s kind of strange that the Archduke and his wife know
Reinhardt.” Liana also trimmed Ellen's ou it and adjusted her accessories,
and she seemed to pass away.
Reinhardt is captured and dragged by Archduke Saint-Ouen in front of the
Because I was surprised to see it.
“Because I can see you.”
"is it?"
The one who wonders the most about the reason is herself, Ellen said.
From some point on her, she will lie. Pretending not to be curious about
what you want to know
pretend not to.
Ellen is like that, she's changing li le by li le
she hated herself she will lie,
She hides her emo ons.
“By the way, you’re going to have dinner together, did Reinhardt get along
with the Archduke?”
At Liana's words, Ellen clenched her teeth.
If she doesn't, her own face in her mirror will be strangely distorted.
She looked like a lil.
It's hard for her to smile,
She said that Ellen didn't make a face
she was able
“I think this is enough. I'll see that cliff only looks like that. Also, I don't
know how to wear her clothes, so I'm just messing around."
It wasn't un l Liana le her own room that Ellen relaxed her molars.
Ellen says she looks in the mirror.
She was seen wearing a gorgeous dress, her shoulders exposed, and her
necklace, her earrings, bracelets and other glamorous accessories.
she's not bad
I think so myself, but Leah, I think it'd be weird if you, who was always like
this, didn't become Miss Temple, right?
She con nued to say.
Let go of all unnecessary thoughts, jealousy, inferiority, and doubts.
Because that doesn't help you at all.
Ellen doesn't care about anything else
she did
Seeing yourself dressed like this, what Reinhardt would say, what kind of
will you build
She just wonders about it.
She's a bit of a surprise herself too, but Reinhardt would definitely be
I believe so.
What did Reinhardt say a er that?
I'm afraid to do it, but I'm looking forward to it
because it can be
Ellen tried to forcefully smile in her mirror, in her own room without her
She's s ll bad, but she's trying
that it is possible.
That alone, I think someday I'll be able to smile.
Ellen looks at her mirror and smiles.
It was her prac ce.
Olivia Ranche was lying on the bed in her own room.
She knows that Olivia did win Group C today, but she looked pre y dirty.
5th grade A-0 Olivia Ranche.
With a few excep ons, Olivia is s ll kind and gentle to everyone. She hasn't
changed much from before.
But knowing that Olivia is going to be a li le sensi ve today, she's her
younger brother by age, but her classmates didn't come to say
congratula ons to Olivia.
So, now Olivia was alone.
Lying down, Olivia stares blankly at the ceiling of her dorm room.
She presupposes that she uses divine power.
If not, even in her last magic a ack, she was able to withstand it
No, she wouldn't have even gone there in the first place.
Her divine magic is a power of healing and protec on.
Because it's not just one thing.
plus that.
Olivia raises her hand and listens from there
She sees black smoke boiling.
Fallen divine power.
Olivia can use that too.
If Tiamata was there.
She ain't humiliated by that li le boy
would have been
She won because she lost.
Declaring her abs nence, she can't forget the look on her cheeky li le girl's
She knew exactly what her own victory would be, complete with
absten on.
Even if she eventually won, she was at a loss, no, she was rather at a loss.
She had to win, she gave up one set herself, and she was victorious.
So, she is ruthless.
Even if she ends up winning the tournament, the fact that she lost to
Harriet doesn't change.
It doesn't make any sense to think about it. this
What it would have been like if it did, or what it would have been like that
way, is meaningless.
I lost to Harriet de Saint-Ouen.
Only that fact remains.
| I feel like I've lost my mo va on, but I can't beat it
In the end, it was not the original purpose to scold or beat them.
I need money.
She wins the tournament, and if she wins Miss Temple, she can receive a
cash prize.
Because that's the original purpose. only god
let's write Tournament semi-finals and finals
Opponents won't be so happy
And Miss Temple also needs to prepare.
Olivia Sobbing In Her Bed
She got up and opened her closet.
She sold everything except the things she needed. Her closet had nothing
but school uniforms and plain everyday clothes.
If only she had the dress she wore at the support party...'
She sold my stuff to help someone. What my adop ve parents bought me,
this and that
She also sold the dress she wore to the run event and all her accessories.
There's no reason to do that
I can't find another reason not to do that.
Her own true needs are filled with things
Because I don't think it's enough.
Olivia did that.
So, Olivia was staring at her own closet, which had nothing but her school
uniform, and smiled.
The Archduke and Duchess of Saint-Ouen returned only late in the evening
a er having their meal that day.
all. The Archduke is also a busy person in many ways, so it must be clear
that he was forced to spend me with Harriot's tournament appearance
it was
ship the grand duke couple A er humming, Harry
Well, that's what he said at first.
“...what did I say? Are you not saying anything?”
“It’s me to say something! what! What are you going to say! Say it early!"
If I let it go, it's me to spit it out now that it's me to spit it out because
the guy who says something he doesn't like is in front of the Dae Gong
couple. Harriet rubs her face as she turns red.
“Uh, uh, uh… Mommy is me. membrane. If you call me that, you're just
kidding me..."
As she spoke, her lips were trembling. You're such a bastard.
is it?
“What are you kidding me for? You are right.”
“You’re kidding me too!”
This is a quick reac on that has come out in a long me.
Does this make fun of you even if you don't want to be teased?
I can't stop wearing it!
“Hello. You would have done it without me.”
"I will not! don't do it! Not even at home!”
Harriet groaned as her face turned bright red. Yeah I definitely won't. I
know that. but you
are overly vulnerable to ins ga on and fabrica on
Just a word.
But it's already a child who gets mad at this and rolls around.
I got stronger, but my mentality is the same
It's fun.
“Do you want to?”
"I will not! At this age, why am I doing such a thing!”
Why is it so cute when a seventeen-year-old boy says he's his age?
This is really sweet!
If you s mulate me more, you can beat me now
A child who has evolved to such a degree has magical power all over her
I thought I was going to do a magic trick a er ge ng a ta oo, so I shut it
down moderately.
A er all, this is a law that requires quick control.
On the way back to the Royal Class dormitory.
People were s ll crowded. It's going to get more and more crowded by
Today's Unlimited Tournament Group C final must have been quite a topic
of discussion. Because, in my view, it was a different fight from other
A freshman who fires magic at near-instant speed.
A 5th grader who rushes like a tank while taking it all with his bare body.
Everything else was gone and it was great.
“But… is it strange?”
As Harriet walked quietly, he murmured so ly.
“What is strange?”
"...Mom, that's what I call you. It's weird... don't you think?"
Was he s ll thinking about it? Harriet seemed really ashamed of that. Well,
for Harriet, it might be a pre y thorny problem in its own way.
Both the Archduke of Saint-Toine and his wife will always treat Herriot as a
But that's unavoidable
I don't think it's me,
Seeing the shy Harriet, I
“Why is it strange for parents to love their children?”
The prince pretends to be blunt and solemn, but his love for his daughter is
dripping down.
Don't take Herriot away for a second.
We keep hugging each other whether we don't want to
Grand Duchess's sweetheart.
In the end, Harriet seemed to hate it, but I had to watch it.
I wonder why I had to watch those scenes from beginning to end.
“Of course, most of the ones that are born in such an environment that
Onya is a horo child are horo cubs, right?”
“You, what do you want to say!”
“You’re not really a horo child, are you?”
It seemed obvious that he grew up in a good environment with the wrong
size, but is it a sin for parents to love their children? And although Harriet
may be like the original, he's not really a nerd now.
"really. If you really think about it, words are good, but why do you always
say things like that? Ho, ho... Horo child? I, I, I, I
It's the first me I've ever heard of a horse in my life!"
Of course, in my opinion, Harriet is a noob.
kicked off
Your parents are good people and you grew up well, so it's not a problem.
It's kind of funny to talk like this.
If that's the case, maybe I have some kind of disease where I can't speak
clearly and honestly?
But I can't stop when I see him turn red and annoyed.
don't you?
While arguing like that, we
Return to the Yal Class dormitory.
it's winter,
it was night,
So, it was cold.
“It’s cold.”
"It's winter, you fool. Of course it's cold."
“Are you saying I’m a fool for saying something?
Do I have to listen?” |
“I don’t know if it’s anyone else, but you don’t mean it, especially to me!
Un l now, how many mes
Make fun of me!”
Harriet starts running again. No, but you started first this me.
Today the weather felt a bit par cularly cold. It was mid-winter, and it was
night, but I was also wearing thin clothes. Harriet and I were leaking white
steam from each other's mouths.
How much colder is this now?
Of course, it's not polar here, and the weather wouldn't be that harsh.
A er all, magic is a god, right?
Just because it's cold doesn't mean you don't have to be cold
I tapped Harriet, who was walking quietly next to me.
“Hey, it’s cold.”
“It’s cold.”
"So what."
"do something."
"why me?"
Harriet stares at me as I ask for something to come.
Even on a deserted island, Harriet summoned a hea ng sphere and put it
in the children's tent.
The spirits and the Nabals are also the best in magic. Harriet pouted his
mouth when I told him to give me something, and then so ly closed his
It's the hea ng sphere I summoned when I was on a deserted island.
Are you thinking of summoning again?
I thought
Harriet suddenly grabbed my hand.
He didn't even look at me, and he kept his head down.
Is it deja vu?
When he first awakened to magical power and asked him to put him to
sleep because he was very sick, Harriet sang a lullaby out of nowhere, not
a sleep magic.
When he found out that it was a misunderstanding, he wondered if he
really died the way he was.
was also
I was talking about using magic, but did I misunderstand it?
“No, it’s not… it’s not this. Magic...."
His head seemed to stop at those words. "I... I'm not that stupid." His voice
trembled so badly that it seemed to be broken at any moment.
It's not déjà vu.
Even though I know you're talking about using magic
took his hand
Harriet bowed his head, holding my hand
grab and lead
He wasn't holding too hard either. I couldn't hold it ghter or let it go. I
thought that Harriet took my hand and took the lead and followed it
| “How was me today?”
Harriet asked,
“It was great.”
I said only one word of sincerity without pretense.
We didn't talk any further.
Without a word, I just walked.
It was quite a distance to the dormitory, so I had to take a tram back.
However, Harriet con nued walking, passing the tram stop.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 313
Pu ng on a dress and makeup for the last me in prepara on for Miss
Temple is not something you can do all day.
A er taking off the dress, removing the makeup, L
Ren finished taking a shower.
Liana not only looked a er her dress code and makeup, but also prac ced
her facial expressions. She said that prepara on must be thorough,
She doesn't seem to have done anything in par cular, but because it's
unfamiliar and unfamiliar to her, Ellen is now very red. She is both
physically and mentally.
It wasn't that she didn't like her.
She didn't even know she was un l now
She felt that it was her job to discover a completely different side of
herself. So, even when I looked in the mirror, I thought about whether this
was me, dozens of mes a day alone.
Ellen dried her hair all the way and lay quietly on her bed.
Tomorrow is the start of the Miss Temple contest.
- gurgle
Ellen narrowed her brow at the sound of her ringing in her stomach.
If it was normal, it was me for her to eat late night snacks with Reinhardt.
Ellen thinks that Liana has been paying close a en on.
“You, don’t pick up anything for dinner tonight.”
'I know you don't gain weight, but what if you pick up something at night
and then swell your face the next day?'
'...I don't know.
'Anyway, if you don't want to eat it, don't eat it. Different
I don't know if it's a day, but I'll have to endure today."
It's not about starving, it's about not ea ng late-night snacks, but that's
about it. Of course, I can endure it for a day or so.
But the rou ne is scary.
If you don't eat at the same me you always eat something, your body
sends a signal, but you shouldn't eat it.
situa on to be.
Even when someone tells you not to do it, the urge gets stronger.
There have been quite a few mes when I went to bed without ea ng late
night snacks, and I am even more hungry because I think I shouldn't eat as
much as I did today.
Usually, Ellen has her strong self-control. However, even if she eats, she
doesn't gain weight because of her physicality and cons tu on, and she
always has plenty of food in the royal class dormitory. even say what
I stuck with Reinhardt, who gave me everything, and we stayed together
for quite some me.
She realizes that Ellen has seldom put up with what she eats she seldom
eats lately.
But tomorrow will be even be er
have to show so much hunger
Can't you stand it enough?
I can't sleep well even when I try to fall asleep.
Is it because of the moonlight pouring out the window?
want. Ellen got up, rustling from the bed to close her curtains.
She pulled the curtains and held Ellen so she could see the street outside
her dorm.
In the dark, under the moonlight.
Two familiar silhoue es are visible.
Reinhardt and Herriot de Saint-Ouen.
The two of us held hands and walked quietly
Ellen is s ll, in her own room
She sees the sight.
Perhaps it was her embarrassment, Harriet was walking next to Reinhardt
with her head bowed, and Reinhardt was walking beside her, holding her
hand slightly.
Ellen, who saw the scene, was watching the scene as if she had s ffened.
take her hand
How special is that?
I tried holding her hand as many mes as I could, and hugging her as much
as I could.
she's done it herself Reinhardt
She and her friends have always been like that.
So, it's in the category of things her friends can do, understand that
to say,
You have to understand that you can do that.
As if Ellen had stopped her thinking, she couldn't take her eyes off their
clasped hands.
have you lost it?
long ago already.
There were parts that only I could reach.
'long me no see!
Actually already.
A long me ago.
did that happen?
why are those two
It's my hand that I can hold.
It's a hand I've been holding on to. Did you think that being able to touch
Reinhardt was my only privilege? That's why, while looking at her holding
hands with Harriet.
Why is my heart like this?
Is it as risky as it is to taste?
'I, I know... Really, really... Some mes there is.'
'I really think you're rude...'
What Harriet once said was Ellen's
hovered over her head.
Ellen realizes that Harriet has always felt this way.
where she doesn't know. As she watches from afar, she creates stories and
memories that she does not know.
She's making some kind of rela onship that she can't get into.
In this situa on where you just have to watch it and you can't do anything.
It felt like this.
I feel betrayed, I don't know what to do, I'm angry, I feel sad and unfair
this feeling.
Harriet says this feeling is mortal
Could you put it in a word?
I just don't think it's an emo on that can be expressed in words like that...
Ellen is returning to the dormitory.
It may already be too late.
Harriet is doing her own thing
it will She has no need or reason to hate her. My
In order for her to hate the appearance of Run, Ellen must have been hated
by Harriet earlier.
She said that she's working hard on her own. She doesn't have to hate it.
try to persuade
So, she has to do what she has to do herself.
Show me a good side tomorrow. Reinhardt saw himself tomorrow
Go, it might be a li le different from before
I don't know.
While we were talking about various things, it might be a li le different
from what we've been up to.
That would be it.
Today is today, tomorrow is tomorrow
Ellen closed her eyes ghtly, trying to erase the remaining images of the
two from her mind as a remnant.
That night.
I swung my sword in the gym.
Neither Cliffman nor Eren. therefore
I beat the scarecrow a er quite some me. You can ask Saviolin Tana to
teach you, but it's late, and when you secretly teach her class, you get
greedy and you won't be able to sleep on me.
It was like
So, I swung my water lily sword against the scarecrow.
- Bump!
The water lily sword was broken.
To swing the sword to the point of trance
did you say It's not that I wasn't so obsessed with swords.
I forgot me.
It was already well past the standard bed me. Even if I had been taught by
Saviolin Tana, it was me to finish.
His whole body was drenched in sweat.
I collected the remnants of the broken water lily sword and threw it in the
trash, and opened the window of the gymnasium.
The chilly wind blows my cheeks and sweat
I brushed my wet clothes on.
me now
Apparently, it seems disturbing.
What should I do?
No ma er how much I thought about it, I couldn't figure it out.
It's been a while since bed me, and in this state, you have to swing your
training sword to break the scarecrow or the training sword.
I was just going to take a shower and go to sleep.
I was thinking of doing something, but Ellen is not there, but I want to do
something by myself.
Then, as I was passing the hallway, I ran into someone. The guy who ran
into me looked at me and shook his head.
It was Bertus, not anyone else, who met me.
Aren't you busy managing the magic train right now? What is going on in
the dormitory at this me?
is it work?
“What, you haven’t slept un l this hour?”
Bertus said what I was going to say.
“A li le at the gym.”
“...even during fes vals, training un l late. That’s great.”
Bertus smirked.
"What are you doing?"
“Ah… I had some work, but now I want to rest.”
The fes val isn't over yet, but has everything about the opera on of the
Yellow Magic Train been completed?
Whether it was all night or too much work, dark circles were thick under
Bertus' eyes. Aren't you supposed to praise me for training at a fes val or
something? Aren't you a li le ghter than usual?
“Oh, and he said he won the tournament. Congratula ons."
“Uh… yes.”
Bertus tapped my shoulder and walked towards his room. If that iron mask-
like guy was red enough to show his face, it seems like he's been through
a lot of hard work for the past few days.
Then, as if he was about to go in, he looked at me as if he had suddenly
remembered something.
"Ah... wait a minute."
"Uh... why?"
Cold sweat drips down his body.
All the others passed safely.
yah not yet
A er seeing me disguised as Anne, this is the first me I see myself now.
Bertus narrowed his brow and stared at me.
isn't it?
don't you find out? face to face
Even if it was, is that enough for a moment to pass by?
Bertus looked at me with a frown and shook his head.
"No, you look a li le red."
Bertus let out a chill in his back and went into the room.
Upon entering the dormitory room, Bertus dragged his body heavy like
co on in water, washed himself, and then lay down on the bed.
Opera on and management of the magic train during the fes val period.
He didn't think it was insignificant. Magical trains are the most important in
the zodiac. It is a means of transporta on and there are usually many
users, and even during this period, users from all over the con nent flock
to it.
blast furnace,
There are people who have never seen or heard of a magic train in their
en re life. |
Not only do children cry because some monster is running, but adults also
run away because they are confused.
that's a yangban
Even in a remote corner of the con nent, there is a thing called iden ty.
To come all the way to the capital to see the Temple Fes val with a big
heart, means that you have enough money to pay the warp gate usage fee.
| So, usually in your area
The tall ones come to the zodiac.
Not only are there a lot of people who insist on why there are no nobles-
only spaces on the magic train, but there are also a lot of people who
ques on how they can use the same means of transporta on as
It wouldn't be funny for the ants to rank them, but Bertus had to do it well.
As he tried to solve all incidents as smoothly and effortlessly as possible,
stress was not the only thing.
So, I couldn't rest properly.
In the end, for today, I have to sleep, I have to go back to the dormitory it
was true
Bertus is about to explode his head now
But when he looked at Reinhardt, something suddenly came to his mind.
I don't have me to think because I'm hit by work, but the girl I met last
The moment I saw Reinhardt, I immediately thought of that silver-haired
can't forget
I spray tea on the face of a woman I see for the first me
He has commi ed an absurd example, and Bertus will never forget that
person's face for the rest of his life.
'Like, obviously.
I wondered if I was mistaken because I was red, but when I thought about
it carefully, they were clearly similar.
Of course, you have to stand it on both sides to know it properly, but
It is clear that the silver-haired girl and Reinhardt have a lot in common.
But Bertus' thinking unfolds in a strange way.
Bertus is busy, so the fes val is back
does not know the situa on line at best
Ruth won the first-year tournament
I only know that
So where is the silver-haired girl?
Without even knowing it, in the Temple Women's Dressing Contest
I didn't even know he par cipated.
Therefore, to Bertus, a silver-haired girl is just a silver-haired girl.
two completely different. but it resembles
It even resembled a slightly s nky mouth.
I asked him because he had silver hair, and he said that it was dyed.
And Reinhardt is from the street
'Does Reinhardt have a younger brother or older sister?'
There are cases where they are thrown away from birth, so there is a good
chance that Reinhardt doesn't even know that he has a blood rela ve.
All you have to do is ask Reinhardt.
Do you have a sister or sister?
Of course, the answer will be yes or no, but Reinhardt will wonder why he
asks such a thing.
'No, what, maybe not.'
Couldn't it be that people just resemble each other for nothing?
If you're just saying that he's met someone you're supposed to be your
brother or sister, Reinhardt was pre y rude when he wasn't.
it's definitely going to be ruined
'Let's take a look at it separately...'
No need to tell Reinhardt
it's not a thing
If true, lost to Reinhardt
It is possible to find his blood,
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 314
Today is Miss Temple Contest and Un tled
There is a one-level tournament final.
Olivia Lanche, who has to par cipate in both, must be very busy. The first
graders of the Royal Class didn't seem interested in the unlimited
tournament star ng from the semifinals as their classmates were no longer
par cipa ng.
All three of them, Ellen, Liana, and Cliffman, seemed to be busy preparing
for the contest.
But Ellen met me in the morning, and she looked at me quietly.
I know what to say.
“Aren’t you going?”
Ellen also watched all of my tournament matches. Of course, even if not,
there is no reason not to go to today's Miss Temple contest.
Miss Cliffman, even by using the retrospec ve
I s ll don't know what to do with the temple, but I don't know what to do
with Miss Temple.
Why don't I go to the contest?
none. Ellen seems hesitant, she looks at me with a determined look, as if
she's decided something.
“Yeah, well prepared.”
A er the contest is over, do you have something to say?
It was the expression of that feeling.
Ellen le those words and went somewhere with Liana to prepare her.
It seems that the other guys are going to enjoy the fes val on their own,
but I decided to move alone during the day.
without anyone accompany.
Now, I decided to go watch the finals of the unlimited level tournament,
which got away from the a en on of my classmates. Of course I'm going to
see the dog
There are seats, but I will go alone
Olivia had a lot to say. She always takes care of me and does anything for
me, but she always treats me poorly. Yesterday I openly cheered for
Just because she's good at anything, doesn't mean she's strong at
So, I don't know if some guys go to the finals on their own, but I can't go
without anyone
I was thinking of going to see the final of the class tournament.
If you think of it as a match that starts from the quarterfinals, three
matches are finally over. Therefore, even if you did not sit for a long me
and watched the finals, the me was quite short.
- Whoa, whoa!
The cheers of the people were great.
The fact that Harriet lost did not change.
But the result is what I think
The wri ng process was not the same as I thought.
Just as my tournament had its own set of processes, the Unlimited
Tournament had some twists and turns.
Olivia has only done one set so far.
She ran, and that's what Harriet took.
it was a set
As I was wai ng for the match to start, I heard someone calling me from
“Reinhardt, did you come to the finals too?”
“Oh, Charlo e.”
It was Charlo e.
In the end, even if I saw it alone, I had no choice but to meet someone who
came because the VIP seat | area was designated.
Anyway, I wonder if Charlo e has any reason to watch the finals.
The reason was behind it.
“Did the teacher come too?”
Apparently this isn't Charlo e, it's Xavi
It seems that Olin came to see Tana. As a bodyguard, I can't leave
Charlo e's side, but I must have missed the final.
She said Charlo e ain't no idiot, so she read Tana's look and she said let's
go see the finals,
She said, "If you're going, say you're going. Why are you here alone?”
“Oh, just.”
Rather than bring anyone with her, she
I thought it would be be er to see them, but I had no inten on of moving
because I met them.
Naturally Charlo e and Xaviolin Tana
sat down next to me
Charlo e looked around her and folded her arms.
"uh? no...."
This neighborhood is a VIP seat exclusively for Royal Class.
That said, there are other VIP seats as well.
that's long
Charlo e was just looking at the VIP seats for the VIPs.
“Sir Bolton.”
As I nodded, Saviolin Tana looked at me.
“Didn’t you say hello at the last sponsorship mee ng?”
“When is the support group?”
There should be one or two names that I forgot to greet at the support
group. Volton? who is that
'Hey, my memory is bad.'
It took me a while to feel those thoughts passing through Saviolin Tana's
“Sir Ilayon Wolton, the current commander of the Knights Templar.”
That's right.
That's a name I've really heard. Ruby
Erranche was sacked and the new
Commander of the Knights Templar, Ilrayon Wolton.
He didn't know who he was, and he forgot about it because he didn't even
support him.
Charlo e gave a subtle smile.
“I thought it was yesterday, so I looked for it, but it wasn’t there. But it
came today.
“…she thinks she hates seeing Olivia win?”
"Um... I don't know what Sir Wolton thinks, but it's just, it's kind of a sight
to see."
What would it feel like to see the current leader of the Temple Knights give
up their faith and win the tournament without divine power?
It's obviously not going to be good. When I remembered his name, I could
recognize his face.
Although it is different from Liberian Lange,
She was a person with the impression of being strict and stubborn. Of
course, he wasn't wearing knightly armor, but he was wearing a robe, and
those around him who seemed to be close friends, who were also
supposed to be paladins, were looking at the stadium quietly.
Sa violin Tana, who was quietly listening to our story, lted her head.
“It’s not about how Olivia is, it’s about other
They may be cheering for you.”
“The other one?”
“Four finalists, don’t you know? “I don’t remember anything except Olivia-
Charlo e grinned as if she didn't even remember anything that had
nothing to do with her.
“Among those who made it to the quarterfinals, a er gradua on,
There are students who are certain to join the division.”
"Oh yeah?"
"That's probably what you want Olivia to be.
Olivia's abandonment of her faith is unavoidable.
So, she might hope that the next Knights Templar can take victory over
Olivia, who doesn't even use her divine powers.
Clearly, there were quite a few who seemed to want to be paladins among
the players in the Unlimited Level Tournament. mostly ignored
There were also those who did not have the skills,
Royal Class 6th Grade A-3 Jordan Windsor.
Royal Class 6th grade B-2, Radia Schmidt,
radia schmidt,
Someone who wondered what Olivia and I were talking about.
A person who looks good, but has felt something bizarre.
He was a great man who used divine power and increased magical power.
by the way.
A er all, Olivia also knelt for a year, so Radia Schmidt and Olivia must have
been friends for a long me in the Temple life.
Do you think Olivia betrays her beliefs and has feelings for each other or
If Ladia Schmidt were to join the Knights Templar, there is a good chance
that she would be jealous of Olivia.
She would have been the object of comparison in many ways. radi
Ah Schmidt's skills are great, but in the end
Because she couldn't outrun Olivia.
Ladia Schmidt was a member of the grace
You must have seen it once, but I
I had a brief conversa on in front of her dorm
It was her first mee ng with her.
It would have been very painful if someone who was the perfect top
compa bility of my talents had always been on top of her.
we talk about different things
Meanwhile, the moderator slowly started the contest.
started to do
-The 5th year of the Royal Class, which has recorded only one set point so
far! Ollie
This is Via Ranche!
to the stadium with the cheers of the people
Olivia is teleported.
Despite a few accidents yesterday, Olivia had regained her relaxed smile.
But she's a li le different, she's been figh ng with her bare fists, Olivia, this
It was that she was holding a Japanese sword.
Does she mean that from the semifinals onwards, she doesn't have to bear
the penalty? Or did she decide that she could give out a ridiculous set if
she was careless like yesterday?
Quarterfinalists will receive Royal Class 6
It was a fi h grader from the Orbis class with two sophomores.
On the Royal Class side, they were all the final graders of Temple High
Olivia Ranche's opponent in the quarterfinals was Melan Benier, a 5th
grader from the Orbis class,
It must be very heartbreaking that the Orbis class disappeared just before
gradua on.
The Orbis class was the cradle of revolu onary forces, and most of the
students and teachers involved dropped out or quit teaching.
Remaining means people who are not included, or they are included but
remain in the temple.
That I am the person who decided to be
revolu onary forces.
Every me I think about it, one side of my head throbs.
Aside from my worries, the first match before the semifinals started soon.
The process wasn't that important.
Olivia Ranche was the winner.
Perhaps because Harriet used magic instead, Olivia had a chance. Or is it
because Olivia with the sword is stronger than that?
The opponent seemed to struggle, but Olivia's opponent could not be at
Above all else, although the opponent seemed to be angry, it wasn't as if
he knew that the result would be like this, and his expression was not
drenched in defeat.
The next match in the quarterfinals.
Royal Class 6th Grade A-3 Jordan Windsor.
Royal Class 6th grade B-2, Radia Schmidt,
Of course, those who made it to the quarterfinals have no problem with
their skills. Because I watched the match between Radia Schmidt and
Jordan Windsor.
Radia Schmidt is the type that can be beaten with a double buff, and
Jordan Windsor was quite good even though she couldn't use divine
Of course, at my current level, they were great players that I couldn't even
deal with, and even if Harriet had faced them, I wouldn't have been able to
predict victory.
Olivia is overly monstrous,
The other Royal Class upperclassmen are also monsters.
Selected and selected talents have honed their skills over the past six
years. So Olivia
Ara says there are monsters out of the standard, but they are also
Talent doesn't run away.
To put it simply, no ma er how much Erhi is surplus now, there is no law of
surplus even a er 6 years. It seems like she's working hard these days, so
she can awaken her magical power when that guy is over 3 years old Saint
And a er three more years, there is a possibility that he will become a
monster that advances to the unlimited level tournament.
Olivia Ranche is originally a classmate with the 6th graders, and she has
been with them all the me, except for the 5th graders who went out to
serve in the Demon World War.
She must have lived her temple life.
So she's actually with her sixth graders
would be friendly
She competes against her classmates in the same royal class in the final of
an unlimited class tournament.
I thought it would be quite a strange and fun experience.
If it wasn't for the gate incident, I wondered if it would be like that when
the grades go up, Ellen and I will face off in the unlimited tournament
...By the way, I'll probably lose.
Even if I made it to the finals, thinking about myself losing to Ellen I met in
the finals...
To be honest, I didn't think it would be that bad.
The second match of the quarterfinals was quite exci ng, contrary to what
I had expected.
- Good luck, Ladia.
- I wish you well too.
The two greeted each other with a smile to see if their rela onship was
that bad. Clare
Although they were different, the two seemed friendly, probably because
the me they spent was long.
But for a while...
As soon as the host declared the start of the war, their expressions
As if the friendly atmosphere has gone, a search ba le between the two
I just broke Olivia with three loaves of bread
Jean Orbis Class 5th Grade Melan Bee
Nier must be a much be er person than me.
The two of them figh ng right now are 6th graders at Temple.
Let's meet in a place like a tournament
This is the last me I do it.
The rela onship between the two is different
Dog, this will be the last me we've competed against each other on this
kind of special ba lefield.
So, we have to be honest with each other.
- Whoa!
Blue energy wrapped around Jordan Windsor's body. Exploding like Ellen
did not feel like a flame.
That's the exact opposite.
It feels like we put all our efforts into opera onal stability.
As it is compressed and refined, there seems to be no unnecessary
horsepower opera on.
Feels like a gin blade.
It's not that the size is weak.
Necessary for extremely efficient horsepower enhancement
use only the amount of force needed
method. Maybe me and Ellen now
The one that should be imitated the most would be the magic
enhancement in the same way as Jordan Windsor.
The case of Ladia Schmidt was a li le different.
She suddenly plunged her own sword down to the floor of her arena.
- Kwok!
A metal sword pierces the stone floor
Danny, like a solid white line from the floor
Things started coming up and wrapped around the sword.
Her white swarm of lights wrapped around her sword, and soon she began
to wrap herself around her own body.
It wasn't just that.
In addi on to the white glow on Radia's body,
Nira's blue magic was flowing out at the same me.
Strengthen the body with divine power, magical power
It also supports reinforcement.
How to add strength to strength.
It's not something I would say, capable of self-sugges on, but that double
reinforcement is absurd. Xaviolin Tana saw the sight
' she says quietly.
“The divine power of the war god Als...”
I already remember seeing Ladia Schmidt play, so I knew she was using Als'
divine power. “There is nothing important in the divine power of Als.”
That's the part I know. War God Als,
"Instead of being unable to use the power of recovery, the divine power
focused on a ack..." |
Although Tuan's power is not limited to healing, most divine powers are
can use some of its power.
However, the priests of Ars, the god of war, cannot use the power of
A power that specializes only in destroying and breaking.
Rather than magic, specialized in slaughter and slaughter
destruc ve power.
That is the divine power of the god of war.
Radia Schmidt, who has fully absorbed her divine power that springs out of
her earth, draws a young sword with her white halo, and stares at her
opponent with a blue and white light wrapped around her body.
They are not on the level of superhumans, but among the superhumans,
they are counted as a handful of threads.
they are powerful
Two monsters, which can be called the essence of the Royal Class, collide.
- Kwak!
The sword and the sword only collided, but I could see a shock wave that
seemed to distort the atmosphere.
As long as there is a level of confronta on,
It was clear that the weapons were also powerful ar fact-class weapons
that could withstand any kind of fight.
So, from now on, the real superhumans
It was a fight.
The second match of the quarterfinals was won by Class B's Radia Schmidt.
The sets core is 3:1.
The texture of the magic enhancement itself is Jordan Windsor.
Excellent, but Radia Schmidt Ars
was able to use the divine power of
That was the biggest difference.
The divine power focused on the power of destruc on made me tremble
when I saw it. Jordan Windsor was defeated by La Dia Schmidt, aided by
divine power.
There is no change in the number of people between Class A and Class B.
Class B overtaking class A
Hey, it's rare when you're a senior.
S ll, seeing it with my own eyes is a bit odd.
Defeated Jordan Windsor clenched his teeth
there seemed to be
Regardless of their usual rela onship, in the end, they were defeated by a
decisive big difference from what they had been training with all their
might throughout their temple life.
Accep ng defeat is difficult for anyone.
I didn't really empathize with either of them. Because if I could do it, it was
Olivia today.
Of course, unlike me, the audience
Since there was no target to transfer, it seemed that they were sa sfied
enough with these successful matches in terms of providing sights.
But this is what Olivia can win, right?
Olivia is unable to use her divine powers, and Ladia Schmidt is in a
situa on where she can do her best.
What is the rela onship between Ladia Schmidt and Olivia?
If Ladia Schmidt had been jealous of Olivia throughout her temple life, she
would have wanted to defeat Olivia with all her might.
With Yaga's me gap, the final was approaching.
Ul mately, it is a match between classmates.
Olivia Ranche, a sixth grader in the Royal Class, A-1.
and 6th grader B-3, Radia Schmidt,
The final scene was a li le different from what I expected.
Olivia's expression, who had never lost her relaxed smile, was hardened,
and Radia Schmidt smiled.
there was.
There was something about the atmosphere between the two of them.
When I was talking with Jordan Windsor before the game, I felt a li le
different from the usual radia Schmidt's eyes and smile.
radia schmidt,
There was something like madness in her eyes.
- The divinity I feel in you is stronger than before.
- Come back to God's arms. Olivia,
you were born for that faith
So that I can't live outside of my arms,
It's made like this...
-Radia I...
- Come back. Olivia.
The jealousy and inferiority I expected
it was you
Ladia Schmidt had a completely different feeling for Olivia.
- I told you. I gave up on everything.
Keep on... you keep saying...
- No, Olivia. Your divine power, your talent, your character, everything. You
are the only one who can truly unite the Five Great Bishops. You are the
only one who can make a point in this long history of faith and move it to
the next era.
Ladia Schmidt smiles and says to Olivia.
Olivia deals with Tuan's divine power, and Ladia Schmidt deals with Ars'
divine power.
Even though they are the same God, they have different beliefs.
S ll, Ladia Schmidt is Olivier
She was trying to bring her back to faith in Arles. Olivia showed her
- Come back Olivia.
- I'm sorry, Radia. I have no inten on of going back.
It was then that I realized that I didn't know exactly what Olia's temple life
was like.
Like Olivia's talent, Le Barrier Ranche didn't want to miss out.
Numerous people felt sorry for her Olivia, and of course her classmates
who were influenced by her Olivia.
it was ter
I've been hearing stories like that since I gave up my faith. Not only to her
religious circles, but to herself and many of her classmates with whom she
has been close.
would also have come
The people who got along well when they kept their faith, Olivia gave up
her faith.
Then, in order to get her heart back, he must have tried to persuade her
like that.
Olivia must have been red of it.
In the end, contrary to my expecta ons, Ladia Schmi
Tet wasn't jealous of Olivia Ranche, but rather was one of her ardent
“What are you talking about?”
As I and Xaviolin Tana were concentra ng on the two far away, Charlo e
asked Xaviolin Tana.
“...take her faith back to Olivia.
I am persuaded.”
Charlo e sighed.
"You must be red, that senior too."
Olivia was exposed to a redness that was close to her despair.
She will know for the rest of her life that she will suffer from this.
Olivia was suffering more than I thought.
- I have only one answer, Radia. I have no inten on of going back to God's
At Olivia's words, Radia closed her eyes for a moment.
- That's right... Then, you have to be prepared.
...Resolu on?
-okay. Resolu on.
Ladia Schmidt once again, her sword
dropped on the floor of the arena.
- Willingness to endure sad things...
- Kagak!
Ladia Schmidt wasn't a bad looking person. I guess I just felt insecure, and
even when he spoke to me for a moment, he had a gentle smile on his
But Ladia Schmidt, who was talking to Olivia, was a strange person.
Ladia Schmidt's smile disappeared
The look is different from the semi-finals just before.
feeling reads.
madness and obsession.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 315

Divine power and magical power enhancement.
What will happen from now on? Even if Ladia Schmidt were victorious over
Olivia, there would be no reason for Olivia to regain her faith by saying that
I am nothing without divine powers.
- Kurreung!
Olivia powers up her magical powers, and the Unlimited Level Tournament
Final begins.
"I feel... a li le bit."
Since I and Saviolin Tana had listened to their conversa on, somehow I
couldn't hide my ominous feeling.
Radia Schmidt is about to do something.
- Gwakang!
Contrary to the ominous premoni on, the momentum between the two
was not well known with my own eyes who exactly had the upper hand.
What is clear is that Ladia Schmidt is also a very talented person.
However, it can be countered only by enhancing magic power.
Olivia Ranche is not pushed at all.
that it doesn't That being said, if you use your divine power, you can
predict Olivia's overwhelming superiority.
No ma er how powerful the power of Ars is, the power of reinforcement is
naturally present in Tuan's power. If Olivia uses that too, it will be easy to
get a win over Ladia Schmidt.
What the hell is radia schmidt up to
peel. Do you want to force Olivia to use her divine power, feeling defeat?
Olivia is the servant when that happens.
She will be referred to a textbook edi on, she said.
So, even in the face of a situa on where she would give up a set to Harriet,
she hadn't used her divine powers.
"...that's one thing in a row, but what happens when Olivia-senpai officially
renounces her faith and uses her divine powers?"
To some extent, I knew it, but I didn't know it well, so I asked.
“…you won’t be in a good shape.”
Charlo e said so in a nega ve tone.
“...Those who use unapproved divine powers are treated as witches.”
Saviolin Tana supplemented.
Priest or Paladin.
No ma er what you do or do, the divine power
There is such a thing as cer fica on. This class of students, who have a
status similar to that of an appren ce,
albeit as an excep on.
It must be to monopolize the divine power. Olivia is like a healer who
secretly treats people in a local gang
She didn't do anything, she was called the Saint of Eredian.
If you give up your faith, the divine power is
must disappear in belief in God
Because it is the power that comes from
However, Olivia's divine power did not disappear, but grew stronger.
However, she should not use it. Divine power not used in the arms of God
will be treated as heresy.
“Of course, if that were to happen, Jade Libya wouldn't be treated like a
witch. However, she will be brought before the Inquisi on.”
If Olivia uses a divine power, she is using an unauthorized divine power in
public. So the possibility of weaving Olivia under the pretext of heresy or
the Inquisi on
This is enough.
Ladia Schmidt will try to force Olivia to use her divine powers.
But how?
She did not use her divine powers, even at the moment she was defeated
by Olivia and Harriet.
She's in the tournament, Olivia says she's the one she thinks she's a power
that God doesn't have and she fights
she comes
If she was defeated, she was defeated, and she wouldn't be forced to use
divine powers.
-bang! Kwak!
A blunt shock is given to her arena in a striking match by Radia Schmidt,
and Olivia takes it with only one sword.
In Olivia's destruc ve divine power, she not only received the power of
magical power enhancement, but she was also applying a countera ack.
I don't know anything else, that's a human
Is their fight right?
That's what I was thinking. “That’s great. both."
The strongest monster in the world was praising it by my side.
It was such a fierce ba le.
Ladia Schmidt does everything she can to get into her fight.
Olivia Lanze only uses Magic Power.
Without Olivia, Ladia Schmidt would have her Olivia's place
would she have
Her ability in her Radia was great enough to think like that. but she's olly
It's not that I'm jealous of Via, it's Olivier
Arles where she should be
was trying to return it.
obsession, not jealousy.
A er all, both are ring.
- Kureung!
From the sword where Radia's divine power was concentrated
White light was emi ed, and the ground
crashed into
- Cuckoo!
I wondered if it was divine power.
all. Her destruc ve divine powers are magical.
They were all showing more power.
It was almost as if the stadium, which had been reinforced more ghtly
a er Harriet, was being ripped apart in real me.
That's a paladin
In fact, it was almost at the point where I wondered if the word “bear
warrior” would be more appropriate.
But Olivia, who confronts it,
It was equally huge.
When she gets hit hard, she drains or avoids dangerously powerful a acks,
and pierces the a ack just before her opponent has a acked, so that Radia
can control her pulse.
made me unstoppable
The sum of the overall output is the radia
But Olivia is a li le more sophis cated and counters with her quick
predic ve a acks, Radis.
pressured him in.
Therefore, the outcome of the match was predictable to some extent.
Radia is doing well, but Olivier
baby will win
He doesn't look down on his opponent like he did with Harriet.
Olivia doesn't use her divine powers, but she ends up being vigilant in her
own way.
Chae is doing her best.
One of the secrets hidden by Ladia Schmidt.
Olivia is forced to use her divine powers
If you're trying to make it not exist, what kind of method is that?
Olivia a acked Radia with a sharp and sophis cated a ack and entered.
-bang! Kwak! Kang!
Ollie as if she was going to end her at once
Via's a ack is a new way for Radia to catch her breath.
con nued without giving
Strike on Strike.
It steadily a acks the protec ve power of divine power and the protec ve
power of magical power enhancement.
Olivia, who gnawed at it, succeeded in crea ng a momentary gap.
It ends like this.
Olivia to intuit her own victory
, she thrust her sword into the chest of Ladia Schmidt.
Does Olivia Take Her First Set?
the moment you do,
- Kureung!
I could clearly see an explosive red energy erup ng from Radia Schmidt's
Sabi Olin Tana was watching the scene with her eyes wide open, and Olivia,
too, panicked and stepped back behind her.
-Radia! What are you doing!
-Olivia... You have to win. yes
Ji...? you need money So... you're compe ng in a tournament, right? Do
you have to help the children?
Radia, engulfed in red energy, shows an eerie smile.
- Defeat me with all your might. with all your might.
Ladia Schmidt, who was engulfed in an ominous red light even if he
pretended to, was not in an ordinary state. Saviolin Tana is blankly as if she
knows what that red energy is.
she mu ered
“Berserk…. Why is it that you're s ll only a student?
"what is that?"
“It is a power that the high priests of Ars rarely use.”
I don't know the details, but the feeling comes from the word itself. Olivia
exclaimed as her complexion turned white.
-Radia! Stop it right now!
“That’s… the power that burns your life.”
This is an extreme method used only when the Paladins of Ars burn their
lives to increase their power.
The Paladins of Ars were not like Berserkers, but Berserkers themselves.
Ladia Schmidt was now using that power in her tournament finals.
Radia knows why she has to win Olivia. She knows she came out not for
herself, but because she needed a prize.
So, she was doing the crazy thing of raising her powers by burning her own
life, so that if Olivia didn't do her best she couldn't bring herself down.
Does she even do this to make Olivia use her divine powers?
-bang! Kak! Kang!
As if she had been pushed to the limit, Ladia Schmidt was driving Olivia,
who was engulfed in red energy, to her role.
Charlo e looks at Saviolin Tana with an anxious expression.
“Isn’t that supposed to stop?”
“Yes, but Berserk is a very rare ability among the powers used by the
Priests of Ars. There are very few people who can use it even in the Ars
Church itself. Olivia seems to know... but I wonder if the organizers know
what's going on with that..."
To an outsider, it seems that Radia Schmidt, who was on the verge of
defeat, suddenly exerted her power, and they would not know that that
red energy is the power that burns life.
When I looked towards the Knights Templar Commander, Ilrayon Wolton,
the atmosphere there was also confused.
Ileon Wolton was looking at the stadium with a serious expression on his
face, and even the paladins with him were talking to each other with
bewildered expressions.
Even the high-ranking knights with the Knights Templar commander do not
know what Ladia Schmidt is doing right now.
Olivia clenched her teeth and launched a powerful offensive, Radia Schumi.
was being a acked.
The game must be stopped immediately.
But the organizers are not aware of the situa on. Otherwise, the game will
con nue like this.
Olivia was rather pushed by Radia Schmidt, who was drawing extreme
power. to suppress at once
This would be the best, but you have to use Holy Power to do that.
It is an op on that cannot be considered.
It is possible to hold on without using divine power, but in that case
Radia Shu, who has exhausted all of her vitality.
Mi will die on the spot.
Therefore, there is only one way to stop Radia Schmidt, who a acks with
burning life.
stop the game.
Olivia giving up the fight.
It was only those two.
"Sir Tana, stop the game immediately. I will take full responsibility."
“Yes, my lord.”
As Charlo e said so with a serious expression, Xaviolin Tana nodded her
- Withdrawal....
Olivia, with a bewildered expression on her face, abstained.
Olivia was shivering in his player wai ng room, covering his face with both
she abstained
When I grow up, like my older sister I want to be!'
'Hey, isn't your dream too small? I'm trying to become a be er person than
my older sister, hey!
'Isn't your sister the pre est, kindest, and greatest person I know?'
Boy, don't float too much.
“Thank you, Miss Olivia.”
'What. It’s something I have to do.”
'But now that there are circumstances... I hope you don't overdo it.'
'Master, I'm s ll fine. This me at the Temple Fes val, I think we can earn a
lot of money.
'A prize?'
'Yeah, tournaments and that... hey. That... another contest... um. There is
such a thing, ah anyway!’
she abstained
I had no choice but to do so.
2nd prize in the Temple Tournament
there is nothing
Most of the audience was stunned.
The expected final was so fu le
because it's over
Very few knew the details. As for whether or not Ladia Schmidt's ac ons
would be disqualified,
Discussion is needed.
So right now, I had to finish the compe on first, even if it was lukewarm.
Olivia didn't even think to watch the awards ceremony.
A prize is a prize, but
It hurts her not to win, but more than that, Olivia felt like her head was
going to explode.
She looked like she was going crazy.
I don't know why she's doing this to herself
I can't.
How long did she sit blankly?
Ladia Schmidt to Olivia
it was coming
- Whoops!
Proof of winning unlimited tournaments
Giant's colorful trophy on the side of the hallway
Tossed in her trash can. It's like he doesn't care about anything like that.
Radia approached Olivia.
“Why did you abstain?”
“Money, you needed it.”
The look on Ladia Schmidt's face was due to her win.
There was no sense of joy.
What she wants in return for choosing her op on to burn her own life
She had only one use of divine power in public.
As a result, she was taken to the Inquisi on, and Ladia Schmidt risked her
life to force her to return to her priesthood. She risked her life for her
sheep, which of course she should be.
If she used her divine power, she could subdue Ladia Schmidt using a
But Olivia didn't do that.
If she is as she is, and if her whistle is achieved, then Radia Schmidt will
face her death.
Olivia was forced to make her choice.
For children who will starve due to lack of budget
She chose one of two ways: to give her something to wear and to feed her,
or to force herself to live a religious life again.
She was forced to choose, and Olivia did.
“This is not the Olivia I know.”
Radia was not at all happy with her victory. She was rather upset that she
was looking down at Olivia.
“Olivia I know, if that were the case, she should have knocked me out of
her head, got her prize money and helped people. Obviously, she should
have done that.”
In Ladia Schmidt's mind, Olivia is not the kind of person who abstains from
such a situa on. Help someone with a prize
Having played for the sake of it, she should have used her divine powers
without thinking about herself if she was a la in that situa on.
She is what everyone expects of herself.
Ladia Schmidt was angry for not ac ng like that.
Olivia's complexion turned blue, and she was trembling.
“Yeah, I’m selfish. Now, I will live selfishly. I'll live like that. this is me This is
who I am now... So. Leave me alone.”
"No Olivia. No. You can't do this. You should have just used her divine
Radia Schmidt nodded her head resolutely.
s r
Then he kneels before her, Olivia, and looks up at her terrified Olivia.
Black eyes like an abyss stared at Olivia.
“Olivia, you can be the right person again. Look at me, I risked my life,
didn't even think of myself, and did this to help you.
I wasn't originally like this. Olivia I admire the way you always help people
like that, so I'm trying to be that person too. yes, that's what you did So
Olivia, this me I'll help you. Olivia. This only makes it harder for you.
something more difficult to do You're going to find yourself in a tougher
situa on. No, this situa on as you move away from God is already terribly
harsh on you. I didn't do this for nothing. this
only. This was the only way nobody could get hurt.”
Olivia couldn't even hear what Ladia Schmidt was talking about, who spoke
so quickly.
She didn't even want to hear it in the first place.
Ladia Schmidt thinks he has the object he admires.
So, he thinks it's me for him to help Olivia this me.
“I never asked you to do that… please…”
"No. No, Olivia. I'll give you my prize money. You're the bad guy.
because I don't like can help children But promise me one thing. again. It's
not too late to return to God's arms. It's not too late.”
No ma er what you say to a person with closed ears, they will not be
heard. Olivia closed her eyes ghtly, afraid to look into her eyes any longer.
she passed out
In the end, Olivia burst into tears.
“Please, don't do this to me... my feet... please leave me alone... please.
why me why does it have to be me
Eh.... Please... Leave me alone... I don't think I'm wrong. I don't think I'm
doing anything wrong..."
Radia screamed as if she couldn't get over her words.
"Olivia! You shouldn't say things like that.
okay! You have been chosen by God! Tuan only
Not only that, but the grace of all
A perfect person like you who was born
You can't deny the gods! okay. okay. Huh. okay. right. You're doing what
you're doing. Five. the gods you
You give me this kind of ordeal to make it perfect. Oh, all this is the will of
the gods to bring you to greater glory. So. Think slowly. First of all, from
going back to the temple. No, if we start slowly by talking about grace with
“You fucking talk a lot.”
Suddenly, I heard a voice from the side of the hallway.
Lie Ladiado, Olivia Weeping
She also turned her head towards her.
"Why do you keep propaga ng while holding onto people you don't like?
are you jill? Street missionaries don't s ck together like this?"
It was Reinhardt, not anyone else, approaching with a rough gait.
Reinhardt hurried over and grabbed her crying Olivia's hand and forced her
to stand up.
“And, put the damn thing down.
If you don't, I'll just slap you on the cheek
Are you telling all the bullshit?"
"It's not your story, Reinha.
That's what Ladia Schmidt said to Reinhardt with a firm expression on her
“What kind of bullshit?”
Reinhardt pulled Olivia, who was trembling, as if hiding behind me.
“You’re not going to join us in the first place.”
“I want you to join me.”
Reinhardt grabbed her Olivia's hand and started dragging her away.
"Uh, where are you going! I can't let Olivia go! You can't do this!"
Reinhardt looked at Ladia Schmidt with a cold gaze at Ladia's cry.
“Leave this yangban alone. Don’t be afraid of the same week.”
With her head bowed, Olivia disappeared into a corner of her hallway, led
by Reinhart's hand. As Olivia was being dragged away without her pulse,
Radia watched with a grin.
That name like a thorn hung around her neck.
Weak and gentle, but someday
It was Olivia who never broke her own stubbornness.
But she is infinitely generous to that guy.
She is a saint of Tuan who should be pure, and she acts as if she is in love
with him.
No, Olivia was like that.
I became friends with that Reinhardt.
It was from crawling.
That guy is the culprit behind all of this.
It's just a ma er of when that guy disappears.
| Everyone cares about the weird side.
That guy shouldn't touch it.
The poor are trying to sacrifice another child.
‘Maggot, trash. the devil.
In Ladia Schmidt's eyes, Reinhardt was the only one who corrupted Olivia,
who was on her right track.
That guy shouldn't be there.
Only without him, Olivia is the original
She can come back as is.
She may return to her original correct path.
Radia clenched her teeth, as she watched her hallway where Olivia had
'Yeah... it's you...'
She can do anything for Olivia.
'I'd rather... you'd rather die. Oh driana than that kid. you. you

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 316

The Knights Templar commander, Ileon Wolton, le the stadium with his
a endants.
“You said you could use your divine power, was that just that way?”
“…I think Olivia was not going to abstain.”
The paladin in training said so briefly.
Radia Schmidt.
Even if it's not Olivia Ranche, she is also a strong aspiring sex knight with a
promising future. Put into prac ce like this
This is not possible, but overflowing
it was about
She didn't really believe her words.
She says there's a way she can rock even if Olivia can restore her faith
Eh, she just wanted something like that.
Watching her friend die right before her eyes
I could only see Olivia's determina on to abstain from her than to win
using her divine power.
She thinks it'll work that way
Why did you do it?
No, rather than she thought that method would work, try that method
It seemed I had no choice but to do it.
A er all, Ladia Schmidt is more extreme than Ilay on Wolton thought.
She was a singular character.
She knew well that Il Rayon Wolton knew that extremism was dangerous
regardless of her inclina on.
Ilayon Wolton could see the maddening obsession with Olivia in the eyes of
Ladia Schmidt.
"I don't think Radia Schmidt will give up..."
“…I think so too.
It seemed clear to me that Ladia Schmidt was not going to go the way she
wanted, so she was going to do one more thing. a endant carefully
He whispered in the ear of the Knights Templar.
“By the way, what do you think about the possibility that Ladia Schmidt is
related to the nameless Order?”
"'s a good prey for extremists, but you wouldn't want that level of
The two have an unknown conversa on and move away from the stadium.
She said that if Olivia used her divine powers, she would have had
something to do as a temple knight commander, but that didn't happen.
So, the Knights Templar is now a temple
there was nothing to see
“…I know it’s not okay, but how are you?”
"......Nope. Thanks for taking me."
I wanted to find a quiet place, but in the end
Due to the circumstances, there was no quiet place. So in the end, people
I entered the li le cafe and sat across from Olivia.
It seemed that he went out badly even if he went out mentally.
Charlo e and Xabi Olintana knew I was going to go see Olivia, so she told
me to talk to her and then parted with me.
If you wait a li le, Charlo e will play the game.
She was going to stop, so she would have had to wait a li le longer.
But Olivia doesn't know that. If the ba le con nues as it is, Radia Schmidt,
who has exhausted her vitality, will die, and if she uses her divine power,
the Inquisi on awaits.
So Olivia had to abstain.
she wasn't
Radia Schmidt's expression was also a spectacle.
She couldn't have imagined Olivia would abstain, she had a look on her
It was.
It seemed that she, of course, believed that Olivia would use her divine
powers and she would subdue herself.
In the end, the prize money went to Ladia Schmidt. Even the yangban, who
eventually won the championship, didn't seem to have any value in
Olivia had a gloomy expression on her face, her head bowed, not touching
her car.
“Does this happen o en?”
“It’s not just that person… but other people?”
“There is a difference, but…”
Olivia seemed sad to learn about the many rela onship problems that
arose a er she gave up her faith.
Olivia flir ng with me or swearing at Ellen, she always looked cheerful,
even if she was a bit crazy.
Her Olivia didn't get along well with her own friends.
She kept coming to me and she was bothering me, but it wasn't just that
she wanted to see me.
She was running away from those people.
S ll, I encourage others to persistently and sugges vely regain their faith.
In the case of Radia Schmidt, however, the severity seemed severe.
It was like madness.
She must have been shocked by Olivia and she would never have imagined
that she would have an experience like this today.
What should I do to comfort you?
What would be good for Olivia now?
I've never had a piety, and I've never had the trouble of giving it up, so I
had no idea how Olivia would feel.
She is a person the world has been looking forward to.
She threw it away as my choice, she's a man
They believe it is wrong.
Think she's living the wrong life
But, is it a situa on where everyone around you is saying you are wrong?
It was like seeing the bare face of Olivia, who always smiled brightly and
With her head down, she can see her expression
she does not lose
However, she suffered too much from the people around her. She says that
just because Olivia can get mad at Ellen and argue with her doesn't mean
she can't do it to anyone else. Words and ac ons that are possible for
some may be impossible for others.
So as she pushed Olivia away, smiling vaguely and awkwardly, rejec ng the
solicita ons of those around her, she was ge ng cuter.
"I do not know."
“Why are you doing this to me? I really don't know.”
Having lived with too many expecta ons, the adop ve father who had such
expecta ons the most
It's out of line, but there's s ll that kind of pressure coming from around.
"I don't think I'm that great..."
It seemed that he couldn't quite understand why people were so obsessed
with him.
If you think about it coolly, Ladia Schmi
Even if it’s not so much, it’s obsessive
There had to be a reason.
If you think about the things she's hidden, she's co-owned but she's also
Olivia's owner of Tiama a.
If it were known, she'd be harder than it is now
it was ter
Eventually she said that Olivia entered the tournament for her prize
money, but she didn't win because of Radia Schmidt.
“Actually, I think there must have been something different in the past.”
Olivia lowers her head and smiles.
“I am what people want. no one... no one. who i am Don't wonder what
I'm thinking. If it's not what they want or expect, people get frustrated with
me. The Daughter of the Knights Templar
Is she going to do it? Shouldn’t it be like this, I was a doll that exists to
sa sfy the expecta ons of others.”
Olivia's life must have been that way.
What is required, what is forbidden,
It's all too much life to deal with.
Even if she tries to act a li le bit freely,
He must have lived a life that was dismissed as indulgence and depravity.
“Now, what is my life? What it's like to live, I really want
what are you doing I'm trying to live a life where I can wonder about that, a
life where I can want that, but people s ll
Crab wants something I have fallen And I guess they think we need to lead
them back down the right path. Because I've helped others so far, I guess
they think I'm on the wrong track and need help now. I don't think so. I
don't think I'm wrong, but people try to give me help I don't want, and
people... people around me, it never helps.
I don't even know if it's not."
Living in God's arms is absolutely
The worldview they have is different from those who believe in human
nature. so that
In some ways, they don't speak at all.
this is absolutely correct So, it's good for you as a result. So basically
everything I say is
must be a line with
The absolute proposi on that I am right and you are wrong
How can a conversa on work with someone who starts a conversa on
with a . talk with them
Only people with the same worldview can communicate.
Olivia got out of there,
People, for whatever reason,
Oh wow, you'll be happy, so I'm trying to force you to come back.
The troupe is like Radia Schmidt.
it will rain,
Olivia isn't in this state because she's simply regre ng missing out on the
prize money or what happened today was shocking.
Knowing that this is not the end is why you are having such a hard me.
I'm having a harder me because I don't know what's going to happen in
the future.
I want to do anything.
But I can't get all of Olivia's classmates out of school, and I'm going to visit
them one by one.
You can't even threaten to give Libya two heads if you tremble.
I used to be a li le rough, but now
I have so ened my a tude a bit.
If I act s ffly now, I think it will hurt me even more.
As Olivia raises her head, she looks at me struggling.
Her eyes were red.
She looked like she was about to burst into tears at any moment.
“I know it’s a bad thing to say things like this...”
“What is it? Tell me.”
“Can’t I hug you?”
He looked like he was about to cry at any moment.
A person who thinks he has no side,
I wish she had at least one by her side
was the expression
Not because of any other emo on.
He seemed to want pure comfort.
“No, nothing. I'm really sorry. Bad I..."
As I seemed hesitant, Olivia trembled her lips and forced a smile.
"That's Okay."
Eventually, I took her seat next to Olivia.
pulls her shoulders gently
Olivia buried her face in her my shoulder.
her shoulders shake Li le by li le, slowly, as if she were giving out her first
breath a er being born.
Olivia cried very quietly.
"Thank you... Reinhardt."
Thinking about what to say to comfort you
Dunn, I felt pathe c all over again.
Consola on is not something that can only be expressed in words. I felt it
all over again.
Olivia ran out of her cafe as she ran away a er she cried for a while.
".......I'm embarrassed."
In front of everyone else, you put it on me and squeezed it It looked
terribly sloppy.
“Even when my eyes are blown, I have enough arms
I don’t think it should be.”
“Gee, really?!”
Olivia's complexion became contempla ve at my words, and she stroked
her face. okay
I don't even have a mirror to look at, what should I be?
only me,
"What should I do? I'm Miss Temple today.
I have to go out, but what if my eyes are swollen!"
"That's the way it is, it's not like that
Don't worry about me."
“S ll, subtle differences change the game.
I dream! I, be er, even winning the tournament
I can't, so I really need to win Miss Temple, what should I do?! What about
Reinhardt? If I don't win, really..."
Olivia was crying again,
The more she cried, the more her eyes might swell
She thought she was, so she held it ght.
Has she go en any be er? She seems to be feeling a li le bit returning to
her usual tension,
A er all, the past is the past.
The tournament was over, and Olivia had no choice but to aim for Miss
Really, it's no longer possible to know who should want to be Miss Temple.
Olivia didn't care if she said that her eyes were swollen or touched her
' he murmurs in her desperate voice.
"Haha... If you don't even have a dress and go out like this..."
“...why don't you have a dress? you know that At the last sponsorship.”
I had seen Olivia in a dress a while ago, so it was a bit strange that she
didn't even have a dress. Olivia laughed at my words with an embarrassed
“That’s… actually. I sold it…”
I couldn't understand why they sold it without asking. Olivia was swea ng
profusely as she thought I was going to have sex with her.
She was selling her property to help others. It's hard to know what to say
about this.
“It’s… borrowing it, or something like that.”
“… even borrowing is expensive.
Come on…”
Looks like I'm going out in school uniform
it seems to be If anyone sees it, it will look like she didn't prepare properly
and trusted only her face, and then it's perfect to look unlucky.
I think of Olivia, who is standing alone in a school uniform with no makeup
on, in the midst of glamorous people.
I don't know what kind of picture it really was, but somehow she seemed
very miserable.
If she had won an unlimited tournament she might have won that and her
run tle, but she withdrew and lost in the finals.
"......Are you mad?"
" Not that.”
no. No.
By the way, he and her body looks similar, although I am taller, he
Because it was a li le bit smaller in size.
That, she said to sell it back because it was a long me to throw it out, and
she brought it to Elerys, but that ...
She wouldn't have sold it yet.....
no, that's it though. The dress is that. There must be someone she clearly
S ll, how could it be that there must be something similar in design?
This is really dangerous...
Wouldn't it be be er to just give money to buy a dress and throw it away?
But honestly, it's not a penny or two, and there's not a lot of me le , so
it's be er to just wear it than to go to a bou que and look for the right size
and design.
I know there's no reason to do this.
Now Olivia seemed too wretched.
I'm so sorry, I want to do something.
“Well… go to the dormitory and wait.”
“Anyway, if you go and wait, I will wait.”
"Ah Okay...."
If you ask me where the dress came from, I won't say anything.
Yeah, what if you find out about something like that?
My sister looks like this, uh.
Don't sell any of that!
To be honest, I'm very sorry this me!
What would you do if you found out? kill me
will it work?
I le Olivia stunned at the word “wait” without knowing English.
She le the temple.
“He said he lost in the final of the tournament.”
“…Did you fall?”
“Yeah, I don’t know why, but I abstained. is it?”
Ge ng ready for the Miss Temple contest
Ellen, who was working, smirked as Liana entered the study room she was
using as her preparatory studio.
Olivia vaguely expected to win
She was gone, but she heard the strange news
Ellen opened her mouth slightly.
Her details are unknown, but she said the tournament final could not
convince her.
In the way it ended, the audience
He seemed quite angry.
absten on.
Someone who seemed certain to win was leaning on it.
For some reason, she could have guessed it, but Ellen wondered what the
circumstances were.
Reinhardt must have gone to the finals, do you know why?
“Oh, there he is.”
Liana pointed out her window, and Ellen
Olivia looking out the window on the first floor
could see
Olivia was alone.
Ellen finds herself that she is somehow reassured by the fact that she is.
She pretended to be Olivia, but she didn't look good. She doesn't know
what caused her to abstain, but her eyes were wide open.
'Are you lucky...?'
she cried
And she came back alone.
She thought Reinhardt might be with her, but she wasn't.
“Look straight here.”
"Ah... yes."
Make Liana turn Ellen's head
Danny started to touch things.
I don't know what the tournament will be, but that person will be on Miss
Temple soon.
I'm not aiming for Miss Temple.
Ellen hardened her heart.
She intends to show her good looks today. She also prac ced a lot of
smiling while looking in the mirror. It didn't work out for her, but she was
working hard.
She intends to stand in front of Reinhardt in a different form than before.
A er the contest is over, let's stay together for a while, regardless of the
outcome. We couldn't spend me together because we were busy with
each other during the fes val. If it's today, Reinhardt will also make me
for it.
He didn't know what Reinhardt would look like, and Ellen didn't know what
else he was supposed to do.
Ellen thinks of her own mind, she forgets everything else for today.
she decided to

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 317

The Miss & Mr. Temple contest starts at 7pm. It is now four o'clock in the
a ernoon.
There wasn't much me le . It may not be the right size, but I think it will
fit right in her eyes. The size I wore wasn't that important.
What if Elerys sold it by now?
She wants a cake. it's only been two days
She's the only one she hasn't resold yet.
Olivia is actually a li le quicker because the par cipants will have to gather
in advance.
You will have to go to the contest loca on. So before that, you have to give
me a dress.
She looked at the dress and then that
When someone points out that she was wearing her in a women's dress
...I don't know that.
I do not know! it will work out somehow!
Sell some!
No one has died from being sha ered!
It's not worth the me delay
Then I hurriedly headed to the Aligar Shopping Street where Elerys' shop
was located.
“……I’m going crazy.”
The fastest means of transporta on within the eclip c is
it's a power train
During the temple fes val, there were too many people in the zodiac.
Therefore, the magic train was crowded with people wai ng to board. Even
while sending the train in barrels for the third me, he could not get on the
it won't be too late
But rather than walking or running
Since the power train must be fast, I waited impa ently for the train and
boarded it.
I don't know why I had to come to another world and ride the hell season,
but I don't know why Ali went to the shopping mall anyway.
has arrived
Now, all you have to do is go to the basement of Elerys and get out the
dress carrier.
it will be
I don't have eyes on the back of my head.
But now I have a feeling that plays a role similar to that of the eyes.
There is a feeling of discomfort following the back. A feeling of something
eerie, s cky and insidious, clinging to the back of my back.
know intui vely.
I was saddened.
"...If you're going to follow suit, shouldn't you at least hide your body?"
Without even thinking of hiding somewhere in school uniform. In the
middle of Aligar Shopping Street, where people were passing by, Ladia
Schmidt was watching me.
| I thought it was the li le bastard, but she followed me openly. Radia
Schmidt comes to me with a subtle smile on her lips.
“Reinhardt, I will ask you a favor.”
“What do you want?”
“Get away from Olivia, please.”
Radia Schmidt's eyes are watching
She was just creeped out.
Have you ever seen Olivia beg with eyes like this, and she begs all the
She's just a li le bit terrified to know that this was happening all around.
She was amazed that Olivia was keeping her sane.
“It’s all because of you. She said that Olivia was like this, she was
corrupted, she was in the arms of her god
It's all because of you that I moved away from it would be without you If
she only lets you go, she'll be able to bring Olivia back to her originality.
right? Do you think so too?”
“...Senior, I think you are mistaken. Olivia-senpai had already met me
She had decided to give up her faith. That has nothing to do with me."
The me sequence is reversed. Olivia was already like that before she met
me. So Olivia's Fall
It's because of me
it's just a no-no I don't even think it's actually her depravity,
Radia Schmidt seems to be possessed by something.
She was looking at me with her eyes.
"No, it's because of you. Olivia was able to get her back. She definitely
could have changed her mind by then.
She has already come to a conclusion and is thinking, so words do not
make sense. It doesn't ma er that the Knights Templar did something
harsh to Olivia.
No, if you're this type of person, you should of course do something like
that to guide you on the right path.
It will sound like it's not meant to be.
There is no way I can do all the words and ac ons that have already come
to an absolute conclusion.
My words will not convince this person.
"Please, Reinhardt, Olivia.
get away from it I'm begging you you
Without you, without you, Olivia
She'll be back on the right track again. I'll break her knee, you
I'll do whatever it takes So let Olivia go. please. Before anything more sad
happens, she lets Olivia go. Before the irreparable happened to her.”
Hate me, but this a tude that she could do anything for Olivia was
strange. Suicide for Olivia
Also someone who did something similar.
Why are you doing this?
Let me do what Olivia did
Why do you have to do this to Olivia?
Like Olivia herself doesn't know, don't do what I don't know
it was cool
“Let me ask you a favor. Leave my sister alone. Even if that gentleman is a
genius who can’t come back in the century, people who are more faithful
and have similar abili es would have wri en it. Right now, you won't be
the type of person who will fall for your abili es or beliefs. I don't know
what you want from Olivia, but that's just what you do, right?"
"No! Olivia! Olivia is the only one! She only Olivia deserves her! Olivia was
born with such a fate!"
Radia Schmidt shouted, and passersby slowly turned their a en on to our
started to give
It seemed like he was trying to intuit something unusual.
“Only Olivia is des ned to become a holy emperor of the millennial empire
that will soon be established, uni ng our five Great Bishops as one.
My head seemed to stop at the sudden nonsense.
Millennial Empire?
what kind of bullshit is this?
"Olivia was born with such a fate. Only Olivia deserves it. Her looks, her
talents, her abili es, and her personality are all things that only fit her.
You're ruining things like that."
In Ladia Schmidt's eyes, I could only read the dark abyss.
As a writer who believes in divinity, I could only see darkness in those eyes.
Apparently, Ladia Schmidt didn't seem to want Olivia to simply restore her
It seemed clear that he wanted to become the master of a bigger, bigger
des ny.
But I felt like a word got stuck in my throat.
The prosperity of the Millennium Empire.
what the hell is this
If Ladia Schmidt is just a crazy person, then just deal with this guy.
It was a ma er of doing it.
But there is something that should never be easily overlooked.
“What do you mean by the Millennium Empire?”
Radia Schmidt's expression hardened again at my reverse ques on.
“…I don’t need to know anything like you.”
As if he had made a mistake, the a tude he was trying to hide is revealed.
It's not just plain bullshit.
there is something It means that he said something he shouldn't have said
because his emo ons were so intense. If it's just a random thing, there's no
need to mix it up.
Some inferences are possible.
Those who persuade Olivia to regain her piety may be due to personal
desires, but Radia
Schmidt said that meant something a li le different.
Now Ladia Schmidt seems to be talking about the independence of the
Five Archbishops. Even now, they are independent enough, but they want
to establish a country altogether.
The inten on is read.
It's not impossible to say that it's simply a delusion of Ladia Schmidt, but if
there is a group that thinks like that, the problem becomes more
There is one more thing that resembles a revolu onary force. should see
If that's the case, then it's not just a ma er of ge ng rid of a crazy bitch
that's stuck and what to do with it.
Of course, the heat was bound to spread further.
A er all, they are just forcing their thoughts on Olivia.
Why do you have to force it like this?
Even that expression, which I didn't think was forced, was so disgus ng.
Because what you do and what you want are always right, you don't even
think about whether it's right or wrong.
That a tude was so unpleasant.
Fallen priests are disgus ng,
Fana cs are disgus ng and unpleasant.
There were many things I wanted to say.
A lot of words that could never be good words filled my head, but I
couldn't get them out of my mouth.
I keep watching Radia Schmidt.
This person openly met me on the street
I was sad
It can also be seen that he is clenching his hand subtly.
A man who would risk his own life to bring Olivia back.
it's ram
That being said, he is someone who could kill someone to bring Olivia
He doesn't even have to go to the climax.
Anger, hatred and resentment towards me are mixed, and the obsessive
gaze tells everything.
irreversible. He said sad things could happen.
That's the only one, isn't it?
This guy is trying to kill me.
Seeing that the millennium empire was talked about
There seems to be a sense of duty.
Whoever sees it or not, thinks it's jus ce to kill me, so I'll try to do that. It's
not hard to predict as it's already seen madness.
So fall to convince me
I've even asked for it once.
As long as that's rejected, it's very likely that the op on that Ladia Schmidt
will take is to kill me.
I don't want to fight on the street, but if my opponent starts to use my
hand, I'll have to.
With a high probability, if I fight this person, I die.
So far, a lot of luck has followed
There is no guarantee that it will follow this me as well.
If I found out that I was the owner of Tiamata, would my reac on be
For such a fana c, there could be no other thing as effec ve as Tiamata.
But I can't trust Tiamata too much.
If I were the champion of Tuan, I would rather
Let's convince Olivia with me
Or it might put another annoying bridle on me.
Ah Schmidt is too dangerous.
And, it is very likely that you are aware of even more dangerous facts.
First, you need to figure out what it is.
“Senior and I seem to have a lot of things to share.”
"If you don't let Olivia go, I have nothing more to say with you.
“Why don’t we go somewhere quiet and talk?”
Radia Schmidt's expression at my words
Rather than being embarrassed, it must have been something completely
They're trying to kill me, whether they see me or not | I followed, but the
prey suddenly became human.
We are in a situa on where we are going to a rare place to talk.
Kill me and take me to jail for murder
He must have even been prepared to face trial.
But, you kill me in a secret place
If you hide the body, you won't be found out.
With the perfect crime, the country can only make a thorn disappear.
"...I'm fine."
Radia Schmidt laughs so ly as if she dreams of a perfect crime.
Goosebumps all over her body, but she can't help it.
“But before that, I have something to see.
there is Let's fix that first, it won't take long. It's good to follow."
You will soon realize that if you wanted to kill me, you should have a acked
me now.
Your greed for your perfect crime will ruin everything.
It was quite surprising to me that I was risking my life to converse with
these thoughts casually.
Volleyball work is a li le different from the original ball work.
That doesn't make much of a difference.
A er all, going to find Elerys is the same.
Thinking that the prey was rather crawling into the trap on its own feet, La
Dia Schmidt seemed very happy.
It's the week, so Elerys should be in the scroll shop now.
She had already arrived at the Ali Gar shopping street, so her
accompaniment with Ladia Schmidt did not last long.
Ladia Schmidt didn't ask where she was going or what she was for. I'm
done with my business right now, and you'll be thinking about what to do
with me in a quiet place.
The hunter had no idea he was now a prey.
Yeah, how can you imagine?
She's a first-year tournament winner but Ladia Schmidt will overpower me
and she will
There has to be, and I know it.
No ma er what I do, even if I no ce and run away, I will be confident to
catch up.
- ra le
Elerys stayed quiet as always.
She was lying on the ground and she was surprised when she saw me in,
and was surprised again that there was a Temple girl behind me for the
first me.
Ereris is also a bit embarrassed by this situa on, but the situa on is not
good right now.
The sk that I came in because I had a business.
At the roll shop, he says at once.
Actually, there is a dragon.
"Don't ask or ques on, please cancel the noise around you."
Elerys did not grasp her situa on, but she followed direc ons straight
away. Soundproofing magic unfolded, and Ladia Schmidt frowned as if she
felt the atmosphere was a bit strange.
narrowed slightly.
Yeah, you can't predict this.
It seemed like I was going to any store because I had business to do in the
shopping district, but I wouldn't expect to give instruc ons to the store
owner casually.
“And, if you have a cap vity or neutraliza on-type magic, try using it on
this person. It’s a bit strong, and it’s not an ordinary bet.”
Elerys s ll did not understand the situa on, but she followed her
instruc ons precisely.
As soon as a look of disappointment flashed across Ladia Schmidt's face, he
was about to start ac ng, but Elerys was faster.
- Kang! Kak!

“ !”
With a frightening cas ng speed, a chain of pitch-black light that suddenly
emerged from her void binds Ladia Schmidt's limbs.
did it
- Kagak! Kaga!
Her arms were raised to the sky, and her legs were ed to the ground.
Ladia Schmidt unleashed her divine power and struggled all over her body,
but her chains summoned by Elerys only stumbled a bit.
She didn't either.
“You, you, you child! Hey, what is this!”
Who would suddenly become like this
would you expect It is no wonder that Radia Schmidt is perplexed.
- Tickle!
And who was Elerys who saw this scene?
Even the doors of the store were completely locked so that they could not
see. Elerys did what she told me, but she never asked me anything once
she did.
“Hey, hey… I can’t solve this right now! Who is he and what is he trying to
do with me!”
Ladia Schmidt could not understand this situa on, but I did not intend to
make her understand her situa on, just like Ladia Schmidt did not want her
to understand me.
“Release! Solve it!”
Just as she only said her words to me, I only told her what she wanted me
to say
something to do.
- slurp
“Do you know what this is?”
“Oh, that! T... Tiamata? That, that... that you... how...?" |
“It may be hard to believe, but I am the owner of Tiamata. The world calls
him the champion of Tuan....
Doesn't the guy you tried to kill suddenly fall into a trap, suddenly
don't you summon
It must be an unbelievable situa on. under
But Radia is a Tiama in my hand
You can't think it's fake. No ma er how long an object has been hidden
from the world, it is impossible not to recognize the divinity that is leaking
from the appearance and the holy object itself.
Before Ladia Schmidt took the extreme step, she tried to convince me to
stay away from Olivia.
So, I give you one chance.
“So, you should answer my ques ons well from now on.”
“If you stretch out, stare with your eyes wide open, or talk bullshit.”
I pa ed Radia Schmidt's cheek, bound with Tiamata's sword.
"May the power of the gods you love so much cut you in pieces.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 318

Being a fana c is weird.
Appearing helpless before God, eventually
There is also such a thing as free will.
Ladia Schmidt tried to kill me. I didn't actually say that, but the
circumstances were so clear that I didn't even need to confirm it with her
With that in mind, Ladia Schmidt, who had been following me, said that in
fact he was trying to kill Tuan's champion.
found out the truth
| Faithfulness is second to none. Ladia Schmidt, who believed in herself
, he had to admit that he did not recognize Tuan's champion and tried to
kill him.
Fana cs are not skep cal of God.
Such people are usually not even skep cal of themselves.
They seem to believe in God, but in the end they believe in themselves
who believe in God.
He believes in the fact that he cannot be wrong because he is faithful to
However, something different from his beliefs unfolded.
The person he was trying to kill was actually a man chosen by God.
The moment Ladia Schmidt admi ed it, he had to admit he was wrong.
And, fana cs can't do that. If you can do that, you won't fall into the abyss
of fana cism in the first place.
so that.
Ladia Schmidt said that what he was about to commit was the greatest sin
against God.
I can't admit that it was
so that,
She doesn't deny or doubt God
While she is not, she must invent herself the logic she must not be wrong.
"It has to be Olivia's! It's... it's not something you can have in your hands!"
Naturally, Ladia Schmidt made me holy.
arbitrarily defined as a stealer of
Olivia served Tuan, so she seems to have coined the logic that Tuan's relic,
Tiama a, must belong to Olivia.
“…Olivia-senpai is right.”
“It is jointly owned. I can't show you right now, but I have to say that this
Tiamata belongs to Olivia-senpai as well as mine, so that soul unity was
created at the same me. Ah. I'd hate to say this... But what, what can I
do? In other words...” |
I giggle and whisper into Ladia Schmidt's ear.
“Olivia and I are like soul-bonding.”
“Hey, hey! hey hey hey! this. This ungodly and lowly maggot! dare! Such
filthy words to the representa ve of Tuan!"
Tuan's representa ve.
It used to be the prosperity of the millennium empire, but now it
agent inside?
What the hell does this crazy bitch think about Olivia?
She couldn't seem to admit that the goddess of innocence was in a state of
something like soul bonding with me.
“You devil! Give me back Tiamata! It's not okay to hold something like you!
Tiamata is a sacred relic that has been passed down only to the priests and
paladins of Tuan from genera on to genera on, not for non-believers like
“Are you sure about soundproofing?”
"Yes that's right."
I was quite curious about this.
Deep down, I was thinking that if I showed Tiamata, I might bow down and
This reac on is not unexpected.
However, when I saw Tiamata, I saw that my hatred of me was amplified
even more.
Ladia Schmidt is not a faithful servant of God.
A er all, he is one of those people who only understand and accept God as
they please.
That's why he doesn't want to admit he's wrong, so he's saying this
If I'm not the right person, why did Tuan allow me to become the owner of
Then you have to admit that Tuan is incomplete.
Now, Ladia doesn't want to admit she was wrong, so he says Tuan made a
it's like talking
A er all, fana cism is no different from self-sugges on.
Humans only need logic to protect themselves.
So, in the end, Ladia Schmidt is not acknowledging God, but rather
acknowledging her own belief that decided to kill me.
Fana cism is not a faithful and firm belief and belief, it is literally just a
crazy faith.
Fana cism cannot be faithful.
| I have no inten on of discussing what faith is and what God is with Radia
Schmidt, who is causing cogni ve dissonance.
Radia Schmidt gave me a chance.
Go away with Olivia.
Rejec ng it, Ladia Schmidt tried to kill me.
I also gave him a chance.
The one you're trying to kill is Tuan's champion
I mean, would you s ll do that?
Ladia Schmidt claims that I am the person who intercepted Tiama a by
some illicit cra smanship, and does not believe that he and Olivia are co-
The more you find out, the more crazy you will be.
It is my existence that harms Olivia's innocence just by being there.
I'm thinking.
“What kind of dirty work are you doing?
I don't know if I stole the Tiamata, which should be Bia's, but the wrath
I am so sure now. Radia will constantly generate words and logic to protect
“Don’t make me regret it! I don't know what he did with that evil wizard..."
- Pak!
I shaved the noisy cha ering Radia Schmidt's head with Tiamata's sword.
was swept with
"Noisy. From now on, I will only answer my ques ons."
“It’s a millennial empire. What?"
“I don’t know what to say. a taste of power
Wanna see?”
“Do not speak of the power of God with a lowly and profane mouth!”
“ doesn’t make sense.”
I looked towards Elerys.
“I’m sorry, Elerys.”
Although she uses the pseudonym Lelia, she is in front of someone who
will die anyway.
There's nothing to hide
“How can I not listen to you? No, I'm not good at listening, but I'm full of
Elerys looked at me silently,
walked gently towards me. Elerys stood next to me without a word, and
she rested her face against the face of the ed-up Radia Schmidt.
“Do I have to hide everything?”
I know what you're talking about.
Elerys said she seemed to take a deep breath
You closed her eyes and then opened them.
Blood-red eyes and ripped black pupils were revealed. Ladia Schmidt was
astonished at the overwhelming sight, and her lips trembled.
“The ship... the ship... the ship. ship. vampire... vampire year...? Uh, how…
how… how… how?”
Radia alternates between me and Elerys | look up No ma er how much I
hold Tiamata, I can see with my own eyes that I am using a vampire as a
I can't believe it.
Actually, what Ladia Schmidt said is wrong.
There are a lot of things, but there are a lot of things that are true.
No, it is rather reduced.
He's a devil.
I am not the devil, but a more demon king.
I imagine what Ladia Schmidt
By defini on, he's even worse than that.
he can only be jae
Radia was underes ma ng me.
As things con nued to transcend her own imaginary limits, Ladia Schmidt
was on the verge of passing out.
Elerys, who revealed her iden ty, was Radia.
She stares into her eyes, bringing her own face as close to her as possible
to her Schmidt's face.
"I am Lord Vampire. My name is Elerys, the head of the Seven Nights."
“Ah… ah… ah…”
Ladia Schmidt was already terrified of things beyond her own
"Even if you say nothing, I can make you my slave with one drink of your
blood and find out everything. No ma er how strong your will is, your
resistance will be fu le.
will be."
“Ah… uh… uh… uh… uh…”
"Do you want to divulge the secrets that will be revealed in advance and
survive as a human?
Do you want to spend it as an ear?”
As Elerys opens her eyes, she whispers as if thrus ng into Ladia Schmidt's
Secrets are meaningless to me.
Elerys called it Radia Schmidt
shove into the brain of
“You, you… you, you… what?”
"You're right. It's not a maggot, but it's like a devil."
"Unbelievable... Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense... How... Something like
you... in the Temple..."
“You are a funny dude. You're a devil, what's wrong with selling him, but
because he's a real devil, it doesn't make sense? What are you going to do?
Are you saying that you called me a devil even though you knew I wasn't?
Called me the devil, but I don't think it's really anything like that
would have been
The Lord Vampire, who was only my minion, must have overpowered him
at once.
come on I would think it would be even more huge.
Existence itself is true, but the truth is, I didn't have to tell you the truth
about Elerys being much stronger than me.
“What is the Millennium Empire, I will ask you a second me. And if you
don't tell me, you can turn into a vampire."
In my words, Ladia Schmidt's complexion is
It almost looked like it had been discolored.
“If you become a vampire, do you think you will be able to commit suicide?
your master's will
It decides whether to live or die. And, if you want to try something like a
vampire priest, keep stretching.” |
How do families and slaves actually work?
I don't know, but I think of the public
served with
Anyway, Ladia Schmidt is in a panicked situa on, so no ma er what you
say, it's not true.
I will believe it to be true no ma er what.
What Radia had been doing to me un l recently was a framing, but now it's
an illusion.
With a much stronger skill than the ac ve paladin, he can easily subdue
Idaji too.
But, that's just the minion's ability.
I have such a minion.
A being who possesses Tiamata and calls himself a demon-like en ty.
From now on, it's not a conspiracy, it's an illusion.
I'm star ng to think of myself as something on a level I can't even imagine.
It is impossible to keep secrets.
Thinking of herself as a vampire, Radia was trembling.
She imagined herself destroying such a being.
However, he would not have thought about himself who had become such
a being.
If he becomes a vampire, there is no point in commi ng suicide. Accidents
will dominate.
From the paladin of Ars with a promising future, he falls into a being who
sucks human blood and lives in the darkness of the night.
I wonder if there is as much insult as imagining it in her life me. She was
afraid and ashamed just thinking about it, and La Dia shook her whole
body like a trembling tree.
she was
Secrets are some mes really powerless.
A er all, hiding it is pointless. If you realize that, you have no choice but to
confess too easily.
There are no excep ons to even the secret that must be kept even at the
cost of her death.
“Wives, wives... The millennium empire is... the pursuit of the 'Nameless
This is the plan...” Radia Schmidt was suddenly using a pole tle for me.
An unnamed monastery.
Another concept I didn't know appeared. The look on the face of Radia
Schmidt who said it
was a mixture of misery, misery, and fear.
“What is a nameless order?”
“The meaning is right.... It is a community of faith formed by the members
of each denomina on and organiza on of the Five Great Bishops....”
“So, the purpose of the nameless religious order is to unify the five major
religious groups and establish a religious state.
“…to sum up, yes…”
There seemed to be a lot of things I wanted to rebut.
But open your mouth recklessly out of fear
It seemed he didn't want to.
Elerys too, I can't help but get serious
there was no
“I don’t think this is any different from the republicans, only the nature is
different a er all?”
"i See...."
If republicans were growing inside the temple, the Five Archbishops
In , the nameless Order was an extremist sect who sought to establish a
holy state en rely separate from the empire.
Judging from the prosperity, the empire and the rain
It is expected to build a similar system.
“Do you know how big it is?”
Radis shakes her head and shakes her lips
Looking at Ah, I clicked my tongue.
"Don't try to mix it with a swipe. Oh
Make me a vampire if you want
We will cross-check.”
"Oh no! I, absolutely! Absolutely not!
I will not mix things up!”
Being a vampire is worse than dying
Disliked, Radia shook his head violently, ed up.
“Currently, the power is not yet large, but the scale con nues to grow….
all. In the near future...
We expect to have power ....”
“… you get sick.”
“It’s a big deal.”
Fortunately, it seems that the scale is s ll on the small side, but the speed
of power expansion is huge.
Soon, it will have a size comparable to that of a single denomina on.
Even it is not only composed of one denomina on, but the Knights Templar
and the Five Great Protestants
that it is inside In other words, moderate
The fact that radicals, excluding fac ons, are gathered together is already a
house that can exert influence on the whole of the Five Grand Churches.
that's dan
Things are worse than I thought
each was
From revolu onary forces to religious forces.
"I'm going crazy..."
I grabbed my head, and Elerys sighed.
The empire is a tower of thought.
Revolu onary forces and the Holy Empire at the same me
When it explodes, the Empire will be torn apart and torn apart.
Radia didn't seem to understand the situa on.
First of all, I think I'm pre y sure that I and Elerys are evil beings, but I can
see that they feel very anxious about this situa on in which the Empire is
in crisis...
You'd be even more surprised if you knew the truth.
Because the demon king and his subordinates are rumbling about what to
do about the ruin of the empire.
S ll, the thing that seems crazy and crazy
“By the way, how long has the nameless Order been established?”
I understand that it is a secret society on the religious side, but it seemed
to me that it was necessary to make sure that it was expanding its power
recently or that it has been around for a long me like a revolu onary
force. energy
If it was a force in the zone, recently
What is the reason for explosive growth?
is it?
“……It was created not long ago.”
"Yeah? But why are there so many people there? Does the religious world
want so much to be a Holy Empire?"
“…because of religious oppression.”

What else is this?
At my words, Radia Schmidt clenched her teeth and lowered her gaze.
“The fact that the former commander of the Knights Templar, Sir Leverier
Lanche was dismissed from the Empire
Religious bombs to contain the Knights Templar
There are many church members who believe that they have begun to
Hearing those words, the picture was drawn roughly.
A person who does not know the truth, from the point of view of those in
the religious world, the war hero Le Barrier
Ranche's downfall might look like that.
"...maybe. Was it Levereri Ranche who created that nameless order?"
I can't say that much
Dia Schmidt's Silence.
“I guess that’s right.”
That is already the answer.
“It’s not that many church members believe that way, it’s that Levereri
Ranche spread the word like that.
would have paid He said he was under poli cal pressure
That's why he's been like this regardless of what he actually did."
"no! It's unfair to the manager.
Because of the harm...!”
"Shut up. You're a temple student, so you know what's going on, but what
should you say?"
“It’s inevitable to guide Olivia, whose heart is shaken, on the right path…”
"Oh, are you shut up?"
In the first place, he thinks that everything he did to Olivia was taken for
granted. I don't want to argue any further with Ladia Schmidt on this
ma er.
He was overthrown and didn't know where he was or what he was doing,
but he had formed a hideout and was messing around with it.
A er all, this is a history that happened because of Olivia Ranche's survival.
The event is due to the inflec on point of
A er all, this shit is also my shit.
Damn it.
Olivia and Charlo e,
People whose existence itself is an inflec on point in history must
resurrect this crisis.
Will it happen once?
If Le Barrier Lanche had remained in the posi on of commander of the
Temple Knights, nothing would have happened to him. That being said, Le
Barrier Ranche really had the ambi on to establish a holy empire by
making the Five Great Protestants independent of the empire. However, it
could not have been rushed, so it had nothing to do with the main story.
However, as he moved away from power a er the fall, he chose a secret
Le Barrier Ranche said his own resigna on was
It must have been argued in the form of religious oppression by the
government, and through it, it fueled the resentment of religious figures.
And get out of the external pressure and become a religious person
He lured people into the logic of crea ng his own country, forming a secret
society called the Nameless Order.
Le Barrier Ranche, who made good use of the vic m consciousness that he
is being oppressed, is now increasing his membership to a frightening
There must also be support for his own achievements as a hero in the
Demon World War.
At this rate, a huge force equivalent to one sect of the Five Great
Shintoisms will be created.
A er losing, they will be able to grasp and shake the Five Great Bishops by
their roots.
Le Barrier Lange is about to anoint Olivia to her prominence.
She'd like to sit there herself, but she'd be laughing at her.
She creates the Holy Empire and if I promise to be the first person there,
she will be ques oned.
However, by crea ng a country of gods, talent, character, and ability are on
the con nent.
I have to sit my her stepdaughter on her one- me favour, and if she only
says she deserves her, then dont get her jus fica on.
In addi on, the lo ery cket for Leverier Ranche is only possible with the
mouth of Olivia.
He said he was unfair to Le Barrier Ranche.
If nothing happened, all charges against Lvery er Ranche would turn into a
carrier from the Empire. regardless of the truth.
In fact, seeing her skills, Olivia is long enough to think that her existence
itself is just a cause.
She wants to sit down on her own, but she can't reveal her greed, so she
tries to make Olivia a successful one.
Again in this case, as long as Olivia restores her faith, she will later use her
secret society to do anything to create an independent na on of religious
people and force her to honor Olivia.
would have done
Le Barrier Lanche tells her Olivia that
The reason she's so obsessed with her is that her Olivia can't do both her
cause for her glory and her lo ery on her own.
It must be because of her existence.
“It’s like a bastard’s bastard.”
As I spit it out, Radia Schmidt became even more afraid.
She can't let her do this.
Le Barrier Ranche, as well as the Nameless Order, are the seeds of a great
We need to wipe them all out. Now the power is not so great
Otherwise, you will lose use of your hands later.
But in what way? rebellion conspiracy
The imperial family overturned the same charges
If you make it move, you are actually experiencing religious oppression that
was never actually there.
Then those who were moderate
will turn to extremists in
The involvement of government forces, including the imperial family, in
this ma er has already caused a huge conflict.
First, you need to organize your thoughts. You have to think about how and
how you will dig into it.
“Okay, now the last one. Those nameless monks who tried to kill me
Was it your instruc on?”
Ladia Schmidt sincerely wanted to kill me. But he also wanted to kill me
and may have been ordered.
Don't turn your head on my words, Ladia Schmidt.
I was rowing
"Oh, no... this is... my dogma..."
"Are you sure? Aren't you ran ng because you're afraid I'm going to kill
those bastards?"
"No! No! Wow, it was originally a different, different plan! Admiral.
It’s Dan!”
How much does Ladia Schmidt hate being a vampire?
"Yeah? So what other plans do you have?"
Ladia Schmidt mu ers as if it's hard to say.
But in the end I know what I'm going to say , open your mouth as if to
"Adriana... she was a sophomore at Temple.
Take Adriana... from the Order
There is...."
Her name, which she had never imagined, appeared and her hair seemed
to go blank.
Why is Adriana?
Why is Adriana men oned here?
A picture of Adriana flashed through her mind. The last memory of her
walking together near Artouan Monastery flashes through her mind.
What is she trying to do to Adriana?
No, what did she do?
“Tell me more.”
If I had a string of reason,
Just now, it broke.
Olivia was in her own dorm room.
Miss Temple contest start me
As it comes, go to the venue in advance
She's right to get ready but she was wai ng in her room when Olivia told
her to wait a second for Reinhardt once she got it.
I don't know what she's trying to do, but she seems to have an idea.
S ll, if it's too late, you'll have to leave soon. I don't know what Reinhardt is
going to do, but if there's no news un l the next thirty minutes have
Olivia thought she was leaving for the conven on.
- smart
How long she waited, at the knock on the door, Olivia jumped from her
she woke up
“Reinhardt, what the hell...?”
However, it was not Reinhardt who knocked on Olivia's visit, but her dorm
“Ah, I’m sorry.”
The maid looked at her puzzled expression on Olivia's and smiled broadly
and she said to Olivia.
handed something
“I don’t know who I’m wai ng for, but it’s a le er. Miss Olivia.”
"Ah yes."
Olivia closed her door while accep ng the le er the maid had handed her.
It was a le er with only the address wri en on it, without the sender
wri en on it. who wrote this
did you send
Olivia opened her envelope.
There were only two lines of text wri en on it.
[Daughter, take the name Adriana
[He is with me now.]
No one would call herself her daughter
It's only the lebari language.
I don't know why, I don't know why, but he's now Adri
with Ana.
Reinhardt and Adriana and
Ivia, a first-year class B.
The three played a decisive role in saving themselves. Now the rumor has
spread and everyone knows it.
In short, it means that the three of them played a decisive role in the
downfall of Le Barrier Ranche.
Reinhardt and Ivia are Temple students.
am. Therefore, it is dangerous to touch it carelessly. So Adriana is Le
Barrier ranche would have been rela vely easy to reach.
Whatever the cause, revenge or whatever, Le Barrier
Ranche is now with Adriana.
The name of the sender was not wri en on it, only the address from which
the le er was sent.
It was meant to come here.
With Adriana as bait, her adop ve father calls herself.
I don't know what you're trying to say, or what you're trying to do to

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 319

Adriana from the Nameless Order
are taking
To be more precise, Le Barrier Ranche.
Her purpose is primarily to win the lo ery by having Olivia defend her Le
Barrier Ranche, and secondly to establish Olivia Ranche as a mascot to
represent her own desires.
Le Barrier Ranche ini ally wanted Olivia to be her next Knight Commander
of the Temple.
did. Perhaps even the plan of the Holy Empire was a vision that had already
been set in advance.
Due to the unexpected variable of the resigna on, Le Barrier Ranche took
a different approach: forming a religious secret society.
The downfall of Le Barrier Ranche sparked a backlash in the religious
world, regardless of the truth, and as a result, he s ll has an influence in
the religious world, and it is growing more and more.
Adriana's departure from the temple had a far-reaching effect on Adriana's
Le Barrier Ranche will try to lure Olivia down.
And Olivia could refuse to deal with Adriana's life.
there will be no
There is no such thing as abstaining from the final with Radia Schmidt.
One Olivia who takes Adriana hostage is the puppet of Levereri Ranche.
will be
The sun was se ng and it was already night.
In Elerys' shop, I see Radia Schmidt ed up and bowing her head.
Today, in the final, Ladia Schmidt suddenly acquires a dangerous power
called the Berserk.
Then, he persuaded Olivia to keep returning to her god's arms.
But in the end, Olivia withdrew.
As far as I can see, it was a clumsy plan.
Besides, Ladia Schmidt kept telling Olivia that things would be even worse
if it went on like this.
I thought she was a madman's bullshit,
She had been warning her that if Olivia didn't come back quietly, she would
hurt Adriana.
Her arms are bent inward. She didn't want Adriana, a member of the Five
Great Protestant Churches, to be hurt, so she resorted to fu le tac cs to
convince Olivia.
And the one who tried to kill me.
I'm not a member of the Five Great Bishops, but it must have been because
I thought I was the one who corrupted Olivia.
She decided I'd rather die than Adriana.
So today's bizarre things happened.
At this rate, Adriana is in danger.
She should get her hands on her as soon as possible.
"Leveria Ranche, where are you?"
...... "
Although the revolu onary forces are already late, the nameless order that
was formed a er the fall of Leverier Ranche is s ll not very large.
If you don't step on it at this stage, something out of your control will
Ladia Schmidt thinks of me as a very dangerous and evil being who cannot
be fully known.
Le Barrier Ranche would think that I might be killed. so i can't say
But if you don't say it, forcefully
There is a way to open .
Tears filled the corners of Ladia Schmidt's eyes.
went up
"Please... please..." |
She began to cry without saying that she could release her, or that she
could not speak.
“Just… kill me…”
She rather longs for her death. Knowing that we can't just kill her
mercifully, she says that the best op on for her right now is for us to have
mercy on her in the name of death.
“Please, please... death, clean death... please...”
The moment Le Barrier Ranche reveals her posi on, it is an act of great
betrayal and she cannot stand it.
But becoming a vampire is also unbearable.
That's why Ladia Schmidt begs the two of us, evil beings, to die.
Radia begging for death ed up
In front of Schmidt, I squa ed down.
"why are you crying?"
I put my hand on Radia Schmidt's sobbing cheek and carefully wiped away
her tears.
“Why is this betrayal? I do not quite understand.”
"I am the champion of Tuan, so all my ac ons must represent Tuan's will
more than anything else. More than Leverier Ranche, who created a
private organiza on within the Five Grand Churches in a lust for power
a er being expelled from the posi on of commander of the Temple
Knights. No. Is my ac on not in accordance with the will of God?”
My sophistry makes Ladia Schmidt's cry more intense.
“God is omnipotent.”
“As you think, I am an evil being, but if I were the one who shouldn't be
holding Tiamata, I wouldn't have been the owner of it. Whether I meet a
tragic end, or an even greater hero emerges and takes Tiamatha from me,
un l that happens, it's not all going to be part of Tuan's plan. is not it?"
“Because God is omnipotent.”
"So. I, who is part of the plan of such an Almighty. No ma er what kind of
work I face, all of my ac ons must be in line with God's will more precisely
than with someone like Le Barrier Ranche. is not it?"
“So, if my will is the will of God, then Tuan is hoping for it.”
"An unnamed order is a heresy."
“So, it should be gone.”
“Come on, let’s sleep. Elder. do not Cry. It's nothing to cry at all."
“It seems that things are going according to the will of God so blindly.”
"Senpai isn't an uniden fied evil and strange being now, but he's
coopera ng with the champion of Tuan. Why the hell is this betrayal?"
I look at her and her smile, her face of her Ladia Schmidt, with her hands
wrapped around her.
Despair in Ladia Schmidt's eyes
was engraved with
“Senior, now you can go on the right path, you have been on the wrong
path for a while. So this is not a betrayal.”
I deny my words inwardly, but
The desire to believe was also read.
Why is this betrayal?
I'm not just saying, I'm actually
I think so.
Now come back to the right path.
From the clutches of the false prophet Levereria Ranche, to the champion
of Tuan
Why is s cking an unfaithful act?
The contradic on that the apostle of the goddess of innocence controls the
vampire, who is the opposite, is probably good.
If you admit that everything is Tuan's will, you can become more
If all of this is part of God's plan.
If you admit it,
You may not be a vampire.
Rather, it is an honor
be able to think
"I, really... really... like that... run... maybe...?"
Ladia Schmidt's Crying Answer
You look at me like you are longing for
This is not convincing.
it's collapsed
“Trust me. Senior.”
The fana cism I had un l now was replaced by another fana cism
be replaced with
“Believing in me is no different from serving God.”
Fear drives people crazy.
Even for those who are already crazy
There is no difference.
As long as you give in to me, Ladia Schmidt will arbitrarily create logic to
defend me.
All my doubts and doubts. Since they are all Tuan's champions, it will put
all doubts under the guise of God's will.
“I hope that all of this… is really God’s plan…”
I am more of a god than the five great gods.
So, believing in me means serving God, a er all, is not much different from
I cried and knelt before me
I stroked Dia Schmidt's hair.
I clenched my teeth.
I was hoping that nothing would happen today...
At least for today.
There was a place I had to go.
In front of the sobbing Ladia Schmidt,
I turn my head to look at Elerys.
“Call Sarkegaar and Loyar.”
It's not something I can solve on my own.
Even if you can do it on your own, it is not something you have to do alone.
It is not just a ma er of nameless religious ins tutes.
Signs of division are everywhere.
The empire must not be destroyed.
“Everyone goes together.”
This accident must occur in the name of Vallier, not Reinhardt.
The enemy of mankind must reappear.
Miss Temple contest contestant wai ng room.
Ellen's last point in her dress
was ge ng a sword.
"the best."
"...I'm glad."
The start me of the Miss Temple contest was ge ng closer and closer.
The size and venue were different from the women's dress-up
compe ons.
Mains where the tournament final took place
If not a stadium, the contest is held in a huge concert hall.
Liana had been taking care of Cliffman un l now, and had come to Ellen.
“By the way, I didn’t see that senior.”
Liana fixed Ellen's makeup and lted her head.
“…I will come.”
It must have already arrived, but it must have been one of two things,
either because I didn't see it, or because it was late. Ellen was more
concerned about the other side.
Reinhardt le his dormitory this morning and he hasn't been seen all day.
When we departed, most of the class A members, as well as the class B
guys, sent us off. Almost all of them would come to see the contest.
But Reinhardt was not there.
“By the way, what is that bastard Reinhard doing all day? He couldn't even
see his nose.”
Liana says grun ngly.
“Well, if I can’t see it, it’s only me that loses.”
| If she didn't see Ellen's pre y face like this, she said that it would be a
loss for her, and Liana worked hard to look a er Ellen's makeup.
Eren gripped the hem of her dress gently.
can't come
she knows that
Her bizarre ji ers, she keeps pushing her breasts
It was ckling.
She will definitely come.
She did un l she said she wanted to come.
I can't come
Ellen calms her anxious heart
She took a few deep breaths for it.
She summoned everyone.
Alleris, Sarkegaar, and even Loyar.
We're not on foot, Elerys
moved with a mass teleport of
El 1
| Because the clothes were also in temple uniforms, L
With my plain clothes I had at Leris's house
It was indeed changed to .
- Flash!
Loca on is the southern outskirts of the eclip c, the eclip c
It was a place quite far to the south.
The place of arrival was a small town organized in the southern part of the
eclip c.
The number of households is less than twenty, with only a few farmers
living in the outskirts rather than in the village.
It was a small town.
One of those mediocre neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city. It was
such a place.
We teleport to the outskirts of the hills leading to the neighbourhood.
it was true
"Large.... Large Teleport..."
Radia Schmidt trembled in shock when she experienced mass
teleporta on.
“…are you okay?”
At Royar's words, I nodded with a firm expression on my face.
The details have not yet been explained. However, there is a big fight and it
is necessary
I just said
Even if I found out later, I wouldn't be able to understand why Sarkegaar
had to risk the beginning of the division of the Empire, but I decided to
believe in Sarkegaar a li le more.
Above all, now is the me when Sarkegaar is most needed.
Ladia Schmidt Loyard and Sarque
He didn't know if Gar was s ll there, so he was just trembling in fear. You
would think that she was a fearsome being on a similar level to Elerys.
First of all, the target is not that town.
“If you go over that hill… there is an abandoned monastery. there...."
"It's because it's the temporary residence of the nameless order."
Although it is an internal faith community, it is
They will not be able to hold mee ngs in public. So, un l the silver power is
sufficiently formed, regular mee ngs will be held in these outlying areas.
it would be
It either grows a li le bigger, or actually begins to stand out in the religious
We could have an official mee ng, but we haven't been there yet.
The goal is to preemp vely kill monsters that have grown beyond their
Ladia Schmidt will obey me
Fearing what would happen to the rich, he eventually succumbed.
become a vampire
Do you think this is also the will of God?
A er all, I have a powerful symbol for Tiamata, and it's the kind that Ladia
Schmidt used to ra onalize himself.
The week was good stuff.
The disposi on of Ladia Schmidt was only a er the work of the Nameless
Order and Le Barrier Ranche was finished.
“Is Adriana being held cap ve in the monastery?”
"...That's right. Remember the detailed loca on
I don't know... but it was definitely there.
Adriana is the bait to lure Olivia out.
Ladia Schmidt lures Olivia in exchange for Adriana's life.
More than anything, he thought it would be be er for me to die, the non-
believer and the culprit of Olivia's corrup on, so he tried to a ack me.
Not all of the nameless monks are in the abandoned monastery, but the
key figures are.
Le Barrier Ranche.
First of all, the core of this bullshit, the Le Barrier
Ranche should be killed.
no ma er what
I don't know if that will solve everything. but now
There is no change in what must be done right now.
“How much power is it?”
“...the number of permanent residents is about twenty high-ranking
“What are your skills?”
“All of them are veterans of the Demon World War… but blind… Oh, no.
They are the closest aides to Le Barrier Ranche... who resigned when he
resigned as general manager..."
If you are a close confidant of Le Barrier Ranche, you are one of the
veterans who went through the Demon World War together.
they will be terangs
There may be other powers, but the twenty high-ranking paladins who
have gone through everything before giving birth, so
Un l Gorverier Ranche..
Elerys is a powerful wizard
only vampires against the paladins
It must have been difficult to fight.
But we don't plan on going head-to-head.
"Okay, the plan isn't that complicated."
We need to get Adriana out of there first.
“Sarkegar, once infiltrated,
Find out where Liana is and bring her back if you can.”
With Sarkegaar's infiltra on ability, he first grasped the whereabouts of
"If you can't bring it,
Oh, and if you can't bring it, later you
There must be a way to disguise it as Levereri Ranche and get it out.”
Ladia Schmidt doesn't understand what the hell I'm talking about, but she
doesn't have me to explain.
"Can you bring Adriana safely?
Mul faceted Elerys is a large-scale destruc on magic.
I'm going to destroy the Monastery. You can kill them all right there. It
might be best, but maybe not. Then from then on, it's a ba le."
Securing Adriana is our top priority.
the rest are slaughtered.
Elerys clenched his fist like that.
He didn't say he couldn't, and it wasn't the case.
If you let it go, there will be more sacrifices
it's obvious
that he must act now
Elerys would agree.
“And then, I have to show you right now.”
“Show me… what…?”
In the end, it ma ers whose job this is.
What's going to happen today will be handled in secret.
not at a level that can be
Fortunately, this area is outside the eclip c.
Even if there is a disturbance, the imperial family cannot respond
immediately. I have Radia Schmidt.
Do not speak directly on the
“Let’s make sure we show our existence.”
demon remnant.
reveals that it exists.
Both the revolu onary forces and the dissa sfac on of the Five Great
By the re-emergence of the public enemy, the Empire
Temporarily suture the cleavage of
Sarkegaar s ll seemed to be ignorant of English.
“Why are you like that…”
"for a moment."
As Sarkegar tried to express his doubts
Loyar suddenly raised his hand and
stopped talking.
Loyar points down the hill.
“Who is coming?”
There was a road leading into the village.
Radia Schmidt opened her eyes, and I was shocked as well.
Olivia is coming.
It is clear that she lured Adriana with her bait. Olivia, with a desperate
expression on her face, was running at a frightening speed and she was
heading somewhere.
She gets entangled up to Olivia.
She no longer has me for her to delay.
“Sarkegar, take out Adriana as well as that person and that person. Get in
right now.”
"......Yes, I understand."
Sarkegaar transforms into a sparrow.
The sun crossed the night sky

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 320

“Where the hell are you, you bastard?”
Liana de Granz with her arms crossed
He murmured, frowned at her statue.
The Miss & Mr. Temple contest has already begun.
Contest among Royal Class students
Students who came to watch were transferred to the adjacent seats.
I sat down and watched the contest.
Harry at Liana's nervous tone
He mu ered quietly.
All contestants were only such students, but they all had excellent looks,
and if that side was a li le lacking, they all had excellent individual skills.
had it
Ellen's par cipa on number is 9.
The turn of number 7 has just ended, and it's Ellen's turn soon.
All of her classmates, including Kono Lint, are with her, except Reinhardt.
Where are you doing what?
Harriet was in a complicated mood.
I don't know what's going on with Reinhardt, but I thought he would come,
but he didn't.
According to Liana, she said that even that senior in fi h grade didn't keep
showing up in the wai ng room for some reason.
What are you doing?
She must be there, so why not?
Some mes I feel fortunate that Reinhardt does not appear, and I also think
that it is not.
Harriet knows that she is cowardly of wishing her Reinhardt not to come,
but today's Ellen is not sure what to expect.
She was also afraid to look at the wet journal.
It was as if everyone was puzzled that she couldn't see Reinhardt.
Harriet, amidst anxiety and impa ence,
She pretended she didn't know why she was so nervous, and she was
watching the situa on quietly.
Although she was a li le shaky, the 7th par cipant, who calmly finished
the dance of the appeal me she had prepared, came in, and the next
me, the 8th par cipant, came.
As even the person's turn passed, Harriet became more nervous.
And number 9 par cipant.
-Now, this me you are a par cipant in the Royal Class. As you all know, in
the Royal Class, the number is the order of skill, right? This par cipant is
Yal Class 1st year Class A, whopping 2
is the number. It's Miss Ellen!
Ellen walked out onto the stage with the sound of applause from the
Of course she knew.
It's because I always wear only school uniforms or training clothes. She
knows even Harriet that Ellen has a very striking look.
However, seeing Ellen's well-dressed appearance, Harriet was stunned
without realizing it.
You were about to open her mouth.
Liana is the best to Ellen so far.
She was looking for a color that would go well with her
She seems to have thrown
Ellen was now wearing a pure white dress. Her hair was ed up and
accented with her ribbon. Likewise, Ellen, wearing white heels, was seen
by Harriet as a | Isn't she overly standout?
she wanted to
Liana was looking at Ellen like that with sa sfac on, and her classmates, as
well as the audience who didn't know Ellen, were staring blankly at her.
She prac ced her smile without fail, and now she has a pre y plausible
was perfect un l
That's enough.
Isn't she comparable to Olivia?
Harriet thought so.
But no ma er what the onlookers were thinking, Ellen was s ll looking at
her audience with a smile.
As if she was looking for something.
As Ellen was looking for something, her eyes met Harriet, not the one she
was looking for.
She made her eye contact with Harriet, and she glanced around.
It's like she's looking for someone out of nowhere.
And finally she goes back to Harriet
eyes return.
She looked like she was asking for something.
I wonder if I can't find it
It was like eyes.
Harriet seemed to be constricted even though he wasn't there.
Ellen asks Harriet with her eyes.
Reinhardt didn't come.
Harriet couldn't quite figure out what kind of response to give to that gaze.
Since I can't laugh and I can't cry,
She seemed to have a very strange expression on her face.
Ellen rolls her eyes down.
The very thing that Harriet is in trouble
As if she had already been answered.
- Miss Ellen, is there any special reason for you to par cipate in Miss
Ellen licks her lips.
She must have had something to say.
Harriet sees Ellen shaking her head, and she trembles quietly.
- Today, I want to show this image to someone in par cular. Did anyone like
this exist?
To the host's ques on, Ellen answered nothing.
She didn't even answer.
That was precisely the words that pierced Ellen's heart in this situa on.
Do I have to say something, but I have no one to listen to? Harriet clenched
her teeth as she looked at Ellen who was in deep trouble.
Un l recently, Harriet had felt lucky that Reinhardt had not come.
However, seeing Ellen's pi ful appearance like that, I had only one thought.
She looks like Ellen is going to be ruined.
Other than that, Harriet never wanted that much.
'where are you....'
Harriet unknowingly clenched his fist.
'Where are you doing...
Harriet is Reinhardt, who never comes.
It was disappoin ng.
Sarkegaar was watching the situa on from the outside of the waste
sanctuary. The monastery had been unused for a long me, but the size of
the monastery was great, but because it had been abandoned for a long
me, it had a filthy atmosphere.
Sarkegaar s ll did not fully understand the situa on.
He has ly followed the words that there is something to be done, but he
s ll doesn't know how this situa on is going to work.
However, there are people who need to be rescued, and there are enemies
that need to be annihilated.
I don't know why,
reveal their existence in earnest
is a thing
The purpose, as always, is infiltra on.
This me it's rescue, not kidnapping.
Sarkegaar Monastery turned into a sparrow
He flew over the outer wall and headed into the monastery.
The security is not strict, but there are
Deploying troops li le by li le for security
had been
Among them, there are about twenty of the most elite who can pose a real
The master ordered two women to be rescued.
She is one of the women imprisoned in the monastery.
Even the woman who just rushed into the monastery.
The number of people who were armed in the monastery and who could
use divine power would have been more than that.
Sarkegaar belongs to the demon race.
So, even if it's not as good as the undead Eleris, it doesn't match well with
the divine power. That's why
Infiltra ng into this place infested with the above paladins was not so easy.
However, it seems that there is something wrong with carrying out orders.
Sarkegaar enters the monastery
He flies cau ously, looking for signs.
- Where is Adriana?
Without needing to look so closely, Sarkegaar is heard from the vacant lot
could hear an angry voice.
She is a woman who has just arrived at the monastery.
- That's a er I heard the answer from you.
- You know what the answer will be.
- Then you'll know what's going to happen.
- What do you want?
Sarkegaar moved closer to the scene where the conversa on was heard.
A vacant lot in a monastery.
A middle-aged man si ng on an old chair around the bonfire was
accompanied by several paladins, and opposite him was a young blonde
wearing a temple uniform.
there was a woman
Sarkegaar knows that the middle-aged man is Le Barrier Ranche.
“Come back to Tuan. Then, withdraw all the tes monies you have made,
and profess to regret it."
“And the Five Great Bishops broke up with the Empire with the Knights
Templar as the main axis,
You will establish an independent Holy Empire, and you will be the first to
“What… that’s absurd…”
Olivia Leaves Levereri Ranche
look closely
Olivia felt like she was suffoca ng to the p of her chin just hearing those
“…what if you can’t do that?”
“It will start to happen that you will regret.”
"Are you going to kill Adriana? She's that li le child, yet she's not even a
| “Let’s call it an unavoidable sacrifice.
me. God will understand.”
in the name of God before her own evil deeds
The expression on Olivia's face as she looked at Le Barrier Ranche with her
shield was evident in contempt and disgust.
“ this her father's way? I was so upset that she lost her power, Bunha
and I'm sorry Isn't that your father's way of even le ng people go astray
rather than by faith?"
“This is an unavoidable choice to counter the threat to the Five Great
Bishops. Also, only you promise to come back. If you do, you will know that
no one will be hurt.”
“I am not going back.”
“What would happen to the child who saved you?”
Despair and anger flashed across Olivia's face.
Le Barrier Ranche believes in her vision of pu ng her Olivia on the line,
but in reality, Le Barrier Ranche is losing her reputa on and the lo ery
resul ng from overturning her Olivia's words.
will be aiming
“Why me? Why do you have to be me? Whatever your father wants you to
do, he should just do it. I really don't know why you're trying to put me
first. like this... so different
I don't know why you threaten me with your life, really..."
“As I always say, because there is no one more qualified than you.”
“Please don’t try to ra onalize things like that…”
Olivia finally sheds her tears as she blesses her with sorrow.
“You just want power. Put yourself out there and fulfill your greed
that's what you want So, I created such a strange group. restore her honor
You want to reverse what I said and regain power again..."
"Olivia, I don't think you'll understand what I mean. But people have roles
and des ny, and I live for them."
Le Barrier Ranche had an a tude that didn't seem to fit a toothpick.
“My role was to win the Demon World War before.
led to lee And now, it is to protect the Knights Templar, the favourites of
the Five Great Protestant Churches, from the clutches of the Empire.”
In front of the sobbing Olivia, Levery Ranche doesn't show the slightest bit
of personal feelings.
“And you are next to me. That’s how I made it, and that’s how I grew up. If
it doesn’t happen, I just make it happen.”
“What the hell… why…”
“If you refuse, do you think it will end with Adriana alone?”
Olivia rolled her eyes.
Reinhardt can't touch
Do you think so?” |
“Wow, what… what… what… the sound…?”
When the name Reinhardt appeared, the prize
Sarkegaard, who was watching Hwang, remained silent.
Levereri looks at Ranche.
Sarkegaar is not completely
He only understood that Le Barrier Lanche had to be removed.
The author is a threat to Bali. As soon as the name Reinhardt appeared,
Sarque Garr watched Olivia's expression contorted.
That woman is a clear ally of Reinhardt. Sarkegaar also gains that certainty.
If you can't do it with Adriana, you'll just find someone who is dear to you,
Olivia. I'm here to show you that this can't be the end."
"Give it up, Olivia. Only when a li le pain becomes a bigger pain before
crying every run."
As Olivia had lost her pulse, her eyes died when she heard it.
Adriana is just the beginning.
If she doesn't give up, Le Barrier Ranche will do everything she can to
destroy Olivia's precious things one by one.
There is nothing to be gained by in mida on and torture against Olivia
Le Barrier Ranche gives up on her Olivia
She finds a way to kill outside.
Even if she endures her own injuries, she
Because she knows she can't stand hur ng her loved ones...
Olivia, who is accustomed to sacrifice, is precious.
Because she knows she'd rather sacrifice herself than she sees them hurt.
When Ladia Schmidt tried to self-destruct using Berserk, she gave up her
tle and
As if he made a sacrifice in the name of Kwon.
Le Barrier Ranche knew how to move her Olivia.
“You…you are the devil…”
Olivia said in a desperate tone. At that, the paladins around her flinched,
but Le Barrier Ranche raised her hand to prevent them from opening their
she restrained
"okay. If you can't get out of it... this is probably right."
Olivia's body begins to burn with explosive light and blue mana.
Olivia, who used both her divine power and mana to strengthen her body,
stares at her Le Barrier Lanche.
“If I die or you die, it will all be over.”
Olivia is in the midst of this desperate compulsion.
Rather than live up to it, she chooses to resist, she eventually chooses to
Because if she dies, no one will be sacrificed.
But before that, if she can kill Le Barrier Ranche, who has devised such a
dreadful thing, she will. But Le Barrier Ranche remained calm in front of
Olivia, who showed her hos lity.
“Do you think I didn’t know you would make such a choice?” this
Let Le Barrier Ranche beckon. Somewhere in the hallway, two paladins
“The moment you do anything stupid, you will see Adriana die.”
Adriana, with a grim expression on her face, was being caught by her
genitals and being dragged into the vacant lot. Olivia was looking at Le
Barrier Lanche with her eyes wide open.
“...Oh my...worst...!”
“Even if you use your hands here
It will be nothing but death, and before that, we must see Adriana die first.
something to do."
From the guilt of Adriana's expression on her face, she seemed to know
what kind of bait she was using for what purpose.
Olivia couldn't reach her hand in the end. She said that the moment Olivia
was going to do something stupid she would do her job with the sword
pointed at Adriana's neck.
“First of all, I don’t know why you think this is a bad thing. All of this is the
first step in protec ng the church members. many people
It's about saving. If you change your mind a li le, you can save a lot of
Olivia didn't respond at all to Levereer Ranche's words.
No, I didn't.
The author truly believes his words, so nothing makes sense. He doesn't
doubt himself because he believes that the path he's going is truly jus ce.
Olivia knows her adop ve father very well. He is such a person.
He's always asking for something, but he's never been persuaded.
“Senior… I, I, don’t worry about me!”
Captured Adriana, with her guilty look on her face, shouted at her Olivia.
Adriana's countenance had a disillusionment beyond her disappointment
at all of this. that she was for herself
Disappointed that she was only small, she lost her will to live her life.
“Senior... I am, I am fine. I'm fine. According to the wishes of the seniors…”
"Adriana! Don't say anything. I... I..."
Olivia couldn't con nue her next words.
What am I supposed to do to save Adriana?
They have to save Adriana.
must stand in front of
I don't even want a holy empire or something
must be looking for
I don't know if LeBarrier Ranche will ever be able to become the
commander of the Knights Templar again.
However, he must tell a lie that all the harsh things he did to him were lies.
Adriana is just the beginning.
Olivia coolly organizes her thoughts.
First, let's listen to them.
A er listening, Adriana is safe
When it is confirmed that it is released,
let her die
When she dies, turning her own heart
I won't bother anyone for
And, because I can't torment myself any more.
Because her own death will be her greatest revenge for Le Barrier Ranche.
The thing that those who want to take advantage of them don't want the
most is their own death.
Olivia thinks so, and for now decides to accept her offer.
at that me.
- Sigh!
suddenly. A strange thing happened.
The necks of the two paladins who were holding Adriana were suddenly
cut off.
In the sudden fountain of blood, Olivia and Le Barrier Ranche opened their
In the dark, watching two decapitated corpses struggling,
A certain form took in Driana's body.
“What is human?”
The dark figure, like a shadow, murmured in the dark with its red jaws wide
“How can you be so evil?”
The image of darkness, which seems more evil than anything else in the
world, is the opposite of human wickedness.
say and smile
- Shh!
As soon as the black figure reached out her hand, a shadow wrapped
around Olivia's body.
“Hey, hey…!”
"Ma... Demons...?"
Tied up to something of her unknown in an instant, Olivia is like Adriana.
ed to hers.
He seems to have entangled shadows
It spreads its wings like a shadow and soars into the sky.
- Whoops!
“Heh heh heh heh heh heh!”
With the madness tearing the night sky, Adri
The monster that snatched Ana quickly disappeared into the sky. It
happened so suddenly that Olivia couldn't resist, but she was caught in a
monster trap and hung up in the night sky.
- What, what aaaaah! Let go!
It was a slender and cute scream that did not fit the serious and sinister
“What is that!”
"Looks like a demon!"
"Uh, how can demons go to the emperor...!"
Le Barrier Ranche suddenly Olivia
He and Adriana looked at the mysterious demon monster that had
disappeared, but no one knew what it was.
But it didn't take long for him to panic.
Because something even more embarrassing has happened.
- Kureung.... Kururureung....!!
There were thick dark clouds in the night sky, and electric lights flew over
the dark clouds.
- Flash!
Suddenly, lightning begins to pour from the sky.
Harriet de Saint-Touan summoned her torpedo in a ba le with Olivia
Dozens of such lightning strikes poured down.
- Curl rumble!
"It's magic!"
Paladins hit by lightning are holy
When I ac vate my power to protect my body
Although they were small, they did not react properly and their bodies
were charred in an instant.
burned and crumbled.
The highest level of destruc on magic, Thunderstorm, was cast.
"It's an a ack by demons!"
Paladins immediately grasp the situa on and
I called out, but the situa on was not good.
Thunderstorm was not the only end.
- Chewy....
The strange pounding sound as if the space around the monastery was
crushing sounded several mes.
Ni, just from the east, west, south, north and south direc ons of the
A shock wave occurred.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Four chain explosions.
Explosion was cast four mes in a row, and it was s ll devastated.
The monastery collapsed and destroyed
I haven't been able to use it very strongly.
Paladins, priests, and members of the Order had already been sha ered.
It's a three hour massacre.
Paladins began to experience hell at the sudden onslaught of a high-
ranking wizard.
Rain of lightning, by explosions
The monastery was blown away.
- Kurururr....
The earth trembles, and sparks from the ground
starts to rise
Rain of lightning in the sky.
A storm of flames erupts from the earth.
Firestorm sweeps the earth
Burning fiercely with the momentum to do
it started.
Le Barrier Ranche watches as her brain strikes her body and the flames on
the ground engulf the paladins.
In front of the Knights Templar Headquarters, there was a me when
suddenly a firestorm like this soared.
There was a me when a dragon appeared, and an uniden fied Lycan
slope appeared and made a mess.
Le Barrier Ranche was not in charge of leading the succubus at that me,
but he heard and knew this
Well, isn't that what it felt like back then?
An uniden fied demon a acked...
In the midst of swept away by the flame wave, the flame
Someone emerges through lightning.
As if the magic were ge ng out of their own way, they had nothing to do
with this mess
was not affected.
There was a wolf-shaped demon with a silver mane, Lycan Slope.
and next to it.
With blazing red hair and a pair of curved horns sprou ng from their
crowns, something that looked like a human, but was not human.
- Rumble rumble!
Lycan slope in the middle of hell road
And an uniden fied demon appears.
The demon had entered the wall of flames, and was carrying a sword with
a milky white sword over his shoulder. “Le Barrier Ranche.”
This situa on was a series of incomprehensible surprises.
LeBarrier Ranche opened her eyes and shouted while being hit by heat and
"Who the hell are you!"
The demon boy dragged his sword to the ground
he comes to himself
“My name is Bali.”
“It is the enemy of the demon realm.”
"He is the righ ul heir of the Darklands."
The boy had a sword with a milky white sword
Aiming at Le Barrier Ranche.
I have to find out what that sword is.
Without it, Le Barrier Ranche opened her eyes.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 321
Humans should know that the Demon World War is not completely over.
Ereris understood what he was saying, Loyar didn't ques on it, and Sar
Khegar didn't seem to know why he had to, but he didn't say a word.
Ladia Schmidt does not go into ba le. Chances are you're doing something
So I le it under Elerys' watch.
The situa on happened.
A er seeing Olivia and Adriana being taken away by Sarkegar, they took
ac on.
If you drop them in a safe place, you may wonder why the demons rescued
them, but once you run away
will hit
Don't worry about the mysterious massacre that happened today.
It will be reported as the deeds of the tribes.
Sarkegaar in the form of a demon
I told them to fly around a bit. You need eyewitnesses to spread rumors.
Of course, these guys at the scene cannot be witnesses.
everyone will die
In the monastery that was completely destroyed by Elerys' magic, all the
dwarfs died in this hellish destruc on magic chain a ack.
These destruc ve magics do no harm to me and Royar. Such massive
destruc on magic is also great, but the fact that someone may not target it
must already show that Elerys is a high-level wizard.
Beyond the ripening of the skin, freedom in the heat that has to become
The only luck is me and Royard.
The dwarfs le no corpses, and the living lost lightning storms and fire.
We have to fight in the extreme condi ons of a salt storm.
At the me of the demon cap ve incident, Elerys created a firestorm, but
had no will to kill anyone.
But this me, it is a magic exercised to annihilate all enemies.
The paladins seemed too daunted just to use holy magic to protect
themselves in the extreme heat.
However, what remains are the most elite Paladins, including Le Barrier
Royar, who has turned into Lycan Slope, also fights to kill his opponent this
-bang! Gwakang! Kang!
Instead of pushing the paladins with magical nails, they li ed them up,
threw them, threw them on the ground, and grabbed them with both
hands and tore them.
was messing around
- Quad Duk!
- Aaaaaaaaaaah!
Loyar bit the head of one of the paladins, grabbing his torso and pulling
him down while li ing his mouth up.
- Puddy Duk Duk Duk!
- Turn it off... uh...
The head of the decapitated paladin
Yar chews harshly.
Blood dripped from the corners of the silver beast's lips, and red ears
flu ered around his eyes.
I knew it, but it was clear that the true nature of Royar was also creepy.
But if you're strong, that's it.
Not a full moon, but a night close to the full moon
Elerysdo and Royardo reached their peak
will be in a different state.
- Kwakang!
The great sword that Le Barrier Ranche slashes down
Countera acking, I take a few steps back.
Among the elite paladins, the core of this case and the enemy that must be
Le Barrier Ranche.
He was the one I was dealing with.
“Why is the Demon Lord able to hold Tiamata?”
“Because that is the will of God.”
In the first place, it's not a good choice for me to deal with.
However, I was standing in front of Le Barrier Ranche. Le Barrier Ranche's
expression distorted at my words that it was God's will.
“Do you dare say that the people of the demon realm are discussing the
“Are you really denying that before the power of God?”
"Shut up, li le demon lord! I don't know how you found it and grabbed it,
but I can't stand insul ng God anymore!"
Le Barrier Ranche is charging me with a great sword.
Commander of the Knights Templar and Best of Veterans
- Kwaang!
Even if I strengthened my body by strengthening my magical powers, it
would be impossible for me to deal with such an old veteran.
Just by spli ng the swordsman once, I was thrown backwards with a shock
that almost crushed my whole body.
“It’s not good, are you really saying you are the Demon King?”
Le Barrier Ranche is in a posi on to fight while being hit by firestorms and
lightning strikes.
He is devo ng most of his energy to protec ng himself.
nevertheless overwhelmingly inferior.
Of course.
Even so, I stood in front of Le Barrier Ranche.
to stand before him,
I have to stand in front of this guy who kidnapped Adriana and can't give
up his obsession with Olivia.
I will be able to bring out true anger,
- Whoa...
“If this isn’t the power of God, what do you mean?”
Because it can bring out the true power of Tiamata.
“To use the divine power... to use it... like a demon.
The astonishment in the eyes of Le Barrier Ranche
And I see the light of hate.
The holy light explodes and dwells in my body.
Following the enhancement of magical power, the strength of the body
due to divine power, Olivia Ranche's power resides in my body.
- Kwakang!
The sword and Tiamata collide, crea ng a fierce shockwave.
The white light that permeated the sword of Liberia Ranche. He's not a
sword master, but he's not much different from a sword master. At my
current level, even if I face a hundred mes, I have to defeat a hundred
mes overwhelmingly.
However, Le Barrier Ranche is in a situa on where he cannot concentrate
on the ba le with me.
He is now figh ng in a furnace that can turn iron shards into molten metal.
And, following my magic enhancement, self-sugges on, and Tiamata's
divine power.
up to there.
- Zhao!
Le Barrier Ranche, who retreated from my sword a ack,
It looked unbelievable.
Even though he is the heir of the Demon King, he would have thought he
was a child, but he would not understand why he was resigning.
I was equally overwhelmed.
The level of the spirit is weak, so it is not possible to draw out the proper
"Don't discuss the gods any more. Li le demon lord."
Cold fury lingered in Le Barrier Ranche's eyes.
I can't understand this situa on, but it seems that I'm ge ng more and
more focused on this fight. Le Barrier Ranche's divine power was
“Okay, whatever you are, I must kill you before you become a more
dangerous seed of evil.”
- Kurreung!
The white light that dwells in Le Barrier Ranche's body
It explodes explosively.
Tuan's divine power is applied to unclean beings.
exert the most powerful force. let's talk
The power of exorcism.
But I am not a magician. Therefore, it is not affected by the power of
exorcism in Tuan's divine power.
- Kook!
But it's the same with me.
The output of magical enhancement also goes through Tiamata.
The output of the divine power used by the sun is also le-barrier
run over by lanche
If it wasn't for the environmental condi ons now, it would have been
impossible to even share a sword with L'Barrier Ranche. Levery Ranche
approaches me like a giant.
“If I survived, I would be quiet in the Darkland.
I will live the rest of my life locked up in a remote wall.
that's it You are rushing orders to pursue the pres ge of the past.”
Le Barrier Ranche looks at me with the gaze of a young child.
Although there are powerful wizards and lycan slopes, in the end, I seemed
to have already grasped that the power I had was not very strong.
this is a big ba le However, Le Barrier Ranche is the strongest genitalist
among his forces, and I
Although he is the captain, he is weaker than my minions.
So, my coming out to the Great War is just arrogance.
It was a situa on in which I could draw out Tiamata's power, but even
then, I had no choice but to be pushed back.
Le Barrier Ranche strikes one go one by one with a firm expression.
“Yes, there is no need for such an organiza on. showed up well Next me,
if I kill you, who is the cause of the Demon World War, and retrieve the
relics of Tuan, there will be no need for even such a frivolous task.”
- Kaang!

“ !”
Just one touch of the sword made me almost roll back and bounce back.
Le Barrier Ranche's firm expression and eyes
Inside I read some kind of joy
was able to figure it out
“Is this Tuan’s revela on to me?”
He interprets this situa on in which the Demon King is holding the Holy
Sword at his own will.
Whatever the cause, he doesn't kick
I think it's a situa on where you can have both the honor of the person
who killed the king and the honor of recovering the relics of Tuan.
there was
I appeared with Tuan's holy sword, what kind of pig came into the house
with money
He seems to think he is coming.
Now that I'm here, I don't need Olivia anymore.
Do you think Tuan will bring the holy relic and the young demon king's
head for him at the same me?
- Get a card!
The sword that stably pierced through me could not be pushed away even
with my swords facing each other.
Le Barrier Ranche's misunderstanding is inevitable. I guess I'm in a
situa on where I can deal with Levere a Ranche right now.
because no
- Kwakang!
Even ge ng the sword was difficult, so there was no choice but to break
several mes, and thanks to the enhancement of magical power and
protec on, the sword did not directly inflict scars on my body, but the
heavy impact was s ll felt.
It was hard to even wake up to the pain of being hit in the stomach with a
Le Barrier Ranche's intense a acks con nued several more mes, and even
maintaining his magical power was ge ng harder and harder.
My opponent is incomparably stronger than me.
That is an immutable fact.
-bang! bang! Kagak!
I don't know that this is omnipotent. Right now, even if you fight with
Loyar, who is slaughtering the Paladins, it is not known what will happen to
But I am not figh ng alone.
- Kwareung! flash!

“ !”
When the thunderstorm of Thunderstorm struck four mes in a row in an
instant, he narrowed his forehead and took a few steps.
back off
not alone Elerys was controlling the large-scale destruc on magic and was
buying me so that L'Barrier Lanche wouldn't give me a final blow.
However, even the lightning strikes that would have turned into ashes with
just one hit if it were an ordinary person, Levereria Ranche's pace
It was only possible to slow it down a bit.
- Kwareung! Quarreung!
“You may not see much, but your wealth seems to be worthwhile!”
I had no inten on of denying that.
Revery, who approaches firmly in the face of lightning strikes and
firestorms Erranche was no longer human to my eyes.
Is this the true power of the Paladins?
Can I really call that a human? Rather than me as a demon king,
Wouldn't that be more monstrous?
By now,
would be doing
Even if I go back now, it would be too late.
Hear the fiercely crying Tiamata
Go, I'm the leberier rushing towards me
Ranche's slashing greatsword, below
stand up and li
"go away!"
- Seoung!
With a roar, I could clearly hear Liberia Ranche's chest, and I stab Tiamata
towards his chest.
- Flash!
- Kwak!
My stab is so dull it's scary
A repulsion was felt, and the
Che and I both go in different direc ons
bounced off with
“Your boy. What."
Le Barrier Ranche's expression hardened.
As if he sensed that I was using an unusual power.
“Because he’s the Demon King.”
Tiamata cries.
I am responding to my anger. There is no other reason for anger.
"Because of you...."
I aim Tiamata at him.
“Miss Temple, you couldn’t go.”
It doesn't require any talent.
I'm not upset that I missed it.
I said I needed one cket.
I couldn't give that one vote. I was worried that I would have to think about
who to pick if I went to the contest.
The need to worry about it is gone.
Le Barrier Ranche doesn't understand what I'm talking about.
- Quarreung!
In a thunderstorm pouring flames,
think like that
What is Ellen thinking now?
Are you resen ng me for not having me now?
She had asked me to come.
Even though I'm not the kind of kid who talks like that
she said
There's no such thing as saying she couldn't help it
it doesn't make any sense
Saying that nothing could be done can't be solved. It just piles up and
builds up to become resentment and sorrow.
But I can't help but come.
In the end, you are in crisis because of me
I can't leave people alone.
I made another unavoidable thing and make someone sad.
This bi er malice is indignant,
To the guy who made this situa on.
“So it’s okay.”
So, anger is enough.
- Whoa, whoa!
"I don't know what you're talking about, but I don't think I need to talk to
you anymore."
- Kurreung!
With an intense gait, he approaches me one step at a me and strikes a
greatsword engulfed in divine power.
That, with a strong warning that if I take it, I will die, I put my body aside
flew with
- Quad Dudeuk!
Although he didn't get caught in the sideways mo on with all his power,
the ground that Leverier Lange smashed flew away as if a giant beast had
devoured it.
It is an unbreakable shield, and at the same me induces a torrent of
power and exerts powerful physical force.
Le Barrier Ranche is also in his field a er all.
is a member of a family in
If it wasn't for the assistant of magic, it would have turned into blood and
disappeared just by spli ng the sword once.
“You can only do anything but run away.”
“Yeah, as me goes on, your li le one
Even life like rain will come to an end.”
“To compare this divine power to such a lowly and disgus ng being!”
Trea ng him as an undead would have been the greatest insult to the
paladin who worshiped Tuan.
From afar, Royar's shouts of ba le could be heard piercing through the
loud noise.
Once again, Leve Lear Ranche, covered in lightning, rushes at me.
Once again, with the great sword engulfed in the torrent of divine power,
pointed at me.
Le Barrier Ranche is a paladin.
With his overwhelming defense power as a weapon, he hardly cares about
his defense. one sum
It fights in a way that puts a blunt force into one sum and kills the
opponent in a single blow.
He will definitely be. In this level of high-level destruc on magic,
He can show some skill, but even a minor a ack would ckle him.
The pinnacle of a paladin that the term human chariot could not be more
appropriate than this.
The blow of Le Barrier Ranche is approaching once again. The distance
between him and me is about twenty steps. In place, he points his sword at
me and concentrates his divine power on the sword.
it's not coming He doesn't seem to need to come.
Twenty steps away from me,
He put his sword at me on the spot
shout out
If he doesn't dodge, he dies.
- Whoops!
As my eyes were dyed white, a torrent of divine power with physical power
swept over the place I had been before.
I avoided it, but it was a li le late. A part of his le shoulder was literally
torn off, and intense pain as if on fire erupted from it.
Although the divine power gushing from Tiamata was sealing the wound,
his shoulder
Almost half of it was blown away.
The pain is tolerable, but he cannot use his le arm.
This has already gone beyond the realm of the sword.
Just as Xaviolin Tana puts an auror on her sword and uses a magical
Even a Simplified LeBarrier can hit any distance beyond the reach of the
sword with something like a crazy divine power injec on machine.
At the extreme, the swordsmen also do monstrous things that are no
different from magic, and the worst thing is the fact that my opponent is
such a guy.
“Did your will be broken, Demon King?”
Le Barrier Ranche's power cannot be compared to mine. Elerys assists with
magic from a distance as much as possible, but s ll
The protec ve power of Le Barrier Ranche is s ll intact.
Royard was also being a acked by more than five Paladins, so there was no
me to worry about me.
feel the wall
The feeling is different from the wall I felt with Ellen.
It's not like I can't keep up.
It seemed that the wall of death was slowly approaching.
What should I do?
Adriana dying, Olivia
Should she have waited for this guy to pass?
Should we have watched the division of the empire approaching minute by
I knew that standing in front of an enemy I could never deal with at my
current level would be all-encompassing, but
A er all, you should have just watched someone die and be sacrificed?
Of course I know that not everyone can be happy.
Understanding that and accep ng it are two different things, so I'm Le
Barrier Ranche
stood in front of him in his true form.
I thought this was what I had to do.
The pain in the shoulder gradually disappears, but Le Barrier Ranche puts
the sword on his shoulder again and begins to grant divine power.
I can't stop that holy power injec on machine at my level.
I don't know if I'll be able to avoid this me an a ack that hits me with just
a stab in a wide area.
If I lived by the shoulder, that cuts off my head, heart, or body part.
i just die
Not only that.
Royar could not deal with all the paladins.
- Chief! I'll join you!
One of the paladins who escaped from Loyar's offensive was rushing
towards Levereria Ranche.
LeBarrier Ranche shouts while looking back at the Paladins coming in
“It's enough to e your feet up for a moment! Go Rondel!”
Even Le Barrier Rancheo is daun ng, but it's really over when it's many-to-
one. Even if that paladin is holding me for a moment, Ruby
It would be impossible to stop the blow that started from Eoranche.
The moment when the paladin who started to join from afar was about to
rush past Lvereier Ranche and rush towards me.
- Puhak!
“Wow… heh!”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 322

Sarkegaar joined the ba lefield and transformed into one of the Holy
Knights. Then he pretended to join Le Barrier Ranche and stabbed him in
the back.
pierce the heart straight from the back
I missed it.
fatal wound.
But I saw an even more horrifying sight to follow.
“Wow… suck!”
- Kook!
Le Barrier Ranche was afraid to grasp the situa on, and fired his divine
power to deflect Sarquegar, which had pierced my own heart. A person
who has a worse compa bility than me in divine power
Rkegar bounces away and sinks
He groaned and slowly got up.
He's crimson blood pours out
His will takes his hand to his own heart.
- Whoa, whoa....
The wound is healing.
Maybe the heart that should have been sha ered has been regenerated,
or even though blood is dripping from his lips, Levereri Ranche's heart is
He was recovering from the fatal wound in Seojin.
"Crazy... Are you s ll human?"
“My lord. what are you talking about
Ran with a face like seven faces
His body vomited a handful of crimson blood, and he wiped his mouth.
“This is human.”
A er recovering the broken heart and preparing to fight once more,
LeBarrier Ranche looks at me and says so.
“God accepts my faith and makes the impossible possible. This is
something that is only possible for humans, and it is possible because the
God of Five genera ons loves humans.”
Le Barrier Ranche seemed to think that divine power was a privilege
unique to humans.
“So, as soon as possible, like you
It is my mission to retrieve the relics from the ungodly.
It must be a way to repay God’s love.”
The fana cism of Liberia Ranche was different from that of Ladia.
The fana cism of Ladia Schmidt was fierce, but the fana cism of Levereri
Ranche was refined madness.
A cold fana c with no excitement, no irritability, no anger because it has
been well cut and forged. Le
Barrier Ranche sees Sarkegaar disguised as a paladin who has been swept
away by the torrent of divine power and has now risen again.
“A being who wears the skins of other beings, you have really low-level
Demon King.”
The strength of Le Barrier Ranche is not unusual.
I thought it would
But he never thought it would be this much. Even though my heart was
i restore That's a creature that can't be killed unless it's blown off the neck.
It is ques onable even if it is possible to run out of stamina in the midst of
the pouring thunderbolt now.
Shouldn't this be enough for me and Sarkegaar, as well as Royar, to join? Is
there s ll a chance?
The cruelty of the paladins.
I was feeling it in the least known way.
Strengthen the body, protect one's body with protec on, and even shoot
out divine power with a sword, leading to death.
It even brings you back to life from an irrita ng wound.
If that's not a zombie, what the hell is rain?
Not all Paladins are like this, but Le Barrier Ranche has all the
aforemen oned
It was the pinnacle of the Paladins whose condi ons were met.
Le Barrier Ranche is back and Sar
Start a acking Kegar.
- Boom! Whoops! Kwakwakang!
The monster must be me and Sarkegaar.
We focused only on avoiding those violent a acks, as if we were at a loss
for what to do with the rampage of a rampaging monster.
- Le !
Knowing that Sarkegar's a ack could pierce his own defense, Le Barrier
Ranche tried to avoid a fatal wound.
He did not allow Haesar Kegar's raid.
The black blade that Sarkegaar makes by transforming a part of his body
It was long enough to break through the defense of Le Barrier Ranche.
However, even if the a ack succeeded by chance, nothing changed.
- Whoa!
No fatal injuries are allowed, and even if you get hurt, you will recover
throw it away
He couldn't even guess where the end of his divine power was.
There is only a long-term ba le, but un l the long-term ba le, I wonder if I
can survive the a ack of Le Barrier Ranche?
was uncertain.
"Lowering! You should also be mindful of avoiding yourself!”
Sarkegaar's cry reached his ears.
You can end the dwarf and retreat
all. definitely have to take that into considera on
I know it's a dot.
I succeeded in rescuing Olivia and Adriana, and I did this in Vallie's name.
But as a result, Adriana and Olivia are once again in danger.
As a result, as a result of the demons saving Adriana and Olivia, those who
doubted themselves will come out. Even if the two don't know anything,
even worse results can occur amid people's misunderstanding and
Or, Le Barrier Ranche will turn a blind eye to this fact, and Olivia may be
tempted to do it again.
If you don't kill Le Barrier Ranche on this spot, what you've done today will
be worse than not doing it.
“No, whether this guy dies or I die, one of the two must die today.”
don't back down
“Do you think there will be a chance of winning?
Le Barrier Ranche looks at me with a cau ous look.
"okay. I don't die here. I will kill you and survive.”
“On what basis are you sure of that?”
Like the fana cism of Le Barrier Ranche.
I also have such fana cism.
“It’s just that it’s meant to be, this
the world.”
A miracle that can happen only to me at any me and conveniently will
happen again this me.
Of course.
self-sugges on?
I don't know about that.
It's just a fact, regardless of whether you believe it or not.
My second life is a bee.
There is no way that the punishment given to me would be inferior to
Levereri Ranche in a place like this.
A li le
A bigger punishment will be given.
There will be some more things I have to endure.
The more sorrows I have to go through,
The pain will be ready.
If I die for just one thing, unless a miracle happens.
I will be disappointed that the punishment given to me is only this.
“There are too many things prepared for me to die for.”
They won't kill me un l I taste them all.
In all of these things, even if I can destroy myself, trample myself, go crazy,
kill or die.
Even if I can overcome all that and achieve happiness.
That's not the place yet.
“Even if the five great gods come here and try to kill me, I will not die. Le
Barrier Ranche.”
This is neither a belief nor a sugges on, just a fact. With that level of
certainty, there was a different light from before in the eyes of Le Barrier
“The blasphemy has gone too far, my lord.”
A fana c confronts another fana c and hates it
feel the Now he feels what I feel for him.
I will not die un l then, since all the prepared plates have not yet been
I will make sure I can no longer force sorrow on Olivia.
What does it mean for Olivia to be herself with her bridles of her sainthood
I'm not going to make you go back to a life that you don't even wonder
Adriana and Olivia.
I will show you how to truly rescue me from the pit of God, faith, and faith.
All the places where humans live, and all the realms where humans exist,
are a gu er for their own reasons.
In the end, again, to know that gu er is not the only thing that exists.
I will give them both freedom.
A life of contempla on and choice, of being forced
Instead of adap ng and giving in, live the life you choose a er your own
i will make it possible
Adriana, Olivia...
I decided to give them real freedom...
I make a more terrifying promise than any other promise I've ever made.
Le Barrier Ranche fixed her sword at my words.
You don't say anything like it's possible.
Something has changed in my look. He seemed to feel it.
Happen this me too
come to me
Don't you s ll want a lot of me?
Because I have a lot to go through.
Are you sending me up to drop me?
'cause it hasn't gone up yet.
| A miracle at a level where I can take the life of an enemy I can never
resist at this level, Le Barrier Ranche.
Prepare for a miracle.
To burn fuel in the name of anger to produce a result called miracle.
I must be angry.
My will was always backed up to go beyond prac cal limits.
Le Barrier Ranche hates me. As if he didn't want to even mix his words
anymore, he prepares to a ack once more.
“Die, Demon King!”
- Get a card!
A shock wave that distorted the earth exploded at the same me as Le
Barrier Ranche's sword slammed. He managed to avoid a direct hit, but
had to roll several laps on the ground. Sarkegaar
They are figh ng hard, but in the end, they only give minor scratches, and
the iron wall named Leverier Ranche was strong.
It is an iron wall that is built up again even if it collapses.
The blue and white light is focused from his sword
starts to become Aggressive use of divine power. That union is at the level
of a simple one-sword
It won't be.
As demonstrated by the explosive ejec on of magical and divine power, Sa
Violin Tana, magicians are not the only ones capable of wide-area a acks.
He was going to kill me and try to escape from this area at once.
He prepares a big room.
Tiamata is the source of my divine power.
But in the end I can't draw the divine power from within me.
Only under limited condi ons can I u lize the power of Tiamata.
The Paladin of Tuan, Le Barrier Ranche.
Tiamata, the holy relic of Tuan.
A er all, I am using the same kind of power, and I am pushed out of that
If you ask me, it's a match. so the same
An output fight using a kind of power
I have no choice but to lose
Whether he is a corrupt priest or a mad fana c, the me and experience
he has accumulated cannot be faked.
“Gone with the light.”
Such is the case of a war hero who returned a er decora ng the Demon
World War with victory.
You have to overcome the me that he has built up that can only be real.
Unless it's a fatal blow to the neck, you'll die.
He's a crazy guy who doesn't even
Then in the end, I must lean on my strength.
faith and speech.
And the fate that will be given to me.
It hasn't come yet, so I won't die.
A miracle that can kill this monster.
I know what it is.
Toward the man who was preparing for the ceremony, I also held Tiamata
with both hands.
Holding it, it's impossible to energize
with will and anger.
The moment when a storm of divine power with physical power is about to
devour me as it slams down the giant.
Towards Tiamata, radia ng seething divine power in all direc ons.
“Become a magic sword.”
- Kureung!
The white light that was seeping in Tiamata became darkness that burned
the light.
Of course to kill monsters that play infinitely with the power of Tuan.
so casually.
You need the power to be the opposite.
It doesn't end with burning. me
is in the waves of light pouring on me
Standing in darkness, I break through the waves.
"You bastard...! What have you done to Tiamata!"
Towards the startled cry of Liberia Ranche, I jumped in.
I was right.
With the same strength, he could not defeat Lvereier Ranche. So, by
summoning the opposite power, it penetrates with the power of the
With opposing powers, you can break through the defense that is like iron
armor and cut off his breath.
only one chance
There's no need to make him understand the situa on. He stops breathing
before he grasps the situa on.
Through the rushing light.
Surrounded by darkness that light can't penetrate, I'm terrified, Liberia
reached at once in the sight of
In one moment, life and death are twisted
I know that history is reversed.
The difference between life and death is only one moment in the end.
[Use 1000 achievement points.]
With the power of a demonic god, I threw my sword back to respond and
shouted at Lvereria Ranche, who was about to stab me.

“ ! This... this is...!”
one step.
Life and death are different even by such a small difference.
Toward the Liberian Ranche whose movement was temporarily blocked by
my words.
- Whoop!
“Wow… heh!”
I succeeded in shoving the demon sword Tiamata into his heart.
Tiamata was transformed into a magic sword.
That was the miracle I was hoping for.
And, by using the regression to strengthen the power of words and spirits,
at the decisive moment, Ruby
The movement of Eoranche was blocked.
As a result,
Le Barrier Ranche was mortally wounded.
This me it was truly fatal.
“Hey, heh heh… heh heh!”
He grabbed Tiamata, the magic sword stuck in his heart, but he vomited
was only doing
Already in the ba le in the firestorm, the Paladins are ge ng weaker as
me goes by.
there was. Those who have reached the limit even in their endurance, the
heart of Le Barrier Ranche
Seeing him kneeling with a hole in him, he started to run away.
Rather than con nuing a defeated ba le for a long me
However, surviving and conveying this situa on
You must be thinking that it will be be er.
“Ugh… uh… huh…”
“You’re bored.”
Even a er his heart was pierced by the magic sword, Ranche did not die
Seeing the young white light swarms all over his body, it was clear that he
was holding on to the leash as much as possible with his divine power.
Even if he orthodoxly beats the power of Sanggeuk, he can s ll use the
power of Tuan, although weakly.
I never expected him to be such a monster.
“Uh…how… ga… t… amata… ga…”
However, the power of a demon that erodes the whole body
Even figh ng with will already be the limit
Although from the same existence,
Although Lvereri Ranche was able to survive Sarkegaar's a ack, he could
not overcome the unholy power flowing through the demonic sword
However, he is only living an ugly life with the power he desperately
squeezed out.
I knelt in front of me and tried to pull out the magic sword stuck in my
heart, but I was just looking down at Le Barrier Ranche, who didn't have
the strength to move even one of his finger ps.
To me watching the end of such a Liberian Ranche, Ro in the form of a
Lycan slope
Yar came.
“Jaeha, I will pursue the escaped paladins.”
"great. Go with Sarkegaar.”
Sarkegaar was also a bit shocked when he saw me fight by changing the
holy sword into a magic sword, but now
I didn't forget what I had to do.
“Don’t miss a single one. No one should know that I was holding a
“Yes, lower.”
To be precise, Olivia is the Holy Sword.
You shouldn't see the Demon King holding a sword, but Sarkegaar must
have put Olivia down at a distance. Olivia
There is no chance of seeing this scene.
“Who are you…..”
Le Barrier Ranche bleeding from her mouth
mu ering quietly.
“Why me? No....why did you a ack us...why did you...why did you...
Just before his death, Le Barrier Ranche seemed to be in doubt.
Why did the self-proclaimed demon king save Olivia and Adriana? What
the hell are you talking about Miss Temple?
He says in a dying voice.
“Let’s cooperate… let’s… Demon Lord…”
Le Barrier Ranche is a dying voice
say quietly
“You… you want the rebuilding of the Demon Realm… Isn’t it… If that’s the
case… then… of the Empire.
Dividing will help you.... Working together... for a common purpose.... to
you... it's an offer you can't refuse.
It is…” 1
I couldn't help but be embarrassed by those words.
“If you were going to say something like that, you should have done it right
With death on the brink of death
nego a ng a compromise
“So, it looks like you are begging for your life.”
“You will also need me….”
If I said these things in my mind, I would betray a human being for the sake
of the kingdom of God.
It will make you look like a fana c.
But now that her life is on the verge of death, what Leverier Ranche is
saying is just her body.
It was just burial.
He is now, in the face of a crisis of death, as if he had abandoned
“I am not innocent in the sense that I am begging for my life from an
enemy because my life is ge ng messed up.”
“It is not that he does not choose any means and methods for an end, but
the means and methods change depending on the situa on, so his
inten ons are not pure.”
“Leveria Ranche, you are disqualified in too many ways to serve Tuan.”
I mean, Le Barrier Ranche is dying
stares at me with his eyes.
“You mean… you really have become Tuan’s champion…?”
“Then you don’t think so?”
Le Barrier Ranche hard on me
see everything
He looks into my eyes quietly.
"is it...."
He saw something he had lost in my eyes
As if trying to find it.
“Yeah… Tuan’s champion was Von D… a person who punished humans.”
Champion of Tuan.
They are not originally demons or undead.
They were human hunters.
They have been corrupted warlocks from genera on to genera on.
I have been tasked with assassina ng demon cults, and my former last
Tuan champion was also killed while figh ng demon cul sts.
Tuan's champion is not a demon or undead, but one who kills humans.
"The fact that the Demon King is Tuan's champion... Actually... it may not
be so strange... I don't know..." |
he looks up at me
It was only on the verge of death that he accepted that I was Tuan's
Did he understand everything because of his own defeat? Does he think his
own defeat is the will of Tu An?
God is right.
So, I die because God has forsaken me.
So, I was wrong.
His fana cism is strong even in the face of death.
it was dry
Even Tiamata, who had turned into a demon sword, seemed to have no
choice but to accept it in the face of death.
If Tuan had truly been on his side, he wouldn't have been able to lose.
He had to admit that, a er all the ques ons I had, I had no choice but to be
Tuan's champion.
I'm the amata stuck in his heart
Pull it out, on the kneeling Leverier Ranche
aimed at his neck.
the guy says
"I believed that I was innocent."
It was a protest, but it wasn't a protest.
Nothing else, Tuan's champion with Tiamata came to kill the paladin who
served the god of innocence.
That is why he le the last excuse that he believed himself to be pure.
He could have been really innocent.
He may have believed that the jus ce he believed in was indeed the right
So he leaves excuses as his last will.
- Scream!
By swiping the Tiamata from top to bo om, I completely cut off Leveria
Ranche's breath.
The fallen priest's life, the fallen castle
water is drunk
In the end, Le Barrier Ranche is the same person.
It went down twice.
I'm s ll, my lungs are ruined
He stood blankly in the monastery.
It was a place where the heavens and earth were vibra ng.
But now the world was only lit by charred ruins, rising smoke, and the pale
moonlight of gyeul.
Ignoring the head of the former Temple Knights commander who lost his
head and the head rolling helplessly, I looked up blankly at the sky.
I end up going where I have to go
What should I say?
Again, if you tell me that I couldn't be there because of something I
couldn't help but tell you,
What would Ellen say?
No, do I have the right to say such a thing now?
In order to prevent the division of the empire, he plans a dreadful task of
annihila ng the former commander of the Seong Electric Division and the
secret socie es of the religious world.
I succeeded
What excuse should I give Eren?
thinking about whether
This is supposed to be funny, but it didn't feel funny at all.
A message appeared in front of my eyes as I stood beneath the winter
[Special Achievement Achievement - The Inflec on Point of History]
[copy The death of a key person who should exist in the original world line
(Leverier Ranche) is confirmed It has been.]
An inflec on point in history caused by killing someone.
That was the first me.
[Acquired the 'Apostle ( 使徒)' trait as a reward for comple ng special
Character: Sado ( 使徒)
Descrip on: You have become the true owner of Tiamata.
It was simple.
I thought I knew what this meant.
Tiamata as a Demon Sword, Tiamata as a Holy Sword.
For the first me in history, I have both
He became the champion of Tuan in the true sense of the word.
Miss & Mr. s ll full of enthusiasm
At the temple contest site, cheers like thunder erupted.
| The long contest has come to an end, and now only the announcement
of the winner remains.
Flowers twinkling on the ceiling of the auditorium
Lou was flying around.
Olivia Ranche, who had been men oned as a strong contender for the tle,
did not par cipate.
Reason for absence is unknown.
-This year's Miss Temple is the first year of the Royal Class! It's Miss Ellen!
But Ellen beat all her other nominees, and she won the glorious Miss
Temple of the Year.
Amid the applause and cheers of the crowd, a wreath and a bouquet of
flowers were delivered to Ellen in a white dress.
Her royal classmates were also congratula ng her Ellen and applauding
However, Ellen's expression on her face, who had won this glorious seat,
was hardened.
Ellen is a splendid wreath that symbolizes the winner.
And holding a bouquet of flowers, she just looked down blankly.
Ellen, who she needed only one vote, took her vote.
got a lot
She got most of the votes, except for that one vote.
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 323
"Senior, what the hell is this... what's going on?"
"I do not know. The important thing is that we shouldn't get involved in
Olivia and Adriana were on their way through the hilly forest. Olivia was
leading her by clasping Adriana's hand, lest she might miss it.
When something like a demon kidnapped Adriana out of the blue, the
already serious situa on got even worse. thought that
There the devil caught himself
When I threw it away, my heart seemed to sink.
When she is dangling in the air and dragged away as if being kidnapped, if
she recklessly exerts her divine powers, Adriana may fall to death without
even knowing herself.
When the devil le him and Adriana in a forest far away from the scene
and le , he couldn't help but be stunned.
Something dangerous or life-threatening
I thought it was a normal procedure.
The devil freed Adriana and Olivia without saying a word, and
As it flaps its huge black wings
It flew away in a flash.
The devil I see for the first me in my head
Crab he was thinking about how to fight it, he didn't even get a chance to
there was no
He was contempla ng whether to take out Tiama a, but the moment
never came.
A thunderstorm swarmed in the distance,
When the locks flashed and a red-hot flame storm began to flow, I thought
that the chaos was right.
It was a chimney to see what was going on, but it was sheer Adriana that
prevented Olivia from moving her steps in that direc on.
Circumstances are unknown, but she must ensure Adriana's safety once
she gets there.
So Olivia was diligently walking away from her field.
Adriana also did not understand this situa on.
“Listen, Adriana.”
“Yes, sir.”
“What happened to us? You can't even tell anyone."
Adriana knows why Olivia is saying this.
“I don’t know what it is, but if someone finds out about this, it will never
go well.”
No ma er how much zodiac the situa on is the situa on
Even in the outskirts, a large-scale inves ga on into the uprising in that
area will have no choice but to begin soon.
Even the devil rescued them for some unknown reason. Then it would
never look good, and in extreme cases, the strange bridle of the devil's
inner circle might be put on.
And, the silence between these two will be effec ve only when all the
paladins over there die.
Olivia knows what's going on
she didn't know
She has to get out of this place.
Olivia con nued to walk, holding Adriana's hand firmly.
Since she was a bit of a fuss, it was clear that there was going to be an
uproar soon, and troops would be dispatched to inves gate.
“Did you do it all?”
So, we regrouped far away from the waste sanctuary.
I, Sarkegaar, Loyar, Elerys,
And to the shivering Radia Schmidt. Radia Schmidt did not see the
ba lefield properly.
However, the flying demons in the night sky, Lord vampires who fire
massive destruc on magic, and the silver beast Ro
I saw Yar.
I saw only four of them slaughtering the most elite members of the Knights
Templar, including Liberia Ranche.
It was a fight that would not have been possible if we had fought in the
best condi on and fully prepared. Originally, I would not be able to
compete with Le Barrier Ranche. Le Barrier Lanze had to fight in a place
where the highest level of destruc ve magic that could turn one person to
ashes at once was spread out, and she lost her life due to an unexpected
variable called Tiamata's magic sword transforma on.
So, strictly speaking, this is
It's just a fluke I made with the magic sword Tiamata, and it's not that my
skill has increased tremendously.
However, that doesn't change the fact that I faced and killed Le Barrier
The fugi ve paladins were Loyar and Sa.
Rkegar took care of everything.
“Everyone, you… are you…”
Radia Schmidt in this incomprehensible situa on
Inside, my servants, including myself, are on fire.
He would have no choice but to look like the absolutes of the demon realm
who persecuted him.
So, now I had to decide what to do with the panicked Ladia Schmidt.
The informa on I needed was the whereabouts of Le Barrier Ranche, and I
got it and solved all the cases.
So Radia Schmidt was useless. Radia Shu in Fear
I look at the mi quietly.
The other three didn't even call me low, so Ladia Schmidt doesn't know the
details of me yet.
However, as long as I am using the demons, I would have guessed my
iden ty to some extent.
The demon king reappeared.
You can't just let Ladia Schmidt go back.
Because I learned a lot of things I shouldn't have known.
Kill it, turn it into a vampire,
You must choose one of the two op ons.
But, Elerys fires me quietly
“Can you leave this child to me?”
“…you’re going to take it?”
Elerys doesn't like slaughter.
But today, Elerys unleashed a series of massive destruc on magic at my
The elites were killed by Loyar, but those who were not elite and had no
power to protect themselves were all killed by Elerys.
did it
So, there are many expressions on Elreris’ expression.
It was bad.
She didn't protest that she couldn't do that to my orders, she did as she
was told.
But the pain is unavoidable.
So, no more slaughter
I felt like I wanted to make it so that I didn't have to do it if I didn't have to.
“I will take responsibility and make him a harmless child.” |
It was Ladia who was terrified of those words.
“I, please... please... please, lord, kill... kill me please...” |
Radia sits down, her weeping body
shrugged off Elerys looked at Radia like that, and she made a lonely
expression on her face.
“I don’t mean to make it into a household.”
"...that, then... then the hell."
“That will be something we will have to do gradually.”
Elerys kills Radia or the snake
In a situa on where you have to make a fire
Standing, she seemed to be trying to find her own be er solu on.
"...great. I believe.”
“Thank you, my dear.”
Elerys sat down with a sad expression and forced her trembling Radia to
stand up. Loyar and Sarkegar had nothing to do with Ereris like that.
There seemed to be no words.
Elerys wouldn't kill Radia.
I will do anything in the direc on of ..
At least it would be be er than leaving it to Loyar and Sarkegaar.
Above all else, Ladia Schmidt is a powerful and talented person at the level
of the elite paladin who remained here. There's nothing wrong with her as
long as she becomes an ally at her disposal.
We returned to the eclip c through Elerys' mass teleport.
Elerys was holding Ladia Schmidt. Ladia had her complexion pale from fear
of what she was going to do, but she had no inten on of resis ng.
Where does she go fana c, she trembles in fear of being bi en by a
There was only one person le .
What is Elerys trying to do with Ladia?
I don't know, but it seemed that Elerys would always have a way. How this
issue was dealt with will be checked later.
Leaving the two of them in the semi-underground of Elerys, I, Loyar, and
Sarkegaar went out into the streets.
“Lord, why is it necessary for the Empire to know of our existence?”
Sarkegaar answered the ques on he had buried.
jay take it out
“A sense of crisis will unite mankind, and I think that unity is not good for
us at all.”
That's a valid ques on.
“I think so too.” Loyard, who had been silent, said the same thing.
I did it because I was asked to, but I couldn't help but hide the door of .
Regarding Tiamata, please provide informa on on the current situa on.
I didn't ques on him because I had said it while sharing.
“I have an idea. I'll explain soon, so wait."
“I’m a li le busy right now.”
Sarkegaar opened his mouth as if he knew
He asked, and Loyar seemed to be on the mend.
If you think hard, there will be excuses to offer, and you will be able to
convince them somehow.
It seemed possible, but I didn't have me to devote to it right now.
I think we need to get back to the temple soon
there was only
It was already close to midnight.
All the official events of the fes val ended today, which is Friday.
The winner of the Miss Temple contest is Ellen.
No winners of the Mr. Temple Contest
Unfortunately, Cliff wasn't the only one. However, Cliff Mann on her stage
received a lot of votes from senior female seniors who were drunk with her
vague charm, so she said she took 3rd place.
vomited her breath.
A er the contest, she even had a parade featuring Miss and Mr. Temple.
Ellen didn't know there was such a thing, but she was pre y good.
Line in the finals and in the parade
Hart didn't show up.
Ellen changed her clothes with Liana's help.
“Something must have happened.”
Liana just spit those words out without haste. She's not so stupid that she
doesn't understand what she's talking about. Eren understood that too.
Some of the classmates who said congratula ons, for some reason, looked
at themselves as if they were pi ful.
Ellen herself knew why she looked at herself that way.
| Harriet hugged her without a word. Harriet seemed to be genuinely
saddened by her, and Ellen was thus made even more miserable.
It's a day that deserves to be celebrated by everyone.
She told Ellen what she heard herself
She can't remember a single thing she said
didn't happen
It felt like her soul had gone out for a moment and then came back.
What happened today?
what did i do
She seemed to be dreaming for a moment.
vain and vain.
Because the moments I worked hard for it were fu le.
A er Liana passed away, Eren puts on makeup.
A er cleaning and showering her, she sat blankly on the bed.
Thousands of cheers and applause echoed like distant echoes of her.
There was someone I wanted to go to.
There was a cket I wanted to receive.
Neither of them was present.
are we together
Ellen made herself miserable for thinking like that.
She was cheered by everyone and admired by everyone.
no wonder.
She felt like she had failed at everything.
Ellen sees a trophy, the proof of her winning Miss Temple, lying in the
It wasn't what I needed...
| There's nothing wrong with receiving it, but it's clearly evidence of
someone's approval,
Eren stares at the trophy.
She went and she opened the door.
I want to change my mood.
Ellen opened the door.
She's just going for a walk.
I want to go for a walk...
There is no other reason. And then she looked around the hallway, looking
around the lobby,
who hasn't come back Looking to see who is there,
Thought she was just trying to divert.
| Ellen quietly scans the A-class dormitory once and heads out of the
He was wearing light training clothes. I don't think much has changed.
Ellen was amazed at the reflec on of herself in her window.
A re is very important
Ellen sees herself through her window as she returns in her sweatpants
and she feels it.
She had a very large gap between the self she used to be and the self she is
She felt miserable even when she was lavishly dressed in a glamorous dress
and with heavy makeup.
It was
Now is the me when she returned to her original form
She looked even more miserable than that.
she wanted to show
When you see me like that, what kind of expression would you make?
I wondered,
She was contempla ng what to say with that figure,
As I s fled those thoughts,
Ellen heads out of the dormitory.
Won't you come back today?
If anything, did something big happen?
Although she didn't want to think about it, Ellen was confused by the
thoughts that kept coming to her.
She asked me to come, but she didn't come, so she must have a good
Then, as she always did, did she go through something dangerous again?
Then she's more worried than sad that she didn't come
shouldn't it
Aren't you supposed to go find it?
Feeling her imagina on growing out of control, Ellen heads to the entrance
to her dormitory.
And, she sees there.
it's the back
Day me si ng on the landing at the entrance to the dormitory
A ripe back was seen.
The temple uniform was casual, but the back of the head was familiar.
A lot of confusion, ques ons, and sadness that come to her mind subside
for a moment.
Ellen quietly approaches the back figure.
"what are you doing?"
“Uh, uh huh!”
When I called from behind, Reinhardt, startled, almost rolled forward and
got up.
“Uh, uh… that. That… that.”
It's a cold day.
Reinhardt, whose face was completely frozen a er si ng for so long. He
was looking at himself with a puzzled expression.
His finger ps, face, and p of his nose went red.
He doesn't come inside, so why is he si ng blankly on the dormitory
Ellen sees Reinhardt like that and she giggles.
“Isn’t it cold?”
“...that, that... uh. that. that is...."
Even though it was cold, I couldn't come in. I was supposed to come in, but
couldn't I?
I have to say something, but I don't think I can convince him with any
On such a cold night, Reinhardt was unable to enter the dormitory even
a er returning a long me ago.
It must have been because he didn't know what to say when he
encountered himself. He might run into him wherever he is in the dorm
So he couldn't decide whether or not to come in from outside the
dormitory, and he would have just sat there.
Ellen sees Reinhardt trembling.
She's not shivering because it's cold, it's clear that she's shivering for some
other reason.
look at ruth
That look was so stupid.
“Isn’t it cold?”
"...that, uh... a li le?"
“I want to go for a walk.”
Reinhardt shook his head at Ellen's words.
“No, it’s not cold at all. uh. That’s it.”
Ellen looked at Reinhardt like that and cried.
she grinned.
"let's go."

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 324

Sinners have no words.
So Reinhardt just stared at him without saying a word.
Ellen walked away without saying a word.
So they kept a reasonable distance, and Ellen walked a li le bit ahead, and
Reinhardt followed her.
The fes val lasts un l the weekend. So even though it was night, there
were fewer people, but the main street side was full of bright lights. The
two walked up the hill near the Royal Class and looked at the night view.
The two walked for a while.
We didn't run together, but the two of us
It was a running course. Therefore, it was a place we saw every day, so we
were used to it even at night, and we both knew where it was going and
where it was going.
The two walk on a path they know each other well.
At the top of the bench on the hill with a good view, Ellen took a seat first,
and Reinhardt carefully sat next to him.
“I didn’t tell you to sit down.”
“Uh, uh.”
Reinhardt was startled by Ellen's words and got up as soon as he touched
his bu .
Ellen looking at Reinhardt terrified
this laughed
“What does it ma er if I ask you to sit or not?”
Uh, that… uh… that’s.”
“Just sit down.”
I'm no cing it to the point of being serious
see. Even if you make such a big mistake
like one did.
Watching Reinhardt crouching next to her, Ellen quietly gazed at the night
view of the Temple.
look down
Did Reinhardt make such a big mistake?
Why is that wrong?
Ellen couldn't explain exactly why.
However, she felt as if the whole world had abandoned her. It was sad and
Not true.
Rather, the whole world chose you
And, there was only one person who abandoned him.
Why is it that the whole world has abandoned itself?
Did you feel the same way?
That is, Reinhardt was his whole three
Probably because it's nothing like an award.
Ellen sees the flowers falling in front of her.
It wasn't a flower.
“…that’s right.”
Suddenly, it was snowing.
Snow, like white blossoms, is gradually falling.
It's not a very friendly situa on.
We don't know what to say to each other, so even one wrong word will
hurt us
Because I don't know if I can exchange it.
Reinhardt explained what his circumstances were.
I may have to explain it in some way.
How does Ellen heal her own wounds?
may have to be explained as
Both of them just couldn't say anything about it, knowing that even the
slightest mistake would result in a big fight.
what are you
for what you are
for what the hell we are
When such words start to come out, there is no choice but to hurt each
you know it's all over
The two don't say anything.
snowy winter night.
Ellen and Reinhardt sit on a bench and quietly meet their eyes.
Because it's cold, the snow on the ground melts
As soon as it falls to the ground, the snow dri s somewhere when the
wind blows.
So, the wind blows and piles up in the corner.
Eyes are like that.
what are we
How did this happen?
Where did something go wrong and did it become this way?
Elle thought about it, but she couldn't figure out where the star ng point
Reinhardt was hit in the head by his own training sword in the first ba le of
his swordsmanship class.
when you fainted?
Reinhardt, who had fainted, woke up,
Lunch with strange food you've never heard of
When we asked to eat together?
To myself who keeps ea ng something in the morning
When Reinhardt started meddling with this and that?
he'd be the first to feed himself
at the me?
Or, when he couldn't stand the many interferences and started teaching
swordsmanship himself?
Or go to the Darklands and do terrible things
A er experiencing them?
Ellen looked back one by one and finally
she realizes
Things that could be called a beginning are sca ered everywhere, and they
pile up and pile up.
has become something
snow is piling up
The accumulated snow should be removed.
The accumulated me cannot be erased.
That is why, the mes when the name Reinhardt was a ached to the space
of the heart.
piled up
piled up and piled up
Ellen's heart was filled with the me when Reinhardt's name tag was
a ached.
Now, I'd rather hate you.
Ellen didn't like that. Even if she fills the blank space of her heart with her
hatred and sadness for Reinhardt, there are already too many empty
I want to hate you, but I can't
And it was weird.
I already know.
Even if Reinhardt can't tell you, a lot
that I'm sorry
His hands and face are so red that he kills me outside in vain.
She couldn't explain anything about what made her sad again,
She must be sorry for that.
It was herself who was upset with her, but Ellen somehow seemed like
Reinhardt was struggling more.
It looked like she was suffering because she couldn't even say she was
Ellen wondered what was bothering Reinhardt. But, as she always did,
Reinhardt wouldn't tell.
“You didn’t have to come to see me.”

Ellen says so.
“You didn’t have to come to see me, you didn’t have to.”
Ellen says so quietly. The two have no such obliga ons to each other.
“So…don’t be so sorry…”
There's no need for Reinhardt to feel obligated by the allusion to Ellen's
And, she complained about not keeping it
There is no reason for Reinhardt to feel so guilty, nor for Ellen to feel sad.
Reinhardt looked at Ellen silently.
it's not that she's okay
She stares at Ellen pretending to be okay.
- Warak
Reinhardt suddenly pulls Ellen out
she hugged
“I just… get angry…”
"Because you're enduring... more frightening... and more sorry..."
There's no reason to be angry.
Lee judges, but in her heart, there was no choice but to be angry and sad.
Is it okay for us to be angry and sad at each other over these things?
Ellen wasn't sure.
However, Reinhardt pulled himself
was holding
She was rather cold.
Her body and hands had cooled from how long she had been outside, and
Ellen was colder as she hugged her.
However, while she is shivering from the cold, Reinhardt hugs her rather.
I don't know what happened, but I'm so sorry.
He said he was going to have a harder me.
If this were the case, it would have been really unavoidable.
Ellen convinces herself.
People don't understand what they can understand.
understand what you want to understand
Eren understands Reinhardt now.
wanted to So, she understands in her heart that something important must
have happened.
She's having such a hard me with her, and she's convinced that something
important must have happened to her.
In Reinhardt's cold arms, Ellen clenched her teeth.
Reinhardt's shirt got a li le wet
go in
“... Sad... I did...” |
"I... ten... work hard... work hard... prepare... do... but..."
Reinhardt hugged Ellen as Ellen trembled her body li le by li le, while
holding her breath and weeping, interrup ng her words li le by li le.
“No ma er how... no ma er how many cars you find... uh. No... No... No...
No... Black... Ugh... Please... Please come... ”
Ellen thinks while she cries.
It must be Reinhardt, not me, who should be comforted.
S ll, she couldn't stop the tears.
Tears are like that.
It was a deep, dark night.
A er crying for a while, Ellen fell from Reinhardt's arms.
Then, she stared blankly at her temple.
Reinhardt didn't tell me what happened, and Eren didn't even bother to
tell me.
she didn't ask
Naturally, Reinhardt was restless.
She cried for a long me, and then suddenly Ellen stopped and she was
blankly staring at the night view. Has her heart not been unse led yet?
I want to know what to do...
In reality, the opposite is true.
Ellen was clenching her teeth.
Not because of anything else, but because of shame.
It's because she realizes what she's done when her feelings are released.
She went to a beauty pageant, but her friend didn't come.
I mourn as if the world were to perish
there was A er crying for a long me, I now realize what I've done.
It may not come.
It was Ellen who found it difficult to bear this situa on when her heart
began to feel be er.
That's why Ellen can't say this or that, and she's just staring at the night
view, as she stares blankly with a firm expression on her face.
Why did I feel empty as if I had lost the whole world with just such a thing?
Rather, I now understand.
Can not be done.
Reinhardt wasn't there.
That's why the world fell asleep
I felt the same way.
Now Reinhardt is next to him.
At least, that made it all right.
Ellen looks at Reinhardt first.
It's okay, now I'm just grumpy
“Uh, that… uh. Why. Do you have anything to say...?"
Reinhardt, who is s ll very low-key, is flir ng with the feeling that he will
do anything if asked.
'I need you.'
The grumpy feeling I had for nothing was released just by looking at that
face again. Ellen got up from her bench.
her snow is falling
Thinking of Reinhardt's ice-cold body, he could no longer be outside.
“Is it cold?”
“It’s ok, like this.”
Walking back, Ellen looked at Reinhardt.
"You've been outside ever since."
I'm s ll looking outside
I was wai ng, she went outside
It must have been colder than walking.
Reinhardt just walked like it was okay
there was
“If it’s cold, you can go in.”
Ellen wants Reinhardt to catch a cold, she says.
“…I just want to be with you like this.” "Ah."
At those words, Ellen felt her heart pounding.
It's just like saying nothing. as usual I think he said something like that.
It makes me think of anything I say or think for nothing.
She thought Ellen was crazy and she thought she was crazy.
She was lonely and tormented as if she had been abandoned by the world
un l just a moment ago.
It's like she has the whole world now
It was a strange feeling.
She's a human being, so can she get her feelings up and down in an
Can one person feel like my everything?
If that person smiles, I like it too
If that person likes me, I like it too.
Can all my feelings come from just one person? Is it okay for me to become
someone other than myself who owns my life?
The two are walking on a snowy night street.
Coming downhill, Reinhardt looks at Ellen with her squint and says:
“Be careful. Then it slipped and woah!”
To warn you not to slip. Let's go backwards on the downhill road
Seeing Reinhardt who had fallen, Ellen became confused and tried to raise
Reinhardt who had fallen.
- Slip!
- Boom!
And, in doing so, he himself slipped and hit her bu wheel.
“…what are you doing, you and me?”
The two got up and pa ed their ass.
While maintaining a reasonable distance, the two walk on a snowy night
At the foot of the hill, the sounds of people rejoicing could be heard from
afar in the dazzling night view of Main Street.
Even at night, food is sold in the stalls that are open 24 hours a day. Ellen
quietly alternates between the distant night view and Reinhardt.
oh look
"...I want to go?"
Ellen got her paws on the ball, she's s ll
nodded his head.
Ellen says I don't really want to go at this me, I just want to go because it's
this me
will be
the first snowy night.
'cause we're together
“If you want to go, go.”
The end of the fes val was drawing to a close.
It's not the last, but it's the last night.
But for Ellen, she felt that the fes val had just begun.
It's only now that we've reached the end and only the two of us can be
with Reinhardt. Ellen feels the fes val.
It was past midnight, but Main Street was packed with people.
It is impossible to drink alcohol because it is inside the temple, but because
it is a fes val period, there are many things to see and enjoy even at night.
it was because
of course,
In Ellen's case, she said it was edible.
it was limited.
“This is delicious.”
“Oh, yes.”
Ellen looked at Reinhardt with a fat expression.
I handed a rice cake skewer to Reinha
Ruth ate it without saying a word.
Some emo ons similar to anger but not anger have already been released.
However, Reinhardt s ll thinks of himself as a sinner, so he doesn't say
anything by Ellen's side.
followed this
He wasn't par cularly friendly.
The two were walking down the street,
I used to watch things, watch street performances, and buy food from
street vendors.
Of course, Ellen was special today.
- That person. Isn't that him?
-uh? Yeah.
Reinhardt was surrounded by himself.
Of course, I couldn't help but hear the whispers.
A group of men and women on the street cau ously approached her and
blocked her to sleep. Reinhardt frowned as he did.
“What’s wrong with blocking the way people go…”
"Aren't you Miss Temple?!"
Reinhardt at the sudden words
hardened, and Ellen nodded her head calmly.
“Uh, somehow… Even in plain clothes, it seems to shine!”
Watching Ellen, who casually admits, and the crowd clamoring that she
was right, Reinhardt smirked.
this is gone
“Are you… elected?”
Reinhardt mu ered blankly, as if he had never imagined that would
happen, and Ellen looked at Reinhardt's astonished reac on and her
mouth began to pop out.
" why not?"
“Ah, no, that, it’s not, it’s not.”
With her mouth open, Ellen began to walk forward with a staggering stride.
Reinhardt puts Ellen out of her mind
One warm lemon tea was enough to wash it off.
“No, of course, she didn’t know she was going to fall, she didn’t say
anything, so what… I thought she fell.”
The two of them sat on a bench and drank li le by li le while holding cups
of warm herbal tea.
Not just the contest venue, but actually
She was also in the parade procession, so there were quite a few people
with good eyesight on the street recognizing Ellen in her plain clothes.
There was no one to talk to directly, but there were a lot of them as they
passed by.
- Isn't that Miss Temple?
- I see.
- Next to you? are you boyfriend
-........Damn it.
...No, I'm sorry, so what are you going to do?
- No, who said that?
- Arthur, she's Miss Temple, and she's even called the Royal Class.
- really?
As they passed by, everyone looked at Ellen and said one word at a me,
and at the same me, they had no choice but to listen to Reinhardt next to
each other.
there was no
Ellen's mouth was slowly popping out in a different sense than her just.
It seemed like it was bothersome for people to recognize him. Miss Temple
or whatever, Ellen didn't care about that at all.
I just thought it was annoying because people recognized me.
She received cheers and applause from many people.
This year in a pure white dress
Miss Temple that night was a black trek
They are just walking around the winter nights with a cup of herbal tea in
their evening clothes. I know people sleep
While giving out a lot of tea that it's bothersome.
Ellen looks at Reinhardt.
“It’s all because of you.”
“…that… well. uh. I'm sorry...."
Reinhardt didn't know what to do with the staring gaze, as if he couldn't
achieve what he wanted, but only side effects.
In the end, Ellen and Reinhar were bothered by people recognizing,
cha ng, and some mes even talking to them.
Trot was off Main Street.
It was also night, so I went to the main street
Outside, the crowd was very small.
It was snowing, and snow was slowly accumula ng on their heads and
“Miss Temple... to be elected. Congratula ons."
“…that means nothing.”
“……Is that so?”
L, who competed with a meaning to something else
Because it was Ren, she dared not hear congratula ons
She didn't even want to go. especially in that mouth.
The more quietly they walk, the more snow accumulates on their
shoulders and heads.
“Stay s ll.”
Reinhardt, who had been walking for a while, stopped Ellen for what was
bothering her and brushed her snow from her shoulder and her head.
Just wondering if that's the case, I try to walk again, but Ellen looks at
Reinhardt's shoulder.
it was
Even there, her snow was piled up.
She doesn't even think about wiping the snow off her shoulders and head,
and she brushes the snow off her shoulders.
Maybe she didn't even think about it.
The snow on Ellen's head and shoulders
I see, she of course doesn't think there's snow on her shoulders,
That's why he looked at Reinhardt, who couldn't shake it off, and Ellen,

Ellen put her eyes on Reinhardt's shoulders, her eyes on her head, this
me she was on her own.
brushed it off
Brushing her off, Ellen gave a li le
she says
"you are a fool."
Reinhardt, suddenly bewildered as if he was talking about something,
walked next to Ellen as Ellen walked in front of her, aligning her feet again.
Reinhardt is a strange guy.
“You are weird.”
“……I don’t listen to it a lot.”
Ellen walks quietly.
“I thought he was a strange person from the beginning, and I s ll think he
is strange.”
“…Is that so?”
Ellen exhales her white breath and gently sips her herbal tea.
She had been carrying it for quite some me, so she was a bit cold.
“But the weirdness when I first thought you were weird and the weirdness
when I think you’re weird now… I think it’s very different.”
She gets everywhere and gets quarreled
Inhart was strange.
However, as me passed, the Reinhardt today, who had learned a lot about
Reinhardt, was a very strange person in a different sense from that me.
“It would have been nice if you weren't a strange person. I think like that,
Ellen exhales her white breath as she sighs, looking at Reinhardt.
“If it weren’t for you, this wouldn’t have happened.”
Ellen mu ered to herself. Ellen turns her gaze away from Reinhardt, and
she looks in front of her again.
“Did you want to come today?”
“Naturally speaking....”
“Don’t be vague.”
Ellen stopped her steps, Line Ha
turn the rut back
And then she came straight up Reinhardt
I look.
She looks at Ellen Reinhardt, as if she wants a defini ve answer.
It is a rela onship filled with vague words. When something became
certain she was afraid something would break, so she always spoke
around. La
Inharart and Ellen, therefore, had a strange rela onship that could be
nothing and nothing.
I was trying to make sure
Reinhardt couldn't come, so that's a kid
has been worn out
S ll, make sure you do this
I want to.
Ellen looked straight into Reinhardt's eyes, as if she didn't want to avoid
Ask directly.
“Did you miss me today?”
I'm not going to follow what didn't come.
I won't even ask what happened.
I won't say any more sorrow and sorrow.
Ellen asks for a defini ve answer.
Reinhardt nodded.
But she said Ellen would stop there
At that ques on, Reinhardt turned to Ellen.
she looks quietly
Reinhardt, who had been contempla ng for a long me, seemed to be
unable to win in the end.
He opens his mouth as if to confide.
“...I think I will regret it for the rest of my life. I couldn't go today."
Regret is not a good word, but the combina on of those two words gives a
pre y good sound.
you can influence my life
a person who has
It was as if he had heard such a thing.
“Shall I show you?”
Reinhar with an immediate answer
At T's reac on, Ellen smiled involuntarily.
sound went off
It was such a stupid look.
I really wanted to come.
I really couldn't help it.
Countless Excuses and reasons are all necessary
An answer that jumps out at one word, “Should I show you?” and a stupid
The expression on Ellen's face removed all the remaining sediment.
The two returned to the dormitory.
"Strange." weird is that?
“I can’t wear it alone.”
-....Ah... I guess.
Ellen tried to put on her dress she wore today in her own room and she
messed up.
became a person
She can't even ghten a corset by herself
Your dress was puffy as if it had been worn loosely.
She said she showed, but on the way back, Ellen knew something was
She realized that she was.
She is the dress she helped Liana wear in the first place. So she realized
that Ellen couldn't wear her clothes at all on her way back.
She'll be fine, and once she's back in her dorm, she whimpered in the dress
she wore today in her room, but she realized it was impossible. It was
Ellen, not Reinhardt, who fell into the mood for her.
She couldn't wear makeup and had all her hair shaved off, so all her
worries about what she was going to do were fu le.
She can't even wear it alone.
It's dawn and she can't even wake Liana from sleeping.
She looks in the mirror and she sees herself in a mess, with her clothes
literally draped over her body.
I had to show you this, so I couldn't.
When she asked how things were going, the last one was this.
In the end she can't show her.
Ellen was just furious.
She hit the floor of her room with her feet.
-thud! bang bang!
-Why, why?!
Ellen, full of heartache, tried to take off her dress, which she had barely
worn, at best.
Of course, dresses are difficult to put on and difficult to take off.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 325

In the end, Ellen changed into her training clothes again.
Ellen was very angry.
The situa on itself made her angry, and she was so grumpy that she
couldn't stand it.
Most of all, she couldn't show what she wanted to show, but Reinhardt,
who finds this situa on amusing, was very upset.
She said she would show her in a dress, but she eventually realizes she
can't wear it alone, and is so upset with herself that she's so mad.
However, Ellen was a bit curious.
Reinhardt can't wear a dress alone
Asking why he said he would
But I answered yes.
Surely, as if I had worn it before.
Of course, that's never going to happen.
Anyway, Reinhardt said that it was inevitable that he couldn't show it.
seemed to understand
The two are now in a restaurant.
It's been quite a while since we had dinner together because we were both
busy during the fes val.
"What do you want to eat?"
So Reinhardt became
We just wanted to eat something, and the restaurant brought Lo Ellen.
“Beef stew.”
Ellen, who is heartbroken, tells her that it will take a long me, and she
orders a troublesome menu.
But today I will do anything.
Reinhardt nodded his head as if he was amused. I thought I'd say one or
two hateful words, but it's not.
Standing, Ellen was a li le surprised.
Ellen stares at Reinhardt who goes into her kitchen and immediately
prepares something for her.
I wanted to show you, but I'll show you in the end
But is it really that important?
- plump plump
Reinhardt starts cu ng right away
Seeing the figure, Ellen smiled. Ellen watches Reinhardt as she cooks
- Ha ha ha...
Not long a er, she heard a noise from the hallway, and Ellen turned her
-Uh, Ellen?
As Harriet, looking very red, walked down her hallway, she met her own
eyes. Maybe she was working un l late in the magic lab.
Harriet finds Ellen si ng in the dining room and slowly approaches.
“I haven’t slept un l now…”
As she was about to go on to say something, Harriet looked towards her
kitchen and her eyes widened.
Disappointed for a while.
Ellen could see Harriet's twins rising in her eyes.
- Uh, huh?
Harriet strode towards her kitchen, shou ng in a chirping voice. -you!
where have you been today
- Uh... Huh? What, go, why all of a sudden?
- You don't say anything and you're wandering around.
did you come? Why didn't the contest come?
-Uh... Oh, no. thing. Is that...?
- Well, say it quickly!
- There was something...
- What is the situa on? this bad bastard
-Ahhh! Ah! Why hit! Why are you bea ng?! I, am I holding a knife? uh?
You're holding a knife... Uh-huh!
- This is bad! Bad! bloke! Ah!
Ellen said that Harriet was blushing to her face.
A knock on Reinhardt's back
see the look Ellen is blank and she is
She watches the wet.
The anger has to be mine.
Rather, Harriet was furious with her blushing face.
- Hey, do this with real power!? by force! uh? Because I'm just being
beaten, these days, they just say 'Joo-Fal' all the me? Can you show me
your strength too? uh?
- Huh... Shouldn't it be a good thing to only do it by force? Are you special?
Make it a specialty? wanna s ck with it?
-Oh, no... it's not...
-then! Quietly right! anyway i
It doesn't hurt even if I hit it!
- Gye, it won't hurt if you keep ge ng hit!
Harriet is very angry.
Maybe Harriet should have wished Reinhardt didn't come. Ellen thinks so,
but Harriet is really mad and doesn't like Reinhardt.
She was grinding her shoes.
Ellen seemed to understand to some extent why Harriet was so angry.
As much as Harriet cherishes Reinhardt, he may be just as concerned about
the wounds he has received today.
So, rather than congratula ng her for being elected Miss Temple, didn't
Heriot hug her as if comfor ng her?
Ellen wasn't very angry.
Harriet is ge ng angry on Ellen's behalf.
because it's funny
Thanks again for her.
And I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Ellen laughed.
I don't know why I'm crying.
Ellen laughed, she quietly wept
“Are you just trying to eat me just because you hit me? Did you develop it
for this purpose?"
"of course."
The three of them sat down with a pot of beef stew in the middle.
Somehow, she was with Harriet too, but Ellen didn't feel uncomfortable
about it.
“It’s snowing.”
Harriet looking out the dining room window
she does The two came back with a lot of eyes
It's true, but Harriet is in the magic lab.
Because it looked like it was stuck.
“Would you like to go out to eat on the terrace?”
Harriet seemed to be imagining a picture of him ea ng a warm stew while
looking at the snowy landscape.
Harriet de Saint-Ouen tends to a ach a lot of importance to roman c
It didn't look too bad, so the two went out to the dining room terrace and
put the saucepan on the table there.
The night wind was cold, but it was so cold
didn't The three of them sit at a table on the terrace, scoop out a bowl of
stew and eat it li le by li le.
It's not snowing, but it's snowing.
It had been raining for quite some me, so there were quite a few clothes
piled up.
“I remember making a snowman.”
As Harriet said so, she smiled so ly as she thought of the me.
“It was probably a giant, not a man.”
“Anyway, you idiot.”
Ellen made a human eye, and Harriet made a giant snow giant.
She also re-entered the castle epi-ax and knew that it was a haunted place.
Harriet suddenly came to mind. He turned to look at Reinhardt and Ellen
“But you know what’s funny?”
"No? You don't know?"
“...Would you like to refute what I said straight away?
Really annoying!”
“Why are you so angry with kids these days? Is that also a disease?"
Harriet's face turned red at Reinhardt's sarcasm.
“Really, who do you have to scratch at once a day? Why are people like
“… Strictly speaking, you are not who you are. It’s only for you.
“Don’t use words like that! I'm really annoyed!"
Harriet's lips tremble. Just watching Reinhardt's expression of being mean
to Harriet makes him ill. Even though he's not doing it to himself,
some mes his fists are clenched when he sees it.
“So what’s funny?”
"I do not know! I forgot to make you mad!”
Harriet gleefully ate a spoonful of the stew.
Naturally, discharged very hot stew
Because I ate it without cooling it, Harry
His eyes were round and he couldn't even spit, and he swung his arms up
and down and rolled his feet.
“Spit Mom! what are you doing?"
Reinhardt looked at him like he was pathe c, and Harriet trembled for a
while, wondering if he couldn't spit out what he ate with the dignity of the
Grand Duchess, and then managed to get over it.
"The roof of my mouth is all cracked..."
Harriet smirked and opened his mouth.
“It must be hot, eat something cold.”
“What happened? Bring me some water... Hey. Well, what are you trying
“It’s cold.”
Harriet's complexion turned blue as he looked at Reinhardt, who seemed
to want something cold and was bringing snow that had piled up on the
pa o railing.
new Year
"What are you doing right now... No, no? Don't... No way..."
Harriet has that.
I can figure out what crazy Reinhardt is going to do in my head.
S ll, I am.
There were mes when I didn't react at all for a while because I thought
that he would do that to me.
And Reinhardt does it without a doubt
throwing away is a madman
- Pak!
Harriet was astonished when a ball of snow orthodoxy entered his own
He screamed.
“Isn’t it cool?”
“You, G, now, G, Gigi. What did you do to me... what did you do to me...?”
Reinhardt starts to giggle as Harriet puts his eyes in his mouth and looks
When something unexpected happens, I can't even get angry for a while,
but this is my partner.
Of course, for a while.
Harriet wiped the snow from his lips with his trembling hand, and his face
turned red.
He reached out to Sun Reinhardt.
"Really die!"
- Whoa!
A blue energy line appeared on Harriet's forearm.
crawling, Reinhardt hit by the shock wave was thrown out of the terrace as
it is
I went out and fell to the ground.
“You must be a real madman!”
“No, if it’s hot, put in a cold one.
Yay. Isn't it?"
Reinhardt, who was thrown out of the first floor, climbed up while holding
onto the terrace railing, sat down at the table again.
Although Harriet was very nervous,
Reinhardt's clothes covered in snow
brushed it off
“By the way, if it’s hot, spit it out. Are you forced to eat it?"
“Because I was taught to live with dignity, not from the street like anyone
"okay? just ugh! Ouch! Does being mean while doing it belong to dignity?"
“Ge... G... Gill? you, what are you... ha. Gee, really... Really... And when did
I ever do like you!”
Reinhardt just did what Harriet did
As he mimicked his body by twis ng his body excessively, Harriet started
arguing again for a while to see if he had go en more ill.
When the two of you are together, they cha er for a while in useless
noises. The words that followed each other holding each other's tails had
no nutri onal value, but me flew by when you listened to them.
In the end, we give each other for a long me, then we receive
They both got red of each other, so they later started ea ng the stew
"pre y...."
Harriet mu ered blankly as he looked at the snowy landscape.
“Thank you.”
“…I didn’t say anything to you… Whoo, whoo, whoo… I don’t fish. Aren't
you going to stay?"
How long a er this, as if immunity was built A er that, it's Harriet's way of
reac ng right away to whatever you say.
fes val night.
It wasn't that loud.
In the end, the three of them get together on a quiet snowy night and just
eat beef stew.
This is always the case. It's not a very special day.
But, of course, Ellen knows that these moments don't last forever.
Someday I will not be able to live like this
this will come
Then, remembering this me.
Every day we spent was special
I thought, I would think so,
Ellen vaguely guessed.
Maybe it was just something like this.
As it has been, in the future
Con nue too.
Just keep living like this
maybe that's enough
Don't be greedy and don't want anything more of her, Ellen finds herself
happy enough for this.
Because I don't want to get any closer.
Maybe it doesn't ma er if we don't get farther away
I don't know.
“Hey, get some water.”
“Ji, to me now… is that so?”
“Then who are you?”
“Don’t order me!”
"Damn, what I did is you just eat with a s ck and can't even get a glass of
"Uh, uh! It's okay if you think of it!"
There is probably only one person in the world who treats the Grand
Duchess so harshly, Reinhardt. Harriet's reac on to him was cute even
when Ellen was watching.
Grand Duchess.
As soon as my thoughts reached that point, Ellen forgot.
Her ques on came to mind.
“By the way, I have a ques on.”
Ellen lts her head quietly.
"Are you curious?"
Harriet said she had brought her a bo le of water, and she looked at Ellen,
as if she was asking what she was when she said she had a ques on.
“How did Harriet’s parents know Reinhardt?”
“Ah… that, that…”
At the subtle reac on of the two, Ellen lted her head.
I passed on her details to Reinhardt.
Ellen nodded her head.
“Ah… that senior?”
Adriana's sudden resigna on
She knew Yagin Ellen, but she didn't know her details.
Of course, Reinhardt also explained her circumstances.
No, it was something like that, so we had to go to the Duchy of Saint-Ouen,
and on the way back, we stopped at Arnaria, the White Palace because of
the warp gate problem, and we just talked about how we got to know each
other a er that.
Reinhardt's complexion darkened slightly when Adriana's name appeared,
but Ellen only thought she was worried that it was because of her concern.
As if Harriet is excited, she vomits to Ellen.
“Isn’t he really weird? no ma er how
Even if it's the same Royal Class as me. Does it make sense to come to our
palace at once and knock on the door and ask for priority to use the warp
“…that’s right.”
It is not a place where Arnaria can go to and from her friend's house, and it
is rude to visit her friend's house so late.
But it wasn't a friend's house, it was a visit to a palace in a country like
"No, if I was absent without a word .... I thought you guys would try to
catch me and kill me."
Reinhardt protests in a low voice.
Even more so, Ellen was surprised that the Archduke opened the door and
welcomed the whole family.
She wondered what it was, but that Adriana's troubles were intertwined,
which she was very surprised to Ellen. think
Ellen also had a rough idea when it was Bonnie Reinhardt's visit to the
Principality of Saint-Ouen.
Even so, I've been to that far place in one day..
Ellen finds Reinhardt's ac ng skills are weak.
She was good enough to do the lyrics. Her forgo en ques ons were also
resolved, so the three tried to eat the stew again.
".......uh. excuse me...."
But when Harriet no ced something in the scenery outside the terrace,
she pointed it.
The first-year dormitory is on the first floor.
And because it's a terrace, the view outside is a bit
appeared more clearly.
Where Harrio pointed, Ellen could see the man who had disappeared
“…that old man.”
And it's even weirder.
Together with the re red senior that I just men oned
there was.
Olivia and Adriana were walking into the Royal Class dorm.
Reinhardt jumped up from his seat and looked at the two of them.
Some strange emo ons flashed through Reinhardt's eyes, but Ellen didn't
know what it was.
Olivia and Adriana had no choice but to make eye contact with Seth
watching them from the terrace.
- Ah, Reinhardt...
Olivia Lanche.
- Junior...
- Sorry, I'm a li le busy right now. later boy
let's wait
| Before Reinhardt could say anything, Olivia led Adriana around and
walked towards the entrance of the dormitory.
Harriet and Ellen looked at it and giggled, and Reinhardt sat back down.
The tournament is runner-up.
Miss Temple did not even par cipate.
Then, with Adriana, who suddenly dropped out, I returned to the temple in
the middle of the night.
...that sister, what happened today?
Reinhardt takes a sip of water.
“…I’ll ask you later.”
Reinhardt used to say that, and he
It was just one sip.
Ellen looks at Reinhardt like that.
Reinhardt went to the Duchy of Saint-Ouen to hear that Adriana was
dropping out.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 326

next day.
There was a great commo on in the eclip c.
Last night, in the southern outskirts of the eclip c
Rumors about a group of ba les that took place
Because it flowed right in.
A monster, presumed to be a demon, flew in the night sky, and large-scale
destruc on magic was cast to affect the weather.
"The demon has appeared!"
Naturally, such rumors are bound to flow quickly to the Temple.
I was quietly listening to Kono Lint picking up the rumors he picked up on
the street and serving them up.
“Magic? What kind of demon are you all of a sudden?” | “Yesterday,
demons must have appeared in the southern part of the eclip c, so there
was a lot of chaos.”
“What happened?”
“I didn’t even listen closely. They just said that demons appeared…”
As it happened last night, the specific circumstances may not have been
revealed yet. all the kids are at the fes val
It was natural to be astonished at the news of the sudden a ack by
It was breakfast me, and Ellen looked at me with a serious expression on
her face.
“Are those demons back then?”
"... it probably is."
“What this me?”
Ellen, Herriot, and Liana. All of their classmates, including them, are
I was stunned by the news.
I can't do that if I'm going to be suspicious.
Even if I didn't tell you about what happened yesterday, to think that I was
involved in the raid would be too much of a leap forward.
In the first place, his friend might be a demon.
It is absurd to be suspicious of it.
At best, Ellen can help through Rotary clubs.
You will suspect the possibility of one day being involved in a crime.
The a ack of demons is very different from the scale issue.
There are mes when it is so absurd that it is not even suspected.
It is clear that Charlo e and Bertus will be busy again, and the conclusion is
A state of emergency would be declared on the eclip c, and the fes val
would no longer be able to last.
As I expected, Charlo e was absent, and Sabi Olin Tana, who was ac ng as
the interim homeroom teacher, was not seen from her dormitory as she
had returned to the Imperial Palace.
The most elite paladins near the capital
I had to do it because I was slaughtered.
If the eclip c is not south of the eclip c
If it had been a acked, you would think that the casual es would have
been enormous.
At a me when people were s ll crowded, if even one of the highest level
of destruc ve magic used in ba le by the high-ranking demons was thrown
into the eclip c, tens of thousands of units would die ridiculously.
would have gone
So, the feast is over.
Now it's me for everyone to go home. The top floor of the dormitory, an
empty club room.
I sat there with Olivia and Adriana.
Last night, with the permission of her homeroom teacher, Adriana seemed
to have stayed overnight in Olivia's room. Originally she would have been
impossible, but Adriana seemed to be able to easily obtain her permission
because she was once a Temple student.
"How have you been, junior...?"
“Yeah, what is it…”
Adriana made the excuse that she had come to play, but her dark
complexion made her
She had a look that could not be hidden that she was going to hide it at all.
Olivia was no different.
She tried to use Adriana as a bait to lure Olivia out.
She must have been very shocked. Even so, distrust of believers was
growing, and life in the monastery made such a difference.
I was trying to get rid of my worries. Even there, something even more
disappoin ng happened.
Adriana's mentality cannot be normal.
Olivia and Adriana are me too
They did it, but they both don't know it.
I don't want to, and I can't.
Olivia's expression was gloomy and sad at the same me. Perhaps you are
thinking that I was going to do something for you yesterday, and I was
blown away by myself.
Olivia looks at Adriana.
She seems to be trying to ask for consent. I could see Adriana nodding her
head slightly.
“Did you hear about the demon a ack…?”
“I don’t know the details, yes.”
Olivia believes in me.
“At the site where demons a acked… we were there too.”
Rather than making excuses for her, Olivia seemed to be trying to tell me
She was perplexed as she heard the story she knew all about Olivia.
It was harder than she thought to pretend to be surprised.
Of course, it wasn't a very long story to hear from the two of them.
Artouan capital, where Adriana was
The head of Won was a member of a religious secret society called the
Nameless Order, and he
handed over to LeBarrier Ranche.
Even the abbot was deceived. I'm gonna use Adriana as her bait
Because you wouldn't have expected it at all.
Adriana was forced to snuggle up, she said, because she thought she would
endanger herself and even her abbot if she said anything wrong at the
As expected, the commander of the Knights Templar is Olivia.
, and Olivia headed to the scene as soon as she received the le er.
There, he was having an argument with Ranche, and then suddenly
demons appeared.
it happened
"The strange thing is that those demons... saved us..."
There was confusion on the faces of Olivia and Adriana.
As Olivia is captured by the demons with her terrifying and grotesque
appearance, Olivia's subsequent ba le to ensure Adriana's safety.
was thinking of
But strangely, the devil
Dropped it far away from the waste sanctuary,
went away
Olivia and Adriana saw a large-scale magical a ack on the monastery,
I had no choice but to run away without God.
“…I don’t understand.”
Adriana and Olivia nodded at my words.
It was hard work to pretend not to know, and to pretend to be surprised.
However, the situa on is serious
And it's actually serious, so it wasn't difficult to take it seriously.
I'd rather be happy to tell you. Because I can discuss alterna ves together.
“I don’t know anything else, but I think it would be be er not to tell
“…we think so too.”
“First of all, I don’t know why the demons acted like that. Once that fact is
known, you may hear people say that they communicated with the
demons themselves.
There are no survivors. Some may have seen demons flying from afar, but
they thoroughly ordered not to leave a single survivor on the side of those
caught up in the ba le, and the genitals fleeing.
Because they all dealt with it.
It is not people who have seen the ba le in person that are spreading in
the eclip c, but there are demons flying around and large-scale magic
a acks.
Because it's all just eyewitness accounts from afar.
It was not yet known to the public that the people involved in the ba le
were paladins.
“I don’t know about that.”
Even Olivia and Adriana don't know what the exact figh ng style looks like,
so it's natural to say this.
“But, for now, let’s think on the assump on that the Paladins were
annihilated on the spot.”
But there were no witnesses to the ba le. I see Adriana.
“Will other people know that the seniors were there?”
That in itself is a problem if members living in other areas of the unnamed
monastery know that Adriana and Olivia were there yesterday.
The demons a acked and everyone who was there died. How do you guys
because there is no name
"I do not know...."
Olivia says so, bi ng her lip.
“Even if no one else knows… the Abbot… knows that I have been with the
nameless men of the Order…”
Adriana says so with a dark expression on her face.
She was the one who gave Adriana directly to Le Barrier Lange.
I don't know now, but when she learns that the nameless Order has been
destroyed by her demonic a acks, she will have no choice but to ques on
Adriana's survival.
Everyone is dead, how do you live?
You will be faced with the ques on of whether you are back.
“…Senior, you shouldn’t go back to the monastery.”
“……I guess so.”
The incomprehensible situa on of being protected by the demons is that
they find out no ma er where the inves ga ve agency is.
Che is a serious disaster for both of them.
So, if she decides to be silent, then Adriana will turn to Artouan Monastery
she shouldn't be baby
Adriana could come back to the temple
However, there is a high risk that Adriana's whereabouts are officially
Olivia was right there. I don't think anyone involved in the Order knew that
If anything, that's dangerous, but there's only one person who knows for
sure that Adriana was under Levereri Ranche.
Adriana would rather be known to have died on the spot.
We should be thankful that this world is not well-developed with
communica ons and media.
It is inevitable that the news of the zodiac will reach the Artois Monastery
in the Principality of Saint-Ouenne slowly. It will take a very long me for
this news to reach the provincial ci es of the Principality of Saint-Ouen.
In a world where informa on cannot be shared in real me, is Adriana like
She doesn't have to live in hiding.
It will only be enough for her to remain quiet, far from the power and
influence of the public.
“Because staying in the temple is not a good thing. Senior, let's go
somewhere with me first. Because I can find out where she is going.”
Rotary Club Headquarters There are plenty of rooms there, so I put it
under Loyar's protec on for a while, and Adriana
You have to think about her whereabouts.
"How's your junior?"
Both of these. They don't know that I belong to an organiza on called The
Rotary Club.
“Because it’s hard to explain. It’s just like that.”
".......Huh. Thank you, junior.”
Neither of them knew very li le about my background, as I didn't have to
brag that I belonged to an organiza on close to it, even if it wasn't a crime.
Come to think of it, only Harriet and Ellen, and the Prince and Princess,
know about my connec on to the Rotary club.
If you hit me more, make fun of me as a beggar
Up to the three brothers Dan Gaenodap.
“It moves.”
Ah It's not a good idea to let Drianna stay in the temple for longer.
I immediately led the two of them out of the temple.
The atmosphere of the emperor was turbulent.
People were busily going from place to place.
- Demons appeared...
- We have to go back soon.
-The gate queue is delayed for a long me.
uh. no fuss
- Aren't the demons a acking the emperor?
- Maybe it is.
Rumors of demons appearing in the southern part of the kingdom had
already spread.
There were even more people on the magical train, which was burs ng due
to the fes val period, so it could not even be considered as a means of
transporta on in the first place.
“I have to walk.”
“I guess so.”
There was no riot like this.
It wasn't the crowds who wandered around to see all parts of the capital
during the fes val.
As a large-scale movement required to get out of the eclip c as quickly as
possible, there was a disturbance not only in the horsepower train but also
in the vicinity of the super-large warp gate.
- Queue up and come in! There is no such thing as priority!!
A lot more troops than usual are gay
I was controlling the queue, and the second
For large as well as small and medium warp gates
It was the same with people flocking to it.
-Once you leave the eclip c, come back when it is quiet.
Judging that the eclip c is dangerous, you cannot return to your
hometown right away. I saw that there were quite a few people who
wanted to move to a place far away from the eclip c.
When the commo on subsides, he seems to be thinking of returning to the
eclip c and going back to his hometown via the huge warp gate.
Yesterday's uproar caused all the tourists in the Huangdao to panic.
I had a cold sweat.
I was terrified that so many people could be affected by my every ac on.
I killed LeBarrier Ranche.
There was no change in the thought that it was necessary, but it felt like it
was unfolding right in front of my eyes that my every ac on could literally
turn the world upside down.
and the devil.
I realized how much influence it had on the land of these humans.
The Demon World War is over.
A er that, people should have gradually forgo en about the Demon King
and Demons.
- The Demon King... is back...
-Don't be mean, you bastard!
-The Demon King is taking revenge! He's not dead yet! Artorius
He couldn't kill the Demon King!!
- No... I don't think so...
However, because of my ac ons yesterday, people were arbitrarily picking
up guesses and turning them into facts.
The Demon King is not dead.
Or, the next great demon lord is taking revenge.
Otherwise, the surviving demonic remnants will con nue to chaos the
con nent in this way.
Numerous gossip gossip
s ck together and grow
Fear paralyzes people's reason.
The demons really want revenge this me
If the raid was carried out, the southern part of the eclip c
Not a waste abbey, but an imperial palace or an imperial palace
should have a acked
But nobody talks about it.
- If the Demon King is really resurrected... Who kills the Demon King?
But someone had to kill the new Demon King, and he was worried about
who it was.
Adriana and Olivia follow me silently. In the posi on of being saved by the
demons, these two must have felt the greatest confusion in this situa on.
It wasn't a magic train, it was moved on foot.
It took quite some me.
How can it be in a day or two for people to get out of the congested
eclip c like low de?
There would be no rims.
People flocked to the side with the gate, so the other side was rather
I didn't feel any slack.
“But… why did the demons… a ack the Temple Knights?”
“…I don’t know.”
Olivia asks Adriana's ques on.
She shook her head with a firm expression.
They don't know why the demons saved them, and they don't know what
their purpose was. It's so strange that I can't even guess.
It is impossible to speculate that I, who is walking ahead, is actually the son
of the Demon King, and that I used my subordinates to save them and
a acked the nameless order rather than the Knights Templar.
“The demons a acked the Knights Templar last me.”
"Yeah... that's right."
“Am I holding a grudge?”
Adriana doesn't know, but Olivia knows the truth about the last raid.
Corrup on and corrup on of the Knights Templar, including demon
Asmodian a ack kills succubus prisoners
I know it was for the rescue. this
It wasn't an a ack on an innocent religious order, it was revenge for the
former commander of the Temple Knights, Le Barrier Ranche.
You don't even have to go there. The former commander of the Knights
Templar, Le Barrier Ranche, is a war hero in the Demon World War, so he is
the enemy of the Demons.
He has lost his real power and his power is weakening. So, Le Barrier
In some ways, it was very reasonable to a ack at the right me when the
power was weakened by moving away from real power.
“Vengeance…is it?”
Olivia's reasoning is logical in its own way.
Olivia said yesterday's work is nameless
She understood that she was not a monk, but that it was an assault to kill
Le Barrier Ranche.
is going
The reality is quite different,
If Olivia interprets the demons' inten ons in that way, it's good for me.
Of course, even if you think so, rescuing Adriana and Olivia is bizarre. Olivia
murmured as if she had realized something.
“This is a leap, but...” |
Olivia looks at me and Adriana, she says.
“If the demons… did something like that yesterday to get revenge on the
Knights Templar… was it because we were outsiders…?”
Adriana giggled at Olivia's words.
“No, that’s right. The place itself is a difficult condi on for outsiders to
exist.... The reason we had to take us out... Except that it was to prevent
damage to others other than the target...”
Olivia makes a different reasoning a er her predecessor. Assault first,
rescue later
in such a way that
She dared to harm humans
If that was the purpose, there would be no reason to a ack the Knights
Templar. So, the original inten on was to a ack the Knights Templar. But I
find outsiders there, and I get caught up in the two of them unwillingly.
She took it out because she didn't want to, and she makes such an
“The demons… they care about things like that.
yo. This?"
To the demons, humans would all be enemies, but Adriana didn't seem to
understand Olivia's words.
Surely, it is not the a tude of talking as if the demons were kind.
Demons hate humans uncondi onally.
and trying to kill is the basic reward
it is expression Of course, such thoughts must be rooted in Adriana as well.
However, the demons did save them.
“Well…isn’t it a bit strange?”

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 327

Rotary club headquarters are located in the southern part of the equator.
is located
There are few people nearby, and the site is quite large, so if you stay quiet
here, no one will come, and it is not a good place to live in complete
hiding, but if you decide to live, you can live without being no ced by
“You want someone to take care of you?” |
"Yes. It's my senior. Adriana
“Ah, hello…”
Adriana looked at Royar and nodded her head.
She's Adriana She's not grown up She's not from the zodiac She's been in
the temples She's been sober will be.
Olivia was the same.
It's the first me I've seen Royar.
In the end, even if it's not that much of a black organiza on, someone who
knows what's going on in this place.
Only know how.
It's the first me I've ever seen a Rotary club boss with shaggy gray hair,
both of them.
Even if he has a human form, he does it like a Royar, so he is a great person
who can feel the beast even when he is s ll.
So Olivia and Adriana were both slightly frozen when they saw the first
type of human they had ever seen.
Most of all, I was even more surprised to find out that I had such a person
as the boss.
In fact, Royar is one of the main causes of the turmoil in the zodiac now.
The culprit of the paladin a ack. Demon Lord Bali.
Accomplices, Lycan Slope Loyar,
Of course, the two cannot recognize each other. It was Sarkegaar who
rescued the two, so it's the same with Loyar, the two of them mee ng each
"I think I'll have to stay here for a while because I have work, are you
“...there's nothing wrong with that...” |
Loyar flicked Adriana up and down, and Adriana was electrocuted.
As if it had happened before, she flinched at the gaze.
“There is no empty room, but you can make one, but there are only uncles
here, right?”
Club members are only ge ng be er these days, so they all walk around
pretending to be people. Even though things have go en be er, it's the
boss who acts like an idiot
only royar
S ll, Royar seemed worried again because there are rough people who
have gone through all the storms in the world.
“I am a person who is good enough to cover my face, so there is nothing to
worry about.”
“Yeah what. If it's a kid who learned at the temple, he'll use his fists, even if
he looks a li le mean."
Royard didn't bother to ask what was going on. Just by looking at my eyes,
you will know that I am someone who was involved in yesterday's events. I
looked at Adriana.
As Loyard said, when I brought it
How long she looked like Adriana might be in a tough place.
Actually, I don't know what all the members of the organiza on are like.
“If you feel uncomfortable here, you can look for other places.”
“Oh, no. ok....thank you line
As if she couldn't take care of her any longer, Adriana nodded her head
first, rather than asking where she was and what she was doing.
Loyard seemed to fully understand the meaning of Adriana's silence here.
"Hmm... where should I give you a room..."
Royar seemed to ponder for a moment. It's like the world is bothering me
and I want to die.
Actually, Loyar's personality is not very friendly. Because there are a lot of
mes when you ckle me too.
He said there's no empty room, but you can make one, so he's got a room
I heard it meant to empty the .
Isn't this a bit unfortunate?
Loyard seemed to ponder for a moment, then mo oned for Adri to follow.
I called her Ana and opened the door behind her office.
- ra le
“Write it here.”
No ma er how you look at it, Loyard is his room.
I le it in an obvious place. Olivia, Adriana, and even myself were surprised
by the sudden decision.
Adriana probably didn't think she was like a nook a c, but she pretended
to be
Because of the impression that she is hard and rough
She was a li le mid, but she suddenly opened her room
If I let her go, I can't help but be surprised.
“I don’t know what to call that… that… I don’t know… Unnie….. Isn’t it the
"Oh, that... Shi, excuse me. Then how..."
Loyar's eyes widened at her sister's words, and he grabbed Adriana's hand
and dragged him into her room.
“No, you always write here.”
“If you need anything, just tell me.
I will prepare it for you.”
| A er saying that, Royard said Adri
She placed her hands on Ana's shoulders.
“And, from now on, she will always call me Sister.”
Loyar seemed to be very fond of Adriana, whom she called her older sister
at the beginning, rather than Ellen, who was always bald and aunty.
"Ah... yes. Sister."
He seemed to see Loyar's non-existent tail wriggling fiercely.
I'm sure it's been to Ellen so far
It is clear that the training took a strange direc on while listening to the
Ellen has been scratching all the me.
There was an incident where Loyar was captured by her sister's words, but
good things are good.
I was worried about leaving him alone in a harsh place, but for now it was
the best. Adriana is the person she shouldn't be exposed to outside her
because it is
Take Adriana to the club headquarters once.
On the way back to the tumble. .
“What is the world going to be like…”
Olivia is blank, she looks up at the sky and she says so.
She said, "I didn't think that everything would be all right when the demon
lord died."
“S ll, I thought that there would be no more people who were dragged to
the ba lefield and died meaninglessly…”
Olivia, who had seen the horrors of war firsthand, must have known how
terrifying war was.
Olivia didn't know about the revolu onary forces.
she can't
But she knew she was igni ng the spark of a fight as the Five Great
Protestants and the Empire set up yet another confronta on.
“If the Demon King is not dead, there is no such thing as human death and
killing each other.”
Olivia was rumored to be a gossip about the Demon King, and she seemed
to want the truth to be to some extent.
It is always the presence of an external enemy that stops division. She
seemed to have admi ed that Olivia was self-reliant and, to some extent,
her need for the Demon King.
"It sounds strange. Don't go anywhere to tell me that I said this."
Olivia looks at me and smiles.
“What do I do when I say that?”
Adriana leaves her with the Rotary club for a while, but she finds another
way soon
will have to go Because the eclip c is never absolutely safe.
far away at all.
For example, if it is a place like Eddie and Yeoldo where Airi is, you can feel
Even if I send them there, how do I explain my connec on to that distant
island country? First of all, I understand today
It seemed difficult...
“By the way, Reinhardt, what the hell was going on there today?”
Olivia asked me if she had the same ques on about Rotary clubs.
“It’s like a hometown from the street. It's no longer on the street."
I briefly described Rotary clubs.
I came this far from a beggar organiza on
About the Inspector.
“That’s right… that’s a good thing.”
Olivia smiled brightly when she heard that the beggars under the bridge
were living on their own in a decent building.
Everyone had to live like a human.
The boss, Royar, is s ll a beggar
It's the shape that's the problem.
“I was also surprised to find out, Reinhardt, that you were involved in some
kind of criminal organiza on.”
I've been involved with her in the past, and I don't think she has any
connec on with the Thieves' Guild at all, but I haven't corrected her
Olivia's thoughts.
Actually, she is now officially doing business through collabora on with the
Merchant Guild. If you look at the rear, it is the imperial family,
Olivia sighed at how worried she was.
she rested
Adriana's problems, as well as her own problems, must be a lot to think
all. Le Barrier Ranche is dead, so no one is going to make Olivia Ranche a
success, but she's not sure what to do with her.
she won If you consider the problems of her demons, it must be
and again,
Olivia eventually won the tournament.
She was not even elected Miss Temple.
She needed the money, she said Olivia, she was this and that, she got
entangled in the run and lost everything she wanted.
She said that she is the only person who has experienced only regrets
during this fes val. with other things
She must be under a lot of stress, but in the end her money problems must
have plagued her Olivia.
She can't solve all of her problems with Olivia.
But this me she just keeps ge ng pi ful
She wanted to give Olivia a li le bit of strength.
“There is.”
“Is that it?”
“A nursery school that seniors support.”
“Is it in the eclip c?”
"Ah... yes, yes."
“Let’s go over there.”
Olivia listened to me and got mad.
He shook his head as if surprised.
“No, no Reinhardt! you don't have to My problem is... you don't have to
spend money..."
“Who spends the money?”
She seemed to think that I was going to pay the support she couldn't pay.
of course she
It's only natural for her to think so.
But unfortunately, I don't know how to spend money
no angle
“I’m not going to get a dona on. Let me guide you first.”
"uh? Ah... yes.”
Olivia hesitated and took the lead.
she stood
personally sponsored by Olivia
There are nurseries.
First of all, it's not just one.
She was suppor ng her with the money she had received from Le Barrier
Ranche, but
This difficult situa on le her with no way to make a dona on.
That being said, she must have been suppor ng Olivia's financially difficult
places among her sponsorships. 'Cause she's not going to sponsor
everything un l she can afford it.
She said it would be difficult for her to run without the dona ons from
“Are there two more places besides this one?”
I live in a secluded area on the outskirts of the eastern eclip c.
I was standing in front of the nursery school located on the site.
all falling down not a building However, the building itself was old and the
facili es were very outdated.
However, the site is quite large, and it is located in the central vacant lot of
about three buildings.
They were running and playing.
It was an orphanage without a fence, so all the children could see us
-uh? sister!
- My sister is here!
- Olivia's sister!
"Ah... guys."
Perhaps Olivia had been visi ng o en, children flocked to Olivia.
“Sister, my legs are all well!”
“Oh, Billy. I'm glad."
Olivia was dealing with each and every one of the children who were
flocking to each other, talking to each other.
Olivia seemed like a person who knew how to love children.
"sister! He fought Will again! scolding
Give it!”
"Really? You this guy. I'm friends.
Did I tell you not to fight with me?”
“By the way, Ash got into an argument first! A child who has no mother to
me! She didn't even have a map!"
“I am, you idiot! My mom can't come because she's busy!"
| “You are funny! I'm on your mother's grave
I know there is D!”
“This guy! don't say harsh words
But even though the conversa on level of the children is young, it seems
that there are words that cut each other's hearts...
Kids make pad lip surprisingly easy.
There is a tendency...
It was the first me I'd ever seen Olivia sternly rebuke, stop, and even grow
up amidst the children's words to each other.
I thought it would be like that, but it's really like that, so oh
I was curious too.
It was only for a moment that they were rushed to Olivia who suddenly
The kids started to focus on me, the new face.
“But who is this older brother?”
“Are you your boyfriend?”
"Huh? Ah, no, no... juniors. Close juniors."
Olivia raised her face and shook her head.
it was crazy
Is your reac on different from usual? Of course, I thought he was going to
be like my boyfriend, but he showed a lot of shyness.
Why does this person have a different personality here
is that
“Do you like this older brother? Her face turned red.”
"Huh? Huh? Oh, no, no, nigga. Do you want to make fun of me?"
Girls as Olivia messes around
clicked what's so good, the boys glared at me
started seeing it all.
You can tell just by looking at your eyes.
What are you, you siberian?
I don't know how to actually say things like that, but the meaning is not
much different from that
are the lights
“What is your brother?”
“Did you also go to the temple?”
“Are you good at figh ng?”
I was in trouble in the hos le gaze of the boys.
My classmates are already kids enough by my standards, but they are more
than that.
Olivia doesn't know, I don't like kids and I don't know how to handle them.
Children are too far from me
As I s ffen and say nothing, the children begin to whisper.
- I think the fight will be good.
- It looks scary.
- No, these guys didn't really fight.
I didn't come here to see the kids.
Is it just boys?
Girls whisper too.
- That oppa is totally my taste.
- Are you going to eat your face? adop ve
You bastard, just by looking at them, are these guys sucking on women and
throwing them away? A man must have a lot of money. money
this is the best
- It might be a lot of money.
- No, that's natural dog hair. coffin is okay
- You'll be bald and fat if you have a lot of money
Are you going to marry your father too?
- Then it's be er. you won't die soon Then all the money is mine.
-...Is that so?
-A er that, you just need to get a guy with a half-and-half face like that
through this bar.
-...Are you ge ng married again?
- Dude, why can't you do it three mes?
Girls with excep onally precocious tones are saying things that my
classmates wouldn't.
What are these guys?
-S ll, that oppa is so my type...
- Arthur, you're a man.
- My sister doesn't like me.
- Uh huh, head-to-head. Of course it's a lie.
When children learn what they see, hear and learn
Are you going to stu er like that?
I didn't come to play. I try to ignore the whispers about me as much as
possible and watch the children's whereabouts.
ta ers..
It wasn't rags, but I could tell that it wasn't an environment with too many
extra clothes.
Overall, the kids were all dry.
The nutri onal status is also considered to be poor.
It really made me realize that it was an orphanage with poor condi ons.
Even the slightest reduc on in sponsorship has to have an impact, and
seeing Olivia's gay appearance somehow trying to maintain her patronage.
fully understood.
“Oh, student Olivia. long me no see.
"Ah yes. Teacher."
| Let the children flock who
A middle-aged woman in a white dress came out to meet Olivia.
She was a person with the impression of being good-natured. The man
greeted her Olivia and she naturally turned her gaze to me.
"Ah, Reinhardt, hello. Mr. Bell is the director of the Cradle of Sunshine
"Oh, hello. Olivia's student's
“Yes, my name is Reinhardt.”
She held out her hand to me, and I grabbed her hand. It was a so hand.
Of course he wasn't in charge of the road alone, so I saw a few adults
passing by.
Ledger of the Cradle of Sunshine.
I don't like kids and I don't know how to handle them. I don't know what to
deal with. I'm glad it doesn't ring.
I'm not here to see the kids.
I didn't come here to make a dona on.
I look at Olivia and say.
“Senior, take your kids and go over there.

“I have something to talk to the manager.”
Olivia seemed a bit bewildered when I was in love, but she hurried the kids
and headed the other way. Like the piper, Olivia
When it moves, the children are boys and girls
They rushed in without doing anything.
The director who introduced himself as Bell.
“Oh, Reinhard-kun, do you have anything to talk about with me?”
“Yes. For now, let’s go to a quiet place.”
It's not something I'm going to talk about in a public place, so I followed
Mr. Bell's guidance.
I went into the director's office.
It was a place where no one would hear. “What is the story? Reinhard-
People In front of Mr. Bell, who had a nice smile, I grinned.
“Please explain.”
“Which hole did you miss out on the subsidy?
Hey, are the kids like that?"
A er the Demon World War, the imperial family immediately started
providing maximum support for the orphanage project for war orphans.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 328

Impression cannot tell the difference between good and evil. If you
pretend to be an ant
The human in front of me that seems impossible to kill can actually be a
demon that sucks the blood of children.
Mr. Bell had a look of confusion on his face, as if he was genuinely
“Wow, I don’t know what you’re talking about… Yo Reinhard-kun. All of a
sudden, you have to do something like that…”
of course it is negated.
“I do not know what the structure of the nursery school support project is,
I don't know which way the money is given and how. I don't know. I'm not
even involved."
I took a deep breath.
A er the victory in the Demon World War, the government immediately
started a support project for orphans who were born in large numbers.
Actually, when I fell into the zodiac, I seriously thought about whether I
should just go to a place like an orphanage. That's what I'm talking about
Know for sure that support will start
it was because
There was also a se ng that children with qualifica ons among war
orphans could enter the temple even if they were not in the royal class and
receive educa on for free.
So, it doesn't make sense to say that there are orphanage children who
have no clothes and kneel on their stomachs for lack of money.
The kids are starving because they are skipping from any hole.
It is certain that things that should be rightly returned to the children are
leaking in the middle.
In the first place, the places Olivia sponsors are all leaking money in this
way, and they don't really need help.
So when she heard this from Olivia, she didn't say anything about Olivia's
patronage itself, but she knew that something like this was going to
She's trying to get her hands on the steam that comes to mind.
I crossed her arms as I looked at Mr. Bell, who was making an unfair
expression on the face of the world.
How is the nursery school going?
don't know
In fact, this person may be innocent.
“Sir, did I win the first grade in this temple tournament?”
“…how is that…?”
“The winners of the Temple Tournament have a chance to meet His
Majesty the Emperor.”
Watching Bell's face turn white. i laugh midly “To His Majesty, this
orphanage hijacked the government subsidy,
What would happen if I said it was like ea ng back?”
"Wow, what are you talking about! Do you think we'll be safe if we say
something like that?"
“If you’re honest, you’ll be fine.”
“What are you talking about, student! I, I never... I, not at all...”
Belle's complexion grew pale and she began to tremble. If I tell the
emperor this, he may or may not personally give instruc ons.
But the mere fact of saying that is enough to frighten this person.
Even an innocent sin may be created. If that is the case, then, of course,
the exis ng sin is bound to be uncovered.
Is this person really honest?
Just by looking at that expression that made me feel like I was out of
breath at any moment, I could just tell that that person was playing with
the children's rice bowls.
“Hey, student. save me just once Ha, just once... again. never again
- Pak!
I resisted Mr. Bell, who was hanging by my crotch.
“Why do I decide whether you live or die?”
I look down at a middle-aged woman with a good-natured impression,
trembling with her face down.
How many people have been deceived by this kind and good impression?
money to go to the children in the middle
I don't know what I did when I intercepted.
Olivia up to her own personal belongings
All the money she raised from her sale would have been stolen in this way,
and if she had received her prize money to support a child care center, it
would have been stolen somewhere.
“It is determined by the Imperial Law. not me.”
Outside the window, the children and Olivia were playing and laughing.
I was in the director's room, watching the head of the orphanage kneeling
in front of me.
She didn't think Olivia needed to know this.
She didn't want Olivia to find out that what she had been doing up un l
now was in fact she was bea ng the wrong person's belly.
She must be in a lot of trouble already.
I don't want to make things harder
A er watching Olivia and her children play for a moment, we le the
The children regre ed it, and Mr. Bell did not dare even come near where I
“What did you say?”
“It was just something about when the support policy would start or
something like that.”
“Um, okay? I hope it starts sooner.”
It was already implemented a long me ago. was omi ed from the list of
As an excuse, she has been deceiving her supporters, including Olivia, un l
She decided that there was no need to tell her about this. How much
emp ness would I fall into if I knew this fact?
also don't know There will be a great sense of betrayal.
You don't have to know all the truth.
I don't know if it's the truth that will hurt you
There are mes when you have to have sex, and Olivia is already hurt too
Even if I don't punish myself, I can make an accusa on. all
I don't know what the punishment will be,
Other nurseries sponsored by Olivia
I will also find out about it.
She says if Olivia wants her children to eat well and dress well, then that's
will be li
“Reinhardt, but the kids really struggled.”
“…I hate kids.”
“Ugh. I didn't know there was such a weakness."
“Why are dislikes a weakness?”
“It’s a weakness, then, if it were you, come
evil! While doing this, I thought she would say something harsh, but she
couldn't do this or that.
It seemed that he clearly caught what he was doing, rather than kicking
him out by babbling harsh words like his usual personality.
"Hey, should I s ll play well with my child?"
"No, what are you talking about again?"
Laughing Olivia seemed to be in a pre y good mood.
That's it.
- twitch
“It’s what people eat.”
“…that, I… I know.”
Ladia Schmidt carefully took the bread and milk offered by the vampire and
set it down beside her.
She gave it to eat, but Radia
She couldn't put her hand there.
Ladia Schmidt in the corner of her semi-basement room
She looked up at her Elerys, who trembled and looked down at her.
The vampire calmly went out and came back.
He could have tried to run away, but he couldn't even try. The
acknowledgment that there is no way you can let yourself run away so
It was because of the heart.
'Yeah, I'm not a stupid kid. thank God."
The vampire who bought bread and milk knew that he had not a empted
to escape.
Carefully, as if knowing, his head
even stroking
Everything was terrifying, but what she feared most was that it was broad
“How a vampire….. in the day me…”
It is common knowledge that vampires only move at night.
Yesterday, disguised as an ordinary merchant, was s ll indoors at sunset,
and it was night when the ba le took place.
However, during the obvious day me, the vampire wandered around
He even bought him bread and milk.
A vampire looking at Radia in amazement
“Nothing in the world is absolute, isn’t it?”
She had a kind-hearted smile. Yesterday's eerie eyes, bloody words, and
cast from her finger ps. For the first me in my life, large-scale destruc on
The wizards that were used one a er another seemed to have
In front of you is a vampire wizard capable of slaughtering hundreds of
thousands of people with a single gesture.
Reinhardt who treats a wizard of this level as a minion.
Radia now knows that Reinhardt is such a being.
Radia doesn't know why the Demon King is the owner of Tiamata.
But now he was terrified, and he had no choice but to hope that he would
meekly kill him without turning him into a vampire.
What is this vampire trying to do to her?
Radia doesn't know. All we have to do is pray to God that we can face
death calmly.
The vampire looks at himself silently.
"Hmm... are you cold?"
“It must be cold in winter....there’s no hea ng.
It will be…”
Being a vampire with a biorhythm independent of temperature, she puts
her hand on the floor of her room and giggles.
- Exactly!
And, the hea ng element is summoned and
Warmth began to spread in the room.
"How are you, warm?"
Radia couldn't help but cringe even more.
What does she want from herself? She didn't know anything. Not knowing
how that terrifying vampire was trying to make herself, Radia only
trembled in terror.
The vampire sighed deeply. She looks at Ladia quietly.
“Don’t be too scared, just tell me if you need anything.”
Vampires don't seem to be afraid, next door
She comes to her and sits down and gives her shivering Ladia's shoulder.
“I understand that you are scared because of the situa on, but you don’t
have to be so afraid.”
“It won’t hurt you, so you don’t have to worry about it.”
The more affec onate the vampire treated, the stronger Radia's fear was.
“Me, me. What do you want...?”
So Ladia overcame her fears, and she squeezed her courage to the fullest,
and she just said so. At Radia's ques on, the vampire lted her head.
“Then…why are you holding me like this…?”
“Hey, it’s because you don’t want me to make you into a family or a clan,
because my servant doesn’t believe you yet.
Ladia Schmidt looks at her Elerys with a look of despair at those words.
“If you kill me… can’t it… be normal?”
Knowing Reinhardt's iden ty, Radia couldn't even come up with words to
defend herself.
She betrayed her doctrinal comrades who feared becoming a vampire.
No ma er how much the Demon King was an apostle of Tuan, her own sins
were deep.
So, in her deep guilt, she now just wants a clean death.
“It can’t be because I don’t like it.” forever in this dark basement Should I
be locked up? Without even dying, he has to stay like this un l the words
that he wants to become a vampire come out of his mouth.
Have you become a human being raised by vampires?
Looking at Radia's expression, I knew something. As if, Elerys shook her
“I can’t go back to the temple, but I can go out anyway,” she said. Of
course, wherever you go, you will go with me."
“Someone might recognize you, so you may touch your appearance a li le,
but if you have a place you want to go, tell me, if you want something to
eat, just tell me. If you want to refresh yourself, tell me somewhere far
Because I can report. Don't worry about the distance."
Ladia Schmidt thought that this vampire was something, strange.
“If you have family, you can go see them,” she said. Sure, I'll have to keep
an eye on it, but I'll understand.
“Oh, no… I don’t have a family… I don’t…”
"Oh, I see. Sorry."
“Ah, no… yo.”
Is it right for this to be bred?
Radia is something, and she thinks that she may have misunderstood
something huge.
She was slowly coming up.
Vampire in front of you.
and Reinhardt.
Ladia had no idea how things were going.
The central imperial palace of the Imperial Emperor Emperatos
A er returning from an urgent mee ng with his ministers, the emperor sat
in his study and had the prince and princess standing in front of them.
Bertus and Charlo e didn't quarrel with each other as usual.
Because they both knew it was an unusual situa on.
What goes against the Emperor's mood right now
Because it should never be done.
“Last night, the lungs in the southern outskirts of the eclip c
In the monastery, Lveria Ranche was found dead along with a number of
elite paladins.”
The Imperial Emperor, Neliod de Gradias, calmly conveys only the facts. “It
is presumed to be the work of demons.” “Does it have anything to do with
what happened in the last zodiac…?”
At Bertus' ques on, the emperor shook his head.
it was thanks
I can't say for sure, but the circumstances suggest that it will be."
The Demon World War is over, but powerful demons are s ll alive. They
could cause a massive raid on the eclip c.
Last me there were no casual es, this me there are casual es.
The former commander of the Knights Templar and one of the heroes of
the Demon World War, Le Barrier Ranche, died.
But the emperor, the princess, and the three princes all had strange
“…God helps the Empire.”
At the Emperor's words, both Charlo e and Bertus
He was shivering, but he had no choice but to nod his head blankly.
The appearance of high-ranking demons in the zodiac was one of the worst
things, but the three knew that although this situa on was embarrassing, it
was good news in the long run.
“The thing that died at that place… did it include not only Liberia Ranche,
but also the unnamed religious leaders?”
“I don’t know the exact number of members, but it will be.”
At Charlo e's ques on, the emperor nodded again.
A secret religious society organized by Le Barrier Ranche. About the
Nameless Order
was already grasped by the imperial family.
I just couldn't use his hand. If you use your hands recklessly in the imperial
court, don't you
religious people who are sensi ve to oppression
It was the posi on of the imperial family that they could not use their
hands unless they had to use their hands because it might happen in large
Assassina on is also difficult. Le Barrier Ranche was not only an
outstanding individual, but his leaders were veterans among veterans who
were accustomed to figh ng.
Even if the assassina on succeeds, the imperial family is behind
It is self-evident to be designated as
So I couldn't do this or that
The imperial family was contempla ng how to deal with the growing seeds
of division.
In one night they were wiped out.
Even an unspecified number of civilians saw the form of flying demons
flying around. The imperial family is not behind it, and it cannot be
mistaken for it.
The appearance of the remnant of the demons itself is a bad thing, but the
empire has become a snoring without touching it.
“Why are the demons the Temple Knights themselves?
It wasn't that he a acked Le Barrier Ranche.
Do you know what?”
“Aside from whether there was a personal resentment towards Le Barrier
is… I don’t know.”
Even Bertus could only make such an inference.
“Rather than that, I think it’s more important whether the demons
a acked the nameless Order knowing about it or not.”
“If you knew, just leave them alone.
I must have…”
If you know the purpose of the nameless order, leaving the demons alone
is the only way to weaken the empire. So I don't know about him
The conclusion of these three is that there should be no
That was jus fied.
It was impossible to assume the situa on itself that the demons were
trying to protect the empire, so even in the heart of the empire, the truth
of the situa on could not be known.
So, in the end, all three of them could not understand the true meaning of
the remaining demonic forces, so they had no choice but to fall into a
troubled circle.
Although the sick tooth fell out, it was eventually replaced by another sick
Very powerful demons are s ll alive,
You can a ack the eclip c at any me.
Is the demon king really resurrected or not?
It is unknown if there is a successor to the Demon King.
However, everyone in the Empire knew that the Demon World War was
not over yet.
All three knew that it would be a boon for the Empire for the me being.
A er mee ng the emperor, one hallway in the central palace Tetra.
Bertus and Charlo e were walking down the hallway to leave the Central
“What do you think, brother?” ……”
In response to Bertus' ques on, Charlo e responded with her thorny
"The kid you're looking for. Chances are he's involved in this."
“I don’t want to hear bullshit.”
That's what she said, but Charlo e also had her head complicated.
“If that guy is the Demon King’s son or something like that…”
"Shut up."
Charlo e looks up at Bertus with her gloomy eyes.
“What do you want to talk about? Wasn't it because I was alive and the
devil's son came to live with me? So it's all because of me. Do you want to
say something like this? I died peacefully at your hands
Do you want to say something like that?”
At Charlo e's mixed words, Bertus shook his head and smiled.
"No? I mean to say I'm very lucky if that's the case. I almost made a fatal
mistake, didn't I?"
Without an empire, compe on for the throne is meaningless.
Seeing that malevolent expression on her face, Charlo e felt her
Someone needs to hear this conversa on. No one anywhere can hear that.
No ma er who hears it, nothing changes. “…you poor bastard.”
He'd rather be the devil's son.
or something like that
Letus' words are understandable.
Charlo e knows what you're thinking.
As long as the demonic remnants remain, the empire cannot be destroyed.
The Darklands were prac cally destroyed, and the Demon Castle fell.
As for the remaining demons, no ma er how high-ranking demons they
are, they cannot do anything more than guerrillas.
So, if the remnant demons create a focal point and cause turmoil, the
empire will not be divided even if it faces chaos.
Bertus, from that point of view, rather
wishing for a king's heir to exist

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 329

There is no official fes val schedule, but
Ac on was taken immediately.
Although the fes val itself was over, the temple, which was supposed to be
open un l this weekend, immediately began to control the number of
visitors, and the
Ac on was taken immediately on the whole.
All gates of the eclip c are controlled by the military, and tourists are
returned as quickly as possible.
Measures to restore the chaos of the eclip c while maintaining order
was being applied
Of course, all those things are outside the temple.
Because it happened while standing, I
It just felt like the remaining Temple Fes val ended a li le earlier.
"It's quiet."
Ellen and I were taking a walk in the quiet temple again.
Even if she was elected Miss Temple, Ellen is just Ellen.
She didn't change much from usual, and she didn't seem to care much
about it. Rather, I did it if it bothered me.
The fes val is over.
Since the tournament is over, he will have an audience with the emperor,
but given the circumstances, such an opportunity may not have arisen.
The issue of wearing the orphanage subsidy will be resolved later by
talking to Charlo e or Bertus.
Anyway, I didn't make it to the contest in the end, but Ellen won Miss
Temple and Cliffman didn't win.
It seemed to be on the list.
I'm not sure if my confidence or human schizophrenia issues have been
Liana told Ellen that Ellen was elected, but she seems to be scolded for why
you didn't.
I wonder if this isn't a recovery from Ulleongjeung, it's just that the person
in charge has been created?
Radia Schmidt's case is also important.
Ladia Schmidt is missing. nothing
As long as she's gradua ng from Lee, Ladia Schmidt is an unlimited
tournament winner and she's s ll a temple student.
The issue of her disappearance will soon become visible.
Although Elerys, who had her with her, would take care of her well, Ladia
Schmidt belonged to an unnamed order. She would obviously be the main
witness in this case.
For the me being, I can only hope that Elerys can hide it well.
blast furnace,
“It’s vaca on now.”
Winter vaca on has begun.
The imperial family is raging in its own way
But in the end, I ended up playing Le Barrier Ranche.
I've done my job by killing.
“What are you going to do this vaca on?”
Eren looks at me and asks.
"Well, there's nowhere else to go, it'll be in the temple."
I have a lot of work to do.
Nego a on with the Vampire Council.
Re-contact with the Black Order.
Get informa on about Cantus Magna.
Determina on of Adriana's whereabouts.
Contact and ac on against revolu onary forces.
It's not my job, but there's also the magic research group's job,
Rather, it felt like I was pu ng off the things I couldn't do during the
semester un l a er the vaca on, so I can't tell you, but I'm busier now
a er vaca on.
Ellen walks quietly next to me.
“I want to go home.”
“Yes, home.”
Naturally, Ellen's parents are s ll alive. She hadn't been able to return to
her hometown all year, so it seemed like she was going home this winter
Ellen's family circumstances or these aspects were not set in detail. Ellen
says that she is not par cularly aristocrat, and she is a commoner.
The warrior Lagann Artorius is an ordinary
Growing up in a village, in an ordinary family, adventure
he is a gaga
So, her younger sister, Ellen, is also a girl who grew up in an ordinary family
in an ordinary village.
Ellen said that although she was originally very talka ve, she never talked
about her hometown. Of course, she doesn't want to talk about it, rather
than because she doesn't want to talk about it, it feels like she doesn't
want to talk about it because she wants to do it.
She never asked me in the first place,
If I start asking ques ons like that, she'll ask Ellen about me too, and she'll
tell me then she won't tell me either.
She never asked as.
If she goes home anyway, she'll be with her family a er a long me, so is
she going to stay home all vaca on?
“...when are you coming?”
"I do not know."
Let's go back and spend me with her family
Ellen giggled as if she had no thoughts or plans other than to get off.
Is she going to come back for the new semester next year a er vaca on is
So how many months?
Even if it comes back around March, it will be two months
Isn't it in the temple?
I don't know what my expression looked like, but Ellen looked at me and
she giggled.
“Do you want me to come sooner?”
no you!
You like this uh!
There's something that pops in all of a sudden. are you?
Are you sad that I haven't seen you for a long me?
He looks at me with that kind of expression.
you really...

In the end, she said it out of a feeling of being sick or dying.
If I haven't seen you for too long, I'm worried.
No ma er how much I go home and live, there are places where people
don't work,
isn't it??
It's not because I'm never going to miss him without him.
Probably not... maybe.
Ellen seems to ponder for a moment, then she lts her head.
“Then will you go with me?”

"my house. shall we go together?"
I forgot my words for a moment as the words came in again.
This is something that if you think you miss me while I'm away, you just ask
me to go with you.
something something...
Now I don't know what's going on with him anymore... |
I said I had nothing to do, so I didn't really have anything to say about going
When I ask why I go there, it's not something I'm going to say because I
a acked Arnaria without Harriet.
“If you don’t like it, don’t.”
Ellen said she was okay with it, she walked quietly
goes I'm really angry or something
I'm not....
Are you not angry? His mouth pops out when he's angry, but it doesn't
seem like that.
Ellen's parents.
The parents of the warrior Lagann Artorius
I will pray
I'm curious.
She's just a li le bit of a dragon thinking warrior's sister, she's set up so I
don't have to explain what her parents are like.
Who are her parents, so she has two children. I wonder if they are
No, I'm just leaving that...
I wonder what kind of environment Ellen grew up in.
she even forbids
By the way, she had too much to do this vaca on.
I can't get rid of her un l I leave her seat.
"...I'm sorry."
“What are you sorry for?”
I have no reason to be sorry for not being able to go with you,
Ellen shrugged as if it was okay.
Adriana has been in trouble for the past few days.
she was
She was, of course, a li le different from the plight she suffered when she
was caught in a convent for which she had no name.
"Hey, do you need anything?"
“No… it’s okay, sister.”
This was because a er Reinhardt dropped it and le , this mysterious
organiza on boss was hovering around him whenever he had a chance.
swimming. Yep. If you need anything, just tell me, I'm always here."
It was her job to sit drooping on the sofa on the top floor of her building,
what she should call her own office, and do nothing. Adriana had been in
the back room all day,
"I... By the way, if you give me a room... I wonder where you sleep... Last
me on the floor..."
"me? I don't really care about that.”
In the first place, she didn't even use her room, she just stayed near her
Yesterday Adriana went to the bathroom in the middle of the night
While going to the restaurant, she was startled by the sauce.
she did
Because she saw her boss, who had given her her room to her, lying on the
floor of her office, sleeping on the floor.
She gives herself a room and sleeps on her bare floor.
I was so surprised that I didn't sleep in a place like this, but got up and
slept in bed. The boss scratched my stomach and said, 'I usually sleep like
fell over
She doesn't look like a bad person.
He's the first type of strange person I've ever seen
Every me I went around, I felt weird.
'what are you doing?'
'Aren't you bored?'
'Would you like to go for a walk?'
'Is there anything you want to eat?'
'Are you comfortable?'
When she meditates in her room, she turns around and keeps talking to
She doesn't think Adriana is bothering her.
Rather, she keeps going round and round, asking and wondering about this
and that.
Is it supposed to be like a dog?
Even though she knew it was rude to think like that, she couldn't shake the
thought that a large dog was hovering around her. That figure of her is
subtly cute
Standing, Adriana is always a sloppy mom.
Every me she sees the boss of a swamp she feels over
it was done
'What are you doing...'
Adriana what are you doing here
does not know properly, why is the boss
Ram may be the most beggar here.
Others don't wear expensive clothes
I wear it properly and wash it well.
This man is always bri le like an unwashed dog in the rain, and his hair is
stretched out in all direc ons.
Adriana she lived in a monastery. Her life was centered on self-discipline,
and her self-care was taken for granted, and she was very strict about her
own cleanliness as well as keeping her surroundings clean.
Adriana, who lived a refined religious life, realizes for the first me in her
life that she has a strange obsession with her.
Regardless of who Loyar is.
Regardless of how scary she is.
It's too hard to see someone being like that.
“I… my sister.”
"Huh? Why? What?"
As Loyar approaches, Adria
I was a li le embarrassed and backed away.
“That… how about a li le wash…” “Wash it? Why?”
“Hey, that’s… it looks good like that… and it doesn’t smell weird…..
wouldn’t it…? Oh no! Not that one of her sisters smells weird! It's just... it's
good for your health... maybe it's bad... just because...” |
At Adriana's hesitant remarks, Loyard smirked and said, 'Come on.
She sniffs the scent of her arm.
“Do you smell it? Is this my body odor?"
“Hey, that can’t be the body odor…! uh, uh.”
The fact that it doesn't smell is a lie
But the smell of wet dogs in the rain
Adriana licked her lips because she couldn't tell me she was skinny.
What should Adriana say?
Thinking about it for a while.
“Then you can wash up.”
Royar won't be like that I went back and forth somewhere.
And a er about three minutes.
dripping water from her wet hair
When she saw the white-haired woman who appeared, Adriana looked at
Royar quietly.
there was
“I washed it. Do you s ll smell it?"
From the looks of it, it was obvious that she had just splashed water on it
and came out.
Even her clothes were the same twisted clothes she had just worn. She
said it was okay because she washed it a er that, and she said that.
Adriana felt that something important in her heart had been sha ered.
She seemed to understand to some extent why Adriana Reinhardt would
take it every now and then, and why she would take them without thinking
back and forth like her bastard she went crazy.
It felt like this.
- Pak!
“Follow me.”
Adriana began to drag Loyar with a puzzled expression on her face.
- Woodang-tang!
- Hey, I hate the smell of this!!
- What if you don't like the smell of soap?
-Ouch! don't rub it! It's slippery!
- Hang on!
Rotary Club Club members inside headquarters
make a mess in the shower
Everyone shook their heads at the noise.
“You know, the girl Reinhardt brought to you a while ago.” “Why is that
girl?” “It looks like you are washing your sister.”
- Come here!
-no! I don't like it! I'm leaving! - Hey, where are you going to take off your
clothes? Aren't you coming soon?!
- Kudangtang!
The club members walking down the hallway had their mouths wide open.
That there is a guy who is trying to forcefully wash the wild dog of Irene. It
seems that someone inside is grabbing someone like a mouse, but when
you listen to the sound, it seems that it is the boss, not Adriana, that is
Their older sister hates the most annoying things in the world, and is also
very bothered about washing clothes or changing clothes.
A person who claims that he roughly washed his face with water.
- Don't do it! Don't do it!!
- Aren't you coming?
The reason that such a Loyar came from the temple
The lady is forcing herself to wash. Loyar made a noise like a dog catching a
dog and squeaked away, but in the end he was caught and only heard a
grunt as he was being forced to wash.
“A er all, a temple seems to be a temple.”
“Tell me that. My sister can't move."
Everyone said that the temple is a very strange place, and they picked up
each word as they went back and forth.
Washing a damn big dog is hard work. Of course, the washing side tends to
become a full window.
Adriana was wet with her own hair and all her clothes. Of course, Loyar,
who had been washed, had even changed her clothes to new clothes, and
Adriana was wiping her wet hair with a towel carefully.
"Look. How nice it is to wash."
"... is it?"
Seeing herself in her mirror
Royar had a sad expression on his face. Her skin turned a li le whiter, and
a er drying her sparse hair well, Adriana
combs Loyard's hair finely with a comb
was passing
Loyard doesn't know anything else, and the comb feels like it's gently
scratching the scalp and hair.
As if she was in a good mood, she closed her eyes, leaving her body in
Adriana's hands.
Her thick and bri le gray hair was reborn under Adriana's touch.
Of course, it wasn't taken care of at all, so it's not a shiny, silky merical, but
it's managed like it was before.
It didn't look like a nail that was protruding in all direc ons like raw wild
dog hair.
“From now on, wash yourself well.”
“Ugh… I don’t know.”
Royar pa ed his head.
“Comb your hair a li le more.” |
In the end, although Adriana did all her hair, she combed her hair for a
while longer.
Of course, her club members were almost stunned when they saw Loyar,
the first person to appear with her hair properly combed.
- Your sister is a human being.
- Say that.
“What are you saying, you bastards!” All of them nodded their heads
blankly, saying that the older sister was the right person.
Tourists throughout the eclip c are soldiers
They quickly escaped the eclip c under their control. There was s ll a
sense of crisis that ran through the eclip c in the orderly movement, but
the chao c atmosphere was gradually subsiding.
The Imperial Household was aware of what had happened, but in order to
prevent the spread and propaga on of rumors indiscriminately among
common scumbags, the Imperial government had to make a statement.
As demons appeared in the southern part of the eclip c and were
gathering at a nearby waste monastery, about 80 members of the Five
Great Protestant Churches, including the former commander of the Temple
Knights, Leveria Ranche, were present.
were slaughtered
It is not clear who the demons that a acked are, and the imperial family is
inves ga ng the case with all their might.
It is true that it is an emergency, but do not be confused by the rumors
related to the Demon King.
To summarize the contents of the announcement of the imperial family, it
was this way in the end.
There wasn't really any lies in it. There was no reason to mix lies,
Conflict recklessly with the powers of the Five Great Bishops
In a situa on where a large-scale civil war might unfold, the statue that the
demons wiped their noses for
is sulfur
The hos lity of the Five Great Shintoisms towards the empire turns into
hos lity towards the demons.
I am now, into the dark underground water
was si ng quietly on
With a bonfire lit,
- jeop bum bum
Someone from far away with the sound of footsteps
burned out
Argon Fonteus appeared
“Are you here?”
“Yes, lower.”
"sit down."
Sarkegaar sat across from me.
A er a while, Elerys appeared from the air, quietly, without the sound of
“What about Radia?”
“It’s in my room. Rest assured, I won't run away."
Elerys was also quietly at the side of the bonfire.
sat down
As with the last incident, there were stories to share, so I had just called all
of my men to this place, which used to be the base of a Rotary club.
If you come to Royar and start talking
A er wai ng for so long, someone appeared with the sound of footsteps.
And when we saw the person who showed up, all three of us had no
choice but to giggle.
All of us looked puzzled, and the person who came to you also lted their
"...Loyar...?" |
“I don’t think so.”
White hair is not common.
Royar was right, but it was so different from usual, all three of us were
Because the usual Royar is always like a beggar
If you get too close, you get a li le farther away. The current Royar was in
good shape with his clothes and hair in good shape.
Did Royar look like that?
Are you surprisingly okay?
“Did you wash?”
At Elerys' ques on, Royar nodded his head.
“Then why not?”
Just because they washed and changed clothes, Sarkegaar and Elerys were
What kind of life have you been living?
And why did you wash?
to be surprised by someone washing
It's already ridiculous by itself.
Loyard came to the campfire and collapsed.
“The child you entrusted with washed it.”
“… Adriana?”
It felt quite strange to hear someone proudly say that they had washed

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 330

Did Adriana become close enough to wash Loyar herself?
Loyard seemed to like Adriana a bit.
“It’s nice to see. She usually does
Go. She always smelled like a dog from the rain on New Month, and it
seemed like she couldn't stand it.
Elerys smiled so ly and she said so.
Now, Royar stares at Elerys.
“Namisa. Whether I wash or not.”
“When you go back, buy some insec cide and spray it on the child.
Dunn fleas and lice."
“Is this real? Why are you doing this to me? No fleas, no lice!” |
“If you don’t live like that, then you don’t do it anymore. Was it so dirty
that neither fleas nor lice could live?”
“Shut up!”
Elerys has a tendency to grind Loyar unexpectedly. Royard also reacts quite
well to being brave,
Is it similar to how I hit Harriet?
Anyway, from a dog in the rain to a white-haired beast that turned into a
human, Loyar joined in.
“Okay, the situa on was urgent last me, so I couldn’t explain it properly,
but I called this today because I have some things to sort out.”
Last me, I did what I had to do without explaining the details and
inten ons properly. Then back to the temple
I couldn't even talk because I was going.
Most of all, Sarkegaar, Elerys and Loyar didn't know, but Sarkegaar needed
to understand the situa on.
“The last thing was to save Olivia.
did it right to save Adriana.
One thing is right.”
All three were silent at my words.
“Olivia shares Tiama a with me, and she plays an important role in
imprin ng divine magic on Tiama a. It's something that shouldn't
disappear. water
Ron, I'm not saying it's just for use. Adriana and Olivia, they're all
important to me.
“Degrada on.... too much affec on for humans....not.”
Sarquegar tried to say something as if worried, but then shut his mouth.
She seemed to give up knowing she couldn't convince me in this part.
“Now, Sarkegaar, the ques on you are most curious about is why did
humans let us know that we exist? right?"
“Yeah, when we know that a new demon lord exists, humans will gather
and try to find us somehow.”
In order to prevent the division of the empire, the remaining demonic
forces appear.
It was a good thing for the Empire, but for Sarkegaar, who dreams of
rebuilding the Demon Realm, it had no choice but to be a handshake.
But the reason is that, in the end, if you s ck
it's bound to happen
“Sarkegar, I’ll tell you something interes ng.
"What is?"
"Le Barrier Ranche, who slept right before he died,
He said we should join hands with God.”
At those words, the expressions of Elerys and Sarkegaar were astonished.
"If your own power causes chaos in the Empire, isn't it good for you?
Wouldn't it be be er to hold hands. What was the logic of this?"
“The commander of the Knights Templar….. such a word…” “Humans are
such beings.”
I lower my voice.
“For their own benefit, they are willing to join hands with non-humans to
kill humans.”
Human wickedness and selfishness.
I talk about it.
“In that case... wouldn't it be be er to hold hands in the first place...?” |
| “You said LeBarrier Ranche wanted two things I couldn't compromise on.
That’s why we couldn’t nego ate with Le Barrier Ranche.”
I have no inten on of hiding that Adriana and Olivia are precious people to
“Right now, we are s ll weak. Humans need to be divided now, and if the
Empire takes care of it well, when the Empire really needs to be divided,
everything can be finished.”
“Now is not the me. It would be nice to have a picture of us popping up
one at a me when we've got a good founda on and we're all set. The
republican revolu on or the establishment of the Holy Empire.”
At my words, Sarkegaar's expression gradually changes.
It is an expression of searching for answers from doubts and ques ons.
“The Holy Empire is not a ma er of disappearing just because Le Barrier
Lanze dies. There are already groups of people who want independence
within the Five Great Bishops' Church.
Maybe they will find a focal point other than Levereri Ranche.”
“And, they join us if necessary.”
“Revolu onary forces? They're no different. Empire is a huge monster.
revolu onary tax
The monsters you have to deal with are big and powerful, guys? Of course,
if the power of a new demonic force can shake up the empire, they will
definitely try to join hands with us.”
“Of course, if the demon realm forces from the me when the previous
demon king was s ll alive, they would never take our hand. They are just
trying to use us.”
"In other words, only now, when each other is weak
It's a stage where you can hold hands. My
To deal with the monster called soup.”
“So, now we are
I did not come here to unite mankind.”
“To inform the an -imperial forces of our existence.”
“So, by approaching them one by one, they and us exchange each other’s
use value. Stories about the ming and ming to tear the empire apart will
also be discussed in detail.
to be able to.”
“So, whether a revolu on, the establishment of the Holy Empire, or the
reconstruc on of the demon realm, it does not happen sequen ally at
different mes, but once.
Wouldn't it be be er to achieve their own goals if they happen at the same
me? It must be an offer they have no reason to refuse.”
“In other words, this is the star ng point for crea ng an an -imperial
coali on.”
To inform mankind that the demon realm is s ll alive, and to stop their
But, according to the saying, an -imperial
Our zone to join hands with the forces
It can also be explained in terms of revealing the ashes and using them.
An -Imperial Alliance.
Everything is ul mately up to you to say.
At my words, Elerys had a confused expression on her face.
was looking at me
Even Elerys, who knows my true inten ons, is astonished. It's all a lie to say
it's for the future, and in fact, I think this might be my real purpose.
Even Elerys, to whom I told everything
I'm also surprised
“Are you admiring your wisdom...?
Not to men on Sarkegaar.
His doubts were cleared.
have to be released
Even if it's self explanatory, I can do it if I really want to. If destroying the
empire is the priority, the s ll weak remnants of the demons
Even if we borrow the hand of the revolu onary, the revolu onary forces
will hold our hand.
A er the fall of the Empire, they will try to strike us in the neck, but in the
end, it is only natural to join hands with the enemy of the future out of
First, it destroys the biggest enemy at hand, and the small enemy it holds
hands with.
If you try to do that, you can really do it.
“Contact with the revolu onary forces will be in the name of the Darkland.
"Okay, my dear..."
Sarkegaar was burs ng with exclama ons, as if he had never imagined my
plans were so grandiose.
Actually, it's all lies.
Revolu onary forces and the work of the Holy Empire.
informa on while in contact with those key forces
While sharing, all I'm going to say is 'it's not the me', not a revolu on or
collapse of an empire.
Un l the gate incident
You just need to drag the liver.
about a year in the future.
As long as I keep their feet ed up for that me, my purpose will be
achieved. The next thing is just postponed to the next thing
I feel like my head is going to explode just by dealing with the gate
incident, but what happened later
I can't imagine that it will lead to
The main dish hasn't even come out yet, so I can't think of what to do.
Roughly speaking, I have finished explaining my inten ons. The most
important thing was to want Sarkegaar to understand, and it seems that he
did. It was to the point that even Elelis was stunned.
Sarkegaar is mo vated to find a way to contact the revolu onary forces as
soon as possible.
It overflowed and went back and forth.
Even if he looks like that, he is a guy who is thoroughly good at his job, so
don't worry.
“You have nothing to say?”
“…well, if that’s the case with you, then it must be.”
Royar listened to all the stories and just sat there blankly. mind
I think it's sold somewhere else.
Anyway, the story is over.
"How's Adriana, is she okay? She even washes things, so she seems to be
doing be er than I expected."
She washes a child far younger than herself.
She's not and she says she's been washed
At the point of Gi Gi, Loyard has a lot of problems.
“Compared to that darling kid of hers, she's an angel. She's gentle, she's
nice, and she's always willing to help, but I'm dying of bother."
Even if you say it like that, I'm talking about Adriana.
she's just smiling
Her sister is incapacitated by one shot.
Isn't it too easy?
Dogs aren't like that...
In hindsight, Ellen's personality is long and feline. She doesn't show her
emo ons easily, she pretends she doesn't care at all, and then she
suddenly comes over and sits on her lap.
I wonder if Ellen and Loyard were not compa ble with each other,
Adriana was thinking she should have been sent somewhere else.
It's been a few days since she's gone, but seeing Loyar doing that, she
wonders if Adriana is doing well.
Of course, that is Loyarman's opinion, and Adriana may have a different
opinion, so she says she will have to visit her later.
I thought.
A er Royar's steps became a li le lighter and he le the sewer lightly, I
looked at Elerys for the last me.
“How about Radia?”
“Um, I am very afraid of you. I feel like it's inevitable, but well, if you leave
it to me... I'm sure there will be good results soon.”
Ladia Schmidt originally intended to kill her, but at the request of Elerys,
she is kept alive. She knows if it's Elerys
She believes she will do well.
It seemed that the turmoil that had been in the past had calmed down to
some extent. someone to get out of Almost all of them escaped under
control, and the inves ga on into the case seemed to go on, but it must
have been lost.
It would not be possible to find any traces or trace them.
I was now in the student council president's office with seven other people
besides me.
Student Council President and Vice President. last me donga
These are the people I saw during the Lee budget subsidy problem.
Temple Student Council President, 5th grader Lane Carly.
Vice President, 4th grade Hermann von Logaris.
I feel free because the temple fes val is over.
It was the two of them who looked red, but s ll had a lot of fa gue.
“From now on, you will be going to an audience with His Majesty the
Tournament winners can have an audience with the Emperor. I thought
that my mee ng with the emperor might be canceled because of this
incident, but there seemed to be no inten on of canceling it.
1st through 6th grade tournament total
six people.
One Unlimited Tournament Winner.
And it's unusual. This me, Mr. Temple and Miss Temple will also have an
audience with the emperor.
So now in the student council president's office
The process of mee ng the emperor and a en on
Not only me but also
There was also La Eren.
Mr Temple is a stranger. from the general class, bad luck
he looks like a guy The grade is 4th grade.
he is not interested
Despite all these precau ons, Student Council President Lane Carly seemed
to be concerned about something.
I know what it is without telling you.
A total of seven tournament winners.
Miss Temple, and Mr Temple.
There should be nine people in total, but now there are only eight.
Unlimited Tournament Winner, Radia
There is no Schmidt.
The 6th grade tournament winner, Royal Class A-5 Leonard, also seemed
puzzled by the absence of Radia Schmidt. He also won the 6th grade
tournament, but he doesn't play in unlimited tournaments so he doesn't
was a senior
The disappearance of Ladia Schmidt.
It would also be an important issue
it was ter
If it was the Imperial Family, it could be assumed that Ladia Schmidt was a
member of an unnamed religious order and was involved in the last
But disappearance is disappearance.
The search for Ladia Schmidt also
Those who know the nameless order will know that it is intertwined with
the event.
If there are people who have seen Ali and La Dia Schmidt run into them in
the shopping mall, there are those who remember it.
The mul faceted problem is complicated.
In the end, I also went on an adventure to save Adriana and Olivia in many
If that's part of the problem, it's okay to let Ladia Schmidt free her from
custody and then make her perjury.
Elerys's choice not to kill Ladia Schmidt could somehow turn into
something good for me.
On the way to meet the emperor.
But no one should be there.
Under the leadership of the Imperial Guard, we
departed from the temple.
Only the tournament winners enjoy the honor of being able to meet the
original emperor.
The reason for the unusually sang Miss Temple and Mr. Temple this me is
"...I'm hungry."
Ellen, who is standing next to her and mu ering with a fierce expression
saying she is hungry, is Miss Temple
Probably because he was elected to
She is the younger sister of Lagann Artorius and the classmate of Bertus
and Charlo e.
She'll wonder what kind of guy Ellen is.
And, the Emperor knows that I have improved her Charlo e's condi on.
Xabi Olin Tana said that the Emperor would call me someday, but it was a
li le surprising that she would go to an audience with the Emperor in the
name of a tournament winner, even El Len.
On the way to visit the emperor, the means of transporta on were a li le
different than usual, probably because it was a road accompanied by the
You can go directly to the gate at the entrance to the Imperial Castle
through the warp gate beyond the temple exit, not the magic train.
there was. Ignoring the queue and being prepared in advance, we passed
the gate with a free pass and were able to move directly in front of
Imperial Emperatos.
Ellen seemed unimpressed by all of this.
I guess it's because the emperor says he's fussy
is a fierce expression.
To be honest, I'm not afraid of anything, but it's been a while since Ellen's
Dum Dumb Choongs
It was pre y fun to see it sloppy.
But when I think about it, shouldn't I be afraid of the most emperor in the
I'm just thinking that I'm a li le scared of such a topic, isn't it that I'm more
serious than Ellen?
While thinking in vain, the leader
Following the genera ons, we entered the Hwangseong Fortress.
As we did last me, we hurriedly boarded the prepared tram and started
heading towards the central palace of the Imperial Palace, Tetra.
Everyone was surprised because it was their first me riding the tram
inside the Hwangseong Fortress.
“There is a tram.”
Ellen seemed a li le surprised as well.
“It must be because it is wide.”
Rather, I was not impressed. Without this, it would be rather inconvenient
to move inside the Hwangseong as it is.
“Did you come?”
At Ellen's ques on, I felt like I was out of breath.
It doesn't ma er if you tell me, but here are the Imperial Guards and
students who are not familiar with them.
No one else should know that I had been to the Imperial Palace of
Emperatos on behalf of the Palace of Spring.
Because Bertus shouldn't know that I played a major role in saving
Charlo e's life.
Ellen said that I was just saying that, and she nodded and looked out her
Palace of Winter and Palace of Spring,
They looked far away. Charlo e and
Bertus wants everyone to be there.
Tram stopped at Central Palace Tetra
Come on, let's all get down
The main gate of the central palace was wide open. Everyone is splendid in
the central imperial palace tetra
However, I am overwhelmed by the solemn and majes c appearance
seemed to have been Seeing it again, it's simple
Rather, it was a palace that felt dignified.
Passing through the main hall of the palace, and entering the audience
room, instead of aristocrats, baboons

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 331

The audience process was not that complicated.
Instead, they welcomed us
Applause, we are in front of the emperor
I knelt down and listened to the Emperor's Japanese speech.
I don't know if he was prepared or if he was speaking on the spot, but in
the end it was all just a sham.
Seeing the excellent talents cul vated by Temple, an ins tu on that
prepares the future of the empire, it makes me feel really good and hopes
that I will con nue to lead the empire by devo ng myself to it.
Similar to the words of the headmaster
that is to say
The emperor got us up and shook our hand once to signify that we should
be strong in the future. If it's a li le natural, a natural sight
got to see
- Go ahead.
- Clap, clap! This is the honor of a life me. The Emperor's wrath!
- Well, um.
There were some guys who almost cried.
No, on the contrary, most of the reac ons were like that and it was natural.
- Go ahead.
- This glory and honor! Engraved in my soul, I will serve the Empire for the
rest of my life!
- Good.
Even the guy who seems to be making a prepared comment.
Anyway, everyone was struggling with the glory. Rather, it is ordinary
is a reac on
“To go forward.”
Ellen shakes hands with the emperor and nods once as if answering the
“To go forward.”
"thank you."
I was going to try to appeal to the glory as much as possible, but I didn't
think it was an honor anyway, so I answered simply because I was afraid
that I would rather offend the emperor.
Rather, I and Ellen's reac on was the strangest axis.
The emperor didn't bother to point out the ma er, probably because the
emperor had been informed in advance that Ladia Schmidt was not
It was already a great honor to even be seen by the Emperor, but the
Emperor did not send us back with a bare mouth.
A er that, lunch with the emperor
this was scheduled
Moving to the luncheon, the temple students and the emperor sat down at
a long table to eat.
Where I ate at the Palace of Spring last me
Star ng with appe zers with rum and courses, the food started coming out
one plate at a me.
- Omnyo
As with all appe zers, Ellen slipped it into her mouth, mu ered, and stared
intently at the plate.
why only this one
This is how it feels.
For Ellen, who loses pa ence in front of something to eat, a course meal
means wai ng for something to eat for too long. It's not that I haven't been
to fine dining with him. It's tasty, but it's the type that complains about the
lack of quan ty. Because he likes to order everything and then do it again
a er ea ng everything.
When a plate comes out, I ate it up and then I sit back and forth, and when
a plate comes out, I eat it every now and then and fold it quietly.
I only look at poetry
Come to think of it, kid, did you mu er that you were hungry earlier?
Naturally, the emperor was ea ng while watching the students.
The emperor whispered a few words to her maid who served her meal.
...A er that, Ellen's share was given to three people each.
It seems that he secretly ordered it when he saw that edible character.
Because I might be embarrassed to say it out loud.
Even pretending to be a lot of food, Ellen was able to have a meal with
other people at a suitable tempo.
Of course she had no ques ons about Ellen's sudden increase in the
amount of food she ate.
She just eats it while saying it like that. "Why?"
As I stared, Ellen shook her head.
she groaned
“...I, some mes. You are a li le… yes.”
“All right, Mom.”
I'm not ashamed to put it anywhere, Ande.
He has a strong appe te, so he will be considered by the emperor.
it's about
That I'm not ashamed
I know I'm shy!!
Everyone is nervous because they are in front of the emperor, and they eat
and drink, but they eat wagwagu.
looked at Eren and me, who gave me a pint glass, as if looking at some
strange things.
No, am I the weirder?
A er the luncheon, we took a brief tour of the central palace Tetra under
the guidance of the emperor.
It's not even a bedroom, but it's a gym
Sea Guard wai ng room and gallery
including one lap. I thought it was going to end with an audience and
luncheon, but because it was an official schedule, the emperor took me
It seemed like a lot of me was spent.
Everyone was s ff and nervous, and when the Emperor spoke to them,
they were busy arguing, but the Emperor did not speak to me and Ellen.
The reason was soon known.
A er all the schedule was completed, the students including us were led
by the guards.
Ah, the moment to leave.
“Come here, you guys.”
Xaviol Lin Tana in Chanafel's uniform called me and Ellen.
“Do you remember me?”
"Yes, Shana.
You are the boss.”
Even if I never had a separate face, 1st grade
Ellen also remembered Xabi Olin Tana's face when she saw the face in the
year she took over as the dorm manager.
“Okay, the two of you have been called separately by His Majesty the
Emperor. Follow me.”
The other students return, and Ellen and I follow Xaviolin Tana's lead.
headed somewhere
- smart
"Your Majesty, I brought them both."
- Come in.
Xaviolin Tana sees me and Ellen. “I believe you will do well.”
- nod
Saviolin because I know the back side of me
Tana doesn't know Ellen, but she worries about me
was the shape
No ma er how much I say I'm crazy, the emperor
Shall I stop in front?
As Saviolin Tana opened the door, a high ceiling and a wall full of books
caught my eye.
And in front of the wooden table set by the window, the emperor was
seated in a chair backlit.
The emperor's office, or study.
It seemed like such a place.
On the armchair next to him lay the cloak, scepter, and crown he had been
wearing un l now. It's going to be cumbersome, so I wouldn't wear
something like that when it's not on an official schedule.
It's a luxury item, but it's not flashy for everyday wear.
Neliode de Gradias was a man who gave the impression of a scholar when
he put down his cloak, scepter, and crown.
- moon moon
“Come closer. You don’t even have to kneel down.”
I and Ellen followed the instruc ons and took a few steps in front of the
The Emperor came out in silence and took Ellen out.
look up
| “How much do you two know about each other?
Are you?”
It's a silly ques on, but I know what it means.
Ellen is hiding that she is Artorius' younger sister.
I am also the owner of Tiamata
hiding that
They ask each other if they know it. If not, it must be to keep our secret.
“There are many things we don’t know, but we know enough to know each
Ellen spoke first before I could say anything.
There are many things I don't know, but I know as much as I know.
Those words are just trying to break her heart
It seemed
“Then it will be easier. good."
The Emperor looks at us quietly.
"As Emperor of the Empire, it is an honor to meet the Champion of Tuan
and the Apostle of Mensis."
When the emperor came out like that first, the two of us had no choice but
to faint a li le. The emperor got up from his seat and looked out the
window quietly.
with their backs on us.
“The gods are meaningless champions
I do not choose.”
Whether he is a member of the Five Great Bishops
It is unknown whether
But he cannot deny the existence of God
No, he is in the providence itself
would be talking about
“Champions have always had their part, and there are things in the world
that need them, so the relics and their champions exist.”
"Ellen Artorius."
“The Alsbringer is owned by the Empire.”
Alsbringer, the sword of the war god Als
For Ellen, it is her brother's keepsake.
“I thought it would.”
Ellen just nodded her head as if she wasn't really surprised.
“If Alsbringer chooses the champion, the world will now have three
masters out of the five holy relics.”
| Three holy things appeared in the world. The two have already chosen
champions, and Alsbringer has a clear subject.
“Even during the Demon World War, there were only two holy relics in the
world, the Alsbringer and the Rament that Lagann Artorius had.
The emperor just stares out the window
“But now that the Demon World War is over, what do you think this
phenomenon, in which the number of holy relics has increased by one
“You mean more dangerous things are going to happen?”
To the emperor's words, Ellen answered.
The gods believe that holy things are in the world
don't let me go
Even in the Demon World War, the greatest crisis of mankind, the number
of holy relics that only appeared in two have now increased by one.
The emperor seemed to interpret it as a red flag for the fate of mankind.
But in the end, that's a mistake.
The Great Lord God is not just for humans. Even the emperor had such a
preconceived no on.
It was clear that there was no way out.
The Emperor turns his body and looks at Ellen from the backlight.
“You must be aware of the rumors that make noise in the zodiac these
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Le Barrier Ranche, former commander of the Knights Templar
About twenty elite paladins, including
Myung, an unknown group of demons
were killed by all of them, demon
They were war heroes who played a great role in Daejeon.”
Although it was already announced, it was refreshing to hear the story
from the emperor's mouth.
from the point of view of the culprit. “It can be said that this is simply the
work of the demon remnants, but the imperial family is the worst.
The situa on is also taken into account.”
“The demon king may not have died, or the demon king’s successor may
Ellen salivated as if nervous at those words.
For Ellen, that name is an inseparable name.
As she is the hero's younger brother, and is more gi ed than Lagann
Artorius, Ellen must have always thought of herself as she was forced to
become a warrior.
"You guys are very valuable talents who possess the Holy Relic. But you're
s ll young."
They are just sprouts that have the quali es to become a warrior but
cannot become a warrior yet.
“But even later, are you guys ready to fight against the Demon King?”
the emperor's ques on Me and Ellen were silent.
You cannot answer no.
But Ellen saved her life
If I could save all the prizes, that kind of life
I hate buying it, she said.
I won't make the same choice as your brother
was promising
But at the same me, innocent in the Darklands
To keep people from dying
So she risked her life.
Ellen at the beginning of her semester and Ellen now
“If the devil wants the destruc on of mankind, if the purpose is to destroy
everything I love...” |
Ellen speaks quietly.
“I will fight the Demon King.”
Contrary to her original work, Ellen has many precious
made things
Even in the absence of that, Ellen eventually risked her life for her world,
but now the meaning is very different.
If the purpose of the Demon King is to destroy everything in humanity, I
will kill the Demon King.
Ellen says so.
The Emperor sees me this me.
“So do I.”
It's not about killing the Demon King.
I'm ready to fight for it, and I'm s ll figh ng. In the end, the emperor
looked at me and Ellen who gave the same answer even though the
meaning was different, and nodded with a firm expression on his face.
"Thank you."
The words of thanks that came out of the emperor's mouth had no choice
but to embarrass me to some extent.
"As of this me, the Empire promises you the utmost protec on and
coopera on."
To the Emperor, we are nothing but keywords to defeat the Demon King.
That's why we need me un l we become strong
Ahn promises not only protec on as a temple student, but also
unrestricted coopera on at the imperial level.
The object of coopera on is so sought
Without knowing that he is the demon lord who wants
“And Reinhardt.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
The emperor's eyes showed a slightly different emo on than before.
Un l now, the future of the empire and humanity
If I had talked about it, the eyes were a li le more emo onal.
“Thank you for saving my daughter.”
What should be called paternal love.
Of course, Ellen wondered what this meant.
I lted my head not knowing.
A er exchanging such a story with the emperor, Ellen and I were led out of
the Imperial Palace by the guards.
A er le ng Ellen go, the Emperor le me for a while and said,
'In the near future, I have to do it for Charlo e.
There may be work to be done.
'...Is that so.
'I'm s ll not sure what that is, but can you help me?'
The answer was fixed.
...Thank you. Reinhardt.
The pure gra tude of the emperor had a certain deep resonance that I did
not expect.
What to do for Charlo e.
I don't know what it is.
But if it's for Charlo e
will have to
Of course, that was just an added story, and the real purpose of the
emperor was something else.
As those who possess relics, in this situa on where the demon king may
have returned, the emperor and I and Ellen Artorius are treated as the
most important in the empire.
decided that it should
In exchange for the promise of risking his life to fight the demon king later,
he agreed to receive near-unlimited support from the Empire.
Me and Ellen put the things they had received into their arms.
It was the same imperial coat of arms that Charlo e had briefly received.
With this, the Emperor himself explained that we were given enormous
powers, not just at the level of students in the Temple Royal class, but
beyond even any great aristocrat.
He said that he would be able to receive treatment equivalent to that of
the imperial family anywhere, and even conscrip on of troops if the
situa on was serious.
Simply put.
Now that the warp gate fee is free, of course, it means that it is a free pass.
Of course, neither me nor Ellen felt that right now.
“Tell me what’s going on.”
Only the two of us, Ellen, looking at me
she asked bluntly.
I had no choice but to explain her details to Ellen.
From what happened at the Palace of Spring, Charlo e's runaway, and the
ba le with Saviolin Tana at the Palace of Spring.
Ellen heard the date and remembered the days of not returning to the
I think I figured out when that was.
it was
| “He said he had never been to the Imperial Palace.”
"........I'm sorry."
“I lied again.”
On the subject of saying that he had never been to the Imperial Palace
today, while talking to the Emperor, it was revealed that he had been to
the Imperial Palace and even rescued Charlo e.
"that is. thing. The circumstances... it's something no one should listen
"It's not that you shouldn't listen... This is it. Well, there were others."
Ellen shook her head.
“Yeah, it’s not your problem, it’s the Charlo e thing.
What I'm saying is... I'm talking about the secrets of the imperial family. It
must have been difficult to say.”
Ellen raised her head as if convinced. I speak to someone recklessly
It was a ma er that could not be decided.
Ellen seemed to be thinking about something.
She ponders whether to say something or not, and she raises her head.
“Can I be sad?”
“It’s like something you shouldn’t be sad about. I’m sad.”
“That, that’s it… your heart…”
It's sad that I'm allowed to be sad
I would like to do it
“Then, I’m sad.”
As Ellen said that, her mouth slowly began to pop out.
“Uh… I’m sorry…”
“You always say you’re sorry.”
Ellen cks, she rolls for nothing
you kick stones
"Some other words. I want to hear it."
Ellen says what the other word is
didn't She wants to have an affair, and Ellen turns her head.
I gaze quietly at the main gate of the Imperial Palace Emperatos behind
her. Then she quietly takes out the imperial coat of arms that she had
received from the emperor.
“Didn’t we say that we are now treated similarly to royalty?” |
“It’s not a real royal family, but what… did you say so?”
“Then, when do we just go in there?”
Eren nodded and giggled.
"Well...? Isn't there anything that can't be done?"
To say that the treatment is equivalent to that of the imperial family is not
a word for the emperor to be reckless,
The Emperor sees us as decisive weapons that will fight the Demon King in
the future. These are the two champions who decided to give their lives in
the fight against the demon king, so we
Maximum protec on and protec on un l strong
It was meant to make you cry.
Ellen blankly looked at the entrance to the Imperial Palace.
Why did you ever wonder about that?
I don't know,
“Let’s go back.”
Ellen strides forward.
not on the temple side.
“You want to write a gate?”
“Yeah, you can use it.” Ellen said she was going towards the warp gate.
I wasn't the only one who thought of this as a warp gate high pass cket.
If you look at it, the treatment that is equivalent to that of the royal family
is the one that will be used most o en in the end, but the priority right to
use the warp gate is...
It didn't seem like much, but it felt like a huge right in my opinion.
Charlo e, who is a real member of the Imperial Family, also rides a magic
train in the Imperial Capital.
Why don't we just use warp gates like this?
Isn't that a bummer?

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 332

You guys have to kill the Demon King, so we need to make the most of our
I will focus on not ge ng stronger, and I will support the Empire as much
as it can.
A demon king who hears Dara...
It's funny, but how can things be like this? Actually that's me
there is no such thing as
I had an audience with the emperor, and vaca on started.
And soon the last day of the year came.
On a day when the sun goes down, like-minded people gather at the A-
class dormitory
Had a li le party.
I cooked the food, and everyone except for Bertus had gathered. As of
today, we played in a restaurant with all the savage death penalty and
I cooked the food, and Ellen helped by the side.
“Ah, no… Reinhardt, you… did all of this?”
“What can’t you do?”
As it was the first me I tried to eat the food I made, my eyes widened.
Cliffman also some mes ate food with his side legs, so he wasn't
par cularly embarrassed.
It was such a day to just eat and play.
Of course, beyond our real pain
Liana de Granz is a duke
He had a trip to bring alcohol from
“Drink it!”
Of course, everyone didn't even say it, but only me and Liana drank and got
very drunk, but I was suppressed by Ellen and Liana by Harriet.
Because she was suppressed early, fortunately, there were no incidents
that the headmasters found out.
The new year has dawned.
Sarkegaar makes contact with the revolu onary forces, and Elerys becomes
the leader of the Vampire Council.
I didn't know when I would ask for a job, so I decided to stay in the zodiac
for now.
I want to follow Ellen's hometown, but I can't.
I'm so sorry
“You can go alone.” “Who doesn’t know that?”
I was walking next to Ellen, who was dragging her oversized suitcase.
I don't know when Ellen will return to her hometown, but she will be away
from her for at least a few weeks.
The temple came out right away, and Ellen entered the large gate in front
of the temple.
Just do it.
You can even get a free pass with the imperial coat of arms, so you don't
have to wait.
If only I could get through the gate quickly
That's good.
what is it
I have to say that I am sorry for nothing.
As soon as the vaca on started, I le
'Cause I'm done
Ellen's hometown is literally in the countryside with no name on the map.
it's a gang
Ellen dragged her suitcase and looked at me from where her gate was in
the distance and shook her head.
"I'll go."
I'm not going at all, and I'll be back soon. when are you going to come S ll,
it's been a long me since I've seen my family, so I don't want to be there
for a month or so.
Ellen stares at me and she giggles.
“Am I not going?”
“If you tell me not to go, I won’t.”
I think I'm going out of my mind
Don't come in like this!!
“No, I have to go, but my parents must be worried because it’s been a long
me since I’ve seen your face. uh."
Ellen's parents are also worried about how her daughter-in-law is doing in
a land far away.
This will be Taesan. I also have a lot of work to do, so I might be away from
the zodiac for a few days, but I go to Ellen like I'm in vain.
It doesn't even make sense to say no.
It's just that she came all the way here. Ellen stared at her gate for a while,
then looked at me for a while and then.
She suddenly found herself in a cafe on the street out of the blue.
“Then, shall I go a li le late?”
She says there's no rush, and she says that Ellen can go kill her some me.
Ellen grinned at my knife-like answer.
In the end, she ordered a drink at the cafe and flopped around un l her
departure was almost six.
me or delay
It wasn't really a very interes ng story. just blankly you two
Seeing this si ng passerby,
When I was hungry, I just wasted me by ordering something like dessert
and ea ng it.
this is it,
A soldier who came out on vaca on is vaguely arguing with her girlfriend
ahead of her comeback because she doesn't want to break up with her. Of
course, the posi on is reversed, but the one who goes is Ellen and the one
who remains is me.
We couldn't do this or that to each other
As his vision becomes blurred, Ellen raises her head and smiles.
“Can I just go tomorrow?”
She shoved the p of her throat as Erra was about to burst out in response
to those words.
"...No, this is definitely a picture that leaves tomorrow and the day a er
tomorrow. Just go quickly."
Ellen slowly pops out her mouth.
"No, I'm not saying this in the sense of going fast, it's definitely going to
“I know what you mean.”
In the end, they just spent me flir ng with each other, and Ellen stood in
front of the gate.
"I will be back."
“Yeah, be careful.” | I don't know what to watch out for
the word did so.
“You too be careful. whatever.”
Ellen nodded and walked towards the giant warp gate.
She was sad for nothing, so she watched Ellen through the gate un l the
Erendo Just before she enters the gate, she turns to me and shakes her
hand slightly, then sits s ll and is gay.
She went into Troy.
what is it
that guy and me
We're so jealous of each other....
So it's not necessarily bad
A er Ellen returns to her hometown, she promises exactly when she will
She didn't, so I don't know when she will come. I was busy as well.
“Can I eat this?”
"Stability verifica on hasn't been completed yet. What if something big
“Are you going to die?”
“Yeah, I might die.”
“That’s right….”
I have an uniden fied blue reagent
You brought the bo le to your lips and
put down with
Magic Research Society mansion.
I was just about to check the progress of the moonshine and power
It's like being a supervisor of any kind, but it's not really that different from
that. I am also the president of the Magic Research Society.
Chris na, an alchemist major, seems to have a bit of a streak now, so I'm
going to give it a try or something.
Said she might die if she's wrong
A er all, it is true that I put it down once,
“Then when do you think it will be completed?” “Well, I’m not sure.
Chris na is already thinking that what she's got a sense of is already
nonsense. In fact, there was no choice but to make the Magic Research
Society less than half a year ago.
But even in the original, this is very urgent
It is something that is made quickly. So, before the end of this vaca on
I'm sure it will come true
“It’s strange, something… I know it’s funny to say this, but… should I say it’s
fate? There is such a thing.”
She was asked to make a nonsense object. However, as she progressed,
Chris na seemed to feel a certain fateful incongruity in the process as she
learned what to do.
“Then that’s fine.”
A er all, I can't even reach the story of knowing the future.
Chris na has no problem.
The problem is on the other side.
“…uh, uh…why…”
"Would you like to drink this...?"
Anna de Gerna.
She's one of the protagonists of this alchemy experiment with Chris na,
who's in trouble. Anna puts an uniden fied pink fluorescent substance at
me with a gloomy expression.
"This... what is this?"
"It's good for the body... It's ugly."
“Oh, no. He, I'm healthy enough so I don't need to get be er... Mi, I'm
I'm so scared of him!!
Every me I come here, they secretly try to feed me something, but my
inten ons never seem pure!!
To him in a different way from Liana
can't do anything recklessly There seems to be some kind of favor to me,
but what do I do when this favor turns into malice?
I don't know if I will get
"Anna! Don't you keep trying to feed Reinhardt weird things?"
Fortunately, Chris na restrained Anna, and Anna put the pink vial back into
her arms, with her wrinkled expression on her face.
I'm really scared....
Every me I come here, I make a firm promise not to eat or do anything by
The next check is, of course, the power
It was a cartridge. The purpose of the Magic Research Council is that
Moonshine and Power Cartridge are nuclear weapons.
because it's sim
- Whoa...
In a safety room in the basement of my house, designed to withstand
shocks as much as possible, Harriet created ar facts made of purpurea.
I could see him pu ng his strength into his eyeballs and concentra ng on
- Whoa, whoa!
The blue ar fact vibrates, emits light, and vibrates.
Me and Adelia and Li le Sun
Bardina watched it holding her breath.
The vibra on felt from the ar fact that emits blue light gradually
- Kook!
- Whoops!
Eventually, the power cartridge exploded and sha ered. Herriot himself
He wasn't hurt by the protec ve field he had deployed on his body, but it
was so terrifying that if it exploded defenseless, about one arm would be
blown away.
It was one explosion.
" exploded again..."
Adelia let out her sigh.
“Is this popping o en?”
No, isn't this tes ng process too risky? explosion with protec on
Although defended, Harriot came out of the safe, with his hair ruffled.
“Hey, why are you tes ng this so dangerously?”
“If you don’t do this, how the hell do you test?”
Harriet put his hand on his waist as if there was another way to find out if
there was any other way.
“Well, then there’s nothing I can do about it… No, it’s because I’m s ll
“I know you are worried, but there is no other way.”
In the Magic Research Society, Harriet is the best in the ability to use
magic. Therefore, it is possible to try to use the mana inside the cartridge,
which is s ll unstable, as if it were the body's magic power.
Only Harriet.
If a clumsy guy takes the test and fails, it's difficult to determine whether
the guy's mana opera on was clumsy or the cartridge itself is defec ve.
are you
So power cartridge tes ng always seemed to be what Harriet was doing.
Recently, it succeeded in pu ng magic power into the cartridge, but there
seemed to be a problem in opera ng it.
Budget every me the cartridge explodes
It's exploding as well.
“What is the problem?”
“I felt that the mana of the Ar fact was in sync with my body. but s ll
weak So when I try to cast magic, it seems that the circuit can't stand it."
"Is it a ma er of durability?"
“I don’t think it’s just that.”
“Sisters! Let's review the circuit design again, then!"
I couldn't even understand the three magic majors talking in the first place.
want to hear
It's not that it hasn't progressed at all, it's that we've finally entered an
intermediate stage here.
It was like
Moonshine and Power Cartridge.
In the end, I think it will be completed by next year.
To be honest, it doesn't ma er if it's not completed by next year.
Both of them were helpful enough even a er the gate incident. As long as
the development is completed before the gate incident, that alone will be a
huge power boost.
Harriet succeeded in dras cally reducing the magic cas ng me. So all you
need is magic.
When the Power Cartridge is completed, it will unleash a formidable
And, the guy who became the mo f for Harriet's awakening of a new
magic trick.
“I think it’s right to use the open-ended form.”
“Is that so?”
“Try it once or not!”
Li le Lordin.
Harriet imitated Redina's talent.
If it was Le Dina's no-cas ng talent, she would be able to show off the true
power of the Power Cartridge.
Things are going well, but in the end bi er water comes up inside.
What we do together here
I think that this will eventually lead to war, so I have no choice but to...
Because these youngsters will soon be put into a fight to the death and
death, so someone might die.
I don't want to deny that this was necessary, but I couldn't help but feel
be er because I thought everyone was going to get hurt in the end.
The three of them hesitated for a while, and once they had decided on the
future direc on, Adelia said that she would design a power cartridge
according to a new blueprint.
was finished with
"Why. Are you done?"
“I’m going out of the temple for a moment, do you have me?”
It seemed that Harriet had something to do with it.
“Dimensional magic research, we should start.”
Herriot is in charge of tes ng the power cartridge, but her original role is to
research dimensional magic.
He was on vaca on a er the tournament was over, so now he seemed to
want to study dimensional magic in earnest.
“Why do I do it?” “If you just come here, you idiot!”
Heriot told me why he needed me and dragged me away as if to follow
Harriet and I le the Magic Research Society mansion. Harriet was carrying
one of his li le backpacks. what was inside
I don't know.
“Is Ellen going well?”
“I will.”
Everyone knows that Ellen has returned to her hometown.
“I wonder what Ellen’s hometown looks like.
forbid Is not it?"
“It sounds like a rural area, but what are you curious about?”
“Because that, Lagann Artorius’s hometown is praying…”
Come to think of it, Ellen's hometown is also the hometown of Lagann
He thinks it's like a visit to the birthplace of a hero.
However, it is not known from the general public which mountain village
Lagan Artorius came from. If so, there
I can't be a country town anymore
Aside from talking about whether Lagann Artorius's sacrifice was natural or
not, Heriot seemed to personally like and respect the warrior Artorius.
Who wouldn't,
“Shall I ask if I can go play later?”
"...that's your freedom, but keep in mind that it's a rural area."
“Why? Quiet like a fairy tale landscape
And I think it would be a good place.”
“Damn, do you think water will come out when you turn on the faucet in
such a place?”
Don't think that wherever you go on the con nent, your base of living will
be similar to that of the eclip c. At my point, Harriet was a li le terrified of
not even imagining that.
“It would be nice if you didn’t pass out in a conven onal toilet or
"Conven onal...? What is that?"
As if it were the first me in her life she had heard such a word, Harriet
Yeah, there's absolutely no reason for you to keep the importance of a
toilet seat in your head.
"Hmm, there will come a day when I'll be able to explain to you about the
poop. Listen carefully."
“What, what! If you're going to talk dirty, don't do it!"
“In a neighborhood where there is no concept of water and sewerage,
once you dig up the ground and bury something like a huge barrel, you go
up to it and install a toilet there.
I'm working..."
“Hey, don’t do it!”
“Obviously, the excrement doesn’t go down through the sewer, it just piles
If you look at it, he has accumulated so far. Let the traces of life fill as it
“Don’t do it! Whoa, whoa! I think I'm going to vomit!"
"That's how it all piled up, one sweat at a me.
I mean, sweat was poured out with a big gourd. Then, I mixed it with a pile
of straw and aged it…”
- Tight!
"Stop it!"
In the end, one was caught. Harriet is an imagina ve type.
In the end, it was as if I was imagining whether what I had heard was
engraved in my brain.
“No, you can’t even say… you can’t… you smell… can’t you?”
"Aren't you okay?"
“Then how… that. To work... to see?”
“I can’t stand the smell.”
“Uh, uh… uh…”
Harriet was in tears. I've seen everything you can't see on a deserted
island, but that's it
Even it will remain trauma c.
I'm sure you'll faint the moment you step into a conven onal toilet.
“Just because a place looks like a fairy tale landscape doesn’t mean you live
like a fairy tale.”
“Really, you are evil!”
It's okay, but Harriet hates me for breaking my fantasy
This step has taken the lead.
“Did you think I couldn’t go there?”
"I don't know!"
“Aren’t you sorry for Ellen right now?”
“Shut up!”
Harriet ended up crying and shou ng, "Please be quiet."
Harriet and I came out near the very large warp gate near the entrance to
the temple. The atmosphere of the zodiac is s ll murky, but the
commo on is quiet, so the warp gate
It wasn't overly crowded as it used to be, except that there is a queue.
“Dimensional magic...”
Although he gave the excuse that he wanted to go to another world out of
the blue for the reason, it seemed that Harriet was also conduc ng
dimensional magic research from me to me as I requested. Of course,
since I was busy with other things, it would have been difficult to achieve
proper results, but
“First of all, remember that I said that dimensional magic is being used
li le by li le in the field of magic like this?”
“Do you know the difference between dimension magic and space magic?”
“Do I know?”
I know that there is magic, but I don't know the principle of it, so I
wondered if I could understand even if Harriet explained it,
Harriet and I took me to a secluded vacant lot outside the temple.
The temple's warp gate is far away
It was a visible place.
"I can't teleport yet, but you must have seen Blink."
“Come on, look.”
| Harriet seemed to be concentra ng, and then suddenly appeared in a
swish about three steps to the right from where he was.
“This is Blink.”
“Oh, yes.”
He seemed to have found a place with few people so that people would
not be embarrassed even if he used magic.
“This is the concept of my body moving. Teleporta on is no different, and
the concept of replacing the spa al coordinate point of my body with a
target loca on.... You don't understand now, do you?"
“Oh, not at all.” |
While listening to the explana on, my eyes focus
Seeing the cloudiness, Harriet sighed as if she was out of breath.
“Anyway, teleport and blink mean the magic of dealing with space.”
“Isn’t space and dimension the same concept a er all?”
"Ummm... it's similar, but a li le different. In magic, a dimension is a higher
level concept."
Herrio refers to a far-away warp gate.
“The warp gate system isn’t magic that deals with space, it’s magic that
deals with dimensions.”
“What specifically is different?”
| “Ummm… how do I explain it? Pho
Types of magic swords related to masks and gates
There are many, but in the end space and space
will be pasted.”
Harriet spreads his right and le hands wide.
"Let's say that my le and right hands are the same type of gate. Then
these spaces are actually separated, but the magic that makes them
connect in one direc on or two as if they are a ached. This is the gate."
“Well… that’s right.”
It's not like I haven't ridden the Warp Gate either. Warp gates are used to
create dimensional gates that func on as if they are a ached to spaces
that are far apart from each other.
“The movement of my body, the crea on of a portal that connects space
and space. Do you understand the difference?"
“Is this because connec ng spaces is a higher level magic?”
“I don't know if it's right to say that I'm superior, but the basic premise is
completely different. The space movement series accurately calculates my
spa al coordinate point and the target coordinate point, and the gate is a
gateway that connects the two spaces apart.
Because it is a concept.”
Moving between two distant spaces is like a warp gate or a teleport.
However, the basic concept is completely different.
“Of course, it is not necessarily wrong to call space movement type magic
as dimensional magic. However, gate-type magic is a field that interferes
with dimensions in a more detailed way.”
The concept of dimensional magic itself is rare.
I even talked about doing it. This is because most of the magic systems use
it to some extent.
“Actually, in a different world that you are curious about
It’s not that difficult to find a way to get there.”
easy? What else does this mean?
“With infinite magical power and accurate knowledge, it would be
"It didn't Are you talking?"
“I know exactly where this world is. If you hit it, you can somehow open a
portal to it with infinite magical power. Well, of course, it wouldn't work
with a normal portal."
"Are you saying it didn't work?"
Harriet gave a clear answer. The method itself is easy.
However, there is no such thing as infinite magical power, and since the
loca on of the other world cannot be known, it is only impossible to know
But in the end, infinite magic among the two condi ons is absolutely
not a condi on
If infinite magical power is not required to connect the portal to another
because it happens Anyway, the Warp Gate is supposed to be connected to
the other world, and that means that it does not have to sa sfy the
condi on of infinite magical power.
Apart from my li le realiza on, Harriet was looking at the warp gate in the
“But a er studying separately, I came to know. That warp gate."
“It’s a much higher level magic than I thought, and there are a lot of
secrets. Li le is known externally, and the Magic Associa on
The Lang family is strictly managing it.”
“Is that so?”
“Of course not there. No one can build a warp gate.”
The warp gate would be a very important infrastructure for mankind, so
maintenance would be thorough, and the confiden ality of technology was
also important. harriet warp
He looks at the gate and lts his head.
“So I was a li le curious.”
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 333
In a modern analogy, Harriet seemed to be thinking about the possibility of
someone hacking the Warp Gate server.
It won't be impossible. If you have knowledge of warp gate design, you will
be able to create a private warp gate and it will func on just like a
conven onal warp gate.
Also, the warp gate is connected to all warp gates.
Suppose you can make a warp gate that connects to another world.
Then only one gate
Even listening, the conclusion is drawn that all those who pass through it
can be sca ered onto the con nent.
There are many possibili es that you don't even need to do it.
Only one warp gate to another world
made into a connec ng warp gate
Mul faceted,
| All warp gates on the con nent are from another world
You can make monsters pour out.
It felt like walking on a thin ice sheet.
How to open a portal that connects to another world.
Room to hack warp gate system
As long as you know the two, the con nent is ready to face the gate crisis
at any me.
“So, in the end, if you understand the warp gate system a li le more, your
understanding of dimensional magic will get be er, but as you know, it’s
confiden al, so I can’t figure it out….
Harriet took a deep breath. There is informa on, but it's the Empire's top
secret, so I can't access it. Heriot's status is also very high, but he wants the
imperial family and the magic world's top rank.
because it's wheat.
“...that, I think I can help.”
I took out the imperial coat of arms from my arms.
"...what. Why are you doing this…”
“I got it a few days ago.”
imperial coat of arms.
Get the most of the Empire's coopera on from anywhere
and receive treatment equivalent to that of the imperial family. Harriet is
the imperial family
I was surprised to carry the crest of
I got dumbfounded
"How can I do this?"
Of course, there is a clear possibility that it won't, but it's possible to talk
about it.
The warp gate system informs itself
Even if you can't ask for it, you can't ask for dimension magic
Could you please share a piece of knowledge?
It's been a while since Harriet was lost.
The boy's face begins to glow.
“Ji, really? Is it real?" "I don't know yet."
"Go, uh, hurry up, whatever, let's do something quickly!"
A er all, Harriet is a wizard.
I was more excited than I was about the possibility of acquiring new
Will the imperial family give out informa on that is the highest secret of
the Empire called the Warpgate?
I don't know what it will be like, but I always have an open window.
Bertus had this happen, and it seemed like he was staying at the Winter
Palace on vaca on, but Charlo e had returned to the Royal Class
You never know when her condi on will get worse
Me and the maximum who can cope with it
Because I want to be close to you
it would be
So, naturally, in order to cope with her con ngency, Sabi Olintana, her
bodyguard, returned to the role of the Royal Class dormitory
superintendent again.
So, it was only natural for me and Harriet to go to Charlo e, not Bertus.
"Dimensional magic research?"
“Uh, it’s mostly for academic reasons and because he wants to study,
doesn’t the Empire have a lot of knowledge about it?”
Of course, I didn't tell Charlo e the nonsense of another world.
“Um, are the things in the temple not enough?”
Charlo e is not a wizard. Therefore, it did not seem to make sense to seek
coopera on from the imperial family in this area.
I replaced the hesitant Harriet
I did some explana ons.
The research materials on dimensional magic are inevitably more from the
Imperial Family and the Magic Associa on that developed the Warp Gate
System, and they are informa on that cannot be accessed because they
are treated as highly confiden al.
“If it’s confiden al, there must be a reason for it to be confiden al, so I
don’t think it’s something I can easily decide on. But, well, I think we can
ask the Imperial Magic Department for some coopera on.”
“I, I… Really?!”
Harriet was so happy that he jumped in place.
Even a princess of the Principality of Saint-Ouen, famous for her magic,
can't even dream of accessing the royal secret magical material.
work is this
Charlo e drew up a sheet of paper in her break room, and she handed it to
"I'll do it for you, so don't say it right away.
Go to the Ministry of Magic.”
“Oh, thank you… Thank you, Hwang… Oh no, Charlo e!”
“Ugh. What do you have with this?”
Charlo e looked at me and smiled so ly as if it was because she looked at
my face.
Reinhardt, come to me later.”
Charlo e said she wanted to say something.
Perhaps she was given permission so easily that Harriet looked stunned as
she returned to the Class A dormitory with her documents. She stared
blankly at her permit, and Charlo e folded it up and embraced it.
Put it in and look at me with a puzzled gaze.
“But thinking about it. you are queen No, why are you friends with
Charlo e?”
Harriet seemed to be thinking about the ma er only then. She seemed to
think that there was no reason for me and Charlo e to be friends because
they were in different classes. center
It's almost enough to tell us to talk about it separately.
But isn't it a bit late for her to ask that?
"Because he's handsome."
“ am I supposed to respond to that?”
Harriet's expression of genuine disdain
it became
he's really cute
Harriet isn't joking, she stares at me as if she wants me to tell her the real
“Hey, why did you and I become friends?”
At my reverse ques on, Harriet narrowed her eyebrows and pondered
whether she was thinking about the past.
locked in
Countless pasts pass by like a lantern
passing by at a glance.
It started with saying a word to her crazy classmate who was bullying her
seniors, and then heard a squeak in reverse.
A er that, all of a sudden, the nickname became a stalemate, and the
things I cried while running wild on the road will pass by.
Memories that follow. “Oh, that’s…”
Harriet's complexion began to turn pale.
“I… with someone like you… why… why did I become friends…?”
When Harriet came to his senses, he seemed to realize that this made no
sense as he looked carefully at the process.
High self-esteem, high self-esteem with outstanding talent from a noble
We became friends a er being teased by a beggar for being rude.
It seems that even thinking about this makes no sense.
“There are people in the world who like to be bullied, and I guess that’s
"Nope! no! I hate it, you idiot!”
Harriet's face went red at the point that you were a masochist.
Yeah, you're not a masochist.
But I like your reac on to hearing that kind of thing.
“Really, really. how come i I... how come...?”
“Yeah, you literally mean what.”
To be honest, I had no inten on of becoming friends with Harriet either.
It's just one of those things that happened.
He looks cute because he is teased, and then when the child cries, I feel
sorry for him, so I have to treat him a li le be er.
Not everything goes the way you think, and there are good things that
don't go the way you thought.
"What's different about Charlo e?"
Just like how I became close with you, Charlo e and I have no choice but
to explain in terms of what happened.
Come to think of it, there was no way I could get to know Charlo e by
hiding the fact that I was Valie and becoming a different class.
all. To find Balier on the Charlo e side
It was the beginning that approached me first.
“…Is that so?”
Harriet mu ered blankly.
and a er a while.
- Pak! Pak Pak!
“Wow, you’re too hot! you! you jin
Squeeze me! Why did you do that to me! Why!"
"Oh, you keep hi ng me every day these days!"
Harriet pa ed my shoulder as his face turned red.
It doesn't hurt at all, so it's a pity
it was quality.
Harriet did research on dimensional magic.
It will con nue with the coopera on of the Imperial Magic Department.
What do you find out in the process
I don't know if it's going to happen, but if you know one thing with magic,
it's a guy who knows the heat, so there's no way he'll be able to save
I was able to catch a few clues just by having a conversa on today,
The Gate Avalanche might be very easy to blow if you know how.
is a dangerous clue,
A er a while, I went to the Class B dorm to talk to Charlo e.
"I'm here?"
Charlo e waits for me in her dorm common room. she was leaning
What the other guys were doing wasn't near the break room. development
with the original
diverges greatly.
Xaviollin Tana became resident, and Ludwig was awakened by her desire to
be strong.
So, if it were Ludwig, he had to go out and travel during this vaca on.
However, it seemed that he had decided to spend this winter vaca on on
being trained by Saviolin Tana now.
Good things are good, this is be er than the original development.
Charlo e gives me tea
, and I s ll can't taste the tea.
But I sipping tea.
Charlo e sips milk tea in her common room
She was watching the winter sun outside the window.
She said, "I had an audience with His Majesty, with Ellen."
"Yes it was."
“Did you receive the imperial coat of arms?”
Charlo e puts the teacup down and puts herself in my hand, which is
carefully holding the teacup.
put her hand up.
There was a certain emo on in her Charlo e's eyes.
It was the light of sorrow. Charlo e knows what it means to me and Ellen
with the imperial coat of arms.
| I'll give you unlimited privileges, the Demon King
risk your life in the fight of
I, Ellen, and Charlo e know what that means.
“That kid might be behind this, I think.”
Charlo e already knows that Valerie is no ordinary person.
Even though she knows it, she doubts
She didn't and she didn't make any further contact with her to break up.
If she's behind Bali, she knows where Elerys is.
Charlo e could try to capture Elerys at any moment she wanted. Of
course, it's not easy to get caught.
Charlo e looks out her window quietly.
She was s ll holding her hand.
“If that child is really like the heir of the surviving Demon King, what should
I do?”
Charlo e looks at me.
There were tears in her eyes.
“You have to fight that child and her life. I really hate it.”
Her Charlo e's sorrow was coming from unexpected places.
I am also important to her Bali.
As the owner of Tiamata, I, along with Ellen, were chosen to oppose the
demon king.
it was
Lot didn't want Valie to get hurt, so he kept the whereabouts of Elerys a
secret. behind Balier
If in doubt, she can hit at any me, but she wasn't doing that.
But now things have changed.
As I was chosen as the enemy of the Demon King, I was terrified of the
thought that one day I might die in the process of figh ng for my life with
the Demon Lord.
Me and Bali.
You think you are at a crossroads where you have to choose between the
Charlo e's sad worries because they can't know that they are both the
jus fiable
For me, find Balier
do. At the very least, it is believed that it is necessary to confirm whether
or not there is an accusa on.
But she might come to know the irreversible fact that she Charlo e was
not able to do this or that.
Elerys must either float the eclip c or move her abode elsewhere.
First off, that's for sure.
She trusts Charlo e, but her trust in Charlo e's Bali is wavering.
Because of me, she is the same.
"The wizard is, and she'll tell you to run away."
“That’s it.”
Charlo e was stunned as if she had heard an unexpected story.
“I don’t believe at all that the demon realm and the successor of the
demon lord will become so powerful that they can threaten the empire in
a short me.”
“That’s right, there are only a few strong demons alive. What else can you
do with them?”
“I am the enemy who will fight the demon king if he is judged to be a
dangerous existence later. I have the right to make this decision.”
“And again, it’s not yet clear whether the kid really has anything to do with
this case. Too. Don’t feel guilty.”
it's all lies
He had to tell such a blatant lie in front of Charlo e without changing his
It's not about sacrificing, it's about making sacrifices.
Charlo e stares blankly at me.
I'll take the risk later, so you don't have to go a er him right now.
Eventually, Charlo e hears that, and she starts to weep in front of me.
“I’m sorry Reinhardt… I’m sorry…”
She seemed so sorry that Charlo e couldn't do this or that, she knew what
the choice was for me, but she couldn't easily decide it.
She said Charlo e was sorry for me.
A feeling of guilt that was several dozen mes greater than that was
weighing down on my heart.
“Now… about that child… completely.
I will forget…”
Charlo e said that this was the last favor and mercy she could bestow on
Vallie. From now on, I will always stand by Reinhardt's side.
Talk to me, a Balinese and Reinhardt
She hadn't thought about this.
She knew that Charlo e was suspicious of Balier, but she didn't think
Charlo e would dig into it.
However, it was unexpected that her faith in Bali was shaken because of
her concerns about me. This is the Emperor's coat of arms to me and Ellen
Because it happened a er giving
| As long as the demon powers have stood out, Charlo e will someday
stand out because of me.
I had no choice but to try to understand Lie's whereabouts with certainty.
So I immediately went to Elerys.
“I have to move….”
“I have to be careful about making contact in the eclip c. Most contact is
now through the Rotary club. doctor
There will be some delays in communica on, but I don't think it's a
situa on where it's worth considering." |
"Yes, lower. I see what you mean."
The semi-underground of Elerys.
Elerys has changed since I met the Emperor, and Charlo e's psychological
Even at the door, I have to change my place now
You understood what I was saying.
Normally it would have ended up like that, but there were other guys in
Fortress Elerys' residence that he had to take care of.
"It's a pity to leave this kid locked up here, so maybe he should go
somewhere where he can be a li le more free."
- twitch
"I didn't say anything, what are you afraid of?"
That's Ladia Schmidt.
Radia seems fed up with my gaze
she trembled
By some chance, she is the only temple student who finds out that I am the
heir of the Demon King.
all. As much as Elerys is her personality
She wouldn't have teased or abused her, but Radia had a very bad
complexion and emaciated.
“Well, anyway, you’re doing something useless.
That's how I was able to save Olivia.
It’s long, but…”
Should I call this self-sufficient?
Had Ladia Schmidt not been fooling around, I would have watched Olivia
go to the extreme or fall into the hands of Le Barrier Ranche with her eyes
open. Or maybe they don't even know that Adriana is dead.
Radia just stared at me and she was shivering as she sat down on the floor.
Eyes that would rather die.
Now, Ladia Schmidt doesn't have any feelings, but she can't just let it go.
She's also swayed by pe y acknowledgment, because Ladia Schmidt knew
too much of what she shouldn't know. “So, what are you going to do?”
"Um, I think I'll go to the council side for now. If it's there... I'll have to run
away with this kid too.
She will be free to live, and a mee ng will be convened there soon.”
Vampire Council.
A place known to humans as the Goseong Epiax.
Elerys seemed to plan to take Ladia Schmidt there and stay for a while. It
won't take long to clean up her shop.
"Did it have a date?"
“It looks like it will happen soon. When a detailed schedule is established,
the schedule will be communicated to the club.
I'll do it, so if you're there at the appointed me, I'll go pick you up."
“Okay, okay.”
Radia wouldn't even know what was going on. I squa ed in front of the
terrified La Dia Schmidt.
"Yes Yes...."
Radia Schmidt, who suddenly snowed,
Although he was a fana c, his strong will and faith were easily destroyed at
the word of vampireiza on.
Even if he tried to believe in me because he was an apostle of God, that
became impossible unless he knew that I was the Demon King.
Radia Schmidt has no choice but to be broken.
"Elerys is such a bad person...
“At least it’s be er than me. I wish I could be a li le more comfortable.”
- tuk tuk
I got up a er pa ng Ladia Schmidt on the shoulder.
Ladia is only thinking of leaving her to Elerys.
If it breaks, it's broken, get used to it
If you get used to it, that's it.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 334

Elerys' ac ons were very quick. Having decided that the pursuit of
Charlo e de Gradias might begin, Elerys moved on that path.
“It will be cold. You must dress warmly.”
Of course, because Elerys is going to the extreme cold now in winter.
She put on Ladia Schmidt a thick coat and a winter coat.
Elerys needs to bring something else.
She took only the very important things.
Elerys had no other inspira on to leave the zodiac. she always comes back
It's a place you can come back to.
However, her heart sank when she knew that returning to the Vampire
Council was the beginning of some great flow.
something is about to start
Is it the way to protect the world, or the way to destroy it?
Without knowing whether it will be the way
Hoping that what Balie said was true.
Elerys casts a mass teleport.
- Whoa, whoa....
Humans call it the High Castle Epiax.
place, but its original purpose was to be used as a mee ng place for the
Lord Vampire families.
Elerys arrived at the snow-covered castle with Ladia Schmidt.
“Have you been here? Last me, I heard that you came during a temple
group mission.”
"No, I'm the first..."
“Probably there will be no one else but us… Just in case you don’t know,
don’t get too far away from me.”
Radia frowns and Elle takes the lead.
She followed Reese. Elerys picks it up and opens the side door of the
barren old castle and enters.
- Heh heh heh heh heh heh...
“Who, who? who is there! Is there...?”
Radia was startled by the sound of arcs coming from here and there.
“It’s a ghost.”
They are only low-level demons, but the sound itself is annoying. Ladia
Schmidt Breaks Through Her Walls
You don't see ghosts without wisdom
color fades to blue
What the hell are you doing here
Originally, it was necessary to annihilate the unclean
Her sense of fear, deeply ingrained in her consciousness of her Radia
Schmidt, weakened her.
Ellery in the cool and gloomy hallway
The soothing sound of her footsteps echoed through her hallway.
“From now on, I won’t be watching you. You probably don't know where
this is, and you have to run away. People live in a radius of a few hundred
kilometers around here.
none of this If you run, I'll go get you, but it'll scold you
Keep in mind that I'm not doing this for fear of dying."
At Elerys' words, Ladia Schmidt just nodded her head blankly.
“Of course, don’t worry, I will prepare food, clothes, and a place to sleep.”
Unless you are a wizard who can use teleport, you cannot even reach this
environment. So here's Radia
If you leave it alone and Elerys goes away, she will
She had no choice but to wither and die.
“But if I don’t watch, I’m going to kill someone or something, then I’m
I will make you a vampire too.”
While saying those words, Elerys turned to her, Radia.
“If it is judged that you are safe and if you give me your permission, I will
release you safely. I don't know when that will be, but it won't be
Those words seemed to ignite a small spark of hope in Ladia's heart.
The vampire in front of her, at least, wasn't the evil vampire she had
I don't know if the existence is evil, but
Jeong is not evil,
Ladia Schmidt is finally convinced by Elerys' sweet, sad smile towards her.
So, Ladia Schmidt gave her hopes
Without knowing that it is always a prepara on for greater despair,
-Jump, jerk
And then, Elerys stopped walking at the sound of her footsteps coming
from afar.
“Hey, I think there was a sailor…”
Except for the ghosts, someone is in Epiax.
Elerys stopped in the hall of the castle,
She sees someone walking in the dark in the hallway. Elerys looks to Radia
and brings her index finger to her lips.
“Don’t say anything. Don’t even look.”
At those words that sounded like a warning somehow, Radia nodded her
head with a firm expression on her face.
She bowed her head.
Someone approaching from the hallway soon appeared out of the
Her gray hair, black eyes, and a black suit
It was an old gentleman holding an old-fashioned auburn wooden cane.
"Long me no see. Elerys."
"... long me no see. An rian."
At first glance, the old man in front of her looked taller than her, but she
was politely respected by Elelis, who only looked like a young woman no
ma er how much she looked at her.
The appearance was unfamiliar to Ladia Schmidt.
“I heard there was going to be a mee ng.
You came early and stayed there... but you brought something strange with
A man named An rianus looks at the shivering Ladia Schmidt with her
mouth closed behind Elleris.
“And, are you going to bring something even more bizarre?”
“Don’t say it’s bizarre. You are my lord.”
At those words, a small smile appeared on the lips of the old man named
An rian.
“My lord… my lord…
Elerys' expression hardened in front of that a tude that she couldn't stop
“Do you know who you are, young demon king?”
“You don’t know. And you will never know.”
“Gee, then everyone in the council should watch their mouths.”
Ladia Schmidt didn't know what was going on.
“Soon they will start gathering one by one. When everyone gathers, then
this mee ng convened by the head of the Tueyo will begin.”
Leaving a skep cal smile, An
An old man named Rianus slowly moved away from them. Elerys is Radia
look at
“You can tell me now.”
"Ah yes...."
As if telling her to be quiet, she seemed to know that if she said something,
something big would happen, so Radia opened her mouth only a er
Elerys's words came out.
“I thought someone was going to harm you.
It doesn't sound like it, but you'd be er not talk to anyone other than me."
Elerys looked at Radia and said.
“Keep in mind. You are the only human here.”
Elerys gave a firm warning.
The fron er area near the border, southwest of Kernstadt, the 2nd Reich
Some people say that such a town is
A place you don't even know it's going to happen.
Mountain village, Rizaira.
Lagann Artorius' hometown and El
Ren's hometown.
A er a long me, Ellen had returned to her home town, Lizaira. Her
villagers welcomed her, and Ellen, who was originally from the countryside,
was comfortable with her hair ed roughly like her old country girl.
She also talked with friends from her hometown whom she had not seen in
a long me, and she also told me about the zodiac.
She said that everything that Ellen was not impressed with was a series of
surprises to Lizaira's children. A typical example is a horsepower train.
A party was held in the village to celebrate Ellen's return from her vaca on.
A feast full of meat and bread
This happened.
A er a very grand feast for a mountain village, Ellen went out for a night
walk with her parents a er a long me.
Standing on the northern ridge of Lizaira where night fell, Ellen sat in the
midst of her mother and her father.
Ellen talked about various things.
What she went through while she was in the Temple,
The stories of how many of Ron's friends were made.
Her parents were overjoyed that her Ellen was doing her innocently well.
As Ellen talked about the past, which could be nothing but nothing in the
end, her heart was ge ng heavier and heavier.
She started with a light story, but if you take away those stories, you end
up with only heavy stories le .
I don't want to, but I have to
there is a cause
Ellen returned to her hometown for her vaca on.
She came back to rest, but Ellen had something to say to her parents.
she has to say
The full moon forms in the winter night sky
was shining
Ellen, who had been si ng there for a while, quietly opened her mouth.
She said, “I think either the Demon King is not dead, or a new Demon King
has appeared.”
Both of her parents, Ellen's parents, hardened at those words. Just as Ellen
lost her brother to her demon lord, they both lost a son to the demon lord.
The name of the Demon King was a name that could never be easily passed
“I met His Majesty the Emperor recently.”
Ellen's parents were quietly listening to the story.
“Can I fight the Demon King...?
I heard about it.”
Ellen's mother carefully took her Ellen's hand. Her father also grabbed her
Ellen's shoulder.
"I s ll can't understand her brother."
“S ll, the things I love
If what you want is a demon king, then a demon king
If you want something like this. “I’m going to fight the Demon King. That's
what I said.”
Ellen looks at her own parents.
She lost her son in the fight against the demon king, and now the daughter
in the next fight with the demon king
You may have to lose Ellen didn't want her parents to feel her sorrow.
But she knows Ellen too.
If only Artorius Lagann could oppose the Demon King, then he is the only
one who can oppose the Demon King next me.
I'd say
'Cause I'm not alone there
Because there are people who will fight with you. Ellen can make that
In front of her daughter, apologizing to her parents, that if the world will
force her to defeat the Demon King, she will have no choice but to accept
that fate..
A fight that risked your life at a very young age
In front of her daughter who decided to do it.
Ellen's mother and her father stare briefly at each other.
"Ellen, hold on with Mom and Dad. Can we talk to each other?"
“Wait a minute.”
As if they had something to say to each other, Ellen's mother and father
headed somewhere, leaving her Ellen si ng s ll.
Ellen looked up at the sky quietly.
Elle what her mother and father had to say about him when her brother
was out doing stuff like that.
Ren didn't know.
She some mes said she came back briefly in the middle of the night, and
went away gently stroking her Ellen's head, who was asleep at her bedside.
Five Sucking important stories were always shared with my mother and
father, and I wasn't always confident there.
Ellen doesn't know what her parents thought of her brother's decisions
and ac ons.
However, she remembered being slapped in the face by her sweet father,
who had always been her kind, when she last threw her slander on her
brother's appearance.
It was a rainy day.
Her mom and dad would have been more sad.
Ellen hated her back then and she s ll hated herself.
As me passed, her parents saw her daughter making the same choices as
her son.
Ellen didn't know what it felt like.
Would her parents object?
Losing her son so much, she's going to say she doesn't want to put her
daughter on such a dangerous job.
Then what should she do?
If she didn't fight herself she would have to fight Reinhardt alone. Of
course, Reinhardt is not alone, but there must be at least one other person
with the Holy Relic.
If she gets herself into the situa on she is in.
The world wants a second champion, and without Ellen,
Reinhardt will be forced to become the second champion.
If he avoids a fight with an unknown powerful being, Reinhardt becomes
even more dangerous in the s ll dangerous ba le.
So, she tells Ellen that she avoids fights.
She couldn't choose an op on.
A er a long me, her parents returned.
Her mother takes Ellen's hand.
“Our daughter.”
Ellen meets her mother's sad eyes.
“Can’t you change your mind?”
Of course she would have no choice but to oppose this. She has already
lost a son as she does, and even her daughter
If she will, her heart is bound to fall on the verge of collapse.
Ellen rolls her eyes down.
"...I'm sorry, Mom. Dad."
she can't help but fight
I don't know if I was alone.
If she doesn't jump in, Reinhardt will stand alone in front of the Demon
So she couldn't help but feel more and more guilty of Ellen's guilt in front
of her parents' sad request. Neither her mother nor her father spoke for a
She did not persuade or beg for long.
She knows that if her daughter is talking this much, she will never be able
to break her house. Just like she is.
Because her parents have no choice but to know their children well.
“Then, where are you going with Mom and Dad?”
“Once you go, you’ll know.” Her mother takes her Ellen's hand and raises
her to the front.
Because she was used to hiking, Ellen's mother and her father both
wandered even at night.
She found her way without work.
The place where the Ellen family arrived was a valley near Lizaira.
She is also familiar to Ellen. She was always here if she played in the water
when she was a kid
just because.
Her mother was the pre y huge of the valley
She slowly walked towards the frozen waterfall, and she gently stroked the
frozen wall.
Ellen couldn't help but be taken aback by the scene in front of her.
As if the space itself was distorted, the center of the frozen waterfall
suddenly cracked.
As if the ice was not broken, but squeezed the space itself and made a gap.
"Hey, this... what is this?"
Ellen was perplexed by the sight of her for the first me in her life, and she
was speechless. However, her mother and her father calmly held Ellen's
hand and went inside the waterfall.
was just ge ng in.
She is Ellen, who has lived her whole life here.
However, it was the first me I had seen such a space behind the
occasional valley waterfall.
The back of the waterfall is blocked in the first place
have also seen it several mes.
But behind it was a cave. “Ellen, follow me first.” Her mother took the lead
and her father stood by and manipulated something. Earth in the cave
A ray of light began to flow.
In the pale blue light, Ellen, not understanding the situa on, slowly enters
the cave, following the guidance of her parents.
walked in
"Your brother wants to go on an adventure from the beginning.
was not.”
"What are you talking about?"
“Originally, I went out of town to find ‘something’. Because Lagann is so
talented. It was decided at the village mee ng.”
Ellen was unaware of such a story.
I thought Lagann Artorius was just shoo ng because she liked her
adventures, but she wasn't like that at all.
What kind of place is Liza?
She realized that Ellen had no idea where she had lived her whole life.
“As a result, she sees a lot of people, goes through a lot of things, and
makes a lot of friends. So in the end, don't
I came to think of the world’s affairs as more important than Eul’s work….
"That...what is it? Our town...what is it?"
"A erwards."
Her mother takes Ellen's hand.
"I'll tell you later, my daughter."
It was her mother's words,
"One of the things that Lagann was looking for
One is, Ellen, the ramen you have.”
It was her father's words.
A cave is a building-like structure.
started to wear
In the well-manicured walled hallway, numerous passages and corridors
followed by pale light came into Ellen's eyes.
Ellen couldn't see what was there. she has a place to go
As if to say, in the cave inside the waterfall, Ellen's parents headed to
exactly where.
- Pot!
A light illuminates the cavity, and Ellen could see something in the middle
of the empty cavity.
There, a cloak that glowed like a blazing flame flu ered like a flame.
“This... this is...”
Ellen's eyes widened when she saw it.
“This is one of the two things Lagann went looking for, along with your
sun god cloak,
Shalam's relic.
ZTE (Lapelt).

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 335

It's been a week since vaca on started.
Harriet was almost in the process of wri ng a stamp to the Imperial
Ministry of Magic to study dimensional magic. The work of the Magic
Research Society
I'll have to check, it'll only get in the way
I didn't visit too o en.
Elerys has le the zodiac.
The Rotary club has confirmed that a mee ng will be held at the Vampire
Council in the next week or so.
all. Elerys will be back on me, so if you go to the Rotary Club around that
date, you will be invited to the Vampire Council.
could have a ended.
Five vampire families.
| Thousands of thousands of troops if we get their coopera on
It would be the same as ge ng a horse.
We have to obtain their power through threats or persuasion, but whether
that will be possible is s ll unknown.
It is not known how to persuade and in midate the men who did not
cooperate even in the Demon World War.
The Black Order will also come back in the near future, to nego ate with
Get informa on about Cantus Magna
You should also be prepared to pay.
If the Vampire Council
If you can't get the money, buy this soda
Use it to lure Cantus Magna. may even have to do something crazy.
Also, through informa on about the warp gate itself, the sensi vity to gate
I was holding on to some extent.
The brooch given by Charlo e is already a clue.
If you pass through the warp gate of the zodiac with the brooch-type
ar fact ac vated,
Head to the Warp Gate under the Palace of Spring
will do
The detailed mechanism is unknown.
The important thing is that the magical technology that can interfere with
the warp gate system already exists.
Of course, this is a licensed ar fact.
What's important is that no ma er how the warp gate set the path, it was
informed that there was already a magical technology that could interfere
with it.
The existence of the ar fact Charlo e gave is already there.
She has already hinted at a possibility.
It was.
Therefore, from now on, I started to dive into the issue of saving the world
in earnest.
I feel like my head is going to explode, I don’t have me to think, and
depending on the result, my life is at stake, of course, my iden ty is
There is a lot of possibility that it will be.
In the mean me, of course, in the end
There were plenty of things.
- Kang! Kagak!
“Not bad.”
A er sharing the sword with Olivia, I hung the training sword on the cradle
with a ngling sensa on in my hands.
Without Ellen, there is no swordsmanship prac ce partner. Because of
that, I was prac cing swordsmanship with Olivia in her dance hall.
I could do it with Cliffman, but in the end, that guy hasn't realized magic
enhancement yet, so I can do my best.
not a compe tor
Of course, if you go to Saviolin Tana, he will teach you all kinds of
swordsmanship, but he decided that it would be be er to focus on
teaching Ludwig.
So now I was prac cing swordsmanship with Olivia.
Olivia, who was swinging her lily sword,
She puts her sword on her shoulder.
Her Olivia's skills are outstanding in this tournament.
Since then, I've come to know un l then
Olivia taught me swordsmanship and she didn't say anything she said.
She of course she asked me what she did and then she slept like that and
she came to the gym.
Her skills in her Olivia are definitely incredible.
The output and stability of her magical enhancement, and her
swordsmanship and her own ability, cannot be compared to me.
Self-sugges on in her senses, and even strengthening her magical powers
I tried my best, but I can't even follow her toes
It was a feeling.
Realizing that it was her achievement score, words, and circumstances that
were able to kill Le Barrier Ranche in the end.
had no choice but to do
“Shall we try again?”
“It is.”
Olivia raises her sword and looks at me with her s ll eyes.
I also take out her training sword again and start enhancing her magic.
- Kwakang! Get a card!
Olivia rushes to me in an instant and comes in, shoving my lily sword wildly.
Pushing back my sword, my chest
As soon as I opened it, Olivia grabbed my neck and kissed her cheek.
"Oh, you really don't want to do something like this?"
“Are you stronger than me if you twist?”
everything is good
It was a problem because I some mes did weird things.
A er arguing for a while, I almost stretched out and fell on the floor of the
It is true that the physical condi on has improved incomparably compared
to the past, but the ba le using magic enhancement provides a stronger
sense of weakness.
Exhaus on in a slightly different sense from the loss of strength.
Luckily, I bought a magic boost.
Magical society caused by just using it
I can barely feel the damage to the furnace
didn't The increase in pure magic power
Yes, and in the first place, I have magical powers and responsiveness.
There are already two talents for
It's weird if you don't get used to it quickly.
“You’re a weakling Reinhardt.”
“... the senior is weird. This is it.”
"Royal Class with only weird kids
Wouldn't it be nice if it was par cularly strange in ?"
“That sounds right.”
My lying on the floor of the gymnasium
Olivia, who was squa ng next to me, poked me in the cheek.
“He said he went home?”
"Sheesh, you should know that you're really too much for me."
I was at a loss for words when I pointed out that Ellen was not there, so
they were looking for me.
“I’m sorry, if you see I can’t say anything.”
Olivia said so, but she didn't seem very angry or arrogant.
She feels sorry for Olivia.
s ll.
They don't know that I was taking so many risks to save Olivia and Adriana.
without wan ng to know,
S ll, I can't seem to be a yangban. I coolly want to forget that
because it's not going well
I'm a li le annoyed that I can't get it right with this!
I have no inten on of saying it, but I have to be condescending.
Did you take a risk far beyond the level you were caught in a women's
dress-up contest because of your sister? If you're sad for me, it's kind of
like that
it's this!

“Did you do it?”
What are you talking about?
Did you no ce something?
Any clue what? Is Olivia enough to find out that I am the Demon King?
Or maybe there's something like a clue, can't it?
Look at my face like I'm having a stroke
Olivia smiles sadly.
“The nursery school that I sponsored…the principals and teachers… were
all taken away.”
The thief says my feet are numb,
There are a lot of stabbing, so it was a completely different story, but I
grabbed the strands in a strange way.
Yeah, that's what I did.
Couldn't speak to the Emperor, but told Charlo e about evacua ng Ellerys.
Because he gave me a cry when I told him that things were going well. I
want you to solve some problems related to the orphanage,
Olivia personally sponsored
Because I already knew about the orphanages that were there. I think it's
strange to be poor in a situa on where they can't be poor,
It was only a few days ago, and Charlo e seemed to have taken ac on right
away. Olivia seems to have no ced it, too.
Olivia looks at me with a sad expression.
“You… did you?”
I didn't want Olivia to know,
In the end, it's a ma er of knowing. coffin
If her trainees are taken away and punished, and these and other facts are
revealed, in the end, Olivia will find out that the nursery school teacher
and her director have disappeared, and she will have no choice but to find
out why.
She said, "We already have support programs for war orphans in the Yellow
Capital. So, I just don't understand why there are orphanages with financial
Olivia didn't seem happy. She can't be happy.
Her children may be able to lead a prosperous life under stricter
management, but she says that Olivia has been betrayed by those she
Olivia squa ed on the floor of her gymnasium
she passed out
“I didn’t think they would,” she said. Never, no, never even doubted. There
is no way for a human being to intercept such money.... I thought so.”
trust in humans.
Trust in human goodness.
Olivia had that kind of humanity. She was disappointed with religion and
faith, then maybe this third Olivia was disappointed with humans.
She opened her mouth a er Olivia was silent for a while.
“From today on, her funeral will be held.” “…if it’s a funeral…”
“Yeah, my stepfather.”
Le Barrier Ranche.
His death is a big deal not only for the religious world, but also for the
empire itself.
It is the death of a war hero, no ma er how dismissed it is. He even died in
ba les with demons.
So what was the inside story and what was the reality?
no ma er what problems are entangled in it,
On the surface, his death was not publicly known.
It is a very sad case. therefore
Now that the commo on has subsided, a funeral to mourn the death of Le
Barrier Lanche.
this is going on
“Reinhardt, can you go with me for a minute?”
I couldn't resist Olivia's request.
I couldn't feel it inside the temple,
It was known that Le Barrier Ranche's funeral was held at the na onal
level. Black flags were hung as a sign of condolences to every house on the
street, and there were people selling flowers for wreaths on the street.
The funeral procession proceeded from the sanctuary where the bodies
were collected to the Templar's headquarters.
said he would
At the southern edge of the eclip c, the funeral procession entered and
the way to the Knights Templar was controlled by guards.
- Maybe this is good...
- They're like demons to kill....
Most of the people who came to see the funeral procession would be
those who believed in the Five Great Protestants, and those unrelated to
him would also be civilians mourning the death of a war hero.
Hatred of demons and demon kings
Fear ran through the crowd.
Le Barrier Ranche that chapter of the date
It doesn't ma er why it was on the cow.
People say Liberian Ranche is a demon
It is believed that he died a er a fierce ba le with the par es, and that is
true a er all.
I just don't know the story behind him.
He threatened his stepdaughter in an a empt to regain the power it had
been taken from him, and as his life reached the brink of breaking the
empire, he eventually tried to join hands with the Demon King.
no one knows
Olivia will be stunned by this as well.
This situa on was unharmed thanks to the a ack of the demons.
Using Adriana's life as an excuse
It would be difficult to accept this situa on, in which Le Barrier Ranche,
who threatened him, died and became a hero.
At the entrance of the road to the south, a grand funeral procession
It was the paladins and priests who escorted the funeral procession.
Dozens of ornate caskets followed their wagons. Le Barrier Ranche and
other genitals
It must have been a number of coffins of priests and unnamed non-capital
I don't know how Le Barrier Lange retrieved his dead bodies that were
beheaded by me, torn and sha ered by Loyar, exploded by magic, and
What is the opinion of the en re Knights Templar?
I don't know, but Ilrayon is leading the procession on a white horse at the
I saw Tony's face.
Neither the Empire nor Ilayon Bölton would be happy with this situa on.
Nevertheless, for the sorrow of the ignorant ci zens, he pretends to be sad
and leads the funeral procession with a solemn expression.
What happened when the funeral procession appeared?
There were many people who were crying because they were sad too.
- Oh my gosh!
The tears that started contagious a er some crying were quite unfamiliar.
They wouldn't know Liberian Ranche.
But why are you so sad about that death?
And I don't know if I even shed tears. Because they are believers
I don't know what the lunge is.
But I have no right to ques on their tears.
The most inhuman thing in this place
because I am
Were they worthy of death?
Let's put it aside for now.
I'm a madman who came to see the funerals of the people I killed.
There were quite a few people who didn't cry in the midst of the mourners
who quickly became a sea of weeping.
However, the people who did not cry were full of signs of trouble.
By not crying, as if by yourself
as if he was a criminal. restlessness
Tears are like involuntary muscles.
Unless you have special prac ce, just because you want to cry doesn't
mean you can cry. Tears are coming up
because it's not possible
As the funeral procession draws closer
Olivia was looking at her with a calm gaze.
“To think that all of this is so disgus ng. Am I too bad?”
The coffin in which the body of the adop ve father was placed is
Olivia said quietly as she watched her come.
All of this is just a show a er all.
People don't know what they need to know. It's just that I'm just doing this
because it's good to draw Levereri Ranche into a hero a er dying.
Olivia would hate Le Barrier Lanche, but she would also hate the situa on
where the death was taken advantage of.
In all this, Olivia is disgusted
feel the
“I think it can.”
Olivia shakes her head at my words.
As the funeral procession gradually approached and began to enter
through the main road in the southern part of the zodiac, the sound of
people crying made the surroundings even more noisy.
Under the guidance of Ilayon Wolton, they will make their way to the
Templar's headquarters. to see a long queue
The crowd threw flowers and tears
will pour out
We were watching the scene.
- Me, over there...
- There's a saint... isn't it?
- If it's a saint...?
- You're the manager's daughter!
I've been watching for too long. Olivia was known for her face.
So there were enough people to recognize her Olivia.
In the sea of her tears, when someone gestured to Olivia, people's eyes
immediately turned to Olivia.
She is a saint of Eredian.
Although he is the main character of the downfall of Le Barrier Ranche,
now people are interested in such things.
there is no
A former temple knight commander and war hero who died honorably
while figh ng the demons.
It was important for his daughter to be here.
- Oh my gosh!
Olivia's expression hardened, and in an instant, the crowd around her
began to talk to Olivia.
They started flocking to me.
"Oh, my Lady! Maybe you like this job! Maybe you like it!"
“You must take revenge on those dirty and ugly demons!”
“By suppor ng her father’s upkeep, the saint must also take the lead in
eradica ng demons.
"Aigoo Saint! I can't live because I'm scared!"
“The saint must save us!”
“I don’t even have a hero, so maybe this is a good thing!”
The surroundings quickly became a chaos.
As if her Olivia were some god, countless people knelt to her knees in front
of her Olivia and wept.
The reason that Le Barrier ranche was overthrown, and that Olivia had
forsaken her faith,
invisible to their eyes.
The Demon King has returned.
However, there are no more warriors.
Someone must oppose the Demon King.
Someone other than me, someone other than me who is great, brave,
good, and powerful.
Defeat the Demon King instead of me.
people wish
- We must defeat the Demon King, Saint!
- There is only a saint!!
- Gosh! Lady! save us
They don't know what Olivia's real skills are.
She only knows that she has a very strong divine power, and she is a
person of such great character that she is called a saint.
Countless people call themselves what a king
as if it were
Seeing her get on her knees begging and begging her to die for them
while saying
Be proud to sacrifice for us
Seeing so many people begging.
I watched Olivia's eyes lose focus.
Olivia was suffering from her excessive pressure.
Restoring her faith She suffered amidst the mul tudes of tormentors.
Her abhorrent inten on to take the lives of her others to take advantage of
her own.
I saw her work, and the death of such a person
I even saw the sight of her praised.
Her dona on, which she has been squeezing out as much as she can so far,
is in the middle of her, and she believes in herself.
Dunn teachers were intercep ng.
| Beyond the issues of faith and religion...
Now it has nothing to do with religion or belief
Watching those who cry out and proudly demand that they die in their
Shield you with tears as a shield
Seeing the ac ons of people who are trying to calmly push someone to
while saying
Olivia lost something important that was s ll on her mind.
She looked like Lynn.
"why me?"
From Olivia, apathe c and cheap
There was always a loud voice.
“Why do I have to do that?”
Olivia was broken.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 336

Why do I have to die for you?
As Olivia shoves her mourners frozen in her own words, she dri s off the
“It’s disgus ng.”
Leaving her condolence procession, Olivia said so with a dreamy expression
on her face.
“It’s disgus ng to be human.”
Ollie, who broke even the last love of humanity
Bia covered her mouth as she mumbled so.
| Faced with her ugliness of human nature over and over again, Olivia
seemed to have lost her last remaining human sympathy.
“Don’t do that too much. Maybe it’s because they don’t know what they
Olivia Kicks Her Tongue
“Yeah, it would have been. Yes, it would have been different if I had
Olivia looks at me.
She said, “Seeing what the demons saved me,
He must have said that he had to hang it on a stake, saying that it was
obvious that he was dirty and dirty.”
Olivia's eyes changed. She seemed to read a dark abyss in Olivia's eyes,
who always looked a li le sad. She had that feeling, similar to the eyes of
Ladia Schmidt.
Human malice and disgust eventually ruined Olivia.
She couldn't resist Olivia's words.
Olivia says that if you don't know, you don't know, that if you know, you're
human to do disgus ng things.
She couldn't really deny her words.
"Devil? Yeah, I don't know why those demons saved me. but don't
To be a king is really to recreate the demon realm
If the goal is to take them and kill them all.” |
Olivia grabs my hand ghtly.
“The people I love, some of them
fight to keep shit like that
You will never fight for them.”
Olivia hugged me.
Just like Ellen.
She took her to the conclusion that Olivia was figh ng too.
However, the original reason is that the a tude of Olivia is different from
that of Olivia.
things were different
So, she had to be different.
She was Olivia and she was a man of the word. She's not for some, but
she's a prize for many.
She is gentle and kind, but hard-hearted.
she was ram
But she breaks even if such a person is pushed to the limit.
She gently rejects and pushes away the mul tude of people who cling to
was ge ng more and more red.
And also, what has happened in recent days has put her Olivia into a state
of extreme emo onality for her.
She dismisses it as obsession with religion and believers, and she tells
Olivia that the orphanage she had sponsored had stolen her money and
starved her children.
She even felt betrayed in front of her.
She and she eventually faced people who forced her to become her
scapegoat, using her tears as a weapon.
Olivia changed when she realized that she had no reason to live a life for
such people.
If she had to fight the demon lord she would fight, but it wouldn't be for
She said Olivia.
If it feels like that, she will have to join hands with the next demon king for
the destruc on of mankind, and it seems like she will fall over when she
finds out that it is me.
But I didn't want to use Olivia's manga and her luggage like that. naver
To those who feel sorry for pu ng it down,
She didn't want to give her something like a strange mission.
A er all, I am not hoping for the ex nc on of mankind.
Of course, Olivia wasn't much different from usual.
- go away. don't be annoyed,
- Yes, yes? Uh, sister, what now...?
- Are you going to turn it off? How many mes has she said she's not going,
but she doesn't know what to say?
are you tall
- That radish... mu... what... uh, sister...?
-If you're not a head, why do you keep saying the same thing dozens of
mes, hey? look straight in my eyes look straight ahead,
-Uh, I'm scared of you. Go, why all of a sudden...
A er that, Olivia told someone
I've seen her shoot a word a few mes.
Ladia Schmidt wasn't the only one calling for her religious return.
She may have expressed her refusal to say that Olivia was embarrassed by
such a request un l now, but she was perfectly fine with the words and
It seemed that she was more than refusing, and that she responded
Rather, I think that's fortunate.
-Oh, Reinhardt! Would you like to have lunch together?
But when you see me smiling broadly when you look at my juniors in such
a cruel way,
Then, suddenly, he ran to me and saw him smiling and clasping his arms.
If you are....
what is it
I think my older sister has become more crazy than before...
I was a li le... afraid.
My sister has changed.
However, frankly speaking, the superficial change
It seemed to be posi ve.
It was because Olivia was an overly kind person, that people who tried to
force her, even though it wasn't a coercion, kept s cking to her and not
le ng go.
To put it bluntly, it is to look at people like a dick.
She said she was afraid of Olivia going out badly, but she didn't seem to be
able to bring her reckless words to Olivia.
She may say some bullshit to Olivia that her demon has been possessed,
but she says that Olivia is not against anyone by force. If she tries to do
anything with her power, she'll get beaten up.
So she thought it would be good for Olivia herself if Olivia was strong in
that respect.
As those vaca on days pass
One day.
"Are you ready?"
Where is my Rotary club headquarters?
In the forest south of , I met Elerys.
"From now on, I will explain to you about the number of members of the
council. You must remember it well."
Mee ng with the Vampire Council.
For that, Elerys is one for me
Indicate cau ons from to ten
it started.
The future is big depending on the results of today's mee ng
things change
So, there shouldn't have been any mistakes.
- Flash!
Goseong Epiax, which returned through teleporta on, became a place
where the winter winds were even more bi er than before.
In the bi er blizzard, Goseong was exuding a more eerie atmosphere than
before, perhaps because of the beings in it.
“What about Radia?”
Leave the room during the mee ng
I warned you not to come.”
He is not very affec onate, but since Eléris is with him, she becomes aware
of her and pays a en on to her. scared now
I've been ea ng a lot and I'm here
She's gone, though she's in a situa on where she can't do shit,
- Slurry....
I use Sarkegaar's Ring to return to Balier's form.
It's not Reinhardt, it's Balier's.
The second thing to do with the name.
A ended Vampire Council.
A mee ng of the heads of the five Lord vampire families.
Last me, in the temple group mission, it was exactly the same place as the
mee ng place in the mafia game. There are so many students, so the
whole con nent turns upside down even if just one, now Lord Vampire,
appears in the place where they had to be executed.
I think the great men who can heal are gathered
So it's kind of scary
It also felt ridiculous.
When I opened the door to the conference room, I saw four people already
si ng at the round table.
They don't belong to the demon realm, so they don't show respect to me
or do anything special.
Some had an interes ng gaze, some had an a tude of no interest, some
looked down on them, and some could not guess their inten ons.
"nice to meet you. It’s called Bali.”
I'm old and I belong to the demon realm anyway
Nor have they become
So I decided to use honorific tles for them, if not as respec ully as
A er saying those words, a terrifying, uh-huh laugh spread across the chilly
conference room to sit down.
“The master of the non-existent has come.”
what doesn't exist.
He must have been referring to the Dark Lands that had already
disappeared. I did not dare to respond to the provoca on.
A vampire who laughed at me.
She was a pale-faced woman with alluring red lips.
Aside from her beauty, she could see one characteris c of her.
She had already heard from Elerys, so she wasn't par cularly embarrassed.
"Nice to meet you. The head of Thursday of the Seven Nights. My name is
long ears.
It says only one thing.
she is an elf
An elf that went ex nct a long me ago
Living with the label of a vampire
there was.
The fact that Lord Vampires are all ancient beings is just a common
statement with the first Lord Vampires.
also touched
Elves are elves, but
What was more visually surprising was the existence next to it.
"Nice to meet you, li le demon king."
A heavy voice came from the person si ng next to her.
“Galarshi, the head of the Friday night among the seven nights.”
A huge body, grayish, rock-hard textured skin.
Red eyes and tusk-like teeth protruding above the lower lip.
Orc Vampire Galalish
It felt a bit weird when I heard it
But the pressure was no joke.
Lord vampires are all excellent wizards, but this is not a vampire, but a
stone ax or something like a wielding impression?
Then there was a vampire looking at me with curious eyes.
“Hello, Arcdemon! I'm Lucinil, the head of the water! Good luck! I'm older,
so I'll take it easy, okay?"

A vampire with high tension somehow.
She has the appearance of a li le girl and actually acts like a kid.
All of them are unique in their own way, but not all of them are ferocious. I
have been living for years....
Everyone is pre y decent. s ll
As far as demand goes... You can think of it as harmless.
Although she has the appearance of a young girl vampire...
Not human in the first place.
I heard it's a homunculus.
Homunculus can become a vampire
I couldn't even imagine. I
It is ques onable who made the Run Homunculus, and it is also
ques onable how he became a vampire.
Lucinil is probably the most unusual among the Lord Vampires in this place.
Lucinil was looking at me with a curious expression.
And last.
“It is an honor to see such a great being.”
Take off the fedora hat you were wearing Eun-chae, an old gentleman who
bows his head deeply to me.
“The head of Saturday in the seven nights. My name is An rian.”
He was staring at me with an uninten onal smile.
I heard he was human.
An rian except Ereris
Then you look the most ordinary in this place
On the contrary, it seemed not the most ordinary
In fact, Elerys told him to watch out for An rian. He said the inten ons are

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 337

All five vampire families
is looking at me
“There is nothing to look around. We need your help.”
These were, of course, what they expected.
Because the last heir of a fallen state comes to the powers of the periphery
and has nothing to say other than this.
Leluen quietly opened her mouth.
“Will the heirs of the Demon Realm know that we did not par cipate in the
Demon World War?”
"I know."
The corners of Leluen's lips curve.
“Old-genera on Archdaemon and Demon King, my God
The previous demon king who was the most powerful being in the world
Vampires even when Balier was alive
Uh Council par cipates in the Demon World War
Didn't. The reason why we, who did not cooperate even when the demon
realm was strong, will join hands now that the demon realm has fallen
What is it?”
Even when your house was fine
You came to me, but now I'm falling apart, I'll help you
Don't you know there's no more reason
That was the sound. Le Ruen looked at the prince of a world that didn't
exist with a smile on his face.
Galarsh also looks at me silently.
“The Vampire Council was originally founded in Darkran.
I owe nothing to our john
Ash and your existence are mutually exclusive in the first place
were not necessary for each other, neither hindered nor benefited. Even
the arcdemon's bizarre power cannot rule us.
It was. That is why the successive demon lords le us alone, and we did not
get involved in the affairs of the Darkland. codified
No, but this was a long unwri en rule. Un l the head of Hwayo swears
allegiance to the Darklands.”
I somehow thought it would
Wasn't even the power of the Archdaemon able to rule over beings that
were the equivalent of Lord vampires?
Then, the case of Elerys becomes even more peculiar.
I wasn't even dominated, but I
Because you sacrificed your last name.
In the case of Galarche, he didn't laugh at me like Le Rue did, but he felt
there was no reason to cooperate.
The next person who opened his mouth was not a kid, but it was Lucinil, a
li le vampire.
“Arcdaemon, what are you going to do by rebuilding the Demon Realm?”
Lucinil is innocent and asks more fundamental ques ons.
“You want to kill all the humans? then no. It doesn't have to be human
blood, but nothing like human blood. I don't want to live on tasteless
“I have no inten on of killing all humans, and that would not be possible.”
"okay? So you're going to kill half of it?"
What are you obsessed with killing like this?
“I will not be able to spend my whole life just recovering a certain amount
of power from Darkland. Even if you want to, it will be difficult.
"Um, it must be. It's completely ruined... The Arcdaemon is nothing.
Even if you live longer than ordinary mortals, if you want to be as good as
the last Darkland...
Lucy Neil says that and he starts to lt his head as if he's thinking about
something. Finally, An rian of Toyo looked at me and smiled so ly.
it looked cool
“It is absurd that you need strength even though you do not dream of war,
great being.”
“Rebuilding would not be possible without the power to protect
“The Demon World War is to destroy each other.
It was a war that started with the inten on of defending oneself, not Of
course, the invasion was ini ated by humans first.”
In fact, the power for self-defense is only an excuse. is this
“When humans see the peoples of the Darklands reuni ng, they will
trample them down.
will. Then the s ll weak dark
We will have to bear the bloodshed to protect Rand's power. Yes, it should
be done and why. No ma er how much I think about it, I don’t know.”
Leluen nodded as if in agreement, and Galarche was the same.
Lucinil didn't seem to even listen to the conversa on as if she was alone in
her troubles.
“No ma er how much I think about it, there is nothing we can gain from
working with Akde and Mon. Even if we have something we want, there is
no way Archdemon can give it to us.”
Leluen's statement is correct. Even though the laugh itself is thick, it is
unavoidable that it cannot be helped.
There is no reason for the Vampire Council to cooperate with me, and they
have nothing to gain from me. You're an alliance, and if you're always in
need of help, that's it.
Is there no reason to swear?
I have nothing to give, and they have nothing to gain.
“This is a different story. Can I give it a try?”
An rian smiled so ly at my words and nodded.
“Isn’t me le to the immortals? Try it.” |
“It seems that the Fortress Demon World War is over and the Five Great
Bishops are now trying to become independent.”
In my opinion, Le Ruenne, of course, is all young.
It looked pissed off.
"What does that mean?"
“So, humans are now in the Demon World War.
I was united for the purpose of the war, but when the war was over, the
armed groups or interest groups did not disband and began to embrace
different ideas one by one.
That's right. For example, the Knights Templar
It is trying to establish an independent state of the Five Great Bishops as
the main axis. It’s like this.”
The forma on of an independent state of the Five Great Bishops.
At those words, Leluen and Galarche's expressions
it hardened The divine power is the ul mate power for vampires. It
seemed that there was no choice but to be nervous about the birth of a
na on of religious people.
“Of course, last me I killed a guy named Leverier Ranche, the former
Crusader Division commander and the core of the fac on dreaming of
independence. Here with Elerys.”
There was a threat, but it was gone.
At my words, Leruyi nodded.
"...I removed the council's threat in advance, so if you feel grateful, please
cooperate... Are you saying this?"
the enemy you will fear in the future
I owed it once because I took care of it in advance.
Did you mean everything? Le Ruye
I shook my head at the words.
“Not at all. i like that
I wipe my mouth while saying what to do
Is it okay?"
“Yes, right?”
Leluen was looking at me with her brows narrowed.
“By the way, Le Barrier Ranche said that before he died. Willing to
cooperate with me, the empire is weak
If you want to lose, shouldn't you just leave us alone?"
"That's right. I was curious about that as well. If there were an -imperialist
forces, it would have been a great benefit to leave them alone."
At An rian's words, I had no inten on of telling the story of Olivia and
Everything is up to you to s ck with it.
As if they were not interested in the reconstruc on of the devil, and
eventually asking for the coopera on of the vampire council wearing the
mask of reconstruc on of the devil is bound to s ck together.
The reason for killing Le Barrier Ranche is ul mately up to you.
“If le alone, the independent state of the Five Great Protestants would be
Levereri Ranche’s, so why would I let it go?”
“I can eat that, right?”
At my words, this me, everyone's faces became vague.
Except for Elerys.
Elerys gaped her mouth in astonishment. Guess what I'm talking about
this came
“... to eat the power of the Five Great Shintoisms. What do you mean?”
How does the Demon King come up with such a bizarre idea, the ques on
of whether it is likely to happen
Eh, I put my hand on the table.
- slurp
“I am the champion of Tuan.”
And, the pale complexion of the vampires who saw something li ed in
their hands turned hazy.
“Ugh, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!”
- Awkward!
Lucinyl jumped on the spot.
As soon as I went back, it fell off.
Tiamata is like a seizure bu on to the undead.
Elerys was also terrified when she first saw her, and she can't even look at
her properly now.
It was.
Lucinil went crazy, and Le Ruen was startled, too, and got up from her seat
and slowly backed away, and Galarsh frowned harshly.
“Hey, Tuan’s champion.”
Only An rian is rather interes ng.
He was looking at the Tiamata in my hand.
This is unlikely, but for road vampires that may cause cardiac arrest.
Year I reverse-summoned Tiamata.
“I didn't mean to in midate you. But do you know what I mean?”
Everyone was red of seeing the first place the undead didn't want to see
the most.
“My heart is falling, you know this guy
Lucinil was so angry that he jumped in place and yelled at the whale whale.
"sorry. But if you don't show it, you won't be able to prove it, will it?"
"If there is such a thing, we should give a no ce that there is such a thing!
! I feel really bad!” |
He says it looks like chicken meat has grown all over his body, and he even
pushes his arm out to show it to Le Ruyen.
"T , that can't be, Lucinil."
At that, Le Ruen clicked his tongue briefly.
He stroked Lucinyl's hair.
"Is it sprouted? It's sprouted! It's real!"
He pushes his own arm and makes him fat.
With a sign to check the secret, Le Ruenne
He slapped her arm out like it was annoying.
Except for An rian, everyone seemed to be very wary of the appearance of
Ti Amata. Even Elerys was enough to wipe her chest.
“Especially dangerous for undead like us.
It's a thing. But I fully understand what you are talking about. Are you
saying that with the qualifica ons of Tuan's champion, you will be able to
become the masters of the five major religious forces?"
“It’s important to me to do it, but it’s impossible.
I don’t think it’s work.”
LeBarrier Ranche leads Olivia
He wanted to cry, but he did not think that it would be impossible to unite
the forces of the Five Great Protestants in the name of Reinhardt and
become their master.
"Okay, great being. So, whether you control them from behind, become
their master, or form a united front with them, then why did you seek the
From now on, that's the point.
I cross my arms and stare into their faces.
“I am the representa ve of the Five Great Bishops
If something similar happens, I will wipe out all of you for not coopera ng.”
At that point this me Even An rian's expression hardened.
“Isn’t the picture good?”
“With a new tle to annihilate the vampire forces, the champion of Tuan,
the god of innocence, creates a single force that unites the Five Great
Spirits and becomes its leader.”
“The purpose is the annihila on of the undead. The first target is the Lord
“If a large-scale Paladin Templar of the Templar Templar goes to destroy
your forces one by one, can you handle that?”
It's a threat not as a Demon King, but as Tuan's champion.
“Are you threatening? Li le Demon King.”
Galarsh looks at me with eyes full of anger.
“As you said, I have nothing to give you. So, you are 100 mes right in
saying that you can’t make a deal in the first place.”
“I have nothing to give, but I need help. So what can I do?”
“It’s a threat.”
"sorry. Would you like me to do this to the elders? My throat is green and
all the pillars of the house have been pulled out and I have to do
everything I can.”
- slurp
Having summoned Tiama a once more, I placed it on the table. “Help me.
Otherwise, I will kill you all.”
The smile finally disappeared from the corner of Le Ruen's lips, who had
been laughing at me all the me.
“Wow, he’s such an idiot that he’s so cool.”
Rather, Lucinil burst out laughing as if it was ridiculous.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 338

If you don't cooperate, I will be a ached to the Five Great Orthodox
Churches, and the bombshell declara on that I will start hun ng Lord
vampires with resentment over this has made the atmosphere that was
s ll cold even colder.
Lucinyl crossed her arms as if it was ridiculous
staring at me
“Do you think that if you talk like that, you will be able to come back alive
Isn't your life worth it? no ma er how arcdemon
Even if you say that, you're s ll young, aren't you? you are ama
Whatever it is, we close our eyes
Are you afraid you won't be able to get your head straight?"
"Elerys will do something about it. She's done it anyway, no ma er what.
“Hey, lower!”
The one who was most perplexed by my words was Elerys herself.
I'd never go out like this
Because his tongue seemed unexpected.
", aren't you trying to eat life too raw?"
“Aren’t you supposed to try? Anyway, you're free to try to kill me
However, when I somehow escape, I am prepared for what will happen
a er that.
You will have to listen.”
The words are fierce, but I have no inten on to fight, so I reverse-
summoned Tiamata.
I know that it's not a good way to hurt their self-esteem.
But in the end, there was no card beyond in mida on that I would
There is nothing to give and there is no reason for them to cooperate.
If I can get them to help me by throwing away all my pride and begging on
the floor, I can do it.
But even so, coopera on will not be gained.
So, in the end, this is the best I can do.
"Anyway, to be honest, Oh Dae-ju
The Shinto religion is strong and has a large scale.
So it's good to s ck with it. Nevertheless, that was the first me I came to
the council. follow up
Well, this is the closest neighbor. It was because I thought it would be
polite to come to this place first for personal reasons. And I wear the mask
of being the champion of Tuan
If you become the mascot of the mascot, you can't do it unless you
inevitably have to make a rela onship with it."
There is a bigger business partner, but we are s ll far from here with the
mind of Nami
Even if I think about it, it's like garbage to say that I'm here.
Galarsch did not hide his displeasure, and so was Leruyen.
The two of them seemed to have already developed animosity towards me
for making such absurd remarks. Lucinyl was the same.
“Don’t cooperate.”
Suddenly, An rian will cooperate.
have expressed their will.
Everyone was bewildered.
"...uh? Yes? I beg your pardon?"
However, it was me who was most perplexed.
"Why are you surprised? You said you want coopera on, and I will
cooperate. Great being."
An rian was looking at me with a puzzled smile. Lucy Neil looks at the old
gentleman nervously.
“An rian, what kind of filthy inten ons do you have?”
“It’s handmade. just fun
don't you? One of the holy things of the Five Great Gods. Even that
Tiamata is Akde
Haven't you been in the hands of Mon?"
The old gentleman looks at me and smiles.
“The words that did not feel the evil of the gods
It is wri en.”
A demon, even an Archdaemon, who became the first owner of Tiamata in
“Even if the Demon King loses everything in vain, even if everything he
dreams of comes true, only interes ng things will happen, so how can he
not follow along?”
In An rian's eyes, a deep malice was felt.
Other people's misery, happiness, sadness, and joy.
Such malice, who wants to appease the innocence of eternal life by looking
at it.
“Are you crazy? An rian.”
At Galarshi's words, An rian only smiled.
Why did Elerys kill An rian?
He seemed to know what he was saying. The only roadbag that told me to
It was a fire, but rather, it felt like my hair was burning.
Anyway, I'm glad to hear that they're coopera ng, but I didn't expect it to
be released in such a bizarre context.
“Whoever has lived so long
If you're sane, that's no problem
would you?”
An rianus's words were surprisingly convincing, saying that every decision
he made had to be the same as that of a madman because he had lived a
long me where he had no choice but to go crazy.
“So, the Toyo clan and the head of the house, An rian, will cooperate with
the Demon King. Wouldn't more interes ng things happen than the
Demon World Wars? So, touching the Demon King will be considered as
touching me.”
"I really don't know what he's thinking? Don't you? Leruyen?"
“ it a day or two?” |
An rian's Mischievous Child
It seems that this is not the first me
all. A er An rian decided to cooperate, he tapped the table with his index
"Anyway, as immortals, we have plenty of me. We don't need to decide
everything in one si ng. So, wouldn't it be okay to talk slowly over a few
An rian looks at me and says so.
While taking a short break, the inten on was read to cool the head and
have a conversa on separately.
It's a good thing for me.
There is nothing more terrifying than an unprovoked favor.
The unexplained favors are pouring in, and it's even more like that guy is
squeezing my neck. | I felt such a strange pressure.
"you! You bastard Archdemon kid. Talk to me.”
Lucinil pointed a finger at me as if it went well. Elerys looked at me as if it
was okay and nodded her head.
It's like she's the kindest person in this place who hates me the most.
Due to the interven on of An rian, the council's mee ngs were
temporarily suspended. Whatever his inten ons, once he had decided to
cooperate, it was clear that the atmosphere had changed slightly.
A er leaving the mee ng room, Lucinil said to follow him and took the
lead without saying a word.
A homunculus vampire with silver hair and red eyes.
head of demand.
Elerys said that Lucinyl was one of them.
I said it would be the most harmless,
Once I see it, I feel
It was obvious that he had suffered the most.
"Where did you learn such a naughty thing? Does the Demon Lord teach
you that?"
I ate something similar to pad ribs, but I don't really have any thoughts
about my predecessor, the Demon King.
I didn't even look angry.
“How can Heaven be like that?”
It's not a concept anymore, it's really like this
I wonder what to do with what has become. Lucy Neil took the lead and
looked through his window.
Bora looked at me in front of the window where I could see the rushing
“You don’t like doing that.”
Lucinil looks at me quietly and says quietly.
“An rian agreed to cooperate with you.
I don't care, I'll go to Le Ruen
Larche must have been really angry.”
“It would have been. But can you star? A er all, this is all I can do.”
“Reconstruc on of the Demon Realm, Nabal, and he might die before
that?” |
Lord threatens the vampire lords.
is the ending where you get killed, that's it
It's a goal-scoring development, but it's
Man lucinil is like this rather than ge ng angry
Speaking as a cau onary tale, I was finally convinced that Elle Ress wasn't
“I was interested in being the successor of Bali, but I am very arrogant,
blunt and full of self-confidence in the future.
I'll remember him as a guy."
Because he has a personality with many flaws
Lucinyl seemed to have a very nega ve percep on of me.
“By the way, please know that I have decided to cooperate with you with
such a bad first impression, not because you are pre y, but because I
personally owe Elerys.”
But apart from that, Lucinyl seemed to have agreed to cooperate with me.
Debt to Elerys.
I didn't even ask what it was. It didn't seem like he would answer, and
Lucinil looks at me with an annoyed lip bi ng her lip.
“Sheesh, Elerys must have known I was like this.”
I don't know what debt I owe. but
Elerys is obedient to flying vampire car
The one who was sent to Unseul was reluctant to ask for my coopera on
because of the debt Lucinil owed.
It was because I knew he was going to respond. He seemed to be in a
similar vein when he said it would be harmless,
The head of demand and Saturday.
Both promised to cooperate with me for their own reasons. Lucinil raises
her head with her arms crossed.
“Anyway, with this, you’ve been promised the coopera on of three out of
five families, right? So, isn’t this enough?
how about it?”
I guess if I have to con nue a ending the council, there will be nothing
be er than Leluen and Gallarche's nerves.
seemed to have judged.
“If you’re going to do it, shouldn’t you try persuasion?”
"Somehow it seemed so. Shameless
Like a guy.”
Lucy Neil licked and kicked his tongue.
He sighed.
"Follow me."
Lucinil dragged me back again as if that wasn't what I was going to talk
about here.
Leaving the palace building, Lucy Neil walked through the snow, his feet
- Whoa, whoa....
Of course, snow-covered on a pe y topic.
As I walked around, his feet fell out and
I couldn't even walk properly.
Lucy Neil stretched out his hand once, a shockwave
All the snow that was piled up with the explosion
It flew away in one room.
“The council was built in the wrong place. Why did you build a palace in
this place where it snows all year round? Don't you understand?"
“...Isn’t it because the owner of demand wasn’t there when he built this
“This place was built so long ago that there are Sundays and Mondays. I
don't even know when that was. Of course, I did a lot of dog axes. In the
I guess it was messy.
During the renova on, the design of the building changed all the me, but
Lucinil complained that it had nothing to do with the ini al loca on of the
council. Through the blizzard, Lucinil took the lead and I followed.
“I don’t know if this expression is correct, but I want to know the order of
my career. Egg Can you give it to me?”
"career? Oh, are you asking your age?”
“Yeah, roughly.”
Lucy Neil spreads his fingers as if it's not really a secret.
“You can tell by looking at it, but Le Ruyen is the first. Then Galarsh, then El
Leris, next me, and last is An rian Anus.”
Lucinil and I le the main palace and arrived at a space that should be
called the detached palace.
“Oh really, and here are the ghosts.
'Cause I keep ge ng stuck Why is this place really like this?”
- Heh heh heh...
Crying ghosts from all direc ons | Because of that, Lucinil seems to be
going crazy
When we clap our hands, it’s like ghosts
It disappeared like a sca ering in the air.
To say that vampires don't like their homes is a bit bizarre.
“It’s not some kind of summer fly, and even if I chase it away, it keeps
ge ng twisted.”
I don't know what such an environment is, but the Vampire Council likes
Ah, it seemed to be the environment. A space like a drawing room in a
separate palace. Lucinil sat on the old sofa, and I sat across from it.
“I don’t know what An rian is up to, but anyway, Leru.
I want to convince Yen and Galarsch too.
Is this?”
“If you can do it.”
“Arcdaemon kid. We've all lived so long that it's hard to count even if there
are some devia ons. right?"
“Is that right?”
“How did we all become vampires?”
It is impossible to be born as a vampire.
All of them have a state before becoming a vampire. Leluen is an elf
must have been, and Galarsh was an orc
and Lucien must have been a homunculus
will be.
"Well? It's not all different.
yo. This?"
“It can’t be different.”
With her chin res ng on the armrest of the sofa, Lucy Neal looks at me
with a smirk.
“I don’t want to die.”
The Great Five Lord Vampires.
The only reason they became vampires
It's just because I don't want to die.
I didn't expect there to be any great reason, but in the end, it felt a bit odd
to converge for that reason.
“An -Rianus was contempla ng whether he would be a lich or a vampire,
and then he said he became a vampire. Do you think that living with bones
would be more inconvenient than living without seeing the sun? But since I
became a road vampire, if I want to see the sun, it's painful, but I can see
it, so it's a pre y lucky case. Anyway, I didn’t want to die, so I became a
It's kind of creepy in its own way,
“I was a homunculus. homunculus
That means it is an unstable magical creature. I've been pre y remarkably
stable, but in the end I don't even know the specific limits of my life, and
I'm afraid death will come one day, and I'm too scared to face it. So, in
order not to die, I tried all of these methods, and the last thing I chose was
to become a vampire. Likewise, because I don’t want to die.”
Lucinyl looks at me.
Then, as he was about to say something, he shut his mouth.
“Anyway, the specific reasons are different, but in the end, it is true that
everyone became vampires because they didn’t want to die.”
Although he did not explain the circumstances of Leruen, Galarche, and
Ellerys, Lu Sinil was the one who was afraid of death in the end.
They say that their refuge was vampireiza on.
“So your in mida on is in some ways the best way to work for us, but what
we fear the most is
Because it is death.”
The only means for immortals, who must have had almost everything they
wanted for so many years, is the threat of their lives. Because they fear
“But that's only possible to a certain extent a er all, we've really lived,
very, very long. It's not that we were the only heads of state from
genera on to genera on, and we've been | has changed how did that
“…I don’t know. It’s me.”
“There’s no way vampires like us could have been hunted or killed.”
I read something from Lucinil's eyes.
“Is it suicide?”
“It was o en the case when the heads of five families were replaced. Well,
there are other cases, but you don't know that."
Powerful vampires who hide away from the world cannot be killed. Aside
from being strong, they don't even reveal their existence to the world.
So, there is no way for the headmasters to be replaced except by giving up
their own lives.
“What, then, are you not afraid of death in the end?”
Being a vampire doesn't want to lose my life
Come on, I've lived too long a er all
Feeling bored with life is a road vampire
Ul mately, life-threatening
You can't get anything out of this, right?
“No, the opposite.”
Lucinil smiles so ly.
“I’ve lived so long, even though I’m ge ng red of living…”
There is li le sadness in the vampire's eyes.
“You s ll have a reason to live.”
So, coming back, the current heads of state have at least one and a half
reasons to live.
I D1

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 339

A life too long inevitably entails boredom, so Lord vampires who are red
of living can count themselves.
won the award
So, Lucinil's advice is that each of the five heads of state s ll holding on to
this damn sure life must have at least one reason to live.
It was.
So to them, life is s ll a cow
“Of course, if you say that you are killing us, it would be nerve-racking in
the end.
It's just that, but it's really possible. If so, then Leluen and Galarsch can
cooperate with you. A er all, from our point of view, your life is only a
short me, and in the mean me, if you think of helping you avoid the
nuisance and owe the Darkland a debt, that's not a bad deal either. ”
The Demon Realm and the Council had a rela onship that looked like
chickens to each other, but in exchange for helping to rebuild the Demon
Realm, they owe the Darkland a debt.
Even the Demon King has a Tiamata
There are situa ons in which they can annoy themselves as much as they
want to annoy them. Even the three heads of state have already promised
to cooperate with me.
Le Ruenne and Galarsch had become a minority. Lucinil looks at me and
narrows her brow. “So, as long as I have agreed to cooperate with you, the
situa on will take care of you, so don’t say such strange nonsense as
before. okay?"
“Don’t worry, I’m not one of those people for nothing.”
“No, you are just a bastard. The coffin is fine.”
...How did know?
Even if the traces of the words and deeds you have done so far remain on
Balier's face
did you? And can a vampire from a homunculus be contempla ve?
Anyway, thanks to Elerys, Lucinil was on my side in the first place.
It seems that An rian is on my side
decided to become
and what
I honestly don't know the other Lord Vampires yet...
“How did Elerys get to have such a man as his lord… Uh-huh.”
Why is he so nice?
It's crazy, but in the end it's this and that
Let me explain everything and give you advice.
Ah, it's more like harm than harm?
I'm rather skep cal of my excessive favor
Either way, Lucinil was lying on the sofa with her arms crossed as if she was
going to ignore me now.
He told the other Lord vampires that they all had a reason to live.
That said, Lucinil also confessed that he had at least one reason to live.
it's no different
“I don’t know if I can ask you something like this.”
“If you’re worried about whether or not to do it, it’s polite not to do it,
"What is Lucinil's reason to live?"
“Are you doing it too? real curly hair
not gone.”
Lucy Neil frowns at me and looks at me.
“Why, if I tell you, will you do something for me?”
"Can't you help me with some worries?"
“The horse is clear water. words.”
Lucinil stands s ll with her arms crossed and looks up at the ceiling of the
castle. As if Lucy Neil wasn't really a secret, he mu ered quietly.
“I want a soul.”
I felt like I was out of breath at those vague words.
In that one word, I live a long and long life as a homunculus and as a
I felt an unfathomable sadness for what I had to do.
I want a soul
What does that mean? I want to become a human, but I want a soul that is
nothing else.
It is not known whether only intelligent races have souls, or whether other
creatures have them or not.
only certain thing.
Homunculus, a created being, would have no soul.
Lucinyl wants what it lacks in itself. He turned his head towards me and
“Are you sad? Is it possible for a being of this size to barely dream of such a
“…No, really?”
I think it's going to be a serious problem in its own right. Of course, I can't
fully agree with you,
I want to have a soul.
why would you want it lucy
Neil didn't explain.
“It’s just like that. It’s not that I can’t live or die because of that.”
The manner in which he spoke like that was rude. I only wish for that, I say
as if I had no such great aspira on or desire.
Lucinyl must have lived an immeasurably long me with only that one
Elerys was conversing with An rianus while Vallie was talking to Lucinyl in
her villa.
"An rian."
“Yes, Elerys.”
“What do you mean?”
At that, the old gentleman just smiled as if embarrassed.
“The demon king said he needed help, so he said he would help.
I have nothing to say to you. haha."
"At the mee ng during the Demon World War, you said that you did not
even think about it and had no inten on of coopera ng. But this me, you
will cooperate.
I have no choice but to doubt that
It's me?"
Leluen and Galarsch's reac on was rather natural.
Therefore, An rian, who decided that he would help without much
thought, made a more bizarre decision.
The old gentleman was s ll smiling so ly and kindly.
“The Demon World War was not fun, and this one looks fun.”
“……Is it fun?”
“Yeah, fun.”
An rian, who was smiling all the me,
I slowly open my eyes
The vampire's red eyes stared at Elerys.
In order to endure an excrucia ngly long me, wouldn't it be necessary to
have this kind of entertainment from me to me?"
No ma er how much they agreed to cooperate, An -Lianus was
approaching this with the concept of killing me. And that was Elerys'
"I'm going to have to cover my words...
An rian.”
“Ah, excuse me, Elerys, I didn’t mean to beli le or ignore you.
But... But what would be so maddening? Whether I cooperate sincerely or
cooperate with it as entertainment.”
- Tak Tak
The old gentleman taps the castle floor with the p of his wand and smiles.
“Isn’t it true that you want to help?”
The old gentleman le those words behind, and Elerys
passed by Elerys stared at An -Lianus' back.
there was
If you get help from the council, you can go to Bali.
is the same as ge ng thousands and thousands of horses
Is it really right to hold the hand of that insidious vampire?
Elerys couldn't be sure of that.
During the council, properly
There is me to come to a conclusion. So I had to stay at least a few days in
this old castle epiax.
“Hey, Archdemon.”
I think I'm interested now, but when I woke up, a stroke in front of me
walking down the hallway
Hon appeared and started following me.
"Honestly, I'm grateful that I'm helping, but isn't it?"
“…Thank you. Why?"
Lucinil looks at me intently.
"I'm curious about the taste of Arcdaemon's blood. Can I suck it up a
li le?"
“Well, what are you saying!”
The sudden words made me have a seizure.
Can I say that this feels like drinking a glass of water?
"No, can I make you a vampire? Just some blood. I'll taste it. A li le. Oh
really, ah, I'm really curious, ah really, can't you do that?"
"No! What are you talking about!"
"Ah, a li le! Really a li le! Huh? I'm curious. Who eats it?"
it's terrifying
No, before that, if he really tried to turn me into a vampire, that would be
is it weaving?
Are you afraid of dogs?
Then I realized that I was among the vampires
It made me realize that I was facing the highest rank in the West.
What am I doing here?
He looks good, but he's really good
Right? Aren't you saying that all of a sudden, you bite my hair ght and you
are my slave from now on?
He, by the way... He s ll looks like a child. If he bites me and sucks a li le
bit of blood, if you think about it, that's it.
It looks like a run picture.
All of a sudden, I had to imagine the scene where I was bi en by Galarsh
on the nape.
It's not fast, it's not eaten
Could it be a mistake to come here?
“Ah, Joom! Would you like to be like a real Archdaemon and be so
“Oh, don’t say anything that doesn’t sound like a word!”
I ran down the hallway of the old castle, and Lucinil followed up with
annoyingly short-distance movement at will.
"Hey! Just give it to me! Give it to me!"
It was clinging to my waist, even making strange noises.
I have lucinyl on my waist and Elle
I went to see Reese.
Elerys looked down at the li le vampire with a cold expression on Lucinil's
desire for my blood.
“What do you really want to know?”
Asking if there was any place to drink the blood of the Archdaemon, Lucinil
scrambled to his feet.
“Damage… If you don’t directly suck blood, but put your blood in a
container and make it drink… you can taste it.
I can do it, but... I don't think it's a good idea... I don't think it's a good idea.
There was such a way. Lucy heard the way and oh! looked at me with a
"Oh, that's fine! Hey! It's perfect."
"No, what blood did you leave?"
The truth about demand is a li le different from what I've been through so
far, isn't it?
In the end, a er figh ng for a long me, I was the one who gave up in the
At this rate, I think I'll s ck my teeth in my hair when I sleep.
To be honest, I was scared and gave up.
“I don’t know why I have to do this, but they do it because they say they
will help.”
In the end, I cut my own flesh
Blood was shed on the bowl that Lucinyl brought. Elerys was also looking
anxiously at the way I wounded my body, fearing that something might
The strange thing is that I don't care about pain like this anymore
It was.
“I, low. It hurts... uh! Oh, you, you are so deep!”
I'm fine, but Elerys
I was restless.
I cut my flesh and bleed a few
Dropped a drop, lucinyl on a plate
He licked it and looked at me.
The expression is a bit pale.
The impression was just one word.
I couldn't figure out why I was angry at the sound of my blood being
tasteless, but
I just got hot
The wound on his arm wasn't divine power, but Elerys stopped the
bleeding. This was because Tiamata's divine power could not be extracted
and used normally.
Lucinil murmured that the arcdaemon blood tastes fishy and said that the
business was over.
seems to have gone somewhere.
In the end, I had to stay here for a few days, so I had no choice but to eat.
And I need such a meal here
It wasn't just me who had one.
There is also Radia Schmidt.
With the preserved food airli ed by Elerys
Had dinner with Radia Schmidt. Radia froze as soon as she saw me
However, when I heard that he was coming to eat, he looked at me and ate
without saying a word.
"Did you see anything like that?"
Whether it was because she had chosen a place where she could stay, her
room was quite spacious.
She had a bonfire burning in the fireplace with a ra ling sound, and the
room was smoky, with beds and sofas,
And there were things that wouldn't have been there, including a desk.
She has to live alone in a secluded place, but Elerys seemed to prepare the
necessary items as much as possible.
The environment is polar.
Considering the size of the room itself and the standard of living, she is so
proud that she can even be called royalty.
Actually, this is also a palace. “If the council is over, she will be free to move
around. If you feel uncomfortable for a while, be pa ent.”
Radia looked at Elerys, and quietly mu ered a piece of her bread.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 340

The night of Goseong Epiax is scary.
The blizzard didn't stop.
What's important, though, is that the suspiciously well-maintained Epiax
doesn't get dra y.
Of course, the smoke inside the castle
Epiax is where it gets colder and colder at night because there is no wind.
However, the real owners here are not bound by such cold.
Epiax night.
The elf vampire Leluen and the orc vampire Galarsh were si ng opposite
each other in the conference room.
"Lucinil will probably cooperate, right?"
“Yeah, I couldn’t join the Demon World War.
I kept feeling sorry for Girl Elerys.”
“Hmm. Even though it’s Lucinyl…”
Leluen was looking towards the hallway with her brows narrowed.
“What the hell was An rian thinking?
I don’t know if it is.”
Leruye's long ears drooped down.
all. Vampire councils are not convened very o en, but they have existed for
a very long me.
They don't see each other o en, but they have to see each other for a very
long me.
there was no Except for An rianus, who came to California for a rela vely
short me,
That's why Galarche knew that Le Ruen's long ears drooping was a reac on
that came when he was worried or when he became pale.
"He's an invisible guy. In fact, I wonder what the succession process was
At Galarshi's words, Leluen's ears perked up.
“…well, that’s what I was thinking.”
“Didn’t you also think that to some extent?”
"well. I've heard of An rian's ac ons in many ways, but I'm not sure.
Galarche nodded his head in an a tude that seemed to withhold Lerue's
“Yes, but I am sure.”
Galarche's red eyes stared at Leluen.
“He killed Toyo’s former headmaster.
It’s clear.”
“…Is there any reason to do that?”
"If Maximilia chose her own death, as An rianus said, and her descendants
are An rians, then Maximilia is his wise stone.
It must have been a er But there was no such thing.”
“…I did.”
A reason to live.
The goal of Gaju of Sentai Saturday was to make the wise man's stone, a
fantasy object called the alchemy of the extreme. To that end, he became a
vampire and
became a householder
A er failing to fulfill the mission he had been clinging to so much, and a er
Maximilia died suddenly, An rian appeared to be the savior of the future
genera ons. in that suspicious situa on
Galarshi had been suspicious of An rian from the beginning.
It was not that Maximilia had chosen her death herself, but that she was
killed by An rian.
would have done,
At Galarshi's words, Leluen raises her head and smiles.
“By the way, was it possible for a family member to kill Gaju in the first
place? That would be impossible.
An rian was a wizard before becoming a vampire.”
“…I did.”
“Maybe there was a way. A way to not be dominated."
Galarsh mumbles silently as his muscular arms cross his arms laboriously.
“An rian becomes a vampire,
A er I was born, I became the head of Saturday's for the first me in 20
years. This is something he has no choice but to win.”
“…it should be.”
Twenty years is quite a long me, but to them it is a flee ng me. this
In the eyes of the people, it seems that An rianus, a member of Saturday,
has become the head of the household as soon as he enters.
An rian is suspected of having killed the previous headmaster and
succeeded him. Of course, a er all, it is a ma er of another family, so there
is no reason for the two of them to interfere. In the end, it actually was.
Because it is an internal affairs of the Handeul family.
But in the end, apart from the facts, An rian's inten on is unknown.
Both agree that he is a dangerous person.
Therefore, Elerys also took An rianus, who readily expressed his
willingness to cooperate, rather
is to limit
“By the way, cooperate with the Demon King this me.”
Galarsh walks away with a serious expression on his face.
Orc's serious expression is different from that of humans.
From a human point of view, it looks like it's thinking about who to chew
"When the Dark Lands are restored, he will kill the Demon King and who
knows if he is plo ng to become a new Demon Lord himself."
“……Hey, maybe. he's an arcdemon
It’s not like this.”
Leluen gently shook her head as if she had gone too far. that
Turning to Leluen, Galarche quietly mu ered.
“There are many ways. Any number.”
At those words, Le Ruyen's ears trembled as if he had become chilled.
When she has an arc daemon, he has the demon realm. an ri
Regardless of whether Anus had a reason to do so, if he did, there would
be a way.
Sorcerers have no way
Because they are the ones who find it. Galarsh crossed his arms and
pondered. He widened his eyes as if he had made a decision.
“I will cooperate. An rian
Even for surveillance.”
Leruyi's eyes are blown at the sudden decision
jumped out
"No ma er what he's up to, we can't sit s ll and watch his suspicious
behavior any longer.
does not exist."
1 ... Galarshi An ri So Far
I didn't know you hated Anus..."
“Leruye, I hate you more. Why do I have to keep explaining everything I
At that, Leruy laughed.
“That way you can stand the me.”
In every two hundred years of her life, Le Ruyen erases her own memories
except for her most necessary ones.
That's why she's among all the Lord Vampires
It can exist without going crazy even though it has lived the longest in the
That is why Galarshi some mes sees the past
Le Ruen, who forgot everything that happened in
I have to explain the past to you.
Every me I do it, I get a fever.
It's a long me ago, so I don't need to tell you
neither is the a tude. rather ac vely
to bother with what happened in the past
He is also the type to ask. As if she didn't know herself and hearing what
she was doing was a very fun pas me.
Galarsh is sick of it.
“Why did Maximilia build the Philosopher’s Stone?
Do you know what she was trying to li ?"|
"I don't know... Oh, that's right. Was that? Lucinil?"
Galarsh says quietly.
"It was to give Lucinil a soul."
The Philosopher's Stone, which is said to be capable of causing any miracle,
The des na on of alchemy and everyone knows that it doesn't exist, but
alchemists once dreamed of it.
Toyo's former head, Maximilia, pursued it.
That is why, when An rianus suddenly appeared and said that Toyo's
former headmaster took her own life, Galarshi couldn't believe it.
If An rian had killed Maximilia,
Leluen's ears pricked up, and she
She showed a subtle smile.
“A er all, is it because you’re worried about Lucinil, not the Demon King or
the Demon Realm?”
At that so smile, Galarshi frowned as if it was not worth thinking about.
“I had a rela onship with Maximilia that could be called a friendship.”
The expression alone made the five or six men in a row so harsh that they
fainted. Le Ruen is like making fun of her li le girl
was the expression.
“That’s it.”
Galarsh nailed it firmly, as if not to misunderstand. At those words, Lerue
looked at Galarche with a look that seemed to be shining brightly.
“What about me?”
“It’s just an annoying rela onship.”
"I'm sorry..."
Leruye's ears went sullen.
As Lucinil advised, I didn't bother to talk more or say anything that would
provoke Galarche and Leruen, as long as the situa on was already going
In fact, I think that it is quite a feat in itself to have already received the
coopera on of two Lord Vampires. conflict
If Larsche and Leruen eventually refused to cooperate, they had no
inten on of a acking.
“I will cooperate.”
But at the mee ng the next morning
I was surprised to hear that Galarsh would cooperate.
There was a change of heart last night
did you throw
However, the orc vampire, who had such a bad impression, didn't seem to
give in to the death threats, nor did it seem that he had any favors that I
didn't have.
I feel the same way about An rian.
Why do you feel so strong when you say you're helping?
“A er all, working together is my taste!”
Lucinil jumped and hung on Galarshi's heavy arms.
There was something the size of a mouse bell stuck to that giant's arm, so
it looked like a cicada was a ached to it.
“Don’t bother.”
- Pak!
Of course, let Galarsch swing his arm.
Lucinyl was pi fully thrown away.
"Oh, it hurts, you monster!"
"You see, I hate to cling to anyone. And I'm a monster."
Lucinil was waking up next to him, but
Larche was completely ignoring whether it was a frequent occurrence.
This is how it feels. Among the road vampires who have grown old, a young
Ac ng like a real kid, the other old vampires except Galarsch are watching
this as if they are granddaughters, and only Galarshi hates this kind of
In the end, a bit too old-fashioned
Isn't that just acknowledgment?
The Vampire Council...
It may not be such a formal place...
It felt like I was watching a bizarre role play, and I was ge ng a li le bit
There are elderly people living alone, among them
Isn't that an old man living alone with severe demen a and just ac ng like
a child?
Of course, I don't know about Elerys.
But if you go back to their town, your men
Lord vampire who lives with a field
Teni won't be living alone.
“Anyway, I will fully cooperate with you.”
“Then… there is naturally one le .”
Following An rian's words, everyone's eyes naturally turned to the last
The elf vampire, Leruye.
“…why did I become a minority? in one day?”
The king of the non-existent has come
Even when I laugh at anything Only Elerys from the seat was on my side.
Whatever the specific circumstances, in the end, Le Rue has become a
Nakdong River duck egg.
“Ah, no… If I say that I will cooperate here, I feel like I am being swept away
by the atmosphere and ac ng ruthlessly…”
Leluyen narrowed her brow in annoyance, tapped her feet, and let out a
deep sigh.
“Whoa… Well, Galarsh said yesterday that he would listen to the other
side, but I thought about it a bit. I did…”
Leruyen shrugged his shoulders.
“You should know that I'm only going to help, I'll swear my allegiance with
my life and I won't do it?
If you ask for something like a military rela onship or something like that,
you will get red.” |
Loyalty, not loose coopera on.
But as the opponent is the opponent, just that much is enough. An rian
looked at me and smiled.
"This is the power of the five vampire families.
you've got to hold You are a great being.”
I asked for help, I achieved my purpose
also good
But somehow things seem to be going the way An rianus wanted them to
Strange thoughts kept coming to mind.
S ll, results are achievements.
I'm Bareback Of The Vampire Council
He succeeded in forming an alliance with the five Lord Vampire families.
I didn't expect the results to be this good. at least one or two
Even if you confirm your inten on to cooperate, it is a great success.
Sir, all the loads in the freeze
In seeking coopera on from vampires
The important thing is that their coopera on is good, but it should not be
taken too op mis cally. I must stop thinking that they are all my allies.
It's not a military-god rela onship.
It is coopera on.
An rian, who is the greatest to me, and is called the least,
was the most reluctant of them all.
Of course, I didn't just get the power of Lord Vampires.
Even the power they possessed was obtained.
An rian was to me the work of each family.
explained about the tribes.
A council is, a er all, a chamber, not a place where they live.
Le Ruen said that the clan's base was located in the forest area in the
northwestern part of the con nent, in the large submerged forest area
called Rhinewood.
Galarshi has his base in the southern part of the con nent, in the desert
area of Gelcorgis.
An rian said that he was based in a village in a province of Alfa Anera, one
of the princes of the empire.
| Each of the three is close to the human world,
Although there was a difference in distance, he had a clan.
“I think you are expec ng it to some extent, but I am alone.”
Elerys is Hwayo's clan herself
said it was only me this is it now
Although G. Elerys is the head of Hwayo,
He never men oned the clan.
He was expec ng to.
"So do i."
Not having a clan was the same for Lucinil. Considering the shape of this
place, it was expected to some extent as it is a contempla ve that cannot
do something like a leader of a certain group.
The powerful rod vampires, and even powerful vampires named a er their
I felt like I had gained an army with just a few words.
I was immersed in increasingly dangerous work, and I was trembling
because I had achieved results in a certain area.
Now, I can really do what is called war.
I felt like I was suffoca ng because of the weight of that thought. But I can't
hold back. I decided to do whatever it takes to prevent the gate incident.
“I did not have to find you
Strictly speaking, it required knowledge rather than force.”
Everyone is staring at me as if what it is.
Could this really be the key?
If the key is correct, I will be freed from everything that has tormented me
un l now.
I hope that the beginning can be here.
“One, do you know how to open the portal to another world?”
I am Lord vampires and powerful
To the wizards, my friend from a terrible fate
Ask about a secret that will wake you up.
| “Two, if you don’t know, do you know of any magical associa ons and
whereabouts that would know that? Like the Black Order or Cantus
Needless to say, everyone had a bizarre expression on their faces.
“A portal to another world?”
Leluen nodded and smirked.
“Why are you curious about that?”
Galarsh showed the orc's expression when he was bewildered.
“...I have never heard such a bizarre sound in real life.”
Lucinyl seemed to have given up on understanding.
"This world..."
An rian's curious expression.
In the end, the key was why I wanted to know such a thing apart from
other things.
They wouldn't even believe the word to save the world, and in the first
place, they got their coopera on in the name of rebuilding the Demon
“The Darklands have lost a lot of power. He suffered an almost irreversible
loss of power. Even with your coopera on, it is difficult to bring down an
I wonder if there will be another nonsensical sound like this.
Eventually I had to do it.
“So, I want to join hands with beings from the other world.”
In reality, there are so few people who will support me, so it doesn't sound
like I'm going to call in an army from another world.
I couldn't help it that everyone had even more bizarre expressions at my
There was a commo on.
What nonsense is that, I'm not even sure if this world exists, but why
would they help me?
In par cular, Leluen and Galarche knew I was this bad guy, but he was
It was clear and he had a look of embarrassment.
He's a guy who talks too much, so it's even a li le scary now
is the reac on
Lucinil opens her eyes and looks at me.
he's really crazy
It seems like this is what he was thinking.
An rian giggled and laughed because my words were so unexpected.
It's so creepy to see your old man laugh like that
“It’s not okay if you can’t do it, and there’s nothing to lose by just trying it.
Who says there's no way to say that?"
There's nothing wrong with doing it. It's only at that level of work, so can
we discuss it? if not
Something worth talking about
It's not, but in the end, there's no excuse other than this.
So in the end, the first ques on is whether you know
answer to the second ques on.
Leruen, Galarche, and Lucinil all looked at their faces, so I thought about
It seemed like never before.
So was An rian.
The Vampire Council doesn't know how to get to another world.
“Okay, I didn’t know. So what about the next ques on?”
Informa on about the magical socie es that might know that,
Again, everyone's reac on is lukewarm.
did. No ma er how long they live
is a fire that lives with some boredom
are the destroyers
So, if you're sensi ve to public informa on, you won't be able to be
sensi ve.
“When it comes to Cantus Magna, I once worked there.”
An rian had said that out of nowhere.
“Gee, really?!”
“Yes, Lucinyl.”
I wasn't the one who spit out the leaky sound
It was La Lucinyl.

The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy 341

An rian was ac ve, not at the level he knew about Cantus Magna.
Lucinyl was sweeter than I was in embarrassment, so she jumped up from
her seat.
I asked all of a sudden.
"Oh, but is that okay? Isn't that the kind of place where you can easily get
in and out of something like that?"
“Of course not, Lucinyl.”
His body was leaning more and more towards An rian as if he was about
to go beyond the twinkling of his eyes.
“Then how did you come out?”
“Yeah…they were willing to pay the price of ge ng out of the associa on
with their lives.”
An rian looked at him with his arms wide open.
They tried to kill themselves as they tried to escape from the society, and
now they are alive.
I'm not sure what happened
It was an a tude. An rian is Cantu
He belonged to Smagna and got out of it, and there was a fight in the
He was already that much before becoming a vampire. Lucy Neil opened
his mouth blankly.
“An rian, why did you enter Cantus Magna in the first place?”
Elerys, who was observing the situa on, suddenly asked him.
“Ummm… I wanted to become an immortal being.”
He points to his body.
Rod vampire body.
“Not this half-immortality, but eternal immortality.”
Do you think that even the body of a vampire who has overcome the sun is
only half?
From what I heard from Lucinyl, Lee
Contempla ng whether to become a chimer or a vampire
Daa said that he became a vampire because he thought it would be less
inconvenient to be a vampire.
The look of an old man is what he really is
It seemed that it was because he became a vampire when he was a human
being, unable to find a perfect way to immortality.
“It’s not really what I’m talking about, but I think An -Tyrian doesn’t mind
talking about ugly things.”
At Lucinil's words, An rian burst into laughter.
"Haha, existence is all ugly.
Isn't that the law? we especially
It will be.”
The other Lord vampires did not respond to that word. Leluen is hilarious
She looks at An rianus as if beau ful.
“So, there was no way to be immortal?”
"I do not know."
At those words, everyone's expression was strange again
it was done
No, no, no, I don't know.
“Cantus Magna collects alcohol, but not to use it. So they browse what
they have
They don't even know what they're doing, so they'll see what spells they
have from genera on to genera on.
Forget the car. i see a chance
I tried to peruse their secret techniques, but I was caught in the middle,
and the
Huro has cut es with Cantus Magna. One
In order to become immortal, he entered the Magical Society and worked
as a member of the Society, but was eventually caught and escaped a er
the ba le.
what is it
I'm a li le embarrassed for saying something like a sample of an evil
I was about to cry.
If I think about it, I wonder if this is the right thing to do if it's a rod
vampire's past.
A er trying to find the perfect way to immortality, he ul mately failed.
He feels a li le ugly, but he
I feel like I didn't say it very much because I said it so calmly.
“No, but it’s kind of funny, then he
Why are you collec ng this week?
What if they won't use it and will forget what they have?"
It was Lucinyl's ques on.
“Maybe, according to the rumors floa ng around, sealing the dangerous
magic and protec ng the world... Is it true?”
It was Leluen's ques on.
What is the purpose of this week's hunter, Cantus Magna?
I didn't know that either, so I wondered what An rian would say. Magical
socie es have their own purpose and are not par cularly good or evil.
“No, absolutely. Absolutely not. Leruyen, ha ha ha. They never, never have
such good inten ons.”
An rians burst into laughter at the words, which sounded too funny, and
Leluyen looked up at An rianus with his ears upright, as if he was in a bad
“Then what is their purpose?”
In response to Galarshi's ques on, An rian wiped his lips to wipe away his
smile, and spoke so ly.
“It is for the comple on of Akasha.”
Even Lord Vampires have never heard of it
Those were the expressions that said
I think it's Akasha.
Is it Akashic Records? of course my
I don't know if it's an exact match with the concept I remember.
“I don't know if I should call it an ar fact.
I don't know... but of course I don't know what it looks like a er all.
However, Akasha is an ar fact that holds spells. The purpose of Cantus
Magna is to complete such a bizarre object. how much to fill
I don’t know, but I mean.”
“So, to be precise, we are not hun ng for alcohol, but we are pouring in
magic as much as we can to fill the capacity of the spell itself. Already
completed spells are already stored, so we have to find new spells and put
them in.
So, as a result, you have no choice but to search for alcohol. Of course, we
also develop new spells on our own, but the intrinsic complexity of
drinking alcohol is complicated and difficult to configure, so wouldn't the
capacity of the spell itself be significant? That is why they have their eyes
turned this week.”
A mysterious child named Akasha
T-Fact, from what I heard, it is presumed to be an object that can contain
The purpose of Cantus Magna is its wan | it's a castle Just by hearing
something, oh
It felt like sprou ng.
“What happens when Akasha is finished?”
An rian nodded at my ques on.
it was
"I don't know. The head of the Cantus Magna or the leaders might know.
I don’t know.”
What happens when Akasha is completed. Is that a threat to the world?
Is it a bit of a leap to say that the gate avalanche will explode when Akasha
is completed? What happens to the comple on of a very powerful ar fact
of unknown iden ty and purpose?
“So, I don’t know if that’s possible or not.
Let's go ahead and assume it's possible. Cannes
Tooth Magna to Akasha so far
If you can browse through the numerous spells and alcohols that you have
collected, there may be a secret that opens a portal to another world. It's
not certain, of course, but what's accurate is that it contains most of the
spells that exist and have ever existed in the world."
I've been collec ng alcohol for a very long me
If you can open Akasha since you've come, you can open a portal to
another world there.
maybe you can figure out a way
“Of course, it was a very long me ago that I was in Cantus Magna, and
me is running out.
As me went on, they must have kept more spells in Akasha than they did
when I was there. Perhaps, they may have already completed Akasha.”
The possibili es are good enough.
I don't really need magic to open a portal to another world. If such a spell
is real, then there is no
Avery is my purpose.
Cantus Magna not only sobriety but also
Collect the order itself. So they have their own magic as well as open magic
You will also study magic.
If there really is such a thing as magic that can open the way to another
world, it will reside in Akasha.
I don't really need that spell, but if Akasha has it, how the hell does the
gate crisis happen?
But I have a feeling that I am ge ng closer to the truth of the gate
incident, which has only been blurry so far.
it was clearly felt.
I don't know what will happen when Akasha is finished.
But now you need to know.
The comple on of Akasha is soon followed by the gate incident and
It may be the connec on point of
“I want to know how to contact Cantus Magna.”
An rian,
It looks award-winning and dangerous, but in the end
This one was the key.
"Isn't it too dangerous? I don't know what those aka shas are, but they
look very dangerous.
I think I'm going to meet people who are too dangerous to lose,
Lucinil held me down as if it was a very bad idea, but An rian shook his
"Lucinil, of course, regardless of whether that's possible or not, if you can
have Akasha, there's no way to get to another world.
Isn't that not important? Akasha may itself be a powerful source of power.
That alone is already a formidable force itself.”
“That’s right… I guess…”
How to get to another world became irrelevant in the end. Because I was
lucky in another world in the name of wan ng power. In the future, you
can claim that you want Akasha in the name of needing strength.
“And again, it’s something you don’t know, Lucinil.”
“Just as Akasha may contain a way to true immortality that I have not
found, so it may contain a way for you to have a soul.
Isn't it?"
It seems that Lucinyl was shocked by those words.
He stared blankly at An rian.
Lucy Neil said he wanted a soul, though the reason is unknown.
I don't know what magic is in Akasha, but now it's a pot of possibili es.
Just as what I want may be there, what Lucinyl wants may also be in
“An rian, I knew that, so why didn’t you tell me about it un l now?
is it?”
An rian narrowed his eyes in response to Galarshi's gentle ques on.
“If it had been that easy, I wouldn’t have given up on my immortality and
became a vampire.
I don’t want to.”
An rian looks at me.
“Of course, it would be a different story if we had this kind of consensus.”
If you have to fight, don't fight them directly.
it may not be necessary
Because it could make Cantus Magna and the Black Order fight each other.
of course how the fight ends
I decided not to, so if there is a stone statue of an orc or elf that looks
suspicious even if I pretend,
Because it is an unclean place, it has to be destroyed, so things like this
may come out.”
Rather than figh ng the humans, the council had decided to just hand over
this place to the humans. So humans can
A part that may be considered offensive or unclean
They have changed this.
Actually, the stone statue in the loca on on Thursday did not have long
ears, but it was a stone statue resembling Le Ruen.
Of course, the Friday statue where Galarshi was supposed to be was just an
ordinary person.
Leluen was standing in the center of the Pantheon and looking in a certain
direc on.
“I heard that I am the oldest of all Lord Vampires.”
“……Do you want to listen?”
Why would she make it sound like she heard her? Perhaps he sensed my
doubts, Leluen smiled.
“I am erasing my memory every two hundred years.
One of the ways to endure eternal life
Is there any run?
Then, the oldest being, Le Ruyen, erased his memory every two hundred
years, so he would have had the least knowledge of the past.
There are people who are alive because they have a reason to live, and Le
Ruyen is like that.
Did he choose the path of erasing his memories rather than death the
moment he became unbearable?
“I must have forgo en it because I wanted it, but it must have been
because I had to…”
Le Ruen folded her arms in the center of the Pantheon
Looking in which direc on while wearing
“I am very curious as to what I would have known before I erased my
memories like this.”
The eyes that somehow feel vague
It was.
"The elves were exterminated for some reason.
“What happened to Sunday and Monday? What were they in the first
“Obviously, you should have known.”
“Why did I have to erase those memories?”
“No, I guess I erased that memory right?”
ruye sees me
Rather than her curiosity, a certain wind closer to longing was read.
She erased the memory herself, but she doesn't know why she had to
erase it, so Leruyen's memory is gone
seemed to long for
She should have known it all, but she was curious as to why she had to
erase it.
Leruyen was quietly watching Sunday and Monday, she and her own stone
In a different sense from An rian, Lord vampires seemed to be complex
beings, apart from good and evil.
Beings who have lived a long me tend to find ways to endure me in their
own way, and Le Ruenne erases their own memories.
“Is there such a thing as wind in the head of Thursday?”
“Like Lucinil?”
Like Lucy Neil, who says she wants a soul, does Le Ruen have something
like that?
“As a ma er of fact… to bring back true memories…. All the memories I
have forgo en.”
Leluyen said so, and she shook her head.
"But if you find them all, you're probably going crazy."
I want to get my memories back, but I'm not sure I can handle them.
Leluen said that if it was a wish, that's enough, but in fact, he didn't want it
that much, and when the moment came when he could get it back, he
might choose not to get it back.
She just gave such a vague answer.
"okay. I have no desires, but I don't want to face death. I'm just holding on
to death like this. Including the fact that I am a Lord Vampire and the fact
that I have a clan. A er forge ng everything, I am living with only very
important memories.”
Build up me, throwing away all useless memories, except for memories of
magic, power, and knowledge.
is going
As if she were condensing herself, Leruyen seemed to chew on her last
words she had said before, and she lts her head. Does she think the word
"living" to the undead doesn't suit her?
"I think it's more accurate to say that you die very slowly."
He dies slowly, deferring death to the infinite future.
When immortality becomes unbearable, they choose death.
So, not living, but dying slowly, says Leluen.
That's what it's all about living
I want to be different, but
Living and dying slowly.
As a result, it is the same word, but with a nuance
They were horribly different.
“If everything you planned is done and you truly rebuild the Darklands,
what will you do?
Do you think?"
Le Ruye asks me like that and looks at me.
A very deep emp ness can be read from this ancient being. I am living my
life, but I feel the awareness that I am leading a meaningless life for no
apparent reason.
If you become the Demon King, then, then, then, and then.
Are you asking for something like that?
Unfortunately, I have no inten on of becoming a true Demon King. So such
a ques on is meaningless.
'Cause I've never thought about it
“I would do anything.”

"No, that's right. I'll do anything, because I won't do anything."
S ll, if that happened, I wouldn't do anything, so there was nothing I could
do other than say that.
At my words, Leruyen was stunned for a moment, but then she burst into
"Ha ha ha ha ha! That's right. is it so. Yes, anything… anything.”
What was so funny about my words, Leruyen pulled his ears up and burst
into laughter.
“Good. It might be be er to think that way.”
I didn't know what kind of resonance my rough answer had on Leruen.
However, a er Leruyen said it had been a long me since he had laughed
like this, he quietly walked down the hallway.
walked away and disappeared.
Nonsense is not for those who give up their thoughts.
Thinking too deeply and thinking over and over again is drowning in vain.
It was just that I realized that. Leruye's steps seemed quite light.
next day.
The other Lord vampires had no business right now, but they
decided to cooperate.
Akasha is already strong in itself
It may be a source of power, but it opens the portal to another world that I
originally talked about.
They said they would inves gate the method.
“It’s a topic I’ve never thought of before. It's interes ng.”
It was the words of An rian.
Regardless of whether it was possible to destroy an empire through
coopera on with another world, he seemed to like the theme of exploring
the existence of another world.
All that remains are the greats of me. There's also a wizard, so it's just
interes ng
seemed to have occurred
“If the Demon Lord says we need our help, the council will be reconvened.”
It was Leluen's words.
By nature, councils are rarely convened unless there are special
circumstances. summer sols ce
Mann Vampire Council connects with me
As long as we have decided to have Lee, as an ally
He seemed to be taking responsibility.
There is nothing I can give, but everyone cooperates with me for their own
Epiac through telepor ng one by one
I'm star ng to leave the world
was watching closely.
Elerys once le the zodiac. She will never return to the eclip c un l she
finds a new hiding place or camouflage.
will be
So, for the me being, it seems that he will remain as a liaison by staying in
the council.
I think we can meet any me through teleporta on, but the distance
It's so far away, so what?
I'm a li le sad.
However, you can always find
It was nice being on the street.
In the huge hall of Goseong Epiax. Elleris nodded her head at me.
“Look at the degrada on.”
what does this mean
"I have to take you. You want me to go alone?"
Elerys giggled when I said that.
"Lucinil hasn't said it yet.
That’s it.”
I wondered what the noise was, but suddenly Lucinil was standing next to
“Archdemon, you will go with me.”
“I have to stay here for a while.
You, when you need magic, Lucinil will help you from now on.”
Is it like that?
Lucy Neil has no clan and he is alone
all. So the other Lord Vampires
Everything is a li le more free.
And with the official of Ladia and the council's liaison mission, El Reris
decided to stay here for the me being.
she decided
So, for the me being, I'll be standing in Elery's book.
The port cannot be received.
So, from now on, it meant that Lucy-sama would be by my side to help me
when I had to go somewhere through telepor ng or if I needed powerful
“Lucinil is far more versa le than I am. So he's be er at lowering than me
You will be able to supplement.
What kind of debt did I have to erase the debt, so that the owner of the
demand is helping me like this? Even Elerys doesn't know about the other
Lord Vampires, but it seems that she trusts Lucinil quite a bit.
“You’re a bopil, Elerys, then I feel like I’ve become anything less than him.”
"Oh, I'm sorry, Lucinil, then I'll correct it with protec on."
“It’s a protec on, so it’s like I’m a kid who needs a nanny.”
“…wasn’t it?”
I have no choice but to admit
Not really a nanny, but an archmage
How comfortable it is to be next to you. L
An archmage named Leris is different for the me being.
Instead of being busy with business, I hired another Archmage.
That's what you put next to it.
Lucinyl looks like just a stupid kid on the outside, but in reality, she's just a
li le kid.
Homunculus who only cosplays children
it's a vampire
The Demon King goes to the academy
Antirian was active, not at the level he knew about Cantus Magna.
Lucinyl was sweeter than I was, so she jumped up from her seat.
I asked all of a sudden.
"Oh, but is that okay? Isn't that the kind of place where you can
easily get in and out of something like that?"
“Of course not, Lucinyl.”
His body was gradually leaning toward Antirianus, as if he was about
to go beyond the twinkling of his eyes.
“Then how did you come out?”
“Yeah…they were willing to pay the price of getting out of the
association with their lives.”
Antirian looked at him with his arms wide open.
They tried to kill themselves as they tried to escape from the society,
and now they are alive.
I'm not sure what happened
It was an attitude. Antirian is Cantu
He belonged to Smagna and got out of there, and there was a fight
in the process.
Before becoming a vampire, that was already enough. Lucinyl
opened her mouth blankly.
“Antirian, why did you enter Cantus Magna in the first place?”
Elerys, who was observing the situation, suddenly asked him.
“Ummm… I wanted to become an immortal being.”
He points to his body.
Rod vampire body.
“Not this half-immortality, but eternal immortality.”
Do you think that even the body of a vampire who has overcome the
sun is only half?
From what I heard from Lucinil, Lee
Contemplating whether to become a chimer or a vampire
They say that I became a vampire because I thought it would be less
uncomfortable to be a vampire.
The look of an old man is really him
It seemed that it was because he became a vampire when he was a
human being, unable to find a way to complete immortality.
“It’s not really what I’m talking about, but I think Anti-Tyrian doesn’t
mind talking about ugly things.”
At Lucinil's words, Antirian burst into laughter.
"Haha, existence is all ugly.
Isn't that the law? we especially
It will be.”
The other Lord vampires did not respond to that word. Leluen is
He looks at Antirian as if he is beautiful.
“So, there was no way to be immortal?”
"I do not know."
At those words, everyone’s expressions were strange again.
it was done
No, no, no, I don't know.
“Cantus Magna collects alcohol, but not to use it. So they browse
what they have
Because they don't teach, they ask what spells they have from
generation to generation.
Forget the car. i see a chance
I tried to peruse their secret techniques, but I was caught in the
middle, and the
Huro has cut ties with Cantus Magna. One
In order to become immortal, he entered the Magic Society and
worked as a member of the Society, but was eventually caught and
escaped after the battle.
what is it
I'm a little embarrassed for casually saying something like an evil
wizard's sample
I was about to cry.
If you think about it, I wonder if this is the case in the past of Lord
After trying to find the perfect way to immortality, he ultimately failed.
It feels a little ugly, but rather
I feel like I didn't say it very much because I said it in a calm way.
“No, but it’s kind of funny, then he
Why are you guys collecting this week?
What if they won't use it and will forget what they have?"
It was Lucinyl's question.
“Maybe, according to the rumors floating around, the world is
protected by sealing dangerous magics… Is that true?”
It was Leluen's question.
What is the purpose of this week's hunter, Cantus Magna?
I didn't know that either, so I wondered what Antirian would say.
Magical societies have their own purpose and are not particularly
good or evil.
“No, absolutely. Absolutely not. Leruyen, ha ha ha. They never,
never have such good intentions.”
Antirian burst out laughing as if he had heard it was too funny, and
Leluen raised his ears to see that he was in a bad mood and looked
at Antirianus.
“Then what is their purpose?”
In response to Galarshi's question, Antirian wiped his lips to keep his
smile away, and spoke softly.
“It is for the completion of Akasha.”
Even Lord Vampires have never heard of it
They were expressions that said
I think it's Akasha.
Is it Akashic Records or something? of course my
I don't know if it exactly matches the concept I remember.
“I don't know if I should call it an artifact.
I don't know... but of course I don't know what it ended up looking
like either. However, Akasha is an artifact that holds spells. The
purpose of Cantus Magna is to complete such a bizarre object. how
much to fill
I don't know, though."
“So, to be precise, we are not hunting for alcohol, but we are pouring
in magic as much as we can to fill the capacity of the spell itself.
Already completed spells are already stored, so we have to find new
spells and put them in.
So, as a result, you have no choice but to search for alcohol. Of
course, we also develop new spells on our own, but the intrinsic
complexity and complexity of the composition of sobriety, so wouldn't
the capacity of the spell itself be significant? That's why they have
their eyes turned this week.”
A mysterious child named Akasha
T-Fact, from what I heard, it is presumed to be an object that can
contain magic.
The purpose of Cantus Magna is its wan | it's a castle Just by
hearing something, oh
It felt like sprouting.
“What happens when Akasha is finished?”
Antirian nodded at my question.
it was
"I don't know. The head of the Cantus Magna or the leaders might
I don’t know.”
What happens when Akasha is completed. Is that a threat to the
Is it a bit of a leap to say that the gate avalanche will explode when
Akasha is completed? What happens to the completion of a very
powerful artifact of unknown identity and purpose?
“So, I don’t know if that’s possible or not.
Let's go ahead and assume it's possible. Cannes
Tooth Magna to Akasha so far
If you can browse through the many spells and alcohol that you have
collected, there may be a secret that opens a portal to another world.
It's not certain, of course, but what's accurate is that it contains most
of the spells that exist and have ever existed in the world."
I've been collecting alcohol for a very long time
If you can open Akasha since you've come, you'll be able to open a
portal to another world there.
maybe you can figure out a way
“Of course, it was a very long time ago that I was in Cantus Magna,
and time is running out.
As time went on, they must have kept more spells in Akasha than
they did when I was there. Perhaps, they may have already
completed Akasha.”
The possibilities are good enough.
I don't really need magic to open a portal to another world. If such a
spell is real, then there is no
Avery is my purpose.
Cantus Magna not only sobriety
Collect the order itself. So they have their own as well as open magic
You will also study magic.
If there really was such a thing as magic that could open the way to
another world, it would reside in Akasha.
I don't really need that spell, but if Akasha has it, how the hell does
the gate incident happen?
However, I have a feeling that I am getting closer to the truth of the
gate incident, which has been only hazy so far.
it was clearly felt.
I don't know what will happen when Akasha is finished.
But now you need to know.
The completion of Akasha is soon followed by the gate incident and
It may be the connection point of
“I would like to know how to contact Cantus Magna.”
It looks award-winning and dangerous, but in the end
This one was the key.
"Isn't it too dangerous? I don't know what those aka shas are, but
they look very dangerous.
I think I'm going to meet people who are too dangerous to lose,
Lucinil held me down as if it was a very bad idea, but Antirian shook
his head.
"Lucinil, of course, regardless of whether that's possible or not, if you
can have Akasha, there's no way to get to another world.
Isn't that not important? Akasha may itself be a powerful source of
power. That alone is already a formidable force itself.”
“That’s right… I guess…”
How to get to another world became irrelevant in the end. Because I
was lucky in another world in the name of wanting power. In the
future, you can claim that you want Akasha in the name of needing
“And again, isn’t it something you don’t know, Lucinyl?”
“Just as Akasha may contain a way to true immortality that I have not
found, so it may contain a way for you to have a soul.
Isn't it?"
It seems that Lucinyl was shocked by those words.
He stared blankly at Antirian.
Lucinil said he wanted a soul, although he didn't know why.
I don't know what magic is in Akasha, but now it's a pot of
Just as what I want may be there, what Lucinyl wants may also be in
“Antirian, I knew that, so why didn’t you tell me about it until now?
is it?”
Antirianus narrowed his eyes at Galarshi's gentle question.
“If it had been that easy, I wouldn’t have given up on my immortality
and became a vampire.
I don’t want to.”
Antirian looks at me.
“Of course, it would be a different story if we had this kind of
If you have to fight, don't fight them directly.
it may not be necessary
Because it could make Cantus Magna and the Black Order fight
each other. sure
No matter how the fight ends, Akasha
It must be me somehow to secure it,
"I, I... I... I'll help you."
Lucinyl wakes up as if possessed by something
told me
To have a soul is Lucinil's wish.
"That's why I didn't tell you about Akasha, Galarshi.
At Antirian's words, Galarshi folded his arms.
“You gave me a clue and I didn’t say it on purpose. It’s ridiculous.”
Antirianus did not speak of Akasha, knowing that if he caught the
clue, Lucinil would hang on it.
But Antirian deliberately said that Akasha might contain the magic
that would make your wish come true.
It seems clear that Antirian would also want Akasha.
But I hate to take risks, so let Lucinyl take the risk
do you want to
If you leave it alone, me, Lucinil, and Ereris will take the risk on their
and sacrificed to the Cantus Magna.
it will be hard
Thanks for the info, but he's cunning after all.
“So, you mean you know where Cantus Magna is?”
"I know, but of course now
The material would have been moved. It was a long time ago and he
missed me.”
After all, it is clear that Antirian is not aware of the current
whereabouts of Cantus Magna.
“So, unless Cantus Magna has a coveted soda, it's almost
impossible to find them.”
The words of Antirian are, after all,
There was no big difference in the context of the story he had told
Elerys before.
To find gold-dish hunters,
there should be It's better to let them come to us than to seek it out.
"good. Let's think about it later, I'm in a hurry
Because there is none.”
till now.
The next day after the council, after the meeting broke.
Ellery and I stood side by side in a secluded hallway, with the hum of
a chisel wind echoing outside.
I leaned back in the hallway, and Elerys was looking ahead with a
firm expression on her face.
“Is this right?”
"I hope you get it right."
"Jaeha. I've lived for a long time, but I've never even heard of an
artifact named Akasha. I... I'm afraid it exists, if it exists,
If not, I'm afraid because I don't know what Antirian was trying to do."
Elerys' fear was understandable.
To be honest, I'm also afraid.
Worse than the Gates incident
I was afraid that it might be.
I'd rather do nothing and just face the scheduled gate incident
Couldn't it be better?
When Akashara begins to get entangled in an unknown ancient
artifact, something completely bizarre may happen.
The future is unknown.
Of course, it's like this
It was difficult for the first time in my life.
“……I must have made a mistake.”
When I didn't say anything, Elerys took my hand gently.
A cold body temperature reached my hand.
“More than anyone else, you must be afraid of me the most, but I’m
Even if I didn’t say it, did the fear I feel now have been conveyed?
Elerys seemed convinced through my attitude that I had no plan to
destroy the world.
Not everything will work out, but you have to believe it anyway.
If you're not going to do anything, you shouldn't have started
“Everything will be fine.”
I said so with the power of the spirit,
My voice in the hallway was hollow.
After the meeting was rescheduled, I asked Antirianus a few more
First contact with Cantus Magna
by what route
In the end, it wasn't much different from my idea. Antirian devotes his
hand to numerous black magic and sobriety to discover the secret of
“Initially, to call gold-dish hunters
It was because of this, but it wasn't bad if I got immortality in the
That’s right.”
Even within the limits of my knowledge, there were people who
dreamed of immortality and did bizarre things.
So, the feeling of seeing Antirian was quite strange.
For example, in Heroes, not in the second half, but in the mid-to-
early episodes. A villain who dreamed of immortality came out and
achieved his dream without being cut by a hero
It felt like watching a sutra.
I don't know how much evil the Lord vampires here have done, but
Antirian really is.
He was an evil warlock himself.
It should be said that it is like what it would be like hundreds of years
after Qin Shi Huang, who achieved his immortal dream.
That child, that...
Can I leave it like this...
“So the gold diggers came and asked to be part of them. I will be a
member of them in return for paying off all the sodas I have.
I could.”
“Cantus Magna easily recruits new members.
Do you accept it?"
“It is not. The amount of sobriety I had was huge, and I
He accepted me as a member because he was in a situation where
he had to bleed to take it away. Perhaps they too were planning to
purge me sooner or later.”
Antirian didn't make any obvious excuses that Cantus Magna had
betrayed him anyway, because he was going to purge him sooner or
Apparently, Antirian is not a person who cares about rationalization
or anything like that.
Antirian and Cantus Magna
We worked together for a while for each other's needs, and after all,
Antirian was not able to visit Akasha after paying off alcohol.
I only saw your loss.
Of course, in exchange for Cantus Magna's failure to eliminate
Since their secret wishes were discovered outside, it must have
been a loss for each of them.
“Therefore, I am telling you that it is surprisingly easy to contact
Cantus Magna if you have your own vision and sobriety.”
After all, the Vampire Council is no different from the Secret Society.
The Black Order knew the existence of Lord Vampires.
But even the five vampire families know
I don't know how
After all, the alcohol or magic that only these people possessed
would not have been secured by Cantus Magna yet.
Therefore, the existence of the council canthus
If he finds out or the Lord vampires reveal their existence, the
contact itself is easy. in the form they come,
“I think it is a matter to be decided carefully.”
It was Galarsh's words, and I agreed.
“I don’t like it.”
Le Ruen takes that level of risk.
I just took it off as if I didn't want to do it.
Frankly, I agreed with that.
"I don't think it's wise to expose us."
“Then what would you do?”
I folded my arms at Antirian's question.
“Last time I had contact with the Black Order, they killed a gang
Because of this.”
It was only natural for everyone except Elerys to be astonished at
those words.
“Yeah, it was at the end of the day. It wasn't a big deal. Importantly, I
told them I could give them information about Cantus Magna.”
It is highly likely that the Black Order didn't know about Akasha.
The Black Order also made contact with Cantus Magna.
don't know how to do it
I won't. but they get along with each other
Because of this, rather than wage an all-out war,
It's something you want to know in advance. Whether it's a surprise
attack or whatever, you'll want to fight after gaining an advantage in
optimal conditions, so all you need is information.
The Black Order took the risk and Kantu
What did not collide head-on with Smagna
There must be a good reason.
With this information, the Black Order and Cantus Ma
Can you make him fight each other?
And, is it the right thing to do?
“First, we negotiated with the Black Order side.
Try it, and in what stance they
It won't be too late to decide whether or not to come. You don’t have
to take the risk yourself.”
Everyone nodded at my words.
I still need to think about it. once the can
As for what stance to take against Tooth Magna, it should be after
checking the information on the Black Order side properly.
If correct information comes out from the Black Order side, Cantus
Magna is irrelevant.
'cause you can do it Still, it's clear that Aka Shara has some nasty
stuff, but
Still, I should have prepared information about Cantus Magna before
the Black Order contacted me, but once it
has succeeded
I got the cooperation of the Vampire Council, and I also got
information about Cantus Magna.
got it
Now before the Black Order case is resolved
There is nothing to be done at the council.
“For now, my business ends with this.”
Circumstances that still need their power
I hope not to come to such a situation
I hope,
I think it could be quite long
But, the vampire council only took two days.
I am curious about Antirian's intentions, but in the end it is important
information and atmosphere
The reversal happened there, too.
it's really ambiguous
I don't know if it's an ally or an enemy, but it's helpful for now.
I pray that all alliances are like that. Knowing that the revolutionary
forces will also point their swords at each other later,
I'm going to try to form an alliance with Lee.
The council is finished and tomorrow we return to the Yellow Road.
I had nothing to do, so I wandered around Epiax. The snow that had
been falling suddenly stopped, and the sharp wind stopped.
Although it is under the control of humans, Epiax is not often visited
by people.
Therefore, Goseong must have been empty most of the year. I
walked vaguely and entered a room.
I saw a stone statue of Elerys here.
I knew this was a place that had a relationship with vampires.
Looking up at the seven statues, I
I suddenly felt uncomfortable.
Come to think of it, if this is a stone statue of Gaju, it is a stone
statue of an elf and an orc. So there had to be the stone statues of
Galarche and Leruen.
However, among them, the stone statue with long ears
There was no stone statue that looked like an orc.
Of course, the stone statues of Lucinil and Antirian were there.
“Since it caught people’s eyes, it has changed.”
When I turned around to hear a voice from behind, Leruy was there.
“We decided not to tell humans what kind of place this place is, so if
there are statues of orcs or elves that look suspicious even if we
Because it is an unclean place, it has to be destroyed, so things like
this may come out.”
Rather than fighting the humans, the council had decided to just
hand over this place to the humans. So humans can
A part that may be considered offensive or unclean
They have changed this.
Actually, the stone statue in the location of Thursday did not have
long ears, but it was a stone statue resembling Le Ruen.
Of course, the friday statue where Galarshi was supposed to be was
just an ordinary person.
Leluen was standing in the center of the Pantheon and looking in a
certain direction.
“I heard that I am the oldest of all Lord Vampires.”
“……Do you want to listen?”
Why do you make it sound like you heard someone else's story?
Perhaps he sensed my doubts, Leluen smiled.
“I am erasing my memory every two hundred years.
One of the ways to endure eternal life
Is there any run?
Then, the oldest being, Le Ruyen, erased his memory every two
hundred years, so he would have had the least knowledge of the
There are people who are alive because they have a reason to live,
and Le Ruyen is like that.
Did he choose the path of erasing his memories rather than death
the moment he became unbearable?
“I must have forgotten because I wanted it, but it must have been
because I had to…”
Leluen folded her arms in the center of the Pantheon
Looking in which direction while wearing
“I am very curious as to what I would have known before I erased my
memories like this.”
The eyes that somehow feel vague
it was
"The elves were exterminated for some reason.
“What happened to Sunday and Monday? What were they like in the
first place?"
“Obviously, you should have known.”
“Why did I have to erase those memories?”
“No, I guess I erased that memory right?”
ruye sees me
Rather than curiosity, a certain wind closer to longing was read.
I erased the memory myself, but I couldn't figure out why I had to
erase it, so Le Ruenne lost the memory.
seemed to long for
You should have known everything, but I was curious as to why you
had to delete it.
Leluen was quietly watching Sundays and Mondays, and his statue.
In a different sense from Antirian, Lord vampires seemed to be all
complex beings apart from good and evil.
Those who have lived for a long time tend to find ways to endure
time in their own way, and Le Ruenne erases their own memories.
“Is there such a thing as wind in the head of Thursday?”
“Like Lucinil?”
Like Lucinyl who wants to have a soul, is there something like that
for Le Ruen?
“As a matter of fact… to bring back true memories…. All the
memories that have been forgotten.”
Leluen said so and shook her head.
"But if you find them all, you're probably going crazy."
I want to get my memories back, but I'm not sure I can handle them.
Le Ruyen said that if it was a wish, that was enough, but in fact, he
didn't want it that much, and when the moment came when he could
get it back, he might choose not to get it back.
It was just such a vague answer.
"okay. I don't really have any desires, but I don't want to face death.
It just keeps on holding on to death like this. Including the fact that I
am a Lord Vampire and the fact that I have a clan. After forgetting
everything, I am living with only very important memories.”
Build up time, throwing away all useless memories, except for
memories of magic, power, and knowledge.
is going
As if condensing herself, Le Ruyen seemed to ponder her last
words, and then tilted her head. Do you think the word "living" is
inappropriate for the undead?
"I think it's more accurate to say that you die very slowly."
He dies slowly, deferring death to the infinite future.
When immortality becomes unbearable, they choose death.
So, not living, but dying slowly, says Leluen.
That's what it's all about living
I want to be different, but
Living and dying slowly.
As a result, it is the same word, but with a nuance
They were horribly different.
“If everything you planned is done and you truly rebuild the
Darklands, what will you do?
Do you think?"
Leruye looks at me asking like that.
A very deep emptiness can be read from this ancient being. I am
living my life, but I feel the awareness that I am leading a
meaningless life for no apparent reason.
If you become the Demon King, then, then, then, and then.
Are you asking for something like that?
Unfortunately, I have no intention of becoming a true Demon King.
So such a question is meaningless.
Because I never thought about it.
“I would do anything.”

"No, that's right. I'll do anything, because I won't do anything."
Still, if that happened, I wouldn't do anything, so there was nothing I
could do other than say that.
At my words, Le Ruen looked stunned for a moment, then burst into
"Ha ha ha ha ha! That's right. Yes. Yes, anything… anything.”
What I said was so funny, Leluen raised her ears and burst into
“Good. It might be better to think that way.”
I didn't know what kind of resonance my rough answer had on
However, after saying that it had been a long time since he had
laughed like this, Le Ruen quietly walked down the hallway.
walked away and disappeared.
Nonsense is not for those who give up their thoughts.
Thinking too deeply and thinking over and over again is drowning in
It was just that I realized that. Leruye's steps seemed quite light.
next day.
The other Lord vampires had no business right now, but they
decided to cooperate.
Akasha is already strong in itself
It may be a source of power, but it opens a portal to the other world I
was talking about.
They said they would investigate the method.
“It’s a topic that I’ve never thought of before. It's interesting.”
These were the words of Antirian.
Regardless of whether it was possible to destroy an empire through
cooperation with another world, he seemed to like the theme of
exploring the existence of another world.
All that is left is the great men of time. There's also a wizard, so it's
just interesting
seemed to have occurred
“If the Demon Lord says we need our help, the council will be
It was Leluen's words.
By nature, councils are rarely convened unless there are special
circumstances. summer solstice
Mann vampire council connects with me
As long as we have decided to have Lee, as an ally
He seemed to be fulfilling his responsibilities.
There is nothing I can give, but everyone cooperates with me for
their own reasons.
Epiac through teleporting one by one
I'm starting to leave the world
was watching closely.
Elerys once left the zodiac. I have no intention of returning to the
ecliptic until I find a new hiding place or camouflage.
will be
So, for the time being, it seems that he will remain as a liaison by
staying in the council.
I think we can meet anytime through teleportation, but the distance
It's so far away, so what?
I'm a little sad.
However, you can always find
It was nice being on the street.
In the huge hall of Goseong Epiax. Elleris nodded at me.
“Look, Degradation.”
what does this mean
"I need to take you. You want me to go alone?"
Elerys giggled when I said that.
"Lucinil hasn't said it yet.
That’s it.”
I wondered what the noise was, but suddenly Lucinil was standing
next to me.
“Archdemon, you will go with me.”
“I have to stay here for a while.
You, when you need magic, Lucinil will help you from now on.”
Is it like that?
Lucinil has no clan and is alone.
All. So the other Lord Vampires
Everything is a little more free.
And with the official of Ladia and the council's liaison mission, El
Leris decided to stay here for the time being.
So, for the time being, I'll be standing in Elery's book.
The port cannot be received.
So, from now on, it meant that if I had to go somewhere by
teleporting, or if I needed powerful magic, Lucy-sama would be by
my side to help.
“Lucinil is far more versatile than I am. So better at lowering than me
You will be able to supplement.
What kind of debt did I have to erase the debt, so that the head of
the house of demand is helping me like this? Even Elerys doesn't
know about the other Lord Vampires, but it seems that she trusts
Lucinil quite a bit.
“You’re a baby boy, Elerys, then it seems like I’ve become anything
less than him.”
"Oh, I'm sorry, Lucinil, then let's correct it with protection."
“It’s a protection, so it’s like I’m just a kid who needs a nanny.”
“… Wasn’t it?”
I have no choice but to admit it.
Not really a nanny, but an archmage
How comfortable it is to be by your side. L
An archmage named Leris is different for the time being.
Instead of being busy with business, I hired another Archmage.
That's what I put next to it.
Lucinyl looks just like an idiot on the outside, but in reality, she's a
little girl
Homunculus who only cosplays children
it's a vampire
The Demon King goes to the academy
- Flash!
Me with the light and lucinyl other than the zodiac
returned to Kwakji.
Suddenly, Lucinyl has the eyes of a vampire.
but with silver hair and blue eyes
had become a girl.
I'm not Balier, I'm Reinhardt
was returned to the form of
“Hmm, is this what your camouflage looks like?”
Lucinil is on me in the form of Reinhardt
He glanced down and folded his arms.
“You looked just like your temperament.
There were no people around.
“It’s been a long time since the zodiac.”
Lucinil was looking at the scenery of the ecliptic that stretched out in
the distance.
“Do you have a place to stay?”
"Hmm... Count Argon Fonteus
I said I should go find a guy named I thought you'd do something."
As for Lucinil's whereabouts, Elerys seemed to leave it to Sarkegaar.
I have the belief that Sarkegaar will take care of it somehow. you
'Cause he's a good guy
Lucinyl crosses her arms and falls silently in thought.
“You’re coming into contact with the Black Order soon.
did you?”
"I don't know how you've been up until now, but it's really dangerous
from now on. So I can use my hands
Stay within your limits.”
Cantus Magna, and the Black Order.
As I begin to get involved with associations in earnest, I am bound to
encounter dangerous things frequently. So, Lucidyl seemed to be
doing something like a close-up bodyguard.
That's right.
Lucinil is right.
“...I need to go to the temple?”
It's not the time to say this
I know,
Compared to the scale of the story we have shared so far.
It seems that I have to go to school, but it seems like something I
shouldn't say,
I really have to go to school! Even though it's winter vacation now!
The Vampire Council was also scheduled to go on vacation!
I have the temple first!
Strictly speaking, that is the most important
Sun! In many ways!
“Ah, you… did you say you were infiltrating there?”
As if he had heard something from Elerys, Lucinil tilted his head.
Stealth... right?
Isn't it?
“Hit it. Isn't it time for you to do that now?"
Lucinil talks about the natural truth as if he was drowsy after playing
in the water when a typhoon is coming.
Not really a kid, but a kid
It's a bit dizzy to be beaten up by a guy who looks like a straight guy.
“No, I have to be in the temple. There are so many things connected
"....What? Are you serious?”
Lucinil looked at me and ate again.
I touched my lips with my index finger.
It felt like he was desperately putting up with the double desire to
come out.
"No, it's because everything has to do with it, isn't it?"
To be honest, what I am left with in the temple is not really Saengte.
How much is it to build relationships with powerful people in the
Temple in the name of Reconstruction of the Demon World?
is it important And I told them that my classmates would be the heirs
of the Empire, and I would give them an idea of the influence I had.
Lucinil seems to think that I am a madman enjoying the temple life
with humans while dreaming of rebuilding the demon realm, but as
he listened more and more, his expression made sense.
“...from what I hear, it is true.”
Lucinil nodded her head as if worthy of mentioning that I was
infiltrating the temple for relations with influential people in the
"It's too dangerous... I'm not going to interfere with that."
Lucinil looked at me with her arms crossed.
“There is nothing I can do about you if you look around like crazy.
But Elerys is sad
Be careful, as it will spread."
Lucinyl didn't seem to want to interfere with me more than
If I had tried to dig a little deeper, I would have known that I was
living the temple life in a different way in my relationship with my
That would have made it more complicated to say, but fortunately it
“For now, I will go to the Count Argon Fonteus, just as Elerys said.”
If so, I can contact you through the Rotary club. If you need Lucinil, I
will send you to Sarkegaar.
It must have been a story about sending or regularly sarkegar
I can tell you to call Lucinil when he comes,
I broke up with Lucinyl once.
Another archmage. Gaju Lu of Demand
Elerys believes that Lucinyl is better than herself.
He said he was versatile, but I still didn't quite know what that meant.
After Lucinyl entered the ecliptic first, I also began to enter the
Heriot must have been studying dimensional magic through the
materials of the Imperial Palace Ministry of Magic. However, it is
difficult to expect results to be achieved in those few days.
The results came from my side.
It was quite a success for the fact that he had only been away from
the ecliptic for a few days.
“Your Majesty, the results of the joint investigation can be traced
that nothing was found
“I will.”
Bertus read the written reports in the office of the Winter Palace.
there was.
The joint investigation between the Imperial Family and the Knights
Templar has now ended in relation to the death of Leverier Ranche.
The funeral had already been completed, but the investigation was
still ongoing into what the demons who attacked them were.
Non-human beings attacked
it is certain
Most of the bodies had been blown up and burned, but torn bodies
were found.
Dead body after running away
seemed to be
Bertus is a former record of chlorination magic.
I was looking through the photos of the fighting scene.
There are no photos, but there have been numerous eyewitness
accounts of something in the form of a demon flying in the night sky.
'Why did you do that...' |
Bertus quietly fell into thought.
The reasons for the demons to attack the Knights Templar are
And, it is estimated that the demons who attacked this time are the
same as those who attacked the Knights Templar last time.
The other day, a powerful wizard, Lykanslov, and a dragon
appeared. Of course, it wasn't a real dragon.
It is presumed to be, but it is still unknown what kind of demon it
During the last raid, he operated the warp gate and escaped with the
demon prisoners.
However, there were no casualties at that time.
This attack made it certain.
It's not that I couldn't deal with the Paladins in the last raid, it's that I
Soon, the demons at that time had no intention of killing.
But this attack was full of murderous intent. All of the Paladins, as
well as Leverier Ranche, were killed.
At that time, evacuation of prisoners was the priority.
didn't you fight
Bertus is getting more and more involved in accidents.
It seemed
Not that it was suspicious, but there were too many strange things.
It is understandable that large-scale destruction magic was used, but
there are numerous eyewitness testimonies that something in the
form of a demon roamed the night sky.
Advertisement that this is an attack by demons
Doesn't it look like something you did?
It would have been better to disguise it as a fight between humans,
but the devil flew through the night sky to show off his presence.
Did the demons really know about the nameless religious order?
Are they completely ignorant of the current continental situation?
If you know, the demons should have disguised this as a fight
between humans rather than showing off their presence.
It's a shame that eyewitness accounts of demons actually exist, and
in some cases, the imperial family
is the work of demons from the pro-imperialist faction
Rumors are slowly emerging that he had assassinated the nameless
Order and its head, Le Barrier Ranche, in disguise.
Had it not been for the witnesses of the demons, this incident would
have been a powerful event in which the resistance of the Knights
Templar and the Five Great Protestants would explode.
Had I known that, this raid should not have been this way.
If he was in a position to lead the remnants of the Demon Realm, he
would never have done this in this way.
'It's never just stupid
I would.”
This is the most stupid thing demons can do.
This will only benefit the Empire.
You shouldn't make the mistake of thinking that the remnants are so
stupid. It may have been just emotional, but it just doesn't fit perfectly
for the Empire in every situation.
'Are you really trying to help the Empire? why?'
There is no reason to do so.
Because of the things that
The tribes really want to help the Empire
The result was that they attacked an innocent religious order and
deliberately announced their existence.
thought arrives with
Why on earth do demons do good things only for the empire, even at
To see this as a mistake by the remnants is overly optimistic.
Demons helped the empire.
Despite the circumstances, Bertus couldn't figure out why he had to
do that, so the accident was getting more and more twisted.
I really don't know what their intentions are.
Alone with Bertus narrowing his eyebrows
While thinking somehow develops.
"Your Majesty... And about what you ordered last time..."
The subordinate, who was reporting, carefully slipped into the
prince's troubles.
Bertus, who was in full trouble, narrowed his forehead even more.
"Previous? What are you talking about?”
“I want you to investigate that… silver-haired girl…”
“Ah… that.”
Because of a very big incident,
Tooth had completely forgotten about it.
Bertus's face lit up as the memory of his very rude disrespect, which
he had sprayed in his face, came back to life.
earned a little
“Um, okay, did you find out something?”
An unidentified silver-haired girl. They subtly resemble Reinhardt, so
I just gave them instructions as if they were passing by, wondering if
they were siblings or something like that.
The last time I met a girl with silver hair, I thought it might be a family
member because she subtly resembles Reinhardt, her classmate.
I would have sneakily instructed you to find out
it was only
Because he had completely forgotten about it, Bertus had a new
Strictly speaking, this is stalking.
The empire belongs to the emperor, and the emperor is one of the
powerful heirs of the imperial power.
So, the prince openly asked someone
If you try to stalk, it's crazy
“First of all, I did a full investigation of the identity registration
information of the subjects of the emperor, but…”
If the Emperor decides, he can search the entire empire, if not the
whole of the zodiac.
“There was no identification information that met the conditions you
“Silver hair is dyed | Because I did… I thought there wouldn’t be.”
There is not even a detailed montage, so the photos and Bertus
registered in the chlorination magic that you register when you
register as a resident
It is difficult to expect the identity information you remember to
Silver hair, golden eyes, and a beautiful woman.
It's just poor information.
So, let's say you're actually a subject of the emperor
It would have been difficult to find a person who met the condition.
“So, first of all, I searched for Reinhardt, whom you said was Ha-ha’s
classmate. From that person’s identification information,
Because I was trying to find…”
"Well, that's probably the best chance."
Reinhardt is from the street
I have identity information.
If you start from the place of origin and follow it, you should be able
to figure it out. But the subordinate scratched his head as if in
“By the way, Reinhardt's first registration of identity was made at the
beginning of last year. I couldn't find any information about it.”
At that, Bertus tilted his head.
“That is often the case. There are cases where people from Jeon-
han do not register their identity at all.
In some cases, there is no identity information at all. As you said,
Reinhardt said he was from the street beggar..."
Reinhardt's identity was first registered last year. then that
It means that he lived as an unidentified person until now.
It's not unusual.
Obviously, it's not that strange.
However, Bertus was once a member of a criminal organization
similar to the Reinhardt's Thieves' Guild.
I was wondering if it was something like the successor I was raising.
Reinhardt denied that, and Berg
Tooth didn't believe Reinhardt's words, but after that, he didn't do
any follow-up.
As for his subordinate, Reinhardt is unidentified.
I've lived for quite some time so I keep track of my birthplace
Said it was virtually impossible
will do
Some time had passed, and Bertus realized that some of the
misunderstandings he had with La Inhartt had come to pass.
I know that it's not true of me.
The Rotary club to which Reinhardt is a member is by no means a
criminal organization. It is just an organization of beggars, and now
they are beggars who are starting to take care of the magic train-
related business.
Reinhardt is just a beggar. The one sent to the temple by the Rotary
Identity registration at the beginning of last year,
I went to the temple as soon as I registered my identity.
I was admitted to Awa Royal Class.
So, it must mean that you were issued an identity to enter the
All. you will be admitted to royal class
I don't know if I know or not, but I registered my identity to come to
the temple.
Bertus thinks Reinhardt is a man with insight even though he is not
For someone from the side of the road, you can do this and that
There were many things I knew.
I used to think that it was because he was purposely raised by a
criminal organization, but now the Rotary club is a group that has
nothing to do with crime.
know that
A Rotary club is a group of beggars. However, there are cases
where beggars are not beggars since they were born.
However, Bertus suddenly became curious.
Is Reinhardt from the Imperial Capital?
Where were you born and how did you grow up
is it?
You don't have to be so curious about it anyway.
I didn't say anything about the silver-haired girl because I might get
hurt if I said nothing.
it was just
“Just ask yourself what?”
where are you from
do you have any brothers
Just stop by the temple when you have time and ask.
Reinhardt decides to think about it later, and Bertus goes back to the
original plan.
Return to the village and start thinking about the demon group.
Still, my head felt like it was going to explode.
A few days have passed since I returned from the Vampire Council.
Nothing much changed. The Magic Research Society as well as
Harriet were doing what they were supposed to,
So I usually go with Olivia
He was having a hard day as usual, waiting for Ellen to return, such
as training.
By the way.
“Where are you from?”
When Bertus, who came back from the imperial palace out of
nowhere, asked him about it, Sim
It felt like the intestines were going down.
“Uh… the zodiac.”
“Where is the zodiac?”
What did you hear?
My heart was pounding like crazy.
However, he kept pretending to be calm through self-suggestion
“Well, I don’t know the details either. I was abandoned when I was
too young. We were going back and forth on the street, would he
remember that?”
I don't know exactly what excuses to give for this part, including
I also thought about how I grew up.
I noticed something, and if Bertus knew who I was, he would have to
leave the ecliptic.
But, so suddenly?
But look at Bertus' expression.
If I had known the truth, you wouldn't have asked me so casually,
would you?
It was just an attitude of asking something that didn't matter. Bertus
looked at me quietly with his arms crossed, as if he was thinking
about something.
“Why are you asking that all of a sudden?”
In the end, I was too sweet, so I asked Bertus directly. ber
Tooth seemed to ponder for a moment, and then let out a deep sigh.
“…it’s a bit harsh to say this… but… huh, well. okay."
Bertus put his hand on my shoulder.
say quietly
“Do you have any brothers?”
no way.
was that?
“Oh no, not at all. First of all, I don't remember... it seems..."
"No, I saw a woman who looked very similar to you during the last
festival, so I'm guessing it's your brother.
I tried to look for it, but it’s hard to find someone who only knows
their face.”
“Uh, that’s right…”
I feel like vomiting
“So, if you know where you are from, you can trace it from there, so
your god.
I checked the circle, but last year was the first time you registered
your identity?”
Goosebumps all over my body at those words.
Meeting Bertus while disguised as a woman led to an investigation
into me.
It's clear that Bertus doesn't know anything yet, and I'm unidentified.
It's not suspicious that the company did the first registration last year.
Coming in any further is really dangerous.
“So… it’s okay to say things like this, but your parents abandoned
you, and after that… if something like your brother happened, you
might not even know that you have a brother, right? So if you don't
want to, I won't, but if you do, I'm personally trying to find out..."
It could be that it's fucked up.
should be blocked
Bertus started as a favor to me
So maybe I'll find out who I am.
It's not a joke, it's a life-threatening situation.
There are no other options than this.
Almost like a spinal reflex,
"That's me."
I had no choice but to tell the truth.
? What?"
Bertus didn't seem to understand what he was hearing.
“That’s me.”
The Demon King Goes to the Academy
Episode 344 The
teatime terrace
where I used to chat with Bertus occasionally, there, I
tea while Bertus shakes his hands and trembles so much that the tea
overflows .
I kept my head down and
couldn't even look at Bertus.
I wanted to die, and Bertus
would want to kill me.
“…why…why did you do that?”
Bertus says softly.
"......because of money." " What does a woman's dress
have to do with money...?"
“Hey, there’s such a thing as a women’s disguise contest… I have
“A women’s disguise contest? Maybe a festival?"
Bell tooth seemed to know even the existence of a cross-dressing
Chi exists in addition to its Articles of excuses Daly
"... these days, did not matter ... okay?"
"Because there's nothing bad about it..." With
her head down, her voice crawling in, it
like she's talking about why she dressed as a woman
Do you think this is the climax?
I don't think there will ever be a situation in my life that is more
difficult than this. Since I've been punished for all this, I think you'd
be able to believe that there will be only happy things in the future,
-Daldaldal... I
saw Bertus barely taking a sip of tea and setting down the teacup
with trembling hands
“Well, what the hell, no. No what... this.”
Bertus didn't seem to even know what to say.
It's a masked Bertus, but it's not peeled off as usual, but in a different
"No, huh, what, what about this... uh. huh..."
seemed to flash
through the memories of meeting me in the form of a woman . My
appearance while fighting with the knights.
Hand the tteoldeon my appearance.
the moment that alcoholism What am weird bullshit.
all they look.
all moments.
was all me
more like thoughts in enduring mixed in.
"Oh .... Fuck."
In the end, I was silently listening to Bertus swearing in silence, as a
"...I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry! Yes, you're sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. What are
you doing? Just in good faith! Uh! Oh, what a fucking motherfucker!”
“Who, who says what?!”
exploded in the end, and I apologized for nothing , so I only got more
cursing. Bertus
's gaze on me
Like a madman who does anything for money, but if you
need money, you
should go to Mr. Temple . It would have been more common sense
, but it seems that the preconceived notion that he is a madman who
chose the blue ocean (?) of a women's dress contest has arisen.
Fortunately, Bertus
had no intention of accusing me of spreading rumors.
Commenting on or thinking about the matter even know I feel that
mental contamination, stumbled into a deep look spirits
went into the first room,
somehow getting close map moreundan thought you had
participated in cross-dressing competition was, was in the not
imagine and all going to be confessed.
hell but the same feeling, that was cheolreong than a deer.
one hit accidentally change the face Vere tooth
within two, out of a weird background check
led , leading to a .
If you start asking questions about your hometown, hometown, and
detailed past, no matter how many excuses I have in mind
, there is bound to be a hole.
No matter how hard I try to deal with it, it doesn't change that I'm the
person who suddenly appeared last year. And it
is not difficult to grasp once you start digging into each one.
was a situation in which Bertus could find out who I was from the
wrong direction .
, it is fortunate that he confessed to the women's dress contest and
made Bertus psychologically withdraw from the crane on this matter.
Even if it's hot, Bertus wo
n't delve into this matter .
The Women's Dressing Tournament mission....the
reward was great, so
it could have shoved me in an unexpected corner.
The Le Barrier Ranche Gun was executed even though he knew it
was dangerous.
However, the really dangerous work
was being derived from the women's general competition.
It could have been really dangerous if Bertus had followed me further
without asking myself.
However, it
was a really dangerous
situation that was in danger of life, so why do you have
a greater desire to lose because of shame ?
For a while, he had no choice but to sit as if nailed to his seat.
There was an incident in which Bertus' mentality and my mentality
exploded at the same time, but Bertus was still busy, so he didn't
show up well in the Royal Class dormitory.
The fuse of countless incidents that even I could not understand now
was burning.
Ellen hasn't come back yet. In the end,
I had to do my own routine.
Worry and anxiety
cannot solve anything .
He had a swordsmanship match with Olivia,
but what he has been focusing on lately has been the use of magical
- Woo-woong....
A dance hall where there is only one person.
| [Magic level reaches 20 (A-) rank
[Special conditions have been fulfilled.]
[Magic operation', 'Magic sensitivity talent evolves]
Talent - Magical domination' has been acquired.]
Mirror of the Dance Hall I could see myself covered in refined mana
through it.
In the end, I succeeded in even reaching one of Ellen's talents,
mastery of magic.
Because of the women's disguise competition, her identity was
almost discovered, and the indigo plant was sold badly, but because
of that, she was able to get very close to the domination of magic.
To be honest, I didn't get a sense of it at all when I acquired the
magical powers and the ability to operate. However, as a result, I
was able to acquire Mana Enhancement, so it was clear that the help
of those two talents was significant.
And I was able to use magic enhancement without self-suggestion,
and now I have acquired the higher skill, magic domination.
The magic rank is now A
, a number that can never be said to be low
, and belongs to the very high side.
- Kurreung!
As I felt a torrent of magical power all over my body, I was able to
enhance my magic with a different feeling than before.
The operation of mana became more sophisticated and detailed, and
the output itself became stronger.
It doesn't end when you gain control of magic.
As I get used to it, my magic control talent
will continue to make me stronger.
It's not like I'm on the same starting line as Ellen.
He's still better than me, and he'll grow stronger than me.
A lot of cheats
have only allowed me to walk a little faster now .
You should not be satisfied with this level
The moment you settle down, it's over. I still have a long way to go.
Nevertheless, with only one talent, the mastery of magical powers,
the Greatly increased understanding and usability
it feels
I'm getting stronger abnormally fast.
Under the name of Royal Class, it is understood that such
abnormalities can be just that, but how long will this last?
After training in the gym, he returned to the dormitory to take a
shower and change clothes
- Tit!
- Tok tok!
I saw a sparrow tap my room window with its beak.
- As
soon as the window is opened, a sparrow enters the room, and as
soon as the curtain is closed, the sparrow takes on a human form.
“I see you.”
When he entered the dormitory, he was always Sarkegaar in the
form of a maid .
I was sitting on a chair, and Sarque Garra stood still in the center of
the room with her hands clasped.
“The lord of demand has arrived.”
“It would have been. how?"
“I was a little embarrassed because I had not received anything, but
after hearing the situation,
I am in charge of it.”
To be honest, I think it's not fair to say that Lucinil is in charge of it
because of the age she's eaten, but in reality, it
's just that she acts like a child, so I wonder if it
's correct to
say, "Isn't it exposed to the outside?"
"Yeah, he came to me in secret late at night."
Sarkegar is also in the process of infiltrating. So, Lucinil was going to
careful not to expose herself to the outside .
I briefly
explained to Sarkegaar what had happened at the Vampire Council .
LE 1
“This is a feat beyond imagination.” "Yes. I honestly never thought it
would be like this.”
Sarkegaar was satisfied that things had
worked out much better than expected
“But you will have to be careful. I
don't know much about Lord Vampires, but from what I've heard, the
Anti-Lianus in particular seems dangerous."
"Yes. But you can’t hold it with your hands covered.”
It is not the time to cover cold or hot rice, so even if a suspicious
person takes sides, we have to hold hands.
“And Cantus Magna and Aka Sha….I don’t think it’s overly
"Yes. But it's very likely that what I want is there. It must already be a
very powerful force in itself.”
"Clashing the Black Order and Cantus Magna and taking the
fisherman's trick seems most ideal.
The problem is that you don't know what the hell akasha is."
Is it really right to stimulate Cantus Magna without knowing what
Akasha is?
Sarkegaar seemed to think I could covet Akasha well enough in
terms of wanting power. Regardless of whether it is possible or not..
“It seems that something is becoming a picture, degradation.”
Sarkegaar gave a gloomy smile. He gained the power of the Vampire
and the head of demand
has joined the emperor to cooperate .
Sarkegaar was purely delighted that something worthy of being
called a force was being completed in the four remnants of the
By the way.
Please don't smile like that with that elegant face?
I think there will be cognitive dissonance because you smile like that
with a face that looks the world's truest!
Of course, the business did not end there.
“How is contact with the revolutionary forces going
“If you act wisely, you can go wrong, so we are looking for it carefully.
, I was able to find out to some extent a list of those who were
definitely involved without knowing the entire leadership team.”
Sarkegaar made a list
of several characters and showed them to me.
The names I know, including Oscar de Gradias, are listed
in a row.
Most of them were bureaucrats from commoners, and some of them
were nobles.
“Especially there are a lot of illegitimate children abandoned by noble
families.” “I will.” Some illegitimate children of noble families enter
the Temple with their last names hidden. They may have entered the
Orbis class.
A child who received noble blood but was abandoned.
That resentment may turn into a desire for revolution. Most
of the names have been well-verified by Sarkegar, so the contenders
are certain.
But in the end you don't need the dwarfs.
What I need are the key factors. It's my job to make contact with
them and build a cooperative system with demon forces.
And in the list Sarkegaar had prepared
, I was able to find a name I knew immediately, even if I was not
familiar with it.
I pointed to the name.
“This nobleman may not be the top leader, but the fact is that he will
be a very important person.”
“I will.”
Owen de Getmora.
The name of the Merchant Guild Master was written there.
The Merchant Guild Master provided a huge amount of research
funds to the Magic Research Society. It
was paid to me in the form of a price for bonding with the imperial
family .
, there was no request or contact from the Merchant Guild since
then, but they are swept away with money now. Because the
merchant guild supplies all the items that go into the magic train
shop business . And I didn't really have any problems with them.
was a win-win
for went saying that no news was good news .
As a result of Sarke Garr's investigation, it was certain that such a
Merchant Guild Master had joined the revolutionary forces.
“The guy who gave me money because he wanted to bond with the
imperial family is supporting the revolutionary forces behind the
scenes...” It
is unknown whether the
guy's true intentions are simply wanting money or really dreaming of
a revolution.
However, this guy may not be the head of the department, but he is
probably in charge of the money chain.
If this guy is a leader, it is important because he is a leader, and if
, it is important because it is the path that leads to the leader in the
end .
“Okay, contact Owen de Getmora, and
if necessary, contact me in the name of
Darkland. And depending on the situation, I may face-to-face. Think
about that.”
Sarkegaar had a cautious expression on his face.
“You have to keep in mind that they may be intimidated by the name
of the Demon Realm and may not want to join hands with us, my
“Hmm, I can’t do that.”
I was a little skeptical of Sarkegaar's comments that there might be a
negative outlook.
“Once we get the hang of it, you won't know that terrible things will
happen the moment we report it to the Empire. From the moment
they are already traced by us, if they don't hold hands with us, the
only way is to die."
The revolutionary forces must make a choice the moment they come
into contact with the demon realm. If we don't hold our hand, we
have to know that we can bring them down in other ways. We don't
have to do it ourselves.
If you hand over the list you've secured to the Empire, that's all.
As it is information from demons, you could deny that, but well.
The Empire is now in a very sensitive state due to the conflict with
the Knights Templar. If we
read the additional threat of revolutionary forces, we will do our best
to eradicate the revolutionary forces.
So whether we're terrified or weeping and eating mustard, they won't
be able to do it if they want to turn away from us.
“I was amazed at your wisdom, Ha-Jae.”
Contact with the revolutionary forces is left to Sarkegaar.
“Let Lucinil help you if you need it. You
will often need more magic than I do ."
"Okay, my lord ."
Sarkegaar's work is supported by Lucinil, who is with him for the time
Things are progressing little by little.
The things that are going on in the name of Balie are progressing
one by one.
In my identity as Reinhardt
The Demon King goes to the academy
The anti-imperialist coalition on the day I was found disguised as a
give important instructions for making
it went
I wonder what the hell he's doing,
There is no sense that the temperature difference between what I
have to do as Reinhardt and what I have to do as a Balier is too big.
In the meantime, I also realized a higher talent called magic
And what I've been up to
I even had a sense of crisis that I didn't know when it could become
a butterfly effect and attack me.
Participating in the women's dress contest was Bertus's Nae
It doesn't sound like a word that leads to a background investigation
It felt like I was walking on a thin ice sheet after going through a
situation I wasn't even in.
And when will Ellen come back?
That night.
Because of the long training, my body felt heavy, but I couldn't sleep
properly because I had so many things to worry about.
How many hours had passed since I had tossed and turned for
hours and barely fell asleep?
- Kuk...
- Rein... Rein...Hart...
"Ugh, uh-huh!"
I woke up terribly startled by the urgent hand grabbing my hand.
When I got up from the bed, I could see Charlotte, who was almost
on my bedside, lying on my stomach, grabbing my arm.
“Sha... Charlotte?”
“Rein.... Reinhardt....”
Half of Charlotte's face was covered in black darkness, and she
looked at me weeping.
More frightening than astonishment and surprise,
I thought it was quiet.
that wasn't completely over yet
"I, a little... how can I... how?
“Uh, uh. Ah. okay."
Without knowing what to do, I
Unable to do this or that, I recklessly embraced Charlotte, who was
"It's okay. Everything. Everything is okay..."
"Uh huh..."
Charlotte was trembling in my arms, tears streaming down her
I thought it was over, wasn't it?
Even after waking up, I am concentrating on my mind.
He speaks earnestly, as if he were memorizing a prayer.
“It will be fine.”
Charlotte's power did not fade.
“Nothing will happen.”
As long as this power doesn't go away, will Charlotte have to live in
this pain forever?
I kept stroking Charlotte's back, whispering over and over again that
it would be okay.
Charlotte was wondering if it had any power.
The tremors subsided, and Charlotte's body gradually
The darkness that seems to have swallowed up half sleeps
It was being cooked.
Is this really responding to the power of the spirit?
Both Charlotte and Xaviolin Tana understand that.
However, I couldn't tell if this was responding to the power of my
demonic domination, my words, or something else altogether.
"Ugh... Black... Ugh..."
to improve Charlotte's condition.
It seemed certain that I was the only one in the world who could do
Gradually, the tremors subsided, and when Charlotte returned to her
normal form, Charlotte, who was almost clinging to me, hugged me.
It was then that the appearance of
Bare feet in a camisole.
His whole body was drenched in cold sweat, so it was embarrassing
to look at him.
Out of breath, Charlotte couldn't get out of my arms.
I guess my condition is getting better, so I can't fall further thinking
about what it's like to be myself.
I carefully pulled the blanket down and put it on Charlotte's shoulder.
“Are you okay?”
In the dark, Charlotte nodded her head as she wrapped the fire I had
put on her like a cloak. Charlotte was sitting on the floor.
He got up and gently placed him on the bed.
My visit was closed. I checked the lock and it was locked.
how did you get in
"What happened?"
“…this time I didn’t lose consciousness. But, all of a sudden… it
became like this.”
In the past, he would lose consciousness or lose his body while he
was asleep.
But this time, while he was conscious, the shadow encroached upon
his body.
year began to enter.
“I have to go to you, but if you go out into the hallway… someone
might see you…”
Charlotte trembled in fear even after she had done it.
The ability he showed the other day when he was completely
engulfed in the shadows.
moving in the shadows or darkness
It was as if he had used his power to move straight from his room to
"I don't want to do this... I don't want to be able to do this..."
Charlotte, in the end, because of that power, who
He could have come to me unnoticed, but the very fact that it was
possible seemed terribly terrifying. Charlotte trembled, and again
clinged to my side.
Because of fear, proper judgment
didn't seem to work
"Stay with me... Stay with me Reinhardt..."
"Okay. I'll be with you."
Charlotte looks up at me in the dark, hanging from my waist.
Tears were welling up in his big, terrified eyes.
I thought it was dangerous.
Charlotte, who was in an unstable state, thought that it had not been
reached, but when she experienced this situation again, it was on
the verge of collapse again.
Whatever you do in this state.
All that remains is regret.
“Together… continue together…”
Charlotte's lips were about to open slightly.
"it's okay."
I put Charlotte's head on my chest.
pulled with
“It’s okay, there’s no need to be too scared.”
I feel like something irreversible is about to happen. I had no choice
but to do that.
“Nothing will happen. clearly." Charlotte stayed still for a very long
time, in my arms.
As the fear subsided, Charlotte fell asleep faintly.
I was like that last spring at the Palace
Just like that, I kept Charlotte's bedside.
How long has it been since Charlotte fell asleep?
- Bang bang!
Your whole body stiffens at the sudden and urgent knocking on the
also for a while.
- Reinhardt, it's me.
The voice coming from beyond the door
The intestines were ripped open.
Saviolin Tanada.
I cautiously got up from my seat and opened the door to find Saviolin
Tana with a pale, tired expression on her face.
- rattle
“Reinhardt, maybe your Majesty is here….”
Seeing Charlotte lying on the bed through the door gap, she sighed
in relief. I wonder if the Mac has been released
The woman staggered for a moment, and I gently held her as she
She repositioned herself and entered my room, and gently placed
her hand on the sleeping Charlotte's forehead.
“You disappeared all of a sudden… I just came here just in case.”
Xaviolin Tana was here to protect Charlotte.
Not sharing Charlotte's bedroom.
However, you should have checked periodically to make sure
Charlotte is sleeping.
Then suddenly Charlotte disappeared, and he had come to see me
just in case, and Charlotte was deeply asleep.
"I don't think my consciousness has been eroded this time. But with
a sudden release of power, I feel like I'm riding in the shadows into
my room."
"is it...."
It's not like consciousness is being eroded, but it's a situation where
power is unleashed.
Tana and I, Xaviol, realized that Charlotte's condition wasn't
completely improved.
It's a situation you can't help but know.
Tana looked down at Charlotte, who was sleeping, with a puzzled
expression on her face.
“Somehow you can calm your sire… it’s just like luck.”
She says my existence is itself
He seemed to think it was a very lucky thing for Lot.
“But forever and only in this imperfect way to suppress the force of
the charge.
The thing… is just a workaround.”
How long will I stabilize Charlotte's condition?
It is uncertain whether it can be done.
Saviolin Tana seemed to think so, and I think so, that we should find
a more fundamental solution.
But where is that?
Finding a sealer is a thing of the past.
In the end, I had no choice but to come to that point.
Treating it as an all-purpose tool that can achieve any wish
I hate it, but now I have to think about it.
You can seal Charlotte's power there.
Is there a way to
Saviolin Tana wiped the cold sweat from sleeping Charlotte's
forehead with a handkerchief.
Carefully wiping it off, he said softly.
“...It is clear that His Majesty's power is related to the Demon King.
You know that.”
That's what I know best.
“Even the smallest thing that can solve the condition of Your
Highness is fine, so a clue like that.
Saviolin Tana's melancholy tone was mixed with her sadness,
unable to help the suffering princess.
But the devil.
It's not a nostalgic place, but it's a starting point
what is there i still
I do not know.
"...I do not know. I already brought everything I could bring from the
Demon King
Wasn't it?"
"Yes. However, Demon King was a very important place in the
history of the Dark Lands, which was as long as mankind. You
probably haven't figured it all out yet." |
What has not yet been revealed in the Demon King
there are That's why I've taken out a lot of things, including
treasures, but there's still something hidden, and I keep trying to
keep them.
Are you investigating?
After listening to her words, I thought that the capture of the Demon
King Castle and the understanding of the entire Demon King Castle
would be two different things.
All I do is suppress Charlotte's power with the transcendent power of
words. Even that is truly the power of words.
not sure what it is
A more fundamental solution is needed.
I agree with her words.
Are there any clues to the Demon King?
“Are you planning to visit the Demon King?”
“...even if I don’t have to go, a lot of manpower has already been put
in for the search.”
You don't have to go directly.
Because she doesn't have so many people she can control that she
has to do it herself.
“His Majesty….. how about going to the Demon King’s Castle on his
own…?” he said. Obviously not dangerous. I have been opposed to
it because it is dangerous. me too, majesty
You too.”
She put her hand on Charlotte's forehead.
looking up at me
Charlotte knew that her condition had not been perfected. So I think
there might be an answer in the Demon King
Were you trying to go back there?
Of course, Tana would have been against it, as it could be
But today, Charlotte's power strikes again. Xaviolin Tana
I bowed my head in front of Charlotte's sleeping face.
Chae opens her mouth in a gloomy voice.
Reinhardt, can I ask you a difficult request?”
I don't listen to what she has to say
also knew
“Let’s go together.”
If something happens with Charlotte's power, I will be the only one
who can deal with it, so it was obvious that it was the story of going
to the Devil's Castle together.
To my answer without even listening to what I was asking, she was
the sleeping Charlotte's hand
He shrugged his shoulders, holding her still.
"Thank you... Reinhardt."
I think of course it should be done.
This is what the emperor said, I'm Charlotte
Was it something I had to do for it?
next day,
Encouraged, Charlotte returned to her room with the help of Xaviolin
Wash properly, prepare, and come back
"At the Demon King...? You too?"
Charlotte, I wonder if Tana has already explained everything.
showed a sign of regret.
" might be dangerous."
“I think the demon king behind the demon king is dangerous.
Hey, how dangerous is that?”
Even when I say this, there is no sense of guilt.
I just do not have a fucking baby
only Because of yesterday's incident, Sabi Olin Tana seriously
thought about Charlotte's demonic behavior, which she had been
opposed to as an escort, and even got my consent to accompany
We must have the Emperor's permission, but we will be able to go to
the Demon King's Castle.
I don't know Charlotte, but I go back
will be.
We once escaped the Demon Castle together, and we return
It gives me a strange sense of inspiration.
Charlotte was looking at me with a complicated expression on her
face. It started with losing reason yesterday and clinging to me and
crying, and this time I heard that he would go with me to the Demon
King's Castle.
Charlotte's expression, a complex mixture of shame, gratitude, and
guilt, could not be expressed in words.
“Thank you. Really.”
that you always only receive
So, I can give anything I can give.
Charlotte added that with a blushing face.
I'm not leaving for the Demon King right away. Since Xaviolin Tana
went to ask the Emperor for permission, it must have taken some
time. At least a few days are bound to be available.
I did what I had to do.
I leave the temple and go to the Rotary club
Of course, if you go to the Rotary club now
There was a familiar face.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, everyone is nice.”
When I asked how I was doing, Adriana smiled brightly and said so.
Loyard somehow felt like Adriana's dog, and the other club members
also liked Adriana because Loyard likes me very much.
It seems to take care of things naturally
it was
Worried that there might be some kind of trouble
There was nothing wrong with it, but thanks to the fact that Loyard
was easily captured, it was fortunate that the other club members
also saw Adriana very well.
Adriana was a diligent personality, so it seemed like she was helping
with the housework at the club headquarters.
So, to feel that everyone's condition has become a little cleaner than
before, must not have been a mistake.
During our stay, Adriana and I walked together around the Rotary
How do you feel about Adriana?
He was hurt by various things, and now he is living in hiding.
"How's your senior?"
Still, Adriana seemed to care more about Olivia than herself.
“Well… I think my personality has changed a bit, and I think I’m
getting through it well as a result.”
"Yeah... that's good."
There was a future I dreamed of, but
He returned and tried to regain his original life, but even that was
taken away.
Adriana will be vague and vain
to be.
You won't know what to do next.
As Olivia went beyond disillusionment with religion and became
disillusioned with humans.
Adriana took the steps before that.
are you going
“Those who learned to love scared me, and those who learned to
hate me all my life saved me.”
Everything you have believed in throughout your life will feel
completely denied. I used to be quiet here, but those thoughts must
be bothering Adriana.
it is clear that
In fact, if she had returned to the temple or entered the monastery,
she would have been summoned right away to investigate what had
And the fact that he was rescued by the demons would be fatal just
to know.
Even now, I don't know about her, but the demons
are protected by
By me and Royar...
“What do you have to live for? Now I don’t know.”
Adriana looked up at the blue winter sky and smiled sadly.
Adriana got lost because she was forced to learn the hideous truth.
He is the prince of the Demon Realm and the heir of the Dark Lands,
but I do not know what is in the Demon Castle.
But, I have no intention of just looking for it just because I don't
I don't know, but there are people I know.
After a short walk with Adriana, I called Loyar outside.
"How long have you been working on the council, and where are you
You're talking about your master's project in such a way that you're
running around everywhere, you bastard.
"I'm thinking of going back to the Demon King."
"Are you talking about the Demon King...?"
At the word of the Demon King, Royar was stunned.
It became one expression.
“As you know, I lost my memory, so where and where in the Demon
I don't know what So, do you know if there is a secret space or such
a place in the Demon King's Castle? A place that humans would not
have robbed.”
At my words, Royar smirked.
“ do I know that?” "Have you never been in the Demon King
Castle? You said that I had tormented you in the past."
At my words, Royar looks at me with a fat expression. Could it be
something like PTSD?
“Your Majesty, you seem to be curious about the secret areas of the
Demon King’s Castle and the forbidden areas, and I, who was
neither a noble nor a royal in the Darkland, knew of such things. I
don’t even know if there is such a thing.”
“……That’s right.”
Maybe because I lost my memory, I originally asked Loyard what I
needed to know. Of course, Royar didn't know that.
“Then neither Elerys nor Sarkegaard don’t know?”
"Isn't that highly likely?"
It was a geumyeok that even the royal family knew.
You can go there as if you are heading to the ground, but there is no
reason to do so.
Except for me in the setting where I lost my memories, the royal
family of the Dark Lands.
isn't there one
“Does Airi know something?”
“Isn’t that likely to happen?”
See you say the same thing you just did.
Do you not want to deal with me?
Although it is inconvenient to have to go to the Edina Islands and
ask, it was important to carry the correct information about the
decision to return to the Demon Castle even if it was delayed for a
few days. That's better than just walking in vain
It's been quite a while since I first met Airi.
Time has passed, how are you doing?
also need to know
However, Edina Islands are warp gays
The connection of the tree is not reached.
The Demon King Goes to the Academy
Episode 346
To head to the Edina Islands, you need Lucinyl.
It was not so urgent, but there was no reason to delay, so I left the
letter to the Count Argon Pondeus on the side of the Rotary club
He had to be careful about his movements, so he had no intention of
going directly to the house of Count Argon Ponteus, no matter how
much he wore Sarkegaar's ring.
I headed to the Rotary club headquarters and the meeting point I
had already told you.
It would take some time to get a call, so I waited until late at night.
The tangent point is in the lower part of Irine, just outside the ecliptic.
It was a very sparsely populated place.
If you can afford it, you can wait like this, but in an emergency, this
method is a bit difficult.
There is no way right now, so I am living in the mansion of Count
Argon Fonteus, but I thought I should come up with a way to make
contact with Lucinil more easily.
How much time did I kill on the riverside in the dark?
-Sighs.... A
whitish mist seemed to gather in the air, and it soon took on the
shape of a silver-haired girl.
- Chak
"Hello, Arcdemon?"
With a sound, the girl lightly lowered to the ground and looked up at
“Are you here?”
“Yes, I came.”
“But what is that just now? Is it like a teleport?”
"Huh? Ah... this?"
For a moment, Lucinil's body became hazy and foggy, and then re-
realized again
's like the ability of a vampire .
The ability to turn into fog. Elerys
had never demonstrated this ability
. Is it a
skill that only the demand clan can use or something like that?
So, do each clan have different
unique abilities?
While I was curious about that to myself, Lucinil placed her hands on
both waists.
“Anyway, do you
need me ?” “Yes, you need to go somewhere with me right now.”
“It’s a place called the Edina Islands in the southern part of the
Empire, you know?”
At my words, Lucinil folded her arms as if it were ridiculous.
“Where did I grow old? You know a lot about geographic information.
Of course, there are occasions when the country I knew disappeared
from time to time.”
Maybe it was a question that was too lowly to ask a yangban who
never lost weight because of what he ate for the night. Lucinil looked
at me and giggled.
“But what is the southern island country doing?”
“I have someone I need to meet.”
If I had to explain it in detail to Lucinyl, I wouldn't understand it, so I
just said it like that.
However, Lucinyl seems to have an attitude of letting me know what
I am doing. I have to say that I don't think I'm going to agree or
Lucinyl looks around.
"Okay. Since there
does n't seem to be anyone around to see you, then let's go right
away? It's a
bit far away, so you'll have to cast it several times in a row."
“Yes, let’s go.”
Lucy Neal concentrate the mind and begins to cast a mass Tel
Lucy Neal and Eleanor Lees me.
Personality pretty other side inde ttokgatne thing workable both
Foresight is located in the Empire's southernmost, the land and the
distance quite far away super Wars
blame off within range of the program gate even
go beyond riding the original, if ship to
. Edina archipelago of
islands has be installed and will warp gate can itself to move
between islands, but it has not led to continent
- pot
Lucy Neil
Let's cast Teleport several times in a row . I was Duke Granz the
other day.
The main port city of the Edina Archipelago, where
we arrived when we came to play at the family’s villa ,
don't know much except for her hair.I was able to stop by last time,
but I didn't, and Lucinil tilted her head when she heard what I said.
was able Razak arrived in.
as soon as we arrived at Razak suburbs Lucy Neal has graced the
"Wow! Is it snowing here?”
The Edina Islands are
not particularly tropical, but it was also winter here, and there was a
lot of snow around. Lucy-sama was staring intently into her eyes. “…
you got tired of seeing it in council.” Didn't he say that his eyes were
tired back then?
“Arcdaemon, isn’t the snow coming from a place where the wind
blows like it’s going to tear your cheeks like the snow
falling quietly in this quiet and cozy port city?”
“What is different?”
"Ugh, it's pretty refreshing to see a kid who's been around a lot
longer than me acting like an old man."
Once lucinyl has lived for a long time, it can be said that it is truly
bizarre that the sensitivity did not die. Anyway, on the outskirts of
Rajak, we looked down on the snow-covered port city.
“Anyway, who should I meet?”
“There is a person who runs a pub in this city….what. Friends?
Colleagues? Something like that.”
Frankly speaking of Airi, the pink
hair "A bar? What does your grand vision for the reconstruction of
the Dark Lands have to do with your co-workers running a bar at the
far end of a village in the southern part of this continent?"
“I decided to think of it as the first step towards seizing the imperial
financial power, but the circumstances are a bit complicated and
vague, so it’s hard to explain.”
"okay? Then I'll do something like that."
"It's good."
Lucinil stared blankly at the falling snowflakes, wondering if you were
like that.
This guy is helping out with everything, but he's an idiot. Like it or
not, it feels the same.
Elerys still wondered what my intentions were, and she did.
do it yourself First of all, it's not my fault, but it's not my fault if I die or
Should I feel this way?
Versatility doesn't mean that part, right?
, don’t call me Archdaemon anywhere anymore . It's my specs
that I'm getting strange looks for nothing." I know that no one will
come to recognize me and recognize me , but I've changed my face
to something completely different from Reinhardt's now.
"Okay. Hmm… well, Reinhardt.”
“Let’s go.”
Look Reinhardt, but La
Carte cuts.
No apparent rare name was also ryeoni not do so.
Enter Rajak and go to Airi's Tavern
Was susomun to I carrying all also the name of the shop, it just was
only this many barmaid asked itneunyago is near.
Even when I came last time It was already famous enough to cause
a family breakdown in the whole city, so I thought that if I just asked,
I would be able to get there right away.
But when a passerby saw me asking such a question, he frowned.
“When are you talking about the enemy now?”

“The bar has been closed for a while.”
After the end of passersby are went away somewhere stride stride
Attend closed?
In the meantime would have Though busy, the ecliptic side one
elegans lease is written not care to understand Edina archipelago
side present condition.
What happened to the safety of geusae Airi Did it
happen ? “Is the situation a bit strange?”
"Yeah ...?"
Lucy and I saw Neil stared at each other, but we both know nothing
's no solution to this situation should come Lee staring at each other.
I pass away and walk a little more
of the passers Most of the answers were that they knew about the
bar, but since it's been closed for a while, it would be useless to go.
"Ah, that bar? It's a shame.
just look'll look drunk geonahage
was Lee drunks. the Southern Province bulkwa it was taken and
smack jjeopjjeop.
“Are the pub staff or… are those people safe?”
“You’re the bitches who won’t even catch ghosts, but they get hurt.
He frowned at my question.
“Are you okay? are you okay? Heh, heh heh. Heoheo huh ... "
He went past me seemed, giggle, laugh and heard a silly question. It
was obvious that he was drunk and didn't want to answer.
What's wrong with Airi and the succubus?
Did you find out that you were a succubus and suffered severe
punishment or died?
In fact, the business seemed to be going well, but it seems that there
were quite
a few cases where they
threw away the breakdown of the family .. Did it become a problem
and complaints from the citizens burst out...?
Numbers of such terrible cases were running around in my mind.
I grabbed the next passerby and asked.
This time it was a middle-aged woman.
“There used to be a famous bar in Rajak with a lot of ladies, but it
doesn’t seem to be open now, but do you know what happened?”
“…why is that?”
Middle-aged women are tempted to reply man used to watch me
bringing strangers from the point, Fu went to poke check raise.
"They hurt or anything, not even the handsome thing going on ...." |
"? Chigin hurt the Nemea Lal."
'Re being replaced happen what happened?
The middle-aged woman spit out phlegm as if she was unlucky, then
turned away from me and went her own way.
I just listened to what the person said, and
it looks like it was okay .
The answer came from the next person.
“Oh, you mean those girls?”
There seemed to be no sign of disappointment, or anything like that,
as it seemed that this place was not very interested in alcohol.
“It’s been a while since I quit drinking and traded with rings.”
"...a ring?"
“Debentures, debentures.”
it's talking about hell?
Pointed to a word slow aspects of my elderly thing to say is Razak.
There was a pretty keumjimakhan stone buildings from a distance,
so also stand out.
"Do not we as operating hanten people jwin gees, mainly It seems
that they are doing a large side job for the shipowners and nobles
who lead the trading fleet, but it seems to be quite stingy.
Considering that the original business has also been discontinued.”
It is not destroyed.
Rather was going so well, followed unwound suljangsa above is
missing longer need. Passers past two characters, Lucy Neil caught
my sleeve with a bruised face.
"Vegas told him earlier that .... Imperial gold coins or what?"
“That… it seems so.”
“No, why do you think you didn’t expect it?”
I was just saying that you should try to grab the Imperial Gold Coin...
I closed the pub after a year and had already switched to a loan
business. Is this this?
How much money did you make?
Me and Lucinil walked towards the stone structure pointed to by a
Airi's pub was running quite successfully. Therefore, the customers,
who were regulars, seemed to regret the conversion to the loan
business system.
usury, debt, and loan business.
It seems that it is called that way, but the
stone building in the middle of the night where Lucinil and I arrived
was large enough to think that it was just a financial institution.
A larger scale of usury financial institutions that ultimately what
yirang too, and I want another wonder
I'd expect to see home run liquor in great success in the middle of
the night, my face
thing visible was a stone building that turned the fire is lit at night
This is not a bank building, but rather, it was built in a grand and
style , almost like a temple .
When was this building built again?
[Angel capital]
And the name of the company was embossed at the entrance of the
tall building.
I'm at a loss for words.
Even Lucinyl's slightly absurd
“I don’t know much about finance, but I think angels and loan sharks
are a really inappropriate combination.”
“… I think so too.”
did not throw away suddenly closed tight, fund raising letters. do
these things were not so far ?”
Even though it was midnight, the door was not closed, and a bright
light was flowing from the inside.
there was some commotion at the entrance .
It was a young woman in a black suit and a middle-aged man with a
It wasn't Airi, but it felt like one of the succubus I had rescued for

Hey, I’m going to skip this one more time, so how many times do I
to say that because the Lord Geddon is tied ? Huh?"
"Captain Ai, I've told you many times. Be sure to adhere to the
interest due date. We are also very tight with money, so if the
delivery date is not met properly, it is not the only thing that gets
ruined. Instead of lowering the interest rate, you make sure to keep
the due date, and I told you several times to be very careful about
the penalty for not meeting the due date, right?”
“Cancer, you know. Did you know that this was
going to happen?
“I’m the captain, kid~ I have a relationship with the captain so far, so
I want to do it like that. It's not something I can decide on my own...
I've been strongly cautioned to just follow the guidelines. Now, this is
not the amount of interest that matters. There was a time when, after
arbitrarily extending the interest period once, our finances were
blocked and a big business fell
. So we can't take care of the situation either. I'm so sorry, Captain."
"Yuri... Please, please. A few pennies of interest, am I the kind of
person who regrets that much money? I'm the captain of a Lenos-
class trading ship. You know I'm not the kind of person who
complains about a few pennies in interest, right? do not you ever
unfortunate mean? this even face watching please, huh? I do not
doegetna? I getting bankrupt as this amount say
one think? as I? once only give look circumstances, I am sure later
I'll just return. euyi ?” |
Watching the quarrel taking place gave me a headache.
What the hell are they talking about? At
the persistent begging of a middle-aged man, a succubus called Yuri
. You should
"eopneyo inevitable Captain yirang me The relationship doesn't last
for a day or two, but you have to know that it's only me this time?
think of it as flying. Okay. ?As much as you value me.”
"So! When was the last time I didn't keep my promise to you? Huh?!
Except for this one! Heh heh!"
“Then I will extend the delivery date by one week, so make
sure to prepare it next time
. Do you know that it will be difficult even with my own authority after
"then! A week after the interest twice
, not how the principal is not repaid in! "
A middle-aged man is cavalier smile listening to affirm motivation
allow for increasing the interest due date
back scored a.
Being the Capital employees estimated to glass Ara called Succubus
is behind the man return, He looked at us blankly standing at the
entrance of the capital,
"Are you visitors?"
I mean , that's what it is..." Yuria said, " Ahaha," and scratched her
cheek as if it was regrettable.
"sorry. Angel Capital provides financial services only to carefully
selected VIP customers
and does not accept new customers . If you do not have a letter of
recommendation from an existing member, it is difficult to use it.”
usury business.
However, it is not a usury business for ordinary people.
I don't know how I got here from a pub, but looking at the scale, it is
clear that
"Tell the boss that the 'one family left' is here. Then you'll
it was he had he had career out of it.
Now I am neither Balier nor Reinhardt. So you won't recognize me.
There are many ways to summon Airi.
Not by blood, but one remaining family.
Darkland royalty.
Airi would
fully understand that I was the only one
except for Airi herself .
The Demon King goes to the academy
Yuria knew who I was just by saying my words.
Because there are only a few beings in the world who do not
introduce themselves with words such as friends, but who speak
words that Airi can only understand.
It's not just a family, it's just one family left.
I was guided to the capital building with Lucinil, and soon I was able
to see various scenes taking place inside.
Even at this time, whether they were receiving loan advice or not, the
employees were quietly chatting in the offices everywhere, and there
were some who did not appear to be succubus.
No one other than the person in charge is allowed to enter
As I entered one area, I saw sights that were invisible from the
One succubus employee armed
Precautions in front of people
was informing
“Be careful not to cause trouble. Of course, we all know that most of
what we do is legal foreclosure.
But, let’s keep the rules.”
Is it like a debt collector? Succubus staff who appear to be leading
He shakes his head with his arms crossed.
“It doesn’t matter if people get hurt, but confiscated goods
If it hurts, it's all a loss. I
Just remember that if you are as terrifying as Bern and destroy the
player award, you will be obliged to pay for it.”
“Yes!” "four!" "All right!"
“Of course, you know that if the collection is not resolved within the
deadline, there will be problems...”
no way.
Are even debt collectors slaves?
It was almost like my head was going to get dizzy as the vile words
came and went in a relaxed tone.
Did you have any talent here? How the hell did I get here? As a me
who only wrote in the corner of the room,
I can't guess the tongue!
Yuria soon climbed the stairs and headed upstairs. It wasn't a single-
story building, so when we went up to the fourth floor, there was a
room with a sign stating that it was the president's office.
- Awesome!
Yu-Ria rang the bell to indicate that there was a guest, and carefully
opened the door.
-Why are you busy?
A slightly sharp voice, which I had heard during the daytime, came
from beyond the door.
“Sir, we have a very important guest.”
- The fleet owners and royalty have not yet met
you said you'd fly tell me to go back
what is this again
“The one and only family member... has arrived.”
-family? Family, what is that... uh...? no way?
As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of urgent
shoes, and immediately the door opened.
it went
Since it is a closed space, there is no need to hide it, so I returned to
my original form using Sarkegaar's Ring.
In the form of Bali,
Succubus with pink hair I haven't seen in a long time
bus Queen,
Airi's figure was there.
Airi returned to Bali
He looked at me silently and hugged the nape of my neck.
- Wow!
“In Bali...!” “Uh, uh… well. How are you?"
I know to some extent how Airi thinks of me, but I am still awkward
with Airi.
How glad I was, Airi held onto me for a while and didn't let me go.
It's called Angel Capital, but no matter how you look at it, it's more of
a devil than an angel.
Loan office close by.
Out of the president's office, Lucinil and Airi were sitting at the guest
The secretary soon served tea.
“Oh, I don’t drink. You can’t give it to me.”
Lucinil shook her head as Airi tried to pour tea into her cup, covering
it with her hand.
“Ah, this is…” “If you know about Elerys
You know about Lord Vampire. I am Lucinil, the head of demand.”
“Lord Vampire...?”
At Lucinil's self-introduction, Airi nodded blankly. I didn't quite
understand what it meant, but Airi was pretty excited about getting
the help of another Lord Vampire.
I was surprised.
"...somehow I got help."
Come to think of it, I don’t know what position Sarkegaar, Loyar, and
Elerys occupy in the Demon Lord’s Army.
It is only in the state of being infiltrated into the ecliptic by the role of
the ecliptic infiltration tank.
Come to think of it, I don't know too much about the Demon Realm,
and I don't really know much about my subordinates. Airi looked at
Lucinyl quietly and bowed her head slightly.
“I don’t think we have established the example of a military god with
Bali. My name is Airi.”
Airi gave a brief general name and then I
look at
“You must have a lot of questions. to Bali.”
"...Yes. I thought I was going to be a liquor salesman, and I knew
that, but how did all this happen?”
What kind of business, how, what rules
Moro, I had no idea how it was going.
“Because there is a limit to mere trading in order to seize money.”
It makes sense.
However, pursuing it wouldn't have been as simple as it could have
Airi had the ambition to seize the financial power of the empire and
cause an economic crisis. Of course, I think Airi needs a purpose to
I just said yes, but I didn't expect much.
But Airi was taking it seriously, and it seemed certain that it had
achieved more than expected.
“Because I didn’t know anything at first. I have asked for advice from
customers.” | | It started with a bar. and in the bar
is meant to bring people together
In the early days of opening, there were many problems with
impressions and other issues, so Airi and the succubus had no
problem suppressing the drunken facts.
Thousands of people come by word of mouth
Starting to rock, Airi created a VIP system.
Hospitality service for people selling ridiculously expensive alcohol.
Airi improved her understanding of capital by talking with them.
how to make money How do you roll money? picture
and how they made money.
There were those who inherited it and those who were born, but
there must have been many who started with their bare hands and
“I thought about real estate and investment, but I decided that there
was nothing like this to quickly increase the size of capital in a short
period of time. So that’s how it started.”
“Does this make it easier?”
“Because the relationship with the people who have money is more
important than money.”
Airi may have made money while running a bar, but more
importantly, she built a network of connections. If necessary, borrow
If you need it, get it
It seems that all these things were too easy for Airi.
“Of course, money is money to do this job, but the biggest reason is
that money can be used to trap people.”
Airi takes a sip of the tea.
And Airi, who puts down the teacup
He had a gloomy smile.
“If you tie someone up with debt, you
I can turn my opponent into a slave regardless of what happened.
Whether the opponent is a noble or royalty, a colossus
it doesn't matter what
Money and bonds are power in their own right. If you tie up your
opponent with a huge bond, you have the opponent. All of his is
mine, and he becomes an embarassed slave to my words.
The hornless succubus queen uses money as a weapon, not
enchantment, to enslave her opponents.
Doing bizarre things to make
there was.
Although the loan business itself has a negative image, Airi is doing
the loan business in a slightly different context.
It's not for making money.
Loans to tie up people
to make people their slaves
by doing
“…so, what is going on now?”
“I don’t run a liquor business anymore, but I do loan business for VIP
customers at that time.
it is Rajak is a port city, and this port is constantly full of ships
heading for and returning to the continent, right? That's why captains
and trading ships go to the continent with the most valuable trade
items for maximum profit every time they depart. It is the same when
returning, and the traders sell such trade goods and make money
with a profit margin of four to five times to several tens of times.”
"...I guess."
“Of course, you only need your own money to do that.
Because it is not possible, even if you use up a huge amount of debt
to load expensive trade goods,
Or is it an investment? On the condition of paying a certain
percentage in the future distribution of profits.”
It would be a way to receive shares as a condition of investing in a
trading fleet. Of course I know about that.
“Human beings are greedy. Earn huge amounts of money in one
After that, I don't want to trade with only the ships I have, without
debt, safely. one time profit
If you look at it, you can embrace more debt or
They get a lot of investment to build more ships and hire more
sailors and captains. endlessly. The process keeps repeating itself.
No one without exception.”
Airi continues to act like that.
you would have seen on a long voyage
In the words of the captains who returned, I tasted people's constant
“Captains and ship owners say things like that, but what do usurers
If you can't pay the debt after lending it, the ship or trade goods will
be seized. Initially, the interest rate is high, so
You can get it, and you can't get reimbursed. Even if you hit it, you
can seize the ship.
Unless the fleet meets a storm and is not completely destroyed, it is
a structure that has no choice but to make money.”
Airi wasn't the only captain to watch.
Various influential people in the area came to visit and I heard a lot
of sayings.
Captains who go on long voyages on ships and trade.
Fleet owners who hire those captains to run trading fleets.
loan sharks who lend money to the shipowners,
I figured out the structure of those who make more money on top of
those who make money, running a bar.
However, in the case of Airi, somehow, it seemed to have a slightly
different meaning from the loan business.
make slaves
Because there was a reverberation that those words gave.
“So I lend them money, and if I don’t meet the interest due date, I
raise the interest rate, get an additional fee, or, if that doesn’t work, I
get a stake in the fleet or trade goods, and so on. ”
At first glance, it seems certain that Airi is making huge amounts of
money by rolling money.
“But at this rate, time is too long
It will take a long time. So I’m using a slightly different method.”
What Airi dreams of is to seize the money of the empire. It is true
that it has been incredibly successful even now, but this is still not
“So I deliberately borrowed money from the capital,
They are deliberately twisting the financial situation of the traders.
Let them borrow up to the limit, and then make sure they don't have
enough money to pay off the interest.”
“Simply put, you are forced to go bankrupt. From delinquency to
delinquency through delinquency. Labeled as having no ability to pay
It will bring your credit to zero.
Then we can enforce the forcible seizure.”
I couldn't help but get a little confused because of the unexpected
If you hold the market's money flow, you can do that just by
squeezing the money line of any path at any moment.
“If only three large-scale trading fleets go bankrupt at the same time,
the money entangled lenders, merchants, and the Edina Islands
fleets will also collapse. It’s a chain of bankruptcies.”
If a large trading fleet goes bankrupt and seizes or whatever begins,
not only the lenders who agreed to receive money there, but also the
local fleets that decided to transport the incoming trade goods would
be out of stock.
And the people involved in it explode together
sit down
The bankruptcy of subcontractors following the bankruptcy of a large
“The entire fleet has been destroyed.
Merchants cannot buy or sell traded goods.
will do it.”
“Captains lose their ships.”
“Sailors lose their jobs.”
"Sailors who don't have money can't drink."
“Then the bar will go bankrupt because it can’t sell alcohol.”
“That’s how you fall down in a chain like dominoes.”
“The economy is paralyzed.”
| Airi drinks up to the last drop of tea left in the teacup with a casual
Wasn't slavery and stuff not the end after all?
Are you going to destroy the national economy? why?
"I'm not making money, I'm going to cause an economic crisis? Why
the hell?"
Airi smiled brightly at my stupid question.
“The purpose is to get rid of the trading fleet cartel in the Edina
Another unexpected word came out.
“If I have a lot of money, how much can I control the flow of money in
the market? No matter how much money you have, it is not enough.”
Airi looks out the window of the office. “This is all possible because
Edina Royal Bank is looking after you.”
Lenders with unlimited creditworthiness.
“It’s not that the Edina Archipelago doesn’t have a super-large warp
gate that leads to the continent, and even if you want to make it, you
can’t make it. Considering it is a matter of distance, it is very difficult
to see that it is an uninhabited island in the middle
Just install one large warp gate
If you do that, the distance problem will go away, right?"
" way."
"Yeah, those trading fleet cartel bastards.
It’s a situation where we can’t do that because of organizational
interference.” |
Edina Archipelago has a giant warp gay
It wasn't impossible to install it.
A large-scale business based on maritime trade
It could not be installed because of opposition from interest groups.
They talk about royalty and stuff.
Airi had a secret agreement with the Edina Islands royal family.
“If an economic crisis is caused by the chain bankruptcy of large-
scale trading fleets, there is no choice but to install a super-large
warp gate to prevent it from blooming in order to improve the overall
constitution of the Edina Islands economic situation. With this logic,
we will cooperate with the Empire to build a super-large warp gate.”
It's shocking and surprising though.
I found a place where there was no extra-large warp gate and sent it
to me, and I did it with my own hands.
Trying to build a super-large warp gate
Seeing you go
what is it
I was at the point where I had nothing to say. “In return, what I get is
about 90 percent of the stake in the operation of the super-large
warp gate.”
Collapse, not control of a large fleet.
Since then, the Edina Islands-to-continental trade monopoly.
That was Airi's drawing.
“…How can I know that the Empire is trying to build a bridge after
finding it on purpose and sending it to a place that is hard to reach?
Do I have to accept it?" |
Airi smiled bitterly at the sound of my cheeks.
“You are walking on thin ice in the ecliptic, and I am not in a safe
place like this.
I don't want to believe that you'll fix everything without taking the
He believed that there was something he could do too, and he was
about to do something. Didn't they even say things like selling
themselves as slaves to humans to raise capital?
Airi was not alone in the end, but Edina Yeol and the royal family
were also connected.
Otherwise, a business of this size
I wouldn't have been able to proceed.
“Anyway, the Edina Islands depend too much on maritime trade and
I have. However, connecting continents and archipelago
If there is a super-large warp gate, the fleet
Reduce the social cost of operation
Sooner or later, the economic situation will be much better than it is
now. So the royal family has been wanting to build a giant warp gate
for a very long time.”
“Is this something that has been continuously blocked by those
engaged in maritime trade?”
Maritime traders are indispensable in the Edina Islands.
“Once discussions about building a warp gate begin, maritime trade
cartels will
There have been many times when they threatened to paralyze the
national economy by going on strike, and in fact, there have been
more than a couple of times when the economy has faltered by
doing so. Because super-large warp gates are not built in a short
time. In the meantime, if maritime trade is paralyzed, will it be able to
Edina Islands hold the people's leash
It is the maritime trade cartels that have been constantly intimidating.
Although they have lost their practical use, they have been
maintaining the leadership of the Edina Islands through strikes and
“So the royal family wants to get rid of the maritime trade cartels
altogether. Of course, there would be bleeding and confusion, but he
decided that it would be better to build a giant warp gate and destroy
the cartel altogether. And well, I fail.
If not, the royal family will cut off the tail.”
If the true meaning of Airi's intention to destroy the entire maritime
trade cartel is read and they become a target, the royal family will
only have to step out.
“It’s too dangerous.”
“Even if everything goes as you said, there is a clear possibility that
Edina’s royal family will come and strike you in the back of the head.”
If things go wrong, they can just cut off the tail, and after things turn
out the way Airi thought, the royal family could choke on Airi.
You are taking too much risk.
“No, Bali, there is no such thing.”
However, Airi is not going to be sabotaged by herself. what you are
sure of
It was like
“You know?”
Airi smiles softly.
“To be loved is too easy for us.”
Even the shipowners who want to destroy them.
The royal family secretly cooperating with him
I threw it all away because I loved myself
Those eyes that knew there was nothing to lose.
The queen of succubus.
Episode 348: Although the
succubus lacks the ability to charm, Airi succeeds in seducing local
influential people by running a bar as if she doesn't need such a thing.
So that stage was what was important, Airi said, there are no other
difficulties from now on as the work progresses.
It is deceiving and deceiving people who have already won their
hearts, and thus stealing their liver.
How are you going to deal with the malice of the people you will
receive after all of this is over? Are there any
countermeasures already in place?
Just as I was taking risks on my own, Airi was willing to take risks on
her own, even if I didn't want to.
“Wait a minute, Bali.”
Airi looks at me and smiles.
“Because the day I will dedicate these Edina Islands to you is soon.”
Beyond Trade Issues Exclusive Eventually Eddie
will swallow up all or fever.
Even if only the first time you saw the succubus prisoners, I they are
doing just calm
wanted to live in it.
When you say that. What am seized imperial plutocracy, just such a
life I thought it would be okay to dream of such a dream if it had a
purpose, but looking at the actions Airi was doing, it never occurred
to me that it would be impossible to achieve that goal.
"Anyway, I have the same opinion. Refrain from doing things that are
too risky.”
"okay. Thank you for your concern."
Originally, the two of us must have been close friends, but after being
rescued from me, Airi has changed her attitude toward me. At first, I
didn't really think much of it because I didn't know what happened
with Ai .
Eventually, I found out how Airi was doing in the Edina Islands . In the
process of doing this, I learned some really
crazy things. If Airi succeeds in the Edina Islands, eventually, this will
also have its own use.
I don't know how useful it will be right now, but I don't know what it
will be. I have a question for you.”
And, now I can get to the point:
“Are you curious?”
“I will be returning to the Demon Castle in the near future, and I want
to know what is there.”
“…to the Demon King?”
"If there'd been the Imperials are littered with you, no matter how
disguised as a human
even if he says ...." |
"would go under the imperial permission no problem in that area."
"Ah, that's right... But what are you trying to ask me... That's right.
You lost your memory…”
Returning to the Demon Castle, for whatever reason, Airi seemed to
have roughly figured out what I was looking for when I returned there.
“There are Geum Stations that only the royal family could enter. But
humans must have looked all over there. It
must be seen that there are no useful things left ....” |
Charlotte and Saviolin Tana want to go to the Devil's Castle once,
thinking that they may know something vaguely.
However, if there is anything left in the Demon Castle, even if it has
nothing to do with saving Charlotte, I want to know what it is.
There must still be people left behind for the purpose of robbery or
research, so even if I take the form of Reinhardt, it is not a place I
can visit anytime.
The opportunity is now.
According to Airi, there are places where only the royal family can
But wasn't there a physical barrier there? If you judge that the
robbery has already been done, you won't be able to get anything
from there. Airi narrowed her brow and was in trouble.
“I don’t know either. However, there are clearly places where only the
Demon King can enter the Demon King Castle. Of course, the
seals must be thoroughly sealed to prevent anyone from
entering.... There is a clear possibility that humans have not yet found
Airi said a strange thing that I don't know, but that there must be.
“How do you know that such a place exists?”
“… the previous demon lord used to take you somewhere in the
demon king’s castle from time to time.” |
who has memories of the Demon King Castle, often suffered from
So, I
had no choice but to know about the events in the Demon Lord
Castle, the memories of Bali that I did not have.
“I don’t know where it is, I asked my mother, but she didn’t answer at
all as if it was a secret, and she seemed to know something.”
“Is there such a kind of secret space?”
“Perhaps, it is. I don’t know what kind of place it is.”
A place where the ancestors of the demon kings often went with
Airi's mother, who was the Four Heavenly Kings, knew something, but
did not tell Airi.
It is possible that humans have already found the place, but it is
possible that they haven't.
The secret place of the Demon King's castle where the
ancestors of the Demon King took his son to visit from time to time.
There will be something there. Any way to save Charlotte, a powerful
artifact or whatever.
I have to know that.
The brief reunion with Airi in the middle of the night
ended with that.
“You can go in a few days.”
Airi, as if it were a pity, watched the day that she was about to leave.
“Sorry, I don’t have time.”
“....that’s right,
Airi carefully lowered her eyes.
Even the word “evil evil” was a waste of time.
will be Originally in Bali, he was an incompetent bastard who believed
in his father's power, and now the demon realm, the daughter of the
succubus queen,
Airi, on such a day. it was
has been annihilated, we are the last two royal families of the
destroyed kingdom.
seemed to regret that I suddenly came and suddenly returned.
Airi came over to me
and held my hands still.
“You must be safe. to Bali.”
felt a sense of incongruity because of a certain strange emotion I felt
when I met that gaze .
Is it because the race itself called the Succubus Queen is easy to
That's not it.
I'm not Balier, but
I had a strange feeling that Balier was reacting.
Balier was in a position of being bullied by Airi, but somehow he
instinctively learns it.
A certain strange certainty that Bali would have liked Airi.
A certain strange sensation that I felt just by looking into Airi's eyes
gave me such confidence.
According to the original history, Airi would have been a slave in the
and would have died while traveling through the wilderness in Bali .
Of course, I am not Balier.
I am not fascinated by a race called succubus.
does not
“Don’t overdo it either.”
I only brought out one word of greetings to Airi, including a sense of
As if they had gone to the Edina Islands in an instant, the return was
Lucinil said that if he was going to the Demon King's Castle, he could
watch him nearby, but I refused.
The area around the Demon King's Castle is already dominated by
human forces, and his companion is Saviol Lin Tana. If she and Lucy
Neil ran into each other for nothing, there was a possibility that
something even more strange would happen.
Lucinil decided that it would be better for him to stay in the Imperial
Palace and help Sarkegar's mission .
There is a secret space in Demon Castle.
neither Airi nor I know where that place is .
And if you find the place, you have to get into
it avoiding the eyes of others, but there is no proper plan for what to
do about it yet.
Fortunately, there was no indication that Charlotte's symptoms got
worse before leaving for the Demon King.
In the Royal Class dormitory, Saviolin Tana secretly called me.
It was night,
outside the royal class dormitory , and I was facing each other in a
dimly lit space with Saviolin Tana.
"His Majesty gave permission. Departure is two days later."
As I answered calmly, Saviolin Tana suddenly grabbed my shoulders.
She looks into my eyes with a serious expression.
“Reinhardt, I asked you to go with me out of my greed, but you don’t
seem to be fully aware of the dangers of this job.”
“Yes, the Crown Princess is very negative about you going with
Charlotte thanked her for coming with her, but also said she didn't
have to come because it was dangerous.
So I've been thinking about it for
the past few days .
Are you saying that there might be a threat that we haven't fully
grasped yet?
Charlotte says
she's negative about me going with her because I risked too much for
“If Demon Lord is dangerous…”
“No, that’s not the problem.”
She shook her head as if I was out of context.
“I have no interest in politics, and I probably shouldn’t, but I am
basically in a position to not have to get involved with such political
issues. This is not a compliment, it is literally true.”
The strongest knight on the continent.
Thanks to the influence and authority it has alone, if she wants to live
independently of politics, she can.
but i'm not
That's what I know.
The weak who live in the midst of politics cannot be neutral. It is only
possible after power or influence is finally secured
When he heard that it was politics, not physical danger, he seemed to
know what Saviolin Tana was talking about.
"Are you talking about Bertus...?"
Bell tooth and Charlotte.
For issues between the two I had forgotten to some extent. Charlotte
eunikka cherish me, and Bell tooth was also pretty sure not attempt
to take any special action to me.
... previous transvestite contest Aside from the fact that the incident
was uncovered
"There are a lot of people in the Devil's Castle. And the fact that the
Crown Princess and I are heading there directly is not something of
the nature to do that only if we want to hide it. So if you go with us,
that fact will someday be known. No
matter what camouflage you do, you have no choice but to empty the
temple with us in the meantime. From that alone, His Majesty the
Prince will be able to infer that you were with us.”
If you go to the Demon Castle with Charlotte, Bertus will know about
it someday, either now or later.
That way, Bertus knew that I was definitely on Charlotte's side.
“You have already received the imperial coat of arms. That you are
the owner of Tiamata
Your Majesty the Prince will find out soon.”
There's even something about Tuan's champion.
The fact that Ellen and I received the imperial coat of arms together
is not information that Bertus can't miss, although most of the public
may not be aware of it.
It is clear that the importance of the country has jumped a lot and he
is definitely on Charlotte's side .
Then, just by going to the Demon King's Castle, I have
no choice but to have Bertus as a sure enemy in the future . means
Saviolin Tana is
not involved in political affairs, but is not a stranger to politics.
So knowing that I was unaware of the real dangers of this work, it
seemed to me to be one last warning about it .
“This is the last time, Reinhardt, it’s strange for me to ask you to say
this, but if you think it’s too risky, you don’t have to come. Your
Majesty is expecting that too.”
Charlotte no longer make me risk
seems to not want to go.
Go castle Devil with Charlotte, I am the future is to put the Bercy
tooth as an enemy.
But anyway, if you stand still over what is the difference?
Anyway soon what I called champions of Butuan It is supposed to be
I need to know what remains of the Demon King Castle as well as
Charlotte's cure.
I know that Saviolin
Tana and Charlotte's worries are bound to be in the air.
The imperial coat of arms given to me.
That in itself already says it all.

I don’t think Bertus is stupid enough to touch Tuan’s champion .”
Treatment equivalent to royalty?
No, more than that.
Me and Ellen are
more important to mankind at this point than the prince and the
princess, or the emperor himself.
In such a state, if I try to kill or harm me just because I am on
Charlotte's side, I will face a headwind at the wrath of the Emperor.
Me and Ellen are consumables to oppose the Demon King, but before
they become consumables, they are in a state of being treated as the
most important on all continents.
Lagann Artorius
would never have used such a political advantage, but I have no
reason not to.
Bertus won't touch me.
Unless it's something that reveals my identity
, you'll never touch me.
“Then I will go.”
But when Bertus becomes the enemy, my identity may not be
I don't know
. I know that
"... Yeah, hippopotamus that deliver to the charge."my destiny is
approaching, and I can't hide my identity forever.
The champion of Tuan.
It will protect me in all circumstances and situations.
I heightened the sense of crisis of mankind by revealing the remnants
of the demon realm,
and provided a political basis for protecting
myself through the fact that I was the champion of Tuan.
face value
, it is a very vicious thing to pretend to be the savior and establish a
position in the crisis that I have promoted .
In the
end, El Reris's words that Tiamata would have more political uses
than weapons were true
The day we decided to depart for the Demon King.
“… Reinhardt, it’s all right. It won't be long, and even if you don't have
Charlotte looked at me with a gloomy expression on her lips.
Thankfully, Charlotte was always apologizing that she was always
getting something from me and never helping me at all
Even if my political position is strong, this is a very big risk.
So, on the day of departure, I could see a wish that I would not go
with you.
“Because work is going to happen, it’s like pajamas
Hearing those words from the guy who came and cried and cried and
hung on, it really builds trust.”
“Wow, what?!”
| Charlotte's expression turned into a bewildered expression at my
sudden words. Prepare for departure
Saviolin Tana, who had finished, also had a puzzled expression on her
face at my sudden last words.
“When work really breaks out, it’s
useless to sing while squealing while doing Reinhard La Inart . So,
let’s just go quietly together.”
“You, you, what, do you say… you say that?!”
Charlotte's face turned red,
and she began to point at her.
"Yeah, I'd rather be angry like this."
It hurts me more to see Charlotte, who looks like she's about to die.
“That puts my mind at ease.”
Charlotte looked at me blankly on that day, and then her lips
trembled, and eventually she screamed.
“……Really you. He's a weird guy who can thank people and then
thank them again!"
Charlotte took the lead with vigor, and Xabi
Olin Tana sighed as she looked at me.

The Demon King goes to the academy

After all, I went to Dark Land during summer vacation, and even now,
during winter vacation, I ended up going to Dark Land.
Of course, your companion will become the next hero, Ellen, and
become the princess and the best sword in the continent.
long, but
And the place Ellen and I headed to is the entrance to the Darkland.
The Demon King to go to this time is located deep in the Darkland.
The military has advanced in the form of breaking through one point,
so they attacked the Demon King and succeeded in that.
However, the search around the march route was
It had not been done at all.
The dark land pioneering project of adventurers
It is being led, but it should be
Award that did not search a very wide area
Tae is also
The departing people are me and Xaviolinta
There were only three of us, including me and Charlotte. It was
because there was no need for more escorts or attendants, and only
a commotion would arise when large-scale troops were dispatched
for nothing.
“You will have to go through quite a few warp gates, Your Majesty.”
As the Allied Forces marched due to the problem of supply, they built
warp gates at certain distances to meet supply. Naturally, at the time
of the war, the warp gate would have been a major intercepting base
for the Demon King's forces.
Via the gigantic warp gates
He reached the Eggsian outpost, and after that, the dormant warp
gay opened along the Allied advance route.
After activating the sites, we plan to go straight through to the Demon
King Castle.
It will take some time to activate the dormant gates, but since it was
said that the warp gate was installed right in front of the Demon King
after the war, the actual movement required was not much.
Charlotte looked nervous.
For Charlotte, the Devil's Castle is a hellish place.
would have been
He goes back to a place he never wants to go back to, wondering if
there is any clue to solve his condition.
So Charlotte must be feeling complicated right now, and that
It was the same.
At this point, the Demon King is the Imperial Army.
is in a state of Although they devoured the Demon King Castle, the
work of scouring and searching the entire Demon King Castle is not
yet finished.
Through the Eggsian Outpost, my party
moved quickly through the warp gates, and even if they arrived so
I was able to reach the front of the Demon King at a speed that I
thought would be.
Me and Charlotte were at a loss for words when they saw the lonely
figure of the Demon King.
A huge gray castle located in the wilderness under the deep blue
winter sky.
The fire of war swept through the Demon King Castle
Traces of it were left.
Although the castle itself was not destroyed, the walls of the castle
had a lot of magic and
There were traces of siege weapons.
“Is this... the Demon Castle?”
Sabi Olin Tana, who could not participate in the Demon World War, is
seeing the Demon King for the first time. The great triumphs of
mankind left behind
Traces of what inspiration she has
I didn't know if it was Labo.
Even if it was something Bertus would find out anyway, we had no
intention of advertising our existence. When big names appear in the
garrison for nothing, it's a bothersome cow
It is certain that there will be a riot,
So the three of us arrived at the Demon King's side and put on spiral
“See you, Your Majesty. I am Count Alfreyd, who is serving as the
commander-in-chief of the garrison of the Demon King.”
Also, only the commander, who had been informed of our arrival,
greeted us alone.
I was there to
It was felt that Charlotte and Xaviolin Tana had taken care not to
cause any fuss.
"Oh, I see. nice to meet you
Count Pride.”
Charlotte's power is related to the Demon King.
It seems that Bertus already has a sense of it. It's just that I haven't
used it as a weapon yet.
That's why Charlotte came to this place under the pretext of visiting
the Demon King's garrison. Charlotte whispered softly to me and
It is not always active, but
There is a warp gate here, so the supply situation at the garrison
seemed very good. Not at the level of the tent, but around the Demon
King Castle, proper buildings were built,
The army seemed to be focusing on search and research rather than
We headed to the garrison headquarters under the guidance of the
commander, Count Alfred.
Our visit was not open to the public, even if it was not a top secret.
Just that we are coming to this place today
In Gun Garrison, the commander and other dramas
It must have been a day only a few knew.
I didn't even bother to introduce myself to Earl Alfried. He seems to
think of me as a mere attendant
it was
After a short meal with the commander, he took us to the command
room's leadership room.
| Charlotte's apparent purpose is to investigate the Demon King.
to check the situation.
Demon King on the table in the middle of the guidance room
There was an architectural model of , and on the wall were a lot of
pictures that looked like a target for the Demon King.
"The Demon King is the place where the Demon King resided.
It is very huge. so still
The search is not complete.”
“…Is that enough?”
In the architectural model, the collapsed castle of the Demon King
It was expressed in detail even to the Kwak part.
In fact, the scale of the Demon King was very large.
| Just like the size of the Imperial Emperor Emperatos was very
huge, the Demon King was no different from him.
Contrary to the fact that each palace was located in the east, west,
north and south, the Demon King Castle has a very large Demon King
Palace in the center, and there are numerous annexes around it.
It was built on a scale that wasn't there.
“Actually, there are areas where the traps are still operating, so there
are some cases where the search is a little more careful to prevent
casualties before they are properly identified...” |
Charlotte's words have yet to say this.
Perhaps it sounded like a scolding, the commander muttered with a
troubled expression.
“It is not urgent, so I think it is right to proceed with caution. It wasn't
a tree. Commander."
“Thank you, my Majesty.”
The scale of the Demon King is very large, so the search has not
been completed properly yet.
The reason is that there are still areas where the traps work.
As for the outside, make it what it looks like
As soon as it was done, the model was built, but for that reason, it
could be seen that there were still undiscovered parts in the aiming
Still, about the revealed parts
The commander points to the aiming map and the three-dimensional
He started explaining.
A part that is huge enough to be comparable to a palace
The building was a barracks.
As a prince of the Demon Realm, it was quite strange to hear from
the garrison commander something that I did not know.
“The barracks would have had standing troops stationed there.
is estimated as However, no matter how large it is, it cannot be large
enough to accommodate all the demons and monsters of the level
that we fought during the Demon World War. So, they took out the
demons living in other areas.
It is presumed that there was a convening
“It would be.”
The number far exceeded the number of people that could be
accommodated in the Demon Castle at that time for the Mercury
's troops were lined up.
The commander added that there may not have been that many
troops in the Demon King Castle during peacetime rather than
“It has been confirmed that there are facilities for living, including
restaurants and banquet halls, on the first floor of the Demon King’s
Palace. And can you see the central courtyard of the palace?”
There was an open hole in the middle of the Demon King's Palace.
And there was a wide open vacant lot.
There are destroyed colonnades and statues
there was
Even the broken debris was expressed in detail.
It is a model, but only a model is here
I felt that an unusual battle had been waged on a huge scale.
“Maybe… this is it.” Charlotte looked at the commander, and he
A huge vacant lot in the Demon King's Palace.
“This is the place where Artorius Lagann and the Demon King fought.”
The center of the Demon King's Castle, where the battle between the
Hero and the Demon King took place.
We didn't see the battle, but Charlotte and I both heard the roar of
the world collapsing.
Charlotte trembled slightly, and I swallowed quietly.
Traces of the Demon King.
Charlotte thought vaguely that touching it might reveal something or
resolve her condition.
“I want to go here.”
So, what Charlotte says
In a way, it was natural.
The Demon Castle is very large, so we each rode a horse.
I learned quite a bit about horse riding at the temple
It was now at a level where I could ride a horse without any
Demon King Castle is an investigation area, so there is no
In Esau, unless you have a special mission, you can go inside and
There were no personnel.
Therefore, it was in the form of a single huge village called the
garrison surrounding the Demon King Castle.
It is not known whether or not there was a village of demons like the
emperor near the original Demon King. Without it, it would not have
existed, and if there was, it would have been there during the war.
It would have been swept away and all traces would have
“Where are the safe areas so far?”
The commander said in response to Charlotte's question.
“Once all the annexes are in a secure state, and the aboveground
part of the Demon King Castle is
I've verified that there are no traps that work. However, the
underground is still dangerous, so you should refrain from walking. All
I know is heading to the basement too deep
I don't think there will be any major problems if you can roam freely."
That means that there is nothing to be saved from the above-ground
part of the Demon King's Castle.
Do I have to go underground to find out whatever I need to know?
Charlotte drives a horse by the commander's side.
ask again
"Are there many soldiers who have fallen into the trap?"
“Are you just a soldier? experienced ranger
And knights, as well as wizards, are often hit. It's fortunate that it
ends with an injury, but there are cases in which those who are not
properly afflicted by the mental-type magic trap lose their minds
altogether. so ji
I tend to be more careful with the bottom navigation.”
“Ummm… is that enough?”
It's not a dungeon in the corner of the village, it's a trap laid down in
the Demon King's Castle.
Charlotte shed a sigh of relief when she heard that there are cases
where it can be touched and killed or even become a nuisance.
Even after removing the Bertus problem, the Demon Castle is not that
The commander several times said that he should not go to the
underground area because a safe place had not been properly
But Nana Charlotte and Tana also think
it will be the same
If anything, the clue will be in the basement.
We soon arrived at the huge and magnificent entrance of the Demon
King's Palace.
I thought he was a poor hostage kidnapped by the Demon King
The girl she knew was actually a princess, and she had a gut feeling
that she was going to die as soon as she was rescued.
Return with Dyrus to acquire the Teleport Scroll, Duke of Salerian
He ran with all his might to escape from the clutches of the knights of
the family.
Without me, Charlotte would be dead.
What would Charlotte think?
Are you thinking of the horrors, the pain, and the terrible times?
But the look on Charlotte's face was full of sadness. in anger and
He didn't seem to think about it.
I know what you're thinking without asking. You must be thinking
about Bali.
I saved myself but suddenly disappeared
I left him, and after contacting him by letter for a while, he cut off
contact by himself.
Now what was it
who must think in pain,
I am now with Charlotte under the name of Reinhardt.
“Let’s go in.”
Charlotte, who got off her horse, is very brave.
said crab
The road to the courtyard of the Demon King's Palace was not that
complicated. However, it was so huge that I had to pass through a
long and wide hallway and several halls.
Traces of the battle were still left in the castle.
“Of course… Your Highness knows best… After the Demon King
died, all demons surrendered.”
“It would be.”
The commander walks through the interior of the palace.
Every time I pass the huge hall
He pointed to the traces of the fight.
“So most of the interiors of the palace
You can think of the traces of the battle as those of the warriors."
"Oh, I see."
Until the death of the demon king, the gates of the demon king did not
And after the surrender, all battles stopped, so inside the palace
there was a connection with the demon king army.
There was no Confederate battle.
Sculptures and statues were broken or walls
Most signs of collapse, etc.
They were created by the demon king army and the warriors inside
the palace.
The commander walked through the palace explaining this and that.
There's a sense of pride in his tone
felt something
A great victory for mankind.
And the Demon King recorded the victory
It's like a museum.
He seemed to think so, and he wasn't so wrong.
Standing in front of a crumbling wall in a huge hall that was probably
a restaurant, the commander said. He suddenly bowed in front of
A white flower was placed in the place where he bowed.
“The body of Raghdna Olfi has been found here.”
The place where the body of one of the warriors was found.
After the demon king died, all the bodies must have been collected,
so the bodies of the warriors must have been found everywhere in
the demon king castle where the battle took place.
While collecting the bodies, they
All the places where they were found will also be recorded.
“And over there, the body of Archirion, one of the Four Heavenly
Kings, was also found.
It’s okay.”
Ragdna Olfi. | I was in charge of the ranger position among the party.
dun person.
The Four Heavenly Kings have never been set, so Archi
I had never heard of Leon.
What I set up was to defeat the Four Heavenly Kings and
That the four parties died one by one.
And in the end, only Artorius Lagann remained and faced the Demon
Defeating the Four Heavenly Kings one by one
Dying was my own cliché, so I did it without thinking.
There must be a background in the fact that the Four Heavenly Kings
dealt with the Hero Party one by one.
As of now, it is unknown.
Xaviolin Tana and Charlotte follow the commander
La on the spot, I bowed my head in silence for a while, and it was the
same with me.
You can't call it tourism
However, the commander guided us as if it was his duty.
This time it wasn't a hall, it was a huge hallway.
All. There were also white flowers that looked like they had just been
Whether it was the commander or someone else, there seemed to be
someone who brought flowers every day.
The colonnade's colonies had collapsed, and somewhere among the
collapsed pillars, the commander was silent again.
“The body of Mullern has been found here.”
A wizard during a warrior party.
“With the body of Reina, the Succubus Queen, one of the Four
Heavenly Kings.”
Succubus Queen Reina.
Airi's mother.
Because it was a name I had never heard of, it came with a sense of
weight that was nothing.
It wasn't a name.
The commander silently marks the signs of collapse.
look up and talk
“Succubus Queen Reina was a very serious problem. Thousands of
soldiers on the night she wields her influence
There were many cases where the soldiers could not sleep because
they were afraid of being possessed by the dreamer, and the soldiers
who fell asleep without being able to overcome their drowsiness
could not wake up forever.”
The true fear of the succubus queen is that
The essence of things is that it is a dream
He emphasized it several times.
Although their wicks are very strong or they may not be able to enter
the minds of those who have been trained to resist magic, such
An unspecified number of unspecified soldiers became victims of a
dream without helplessness.
“Actually, it would have been the Succubus Queen and its kin, with the
exception of Larken Simonstite, that killed the most Allied soldiers.”
When Saviolin Tana heard the word Larken Simonstite, she had a
slight twitching look.
Is it an illusion?
The commander said so and walked ahead again.
"In the circumstances, it was not a problem to amplify the magical
power beyond the limit to save the party from the powerful
enchantment of the Succubus Queen...."
Commander, Earl Alfried, after that
The place where the bodies of the warriors were found
We went to each place one by one.
Its original purpose was to fight with Artorius Lagann.
Going to see the place where King Balie fought
But Charlotte didn't say anything.
As if the heroes and the party had saved their lives, it was their duty
to check it.
After passing the place where the priest Shaydin died, the
commander let out a sigh when he reached the place where Lagann
Artorius and the magic swordsman Seizaria, who was supposed to
be the last two remaining, died.
“Here is the poem of Larken Simonstite and Seizaria, the Four
Heavenly Kings.
God has been found. Immediately after that, it is believed that the
battle between Artorius of Lagann and the Demon King and Artorius
would have taken place.
It is estimated.”
Larken Simonstite.
Airi and I heard that he learned swordsmanship. I was kidding and
Airi was an honor student,
Of course, I don't know much about him.
However, there must have been a huge battle with Xaviolin Tana’s
firm expression on her face.
I was watching the scene quietly.
“As much as that, I wanted to kill myself with my own hands.”
Saviolin Tana's fingertips were trembling slightly.
Neither Charlotte nor the commander said anything. like you already
Why does Saviolin Tana say such a thing?
Obviously I'm the only one who doesn't know.
Did she feel my doubts, she sees me
He smiled with a remorseful smile.
He was my teacher.”
I was taken aback by the completely unexpected sound. Shall in my
Commander Lotdo also stared at me.
"No... you learned swords from demons?"
Xaviolin Tana with her arms crossed, go
mumble loudly
“...I guess you didn't know, well... it's something you don't know
about... it can be. Larken Simonstites are human.”
One of the first of the Four Heavenly Kings
was actually human?
No, is it not a big deal to not know this? Fortunately, I'm from a
beggar, so it feels like I'm just passing by...
The hair bone becomes soft. “He was a traitor to the Empire who
deserved to be chewed and killed.”
Silent anger burned in Saviolin Tana's eyes.
Come to think of it.
Yes. Prince Ha-ha and Princess Ha-ha learned swordsmanship from
Sir Larken Simons Tight, who was the first of the Four Heavenly
The Demon King Goes to the Academy
Episode 350
Saviolin Tana
briefly explained about Larken Simon's Tight.
Larken Simonstite was the
general manager of Shana when Saviolin Tana, who was still quite
old, was new .
Just like Saviolin Tana is now, he also
had the title of the continent's strongest swordsman .
Larken Simons Tight taught Xaviolin Tana many things to develop the
next general manager Shah Nafel.
Even she, who was a tremendous genius,
was able to become the commander of the 1st corps knights of
Chanafel after rigorous training that had to revise everything she had
learned at the temple.
Larken Simonstite was already over eighty when Xaviolin Tana was a
rookie. Saviolin Tanache Although aging was slow thanks to his rum
training and mana management, he was already well past the age of
Therefore, after nurturing the future generations, and when Xaviol Lin
Tana's skill was on track, he passed on the general manager Shana
to someone else and retired.
It wasn't particularly strange.
So everyone knew that he was going to spend the rest of his life
quietly after retirement.
As the sense of crisis in the Demon World War grew, the Empire
needed power and wanted to borrow the hand of the retired
Oddly enough, Larken Simons Tight became the Four Heavenly Kings
of the Demon Kings. Even with
the heavy
title of the first Four Heavenly Kings ahead of all the other Four
Heavenly Kings.
I didn't know anything about the Four Heavenly Kings, but one of them
was even a human. He is even a teacher to Saviolin Tana
In the original story, even the dead demon kings are not often
mentioned, but there was no reason to mention the Four Heavenly
Kings. Even when I was living here, there was no talk about the
Demon King or the Four Heavenly Kings
so it was a bizarre situation where I did n't know what everyone else
“I don’t know why he became the Four Heavenly Kings of the
“I don’t know.”
Xaviolin Tana shook her head. “You will never know.”
She is set as a character who feels guilty for not being able to
participate in the Demon World War. However, there was an inside
story behind it that I did not know.
Why did
Larken Simonstite betray humanity and stand on the side of the
Do you know about Sarkegaar, Loyar, or Elerys? |
I didn't ask questions about the Four Heavenly Kings because I
wasn't curious about them in the first place.
Still, as long as Airi was able to learn swordsmanship after receiving
the seat of the First Four Heavenly Kings
, it seems like she was well treated and treated well in the Darkland.
Saviolin Tana had many things she wanted to ask
Larken, who betrayed the Empire and humanity, but in the end, she
could not go to the Darkland under the pretext of protecting the
Imperial Family.
So, it must have been bittersweet to arrive at the Demon King Castle
now that everything was over.
We walked further and finally reached our destination.
The center of the Demon King's Castle.
A ruined vacant lot.
It must have been raining and snowing even after the battle was over,
the scars of the battle did not go away easily because it was the site
of such an overwhelming battle.
“This is the place where mankind has won the final victory.”
The place where the battle between the Demon King and the Hero
took place.
The colonnade and the statues were all destroyed, and the land was
Even though it was a very large space,
there were traces of a violent battle in all places, and there were also
traces of the wall around the Demon King Palace being blown away
or collapsing as if it had been torn off by something.
"...It's an unbelievable sight to see that there were only two beings
fighting." At
this point, Xaviol
Lin Tana , the strongest person in the world, seemed to be
exhausted. I can't even it was a
"Another reported perceiving, Devil replaces Earl
I can't even guess if it was a powerful mana.... And Artorius's
strength against him is also the same...”
We walked out into the middle of the vacant lot.
“Lagann Artorius… that’s what it was like.”
Xaviolin Tana seemed shocked in a different way.
No matter how great Lagann Artorius was, he was not over 30.
Even with a strong party,
he killed the retired Grandmaster and even the Demon King
. Xaviolin Tana
seemed to be starting to wonder if that was even possible.
“Because the fight was a battle, the demon king’s body could not be
found, but Arturius was found right here, with the Alsbringer on the
ground, as if asleep
I didn't see this fight, I didn't describe it, but I know the truth.
Not even the Four Heavenly Kings, but it was not the power of
Lagann Artorius that defeated the Demon King.
That was the power of Alsbringer.
No one knows but me about the real uses of Alsbringer.
War God Als,
Als Bringer.
It is literally a sword that can summon the god of war.
In the first place, it was Lagann Artorius who became the incarnation
of Ars who fought the Demon King.
The price is life.
Artorius killed the Demon King at the cost of his own life.
Ludwig becomes the owner of the Alsbringer
Therefore, in the original development, it is said that Ludwig
eventually used the true power of Alsbringer.
So... As a
non-polar person, I was told that I did something crazy in this novel,
which started out as a daily routine, by finally killing the main
Charlotte returned the commander, saying that she was now guided.
From now on, stories that he shouldn't have started coming out. He
went back after saying it was okay to go upstairs, but never going
The Demon King's Palace had some soldiers roaming around for a
long time, but there weren't that many. If there was, he would have
been concentrating on searching the underground.
In the end, the commander said this and that, but we are not here to
tour a turning point in human history, but to find a clue that will
improve Charlotte's condition.
“Sir, do you feel anything?”
“…not at all.”
The place where the Demon King died.
He came there, but Charlotte didn't seem to feel anything. In the
end, it was just a place he came to . There is no remains of the
Demon King, and if there is anything called the Demon King's soul,
this is the place.
It is too vague to wish to remain in
First of all, too much time has passed.
. It's the place where the great battle took place, but there are no
traces left. there was nowhere to that.
"in the end geolkkayo can not help but wishing something in the
“But… it seems to be a lot more dangerous than we expected.”
“Whoa, that’s it.”
There is even a type of magic that attacks the mind, not just a trap
that activates when you step on the wrong footing.
“First, let’s look at the ground level, because there might be
something up there.”
There was nothing to be saved from the place where the last battle
took place.
However, the Demon King Palace is spacious.
Charlotte took the lead, saying that there are many
places to visit even if it is not underground .
Memories of the Demon King Castle are not very clear
. The
situation is urgent.
After meeting Charlotte , time flew by so quickly like a storm. I had
no room
in my heart, and every moment felt like I was running through a thin
ice sheet with all my might because of the thought that if I made even
the slightest mistake, I would die. It
was even more so because he was in a psychologically extreme
Xaviolin Tana said so quietly.
"Ummm... Sir Dyrus probably didn't have any good memories either. I
thought there was no need to bring them.”
“That is also true.”
Maybe I wasn’t the only one who thought so, Xaviolin Tana
Even as the memories of the devil in St. rithan Hvar and it Charlotte
also was the foundation day too. Charlotte was gonna. Most of the
time locked up in concentration camps
listed are not comparable with die Russ
To Charlotte, the Demon Castle must have been a place with only
terrible memories. Not only did he experience a horrendous
experience, but in the end, he awakened a strange power and killed
everyone in the concentration camp.
shock to cannibals.
The resulting despair, fear and disgust.
In the end, Charlotte
killed her mother and everyone else with her .
Charlotte didn't know what she was thinking about the trauma of that
time. He was just quietly walking through the corridors of the Demon
King's Palace
I also had a new feeling.
I am not being chased by anyone,
nor am I threatened with my life .
It wasn't easy, but I was able to watch the Demon King in a relaxed
The ceiling in the hallway was high and the
passageway was spacious overall .
I've been to all kinds of palaces.
Including the Palace of Spring, the Central Palace Tetra
, the White Palace Arnaria, and the Old Castle
However, the ceiling and passages of the Demon King were larger
and more spacious than normal.
“The scale is amazing. Is it necessary to be this wide...” |
“Because humans don’t go there.”
was Charlotte, not me, the demon prince who answered that.
“…Is that so?”
feel like a
real idiot because Charlotte tells me what I need to know .
I don't know right! Actually, I am not a demon prince!!
The demons must
be taller or taller than normal,
so it is correct to build them large unless they are huge monsters that
cannot enter the hallways and corridors, even if it is not a room .
Is this enough to get you around the ogres
Of course, not all the rooms were large enough for such a giant to
pass through.
there were traces of destroyed statues all over the hallway . The
destroyed pieces were erased, but looking at the size of the niche, it
was possible to guess that there were statues of considerable size .
Charlotte stopped in front of him.
“This is…”
“Why is that?”
“…I remember what Dyrus told me.”
Charlotte glanced over the broken statue.
“ Dyrus and… that… uh, uh …”
The kid, Charlotte said, He looked into my eyes and shut up while
He said he would forget about Bali. Are you sorry for taking the road
You just have to do it. I want to know why, but I'm like,
"Hey, hey, hey. Anyway, I entered the Demon King's Palace and
brought the teleport scroll. To rescue me. But when I
was about to leave the Demon King’s Palace, I was told that the
knights of Prince Salesian had attacked me to keep my mouth shut.”
“….. such a thing…”
seemed to be the first to tell Saviolin Tana about what had happened
in the Demon King’s Castle .
“At that time, I heard that the gargoyles suddenly became active and
attacked the knights. That's why I was able to get out safely....”
My memory, the memories of that time remained more vivid to me.
The Knights of the Duke of Salesian were trying to kill us,
and that's what I thought when I looked at the gargoyles .
Usually in this situation.
It was moving like that.
With this feeling, the
gargoyles were activated as if reacting to my thoughts and attacked
the knights, and one died on the spot.
“So it seems that all the stone statues have been destroyed.”
Since there was precedent, Charlotte seemed to have concluded that
it might be a gargoyle and then destroyed all the giant stone statues,
and that these were the traces.
Xaviolin Tana with her eyes closed
It was silent.
felt that she was having a hard time because of her beliefs and her
heart toward Charlotte.
It is the woman who promised to remain politically neutral.
However, the
fact that she was finally rescued after suffering all sorts of hardships
in the Devil's Castle, and that she was almost killed by Bertus's
minions would inevitably arouse passion in her.
Of course, it's not the first time you've heard of it, and you're
probably already familiar with it.
However, when
she returned to the scene and heard the words from her mouth, it
seemed that she was forcing herself to put up with her expression
In the first place, she is no longer neutral.
Although it is said to be for the survival of the Imperial Princess, the
act of
trying to save Charlotte's life itself is
no longer neutral .
Once Charlotte's safety is ensured, Charlotte's
troubles could be lifted, but that hasn't happened yet.
Her neutrality had already been shaken, and it was evident that she
was being shaken even more by the overly horrific work Bertus was
about to do.
The same thing happened to the demon king, and after that, he could
not be free from the aftereffects, so he even returned to the demon
king castle with terrible memories.
Even though she felt so sorry for Charlotte, Xaviolin Tana felt that she
had a lot of affection for Charlotte.
With Tana, you have to remain neutral.
"It's okay, Sir Tana."
Charlotte walks ahead again, speaking softly
“If the situation had been opposite, I would have done the same thing
Bertus was trying to do to me.”
Charlotte said calmly,
"Because that's how I knew what was going to happen to me in the
first place."
In the end, it's all just the same thing.
Bertus isn't particularly bad,
it's just the right thing to do in that situation. The
Demon King Goes to the Academy
Episode 351 The Demon King's
Palace is so large and huge , it takes quite a while to look around
each floor.
Most of the rooms were empty or dusty because all the food items
that could be corrupted or valuables that could be used for money
had already been taken
away. teongteong there were empty spaces.
there were thrones appear to Devil this was sitting throne room is
more than any throne room've seen so far was huge,
figured, it will be because the kidneys jegakgak of this coming
then turn the work floor Then I wandered around the upper floors. I
passed the scroll warehouse where I found the magic scroll.
Of course, the warehouse was empty.
And walking along the hallway, I had to
naturally arrive at that place
was not in
prison cell.
Charlotte nods her head.
"Yeah, that's where I was imprisoned."
A place full of terrible memories.
“You have to go in here… I don’t think there’s anything good about it.”
Charlotte seemed hesitant, but tried to turn around, feeling that
entering would only destabilize her state of mind.
There are no remnants of the Demon King here,
only trauma.
- Beetle
"Your Majesty!"
Charlotte suddenly stumbled as she walked, and Nie Tana supported
"it's okay?"
As he got closer, a
cold sweat was forming on Charlotte's forehead .
The shocking memories are reviving, so does it have an
effect on the body as well?
“It’s not a big deal… It’s just that, suddenly, my legs lost strength…”
not a memory that can be easily forgotten, and it must have been
even harder because I had even returned to the scene. Tana
entrusted me with Charlotte, who leaned on her.
“Please tell me for a moment. Find a place to rest.”
Charlotte leaned against me holding my arm, and Tana ran down the
Charlotte was holding her breath, as if she had been running hard.
“Do you think it’s dangerous now?”
“No… it’s not like that… It wasn’t
that the
power caused the seizure, it seemed like a symptom similar to
hyperventilation. Charlotte took a few deep breaths, then calmed
“I didn’t think it would be that good… but it’s also difficult.” |
only told me that she was the one
who killed all the people in the camp . I let Charlotte lean her back
against the wall and put her arm out.
how long has it been
"I've found a place to rest. Let's go there."
Saviolin Tana walked up to us and said this to us if she had looked
upstairs. After a
few more hallways and a few more floors, we arrived at a space that
looked like a bedroom.
There were no valuables in sight, but the
furniture was still there. After opening it and wiping the dust off the
sofa, Xaviolin Tana lays Charlotte on the sofa, and
Charlotte smiles vaguely, "Sir Tana, I'm not sick." "You still need to
rest a bit. Didn't you walk quite a bit today?"
“…haha, that’s right.”
Charlotte was lying on the sofa, breathing.
It was a strange feeling, not sure if I should be worried about having
a traumatic attack, or if I should be thankful that it wasn't a seizure of
power. Saviolin Tana was looking around the bedroom.
“...I searched for it in a hurry, but this... it seems to be the bedroom
of a person with a high level of stature even in the Demon King
"....Ah. That’s right.”
There were no valuables, but
all the large furniture remained. All luxury goods, which are
apparently in place Devil Castle is a delay might have been its highly
words of Xavier De Roo looked quite plausible.
no wonder.
I felt weird.
“Ttt… I can’t tell whose bedroom it was because it was all looted
indiscriminately. Of course it may not be that important, but...” |
Tana seemed to be thinking about the possibility that this might be the
Demon King's bedroom. In fact, it was
a bedroom to the extent that it was safe to even think about it.
Four Heavenly Kings or Demon Kings.
someone else noble.
Tana was opening the closet or rummaging through the drawers to
see if there was anything left in the room.
Charlotte suddenly struggled to get herself up from the sofa.
Xaviolin Tana rummaged through the drawers. He would have taken
away all the things that could make money, so there wouldn't be
anything special about it.
But somehow.
A strange feeling of anxiety burned through my body.
Xaviolin Every time Tana opens the drawers one by one.
A strong sense of incongruity that something is about to be
It was as if the warning of the gi-gam was piercing my heart with a
- Druckle
Saviolin Tana opened the drawer of the wardrobe and smirked.
“Certainly, there are some things that are unlikely to be worth the
She pulled something out of the drawer.
Even at a glance, the luxurious wooden case, the lid was opened, but
the contents
remained intact.
It was an item that someone was trying to take, but looked at the
contents and left it there.
"Biscuits....that's it."
Charlotte is the biscuit was looking at while we call floating eyes.
I also look anything so sit back teeth do not hesitate to commit
evil, it asked,
"You, Would you give me some?"
Charlotte, who has become
terribly calm, says so quietly.
“Your Majesty, you must have been hurt.”
“I’m not doing this to eat.”
"...? Oh, yes. Here it is."
Charlotte looks at the biscuit that Tana brought, which was wrapped
in a
package, in her hand, holding it in her hand .
Each biscuit individually wrapped.
Charlotte stares intently at it.
that at that time.
If you're hungry, eat this.
“You, you... you?'
"I'm fine. Eat yourself first.'
You, you... you eat too.'
The biscuit
, found in the bedroom of someone thought to have been a high-
status demon , in the same packaging as it was then . Charlotte
unwrapped the biscuit and broke it in half.
“Your Highness!”
Charlotte bites the biscuit despite Tana's insistence.
What did she feel?
Charlotte will never
forget. Even if she forgets everything, she will never forget the shape
and taste of the biscuit she ate
felt like the taste then, is not known.
a bite in the eyes of Charlotte kkaemun biscuits, tears were rolling
knew something Charlotte.
"....Majesty? Dude, why are you doing this?”
Even this biscuit is not convincing evidence after all.
But there was too much piled up.
There were some suspicious circumstances.
But in the end, I didn't want to believe it, something I tried to deny.
Denying the unbelievable truth has its limits.
Evidence and suspicion piled up.
Stacking up, stacking up, stacking up again.
A biscuit in a lead dog in a very luxurious case.
Do you think that something like this can't be rolled around anywhere?
Charlotte's thoughts went
on and on, and she must have come to a certain conclusion.
“Huh, uh… huh. under. flaw."
"Your Majesty! Why are you doing this?"
Now, it becomes an irreversible certainty.
“Huh, whoops! Whoa, whoa!”
Charlotte smiled like a madman with her back bent.
It seems to be true, but I still feel like I was doing it.
It seemed that even the vague thought that it might not have
completely disappeared.
What is Charlotte thinking?
In the end, would he think he was just being used to escape the next
demon king?
I couldn't figure it out.
However, Charlotte's laughter eventually turned into a heartbreak.
"...There is a bedroom larger than this inside, and it is presumed to
be the Demon King's bedroom."
Xaviolin Tana, who had looked around all the nearby rooms, said so
with a look of dismay.
Charlotte is the
was asking Ensure that the bedrooms
are The room that is further inside than the bedroom is
only one nearby a little bigger than this one.
In terms of scale, it is thought of as the Demon King's bedroom. I
don't know what the architectural philosophy of the Demon King's
Palace is, but what does the second luxurious bedroom right next to
the Demon King's bedroom mean?
Charlotte sat blankly with the box of biscuits in front of her.
After all, this was also not convincing evidence,
it seemed to Charlotte that it was psychological evidence for a final
conviction .
Charlotte had known for a long time
that Balier had nothing to do with the Demon King .
However, the successor of the Demon King has recently started
Charlotte gave no explanation,
but Tana seemed to know what Charlotte was thinking.
I was silent.
No matter what I say
, I can't comfort Charlotte now, and even if I could, it didn't seem like
it was my job.
My Majesty, I don't know why... but it's just a biscuit after all. This
is..., whatever the High Majesty's thoughts are, to be sure of
Saviolin Tana stopped to say something.
She doesn't know what this biscuit means to Charlotte.
Hearing Tana's words, Charlotte
nodded slowly .
Charlotte says so calmly.
"I just... I've given up now."
Charlotte has now stopped defending Balier in her mind as well:
I wanted to believe that the child who saved me is the Demon King's
son or heir
This cannot be strong evidence, but
enough evidence has accumulated to build a wall in Charlotte's
heart.The child that I saved at that time is the heir of the Demon King,
Charlotte is convinced that he is the main culprit in the demon raids
that have taken place in the imperial capital. .
"I just keep the questions heard. Then why did you save me... Why...
Why did you dare to save me even though you could have escaped
alone... So maybe not, because there is no reason to save me. So…
I wanted to believe… that it wouldn’t be.”
It was a situation where only I had to run away when I left the Demon
Castle with the teleport scroll. But I risked it with Dyrus to return to
Charlotte to save Charlotte.
That must have been the reason
Charlotte tried to trust me until the very end .
If you are the heir of the Demon King, there is no reason to risk your
life to save Charlotte. I'd rather let it die.
have no reason to save Charlotte, who should hate the Empire as
much as Artorius .
The Demon King is dead.
That was the last psychological barrier for Charlotte to think that
Balier might not be the Demon King's son.
But it's broken now.
“Now… I think I understand. Why did that child kill me?”
So, now Charlotte thinks.
The reason why the demon king's son had to save himself.
A good and reasonable
reason to risk your life .
Charlotte sees me this time.
“What resides in me is the power of the demon king or the spirit of
the demon king. Is that so..."
Charlotte muttered blankly.
Seeing Charlotte muttering like that gave me goosebumps.
seemed to know what conclusion Charlotte would come to .
"It didn't save me... it didn't save me... it didn't."
Charlotte looks at the biscuit blankly, and speaks slowly in a voice
filled with trepidation.
“I saved the spirit of the Demon King… that dwells in me…” Since he
was certain that Balier was the Demon Lord
’s son, that was the only rational conclusion that Charlotte could
I can never reach the idea that it was saved simply because I wanted
to save it in good faith.
Because there is no reason why the demon king's son has to save
the imperial princess.
lost the war
There is no way that the son of the demon king is unaware that the
princess is being held here, and that the spirit of the demon king
resides in the princess.
So, not to save the princess, but to save the soul of the demon king
who dwells in it.
In the future
, he has
no choice but to come to the conclusion that he risked his own life to
make the demon king resurrect in the heart of the empire .
“Huh, huh, bird, if you think about it… it was natural… it’s natural…”
Charlotte, who had not reached this conclusion earlier, was
smiling blankly as if she did not understand .
to such Charlotte.
not like that, you say, doing me wrong,
I just did not want you to die, was at that time I did not know even
who you are, that I fell asleep inside you
did not know any thing that uh.
I wanted to say.
heart someone seemed to be squeezing squeeze.
misunderstandings that can not get out of hand is to go large, and it is
called so reasonable misunderstanding
it could not be denied.
far side been watching you, haewatdago effort to keep in you
system, had wanted to say that it is still trying.
Valie, the .
However, if you reveal your identity, you die.
When it's revealed that I'm Valie, Charlotte will only feel betrayed.
Even if I control Charlotte's symptoms, they may think that it is for the
complete resurrection of the Demon King.
Certainly, there would have been sacrifices had it not been for
Charlotte to stop on the day Charlotte ran rampant, but Charlotte
would have died in the end.
The fact that no one saw how desperately I fought that day
helped to hide my identity, but it
also brought the problem that Charlotte herself had no idea how
seriously I fought for Charlotte.

The Demon King Goes to the Academy

Episode 352, the
search for the Demon King Castle above ground resulted in only
making Charlotte admit the truth she did not want to admit.
Charlotte came to the
conclusion that Balier had taken advantage of her from the start . It
was because the demons of logic that would have
been difficult to do according to the logic of not saving himself but for
the resurrection of the demon king fit perfectly.
So, right now, Charlotte was
not in a position to do anything more.
Because of the sense of betrayal, it seemed that all motivation had
Do you have any regrets for warning Elreris to run away?
At that time, Charlotte was already almost certain that I was the heir
of the Demon King.
However, there is only now confidence in the intention of Balier to
save him.
now it's clear
The moment my identity is revealed, Charlotte can't help but hate me,
even if no one else knows.
The important thing is that you find a way to completely improve
Charlotte's condition in the Demon Castle,
and you can implement it.
Otherwise, Charlotte will
be able to realize that my intention to protect Charlotte was pure,
even if her identity was revealed later .
no wonder.
Everything will be done on the premise that there will always be a
situation in which the identity will be revealed.
are thinking of
Can not help it.
If you're just going to live your temple life quietly, you
won't come across situations where your identity will be revealed.
But since it can't be done, various incidents are taking place.
Knowing that if the tail is long, it will be trampled on, there is no
choice but to lengthen the tail.
There was no situation in which further exploration was possible
, and there was nothing more to see since the above-ground part had
already been revealed.
I found a room in Balier that I didn't know
, and Charlotte was convinced of something because of it.
there were also questions that naturally arise .
The first place I woke up was not in Balie's room, but in the hallway.
I am the prince of the demon realm, Bali.
But I'm also not from Bali.
The real prince of the Demon Realm was not a very good prince. He
was an idiot who was lazy and had no ability.
He is a pathetic man who only trusted in the power of the Demon
King and flirted.
Although I used to use it as an easy excuse for losing my memory
don't know anything other than that Balier is just an ungrateful
But in Bali, I must have had a life before I became Bali.
He must have been doing something in Bali at the moment right
before the Demon King died. At that moment, I possessed Balier's
body, and
I saw Balier's room for the first time today.
The first place I woke up was in the hallway
Not a room, but a hallway.
It means you are going somewhere.
In Bali before I took possession, where the hell was he going?
To the battlefield of the Demon King, where the battle is in full swing?
In the weakened state of that time, which was no less than the height
of incompetence?
A question that I had never had before came to mind when I arrived
at the Demon King.
The VIP room of the garrison command.
It seemed to be a room prepared in advance for the high-ranking
nobles or soldiers who came out to inspect.
There were several bedrooms inside, just like a hotel, and it was a
comfortable place to stay for a few days.
Instead of sharing a room, we decided to share a room because we
didn't know what Charlotte's condition would be like in the middle of
the night. After all, the
bedroom was also divided, so it didn't matter.
It wasn't sunset, but it was also time for the sun to go down soon.
“I will come and find out about the search situation on the basement
“Yes, Sir Tana.”
Xaviolin Tana left the room briefly. Charlotte stared at me, hanging
the robe she had been wearing all day on a hanger.

“…I want to wash.”
Was there
anything like that that made him very shy to hear someone wash his
face ? I could see Charlotte trying to say something to me, but
hesitating because she was sorry.
"...I'll be out for a while."
As usual, Charlotte is not in a situation that can be touched.
I was outside the VIP room while Charlotte was washing up.
The hallway in front of the HQ VIP room.
The high wall of the Demon King's Castle was visible from the
secret place.
The underground is most likely, how do you get into it, and how do
you break through the trap?
There must be rangers and wizards who are accustomed to traps in
the garrison to uncover the secrets of the Demon King,
and the fact that they are struggling means that even if we go, there
will be no point.
- While
thinking about this and that, quite a bit of time had passed and
poked her head out the door with the sound of the door opening .
looked , and water was dripping from her hair, and her face was
flushed red.
"It is washed, uh ..."
'Re pouring Ah .... that makes a strange thought
Charlotte wearing a white dress to wear was wiped dry while looking
in the mirror, God the dew Ripper bibimyeo the hair.
Oh s someone It must always be a job for them, but in the temple,
they basically have to live alone, so
it wasn't particularly awkward to see Bertus and Charlotte doing that.
The dignity and authority of a princess, or
anything like that, was not felt very much. It feels like human rum.
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?”
As I continued to stare, Charlotte looked at me and asked if she was
conscious of her gaze
. just."
At my words, Charlotte looked in the mirror again
and dried her hair.
After a while, Charlotte, with her hair dry, came and sat down next to
A princess wearing only a white dress and slippers.
Charlotte, sitting next to me,
rests her head on me quietly .
Today, Salot must be very tired, so I didn't say anything.
“It’s not surprising.”
“The story I heard from Detto.
11 ILL
“…Is that right?”
That year we'll get married is a ghastly sound.
“When I first heard it, I wondered what this was. Your identity is badly
matched, and I think you're a good person,
but honestly... I wasn't interested in that
. " what."
“You are the champion of Tuan.”
"Identity? That is no longer a problem.”
Champion of Tuan.
The mere fact that I was chosen by God makes my status more
special than anyone else in the world.
The title is something else that cannot be compared with the royal
family or the imperial family.
“I don’t think emotions are a problem anymore.”
I have special feelings, Charlotte says calmly. It was a
strange confession that didn't resonate much because it was said so
plainly .
“I thought that prophecy was absolutely wrong.”
Do you think it's strange that the prophecy is not coming true
anymore? I couldn't say anything, so I just shut up.
“I still think it’s wrong, but the reason is so different from what it used
to be.”
"...What are you saying?"
Charlotte leans against me and looks up at me.
“I had no intention of marrying you.”
Charlotte looks at me and smiles.
“But now I am going to marry you.
Even if there is an angle, it sounds like you wouldn't do it from your
side in the first place."
Those words seemed to stop breathing.
It was too direct, so I couldn't do it because I was looking for
something to answer.
"You also shape the nature Because Majesty told married putting the
word edict
seems di throw away old.
" No, for, alternative brawling .... what is not .... "
beggars that does not replace what should I do? I can't say this or
that, let's be arrogant. Charlotte suddenly
grabbed my neck.
The scent from Charlotte's haircut hit the tip of her nose, perhaps
because she had just washed up. Charlotte trembled as she buried
her face in each neck.
"You don't have to love me. Reinhar."
“Nevertheless, promise me one thing.”
felt the water on the nape of her neck, and Charlotte was crying now,
"Don't betray me...."
Do me te I not want gun that love, betrayal not changed do.
Says you can.
Declares that any number can do.
Now that this much played concessions. You only this memo is dont
concessions in the sense of betrayal
that he would not betray word.
wet Charlotte that it becomes a lot about now as a psychic will be.
So you're asking me
She was afraid to open the door. It turned into stone with a single
you can do anything
"Of course."
But, the
moment you say that.
Already being untrue, I had betrayed Charlotte.
The further away from Balier, the closer Charlotte seemed to me.
And the moment when you feel that you have been completely taken
advantage of beyond giving up on your feelings for Bali.
It seemed that Charlotte had no choice but to cling to me even more.
My relationship with Charlotte only adds to my guilt.
Just as Charlotte is somewhat obsessed with me, I will eventually
become obsessed with Charlotte
A certain obsession mixed with such a sense of duty that I want you
to live happily ever after.
So it's hard for
me to lie to Charlotte every moment, but I ca n't let Charlotte go .
And, this
is not a single room.
So, there is a problem.
"Uh -huh ."
While Charlotte was hanging on me, Xaviolin Tana returned.
Charlotte froze, clinging to me and
not looking back .
It was like I was frozen with eye contact with her.
It is a good situation to be misunderstood.
No, it's not a misunderstanding either.
Tana seemed to hate herself for opening the door without even
knocking, and Charlotte seemed to hate herself after she had acted
out of nowhere.
After a long time, thoughts can be
read from Tana's expression .
'What did I see?'
'Should I leave?'
'No, I've already seen it, what if I go out?'
'Should I dry it?'
'No, why dry it?'
"What do I say?'
'What if?'
'I want to go back five seconds!'
In the end, Tana had a stiff expression on her face, as if nothing had
happened, and with a stiff movement she stepped back and closed
the door
Charlotte fell away from me.
After making a confession to me, Charlotte
's face was blushing, astonished at herself that she had never thought
that anyone might have seen this scene .
“I, I, well, well… well…”
staggered into the bedroom, as if her soul had been sucked in , and
quietly closed the door.
"... the VIP room is only one of the group."
The alternative is Tana De Xavier's face I do not know what you want
to relax a sigh eojjaeya said that.
it goes beyond that to avoid the other place had to sleep in the room?
You like this things do not happen'm going to stop?
"I have, this thing .... What the ... what to eojjaeya"
Apparently I've Bubba distance, Charlotte Bo ceremony she was
more severe damage to the mental
seemed evident dressed crab .
Biting her lips, she carefully opened her mouth.
"That... contraception is... You should be sure..."
What is this?
- Tickle!
"No! No! No! No!"
A completely unexpected sound came out, so I forgot what I was
and Charlotte, who opened the door, blushed and shouted a whale
whale. Whether
Charlotte is crawling into the room or pretending to be asleep, she
hasn't even stepped out of the room today. Do not come all
, and sheep, Xavier De Roo was frozen out of the stand idly sit on the
couch as if surprised himself by the even more serious shenanigans
were oh.
"I ... what the hell are you talking about ...."
...I think it was something an adult could say, but it was a
sudden move.
Words usually come out suddenly without realizing it, and
that was the case with Tana.
In some cases, it's blasphemy for sure.
Charlotte won't bother and I'm glad no one heard it.
At this rate,
it is clear that Tana will be mentally out of shape all day .
“It is a misunderstanding. whatever you think.”
" it?"
A room with only two people.
A man and a woman hugging.
Can a
misunderstanding be established in that situation ?
look at me with that look
No, I mean, I
can think of all kinds of things, but that's not it!
“We talk about work.”
"Work? Ah... ah yes. Work."
Saviolin Tana seems to have completely forgotten why she came
here. She coughed a few times.
“I heard about the underground search from the commander... It was
As soon as we started talking about work, the person's attitude
She laid out the map she had brought on the table.
The underground search situation was there.
“Explore the basement to the fifth floor has been completed. Including
cellars, dungeons, bottles
There were places like armories, and large breeding grounds where
the beasts were raised or kept. Although it is expressed as five
floors, the scale of the facilities is so large that the basement of the
Ma Royal Palace is actually bigger than the ground level.”
The basement of the Demon King's Palace. Even looking at the map,
was quite large.
“Most of the underground passageways have been searched and all
treasures have already been
"Are you down there? The search isn't
over yet?"
“Yeah, a few months ago, while searching the 5th basement floor,
you found a secret stairway leading down to the depths.” “Is there a
sixth floor?” "Yes."
Instead of a circular staircase leading
to the basement , where Saviolin Tana had been obscured, it was
seen that a new door had been drawn on one half of the class, and
another circular staircase leading to the basement had been drawn
under it.
However, nothing was painted on the lower part of the circular
“The stairs go all the way down here. You can go down for hours."
“However, if you go up a few steps again, you will reach the 5th
Saviolin Tana speaks with a firm expression on her face
“Soon, from the 6th floor, it’s a labyrinth.”
don’t know if there are really only 6 floors, or if there are actually 7 or
8 basement floors, or even deeper stairs . It
's no use drawing a map after exploring the 6th floor. It seems that
the structure keeps changing every time you explore. Even the traps
seem to be re-created as their structures change no matter how
much they are dismantled .”
The commander was overly succinct.
The trap wasn't the problem, it was an unknown labyrinth below the
6th floor
“I thought I was going to be reprimanded by my Highness, so I
purposely shortened it too much
. There was not even a report to the imperial family about this
underground labyrinth. In fact, it must be said that the search for the
6th floor and lower has not been carried out at all.”
“…that’s what it is.”
"It's an understandable situation. Even the magicians don't know what
the magic is in the labyrinth, and there are too many casualties.
Injuries are just too many , and there are a lot of people who don't
know life or death."
The , had no choice but to give up on the search,
It was recently discovered that there is labyrinth beneath Demon
King's Castle.
The commander deliberately did not talk about the labyrinth, and said
that the basement was dangerous. He had deliberately not explained
properly for fear of being reprimanded or dismissed from the position
for not confessing to the princess about the labyrinth
In the original story, of course, that labyrinth would never have been
unearthed. Because the commander was trying to cover up the fact
that the labyrinth existed. If the imperial family knew of this, they
would have told them to send in more soldiers, and the result would
be the injuries or death of many soldiers.
it was not At first, I thought this was an inspection, so I had no choice
but to do so. I would have thought that I would go back after looking
But we're not here to inspect, we're here to explore. So Saviolin Tana
to know what was in the basement, so she must have made the
confess the truth, and the
underground labyrinth of the Demon King's Palace .
The structure of the labyrinth is constantly changing and the traps
are being regenerated, so there
is no point in dismantling the traps and moving forward .
Therefore, the commander is waiting for the evacuation order to be
issued, rather than increasing casualties by pouring people into the
labyrinth meaninglessly. Although it was negligence, it
could not be a negligence of duty that the soldiers at the garrison
were truly grateful for .
I agree that human life is precious, but since Tana Xaviolin found out
about this, it seems that the commander's head is left behind.

The Demon King goes to the academy

To go to the labyrinth or not? Surprisingly, the answer came easily.
next day.
“Let’s go.”
It was because Charlotte, who heard the explanation about the
labyrinth, made such a light decision.
“… Your Majesty, it is too dangerous.”
Naturally, Tana shook her head to discourage Charlotte.
“If someone other than me was going to be sent instead, there would
be no reason to come here. willing to take risks
I have enough.”
Charlotte is right.
If you were going to come all the way here and let other people do
the work for you, you only need to give instructions from the Palace
of Spring, not here.
I came here to do something myself, but if you were going to point
and point from here, there was no reason to come.
“There is still a labyrinth that has not been reported. did not find out
that Wouldn't it be possible to safely enter the labyrinth after taking
the time to find out the identity of the labyrinth?"
“Sir Tana, I’m not sure how much time I have left.”
At Charlotte's heavy words, Tana bit her lip.
“To unravel the magic of that labyrinth,
How many months will it take? It might take several years. And in the
meantime I'll be safe
There are no guarantees anywhere.”
Charlotte looks at me for a moment.
“I’m not even sure how long Reinhardt’s words can stabilize my
condition. I'm just waiting recklessly, this power completely engulfs
You can’t wait until it releases.”
“Your Majesty….
There's no reason to go anywhere.
is. And there is no evidence anywhere that there will be a way to
completely solve your condition in the labyrinth. There must be
something, but no one knows if it is what you need.”
Xaviolin Tana almost pleaded that
said so. Charlotte is quiet, Saviol
look at lintana
"Sir Tana."
“Yes, my lord.”
“If I cannot fully recover from this state, I would rather die.”

As if I heard something unbelievable
Violin Tana muttered blankly.
I'd rather die
Knowing what Charlotte was thinking, I clenched my fists involuntarily.
“That child, no, the current demon king was trying to save himself by
doing his best.
To protect the spirit of the Great Demon King
At the same time, it must have been because when I die, the spirit of
the Demon King who dwells in me will also disappear. So when I die,
the spirit of the Demon King who dwells in me will also disappear.”
So, it's not a bad thing for me to fall into a trap in the labyrinth and
Charlotte says quietly.
“Sir, what the hell are you talking about!”
"For the sake of the Empire, it's not bad for me to die..." "Hey."
I couldn't stand it anymore and called Charlotte. Charlotte looks at
me at my subdued voice.
What do you say, in front of whom
It was a look on his face as if he had just realized that he was there.
“If you say that…”
with mourning
"What the hell am I?"
I risked my life to save you, I don't care if I die, I'd rather die
You say it might be better.
“……I’m sorry… I’m sorry. Reinhardt.”
Charlotte kept her eyes down at my words.
shrugged his shoulders.
Convinced of the truth of Balier, Charlotte gained another conviction
that the spirit of the Demon King was within her. If not, I don't think
the Demon Lord can save himself.
So, it's too late for Charlotte to have the demon lord pour it all
through her body.
A natural conclusion that might work
has reached
It might be better to die before that happens, Charlotte thought so.
But it's to save Charlotte
Me and Saviolin Tana who risked my life
It was too harsh to say before. whether that statement is true or not.
Charlotte thought she had spoken harshly,
I apologized to me and Tana over and over again.
“Still… I think it’s right for me to go myself.”
But the idea itself is bound to change.
If the Demon King is trying to resurrect through Charlotte's body, I
think it's right for me to die even for the sake of the Empire.
that I have to take the risk myself.
Charlotte's thoughts were that of the imperial family and the empire.
It comes from a mind that puts safety first. You can't blame yourself.
You can't break Charlotte's thoughts, and there's no reason to break
It was painful to hear Charlotte's words, but I must enter the
Tana watches Charlotte like that.
He took a deep breath.
“I said that not everyone was lost and not killed or injured. rather
There are a lot of people who wander the road a little and then come
It is true that there are wounded, dead, and non-returnees. But it
seems that they are not the majority.
"You can go in for a short time and come back if it's dangerous."
In the end, Tana decided that she couldn't break Charlotte's
It may become dangerous someday, but Satan will not rise in a few
days. Therefore, it is possible to explore the labyrinth slowly and
prepare for danger.
Of course, he said that he was heading to the underground labyrinth.
The garrison commander, Earl Alfred, in the sorority, deterred us.
“No, my lord! You don't know how dangerous it is to go there..."
"That's Okay."
But Charlotte cut the commander's words in the middle with a cold
“You seem to be worried about what will happen to me if something
happens there.
Of course, even if I went in
Just because you let me in
You will also be punished.”
He couldn't stop the princess from heading to a dangerous place. So
Charlotte is in danger.
If you are in trouble or die in any case,
The head of the mound, Earl Alfried, will have his throat blown away.
So, he has no choice but to stop the princess from heading to the
“But if you don’t let me go, I will pay for the omission of reporting on
the Underground Labyrinth of the Demon King’s Castle.
I will make you pay.”
He hid very important information about the Demon King. That alone
is reason enough to make your neck fly.
If the princess is not allowed to enter the labyrinth, she will die.
Even if the princess enters the labyrinth and dies, she dies.
Charlotte looked at the commander and spoke briefly.
“So, don’t do anything in vain and pray for me to come back safely.”
There was nothing the commander could do other than that.
He was just looking at us as we headed to the underground labyrinth
with a bewildered expression.
The next morning after arriving at the Demon King's Castle.
After we finished eating at the garrison, we headed back to the
Demon King's Castle.
It was okay to get help from the wizard, but Charlotte had a negative
Except for the commander in the first place, no one in the garrison
knew that the princess was here. And in the labyrinth, you are trying
to solve Charlotte's very important secret.
There was nothing good about it because there were so many people
who knew it, so only the three of them decided to move.
To reach the entrance to the underground labyrinth, you have to go
down to the 5th basement level through the circular staircase.
“It’s overwhelming.”
Xaviolin Tana mumbles blankly
it was about
First of all, the corridors and passages are much larger than the
general size of the Demon King Castle.
The circular staircase is already a large building in itself.
It was no different than a livestock, and the underground space was
It was large and spacious.
It is not the concept of the 5th basement floor of an ordinary building.
Each floor is very large
It was so huge that I had to go down the circular stairs for a long time
to go down from the first basement floor to the second floor.
The labyrinth had not already been searched, so there were soldiers
on the basement floor, but it felt like they were wasting time rather
than searching hard.
Even if it doesn't feel like an underground city, Demon Lord
The castle's armies are actually outside barracks
I would have lived here instead of
is estimated to be
It was that huge.
After going down for a while to reach the 5th basement floor, the
circular staircase ended just then. “It would be a job to climb this
again.” Charlotte took a deep breath, as if exhausted just coming
down. Of course, it was okay for me and Tana.
On the 5th basement floor, lights were lit everywhere and there were
iron bars.
"Is this... a prison?"
Charlotte has iron bars everywhere and inside.
He tilted his head, looking at the space on the other side. Xaviolin
Tana looked at the map and shook her head.
“It wasn’t a prison, it was a beast breeding ground.
Seems to."
A space where magical beasts were bred. At that, Charlotte nodded
“So they are all different sizes.”
“I will.”
“Then the beasts here…”
“Most of them were mobilized during the siege.
Presumed to be, the remaining magical beasts
It seems that the wealth was safely disposed of."
Of course he would have been killed.
I remembered the procession of the prisoners I saw when I came out
of the Demon Castle.
The appearance of numerous demon prisoners, including the ogres,
who broke the chains and rushed to help me escape.
It wasn't a very good memory. The vast number of demon prisoners
lost their will to the death of the demon king,
All the hope that remained of me, who was just a demon lord
died on the
I am planning something completely unrelated to the wishes of those
I think this is right though.
I have betrayed Charlotte, and I will betray Sarkegaar in the smallest
and even the Darklands in the end.
Following Xaviolin Tana's footsteps, I walked silently.
Passing the 5th floor Beast Breeding Center, where Saviolin Tana
headed while looking at the map
It was a small iron fence at the end of the beast breeding grounds.
It was a small room that felt a bit like a prison, rather than a beast
breeding ground.
“Yes, this is the entrance to the labyrinth.”
A relatively recently discovered secret door.
Through the open stone wall, another circular staircase leading down
was visible.
The height of the stairs going down did not go well with the large
Demon King Palace.
It seemed to be a little over 3 meters,
It was only wide enough to pass four people.
The circular stairs that I had descended so far had railings and were
open in all directions, so I could see the scenery of the underground
spaces. However, the circular staircase in front of us now was
blocked off on all sides by a stone wall.
You don't know where you're going, and you don't know when it will
On the wall of the circular staircase, a magic lamp is displayed.
A white light was illuminating the stairs.
“Sir, even if I go down first…” “I might get lost.”
Xaviolin Tana finally seemed to want to check the danger herself first,
but Charlotte wouldn't allow it.
“Even if you get lost, it will be less scary to lose your way together.”
It might be better to die, but I'm afraid
Charlotte was shivering right now, because it wasn't without tears.
The three of us took the first step on the circular staircase leading to
the labyrinth.
If this wasn't the place I wanted, but just a labyrinth, the result would
be that I just ran into danger on my own.
will come
How many steps did you go down?
Xaviolin Tana let out a sigh.
“...the entrance is already...”
The circular staircase continues down
However, on the right, an already opened passage appeared.
It was on the 5th basement floor until recently, so this must have
been the 6th floor.
The open hallway wasn't that wide. It was not dark because there
were magic lights embedded in every certain distance in the hallway.
And the door at the end of the hallway
One was placed in a lump.
However, the long straight corridor
We were not willing to step in.
The stairs are not finished.
You can go further down, or enter this hallway and enter the labyrinth
in earnest.
You can go all the way down for hours
However, once you start going up, you will return to the small cage on
the 5th floor that you just went down to.
I'm not sure if there's something in the passageway following this
one, or something in the door at the end of that hallway.
The moment you enter the labyrinth, you may not be able to return.
The magic in the labyrinth is a wizard because even the wizards in the
garrison do not know what it is.
Bringing in won't change anything.
“I wonder if it’s right to go in here…”
Xaviolin Tana was not able to easily make a choice. Because if you
go in the wrong way, you may not be able to come back.
Charlotte looked at the door at the end of the straight hallway.
he let out a groan.
“That door, I feel rather reluctant because it seems to be appealing to
me to open it too much.”
“…I think so too.”
The door at the end of the hallway. As I was walking to open that
door, I felt like I was going to fall into a trap. Is the door too open?
I couldn't help but think like that.
Charlotte is concerned.
“I’ve come all the way here, but I still can’t leave.”
It seems like an obvious trap, but it is impossible not to.
Charlotte came in first, followed by me and Tana Xabi Olin.
Just because it was inside the labyrinth, it didn't make a big
difference. If the terrain suddenly changes or the exit disappears
I thought about doing it all.
"'s a little creepier because nothing's going on."
Looking back, the entrance we came in was the same, and there was
no sudden change of terrain or the group splitting apart.
“But let’s proceed cautiously.”
Xaviolin Tana pulled out a scrollbook from her arms.
The reason I didn't call the wizard was because I already had an
object to replace the role of the wizard.
seemed to have had it.
“It’s trap detection magic.”
- Flash!
A brilliance arose once from the scroll.
"...there doesn't seem to be any magical traps to be detected...but
let's be careful just in case you don't know."
Magic traps are not detected, but physical
It is possible that there may be a pitfall.
If all traps could be filtered out with detection magic, there would be
no way for wizards to have fallen into the traps.
Soon, Saviolin Tana's body was covered with blue magic.
“Keep your distance from me and follow me.”
As if she had raised her senses to the maximum, she slowly took the
lead, looking in all directions. For any physical trap, she will react
before the trap is triggered.
it could have been
Focus as much as possible on your step, walls and floor, and sound.
The straight hallway wasn't very long, but time passed slowly
because I was walking carefully step by step.
"...Is there no trap? Or...Is it already caught in a trap?
I don't know.”
At the end of the hallway, until we reached the door, there was no
sign of a trap. In the back, the entrance we had come in was still
When I go back, I can go out anytime
looked like
Charlotte looks at the wooden side door in front of her and says with
a firm expression.
“Beyond this gate may be the beginning of the real labyrinth.”
There is nothing special about it,
It was just one door that could be anywhere.
Is it true that Charlotte says that if this door is opened, beyond that
may be the beginning of the real labyrinth?
Charlotte put her hand on the doorknob.
"Majesty. I...."
"Nope. I will do it."
Charlotte shook her head at Tana's words as she was about to open
the door, not knowing what might happen.
You yourself have to endure something. as if
- rattle
Charlotte grabbed the doorknob and opened it.
The expectation that the labyrinth would begin now was wrong.
Upon opening the door, there was a huge cavity.
No matter how I looked at it, I couldn't see it as a maze.
A space that cannot be called a labyrinth.
A huge magic lamp was lit on the ceiling of the huge cavity. We slowly
made our way to the space, little by little, vigilantly.
Such an open space cannot be called a labyrinth.
"Here... what is it?"
Charlotte looked around and muttered blankly. The cavity was not
On one side of a very large space, on the floor
A magic circle that looks like it is only drawn
there was
There was a weapon stand in a corner, and there were spears,
swords, swords and maces, and other weapons on it. And there
were several scarecrows nearby.
“I haven’t heard of this yagin that has ever reached a space like this.”
It's okay to have only one heartbeat
it was you
There are different places in the circular cavity.
There was a passage that seemed to lead.
When I looked, there was no door, and I could see the inside.
i know what happened
It seemed
We didn't come into the labyrinth.
Without going through the labyrinth, into a secret space
It just moved right away. labyrinth
I don't know what the hell this is, but it's definitely a reaction to me or
There is no exit in the labyrinth in the first place, and only the
Archdaemon is going to this place, not the labyrinth.
It is sure to come right away.
The passages in the cavity are different for each dragon.
It led to the doo room.
We moved slowly, checking the rooms one by one.
What looks like a bedroom.
A view of the kitchen.
A room with many unknown potions.
A plantation that appears to be capable of growing plants.
Storage with reagents.
huge food warehouse,
“What the hell… what is this?”
Charlotte and Xaviolin Tana didn't seem to know what the hell this
place meant.
I thought I knew what this place was.
This is a bunker.
Then the question was solved.
In Bali before I took possession, he must have come here.
This labyrinth is the commander's arbitrariness in the original
Because of this, it would not have been known to the imperial family.
No, even if it was known to the imperial family, it is of no use.
It is not a labyrinth in the first place.
Whether you reacted to Charlotte or reacted to me,
You cannot reach this place unless you come with the Archdaemon.
Soon, this bunker is safe.
All the premises I had thought of up until now have collapsed.

The Demon King Goes to the Academy

Episode 354
: In the underground labyrinth of the Demon Lord's Castle, there was
a bunker
“Your Majesty… Apparently, we certainly didn’t enter the labyrinth.”
"I think so. I don't know if I should call it an exit, but it's clear that I
came straight to a place beyond the labyrinth."
Tana and Charlotte
seemed to have noticed that this was their real destination . No
matter how much I look at this place, I can't see it as a labyrinth.
“I think the reason we arrived here is… In the first place, the labyrinth
lead only the Demon King to the right place
“ Sir …”
Knowing what that means, I look at Charlotte with a sad gaze. I was
watching . “I… I must be in a state that is virtually no different from
the Demon King.”
What the reaction to me respond to Charlotte
know is what did.
But the labyrinth is and the length that shows only arc daemon, we
are through the way
abandoned to reach the right destination without question the
labyrinth year.
Charlotte's hand on the wall of the bunker He brings it up and looks
“If you think about it that way, this space
is actually equivalent to the 6th floor of the Demon King’s Castle.
I do not doubt spatial awareness." |
If the labyrinth is actually on the 6th floor, then just leaving it on the
5th floor and going down will be enough to get you to your destination
without getting lost in the labyrinth.
“The entrance of the secret passage looked like a simple
passageway, but if it functions as a portal, there is a good chance
that we have come to a completely different space, not the Demon
As Tana said, there was
a good chance that this was actually a place very far from the Demon
Teleport could
not be used in Demon Castle, but
there is a possibility that warp gates are limitedly installed.
I don't know how it will actually be.
However, the important thing is that if any starting point in the secret
passage functions as a portal
, there is a high possibility that the strict
ones will be blown into the labyrinth and the Arcdemon will be sent to
the proper place .
But in the end, principles are not so important to us now.
We arrived
at the secret space of the Demon King .
“Should I call it a refuge? It
feels like that.”
“It looks like that.”
In this huge space, a large amount of
permanently preserved food was stored in the food storage.
Equipment for training also includes magic and weapons
Regardless of what was piled up, reagents and plantations for
alchemy were also prepared.
I was
looking around this bunker with a sense of serenity in a different way
than Charlotte and Tana .
It is a space where you can live alone for a very long time.
At the same time, equipment for training is also prepared.
Most of the books in the library were magic books.
They would have come here to Bali, and they would have arrived.
In the original version, Balie would have been alive
. Right in this bunker.
It gave me a very ominous feeling.
Demon King Balier Jr., who must have burned his revenge while
watching the destruction of the Darkland.
Did Balie, who was a fool, sharpen his teeth here and spur his
training in order to take revenge on humans?
If so,
is it not Ganthus Magna or Akasha, but Valerie who caused the
Gates incident?
If I'm the culprit behind the Gates incident, what's the point in
everything I do?
Isn't it right for the whole world to do nothing?
nothing is known.
It is known that Valerie was alive at the time of the original story, but
there is no evidence anywhere that Valerie was causing the Gates
If you don't do anything, in the end, if
Kantus Magna and Akasha were the problem, then the gate incident
would happen.
But what if they are irrelevant? Fine
Hebrews geondeuryeoseo something wrong that I gay
if it's happening a bit the situation?
In the original, Balier would have been an incompetent guy. My body
data at the time tell me.
That guy had a sense of revenge.
After only studying for two years, is it really
possible to become a wizard powerful enough to cause the Gates
My growth rate, using something like cheats, is also unmatched, so I
wonder if
Balier could have grown faster than me? Wouldn't that be impossible?
It felt like my head was going to break.
I have never been so afraid of not knowing the future.
“If only the demon lord could enter this place, the current demon lord
could also enter here.”
Unlike me, who was struggling with a completely different problem,
Tana was also struggling
with her own concerns .
| "But I don't
know why you didn't come here ..." A
prepared bunker.
I didn't know this place, so I couldn't come here. In the
to be "than they would survive, Matt King fleet survive something
more important It must have been hard.”
end, this also has its own reasons.
To survive and become stronger Rather, it was better to plan for the
resurrection of the already strong Demon King, so I saved Charlotte.
Therefore, the bunker remains as it is in the Demon Castle, without
receiving the people who should have come. Charlotte looks around
the bunker,
examining each room.
"It doesn't look like there's a
particularly great treasure. It's because it's a refuge, but..." There
were no special treasures or artifacts that looked like it. Still, there
must have been some incredibly powerful weapons
and artifacts stored there
for Valerie . Of course
if it's a very powerful artifact, you
should think about using it to win the war.
Hiding a powerful artifact
here for the future is itself an act of presupposing defeat.
Powerful artifact here It is possible
that the Demon King did not hide here, so this bunker will eventually
be for Bali. when the devil is defeated because earning a top place
for the time to grow to avoid the body.
worry about what the capabilities of the real Bali degree was an is
hagoseo one aside.
now I bought before at the same time design powers.
the Bali If the main culprit of the gate incident is to study magic here
in Bali, then the place to
would .
If so, the place you should check out is Seogoda.
Among the spell books in the library, if there is a magic related to a
portal to another world, you
can burn that spell book.
Then everything I have to do is done easily.
Cold sweat ran all over his body.
If this is the starting point for all your problems, you can end it all by
burning a few books.
You no longer
have to live with dangerous things .
While Charlotte and Tana each
explored the place , I
headed to the library, one of the many rooms in the common room.
The wind was it.
The books in the library are written in Demon language.
Otherwise , a situation arises where it makes no sense for me to
read it .
So, if possible, the spellbooks should be written in the official
language so that even if I read them, Tanah and Charlotte would not
doubt me.
If there is a language problem, you have
to bear the hassle of having to
come here alone later, not now .
The size of the library was quite large.
I didn't know about magic, but I could read the name of the spell book
Starting with the introductory book and the introductory book, very
thick books were piled up on the bookshelf.
I have no intention of studying magic.
The book I needed to find was a book related to another world.
And, if there is, it
would be nice if there was something about the magic that the Demon
King gave to Charlotte . I'm still not sure if Charlotte was really
magical or what, but there are so
many bookshelves that it would take a month to go through all the
titles of the book, and if the title
doesn't hint at another world, I'll have to go through all the contents. it
It would be nice if I could come back with a guy with a knowledge of
I like Harriet, and I like Elerys and Lucy-sama.
This is Darkland.
Soon, there is a high possibility that there are only magic or secret
books of demons that humans do not know.
As I passed the introductory books, other magic
books caught my eye one by one.
[Book of Salamandra]
[About Necromancy]
[Introduction to the Art of Reception] The Art of Reception
I had to stop in front of the book.
It was a very thick book.
About the soul (攝魂).
is a book about how to deal with the soul . I don't know if this is also
in the general magic system or if it's the magic of the Demon King.
demon king's soul that resides in Charlotte's body, then it must have
been related to this enchantment.
I carefully pulled out the book.
It would be impossible to recognize if we moved on to a specific
magic formula, but the introduction was readable.
[Suphyeon is
a study of how to deal with the soul , and if you want to master it, you
must first understand the
soul ...] , it was written in overly pedantic rhetoric, so I couldn't
understand what this meant.
However, as soon as I read it with patience, I was able to arrive at
the part I wanted.
[Those who have mastered the art of reconciliation are able to
discern spirits that are otherwise indivisible, to be able to manipulate
the spirit itself of others, to mix spirits with each other, to transform a
spirit into a spirit itself, It
can cause
things that are not normally possible, such as turning a living person
into a ghost, pulling out a soul and transplanting it to someone else .]
[However, in order to do such things, complete understanding of
byeokhan bayida Incidentally addition to the need.]
the minutes of the soul.
It would mean dividing the soul of being.
mix the soul
It would mean that you can mix the souls of different beings.
The previous demon lord Balie, the master
The magic used on Charlotte is this enchantment.
been of .
Demon Lord Balie divided his soul and put a part of it in Charlotte.
It is obviously derived from the field of magic called
couldn't confirm if there was any magic related to this world yet, but
I found another magic book I needed .
began to pick out from the bookshelves one by one the other texts
derived from the introduction to the introductory spirit, written in the
footnotes of the introduction .
There were a total of more than six books related to the magic of
inquisition. And the thickness of each volume was about three times
that of a fairly ordinary encyclopedia.
“What is this… what is it all about?”
Tana and Charlotte stared blankly at the books as I took them out
and started stacking them on the table in the common hall.
"I think the magic used on you must be something like this."
“I, really!”
Charlotte opened her eyes when she saw the books that had started
to pile up, among them the dog
guides .
“Yeah, there are no artifacts here, but it seems like there are magic
secrets from the demon world.”
In order to grow Balier, the visions of the demon world, including
powerful spells, were in the library.
There is no treasure here, but the real treasure will
be the magic books in the library.
There were other ideas derived from it.
Humans don't know that it's the art of engagement.
is a magic system, and if the things in that library contain visions and
prohibitions used by demons, including demon kings
forbidden alcohols they may be able to draw Cantus Magna as bait.
Whether that's something to do or not will require some deliberation,
Tana and Charlotte aren't wizards either, but
started reading the introductory part of the introductory book I saw .
is clear that both of them are feeling the emotions I felt .
"Magical systems deal with the souls ....."
Charlotte was vibrating and shaking your hand, Xavier De Roo
seemed to doubt their own eyes
soon, Charlotte is able to gets to things that makes mastering the
interference honsul As if he had even read the part about the subject,
he shut his mouth and shut his mouth
“I found it.... this... this... this... this is what it was...”
It is a book with a lot of controversy.
But royal magic In any case, if anyone can master this art of
Charlotte's condition will improve. If
that happens, Charlotte will think that
I did not help the Demon King resurrect even if my identity is revealed
" Thank you... Thank you Reinhardt.”
Charlotte trembled and gently hugged me, and I hugged Charlotte like
Charlotte will be able to improve.
Having taken on the new problem of surviving Baliera, I
could never feel at ease .
There was no treasure in the bunker, but there were more books
sleeping than the treasure.
The magic of Darkland only, or only of the Demon King.
| 11
There were obviously some general magic books, but there were
also magic books that corresponded to this week, and there were
also magic books that had only the name of the magic written without
even knowing what type of magic it was. Of course, there could be
something like that because I'm not familiar with magic, but
"This is... my problem is also a problem, but it's a huge discovery."
Charlotte determined that the real value of the bunker was in the
library, and it was true. Me, Tana, and Charlotte entered the library
and were browsing through the magic books on the bookshelves.
“I think it would be good to bring the royal wizard with me in the
future. Of course... Your Majesty will have to come back in person."
Charlotte must come personally to reach this bunker.
And it will be true. However, not only Charlotte but I can also enter
this bunker. And if you come again with an expert on magic,
you will be able to understand the true value of the magic books here
"For now, let's just take the book about incarnation." You don't know
what will happen if you release too dangerous magic into the world
“Yes, my lord.”
Rather than recklessly
recovering this spell book, Charlotte took the risk of the Demon King's
He took
the position that he had to be careful about releasing one magic book
to the world .
That choice is better for me too.
If all of the magic books in this library were transferred to the
Imperial Family, they would be out of my hands. These spellbooks
important as magic itself, but for me, they are
bait to use when contacting Canthus Magna, who may exist in the
future .
Just as Cantus Magna has come into contact with Antirian because
he has a lot of alcohol, I will be able to contact Cantus Magna with
these spellbooks as bait.
So, it is better for these spellbooks
to remain
in this place, except for books on the art of reincarnation .
or not Balier is the culprit of the Gates incident is still unknown.
Is it fortunate or unfortunate?
Regarding magic related to this world, at least there was no magic
book that could be recognized only by the title of the book.
The possibility that Baliega was the cause of the gate incident was
slightly lowered by this.
Charlotte's expression as she scanned the bookshelves was full of
"If I return to my original state, this
You'll never be able to come back to the place, right?"
"I don't know, but... I think it might be."
It would be natural if the demon king's soul was removed, but it is
natural that Charlotte cannot pass through this labyrinth that only
opens the way to the demon king.
“Then, I will collect these magic books before I remove the demon
king’s soul from my body.”
You can get out of a situation where your soul is being eroded.

The Demon King goes to the academy

that time.
Ellen had just returned to the emperor after a break in her hometown
of Rizaira. I was curious about the secret of my hometown, but my
parents just said it wasn't the time to know yet.
However, Ellen is different from her brother, but in the end she has
two holy things just like her brother.
sun god cloak,
He could have returned a little earlier, but the delay was to get used
to the use of the sun god's cloak.
Ellen was going to show Reinhardt the Sun God's cloak before
anyone else. To prepare for the battle with the demon king, get one
more holy relic
it has been
I haven't decided yet how to explain the strangeness of my
hometown. explain what you don't know
because you have to
Reinhardt doesn't tell me about his secret, can I easily tell him my
On the contrary, if you tell me your secret, maybe you will tell me a
little bit about your secret even if you are not sorry.
Ellen had such vague expectations as well.
to be honest.
Everything else is pretty good. Since I had been away for so long, I
wanted to see Reinhardt quickly.
What have you been doing all this time? Even though I have a bad
personality, I'm not lazy
He must have been busy with various trainings.
Ellen also wanted to return from Lizaira as soon as possible, so her
body was too tight.
Because I was not confident, I would have had to do swordsmanship
training with someone else. Others
You should have practiced swordsmanship with me.
Someone who could be a match for Reinhardt
If it's a Ram, it's enough to put them in Ellen's head.
came to mind
Saviolin Tana, a first-year homeroom teacher.
or not.
5th grade, Olivia Ranche.
Thinking that he might be training in swordsmanship with a senior he
didn't like, Ellen wanted to come back one day sooner. Because I am
a person who often does strange things.
As soon as Ellen passed the warp gate in front of the temple, she
quickly entered the temple entrance.
You're accusing me of coming too late
I haven't been away for that long though.
Ellen, standing in the midst of worry and impatience, rides the tram
and boards the Royal Class.
headed to sa
Of course, I'm not training with Olivia.
it was you
“If it’s Reinhardt… I haven’t seen you since yesterday.”
It was Cliffman's answer to the question of where Reinhardt was.
No one outside knew that Charlotte, Xaviolin Tana, and La Inhart had
gone to the Demon King.
Since it's a vacation, Reinhardt can go somewhere to play, or he can
go to sleep for a few days.
If so, where did you go?
Ellen finds Reinhardt in the dormitory
Waiting for you to come back doesn't matter
Still, the body is a bit sweet. I wanted to quickly show Reinhardt a
new relic and talk about this and that.
And again,
He is strong and has the confidence to become even stronger.
He would be angry if he heard it, but Reinhardt is still weaker than
If you wish,
I'm really sorry to the parents who gave away the village's treasure at
the most, but
Because he thinks it is better to die than to see Reinhardt die.
Wouldn't it be better for Reinhardt to have the Sun God's Cloak?
Ellen thinks so to herself.
If you want, I can give you
Even though he was curious about Reinhardt's expression upon
hearing those words, Ellen wanted to see Reinhardt as soon as
Where did Reinhardt go?
I don't think I told anyone where I was going. I wanted to ask Harriet,
but Harriet also vacated the dormitory, and when I went to the magic
research group, Harriet was
It seems that he is conducting magic research in the palace.
I don't know what it's like to go to the Imperial Palace to study magic,
but Ellen wants Herriot and Reinhardt to be together.
I also found out that it wasn't.
Then next.
- smart
“What is it, you?”
5th grade dormitory.
Olivia Lange opened the door at Ellen's knock, and stared at Ellen
with a cold expression.
Olivia, who seems a little different from before, looks up at Ellen
He was a person who usually laughed out loud even though he had no
luck. Now your face is a smile
It had a cold look without a single flag.
Olivia Ranche felt uncomfortable for a while that something had
changed from before.
“Reinhardt, do you know where he is?”
Ellen wasn't really afraid of Olivia like that, so she just said the thing.
“……Aren’t you in the dormitory?”
"I heard that you went somewhere since yesterday. I thought you
“Sheesh, you’re playing around without talking to me again.”
Olivia muttered as if she was sad, then looked at Ellen and grinned.
“Still, I don’t feel like a dog because you don’t know.”
In the end, they fight as usual.
Even Olivia doesn't know where Reinhardt is.
Ellen then had nothing to do with Olivia anymore.
“It’s okay if you don’t know.”
“Oh, turn it off.”
Ellen stares silently at Olivia's closed door.
this person.
In the past, I pretended to hide a thorn in my arms
If it felt like being open-minded,
Now I feel like a hedgehog
should i do
Ellen couldn't help but feel that Olivia was different from before.
Ellen walks down the hallway of the fifth grade dorm
I think as I go out.
Harriet is studying magic at the Imperial Palace. Olivia is hanging out
in her room.
No one in the dormitory knows where Reinhardt went.
Then Ellen had only one place to go. Unless he left the ecliptic and
went to another place, there was only one place Reinhardt could go
Rotary Club.
It doesn't matter if you're not there.
Dalian with a gray haired lady after a long time
to try
Ellen left the dormitory she had just arrived at.
Basically, Ellen wasn't very interested in other people.
Ever since I got to know Reinhardt
It was a little different, but as I made friends, I tend to try to pay
attention to it.
But basically, Ellen is around.
I tend to be indifferent and indifferent to what's going on. Therefore,
the subjects to be carefully scrutinized are limited.
So, Ellen doesn't know what a Rotary club is specifically. It is a group
led by a mysteriously strong gray-haired woman.
That's all.
I wondered what the gray-haired woman was doing, but it was more
than enough
never dug in
Ajumma who gets angry when I call her Ajumma.
I am just aware of that.
However, Reinhardt's secret was related to the Rotary club.
Rotary clubs are affiliated with the Thieves' Guild, so it's kind of like a
criminal gang.
E Reinhardt and Reinhardt's Secret
that this is involved.
I was just guessing about it.
The gray-haired woman would sometimes beat herself up and beat
her when she visited, but I haven't been able to visit much lately.
Ellen leaves the temple and joins the Rotary club.
went to the new headquarters.
After Reinhardt's disappearance, he developed an unrelated
relationship with this Rotary club.
Start opening the magic train's shops.
And now I know that things have gotten a lot better.
But the Rota hidden under the water
What is the true nature of Lee Club?
Ellen believes that Reinhardt's secret is connected to a criminal
organization, so the reason the gray-haired woman is suspiciously
strong is because she is the head of an unusual criminal organization.
there is only
Because of that misunderstanding, Ellen was trying to do something
very suspicious.
He must be a heinous criminal, but he will be a precious person to
Reinhardt, so let's not be curious.
So Ellen didn't cross that line.
there was.
Such a Rotary club headquarters.
“Hey? Only Reinhardt’s girlfriend.”
People at the club headquarters said they had seen Ellen a few
times, so when they saw Ellen, they said so.
girl friend.
At that, Ellen could nod her head.
There was only one, but he bowed his head toward the club member
who recognized him.
girl friend.
girl friend.
girl friend.
Those words strangely popped into my head
hovered around
Then another member of the club next to the man who called himself
Reinhardt's girlfriend Goo tapped him on the shoulder.
“Uh huh, what is Reinhardt talking about? Reinhardt Blowjob
You didn't say anything."
“Hey, is your girlfriend still Adriana?”
“Wow, if it’s enough to leave it to you… I don’t think you’ve said it
When that name was mentioned, Ellen became even more
I couldn't help but tilt my head.
Why do Rotary clubs know about old Temple dropout Adriana?
Then, all of a sudden, the headquarters door burst open.
and someone ran out.
It was a white haired woman.
as if running away from something
He was about to run out with a look of fear.
No matter what he was doing, his hair was covered in white foam.
- Aren't you coming?! wash all the foam
You don't have to pay!
And then, from inside, an angry cry was heard.
"No! I hate washing my hair! Why every day?
I need to wash my hair!”
- What are you talking about?! eh! there
I'm alone!
"I take care of my hygiene...?" |
At that, the gray-haired woman was terrified.
I stopped talking while screaming. in front of headquarters
It was because his eyes met with Ellen, who was looking at him with
a blank slate.
“Uh… are you?”
And then, someone ran out of the headquarters.
Whatever happened, the black dress she was wearing was soaking

Uh... are you?”
It was the old Temple senior, Adriana.
After washing her hair, Adriana dragged Loyar, who ran out, and
washed her hair again.
Ellen sat quietly on the top floor of the Rotary club headquarters, in
the boss's office.
Ellen does not know the specific reason, but Adriana dropped out of
the Temple. know that
And, the reason Reinhardt knows Harriet's parents is because of the
resignation issue.
So Reinhardt and Adriana
I know it's because I went to the monastery I returned to.
Because I had heard from Reinhardt on the last night of the Yagil
festival that the monastery from which Adriana came from was a
monastery in the Duchy of Saint-Ouen.
And that night.
I also saw Olivia Ranche and Adriana return to the Royal Class dorm
in the middle of the night.
I don't know what happened or what happened after that.
Since then, Adriana has not returned to the monastery, but rather
seems to be staying at the Rotary club headquarters, oddly enough.
I'm not very interested in myself
It seems like it might be an issue though.
A strange feeling of incongruity was wriggling in Ellen's mind.
Above all.
The expression on Adriana's face after meeting Ellen.
That expression on which you can feel the obvious embarrassment.
It gave Ellen a foreboding that she had some strange secret.
How much time has passed, changing wet clothes, a clean white
Adriana wearing a HQ Choi
went upstairs
Wherever the gray-haired woman was, Adriana was alone.
Adriana and Ellen were not very close.
It's not between Dunn. Of course with Olivia.
They weren't as bad as the two.
A senior who was close to Reinhardt.
It is no longer in the temple.
It was nothing but a senior-junior relationship.
"Ah... um... Ellen? It's been a while."
Adriana did the same, so she sat across from Ellen with a slightly
awkward smile.
| “Yes, it’s been a while.”
Ellen interrogates something or does not
there is no right to
However, Adriana was waiting for Ellen as if she had to face Ellen.
came to meet
“I didn’t know you would be here.”
“Ah, umm… there are some circumstances. How come...”
Adriana smiles awkwardly.
A person who is not good at lying
Yes, Ellen is sure.
"Isn't Reinhardt here?"
Ellen took out the most important thing to come here first.
Now I don't know if this is really important or not,
“Yeah, I didn’t come here. Maybe... is something going on?"
At Adriana's worried words, Ellen shook her head.
“No, just because the temple wasn’t there, so I stopped by to see if it
was here. Nothing's going on. Even if there is… it’s something I don’t
There was no reason to say it. However, Reinhardt was doing various
things in a place he did not know. Adriana is staying in a Rotary club,
most likely one day.
Even so, Reinhardt has no obligation to tell Adriana's situation to
Adriana and Olivia returning to the Temple in the middle of the night.
The faces of the two stiffened.
Reinha, who seemed to know something
Ruth's reaction.
what the hell
what was it
“May I ask why you are here?”
At Ellen's question, Adriana wiggled her fingertips and grabbed the
hem of her dress.
put it down
“That… there was a problem with the monastery I was living in, and I
couldn’t be there any longer. So… the last time I asked him, Olivia-
senpai for help. ...because I said I could recognize him... And then I
came here... Yeah, that's how it came to be."
A person who can't stand lying.
Ellen looked at Adriana and thought about it again.
There was no Reinhardt in the Rotary club.
Adriana lied to herself.
Ellen did not pursue Adriana further, and there was no reason for it to
be so. There can even be a white haired aunt
With the gun hanging around his neck, he broke in, and took Adriana
with him and went somewhere. He said something strange to hear
that he had to play with me.
Ellen returned to the Royal Class dormitory.
Reinhardt was absent for a moment. It's a vacation, so that's enough
to be.
But Ellen wanted to know a little more about this strange thing.
Asking Adriana something more
It was impossible because of the gray haired woman.
I had one more question to ask.
- smart
Ellen went back to the 5th grade dormitory and knocked on the door.
- moon
“...why, again, what? Do you not know where Reinhardt is?”
As soon as he saw himself, his nervous expression
Olivia, who had become old, said stingingly.
I've been thinking about how to start, but I have the best question.
“Last time, you were with that Adriana-senpai.”
Olivia's still nervous expression hardened when the name appeared.
“I have something to tell the senior, but where is he?”
Olivia looks at Ellen silently. “What do you mean? I'll pass it on to
It's more of a borderline rather than annoyance.
“Because I want to tell you.”
Olivia looked at Ellen silently, and said as if throwing it away.
“He went back to his monastery.”
This is also a lie.
Ellen admits that both Adriana and Olivia are lying to her.
checked the thread.
"Yeah. Even if you tell me where it is, it will be difficult to find it. If you
don't say anything else, it's just a matter of concern..."
“That old man. Adriana.”
Ellen shakes her head.
“I just met you at a Rotary club,” he said.
At Ellen's point, Olivia's expression hardened even more harshly.
looks straight up at Olivia,
convinces her to lie, and then goes out of her way.

The Demon King Goes to Academy

Episode 356:
Reasons for not participating in the Miss Temple contest.
Olivia, whose attitude had changed from her usual one, looked down
at Ellen with a gloomy gaze.
“Well, you know what to do?”
“I’m curious.”
“Then why do I have to tell you that?”
Olivia was not at the level that a needle could not fit in, but had the
momentum to stab Ellen if she asked more.
Ellen was now feeling the real life for herself from Olivia. "There's no
reason you should know. You and I aren't very close."
Didn't you tell Reinhardt?"
So that relationship with Reinhardt
with Adriana Rotary Club
ahninyago shop,
attracted to Ellen reasonable doubt of Ellen in Olivia room
- rattle
attracted to involuntarily into Olivia's room,
Ellen captured is pushed into the closed door
while aftershocks He was looking into Olivia's eyes,
"Yeah, I know Reinhardt, but why do you need to know that?
“Le Barrier Ranche is dead.”
Ellen looks up at Olivia.
“And that day, the senior’s whereabouts are unclear.”
“So what, did I even kill him?”
“I didn’t say that.”
Leverier Ranche was attacked by demons and died:
“I just have an absurd suspicion, and you just need to make me think
that it is true.”
If it's a lie, it's a plausible lie.
Why did you return to the royal class dormitory late at night with
Adriana on that day, and why is Adriana
staying at the Rotary club instead of the monastery? It
's a coincidence that Levery Ranche died on the day your
whereabouts are unknown
. or not.
know why you lied.
Why can not but lie
is simply a story that will fit convincingly squeeze them.
but that lie is only the breath
is not something that can be included.
Olivia Ellen Pushes her to the wall, and looks down at Ellen, who is
staring at her quietly and fearlessly:
"If I kill you, Reinhardt won't see me again."
Even in front of the word death, there was no fear in Ellen's face.
Olivia's fingertips .
You can make extreme choices, but in that case you will lose the
most precious thing.
Olivia lost everything.
I didn't want to lose the last precious thing I had left.
This no-nonsense junior is about
to grab his back.
He doesn't seem to have any intention of leaving. I don't know what
you're thinking, but I think you're making a strange guess.
If this guy makes fun of his mouth, he'll endanger himself, Adriana,
and even Reinhardt.
What should I do?
Seeing Olivia at the crossroads of confusion and extreme choice,
Ellen quietly opened her mouth.
“I am no different.”
“I hate seniors, but if he gets hurt, Reinart will be sad.”
Ellen looks up at Olivia,
"I don't do anything that will hurt you. I'm just curious. What happened
that day. Why are you all lying?" |
We hate each other.
Nevertheless, neither Ellen nor Olivia will do anything to hurt each
other, because Reinhardt will be sad if they get hurt.
So no matter what I find out, I won't hurt you .
Those words are sincere and true. something that Olivia had to know.
that sounds strange to say that to yourself
Because of the rim, Olivia into Ellen's eyes
"The Five Great Shintoism... Independence?"
I couldn't look properly.
Shaking her head, Olivia vomits
For the first time, Olivia calls Ellen by her first name.
“It’s a secret, I promise you I’ll keep it.”
“I will protect you. whatever it is.”
I'm not curious about Olivia's secret.
I wanted to know what the secret of Reinhardt was.
It was very difficult for me to worry and be sad by myself because I
didn’t know any more.
“I was there.”
“When the demons attacked, me and Adriana were there.”
absurd and vague doubts.
heard the absurd suspicion, but the truth that surpassed even that,
she couldn't help but be astonished .
In Olivia's room, Olivia
sat on the chair and Ellen sat on Olivia's bed and talked.
Olivia said it all. All the stories that have developed since then,
starting with why they were there at that time.
“Yeah, I think I was thinking about that. My adoptive parents tried to
intimidate me for their lottery, and for that they risked Adriana's life as
. That's why I was there."
Ellen was
listening blankly to the atrocities of L'Barrier Ranche, which she
couldn't believe even though she had heard it with her ears. The
attacked the paladin.
Ellen thought that Olivia might have something to do with the incident,
but at the scene
I didn't think they would have been there .
The vague commonalities between the dead and Olivia and Adriana
made me suspicious
But the stories that followed
shocked Ellen even more.
"...saved it?"
"Yeah. I don't know why. The winged demons saved me and Adriana.
they left me far away and went somewhere. That's it."
“I am the one who is most curious about the reason.”
Just as Ellen couldn't comprehend the situation, Olivia was still
confused by the matter:
"Why do you have to keep this story a secret, you see?"

If this story anyone know a huge misunderstanding hagoseo any
it is clear it will get. Elyos and within
it will suffer the awful accusations and misunderstandings and What
to clear than to tonghaet
And the chances of dying were very high.
“The next day, Reinhardt came to see me.
I asked him what was going on, so I explained the situation… he said
he would help Adriana .”
“…that’s right.”
Ellen felt uncomfortable with those words, and
Reinhardt seemed to know what was going on with the two of them,
and he thought so,
but when he heard the story, Reinhardt couldn't have known at that
point. .
misunderstanding something.
does not mean to think they know better someone you know really.
So he can only have been that feeling mistaken received geseo the
day Reinhardt.
then Reinhardt a gun up via and is independent of that day it did not
come to Miss Temple contest In
fact, the suspicion that Reinhardt would be the Demon King could not
come out of the normal accident category.
Reinhardt visited them the next day and talked for a long time, and
the day before, knowing that such an incident had happened, he met
Adriana. to protect Rotary
left the club.
Adriana is not one thing in the end completely a lie.
raids of Asmodians.
do not meet in a situation to return to the monastery gun.
newly discovered problem.
Olivia and Adriana were there, and for some reason the demons
saved them.
“What was the reason the demons had to save the two seniors?”
"......I do not know."
Olivia frowned.
“I guess we were just pitiful.”

“Do you think demons are necessarily evil and evil beings?””
Olivia was terribly
disappointed with humans .
That's why I've given up on the humanistic way of thinking.
"Isn't it possible that demons are much better than humans? Isn't it?
There are a lot of humans who are even worse than demons and
Like my foster father who has already been broken ."
speaks with deep hatred and contempt .
Just hearing Olivia's words is
a dangerous remark
that can lead to being arrested as a defender of the demons .
are evil.
Because they are evil , they must be annihilated.
That is from among humans . It is a very important premise, and it is
a level of common sense that cannot be denied.
Hate and tolerate the enemy It is natural to make them impossible.
That kind of hatred is infinitely regenerated and spread among people
without intentionally promoting it.
Asmodians are enemies.
Therefore, the common sense that demons are evil is bound to arise.
Because humans have
an instinct to define the enemy from being able to kill it to being
something that must be killed .
Olivia and Ellen could be free from common sense to some extent,
but they were not completely free.
Olivia was almost the only person who participated in the Demon
World War who thought that demons might actually be good.
“Do you know why the last demon attack happened?”
Olivia was disappointed with the humans.
I can't even figure out what makes humans better than demons.
Now, it was
even reaching the point of thinking that demons could be better than
humans .

Did you know that the Knights Templar were also attacked back then
Olivia crossed her arms and looked out the window, narrowing her
"The Allied Forces have distributed the demon prisoners who have
surrendered. And some demons have cancer
opened a market and tried to auction it off."
"... prisoners? Why?"
had no idea how to distribute the prisoners or why they should.
“There are demons resembling humans to use them as slaves.
Among them... there are also beautiful demons like cubus and
incubus. They
cut off the horns of those demons , destroyed the magic circuit
, turned them into human beings, and
then they tried to eat them as slaves
“Not only the Empires and Principalities, but also the Knights Templar
and the Five Great Protestants
were distributed prisoners like that. Will it be?”
At Olivia's words that she doesn't even want to talk about dirty things,
Ellen nodded blankly.
"The purpose of the demon attack at that time was not to attack the
Temple Knights, the demons punished them to rescue such demon
prisoners. it was In fact, even though there were some wounded at
that time, the demons did not kill any of the paladins.”
A raid to rescue demon prisoners.
All groups distributed demon captives to be used as slaves.
Asmodian prisoners to use as slaves. Empires, princes, royalty and
They must be using demon prisoners in a dirty way. I mean, the
enemy and everything, I have to hit and kill, and I'm going to confide
in my mouth, and in reality, I'm going to fill that dirty desire with my
back hole. Isn't this disgusting and not dirty?"
Ellen was at a loss for words at Olivia's enraged tone.
"Yeah, whether the Demon King is resurrected or there is an heir, the
Demon King is the kind of people of his ruined country that are
suffering like that.
I left because I couldn't see you. He did that with less than a handful
of demons. Still, the paladins didn't hurt anyone. I rather think that the
Demon King’s actions are greater?”
“Senior, stop it.”
As Olivia's expression became more and more radical and moved to
advocating for the Darkland forces, Ellen cautiously
took Les Olivia's hand.
There's no reason to do this.
It's okay
for Olivia to cross the line severely in front of herself, but if she does
it in front of others
, it's really dangerous.
Olivia didn't know that Ellen would act this way as if she was teasing
her, so she opened her eyes and looked at Ellen.
“What are you talking about? I think I know.”
Olivia took a
few deep breaths to calm her emotions .
“Even if you said that, the devil who saved me.”
"I mean, I'd rather they didn't want to attack the nameless Order " he
saying "I'd rather ." While spying, seeing what was happening, they
attacked to save me and Adriana.
Olivia thought about it, and muttered blankly,
"How can humans be so wicked?"
The flying demon appeared with those words, killed the paladin who
was detaining Adriana, and took Olivia from the place.
As she flew from the sky, Adriana
watch the demons cast
large-scale destruction magic on the waste monastery .
“It may not have been the original intention to attack. Maybe he was
just trying to watch
. But you've heard it all.
You must have heard stories going back and forth there. I
may have become impatient with the threat that I would restore honor
with a foster daughter as bait, and kill my loved ones as bait with the
life of a nun who is not yet a priest, go on, go on, go on, kill my loved
ones until I surrender .”
Olivia, who has
rather affirmed the demons
, wants to believe that the demons who saved her are better than
Seeing an unnamed religious society doing outright injustice.
In the end, I am
imagining such absurd things that I may have invaded because I
couldn’t stand such terrible wickedness, malice, and injustice .”
Olivia even came to such an idea, thinking that demons might be
better than humans.
I didn't even save the two of them to avoid hurting unrelated ones,
, they may have attacked to save Adriana and Olivia .
As a result
, while some of the processes may have been wrong, Olivia's
thoughts were inferences very close to the truth.
Are demons really good or evil?
After learning the disgusting stories of the demon prisoners and the
truth of the two demonic remnant raids so far, even Ellen couldn't
figure out what
it was.
The stories Olivia heard were so heavy that Ellen had
no choice but to forget about Reinhardt's problem .
Reinhardt tried to help Adriana. That is why Adriana is not in the
monastery, but in the Rotary club.
The two were rescued by demons.
From the interrelationship of the stories, Ellen could not deduce an
even more terrifying truth. The distance between the truth and the
truth was so great that I couldn't find a link.
This made it clear to Ellen
why Olivia didn't appear in the Miss Temple contest .
Even if he thought about it, it was not a situation where he could
worry about such a thing.
You know Ellen will keep a secret, but in the end you're telling
someone who doesn't like dangerous secrets.
Olivia eventually reveals secrets that many people shouldn't know,
even if Ellen had some clues.
What I told him made me uncomfortable.
“You must keep the secret.”
“I’m not the kind of person who takes advantage of this kind of
Ellen doesn't like Olivia, but it's not like she hates Olivia enough to
want to kill her. If this is known, there is a possibility that Olivia and
Adriana will be accused of being insiders of the Asmodian tribe and
executed regardless of whether the repercussions are formidable.
The guilt may spread to Reinhardt, but even if it was not, Eren had no
intention of using this secret.
At Ellen's words, Olivia's eyes widened.
"What? So, am I that kind of person
“…I didn’t say that. why? Are you stabbed?”
"no! I'm not that kind of person either!"
"I think that's right."
“Isn’t it?”
Olivia's face turned red and bluish because of screaming because her
feet were numb for nothing
For nothing, Olivia crossed her arms and tickled.
“Anyway, I think you are lucky. Because I couldn’t go back then and
you could be Miss Temple.”
Actually, Olivia is Miss Temple Conte.
If I had participated in the studio, I would not know what the outcome
would be. But for Ellen, Miss Temple was a good thing. Strictly
speaking, it wasn't a very good memory.
Because I couldn't show the person I wanted to show to the person I
wanted to show.
“So, are you okay?”
“Are you happy to be elected Miss Temple?”
At Olivia's words, Ellen stares at Olivia silently.
Now, are you kidding me?
What is the meaning of asking how you feel about winning the Miss
Temple Contest without
Reinhardt? "What did Reinhardt say?" However, to Ellen, Olivia's
expression did
look like that of someone making fun of something . It's an envious
look. Seeing her best-dressed appearance, she wonders how
Reinhardt would have told her how she was elected Miss Temple,
and is jealous.
It’s that kind of look.
I’ve been through tough things, so I don’t have time to wonder about
that, but now that I’m talking with Ellen openly, it seems like I’m
asking about something I really want to know.
realizes when she sees Olivia’s expression like that .
” I didn’t come.”
Olivia doesn't know Reinhardt didn't come to the Miss Temple
"Reinhardt, she didn't ."
"... Huh?"
Olivia couldn't help but be stunned
when she saw Ellen's sullen expression, and
Olivia, of course , thought Reinhardt had gone to the Miss Temple
was doing Because I told you to wait in the room to do something to
He had no choice but to run away after receiving the letter from Le
Barrier Ranche, and said,
"No, why?"
“How do I know that?”
responds nervously to Olivia's question: Reinhardt did
n't make it to the Miss Temple contest just as
did not
make it to the Miss Temple contest . "Why didn't you come?"
".....I do not know."

If you don’t know, are you just saying you don’t know? Aren't you
Olivia heard Ellen's answer strangely.
“You didn’t ask?”
It's a natural question.
It's right to ask why you didn't come. It's also something you can ask.
But Ellen didn't even ask Reinhardt why he didn't come. Knowing that
he wouldn't answer, I
forgave without even asking in the first place. I
still don't know if that's forgivable or not.
covered and passed over
Olivia looks at Ellen with her mouth slightly open.
“Wow… are you a good person or an asshole…”
did not attend the Miss Temple contest . And Ellen didn't even ask
why she couldn't attend.
Olivia now knows that Reinhardt is associated with a strange
organization called The Rotary Club.
Reinhardt has his own secret, and sometimes unavoidable things
happen. Maybe it wasn't an extension of that. Olivia was only vaguely
The resentment, of course, is that Ellen knows more about Reinhardt
than she does.
it felt very unpleasant
to Olivia that they were even going to ask a secret they couldn't tell .
Of course,
sees Ellen with
her eyes down, gloomy as she thinks of poetry during the Miss
Temple contest .
“I don’t know
anything else…” Olivia looked at Ellen like that and smiled warmly.
of Ellen waiting for someone who didn't come , Olivia felt sad
, sued, felt pity, and all
complicated emotions.
“Shut up.”
“You are very sassy.” |
Of course, in the end, the idea of samtong prevailed.
“Can I cry? No, you didn't cry in the first place, did you? In such a
situation, I would have cried out loud because it was really sad and
unfair if it were me.”
“Shut up.”
Ellen glares at Olivia with a grin on her teeth.

The Demon King goes to the academy

Imperial Emperatos, Ministry of Magic Research Archive.
The vast scale of magic research data stored in the Ministry of Magic
is what it will be like to be able to see it even if it is for the rest of
your life.
It was about to become a concern.
Although it is limited to one field of dimensional magic,
However, being able to read the materials of the Imperial Ministry of
Magic is not just a story of going in and out of the library where
valuable collections are kept.
Professional wizards who have already understood and embodied all
these books can be burned at any time.
to help you understand the content
Can be specific to abstract questions
I was able to get help from experts who could present research data.
Harriet truly studied the emperor
was doing
“Imaginary dimension?” “Yes, Grand Duchess.”
So, for the first time in a long time, Harriet was feeling the realization
that he was actually a nobleman in a very high position among the
At the temple, he hears a lot of screams from a beggar-turned-
beggar, and he is bullied, but he is this kind of person in the first
place. Research magicians of the Imperial Ministry of Magic, who
have strong authority and prestige, call themselves the Grand
Princess or the Grand Princess, and of course, even if they plant it.
Fearful about going against it, he tries his best to pick up what he
knows and serve him.
Of course, even if there are no naughty beggars, it's a bit like that.
First of all, there is a prince and a princess among classmates, and
there is also a prince of Kernstadt in the daughter of the duke.
In fact, it is forbidden by school rules to press someone with their
status, and even if that happens, there are classmates who are more
powerful or similar than themselves.
blast furnace,
Harriet had been studying happily after a long time, feeling that her
self-esteem as an aristocrat was being filled.
At the words now mentioned, Harriet shook her head.
imaginary dimension.
Learn about the warp gate system
It was the answer that came when I asked for an explanation for the
parts I couldn't understand.
“For example, it refers to the shape of a dimension that does not
actually exist, but is assumed to exist.”
"Ummm... it doesn't exist, but you're assuming it exists?"
"That's right."
“Why is such a concept necessary?
In response to Harriet's question, the researcher wizard slowly begins
to explain.
“Interactive one-time portals don't need that concept. It is a structure
that is activated once and then closed after a certain period of time.
However, the warp gate system is a shared system of permanent
multi-directional portals."
The researcher drew a picture with a pen on the badge placed on the
table, as if to facilitate understanding.
[Gate - Gate]
“If it is a structure like this, it is more convenient to make it one-time.
There is no reason to set up the concept of an imaginary dimension.
Aside from the complexity of itself, isn't the configuration itself
simple? There is only one connection between the gates.”
“I would.”
“But if you consider that there are three gates, how many paths will
there be in total between each gate?”
“Are there three?”
If it is assumed that there are three gates, A, B, and C gates, the
connection between each gate is AB, AC, and BC in total. The
connection is bidirectional, so the order between the gates is
“What if there were four dogs?”
“It would be six.”
in that way,
"The more the number of warp gates, the more the number of paths
will grow exponentially, won't it?"
“I would.”
“Not all warp gates are necessarily connected in this way, but
There are over 200,000 connection paths between gates by
“…that’s a lot.”
Heriot did not know that the network between the warp gates was
that big, so he had no choice but to open his mouth slightly after
hearing the researcher's words.
“The Warp Gate System is the largest magical system in the history
of mankind, no, the history of the continent. Therefore, it was
necessary to have a common spatial awareness system that shared
which path to set the permanent portal and which gate to connect to
All. So we created a virtual map called the imaginary dimension.”
virtual map.
If it's a portal you made yourself,
You don't have to share it with anyone. Magic made up of your own
Oh, and it's a one-time thing.
However, the warp gate system is nothing but a joint building created
through the cooperation and collaboration of many wizards.
It means that something can be added or modified to the warp gate
system only when the same map or blueprint is in everyone's head,
which is why it is called the imaginary dimension.
Understanding of the virtual map or blueprint of the imaginary
dimension that researchers have built up so far.
It doesn't exist, but it does exist.
A highly conceived virtual dimension.
An understanding of it must be preceded in order to access the magic
of the warp gate.
"This is a map of imaginary water resources updated until recently."
The researcher laid out a huge floor plan in front of Herriot that could
occupy the entire table.
It's not like a drawing that connects dots and lines.
Each portal and the connection of portals
Form and properties, as well as barrier properties and usefulness
Complex characters, including gender and connection strength
Columns filled the map.
It is a map of what does not exist, but this map has changed the
history of mankind.
Harriet was skeptical.
this world.
What is this world?
The imaginary water resource is a dimension that does not exist, the
researcher said directly.
" mean this isn't a real-world dimension?"
Common between later wizards and modern researchers
Virtualization created to aid understanding
It is only a concept, and it is correct to understand it as a concept of
a blueprint after all.
"Yeah, it's literally an imaginary dimension."
The researcher, of course, agrees with Harriet's words.
I nodded my head, saying yes.
“But now, there are some who question whether it can be concluded
that there is no imaginary dimension....”
"...what do you mean by that?"
“A portal is, after all, a magic that directly connects space and space.
Even if there are dozens or hundreds of portals, the basic principle
remains the same.” |
That's what Harriet understands too.
it was
“However, in order to connect the portals, they are skipped in the
Isn't there a space between them?"
“The space between…?”
“We use the gate, but the gate itself is both for the entrance and for
the exit.
It means it doesn't exist. In other words, it is being treated as a
Researcher with his chin on his arm, contemplating
say like
“However, the gate can only pass through, and you cannot touch or
touch the gate itself. control
and can be controlled, but a gate called
The phenomenon itself belongs to an alternate reality.
It means you don't know what it is or what it is. It's among the dogs.
warp crab
It does not actually skip the space, it crosses through the intersection
of a certain space, and actually
The wizards who say that space is a space that exists.”
warp gate.
It is possible to reduce the space through it, but the gate is a strange
phenomenon that cannot be touched or touched at both the exit and
the entrance.
to be.
You can use gate magic
However, where does the gate really belong to, or is it a
When crossing the warp gate, the passage between that space,
which is briefly passed through, is a space that actually exists, isn't
This issue has yet to be clearly defined
It was clear that it wasn't.
“Due to the permanent operation of the warp gate,
Due to stem saturation, the concept of dimension
Falsely, there are those who argue that the imaginary dimension of
the imaginary dimension has actually come into existence.
Well, it's just speculation.
The researcher looks down at the imaginary-dimensional map.
“Importantly, warp gate systems have spread so rapidly that they are
convenient. The dangers of this large-scale magic have yet to be
properly tested.”
Just like Harriet had a foreboding last time.
The warp gate system is a very dangerous magic, but because of its
convenience, it is very difficult to properly verify the risk.
disseminated quickly.
Therefore, even though the history of the warp gate is long, there are
different opinions among wizards about the warp gate.
No one can predict what kind of catastrophe it will cause.
even more so in
Harriet stared frightened at the vast imaginary map in front of him.
“This map of the imaginary dimension…. No one can see it, right?”
"of course."
The researcher speaks quietly.
“If it wasn’t for the permission of the Imperial Family, no matter how
much the Grand Duchess wanted, we wouldn’t have been able to see
I was looking at you casually
But, Harriet is now the most important part of the empire.
You are looking at confidentiality.
Understanding the imaginary dimension can interfere with warp gate
If you decide to use it for bad
It can be used for any bad
it is So Harriet is an imaginary
If you understand the map of the circle and fully understand the warp
gate system, you can tell that Harriet can freely manipulate the warp
gate system if he has a bad heart.
it means
“To think that the warp gate is too dangerous magic... is it my
“I think so too.”
The researcher sighed.
“However, warp gates have already become indispensable to
Warp gates are convenient.
So, even if people know about the dangers of warp gates, warp gays
The truth is that it won't disappear
Gold was the reality of this continent.
A collection of books related to
Du, me, Tana, and Charlotte returned to the zodiac.
I told the commander that nothing could be found in the labyrinth. I
just said that I returned safely.
Very large magic books
No one had seen what we had found, as they had been loaded onto
tethered backs.
We decided to keep the underground labyrinth of the Demon King
Castle a secret.
Most of all, it was because he had confidence in something he was
not sure of.
It is true that the spirit of the Demon King resides in Charlotte's body.
Charlotte's current state is the same as that of an Arcdaemon.
The demon king separated his soul with the magic of succubus and
merged it with Charlotte's soul.
To see if there is a way to separate it, Charlotte will entrust the
analysis of the enchantment to the trusted royal wizards.
and will find a way.
“Good job, Reinhardt, thank you.”
"...I didn't do anything special, so what?"
I did not directly help Charlotte. It seemed that Tana and Charlotte
would return to the Imperial Palace as soon as possible and start
analyzing the harvest this time.
There was nothing I could do or see because I was stuck with it
Before anyone else's eyes for nothing
I broke up with the two of them and went my own way
climbed on
I gained more than Charlotte because of this return to the Demon
There was a bunker under the Demon King Castle.
Therefore, Bali would not have died.
And through the numerous magic books there, he will be able to draw
out Cantus Magna.
I gained a lot, but I also had a lot of troubles.
What the hell did you do to Bali in the past
go? Both Cantus Magna and Balie
It may be unrelated, one may be involved, or both may be involved.
Would Bali also try to contact Cantus Magna like I am now?
Let's assume
Balie made contact with Cantus Magna as a bait for his numerous
And Cantus Magna finally completed Akasha through those spells,
and did something with it. that
This is the gate situation.
It's too much of a leap.
But I can't be sure that it isn't.
And one thing I regret.
There was obviously a story about the fusion of souls.
샬롯이 당한 것도 그쪽일 것이고.
Lucinil said he wanted a soul.
Perhaps the answer to how one can bestow souls on soulless beings
lies in the art of enchantment?
Charlotte was the first thing that came to mind right away, but after
calming down and thinking about it, the drinking alcohol may be a
necessary magic for Lucinil as well.
But right now, we are talking about
All the magic has left my hands.
After research on it, Charlotte's
A room that can be restored to its original state
If you find out about the law, you can learn about
Can I get the magic books back?
If you get it back, what excuse do you use?
I didn't think it was a hasty decision, but as much as Lucinyl is helping
me, it would be nice if I could help Lucinyl in any way.
The Demon King's Underground Labyrinth.
Share it with Lucinil and my collaborators and on Cantus Magna
A decision will have to be made soon.
With those thoughts in mind, I returned to the Temple.
“Oh, are you here?”
Let's go back to the Royal Class dormitory. Ellen was staring at me in
the lobby.
you're back
“You are the one who came.”
Ellen looks at me with a fat expression.
“Where have you been?”
Another secret?
Ellen asked a question, but didn't answer very well.
doesn't seem to want, desperation
It was one color.
I know very well what not to expect from me, so it takes courage to
even ask a question now, but
There is no use in showing this
It was my acceptance.
Maybe it's okay to say this now.
It may be rude to Charlotte, but because of the Emperor, Ellen
already knows that I am helping Charlotte in any way.
I looked around, made sure there was no one to overhear, and
whispered to Ellen in a very small voice.
“Hey, it’s hard to tell,
because of the Charlotte problem.”
"........Ah. Yes."
Ellen didn't expect me to answer, so I told Ellen.
to be very much surprised by itself .
“It was not dangerous.” "Yeah. Yeah. Okay."
Ellen looked up at me, says in a damp little voice.
"Thanks for telling me ... telling me ..."
no big deal. What you.
What's going on'm not saying it properly haejun Ellen, I want to cry
the committal takes to impress, albeit haejwotdaneun
beheld something emotionally dense that ulkeok
took control.
vain haejyeoseo feel more than give strength to the eyes, looks at
"by the way, the house watnya went well?"
"Oh right."
Ellen sucks! He seemed to inhale and
grabbed my arm.
“I have something to show you.”
"Huh? hey Come on, wait a minute.”
Ellen recklessly dragged me and started going somewhere.
after a while.
I was taken to Ellen's room, and I
was staring blankly at the cloak of flame light that Ellen was wearing .
“What is this?”
Isn't that
"The Sun God's Cloak."
“Oh yes, that.”
I had a stroke,
"Why is it on you?"
“I brought it home.”
it's meant to be like that . "Why do you have it in the house?"
"I do not know."

The Demon King Goes to the Academy

Episode 358
Ellen was proudly claiming that she had received the sun god's relics
as if she had received a lunch from her mother.
I was rather frustrated because the situation was so absurd
"Why, there was no Alixion?"
There was no holy relic
of Liter , the god of courage. At my question, Ellen put her index
finger to her lips and shook her head.
It's time to think it's because it's cute anyway, but not today.
"I don't know. Whether it was there or not."
Anne, what the hell are you saying to me right now?
"Your house in a rural village?"
Why is there
a relic in a rural village somewhere in Kernstadt ? ?” |
Thinking about it, I just spit it out because it wasn't something I
couldn't say.
"I don't know. Mom and Dad just gave me this and didn't explain
The hero and the hero's younger sister
, I thought there might be some kind of backstory there, but
it was obvious that there was a strange background .
Boy, in the past, when I said that you shouldn't have that kind of
power with that body, I said that my family was originally strong.
Was it something like a double track?
When I couldn't speak because I was absurd, Ellen's mouth began to
come out slowly.
“I’m more curious. It’s not that I can’t say it because I can’t say it, it’s
that I really don’t know.”
It's not that he doesn't talk like you, it's that he can't, Ellen gave a
very sad expression.
make people feel sorry
"Ah, no ... that, uh ... just gets angry is.Help me.That's not her.Shit I
do not quite understand what to believe ..... that .... am equal to you
kkangchon rural village (warrior watering two people).
haeteuni win probability Bob Do not set eaten at the original, if you're
in it you can fully do that now may be a situation in which more
nonsense materialized.
to give rather put the probability
Did that something like this.
anyway, the sun god cape .
the flame of the network discussions feathers that Ellen is wearing
there, was there a character in any other sacred is only recognizable
Like written.
[let him burn with hatred -
creeps words himself, I was forced to freeze a moment.
now I Relic I know what these embedded sentences mean.
A phrase engraved on Tiamata.
Last time in the Demon World War
[I will purify the world with
wrath .] In anger, I was able to unleash the true power of Tiamata.
He could use divine power even though he was not a priest.
Then hate.
Is the sun god's cloak an object that responds to hatred?
And another one.
I wanted to see it again with my own eyes.
“ me some ramen.”
At my request, Ellen
summoned Rament in her right hand .
The sword of the moon, Lament.
[Will it be forged with
tears ] Tears, sorrow.
Cloak of the Sun God, Lapelt.
[Burn with hate.]
And hate.
"...why rament?"
Sadness and hate.
Can the two coexist?
"I'm just curious how cool it would be if you wore both."
If it were
me, I would be able to draw both emotions out of Ellen at the same
time. In
front of the new topic of Ellen's hometown, I was adding an ominous
Lius left a rament for Ellen .
and went I
didn't set the intentions, so I
couldn't understand the intention of Lagann Artorius as to why he left
Rament to Ellen .
However, in Ellen's hometown, even the relic of the Sun God's
Cloak remained.
Even if he took care of one more,
he left two holy relics on the plate and started
the fight against the demon king.
What is Ellen's hometown doing?
After all, I can guess that it is some kind of secret society.
Because Ellen was still young,
her parents did not tell Ellen the truth about the town, presuming that
she would not be able to keep a secret .
By the way, didn't you just tell me you brought this from home? Of
course, I'm not sure if I'll tell other people, but I have an
ominous feeling.
Cantus Magna.
is no law that tells them to only collect magic .
In a sense, a holy relic may be needed, and in fact, it is not magic,
but does it not contain powerful power?
Ellen's hometown
may be ... Cantus Magna.
What am I supposed to do?
Ellen looks at me and says quietly.
“Did you miss me?” “…
It was so absurd that I couldn't help but be a little stunned. As I was
Ellen's mouth slowly pops out
, "I missed you."
looks at me as
if she didn't answer quickly . She wants to ask something, but instead
of asking, she wants something else . I don't
know why, but
she says , "I miss you... of course."
At my words, Ellen smiled bashfully. It
was only for a moment, but it was a smile that made all her worries
Ellen obtained a new relic, Lapelt , the holy water of the sun god.
this, she has won two relics on the continent since Lagan Artorius .
Became the only one who has it:
"It'd be better to keep this a secret . It'll be more troublesome when
it's known that you have it."
"....Yes. That’s right.”
Ellen seemed to be thinking about something, so she counter-
summoned Rafelt.
The Empire is set to find out where Artorius Lagan came from and
admit Ellen to the Temple.
Does the Empire know that Ellen's hometown is an unusual place?
If you think about it, your thinking is tilted toward not knowing.
So Ellen is the sun in her hometown
If it was known that he had brought the mantle of the gods, there was
a possibility that the imperial family would pay unnecessary attention
to it.
If it's Cantus Magna
, it's better not to touch it, so it's better that the Empire does n't know
about it, otherwise, it's better to leave it alone as it's a place that
doesn't do anything good.
In the end, Ellen's parents didn't tell Ellen much.
Lagann Artorius was not originally going on an adventure,
but was looking for something. As
a result, Ellen explained that she had learned too much about the
world and thought that she could not leave the world as it is.
It is clear that Ellen's hometown doesn't interfere much with public
affairs. So, Ellen's parents probably didn't give any special help to the
fact that their son was going to fight the Demon King.
An unknown secret group. Ellen's hometown.
Although I felt an ominous feeling,
I had no choice but to remember it for now.
Ellen is back. With the cloak of the sun god.
Charlotte began researching a way to recover her condition with the
supination magic found in the bunker of the Demon King.
and Harriet de Saint-Ouen.
The next day, I told Harriet
We shared stories about what we found out.
“Imaginary dimension?”
Hearing Harriet's explanation, I couldn't help but smirk.
’s a theory about dimensions that don’t really exist . It’s
like a virtual map set up to maintain a warp gate system .”
“…I don’t
quite understand?” “Whoa, this pain.”
There was no choice but to throw the hook comes through without a
moment beongjjeo Famous, Harriet is itself being fed to me a surprise
that you have satisfied grin and laughed.
but he suddenly came to this timing?
"No. But it's a foul ahninya? If we move on to magic, I can't be
bothered, right?"
At my words, Heriot raised his double wick and shouted loudly.
“Did you say that I’m a pak-tong because I’m really pak-tong?”
"No, I didn't mean you're stupid, I didn't mean to say you're a jerk
... um. Yeah, I'm sorry."
I've just nolryeot and ppaktong called out of nowhere're not mean that
I do.
"Well I'll give the right description
Harriet was elated had to explain the explanation in
explained it step by step .
began to .
Knowing that I wouldn't know if I had to put up some technical terms,
Harriet to the car level that I could understand
“Wait, then you mean that once you get used to imaginary dimensions
and stuff like that, you can interfere with a dog or a sonar warp gate
After listening to the explanation, it was surprisingly easy to
It's a subway map.
The subway map is drawn up regardless of the actual distance and
topography between stations. Therefore, it is written for the
convenience of the viewer regardless of the actual terrain.
Although imaginary water resources are different in that they are for
designers, not users, they are not much different from subway maps
in that they are maps that are designed for convenient viewing
regardless of reality.
“Do you
understand what I’m talking about?” “ Oh , I understand.”
Harriet couldn't do that,' he looked at me with narrow eyes.
ca n't explain what the subway map is, but I understood it properly!
“Anyway, this imaginary dimension does
n’t exist, but there are a lot of formulas and magic formulas made on
the assumption that this dimension exists. So, I think
the wizards involved in the maintenance of the warp gate facilities
must first understand this imaginary dimension.”
A new concept called the imaginary dimension.
" it were."
At my ominous sound, Harriet also muttered quietly, as if feeling an
ominous premonition.
“Still, there is little to worry about, and even if you understand the
imaginary dimension, it is not easy to interfere with the warp gate
system. The construction of the warp gate itself is not that difficult,
but it seems that interfering with the core operation of the warp gate
possible for selected and selected wizards throughout the empire .”
It's not difficult to make or control a machine, but it's difficult to touch
the machine's system itself.
“So, I heard that only the elite of the elite, and selected wizards
directly under the imperial family, have the right to interfere with the
Whip Gate itself.”
Everyone must be aware that warp gates are as dangerous magic as
they are convenient, so the Empire had no choice but to stick to
That said,
it is quite unusual that Harriet was able to approach the concept of an
imaginary dimension this time .
And it wasn't Harriet's request, it was my request.
With the imperial coat of arms, I can access even the most secret
parts of the empire. At the time of saving the princess's life, there is
no need to verify reliability.
“However, even among expert researchers, there seems to be a
difference of opinion.”
“Are you splitting?”
“I think there are people who think that imaginary dimensions may
actually exist?”
At those words, I felt goosebumps all over my body.
“So this is a professional study
It has not progressed, so it seems to be only a guess...”
Erriot narrows his eyebrows and
talks about what he heard.
“Where does the gate actually exist? I think it is because of this
“Where are you, isn’t it right in front of you?”
“The gate is itself an entrance and an exit. However, neither the
space corresponding to the entrance nor the space corresponding to
the exit actually exist. In other words, it is somewhere in the middle,
but where the hell is it?”
It exists simultaneously in both the exit and entrance spaces.
A gate essentially has two states in one space.
“So, the gates we see are
what dimension they actually belong to
. And when we cross the gate, we experience a little delay. you know
Obviously, you get the feeling that you are passing something through
the gate for a very brief moment.
“The space passed by at that time, according to the researchers, is
called an interspace between spaces, but even professional
researchers do not know where the space is.”
| Although warp gates are being used, even researchers do
not fully understand the magic of warp gates.
Does it mean that you are not doing it?
is understanding very quickly
, I created a warp gate system with a virtual dimension of an
imaginary dimension , but when I see it,
it actually does exist. I don't know if it was created because there
were a lot of warp gates, or if it was originally there.”
Heriot looks at me with his arms crossed.
“So, in the end, this is all nonsense, and it’s just speculation rather
than research, but if there is such a
thing as a different world and it is an imaginary resource, then as you
, people and things will not live in this world or anything like that?”
interspaces in space.
If such a thing were real
, it seemed to be Herriott's conclusion that it was just an imaginary
an empty space that exists, and that even if it could be in another
world, there could be no existence of another world.
"Anyway, there's nothing for sure, so I'll have to look into it more, but
in the end, I think I
'll only know better about this world and the warp gate . I don't really
want to become a warp gate engineer."
Harriet explained the use and methodology of the warp gate that he
had discovered, and what Harriet actually had to understand
would require a higher level of intelligence, and it
seemed obvious:
"Isn't it fun?"
"No? Who says it's not funny?"
Heriot said that he
would be happy if he was willing to take out the empire's greatest
secret as if he were eating a cookie, but as if there was no reason to
dislike it.
He doesn't want to become a warp gate engineer, but Harriet is
basically an honor student who thinks that more is better when it
comes to magical knowledge.
“Anyway, I don’t think the warp gate system has much to do with the
other world you are curious about.”
Rather, I felt like I was getting the strands right.
there were too many clues, and all things had their own risks
, so I couldn't be sure where the real problem was.
Warp gate,
imaginary dimension.
Cantus Magna.
black order.
Balier Junior.
Ellen's hometown.
There were so many clues all over the place that I felt like my head
was going to explode. Harriet stood up as if he had explained
everything he had to explain.
“Anyway, I’m going to go there because there is progress on the
Magic Research Society. Would you like to go with me?”
“What is it?”
As long as either the Power Cartridge or Moonshine is completed
within this winter break, there is no such thing as a splendid
achievement, so I got up with Harriet.
As I left the dormitory and headed towards the Magic Research
Society, a familiar face was standing at the entrance.
".... Teacher?"
As if it was surprising, Harriet saw Epinhauser who came to the
dormitory and greeted him.
Even on vacation, I
already knew that the teachers in charge of the Royal Class didn't
really play or play , so it wasn't that surprising that he came.
As always,
Mr. Epinhauser, who had a cold and cold impression, looked at me
and pointed out the dormitory with a virtuous gesture .
“Reinhardt, follow me for a moment.”
Harriet looked at me as if it was a pity then, and whispered softly.
“I’ll tell you about the research group’s work later.”
“Uh… yes.”
It's winter break and there are no classes, so what the hell is going
Is it Charlotte's problem, including Xaviolin Tana? The two have now
returned to the Palace of Spring to study the enchantment technique.
If Charlotte's power triggers a seizure, you'll need me, but for now,
research on incarnation is our top priority.
After leaving the Royal Class dormitory, Mr. E. Pinhauser walked
quietly next to me.
problem child's nature.
“Have you ever had an accident...?”
I get scared when my homeroom teacher calls me.
“If that’s not a wall, what is it?”
you haven't had an accident lately ? The last thing that caused the
problem was with Oscar de Gradias
, and
it wasn't an
I think like that.
“Why did you dress up as a woman?”
I felt like my head was going to harden at the sudden bang.
No, was it really?
What did Bertus say?
Or do you know because you are a teacher?
Maybe these bastards of the student council?
Mr. Epinhauser did not seem to be particularly blaming or questioning.
I guess I'm just curious.
“That, that. That... that. That’s it.”
As I hesitated, Mr. Epinhauser watched me silently, then shook his
"done. If your walls are like that, I don't have to worry about you."
“Oh, no?! Stand, the wall. That's not it, is it?"
I'm going crazy!
I'm the bastard I'm going to kill for going to a women's dress-up
contest Yeah! How long
are you going to torment me with this ?! I've also got the magic
control talent, so I'll be beaten a little more, right?
“Oh, no. That, four, ejaculation. I have a situation. that...."
After all, the only excuse is that it was because of money!
"done. That's not really what I'm asking."
"......Yes? So what...”
“Are you ready for information about Cantus Magna?”
in that single word.
It felt like the blood all over my body was getting cold.
The Demon King Goes to the Academy
Episode 359
I did not respond to Epinhauser Sensei's sudden words, asking if
information about Cantus Magna was ready.
To be precise, it
felt like my head had become a blank sheet of paper .
Epinhauser was a member of the Black Order
. He didn't check my answer.
I think it's a surprise, so I 'll wait for you to calm your mind.
seems to be
The Black Order saw me with the Lord Vampire.
That I am not a simple temple student, Epinhauser has known since
the death of Aaron Mede.
So, was the black robe someone I had contact with at the time
actually an Epinhauuser
I know that it is not a worry that goes with the situation,
I'm not interested in your fortress walls, and
Were you the one who told me that I was pretty boys and girls?
looking at the fortress walls again, are
you sure this is a nobleman?
Aside from that thought, it was like having a
knife stuck in the nape of his neck .
From a long time ago, with a single word from Epinhauser, everything
could be over.
I may not have known until recently that I am the heir
of the demon realm, Valie, but it will not be difficult to deduce who I
am in relation to the current state of the empire as soon as I have a
vampire as a subordinate.
It must be said that my true identity has already been discovered.
Mr. E. Pinhauser, who
has a patriotic setting,
left me alone .
What do the Black Orders do
, and what do they want?
I do not know the Black Order more than I do not know Cantus
realized the obvious truth.
There were many times when I felt fear.
I felt the fear of losing something, the fear of dying, all of that.
I was thinking that I might lose everything I held at any time , but
of the simple decision of the Black Order,
everything I already had was blown away at any time.
found out that had been won, fear took over my body.
In a different level of fear than I had ever felt, I gazed at Epinhauser
“Why did you leave me alone…?”
“We do not act recklessly.
I could have already lost everything in all the moments of normal
classes, training, and busy days at festivals.
The Black Order was watching me.
There's no way I'm not even aware that I'm the next Demon King.
"What about Khan tooth Magna?" If that's what you want me to do?
Forced to accept one go? Or
would throw my end to my temple life
means threatening one? Day
haewatgo is black with orders approaching equal relationship,
honorific Me did not.
but epin Hauser.
this person is good, but somehow hide like a cat in front of mice
blocked the front.
He does map no apparent overbearing, and no signs to accuse or
geopbak me.
like when we first met her eyes, cold makhan look And he was just
staring at me with his serene eyes. It
's, it's put me in endless fear. All
I know right now, only one thing
"is it."
Black Order
want information
On my side, they have the information they want.
And what I wanted
was information about the portal to another world .
“Unfortunately, we do not have any information or magic about the
portal to another world.”
The Black Order doesn't know what magic I want.
But the Black Order can force me to rip the answer out. Otherwise,
all the truth will be forcibly uncovered and you
will have to be prepared to leave the Temple .
It was possible at any time since I
became the Black Order that Epinhauser did not belong to the Black
Order, but that I was playing Lord Vampires . It was only
because they had a strange conviction that they couldn't choose that
kind of option.
"You have the information we need, but we can't give you anything."
Then the deal must be broken.
"Then ask one. We don't have the information you really want, but the
Order is fully willing to cooperate with you if you provide information
about Cantus Magna. It might help
you find what you really want.”
The Black Order doesn't know about the magic of the portal to
another world.
However, if you provide information about Cantus Magna, I will be on
your side.
“If you refuse… what will happen?”
Mr. Epinhauser looks
at me quietly .
“Nothing will happen.”
“We will be watching you.”
Goosebumps arose at those words.
They also know who I really am.
Nevertheless, even if you refuse, does that mean that you will just
watch? Without touching me or revealing my identity at all
what is it?
What does the Black Order want?
Annihilation of Cantus Magna?
Or something else?
The Magic Society is a group that is indifferent to the affairs of the
world and is faithful only to their principles and goals.
However, if you don't get information from me, you're going to step
down, but
what does it mean that you will continue to watch me after that?
I am the Demon King who infiltrated the Temple Royal Class. He said
that he would continue to watch over me regardless of the deal.
The word itself
to some extent that the Black Order is not an indifferent group .
“The Black Order is a group for what
Mr. Epinhauser looked at me still at my question and was silent, but
then he opened his mouth.
"I haven't decided yet whether I can tell you that or not."
Are you not going to tell me?
“However, we have not yet judged you as an enemy.”
Since it's a group that doesn't act recklessly, I haven't decided yet
whether to use my hand or not. That is, worrying itself.
I already came into their range the moment I came into contact with
the Black Order. I was always prepared for such a dangerous
situation to happen. Because I can't do only safe things in a safe
However, I just did not know that the troubling truth that Epinhauser
was a member of the Black Order was hiding.
If I pursue Cantus Magna with the Order, they will be on my side.
Otherwise, they will watch over me, and at any time they may judge
me as an enemy
and try to eliminate it.
Hand of the Black Order.
Is it really the right thing to do to catch this?
However, his identity had already been identified, and
the fact that it was Epinhauser who found out about it was only
surprising, but he was prepared for this situation itself to some
However, he has already made as many as possible allies whose
identity is uncertain.
There is no reason not to accept it because it is an ally with unknown
It is not a situation where you can cover your hands. Time passes,
and the gate crisis is approaching moment by moment.
| When they hold hands with me, they clearly have a purpose to
monitor me
must be a . Otherwise,
there's no reason to even say that you 're watching me .
. “Okay. We work together.” |
First, he teamed up with the Black Order to pursue Cantus Magna.
The latter is, after all, the latter.
After the verbal but important negotiations were concluded, Mr.
Epinhauser looked
at me with a still expression on his face and spoke seriously.
“Okay, then I’ll ask you again.”
" Yes."
I tell you the secret about Cantus Magna ?
But what if the Black Order just listens to the information and tries to
dissuade me?
Mr. Epinhauser asks me.
“Why did you dress up as a woman?”
Stop bullying me!
Epinhauser and I went for a walk in a relaxed atmosphere.
Mr. Epinhauser didn't ask why I needed the magic to open the portal.
The settings I wrote will be true.
Epinhauser is a patriot. That's true.
So, if there is a connection between the Epilhauser being a member
of the Black Order and being a patriot, is the Black Order an
institution related to the Empire?
I think not. Because the Emperor, Charlotte, and Bertus do not know
who I am. Then, even if the Black Order is related to the Empire, it
will have nothing to do with the Imperial Family.
Somehow, only in front of this person becomes a mouse in front of a
It became a strange alliance between the Black Order and the
remnants of the Demon Realm, but basically, I am conscious of this
person as a teacher.
By the way.
The Black Order has already figured
out who I am , my life is at stake, and in the end, I said that we
needed strength, so we should cooperate.
Not asking about Cantus Magna
Why do you keep asking me why I'm dressed as a woman?...
The reason for leaving something more important and asking me
about it is simply to annoy me?
The demon king who infiltrated the royal class
even went to a women's dress-up contest and won the championship
even if he held his breath .
... I think I'd be curious to even think about it.
What kind of crazy idea did you have to do that?
By the way.
There is each other's position, there is a position, and so on.
Epinhauser gave the answer.
, I'm not asking you to give me information about Cantus Magna , I'm
asking why you keep participating in the women's dress-up meeting...
I didn't, and I didn't know what to say as if I was a criminal next to
him with a dying expression on my face. was just walking.
I want to die.
I want to die in a different dimension from the one caught by Bertus.
Still, Bertus found out that his classmate was disguised as a woman.
The Black Order can do things on the scale of the Continental War,
I found out that the guy who did the daring thing that killed Leverier
Ranche had gone out of nowhere like a women's dress-up contest
before that.
"That.... must... say?"
“As much as possible.”
“No, why?”
I think I'm going out of my mind
What is your evil intention, what are you trying to do by opening the
gate, I already know your dirty intentions and true identity.
be sick
Why the hell do I have to explain everything like why I
disguised myself as a
woman to a member of a mysterious secret society like you
! And why are you curious about that?
Mr. Epinhauser looks at me and says:
“Are you ashamed?”
“I asked if he was ashamed to explain why he was dressed as a
"No, aren't you ashamed?"
If that's the case, just kill me! mentally
You feel like you're being killed with ?!
“That was it.”
“I said that was it.”
The reason why I disguised myself as a woman
I should have explained it, but it's okay if it's embarrassing to say.
What the hell do you want from me? Why is this question so
“Hey…why are you doing this to me, yo. Why the hell are you asking
such a thing?”
“I was just wondering what you think of the temple life.”
no way.
Did you want to know if you forsaken your identity and dignity as a
demon king and dressed as a woman solely through your personal
hobbies and desires?
Are you wondering if I am serious about the temple life or not?
no wonder.
I don't know the details,
The Demon King Goes to Academy
Episode 360
And the question I hear is so bizarre
It was supposed to be a heavy atmosphere, but it didn't feel that
way. After all, rather than the Demon King and the Black Order, I still
feel like a student and a teacher.
But we can't just talk like this forever.
“Before I share information about Cantus Magna, there are a few
things I want to know.”
“Tell me. If there is a question I can answer, I will answer it.”
"Mr. janseupnikka not a wizard?"
LH 2
epin Hauser,
he is not a wizard
, so black appeared immediately after killing the first I had
encountered with, ah Ron Medes five more will not be epin Hauser
Hit faced when cross-dressing competition This may or may not be
Mr. Epinhau. The
wizard is Mr. Must Lang, the class B homeroom teacher, and Class
A teacher is from the Black Order, so Mr.
Mustang is from Cantus Magna or something like that?
Why are not the wizards whether the cows in the magical association.
"eopji necessarily be the only reason for the wizard."
Mr. Epinhauser only replied that way, he did not know what the
conditions for joining the Black Order were.
However, Aaron Mede last time
was only at the level of Kenapuul among Kenafuls. If there was a
rank in the Black Order, I don't know how much Epinhauser would
have been , but as long as he exposed his face and came in contact
with me , it would not have been
at the level of public speaking.
“Cart Magna and Black Order. What's the relationship?"
"Cantus Magna wants the Order to stop drinking. That's why he's
persistently trying to find us."
“Is there really a fight going on?”
"Yes, the history of the conflict between the Order and Cantus Magna
is very deep."
The battle between Cantus Magna and the Black Order, who had
been coveting alcohol for a long time, was long and long.
That would mean that Cantus Magna is in
a position to attack the Black Order
The Black Order was
for its negative image of using evil and dangerous magic , and Cantus
Magna was
known for its positive image as a sorcerer who attacks sorcerers
who practice sobriety.
Of course, it is true that the Black Order possesses dangerous
magic, and it is also true that Cantus Magna attacks them, so there is
no misinformation spreading around the world.
However, it was not known that what Cantus Magna was doing was
tantamount to a robbery against the Black Order.
So the Black Order's salivating Cantus about their gold week
, it is inevitable that one of the wishes of the to find the stronghold of
Magna all.
"So, what's the information about Cantus Magna?"
“That’s why they collect alcohol.”
At that, Epinhauser stopped walking and looked at me quietly.
“They aim to complete an artifact named Akasha.”
Since it was the information Antirianus knew, the Black Order may
have already grasped this information.
He looks at me quietly and speaks briefly.
“…Ikashara. It's the first I've heard of it." Epinhauser nodded quietly
It was clear that the Black Order was completely unaware of this
Then another question arises.
Even the Black Order, who had been opposed to Cantus Magna for a
very long time, did not know the true meaning of Cantus Magna.
Antirian spoke as if he had briefly entered and left Cantus Magna.
The existence of Akasha was known only by Antirian's short-term
activity. If that's the case, it doesn't make sense that the Black Order
didn't know until now, no matter how much enemy it was.
Antirian may have been active at Cantus Magna longer than he
himself said.
“Where did you get that information?”
Epinhauser asks.
If Antirian had been active in Cantus Magna for a long time, he
may .
soon hunted the Black Order in the name of Cantus Magna .
Even if it was said that this happened several tens or hundreds of
years ago, Antirian
may be treated as an enemy to be dealt with by the Black Order .
If the person who was an insider of Cantus Magna was the source of
the information, he might even want to kill him.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you.” Still, I couldn't put a candle on the
unstable cooperative relationship from the start.
“If the source is not certain, the reliability of the information is bound
to decrease .” “I do not think this is completely accurate information.
After all, Antirian may have lied to me, and in fact, even a great man
who is not very trustworthy. No, if you take the story of Akasha to the
extreme, it is not possible that all of them are lies.
“However, Cantus Magna understands that the goal is to complete an
artifact named Akasha. It is an artifact that can contain spells.
"I don't know what 's going to happen when it's done, but it wouldn't
be unusual. Also,
I think there might be some I'd like from all the innumerable spells in
it, for now I think so."
I also didn't know what Akasha was in detail, so it was bound to be a
buzzing sound. just black order
Seeing what he didn't know about Akasha, it was clear that Cantus
Magna had been keeping a secret for a very long time.
and stuff them into Akasha.
Except for missing the
single blot of Antirian,
"Hmm.... It's completely unexpected information, so it seems like it
needs verification."
Epinhauser says so.
don't know about all kinds of ancient artifacts, so I'll try to find out if
there's any information about the Order."
In fact, although Epinhauser is a member of the Magic Society,
he is not a wizard, so although he may not
know where the order's headquarters is, there must be more
information there.

Does the Order know how to contact Cantus Magna ?”
"If I had known a simple way, I wouldn't have contacted you."
This was the expected answer, so I wasn't too disappointed.
"Sometimes they've found us, we've found them, but they do
n't get to our core. Just as we
did not understand their core .”
Although there were small skirmishes and local battles and fights,
there was never an all-out war.
The Cantus Magna
stormed the Black Order's base and seized all their spells,
and the Black Order raided the Cantus Magna's base and used the
damn spells.
You would want to annihilate the thieves, but that has
n't happened so far .
“You must have heard rumors that the Black Order conducts evil
black magic or experiments
No wonder.
is a rumor spread to attract Cantus Magna to any region or place in
the Order .
The strange rumors about the Black Order were actually all rumors
made up by the Black Order,
it was no different than saying that he had framed himself to kill his
enemies .
In order to annihilate the enemy, the Black Order deliberately
undermined the image of the association.
The Black Order actually tried to attract Cantus Magna by spreading
strange rumors about the alcohol they had created
, but didn't they actually commit a massacre of civilians?
"So, you're saying you
haven't actually
used alcohol or anything like that?" "Of course, in order to catch
them, a magic they don't know about must actually be being practiced
or exist there. They're not asking for any bait. Of course, the result is
success. It was a failure, but in the end, I couldn't reach their core."
"Of course, I'm not going to say that there were no actual casualties
caused by the Order,"
Epinhauser said quietly
gazes at the ..
thought it was strange to talk about the
loss of life to the demon king who infiltrated the royalties, but
Epinhauser asked them all while talking.
's really absurd to pretend to be a woman and then treat you as an
evil person this time .
Anyway, I don't know what the real purpose of the Black Order is.
But aside from the true purpose of the Black Order because of the
damn fight with Cantus Magna
, it was clear that the annihilation of Cantus Magna had become one
of the Black Order's most important secrets.
In the end, this too was not much different from Antirian.
Catch Canthus Magna as a bait for sobriety
There is also the cooperation of the Black Order, which has been
fighting Cantus Magna for a long time.
“They don't fall for all baits. And if their goal is to complete certain
artifacts, then if the
wrong bait is too big ,
might end up completing the artifact .”
“For now, it seems that finding out what Akasha is is a priority.”
Cooperation with the Vampire Council.
Failure to cope with the attack of Cantus Magna should also be
Unless you know what Akasha is, even more
unpredictable situations can occur if you fail after throwing a very
huge bait that they can't help but scare .
Following that, a cooperative system was established with the Black
It was a bit shocking that the order's agent was Mr. Epinhauser, but
all the situations started to roll little by little as I intended, with their
respective uneasiness.
My identity will not be hurt when it is revealed now. Because
I had no choice but to expose myself to hold the hands of numerous
groups .
Mr. Epinhauser watches me silently
Not Balier, but Reinhardt.
Of course, he doesn't know that the Demon King's son's name is the
same as the Great Demon King's, so he's calling it that.
Epinhauser looks at me quietly and
I don't know
what kind of emotion I feel in those indifferent eyes .
However, he called me
Reinhardt, not the Demon King's son .
“Don’t make stupid choices.”
With those words, I could feel a lot of emotions that I couldn't
understand on her face.
What is a stupid choice?
If it's a stupid choice, I think you're already doing it.
He seemed to still think of me as his student.
I don't know what Epinhauser or the Black Order wants.
You know what you want from me.
he still treated me as a student.
"Yes, teacher."
I still treated him as a teacher.
The link with the Black Order is Mr. Epinha User
I don't know
how he communicates with the Order and what activities he actually
does. The setting I wrote is true, but The parts that are not described
filled with things I do not know .
Mr. Epinhauser is a patriot. It
unclear whether his patriotic attributes are related to the
Black Order, however, the Black Order can never be an anti-
imperialist organization. The statement I have given that Mr.
Epinhauser is a patriot is true,
but if it were a pro-imperial group , why would they keep me alive
? Is it because
they thought that my existence would somehow help the Empire?
Wow, it was clear that he was prudent, to the
point of choosing the option of collaborating with Lina to annihilate
Cantus Magna, so far, I have only been blinded to the eyes of the
Black Order
That in itself depends on my actions, either the
Black Order's actions against me, or
It's not a metaphor for your age, but it wasn't so bizarre because it
was Liana who was obviously drinking in every corner.
attitudes could be interpreted to be different
Mr. Epinhauser will report on Akasha to the Order's headquarters or
the like, and if he can find a clue about it, he will find it.
If it is not there, the Cantus Magna is drawn directly from the gold
coins of the Black Order or mine as baits.
I can prepare such a huge amount of alcohol that they can't help but
be terrified. Then something close to an all-out war would happen.
Either the Black Order and my forces are destroyed, or the Cantus
Magna is destroyed.
One of two things will happen, and Akasha's whereabouts will be
decided then.
Time flows.
in anxiety and nervousness.
“Are you a little weird these days?”
I was on vacation, so I stayed in the dormitory for a few days, then
went back to the duke's house for a few days, and then Liana de
Granz, who was repeating ', came up to me and said to me,
“It’s always a bit thick, but these days it’s kind of like…..hmm…”
Liana looks at me and mutters with her arms crossed
“I guess I’m just a little tired.”
"Yeah? It's vacation, so what are you doing so hard? Get some rest."
"You'll figure it out."
“Hmm, what is it?”
Liana said that and went somewhere
not really because of training . Of course, it's not that I don't do it, but
I'm worried that this life will end someday.
Because of that
, it seems that I 've been acting a bit strange lately.
"...what did you ask?"
"No, just."
During training, he did nothing for a long time
and was staring at Ellen's face, or
"What, what, all of a sudden... Do you have anything to say?"
"Huh? no?"
“Ah, you were surprised….” While
talking with Harriet at the Magic Research Society mansion, he
suddenly patted the shoulder, surprising Harriet. or.
The Demon King goes to the academy
Reinhardt is weird.
"I, I'm fine..."
Ellen, Liana, Harriet, and Adelia were all gathering and talking like
Reinhardt has been a bit strange lately.
It's hard to see it as a bad feeling
All. Harriet blushing, uh
buzz and say
“I, the last time I suddenly just... uh, what should I say? looking at me
What can I say... the eyes..."
“Do you feel it?”
"That's right! That's what it felt like!"
At Liana's words, Harriet exclaimed as if it was the correct answer.
Reinhardt always had something thick.
The default is an expression that shows itself.
However, looking at Reinhardt the past few days, everyone felt
something strange.
I wonder if I should say that I am like a person all over the world.
Rather than being clammy, he walks around with vague eyes.
There hasn't been a lot of arguing for nothing in the past few days.
If you ask me, it's a sad and mellow look.
Of course, if you look at him with those eyes, there is an axis of
shame. Like Herriot de Saint-Ouen.
There are people who care about where the pain is and stroke their
foreheads. Ellen Ar
like Torius.
Of course, there are others who are completely different.
“I feel so bad.”
Liana de Granz is the one who is jealous
“No, I had a bit of a drink at home the other day, and I have a bad
stomach. Diabetes is coming. what are you saying What should I
say? uh? Hey, this… is it the first time in your life that you feel dirty in
that way?”
Drink your eaves and go.
| Liana was terrified and hated it when the guy who used to talk
about it suddenly and kindly said something like that.
'Crazy, why are you doing this all of a sudden?'
'What are you doing because you're worried?
When Liana hated it, Reinhardt took another step. Liana mutters
blankly as her complexion becomes cloudy.
“That bastard… isn’t he suddenly behind? When a person suddenly
changes, he dies. Heck.”
“Hey, where is that?”
“It’s superstition.”
“Oh, that can’t be…”
Everyone reacted differently to Liana's words.
After all, what's weird about Reinhardt these days?
I know, but everyone's grass is dead for some reason
I don't know.
“Anything… should I do something?”
Liana just tilted her head and said that. At that, Ellen asked.
“What if?”
"Well... When I'm depressed, I wonder if there's anything other than
eating and drinking..."
A woman who has no idea what it is
What else do you have for Seok?
It is true that Liana, who is jealous and disgusted, is also worried
about Reinhardt in the end.
Everyone starts thinking about doing something for Reinhardt, who is
That really helped Reinhardt
independent of whether or not it will be
I've been thinking for a long time that there are too many things to
worry about. Of course, I thought there would be more, but in reality,
the pressure started to appear and it was getting harder to pay
attention to all the parts.
Black Order is on my side for now
They said they would, but I don't know what their true intentions are.
Wouldn't it be better to leave the temple on your own?
As Lucinil said, I will become more and more dangerous and more
and more people will find out about my identity.
to be. And depending on who knew, it is likely to be irreversible.
It's just a dangerous tightrope walk
Isn't it right to leave the Temple?
However, there was a reason why he had to remain in the temple
while hiding as much as possible until he could hide his identity.
“It’s only been a few days, so I don’t know for sure, but it seems to
be going smoothly.”
"I'm glad."
Class B dormitory.
Charlotte's horse calmly drinking tea
it was
Analysis and research on the art of engagement, through it, removes
the spirit of the demon king that dwells in Charlotte.
Until then, when Charlotte's power ran out, I was the only one who
could deal with it.
It is true that there are thoughts that I do not want to leave the
temple even after leaving such practical problems, but in the end it is
just my personal wish and greed.
don't even know
“First of all, I kept the labyrinth under the Demon King’s Castle a
secret as well as where I got the book from. It may become known in
the future, but no one knows right now.”
A labyrinth under the Demon King's Castle.
Being known about the place itself is not a problem.
However, the problem is that only the Archdaemon can enter it.
When it is known that Charlotte is in a state no different from the
Demon King, it is difficult to be safe.
I want to stay in the Temple until Charlotte's problem is resolved.
Not sure if it will be or not.
“By the way, what are you doing these days? Did you fight with the
kids or...?"
"Huh? no?"
Charlotte felt something in me too.
I was about to ask carefully if that was the case.
All. Showing a different side of yourself too much may also be a
When I was a little sulky, Charlotte
quietly took my hand
"Everything will be fine. Don't worry."
It's similar to what he said to Charlotte.
It would have been nice if Charlotte had a voice, too, and I suddenly
thought of that.
winter palace.
Bertus' office.
“I expected it to be like this, but in the end, it’s going to be a US
Bertus arranged the organized reports and placed them neatly next
to the table.
The attack on Le Barrier Ranche.
In the end, it was possible to infer the assailants, but their
whereabouts are obscure. The Demon King's intentions were also
unknown. The report that we have now received is that we will
eventually proceed with the investigation into the attack on Le Barrier
However, in the end, it was written that the limit of the investigation
was hit.
The successor of the Demon King does exist.
And it's very likely that it was the boy who saved Charlotte. where
did the boy go
sudden evaporation in the middle of the ecliptic
A boy who disappeared like
Charlotte and herself followed the track.
but couldn't find it in the end.
At this point, the reappearance of the Demon King is acting as a
boon for the Empire, but eventually
Unless you know what kind of existence the Demon King is, you
might like it because the enemy of the empire that vanished like this
has reappeared.
There was no such thing.
Where should I start looking for the remnants of the demon realm?
can you reach
Bertus was worried about that.
“But lower. The one you mentioned last time… Reinhardt.”
"shut up."
When Reinhardt's name was mentioned, Bertus frowned.
“Don’t talk about that bastard for a while.”
As a person, there are memories that cause damage to themselves
just by recalling them.
Reinhard for Bertus right now
That was the name Tra.
woman's dress.
no why? What do you regret?
| No reason, no reason, no reason is a reason for Reinhardt to do
something like that.
I said it was because of the money, but the prize money for that kat
women's dress-up contest is not that big of a deal. In fact, Rotary
clubs are sweeping money with a rake. How much would it be if the
prize money for winning the women's clothing contest contributed to
the club's finances?
So literally.
Other than the reason that I wanted to do that, there was no reason
no matter what you think
Reinhardt was disguised as a woman.
I want to dress up as a woman.
No matter how much I think about it, that's the only reason
will be!
To Bertus, Reinhardt is such a bastard.
Dressed up as a woman, show it to others
The guy who went to the contest to give it to him.
Human beings are beyond the scope of their own measurements.
I tend to give up trying to understand difficult things.
Bertus wants Reinhardt to understand.
gave up
Giving up is soon enough, I don't even wonder
that I decided not to even think
miss it
An investigation into the silver-haired girl
With the words to stop immediately, Berto
He hadn't even thought about the madman named Reinhardt.
Reinhardt of Bertus in the status quo
The renunciation of thinking about ' is a favorable situation for
Reinhardt as a result.
"That... Still, I think this is something you should know..."
“Don’t talk.”
Bertus does too much mental damage.
He was not going to even lie down in the dormitory until the winter
break was over because he was wearing a big dress.
When it was clear that the prince was not feeling well, the
subordinate hesitated.
As if it was a story that I couldn't say and I couldn't back down.
“Well then, I’ll just tell you this.”
“Huh, okay. What is it?”
At Bertus' attitude as if he had to be prepared to be reprimanded if it
wasn't a big deal, his subordinate opened his mouth with difficulty.
“It is said that he received the imperial coat of arms.”
Bertus tilted his head.
Because something completely unexpected came out
it was
I thought it was going to be something like a Rotary club.
Is it the imperial coat of arms?
“… you mean Reinhardt got it? imperial coat of arms? who? my
Bertus knew that Charlotte had lent the imperial coat of arms to La
Inhardt, who was going to the Darkland the other day.
"no. His Majesty gave it to him himself…”
“...Your Majesty?”
imperial coat of arms.
The fact that the emperor gave it directly means that it is a grant, not
a loan.
Those who own it are treated like royalty.
That's the way it is, just having it is enough for most things
It is only natural to have book privileges.
How should the royal family be treated?
There is rather no such thing as a clear and detailed law about what
to do.
Therefore, the treatment equivalent to that of the royal family
deserves more than that of all the privileged classes in the world.
means to do
Therefore, it is natural that no one can receive or possess the
imperial coat of arms, and those who possess it must be those who
have made great achievements to the empire.
For example, even though they are not already in the world,
Like Lagann Artorius and the other warriors.
But Reinhardt received it. will say
“Last time, didn’t you invite students to the Imperial Palace in
connection with the Temple Festival?”
"Oh yeah. It’s an annual event.”
It's something that happens every year, no big deal. There is an
event every year to congratulate and encourage the winners of the
temple tournament by grade level.
there was also
Reinhardt was the 1st year Temple winner.
“Maybe there…”
"Yes. It is said that not only Reinhardt, but Ellen Artorius also
received the imperial coat of arms.” |
“Ellen? He probably didn’t make it to the tournament this time?”
“They said they invited the winners of the Miss and Mr. Temple
contests this time too.”
“Hmm. That’s right.”
Bertus was too busy with other things at the time, so he wasn't
interested in those things. So I just didn't understand that Ellen was
the Miss Temple winner.
Bertus seemed to be painting.
The winners of the Miss and Mr. Temple contests are not originally
invited to the Imperial Palace.
The emperor knew Ellen was the winner, so he invited him on
purpose. royal coat of arms
to give
“I understand Ellen’s side… but why Reinhardt?”
Ellen Artorius.
She is the younger sister of the hero, and she has great talent and is
growing at a frightening speed.
have. Therefore, in this situation where the Demon King may have
returned, Ellen
They are the most meticulously protected and nurtured beings in the
From that perspective, Ellen
The imperial coat of arms was given to the emperor
is a fairly important and good judgment.
But what about Reinhardt?
Bertus thinks that Reinhardt is also the possessor of a formidable
In terms of speed, he can actually outperform Ellen. The two of them
had a marked difference in their starting points, but now they can
both use Mana Enhancement.
Of course, they are not equal, but
But at this point, Ellen is Ragan Ah.
It is true that he has a higher level of expectation because he has a
good precedent as an older brother, and there is actually a person
who is more talented than Ellen and Reinhardt.
the empire overflows
If you don't have the background of being a hero's little sister, you're
investing in the possibility, it's not worth it to receive the imperial coat
of arms.
gold is too much
“He said he was the owner of Tiamatta.”

At those words, Bertus narrowed his brow.
“Is that Tiamata I know? The relics of Tuan?”
“Yes, Reinhardt…”
The servant speaks quietly.
“It is the champion of Tuan.”
Champion of Tuan.
Reinhardt was Tuan's champion.
Because of the shock of a different meaning than before, Bertus left
his mouth blank.
was wide open
“Since when?”
"I don't know. I can see the information I just came in..."
The owner of Tiamata.
Champion of Tuan.
Apostle of the god of purity,
woman's dress.
"No, why the hell did you do that as a motherfucker?"

The subordinates were terrified by Bertus' sudden acceleration.
I had no choice but to take a step back.
innocence and womanhood.
Bertus is more like Reinhardt than expected.
I couldn't help but convince myself that he was crazy. Bertus took a
deep breath as he pressed his temples, which had begun to throb.
"No. All right. Anyway, you mean Reinhardt is Tuan's champion? Not
sure when."
“Yes sir. So, together with Ellen Artorius, as the enemy of the Demon
Didn't I receive a false sentence? I think so.”
"Yeah... it can be. It can be..."
There is one scene that Bertus wants to erase from his mind by
putting his brain in the washing solution and rubbing it to wash it.
It forces me to keep thinking about it.
It is certain that Reinhardt is a pervert, but it is also certain that he is
Tuan's champion.
Put aside your worries about useless parts. I'd like to put it away
forever if possible, but that doesn't work.
Anyway, Reinhardt is Tuan's champion. So, with Ellen, the Imperial
received a sentence of
Bertus knows that Ellen is the owner of Rament.
But he didn't know until now that Reinhardt was Tuan's champion.
“Last year, he and Ellen went to Darkran.
I once brought something believed to be the holy thing of a demon
from De. Yes?"
“Yeah, then it suddenly disappeared… If you’re talking about that
Last year, during summer vacation, Reinhardt brought a powerful
artifact presumed to be a demonic relic from Da Crand.
Then, while trying to investigate it in detail, it suddenly disappeared
after Dettomorian performed some magical ritual.
“Is it a bit of a leap forward to think that the relics of that demon and
what they say have something to do with Reinhardt being Tuan’s
"That's... I don't know, Your Majesty."
It is unbelievable that holy things can be corrupted unless you have
seen it with your own eyes.
If that thing and Reinhardt are Tia
It has something to do with having Mata.
That means it's been quite some time since Reinhardt became
Tuan's champion.
"Then it's been a while since he kept it a secret that he was Tuan's
understanding goes
The lords of relics are useless attention
is bound to be of interest. Ellen
This is the hero's younger sister and Ramen
It is in that context that he hides that he is the owner of the site.
Reinhardt is friendly with Ellen like that.
I can't breathe until now that I became the owner of Tiamata
If you say you won, you can do it, Berto
s thinks
Ultimately, it is too vague at this point to specify whether Reinhardt
became Tuan's champion before or after entering the temple. We
can only estimate that it is near the summer vacation.
The real point to think about is elsewhere.
He never knew that Reinhardt was the owner of Ti Amata.
All. This story is a secret that has been so well hidden.
"Your Majesty, how the hell did you find out that Reinhardt was
Tuan's champion..."
Reinhardt could not have confessed that fact to the emperor himself.
Emperor Boahani correctly pointed out both Reinhardt and El Ren,
and bestowed the imperial coat of arms.
How did the emperor know what Reinhardt would not have said, and
how did he grant the imperial coat of arms?
“Hmm, and it’s definitely a bit odd.”
Bertus is holding his chin on his wrist.
“Tiamata is a thing famous for being out of the hands of unbelievers.”
"... That's right."
Tiamata was a sacred object that only the Paladins or Priests of
Tuan recognized as their owners. However, Reinhardt does not have
any particular faith, nor does he have the personality to have such a
“As a matter of fact, he’s closer to Reinhardt rather than Reinhardt.
Olivia Ran
I think the body is more suitable for the owner. Of course, he also
has faith.
It’s a miracle, but I wonder if it would be better if there was no
difference between a person who gave up faith or a person without
To the extent of being called a devotee of Tuan and a saint
Olivia with powerful divine power
Isn't Ranche more suited to Tuan's champion?
Bertus thinks that if he were Tuan, he would have chosen Olivia over
La Inart.
However, the thoughts of the gods are unknown.
I'm not even sure if they are really thinking beings.
In the end, only the result remains.
Since the emperor could not have given the imperial coat of arms
based on false rumors, Reinhardt is rightly Tuan's champion.
the power of purity.
It is the force that is opposed to the fall,
power against darkness.
dark power.
As if he was prepared for death, it was not even worth dealing with
just because he was miserable. I thought,
Gradually eroded by the power to handle shadows
his brother.
Charlotte de Gradias.
I had put everything down, but at some point, it suddenly came back
to life.
Some moments of Charlotte are Bertus's
comes to mind
Numerous thoughts tangled in Bertus's head.
Bertus stared out the window with a firm expression.
“Reinhardt, if you think about it, he emptied the temple from time to
Soon, the prince put on a gloomy smile,
“The estimated date when my brother’s condition suddenly
“The date Reinhardt did not attend the Temple. Return time.”
“The deeds of my brother.”
“Bring them all together.”
At Bertus' instructions, the subordinate nodded.
“Yes, my lord.”
As soon as the subordinate who received the order was leaving,
someone came through the door of Bertus’ office.
knocked on
- smart
- Reception of His Majesty, Sir Xaviolin Tana
This is a request.
“Twitter, I don’t have time to rest. Please come in.”
The Emperor's seat was too large to focus on one thing.
If you forget, the materials your subordinates have compiled will give
you inspiration or enlightenment about something else.
Until then, you just have to do something else.
Xaviolin Tana soon entered the prince's office.
As always, with a firm expression and a calm attitude
Degree. And regardless of her actual age, she looks like a
mysterious woman.
Shana's leader was polite to the prince.
“I will see you, Prince.”
“Welcome Sir Tana.”
Saviolin Tana looks at the prince and says:
“I heard that I have work to do.”
“Yes, Sir Tana, it is important.”
Interlacing their hands, Bertus grinned gloomily.
“Very important thing."
The Demon King goes to the academy
Now, if it was the last time, there was something left to say that it
would be the last.
No, rather than the end, it would be appropriate to call it a beginning
in a sense, having all the necessary preparations.
Temple dormitory.
night time.
“As of yesterday, we finished our encounter with Owen de Getmora.”
In my room in the dorm, I was listening to Sar Kegar's report.
"How is it? Aren't you surprised?"
“Of course, it seemed to be a bit surprising, but it’s because I’m a
merchant by nature.
It looked like it was bouncing off the abacus."
Promoting the human republican revolution
It must have been embarrassing to hear that the demon realm
suddenly joined hands. But in the end, you roll a calculator of gains.
Because I grew up, the situation immediately calmed down
I started to calculate this.
“First, we need to discuss with the top management.
I said yes, but as you said, the positive answer was
It seems that the environment where there is no choice but to come
out is right.”
As long as we were caught, it was like being caught on a leash in the
end. If you do not want to join hands, you can only hand over
information about the revolutionary forces to the Empire.
“Yes, from the perspective of the Empire, the fire that fell on our feet
is actually not us, but the revolutionary forces.”
The existence of the demon realm itself is already
One Root That Can Unite Humanity
become huge However, the movement of the revolutionary forces
is an internal division.
The demonic forces cannot destroy the empire, but the revolutionary
forces can do so.
So, in reality, it is the revolutionary forces, not us, that the Empire is
really trying to ignite and eradicate.
Sarkegaar looks at me cautiously
“Of course, Owen put up a condition during the meeting.”
“It’s a condition… what is it?”
"The fact that the descendants of the demon king exist
He said he wanted to check it."
It wasn't something I was expecting. They ooh if they hold hands
with us
You may be wondering how much Lee's power remains and what we
can do.
And I'll check to see if the last demon lord, who is only rumored to
exist, really exists. If I had as much power as my predecessor Balier,
it would be very reliable.
But I don't have that real power.
What is that, can you tell by looking at the Archdaemon?"
“That’s right.” |
So it won't make a big difference if I show you.
“What would you like to do? of course which
It is necessary to coordinate opinions on how and where the meeting
will be held.
It's like. Also, face-to-face
You may not want to. There could be any number of traps or
dangerous things.”
We know them, but they don't know us.
Showing up and exposing your power in that situation is not a very
good option.
But they would rather form an alliance than be taken advantage of.
Already caught by the Black Order.
“It would be dangerous for me to go there myself. They say that
there is no face-to-face meeting until a certain level of trust is
established. You don’t have to look at each other’s faces to be able
to work together.”
Enthusiasm is the time to restrain yourself.
“Okay, my dear.”
Sarkegaar looks at me this time, as if the report is over.
Of course, I also have a story to tell Sarkegaar. “For now, we have
decided to cooperate with the order.”
He did not say that Epinhauser was a member of the Black Order.
Then Sarkegar will do everything he can to get me out of the temple.
“The purpose of the Black Order is not yet clear. But let's get them to
fight Cantus Magna first.
seems to have agreed on the purpose itself,
As long as mutual understanding is in agreement, even if there is no
trust relationship, I think we will go hand in hand.”
“……I think it is too dangerous.”
Sarkegaar's judgment is correct.
And I'm actually in a more dangerous situation
is placed on Sarkegaar would be furious if he found out that I had
hidden the fact that Epinhauser belonged to the Black Order.
"I don't know if it's right to hang on to something called Akasha like
this. Maybe that's not what we want?"
“I will.”
What is Akasha?
I do not know.
Just decided to do something, do it
must be
The dice were already cast a long time ago, and now they are just
moving the pieces.
If I wasn't going to move the horse, I would stay in Elerys' shop in the
first place and quietly avoid all incidents and accidents, including the
gate incident.
He must have been killing time in the corner of that narrow two-story
“And you know that I’ve been to all of the Demon King’s castles this
“Yeah, was there something there?”
“There was such a thing as a shelter, and materials that could
survive for a very long time were stored.”
Sarkegaar looks at me blankly at my words.
"Under the Demon King's Castle... there's a place like that.
“Yeah, I guess you don’t know either.”
“Yes, this is the beginning of the golden hour….”
“Anyway, it seems to be a labyrinth with the feeling that the road
itself does not open unless it is an Archdaemon.”
"It's a mysterious labyrinth.... The previous demon king mastered
magic, so it's not very surprising..."
In fact, even Airi is such a rain to the Demon King
I only vaguely knew that there was such a thing as a wheat space.
The Four Heavenly Kings should have known about the bunkers
to be. But the secrecy is very strict.
did. Even Airi knew about the secret place, but didn't know that it
was a bunker.
If you know anything about the bunker, then the Four Heavenly
Kings, Demon Kings, and even me.
The rest means that they did not know about the secret space of the
Demon King. Of course, someone else might know.
I don't know about that.
"Anyway, it's a labyrinth. Arcdaemon
Without this, I can't even get in
It was like.”
“Anyway, there were a lot of magic books from the demon realm.
chisel canthus magna
I'll use it as bait when I fish."
The bait is enough.
So cantus with the black order
Ready to catch a big fish named Magna
Deliver the relevant information to Lucinyl. Then Elerys will know.”
Share the information you find out and decide what course to take in
the future.
“Yes, lower.”
Sarkegaar turns into a sparrow and flies away.
I took a few deep breaths, gently pressing on my temples.
Isn't it right to meet the revolutionary forces in person?
In this situation where the Black Order can always reach out to me,
I'll be quiet
Is it right to be on the platform?
Is it true that the enchantment is the answer to solve Charlotte's
What if I accidentally touch Cantus Magna, which causes a bigger
when everything goes wrong
Actually, if I said I was trying to save everyone,
Who the hell believes me?
Four days have passed.
Nothing special has happened so far. Contact with the revolutionary
forces was being approached cautiously, and there was no particular
opinion from Epinhauser's side.
It seems that there were quite a few guys that caught my eye when I
was walking around.
“Hey, me.”
I was locked in my room and tied up with my hair, and at first, Liana
called me.
It just shows up in an unexpected way at an unexpected time.
“Let’s play with my sister.”
No, he liked to beat Cliff while doing that, but now he's doing this to
me too?
“…why are you who you are?”
“Baby, that’s what you are saying.”
He grabs me by the collar and pulls me out of the room.
“Anyway, me and my child.”
This guy who lives with the mindset that there are no worries and all
you need to do is have fun.
A rich girl but a rich girl
It seemed the same but not at all
this guy
liana de granz,
“Have a drink?”
“Aren’t you and I not old enough to ask you to drink as if it were
“On a topic like that, the whale whale cow
Did you die because you liked it?”
no wonder.
In a situation like this, this kind of behavior of a guy like Liana, who
lives without any worries
This subtly comforts me.
It is still afternoon.
Liana says as she drags me along.
“Anyway, take your time.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Let’s talk.”
Liana looks at me and smiles.
“I don’t know what the death is,
Kids who get tired when you're dead
Aren't you one or two?"
- Pak Pak!
Liana taps my shoulder.
“You won’t die if you walk around with an impression.”
Just because you're wearing an impression doesn't mean you
shouldn't do it.
So, is it okay to go ahead with an impression?
Let me laugh out loud, Liana
He looked at me and clicked his tongue.
“Tomorrow, when they are taken to the slaughterhouse, the cubs
don’t look like you, right?”
“Isn’t it a bit harsh to speak slowly?”
“Yeah, come out like this, this is more
Because I am used to it.”
It looks like I'm trying to show off my temper, so Leah
Go out laughing and digging in my back
just knocked on
Liana de Granz....
It always seemed far away, but it was also close.
he's a weird guy
Give me some time
Liana took me out of the temple
“Where are you going?”
“Follow me.”
Even dragged me far horsepower train
Come to think of it, a small but not many who can only alone with
this guy.
The gun cotton with Liana and the beginning end of a deserted
island groups mission was when. That yihurodo no doubt that no
apparent dark, the summer
after It felt like we were dealing with each other casually. In
other words, there weren't many incidents or things that we had
accumulated, but it was a strange relationship where
we got to know each other by accident and didn't feel uncomfortable
with each other at all.
I think it's a relationship
. On a magic train that isn't without many people , I hold the handle
and stare blankly out the train window.
Scenery similar to Seoul, but never the same, passes by. The
process of riding the train itself is the same
scenery that looks ecliptic did not have the slightest resemblance to
the Seoul cityscape in my head.
. in sounding blurred train
"can going on?"
Liana de Granz asks quietly.
I could feel the worry about me in the simple words.
what's up a lot I just can't tell you.
“Because there’s nothing wrong with it.”
"What is it? Because people can do it for nothing.”
He didn't really believe it, but he didn't ask too much. Liana was
silent for a while, trying to find another topic
, and then opened her mouth.
“Now the juniors are coming.”
I didn't care at all about the problems I was facing.
We are now in our sophomore year, and soon our freshmen will be
joining the Royal Class.
are quite a few guys who took on roles in the original work even in
junior units, and my actions would
have affected that part, so they will normally enter the Royal Class
. It will be mainly related to Ludwig, but of
course there is also a feeling of reproducing the conflict between the
seniors by dividing them into first grade A and B classes, but they
Thinking about that, I'm actually a little far away from the temple
“I wish I didn’t have a junior like you
“...what about me?”
"You equal do you think I'm nice if you have younger hammered from
ssangyok tell seniors came he would get the job of discipline?"
On second thought a feeling become spirit ahdeuk.
Coming contains a junior like me?
Is the worst.
Ask Liana is looking at me.
"If Harriet the What are
you going to do if these juniors gather and talk about this and
That's it.
"You won't leave me alone, will you? Not going to last you come
down ran out of books georimyeon squeezing Paragliding on
gallantly like the seniors? "
Hardly gonna not not say!
I am he puts ssangyok me reudi or been disciplined catch juniors, Le
Dinah two
and let's spirited away deoni I brought
Arde, a
sophomore, and I barely escaped the crisis by breaking the groin
after being hit hard by Ard . But now that I am in my sophomore year,
I won't be arguing with our tough juniors, but
if I do. , If you say that a young fellow of any size was talking to a
Harriet was surprised to see it and cried and told me that this kind of
thing had happened
If you even talk like that,
I'm not confident I won't make it with that little kneading sound.
Ard de Gritis....
You deserved it....
It was only after a year had passed that I came to understand the
heart of the senior who came to give me
If it was worse, it was worse, but I'm sure it won't be any less....
Who are you? Even if she looks like this, she's a princess, uh. How
dare someone like him. While
saying this ... When I was
hurt , I was disgusted and annoyed, so I got a call for it, but when
things really turn out like that, I'm not confident I won't do it!
As if she had read everything I was thinking by looking at my
expression, Liana chuckled and laughed.
“But when you think about it, it’s strange, when you acted so crazy at
the beginning of last year, I thought you were a real idiot…. How did
this happen?”
He was a guy who literally had no reason to be friends, but after
many things, we became friends. Even Rihanna was going for a walk
outside like this, saying that a guy like me has a face like this, and I
wouldn't have thought it would turn out like this.
Liana looks out the window and smiles
“This and that, it was fun in the end.”
“I hope it will be the same this year.”
A lot of fun things happened last year
Well, like Liana said, I hope there will be many interesting things this
year as well.
I hope so too.
After riding the magic train, I soon realized where Liana was trying to
take me.
A cluster of mansions in the northern part of the ecliptic.
There too
, Liana stopped in front of the main gate of the very huge mansion .
“Of course it is, but isn’t this your
“I know.”
What the
hell does it have to do with how I look and you invite me to your
Liana grinned.
“Now, slowly, you have to get permission.”
"permission? What permission?”
“Oh, no, no. What?"
"What. Don't you like it?"
No, what is this bastard talking about now?
Have you ever looked at me like that?
"Uh, that, ah... No, I understand what you're talking about. Um, I
don't understand? He, and I'm sorry..."
"... I'm joking, are you serious?"
Liana licked her tongue as if it was ridiculous.
and filled Then, blue lightning flashed from the guy's hair.
- Break up!
"And, you're a little annoyed because you're so tanned
"No, what should I do? Don't play with me like this!"
"shut up."
Liana folded her arms as if she had only hurt her self-esteem by
playing a prank, and not long after that, the door of the mansion
was opened by the users .
“฀฀฀฀฀ ฀฀฀.”
“Everyone is waiting in the annex.”
Who the hell?
“Follow me.”
Liana grabbed my arm
and led the way through the spacious mansion.
“You should know that you are blessed, you bastard.”
Liana made an incomprehensible noise as she dragged me away.
The Demon King Goes to the Academy
Episode 363: The
Grand Duke of Granz's Mansion...
As soon as I entered the annex building, not the main house, I
couldn't help but be surprised.
First of all, the dining room of the annex
was filled with a delicious smell.
Naturally, there were a lot of food spread out on the table.
But it wasn't the food that mattered.
"I'm here."
Wow , you're here..." Adelia.
"Uh, um... He, are you here? Reinhardt."
There is only up to the cliff
, "What is this ...?"
My coleslaw did not understand the situation Liana Cook stabbed in
the elbow.
"What mwogin. I thought you were going to do something because
you look bad, but I just said let’s have a party.”
Food is also food.
Seeing everyone wearing their aprons, it seemed that all the food
was made by themselves.
It looks like I'm not feeling well, but I won't tell you why.
So I
'm trying to comfort him somehow , but I don't know what to do, so I
'm planning a surprise party.
This does not solve the problem, nor does it somehow relieve my
psychological anxiety about the things I am facing.
The more I see these guys thinking this way, the more I fear the
This is of no use to anything.
The better the present, the more afraid of the future.
This is actually not what I need
Because there will come a day when you will miss this moment.
"Uh... are you crying?"
Rihanna's trembling voice, breaking the silence, echoed in the dining
It was a voice that seemed to be genuinely perplexed, and the other
children were also staring at me with their mouths open.
“Crazy, what are you talking about! What makes me cry?”
"Ah, no... No, this bastard. Ji, really. Are you really crying?"
Liana was making a fuss about what she saw wrong
They're not even kids, and the
for crying over things like this has long passed.
“Because I’m not crying!”
would i cry!
Would you cry because the kids did something like a surprise party?
how am i Do you know how old you are actually?
Ellen came over to me and held out a tissue
No, I'm not crying, so why do you need this?
“Aren’t you crying?”
didn't cry
I don't know what
might have come out of my eyes without me knowing .
I don't know.
"Yeah, I know he's not crying this."
In the end,
I heard accept tissue Ellen hand out.
"Fuck ..."
I wasn't defeated, but I felt like I lost.
And, there is
such a child.
A child who does not even know English when someone cries and
cries along.

Hey …” “No… you, why are you crying?”
"Wow...Mo, I don't know..."
Harriet suddenly cries along, leaving Liana in her second ear.
Ellen handed her a tissue too.
I didn't cry, but she cried. I believe so.
Of course, the kids may have different ideas, but it's not mine,
so in the end, it was a surprise party, but there was a sumptuous
dinner. So, it is understandable that they eat it. It was never
like a social party, with musicians playing music and dancing, etc. As
you can see
, it is clear that Liana does n't like that, and Liana wears a dress and
dances at a social party. It didn't work out when I tried to imagine
what it would look like. I think I
'm just going to warn the men approaching me with my legs crossed
that they're not working. Of course , I don't know what it is, but
there was a lot
of food . Ellen, the last time I knew I could cook properly However, it
was surprising that Heriot, Adelia, and even Cliffman did it.
" were dragged?"
“… Because they said there would be a shortage of workers…”
“ That’s right…. ”
Apparently, Cliffman was given by Liana as an option.
Did Liana become an exclusive slave?
Actually, I
don't know if I like it while saying it's a reward, but I really hate it
funny and rude to say that it's school violence at this point
I wonder who made what.
's Omnyyote Ellen, I can't understand what I'm
eating because I'm eating what's in front of me .
- Jump!
Everything Harriet made was all over the place. He glances at me to
see what I am touching, and when I raise my hand, he looks at me
with eyes full of anticipation .
But it's pretty weird.
Creamy pasta in front of you.
Looking at it, it seems that Harriet made it.
But honestly.
At a time like this, a character like you obviously can't cook, right?
It looks fine, but in fact, instead of salt
Did you add sugar or something like that?
In the end, I knew I would be very disappointed if I didn't eat it, so I
closed my eyes and took a bite.
"How are you? How are you?"
asked me as soon as I was afraid to eat .
Why is it just delicious?
It's not a huge delicacy, but thinking that Harriet made this, it felt
more delicious than it actually was, probably because of the
uniqueness correction.
“...why is it delicious?”
At my words, Harriet narrowed her brow.
"What is it? If it's delicious, it's delicious. What does it mean to say
it's delicious?"
"No, why do you know how to cook?"
“Did you follow the recipe in the cookbook?”
as really as weighed only as recipe
can not not taste you in this sound
County georo a dish with honors formula approach rather think so
hee rieot is felt that not it's rather impossible to nail a dish It's
still the first time, but it's like this. Doesn't he also have a great talent
for cooking? Is this enough? Even though
the types of food are different, I got a feeling.
This is delicious, but everything I wanted was done by Ellen.
Almost everything that I wanted to be on the good side was done by
There was something terribly tasteless.
“Well, it’s the first time… it’s the first time…”
“No, if it’s the first time, it’s more natural for this to happen. I
think it's not that you didn't ."
The Yorichi attribute was taken by Adelia. No, it's not worthy of being
called Yorichi. It's my first time, but Harriet's side
is rather strange.
Cliffman seems to have been in charge of all sorts of chores,
including preparing the ingredients .
In the end, the hearty meal came to an end.
“Anyway, thank you all.”
I honestly thanked everyone for doing this because people like me
were depressed .
The party at the annex didn't end there. After all, since there are
many empty rooms to visit the Duke of Granz, we all nodded our
heads saying we would like to go to sleep every day.
I'm not particularly busy right now, so I had plenty of time for that.
Although it was not the main building, it was an annex, but it was
equivalent to the main building of a mansion.
Liana's thoughts are clear.
It is clear that he intends to have a large drink with the children
today. It's still broad daylight and the users are noticing, so it's not
the time yet, but it's a chance
It is clear that you are looking at
It is clear that
they put us in the annex to avoid the eyes of the workers and their
families in the bochae, and of
course, such a drinking party should take place around the evening.
“But it’s winter vacation, so I want to go somewhere to play.”
Liana was lying on Cliffman's thigh, trimming her nails and
muttering like that.
Cliffman was frozen, unable to do this or that.
At first glance, it should look exciting and sweet.
seems to be thinking that it is just a substitute for a pillow .
“Hey, Amma.”
“Uh, uh… uh.”
Jean Cliff Face earn only is Liana
Chi looked up at the called party is also facing eyes
stumbled while Bubba did not control.
"Eopnya to where you want to go?" “I, me, me?!”
“Then I asked you, did you ask someone else?”
“That, that, that… that… that, that…” “…no, why are you so
Liana is looked up only colonized Cliff laughs.
"Oh, surely've heard geolro two gajan?"
“Oh, no?! No. Oh, no, not. De?”
"Baby, this is sneaky, why, you two want to play with me? Huh?"
"Oh, no! No! No!"
"What? no? You don't like it now?"
“Oh, that, no, not…”
“Good? Do you two want to go out to play?" "
Kill, I was all wrong...." Cliffman's disgruntled declaration of
surrender Liana chuckled and laughed, and Harriet looked at Liana
and froze. Harriet taps me on the shoulder and whispers in a low
"Liana is a know..."
"He's a bad guy."
Harriet's eyes widened at my words.
I wanted to say no, but seeing that the word no came out in the end,
seemed to agree
fiercely . Adelia's face turned red as if she could not see it with her
eyes open, and she looked at me at all.
Ellen was chatting with macarons at all costs . Aside
from playing a prank on Cliffman
, Liana seemed to want to go somewhere before winter break was
So suddenly it was winter break.
There was a discussion about where to go to play.
What was interesting as the conversation progressed was that Cliff,
who had human anxiety, had the most reactions. Most of them were
arrogant, but they spoke the most after Liana.
As the story progressed, to be honest, I
was a bit
embarrassed to listen because I wasn't sure if we could go together,
so I went out of the annex. In
the name of going for a walk .
The fact that we are here as guests has already been reported to
Duke Granz, so it seems that we are free to wander around
am I that too?
It's polite to say hello to your parents when you're visiting a friend's
The one who just came to play without
saying a word and had fun and was sullen,
is it similar to evidence that I have not completely escaped from
Although it was for nothing, he did not take the initiative to say hello
to Duke Granz. Because that's also funny.
I wandered around the garden of the mansion near the annex.
It was winter, so there were no flowers, and it
was a garden with well-groomed hedges of shrubs.
Of course, it is not a palace-level garden like the Palace of Spring,
but the fact that a mansion of this size can be had in the zodiac itself
is the financial and power of the Duke of Granz.
I could feel just how powerful it was.
Just looking at
how she supports her daughter Raemi, who spends money like
Liana almost indefinitely, is enough.
If you think about it,
almost all of those with strong backgrounds in our school year, both
in the original story and now, are in Class A.
Bertus de Gradias.
Liana de Granz.
Herriot de Saint-Ouen.
Heinrich von Schwarz.
Of course, Erhi is also a noble, but he
is not that powerful of a noble.
On the other hand, if Charlotte is excluded from Class B, there is
only one nobleman, Anna de Gerna. Of course, rather than
aristocrats, they were closer to a wizarding family, like Harriet, so to
speak, but
It goes around and around and eventually comes to Duke Granz's
Come to think of it, if Liana asked her to take a look around your
house, she would have brought her as many times as she could.
So I'm walking in the winter garden.
A person I never expected to meet in a place like this was coming in
through the front door of the mansion, guided by the user.
“Reinhard-kun, I didn’t expect to see you in a place like this.”
A middle-aged man who gently takes off his fedora hat to say hello
“Ah… it’s been a while.”

The Demon King Goes to Academy

Episode 364:
Owen de Gettmora, I'm sorry that I had to do something after saying
hello to you. He headed towards the main house of the mansion.
I was watching his back.
Being a Merchant Guild Master is not a problem no matter where
you are. Of course, they will come and go for things that make
money, and the Duke of Granz is, of course, a place where money is
as much as money is there.
Not long ago, it certainly would have been
However, I now know that he is a man associated with the
revolutionary forces.
Owen de Getmora is a man who can go anywhere.
So, you will be able to visit the Duke of Granz for any business or
whatever reason.
The Duke of Granz has no reason to be interested in revolution.
Therefore, to think that Duke Granz may have been involved in the
revolutionary forces is an overstatement.
But it's not that there hasn't been a history of yangbans who have
everything they need to put everything into such a thing.
He didn't even describe what kind of character Duke Granz was, so I
have no idea what he was thinking or what kind of disposition he
It felt like my head was going to break.
What if Duke Granz was a key figure in the revolutionary forces?
So what does that mean?
Anyway, from the point of view of the prince of the demon realm,
Since we're going to collaborate, it doesn't matter what happens,
After the gate incident is over.
Assuming that the Anti-Imperial Coalition remains unharmed, which
side should I take?
You think it 's the bizarre shit that you think washing dishes before
the main came along
maintaining the empire hagetdamyeo if I was dissolving the semi-
imperial coalition the result would be a massacre,
ileukimyeon a half for the empire and maintained a semi-imperial
coalition's war to be.
- Tickle!
From the back, I heard the sound of an annex window opening.
-Hey! Won't you come quickly?
who is frying electricity in the mackerel like she wants to bake if it
doesn't come soon, looks at me and shouts.
It wouldn't be Duke Granz.
Isn't there justification?
Duke Granz, who was born with a beautiful hand and is likely to hold
it in the future, why does he have to take on a reckless challenge
with it?
But if not, what else to do?
Whether the
Gates incident is resolved or not ,
the moment the Anti-Imperial Alliance is formed , the fact that many
people will die according to my choices will not change.
even if you choose the empire that choose the Anti-Empire.
In the end, I just realized another truth that many people die because
of my decision.
- Don't stand blankly and come quickly
- Break up! Break up!
“I got it.”
Knowing born yesterday, and whatever you want and live Grants to
Like that, do not know life better live
I no matter, and what worries Leah, I know that.
This or that about whether to go to play where you end up
celebrating the winter break
stories We went back and forth, but in the end, everyone responded
warmly and
went to my hometown to train, so I took a lot of rest.”
Ellen didn't even go to the tournament after all, but her desire to
become stronger was more than before, but not less. There comes a
time when you will have to fight the Demon King, and at that time,
you may have to stand at the forefront, but you seemed to think that
you should save time.
Even now, I don't know how long it will be, but there
is Saviolin Tana, the strongest swordsman on the continent, in the
dormitory .
Ludwig seems to be
learning things by constantly tormenting Tana, but Ellen is preparing
for Miss Temple this time.
Eh, this time I didn't get training from Xabi Olin Tana because I was
going back to my hometown.
So, I had no choice but to hang around for a while.
“Ugh… I also feel like my work at the Magic Research Society is
starting to come to an end…”
Adelia also murmured, but the
completion of the Power Cartridge seems to be coming closer and
closer, but she doesn’t want to be away for a week or so. It seemed
Heriot is likewise a guy who doesn't have enough time to spend on
dimensional magic research, and said,
"I'm grateful for many things today, but I'm going to be busy."
Even if I can't explain it, I'm busy in the end, and the reason I'm busy
is because of personal training like Ellen
As for the trip, everyone except Cliffman said it was difficult to go
“...what, why, they all living a steady life...?”
Liana muttered blankly with her eyes unfocused.
I smiled as I looked at her. But is it not right for royal class students
who receive all-out support from the Empire to live like this?”
"Wow... I heard you say that. Really. Really. I feel bad...?"
Liana mumbles blankly.
If you think about it, the kids here are
only the best students among the honor students.
Rather, it is strange not to do this!
You, who have a vertical increase in superpower output without
much effort, can play, but all the kids except you have to work hard!
Liana looks at Cliffman helplessly.
go with that feeling
Cliffman was born with a natural talent, but he also has to train. It's
because I have n't been able to awaken my magical powers yet .
But Liana was rejected by all the children except herself.
If even Cliffman rejected
him , his heart might be broken.
“Well, that’s… I, I… I…”
But, if I said okay, it would be like asking the two of us to go on a trip,
so Cliffman staggered with his face ripped off.
Liana looked at Cliffman like that, and eventually lowered her head.
“Okay… they’re all dead… Let’s all work hard… Let’s see how well
we live…”
Liana muttered as if her soul had gone out.
My friends are living so hard that their mentality
runs out.
As the evening drew nearer to the Duke of Granz, the mentality of
Liana, who had
left, began to slowly return.
It's because it's almost time to get a full cup of tea.
Is it okay for him to like alcohol this much already at this age?
Whether the Duke Granz was a member of the revolutionary forces
whatever, didn't his child farming fail in the first place
said, “Oh, my lady…there are guests…”
“Oh, it’s okay. Hurry up. Get some rest. Go and rest. It’s okay.”
That fine would not be talking about? Was noticed that he quickly
while rest of servants, etc. tteomil Apparently you export Come use
of the know jilji what is happening here.
Don lot eopeuni future worries hanryang also not separate this one
"This , is this okay...?”
"So ..."
Even ahdelriah Harriet and I can not even Leah restless restless look
in knowing what you think what
People were in Edina Islands villa was almost the servants.
But we're not in the main building tteokhani Grants Peacock There
Vertigo, HR is also not to excuse gun grab the kids Rouse among
Nothing you have can not be?
I'm not, I grimace heard the door to the Confucian thought. it really
weird right! Ellen, except everybody this is something to
look that seems isnt that are not
in and crabs. the evidence referred to in
it one by one, while export push Liana is left of them now use, such
as Stars
went as planned server holding the empty rattle of Liana.
"Heh, let's start now."
I can't forgive you sincere people.
that expression moment Liana open the showcase.
- Bump
"Liana! Why don't you introduce your friends!"
“Oh, Dad?!”
A man with a good impression
opened the door of the annex and came in and shouted
loudly .
Liana, who had a clearly bewildered expression, finally raised a
double wick in her eyes and shouted,
" Ahh ! I told you not to come to the annex because you are going to
play with your friends!”
What is this familiar feeling?
“Still, if you bring your friends, you should say hello! Do you know
how long I waited?”
“Oh, you and Anne saw you last time! What else are you trying to
Come to think of it.
During the Miss Temple and Mr. Temple contest, Liana took Cliffman
and Ellen to the Duke of Granz.
Ellen and Cliffman looked at Duke Granz to see if they had seen a
face at that time, and looked down with their heads down.
“Come on, see you, Duke.”
12 A1
"Oh yeah, Ellen, um, you're still cute. Cliffman, heh heh. It looks like
he's got a little more muscle, yeah. Ummm, hmm. But
, are there any faces you've never seen before?"
As Harriet Adelia and I both got up and tried to say something, Liana
pushed Duke Granz's chest hard.
She "Oh, this is Reinhardt, this is Adelia, and this is Herriot, okay?
get out! Get out of here!”
"Hey, this is just my dad, Mine. That's it. What did I say I was
scolding? Talk to me. Huh? We're just going to talk, kid."
“Oh I don’t know, get out!”
teenage daughter is angry with her father who came into her room
It's a different feeling from Harriet and
Prince Saint-Owen . Still, the Prince of Saint-Ouen pretends to be
serious, but the Duke of Granz
seems a bit arrogant ?
, the prince who pretended to be serious looked like a daughter , and
said , “Hey, you must have a lot of trouble because of your bad
temper, guys.”
“Oh, don’t say anything strange and get out!”
Duke Granz
seems to be a daughter genius who
just enjoys seeing her daughter in trouble rather than being a fool .
No matter how much you look at it, it's too much to giggle while
watching Liana hate it.
"Get out! Get out, go out, go out!"
“Aww okay bitch.”
In the end, Duke Granz was
pushed by his daughter-in-law and forcibly kicked out of the annex.
-bang! Clap! Clap!
“Whoa, really.”
After slamming the door roughly, Liana locks the door so she can't
come in
“I told you not to come.
. Really."
Liana is cheerful and shows off her
childish side without adding or subtracting - Clap!
The annex door opened again with the sound of the lock opening.
“Did you not know about my daughter?”
In his hand was a large key chain fluttering.
This couple's relationship is messy.
"If I lock the door in my house, wo
n't this abbey get in?"
Duke Granz
chuckled and laughed when he came in again, jiggling the large key
chain he had in his hand.
"Oh really!"
I'm really mad, so lightning bolts started flashing in Liana's head.
"Hey, I'm just kidding, so I'm going to try roasting my abs
. It's no use raising my daughter. Eh, tt. ”
"get out!"
“Yes! Go! Go!”
Duke Granz really thought that Liana might shoot a lightning bolt, so
this time he really left the outhouse.
-Drink it, guys! It
was Duke Granz pulling aggro from the door to the end.
After the storm had passed,
" is why I didn't say hello!"
Liana He groaned and stomped his feet.
frankly less than a few minutes had passed between appearing and
leaving, we were overwhelmed by the powerful impression of Duke
“Well…you’re a great
guy …” Harriet muttered blankly with her mouth open, and Ellen sips
her tea as if she’s used to how many times she’s already seen that
guinea pig.
“You are a good person.”
It was the first time Ellen had spoken this way about anyone, so
everyone | steamed Liana's eyes widened at those words.
"What? What's good or that?"
"Um. I
don't know if your father is a Horoabi, but by my standards, you
seem to fit the Horo child."
I cross my arms and look at Liana.
That's it! It's not up to the
sky, but
mine to my parents !
- Break!
"No, no matter who you look at, you're a Horu bastard, this is it."
Everyone nodded their heads slightly as if they would never deny my
calm conclusion.
"That's a little... I think I'm doing it too much..."
Adelaide's reaction:
" Looking at this... I think...” |
Harriet. Start the introspection
get "him, ... Yes…” |
Even Cliffman.
Ellen and Cliffman have seen a little more of this little guy, so they've
probably seen a little more of what Liana is doing.
“Are you really going back?”
"Ah, no.... That, tee, it wasn't wrong..."
Cliffman was also a man who had something to say unexpectedly.
“Gee, really… everyone thinks that…?”
of horo children) Even if they die, they do not listen to their parents,
but they do listen to their friends.
Even when it comes to Liana, even if the sky is yellow, even
Cliffman, who says you are right
, agrees
"I, I ... I have a child ... Fenugreek?"
Liana eventually mean the father should not hear obtain
enlightenment friends say the typical arc of the child gently response
In the end, Duke Liao and forth Grants
Even if I didn't know it
, it meant that the last remaining anxiety was blown away from us.
Obviously, he said to drink.
It's say that in the sense of just
having fun without needing to notice .
one Duke Tenni Granz is finally a daughter
Although he liked to see him in trouble, he
In the end, it wasn't that he was being grumpy.
Me and Liana
drank whiskey, and the
rest drank sweet wine as before .
In the end,
there were no great stories to tell.
Talking about what kind of juniors will come next year was an
important topic.
“It would be better if there were no kids like you.”
Harriet said exactly the same thing Liana said today:
"Are people like me common? It's innate. It's a talent."
“Wow… do you know that you are exceptional in that field?”
“I am surprisingly a person who has a clear grasp of the subject.”
“It’s not a problem you know, but shouldn’t
you be determined to fix it?”
"Isn't it time to know that I'm not a person who has become that
much of a personality, you bastard?"
"After all, I get angry when I talk to you... And stop saying it's a pain!"
"Are you used to it now? Now, don't you feel sad if you don't listen to
“Aaaah! I'm not sad! I’m not sad!”
"Okay, Harriet."
"Are you a little shriveled now? uh? Wasn't it awkward because I
called you by name instead? No matter how much I think about it,
isn't it comfortable to listen to? Isn't it?"
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Stop it hey hey! Gee, you're such
a bad guy! Why are you doing this to me, really!”
After a long time in opening the lid of Heriot, I felt a great sense of
"Ah... I have a fever... I'm dizzy... It's because of my son..."
"Lie down for a bit."
Harriet shouted and
said that she
was getting drunk and that she was getting dizzy and laid down on
the sofa.
Harriet lay down and fell asleep without realizing it. .
Ellen was
sipping wine with a look as if she wasn't drunk at all, and
then lay down on
Liana's thigh. I 'm going to go to sleep soon. The only ones
awake were me, Liana, and Cliff . Cliffman
was surprisingly not very drunk. . atda not
I wanted to spend it this wine, apparently was not drinking alcohol at
| yourself, what do you want to drive drunk
Meanwhile gonna La afraid.
I don't know what I'll do when I'm "Ah, what did I do so wrong..."
Liana thought seriously about whether or not she was a horo child,
and seemed to have come to the conclusion that I was not at fault. It
didn't look like he was drunk, but he seemed to be moderately drunk.
I didn't drink much. It wasn't because of Cliffman.
"Hey. yumma.”
“I’m not a horo child.”
"No. What did I say?"
I'm sure seemed to hit one flop as soon as the call that horse sprang
to automatic reflex.
High're right not want usually fit Liana is right the arc children.
Of course, I ah I want to not talk about
Owen De Guetmora is a member of the revolutionary forces.
It is
foolish to suspect that the Duke of Granz might be a revolutionary
force because he came here .
But a possibility.
It is only a possibility, but there is
a very important question to confirm.
” Did your father go to the temple too...?"
“Temple? Well. What. Of course?"
my heart is beating like crazy
Liana said so, taking a sip of whiskey.
The Demon King Goes to the Academy Not
Episode 365
Not all Orbis class members joined the revolutionary forces. But
Orbis class graduate, it's also senior.
There is no reason for
Duke Granz to join the revolutionary forces .
However, strictly speaking
there is no reason for anyone to join the revolutionary forces,
regardless of origin, noble or poor .
Why on earth do you have to risk your life to do something?
In fact, it
is the best option for me to jump on the rails after the revolution has
taken place, rather than risking my life to participate in the revolution,
even from the standpoint of the class who benefit from the revolution
If Duke Granz was a member of the revolutionary forces, he would
certainly be close to the core.
“I mean
, every time I gossip about graduating from the top , I honestly don’t
believe it.”
even graduating high school.
How good is ink for chasing fantasies? Liana, not knowing what I
was thinking, sips her whiskey and points to her head.
“Anyway, I don’t think I’m that smart, am I? Whom did this hair come
It's dizzy to see them say that my dad's hair must be bad because he
has a bad brain, but that wasn't what was important to me right now.
If Duke Granz is a revolutionary force, then I will join hands with the
revolutionary force anyway.
Whether the Duke Granz is a revolutionary force or not, I the
revolution as a gate company
A surprise party that was suddenly planned to comfort me.
only interested in delaying the until after the crisis.
The anti-imperial coalition is only a pretext,
I have no intention of rebelling against the Empire by composing it
Both the revolutionary forces and the independence of the Five
Great Bishops were all caught up in the Bu-Gate incident and
disappeared. Beyond the Empire, mankind suffered great damage,
and it became a situation where it was impossible to dream of
anything else.
is the ending point after the gate incident that is devoted to rebuilding
the world .
In the face of the great proposition of the crisis of mankind, all small
interests have disappeared.
But the proposition disappears. If so, how
It would be better for the gate incident to happen... Now, wouldn't
that be better?
But in the end, I haven't gotten to the essence of the gate situation
That's why I didn't know that these thoughts and worries were all just
empty in the end.
The three of them had fallen apart, so we ended up leaving our seats
early rather than drinking more. After putting the sleeping guys into
the room one by one, Liana and Cliffman also
went to their respective rooms saying they were going to sleep .
I couldn't sleep.
To be honest, I was moved by it, but I came here and embraced the
absurd concerns.
nothing is certain
As I
gazed out the window at the garden at night, I saw someone
wandering around the garden.
A man with a good-looking impression.
Duke Granz.
opened the door to the annex, not knowing what to do .
When the door to the annex was opened, he looked at me for a
moment as he was walking through the garden, and then burst into
“Hey, it seems there’s another person other than me who can’t
His smile was somehow sad,
"Did you say Reinhardt?"
"Yes that's right."
“I’ve heard a lot about it.”
seemed to have heard a lot of
stories about me
, as the existence itself was troublesome : “If you ask me to talk to
you about the Temple, I mean that my daughter, who knows how to
be annoying, has only heard about you
"... Ah, yes ... the"
Grants Duke dudeulgyeotda giggle sit on my shoulder.
Two people peokpeok while lifting What are you going to talk about.
Liana this is not going to resemble Dad yeotnya?
Liana is a second semester Grants Peacock
If there was a really weird guy in the temple, he seemed to have
talked about me quite a bit. Of course, Liana doesn't talk much with
her father,
n't seem like the kind of guy who likes to ,
so the Duke of Granz didn't listen to me to the point where I was
nailed to my ears.
about accidents,
Naturally, I had no choice but to sweat.
Duke Granz.
Graduated from Orbis class.
Possibly a revolutionary force.
may have a
personal grudge against me as the starting point for the closing of
the Orbis class .
“I had a fight with a senior in the Orbis class. When I heard the story,
I didn’t know him, but I thought he was a tycoon.”
Even if it wasn't, the guy who caused the alma mater to close is right
next to him,
but from the expression on Duke Granz's smiling face, he
could only see admiration for his daring daughter- in- law friend
or did you just only hide your feelings.
"that I do not know what happened after the map's a little
embarrassing dirty. Reinhardt.”
Rather, he
spoke directly about the situation .
"Yeah... I don't think I'll be like that..."
In fact, I did not expect at all that what happened once would spread
beyond the closing of the Orbis class to the acceleration of the
revolutionary force's quasi-movement.
Duke Granz is somehow sorry
“It happened.”
The Duke of Granz came up to the winter night sky
He looked up and said so.
It was an attitude as if he had already known about the ills of the
Orbis class for a long time.
Judging by these words, does he have nothing to do with the
revolutionary forces?
But sleepless winter nights.
I don't know why he can't sleep, but the deep remorse and some
remorse on his face was clearly not an illusion.
While walking while talking like that, I suddenly turned my gaze
towards the mansion, and I couldn't help but get a little tired.
was looking at me and Duke Granz .
An adult woman looking at me with her arms crossed and her
eyebrows narrowed as to what she doesn't like.
When our eyes met, she
frowned and pulled the curtain down.
I, and Duke Granz, all saw such a state.
“Ah, hmm… because your wife is a bit sensitive.”
Come to think of it, Liana, of
course, did not introduce the Duchess as she did not introduce the
"Ah. Ah… you were the Duchess.”
as if said so.
What don't you like?
Or is it that Duke Granz doesn't go to bed late?
But in
the face of the Duchess, who was full of nervousness .
What's better than not liking it?
hate and contempt.
I guess that's what it felt like.
“Hmmmm, I’m not going to go in. It's a cold day, so long walks at
night won't be good for you either."
“Oh, yes. All right."
Duke Granz seemed to be sparing his words.
next day.
In the dining room of the annex, I had
a simple breakfast prepared by the users .
Of course, even if it was a simple meal, it
was also a breakfast that could afford Ellen's meal, which was so
devastating as this was the Duke of Granz.
The menu was simple, but the quantity was not simple.
It wasn't that they all drank too much, and
they didn't even look like they had a hangover.
But Harriet wasn't there for breakfast.
“What about Herriot?”
“Do you think you’re sleeping?”
Liana shrugged at my question. You didn’t seem to drink that much
yesterday, are you tired?
But, Harriet wasn’t sleeping. After
breakfast, drink tea.
He opened the front door of the annex and saw Harriet coming in.
was only tell.
"Huh? Everyone is awake.” "What, weren't you sleeping?"
Harriet shook his head at my question.
"No? I woke up early?"
"No, then, where did you go without breakfast?"
Harriet scratched her cheek, a bit confused by my question.
“The… the duchess… asked to have breakfast together…”
At that, Liana put her forehead on her head and
sighed deeply.
“Hu… why didn’t I? ”
It's not yet talking about? Liana is holding hedge narrow forehead
seemed annoying watching rieot says.
"Harriet, we do care off Mom's haetgeon What are you to tell you
And when we talk about Grants Peacock
it differed from that at all from the atmosphere.
My father had no signs of dislike even Although annoyed by
However, it is talking about the mother Liana sincerely hate and
contempt as
you said in feeling coming out to bury was.
"Huh? Oh .... coming, coming ... then, but a good word. haejusyeot
lot Hou ..."
Harriet knew, of course yes in order to answer that there were no
signs of trouble
, "Lee will."
Liana grabbed hold of it as if it was impossible, and said that, only
Harriet was in trouble.
Harriet sat down at the table and
drank tea .
Duke Granz.
Duchess of Granz.
The expression you saw last night towards me, or towards Duke
That gaze that felt contempt.
I called Harriet for breakfast.
It's just that he called Harriet.
Daughter of the Archduke of Saint-Ouen.
Herriot de Saint-Ouen.
It is concluded that the Duchess of Granz is a very sensitive person
to her status.
Lyana's mother is bullshit, so it
's easy to
come to a conclusion by looking at Heriot 's expression on the face
of Heriot , who is very troubled but can't deny it.
It was obvious that he had heard something that he did not agree
After breakfast, we went back to the dormitory together.
On the way back, Duke Granz saw us off.
"Well, get back home well, it's winter, so be
careful not to catch a cold ."
One attribute of Liana de Granz has been
It seemed that Liana was trying to come up with something else, but
I wondered if she remembered yesterday that we were told that you
are a child of Horo.
Even while writing, he did not say anything to Duke Granz.
Duke Granz looked at each of us and said hello.
“Cliffman, you will soon be able to learn magic enhancement.”
“Thank you, Duke.” “Adelia, you are also very talented. heard a lot
Go ahead.”
“Yes?! Ah, yes, yes. Go, thank you… you are all.”
"Ellen, it's always good to eat well and look good.
There will be a day when the food you eat will return to your flesh ."
“Yes, uncle.”
Ellen vomited a flair for accepting Duke Granz's nasty joke as an
Except for Liana, everyone
looked at Ellen, who called Duke Granz Uncle, with a grim
expression and a fat expression, but Duke Granz's reaction was
even worse. .
"heoheo! that guy sounds es even when the jotdan!"
Was he calling you that way on purpose?... I think I
can see why Ellen called Duke Granz a good person.
"Reinhardt, you're making a fuss.
"Yeah, that's right...."
Subtle words came and went whether it was a blessing or not, and
then Duke Granz looked at Harriet and said,
" Oh, I'm sorry about breakfast this morning."
“Oh, no, no, it’s okay. I'm fine
Above all, although we weren't really talking about secrets, Harriet
looked at Liana and lowered her voice very low. Harriet frowns and
looks into my eyes.
Granz feels a bit sorry , and Heriot is even more bewildered.
What the hell was going on at breakfast at home today?
Saying goodbye to Duke Granz
, we set out to return to the Temple
“Hey, wait.”
Having them walk ahead, I pulled Harriet back slightly.
So that our conversation will not be heard by those walking ahead.
Of course,
it doesn't really matter if you listen to it.
"What does the Duchess say?"
"Ah... that?"
Harriet seemed to ponder for a moment, then
shook his head,
"You don't have to."
All he could say was
, "No, why, what?"
“You don’t like it.”
It seemed clear to me
that the saying that there was nothing good about it was true in itself
. "It's not good to know!"
"Ah... it's good that you're back to normal, but I don't want you to
bother me like this.

The Demon King Goes to the Academy

Episode 366
: There were two reasons why Harriet was reluctant to tell me the
contents of the conversation.
, because , in any case , it will end up insulting your friend's parents .
Second, I was afraid that I
would be hurt by hearing those words .
After returning to the temple, Harriet and I chatted at the Magic
Research Society mansion, an empty laboratory.
Harriet was invited to breakfast.
Those present were the Duke of Granz and the Duchess.
The Duke of Granz
said he was taken aback by the fact that Harriet didn't know he
would come to breakfast .
Of course, Harriet, who was invited to breakfast alone, would have
been even more embarrassed.
“Just what… How is the Grand Duke doing?… The Grand Duke’s
wife didn’t want to come to the Imperial Palace. What did you ask
about these things?”
It seems that the Duchess was curious about Harriet de Saint-Ouen,
the daughter of the Archduke, rather than Harriet, a student of the
Temple. | Harriet hesitated, hesitating as to whether or not he could
talk about this.
“Then… all of a sudden, he said he didn’t
know if the temple life was really good
… .. he said something like that…” “…what are you talking about?”
"In the temple, commoners are also educated.
Ah. So.... When it comes time to marry later, when it comes to
nobles or royalty,
what happened at the temple remains as a scandal.... Originally, it is
an unwritten rule not to talk like that, but rumors are circulating
behind the scenes... .Who's with whom? Ther,
hey , there is something like this…” Ah.
I understood what you mean.
“So, if you have money, you can enter the temple, so if kids from
noble backgrounds eat together with this and that, it may hinder their
marriage or other aspects. What were you talking about?”
"Wow, what the hell, you're talking like that! It's really disgusting!"
When I expressed myself too naively, Harriet's face turned red and
but when I expressed it harshly,
fell down on the table in desperation
. Just because you're from the Temple, whether you're a man or a
woman, when you're looking for a marriage mate later...
There are times when it's difficult to receive proper treatment...."
Saying that, Harriet's long wavy hair is scattered on the table.
“Is this the
price of the ransom?”
“Mo, the ransom?! Your expression is real... that
I have no choice but to agree .
If you are a lady,
it is better
to have a tutor than to get in shape
and get educated in a place like the Temple where you get along
with lowly people .... Only then can you find a good marriage mate.
After saying this...”
“A couple quarrel?”
"That's right..."
Duke Granz, who was not heard, exploded, and the Duchess and
Duke had a big fight over Harriet.
So, Duke Granz said he was sorry, but for nothing, he
showed the couple fighting in front of his daughter-in- law's friend .
To say that he was
from a lowly origin would have been an insult to all his friends who
came to play , so it must have been quite uncomfortable for Harriet
as well.
It's not something I'm going to say to my friends' parents, but the
Duchess seems to be a great person who doesn't have the same
value as her pride.
“Anyway, you see why I didn’t want to talk about it?”
“…I do.”
As a result, I had no choice but to be a supporter of my friends'
parents, and I didn't want to talk about it because it might hurt me by
talking about everything from a humble background.
“Honestly, I don’t know.”
Harriet takes a deep breath.
“At the end of the day, you put your own worth on others.
What kind of person do I see in the eyes of others? To only care
about these things and live your life for them... Yeah, as you said,
the ransom. You only care about your own ransom. If that's the right
thing to do as a nobleman."
Harriet sees me.
“What’s the difference between that and a slave?”
To care too much about one's own ransom is to end up trying to
commercialize oneself.
In order to find someone to buy me a higher price, I have to act and
live modestly, not getting along with lowly things.
I don't know what that way of life is, after all , any different from the
life of a slave," says Harriet.
“I don’t think my values only arise from myself, but they don’t
only come from anything other than that . So… it was a bit
"Ugh, take it much.- this. So when she keotdae?"
So I want to give much.- to bite
I furiously stroking the hair H. runners
wrong behind the forehead of rieot.
"Ah! What are you talking about again! am i a kid Do not!"
Harriet groaned as she straightened her messy hair.
“About this time last year, the kid who told Ludwig that he would feel
bad about entering a B-class in an A-class place turned out to be a
big deal.”
the .
At my words, Harriet's face was so red
that it felt like it was about to melt.
If I could say that I wanted to die because I was embarrassed, it
would be him.
“Well, what… Don’t talk about the old days… He, and it’s not about
nobles or commoners… Profit… Mo, I don’t know. idiot, i hate you ji,
really. How else do you remember that...” In the
end, Harriet pouted and bellowed, not knowing what to say.
He's fatally cute today. What do we do? Is this what happens when
you decide that you have nothing to say about yourself?
Of course, the Duchess' attitude is stern
, but if you think about it, it
's not so strange.
Rather, such a way of thinking can be natural for those who have
been treated with respect throughout their lives. In fact, there are
many royal families and nobles in
the temple, but
the setting is that there are many people who do not attend the
temple because they have to be educated together with the common
people and do not like the fact that there is no ranking among
students .
there are a lot of nobles who have a position like the Duchess of
Granz, and actually Harriet is doing this because he is ashamed of
what he said in the past
If I hadn't been forced to do immunity training, I'd still be that kind of
“To be honest, the nobles and royalty around me were strangely
"Yes? suddenly?"
“No, that’s right. Even if the temple says it
’s forbidden to press with your status, you can actually
do anything if you want to rely on authority or status.
Harriet's mouth punished with me blankly
looks at me while Lin.
"This, this really crazy .... you're too
far from the temple that I've been
knowing me is that sound?"
Can be wrong, they're touching people around do not get dirty the
nice of you just talk to you if he would be not Harriet's while
haedaetda talking about coffee.
If you try to press pics? not the end, while the Fuck rum to the punch
to reudeon he is huh well.
No, not about that.
"No, No nigga. It’s not like that, there are other adults besides that.”
is meaningless .
“Yeah. Your parents or something…etc.”
Archduke Saint-Ouen didn't care much about my status, so you'd be
able to do it anyway, so Bertus, who was like that
Since the Duchess of Granz was rather the epitome of such an
arrogant and arrogant aristocrat, I questioned what had been taken
for granted until now.
Bertus said that there was no difference between those under him,
beggars or nobles, so they were all equal under me.
Charlotte was
comfortable with me as time passed just for Charlotte's reasons ,
Duke Granz is like the uncle next door when you look at what he
does honestly.
Even the Emperor, of course, was the
one who said that it could be because I and El Ren had positions,
but when I was alone, I didn't have to say anything like yes.
So, the stereotype of an arrogant and proud noblewoman like the
Duchess of Granz was not around me.
there was
Like Ergina Heinrich.
Heinrich got a lot of blows from me and became kind, Erhi saw the
kids being beaten and got crushed on his own
. Did you forget at all?
Harriet wasn't wrong.
All the stereotyped guys must have done something to me.
“By the way, Liana didn’t really care about her status in the first
place, did she?”
Liana de Granz
has an atmosphere that is difficult to approach at first, but also
because of her cold impression.
In reality, there is no such thing as easygoing and flirtatious, he sees
and treats people as they are.
Even during the festival, he carried the death penalty, and said,
“I think so….”
When Liana dislikes or rejects someone, she doesn't like that
person, not because of the person's background.
was taking it for granted because the nobles around
me, neither students nor parents , would say anything about my
status to me.
It is rather unusual to treat commoners as calmly as Duke Granz did.
Liana had to pretend she didn't like her father, and it was clear that
she was influenced more by her father than by her mother.
A father who treats everyone without fault, a mother who values her
appearance as a nobleman, pride, and authority very much...
Because she
resembles her father between the two, Liana has such a bubbly and
Now last.
One last step left.
“When a couple quarreled, what did they say to each other?”
"no. Why do you keep asking such a thing?”
“The funniest thing in the world is watching the fight. And wouldn't
you be curious about that handsome duke family also having a
couple fight?"
"No one cares about that! You're such a villain!"
Harriet mumbles in tears, as if he can't win over my vicious
questions and chagrin.
Harriet is sitting in a seat he doesn't want to be, but in the end his
memory is good.
“It’s just… that the Duke’s status doesn’t necessarily
mean a person… If you treat people like that, you’ll end up
leaving no one around … You said that… Mrs. You say... you are
the epitome of people who go to the temple and get ruined by nobles
... like that..." There was an
unfamiliar voice mixed in, but it became clear from this.
duke must have turned the faucet at the sight of his wife, who
brought her daughter's friend to breakfast without a daughter, and
forced her to think on her own.
Anger makes you lose your temper.
Identity cannot be a person.
Those words say it all.
Duke Granz
would have joined the revolutionary forces .
three days later.
“He is a thorough man.”
I was listening to Sarkegar's report from my dorm room in the
"How much?"
"Maybe it's a guess of the decline... I didn't find anything to the
extent that I thought so."
Investigate the Duke of Granz.
At my direction, Sarkegaar immediately went into action.
You can't enter a place where the defenses are too strict, but the
Dukes of Granz aren't like that.
However, Sar Khegar could not find anything to prove that he was
connected with the revolutionary forces.
“Of course, if he's really involved, we'll
find something to watch over time ... But if he's so thorough, he won't
leave any evidence behind. Even the
use of cryptographic letters
cannot be understood until the patterns and methods are identified.
Nobles often use writing, so
it is impossible to know which of the letters and documents they write
in a day is related to the revolutionary forces, and
even if they do, they cannot know what is contained in the encrypted
content. A very casual greeting card could be a code letter.”
It is highly probable that Owen de Getmora's last visit was not for the
revolutionary group but for business.
The decision that Duke Granz might be a revolutionary force was
ultimately due to various circumstances and Owen de Guettmora,
who was clearly affiliated with the revolutionary force
Sarkegaar did not find any physical evidence.
“However, the judgment of the lowering is certain. I think.”
Duke of Granz is really a revolutionary force, then the person next
door is a handsome man.
Unlike Sang, it
means that he is a very thorough person .
However, Sarkegaard agrees that the Duke of Granz was a member
of the revolutionary forces.
“I also entered the imperial social circle under the name of Count
Argon Fonteus
“I will.”
“It is a scandal known to everyone who knows that the present Duke
of Granz, Arthur de Granz, ran away in love with a commoner
woman he met at the Temple.”
Did you mean that to be the ex-brother of the person who went to the
temple and ruined your life?
“So, what happened?”
“If he finally managed to escape, he wouldn’t be Duke of Granz.”
Escape of common people and love.
and fail.
“Isn’t the background enough to make you stand out in your identity
and origin?”
Sarkegarh, dressed in a maid outfit, smiles wickedly, revealing his
white teeth with a graceful and elegant face.
Yes, you know that facial expression makes us about three times
more evil than the real evil, right?
Anyway, what it means is that now the
Duke and Duchess of Granz are married by arrangement.
“Of course, the Duchess of Jelena de Granz you mentioned was not
that godly in the first place.
I wasn't a sensitive person.
“I don’t know either, but the Duchess seems like a great idiot?”
I'm sorry, Liana.
But your mom is a bummer.
Oh, I'm sorry... I'm sorry.
At my words, Sarkegaar tilted his head with a muffled expression.
“If you think about it, the Duchess of Granz also has a story to tell. I
no choice but to become that kind of person ...” |
Probably because he had lived a long life as an aristocrat, Sarkegaar
had quite a lot of background knowledge about social circles and the
physiology of nobles without prior research.
“The Duke of Granz
doesn’t usually get into the social world, but with the Duchess it’s a
little different.”
“However, every social gathering or party you attend has a label
attached to it, whether you know it or not.”
Sarkegar smiles gloomy.
“A man who, after failing to escape from love, was
forced to marry by the Duke of Granz
“A person who has no choice but to lead a failed marriage.”
“A person who was spoiled from the start because she was loved by
her husband.”
“A damn woman who, coveting the prestige of the Duke of Granz,
married the Duke of Granz, risking a pompous scandal.”
Hearing it made me terrified.
“She is an aristocrat whose status has risen because the Duke of
Granz was literally a scandalous man. Originally, she was only the
second daughter of a Han-U.S. Count family with no territories and
only a title. However,
There is no child other than Liana among them.
She is a pitiful and foolish woman whose very existence has become
a scandal.”
What she gained by marrying a man with a scandal was the prestige
of being the Duke of Granz.
However, there are rumors that she is a cruel woman who is
despised in the social circles and has given up her dignity in order to
improve her status.
Therefore, she
had no choice but to become obsessed with the prestige of being
Duchess Granz, which she had gained at the expense of all that.
He hates spells terribly, but in the end
he got it all because of the scandal. The fact is, while turning away
from it.
“How could such a married life have been so smooth?”
A duke who failed to escape from love and was finally captured.
that the person was in such a situation , the Duchess married a
arranged marriage in order to improve her status by marrying a great
When the Duchess knew it was a failure, she became obsessed with
the prestige and prestige she thought she had gained in one
marriage. If you deny even that, you
have chosen a failed life.
The duke was forced to marry.
The fact that they don't exist is also
evidence that their marriage has failed . At least I'm lucky to have
Lee Ana.
The Duchess who had no choice but to obsess over her status.
Seeing such a duchess, the duke would have constantly
contemplated and cursed what his status was.
Even from the Orbis class, which has long been the cradle of
revolutionary forces.
As Sarkegar said, there is no evidence, but there is too much
circumstantial evidence.
As if Charlotte had no conclusive evidence, but so many
convinced him that Baliega would be the heir to the Demon King.
Due to too much circumstantial evidence, it was inevitable that the
Duke of Granz would not have joined the revolutionary forces
I thought about the fact that Duke Granz was a revolutionary force,
but in the end there was no answer.
“What good? After all, whether or not Duke Granz is really related
will come naturally when he comes into contact with the senior level.
What do you think about me not attending?” |
"Although there is a sign of regret, there will be a meeting of the
chief executives soon, and I will be able to attend. If the duke is a
key member of the department, he will be there too."
“Okay, then everything will be clear
But in the end, a possibility is a possibility

The Demon King Goes to the Academy

Episode 367:
Deep at night.
After a short walk, Duke Granz sat still in his office.
With the lights in the office turned off, in the dark.
He was in trouble.
He was recalling a conversation he had recently had when Owen de
Getmora visited in person.
He only came to visit for very urgent matters, and he agreed that it
was such an urgent matter.
Negotiation with the remnants of the Demon Realm.
'Instead of personally attending the meeting, I put forward
the condition
that all the leaders should be present . They also know exactly who
the top level personnel are, so if someone does not attend, there is a
very high chance that the negotiations will break down.
'It might be a trap, isn't it?
'Instead, he said that he would allow any number of escorts.,
'Is it confidence?'
'I will. Of course, they slaughtered the most elite paladins, as well as
Leverier Ranche, so it seems to mean that even if they attack them
in reverse, they can block it.
He was recalling a meeting with Owen de Getmora a few days ago.
As I say repeatedly, it would be crazy to hold the hands of demons.'
'I think so too.
However, the opinion of the majority of the commanding team has
already been unified.
I don't know what they're thinking, and I don't know what their
intentions are.
We don't know too much about them to hold hands just because they
have power.'
'I deeply agree with that opinion, Your Majesty. You will not be able to
decide everything on the spot, and the Demon King will not act
hastily either. From their point of view, attacking us would be a
handshake during a handshake.
There were constant discussions about the issue
of holding hands with the remaining forces of the demon realm, the
next demon king .
However, due to the nature of the organization, where it is difficult for
all leaders to gather in one place,
opinions are gathered through written or person-to-person
When the organization heard that the remnants of the Demon Realm
had taken the backs of the Merchant Guild Master, there was an
I couldn't even figure out where the smell had come from.
However, Owen said that when they contacted him through him, the
demons had already identified the identities of some of the leaders,
and now they have identified all of them
'I can't help it, Your Majesty.'
'........' Even
But the demons are already against them.
Holding the hands of demons is a handshake during a handshake.
Even if the revolution had been accomplished, its authenticity would
be questioned from the start. Such a revolution cannot be sustained.
I have all the information.
If they don't hold hands, the
demons can cut out all of them without lifting a finger just by telling
the Empire about the revolutionary forces .
Rather, I should
be grateful for the mercy of the demons.
Rather than trying to get rid of them without touching them, they
even made a gesture of holding hands and making things happen
To die at the hands of the Empire or
to accompany a dangerous enemy ?
You have to choose one of the two.
However, the moment the demons reached out their hands.
Already, Duke Granz had an intuition that the revolution had failed.
If the uprising fails, of course, it is a failure, and
if it succeeds in cooperation with the enemy of mankind , it is a
because the future cannot be guaranteed.
It is bound to be a failure no matter where you go.
'I have no choice but to...
According to Owen, a number of senior leaders are
welcoming the situation with open arms.
Is this really
a situation where we should be happy with the added power ?
The Duke of Granz was feeling terribly insecure.
Did the revolution fail?
No, could it have been successful in the first place?
bring in a few kids. Bring them in and have a drink? You are
There are divisions and quarrels within, and the Orbis class
members are at odds with the non Orbis class members, and
internal political battles are common, and they have now
taken it for granted.
very old,
revolutionary organization that never carried out a revolution.
Could this group, which had only held its breath without a revolution,
rotting inside, and only getting bigger and bigger, could really call it a
Duke Granz left the office and walked down the hallway. After much
deliberation, a conclusion was reached anyway.
Even without their consent, the organization has already made a
Being part of an organization means that even if the organization
does something against your will, there are times when you have to
follow it.
Only this time.
- What the hell does that have to do with it!!
A sharp voice pierced the peacock's ear as he was walking down the
hallway amidst such complicated thoughts
I thought she had returned to the temple, but it seemed that her
daughter had just returned.
- I told you. Do
n't go around messing around with vile things , but now
that it's a rumor...
- What are you going to do next?
Hearing the sound of a mother-daughter quarrel, the Duke sighed as
if it was familiar.
wasn't for the terribly bed-covering personality,
I wouldn't even walk home . The duke's daughter hated the
house, but
had a hard time sleeping in places other than the house .
- It might be good now, but don't you know that all this
will leave a scar on you? Do you have to experience it yourself to
regret it? Leave the temple right now and come back home! Whether
you're taking bridal lessons or calling a tutor, Mom will take care of
- under. If you're going to live like a mother after taking bridal
lessons, don't you want to have that kind of life
- What are you? ji, what now?
-If I would
take that bride's class for the rest of my life and
live like my mother , I would rather live with commoners from time to
time . At least
I don't want to live my life counting people like my mother.
The duke stood silently in the hallway, listening to the story from afar,
neither interrupting nor turning away from the conversation.
These stories do not leak out because the employers are strictly
To say that the Dukes of Granz are a hoax
-Are you going to run away to marry a commoner then? like your
- Do you think so? If I were to
run away, would I be running away to escape from my mother, not to
marry a commoner ?
At the sound of the Duchess' cool voice, the daughter's sarcasm,
which became even cooler, came out.
- Daddy didn't even get what he wanted. But since I'm not happy with
having what I want, why is my mother forcing me to live like her?
- What are you... mu, what mother... how. How could you say such a
thing... The
daughter she had been talking about since she was young was not a
daughter who listened to her mother well. Not
only the Duchess is ever weak character who was not. To put it
bluntly, the duke is one of the most acquainted people.
As the daughter grew older,
the conflict between mother and daughter that had existed before
intensified, but not weakened.
The daughter brings her
friends to the mansion even though she knows she hates her.
Because I know that because of that face, I can't say anything that I
hate in front of common people.
- If you tell my friends that you can't do it anymore, discriminate
openly, and look at them in that way, you'll see that even your
children disappear in every corner of the house that you ca n't even
be there, so be careful.
-you you! liana! Don't stand there!
Liana, who came out with a blushing face as she closed the
Duchess' door roughly
, met the Duke's eyes
in the hallway, who was listening to the story .
daughter who came was not angry that she had overheard.
Everyone was just staring at the peacock. His eyes were twisted with
“Daughter. Dad…”
“You’re on my side?”
The Duke is left speechless when the daughter overtakes his words:
I am on your side, as
he has often said:
“As my mother wants me to live the way she lived, so my father
wants me to live the life he did not is what I want to live.”
Did not have Rather Oh Girl tied to identity the most wanted.
So you that salahdo life to take up something like that, Duke has
continued to say.
But he also only means of eventually end
is different from that also forced the end.
Mom finally tell me about Dad
It's the same: they're just coercing a certain life.
Liana's remarks made the Duke grieved and
kept his mouth shut:
sick of treating Mom and Dad as the only reason a failed marriage
has to be maintained. .”
Liana wheezes past the peacock.
The duke was looking at the back of his daughter, who left the duke's
house as if to return to the temple, not his own room, with a bitter
| Unsuccessful parents should be married
only reason only.
From a certain moment on, the daughter saw herself as such a
miserable result.
Is it painful for you? Do
you know that your life has only that much meaning? |
The daughter used to drink and fall asleep alone at some point.
There were countless times when I saw the tears left in the corners
of my daughter's sleeping eyes.
The duke was watching his daughter stride through the garden and
leave the artist.
The winter night sky was cloudy.
two days later.
A small country in the southern part of the Empire, Levina.
night time.
Duke Granz
moved for a meeting with the next demon king who made the entire
continent buzz .
is very rare for the leaders of the republican revolutionary
organizations to meet directly in one place .
This is because it is already somewhat suspicious for people from all
walks of life to gather in one place for no apparent reason.
Therefore, the general meeting, where all the leaders gather, is not
convened unless it is a very important agenda.
This will be the first time since the last, Orbis class closure.
The place of convening of the general meeting is not the capital, but
the great
One of the
branches of the Merchant Guild located in the southern part of the
continent . The merchant guild's southern
Now the whole continent is turned upside down
as a meeting of investors in the Trade General Business .
The demon king said that he could prepare as many guards as he
could, but he was never able to move with the majority of the
enlisted men.
Duke Granz was
only moving with his trusted duke knights and family wizard.
Although it was a small number, Duke Granz thought that if the
remnants of the demons had a different mind, he would be
able to escape even if he could not face them
One of the Merchants' Guild Branches located in the southern part of
the Empire, outside the capital of the Kingdom of Levina, La Jiern.
A place that is too glamorous and close to the center can attract
attention, so I chose a quieter place. Naturally, it was the Merchant
Guild Master who searched for a place.
When Duke Granz arrived at the conference room, he could see the
multitude of people who had already arrived.
Aristocrats, high-ranking officials, writers, and scholars,
regardless of origin, are
all occupying positions in all walks of life
The Demon King has not arrived yet.
Although it is not a meeting that is convened very often,
if it was normal, we could have exchanged an appropriate greeting,
even if it was not a harmonious one, but not now.
Preparing for a meeting with the king.
Whether in favor of it or not, anxiety, anticipation, and fear are on
everyone's face. And because there was a little bit of a meeting, no
one spoke recklessly
The bodyguards can't get in here.
However, it was clear that everyone was carrying a teleport scroll
one by one in order to escape in case of an emergency.
One by one, after all the senior leaders, who reached a total of
seventeen, gathered in time.
Duke Granz felt a little puzzled.
Merchant Guild Master.
Owen de Getmora was absent.
Although he was not
a senior citizen, he was a high-ranking official in charge of funding
the revolutionary forces . Also, he had direct contact with the Demon
King's minions, so he had to be with him as a liaison.
That sense of incongruity soon revealed what it was.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
In the human world,
sounds that should not be heard begin to be heard.
“This is… what?”
One by one, they got up from their seats and started looking out the
- Flash!
- Flash!
Light scatters in the vacant lot, and one by one, something begins to
Many demons, including Imps,
It was appearing sporadically.
Countless demons, whose eyes were full of red spirits, were arriving
by moving from space to being engulfed in light.
“They are demons!”
“I hope these guys are!”
Deoni will the talks, which aim to raid
gonna had.
Elyos come arrived via teleportation
was starting to flock to every other ball to Conference Room of the
merchant guild chapters.
It is not will be able to help the many-to-many cities oegwakji. Guard,
If it was an attack by demons of that size in the first place, the guard
would have to arrive as quickly as possible after the fight was over.
"Let's run away!"
At someone's cry, as if everyone had been waiting like everyone
else, he looked behind his arms and pulled out the teleport scroll.
was because they had all the ways to escape in case of an
emergency . And it was the same with Duke Granz.
- Left!
However, the teleport scroll, which was supposed to emit light and
send them somewhere, did not show any reaction.
“Space movement.... Block?”
Someone muttered blankly.
Teleport scroll does not activate.
However, a barrier that blocks space movement is not something
that can be constructed in a short time.
However, it is clear that the barrier has now been established.
"It's okay. The escorts you bring can withstand this much. If you
break through a breakthrough and get out of the space movement
barrier, you will be able to move enough."
Although not many, each of the escorts brought in was the elite of
the elite.
-Bang! Kwak-kwang! The knights
and wizards, who had already rushed out in a sudden attack, started
a counterattack towards the demons whose eyes were dyed red.
the number of demons is large, It's not difficult to block that level.
demons made a mistake in their judgment.
There's no way they could slaughter all the leaders of the
revolutionary forces at this level.
But Duke Granz felt a sense of incongruity.
Space magic barrier.
The eyes of the demons dyed red . .
. without even focus
- geuwo eoeo eoeo!
-! Kung kuung
just blindly weapons akdaguni
. the figure only clung wield
'brainwashed ...?'
The thought that those demons must have been subjected to some
kind of magical action could not be erased.
Naturally, the demons
the escorting troops they brought enough to give the right weapons it
was not eolchigi.
who attacked with evil spirits were slaughtered without even
giving a scratch.
Watching the demons being overwhelmingly slaughtered following
the raid, the leaders were raising their voices with bewilderment.
Not everyone is stupid.
It's good to win, but
everyone knows it's too weak for a raid.
Duke Granz
could soon find out who the real enemy was, in the midst of the
pouring demons.
Men in black were wielding swords in the dark.
It was dyed with someone's black blue light.
Aura Blade.
It is the proof of the Sword Master.
A group
of several Sword Masters, who is called a powerful asymmetric force
with just one person,
begins to crush their escort forces.
“The demons… are they like that…?”
Duke Granz muttered blankly as he saw the guards being
slaughtered in an instant, "I can't be a demon
teleportation danghaetgo is blocked, we slaughter a large number of
veterans, like all knights chupung deciduous with the Elyos I'm
Duke Granz was able to find a familiar face among the black-clad
Shana's general manager was there.
The escort force was annihilated in an instant. The demons who
were attacking fell to the ground when the guards were annihilated.
like empty shells.
Everyone could hear
footsteps walking into the conference room .
In a state where they could not escape, people in black appeared
one by one in the conference room.
With such terrible skill, there was not even a drop of blood on their
clothes despite the massacre.
No one escaped.
Everyone here knows the face of Saviolin Tana.
Director Shana, with a calm expression, looked around the
conference room and sat down, occupying an empty seat.
“Do you think the Empire would not have known of your existence?”
She just calmly said that
. It
's not that the demons have betrayed her. The
person who arranged the meeting place
and the
place where the space movement blocking barrier is configured .
The person who
persuaded everyone to gather here.
"Owen. ... that drove us here.”
Owen de Getmora,
he lied from start to finish .
Everyone realized later that they were just talking.
So, what was the attack of the
Duke Granz clenched his teeth
and stared at Sabi Olin Tana.
“I must be trying to disguise the actions of the demons...!”
The leadership is here, but the revolutionary forces themselves are
Even if the leadership dies, the will to revolution itself does not die.
From that point on, your news comes under the control of the
Empire. The Merchant Guild Master will be the next head
of the revolutionary organization .”
Duke Granz does not know whose head the bizarre idea of a
revolutionary force came from.
"Inside the organization, you are
discussing cooperation with the demon forces here, and after the
negotiations broke down, all of you will be treated as dead. Of
course, externally, it will be treated as death by an unexpected
Saviolin Tana said as if she could explain this to those who were
going to die
, and
she blinks at Shana's knights who have become murderous, not
knights, as they are today
"Kill them all. Leave no trauma behind.”

The Demon King Goes to the Academy

Episode 368,
That Time.
Sarkegaar, in disguise, was tangent to Owen de Getmora.
Sarkegaar, who arrived at a place where the senior leadership
meeting was held,
met only one person .
Owen de Getmora.
No one was present except for him.
“...what kind of work is this?” At Sarkegaar wearing a
black robe, Owen de Getmora closed his eyes
"Yeah, that's a big disgrace."
| Owen
says, looking at the person wearing the mysterious black robe .
"I would like to borrow your names from the Imperial Family once
without permission."
"...what are you talking about."
A member of the revolutionary forces mentions the imperial family,
Sarkegaar had a hunch that things
were strangely twisted:
“Because of the previous incident , the imperial family has learned
that complex matters can be solved quite easily by using your
names. ”
Sarkegar realizes naturally through those words:
Owen de Gettmo is a traitor.
Ha. "As such, so I confess yourself
I want to tell you that it is to solve the problems of the Empire, not to
create an uncomfortable relationship with them.”
"The Emperor wants to maintain a good relationship with all of you.
Many of you are also acknowledging that you are essential to the
One hwangja.
Bell Tooth de Gras Díaz,
and the Ramsar Kane himself revolutionaries fronted
thought was contacted, in fact, Bell
was in contact with the tooth spy.
"So this time, what happened
is the degree Hopefully, you had large is generous I hope you
They're trying to do something by borrowing the name of
Darkland: "I don't know about the Emperor, but you think you'll be
“Whether the line I am reaching for is the revolutionary forces or the
imperial family, you can get what you want through me. No, wouldn't
it be better for you to talk with the imperial family rather than the
revolutionary forces?"
Even in
front of an unidentified demon called Owen de Getmora ,
he did not show any embarrassment, loss of composure, or fear.
“Isn’t that enough?”
The words of the Merchant Guild Master are true.
However, the very fact that he had been taken advantage of had to
be an unpleasant thing for Sarkegaar.
They are weak after all.
Just because you want to use it doesn't mean you can't really use it.
As such, there were cases in which they were used in a reverse
manner by a completely wrong force.
Saviolin Tana, along with the Shana Knights wearing black
camouflage uniforms, stood silently at the
conference room lined with corpses
It was dirty.
It is long to punish the traitors of the empire, but it must be disguised
as the work of the demons.
Violin Tana also agreed with Bertus' words that this was the best.
However, seeing what the evidence manipulation team was doing,
disguising the dead bodies as those of the demons, even the woman
who had become insensitive to the slaughter seemed to vomit.
Is this what I have to do?
Among the leaders of the revolutionary forces, there were faces she
Surely there were a few people who wanted this person, and one of
them was in front of Saviolin Tana.
| With her eyes wide open, she sees the dead body of Duke Arthur
de Granz.
although it was only nominal, I met him occasionally while working
as a homeroom teacher.
'Yumma! Will you follow me?'
'Ah Okay....'
'Am I going to eat it? Why are you always scared? Oh hello? Should
I call you a teacher? Or should I say... Sir Tana?'
'It's good as a teacher.
“Ah yes, hello sir.”
A little rough, but always bright, the image of a certain girl
What will the child's expression look like in the future? How the child
will live... I
haven't seen it with my own eyes, but I think I'll know it even if I don't
see it. Xaviolin Tana clenched her teeth.
Xaviolin Tana closed the eyes of Duke Granz.
I know it won't make anything better, but
it felt like I had to do it anyway.
“How did you get the guard’s attention?”
“I think the guards will be here in about fifteen minutes.”
"Okay. We withdraw first.
Saviolin Tana fulfilled her secret mission.
She had a foreboding that there would be another uprising in the
Empire . Imperial Emperatos
, Winter Palace.
Bertus had tea at the teatime table . I was drinking. It wasn't the
usual black or milk tea, it was green tea. Bertus
wasn't alone. It
"It's green tea. Have you ever tried it? Tea leaves are the same as
black tea, but the taste
's completely different."
In front of Bertus, likewise, Oscar de Gradias, a member of the royal
family, sat stiffly:
"No... I've heard of it, but I've never drank it..."
"Is that so. Then you don't
even know what it tastes like, do you?" |
Oscar felt a strange fear when Bertus called him. As they were from
the same royal family, we often ran into each other or talked to each
other, but it was very rare for Bertus to directly call him like this.
“Try it.”
“Uh, ah… that, yes.”
After taking a sip of green tea at
Bertus's suggestion, Oscar did not even have time to savor the bitter
taste and scent that filled the tip of his nose.
Only that thought lingered in my mind. Bertus stares intently at
Oscar, who has taken a sip of green tea.
"How is it?" "That... the scent. It's nice..."
"Now that you know the scent and taste of green tea, you may have
dreams of drinking green tea."
Before Oscar was startled by the incomprehensible sound, he had
goosebumps all over his body, Bertus
looked at him with a soft smile and said: “Those who have never
drank green tea can dream of drinking green tea. Do you think? No,
you can dream, but can you taste and smell like this?”
“Ah? That… isn’t it…”
“Yes, because in a dream one cannot feel sensations that he has not
Don't know what you don't know
So I can't even dream.
Only by experiencing it can the senses be reproduced in a dream.
A person who has never eaten meat can dream of eating meat. The
meat in the dream will have no taste, texture, or smell, or it will
be something completely different from reality
. The same goes for anything else. After all, it will take a
long time."
Bertus takes another sip of green tea, looking over the teatime table
and looking at the winter scenery from the Winter Palace.
"You can't dream about what you don't know. Even if you dream it, it
will be very different from the reality.”
“But I don’t know why they dream of things they don’t know and have
never experienced. without knowing what it is
That knowing be the kind of world. "
Oscar was trembling imperceptibly vibrating your fingertips to hide it,
but I could not do that raeya Dozer Hebrews hide the trembling.
Say when lines of Verbier Tooth know everything is violence, nor,
but maps Oscar mind I was looking to penetrate deeper.
"what it is to dream about the world also does not know what's so
good to everyone even see snow floats, horses just do not know."
Oscar couldn't face Bertus' gaze.
Oscar de Gradias is an ant.
"I think yinya kill me ....?"
At Oscar's wretched words, Bertus smirked.
“Brother, to kill someone is only when that threatens me that much or
helps me in his death.”
“Your neck is of no great value or threat to me and to the Empire
worthless life.
At those words, Oscar looked only at the tea with his eyes wide
Although he was a member of the revolutionary forces, he was not at
the top level even there. In the end, even there, he
wasn't that important.
even now that Bertus decided to use his hand, it was not an
important target.
“Since I said that the ant had some dreams, should I kill the
members of the imperial family? It's a pitiful thought, but there's no
need to step on it."
Because of Bertus' open contempt and nonsense, Oscar was unable
to say anything.
“So, from now on, quietly, as an imperial family but far from the right
to succession, you should know the subject well and act straight.”
“Answer. You should.”
At Bertus' cold command, Oscar opened his mouth with a trembling
"Remember..." The
can't do anything even if his dreams are shattered before his eyes .
After Oscar de Gradias left, Bertus drank the cooled green tea in one
breath while holding the teacup.
From the cloudy sky, it soon started raining.
“As much as possible, I wanted to say thank you with my own
- ahh .... Shoot
Bell smiled Tooth is a macabre smile
. Was looking out the window began making gyeoulbi alone Hebrews
. Not long ago, called the Tana De Vere tooth Xavi Winter Palace,
'What's that day I will have to work ?'
'It is to extract cancer cells from the empire.
'Cancer cells...?'
'Republican Revolution, have you heard of it?'
The permission had already been obtained from the emperor
Bertus explained to Saviolin Tana about the series of events that had
occurred since the closing of the Orbis class.
Bertus had also been aware of the revolutionary forces for quite
some time.
(c) such that it knew Charlotte know that the situation is not bound to
, like,
some kkeunapul as well as the key personnel
but all identified correctly merchant road It was after the de Master,
Owen de Getmora, came to visit.
, it was in the state of holding a few strands to the .
However, it was a bomb that was difficult to touch, so he was
wasting time until he understood the whole thing.
Through Reinhardt's Magic Research Society project and the Rotary
Club project, there was direct contact between Bertus' power and the
Merchant's Guild
. In the meantime, it was an indirect contact, but since then, the
merchant guild has developed a close link with Bertus's power,
knowingly and unknowingly.
He asked for a private discussion with Bertus and confessed to the
revolutionary forces.
Said to have very important information that depended on the fate of
the empire.
But it was something that could not be easily touched. Most of the
revolutionary forces revealed in the outline were those who could
exert considerable influence on the empire, and if the imperial family
had their hands on their disposal,
it could be the starting point
of a huge uprising of the remaining forces .
Therefore, until an appropriate treatment method was found, Owen
de Gettmora, who volunteered to become a spy, was trying to figure
out the trend
while contemplating an appropriate treatment method
And then,
demons appeared.
'We will bring the leaders together. And after dealing with it all,
I plan to disguise it as an attack by demons.
The demons provide a powerful camouflage to hide the truth of all
incidents. can infer the truth
There may be some people, but the message of a remnant of
demons had an excessively loud reverberation in all continents right
With a single word that it is the work of the demons, all small noises
can be overlooked.
After killing all the leaders, the demons
disguise as an act
Remnants of the republican revolution
may think it is a conspiracy of the empire , but the public will be
misled by the word demon and will not be able to see the truth.
In fact, the
remnants of the Demon tribe tried to make contact with the
revolutionary forces and actually succeeded in contacting them.
Therefore, the fact that the top leaders were annihilated by the attack
of the demons
would be convincing even for the remnants of the party . Something
went awry at the negotiating table, so
the saying that the angry demons annihilated the leaders and then
disappeared is not without persuasiveness.
Within the remnants of the party, there will be debates as to whether
or not this is really the work of the demons, but their division is not
bad in itself.
And, Owen de Getmora takes over the remaining revolutionary
forces and assumes the role of interim head. And
will reveal the false truth about the death of the leaders .
The whole revolutionary force fell into the hands of Frakchi
and, ironically, into the hands of the imperial family.
Xaviolin Tana
nodded her head with a firm expression upon hearing Bertus ' plan .
She is dedicated to the Empire.
So they
agreed that the forces to overthrow the empire should be disposed of
however, disguised as the actions of the demons. What do you
mean, what are you going to do?'
'There are demon prisoners being used for research purposes. All
you have to do is release them on the spot and kill them.
| ...okay.
'So it's a secret that Chanafel was sent to the scene. There will be a
separate support unit in charge of on-site operation. Shana
should focus on getting rid of the escorts cleanly. Is it possible?'
'... it's possible.
The emperor's amulet was obtained in advance.
In the meeting place Owen arranged for, a barrier was also installed
in advance to block the space movement magic.
Chanafel kills all the leaders of the revolutionary forces, manipulates
the scars of the corpse and sprinkles demon corpses, and disguises
the battle with the demons there.
The conditions and the meeting
place were chosen as the optimal place to make such a disguise
looked like thorns in their mouths, but there was no way to get them
out .
Demonic remnant.
An excuse that appeared at the right time
will protect the Empire from all controversies .
It doesn't matter if the truth is revealed.
It is true that the revolutionary forces dared to betray humanity and
join hands with the demons.
- sswaah ahh ....
Berger looks at a tooth falls out the window gyeoulbi.
seeing that had no idea at all.
The fact that he had killed a classmate's parents was horrifying.
The Demon King Goes to the Academy
Episode 369 The
news that demon tribes attacked Rajiern in the southern part of the
empire, the Levina Kingdom, spread throughout the emperor.
To be precise, they attacked the branch of the Merchant Guild on the
outskirts of Rajiern, but in fact, the
demons also attacked Rajiern.
However, the damage was not great. Because
the number of demons who attacked was very small.
However, very large casualties
occurred in some places in the outlying areas where there were no
guards .
The branch of the Merchants Guild on the outskirts of Rajiern
was that place.
The list of victims
also included the name of Duke Arthur de Granz .
I have already heard the report from Sarkegaar.
Used by Bertus.
I was wondering why the imperial family didn't understand the
revolutionary forces, but they
already did. Until now, I just left it alone because it could cause huge
problems if I use my hands carelessly.
When the nameless order was attacked, the fact that it was an attack
by demons alone caused all other suspicious parts to make a
different judgment that was excommunicated with fear .
He decided that it was enough to get rid of the revolutionary forces in
this way.
The name of the
Demon Realm Remnant is a kind of source of all kinds of evil that
can cause all incidents at will and overturn them all in the current
situation .
The corpses of demons were lined up, the traces of a fabricated
battle, and the countless victims.
newspaper with photos of the scene and the names of the victims .
I was watching it with my eyes wide open.
Duke Granz.
Arthur de Granz.
was killed by a demon attack in a small country in the southern part
of the empire .
“Hey…why is this happening…”
Harriet was weeping with her face covered as she remembered what
happened to the writer Prince Granz, who had just spent the day.
Ellen was staring at the newspaper with her eyes wide open. It's
like trying to make sure that the
2 ITE you're looking at is n't right.
“Let’s go to Liana.”
Ellen said so quietly lay down the newspaper.
Shoot ... ahh
. Gyeoulbi were down
. I, Cliff, but ahdelriah, Harriet Ellen
, as do people who had come over to gongjakga, we find intact Liana
has ah .
It would take some time for the body to be retrieved and returned to
the duke's house. There were already many people in the Duke of
I don't know if they were relatives or not, but
the empty expression on the Duchess's face, comforted by the
crowds around
her, speaks of the shock she feels now.
Liana was no exception.
"Huh? Ah... Wow, are you here?” |
Harriet held Liana's hand still, but she looked like she had no idea
what had happened to her.
Liana was lost. I think I should be sad, but I don't even have a good
sense of what has happened to me right now.
Everyone does
n't know what to say to comfort this incident.
Everyone at the Duchess's side
said something to each other, and they were saying something to the
Duchess, who was lost in Earl, but we didn't know what to say.
I am.
I didn't know what to say to Liana, who had done something I didn't
do but became a thing I did.
I didn't.
I didn't do it.
but i can't say that
Harriet was holding Liana's hand quietly, and Ellen was holding
Liana's hand.
gently embraced shoulder.
Liana was just staring blankly into the air with her unfocused eyes.
We stayed at the Duke of Granz.
The Duchess, who is sensitive to nobles, was
not sharp towards us staying in the mansion in this country.
At least, though, she was an adult.
"Thank you everyone. Please take care of Liana."
She seemed to be
genuinely grateful that we were here to take care of Liana's
condition. Unlike Liana, the Duchess could not remain mourning. C.
To do so, you have to talk to the many people who come in advance
. Someone had to wake up in a lightning-like situation, and that was
the Duchess. The
next day,
Duke Granz's body was recovered and
returned to the author.
Liana, her eyes wide open, staring blankly at the coffin that had
been transported
. She knows what's inside, but she does n't seem to be able to
believe whether it really is. The Duchess staggers towards the coffin
and takes over the body. I opened the coffin to receive
We all stared blankly as the Duchess sat down in her seat. Liana
stared blankly at that figure.
"Oh, Dad... Dad...?"
Liana staggered closer to the coffin. Harriet couldn't stop or catch
Liana's steps, and was looking at Liana's back with a sad
Liana casts her gaze down the half-open coffin.
Liana didn't cry.
He was just
staring blankly at something in the coffin, as if he had been shocked
by something.
Uh, uh .... Liana's twisted lips began to let out a suppressed moan. -
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ouch! Ahh!
Liana started ripping her hair off.
- flash!
An eerie thunderbolt cut across the pale winter sky began to engulf
the sky
- Flash! th!
- Curl rumble!
The lightning that colored the sky dozens of times per second and
the fierce thunder that followed did not strike the ground fortunately.
- Aaaaaaaaah!
However, it was clearly not a normal
meteorological phenomenon.
The extreme stress of being a psychic, or
abilities is awakened under extreme extreme situations.
As if I had reinforced self-suggestion in that way a few times and
finally enlightened my words.
Liana de Granz, was no exception.
of lightning bolts crossing the
sky were now leading from sky to sky, but Liana, who lost her mind
, might have thrown a thunderbolt into the ground .
Everyone was already
aware that this bizarre meteorological phenomenon had come from
The sky is going crazy.
You have to stop Liana.
- Jikjik, Jijijikjik!
Then, a blue spark began to burn fiercely around Liana's body, which
was tearing her hair as if torturing herself.
It's dangerous like this. People around the coffin may be swept away
by Liana's runaway.
before i even say anything
Ellen broke through the rain and
ran to Liana .
- Grip Jijik!
Ellen pierced through the current that had begun to seep around
Liana with her magical power enhancement on her body, and
slammed her hand on the nape of Liana's neck.
Among the torpedo strikes that could not guarantee life even if only
one hit, Ellen jumped in without any thought.
Liana's body, which was instantly incapacitated and collapsed, was
taken lightly by Ellen.
Everyone was looking at Ellen with a puzzled expression on her
face, as if they didn't know what had happened.
Ellen made a quick
decision to prevent a
second catastrophe that was about to happen in a disastrous
situation .
Ellen says looking at the Duchess. “I’ll take you inside.”
"Yeah, yes... Oh, thank you..." The
Duchess nodded, staring at Ellen with a complicated expression.
In the mansion, in her bedroom, Liana woke up after a while.
felt a headache as if her head was whining .
His body was as heavy as cotton in water. Liana was staring blankly
at the ceiling.
it might be a dream
It may be a bad dream.
When I drink too much, I often have bizarre dreams.
So, I don't know when I drank or when I collapsed, but all of this
might be a dream.
Liana feels a vague wind.
Because dreams are terribly long. It would be an extension of that.
In fact, didn't you only hear unrealistic sounds as if something was
floating around? suddenly
Ki's father is dead, and the coffin is brought to the front of the
mansion, in it.
All the things I saw that I never wanted to admit.
Dreams are shattered when subjected to too much shock. After
seeing such a thing, I
wanted to believe that I was waking up from a terrible dream .
"Mom and Dad's sick day failed marriage and life is only going to
bow the sick, handling euro that must be maintained."
That saying, I want mureugo.
The last one would think yes you have
was not going to be something for you.
So before . euron, gun who treat cases, to meet pressing oysters
idea may bet to see who the last to think a little bit more, and
. he would say, and a little more care
, especially Dad egen would more so.
eunikka so realized.
| Japan Japan
now that as the daughter of only about horse apples, and not yet it
worse in bad marital relationship between the enemy least it will not
interfere, the daughter doegetdago that.
but dad tried to try something
just discard ignore the words myeonbak judeon
now regret all the days I
thought it
would be a
little different, if
it was a dream, so I thought. It
wasn't a dream . I was
One was Adelia and the other was.
dream, it can't be a dream.
He was holding his right and left hands, one by one, staring blankly
at the ceiling.
Numerous emotions were swirling in Liana's eyes, bathed in the rain
with her bare body.
it's herriot
If everything was a dream
There's no way these kids would look at themselves with such
worried eyes and hold hands tightly.
Liana tightly closed her eyes.
If it wasn't for a dream,
I'd rather run away in a dream, but I
couldn't even do that. Misery tears flowed from Liana's closed eyes.
Shoot ahh ....
there was a funeral in Grants peacock.
In the rain, there were people digging in raincoats, and a priest
dispatched from the Tuan Church stood with a sutra.
As he memorized the prayer, he
talking about the lion's five-point rest and purification of the soul .
After the ceremony was over, many people who had come to pay
tribute were lined up to throw flowers into the pit.
Without even using an umbrella, Liana was looking at the scene with
her eyes wide open
Liana, who couldn't cry, was still in the cold winter rain. Harriet tried
to put an umbrella on her, but Liana refused.
It's like trying to punish yourself.
The Duke of Granz was an influential nobleman before becoming a
revolutionary force.
Thousands of nobles, dressed in black, came to condolences and
paid wreaths,
Mourning words for Yin were spoken to the Duchess.
among the mourners, there were first-year students of the Royal
“…the demons.”
Ludwig, dressed in black, with his eyes wide open, chewed his lips in
front of the duke's coffin in pure rage.
“I can’t forgive you.”
I couldn't help but stare at
Ludwig's back with anger-stained eyes, leaving the flowers behind .
Apart from personal acquaintances, all first-year students came to
pay their condolences.
Naturally, among them was Charlotte de Gradias.
Perhaps knowing the circumstances, Charlotte, without looking at
Liana, threw the flowers and, after a little silence, went back.
Charlotte made eye contact with me for a moment, but didn't say
Saviolin Tana was also attached to her escort.
She didn't even make a wreath. In this situation, there is something
only I can see.
It seems that Shanai mission has been accomplished.
Otherwise, there is no reason for Tana Xaviolin to have such a face
There is no reason for her eyes and expression to be so strange
when she looks at Liana, who has lost her ear.
Because there's no reason to put on a guilty face when there's no
reason to feel guilty.
Naturally, Ms. Epinhauser and Ms. Must Lang also came.
Aside from the fact that he was the Black Order, he was doing his job
as a teacher well.
When Ms. Mustrang saw that Liana had lost her face, she gently
hugged her and wiped her tears with a handkerchief.
After giving the wreath, Mr. Epinhauser stood in front of Liana.
“If you need help, feel free to contact me
"...Yes, teacher."
Liana mumbled those words without a pulse, as if they had become
an answering machine, but seemed to have no thoughts on the
words themselves.
Epinhauser left those words and met my eyes for a moment.
He didn't say anything to me.
somehow he seemed to know that this was not my fault.
Bertus de Gradias also
came to the tomb for condolences .
Bertus looked down at the coffin with a firm expression, throwing
flowers at the grave
Bertus then stood in front of Liana.
Looking at Liana, who was drowning in ears, Bertus seemed to be
thinking about something.
Bertus acted for the Empire. That would have been what Bertus had
to do.
But they framed me and
killed Liana 's father.
I couldn't say it wasn't what I did,
and Bertus wouldn't say it was what he did.
With a firm expression on his face, while he was also getting rained
on, he said a word to Liana.
“I’m sorry. liana."
It was an ambiguous word.
I am the only person in this place who can understand the meaning
of it.
Liana realized that she was in front of the prince, and took a deep
breath while grimacing.
“No… Thanks for coming. Bertus.”
Liana was saying thank you to the one she should never be thankful
I could
n't look into Bertus' face .
No matter what expression he was making, he couldn't believe his
fist wouldn't go out when he saw that face.
Among the flowers of many mourners, the coffin of Duke Granz,
which was almost covered with white flowers, began to be filled with
soil one by one.
“I’m sorry, Dad.”
Winter rain was dripping down Liana's face.
“I’m sorry, Dad.”
Even though , Liana is straight.
was staring at the tomb of Duke Granz, whose lips were so cold that
his lips were filled with shovels one by one.
“I. I was all wrong.”
What makes me so sorry, what makes me so sorry.
In the end, Liana
began to constantly shed tears that could not be rain .
“I... I did something wrong...” So can you please come back?
I will do well now.
I won't act like a crazy bitch.
'Cause now I know
You will do well in the future.
Can't you come back?
Liana looked at the pile of dirt piled up on the coffin and muttered like
a spell,

The Demon King Goes to the Academy

Episode 370 after the
funeral is over.
The Duchess seemed to be chatting with her relatives, and we told
to take a warm bath in the annex just in case she caught a cold.
We didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say.
The story of why the Demon King did such a thing is not something
that can be shared here.
Knowing the truth, I was feeling heavy pressure.
The revolutionary forces did not disappear.
It falls into Owen's grasp, and he's
There was an absurd situation in front of me that the revolutionary
forces would be useless.
Forces that seek to overthrow the system come under the control of
the system. Is this something you did?
The situation sucks, but I can't help but agree that Bertus used Lee
too well in advance.
If the revolutionary forces were touched at the wrong time, the worst
result could be that the revolutionary forces ran wild throughout the
empire in exchange for eliminating the leaders.
In the first place, Bertus made a move to annihilate the leaders of the
revolutionary forces by disguised as an attack by demons.
Second, the revolutionary forces are in chaos
In case he fell, Owen was arranged to become the next leader of the
revolutionary forces.
Owen said, within the revolutionary forces, this incident really
caused a problem at the negotiating table with the demons, and we
will turn it into something we used force. So
it quiets the commotion inside.
And in the long run, the revolutionary forces will gradually weaken
and annihilate them
, or they will cause internal strife and disintegrate them, or they will
work things out according to their taste.
In fact, it was used perfectly.
I wondered if there was such a way
to bring down the revolutionary forces without much noise .
I wasn't the only one
who could use the name of the demon faction . The empire that had
the demon prisoners was also able to do something by disguised as
the work of the demons.
Bertus was inspired by the fact that I killed Levereria Ranche.
"Look out."
While receiving support from Ellen, of course taking a warm shower,
Liana came down to the drawing room of the annex in a light outfit.
Liana was sitting on the sofa hugging her knees and staring blankly
in front of her.
We didn't say anything for a while.
No one could open their mouth.
The deep night, hours of silence passed,
and everyone went to bed. lately
Until then, only silence lingered in the space where they had
gathered and had a friendly party.
The thought of taking care of Liana kept most of her friends from
leaving the Duke of Granz's annex.
A night of cold winter rain.
- Foul! Crazy!
woke up to this qualitative sound from somewhere .
No, I didn't even sleep. It was just that, wandering somewhere
between sleep and consciousness.
Cliffman got out of bed and headed for the hallway.
Because I knew whose voice this sound was.
A certificate of unlit annex, in the drawing room.
- Break up! Crazy!
Liana, who was sitting idly, repeatedly generated an electric light in
the air
".......what are you doing?"
At Cliffman's words, Liana slowly lifted her
head and looked at Cliffman's stairs.
Liana with a gloomy expression lowered her eyes and said so.
As if the man named
Liana de Granz , who was always confident, lively, and always
mischievous, was gone.
Lyana with a face full of depression and frustration was there.
Cliffman cautiously went down the stairs.
Then, he sat across from Liana.
Liana looks at Cliffman and smiles faintly.
“Come on, you must be tired.”
Cliffman was shocked
by Liana's smile and words .
It wouldn't be a situation where I could laugh.
I wouldn't be in a situation where I could say such kind words.
Rather, Liana laughs in this situation.
Cliffman doesn't like this kind of Liana.
But Cliffman doesn't know that in this situation, people become
I was on my side unconditionally.
I didn't treat that person with respect.
I thought it would last forever, so I treated it rudely.
Only after that person disappears, Liana becomes sincere to people.
in regret.
Because I
realized the natural truth that no one could be forever to
me, and that I couldn't be forever to anyone else .
treat people with respect.
“Thank you everyone for today.”
So, Liana becomes kind.
regretting all the days that were not kind .
“I’ll be refreshed in a little while. Don’t worry too much.”
Cliffman looks at Liana, who seems to be a completely different
person from her usual tone of voice, as well.
In this situation, I don't know what to say.
A boy named Cliffman has no horses in the first place.
It is also difficult to deal with people. I wanted to get a little better as I
was being swayed by this monstrous girl, but I always stood still. It's
still awkward to treat people, especially when dealing with girls.
didn't get better
Cliffman doesn't even know how to treat people casually, as usual.
But now Liana is not normal. In this situation, Cliffman doesn't know
much more about what to say.
But it's weird.
Originally, it was difficult to even look straight into Liana's face.
When someone stared at him,
he was in a
hurry to turn away from their gaze in a cold sweat. In particular,
Liana stares intently into people's eyes, and Cliff Mann couldn't bear
it. When he averted his eyes, he asked why he kept averting his
gaze, and even gave him a face-lift to tell him to look straight at him.
I don't know why it's hard, but when Liana
looked at her, it
felt like someone was tightening her heart, and it was painful.
But now.
Cliffman looked at Liana, but Liana couldn't look at him.
It's not awkward to look at.
I don't even know
how to treat them normally, but I don't know how to comfort them
Just because you don't know doesn't mean you can't do it.
Even if you don't know, you can try.
You can do something to be normal and you can
do something to comfort you.
I just don't know if the attempt was a success or a failure.
Cliffman now.
“Would you like to drink…?”
I wanted to up the liana to Grants
Liana is a line out the say from Cliff just did not know seemed, and
looked at the little play is put only in a circle pops up Cliff eyes.
Alcohol in this situation.
Somehow the order as will not drink It's a liver, but Liana is
staring at Cliffman. The boy's eyes are looking at him with an
exasperated, burdensome look.
Trying not to turn away somehow, to do something right now .
Perhaps, the greatest courage I 've ever seen in my life . Looking
into the boy's eyes, which seemed to be
naan, "Yeah, that's good."
Liana smiled softly.
smiles softly, a boy and a girl sipping alcohol in the middle of the
Strong whiskey, no snacks. The
girl who lost her father drinks alcohol.
The boy who wants to comfort the girl also drinks alcohol. It was a
night in which he might be deeply drunk, but it might be better to do
so. There are days when you want to anesthetize yourself and let it
There wasn't much conversation going on.
Liana looked out the window of the annex with each sip of whiskey.
The main building could be seen through the window panes that
were dripping with winter rain.
Cliffman didn't ask
what he was thinking . However, from the other side,
he was just passing the alcohol little by little in line with Liana's
“My father ran away to marry a common man he met at the temple.”
Cliffman listened to the story calmly
. He
didn't stutter or panic as usual .
Liana bit her lip slightly, as if biting the end of the smirk that leaked
out, and then continued the conversation.
"Yes. In the end, he failed and was caught. If that had worked, I
have been born ."
Liana quietly sips the whiskey
"I was curious about that, but neither mom nor dad told me what kind
of person she was.
Because she's just such a blotchy woman. Do you want to die, or do
you want to live a normal life? I do not know."
"So Daddy was arrested and then forced into marriage at the
doorstep. There are rumors of such a thing as it is a hasty marriage.
He probably couldn't find a good place to live. So I
married my mother. I don't have a spirit. A
noble noble with nothing but titles,
the second daughter of the Count Relayon family.”
If dipped to a socialite anyone talk you know, but Cliff just is not
noble. So alrae daehaeseon things like teeth of the family Liana say
I did not know.
But Cliff, only the silence that's been listening to the street.
"My mom is like my dad I'd like to, but Dad couldn't have liked you.
Then, of course, Mom couldn't like you either. It's creaking from the
"I am the creaks Dun marriage
Turns out he same medium that out followed by force. How did I do
not know Map I taeeonatneun Anyway, long did was born. By the
way some Although as a scapegoat sort of. You have me two fights
chief judge
, if in the end, my story When I see Liana, even when I see me, Mom
says it, Dad says it, When it's time to make something drastic, my
story always comes to the fore. Liana is here, are you going to do
more here?”
“I was fed up with it.”
“Do you think it’s like the only achievement I left in each other’s
Cliffman looked at Liana, who was crying with the and just staring
blankly at the glass.
Liana is sipping whiskey.
“Anyway, I didn’t like either my mom or my dad. I hated my mom
because she tried to interfere in my life, and my dad freed me up.
It seemed like he was letting him go, but I hated it because it
seemed so explicit that he wanted me to live the life he had not been
able to live.
After all, if Dad had been nice to Mom from the beginning, Mom
wouldn't have become a person
who was subjected to evil like that.”
“Mom is an open problem, but my dad pretends not to be a
problem, but in fact , it was the biggest problem.”
“So I hated my mother and I hated my father. Seriously, I thought you
hated it.”
Liana pours the whiskey into a glass, and then rolls the drink quietly
in the glass.
“By the way, I guess I liked him more than I thought.”
I thought you hated it
Because of the regret that floods in the moment I can't see you
Because the words I said without realizing it were the last words
became the last words, because of the rush of regret and guilt...
"I'm just like you guys, I'm a Horo child."
Liana was crying with her eyes wide open.
"Everything... I regret it so much..." With the
glass down, she couldn't even drink.
"Why the hell. Why the devil, my son... In all likelihood, there... Why
did he have to do that? Why, did my father have to die. Even though
he wasn't a good husband, my father. Now that I think about it, it's
still I think he was a good father to me. Even though I couldn’t love
my mother, I think it was right that he loved me, but I think he loved
me as much as I did. I
thought that was an excuse to rationalize an unhappy marriage. ..
So... Suck. Eup.... Huh...
And, and my dad. He was a good person
, but my dad. To people.
Everyone is nice, doesn't do bad things, good... People. was .... "
Cliff was just looking for a ulmeokyineun Liana manhi.
Grants Duke external euron good four
were people.
a good husband is a good father had not even
thought well,
that was not so bad to dad.
Liana is In the world where my father has disappeared,
can't get back what I lost.
Then, I can't help but wish for something else. I can't
understand why I had to lose, so I think about why I had to lose.
"I, so... So... for nothing. Because I am a superpower. If it's me, I can
get revenge. Will I be able to fight? I'm curious. I'm curious...."
Sleepless night.
Liana was vaguely imagining revenge and
sparking lightning. She
is a psychic. I can't pick up the words I spit, and I can't turn back
time. The Demon
King who stole my father
Because it might be possible to dream of revenge on him .
Liana was sitting blankly alone
, checking her abilities. She is a superpower, and psychic powers are
very rare abilities
. The
Demon Lord is such a huge name. Even the name of Duke Granz , It
is too small in front of the name of the
Demon King. So it was not trampled down mercilessly.
Liana was wondering if she could stand up to the huge name of the
Demon King on a rainy winter night. Although
she is a powerful psychic who handles electricity, I don't know how
strong the Demon King will be.
Therefore, in despair, regret, and vengeance, Liana was predicting
herself fighting the Demon Lord in fear.
Cliffman looked at Liana like that
"I'll help you."
said so quietly.
“I’ll help you. I."
Liana stared at Cliffman with tears in her eyes at those words.
two little ones
Standing in front of that huge name doesn't change much if we do it
“If we do it together, it will be less difficult.”
I'm not saying it will be easier, but that it will be less difficult.
Those words were remarkably realistic.
Because it's terribly realistic.
Cliffman’s sincerity was felt so deeply.
not just saying
If you risked your life for the difficult task of killing the Demon King,
you would risk your life together to make the difficult task a little less
"Why are you...?"
I could risk my life, but why would you risk it? At
that question, Cliffman drank the full whiskey at once and exhaled a
bloody breath
Those were the first words that came out
of Cliffman 's mouth
Liana stared at Cliffman with a puzzled expression on how to
respond . Liana stared at Cliffman with a slight puzzlement before
ending . It shows.
"more than that, it would be a strong word."
"If you are still much more ....
A word stronger than the word friend, and Cliffman's face went red at
those words.
Just as Cliffman emptied the
whiskey glass at once , Liana also emptied the remaining alcohol at
And then,
he poured
all the expensive whiskey left in the bottle on the floor.
Liana, who stole the corners of her eyes, had lost her eyes, but there
were no more tears.
“I can’t drink alcohol for a while.”
Until you kill the Demon King.
Liana smiled and said so
* The
funeral is over, and we all return to the temple.
Liana also returned to the temple.
Liana did not find vigor.
- ha ha... ha ha...
- If you are tired, let's rest.
no. do more - No, rest. If you are forced to momman
- but more ...
- I know it better. rest.
- Huh...? Ah. Okay. rest picture.
Liana started doing morning workouts.
Me and Ellen still working out in the morning
was watching from a distance as Liana and Cliffman ran together.
Physical fitness is a condition where there is no disadvantage in the
end. And strictly speaking, Liana was on the weak side in terms of
physical strength. Even if not as good as Charlotte, it cannot be
compared to a close combat major who trains properly.
Liana was a guy with no enthusiasm
He had a powerful superpower, a superpower to grow on his own,
and that was enough.
He had a wealthy family, so he had nothing to worry about after
I'm only interested in playing around with everything, and until a
while ago
, we all refused to go out to play .
Then, Liana de Granz disappeared.
- Ha ha... ha ha...
- Watch out for the ice.
Liana, who had a poisonous enough to her eyes,
was chasing after Cliffman, who could not even keep up with her
toes with her teeth clenched .
was Liana, who was forced to drag Cliff, who was not good at
interpersonal relationships, and tried to fix her personality somehow.
Now, Cliffman didn't seem shy about stuttering or dealing with Liana.
Rather, Cliffman was teaching Liana something now.
The common goal
took away Cliffman's embarrassment and Rihanna's insincerity.
The chronic problems of each have disappeared.
through the method of someone's death.
through the purpose of revenge.
Me and Ellen
see Liana chasing after Cliffman, sweating in the middle of winter .
“The Demon Lord
would be a far-fetched story for most people , I thought
Ellen looks at me
champion of Butuan
and the owner of the two holy.
We anyone would be appropriate story, Ellen seemed that I think so.
Suffer directly as one eventually devil am the majority of egen
symbol of the horrors people Do What or it
There is no such thing as affecting my life,
but Duke Granz was killed
by the Demon King .
Someone around
him suffered direct sorrow and pain due to the Demon Lord 's actions
, and as a result, he changed.
“I am angry.”
Ellen's eyes fluttered.
Their anger is bound to have a different texture, but
“Me too.”
Do you have no choice but to admit that the Demon Lord is really,
really evil now? Because this situation is difficult to accept.
I hate the Demon King who destroyed my friend's life.
Ellen seemed to be angry.
It's only me who's angry the most.
"let's go."
We run together
, even though the grain of anger and the target of true revenge are
we build the day together.
The Demon King goes to the academy
- Gwareung!
A dazzling flash of light burns a piece of wood
It went beyond that and exploded.
- Rumble!
Then, listening to the expanded air spread out with a sharp
thundering sound, Mr. Epinhauser nodded quietly.
Liana was watching with a calm expression as the Target the Me had
been smashed.
This is the outdoor training ground I use when testing large-scale
destruction magic.
Although it is vacation, Epinhauser is consulting with Liana de
Granz's condition.
I was checking my abilities.
Liana de Granz's ability was to manipulate electricity.
But that has now changed to the level of ability to drop lightning from
the sky.
It's not nearly instantaneous as usual, and it took some time to
focus, but apparently Liana was struck by lightning.
knocked out
“There is a possibility that your abilities have evolved into
superpowers related to weather. I still have to figure it out a bit
Still, Liana could handle the lightning. However, after the death of
Duke Granz, Liana's abilities changed.
“Don’t worry about me, and try to develop your existing abilities to
the maximum.”
Ms. Epinhauser stepped back and watched Liana practice her skills.
As an electric field was formed around Liana's body, it exploded.
It started to explode in the stool.
- Curl rumble!
As if they were about to burn everything around them, frantic electric
currents ran around Liana and spread out as if alive.
uh started going out
At the same time being able to summon lightning,
The existing lightning control ability was also maximized.
“Stop, that’s enough.”
“The controls are… a little difficult.”
“It will get better over time.”
The output of the ability itself was greatly amplified, but as a result,
Liana, whose ability control itself was a long-term skill, rather lost the
delicacy of handling the ability itself.
At the sound of thunder and thunder
Epinhauser had no choice but to stop the test because there was
going to be an uproar not only in the temple but also in the entire
- Break up! Crazy!
Mr. Epinhauser is white smoke
Le was in the middle of the training ground, and Rihanna blankly
raised her right hand and went inside.
I was standing still watching the lightning strike.
Liana slowly walked out of the training ground and stood in front of
"Isn't this enough?"
Ask me what's missing
but what does that mean
Hauser doesn't know.
Also, there is no need to ask who it is for revenge.
talk about sufficiency.
This is more than enough.
Because the current demon lord is only regarded as an absolute in
people's excessive fantasies.
“I will.”
However, Epinhauser was not in a position to tell the truth.
“But it’s already threatening enough.
is power Use it with caution.”
At Epinhauser's words, Liana quietly generates an electric current
from her fingertips.
“Tell me.”
Liana had no idea about her superpowers until now. Because I never
thought that I would make a living by fighting.
“It’s the first time I’ve ever thought that I was lucky because of my
A super power that specializes in attacking more than any other
super power.
Its speed, destructive power, and lethal range are second to none.
Liana's abilities are like this.
For the first time, I was grateful.
Epinhauser seems to be possessed by a blue light
He was watching Liana looking at him quietly.
Liana's abilities have grown by leaps and bounds.
However, Liana, who is trying to face the great name of the Demon
King, cannot be satisfied with this.
A little
have to get stronger
“Can I do magic enhancement too?”
I don't just believe in ability.
He tries to make the strength of his pure body his own.
“It would be better to specialize your organs.
“Reinhardt did.”
Even though he is a superpower, in the end he didn't like that ability.
Ra, who even strengthened his magical power without drinking
Inhart has a precedent. line lower
Ruth is a special case in many ways, but that doesn't come into
Liana's eyes.
have to be strong
Then you have to get all the strength you can have.
In order not to be weighed down by the name of the Demon King,
Liana felt compulsion to be blind to her strength.
Departure was late.
It just has a different starting line: superpowers. While others were
working hard, Rihanna was content with reality and spent time
without worrying about the future.
Now, if you're going to make an effort,
We all have to work harder.
Epinhauser looked at Liana like that.
say in short
“I can’t say it’s impossible.”
Liana nodded her head as if that was enough.
“What would you like to do?”
I saw Sarque in my room in the dorm
I was chatting with Le.
Used by Bertus. and
Used by Owen de Gett Mora
All. But Bertus was a long time ago
Like we said, the Empire needs enemies.
The remnant of the demon king who secretly hides
It keeps humanity united. Previously, the Darkland was defined as an
enemy, but now it is called terrorism.
He tries to unite the empire with the concept of luck.
This may not be the last time disguised as the work of the Demon
King to deal with annoying things.
Naturally, I'm not going to touch Bertus.
no angle
However, the Merchant Guild Master.
A traitor to the revolutionary forces and now a revolution
The one who will devour power.
I had to decide what to do with him
“I don’t like it, but the imperial family is defining us as a necessary
looks like it It would seem that our power will never be completely
rebuilt. Truly arrogant.”
Sarkegaar's tone is anger.
was in
Without even being treated as a fallen enemy country, the imperial
family treats the Demon Realm as a mask that can be used at will.
Sarkegaar seemed to be very upset about it.
Owen de Getmora.
He must be aware that his life is in danger. Even if we can't touch the
prince, it shouldn't be difficult for us to get rid of him.
The moment he decided to take advantage of us, Owen himself gave
up his head.
it was nothing like
If you kill Owen de Getmora, you can stop the imperial family from
devouring the revolutionary forces.
But after that, if the revolutionary forces in chaos begin to act, that is
not what I want.
Sarkegaar would rather chaos
may be
Eliminate and control the leadership of the revolutionary forces
It is not just Bertus' ruse to put it under the hood.
I had a strong conviction that even my post-mortem response was
within the scope of Bertus' scheme.
Owen de Getmora Kill or Live
are you
Which of the two decisions do you choose?
Through this, Bertus was the leader of the remnants of the demon
It's clear you're trying to figure out your tendencies.
In the case of Liberia Ranche, the imperial family is still unsure about
what purpose I killed Lverier Ranche.
You wouldn't get God.
The imperial family will still be confused as they do not know what
the purpose of the incident that caused the empire to be too good.
If I kill Owen de Getmora and prevent the revolutionary forces from
organizing their forces properly, the imperial family will make a
judgment on the remaining forces in the Demon Realm. In the case
of Le Barrier Ranche, it was just a coincidence, and the demonic
powers said that their purpose was to overthrow the Empire.
If Owen de Getmora is not killed, the imperial family will withhold
Leaving the revolutionary forces who have lost the possibility of
joining hands with them as they are would be of no help at all when it
is assumed that the intentions of the demonic forces are to rebuild
the demon realm.
Leaving Owen alive could suggest that the group has other
intentions, rather than a group focused on causing chaos in the
Empire. However, if that is the case, it can also make you wonder
why it was trying to join hands with the revolutionary forces in the
first place.
"You can't convince our enemies of who we are."
There's no reason for the imperial court to let us know what we're
after. Owen's life itself is easy, but
The moment you decide to take it, the imperial family's attitude
toward us is established.
Bertus is trying to use us.
The existence that should be the enemy is our existence
for now, there is no reason to convince them that we are the enemy
for now.
“It's disgusting, but Owen de Getmora keeps alive. There is nothing
wrong with having a link with the imperial family that can be
approached from the position of the demon realm in some way.”
“Yes, lower.”
Sarkegaar nodded as if he was convinced.
You can't be obsessed with saving someone's life or killing someone
with personal feelings.
The moment you think like that, someone
The thought of acknowledging that I have become a person who
casually puts my family's life on the weight of a scale,
soared up
"What was their reaction?"
“There was a hint of anger when he said that he would borrow my
name, but he did not put his hand on me.”
In his office, Bertus is sitting on the sofa, watching Owen de
Getmora sipping tea.
it was
"Anyway, I didn't think I'd come back alive, but it's surprising."
“I thought so too, my lord.”
Owen de Getmora.
One of the high-ranking officials of the revolutionary forces and a
traitor. Revolutionary forces that have lost their heads
would be swallowed up. and
Slowly, the group in the mask of revolution will be swung here and
there and then sinks.
Although he was a traitor, he also returned alive in a place where his
life was at risk.
The chief contributor to this operation was Owen de Getmora.
Although there were instructions from Bertus, the plates were made
and the correspondence was tampered with.
Manipulating the moving words skillfully
to bring everyone together
There were even more opposing opinions from the leaders of the
revolutionary forces to the opinion of joining hands with the demon
realm forces.
However, when Owen translates the correspondence and words, the
majority of the top leaders are already in the Demon World.
Everyone said that they decided to cooperate with the forces
made me mistaken
Bertus thought a lot.
What the hell do they want?
When I heard that he had heard that he wanted to contact Owen and
hold his hand, I wondered if the purpose of the empire was to be
But now that their plans are messed up, even if they spit on a broken
At the moment when you should spit, gently back away
it went
Since the goal is to overthrow the empire, it joined hands with the
revolutionary forces.
Then, if the revolutionary forces wanted to pass over to the Empire,
they had to kill Owen.
If it's a broken plan, at least it's chaos.
I have to get up too.
However, Owen de Getmora returned safely. Did you know that if
Owen died, there were already plans for the next revolution to be
absorbed? No, that's very unlikely, Bertus is sure. Had I known that
Owen was a traitor, I would have contacted him in the first place.
Because there wouldn't be a reason.
"I don't know what they want."
Confusion or stability, stability
Why do you want the stability of the enemy country?
Bertus had solved the big problem, but he felt like he was stuck in a
bigger labyrinth.
“By the way, let me tell you now.”
“What are you talking about?”
Owen smiled at Bertus' words.
"Why did you betray me?"
Owen wasn't the kind of spy that Bertus had in place from the start.
Came suddenly after Rotary club business
I vomited everything.
Owen narrows his eyes and looks at the teacup.
“Changsachi had a dream.”
“It’s a dream…”
“Yeah, it took me quite a while to know that it was a dream that never
came true.
I'm sorry, but even if it's late, it's a dream
knowing that I was about to break it.”
“I guess it was true that he was quite serious about the revolution.”
“Is there any possibility?”
I seriously dreamed of a revolution. Owen is
Confidence in front of the highest beneficiary of the status system
that he seriously denied it
say it casually
He is an old man who risked his life to meet the remnants of the
demon realm alone. So, even in front of Bertus, he can be bold in his
own way.
had no choice but to
The old merchant dreamed of a world where everyone was equal.
“What can I say about what has already disappeared, but they do not
dream of a revolution itself, but rather what a revolution is.
Drunk living in self debating
It seemed. Also within it
Seeing that the ranks among members of the organization are
divided and the way they treat each other differently depending on
whether or not they are from the Orbis class, and the degree of
internal logicalization of the revolution....
I realized.”
“Yes, it’s true that humans are like that.”
The essence of human beings, that is, discrimination and distinction,
Owen realized when he saw that even those who dream of equality
tried to classify them according to their origins from within.
“Even when the new world comes, people will be differentiated in
that way, they will try to separate them, and some of them will be
respected and special, and others will be despised and despised. If
that is human nature, if divisions do not disappear, but only the
indicators of divisions change, then why do we need a new world?”
“This old tradesman realized too late that if division could not be
eliminated, there was no reason to get rid of this stable division that
already existed, and that there was no reason to even look at blood
while replacing division with division. ”
Bertus looked at Owen de Getmora, who was talking like that.
it was
He dreamed of a revolution, but after experiencing the form of a
revolutionary organization for a long time, this does not eliminate
discrimination and distinction, but a new
I knew that it would only create new discrimination and division.
Therefore, he decided that such a revolution was not good enough
and went to Bertus.
Instead of replacing the pyramid, I met the person who is now at the
top of the pyramid.
Bertus looked at Owen de Getmora and smiled slyly.
“It sounds plausible, but in the end the resentment or betrayal
caused by not being from the Orbis class and not being able to
become a leader.
Isn't it just a kick of the persimmons?"
He was loyal to the organization like a dog, but in the end, he could
not join the leadership because he could not become a faction of
Orbis class graduates.
Owen de Gett Mora burst into laughter at Bertus' sullen remarks,
although it wasn't because he had to be content with being a high-
ranking executive.
“Heh heh, would that be all? There was a reason that he was a lowly
person who rolled money, and another reason was that he was not a
It was, my lord.”
"Hahaha! haha. under. Ha ha ha ha ha!"
Owen de Getmora's witty body
At the true joke, Bertus couldn't stand it and burst into laughter.
In an organization dreaming of a revolution, Owen
The reason why it failed to become a brain power is in itself how
contradictory the revolutionary organization was.
tell me if it was a group.
Bertus laughed for a while, then wiped his eyes with a handkerchief
and grinned.
“Okay, anyway, you did a good job on this one. Call me again later if
you have work.
“Please call me anytime, my lord.”
Owen bows and returns
Bertus looked at him silently.
I had a dream, and it was the wrong dream
found out that
That is why, when he betrayed Owen de Gettmo, who pushed all his
dreamers together into the depths of Hell.
or have you made a decision?
Owen de Gettmora had a dangerous dream, but abandoned it earlier
than others and obtained an indulgence in return for selling off the
people she had once dreamed of with.
Bertus doesn't care about that. He was just looking at the old
merchant's back, not wide open.
The Demon King goes to the academy
Liana has become a different person.
It was an inevitable situation. Lee
Ana is actually years, four months,
He was a guy who wastes time, but
Arthur was a very powerful psychic who grew up.
He had power, but he had no intention of using it to live. However,
this award
In front of Hwang, Liana is vain
He was grateful for the power he had accumulated during the time
he spent, and he was sincerely trying to hone it.
In addition, he was not only training for his superpowers, he was also
passionate about physical training, which he hated and hated until
now. Cliffman was helping with that part,
As a result, it is not something I can do about Liana's revenge on
If so, Liana will truly take revenge.
Who should be targeted?
Owen de Gettmora, who betrayed at the decisive moment while
secretly hiding within the revolutionary forces?
Chanafel and Xaviolin Tana, who are supposed to have actually
carried out the operation?
Bertus who planned all this?
Or the emperor who approved the plan?
or not.
Am I the one who turned around and became the starting point for all
these things to happen in the end?
I don't know which direction Liana should really take her sword of
It seems unfair that I am right about it, but if you think about it strictly,
it is not so unfair.
to have such resigned thoughts
Liana pursues strength.
We longed for and longed for it stronger than any of us.
So, the remaining hours of winter vacation were passing.
And, I really have to prepare
Prepare to be the enemy of everyone.
That moment was approaching every moment.
[Achievement score: 17730 points]
Achievement points up to seventeen thousand points.
There was no special use until now, and a large-scale event might
occur, so it was left as an emergency fund.
All. The most recent one is the festival
At the time, it was used as a way to reinforce the words to create a
big gap in Le Barrier Ranche.
He strengthened his words and spirits with a thousand points, bound
his movements, and stabbed the demonized Tiamata into his heart.
After that, I became the true owner of Tiamata, and I was able to
freely change Tiamata into a holy sword or a magic sword,
depending on my will. The achievement score can create a big
always my very powerful weapon in divination
it was
Remaining achievement points.
There's a lot you can do with this
If you use eight thousand points, you can unlock the fourth talent.
My talents are self-suggestion, speech and magic, and the mastery
of magic.
[Swordsmanship - 8000 Points]
Combat to become a masterclass
Talent is required, but self-suggestion is already functioning as a
talent related to battle. But now, acquiring talent for swordsmanship
It can't be a bad day.
Acquiring swordsmanship will increase the speed at which you reach
the Master Class.
will be.
If you use 8,000 points, the remaining achievement points are word
of mouth points. dog the fifth talent
I'll need sixteen thousand points to reconcile,
If you want to bloom your fifth talent
Needs 7,000 more achievement points
However, I am contemplating between two talents.
[Swordsmanship - 8000 Points]
[Difficulty Resistance - 8000 Points]
Resistance to superpowers. You may need this.
With the divine spirit, in the spirit-based magic
is almost immune to, and will need resistance to magic, but that part
can be trained.
However, it is impossible to resist super powers.
If my identity is discovered, many people will become my enemies.
That would also include Liana de Granz. Liana's lightning ability
became immensely powerful through awakening.
Of course, Liana's resistance can be counteracted to a certain extent
with the protective power generated by magical enhancement.
However, if there is psychic resistance, it can be somewhat safe not
only from Liana, but also from other psychics in existence.
And, the real problem isn't Liana.
Scarlett's immune ability completely destroyed me.
disable it In front of the power that nullifies the range of my psychic
powers, I can't even use self-suggestions or words.
Already in the tournament people saw Scarlet's power neutralize me
| All. If it turns out that I am the Demon King, and a fight breaks out,
it's really dangerous
The enemy is not Ellen, but Scarlett.
Scarlett's immunity is supernatural.
If it is classified, can it be counteracted with a pleural resistance?
Of course, even if it isn't, you can make it possible.
[Add Settings]
Although it has never been used, it is enough to add the setting that
it can resist with a special resistance to Scarlet's immune ability.
However, in this case, there is a demerit of having to earn a
significant amount of achievement points to deal with only Scarlett. I
must fight Scarlett
is not that In this case, points are wasted.
To use achievement points when it matters
saving it It wasn't worthless.
Securing talent in weaponry to reach masterclass faster
is it.
Or, acquire a special resistance and get a little more
Are you looking for stability?
The worries didn't last long.
[Uses 8000 achievement points.]
[Talent - 'Swordsmanship' has been acquired.]
Unless it is urgent, we seek versatility.
My talents are now swordsmanship, magic domination,
And it is self-suggestion and speech.
The optimal conditions for becoming a masterclass are now in place.
The remaining achievement points are 9730 points.
I'd like to keep this level just in case.
[Ability Resistance - 16000 Points]
I also wanted to have the ability to resist the ability to resist in case
of a single situation.
I thought that if I had too many talents, I might be suspicious, so I
was holding on to it...
Were the Special Resistances better...?
Talent that has been eaten cannot be spit out.
You've spent a lot of achievement points, now you have to build
them up again.
I don't know if this is the right time to do this, but in the end,
achievement points are more important to me than money.
Achievement points are your only ability to interfere with the world.
And at this point, the only way to earn achievement points is through
a challenge.
Naturally, the challenge list is updated periodically.
[Challenge List]
[Identification of Akasha - 50000 points]
[Find Cantus Magna - 30000 points]
The top two challenges were also in line with my goals. This won't go
away for a while.
At first, ignorant things like slap on the cheek of the emperor were at
the top of the challenge, but now even if I pretend
Unusual things were betting at the top and huge achievement points
as a reward.
Now is not the time to joke, is this?
I thought
[Coming out to classmates (Women's Dressing Contest)
- 5000 points]
[Dating Bertus while disguised as a woman]
- 4000 points]
[Dating Kono Lint in a woman's disguise
- 4000 points]
[Date with someone in the state of being a woman anyway - 2000
[In the state of a woman disguised...]
[Clothes! - 500 points]
“….. Mr. Fal.”
Then yes, you bastard.
I'm going to cry until I fall behind
I decided to forget the achievement points for the time being.
At first, I was blinded by the achievement score, so I had no intention
of doing anything else with it anymore, since I went to a women's
dress-up contest and saw the snowball rolling absurdly.
There might be a problem that goes beyond the indifference,
because it actually happened.
It's a miracle that you acquired the swordsmanship talent
As an enemy, my swordsmanship skills did not increase.
it was Up until now, I've mostly been pushing through specs.
Absolute skill gap.
In purely honest terms, my swordsmanship is inferior to Cliffman,
Scarlett, and Ludwig. Ellen doesn't even need a mention.
'Cause even if I pull it all, it's pushed
You can give them an edge
This is partly because I have self-suggestion, and partly because I
can enhance my magic.
So, my method was to push the difference in skill with overwhelming
physical strength.
But now, by acquiring the swordsmanship talent, he has been given
a future in which pure skill itself will be ahead.
After all, in a situation where gradual change is a little faster than
dramatic change
In, I spurred training.
One of those days.
Ellen, I, and Cliffman were sitting together in the dance hall.
" think you're too weak?"
Cliffman came to me and Ellen for advice with a serious expression.
“I said that I would help… As you can see, even though I say things
like this… Liana’s superpowers were originally strong…”
“I am stronger now.”
Liana's superpowers became extremely strong through an unwanted
awakening, and they are getting stronger. That's the reason
Ji's death, anger, and regret are not
It's sad, but it's true that Liana became stronger as a result.
And Cliffman tries to help Rihanna's revenge.
By the way.
“I really… if there was really going to be a fight like that… I didn’t
think it would be of any help…”
Cliffman was thinking he was a surplus.
How come he...
Why can't I get away from this kind of boredom?
If you think about whether Cliffman is strong or not on a general
level, he belongs to the monster axis.
The person this guy is asking for advice is me and Ellen.
Not to mention Ellen, I too have already gone beyond the trajectory
of the ordinary and beyond the trajectory of the monster.
as it were,
After all, even among the monsters of the royal class, he is a martial
artist and a heavenly one.
If there is, it's me and Ellen. If we only look at the growth rate rather
than the actual skill, that is the case.
In addition, the guy who decided to fight together had supernatural
powers that were originally at an extraordinary level.
I was sleeping, but this time, suddenly, the ability itself
has grown explosively.
That is to say, Cliffman, who is not an outsider, but who is about to
be before, has so many comparisons that he has infinitely many
bowls of rice.
It has become so small.
The days of jjuguri are now gone. The guy who seems to be here is
unquestionably jjuguri.
murmured while
“Maybe I should also be able to enhance my magic...” |
You shouldn't be aware of that in first grade. This Ellen here couldn't
even be in first year. The situation was a bit bizarre, so I woke up too
early. Did Anne Py actually vomit and I fainted for a few days?
However, someone else's rice cake looks big, and he has reached a
level where he thinks he is a sparrow even though he is a stork.
At this rate, it is clear that Liana is immersed in the imagination that
when she really needs to fight, she might be squashed because she
is only a hindrance. and
If a fight happens right now, there is a high probability that
Ellen, as always, looks at Cliff with a blank look.
“Don’t be too hasty. There is no need to be in such a hurry.”
At the same time, it is also Ellen's strength to calmly comfort her.
“You never know when that will happen. The demon king might
attack the temple right now, saying he might threaten them later.”
The Demon King really wants the extinction of mankind.
If you are a person who wants the Second Demon World War, it
might be.
But am I not?
I'm here with you!
Isn't it a phrase to use at times like this?
...that is.”
However, it was more problematic that it was a credible statement.
A person disguised as an attack by demons
Gun-eun has a lot of misconceptions about the demonic forces.
gave birth to years
How many powerful demons have been operating so far?
Not only a few, but also orcs and ogres
People have come to believe that demons, including , also exist
under the control of the demon king.
The imagination of those who already had a significant number of
military forces increased.
There is also a growing question as to why the demons attacked that
place and that place, but it was not saved according to Bertus'
People are engulfed in fear of demons
There weren't many people who questioned the real reason.
To be precise, it is the capital of the small country of Levina.
It was understood that the branch of the Merchant Guild in the
outskirts of the outskirts was unfortunately attacked while trying to
attack Jiern.
When and where the devil's hand will reach
The fear of not knowing lurked in everyone's mind, and Cliffman was
no exception.
The temple, where talented people who can be called the future of
the empire are sleeping, is where humans live.
For each, the raid's top priority
Royal class there too.
In order for the Demon King to dream of a grand succession and
destroy the future of the empire, he must first
where you have to press.
Cliffman's uneasiness that I was still too weak when I never knew
when I might be in danger had to be persuasive, independent of my
actual intentions.
To be precise, she is too weak compared to Liana,
“So for now, I’m going to focus on my magic response training, but I
was wondering if I could help.”
“You already did that.”
“…it just didn’t work.”
Cliffman seemed to have decided that once he did not succeed in
mana enhancement, he could not even start.
But, about magic enhancement, Ellen and I were talking to Cliffman
from time to time.
I woke up somehow, but Cliff Mann is still stuck.
It's not even the training I didn't do in the first place.
Just because I focus on things, it’s magical like a miracle
What awakens reinforcement? there is such a thing
there is no way
“It’s your opinion, I understand, but in the first place, it’s him who can
enhance his magic power in the first year.
It's only me and you And it's kind of hard to say something like this,
but the two of us are a special case, and among the seniors,
especially the high schoolers, there are seniors who still can't figure
it out. ....”
“There is one more now.”
In the middle of my words, Cliffman cut it off and came in.
“What else do you have?”
“A person who can enhance magical power.”

The Demon King Goes to the Academy

Episode 373 In
this world, there are two exceptions that are different from the normal
reference point. Talented vending machine Ellen, cheating me.
I mistakenly said that, but in fact there are three.
Ellen, I, and
Cliffmann, who should have included the main character, Ludwig ,
were quietly looking at Ludwig, who was sleeping peacefully in the
rest room behind the watch priest's room.
I know what this feels like.
He is asleep due to the aftereffects of mana enhancement
"Oh, hello. I'm here."
Delphine, who was nursing next to Ludwig, looked at us and shook
his head
Maybe Ludwig's condition was fine whether the yoga master, who
was a therapist in this situation, had already been there. Someone
who could definitely do it, Xaviolin
Tana was also
sitting next to Ludwig :
"During the fight last night, Ludwig used Magic Power."
She briefly told so.
Cliff only give us advice I today
had the gun depending on the reason for that has a blue
Self also has high know the bottom so Star else, convinced were
also named Ellen and I have examples of exceptions others.
But as of yesterday, he said that he had even strengthened his
magic with magic power.
“I mumbled
that I do
n’t have time, that I ca n’t do it this way, and then suddenly my
magic power was strengthened, so I was surprised…
Ludwig obviously said things like he could n’t forgive the demons at
Duke Granz’s funeral .
He looked like he was very angry.
Although not friends, he felt anger at the fact that his classmate's
parents were murdered by the demon king, and like Cliffman, he
thought that fighting the demon king was not a distant future, but a
problem that could come at any time
So, the urgency in the heart
created a very strong desire for strength, and in response, the world
gave Ludwig a new path, magic enhancement.
Saviolin Tana seemed to be in shock because she had witnessed the
scene firsthand.
I've only heard about Ellen and me, who have enhanced their own
magical powers, but in Ludwig's case, I've seen it myself. As she
witnessed that the man who worked tirelessly without giving in and
worked hard, finally surpassed the level, it was clear that she was
admiring her in her own way.
And even Cliffman and
Ludwig can
do magic enhancement on their own.
You can doubt yourself that you do
n't have enough bowls .
Seeing the pessimism written on the guy's face go beyond the level
of self-hatred to self-hatred, I feel like Ellen and I can't stand it.
“Hey, are you awake?”
As Ludwig groaned and tossed and turned, Delphine looked around
Ludwig's complexion.
Lay down for a few more days!
If I wake up in one day, I think I'll hurt my self-esteem a little!
Fortunately, he woke up in a day
and didn't unknowingly stimulate my self-consciousness.
grow some more
As the main character, I even take care of waking up a day earlier
than me. Huh.
I think like this too.
Cliffman is proud of himself now, and it is natural that he will become
a jjuguri without everything.
Me and Ellen stared blankly at Ludwig, who was asleep and unable
to wake up although there was nothing wrong, and naturally
moved their gazes to Cliffman together.
It feels like Eren and I have become twins.
i'm useless
I am worthless
i'm bored
like me
i have to block
Garbage that can't even be upgraded.
i'm trash
Garbage must die
“Let’s go and do something.”
Ellen speaks with a calm expression,
[Event Occurs - Magic Enhancement (Cliffman)]
[Description: Help Cliffman realize magic enhancement.]
[Reward: Achievement score 2000 points, magic enhancement
sensitivity increased.] An
event occurred.
achievement score.
Since I used one big barrel last time, it gives me a chance to stack
up. Achievement points are always a last resort.
There is also the sensitivity to magic enhancement.
Rather, it may be more important.
I have to become proficient in mana enhancement and reach a
master class someday.
“Gramma, is there anything you can’t say?”
In the end, Ellen and I had no choice but to reverse the attitude we
had just told us not to be impatient.
It's a reward, it's a nabal, and
if you do n't do this , something really is going to happen!
Of course, Delphine and Saviolin Tana had no idea what we were
talking about in front of the stunned Ludwig
All three of us weren't really worried about Ludwig's passing out. It
only after returning to the dance studio that I realized that it was like
garbage in that respect .
Cliffman urgently needs to strengthen his magic.
But in the end, in a state of not being able to grasp
Trying to get a grip on magical power enhancement is like a blind
man touching an elephant, and you have to work hard on your belly
to poop.
So, in the end, I was talking next to Cliffman, who couldn't do it this
way, do it that way, for hours.
As a result,
Cliffman had no idea, and it turned out to be this disgusting picture
Ellen and I quarreled with.
“No, you have to do it by feeling the essence of your body.”
"essence? Can you explain what an integer is?”
“Magic or Essence, that’s what it is.”
"Is that that? Is that what you, who can do anything, do that? In the
case of me and him, you have to deliver the message in a straight
and systematic way?
“Can you explain systematically?”
“No, not at all.”
"...why are you proud?"
“You, a genius, have to explain this clearly. It’s not my role, is it?”
“Doing it yourself and teaching
are different.”
"no. you are good at teaching Since I am good at everything, I have
no choice but to be good at teaching. Is it the problem of not making
an effort? Are you trying to teach well?”
“There are things I can’t do either.”
“No, because if you try, you will do well? Use your brain to teach
well. Why don't you use that nice hair? Are you tight?”
"...I'm not tight."
How are you?
you did well with this
"Huh? So, who else is having a hard time other than you
At my words, Ellen's complexion turned white.
“No, that’s not
what I mean …” “This, this, you , it’s not me who’s in trouble right
now, uh.”
"no. I didn't think of that. I'm just saying I'm not tight."
"okay? So who's pissed? Just tell me.” "I will not. I don’t even think
"I thought it was someone, not me. Tell me what you feel. Tell me
your true feelings!"
- Quick!
I held my breath when Ellen looked really pissed off.
“It’s me.”
“I know.”
If I had scratched it one more time, I would have been stabbed.
Anyway, in the end,
even sounds that had nothing to do with mana enhancement began
to come out.
I think blood is coming out of my ears , not my mouth ...."
If there is a problem with mana enhancement, we have to work hard,
but at Cliffman's appeal that only the ears seem to bleed, we
kept my eyes closed and looked at Cliffman. really . What
Ellen said is true, but teaching and teaching are different .
enough, of course,
nothing really happened
was clear that he had no talent in teaching itself, and mana
reinforcement was particularly difficult to teach, so there was no
choice but to make progress.
In the first place, it would be strange if the mana was strengthened
by talking bloodily in the ear like this one day.
So, in the end, magic enhancement without progress was behind the
scenes, and in the end, we were back to the way we hounded again.
I don't know if the old building is a famous one, but it
gives a level of awareness that it is doing something in itself .
Because if you're grunting about mana enhancement, you have to
do it every day to think about what's the right thing to do.
- Whoops!
Only Cliff was hit by the training sword I wielded and fell far away.
"Ha ha... ha ha..." He
staggers and gets up when he is full of shit.
“It’s not something I’m going to say, but
overusing yourself doesn’t necessarily come back as a skill.”
| At my words as I watched Cliffman stagger and rise, he nodded.
“Still, I have to.”
Mana enhancement is a swordsmanship practice reluctantly
because I can't get a sense of it.
There were quite a few cases where I did swordsmanship training
with Cliffman, but now, if I lay the premise that I use Magic Power, I
Fman was no match for me.
Because of what I learned from Ellen, my swordsmanship itself has
greatly improved, and I have already learned to control magic.
Cliffman cannot be my opponent who uses even extremely stable
magical enhancement. No, strictly speaking, Cliff Mann could now be
dealt with even if there was only self-suggestion without magical
Cliffman can't be my opponent anymore unless I seal some means
like a shogi.
If I fight purely with swordsmanship, I lose.
But did such innocence work for a fight
? If you take these and other conditions off,
I wo
n't be able to say anything like that .
If I had fought Le Barrier Ranche alone, I would have fought a
hundred times and died a hundred times.
But Le Barrier Ranche is dead to me.
Fighting is like that.
You can either attack or you can get hit
is a dichotomy in which the one who faces the end of death is the
loser and the one who survives is only the winner . The definition of
a fight exists only in winning.
I didn't talk like that.
Rather, Cliffman wanted this.
He asked me to do my best,
otherwise it would be meaningless.
Cliffman decided to help Liana's revenge for killing the Demon King.
Because of his lack of ability, he wants to have at least the minimum
condition of mana enhancement.
I these guys are doing this for their own reasons that they don’t know
Liana's abilities suddenly explode.
Until then, he was a very powerful superpower. His abilities naturally
increased to such an extent that it was incomparable to the time of
the uninhabited island.
Even if she realizes magic enhancement, she will have to practice
for a while to be able to help Liana even a little.
Of course,
will happen to Cliffman and Liana when the fight actually starts in
front of your eyes and starts to dip your feet in it.
However, just like Liana is exercising to raise her weakened stamina.
Cliffman, who taught Liana to exercise, was also eager to take the
next step
. You can help Liana, but you know you can't really help yourself.
like Ellen.
like me.
like Ludwig.
We want to take the next step of enhancing magic power.
We want the exception to be the one that does not fall under the
"I'll go."
The picture was so fucking fucked up.
- Kaang! Kang! Kang! Kak!
- Whoops!
Shhhhh !"
I see Cliff getting up, missing his sword and groaning. Essentially,
helping someone who is training to kill me .
At least I shouldn't be helping him if no one else knows.
Ellen has the mindset that she has to face the Demon King.
However, Cliffman and Liana have a clear goal to kill the Demon
I don't know how much revenge Liana has, but Cliffman's desire to
help Liana cannot be underestimated.
Like Ellen said she could die for me.
Because Cliffman can think of anything like that.
It can't reach the magic enhancement, so it
collides with the body.
continues to fall and rise as if supported by evil .
Then it would be like something.
'Cause I've been
Because a guy named Ludwig did it too.
Like I believe I can do it.
like believing that if you don't fall, something will happen .
I watched Cliffman get up with his legs trembling from how tired he
“You can’t do that.”
And Ellen, who was watching from the side, restrained only Cliff like
When Ellen stopped watching, Cliff Mann hung the training sword on
the cradle.
“I’ll go to the watch priest’s office.”
If tiredness is the problem, it is enough to be in a state of not being
According to Adriana, this
He said his training was not very good. Strictly speaking, it's
because you're running with drugs.
However, everyone believes that the devil's threat can invade our
daily life at any time because we want to take time to grow stronger.
Cliffman, who had been healed by the priest,
was in good shape.
Mana enhancement is completely unknown.
The only thing he can do is the sword and the sword collide.
Rather than believing that he could reach somewhere at the end, he
had a desperate expression because he could only do this.
Never weak, never brute force.
However, the comparisons are so overwhelming that
Cliffman considers himself relatively humbler.
“You wouldn’t like it.”
"it's okay."
Cliffman looks at me with a calm expression.
Ellen was
watching Cliffman 's match with me silently.
- Kang! Kakang! Get it!
- Whoops!
Ellen stared silently at Cliffman, who was rolling on the floor.
I can't even count how many hours it is.
not a competitor
Reinhardt can enhance his combat ability in two stages.
Seeing Cliffman rushing over and over again, Ellen feels a sense of
déjà vu.
Once with self-suggestion, and twice with magical power forge.
Ellen doesn't know that far, but if she has Tiamata, it can be
upgraded to three levels.
And Ellen also felt that Reinhardt's magical power was so stable that
it could not be compared with the previous day.
Although he continued to use mana enhancement, he was
maintaining it at a level that was not significantly different from when
he had just started the fight. It
felt as if
the proficiency of magical power enhancement itself had suddenly
For several hours, Cliffmann had received the priest's recovery
several times, but Reinhardt did not seek the priest.
Reinhardt, it didn't feel strange to Ellen, as she had been doing
strange things that suddenly seemed like she was running wild.
Cliffman is not Reinhardt.
The strange superpower of autosuggestion
can be seen as
the source of Reinhardt's strangely strong power .
Cliffman doesn't have that.
So, you can think that you want to be strong like Reinhardt, but you
If everyone became stronger just because they clash while using
evil, the world would
have exploded into the Sword Master , the Archmage, and Super
Standing like a cliff, Reinhardt subdue Cliffman over and over again.
Even if he falls down, Cliffman gets up again and stands in front of
Reinhardt's figure from Cliffman's figure and his
own figure from Reinhardt's figure overlap.
Reinhardt, whose role had always been to fall, was suddenly
standing in front of someone .
Ellen can't deny it anymore.
- Kaang!
Reinhardt is strong.
In fact, Cliffman in the past was always in a position to bring
Reinhardt to his knees. At some point, the composition of that power
has been reversed, and it has become as if it cannot be reversed
More than Ludwig feels a bizarre inferiority to Reinhardt.
The core of Cliffman's sense of inferiority is Reinhardt, not Ludwig,
who suddenly realized magical power yesterday.
Ludwig has been watching Reinhardt's growth from afar, at least in
the B class.
But Cliffman
has been watching right in front of him .
Directly facing the sword, he always won overwhelmingly, but at
some point he could no longer win.
Reinhardt needs to fold one more
At the level of becoming an opponent, you may become an opponent
who has to fold two moves, or an opponent who has to fold three
moves soon.
Cliffman was not lazy. When did I work hard?
Both worked hard, but only Reinhardt quickly became stronger. Of
course, Cliff Mann would have gotten stronger
too , but Reinhardt's speed was too fast.
always had to watch the runner who started
long behind him in the gymnasium , moving farther away than he
could see anymore .
Cliff's good point
is that he does not
express such feelings of inferiority with malice and hatred, but, by no
means, there cannot be a sense of inferiority.
- Ka
Cliffman, who has fallen away from the position that made
him fall, gets up after being knocked down, pushed, knocked over,
and suppressed by the opponent he once played with over and over
“Ha ha... ha ha...”
Reinhardt could never be at ease, knowing how Cliffman felt inside.
At least in Ellen's eyes, that's what it looked like. Reinhardt did not
show any sympathy for Cliffman though.
Because sympathy is the
thing Cliffman hates the most right now .
The fact that the person ahead of you looks at you with sympathy for
those who are trying to move forward is a sign that suggests that you
will never be able to move forward.
At least Reinhardt didn't sympathize with Cliffman.
When asked to do his best, he does his best to deal only with Cliff.

The Demon King goes to the academy

Reinhardt got stronger in his own way.
I got stronger as I bumped into each other and took risks.
That's Reinhardt's way.
Even Cliffman couldn't do that.
Does it really not work?
Ellen is worried.
Cliff's talent.
Ellen thinks about that talent.
It is a talent in a very comprehensive sense of the word battle.
Talent to win battles.
It includes any weapon used.
However, Cliffman continues to be Reinhard.
collapsing to t
Cliffman's talent.
what it really is
- Pakang!
The training sword that Reinhardt wielded was shattered by
Cliffman's training sword.
However, rather, Reinhardt, who had the broken training sword,
pulled his body back and avoided Cliffman's training sword, while at
the same time grabbed the collar and knocked it over.
- Boom!
Even when his sword was broken, Reinhardt had the upper hand
because of his reaction speed.
Watching Cliffman stagger and rise, Ellen says to the two of them.
“Okay, get some rest now. It’s not just me today…”
"no. more...."
When Cliffman said that he could do more, Ellen looked at Cliffman.
“You can’t do this.”
Ellen shattered and scattered fragments of the water lily sword.
Sweep it away with a broom. Then, the number in Cliffman's hand
He took the sword and hung it on the cradle.
“You have to do it a little differently.”
Whether Cliffman shakes his head or not, Ellen looks at Reinhardt.
Reinhardt didn't even know what Ellen was thinking.
“Can you bring that little sister?”
"What? Olivia-senpai by any chance?"
“No, why is that senior all of a sudden?”
“I wish she could help me.”
Olivia's help.
Reinhardt seemed to think for a moment, then nodded.
"Yeah. I'll tell you."
Cliffman was stunned, and Ellen waited for Olivia to come, leaning
against the window of the auditorium with her arms crossed.
how long did you wait
- Bump

...why are you looking for me?”
As soon as I saw myself, my expression rotted
Olivia Ranche was reluctant to be called by Reinhardt, but gave a
hint of dissatisfaction. But
Ellen didn't seem particularly hostile.
Ellen knows.
Since the last time we shared the secret, Olivia's hostility has
somehow faded.
it feels like
It's not that strong of an enemy.
Knowing that they couldn't threaten each other more or be malicious,
they didn't like each other, but they had no choice but to
acknowledge each other to some extent.
“I need my sister’s help.”
"What? my help?”
Olivia narrowed her eyebrows as if she was even more offended by
those words.
“Why should I help you?”
“It’s him, not me, who helps.
yo. This."
Ellen pointed to Cliffman.
Cliffman's face suddenly became startled when he looked up at him,
but when he saw Ollievia Ranche, 5th grader, whom he didn't know
much about but was notorious for.
Although he has developed immunity in many ways, it is still difficult
to deal with people whom Cliffman is not familiar with at all.
Ellen went to the center of the training room and looked at Cliff
without the training sword.
- Kurreung!
Ellen, who has had her magical powers enhanced, looks at Cliffman
with deaf eyes.
“If it’s your skill, if I think I’m going to kill Al, I can stop it before then,
“Uh… what?”
It is also a word to honestly admit that your skills are far superior to
So, Olivia was dumbfounded.
"I could. no?"
“No what. I think I can do it.... No, I suddenly called and did
something like that.
What if I do it? Why do I have to do that!”
And then, Reinhardt exclaimed as if he knew something.
Cliffman was still confused, as if he didn't know what was going on.
Ellen Artorius' magic power
Looking at Cliffman in the blue flames
“You could really die from now on.”
“Uh… huh?”
“I’m not kidding.”
It's not about Dalian.
I'm talking about a real fight.
Ellen knew that Cliffman's talent would be revealed in the real world.
“Do you still want to?”
Cliffman said what Ellen had a foreboding
It was then that I realized what I was doing.
It's not about overpowering your opponent and ending it. He must
have his life at stake, and there must be such a sense of urgency,
but his talent will truly shine.
In a battle that really risked his life, his talents show their real power.
That's why I brought Olivia.
He is a possessor of divine power strong enough to intervene in a
crisis situation to stop Ellen, and to heal Cliffman if he is injured.
Cliffman looked into Ellen's calm eyes.
Sit down
At what Reinhardt whispered, Olivia sighed and nodded, saying she
knew for once.
Cliffman swallows his saliva and kisses Ellen.
I see
He's not a joke guy.
I said I would do it with a force to really kill,
There is also a safety device, so he will fight with the momentum to
really kill himself.
“I will.”
Cliffman takes the pose.
No further conversation is necessary.
Ellen steps forward.
- Boom!
Cliffman sees Ellen approaching.
I didn't see the car.
- Boom!
“Big… heh!”
Cliffman, who received a heavy blow to the abdomen, rolled over the
floor of the gymnasium in an instant and collapsed.
“ ...Ugh... Uh-huh! Cuckoo!”
Without even waking up properly, even
Red blood dripped from A Cliffman's mouth.
flowed out
“Oh my… that crazy bitch!”
Olivia's complexion turned white.
He quickly approached Cliffman and cast holy magic on him.
"haha. Heh heh... heh heh...”
Without Olivia on time, Cliffman was truly a blow that could have
killed her from a ruptured intestine. Cliffman recovered from the pain,
but his complexion turned white and his body trembled.
there was
Cliffman couldn't even speak, and it was Olivia who was rather
"Hey! You're crazy! What if you really die!"
But Ellen's expression was calm.
“If you can’t do it, stop. I do not intend to force it.”
Ellen said so to Cliffman with a cool expression.
“Instead, I have no intention of joking around if I keep going.”
If a talent is only displayed at the risk of one's life, it must be at least
half of the life at stake.
Cliffman is trying to get stronger.
As a result, it is the same method as Reinhardt.
fight for your life Reinhardt is
At the end it became stronger.
If you want to follow the process, Cliffman might die too.
have to fight
Not a fight, but a fight.
Ellen had already shown that she had no intention of taking care of
her at all.
That was the last thing that was in Cliffman's mind, even the thought
made it disappear
Cliffman stands up slowly.
“Go, thank you… Senior. That, yes, I will.”
"Hey... what are you? Why are you like this?
Whether Olivia is sullen or not, Cliffman is desperate in her own way.
I decided to face the Demon King. He decided to help Rihanna's
Awaken your own talents you didn't know you had
I'm going to do it, but I can't go back.
"lets do it. Ellen.”
"No... Reinhardt, why are you doing this?
they say?"
Olivia slaps Reinhardt
Approaching it, Reinhardt muttered something to appease Olivia as if
to watch.
If it was a training sword, the abdomen was stitched as it is
would have been pierced to death.
Ellen's fists are minimal.
it's a control device
Cliffman's talent, what kind of battle is it?
It doesn't matter if you even use a gi.
Ellen is objectively better than Reinhardt.
How many Cliffmanns did Reinhardt have?
Defeated in Hap Mann, Just Ellen's Stone
I didn't even see Jean Cliffman.
Olivia can heal you, but if Olivia doesn't react or gets hit by a wrong
key, she can die.
What Ellen wants to give is that tension.
If you do it wrong, you will really die.
So, if there is something like your own power that you don't know, try
to bring it out.
Cliff was the only one who clinged to Reinhardt all day because he
wanted to be strong.
it is god
I can't say to Ellen that she wants to quit because she's afraid of a
fight that's too violent.
Cliffman clenched his teeth, and Ellen
look up
Ellen stepped forward with one more warning.
- Boom!
Still couldn't follow him.
You cannot avoid the invisible.
Unless you deliberately miss it, it's a fire
It is possible.
- Zhuoong!
Ellen's fists on Cliffman's chest.
Blocked by a white protective field formed in
Again, Cliffman did not respond. The thing that blocked Ellen's fist
was Olivia's urgently activated holy magic.
"...are you really going to kill me?"
Olivia's Volmensori, who blocked the attack with only a few shots.
“…Isn’t this a trend to avoid?”
Reinhardt's, somehow it seems that the flow that was supposed to
come out didn't come out.
sounds a bit weird.
Cliffman couldn't avoid it.
But Ellen saw Cliffman twitch a little just before the shelter formed.
Without the shield, the attack would have been allowed anyway.
'I was trying to avoid things I couldn't see.'
However, Cliffman is clearly sensible.
It was an attempt to avoid precisely the unknown.
I don't know if it's an instinctual attraction or what.
Cliffman's talent can lead to victory
However, there was a movement to reach victory.
Olivia looked at Ellen and Cliffman and sighed as if she couldn't help
“You’re not very fit. come out."
Olivia doesn't know the details, but she knew what the first graders
were up to.
Ellen is so fast and strong. kill
Olivia may react if you do it with momentum.
He might actually kill Cliffman before.
“Reinhardt, you do it.”
“To be treated like a proper person… something like a dog.”
Reinhardt scratched the back of his head and grabbed Ellen by the
shoulder and pulled him back.
Olivia can handle emergencies, and Cliffman if she goes out
can be a great threat to
Ellen is not in her weight class.
“Well, that’s not true.”
So, in the end there was only Reinhardt
Reinhardt wanted to do his best, Cliffman continued.
But that's not to say that I want to do it with a force to kill.
Reinhardt will do it with a force to kill from now on. Rather, he will do
it with more power than Ellen. I have faith that Olivia will do
something for her.
But Cliffman can't believe it.
You can only realize your true talents only when you think that you
will die if you make a mistake.
- Kurreung!
Blue magic once again enveloped Reinhardt's body.
Strengthening one's own body through self-suggestion
It is different from doing your best, the opponent
A fight that is about to kill you.
I don't know Cliffman, but Reinhardt has quite a bit of that
experience. There are things that only those who have gone through
such a real battle can have.
“Come on, let’s do it.”
Cliffman was now feeling living in Reinhardt.
The vague belief that Olivia would protect her was lost in a single act
of living.
like someone is holding their breath
with mood.
Reinhardt rushes to Cliffman
came in
Not as fast as Ellen.
But it is true that the speed is difficult to sense.
shoulder movement.
Only the width is visible.
Through the trajectory, Cliffman instinctively grasps where Reinhardt
is aiming.
Left foot axis.
Retraction of the right shoulder.
Soon, I realized that my right arm was going to move,
The body, not the head, realizes that the trajectory is aiming at the
Fist imbued with magical power touched his face
, Olivia reacts to it
If not,
really die
can't react
That's right.
- Shh!
At that moment, Cliffman was digging into Reinhardt's arms, avoiding
the fist with one swipe.
In the bizarre sense that the body itself, not the head, reacts.
- Dude!
Cliffman's uppercut, dodging the hook, hit Reinhardt's chin with
Cliffman's strength and physique are unusual.
And the chin is a vital point.
Under normal circumstances, the fight should end here.
However, Reinhardt who was hit in the chin
was laughing out loud
As if you didn't feel even the slightest hit.
“Certainly, it’s a little different from the past, isn’t it?”
The difference between power and intensity.
- Whoops!
As if he could not overcome it, Reinhardt kneeled down to Cliffman's
I got rich and took a picture.
It reacted, even countered it, but it was not able to break through the
magic power protection.
Cliffman bounces off the floor
Looking at it, Reinhardt gently stroked his chin.
“Heh heh... heh heh...”
“Try more.”
Reinhardt laughs as he sees Cliffman taking a breath.
“If you do it, it will become something.”
Words are really only for Cliff.
is the word
Because of his facial expression, behavior, and tone of voice, he
seemed like a third-rate villain.
Olivia was right in thinking that Reinhardt would be better opponents
than Ellen.
Ellen is too fast and strong, even if Cliffman's talent is shown.
It was a very high wall.
Of course, it is true that Reinhardt was relatively weak compared to
Ellen, but Reinhardt was able to bring out Cliffman's talent more
- Whoops! Puffy! thud!
It is impossible to counter Reinhardt's fists with all his abilities raised,
and the overall weight difference is very large.
However, since Cliffman can't take it, he avoids it, and by pouring it
out, he avoids Reinhardt's attack and pokes the loophole.
was going
Accepting what should have been invisible, he was pushed back and
eventually allowed a fatal shot, and Olivia restored him, but
apparently Cliffman
It was different from before.
Olivia and Ellen both fight their fight.
was watching
"...I don't know, but he moves better than when he's with you, doesn't
"I think so."
They both felt to some extent that Cliffman was a bit more mobile
against Reinhardt than he did against Ellen.
The ability to fight.
It is a talent that shows real power in a sense of crisis and real
Cliffman's talent is clearly a sense of crisis
was being exercised in
Ellen seemed to understand why Cliffman's talent was displayed
more strongly in the fight against Reinhardt.
It is difficult for Ellen to read the emotions in her facial expressions.
But now Reinhardt is there
to spit out hostility, and even to live
feel it
The reason, to say the least, is simple. Ellen has no expression on
her face, and her impression is subtly fierce.
So, when you actually face each other, it's hard to feel a sense of
crisis from Ellen's calm appearance.
it's difficult. However, the blind guy is unpredictably fatal.
However, Reinhardt has a dirty impression.
If you face each other in a fight, it gives off an atmosphere that will
sting your opponent.
So, apart from your actual skills, Reinhardt gives you a lot of
momentum because he wants to kill you, and Ellen doesn't have
that. All.
There, Ellen finished it in one match before the workshop even came
and went, Reinhardt
The momentum itself is brutal, and as the studios go back and forth,
there is time to realize that Cliffman is being pushed into a corner.
- Whoops!
blast furnace,
Reinhardt was the best opponent to draw out Cliffman's power in
many ways. Reinhardt looks down at Cliffman, who has fallen, as
Olivia recovers him.
“Even if your talents are displayed at this level, isn’t it still a long way
There's one more peek there.
Cliffman clenched his teeth at Reinhardt's provocation and stood up
again. Rein Inart smiles at Cliffman like that.
“Am I still watching too much?”
Ellen knows why Reinhardt is doing that.
In addition to the sense of crisis, provoking Cliffman is intended to
elicit the desire to win.
“Even if you look at it like this, I think it would be a little difficult.”
I know why Reinhardt is like that.
I'm not doing this for nothing.
“Try more power.”
I know.
too thick
“Reinhardt… I knew it, but he’s really evil.”
Olivia also muttered blankly whether she was feeling the thickness in
real time.
- Boom!
When Cliffman rushed in and swung his fist towards the chin,
Reinhardt avoided it lightly and
knocked over Cliffman's crotch.
Reinhardt raised his feet towards Cliffman's head, which had fallen
to the floor.
Reinhardt with a cool smile tries to trample Cliffman's face.
If you do your best, your head will break.
- Boom!
Reinhardt lowered his legs without delay, and Cliffmann managed to
roll over and get back into position as if bouncing.
It is true that he provokes like a scratch, but Reinhardt's hands were
Reinhardt smiles coolly, looking at Cliffman who has escaped and
got up again.
I would like to think that the murderous intent and madness boiling in
that smile was acting, but no matter how I looked at it, it wasn't
Reinhardt looks at
Cliffman and smiles .
“The Demon King is right in front of you.”
“Think of it that way.”
What is the spirit dwells in the end what is greater Lippman, but was
appalled by the body.
"But I do so shamefully?"
What is real is that the devil knows.
But the devil, even in front of his
Will this be?
Roll the floor, avoiding what way, will not work his attack.
If it was the Demon King in front of him, he might not be able to even
have such a conversation. He might die without even having a
chance to avoid the first sum.
Will I die without even wriggling?
฀฀฀ ฀฀ ฀ ฀฀฀ ฀฀฀. ฀ ฀฀ ฀฀฀฀฀฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀ ฀฀, ฀฀฀฀, ฀฀฀ ฀฀฀ ฀
“Let’s do some image training.”
Reinhardt had a smile that looked evil no matter how he looked at it.
“I am the Demon King.”
Says a whisper to the Cliff Bay.
I am the devil.
Do not know the Hinckley peuman what power dwells in the end, but
Bay afraid to hear the words of Reinhardt
's like I feel something like a hallucination.
Shop, Reinhard in front Ah
Ninh some incomprehensible, and I felt a powerful presence the rum.
- gulp
. flowed in a cold sweat on the body of Cliff 10 000
1 even if vulnerable to what evil magic
. as
the art even to Reinhardt hypnotic version
. as Lynn
Reinhardt is a totally different things
Cliffman surrenders himself to
some kind of hint or hypnosis. The one in
front of him is the Demon Lord . He
fight it, but he can't win,
We decided to fight together.
You must be able to stand by your side as long as you decide to fight
together. You can't be pushed aside in a real fight saying you're
getting in the way and being rude.
he is weak
If you are the weak, you have to bet big on the strong.
What should I do
if the one in front of me is truly the Demon King ?
Even at the risk of your life, even one arm or
one leg.
No, even if you can't do that, even one finger.
If that is not possible, he will have to pay even a single scratch.
Even if he, who is weak, could do just that against the Demon King,
it would be a great achievement. The demon lord will be strong,
so even if he himself can only do that , he would be doing something
- Shh!
He aimed at the counter by deflecting Reinhardt's right fist, which
was rushing, with his left arm, but Reinhardt avoided it with one chin
and widened the
distance again.
Even this alone is a good thing.
Since his fist can't penetrate Reinhardt's magical enhancement, at
this moment when
he can somehow deflect movements he can't figure out and aim for
a counter, it's like he's already grown up.
This is enough.
This is the best of the weak.
The only way to dodge Reinhardt's attack
is to risk his life against the Demon King and take even a single
Even that is doubtful whether it will be possible
Is that enough?
did that happen
Cliffman clenched his teeth and looked at Reinhardt
looking for a break with a cool smile.
Is it okay to be weak?
Can't it be okay?
His talent is fighting.
The purpose of that talent is not combat.
to win the battle.
to win the fight.
The true name of this talent is not in the fight itself.
The true name of this talent is victory.
fighting and winning.
will overcome
You can't be satisfied with a scratch or something like that, and you
be satisfied with something like avoiding it.
The purpose of battle is to win.
There is no such thing as a battle to lose.
If so, the talent that is called battle is worth its name only if it brings
Reinhardt is coming. With a completely different look from before, he
jumps in with a violent advance as if he really wants to smash it.
An instinctive warning that this is dangerous
hits Cliffman's head.
You can't win against the Demon King.
You wo
n't be able to win against Reinhardt either .
Nevertheless, his talent
must be worthy of the name.
You have to make the impossible possible.
You have to do things you couldn't do.
There is only one thing to do.
For the single goal of victory, Cliffman must satisfy several
One, you must avoid the attacks of invisible enemies.
- Shh!
Cliffman lets Reinhardt's outstretched fist out by twisting his shoulder
But the attack continues.
The trajectory of the low kick flying by changing the staff was
avoiding the invisible.
But an unavoidable attack is approaching
Then then. two.
Attacks that would normally have to be hit and run away, you have to
- Whoops!
The thigh,
which was hit by Reinhardt's low kick, remained firmly in place.
Cliff, who had to bounce off because he didn't think he could hold
out, didn't bounce, and Reinhardt had a gap.
Opportunity comes.
He avoided the unseen and endured an attack that should not have
been tolerated.
Then, then, three.
If it's the true value of your talent that makes you win a fight you can't
need a powerful shot that can pierce things that could not be pierced
before, and that can pierce the defense power of the opponent's
magic enhancement .
Just like the superpower of self-suggestion.
Although the cause may be different, the effect must be the same.
A name that makes the impossible possible.
talent to win.
It is different from causation, but it must produce the same miracle,
just as self-suggestion brought about a miracle.
Autosuggestion makes many things possible,
the talent of combat
must make only one possible .
It is a relatively narrow condition that makes victory possible.
Since we have narrow conditions, we must have more powerful
- Kurreung!
Everyone's eyes widened as they watched the blue flames
explode from Cliffman's body .
A blue
energy surged from Cliffman 's body,
and -Cheong!
Reinhardt was hit by Cliffman's fist and bounced back.
- Boom!
"Uh... huh?"
Olivia's expressionless face,
as if she did n't know what I was seeing. Elem's calm attitude, as if
she knew it was going to be like this.
Reinhardt's one-word twins, mixed with
very complex emotions, murmured while walking away, blankly
staring at the ceiling of the gymnasium .
The Demon King Goes to Academy
Episode 375
"Why are all first-year students monsters?"
After bringing the stunned Cliffman to the Priestly Watch, Olivia
absurdly when she heard that another stunned first-year Ludwig had
done exactly the same thing as Cliffman yesterday against Tana
Xaviolin yesterday. At Olivia's words, Ellen
looked at her and said,
"That's not what your sister said."
“No… I wasn’t even like this, am I? What are you all doing?"
Olivia was astonished, and it was unprecedented in the history of
Two people
awakened with magical powers within a day .
Ellen, Reinhardt, Ludwig, and even
Cliffman. Among the first graders . Four people used Magic Enhance
on their own. It
should have been unprecedented at the time Ellen did it, but first
graders did it with four people.
Tana, the violin, who was watching Ludwig in the recovery room was
also outrageous, but once He looked
after Cliffman 's condition.
"It doesn't seem to be a big problem..." Just as Olivia lost her face,
Tana, the violin, was startled by Ludwig's case as well
. It was equally embarrassing to say that he had awakened.
“What the hell are your first
graders ...” I thought it was a pretty great grade with two unusual
guys, but two other students were added to it.
Ellen looked at Reinhardt silently.
Cliff did what he wanted. And Reinhardt did everything he could to
bring out Cliffman's talent.
That's true.
However, Ellen didn't seem very happy with Reinhardt's expression
for some reason.
It wasn't the look on his face that he had lost his pride for Cliffman.
He seemed to be regretting something, and he seemed to be
doubting whether this was the right
thing to do.
Ellen was making a complex expression that was difficult to
Cliffman and Ludwig have
awakened to magical enhancement .
Naturally, two thousand achievement points were obtained by
completing the event. Five thousand more points are needed to
awaken the next talent, the Special Resistance. And since I
wanted to leave some extra points , I was actually planning to
acquire more achievement points than 5,000 points
before awakening my next talent.
And the effect of increasing the horsepower enhancement efficiency
will also play a role.
Of course, rumors about Cliffman
spread throughout the Royal Class as well as the first year.
gone away
Liana heard the story and went to the recovery room.
seemed to run and check Cliffman's condition .
If I hadn't dealt with him, I don't know if only Cliff would have been
able to enhance his magic. If the gate crisis breaks out, it is of
course necessary for my children to become stronger. Now that
history has changed so much, the Gates incident may cause first-
year children to die unexpectedly.
But Cliffman got stronger and Leah got stronger
Their purpose is to kill me, and if the gate incident disappears, I will
be helping the guy who is trying to kill me, and it
will be a very strange situation.
even if I hadn't bothered to use my hands, Cliffman would have
known about magic enhancement anyway.
“It seems that potions that increase the sensitivity of magic
enhancement are almost in the development stage. Then
it will be very helpful for kids who major in close combat . It will be
helpful to Cliffman and him, to him, to Ludwig.”
Hearing Harriet's explanation, I nodded.
The development of Moonshine has entered the stage of completion.
So, whether it's late or early, the symbiosis before the battle will
quickly learn and become accustomed to mana enhancement with
the help of Moonshine.
“I never really thought that this would ever be made.”
“The other one?”
“It’s almost finished.”
The Power Cartridge is also not quite as good as Moonshine, but it
looks like it will be completed soon.
Even if I think about it, the first graders
of the Royal Class don't make sense.
Four of the first
graders learned to enhance their magical powers by themselves.
Magic majors get together and are on the
verge of creating two things that could change the history of mankind
The reality of the Royal Class now is that both combat students and
magic students are doing crazy things.
If the power of mankind is accumulated and the gate
incident does not
occur, the accumulated power will be directed towards me.
Is it that the things I've been doing are grabbing my neck?
Of course, there are other problems as well. Those who are too good
may get the attention of the wrong people.
wants to take a deep breath while sipping tea .
“You, aren’t you thinking this is all because of your foresight or
I was told to make a nonsense thing, and it was actually made. So
you are my ball Harriet glares at me as if he shouldn't think like that.
Since you've already done this, do you think you'll be asked to make
more of this bad stuff in the future?
“Is that so?”
"...what. Of course
. Because he has a purpose, he raises his enthusiasm even more
and is doing things that he would not normally do.
It wasn't the reaction he was expecting, so it seemed that Harriet
was a little embarrassed.
Seriously, if it's this timing, what did I say, so this time, let's make
this, and
I thought I was going to order something even more bizarre .
As Harriet sips
tea , he quietly gazes outside the tea-time terrace.
“Uh, Liana....”
There, I could see Liana running through the temple in the middle of
After seeing
Dal Cliffman's condition, it seemed that he went back to personal
training soon. It's
okay for Cliffman to be stunned
Harriet quietly follows Liana with her eyes as she runs away from the
jumping trail.
It was a sad expression.
Liana has changed, and Cliffman has changed.
But in the end, everyone is getting stronger.
“It’s inevitable, but it seems like everyone is changing….”
The presence of the Demon King is changing everyone . It wasn't
that I was vaguely training and vaguely practicing about my major.
For some, for some special purpose, St.
seemed sad and afraid of these changes .
Empire has recently had a very big event. This is the case with the
demonic raid on Levina. Very sadly, among those who died in the
sudden attack, there were many high-ranking nobles and influential
figures of the Empire.
This was the third
guerrilla war between demons that
ignited fear and hostility toward the demon king .
However, there were a few who knew the truth of the third raid.
Naturally, that included Charlotte de Gradias. Bertus drew the
outlines of the revolutionary forces, disguised as the actions of the
demons, and blown away the leadership at once.
There are some who know the truth, but not many, all are just those
who will take the secret to the grave.
The Palace of Spring,
Charlotte sat down in the palace's tea-time room and drank a sip of
milk tea.
“Why are you here?”
Bertus, who was sitting opposite Charlotte's words, also drank a sip
of tea and had a subtle smile on his face. They visit
each other's palace, and they never see each other.
But Bertus is now
visiting Charlotte's palace. it was true the meantime one is never
common ahnigie rather the CHARLOTTE Vere tooth also calmly
spring Palace
took before.
"Well, why would you think I came?"
Charlotte slowly closed her eyes at Bertus's words, telling her to try it
"I thought I'd have to think it's unfair to you, ingeol surprising."
"You came to see what the loser's expression looks like
. Well, that's all I can think of."
To say that Bell tooth is means surprising
was twisting ipmae.
Charlotte him accept willingly accept the word
idea would have filled that attributable.
The biggest enemies of the empire of revolutionary forces
knocking free You either without losing wear empire Of course, he
even devoured it. It may
not be publicly known, but in the end, Bertus made a very big
contribution. A
monarch must of course be a low-efficiency person. The emperor
, apart from his personal affection for his children , I will designate a
more capable person as the next emperor
Bertus proved his ability.
And Charlotte proved nothing. After being released from the Devil's
Castle, he
wasted four hours of time just escaping from the aftermath . , yet it
did not even leaving untouched.
Charlotte is willingly acknowledged his defeat
“It is true that it is unfair. However, it is also true that I did not, or did
not, try to achieve as good as you in the end, even after taking away
the various problems I have.”
If he hadn't been kidnapped by the Demon King, if the demon king's
had not inhabited him, if he had n't been too obsessed with finding
the child.
You can make assumptions, but that's pointless. Charlotte chose
something, and at that moment she had already decided to risk
something. As a result, in the end, he did not achieve anything, and
Bertus, who had worked for the Empire in the meantime, only
So, Charlotte is
accepting defeat,
now that the result is not finalized, but the result is almost certain .
'Isn't it all meaningless?
Even after being liberated from the spirit of the Demon King, a future
in which he must die is approaching because he was eventually
eliminated from the competition for the right to the throne.
On this road and on that road there is always only death.
Because they were born with numerous privileges, it
is the fate of Charlotte and Bertus
to live a life in which if they do not win, they must die .
While savoring the aroma of tea, Bertus narrowed his eyes and
looked at Charlotte.
“Aren’t you sad? If it had been me, not you, who was kidnapped, the
result might
not have been like this , right?"
“It’s unfortunate. They also think it's unfair, but they appeal to each
other about it.
That doesn't mean it won't work, right?"
So, even if he gently scratched at a situation in which victory was
confirmed like Bertus did, Charlotte would become angry or angry.
There is a result, and it is accepted.
On the contrary, isn't this kind of humiliation weak?
If you get down on your knees and ask for your life to be spared, you
could end up being deported. It's better that the word doesn't come
out somewhere.
On the contrary, as Charlotte seems to be calmly accepting the
result in this situation where victory or defeat has been decided,
Bertus looks at Charlotte quietly.
The smile disappeared from Bertus's expression.
“It’s not fun.”
Having got what he wanted, and beating his only competitor, but
feeling no triumph at all, Bertus seemed to be disappointed:
"Yeah, what you're not having fun with. That's all I can do right now.
That's all I can do. You I don’t want to get too drunk with victory. How
about it, is it fun to think like this?”
All I can do now
is not do anything to beat you up, but accept defeat
so that you won't be intoxicated with victory
. That's all I can do. built visible.
"you isnt Reinhardt is the one I've been heotgosaeng."
know what , you know what happened at the Palace of Springs, and
you know that Tuan
's champion.
She thought it would be something she would find out someday, but
the name that appeared at such a brutal timing made Charlotte's
eyes widen.
"What do you mean?"
Reinhardt said of saving Charlotte .
There was little hostility in Charlotte's eyes, which had calmly
accepted whatever Bertus said until now.
“Aww, even just mentioning the name of Reinhardt makes me
look like
I ’m choking on my neck . The effect is certain.”
In order to provoke you, Vertus giggled, saying that we should talk
about Reinhardt in the future.
But Charlotte wasn't in the mood to make that joke right now.
“If you touch Reinhardt, I will kill you. No matter what, somehow.
“It’s a plea that sounds like a threat.”
It's a thorny thing to say, but I'm begging you not to hurt Reinhardt.
Bertus looks at Charlotte and smiles.
He accepted everything about his well-being.
But in the end, it is defeated and what
remains with him.
Reinhardt is desperate.
“Kneel down or whatever you do, please don’t touch Reinhardt.”
Bertus looked at
Charlotte with a gloomy smile .
“Please, please.”
Charlotte looked into Bertus's eyes.
Sit down Charlotte seemed to ponder for a moment, then slowly got
up from her chair.
And then, taking a few steps closer to Bertus. I quietly put my knees
on the floor.
in their own palace.
Charlotte knelt down to Bertus.
JL 2 With her
head bowed, Charlotte speaks quietly.
“I was just trying to help. because i might die He was just trying to
save me. Just, that's all. He is... that's all. I have no intention of
becoming your enemy, nor of pretending to be with you. just. He
couldn't leave me alone... that's why he did it..."
Reinhardt wasn't your enemy, he didn't mean to, he was just trying to
save himself as a friend.
"Leave Reinhardt... alone... Please... Please... Please. I'll do it..."
Charlotte knelt down and pleaded with Bertus in a trembling voice.
Bertus looked down at Charlotte like that.
Charlotte de Gradias was always arrogant and proud. It was
Charlotte de Gradias, who didn't seem to get a drop of blood even if
she stabbed it. Working behind the scenes is a daily routine, and he
has always been cruel and cruel to his enemies. And that
resourcefulness has always been a threat.
I thought it would be a big stumbling block if Charlotte came back.
But after Demon King.
So many things have changed.
Not knowing what was going on inside, Charlotte de Gradias, who
was proud, arrogant, and had to be defeated, disappeared.
Now, instead of begging for his life, he is kneeling in front of him not
to touch the boy of his classmate.
Ever since I came back from the Demon King.
Charlotte was
like a glass lizard that would break if touched .
Charlotte de Gradias, who was captured as a princess, has been just
a girl ever since she returned.
As if something important in the Demon King had been ruined, as if
he had lost all the attitudes and purposes of life that he had been
forced to live as a noble being.
While searching for the unidentified child who had saved him, he
lost the reason to find the child, and now he only leaned on
In the first place, Charlotte couldn't have been Bertus' enemy for a
very long time.
didn't win
A girl who could not become an enemy, who did not even try to live
as an enemy of hers, only occupied a place in the structure of the
succession to the throne. Now I
just knelt down to a competitor who had grown into an
unmanageable size. Even if I don't know the reason for kneeling, I'm
just trying to beg him not to touch the one person he's leaning on.
looked down at Charlotte, who was shaking .
I suddenly think like that.
If it weren't for the enemy in the first place. Maybe there's no need to
kill it.
dare. After being dragged to the Devil's Castle, losing everything and
losing everything, eventually failing in everything you struggled with,
and even losing your life
victory is.
Was Lee Ida also unpleasant?
Charlotte has no reason to even kneel before her.
| I should have told you to touch Reinhardt somewhere. Do you think
you will be safe if you tamper with Tuan's champion, or rather, your
political position will collapse?
should have said so
Charlotte doesn't know that.
just in case
because I don't know
There is a very small chance that he might actually touch Reinhardt.
That's why Charlotte
knelt down to Bertus. I
want to erase even the smallest possibility .
Kneel for others, not yourself
. Kneeling with her head bowed,
looking down at
Charlotte with her slender shoulders trembling .
Putting down the mug.
“It’s not fun.”
The Demon
King Goes to the Academy
Episode 376
There is still no sense of war crisis due to the remnants of the
demonic forces, but as demons are engaged in guerrilla warfare
everywhere, mankind is once again engulfed in fear of demons.
Darkland is not a situation where there is a clear enemy base.
Demons can appear suddenly and attack humans anytime,
was felt that such fear pervaded the entire continent .
The reason was none other than the students returning to the temple
even though winter break was not over yet.
“The students are coming back.”

Because you would think the temple would be safe .”
On a hill on the temple promenade, Epinhauser
and I were looking down at the scene of the temple where students
who had returned from their hometowns for winter vacation had
returned and the crowds were as high as during the school year .
Most of the students who had returned to their hometown, either at
the urging of their parents or at their own will, were returning to the
temple under the belief that the temple would be safe.
Without knowing that the demon king they fear the most is looking
down at them in the middle of the temple.
Mr. Epinhauser did not ridicule such students, nor did he say
anything like I am the Demon King.
He called me because he had something to tell me.
“There were a number of possible inferences from the Order
regarding the function of Akasha, but none of them were certain.”
You will never know what Akasha is unless you see Akasha in
person, or meet Cantus Magna.
“But I'm pretty sure the artifact itself, in which the spell is recorded
indefinitely, will never produce good results. I will.”
The unusual is supposed to provoke the unusual:
“The Order is going to take an exceptionally great risk in order to
truly engage Cantus Magna this time
The Black Order didn't know what Akasha was, but they were hoping
to end their long-standing conflict in the end:
"Will you cooperate?"
The answer to that question had already been prepared:
“I’m already on the same boat, so what’s the difference?”
He joins hands with the Black Order and pulls Cantus
Magna in . Epinhauser was quietly looking down the hill . It was time
to talk about how to attract Cantus Magna. And from there, the Order
We'd have to
talk about what role we're going to take on and what we're supposed
to do with me and my group,
but Epinhauser was silent:
"You wouldn't do it."
"...... Yes."
I knew what that meant.
series of events involving the death of Duke Granz.
People do not know what the Demon King wants, so they can do
whatever they want. I think.
Suddenly attacked the Knights Templar, and out of the blue, he killed
Levereria Ranche.
So, suddenly, they attacked the capital of a small
country in the south and accidentally killed the large investors of the
Merchant Guild in the outskirts of the city together.
I don't know if Epinhauser knows about the revolutionary forces, but
you will know that the quality of this case is different from what it has
been before.
So he seemed to know that I didn't do it either.
“Are you sad?”
That would not be a question as a Black Order, but a question
as my teacher.
In response to his question, I quietly look down at the hill.
Because of this commotion, I see a lot of students trying to spend
the rest of their winter vacation back at Temple.
What do you do if you are sad?
There's still more work to be done,
"So, what do we do now?"
"Lich's grave has been found in the Darklands."
It was too sudden.
“Of course, adventurers will flock there.”
“You want to strengthen it?” “Yeah, I plan to make it known that there
is more than a lich.
The adventurers of the Dark Land were still
poking around all over the Krak, and the
cursed Tiamatta was also found there.
In the process of discovering something and finding new treasures,
the dungeon of the Lich was discovered. "Cantus Magna will covet
the spell books in the Lich's Tomb... Is that so?"
"It could be, but Richie wouldn't have developed such a great
sobriety. Of course, it is true that he is a powerful wizard that is out of
the ordinary, but that would not be the level that Cantus Magna
Seeing Epinhau talking like a lich, he seemed to know just how well
versed in magic the Black Order and Cantus Magna were.
"But the important thing is that although the tomb of the lich was
discovered two months ago, it was less than a
week before it was really known as the tomb of the lich ."
The first discoverers of the dungeon were either killed by the Lich or
died in the dungeon without even reporting the discovery. The
search has been going in the direction of the unrecovered
adventurers, and now, it must have been known that the tomb of
Richie was there by the adventurers who were revived.
"The Order intends to fortify the Lich's tomb."
to be. I'm planning on rigging the rumors of something even more
mysterious and bizarre than that. We will construct a labyrinth barrier
around the dungeon, cause anomalies, and release sinister
summons, chimeras, and homunculus. Those are fictional beings
that only appear in legends, but I hope adventurers will mistakenly
believe that something like Acrich has appeared.”
Sprinkle the bait.
A bait named Acrich.
“Adventures will come, and some survivors
will be sent back with magic books that do not exist in the world .
Although it is ominous in the magic world, it is a level that can be
considered a too big discovery.”
Cantus Magna will not covet
the forbidden book in the Lich's Tomb,
so the Black Order
digs a trap to mistake the discovered Lich's
dungeon as the home of an even more powerful and dangerous
being . Even
the insignificant books are magic books that can be a great
discovery in the magic world . They said
that they were going to artificially spread alcohol or secret arts into
the world.
There were only a few books that were brought in. But, what kind of
magic or treasures are sleeping in the depths of them?
It is clear that rumors will spread throughout the waves, and if so,
then of course, Cantus Magna will
also know about it.
"for a moment. Then the Cantus Magna is not the
problem, but other adventurers and wizards will be entangled.”
At those words, Epinhauser stares at me.
“I would have told you that the Order has decided to take a very
large risk in this case.”
It was also
prepared for a large number of adventurers to gather .
Even if they lost their lives, they wouldn't care.
Of course, it
is a problem for adventurers who know that it is a dangerous place
but are blind
and go to it at once.
Richie's grave has been found.
However, apart from the lich, the tomb is disguised as the tomb of a
very powerful being.
“…Then the lich of that grave… it must be a bit strange.”
Isn't it like the fact that you are still and outside forces are beating
your drums?
Isn't that a situation where adventurers are knocking on the door
while quietly doing magic research in the tomb while suddenly
making a big fuss about accusations ?
“No need to worry about that. Because we have already agreed to
“Are you cooperating?”
“Yeah, I didn’t kill them, because the tomb needs a master.”
I'm going to break into the lich's grave and write something here.
It's okay, take it easy (not your house).
Was it like this?
Richie, who had no face-to-face contact, felt pity for nothing.
“The tomb will also have to be enlarged, and the barriers and magic
to be installed around the dungeon
must also be modified . While we're talking like this, the Order
continues to work.”
Attracts Cantus Magna.
The Black Order was even prepared to release a lot of secret arts to
the world for that purpose. The
idea was to extend Rich's dungeon and make it a more complex and
dangerous dungeon than the original structure.
“Somehow… I think it’s like running a dungeon to attract Cantus
“Saying it, it will be.”
Dungeon operation.
Of course, this is what the Black Order does, not me, but the
means to reach the goal are a bit messy.
Richie's grave was discovered, and the original owner was
suppressed by force and forced to
expand, making it even more dangerous and waiting for the real
game to come.
The moment the depths of the dungeon are dug up, the dungeon will
lose its value, so no one should break into the depths of the
. So, the dungeon continues to absorb adventurers firmly, and
sometimes you have to let a few escape while holding a powerful
magic book or treasure.
but in the process, not the Cantus Magna, but the Imperial Imperial
Family or the
Wizards' Guild. There is a very high possibility that they will send a
search team made up of them.
So the Black Order
tries to erase Cantus Magna from the world forever, even though it
knows it's very dangerous .
It is a very dangerous job to attract continent-level aggro, and many
adventurers will die.
"By the way...
Wouldn't it be more convenient to just pretend to be a
genius or a reclusive wizard with a lot of magic in general ...?"
Do I really need to go down this road?
n't it be okay if we proceed as if the reclusive Archmage appeared ?
After many years of research, he developed numerous magics. Then
I don't think I'll be attracted to unnecessary aggro.
“Then you will
be hunted down as a warlock with a lot of forbidden alcohol. They'll
end up having a fight, too
, and it's probably bigger than that."
Coveted treasures adventurers find a two Xiao is that, the Archmage
can was a hermit in the draping behind who developed many bisul
that appears thing but rather the latter is more dangerous.
Epinhauser's words of came terrifyingly: The Darklands
' work takes place beyond the boundaries of the human world.
You know, saying a similar threatening place within the research in
the Mages Guild It could be, and if that goes wrong, the hunt will
come from the Wizards' Guild, not from the level of adventurers
flocking to it.
Rather, a human wizard
who attracts such aggro is a bigger fight, and
because of the psychological distance, a significant number of
humans turn off their nerves to some extent, no matter what is there.
However, if there is a dangerous
black magician inside the human world , they will try to trample them
on like a fire in their feet.
Epinhauser's point of view that building a dungeon is a way to see
less blood was understandable.
The Black Order creates fake dungeons to attract people.
But it is much more
dangerous than a real dungeon , and it will contain powerful
However, there is no way the Black Order wants to lose money by
There must have been something we wanted.
“Once you guys
have a magic that can affect the dungeon composition or the
external environment, anything is good, so I will support you.”
“And most importantly.”
Epinhauser sees me.
“The original owner of the place, the Lich, is also a powerful wizard
and has agreed to cooperate with us, but we need a powerful force
to prepare us for emergencies. One person is going to be resident in
the Order, but I would like to have one from your side as well, so to
speak, in the dungeon you
I think we should think of
each of us having one person in charge .”
The word itself was not wrong.
But, in the
end , in a house with an owner, we are talking about this and that
regardless of the owner's love.
Feeling like more than trash?
“Let’s talk about it for once.”
Operation to attract Cantus Magna.
Fake dungeon operation.
I don't know how this will turn out, but the
rumors would have to spread as quickly as possible to attract Cantus
Magna .
And one person in charge who deserves to be called the watchman
of the dungeon.
But is there anyone who can do that?
Ancient epi-ax,
"I will."
Anti valerian has willingly accepted horribly hear more story
to convene the vampire council horribly removing the para Anti
valerian that
we gathered I got it straight answer
was forced to tighten beongjjil.
Lucy Neal It would be nice to have the council open one day after
sending the request to convene the council.
seems to have made
everyone but Antirian in vain? I was staring at him
quickly. Why are you
like this again?
“…Aren’t you making decisions too hastily?”
At my question, Antirian laughed in vain.
"I think it's a very good place to be."
“Are you okay?”
Lucinil tilted her head.
“First of all, the idea of seducing Cantus Magna by decorating an
existing dungeon into a more dangerous place than known
is interesting. But,
didn't I say that I would throw a lot of baits for him in the end ?"
The Black Order was willing to take risks and leak a lot of alcohol
and secrets. And I also plan to support if there are any magic books
that can be helpful in the bunker of the Demon King's Castle, and he
"You can read any number of visions that will be used as bait, but I
don't know why you don't want that place."
Did you approach it with that concept?
“These are the secret books of the Black Order... Of course, the field
is limited, but...
Le Ruyen nodded his head as if he could, and the rest seemed to be
The dungeon manager is not a cumbersome position, but a position
where you can see
many forbidden books and visions that the Black Order can throw as
. They
must have decided to throw them into the world as bait anyway , so
Antirianus wouldn't be able to see them.
Not a dungeon sentinel, but a Black Order.
It is a place where you can steal visions.
So it
meant that he just ate it and had no other intentions.
But really....
That grandpa, I have to say that I like him subtly for being too
honest, or something like that. It's still a bit
harsh, but Antirianus, isn't it actually a bit inconsiderate?
“Anyway, then I know that the head of Saturday will take care of it.
The date and
place to meet with the Order Association will be communicated later
the Lord of Demand .”
“I am looking forward to seeing you. Great being.”
While this alternative geonya who take
while bickering eventually Eleanor and Lou lease
is not something that can not be the last sinil
how I was such expectations,

The Demon King goes to the academy

Elerys doesn't have a very good expression.
it was
It is said to be to catch Cantus Magna, but after digging an ant hell,
Artificial dungeon sucking adventurers
Because it's a plan to make enemies.
In the end, I grabbed him by the neck and dragged him
It's nothing, I'm aiming for a drink and my throat is flying
Why do you have to worry about those who go?
I want to, but
In the end, the fact that someone agreed to die even though they
didn't care about it was strange in itself.
"I'll go back when I'm done."
“That’s right.”
Antirian, Galarche, and Lruen cast a teleport, and then immediately
In the council meeting room, me and Lucinil,
Elerys remained.
“What about Radia?”
“I told you to wait in your room.”
If I stay for a long time in such a cold and lonely place, I think
something like a mental illness will come. are you okay?
It's out of my interest to know how Radia is doing, but it comes to
mind when I come here.
Elerys takes good care of her
It seems to be going
Almost anything.... I wonder if it should be considered as being bred.
Anyway, that's not the problem.
"great. Elerys and Lucinil, let’s go somewhere with me for a little
“Anything else to see?”
I nodded my head at the silver-haired boy's question.
“Let’s go to the Demon King’s Castle.”
“Are you talking about the Demon King? There... Ah, then I saw...”
“That’s right. He said there was some kind of shelter.”
“Yes, I will go there.”
Help with fake dungeon construction and camouflage
You need to find out if there are any possible orders.
By the way, I'm black-eyed by magic
I don't know if there is such a thing in the royal bunker library. Or
even if there is, let me know already
It's a lost magic, so you might hear a clamor about why you brought
this from the order.
So, if you bring two archmage-class Lord vampires, you will be able
to find anything.
About the bunker, pass it on to Lucinyl
And I knew about it because Lucinil had told Elerys the story too.
Another Lord Vampire
How did you tell Eh about this?
I do not know,
I can't even go to the Demon King's bunker by myself anyway.
There are still garrison soldiers left there, and I can't use magic, so I
can't avoid their gaze and go down to the 6th basement floor where
the labyrinth is.
However, if Lucinil and Elerys are together, the story is different.
Other than the Demon King who arrived by using teleport in
succession instead of a warp gate
Kwak area.
“It’s huge.”
Lucinil had her mouth wide open and couldn't shut her mouth at the
majesty of the Demon King's fortress walls, visible from afar.
Although the castle was eventually captured,
“Let’s go.”
The three of us headed for the Demon King, paying attention not to
get caught in the garrison's sight, such as invisibility and noise
“You don't have to look for dangerous magic. Dungeon traps or
It doesn't have to be. A spell book that is not too dangerous and can
serve as a bait that Cantus Magna would covet would be fine.”
“Yes, lower.”
The Black Order will also offer baits, but there is no reason why we
shouldn't. the true black order
Whatever the purpose, the Cantus Mag
They are allies until they find me and find Akasha.
I may have to think about it after that, but for now, Akasha is my
If I were a person who walked the path of magic, I would think that I
could not scatter those blood-like spell books at will, but in the end, I
am ignorant of magic.
I knew it was precious, but I didn't think it was a waste.
But you can't bring too many books. The bookshelf is completely
If there is, maybe Charlotte will find out later that the book is gone.
Of course, even if Charlotte knew it.
You wouldn't know I took the book, but
The garrison of course notices us
I couldn't, and I, who knew the way, took the lead.
The inside of the Demon Castle was also very wide, so we moved
for quite a while.
The garrison had finished exploring almost all areas except for the
All. And the commander gave up the search for the labyrinth, and
Charlotte did not question it either.
The garrison will withdraw soon after finding nothing.
Elerys looked at the Demon King with a sad expression on her face.
I hated war, but for some reason
The only one in Unseul to be loyal to the Demon King
I made an oath, and became a spy of the emperor. returned to the
Demon King again.
What is Elerys thinking?
couldn't figure it out
"You have to go to the 5th basement floor."
You know where you have to go to find the entrance to the labyrinth.
We walked diligently.
“There is no need to use transparency. No one at all?”
Lucinil let out a groan as if it was absurd. Of course, that doesn't
mean that transparency and noise canceling have been turned off,
Because Charlotte didn't interrogate, Commander Earl Alfried seems
to think he's actually been acquitted.
So, the search stopped altogether. main
Dungun is just wandering around the Demon King's Fortress, waiting
for his withdrawal.
We soon descended to the fifth floor of the Demon King's Castle, the
breeding ground, and reached the entrance to the labyrinth.
“Isn’t it that big?”
“Isn’t that what a secret entrance is all about?”
“There is a place like this…”
“It’s called a labyrinth, but it seems that the path can only be opened
with an Archdaemon.”
At the time, I wasn't sure if it had opened the way for Charlotte or for
me. However, unless you are coming with an Archdaemon, this
passage leads to a labyrinth.
Fortunately, while maintaining Reinhardt's appearance, the labyrinth
guided me to the exit.
As I went down the circular stairs a little, I saw a door at the end of a
long, straight hallway.
No matter what form I take, the labyrinth has guided me to the right
confirmed that
So what if Charlotte came alone?
Not sure about that part yet.
Elerys and Lucinil followed me.
- rattle
When I opened the door, I was able to arrive at the space I had
previously reached with Charlotte and Saviolin Tana.
“Wow, what is all this?”
Let Lucinyl Arrive at the Great Cavity
I opened my eyes wide and looked around.
Elerys is also dumbfounded, with Gong and his
He was stunned as he looked at the passages and rooms that had
been drilled inside.
"At the Demon King... Since when?
Elerys muttered blankly. Materials for living, bedrooms, kitchens,
alchemy reagents, and even the library. Lucinil and Elerys looked
around the bunker, unable to contain their surprise.
"Certainly. It looks like it was built to serve as a refuge... It's a space
that can't be entered except by the Archdaemon..."
If I hadn't lost my memory, I'd be here
would have come in
How survival affected Bali in the original work is still a thorny issue.
“I was amazed. Let's go through the magic book quickly."
“Yes, lower.”
"It's not too dangerous magic, but I said that it was a spell book that
Cantus Magna would covet, or a spell book that could be useful for
dungeons and barriers related to traps and barriers?"
Lucinil seemed to ponder the prerequisites I had given her, and then
went into the library with Elerys and looked through the books.
started to
I also started to rummage through the bookshelves of the library.
"Wow... what a lot."
To be honest, this library is not just a few bookshelves. Even if it is
not a mega-library, there are so many books that it is like any other
I thought these were all magic books, but when I tried to find books
that weren't magicians, I found those books as well. swordsmanship
and martial arts
There were also occasional books on technology.
"Hey, Archdemon."
I heard Lucinil calling me from a gap between the bookshelves.
"Yes. why."
“Why is it half-assed?”
“Yes, yes, why?”
"Oh, that. Anyway, you lost your memory and didn't know you were
here, didn't you?"
I could see Lucinil's worried face, with her cheeks inflated into the
space between the bookshelves, whether she thought, "Hmm," was
“Then if you hadn’t lost your memory, would you have come here?”
“Is that so?”
Lucinil nodded and smirked.
“Couldn’t the former Demon King have survived if he had fled here?”
“It must have been.”
This place was for the Junior in Bali, not the place for the previous
demon kings. So, instead of running away to the labyrinth in Bali, he
stayed in the Demon Castle and fought Ragan Artorius.
It is absurd for the monarch to run away when the Allied Forces have
come all the way to the Demon King's Castle.
Lucinil nodded her head to see if such a logic could not be
“One way or another, I couldn’t do my part here, because you didn’t
come in the end either.”
As I became a junior in Bali, this bunker lost its role.
And it was only now, after quite a while, that I found out about its
existence, but
Lucinil scans the bookshelves, contemplating something, then picks
up a book one by one, looks at it, then puts it back again, and
telekinetically sits next to him.
I looked around the bookshelf, including floating it.
All. Elerys was also looking around the bookshelf with a worried
I found a book about supplication here. I gave it to Charlotte right
I was thinking that maybe it might be helpful for Lucinyl too.
The library is huge, so maybe there are other books on the art of
inquisition that I couldn't find back then? Well, if this is a real library,
there might be some spare books, but this isn't a library.
I can't find a magic book that meets the conditions I've suggested, so
I'll be able to help Lucinil in any way.
I was looking for any other books or copies on the art of inquisition.
"Hey, Archdemon."
"Why do you keep calling me? And don't call me Archdaemon?"
“Then it’s Bali.”
Lucinil put a few books floating around.
He looks at me from the other side of the bookshelf.
“You know what you see? The magic is black eyes.”
no this? I was just trying to help. However, he didn't seem to be
taking any medications, but he seemed to be doing it because he
was really curious.
You wouldn't know it by looking at it, but you're talking about not
wasting your stamina and going to rest.
Come to think of it, I'm a little curious about how the preserved foods
here taste like, but it doesn't seem like there are any books I'm
looking for anyway, so I'm just paving the way for my role, not
looking for the books myself.
I'm trying to
[Introduction to Inquisition.] A
book at the bottom of the bookshelf, in an inconspicuous place
caught my eye.
I had the same book.
And, I
seemed to understand why there was such a book .
It's the same book, but the
language in the title is different.
The title is written in the demon language, not the official language.
It is a version of the Demon language of the Inquisition.
“Lucinil, have you ever heard of this?”
"Huh? Invitational?"
I look at Lucinil while holding an introductory book to the Asmodian
“For now, take a look at this.”
Prepare to say thank you, little old woman
I didn't hear any thanks from Lucinil .
wasn't because Lucinil couldn't read the introductory book written in
the Asmodian language .
"It's something I know."
Lucinil, who skimmed the introduction, said so.
"It's true that the secret art of dealing with the soul is taboo, but I've
lived for a few years, don't you know this?"
Lucinil wanted to have a soul, so he must have studied enough
about magic to deal with the soul.
“Never, never, never, this is not a common spellbook, but
unfortunately it is a known magic.”
gently sweeps the surface of the book of Introductory Spirits .
The magic he already knew would mean that Lucinil could not
achieve his wish even with the supremacy of the soul.
“You can fuse other souls with me, but I have no soul. Then I will be
absorbed rather than fuse with other beings. So I couldn't try."
The concept of fusing different souls itself does not apply to Lucinyl.
After all, does that mean that magic that deals with souls is useless
to beings without souls?
So, what is a soul in the first place?
I never thought about it. Because he would have it...
Only Lucinil, who did not have it, desperately studied the soul.
Lucinil looks at me and smiles softly. “By the way, did this guy think
of me? thank you
“It’s not like that.”
“Oh, you are such a bastard. okay. Cute.”
In the end, it wasn't helpful, but Lucinil burst out laughing as if
thanking him for thinking of him.
Why is it tickling?
By the way, the one who worried the most about the soul was
probably none other than Lucinyl. After discovering the book about
the enchantment technique, I thought that this might be helpful for
Lucinil... In
fact, it's the exact opposite.
Lucinil is the one who knows the magic of the soul the most. You
must have studied magic for a very long time to get it.
The person most likely to have an answer to Charlotte's problem is
“I want to ask you something.”
As if he was in a good mood, Lucinil raised his head to say whatever
he wanted.
“If there is a soul that is a fusion of two souls, is it possible to restore
it to its original state? The state before fusion.”
Research on the incarnation technique is already in progress.
However, Lucinyl has already completed all the research. So, Lucy-
sama must have known everything about the art of engagement.
If the situation is urgent, Lucinil might be able to help Charlotte. We'll
have to think about how we're going to explain it, how we're going to
do it later,
"Is it okay?"
At Lucinyl's innocent words,
all my expectations were shattered.
Lucinil doesn't know what I was thinking of asking that.
But, as if it was quite natural, the answer came back asking if that
could ever be the case.
“You could mix two glasses of water in one glass and then divide it
into two glasses again, but that doesn’t mean it goes back to the
original two glasses, right?”
“ that a concept?”
“Actually, it’s a little different, but it’s not that different from that.”
It is not possible to return what has already been mixed and become
one to the state it was in before it was mixed.
I remembered Charlotte, who was so happy to receive the book on
the art of engagement.
However, if
Lucinil 's words are true , Charlotte will not be able to achieve the
desired results even with her research on incarnation.
So what should I do?
If Charlotte's soul is
already inseparable from the moment it unites with the Demon King's
should Charlotte live like this for the rest of her life? Waiting for one
day to be engulfed by the demon king's soul?
“By the way, why are you curious about that?”
should i say
The demon king's soul still remains in the princess's soul?
Lucinil might know the answer to what to do, but if I tell the truth, I
should even talk about how I want to do it.
if it does
's okay to say that there is no way if there is no way .
Now I wanted to make something clear.
“The previous demon lord fuses a part of his soul into someone
At my words, Lucinil opened her mouth blankly. It's like hearing an
unbelievable story.
"No... did you do that?"
“The situation is certain.”
“Then, even after taking off a part of his soul and planting it on
someone else… he was still okay?”
“That’s it, I don’t know for sure…”
I thought what the Demon King had done to Charlotte was terrible,
but Lucinyl seemed to take it the opposite way.
The madness of splitting one's soul was already very terrible in itself.
“Is it unbearable to have a broken soul?”
“It’s hard to handle and
I’m glad I didn’t go crazy, not at the level of Margo
. He probably couldn't keep his sanity
.... How the hell did the previous demon king become a bastard?"
I don't know if the previous Balier was crazy or what it was like. But
seeing how the Demon World War went, it
would not have been that I was caught in madness or the taste was
gone .
Planting one's soul in Charlotte was a very big risk even as a Demon
if so then
It is also understandable that
the spirit of the demon king who ate Charlotte's body was almost
completely lost. He didn't even recognize me, he just seemed crazy.
The Demon King somehow managed to keep his sanity, but the soul
that had been mixed with Charlotte was in a state where he couldn't
keep up, right?
Upon hearing my story, Lucinyl was dazed.
“That’s right… Knowing that you’re going to lose in the Demon World
War… I
they made arrangements like that in advance to somehow revive…
Whether that’s possible…”
Lucinil was the one the Demon King tried He
seemed to think it was too risky.
“Anyway, do you want to completely resurrect the demon king’s
I shook my head at Lucinil’s question.
“No. I want to get rid of it.”
No, what kind of holo child do you have?
Lucinil looked at me with that expression.
The Demon King Goes to Academy
Episode 378 Lucinil is
a style that doesn't interfere much.
Even if I'm doing things that have nothing to do with the
Reconstruction of the Demon World, I'm not sure what to do. That's
why I don't have much interest in what I'm trying to do, and at the
same time, I tend to give as much help as I can.
“Hey, in a situation like this, it’s normal to do something like the
resurrection of a father
. Even a homunculus vampire
knows that much, right?"
But this time, it seemed that he did not understand too much.
His father's soul entered someone's soul, and the thought of wanting
to destroy that soul is a rout
itself no matter how much you think about it. Lucinil
is staring at me. As if trying to read something she can't read
. Do
I have
to tell her unbelievable stories like she did to
Elerys ? "I'm not doing this because I'm afraid you won't be able to
eat the captain if the Demon King is resurrected . Seems like... well,
yes. What do you think of your own?”
Lucinil folded her arms as if not to be curious.
"Anyway, I don't know who implanted a part of his soul in anyone's
soul, but
I 'm of the same opinion.
If you split it up, it will be mixed up and become two. You can't go
back to the way it was. Of course, I can't say for sure whether the
two of them are sane or not."
You can't go back to the way it was. So, is there no other answer
than coexistence?
“Then who will be the master of the body, that is, the master of the
soul... How can you not decide?” "Hmm... I don't know what you're
talking about, but I wonder if that person with a mixed soul has
control over the body. Do you wonder if the Demon King has
Charlotte's body is sometimes crushed by the power of the Demon
King and is eroded away or loses reason
“Clashes are bound to happen. It's like a side effect. But as time
goes by, it gets better. When different souls and souls merge, the
original symptoms
It gets better with time.
Is it okay to be okay?
“I don’t know if it’s right to express it that way, but once you reach a
stable stage, those symptoms
will gradually disappear and you will
be fine . And it's not a matter of who gets control in the first place.
Because we just become one. For example, two and becoming one
at the same time... Is that what it feels like?"
Charlotte and the Demon King's souls have already become one
Time heals.
To become perfect while being mixed with the Demon King.
“Perhaps over time, the demon king's self and someone else's self
will be fully
united. As you said, it is impossible to destroy the spirit and ego of
the Demon King.”
can't stop
0 As long as
Charlotte does not die, the Demon King will be resurrected.
The symptoms of Charlotte now are those that occur as they
become one with the spirit of the Demon King.
However, it is impossible to separate them because they are already
“But you seem to know someone a little well, and it seems that you
have witnessed such a process as a battle for dominance.”
“Yes… well.”
“Hmm, then, have you never talked directly with the Demon King?”
It was a fight, but apparently, that day, it was completely insane.
“I tried to talk, but to no avail
. I did also recognize section. "
Obviously, I was eating into the body of Charlotte
did not recognize at all day but not to the devil showed the
appearance of a Bali was forced to fight standing right.
Georinda snooping Lucy Neil gogael to me.
" Hmm, Did the separated side completely lose this knowledge? Did
you not have a conversation at all?”
“Then the soul of the separated demon king is beautiful.
You hit it.”
I didn't split the
cup in two , I planted a soul in Charlotte, but didn't separate too
many souls. So the Demon King was able to maintain his
intelligence, but the soul planted in Charlotte went crazy.
Has it become like that?
Then what then?
“Then what will happen?”
“Hmm…” Charlotte's condition cannot be reversed.
“It will get better with time. They say that the soul is an adaptation in
order to live in the end. The madness will subside more and more.”
It will get better with time. Surprisingly, a very simple answer
But Charlotte realized that she could no longer live on her own
Is it Charlotte, but it's going to become the predecessor of the
Demon Lord Balian?
Lucinil nodded and smirked. “However, if such seizures become
frequent enough, now that the complete fusion is slowly coming to
an end, you will have more and more self-consciousness as a
Demon King. Doesn't it look like that? Do you speak royally, or
recognize you... or something like that?”
To become one with the Demon King means to become one with the
Demon Lord's self.
As the madness of the Demon King, who has gone mad due to the
division of the soul, subsides, and the fusion enters a
plateau, Charlotte absorbs the Demon King's self-consciousness.
Soon, you will even have memories.
“Not at all…not at all.”
However, the Charlotte I had seen had no such sign of anything. If
memories as a demon king had returned and the ego had merged,
I wouldn't have tried to solve this situation in the first place .
I thought that all of Charlotte's actions were acting, so the tears,
anger, and
sadness that she showed me. they were all real.
Charlotte is hiding everything while having a memory and
consciousness of the fleet devil. you can not think of Lucy Neal is an
was frowning while misty.
"Well, sometimes longer together, if it is a divided soul There are
cases where one goes crazy and loses consciousness altogether...
but the spirit of the Demon King cannot be that weak.”
If you re fused soul, but haebeo one is past it fragile self-conscious
at all destroyed,
but let Lou sinil reaction Devil Lee not do that, I had it coming.
Obviously, I used eonryeong.
Eonryeong is magic no,
I do eonryeong of the Devil to all who dwell in Charlotte status and
Charlotte, with
cases affecting the soul is clear.
"I was in the recent attacks itself .... that, I do not discard crazy."
There has been one recent seizure of Charlotte's power.
"Ummm... Yeah? Have you talked to him? Was it on the devil's
“No, I
was retaining the ego of the original owner of the body .” |
Charlotte came to me trembling in fear when she had a seizure, but
apparently she was
n't crazy , and she
didn't feel like she had
someone else's self .
Lucinil didn't seem to understand what I was saying,
"Has your ego really gone away? You're capable of soul fusion, but
you didn't pay attention to those details?"
Lucinil thinks that the magic skills and understanding of the magic
skill of the previous demon king could not have been that much, but
in fact, Lucinil accepts it, so
he has no choice but to think that this result was caused by the
devil's misuse of the magic skill.
The demon lord used the magic of subjugation properly.
There must have been seizures, but there must have
been a
process of gradually merging with Charlotte's soul and becoming
one .
The day I first awakened the spirit.
The first word I used.
Get out of Charlotte's body.
Obviously I said so.
Charlotte did have one seizure of strength after that, but it did not
take over her sanity.
The spirit of the Demon King and the soul of Charlotte cannot be
so that.
Did my superpowers make the demon king's ego disappear, not the
demon king's soul?
“It's strange...”
Then, I don't have to struggle to save Charlotte anymore.
I had already saved Charlotte at that moment.
The demon king's crazy ego has disappeared, and only the demon
king's power remains.
What Charlotte has to do is not to separate the soul, but to adapt to
the power of the Demon King left to her.
That was all it had to do.
“Anyway, you seem to care more about the place where the soul is
mixed rather than the Demon Lord.”
Lucinil shook his head as if he did not understand.
“Because he’s really weird.”
Of course,
like Lucinyl, I didn't ask more.
Rather, I have a question on my part.
“But how do you know so well?”
Lucinil shrugs,
"Have you ever done an experiment or two?"
That's how the impression is.
Were the Lord Vampires crazy?
When I heard that it was impossible to separate the souls mixed with
Lucinyl, it felt like the sky was falling.
But as we talked, Charlotte didn't need any further action.
Charlotte came to me
, eroded by power, but without losing reason .
That in itself was already a piece of evidence. As the Demon King's
ego no longer exists, the power itself dyes Charlotte, but the
spirit itself is intact.
The situation itself was proof that Charlotte had already gotten
Recruitment couldn't be a clue, but it doesn't have to be a clue.
Charlotte will be fine from now on.
even if they knew that Charlotte was okay , how could others
฀฀฀฀ ฀฀฀฀.
accept it? The question is whether Charlotte can accept that her own
power can no longer be a threat, and
how will the imperial family
receive it when she has fully adapted to that power? It is a question
of whether
The fact that she has an ominous power, even if it looks prettier, is in
itself a weakness that Charlotte already has.
That's something Bertus can attack at any time.
Lucinyl is the master of the art of reincarnation.
He seemed to have done a lot of experiments with the soul to see
the possibilities, and he had
such an innocent expression on his face.
When I imagined Lucinil dealing with the subjects with magic that
tinkered with her, my spine shivered.
Wouldn't Antirianus, who was rather open-minded, be better?
While me and Lucinil were chatting, not chattering, Elle Reese
came out with a few books from the library .
“There are so many magic books that I see for the first time, it takes
quite a while to choose.”
Because there
are many magics that cannot be understood by looking at the names
of magic,
Elerys put down the books as if it took a long time to open each book
and figure out what magic it was and whether it was okay to bring it.
But even so, I think this is a very fast pace.
Concentrating, Elerys didn't seem to have heard of Charlotte.
“Those are the visions that have been built up over the long history
of the Darklands.”
These are the secret books that the Demon Kings or Demon
Wizards have accumulated over a long period of time. Lucinil looked
at the library and murmured.
“But from your point of view, I think it would be better to collect all of
this or burn it down. You didn't say you were here with the
princess...” |
Don't speak, Lucinil looks at me.
I used to come here with the princess. So I told Lucinil that I found a
bunker under the Demon King's Castle.
why? Are you traveling with the princess?
And these stories we just shared.
Arcane Magical Books from the Demon Realm.
Talking about engagement and whatnot.
I don't know if he heard the rumor that the princess was kidnapped in
the Darkland or not, but he looked like he had a sense of it.
“Ah, maybe the demon king’s soul or something was the princess?”
“You’re the rebuilding of the Demon Realm, you’re Nabal, aren’t you
interested at all?”
From what I've said so far, you know that I'm trying to save the
princess, and saying that I'm saving the princess
doesn't fit all the goals I've stated on the surface .
I felt that
“I can see why Elerys is helping you.”
Lucinil sighed as if the question had finally been resolved. Elerys
looked slightly embarrassed as she thought that it was something
that Lucinyl had to know someday.
In front of me, it's not really like that, there is a reason for this, and
there is a reason for me, so
I didn't intend to argue that it was right to dream of rebuilding the
demon realm as a result .
You wouldn't believe it's come this far
, and you'd say , "So, what are you going to do? What do you want?”
“World peace.”
Lucinyl narrows the forehead.
“…are you
telling me to believe it?” “It’s true.”
looked towards Elerys, as if he didn't want to even talk to me, who
was babbling .
“That’s right, Lucinyl.”
Elerys smiled brightly and said so.
“Even to Elerys, it’s really scary.”
Lucinil looks at Eléris
and me alternately, as if not to play
, "...No, what
does this have to do with world peace ? I don't understand more?" |
Apparently, I and Elerys
did n't seem to be joking around at all, so Lucinil muttered with a
bewildered expression: "It's just like that, then."

The Demon King Goes to the Academy

Episode 379 I wondered if
Charlotte's condition could not be revived, but I learned new
information that she had already improved.
So now it's
time to come back to this purpose .
A magic that can help run the dungeon. Or a magic book to catch
Cantus Magna. Elerys and Lucinil also picked up the magic books
and brought them.
“I was curious about the magic used in this dungeon.”
It is a labyrinth in which only a designated person has no choice but
to enter the labyrinth in the first place.
“If you install this kind of labyrinth in a dungeon where you decide to
operate it, you can make adventurers wander and return them
without killing them.”
“Because Elerys is the same.”
Lucinil smiled softly as she looked at Elerys, who had chosen a
magic that could make many survivors in order to somehow reduce
human casualties .
narrowed her brow slightly at Lucinyl 's words .
“Lucinil, Black Order and we run the
dungeon not to build infamy, but to spread the fame of the dungeon
itself so that Cantus Magna approaches as quickly as possible. So,
more survivors who did not reach the end of the dungeon, but
returned with very valuable rewards, the better, right? Rumors will
spread faster and more reliably, right ?"
At Elerys' words that there is a purpose to reduce casualties, but the
fact that there are many survivors is also faithful to this purpose,
Lucinil widened her eyes as she sat down on the table.
“Ah, yes, you will.”
“Are you going to get mad?”
“Oh, no… yo.”
As Elerys seemed to have a slight tan, Lucinyl was drooping and
then quickly straightened her posture.
What. Are these two facts related to each other or something?
Of course
, I thought that the concept was for Lucinil to act like a child , but in
fact , if the concept is put in units of hundreds of years, wouldn't it be
no longer a concept?
Elerys was interested in the labyrinth itself built under the Demon
King's Castle.
A labyrinth that is constantly reconstructed and keeps people
wandering. In the beginning, the exit is a labyrinth that does not even
Elerys put a large book down on the table.
“Since this is the real exit of the labyrinth, I thought there must be a
magic book that can make this labyrinth, but there is
Quantum maze.
It was a magic book with that name.
Quantum mechanics... is
Magical quantum science or something like that...? What is that?
In this case, the Lucinyl way of thinking is the best.
I just thought it was cool.
“There seems to be no magic like this when it comes to maze
“You can think like this....”
Elerys and Lucinil looked at the
Quantum Maze 's magic book and
couldn't help but marvel . Of course, I
couldn't figure out what it was even when I looked at the intricately
drawn magic circles and formulas.
And the labyrinth blocking the way to this bunker.
“Actually, a lot of magic has the properties of a complex magic
The form of barrier was used to defend against external interference,
and the form
of dimensional magic was used for the internal structure, including
sending all those who entered into different paths
. Magic crafting, and creating the monsters within,
is a mixture of summoning magic and alchemy.”
“Honestly, this magic alone will last for a decade?” |
“There must be a premise that we understand and build it properly.”
“It is.”
It is not simply a maze designing magic, but a top-level labyrinth in
which numerous magics are combined.
Magic designed to have no exit in the first place
All efforts to find an exit were in vain.
. After all, there is no absolute thing in the world, so there is a
possibility that this labyrinth without an exit can be drilled through,
whether it is an internal method or an external method.
A way in which dungeons are randomly formed each time you enter.
Rather, it was a concept that was not so unfamiliar to me.

Maybe Cantus Magna covet this Quantum Maze
itself?” “It is unlikely.”
fields of magic used to build this labyrinth are also vast, so it would
be the perfect magic
for Cantus Magna to covet. It's originally
a magic that kills intruders while wandering around , but
depending on the design, it can kill as many people as possible. It
can make them wander around and turn around.
There is no such thing as an inevitable justification for causing
casualties. As
Elerys said, the more survivors
there are, the more rumors about the labyrinth with no end will
For some parties, it's possible to get a pre-arranged reward,
convincing them to believe there's an even more powerful treasure in
depths of the labyrinth
Of course, Lucinil just because I believed it too much
"There is no physical method, either from the inside or the outside. It
seems impossible if you don't find out the specific conditions even
with magical means."
“Anyway, it’s difficult, isn’t it?”
Lucinil answered my question.
"Yes. And in the first place, this labyrinth itself doesn't eat people, it's
like giving them a
moderate dose and sending them back, so there must be very few
people who find out the true identity of this labyrinth. It’s
designed to flow out of reach and flow elsewhere .”
A magic called Quantum Maze. Since it is already a very powerful
and mysterious magic by itself, there is a possibility that Cantus
Magna covets it.
And many other magic books that will be sown as bait.
couldn't help but be nervous.
This is too big an adventure.
If we and the Black Order lose everything to Cantus Magna, the
completion of Akasha might be accelerated
. Then no one knows what will happen.
I was nervous, but in a situation where I couldn't understand
anything, I was watching Elerys and Lucinil looking through the
magic book.
As for which magic books to provide, I couldn't get into the Demon
Castle bunker in the first place without me, so I
went with them, but after that, I didn't need them.
Elerys returned
to the castle of Epiax, and Lucinil, along with Antirian, would make
contact with the Black Order.
An artificially created dungeon, and in the process of
original owner, Rich, was semi-forced.
cooperating, there is an Order leader and Anti-Lianus in charge of
ours, respectively.
From now on, I can turn my mind off.
If Cantus Magna comes, it
is a situation in which an all-out war may be waged with each other
in preparation for that situation.
If that actually happened, I wouldn't be of much help.
Lich's grave found in the Darklands.
And a labyrinth to be built there soon.
Can the rumors about him spread to the emperor?
It is unknown how long it will take for Cantus Magna to bite the bait.
All we can do now is wait
And one more income.
Charlotte's condition is that no further action is required.
“The research is going well, but the content is too complex to
I had a
conversation with Charlotte over a cup of tea in the B-class dormitory
Now I know that the study of incarnation won't do any good to
Charlotte .
Lucinyl is not at the level of a book, but he may know some things
because he has actually done a lot of experiments.
Charlotte is fine now. You just have to accept that you have become
one with the Demon King.
To put it bluntly.
There are now two demon kings in this world.
And Charlotte, who fuses with the soul of the predecessor Balier.
Although she has no horns, will Charlotte be able to use her demon
domination ability?
Although he did not master magic like the demon king, he
could use the power of using the shadow, the ability embodied by the
demon king
Judging from the fact that I do not have that kind of power, it must
been a special ability that only the previous demon king Balier had.
I think Charlotte's condition has already improved. It's good to know
that, and Charlotte can stabilize her condition with Reconciliation. It
seems good to think that
How do we get Charlotte to accept that it's no problem at all for
power to take over Charlotte from time to time?
Looking over the terrace, Charlotte's
complexion darkened.
Looking over there, I saw Liana and Cliffman running along the
The revolutionary forces
fell into the hands of Owen de Getmora and, in fact, the hands of the
imperial family .
Although Bertus did it, Charlotte knew the circumstances
themselves, and she would know that Liana's
burning desire for revenge was in the wrong direction.
Apart from deciding to hate the current demon lord, Liana is just
being deceived.
Charlotte didn't explain anything to me.
Because Saviolin Tana was always there as the headmaster and
was able to teach us at any time.
“By the way, we will become seniors soon.”
Charlotte forced a bright expression on her face.
so said
Winter break, which was entangled with various things, is now
nearing the end.
We are sophomores.
And, the first graders will come.
To be honest, first-year students don't really care about anything.
Because I have too many things to think about to do things like
senior-junior life.
“What kind of kids are you?”
However, it was good to see Charlotte smiling, wondering what kind
of children the juniors would be.
But somehow.
It suddenly occurred to me that that smile looked a little clumsy.
The end of winter vacation is approaching.
Each one's desire to become stronger was lit by its own fire. It was
for revenge, it was also to help the revenge, and there was also the
mindset of protecting something.
Close combat majors were on the good side in that respect.
- Kaang!
“It’s a power you’re not used to yet, Ludwig. If you don't use it in
moderation, it will ruin your body.
There are now four people who have been able to enhance their
magical power.
Me, Ellen, Cliffman, and even Ludwig.
Originally, only Ludwig was in a position to torment Xaviolin Tana,
but each
began to learn swordsmanship from Xaviolin Tana .
In the case of Ellen, the schedule was twisted due to the Miss
Temple contest, so she didn't have time to receive instruction, and
then went back to her hometown.
This time, Scarlett was not here because he said he would check
only those who could enhance his magic.
Of course, cold water has
its ups and downs, and Cliffman and Ludwig were still rough and
clumsy in the texture of the magic enhancement itself.
| Saviolin Tana originally treated Ludwig appropriately as a young
But, out of nowhere, I awakened my
magical powers . Cliffman was also added there
. The teachings of Saviolin Tana, who realized that Ludwig and
Cliffmann were unusual, also
became quite serious .
Because she never knew when a big battle was going to happen,
it seemed that nurturing talented people was something she had to
do even if she wasn't an official temple teacher.
"In fact, the eye should focus on strengthening horsepower
seems nothing is neglected when geonya Shouts what seems to.
even look properly."
“I use my magic too much. No one has infinite magical powers. The
absolute value of the amount of horsepower is important
“Let’s do some more.”
no. Keep in mind that the true destructive power comes from the
precision and sophistication of the use of magical powers. Even if
you use the same force, depending on the precision of the use, it
may break the rock, or it may only hurt your hand.”
"Physical banghoryeok horsepower strengthening Wizard
differs from that quality is a barrier to use. They are not constitute a
protective sheet form as efficiently as possible. I will have order and
cast on why.
But due to the horsepower strengthen banghoryeok the
release of pure power Even if you use the same amount of magical
power, the protective power itself cannot be compared to a magical
shield. Keep in mind, there are situations where it can be hit and
there are situations where it can't, and as a result, if you invest too
much power in defense power, I lose my stamina.”
“In the premise of using magical power enhancement,
needs to be ripped off and fixed from the ground up. Never until now,
allow for the release and should not have time to jjilreoya the uipyo,
nevertheless there are attacks it must not be allowed. Figure out the
weight and focus of the enemy's attack. After all, the purpose of
swordsmanship is to take the life of the opponent.”
“You are inexperienced, I will proceed to the next step after I have
become fully accustomed to mana enhancement. Ludwig.”
"No, the problem that arises from excessive use of Mana Power is
not muscle pain. Resting is not a recommendation, it is a command.
"Yeah... yeah."
Saviolin Tana was looking at Ludwig and Cliff in a little more detail
from what he said briefly.
Of course, there was a limit to what she taught because she wasn't
used to magic enhancement itself yet.
"Very familiar. Your skills are growing very quickly, Reinhardt."
"Okay. It's good. Is it possible to fine-tune the output? It's like adding
twice as much protection as usual and then reducing it by half... Oh,
yes. It works. Yes. great."
"Of course, the technology itself is still lacking, but it can be said to
be a remarkable growth. In particular, mana enhancement is already
at the level of an expert."
"Yes degree of proficiency in most situations
tejiman easy thing to deal them. If you do not use the magic
strengthened, so do not know how to use the enhanced horsepower
there is a case that might get you ....
Hmm, of course, it happens in horsepower strengthen beginner level
If it's your job, it
wouldn't happen. I'm sorry. I was talking nonsense. Forget it.”
“I think I will become a Sword Master in no time.”
It's hard
to bear because it floats too much, isn't it?
Her attitude has changed a bit from before, but she's still extremely
biased towards me.
Ellen, who was watching it, was watching what Tana and I were
In the first place, today is Dalian, where we decided to only look after
people who can enhance their magical powers.
The location is the B-class gymnasium.
Ludwig first, then Cliffman, then me.
The last one was Ellen.
We all bumped into each other until we were exhausted, so the three
of us sat on the wall of the gymnasium and waited for the final match
to start.
“Haha… I still have a long way to go.”
Ludwig drank water from the water bottle and wiped his sweat with a
towel around his neck.
Cliffman also muttered blankly.
Although I realized magical power enhancement, it was definitely
worse than me, who was highly praised, and it was definitely worse
than Ellen over there.
and the devil.
The Demon King must be a more menacing enemy than Saviolin
Tana, who is now an absolute person in front of us, Ludwig and
Cliffman would think so.
“Let’s do our best.”
Ludwig looked at
Cliffmann and said so calmly , and Cliffmann's expression turned a
little puzzled.
The two had little contact. Ludwig also has a wrinkle-free personality.
But now, there is a commonality between the two of them: animosity
towards the Demon King.
“Uh… huh. Yes.”
nodded at Ludwig's words, and the Demon Lord
unites mankind.
The presence of the enemy is an important device to promote
Just as I used it, so did Bertus. Watching such arrangements come
to fruition even in such a small relationship, it became a complex
feeling that is difficult to express.
I watch the confrontation between Ellen and Tana.
Watching the waves of blue mana dyeing Ellen's body, Tana
concentrated her energy .
- Pot!
- Kaang!
Tana drains Ellen's raging sword attack and receives it.
A stab deflects the sword, a cut repels it, and it
doesn't even respond to paint at all.
Tana was
receiving Ellen's attack without moving a single step from her spot .
And I know because Ellen and I are tired of fighting swords.
Of course, Ellen doesn't just use a sword. After guiding the
opponent's sword in the one-handed sword posture, grab the collar
with an empty hand or use kicks as many times as you like.
Watching the traces of Tana's sword that spilled her stab to the right,
stretched out her left hand and tried to grab Tana's collar.
The right hand is blocked. So it's very
But of course, just as Ellen's left hand is empty, so is Tana's left
Ellen's left wrist was stretched out, and Tana was
afraid to grab it with her left hand.
jumped at me as if she knew even that .
fake to fake to fake
So, not at the level of jumping, but almost as if being hugged in your
arms, literally bouncing your body towards Tanah.
- Boom!
?" I
got a headbutt on Tana's forehead.
-Damn it! Perhaps
this was unexpected, Sabi Olin Tana, who fell backwards with a slap
in her buttocks, was holding her forehead and opening her mouth
'What happened to me?'
'No, what are you doing?
'what's this?'
'What is he?'
Complex emotions floated on Tana's face
Ellen won the game with a random headbutt.
You're right that I voted for it.
what is it

The Demon King Goes to Academy

Episode 380:
Tana had a confused expression on her face, but
she immediately brushed it off and got up and looked at Ellen.
"On the premise that both power enhancements are used
, headbutts
can't save the life of the other person. Of course,
it was a bit embarrassing..."
Ellen would use the number of headbutts in the first place that Tana
suffered from in the first place. He didn't even think
about it, or it was because he knew that headbutt would n't be very
useful if it
had been in action. If
Tana had been using Mana Power properly, Ellen's headbutt would
have fallen into the hands of someone more powerful than herself.
discard the hachaek of hachaek
Tana such hachaek've Ellen come away suddenly wrote
embarrassment, fumbled until the end.
sort of.
but veterans brother and skills even I it is great, I'll surely do that?
such as
was the same coming from some sort of trust guard .
"...if I don't do this, I don't think I'll be able to compete."
At that, Tana kept her mouth shut for a moment.
If I don't do this, I'm afraid I'll lose 100%, so this is what I squeezed
In fact, I even ate one room anyway.
'Is that so...?'
The sign of agreement is strong.
"It's good to get upvoted. Actually, I couldn't respond
. But do n't rely too much on these numbers . But in the end... those
numbers just were great. It's true that I suffered."
Of course, she eventually additional unexpected
battering won japseureon of attack was impressed that fed the
number one to myself. Seemed to have conceded the base of Ellen.
Was the action of adults themselves.
Ellen nodded at Xaviolin Tana, who she thought was rude.
If it wasn't a headbutt-level surprise, I thought there would be no
answer, so I made a headbutt
what is it
It's kind of strange that Jae does such a cute thing.
Of course, if it wasn't for Tana, the
nose bone would have gone out the moment she got that headbutt
, but she said,
"I'm not sorry.
Finding such a number in
order to deal with an opponent that cannot be replaced by a head-to-
head match is also a skill .”
The words are good, but in the end
, they scratch Ellen's nerves. Of course, savioli
Tana wouldn't even realize that she was ignoring her.
Who was in her class in the first place?
There is no need to talk at eye level at all, but they look at Dalian.
"let's try again."
This time, as if such a surprise move would not work, Tana Xaviolin
pointed her training sword at Ellen. As if
Ellen would not use any shallow moves from now on, she started a
confrontation with Tana
Xaviolin . Of
course, Ellen's defeat was.
of course, there is a class in defeat.
Ellen even have to play Ozzie is such a level was never like the
three of us
, unlike naejwotdeon the honjjul as the first head butt Tana is
something like that twice were true art week eren even something
like that twice tried did not.
so was jeonpae is with the five practice Dalian results.
of course, this intense workshop ohgatda. Tana is was not a thing to
deal with the power to try measuring the yeokrang Ellen, so rather
could easily catch a break of Ellen.
so When the five practice sessions were over
, Tana looked at us and said,
“Except for Ellen and Reinhardt, both of you go back.”
Cliffman and Ludwig were a bit
bewildered at that, but since Tana's expression was no joke, Ludwig
and Cliffman left the gymnasium, leaving
them both behind except for me.
He seemed to know what Tana was trying to do.
'cause you'll never kill me
"Take it out."
“I want to see your real skills.”
Xaviolin Tana is the first to see the skills of Ellen Artorius today.
Ellen didn't compete in tournaments, and
she's not a formal swordsmanship teacher.
Practice training is, after all, practice training. Ellen doesn't fight with
this clenched fist, just like Tana can't go out seriously.
As the strongest swordsman in the current empire, she seemed to
be trying to grasp Ellen's exact capabilities.
Ellen summoned Rament from her right hand without saying a word.
Ellen has one more relic. However, it was only told to me at first, and
I still haven't brought it out.
Blue magic was formed on the training sword Tana was holding.
The receding water lily sword will break or be cut off just by bumping
into it.
The proof of the Sword Master. Aura Blade.
Ellen was staring at the magical energy flowing through Tana's
She surpasses even the Sword Master. Xaviolin Tana also
stares at Ellen with a
serious expression as if it was no longer a joke .
"Think of killing me."
It's very
similar to what happened with Cliffman a while ago , but it's a very
different situation.
You can even think of killing me.
that's what it meant
Ellen looks at Saviolin Tana and takes a deep breath.
I won't worry about anything. Even Ellen knows that no matter how
serious she is, she's no match for her.
Ellen, who is engulfed in magic, is crushed by Saviolin Tana while
holding a Rament.
- Jjaeeng!
Just by colliding with the Auror blade and Rament, a pounding sound
that seemed to rip off the ears resounded in the dance hall.
It's not just the sound waves.
Just by
colliding with the Auror Blade, both hands holding Ellen's Rament
were thrown almost as if soaring into the sky.
chest opened.
Tana did not miss the opportunity.
- Zhuoong!
Ellen, who had her left fist stuck in her chin, took a deep breath and
Grabbing the breasts to hold the horsepower strengthen've been
released overlook the quiet that appear Ellen blown.
"Aura Blade is simply harmful sharp
but not a sword. Horsepower wave party
only tackled when operating in the oil material coming
to the opponent also It can
give back a strong repulsion .”
“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” It
one thing i was going to make you miss the sword, but you’re holding
it, thank you for that.”
was natural for him not to be an opponent, but Ellen ended up like
this in one blow.
I was shocked by that too.
"Heueu heueu .... ..." |
Tana my cold gaze Ellen
sees Tried.
"You're strong, we're gonna grow stronger."
“Just as
the fundamentals of swordsmanship must change
from the moment you use magical power enhancement, the
fundamentals of swordsmanship must change once again from the
moment you use the Auror Blade . So, if your opponent is a Sword
Master, you should not be dealt with.”
"Teach me how to deal with
a sword master when you 're not a sword master, how to deal with
an archmage, how to deal with monsters, demons, demons, and the
Up until now, Ludwig and me and
Cliffmann had talked about stories that fit their needs.
He taught us what to do now .
he suddenly teaches Ellen how to deal with the Sword Master.
The sudden appearance of Tana like this is probably a
letter of opinion that reveals the possibility of a practice match with
Ellen .
"Get up. Ellen Artorius."
Ellen fixed her gaze on the floor of the gym,
holding her breath with her the .
"You have no freedom to be weak."
You have to be strong
, if you want to protect something precious.
If you decide to carry something on your back, it's as if you have to
bear this level of harshness
Ellen wakes up slowly. The eyes of Ellen Artorius did not die.
The Empire's strongest knight is trying to tell you something
So, it
was the eyes that made me feel obsessive that I had to learn .
Saviolin Tana
looked at Ellen with an expressionless expression.
'It would have been better if it were me, rather than the young ones
like this.'
'That would be nice.
"Why, as against the gods neohil the Devil
would choose ...."
I wonder that why you guys hit it .....
"Still me, will not play any role also .... '
feelings in the face of Tana were read

in sorrow.
She seemed to foresee a sad fate for both of us.
Tana looked nervous. It's like thinking that if you don't get strong
quickly when you have a little bit of spare time, you might be killed in
vain when you really need it.
In the original story, Tana took on the roles of Ludwig and Ellen, the
holders of the relics after the gate incident had already burst. Even
then, Tana had taught Ludwig wildly, but she had to pay less
attention to Ellen. At that time, Ellen had already been completed to
some extent, and Ludwig had many shortcomings.
However, there is a sense of crisis at this point, but there is still
Therefore, Tana is focusing on Ellen, who has a greater potential for
In addition, the owner of the Alsbringer has not been decided yet
, and
Ludwig and Cliffmann were informed of what needs to be fixed at
this stage.
But she
offered to teach Ellen how to fight .
How to fight the
Sword Master, the Archmage, the Demons, the Demons, and the
I'm trying to teach you directly how to kill something.
“Reinhardt, come here too.”
And I also have the holy relics.
As if I was no exception, Xaviol Lin Tana spoke with me and Ellen
standing in front of them.
“What is a Masterclass?”
“Anyone who can use the Auror Blade.”
“Then what is that auror?”
“I understand that it refers to the ability to enhance mana beyond the
physical body to the weaponry.”
She nodded her head as if it was an ordinary answer and there was
nothing wrong with it.
“Then, if your main armaments are fists and feet, is it a master class
because you can wrap magical power around your feet and fists?”
When it is possible to enhance the magical power of one's main
armament, it is a master class.
Then, if close combat is a long-term fight, does it already become a
master class
the moment you enhance your magical power? Because he
learned how to enhance the magical power of his main weapon .
“...I don’t think
so .” Of
course not . “Of course . Most people say that it is a master class if
you can enhance the
magical power of things other than your own body , but that is only
the result , and in reality it is a little different.
Xavier De Roo is training maethyeotda the holding is down placed
the sword, Moe blue mana. Ellen is also a multi-hp each other even
more Tanah
can wrap around the body.
Both reinforce horsepower bare skin, but look for Ellen and appear a
little different.
Eren also He used very explosive mana enhancement like the first
time, and now he can do more refined mana enhancement, but
in Tana's case, he felt extremely controlled
. It just felt the same.
Magical reinforcement that has been refined to the limit.
At Tana's instructions, Ellen walked up to her and
stood in front of her .
Rather, it was a faint light, so the magic enhancement itself was
optimized by minimizing unnecessary consumption.
“A master class refers to a case in which the activeness of mana
enhancement is developed to the limit. Come closer. Maintain the
enhancement of mana.”
the .
It was a bit embarrassing to summon Tana as if to show something
While holding the middle and index fingers of his right hand,
he aimed them at Ellen's forehead.
It is commonly referred to as a nightmare.
Ranked the harness floating questioned the face of Ellen
No, disgrace ttakbam Grand Master
of applied thought to kill Ellen?
- land
, but Tana is twinggin ttakbam is but just naegin talking on the
forehead of Ellen L.
Allen is not the slightest ill My head was pushed out a bit, but that
was it.
But. It
's a little strange to hear that kind of noise...
"Is n't it supposed to feel like metal and metal collided ?"
Ellen nodded her head,
"This is the magic power you guys are doing. Formation of a strong
shield, and strengthening of physical abilities.”
At our level, we're
not quite there yet .
"Now, then, try this this time."
This time
, when Tana once again prepared a chestnut, something is different.
Ellen looks at Tana's chestnut pointed at her forehead.
I think it's the first time I've seen him scared?
Pretending not to, your eyes are trembling
Ellen is terrified!
I think it's strange that a chestnut is scarier than being hit by a fist.
I think that country is also terrifying!
As Ellen's shoulders began to tremble slightly
, Tana turned her gaze to me as if she couldn't help it.
"I... me?"
I do not know the real map to die?
I heoyeotge tired complexion.
"I'll just be right."
Doing so cool meomchudeo you know Ellen said, without tteoldeon
Famous Rather was going to print his eyes it seemed that each Buri
Buri Oh
Takin me there is what?
"No, I will kill a teacher, just hit me."
If you become the right picture for me, I have no choice but to come
out like this!
I'm not sure I won't die, but let's just say that. Tana turned to look at
me and Ellen, then put her finger down.
“...if you think about it, there is no need to hit him. Then, as enough
to kill me,
hit me."
Tana sighed in embarrassment and put her hand down.
Ellen and I both let out a sigh of relief when we looked at the finger
that was as good as a murder weapon.
“Well, it’s just like that.”
She bounces her chestnuts into the air.
- Boom!
It wasn't the sound of a finger plucking, but rather a
violent sound that sounded like gunpowder had exploded from
Tana's finger.
What did I hear now?
“That’s the difference in magic enhancement in the Master Class.”
Now, were you trying to grind something like that into my brain?
Ellen looked at Tana with such a gaze.
"Um, hmmm. Ah, anyway. You didn't...
She avoided Ellen's gaze as if embarrassed.
"What did you do?"
Of course, the tank gun-class firecracker was a firecracker, and Ellen
was curious about what Tana had just done.
“It is an aggressive operation of mana enhancement.”
"Aggressive operation...?" |
“Yes, you and Reinhardt are
proficient in magic reinforcement itself, but they will only be able to
do it to the extent of gaining protection through physical
strengthening internally and externally by discharging magic power.
the story of the stage. "
“Come on. And beyond this stage.”
mana on her right hand is refined
It seemed like it was done, but suddenly it exploded only in the right
hand part, and repeated the appearance of burning like an
“Perhaps when it reaches a certain level, it
will become possible to explodingly release magical energy
throughout the body. And it's getting more and more sophisticated.
From the whole body, only the right foot, only the right arm, and from
the right arm to the lower part of the lower arm, only the hand, and
then only the fingers."
Tana raised her index finger, and only her index finger, sparks of
magical power fluttering like blue flames. The
act of exploding magical power becomes possible at the level of only
adding protection power.
Starting from the whole body, the control
range is gradually reduced. The
destructive power will increase as the magic power is concentrated
rather than radiated.
Black but surrounded by blue flames From the same Tana's finger,
the flames start to focus on
a single point
light that flickered on Tana's fingers as she said those words
gradually began to gather at her fingertips
She grabbed the training sword she had put down.
The training sword she was holding was gradually
covered in blue flames, as if the magical flames gathered at the tip of
her index finger had ignited .
“When we reach the limit of mana management
, this becomes possible.”
detailed and refined magic enhancement ability that can enhance
magical power even in places beyond the boundaries of the body .
“That is the condition of the masterclass.”
When you can do it, you reach a masterclass.
The Demon King Goes to the Academy
Episode 381
: Conditions for the Master Class.
In the end, it is a masterclass when it has the magical power-
enhancing activity that has reached the limit to the extent that it can
enhance the magic power of the object it is holding
Then it goes back to the original question.
After all, it's because the condition to enhance the magical power of
the sergeant is met.
As if knowing the questions of me and Ellen, Tana clenched her fists.
“There are few masters who specialized in melee combat, but they
do exist. Among them, those who can be called masterclasses are
those who can do such things.”
stretches out her magical palms in the air.
- Kureung!
The blue magic that flickered briefly from her palm
assured me that if it struck me, it would shatter and be shattered.
“After all, this is not the same as using the magic within the body as
a protective power alone, but in that it is released and detonated in a
short period of time, so there is no difference in that it is the limit of
the operation of magic. Of course, they go one step further and
use the method of emitting magic itself . From here on, our paths will
be completely different.”
It was explained that the master class in melee combat is only
applicable to those who have gone far beyond the stage of using
magic power only for protection.
The training methods of fighters and sword masters are different.
In other words
, training in order to be able to enhance magic power to the level of
the sergeant that is somehow holding them, and
pursuing the extreme of magic enhancement through martial arts,
must have been different genres.
Ellen shook her head.
“Teacher, have you both been trained?”
At the same time as using the Auror Blade, Tana just showed me
one of the martial arts masters of martial arts.
Tana's face reddened slightly at the end of both training on
completely different paths.
"Um... well, that's not it... I've only been training with swords. Of
course, I'm familiar with spears and bows and other weapons,
but my knowledge of martial arts is relatively shallow."
“Then how did you do that?”
She blushed and her lips
trembled slightly .
"Well then .... Which reaches the limit, understanding of other areas
too, some positive turn, falling so along ..."
I gaejjeo grand master at all because you do not know know the field
you want to of course.
That means to have hanging Bubba've come wont bear.
I think I should Tana has andago not familiar with one hitting teach
someone. but Although to the housemaster reign came to its reoni
Temple she who As such Le hitting it was eleven emitter very
Shana's knights must be huge strong men who can protect
themselves enough, so
it's quite funny to see
chicks like us, who are of course not at that level, unable to hold their
breath in front of her greatness .
"You're amazing."
It was also quite interesting to see Saviolin Tana's face turned red as
if she was about to explode at Ellen's frank admiration.
“It’s fun to come back to the temple and hear from you students
again what the teachers used to hear at the temple…”
She finally sighed
with a bitter smile .
“At the end of the day, what I want to say is that you guys use
magical power enhancement to improve protection.
Now that I'm used to using it on the face, it's time to move on to the
next step. And, whether you are a fighter or use a weapon, it is
common to train to improve the autonomy of mana enhancement.”
's not going me sword master, but .
Until now, magical enhancement has only been used to strengthen
the body and increase the strength of the body. But now you need to
know how to use magic itself aggressively.
You also need to know how to change the magical armor that used
to protect the body with a spear.
And if you pursue it to the limit, you will progress to the level of
applying magical power to the weapon,
and when you reach
that level , the
tag of a master class will naturally follow.
“But even if an enemy at the level of a Sword Master appears right
away, you will not be able to deal with it. There are very few people
who realize magical power enhancement, but there are still very few
who reach the Master Class, so that moment is unlikely to
come to you in a short time. .” |
. There woogie one of us is even Although special that sword master
in a few days
. So Tana is initially told Ellen
how the Sword Master to teach
can't deal with to kill an opponent's wizard before the .
It will either come close or run away from magic.”
“Sword Masters are natural for ordinary people, and they cannot deal
with humans who have learned a lot of weapon skills, as well as
those who know how to enhance their magical powers. So are the
wizards. Most of the attack magic will be blocked by a magic shield,
and the large spells that are likely to be effective are also a
tactical weapon that is no less than a tactical weapon in itself.
Therefore, no matter how
talented we are, we cannot be the opponents of the Sword Master.
| HH
“So there is only one best way.”
she stays still
me something that any assassin should know: "Even if it's a master
class, you can't always maintain magical power, and there will
always be a moment when you're defenseless. You can't always be
sensitive to the circumstances around
A surprise,
lethal, but there is no way for us to do it. It's so realistic that
it makes us a little dumbfounded
, but
"Keep in mind that of the many masterclasses that have ever existed
, there are far more people who are assassinated than those who
died honorably in battle. .”
Xaviolin Tana's advice was much more important than I thought:
head-to-head or kill in battle.
Rather, there were a lot of trapping, surprise attacks, or killing while
sleeping, and that was the case
"What if you must frontal fight?"
In the words of Ellen Fontana is seriously saying
surprise, run, surrender.
“On the premise that it is possible, run away.”
She wasn't joking.
"What if you can't run away?"
It was a question-and-answer question, but it was a necessary
If you can't run away, then should you face a head-to-head match?
"If you can't escape, you'd better surrender. You
're more likely to survive if you lean on the mercy of the enemy
rather than react ."
Fighting something like the Swordmaster is not as good as
surrendering. Her expression was serious, so we weren't making fun
of us at all.
Really, what we should do when we see a masterclass trying to kill
us before our eyes. to talk about
it was.
can surprise if the front is a penalty taker.
If you'd rather even better to flee surrender
"to spare no potential opponent section
I figure if I do not?"
This time it was my question.
In the first place, she's telling us not to fight the Masterclass.
teaching this to indulge you arrogance it.”
What should we do when all options disappear and there is no other
way than to face off?
“I will teach you this from now on. only. she learned this, you would
be able to beat the masterclass
She was meant to teach us how to survive in situations we might
face at any time.
Tana was more serious.
“You cannot kill an elephant with a toothpick.”
It was natural.

Keep in mind that I am teaching this because I want you guys to
stick a toothpick in the elephant's eye and run away. Of course, even
that will not be easy.”
if if.
She wants us to live long.
We don't know when a fight will come, and we don't know when and
where who will target us.
That's why she said that she
taught us
how to deal with the strong, or situations that we can't handle, how to
deal with them.
Sword Master.
and the army.
There is no way to win.
law to deal with
“First, use obstacles. The Sword Master's senses transcend ordinary
humans, but in the end, the best cognitive
skill for humans is vision. sand or large
A way for us to survive in a situation where we have to fight head-to-
head when we encounter the Sword Master.
| Tana was predicting the odds to be close to zero, saying that we'd
rather surrender.
Throw things at them or try to block their view.”
no wonder.
Nonsense stories began to emerge
“Use the noise. The sense organ after the eyes is hearing.
is also the most activated sense when the field of vision is blocked .
Or you can avoid going to a noisy place.”
Sow the soil and make a fuss.
It's too
realistic for a Grandmaster's advice, and imagining me actually doing
something like that... makes me
“Assuming that it is an enclosed space, it is best to make a fire if
possible. Fire
provides noise while blocking the view from the smoke . Also,
breathing is fair for everyone. You can hold your breath for a long
time, but you can't hold it forever. Heat cannot be a threat to the
Sword Master, but breathing smoke is also dangerous to the Sword
teaches you how to escape, not how to deal with it.
I know you're right...
While being treated as the hopeful person of mankind, he is being
taught to scatter soil, make a fuss, and set fire.
Both Eren and I had faces that we couldn't figure out what it was.
Tana slapped Ellen with her fist when there was a gap, but if it had
been a real battle, Ellen would have died at that moment.
"Don't try to fight the sword."
“Don’t even try to throw it away.”
LL 9
“Avoid all sword attacks.”
It has to be avoided.
Easy words, but is it possible?
"And don't even try to attack.
You won't be able to handle the magic power on the sword, so the
moment your weapon touches the enemy's body, the same thing
happens when it hits the sword."
Don't even try to attack. hit the mark The
moment you think and stab the enemy's neck, your wrist will twist or
bounce back due to the anti-elasticity
In the end
, it was all about focusing on running away and not trying to deal with
“Under normal circumstances, that’s the case.”
looks at the two of us as if she's going to tell a different story from
now on .
| “The reason I had to send Cliffman and Ludwig back is because it
is useless to hear this story. Of course, it was
also to hide the fact that you are the holders of the relics .”
What we both have in common:
is that we have a sacred relic in the form of a sword.
"As you know, just bumping into the Auror Blade, Ellen, bounced off
your Rament."
“If it had been an ordinary sword, it would have been shattered just
by striking the blade rather than the blade of the Auror Blade. The
Auror Blade is already a
powerful weapon in itself and is an enchantment that cannot be
compared with any other magic. Unless it is made of a very hard
material or has strong magical protection, it can be said that there is
no sword that can handle a head-to-head battle with the Auror
It's not just about being sharp | All. Depending on the strength of the
Auror Blade user, the moment the sword collides with the sword, it
can give a powerful counter-shot shock, such as exploding the magic
of the sword.
The sword is not cut off by an ordinary black blade,
but is shattered just by hitting the face of the sword .
She takes turns looking at me and Ellen. “Rament and Tiamata are
sacred things. Even against the Auror Blade, it won't break or have
teeth. Also, even if you miss it, you can re-summon it at any time
because the soul is bound. So, even when faced with the
unreasonable ability of the Auror Blade, it is possible to have the
minimum basic conditions. The minimum basic conditions do not
lose your weapon. "
Unless you that he has a very powerful magic weapon or holy can
not share a master class than even geomhap.
" But whether you anywhere can tolerate forever the story work well,
the sword suit in the front
moment you strike, there will be a gap due to the anti-resilient force,
and that's it. ”
After saying that to Ellen, Tana looked at me this time.
Reinhardt, your situation may be a little different.”
“Isn’t it different?”
"Assuming that you can use Tiamata's Holy Power. If you apply Holy
Power to your sword, it will protect Tiamata and you from the Auror
Blade's semi-elasticity."
It's not a sword painted with magical power, but a sword that has
been strengthened with divine power and myself. If that's
the case
, does that mean that the Auror Blade's formidable destructive power
will have less impact. I'm not against the Auror Blade, but I don't
know what Tana is saying. that seemed to know.
in fact,
Le barrier ranje the sword master ah you, but I hold hwigameun the
divine power
, like his sword in the divine power
strengthened the massive pay some extent matbatah must confront
the monstrous attacks of Le barrier ranche could.
Le barrier ranche the Sword master was not
, but I think he never the Sword master
did not think enchants with honey than.
originally universal Sword master named those monsters even
survive even pierced the heart'll not.
I have to deal with him, towels, but also externally in terms which, Ti
Amata his divine power itself is gonna had a very large degree also
"on the premises and it is possible to use the divine power you
geomhap of aura blade You can get it, and Ellen.”
Tiamata .
I am somewhat capable.
“With Rament, you will be able to break through the Sword Master’s
magic defense. Of course,
there is a high probability of stabbing.”
A sword with the same level of sharpness as the Auror Blade,
running like a passive.
Since Ellen can't control it herself, it
's impossible to use
it freely like Saviolin Tana 's Auror Blade in the studio .
However, its sharpness and cutting power are
“If you guys are together in such a situation, the chances of surviving
will be high
Tiamata can survive but cannot be killed, and Rament cannot survive
but can be killed.
Ellen pokes while I hold out.
Without the two of us together,
the battle against the Master Class cannot be accomplished.
“If the two of you are not together, Reinhardt, you must withstand the
enemy’s attack as much as possible
, cover the enemy’s field of vision, arrange the situation so that they
cannot catch up with you, and
then run away.”
The Demon King goes to the academy
The training I received from Tana was very long. It went on until after
the sun went down.
One-on-one with Ellen, one-on-one with me, and even a situation
where the two of us pinpoint Tana was enough to do it.
Ellen faced her with Rament and I with Tiamata.
Of course, it wasn't even a match. Even if Tana was a Swordmaster,
it would have been difficult to deal with, but she can't even do that.
because it was over Occasionally Rament's Attack
Even if it touches this Tana's body, half
It just bounced off the momentum.
How long did it take until it became so full?
“This is it for today. Let's go back and rest. Let’s try to stand here at
the same time tomorrow as well.”
Tana seemed to have decided to continue watching our training
unless there was a special business.
Both Ellen and Nana were so exhausted that they had to recover in
the watch priest's office.
| The sun was already far away
It was past bedtime.
It was a training in case there was a fight with a stronger person than
us. Ellen had a serious expression on her face.
Fighting with demons of an unbearable level
Do you think this might happen?
"I'm hungry."
Damn, I was just thinking of eating it, but Ellen stares at me as she
says that.
“Okay, let’s eat something.”
I usually do a lot of exercise, but today I did more damage than
exercise. Let's eat something healthy and rest.
Because tomorrow is going to be big again.
Ellen and I ate four large roast beef sirloin. It's not something we can
eat late at night, but in the first place, what we make at night isn't
something we can eat at night.
- Omnyok
He usually eats a lot, but when he says he's hungry, he eats a lot.
I eat a lot, but I don't really binge eat. It continuously bites its small
mouth and eats constantly at the same tempo as the first time.
This life has been around for quite some time.
Chatting with Ellen all day, then making and eating something at
Lately, there are cases where I skip a few days, but in the end, it is
the most frequent at the Temple.
What happened is this
Eating and sleeping with Ellen before going to bed.
“I’ve been thinking about it, isn’t it, you and I, your real talent is to
make something like this tonight, eat and sleep right away so that we
don’t get GERD?”
It's your talent that you eat something before going to bed on a
fictional day and don't have stomach-related diseases, of course, it's
the same
Shouldn't this shit be there for me too?
To put it bluntly, he and I don't know which world view is the
strongest, but only with camouflage, it seems like the world view is
the strongest?
Judging by the stern expression on his face that he didn't understand
what he was talking about, it seemed that he wasn't going to have a
disease in his internal organs for the rest of his life.
In the end, I ate one steak and Ellen ate three.
“Are you going to eat more?”
"no it's okay."
As if this was enough, Ellen shook her head. The day will come
when I will see him refuse to eat...
No, I didn't give up. You ate three?
I think this is enough
I'm already very used to Ellen.
I was a bit disappointed because it seemed like it was lost.
“Then let’s rest. It feels like the psychological pain doesn’t go away
even after recovery.”
Ellen was beaten badly as well.
So did I.
Still, Eren makes a dramatic move to get the hit angle as little as
possible, but I can't.
Gigam's sense of crisis and attack path
I know, but I can't respond to it.
The pain is okay, but I want to rest quickly because I am literally
mentally exhausted.
was just a thought.
“I am.”
As I was about to get up, Ellen quietly opened her mouth.
“I think I will be able to deal with the master class if I do well.”
I couldn't help but shudder at the sudden sound.
“Yeah, follow me.”
Ellen got up and led me to the gym.
What else was Ellen trying to show?
I got a feeling
Take me to the class A dormitory gym
A cloak was put over Ellen's shoulders.
It was the cloak of the sun god that I showed you last time, the
Ellen tells Tana in the sun god's cloak.
didn't tell me about it. Master under the premise that we are the
masters of the holy water
Tana said that even though it would be difficult to deal with the class,
she could somehow avoid it or run away.
Ellen seemed to think that she would be able to face the Master level
if she combined all of the other prerequisites for Rafelt.
thinking about it.
What kind of cloak was the sun god in the first place?
I don't know if it has a function.
“By the way, what does that thing do?”
It is a holy relic in the shape of a cloak.
“Throw anything.”
"What? Throw it?”
"Yes. anything."
I was wondering what to throw here, but I picked up a training sword
because the only thing I had to do was try and do it, and there were
training swords.
“You want me to throw this?”
I don't think it's going to get hurt, but Ellen was wearing only a cloak.
I thought it was going to be something special, so I threw the water
lily sword at Ellen.
Just before the training sword touched Ellen's body, an explosion of
flames occurred in the air, and I could see the training sword
shattered in pieces.
What did I just see?
Just before the training sword reached it, it was blocked by a barrier
of flames in the air as if it had been automatically intercepted.
“Rafelt has the power of protection.”
He knew by feeling that it was a holy relic related to defense.
But that's not the level of protection. The moment the attack hits,
something like a barrier blocks the attack at the same time
It means that even the repulsive force of the explosion of the flame is
applied in reverse.
It is a defense as well as an attack.
Obviously, Ellen and I were able to successfully attack Tana a few
times while playing side by side.
there was.
Saviolin Tana put the repulsion force on her sword, but also the body
itself. So, if the attack was successful, the wrist would be bent
backwards, and I would have fallen into a shock.
"No, wait... Then that..."
Ellen nodded at my dazed murmur.
"That's right. It's not much different from what the teacher used."
When a certain attack is applied, it returns a strong repulsion force.
that's a wave of magic
Whether this is an explosion of flames, the point is that it
counterattacks the attacker.
Ellen's Rament already has a function similar to that of the Auror
Ellen's rappelt is itself
It has the same function as the Auror Armor already used by
moon sword.
sun cloak,
“You…then you’re actually a Sword Master, aren’t you?”
“I can’t see it that way, but I think it’s similar.”
Ellen is a sword due to two holy things.
The situation is not much different from the master.
it was
That's very scary...
Of course, even if the owner is not Ellen, if anyone holds those two
relics in their hands, they can do two things that sword masters can
do at the same time.
Of course, whoever is holding it is also very important.
It would be difficult to properly use those two relics if you are not a
person with the same ability as Ellen. I don't know what it would be
like if a fight with a real sword master occurred, but in this state,
Ellen could really try fighting a master class.
No matter how fast a guy who quickly turns into a monster is
supported by a relic artifact called a holy relic, he can predict a battle
with a master level.
Even Ellen has not yet drawn out the true power of the Holy Relics.
The true power of Tiamata is to release a powerful divine power like
an explosion. In my case, I will be able to use the divine power that I
should not have used originally,
The true power of Alsbringer is to summon Ars, the god of war.
I don't know in what way the true power of Rament and Lapelt is.
But not in that state now
The two relics have enormous power.
It was long.
Auror Blade and Auror Armor.
Ellen, who already has two
To truly reach the masterclass
If I could actually use both powers
what will happen With the power of the holy things
Because it will be amplified, there may not be anyone in the world
who can deal with Ellen.
I hope someday that Ellen will be my enemy
Do I need to see what it looks like?
In front of me, who was frozen, Ellen suddenly took off her cloak.
“…what are you doing?”
Ellen walked over to me and held out her cloak.
"I'll give."
It was so casually held out that I wondered what Ellen was doing
right now, wait a minute.
the sun did not go down
this one.
why this
To me.
“You will need more than me.”
Ellen smiles quietly.
He without hesitation gives up on one of the two conditions that
make him a sword master.
Said I'd need more
That means that I give it to me because I am weaker in the end.
Actually I need more of this. A lot of people will turn to the enemy,
and I can't defend myself against them.
You need a shield rather than a weapon to be there
I do.
The sun god's cloak will definitely serve as such a shield.
should get
As Ellen said, this is something I really need. I don't know Ellen, but
if I have this, there are many crises
will be able to pass
Ellen is smiling.
He seemed really happy that he could give me something.
He didn't explain anything, he didn't say anything.
always give it to me I am happy just to give.
i need to get it
I know it might be out of shape for a while, but I know it's best to get
“How do I get this?”
I pushed the cloak that Ellen extended toward Ellen.
“It’s something your parents gave you because they were worried
about you.”
I can't take that. I answered that way. Ellen must have had a lot of
trouble. Giving me the things my parents gave me for myself would
be an act of ignoring my parents' concerns.
Still, I hope I'm okay
I decided to give it a stand, and I
Ellen lowered her eyes, knowing that my answer wouldn't be easy.
Lapel back summoned.
“Still, thank you.”
I hugged Ellen, who was a little weary. Ellen seemed bewildered for
a moment, then hugged me face to face.
It was what I needed, but I got it
I couldn't get any more than this.
"I'm serious."
Even if I think about it, my voice is badly
trembled I want you to know the truth that I didn't receive this.
Does this guy know What am I giving up now?
“Me too, thank you.”
As if she knew me well, Ellen hugged me face to face and whispered
[Special Achievement Achievement - The Inflection Point of History
'Ellen Artorius]
[The future has changed drastically.]
| [Have you earned 1000 achievement points?
The future has changed?
Just, not being rappelled changed the future in some way.
I hug Ellen a little tighter
goes I gently stroked Ellen's hair, which was shaking slightly in my
I had no idea how it had changed.
However, two assumptions are possible.
I die because I don't get a rappelt. or.
Because I didn't get a lapel.
Rather, it means that you survived a situation where you had to die.
I call Ellen quietly.
“You know I like you a lot, right?”
Ellen's body trembled violently. He quietly buried his face in my
Ellen adds in a trembling voice.
“Me too, I… I like it a lot.”
We held each other quietly for a long time.
The Demon King goes to the academy
Ellen gave me a rappelt, and I didn't take it.
That alone changed the future.
I don't know how it will come upon me.
During winter break, the four of them who can enhance their magical
powers were trained by Saviolin Tana. And after Ludwig and
Cliffman's training,
Next, Tana also focused on teaching me and Ellen.
Most of the things I need to care about are out of my hands, and
Being strong is my top priority, and being taught by Saviolin Tana
was unconditionally good for me.
Tana's more intense than usual
In the midst of digesting the training, these and other things
Of these, two are the most important.
“Are you done?”
"Yes. The fortifying drug is going to enter the clinical stage, so now
we will entrust it to the university research institute, and the same
goes for mana artifacts.”
Moonshine and Power Cartridge are complete.
I headed to the magic research group with Harriet.
At the magic research group that was created in the second
semester, I succeeded in completing these two items before winter
vacation was over.
However, in order to verify that these two artifacts are functioning
properly, they must now go through various safety tests by entrusting
them to a university research institute. Because that's not something
you can do at the high school club level.
Originally, it was a product that was made in the midst of a frenzy
after the gate incident.
Moonshine and Power Cartridge were put into action right away
because they had to use anything that could be helpful in battle in a
situation that was no different from war.
However, now is a peaceful time even if the demon lord is secretly
hiding, so even if the functions of the body enhancer and the power
cartridge are innovative, they will not be properly licensed until they
are verified whether they function properly.
Of course, in the case of Moonshine, it is not immediately known
whether it is effective or not, but in the case of Power Cartridge, it
was very easy.
A black, but one-size, cube-shaped blue magic stone was placed in
a metal cage.
An artifact that looks like a necklace in the form of a braid, with a
rather unusual design.
That was the power cartridge.
“I decided to call it the Power Cartridge.”
“It’s okay.”
The name of the artifact was also named by Adelia in the same way
as the original.
Adelaide is a finished power car
looking at tree
It was as if he could not understand what he had made, and he had
a look of wonder.
"Stability has already been sufficiently verified, but it is disposable. It
is possible to make it reusable through magic charge
I think... then it will be bigger, and the mana stabilizer may become
Power cartridges are literally like disposable fuel tanks. It's the kind
of thing that empties when you use all of the magic inside.
It was such a one-time thing in the original, but could you make it
But I pray that there is something wrong,
“…Uh, is this mana stabilizing device or something like this around
this magic stone?”
Adelia nodded at my words.
I cannot understand the principle of the power cartridge, but the
structure itself is simple.
Prevents the explosion of magic stone and its magic stone
stabilizing device.
"The instability when using the mana of the magic stone as the mana
inside the body is
The mechanism that the stabilizing device handles and coordinates
do your best Of course, the more you use magic, the less durable
the ballast will be. So use it multiple times.
You could make a device with magical stones that can be recharged
for a long time, but if you use it for that long, it will explode. The
cartridge's mana will inevitably be spent in combat, but can explode
during combat.
A magic supplement with a castle... means
there won't be."
It can be made into something that can be recharged, but the longer
you use it, the more
The problem of increasing the possibility of explosion
There is this.
Of course, I don't want to reuse it.
Because this alone is a great invention that will already turn the
magic world upside down.
“It was a lot of trouble. From now on, I will remain as a great figure in
the history of the magic world."
“Uh, uh…? Is that so...?"
I said those words to Adelia and looked at Harriet.
Power cartridge and moonshine.
When something like that is made, the person who made it
He made his name in history as a great man in the world of magic.
I'll leave it to you, talk nonsense
That's what Harriet once said.
However, it was eventually made.
Even Adelia, who made it, doesn't understand how I was able to
make something like this.
It seemed to go, but it was made.
“No, who would think you made it by looking at it? Really?”
At my triumphant gaze, Harriet mumbled as if he had no teeth.
“What, choose a topic, get me some money, can’t I just say that I
have no contribution?”
I was not involved in the study itself at all.
However, my influence was absolute in the creation of the research
environment. Of course, in the past, it was a bit funny to say
something like this because it actually happened to the topic that I
had no intention of making fun of because I made it.
Harriet finally kept her mouth shut, muttering as if she had nothing to
The power cartridge is complete.
Even reusability that was not in the original was added. Boy at
Temple University
It seemed that even the research thesis to tell was completed, so
Adelia will really go down in history as a wizard who changed history
when she was in high school.
Adelia and Christina might go down in history as even better wizards
than Harriet.
Of course, Adelia wasn't the only one who touched it. After all, all the
members of this research group
It seemed that he would become a star in the magic world.
By the way.
that's really...
Is it okay?
As I came to know things I didn't know about when I was working on
the magic research group, I was feeling a bit different now.
After a while, I saw him demonstrating magic with the magic of the
power cartridge.
The performer was Rdina.
In the magic practice room, Ledina summoned a total of 18 fireballs
while holding a power cartridge around her neck to hit the target.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Ledina, who could not even cast large-scale magic due to the poor
amount of magical power, was shooting fireballs in an instant with no
I thought it would be fun.
- I am a God! Magic God! Everyone jump in!
Now that we see the little boy who claims to be a god beyond the
It was a bit dizzy.
By the way.
What if that kid was carrying a hundred power cartridges?
Isn't that a real god? Do you think you can even end the world on
your own? Of course, a hundred power cartridges
I wouldn't be able to wear it, but
One million fireballs.
Jan is a crazy gifted worm that can summon you right away the
moment you think of it.
Disadvantage of very low horsepower disappears
Isn't Jean Redina perhaps the most dangerous wizard in the world?
“You look good, old man.”
Redina is excited and runs around with a fireball
Harriet covered her mouth and smiled, as if it was too cute to blow
-I am a god! all come out! Me and ah!
- Bang bang bang!
“Redina-senpai, isn’t it so cute?”
only you do
He was using magic to show that the cartridges don't explode until
all of their energy has been used up. Redina blasted her magic like a
crazy kid for a while, and when the Fireball was no longer
summoned, she released the cartridge that had lost its light from her
neck and came out of the lab.
“Heh heh... heh heh... heh, I’m tired...”
"Hey, I'm tired of yelling like that."
“That, so…”
It's not about mana, it's about running and shooting, so I get tired.
Ledina took her tired body and sat across the chair.
Adelia was in charge of the Power Cartridge research, but Rdina
was also deputy director.
So Ledina must also have contributed significantly to the R&D of the
power cartridge.
“Sister, are you going to start researching my own cartridges now? I
am ready at any time.”
“We will soon be able to make permanent cartridges.”
It seemed that Redina wanted to have her own power cartridge that
was reusable. Rudina said that she would start researching her own
cartridge soon.
jumped with joy.
There was an impossible challenge, and it was achieved.
So, everyone had to look good.
After checking the power cartridge, I checked the moonshine.
“As long as my theory is not wrong, it will have the expected effect.
Of course, there will be no side effects, but it cannot be
commercialized immediately because clinical trials are required. Of
course, I don't know if it will be commercialized or not."
Christina said as she looked at the pink reagent in the Erlenmeyer
Harriet looks at the Erlenmeyer flask and says
“You said you were going to call this moonshine.”
Here, as in the original, it was named Moonshine.
Increases the sensitivity and magic power
A potion that increases the amount, power cartridge
If is for wizards, this is
It's for combat majors.
Most of the major students who were sluggish in mana enhancement
drink this and open their eyes to mana enhancement,
Guys who knew how to do it quickly
Get accustomed to magic enhancement.
After all, it is doping that has to be difficult to say.
“Reinhardt, would you like a drink…?”
Anna brought me the pinkish liquid from another container.
“Oh, Anna! Come on, don't keep giving Reinhardt weird things!"
Harriet was terrified, but Anna slowly approached me.
It must be the same moonshine, but giving ashes is so scary! Do you
think you may have mixed it with something else?
“Don’t drink that.”
"Oh, no!"
Cristina seemed familiar and took the Erlenmeyer flask from Anna's
Tossed it and tossed it everywhere.
- Clap!
The flask broke on the bottom and the solution inside spread to the
“Hey, Christina…!” |
Harriet was rather surprised by Christina's sudden action.
But Anna and Christina don't really care if it's something they're used
it was the color Cristina began to clean up the broken solution and
glass fragments as usual.
How often did this happen? And Anna, why does she look so used to
this poo treat?
Anna is scary, but
Christina has a different feeling.
so damn scary
“What… is that?”
“I don’t know, Anna keeps making things when she has time.”
Did you throw it on the floor without knowing what it was?
He seems to have developed a personality problem while
researching Moonshine?
“Anyway, I’m sure it’s finished, but the clinical trial will take quite a
while? filially
You'll have to wait another time to try it out after it's over-verified."
Christina holds up the Erlenmeyer flask and looks at me.
"How about a drink? I'm sure it's safe, but I'm not responsible for any
The completed moonshine, Cristina, is sure of its completion, but
there may be side effects.
| If you drink this, will you be the first person in this world to drink
“Damn, are you going to die?”
“Hey, hey, hey, you have to calm down.”
I took that Erlenmeyer flask
All. Harriet couldn't tell him not to drink it, but he was moaning
because I wasn't sure if I was drinking it.
pink fluorescence,
It looks like you should never drink it. If it was the original world, I
would have been convinced that it was a radioactive material.
Believe in Christina's ability, I
He inhaled the pink fluorescent substance at once.
"Wow... are you really not behind?"
Christina's eyes widened as if she didn't really know how to drink.
Christina is curious about my reaction
He asked me, with his eyes gleaming brightly.
Of course, it didn't feel like a power-up at all.
By the way.
But this is kind of weird.
“Why… is it delicious?”
No, is this really delicious?
“Is that?! It’s delicious!”
Christina is a crazy bitch.
Cristina added flavor to Moonshine, an effect that was not in the
Do you know if overdosing can cause problems?
I don't know if that's the case, but I don't think anyone will fall from an
overdose of moonshine.
It was bizarrely delicious.
The effect of moonshine was not immediately felt. Rather, it would
have been more terrifying if the effect had been seen immediately.
You will gradually get a feel for how moonshine affects your body.
All members of the Magic Research Society were gathered in one
Me, Herriot, Adelia, Christina, Anna, Louie, and Redina.
“It seems that everyone has achieved their goal somehow, but it was
a lot of hard work.”
Everyone contributed to the study in their own way. In the case of
Louis Anquedon, he participated in both the cartridge and
moonshine production process, and was in charge of budget
execution by actually taking on the role of secretary.
Things everyone thought would be impossible
How did you complete it?
It took less than half a year, not decades, to do what no other magic
research group could do.
It would be unbelievable if anyone heard it.
“Did you send the research results to Temple University?”
“Not yet, since you are the president, the first thing you need to do is
show the finished product.
I thought everyone."
I am only nominally the chairman, but in the end I also played an
important role.
are acknowledging
I was the one who told you to do something you don't try because it's
impossible, even if it's close to coercion, because that's what made
the impossible possible.
“Then, let’s start by saying sorry.”
I organized my thoughts.
Not everyone will accept it, but
A decision that everyone must accept.
“Don’t look.”
Everyone's faces were hurt by my calm words.
Distant about Cantus Magna and Akasha
If I had known,
I wouldn't have done anything to these kids.
Because the order was out of order, I
The fact that he made them all dangerous.
"It's ooh that stuff like this was made.
Only Ridge knows it, and it is a failure externally, so let’s do it.”
I finally had to admit it.
"What are you talking about all of a sudden?"
With a bewildered expression, Harriet represented what everyone
had to say. Even if you compliment everyone until your mouth is dry
and worn out, they say that we don't report on our research
achievements and let only us know.
A young horse who makes the impossible possible
are the judges
What Cantus Magna wants is a spell.
Order, not sobriety.
And a new order is sometimes created.
Cantus Magna made a myriad of spells, rather than a lot of spells.
You'll need more wizards to be able to do it.
Even if the two miracles that could change the history of magic were
the Royal Class, in the end
It happened in a high school club.
Rumors will spread all over the place,
They have no choice but to become stars in the magic world.
Cantus Magna will focus on this side of the dungeon in the Darkland,
not the unfamiliar dungeon yet.
If they don't cover fire and hang their heads on Akasha's completion,
A lot of orders rather than a lot of orders
You want the water that you can create
to be.
The current Magic Research Society is a group that Cantus Magna
has no choice but to covet.
The results of this study should not be known.
Cantus Magna give these kids a hand
If you stretch out and kidnap me,
I can't afford the situation
So I have no choice but to say
Let's pretend we found nothing,
Let's make everything happen.
making the impossible possible
Having accomplished a miracle, it is natural to want to be recognized
by the public.
However, the person who first proposed it said that all the results
should be set as nothing.
Not everyone will understand.
What else is this crazy guy trying to say?
Not even those expressions.
Sadness, regret, and even anger
“Say something. Why are you doing this?"
Harriet only.
Only Harriet wants to hear from me, what the hell are you doing to
When the research results are known, the Magic Research Society
The whole becomes dangerous. black order
Just like he was infiltrating the temple, Cantus Magna could also be
infiltrating the temple.
Fortunately, only the members of the Magic Research Society do not
know that these two objects have been completed yet.
What can I tell you about Cantus Magna?
But, sticking together like that has always been my major.
If you don't have a reason, just do it.
A magical word that can justify everything.
Bertus killed the republicans
As if stuck with that magic word.
As a demon king, I can use that magic
words can be attached.
“This is a very powerful strategic material that can objectively raise
mankind’s power a few steps higher than it is now.”
“And the Demon King is dreaming of revenge on humans
What would the Demon Lord think when it became known that things
were made here by your hands?”
“You guys make more dangerous stuff.
Wouldn't you think we should get rid of it before it's too late?"
Everyone's complexion turns white at my words
starts to go
I only make moonshine and power cartridges
When I said that I should listen, the threat of the Demon King was
not right in front of me.
However, a series of recent events made the demon king's threat
greatly recognized.
| “Not long ago, something unfortunate happened.
Death of Duke Granz.
The Demon King Goes to the Academy
Episode 384 The
Demon Lord's threat can suddenly attack someone. In fact, not long
ago, Liana lost her father in the hands of the Demon King.
That incident instills a sense of crisis in these children about the
threat of the Demon King.
This is a great invention, but it is an excessively large threat to the
Demon Lord.
So, if it is known externally that he has made such a great invention,
the Demon
King may be targeting you.
“The demon lord may be targeting us, and they may even
kidnap us to use them as they please.”
The demon king,
kidnapping, and the kidnapping of
Charlotte de Gradias also reminds me of
"Did you know what I mean?"
I say calmly, without playfulness, seriously,
"You guys can make things that are too great
, and on the contrary, it can become dangerous." I
pretended to be a threat from the Demon King, but it is truly a threat
from Cantus Magna
"That's right . ...."
Everyone was happy that they had achieved their goal, but I poured
cold water on
them. They
but in cold water rather get beaten
looked like they had regained consciousness. I only thought that I
had to make and succeed, but I couldn't afford to worry about the
aftermath of the object. it's kids
I was the only one who knew nothing about magic,
thinking about the current situation on the continent and
making a decision.
It's a lie, but in the
end it was a decision to protect these kids.
"But if the devil comes to raid later, the two things the army and the
Maybe it is better to be strong ....?"
The horse is reluctant to do so ahdelriah.
There were those who agree with that.
Humanity in War These are two powerful things that will
overwhelmingly boost performance. It's not that the demon lord
hides because he's afraid
, but it's the right way for mankind to get stronger through this, you
might think
like that. Something like a sense of justice for mankind. there also.
Now things for mankind's peace,
whether you need to take is about to become our risk may think so.
"dont be a gunse the devil stronger in reverse."
Rather, the Demon King is weak and he may use those things to
increase his arms, and he may kidnap you
“There is nothing more precious than your own life.”
I look at everyone and say
“I can do anything to defeat the Demon King. Don't say that. None of
you have to die for anything.”
Even if he rolls in the dog poop, this life is the best, in the end he
ends up saying something boring.
But, what's the use if you're not alive?
Death can only achieve death.
I also cherish Herriot, and all the members of the Magic Research
Society here are precious. I didn't value everyone with the same
heart and the same level, but in the end, they were the guys who
faithfully followed my unreasonable demands too much
can't hurt
However, it is a good time to get drunk on a clumsy sense of duty.
A huge human threat called the Demon King approaches every
moment, and an
object that may be able to save everyone is in hand.
Saying that we should seal it up may sound overly selfish.
"But... Reinhardt, I don't know if there will be another war in the
future if this is revealed... but people might get hurt even a little less."
Louis Ancton says cautiously.
You may think that hiding this is a selfish act. You may feel guilty.
The Demon King may not want to kill us or kidnap us.
“And if we ask the temple or the imperial family to protect us… won’t
they protect us
It may not necessarily be dangerous. So you might think that it might
be a bad thing to hide these things because they are so worried
about their own safety.
Louis Ancton has a talent for learning, but he is inherently selfish.
Feeling resentful at his talent for not being able to use magic, he
he might be able to do anything at the Magic Research Society, so
he started the Magic Research Group.
And, it has achieved a result that will remain in the history of
Louie was
n't offended by not being able to publish it .
In the series of events that followed,
he seems to have come to think that
this might be helpful to mankind .
Not to show off his achievements and achievements, but because
people need this work, so he has to do it. It may be dangerous, but
he wonders if he can bear it, and
Louis Ankton changes at some point in the following events. there
weird guy.
But just because you think so doesn't mean you can confirm that
The Demon King is born, and the
threat to you is not the Demon King
My kids are watching me.
Because I don't know when I'll suddenly change my temper and get
rid of my double lust.
would you do that I'd rather just do what I'm told, do what you're told
, these guys .
What will happen if you do that?
However, I did
n't want to do that this time .
It would make their efforts pointless.
“Let’s not do it.”
I ask everyone,
I don't know how desperate I felt for them. After
all, Louie didn't say that I had to do this in front of me anyway. It was
absurd, but everyone talked about hiding the results of my efforts. I
agree. made. on the surface, it'll but my gin squeeze intention Khan
geoyeotda hide the results from tooth Magna. suggesting prepare for
the threat of Devil
supporters haejun sponsored by the enormous amount of
properly also the one who deceive, but what language jjeorya.
originally research Even if I came, there was no money to go back to
them in the first place. It was literally a sponsorship.
Christina agreed with the story of hiding the achievements for now.
“But, if there are no side effects like Moonshine, wouldn’t it be okay
to give it to our children?”
In its opinion everyone nodded.
While what drugs hidden injin, rough sleeping
They something like a tonic, and of
“It has gone up one floor.”
pretending that it was sharing it with melee combat majors.
Of course, from my point of view, it is neither timid nor not.
If the gate incident cannot be prevented, it is better to raise the level
of those who respond to it entirely.
But is it
right to give the kids moonshine ?
It might be me, not
the monsters at the gate, that they fight .
“Yeah, I can do that.”
But I have no reason to stop it.
In the end, he hid the power cartridge, and Moonshine
agreed to share it with his classmates if he
did not seem to have any side effects after examining the prognosis
as I was the first
to use it.
Christina is sure that there will be no side effects, and I think so too,
but it is right that the prognosis should be monitored for now.
two days later.
We moved from the 1st year dormitory to the
2nd year dormitory on the second floor .
There is nothing that can be called a
new move. It was just a matter of packing up a bunch of luggage and
going upstairs, and without even having to do it myself, the temple
employees moved all the luggage. In the case of me, I don't have a
lot of luggage, but in the case of students majoring in magic, the
luggage was so large that the users rushed to and from it several
She and Olivia are now in 6th grade.
Still, the realization that I had gone up one level and that I was a
sophomore came to me.
The dormitory structure for each grade level was almost the same,
so the number of floors increased by one, but there was no
significant change. The room number
was the same.
I'm still in room A-11, and Ellen is in room A-2.
Come to think of it, it's room A-2 in second grade.
Originally, it must have been the room Adriana was using. It's been
vacant for quite some time, but
- ah, here it is. leave it here No, not there. here, here
Harriet's door was wide open, and
he could hear him say something about the arrangement of the
objects . Inside the room, Jim looked like Harriot was the most
numerous of his classmates.
Ellen and I
approached the railing in the main lobby on the second floor .
was rare to see the main lobby like this because it was only on the
first floor , but now it would be common to look down on it like this.
“It doesn’t seem like anything has changed, but something seems to
have changed.”
It seemed that I and Ellen were feeling the same way.
Ceres Van Owene was standing in the main lobby on the first floor
overlooking the 5th grade Ceres Van Owene...
I heard that there were no volunteers for the student council
president, so I was forced to reapply. Since it is a very small royal
class, it is rare for the student council president to have more than
one candidate.
However, it seems that the student council president changed when
he was in his second year, but as things changed, Ceres took a
second term. There must have been an effect of the butterfly effect,
but I
don't know for sure.
Ellen looked at the student council president standing in the lobby,
thinking about the past.
When I entered the temple, the first
person I greeted was the student council president over there
That's right.
“I think the first graders will come from today.”
“I will.”
As the seniors leave the room, the first graders will enter the
dormitory until the end of winter break. Ceres was
talking to the boys and girls with a young face as if he had just
arrived in the lobby .
Not all of them will arrive today.
As Ellen and I leaned against the railing and watched the scene, we
heard a voice behind us.
“What is it, juniors?”
It was Liana de Granz.
“I think so?”
Liana looked down quietly under the railing and turned her head in
"Let's go."
Seeing that both Cliffman and Liana were wearing sportswear, they
seemed to be doing their own thing rather than paying attention to
the freshman
I would have been interested in it in the first place.
Lyana, who was now unable to see anything other than her own
work, left the dormitory with Cliffman through the lobby on the first
Ellen was looking at Liana's back like that.
I tapped Ellen on the shoulder.
“Now we must go soon.”
The director is moving and we have
to go to get training for Saviolin Tana. Her
scheduled time is getting closer, so
it's time to gather at the 2nd grade B-class gymnasium.
I've never been late, and I've never been late for the Grand Master's
training. I didn't even wonder what would happen if I broke the
assembly instructions,
so I'm slowly going to take Ellen away and say
"Some of my juniors seem to have skipped ."
At the end of Ellen's eyes, I naturally moved to the first floor lobby.
And I had to court's call for the eye.
"The hair'm unique."
Hair color
silver hair, a silver- haired kid.
Lucinil was casually walking to the Royal Class dormitory.
Why is the Lord coming here?
I don't know what happened.
head of demand.
For some reason, Lord Vampire Lucinil became a freshman in the
Temple Royal class.
I couldn't even
ask what to say about Lucinyl who suddenly became my junior .
There should be no meeting with the first grader who suddenly
appeared, but there is no way I can find it.
I couldn't help but
be restless, not knowing how the alternative situation was going to
turn out.
I couldn't even imagine
that Lucinyl would make such a sudden move . How did you get
through Temp Gate in the first place, how did you get admission, and
how did you organize your identities?
“I set it to be the talent I discovered
Oddly enough, the answer was not from Lucinil, but from Mr.
Epinhauser, who came to me.
"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you in advance, because it was an urgent
No. It's
ridiculous that Lucinyl became my junior, so why do I have to listen
to that Epinhau teacher
And this man, you heard me say
I think he admitted Lucinil to the Royal Class because he was a
talent he discovered? I'm going to do something like that as a
guardian. Is this this?
“When talking about dungeons, there was a talk that you might need
to strengthen your defenses.”
“On our side?” “It was an opinion from both sides.”
Because of the dungeon configuration problem this time, the Black
Order and the Vampire Council must have talked.
And, both the Vampire Council and the Black Order talked about the
need to strengthen the protection of my body.
It's ours, it's ours, so it can
The Black Order also said that I had to do something because I
might be in danger. is that
Are you somewhat impressed? I think it's a bit like being touched,
but is it really moving?
“Cantus Magna, of course, and not only that, but you
have a lot of room for danger . Everyone
agreed that there should be a manpower at hand who could
evacuate or evacuate you urgently in times of crisis . And if it's a
Lord Vampire, I avoid it because I don't have much power to
compare it to. Well, since it is said that there is no inconvenience in
daily life, there will be no problem in disguising the temple life.”
I am an important long-term horse to the Black Order, but right now, I
have a high potential for growth, and I am not really very good at it.
Cantus Magna is also a problem, my identity
When discovered, the temple itself becomes an enemy. So, the
Black Order decided that my own side who knew the truth should
reside in the Temple .
“How the hell did you get into school?”
"It's not that hard to get through the temple's search gates."
He identity and identity epin Hauser one is warranted, enchantment
something is Lucy Neal egen not a problem.
It does not enchantment section through the search cost the
absolute enemy of the Temple extent I knew, if the wizard to about
Lucy Neal
and out casually be positive
Dora you.
of course, it'll not something the defense of the Temple lax.
loading vampires too powerful wizard acceptable as well.
in the case of Eleanor lease yen was no bother need to call in the
Temple, now left the ecliptic.
Eleanor help me instead of leasing decided
that Lucy Neal is likely that I be in danger
Burberry nopahjija this even come into the temple made the
black order also Council also Lucy Neal also
gonna to each life I ended up one dying should line got off to such a
Epinhauser also took a very big risk, because if Lucinyl's identity is
revealed, even Mr. Epinhauser will be blown away at the same time.
there, with the setting of the Patriots
Mr. Epinhauser, who had , directly brought an impure element called
Lord Vampire to the Temple.
My existence is now
considered important in the Order to the extent that Epinhauser had
to do this even while undermining his own values .
That in itself is nothing bad.
is very shocking that Epinhauser did not know about Lucinyl's
admission , rather that he led it himself , he said,
"It would be more convenient to send the Wizard of the Order in the
first place, but if you are from our side, you will not be able to trust it
properly. Because of this, your staff inevitably entered the school.
Please remember.” |
His side of the people do not believe I'll give paste Look at the
convenience Lucy Neal to come
. Gave
Black Order ....
In fact, I'm not the good guys
? How
hagien called in the dogs Tome nowhere Aaron was terminated
grade beolyeotdeon shit head
Of course
, that had nothing to do with the order's instructions, it was just a
personal deviation, but Lucinil
's admission. The
reason is for my personal safety. kinda like that
n't so I did something like a hack.
me a crab glad that, albeit now the boss treats and trying not they're
the nothing to me whether the interim protection day It was also said
Of course, I listened to Mr. Epinhauser's posthumous explanation,
but in the end, I couldn't have a conversation with Lucinyl.
The night when all the new students entered the dormitory, Ceres
gathers the new students and spreads notices and cautions.
Just like we did when we were in the first grade, the seniors were
sticking to the railing and watching the first graders, and it was no
different with the second graders.
Among the new faces, there were water, the main character of the
original, but I wasn't interested in that.
A guy who can only stand out among freshmen.
Silver hair, and an unusually short kid.
"Now, shall I introduce myself A-11?"
“It’s Lucinyl!”
Seeing an old man who may have eaten hundreds or even a
thousand years, pretending to be the youngest in this place and
shouting freshly
- What's that? so cute!
- Let's go see it later!
seeing him with his shoulders outstretched, as if he knew that people
would think he was cute .
what to say
Is that
dog mad?
What happened to the talent reader?
Was n't it even such a great magic item in the first place ?
What talent did you enter?
Anyway, you should talk to Lucinyl.
So, if Lucinyl
came to the temple for the purpose of protecting me in the
first place , I need to create a situation in which it is not strange to
have a certain amount of friendship with Lucinil in the first place.
I didn't
want to put any interest in the juniors, but
a junior who had no choice but to worry about it entered the school.
not even after the first time .
“… ah, that… a gathering…?”
After the announcement was delivered, I grabbed the first-year A-
class junior who was about to return and said,
“Gather all the first-year students to the gym
Eolcharyeo trying're no longer together!
Somehow Lucy Neal opposite value to excuse this this not only!
Director as soon as the first floor back again,
A-class dormitory gymnasium.
I watched them gather a total of eleven first-year students in the
gymnasium .
's not even that to do so, and everybody had lined up all the way
from No. 1 in the order 11 burn Lucy Neal is at the left end
was looking at me while staring line.
With an interesting look, Lucinyl seems to
be the concept of an additional admission student, so to speak,
seeing that there were ten A-class students who were ten in the
original story, and now there are eleven.
Somehow, in the end, because of me, there
were one more student than the original .
I have no intention of giving you something like that. I was just going
to introduce myself and move on in moderation.
“First, let me introduce myself, my name is Reinhardt, second-year
A-class number 11….” Number
I was going to introduce myself first, but the guy standing in the first
on the right cut off my words and came in. “Have you gathered us on
topic 11 now?”
What did I hear now?
As I was confused by doubting my ears, the guy on the far right
started staring at me with his head twisted .
As in the original story, the freshman class A
bastards consisted of bastards who ate more and more . B-class
seniors were not even treated as seniors, so there were episodes
where trouble with Ludwig occurred.
Among them, Grade 1 A-1.
My name is Liberto de Gardenia.
As the heir to the Kingdom of Gardenia, at the same time,
it was the first
the guy who counts.
The talent was divine power, magic-related talent, and even weapon
Since it's number one, it's only natural that it's a talent vending
“Even if it’s an A-class, it’s true. On a subject that is only a
looks at me with his arms crossed in a crooked position .
No, what, is there such an improbable bastard who is not so cheap?
The Demon King goes to the academy
Freshman, number A-1 liberto de gard
I didn't know that I would say stupid things to the same A-class
Do you want to be beaten backwards?
Ribe at my twinkle that suddenly jumped out
Leto felt embarrassed.
Of course, I'm still worried about something
The atmosphere was frozen.
“Are you teasing me with your chin because you want to be beaten
backwards, you bloody bastard?”
This guy is royalty. there is a successor
I've never heard such a thing in my life.
would have been That's why I felt a little bit cold with an obviously
bewildered expression.
“Are you insulting me, the legitimate heir of the Gardenia royal
After that, I was a little dazed, so I washed my face dry a few times.
Feeling a bit nauseous, I walked over to Liberto, who threw an
enemy's youthful gaze at me.
- Tight!
I just ripped the joint off. “Gee, what are you doing now…!”
She sits still, grabs her shin and shouts in embarrassment.
“Heir to the Royal Family of Gardenia or whatever.
I, a commoner, publicly insulted you, your bastard, and I was ripped
“So what are you going to do, you bastard?”
- Tight!
The guy who was lying on his stomach and kicked in the side rolled
on the floor of the gym.
"Have you been ignorant of being told not to reveal your identity at
the temple?"
In the temple, status becomes meaningless.
Everyone was watching it as a realistic scene right in front of their
He still regards himself as a royal family as a commoner
A senior who claims to be merciless
I didn't know it was going to break, so it's null on the floor
Earl was lost in rust.
“Wake up, kid.”
“Now, what you did to me now, you will regret later...”
“Ana, a pair.”
When I take a kick stance, he
He took a breath and shrugged.
I was scared, you bastard.
The guy was losing his mind in real time, wondering if the fact that
he was scared was absurd.
“Do you really want to go back?”
“Do you want to go back? Hey. Answer.”
"that that...."
“Answer only yes or no.”
“Oh, no… yo…”
As I watched him mumble in a crawling voice, I slowly backed away.
“Because there are bastards who need to be beaten to open their
mouths. wake up."
“Aren’t you waking up right away?” Watching their seniors gather
together and step on one of their classmates in real time, the faces
of both men and women were frozen.
Lucinyl especially had her eyes wide open.
I stared at him as I watched Liberto wake up. The guy was staring at
me with his teeth clenched.
no this bastard
The etiquette has not been injected yet.
“If you’re confident, hit it.”
“However, I cannot take responsibility for the situation from then on.”
"I'll do it, I'll say it. Say it quickly."
His expression became as if he was seriously thinking about it.
no this bastard
Are you really trying to get rid of me?
- Me, that senior... Isn't that him?
However, a whisper was also heard.
-Last festival, 1st year tournament
Seunghan... That senior.
- No, that's right... I think I saw it.
Come to think of it.
I haven't been to Temple since my freshman year.
I spent my middle school days at Temple.
If that's the case, the guys who saw my face are enough
there was.
Riverto didn't know me, but there were guys who recognized me.
1st year tournament winner.
At those words, Riverto's expression darkened.
“Oh, no… no.”
The word first-year tournament winner
seems to have been enough to instill manners in this bald-headed
Seeing that he finally covered his eyes, I glanced around at the other
first graders.
Very well set up the atmosphere.
I didn't gather them for this.
As a result, to do this, we gather children
Has it become a thing?
Everyone doesn't want to make eye contact with me
I could already feel the stinging.
Last year, when we were freshmen, we drained water.
It doesn't work like Shio and identity.
In order to let you know, Redina was trying to give her a clue.
By the way, I do exactly the same
did this Even Redina failed, but I succeeded too accurately when it
wasn't intended
Happy temple life? It's not too late!
Has it become like that?
“No, I didn’t call you all to say this to you in the first place…”
- Tickle!
“Sisters! Are you here?!"
I open the door to the gym and look forward to it.
Portrait of a young woman with a..
Harriet de Saint-Ouen appeared.
"Uh... are you...?"
It took a moment for Harriet to look at me at the gym and ask why
you are here.
To the juniors who lined up in front of me
eyes shift to
Juniors lined up in a row.
far right
A liberto whose attire is messed up.
The scene where everyone is lowering their heads in a somber
Harriet starts to open her mouth blankly.
It was because the report had seen an unbelievable sight.
"no. This...."
"Hey, this real... this garbage!"
- Pak!
“Oh no! no! Oh no, it's true in the end, but it's not!"
"this person! Everyone, I don't know if it's anyone else! Yes?! you!
you do this!"
- Pak! Pak Pak Pak!
A little
“Come on, wait! really! Really listen to me!”
of course.
The excuses didn't work at all.
The first graders who witnessed the scene where a senior who was
holding the mood suddenly loses to a female senior with long hair
became bizarre, unable to understand what the situation was.
Heriot came to play because he wanted to get to know him, not to
gather his juniors.
It was like So I looked everywhere and came across this,
In the end, after being beaten by Harriet, he was dragged away
without the achievement of having a conversation with Lucy Neal.
I was forced to return to my sophomore year's dormitory.
Behind, in the lobby, Harriet sat me down and spoke with a serious
"I'm really, genuinely disappointed, you."
“No… it’s not like that.”
“If not, what is it?”
I'm trying to explain the self-inflicted species.
The sulfur was starting to get more and more bizarre.
"What's going on?"
Ellen, with a towel around her neck, approached Harriet as she
looked very angry.
“Did you scare them by gathering your juniors?”
"cowardice...? In our first year...?"
“So! And who did you hit! The one on the far right! Right!"
“No, that’s right, but… that was a long shot! By the way!”
It's right to hit
Hearing up to there, Ellen kept me quiet
look up
It was a gaze that was felt in itself.
It was such a heinous piece of garbage that even Ellen couldn't be
I don't know if it's anyone else, but especially I
Because it wasn't supposed to.
“No, listen to me!”
It's unfortunate, but
Actually, it's true that I did that, so I'm a bit pathetic about myself for
being resentful!
Anyway, sorry!
I sat Ellen and Harriet
I gave the name right.
I was just going to give a general name, but it was because the first
guy suddenly got annoyed. what such
It's something like that though.
After all, it's true that I'm a fan anyway. was such a story.
Did you dare bring us together on topic number 11?
The first graders who started at
Hearing about the noises, Harriet opened her mouth blankly.
"...I'm glad he didn't die."
Heriot's reaction seemed to be rather strange that he didn't kill half of
it because of my personality.
“You held up well. good.”
On the contrary, Ellen gets the reaction saying, “Oh, you did a good
what is this?
I hit
It's true that I hit you.
Since it's so open-ended, both of them know that they'll be less (?)
Rather, it becomes an atmosphere that praises me
Can a bastard be forgiven for being less bastard?
It feels good, but something is strange!!
Anyway, it's nice that the kids compliment me, but I don't think it's
okay to get compliments like this!
“I have to tell my juniors a little bit. Among the seniors, he should be
especially careful.”
“I think that’s what we have to do….”
As a result, it is necessary to set
But Reinhardt is an explosive substance.
A warning to be handled with particular care
to give
Even Ellen agreed.
No, I really didn't mean to hit him.
oh really...
Try to be alone with Lucinyl
Failed in a monstrous way.
If it was the original development, now the 2nd graders of Class A
gather the freshmen just as they did when they were freshmen by
the current 3rd graders.
Taming those who make a fuss
was going to be doing
However, the current 2nd grade A class members
Now they have become naives who don't care about such things,
and Reinhardt went to see Lucy Neil and did something like that.
Harriet and Ellen have different meanings.
Notice again to disseminate
Gathered first-year freshmen.
Not a dirty male senior who gathered for the first time, but a calm
and calm person
Senior woman in top and dirty hair
A female senior with wavy hair that had beaten up a male senior
It doesn't look like that, but it was the same as everyone was
nervous because of the scene they had just seen.
"That... I didn't mean to scold you, it happened before, so I had
something to tell you guys, so I told you to gather.
Herriot de Saint-Ouen,
“Second grade, A-2, Ellen.”
And Ellen also briefly introduced herself.
Obviously, the two seniors who came now had a different
atmosphere from before.
In the eyes of the children, with the old senior who looked at them
with the feeling that there is only one thing at stake, I will give them
Otherwise, there was no sign of scolding anyone or anything.
Someone just recognized Reinhardt
Just like Ellen, juniors who also recognize
there was
“I… by any chance, aren’t you the one who won Miss Temple?”
Miss Temple.
At those words, the juniors who saw Ellen for the first time also
widened their eyes.
Ellen just nodded her head in response to the question. Miss Temple
As if winning the team is nothing to brag about or shame about.
And, of course, the female junior who recognized Ellen also
recognized Harriet.
“Hey, sunbaenim in that unlimited level tournament. I saw it! That,
you beat the 5th grader!”
“Ah, that… that, yes? That… I didn’t win, I lost…”
“You abstained, you didn’t lose!”
Reinhardt, the first-year winner, was also great, but what was even
more impressive was Heriot's impact, who won the first set from 5th-
year Olivia Lanze in an unlimited-class tournament.
Because it was such an intense match that the stadium was almost
Harriet wasn't used to this kind of situation.
Let Eunji junior recognize her face
I was staggered by this earning.
The first-year freshmen began to stare blankly at them.
The first senior to come is the 1st year tournament that selects the
strongest among the 1st year at Temple.
The senior with a calming impression is Miss
Temple Winner.
Seon, a cute merchant with wavy hair
Bae is the person who won the 5th grade senior.
Even in the Royal Class, second-year A-class people come to think
of something unusual in their own way. Lucinil was looking at them
both with interest.
"Um, big! That, anyway. I don't mean to scold you for what you've
gathered like this.
I have something to tell you.”
Harriet coughs a few times to try to regain his composure and starts
talking to his juniors.
“The kid you just came to is Reinhardt, and we’re also bastards who
let go of our hands.
I'm a guy, so don't provoke me. especially you.”
Harriet is located exactly on the far right.
He pointed to Liberty.
"Yes? Oh... yes."
“You, Reinhardt looked after you a lot.”
It's unfair to get hit, but if you hear that you've been beaten less than
that, you should be embarrassed
However, liberto is already played by Reinhardt.
Looking at the scene, I realized that I had been seriously mistaken
about the Temple.
It's like this place.
A place where the commoners will give the royal family and be
beaten even if their identity is recklessly exposed.
No place to complain.
I even got hit, but the seniors came and said that I was hit a little
Strictly speaking, the Temple is such a place.
not so far
But Reinhardt is a bit too much
Freshmen say that I'm a strange guy
how do you know
Temples and even Royal Class were originally like this
It makes you think it's a place.
“Be careful going forward. The dog is very young, so maybe he
remembers your face?"
You got caught by Reinhardt.
Harriet is saying that
I didn't even know he said that.
In the first place, those who are completely unaware of this say the
"Look out."
Also, Eren, who was looking at Liberty, spoke briefly.
“You get hurt then.”
At Miss Temple's calm advice, Riverto's complexion grew even
Because there might be dangerous people like Reinhardt, so you
can go around spitting things around and you can’t even pick up a
bone, Ellen.
is pure, not to threaten
I said that because I was very worried.
But to the listener, never
The problem was that I couldn't hear it.
I said I didn't come here to scare you
It was with Reinhardt that Guk Harriet and Ellen were both terrifying
their children.
However, after that, the atmosphere is a little relaxed.
it was messy
talk to everyone one by one
High school, while talking about his major, Harriet showed a slightly
dazed appearance.
Because I felt it wasn't.
“Have you skipped?”
“Yes, I am thirteen. major is magic
When Lucinil, a silver-haired girl, smiled and said that, Herriott's
expression turned into a startled look as if her heart was tightening.
I try to stroke my head without knowing it
I stopped while saying that.
His major is magic.
“Destruction magic.”
Destruction magic skills.
It's not a talent that goes well with this cute figure, but talent doesn't
depend on how you look.
Harriet smiled brightly as she heard Lucinil's answer.
"Magic? Are you interested in the Magic Research Society?
“The Magic Research Society?”
"Yeah! It's a club inside the Royal Class.... Actually, that bastard was
the president, but actually, he's not that bad... When we get to know
him, he's really, really, really good."
Upon hearing those words, Lucinil's lips rose subtly.

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The Demon King Goes to the Academy
Tue 386
The new semester of the second year has begun.
Things didn't
go the way I thought . In the end, I couldn't get the kids together
again, so I signed up for the course with Ellen, saying it would be
okay somehow.
A few things have changed significantly since I was in 2nd grade.
First of all, all the swordsmanship major classes that could be taken
with the general class have been replaced.
was reorganized into swordsmanship lectures that were only
accepted by Royal Class personnel , and lecture hours were greatly
increased. Royal class and general
class were separated.
The reason was simple.
“The temple will take every precaution, but be prepared for
any contingency.
And if the temple is attacked, there is a chance that the Royal Class
will be the first target.” “From this year onwards, you will receive
more practical combat training.”
Swordsmanship lectures were transformed into combat training, and
instead of teaching skills, they
began to learn
how to kill monsters , how to deal with magic, and how to
act in street battles and field situations .
to prepare for raids in as well as provide us with soldiers or Practical
training to educate as knights replaced major classes.
Close combat majors were in this situation, too
, so magic majors would
start to take practical classes in magic books or selling methods .
Needless to say, the intensity of the class became very strong.
"I'm Lucinyl. Please take care of me." I am forced to beongjjil
watching Lucy ryeoon Harriet is used in magic Society Neal not
go do that?
Was staring at everybody drilled in the emergence of a pretty girl
with a doll Source column for blue eyes silver hair called Lucy Neal.
, Even though in the eyes These were the expressions that made
them wonder if they were real people.
"Talent is destructive magic. Here, Saint-Touan-senpai asked if he
was interested in magic research, so I came here.”
When I introduced myself as a thirteen-year-old, I felt dizzy for a
Don't you feel a sense of shame?
Of course I'm not talking about it!
"Chairman, did you see me once before?"
I really think it will come up!
“Hey, why do you look like this cute Al?”
Lucinil looks at me with a cute smile and says so innocently.
I think something is coming.
I couldn't hide my grim expression in the end, so Harriet hugged
Lucinyl's shoulder, who was sitting next to him, and said so.
I'm not feeling well ..."
Lucy-sama's expression, as if he was waving as if he was so happy
because he was pretty by his senior, was really...
something. it was something
“What are we going to do?”
Lucinil shrugged at my words and just said so.
had just brought Lucy Neil to a room where only the two of us could
be alone in the mansion, saying that we had something to talk about
as a group for counseling .
It's been a while since I've been to the temple, but it was the first
time I'd seen the two of them in person like this.
Lucinil said that noise-canceling was installed throughout the room,
and told him to talk comfortably.
So it's easy to talk about.
you seem to be enjoying it too much, don’t you think?”
“Hey, what are you talking about?”
Then ....
enjoy reckons there is or is not the best thing you enjoy?
"What a tournament, even a rumor about you the way you .... True
that. Sort of."
Lucy Neal looks at me with her arms crossed as if you said
something really well.
"Does it look good to sell?"
“...that, I understand well.... I don't know why.
That's right!
I say you are no longer haetne !
I'm doing pretty well! Then
I know you ca n't !
It's not just a joke!!
“By the way, is this okay? That… it’s something, everyday life…”
doesn’t matter what you eat, as long as you vomit or spit it out later .
Have you ever pretended to be human
once or twice? I'm so used to it."
Lucinil shrugged as if it was difficult to pretend to be a normal human
"But you should know that this wasn't an easy decision, though."
Lucinil looked at me with a serious expression,
"Your life could be in danger at any time, as I have to infiltrate here
After all is true that came into Lucy Neil is taking a big risk to the
Temple. So no gatgeon to Lucy Neil H. worm thing essentially is
coming to the temple to protect me.
"So I have Magic Society recognized the baby from what they
It'd be nice to watch them play house , but it's unavoidable, so
please accept it."
I don't know, but is it my mistake to feel that you are somehow
satisfying your own self-interest?"
“Hmm…” Lucinil
narrowed her eyebrows at my words and smirked.
“I cannot deny that it is not. I love that someone loves me and that
the kids who love me are cuter than me.”
Lord vampires are all madmen
And it didn't seem like lucinyl, but he's obviously the most insane.
This one's worse than
“Let’s be friendly from now on, so that I don’t feel uncomfortable
being next to you
I think very coldly, so what Lucinil said is 100 times right. It's not
what I thought, it's not what I thought, but because I'm a junior in the
Magic Research Club, as a link, I'm just going to get close to Lucinil.
psychologically I hate it so much . .
Lucy Neal joined the magical society.
in the first grade class a magical majors are better, but magical
society president or
know that is a shape avoiding doeeoseon the speculation.
so magical study of magic majors
signed up for once The only thing is
| The first semester of my sophomore year has started, and I have
juniors. Of course, there were not many contact points between me
and my juniors.
Lucinil . Devie and the Class B guys often go out with their juniors
and see them like that.
, through the connection of juniors in the Magic Research Society ,
they became close with Lucinyl.
As a
matter of fact, I agree that walking around with Lucinyl should be a
no-nonsense picture. Because I thought that too.
I think I'm leaving!
“Stop looking for me!” In the
end, I was terrified of
Lucinil, who was following me almost at the level of a stalker.
Whether he was faithful to his mission or to harass
me, he went in and out of the sophomore dormitory and told me on a
fictional day. went looking, tried to attend attached to the side.
this is harassment, not the Secret Service.
enjoy watching as I hate
it. I'm sure.
classmates are also Lucy Neil looked me that Jung road liked to do
more than me a little strange
was shaped
blow the Bell It was Tooth.
"Hello, senior."
bowed her head to Bertus,
whom she met while walking down the hallway, “Ah, that… that one
who skipped first grade…”
“It’s Lucinyl .”
Bertus looked at Lucinil, who nodded in greeting to him.
- Oppa! Play!
Blue on silver hair snow girl.
And although he's following me, Bertus, who doesn't know much
about the actual relationship,
I used to dress up as a woman with silver hair.
“…are you?”
What about silver hair?
is there such a thing
Bertus was about to say something, but in the end he passed me by
without saying anything.
Are you sure you think I'm some kind of filthy thing?
I guess this convinces me that I'm the one with the silver-haired
Seeing Bertus move away in a hurry, Lucinil tilted his head and said,
"Reinhardt! what are you doing?"
And Olivia Ranche, who came to the sophomore dormitory after a
long time, looked up at the silver-haired kid next to
me and giggled.
Olivia's expression begins to drown with gloom.
"...Who's the kid?"
“Is it my baby?”
. Olivia woke spoonful more
students are coming back, the second year of the four
this line quite a bizarre spectacle and
looks me
? - Do not let me lay've quit
that attend along some!
- ah why ah ah ah ah! Play with me, play with me, buy me something
delicious, ride me on a horse, and take me for a walk!
- Whoa!
After chasing Reinhardt, a
ship was formed.
arrogant death penalty.
Heinrich, Erch, Cayer, and Kono Lindt and the
four sat in the lobby,
watching the silver-haired girl chasing
Reinhardt, and
Reinhardt disgusted and running away .
"That bastard...what the hell...?" |
Kono Lint mumbled blankly with her mouth open.
"You're handsome."
muttered as if despondent. A
doll-like and cute girl
follows as soon as the new school year begins. At first, he follows
me around as senior senior, but now he calls
me oppa .
"No, no matter how handsome you are, is that enough? Huh?"
Heinrich shook his head with a puzzled expression on Cayer's
“I don’t know if that’s the extent of it… No, it could be that we don’t
know because we are men.”
Isn't that something that only appeals to women for Reinhardt? If it
wasn't for such a thing, I couldn't understand how it would turn out to
be like that when I was so enamored with my first-year junior without
even knowing it.
The leisure of those who have it.
“And above all. It's too bad that a kid like that is following you and
getting fed up with it."
Everyone nodded at Kono Lint's words.
Reinhardt even hates it in a situation where even if his mouth is wide
open, it will not be enough.
He doesn't even give a glance to the other seniors, and only follows
Reinhardt tenaciously. However, Reinhardt avoids it as if it is the
most annoying thing in the world.
This is the leisure of those who have it.
"Have you seen Reinhardt?" |
And as proof of that thought, Ellen, the winner of last year's Miss
Temple, comes to them and finds Reinhardt.
“That… where did you go
to avoid the first-year girl ?”
Ellen nodded and walked to somewhere looking for Reinhardt.
Reinhardt here too, Reinhardt there
. It
used to be like that, but now even juniors
join in looking for Reinhardt. Find what you're looking for:
"The world... it's not fair..."
At Kono Lint's words, Erhi sighed
deeply and agreed.
- brother! Why do you run away to the magic research room without
knowing magic?
- Leave me alone!
- No, not me, Ellen-senpai is looking for you.
-Huh? Oh yeah?
Reinhardt is handsome.
Therefore, it became a bizarre situation that a freshman who
suddenly appeared and followed Reinhardt was something everyone
could do.
When other people see Lucinyl, she
almost glows and tries to be next to me, but when it's just the two of
them, the tone of her voice changes.
Of course, even when it was just the two of us, I was confident that if
I whispered in a childish tone, I would go crazy as it is.
Seeing you chattering in front of Harriet, Ellen, and Adelia talking
about your senior, you are so childish that you get goosebumps.
Anyway, Lucinyl was close to me, half for guarding me, and half for
making fun of me, and although she clings to me, she couldn't keep
doing it.
- Kaang!
Seeing the day I lost Tiamatta in the end, Xaviolin Tana deactivated
the Auror Blade,
"Let's do it this far today."
Even though school started, Tana was still looking after me and
Ellen's swordsmanship.
"Both of them are getting better sensitivity to magic enhancement.
Let's continue like this."
"Yes, teacher."
After Tana left, Ellen and I sat down on a bench in the auditorium to
catch our breath.
You can definitely feel the effects of taking Moonshine.
got stuck Maybe it
was because the constitution itself that felt magic through moonshine
had changed in addition to the control of magic, and I could feel
myself getting more and more accustomed to magic enhancement.
had not yet reached the point of using the released magic power
aggressively, but it seemed that it would be possible within this
“How long does it take to become a Sword Master?”
Ellen suddenly asked that question.
Ellen is already in the same
state as a Sword Master if she uses Rafelt
. However, it is self-evident that if you reach the status of a master
yourself, you will become much stronger than you are now.

…I don’t know.”
It won't be too far away for Ellen.
So how about me I don't think I'm that far off either.
However, I had such a subtle conviction that becoming a Sword
Master would be a situation in which such hardships were in front of
Fortunately, Lucinil didn't get into fights with other people, Harriet
seemed to be lovable, and in the case of Ellen, we didn't talk very
often, but he watched and stroked his cheeks and patted his head.
Even if I didn't express it well, I felt that she was being cute.
In Olivia's case, Lucinyl was saddened. It was not because of the
thought that something was going to be found out, but it seemed that
it was because Lucinil sensed Tuan's enormous divine power that he
felt in Olivia.
word that passes slowly at times, 'I measured it because it was
I couldn't,' he said.
It seemed to have a
level of divine power that even Lord Vampires would hate .
Of course, Olivia, who has become
fussy, didn't like or love Lucy Neal.
But whenever Lucinyl runs into him, he slowly avoids me, so why
does he like me? I just felt a little bit like that. It doesn't bother me, so
I feel like I'm leaving it alone. Even when Olivia appeared, she
stopped sticking to me and slowly
avoided me, so Olivia
didn't seem to be particularly wary
. It wasn't much different from before.
now, one big event was approaching.
2nd grade classroom on the day of common education.
Mr. Epinhauser looks at us and says:
“As you know, the
event to commemorate the first anniversary of the end of the Demon
World War was planned to be held this weekend.”
The 1st anniversary of the end of the Demon World War.
The event is due to open soon.
“However, under the current circumstances, it was judged
unreasonable to hold such a large-scale festival, so it has now been
changed development.
demon king’s secret has been confirmed, the event for the first
anniversary of the end of the war aroused the conviction that the end
of the war was not in fact the end of the war, and made sure that no
events like the end of the war were held. became
But this event is very important.
"Instead, though not an event, the Empire decided to find a new
owner for Arsbringer."
There was silence in the classroom at Mr. Epinhauser's words, which
everyone must have heard of for the first time:
"So, so that all members of the Royal Class
can gather in the main auditorium of the Temple building by noon this
weekend ."
At the event to commemorate the 1st anniversary of the end of the
, Alsbringer, the sword of the warrior Artorius, chose Ludwig as its
new master. That was not the original intention of the imperial family.
At the moment of opening it to the public, Alsbringer
just went to Ludwig at will.
But the end of the war has disappeared. A
new demon king is secretly hiding.
So, unlike the original, the Empire is
a new owner to Alsbringer. He was trying to find the . Because
the more relics the better
If you choose the owner even to Alsbringer, there are now four holy
relics in the world.
Rament, Tiamata, Alsbringer, La Felt,

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The Demon King Goes to the Academy
Episode 387
: The moment you are born, everything is decided. There are people
who have limits on what that person can do and what they can
achieve in life, while others have no limits.
If you are not born with your status, you must be born with talent.
So, what is innate is what a person is all about.
Liberto de Gardenia thinks so.
The first in the line of succession to the throne of the Kingdom of
Gardenia, and who is said to be the most gifted in the history of the
Gardenia royal family, it was natural to live with such thoughts.
Although not as much as Kernstadt, which is said to be the most
powerful dynasty, Garde and Nia are also among the powerful
countries with formidable prestige.
Temple, it only irrespective of the status re-performance, the best
talent only entrance to the royal class that can hakhal I
was among the same grade even there,
the talent sequence 1 A-1 once called up from
when we received grant ribereuto is his
world There was no doubt in his belief that he was one of the first
talents to be counted as the king's lumber.
'Are you going to be beaten backwards?" Until suddenly it was given
to a second-year senior,
Liberto thought he was being quite gentle. If the royal class divides
the rank based on talent, not status, then you are at the top of the
rank based on that talent
. No matter how A-class, the liver
cannot exist.
No matter how senior he was,
he thought that he had responded to the
rude senior in a very polite way, at the point where he wrote at least
an honorific title for gathering himself on the subject of only number
11 .
But what came back was violence.
Liberto never thought he was being rude. The mere fact that a boy
who had lived in the king's palace and lived in a way that treated
everyone except the king used his honorific title to someone, even if
he was a commoner, means that he has said it all.
No. 11 or something like that, it also hit commoners.
Just because he was a senior who came in a year earlier than him ,
at the time of
the meeting
he said no to whether he really wanted to try it properly at the time of
the meeting , but he was regretting it.
I should have been able to show that cheeky commoner the
swordsmanship of the Kingdom of Gardenia. 1st year tournament
win? Liberto didn't know what it meant to win the tournament. see for
could even it in person.
So, if that cheeky commoner came to fight again, he was willing to
trample on him. Seniors and whatever, to
show the true nature of the swordsmanship of the Kingdom of
, as well as to restore crumpled face and honor...
"What are you talking about?"
"Um, that. Ah. no."
“Roll your eyes gently, you’ll hear a sound, baby.”
Liberto met Reinhardt as he passed by and patted his cheek as he
, but he stood still and didn't say anything.
what a person is
Apart from the mindset, the fear engraved in the bones cannot be
easily overcome.
With twins in his eyes, Liberto glared at Reinhardt passing by, as if
he was nothing, even slapped his cheek rudely.
And then, when Reinhardt suddenly turned around
, his eyes were covered with lightning speed .
“If you’re jolly, you’ll be jolly, if you’re open, you’ll open up
Reinhardt smiled darkly and said something like
“Just do one thing, you bastard.”
Liberto couldn't even look right at Reinhardt's back this time as he
To Liberto de Gardenia, Reinhardt, a second-year senior, was
nothing more rude person who gathered him from the first day and
grabbed him
“Honestly, aren’t you handsome?”
commoner him.
He was just that kind of guy.
However, my classmates seemed to have a different opinion.
“There was that senior last time.”
“Oh, that… Reinhard-senpai?”
“Yeah, that person.”
As it was such a strong impression
, the three seniors I actually met were Ellen, Heriot, and Reinhardt,
but the impression
of Reinhardt I had seen for the first time was very strong in
everyone's memory .
1st year A-7 Sicilla von Gleio,
She was a young girl from the
family of the four Counts of Gleio who studied at Temple for a very
long time, where she had been attending since elementary school .
Reinhar | Of course,
he was also a classmate who recognized Harriet and Ellen, and his
talents were spearmanship and magic sensitivity. She
also possessed very outstanding talents and qualities among the
combat students.
Sicilla was sitting and talking with other classmates in the lobby of
the freshman year. Liberto pretended not to listen, secretly stealing
the girls' stories.
I don't think it's stealing.
Naturally, he just thinks that the story is just flowing into his ears.
suppressed the urge to get up .
What the hell is this guy who looks like a gisaeng oraebi!
At Sicilla's words, Liberto
rave about it in his heart.
"Yeah...? I was so scared back then... That was fine..."
"I think it looked scary..." The
answers were Rosrie A-3 and Cardina Ain A-10. The two were
terrified to see their senior step on the liberto for the
first time, so they
remembered their first impression very terrifyingly
. Is it something like this...?" | Since Sicilla's first impression of
Reinhardt she had seen during the tournament was more important,
it was clear that Reinhardt was more meaningful to her as her senior.
Even his major is close combat.
“Your skills are amazing! Have you already been able to do magic
enhancement since your first year, which even third graders couldn't
do now? I saw it myself.”
power enhancement.
With those words, Liberty seemed to stop thinking.
Mana management is a high-level combat skill at a level that even a
number of evenly selected and talented talented people will be able
to learn even if they train for more than ten years. You were already
able to do that when you were in first grade.
Liberto felt like shouting not to lie.
“I want to get to know you....”
Ribe heard Sicilla’s windy words.
Leto felt that the already twisted judgement got even more twisted.
“Lucinil seems to have become friends already?” The
11th freshman and a unique silver-haired girl who has skipped
school. She almost lived in the second-year dormitory rather than the
first-year dormitory at all
. I'll have to ask you later."
Liberto was upset just hearing the name.
I want to feed you a room somehow.
power enhancement? You must have done some dirty work
. With full support from the royal family, eating everything good for
the body, and training in the best environment, there was no way that
a commoner could have realized more quickly than himself, no
matter how much the Temple, he could not have realized the
enhancement of mana that even he himself did not realize.
Liberto vows to one day uncover Reinhardt's dirty identity
A few days later, Liberto
headed to the main auditorium of the Temple Public Relations Center
on the weekend .
They said they were looking for the owner of the Alsbringer.
It wasn't that I didn't have the slightest expectation that it might be
should I do if I become the owner of Alsbringer ?
I of Alsbringer? I am honored to have chosen this holy relic because
I am the enemy of Gardenia, but I was worried that I would decline
because I had to give priority to my duties as a royal descendant.
After that, the fire with the Alls Church
uncomfortable relationship
was even about how to resolve it politically .
Well, I can do anything I can think of, and I can't even say that it's
Riverto was even thinking about it.
With that determination, Liberto de Gardenia was faced with an
unbelievable sight.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo way into how to get Reinhardt
's choice.
- Alsbringer...
- Reinhardt...
- Alsbringer's choice ...
There was a lot of buzz around.
However, as he watched the scene, he felt a sense of incongruity in
Reinhardt's face, an unlucky senior.
was chosen by the holy.
By the way.
was the expression of a person who seemed to be faced with
something he hated.
Reinhardt's face stiffened in front of the great honor of being chosen
as a holy thing.
When he saw Reinhardt's expression, he couldn't help but feel it.
The intuition that that person is a different being, qualitatively
different from myself.
The warrior's sword, Alsbringer.
Water that can summon the war god Als
it's a thing But the price must be paid with life. Artorius Lagann
summoned the god of war and defeated the demon king, and he lost
his life in return.
There are two holy things that appeared in the original.
Only Rament and Alsbringer. Ellen's sword Rament had the same
effect as an Auror blade, and was a very sharp sword. Ellen couldn't
draw out the true power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore
, I did not set myself up for the true power of Rament.
The true power of Alsbringer is
to summon the god of war . From that point of view, the Alsbringer is
a holy thing, but it is out of balance because I become an overly
powerful object by myself. So, although the true power is hidden
in Rament , the background
setting was added that it was only that Ellen could not bring it out .
Soon, I know as much about Alsbringer.
main auditorium of the main building where all the Royal Class
members gather .
There weren't that many people.
The Imperial Family is now trying to find a new owner for Alsbringer.
The owner may not be selected from among the Royal Class
personnel. Then they
will try to find the owner elsewhere .
"In the current situation where the army of the Demon King is weak,
the Empire needs a new hero. Such a person might come out of the
students here."
The emperor stood in the hall and looked at all the Royal Class
members and said so.
“If the owner of the Alsbringer
is decided here , you will have to keep a thorough secret about it.
The Demon King will try to get rid of it before the next owner of the
Alsbringer becomes a concubine.”
I am trying to find a new owner of Alsbringer.
And if I do find the owner, its existence must be kept in a strict
There was no choice but
to be a little nervous on everyone's faces .
to that feeling.
So, the Empire Knights and Royal
reckoned with or armed groups like the class
traveled to find them was the foundation to willing to find a new
So the senior priests, etc., very few people of Al's to two digits,
including the Emperor denomination
There were only a handful of people, less than two hundred,
including all of the Royal Class and the
process . The process was complicated,
but the result was right in front of you.
Originally, this should have chosen Ludwig, if they say no,
will Alsbringer choose another owner?
I was floating in the air in front of me, watching the Alsbringer waiting
for me to grab it.
Everyone was
watching me as I was chosen by Alsbringer .
It had to be Ludwig's.
I refuse, and Alsbringer may accept my refusal and go to another
It is very likely to be Ludwig.
After all, what is the difference between telling Ludwig to die instead
of me?
Ludwig doesn't know what Alsbringer's true power is, but he will
naturally know it when the time comes.
The phrase engraved on Alsbringer's sword was emitting a brilliant
[Let it be done by sacrifice.]
The keyword of Alsbringer is sacrifice.
Actually, this was expected.
this sword.
Because this sword is that kind of sword that chooses only those
who can die for the sake of the world as its master.
everyone looks at me
Some people are jealous, some people are astonished, and
some people seem to admit it
- Flash!
I held the sword of the god of war. The brilliance of the war god's
was pouring out a fierce brilliance as if he recognized me as his
master .
- Clap clap clap clap... The
clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
soon. Numerous applause from others followed.
The situation was very ironic.
To put it bluntly,
I was chosen by the thing that killed my father.
I became the owner of Alsbringer. will be kept secret. However, I
know if that secret will be properly kept . However, strict
orders were issued to everyone present at the scene .
If the demon king knew this, I might be killed by the demon king, so
the empire will have to keep this secret thoroughly, and the royal
class students who have watched this scene will also be strictly
required to keep the secret.
Without knowing that it was the Demon King who was chosen by
he hid the fact that he was the owner of Tiamata, but now that he
became the owner of Alsbringer, a considerable number of people
It's not official, but I ended up being the chosen one of the holy
As a matter of course, I
had no choice but to personally conduct the ceremony of finding the
owner of the Alsbringer with the Emperor.
“He is the master of two holy things.”
The emperor was looking at me with a solemn expression.
“Maybe there are more heroes than Lagann Artorius in front of me.”
Lagann Artorius also had two holy relics, but in the fight against the
Demon King, he
only had one.
I couldn't answer any of the emperor's calm words.
Actually, Eren also has two relics, but I didn't say anything about
The emperor placed his hands on my shoulders. It must have been a
great honor for him to directly touch my body.
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
He just looked into my eyes and didn't say anything for a while. I
wanted to say something, but my mouth didn't seem to come out of
my mouth.
finish it
“…you have become too important to make a personal request.”
He smiled bitterly, not answering what he was going to say in the
“I ask for the future of mankind.”
It is not that the word empire was not deliberately said.
the future of mankind.
Beyond that, the future of the world.
That's what I want.
“Anyway, I’ll make it happen.”
I have a nuclear weapon in my hands.
It is a nuclear weapon
that I must use with my life, but the fact that it is a nuclear weapon
does not change.
After encouraging me, the emperor quietly returned to the Imperial
Palace. It was as if a huge event had happened, but nothing had
As if nothing had really happened
, the people who had gathered in the main building disbanded, and I
went back to the royal class dormitory.
“I don’t know if it’s something to celebrate or not.”
“I think it’s a headache, but there is already one holy relic.”
Ellen seemed to think, not what I am not very good thing that the
owner of Al's bring word of course good thing handsome holy one, it
be a problem with that lost out to other people
seemed to be here knows.
Ellen say Then, he
said something completely absurd :
"For now, talk with me later and go to Harriet now."
“Why are you in pain?”
“I’m crying.”
She suddenly Why are you crying?
By Una? I got impressed with the selection of our Reinhardt is holy.
What did he say why is it?
The fact is entirely different.
"Heuheuk coming!"
When I got to my room, Harriet recklessly
hugged me and burst into tears.
“Don’t do it, do nothing, do nothing. huh? Whoa! Whoops!”
Herriot, the holy thing meant something else.
Harriet doesn't know that I have a Tiamatta.
Since I became the master of the holy things
I felt that I had to fight the demon king inevitably, and I felt like I was
going to die.
I was crying because I was afraid.
"I'm scared... I, I'm so scared La Inhart... Ugh! Black! Hehehehe!"
"No....what is the death of this?"
Harriet held her in my arms and cried
endlessly as if the world was about to collapse
"No. Don't die."
“Lord, if you die… you must not die. Understand? Ma, you're fighting
the Demon King. I'm fussy, and I can't do that. Understand?
part, the promise ....... "|
"Okay. Why would I do that? Huh? I'm not going to die."
“Hey… I, I. I also become stronger… I will definitely, you… I will
protect you…”
“Yes, yes.”
became the owner of a holy thing that would kill me if I drew out my
true power... I wouldn't die.
He comforted Harriet.
If this was a public event, there would have been a lot of uproar
, and the name Reinhardt is
a big event that should
spread to every corner of the continent .
However, due to the timing, the Alsby Ringer was quiet even after
choosing a new owner.
Even inside the Royal Class dormitory, speaking Alsbringer was
strictly prohibited. The teachers thoroughly checked the inside of the
club, and the gaze of all seniors and juniors became awe-inspiring
, seeing a different dimension of existence.
Of course, it is strictly forbidden, but if you want to share this story,
you can share
Olivia also came to see me.
Now that I have become the master of the holy things, I have no
choice but to believe that the devil and I are destined to fight. Like
Harriet, so is Olivia.
Olivia hugged me softly.
Knowing why, I couldn't push it away this time.
Olivia hugged me and gently stroked my hair.
Olivia is saved by the Demon King.
if the Demon King and I had to fight , Olivia would be in trouble.
Olivia doesn't seem to hate the Demon Lord at all now. “I am on your
“No matter what. I'm on your side."
If I were to fight the demon king, it seemed that he was ready to
become the enemy of the demon king who saved him.
But those words
give me a completely different reverberation now .
“I know.”
Olivia Ranche
, even if she knows I'm the Demon King
will be on my side
everyone sees me has changed a little bit.
It's like stealing something that should have been Ludwig's, but
Ludwig doesn't know that Alsbringer should have belonged to him.
To be honest, I don't even have much self-consciousness that I stole
If you hand me a suicide bomb and tell it to someone
who is ready to sacrifice it for the sake of mankind with it, I might use
it against me in a absurd way.
For Ludwig and for me, it is right for me to be the owner.
"I'll try my best too, so that I can be of any help to you."
It was Ludwig's words.
“You… you are so amazing.”
As Cliffman said
, “If you kill the Demon King, I can marry you
“What kind of bullshit?”
"Well, let's not die. both of us.”
Liana looked at me and suddenly
threw those words out and patted my shoulder as I passed.
“It’s amazing, Reinhardt, even Alsbringer chose you.”
congratulated me with a bright smile
, perhaps thinking that getting stronger couldn't be a bad thing .

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The Demon King Goes to the Academy
Episode 388
We were drinking tea at the teatime terrace sung by Bertus.
two relics.
I already knew that I was the owner of Tiamata. At the time of
Xaviolin Tana's warning, Bertus, who had already had a premonition
to some extent
, seemed to be trying to say something. He hesitated a bit, as if a
horse had caught on the tip of his neck.
fingertips tremble
you bastard
Think of it again!
Perhaps he thought that speaking was already losing, Bertus
muttered something and didn't say anything.
"Huh, what's going on? That's probably not what's important. The
fact that you were chosen between the two holy relics. That must be
Let's erase that story from our heads.
I think it's going to be a more dizzying story sooner than that, but I'm
tired of being dizzy this way...
If you're given two choices of relics, you're a Lagann Artorius-class
giant. It's a guy, like why did you dress up as a woman?
I don't want to hear such a thing!!
Bertus looks at me with a serious expression
"I have a lot to ask you, Reinhard
“...that, yes. That…”
That's the scary thing about Bertus.
“Other than that, you bastard!”
“Oh, didn’t you say anything? De?”
Since that incident, Bertus and I have become so bizarre that we
can't get serious until we get serious!
But when the name was mentioned, of course, the two of us. I had to
calm down.
“Did you do it?”
know and ask
you can't get away He did
n't specifically ask what he did. There's no need to even do that.
“Yeah, it’s good that you don’t get away with meaninglessly.”
You must already
know everything about my deeds and Charlotte's deeds . Bell
tooth is behind Tan milk in tea, she says quietly, shaking a tooth
Reinhardt, I ca
n't touch you anymore. You're not an idiot either,
so I think you know that."
Not one, but two relics.
Killing me or harming me
is nonsense . My very existence has become so important that the
option of touching me has disappeared. Even if I'm on Charlotte's
Don't tell me how much you know.
Whether he even knew how to save Charlotte's life, or how much he
knew about Charlotte's current condition.
They don't reveal anything at all, and then suddenly they say that
they know something about the midpoint of the truth.
confuses the listener.
Therefore, I also do not know how far to say, and as I speak, I will
even say
things that Bertus did not know.
It's like a snake-like way of speaking.
“Reinhardt, you could be with Charlotte, but being my enemy is
another option. You can't be on Charlotte's side or mine, but being
on Charlotte's side
doesn't necessarily make you my enemy ."
Bertus stares at me quietly.
“Are you going to be my enemy? Let’s just do that for sure.”
What would happen if I told you I would be your enemy
Bertus wouldn't say anything about it. For now, you can
leave me alone, or you can use any number of measures.
“I have no intention of doing that.”
“Yeah, that’s what I want too.”
It has changed from before.
I'm not just a Royal Class student, I have two holy relics. Unless you
know that Ellen also has two, I am the only person in the world who
has two relics.
Just as I do
n't want to have Bertus as an enemy, Bertus must also not want to
have me as an enemy.
Bertus takes a sip of the milk tea.
“By the way, Reinhardt, do you know that?”
The boy's expression turned cold.
“The race for the throne has already ended.”
Bertus declared with a cold expression.
"Charlotte can't be emperor."
It didn't come as a surprise, at all.
Bertus defeated the revolutionary forces, one of the greatest threats
to the Empire.
Not only that. While
Charlotte couldn't even control her own body properly, Bertus did a
lot of things. has been processed.
Devil than buck kicked Charlotte just to overcome gender kidnapped
complications, Bell tooth would have been many times proven his
ability. where I do not
Charlotte for nothing did.
Tooth Berger continues showed something.
The right to succession to the throne would have been slowly
inclining under such circumstances, and would have completely
passed on to Bertus after the Revolutionary Forces Incident.
Of course, it is not publicly known, but Bertus' achievement is the
most important thing the emperor should know
" A madman like you is the enemy
the state has already listed | dice were rolled, the resulting value.
“Of course, apart from all that, there is no way Charlotte can become
emperor of the Empire just by the fact that the spirit of the Demon
King resides there.”
Did you know that there
The spirit of the Demon King and the soul of Charlotte cannot be
separated. As long as
Bertus was aware of this, Charlotte's life would be lost if Bertus
made a single joke at a time when the phobia of demon lords was
spreading across the continent .
“Reinhardt, you may
believe me when I say this, but I don’t want to kill my brother.”
He had said that with an overly cold expression, so it was even
harder to believe the words that were hard to believe just by hearing
“What do you think is the reason?”
Because they are brothers.
That will never be the reason. That reason probably means that it's
better not to kill Charlotte in the end.
There is only one reason.
“…Is it because of me?”
If the order is applied to the Charlotte I am an enemy of Verbier
tooth. Was packed up to that end, I at least not a thing Vere tooth
also it will know that Lorca Vere tooth was ohgido tell andago not
want to leave me ever.
School bastard Reinhardt bastard
If that happens, I think my back will get cold too, so I
became the hero Reinhardt. The scope and scale of what you can
do will vary.
In short, if Lagann Artorius had been alive, no one in the world would
have been able to treat Artorius rudely, and no one would have
wanted to be his enemy.
If you kill Charlotte, you make me an enemy
So Bertus says it's good for him not to kill Charlotte. Since my
existence has become a stumbling block,
"By the way, I have to kill Charlotte."
“There is no reason to keep him alive. Charlotte
is said to already have an influence on my emperor by its very
existence. So, if Charlotte is still alive, whether it's after I become the
next emperor or after I ascend to the throne, people around me will
tell me to kill Charlotte hundreds of times a day. For days, months,
and years, I'll keep saying those words in my ears, and if I
just refuse them , my
close friends won't understand me. And the servants prefer a
cruel monarch rather than a retreating monarch
. Since that's certain, you
can't distrust your entourage by keeping Charlotte, a
powerful contender for the imperial power , alive for no reason at all ,
can you?"
A powerful heir to the throne threatens the throne by itself if it
survives after being eliminated. There is a high possibility that there
will be an uprising of the supporters to appoint Charlotte, and there
may be a movement to establish a new emperor when Bertus goes
There will be no reason to keep Charlotte alive, and Bertus will
inevitably have to kill Charlotte regardless of his will.
I don't want to kill. But it must be killed.
| Charlotte said the same thing.
Whether it's himself or Bertus, if he doesn't become an emperor, he
has no choice but to die.
In the first place, the battle between the two was a battle of
whether to become emperor or die. At the two crossroads, they
could not decide the life or death of the other by their own will .
If you survive, you must kill your opponent.
However, if Bertus kills Charlotte, the
country becomes an enemy.
"I mean, this is a headache. I don't know if you die fighting the
Demon King, but somehow things turn out so well that you killed the
Demon King and became the hero of mankind. If I become the
Emperor, I'll have to kill Charlotte anyway.
I don't know what going to do to me. But if I kill you, who would have
become the hero of mankind after the death of the Demon King...
Hmm, I'm not sure if I'm the emperor or Nabal, maybe, Lagann
Artoriu, who came back alive.
What would happen if you went crazy and the emperor killed Nasu?
Exactly, that's how it will be."
Don't mind talking about excessively bloody things.
How can I
calmly say
that it is best for me to kill the Demon King and annihilate him like
Lagann Artorius
Of course, if I was a real hero, I might be afraid to imagine Bertus
sticking a sword in the back of my back as soon as I kill the demon
king, but unfortunately I am physically impossible to fight the demon
Bertus must kill Charlotte.
But if you kill them, something very dangerous happens.
“So, even if you kill Charlotte, understand that there is nothing you
can do about it… Well. Are you saying that?”
At my words, Bertus shook his head.
"You can't understand that."
As if it wasn't like that,
Bertus showed a sullen smile.
“You said there was no reason, didn’t you?”
"........It did."
There's no reason to keep Charlotte alive.
Therefore, his aides would
insist that he should solidify his imperial power by killing Charlotte at
every moment of the hour , and Bertus has
nothing to refute.
“So, I need a cause.”
Reason, that is, justification.
I “An don’t have to kill my brother.”
Even if Bertus becomes emperor, the justification for not killing
Charlotte. There is no justification for asking your entourage to kill
Bertus stirs the teacup and gives a fishy smile.
From the question of Charlotte's soul, it eventually
returns to the political issue.
A girl who must die no matter which way she goes.
Charlotte de Gradias.
“Would you like to save my brother’s life?”
I nodded my head without deceit when asked
by Bertus, “Will you try to rescue Charlotte from the political situation
where you have to die this time since you rescued Charlotte from the
darkness last time ?”
Bertus laughs bitterly,
“Marry my brother.”
Dettomorian's prophecy:
"There is no other way."
Was it Wilting this situation is you.
I finally realized that.
had to Emperor know yeotneunji also, I mean to any individual asked
However, looks in doubt.
After all, after saying this and that, Bertus is the reason why he must
keep Charlotte alive.
"Then, Huang Quan successor with Charlotte
Isn't the cause as a member also getting stronger?"
So Bertus already has Charlotte.
there is no
No matter what the reason you don't want to see me as an enemy,
marrying a person who possesses holy things is already empowering
“I will.”
Even though I've already won, if I do that, it could be a signal that
Charlotte's position as a competitor is already revived.
Bertus must have an idea.
I would never do anything good to Charlotte alone.
However, Bertus did not tell me what he was thinking.
Or do you really
feel pity for Charlotte ?
Bertus was already convinced of the victory, and he
knew it could never be overturned.
And I know that.
Even if
Bertus didn't exist , it might be possible for Charlotte to become
People come to know that Charlotte, who has become one with the
spirit of the Demon King, has become the master of an ominous
power unless she fully controls the power of darkness
On its own, apart from everything else, Charlotte cannot become
It is not perceived as a competitor. However, if Charlotte is killed
because she cannot overcome the pressure of her aides, the country
will have a bizarre enemy.
In the end, Bertus said that
will be.
I'm a little scared.
I am the master
of Alsbringer and Tiamata .
If Charlotte is to marry me, my status will be elevated, but it is
Charlotte who will be safe.
Later, the battle with the demon king becomes visible. Otherwise, my
existence is bound to be revealed.
The hero of mankind, the hope of mankind.
A modifier like this will stick to me.
And if Charlotte were to be my wife, the Empire could not touch
Charlotte any more than the Empire could. After or before Bertus
became emperor, there will be no talk of killing Charlotte until I die.
Even the emperor
would know these facts . So, when I tried to ask for something like
that, I quit. Dog
've hagien have become too have a heavier presence of the human
person, please, ask me something personal two euros
'll never be.
Charlotte would be aware of these facts.
To save Charlotte, you must marry Charlotte
. As far as Arsbringer
came into my hands, my cause became even stronger.
Because I don't know
what I'll do if a guy who has goes back .
So Bertus has been telling the story.
it will Not one, but two,
Although Bertus already knows most of the facts, he doesn't actually
want to kill Charlotte either.
But is it okay to decide such a thing regardless of Charlotte's will?
What was Bertus' intention?
- Ka
"What are you thinking about?"
".......Huh. no. just."
As I was pushed back, the staff twisted and fell apart, and Ellen
grabbed my hand and lifted me up.
What should I do?
I've made countless
promises to protect Charlotte somehow , but now I have to do
something like that. If you don't do that, you
can't be saved.
Is that really correct?
The Demon King Goes to Academy
Episode 389 No
matter what I do, I had to talk to Charlotte.
Because of the things related to the study of the art of engagement,
Charlotte often went back to the Imperial Palace rather than staying
in the dormitory. Charlotte seemed to go back to the palace after
watching who Alsbringer chose, congratulating me.
Saturday night.
Access to the Imperial Palace is now possible for me at any time.
But I stood in front of the Warp Gate, holding the artifact Charlotte
gave me, not the main gate of the Imperial Palace.
Nevertheless, the fact that we must be careful about our actions
does not change. Even if it's not Vertou, the record that I visited the
Palace of Springs in the middle of the night on the weekend could
make Charlotte a bit of a gossip.
I was thinking of using the warp gate that leads to the basement of
the Palace of Springs, which Charlotte gave me.
As Charlotte told me, activating the brooch-type artifact, I entered the
warp gate using priority.
With a slight delay, I was able to get out of the warp gate straight
It's dark, but it's an underground space with no light at all.
Artifacts that can interfere with the warp gate not the set path and
exit through a completely different gate.
I used it for the first time, but I thought that it was a dangerous item
while using it.
As soon as I climbed the stairs going up from the basement of the
Palace of Spring, I saw a button on the wall to activate the secret
no. By the way.
This is something... It's something I
gave you to use, so why does it feel like you've committed a crime? |
It was Charlotte who told me to come anytime, and that's why she
always came.
Oxy is changing clothes or something like that, right? do you want to
If you go in while you're sleeping, that's a little, that, that's it.
No, but did you get permission? I used the stuff I was told to do that,
so it shouldn't be a problem, right?
In other words, can't you
just think of it as the feeling that your wife is sleeping at home after
coming home from overtime ?
No, we're not married yet!
Just because I haven't done it yet doesn't mean I've done it!
I do not know.
- As soon as
I clicked the button, it opened gently on the wall without a sound, and
the view of the interior of Charlotte's bedroom caught my eye.
Fortunately, while I was changing clothes, Charlotte suddenly
appeared, and
I was not in a situation where I was aghast .
However, I
saw a bed that was definitely smaller than when I came before.
He said that he would change it because it was too big and
uncomfortable, but it seemed like he had changed it. Of course, it
was still quite large, but it wasn't big enough to crawl in bed.
in such a bed.
I could see Charlotte, who was sleeping peacefully with an upright
posture facing the battlefield.
But it was a little different from usual.
hair is dyed black
As we got closer, we could see a little more detail.
It's not like the last time the darkness is flowing and fluttering.
Just, Charlotte, who looked like she had dyed her black hair, was
sleeping with a calming expression, breathing evenly.
The Demon King's ego was blown away by my words, and all that
was left was his power.
It gradually fuses with Charlotte's soul, and is now nearing
So Charlotte doesn't run out and doesn't break a cold sweat.
As if to show that the force did not cause a seizure, but naturally
became one.
Power engulfed Charlotte, but Charlotte remained peacefully asleep.
Regardless of the engagement spell, Charlotte will be fine. Being
one with the Demon King.
Is this really a good thing?
I do not know.
I call Charlotte quietly.
Because if it's okay this way, it won't be okay in any other way.
“Charlotte, it’s me.”
"Ugh..." At the
sound of someone calling her to sleep, Charlotte with dark hair
narrowed her brows and frowned.
Finally, let's call a jitguntge opened his eyes still deoni Charlotte
narrow your forehead.
"Hmm .... huh?"
Charlotte and I stumbled my eyes.
think about seeing you.
Look me in the unlit room, suddenly the gunmen would seem an
intrusion with it in the room? In the dark,
watching what seemed to be a largely tteoji Charlotte eyes torn out.
"How ... ..Suck! Ugh!”
I shut Charlotte's mouth in case she ever screamed, but
while a
the moment I .
I could
see the young fear in Charlotte's eyes, who didn't know who I was,
as I wondered in my mind how different this was from an irreversible
crime .
Come to think of it.
Charlotte was once kidnapped by Sarkegaar.
A thick darkness
began to flow from Charlotte's hair, whose reason had been blown
away by fear .
And, I
could clearly see dozens of dark spears appearing in the air and
aiming at me .
- Easy profit!
"It's me! It's me! Reinhardt!"
I could clearly see the dozens of dark spears flying at me from all
directions and stopping just before they turned me into a bunch of
spears. It
happened within a second, before Charlotte closed her mouth and I
could explain anything.
Hey dwe was not really jilppeon.
"I'm sorry Reinhardt ...." "No ... I can not do that. thing catches on to
find tempted to reply."
“I should have thought it could be you, but I was so surprised…”
I vomited an apology from the landlord for the subject of trespassing.
Charlotte was so surprised that she almost killed me. He hugged me
without even looking at me and
apologized for being sorry.
"I'm going to be more careful in the future. I've never been here
“I should have said I was coming too. You might be surprised. I
wasn’t hurt.”
“I told you to come at any time… um… hmm… okay…?”
As Charlotte was talking, her eyes widened as if she had just
checked her condition.
“Yeah, you should care more about your condition than me now.”
Charlotte hurriedly stood in front of the full-length mirror in the
bedroom when she looked down her hair and saw that her hair was
dyed black.
Her black hair had turned black, and her pupils had black eyes
instead of the usual golden ones.
Charlotte's fingertips trembled. He will be crushed by the fear of
being eroded by this power again.
“Again… again…”
“Calm down, Charlotte, it will be fine soon.”
When Charlotte is in this state, he
knows now that it's only a psychological matter that gets him into the
game .
As I hugged my shoulders, Charlotte looked in the mirror and buried
her face in my arms.
“There is no such thing as someone controlling your consciousness
like last time. It just happens sometimes. In reality, nothing happens.
trust me."
“You feel like someone is trying to dominate you, or you’re losing
control of yourself, or you don’t.”
The appearance of a major change in appearance can in itself
cause doubt in others, but it can also be somehow controlled.
Of course, even though she knew it was okay, Charlotte was terrified
of the fact that she had changed.
After a while of exhortation, Charlotte stopped shaking.
But the hair that had turned black did not come back.
Charlotte muttered blankly as she held a beautiful, dark-colored hair
in her hand.
“I feel… so strange.”
The feeling of something taking over your consciousness must have
been terrifying, but after you have calmed yourself down, you will not
feel any real threat.
It must have been a reaction from a sense of crisis, but Charlotte
even used her powers to attack me. Charlotte seemed to instinctively
know how to handle the power of the Demon King.
"Um, hmm. Anyway. Is there something urgent?"
looked at me and asked if she was curious about my business,
which came to me in the middle of the night, more than her own
problems, looking at me with the fingertips that were brushing her
I've heard from Bertus that you're bound to die unless I marry you.
such talk did not hear any static tables Charlotte.
Was he reluctant to receive sympathy from Bertus?
“Yes, let’s say this gets better.”
I didn't start with that story right away. Charlotte nodded at my words.
"Yes. I hope so.”
“Then, will all the problems be solved?”
Charlotte's expression quickly darkened.
"Then, from now on, nothing will happen. Will we be able to live
safely all the time?"
to my question.
Charlotte didn't answer anything.
Charlotte was not in a state where she could fully focus on the issue
of succession to the emperor.
First, I focused on finding Bali, and secondly, I was too busy taking
care of my own body because I didn't know when the demon king's
soul would be encroached upon.
So the distance was too wide, and Bertus set the ball too big. The
things they did to survive eventually became the name of the heir to
the imperial power who did nothing.
It was irresistible.
However, the fact that it was a force majeure situation did not give
Charlotte any additional points.
"Bertus, did you hear something?"
I couldn't even say no.
“From the time I came back alive from the Demon King, it may have
been decided that this would be the case.”
I'll done.
Even if she hadn't wasted time looking for Bali, Charlotte would not
have been able to overcome the aftereffects of the operation she
had been subjected to by the Demon King.
It's just a set sequence.
“It is true that my position has become very unstable. The people
who supported me are now looking at Bertus’ notion, not mine, so
I’ve said it all.”
They can't stick to Bertus' side, but now that Charlotte's defeat is
certain, they look to Bertus, not Charlotte.
Since the Palace of Spring has been closed for unknown reasons,
even close associates are probably aware of what's wrong with
Charlotte. It would be difficult to believe in an anxious master, even
for simply living a normal life.
Above all else, the centrists would have attached themselves to the
powerful Bertus, who was the next emperor to see Charlotte's
“When Bertus becomes emperor, it might be my people, not Bertus's
minions, who kill me. I might try to get an indulgence with my life.”
There is no need for Bertus's entourage to persuade him to kill
A strife arises between Charlotte's forces and they may kill Charlotte.
In that case, it wasn't Bertus who killed
Charlotte, so Bertus said that he did not harm Charlotte. Although
the relationship between Bertus and Charlotte has not been
resolved, Bertus has already won, so he can only show mercy. It
seemed obvious that his hostility towards Charlotte had waned so
"Um, I don't know. As long as I deal with my situation, I might as well
be okay while I'm in the Temple."
Charlotte looks at me and smiles,
"Remember that His Majesty your Majesty? It is a story of depriving
the other of the succession right if something goes wrong in either of
When I was a freshman, the emperor apparently sent an edict for
such a dragon to the Temple Royal class.
“So, it won’t be a big deal for at least a few years.”
At least five years or more until graduating from Temple. Of course,
that would be the case if nothing special happened to the emperor
by then, but the word itself could become obsolete over time.
“And things may change over the years...”
Charlotte muttered as she said that. years to come. Things could
change if Charlotte achieves something in the meantime.
The word itself is correct.
However, even Charlotte's supporters have already sensed the
result and turned around. Only if you turn around quickly will you be
able to avoid flying outside the eyes of the next emperor.
If you lose your foundation, it's already over by itself. There is no
next chance.
So, Charlotte's words are just an excuse.
An excuse to reassure me.
The people of Bertus will not harm Charlotte, but if Charlotte's close
associates do stupid things, neither Charlotte nor Bertus can handle
There is a very high possibility that the story that it will be safe for
several years is not true after all.
You may not be able to graduate from Temple safely, but
Charlotte is lying to me
that you will be able to live free from the spirit of the Demon Lord for
at least a few years .
“It was a life I couldn’t live in the first place.”
Charlotte looks at me and says so.
“In the end, I was only taken advantage of, but if I can live as I will, if
I can live like that for a few years…”
Charlotte smiles sadly at me.
“I have enough of that.”
Over the time limit and finally the time limit. I
worked hard to get out of the life of the limit, but after that
, it would be better to have some probation , and that would be
Charlotte resigned. I
was fed up. What is the
Empire and what is the imperial family? Being an emperor is
Charlotte quietly held my hand .
"Reinhard." One
even if the tooth Berger was not the village Um kill Charlotte
Charlotte should die. even Vere tooth does not have a hand at all
Charlotte is a very high possibility of death.
Because he was born with the potential to have powerful power, he
also had the penalty of death if he did not gain power .
Mercy is unacceptable because it is laxity.
He looks at me with sad eyes.
“You have already sacrificed a lot for me. I did nothing for you, but
you did too much for me. You won't be able to repay it for the rest of
your life."
Charlotte gently wiped the back of my hand
"I don't know what you're thinking, but don't sacrifice anything for me
Charlotte had to know that I had rushed into the bedroom in the
middle of the night with some thought.
“I’ll ask you as your friend.”
It felt so desperate to think of me as more than a friend, but
Charlotte ended up using the word friend
Charlotte stopped me from saying anything.
It seemed that he no longer wanted me to sacrifice for myself.
Charlotte was already losing support. You will become more and
more isolated politically, and there will be less and less work to be
But Charlotte doesn't want me to sacrifice any more for her
It is not known that I became the owner of Alsbringer, and it would
not change much if I married Charlotte under that circumstance. If
that is the case, the fact that I am the owner of Tiamata and
Alsbringer must also be known.
In order to save Charlotte, I will also bear the penalty of making my
name known to the public.
Without leaving Charlotte's bedroom, I sat quietly in the chair by the
In the dark, Charlotte was lying on her bed, staring blankly at the
ceiling. Charlotte's body, dyed with black hair, returned to normal
after closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths.
It seemed that he had almost gotten used to the control of his power.
“If it’s already over, I wonder if I should give up this power, because
after all, it’s a strong power.”
| As long as I lose my support base,
even if it's the power to protect myself, even if it's an evil and
unstable power, shouldn't it be left behind? Charlotte
seemed to reach that conclusion.
Charlotte smiled sadly at my words.
Charlotte's current situation is that it is a force that almost destroyed
her, but she is gradually moving toward a situation where she has no
choice but to rely on this power.
Just now, if I had been an intruder, Charlotte would have been able
to kill the intruder with the power of the Demon King and survive on
her own.
On the contrary, if you are freed from the spirit of the Demon King,
you will not be able to even resist the last resort of self-defense.
Charlotte and I know that.
So, even though Charlotte knew I was the one who broke into her
room, she realized that if she encountered a real intruder or
assassin, she had no choice but to lean on this cursed power that
the Demon King had put into her. It seemed
“Nothing goes the way I thought it would
Charlotte smiles and turns her head to look at me.
Ever since she was kidnapped by the Demon King, Charlotte's entire
life must have been hell.
I searched for Balier, but I
couldn't meet him again , and in the end I found out that Balier was
the heir of the Demon King.
He was also defeated in the competition for the throne.
He wanted to remove the demon king's soul from his body, but now
he may have to lean on it.
“But, you know.”
Charlotte quietly took my hand.
“There is at least one good thing that didn’t go the way I thought it
Charlotte grabbed my hand and held it to her chest as if it were a
“Being close to you.” |
An A-class bastard with a bad temper. and the successor of a
criminal organization.
I and Charlotte, who I thought were scumbags, suddenly became
close enough to be together in the bedroom of the palace of spring in
the middle of the night.
It probably wasn't what Charlotte expected, and it wasn't what I
expected either.
This is also something that has not been resolved as expected.
“I am very grateful for that.”
Although not everything worked
out as expected.
Charlotte didn't seem to think that everything had failed.
There is only one way to save Charlotte
| There may be a probation period of several years, but there is a
high possibility that the apostate Charlotte's aide will try to take
Charlotte's head tomorrow.
It can actually harm or even poison.
You might lose this smile.
A sad smile, but losing that smile.
Losing Charlotte forever. I can't stand it “Then let’s do this.” "Yes?
I put my hand on Charlotte's cheek.
“By getting married in half.” "Yes? half married? What do you mean?"

The Demon King Goes to the Academy

Episode 390
Let's Get Engaged. It doesn't even have to be marriage. In the end,
to give Charlotte a temporary cause.
Not because he was afraid of Bertus' power, but to
prevent Charlotte's aides from changing their minds.
It was said with the intention of putting out the fire urgently
. Charlotte looked up at me as she lay down and bit her lip.
“What the hell…why are you doing this…
Charlotte puts her hand on my cheek, as I do.
Charlotte's slightly cold body temperature reached my cheeks.
"I am the person you have to do this to. No... you are not me..."
“You are precious.”
There were so many emotions and thoughts swirling around as if my
head was going to explode, but all I could say was this.
“Then that’s it.”
This is the wrong choice.
No one can be happy with this choice,
only ensuring someone's survival. is that enough
So, is
it right to let Charlotte die ?
I hate to see the situation, so is the worst
I choose the lesser evil rather than the
really right?
When Charlotte finally
sees me saying that, her face contorted, her eyes tightly shut, and
she begins to weep.
“Reinhardt… I. Too. So...thank you..."
Charlotte cried out in the end.

I’m so… so sad…” Not because I loved Charlotte, but because I
knew that I had made this choice to protect Charlotte.
couldn't spend the night at the Palace of Spring , so I returned to the
Temple again
. Of course, it was through the warp gate under the palace of spring.
It hasn't been officially announced, but it's been decided that
Charlotte will be engaged.
I do
n't know how or how I'll do it, but it was a promise the two of us had
made with Charlotte.
In a situation where there were only wrong answers wherever I went,
I felt as if I had chosen the wrong answer of the lesser evil.
I had decided to get engaged, so I
couldn't make the decision on this matter alone.
Externally, I
need to create a justification for how I can be appointed as the
imperial father-in- law, who is only a student of the Temple Royal
class .
It must be known that I am the owner of the Alsbringer. So just
because I decided to do it doesn't mean that it will be possible right
So, I had no choice but to meet the most important person to talk to
after that.
“Engagement… you mean?”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
Considering the situation, it is very pretentious.
It's because the guy from the commoners
asked the emperor for exclusive use and then
said he'd be engaged to the princess .
But the truth is, the emperor was the first to ask me for this kind of
request, but I was the first to say something I couldn't bring up.
Engagement, not marriage.
The emperor was quietly contemplating with his eyes closed in front
of me to see if it was possible to make the gap that occurred in that
“Can you afford it?”
I didn't ask what he could
handle, but there were too many words in that word of affordability.
Bertus himself asked for
it, he must have said that he could handle
Bertus . Being the owner of Alsbringer If it is revealed to the public, it
can attract the attention of the Demon King.
And even things that get tangled and ruined with other people.
I risked my life for Charlotte the first time, and the second
time. You have to walk.
Life and everything. It
feels like the same meaning, but to me it has a completely different
Even Charlotte my decision.
Rather, I was just sad, not happy,
it seemed like I was making myself miserable .
"Yes, I can handle it."
My heart was complicated, but the answer was simple.
I will protect Charlotte. This is the first time I'm going to rescue the
first thing I saved.
"Thank you... Reinhardt."
The second thank-you from the emperor. It must have been a
glorious moment, but I didn't think it was that much of an honor.
I talked to the emperor about the engagement
After all, externally, I'm still only a regular student, and if the fact that
Charlotte and I are engaged is known, I'd be a commoner. It just
turns into a bizarre scandal that he is betrothed to a princess. It
takes only
two titles to be known that he is the new owner of Alsbringer.
I don't know how to proceed with this in detail, but Charlotte is more
dangerous than now. I had to get things done before
sunset. Once Charlotte had control over her powers, she would be
safe from a physical attack.
she didn't know how to explain these things to the kids.
They wouldn't understand . .
do not even think there'd be understanding.
but I could not know how to explain this, I was not even yireojido
thing I know about this, and yet the Emperor, and only Charlotte.
would be better if you did this tooth up Vere proposal itself
over the weekend, the following week.
Xaviolin Tana called me and Ellen
“As of this time, I will be in charge of your two major classes.”
The major class for me and Ellen has been completely replaced.
We both expected to some extent. The
major class has already been replaced with combat training, but the
real training for the two of us should be based on the use of holy
relics. even I have been to bring Al's word.
temporary housemaster teachers took to Xavier De Roo who was
after all a temporary teacher. Oh,
to teach us more directly.
"when I have a busy and other personnel will cater to your class .”
Tana getting it bumps when Charlotte I pushed in the succession
race felt like away from the Guard role of Charlotte
, but also think that Maybe cause I pick, but not sure.
Chapter we learn to Xavier De Roo cow was not a dormitory
gymnasium .
"inde original if you can not stand when used carelessly, you guys
egen license was down. I'll put it out facility registration may be
separately come here for training."
The place where Xaviolin Tana took us was the Temple's high-level
combat training ground.
such a place.
A battle training ground with the same system as the main stadium
during the Temple Tournament.
A training ground where recall artifacts are triggered when the
situation is on the verge of fatal injury even if they fight with all their
It is a place with a setting that
no one can use it
because the construction cost is very high and the maintenance cost
is huge . In fact,
classes dedicated to the Royal Class are not taught here.
Unlike the main stadium, which was outdoors, we entered the
training ground while wearing the safety device artifacts.
Ellen summoned Rament, and I summoned Alsbringer and Tiamata.
Saviolin Tana looked at me like that, and her expression turned into
a muffled expression.
Anyway, I summoned both of them because they were there
Do I need to practice double swordsmanship now?
“ hurts my head.”
“I think so too.”
Ellen nodded as if in agreement.
"I've had two holy relics
in my life
, but it's not the first time you've been thinking about whether to use
both or just one .... But, anyway, should I call this a happy
thought ..." Tana remembered Woo He looked at Ellen's eyes for a
second and then corrected his words.
Lagann Artorius Sir of
As a saviolin
Tana , she didn't seem to have any idea whether she should start the
bizarre thing called double swordsmanship from now on, or whether
she should use it with choice and concentration, exchanging relics
whenever necessary
“Your doctor will be important. What are you going to do?”
Tiamatta and Alsbringer.
Both are very powerful relics.
Saviolin Tana seemed very negative about the dual swordsmanship.
I also wanted to use both, but I didn't even want to learn the dual
swordsmanship from the beginning after throwing away everything I
had done so far.
In the case of double swordsmanship, isn't the
freedom of the left hand being lost rather than increasing one attack
method in the first place ?
How can I not put this together in one bag
Alstiamata I'll change the name to something like that, so why not
join us?
Of course, no such thing happened.
I counter-summoned Tiamata.
“We will do it as one. If I try to force myself to use both, I don’t think it
will work either.”
"It's a wise decision Reinhardt." If
you try to change your body by forcing yourself to use what you
have, what you
've built up so far
will be ruined . First of
all, you need to experience Alsbringer's basic abilities. have the
Basic abilities and true abilities.
In the case of Tiamata, it basically has a
very strong perm power
. True power is being able to use enormous divine power at will.
Olivia's help is a special situation, though.
In the case of Rament, it has a similar effect to the Auror Blade, and
I do not know the true effect yet.
In the case of Rafeld
, I confirmed something similar to the Auror Armor last time, and
likewise, I do not know the true ability of this one.
And Alsbringer.
The true power is to summon the god of war.
- Kwakang!
collided with the Alsbringer I was wielding, Ellen took a half step
back. This
happened despite the fact that there was still a significant difference
in strength between me and Ellen. bullhorn repeated way.
the real strength of Al's bring word was god of war
, but the avatar ability to recall, yes
it to Al's bring eoga but it only
does not mean that there for.
the default effect of Al's Brighton control is simple.
I have a relative The more things you do, the more you do it.
I have more than me If you are strong, you can be strong
And, with him, I was recalled outside the training ground.
makes the owner strong. It had a simple yet powerful basic effect to
live up to the name of the sword of the god of war.
Of course, it is not because it is the sword of the god of war, but it is
just a setting made to easily create a situation where the main
character defeats and eats a stronger person than himself.
The Alsbringer I heard from Ludwig for such a setting is now in my
Of course, as
usual with such settings, it cannot be invincible.
Strengthens the owner.
That ambiguous word, after all, says
it makes you stronger, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it
makes you win against a stronger person than you.
You said that the more your enemies are stronger than you, the
more you have, the stronger you are, and where did you say that it
makes you win?
Of course, you may win, but you may not.
It is a very powerful holy thing, but in the end it is
an ambiguous condition.
Because the ambiguous setting is convenient for writing.
- Get a card!
Ellen's Rament slashes my sword at a rough,
but precise angle,
and comes in at
an angle that pierces the trunk of my neck .
- Pot!
If it had been a real battle, no matter how much power
he had strengthened his body, he would have had his throat cut and
Ellen is much stronger than me.
even though Alsbringer made me that strong,
I was still no match for it.
Lost 10 years ago.
“Ha ha ha ha ha...”
I almost fell out of the training ground.
it is exhaustion
If it was a real battle, he was killed ten times by Ellen.
“I can definitely feel the power of the Holy Spirit. On average,
they survived more than 15 sums more than usual .”
Xaviolin Tana, who watched everything outside the training ground,
nodded quietly. It was the same as usual, but the frequency of
pushing Ellen increased.
Ellen, who returned to the waiting room,
was drenched in sweat so much that her hair was stuck to her
forehead .
It was such a fierce
ten battle that Ellen could say such a thing .
“How would I feel if I had even lost it?”
Ellen didn't even use lapels. It means that if it had been a real battle,
it would not have been an opponent at all.
Alsbringer and Tiamata at the same time
Is there any way I can use it? If you put one sword in a scabbard and
put one on a helina or the like to fight, would you be able to use both
of the buffs?
Reinhardt, you often encounter situations that increase your physical
abilities, including reinforced superpowers. So, it is not possible to
accurately judge at every moment how much athletic ability you
have. That's why
there are often situations where you almost force yourself to push .
On the contrary, there is a tendency to panic when the opponent is
pushed away. You have to get used to how strong your physical
abilities are and in what situations.”
Both me and Ellen were exhausted
and sat on the bench side by side , listening to Tana's feedback
“Ellen, there is nothing to blame.”
"thank you."
I was the only one who heard the feedback.
Xaviolin Tana's favoritism no longer exists.
therefore. Tana was
n't disappointed with me .
'What should I say to Ellen? If you only say
anything to Reinhardt ...' Reinhardt told Ellen not to be discouraged,
but I can't say anything on purpose.
'What if?'
'I want to compliment you.'
I want to show favoritism, but I can't.
It's like that at an arrogant level.
At the end of the day, I
even wrote something called a self-reinforcing type of relic in a cheat
called psychic powers and was beaten.
Eren also used Rament, but in the end, an unbreakable sword called
Alsbringer was used.
Sharpness can't be a big
advantage hands on . It
be a different story if you were an Auror Blade user like Tana, who
could generate a magic wave from the sword itself .
Ellen, armed with all sorts of cheats, would crush her with just her
physical strength.
"Ha ... ha ..."
Ellen saw itjani resting while wet with sweat gappeuge breath.
feeling that seemed to follow favorite.
Be it ever so wash equipment.
And every time I see Ellen uncomfortable heart was located on the
other hand.
this should tteon, that word should be called guilty uncomfortable
devil goes to School
391 Tuesday
we were finally also among the royal class receive a special student
There studied the day of the original major classes It's not just taking
classes, but I canceled all other classes and spent the whole day
training with Tana Saviolin. It's not like I'm in a situation to discuss
grades, but I've heard that they will take care of that part, so don't
Me and Ellen had battles with each other,
but in the end they played against Xaviolin Tana.
A series was also conducted.
You have to get used to gaining a level of physical ability that goes
beyond your own.
Al's certainly bring freezing, Xavi was raised raised my abilities more
dramatically when the other partner to me.
didn't make me a Sword Master, but the
stronger the opponent, the stronger I am. I really liked Alsbringer's
basic ability itself.
They stole the cheats for the main character.
And the problem Tana pointed out.
When I was dealing with Saviolin Tana, my physical ability increased
so much that I
couldn't control my steps, so I fell
out of control.
As she rushed in, I couldn’t do anything
my feet got twisted and I was about to fall , but
she grabbed me by the collar and made me sit properly . I
tried to win against Ellen in the same way she was against Saviolin
Tana, but it was meaningless. .
the getup if it would be no more terrible than the earlier is clear.
I looked at the still bring Al's've heard in my right hand.
"do not feel in enduring. not familiar with unprecedented thing ever
ever gonna use cases for granted."
The stronger the opponent, the stronger I become. is a holy relic that
gives a very powerful but overly ambiguous buff. Therefore, it is
important to properly recognize how much my physical ability has
been strengthened and to control the body.
It's a strong force, but if you can't control it, it might be better not to
use Alsbringer.
“Let’s try again.”
I don't know if I'll
ever be
able to unleash the true power of the Alsbringer later, but the
Alsbringer is already a
very powerful artifact in itself.
I have to get used to it.
Tana Xaviolin has
trained us in many ways .
And I
fight each other. And personally, I fight Ellen and me directly one-on-
one. After a
feedback period, I teach pincers. I never beat Ellen,
and of course Tana Xaviolin couldn't beat it even once. It
was the same with , Gonggong,
but Tana, who said she was not used to teaching, was by no means
a person who couldn't teach
"Tell me about your course of action when you are isolated in a field
She also taught me how to not only fight in actual combat situations,
but also how to survive while fighting, that is, how to survive in
guerrilla warfare and isolating enemy positions.
| This must have been the same teaching in the temple battle major
class, which has now been changed to combat training.
Of course, that's not her role
. However,
since the situation in which Ellen and I were being educated by her
was a secret among
secrets, Saviolin Tana was only playing the role of teachers from one
to ten.
I learned
how to infiltrate enemy positions, how to bypass magical barriers,
and how to act in unexplored areas .
The two of us learned about things like surviving alone rather than
working with someone, or assassination of factors.
That's what a warrior is after all.
assassin who infiltrates the enemy camp and cuts off the enemy's
head .
In fact, what Lagann Artorius did was not much different from that.
So Xaviolin Tana was teaching us as assassins, not soldiers.
“Of course, it is possible that the Demon King is secretly working on
the Human Continent rather than the Dark Land. And even if you find
him, you can still escape through teleportation,
and I will teach you how to deal with that and also about home
appliances soon.”
. It seemed to teach us a lot about how
to find enemies hidden human cities, battles in the city, and more.
not only learning swordsmanship.
But, somehow.
Once you know
how to hunt, you will inevitably learn how to escape naturally .
Soon, I was finally learning how to run, not how to hunt.
Where eternal winter reigns.
The Vampire Council,
"Antirian, how is it going?"
"It's very high-level magic, so it's going to take some time to design
it, but the wizards of the Order are very good. It doesn't seem like it
will take that long."
Antirian’s answer to Elerys’ question was that
way.The construction of the dungeon and labyrinth in the
Darkland was going smoothly.The
Black Order and Antirian were very interested
in the magic book on the design of the labyrinth called Quantum
Maze . It was magic that suited the current situation and purpose.
"It was interesting. How did you get such a powerful magic?"
“It is difficult to answer.” “Heh heh, you don’t trust me too much.”
Somewhat saddened by Antirian
Elerys took a deep breath at the seemingly intimidating attitude. As
soon as he learned about the library under the Demon King's Castle,
he couldn't share the location with someone who was likely to attack
it right away, and Elerys didn't have the right to make a decision
about it.
Recently, the Vampire Council had frequent meetings. The
reason that council meetings, which are
held once every few years or more than ten years, are held so
was because of the cooperative relationship with the Demon King.
"Did Lucinil do well in the Temple?"
At Le Ruen's question, Lucinil smiled
and nodded. Lucinil had left the temple after class and teleported
straight to the council meeting
“Even if it’s necessary, isn’t it uncomfortable? It must be hard work.” |
"Why is this so hard? Are you living with cute and cute kids?"
“……You know what, Lucinil? Sometimes I don't understand Lucinil
more than that Antirian."
“I think your withered sensibility that doesn’t feel cute is cute, but I
think it’s pitiful.”
“Don’t tell me.”
When it comes to travelling, Lucinil is
just as good as Antirianus.
true that Antiriano Neil entered the temple but when he said that
such a thing was necessary, Lucinil was very happy.
"Anyway, don't forget the original purpose of security."
“You can do it on your own, you monster
"The monster comes out when you shake the flask a few times
who water is. It’s nonsense.”
“Uh, that… that kind of thing really hurts…?” 1
“You were the first to say that you were a monster.”
"Then, you did .... I'm sorry ...."
Lucy Gallardo simuruk it became Neil put on the arm rest.
| "... Well, hmm, I say severe apologize
Too long lived even bother ground quickly apologize for arguing with
each other
is provided Learn how to. Gallardo
doeja off the atmosphere slightly stiff buditchimyeo slapping them
hard, Lucy's
looked at the.
"Yeah, so is a close guard the king
on the current situation's also know
dont. Are there any special threats or problems? We are holding
hands for now, but it
is not a matter of what the Black Order may be up to behind the
scenes ...”
“Oh right! Alsbringer!”
Lucinil suddenly turned into a color of anger, as if she had lost her
pale look, and jumped up from her seat.
“Our Archdaemon! Because I was chosen by Alsbringer!”
My son got a job somewhere good. She looked like an excited
Naturally, there was a moment of panic in the council rather than
panic. Even Antirian was confused for a moment.
Tiamata, and Alsbringer.
Balier possessed two relics.
In particular, Elerys was listening to the story with her eyes wide
Elerys had told Balier that
the owner of the Alsbringer would be Ludwig.
It must have meant that the prediction was wrong, or that the future
had changed.
or maybe
Balier may have lied.
“That child. No matter what I do, I'll do it big. If you don’t do it now,
it’s going to be weird.”
Being chosen by the two holy relics is in line with the meaning of the
will of the gods. However, these are the people who know the truth
about the gods and demons. Humans know that the gods choose for
them, but in reality this is not the case.
If the will of the gods existed, that will of the gods chose Balier.
“Maybe the gods are finally on the side of the demons
Leruyi smiled faintly and
said so . Even though he said that,
was a smile that showed no particular interest in humans or demons
relics have been on the side of humans for a long time, they may be
on the side of demons now
muttered with his heavy arms crossed .
“I believe in the will of the gods
does not But to have two holy relics... It feels like there is a certain
huge flow, and the demon king has no choice but to be the main
character of that flow.”
Elerys looked at the table quietly, unable to erase her sad eyes.
“Actually, the thing that killed the father was in
the hands of the son.” |
Antirian said so with a smile as if it was funny.
“Ah… speaking of… is that so?”
Lucinil's expression was startled, as if he had never thought of
Antirian's point of view.
“Somehow, his expression was a little shaky.”
Lucinil was
recalling Reinhardt 's expression that had hardened when Alsbringer
was given to him, and when
he wondered why he wanted to go there because he didn't like it
enough, he understood that it was a situation in which he had no
choice but to have that kind of expression. was.
Eleanor Reese was looking down at the table with a hard look.
"Al's a bring-eoga .... deterioration ...."
Eleanor Reese still, seen a blizzard which lead to the windows of the
room beyond
Bali is getting stronger
it's because the things that I have to overcome with that strength are
approaching me.
future foresee the wrong lie in the first place
I don't know if I said
Is it not that things that you have to overcome just because you
become stronger will come to you?
Elerys didn't know.
“Are you talking about special activities?”
Sarbina sighed as she looked at the special activity application that
Olivia had submitted.
"Yes, teacher."
it's true that extracurricular activities are recognized since high
school, but you've already been paid for a year, haven't you? This
year, my goal is just to graduate…”
“There is nothing more to learn.”
HT: What
Olivia Ranche said is not exactly wrong. Because she
gave up her major, she
changed her major to swordsmanship for graduation . However, for
Olivia, who had neither divine power nor swordsmanship compared
to any other graduates in the first place, the class was, to say the
least, a waste of time.
So, he decided that it would be good for himself to gain experience
that could not be accumulated inside the temple through outside
activities, and that statement is definitely more valid than prevention.
“There may be cases where classes will be accepted, but if the time
is too long like last time, you may have to forcefully pay the exam
Olivia smiled broadly at Sensei Sarbina's words.
“Then that’s good.”
In response to the desire to be retained, Mr. Sarbina understood the
He couldn't do it, but it seemed he couldn't break Olivia's will.
However, when Sarbina saw the contents
and destination written in Olivia's special activity volunteer book, she
shook her head.
“Yeah… It’s not that dangerous here, and the investigative team sent
by the Empire is also stationed
here …. It won’t be a big deal, but… Why the hell are you going here
At the teacher's question, Olivia gently raised the corner of her
“I want to find the traces of the Demon King.”
Olivia's destination.
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The Demon King goes to the academy
After the major class was replaced, I
He was training to get used to the power of Bringer. Inside the Royal
Class, it was known that I was the owner of the Alsbringer, so I was
able to take out the Alsbringer at any time in the gym.
Of course, the Alsbringer is a sharp sword that eventually actually
separates flesh and bone when pulled.
Therefore, we agreed to use it only at the high-ranking combat
training ground, not at the training camp. In the first place, the
opponent must have a training sword, but with that, Alsbringer and
The moment it collides, the sword itself may be smashed or cut into
Of course, he was busy with training, but in the end, he took general
classes and obviously had spare time.
As the owner of Alsbringer, on the continent
I've been thinking about making a name for myself, but I haven't
been able to do it yet. Charlotte was still doing well.
But every time she looked at me, Charlotte had a face that looked
like she was about to cry.
Thank you for me and at the same time, so beautiful
I felt like I wasn't doing it.
“Why are you eating well?”
I walk Main Street with Lucinyl
He was staring blankly at Lucinyl chewing up the crepe.
Now there were only two. Lucinil follows me and whines me for a
It's just that I've just taken it out into the air,
But that's the way it is to eat, because I said that Elerys can eat it
But why does he eat deliciously?
“Do you not know that I am special, Reinhardt?”
“What are you talking about?”
"I'm not a normal vampire, I'm a homunculus, and my body type is of
course different from that of humans, and it's different from normal
“Would you like to speak a little bit?”
“It’s okay because the main keywords are doing real-time noise
cancellation on their own. Anyway, so I magically
You can control your body, Temple Gay
Can't you see that it passed easily? So you can taste it. It just isn’t
my life force.”
Lucinyl is a common vampire in many ways.
different from ear A life that did not even exist in the first place called
a homunculus is a snake.
because it became a fire
In the end, Lucinil, a homunculus vampire, was compared to other
As a result, it seemed that he was feeling more whole as a living
“By the way, I got the Alsbringer.
Aren't you a little reluctant about it or anything like that?"
“It’s a caution to write anything you can write.”
"Hmm. That's right. He said he didn't even remember."
It's a little bit for Lucinil to feel a little uncomfortable about the thing
that killed the Demon King being held in my hand.
It seems he was worried.
"Ugh, I'm feeling nauseous too. I think I'm going to vomit."
Lucinil ate the crepe for a while and then
His complexion darkened, and
I ran back and forth to the public restroom.
You seem to be eating well, but why are you like that again?
The more you know, the more Lucinyl is a bizarre guy.
it was
After a while, Lucinil walked over to me, wiping the corners of her
mouth with a haggard expression.
“If you want to eat well, you have to eat well. What are you doing?”
“I eat even though I know that if I eat, I will vomit.
You have to eat what you want, don't worry about it because you can
manage your facial expressions well in front of other kids."
Sounds like an alcoholic's excuse.
“Anyway, I shared with the council that you were chosen by
Alsbringer. And the dungeon renovation seems to have gone well.”
In the end, I didn't call it out of boredom, but he brought me out to
share the current situation.
“By the way, the Magic Research Club kids are a little offended.”
“Isn’t that strange?”
“You guys made what it was. That is nonsense."
power cartridge and moonshine,
Lucinyl seemed to know about it.
“No, no matter how talented it is, whatever it is, even if you ask me to
make it right away.
Two things I don't understand, even those
How many months did you make it? Looking at the research data, it
doesn’t look like there are any flaws?”
How about royal class?
I thought it would be just kids to watch, but seeing the results with
my own eyes, Lucinyl seemed to come to think that it was nonsense.
It deserves to be called an Archmage, and even a Lord Vampire,
who has been studying magic for a long time, has an object that can
startle a high school club.
Two levels were created.
Of course, the talents of Adelia and Christina are absurd, but in fact,
our grades in the Royal Class are just too exceptional.
Moonshine and Power Cartridge. In what way did you get to see the
research data?
I don't know, but Lucinil realizes that it is not a place where the
magic research group simply gathers and children discuss magic.
This seemed to me.
"It's not that I don't understand your intention to keep the
performance a secret...but I think it's a bit of a waste."
Cantus magna get caught in a weird way or have problems with kids
It seemed that Lucinil knew that he had decided to hide his
achievements in fear of an accident.
Of course, I didn't even say that I had to keep it a secret even to new
club members.
I felt the need to do it a little more properly.
“And there are dogs. double-headed cutie
"You're talking about Harriet, right?"
"That's right. In terms of nonsense,
she's the weirdest what? What about reinterpreting scroll magic as
runic magic? No, why would that happen?” |
I'm probably talking to the Magic Research Club kids
Harriet's newly developed magic
I think I've heard of the system.
“What have I been doing up until now that I have become a little
pathetic about myself? Children who are not yet twenty
I'm doing that... Am I really not talented? In other words... pushed by
time... something like that?" |
Lucinil began to say something with a mixture of bewilderment that
he might have been living in vain. Anyway, Lucinil said that the
genius of the Magic Research Club was astonishing, and among
them, Harriet de Saint-Ouen's talent was the most amazing.
This is what you do to protect me and everything, then go around
and hang out with the kids. It's just self-interest.
“If I were Cantus Magna, then the Spellbook
More coveted by them than a few books
going to be."
"...I think so."
In the end, it's not about how the kids say they're cute and genius,
it's about the magic research group kids being the target of Cantus
I did this to tell you that this might be the case.
"You don't seem to think it's okay to use them to try and meet Cantus
Magna." |
Some of the research results are hidden, and Lucinil is watching how
I am actually doing in the temple in real time.
| I'm not going to take advantage of the kids
You just have to know that
“World peace.”
Lucinyl stretches as if torn
“Reinhardt, all those who dream of such a bland thing will not die at
my name.”
“There is no such thing as that.”
“The positive things are good.”
After stretching as much as possible, Lucinil takes a deep breath and
looks up at me.
Contrary to the always playful feeling, the eyes were quite serious.
“Before you build up too many emotions, it's okay to just run away
can work.”
Running away before getting closer to others.
It might be rather ok. is full of what the word lucinyl means
I could understand easily.
Before too many emotions accumulate.
“I think it’s too late for that.”
For that, it was too late at the latest.
At my self-helpful words, Lucinyl looked at me.
As she smiled sadly.
“...and it seems like it.”
so added
Newly in the second grade A class dormitory
For people from other grades who appear frequently, they are now in
the first grade for a new grade.
Lucinyl was added.
“Where is my brother?”
“Ah… Reinhardt if it’s your older brother? Aren't you in the dance
“Oh, yes! Thank you, senior!"
Lucinil nodded to Heinrich and walked back to the dance hall.
went away
For some reason, as soon as the new school year begins, silver hair
Reinhardt who seduced a freshman at .
A junior named Lucinil is a senior to other seniors, but only Reinhardt
calls him my brother and follows him around.
Even Reinhardt seems a bit disliked about it.
That's Reinhardt in everyone's mind
The enemy we all had
was burning again.
But, of course, it cannot be physically expressed.
He is the one chosen by Alsbringer, who has now been given the
emperor's command.
As well as the interest of a cute junior,
Alsbringer as well.
Why is he the only one taking everything!
Everyone was getting to the point of cursing an overly unfair world.
So sucking through the 2nd year dormitory
The wandering lucinyl.
"Ah, hello. Senior."
“Uh, that… um. That, yes.”
Bertus ran into Lucinil in the hallway of the dormitory and greeted
Lucinil with a trembling expression on his face.
silver hair,
Because it acts as a kind of PTSD for Bertus.
So I always go to dealing with people.
Ber who wore cotton and treated him skillfully
Tooth, as much as Lucinil, every time they meet. He couldn't hide his
Lucinil who can't catch such a sign
this is not
“Do you hate me?”
"Huh? Uh, ah, no. There's no reason to. Ummm. No."
“But why can’t you make eye contact when you see me all the time?”
“Ah… did I? Well, not at all. I don’t know.”
He couldn't bear to say that he had an allergy to silver hair, so Bertus
staggered and licked his lips as he looked up at Lucinil looking up at
him with an innocent expression.
Bertus has a lot of work to pay attention to lately, so he's not
concentrating on the temple's work. That's why I'm staying in the
Winter Palace
is frequent, and what is happening in the dormitory
I don't know about things.
Due to something related to Fort Charlotte,
All I know is that Inart is under a lot of stress.
freshman junior.
silver haired girl.
Always looking for Reinhardt.
Reinhardt I don't know how he did it due to the nature of the guy, but
it was clear that he had already cheated on his stomach after
freshman year.
All. At least in Bertus' eyes,
Reinhardt turned a silver-haired girl into a girl who could not live
without her as soon as the semester started.
For what?
Bertus's head grows in a complicated way.
Apostle of Tuan,
A warrior chosen by Alsbringer.
The soon-to-be betrothed to Charlotte, the prospective father-in-law
of the imperial family.
She is the winner of the Women's Dressing Competition,
silver hair fetish,
Unbeknownst to me, Bertus was a silver-haired junior with a smile on
his head.
grabbed both shoulders.
“Watch out for Reinhardt.”
"Yes? Swing?"
"Anyway, if you're careful, be careful!"
Bertus rolled his eyes at Lucinil, who had suddenly lost his ear, and
said so.
“That, that… I will…?”
Lucinil nodded her head in embarrassment.
The most important thing at the moment is to catch Cantus Magna in
a dungeon created in collaboration with the Black Order in the Dark
to be.
And personally, with Charlotte.
How the hell are you going to get engaged and how do you explain
this to your kids? It is predicted that if the emperor's autograph
comes, I'll just do it, but the emperor hasn't looked for me yet.
The research project of the Magic Research Society is sealed after
successful completion, but yes.
The study group itself did not disband. Everyone seemed to come up
with new ideas for a new but not too risky research project. Even if it
was not, it seemed that Louis Ancton shared the achievements of
magic research with the children in his own way, improving their
Me and Ellen were receiving combat training that went beyond
swordsmanship training by Saviolin Tana.
blast furnace,
Even though it was a long thin ice sheet that could break when it was
going to break, in the end, he was having a good first semester.
Of course, it wasn't the same as in the first year.
Normally, on weekends, I spend time battling with Ellen at the gym.
And if not, the Magic Research Society
used to see the progress of the study in
However, as I entered my sophomore year and various conditions
changed, my life changed slightly.
Tanah also used to give up almost all of her job as Chanafel general
manager and spend time training the two of us, but she can't put
everything down.
On the weekend she seemed to go back to the Imperial Palace to do
Shana's business. baby
Even though I am a person who lives tight in the beginning, I live
even more tight
It was like
Even as a grandmaster, I thought that my ludah might fall.
So, during the major classes on weekdays, private expenses
High-ranking combat training under the guidance of Olin Tana
After receiving combat training at the training ground, Ellen and I
used it separately on weekends.
The high-ranking battle training ground was quite far from the
dormitory, so me and Ellen were focused on clashing swords fiercely
The intensity of the battle was even higher and harsher than the way
it had been done in the gym so far.
Ellen used Rament, I used Alsbringer or Tiamatta. lapel
I could use it, but I couldn't.
It was because the flame wave emitted from La Felt blew me away
to a level that threw me off before the sword even touched Ellen's
Rather than a shield that is always active
It's like an automatic interception system.
It was impossible to even break through the power of felt.
So Ellen only Ramen, I'm last name
He used two waters alternately and clashed his swords terribly
throughout the day.
-bang! Kakang!
Last year's Ellen and today's me battled
If it did, I would definitely win.
But now, a year later, I'm still no match for Ellen.
Just as I became incomparably stronger than I was last year, Ellen is
also stronger than I was last year.
Ellen used my stabbing power against me, grabbed my sleeve, threw
it over and crushed me like it was a joint.
He pointed the blade at the nape of my neck.
“It’s dead.”
" doesn't matter because it's reverse summoned anyway."
“…that’s right.”
Here, we attack each other with all our might.
And it doesn't even matter if you poke the pillow. However, during
those years of ruthlessly dealing with each other, they got into each
other's habit, and more often than not, Ellen would still take the
dominating position and then stop. It's become a habit for Ellen to
stop right before my final blow.
We were close, as if Ellen's sweaty hair and slightly rough breathing
could touch.
Being so close to each other
It's not awkward at all for us now.
Ellen looks down at me with a crush on me, and mutters blankly.
“I smell sweat.”
"...don't you think you'll fly?"
At that, Ellen looked at me blankly, and jumped up.

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The Demon King Goes to the Academy
Episode 393 The
high-ranking battle training ground we use is a huge facility.
However, it was not a place that gave permission for use to anyone.
There were only the two of us inside the area we were going to use
for confidentiality and security reasons, but shower facilities and
other facilities were of course equipped inside.
When I came here, I was full of shit as if I had done any kind of
guerrilla, so I tend to take a shower when I go back, so I always
brought extra clothes to change into. Not
just one, but several.
It was still early since we had breakfast, so it was still around twelve
It was time for lunch, but we were still training after lunch, so today
we were going to do battle training here all day long .
By the way.
“I’m going to stop for today.”
Or First there back in the dressing room after a shower, came back
Ellen told yes.
Signs like ppichin is not. Clad eunikka came not out.
If somehow, this momentum seems to try not he kinda my eyes
I involuntarily one Ellen say I think you've made to think you did not
think so far?
So far, boring, hammering Ellen matahon as my sweat, and it is also
in one thought moreundan map
All in all, Ellen seemed to be doing it for the first time.
I thought it was okay because I hadn't said anything up until now, but
I just didn't say anything, and in fact
, I seemed to think that I must have been smelling it to the point of
Ellen didn't say anything about what she was thinking as she stared
at her white toes in slippers.
"no. You know…”
“I was just saying that… the smell of sweat.”
Ellen's voice trembled
, "Oh, don't say anything... Don't say anything."
Ellen's cheeks were
dyed bright red with her head bowed down.
One mistake on the tip of her tongue broke Ellen's mentality. I forgot,
but Ellen is also 18 years old after all. She is
sensitive to such things... Ellen. His mentality exploded with one
word, the smell of sweat.
Even Ellen couldn't blame me
because it was the first thing she said.
Why. It's not that we fought for any other big reason, but the smell of
sweat at that one word Is
n't there going to be a situation where we can't practice
swordsmanship together in the future ?
However, after running the simulation in my head, whatever I say in
this situation is bad news.
Me - I'm sorry for saying that.
Ellen - You mean it smelled?
It comes to the conclusion that there is no apology.
Me - Didn't you smell sweat?
Ellen - Okay then why did you say that
? It is also said that I'm sorry to say that. So you're saying it stinks?
It is very likely that the same result will occur
. But
isn't it normal to smell like sweat when you sweat
This is the worst thing to say without even thinking about what the
answer will be.
In the end, no matter what he said, he had no choice but to damage
Eren's mental state.
So I could not do this or that,
and I sat still, and Ellen was in a state just before humiliation and
only bowed her head.
our dumplings.
In the past, when something like this happens, you sweat, so you
smell like sweat. It
would have been
I became a girl.
But boy
Mental cracks are gone.
It's like you don't know what to do with your toes wagging
Cute things are cute, but let's leave this cracked mentality to powder
as soon as I thought about it, I felt a sense of guilt that came up like
a recoil
I have to tell you.
Now, I have to tell you.
I couldn't keep my mouth shut.
Ellen wiggled her toes and called me
“Uh… huh.”
“You are a little weird these days.”
Ellen is one thing let's stop here, atda likely also because it felt that
such signs. Ellen carefully turned
her head toward me .
"What's going on?"
There's no way Ellen didn't know that the tip of my sword was
So, Eren was also patient, and now I'm asking.
have to say
However, in the end I did
n't say anything.
I didn't know how to get lucky.
Ellen looked at me
silently, then came up to me and gently grabbed my neck | don't The
odor from Ellen's hair and neck tickled the tip of her nose.
“I can be anxious.”
It seems that a close battle with the Demon King is approaching, and
the intensity of training is also increasing, so I guess he thought I
was nervous.
Ellen hugged my neck and whispered in my ear.
"It will be fine."
everything will be alright.
whatever, whatever.
that everything will be fine
Ellen constantly whispers in my ear.
the more Ellen did it, the more the
guilt that filled my heart
grew exponentially .
If I listened to Ellen's small whispers more, I felt like I would lose my
So, I gently grabbed Ellen's arm as she embraced me and released
“Let’s just play.”
I'm so tired.
"We've been running like crazy lately . If we'd rather take a break,
let's not be so naive and just go out and play."
Let's rest a little.
As if there was no rest for a while, running so much that there was
no time to organize my mind or the words I had to say are constantly
pushed back.
Let your head cool down a bit.
And, let's say
At my words, Ellen rolled her eyes slightly and nodded her head
no wonder. It was a tone that seemed to make him feel a little better.
You can go to Temple Main Street,
but today is Saturday.
Therefore, tomorrow is Sunday, and
there is plenty of time to play .
“Let’s go with the other kids.”
Ellen said so, as if she wanted the other kids to go too if she was
going to play. I thought it was going to be just the two of us, but it
was a surprise.
I want to tell you an important story.
There would be no need for the two of us to go out to play. In the
end, everyone will know.
Adelia was in the magic research group, and Liana and Cliffman
seemed to be busy with physical training.
When I asked
to play, I
couldn't be more proud of Liana and Ellen , who threw everything
aside and refused to play on the weekend
“Are you going to play?”
“I don’t know that yet.”
Dont yieotgie before Harriet yet departure was overshadowed by the
imperial mabeopbu
Harriet is deoni seems a little worried
. So I said, will go.
Harriet, me and Ellen.
Set up was come to the temple outside.
Ellen bakhyeoseo play only gymnasium In the original He was a
criminal who only wielded a sword, and there is not much difference
Harriet wasn't cheap in the original story realized
, but He used to be a criminal, and now he's just cute,
but he's still a criminal.
And then, I realized another fact, and I couldn't help but fall for it.
"......What are you thinking about?"
As I looked strange, Ellen looked at me and
“Hey, I just realized something very surprising.”
“Am I not really a huge criminal?”
Very startled and surprising.... To put it bluntly, I am a criminal
wake up at dawn every day to train in the morning, and on
weekends, unless there is nothing special, I lock myself in the gym
with Ellen and specialize in swordsmanship. was keen on having. for
because doing this crap that most punk that right, actually I the
in a quite extraordinary Whatever.- particular
to even look at studies only achievements in the majors, but I see
only grade Temple 2 naeeseon Ellen following It
deserves to be called #2 on the list.
At the appeal of my absurd criminal, Ellen and Harriet open their
mouths slightly and look at me
. "That's right,
I hate to admit it, but it's true...." When I thought about it, it was not
wrong, but both seemed even more startled.
Reinhardt is a model student.
Anyway, Ellen is a criminal, Harriet is a
criminal, but I am also a criminal.
so I've never played before, so when I'm surprised, I don't really
know what to do
I did come out of the temple recklessly
I don't know where to go after this. I was going to play, but what the
hell am I supposed to do?
After all, when I do anything with them, I think of only eating. Of
course, it will be Ellen-oriented.
“I want to go to the sea.”
Ellen said something completely unexpected
to me and Harriet .
"The sea? Isn't it too far to go?"
There is no beach near the ecliptic Gradium.
“Is there anything you can’t go to?”
"how? If it's a gate, there's a queue..."
"Because I'm a great person, there's something like this."
looked at the imperial coat of arms that I had brought in and opened
her eyes.
"No, how do you do this... ah... that's right..."
I don't seem to understand why I have this, but after realizing that I
am the owner of Ars Bringer, under some circumstances I He
seemed to have a sense of whether he had it
, and
then he naturally turned his head, "So, Ellen?"
Ellen also took the imperial coat of arms from her arms and showed
it to Harriet. Harriet looked at the two imperial coats of arms in front
of her,
and then looked at me blankly.
Wow ... Then I'll tell you..."
"Uh, if I were to ask , you're more noble than you . How is it, Glory,
Grand Princess? How does it feel to receive someone with a status
equivalent to that of the imperial family?”
“I, Ik, I, I, I, you, you! You shouldn’t say things like that, you bastard!”
- Pak Pak!
"Uh-huh! Where is this that you tamper with the body of a being
equivalent to the imperial family? uh? Do you want to be arrested for
“Wow, wow… wow really. Hey, this kind of garbage... Garbage...” He
was trembling when he saw that he was going to use it right away
because he had become a member of the subject, which used to be
disgusting when he was introduced to his identity.
Anyway, we can go wherever there is a warp gate.
It is still cold, so going into the sea is a bit unreasonable. After
Harriet had calmed down a bit from the shock and startle, I looked at
“Do you just want to see the sea or go to the sea where
you can swim ?” “I think it would be nice to be able to swim too.”
Then you can go to the tropics.
Well, there's nothing I can't go to. It's the weekend, and it's also
Saturday, so I don't think it'll matter too much if I go out and sleep for
a day.
warp gate system.
This alone is much better than where I used to live.
Swimming beach.
Thinking like that, there was a place that came to my mind.
"Hey, then, shall we go to the place where we did a mission to a
deserted island before?"
"Wow! Is that so?!”
Seeing Ellen and Harriet's excited expressions, they both strongly
“It must have been the Kamsencha Islands.”
“Right. I think so.”
Me and Harriet are eotneunde you abandon altogether forgotten,
Ellen had been correctly stored by name.
Imperial command, Kam sencha Islands.
Gamyeo via the only warp gate reckons the place where the
uninhabited island group mission arrived and teleported by a spiral
Kam haetgie go to We don't know exactly what kind of place the
Sencha Islands are.
Me and Ellen passed the warp gates while pushing the imperial coat
of arms.
No matter which warp gate you go to, pushing the imperial
coat of arms will give you a free pass. Seeing this, Harriet seemed to
be amazed
“There is no checkpoint search or any such procedures.”
“I will.”
When using the warp gate, it was originally
location and identity, and
supposed to describe the purpose of movement, but there was no
check at all for that part. It was the same for me and Ellen, as well as
my companion, Harriet.
Passing through the super-large warp gates, when only the warp
gate leading to Kamsencha Island remained, the guards froze while
looking at the imperial coat of arms.
“Are you talking about Kamsencha Island? ancient! Soon Chapter'll
connect! "
Say with the royal crest on it belongs to the local city as I saw the
people of the sky above first whether guards were positive even
seen it stuck a bunch of frozen lines scramble distance.
In doing so, we Calm sencha Islands I was able
to get to Kamsencha in an instant , but as soon as I arrived at
Kamsencha , the hot air and humid weather
brought back memories of last year's uninhabited island mission.
gate I just passed through was also hot,
but it was literally the real thing. was.
"... as soon as the thing that slightly regret only that geonya?"
"..... I get."
it provided Nagi sweat In humid areas. H.
rieot's arrival was the hot hand seemed fanned.
Ellen looked at a glance to his neck with a look of startled, saw me
looking at
"I'm gonna come back."
kid really like this
. Stop it."
Die than to ill .
“I’ll tell you straight. I never thought you smelled like sweat. I did it if I
thought it was okay to be born, but never once did I think I didn’t like
“...the smell of sweat? What are you talking about?"
In the end, Ellen became a little puzzled at my words, which she
could not stand and shot directly
Harriet didn't seem to understand what
he was talking about ,
no... No matter how
much he was worried about his mental health, he said something like
a pervert , is n't it?
Ellen seemed to be pondering, and then nodded.
"...Do you like the smell of my sweat? Why?"
Ve Riga better is that smell? Why love?
I liked it so nice to my sweaty?
Say that their intentions are not but look at me that look, I like that
as that! To think
there, as all with me one day, as if how lessons I want to hear? then
feel cared similar ditch!
"Please, now its worth as Sorin will have each other."
...why are you crazy?”
“Uh, something like this. It turns me around.
“The smell of sweat…? Do you like things like that?”
Harriet said a little bit terrified.
"no! It's not like that!"
"Then what?"
As I was about to explain something to Harriet, Ellen grabbed my
sleeve and shook her head violently from side to side,
as if she was going to kill
me if I said, "Let's go, wherever it is."
But we did not much know anything about Kam sencha island one
where we had a deserted mission was one of the uninhabited
numerous scattered to dry near Kam sencha island, know where its
unmanned degree we do not know.
On the other hand Kam sencha the island is of course people buy
the place, and the empire direct control commands because large-
scale urban class are plainly even as
people and shops to wander they were all over the place.
ecliptic yet chilly day because spring
was said, to us before coming out the temple about dozens of
minutes ago, thousands of kilometers from the ecliptic thought I'd be
arriving away Calm sencha Islands over was not not at all.
So, we had the coat dressed in street clothes unbecoming nothing to
do with the tropics.
"gonna spend any magic?"
Harriet could
do something similar to how Elerys gave us the Chilling Touch magic
last time in the Darklands .
“Hey, you must have come from a cold place. If you wear it like that,
you lose and die. But, buy some clothes or something.” |The street
vendors looked at us and even told us to buy some new clothes.
“I like magic, but I want to buy clothes in the first place.”
It was the sea and Nabal, and it was a pan-guk that was in a
steamer in this humid weather, so we
naturally moved to the clothing store that called us .
wore a white, light blue dress, a circular straw hat, and light sandals .
Harriet wore a very wide T-shirt, short shorts, and slippers. I must
say it's similar to the missing bottoms fashion, but with that feeling,
I wore slippers, shorts, and something like an Aloha shirt.
I might be swimming, so I just bought a swimsuit, and said,
“It’s better.”
“I can cast magic if you need it.”
I just asked to go out to play in front of the house, but I felt like I was
on a trip, but
I pray that all the places through the warp gate are like the front yard
of my house
He was dazzling as if he was scattering light, and Harriet is now
unraveling his ponytail, so it's a new feeling.
The beach soon showed up, and Ellen ate a coconut from the street,
thinking of the old days
“Yeah? I think it was delicious…”
Heriot took a sip of the coconut that Ellen had offered her through a
straw, and the expression
on his astringent expression was the same.
“Yes… it’s fishy.”
It was quite nice to see them chirping with one coconut. In the end,
Ellen did not throw it away and continued to carry the coconut with
her. I'm not a guy who doesn't throw away food.
Let me just stare at them both. The two of us walking before turned
to me and said
“What are
you doing ?”
"come fast. The sun is hot.” “Uh, uh. okay."
I must have changed clothes to suit the climate. Now it was time to
start moving in earnest.
"I'm hungry."
“Me too.”
AM while training've abandoned me and also eat no lunch was long
worth actually hungry. Harriet also seemed ate no lunch, apparently
an expression of both the distressed biting angda lips, it seemed that
something What are you want to eat.
Then I came to the Kamsencha Islands after thinking about the
group mission on an uninhabited island.
is only one thing these two would want to eat right now :
“Do you want to eat lobster?”

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The Demon King Goes to the Academy
Episode 394
I don't know much about the Kamsencha Islands, but it was clear
that the specialty here is marine products.
“I’ve felt it before, but
why is it this big?”
Harriet's eyes widened at the giant lobster that had been cooked
“It would be nice if it was bigger.”
“…is there anything you don’t like when you grow up with limited
“It’s just that.”
Most of the restaurants were selling seafood dishes,
and the prices were very cheap compared to Huangdao. We
started eating lobster butter, which is five times the size of a regular
lobster , dipped in soup with a fork.
"Ugh! It's been a while since I ate, so
it seems to taste better then !"
Heriot smiled happily and shook his head. As I always feel, he is
highly reactive. Come to think of it, I couldn't eat anything else well,
but I ate this lobster.
When I was
losing my appetite,
Ellen was eating hard as if she was ready to eat when she had time
to say a word. .
I think that giving my share to Harriet helped improve my relationship
with Harriet
. Seafood, including
where it was thrown Since marine resources are abundant, the
Kamsencha Archipelago must have made a
living by distributing such seafood through the warp gate .
The tourist resources aren't bad either.
I wonder if the uninhabited island we went to was special
, and I didn't eat lunch, so I ate it, but seeing Ellen eating a giant
, it was strange even though it was something I'd always seen. .
Well, it's Herriott, like a noble girl, she's eating a fork quite elegantly,
but Ellen eats a little faster.
Ellen was wearing a white dress.
As you can see,
she was eating nonstop, but Ellen was eating while being careful not
to jump out at all in the dress she was wearing.
she ate steadily , no food splashed on Ellen's clothes until she finally
killed a lobster .
don't know if it's a talent to eat without being buried , but you're
“No, you said that you eat well in its own way, but why is your mouth
sticking out?”
After all, isn't this a compliment?
It's not like I said that it's strange to eat without being buried though!
“I was very angry in the past.”
"...Oh yeah?"
“I won’t say anything about eating too much, so don’t eat it after
you’ve buried it. to Dad
"I can't imagine Ellen being scolded
Ellen's father.
When you see your daughter harassing her at the level of her family,
did she say while swallowing tears of blood, not to tell her to stop
eating her?
"So, eating without being buried isn't talent, it's a product of hard
work, right?"
Somehow he eats like that, but the fact that he's not a hater is the
result of his own hard work.
If you ask me, it's cute.
It was the first time I'd heard of Ellen being scolded for eating in the
past, so it was
fresh in her own way.
Come to think of it, around this time last year, seeing Ellen eating
jerky by herself in the early morning hours
was the beginning of Ellen and I sharing food.
It wasn't the place where we did the mission ourselves, but when we
came to Kamsencha Island, the thoughts of last year came to mind
little by little. Ellen
and Harriet seemed to be the same,
“I was really scared when it suddenly rained.”
trembled .
knew that it was raining when he was thinking about that time, but
knowing that it was raining and actually getting hit by the rain were
two different things. I must have brought him to my hut while Harriet
was trembling when the hut flew away.
Harriet's eyes became faint,
It seemed to reminisce about that time.
“Why, if you want to decide, you can go to an uninhabited island and
try one more time by Sunday as an attribute.”
“When will I do it again?!”
Memories are memories, but as if he didn't want to do it again,
Harriet scolded him.
“If I do it again, I think it will be very different from that time.”
Ellen tilted her head and
said so .
Harriet, who had been concentrating hard on making a fireball no
matter how hard it was, now has magical abilities that are close to
instant casting.
Ellen was still alive at the time, but now it is possible to enhance her
magic power,
and even if dozens of orcs rushed at that time, she would have been
able to cut it down with Rament at once.
It was clear that hunting, gathering, and enduring would be easier
than before.
“Yeah, it won’t be as difficult as it used to be.”
Harriet nodded seemed to agree. Long time ago, so if the one who
rounded flesh round die now facing again will throw over as rather
lot of things have become easier.
Know I would not even So, but would Jean godalpeu as before, a
sense of accomplishment that much
Eh ,
Harriet's expression didn't look very happy. Kamsencha was a resort
area, but there were quite a few people coming and going.
Emerald green in the clear blue sky.
On the white sandy beach with the rum blue sea, there were quite a
few people who looked like tourists.
It would have been a bit of a problem if there were only half and half
people in the water, but
fortunately it wasn't that much.
There were people lying on sunbeds under parasols , and there were
even bungalows on the beach.
Ellen looked at the beach quietly and put
her hand on the skirt of her dress
- Whoops!
“Hey, Ellen!”
"Yamma! What are you doing... Oh, you were wearing it."
Abandoned as soon as the four wear a swimsuit in
what Ellen Dunne was a bikini.
Harriet Ellen suddenly take off their clothes
while trying to let frightened blue swimsuit
looked me figure is breathed a sigh of relief.
"I'm wearing a swimsuit to wear .... .”
Harriet went to the changing room on the beach, and I also
changed into a swimsuit and went out from the changing room .
It was still early spring, so unlike the chilly ecliptic, the sun was
The weather and scenery were amazing.
But I have something to tell you today.
So, no matter what I saw, I couldn't feel very good.
We had dinner at a nearby restaurant. Harriet, who is not very
physically active, seemed to be exhausted, so he ate dinner and
drank and then went to the table.
I swam.
With others we enjoy swimming
The method was a little different. Heriot put the underwater breathing
magic on all three of us, and we could go out to sea like scuba
So it didn't really matter to us how many people there were on the
beach in the first place
. We went not to the beach, but to the distant sea
, and almost never got out of the water like we were doing
underwater exploration.
During the mission, I came into the sea to hunt, but now I am
swimming for pure enjoyment.
There were some happenings.
Ellen was surprised by the shark that appeared out of the blue and
summoned Rament to intercept it
Harriet, who was suddenly caught up in a descending current, fell
into the sea and then magically created a current and forced it up.
If you think about it, there were quite a few dangerous things, but
everyone had their own abilities, so there was no problem.
In the end, I
spent a day like that, looking around the sea without any major
problems, getting out and resting, and then entering the sea again .
night time.
fell over
Ellen and I were rather less active than usual, so we had more
“Dinner is dinner, what are
you going to eat ? If you're going to sleep here, you'll
probably have to find a dorm or a place to sleep
tomorrow is Sunday, so you don't have to today.
"I can't go anywhere... I hate sleeping in unknown places... I can't go
Seeing Harriet, who stretched like a jellyfish,
muttering while lying face down , it must have been that her stamina
had exceeded the discharge level. It seemed
“Then let’s find a place to rest.”
“Ugh…thank you…”
Ellen gently
stroked Herriot’s hair .
A place to rest was quickly found. Instead of sleeping in an inn, I
rented a bungalow located on the sea. I was able to find a pretty
decent place because I had enough money and it was a tourist
attraction, so the accommodation was good. All the bedrooms were
separate, so
there seemed to be no embarrassing situation .
A fairly large overwater bungalow even had a small but large
swimming pool.
However, we had been in the water all day and it was night time, so
rather than swimming, we washed and changed clothes and
on the railing, looking at the sea in the night .
“Until this morning, I never thought I would be in a place like this.”
"me too."
Many have changed.
Although warp gates allow long-distance teleportation
It doesn't happen very often to move around the streets like this.
Harriet smiles broadly as if he remembered something and looks at
me and Ellen.
“Hey, I said let’s have a drink if Liana was there too…”
Harriet hesitated as he said that.
Liana would have asked to have a drink at night after coming to a
place like this. However, the current Liana has
become a person who says she is busy when she says she is going
out to play , and even if she actually came,
she would not have talked about drinking .
Changed circumstances, changed people, and changed behavior.
The three of us sat on the patio together and sat blankly.
“It’s only been a year, but so much has
Harriet lowered her head and muttered in a slightly depressed voice.
Harriet, an arrogant and arrogant Grand Duchess, abandoned
arrogance and became kind, but found melancholy.
Ellen had vowed not to live like her brother, but now she understands
her to some extent.
After her father's death, Liana broke free from her slack
And I have nothing to say. Because he has a holy relic, he is forced
to become a warrior. It was the same with Eren, and
this change was both positive and negative.
However, everyone has changed in one way or another, but what
they have in common is that they are all stronger than the situation in
the original.
And, everyone
was feeling the threat from the demon king's sense of crisis , so
everyone was desperate to some extent.
“If everything had been the same… it wouldn’t have been too bad.”
Harriet mumbles in embarrassment.
Liana is still lazy, I'm still a bad guy, and Ellen just likes to eat on the
no need to be strong, no compulsion to be strong.
It would have been nice if only those days could have continued,
Harriet says in this peaceful and calm bungalow at the resort.
Ellen gently embraced Harriet's shoulder.
“We will do well. whatever
anything will be fine
everything will be fine
As if to soothe a child, Ellen whispers quietly to Harriet. Heriot put his
hand on Ellen's arm like that, and nodded.
To Ellen, who believes everything will be all right, to Herriot.
I have to tell you from now on.
It can't be delayed forever
- Crackling...
I heard the sound of grasshoppers from the shore.
Just as Goseong Epiax is winter forever, here it will be eternal
The hot sun shines on the sea and the coast all year round, and the
same scenery
will always be spread out like this.
There is neither eternal winter nor eternal summer for me.
I don't know
what to name the seasons I've been through since I arrived at the
temple, but
"I have something to say to you guys."
Buteon now, you will live a changed seasonal
explanation was lengthy.
But in the end, going to the key words
you let Ron both the look stark, had to see.
Suddenly thrown term engagement
of course, Harriet and Ellen is what I I didn't know what they were
talking about. Suddenly they were engaged.
I explained what I was trying to say. It was a strange thing that
gradually made each other
feel weird and terrible, but I had to do it. I can't help but
explain everything. Although it wasn't there, I could tell you roughly
After returning from the Demon Castle, Charlotte was suffering from
I risked my life to save Charlotte.
And only concerned about her own health .
Charlotte, who had been struggling with it, eventually fell
behind in the competition for the throne , and now even her own
forces are turning their backs.
It's not the problem with Bertus, but the current situation in which his
life may be in danger due to an internal traitor.
So, I need a justification to protect Charlotte, so I, the owner of
, must be engaged to Charlotte and prevent Charlotte's departure
from the supporters, so that Charlotte can survive.
Neither of them asked why he was acting for Charlotte so much.
He didn't say that he had to make this choice to save Charlotte's life.
He wants to protect Charlotte because he loves Charlotte, so he
wants to marry Charlotte. Both would have to accept
it that way, and I didn't even say no to it.
They both would of course take it that way.
I made a choice.
Trying to grab hold of something else is just nonsense.
Harriet was
staring blankly at me .
- Tuk.
Ellen had
only a single tear drop from her expressionless face
I didn't say sorry. Because that's even weirder.
The moment you say you're sorry, things will get
weirder, and everyone will
With that said, I stared at the beach quietly.
The gentle waves were constantly and constantly rushing to and
from the shore.
Ellen just kept her head down without saying a word.
Harriet looked at Ellen like that, then looked at me
and forced a certain expression on her face
It was a strange expression in a way that he did not know what to
name it.
“Yeah, yes. That... that... you, ha... that... chu, you've made a career
out of it... how... how you... somehow. Go..." In the
end, Harriet's expression, as she was about to say something,
distorted horribly.
“How come…why…why…” In the
end, I couldn’t look straight at Harriet, who was crying.
With her head bowed, El Ren, who had not said anything, was still.
“Did you lie?”
Very small and did not say that.
Did not say what for what.
But what to talk about at any moment
know the camp.
Day. La Felt passed it to me
and I refused,
devil goes to School
Episode 395:
did five kinds make any sense anymore.
Ellen and Harriet both silently
went to their bedrooms and went to sleep, and I sat on the terrace,
staring blankly at the rippling
made this choice because if I didn't, I would lose Charlotte .
So I lost something else. I can't explain exactly what I lost, but I have
lost something and will lose.
This is not the end.
I have to be a hero.
when it becomes known that I am the owner of the Alsbringer, and I
attain public fame, will I gain a
political position as a princess betrothed to such a hero
Incorporation into the Imperial Family of Heroes.
Bertus wanted it.
don't know exactly what Bertus intends to rekindle a fight that has
already been done. Is it really for fun, or is there some other hidden
But, I have to be a hero.
To become a hero, you have to do something, not just be known as
the owner of Alsbringer.
You have to do a lot of things that are obviously dangerous.
I can hear the waves and grass bugs mixed.
Coming to the beautiful beach, I stayed up all night without sleep.
The engagement between Reinhardt, a beggar, and Princess
Charlotte de Gradias, had been a year ago, and it would not have
been funny in the first place.
But now it has become something that is not even funny in any other
A princess who is losing her political position
The owner of the Alsbringer, which has the most powerful symbolism
among the holy relics since the Demon World War.
In other words, the successor of Lagann Artorius
Now that this engagement is here, why does the descendant of a
hero have to marry a princess who only has such a pretentious
appearance? With that kind of logic, it was impossible to say
The three of them left for the Kamsecha archipelago and
returned straight away the next day. There was hardly any dialogue
between the three of them. Ellen was speechless, Reinhardt was
speechless, and Harriet wanted to say something, but was silent,
knowing that none of the words could provide an answer.
He wasn't even in a position to train.
Reinhardt locked himself in his room, and
Ellen wandered around the dormitory blankly.
Ellen was able to face Charlotte de Gradias, who returned to the
temple from the palace, in the central lobby on the second floor.
Naturally, Ellen and Charlotte's eyes met.
"Uh, ah... hello?"
Although they were in different classes, they met a lot, and Charlotte
can say hello to Ellen because it is impossible to say that they never
knew each other.
That is possible.
But even as I raise my hand to say hello, my fingertips tremble a
shaking eyes.
That gives Ellen some signal.
seemed to feel guilty just looking at her . How many times have we
met recently?
Ellen didn't quite remember that.
However, it was because he now knew the meaning of Charlotte's
Recently, Reinhardt's condition was a bit strange, the tip of his sword
was shaking, and he looked uneasy.
It was because of this problem, not the Demon King, and
that he did not know how to explain this to himself .
now i just know
When Ellen does not receive a greeting, she
approaches Charlotte, who passes by vaguely . As Ellen approaches
, as if holding Charlotte's breath, she takes a half-step back, a bit
Eren is also a commoner after all, but she is the holder of the holy
relics with Rament and the younger sister of Ragan Arturius.
Since entering the temple. In the first place, El
Ren is a person
who doesn’t know who he is, but who doesn’t fall behind anyone in
terms of his location.
But Ellen never even tried to use it.
So, Ellen has never been embarrassed by anyone.
Ellen looked straight into the eyes of the princess.
“Tell me one thing.”
"Huh? uh... uh. huh."
Looking at the princess biting her lip, Ellen
“Reinhardt, do you like it?”
Charlotte's eyes fluttered wildly as she didn't know she
was going to ask such a direct question . She could run away with
embarrassment and dislike why she asked such a question
However, Ellen's expression
of asking about that is even if she runs away, even by the neck. likely
to catch
Charlotte is due to the question of Ellen
would have a hunch that Ellen know in doing.
knowing about the problem, bunha and being sad, but at best it to
Charlotte to know I can not turn back the hearts of Reinhardt All she
ask was that. Looking into Ellen's eyes, Charlotte
said the truth in a miserable mood:
"A lot...a lot...a lot."
Ellen could fully sense that in Charlotte's eyes, at least that
Reinhardt wasn't being used by Charlotte. If Charlotte was only
using Reinhardt to survive, Ellen knew what she would do. didn't
know what to do
But Charlotte is sincere. I don't know when it started, but Charlotte
leaned on Reinhardt a lot, and was because
was painful to watch Charlotte, who was not happy with the subject
she wanted the most.
feel happy even in this current situation likes Reinhardt enough to
feel sorry for Reinhardt. The
last expectation she had.
because it collapsed.
Ellen is dumbfounded.
muttered blankly, then Ellen paused.
I was the first. The
more I
The more time, the more I
spoke, the more miserable I became. Ellen couldn't finish it.
front of Charlotte de Gradias's distorted expression of guilt just by
facing herself, that
I liked him more than you, I was with Reinhardt even when everyone
thought Reinhardt was just a humble beggar,
It's said that you have had precious moments that cannot be
exchanged for anything. Your
life is in danger and Reinhardt has to choose you in this situation.
Isn't this too unfair?
Ellen could n't bear to say that.
"Sorry... .. do..." In
front of Charlotte's fragile expression, Ellen turns her gaze
away. In the
pass me by without a
word. It felt like she was not sure, and Ellen just walked by with her
head bowed.
In the dorm, Ellen and, of course, Harriet did
n't like me , but it seemed to be a slightly different issue.
like he was avoiding me now because he didn't know how to treat
me .
The funny thing is, just as Ellen and Harriet have a hard time dealing
with me, so is Charlotte. Charlotte looked at me and hesitated, as if
she didn't know what to say, and ended up not saying anything to
Saying thank you or saying I'm sorry do you think it's all strange?
However, no matter what I said, in the end, the major class was
supposed to be taught by Sabi Olin Tana along with Ellen.
It felt similar to when I first met Ellen when I was in first grade.
Ellen Artorius was standing in front of me, with a cold expression on
her face, trying to avoid feeling any emotions from me.
The tip of the sword was not emotional, but rather
A dry class followed, only to subdue me in the right way at the right
Ellen didn't say a single word to me personally. So,
only classes continued all day.
“That’s all for today. Let’s go back and rest.”
After class, Xaviolin Tana said so, and Ellen left without saying a
Reinhardt, you stay for a moment.”
I thought I knew why she was calling me. In the waiting room of the
high-ranking battle training ground, where Ellen had passed away
and I was the only one left, she was sitting next to me, arms crossed.
“I have decided to get engaged to the Crown Princess. heard about
She looked at the exit of the waiting room and had a complicated
expression on what she was thinking.
"Your Majesty has thought about this matter in many ways. Whether
or not you want to publicly announce your existence."
Making my presence public both secures Charlotte's safety and puts
me at risk,
so the Emperor was taking a cautious approach to the matter:
"The imperial family
will not take any public position. Rumors will spread in society.”
“It seems so.”
“Yeah, because that’s the safest thing.”
The problem now is not Bertus, but the supporters of Charlotte. In
order to prevent their betrayal, rumors are spreading within the
imperial family and aristocratic society.
The next successor of Alsbringer has appeared, and the successor
and the princess It's a promise to get married. It's a way to calm the
current unstable situation without taking any public stance.
"You know what this is... you know."
After all, this is a scandal. The imperial family's refusal to take any
official position on such scandalous rumors is to implicitly imply that
they are true, and at the same time to dismiss them as unfounded
soon. It is to make sure that I do not become too attached to the
imperial family in any way
That would be Charlotte's will.
"But as a result, these rumors will inevitably spread among the
. If
it becomes known that you are the owner of Alsbringer, you will
inevitably face a dangerous situation. There is no guarantee that you
will be safe even in the temple. No. The demon lord may be targeting
you first. You know that.”
Devil is woodwork.I I What would be my threat. That part is nothing
to be literally taking the do not be a problem.
was not the fact itself to the matters engagement.
I get out of stacked achievement.
Al's bring word Rumors about Reinhardt, the owner of the game,
spread through the aristocratic society, and at the same time, to
appeal that he is a great guy, you need achievements
“There could be several things. There will be a sweep of demons in
the Darkland, and there will be small groups of demons and bandits,
and since you have Tiamata, it will be
easier to annihilate the undead . Of course,
to ensure your safety, as long as you are there, Chanafel's support
units will take care of it for you."
The Empire wouldn't like me to be in danger. So, not literally
becoming a hero, but making a hero
It only matters that I was there, and the actual fights and battles are
solved by veterans who are better than me. And wrap it up with what
I did. In other words, you eat your reputation raw.
That's good for me and for the empire.
“I have no intention of doing that.”
“You have to deal with it yourself. whatever it is.”
“Reinhardt, I know you are not conceited. But if I get hurt while
jumping into dangerous things myself...”
“Fake skills inflated by fake reputations will make me more
dangerous. Whatever I do,
if it turns out that it was actually made, the situation could actually
get worse.”
The larger the scale of the tasks I have not solved myself, the
overestimated my skills. Then I would rather be at risk. Of course,
the demon lord won't threaten me, but this is rather a temple
to avoid surveillance.
I am more
comfortable doing activities alone .
So, not hero making, but Jin
, I'm really going to solve something with my own hands, and it has
to be. Saviolin Tana
looked at me and nodded quietly.
"I thought you would say that."
seemed to have guessed naturally that I would not like such a hero-
making because of my personality .
I don't need the help of someone too strong for me. It would be nice
to have it, but if there is such a person, it might become my fetters.
Xaviolin Tana is
silent when I say that I don't need help, and then she stares at me.
“From now on, all the activities you do will replace all classes in the
name of special activities. soon. You are considered to have
completed the Temple Curriculum while you are in the Extracurricular
Activities. is the word.”
would mean that because he became a special student, he did n't
even care about going out of the temple .
“Do you know about Levia?”
“If it’s Leviathan….. that’s where the raid took place a while ago…
isn’t it?”
The secret operation site of the imperial family disguised as a demon
attack. There the Duke of Granz died.
“Go to Rajeern, the capital of Levina.”
An investigation into the demon attack is underway.
However, I know that it is not actually a demon attack.
Since there is no threat from demons, are you going to send me
there? I know
“Olivia Lan was sent to the Special Investigation Headquarters there.
that there is nothing to save from the crab ki, so I will sieve it.”
Olivia Lanche.
Suddenly, an unexpected name came out, and I had no choice but to
“Go and help Olivia. Even if an emergency
arises, Olivia and the investigative staff will
be able to cope with it enough. There is little chance of anything
dangerous happening.”
Come to think of it, it's been a while since
Olivia didn't come to see me.

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The Demon King Goes to the Academy
Episode 396: I
didn't even know that Olivia wasn't at the temple. There must have
been a good reason for not telling me.
And Olivia took a
leave of absence under the pretext of supporting the rear of the
Demon World War .
According to Saviolin Tana,
volunteered for the investigation in Rajern, the capital of Levina.
Are you trying to trace the demon king's traces there
? In fact, even if there are any clues there, the only thing that can be
found there is not the trace
of the Demon King, but the fact that this is an imperial play.
Why the hell is Olivia there?
There was a time when I lied before that I had vacated the temple to
perform a special mission. But this time, you really have
to empty
the temple to do something like a special mission .
It must be because Xaviolin Tana sent me there
, judging that it was not a very dangerous area .
thought about telling
Ellen and Harriet that the temple should be empty for a while for a
special mission, but I could n't. I think it's impossible for us to explain
that to each other.
So, without delay, go straight out
kicked off
Just as we crossed a few warp gates from the temple
and arrived at the
Kamsencha Islands thousands of kilometers away, crossing a few
warp gates this time also
allowed us to arrive at the place where Duke Granz died, a small
country in the southern part of the empire, Leviathan.
The Special Investigation Headquarters is currently set up here
. Perhaps the jurisdiction of the Special Investigation Headquarters is
the Empire, not Levi or the Royal Family.
The imperial investigation of the imperial self-defense is happening,
which is not even funny. And to think that the head of this special
prisoner's copy division might know that this was the Empire's own
work made me burst
into laughter .
Olivia is probably unaware of that fact.
Why is Olivia here?
Rajern, the capital of Leviathan, had a sense of being a city, but it did
not appear to be so prosperous. It was frankly absurd to try to find a
corner similar to the ecliptic in the capital of a small
The Special
Investigation Headquarters visited by asking the guards
seemed to be using the entire government building outside the
palace, not inside .
There were those who were sent directly from the Empire, so the
security was very thorough.
Of course, there was no such thing as a door that did not open in
front of the imperial coat of arms.
Catch a passerby and leave the temple
said they were looking for a man named Olivia Ranche from the I
was told that if I waited in the VIP room, they would come.
The Special Investigation Headquarters must be in a bit of a slump.
I was going to do an investigation, but after the graduate students
who volunteered at the temple, I also came with the imperial crest.
If you presented the imperial coat of arms when entering, the
report would have gone up to the upper level.
“Are you Reinhard-kun?”
"My name
is Scottra Kelton, the head of the Special Investigation Headquarters
who oversees this case . It's an honor to meet you
Scottra Kelton. He was a man close to middle-aged.
Of course, it was the first time I had met him, and he
asked me to shake hands and politely nodded. As
soon as I held my hand, I felt it. It wasn't that strong, and I felt a
certain, strong impression on that hand, with the imperial coat of
arms. I first
asked for a handshake , and even though I bowed down, I was
honored to meet you
. You
know I'm the new owner of the Alsbringer, I looked at him and asked,
Are you... Shana 's?"
“You are sharp. temporary job now
I am here, but Shah
I'll have explain it to .
captain of the 3rd Squad Na.”
He said so and nodded.
This made one thing clear.
Investigation chief Scottra Kelton would know that this was a hoax.
He said hello to me to make sure there was no time to talk for a long
time and then went straight back.
I was guessing that the special edition wasn't for the investigation,
but if the general manager was the commander of Shana's 3rd
division, he said
how long have you waited
- Tickle
Olivia, dressed in casual clothes, entered the VIP room and made
eye contact with me. Apparently, Olivia's attire was very neat.
“Rein…Hart? How are you here
Naturally, as a result of being surprised, Ol Livia strode towards me
with wide-eyed eyes.
"what? How did you get to know this place?"
" Well ... let's sit down and talk for a while."
- Wow!
Olivia suddenly hugged me tightly.
"I'm here to see you!"
To Olivia, too, ,
To explain what brought me here, I had to tell the story of my
engagement. Because I said that I had to build an achievement, and
I had to explain why I had to build it.
After a while of lengthy explanations
, Olivia's
mouth was gaping as I finally told Saviolin Tana that I had been
ordered to help with Olivia's work here .
“What, then, you didn’t come to see me, did you?”
Olivia frowned and glared at me.
Didn't I say something more important than that?
You made it clear about your engagement, but why
are you upset at one strange point
As I lost my ear, Olivia smiled and sat down next to me and
immediately folded her arms.
“Ah, no, why
are you doing this …” “Well, I didn’t have a child who had saliva, so
did I do this?”
Truly, I was at a loss for words to say because of my bold and feisty
“An engagement is not a marriage, you can change your mind,
things can change, and it’s not over until the game is over, right?”
Olivia narrows her eyes and
looks at me .
"How are you? The VIP room is... huh? You and me… there’s only
the two of us?”
Noona.... I
'm not hot and angry, it's good, but I'm scared!
Rather scary!
And if that's really the case, I'm going to rip my head off and run
“If it’s an engagement, it’s Nabal, and it’s just stamped, uh. what?
What do you know?"
he wasn't shocked, he was rather shocked.
"Or what, if you wiped out the prince and then you became the
emperor, huh? Putting the dog away second, I was the first, Huh?"
“Don’t talk about getting caught.”
"is it?"
Olivia smiled bashfully and pulled away from me. I don't know if it's
casual or not. But it's fortunate for me that it doesn't show on the
Olivia's attitude that nothing is certain yet, so there's no need to
worry about it seemed to be possible.
Seriously, after killing Bertus, I started something like a counter-
revolution, became emperor, Charlotte was pushed to the position of
concubine, and she became the empress, isn't it?
would that be a joke?
In fact, if there is
such a thing as a hero and a demon king, it is creepy because it is
not impossible at all under the assumption that I kill the demon king .

I had waited for Olivia for quite a while, it was already night time.
In the VIP room of the special headquarters located near the Royal
Palace of Rajern, the capital of Leviathan,
we were drinking tea together while having dinner brought from the
investigation headquarters .
Olivia is not an investigator, but she is a student from the Temple
Royal class.
To put it bluntly,
he is just a student who
volunteered at the university, but since he is a talented person who is
nurtured by the empire with all his might, what might happen if he
treats him rudely.
And I think it's just that the royal family
came to visit.
So, everyone was very much frozen and served with great
It seems like these two are just going to disrupt the investigation. I
know the truth, and I know that this investigation is not going to go
well. In that regard, Shana's article was already said to be the head
of the investigation headquarters.
All I got from Xaviolin Tana was
to work together on Olivia's task
place where things will never work out .
“By the way, why
are you here?” This has never been a pleasant place for me. This is
where I was framed and
it was also the place where Liana had changed so
badly. Olivia smiled at me at my words.
"The Devil I want to find traces.”
“.. ...and what are you going to do with it?"
already told me it was the Demon King who saved herself and Adria.
All. Olivia
had told me that she thought the Demon King and Demons
might not be that evil .
“I just want to be sure.”
The last two raids must have looked to Olivia for some reason.
However, this raid on Rajern was a little reluctant for Olivia, who
knew the truth about the last two raids.
no way.
Is Olivia suspecting that this may not be the work of the Demon
That's what it means to need certainty.
Olivia must be feeling confused between me, who has to deal with
the demon king, and the demon king who saved her life.
And, she said that she would always be by my side. So that's what it
means to be here.
In order to gain the conviction that the Demon King deserves to die,
and to gain the determination to fight for me.
Are you sure we'll never notice that
Olivia was sent here, sent me, that this site was rigged?
“So, and did you find out?”
“Rather than finding out, it’s about confirming what is known with
your own eyes.”
Olivia deoni walking somewhere something spread over the table.
Olivia licked her tongue briefly and left.
“Um, anyway.”
It was a map of Rajern and its vicinity.
“Once in the report,
it was written that a group of demons was summoned and marched
around Rajern by using mass teleport magic . It must have included
many orcs and goblins, as well as ogres and trolls. I don't think
Rajern's own damage was that great. But it was the outskirts that
mattered. Many people in the outskirts who were not protected by
the guards were killed or injured.”
The real goal is to kill the revolutionary forces | However, in the end,
it was disguised as a demon attack
As a result, many civilian casualties occurred.
The Empire killed humans with its own hands. There's nothing
particularly special about it. I'm just wearing a conspiracy mask,
because this happens all the time. Only the dead are pitiful.
“Especially here.”
Olivia pointed to a few buildings located on the outskirts of Rajern.
“Most of the deaths occurred in this merchant guild branch.
Investors must have gathered because there was some kind of
award in guild meeting over here . So many of the people who died
in this raid were quite influential, and… among your friends…”
Olivia muffled her words , and I nodded knowing what
she was saying.
From Olivia's point of view, it
seemed like she was trying to be careful with her words because it
would be an argument about the death of her junior's parents .
“I saw it myself. The demons
attacking the Knights Templar.”
While Olivia was one of the few
witnesses of the second attack , she even saw the demons actually
“The first and the second have
something in common with the raid.”
“What is that?”
“A large-scale destruction magic was used.”
When rescuing
demons, Elerys, who used Hwayo's flame, caused a flame storm,
and in the second time, summoned a lightning storm followed by a
flame storm.
“However, in this third attack, a large number of demons were
summoned by mass teleporting rather than a large-scale destruction
magic. Of course, on a magical scale, this time is bigger...”
Olivia narrows her eyebrows.
“If the purpose was to harm people, instead of summoning demons,
if you use a flame storm, you could turn about a fifth of Rajeern into
What could be solved by magic was forced
to attack using demons . Olivia did not
seem to understand the situation itself .
First of all, Olivia was convinced that there was one very powerful
wizard among the remnants of the demon faction, and that was true.
And since anyone who is interested in demon raids would of course
know this, it is not a fact that Olivia is the only one who knows.
There is only one reason that
most of the public do not doubt the sincerity of demons like Olivia .
This is because people do not want to understand the object of
Whatever the hated group
does, they don't think on the same level as themselves, so when
they do something
they conclude that it's only because they 're evil or inferior, and they
don't want to think about it anymore. Hate and hate are convenient
for simplifying thinking
So, the public
only feels fear or disgust about the strangeness of this demonic
attack , and
they do not wonder what the demons were really trying to do.
To make people fear the demons. There will be a lot of people who
can only understand and understand that much.
However, Olivia had seen too many ugly human beings, and in the
end, she
was rescued from the hands of demons directly , so she was free
from such accidents to some extent.
“To be honest, it seems like this is the correct answer in the end.”
Olivia pointed to a point on the map, the merchant guild branch that
she had just pointed to.
pointed pointed to.
“At first, demons were trying to attack this place.”
“…The merchant guild meeting itself?”
“ Yes .”
Olivia had it right the truth, but not already reached the halfway truth.
"Asmodians were attacked were, at large had been undefended
another is no big damage, but that was gathered at the Merchants
Guild chapter, there was situated in the suburbs Did the powerful
have an accident due to an unexpected attack? nonsense.
Olivia crossed her arms and shook her head
“Including Duke Granz
, there were people like Orgensia, who is famous for being a great
writer, as well as people like Saint-Reiden, vice president of the
Magic Association
The mere fact that people who would not normally gather like that
are gathered in one place is some proof:
“Such powerful people are not in the Imperial Capital, but come to
this small country in the south of Levia , so why don’t they bring a
escort force?”
Olivia shakes her head.
"here It's a moment I'll yiraseo, rural areas had been well fortified
than other royal castle on the injustice of a large raid
, but really have the time bulba the other was just a large escort
troops here
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The Demon King Goes to the Academy
Episode 397
Olivia's conclusion was not something that only Olivia could make.
Even when people are terrified,
those who can think calmly can deduce these things from a list of
However, in the end, the main force
attacked this merchant guild branch and swept away the powerful
men of the empire in one stroke, and that would be enough to say
that it evaporated. For demons
to kill those in power in the empire, there may not be any particular
we can scare people by showing them that even the most powerful
can be our targets.
So now, Olivia's reasoning belongs to the contents that even the
special investigators who do not know the truth of the raid on La
Gierne can find out.
“Actually, not only the powerful people who died on the spot, but the
escorts were all formidable talents. It's
not a large number of escorts, but should it be called a small elite?
The core forces of the demons just hit here and fell.”
“I think so.”
“But this time, there is no evidence of large-scale destruction magic
being used. Of course, it seems that the veterans of melee warfare
were put in.... Then it is proof that the power of the demons is not
that small, or that they have raised a new force. It may have been
one thing... If you see orcs and goblins that have not appeared
before, it is highly likely that they are the latter.”
Orcs, goblins, ogres and trolls.
seemed to be thinking about the possibility that the demons might
have increased their power just by showing the
power that had not been sent until now .
Olivia didn't seem to be able to reach the suspicion that this was not
the work of the demons, but someone else, and that was probably
Even Olivia,
who was disappointed as much as she would be disappointed by
humans, has a limit of thinking after all. If it wasn't for me and the
Demon King himself, I would have kicked my tongue several times
thinking that the demon cubs were crazy when I heard that this had
happened. Despite the fact that
there are some suspicious circumstances, he may have overlooked
how many such suspicious things are in the world.
It's my job too, so I'm sensitive and serious
about it. Another distant event
“If demons attacked this place to cause chaos in the empire, it could
be said that it was a success. By sending demons to Rajeern as well
as here,
it also showed that the actual power of the demons is much greater
than most people expected." A
significant number of influential people were killed, and although no
significant damage was done, a swarm of demons in Rajern. carried
out a raid,
which in itself is already a kind of demonstration.
If it had been something would have heard it with one ear and shed
it, no matter how much it was about the Demon King.
We have enough elite and general forces, and we mass teleport
them. realize that the empire where to appear immediately egeon to
conduct a massacre over.
in fact, do not mean that I have, the people as well as the
investigation headquarters will also be accepted that way.
"wondering that's it. Elyos are the day, the merchant guild at that
time How the hell did I know there would be so many important
people at this branch meeting?”
Information, of course
, most people would not have known that such a meeting was taking
place, but the demons knew it and attacked.
was because the Merchant Guild Master was a traitor in the first
place , and I as was the imperial situation room. estimate now is that
the degree to which the Shana Pell ARM, take on the job,
Asmodians are OK where alternative information
did Bo.
"Debutant Knights Templar attacked even by the way, surprisingly
bet even I know Asmodians are quite secretive
I think I know a lot about information .”
It was all thanks to Ladia Schmidt's joke, but in the end it was
, the conspiracy regarding the of is not over, but is still ongoing as it
ends the moment the investigation headquarters closes the case.
information was longer. For those who do not know, it is possible to
think that demons know everything.
“So, first of all, people must gather like that in the merchant guild
I think it's best to find out why you did it first. I think there must have
been something similar to the insider.”
For what kind of meeting had people
gathered in this small country merchant guild branch in the south like
this ?
Olivia was focusing on that.
And the information leaker, I didn't get it right, but I'm even
approaching Owen de Getmora.
The more Olivia said these words, the
more complicated my thoughts became.
Xaviolin Tana, why the hell did you send me here?
The Special Investigation Headquarters set up here was not
originally set up to investigate, but to obscure the truth
don't know if all the investigators know the truth, but at least
Scottra Kelton, the head of the department,
will know the truth.
The investigation instructions given to him by the imperial family
were obviously a cover-up of the truth, and
the Empire intervened to prevent direct investigations from the royal
family of Levina, who had been directly attacked.
In the first place, the imperial family manipulated the demon raid,
so no matter how the investigation proceeds, in the end, it is decided
that this is the work of the demons.
will be . If the Leviaan royal family tries to intervene in the
investigation, the Empire will stop it with any excuses, and there is
no reason to deny that Levina also takes care of the Empire directly.
Although this investigation headquarters solves cases, it is
an organization established to draw conclusions according to one's
taste . Suspicious circumstances are everywhere in this conspiracy,
but if the investigation agency leaves it to a close, there will be no
further progress. Therefore, the final stage of this conspiracy is the
conclusion of the investigation of the special edition.
But Olivia and I are a little different. First of all, it is the investigation
headquarters that has the authority to deny access to the Leviaian
royal family, but the investigation headquarters cannot argue with
Olivia as well as myself.
Well, if you're an ordinary student, the kids will ask you where you're
I'll treat you like Olivia and me.
We may
delve into the real truth
without being affected at all by the investigation guidelines or
investigation intentions of the Special Investigation Headquarters
. Because they
can't do what we're commanded to do.
“I have checked everything that needs to be checked on site. So,
let’s go to the merchant guild tomorrow.”
“Yes, senior.”
It doesn't matter if I and Olivia find out the truth, right?
nothing will be acknowledged. Rather, the hatred of humans has
Tomorrow is another of the lodges along with Olivia.
I decided to visit the Merchant Guild headquarters.
It was late at night, so
I decided to go to bed early , and Olivia and I each
went to bed .
However, there is a strong possibility that you will not get anything
there and will only raise doubts. If so, it is
unknown what Olivia's next move will be.
In the first place, I know the truth, so if I dig up the truth, I can dig it
out. Without digging anywhere else,
go straight
up to the ecliptic, not Rajern, and meet Owen de Getmora.
very important meeting was held in the South where such influential
people gathered . what is
that Why
couldn't you, the guild master, be in such an important position ? |
If you start with those words and start weaving Owen, you may not
know if he'll reveal the truth, but it's enough to catch a suspicious
The problem is that.
In the end, the imperial investigation agency has to uncover the very
big conspiracy of the imperial family, no matter what we do
. No such thing happens.
Even if Olivia finds out the truth in the end,
I don't like both situations, whether Olivia finds out the truth here in
the first place or believes the fabricated truth.
So I'm curious what Saviolin Tana's thoughts are. Why did you send
me here to help Olivia? Of course, it seems obvious that this place
was sent because it was not dangerous.
You might be able to add one to your history. Helped in the
investigation of the location of the Demon King's attack. To that
extent, of course, just being active at the Special Investigation
Headquarters for the Demon King's Assault is a very big record.
There's nothing bad about it.
In other words, should I call it a parachute career? The risk is small
and the merits are large, and you can search for any number of
positions, and then your reputation will naturally build up. The
Empire doesn't want me to be in danger, so obviously they want me
to wander around places like this, and it
's a bit difficult to avoid becoming a made-up hero.
He lay blankly in the bedroom of the VIP room. go. My thoughts got
I think it's lucky that Olivia wasn't hurt badly after hearing my story,
but I went
out to the living room to have a glass of water,
-Hmm... Hmmm...
Very low
in Olivia's bedroom beyond the closed door , Sobbing and crying
it can't be okay
First of all, because I am a person who cries alone.
The person who always wore a smiling mask, now only wears an
angry mask.
Olivia doesn't want to show
anyone how hard she is .
As much as that nature, it will never change
I couldn't stand this situation, so I tried to believe only what I could
Even knowing that Olivia is the kind of person who is always funny
because she is.
I tried to believe he was really smiling.
- Ugh... Uh...
What the hell should I have done?
didn't know anything.
- He overheard people crying, and that's a bad thing.
Naturally, Olivia, who is more sensitive than me, said that from the
other side, probably because I heard the door open and come out of
the bedroom.
- Even if you don't come and hug me, I can pat you on the back.
let me stand tall Soon, Olivia's Pinzan could be heard from beyond
the bedroom.
After contemplating whether it was right to go, I finally opened the
door to Olivia's bedroom.
It was a bit surprising because it was not locked as if it was normal.
Upon entering the bedroom, there was Olivia wiping her eyes with
her eyes wide open on the bed.
“What if you really come? My eyes were swollen.”
Blindfolded, Olivia says so.
“No, what… what do you mean?”
I can't do this or that. Olivia lowered her blindfolded arm.
I said it was swollen, but honestly, I don't know.
In the darkness, in the moonlight streaming down the window, I could
only see a few tears in my eyes.
“Are you not going to marry me?”
"Don't even say a word. It's really sad
," said
raising her body slightly and leaning her back against the wall behind
the bed.
Olivia wasn't looking at me
Olivia pursed her lips and looked at the moonlit window.
“Am I just getting married to the Demon King?”
“Well, if you don’t look after me for the rest of my life, why do I have
to look after you for the rest of my life, then me. Just a bad
motherfucker, and then you plug a knife in your neck locate Devil
Devil gone poems tell him, "
Hey sister .... 1 ....
Actually .... it's me ....
Olivia has been everything but a horse with jangnansik you can not
eopeotdago a serious view on that. really in the side of the devil
do not know Jin is not sure the idea, but
devil is it would not be turned on until the forward end of the wicked
exist whether what you know wants to come on the Leviathan and
the Kingdom like draping of recognition .
of course, the devil never eopeumyeonseo the town can really know
is king and marry
It was kind of funny to say that. What if the demon king is a monster
of a heterogeneous type without even a gender?
... no.
It's a bit scary because Olivia is going to say what the hell does that
have to do with being serious?
next day. “I don’t know the details either.”
After arriving at the Leviathan Merchant Guild branch, Olivia
and I
were able to hear such a story from the Levina branch manager .
“It must have been a major project within the guild, but in such a
case, information is not shared with these lower-level branches, and
only a place is provided. It's not
that rare ..." Looking at his expression, it was clear that Levi or the
head of the Merchant's Guild didn't know anything. Olivia also
looked intently into the branch manager's face and nodded.
Judging by the acquiescence, it seems that Olivia wasn't really
expecting to be able to get information from here too.
Each and every one of the dead is a
key figure in the empire from all walks of life . And if it was an
important business of the Merchant Guild in the first place, it was
natural that information was not spread out in many places, so Olivia
has no doubt about the words of the head of the Merchant Guild of
Rajern. I thought and it was the same with me.
Olivia asked the branch manager a few more questions, but couldn't
get any important clues.
Just the important thing.
The Merchant Guild Headquarters ordered that the outlying branch
be used for a certain period of time, so keep it empty.
I just faithfully followed the instructions of the headquarters of the
branch of Rajern.
“Let’s go, Reinhardt.”
“It is.”
Olivia left Rajern's branch as if that was enough.
Outside the merchant guild branch, Olivia
tilted her head while putting her index finger on her cheek .
He pretends to be super cute, but he's actually cute, so he
approaches it with the feeling that he's a little pissed off.
“It’s a bit strange that the place was rented for a specific period
rather than a specific date…”
“The meeting may have been held for several days. Even if it’s not,
a place where precious people come, so there must have been
some things to pay attention to as well as cleaning.”
“Hmm, that’s
true. I haven’t seen people who are not picky about those who say
that they fart and twitch like that . In particular, people who eat and
cover water are the basics. I've seen quite a few people screaming."
Olivia may not be right now, but she must have met quite a few high-
people, so if people with high stature gather, of course, she
has to prepare for a long time before that, so it is understandable
that she ordered eviction not only on a specific date but also for a
period of time
. It was like
“There were quite a few people like that among the priests.”
“…the priests too?”
“Yeah, even among the high priests,
there were people who put up a large wagon like a chapel and
dragged it around saying that the prayer space should be set up
according to their intentions ?
There were quite a few people who said
that their sermons were not for ordinary members of the
congregation and never let anyone under the senior priests hear
them. That's not to say you're human. There are quite a few people
who think that they have raised their level by one or two or three
levels higher than that of others. That is to say, should I say that I am
sacred to myself? It’s funny.”
The ridicule that remained at the end of it revealed Olivia's contempt
for humans.
“The low places were low and the high places were high, so I was
ugly in my own way.”
TL The
ugliness that comes from ignorance and lowliness, the ugliness that
comes from knowledge and honor.
Olivia seemed to think so.
“In that respect, my adoptive father was still a pretty good priest.
Because I was honest. Crazy man was a problem.”
The cynical and
positive portrayal of Olivia's adoptive father seemed to be possible
only now. Now, disappointed by everyone in the world, Olivia
believes that her adoptive father is still beautiful according to her
one who I guess he came to think that he was better than the rest.
Le Barrier Ranche tried to establish an empire of the Five
Archbishops independently from the empire,
and tried to appoint Olivia as the first successor .
Levereri Ranche was on the verge of death, and intuition that God
had never chosen him, he accepted death. The champion of Tuan
who kills himself | Because of this, I understood that Tuan was
Olivia looked up at the distant sky and smiled bitterly.
“This sounds useless, let’s go back to the Yellow River for now. I
think the Merchant Guild Master knows something.”
“……That’s right.”
I knew the truth, and I knew who to go to, but
Olivia had to come to her. Is it okay for Olivia to meet Owen? If
Olivia finds out, Olivia will inevitably be in danger De, Olivia is also
unknown, but after all, she is a champion of Tuan like me. But the
Empire doesn't know that.
I will be okay, but can Olivia be safe? But the Empire, which lacks
one person, sacrifices Olivia, who is much stronger than Nana and
Ellen at this point.
Especially when
I find out that Olivia shares Tiamatta with me
, and I'm heading to Rajern's Warp Gate with those thoughts in mind
-It's all because of them!
Raj There was a commotion in a square in Ern:
"What's going on?"
- I handpicked to bring the Elyos !
-Kill it! kill me!
"Iknow, right."
People were swarming around, and people who had been heavily
supported by evil were pushed back and pushed out repeatedly by
the guards.
- Kill the Demon Cultists!
- Kill the heretics!
- Call the Inquisitor!
“The Demon Church...?”
Olivia's expression hardened, and so was I.
word I had forgotten for a long time, but it was clearly entrenched in
the corner of my head .
Demon Church,
its name was resounding in the middle of Rajern.
In the middle of the square in Rajern, someone
was flocking to the demonists.
- Back off! I told you to go away!
The man in charge of the guard used evil,
but the angry crowd was using evil to push the guard down. Me and
Olivia could see the people lying around inside the circle of the
In the first place, I did not know what demonism was, so there was
nothing that could identify them as demonism from their behavior.
They just looked like ordinary people. There are young people,
women, the elderly, and even children.
No matter how
I looked at them, they seemed to be just ordinary people .
- Soon, the heresy inquisitors of the Five Great Bishops will go
through the proper procedure and prove whether they are demonists
or not! Those who use private means
will be
severely punished according to the laws of the state !
- How many people have heard them get together and gossip
about the Demon King !
-If those who stay at home and serve suspicious idols are not
demonism, what the hell is that?
-Kill it! kill me! That means the Demon King will come again!
- If they bring the Demon King back to Rajern, will you guys take
Olivia's expression hardened as she looked at the crowd.
“It seems that you have decided to hate the people around you who
you can understand because things you don’t understand happen.”
"Isn't that funny, Reinhardt?"
Olivia looks at me and smiles,
"It's the Demon King who killed people, but they're trying to solve
something by killing humans."
If it was Olivia in the past, would she
have helped those who are being persecuted ?
They may or may not
Four of the other lever or the kingdom could Large
People do not believe in investigators sent from the Empire, but in
their intuition.
- Those guys are going to bring the
demons back aaaaaaaaa!!
The Demon King has no reason or justification to respond to their
call, even if they are true Demon Christians.
How could such insignificant things like
you be able to summon the Demon King to this corner of the village
But people believe it.
to believe it
-Oh, Lord, please look after them....
believe that killing them is justice, so they believe that they are doing
good on their own .
So, there seemed to be no awareness that this was murder.
Olivia was laughing at humans.
I didn't want to laugh at this sight and hate it.
“It’s sad.”
Olivia laughs at my words, as if in surprise.
“It’s surprising Reinhardt, that you have such a humanity.”

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The Demon King goes to the academy
398 episodes
As we tried to investigate the fabricated truth, Olivia and I learned
something else.
The people of Rajeern, the capital of the Kingdom of Levina, suffered
a shocking situation of a demon attack and lost their reason in fear.
Neither the demons nor the demon king disappeared without a trace,
but the demon king's attack still exists.
They did not know why the Demon King attacked Rajeern, so they
tried to find out the reason. They do not believe in the announcement
of the royal family nor the announcement of the empire, they are
suspicious of their suspicious neighbors, and they are covering them
with the bridle of the religion they drink.
The reason is usually insignificant
will be.
He always had a gloomy expression on his face and walked around
saying things he didn't understand.
You don't get along well with people and you're stuck at home.
When he saw an unknown statue in the house, he called him an
or drive
That's probably the reason why it doesn't sound like such a big word.
In extreme circumstances, non-universal human beings are branded
as unpleasant, and people simply
You don't want to admit that it's offensive because it's offensive, so
you're going to try to make that person worthy of hatred. The reason
is probably good.
I want someone to become a person who can die, so I just make it
Neither Olivia nor I intervened in the scene.
That site is not under the jurisdiction of the Empire. The Empire
investigates the demon king's attack
But in the end, that's only the end, and that's why the roles of me
and Olivia are only there.
The one who came from the empire
Interfering in internal affairs if you talk recklessly about work
becomes this And for such a political problem, I have no confidence
and no obligation to do well. Even though I am not a member of the
Imperial family, I have the imperial coat of arms, so if I act recklessly,
I am in trouble.
No, it will become an imperial family.
Nominally from a beggar, the subject entered the Temple, the
Imperial Family and the Principality.
It made me think about the conflict between the liver. Even on such a
subject, I am actually the Demon King.
It had to be a funny and sarcastic day.
When was the last time we went to Rajern, we went straight back to
the zodiacal Gradium. that I am participating in a special activity
Actually, Epinhauser or Saviolin Tanana would have passed it on to
the kids, so I wouldn't worry about it.
No, rather, are you worried that you might have gone on a
dangerous job?
“By the way, I like the imperial coat of arms.
I can ride the warp gate right away, and if I say that I am the
champion of Tuan, should I ask for one too?”
How convenient it would have been for Olivia to be able to return to
the zodiac right away.
up to that point
“Then the Tuan Church told me to come back, saying that you must
live in the arms of God.
He would come twenty times a day
Is that okay?”
| “Ugh, it is. Well, you could only tell the imperial family, but that's just
what I said. who bothers me more
It’s a color.”
Now the people around me are a bit stinky
I succeeded in shaking off the
Once the flies start to stick, I'm concerned that Olivia's changed
attitude will cause her fists to go out.
Head to the Merchant Guild Headquarters located in the Yellow
While doing this, Olivia looks at me silently.
“By the way, Reinhardt.”
“Remember that…? The match between me and me in the final of
the tournament…”
radia schmidt,
He almost lost control of his expression at the sudden comment, but
he didn't make a strange expression.
“Yeah, I remember. Ladia Schmidt.”
“Have you seen each other since we met?”
Radia Schmidt talking nonsense to Olivia, I swear to her and tell her
to leave Olivia alone.
And after that, Ladia Schmidt
They followed me with the intention of killing them, and Elerys
subdued them. The information obtained from La Dia was able to
save Adriana and Olivia,
"No. Why? Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen it at the
Olivia's expression darkens at my words.
"Missed... Since that day."
Disillusioned with the faith and disgusted with those who enforced it,
In Ah's heart, the name of a friend is root
seems to remain
We know each other without having to say what that day is.
“…Is that person also a member of that person?”
Olivia lifted her head and looked at the sky.
I see
"Perhaps... it wasn't. Of course, I didn't see it there. But I don't really
know who the hell was there.
can not. The list of the dead of the Knights Templar was not properly
listed... Maybe there..."
Olivia is Missing Ladia Schmidt
It didn't happen, but he seemed to think that he died in the attack of
the demons.
If that is the case, then it would be a story that the Demon King
saved himself and killed my friend.
“It’s just that, because Radia’s body wasn’t found… I wasn’t sure, but
seeing that there hasn’t been any news like this…”
Olivia seemed to have a very low view of Radia's chances of
survival. It seemed that the need for certain confidence in the Demon
King was not the only reason because of the last time rigged
Razierne attack.
Although she was a temple graduate in time, La Dia Schmidt did not
graduate and disappeared. In a place I don't know, the Temple must
be looking for Ladia Schmidt's whereabouts, and in connection with
the raid on the Templars, he may have concluded that Ladia Schmidt
was already dead.
How the hell is Ladia Schmidt doing in Epiax?
I think Elerys will take care of it.
- Huh oh oh...
Goseong Epiax,
Radia sat on one side of the kitchen, watching the shredded
vegetables and meat sautéed on a greased pan, while in the other,
the stew jars were simmering.
“I’ve felt it

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