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The mental map of the

Confederación General de
Trabajadores del Perú
This document is a comprehensive guide to the Confederación General de Trabajadores del
Perú (CGTP). Learn about the organization's history, mission, and structure, as well as its impact
and challenges. Discover how the CGTP has fought for the rights of workers in Peru, and the
successes it has achieved.


History of the Confederación General
de Trabajadores del Perú
The Origins of the Key Moments in the The CGTP Today
CGTP CGTP's History The CGTP continues to be a
The CGTP was founded in The CGTP played a powerful force for workers'
1929 to unite all workers central role in the rights in Peru, and its
campaign for workers' influence is felt across the
under one banner. It was
rights during the 1970s
the first workers' union in country. Despite facing
and 80s.
Peru, and over the years it many challenges, it remains
In 1990, the CGTP went on committed to fighting for
has grown to become one
strike to protest against
of the most powerful and the rights of workers and
the government's
influential unions in the improving their lives.
economic policies.
The CGTP has been
involved in many
struggles since then,
including fights for
better wages, working
conditions, and job
Mission and Objectives of the
Confederación General de
Trabajadores del Perú
"To promote the defense and promotion of the rights and interests of the working class and
society as a whole, in the framework of democracy, social justice, and national sovereignty."

1 Objectives

The CGTP has several objectives, including:

To promote the well-being of workers and their families

To promote social and economic development in Peru

To defend workers' rights and interests in the face of exploitation and oppression
Concept of the Confederación General
de Trabajadores del Perú
The CGTP is a democratic organization that represents the interests of the working class. It
advocates for a fair and just society, and seeks to promote social and economic development
in Peru. Its members come from a wide range of sectors, including industry, agriculture, and
Organización and structure of the
The National Congress: The highest decision-making body of the
CGTP, made up of delegates from its
member organizations.

The National Executive Committee: The governing body of the CGTP,

responsible for implementing decisions
made by the National Congress.

The National Secretariat: The administrative body of the CGTP,

responsible for managing the day-to-day
operations of the organization.
Costs of production of the
Confederación General de
Trabajadores del Perú

The CGTP organizes protests and The CGTP also uses various forms of media
demonstrations to highlight issues to raise awareness about workers' issues.
affecting workers in Peru. These events This includes advertising campaigns, social
can be expensive to organize, as they media, and other forms of outreach. These
often involve travel, accommodation, and activities require significant financial
other logistical costs. resources.
Principales luchas sindicales
defendidas por la CGTP
Over the years, the CGTP has fought for many workers' rights, including:

1. The right to a fair wage

2. The right to work in safe conditions

3. The right to organize and form trade unions

4. The right to social security, healthcare, and decent retirement benefits

Logros obtenidos por la CGTP en la
defensa de los derechos laborales
Improving Working Protecting Political Activism
Conditions Workers' Rights The CGTP has also been
The CGTP has played a key The CGTP has been at the involved in political activism,
role in improving working forefront of campaigns to and has campaigned for
conditions for workers in protect workers' rights and social justice, human rights,
Peru. It has fought for interests. It has helped and environmental
better health and safety workers to organize, protection. Its actions have
regulations, as well as negotiate with employers, helped to shape public
improved wages, benefits, and secure better working opinion, and have led to
and job security. conditions and benefits. positive changes in Peruvian
Impact of the CGTP in the society
1 Economic Impact 2 Social Impact

The CGTP has had a significant The CGTP has also had a major social
economic impact in Peru, helping to impact, raising awareness about
improve conditions for workers and workers' issues and playing a key role in
promoting social and economic shaping public opinion. Its campaigns
development in the country. have helped to promote social justice
and human rights in Peru.
Retos y desafíos futuros para la CGTP
The CGTP faces many challenges in the years ahead, including:

The need to adapt to a rapidly changing economic and social environment

The need to maintain relevance in the face of new challenges and demands

The importance of remaining true to its mission and objectives, while also being open to
new ideas and approaches

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