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Walls! Boundaries. Limitations, Barriers! Graffiti Liberation! Vent! Sigh! Scribble!
Vague?!! Well, it is definitely not intended to be vague, but only slightly melancholic. Before
anything else, we are glad to present to you another fresh edition of Graffiti this year again, with a much
refreshing cover page and interestingly, a fresh stack of vernacular contributions, which elevate the
standards of this heritage & inheritance.
We all have boundaries, barriers etc. which concern us, peg us down! Look around and you'll find
walls, partitions. And yet we boast of a free world! Fluidity is the essence of transparency, as
authenticated by philosophical sciences. Freedom & Liberty are thus the quintessential aromas of a free
world. Then how come we are so bound by barriers, limitations, protocols and hierarchies! Ages ago, Bengal
was the birthplace for a revolution called Graffiti. Today, we make our best attempt to sustain and kindle that
spirit through this magazine.
This being the solo college magazine, there are a lot of demands to which the editor must cater to.
Paradoxical as it may sound, an honest 'editor', one who completely comprehends the meaning of this
designation, would never find an opportunity to scribe or voice personal opinions within the compiled
magazine. Bound by expectations, social protocols and the responsibility of deliverance, it is even hard to be
frank in an editorial.
Nevertheless, we have made the most humane attempt to deliver something subtle and touching.
Like the definitive idea of Graffiti should be, the magazine serves to be the exhibition of expression of a wide
array of restricted and challenged youth. I use 'restricted' and 'challenged' to imply how every adolescent
goes through the different pressures, feeling alien and imprisoned throughout that phase, wanting yet rarely
finding that rightful canvas to vent out.
On a final note, a paradox which perplexes, and remains unanswered is the fact that we observed that
the passion in the entries this year, were extremely nimble at large and seemed general, never intense. Except
for a few exceptional ones, both in English and vernacular sections, the entries have been below average in
intensity. While one may straightaway see this as a bad sign, indicating dip in passion to write well and
blaming it on the current social lifestyle; what's intriguing is the overwhelming yet veiled cloud of a
certainty that whispers- May be today's youth is happy, satisfiedmaybe all gaps have been bridged.
Or .. is it really that hierarchies have taken their toll??!!
Notwithstanding the above possibilities, as predicted by the Mayan Calendar, every event is a part of
a cyclic process; hence, feelings will never die, they'll only evolve; revolutions shall never cease, they'll be
re-cast. So will be the case for the next edition of Graffiti too, as we hope you enjoy and thereafter appreciate
the hard work; till we come back again in the year of DOOM 2012!
From the Directors Desk i
From the Principals Desk ii
From the Registrars Desk iii
From the TPOs Desk iv
Campus Compass 1
Graduate Gyan 27
Simply Sci-co tech 45
Jumbled Jukebox 67
Mystic Miscellany 85
Beyond Boundaries 117
Greenroom Gossip 145
From The Director's Desk
It gives me immense joy to present to you the Graffiti 2010 while it turns five. Releasing a magazine
for five consecutive years asks for commitment, tenacity and creativity. Hats off to each and every student
for this endeavor.
The content of this magazine with time has grown richer. Today, when I flip through the pages, I am
surprised by the kind of creativity it showcases. It is easy to speak, but it is not easy to collect your thoughts in
one single logical sequence and put it in pen and paper (or shall I say key pad and screen!!!). I know students
that your days are not smooth sailing. But today I personally think, my students have defeated this long
standing myth. Unless, how could you all deliver so much of creative excellence when everyday for you is a
true challenge?
I am truly overwhelmed to get an opportunity to write this note for Graffiti 2010. I thank the Editorial
Team without whom it would not have been possible for this magazine to see the light of the day. I would also
like to thank everyone who has contributed towards this magazine to make it an extraordinary voyage from
cover page to fourth cover.
With Love,
Satyam Roychowdhury
Managing Director

From The Principals Desk
A brand new edition of Graffiti! And along with it comes a new set of dreams, aspirations, creativity,
challenges, imagination, proclamation, dedication, competition and so much more. In short, it is a platform
to reach out with your inner voice to the rest of the world- to bring out your latent thoughts, to let open
the windows of the colourful world beyond. It is a canvas created and nurtured by our beloved students to
encourage imagination, creativity and artistry amidst the new net savvy generation. With the internet
being the new medium of communication all over the world, our next generation is probably losing touch
with books, pen and paper. These are gradually becoming things of the past. Not many of our next generation
would prefer to get hold of a book other than for text book purposes, or pen an imagination other than for
writing answer scripts. Graffiti makes me proud all the more for it serves the objective of involving our next
generation to go back to the basics- to a world of reading, writing, compiling, thinking and evolving.
Graffiti- the voice of Techno India has a soul of its own. It unites all of us as a family through the
threads of words and thoughts. It is a creative scrapbook where we all want to scribble our bit of ideas,
leaving our little mark somewhere. When I was approached to give my input for Graffiti, I felt elated to
recapitulate the success stories that Techno India has witnessed in the past year. With outstanding
performance in the different competitions, noteworthy achievement in games and sports and good
recruitment has helped in uplifting our brand image and in strengthening the solidarity with the corporate
As aptly said by George Bernard Shaw, Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what
you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will. I wish Team Graffiti the very
best for its upcoming issue- it's a dream well dreamt, a job well done, and a passion well pursued. Good luck
and may God bless!
Dr. Susanta Bhattacharya
Techno India
From The Registrars Desk
A new edition of Graffiti is like a new opportunity for all of us to not only share our news, views
and opinions, but also to celebrate us. As a member of the Techno India family, I can proudly proclaim that
every new creation by our students fills my heart with great pride and fondness- Graffiti being one of
We, at Techno India strongly believe in the all round development of the students- be it academics,
personality or co-curricular activities. We believe in holistic education rather than compartmentalized
education. As a result of which our students have made us proud in every walk of life. This year, ten B.Tech,
two BCA ,one BBA(H), one B.Optm and one M.Tech ,total fifteen of our 2010 pass out students have
topped in West Bengal University of Technology.
I would like to extend my hearty congratulations to the Editorial board of Graffiti for the upcoming
edition. I am looking forward to reading the interesting inputs by the young minds and to see the world
through their eyes.
As a concluding note I would like to say, reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep,
for every dream precedes the goal.
Dr.Rina Paladhi
Techno India
From The Training & Placement Officers Desk
Keeping the main objective of our institution is to impart the best technical knowledge amongst our
students and to imbibe self-confidence and a sense of responsibility so that they can apply the same for
the improvement of the society as well as the country as a whole in the future.
Academic excellence alone is not sufficient to achieve a successful career goal. Technical education
imparted to students finds its real recognition only when its proper application spreads across the
industries. For this the students are being sent to different industries for hands on job training in order to
increase their self-confidence and also to get the flavor of the corporate world.
The Training & Placement Cell works jointly with the corporate placement cell for providing all the job
related information to the students and for conducting campus recruitment drive. The Training &
Placement Cell also arranges interviews for the students at the premises of the prospective employers.
Like yesteryears the Techno India Training & Placement Cell have arranged campus recruitment drives
of the following organizations for 2011 pass out students so far:
!WIPRO .......and many more to come
Most students of 2011 batch have already been placed in the above mentioned organizations through
campus recruitment drive till date. In addition to the above, internationally renowned institutions like
IIMs, IITs and other similar reputed organizations are among the present adresses of our students, who
have passed out.
Last but not the least we must offer our sincere thanks and gratitude to the above mentioned corporate
for extending their whole hearted support and co-operation for the last couple of years in absorbing these
budding technocrats in their esteemed organizations.
Mr. Ashutosh Dhar
Training & Placement Officer
Techno India

Disclaimer: This article is totally based upon my views. I, the hero of this article am not really "ME.
It's fictitious and does as I command. Everything in it is untrue to the best of my knowledge.
Friendship? Love?
These are the two most common terms of my life and supposedly yours too.
Let me take you through a small journey on how a year in this college helped me rediscover these terms.

FIRST DAY OF COLLEGE: WOW! Just look at it man! Look at the infrastructure. AWESOME!
INSIDE CLASSROOM: Oh no! Where the hell am I struck? Just look at the people out here. Our mentalities
are sooo different. Seniors don't miss a single chance to bully juniors. That college in Bangalore would have
been so better.
(But, whatever happens, happens for a reason. Later on, Techno India seemed to be heaven, that is, if
you keep the fees out of your head which will come out to be a whopping 300/- per day or even more). So,
college started and first six months were quite hectic as a first year student. I became a regular student and
attended all classes as I had no one to bunk with.

Chapter 1: Love.
It's such a beautiful sensation. (Yes real one, you get shaken at times.) You are ready to sacrifice
every goddamn thing you have for the sake of that new girl out there whom you have known for only a few
When MOM tells you to study it's so irritating but the same words, when come out from her mouth,
suddenly reminds you that your career is so important. All of a sudden Calculus, Automata, Microprocessor,
Digital Electronics seem much more interesting. Kanitkar becomes your best buddy and you cry your heart
out to him. (Forgive me friends if I spelt the subjects wrong though.)
People, like me, from BCA, start studying "C Programming" out of all other Semester subjects...No, you are
getting me wrong, they don't want to top the Semester, they just want to POLITELY help out their female
friends in engineering who'll have it in their next Semester.
Well, now let's just concentrate on the hero. After falling in "true love" for more than a hundred times,
I finally fell for it for the FINAL time (supposedly).Like all other hundred times, I kept my detached eyelash
on my hand and blew it off, wishing that I get the one made for me, which I was sure, was this very girl. This
time I was so sure I would succeed. (Hmmmm...Was this the first time I was sure, I am not quite
sure).Confusions apart, let me tell you that I am a true SRK fan (you can compete with me anytime if you
think you are better) , so I believed that if you truly love someone, the whole world conspires, to make her
yours. But, what if more than one person loves the SAME girl at the SAME time? No movie clearly answers
this question. I guess, half the world conspires for you and second half for another. It's all for SRK films, that
so many Romeos are born. Emraan Hashmi films are much better, in contradiction.
Well, in my case, may be the second half was stronger... The hero was left alone.

After love comes friendship. I don't know if this is some OLD English proverb or not, so, for the time
being, you can consider it original. So, hearts were broken, and the real story started. Yes, there was a Food
Court in my college which gained my attention recently. It was really a nice place.
Now, that I had the whole world to look upon, not a single girl, I discovered the friendship I shared
with my friends in this very court, who were earlier "just friends". We used to hangout everyday and together
discovered our very own Nalban Food Park near our college, which had an entry fee of Rs.10 only. Sitting in
a place surrounded by water from three sides, and cracking jokes and comments was pure fun and a
wonderful experience. Big Cinema, by god's grace, had reduced its prices so we also didn't have to BUNK
any of the upcoming MOVIES to attend classes. The long distance from college to Karunamayee started to
get shorter day by day with the walk becoming a total blast with no one leaving a single chance to comment
on other fellow friends.
Well, school seemed to be a nice place (and will always be) but college started appearing even nicer
with the new found freedom. (Though the uniform still made us look like school kids.) I realized that my
friends did care for me. They would keep me busy to prevent me getting upset. They would criticize my love
one moment, and then praise her the other moment seeing me getting angry. They took my faults over their
head to make me the right guy in quarrels. etc...etc...etc.
All these incidents redefined friendship, as a whole, for me and I am quite a different person than
what I was two years back, thanks to my COLLEGE, Techno India.
Some gyaan from the core of my heart for my readers as a conclusion. This is being written by the
real me not the fictitious one.
Friendship is the most beautiful relationship in the world. It's much more than giving parties on
birthdays and messing up the face of friends with cakes. Much more than talking hours over phone! Much
more than sharing your deepest secrets!! It's about always being there, when your friend is in need, despite
the differences and about selfless love.
Dedicated to all my friends.

Shubham Agarwalla
BCA - 3 Year
People are puzzled,
They find a corrupt surrounding,
How to find a fresh world?
Poison has blackened everything.
Long journey,
Tough is to withstand-
The entrepreneurs are dishonest,
A sound loyalty they want!
An employee cannot compromise,
He curses himself behind everyone.
Whom to trust and confide upon?
Days pass by-
Life appears as a meaningless burden,
Ignorance could have been better,
Blunts make many,
Wise men suffer!
Stuffy? Yes!
Humanity is buried,
Love is paralyzed,
Groupism is massive.
No rule, no principle,
Morality is dead,
Greed lets people race ahead,
Aged parents are desolated,
To hopelessly beg!
Prof. Amiya Kumar Sarkar
ECE Dept. Techno India, Salt Lake
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When you have come to the edge of all the light you have,
And step into the darkness of the unknown,
Believe that one of the two will happen to you,
Either you will find something solid to stand on,
Or you will be taught how to fly
~ Richard Bach
I was asked to write an article about EDGE 10. But when I sat down to write I was at a loss, I could
not pen down the experience of those three amazing days! But the task at hand is to give our readers a glimpse
into what was EDGE 10. So here it is.
EDGE 10 started on the 9 of April 2010. The opening ceremony was held at around 10am where we
had a small presentation by the students on the fest in general. The traditional lighting of the diya was
followed by a guest lecture by an eminent scientist from ISRO, Prof. S.K. Bandhyopadhyay who enraptured
us on the subject of space science. Meanwhile the registration of the students who came for participation
began in the field.
Among the prominent events that took place on the very first day were the Robotics events.
Blitzkrieg v2.0 was the most popular event which attracted the crowd's attention at large. The other robotics
events were: Aqua Soccer, which was the water event and Yacht, the autonomous event. Both had their fair
share of spectators. Cyber Crusade started with a blast. Huge number of students took part in it. Counter
Strike, Need for Speed and Fifa were the ones that made the masses sway to their rhythm. We also had other
events like Make a Bot in which the participant had to make a bot on spot and make it perform a mentioned
task. Mekanix required a team to solve a specific problem by creating a working machine from a pile of
junk. In Rags to Riches the participants had to design and develop an optimized structure from scrap which
met certain predefined constraints as per the given problem. The other major events were Compute Aid with
events relating to computer programming like coding, debugging which required the best among equals had
to battle it out for the top spot. Another category Newron had an addition last time in form of Tathya which
was our new paper presentation event. Apart from that we had our usual events of Electronically Yours and
Brainteasers to tickle the grey cells of the mavericks present in those three days. We also had our fun
category :Just Like That. It included the events which were for the wandering souls. Anyone could take part
in them which is why they became the toast of the masses. It had Khul Ja Sim Sim-the treasure hunt event,
Kosmetic Surgery-the face painting competition and the Kuiz- the general quiz.
EDGE 10 was a grand success and we were all very thrilled to see the response of the students from
all across the country. The three days just passed by in a blink. On the last day, 11 of April, the closing
ceremony was held. Our teachers, our administrator and our principal were present among others in the
prize distribution ceremony held in the evening of the final day. The students, who had won, were handed
over their cash prizes. The three day extravaganza thus came to a glorious end with rich promise for the next
year and many more years to come. EDGE has grown from being just another tech fest held in one of the
many colleges in Kolkata to being the biggest tech fest in Kolkata. This has been possible because of the
great efforts put in by the students with lots of help from our college as well. We have been helped by our
benign sponsors with the much needed financial help. We hope to see EDGE as one of the biggest tech fests
in India. And I know that the students of Techno India will strive to make EDGE an even bigger success in
the years to come.
Mouparna Saha
ECE - 4 Year
Celebrating Freshness
The Freshers' Welcome is Techno India's equivalent to Vito Corleone saying, 'Welcome to the
family, kid.' It's the day of official initiation of the newcomers of first year students into the Techno India
family and is hence a day demanding a pompous celebration. It's the day we could finally shed our
inhibitions (and yeah, the formals too) and mix with the Techno crowd.
So the date was set 5 September. The venue was the college campus ground. With both the Seniors
and the Freshers putting their most fashionable feet forward, the college was filled with vibrancy. The day
began with our Principal and Registrar ma'am greeting the guests with bouquets. Students with outstanding
achievements in academics and sports were awarded.
With rising excitement an increase in footfalls started the solo vocal performances. Students belted
song from Sylan's Blowing in the wind to Hindi chartbusters like Dil kyun yeh mera and were greeted
with cheers all around (and a few boos too, actually). With the lunch being served, our primal need to feed
took centre stage and everyone lurched at the food.
Well, I believe the members of the Techno India dance troupe Enigma did not have much food. The
way they gyrated on the stage next would have made any guy with a full stomach, dancing in their place,
The much talked about Mr. and Miss Freshers' was the next event. It saw the contestants batting
questions like What superpower would you like to have? and What would you do if you were cast away
to a desolate island? with great ease and wit. Now the editors have asked me not to gloat about myself, but I
can't help but say that I won the Mr. Fresher crown (with the oh-so-pretty Suranjana Ray winning the female
The stage was finally set for Lakkhichhara, the Bengali rock band and they burned it with songs like
telephone. The students head banged with the beats and some danced around aimlessly. To put it in Rhett
Butler's words, their motto for the night was Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
The occasion ended with the DJ night. The students danced to the beats of some popular Bollywood tracks.
With the Freshers' welcome over, everyone returned with a lightly heavy heart and some wonderful
memories. The day was, as Barney Stinson shall call it after a round of shots, legen.wait for itdary!
Tamal Dutta
ECE - 1 Year
Anakhronos '11
Techno India's annual cultural fest , Anakhronos, is one behemoth of an event. And this year too was
th th
no exception. Held from 9 to 11 February, at the Swabhumi grounds, the fest drew college-goers in large
numbers from across the city and beyond.
The first day began with an inaugural dance, followed by the welcoming of the delegates with flower
bouquets and the lamplighting ceremony. A few speeches (and quite a few yawns) later, the fest was declared
officially open.
The solo singing contest was the first burst. Most were cheered and hooted, while an unfortunate few
were greeted with comments that would have made even Simon Cromwell dumbstruck. The Solo and Group
dancing events followed. The crowd went berserk as the Sheilas and Munnis took centerstage. We, the
people of Kolkata, cannot ever have enough of the thumkas. A performance by SAHAR, the CITY-based
band followed, that shook the crowd up and set the stage up perfectly for the veteran Usha Uthup, who
crooned hits from "Ooribaba" to "Daaaaarling". Everyone went "Ek Do Cha Cha Cha".
The second day was the host to an assortment of bands from Techno India. Fancily named bands like
"Architects of Hades" and not so fancily named bands like "How So?" went up on stage. The big Techno
band, "Addicted Strings", put up a brilliant performance with songs like "Nemesis" and a twisted take at
"Aha Ki Anondo.". The South Indian band, The Raghu Dixit Project, an open house for musicians and
artistes from different genres to collaborate on a dynamic sound and expression, was the big crowd-puller.
They belted hits like "Hey Bhagwan" and "Gudugudiya" that charmed the audience.
The final day was also the most epic one. The band meet was a big draw. The big ones like
"Morkichika" and relatively unknown ones like "Mind It!" clashed on stage. With songs like "Territory" and
"Enter Sandman" flying in the air, the atmosphere was electrifying. What followed was the fashion show,
and the crowd, as expected, went wild. Guys drooled, girls swooned. Let's just say, if looks could kill, then a
lot of hearses would have been needed that night. Axe-tortion went up on stage next. The collaboration
between highly talented Guitar players sharing the same stage and jamming to the same track was a rare treat
for the audience watching. With the Guitars doing the singing, everyone headbanged and none complained
(Well, except a few who thought instrumentals are boring. Duh.). Chandesh Kudwa and his teams set the
frets and the stage on fire. The colossal closing act of the fest was the presently LA-based band, Prestorika.
The thrash metal band, that states Metallica, Iron Maiden and Megadeth as their influences, upped the tempo
with some amazing song covers, complete with awe-inspiring riffs. Some headbanged, some popped up the
Devil's Horn, everyone enjoyed.
With the curtains drawing down on Anakhronos, the three most awaited days of the year for any
Techno Indian was over. But not without the promise of a bigger and better fest next year. Until then, keep
reliving the moments that surpassed time.
Cheers to Anakhronos. To Techno India. To College life.
Tamal Dutta
ECE - 1 Year
UNIEX 2011
TISOMS ( Techno India School of Management Studies) in collaboration with the management of the
college, Faculties of the department and Students of MBA, BBA, BMS and BHM organizes its mega annual
festival UNIEX every year. Like every year this year too TISOMS organized the 5 edition of UNIEX 2011
th th
on 4 and 5 February 2011, with the theme Contemporary Business Ethics & Cultural Framework in
The festival was inaugurated in the presence of the Principal of the
college, distinguished corporate personality, faculties of the
institute and the students. Many renowned persons from corporate
like Mr. Kalyan Kar - MD, Acclaris, Mr. D. K. Chatterjee Sr.
General Manager (Business Development), Haldia Petrochemicals
Ltd., Mrs. Gargi Mitra Regional Head (WB) CII, Mr. Prantik
Biswas Manager (HR)India Foils Ltd. , Dr. S. Chatterjee General
Manager (HRD) Principal Staff College Allahabad Bank shared
their views on the theme on the first day of the festival.
The interaction session was then followed by basket of student
events like Biz Bate, AdSpoof, Documaniacs and Photo Galy where many reputed management colleges of
Kolkata were invited like United World, Jadavpur University, IIFT, Heritage College, IISWB&M, Globsyn,
NSHM, George College, IEM, MSIT to name a few.
The next day of the mega event again included corporate colloquium by Dr. M.K. Maheshwari VP
(Personnel), Albert David Ltd., Mr. Dipankar Dasgupta Sr. GM (HR), Titagarh Wagons Ltd. , Mr.
Amalendu Bhattacharya Director (Finance), DCIPS, Mr. R. Dandapat Manager (Finance & Materials)
Tata Consultancy Services. This was then followed by the Biz Wiz (a quiz competition) for the students.
Give Your Stress Wings and Let It Fly Away -Was the mantra for the cultural night on 5 February 2011 for
each student of Techno India which was the show stopper for the two day mega festival of TISOMS.
This cultural night was kicked off at Laban Hard Manch by solo and group songs and dance performance by
the college students. The guest Band performances by the college alumni and the Band performance by
Underground Authority were the show grabber of the evening. Gala Dinner is the place where the Faculty,
Alumni and the students come to a platform and enjoy the dinner for the evening.
The UNIEX 2011 received a tremendous response from the end of students, faculty and corporate personal.
This year with the collective effort from all fronts UNIEX 2011 could associate with some of the big names
like Steel Authority of India (SAIL), Vinayak Udyog Ltd. , NAV Enterprise to name a few, as the proud
sponsor of the mega show.
Now is the time for the next batch to gear up to take the reputation of the college forward to new level of
excellence. This trend continues year after year at TISOMS and it's the united effort of all that has written the
success story for our institute.
Thus at TISOMS we believe in commonality among students and teachers to enjoy success together.
Subhashish Upadhyay
MBA - Final Year
Techno India School of Management Studies [TISOMS]
- A Brief Glimpse 2010-2011
[ ]
The School of Management Studies, Techno India is the management department of Techno India
College, located in the IT hub of Sector-V, Salt Lake. Since, 2002, from its very inception, the institute has
been in constant pursuit of excellence in knowledge management and imparting quality management
TISOMS has already earned a distinctive position in the field of Management Education in India by
adapting effective interactive method of teaching. The School of Management Studies has dedicated
infrastructure facility for the students such as well-equipped, specialized and professional library and
computer lab facility for their personal development.
TISOMS runs the following courses:
MBA [(Master of Business Administration)]
BBA(H) [ Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) ]
These courses are affiliated to West Bengal University of Technology.
MBA course offers major & minor specializations on Finance, Human Resources, Marketing and
Systems, under a dual specialization scheme.
TISOMS emphasizes on the following pedagogical techniques:
Classroom lectures (audio visual)
Case study method of teaching
Seminars / workshops
Programmes conducted by TISOMS throughout the year:
For smooth functioning of all the activities of TISOMS, a society, named TISOMS Society, has been
formed by the faculty and students of the department. The objectives of the society are to focus on the
Industry institute partnership
Identify and implement innovations
Look after students' interests
Foster a spirit of learning and research
Conduct student activities like:
[A] Corporate Institute Relationship
Industry-institute partnership is very much essential for organizing student projects and placements.
We have organized seminars, interactive sessions with the students from corporates such as Acclaris,
Whirlpool, Dabur India Ltd., Connectiva, Simoco, India Foils Limited, Nagarjuna Agrichem, Pepsico India,
Keventer Agro Ltd., Coca Cola India, Selvel, Fi-Tek India Ltd., United Breweries Ltd., Consulting
Engineering Services India Pvt. Ltd., DCPL, Hindustan Motors, Srei Infrastructure Finance Ltd., Godrej
Boyce, Mother Dairy Ltd., Nestle India Ltd., eRevMax, Bengal Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Genesis
Hospitals, etc.
We have also established a very good relationship with the nodal agencies of the Industrial houses,
such as CII (Confederation of Indian Industry), BNCCI (Bengal National Chamber of Commerce and
Industry), etc.
TISOMS participates regularly in corporate training activities & project consultancies.
[B] Seminars
Distinguished people from corporate houses or academia are invited on a regular basis to deliver talks
on a wide variety of topics of burning importance and modern practices in management. Students get a chance
to interact with these personalities which broadens their horizons and inculcate a spirit of inquisitiveness.
We have regular talks delivered by personalities from institutes such as IIM (Calcutta), IISWBM
(Calcutta University), Institute of Business Management (Jadavpur University), IIFT (Indian Institute of
Foreign Trade), etc. In order to continue and develop these partnerships we regularly invite a plethora of
distinguished resource persons for seminars, panel discussions, classroom sessions, etc. We continuously try
to explore new sources of tapping the intellectual resources of people who have made a mark either in industry
or academia.
Some indicative examples are:
CHALLENGES (Orientation Seminar for HR specialization) for MBA 1st year students on 20th August,
2010. The talk was delivered by Prof. (Dr.)Tridib Chakrabarty, Ex-Professor, IIMC.
Specialization) for MBA 1st year students on 25th August, 2010. The talk was delivered by Mr. Dhruba Deb
Chatterjee, GM (Accounts), Mitra SK Pvt. Ltd.
Programme for Marketing Specialization) for MBA 1st Year Students on 30th October, 2010. The talk was
delivered by Mr. Abesh Chatterjee, Head (International Trade), The Tata Tinplate Company of India Ltd.
Organized a seminar on Working Capital Risk and Safeguard for MBA Students on 25th February,
2011. The talk was delivered by Mr. Devendra Kapoor, Corporate Consultant on Accounts, Finance and
nd th
A seminar on SENSITIVITY TO BEHAVIOUR for MBA 2 Year Students on 30 October, 2010.
The talk was delivered by Mr. Jagat Mohan Sarkar, Head- HR, eRevMax.
st nd
Organized a seminar on EMERGING TREND OF BUSINESS IN INDIA for MBA 1 Year and 2
year Students on 11 November, 2010. The talk was delivered by Mr. Sougata Sadhu, Branch Head, Prima
Division, Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd
[C] Soft skills training
Soft skills training forms an essential component of the management curriculum in this institute.
Training is provided on techniques of facing interviews, qroup discussions, corporate etiquettes, etc.
Some of the events / workshops that were organized by TISOMS for the wholesome development of
students are:
A Soft Skill developmental seminar on TOOLS & TECHNIQUES OF EFFECTIVE GROUP
DISCUSSION for 2nd year students on 9th September, 2010. The talk was delivered by Prof. Ashok
Chowdhury, Department of Post Graduate Program for Executives, IIM Calcutta.
A Soft Skill developmental seminar on IMPROVEMENT ON PERSONAL INTERPRETATION
SKILL for Final year students on September, 2010. The talk was delivered by Mr. Zubin Rashid,
Managing Partner, ZR India Enterprises.
A Workshop on ADVANCED EXCEL 2007' for 8th October, 2010. The talk was delivered by Mr.
Arnab Chakraborty, Director, Totsol Technolgies Pvt. Ltd.
For the last 2 years, TISOMS has organized different skills development workshops in the areas of
SAP (ERP), MS Project (CASE Tool for Project Management). We hope to continue the trend in the future.
Apart from all these activities, regular soft skill activities are conducted by departmental faculties.
[D] Summer Internship Programme (SIP)
Students have to undergo a summer internship programme based on their major specialization. They
are normally placed with a company for 6 to 8 weeks, during which they carry out activities like surveys, data
tabulation and analysis, project report preparation, etc. This project is an essential part of the MBA course and
carries significant weightage in their final grading. Students also gather valuable work experience and they are
exposed to corporate environments. The training and placement cell of Techno India School of Management
Studies is very active in providing all students with the opportunity to join a corporate house based on their
chosen area of specialization and their aptitude.
[E] Extra-curricular activities
We believe that management cannot be learnt just in the classroom. It requires students' participation
in all round developmental activities. Hence the students are always encouraged to organize and participate in:
Fests / events
Quiz / Management Games
Inter-college competitions
Cultural programmes / Sports
[F] UNIEX - Management Fest
UNIEX is the management Fest of TISOMS, which was started with great hope and enthusiasm by
the students and faculty of TISOMS. This event has been held regularly for four years now. Spread over
two days, it includes:
Panel discussions
Management Games : BizGames (Role Playing, Strategic Games, etc.), BizWiz (Business Quiz),
BizPlan (Business Plan Competition), BizBate (Business Debate), Ad Spoof, PhotoGaly
(Photograhy competition), Documaniacs (Documentary competition), Cultural programmes
(Participation by students, Band performance, etc.)
We organized the 5 Edition of our two days seminar under the banner of our Management Fest,
UNIEX 2011. This year the Theme for the fest was:
4 February, 2011
Eminent Speakers for the seminar on Day 1

Mr. Kalyan Kar, MD, Acclaris, delivered a talk on Ethical Issues and Practices in I.T. Industry.
Mr. D. K. Chatterjee, Sr. General Manager (Business Development), Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd.,
expressed his views on Use of Polymers and its Impact on environment A social Issue.
Ms. Gargi Mitra, Regional Head (WB), Confederation of Indian Industry, talked about Inculcating
the Practice of ethics among budding managers
Mr. Prantik Biswas, Manager (HR), India Foils Ltd., spoke about Contemporary Business Ethics &
Cultural Framework In Organization.
Dr. S. Chatterjee, General Manager (HRD), Principal Staff College, Allahabad Bank, delivered a talk
on Ethical Issues and Practices in Financial Sector.

5 February, 2011
Eminent Speakers for the seminar on Day 2
Dr. M. K. Maheshwari, Vice President (Personnel), Albert David Ltd., delivered a talk on
Contemporary Ethical Issues in Present Business Scenario.
Mr. Dipankar Dasgupta, Sr. General Manager (HR), Titagarh Wagons Ltd., spoke on Contemporary
Business Ethics & Cultural Framework in Organization.
Mr. Amalendu Bhattacharya, Director (Finance), DCPL, expressed his views on Ethical Issues in
Teaching & Professional Management Institutes.
Mr. R. Dandapat, Manager (Finance & Materials), Tata Consultancy Services, talked about
Contemporary Business Ethics & Cultural Framework In Organization.
[G] Bizzy Bytes
Bizzy Bytes is a business and management ezine that was established in May 2009, by our alumni and
faculty. Since then it has been published monthly and electronically distributed free of cost to all our contacts
nationally and internationally. All issues can be freely downloaded from:
To keep students abreast of the changes in the extremely dynamic and competitive world of modern
business, Bizzy Bytes has published issues on Corporate Governance, Yes, We Can (Case Tata Nano), SEZs
in India, The WalMart Story, Kraft & Cadbury (Case Merger & Acquisitions), Brand Building (Cases include
- Swiss Watch Brands, Indian Watch Brands, Japanese Watch Brands, etc.) and so on.
[H] Research work
TISOMS faculty are engaged in generation of new knowledge through research work. Many of them
have attended national and international conferences for paper presentation. Some of these works have also
been published in Journals. Students are also encouraged to pursue research work.
[ I ] Alumni Association
TISOMS has already established a significant alumni network spread nationally, which is leveraged
for the purpose of placement activities and brand building efforts.
The students of the School of Management Studies, Techno India, have formed a management club,
named as SMART club which intends to bring an overall development in the students.
S.M.A.R.T. CLUB [ Sharp Minds Are Rapidly Trained ] is mainly a Soft Skills and Student Events
While forming this club, students have kept the following objectives in mind:
To provide a platform where they can apply what they learn.
To make themselves aware about the current corporate scenarios.
To increase their confidence level, attitude, knowledge base.
To encourage team building and leadership qualities.
To organize fun events and activities.
To be Industry-ready professionals.
Prof. Amit Kundu
Muzomania was a dream as well as a spark of an idea in the minds and in the hearts of some
fervent, crazy and passionate music lovers and makers who went on to establish a Music Ensemble by
organizing a Cultural Evening on the 13 day of November 2009.
It was based on various cultural programs on the post occasion of Durga Puja when the ensemble was
just a dream without a name; which became a grand success, slowly integrating the idea of establishment of
the Ensemble.
By the joint effort of few faculty members and students of the institution, the dream was a reality in
January 2010 when the Ensemble got its prospective ideas of having a place for real music lovers. The club
got its active members both from students as well as faculties in various fields like singing, dancing,
nd st
instruments playing, acting, recitation etc. thereby organizing the 2 Cultural Evening on 1 April, 2010
with the theme 'Love'.
Muzomania grooms students for performing in the college events (like 'Freshers' Welcome Day' and
'Anakronos') and it maintains a database for members and thereby notifying the active members about inter-
college events for participation.
rd rd
The club organized the 3 Cultural Evening on 3 November, 2010 which was a grand success,
thereby motivating us for a magnificent future with more upcoming events.
Team Muzomania works united to provide a platform for music & culture and it hopes to stay in
Techno India forever in the hearts of passionate music lovers.
We would be pleased to have more members joining Team Muzomania for active participation!
Diptangshu Datta
BCA - 3 Year
Team Muzomania
Come and trip it as ye go, on the light fantastic toe! In short, just dance. This is exactly the message that
Techno India's dance team, Spectrum+ has been spreading over the years. Created in the year 2008, this team
has together witnessed some of the biggest victories in the history of Techno India's cultural success. It has
participated a plethora of national level competitions at inter-college fests and emerged out as winners.
The most telling quality of this group is that it comprises not only dancers, but also choreographers, costume
designers and make-up artists. Without any professional help
in conceptualization, choreography, costumes and makeup,
this team has achieved what many professional teams haven't.
It has always been successful in spreading poignant messages
to its audience through the beautiful concepts portrayed in
their performances.
However, the biggest strength of this group is their friendship.
Each and every member is an indispensable pillar in their
pyramid of accomplishments. Victory or defeat, they have
faced it together. They have risen as one and fallen as one. And
in all this, they have realized that life is all about making the most of your passion, making the most of the
moment and making the most of friendship.
Some of their achievements are as follows:
2 prize in Anakhronos, 2009 (Techno India)
1 prize in Springfest, 2010 (IIT Kharagpur)
2 prize in Carpe Diem, 2010 (IIM Joka)
1 prize in Anakhronous, 2010 (Techno India)
2 prize in Eclecia, 2010 (Heritage Institute of Technology)
2 prize in Springfest, 2011 (IIT Kharagpur)
So you think you can dance? Then let your hair down and groove to the music. Every year, Spectrum+ holds
auditions to recruit new talents to their group. Keep your eyes on the bulletin boards of the college. Their
posters can be up anytime. For better interactivity, they even announce in individual classrooms. So,
attending classes might not be that bad an idea. What do you say?
Kamalika Ghosh
BCA - 3 Year




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Achievements of Techno Indians
College Name and the Event Position Name of the students Current yr and stream

ROBOWAR 1 Ankan Roy Bardhan EE 2010
Kumar Madhawendra EE 2010
Jasmeet Dua EE 2010
MEKANIX 2 Anish Kumar EE 2010
Paritosh Sagar EE 2010
ELECTRONICALLY YOURS 3 Alapon Banerjee EE 2010
Tanisha Saha EE 2010
Antara Roy EE 2010
AQUA VAAHAN 2 Rahul Prasad ECE 2012
Shashank Shekar EE 2012
Mantosh Thakur EIE 2012
Prabhakant Sinha CSE 2012
ROBO OLYMPICS 1 Rahul Prasad ECE 2012
Shahank Shekhar EE 2012
Prabhakant Sinha CSE 2012
Rudranil Panda CSE 2012
TORQUE 2 Sumit Kumar ECE 2013
Rohit Ranjan ECE 2013
Sumit Kumar EE 2013
HYDROFOIL 3 Rahul Prasad ECE 2012
Shashank Shekhar EE 2012
Prabhakant Sinha CSE 2012
Rudranil Panda CSE 2012
YATCH 1 Rahul Prasad ECE 2012
Prabhakant Sinha CSE 2012
Shashank Shekhar EE 2012
Sumit Kumar ECE 2013
BLITZKREIG 3 Rahul Prasad ECE 2012
Prabhakant Sinha CSE 2012
Shashank Shekhar EE 2012
Sumit Kumar ECE 2013
3 Kaustav Mazumdar EE 2010


ON 'Computational Aspects of RSA Souvik Ghosh ECE 2012
National Project Exhibition
Competition 'INNOVATION HUBB' 3 Shashank Saurav ECE 2012
Souvik Ghosh ECE 2012
Ritwik Das CSE 2012
Netaji Subhas Engineering

'SUKRITYA'- AVENIR 2011 1 Shashank Saurav ECE 2012
Souvik Ghosh ECE 2012
Ritwik Das CSE 2012
ORAL PRESENTATION 1 Shashank Saurav ECE 2012
Souvik Ghosh ECE 2012
ANNUAL SCIENCE & special Shashank Saurav ECE 2012
ENGINEERING FAIR award Souvik Ghosh ECE 2012
Ritwik Das CSE 2012

Counter Strike 1.6 1 Saurav Mitra EE 2010
Koustav Mazumdar EE 2010

Heritage Institute
Of Technology
Eclecia, 2010 2 Spectrum
(Dance Group)

Springfest, 2011 2 Spectrum
(Dance Group)
Anakhronos, 2011 1 Enigma
(Dance Group)
2. the call of the belly satisfied in the Techno India way (19)
4. lights, camera and the rest depends on students (17)
6. the smoking hot location of Techno India (14)
10. a mini factory producing no 'end products'. First years know what level of drilling is done here. (8)
12. remains almost unnoticed by students untill registration for semester exam starts (21)
13. a multiplex like experience in a classroom (14)
1. calling a meeting in this room is like getting exposed to the ambience of Techno India (15)
3. evergreen turned into ever developing stage (17)
5. get your 'fate in the semester' photocopied here. (12)
7. you are taught to imagiiine in this room, but end up day-dreaming of something else (12)
8. food and drinks are all it is supposed to offer, but the cricket matches in its TV screen is its only point of
interest for us (10)
9. water all over without a purpose (13)
11. constructed to meet nature's calls,but serves as the red cross during examinations (8)
Look for answers on next page.
2. FOOD PROCESSING LABthe call of the belly satisfied in the Techno India way
4. MEDIA SCIENCE LABlights, camera and the rest depends on students
6. GENERATOR ROOMthe smoking hot location of Techno India
10. WORKSHOPa mini factory producing no 'end products'. First years know what level of drilling is
done here.
12. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICEremains almost unnoticed by students untill registration for semester
exam starts
13. MULTIMEDIA LABa multiplex like experience in a classroom
1. CONFERENCE HALLcalling a meeting in this room is like getting exposed to the ambience of
Techno India
3. CONSTRUCTION SITEevergreen turned into ever developing stage
5. XEROX CENTREget your 'fate in the semester' photocopied here.
7. GRAPHICS LAByou are taught to imagiiine in this room, but end up day-dreaming of something else
8. FOOD COURTfood and drinks are all it is supposed to offer, but the cricket matches in its TV screen is
its only point of interest for us
9. SWIMMING POOLwater all over without a purpose
11. WASHROOMconstructed to meet nature's calls,but serves as the red cross during examinations
How should students prepare to face the challenges in the next decades
The world has been advancing at a jet speed. The key concepts of globalization and economic
liberalization have made the world appear as a global-village but simultaneously steeped up competition and
quality consciousness. Cost effectiveness and best of services are provided to the customers, therefore,
demand substantial attention. All organizations and business houses are therefore on their toes in meeting
their stringent customer satisfaction in the open market. Moreover there are other constraints such as
environmental/pollution criteria, social/political/legal issues and country specific habits/norms behavioral
patterns/prejudices/patterns etc. There is no scope of relaxation/carelessness and no time to take eyes off
from the dynamics of the market. CEO's are on tight spot, so is the status of the entire organization on the
whole. Ultimate level of professionalism and positive attitude is necessary to survive in this open ended
tougher than ever competitive market. Given this background, today's engineering graduates must strive
their best to prepare themselves to face these above stated globalized challenges.
But how to attain such an efficient profession at essence?
It is the attitude of life-long learning, to stay competitive. World economy today is said to be
Knowledge economy, since Knowledge makes ones values/worth estimated relative to others. I suggest
reading books to prepare oneself as a quality human being first, which immediately makes ready a fertile
land where quality learning habit can be sowed to reap excellent professionalism as a pleasant harvest (see
bibliography 1-4 for books referred). Everyone must try to attain a set goal or a series of related goals. It leads
to tremendous satisfaction, a quantitative metric of success. Not that all are measurable in terms of
monetary values. Think of the level of successes Swami Vivekananda, Subhas Chandra Bose, Mother
Teresa, Satyajit Ray and many more such great people. Remember they were the best professionals in their
domains who might not have become very rich but have produced diamonds in their work activities. Try to
make yourself cherished as :nectre by all other around. But how? love your nation, love your family, love
your friends, love your job, love your organization and love yourself. Learn to forgive and co-operate, shun
the habit of complaint. That is how you become lovable and prepare a good backdrop for happiness and
success, thereof.
One's shaping of character and behavioral pattern depends on the environment one grows up in. It
has several components. Social stability and political condition play a major role in the matured stage of
your age. Beware of 5 P's and stay away from 3-M's has invaluable worth. Better learn to concentrate on
your own work without getting diverted by imitating inputs. Don't blame your fate and environment. Just
plan your ways to succeed. May take advices from real wise people to overcome the best. Good behavior and
humble gestures with good speaking power can be of tremendous help at hard times. But you also must be
determined to face the crisis. Vindictive attitude and selfishness/greed are very negative qualities that may
harm you. So, reject these bad and unproductive habits from your very childhood days for character and
morality building. We learn many bad things which become very difficult to change later and we pay huge
penalty. So be very careful. Today the word needs globally competitive human beings. Specifically for the
engineering domain, I would like to place before you the most sought after set of attributes by the globally
competitive organizations.
A good understanding of engineering fundamentals
A good understanding of design and manufacturing process
A multidisciplinary system approach built in the graduate engineers.
Consciousness of business, cultural values, environmental issues, social needs, good
communication skills
High ethical standard
Team work, flexible in operations, ready to modify plans, thinking etc.
The list is only basic and can be grouped into two categories academic and attitudinal
In fact students have to be developed as engineering managers, who speak many languages, are
technically brilliant as researchers, innovators, and specialist. Global awareness, communication and team
work are extremely important.
But how to rear up these qualities?
For every specific quality you have to take a definite course of preparation. However specific
delicate differences on discipline specificity will always exist. It is however observed that interviewers in
most cases don't set up topics that specifically. The technical aptitude test has a common and an area specific
part. HR is the managerial ability test, comprising of standard questions, which do not differ much across the
engineering disciplines. Several study materials are available and also specific training for these.
Remember you are not competing with your friends but with your global contemporaries. Be co-operative
and let others smile, then you can be a true human reflecting true humanity coupled with leadership and
courage, that others can confide on. Thanks.
1. Shib Khera You can win McMillan Publisher India Pvt. Ltd.
2. A.H.Maslow, A theory of Human motivation, 1943,
3. Joseph Murphy, The power of your subconscious mind,
4. Imagining India Idea for the new century by Nandan Nilekani, Penguin books, 2009
5. R. Natarayan, Contemporary issues in engineering education McMillan Advanced Series, Delhi,
Prof. Amiya Kumar Sarkar
ECE Dept.
Techno India, Salt Lake

During B.Tech
There are lots of things one can do apart from their full time course, but they must be specific and know their
interests well, but wait! How can you know what is their interest without doing anything? So here are the
steps, which will help you to know your interest:
Yes, this is infact the step in knowing what is your interest, I don't know how many of you are well
acquainted with the fact that there are lots of things you can do for your college and yourselves apart from
fetching good GPA (of-course very few are interested in this 'philanthropic' work) so lets focus on something
Graffiti at Techno India is the place where you scribble your thoughts, give shape to your imagination and
understanding. Your classmate sitting next to you for a long while may not be aware of the poetic touch you
have or how brilliant narrator you are. Graffiti makes it possible.
Every year in the month of August or September a selection test is conducted by Team Graffiti, of which
every college students are notified. For any further clarifications or informations feel free to contact Team
Graffiti by mailing at or you can give a visit to the Graffiti room at the 3rd floor of
the old building.
EDGE is the annual technical festival of Techno India, and is the prominent activity of the official science
club of Techno India, GEEKONIX. EDGE has surely made Techno India proud as by the day it has grown to
become the biggest technical festival of Kolkata. Being a part of the team is surely not all about the days
during the festival, but it is an involvement throughout the year through activities like robotics, computing,
quizzing and gaming. Here you create, innovate and work on your engineering skills.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact at or you can visit in person to the EDGE
room at the 3rd floor of the old building.
Its our annual cultural fest, I would like to tell you all, that it is for everyone, not only for enjoying and
participating, but the Organizing part, yes! You got it right, ORGANIZING, everyone is welcome, there is
nothing like an eligibility criteria. You'll get to know many managerial skills and your ability to listen and
lead, its not only about leadership but you'll learn to work and it'll help you a lot to know what you can do
In case of any queries please contact Atish Aziz, ECE - 3rd Year, Mobile: +91-9038539383.

CV stands for Curriculum Vitae, it provides an overview of a person's life and qualifications. It is typically
the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically used to screen
applicants, often followed by an interview, when seeking an employment.
Advantage: While making a CV, you will realize what you have done till now. What you want and what you
have become. And most important what is necessary to become what you wanted to be.
Disadvantage: Some of you may get depressed and shattered that you have done nothing and some of you
may get into the narcissism state, both the state are highly infectious.
Note: Please do not underestimate this part, making a CV is not as easy as you think, and for god's sake,
please clear your confusion between a Bio-data and CV.Now, the serious work starts here. After making a
CV, the question arises what to do with it? Why we are making a CV now? When it is required at the time of
getting an employment?

Don't worry if you are not serious, then also you will have to act like one, once you enter into 3 year.
Because there is a compulsory 'training' you are required to do at the end of your 6 semester, and here you
will come to know the importance of a CV.
Now, our college helps us to get that training, but let us focus on the two different word: Internship and
Training, there is a big difference between both these terms.
An intern is someone who works in a temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training rather
than merely employment. Interns are usually college or university students, seeking skills for a new career.
Student internships provide opportunities for students to gain experience in their field, determine if they
have an interest in a particular career, and create a network of contacts. Internships provide employers with
cheap or free labor for (typically) low-level tasks. Some interns find permanent, paid employment with the
companies in which they interned, it is called PPO (Pre Placement Offer). Their value to the company may
be increased by the fact that they need little to no training.
An internship may be either paid, unpaid or partially paid (in the form of stipend). Paid internships are most
common in the engineering field. Internships in non-profit organization such as charities and think tanks are
often unpaid, volunteer positions.
Internships may be part-time or full-time; typically, they are part-time during the university year and full-
time in the summer. They usually last 612 weeks, but can be shorter or longer based on the company for
which they intern.Internship positions are available from businesses, government departments, non-profit
groups and organizations
Types of Internship:
Internships exist in various industries and settings. Here are two primary types of internships that exist:
1. Work experience internship:
Most often this will be in the second or third year of your college period. During this period the student is
supposed to use the things he/she has learned in college and put it in practice. This way the student gets work
experience in their field of study. The gained experience will be helpful to finish up the last year of the study.
Research internship (graduation) or dissertation internship:
Students who are in their last year mostly do this. With this kind of internship a student does research for
a particular company or professor. They can have something that they feel like they need to improve, or
the student can choose a topic themselves. The results of the research study will be put in a report and
often will have to be presented.
You are paid (mostly) for the period you work.
Your confidence and contact will increase.
If you are serious, then there are chances to get a PPO, which will be at the start of your 7 semester
(between August-September), so that means, you are free from vicious circle of interviews, GDs and
further pressure.\
How to apply for internship:
Complete your CV.
Prepare a Cover Letter, it will differ for different professors and companies.
Cover Letters:A cover letter or covering letter or motivation letter or motivational letter or letter of
motivation is a letter of introduction attached to, or accompanying another document such as a rsum or
curriculum vitae.
Cover letters are generally one page at most in length, divided into a header, introduction, body, and
a. Header:
Cover letters use standard business letter style, with the sender's address and other information, the
recipient's contact information, and the date sent after either the sender's or the recipient's address.
Following that is an optional reference section (e.g. "RE: Internship Opportunity at Global Corporation")
and an optional transmission note (e.g. "Via Email to"). The final part of the header is
a salutation (e.g., "Dear Hiring Managers").
b. Introduction:
The introduction briefly states the specific position desired, and should be designed to catch the
employer's immediate interest.
c. Body:
The body highlights or amplifies on material in the resume or job application, and explains why the job
seeker is interested in the job and would be of value to the employer. Also, matters discussed typically
include skills, qualifications, and past experience. If there are any special things to note such as
availability date, they may be included as well.
A closing sum up the letter and indicates the next step the applicant expects to take. It may indicate that
the applicant intends to contact the employer, although many favor the more indirect approach of simply
saying that the applicant will look forward to hearing from or speaking with the employer. After the
closing is a valediction ("Sincerely"), and then a signature line. Optionally, the abbreviation "ENCL"
may be used to indicate that there are enclosures.
Google search the name of companies or universities where you want to do the internship. Other sources
will also work.
Now, Go to:
For companies:
Company Website > Careers (relation link) >Get the HR mail id(related mail IDs)
For Professors:
College/University Website > Faculty(related link)> Departments> Professor profile (search for your
interest of field or project) > get the mail ID& mail him
The term training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the
teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. It
forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone of content at the technical. In addition to
the basic training, today there is a need to continue training beyond initial qualifications: to maintain,
upgrade and update skills throughout working life. You may refer to this sort of training as professional
Now our college will help you to get the training not the internship, for internship you are on your own.
I hope from the above summary you are now able to analyze which of the two you would prefer
(specially in your 3 year) .
But, friends, training are not something, which should be ignored, especially for those who have interest
but not the knowledge. Training can be done at any of point of time during your college (but mostly
st nd rd
preferred during 1 and 2 yr.) One is always interested for an internship in 3 year.
Companies/Institutes providing different kinds of trainings:
1. IBM,BSNL,TCS,Doordarshan,Durgapur Power Plant,CTTC, Kolkata,NIITs
Maharatnas Companies,Indian Oil Corp. Ltd, NTRC, ONGC, SAIL, Navaratnas Companies, BEL,
India Ltd, Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd, Rural Electrification Corp. Ltd,Shipping Corp. of India Ltd.
After B.Tech
There are 1600 business schools in India offering two-year MBA programs. The students are a mix of fresh
graduates without any work experience and people with good work experience. Among those schools, the
Indian Institutes of Management (IIM) are the oldest institutions for management education in India.
Admission to any of the IIM schools requires passing Common Admission Test (CAT), however other
business schools requires passing either CAT, XAT, GMAT, JMET, MAT, SNAP, IIFT or others each of
which qualifies candidates for entrance into any management institutions in India, apart from these entrance
tests there are few business schools which conducts aptitude test individually which qualifies candidates for
that particular business school. The IIM and other autonomous business schools offer a post-graduate
diploma in management (PGDM) or Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGPM), which is
recognized in India as similar to an MBA degree. Government accreditation bodies such as AICTE
established that autonomous business schools can offer only the PGDM or PGPM, whereas a post-graduate
degree can be awarded by a university-affiliated colleges, in two-year full-time program. The curriculum of
the PGDM or PGPM and MBA degrees are equivalent, although the MBA degree is examination oriented
and concentrates on theoretical aspects of management whereas the PGDM or PGPM is industry-oriented
and mainly focuses on building soft skills. However, a PGDM or PGPM holder cannot pursue Ph.D. since it
is not recognized. Non-government accredited, one-year fast-track programs have proliferated in India,
especially for candidates with work experience. Such programs are commonly known as Post Graduate
Programme (PGP) in Business Management
In India, a Master of Engineering or Master of Technology or Master of Science in engineering degree is a
postgraduate program in engineering or technology. This is generally a 2-year (2.5 years for MSc Engg.)
specialization program in a specific branch of engineering or a technical field. Students typically enter the
ME/M.Tech/MSc Engg. programs after completing a 4-year undergraduate program in engineering
resulting in the award of a Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Technology degree, or a 5-year program
in Science or Applied Sciences resulting in the award of a Master of Science degree.
The ME/M.Tech/MSc Engg programs in India are usually structured as an Engineering Research degree,
lesser than Ph.D. and considered to be parallel to M.Phil. and M.S degrees in Humanities and Science
respectively. Different exam for M.Tech are : -
Masters of Science is a postgraduate academic master's degree awarded by universities in a large number of
countries. The M.S. is mostly a "taught" programme spanning 2 years. Stress is more on research than other
You have to give GRE for this purpose.
Practice the ETS sample questions
Check the new website for information about the revised format and
Study the GRE world list for usage rather than just for meaning
Practice Data Interpretation questions in GMAT.
New and improved
More questions featuring real -life scenarios
Less reliance on vocabulary out of context, more emphasis on reading, no antonyms and analogies
New navigation features, including the ability to skip questions within a section and go back to them
New answer types, such as filling in a number or providing more than one response
On-screen calculator for quantitative reasoning
More emphasis on mathematical reasoning and fewer questions on knowledge of specific formulae.
A section designed to measure ones ability to evaluate information from multiple sources
This 30-minute integrated reasoning section replaces of one of two assays that are part of analytical
Examinees must analyze information, draw conclusion and discern relationships between data
An audio component in some questions.
Chartered Financial Analyst(CFA)
While most graduate school programs cover a broad range of topics, the CFA Program focuses specifically
on investment knowledge, and the self-study format allows you to continue working full time as you
progress towards earning the CFA charter.
Candidates for the CFA Program include students entering the investment field, professionals increasing
their expertise and marketability, and people making a career change into the investment profession from
other disciplines.
Global Recognition
With a six-decade history of maintaining a rigorous focus on globally relevant investment knowledge, the
CFA Program is the most widely known and respected investment credential in the world.
Career Advantage
Employers recognize the CFA charter as the definitive standard by which to measure the competence,
integrity, and dedication of serious investment professionals. Stand out at every stage of your career.
Practical Skills
The CFA Program curriculum focuses on the practical knowledge and current real-world skills necessary in
the global investment management profession. These skills are immediately useful on the job.
Earning the CFA charter places you in the company of an elite group of more than 90,000 respected
investment professionals. Access to their collective expertise, networks, and resources is an invaluable asset
IAS Examination
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the Exam in the month of June India wide. There is
objective as well as subjective papers. One paper for GS (General Science) is part of the assessment system
apart from the engineering subject of the candidate. The entire technical subject is divided into two papers
(PAPER 1 and PAPER 2. There is a three-day schedule of the written examination, comprising in all five
written examination.
The first day is allocated for the General Studies (GS) paper. This exam is of 2 hrs. duration. On the first day
there is just one exam.
The second day is allocated for the Objective Papers. There are two objective exams for each paper
separately and each being of 2 hrs. in duration.
The third day is allocated for the Conventional (Subjective) Papers. There are two subjective exams for each
paper separately and each being of 3 hrs. in duration.
The subjective answer sheets of a candidate are evaluated only once he qualifies the objective examinations.
Interview The candidates who qualify the written exam are called for Interview by the board, which is
appointed by The President of India.
The notification of the examination is updated in the UPSC calendar and is available on their web site
TOP 20 Engineering & Technology Universities in the world
(Times Higher Education World University Ranking, 2010)
California Institute of Technology, US
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US
Stanford University, US
Princeton University, US
University of California Berkeley, US
University of Cambridge, UK
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
University of Oxford, UK
Imperial College, London, UK
Georgia Institute of Technology, US
Carnegie Mellon University, US
Cornell University, US
University of Toronto, Canada
University of Michigan, US
University of Illinois, US
National University of Singapore, Singapore
University of California, US
Northwestern University, US
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Tsinghua University, China
My Journey
Vivek Anand was the President of EDGE08 and was deeply associated with
GRAFFITI & GEEKONIX for four years. After Graduating from Techno
India , he did his MS from University of Florida . In this article he talks about
as to how his journey has been from the corridors of Techno India to the
alleys of Durham and what it takes to live the American Dream .
On the fourth day of August in the year 2008, I sat in a time machine and
went 9.5 hrs back in time and boom! I found myself in a new fairy world; where I
would go on to live my American dream. On a more serious note, when I
reminisce, it is difficult to point out when it all began. My memory says, it was in
my second year that thoughts for higher education came to me, and I seriously started researching about
American universities. I'd like to put in this manner I saw my Lakshya. And when I finally got my
admission offer from University of Florida I was on top of the world. My family and my friends kept me
motivated from time to time to work hard and I was finally able to fly about 8,000 miles away from my
motherland to an alien land where everyone keeps saying Yes we can!.
Here I was in Florida! A little happy, a bit nervous, a little restless and somewhat
perplexed or perhaps a mix of all of them. I felt like a 10 year old waiting by the window for
Santa to deliver my Christmas gift. Soon, I was very homesick; missing my family, friends
& country. During this time my only solace were the songs from the movie 'Swades'. I
would hum to the tunes of mitti ki hai jo khushbhu, tu kaise bhulaayega endlessly. But as
soon as I entered the academic system, anxiety overtook my homesickness. I began to
wonder how I would be able to compete with students from around the world, each one
seeming smarter than the other. Perhaps it was the strength in those prayers and wishes from
loved ones back home that helped me focus on my academic goals and bring smiles to my friends and pride
to my parents.
Life at University of Florida was different from anything I had ever experienced. The challenges in
academics and the encouragement for innovation that were the proverbial yardstick for a good university
were all in my life now. Remarkably, I spent the first semester trying to figure out the nuances in the
university systems which were markedly different from what I experienced in Techno India. For example, I
found myself working on tough to crack assignments almost every week and Google never seemed to have
an answer. It was never without reading various textbooks and research papers over and over and thinking
about the problem for days at length that I was able to solve them. Oh and the practice of copying
assignments is a crime! The professors and their teaching assistants use specially designed software to detect
plagiarism. My special note to all the enthusiasts of pursuing an education abroad: Plagiarism (copying) is a
strict no-no and it can end your dream in the bat of an eyelid.
One of the facts I really liked about the university is that there aren't any pre-defined courses
(subjects) to take in a particular semester. You can chose whatever subjects you want to study and it can be
even from different stream. Being in ECE you can take a course from, say an entirely different field like
BioTechnology or even Humanities. This flexibility helps you really learn what you want to learn and you
have professors and academic advisors to help you with your choices. The professors are friendly and
approachable and you are not expected to address them as sir or ma'am but just Dr prefixed to their last name
You are compelled to innovate in your courses. Your course projects are the outcomes of your own
creativity and not of a hasty date with Google/Yahoo/Bing. It is an implicit but understood requirement to
come up with your own ideas for writing papers and journals. Exams are gruelling but not as tough as the
projects. There also are, seemingly weird take home or open book exams - for which you wouldn't run to
bathrooms for cheats or as you would call it chothas. Of course, it is not hard to figure that the solutions to
the problems in such exams are not in your or any other textbook. It's all about learning and applying - and
not about being Vicki from Small Wonders.
Life in America is very different. In no time you become a great chef because cheap and tasty Indian
food is hard to come by. You keep track of two time zones on your laptop. You have an India Calling day in
your weekly schedule. You start nurturing different hobbies as there are so many opportunities available in
the university. And adapting to the confusing use of Fahrenheit as against the Celsius to measure temperature
makes matters even worse!
Coming back to academics, you have to find an advisor with whom you can write your thesis - one
under whom you will do research studies and finally do some real contribution to your area of research.
Research is fun, passion, inspiring, boring, impressive and every other thing you can think of. But yes, when
you have done some substantial research work and published a paper or two - it really brings a Colgate smile
on your face. In my second semester, I was lucky enough to find a professor who allowed me to do some
serious research work in his lab and publish some papers. Don't worry, I am not going to bore you down with
the technical information from my research work, instead I will move on to my paid holiday cum internship
experience at Samsung Electronics in South Korea during Summer of '09.
Samsung Electronics' internship was a redefining moment in my life. I was lucky and proud enough
to be among the 13 students selected from all over the USA for an internship at Samsung Headquarters in
South Korea. My other internship colleagues were from the big name universities like MIT, Cornell,
Stanford, University of Michigan and University of Texas, Austin. I was hired to work with the
Mechatronics department of Samsung where they build robots for the automation of building process of
Samsung mobiles and TVs. In other words, my team was working to remove the production floor workers
but it was a great exposure to industrial automation and robotics. Apart from work, Samsung used to take us
for weekend trips to different places in South Korea and all of us really started liking South Korea despite the
language barrier. The one thing I really appreciated in Koreans was their passion- be it work or play. Seoul
has became one of my favorite destinations and you might be amazed to know that it is the most wired city of
the world with robots at help desks in airports, photo booths at tourist locations where you take a photo and
email it to yourself free of cost and 95% of households have broadband access!
This short term industry experience provoked me to go for another internship and this time I chose a
company in Berlin, Germany. There, I worked with SMI Vision which was involved in the business of
building eye trackers, they use cameras on spectacles or caps to track where your eye is looking at (for the
curios - they are used for psychological research, market research and aeroplane or fighter simulations, etc.).
The five months of the German experience helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses. The
professional learning experience aside, it was quite difficult for me to adapt to the German way of working.
It was different. Talking about Germany how can I not mention my first experience with snow ! Those who
think that snow is beautiful - its not like what it seems, when you have to go about your daily business in 2-3
feet of snow it becomes hard and then you start complaining. And 3 months of it makes everything look
gloomy - standing 20 minutes in -20C waiting for a bus; slipping with luggage on snow - my experience with
it was not good. But yeah when there is fresh snow its wonderful.
Moving on to my graduation. The convocation is a big event and I had one of the happiest days of my life on
August 6, 2010 - my convocation day. You are filled with pride walking to the stage when your name is called
and seeing the huge crowd who applaud you. This event brought down the curtains on one part of my life.
And then started another difficult phase of job search. The job search was one roller coaster ride. And
after 2 months of struggle and attending interviews for more than 30 companies I finally got a job offer.
There is no campus placement in USA. You apply to companies online - if they like your resume they
conduct a preliminary phone screening (a technical interview over the phone). And they can be long! For
instance, I appeared for phone interviews which typically lasted for about 2 hours. The number of phone
interviews for a particular company may vary - some just take 1 while others may take 5-6 (I appeared for 5
phone interviews with Apple). Then if they like you they call you for an on-site interview. On the day of the
interview you are grilled in 5-6 interviews starting typically at 9 in morning and ending around 5-6 pm.
Eventually, after overcoming all these odds, I was able to realize my childhood dream of becoming a
scientist. I am proud to say that I am now a senior research engineer at 3D Media, a company specializing in
capturing 3D Image content using normal 2D cameras. And I am living my American dream with my new
There have been people and places who have significantly contributed to my position today. And one
such place was Techno India that changed me in ways I would have never imagined. My 4 years at Techno
were the best years of my life. And I am really glad about the fact that I was a part of the pioneering teams that
worked for Graffiti and Edge. We had a dream and we realized it. I am also filled with pride to see Graffiti and
Edge reaching new heights. I feel so proud about having been a part of the Techno India family. I sincerely
thank all my teachers at Techno India who helped me achieve my dream, especially our ex-Principal Dr. K.
Chakraborty, Sir Subrata Pal, Sir Amitava Basu Mullick, Ma'm Jona Basu and Ma'm Rajrupa Chakravarty.
Also I would like to mention few of my friends with whom we started the new wave in Techno - Kaushik
Choudhary, Swati Handa, Jayesh Rajpal, Puja Ganguli, Anirvan Mitra, Subhobroto Sinha, Gaurav Jain,
Prakriti Sarkar, Ankita Dutta, Neha Arya, Ankit Saraf and many others.
I would like to conclude with the following word to all my juniors. Identify your goals and dream
about it. Dreaming is not bad. What is bad is dreaming and then expecting your dreams to come true by the
grace of some divine magic. That unfortunately, does not happen in real life. If your dreams don't motivate
you to work hard, they probably are not yours. To sum it up I quote Will Smith from the movie Pursuit of
Happyness You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell
you, you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.
PS: - I would like to thank Kaushik Choudhary (CSE-2006), Ankita Dutta(CSE-2008) and Prabhat
Kumar(ECE-2008) for their creative inputs and help in editing this article. And thanks to Shashank
Saurav(ECE-3rd Year) and Graffiti Team for providing me the space to express my thoughts.
Vivek Anand
EE -2008
Research is FUN
Anirban Basumallik is a Computer Engineering student from the
2009 batch. He was a distinguished member of EDGE and GRAFFITI,
and was the organizing head (co-president) of EDGE09. He used to
organize talks and workshops on robotics. Later he joined IIT-Bombay to
do his masters study there. Here he talks about his understandings on the
concept of doing a research.
If any B.Tech. student is asked, How is B.Tech. Life?, he is most
likely to say that its more about fun than academics. It is possibly one of the
most enjoyable phases of an engineer's life. Yet, some of the most critical
decision making comes at the end of this academic phase. Standing on the
verge of completion of B.Tech degree, there are a plethora of career options to
go for. Be it a Master's degree in technical or a management oriented one or a
more lucrative option of a job. One of the other options is that of Research, which is a path less travelled.
Whichever path is taken by the student, its planning and preparation should be well planned ahead. In this
article I will be describing about the path less taken, i.e. Research, the phase of life where fun and academics
are blended together. Presently, I am pursuing my M. Tech. degree in Computer Science and Engineering
from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. In my curriculum, I have a component of research, still
strictly speaking, I am not into hardcore research. Being at the Mecca of Indian Technology, I have had a
much better view of Research than I had ever before. Hence, I am documenting my modest understanding
about it and the article will comprise of a mixture of the insights of professors of IIT and the way I look at it.
What is research?
Research is not PhD. Research is a way of life. Research can happen at any phase of life. It is a matter
of analysing our surroundings critically and then coming up with creative and effective new ideas. Research
can be done while working at office, while travelling or even when sitting below a tree.We have often heard
of two categories of skills, namely hard skills and soft skills. Without going into a discussion about these
two, I would like to stress on a third and more important skill, which can be best described as the skill to
acquire new skills. Research is all about developing the third skill and consolidating them. Research helps
in developing the learning skills of the person. It enhances the self-learning abilities of the researcher and
trains the brain to think clearly.
Components/Process of Research
The next question that arises is what is it that needs to be done when someone is Research-ing?
From a very generic perspective, the following activities characterises Research:
Seek extension of an earlier known solution
If you have a solution, find a problem
Seek generality by removing specificities
Distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant
In research, one is to achieve depth in one area and have an overall understanding of the other ideas,
which can be picked up on demand for building depth in those fields as well. Maintaining the depth
and breadth is very important.In the process of Research, the researcher's confusion might grow to a
certain point, till when the researcher is in the process of understanding and analysing the problem
statement. Beyond this point, the understanding curve takes a major turn and the conviction
converges all to the final solution to the problem in question.
The research process slightly varies across Academia and Industry. In Industry, research is mainly
product driven whereas in Academia it is idea driven. In Industry, many idea driven research efforts are
combined together and the main stress lies on deployment. Whereas in Academia, research is not bound by a
particular product, rather it can have a long gestation period and independent ideas find a scope of freedom.
Another very important thing is to do research on the verge of technology as there is no point in dealing with
things which are old because most likely people have already exhausted the research aspect around it,
though exceptions might exist. The next question is how to identify the edge of technology. The best method
to do so is by keeping oneself updated with the conferences, related to his field of interest, and visit them in
person or atleast visit the websites and go through the publications of the conferences. More about
conferences in the next section.
Registering Research
Research keeps progressing at its own speed, but often there is a need to officially register and claim
ownership of ideas. It happens in the form of publications, mainly through conference papers and journals.
Researchers express their ideas as papers and the scientific community keeps exchanging valuable
knowledge through them. This not only informs others about ones achievements but also might provide a
solution which is being faced by different researchers. Conferences are regularly held to discuss and publish
the papers as received from Academia and Industry alike. Conferences bring together the best minds in the
world and facilitate face-to-face exchange of information. The central focus of topic varies from one
Conference to the other. To name a few of the world's most famous conferences from the domain of
Computer Science, SIGCOMM ( happens to be the largest conference on Computer
Networking, ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics, happens to the largest
conference of Natural Language Processing, ICDE (International Council for Open and Distance
Education, and VLDB (Very Large Data Base, happen to be two of the most
famous conferences on database management systems. Such similar conferences keep happening
throughout the world every year. From their websites information can be gained about the papers they have
published/going to publish and also the venue and time of their annual seminars.
If someone wants to pursue higher education in the technical field, publications are of extreme
importance and they are used to differentiate between the good and the best. Publications can also be done
during B.Tech. and that enhances the academic and technical profile of the authors. It is also a good idea to be
acquainted with conferences and publications from the B.Tech. time itself. Another method of picking up a
lot on the skills of publications is to be associated with a Professor who is deeply involved in
research.Research is the ultimate place for exploring ones freedom and creativity. In research, the researcher
is his own boss and controls his way of life. It is for this reason that many despise industry and comes back to
academics and research even after being in the industry for many years. Infact, I have been lucky enough to
meet people who have chosen research over lucrative job offers from companies like Google and Microsoft
Redmond. Research keeps the researcher's grey matter charged and most importantly makes an important
and everlasting contribution to the society.
Reference: Prof. Uday Khedkar's talk (
Anirban Basumallik,
CSE - 2009
College Life as it should be!!!
Souveek Ray is an Electrical Engineering student from the 2010
batch. He was the first Mr. Fresher of the college and has been deeply
associated with EDGE, ANAKHRONOS and GRAFFITI for all four
years of his college. He was the Cultural Secretary of the college in 2010
and also one of the chief driving forces behind GRAFFITI, EDGE and
ANAKHRONOS. He is also an acclaimed Quizmaster and anchor and
has emceed all the major events of the college. He is presently working
with Tata Consultancy Services. Here he talks about his college life, the
things he did in college apart from mundane studies and what it takes to
live life to the fullest and enjoy every single day of college.
Firstly, congratulations to the first years for getting such cool T-shirts
as their uniform. Ask any senior, they will tell you a million things in not so good language about their blue
shirt and deep blue trousers or skirts that resembled the uniform of Metro Railway employees in every way
except for the tie. But you miss the lush green field in front of the college building and the tennis court where
the Leander Paes in the making used to practice. I have no idea why he decided to quit tennis and study in our
college instead (Pun intended).
They say engineering studies is a four year long party and you have to know how to enjoy it. Well
when I joined college, I was just out of a very strict school, Don Bosco Bandel, and it had ingrained the virtue
of discipline so much in me that I could probably become a soldier in the Army without any training. So,
naturally, my initiation to college life was a welcome change. I hated the strict atmosphere at school and also
the fact that it was an all boys school (girls would have definitely made life a little better at Don Bosco). So
my foray into a new environment where I could bend rules, make new friends and see and talk to beautiful
girls all around me, did make my heart leap and brain do a quiet salsa in my head. To top it all, in the very first
days, I managed to get noticed a little. (Actually, quite a lot!). That was the year the Mr. and Ms. Fresher
competition was introduced and I happened to win the Mr. Fresher title. It gave me the license to flirt with all
the pretty girls around, and I got attention without having to try too hard. It's a different story that they didn't
think I meant any of the sweet things I said and so didn't want to hook up with me, but you can understand my
excitement. I was enjoying my college life through and through.
From devising new methods of providing proxy attendance at class to finding out ways to copy even
the Graphics sheet, I had done it all. I even fought for a seat at the first benches for R.P Madam's class with
my topper friends since she happened to ask more questions to the back benchers (I don't know if she still
does). Humanities, was a class that was attended by every single student without fail and obviously it had a
lot to do with the teacher, Jona Ma'am. Am told it's pretty much the same even now and students (read guys)
still do not miss her classes. College was mostly about fun with only small phases of cramming just before
the exam. Since we are students of technology my friends and I made it a point to use technology to the
maximum by making full use of micro-Xeroxes. (These stunts are performed by extreme
professionalsPlease don't try this at Home..err College).
After a few months of these non constructive activities and vellapanti, I felt the urge to do something,
something creative and worthwhile. It was the year EDGE, our Technical Fest was being conceptualized and
this was the platform to exercise my creativity. I joined the EDGE team and was very fortunate to have the
best of seniors guiding me. I have always been very fortunate in this regard and the seniors of my college
have been a major influence in my life and helped me learn a lot of things. I was in charge of the marketing
Section of the fest since EDGE was debuting that year and people in Kolkata were still not very familiar with
Tech Fests. I formed a group with a few of my close friends and did an amazing job, spreading awareness
... about the fest to almost all parts of West Bengal, and thus started my first real work for the college.
After this I got the confidence that I could make a difference if I wanted to. There were few seniors who
wanted me to work for the cultural fest too and soon I was on board to work for Anakhronos. I looked after
the cultural aspects of the fest initially and then slowly the administrative part as well. Initially I was learning
a lot of stuff from my seniors. I learnt how to attract sponsors, how to deal with the Administration, how to
handle the celebrities and many other things and I loved every bit of it. I knew everyone in college, right from
the electrician and cleaning staff to the top honchos and they too knew me by my name. I learnt to build
relationships initially and when I reached the helm of affairs later, these rapports mattered a lot in getting a
job done smoothly. Sometimes important things were looked after by just a phone call (Before this, all I
could get out of a phone call was pizza).
I had joined Team Graffiti because I wanted my voice to be heard. I wanted to be part of something
that would reach out to all the students and teachers alike. We were a team that did not fear to point out
matters that needed change. There was a lot of creativity all around and it gave me another opportunity and
the enthusiasm to be part of something creative and revolutionary that was related to the college. Graffiti is a
revolution, a movement that symbolizes the spirit of the college. It is a reflection of every student of the
college and I'm glad to have been part of such a movement.
In my four yeas of college I tried a lot to give talented youngsters the scope to showcase their talents
just like my seniors did. I personally picked students who I thought, had the spark to excel in a particular field
and gave them responsibilities that they took up willingly, more so because they did not want to let me down
and also wanted to live up to their own expectations. This is something I would suggest to every single
student. Once you are in a position of power, you should make it a point to help others excel. Only then will
they remember you and look up to you. You are remembered for your deeds, and your juniors will respect
you for the help long after you have passed out of the institution.
Studies are definitely important but so are the extra-curricular activities. How many stream toppers
of the college do you know? But you definitely know the guy who anchored the fest or sang the amazing
cover of Knocking on Heaven's door, don't you? The point is; you need to strike a balance between the two.
You cannot neglect your studies to the extent that you do not know anything and likewise you should not
engross yourself in only mugging up course books and forget the rest of the world. Nobody fails in
engineering studies and more so from a University that's called WBUT. How dare a University question your
ability when it has a BUT in its very name? Moreover if you want to bunk a class there is no better place than
the Geekonix room or the Anakhronos committee room. So live your college life to the fullest so that you do
not have any regrets later in life.
I would take this opportunity to thank my seniors and teachers who have been my mentors and truly
made me what I am today. My college has given me the opportunities to explore new avenues and excel at
things I like best. I sincerely thank all my teachers at Techno India especially our ex-Principal Dr. K.
Chakraborty, our present Principal, Dr. S.K Bhattacharya, our Registrar, Dr. Rina Paladhi and our
Administrator, Dr. Arindam Roy for giving me all the freedom to try out new things and supporting me in all
that I wanted to do. A special thanks to Rupa Ma'am for agreeing to judge umpteen events of the college at
my request even at the very last moments. Thank you Jona Ma'am, Anindita Ma'am, Archita Ma'am, A.G Sir,
Sasmal Sir for bearing with my weird ideas and helping me execute them many a times. Without your help
nothing would have been possible. A special thanks to Prof Subrata Pal, A.B.M Sir and all the other faculty of
Electrical Engineering department for allowing me the liberty to miss a class or two (Actually that might be
the number of classes I really attended) when I was really busy with the fests or Graffiti.
I would like to thank my seniors, Anirvan Mitra, Jayesh Rajpal, Puja Ganguli, Gaurav Jain, Prakriti
Sarkar, Ankita Dutta, Ankit Saraf, Rudradeep Banerjee, Tilottama Mondal, Vijay Roy and all my friends for
all the support and help. Without you, life in Techno wouldn't have been what it was. Thank you from the
deepest core of my heart.
Not to forget, a heartfelt gratitude to Jyotirmoy Saha and Mayank Mangalam for giving me the space
to express my gibberish thoughts.
I will end this monologue with thoughts of fondness for my bygones college years. I sorely miss
those days, the institution, my friends and everyone who stood by me. The long hours at the canteen gulping
down innumerable cups of coffee, the strolls on the balcony while trying to catch a glimpse of the pretty girls
in the classes, the working late hours in the Geekonix and Anakhronos rooms and everything elseI miss
them all. All these have been pushed to the background as a distant memory in this mundane office life. I
wish I could turn time back only to live those days again. Everyday was special and I have learnt new things
every single day during those four years and trust me; you don't learn all that I have, just from mugging up
and being alert in classes. Live a little, while you are in college. Actually, Live a Lot while you are in college.
These are the best years of your life and make full use of it! I can only hope that you can get out of college all
that I have and much more.
Souveek Ray
EE - 2010
Techno India Alumni:
The latest generation
International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT2000), better known as 3G or 3rd Generation,
is a generation of standards for mobile phones and mobile telecommunications services fulfilling
specifications by the International Telecommunication Union(ITU).The aim of IMT-2000 is to
harmonize worldwide 3G systems to provide Global Roaming.
The birth:
The first commercial launch of 3G was made a reality by NTT DoCoMo in Japan on 1st of October
2001. By the end of December 2001 it was available in Europe by a company named as Telenor .By
January 2002, it was provided in the United States of America by a company named as Monet Mobile
Networks but this network provider later shut down its operations due to internal problems. The second
3G network operator in the USA was Verizon Wireless in October 2003.
3G In India:
In 2008, India entered into the 3G arena with the launch of 3G enabled Mobile and Data services by
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) in Patna (Bihar).Later, MTNL launched 3G in Mumbai & Delhi.
Nationwide auction of 3G wireless spectrum in April 2010 was announced. The auction fetched huge
sums of money for the Government of India, estimated to be around Rs 35,000/- Crore ($7.6 billion).
The total revenue collected by the Government was nearly Rs 1, 06,000 Crore ($23 billion) from the
Private Service providers in India.
The various terms used in wireless communication technology are quite difficult to comprehend but are
easy to follow.
Code Division Multiple Access 2000 (CDMA2000):
CDMA2000 is a radio transmission technology for the evolution of narrowband cdmaOne/IS-95 to 3rd-
generation adding up multiple carriers. CDMA2000 will be deployed in two phases.
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS):
The name for the third generation mobile telephone standard in Europe, standardized by ETSI.
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS):
A packet-linked technology that enables high-speed (115 kilobits per second) wireless Internet and other
data communications. GPRS will offer a tenfold increase in data throughput rates, from 9.6kbits/s to
Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA):
It is developed by Ericsson and others from CDMA, has been selected for the third generation of mobile
telephone systems in Europe, Japan and the United States. WCDMA uses variable rate techniques in
digital processing and can achieve multi-rate transmissions. WCDMA has been adopted as a standard by
the ITU under the name IMT-2000 direct spread.
Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution (EDGE):
A technology that gives GSM and TDMA the capacity to handle services for the third generation of
mobile telephony its speed is 384 kb/s.

!High Data rates transfer: data rate of 2 Mbps for stationary or walking users, and 384 kbps in a
moving vehicle.
! Security: 3G networks use the KASUMI block cryptography instead of the older A5/1 stream cipher.
So it is more secured.
!High channel band: For W-CDMA channel Bandwidth is 5MHZ.
The bandwidth and location information available to 3G devices gives rise to applications not previously
available to mobile phone users. Some of the applications are:
! Mobile TV a provider redirects a TV channel directly to the subscriber's phone where it can be
! Video on demand a provider sends a movie to the subscriber's phone.
! Video conferencing subscribers can see as well as talk to each other.
! Tele-medicine a medical provider monitors or provides advice to the potentially isolated
! Location-based services a provider sends localized weather or traffic conditions to the phone, or
the phone allows the subscriber to find nearby businesses or friends.
Relation to 4G:
4G is the upgrade of includes more features.
! 4G is also known as Mobile Broadband everywhere
! 4G include MAGIC features:
! Mobile Multimedia Communication
! Anywhere, Anytime with Anyone
! Global Mobility Support
! Integrated Wireless Solution
! Customized Personal Service
! According to 4G Mobile Forum, by 2008 over $400 billion would be invested in 4G mobile
Sohan Kumar Jha
EIE - 3 Year
MIT researchers are developing a
microchip that will enable a blind person to recognize faces
and navigate a room without assistance, helping the blind to
regain partial eyesight. The chip, which is encased in titanium
to prevent water damage, will be implanted onto a patient's
eyeball. Users are required to wear special glasses fitted with a
small camera that transmits images to the titanium-encased
chip, which fires an electrode array under the retina that
stimulates the optic nerve. The glasses will help to power the
coils surrounding the eyeball and hence it will help a blind
man to recognize faces and navigate room without assistance.
Art and the Intelligence-The AI
Computer games are the most eventual recreation of our age. Who actually,
apart from us, are participating in the game? The common answer C.P.U.
is wrong. They are artificially intelligent objects, embedded in the games.
What does AI comprise of ? The words that are easily comprehensible are
Systems that think like humans/think rationally and Systems that act like
humans/act rationally.
Let's have a glance at the following:
Robotics is the major part of AI that has been a milestone in the world of Science. The word
robotics was first used in print by Isaac Asimov, in his science fiction short story "Liar!. It
originated from robota (Czech), very amazingly that meant drudgery.
Elektro is the first humanoid robot in the world created by the Westinghouse which debuted in
the year 1939. It was 7 foot in height and was able to walk as well as speak over seven hundred
words stored in it. Nowadays there are ONLY some millions of industrial robots in use and
about half of them are in Japan alone!
Some important facts on robotics
The world's first humanoid robot was sent to the International
Space Station in September 2010. The Robonaut 2 can easily lift over 9
kegs, but its main advantage over human astronauts was that it doesn't need
a space suit.
All the features that robots have now-a-days include speech
recognition, gestures, artificial EMOTIONS, PERSONALITY and even

Robots are getting a brain that, though manufactured artificially, resembles

human thinking, logic and reasoning in such a way that it can perceive human
sensations and react accordingly.
Lets look at another side of AI, the computer games. The way the objects are
designed, the ways they behave according to the situation, don't they really
sometimes leave us wondering, how ??
How AI works? Well lets have an example of one of the most common games,
counter strike. Think about a particular CPU player, which is again an artificially
intelligent object. It decides its actions based on (i)The kind of equipments it has,
(ii)The level(Easy, Normal, Hard or Expert)you are playing in, (iii) The location
in the game (iv) its relative position etc.. The logic is implemented at the source
code of the game and at each CPU execution cycle, those objects work according
to that
Creator vs. Creation
At the same time, where can you go? Certainly if you had all the world's information
directly attached to your brain, or an artificial brain that was smarter than your brain,
you'd be better off. Between that and today, there's plenty of space to cover.
When the creation itself becomes much efficient as the creator and starts to dominate
over him in all aspects, the question rises as usual Are we going in the right
Robots are replacing the human entities in every field leading to un-employment.
Normally, robots are battery operated and thus, emitting carbon energy, which is
obviously harmful to the environment. Apart from that due to overheating, communication gap or any other
hardware or software problems, it can
act otherwise and may be unthinkably harmful. Several sci-fi movies have
shown the perilous effect of robot malfunction.
There was a robotic mishap in Kawasaki factory, Japan when a
malfunctioning robot crashed a worker to a grinding machine.
Last but not the least, that has to be said is that, creator must be responsible
about his creation and have to be careful and should possess full control on it.
AI is getting familiar to the next generation, but we would all like it to be just a
part of our amusement and of proper scientific use..who says if some days or
other, if used inappropriately, playing a simple game in your laptop causes
you to leak all your personal information that's stored in it to some unknown
xyz.. that's something like hacking using AI, which is not a common but a very
dangerous idea!!

Arijit Mallik
CSE - 3 Year
Blackberry Application Development
The Blackberry is a smart-phone from the American telecom major Research In Motion (popularly
known as RIM). It would be more appropriate to term Blackberry as a brand rather than just a smart-phone,
given the fact that RIM has over the years brought to us a plethora of its variants. While there are many smart-
phone brands now in the market, Blackberry was the foremost attempt at the amalgamation of hand held
PDAs & cell phones.
Ever since the Blackberry has been a symbol of corporate sector, since its multi-functionality offers
the user to be seamlessly connected to internet (allowing access to mobile optimized pages of e-mail, instant
messaging, micro-blogging etc.) using the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) offered by the telecom
service provider. In today's scenario, Blackberry application development is a booming industry.
There are primarily two platforms upon which the programmers & application developers can work
to build & deliver user interfaced Blackberry applications: Java 2 Platform Micro Edition & the custom
Blackberry MDS platform which uses MIDP APIs, commonly referred as MIDlets. Now Blackberry
customarily compiles & structures its firmware & allied application (in-built) upon the MIDlets only; but it
allows & reserves the flexibility of running applications developed using the Sun J2ME.
The Blackberry MDS runtime application can be built to work on the Blackberry, but they must be
optimized to run on the operating system & that requires back-end software like Blackberry Enterprise
Software (BES). We may also use the BES for MDS application version only but in that case the application
would not be very feature specific, this is the limitation of the MDS platform, though it is expected to be
overcome in future. Nonetheless, it has an advantage of being a rapid-application development program &
herein it scores over its Java adversaries. Also since the MDS is a web-based service, it can be useful for
corporate packaged applications where it may have to interact with a database server. The simplicity &
rapid-application development feature cumulatively allow this integration.
But the J2ME platform offers more feature rich application development due to the powerful
framework of Java. To develop applications on this platform it's advisable to use the Blackberry Java
Development Environment (JDE), which has integrated some of important Blackberry-specific APIs &
collections within the kit independent of any back-end platform & has been a credible tool to develop
graphic-rich applications too.
The Blackberry JDE 4.0.1 also allows multiple simulation environments & you are allowed to
change the default Blackberry 7290 simulator to set a simulator of your personal choice. Nevertheless, the
platform is discredited with the bane of not being a rapid-developer.
P V Manohar Kiran
EIE - 3 year
Computer Music Laboratory
Computer music is acquiring important relevance in the last few years. Automatic composition has
been the area where traditionally computers have played a significant role in the past, but now other areas
related with human cognition have been introduced, like music categorization, music performance, music
indexing and retrieval, or perception of key, rhythm, meter, style etc. In all these tasks pattern recognition
and machine learning techniques have shown to be useful and that is our work domain.
Currently, a number of projects of music style recognition, melody recognition, melodic analysis
and similarity, automatic transcription of digital audio, and algorithm composition are being developed by
our group.
The keywords characterizing the activity of the Computer Music laboratory are man-machine
interaction and real time gesture control. The computer interacts with the artist to produce music in many
different ways. In order to achieve this, a special language called Real-time Concurrent Pascal Music
(RTCPM) has been implemented. Using this language, a musical performance can be defined in terms of
many procedures running simultaneously and interacting with the composition program during execution.
As an evolution of RTCPM, a new language named GALileo (Graphic/Algorithmic) which includes both
visual programming and signal processing facilities is now under development.
In order to create and control interactive live computer music/graphics performances, the CNUCE
Computer Music lab employs infra-red beams and video captured image processing technologies for the
remote sensing of moving objects handled by performers or of gestures made by them. The most important
devices that have been developed using this approach are:
Twin Towers (in collaboration with IEI-CNR): this system receives information from the movement of
the performer's hands. It consists of two sets of four infra-red sensing devices that create two zones of the
space (the vertical edges of two square-based parallelepiped, or towers) in which an object can be detected in
terms of distance and front and side rotations with respect to a reference frame. The system thus implements
a kind of double aerial tri-dimensional joy-stick.
Aerial-Painting-Hands: This system, developed by Giuseppe Scapellto and normally used by the
artist Marco Cardini, detects the positions and movements of a performer's hands; the performer wears a pair
of different colored gloves and moves his/her hands in a CCD camera video range. The signal is sent to a
computer which processes the images and recognizes the x-y positions of both hands and the open/close
status of the right hand. The computer then synthesizes in real-time colored images projected on a large
video screen according to the movements of the performer's hands, while painting in the air, the performer is
also creating computer generated music in real-time. An advanced version of this system is now under
development. The new system will recognize the posture, rotation and position in space of hands, enabling
the transmission of more sophisticated information and thus a greater expressiveness during the
UV-stick: This system consists of a short straight stick (lit by a UV lamp) and moved in the visual
range of a CCD camera connected to a computer which recognizes the 2-D position and 3-D rotations of the
stick. The data acquired is used to manage sound synthesis algorithms and create music in real-time.
Imaginary Piano: Where the hands of a performer play in the air with no real keyboard in front of a
camera, connected to a video digitizer card. A special application running on the computer recognizes the
player's gestures, interacts with a RTCPM program and executes an external sampled piano sound.
The Computer Music Laboratory also participated in the EC ESPRIT project CATS (Computer Aided
Theatrical Score) for theatre and cinema direction simulation.
One typical example of Computer Music Laboratory is given below:
Computer Music Laboratory of West Hall-110
This is a 6 workstation undergraduate electronic music classroom used for the teaching and production of
electronic computer music and other special audio topics courses. The workstations allow for the audio
switching between the dedicated workstation and a laptop. This gives laptop users access to good external
audio monitoring.
Sudipto Chakrabarty
(Lecturer of MCA Department)
Computers in your shoes? Believe it, i am not
kidding with you. A sensor in the new Adidas 1 sneakers
measures with each step how much compression you put on the
heels of the shoes. Microprocessor-controlled cushioning then
adjusts the heels' stiffness so they become more rigid on dirt
trails, for example, and softer on pavement or when you're
walking. In addition, you can set comfort levels with buttons on
the shoes. The lithium-ion battery that fuels the system lasts
about 100 hours.
Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) scheme
Traffic congestion is a curse for business
A smart card, chip card, or integrated circuit card (ICC), is a pocket-sized plastic card with an
embedded microprocessor. The microprocessor on the smart card is for security. The host computer and card
reader actually "talk" to the microprocessor. The microprocessor enforces access to the data on the card and
the host computer read and writes the smart card's random access memory (RAM).
Microprocessor cards contain volatile memory and microprocessor components. The card may
embed a hologram to avoid counterfeiting. Using smartcards is also a form of strong security authentication
for single sign-on within large companies and organizations.
In 90s, GSM mobile phones used smart-card-based SIM. The international payment brands
MasterCard and Visa agreed in 1993 to work together to develop the specifications for the use of smart cards
in payment cards used as either a debit or a credit card. The most common smart card applications are:
1. Credit cards
2. Electronic cash
3. Computer security systems
4. Wireless communication
5. Loyalty systems (like frequent flyer points)
6. Banking
7. Satellite TV
8. Government identification
On 15 th of April 2009 on the eve of the Bengali new year day, I was on my way to Singapore to
present a paper on High Level Net Model for Analyzing Agent Based Distributed Decision Support System
in the IACSIT-SC Spring Conference 2009 . On arrival at terminal 3 of the Changi Airport , I took a cab for
Alexender road . The driver asked whether , I am ready to pay extra for shortest route travelling ? I asked
what is that ? He said ERP charges. Again , I asked him what is that ? The driver said it is the toll way charge
for travelling during busy hours to control the traffic loads so that vechiles keep moving, I asked the driver,
how it is charged ? Then he showed me the cash-card smart unit.. It is fitted free of charge to one side of the
windscreen. As the vehicle passes underneath overhead gantries fitted with sensors, the charge is deducted
automatically following the draconian road-pricing measures. If there is insufficient credit on a card, a
camera on the gantry photographs the owner who is then fined.
(a) (b)
(a) Free 'smart' devices are fitted to each car
(b) When your cash card runs out, a camera catches on film
There is already a tax surcharge on older vehicles because they are more likely to break down. Now,
car drivers will also have to pay tolls on certain roads. The idea is to cut congestion, which is seen to hurt the
economy - workers turn up to work late and deliveries are delayed. The new hi-tech scheme is highly flexible
- prices can be changed daily or even within the course of a rush hour - and relatively low-cost as there is no
need for manually operated toll booths. At the moment the toll is only levied during the rush hour in the hope
that drivers will stagger their journeys or use the toll-free minor roads. Land is scarce on this tiny island and
building more roads is not an option. With rising levels of influence people naturally want to own cars and
with more people wanting to use cars on the road there must be a sophisticated way to limit usage. The long-
term aim is to persuade people off the roads and onto public transport, taking the lead from Zurich and Tokyo
where more than 75% of journeys into the city centre are undertaken on buses or trains. Other cities around
the world will be keeping a close eye on the progress of Singapore's crusade to keep its traffic moving.
Singapore metro operation was started in 1990 with trans-link and smart card usage. In India at
Kolkata we get the first full length metro in 1995. Smart card operation in MRT started in April 2005. Let us
now wait for Government and policy makers to feel about the pressing problem of managing road
congestion in urban areas and provide us something like state-of-the-art regulated Electronic Road Pricing
(ERP) scheme. However, it is sooner the better , technology is the life sever to check the pollution level
and control the road congestion.
Bidyut Biman Sarkar
Assistant Professor and Head
MCA & BCA department
Bionic Hornet : Israeli Defense Forces are drawing on the
latest breakthroughs in nanotechnology. No bigger than an
average wasp, this flying device is designed to seek out,
follow, photograph and even kill selected opponents.
Diving High
A perennial favorite among the many programs on channels like Discovery and National Geographic
that familiarize us with the world around us are the ones which cover underwater life. The breathtaking
beauty of marine reefs and the innumerable variety of marine life certainly make such programs a treat to the
eye. Two people whose work has a major role in the development of this field are the Late Sheck Exley and
Jim Bowden. They are best remembered for their pioneering works in cave diving and thus helping us
finding out the 'deeper' secrets of caves. However, in 1994 when both of them went scuba diving at the El

Zacat n Cenote(Mexico), Bowden set a new scuba depth record of 281.94 meters, but Exley died at a depth
a few meters less. After this shocking incident, a robotic probe was designed and built by roboticists from
Carnegie Mellon University, and a company called StoneAerospace, in the US. The project was partly
funded by NASA. This gave birth to one of the smartest of underwater deep sea probes of the 21 century the
DEPTHX, an abbreviation for Deep Phreatic Thermal Explorer, is an
autonomous submarine using basically the same mechanism as that of any
other underwater floating object for navigation purposes, but research
techniques considerably advanced from others which has enabled this
machine to complete the unfinished research of Exley and Bowden. A
shining jewel on its crown was the mapping of the bottom of the world's
deepest water-filled sinkhole in Mexico for the first time in 2007,17 of
Entering El Zacat n Cenote ( The Zacaton sinkhole) in eastern Mexico for the first time DEPTHX
dived down to 270 meters, creating the first map of the giant cavity, which was large enough to swallow New
York's Chrysler Building. The maps showed that the sinkhole had a sloped bottom, about 290 meters at
shallowest and extending down to over 300 meters. This means that two drivers who made a record-breaking
scuba dive in 1994 in search of the bottom were just a few meters off the sloping floor. The map produced by
DEPTHX further proved that the sinkhole could be connected to even deeper caverns. At the bottom of the
slope, was an area DEPTHX could not probe. This could have been simply a depression or the entrance to
further caves. The researchers were so enthralled by the premature success that they sent another expedition
within just one more week but unfortunately they returned devoid of any new laurels.
DEPTHX is 2 meters wide, weighing 1.3 tonnes and is equipped with movement, depth, temperature, and
salinity sensors in separate pressurized chambers. Sonar beams all around the probe provide a map of its
surroundings for navigation. A sampling arm can extend to collect samples from the walls of the sinkhole.
The researchers spent the entire week collecting samples from the walls of the sinkhole at depths
down to 270 meters and further. Previous exploration of sinkholes in the region had
revealed unknown micro-organisms living in the mineral-rich, heated waters. Miles
Pebody, who builds and operates autonomous underwater vehicles for oceanographic
research at Southampton University, UK, said the sinkhole is "one of the most
challenging environments to operate in", and noted that "there is a very high risk of
losing your vehicle". In spite of this DEPTHX was able to collect the required
information and it helped researchers to identify different micro-organisms and also
study the general pattern of the cave in particular. DEPTHX used an advanced
navigation method known as Simultaneous Location and Mapping (SLAM). This
allowed DEPTHX to create maps as it went, which it used to navigate. A pre-
programmed route would have encountered much lower risk of losing a vehicle, but "they had no choice,
they could not pre-program because they didn't know where they were going", Pebody said. Using SLAM
also allowed the probe to know its own position with the accuracy of under a meter. Such was the impact of
SLAM technique by DEPTHX that scientists are contemplating using this method for finding the secrets of
Lake Vostok under Antarctica.
But the breakthrough of this research project came when it was suggested by some scientists that this
method can be used to find the patterns of the unknown territories of other planets like Jupiter if a probing
mission could be launched to the effect. This can only add to DEPTHX 's merits and it can be said that from
the earliest days of 1990s it is now surely not 'flying' but 'diving high'..
Abhik Das
EIE - 3 year
Designed especially for soldiers rescue peoples and weak elders, powered exoskeletons are very clunky body suits
designed to provide mobility assistance giving them 10 times their normal strength. Thus it can be very useful during building
collapses, natural disasters, bomb blasts etc etc.
In many social networking sites like Facebook and Orkut, in web albums like Picasa we find that
whenever we upload a picture the software automatically recognises the parts of the images which are faces
of people. How does it do so? What does the computer see in the image that makes it understand that it is a
human face?
Designing a system for automatic image content recognition is a non-trivial task that has been
studied for a variety of applications. Computer recognition of specific objects in digital images has been put
to use in manufacturing industries, intelligence and surveillance, and image database cataloging to name a
few. Here a prototype algorithm for automating the detection of human faces in digital photographs has been
developed and can serve as an introduction for future work in detecting people in images.
This technology is known as Face Detection or Face Recognition. There are
many ways to perform face detection. Some are for still images and others for videos.
Here i will discuss a technique used to detect human faces in still images.
I. Skin Filter
The skin filter is based on the Fleck and Forsyth algorithm with some modifications.
Original RGB image
The input color image should be in RGB format with color intensity values ranging
from 0 to 255. Due to restrictions on speed and performance, smaller images can be used. The RGB matrices
are "zeroed" to supposedly prevent desaturation when the image is converted from RGB color space to
IRgBy color space. The smallest intensity value greater than 10 pixels from any edge in any of the three color
planes is set as the zero-response of the image. This value is subtracted from all three color planes.
Median filtering - A process where each pixel is replaced by the value of the mean of the neighboring pixels.
This can be done with varying sizes of windows. This is a method of noise reduction in images which tends
to give better results in subsequent image processing.
The RGB image is transformed to log-opponent (IRgBy) values and from these values the texture
amplitude, hue, and saturation are computed. The conversion from RGB to log-opponent is calculated
according to a variation on the formula given by Fleck & Forsyth:
I= [L(R)+L(B)+L(G)]/3
Rg = L(R)-L(G)
By = L(B)-[L(G)+L(R)]/2
The L(x) operation is defined as L(x)=105*log10(x+1). The Rg and By matrices are then filtered with a
windowing median filter of sides of length 4*SCALE. The SCALE value is calculated as being the closest
integer value to (height+width)/320. The median filtering is the rate limiting step throughout the skin
detection process, and could be improved by implementing an approximation of a windowing median filter
as suggested by Fleck's multi-ring operator.
A texture amplitude map is used to find regions of low texture information. Skin in images tends to have very
smooth texture and so one of the constraints on detecting skin regions is to select only those regions with
little texture. The texture map is generated from the matrix I by the following steps:
1. Median filter I with a window of length 8*SCALE on a side
2. Subtract the filtered image from the original I matrix
3. Take the absolute value of the difference and median filter the result with a window of length 12*SCALE
on a side.
Texture Amplitude Map
Hue and saturation are used to select those regions whose color matches that
of skin. The conversion from log opponent to hue is hue = (atan (Rg,By)),
where the resulting value is in degrees. The conversion from log opponent to
2 2
saturatio n is saturation = sqrt(Rg +By ). Using constraints on texture
amplitude, hue, and saturation, regions of skin can be marked.

Saturation Image Hue Image
If a pixel falls into either of two ranges it is marked as being skin in a binary skin map array where 1
corresponds to the coordinates being a skin pixel in the original image and 0 corresponds to a non-skin pixel.
The allowed ranges are either :
(1) texture< 4.5, 120< hue< 160, 10< saturation< 60
(2) texture< 4.5, 150< hue< 180, 20< saturation< 80

Skin Map
The skin map array can be considered as a black and white binary image with skin regions (value 1)
appearing as white. The binary skin map regions are expanded using a dilation operator and a disc
structuring element. This helps to enlarge the skin map regions to include skin/background border pixels,
regions near hair or other features, or desaturated areas. The dilation adds 8-connected
pixels to the edges of objects. In this implementation, the dilation was performed
recursively five times for best results. The expanded map regions are then checked
against a lenient constraint on hue and saturation values, independent of texture. If a
point marked in the skin map corresponds to a pixel with 110< =hue< =180 and
0< =saturation< =130, the value remains 1 in the map.
II. Face Detection from Skin Regions
The binary skin map and the original image together are used to detect faces in the
image. The technique relies on thresholding the skin regions properly so that holes in face regions will
appear at the eyebrows, eyes, mouth, or nose. Theoretically, all other regions of skin will have little or no
features and no holes will be created except for at the desired facial features. This method seems to be an
oversimplification of the problem, but with some additional constraints on hole sizes or spatial relationships,
could prove to be a powerful, fast, and simple alternative to neural network processes.
The first step is to ensure that the binary skin map is made up of solid regions (i.e. no holes). Closing
holes in the skin map is important because later the program assumes that the only holes are those generated
after the thresholding operation. A hole closing is performed on the skin map image with a 3x3 disc
structuring element and then this image is multiplied by a grayscale conversion of the original image. The
result is a grayscale intensity image showing only the parts of the image containing skin.
Skin Map Multiplied by Grayscale Image
To improve contrast, a histogram stretch is performed on the resulting grayscale image.
This helps to make the dark and light regions fall into more predictable intensity ranges
and compensates somewhat for effects of illumination in the image. The image can
now be thresholded to remove the darkest and lightest pixels. Experimentation showed
that an acceptable threshold was to set all pixels with values between 95 and 240 equal
to 1 and those pixels above and below the cutoff equal to 0. For most test images, this
threshold work quite well. The binary image created by the threshold is then passed
through a connected components labeling to generate a "positive" image showing
distinct skin regions.
Positive Labeled Image
A negative image is next generated that will show only holes as objects. Hole closing of
the binary image generated by the threshold operation is performed with a 4x4 disc
structuring element. The result is subtracted from the original binary image and the
difference shows only hole objects.
Negative 'Hole' Image
The negative hole image and the positive labeled image are then used together to find
which objects in the image might be faces. First those holes in the negative image which
are only 1 pixel in size are removed because these tend to represent anomalous holes. An
even better technique might be to remove all but the three largest hole objects from the
negative image. The hole objects are expanded using a dilation and this binary image is
then multiplied by the positive labeled image. The product is an image where only the
pixels surrounding a hole are present. Because the positive image was labeled, the
program can easily determine which objects have holes, and which do not. A simple
function computes which integers appear in the hole adjacency image and then generates an output image
containing the labeled connected components that have this value.
Face Objects
Because this process relies only on finding holes in thresholded objects, there is a greater
chance of finding faces regardless of the perspective. A drawback is that there is also a
greater risk of detecting non-face objects. The test results show very good performance
when a face occupies a large portion of the image, and reasonable performance on those
images depicting people as part of a larger scene. To make the program more robust,
detected face objects could be rejected if they don't occupy a significant area in the
image. Another drawback of this process is that images in which people appear partially
clothed tend will result in a very large skin map. The result is often a labeling of the entire
head, arms, and torso as a single object. Thus the face finding is an overestimate of potential skin objects.
All things considered, this technique developed over a period of ten weeks shows promise and with some
"intelligence" added to the algorithm, could generate very reliable results on a wide variety of images.
Ritwik Das
CSE - 3 Year

MEMRISTORS-short for memory resistors, is a technology that was brainchild of Leon Chua, an
engineer at University of California in 1971.What he predicted was, apart from the three basic electronics-
resistor, capacitor and inductor, there is a fourth element, which he termed as Memristors. It took 37 years for
the theory to be fully realized when in April 2008 the researchers at HP lab released a journal on
memristance. They actually a built working model of the same and stated that this technology can pave the
way from applications in non-volatile RAM to neural computing networks(referred to as the
Going back to 1971, Chua postulated that memristors would provide
similar characteristics between magnetic flux and charge that resistor give
between current and voltage. He further illustrated that the memory would
thus act like a resistor whose value would depend on the amount of
current flowing, and it would remember the value even after the current
has disappeared. Let me simplify the phenomenon. Take the example of our
computers, where instructions are loaded onto RAM which are fed to CPU for
processing. When we switch it off, all the information goes away. Of course
we have designed ROM's which permanently stores some data which is loaded
to memory every time we switch on our computer. Now imagine RAMs made
of memristors (ReRAM) , which will reduce all this age old steps(excuse my language, I'm over exuberant),
because memristors can remember the stored data without requiring any energy. Also memristors can tell us
for how long a information bit was stored in the memory, an effect which cannot be duplicated by any
combination of resistors, inductors or capacitors. A classic analogy of memristors is a pipe through which
electricity runs. The width of the pipe is analogous to the resistance of the flow of current-the narrower the
pipe the greater the resistance. Normal resistors have an unchanging pipe size, but for memristors it changes
with amount of current flow.
Researchers believe the discovery will pave the way for instant-on PCs, more energy-efficient
computers (one memristor can do the job of 20-30
transistors), and new analog computers that can process
and associate information in a manner similar to that of
the human brain. Scientists also envision building other
types of circuits in which the memristors would be used
as an analog device. Indeed, Leon himself noted the
similarity between his own predictions of the properties
for a memristors and what was then known about
synapses in the brain. One of his suggestions was that
you could perhaps do some type of neuronal computing
using memristors. HP Labs thinks that's actually a very good idea.
"Building an analog computer in which you don't use 1s and 0s and instead use essentially all shades of gray
in between is one of the things we're already working on," says Stanley Williams, one of four researchers at
HP Labs' Information and Quantum Systems Lab who made the discovery. These computers could do
the types of things that digital computers aren't very good at - like making decisions, determining that one
thing is larger than another, or even learning. While a lot of researchers are currently trying to write a
computer code that simulates brain function on a standard machine, they have to use huge machines with
enormous processing power to simulate only tiny portions of the brain. Williams and his team say they can
now take a different approach: "Instead of writing a computer program to simulate a brain or simulate some
brain function, we're actually looking to build some hardware based upon memristors that emulates brain-
like functions," says Williams. Such hardware could be used to improve things like facial recognition
technology, and enable an appliance to essentially learn from experience, he says. In principle, this should
also be thousands or millions of times more efficient than running a program on a digital computer.
William Stanley and his team have found an ideal memristor in Titanium Dioxide (TiO ), a
semiconductor which is highly resistive in its pure state, but can be doped with other materials to make it
extremely conductive. HP Labs is now working out how to manufacture memristors from TiO and other
materials and figuring out the physics behind them. They also have a circuit
group working out how to integrate memristors and silicon circuits on the
same chip. The HP group has a hybrid silicon CMOS memristor chip
sitting on a chip tester in our lab right now, says Stanley Williams.
Williams acknowledges that memristors won't completely supplant silicon
logic gates. Because memristors can't inject energy into a circuit, silicon
transistors are needed to drive them. The good news, he says, is that a single
operation in a silicon transistor can trigger computation in multiple
memristors. He notes that a processor featuring a grid of memristors that
operates parallel to a grid of silicon transistors might be two or three times as
large as it would be if it only had the silicon. But because the number of
simultaneous calculations achieved by the memristors is the square of the number of transistors, tripling a
1000-transistor chip's size by adding memristors would yield a thousand fold improvement in computing
power with a negligible increase in power drawn.
To say the least, this is an amazing technology. A computer memory with a human brain type
functionality, is what modern scientist reverie about, to design Artificially Intelligent Systems; forming a
neural computing network. Scientist at HP lab's (who already started working on memcapacitors) consider
this to be the holy grail of electronics, may be it is, opening doors to many further advancements which , we
as laymen, can only dream about.
Arun Kr Dutta
ECE - 3 Year
Machine that turns plastic back into oil:

We all know plastic is an important by-product of
petroleum. One of the most amazing and important inventions of this year, An Indian scientist,
Alka Zadgaonkar from Nagpur college managed to create a machine able to transform plastic back
into oil, in the year of 2003, thus proving hope that it is possible to reduce plastic waste that not only
pollutes the ground but also forms huge islands in the oceans. Ito's latest invention can turn a
kilogram of plastic waste into a liter of oil. Though such process uses 1 kilowatt of electricity, the
machine does not emit carbon dioxide. It is worth mentioning that instead of using flames, the
machine makes use of a temperature controlling electric heater. It can process almost anything,
including polyethylene, polystyrene and polypropylene. However, it is unable to process PET
Twin Suns
Twin Suns, it's a coincidental event. The infamous red super-giant star in Orion's nebula Betelgeuse the 2
brightest star in sky is losing mass i.e. running out of fuel and may result in a supernova or stellar
explosion. The remnants of the supernova may reach Earth before 2012, and when it does, all of our wildest
Star Wars dreams will come true!
Betelgeuse, being 600 light years away, may have already formed a
supernova. It is predicted to reach the light year distance from the star to earth by
2012. We may get a second sun for a couple of weeks at the end of 2012. Others
predict it could take longer, a millions of years. No one can confirm. Dr Brad
Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland
confirms Betelgeuse is losing mass and as soon as it loses its gravitational property
resulting a supernova that will be ten million times brighter than sun.
Dr Carter says When a star goes bang, the first we will observe of it is a rain of tiny particles called
neutrinos- that will come through our bodies and through the Earth with absolutely no harm whatsoever. , a
neutrino shower could be beneficial to Earth. It literally makes things like gold, silver - all the heavy
elements and atoms that our own Earth and our own bodies have from long past supernovae, said Carter.
BUT when neutrinos pass through an object, their properties are modified,
and the objects through which they pass are also changed. Can we survive the
rampant flow of neutrinos through us? Remember 2012, the film? Neutrinos from
sun caused earth's core to go berserk. Many people, read DOOMSDAY believers,
are predicting the end of the Earth when the second brightest star of the Orion
Constellation goes Nova. The Mayan calendar gives prediction of the end of the
world that coincides with this event.
So from now on don't be surprised after waking up in the morning to see double sunrise!!!
Barsha Pandey
CSE - 3 Year
nPower Personal Energy Generator:
Tired of charging your gadgets
every hour??? this device frees you from all your worries
relevant to charging your gadgets. Place the little device into
your bag or briefcase, plug in your cell phone, GPS, or iPod,
and let your kinetic energy power up your gadgets while you
walk. You can get an 80% charge in one hour through your
own energy alone. Green and brilliant.
Object Tracking
Object tracking is the process of locating a moving object (or multiple objects) over time using a
camera. It has a variety of uses, some of which are: human-computer interaction, security and surveillance,
video communication and compression, augmented reality, traffic control, medical imaging and video
editing. Video tracking can be a time consuming process due to the amount of data that is contained in video.
Adding further to the complexity is the possible need to use object recognition techniques for tracking. The
objective of video tracking is to associate target objects in consecutive video frames.
In order to perform video tracking an algorithm analyzes sequential video frames and outputs the
movement of targets between the frames. There are a variety of algorithms, each having strengths and
weaknesses. Considering the intended use is important when choosing which algorithm to use. There are
two major components of a visual tracking system: Target Representation and Localization and Filtering
and Data Association.
Target Representation and Localization is mostly a bottom-up process. These methods give a variety
of tools for identifying the moving object. Locating and tracking the target object successfully is dependent
on the algorithm. For example using blob tracking is useful for identifying human movement because a
person's profile changes dynamically. Typically the computational complexity for these algorithms is low.
The following are some common Target Representation and Localization algorithms:
Blob tracking: Segmentation of object interior (for example blob detection, block-based
correlation or optical flow)
Kernel-based tracking (Mean-shift tracking): An iterative localization procedure based on the
maximization of a similarity measure (Bhattacharyya coefficient).
Contour tracking: Detection of object boundary (e.g. active contours or Condensation algorithm)
Visual 'feature matching' : Registration
Here we are going to focus on the Lucas-Kanade algorithm (optical flow) and the Mean-Shift algorithm
(kernel-based tracking).
Lucas-Kanade algorithm:
This differential method of optical flow estimation was developed by Bruce D. Lucas and Takeo Kanade. It
assumes that the flow is essentially constant in a local neighbourhood of the pixel under consideration, and
solves the basic optical flow equations for all the pixels in that neighbourhood, by the least squares criterion.
Mean-shift tracking algorithm:An algorithm that iteratively shifts a data point to the average of data
points in its neighborhood. Now before I go into the depths of the algorithm I want people to be familiar with
the two following terms:
1. Kernel
2. Color binning
Here kernel refers to a function
which is used to mask the target
in the spatial domain, which I
will come to later. For now just consider it as a function which can be of one or two variables. Kernels can be
of several kinds. Two most commonly used kernels are the Gaussian and Epanechnikov kernel.
Color binning: In RGB colour space each component can have a value from 0 to 255. So the total no. of
colours possible is 256 x 256 x 256 = 16777216 17 million colors.
The problem that arises is that comparing 17 million colors makes the algorithm impractical for use.
So a solution to the problem is grouping these 17 million colours depending on their colour value. E.g. In
st nd
grayscale if 16 bins are made then 1 bin will have colours with grayscale 0-15, 2 bin will have from 16-31
and so on.
This was just a general guideline on how object tracking actually works. The details are too
complicated to be discussed here. Many new theories are being considered on how to perfect this technology
and use this method to apply in other different areas of our social life.
Ritwik Das & Tuhin Bhattacharya
CSE - 3 Year
Eye Hear - Device that Projects Spoken Words on

The gadget features a microphone and a
built-in mini-computer. It is mounted on a pair of
glasses and is able to record a person's speech and
afterwards transform it into text that is displayed on the
glasses. Thus people who suffer from hearing loss can
read the text and understand what other people are
saying. Fox's latest invention is called the EyeHear. It
is worth mentioning that the device makes use of
special speech-to-text software that can convert
spoken works into text. The latter is then displayed
onto the bottom of the glasses' lens with the help of a
small pico-projector, informs GizmoWatch.
Everything is made in real-time.
Noetic Science
No tic science or notics is alternative metaphysical philosophy associated with intuitive
perception and its relation with divine intellect, the name being derived from the Greek synonym to think
intuitively. According to its postulates, thoughts are integral part of the quantum physics related to Bosons
and similar quantum particles. Also the working of the mind can be estimated by unique formulae, involving
quantum mechanics, gravitational and other physical effects. Though researches about the topic are as old as
Plato's times, the modern researches started when astronaut Edgar Mitchell founded the Institute of No tic
Sciences (I.O.N.S.) who had developed deep interest in finding divine connection of the human existence in
his voyage to the moon.
The substantial hypothesis behind no tics is that consciousness matters, with the underlying logics
of when, how and why it happens. There can be several ways of perceiving the world. Generally speaking
science deals with the logical and segmented understanding of an objective with evaluative approach such
that an unbiased explanation of the object can be presented. But another way of perception, that which is
beyond logical and objective based feeling, rather based on subjective and intuitive understanding, all of
them fall under no tic science.
No tic science presents a scientific discipline of the
human mind in two stages
1. The empirical scientific discipline states that the understanding
in objective perceived globe, means the understanding based on
observation has to be free from any religion or traditional bias,
condition specific knowledge, rather it should depend on the
scientific observations that are universally verifiable and remains
2. The goal in the second stage is the creation of a similar body of
knowledge, empirically based and publicly validated, concerning
the realm of subjective encounter. Thus we begin the production
of the growing body of established encounter about humanity's
inner life, and particularly concerning the perennial wisdom of the superb religious traditions and Gnostic
(related to intuitive and spiritual knowledge) groups.
Dan Brown's latest novel 'The Lost Symbol' highlighted No tic Science, creating lots of interests.
Consciousness out of the shadow of the occult, this is what author considered no tic science, he also referred
to the I.O.N.S. and the works done there; U.S. government conducted researches in no tic science during the
Cold War against U.S.S.R. under the name project Stargate. Dale E Graff, the director of the project and
presently a researcher in no tics wrote a book on his experiences Tracks in the psychic wilderness.
According to him no tic science is a different realm that has to be perceived through repeated practice,
adding this to the conscious mind. This links the material world with the psychic world to a large extent.
Interested readers may refer to the website of I.O.N.S.
Souvik Ghosh
ECE - 3 Year
| ||
||`` = | . || -~ | || | |`` - || | | | | | = | | |``
-| | | | | | ||` || | | |-| - | |
| |-| || | - | || || | | | | . ||

|= |- =| colour contact lens`` | || |. = | | | ||-
= contact lens || | . | = |.`` || - contact lens
| | -.- | | |- | | |
= | - ||`` | = || | | | z = ||| |. | v| | | | |
| | || | || | | + ;`` | - || | - ||| | v| |
||`` | | v| | |; | | | z | |. |
| | || | "contact" . |-= | "Inter-ocular
lens Implantation" | | - | - =| = | | = - | | |
-| | | = | | - = | | -| |
| | ||= | = | - | || | | | || | | | . | |
=| |-| .
|| |
| |
= ||-| . ( | . |.)
| | | . .| || | | Immuno system | | | | --.-
= = || || | | | | | | | | | - |-=
= | = | || | | | -| |
| - || | : - | | | |
|| --| | | | || | | | | | || | | | -
= | -.-
| | | | | |- || | || |
| | ||= | = | |v || |. | |. | - -|. |
|. | | || ||| | |-| | |
Manidipa Basak
B-Optometry & Vision Science
3 Year
The voice that will remain
Few could sing them like he could, his echoing voice ranging effortlessly over three octaves as he
explored the nuances of ragasIndian music's tonal settings for improvisation and composition, each
associated with a season or a time of day. Yet those who packed concert halls to listen to him sing, as Indians
did for over six decades, rarely mentioned his technique. Instead, they would talk about how he had made
them feel, on a night long ago at the Dover Lane music conference in Calcutta, or under a tent in the grounds
of Modern School on New Delhi's Barakhamba Road, when he sang a raga of the monsoonand suddenly the
skies were full of thundering black rainclouds, even though it was bone dry and bitterly cold.
He is Pandit Bhimsen Joshi. His voice travelled right across India. He was, perhaps after Ustad Bade
Ghulam Ali Khan, the one singer who caught popular imagination even though he was a classicist. What
distinguished him from the ordinary were his powerful voice,
amazing breath control, fine musical sensibility and
unwavering grasp of the fundamentals that made him the
supreme Hindustani vocalist, representing a subtle fusion of
intelligence and passion that imparted life and excitement to his
I still remember when for the first time, during my
childhood, I heard his Mile Sur Mera Tumhara. This evergreen
number that is hummed by one and all even today remains
among his most memorable recitals. Indeed, it was one of most-
loved national integration anthems with Pandit Bhimsen's
golden voice appealing to all Indians to come together and
stand as a nation.
Born in Gadag (Karnataka) on February 14, 1922, he
developed passion for music from his early childhood. As a child, he was deeply moved by a recording of
Abdul Karim Khan, the founder father of the ' Kirana gharana'. He left home in 1932 in search of a guru,
wandered for two years and travelled to Bijapur, Pune, and Gwalior. He tutored under Ustad Hafiz Ali Khan
in Gwalior. He gave his first public concert in Pune in January 1946 to mark the shashtyabdipoorti (60th
birthday) of his guru Sawai Gandharva.
His sheer grit and fortitude made him a recipient of several prestigious awards. He was honored with
the Padma Shri (1972), Sangeet Natak Akademi award for Hindustani vocal music (1975), Padma Bhushan
(1985) and Madhya Pradesh government's "Tansen Samman" in 1992. Bharat Ratna was bestowed on him in
His style picked up influences from all over India. He had the Kirana School's tunefulness. But those
intricate taans owed something to the Jaipur School, even to the style of Faiyaz Khan of Agra. Bhimsen Joshi
was really interpreting Hindustani music in his own way. A good singer, he said, was a bit like a thief,
incorporating what he liked best about others' styles into his own. He sang where he could, too, in the early
years bhajans, or devotional songs, for All India Radio's Lucknow station for 25 rupees a day, and occasional
songs for films later.
To be frank, classical music, especially Hindustani with its accent on improvisation, can be terribly
boring and tedious if it falls in the wrong hands or throat. Panditji could never be accused of this. He knew
what could catch his audience's ears. Indeed, Joshi understood that the dry and rigorous terrain of classical
music needed the drip irrigation of alankaars (ornamental movements)
to keep the listener alive. Nobody could match his extraordinary ability; always Bhimsen to his listenersto
The essential character of a raga, whether playful or grave, and send audiences out into the night
humming, with the music under their skin, almost stunned with the force of something they could not quite
comprehend. As he began the development of a raga he would try and keep the raw power of voice on a tight
leash, merely exhibiting a quiet menace. And then as he moved into faster paced part of the raga he would let
it rip, his voice shooting across octaves at tremendous pace. The transition of his voice from a filly to a
stallion, in the course of an hour, blindsided listeners into submission. His favorite composition, in a raga
named after a town linked in Hindu mythology to the god Krishna, used words in praise of a 12th-century
Sufi saint, Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti, the savior of the poor. But there was not one sectarian note in Bhimsen
Joshi. He loved the fusion of Hindustani music, with its mixture of Hindu and Muslim influences. Music had
no religion or caste, he often said. The religion of music was music.
Music seemed to require him to use every part of his body. From a slow, mesmerized, almost
motionless start his eyes would roll upwards, foreshadowing the ascent of the notes that emerged from his
distended, gaping mouth. His hands thrashed, as though reaching for some imagined object just out of his
grasp. Perhaps Bhimsen Joshi was trying to bring back to earth a soaring note from one of his magnificent
taans, the series of rapid melodic passages with which great classical singers in the Hindustani tradition of
northern India demonstrate how skilled they are.
Now of course, he is on to eternal music and his listeners have to make do with the silence.
For me, and I am sure for all music lovers, Pandit Bhimsen Joshi is a legend whose voice will continue to
weave magic in our hearts today, tomorrow and forever, and the world will surely miss the divine musical
experience of hearing this master sing.
Mouparna Saha
ECE - 4 Year
The Ultimate Rajinikanth
To be or not to be? A question William Shakespeare could not find an answer to. But in the year 1949
there was an answer to which a question ceased to exist. The answer? RAJINIKANTH. What is with
Superman or Batman or Spiderman or He-man or Iror-man? They are nothing but some creatures that
Rajinikanth allowed to live. He is the one and only 'Super Human'. He is all 'MANs' we have come across till
date in movies or in comics. He is the comedian, the villain, the hero, the robot, the genius, the human and
the list goes on and on. Nothing is impossible for him. He can bring the moon closer to the earth or create a
brand new spectrum, when he is bored of the basic colors! The rain is called off in case Rajini decides to play
a cricket match. Time is still running because it dared to race with Rajini. He beats up baddies. Hold on, he
does not beat up them. Rajini just says 'dhiskiyaon' in their ears and they die instantly. Aliens do indeed exist.
They just know better not to visit a planet that Rajinikanth is on.
Rajini is the heartthrob of every heartthrob! Whether a person is his fan or not, he or she cannot stay
away from this craze. His stylish flick of cigarette, sunglass tricks, halving bullets with a dagger; everything
about him invites us. In 2007, the world saw Shivaji-The Boss and thought it to be the ultimate. But in
October 2010, came Endhiran (Robot in Hindi). And we were once again reminded why there is only one
Rajinikanth- the Ultimate Star! Robot in Hindi, Endhiran in Tamil and Robo in Telugu is the most expensive
Asian film with a budget of 162-crore. The technologies used in Robot are Mechatronics, Animatronics (the
use of electronics and robotics in puppets to simulate life) and Bullet-Time Effect (a digitally enhanced
simulation of variable speed). It went to become a blockbuster hit at the box-office. The diehard Rajini fans
huddled outside Chennai movie screens from 4 am in the morning. The point for the enthralled fans was not
to watch the first day first show of the film, but to watch it before anyone else. The three versions of the film
were released over 3,000 screens (with over 2,500 prints across the world). There were 60 shows at a single
multiplex in Chennai at an interval of 10 minutes! The Rajinikanth film festival is not limited to India only.
At a US theatre, tickets of the film for an entire week were sold out in just 10 minutes. This is also the first
film for which fans in Chennai queued up at theatres and paid to watch only the promos! Even his Robot
Chitti is as amazing as him. He can walk through fire, is resistant to water, feeds on electricity and can fire
two dozen AK-47 at one go. Robot entertained everyone like nothing else could.
Rajini proves Newton wrong all the time. Every time he performs an action, nothing can provide
reaction. Rajinikanth has a solution to all the problems. When the same old Santa Banta jokes were
becoming monotonous, he brought a revolution there as well. Now original Rajini incidents fill up our cell
phones inbox everyday. Well, they are some of the work that Rajinikanth does and we feel pleased to know
about them. There is nothing unknown to Rajinikanth. He knows what a woman really wants. Even David
Beckham wants to speak to him because He knows Victoria's secret! People can never say who Rajinikanth
is because only he knows who he is. There are no mysteries in the universe except the things that he has not
shared with the rest of the world. People can hate him or love him, but can not ignore him. The only thing that
goes for him is Watch him or not, he is still going to shine in front of your eyes! When there is a will, there
is a way. When there is RAJINIKANTH, there is no other way.
Prattusha Dutta
BCA - 3 Year
Now that's a six !!, the commentator exclaimed and in unison, thunderous claps rocked the
tables. The college food-court is packed with all the crazy, euphoric cricket fans like us. My gang
had somehow managed to occupy a four-seater table after a long wait of two hours for the corporate
sitting over there to move back to their job-desks leaving the match behind.
Hitting the boundary, making a four. and with that declaration my best friend stood up like
Christ the Redeemer to express her startling wonder creating the apocalypse of the day, spilling the
glass of chilled coke directly on my T-shirt. O M G !!!!, I blared and glared at her but she was
too involved in her world of cricket to notice the mishap. Trying my best to clean up the mess, I
couldn't stop myself from recalling our conversation, just a few days back, in my drawing
Is the greed for money this high that
one has to lose his name, fame, dignity and sell
off his abilities for it???? asked my best friend,
gloomily, staring at the shocking news in the
newspaper. Just a few days ago, she had been
watching the much -talked -about match with me
and screaming herself hoarse for her favorite
bowlers, Mohammad Asif and Mohammad
Amir, and clapping and shouting C'mon, hit
those wickets!! everytime they lifted the ball.
With some crucial 'no balls' and quite a poor
score, the so-very-supported team ended up
losing it at the Lord's. But the gloom on her
face was not because they had lost, it was all
due to the shattering scandal created by her
favorites. Her very GODs had sold off their abilities and had become puppets at the hand of bookies agreeing
to play the ball as desired by them.
As we both flipped through the news channels, the shame and guilt was visibly prominent.
How true were the words of the reporters! The pre-determination of result, violation of rules, the law
and our very own morals are nothing but sheer shame for not only us but for our country and for
the hundreds who admire these cricketers and follow their foot-steps. Guilty Nomi Khan and
Mazhar Majeed are just a link in this huge web of bookies and several underworld kings. Infact
the captain himself is influenced the most by them..
Yet, I consider, this was nothing new. From ages it had been and will always be this way.
People will violate rules, they will practice unfair means, just for the sake of some temporary
benefits. What actually heartens me is the fact that with all these, what always remains is the
passion for the cricket and immense love for the game. What matters is the enthusiasm which
accompanies every cricket-maniac as they stare unblinkingly at each move of the bat or the ball.
Like a loyal captain who would rather sink with his drowning ship than deserting it, cricket lovers
would rather watch a game and enjoy the moments than judging whether it is fixed or not.
Somethings never change, like my best friend's craziness for the bat n-ball game .
Six again!! someone shouted out. I realized that I had missed a whole over, thinking about all
these. So I decided to follow my friend's suit and pay attention to the ongoing match ordering
another glass of coke.
Barsha Pandey
CSE - 3 Year
|= = -`.| r `= .. = .
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. r. .. +.-+.
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z== . .= c.. . r.
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CSE - 1 Year
Do You Know Your Pop Form Rock
So you may know about pop and rock and punk, but you may just miss out metal, blues, emo and
Music has been an effective tool of speaking out, since time immemorial, and nowadays we all want
to speak it our way. There are already innumerable genres, and twice as likely subgenres of music, and more
in the making. It is interesting to note that these divisions and subdivisions of music, have not only created a
personal corner in the universe of humanity, but some of them have also spawned an entire lifestyle.
Take for example, rock'n'roll. The 70s were the time when people came out of their shells, got wild
and literally let their hair down. Alcohol was very 'in', and drugs were doing their rounds. And everybody just
wanted to have long hair, play guitar and party all night.
Yet, almost all the forms of music faced strong oppositions from the
orthodox during their wee hours. So did rock'n'roll, punk, hard rock and even
classical forms of music like jazz and opera.
It all started with the Moody Blues. Established in 1800s, it was
popularized in the period 1930s to 1950s. Afro-american in origin it went on to
define and question society in an undaunted manner. The lyrics were of three
stanzas of twelve-bar, of which the first two were similar, also known as the
blues-progression. Famous musicians to popularize and commercialize blues
were Nat King Cole, Dibby King, Robert Johnson and the Muddy Waters.
From the blues came the jazz, developed during the 1900s, popularized
during 1920s, then called bebop. Developed with Latin influence to blues, it
was initially called 'jass' and referred as 'the Chicago music'. Though opposed at first, it became a rage during
the 1950s, with the confluence of white blues musicians and black bebop musicians, also called cool jazz.
Personas to popularize jazz were Louis Armstrong, Ray Charles and Miles Davies.
Country music was influential in the growth of rock in the mid 1950s. A plain acoustic guitar was
used with simple melodies and lyrics, originating from the prairie lands of The States. John Denver as we all
know was the famous country music man.
With the 1960s ushered in a new form of music with early rock, marked by the Beatles. Their lyrics
were plain, but not simple; sweet but not melancholy. They worked with the common loves and fears of the
mass, and soon turned not so common with their sky-high fame. John Lennon, Paul McCarty, George
Harrison and Ringo Starr brought in a new dawn for the world. The biggest name in early rock is Bob Dylan,
with his country style philosophies. Then came Led Zeppelin and quickly went up the stairway to heaven.
They were the first to use an acoustic guitar to do an electric guitar's job. Another icon during this time was
also the great god of guitar, Jimi Hendrix. His concert in Woodstock in 1969 is said to be the highest grossing
The 1970s brought in madness in the form of glam rock, also called rock'n'roll. There were Motley
Crue, AC/DC, Alice Cooper, Kiss and many more. It became the voice of the rebels, and every one wanted to
be, well, different. Long hair was the new symbol of masculinity and so was a sleek, cool electric guitar. It
was the father of rock music and used a catchy rhythmic style, with light lyrics and over the top guitar-based
songs. It became the symbol of freedom and unrestricted passion.
Rock'n'roll paved the way for other prominent subgenres of rock, such as glam rock, pop rock, punk rock,
grunge rock, hard rock, classic rock and finally, metal. Hard rock was, of course, loud and hard, yet more \
Authentic and sincere. Lyrics screamed anger and revolution, with a mark of protest. Music was not
simply a form of art; it became skill, power and godliness. Heavy riffs and distortion were introduced freely,
with a certain amount of arrogance. Important bands were the Eagles, Van Halen, Deep Purple and Black
Sabbath (the pioneers of metal). Another important subgenre was psychedelic rock, by the Pink Floyd, who
synchronized synthesizers along with acoustic guitar with a low bass sound. Unfortunately, there were few
bands to take it forward, despite a huge fan following.
In the 80s, there happened what is now called a 'musical explosion'; a harder, heavier, angrier form of
music was born, known as heavy metal. And not only was it violent and heavy, it was evil. Lyrics dealt with
topics ranging from philosophical ones like Christianity to revolution and protest. Black became a
statement, so was leather and Harley Davison choppers. Everyone wanted to have tattoos and piercing, and
the Devil was the new God. The bands that created heavy metal developed a heavy, guitar-and-drums-
centered sound with a strong bass, characterized by highly amplified distortion and fast guitar solos. An
army of religious fans arose worldwide as 'metal heads' or 'head bangers'. Most influential bands were Judas
Priest, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Slayer and Rush.
It was opposed heavily by religious and political leaders, which did nothing to inhibit its increasing
popularity. However, the underground scene in Northern Europe brought on a more extreme and aggressive
sound giving rise to numerous subgenre such as thrash metal, death metal, goth metal, black metal, speed
metal, alt metal, power metal, symphony metal, nu metal (Linkin Park) and Viking metal. The largest metal
fest in Wachen, Germany is the metal head's haven.
Rock also gave rise to separate genres like grunge and punk. The 90s were ruled by the grunge artists,
the biggest names being Nirvana, Pearl Jam and R.E.M. They used an angst-filled sound, fusing punk,
heavy metal and alt rock. They also rejected all forms of theatrics of the heavy metal scene and returned to
casual clothing. Punk became commercial with bands like Underoath and Green Day. It was a form of alt
rock fused with grunge that gave a rebellious, depressive sound. Quirky hairdos and hair colours grew very
popular with the fans. A distinctive subgenre is the 'emo' or emotional punk.
The 80s explosion also touched the pop scene with the rise of Madonna and Michael Jackson who
changed the face of pop music. Before them, were iconic figures like Abba, Boney M who used simple
rhythms and melodies with uncomplicated lyrics. Madonna introduced sensuality and boldness, whereas
Michael revolutionized pop with his dance and dramatic videos. The Scandinavian pop group Aqua and later
Venga Boys brought in a new form of pop called bubble gum pop, using basic rhythm structure and a fun,
quirky, energetic melody.
Experts say that in the future all genres and subgenres with their characteristics and variations will
become one, no matter how impossible it may sound. We are still waiting for that day.
Aishani Sen
ECE - 2 Year

Lights, Camera, Action!!!
It is said that, we Indians have two things, which runs in our blood, movies and cricket. Deserted
roads are a common sight while an IPL match is going on and so are the long queues for tickets in cinema
halls on Fridays. No wonder that every Indian, deep down inside wants to have a taste of what it's like to be a
cricketer or a movie star. But, not everyone can bat like Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly or even (in some
cases like mine) L.Balaji; surely they can dream of being a movie star ofcourse! It is a general notion that
prevails among people that one has to be a star son or have some 'contacts' in the industry or lay down on the
infamous 'casting couch' to be that, but that's far from the truth.
Welcome to the world of Zero-Budget-Films that is a rage all over North America and the United
Kingdom. Zero-budget-films are those that are made with very little or almost no-money. This is not
something that's unimaginable. There are loads of independent production houses in America, who
regularly churn out top notch movies. The movies explore almost all genres ranging from thrillers to drama
and even sci-fi. All it takes is a camera which can shoot video, some actors,
a script, a location and most importantly the urge to create something out-
of-the-box. Unfortunately there is a lot of scepticism about these types of
films. People are of the impression that zero-budget films are not quality
movies. There is no show-biz associated with them and the actors of such
films have no stardom. People don't run to them for autographs, they don't
even recognize them. To conclude all such prejudice 'Project London' is the
exemplar. The film is a sci-fi and it boasts of 650 VFX shots, which is more
than most $160 million Hollywood movies like Poseidon, Terminator series, etc. and the best part is it is
made on zero-budget!!! There were no costs incurred to make it. All it had was an enthusiastic group of
people with the passion to make a film.
Recently a film named 'Friend Request' was released via Youtube. I happened to have acted and
directed the film. Some days later, I started receiving friend requests on Facebook and Orkut from unknown
people who said they liked my work. Some of them even used some catchphrases of the film to describe
themselves and I am not talking about just people from India, but also from America, Canada and strangely,
Alaska! So, now tell me, isn't there a real good chance that people might not recognise Kunal Khemu or
Sohail Khan in Alaska but recognise me? Though I know that's a really far fetched thought as of now.
Getting back to reality, zero-budget filmmaking is not as hard as people reckon it to be. At the same
time it is not even as easy as some might want to believe. No one can really teach or instruct you how to make
a film. You teach yourself how to make it, only then can you create your distinct style. People are also of the
belief that only media-science, mass-communication, film studies, videography students are capable of
making these sort of films. Surprisingly most zero-budget films or short films in India are made by students
of engineering, medicine, literature, science and arts. It is the concept and dedication that matters, not the
field of study.

The basic techniques associated with film-making however should be taken into account and
then portray your thoughts in the film the way you desire it. There is no place better than Youtube to
release such zero-budget films or short films. If it comes out to be really good, then you can even submit
them to film festivals. Who knows? You could be on the next flight to Cannes!

Debojit Bhowmick
EIE - 3 Year
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"Aila......No SACHIN ???!!!"
With the enormous amount of runs Sachin Tendulkar has been scoring throughout the past year, the
master blaster's fans around the globe have had more than enough reasons to celebrate. He also swept the
coveted ICC awards this year, sending his fans into a double frenzy. However, with the recent uproar over
Sachin's exclusion from XYZ magazine's "100 Best films of the decade" list, Tendulkar fans may have just
gone too far.
XYZ magazine recently released a list of the best 100 movies from the past decade, leaving Sachin
fans all over India outraged.The cause of the uproar, seemingly, was the absence of Sachin's name from the
list, with angry fans not ready to come to terms with the basic fact that Sachin Tendulkar is NOT a film.
Experts justified the fans' anger, stating that Tendulkar fans scan effectively every list published over the
world searching for Sachin's name in them, and have ample reasons to be disappointed if they do not find it.
Fans displayed their rage by arranging dharnaas, burning public buses and occasionally burning posters of
films included in the list. Protests spread across the country, with the demand for
Sachin's inclusion at the no.1 position in the list. Many of the fans were heard
screaming, "Who is this City of God? Is it's batting average better than Sachin's?
And what about Lord of the Rings?? It doesn't even come near the number of
centuries Sachin has scored! Are we supposed to believe that these lousy films,
who haven't even played one bit of cricket in their lives, is better than Him? What
a joke..hmmmpf !! ".
The repercussions were felt across the Web also. Tendulkar admirers
started posting angry protest slogans on various websites (occasionally totally out of context) and spreading
Rajnikant jokes replacing Rajni with Sachin. Cricket discussions boards on certain sites also saw heated
debates, which quite often ended with a sludge of half-remembered statistics and a general consensus on the
uselessness of Ravindra Jadeja.
This unforeseen drama has triggered a bigger national debate concerning the discrimination between
films and cricketers and whether they should be treated equally. News channels across India have started
airing live phone-in shows, namely, "Films, Cricket, God" and "Movies, Sachin, Recession, Michelle
Obama, Mango Fruity...err.. what were we discussing??", with cricket analysts such as Celina Jaitley, Dino
Morea, Shilpa Shetty and Navjot Singh Sidhu. "I look forward to a day when films and cricketers would be
considered equal and will not be discriminated on the basis of petty batting averages, box office collections,
number of centuries or number of Oscars. I'm sure a day will come when Pan's Labyrinth could be the
opening batsman for Australia or Kevin Pietersen could win a Golden Globe award", remarked Shilpa
Shetty, thrilled at the prospect of edifying viewers with her cricket-intellect once again. Mr.Morea was busy
flaunting his newly acquired 10-pack abs through a transparent tee, while Ms.Jaitley could only utter the
name of her next film when asked to remark. Commenting on the situation, Mr.Sidhu hollered ,"Wallowing
in foolishness, my friend, is like a rhinoceros in an African bog! When you are eating with the devil, you've
got to have long utensils!", leaving everyone else in the studio scratching their heads.
Amidst all the brouhaha, even Sachin could not retain his typical calm composure. When first
informed by a reporter, he squealed, "Ailaaaaa!" and fainted, leaving whole of India wondering which side
of the argument he was on.
P.S. All characters in this article are fictitious. If they bear any resemblance to anybody in real life, it should
be taken as mere coincidence.
Aroonav Das
ECE - 3 Year
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c A t
CSE - 1 Year
During the 1980s, probably one of the most repressive times in Hollywood
cinema, there seemed to be so many rules - heroes can't be this and can't be that and can't be
unlikeable. I hated that. I've given nobody the authority over me to say I can't do anything
I can do anything I want or can achieve. I don't ask for permission. There is no 'they'. -
Quentin Tarantino
The quoted lines explain the films of Quentin Tarantino like no other.
The ex-video store clerk and an auteur of modern cinema, is the most influential writer-
director to have surfaced in the 90s.His pulp noir world draws inspiration from elements
as diverse as pulp novels, grindhouse cinema, far-eastern weaponry and the toppling of The Third Reich.
Though held responsible for borrowing heavily from the works of other lesser known filmmakers, QT is
attributed with developing one of the most exciting and original styles of filmmaking.
As for the accusation of 'borrowing' styles, Tarantino is heard declaring
I steal from every single movie ever made. If people don't like that, then tough tills, don't go and see it, all
right? I steal from everything. Great artists steal, they don't do homages.
The layout of the QT world finds itself somewhere in the intersectional setting of a classic film-noir and a
cult pulp novella. There is always crime in the atmosphere, with all characters with a default inclination
towards crime and fearlessness. His films are about style as much they are about substance. No matter how
sketchy his characters may look, he makes sure they register onscreen in some indelible way. He is very
much cinematically literate that makes him certain of how far to stretch a sequence's credibility without
losing the audience. He can keep violence funny, produce honour amongst criminals and turn the bad guys
into good guys thus getting rid of a good character altogether. The audience may know a character is corrupt,
but they don't care because of the bond Tarantino has already established between them.
One of the distinguishing qualities of Tarantiono's films are probably the narrative structures. At the most
heightened state of emotion, the climax, the film works through a series of flashbacks to tell the story. Like
chapters in a book, one character is followed for a while to get that character's story, and then we move to a
different character to know and how they are related to the other characters in the film. Tarantino twists time
to suit his own organization of the plot. The segmented structure is Tarantino's way of playing with the
audience's perceptions. Due to the large amount of entertaining content which is placed in a non-linear
manner throughout the film that the audience is forced to piece together the segments in order to form one
complete story.
Tarantino's filming techniques are unusual, yet artistic. He starts his films with a
few seconds of voices, before the audience gets to see anything. This helps to
emphasize that the film is not starting at the beginning. Reservoir Dogs (1992),
QT's first film, has an exact assemble. When the film starts the audience knows
something has happened, and when the characters are reveled, you know that
something has been missed! This drives the audience to edges of their seats. His
establishing shots going into the film starts out narrow and then broadens. The
opening shot signifies the rest of the story, where only a narrow understanding of
what is going on is provided.
It is Tarantino's strategy in all of his films to have the characters speak at right angles to the action, or depart
on flights of fancy. The movies are circular with self-referential structure that are famous, but there is a
chronology in the dialogues, in the sense that what is said before invariably sets up or enriches what comes
after. Tarantino always has the time-juggling factor in mind from the very beginning, because there's never a
Glitch. The scenes do not follow in chronological order, but the dialogue always knows exactly where it falls
in the movie. The dialogues are the foundation of everything else and have come to be known as Tarantino-
"Kill Bill, Volume 1" (2003) shows Quentin Tarantino effortlessly and brilliantly in command of his
technique. The movie is all storytelling and no story. The motivations have no psychological depth or
resonance, but are simply plot markers. The characters consist of their characteristics. As far as the martial
arts genre in the film is concerned, it might as well be the heroine. The opening scene is shot in black and
white; since for QT all shots in a sense are references to other shots, not particular shots from other movies,
but archetypal shots in our collective movie-watching memories.
Kill Bill, Volume 2 (2004) is another example of Tarantino's method, which is to create lovingly
structured episodes that play on their own while contributing to the legend. The training under Pai Mei
episode is inserted in this movie at a time and place that makes it function like a classic cliffhanger. In setting
up this scene, Tarantino once again pauses for colorful dialogue.Putting both Kill Bill parts together, QT
made a masterful saga that celebrates the martial arts genre while kidding it, loving it, and transcending it. As
for the strong graphic violence in both, which many people find disturbing, QT
says with his inimitable flair
Violence is the best form of cinematic entertainment. Sure, Kill Bill's a
violent movie. But it's a Tarantino movie. You don't go to see Metallica and ask
the fellas to turn the music down.
His film Inglorious Basterds (2009), was the epic to the World War II
saga, which is his considered his masterpiece till now. Getting an eleven minute standing ovation after its
first screening at the Cannes film festival, the film proved its worth in the very first weeks of the festival
circuit. From the title, ripped off from a 1978 B-movie, the film embeds
Tarantino's love of the movies.
Watch the movie closely, and you'll see how personal it is. Here's a film
in which cinema brings down the Nazi regime, metaphorically and literally.
What could possibly be better than that? In this story, cinema changes the world,
and I love that idea! QT
The deep, rich colors of 35mm film provide tactile pleasure, and above all, there are three iconic
characters, drawn broadly and with love: the Hero, the Nazi and the Girl. Tarantino takes each character and
makes it definitive, like something that we term as larger-than-life, approaching satire in its intensity. The
story begins in Nazi-occupied France, early in the war, when the cruel, droll Nazi Col. Hans Landa
(Christoph Waltz) arrives at an isolated dairy farm where he believes the farmer is hiding Jews. He's right,
and a young woman named Shosanna (Melanie Laurent) flees into the woods. It is for this scene and his
performance throughout the movie, Waltz creates a character unlike any Nazi evil, sardonic, ironic,
mannered, and absurd. As for Laurent, Tarantino photographs her with the absorption of a fetishist, with
close-ups of shoes, a facial veil and details of body and dress. A Tarantino film resists categorization.
Inglourious Basterds is no more about war than Pulp Fiction is about. Of course nothing in the movie is
possible, except that it's so engaging and entertaining. It's a big, bold, audacious war movie that annoyed
some, startled others and demonstrated once again that Tarantino is the real thing, a director of quixotic
delights, providing World War II with a much-needed alternative ending.
Looking back upon film in the '50s, Ingmar Bergman, Federico Fellini, and Akira Kurosawa
controlled the international film market with their wonderful stories and originality. In the '70s, Francis Ford
Coppola, Stanley Kubrick, and Martin Scorsese ran western cinema with their new and exciting depictions
of society and their personal directorial techniques. The next generation of riveting filmmakers burst into
view during the '90s with Paul Thomas Anderson, David Fincher and Wes Anderson but Tarantino was
holding the reigns. Tarantino is one of the greatest directors of this generation. He lassos all of the great
elements of film history tightly together and melds them into one masterpiece again and again. He brings to
the cinematic table a humor and creativity that no other director of this generation is capable of, like a master
at bringing performances as far as they can go toward iconographic exaggeration. Quentin Tarantino is the
breath of fresh, recycled air that has dominated the film world for nearly two decades. He keeps evolving and
that's what makes him not just relevant but revolutionary almost twenty years after he helped re-invent the
American indie. What comes next for Tarantino is somewhat unknown and is a part of his enigmatic image,
the mark of a director who truly defines his time.
Aroonav Das
ECE - 3 Year
2. the plus smile representing american pride (9)
4. the master blaster has some secret (5)
6. 'pappu' can also dance wearing this (4)
7. all plus size available here (10)
8. from china to chandni chowk (7)
10. the drink of the youth (5)
12. amir cannot handle this much of attention with this edge (5)
15. indian road smoothens inside this german auto (10)
17. hrithik's smartness secret now ranbir's style statement (11)
19. none of the beauty getting marred (4)
21. makes life happening (9)
22. amitabh bachhan's signature apparel (13)
1. the 'zigtech' of dhoni (6)
3. makes world clear to visualize (17)
5. swiss dial get fascinated by Indian Minds (6)
9. 'john abraham' sleepwalks with the brand he embrace (6)
11. the smiling secret of shahrukh (9)
12. sachin gets his H power from biscuits ???!!! (5)
13. leading brand in the world of beauty products (5)
14. roger federer 'just did it' (no pun intended) (4)
16. see dhoni's sweat drops in this hd screen (4)
18. most sensuous car of the year (4) Look for the answers on page no. 159
20. redefine your sweet memories (5)
The Conqueror Worm
The curtain, a funeral pall,
Comes down, with the rush of a storm,
While the angels, all pallid and wan,
Uprising, unveiling, affirm
That the play is the tragedy, 'Man',
And its hero the Conqueror Worm.---Edgar Allan Poe
He is considered to be the original inventor of pseudo-scientific fiction,
and the father of modern detective stories. He is Edgar Allan Poe.
Edgar Allan Poe occupies a unique place in American Literature.
Whether or not he would approve, he has ceased to be a person and has
been elevated to the level of an icon. One of the greatest and unhappiest
of all American literary personas, he is a stylish master of spine-chilling
horror, and the art of the gothic. His short stories can be categorized at
best as weird imaginations, tales that will shock you, haunt you and draw you into an unsettling world of fear
and mystery.
Yet his life is every bit as theatrical as his works.
He was born in Boston, in the January of 1809, the second son of traveling actors. A year after he was born,
his parents died from Tuberculosis. He was split from his siblings and was taken into the household of a rich
tobacco merchant, John Allan, a Scotsman, who gave him his name. He went to England in 1815, and
attended a school in Newington. But his relationship with his father was under strain when they moved to
Richmond, Virginia. In 1826, his father refused to support him financially in the Virginia University. A good
student, he resorted to gambling to support himself, but things went out of hand because of his lavish
lifestyle. John prevented his return to university and broke of his engagement with his fiance, Sarah
Edgar left Virginia and went to Boston at the age of 18, where he published 'Tamerlane and Other Poems',
written in the manner of Byron, at his own expense, which was not well-received. In 1827, he joined the US
army under an assumed name and was posted in Sullivan Island, an experience that gave him material for his
famous story 'The Gold Bug'. However, reconciliation occurred with his father at his mother's deathbed, and
John facilitated his entry in a military academy at West Point. His fellow cadets there published 'Poems by
Edgar.A.Poe', which contained the famous 'Israfel', a rendition of his characteristic lyrical and melancholy
If I did dwell, where Israfel
Hath dwelt, and he where I,
He would not sing one-half so well
One half so passionately
While a stormier note then this would swell
From my lyre within the sky.

After six months, he started living with his aunt, Mrs.Clemms, in Baltimore, where he began to publish short
stories in magazines. When 'Message found in a bottle', won an award, Poe was set firmly in his career as an
author. Editorship in various magazines brought him acclaim, especially the 'Southern Literary Messenger',
but his own periodical was a disaster.

He married his cousin, Virginia Clemms, who died five years later bursting a vein while singing. Poe
became increasingly unstable and his dependence on alcohol and drugs increased excessively. It was during
this period he wrote some of his masterpiece, 'Ligeia', 'Eleonora', 'Berenice' and 'Morella', all deal with the
death of a wife with trembling paranormal consequences.
And all my days are trances
And all my nightly dreams
Are where thy grey eye glances
And where thy footsteps gleam
In what ethereal dances
By what eternal streams.
Depressed and erratic, he attempted suicide in 1848 and died mysteriously in 1849, at the young age of 38,
due to congestion of the brain.
Thy soul shall find itself alone
Mid-dark thoughts of the grey tomb-stone
Not one, of all the crowd, to pry
Into thine hour of secrecy
Now are thoughts thou shalt not banish
Now are visions never to vanish
From thy spirit shall they pass
No more, like dew-drop from the grass.
His only major recognition during his lifetime came from 'Raven and other Poems', but most of his fame was
belated and posthumous. A misunderstood genius, his works gained critical acclaim in England and France.
His reputation in America was slight, until French-influenced writers like Ambrose Bierce,
Robert.W.Chambers, Lord Halifax and H.P.Lovecraft created interest in his work. In 1910, his name was
inducted in the New York's 'Hall of Fame'.
Much ahead of his time, Poe usually dealt with paranoia rooted deep in psyche, obsessions, damnations of
death, feverish fantasies and the cosmos as sources of horror in his supernatural fiction. This trend is visible
in 'The Tell-Tale heart', 'The Assignation' and the 'The Black Cat'. 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue' is
considered in history as the first detective story. Other themes include exquisite and dreamy landscapes and
unreal beauty as in 'Eleonora', the doomed gothic hangover in 'The Fall at the house of Usher', the silence and
dreamlike play of half-light in 'Ligeia'. His stories successfully keep out and bother little about fantastical
clichs like werewolves and vampires. Though the world knew him for his short stories, he was a poet at
With me poetry has not been a purpose, but a passion; and the passions should be held in reverence; they
must not---they cannot at will be excited with an eye to the paltry compensations of mankind.---Edgar
Allan Poe, 'The Raven'.
Powerful and mystic, his was one of the first genuine voices of America, before Lew Wallace came along,
and has been admired by the likes of R.L.Stevenson, Crane and Baudelaire. Throughout the years his
creations have provided succour to artists, film-directors, authors and have spawned the 'Cult of the Un-
usual' and a generation of imitators.
And aptly as William Winter has said, in his collection of verses 'At Poe's Grave', as a dedication at the Poe
Memorial in Baltimore,
Through many a year his fame has grown,
Like midnight, vast, like starlight sweet,
Till now his genius fills a throne,
And nations marvel at his feet.

Aishani Sen
ECE - 2 Year
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A ~it
CSE - 2 Year
My mind wonders
in the cold shadows.
shadows of religion
rises from the ashes
the essence of life
fades from the surrounding.
are footsteps falling?
or is it a useless feeling?
are you here?
lightning flashes again
from its illicit armor,
as i walk alone
like a delusional paramour.
the desperate meadows
reflect the paranoiac silence.
the echo of your voice
creates the hallucinating resonance.
are you here?
life's tireless irony
is just a wonder less show.
use your own suspicion
to finally let it go
time is running low,
and insanity is slowly descending.
I need you here
to save me from this prosaic feeling.
are you here?
Arka Sengupta
BCA - 3 year
Asymmetric dreams. Windowpanes smitten by the storm. Abani is stranded at the crossroad. There
are four ways to reach home. He contemplates each of them. He may have done this the whole day, even
without a drop of rain. Actually, his clerkship exams guaranteed him five thousand over the table. Black was
never that fascinating to him.
His house is akin to the cave in which some Robert, who was heavily influenced by a spider, stayed.
The only difference, the house lacked spiders. In their place, were lizards, who meticulously consumed
vermin flesh. The calculated steps towards the heedless prey and then gobbling it up is all he missed during
this period of stagnation. Though, its nothing new.
Abani's tattered umbrella acted like a sieve. It resisted the attack of hails and their sharp edges. He
ponders on the degree of serration his
parasol saved him from. He overlooks
the entry of water, which has already
wetted his attire. Certain sequestered
memoirs seem to revisit the conscience.
Alas! Its like the wailing wave. The
moment he expects it to speak, it froths.
Abani checks his watch. Its late.
Too late. He heads towards the least
traversed street. The monotony of the
relentless day was already disturbed by
the storm. He thus adds sauce to the
dish. On his route, he encounters an
abandoned park. A specter of a park to
be more precise. He decides to digress a
bit. He can afford to as the desk back at
his place was devoid of the regular
folders. He voluntarily attempts to disturb the symmetry of the place. He picks up a broken log, lying beside
him, on the bench, inanimate. He keeps his umbrella on the bench and gapes at the wood. It should have been
living before the storm, as per Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose. Now its dead. What difference does it make?
He discovered the log is akin to him. Mirth paved its way. A desire to smile coaxed him, but he was obstinate.
Now, back to the goal. He gets up and hits whatever he gets in his way. Repeated blows oozed out lunacy.
What happened to this perfectly sane bloke?
A peal disturbs his action. He throws the log and picks up his umbrella. He scampers out of the park
without even opening his parasol. He darts towards his den. His acceleration hurts his inflexible muscle. The
agility he is used to is nowhere near to this newfound speed. The gyration of some wheel in his think tank
pulverizes the conventional sanity the world is used to. The world as always will perceive it with a negative
filter, since its new, unaccustomed. That's the law.
Newton's first law of motion says the body tends to retain its static position. A genius was he. This is
applicable in case of the society. The prejudiced lot will rot the fresh. The penetration of reason is
inapplicable. They fear a change but are desirous of it. The outcome is the generation of corrosive force,
which epitomizes the barbarism in them. They inoculate their peers too. Generations after generations of
monotony. Same inclination. Same oppression. Same depression. The clerk is not the defaulter. His father
has confided in him the easiest way to consume life. Pay heed to the basic amenities. Neglect the
That doesn't stop the great to purify the land. The clerk has returned. He freshened himself. Siesta
won't embed in him tonight. He became one with the monotonous desolation of his existence. The giant
wheel still revolved in the realms of his conscience.
Dawn struck its quarter.
The palest blue was omnipresent. The weary faded brown in the eyes revolts. Gazing at the last
visible sparkle, he contemplates. The diluted orange strata poke. His conscience provoked. He lifts up with a
mighty jolt, searching for her soul. The halogen brushed green of a distant canopy, may be the missing
abode. Or is she the hydronium ion of the yellow muriatic bottle. Or is she in the crumbs, left alone. Maybe
she is encumbering the exhausted palette, exhausted by the toll of clerkship. Or maybe she is the colorless
slumber in his arid throat.
She is the answer to Abani's dying quench. She is the answer to the monotony. The answer to the
beguiled existence of mankind, unyielding to the newness. The answer to the pathos leading to cannibalism
percolated through generations. She is the answer to the never-ending regret of proletariats.
Shamik Sen
FT - 3 Year
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EE- 3 Year
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Dark Literature
Many of us have feared darkness in our childhoods. We outgrow it, only to fall face to face with
ourselves, the darkness that our minds hide so well from us. And unlike our conscience, this is the darkness
that grows more uncertain of its true nature, with age.
Literature has, from time immemorial, pondered such questions, and with all its beauty, contributed
even more to the mystery of the evil, the dark and the inexplicable.
What does 'evil' actually mean? The Dictionary suggests meanings like 'sinister', 'menacing',
'grotesque' and 'gruesome', but evil is certainly more than a few words. It is our darkest intentions, combined
with the fearful perceptions that begin as mere insinuations, when you know it is as true as the morning sun.
But is that all? No, none of us can define it truly. Yet we all have felt evil in us in our secret hours, and it
continues and will continue to tempt humanity forever with its forbidden fruit.
Sinister characters, protagonists in form of antagonists, have come and gone over the ages in
literature. The most famous (read, infamous) of them would undoubtedly be Lady Macbeth, Shakespeare's
gothic interpretation of evil, whose knife did not falter even once as she set out to grotesquely murder the
king, a father figure. And yet, during her husband's darkest hour, fate stripped her off her sanity.
Gothic evil was introduced to the
world in a popular fashion by Edgar Allen
Poe. Though a self-proclaimed poet, he is
known for his notorious short stories. 'The
tell-tale heart', the brightest jewel in his
crown, looks with first-person analysis into
the head of a murderer. We shudder not only
at what the 'protagonist' does, but also at the
spine-chilling conclusion where he admits his
dark deed. 'The assignation', deals with the
common plot of reunion of lovers, but the
ethereal night-time beauty of Venice and the
lovers' ghastly decision strikes a deadly
Henry James' 'The turn of the screw'
and Coleridge's 'Christabel' deal with a similar idea. They both hint at the fact that innocence tends to attract
evil by the very state of its being. The seemingly 'angelic' children's twisted, sinister games are an irony in
itself in James' most famous novella. Even Dickens, whose Oliver has gathered both tears and applauds from
readers, has also created the devious Landless siblings.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. So has Charlotte Bronte proved with Catherine Earnshaw
of 'Wuthering Heights', apart from the story's other and more formidable antagonist, Heathcliff, lovers who
join hands as vengeful spirits. So has Daphne du Maurier, with her path-breaking novel, 'Rebecca'. The
beautiful and mystifying Rebecca de Winters manipulates her own death, in the hands of her own husband.
The readers are faced with the inevitable question at the end, as is reminiscent in 'The turn of the screw', and
no amount of analysis can unravel the secrets of her heart.
A rather strange account of evil is portrayed in J.R.R.Tolkien's epic magnum opus 'The Lord of the
Rings', in the form of Gollum. A normal household character once upon a time, Smeagle's descent to
Gollum is horrifying, his obsession for the ring deadly and narcissistic. His misery, his foul plight, his
laments only add colour to his character. Tolkien demonstrates how evil has a place in this earth, and what
crucial role it plays behind heroic exploits, and of course, how power can take the good and make one bad.
Lady Galadriel signifies the evil hiding in all of us, how good and evil may choose to coincide in one.
No one, of course, can forget the unnoticed genius Eric, in and as the 'Phantom of the Opera'. His
foul appearance overshadowing his genius, had thrown him into the hell of obsession and self-destruction.
His plight is strangely similar to that of Gollum's, and their fates strangely different.
Evil has entered the literary world also in forms of mythical creatures, and deadly locations. The
numerous vampire novels crowding the shelves of bookstores are screaming examples, but it all started with
Francis Varney and Vlad Dracula. The tyrant prince of Walachia, was thrown into Transylvania as a noble
undead who lives on human blood.
Religion may also influence devilry even in priests. So has Umberto Eco shown in his debut novel,
'The name of the rose'. The conquest of Brother William of Baskerville over a cathedral of corrupt priests is
both heroic and enlightening.
The world is a sick crazy sinister place to live in and to survive, evil becomes one with us. Only we do
not realize it.
Aishani sen
ECE - 2 Year
The freshness of a calm morning,
Gave an instinct for radical poetry.
And I tried to seal the moment,
With convergent thoughts of a romantic spree.
I suffer from inherent happiness,
In an, otherwise, boring classroom,
Because I'm staring out of the window,
Like a bride anticipating her groom.
Nowhere to be seen is a sudden darkness.
Dazed as I am, I feel blissfully lost.
A sudden flush washes away my face.
The clear blue sky hosts my thoughts.
This feeling eases my mind's simplification.
And my thoughts aren't nurtured by expectation.
I didn't know that this was the introduction.
What is left is my dream's conclusion.
The sunshine after a heavy downpour,
Seems like a poem written in shaky handwriting.
As the speculation of my thoughts dawn upon me,
I see that this feeling has no shortcomings.
Arka Sengupta
BCA - 3 Year
Pursuit of Happiness
"Happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or
joy" - this is what Wikipedia had to say for happiness.....well the irony was they defined happiness using
undefined words like joy,love,pleasure,contentment....and all I could do was manage a smile....did I fell
pleasure??joy??satisfaction??did I feel happy???well I don't know....
It was a hectic day to say the least,being the regional head of a multinational FMCG ,is certainly a
demanding job..physically and office hours ended at 5.30 though that was just the official
time,9.30 was the earliest I could when I left,the clock read 4.30 the way did I mention its
After 15years of exile,coming back to Kolkata was exciting.but due to my rigorous working hours I
hardly got time to realize its presence,to feel its touch,to take in its aroma......even after 3 months I never
went out any where except for that 30miinute trip to my office twice a day ...Sundays were reserved for
sleeping and finishing of the stuff I brought home.My company paid well,I just didn't have the time to spend
...Life in this 3 bedroom 27thfoor flat, was survival at best.The only companion was my laptop ,and
yes the view of the Hoogli...if u wanna count that in.Living high above the bustling city,where people fought
everyday to survive...some with their economic conditions..some with corruption,some with the
government...and some with themselves,was more of escapism rather than a search for salvation....being
closer to at best escapism obscured in the veil of optimism.....
After a quick nap I woke up around head ached badly,the sleeping pills certainly did more
than they said....It was raining outside...November rains have become a regular phenomenon
nowadays...and has lost its demand...due to the increasing supply...gosh i am talking economics!!!!I didn't
have much of an appetite the dinner went straight back to the refrigerator....the half finished Jack
Daniels was a welcome temptation.....I had nothing better to do.
This is how I generally spend my evenings my laptop and good old scotch..provided I don't have
work..or I am not sleeping.Whiskey has always fascinated has women...both are great till the
moment they start dictating terms....
Solitude is always what I sought but not loneliness...there is a very thin line between....and i think I
had crossed it unknowingly the day I got divorced.....people say life starts at 52 I sometimes wish that
the effect of the sleeping pills never ceased.......the silence in this apartment is deafening.....the systematic
ticking of the clock adds rhythm to the mayhem....a carefully composed melody..........The rain is a welcome
disturbance.....the monotonous splatter is like a serene touch......makes me feel alive.....
I am at the top..the very top..and I always preferred the view from here..friendship,family were just
mere obstacles...and I eradicated each of walls had no photographs..just glass shelves holding
my accomplishments....I never kept photographs...none..
The scotch was getting on my nerves....the ice added to the soberness..I felt restless.The urge to
innovate was exalting..i needed to do something ....something more...something different....
I opened my age old Orkut account...using it after 15yrs maybe.....the guy that smiled back at
me...was young,immature with dreamy eyes and a smile that reflected ...that reflected desire...that reflected
passion....that reflected happiness.....the photo gallery had several albums witness to my gradual
evolution....from a dreamer to a success......I looked at the mirror....searching for similarities...the only one I
could find was the goatee that I had kept since 10th standard....and the name remained of course...nothing
could change that....
My glass was empty ,I held it up to my eyes and could see my own reflection...was it trying to
suggest something????well intellectuality did come with a statutory warning - "injurious to health".......I
quickly filled up the glass.....ruining its cruel intentions.....
I had wondered many a nights,about my reasons of not being happy...after-all ,this is what I
wanted....this is what I created with my own hands...and I was supposed to be happy when my "project
primordial" was successful....but on the contrary what I felt...was something else... I felt
pride,satisfaction,pleasure....but in a cruel kinda way..... the feeling of emptiness was supreme....
When I was 20..... my father once asked me what was i planning to be...I had said....."rich and
successful", he smiled....I expected the smile to reflect the pride he felt...but it represented a strange
sympathy.....and it infuriated me den...I thought he underestimated me.Today when I am what I said I
would be...I somehow feel he never felt I would not succeed....he knew something more...something that I
have difficulty in coming to terms with.....Something was rising form deep inside me...right from the
guts...meandering through the intestines and up though my food pipe ....before it formed a lump in my throat
and got stuck.....the uneasiness did the intoxication.....
Peace has been compromised at the cost of prosperity,and what I searched for throughout my
life....happiness ... that happiness is a distant a mirage ... that we all chase throughout our
life...and it keeps us eluding....misleading.momentarily it will gives us the taste of having it in our grip..and
the moment we open it..its gone...increasing our desire...igniting our passions.....acting like a
which we all succumb....spending our lives becoming successful failures....
The air outside felt cold...the balcony offered an excellent view of the city...with the Hoogli
restricting it on the left side...trying to slow down this maddening expansion.....but alas its virginity has been
compromised as well... Nothing much has changed since i went looked just the same,like a
portrait of bright yellow on the black canvass..the colors smeared as some insolent little devil has poured
water on it.The rain still left behind puddles of water all around....acting as mirrors to the society....Nothing
much has changed......except the government I guess....but as many cynics like me said " governments
change,the system doesn't" what has changed is the color,the people,the pamphlets..while the
corruption,the illiteracy,the poverty and the oppression remained the same...nothing much has
changed,except for the view,which has become higher than the place where i lived 25yrs
ago..grander....than what it was 25yrs ago....lonelier than what it was 25.........
Its hard to realise when tranquility transforms to numbeness and you are just left wondering what it
felt like to be alive..... The first November rain gave hope,hope of a future...which may not be better but the
mere thought of it made me smile.......I took out the only photograph I had from my wallet...the 4 *4 paper
has preserved the moment when for the first time I held my son....kept it as a memento...a memento of the
moment when I touched happiness...happiness in its purest flesh and blood. The lump that was
stuck for so long found a way was raining again....the rain drops falling hard on my face,engraving its
tale with each drop and shattering like pieces of mirror reflecting my end...each piece a part of me......Its
been a while I had met him...he would be 16 this December....may be a dreamer by now...very much like the
guy in my Orkut profile I met a while ago.....and may be on his way to success ........ maybe on his way to be
I felt a sudden urge to warn him,to tell him what my father's smile tell him that it would
be too late,when he will finally realize the truth...I needed to be close to at this moment....I
needed to get down to that ground level...I needed to get away from this towering inferno...from this view
,from the very top.....I was flying........the cold wind against my face was like marijuana luring me towards
itself....encouraging my crusade....... my pursuit of happiness....
Its funny how it feels like flying when you fall...though just for a little while..................
Sayan Das
ECE - 4 Year
I smiled to myself. My handwriting was never good. Dad used to scold me for my handwriting.
During those days neatness was important. Uncle used to console me on that, giving me Doctor's
prescriptions to read. And saying See they are Doctors. Doctors are very good in studies, and you write
better than them. I always wanted to be a Doctor, not because I couldn't improve my handwriting, but for the
pride and satisfaction associated with the job to help people at the highest level. But I'm not a Doctor. I failed
to clear the entrance exam. I'm not good enough, in studies.
22 March 2002

It was a highly euphoric evening, nothing could have been better. It was the best. But with the best
comes the day after. Sensex never just goes on climbing, it falls, and it keeps you wondering. Internet is one
of a kind, a very fascinating thing indeed. The press of a button refreshed the moment. Rakesh got a call from
Rochester. They have selected him for Doctoral Studies. A moment of yell was marked by pin-drop silence
thereafter. It meant a lot. Things would be never same from now on.
There will be no more of things which defined our moments together. There will be no more of
getting intoxicated and speaking nonsense at its best. There will be no more of playing some musical
instruments together, making that splendid noise, which many professionals would have failed to out do!
''But who cares? I mean come on! First thing first. Now it is time to decide where we want the Grand
platter to be served'', said Deepanjan. ''Yeah! There is no time to waste'', said I with a different perception
though. Abhrajit quickly came up with few suggestions and that very old thing started again. All this while
Rakesh was busy making few calls. He hates social networking sites. But he was social enough. On the
contrary, Abhrajit was in love with Mr. Mark and many other such innovative minds, those who created
mankind's platform to get social. But Abhrajit was one of a kind amongst us. His world revolved around him.
But he was in the population. We three were the odd one out. Sudden interruption. An agreeable face coming
close and a sudden adrenaline rush within me. A cup of coffee delivered and all of it faded. Useless beauty!
For a moment Leonardo De Caprio inspired me, but I quickly got into myself. Thank heavens I am saved.
All this ifs and buts are bound to happen. Never been on a steel horse before.
I took a sip of that dull coffee, which otherwise could have been remarkable and stunning. Useless
beauty! This time with utter disgust. For a moment I wondered how this situation of mine would have been,
if the three most important characters in my life had been here with me. With a sigh I turned to look back onto
those golden memoirs scribbled. Back there Rakesh was done with his calls and we scheduled a fine day.
15 June 2002
Rakesh gave a party. Better to say he just announced, and it was me and Deepanjan who did the
fixation, venue and menu. We ate till we lost the taste. We did it always, but this time it was special. Not
special in the sense of Rakesh departing from us, but for the fact that it was the best that anyone amongst the
four of us had been offered till date.
25 July 2002
A few days of waiting and we were there. One step more and our meeting next would be in the hands of web
technology, said Deepanjan. He has his thinking in everything. Yes, everything. The winds of change was
blowing straightInto the face of time. Heard a lot, Had heard a lot, was feeling it then.
Here I'm feeling it again. A sweet voice says I have reached New York. Things will never be the same
from now on.
Jyotirmoy Saha
FT - 4 Year
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Partha Pratim Mondal
ECE - 2 Year
Red Lies
I met her at the station waiting room. As I walked in, she gave me a brief nod, a pretty smile and returned to
her crossword. She was beautiful, a charming woman, quite unlike one you'd expect to find in dimly lit
waiting rooms.
I was alone. She was alone too. And it is hard being lonely with a stranger.
"I am so lost here. Eight letters, begins with S and ends with R?" she said, breaking the uneasy silence with an
elegant smile, engaging my keen eye and interest.
"Honestly, I can't guess." I admitted.
"Crosswords are sometimes so tedious. Anyway, let's talk. Or may be I can tell you a story."
I was surprised. But I was also strangely curious. And I was obliged. So she began.
"Her name was Goldie. What god had not given her in terms of money, he gave her in appearance. And that
became the sole currency in her life. She was a bar dancer by night, and a waitress by day, struggling to make
ends meet, when she met him. He had seen her at the bar, with two of his accomplice, and had enquired the
manager about her. Before long, she left both of her unyielding jobs, and went out on a joyride with the three
of them. Only she did not know how long this joyride will last."
"Who do you think he was?" she questioned me, pausing to light a cigarette. The blue flame gave her eyes a
mystifying character.
"A young man, possibly. An admirer."
"Wrong.", she sat back crossing her legs, smoking contentedly. He was a little over sixty. Educated,
sophisticated, the kind who could order wine from the menu of a fancy restaurant. A man of outstanding
virtues, and remarkable vices. He was called Daddy inside his wing and Albatross outside it. Anderson by all
others. She'd often lose track of what he was called where. They gave her a new name too. Karen."
"Initially she had to answer phone calls, and welcome guests, in what looked like an office. But soon she
understood. They were changing their locations too often. Everywhere they went, she received new clothes,
a new phone and a new name. She already found it difficult to remember her real name, or the colour of her
hair. He always had bundles of crisp currency. You see, he was running a Business. One based on little truth.
He took her down his Rabbit-hole. Goldie tumbled down its depth; but Karen found the tunnel to her very
own Wonderland. He became her idol. She became his protg. They became her family. Together they took
the Devil's Road.
Swindlers. That's what they were. A bunch of liars tied close together by their lies, dark secrets they dared
not share with another. A bond born out of necessity, essential to form and dangerous to break. Deception
was the bread they ate, but the lack of it was the breath they took.
Lies he taught her. White lies. Dark lies. But Business ran on red lies. Redder than the wine he drank.
And under his watchful eye, Karen grew. She grew in strength. She grew in ambition. She grew in gratitude.
Daddy's Dark Angel they called her, for she was now a product of ethereal beauty and subtle deadliness. The
Very paragon of Red Deception. Business was doing to her what it had done to others. The adventure. The
adrenaline. The risk. And the run. By god, Karen loved it.
All her efforts were directed at one thing. Making him proud. He who taught her to live.

The plots were mostly the same. There would be an office, well furnished. Daddy would be the boss. And
Karen his secretary, or his daughter. She would be the interface, between him and the Loser. The rules were
plain. But far from simple. Always be on your guard. Always keep your eyes open and your ears sharp. And
never give anyone anything but lies.

There would be many forms of the hoax. It could range from fake investment agencies, to false job offers or
even fake insurance. They milked their Loser dry, and transferred all the hard cash to international bank
accounts, in fake identities. Only Daddy knew the details.
They researched every Loser prior to the hoax, mostly targeting wealthy executives with trunk loads of
black cash. They were actors playing a role, that's what Daddy told them. Karen was the medium of
interaction between the gang and the Loser. She never failed to smile at the right time, or touch his arm at the
right moment. Her job was to 'chance upon' the Loser, gain his trust and, finally, lure him to Daddy's little lair.
She was the rattrap he couldn't resist. The Lady in Red.
With every hoax, she became a little more perfect. A little more experienced. And a little less human. Her
prize was his appreciation. Karen was flying, and only he could control her. The ghost of Goldie was long
lost in the shadows.
So it happened one night, what she'd dreamt for months. Late one night, he summoned her to his room.
He was her teacher, her father, her lover and her husband. She saw the hellhole of the world through his
eyes, and passed it with a sort of practiced detachment; a life lived without feeling or regret. They pulled
hoaxes to survive, and the highway was their home. You could always come back to it when you were done.
Then came the cops. Fools who tried hard to catch them red handed, and now they became persistent. Their
phone lines were tapped, their cars followed. Daddy would wrap up their Business slowly, as if it were real,
and they'd carefully leave false trails, before cropping up elsewhere.
When she lay by his sleeping form every night, she stared at the stolid darkness separating them. What
secrets, she wondered, had he kept from her? What did he think when he stroked her hair, or kissed her
cheek? How could a liar as skilled as he trust another like himself? She wondered if he ever felt weak,
powerless before his age. And in the half-light, she half-understood that she was a plaything to him, a useful
toy, as were the Losers.
She started watching him, as she watched the Losers. She looked at him the way an observer might look at
his subjects. She wanted to know him; she wanted to think like him. She wanted to be him.
By the way, I found it, you know, the word I was looking for, she said, blowing out a perfect smoke-ring in
the air, almost startling me, That queer eight-lettered word, 'sinister'. Have you ever wondered what it really
I stared absent-mindedly at the rings of smoke, how they disappeared into the murky darkness, No. Not
Neither do I. But Karen did. She understood it the moment she saw Ricardo's body. He was murdered, as
you can guess, grotesquely. But that was not the point. Death was an indifferent companion on the road they
had taken. What mattered was Daddy. He did not blink when he saw the body.
A silent bell rang in her head. And as she stared at Daddy's blank eyes, or the corpse's atrophied muscles, she
realized that something had died in her. And in death, that something took shape.
Rabbit-hole had sucked her in too deep. Country road can't take her home now. Business had taught her that
you could cheat death, but not fate. That Red Liar was too clever for most. But it was time to give the Devil
his due.
That evening, she sneaked into Daddy's room and went through his luggage. She discovered a few
interesting things. Daddy had recently withdrawn a large sum of cash.
She planned to pay dead Ricardo's cousin, Roger, a visit of condolence. So deep at night, when Daddy
snored peacefully in his bed, she set out to see him. She took with her Daddy's bank bills, and returned
carrying Roger's Nepali dagger. Its real owner won't ever move again to wield it.
Daddy laughed when he saw the dagger. Oh, how he laughed. He had found the perfect pawn to do his
bidding, and to take his blame. And basking in his glory, he showed her the money, the briefcase where it was
That night, they called for celebration, the briefcase opened wide between them. They were rich, filthy rich.
Champagne and the very best red wine. As red as her lipstick.
She closed her eyes, and through her red pout, let out another ring of smoke, Have you ever seen two
predators pretending they were but preys?
She bent lovingly to pour him his wine and, with the stealth of a conjurer, the contents of a secret pouch.
They drank to each other's health. Then she sat back, the perfect smile in her lips, and watched him, waiting
for the Secret Ingredient to do its job. She was not disappointed.
He twisted, first in discomfort, then in agony. As he reached out to her for support, she coldly brushed him
away to light a cigarette. She let him understand.
He stopped abruptly and let out a gush of vomit. Blood vomit. There was disbelief in his eyes, both at his red
hands and at this dazzling monster that he had created.
I'm not your little girl anymore, Daddy, she said, I've grown up.
She watched with cool indifference the glint of hatred in his eyes, or the helplessness of his sweating face.
She watched them, as they turned beady, glassy, lifeless. She felt like the Red Liar himself who toyed with
his Losers in this sick crazy world of Red Lies. In redness, we come out of our mother's womb. In redness, we
She smoked in silence watching the borderless starry darkness. She had killed a man, and the stars were still
burning. She had killed a man, and the night air was still soothing. She had killed a man, and it was soon
going to be morning.
She dusted the cigarette ash, tucked the dagger in his luggage, drained her glass of wine and wiped the stain
of her lipstick. Then she turned to the briefcase. Her eyes found their destination, and were held there for
what seemed to be eternity.
The dollar bills lay there, in the briefcase, arranged with utmost love, all bathed in blood.
Her hysterical screams were only heard by the amused Red Liar.
My pretty story-teller checked her watch, and beamed a lovely smile,Oh, it's late. I'm afraid I have to leave,
or I'd miss my train.
Wait, I said, You didn't tell me your name.
She was quick to draw a polite smile to her puzzled eyes, Oh, I must have forgotten. It's Alice.
It was only after she'd left, that I realized my purse was missing.
Aishani Sen
ECE - 2 Year

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Sayan Das
ECE - 4 Year
Six More Months
Six more months, not a second less, proclaimed the biopsy report. Patient repeated the affirmation
quite a number of times like a hymn. Doctor was exasperated for the first time. He detested this patient's
lament. He was used to such cases. In fact, he was the only gastroenterologist of Midnapore municipal
hospital. Colon cancers are 'in'. It renders the affected a distinct historic value. So why is this creature
crooning? Death is the cardinal truth of life. Evasions are impossible. Therefore, no point cribbing. Coming
back to the Doctor, being a prodigy does not guarantee you a satisfactory life. Moreover, he was an
anachronism of the bygone era. A period in the history of homo-sapiens, when people preferred service to
money. They held themselves responsible for the betterment of society. His disarrayed thoughts took him
back to his reflective pension.
.brightest of the lot, ended Professor Munshi, then H.O.D of the Doctor. Munshi was the most
profound admirer of him. He was especially impressed by his dogmatic approach. He was determined to join
a government hospital and be posted in some forsaken village. This sort of behavior would definitely be
termed as ersatz in this mechanized ambience. His retrospective parentage could not justify such
vehement discrepancy in his character. They tried a bit of retardation technicalities citing examples of
poverty. The never-yielding soul refuted. He renounced his
luxuries and off went to Sundarban. Only objective was to serve
the people, desperately in need.
A peal of thunder inaugurated a new phase in the Doctor's
life. His absentmindedness had gained another dimension. The
patient was gone and he did not even notice. He was relieved.
Once again, he drifted away.
Sunderbans was harsh as expected. A span of three
months, which rusted his ironical youth. The youth, which could
have been utilized in, amassing as much as possible and
establishing a happy materialistic family. Yes, it is true. He had a
lover. A love-lust amalgamation. The girl too a doctor. She
preferred a branded hospital. Repulsion. The sole complication
was one missed period, which was an outcome of an unprepared
night. Anyway, He paid for the abortion. Being the only son of a competent stock-broker has its own set of
pros(and cons). That was the only sin he dared to commit. The last time he saw the girl was in the hospital,
post-abortion. The mixed stare of disgust, detestation, disgrace and the most effective love. He camouflaged
his share of emotions.
A phone ring helped the Doctor regain his senses. He refused to answer. Gulped in some water and
started for his car. The swanking second-hand-decade-old Maruti 800.
After serving Sunderbans, he was transferred to Midnapore. A township where people know the
market price of an M.D. This helped him earn a lot of respect. He transcended the hospital single-
handedly. The amount of funds rose considerably. He refrained from getting addicted to extravagances.
Thereby, he used to donate a lump sum portion of his salary and stuck to a bare minimum. It took four years
and an ocean of compassion to reach the pedestal of a 'demigod'.
The Doctor netted the ball. He was detached, in this forsaken land. Faraway from the maddening
Crowd. The patient rekindled some of his extinguished emotions. Today, he craved for a bit of recklessness.
Felt the dash and balm of his lover's stare. Beyond the veneer of vanity and economy, a girl wailed for him. A
desperate crippled lover, whose feeble pleas were specious enough for this humanitarian to ignore. Today, he
wanted to relish that love. The nincompoop father failing to recognize his son's broadmindedness. The
demigod's final ride through the most intimate causeway of his mind manufactured a few tiny droplets,
which trickled down his wrinkled cheek. The death of his mother happened when he was eight. He blamed
the money-thirsty hounds who are better known as doctors. His father pledged to accumulate an immense
fortune, which would last three generations. On a contrary, he did just the opposite. That incident shaped up
his altruism and a voluntary visage. His stoic cocoon was now shedding. The cancer-inflicted patient had
stirred up his forlorn spirit.
Next morn, another rendezvous with the same pessimistic patient. Uneasiness crept in. The ruddy
eyes of the patient hinted at his insomnia. Their face-off would have been a bit more drastic if the patient
wouldn't have asked the most foolhardy question, Just six months! .
This statement was like a medium to attain a state of incredulous tears. The faade has evaporated.
Just then, his father called. The infuriating 10 digits always led to a fit of supreme professionalism. Today, an
unconventional zeal manifested the obscured-humanity in the otherwise stoned baritone.
Hello father, I was about to give you a call.just to say..I have six more months, not a second
Shamik Sen
FT - 3 Year
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r. `= . = . `+++ ..=. rii
+. +. r., .= .. r. = . ri
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Prabhat Kumar Singh
ECE - 2 Year
wi A
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++. .
Alter egos Mauled
I pushed the door, in a bid to enter. An un-typical bell jingled! To be precise, 'clangle' instead of
'jingle' would be a more apt cacophonetical word here (ya! I made them up, both-clangle and
cacophonetical). I stared in perplex, gazing at the creatively crafted bell, that comprised of a steel bucket
housing an old brass utensil, which thereon, housed a steel glass and spoon pair. Least to state, it was not just
eerie, but also dirty craftsmanship.
But eerie was just warming it up for me. I had lost my way during a morning walk in Gangtok
(holiday trip it was) and had just found this house to ask for help. Sounds like stories from Aesop's Fables or
Ruskin Bond, eh? (Well, it is a story, damn it! :X)
The room was painted in shades of Prussian blue and patches of pale green, as if in a deliberate
attempt to mock the disgruntled imagery of clouds and sky in unison! Pine wood shelves, decorated with
personal solo self portraits and sepia snaps, stretched across either sides of the main doors, till the wall
plummeted into the room. Furniture was scarce, namely a corner table with a jug that held a money plant (or
so I thought). In the shelf, there were discretely positioned jars which stored dead reptiles.
Frankly, Ruskin Bond was less eerie about Darjeeling and Gangtok, I thought out aloud. Ruskind
Bond?! Ruskind Bond no live here, idiot! I do and I no eerie, moron! came a screeching cry from behind me.
I realized the day had a lot in store for me. In calculated and ease, I twirled around on my heels, exuding
(false) composure. I was faced by a 3 and foot long, bespectacled, half-bald Mid Asian (that's the most non-
racist way of indicating a Chinese, Japanese etc. look alike) midget, wearing only a Turkish towel, and a
vehemently tattered red sweater with 'MONTU CARLOS' woven in yellow across the chest.
After 15 seconds of observation, I smirked and smiled. He screamed again, still angry: Stop
Laughs! That my name on Chest! MOOONTUUU CAARLOSSS! Eh! he finished, his eyeballs still fixated
and the gold fish, in the half filled polybag he held, jumping! I quickly adjusted and opened my mouth to
utter, I was los, when he spoke again, cutting me half-way through my words, as he darted across the
room, romping the wooden planks which creaked underneath his brisk gait!
So you Karim! Sit, I bring Chaa!, he said and vanished inside.I regained my composure and
brought up a few words, No sir, it's a misunderstanding, I am lost.Shut up, you filth! Siiiit
Dddooowwn! in a typical Chinese cry! With that he peeked from behind a door, which otherwise I thought
was a part of the patched wall, and gave me such a comical yet frightening gaze that, I had to oblige. I winced
Under my breath as I said- Bloody Japanese! which to my utter disbelief reached his ears and he shouted:
I no Japan, I from Peking! I know it hurt him that I mixed his ethnicity, but where the hell is Peking! Beats
Like I mentioned the furniture was scarce, but the carpet looked clean, so as I prepared to sit on the
carpet, he warned in a grim voice from behind the door-cum-wall, No sit cross legged, sit Buddhist style!
At that very point, I swore I should have worn nappies.
As I spent a minute, cursing my fate; he returned with two ceramic soup bowls, brimming with
steaming hot green tea. For the 1 time, he smiled, as he served me green tea (:X I hate Green Tea :X).
He slurped two continuous small sips, and exhaled heavily, before taking the typical long slurp of the
century which I hated so deeply. He then came back to the real world, smiling and gave me a look as if
recommending me to take such slurps. I tried! Difficult it was, but I hadn't had a sip of water for a long time,
so it wasn't so tough to gulp it either.
After a few more sips, I felt kind of a daze which overtook my consciousness. The moment I re-
opened my eyes (after what I thought was just a blink), all I could see was a closed room, a lantern on a
wooden table, i.e. an entire different picturesque and three people: each resembling me, in ways more eerie
than I'd ever resemble myself. One was on a chair, in a grey turtle neck, brooding deeply. To his right was 'me'
again, but in a black v-cut tight t-shirt and black trousers, arms crossed across the chest and looking away in
To his left, it was 'me' again in a white casual shirt and cream cargos, gazing sympathetically towards
the grey 'me', with both the palms in the respective pockets of the cargos. It looked like a confrontation of
sorts for I, Me & Myself
. Black-I do not comprehend what the problem you have in being famous!
White- he is not famous, he is just popular, and that too on a very modest scale; but he's getting
closer to infamous,
Like the loop goes infinite- from famous to infamous to famous and so on. He hates it and probably,
is also tired of it, right (looking at grey)?! There was a compassionate and reassuring touch in these words.
Black- Just because a bunch of jealous fools think it's not ideal for him to raise his hand and speak up
at every goddamn issue, does that really qualify as an irrational attempt at show-off and pompous attitude?
And why the heck is he even concerned about those chameleons that initially rub his back and shoulders, but
bitch later!
White-They are his well-wishers!(-Stale expression-) And well-wishers are not wrong,
especially collectively. They sure feel its unnecessary for the valid reasons here. Does he really need to speak
up at every topic? They have regularly put it in clear words that he has always been a better statesman and a
better orator than the whole lot around him. Obviously, he must tone down his craving to speak up; in order
not to rub them off. Give them an opportunity to speak too!
Grey (suddenly) - Shut up! (~fuming~) Please shut up! I don't want any more arguments!
Grey (addressing Black) - You are bloody the very reason why such things crop up! You are the one
who triggers me to think I'm great, I'm the best and unbeatable; that there is no scope for improvement left,
and when I falter, you try to push and shove it don't give me that what did I do! Look.
Grey (now addressing White) - And how much do you actually think of you know of what goes
inside me? You people call yourselves 'tools of conscience' but have no idea to actually what I go through.
You people are either ordering or suggestive! Do you think I do not understand the concerns of my friends,
well-wishers et al? Then why am I still sticking my guns to speaking at every topic? Well, you see, I may
have the gift of the gab, but have you ever considered how unique the content of my speech is?! I blabber
most of the times and 90% of the words are disclaimers and fillers. Only 10% of the speech is topical. I need
to change that lest I should soon become a joke. Whenever I attempt to speak up, I try to be more logical and
parallel in my thoughts; and thereby achieve the goal of being a sensible speaker.
I suddenly hear the 'clangle', at my back again, and Grey, Black and White, who were till now
engaged within themselves, as if oblivious to me, flip their attention to the 'clangle', i.e. not looking at me,
but as if looking at the 'clangle'. I turn to my back. I find that I'm back to Montu's house, and there is a Pathan
peeking through the half open door.
You wanted to see me Montu? spoke the Pathan with a heavy voice, laden with a British accent.
I turned back, in astonishment, to find Montu sitting at the same place as he was before I had that vision. I was
slowly coming to myself and realized that I was hallucinating. Montu looked at me and smiled. He then said
to the Pathan, still smiling-Our friend P.V.M Karim, or is it Kiran.whatever, is lost. Can you please take
him to his guesthouse, near the Helipad!? I was shocked to splits. Never had I got the entire opportunity to
tell him comprehensively, that I was lost, nor did I know the exact address of my guesthouse (which he said
was near the Helipad) and neither had I corrected him about my name and yet, he was behaving as if he's had
a day-long conversation with me. Also, his broken English had transformed into some saintly diction, like he
was some Dalai Lama.
Pathan smiled back, to him and more dearly to me and said-Sure thing!
Manohar Kiran
EIE- 3 Year
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EIE - 4 Year
Go Green
This is a term that most of us are getting to hear a lot these days. So what does that mean? Color our
hair green? Wear green colored clothing?
No. This initiative is all about conservation of energy which is the need of the hour. The problem with
each and every one of us is that we are happy as long as our lives go on perfectly (Although I don't think any
of us can say life is perfect).But one should also look at the broader spectrum and try to understand what the
repercussions of not conserving energy would be on our future.
Save electricity :
Let us take an example at home. How many of us bother switching off the fan, lights when not in use?
We might be paying the bills but cutting off unnecessary consumption of power is an absolute must as it is
possible that eventually we may not get the power supply to pay bills for.
At work, shut down your machines during the weekends and please ensure you at least switch off the
monitors when you leave at the end of the day. These might sound trivial, but if each of us does this, just
imagine the breadth of the result!!!
Save Trees :
We can help trees and that doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to plant trees. None of us even
have to go out of our way to stop people from destroying trees (It is not a crime to do so in fact it shows us
being real responsible citizens but you might end up getting into trouble with a few anti-social elements).
So what other ways are we talking about here??? Everyday in the morning I see loads of tissue paper
being wasted. People make use of about half a dozen tissues every day to keep their mobile, face wash, etc.
Maybe the face wash complained that it did not want to get wet. Many people wash their Tiffin boxes after
lunch and use tissues to wipe them which if left for a few minutes will automatically get dried.
Great going guys!!! Just because something is free does not mean they have to be wasted. Will you
do the same if you know how many trees are getting destroyed in the process of making those tissues? And
that by destroying trees, we reduce the rainfall, cause global warming which is the reason for this heat.
Unnecessary print outs taken can also be avoided. Please make use of back-to-back print options as much as
Again these are few little ways which will make a lot of difference.
Save Water :
Wastage of water is not something new. We waste water in so many ways by not shutting off the tap
after use or using mineral water to wash the cups which have already been washed. Taking one whole mug
full of water when only half the mug is required and throwing the rest away. We have water scarcity every
where and this is the way we follow to reduce it.
Save Fuel :
We complain about pollution (something that most of us only do and do it well too!!!). Hike in fuel
prices. What do we do towards reducing it? Nothing.
How many of us take a bike when we can walk? Unnecessary wastage of fuel just to reduce manual
effort is really ridiculous. Walking is also an excellent way to reduce stress and weight which again most of
us complain a lot about. Taking public transport is a wonderful way to save fuel and not to mention it reduces
pollution which reduces global warming.
Avoid Littering:
Please avoid littering on roads/beaches/parksespecially non-biodegradable items. One might say
throwing degradable wastes on the roads is acceptable but isn't the sight of garbage on the roads a total turn-
Off for all of us? Just as we know to block our nose to avoid the stench, we educated folks need to set
an example and try to make use of the dust bins that I am sure is available almost on every single road.
This initiative does not mean one must avoid using tissues/consuming power/water. Just that it
should be used /disposed optimally. Tiny drops make the Ocean and when each and every one of us can
provide with whatever tiny contribution is possible, we maintain a Green Planet.
We have no one to blame if Day after Tomorrow (That was a movie which was released a few years
earlier which talks about the effects of Global Warming) turns to reality. Wake up, Go Green and Save the
Mr. Santu Guin
(Faculty of AEIE Department)
Rendezvous with Niagara Falls
I remember, Geography was a subject that didn't quite capture my interest in my school days. All
those map pointings, latitudes and longitudes, soil textures and rainfall didn't quite fascinate me
until the day our new geography teacher taught us about the mighty Niagara Falls.
The very thought of nearly half a million tons of water pouring out every minute in a thunderous rush
over a gasping height of 176 feet was simply unthinkable. In those days, the internet was not that easily
available. Or else my fascination would have had undoubtedly tempted me to see the wonder at least
virtually, if not actually. Hence I had to feed my imagination with a poorly printed, medium sized, half-
heartedly visible black and white picture of the falls from the pages of my text book.
Years passed. I passed out from school, went through college and then university. In the meanwhile,
my romance with the falls had taken a backseat.
The morning of 14 October, 2000 was a little different from the other mornings that had woken me
up in all these years. That was the day my husband and I flew off from Baltimore, Maryland to Buffalo, New
York for a long awaited vacation at the Niagara Falls.
I don't think I will be able to describe how exactly I felt or what exactly I exclaimed on encountering
the marvel that Nature created. I was simply mesmerized, fascinated and awestruck to witness God's
flawless creation. Suddenly, the dull black and white impression from the pages of my old geography
book underwent a transformation with the vibrant colors of the rainbow, the mystery surrounding the mist,
and the freshness of the white rolling water.
We boarded the famous Maid of the Mist cruise which took us all the way to the falls for an up,
close and personal encounter with Nature. The sight, sound and smell of the roaring Niagara surrounding us
from all over were simply breathtaking. The moment took a standstill when I thought I was witnessing
Paradise on earth-the undulating mist engulfing my soul, the sea gulls flying low, the rainbow following
behind, the clear sunny sky above, the calmness of the Niagara river beneath; as if in oblivion
We also enjoyed the Cave of the Wind tour where an underground cave actually took us in front of
the Bridal- Veil falls (a part of the American falls); a spectacular sight which drenched our body and
soaked our soul in awe and wonder- pure, unadulterated pleasure!
At night, the Niagara falls took on many colors through nighttime illuminations. That was a
spectacle specially arranged by the Niagara Falls authorities in Canada as a special treat for the lovers of
Niagara. To see the heavenly splendor in its colorful hue and nocturnal glory was truly an experience of a
lifetime, an indulgence for the senses!
I had heard from the locals that it was believed if you made a wish and threw a coin in the falls, your
wish was bound to be fulfilled. So, the day we were supposed to return back home, I secretly took out a coin,
made a silent wish and let it go with the flow.
No! My wish was not about health, wealth and success. Neither was it about anything else that the
material world could have offered. It was simply about an opportunity to re-experience the bliss one more
time in the future, an opportunity to touch, feel and smell the omnipresence of Niagara again. And
Truly the coin worked magic for me, for I found myself romancing with Niagara yet again, after seven years.
Perhaps the locals were right. Perhaps the coin made a special plea on my behalf to the dazzling
cascade. Perhaps that was predestined by Mother Nature. That reminds me of what Francis Bacon had
once said, We cannot command Nature except by obeying her.
On that note, I must say, I left a coin yet again, made a wish yet again, desired to be desired yet
Paulomi Mukhopadhyay
Department of English
This is a hand made collage of Goddess Durga
Suman Dutta
ECE - 4 Year
Gone are the days when textbooks were replete of lines such as "Money is the root of all evil." Ladies
and gentlemen: Make way for an era where age old thoughts and notions about money have undergone a
paradigm shift of epic proportions. Nowadays the mantra is "Lack of money is the root of all evil." Though
exceptions can always be made. Starting from a labourer earning a menial daily wage to the middleclass
families like most of us and then even extending unto the omnipotent bureaucrats and industrialists, money
is the centripetal force that is making the world go round and round and round. The revolution just seems
unstoppable. And this incessant revolution paves the way and culminates into something that our very own
beloved country has been exposed to in the decade gone by, or specifically, in the year gone by. India, just
like many other developed nations, had its share of money laundering and associated activities in 2010,
which made her controversy's favourite child. To elucidate and scrutinize all of them, my digital ink would
tend to finish and it will be an uphill and arduous task and would be asking too much .So here are the ones
which, per se, are poignant yet supremely entertaining chronicles that somewhat defined India Inc. in
2010.Read on......
India was mired by a plethora of scams, as they are called, in the year gone by. Swindling was at its
deceptive best. As the year drew to an end, the nation was left agape and bewildered after it learnt two curt
abbreviations, 2G and CWG, had rustled up among them a loot haul of nearly Rs 2,00,000 crore. To make
things better, or for that matter worse, the IPL story was just the required cherry on the cake. The land scams
rechristened as Adarsh Housing Scam and the Karnataka Land Scam also tasted a share of the pie. Aforesaid
adages were the prominent and the most high profile instances of money laundering which made the
concerned individual(s) "heroes" overnight. The main protagonists of the play were Andimuthu Raja (2G),
Suresh Kalmadi (CWG), Lalit.K.Modi (IPL), Ashok Chavan (Adarsh) and B.S.Yeddyruappa (Karnataka)
with the supporting cast boasting of names such as Mulayam Singh Yadav, former army chief General
Deepak Kapoor and Major General R.K. Hooda, who collectively stole the headlines of the year with a
glittering cast of friends, mentors and hangers-on from the media and bureaucracy.
The land scams which riddled the whole nation with their dubious nature involved various players
starting from politicians to defence officials. First up we delve into the details of the Adarsh Housing
Scam.Adarsh Housing Society, located in the posh Colaba locality of Mumbai, in which flats were primarily
meant for Kargil heroes and widows were virtually stolen by powerful politicians, bureaucrats and defence
officers who abetted construction on disputed army land. When this became the cynosure of all news, the
then Chief Minister Shri.Ashok Chavan's direct involvement in the scam made way for his omission from
the governance.
Real Estate is touted as corruption's favourite pawn. According to statistics and analysis the total
plunder of the public exchequer is estimated to be at about Rs.4 lakh crore,in the year 2010. Chavan's
personal assets run into hundreds of crores of rupees.Chavan and his family owns dealerships, real estate
worth crores, sugar mills and educational institutions. For a politician who declared his net worth as Rs
24.61 crore in 2009, investigations revealed that the estimated worth of assets held by Chavan and his family
amount to much more than disclosed by the erstwhile Chief Minister which eventually led to his exclusion.
Another important player in the land scam was one from the most prestigious and elite institution of
the country-The Army. It was quite a jolt to learn that officers of the rank of general and admiral were
involved in Adarsh. "Here is a man whom we trusted, here is a person on whose orders we were ready to go to
battle," says Chief of Staff General V.K. Singh about his predecessor General Deepak Kapoor. In his
application for a Rs 80-lakh apartment, General Kapoor lied that his annual income was Rs 2.8 lakh while
when it was actually around Rs 7.2 lakh. Adarsh is not the only example of Kapoor's real estate
misadventure. Theres instances of the Haryana Government giving him a Gurgaon plot for Rs 36 lakh with a
lock-in payment period of five years - a knockdown price for land valued at Rs 7.5 crore. In Sukna, West
Bengal, army land was allegedly given to builders at throwaway prices. The armed forces have earned the
unsavory epithet, the ''Harmed Forces'' after all such thrilling activities.
Perhaps the biggest name in all the land comes in the form of the Karnataka Chief
Minister,B.S.Yeddyurappa.Real estate sullied his fame and reputation too, but still he was adamant and
audacious enough not to let go of his office in spite of incessant pressure from the opposition parties. BSY, as
he is popularly known, flouted every norm in the book and allotted lands worth crores of rupees to benefit his
kin, lieutenants and colleagues. It was about irregularities and nepotism and in the de-notification of prime
land in and around Bangalore and allotment of industrial land that made him hog the limelight for all the
wrong reasons. After a series of developments, the Karnataka Lok Ayukta Santosh Hegde announced there
was enough evidence to establish a prima facie case against Yeddyurappa. On the other hand, the opposition
left no stone unturned while indicting BSY and alleging his family members (sons, son-in-law, daughter) of
being allotted land at throwaway prices which is against the law. Till now, BSY seems to be ignorant about
all the allegations and is going on carrying out his 'duties' as the state's head.
If land was exploited by the corrupt, the skies were open to political plunder as well. Here's
presenting before all the big daddy of all scams. The man who completely changed the face of Indian politics
by his 'what I did was not at all illegal
or immoral' attitude. No word of
'praise' can fill the void left by this
man in the Indian treasury, who, by
his path breaking and groundbreaking
activities hogged the limelight big
time and managed to win the best
gainer award, if there was any such
award awarded. Nonet hel ess,
An d i mu t h u Ra j a , t h e t h e n
'honourable' telecom minister, was
accused of favouring select telecom
companies- Swan Telecom, Unitech,
S-Tel, Datacom Solutions, Idea,
Spice, Systema, Tata and Loop-in
acquiring 2G spectrum licenses in a
valuation game which is estimated to
have cost the country a notional Rs
1.76 lakh crore. Now thats a
whooping booty! To place a cherry on
the cake or to punch the nail in the coffin there was the leakage of the Niira Radia tapes, which further
accentuated Raja's woes. Some prominent media persons like Barkha Dutt and Vir Sanghvi and also high
profile industrialists who were lobbying for Raja were indicted the by leakage of those sinister tapes. There
are also accusations flowing in from the mouth of veteran leaders like EVKS Elangovan and Subramanian
Swamy(Janata Party president). Reports are there which suggest that Raja stuck to his chair for 400 days
after the scam surfaced. A CBI official claims that he had used this time to manipulate or destroy evidence.
No incriminating documents were found when the agency raided his house. According to one source,
documents were also destroyed at Radia-owned Vaishnavi Communications's office in Delhi. Till today we
get to see a game of cat and mouse being played. The CBI continues to have its questioning sessions. Only
time can analyze and augur the future chain of events.
The climate of venality continued to disseminate its vicious charm in almost every walks of Indian
polity and bureaucracy. After the army ,telecom ministry and industrialists, it was the time for India's sports
fraternity to face the music of corruption. And Suresh Kalmadi, the president of the Indian Olympic
Association, spearheaded the whole Commonwealth Games (CWG) phenomenon. He, by his inexplicable
monetary activities became the mascot of the 2010 Commonwealth Games, surpassing Shera, the original
mascot. The CBI and Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) estimated that the 66-year-old Congress Rajya
Sabha MP caused a loss of Rs 5,000-8,000 crore of public money through financial and administrative
malfeasance. In 2003, the Indian Olympic Association estimated the Games would cost the country Rs 1,620
crore. By 2010, the bill had risen to Rs 11,500 crore. With other additional expenditure, the Games
expenditure was estimated to be around Rs 30,000 crore, making the 2010 Commonwealth Games the most
expensive sporting event ever. CBI sources say that of the Rs 665 crore spent on overlays, around Rs 200
crore was stolen. Following the CVC report on financial misdemeanors, the CBI raided the IOA offices and
arrested close Kalmadi aides T.S. Darbari, Sanjay Mahindroo and treasurer Jayachandran. Some of the
Statistics are overwhelming and shocking. The infrastructure cost for the CWG was estimated at Rs 2,904
crore but Rs 5,503 crore was released. The CVC investigated 16 Games-related projects totalling Rs 2,477
crore and found that corrupt officials and contractors tampered with initially discounted tenders. The
organizing committee inflated bills by at least 30 per cent. The CBI finally raided Kalmadi's residences in
Delhi and Pune and said to have found incriminating evidences. Since then, Kalmadi has been grilled now
and then by the agency and the process is still on its way but any firm decision is yet to be taken.
Apart from these high profile scams of exorbitant nature, there were a myriad of others too that
grabbed eyeballs and made headlines. The IPL scam, the LIC scam and the UP food scam were the ones that
complemented the aforesaid ones and that too how! The IPL scam exposed the misdeeds of Lalit.K.Modi in
which he was accused of lack of transparency in the dealings of IPL and some associated franchisees. The
UP food scam went on the traditional way and in selling the food in the market meant to be distributed in
primary schools.
As a lay man, it apparently may seem quite interesting as well as entertaining to watch on TV the
scams as they are presented in a very presentable and spicy manner. But as one digs deep into the visceral
details and questions, rather than just seeing what is being shown, stark and grim truths, both disturbing and
thought provoking, tend to surface. As aptly put in, Money often costs too much, it can be well deduced by
the aforesaid adages that there are extreme ramifications involved which can literally put one's career and
social status into jeopardy. Ironically, the main characters discussed above can be regarded as heroes who
have put India's name on the global platform. But here is the catch: for all the wrong reasons. So here's
hoping the New Year or for that matter the new decade brings about a much needed change in obliterating
corruption and gives each and every one of us a reason to smile.
Moinak Sinha
EIE - 3 Year

The Wounded Valley
Empathy is a word seldom used and even less understood. But its complete absence in the
government , in the prime minister , in the UPA Chairperson Ms. Sonia Gandhi , and in P. Chidambram , and
in their retinue of bureaucrats , has all but decided the fate and although we don't know it yet , of India .
Empathy should not be confused with sympathy though . Sympathy is an easy statement we can and do, turn
it on and off at will , like a tap . But empathy is an altogether different, rare breed of animal.
In case of Kashmir it means the power of feeling what the Kashmiris feel and of seeing ourselves and
our actions through their eyes. As I watched hour upon hour of television coverage of Kashmir, I was struck
by its total absence not only in statement and actions of our so called leaders. Not a single person expressed
shock, not to speak of outrage that the Jammu and Kashmir state had killed 63 unarmed youths in six weeks.
As one coffin upon another was carried to the graveyards of the valley, there were hardly any rare instances
of honest acceptance by the Government. The so called national leaders, who haven't even been to the valley
to see the plight of the common people, were shouting on the top of their voices that the stone pelters were a
rented mob hired by the government's enemies. On some days they were paid by the separatists , on some
day by the PDP (People Democratic Party) and when the anger became uncontrollable then the allegations
reverted towards our trusted enemy , ISI .
Ever since Independence, both Hindus and Muslims, had grown together under the spirit of the
Kashmiriyat that blossomed with the fragrance of the message of Nund Rishi, a Kashmiri saint in whose
name stands the unique shrine of Charar-e-Sharief. They lived in peace and harmony for nearly 40 years,
supported the secular character of the State, opposed any and every communal move of a microscopic
section of the Jamat-e-Islami in the Valley. The question I am talking about is how and why the children and
grandchildren of the Muslim Kashmiri-Freedom fighters took up the guns against India and started killing
nationalist Muslims and the non-Muslims? How a Kashmiri who never touched even a knife gunned down
his own neighbours, mostly Muslims and pundits? How a Kashmiri Muslim youth managed to cross the
most risky and difficult terrain on the LoC to Pakistan to receive arms training, seek indoctrination in
fundamentalism only to return to Kashmir to cause death and destruction to his own people?
The problem lies in the isolation of the Kashmiri youth. Besides political disenchantment, the
alienation of the Kashmiri youth from the rest of India is mired in history, economics and psychology. Every
day they see themselves being subjected to so many restrictions and precincts that they want to break free.
Moreover, the Army has barely done anything good in the recent past to protect them or to even instill their
faith on it which has constantly fallen ever since the Shopian Murder case. In fact it has been instrumental in
adding fuel to the fire by attacking unarmed youth rallies which eventually led to stone pelting .The
Government is crippled, and the Captain of the Ship, Mr. Omar Abdullah barely has time to look into hearts
of the Kashmiri people than to indulge in his iPad and sophisticated life. Even when he does so , he doesn't
know how to reach out to them warmly. The Kashmiri youth wants to break free of the system which
prohibits him from surfing the net, from making any calls after 7pm or even walking on the street and yet
doesn't even grants him even the Basic Human Rights about which India is so boastful of .
In this hour of crisis, Seperatist leaders like Masrat Alam who is believed by most as the successor of
Syed Ali Shah Geelani 's political mantle are leaving no stone unturned to play with the fervent feelings of
the Kashmiri Youth . They are even social networking sites to promote and proclaim their ideologies. They
call it the Azaadi Calendar which actually is nothing but yet another opportunity of these people to rob the
Kashmiris of their very existence.
Majority of Kashmiris want freedom as badly as we do . When they see their aspirations and freedom
being brutally curbed by the puppets of the Chief Minister and devious Delhi Durbar Games they feel
cheated. Our leaders have time and again used them as vote banks and have yielded them the pain and misery
of isolation and alienation. Be it be the genocide Kashmiri Pundits , the detention of Sheikh Abdullah - the
father-in-law of Dr. Farooq Abdullah who raised voice against Kashmir inclusion in the Indian province for
two decades, the defeat of Bakshi Gulam Mohammed who was the second Chief Minister of the state or the
countless deaths and rapes that have occurred in the Valley . Kashmir has bore more atrocities than any other
part of the World, even Ghaza is better off . Leaders of the centre have always played safe by remaining
ensconced in the comfort of their air conditioned chambers and speaking about the Kashmiris . The harsh
fact is that no one took the initiative to address the Kashmiris , to understand their real problems and to see
what it takes to be a Kashmiri . No one addressed their real problems.
What needs to be accomplished to heal the wounds of the suffering people is a pertinent question
which needs to be addressed to the entire principal actors as well as victims of the situation. The short-term
measures to restore the confidence of the people need to be taken on a war footing for the redress of the
genuine and urgent grievances of the people. Schools, medical clinics, rural development projects, bridges
and other public welfare schemes need to be brought on the working level. To fight growing isolation of the
public from the political process, the political and the social activists should start an aggressive programme
to interact with the masses. Nearly 500,000 Kashmiri migrants need to be rehabilitated in the Valley by
ensuring them physical, social and financial security by the State. This requires involvement of the people of
the Valley through social interaction and political will. Nearly 150,000 migrants of Doda, Udhampur,
Rajouri and Poonch districts suffering at different places of Jammu should immediately be rehabilitated by
providing them the same facilities which the Kashmiri migrants are entitled to. The electronic media should
adopt a positive and constructive role to help create awareness among the people against the dangers posed
by the militants and the terrorists to the very culture and identity of the people
In the long-term process there is a necessity to reorganize the State of Jammu and Kashmir with its
geographical boundaries as existed on August 16, 1947 before the aggression from Pakistan. This process
can be worked out scientifically, objectively and with the cooperation and understanding of the citizens of all
the regions of the State. The people of the Valley of Kashmir shall be satisfied if they have a guarantee of self-
rule and right to govern themselves according to the mandate of the people. With a State of Kashmir Valley,
the Kashmiris shall be free from fear from being dominated by the non-Kashmiris once they know that the
PoK and Jammu will not unsettle their claim to rule themselves. Past record is witness to this fact that
popular mandate of the Kashmiris was demolished by using Jammu legislators by demonizing the Kashmiri
It is important to reorient some of our security forces to look at dealing with law and order
disturbances, equip, train and orient them accordingly. There are five battalions of the Indian Reserve Police
who were to go for the specialized commando training so we could involve them in anti insurgency
operations. Anti Insurgency are of less concern than maintenance of law and order of the state. It's imperative
that the involvement of Army is reduced by some extent to gain the public confidence in Government which
has been entirely lost it in the Army. Its imperative that rather than gaining brownie points and mud sledging
each other, the political parties unite and show their resolve to serve the Kashmiri awaam above all political
There is a need to set up a Joint Parliamentary Committee by India as well as Pakistan to work out the
modalities of the solution to resolve the situation. This can only be achieved through a dialogue between the
representatives of both sides of Jammu and Kashmir and not like an All party Delegation which was sent
India and Pakistan are standing at the crossroads of history and it is only through dialogue and
exchange of ideas that an era of peace and communal harmony can be ushered in at the threshold of this 21st
And as I write this article, I would expect BJP not to ruin Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee's name and
goodwill for his immense contribution towards establishing peace in the Valley by carrying out its Yatra
Politics in Kashmir . Kashmir is a serious issue and we must be sensitive towards it. We should not
sensationalize it. There are far more serious issues on which it can organize its Yatras to make a gallant
portrayal of its sense of 'Nationalism'. I am eagerly looking forward to the day when it starts taking out
Yatra's on the low Sex ratio in Punjab & Haryana but such things are distant dreams of my insane mind. Our
lack of empathy has already caused unimaginable agony and suffering to people of the Valley in the past half
century. Over 93,000 people have lost their lives, thousands still languishing in prisons and torture cells and
there has been brutal rapes and burning of houses and properties by the occupation forces. Lets not repeat our
mistakes again.. Let's hope that Kashmir breathes a fresh & peaceful air ....and let's ensure that we bring
smile on the faces of the Kashmiri awaam. The road to Kashmir lies at the heart of peace, not of arms..
Shashank Saurav
ECE - 3 Year
Joyful Egyptians in thousands were still holding celebrations on the 'famous' Tahrir Square as dawn
broke in the Cairo, on the day when president Hosni Mubarak, the modern pharaoh without a mummy(as he
has been popularly described), stepped down from his job, thus marking an end to his 30 years of presidential
rule( the longest ever by any Egyptian president).Throughout that night it was unending celebrations with
people pouring into the street- dancing, cheering and shouting outside the presidential palace -Egypt is
free and God is greatest.
Md.Hosni Syed Mubarak was appointed as the vice president of Egypt in 1975, and it was only after
assassination of the then president, Anwar Saddat, in 1981 that he got the top job of the
country. Since then, he has survived six assassination attempts the narrowest escape
being one at the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, in 1995, when his limo came under attack.
Barring his knack of dodging bullets, the former air force commander managed to held
onto power by positioning himself as a trusted Western Ally and fighting off oppositions at
home.Mubarak had always ruled as a quasi-military leader ever since he has been in
power.For his entire tenure, he has kept Egypt under Emergency rule (As a matter of fact,
Egypt always has been a semi presidential republic under emergency rule since
1967),giving the state police indiscriminate powers to arrest even for slightest of political
activities. This draconian regime has been argued by Mubarak as a necessary measure to combat Islamist
terrorism, which has been plenty during his 30 years tenure.during his tenure, Egypt's population doubled, to
more than 80 million. Life grew harder as the social contract between the state and citizens broke down.
Satellite television and the Internet meant the state could no longer control what people knew, and so its
narrative was often ignored or even mocked.The gap between rich and poor became greater, and politics
became less ideological and more about common demands: for freedom, democracy, social justice, rule of
law and economic equality.Mubarak's government struggled to prevent people's economic dissatisfaction
from becoming political, but in the end, that failed, too. As he feared, the Egyptian people blamed the entire
system.If stability was to be the hallmark of his reign, that very goal proved to be at least part of his undoing.
Stability to many Egyptians came to mean stagnation, as the economy grew and so did the number of people
living in poverty. Where once the rich, poor and middle class lived in the same neighborhoods, the wealthy
later retreated to walled compounds of grass yards and swimming pools, while Mr. Mubarak's government
struggled even to keep the streets clean of trash.
Until 2005 election he had monopolized power in Egypt; but, finally in 2005 election he was forced to
encourage democracy by his ally, the United States, when he allowed rival candidates to contest the
presidential elections. This election proved to be the real turning point in his career. It involved immense
mass rigging by his men, including buying of votes from poor suburbs and rural areas. Ayman Nour, a
candidate of the opposition party El-Ghad, protested and demanded for re-election. On the contrary,
Mubarak's government convicted him of forgery and sentenced a five years of hard labor. Apart from this,
other political corruption in Mubarak's administration increased dramatically, leading to arrest to political
figures and young activists and their imprisonment without trials.
The sum total of all these grievances transmogrified into an uncontrollable mass strife; people wanted
freedom; the so called pro-democracyfighters wanted to get rid off the emergency rule. They wanted to get
back their freedom to express that was divested from them. For 18 days, Tahrir Square witnessed, what
would be written in the history of Modern Politics as one of the strongest revolution ever. It was , as if,
millions of people re-found their lost voice and demanded removal of Mubarak and his regime which
entailed corrupt cabinet, fraudulent parliament, mutilated constitution and, of course, the brutal emergency
laws. The atmosphere on Tahrir was like a fair where product under scrutiny was politics, economics, history
and law. People carried home-made placards with their own notes, mostly reading Irhal !!(Depart). The
revolution was so organic, personal and zeal that it exploded reservoirs of creativity in everybody taking
part.Tahrir Square became a civic space where people with different political beliefs and Muslim
Brotherhood (an Islamic organization in Egypt that was pivotal in the
uprising) revolted together. The protests also moved online, as activists
like a young Google executive, Wael Ghonim, along with seven others,
made several endeavors on the internet which helped mobilize millions of
people in an anti-Hosni Mubarak uprising.Of course, Mubarak,just two
days before quitting, declared that he would serve as president till death
which roused the pro-democrats even more.He even ordered the state
police to attack the pro-democrats.The most shameful deed of all was the
way Mubarak supporters brought in street children to Tahrir square to
throw stones at the protesters. These squalid street children, which
numbers about 50000 in Cairo, are the epitome of poverty and downright lawlessness in Egypt, as most of
them are glue-sniffers and drug addicts, the girls are often arrested and even sexually molested by the police.
These children were brainwashed that it would be patriotic act for them to protect the president, but soon
these children found the protesters to be kind to them, and so they changed sides. Vile as the government and
its police were, they then fired at those poor children with rubber bullets. 2 February,2010 saw violent
clashes between pro-Mubaraks and anti-Mubaraks and situation kept on getting worse day by day. Even the
country's military was on the verge of revolting. Accompanied with continued dissent from its ally, United
States, it was almost time for 82 year old veteran; and so it was, when on 11 February, 2011, the vice
president, Omar Suleiman, declared Mubarak's resignation.
So that was end of an era, but Egypt has tougher times ahead. Egypt is now under military rule, who
will be controlling the affairs up till September 2011 until election is held. The military leadership, headed
by defense minister Md.Hussein Tantawi, has set a 10-day timeframe to modify the Mubarak-era
constitution. Reports say that Mubarak and his family had left for Sharm-El-Sheikh. As for Egypt's present
condition, the economy is more or less at a standstill. The Armed Forces communiqu has asked the unions
to stop the strikes and restore normal working condition. Mubarak indeed, has left behind a big sack of
problems and the onus is upon the Field Marshal Md.Tantawi to fine tune the proceedings. A state of anxiety
seems to surround the Egyptian populace, who still don't know how things would get in order. They
applauded when army dissolved the parliament; the military has promised to introduce civilian rules within
6 months, which by itself is a big challenge. Reforming the constitution will not be easy for the military
generals, who have been the center of power in Egypt since 1952.The current system suits them very well.
Paradoxically, they are now supposed to dismantle. Power and money is always hard to give up.
Egypt desperately needs a new constitution, and renewed political system. The armed forces should
allow new blood in the cabinet, which is still a 'showcase' of Mubarak loyalists, and to allow civilians into
Tantawi's top team.This will atleast stop the idea that military is taking sole charge of the levers of the power
in the nation. And this will ensure that Egyptians are into this together and in turn restore normalcy in the
country. Handling the new uproar of protests- which are essentially strikes over better pay and local labour
grievance, while staving off serious economic crisis will prove to be the major test for the new military
rulers. Let's hope that we will see some real commitments on human rights and accountability in the next
military communiqu.
Arun Kumar Dutta
ECE - 3 Year

United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Koreaand India
No, this isn't any newly framed list of 'World Superpowers', or perhaps the list of finalist teams of some silly
games.The above mentioned nations possess their own (read, unique) currency symbols and India is the
newest constituent in this 'elite' group.The symbol which seems to be a blend of modernity and Indian
culture has been designed by an Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay postgraduate D.Udaya Kumar.It all
started on March 2009, when the Indian government announced a contest to create a distinctive
representation of Rupee-the Indian currency. 'The proposed symbol would reflect and capture the Indian
ethos and culture', so had said Finance Minister Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, during the Union budget, 2010. Five
different symbols had been short listed before finally settling with Udaya's entry.
Well, the symbol if you see has touches of the Devnagari 'Ra' and the Roman 'R', with two parallel lines on its
acme. The parallel lines can be interpreted in two ways. First, it makes an implication of the tricolor and
secondly, it depicts an equality mark signifying the nation's desire to bring in economic parity among the
Let's now know Mr. D. Udaya Kumar, the man behind this new icon, inside out.Born on October 10,
1978 in Chennai, Kumar had been fascinated by art, architecture and design since his childhood, perhaps
because of his Thanjavur(a place filled with magnificient temples!)
connections. After pursuing bachelors in Architecture from school of
Planning and Architecture,Anna University, Kumar went on to pursue masters
in design from IIT, Bombay. His thirst for knowledge and ideas of innovation
led him to research. He enrolled for a PhD at the Industrial Design Centre of
IIT, Bombay. He worked on the evolution of Tamil script, dating back to as
early as the second century AD.He wants to continue working in Tamil
typography and other Indian scripts and he finds them to contain a strong
western influence. Talking of his personal life, Udaya Kumar believes in
humbleness and leads a simple lifestyle. He is a person who strongly believes
in himself and certain fundamental principles honesty, equality, love, trust, cleanliness and discipline. He is
a sports enthusiast and a nature lover as well.
Now just three months after the creation of the symbol, it's well in use everywhere. You come across
it in the newspapers, in the news channels, advertisements, in the malls, menu card
The symbol is being used in the Indian standards-Indian Script Code for Information Interchange (ISCII)
through an amendment to the existing list by the Bureau of Indian Standards.
Now, the million dollar question that arises is how a layman will use the symbol. Here's how
First, download the font developed by Foradian technologies.(rupee foradian.ttf)
Secondly, install that 'rupee' font in the 'fonts' folder contained in the 'Windows' folder.
Go to any word processor, select that font and press the key shown in the picture.
So, remember $1 equals `44.635.
Ahamjit Dasmahapatra
IT - 2 Year
No Country For Good Men
On 24 December 2010, Dr. Binayak Sen- a man who has become cause clbre across the country
was sentence to life imprisonment by a sessions court of Chattisgrah. Sen, a Calcutta boy's school's student
later acquiring his medical degree from Christian medical college, Vellore, dedicated his whole life
advocating the cause of the deceased and the poor. He concentrated his work in the rural tribal areas of the
Chattisgarh state, doubling up as a human rights activist. While Sen worked with the state government on
health sector reform, he also strongly criticized the govt. on human rights violation during the anti-naxalite
However, criminal charges against him overshadowed all the limelight he was living in. 14 May
2007 was the day when Sen was arrested on the offence of acting as a courier between jailed Naxalite leader
Narayan Sanyal and businessman Piyush Saha. Questions however may arise about his 33 visits to the
Naxalite leader, though all there visits were with prior police permission. Since then Sen has experienced
tremendous ups and downs in life.
There has been spontaneous surge of outrage in civil society and the media over this scandalous
miscarriage of justice. But there was little that could be done . The state had itself timed it well. It was a day
before Christmas. The high court and the Supreme Court were on vacation; most lawyers were away. It
would be at least two weeks before Sen's family could even appeal. Enough time for the news to sink in; the
message to go out .
The Chattisgarh Director of Police (DGP) Vishwa Ranjan had himself admitted in an interview three
years back that if possible he would Keep Sen under surveillance but not in prison. But ever since that day
and even till now neither the DGP nor the state persecution has come up with a concrete and convincing
evidence of his involvement and violation of law though it's a different issue that he himself refuted what he
had mentioned in his earlier interview. What the police and administration instead relied upon was creating
baseless paranoia.
The whole case persecution case built against Sen is itself ludicrous. Its replete with malevolent faux
pax that its hard to believe that the State had the audacity to charge Sen of 'Conspiracy against the State'.
According to the state prosecutor Mr. TC Pandya , Sen who is the Vice President of People's Union for Civil
Liberties (PUCL) (set up by Late Freedom Fighter Jaiprakash Narayan in 1976 during emergency ) had met
the jailed Naxal ideologue Nrayan Sanyal 33 times in prison between 26 May and 30 June '06 . During this
time he had smuggled out seditious letters from Sanyal and passed them on to tendu leaf contractor Piyush
Guha , who supposedly acted as the courier for Maoists . Three of such letters were seized when he was
captured in a May '07 . Based on this Pandya established that he was trying to establish an urban network of
Maoists . In fact the content of these three letters is itself ludicrous .They are addressed to a Dear Mr. P,
Friend V' and a Friend and are unsigned . They could have been written by anyone and planted on Guha.

There are other glaring discrepancies After Sen was arrested in '07 , the police had built such a
miasma around him that he was denied the bail twice both by Chattisgarh Court and The Supreme Court and
this is what an honest man has received from the Country's Judiciary system.
Back in 2007 , when news had first started appearing in local newspapers that the police had
declared Naxal Leader Binayak Sen absconding , far from running away or seeking anticipatory bail as
his well wishers had urged .Sen who was in Kolkata on a visit to his mother's house came back to Raipur
immediately . His reaction was that there must have been some misunderstanding. And driven by his
idealistic belief in Indian Democracy , his own good intention and years of public service , hew ent
voluntarily to the police station to clear the air . They arrested him instead . The Chattisgarh Police , did not
arrested some dreaded combatant on the run , they arrested a citizen who had gone to them in good faith .
The irrational doggedness with which the police pursued the case has only driven the message home
harder . On 31 December 2007 , seven months after his arrest , the Indian Academy of Social Sciences
conferred the RR Keithan Gold Medal on Binayak Sen . On May 2008 , still in jail he was given the Jonathan
Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights . Around the same time , 22 Nobel Prize Winners
appealed to the Indian Government for his release . On 24 December 2010, Sen was sentenced to life
Now as the fight for his release stretches in the months ahead , he will become a test case for pulling
back of some of the draconian laws that are threatening to change the very fabric of our Democracy . As
Amartya Sen says 'Democracy has to be judged not just by institutions that formally exist but by the extent to
which different voices from diverse sections of the people can actually be heard. Let's hope that the
country where Barack Obama's heroics are more sung and the ten year hunger strike of Irom Sharmila is
barely even spoken of in media wakes up to the real philosophy of Democracy.
Shashank Saurav
ECE - 3 Year
Piyali Roy
EIE - 2 Year
Partha Pratim Mondal
ECE - 2 Year
He has made it. It's Nitish again in power. The story seemed well written even before the polls . It's
aroma was in the atmosphere already. But the majority he came up with was a bit unexpected. 206 seats out
of 243 member assembly; the best ever performance by any alliance or party in Bihar. The mandate best
defined the change in the mindset of the people of Bihar. For the first time any politician was able to make the
people of this state taste the essence of development and they liked it, surely.
The six-phase election saw no cases of booth capturing or polling day violence-a first in many
decades. In a state ridden with feudal practices, more women than men showed up to vote in large number of
constituencies. This resulted in more than 52% polls, a record in recent time election. The high percentage
voting showed that Bihar has started it's walk on the path of development and who better than Nitish could
pacify their walk.I still remember quite vividly that on the day of the verdict NDTV correspondent Pranab
Roy said that he was awestruck by the kind of development done by Nitish Kumar in five years.
Bihar has had a glorious past . It has one of the world's oldest learning
centres in Nalanda about which the legend says that the library took a many
years to burn when Aurangzeb put it on fire. Hieun Tsang, a chinese traveller
came all along from China to Nalanda in search of knowledge. Buddhism and
Jainism were born here. The greatest Indian Empire, the Mauryan Empire
originated here. The Gupta Empire, which originated here, is referred to which
again originated here, is referred to as the golden age of India in science,
mathematics, astronomy, religion and Indian philosophy. But Over the past few
decades, Bihar has been an embarrassing political role model. The land of Aryabhatta , Gautam Buddha and
Chankya had such politicians that were subjects of mockery. Politicians showed no respect for work. Caste
politics had dirtied the mindset of the society .Fear and lawlessness prevailed in the state. Election meant
guns and murder. Nitish was chief minister of Bihar for seven days in 2000 for the first time. Few months
later, a new state Jharkhand was curved out of Bihar. He had to quit because he couldn't prove his majority in
the House.
Nitish Kumar came with a different set of ideas. His biggest asset is his mind. Sharp, clear, precise,
devoid of emotion. In a roomful of people, he is rarely out thought. Nitish is 59, close to 6 feet tall. Unlike
many peers he does not colour his white hair. Mostly he sports stubble. He uses spectacles to read. Twenty-
five years ago, he was first elected to the Bihar Assembly. He was already a socialist and an engineer,
shouting slogans with Lalu Prasad. People who have been in meetings with Nitish are struck by his attention
to detail. Probably he developed a trust of detail when he studied engineering, where everything is built on
precision. This allows him to be on top of numbers that would ordinarily numb most people. Because of this
Nitish gains respect from the bureaucracy. This is sharp contrast to his rival Lalu Prasad, who lives by
instinct and has no concept of detail.
After his win, there is sense of freedom in the air. Infrastructure is taking a new shape in Patna. In a
recent survey it was adjudged as the second best city to invest in. New restaurants and malls have started
opening. Even the government is constructing a mammoth Buddha Park in Patna, which was inaugurated by
Dalai Lama. Roads are improving and new flyovers are covering up the city. New projects are being
implemented for the beautification of Patna. Bare lands are converted into beautiful parks. Last year Bihar
grew at a GDP rate of 11.03% which is second only to Gujrat in India.
Law and order has improved tremendously in the state. Kidnapping and murder cases have steeply
declined. It has opened up new business oppurtunities for the business class. They now visit villages freely
where they couldn't set their foot in without having to pay the gangsters. In fact in a recent survey Patna was
voted as the second best city to invest in after New Delhi giving all the metros a run for their money .

Education has seen a tremendous change in the State. A plethora of Technical colleges are coming
up in the state. In fact, Nalanda International University is being
established with the help of Singapore, Japan, and China. Recently
China has donated 250 crores for it. Its Chancellor is Mr. APJ Abdul
Kalam and the Board of Directors includes famous Japanese Painter
The board of Directors comprise of eminent intellectuals like Prof.
Amartya Sen and the famous Japanese Painter Ikuo Hirayama. The
University is expected to be functional from year 2012. It is supposed
to be Asia's biggest and most reputed university with only one of its
kind. Moreover IIT Patna is also under construction in Bihtaa. An
International MBA college has been established in Patna whose
founders are graduates of Harvard & California University and are ex employees of Amazon & JP Morgan.
NIFT has also opened its branch in the city. Chanakya law college is also being setup in the city.
Internationally acclaimed management college ISB is also planning to setup its new branch in Patna.
Last year Bihar grew at a GDP rate of 11.03% which is second only to Gujrat in India. In fact,
recently Nitish Kumar has been invited by Columbia University to give a guest lecture to it's management
graduates. His work has found admirers even in the World Bank.
All this is an indication that a revolution has started. Nitish is a famously a self made politician with
no criminals around him. He is fearless and supremely logical in his approach. His 'Jantaa Darbar' is yet
another shining example of how he has made the administration transparent and more importantly
accountable to solve the problems of the common people. Another insight into how Nitish works comes
from the planned Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) centre in Bihar. The AMU asked for land to set up
AMU centre on 100 acres in Katihar, a district with large Muslim Population in the northeast of Bihar. He
offered 250 acres of land in Kishanganj, a district adjoining Katihar saying that it was desperately in need of
a boost in the education sector.
The people of Bihar have trusted him again and now it's his turn to live up to their expectations. As
soon as he assumed the office he passed a law that allows the State Govt. to take control of the wealth
property of the Government officers if in case it exceeds than what it should be. The Changes of can be seen
while walking through the roads of Patna or any other city of the state. He has worked from grass root level.
His work can be seen from villages to the urban colonies of cities. Nitish has the understanding and the
ability to listen and learn which makes him open to new ideas. While travelling through rickshaw I asked the
rickshaw puller as to what change has he experienced in the past five years. The rickshaw puller happily said
that his daughter is getting free and quality education from the State Government School and that also got a
free bicycle to commute to her school by the Government. His smile was indicative of the path breaking
work done by Nitish.
Roshan Kumar
CSE - 1 Year
The Answer My Friend
Yes, how many deaths will it take till he knows........?
At last, after 25 years The Supreme Court of India had given the verdict of the greatest chemical
disaster that took the toll of thousands of lives at a glimpse. Dec 2-3, 1984 night was the eventual
result of leakage of a deadly poisonous gas methyl isocyanate [MIC] from the pesticide production
plant of the Union Carbide Corporation. Investigation report says that a sudden percolation of water
in a tank caused emergency venting of the gas .The gas got spread all over the city within minutes and
Bhopal was no better than a gas chamber of the Nazi regime. The Hitler here was Warren Anderson -a
successful entrepreneur who was dedicated to making his profits by
The use of hazardous chemicals (MIC) instead of less dangerous ones
Storing these chemicals in large tanks instead of steel drums
Possible corroding material in pipelines
Failure of several safety systems (due to poor maintenance and regulations).
Safety systems being switched off to save moneyincluding the MIC tank refrigeration
system which alone would have prevented the disaster.
Initial eye irritation and later the suffocation feeling buried the Bhopal dwellers to hell taking 15,000
lives officially and affecting 520,000 people with a permanent ailment. Children were trampled in
the panic rush, or in the words of Darwin struggle for existence. But death was impartial to all.
Celebration of the Death Smog day was on the run. Victims getting no treatment, news media being
restricted from publicizing the event, Bhopal was isolated from rest of the nation. Reliefs reached to
the hospitals only when it was over.

Warren Anderson was being charged and arrested for negligence and destruction of lives and
properties. But God gracious! The Indian Penal Code that gives bail to every crime. The Supreme
Court after 25 years of hearing at last spoke and that too in favour of the defendants. They were given
punishment of two years of imprisonment and that was relaxed with a
pay of a menial 25000 rupees. Former UCIL Chairman Keshub
Mahindra or presently Chairman-cum-managing Director Vijay
Gokhale may not come to know how they caused the wastage of a
generation in gas poisoning; they might not and will not ever hear the
shrill of a child for a breath of life in the smog of poison. The Court is
with them.
Supreme Court's role was thoroughly expected as Union Carbide
Limited is an extension of the famous Dow Chemicals that served
America in the Vietnam War supplying perilous chemicals for
destruction of arable land. How can they be wrong? So there is no
sympathy for the destitute seeking for justice, the Hiroshima of
chemical disaster was just an accident!
Still some weird people like us dream of proper justice, of a better tomorrow without the knowledge of when or
whether it will come or not. The answer is still Blowin in the wind.
Souvik Ghosh
ECE - 3 Year
Well, this is no news for real, but if you check out, a similar headline has surely crept into one of the pages of
the newspaper. Someone or the other must be sharing a talk about some Maoists in one of the news channels.
They have given birth to a constant fear in the minds of the Indian populace, especially in the rural expanse of
eastern India.
Let's have a look at the chronology of events from 2008
June 29, 2008: Maoists attack a boat on Balimela reservoir in Orissa carrying four anti- Maoist police
officials and 60 Greyhound commandos, killing 38 troops.
July 16, 2008: 21 policemen killed when a police van was blown up in a landmine blast in Malkangiri
district of Orissa.
April 13, 2009: 10 paramilitary troops killed in eastern Orissa when Maoists attack a bauxite mine in
Koraput district.
April 22, 2009: Maoists hijack a train with at least 300 people on board in Jharkhand and force it to
Latehar district before fleeing.
May 22, 2009: Maoists kill 16 policemen in the jungles of Gadchiroli district in Maharashtra.
June 10, 2009: Nine policemen, including CRPF troops and officers, ambushed by Maoists during a
routine patrol in Saranda jungles in Jharkhand.
June 13, 2009: Maoists launch two landmine and bomb attacks in a small town close to Bokaro, killing
10 policemen and injuring several others.
June 16, 2009: Maoists kill 11 police officers in a landmine attack followed by armed assault. In a
separate attack, four policemen were killed and two others seriously injured when Maoists ambush them
at Beherakhand in Palamau district.
June 23, 2009: A group of motorcycle-borne armed Naxal rebels open fire on Lakhisarai district court
premises in Bihar and free four of their comrades including the self-style Zonal Commander of Ranchi.
July 18, 2009: Maoists kill a villager in Bastar and in a separate incident torch a vehicle engaged in road
construction work in Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh.
July 23, 2009: A 40-year-old tribal killed by Maoists at Ettapalli taluka in Gadchiroli district.
July 27, 2009: Six persons killed when Maoists trigger a landmine blast at Dantewada district in
July 31, 2009: A special police officer and another person killed by Maoists in Bijapur district.
Sep 4, 2009: Maoists kill four villagers in a forest in Aaded village in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur district.
Sep 26, 2009: Maoists kill BJP MP from Balaghat Baliram Kashyap's sons at Pairaguda village in
Jagdalpur (Chhattisgarh).
Sep 30, 2009: Maoists set ablaze Gram Panchayat offices at Korchi and Belgaon in Gadchiroli district of
Oct 8, 2009: 17 policemen killed when Maoists ambushed them at Laheri police station in Gadchiroli
district of Maharashtra.
Feb 15, 2010: 24 personnel of the Eastern Frontier Rifles (EFR) killed as Maoists attack their camp in
Silda in West Midnapore district of West Bengal.
April 4, 2010: Maoists triggered a landmine blast killing 11 security personnel of the elite anti-naxal
force Special Operations Group (SOG) in Koraput district of Orrisa.
April 6, 2010: 75 CRPF personnel and a Chhattisgarh police official killed in a Maoist attack in
Dantewada district.
May 8, 2010: 8 CRPF jawans were killed when Maoists blew up a bullet-proof vehicle in Bijapur
district of Chhhattisgarh.
Who are these Maoists actually??? How and when did this movement of Maoism mark its beginning???
Who started it, and how at all did it come to our nation??
The Oxford Dictionary defines Maoism as, the communist policies and theories of the former
Chinese head of state Mao Zedong. Maoism literally means the doctrine composed of the ideology and
methodology for revolution developed by Mao Zedong. Developed in the 1950s and 1960s, this movement
was practiced and popularized by the Communist Party of china (CPC). Mao was inspired highly by the
writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin and he used them for elaborating his theory. His thoughts can be clearly
studied from his two chief essays: On contradiction and On the correct handling of contradictions among
the people.
One of the most important features of Maoism is Guerrilla warfare or People's War. This refers to the
fact that the armed section of the party should be one with the common mass and that the demands and
interests of the populace must form the most important issues. Maoism also talks about the concept of 'new
democracy' which means materialistic developments in a nation ought to be
completed before introducing socialism in the backward countries. Contradiction
should always keep the society in its grip because contradictions lead to awakening
among the people. Maoism has to be accompanied by a cultural revolution. The
older systems and the orthodox ways of thinking must be done away with.
Maoism introduced the well-known 'Theory of three worlds'. USA and the
Soviet Union formed the first world countries. Some other imperialist nations filled
up the room for second world countries, and the poorest of the lot are the third world
countries. The first two groups exploited the third. Maoism has received
phenomenal success in the third world, and some of these movements like the
CPN(M) in Nepal and the CPP of the Philippines, are advancing in their guerrilla warfare during the
beginning of the 21st century.
After the death of Mao Zedong in the year 1976, the role of Mao's ideology within the People's
Republic of China (PRC) has fast changed. The capitalist reforms of Deng Xiaoping started in 1978. Deng's
admonition to seek truth from facts considerably reduced the role of ideology in determining state policies,
something Mao had suggested. Basically, what Deng Xiaoping did was separate Mao and Maoism. He
shifted the focus of the movement to observing social consequences rather than following Mao's quotations
like the holy writ. Even the party constitution was rewritten to give prominence to Deng's ideas over those of
Mao. Critical questions arose as to whether China still was a Maoist nation! However, the fact remains that
Mao Zedong Thought is still listed as one of the four cardinal principles of the People's Republic of China.
Since 1962, various partitions took place in the communist parties around the world, perhaps
because of the challenge posed to the soviet dominance by the CPC. The Albanian Party of labour along with
many mainstream parties like the Burmese Communist Party, Communist Party of Thailand, and
Communist Party of Indonesia sided with the CPC.The Maoist political party that exists in India aims to
overthrow the government of India in the common interests of the populace. However, it is considered a
terrorist organization by the Government of India for organizing mass-killings.
Maoism has just been added to the catalog of synonyms for terrorism. Was it in actuality meant to be
so??? I wonder if the so-called 'Maoists of today' know the real significance of Maoismthe Maoism, Mao
Zedong stood for
[For the list of events and dates, courtesy: The Times of India]
Ahamjit Daspatra
IT - 3 Year
Doing It Like Pirates!
What is piracy? It is the act or vandalism that the Pirates do. But in 21 century the definition has
reformed. As for the modern day definition goes it stands for the violation of copyright agreement. By that, I
mean redistribution of a product without the manufacturers' permission.
By the word 'piracy', the very first thing that comes up in our minds is downloading cracked copies of
games, movies, music, and software (illegally!) through the internet. And this is quite true. The very idea of
modern day piracy is based on the web of this network system. But apart from that there is something called
offline piracy, which takes place in the 'BLACKMARKET' as it is popularly known as, mainly dealing with
illegal issues of music, movies, tech instruments, etc. Today, there are various methods to inspire the online
piracy. Numerous sites, blogs can be found offering pirated copies for direct download. But the most
promising way that currently exists is transferring files by putting up a 'torrent' of it.
Now a day, torrent has become so popular that Piracy & Torrent has become the synonymous. The
reason behind its unsurpassable popularity lies deep within its mode of operation. Torrents act in such way
that no lawsuit can be used to stop it, perhaps because no one knows how it is
created. The mystified birth of torrent has made it the enemy no.1 for the
entertainment companies. The method in which it works is a complicated
procedure. And then there is the 'Tracker' which is the very heart of this P2P
transferring phenomenon. That is why organizations against piracy often tries to
detain those tracking servers. Two years back by implying a lawsuit an anti-piracy
division bench netted a big fish familiar as, but they got back to
business in just two weeks' time. And currently the list of these trackers is so huge
that there will always be one to replace another. So obviously by now those anti-
piracy organizations are fed up.
In the ongoing piracy business there is hardly any personal profit. According to the crackers (who
break the copy protections), they just do it for fun and redistribute for the 'needy'. Our country India also has
a prominent place in the kingdom of piracy as there is no specific law addressing the ban of piracy. In our
country things that fall under the piracy banner are mainly the computer games, movies, music that is being
created abroad (especially Europe and USA). But in the third world countries the reasons of piracy are
mostly economical. Because our currency is quiet less valued than of the Europe & USA counterparts. That
suggests that there may be people who does not support this piracy business in whole, but are bound to do so
for economic reasons.
But there are people who don't agree to call it piracy. For them it is just sharing one's own property.
For some of them once he or she buys something is his or her property, and he or she does with it is absolutely
justified. Some of them put a question that if someone buy a product and then make a copy for him only, will
it also be counted as piracy, because in that case he does violate the copyright agreement. Moreover if he
gives that copy to an intimate person, then does that become piracy? There are even people who are using
immense popularity of piracy for their own publicity. For example once a not-so-popular singer uploaded his
album in the internet for free downloads.
So, the once stringent anti-piracy rules have been reduced to somewhat GANDHIGIRI now, where people
are advised or rather 'requested' not to indulge in piracy instead of taking any severe action against it.
Saikat Das
EE - 1 Year
A battle as Old as India's Independence
The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself
.Sir Richard Francis Burton
The above is so justified by the example of the greatest socio-religious debate in India that is centered
around a certain plot of land measuring 60 ft by 40 ft in the city of Ayodha, Uttar Pradesh. Known as The
Babri Masjid demolition, the incident that took place on the fateful day of December 6, 1992 became a
violent communal episode in itself. It triggered the Mumbai riots in 1993 and also the Gujarat mayhem in
2002. Thousands of lives were lost in these communal strives. Possession of the land under any
circumstance was the foremost thought that was there in the minds of the people. Indeed man wanted to
worship his victory and not his God- be it Allah or Ram.
The Babri Masjid controversy dates back to the Mughal era. It is said that when Babar invaded India,
he ordered building of mosques in places of temples and the Babri Masjid is one such outcome in 1527. But
there is no historical record or evidence to support this event which took place three centuries ago.
The land of Ayodha is sacred to the Hindus as they consider it to be the birth place of Lord Rama.
Ayodha has been referred as Ram Janmabhoomi. However till 1855, Hindus and Muslims worshipped in the
same building. They practiced their separate faiths in peace without any shadow of violence.
The first recorded incident of conflict was in 1885 when a
Hindu sect known as the Nirmohis claimed that the Babri Masjid
stood over a temple destroyed under Babar's regime. Violence
erupted time and again over the issue over the following years till
the civil administration rejected the plea of the Nirmohis to build a
temple at the site of the Babri Masjid or even to use it to offer
prayers. Strange but true, the religious tolerance that prevailed in
the past between the Hindus and Muslims had faded away. Staking
claim of the title of the plot of land was the greater cause for them.
An incident that must be taken into account is that on December 22, 1949 idols of Ram and Sita were
quietly brought and placed inside the mosque. The following morning a crowd of around five thousand
Hindus gathered around the mosque to offer prayers to the deities. They were determined to force entry into
the mosque. But prompt action by the police forces secured the gates of the mosque and it were locked. The
then Prime Minister Shri Jawaharlal Nehru ordered the deities placed illegally to be removed. However it
was not carried out fearing retaliation by the Hindus. The upshot was that the mosque started to gain some
function as a Hindu temple.
Volatility thus existed on this issue. But it got revived in modern India due to nasty politics by the
people in power to realize their political goals. Former Intelligence Bureau Joint Director, Maloy Krishna
Dhar claimed in his book that The Babri Masjid demolition was an act well planned in advance by the BJP,
RSS, VHP, Kar Sevaks and Bajrang Dal to polarize voters on communal lines. Many a steps were taken by
them to take the wave of Hindutva propagated by them to its final peak. What started as a political rally on the
Sunday morning of December 6 1992, turned out into frenzy of lakhs of people who proceeded to the
mosque. A Kar Sevak was vaulted on the dome that indicated the breaking of the outer cordon of the mosque.
Requests by top leaders present at the site to stop the agitation were feeble and were only done for the media's
presence. As asserted by Justice Liberhan icons of the movement present at the Ram Katha Kunj.......could
just as easily have....... prevented the demolition. The Union government is also to be held responsible for
its slack in action to control the situation. However the BJP's agenda was fulfilled. They emerged victorious
in the General Elections of 1996. Religion is the most powerful weapon. It can mobilize the mass and can
reign havoc than any artillery, any ammunition if desired.
The criminal case that was filed against the Kar Sevaks and also top leaders of the other political
parties involved in the demolition of the mosque continues to linger. But the dispute started as a civil aspect
and after 61 years the judgement to the Ayodha title suit was delivered on September 30, 2010 by the
Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court. The longest running legal battle of independent India ends in
the best possible way. Justice S.U. Khan, Justice D.V. Sharma and Justice Sudhir Agarwal with their infinite
wisdom gave the verdict that the 2.7 acres of land is to be divided among the three litigants of the suit- one
part goes to the Babri Committee, one part goes to the Nirmohi Akhara (Nirmohis) and the last part to the
party for Ram Lalla. The division is to be brought about in three months and till then there exists a status quo
on the disputed plot. Religious dogmatism, political trickery and communal tension as old as India's
independence came to an end at this historic moment.
An appeal in the Supreme Court of India cannot be ruled out because many groups are not happy with
the decision. They reason it to be based more on faith than on facts. The question is how it is going to matter if
a different verdict is achieved. The situation in the country and the reaction of the majority matters and the
people of India has very well welcomed the verdict. Political leaders should rise above opportunism for
once. It is a landmark to bury the gory past. It shows that India today is much tolerant to religious issues than
it was in the past. It is time to usher in change and not let any event plague the face of the nation any further.
We should not be moved by the speeches of unscrupulous political leaders who use the youth to attain their
selfish motives. From now on we must develop a sense of oneness with a larger Nation to which we owe so
much. More Importantly its time not to show the World who we are but to show to each other how united we
Adriza De
EIE - 3 Year
Partha Pratim Mondal
ECE - 2 Year
Y A xc
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English Medium Students vs yy y y
The animosity between the two communities of students in West Bengal is not new. The 'cold war'
has always existed between them and probably will stay this way. Now before I say anything more I need to
make it clear that as I come from a 'small town' of Bengal, I am not aware of the situation in the bigger cities,
so I am going to write this article based on the experiences I had and some which I have heard of from my
In Kalyani, my hometown, there was only one co-educational english medium school and I happened
to be a student of it. But our school wasn't the only school in town, there were several other institutions
along with 2 engineering colleges and a university of justify the place as "The place of Education". So it was
but quite natural for me and my fellow school-mates to regularly interact with students from other schools.
While I was in the junior classes I didn't notice any difference between students from our school and other
schools, but as we started to climb up the ladder of senior-hood, the differences started to make it's
presence felt more and more. Let's look into the points of conflicts which crept up gradually :
a) Girls : While most other schools used to have their girls all covered up, our school had the more
modern approach and so the girls were dressed in shirt and skirts, which allowed the girls to unintentionally
attract some male eye-balls. The boys of our school were unperturbed with this phenomenon as we have
been seeing this for years, but for our bengali medium counterparts it's was not a sight they were used to, so
most of the times we could find 'those' guys orrling at 'our' girls, which when added with 'male-ego' often
lead to some 'territory-fights'.
b) Supposed superiority : Studying in an english medium school, it was quite obvious for me and my
mates to talk in english not just inside the school premises but also out of it, just to get the hold of the
language faster and better. But this practice didn't go down well with our rivals, the exhibition of english
language out side out school was translated by them as 'over-smartness'. It wasn't unusual for me and my
friends to walks in the road conversing in english only to hear a comment like "--| |= | |
=| |- oversmart". Also the way we presented ourselves was quite distinct from the way they used too,
while we came across as confident, quite a few of them came across as a bit jittery in high-tension situations
such as an oral exam or public speaking event. This was something which we had developed
unconsciously, but they just thought it to be nothing more than 'show-off'.
c) Marks System : The grading system of the tow boards were also quite different. While getting over
80-90% was a norm in our board, the bengal boards were more stringent causing the grades to be a little on
the lower side. Now, it wasn't our fault that we used to get more marks, i mean come on, what can we do if
our board permits to write less and get more marks? But yet our counterparts used to hold that against us
and treat our marks and subsequently us to be meritoriously inferior to them. I want to make it clear thought
this article, "Guys!! even we work hard for our marks, || | ||= | |``
d) Interaction with opposite-sex : In our school, girls and boys have been sitting together in a common
bench from a very young age, while our counterparts have been heart of sitting separately (-| =|
| | =| |`` ) even in their final year of school. so it was quite obvious that we were better in
interaction with the opposite sex, which caused a lot of people to turn envious towards us.
But it's not a one-way traffic, even we used envy our counterparts for reasons as follows :
a) Less stress on attendance : While it's not a favourable thing for school authorities, it's a boon for
students in their final year of school who used to get more time to study at home instead of loafing around in
the school like us (though i used to love doing it). Our rivals just use to attend the important classes and
bunk the other ones with permission.
b) WBUT Exams : It is a well-known fact that the format or rather the answer style is similar to the ones
bengal board students are accustomed to, which caused guys like me a lot of trouble..
c) Superiority in certain subjects : Another well-known fact is that Bengal board students are far ahead
in their skills with some subjects such as maths, this again is a syllabus-centric issue and the students can't
be held responsible.
Now, I could go on and on ranting about more problems, but I have to end it somewhere. Now as far
as i am concerned, I have never been ill-treated by anyone just because I studied in an english-medium
school, but I have known of guys who were not so lucky. There have also been cases the other way around
but those are rare. My point is.. Why should we be judged on the basis of the school we are coming from
and not as a person? A guy speaking english does not necessarily mean he is smart, whereas someone's
inability to interact with the opposite-sex doesn't make them any less meritorious.
We need to learn to respect our subject as well as others. Rather than just seeing each other as rivals
if we start looking at each other as friends and fellow students, maybe all of us can becme equally good in
english, maths, WBUT exams and more importantly, interaction with the opposite-sex)
Debojit Bhowmick
EIE - 3 Year
Somarrita Dey (ECE 4 Year)
When was the last time you spoke in a 'nice nice' way to Sayan Das,
Aritra Dasgupta and Arnab Guha Mullick?
When have I ever been mean to any of them? I have always been on the
most cordial terms with them. All three of them will vouch this am
What is the difference between cute and cute in a decent way?
I am sure there is no need to explain the difference per se. Those who
know do so by instinct...and those who don't (sadly) can never tell
them apart.
What is the state of your mind other than being hyper?
I have three states of mind: hyper calm, hyper active, and super hyper-
active state....please don't consider me to be someone who is devoid of
any state of mind other than being hyper.
How was your Sponsorship experience in the 3 year?
Will there be Graffiti and Edge next year?
Will there be a sunrise next year?
'1 khoon maaf hua' then who would you kill before leaving TI?
Whoever set this questionnaire.
Any secret message to any junior member of Graffiti?
Its our choices that show what we truly are...far more than our abilities..
Jyotirmoy Saha (FT 4 Year)
What was the inspiration behind the newly acquired dedication for
Thank You for acknowledging my dedication.
How do you manage to keep yourself so pleasant?
Ignoring the unpleasant things.
What would you like to say about Somarrita Dey finding you cute in
a 'decent' way?
She is confused!
How Brainolia has helped you all these years?
Yeah! Prattusha now has an improved memory! Reminders are not
needed any more.
Will there be Graffiti and Edge next year?
Mission Impossible!, I love the movie.
'1 khoon maaf hua' then who would you kill before leaving TI?
"Sayan Chandra Das", he keeps on giving threat to everyone, "Merei fele
Secret message to any junior member of Graffiti?
Yes! The message reads- You are an idiot!" the person concerned will
get it.
Sayan Das (ECE 4 Year)
How insensitive are you about your sensitive facebook
I am very sensitive about me being insensitive about my sensitive
How 'gay' are you?
Well, I am 49% gay.....and 51 % happy..........
Throughout the four years in college, why have not you been
'associated' with any girl?
I am good at multitasking.
Explain this overwhelming obsession with Blitzkrieg, every
time! (Pun intended).
There's nothing else exciting enough..........
Will there be Graffiti and Edge next year?
No........prove me wrong......
'1 khoon maaf hua' then who would you kill before leaving
NONE..... I don't like letting people out of not that
Secret message to any junior member of Graffiti?
@all....create, innovate and have fun....
Mouparna Saha (ECE 4 Year)
How would you relate yourself to the word 'maate'?
What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you
hear the word BABY?
Souveek Ray loves babies (ROFL)
Will there be Graffiti and Edge next year?
Definitely, may be....
'1 khoon maaf hua' then who would you kill before leaving
Sorry cant name "her
Secret message to any Junior Graffiti member?
NO secrets in graffiti.
Kaustav Das( BCA 3 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for
It was hard work and I should be paid at least enough
money to throw a crazy party!! Free booze for all!!
If the world was not Round where would you stop?
Bleh, I'll just keep going till I can go no more.
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
Are you kidding ?!! No way !!
Describe yourself in two words.
Kaustav Das.
Will there be Graffiti and Edge next year?
God Knows!!!!!
Special secret message to any Graffiti member?
message decipher it!
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before
leaving TI?
Can I kill more than one? Well, there are two people who
are hated by everyone in B.C.A. and then there is this evil
midget I know, etc. and the list goes on :P
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti?
YES!! I did! I even missed gym and meals for it which is
really really sad!

Prattusha Dutta (BCA 3 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for
Enough to get a 5star everyday and 180 ml fuel on alternate
If the world was not Round where would you stop?
Ladakh, its awefum, fuperb!!!!!!!!
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
Change things, prevent unwanted items from invading my
life and rectify a very BIG mistake.
Describe yourself in two words.
Dark Ugly.
Will there be Graffiti and Edge next year?
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! I can always hope so
Special secret message to any Graffiti member?
Well that's a Secret! :P
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before
leaving TI?
At least 3 khoon maaf hona chahiye! One is Shamik Sen, 2
is Jyotirmoy da( 100 reasons hai) and the other will be xx.
(Will do it before leaving TI) :p
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti?
Well I really do not like to boast about myself. So I really won't talk about all my hard work, determination,
effort and dedication which made this edition of Graffiti possible!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
Malobi Banerjee (ECE 4 Year)
What if your real life Shah Rukh Khan has a Karan
Hypothetical scenario...too many variables to be taken into
account so the only answer is that i will cross the bridge when
i come to it.
How do you like to go on a date with Hagrid?
I would love it ...i would even date filch just to be a part of the
harry potter world!
!Is there a screw loose in you or a few marble rolling
upstairs? No
Sumit roy se Kitni Mohabat Hai ?
Sumit Roy and I... we're just good friends...
Will there be Graffiti and Edge next year?
As the saying goes ti mein edge aur graffiti tha...hai...aur
'1 khoon maaf hua' then who would you kill before
leaving TI?
Nobody cause i "love" everyone in TI and have only their
best interests at heart
.Secret message to any junior Graffiti member?
Moinak- you look better with the haircut.
Supriya Tanwani (ECE 4 Year)
Your sudden image makeover is grabbing eye balls. Your take on this?
Ahah...Ahahwell if its grabbing eye balls then take it as a farewell gift!
How was your experience working in BB in 3 year with specimens
such as Moinak sinha and Shashank Saurav?
The 'honchos' as these specimens called themselves were a great
sporthad a great time!!!
Will there be Graffiti and Edge next year?
Edge-definitely yes!
Graffiti- There is a suggestionwe can have a poll every year do you think
Graffiti can make it again?
'1 khoon maaf hua' then who would you kill before leaving TI?
'7 khoon maaf' bhi kam kam hai .so no comments!
Secret message to any junior Graffiti member?
Something I learned on my first time in graffitiNever be on timethat's
when you have started working P.S.-All the best for next yearKudos if
you make it again!
Abhik Das (EIE 3 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
In times of recession pay me in rupees else in dollarsthe amount to be decided if
Graffiti manages to sell itself.
If the world was not Round where would you stop?
Vintage answer-ask Uttam Kumar-ei path jodi na sesh hoy tobey kemon hoto
tumi bolo toh!!
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
I have not paid my semester fees right from the start and Techno India has gone
Describe yourself in two words.- Fairly dark.
Special secret message to any Graffiti member? - #$$$#%^$&&-decode it.
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
I am a non violent person still if I have to then I will kill the mosquito which
pestered me during my presentation exam!
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti?
Who do you think made this edition possible? I am not saying it's me ..
Adriza De (EIE 3 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
Enough to pay for my expenses
If the world was not Round where would you stop?
A place I visited recently- a place with a great view of my city or it could be any
other place that has a nice feel.
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?- None
Describe yourself in two words. - Nice nice ;)
Special secret message to any Graffiti member?
Messages are supposed to be texted
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
I may seem pretty violent but actually I am not so much that I will actually kill
someone. But on second thoughts I am contemplating to kill 'Moinak Sinha'.
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti?
I didn't 'WORK' for Graffiti but I did work for Graffiti.
Ayan Mitra (IT 3 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
That would be negotiable in the unlikely case that I did work. The
person who could get me to work ought to be paid a million though.
If the world was not Round where would you stop? - Nothing can stop me.
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
None. Nothing could convince me to spend 3 extra years in college..
Not even girls!!!
Describe yourself in two words. - The Best.
Special secret message to any Graffiti member? - I will leave this one
blank. To avoid controversy.
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
Graphics Teacher.. to save students after me the torture.
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti? - Me and work???? :O :O
Barsha Pandey ( CSE 3 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
I think everybody should do some social activities and graffiti is a real
charitable contribution. After all, it's better not to expect than to get rejected!
If the world was not Round where would you stop?
The one and only place, my hometown, Chinsurah. It's too tough to leave
behind the life-time attachments.
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
To get back the love, care and attention of my senior dadas ! Actually, I
don't enjoy the fact of being a senior didi.I loved being a 'junior friend'!
Describe yourself in two words. - Just Inimitable
Special secret message to any Graffiti member? - Shhhhh!!! I prefer to
keep my secrets safe in my heart. Sorry to disappoint you all.
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
Neither any student nor any non-teaching stuff, so guess who is left behind.
Surely I'll do it and it's my promise to all of my friends that you will get a day off for my 'sheer' effort.
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti?
WORK' is too insulting a word for any graffiti member,we have relaxingly toiled for it.
Debayan Chakravarty (EE 3 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti? - Not a single paisa
If the world was not Round where would you stop? - At the centre of gravity of the earth
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
To eat the yummy creamy cake in the day of Freshers' welcome.
Describe yourself in two words. - Artistic Muzomaniac
Special secret message to any Graffiti member?
To Kaustav Your work just makes me spellbound good job I really like your
editing works. Keep it up man
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
I would just kill all my sources of pensive mood and coming loneliness that may come
to me after leaving my college
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti?
I am not the judge of this verification I have just share some of my creative thoughts
to make the Graffiti best Can these considered as some WORK ???
P.V Manohar Kiran (EIE - 3 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
None! It's already paid dividends. I'm a freelance writer already!
If the world was not Round where would you stop? - Home sweet Home!
Only reason for going back to the first year would be? - Being Mr. Fresher
again! :P
Describe yourself in two words. - Charming! Emotional!
Special secret message to any Graffiti member? - I wish I would never have
dropped out for a year.
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
Obviously, killing OOdddrrrriiijjjjaaaa De would grant me heaven. Don't need 1
khoon maaf hua for that.
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti? - I did my bit. But that would not really
qualify as WORK. All complaints against Shamik Sen. He didn't let me work.
Mayank Mangalam (EIE - 3 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
Everyones love and admiration will be sufficient, nothing more is needed.
If the world was not Round where would you stop? - At 'a place called freedom
Only reason for going back to the first year would be? - No tension.
Describe yourself in two words. - Friendly and Punctual
Special secret message to any Graffiti member? - *******
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI? - None, at-
least for now.
Did you really WORK for Graffiti? YES
Moinak Sinha (EIE -3 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti? - Rs 1.76 lakh crore
.If the world was not Round where would you stop?
What kinda question is this? Both logically and practically insufficient,
inconsistent and improbable. B.T.W- why should I stop? kaun karta hai re yeh sab
ajkal..what's your problem?
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
Proposing senior girls. Boy!I was in some serious sort of LOVE. And, I still am.
Just lost count how many times.*cupid rotating round my head*
Describe yourself in two words. - Legendarily Awesome. That was kid's stuff.
Special secret message to any Graffiti member?
I 'love' you. And by 'love', I seriously mean 'love' in all forms. And do take note of
the inverted single quotes pretty seriously\
.1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI? - Ooodddrrriiijjjaaa Ddddeeeyyy.
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti? - Of course I did. A big 'YES'. Now interpret.
Souvik Ghosh (ECE 3 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
Should have mentioned it before, I could have opened a Swiss Bank account and get
the money transferred!! It's a pleasure to stay connected with everyone and team
work for graffiti, which is the perfect remuneration for us
.If the world was not Round where would you stop? - Let it happen first, and then
I'll tell.
Only reason for going back to the first year would be? - Mechanical workshop.
Describe yourself in two words. - Rational, science lover.
Special secret message to any Graffiti member?
Mystic Team- whether my romantic cum fictitious article got inside the list or not.
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
The computer mechanic who always pretends to fix the desktop but doesn't, it's a mind jittering job to queue
for chances in one computer in graffiti room.
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti?
If you consider work in terms of physics, then yes. I loved working.
Shamik Sen (FT 3 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti? - Am priceless
If the world was not Round where would you stop? - Lake isle of Innisfree
Only reason for going back to the first year would be? - Return to the age of
innocence :P.
Describe yourself in two words. - Harmless hedgehog
Special secret message to any Graffiti member?
To Somarrita Dey : The precious hours I spent working for Graffiti is just a pretext
to be with you :P
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI? - Sayan
Chandra Das
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti? - I toiled for it.
Shashank Saurav (ECE -3 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
Nothing less than a million US Dollars! Trust me :p However , on a serious
note, Working for Graffiti is always a pleasure and a matter of pride for me .. Its
something that I love passionately..
If the world was not Round where would you stop?
India, of course... be it be the movies of Ray , Ghatak & Benegal , the poetry of
Ghalib & Gulzar, the Ghazals of Jagjit , the Literature of Tagore or the Classical &
folk Music . India is undoubtedly the most unique countryEvery state, every
region has its own unique culture...
Only reason for going back to the first year would be? - I wish I had enjoyed
College life a bit more..
Describe yourself in two words. - The Movie buff & Mr. Workaholic :p
Special secret message to any Graffiti member? -
To Mopsi Di--- ' Aapko Matrix ka Money nahi milegaa' !! :P
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
Undoubtedly My Graphics Teacher, I slogged so much in first year but he gave me such awful grades..
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti? - Do u even doubt it???? Gimmie a break for heaven's sake !!!!
Shashank Shekhar (EE 3 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
Areyouu really asking for the price of my hard work ???? well, then techno India
will go bankrupt.
If the world was not Round where would you stop? - at the edge of the world..
to see whats beneath
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
my 'single' status(my girlfriend will kill me if she reads this)
Describe yourself in two words. - chilled out
Special secret message to any Graffiti member?
secret are best kept secrets , but I would like to say to all members u all are
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
(question error )I m a die hard fan of bapu bole to Mohandas karamchand Gandhi
(gandhigiri bilkul vinamra hoke :P)
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti? - Of course everybody knows ho hard
working I m lol
Ahamjit Dasmahapatra (IT - 2 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
Technically, I got paid. (A text book free of cost)
If the world was not Round where would you stop?
Wouldn't even start exploring if the world ever becomes that weird. Why would u
wanna leave the coziness and luxury of ur bedroom anyways?
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
The excitement in bunking classes (the pleasure is gone since now they've
become the order of the day!) and the great escapades (during strikes!)
Describe yourself in two words. - Unperturbed, benevolent
Special secret message to any Graffiti member? - Did u just say secret???
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
A certain lab assistantreally gets on my nerves
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti? - I'd rather say Graffiti worked for me
Aishani Sen (ECE - 2 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
Graffiti can never dream of paying that much. At least equal to my monthly
phone bill..which you can imagine (ahem)!!
If the world was not Round where would you stop? - Not even at the
EDGE.SKY's my limit.
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
This year the first year students have got TI bags and tee-shirts..Better excuse
for the drab uniform that we were forced to wear.
Describe yourself in two words. - Metal Maniac
Special secret message to any Graffiti member?
You were spotted with a certain someone at Sealdah !! Let the brainstorm
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
Just one? I'd love to be a campus serial killer. Anyway, I'd start with our
mechanical department.
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti?
WORK??!! I thought Graffiti published my trash.where did WORK come from anyway??
Arpita Chakravarty (FT - 2 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti? -
There are something in life that money can not buy
If the world was not Round where would you stop? - On the edge of the
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
A proper food court was there..with their biryaniyummy
Describe yourself in two words. - Sweet and unpredictable
Special secret message to any Graffiti member? - @Nikki di: I love your
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI? -
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti? - Yes.KOI SHAAQ
Dipen Jain (ECE - 2 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
PAYMENT??? YEH KYA HOTA HAI..:P.. dun play with our feelings dude we are
never going to be paid working for graffiti is like doing charity without any noble
cause. And most of the time the work remains unnoticed.
If the world was not Round where would you stop? - Disney land..;-)
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
Dun wanna go back after all kitne mehnat se semesters paas kiya hai:P :D
Describe yourself in two words. - Exquisite Homosapian
Special secret message to any Graffiti member? - I dont know all members even.
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI? - Top secret :P
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti?
Finding excuses for postponing my portion of work and ultimately convincing others to do..... it needs sum
effort yaar. So I guess I have indeed done lots of WORK :P :P
Kusum Badlani (CSE - 2 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
Graffiti is already paying me. It is making me uncover my creative skills and view myself in a new light.
Graffitti rocks!
If the world was not Round where would you stop?
I would stop where I am now because life is meaningless without beautiful relations
and associations even if we stay in the most beautiful place on earth.
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
To re-experience the feeling of achievement (which has now come crashing down) of
entering into Techno India, one of the best colleges in Kolkata, with bright hopes for a
secured future.:p
Describe yourself in two words. - Self Esteemed
Special secret message to any Graffiti member? - No secret messages to share.
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
Its better not to enter into any criminal records before even an attempt to murder. It's a Top Secret
Conspiracy ;-)
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti? - When your work speaks for itself,don't interrupt.
Partho Pratim Mondal (ECE -2 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
There is no question of money for my work for Graffiti. But I think it will be very special, if we all Graffiti
members will get a Grand Feast.
If the world was not Round where would you stop?
I would not start then if it was so...bcz kisi na kisi mor pe o firse milne wala baat hi nahi rehta
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
I will never want to appear for those semesters again, absolutely no reason to go back.
Describe yourself in two words. - BINDAS BANDOR Actually two words
should be Hard Working.
Special secret message to any Graffiti member? - Ore baba bola jabe na..tohole
maar porbe.
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
Very difficult Agar 1 khoon maaf huya , who would be the luckiest person? I
think it should be YOU (The person who is reading this now).
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti? - Definitely I give my 100% for Graffiti.
Prabhat Kumar Singh (ECE -2 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti? - Let the impact decide
If the world was not Round where would you stop? - At the epitaph of Ferdinand
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
To relive those appetizing moments at our hostel
Describe yourself in two words. - Altruistically pragmatic
Special secret message to any Graffiti member? - TWO IS COMPANY,THREE
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
Only eyes kill, the rest is an aftermath
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti? - HARD WORK PAYS OFF.
Sudeepta Bhattacharya (FT - 2 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
Any digit (from 1-9), before four zeroes would do..kidding..i expect none.
If the world was not Round where would you stop? - At a restaurant, for sure!
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
To participate in the Miss. Freshers contest and to win it again.
Describe yourself in two words. - Funloving and Hardworking
Special secret message to any Graffiti member? - Thank You
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
That better be a secret now, otherwise the person will kill me in my 2nd year.
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti?
Yes absolutely! Example I left my friends and phone to concentrate only on sketches during the long hours of
class lectures.
Soumyadeep Sen (ECE -2 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
I do all this for refreshment. so I do not except any money forit.
If the world was not Round where would you stop? -
May be at goa!! or Iwill like to stay at my hometown with my family.
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
I hate graphics a I will never wish to go there for any reason.
Describe yourself in two words. - Friendly &desperate.
Special secret message to any Graffiti member? - No secret messages.
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI? - S.R.C. ha
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti? - Not much. but a little bit.
Supriyo panda (EE -2 Year)
How much should you be paid for your work for Graffiti?
Gazzilian Grapes(and don't forget to mash 'em up). Hope u get what I really need
If the world was not Round where would you stop?
Who'd wanna stop? I'd go to the centre, drill a massive hole and find out if the
world was semicircular at least!:P
Only reason for going back to the first year would be?
The innumerable strikes! Ahwould love to feel the adrenaline rush of escaping
again.(considering my escapes to be truly flawless time and time again.)
Describe yourself in two words. - Unsettlingly Unadulterated.
Special secret message to any Graffiti member?
There's a BOMB in TI..and.. you're IT!(Now don't ask who this is directed at!)
1 khoon maaf hua then who would you kill before leaving TI?
The guy/gal who dreamed up these ludicrous questions!!!
Did you really 'WORK' for Graffiti? - Come again?
Here comes the 5 edition of our very own magazine, Graffiti. This would not have been possible without the
enormous support and encouragement from the administrative department of our college, our esteemed
faculty and students of Techno India.
We would like to express our heartiest gratitude to:
Mr. Gautam Roychowdhury, Chairman, Techno India Group
Mr. Satyam Roychowdhury, Managing Director, Techno India Group
Dr. Susanta Kumar Bhattacharya, Principal
Dr. Rina Paladhi, Registrar, Techno India
Ms. Rupa Mukherjee, Faculty, Techno India
Ms. Jona Basu, Faculty, Techno India
Ms. Paulomi Mukhopadhyay, Faculty, Techno India
Ms. Sutanuka Bhattacharya, Faculty, Techno India
Mr. Dibyendu Banerjee, Faculty, Techno India
Ms. Mousami Bhattacharya, Faculty, Techno India
Mr. Amiyo Kumar Sarkar, Faculty, Techno India
Mr. Sandip Chanda, Faculty, Techno India
The livid illustrations have been done by:
rd rd nd
Debayan Chakraborty (EE - 3 Year), Kaustav Das (BCA - 3 Year), Arpita Chakraborty (FT - 2 Year),
Sudeepta Bhattacharya (FT - 2 Year).
The GRAFFITI cover design is done by Mayank Mangalam (ECE -3 Year)
The comic at every section has been sketched by Kaustav Das (BCA - 3 Year). The concept is given by
th th
Jyotirmoy Saha (FT- 4 Year) and Sayan Das (ECE -4 Year) .
rd nd
The section covers are done by Kaustav Das (BCA - 3 Year), Partha Pratim Mondol (ECE - 2 Year),
rd rd
Debayan Chakraborty (EE - 3 Year) and Shashank Shekhar (EE - 3 Year).
The collages of Freshers'10, Edge'10 and Anakhronos'10 have been done by Jyotirmoy Saha (FT - 4 Year).
We would also like to thank all those who have contributed in their special ways:
th rd rd
Aritra Dasgupta (ECE - 4 Year), Diptangshu Datta (BCA - 3 Year), Rangan Datta (CSE - 3 Year), Sounak
Datta (ECE - 4 Year).
A special thanks to:
Vivek Anand (EE 2008 Batch), Anirban Basumallik (CSE 2009 Batch) and Souveek Ray (EE 2010 Batch)
for sharing their experiences enriching our knowledge by their article in the section Graduate Gyan.
Team GRAFFITI would also like to thank all those who have contributed towards the realization of our goals
to complete this edition of Graffiti.
Hope you enjoy reading it.
2. CHEVROLETthe plus smile representing american pride
4. BOOSTthe master blaster has some secret
6. RADO'pappu' can also dance wearing this
7. PANTALOONSall plus size available here
8. HYUNDAIfrom china to chandni chowk
10. PEPSIthe drink of the youth
12. TITANamir cannot handle this much of attention with this edge
15. VOLKSWAGENindian road smoothens inside this german auto
17. JOHNPLAYERShrithik's smartness secret now ranbir's style statement
19. OLAYnone of the beauty getting marred
21. SIGNATUREmakes life happening
22. REIDANDTAYLORamitabh bachhan's signature apparel
1. REEBOKthe 'zigtech' of dhoni
3. LAWRENCE AND MAYOmakes world clear to visualize
5. SWATCHswiss dial get fascinated by Indian Minds
9. YAMAHA'john abraham' sleepwalks with the brand he embrace
11. PEPSODENTthe smiling secret of shahrukh
12. TIGERsachin gets his H power from biscuits ???!!!
13. AMWAYleading brand in the world of beauty products
14. NIKEroger federer 'just did it' (no pun intended)
16. SONYsee dhoni's sweat drops in this HD screen
18. AUDImost sensuous car of the year
20. CANONredefine your sweet memories
Somarrita Dey Souvik Ghosh
Jyotirmoy Saha Shamik Sen
Mouparna Saha Shashank Saurav
Sayan Das Shashank Shekhar
Kaustav Das Ahamjit Dasmahapatra
Prattusha Datta Aishani Sen
Malobi Banerjee Arpita Chakravarty
Supriya Tanwani Dipen Jain
Abhik Das Kusum Badlani
Adriza Dey Partho Pratim Mondal
Ayan Maitra Prabhat Kumar Singh
Barsha Pandey Soumyadeep Sen
Debayan Chakraborty Sudeepta Bhattacharya
Manohar Kiran Supriyo Panda
Mayank Mangalam
Moinak Sinha
Make Your Own Graffiti
It was a hilarious moment at Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh. The date was 27th April
evening, 2010. Kalua, the charming male tiger from Bandhavgarh was scheduled to come out of his cave at
Ghoradaman around 5.45pm, after an afternoon nap. All eyes were fixed at the cave door. And there he
wasdot on time! Researchers from the Wildlife Institute of India had tied up a camera right next to the cave
door to document his movements! Little could they guess what would be the plight of that camera within the
next few minutes!
Kalua seized the infra-red camera and walked up his terrain. He sat there pondering, holding the camera
with his front paws looking here and there not knowing what to do! Probably without an instruction manual,
Kalua was finding it extremely difficult! The next 30 minutes saw him gnawing it, growling in desperation
and finally leaving it and walking away. I was fortunate to witness and lock this once in a lifetime moment in
a series of eight shots. The images can be found at
This particular shot, along with another (link given) got selected by the editorial board of STRIPES, a bi
monthly outreach Journal published by the National Tiger Conservation Authority, a Statutory Body under
the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt of India.
Rupa Mukherjee
Faculty, English Dept., Techno India

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