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Department of Physical Education


AY 2020-2021
Instruction: Read carefully each item to be able to choose the correct answer. Use the
answer sheet provided for you at the end of this document.
1. It is the study of food and the way the body uses it to produce energy and build
and repair itself.
a. Nutrition b. Diet c. Stress management d.
Behavior modification
2. It means a diet that supplies all of the essential nutrients required to maintain a
healthy body.
a. Good nutrition b. Good diet c. Good modification d. Good
3. It can lead to a form of anemia.
a. Insufficient intake of vitamin C c. Insufficient intake of vitamin D
b. Insufficient intake of iron d. Insufficient intake of calcium
4. These are basic substances in foods that your body uses to maintain health.
a. Calories b. Fiber c. Nutrients d.
5. They primarily build and maintain body tissues and provide energy for daily
a. Macronutrients b. Fiber c. Micronutrients d.
6. They are especially important during many types of physical activities because
they are a key energy source for muscular contraction.
a. Glucose b. Glycogen c. Starches d.
7. They consist of chain of one or two simple sugars.
a. Single carbohydrates c. Complex carbohydrates
b. Double carbohydrates d. Simple carbohydrates
8. They come in the forms of starch and fiber.
a. Single carbohydrates c. Complex carbohydrates
b. Double carbohydrates d. Simple carbohydrates
9. It is essential to building muscle mass.
a. Iron b. Protein c. Vitamin d.
10.They are an essential part of our diet and are important for good health.
a. Fats b. Vitamins c. Minerals d. Nutrients
11.Eating greater amounts of this fat is linked with an increased risk of heart
disease and high blood cholesterol levels.
a. Trans fat b. Saturated fat c. Unsaturated fat d. Simple fat
12.These fats help reduce the risk of heart disease and lower cholesterol levels.
a. Trans fat b. Saturated fat c. Unsaturated fat d. Simple fat
13.These are found in olive and canola oil, avocados and some nuts, such as
cashews and almonds.
a. Saturated fats b. Unsaturated fats c. Monounsaturated fats d.
Polyunsaturated fats

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14.These are in much smaller amounts by your body, but they are essential for
numerous processes, including regulating cell function.
a. Vitamins b. Minerals c. Protein d. Micronutrients
15.It is the final class of nutrient, which is important for the body function that you
can’t survive more than a few days without it.
a. Minerals c. Protein c. Micronutrients d. Water
16.They play a key role in many body functions, including the regulation of growth
and metabolism.
a. Minerals b. Vitamins c. Calcium d. Sodium
17.They are chemical elements such as sodium and calcium that are required by
the body for normal functions.
a. Minerals b. Vitamins c. Nutrients d. Protein

18.It is important in the bone formation.

a. Calcium b. Iron c. Sodium d. Magnesium
19.It is provided by the carbohydrate, protein, and fat in the food and drinks we
a. Metabolism b. Energy c. Power d. Force
20.It is a popular eating pattern in which people cycle between periods of fasting
and eating.
a. Intermittent cycle c. Intermittent fasting
b. Intermittent pattern d. Intermittent diet
21.It is a fiber that has been linked to weight loss in several studies.
a. Glaucomab. Glucomannan c. Carb d. Sugar
22.They can spike blood sugar rapidly, leading to hunger, cravings and increased
food intake a few hours later.
a. Refined carbs b. Refined sugar c. Refined fiber d. Refined salt
23.It can help you lose 2–3 times as much weight as a standard low-fat diet while
also improving your health.
a. Low-carb diet b. High-carb diet c. Low-sugar diet d. High-sugar diet
24.It is an excellent way to burn calories and improve your physical and mental
a. Weight lifting b. Aerobic exercise c. Static stretching d. Dynamic warm-up
25.It can help keep your metabolism high and prevent you from losing precious
muscle mass.
a. Weight lifting b. Aerobic exercise c. Static stretching d. Dynamic warm-up
26.It is a physiological and mental response to things in our environment that we
perceive as threatening.
a. Meditation b. Stress c. Visualization d. Depress
27.It is a stress that is positive and that is associated with improved performance.
a. Estress b. Prestress c. Eustress d. Distress
28.It is a negative stress.
a. Estress b. Prestress c. Eustress d. Distress
29.It is the main stress hormone produced by the endocrine system.
a. Mortisol b. Cotisol c. Cosirol d. Cortisol
30.It is one of the most effective means of reducing stress and tension.
a. Exercise b. Meditation c. Rest and Sleep d. Progressive
31.It is a stress reduction technique that uses exercises to reduce muscle tension
which is the common symptom of stress.

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a. Exercise b. Meditation c. Rest and Sleep d. Progressive
32.It can also help you relax by inhalation and exhalation that maintain a slow and
regular breathing pattern.
a. Meditation b. Visualization c. Exercise d. Breathing Exercises
33.It has been practiced for ages to help people relax and achieve inner peace.
a. Meditation b. Visualization c. Exercise d. Breathing Exercises
34.It is sometimes called imagery that uses mental pictures to reduce stress.
a. Meditation b. Visualization c. Exercise d. Breathing Exercises
35.It is a technique used to try and decrease or increase a particular type of
behavior or reaction.
a. Behavior modification c. Behavior reaction
b. Behavior technique d. Behavior visualization
36.It involves analyzing your behavior to determine what influences your unhealthy
behaviors and patterns.
a. Self-monitoring c. Relapse prevention
b. Self-reinforcement d. Decisional balance
37.It is developing a system to reward yourself when you meet your goals.
a. Self-monitoring c. Relapse prevention
b. Self-reinforcement d. Decisional balance
38.It involves weighing the positives and negatives of the behavior you want to
a. Self-monitoring c. Relapse prevention
b. Self-reinforcement d. Decisional balance
39.It is used to keep you lapsing back to your unhealthy behavior.
a. Self-monitoring c. Relapse prevention
b. Self-reinforcement d. Decisional balance
40.It needs you to identify alternative behaviors for your unhealthy behavior.
a. Assessing your habits c. Changing unhealthy behaviors
b. Identifying behavior change d. Relapse prevention
41.It focuses on the barriers that may prevent you from changing your behavior
such as lack of time, social and environmental influences, inadequate resources,
and lack of motivation and commitment.
a. Assessing your habits c. Changing unhealthy behaviors
b. Identifying behavior change d. Relapse prevention
42.It might lead you to become overwhelm due to such result.
a. Assessing your habits c. Changing unhealthy behaviors
b. Identifying behavior change d. Relapse prevention
43.Which of the following is NOT included in the key principles that can be applied
to help you set your wellness goal?
a. Pinpoint your ultimate goal.
b. Find out how to achieve your ultimate goal.
c. Set small, specific mini-goals.
d. Monitor your progress irregularly.

44.Which of the following is NOT included in the goals into your diet?
a. Make half your plate fruits and vegetables
b. Make half the grains you eat half grains

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c. Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk
d. Choose a variety of lean protein foods
45.Which of the following is NOT a stress management plan?
a. Address the problem
b. Avoid stress when possible
c. Let some things go, so I can focus on others
d. Release emotional tension
46.Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the Power of Exercise?
a. Exercise is the most important part of a plan to manage stress.
b. Exercise every day to control stress and build a strong, healthy body.
c. Some people exercise before school because they can focus and learn better.
d. You may think you don’t have time to exercise when you are most stressed,
but that is not exactly when you need it the most.
47.Which of the following is NOT part of releasing emotional tension?
a. I will try to let my worries go, rather than letting them build up inside by
talking to a friend I have chosen wisely because I know he or she will give good
b. I will talk to my mother and father only.
c. I will pray to gain strength.
d. I will meditate.
48.It is the most modifiable factor that influences our health.
a. Lifestyle b. Wellness c. Wealth d. Habit
49.It is described as a recurring pattern of health-promoting and disease-preventing
behaviours undertaken to achieve wellness.
a. Healthy lifestyle b. Health habit c. Wealthy style d. Wellness
50.It is a health-related behaviour that is firmly established and often performed
automatically, with thought.
a. Healthy lifestyle b. Health habit c. Wealthy style d. Wellness
51.It means that we can control our behavior that when it is necessary to change,
we can do it.
a. Self-change b. Self-behavior c. Self-awareness d. Self-control
52.Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Self-change?
a. Increasing physical activity if we are sedentary
b. Managing stress more effectively if we are feeling overwhelmed
c. Becoming physically active only
d. Shifting to a healthy diet if we don’t have one
53.Which of the following is NOT an important lifestyle change?
a. Quitting smoking
b. Switching from junk food to nutritious food
c. Managing stress
d. Having a sleep of 2 – 3 hours
54.It describes change as progressing through six stages.
a. Post-theoretical model c. Trans-theoretical model
b. Pre-contemplation d. Theoretical model

55.It is the stage during which individuals are not intending to make a long-term
lifestyle change in the foreseeable future.
a. Pre-contemplation c. Preparation
b. Contemplation d. Action

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56.It is the stage when the individual starts to think seriously about intending to
make a long-term change in the near future.
a. Pre-contemplation c. Preparation
b. Contemplation d. Action
57.It is the stage when the individual intends to take action in the immediate
a. Pre-contemplation c. Preparation
b. Contemplation d. Action
58.It is the stage when the desired level of the new behaviour has been reached.
a. Preparation c. Maintenance
b. Action d. Termination
59.This is the stage when the behavioural practice is becoming habit.
a. Preparation c. Maintenance
b. Action d. Termination
60.This is the stage when the individual does not need to make effort of
maintaining the change because the behaviour change is completely integrated
into his lifestyle.
a. Preparation c. Maintenance
b. Action d. Termination
61.This is a process that requires assimilating accurate and detailed information so
that you can have an advanced understanding of the behavior.
a. experiencing negative emotions c. increasing knowledge
b. comprehending personal benefits d. committing yourself
62.This process requires a thoughtful appraisal of what your self-concept or self-
identity is like while continuing a problem behavior and what it would be after
changing it.
a. experiencing negative emotions c. increasing knowledge
b. comprehending personal benefits d. committing yourself
63.This process is related to the belief that you can change and the dedication to
act on that belief.
a. experiencing negative emotions c. increasing knowledge
b. b. comprehending personal benefits d. committing yourself
64.This process is based on the fact that a response followed promptly by an
effective reinforcement is more likely to occur again. This also involved the so-
called law of effect.
a. eliciting support c. reminding yourself
b. substituting alternatives d. caring for others
65.This reflects an individual’s relative weighing of the pros and cons of changing.
a. Self-efficacy c. self-confidence
b. Decisional balance d. process of change

Name: _________________________ Class Code_____________

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AY 2020-2021



1. 11 2 31 41 51 61
2. 12 2 32 42 52 62
3. 13 2 33 43 53 63
4. 14 2 34 44 54 64
5. 15 2 35 45 55 65
6. 16 2 36 46 56
7. 17 2 37 47 57
8. 18 2 38 48 58
9. 19 2 39 49 59
10 20 3 40 50 60
. 0

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