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Std-10th l.no10 S.

Main points of the chapter
●60% of the labour power is engaged
in agriculture.
●Agriculture occupies 22% of the national product.
■Farm products hold 18% contribution in export.
Six types of farming methods are:
Subsistence Farming
Dry Farming
Wet Farming
Shifting (jhoom) farming.
Plantation Agriculture
Intensive Farming.
●Indian farmer practices organic farming. sustainable farming and mixed farming ■Kharif
crop is taken during monsoon, e.g.paddy, jowar, cotton.
■Rabi crop is taken during winter, eg. wheat,grams, mustard.
■Zaid crop is taken during summer, e.g.
vegetables, Cucumber, watermelon.
*Cereal crops occupy about 75% of the
area sown in India and gives 50% of total
agriculture production.
●Majority of the world population and about half of India's population use rice.
●India ranks second after China in
paddy production.
*Wheat, the king of grains, is the staple diet of north and west India.
●Punjab is called the wheat bowl of India.
●Pulses like grams, mung, math, udad, tuver,lentil, beans, peas are grown in India.
●Oil seeds like groundnut, mustard, castor, soya bean are grown in India.
*Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andama Nicobar produce coconut in large quantity ●Tea
grows in Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu India is a maximum tea exporting country.
*Coorg area of Karnataka is famous coffee plantation.
●India ranks second in the production, use and export of cotton.
*Maximum sugarcane is sown in India in the world.
●India ranks second after Brazil.
●India produces maximum of jute in the world
●Tobacco is a Kharif crop. Charotar area of Kheda is known as Land of Golden Leaves.
*Rubber producing states are Kerala, Tamil Nadu,Karnataka, Assam, Tripura. ●Modern
farm implements are submersible or mono block pumps, tractor, trailer, rotavators
thrashers, harvesters etc.
*Chemical fertilizers used in India are NPK
(Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potash), DAP (dl-
ammonium phosphate), urea and bio-fertilizers,liquid bio-fertilizers.
●Agricultural universities in Gujarat are at Dantiwada, Junagadh, Anand and Navsari.
●ICAR (Indian Council for Agricultural Research) and DARE (Department of Agricultural
Research and Education) work on agricultural research at national level.
Types of Farming
Subsistence Farming:
●This farming is done on small farms using simple and basic tools.
●Indian farmer is weak and poor. They can not afford costly seeds, fertilizers and
●The farm production is so low that it is consumed by farmer and his family.
Wet Farming:
●Wet farming is carried out in the area of heavy rain and adequate irrigation facility.
●More than one crop is taken with the help of irrigation.
*Crops Paddy, Sugarcane, Cotton, Wheat,
Shifting (Jhoom) Farming:
●Forests are burnt and cleared and farming is carried out.
●When soil fertility is reduced, that area is abandoned and same method is applied to
start farming at other place. This is Jhoom Cultivation.
●Cereals and vegetables.
Dry Farming:
●Dry farming is done where there is less rainfall and inadequate irrigation facility. ●Only
one crop is taken through the humidity accumulated within the land. ●Crops Jowar,
millet, pulses.
Plantation Agriculture:
●Plantation agriculture means farming of
trees or bush.
●A lot of capital, knowledge, fertilizer,
irrigation facility, transport, managerial skills are needed.
●Takes long time to grow and lot of care. ●Crop Rubber, tea, coffee, cocoa, spices,
coconut, apple, mango, oranges, amla, kharek etc.
Intensive Farming:
●Farming done using mechanised tools, proper irrigation, chemical fertilizers, pesticides
is known as intensive farming. ●Crops Cotton, tobacco, rubber.
●Due to this farming per-hectare production and net sown-area has increased very much.

Farming methods
Organic Farming:
The method of farming done without using any type of chemical fertilizers, urea, insecticides is
known as organic farming.
Sustainable Farming:
In order to see that the soil fertility is retained for a long time, care is taken for crop rotation, use
of chemical fertilizers only when necessary, use of biotic controls for insects and harvests,water
conservation etc
Mixed Farming
The cattle rearing, poultry, sericulture and fishery etc are carried out simultaneously
along with farming.
Agriculture Product of India
Rabi Crop:
●Crops grown during winter.
●Crops grown from October- November to March-April.
●gram, Wheat, mustard, barley, linseed.
Kharif Crop:
●Crops during rainy season
●Crops grown from June-July to October-November.
●math, groundnut. Paddy, maize,
jowar, millet, til, mung,
Zaid Crop
●Crops grown during summer.
●Crops grown from March to June.
●Crops :Paddy,groundnut,watermelon, muskmelon.cucumber
Food Grains
●Most important crop of Torrid zone.
●Majority of the world population and half of India's population use rice.
●sown over 1/4th of our total sown area.
Favourable condition :
●Hot and humid climate, minimum 20 C temperature, fertile alluvial soil, more than
100 cm rainfall
Producing states :
●In Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh this crop
is taken through irrigation.
●West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh,
Telangana, Bihar, Odisha major paddy producing states.
●Second important Crop grown over 1/3rd area of arable land.
●Produces 2/3rd of total national income. ●Rabi crop of temperate zone.
Favourable condition :
●Black, Fertile loamy soil, more than 75 cm of annual rainfall.
●Can be grown in the regions of lesser rainfall.
Producing states :
Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh. Wheat is also produced in Madhya Pradesh,
Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, West Bengal
● it is produced in Mehsana, Rajkot, Junagadh, Kheda etc.
●Punjab is known as Wheat bowl of India Because of strong canal network, wheat produced in
●Most nutritious of all grains.
●Rotli, bhakhri, sev, shiro, lapsi, ladu, sukha bread, puri, cake, biscuits are made from wheat.
So, it is known as king of fruits
●Kharif and rabi crop
●Temperature between 25°C to 30°C, 125 cm rainfall, black-loamy soil.
●Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, TamiNadu, Gujarat.

Oil Seeds
Groundnut :
●Kharif crop. If proper irrigation is available,
it can be a Zaid crop.
●Black, vital, mixture of loamy and sandy soil, 20° to 25°C temperature, 50 to 70 cm rainfall.
●Gujarat,Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu,
●India ranks second after China.
●Junagadh, Gir, Somnath are major districts
of Gujarat.
●Rabi Crop
●States: Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, West Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,west Bengal,
●Important crop of North India used for edible and medicinal purpose.
Til (Sesame)
●Kharif crop in North India and Rabi crop
and occasionally as Zaid crop in South India. ●Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Karnataka,
Madhya Pradesh,
●Gujarat ranks first in India.
●Hot and humid coastal climate, saline land.
●State : Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu,
●Used as edible oil and health drink.
Castor oil
●Kharif as well as rabi crop
●State: Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat.
India with 64% is the largest producer
in the world and out of India's total
production 80% is produced by Gujarat.
●In Gujarat:Banaskantha, Patan,
Sabarkantha, Rajkot, Junagadh, Amreli,
●Tropical as well as temperate zone crop 20° C to 30 C temperature, 200 cm rainfall in the form
of shower, slopy land where water does not get stagnant soil with good iron content.
●Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu. ●India 2nd largest producer after China.
●State: Assam, West Bengal, Karnataka,
Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu
●Mountain slopes, in the shades of larger sun rays must not fall on the Trees, direct coffee
●150-200 cm rainfall, 15°C to 28°C temperature.
●States: Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Coorg of Karnataka.
●Kharif crop, Black lava soil which can contain humidity for a longer time, hot and humid
climate, soil with plenty of minerals,
●20° C to 35°C temperature, 40 to 70 cm rainfall.
●States : Gujarat, Maharashtra, Telangana, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan,
Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Odisha. ●Gujarat: Surendranagar, Vadodara, Rajkot,
Ahmedabad,Sabarkantha, Mehsana, Botad,
Bharuch, Kheda, Surat, Amreli, Bhavnagar, Patan,
●India stands second in production usage
and export.
●Cotton is called white gold. Gujarat uses BT-seeds and it is first in India in sown area,
productivity, total, Production and quality.
●Black, fertile, alluvial, lava soil, hot and humid climate, 21°C to 27°C temperature, 75 to 100
cm rainfall.
●States : Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, South Gujarat.
●In terms of sowing India stands first, in terms of production India stands second.
●Hot and humid climate, fertile soil of delta region where new sediments get deposited
every year.
●30° to 40° C temperature, more than
100 cm rainfall.
States: West Bengal, Assam, Bihar, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh. India is the largest producer in the
●Jute Fiber is called Golden Fiber.
●Kharif crop, sandy loamy soil. Soil is more
important factor than climate.
●20° C temperature, 100 cm rainfall
●States: Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka.
●In Gujarat Charotar region of kheda district,
Anand, Mehsana, Vadodara, Panchmahal. ●China, Brazil, India, U.S.A. are four major
producers. 80% tobacco of India is used for making Bidis.
●Its consumption is harmful to health.
Technical Reforms in Agriculture:
■Farmers now use submersible pumps or mono block pump, solar pump, drip irrigation,
■Chemical fertilizers like di-ammonia phosphate (D.A.P.), Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash-N.P.K.
urea, bio fertilizers, liquid bio fertilizers are used.
■Farmers are guided by radio, TV, newspapers, DD Kisan Channel, SMS on mobile, toll
free number 1800 180 1551, i-khedut, agri- market etc.
■Gram sevak conveys new agricultural
researches and techniques.
■In every district, a farmer training centre
is established.
■Farmers are provided with recent information and guidance through agricultural fair.
■Agricultural Universities and colleges are established in every state. Agricultural
universities are established at Dantiwada, Junagadh, Anand, Navsari.
■Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) and Department of Agricultural Research and
Education (DARE) are active at national level.
Institutional Reforms in Agriculture
●Government has discarded landlordism stopped exploitation of farmers. The la ulers have
been given right to become owner of the land under Land Tenancy Act.
●The disparity among the land owners h been removed by Land Ceiling Act.
●Farmers are given full financial protection for their crops
●Farmers are given financial government when crop fails due to drought or excessive rain.
●Farmers are given financial help for subsidy by kisan credit card by the banks
●Government conducts open auction for the sale of farm products in the marketing yards
●Co-operative societies, market associations co-operative warehouses, cold storages
transportation, communication are provided to the farmers so that they could get minimums
Agricultu support price.
(1) National Agricultural Co-operative Marketing Federation of India (NAFED)
(2) Gujarat Co-operative Oil Seeds Growers
Federation (GROFED)
(3) National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) etc. organizations purchase the farm products of
farmers at support prices.
Green Revolution:
The extraordinary increase in the agricultural production because of improved seeds,
increased use of chemical fertilizers, intense efforts of the farmers, wide spread
arrangement for electricity distribution, improved facilite in irrigation is known as Green
Revolution. Took place in our country in the early decade of 1960
Textual solution
Subsistence farming
●Farming done on small farms using simple and basic tools is called subsistence
●The farmers are very poor. So, they cannot afford good fertilizers, quality seeds and
●The production out of this farming is so low that it is consumed by the farmer and his
Dry farming
■Framing done by using the moisture accumulated within the land is known as
dry farming.
■Only one crop can be taken through
dry farming.
Social Science
Dry farming is done where rainfall is less Irrigation facilities are inadequate.
■Crops like jower, millet and pulses which
grow with less water are grown here.
Wet farming
■The farming practiced in areas of heavy
rain or having adequate irrigational facilities called wet farming.
■At least two crops are taken under using
irrigated water.
■Crops such as paddy, sugarcane, cotton
wheat and vegetables.
Shifting (Jhoom) farming
■This types of farming is called Jhoom farming
■In this type of farming, forest land is cleared by cutting trees and burning trunks.
■The crops are grown for two or three years.
■The per-hectare production is low.
Plantation agriculture
■It takes long time to grow plantation crop and needs lot of care.
■A lot of capital, technological knowledge, good fertilizer, irrigation facility, transport
facility, managerial skills, etc. are needed for plantation.
■Rubber, tea, coffee, cocoa, spices, coconut and different fruits apple, mango, orange,
amla (myrobalan), kharek (khalela, dried date), etc. are grown through plantation
agriculture. 6. Intensive farming
■This farming is done using mechanized tools, proper irrigation, chemical fertilizer,
pesticides etc. very much.
■Due to intensive farming, our per-hectare production and net-sown area has increased
■Cash crop such as cotton, tobacco, rubber.etc. are grown more in this type of farming.
The reforms connected with land ownership, crop subsidy and sale of farm produce are
considered to be the institutional reforms in India.
■Government has discarded landlordism and stopped the exploitation of farmers. Under the law
'land to the tiller' (Land Tenancy Act), the land tillers have been given their right to become the
owner of the land.
■The disparity among the land owners has
been removed by Land Ceiling Act.
■Farmers are given financial help for crop subsidy by Kisan Credit Card and by nationalised and
co-operative banks.
■Farmers are given full insurance protection
of their crops through Prime Minister Crop
Insurance Scheme.
■When the crops fail due to drought or through excessive rain, farmers are given financial help
by government.
■By providing legal support, an open auction process is made widespread for the sale of farm
products in the marketing yards.
■Facilities like co-operative societies, market associations, co-operative warehouses, cold
storages, transportation and communication etc. have been provided so that the farme would
get the minimum support price of the farm products.
India has adopted the policy of globalization under the economic reforms of 1991, With
the purpose that the Indian farmer can sell his farm products in world markets and earn
good profit.
Positive impact of globalization Indian on agriculture:
●Many changes took place in the agricultural field due to globalization.
●The process to import and export crop
production is made very simple.
●Cotton, chillies, til are now available in Chinese market and various fruits from world
market are now available in India.
●The costly "genetically modified" BT seeds sold by the multi-national companies are
now available in India. The use of these seeds is costly but the production of cotton and
maize has increased.
Negative impacts:
●Indian agricultural products have to face competition in global markets.
●India will have to adopt new technology and concentrate on quality.
●Some products (such as turmeric) have gained global markets so it is necessary to
register qualitative farm productions as National Patent in the world market.
■Wheat is the second important crop of India after paddy.
■It is grown over 1/3 area of arable land of India.
■It is the substantial diet of North and West India.Now, it is cultivated with mechanized
methods.So, it can be produced with less labour.
■After the green revolution, the wheat production has almost doubled. Wheat is a rabi crop of
temperate zones.
■It requires black or fertile loamy soil and more than 75 cm of annual rainfall.
■It can be grown in regions of less rainfall with irrigation.
■It can not be grown in area having more than 100 cm rainfall.
■Wheat is the most nutritious cereal. It is the best foodgrains.
■Rotli, bhakhri, sev, shiro, lapsi, ladu, sukhadi,bread, puri, cake, biscuits are prepared from
wheat, so it is called the king of grains.
■Wheat cultivation is carried out in Punjab,
Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh. These states produce 2/3rd of the total national
■wheat is produced in abudance. Punjab is known as the 'Wheat Bowl' of India.
●India ranks 2nd after China in the world in groundnut production.
●Groundnut grows well on black, vital and a mixture of loamy and sandy soil, 20° to 25"
temperature and 50-70 cm rainfall.
●It is a kharif crop and whereever there is irrigation facility, then it can grow in summer.
●Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh,
Maharashtra are major producers of groundnut.
Sesame seeds / Til:
■Til is used as edible oil in entire world since ages.
■India is the largest exporter of til.
■North India grows til as kharif crop and South India as a rabi crop and ocassionally as
zaid crop also.
■Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Karnataka are major producers of
■Gujarat ranks first in India in terms of til
production and the area sown.
Mustard :
●Mustard is a rabi crop and is important crop of north India.
●Mustard seeds and its oil are used for edible and medicinal purposes.
●Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal are major
producers of mustard.
■It grows in hot and humid coastal climate and saline land.
■In India, the coconut plantations are found in Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andaman-
Nicobar, etc.
■In South India, coconut oil extracted from the coconut kernel is used as edible oil.
■Besides, Water of coconut is used as a healthy drink.
●Chemical fertilizer and isecticides are not used in organic farming.
●Dung, earthworm fertilizer, composite fertilizer are used for nutrition and cow urine, neem
solvents, buttermilk are used for the protection of crops.
●The organic products are full of nutrition.
●They contain natural taste, sweetness and fragrance.
●There are minerals, vitamins and life energising elements in these crops, so organic farm
products are more in demand.
Kharif Crop
■Crops which during rainy are season called Kharif crops.
■Time for these crops is from June-July to October- November
■Paddy, maize, jowar, millet, cotton, til, groundnut and mung, math are Kharif crops.
Rabi crops
●Crops which are taken are during winter are called Rabi crops.
●Time for these crop is from October-November to March-April.
●Wheat, gram, barley, mustard, linseed etc.
■Agriculture is the main occupation in India.
■Agriculture has a very high contribution in the Indian economy.
■Agriculture provides employment to about 50% of Indian population.
■Agriculture contributes about 17% to our total Gross Domestic Production (GDP).
■India ranks second in the world in agrarian production.
■Paddy, Wheat, Oil seeds, Cotton, Jute, Sugarcane, Tobacco, Potatoes etc. are major
agricultural products of India and they help India to earn foreign exchange.
■Agriculture provides raw materials to industries like Cotton textile, Sugar, Paper, Oil,
Food,Processing industries, etc.
■We are not able to contribute consistent in the world agricultural market because of irregular
and uncertain rain and inadequate irrigation facilities.
■Agriculture has brought food security to India. Before we used to import foodgrains but after
green revolution, we have become self-reliant in agriculture. the
●Majority of the world population and about half of India's population use rice. ●In terms
of peddy production, India stands 2nd in the world after China.
●Paddy is sown over 1/4th of our total sown area.
●Paddy is a crop of Torrid Zone.
Favourable Conditions:
●Hot and humid climate, minimum temperature of 20°C, fertile alluvial soil and more then
100 cm of rainfall are necessary for good production of paddy.
●Large amount of water is needed to grow paddy and it needs to be grown in water.
However, instead of keeping the paddy fields fully under water, paddy is grown by
irrigating through sprinklers to save water.
Producing States :
●In the regions of rainfall in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, this crop is taken
through irrigation.
●Paddy cultivation requires more man power.
●West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Telangana, Odisha are major paddy
producing states.
●West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha and Tamil Nadu take two to three crops of
paddy every year.
●In Gujarat, it is grown in Surat, Tapi, Panchmahal, Ahmedabad, Kheda, Anand and
Valsad districts.
■Maize contains starch, oil, protein, bio-fuel etc, so it is used more in industrial productions.
■It is used as animal fodder, ghani and the oil.
●Coffee is grown over the mountain slopes in the shade of large trees, in such a way that
direct sun rays must not on the coffee leaves.
Land: Sloppy mountain land is favourable.
Temperature: 15° to 28°C temperature is favourable.
Rainfall: The Coffee crop needs 150-200 cm rainfall.
Plantation farming is carried out in Bhal region and wheat is cultivated.
The extraordinary increase in the agricultural production because of improved seeds,
increased use of chemical fertilizers, intense efforts of the farmers, widespread
arrangements for electrical distribution improved facilities in irrigation etc. is known as
'Green Revolution'.
The institutions working on agricultural research at national level are Indian Council for
Agricultural Research (ICAR) and Department of Agricultural Research and Education [DARE].

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