Chapter III-Jeffrey

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Chapter I


Background of the Study


Objectives of the Study

This study aims to determine the personal financial

debt and performance of junior high school teachers in the

public secondary schools of the central area of Northern


Specifically, it seeks to:

1. determine the personal profile in terms of:

1.1 civil status

1.2 number of dependents

1.3 monthly income

1.4 monthly expenses

2. determine the financial aspect in terms of:

2.1 financial management

2.2 financial stress

3. determine the issues related to personal financial


4. determine the performance of the junior high school

teacher respondents;
5. find out how personal profile affects the

performance of junior high school teachers;

6. find out if personal profile determines the

financial aspect;

7. find out how financial aspect predicts the

performance of junior high school teachers.

Significance of the Study


Scope and Limitation of the Study


Theoretical framework


Conceptual Framework


Personal Profile
Civil Status
Number of dependents
Monthly income
Monthly expenses

Financial Aspect
Financial Management
Financial Stress

3. Issues related to personal

financial debt

Figure 1. The schematic diagram showing the relationship of

the variables


Definition of Terms

Chapter II

Chapter III


Locale of the Study

The Division of Northern Samar is divided into three

(3) geographical areas, namely: Central Area, Balicuatro

Area and Pacific-Catubig Valley Area. This study will be

conducted in the central area of division of Northern Samar.

The central comprises the municipalities of Catarman

with six (6) public junior high school, Bobon with two (2)

public junior high school, San Jose, Lope de Vega and

Silvino Lubos have one public junior high school each,

Mondragon and San Roque have four (4) public junior high

school each, while Pambujan has three (3) public junior high


This study will cover seven (7) secondary schools,

namely: Cervantes National High School, Catarman National

High School, Don Juan F. Avalon National High School,

Leonardo M. Amigo National High School, Lope de Vega

National High School, Eladio T. Balite Memorial School of

Fisheries and Silvino Lubos Vocational High School.

Catarman National High School is located at Rizal

Street Extension, Barangay Dalakit in Catarman. It has 93

junior high school teachers. Cervantes National High School

is one of the barangay high schools of Catarman and is

located at Barangay Cervantes, and beside the National Road.

It has 14 junior teachers, wherein 4 of them handled


Eladio T. Balite Memorial School of Fisheries is

located at Sta. Clara, Bobon. There are 33 junior high

school teachers. This school is bigger than the Bobon School

of Philippines Craftsmen, which is also found in the said

municipality. Lope De Vega National High School has 23

junior high school teachers. This school is a lone secondary

school in Lope De Vega.

Leonardo M. Amigo National High School has 20 junior

school teachers. This school is one of the four public

secondary schools of Mondragon located at Barangay Alisyao,

Mondragon, Northern Samar. Don Juan F. Avalon National High

School has 46 junior high school teachers. This is the main

secondary school of San Roque.

Silvino Lubos Vocational High School has 18 junior high

school teachers and 2 volunteer teachers. This is a lone

public secondary school in Silvino Lubos.

Figure 2. Map of Northern Samar showing the location of its
central area (in the circle) covered in this study

The Research Design

The descriptive correlational research design will be

utilized in this study. This design is significantly

applicable in testing the relationship between and among the

different factors. These factors are personal profile and

financial aspect which determines or predicts the

performance of junior high school students.

The Variables

The variables of this study are the independent and

dependent variables. The independent variables are personal

profile and financial aspect, while dependent variable is

the performance of the junior high school teachers. This is

mid-year assessment rating in their individual performance

commitment and review form.

The personal profile contains the civil status, number

of dependents, monthly income and monthly expenses. While,

financial aspect composes financial management and financial

stress of the JHS teachers.

Population and Sampling

The population of this study is 840 junior high school

teachers in the central area of Northern Samar. The

researcher will use of the Slovin’s formula to get the

sample size from the total population of the student

respondents of this study. Since there are 22 public

secondary schools in the area, the researcher got the 30% of

the total number of schools, resulting to seven (7) target

schools. From the seven (7) schools, proportionate sampling

will be applied to each school. Simple random sampling will

be used for the JHS teachers to have equal chances to be

chosen as part of the research.

The Respondents of the Study

The junior high school teachers will serve as the

respondents of the study. They will be randomly selected

from the selected schools of the central area of Northern

Samar There will be 271 junior high school mathematics

teachers taken as respondents of this study.

The Research Instrument

The main research tool of this study is a survey


The first part consists questions which gather the

personal profile of the respondents in terms civil status,

monthly income, monthly expenses, and number of dependents.

JHS teachers’ performance will be taken from the mid-year

assessment rating on their individual performance commitment

review form.

The second part of the instrument comprises questions

or statements that gather data on the respondents’ financial

aspect in terms of financial management and financial

stress. This instrument is already utilized by _____, ___ 1

only little modification will be made to fit on the recent


The last part of the questionnaire includes open

questions on the issues related to personal financial debt.

Validation of Research Instrument

This study will use the questionnaire checklist. The

questionnaire that will be used in gathering personal

profile of the respondents will not undergo validation.

The survey questionnaire on personal financial aspect

of this study will be patterned from the study of

____________, ______. Therefore, to check the

appropriateness, correctness and validity of this particular

instrument, professor from the UEP will cross check the

validation process. Ideas of members of the panel of

examiners will also be sought to establish validity of the


Scoring and Interpretation

The data will be scored and interpreted as follows:

The civil status will be categorized and coded as


Single 1

Married 2

Widow/widower 3
Separated 4

The numbers of dependents according to the data given

by the respondents will be classified, grouped and

categorized as follows:

10 and above 4

7 - 9 3

4 - 6 2

1 - 3 1

For the monthly income of the respondents, the will be

added and categorized as follows:

Php 20 000 and above 5

Php 15 001 – 20000 4

Php 10 001 – 15000 3

Php 5 001 – 10000 2

Php 5 000 and below 1

For the monthly expenses of the respondents, the will

be added and categorized as follows:

Php 20 000 and above 5

Php 15 001 – 20000 4

Php 10 001 – 15000 3

Php 5 001 – 10000 2

Php 5 000 and below 1

The responses of the respondents to measure their

financial management and financial stress will be rated

using 5-point Likert scale and scored as follows:

Response Score

Strongly Agree (SA) 5

Agree (A) 4

Moderately Agree (MA) 3

Disagree (D) 2

Strongly Disagree (SD) 1

The mean for the scores of the teacher respondents to

measure financial management will be categorized and

interpreted as follows:

4.20 – 5.00 Very High (VH)

3.40 – 4.19 High (H)

2.60 - 3.39 Average (A)

1.80 – 2.59 Low (L)

1.00 – 1.79 Very Low (VL)

The mean for the scores of the teacher respondents to

measure financial stress will be interpreted as follows:

4.20 – 5.00 Very High (VH)

3.40 – 4.19 High (H)

2.60 - 3.39 Average (A)

1.80 – 2.59 Low (L)

1.00 – 1.79 Very Low (VL)

The mean for the scores/rating of the teacher

respondents will be taken. The conversion for the average

rating will be taken and categorized and interpreted as


Range Adjectival Rating

4.500-5.000 Outstanding

3.500-4.499 Very Satisfactory

2.500-3.499 Satisfactory

1.500-2.499 Unsatisfactory

below 1.499 Poor

Data Gathering Procedure

The mixed method of gathering data will be used in this

study. That is, the quantitative data on the personal

profile as well as on the financial aspect while the

qualitative data especially on the issues related to

personal financial debt through semi-structured interview

with the respondents.

Researcher will personally ask permission first from

the office of the Schools’ Division Superintendent up to the

school heads of the different public secondary schools of

the central area of Northern Samar before the questionnaire

will be distributed to the junior high school teachers as

the respondents of this study.

The data will be consolidated, tabulated, analyzed and

interpreted using the appropriate statistical tool. For the

semi-structured interview, thematic analysis will be


Statistical Treatment of Data

Descriptive statistics will be used to present the

nature of the variables involved. Arithmetic mean, frequency

counts, and percentages will be employed to the personal

profile, financial aspect as well as the performance of the

teacher respondents.

Multiple Regression analysis will be utilized to test

the effect of personal profile to financial aspect as well

as personal profile and financial aspect to the performance

of the teacher respondents.

All the involved formula will be embedded in the

Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0

of the computer software.

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