Ogl340 - Discussion Board 6

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Running head: Say Yes 1

Module 6

Arizona State University

OGL340: The Aikido Way

Cody Summers, BA

Discussion Board 6.1 - Say Yes

November 18, 2022

Say Yes 2

Step #1: Share the Problem

- Party #1 wants the other person to eat healthier. The food is negatively affecting their
heart, is costlier, and isn’t allowed in their diet. So, they would appreciate if they would
cut down in the future.
- Party #2 wants the other person to sleep with the TV off. They recognize how talking
helps them fall asleep, but the light and noise from it makes it difficult for them to do the
Step #2: Alternative Approach
- I suggested that party #1 might listen with headphones to that sound or try listening to a
podcast at a reduced volume. That would allow them to continue hearing those voices in
their sleep but with a lower annoyance to the other.
- I suggested that party #2 might continue eating but limit it to a few days and ensure that
the food is disposed of before the other returns home. That permits them to continue
eating their food, but in moderation and not to distract the other.
Step #3: Your Ground Rules
- I notified both parties that each would be allocated one minute to speak uninterrupted.
The other can yield more time if interested, but it ensures each person has the room to
speak without fear of criticism.
- I specified that they could disagree with the other, but only if they could provide a reason
why and a rebuttal. That helps the discussion flow instead of them acting retaliatory.
- I mandated that after a topic point was concluded, it would not be rehashed until this
mediation reached its end. That progresses the discussion to other points they might have
wanted to be amended.
Step #4: You Listen to their Wants
- Party #1 explained how they feared for their health (due to family history) and their
temptation toward that food. Party #2 expressed how that was their comfort food, but was
caught off-guard by that fear for their health. Recognizing that it could be limited to a
couple of times a week instead.
- Party #2 stated how much the tv being on impacted their sleeping patterns and inquired
about if they could sleep without the light and/or lighter sound. Party #1 stressed how
important it was to listen to something while acknowledging that it can be modified.
Step #5: Expected Results
- Party #1 was asked if the problem was more of a temptation for them, impacting the
other’s appearance, or genuine fear for their health. They stated that it was mainly about
- Party #2 was asked if they had issues with having a program on or what the program was.
They noted that although they didn’t like the program, it was mainly the light being
Say Yes 3

Step #6: Steps Forward

- Party #1 agreed to listen to audiobooks/podcasts when in bed and not critique the other’s
diet as much.
- Party #2 agreed to restrict their fast food intake to the outside of the house and to try
earplugs/blindfolds if they struggle to sleep again.

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