Abnormal White Matter Microstructure Among Early Adulthood Smokers: A Tract-Based Spatial Statistics Study

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Neurological Research

A Journal of Progress in Neurosurgery, Neurology and Neurosciences

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Abnormal white matter microstructure among

early adulthood smokers: a tract-based spatial
statistics study

Shuangkun Wang, Long Zuo, Tao Jiang, Peng Peng, Shuilian Chu & Dan Xiao

To cite this article: Shuangkun Wang, Long Zuo, Tao Jiang, Peng Peng, Shuilian Chu & Dan
Xiao (2017): Abnormal white matter microstructure among early adulthood smokers: a tract-based
spatial statistics study, Neurological Research, DOI: 10.1080/01616412.2017.1379277

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01616412.2017.1379277

Published online: 21 Sep 2017.

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Neurological Research, 2017

Abnormal white matter microstructure among early adulthood smokers: a

tract-based spatial statistics study
Shuangkun Wanga§, Long Zuoa§, Tao Jianga, Peng Penga, Shuilian Chub and Dan Xiaoc,d
Department of Radiology, Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China; bClinical Research Center, Beijing Chao-
Yang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China; cTobacco Medicine and Tobacco Cessation Center, China-Japan Friendship Hospital,
Beijing, China; dWHO Collaborating Center for Tobacco Cessation and Respiratory Diseases Prevention, China-Japan Friendship Hospital,
Beijing, China


Objectives: Cigarette smoking is an important risk factor of central nervous system diseases. Received 22 December 2016
However, the white matter (WM) integrity of early adulthood chronic smokers has not been Accepted 8 September 2017
attached enough importance to as it deserves, and the relationship between the chronic
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 03:22 22 September 2017

smoking effect and the WM is still unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate whole Diffusion tensor imaging;
– brain WM microstructure of early adulthood smokers and explore the structural correlates of cigarette smokers; tract-
behaviorally relevant features of the disorder. based spatial statistics; white
Methods:  We compared multiple DTI-derived indices, including fractional anisotropy (FA), matter
mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD) and radial diffusivity (RD), between early adulthood
smokers (n = 19) and age-, education- and gender-matched controls (n = 23) using a whole-
brain tract-based spatial statistics approach. We also explored the correlations of the mean DTI
index values with pack-years and Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence.
Results:  The smokers showed increased FA in left superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF), left
anterior corona radiate, left superior corona radiate, left posterior corona radiate, left external
capsule (EC), left inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus and sagittal stratum (SS), and decreased RD
in left SLF. There were significant negative correlations among the average FA in the left external
capsule and pack-years in smokers. In addition, significant positive correlation was found
between RD values in the left SLF and pack-years.
Discussion:  These findings indicate that smokers show microstructural changes in several
white-matter regions. The correlation between the cumulative effect and microstructural WM
alternations suggests that WM properties may become the new biomarkers in practice.

Introduction smokers has not been attached enough importance to

as it deserves, and the relationship between the chronic
Smoking refers to chronic smoking of tobacco in the
smoking effect and the WM is still unclear.
form of cigarettes [1]. Approximately 2 billion people
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a magnetic res-
worldwide use tobacco products, mostly in the form of
onance imaging (MRI) technique that can be used to
cigarettes, with tobacco smoking-related diseases result-
examine and quantify white matter microstructure.
ing in at least 6 million global deaths per year [2]. With a
Previous works have shown that DTI can be used to
population of 1.3 billion, China is now the world’s largest
detect in vivo alterations of WM in cigarette smokers
producer and consumer of tobacco and the annual num-
[7–12]. Several derived indices of DTI, including frac-
ber of deaths in China that are caused by tobacco will
tional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial dif-
rise from about 1 million in 2010 to 2 million in 2030
fusivity (AD) and radial diffusivity (RD), can be used to
and 3 million in 2050, unless there is widespread cessa-
quantitatively analyze white matter fiber integrity [13].
tion [3]. Published reports indicate that beside a wide
FA is a measure of the degree of anisotropy to reflect
disease spectrum, cigarette smoking is also an impor-
the Brownian motion of water molecules constrained
tant risk factor of central nervous system diseases, such
by brain tissue [14]. MD gives an overall measure of the
as stroke, vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
water diffusion in a voxel or region. In addition, AD and
[4–6]. Investigations in humans found various func-
RD are thought to be useful in the evaluation of poten-
tional cerebral effects of cigarette smoking. However, the
tial pathological changes in white matter [15]. Previous
white matter (WM) integrity of early adulthood chronic
DTI studies reported contradictory effects of smoking

CONTACT  Dan Xiao  danxiao@263.net

These authors contributed equally to this work.
© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
2   S. WANG ET AL.

on WM. A significant reason of the inconsistent findings The severity of nicotine addiction was assessed with
of the changes in WM properties may due to various data Fagerström Test of Nicotine Dependence (FTND) [21].
analysis methods (i.e. region of interest-based analysis None of the smokers were currently trying to quit or
(ROI), voxel-based analysis (VBA) and tract-based spa- seeking tobacco cessation treatment and were required
tial statistics analysis (TBSS)). The TBSS is a relatively to abstain from smoking for two hours before the MRI
new post-processing technique of DTI for mapping WM session. No participant had a history of dependence
changes. The VBA and TBSS are both hypothesis-free (current or past) on any drug other than nicotine. No
and observer-independent method with great sensitivity controls had smoked more than 25 cigarettes in their
to spatially locate group differences in the DTI data [16]. lifetime and none in the past ten years.
They overcome the bias of the ROI, such as region-place-
ment preference and the absence of meaningful voxels Image acquisition
outside of the selected regions. Because restricting anal-
ysis to the center of the major WM tracts, the TBSS is Experiments were performed on a Siemens 3.0-T scan-
more suitable to analyze diffusion data than the VBA ner (MAGNETOMV R Trio Tim System;Germany)
which analyzes all brain regions or WM regions [17–20]. by using a standard 8-channel head coil receiver at
Compared with VBA, TBSS improves the reliability of the Magnetic Resonance Center of Beijing Chao-Yang
the statistical results by generating voxel-wise statistics Hospital.
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 03:22 22 September 2017

without the need for perfect image alignment and spatial MR conventional and Diffusion tensor scan was
smoothing. To our knowledge, few TBSS studies focused acquired in all participants, first sagittal scanning, and
on multiple DTI-derived indices in early adulthood then scanned for axial plane, which parallel AC-PC
smokers and the influence of smoking on white matter line. MR scanning including sagittal T1WI Sagittal 3D
still remains unclear. T1WI Volume acquisition (TR = 1900 ms, TE = 2.52 ms,
This study first used TBSS to investigate whole – brain TI = 900 ms, flip angle = 97°, FOV = 250 mm × 250 mm,
WM microstructure, indexed by FA, MD, AD, and RD thickness = 5 mm, spacing = 1.5 mm) and T2WI (FSE
in early adulthood smokers compared with healthy sequence, TR = 4500 ms, TE = 93 ms, thickness = 5 mm,
controls. We also explored the relationship of WM spacing = 1.5 mm, FOV 220 mm × 220 mm) and axial
alterations with clinical variables in smokers in order FLAIR (TR = 8000 ms, TE = 86 ms, thickness = 5 mm,
to investigate the structural correlates of behaviorally spacing = 1.5 mm, FOV = 220 mm × 220 mm). Whole-
relevant features of the disorder. brain DTI was acquired using a single-shot, spin-
echo echo-planar imaging technique (TR  =  7700  ms,
TE = 104 ms, BW = 1396 Hz/Pixel, FOV = 220 × 220 mm,
Materials and methods
matrix size = 128 × 128, 40 slices, thickness = 3.5 mm,
Participants b value = 0 or 1000 s/mm2,directions = 20, NEX = 3).
Subjects were wearing anti-noise earplugs, and head
All participants provided their written consent to our
movement was minimized by soft foam padding.
protocol that was approved by the ethics committee
of the Beijing Chao-yang Hospital. Participants Data
were collected from 19 cigarette smokers (recruited Image preprocessing
from tobacco cessation clinic patients) and 23 healthy All the DTI image processing were implemented using
non-smoking controls (recruited from the commu- a pipeline tool for analyzing brain diffusion images
nity through advertisements). Age, gender, handed- (PANDA) [22], which incorporates FSL [23], Diffusion
ness, education level and the clinical characteristics of Toolkit [24], PSOM [25], and MRIcron [26]. The pre-
the two groups were matched (see details in Table 1). processing procedure included five steps: (1) converting
DICOM files into NIfTI images by using the dcm2nii
tool embedded in MRIcron, (2) estimating the brain
Table 1. Clinical characteristics of smokers and non-smokers in
this study.
mask by using the BET of FSL [27], (3) cropping the raw
images to remove the non-brain spaces by applying the
Smokers (n = 19) Non-smokers (n = 23) p value
Sex (male/female) 19/0 23/0 fslroi command of FSL, (4) correcting for the eddy-cur-
Age (years) 31.58 ± 9.63 32.81 ± 9.57 p = 0.379 rent distortion of diffusion weighted images by employ-
Handedness 19/0 23/0 ing the FLIRT command, (5) a voxel-based tensor matrix
Levels of educa- 14.84 ± 3.39 15.89 ± 3.26 p = 0.386 and the diffusion tensor metrics were estimated with
tion (years) dtifit command of FSL for each subject, including FA,
Cigarettes/day 22.51 ± 8.34 MD, AD, RD [28]. PANDA nonlinearly registered all of
Age at start of 17.05 ± 2.07
smoking (years) the individual images to a standardized template in the
Pack-years 18.82 ± 14.93 MNI space for across subjects’ comparison.
FTND 7.42 ± 1.39
Notes: Pack-years: Smoking years 3 daily consumption/20.
FTND = Fagerström Test of Nicotine Dependence.

TBSS statistical analysis labels atlas). Then, the significant clusters were overlaid
on the ICBM-DTI-81 white-matter labels atlas. A series
The standard TBSS framework is performed by PANDA.
of Pearson correlation analyses was performed to inves-
Firstly, the mean of all the aligned FA images was cre-
tigate relationships between the overlapped DTI index
ated and skeletonized, resulting in a mean FA skeleton.
values with pack-years as cumulative effect and FTND
Secondly, the diffusion metric data from individual sub-
as severity of smoking.
jects were projected onto the skeleton. Finally, individual
images with data on the skeleton were created.
The voxel-wise statistics in TBSS were carried out Results
using the ‘randomize’ tool for nonparametric test. In Smoking and DTI indices in white matter
this study, voxel-wise group comparisons were per-
formed using nonparametric, two-sample Student t-test The WM regions with significantly different DTI prop-
between smokers and healthy non-smoker controls. The erties were identified by the ICBM-DTI-81 white mat-
mean FA skeleton was used as a mask with the thresh- ter labels atlas. Compared with healthy non-smoking
old at 0.2, and the number of permutations was set to controls, the smokers showed increased FA in left supe-
5000. Threshold-free cluster enhancement was used to rior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF), left anterior corona
enhance cluster-like structures in the data. The signifi- radiate (ACR), left superior corona radiate (SCR), left
cance threshold for between group differences was set at posterior corona radiate (PCR), left external capsule
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 03:22 22 September 2017

p < 0.05 (family-wise error corrected for multiple com- (EC), left inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF)
parisons). Using the protocol of non-FA Images in TBSS, and sagittal stratum (SS) (p  <  0.05, FWE corrected)
the MD, AD, and RD images were aligned into MNI (Figure  1); and decreased RD in left SLF (p < 0.05, FWE
space and projected onto the mean FA skeleton. The sta- corrected) (Figure 2); while no difference in AD and MD
tistical analyses of these diffusion tensor metrics were was observed. As shown in Figure 3, the brain regions
performed similar to the FA analysis. Statistically signif- with increased FA and decreased RD in smoker group
icant regions identified were reported on the basis of the were overlapped and shown as a red color in the left
Johns Hopkins University International Consortium of SLF which may be more associated with radial changes
Brain Mapping DTI of 81 (ICBM-DTI-81 white-matter Figure 4.

Figure 1. TBSS analysis (t-test) demonstrated significantly increased FA in early adulthood smokers comparing heathy controls.
Notes: Clusters are shown as red in color (FWE corrected p < 0.05). Anatomical labels were derived from the JHU ICBM-DTI-81 White Matter Labels and results
are shown overlaid on the mean FA and the mean FA skeleton (yellow). Abbreviations: FA = Fractional anisotropy; FWE = Family-wise error; TBSS = Tract-based
spatial statistics; ACR = Anterior corona radiate; EC = External capsule; SS = Sagittal stratum; SCR = Superior corona radiate; PCR = Posterior corona radiate;
SLF = Superior longitudinal fasciculus; IFOR = Inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus.
4   S. WANG ET AL.
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Figure 2. TBSS analysis (t-test) demonstrated significantly decreased RD in early adulthood smokers comparing heathy controls.
Notes: Clusters are shown as red in color (FWE corrected p < 0.05). Anatomical labels were derived from the JHU ICBM-DTI-81 White Matter Labels and
results are shown overlaid on the mean FA mapping and the mean FA skeleton (yellow). Abbreviations: FA = Fractional anisotropy; RD = Radial diffusivity;
FWE = Family-wise error; TBSS = Tract-based spatial statistics; SLF = Superior longitudinal fasciculus.

Figure 3. WM with increased FA and decreased RD in early adulthood smokers were overlapped.
Notes: Anatomical labels were derived from the JHU ICBM-DTI-81 White Matter Labels and and results are shown overlaid on the mean FA mapping. The
clusters with increased FA were shown in red and decreased RD were shown in blue in the left SLF. Abbreviations: FA = Fractional anisotropy; RD = Radial
diffusivity; SLF = Superior longitudinal fasciculus.

To examine the reproducibility of our findings reported,
we performed leave-one-out validations. Notably, the
sample size was relatively small and the split-half anal-
ysis may significantly reduce the statistical power of
the group comparisons. To validate the reproducibil-
ity and robustness of the TBSS findings without losing
statistical power, we performed a leave-one-out valida-
tion. Specifically, we left one smoker out of the sample
and performed the two samples t-test (i.e. 18 subjects
in smoke group vs. 23 subjects in control group). This
analysis included total 19 two samples t-test of FA or RD
values, respectively, comparing the values of FA or RD
extracted from WM clusters with statistical difference
according to the above TBSS statistical analysis. Then we
calculated reproductivity rates across the total 19 tests as
the reproducibility of the FA or RD differences between
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 03:22 22 September 2017

the smoke group and control group. Table 2 listed repro-

ductivity rates of FA or RD across these tests.

In this study, we investigated global WM microstruc-
ture on multiple DTI-derived indices in early adulthood
smokers. Our study used TBSS to overcome the short-
comings of the ROI and the VBA in previous studies.
The weaknesses of ROI- and VBA-based methods are as
Figure 4.  (A) Correlation analysis results demonstrated that follows: First, the ROI boundaries are subjective in the
there were significant negative correlations among the average ROI method and the whole-brain white matter infor-
FA in the left EC and pack-year in smokers. (B) Significant mation may be neglected beyond the ROIs. Second, the
positive correlation was found between RD values in the left VBA method may encounter a number of smoothing
SLF and pack-years.
Abbreviations: SLF = Superior longitudinal fasciculus; pack-years = smoking and alignment problems. In order to alleviate the align-
years × daily consumption/20; EC = External capsule. ment problem, TBSS projects the individual FA values
onto a given FA skeleton without spatial smoothing [17].
Table 2. Leave-one-out sample validation.
Thus, our study improves objectivity and simplicity in
the interpretation of DTI results by using the TBSS
Left Left Left Left Left Left Left
It has been reported that populations of different
Fractional anisotropy
RR 100% 95.2% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% origin (e.g. age, gender, and race) exhibits morphology
Radial diffusivity differences of the brains [29]. More and more evidence
RR 100% from substance dependent studies shows that the risk
Abbreviations: RR: Reproductivity rates; ACR = Anterior corona radiate;
of developing abuse and substantial long-term health
EC = External capsule; SS = Sagittal stratum; SCR = Superior corona risks vary across lifespan, especially in adolescence and
radiate; PCR = Posterior corona radiate; SLF = superior longitudinal adulthood [30]. According to Newman’s ‘Development
fasciculus; IFOR = Inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus.
Through Life’, life stages/age groups can be classi-
fied as infancy (0–2  years old), toddlerhood (2 and
Associations of clinical features of smoking with FA 3), early school age (4–6), middle childhood (6–12),
and RD early adolescence (12–18), later adolescence (18–24),
Correlation analysis results demonstrated that there were early adulthood (24–34), middle adulthood (34–60),
significant negative correlations among the average FA later adulthood (60–75), very old age (75+). Because
in the left external capsule and pack-year (r = −0.4946, the adverse effects of cigarette smoking on the CNS is
p = 0.0313) in smokers. In addition, significant positive chronic, the life stages/age groups should be an impor-
correlation was found between RD values in the left SLF tant factor to consider when examining of cigarette
and pack-years (r = 0.4726, p = 0.0410). abuse. Moreover, the brains of different populations (e.g.
Asians and westerners) may have different responses to
6   S. WANG ET AL.

tobacco. We recruited smokers from Asian early adult- posterior CR. The anterior corona radiata has been rec-
hood males and our study is a pilot study to demonstrate ognized as a major WM tract connecting the prefrontal
the characterization of smokers’ brain WM in the Asian lobe to deep gray nuclei and constitutes the frontal-sub-
early adulthood males. cortical circuits [38]. The SCR connects frontal cortex
Our research yielded two major findings of FA char- and the brain stem and spinal cord bidirectionally [39].
acterizing white matter abnormality from chronic nic- The PCR plays a role in carrying fibers of the optic radi-
otine use. Firstly, increased FA was found in multiple ation [40]. In previous reports, FA values in the ACR,
white matter regions, including (left SLF, left ACR, left SCR, and PCR were significantly higher in the smoking
SCR, left EC, left PCR, and left IFOF) in early adult- group than in the control groups [34,35]. Our findings
hood smokers (age 32 ± 10) than in age-matched non- were also in line with previous studies.
smokers using TBSS. Secondly, FA in the left EC among These fibers mentioned earlier are the key nodes
smokers is correlated negatively with cumulative effect connecting the executive control network (ECN) [41].
(pack-years). A possible explanation of these two seem- Chronic nicotine exposure and resulting addiction affect
ingly inconsistent results would be if smoking led to brain networks associated with executive function – a
above-normal FA in adolescent years when most peo- cognitive construct strongly linked with addiction.
ple begin, FA declined with continued smoking in early White matter tracts are the structural highways of our
adulthood [10–12]. brain, enabling information to travel quickly from one
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 03:22 22 September 2017

In the present study, we identified five relatively larger brain region to another region [42]. Greater FA of WM
clusters of increased FA in left SLF, left ACR, left SCR, is preliminary evidence of variation in WM tracts con-
left PCR and left EC. The SLF is a large bundle of long necting ECN regions in smokers. The differences in tract
association fibers in the white matter of each cerebral integrity are corresponding to the altered ECN.
hemisphere connecting the parietal, occipital and tem- In our study, the IFOF and the SS have increased FA,
poral lobes with ipsilateral frontal cortices [31]. The SLF which have not been reported in adolescent/adult smok-
facilitates the formation of a bidirectional neural net- ers before. The IFOF connects the frontal and occipital
work that is necessary for core processes such as atten- lobes and is involved in insula connectivity, and both
tion, memory, emotions, and language [32]. We found were believed to play an important role in emotional
increased FA in the SLF as previous studies [9,33]. In regulation and cognition [43]. The SS is a vast and com-
fact, the increased FA in SLF is one most frequently plex bundle that connects the occipital lobe to the rest
reported among WM regions in adolescent/young adult of the brain [44].
smokers compared with healthy controls [9,33–35], sug- Simultaneous assessment of multiple DTI-derived
gesting that WM fibers increase consistently in young indices is regarded as a more comprehensive analysis
adult smokers. However in mature adults, decreased of white-matter tissues and assists in interpretation of
FA values are more commonly reported in the SLF FA values. As for RD, we found decreased RD in left
[11,12,36,37]. These differences appear to be related to SLF, in line with previous studies [7,9,45]. Although it
participant characteristics, where higher FA has been is still being debated, it is generally believed that RD
reported in young adulthood and low frequent smokers, mainly reflects the integrity and thickness of myelin
and lower FA is reported in chronic smokers and adults. sheets, while AD may index the integrity of axons and
The contrary findings of FA in SLF assume that the neg- the organization of the fiber structure [46]. Thus, a sig-
ative correlation between FA values and pack-year from nificant decrease in AD with an insignificant change in
adolescent to adulthood. RD was representative of axonal damage, and an increase
The EC contains projection fibers interconnecting pre- in RD with no change in AD was specifically suggestive
frontal and temporal areas with basal ganglia [31]. The of demyelination. But recent studies have demonstrated
increased FA of EC in smokers has also been found in pre- that because of a different orientation of the correspond-
vious studies [34,35]. A previous TBSS study found that ing principal eigenvector of DT, the eigenvalues do not
regular smoking compared to nonsmoking was associated necessarily reflect the same underlying structural char-
with higher FA in the external capsule [34]. Our corre- acteristics in different datasets [47]. Radial diffusivity is
lation analysis demonstrated that there were significant an inadequacy of scalar quantities to characterize myelin
negative correlations among the average FA in the left content, unless accompanied by a thorough investiga-
EC and pack-year (r = −0.4946, p = 0.0313) in smokers, tion of the principal direction of diffusion [48]. Cigarette
which supports the hypothesis that FA values might be smoke exposures broadly inhibit expression of genes
decreased from adolescence to young adulthood smokers. needed for myelin synthesis and maintenance [4,49].
The corona radiate is the most prominent projec- Our results support the opinion that smoking contrib-
tion fibers, which radiate out from the cortex and then utes to white matter degeneration, and therefore could
come together in the brain stem. In the ICBM-DTI-81 be a key risk factor for a number of neurodegenerative
white-matter labels atlas, the corona radiate is divided diseases [35]. More specifically, the overlapped region
into three components, i.e. anterior CR, superior CR and with decreased RD is included in the WM with increased

FA in left SLF. Correlation analysis showed significant Conclusion

correlations between the smoking property (i.e. pack-
Abnormal white matter microstructure of left hem-
years) and the average RD values in the left SLF, while no
isphere was revealed among cigarette smokers. Using
correlation between smoking properties (i.e. pack-years,
TBSS, We found increased FA within left SLF, ACR,
FTND) and average AD values in the region. The evi-
SCR, EC, PCR, and left IFOF, and decreased RD in left
dence shows that more exposure to nicotine in chronic
SLF. Our data also recapitulated correlations between
smokers may lead to multitude of accumulation effects
DTI indices (i.e. FA, RD) with years of nicotine expo-
on WM integrity as decreased RD.
sure. These findings indicate that smokers show micro-
The pathophysiological mechanisms of altered DTI
structural changes in several white-matter regions. The
parameters are still unclear. Some research reports that
correlation between the cumulative effect and micro-
increased FA indicates increased myelination, while
structural WM alternations suggests that WM properties
other research indicates that increased FA could be the
may become the new biomarkers in practice. Our results
result of vasogenic swelling within white-matter tracts
may contribute to the understanding of nicotine addic-
in response to chronic nicotine exposure [50]. The cur-
tion and the smoking-cessation research.
rent interpretation is lack of direct evidence [51,52]. It is
well known that low dose of nicotine activates nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), which are widely Author contributions
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 03:22 22 September 2017

distributed in the brain [53]. The stimulated nAChRs Dan Xiao was responsible for the study concept and
may disturb cholinergic neurotransmission and induce design. Shuangkun Wang and Long Zuo were respon-
mRNA expression of glial cell line-derived neurotropic sible for statistical analysis, interpretation of data and
factor [54,55]. The increased glial cell number and den- drafted the manuscript. Dan Xiao and Tao Jiang pro-
sity can enhance anisotropy and narrow the extracel- vided critical revision of themanuscript. All authors
lular space, causing FA increasing and RD decreasing critically reviewed content and approved final version
[56]. However, as time goes by, smoking-induced blood for publication.
desaturation causes WM destruction in chronic phases
of smoking [57]. The possible mechanism of increased
FA and decreased RD in young adult smokers might Disclosure statement
be associated that nicotine acting at nAChRs promotes There are no conflicts of interest.
the activation or proliferation of glial cells. Further
research is therefore needed to characterize the mean-
ing of increased FA and decreased RD at the molecular
level among adult cigarette smokers. This work was supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China [grant number 81200066], [grant num-
Furthermore, our results validated hemispheric
ber 81541129].
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