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Commission on Higher Education

University of Southern Mindanao








NAME_________________________________________       SCORE___________

Direction: Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided .

1. It is responsible for delivering the blood from the heart to the lungs and all throughout
the body. What system of organ is this?
A. Circulatory system C. Musculo-skeletal system
B. Digestive system D. Respiratory system
2. Which of the following is an accessory organ of the integumentary system is made up
of columns of tightly packed dead keratinocytes found all over of the body?
A. Skin C. Nails
B. Hair D. Exocrine glands
3. What is a system of organs consisting especially of the nose, nasal passages,
pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs?
A. Digestive system C. Skeletal system
B. Respiratory system D. Integumentary system
4. What is the bodily system concerned with the ingestion, digestion, and absorption of
food and the discharge of residual wastes?
A. Digestive system C. Skeletal system
B. Respiratory system D. Integumentary system
5. What is called a soft-bodied invertebrates that are usually enclosed in a calcium
carbonate shell with a soft mantle covering their body?
A. Arthropods C. Mollusks
B. Protozoans D. Echinoderms
6. What do you call an animal that has a backbone and a skeleton?
A. Vertebrates C. Reptiles
B. Mammals D. Invertebrates
7. What do you call a cold-blooded animal with no backbone?
A. Vertebrates C. Reptiles
B. Mammals D. Invertebrates
8. Identify which groups of animals can live in both land and water?
A. Amphibians C. Mammals
B. Fishes D. Reptiles
9. Cypress and gingkoes are conifers. What do conifers use in order to reproduce?
A. seeds B. cones C. spores’     D. cells
10. What kind of plants that usually have needle-shaped evergreen leaves and seeds
attached to the scales of a woody braced cone.
A. Fungi C. Spore bearing plant
B. Conifers D. Seeds
11. What kind of plants produce spores sexually?
A. Fungi C. Spore-bearing plant
D. Conifers D. Seeds
12. What characteristic describes a non-flowering plant like fern and makes it different
from flowering plant like gumamela? They are having_____
A. dark green leaves
B. naked cones     
C. edible roots      
D. spores
13. What do you call the relationship between two organisms in which one benefits and
the other derives neither benefit nor harm?
A. Commensalism C. Mutualism
B. Parasitism D. Predation
14. What do you call the relationship between the predator and its prey?
A. Commensalism C. Mutualism
B. Parasitism D. Predation
15. What is called a non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment?
A. Abiotic factor C. Biotic factor
B. Sunlight D. Humidity
16. What type of crustacean that attach themselves to the roots of mangroves?
A. Crabs C. Shrimp
B. Lobsters D. Barnacle
17. What are the coastal wetlands found in tropical and subtropical regions?
A. Rainforest C. Coral Reefs
B. Mangrove D. Coastal system
18. What is defined as the first line of defense for coastal communities?
A. Rainforest C. Coral Reefs
B. Mangroves D. Coastal system
19. What is defined as the line where land and water surfaces meet?
A. Rainforest C. Coral Reefs
B. Mangroves D. Coastal
20. What describes a tropical rainforest best?
A. warm temperature
B. cold temperature
C. rare variety of reptiles or none at all
D. frozen ground
21. It was Verna’s birthday party, she invited all of her classmates. During the game,
Justine wants to get toys in the pabitin“. Which muscles help Justine to reach the prize?
I. arm muscle III. Leg muscle
II. Facial muscle IV. Heart muscle
A. I and II C. I and III
B. II and III D. I, II, and III
22. Rico touched something very hot. He moved his hand away from the object when he
felt the hot sensation. Why? The _______
A. blood moves faster to his hand
B. nerve endings are very sensitive
C. message travels fast to his hand
D. message to and from the brain moves fast through the nerves 
23. The craftsman quickly withdrew his hand when a needle pricked him. Which part of
his nervous system worked?
A. cerebellum C. medulla
B. cerebrum D. spinal cord
24. Birds are able to fly because_____________.
A. They are able to control air currents
B. They have colorful feathers
C. They have light and hollow bones
D. They have scales all over their bodies
25. You and your classmates went to Manila Ocean Park and saw different kinds of
animals. One of your classmates said that the animals in one shelf have six legs, thorax
and abdomen. Which animal is this?
A. Earthworm C. scorpion
B. spider D. ant
26. How can you describe an invertebrate? Choose the best answer.
A. cold-blooded animal with no backbone C. They are aquatic animals
B. They are stationary D. They live in bodies of other animals
27. What happens during cross-pollination?
A. The pollen grains transfer from the anther to the stigma of the same plant’s flower…
B. The pollen grains transfer the anther to the stigma of another plant of the different
C. The pollen grains transfer from the anther to the stigma of a flower that belongs to
another plant but of the same kind.
D. All of the above.
28. What happens in the process of Pollination?
A. Male and female cells join together.
B. transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma.
C. Development of Zygote
D. None of the above.
29. A bird making a nest in a tree. The tree provides shelter and protection to the bird
without getting significantly harmed or affected by the bird. What kind of relationship
shown in her situation?
A. Mutualism C. Predator
B. Commensalism D. Parasitism
30. Hanna suffers from lice infection. Her head keeps getting itchy to the point it would
leave a cut on her scalp. What kind of relationship shown in her situation?
A. Mutualism C. Predator
B. Commensalism D. Parasitism
31. The ox-peckers land on rhinos or zebras and eat ticks and other parasites that live
on their skin. What kind of relationship they have shown?
A. Mutualism C. Predator
B. Commensalism D. Parasitism

32. A polar bear catches a seal for dinner. What kind of relationship they have shown?
A. Mutualism C. Predator
B. Commensalism D. Parasitism
33. How would you express your gratitude to the environment?
A. By planting more trees
B. By not segregating wastes
C. By throwing plastic and cellophanes everywhere
D. By destroying the coral reefs that fishes seek refuge
34. A coral reef provides ___________for a small fish.
A. Food and shelter C. Sewage
B. Friends D. All of the above
35. How will you describe a tropical rainforest?
A. warm temperature
B. cold temperature
C. rare variety of reptiles or none at all
D. frozen ground
36. You heard about a plan to convert the nearby mangrove swamp to commercial area.
Your neighbor agrees with the plan because they believed that the mangrove swamp
has no economic value. After researching, you want to discuss the issue with your
neighbor. Which statement could possibly convey to your neighbor to not agree with the
A. Mangroves filter pollutants from water.
B. Mangroves are beautiful ecosystems.
C. Mangroves provide shelter for animals.
D. Mangroves protect the coastal community from waves and provide food and
business for people
37. How can we protect the coral reef even if we don't live near it?
A. Don't do anything
B. Go diving and take fish out
C. Don't throw anything in the ocean
D. Clean the reefs with soap
38. What will you do to regulate your body temperature?
A. By retaining water
B. By producing vitamin C
C. By increasing sweat production
D. By regulating fat content in the skin
39. What happens to the skin when a person gets cold or frightened?
A. Goose bumps develop
B. Your skin produces too much sweat
C. The nerve cells are frozen
D. The skin is contracted
40. In school, you have learned that headaches are abnormal brain activity that causes
painful throb and disrupt your day-to-day life. What can you do to stop these
A. Practice relaxation
B. Chew hard foods
C. Through dehydration
D. None of the above
41. You saw a girl got a huge cut on her palm from falling on her bike. The cut was
blaring red from lots of blood. How would act if this happens to you?
A. Cry
B. Get angry and destroy the bike
C. Disinfect the cut and perform first aid
D. Do nothing and continue riding your bike.
42. Jessica owned a pet Lizard. She’s been feeding her pet almost every hour of the
day when you know Lizards only eat every two to four days only. As a friend, what will
you do to save her pet’s health?
A. Let her know more about Lizards and how to take proper care of them.
B. Steal the Lizard and take it home so you can care for it yourself.
C. Scold her for not taking care of her pet properly.
D. Do nothing because it is not your responsibility.
43. Your uncle runs a sanctuary for endangered reptiles. One day you come across a
dying gecko along the road. What you will do to save the life of the gecko?
A. Leave it and let it die on the road
B. Provide a proper burial for the poor Lizard
C. Take it and give it to your uncle to nurse it back to health
D. None of the above.
44. How is pine an example of cone-bearing plants?
A. because it has a cone-shaped growth form and needle-like leaves.
B. because they have hard shell-like barrier
C. because it has a cone-like seed
D. All of the above
45. How is liverworts related to hornworts?
A. They are both plants
B. They are both spore-bearing plants
C. They are both cone-bearing plants
D. They do not relate to each other
46. How weather relate to abiotic factor?
A. Because extreme cold can cause rocks to break,
B. Weather is an example of nonliving aspects of the environment
C. It does not relate to abiotic factor
D. None of the above
47. Amphibians and reptiles are ectothermic, and consequently are often associated
with hot climates. Can they adapt in cold countries where snow is thick?
A. Yes C. Maybe
B. No D. I don’t know
48. You have given an assignment. The statement indicates an animal with backbone,
live in water and move through swimming. Your uncle is a veterinarian and you asked
him to help you on your assignment. This animal is a ______
A. snail C. snake
B. catfish D. starfish
49. The algae can synthesize food which makes them the ranked first place in the food
chain. If this statement true?
A. Yes C. Maybe
B. No D. I don’t know
50. During a speech, the new elected mayor emphasized caring for the endangered
coral reefs in your coastal area, with your newly acquired information how will you act
upon it as a student and an active member of the society?
A. Spread awareness about the importance of the coral reefs to the people.
B. Applaud the mayor for his wonderful speech
C. Gather members to form a rally to fight for the coral reefs
D. All of the above
51. Rainforests are Earth's oldest living ecosystems with rare plants and animals but it
is endangered to extinction due to large commercial areas. What can you do to prevent
the imminent event? Choose the best answer.
A. Report to the localities the illegal activities circulating in the rainforest
B. Petition for the protection of the rainforests against illegal activities
C. Face to face the illegal loggers and educate them about the importance of rainforests
D. All of the above
52. The mangrove swamps that is the source of your family’s income is being
threatened to turn into commercial land area. What can you do to save your family’s
economic source?
A. I have no right because the land wasn’t ours.
B. Do nothing because I can’t do anything about it.
C. Protest in defiance.
D. Contact the local government unit or the DENR to ask for help in saving the
endangered mangrove trees and all the aquatic animals living in that area
53. We depend on forests for our survival, from the air we breathe to the wood we use.
Besides providing habitats for animals and livelihoods for humans, forests also offer
watershed protection, prevent soil erosion and mitigate climate change. What can you
do to protect it?
A. Protect and preserve it so that it continues to provide our needs.
B. Br greedy and don't let other people benefit from the forests resources.
D. Do nothing.
C. Run for a government position so you can secure the power to make a change in
protecting the forest.
54. When you exhale, how does the diaphragm behave as you breathe in?
A. relaxes C. sinks
B. contracts D. expands
55. Which could be the functions of the muscular system?
I. It gives shape in our body
II. It allows us to move
III. It supports and makes our skeleton in the hands and other body parts steady.
IV. It provides the structural framework for the body
A. I and II C. I, II, and III
B. II and III D. I, II, III and IV
56. Which of the following is the correct flow of the blood from the different parts of the
body back to the heart?

1. When the heart contracts, the right lower ventricle will pump the blood
into the lungs, where the carbon dioxide is exchanged for oxygen.
2. After the exchange, the blood containing fresh oxygen flows into the
left upper atrium. When the heart contracts, the left lower ventricle will
force the blood out to the body through a network of arteries.
3. Oxygen-rich blood flows from the left upper atrium into the left lower
4. The heart receives oxygen-deficient blood from the body into the right
upper atrium

A. I and II C. I and IV
B. II and III D. I and III
57. How will you describe mollusks?
I. They have soft bodies and may be covered with hard shells
II. They are stationary
III. They are aquatic animals
IV. They live in bodies of other animals
58. Animals possess body parts which are distinct to them. Which characteristic best
distinguishes birds from the other vertebrates? They_________
A. have bones C. Are covered with feathers
B. lay eggs with shell D. Take care of their young
59. Which of the following characteristic is distinct among plants like pine trees and
A. Product seeds not enclosed in a fruit
B. Produce seeds enclosed in a fruit
C. Bear many colorful flowers
D. Produce spores
60. Ferns, conifers and angiosperms have common characteristics. What are these?
A. They can produce seeds
B. They reproduce through spores
C. They have fibro-vascular bundles
D. They have the ability to bear flowers
61. Which statement correctly describe the characteristics of a non-living thing?
I. a non - living thing does not grow.
II. They are just the same with living things.
III. They need water to survive.
IV. Non – living things are lifeless.
A. I only C. I, II, III
B. I & II only D. I & IV only
62. Which tells about the distinct characteristics of reptiles?
I. It has legs for crawling
II. Are warm blooded animals
III. Has gills and fins
IV. Dry scaly skins
A. I and III C. II, and III
B. II and IV D. I and IV
63. What can you infer about the significance of the rainforest?
A. They provide us plenty of food.
B. They produce oxygen.
C. They can be used to develop medicines.
D. All of the above.
64. Which of the following is the role of crustaceans like crabs in the mangrove
A. They attach themselves to the roots of mangroves
B. They help break down leaf litter through grazing.
C. They serve as food of other animals.
D. They find food in the mud.
65. You heard about a plan to convert the nearby mangrove swamp to commercial area.
Your neighbor agrees with the plan because they believed that the mangrove swamp
has no economic value. After researching you want to discuss the issue with your
neighbor. Which statement could be possibly convey to your neighbor to not agree with
the plan?
A. Mangrove swamps filter pollutants from water.
B. Mangrove swamps are beautiful ecosystems.
C. Mangroves swamps provide shelter for animals.
D. Mangrove swamps protect the coastal community from waves and provide food and
business for people.
66. How do mangroves and coral reefs depend from one another?
A. Mangroves and sea grass beds provide nurseries for coral reef fish, that we often
associate coral reefs with.
B. Mangroves and sea grass beds in turn stabilize the sediment and trap nutrients,
creating the oligotrophic waters in which coral reefs thrive.
C. Mangroves safeguard the shoreline and act as habitats for several kinds of reef fish
when they are close to the reefs.
D. All of the above.
67. Limestone are hard structure that provides the foundation for the reef. Is this
statement true?
A. Yes B. No C. Maybe D. I don’t know
68. Why is it important to promote healthful habit for our organs? To _____
A. have a happy personality
B. make our organs function properly
C. avoid death
D. keep our body away from diseases
69. Why is it important for our body to use the energy release in its cells?
A. To rest the body
B. To lower body temperature
C. To make oxygen
D. To improves stability, balance, and coordination
70. Why is it important to know how each organ work?
A. in order for them to work together to grow, reproduce and survive.
B. A human is required to know his own body
C. Because the teacher said so
D. Familiarity with the human body can help you make healthful choices and prompt you
to take appropriate action when signs of illness arise
71. Determine the correct sequence of food chain.
A. Producer-secondary consumer-primary consumer-tertiary consumer-decomposer
B. Producer-primary consumer-tertiary consumer-decomposer-secondary consumer
C. Producer-primary consumer-secondary consumer-tertiary consumer-decomposer
D. Producer-decomposer-tertiary consumer-primary consumer-secondary consumer
72. The following are living things, EXCEPT:
A. Trees C. Worm
B. Snake D. Coal
73. Determine the correct sequence of the life cycle of ferns
A. spores – fertilized – haploid spore – diploid sporophyte – haploid gametophyte –
fertilized spore
B. haploid spore - haploid gametophyte – fertilized - diploid sporophyte – spores
C. haploid gametophyte – diploid sporophyte – spores – fertilized
D. None of the above
74. Flowers in the rainforest need to be pollinated by insects. Why?
A. Because there is a lot of bees.
B. Because there is limited access to bees.
C. Because there is limited wind.
D. Because there is a lot of flowers to compete against.
75. Which of the following represents the ecosystem?

. A. Living Community

B. Living Community

C. Living Community

D. Living Community
76. Is it necessary to only care for living thing than non-living things?
A. No, because us that all living creatures are fundamentally connected.
B. No, because living things cannot survive without non-living things.
C. No, because non-living things is more important.
D. Yes, because living things are more important than non-living.
77. Why is algae placed in the first place of food chain?
A. Algae is the first to synthesize food
B. Algae is the first to consume food
C. Every living organism can utilize food
D. None of the above
78. Why does soil erosion happen after people cut down trees in rain forests?
A. The trees’ roots that hold the soil are gone.
B. The trees absorb more water from the ground.
C. The rivers become bigger and they wash away the soil.
D. After they clear the land, people build farms or houses, which cause erosion.
79. Why is it important to protect and conserve tropical rainforest, coral reefs, and
mangrove swamps?
A. impose significant economic and environmental costs on coastal communities.
B. support commercial and subsistence fisheries as well as jobs and businesses
through tourism and recreation
C. protects shorelines from the destructive forces of wind, waves and driven debris. 
D. All of the above.
80. As a student, what can you do to protect and conserve the natural environment?
A. Control of wastes that causes water pollution
B. Collecting of corals for decoration.
C. Clearing of coastal areas for fishpond aquaculture.
D. Overharvesting of wood for fuel and construction.

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