Feasibility of Oregano As Alternative Component of Mosquito Coil Repellent

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Feasibility of Oregano “Origanum Vulgare L.

” Leaves as Alternative

Component of Mosquito “Culicidae” Coil Repellent.

A Research Proposal

Presented to

Mr. Gerald Garciso

Angono National High School


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for








This chapter includes the background of the study, statement of the problem, research

objective, theorethical framerwork, conceptual framework, hypothesis, significance of

the study, scope and delimitations and definition of terms.

Background of the Study

This study concerns on country's record regarding the victims on mosquito

bites residing diseases. Mosquitoes naturally consumes for blood that serves as their

diet. Mosquito bites residing diseases such as dengue epidemic renders inevitable

conflicts for residents of a particular country. As this species can carry diseases and

pass it to people in a way of bites, the rising population of mosquitoes in the Philippines

are in fact the root of all the problems. Since the country is tropical, swamps, lakes and

rivers are a perfect habitat for this creature. In addition, a raining season which is

abundant in tropical country is also a breeding season for the mosquitoes to increase

their population. As a matter of record, from 2008-2012 Philippine's record of dengue

hits up to 85,324 cases with a Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of 0.55% or 3,195 deaths

stated by Department of Health making the Philippines the fourth most prone to dengue

in Southeast Asia. Mosquito bites residing diseases continuously grows due to

environmental risk factors and inconsistent preventive practices, urbanization,

increasing population, inadequate public health infrastructure, poor solid waste

management, and lack of an effective mosquito surveillance system contribute to the

growing dengue challenge.

Concludes that the Philippines has become a little more humid due to the

summer heat since it is a tropical country. People are also looking for a device that may

provide mosquito protection and allow them to sleep well without being disturbed by

pesky mosquitoes. When there is a brownout or when it is time to sleep, several

Filipinos purchase mosquito coils to keep pests at bay. A healthy and productive life

requires adequate sleep. A single mosquito can disrupt sleep and prevent people from

getting enough rest the next day. Herbal products that have been found to be adulticidal

or repellant can help to break up the relationship.

For the reason this study is conducted for the researcher to acquire

knowledge on other possible natural repellent in order to fight mosquitoes. Oregano has

long been used as a natural pesticide, as it appears to prevent egg-laying and larval

growth. It contains thymol and carvacrol, which are two compounds that is highly

effective as repellent against mosquitoes.

According to Dr. Marcela (2014) one of the most dangerous insect in the

world is Mosquito. It can harm plants, food and humans. Origanum Vulgare , generally

known as Oregano, was a culinary and medical herb from the mint family ( Lamiaceae).

It was used for cooking and medicinal purposes, ranging from treating infections to

repelling insects. The chemicals that give the herb its unique and pleasant smell are

thymola white crystalline substance of a pleasant aromatic odor and strong antiseptic

properties, pinene gives many compounds for perfumery, such as artificial odorants

most widely encountered terpenoid in nature and was highly repellant to insects,

limonene was a chemical found in the peels of citrus fruits and in other plants, carvacrol

was present in the essential oil oregano, and caryophyllene it boosts immunity because

of the powerful antioxidant compound. (Wagner, 2013).

Based on the current scientific literature, oregano extracts and individual

constituents consistently have demonstrated antimicrobial actions in vitro toward food-

borne pathogens, although the capacity to counter human infections is not well studied

(Singletary, 2008). The Phytochemicals are advantageous due to their eco-safety,

target- specificity, and non-development of resistance, reduced number of applications,

higher acceptability, and suitability for rural areas. It can be used as alternative to

synthetic insecticides or along with other insecticides under integrated vector control

programs (Simangan, 2015).

This study aims to know the feasibility of oregano as an alternative coil

repellent. The researcher wants to find out that natural products with the non-toxic

components can be used as mosquito repellents. In order to obtain such repellent that

can serve and fight mosquito invasion and diseases with no bad adverse effect in

health. Since commercial repellents commonly contain chemicals that may render

negative effects on our respiratory system. This study prioritize the goal in achieving a

product that is not only harmless for humans but also good for the environment.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the feasibility of oregano leaves as alternative component

of mosquito coil repellent. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following


1. Is it possible to use oregano leaves as alternative component of mosquito coil


2. What specific properties in oregano leaves that can repel mosquitoes?

3. What are the possible effects of using oregano leaves as alternative

component of mosquito coil repellent?

Research Objective

The following are the objectives of the research study entitled "Feasibility of

Oregano "Origanum Vulgare L." Leaves as Alternative component of Mosquito

"Culicidae" Coil Repellent:

1.To provide alternative component of mosquito coil repellent

2.To find out the uses and benefits of natural herbal plants that can repel mosquitos

3.To promote to use homemade and natural mosquito repellent

Theorethical Framework

This study is anchored on the study proposed the result of the studies

obtain from the review of researchers in Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research

(2010), It was found that oregano (Origanum Vulgare) can also be used in different role

such as energy producer, diuretic, stomach booster, nervous system, laxative,

anticancer and even anti-insect such as flies, mosquito and cockroaches. In other

theories, the old folks, plants like marigold and oregano have been continuously used

for years because of its effect. The folks observed that the insects seem to stay away

from these plants. Infused oil of Marigold is testified to be antibacterial, astringent, and

anti-fungal which is used for insect bites especially mosquitoes. With the continuous

growth of worries concerning diseases spread by mosquitoes, non-toxic mosquito

repellents were prepared to be safe as possible for skin use (Bhide, Prabhakar, &

Tembhurne, 2014). According to popular belief, insects hate the herb's aromatic oils. In

addition, oregano contains thymol, a-terpinene, and carvacrol. These compounds make

it an effective pest control and tend to scare the insects. For this reason, many pest-like

insects do not like to come near any oregano plant, but not all insects. These three

theories supporting our study. To sum it all, Oregano have many used in our daily li ves.

The insects stay away from the oregano because of some properties of oregano that

contains. Therefore, we conduct this study to determine if oregano can be an alternative

component in mosquito coil repellent.

Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual Framework of the study shows the processes to frame its

main purpose which is to determine the feasibility of oregano (Oreganum Vulgare L.) as

alternative component of mosquito (Culicidae) coil repellent.

This study will use the Coomb’s Input-Process-Output model analysis.

The input includes the things/materials that’ll be used for the process:

Origanum Vulgare L. Leaves, charcoal, garlic, mint, cornstarch, lemon grass extract

and citronella.

The second frame contains the step by step processes that will undergo in

developing the materials. This will include: preparation, extracting, mixing, molding and


In the last frame is the output or the result of the study that includes the

stated feasibility of oregano “Origanum Vulgare L.” Leaves as Alternative Component of

Mosquito “Culicidae” Coil Repellent.


- Origanum Vulgare - Preparation Feasibility of Oregano

leaves - Extracting “Origanum Vulgare L.”
- Charcoal - Mixing Leaves as Alternative
- Garlic - Molding

- Mint - Testing Component of

- Cornstarch - Gathering of data Mosquito “Culicidae”

- - citronella - Analyzing data

- Lemon grass extract - Interpretation of
- questionnaire data

- Finalizing the results


Figure 1

Conceptual Paradigm showing the Feasibility of Oregano “Origanum Vulgare L.”

Leaves as Alternative Component of Mosquito “Culicidae” Coil Repellent

Scope and Delimitation

The general intent of this study is to focused on the Feasibility of Oregano

“Origanum Vulgare L” Leaves as Alternative Component of Mosquito “Culicidae” Coil


The data collection will be conducted to 50 residents that lives in Angono,

Rizal and will focus on those who will be using the products that will represent as

respondents. This study will not consider other topics and problems that are not related

to our study.

This study will be conducted at science laboratory, Angono National High

School Angono, Rizal due to the availability of the apparatus needed for the experiment.

After conducting we will test the product in the residents of Angono, Rizal only to know

the feasibility of our study.


The researcher will use null hypothesis that states there is no significant

difference on using oregano (Origanum Vulgare L.) leaves as alternative component of

mosquito coil repellent.

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:

Residents. this study will be beneficial for the residents especially for those who live

near the water-bodies. It will help them prevent sickness and avoid carried diseases by

a mosquito. Also they will get enough sleep when using this at night time.

Future Researchers. This study can serve as guide and outlime for the future

researcher. It will give them initiate knowledge towards the researcher that also thrives

similar topic correlating repellent against pests. Also they can use this study as their

related studies that supports their research about using oregano as alternative

component for mosquito coil repellent.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of this study, the following terms are operationally defined:

Carvacrol. a phenol that is a natural monoterpene derivative of cymene. An inhibitor of

bacterial growth, it is used as a food additive.

Caryophyllene. a potent component in anti-inflammatory salves and topicals and also

has potential anticancer, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties.

Citronella. a fragrant natural oil used as an insect repellent and it is smell like perfume

Limonene. a colorless liquid hydrocarbon with a lemon-like scent, present in lemon oil,

orange oil, and similar essential oils.

Marigold. grows to about 30 cm tall, forming a bushy plant. Foliage is dark green with

reddish stem. Leaves are pinnately divided and leaflets are linear, lanceolate and

serrated. Flowers are small, either single or double borne on proportionately long


Mosquito. thin, long-legged, two-winged insects and are typically six to 12 millimetres

in length. Both males and females have antennae and an elongated "beak" or proboscis

three to four times longer than its head. These insects belong to the Diptera order,

known as the true flies, in the family Culicidae.

Oregano. an herb used to flavor foods. Oregano has olive-green leaves and purple

flowers. It is closely related to other herbs, including mint, thyme, marjoram, and basil.

Phytochemical. chemical compounds produced by plants, generally to help them resist

fungi, bacteria and plant virus infections, and also consumption by insects and other

animals. Some phytochemicals have been used as poisons and others as traditional


Pinene. a colorless flammable liquid present in turpentine, juniper oil, and other natural


Repellent. serving or tending to drive away or ward off —often used in combination a

mosquito-repellent spray

Terpenoid. Plants employ terpenoid metabolites for a variety of basic functions in

growth and development but use the majority of terpenoids for more specialized

chemical interactions and protection in the abiotic and biotic environment.

Thymol. a constituent of oil of thyme, a naturally occurring mixture of compounds in the

plant Thymus vulgaris L., or thyme. Thymol is an active ingredient in pesticide products

registered for use as animal repellents, fungicides/fungistats, medical disinfectants,

tuberculocides, and virucides.




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ion and Resear oregano ity on and n showed exhibited recommen Cooper R.
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the shirt. sweet cloves. The test facilities

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spray compared conducted with the laboratori
showed to three extract. es in
84% chemical replicates. The distinguis
mosquito insects The first discoverie hing the
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indoor minutes of product also on could s
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repellency has the
in about 4 poor life
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testing the the
bio- efficacy fragrance
of the in the

repellent item.
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number of
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and Pili experim ated the purpo the and pili sap measurem conclusio vulgare-and-
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m type of to five rando are mortar coil creating following ovatum-sap-
ovatum) researc houses m and pestle repellent an points are as-an-
Sap as h. The for the sampl for were the oregano hereby alternative-
an study is feedback ing pulverisin following: 1. and pili recommen mosquito-
Alternativ experim of this g the 75 The sap ded for coil-repellent-
e ental study. pieces of researchers mosquito implement pdf-free.html?
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Coil introduc leaves, make a greater The J6XkkhzilKKq
Repellent ed the beaker for mosquito the measurem kBYIgDoibFm
change measuring coil made chance to ent of _G_cu07c9h
s and the 25 ml up of make the ingredient 6s0O63jS84_
then oregano oregano coil soft s in ueGZkCaXG
monitor extract, and pili sap and creating H-4
the triple with the breakable. oregano
effects. beam exact The lesser and pili
Experi balance amount of the sap
mental for the needed amount of mosquito
type of weighing measureme measurem coil must
researc the 15 nt, 75 ent in be not too
h is grams of pieces of creating much
used to Pili sap oregano an because it
develop and meter leaves, 25 oregano will make
the stick for ml of and pili the coil
pathwa measuring oregano sap soft and
y in the 55 cm extract, and mosquito breakable.

giving oregano 15 grams of coil, the If the coil
the and pili pili sap. 2. greater is soft,
researc sap The the then it will
hers an mosquito researchers chance to not stand
idea on coil. To found out produce a alone
how the catch the that good using only
design 20 oregano output in a one
would mosquitoe and pili sap creating stand for
exist. s, the mosquito an coil
The researche coil are oregano making
study rs used effective in and pili the coil
also mini net. repelling sap unsuccess
used mosquito mosquito ful to
the based on coil. 2. produce a
method the set up Oregano continuou
of that the and pili s smoke.
develop researchers sap 2. The
mental made. It mosquito researche
researc was found coil are rs
h, the out that out effective recommen
process of 20 in d to weigh
where mosquitoes, repelling the
the 18 mosquito oregano
ideas mosquitoes because leaves
underg were the smoke instead of
o for a transferred coming counting it
long to other from this by pieces
method side of coil for
and mosquito contained accurate
study net where a measurem
until it oregano chemicals ent
reaches and pili sap which are because
the mosquito the thymol the sizes
peak of coil was not and of
innovati present and carvacrol oregano
on. The the two left that can leaves are
researc mosquitoes be found not all the
hers died. 3. The in the same. 3.
used two compound The
this chemicals of researche
method that can be oregano rs
as the found in that has a recommen
basis oregano are repelling d this
on how thymol and incense product to
would carvacrol effect on use as a
the that acts as mosquito. mosquito

study a repellent 3. Based repellent
improve against on the because it
through mosquito. table can only
data These two provided, repel
gatheri chemicals the mosquito,
ng. emitted a researche it do not
Throug strong rs easily kill
h odour that conclude the
observa cause the that the mosquito.
tion and mosquito to product is 4. The
long move away more researche
analysi advisable rs
s, the to use for recommen
researc mosquito d to add
hers repellent flower
came than extracts
up for a mosquito such as
new killer rose,
idea because it sampaguit
through repelled a, and
develop 18 chrysanth
mental mosquitoe emum for
researc s out of 20 the scent
h. mosquitoe of
s. mosquito
coil. 5.
by this
should be
taken into
ion by the
rs who are
in this
study. 6.
rs are

ed to
and to
add other
s that can
be used to
create an
They can
leaves of
grass for
result in
as it
oil that
known as
a good
7. Future
rs are also
advised to
come up
with new
this study.
They can
think of

way to
create an
and pili
Instead of
using pili
sap they
can also
try using
the sap of
Botanical Experi Scientist Non- The oil Although The use Further 1. Julien D,
Insecticid mental and Sampl compositi insects are of investigati Stefan T,
es and Resear Research ing on varies not known botanical on to Melanie B,
their ch ers metho widely, well for the insecticide retaliate Wade HJ.
Potential Design d mainly physiologic s should some Efficacy of
as Anti- depending al effects of not be informatio homemade
Insect/Pe on the essential ignored in n that botanical
sts: Are way that oils, treating low- lacks of insecticides
they was used them with income supporting based on
Successf to isolate essential countries. informatio traditional
ul against it. oils or their In addition n. knowledge. A
Insects Essential constituents to review.
and oils have causes synthetic Agronomy for
Pests? a different symptoms pesticides, Sustainable
chemical that provide botanical Development.
compositi us insecticide 2019;39:37.
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within the transport the IPM The use of
mix. and approach, indigenous
Usually, acetylcholin in areas ecological
steam e esterase where resources for
distillation release in farmers pest control

under insects. either in Africa.
high Octopamine have no Food
pressure is a access to Security.
is used to neurotrans commerci 2014;6(1):71.
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the circulating limited 5 3. Farrar JJ,
clevenger neurohormo affordabilit Baur ME,
device. ne— y of these Elliott SF.
Furthermo neuromodul synthetic Measuring
re, the oil ator with pesticides. IPM impacts
may be many As a in California
chemically biological result, and Arizona.
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during insects. waste in Integrated
distillation Based on some of Pest
due to pharmacolo the most Management.
saponifica gical depleted 2016;7(1):13.
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due to two important Dachbrodt-
distillation. receptor to Saaydeh S,
Essential groups, remember Kudsk P,
oils are dubbed and Colnenne-
extracted octopamine convey David C,
via -1 and the risks Leprince F,
different octopamine associate Holb IJ, et al.
methods: -2. As the d with Sustainability
solvent octopamine using of European
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first disrupted, insecticide and maize-
through the nervous s (i.e., based
percolatio system of alterable cropping
n, and insects is effectiven systems:
then wholly ess and Economic,
through a destroyed. possible environmenta
combinati As a result, health and l and social
on of the insect environme ex-post
double or octopamine ntal assessment
single rgic conseque of
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or is a bio- Botanicals and IPM-

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al carbon priority for insecticide systems.
dioxide. pest control s derived Crop
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from the bioaccumul nal the Food and
various ation with pesticides Agricultural
plant homemade to protect Organization
materials botanical our crops, of the United
vary with insecticides avoiding Nations.
each is generally adverse Rome: Food
climate less effects of and
and the because synthetic Agriculture
design of they contain insecticide Organization
the soil, natural s. of the United
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synthetic knowledge of
insecticide vegetable
s, and pests and
organic pesticidal
crop plant use in

producers Northern
in Malawi and
developed Eastern
s. As a
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for the
use of
s, which
has been
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to identify
Chemical Experi Research Rand Gas- The Oregano Further 1. Seong KM,
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against and terpinene stick oil in quantitative
Cimex identificati (20.60%) containing personal sequencing
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s under oregano major DEET. against contact vial
Laborator essential components bed bug bioassay for
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s s and EC99 resistance in
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temperatu exhibited C,
re used 100% Bhakdeenuan
was 40 °C repellency P,
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and was bug at 3, 5, ert P,
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220 °C at application Mulla MS.
a rate of 3 while the (2011)
°C/min repellency Insecticide
and finally index of resistance in
raised to DEET 33% bedbugs in
270 °C for was 100% Thailand and
5min at a at 3 and 5h laboratory
rate of 20 and it evaluation of
°C/min. decreased insecticides
Other to 80% and for the control
parameter 27% at 9 of Cimex
s of the and 24 hemipterus
GC-MC hours. and Cimex
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included (Hemiptera:
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This chapter includes the research design, setting of the study, subject of

the study, research instrument, procedure of the study and statistical treatment.

Research Design

This study will utilize experimental research to know the feasibility of

oregano (Origanum Vulgare L.) as Alternative Component of Mosquito “Culicidae” Coil

Repellent. According to Calmorin and Calmorin, “Experimental Design” is a problem

solving approach wherein the study is described in the future on what will be when the

variables are carefully controlled or manipulated.

Setting of the Study

The presented study will be conducted at the science laboratory of Angono

National High School situated in Lt. C. Aguinaldo St. Brgy. Kalayaan, Angono Rizal.

Angono National High School (ANHS) was founded in July 3, 1980. According to Hon.

Florencio C. Esteban, founder of the school, ANHS was established through struggle,

vision, and hardships with the help of the late Mayor Saturnino Tiamson.

Angono National High School has 2 Quadrangles: Quadrangle 1 and

Quadrangle 2. In Quadrangle 1, it is associated with grade 9 and grade 10 buildings,

computer laboratory, registrar, Ynares multipurpose covered court, learning resources

center, EMIS, SSG office, clinic, special education classroom, open high school,

canteen 1, guard house, and principal’s office. While in Quadrangle 2, we are located

here because it includes the senior high school building as well as grade 7, and grade

8 building. Canteen 2, science laboratory, sewing room, and chairman’s office.

The researchers will conduct their study at the Quadrangle 2 where the

science laboratory located because the things that all they need are there.

After we made our product we will test the product in different barangay in

Angono, Rizal.

Angono is a 1st class municipality in the province of Rizal, Philippines. It is

best known as the "Art Capital of the Philippines", being the hometown of national artist

for music Lucio San Pedro and national artist for visual arts Carlos "Botong" Francisco.

Angono is consist of 10 barangay: Kalayaan, San Isidro, San Roque,

Poblacion Itaas, Poblacion Ibaba, Mahabang Parang, San Vicente, San Pedro,

Bagumbayan and Santo Niño.

We will distributed our products in each barangay to test the feasibility of

our study.

Subject of the Study

The subject of the study will be the oregano leaves as a alternative

component in mosquito coil repellent and the 50 residents that lives in Angono, Rizal.

To determine the 50 residents, the researchers will divide the 50

questionnaires in each barangay (5 each barangay). The researchers used purposive

sampling wherein the researcher has to choose to the respondents that is needed in

each barangay. We will choose for those who is needed and houses that is prone to live

by many mosquitoes.

A purposive sampling or also known as subjective sampling, purposive

sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where the researcher relies on their

discretion to choose variables for the sample population. Here, the entire sampling

process depends on the researcher's judgment and knowledge of the context. 

Research Instrument

Researchers applied laboratory experiment in this study. To conduct the

research we used some equipment to make the product and to collect data. The

materials that will used in the study are: oregano leaves, charcoal, garlic, mint,

cornstarch citronella and lemon grass extract. These materials are going to use to make

the product of our study. Questionnaire are going to need after we test are product to

the respondents.

The researcher will ensure that some of research questions under the

statement of the problem will be answered by collecting enough of the survey that will

be conducted.

Also the researcher will ensure that some of the research questions under

the statement of the problem will be answered through experiment that will be do.

The researcher will wear personal protective equipment when conducting a


The researcher will have first a pre -test questionnaire to the research

teacher for validation of our questionnaire.

The researcher will use the sets of information that are gathered to

conclude the findings regarding the study.

Procedure of the Study

1.Collection and preparation of materials

1.1 Oregano

1.2 Lemon Grass

1.3 Garlic

1.4 mint

1.5 citronella

1.6 charcoal

1.7 cornstarch


2.1 Crude Extraction • Oregano leaves •Garlic

2.2 Pulverazation of Dry Lemon Grass/ Citronella/mint

2.3 Grinding charcoal into smaller pieces

2.4, Preparation of Mosquito Paste •Mixing of Materials (Oregano

Extract,Pulverize Materials, Cornstarch)

2.5. Molding of Mosquito Paste Materials into Coil

All the materials are prepared for the formulation of the product;

Oregano leaves, lemongrass, garlic, mint, citronella, charcoal, cornstarch. First,

prepare the oregano leaves and wash it in the running water then rinse afterwards.

Extract the oregano juice and let it sit. Blend the dry materials such as lemon grass,

citronella and mint. Pound the charcoal and combine all the materials needed to

create a mosquito paste. Mold the mosquito coil with aluminum foil. After that, we

will test our products to each Barangay in which they serve as a respondents. We

will give them the questionnaire that we made to know the feasibility of our products.

Lastly, the researcher will gathered and collect the data. All their answer will analyze

by the researcher. Next is interpreting the data that is gathered. Lastly, the

finalization of the result of our study.

Statistical Treatment

Researchers will be using inferential statistics to analyze the data gathered.

It will use measurements from the sample of oregano extract in the experiment to

compare the treatment groups and make generalizations about the larger population of

subjects which is the repellent coil. Specifically, analysis of variance and significance

testing will be applied for computational procedure used to analyze the data from the



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