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I think that in most countries the use of characteristic symbols of the nation in advertisements is

common. I believe that we can learn a lot of representative things about a country just by seen
their ads. I have two argument to explain my opinion. (1) People who make advertisements use
some marketing strategies to make an ad more trending, like using symbols which all people could
feel represented (2) People tend to represent their culture in ads because they know it could be
seen in other places.

In the first place, the people of a specific country know well their culture, like the kind of jokes
families usually make, what is representative for a group of persons, symbols, the history of the
country and a lot of other things. And as I said before, people that work making advertisements
have to know some strategies to attract more audience, so one of those strategies is to use
symbols, frasses, a situation that people could feel identified; obviously the easiest way to do this
is by using in their ads representative things of the culture of the county, with this they make sure
that they created an ad that all people of the country might like.

On the other hand, all the countries are always trying to show their culture because they are
proud of it, and they want people from other places to see that they like who they are, so in order
to do this, they usually use some elements that are representative of the country, no matter what
the topic of the ad is about. For example, if we compare the ads of a political party of china and
others from Mexico, even if they have the same political position and ideas, they will transmit the
message differently, with symbols that will make the audience identifies where the ad comes

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