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Bridge Hotel

Complaint Handling Policy and Procedures

Policy Purpose
We value complaints, as they help us to improve our products, services and customer service.

This policy has been designed to assist both customers and staff.

Bridge Hotel is committed to consistent, fair and confidential complaint handling and to resolving complaints
as quickly as possible. We aim to make it easy for people to make a complaint if they are dissatisfied and
we will treat all customers making a complaint equally.

Our complaint handling policy and procedure is included on our web site.

Definition of a complaint
Complaints are defined as any expression of dissatisfaction or grievance made to staff by a customer or
member of the public in relation to our business.

Responding to complaints
All people making a complaint will be treated with courtesy. Where possible, complaints will be resolved at
the first point of contact.

If appropriate to the complaint, frontline staff can offer an immediate rectification to the complaint by
resolving the complaint there and then. For example, if there is an error or omission in information provided,
this should be immediately rectified. If the customer requests a refund or discount, this will need to be
confirmed by the Hotel Manager.

If the complaint can’t be resolved immediately, the customer will be given a timeframe of no more than 2
days to hear for the outcome.

Frontline staff should liaise with reception to provide them with all details of the complaint so that this can
be recorded.

Escalation of complaints
If a complaint cannot be resolved by the usual complaint process, it should be referred to the Hotel
Manager and the customer will be informed and given an amended timeframe for resolution.

If we cannot resolve the complaint to the customer’s satisfaction, we will inform them about where they can
take further action i.e. Consumer Affairs. We will provide contact details for this.

Southern Academy of Business and Technology | Level 2,95 Bathurst Street Sydney NSW 2000 
RTO Code: 31595 | CRICOS Code: 03602E | Phone: 1300 852 205 (Australia) | +61 02 8031 7727 (Overseas) 
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