Yellow Reference Blue Links Agreeableness: Differences, 89, 105-110

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According to Li (2016) agreeable individuals are empathetic, cooperative,
interpersonally savvy, and less likely to have reservations when they adapt their
behaviors to other cultures, they also tend not to communicate their disagreement with
people from other cultures or make constructive suggestions to people from other
cultures. People who have the trait agreeableness are people who can adapt and
socialize easily.They can also be a good listener because they tend not to disagree with
anything they hear.
Li, M., Mobley, W. H., & Kelly, A. (2016). Linking personality to cultural intelligence: An
interactive effect of openness and agreeableness. Personality and Individual
Differences, 89, 105-110.
Tackett J. et al., (2019) stated that agreeableness intersects with self-regulation,
including negative self-regulation (aggression, anger, hostility, etc.) and self-discipline
and order (consensual compliance and cooperation, etc.). Developmental research
suggests that these different aspects of synchrony overlap considerably early in life
(such as infancy and early childhood) and become increasingly apparent during mid-
infancy and adolescence. increase. . Agreeableness is something that intersects with
the different self-regulation of a person.It is also a trait that can be overlapping in early
stages in life.
Tackett, J. L., Hernández, M. M., & Eisenberg, N. (2019). Agreeableness. In D. P.
McAdams, R. L. Shiner, & J. L. Tackett (Eds.), Handbook of personality development
(pp. 171–184). The Guilford Press.
According to a study conducted by Jensen-Campbellet, L.A et al., (2003) agreeableness
was specifically related to children's acceptance of conflict resolution tactics as well as
parental and teacher reports of coping and adjustment. They also found that children's
perceptions of themselves and others in conflict were influenced by their own
agreeableness, independent of their partner's agreeableness .This shows that  they can
be independent on choosing on their own and neglecting their partner’s own choice .
This also shows that even children can be seen with this trait and uses it as acceptance
to conflict with certain things that they face.
Jensen‐Campbell, L. A., Gleason, K. A., Adams, R., & Malcolm, K. T. (2003).
Interpersonal conflict, agreeableness, and personality development. Journal of
personality, 71(6), 1059-1086.

According to Bowden-Green, T., Hinds, J., & Joinson, A. (2021) Measuring neuroticism
assesses a person's ability to adapt to his or her environment. People with low trait
neuroticism typically exhibit behaviors that can be described as "calm" or "steady,"
whereas those with high trait neuroticism exhibit anxiety, anger, depression, self-
esteem, and vulnerability. , tend to show impulsiveness. Neuroticism is a trait assessed 
by knowing the person’s ability to adapt. Ch Most people who have a low trait
neuroticism are often portrayed as calm and when they have high trait neuroticism they
are portrayed as bashful.
Bowden-Green, T., Hinds, J., & Joinson, A. (2021). Understanding neuroticism and social media: A
systematic review. Personality and Individual Differences, 168, 110344.

Ormel et al., (2013) states that neuroticism is also a reliable predictor of the quality of
life and longevity and a large amount of research hints towards a theoretical explanation
called “the vulnerability model”, stating that neuroticism promotes processes that lead to
common mental disorders (CMDs). More precisely, high levels of neuroticism may lead
to the development of CMD’s both directly and indirectly by increasing the negative
impact of risk factors such as stressful life events through cognitive processes such as
the negativity bias in attention, interpretation and recall of information, and emotional
processes such as increased reactivity and ineffective coping . Neuroticism can cause
the development of CMD’s which can cause negative impact to a person. It is also a
reliable  guesser or predictor of quality of life.
Marciano, L., Camerini, A. L., & Schulz, P. J. (2020). Neuroticism in the digital age: A
meta-analysis. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 2, 100026.
In the study of Kayiş et al., 2016. As cited by the study of Marciano, L. et al., (2020)
reported correlation effect sizes between Internet addiction and the Big Five personality
traits and showed that neuroticism was the only trait that was positively related to
Internet addiction. This points out that neuroticism is a trait that is closely related to
internet addiction. This shows that this trait can alter people's mind and can cause
Marciano, L., Camerini, A. L., & Schulz, P. J. (2020). Neuroticism in the digital age: A
meta-analysis. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 2, 100026.

According to Erdal B. and Tepe K. Y. (2021) All findings indicate that mood was one of
the determining factors of music preferences of introverts and extroverts, and data
discussed were within the framework of music psychology literature.It is stated here that
music can play a big role in determining extrovertness. The other big role is the mood, it
is associated in determining if one have this trait,
Barış, E., & Yeliz, K. T. (2021). Relationships Between Individuals’ Mood, Introvert–Extrovert Personality
Traits, and Music Preferences. Studies in Psychology, 41(2), 549-580.

According to Lee S. (2022), Extroverted personalities tend to be alert to their

surroundings, sociable, easy to change moods, easy to express emotions, act
impulsively, active, like to change and easily adapt to the environment.This tells the
reader that according to Sidharta people who tend to have extrovertness are much
sociable and they have unpredictable moods.They possess many positive traits that can
easily please others.
HOLLAND PERSONALITY TYPE. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, 127-133.

In the study of Lee S. (2022). It was analyzed that extroverted students had more social
personality type than introverted students, while introverted students scored higher than
extroverted students in conventional personality type. Natural phenomenon shows that
extroverted students who are sociable, active and maintain a wide range of
interpersonal relationships have a high personality of social type who likes to get along
with people, are kind, help and serve others. This explains how extroverted students
had more social life than other students who did not have this trait.They can be called
as “popular” among other students because they can be easily to vibe with.
HOLLAND PERSONALITY TYPE. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, 127-133.


In the study of McCrae & Sutin, 2009. As cited by the study of Silva, J. et al., (2015)
Openness to experience is one of the major cross-cultural factors of personality. It sits
at the center of the psychology of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts. People high in
openness to experience enjoy aesthetic experiences, live more creative lives, and
pursue and support the arts.Those people who have openness trait can be known as a
creative person.They are open to enjoy everything that comes to their path.
Silvia, P. J., Fayn, K., Nusbaum, E. C., & Beaty, R. E. (2015). Openness to experience and awe in
response to nature and music: Personality and profound aesthetic experiences. Psychology of
Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 9(4), 376.

De Young C. G., (2015) defined openness/intellect as an empirically derived dimension

of personality that reflects individual differences in the ability and tendency to seek,
detect, comprehend, utilize, and appreciate complex patterns of information, both
sensory and abstract.This states that openness trait is a derived personality that shows
the individual differences.This shows that people who has this trait can appreciate
complex patterns and information.
DeYoung, C. G. (2015). Openness/intellect: A dimension of personality reflecting cognitive exploration.

In the study of McCrae R. R. and Greenberg D. M. (2014) Openness is seen in the

breadth, depth, and permeability of consciousness, and in the ongoing quest for new
experiences and ideas. Although distinct from intelligence, it is related to divergent
thinking and to creativity.This tells us that openness can be seen in the depth of one’s
consciousness. Openness might be far from intelligence but It is related to creativity and
McCrae, R. R., & Sutin, A. R. (2009). Openness to experience.

Kotchoubey, B. (2018) Stated that consciousness is not a process in the brain but a
kind of behavior that, of course, is controlled by the brain like any other behavior.
Human consciousness emerges on the interface between three components of animal
behavior: communication, play, and the use of tools.This explains that this trait is not in
the human brain but only a behavior. This also talks about how did consciousness
emerged from three components.
Kotchoubey, B. (2018). Human consciousness: Where is it from and what is it for. Frontiers in psychology,
9, 567.

In the study of Tindall, S. C (2011) The normal state of consciousness comprises either
the state of wakefulness, awareness, or alertness in which most human beings function
while not asleep or one of the recognized stages of normal sleep from which the person
can be readily awakened. The abnormal state of consciousness is more difficult to
define and characterize, as evidenced by the many terms applied to altered states of
consciousness by various observers. This statement states that this trait is composed of
two states. It also says that this trait can be monitored only when a person is awake or
can be readily awake.
Tindall, S. C. (2011). Level of consciousness.

In the study of Posner, M. I., and Rothbart, M. K (1998) states that consciousness has many
aspects. These include awareness of the world, feelings of control over one's behavior and
mental state (volition), and the notion of a continuing self. Focal (executive) attention is
used to control details of our awareness and is thus closely related to volition.To simplify
this statement,this talks about how consciousness is made up of many aspects. And our
focal attention is used to control every details of consciousness.
American Association for Research into Nervous and Mental Diseases, Posner, M. I., & Rothbart, M. K.
(1998). Attention, self–regulation and consciousness. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of
London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 353(1377), 1915-1927.

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