งวด2 - 4.แบบฝึกหัดท้ายบทเรียน ภาษาอังกฤษ

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Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับผูเริ่มตน (Beginner)

Unit: 1 Topic: Greeting & Introduction

1. I ________ a student.
a) am
b) is
c) are
d) be

2. She ________ from Canada.

a) am
b) is
c) are
d) be

3. We _________ Americans.
a) am
b) is
c) are
d) be

4. They ________ my friends.

a) am
b) is
c) are
d) be
5. He _______ my brother.
a) am
b) is
c) are
d) be

6. She ________ to school every day.

a) go
b) goes
c) going
d) went

7. My sister ________ in London.

a) lives
b) live
c) living
d) to live

8. They ________ basketball on weekends.

a) plays
b) play
c) playing
d) to play
9. We ________ English in this class.
a) study
b) studies
c) studying
d) to study

10. He ________ the guitar very well.

a) plays
b) play
c) playing
d) to play
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับผูเริ่มตน (Beginner)
Unit: 2 Topic: Things and People

1. _______ a cat in the garden.

a) There is
b) There are
c) Is there
d) Are there

2. _______ some books on the shelf.

a) There is
b) There are
c) Is there
d) Are there

3. _______ apples in the basket.

a) There is
b) There are
c) Is there
d) Are there

4. _______ a lot of people at the party.

a) There is
b) There are
c) Is there
d) Are there
5. _______ apple fell from the tree.
a) A
b) An
c) Two
d) No article needed

6. _______ dog barked loudly.

a) Those
b) An
c) A
d) No article needed

7. _______ books are on the table.

a) A
b) An
c) The
d) No article needed

8. _______ orange is a citrus fruit.

a) A
b) An
c) The
d) No article needed
9. You can find ________ in most kitchens.
a) pillows
b) jars
c) cars
d) shampoo

10. You need ________ to write.

a) a phone
b) a table
c) a pencil
d) an orange
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับผูเริ่มตน (Beginner)
Unit: 3 Topic: Family

1. ____________ is my friend.
a) He
b) Him
c) His
d) Himself

2. I love Mary. ______ is my best friend.

a) I
b) She
c) Her
d) Him

3. She gave ______ a present.

a) him
b) she
c) they
d) theirs

4. Which is the subject pronoun in the sentence: "We are going to the park."
a) We
b) Are
c) Going
d) The
5. Which pronoun is used as the object of a sentence?
a) They
b) Them
c) We
d) He

6. ______ am going to the concert tonight.

a) I
b) Me
c) She
d) Her

7. He invited ______ to his birthday party.

a) I
b) its
c) her
d) she

8. I have an uncle. My uncle has a daughter. She is my __________.

a) son
b) father
c) cousin
d) daughter
9. My father’s mother is __________.
a) wife
b) niece
c) mother
d) grandmother

10. My niece is __________ of my sibling.

a) a son
b) a mother
c) a cousin
d) a daughter
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับผูเริ่มตน (Beginner)
Unit: 4 Topic: Activities

1. What does the word "gardening" refer to?

a) Cooking delicious food
b) Taking care of plants
c) Playing musical instruments
d) Building structures

2. Which has the closest meaning to "painting"?

a) Swimming
b) Drawing
c) Running
d) Singing

3. A person who enjoys making food in their free time has which hobby?
a) Gardening
b) Taking videos
c) Taking photos
d) Cooking

4. Which hobby is not considered a sport?

a) Traveling
b) Skiing
c) Skateboarding
d) Playing football
5. What is the term for buying things from supermarkets and malls?
a) Traveling
b) Shopping
c) Reading
d) Dancing

6. Choose the correct sentence.

a) She am working.
b) She working.
c) She is work.
d) She is working.

7. Which sentence is in the present continuous tense?

a) They go to the store every day.
b) I will visit my grandmother tomorrow.
c) She sings beautifully.
d) He is playing football right now.

8. Choose the correct sentence.

a) We is studying.
b) We are study.
c) We are studying.
d) We studying.
9. Choose the correct sentence in the present continuous tense.
a) We are watching a movie tonight.
b) They will travel to Paris next week.
c) She cooks dinner every evening.
d) I have finished my homework already.

10. Choose the correct sentence in the present continuous tense.

a) You am playing.
b) You are playing.
c) You playing.
d) You is playing.
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับผูเริ่มตน (Beginner)
Unit: 5 Topic: Shopping

1. Which sentence has the correct order of adjectives?

a) She bought a red beautiful dress.
b) He has a big black French dog.
c) They live in an old stone small cottage.
d) I saw a wooden round small table.

2. Choose the correct comparative form of the adjective: "tall."

a) taller
b) more tall
c) talliest
d) tallier

3. Select the superlative form of the adjective: "happy."

a) happyer
b) more happy
c) happiest
d) happyiest
4. Identify the correct order of adjectives in the sentence: "He bought a(n) _____ _____
_____ car."
a) Italian, new, expensive
b) expensive, new, Italian
c) new, expensive, Italian
d) Italian, expensive, new

5. Which sentence uses a superlative adjective correctly?

a) She is the most pretty girl in the class.
b) That was the more exciting movie I've seen.
c) This is the funny thing I've heard all day.
d) He is taller than his brother.

6. Choose the correct comparative form of the adjective: "expensive."

a) expensivest
b) more expensive
c) expensiver
d) expensivest

7. Which word in the phrase “big young black dogs” is not an adjective?
a) big
b) young
c) black
d) dogs
8. The word “German” belongs to which category of adjective?
a) Quality
b) Origin
c) Color
d) Size

9. The word “boring” belongs to which category of adjective?

a) Quality
b) Origin
c) Color
d) Size

10. The word “huge” belongs to which category of adjective?

a) Quality
b) Origin
c) Color
d) Size
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับผูเริ่มตน (Beginner)
Unit: 6 Topic: In my house

1. Harry is ____ friend. ____ house is very nice.

a) my, His
b) me, He
c) I, Hers
d) am, Him

2. Laula is very happy with______ new puppy.

a) my
b) her
c) hers
d) she

3. _____ old bedroom is located underneath the staircase of the house.

a) Harry’s
b) Harry
c) He
d) She

4. ______ is one of _____ best friends. ______ name is Tita.

a) She, my, Her
b) Her, am, My
c) We, I, Their
d) I, they, Our
5. Catherine wants ______ homework to be done.
a) she
b) her
c) it
d) they

6. Thailand is famous for ______ delicious foods.

a) this is.
b) it is.
c) its
d) it’s

7. I like this resort and ______ beautiful scenery.

a) my
b) her
c) its
d) their

8. They want to meet ______ friends.

a) mine
b) hers
c) it
d) their

9. These postcards are ______.

a) my
b) her
c) mine
d) their
10) We love ______ little cozy home.
a) mine
b) hers
c) it
d) our
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับผูเริ่มตน (Beginner)
Unit: 7 Topic: Occupations

1. Tom ____ work as a doctor, he is an engineer.

a) don’t
b) doesn’t
c) did
d) didn’t

2. Sarah _______ as a lawyer.

a) don't work
b) not work
c) doesn't work
d) not works

3. The police officers _______ on weekends.

a) don't work
b) not work
c) not works
d) doesn't work

4. Mark and Maria _______ as nurses.

a) not work
b) doesn't work
c) not works
d) don't work
5. The chef _______ at that restaurant anymore.
a) not work
b) doesn't work
c) not works
d) don't work

6. Michael _______ as an accountant for a big company.

a) don't work
b) not work
c) not works
d) doesn't work

7. The farmer _______ in the city.

a) don't work
b) not work
c) doesn't work
d) not works

8. Karen _______ as a teacher at the university.

a) not work
b) don't work
c) doesn't work
d) not works

9. The mechanic _______ much free time.

a) don't have
b) not have
c) not have
d) doesn't have
10. Tom and Jane _______ as doctors in the same hospital.
a) not work
b) don't work
c) not works
d) doesn't work
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับผูเริ่มตน (Beginner)
Unit: 8 Topic: My experience

1. Yesterday, I _______ to the museum.

A) go
B) went
C) goes
D) going

2. She _______ her homework last night.

A) doesn't finish
B) didn't finished
C) don't finished
D) didn't finish

3. They _______ a movie last weekend.

A) watch
B) watches
C) watched
D) watching

4. She _______ her keys in the car yesterday.

A) leaves
B) left
C) leaving
D) doesn't left
5. They _______ the game last week.
A) win
B) wins
C) won
D) winning

6. Which sentence uses the past simple tense correctly?

a) Sarah is going to the store yesterday.
b) Mike will go to the party last night.
c) They watched a movie yesterday evening.
d) We are studying for the test tomorrow.

7. Which sentence is in the past simple tense?

a) I am eating lunch right now.
b) She is playing soccer tomorrow.
c) They went to the park last weekend.
d) We will go shopping later today.

8. Choose the correct sentence in the past simple tense?

a) He don't go to school yesterday.
b) They didn't play soccer last weekend.
c) She doesn’t eat dinner last night.
d) We didn't will go to the party.

9. Which is the correct past simple tense form of the verb "to eat"?
a) eat
b) eating
c) eaten
d) ate
10. Which sentence uses the past simple tense in a question form?
a) Did you go to the movies last night?
b) Are you eating breakfast this morning?
c) Were they playing soccer yesterday?
d) Do we will travel next week?
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับผูเริ่มตน (Beginner)
Unit: 9 Topic: My community

1. The post office is _______ the bank and the supermarket.

A) between
B) over
C) under
D) above

2. The children are playing soccer _______ the park.

A) in
B) on
C) above
D) underneath

3. The library is located _______ Pine Street.

A) in
B) on
C) around
D) under

4. The bakery is just _______ the corner.

A) around
B) on
C) in
D) beside
5. The fire station is _______ the church.
A) next to
B) above
C) in
D) on

6. The cat is sitting ________ the table.

a) on
b) in
c) at
d) among

7. The keys are ________ the drawer.

a) between
b) in
c) at
d) among

8. She walked ________ the park on her way to work.

a) through
b) above
c) beneath
d) between

9. They arrived ________ the party a little late.

a) on
b) in
c) at
d) above
10. The bookshelf is ________ the wall.
a) against
b) from
c) in
d) among
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับผูเริ่มตน (Beginner)
Unit: 10 Topic: Food and drinks

1.______ you happy?

a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
2. _______ you finish your work?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
3. _______ it raining outside?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
4. _______ you like pizza?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
5. ________ he speak Spanish fluently?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
6. ________ she coming to the party?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
7. _______ you play guitar?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
8. ________ you sleep well?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
9. ________ today Monday?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
10. ________ you allergic to seafood?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
11. ________ you like ice cream?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
12. ________ you know the answer?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
13. _______ you speak French?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
14. _______ you ready for the challenge?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
15. _______ he a doctor?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
16. ________ they coming to the event?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
17. ________ you a vegetarian?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
18. ________ he speak Spanish fluently?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
19. ________ the train late?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
20. ______ she have a pet dog?
a) Are b) Do c) Is d) Does
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน 1 (Basic 1)
Unit: 1 Topic: At a Supermarket

1. Which of the following is an uncountable noun?

a) Coffee
b) Orange
c) Onion
d) Potato

2. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) She saw a deers in the forest.
b) An apple fall from the tree.
c) The dogs are playing in the park.
d) I need a information about the event.

3. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) She bought a new furniture for the living room.
b) I need some advices for my project.
c) The milk in the fridge is fresh.
d) An apples are my favorite fruits.

4. Which is a countable noun?

a) Sand
b) Pork
c) Pillow
d) Water
5. I saw ___ dog in the morning. ___ dog barked at me.
a) the, the
b) a, the
c) the, a
d) a, a

6. _____ Earth is a sphere shape.

a) -
b) The
c) An
d) A

7. Can I have ________ meat?

a) a kilogram of
b) one
c) a
d) –

8. They are my _________.

a) a student
b) student
c) the students
d) students

9. Which word is different from the others?

a) Money
b) News
c) Work
d) Computer
10. There are ________.
a) a fish
b) ten chairs
c) a pinch of salt
d) five table
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน 1 (Basic 1)
Unit: 2 Topic: Events and Time

1. When does the movie start?

a) in 2:30 p.m.
b) on 2:30 p.m.
c) at 2:30 p.m.
d) until 2:30 p.m.

2. The conference is scheduled to take place ____ September.

a) in
b) on
c) at
d) until

3. We're going to have a picnic ____ the weekend.

a) in
b) on
c) at
d) until

4. The library is open ____ 9 AM to 5 p.m.

a) in
b) on
c) at
d) until
5. The painting is hanging __________ the fireplace.
a) in
b) on
c) at
d) above

6. The treasure is hidden _________ the old ruins.

a) in
b) on
c) at
d) among

7. The coffee mug is __________ the coaster.

a) in
b) on
c) at
d) among

8. Where is the meeting room located?

a) in the 5th floor
b) on the 5th floor
c) at the 5th floor
d) above the 5th floor

9. The event will take place __________ the community center.

a) in
b) on
c) at
d) above
10. The boat __________ the sea.
a. in
b. on
c. at
d. above
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน 1 (Basic 1)
Unit: 3 Topic: Sports

1. He _________ basketball for five years.

a) plays
b) has played
c) played
d) have played

2. Last week, they __________ a soccer match at the stadium.

a) watch
b) have watched
c) watched
d) has watched

3. She ________ a gold medal in the swimming competition last year.

a) win
b) has won
c) won
d) wins

4. I have waited here ____ ten minutes.

a) for
b) just
c) already
d) since
5. He has _____ played tennis before.
a) not ever
b) not never
c) ever
d) never

6. We ___________ to many volleyball games this season.

a) have go
b) has gone
c) has go
d) have gone

7. She _________ to a supermarket three days ago.

a) has gone
b) went
c) gone
d) go

8. Betty _________ gymnastics since she was a child.

a) has practiced
b) practiced
c) practices
d) practice

9. I haven’t done my homework _______.

a) already
b) just
c) ever
d) yet
10. _____ you _____ that movie yet?
a) Have, watched
b) Has, watched
c) Have, watch
d) Did, watched
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน 1 (Basic 1)
Unit: 4 Topic: Festivals

1. She __________ her homework for two hours before she went to bed.
a) was doing
b) had done
c) did
d) has done

2. By the time I arrived at the party, they __________ all the cake.
a) ate
b) had eaten
c) were eating
d) have eaten

3. When I entered the room, he __________ video games.

a) was playing
b) had played
c) played
d) has played

4. They __________ the movie before it started raining.

a) were watching
b) have watched
c) watched
d) had watched
5. While I __________ my guitar, my sister was singing along.
a) play
b) played
c) am playing
d) was playing

6. Let’s __________ coconut cake together this weekend.

a) boil
b) steam
c) bake
d) grill

7. She __________ her novel while waiting for the train.

a) read
b) is reading
c) reads
d) was reading

8. While I __________ my favorite book, the phone __________.

a) read / rang
b) was reading / was ringing
c) read / was ringing
d) was reading / rang

9. Last night, I __________ my homework while my friends __________ games.

a) was doing / were playing
b) was doing / played
c) did / were playing
d) were doing / were playing
10. They __________ for hours when the rain __________.
a) played / started
b) were playing / had started
c) played / had been starting
d) were playing / started
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน 1 (Basic 1)
Unit: 5 Topic: Weather Conditions

1. Which word is an adverb in the sentence: "He works very hard.”

a) He
b) works
c) very
d) hard

2. Two people were _____ injured in the accident.

a) serious
b) seriously
c) hard
d) hardly

3. She speaks _____ Spanish.

a) perfect
b) perfectly
c) hard
d) hardly

4. What term is used to describe a light rain that falls in very fine drops?
a) storming
b) downpour
c) drizzle
d) overcast
5. What word indicates a pleasant wind blowing, creating a comfortable and refreshing
a) windy
b) breezy
c) stormy
d) hazy

6. Let’s __________ coconut cake together this weekend.

a) boil
b) steam
c) bake
d) grill

7. She __________ her novel while waiting for the train.

a) read
b) is reading
c) reads
d) was reading

8. While I __________ my favorite book, the phone __________.

a) read / rang
b) was reading / was ringing
c) read / was ringing
d) was reading / rang

9. Last night, I __________ my homework while my friends __________ games.

a) was doing / were playing
b) was doing / played
c) did / were playing
d) were doing / were playing
10. They __________ for hours when the rain __________.
a) played / started
b) were playing / had started
c) played / had been starting
d) were playing / started
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน 1 (Basic 1)
Unit: 6 Topic: Buying and Selling

1. This watch is _________ than the one in the other store.

a) expensive
b) more expensive
c) most expensive
d) expensiver

2. The blue dress is _____________ than the red one.

a) beautiful
b) more beautiful
c) most beautiful
d) beautifuller

3. Of all the smartphones, this model is the ___________.

a) cheap
b) cheaper
c) cheapest
d) cheaper

4. This laptop is ____________ than the one I had before.

a) powerful
b) more powerful
c) most powerful
d) powerfuller
5. The leather bag is ____________ the canvas one.
a) durable than
b) more durable than
c) the most durable
d) durabler than

6. Anna is _________ in the class.

a) smarter
b) smarter than
c) smartest
d) the smartest

7. You are ____________ I am.

a) as tall as
b) more tall than
c) tallest as
d) tallest

8. That bird is flying __________ the others.

a) higher than
b) higher
c) highest
d) the highest

9. The new smartphone is __________ the old one.

a) light
b) lighter
c) lighter than
d) lighterer than
10. The diamond necklace is ___________ jewelry in our store.
a) expensive
b) more expensive
c) most expensive
d) the most expensive
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน 1 (Basic 1)
Unit: 7 Topic: Personal Care and Appearance

1. Which word is an adverb in the sentence: "He works very hard.”

a) He
b) works
c) very
d) hard

2. Two people were _____ injured in the accident.

a) serious
b) seriously
c) hard
d) hardly

3. She speaks _____ Spanish.

a) perfect
b) perfectly
c) hard
d) hardly

4. What term is used to describe a light rain that falls in very fine drops?
a) storming
b) downpour
c) drizzle
d) overcast
5. What word indicates a pleasant wind blowing, creating a comfortable and refreshing
a) windy
b) breezy
c) stormy
d) hazy

6. Which word describes a weather condition with clear skies and a high temperature, often
associated with strong sunlight?
a) stormy
b) sunny
c) cloudy
d) overcast

7. What is the weather like?

a) It’s dark.
b) It’s rainy.
c) It’s hazy.
d) It’s humid

8. Which word is an adjective in the sentence:

“He is a fast runner.”
a) he
b) is
c) fast
d) runner
9. What words function as an adverb in this sentence:
“The sunlight is quite strong.”
a) is
b) quite
c) strong
d) the

10. What word describes a weather condition where the sky is mostly covered by thick
clouds, often blocking the sun?
a) overcast
b) cloudless
c) clear
d) heatwave
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน 1 (Basic 1)
Unit: 8 Topic: Vacations

1. Choose the correct question for the statement:

“They went to the beach yesterday.”
a) Did they went to the beach yesterday?
b) Did they go to the beach yesterday?
c) Went they to the beach yesterday?
d) They went to the beach yesterday?

2. Choose the correct question for the statement:

“She visited a famous museum last week.”
a) Where she visited last week?
b) When she visited last week?
c) She visited what last week?
d) Where did she visit last week?

3. A: “Do you want to join her birthday party?”

B: “……”
a) Yes, I do.
b) No, I do not.
c) Yes, do I.
d) No, don’t I.

4. Make a yes-no question from the following words: a, we, planning, Europe, trip, to, are
a) Europe to we planning are a trip.
b) We planning are a Europe to trip.
c) We are planning a trip to Europe.
d) We are planning a Europe to trip.
5. Choose the correct question for the statement:
“He booked a flight to Australia.”
a) What did he book?
b) What he booked?
c) Where did he book?
d) Where he booked?

6. Choose the correct question for the statement:

“I have finished my homework already.”
a) Did you finish your homework?
b) Are you finish your homework?
c) Have you finished your homework?
d) Do you finish your homework?

7. Where are the cats?

a) They are 1 year old.
b) The cats are hungry.
c) The cats are female.
d) They are on the bed.

8. She is your daughter, ______ she?

a) is she
b) aren’t she
c) doesn’t she
d) isn’t she

9. Choose the correct question for the statement:

“He will travel with his family.”
a) He will travel with his family?
b) Will he travel with his family?
c) Does he travel with his family?
d) Will he be travel with his family?
10. Choose the correct question for the statement:
“They enjoyed scuba diving.”
a) What did they enjoy?
b) What do they enjoy?
c) What they enjoyed?
d) They enjoyed what?
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน 1 (Basic 1)
Unit: 9 Topic: Health and Wellness

1. She ________ studied for the exam instead of watching TV all night.
a) should
b) should have
c) had better
d) none of the above

2. Alex failed the driving test because he didn't practice enough.

He _____ practiced more.
a) should
b) should not
c) should have
d) had better

3. Lisa wants to enjoy her vacation to the fullest.

She __________ make a travel itinerary.
a) should
b) should not
c) should have
d) has better

4. It's essential to maintain a balanced diet and exercise regularly for good health. You
________ prioritize these habits for your well-being.
a) should
b) have to
c) either a) or b)
d) neither a) nor b)
5. Lisa is feeling unwell, but she has an important meeting. She ________ attend the
meeting to provide crucial information.
a) should not
b) have to
c) should have
d) might

6. When preparing for a job interview, candidates ________ research the company and
practice common interview questions.
a) ought to
b) are required to
c) can choose to
d) not necessarily

7. It's essential to maintain a respectful tone when communicating with colleagues. You
________ be courteous in your interaction.
a) have to
b) are advised to
c) don’t need to
d) might want to

8. Which word is appropriate to describe the picture?

a) nutrition
b) nutrients
c) nature
d) neutral
9. You have a job interview tomorrow, and you're not sure what to wear. What should you
a) You should wear your pajamas for comfort.
b) You should have bought a new outfit weeks ago.
c) You should wear a professional attire suitable
d) You should have skipped the interview altogether.

10. Your friend is feeling stressed about an upcoming exam. What suggestion can you give?
a) You should have started studying earlier.
b) You ought to start meditating to relieve stress.
c) You might skip studying and hope for the best.
D) You must tell the teacher to postpone the exam.
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน 1 (Basic 1)
Unit: 10 Topic: Abilities

1. Now, she _____ speak three languages fluently.

a. can
b. could
c. may
d. would
2. Last year, he _____ swim across the river.
a. can
b. could
c. may
d. would
3. Mr. Walker will ________ talk to you on Thursday.
a. can
b. could
c. be able to
d. may
4. He _____ play the piano when he was younger, but he lost his interest.
a. can
b. could
c. may
d. would
5. _____ you mind if I ask you this question?
a. May
b. Be able to
c. Should
d. Would
6. ______ you please help me with my bag?
a. Would
b. Could
c. Be able to
d. Do
7. He _______ have solved the puzzle if he had more time:
a. can
b. could
c. may
d. would
8. ______ you like a glass of wine? (suggestion)
a. can
b. could
c. may
d. would
9. Matty ______ prefer driving a car.
a. can
b. could
c. may
d. would
10. _____ I call you my friend now?
a. can
b. could
c. may
d. would
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน 2 (Basic 2)
Unit: 1 Topic: World of Technology

แบบทดสอบปรนัย 10 ขอในระบบออนไลน
World of Technology
Choose the correct answer.
1. Our team ____________ developing groundbreaking AI software for the past six months.
A. is
B. has been
C. will be
D. had been

2. The tech conference ____________ place every year in Silicon Valley.

A. takes
B. is taking
C. took
D. has taken

3. I'm sorry, but I can't talk right now; I ____________ an important video call with my
A. have
B. have had
C. has been having
D. am having

4. They ____________ the new operating system on all the computers.

A. just install
B. are just installing
C. have just installed
D. have just been installing
5. The software engineers ____________ hard on fixing the bugs for the past week.
A. work
B. are working
C. have worked
D. have been working

6. We can't connect to the Internet because the Wi-Fi router ____________ now.
A. doesn't work
B. hasn't been working
C. didn't work
D. isn't working

7. How long ____________ that software company?

A. do you join
B. have you been joining
C. have you joined
D. are you joining

8. To improve security, users ____________ regularly ____________ the latest ____________

on their devices.
A. should / download / Internet
B. should / download / software
C. must / connect / device
D. should / install / shut down

9. Before traveling, make sure you ____________ all the necessary apps and maps while you
have access to the ____________.
A. download/internet
B. install/software
C. download/Internet
D. shut down/device
10. To troubleshoot network issues, users ____________ try to ____________ their devices to
a different ____________ and see if the problem persists.
A. must / connect / software
B. should / update / Internet
C. can / download / device
D. should / connect / Internet

1. B has been
2. A takes
3. D am having
4. C have just installed
5. D have been working
6. D isn't working
7. C have you joined
8. B should/ download/ software
9. A download / internet
10. D should / connect / Internet
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน 2 (Basic 2)
Unit: 2 Topic: Environment

Choose the best answer.

1. He promises he ________ me as soon as he has any news.
a. calls b. will call
c. calling d. will be calling

2. Air pollution is terrible for the forests. It ________ the trees.

a. destroy b. destroying
c. will destroy d. is going to destroy

3. Which problems ________ the scientists ________ at the conference this Saturday?
a. is, discuss b. will, discuss
c. are, discussing d. are, will be discussing

4. What ________ Jackson and Lisa ________ tomorrow?

a. are, doing b. do, doing
c. will, doing d. will, going to do

5. When you ________ tonight, we ________ out for dinner.

a. arrive, go b. arrive, will go
c. will arrive, go d. will arrive, will go

Choose the best answer.
6. The environmental harm that caused by contamination to either land, water, or air
means ________.
a. forest b. pollution
c. global warming d. climate change
7. While scientists argue that ________ is a natural process, the evidence shows that it is
caused by human activity such as deforestation.
a. forest b. pollution
c. global warming d. climate change

8. Many companies should invest more money in developing different types of renewable
________ such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric.
a. energy b. wildfire
c. pollution d. ecosystem

9. ________ is caused by the greenhouse effect. Normally, heat from the sun warms the
earth and then escapes back into space.
a. energy b. pollution
c. global warming d. climate change

10. ________ help to control global warming because the absorb carbon dioxide.
a. forest b. wildfire
c. pollution d. climate change
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน 2 (Basic 2)
Unit: 3 Topic: At a Hospital

1. What is the meaning of the word "symptom"?

a) Recover from an illness
b) A sign or indication of an illness
c) A medical appointment
d) Feeling tired and lacking energy
2. Which conjunction of time tells an action that happens immediately after another?
a) Before
b) Until
c) As soon as
d) After
3. _____________ is an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place.
a) Patient
b) Medicine
c) Appointment
d) Ambulance
4. Choose the correct sentence:
a) After I will eat I will go to the, doctor.
b) I will eat after, I will go to the doctor.
c) I will eat after I go to the doctor.
d) I will eat, I will go to the doctor.
5. What does the word "fatigue" mean?
a) A medical test
b) Feeling tired and lacking energy
c) A type of medicine
d) The person who is receiving medical care.
6. Which conjunction of time is used to show an action that happened before another
a) When
b) After
c) Before
d) While
7. ___________ is a vehicle equipped to transport sick or injured people to the hospital.
a) Patient
b) Ambulance
c) Medicine
d) Check-up
8. Choose the correct sentence:
a) She felt better when she took the medicine.
b) She felt better when she didn't take the medicine.
c) She felt better after she didn't take the medicine.
d) She felt better before she didn't take the medicine.
9. What do you call a person who is receiving medical care?
a) Patient
b) Symptom
c) Recovery
d) Ambulance
10. Choose the correct sentence:
a) The doctor prescribed medicine after she felt better.
b) After she felt better, the doctor prescribed medicine.
c) After she felt better she prescribed medicine.
d) She felt better after the doctor prescribed medicine.
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน 2 (Basic 2)
Unit: 4 Topic: Life in fashion

แบบทดสอบปรนัย 10 ขอในระบบออนไลน
Life in fashion
Choose the correct answer.

1. While she ________ (walk) down the runway, the photographers ________ (capture) her
every move.
a) walked / captured
b) was walking / captured
c) was walking / were capturing
d) walked / were capturing

2. He ________ (design) a stunning gown for the celebrity, which ________ (receive) rave
reviews from fashion critics.
a) designed / received
b) was designing / received
c) designed / was receiving
d) was designing / was receiving

3. When I entered the boutique, the sales assistant ________ (assist) a customer, but she
quickly ________ (turn) to help me.
a) was assisting / turned
b) assisted / turned
c) was assisting / was turning
d) assisted / was turning
4. The fashion show ________ (start) at 7 PM, and the guests ________ (arrive) early to
secure good seats.
a) started / arrived
b) started / were arriving
c) was starting / arrived
d) was starting / were arriving

5. While the models ________ (walk) the catwalk, the audience ________ (applaud) loudly.
a) walked / applauded
b) were walking / applauded
c) walked / were applauding
d) were walking / were applauding

6. She ________ (try) on various outfits at the boutique before she ________ (find) the
perfect dress.
a) was trying / found
b) tried / found
c) was trying / was finding
d) tried / was finding

7. The fashion magazine ________ (publish) a special edition that ________ (feature) the
latest trends.
a) published / featured
b) was publishing / featured
c) published / was featuring
d) was publishing / was featuring
8. As the fashion designers ________ (prepare) for the show, they ________ (feel) a mix of
excitement and nervousness.
a) prepared / felt
b) prepared / were feeling
c) were preparing / felt
d) were preparing / were feeling

9. The boutique ________ (offer) a discount on all items, and I ________ (buy) a stylish
a) offered / bought
b) was offering / bought
c) offered / was buying
d) was offering / was buying

10. While I ________ (browse) through the racks, I ________ (discover) a beautiful vintage
a) browsed / discovered
b) was browsing / discovered
c) browsed / was discovering
d) was browsing / was discovering

1. c) was walking/were capturing
2. b) was designing/received
3. a) was assisting/turned
4. a) started / arrived
5. d) were walking / were applauding
6. b) tried / found
7. a) published / featured
8. c) were preparing/felt
9. b) was offering/bought
10. b) was browsing/discovered
Course: หลักสูตรภาษาอังกฤษขั้นพื้นฐาน 2 (Basic 2)
Unit: 5 Topic: At a Restaurant

Lesson 5
1. The Thai dessert ________ sent to her at the hospital last night.
a. is b. are
c. was d. were

2. These days, Mango sticky rice ________ as one of the most popular and delicious desserts
of all time.
a. viewed b. is viewed
c. views d. was viewed

3. Two new restaurants ________ last Monday.

a. is opened b. are opened
c. was opened d. were opened

4. Those delicious chocolate desserts ________ by Jennie.

a. order b. is ordered
c. was ordered d. are ordered

5. Choose the correct passive form of this sentence: “Her father didn't send him any money
to buy her own car.”
a. She wasn't sent any money to buy her own car.
b. Any money didn't send to her to buy her own car.
c. Her father wasn't sent her any money to buy her own car.
d. She didn't send any money to her father to buy her own car.
6. Choose the correct passive form of this sentence: “The manager informed everybody
about the change of the plan.”
a. Everybody informed about the change of the plan by the manager.
b. The manager is informed by everybody about the change of the plan.
c. The manager was informed about the change of the plan by everybody.
d. Everybody was informed about the change of the plan by the manager.

7. Which sentence uses the passive voice?

a. Breakfast is my favorite meal.
b. She ordered drink after having lunch.
c. We will eat at an expensive restaurant on your birthday.
d. Two grilled lobsters and two salmon steak are served quickly.

8. The tea was ________ hot to drink. So, I buy a glass of lemonade instead.
a. too b. so
c. very d. many

Choose the best answer.
9. At a restaurant.
Waiter: Good evening. ________.
Diner: Yes, a table for four under the name Pim.

a. Can you sit down, please?

b. What is your seat number?
c. Do you have a reservation?
d. Why don’t you serve some food?

10. The ________ at this restaurant is great. He knows how to cook many kinds of food.
a. drink b. chef
c. waiter d. reservation

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