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Risk Management at the Indonesian Archives Institute



Dr. Anwar Sanusi, SE., M.Sc

Arranged by:

Muhammad Fathir Al Fahmi 1986010214




2020 M / 1441 H
Table 1 Journal Article Profile

No Profile Information
1 Title Risk Management at the Indonesian Archives Institute
2 Authors Dyah Puspitasari Srirahayu
3 Publication date January 2020
4 Journal JournalsRisk Management at the Indonesian Archives
5 Volume -
6 Issue -
7 Pages 1-11
8 Publisher e-journal
10 Abstract An archival institution is one that functions as an
organization that does not have an invaluable archive rescue
organization. Like other organizations, archival institutions
also experience risks that will affect operational processes or
the important records they manage. The purpose of risk
management is to minimize the failure received by the
institution because of the existing risk. This research is to
understand how the conditions of risk management in
archival institutions, the risks they face and the impacts that
occur. This study also aims to map risks in archival
institutions ranging from mild to severe impacts, so that
archival institutions can reduce the impact of risks if such
risks occur. This research method uses a qualitative approach
to archival institutions in Indonesia, namely the provincial
archives and tertiary archives. The results of this study
indicate that risk management in archival institutions does
not exist in writing but has been carried out together

11 Critical review April 21, 2020

Reviewer Muhammad Fathir Al Fahmi

Table 2. Summary of Journal Articles

No Sub discussion Summary

1 Introduction 1. Archival institutions in higher education have functions
that are not as important as libraries. All forms of
activities that occur in tertiary institutions are recorded
and stored, so that management, both manually and
digitally, has its own potential risks. Risk is defined as an
adverse event or outcome that is not as expected. Risk
arises when there is uncertainty or unexpected event.

2 Theory Theory used;

1. Risk management
2. Record management
3 Methodology 1. The research model used in this study adopted
qualitative research
2. research approach that aims to understand the
problem / phenomenon that exists from the
perspective of the participants, as well as using
multimedia, using interviews / interviews, field
observations as data collection techniques
4 Result and The study results show that:
Discussion 2. Risk management, risk assessment and risk-based
assessment are important aspects of archive
management (Jeurgens, 2014). Risk management is also
very dependent on the economic institution or the
institution itself. The application of risk management is
important for an organization, archives are no
exception. Everything that is applied to avoid and
minimize losses on work can be said as one of risk
management. The application of risk management leads
to risk reduction by making the decision to make and
keep certain records. These records are made to meet
the needs for accountability, evidence, and supporting
information in carrying out activities.
2. Risk management is a systematic process that uses
administration, organization, ability and operational
capacity to implement regulatory decisions, strategies to
reduce the impact of recognized hazards, which consist
of all activities, including structural and non-structural
activities to avoid or limit the effects of losses. from the
perceived danger.
3 The purpose of risk management itself is to minimize
failures that the institution receives. Institutions must
also anticipate risks by having resources that meet
current security standards. This is needed so that risk
management and its elements do not need to be
implemented, because things that don't happen are
desired and the risks faced never happen (Ali, 2016).
5 Conclution 1. This study found that risk management has a
positive effect on the Indonesian Archives Institute.
2. Risk management positively influences the
Indonesian Archives Institute.

Table 3. Critical Jounal

No Sub Discussion
1 General 1. Researchers should generally explain the
perspectives understanding of archives as an initial description of
the problem, then begin to enter into a theoretical
framework that is not too long but it is difficult to
find the core of the theoretical framework so that it
appears to have long material and is difficult to
2. In general, readers will find it difficult to find the
core of the article content and difficulty in seeing it
2 The accuracy of The theory in this study includes many previous studies but
the theory do not know which theory will be used, so that the reader
must be confused about the theory used about this research.
3 Methodology The researcher did not include the research method used.
4 Research result 1. An important point that has not been touched by
researchers isthe three Archiving Institutions can be
seen that comprehensive identification has not been
carried out by the three Institutions. However, from the
results it can be seen that they understand what risks
might occur and what their impact on archival
institutions, especially those they manage.
2. The results of research using secondary data will be
stronger if supported by primary data.
3. Researcher's statement is convincing but it seems
difficult to understand in general because researchers do
not explain the analysis of the results of the discussion
of data processing used, researchers only manage the
data without analyzing it in the discussion.
4. The lack of clear results even we readers feel confused
to read this research.
The results of the study should be clearly explained in
accordance with the main objectives of the researcher.
5 Results of the 1. Researchers do not apply the theory used in research to
researchers' make it easier to conduct research.
conclusions 2. The theoretical framework used is too long and not right
on target so it is difficult to understand, the use of
document analysis methods is also less satisfactory so
that it does not achieve maximum results.
3. archival institutions have carried out risk management
even without clear regulations. The head of the archival
institution, together with his archivist, has identified,
evaluated, mitigated, and reviewed their records
management. Archival institutions understand the
importance of archives that are managed as part of the
nation's history, as an invaluable asset that needs to be
protected and kept away from risk.

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