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Theories and Practices in School Administration and Supervision

1. Leadership and internal environment encourage to continuously improve work and

learning experiences. Describe the job of a teacher in the improvement of agency's
progress and development.

We, teachers have a unique position in shaping the internal environment and fostering
a culture of growth and learning. Our role is vital in promoting continuous
improvement, progress, and development within an educational institution. In many
ways that we can contribute, here are some of which I can consider very significant that
align with the agency's goals for improvement:

a. Staying updated with the latest educational trends and research, they can incorporate
innovative teaching methodologies, relevant content, and engaging activities.
b. Continuously seeking opportunities for their own professional development by
attending workshops, conferences, and engaging in collaborative learning communities.
c. Regular self-reflection and analysis of teaching practices are key to improvement.
d. Mentoring to newer colleagues, sharing their knowledge and insights.
e. Encouraging innovation by technological advancements in teaching and learning.
f. Becoming a leader and advocate for educational reforms and policies that influence
positive changes at the institutional level.

In essence, a teacher's role goes beyond imparting knowledge; our dedication in

providing quality education through maximizing resources can significantly contribute
to the agency's overall success.

2. Is a learning organization something that comes about because of the actions of

leaders/managers, workers or both?

Yes, I must say that a learning organization is typically a result of the combined efforts
of both leaders/managers and workers. When both leaders and workers collaborate to
create an environment, a learning organization emerges where learning, growth, and
innovation are valued. Leaders set the foundation by establishing the cultural norms
and providing the necessary resources, while workers actively participate in learning
initiatives and contribute their knowledge and insights. It's a symbiotic relationship
where the actions of both groups are essential for the organization.

3. One of the best practices of an agency/company is contingency. This theory is proven

very appropriate and necessary in the solution of any problem occur in the company. Do
you agree or disagree? Explain.

I agree that contingency theory is a valuable approach for addressing problems and
challenges that arise within companies or organizations. For this theory suggests that
there is no one-size-fits-all solution to management or organizational issues. The major
reasons are the emphasis on context, adaptability, and customization makes it a
relevant and necessary approach to problem-solving within companies. It recognizes
that different situations may require different approaches and that no single solution is
universally applicable, organizations can enhance their problem-solving capabilities,
better manage challenges, and achieve more effective and sustainable outcomes.
Theories and Practices in School Administration and Supervision

4. Is it right for a company or organization to require ethics training of employees? What is

your stand on this? Discuss.

Requiring ethics training for employees in a company or organization can be a highly

beneficial practice. My stance on this matter is “YES, it is right, and I can say that ethics
training is a valuable tool that can contribute to a positive workplace culture, enhance
decision-making, and promote responsible behavior. Ethics training helps employees
understand the values, principles, and standards that guide ethical conduct within the
organization. It sets clear expectations for how employees should behave and make
decisions in various situations. By fostering a culture of ethics, preventing misconduct,
and equipping employees with the tools to make ethical decisions, organizations can
create a positive workplace environment and demonstrate their commitment to
responsible behavior that contributes to the success and reputation of a company or

5. An agency or company was bounded with discipline system. It is believed that this system
makes a company progressive. Discuss your position on this regard.

The implementation of a discipline system within an agency or company can indeed

contribute to its progress and success, but it needs some considerations with other
organizational factors. Discipline, when applied effectively and fairly, can help create a
structured and accountable environment that fosters productivity, professionalism, and
a positive workplace culture. When structured well, it can indeed contribute to an
agency's or company's progress through creating a professional, accountable, and
orderly environment. However, it's important to strike a balance between discipline and
flexibility, while also maintaining a focus on positive reinforcement and fairness. Lastly,
once this is thoughtfully and well-implemented, it can surely drive the organization
toward its goals and foster a culture of success.

6. Discuss theories and practices of your agency or company. Explain your position and your
responsibilities in your job and comment how your company distinct from other

The Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines is responsible for formulating

and implementing education policies, programs, and projects aimed at ensuring access
to quality basic education for all Filipinos. My position as a Teacher-I class adviser of
Grade 1 pupils in the department is crucial in facilitating learning and development
since my field of expertise focused on the building of basic knowledge and skills
foundations. And my responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks that revolve
around facilitating learning, personal growth, and development among learners.
Educational institutions distinguish themselves from other agencies or companies by
their core mission of education, student-centered approach, lifelong impact, community
engagement, and emphasis on research and innovation.

7. Differentiate administration, supervision and management in academe and in public line

agency. Explain.

In both academia and public line agencies, administration, supervision, and management are
distinct but interconnected functions that contribute to the efficient operation of
organizations. However, their specific roles and focus areas can differ based on the context of
education and public administration.
Theories and Practices in School Administration and Supervision

• Administration in academe refers to the overall leadership and decision-making

process within educational institutions where administrators set the institution's vision,
mission, and strategic goals by the university presidents, deans, and department heads. While
in public line agencies, it involves the overall leadership and decision-making within
government organizations, departments, or agencies where administrators define the
agency's goals, formulate policies, manage budgets, and ensure compliance with legal and
regulatory frameworks by the directors, commissioners, and secretaries.

• Supervision in academe involves overseeing and supporting the work of educators

and staff to ensure effective teaching and learning where academic supervisors provide
guidance, support, and feedback to teachers through observing classroom instruction, offer
professional development opportunities, and facilitate collaboration. While in public line
agencies, it refers to overseeing the work of staff members to ensure that tasks and projects
are carried out effectively and efficiently where supervisors provide guidance, monitor
performance, and provide feedback to employees. They ensure that work aligns with agency
goals and objectives.

• Management in academe pertains to the efficient operation of the institution's

various departments and units where academic managers handle day-to-day operations,
resource allocation, and coordination of activities through academic program coordinators,
registrar, and finance managers. While in public line agencies, it involves the coordination of
resources, personnel, and processes to achieve agency objectives where managers are
responsible for planning, organizing, and directing the agency's operations. They allocate
resources, manage projects, and implement policies through program managers, project
managers, and division chiefs.

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