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Rubric for Journal Writing

Exemplary Sufficient Minimal Beginning

4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Self- Student Student Student Student
disclosure demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
/ an in-depth a general a general a lack of
Depth of
reflection, and reflection on, reflection on, reflection on,
personalization and and or
of the theories, personalizatio personalizatio personalizatio
concepts, and n of the n of the n of, the
strategies theories, theories, theories,
presented in concepts, and concepts, and concepts, and
the course strategies strategies strategies
materials. View presented in presented in presented in
points and the course the course the course
interpretations materials. materials. materials.
are insightful Viewpoints Viewpoints Viewpoints
and well and and and
supported. interpretation interpretation interpretation
Clear detailed s are s are s are missing,
examples from supported. unsupported inappropriate,
personal Appropriate with flawed and/or
experiences examples are arguments. unsupported.
are provided, provided from Examples are Examples are
as applicable. personal not provided not provided.
experiences or are
as applicable. irrelevant to

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