Skills Debating Activity Assessor Report

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Michael Crowther

Hamilton Boys' High School, New Zealand

Bronze Level award started on 21 - February - 2022


Hours Hours
Status Major First Start Date
Completed Required

Awaiting Sign- 16 - March -

No 13 13
off 2022

Activity Breakdown of hours

Debating 18/13

Goal: To be able to successfully signpost and structure all parts of my points confidently and clearly
Assessor: Michelle Coursey

Date Duration Description

Went to round 2 of the debating

competition - we had a successful day
30 - March - 2022 02:00 and came alway with the win. I did well
focusing on a clear structure in first
lunch time meeting - worked on argument
preparation for the Napier tournament,
02 - May - 2022 00:45 we were given a random moot and
practiced coming up with well structured
we went to round 3 of the competition -
sadly we didn’t win but we had a close
12 - May - 2022 02:00
debate and we knew where we went
wron and what we needed to work on.
we went to the university for round one of
the Waikato debate competition, we had
16 - March - 2022 02:00 a close debate but sadly didn’t come
away with the win. we know where we
went wrong and what we need to work on
On Saturday we all went to Boys High for
the final round of the competition. We
completed 2 debates over 4 hours and
won both of them, I subbed out for the
first of the debates, but debated in the
29 - May - 2022 04:15 second. Considering the losses we had
at the start of the competition, our team
did a good job at making a comeback, as
we only just missed out on the semi
finals. Overall we had a great day and
were happy with how we did
Goal: To be able to successfully signpost and structure all parts of my points confidently and clearly
Assessor: Michelle Coursey

Date Duration Description

today we had a lunchtime meeting, we

practiced our debating abilities through a
game, where we would have a limited
28 - June - 2022 00:45
time to convince the audience of
something. We also discussed future
competitions for lunch and out of school.
We discussed other out of school
competitions to boost our debating
25 - July - 2022 00:45 abilities. we also organised practice
debates for the next few weeks on
Tuesday lunchtimes.
today we spectated the first round of in
school debates, it was a close debate
02 - August - 2022 00:45
with a split panel of judges, but HBHS
Post Malone got the win
Today the practice debate was
postponed, so instead we learnt about
the phrase “say the quiet part loud”. this
08 - August - 2022 00:45
ment really fleshing out our points and
making sure that everything is explained
today we had a practice debate at
lunchtime, the moot was THW remove
New Zealand armed forces, we had done
16 - August - 2022 01:00
solid prep the night before so we’re able
to secure the win, although the other
team had to get substitute debaters
today we watched a practice debate, the
moot was thw become vegetarian, it was
30 - August - 2022 00:45 a close debate and we had a goo
discussion at the end about what could
have been improved on
today we had a talk from the senior
debaters about how to correctly respond
05 - September -
00:45 to the oppositions argument. We learnt
many different types of rebuttals and how
to correctly use them.
Today we spectated the final luchtime
debate. the moot was THW raise tax on
13 - September - unhealthy food, the debate was
2022 extremely close, we recognised many
works and ons for both the teams and
things they did well.
Discussed the moot for round one of the
up coming super 8 competition with the
09 - May - 2022 00:45
year 13’s also further discussed who
would sit out of the super 8 competition

15/01/2023 11:24 PM
Assessor Report
I Certify That as the Assessor of this activity that the participant has met the requirements. Please comment on the
participants improvement/ performance/ commitment.

Michael has been a committed and enthusiastic participant in Junior Debating for the past year. He has shown very
strong improvement, working in particular on signposting and clearly articulating points. His team's consistent
success throughout the year in both the inter-school competition and school exchange events proves his abilities in
this activity have been a focus for him. I have appreciated Michael's commitment and dedication to our club, and
the obvious work he has put into his own performance both in and outside of school time.

Phone/ +64212216287
Name: Michelle Coursey

Qualification: Junior Debating Teacher-in-Charge at Hamilton Boys' High School

I have been a debating coach and teacher-in-charge for the past four years at two separate

Signed: {digitally signed} Michelle Coursey Date: 15 - January - 2023 11:24

15/01/2023 11:24 PM

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