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Section-1 Past Papers

 Explain the nature and importance of Criminology in detail. (2016)

 Define the term Crime and Criminals. Explain the types of Criminals in detail. (2016)
 Write a critical note on the increasing importance of Criminology in Pakistan. Also discuss the
historical development of criminology as a scientific discipline. (2017)
 Enlist the criminological perspectives. Briefly describe the three criminological perspectives on
the study of crime and criminal behaviour.(2017)
 Define Criminology. Discuss the scope of criminology in Pakistan. (2018)
 What is the Islamic perspective on crime and punishment? Explain your answer with the help of
proper examples. (2018)
 Travis Hirschi argued that crime results when an individual’s bond to society is weak or broken.
Discuss in detail what this theory of social bonding explains about crime. (2019)
 Discuss the fundamental postulates of Edwin Sutherland’s ‘Differential Association theory’ with
examples. (2019)
 What is your position on the nature vs nurture debate in criminology? (2020)
 Define and explain the following concepts: (2020)
(a) Left realism and right realism (b) Phrenology and Physiognomy (c) Corporal punishment and
capital punishment (d) Sociology of Law, Criminal Etiology and Penology
 Critically analyze the biological theories of criminality. (2021)
 a) How would you classify criminal behavior? (10 each) (b) What would be the focus of typology?
 What is the difference between crime, deviance, sin and vice? Do you believe that crime is one
of the major social problems of Pakistani society? Discuss. (2022)
 What is the meaning of Anomie? Discuss Robert Merton theory of Anomie in detail. (2022)
 Discuss scope of Criminology as science dealing with study of criminal law, forensics and criminal
investigation. (2023)
 Suggest Measures to control robberies/dacoities and urban street criminality in Pakistan?

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