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2nd Semester, AY 2022-2023


NAME: De Dios, Joseph Ivan Mari M.

DATE: April 11 ,2023


 Set off by watching the film (The Internship) that focuses on international marketing. As
you watch the film, pay attention to how the characters interact with different cultures, how they
approach marketing in different countries, and what challenges they face.

 Summarize the movie: After watching the film, summarize the plot and main themes. This will
help you to better understand the context and provide a foundation for your rumination (20%).

Identify marketing strategies: Identify the marketing strategies used in the film. Consider what
worked well and what did not work. How did the characters adapt their marketing strategies to
fit different cultures and markets? What challenges did they face, and how did they overcome
them? (20%)

 Reflect on cultural differences: Reflect on the cultural differences depicted in the film. Consider
how cultural differences can impact marketing strategies in different countries. How might
cultural norms and values affect consumer behavior? What are some potential challenges that
marketers may face when trying to market products and services internationally? (20%)

 Apply concepts to real life: Apply the concepts from the film to real-life situations. Consider
how the lessons learned from the film could be applied to your own experiences or future career
in international marketing. What insights or strategies can you take away from the movie that
could help you succeed in this field? (20%)
 Conclusion: Conclude your rumination by summarizing your main points and providing a final
reflection on the film. What did you learn about international marketing from the movie? What
surprised you? What will you take away from this experience? (20%)

 Remember to use testimony from the film to support your points and to think critically
about the themes and lessons presented. Overall, this film rumination is an opportunity to
deepen your understanding of international marketing and to reflect on how you can apply
these insights to your own experiences and career aspirations.

 Link for the film: THE INTERNSHIP

 Submission date: April 11, 2023 (NO DATE EXTENSION!)

 PDF Soft copy with file format: SURNAME_FIRST NAME_Film Rumination.

 One class officer will consolidate submitted PDF files into a drive and share me the link.

The movie plan starts showing Nick and Billy going to a client meeting to offer Chrono shock aught
thirteen products as manufacturing rep .But discover company is closed ,as later approach their Sammy
said ,watches are obsolete mean as well nick and Billy ,it cheaper for a machine to tell companies what
to order than a manufacturer rep doing it then fire them . While being fire the two on market I feel like
our whole generation is ,sheet told go college get good grade ,nick said you did not go in college ,Billy in
theory our generation respond her we did everything the way we supported to and what we get
nothing .Then Billy find job as discover google to have internship ,in internet You shrunken down to the
size of nickel and dropped into a blender , what you do just like ordinary blender enjoy the bris make
smoothies ,interviewer said one it empty ones it on its forever , Nick I disagree most quality builder
work 10 to 9 , and if we are nickel we work those inside of blender then go home ,as well Billy said is
not so much getting out of blenders ,is what happen next free the world thing possibilities .And committee
of google have meet about nick and billy and being accept in google as an intern by being out the box
thinking said by lyles manager .

They arrived in google as intern as overage compared to their peer internship ,I said they need to form a
team of five and the out of 20 team only 1 team 5 intern will become full time employee decide by end of
summer determined by google challenges .Result teaming up the two become leftover as well other
having different culture first an Asian yoyo santos a homeschool by mom that followed mother will “
Mamas boy”. Another a girl Neha petal playful type of girl and Dylan a introvert person .First challenge
is find the bug on misfunction program on google audio ,as expected not have knowledge technology they
are useless interrupted ,they just being fool by the rest of the team .As day past sport event is next
challenges facing William , the blue team on some Quidditch field on first blue team score 60 and red
where Billy or nick belong have 00 .Have team meeting we need get our mind get believing ,trying ,
overcome she result they play the score in second half score become 70 to 70 but in end opponent
cheat .Billy team G.d you did just first time we came as team

The next day her the challenge create app have discussion billy have idea but it principle is Instagram that
he did not known just coming to herself ,the other 3 intern said our life is over ,billy said why the whole
American dream ,that dream we not gurantte to get a job after college ,Billy and Nick have wanted to
reset botton ,on that night the six they go on restaurant ,as the night become deep they go in some kind of
strip club in U.S have some drink and go in the sunset golden gate bridge view .As they said they have
fun best time in their life now ,they have realize to enjoy life until Lyne have her chicks chatting ,said
nicky you must not chat him while being drunk as ass ,Billy said look what 17 sqaure answer
correct ,Dylan as harder square of seventy lyne is answer is wrong .Nicky said that the app that app we
should do right their some quiz question you have to answer before you can send a drunk tex or a drunk
email or phone call something protect yourself from yourself .Later the inter head management their apps
is have 10 times more download compare to other team they won their first challenges .From this on
many challges occur and they succeed showing teamwork understanding each other is key . Time past
the team become collaborate as well nick and billy have hard time studying codes and other operation in
google .

This plot theme in movie continue until Sammy their past boss called come work on me ,as a sales
man again I discovered land mine motorized scooters , selling to retirement community homes but they
reject it . Next scene mean time internship have only two challenges remain one of this is google helpline
one of difficult job combining CRM and product fluency knwodlege .They practice but billy is have hard
time on managing it . While nicky in the night after main theme love showing as throhht the movie her
lover to superior employee he keeps approaching and have date name Dana and so on .While Billy
studying in google that having hardtime ( ) study with () on how google helplines work. Later morning
the challenges begin Mr.Chetty the head on managing in tern click the log file icon access you
account ,so we can review your performance ,in this it seem billy studying is successfully as her
performance is excellent and as well nicky that their experience as sales man is showing off their edges to
others. And 1hr of operation in challenges end Mr. Chetty said please log file ,but billy is cannot as he not
log in her account earlier ,for this not have recording her score her zero as well as rules and since every
intern must complete every challenges as wholes her team is zero .As later billy admit her mistake or
fault and decide to move called Sammy take the Job later .

The next plot move on annoucemnt of Sales challenges said over million companies advertise in google
find not diest not convince them .The winner will be announce in afternoon the team of billly is confidenc
ecuase it sales but nicky reveal billy left ,but they decidde they team ,teach come to together .While billy
is in her work offering the motorized scter ,as for nick arrive ,to convince come back is said it natural
your birth in 70s it natural , Nick saying life I wagon some times station wagon is throw you ,break heart ,
but some day drop a blessing s let go back see thing ,on the otherhand struat ,dle ,yo ,leyne in a pizza a
resurant to convince them ,but fail .Go outside see william ,close a sales their competitor ,until billy arrive
talk again on pizza owner .Owner said yo we always done the same way yellow pages ,flyers ,New , but
Billy said we a ll creatire of habut ,but what scary is change , we people is approach on chngin need kick
of the ass ,Billy said fight keep your limitation ,okay is okay we having good sales ,this great pizza .Papa
john make dought but papa sal have better sauce , Owner said just like my so son you sound like him as
he wanted to enter Sal Los gastos ,son respiond the big chains are killing us we barelt stay afloat ,father
respond because when frachise because you lose quality people trust ,you known secret to go to farmer
market every day I buy tomotoes my self I get basil oregano .Si guys I know this people part of
neighborhood hear palo alto in hear that good enogght ,Billy said we not said abndom neighborhood but
to expand your neighborhood little bigger hile showing yo ,lyne ,strual google respond .Did know there
as many people from los gatos searching Papa salt sauce comes Palo alto .Followed by location plan
place in Los gastos and that 3km from a farmer market .We not asking to abandom but expand your
reach little bit .Yes I can blame you to this information ,we scare in google our head ,you life take
bread ,possibilities ,new customer ,new franchise then owner agree .As later afternoon arrive end of
week and end of internship the annoucmcent of summer internship .The announcement is beigign but
interrupt on some kind of comeday theme by Billy theme pass sales challenges result of their
team .While William their competitor what comes on having a small pizza business ,Mr Chetty yes one
shop is not enogut but is not ,one shop only ,you see this is blossoming francise with endless
possibilities ,thank to you ,we endless possibiltis .What you done your team is connect people and
connect those people to information ,which is what we do and more than couage to dream even with your

Mr.Anderson head of search smart ,collaborate ,weird engouht to make interesting ,their googliness ,Also
just made for doing I known you accsen is bullshit .then they beging accepted
I hope id a team with equal contributed one in while never happen


` The beginning of the movie shows Nick and Billy going to a client meeting to offer Chrono shock a
brand of the watch as a manufacturing rep. However, they find the company is closed, and when they
later approach their boss Sammy, he informs them that watches are already obsolete, Things are
computerized nowadays one click can see time as well as orders for this Nick and Billy as a salesman are
absolute as well. As the plot pass, Billy discovers google has to have an internship, then have an interview
that has a tricky question, about a blender that turns this idea into something interesting, and later
accepted by google despite having overage as an intern because of Nick and Billy out of box thinking.
Later plot the two arrive at google alongside 98 other interns being tasked to form a team of five the team
will win most challenges is becoming full employees at end of summer.

As a result, the two ended up being left behind because of age and have mixed with people who become
leftover as well have different cultural backgrounds or experiences, the first being an Asian Yoyo Santos
who was homeschooled by his mother and was known as "Mama's boy." Another girl, Neha, is a playful
type, Stuart is an introvert and their manager is an employee of google Lynne an awkward guy. The later
first challenge was announced by Mr. Chetty to find a bug malfunctioning with the audio program as
expected Billy and nick have no knowledge and just interrupted the rest of the team. Later, they fail to
debug it as well the next challenge is a sporting event that seems losing again as being cheated but slowly
working together. Later in the plot, new challenges arise in making a new app while having a discussion
they have chatting about ideas, life, herself, etc. Until Billy and Nick said they wanted to hit restart
bottom for this the six include Billy and nick going at night to go restaurants, strip club and later sunset
go in the golden gate bridge in California view as the four younger enjoy the best night of their life as
having discussion conclude the app function they can get a kind of Drunk testing app to protect your self
when you are drunk. And later it succeed as they win the challenge of having the most install compared to
the other team apps. Result of their team working as one and enjoying collaborating with others they win
a few challenges given by Google, as well the team synergy is going well for nick is a fast learner and
billy has a hard time learning codes, google zone, technology, etc. Sammy, their former boss, then called
to come work on me on selling motorized scooters but the two rejected it.

In the following scene, there are only two challenges left for the interns, one is managing Google
Helpline. While Billy has a hard time studying google functions and seems working alongside her
stranger friend Mr . Anderson on the night before the challenges. It appears that Billy studying result is
excellent, and Nicky is also doing well because their experience as salesmen is showcasing their skills to
others. After the challenges, Mr. Chetty requested that the file be logged out, but Billy was unable to do
so because she had not logged into her account earlier as instructed because of this their team scored zero
in challenges as stated in the rule. And later billy left because he hindrance go to Mr. Sammy's offer, as
later next plot Mr. Chetty announced the next challenge is sales challenges finding a business not
advertised by Google. Their team is confident because of the background of Billy and Nicky but later
nick reveals billy's lefts. But in the next plot, nick manages to get back billy, while Nale, Yo, Lylne, and
Stuart, fail to convince the shop owner of a pizza but not be able until Billy tries with the help of skill
make realize their are many people in different locations wanted their Pizza specific sauce based on
google but can because reach he be able to convince to have franchisee. And as later is shown in the last
plot of the movie because of this brought many sales. Endless possibilities of franchise using the google
information Mr.Chetty head of intern management said the winner will become a full-time employee is
team Lyne the team where billy and nick.

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