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Name of Company: Balajee Infratech & Constructions Pvt. Ltd. Project / Location: MAIN SPINE ROAD PACKAGE PROJECT

REV NO : 00

Prepared By: Designation: SAFETY OFFICER Date: Signature:

Approved By: Designation: PROJECT MANAGER Date: Signature:

• Mention the Activity and identify the hazard in that activity (can be an object, situation, behaviour that has the potential to cause injury, ill health, damage to property or environment)
• List consequences of hazard getting materialised (Example: Personal injury, fire, electrocution etc…)
• List existing controls (Permit to work, Hot work permit, etc…)
• Give the Risk rating as existing as per the matrix given.
• Give additional control measures required to be taken to reduce the probability. Our aim should be to take the risk rating to LOW. If it is in ALARP, we need to take actions to have the probability to lowest (which may include continuous monitoring/controls and
meticulous documentation. In case the residual risk is high or very high, the activity should not be continued and efforts should be made to bring it to ALARP level)
• We have to mention the legal requirements like BOCW, CEA etc.
• Mention the person in charge/responsible. This is to ensure the responsible person is aware of all the control measures. He needs to sign accepting the same and a copy of this HIRA should be available with him at the site.

Level Likelihood Rating (How frequent) Likelihood Rare Remote Occasional Frequent Certain
Severit (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1 Rare Not expected to occur but still possible. Negligible 1 2 3 4 5


2 Remote Not likely to occur under normal circumstances. Minor 2 4 6 8 10

3 Occational Possible or known to occur Moderate 3 6 9 12 15
4 Frequent Common occurrence Major 4 8 12 16 20

5 Almost Certain Continual or repeating experience. Catastrophic(5) 5 10 15 20 25


Severity Rating (Consequences)
Ratiing Personnel Injury Assets Environmental effect Reputation
1 Negligible Not likely to cause injury or ill-health. Slight effect INR (<50,000) Slight effect Slight impact

2 Minor Injury or ill-health requiring first-aid only (includes minor cuts and bruises, irritation, ill-health Minor effect INR (50,000 – 5,00,000) Minor effect Minor impact
with temporary discomfort).
Injury requiring medical treatment or ill-health leading to temporary disability (includes
3 Moderate lacerations, burns, sprains, minor fractures, dermatitis, deafness, and work-related upper limb Localized effect INR (5,00,000 – 50,00,000) Localized effect Considerable impact

4 Major Serious injuries or life- threatening occupational disease (includes single fatality, amputations, Major damage INR (50,00,000 – 5,00,00,000) Major effect National impact
permanent disability, major fractures, multiple injuries, occupational cancer, acute poisoning).

5 Catastrophic Multiple fatality, fatal diseases or multiple major injuries. Extensive damage INR (>5,00,00,000) Massive effect International impact
Consequence Applicable Legal
Sl No. Activity OH&S (nature of Existing Control Measures Probability Severity Risk Proposed Control Measures Residual Risk Category Person Signature
Hazard Description injury/ Illness) (Describe Briefly) Category (Including Additional) & Other Responsible
Consequence Applicable Legal
OH&S (nature of Existing Control Measures Risk Proposed Control Measures Person
Sl No. Activity Hazard Description injury/ Illness) (Describe Briefly) Probability Severity Category (Including Additional) Residual Risk Category & Other Responsible Signature

• Only competent (Licensed &

Experienced/AEP/ADP/AVP passes) drivers will
be allowed to drive the vehicle in Airside with
AEP/ADP/AVP passess
▪ Strict adherence to site speed limitsin
Apron area
• Fatality • Use of mobile phones will strictly be
• Collision of Vehicles • Vehicles will be parked in designated
prohibited while driving.
areas only and hand breaks will be applied
• Major • Breath analysis of drivers will be conducted on
at all times. • KBOCW
• Improper Parking Injuries a daily basis.
Movement of • All vehicles shall reverse with the help of a • Speed Limit 30Kmph in Apron area
1 Vehicles in Airside signal man 3 2 6 • ALL construction vehicles shall not MODERATE Site Engg
• All vehicles shall be equipped with the reverse • Approved HSE
• Fire • Damage to overtake. Plan
• Approved AEP/ADP/AVP passes required
vehicles • All vehicles will be maintained and kept
from Airside safety team for Operator and
immaculate at all times.
• Preventive maintenance will be carried out Vechicles
and a record of the same shall be maintained at
all times.
• No flammable liquid and/or material shall be
stored in any vehicle.

• All workers/staff will be inducted by

the Safety Department.
• ALL mandatory PPE must be made use
of at all times.
• Strict supervision of labour movement
will be ensured at all times.
• It will be made mandatory that all • All workers and staff will undergo the
• Disruption workers and staff promptly display their Roads safety induction.
Id. Cards above waist level.
• Only authorized pedestrian access will • Daily toolbox talks will be given to the
2 Man Movement • Unauthorized access • Debris at the be made use of by ALL. 3 2 6 workers pertaining to HSE dept. MODERATE Site Engg
Roll • Designated areas will be allocated for • Approved HSE
• Security the workers to have their lunch. • All debris/material wraps etc. shall be Plan
Threat • Housekeeping will be maintained at all stored in an appropriate manner.
• Polythene bags will be strictly
• All dustbins shall be secured from
being blown away and will be provided
with lids.

● Restriction & Check Points at Ingres &

Barricading of Unauthorised Ingres/ Personal injury Egres.
3 Construction Area Egres and material ● Unauthorised entry to the working 2 3 6 Ensure that hard barrication is provided MODERATE Site Engg
damage area to be reported to site

• With AEP/ADP/AVP passes approved

operators, lifting super.and riggers
• Loose lifting gears to be certified and color 1) Lowering the lifted weight in a safe area
coded 2) Move the crane or fork lift to safe location if possible
3) Maintenance of crane or JCB
• Lifting rod to be certified 4) Moving all personnel to safe location.
• Proper PPE and Adequate care must be 5)Vehicles will be parked in designated areas only and
• Failure of lifting taken for hand safety (avoid pinch points, use hand breaks will be applied at all times.
equipment, tools. proper tools) 6)ALL construction vehicles shall not overtake.
• Fatality • Barricading and warning signs to be in place 7)Ensure that hard barrication is provided
Lifting & It's • Crane overturning • Major 8)Hand signals and banksman flags are usingfor • KBOCW
• Always ensure nobody under suspended
Hazards (Loading & • Pinch point. Injuries load signalling. Clear view and established communication
4 Unloading)_ Using •• Line of fire • Damage to • Lifting activities to be suspended during 6 with operator and riggers.- Appropriate and valid MODERATE Site Engg
Dropped object GMR_GGIAL WMS PTW in location prior to start lifting • Approved HSE
Crash Gate- CG-09L • Slip, Trip and falling vehicles adverse weather condition attached with approved LOP and required certificates
• Proper Crane set-up by four legs with using 9)Relevant HIRA for lifting at location. Plan
• Adverse weather mats for stability in uneven ground 10)Proper toolbox talk regarding the lifting of weights
condition • Close and continuously supervision. in each day.
• Proper communication between lifting 11)Proper barricading.
supr, rigger and crane operator 12)Competent persons.
13)Certified riggers and machinery..
• Keep access/egress clear of obstruction. 14)Appropriate lifting gears for different weights.
• Load can be released only after final 15)Proper housekeeping. Clear access and egress.
offloaded position and securing the load
Consequence Applicable Legal
OH&S (nature of Existing Control Measures Risk Proposed Control Measures Person
Sl No. Activity Hazard Description injury/ Illness) (Describe Briefly) Probability Severity Category (Including Additional) Residual Risk Category & Other Responsible Signature

1.Hazardous waste
Soil • Fueling of oil for the excavators can be
2.Contamination- done using funneling system
5 Environmental Lubricants, oils, spillages, Personal injury • Maintenance can be done at separate Separate maintence yard should be
Aspect wastage during Fueling or and material yard. 2 2 4
given for vehicles
maintenance of damage

·   Provide heat stress training for all

.• Ensure sufficient supply of cold
• Heat stress Potential injury • Drink plenty of cold water. Workers Daily monitoring of current controls and • KBOCW
Working In Hot • Heat StrokeHeat and health must carry their water canteens at all an open forum with 2 way
6 Weather Condition Exhaustion hazards to 2 3 6 MODERATE Site Engg
times communication to take place with • APPROVED
• Heat Cramps personnel • Provide shelter for the workers• personnel on site • HSE PLAN
Information campaign by posters and
visual aids
.• Educate the labour on the hazards
• Provide intervals for res

• Identify dedicated space for materials

and storing accordingly.
1• Fire • Remove unwanted materials on daily
• 2.Dust allergy • Induction and TBT 1.Identification and segregation of waste • KBOCW
·          • . Stringent inspection during work. as per GMR_GGIAL requirement.
7 Housekeeping • Trip hazard • 3.Major • Checklist for left over tools items 2 2 4 2. Dedicated team for housekeeping MODERATE Site Engg
injury during breaks and EOD. • APPROVED
• Supervised under safety person. • HSE PLAN
• Checklist for left over tools items
during breaks and EOD.

Contractor Representatives GMR_GGIAL Project Authority

Project - In charge / Manager HSE - In charge / Manager Project - In charge / Manager Lead EHS





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