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19 January 2012 /Maximum Velocity Drill – Progressive spacing REVISED Jan 2012 to account for 7’0” women overstride

4’7”(2), 4’10”(2), 5’1”(2), 5’4”(3), 5’7”(3), 5’9”(3), 5’10”(3) – 18 str / 5’11” (3) – 21 str
4’8”(2), 4’11”(2), 5’2”(2), 5’5”(3), 5’8”(3), 5’10”(3), 5’11”(3) – 18 str / 6’0” (3) – 21 str
4’9”(2), 5’0”(2), 5’3”(2), 5’6”(3), 5’9”(3), 5’11”(3), 6’0”(3) – 18 str / 6’1” (3) – 21 str
4’10”(2), 5’1”(2), 5’4”(2), 5’7”(3), 5’10”(3), 6’0”(3), 6’1”(3) – 18 str / 6’2” (3) – 21 str
4’11”(2), 5’2”(2), 5’5”(2), 5’8”(3), 5’11”(3), 6’1”(3), 6’2”(3) – 18 str / 6’3” (3) – 21 str
5’0”(2), 5’3”(2), 5’6”(2), 5’9”(3), 6’0”(3), 6’2”(3), 6’3”(3) – 18 str / 6’4”(3) – 21 str
5’1”(2), 5’4”(2), 5’7”(2), 5’10”(3), 6’1”(3), 6’3”(3), 6’4”(3) – 18 str / 6’5” (3) – 21 str
5’2”(2), 5’5”(2), 5’8”(2), 5’11”(3), 6’2”(3), 6’4”(3), 6’5”(3) – 18 str / 6’6” (3) – 21 str

College Women
5’3”(2), 5’6”(2), 5’9”(2), 6’0”(3), 6’3”(3), 6’5”(3), 6’6”(3) – 18 str / [108’6”] 6’7” (3) – 21 str [129’3”]
5’4”(2), 5’7”(2), 5’10”(2), 6’1”(3), 6’4”(3), 6’6”(3), 6’7”(3) – 18 str / [110’0”] 6’8” (3) – 21 str [130’0”]
5’5”(2), 5’8”(2), 5’11”(2), 6’2”(3), 6’5”(3), 6’7”(3), 6’8”(3) – 18 str / [111”6”]/ 6’9” (3) – 21 str [131’9”]
5’6”(2), 5’9”(2), 6’0”(2), 6’3”(3), 6’6”(3), 6’8”(3), 6’9”(3) – 18 str / [113’0”] 6’10” (3) – 21 str [133’6”]
5’7”(2), 5’10”(2), 6’1”(2), 6’4”(3) 6’7”(3), 6’9”(3), 6’10”(3) – 18 str [114’6”]/ 6’11” (3) – 21 str [135’3”]
Note: in March 2006 women almost ran men’s progression starting at 5’9” (we accidently marked track)
5’8”(2), 5’11”(2), 6’2”(2), 6’5”(3), 6’8”(3), 6’10”(3), 6’11”(3) – 18 str [116’0”]/ 7’0” (3) – 21 str [137’0”]
Elite Women
5’9”(2), 6’0”(2), 6’3”(2), 6’6”(3), 6’8”(3), 6’10”(3), 7’0”(2), 7’1”(2) – 19 str [124’2”]/ 7’2” (2) – 21 str [138’6”]
College Men
5’10”(2), 6’1”(2), 6’4”(2), 6’7”(3), 6’9”(3), 6’11”(3), 7’1”(2), 7’2”(2) – 19 str [125’9’]/ 7’3” (2) – 21 str [140’3”]
5’11”(2), 6’2”(2), 6’5”(2), 6’8”(3), 6’10”(3), 7’0”(3), 7’2”(2), 7’3”(2) – 19 str [127’4”]/ 7’4”(2) – 21 str [142’0”]
6’0”(2), 6’3”(2), 6’6”(2), 6’9”(3), 6’11”(3), 7’1”(3), 7’3” (2), 7’4” (2) – 19 str [128’11”]/ 7’5” (2) – 21 str [143’9”]
6’1”(2), 6’4”(2), 6’7”(2), 6’10”(3), 7’0”(3), 7’2”(3), 7’4” (2), 7’5” (2) – 19 str / [130’6”] 7’6” (2) – 21 str [145’6”]
6’2”(2), 6’5”(2), 6’8”(2), 6’11”(3), 7’1”(3), 7’3”(3), 7’5”(2), 7’6”(2) – 19 str [132’1”]/ 7’7” (2) – 21 str [147’3”]
6’3”(2), 6’6”(2), 6’9”(2), 7’0”(3), 7’2”(3), 7’4”(3), 7’6”(2), 7’7”(2) – 19 str / [133’8”]/ 7’8” (2) – 21 str [149’0”]
6’4”(2), 6’7”(2), 6’10”(2), 7’1”(3), 7’3”(3), 7’5”(3), 7’7”(2), 7’8”(2) – 19 str /[135’3”]/ 7’9”(2) – 21 str [150’9”]

Regarding the max velocity drill numbers are feet and inches [So, 4’7”(2) = four feet seven inches for 2 spaces]
Each chain of dimensions represents the set up of the small (6 inch) hurdles. We call them “banana hurdles”.
It is necessary to tape a 6 stride run-in to the wickets, for the best training result. Logic would dictate that the stride length over the first hurdle is exactly the
same as the space between the first two hurdles, with ground contact dead in the middle of hurdle 1 and 2. Each run-in step, working back toward origin, is
reduced by 3 inches. Athlete should hit every piece of tape on the run-in and over the first hurdle.
Graphically, the run-in to the “wickets” looks like this (run left to right): t=tape mark on track h=small hurdle
T0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 h1 t7 h2 t8 h3 h4
January 24, 2012 approved marks for wicket drill
Maximum Velocity Drill (Wicket) – spacing marks for paint / should be painted each way (north and south approach)
Note: Verify with contractor to finalize location of marks/ Place men’s marks in a different lane from women’s marks

0 / 5’3”/10’6”/16’0”/21’6”/27’3”/33’0”/39’0”/45’0”/51’0”/57’3”/63’6”/69’9”/76’2”/82’7”/89’0”/95’6”/102’0”/108’6”/115’1”/121’8”/129’3 //
0 / 5’4”/10’8”/16’3”/21’10”/27’8”/33’6”/39’7”/45’8”/51’9”/58’1”/64’5”/70’9”/77’3”/83’9”/90’3”/96’10”/103’5”/110’0”/116’8”/123’4”/130’0 //
0 / 5’5”/10’10”/16’6”/22’2”/28’1”/34’0”/40’2”/46’4”/52’6”/58’11”/65’4”/71’9”/78’4”/84’11”/91’6”/98’2”/104’10”/111’6”/118’3”/125’0”/131’9”//
0 / 5’6”/11’0”/16’9”/22’6”/28’6”/34’6”/40’9”/47’0”/53’3”/59’9”/66’3”/72’9”/79’5”/86’1”/92’9”/99’6”/106’3”/113’0”/119’10”/126’8”/133’6”//
0 /5’7”/11’2”/17’0”/22’10”/28’11”/35’0”/41’4”/47’8”/54’0”/60’7”/67’2”/73’9”/80’6”/87’3”/94’0”/100’10”/107’8”/114’6”/121’5”/128’4”/135’3”//
0 /5’8”/11’4”/17’3”/23’2”/29’4”/35’6”/41’11”/48’4”/54’9”/61’5”/68’1”/74’9”/81’7”/88’5”/95’3”/102’2”/109’1”/116’0”/123’0”/130’0”/137’0”//

0 /5’9”/11’6”/17’6”/23’6”/29’9”/36’0”/42’6”/49’0”/55’6”/62’2”/68’10”/75’6”/82’4”/89’2”/96’0”/103’0”/110’0”/117’1”/124’2”/131’4”/138’6” //
0 / 5’10”/11’8”/17’9”/23’10”/30’2”/36’6”/43’1”/49’8”/56’3”/63’0”/69’9”/76’6”/83’5”/90’4”/97’3”/104’4”/111’5”/118’7”/125’9”/133’0”/140’3”//
0 / 5’11”/11’10”/18’0”/24’2”/30’7”/37’0”/43’8”/50’4”/57’0”/63’10”/70’8”/77’6”/84’6”/91’6”/98’6”/105’8”/112’10”/120’1”/127’4”/134’8”/142’0” //
0 / 6’0”/12’0”/18’3”/24’6”/31’0”/37’6”/44’3”/51’0”/57’9”/64’8”/71’7”/78’6”/85’7”/92’8”/99’9”/107’0”/114’3”/121’7”/128’11”/136’4”/143’9”//
0 / 6’1”/12’2”/18’6”/24’10”/31’5”/38’0”/44’10”/51’8”/58’6”/65’6”/72’6”/79’6”/86’8”/93’10”/101’0”/108’4”/115’8”/123’1”/130’6”/138’0”/145’6” //
0 / 6’2”/12’4”/18’9”/25’2”/31’10”/38’6”/45’5”/52’4”/59’3”/66’4”/73’5”/80’6”/87’9”/95’0”/102’3”/109’8”/117’1”/124’7”/132’1”/139’8”/147’3”//
0 / 6’3”/12’6”19’0”/25’6”/32’3”/39’0”/46’0”/53’0”/60’0”/67’2’/74’4”/81’6”/88’10”/96’2”/103’6”/111’0”/118’6”/126’1”/133’8”/141’4”/149’0” //
0 / 6’4”/12’8”/19’3”/25’10”/32’8”/39’6”/46’7”/53’8”/60’9”/68’0”/75’3”/82’6”/89’11”/97’4”/104’9”/112’4”/119’11”/127’7”/135’3”/143’0”/150’9” //
Find proportional Men’s matches for these dimension strings;
W 4’10”(2), 5’1” (2), 5’4”(2), 5’7”(3), 5’10” (3), 6’1” (3), 6’3” (3) – 18 str / 6’5” (3) – 21 str
W 5’0”(2), 5’3” (2), 5’6”(2), 5’9”(3), 6’0” (3), 6’3” (3), 6’5” (3) – 18 str / 6’7” (3) – 21 str
W 5’2”(2), 5’5” (2), 5’8” (2), 5’11” (3), 6’2” (3), 6’5” (3), 6’8” (3) /
4’7”(2), 4’10”(2), 5’1”(2), 5’4”(3), 5’7”(3), 5’9”(3), 5’10”(3) – 18 str / 5’11” (3) – 21 str
4’8”(2), 4’11”(2), 5’2”(2), 5’5”(3), 5’8”(3), 5’10”(3), 5’11”(3) – 18 str / 6’0” (3) – 21 str
4’9”(2), 5’0”(2), 5’3”(2), 5’6”(3), 5’9”(3), 5’11”(3), 6’0”(3) – 18 str / 6’1” (3) – 21 str
4’10”(2), 5’1”(2), 5’4”(2), 5’7”(3), 5’10”(3), 6’0”(3), 6’1”(3) – 18 str / 6’2” (3) – 21 str
4’11”(2), 5’2”(2), 5’5”(2), 5’8”(3), 5’11”(3), 6’1”(3), 6’2”(3) – 18 str / 6’3” (3) – 21 str
5’0”(2), 5’3”(2), 5’6”(2), 5’9”(3), 6’0”(3), 6’2”(3), 6’3”(3) – 18 str / 6’4”(3) – 21 str
5’1”(2), 5’4”(2), 5’7”(2), 5’10”(3), 6’1”(3), 6’3”(3), 6’4”(3) – 18 str / 6’5” (3) – 21 str
5’2”(2), 5’5”(2), 5’8”(2), 5’11”(3), 6’2”(3), 6’4”(3), 6’5”(3) – 18 str / 6’6” (3) – 21 str
College Women
5’3” 1.61(2), 1.68(2), 1.75(2), 1.82(3), 1.88(3), 1.95(3), 1.99(3) – 18 str / [33.00] 2.02(3) – 21 str [39.06]
5’4”5’5” 1.64(2), 1.71(2), 1.78(2), 1.85(3), 1.91(3), 1.98(3), 2.02(3) – 18 str / [33.54]/ 2.05(3) – 21 str [39.66]
5’6” 1.67(2), 1.74(2), 1.81(2), 1.88(3), 1.94(3), 2.01(3), 2.05(3) – 18 str / [34.08] 2.08(3) – 21 str [40.32]
1.67/ 3.34/5.08/6.82/8.63/10.44/12.32/14.20/16.08/18.02/19.96/21.90/23.91/25.92/27.93/29.98/32.03/34.08/36.16/38.24/40.32//
5’7” 1.70(2), 1.77(2), 1.84(2), 1.91(3) 1.97(3), 2.04(3), 2.08(3) – 18 str [34.62]/ 2.11(3) – 21 str [40.95]
5’8” 1.73(2), 1.80(2), 1.87(2), 1.94(3), 2.01(3), 2.07(3), 2.11(3) – 18 str [35.15]/ 2.14” (3) – 21 str [41.57]
Elite Women
5’9” 1.76(2), 1.83(2), 1.90(2), 1.97(3), 2.04(3), 2.10(3), 2.14(2), 2.16(2) – 19 str [35.76]/ 2.18(2) – 21 str [42.28]
College Men
5’10”/5’11” 1.79(2), 1.86(2), 1.93(2), 2.00(3), 2.07(3), 2.13(3), 2.17(2), 2.20(2) – 19 str [38.50]/ 2.23(2) – 21 str [42.96]
6’0” 1.82(2), 1.89(2), 1.96(2), 2.03(3), 2.10(3), 2.16(3), 2.20(2), 2.23(2) – 19 str [39.07]/ 2.26(2) – 21 str [43.59]
6’1” 1.85(2), 1.92(2), 1.99(2), 2.06(3), 2.13(3), 2.19(3), 2.23(2), 2.25(2) – 19 str [39.64]/ 2.27(2) – 21 str [44.22]
6’2” 1.88(2), 1.95(2), 2.02(2), 2.09(3), 2.16(3), 2.23(3), 2.27(2), 2.30(2) – 19 str [40.28]/ 2.33(2) – 21 str [44.94]
6’3” 1.91(2), 1.98(2), 2.05(2), 2.12(3), 2.19(3), 2.25(3), 2.29(2), 2.33(2) – 19 str [ ]/ 2.36(2) – 21 str [149’4”]

1.94(2), 2.01(2), 2.08(2), 2.15(3), 2.22(3),2.28(3), 2.32(2), 2.36(2) – 19 str [41.37]/ 2.39 – 21 str [46.15]
6’4”(2), 6’7”(2), 6’10”(2), 7’1”(3), 7’3”(3), 7’5”(3), 7’7”(2), 7’9”(2) – 19 str /[135’5”]/ 7’10”(2) – 21 str [151’1”]

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