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ɬɔrɲft circulɲted for commentɮ

Roger Blench
Mcɔonɲld Institute for Archɲeologicɲl Reseɲrch
University of Cɲmɳridge
Correspondence to:
8, Guest Roɲd
Cɲmɳridge CB1 2AL
United Kingdom
Voice/ Ans (00-44)-(0)1223-560687
Moɳile worldwide (00-44)-(0)7847-495590
ɕ-mɲil rogerɳlench@yɲ

Cambridge, 26 March, 2018

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. ɖront mɲtter


ACRONYMS AND CONVENTIONS........................................................................................................... 2

1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Locations of Miji communities............................................................................................................. 4
2. PHONOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Miji ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Consonɲnts ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 Vowels.............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.3 Tones .............................................................................................................................................. 10
2.2 Bangru.................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.2.1 Consonɲnts ..................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Vowels............................................................................................................................................ 11
2.2.3 Tones .............................................................................................................................................. 11
3. MORPHOLOGY....................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Miji ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
5. THE STRUCTURE OF MIJIIC.............................................................................................................. 12
6.1 ‘North Assam’...................................................................................................................................... 13
6.2 The Hrusish hypthesis......................................................................................................................... 13
APPENDIX: DATASHEETS ....................................................................................................................... 15
TRANSCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................................... 15
BODY PARTS ............................................................................................................................................... 15
PERSONS, FAMILY .................................................................................................................................... 18
HOUSES AND ARCHITECTURE ............................................................................................................. 19
HOUSEHOLD ITEMS ................................................................................................................................. 20
Dress ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
Tools etc...................................................................................................................................................... 21
AGRICULTURE........................................................................................................................................... 22
CROPS ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
FOODS ........................................................................................................................................................... 23
NATURAL WORLD .................................................................................................................................... 23
COMMUNICATIONS.................................................................................................................................. 25
METALS........................................................................................................................................................ 25
PLANT PARTS ............................................................................................................................................. 25
WILD PLANTS............................................................................................................................................. 26
ANIMAL PARTS .......................................................................................................................................... 26
ANIMALS...................................................................................................................................................... 26
Domestic ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
WILD ANIMALS.......................................................................................................................................... 27
Mammals.................................................................................................................................................... 27
Insects ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Reptiles etc. ................................................................................................................................................ 28
Fish ............................................................................................................................................................. 29
ABSTRACTS................................................................................................................................................. 29
PRONOUNS AND DEMONSTRATIVES.................................................................................................. 29
NUMERALS.................................................................................................................................................. 30
ADJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................................... 31
COLOURS ..................................................................................................................................................... 35
CONJUNCTIONS......................................................................................................................................... 35
ADVERBS...................................................................................................................................................... 35
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. ɖront mɲtter
VERBS ........................................................................................................................................................... 35
REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................................. 43


Tɲɳle 1. Miji consonɲnts 5

Tɲɳle 2. Miji pɲlɲtɲlised consonɲnts 8
Tɲɳle 3. Miji vowels 8
Tɲɳle 4. ɕxɲmples of Miji creɲky vowels 9
Tɲɳle 5. Bɲngru consonɲnts 11
Tɲɳle 6. Bɲngru vowels 11
Tɲɳle 7. Possiɳle Mijiic ~ Hruso cognɲtes 13
Tɲɳle 8. Lexemes shɲred ɳetween Miji ɲnd Bodo-Gɲro 15


Mɲp 1. Western Miji villɲges 4

Mɲp 2. ɕɲstern Miji villɲges 5
Mɲp 3. Bɲngru ɬNorthern Mijiɮ villɲges 4


ɖigure 1. Internɲl relɲtionships of Mijiic lɲnguɲges 12


# quɲsi-reconstruction
* regulɲr reconstruction
C consonɲnt
C1 first consonɲnt
IPA Internɲtionɲl Phonetic Associɲtion
N nɲsɲl

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
1. Introduction

1.1 General
The lɲnguɲge known vɲriously ɲs Miji, ɔhɲmmɲi ɬ=ɔmɲyɮ ɲnd Sɲjolɲng is spoken in the West ɲnd ɕɲst
Kɲmeng ɲnd Lower Suɳɲnsiri districts of Arunɲchɲl Prɲdesh, Northeɲst Indiɲ. The Miji cɲll themselves
Dmay, ɳut this nɲme is not in common use ɲnd officiɲl puɳlicɲtions use composites such ɲs Sɲjolɲng (Miji).
Miji will ɳe used in the present pɲper ɲs it is the most most widely recognised term. The only significɲnt
puɳlished informɲtion on Miji is Simon (n.d.) which is more notɲɳle for its defects thɲn its contriɳution to
knowedge1. Simon (n.d.) is ɳɲsed on the Nɲfrɲ diɲlect, the westernmost form. Grewɲl (1997) ɲlso hɲs Miji
dɲtɲ, mostly exɲmple sentences compɲred to Hruso, ɳut these do not seem very reliɲɳle ɲnd ɲre pɲssed over
here. Aɳrɲhɲm et ɲl. (2005) ɲlso include rɲther wɲywɲrd phonetic trɲnscriptions of Miji words in their
survey report. More reently, Christopher Weedɲll (2013, 2014) hɲs ɳegun posting documents ɲnd mɲking
conference presentɲtions on Miji within ɲ modern linguistic frɲmework. The ɳɲsis for the trɲnscriptions in
this document ɲre recordings mɲde in Nɲfrɲ on the 23rd ɲnd 24th of Novemɳer 2011, with the ɲssistɲnce of
Mr. ɔorje Sɲnchuju, to whom mɲny thɲnks.

There hɲs ɳeen some interest in developing Miji, ɳoth for mother tongue educɲtion ɲnd for scripture
trɲnslɲtion. Mr. ɔorjee Sɲnchuju hɲs ɲttended courses ɳoth in Mysore ɲnd Teʋpur with ɲ view to developing
ɲ prɲcticɲl orthogrɲphy. While some informɲl conventions hɲve ɳeen developed, no formɲl phonologicɲl
stɲtement hɲs yet ɳeen puɳlished. Nonetheless, Biɳle trɲnslɲtion is under wɲy, ɲlthough the ɳɲsis for the
orthogrɲphic system is uncleɲr.

Until recently, the existence of ɲ lɲnguɲge known ɲs Bɲngru wɲs only Photo 1. Mrs. Chera
rumoured. However ɲn ethnogrɲphic thesis ɲnd suɳsequent report (Tɲme Mekia Mili
2011, 2012, 2013) confirms thɲt this is ɲ genuine ethnic group, ɳut ɲlso thɲt it
is ɲ lɲnguɲge relɲted to Miji. Hence the title of this pɲper, referring to the
Mijiic lɲnguɲges. Tɲme’s trɲnscriptions ɲre orthogrɲphic, ɳut the underlying
forms ɲre eɲsily seen when compɲred to Miji. Blench (2015) puɳlished some
compɲrɲtive dɲtɲ on Miji ɲnd Bɲngru in support of this ɲssumption. Bodt &
Lieɳerherr (2015) hɲve puɳlished ɲ wordlist of Bɲngru ɳɲsed on the
CALMSɕA list, with ɲnɲlysis ɲnd compɲrisons with Miji ɲnd Hruso. While
this represents ɲ mɲjor ɲdvɲnce on Tɲme, much more remɲins to ɳe done on

Andrew Hsiu kindly forwɲrded to me Li (2003) which is ɲ phonology ɲnd

wordlist of the Bɲngru spoken in Tiɳet, ɲppɲrently unknown to ɲll previous
reseɲrchers. Li includes phonemes thɲt seem to hɲve disɲppeɲred from the
Bɲngru of Indiɲ, ɲnd ɲlso envisɲges ɲn elɲɳorɲte tonɲl system. I ɲm unɲɳle to
comment on the likelihood thɲt this represents ɲ more conservɲtive form of
the lɲnguɲge. Strikingly, Li & x (2017) report on ɲ hyɳridised lect in Tiɳet
spoken in Songru villɲge, which hɲs ɲ highly complex phonology.

The Bɲngru dɲtɲ in this document comes from ɲ wordlist compiled with the
ɲid of Mrs. Cherɲ Mekiɲ Mili ɲnd fɲmily, now resident in Itɲnɲgɲr (Photo 1).
Mrs. Mili grew up in ɲ monoglot household, ɳut lɲter mɲrried ɲ Nyishi husɳɲnd ɲnd cɲme to speɲk the
lɲnguɲge ɲs the mɲin lɲnguɲge of her home. Since moving to Itɲnɲgɲr, she is now exposed to ɲ vɲriety of
lɲnguɲges. Recordings were mɲde on the 27th ɖeɳruɲry, 2018 ɲnd trɲnscriɳed ɳy the ɲuthor ɲnd Mr. Sokhep
Kri, to whom I ɲm grɲteful for help with the tone-mɲrking in pɲrticulɲr. Thɲnks to ɔevi Cherɲ for ɲrrɲnging
the recording session ɲnd interpretɲtion.

Weedɲll (2014) notes ‘Blench & Post (2011:6) seem to erroneously mention (Hodgson 1847) ɲs the first mention of
Miji when he wɲsɲctuɲlly referring to the ɔhimɲl triɳe of Nepɲl ɲnd Indiɲ’. Indeed, mea culpa.
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
In view of the limited existing dɲtɲɳɲse, this pɲper2 ɲims to mɲke ɲvɲilɲɳle ɲn extended wordlist, ɲnd to set
out ɲ preliminɲry phonology ɲnd morphology on thɲt ɳɲsis. The dɲtɲ wɲs ɲll recorded, ɲnɲlysed ɲnd then
retrɲnscriɳed, mɲking some corrections ɲnd ɲssigning forms to ɕɲstern ɲnd Western diɲlects of Miji. Hence
the printed lists do not entirely mɲtch the recorded mɲteriɲl. The preliminɲry nɲture of the ɲnɲlysis should ɳe
1.2 Locations of Miji communities
Simon (n.d.) lists only the villɲges in the immediɲte ɲreɲ of Nɲfrɲ, the Western Miji. These ɲre ɲll in Nɲfɲrɲ
Circle, West Kɲmeng ɔistrict. The villɲges identified ɳy the present survey ɲre shown in Mɲp 1 which is
superimposed on the 2001 Administrɲtive Atlɲs of Arunɲchɲl Prɲdesh;

Map 1. Western Miji villages

Two diɲlects of Miji ɲre recognised in Nɲfrɲ, which show ɳoth

regulɲr sound-shifts ɲnd complete lexicɲl replɲcement, ɲs well Map 2. Bangru [Northern Miji] villages
ɲs differences in tone ɲnd phonology. Some people hɲve heɲrd
of ɲ third ‘northern’ diɲlect, ɳut informɲtion is extremely vɲgue.

However, it is cleɲr from the dɲtɲ in Tɲme thɲt this third diɲlect

is Bɲngru. Bɲngru is not close enough to Miji to ɳe treɲted ɲs ɲ


diɲlect, ɲnd therefore Mijiic is ɳest seen ɲs ɲ smɲll phylum.

Mɲp 3 shows the ɕɲstern Miji villɲges, which ɲre pɲrt of Lɲdɲ
Circle, ɕɲst Kɲmeng ɔistrict.

Apɲrt from these well-known groups, there is ɲnother group of

Miji, sepɲrɲted from the other communities ɳy ɲ considerɲɳle
distɲnce. Mɲp 2 shows the Northern Miji villɲges ɲll within
Sɲrli Circle, Lower Suɳɲnsiri ɔistrict, ɲccording to the
informɲtion given in Nɲfrɲ. It turns out the Northern Miji ɲre
the sɲme ɲs the elusive Bɲngru, referred to in ɲ numɳer puɳlicɲtions. The first puɳlished text on these people
is Tɲme (2012) who sɲys ‘ They ɲre seen spreɲd in Sɲrli town ɲnd in ɲ few villɲges viʋ. Bɲlɲ, Lee, Lower
Lichilɲ, Upper Lichilɲ, Mɲchɲne, Milli, Molo, Nɲde, Nɲmju, Pɲlo, Rerung, Sɲpe, Sɲte, Wɲɳiɲ, ɲnd Wɲlu’.
Mɲny of these ɲre not to ɳe found on the Administrɲtive Atlɲs of Arunɲchɲl Prɲdesh, ɳut some of those
shown ɲre cleɲrly the sɲme ɲs in Tɲme’s list. Bodt & Lieɳerherr (2015) is the first puɳlicɲtion to present

This preliminɲry version is circulɲted, pending checking of trɲnscriptions ɲnd corrections.
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
linguistic dɲtɲ from the Indiɲn side of the ɳorder. However, Map 3. Eastern Miji villages
it hɲs now ɳeen discovered thɲt there is Chinese literɲture
on Bɲngru, ɳɲsed on three villɲges on the Tiɳetɲn side (Li
2003; Li & x 2017).

2. Phonology

2.1 Miji

2.1.1 Consonants
Miji consonɲnts ɲre shown in Tɲɳle 1, together with their
lɲɳiɲlised ɲnd pɲlɲtɲlised counterpɲrts;

Table 1. Miji consonants

Bilabial Labio- Dental Alveolar Palato- Retroflex Palatal Velar Labial- Glottal
dental alveolar velar
Plosive p ɳ t d k g
Nɲsɲl m n ŋ
Trill r
Tɲp ɽ
ɖricɲtive f v θ ð s ʋ ʃ x h ɬ ɦɮ
Approximɲnt y w
Lɲterɲl ( )
Lɲterɲl l ɭ

Weedɲll (2014) ɲlso includes retroflex ɲlveolɲrs /ʈ/ ɲnd / / ɳut not retroflex /ɽ/ ɲnd / /. He regɲrds ɲll the
ɲlveolɲr fricɲtives ɲnd ɲffricɲtes ɲs contrɲstive, though this is not the cɲse in Bɲngru ɲnd rɲrely in Arunɲchɲl
Prɲdesh lɲnguɲges. The velɲr fricɲtive /x/ here is proɳɲɳly the sɲme sound ɲs Weedɲll’s /kʰ/. Weedɲll (2014)
ɲrgues for / / ɲs ɲ distinct phoneme in codɲ position, ɲlthough in Bɲngru glottɲlisɲtion mɲy ɳe connected to
tonɲl phenomenɲ.


Aspirɲtion is heɲrd phoneticɲlly on voiceless oɳstruents, thus /pʰ/, /tʰ/, /kʰ/, / ʰ/, ɳut there is no evidence thɲt
this is contrɲstive. There ɲre two exɲmples of the fricɲtive /fʰ/ with ɲppɲrent ɲspirɲtion;

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
ɳreɲk (cup) fʰren
ɳurn fʰrɲm

There is no exɲmple of ɲn initiɲl /f/, so ɲgɲin this cɲn ɳe treɲted ɲs non-contrɲstive. The glottɲl fricɲtive hɲs
ɲ voiced counterpɲrt /ɦ/;

ɳlow v. ɦә
open ɦyuŋ

Two words hɲve ɲ highly ɲtypicɲl finɲl -ʰ;

ɳreɲthe nәtuʰ
hɲrvest (ɳeɲns) puʰ

Whether these ɲre simply ɲllophonic with ɲspirɲted stops, i.e. nәtʰu → nәtuʰ is ɲs yet uncleɲr. Similɲr finɲl
ɲspirɲtes ɲlos occur in Bɲngru.


The rɲnge of fricɲtives is very lɲrge, ɲnd it is not cleɲr thɲt ɲll of these ɲre contrɲstive. Some ɲre quite rɲre
ɲnd it is not eɲsy to find minimɲl pɲirs. The following sections give the sounds identified with potentiɲl

Pɲlɲtɲl fricɲtive / /

house-rɲt nɛ u
thorn g u

Lɲterɲl fricɲtives / / ɲnd / /

clothing, cloth ge oŋ
fish sp. II s ̌

moon, month ǔ
ɳring әŋ

Velɲr fricɲtive /x/

disɲppoint d.xә

ɔentɲl fricɲtives /θ/ ɲnd /ð/

chest mθm k u
heɲrt θ ŋ vyu
wrist gi mpθɛ
heɲrth θ әθŋ

knee ʋɲy gðu

ɳedɳug ðoorã̌
cɲrry ðoy

See Weedɲll (2014) for further discussion of the exɲct ɲrticulɲtion of these sounds.

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Alveolɲr fricɲtive /ʋ/ with ɳuʋʋing

The /ʋ/ is pronounced with ɲ distinct ɳuʋʋing of the tongue ɲgɲinst the roof of the mouth. Similɲr sounds ɲre
still more frequent in neighɳouring Hruso. I hɲve symɳolised this ɲs ʋ̄ for lɲck of ɲn oɳvious IPA

lie down ʋ̄ә


A retroflex series is cleɲrly present ɳut exɲmples ɲre very rɲre. These consonɲnts ɲre not fully retroflex ɲs in
mɲinlɲnd Indiɲ. The tongue comes up to touch the ɲlveolɲr ridge, ɳut does not turn up towɲrds the roof of
the mouth.

/ /

mother ɲ i
complete, finish ɽul n


hɲir opyu
dɲo, long βɲy
ginger d o
wɲter o

Glottal stop

The glottɲl stop occurs in ɲ vɲriety of plɲces ɲnd mɲy hɲve ɲ different functionɲl loɲd ɲccording to its
position. Most common is in finɲl position, where it could ɲlso ɳe considered ɲ type of vowel prosody such
ɲs creɲky voice. This is sometimes hɲrd to heɲr, ɲs emphɲtic pronunciɲtion gives ɲ sound similɲr to finɲl

A phonetic glottɲl stop is often heɲrd ɳetween ɲ sequence of two similɲr vowels which ɲre not ɲ long vowel.
However, there ɲre exceptions, where ɲ VV sequence of identicɲl vowels is ɲrticulɲted sepɲrɲtely, without
constituting ɲ long vowel.

explɲin . tɛ

This is ɲ predictɲɳle consequence of the phonology ɲnd should not ɳe considered ɲ contrɲstive phoneme.

tɲro ɲ
fish ěy

Long consonants

There is some evidence for long consonɲnts in Miji. The following exɲmples ɲre heɲrd on the recordings.

lɲke, seɲ vvɲ

ɳeɲr t ã
deer ә

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
The voiceless stops /p/, /t/ ɲnd /k/ ɲre lightly ɲspirɲted, ɳut this is non-contrɲstive ɲnd is not mɲrked.

Miji hɲs ɲ series of (quite rɲre) pɲlɲtɲlised consonɲnts shown in Tɲɳle 2;

Table 2. Miji palatalised consonants

C Miji Gloss
p opyu hɲir
ɳ uɳyuŋ nose
t nɛt u ɳreɲth
k mθm k u chest
v θ mvu heɲrt
m m myu ɳeɲrd
n m u ɳreɲst
r mry nʋɲ throɲt
pl ʋɲm pl ɲ lightening

Lɲɳiɲlisɲtion is rɲre ɲnd might ɳe ɳetter treɲted ɲs /uo/ sequences. The following exɲmples illustrɲte
phonetic lɲɳiɲlisɲtion.

husɳɲnd mdwɲy
lɲndslide rɲ dwǒ

2.1.2 Vowels
The vowels of Miji ɲre shown in Tɲɳle 3;

Table 3. Miji vowels

Vowels Front Central Back
Close i u
Close-Mid ә/ә ɬәɮ̃
Open-Mid ɛ ɬɛɮ̃ ̃
Open ɲ ɬãɮ

Weedɲll (2014) only records /ẽ/ ɲs the sole nɲsɲlised vowel. However, the following exɲmples suggest there
mɲy ɳe centrɲl ɲnd ɳɲck vowels ɲs well. In Bɲngru, nɲsɲlisɲtion is in complementɲry distriɳution with finɲl
velɲr nɲsɲl /-ŋ/. If this is true in Miji, then the nɲsɲlised vowels mɲy not ɳe phonemic.

ceiling sgiã
lɲtrine, toilet gíír ̃
pigsty rṹ
ice krʣã

No contrɲstive pɲir hɲs ɳeen identified for distinguishing the mid ɲnd high centrɲl vowels /ә/ ɲnd/ә/.
Phonetic vɲriɲtion mɲy represent differences ɳetween speɲkers.

Rare vowels

A high ɳɲck unrounded vowel / / is heɲrd in severɲl words in isolɲtion, for exɲmple ʋɯ ‘wɲter’. However,
this is reɲlised ɲs /u/ ɲnd /o/ in compound forms. Other exɲmples ɲre;

tree sp. gv
ɲngry, to ɳe tkʰ
ɳɲke, cook kʰ

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text

A retrɲcted centrɲl vowel /ә̠/ occurs in;

pour pә̠

The vowel is ɲrticulɲted with the lower lip drɲwn in ɲnd kept tense. The IPA symɳol is not very helpful,
since it cɲn ɳe confused with other orthogrɲphic conventions. This sound is ɲlso found in the Kmɲn

Breathy/creaky vowels

Miji hɲs ɲ phonɲtion type which ɲppeɲrs to ɳe similɲr to the creɲky vowels found in Sɕ Asiɲn lɲnguɲges.
Weedɲll (2013) suggests thɲt the five cɲrdinɲl vowels ɲll exhiɳit creɲkiness, ɳut in his lɲter description he
seems to withdrɲw form this position. Creɲky voice phonɲtion in Miji on finɲl vowels cɲn ɳe more
economicɲlly treɲted ɲs ɲ finɲl glottɲl. However, in some cɲses where there is ɲ VV sequence of dissimilɲr
vowels, this would not ɳe ɲn ɲnɲlytic option, since Miji permits glottɲls ɳetween VV sequences. An exɲmple

ɳreɲk (cup) ɳre̤ ɲ

where the creɲky ɲrticulɲtion of /e̤/is extremely cleɲr. In ɲnother exɲmple ɲ creɲky voice mid-vowel /e̤ /
ɲppeɲrs to ɳe followed ɳy the sɲme vowel without creɲky voice.

drɲg ɳre̤ e

Tɲɳle 4 shows exɲmples of Miji creɲky vowels;

Table 4. Examples of Miji creaky vowels

Gloss Miji
give ɳɲ̤y
ɳreɲk (cup) ɳre̤ ɲ
hope me̤ yun
urinɲte ɳre̤
expect, hope for mɛ̤
climɳ up k.ɳә̤
vomit mә̤

It is striking thɲt ɲll of these ɲre verɳs.

Long vowels

Miji ɲppeɲrs to hɲve contrɲstive long vowels for ɲll vowels except the mid ɲnd high centrɲl vowels.

wɲll tɛɛtuŋ
lɲtrine, toilet gʣír ̃
pigsty rũ
womɲn nmrɲɲni
eɲrthworm ɳusʣín

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Nasal vowels

Miji ɲppeɲrs to hɲve ɲ neɲr-complete set of nɲsɲlised vowels. In lɲnguɲges of this ɲreɲ, these ɲre often in
free vɲriɲtion with finɲl -ŋ, ɲnd it is possiɳle some speɲkers will hɲve ɲ smɲller set of nɲsɲlised vowels. Miji
permits ɲ nɲsɲl codɲ, ɲs in stʰәn ‘nine’, ɳut for some reɲson, this is very rɲre.

ɕvidence for individuɲl nɲsɲlised vowels includes;


ceiling sgiã̌
ice kriã
flying squirrel ʃɳiã
wildfowl ɳʋu p ã


ɳush-rɲt sp. 3 g ̃ lә̃


fruit wo tɛ̌ ̃


ɲnimɲl s õ̌

/ /̃

lɲtrine, toilet gʣír ̃

roof dk ̃
insect ɳiθ ̃


pigsty rũ
ɳɲrking deer . hũ

VV sequences ɲre rɲre, ɳut ɲre recorded in the following words;

widower gm әɳu

2.1.3 Tones
Weedɲll (2013) does not find tone to ɳe contrɲstive. At ɲ phonetic level, Miji hɲs ɲ simple tonɲl system, with
two tones, High (H ) ɲnd Low (L ). Whether these ɲre predictɲɳle ɲnd relɲted to syllɲɳles with ɲ glottɲl
codɲ, remɲins to ɳe resolved. Phonetic glide tones ɲre heɲrd on VV sequences.
2.2 Bangru

2.2.1 Consonants
Bɲngru consonɲnts ɲre shown in Tɲɳle 5, together with their lɲɳiɲlised ɲnd pɲlɲtɲlised counterpɲrts;

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Table 5. Bangru consonants
Bilabial Labio- Dental Alveolar Palato- Palatal Velar Labial- Glottal
dental alveolar velar
Plosive p ɳ t d k g ɬ ɮ
Nɲsɲl m n ŋ
Trill r
ɖricɲtive f v s ɬʋɮ ɬʃɮ ɬ ɮ h
Affricɲte ɬ ɮ ɬ ɮ
Approximɲnt ɬ ɮ y w
Lɲterɲl l

ɬ ɮ is likely to ɳe ɲn ɲllophone of /w/ ɲnd not ɲn independent phoneme. /s/ ɲnd /ʃ/ ɲre often in free vɲriɲtion
ɲnd convincing minimɲl pɲirs hɲve not yet ɳeen discovered. / / ɲnd / / ɲppeɲr to ɳe ɲllophones of / / ɲnd
/ /. However, / / is in free vɲriɲtion with / / not ɬʋɮ, which is not contrɲstive. Bodt & Liɳerherr (2015)
chɲrɲcterise these phonemes ɲs / / ɲnd / /, which suggests the sɲme underlying ɲnɲlysis.

Mɲny words end in ɲ glottɲl / /, i.e. checked syllɲɳles, which Bodt & Lieɳerherr (2015: 75) ɲrgue correlɲte
with tone. Broɲdly speɲking, long vowels in finɲl position hɲve ɲ level tone, ɲnd those with ɲ short vowel
ɲnd ɲ glottɲl, ɲ slight fɲlling tone. The trɲnscriptions in this pɲper ɲre not ɲll mɲrked for tone ɲt present, nor
does the presence of ɲ glottɲl ɲlwɲys correspond to their version, so this cɲnnot yet ɳe resolved.


Aspirɲtion is heɲrd phoneticɲlly on voiceless oɳstruents, thus /pʰ/, /tʰ/, /kʰ/, / ʰ/, ɳut there is no evidence thɲt
this is contrɲstive.

2.2.2 Vowels
The vowels of Bɲngru ɲre shown in Tɲɳle 6;

Table 6. Bangru vowels

Vowels Front Central Back
Close i u
Close-Mid ә ɬәɮ
Open-Mid ɛ ɬɛɮ̃ ɬ ɮ̃
Open ɲ ɬãɮ

Bodt & Lieɳerherr (2015) do not recognise / /, here represented ɲs ü, in keeping with Arunɲchɲl Prɲdesh
orthogrɲphic convention. Nɲsɲlised vowels ɲppeɲr to ɳe extremely rɲre, ɲnd only occur in ɲllophonic
relɲtion with codɲ velɲr nɲsɲl /ŋ/. Pronunciɲtions vɲry ɳoth with the sɲme speɲker ɲnd ɳetween speɲkers,
suggesting nɲsɲlised vowels could ɳe eliminɲted ɲs underlying phonemes.
2.2.3 Tones
Bɲngru hɲs ɲ simple tonɲl system, with two tones, High (H ) ɲnd Low (L ) with no glides. As noted ɲɳove,
they mɲy correlɲte with finɲl glottɲl stop in finɲl syllɲɳle position. Nonetheless, the vɲriɲtion of tone in
multi-syllɲɳic words suggests we must recognise tone ɲs ɲ contrɲstive feɲture of the lɲnguɲge.

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
3. Morphology

3.1 General
Mijiic word level morphology is extremely complex ɲnd little understood. Blench (2015) suggests thɲt trɲces
of ɲ former nominɲl prefix system with semɲntic ɲssociɲtions cɲn ɳe discerned in ɲnimɲl nɲmes ɲnd ɳody
3.2 Miji

It will ɳe seen thɲt Miji often hɲs two or three words for even common concepts. ɖor exɲmple;

close I pigɲŋ
close II ʃә әgɲŋ

ɳlock (river) wɲygɲŋ

oɳstruct (s.o., s.t.) dɲ ɲgɲŋ
ɳlock (roɲd) III rogɲŋ

The common element in ɲll these is /gɲŋ/ which presumɲɳly meɲns something like ‘close, ɳlock off’.
However, it is only used in these composite forms, to descriɳe different types of ɳlocking. The key elements
thɲt differentiɲte these words ɲre cleɲrly unrelɲted, despite ɲll hɲving the gaŋ element which mɲkes it ɲn
interesing cɲse for ɲssigning cognɲcy.
4. Borrowings from Nyishi in Bangru and their impact on basic lexicon
As the dɲtɲsheets indicɲte, Bɲngru spoken todɲy hɲs ɲ lɲrge numɳer of Nyishi loɲnwords, some in quite
fundɲmentɲl ɲreɲs of the lexicon. Since these ɲre present even in ɲ speɲker who grew up in ɲ monoglot
household, they hɲve ɳeen incorporɲted into the lɲnguɲge over some period of time. This hɲs the effect of
mɲking Bɲngru ɲnd Miji more distɲnt thɲn might otherwise ɳe the cɲse. The most reliɲɳle source for Nyishi
is Tɲyu (2010) ɲnd compɲrisons ɲre cited with this.

5. The structure of Mijiic

Bɲngru is undouɳtedly relɲted to Miji, ɲs the dɲtɲsheets show, ɲnd trɲditions of migrɲtion in ɔevi (2013)
suggest thɲt the geogrɲphicɲl split ɳetween the two populɲtions is not ɲncient. However, the lexicon is
strikingly divergent ɲnd this cɲnnot only ɳe ɲttriɳuted to Nyishi ɳorrowings. More surprising ɲre cɲses
where Bɲngru shows similɲrities to Hruso, noted in the comments column in the dɲtɲsheets. Perhɲps not
unexpectedly, ɕɲstern Miji shows cognɲtes with Bɲngru not reflected in Western Miji, which hɲs
presumɲɳly innovɲted. ɖigure 1 shows ɲ tree of the internɲl relɲtionships of Mijiic lɲnguɲges.

Figure 1. Internal relationships of Mijiic languages


Western ɕɲstern Bɲngru

Miji Miji

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
6. The classification of Mijiic in relation to wider languages

6.1 ‘North Assam’

Miji hɲs long ɳeen clɲssified with the ‘North Assɲm’ lɲnguɲges ɲnd this is generɲlly repeɲted in suɳsequent
puɳlicɲtions (e.g. Brɲdley 1997). However, there is no dɲtɲ in Konow (1909) ɲnd Shɲfer (1947) mɲy ɳe the
first citɲtion of linguistic mɲteriɲl. However, ‘North Assɲm’ wɲs something of ɲ cɲtch-ɲll for the lɲnguɲges
of this ɲreɲ (Blench & Post 2013) ɲnd the evidence thɲt lɲnguɲges ɲs distinctive ɲs Mijiic, Hruso ɲnd Koro
ɲre relɲted to one ɲnother, let ɲlone to Tiɳeto-Burmɲn, remɲins elusive. Apɲrt from some ɳɲsic numerɲls,
2,4,5, only ɲ smɲll numɳer of Miji lexemes resemɳle reconstructed Tiɳeto-Burmɲn forms, ɲt leɲst ɲs ɲttested
in STɕɔT. The dɲtɲsheets show whɲtever Tiɳeto-Burmɲn cognɲtes I hɲve ɳeen ɲɳle to estɲɳlish. ɕven some
of these ɲre uncertɲin ɲnd they ɲre geogrɲphicɲlly scɲttered, ɲrguing thɲt chɲnce mɲy ɳe responsiɳle. There
ɲre cognɲtes with regionɲl lɲnguɲges, ɲlthough these ɲre highly inconsistent. Nonetheless, we cɲn identify ɲ
series of regionɲl lexemes, which ɲre found ɲcross multiple lɲnguɲges, ɳut which ɲre not widely ɲttested in
Tiɳeto-Burmɲn. I therefore ɲrgue thɲt the hypothesis thɲt Mijiic lɲnguɲges constitute ɲ smɲll independent
phylum should ɳe considered ɲs just ɲs plɲusiɳle ɲs memɳership of Tiɳeto-Burmɲn.
6.2 The Hrusish hypthesis
There is ɲ persistent ideɲ in the literɲture thɲt Miji is relɲted to its eɲstern neighɳour Hruso ɲnd thɲt there is ɲ
suɳgroup ‘Hrusish’, ɲn ideɲ which derives from Shɲfer (1947) ɳut is perpetuɲted in Bodt (2014), Anderson
(2014) ɲnd Bodt & Lieɳerherr (2015). The 2014 pɲper ɳy Bodt is rightly titled ‘impressions’ since it is
conspicuous for its lɲck of dɲtɲ. The ɲrgument in the 2015 pɲper is scɲrcely compɲrɲtive linguistics, more ɲn
ɲrgument from lookɲlikes. The proɳlem is thɲt mɲny compɲrisons ɲre difficult to distinguish from chɲnce
resemɳlɲnce ɲnd there is ɲ conspicuous lɲck of regulɲr sound correspondences.

This is not to deny thɲt there ɲre plɲusiɳle Miji ~ Hruso cognɲtes. The proɳlem not ɲddressed ɳy previous
reseɲrchers is how these cɲn ɳe distinguished from regionɲl lexemes, which presumɲɳly would not ɳe
evidence for ɲn exclusive relɲtion ɳetween Mijiic ɲnd Hruso. Similɲrly, of course, neighɳouring lɲnguɲges
cɲn ɳe expected to hɲve ɲ certɲin ɲmount of lexicɲl flow. Tɲɳle 7 shows ɲ tɲɳle of the most conspicuous
items so fɲr identified. The Hruso ɲnd Koro citɲtions ɲre from my own lexicɲl mɲteriɲl, ɲlso ɲvɲilɲɳle on my

Table 7. Possible Mijiic ~ Hruso cognates

Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Hruso Additional
ɲnt ʃ i sә i si i cf. Bugun ʃiɲiŋ,
ɳɲke, cook kʰ kuu kʰùù
ɳeɲr t ã sә õ s̄ cf. Puroik sәtәm, Bugun sәtʰum,
ɳroom nɲm ɛsi
cɲne ʃu ʃuu ʃɲ cf. proto-Tɲni *soŋ
clothing, ge oŋ gi gɛ cf. Koro gile
cloud myemye mum PTB *r.mew.
dreɲm tɲymә teɛmә myo cf. PTB *r.maŋ, Chinese *C.mәŋ.s,
Kmɲn tā әmùŋ, Idu ēmò,
eɲt u u u sɲ.ɳe cf. Miji u, Khispi ʰa, Mey u, Bugun
tsiә, Kmɲn a
eight sәge ʃәgә sәgɲy(k) skʋә
fire mɲy mɲy mee, mii mi cf. PTB *may, ɔirɲng Monpɲ mi, Koro
mila, Miji may.
five ɳuŋә puŋu puŋu pom
flower wo v gәɳo te poɲ, BL ʃoɳɲ cf. Bugun әbua, Puroik mәbuai ,
friend m mә o mu uɲ o cf. Bugun ee ak, Puroik a.dua.
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Hruso Additional
frog ǒ ou dʋә ʃ ɲ
fur, feɲther m myu mumuŋ mu Proɳɲɳly cognɲte with widespreɲd
Tiɳeto-Burmɲn roots for ‘hɲir’. e.g. PTB
ground, nɲ nɲ no n cf. Bengni ɲo, Bugun ɲak, Mey kʰnɔ̃,
ground, nɲ nɲ no n cf. Bengni ɲo, Bugun ɲak, Mey kʰnɔ̃,
hɲve dә dur dùú cf. Written Tiɳetɲn dug.
house nɛ nɲm ne ɛ cf. Koro ɲe, Gɲlo namә. Widespreɲd
Kuki-Chin *in ɳy metɲthesis?
How k. ɲ kʰә ɲ kunu. ruro k ɲ
insect ɳiθ ̃ ɳiluŋ ɳәluŋ (sә i) ɳul̄
knife, dɲo ɲy n vɲy oŋ i ɛ tsn vɛ ә
live u o
louse sɲ ʃәŋ cf. PTB *s(y)ar.
mɲn, u ә ә nәná
meɲt s ǔŋ sikiyuŋ suʰ fu
mithun ʃu su fu cf. Koro su,
mother ɲ i ɲ e ɲnɛ à
mountɲin, pʰuŋ poŋ gɲŋ, BL pʰǔ
hill sәpii
nine stʰә̌n ʃәtʰәn sәtәŋ stʰә
person u iyә ә ә nәná cf. Nɲh ɲi,
seven miɲ miɲ m oy mrә
sister, elder ɲmonɲ ɲmɲ mәmwɲ àmà
stɲr dәtsuŋ mә oŋ lü ü l ә
thorn g u (kʰә/gә)ʋɲukәʋәt kʰsu
tooth mtr tә mәtù әtu
vomit mә̤ mu mmàú
BL = item cited in Body & Lieɳerherr not in my dɲtɲ

To illustrɲte the proɳlem of using this type of similɲrity to ɲrgue for genetic ɲffiliɲtion, compɲre this with the
situɲtion of Bɲngru ɲnd Nyishi. Bɲngru hɲs ɲ lɲrge numɳer of Nyishi ɳorrowings, in ɳoth culturɲl ɲnd ɳɲsic
vocɲɳulɲry, ɲs indicɲted in the dɲtɲ tɲɳles. These seem to hɲve ɲrisen relɲtively recently, in most cɲses, ɲfter
the split of Miji from Bɲngru. The reɲson for the ɳorrowings seems to ɳe culturɲl dominɲnce. The Bɲngru
people seem to hɲve come under the influence of Nyishi culture. But these ɳorrowings ɲre cleɲrly not
evidence thɲt Bɲngru is ɲ Tɲni lɲnguɲge. I therefore consider the compɲrisons in Bodt & Lieɳerherr (2015)
mɲke ɲ cɲse for the opposite of whɲt they ɲrgue, nɲmely thɲt the lɲnguɲges of ‘North Assɲm’ shɲre ɲ vɲriety
of regionɲl ɳorrowings, reflecting contɲct, ɲnd not genetic ɲffiliɲtion.

Some compɲrisons in Shɲfer (1947) ɲlso suggest thɲt Miji shɲres common lexicɲl items with Bodo-Gɲro,
ɲnd rɲther less to wider Tiɳeto-Burmɲn lɲnguɲges. ɔeɳnɲth (2014) hɲs recently puɳlished ɲ reconstruction
of Proto-Bodo-Gɲro, which he nɲmes ‘Bɲrish’. Tɲɳle 8 presents some of these items, compɲred with the
reconstructed Bɲrish forms;

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Table 8. Lexemes shared between Miji and Bodo-Garo
Gloss Western Miji Proto-Barish
two gni *g-niŋ
three gәtʰәn *thɲm
four ɳli *ɳriŋ
die i *syi
goɲt ʃprn *p-r(y)un/k
snɲke nɲɳ ǔ *ɳәw
Sources: ɔeɳnɲth (2014)

While these ɲre ɳɲsic lexicon, they ɲre few ɲnd suggest ɲ contɲct relɲtionship rɲther thɲn genetic ɲffiliɲtion.

Appendix: Datasheets
The following wordlists ɲre ɳɲsed on the typicɲl cɲtegories used ɳy Simon (n.d.) with ɲppropriɲte ɲdditions.
The Western diɲlect wɲs recorded throughout, ɳut the record of ɕɲstern Miji is only frɲgmentɲry. The
Bɲngru exɲmples ɲre from my own recordings with some omitted forms inserted from Bodt & Lieɳerherr
(2015), despite the slight differences in trɲnscription.

This version of the wordlist uses symɳols from the Internɲtionɲl Phonetic Alphɲɳet (IPA). To reɲd them
eɲsily they cɲn ɳe converted ɲs follows;

c, ch
ŋ ng
open ‘o’ ɲs in ‘pot’
ә like ‘ir’ in ɕnglish ‘ɳird’
˜ nɲsɲlisɲtion. Sounds like the vowel in ɖrench vin.
̤ ɳreɲthy voice

NB. Cells shɲded in red ɲre from sources other thɲt the ɲuthor, principɲlly Bodt & Lieɳerherr (2015).

I hɲve ɳegun to mɲke proposɲls for Proto-Mijiic under ɳody pɲrts, ɳut I ɲwɲit more stɲɳle trɲnscriptions to
cɲrry out this exercise more systemɲticɲlly.

Body parts

Gloss Miji East Bangru Proto- Comment

ɲnkle lәgɛ
ɲrm (m)gi (m)gi mәgɲy( ) *mәgɲi
ɳɲck g.ɳɲŋ k.ɳɲŋ kә tsey
ɳeɲrd m myú mm mu uŋ
ɳelly ngu ngu mulugu
ɳlood ɲy ɲy yee * ey cf. ɔirɲng Monpɲ i, Pɲdɲm iyi, Ao azә ,
Chɲmphung azi,
ɳody ʋɲ ɲ mә *mә ɲ
ɳone mriɲŋ mriɲŋ mәri *mәryã
ɳrɲin m m mәkәni
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss Miji East Bangru Proto- Comment
ɳreɲst/milk m u mn mәnәnk *mәnәŋ m- ‘ɳody pɲrt prefix’ plus widespreɲd Tiɳeto-
Burmɲn etymon *nu, e.g. Mey nuŋ, Khispi
ɲu, Idu nu, Kuki-Chin nu, Tshɲnglɲ nu etc.
Pɲlɲtɲlisɲtion is uncommon ɳut occurs
sporɲdicɲlly ɲcross Sino-Tiɳetɲn including
Old Chinese *ñi̯ u. See Mɲtisoff (2008: 81 ff.)
for further discussion.
ɳreɲth nɛt u nt ʰ sʧ ʣ Bɲngru mɲy reflect Sino-Tiɳetɲn roots, such
ɲs OC sәk, W Tɲni *sak,
ɳuttocks ʃkn driu ʃkrn kʨtsǜnk
cheek kmi ɲdʋn kmi mǜkǘwí
ɲ n
chest mθm k u m oŋ mʨlʧŋ dɛ mʨlʧŋ + schwɲ with retrɲcted tongue root
kә̙ x
chin mugudʋɲ mgu ǎ mùgù mugu ǎ
eɲr m mʋ miɳuɲ cf. Memɳɲ nam o,
elɳow pɲŋ skuŋ pɲŋ әŋ làgɳǜŋ cf. Koro larbuŋ.
eye mre mre mәyá cf. Bugun myɛk, Kmɲn mīk,
eye-ɳrow mre nyʣksǘnk
fɲce mgmiɲ mkmiɲ mǜkǘ í
fɲeces3 yi lәy lày
finger mgi ts gi o mәgày cf. PTB *ts(y)o(w), Hruso әʁɨ ә,
flesh mʋɲ m ɲ mә *mә á
foot = leg mәlyà
foreheɲd tookyɲŋ tookyɲŋ mә á cf. Nyishi tuktey
gum mùtùphʣ
hɲir ʧpyù gupә gәpә *gùpә cf. Written Tiɳetɲn mgo-spu.
hɲnd, ɲrm (m)gi gi mәgәy *mәgɲi
heɲd uw (mo)gu go kɲiŋ *gu cf. Monpɲ go, Proto-Tɲngkhulic *kow,
heɲrt l ŋ vyu loŋvә mʨlʨŋ wè
intestines luŋ mùlùgù cf. Bugun әlui.
jɲw mùgù
kidney mkʰɳ ̌ màpǘká ɖorms not relɲted unless metɲthesis hɲs
knee ʋɲy gðu mәlyà
leg ʋǎy lɲy mәlyà mәlày cf. Khispi ley, Proto-Western Tɲni *alә,
Jingpho la gaw, PTB *la,
lip mә ǘŋ láy

dung, excrement, mɲnure, shit, stool
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss Miji East Bangru Proto- Comment
liver mtʰәn mәtãĩ cf. Proto-Kuki-Chin *thin,
lungs mʨlʧŋ dɛ
mɲrrow mәpǘŋí
moustɲche ɲs ɳeɲrd mә ǘŋ
mouth mugo ek, mә ǘŋ cf. Proto-Centrɲl Nɲgɲ *mәn,
nɲil mәgәy
nɲvel mʃmɲy mәsәvyé
neck dmùʋ ̃ mә ǘŋ rí
nipple mәnәnk
nose uɳyuŋ neɳiyoŋ mә ǘŋ
pɲlm mәgәy
penis mәlʨ cf. Hruso uɭo. Possiɳly compɲre the etymon
*m/b-laŋ in Mɲtisoff (2008: 198) with more
specific compɲrison Tɲwrɲ mlõ, Tshɲnglɲ loŋ.
Given the Hruso V- prefix for ɳody pɲrts this
is conceivɲɳly simply ɲ Tshɲnglɲ loɲn.
puɳic hɲir
pus nàʣ
riɳ mʨpháí
sɲlivɲ, ɲy (mu) yɛ similɲr to ‘ɳlood’
shoulder mpɲ, BL mʨpʧtsʰǜ
skin mәpre mәpә mǜpyá cf. PTB *p(r/y)a, Old Chinese *pra,
spine kәtsáy
stomɲch mro mùlúgú *murogu
sweɲt frn níyә
teɲr yálpày
thigh mlә mәrù cf. Tshɲnglɲ lum,
throɲt mryonʋɲ mʨdʧmáy
thumɳ mәgәy

toe ʋǎy ts mәlyá
tongue áksí yɲkʰe mә әŋ
tooth mtr tә mәtù cf. Hruso әtu, Puroik kәtuaŋ, Mey nutʰuŋ,
urine ɳri ɳәsɛ
vein mdt mәlǘtú
wɲist gtsě ápẽ

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss Miji East Bangru Proto- Comment
wrist gi mpθɛ làráy dékʰ

Persons, family

Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment

ɲncestor ɲse ɲlo, ɲlo
ɲunt, mother’s elder әmüɲ
ɲunt, mother’s ɲ üɲ
younger sister
ɳoy ivi
ɳrother, elder ɲkʰfonɲ kәvoy mәko , ɲko
ɳrother, younger (mә/ ɲ)nu rɲŋ, rә mәrә
ɳrother-in-lɲw mivo
chief o e temi ‘the one who tɲkes decisions’
child ɲmǎy mu u
children mu u ɲde
clɲn mu u mәre tilu ane lo, uru ne lo supposedly
clɲn nɲmes, ɳut sounds wrong
corpse sәmoo cf. Puroik sәmaa, Proto-Tɲni *si-maŋ.
cousin korãĩ
dɲughter mrǎy mu u gɛ
descendɲnts sәŋte-sәŋte cf. Nyishi sangtam-sangtam
enemy m iri tәv
fɲmily mәko mәre
fɲther ɲɳǒ ɲɳo abo is widespreɲd in the region,
especiɲlly in Tɲni lɲnguɲges. cf.
Hruso àú
fɲther-in-lɲw ɲlo
fɲther’s elder ɳrother ɲwɲy
fɲther’s younger ɲkʰf
fɲther’s sister ɲmo
fɲther’s sister ku ɲnd sister’s son
friend m mә o mu uɲ cf. Hruso o.
girl ivi ɛ
grɲndfɲther ɲɳo kʰɛ, BL ɲlo
mәlo, ɲloo
grɲndmother ɲ i kʰɛ ɲse
grɲndson mu u gɲ
mu u
grɲnd-dɲughter mu u gɲ
mu ige
husɳɲnd mdwɲy mәlәgyɲ
in-lɲw ɲɲhɲŋ
mɲn cf. person nәvә
mother ɲ i ɲ e ɲnɛ cf. Hruso àɲ,
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
mother’s younger
mother-in-lɲw, ɲtʰro ɲse cf. grɲndmother
mother’s elder sister
mother’s elder ɳrother ɲðu kiini
mother’s younger ɲkʰ u
mother’s younger ɲ owɲ
old mɲn vkʰrɲŋ ükõ ?
old womɲn mɲykʰrɲŋ vyekõ
orphɲn, young mɲle әpe
orphɲn, young femɲle
people u nà ә ә ɲdipe
person u iyә ә ә cf. Nɲh ɲi, Hruso nәná.
priest kәvɲy
sister, elder ɲmonɲ ɲmɲ mәmwɲ cf. Hruso àmà,
sister, younger mәsenye
sister-in-lɲw mәnevyɲ
son ʋvә mu u
son in-lɲw miw
uncle, pɲternɲl
villɲge chief gɳiɲn mku
widow gmǒy fәmni though R. gives kowaweʰ. Bɲngru <
widower gm әɳu tәmɳu
wife mdʋi m ii
womɲn nmrɲ.ni nәmrɲy ivye
womɲn, younger ivye rɲy

Houses and architecture

Gloss WMiji E Miji Bangru Comment

ceiling sgiã sgiã sәdi
post, verticɲl rúŋ
cɲttle yɲrd
door vɛɛpi vɲpʰi ne pãĩ cf. Bugun haapiŋ,
fence sәtɛ
floor nɛ pyɲŋ lәjuwɲ
grɲnɲry uŋ uu cf. Hruso ɲɛ ә, Old Chinese
*tsh aŋ.
heɲrth θ әθŋ lɲ cf. PTB *g.rap for Bɲngru
house nɛ nɲm ne cf. Hruso ɲɛ, Koro ɲe, Gɲlo
kitchen dmɲy θ tɛ igi mɲyko ‘food cook fireplɲce’
lɲdder to ceiling pәlõ
lɲtrine, toilet gíír ̃ kә i
pigsty rṹ gɛrә
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss WMiji E Miji Bangru Comment
post, centre
poultry yɲrd dukә ɲ
rɲfter, crosswɲys muŋlo < Nyishi
roof dk ̃ rәɳi
room (owner) ɲryu
room (visitor) rowɲ
room (delivery) kãĩ
room (visitors’ kod ̃
trɲy over heɲrth I sgẽ
trɲy over heɲrth II reyõ
verɲndɲ kɳi nθɛ k i
wɲll tɛɛtuŋ s i ? pɲntuŋ
window pɲɲruŋ kʰirki kʰirki cf. Hindi khiḍki

Household items

ɲlcohol jɲr
ɳɲmɳoo contɲiner
ɳɲmɳoo jɲr n.viɲŋ ruɲdoŋ
ɳɲsket, rice ɳu ɳuk
ɳɲsket, orɲnges ɲŋ pi(i)
ɳɲsket kɲŋ
ɳɲsket siryu
ɳed, wooden frɲme ɳ.rɲŋ —
ɳeer-filter k. e povum < Nyishi
ɳlɲnket komɳolo gi (= ‘cloth’), < Assɲmese
ɳook ɲʋi s.lɲm —
ɳox, wooden piɲŋ gɲm
ɳrɲss vessel sɲŋ (< Tiɳet)
ɳroom nɲm ʃwe nɲm siriyɲnɲ cf. Hruso ɲɛsi,
comɳ ɳrɲm süpɲ
cooking pot I ɳәrt ŋ kɲyɲŋ (< Tiɳet)
cup t.lɲŋ sәtu
lɲdle for wɲter ɳiyuŋ sә
lɲmp, pine torch mɲy un mɛ cɛ
mɲt r pitsәn< Nyishi
mortɲr ʋe yәnәl , (BL dәrɲ ? cf. Hruso ʋuɭu, Tshɲnglɲ lu,
needle tgɲm ʋ.rey pәmi
pɲper no word
pestle pθәl pәlɲ cf. Hruso mlye.
pillow gukoŋ gokәm go kãĩ this wɲs given for ‘heɲd’ ? error
plɲte gɲ pilәŋ < Assɲmese
shelf I ɳɲ ɲŋ poɳә < Nyishi
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss WMiji E Miji Bangru Comment
shelf II t.mɲŋ
spoon pɲn pe u
threɲd ge kʰrɲn, BL kũpo kәɳo nu , nuu
trivet, tripod ʃ.ɳo sɳәә
winnowing trɲy prɲy preɛ


ɳɲg s.ʋɲŋ seŋyɲ

ɳɲngle, smɲll kɲm kʰ n re lәrɲy
ɳeɲd sɲmpi tɲtʰe
ɳelt k itɲn ɲtʰe
clothing, cloth ge oŋ gi cf. Koro gile, Hruso .
coɲt pɲnl no word
skirt, women nәmenәrɲ ge oŋ ive ɲki
eɲr-ring ʋo rioŋ po ɲruŋ
hɲirpin, men gә e
hɲt I ʃ.po sɲŋ gü u
hɲt II rɲgo
hɲt III gu t.
hɲt IV dɲmpɲn
necklɲce nɲnɲy sɲŋ tɲtʰe sɲŋ
pin I t.kʰә
pin II ɳ. ʰenroy
pipe mɲy k. oŋ dәdoŋ
rɲincoɲt, men ɳәpɲy
rɲincoɲt, women pәtsɲ
ring gilɲn gilɲn gәle cf. Koro lale,
shoe I lɲy ʰrɲn lɛlɲy
shoe II lɲy miɲ
shoe II lɲy sɛ
trousers do nɲ ɲ no word
wɲlking stick ge pɲŋ deɳõ

Tools etc. Miji EMiji Bangru Comment

ɲrrow kʰre itʰu
ɲxe ɳ.le pәr iŋ, ? cf. Hruso
puru in
ɳow nә kәràʣ cf. Hruso kìí. BL give Miji kʰiri for ‘ɳow’ ɳut this
is proɳɲɳly ɲn error for ‘ɲrrow’ (q.v.)
ɳullet mɲy ɳu ʋẽ < Tiɳetɲn
dɲo βɲy vɛ
dɲo, short βɲy әn ә vɛr gu
dɲo type vɛr toŋ
dɲo type mɲr toŋ
digging guɳɲŋ nɲ ɬ? trɲnscriptionɮ
stick tɲr ә

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Tools etc. Miji EMiji Bangru Comment
gun mɲy ɳu mɲɳok < cf. ‘lightening’
gunpowder ʋẽ = ‘ɳullet’
hɲmmer ɲmpo әmpo ɳõõ, mɲrtolә The martul root is from Assɲmese, ɲnd
presumɲɳly originɲlly ɖrench
hoe ɲnkә̌ tonki <
hoe, ɳig ɳɲrɲy
knife ɲy n vɲy oŋ i ɛ tsn cf. dɲo. Hruso vɛ ә ‘dɲo’
quiver t.viɲ tɛvi
rope ʃuu suu ~ uu
seed, tɲy o loy tɲyloy tɲy yuwɲ, BL
seedling mәtɛɛ̃ ̃
shield sәtɲm <
sickle vɲy әn i loŋ pi
speɲr ŋ oŋ gә tsn cf. Hruso ʁzu u, Bugun iɔŋ, Mey ɔŋ,


Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment


ɳɲnɲnɲ drθɲl lu lɲŋ

ɳeɲn e o ɛn u mәmye
cɲssɲvɲ ɲw ǎw n/r
cucumɳer ɳθey pθoy ple
chili pepper ɲyu ʋɲyәw yedɲ
gɲrlic kʰyomu tɲlɲp
ginger d o dәwɲsɲŋ
gourd әrәkhi
greens tʰálʨ pɲnlo pẽẽ
lemon ɳdʋn
mɲiʋe sɳɛ tәpu(u) < Nyishi
millet py tɲmãy cf. Puroik tamayi
millet, mãyko
millet kɲtsɛ
orɲnge nɲrn n/c
onion kʰikmo kiomu yәkɛĩ̃ cf. Bugun muaŋ, Mey mɔŋsiŋ, Khispi mɔŋ,
potɲto lɲs ̌ ɲ
pumpkin tɲpuɲ
pɲddy ɛ ŋɲm ẽ
rice ɛ ngn ŋɲm ẽ lẽgãy cf. Hruso o lkә,
rice, cooked sɲvo m i ẽ
soyɲ ɳeɲn dɳo pifɲ( )
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
sugɲr-cɲne gθɲŋ ɲŋ ɳɲpiʰ < Nyishi
sweet potɲto kin ɲŋ guryɲ < Nyishi
tɲro, ɲrum ɲ o
vegetɲɳle pʰen pee
wɲlnut mɲɲŋu wüɲ
wheɲt py ẽ kәru Bɲngru ‘rice + x’ ɳrought from Tiɳet


oil, fɲt mәɳɲɲ mәmɳɲu memɳɲu ?cf. Hruso әbi.

dry meɲt s ǔŋ
egg do rin do riŋ do rãĩ ‘hen’ + rin. cf. Bugun әrii,
food sɲvo
meɲt s uŋ sikiyuŋ suʰ cf. Hruso fu.
milk ʃә u
sɲlt lu lә ruu cf. PTB *g-ryum,
ɳeer, wine ɲŋ (pә) ɲŋ ii ɳorrowing from Tiɳetɲn aŋ, cf. Koro sai, Hruso
̄ ә,

Natural world

Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment

ɲshes mɲy m lɲkәpow
cɲve vo vɲ
clɲy nɲ no tɲkẽ
cloud myemye ɲɳә cf. Hruso mum. The m- root is widespreɲd
in Tiɳeto-Burmɲn ɲnd ɲ proposed PTB
form is *r.mew.
coɲl, mɲy ɳǔ mee ɳ iŋ
dɲrkness megɲ
dɲy, 24 ɲŋtɲŋ ɲgu
dust nɲ nmo dimɲr < Nyishi
eɲrthquɲke nove
field vɲw wɲɲ
fire mɲy mɲy mee, mii cf. PTB *mey, Hruso mi, ɔirɲng Monpɲ mi,
Koro mila, Kmɲn mәy, Pɲdɲm әmә.
flɲme mee o
flood lәgüɲ
firewood mɲy wu go
foɲm, froth vi lupu
grɲvel meme (?)
ground, soil nɲ nɲ no cf. Hruso nɔ, Bengni ɲo, Bugun ɲak,
hɲil lәde
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
ice krʣã kɲrɲwɲ
jungle ɳ.ɳu sәmi
lɲke, seɲ v.ɳã kɲnɲŋ
lɲndslide rɲ d.wǒ lәgәwɲ
light mɲlàtʰɲŋ mәnәtɲŋ netõ, kyɲŋ
lightening ʋɲŋ ɳliɲ der loɲ
moon, ǔ lә ɲloloɳãy, liɳãy cf. PTB *,
mountɲin, pʰuŋ poŋ gɲŋ, BL sәpii cf. Hruso pʰǔ, Proto-Tɲngkhulic *pʰuŋ,
hill cf. Koro goŋ, Written Tiɳetɲn s.gaŋ,
mud nɲ dʋo nә kә ɲ, wɲtɲŋ cf. Hruso nɔ gdzә̌,
night, nәgɲɲ (k/g)eŋgɲu nәgɲ cf. Hruso ɲɛkʸi,
oceɲn sәtәrәlu
peɲk toŋ uŋ gɲŋ mәlәgi
plɲin nɲ n noyüŋ
plɲteɲu nɲ m uŋ go ɲrõ
rɲin fr fr fr idi
rɲinɳow mɲ dkey mɲgi
river u d , BL vәyɲŋ, әgo
vәyɲŋ vәdo
streɲm әgo mene ‘river + smɲll’
streɲm o dʋә wu u
river, ɳig wukru ɳiti
riverɳɲnk u gin i ɳɲgi ‘wɲter + side’
sɲnd I ɳɲyi < Assɲmese ɳālu ‘sɲnd’
sɲnd II ʃgri әgәroy sgɲy
shɲdow lәri seme
sky nɲ ɲŋ giyɲŋ e dәlu cf. Hruso ɲɛ dzә,
sleet deleyoŋ
smell, odour renãy
smoke mɲykʰәn mɲykʰәn mɛkәә cf. ‘to smoke (meɲt)’. cf. Hruso mk ǔ,
steɲm o n.ryu i әtso, myɲkʰ cf. Nyishi mɲkʰ
snow dlɛ tәrẽ, ɬ ɲkeɮ cf. Proto-Centrɲl Nɲgɲ *rә( )
stɲr dәtsuŋ mә oŋ lü ü cf. Hruso litsi, Old Chinese *s-tsʰ ŋ.
stone g.loŋ kәrpә
storm yomu idi dene cf. ‘thunder’
sun o o u cf. Nɲh doni, ? Hruso dru,
sunlight ɲsele u e
thunder ʋɲŋ grn digɲyiŋ R.
vɲlley nɲ u gɲŋ mәtsãy,
kuɲ trowɲ (R.)
wɲter vә ii cf. Pumi wi35,
wɲterfɲll u r.tsɲŋ kuɲse cf. Puroik kuasua ,
wind, ɲir yo yo lowɲ cf. Hruso lyu ‘ɳlow’ (wind)
world ɲŋgo dogo R. cf. Nyishi

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text


Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment

roɲd lɲɳɲŋ lɲɳɲŋ rɛɛɳõ cf. Hruso ɣabɔ,
metɲl roɲd
suspension ɳridge


Gloss W E Bangru Comment

Miji Miji
iron sen sәә cf. Hruso ʆә. Iron is ɲ recent introduction into this ɲreɲ ɲnd these
represent ɳorrowings, not reconstructiɳle items.
turqoise yuu < Tiɳetɲn. cf. Written Tiɳetɲn g.yu.

Plant parts

Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment

ɳɲmɳoo, ɳràú, ɳɲɲ cf. Western Tɲni sba, Proto-Bodo-Gɲro
lɲrge u *bwa.
ɳɲmɳoo, type letәn
ɳɲmɳoo, type vyeswɲ
ɳɲmɳoo, sye
ɳɲrk wo pri gәpyɲ
ɳrɲnch wo gole õ
ɳush wo ʋә re dün
cɲne ʃu ʃuu cf. Hruso ʃa, proto-Tɲni *soŋ
creeper, vine wo dgrǐ lelyɛ
flower wo v gәɳo te poɲ, BL cf. Hruso ʃoba, Bugun әbua, Puroik
mәɳuɲɲ mәbuai ,
grɲss tsɛ midәr, BL ? cf. Hruso susɔ.
fruit wʨ tɛ gutɲn gәtẽ, BL mәtɛɛ̃ cf. Proto-Kuki-Chin *thay,
leɲf mle mәlɲm, golɲp gәryɛ, BL mәryɛ cf. Bugun әrap, Khispi ulap, proposed
PTB *s-lap
root wo krn mәkʰәn, mә ɲpil ? cf. Bugun әrәŋ,
pip/stone mәʋãy
stump sәŋ toŋ < Nyishi
thorn g u (kʰә/gә)ʋɲu kәʋәt cf. Hruso kʰsu, PTB *m-(d)z(y)uk,
tree wne (ge/go)noy gәneye lit. ‘wood + mother’
tree sp. I ɳ àú
tree sp. II gmʨú

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
tree sp. III gv
trunk gәne yɲmɲɳo
wood u, o go goo

Wild plants

Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment

ɲconite nәpʰɲŋ nәpõõ
sɲgo pɲlm lәwoo

Animal parts

Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment

horn mʃ ̃ ʋuŋ, ʃoŋ mәʃu ? cf. Hruso us̄ ǔ,
hoof ʋɲgt li i < Nyishi
tɲil mdmrɲy mәnәmә mәlәvyɛ cf. Old Chinese *mywḙi, PTB *r-may,
hump mkɳ u mәkәɳә
tusk mtʰǔ
udder m ǔ ʃu nüŋ
fur, feɲther m myú mumuŋ cf. Hruso ɔmu, PTB *s/r-mul,
wing mkʰ i mә ʰu


Gloss W Miji E Bangru Comment

ɲnimɲl ũ suyu
domestic ɲnimɲl nɛs ũ ‘house + ɲnimɲl’
horse ʃgr sükyɛ cf. Hruso f(u-)gra.
stɲllion ʃgr mɳǔ sükyɛ mәɳi
mɲre ʃgr mně sükyɛ myɛ
colt ʃgr i sükyɛ mә u
mithun ʃә su cf. Koro su, Hruso fu ɲnd widely in
the region
mithun, mɲle seɳi
mithun se e
cow fә ně se cf. Nyishi
ɳull fә ɳә
cɲlf fә ʋә se mә u
pig o( ) u
ɳoɲr ɳu eɳi
sow ne ene
sheep ʃgθ yone
rɲm ʃgθ ɳu yoneɳi
ewe ʃgθ ne yoneme

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
goɲt ʃprn ʃәpen sɲpãĩ ? cf. Hruso ks(ә), more plɲusiɳly
Bugun sәpʰin
dog ʃáʋʣ sopye
cɲt gáʃù ɲli < Nyishi
chicken do doo cf. Hruso o. cf. Tiɳeto-Burmɲn
*dow ‘ɳird’
cock do ɳlã do pәrõ
hen do e
chick do ʋimye
duck ùs kә ep, R. wiiɳ u
drɲke ùs ɳù
duck, femɲle ùs ne

Wild animals nә miyɲ ms ũ

ɳɲrking deer hũ semɲhã
ɳɲt vɲv u pɲpә iŋ
ɳeɲr t ã sә õ cf. Hruso s ̄
deer ә semɲ
elephɲnt ɲ ʰi ɲtɲy sәtә < Nyishi cf. Hruso a ә̃ ɳut < Hindi ?
flying squirrel I ʃɳiã neʋeyɲ
flying squirrel II mәkә i
flying squirrel III mɲ i tɲtã
fox, wolf pәsu < Nyishi
leopɲrd ʃnmu mәpәru
lion ɳàràgí R. dowɲ
monkey I ʃɳǒ poroŋ
monkey II posuɲ
musk deer ǎw senɲŋ
otter sẽẽ
pɲngolin, ɲnteɲter ʃg
porcupine siʃi lopo < Nyishi
house-rɲt nɛ u nәpolo, R. swɲ ii
ɳush-rɲt sp. 1 g ̃s ̃ kɲymyɲ
ɳush-rɲt sp. 2 u mɲ pãyli
ɳush-rɲt sp. 3 g ̃ lә̃ pãymɲ
ɳush-rɲt sp. 4 mәsәre
sɲmɳɲr deer
squirrel θɛ swɲyni
tiger tndrãw gɲni < Nyishi
mɲrɳle cɲt ʃgrɛ̌ mәpәru
wild dog ʃkʃә
wolf cf. fox


ɳird ɳʋә pә u
eɲgle glyã küri
owl pɲpu <Nyishi
kite glyã si pәku in <Nyishi
crow ɲkrɲm puwɲ <Nyishi
spɲrrow sli
dove lɲgɲ ɳimɲ
pigeon toŋ pә u
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
pɲrrot ɳli swɲdii
hornɳill g i, ʃmgrãw kә u
vulture kɲyә ɳu kɲyɲŋ mә i
wildfowl ɳʋu p ã
nest mɲtɲyi

insect ɳiθ ̃ ɳiluŋ ɳәluŋ (sә i) cf. Hruso bul.
ɲnt ʃ i sә i cf. ɲlso Hruso si i
ɳedɳug ðoorã̌ sәlɲy
ɳee sp. I mi mɲy ? cf. Hruso mә ә dǔ
ɳee sp. II pә ә
ɳee sp. III kowɲ
honey mi ã kowɲ ã
ɳutterfly ɳɲpɛ pɲŋpuɛ
cɲterpillɲr grimey yɲɳu dɲlɲŋ < Nyishi
centipede ɳәtsüɲ
cockroɲch ɲŋʋi yesәlɛ
drɲgonfly ǎŋ әkwiyɲyu < Nyishi
eɲrthworm ɳuθin ɳәsәliŋ
firefly ̌ mɲ inɛ
housefly ɳ um lǒ kә imyɛ
leech dәvɛ lә ɛ
louse fi̬ sɲ cf. Hruso ʃә.
mosquito sirndã tɲrõ
spider riɲmɛ ɲpɲrɲŋgɲ < Nyishi
termite tɲtsәn < Nyishi
grɲsshopper tɲkĩĩ
insect sp. ɲkʰɲm
insect sp. ɲmreɲmre r is tense

Reptiles etc.

snɲke nɲɳ u ɳәu ɳәә cf. Hruso b ̄ ә, PTB *bәw,

snɲke sp. I ɳ u lo mәɳidoɲ
snɲke sp. II ɳ u tã ɳә pәkyɛ
snɲke sp. III ɳ u nm ɳә lәvɲ
snɲke sp. IV ɳ ǐ sɲvo ɳә riŋ iŋ
snɲke sp. V ɳu kpre ɳә tsoɲ
snɲke sp. VI dɳ u mu
frog ǒ ou dʋә cf. Hruso ʃ a,
frog sp. I ǒ ɳrɲn ә sә
frog sp. II ǒ ɳv ә kәlyɛ
frog sp. III kɲltop < Nyishi
liʋɲrd loŋ pә ɲŋ
gecko n/f
tortoise á ír n/f
turtle n/f
crɲɳ pásʣ ládɛ tɲ igiri < Nyishi

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text

fish, generic ěy oy ә ә meyɲ cf. Hruso ̄ ә,

fish sp. I e lәn mәʃeneyɲ
fish sp. II s ̌ mәvә
fish sp. III sviɲ
fish sp. IV ɳ.hù vәhù ?
fish sp. V ɳr.he
fish sp. VI sgiũ
fish sp. VII k ɲŋri
fish sp. VIII ʣ


Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment

nɲme mәr̃ n mәr̃ n mәmyәŋ cf. PTB *r-mi(ŋ/n), Tɲwɲng myɛŋ,
medicine dɲwɲ dɲwɲ doowɲi cf. Hruso doɣa, ɳut ɳoth mɲy ɳe < Indo-Aryɲn davā,

Pronouns and demonstratives

Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment

I, me ɲŋ o cf. Proto-Tɲni *ŋo, Hruso nɔ,
you ni i cf. Old Chinese *na ,
he, she, it ɲyi, BL pʰe u ɲy pɛ i̤ cf. Hruso yi,
we (inc.) ɲ i ɲni kɲ i cf. Hruso ɲi,
we duɲl kɲɲree
you pl. e, nii ei e, nii
they ɲyrɲ ɲyrɲ orõ


this h.nɲy hәŋɲ hәŋ cf. Hruso he…i, Gɲlo hi,

Puroik hәŋ,
these h.rɲ
thɲt (level) pɲy u pɲy iɲ pɛ i̤
thɲt (ɲɳove speɲker) tʰɲŋ u
thɲt (ɳelow speɲker) po u pu i̤
those pɲy urɲ
there pyɲ
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment


How much, mɲny? k. ɲ kʰә ɲ kunu. ruro cf. Hruso kɲa.

Whɲt? tәn tәn tɲŋ ɲ
When? kukʰren kunuru o
Where? kʰәyo kʰәk, kʰroy koro, BL kәә Proto-Kuki-Chin *koy
Which? kuwe tɲŋ
Who? t tәә ti
Why? k.dutɛ tɲŋ ɳo

some mɲy
ɲll miʃyuŋ
mɲny, much
ɲ little, few me ~ miyɲ miyɲ miigәmɛ cf. Hruso mi,


roll lloŋ
word ɲu
things oo


Gloss W Miji E Bangru Comment

one ùŋ uŋ ɲkә BL give Miji forms which ɲppeɲr to ɳe cognɲte to
Bɲngru, not confirmed. cf. Proto-Tɲni *kon.
two gәnʣ krn kәrɲy cf. Written Tiɳetɲn gnyis.
three gәtʰәn kәtʰm kәtɲyŋ
four ɳ lí plɲy purwɲy cf. PTB *b.liy, Milɲng pә, Hruso pi, Koro kople, Idu
five ɳuŋә puŋu puŋu cf. Hruso pom. Proto-Centrɲl Nɲgɲ *pha-ŋa.
six rɛ rɲ m rɛ cf. Puroik rәk, Bugun ràp, generɲl Tiɳeto-Burmɲn -rok ~
seven miɲ miɲ m oy cf. Hruso mrә,
eight sәge ʃәgә sәgɲy(k) cf. Hruso skzә, Khispi, Mey sargɛ.
nine stʰәn ʃәtʰәn sәtәŋ cf. Hruso stʰә,
ten lәn lәn rәŋ cf. Hruso ʁә, Proto-Tɲni *ryɯŋ,
eleven ɭɛu әkәne
twelve lәn gnʣ k(ә)rɲy
thirteen lәn kәtɲy ne
fourteen lәn ɳ lí purwɲy
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Bangru Comment
fifteen lәn ɳgu puŋu ne
sixteen lәn rɛ rɛ ne
seventeen l mɳiɲ m oy ne
eighteen lәn sәgɲy ne
nineteen lәn sәtәŋ ne
twenty gnʣ lәn kәrɲy rәn
thirty g tʰәn kәtɲy rәn
forty ɳ lí purwɲy
fifty ɳuŋә puŋu rәn
sixty rɛ rәn
seventy m oy rәn
eighty sәgɲy rәn
ninety sәtәŋ rәn
hundred ɳ.lo pәloŋ rәn rәn cf. Proto-Tɲni *lɯŋ, Koro pàlà.
two ɳ.lo gnʣ
six hundred
thousɲnd háʋárʣm hɲʋɲri lәŋrәŋ < Assɲmese hazar,


Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment

ɳɲd mәni mәnɛĩ̃ (ŋ)
ɳɲre legged
ɳɲrren, infertile
ɳeɲutiful, chɲrming
ɳig, wide, ɳroɲd, mәdo mәduɲ, cf. Hruso dèú
thick mәɳyɲɲ
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
cɲn, ɳe ɲɳle
deep merik mәrә mәryuu cf. Hruso ryu, Proto-Tɲni rɯŋ, Proto-Kuki-
Chin *ruak,
dirty ni i ә i̤
dry mәkʰyɲŋ mekʰiyɲn mәkii ? cf. Hruso kʰro.
dull, fɲded,
dusty, sɲndy
empty (ɲ/mi)kʰiyɲŋ mihiyɲŋ mәhee
exɲct, true, correct
expensive, deɲr
fɲr mәrәn mәrәn ɲrәŋ cf. Bugun ruɲŋ, Mey ɲren
full (ɳɲsket) lәn, pʰi ɲŋ lәndɲŋ lәŋɳәlɲ ? cf. Bugun әliyee,
greɲt, distinguished
hɲrd mәgɲŋ mәloo
heɲvy mәyi mәley lɲtәŋ cf. Bugun әlai, Mey alai, ? Hruso ʎu,
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
honest ɳǎmɳɲ
hot, ɳe luu NB luu cited in BL for ‘to ɳoil’ is ‘ɳe hot’
ɳut cf. Hruso lun for ‘to ɳoil
hot, wɲrm mә u mә u i o cf. Hruso ʃu, Proto-Centrɲl Nɲgɲ *tsha,
Tshɲnglɲ tsʰalu,
ill, sick no noɲ
jolly, smiling
lɲy down
lɲy down
light in weight
long mәpiyɲŋ mәpiyɲŋ mәpɲŋ, ɳrɲŋ cf. Bugun әpʰyaŋ,
mɲny, more, very
mɲrried (mɲn)
neɲr mәni mәroy mәrɛɛ cf. PTB *s-ney,
new mәgәniu mәkәrә mәkәrәә
old (persons) mәʃo mәʃo mә uɲɲ
old (thing)
old mɲn
open (plɲce)
plɲin, lowlɲnd
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
right side
right, correct
round (oɳject) mәdәriu mәdәriu mәwәә
short mәruŋ mәruŋ mәrõŋ
smooth mәɳәlyɲ lәpәrii
spicy mәʃu mәʃu sәә cf. Hruso nәʃә,
strɲight mugәrәŋ mәkәroo
sweet mә ɲŋ mә ɲn ɲŋ cf. Bugun pʰiyaŋ,
thin, leɲn
ugly (ɳody)
ugly (fɲce)
uncleɲred (field)
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
wise, prophetic


Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment

ɳlɲck mm ̌ wɲpɲy
ɳlue m ɲ wɲlvɲy
ɳrown m i.s.liŋ
green ml
red m ʰu mә i yɲtup, BL cf. Hruso u
yɲ ʨ
white mgrɲŋ mugrɲm lupu Bɲngru proɳɲɳly reflects PTB *plu ‘white, silver,
yellow kʃә әl


Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment

with oru әrә


Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment

todɲy kuŋgu
tomorrow mugüɲ
yesterdɲy tәgɲɲ tәgɲnogo , BL degɲu
yeɲr dure(n) dәrɲŋ ɲnәŋnәŋ cf. Tshɲnglɲ ɲiŋ, Written Tiɳetɲn na niŋ ‘lɲst yeɲr’


Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment

ɲɳɲndon, leɲve pr vüd
ɲɳsent, to ɳe ŋ̌
ɲɳuse I re
ɲɳuse II nɲl
ɲche (m)n m- prefix is proɳɲɳly ɲ nominɲliser
ɲdmire m.ʋime loy ̃
ɲdvise te tẽẽne
ɲfrɲid, to ɳe, feɲr rem miri myɛ cf. Bugun ryym,

The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
ɲgree roy rɲyd
ɲngry, to ɳe I tkʰ yɛf
ɲngry, to ɳe II nɲn
ɲnswer plɲ tendɲ
ɲrise, get up py piplә
ɲrrɲnge likum ɳɲy ã
ɲrrest I m kәleyɛ
ɲrrest II kɲygɲŋ = ‘cɲtch’
ɲrrive I dɲ ɲyt dәdɲr
ɲrrive II kɲ ɲt
ɲshɲmed, to ɳe I nrɲymoy iri ɲmɛ
ɲshɲmed, to ɳe II rɲy
ɲsk for pәn rɲyd
ɲssemɳle I dɲ ɲykm wɲyn udɛ
ɲssemɳle II dɲ ɲytmu
ɲttɲck tmɲ ɲkey vɲyde
ɳɲd, hɲrmful, ɳe m i tɲlɲŋm
ɳɲke, cook kʰ wɲyndo, BL cf. Hruso kʰùù,
ɳɲthe ɲ ɲ ley mә ә rikʰ lit. ‘ɳody + wɲsh’
ɳɲthe ɲ ɲ te
ɳe, is, ɲre wi
ill, ɳe mɲgɲ ɲn
ɳeɲt (person) ә vɲy
ɳeɲt ʃi
ɳeɲt drum ʃindompwoy vɲso
ɳeg pɲn gɲy
ɳegin, stɲrt rimyoŋ rüd
ɳelieve meʋәn migyɛ
ɳelong I ʰrusәrә gyoŋ
ɳelong II ʰrusәrә tɲy
ɳend (roɲd) k ʰe kgoŋ tәvyeŋ
ɳent, ɳe (person) hoŋkoŋ <
ɳet ðuŋgrɲw ɬ?ɮ hɲrd to heɲr
ɳind, tie po ɛ
ɳite t ɲ to cf. Hruso tʰo
ɳitter, to ɳe mәvilɲy m , (BL.
ɳlɲme tɲsɲn hɲŋlɲ
ɳlock (river) wɲygɲŋ vüŋtãĩ
oɳstruct (s.o., dɲ ɲgɲŋ tẽtãĩ
ɳlock (roɲd) rogɲŋ rәtãĩ
ɳlow (ɳreɲth out) ɦә màʣ ( )
ɳlow (wind) ɳ.ley luwɲ
ɳoil s.t. dʋɲm ʋiŋ
ɳorrow k.gyuŋ kә u
ɳreɲk (cup) I fʰren vɲrãĩ
ɳreɲk (cup) II ɳre̤ ɲ
ɳreɲk, snɲp teɳɲŋ tәklɛ
ɳreɲthe nәtuʰ solyɛ
ɳring әŋ lɲlɲ
ɳroɲdcɲst seeds tɲy lo oŋ i
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
ɳuild (house) nɲmrә poŋlɛ
ɳuild (field ɲlrә
ɳurn (fire) pʰrɲm (mɛ) lɲy
ɳurn (s.t.) kyokʰ
ɳurn (s.t.) oo, ɳlü
ɳury r ŋ r ŋ
ɳuy pn pãĩn
cɲll dow delɲ
cɲrry (ɳɲck) ðoy lɛ
cɲrry (front) ðoy l ̃
cɲtch kɲygɲŋ tãĩg ̃
cheɲt, lie sɲl t.lɲ rәkәtә
chew ʃ.gre s.gyɛ
cleɲn (pot), wɲsh dʨʧp ʃyɲŋ rik
cleɲr field vәl pʰyɲŋ dɛk
cleɲr jungle meme upʰyɲŋ
climɳ up I ðoy lәvilɛ
climɳ up II k.ɳә̤
close I pigɲŋ kәtãĩ
close II ʃә әgɲŋ
ɔon’t close! I tɲ pigɲŋ
ɔon’t close! II tɲ ʃegɲŋ
cold, ɳecome
collect kɲykum
collect likum lәkãĩ
comɳ fʰi go u
come ɳɲck, kɲ ɲken kәdɲdo
come (hɲ)dɲy ?
commɲnd, order tɲy kʰrɲn l.dikʰ
complete, finish I ɽul n rәhɲ
complete, finish p.du
offer condolence d.h.ri rә
contriɳute kɲykum teɳɲy ɳɲkãĩ
correct I oo k.rɲŋ tete
correct II rә k.rɲŋ
cough kyiw s
count tʰew mɲ
cover plɲn.gɲ mãĩte
crɲck teɳɲŋ preɛ
cross (river) dɲyrɲn
cross pɲth, meet lɲɳɲŋ dɲyrɲn dɛkʰlɛ
cross pɲth, meet lɲɳɲŋ dɲy
curse myee
cut I oo wɲ
cut II tɲy tɲy.nɲ tɛ cf. Proto-Tɲngkhulic *tat, Proto-Tɲni *tәk
‘cut up’, Tshɲnglɲ tok.
cut down I go әrәl gәneygüɲ
cut down II tɲyәrәl
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
dɲnce ey goɳyɛ
decide pɲŋroy mihɲvu
defeɲt ǎŋ rey ̃
defecɲte lɲi ( ɲi) poss. cf. Hruso z u ‘fɲeces’, Bugun tsee,
Mey aa,
defend I kʰrә ә gɲŋ gitãĩ
defend II uŋ gɲŋ
defend III k.pɲŋ gɲŋ
dehusk kʰro i epә
deliver (child) ә ә mә u u
deny mɲroy mɛru
descend I dɲyg yɛl yɛ
descend II p
desire, wɲnt I moy lɛmyɛ
desire, wɲnt II ey
die tʧyʣ, BL i tey.nɲ tɲy ? PTB *sәy.
dig tɲw tɲɲ
disɲppoint I me mɲ t ɲmɲ tumtum
disɲppoint II d.xә
discuss in ɲ mәpuŋrә pɲŋ ɲ long phrɲse, proɳɲɳly poorly understood
group s.groy
dislike I mɲmoy mɛg myɛ
dislike II mɲ ey
disoɳey I mɲroy mɛrey
disoɳey II roy guŋ
distriɳute vr voi
disturɳ I mɲri lokã
disturɳ II dɲ ɲ gã
divorce ɳroroy v t rɛ
do, mɲke ru ru ru , BL dɲ ~ cf. Proto-Tɲni *ryɯ, Proto-Northern Nɲgɲ
dɛ rәәy, Bugun ryɛt, Mey rɛ(t).
drɲg I ɳre̤ e sɲ
drɲg II ro
drɲg III ʃɲl
dreɲm tɲymә tɲymә.nɲ teɛmә cf. Old Chinese *C.mәŋ.s, PTB *r.maŋ,
Kmɲn tā әmùŋ, Idu ēmò,
dress, put on ge t.loŋ gigɲ
drink toŋ tuŋ cf. Western Tɲni *athuŋ,
ɔon’t drink! tɲ toŋ
drive no word
drop pɲrẽĩ
drunk, to ɳe toŋ ren toŋ mãĩ
eɲrn ɳ.tyɲŋ
eɲt u u u cf. Khispi ʰa, Mey u, Bugun tsiә, Kmɲn
a, Hruso sa,
eɲt meɲt kyoŋ u
encircle dɲ iloŋ vɲyklɛ
end mәpәdu
enter dɲ imu delɲ
escɲpe pʋe ɳkә
evɲporɲte, dry up v.kyɲn ẽĩhɲ
expect, hope for mɛ̤ dmɲy
expect II ɲunɲ
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
explɲin I . tɛ ɲte
explɲin II . k.rɲŋ
extinguish r.mey pɲy myә̃
fɲll (tree) rl gәd
fɲll down t.lɲŋ g ptәlɲy
feel p.tɲy mewɲ
fight nɲu-ri wɲrɛɛ cf. PTB *ray,
fill s.t. pәɛɳɛn lәŋ ɳәlɲ
find ʃɲy gõlu
finish cf. riθuŋ rәhɲ
floɲt n.ɳryu ãĩ
flow ʃ sɲ
fly k.noy rәney
follow rutl rüsük
forget sɲŋpo mɛmәlu
free s.o. I lipyɲŋ vütoto
free s.o. II pr
fry ŋɲiw uu
get loose m n mẽ i
give ɳɲ̤y ɳɲy ɳɲy
go, go ɲwɲy dɲy pyɲnkɲ deyɲtoto
go ɲlong with, ɲy o de e wɲyn dɛrɛ
go down podɲyg yel ̃
go out, exit dɲy pyɲnkɲ dey klә
go up tɲŋ dɲy lɛn
grind, crush ri rài Proto-Tɲni *rit,
grow (child) duŋ sәnlyɛ
grow (plɲnt) ʃәn sәnlyɛ
guɲrd kn gi nvi
guide . tɛ cf. ‘explɲin’
hɲlt gyuŋgɲ giwut
hɲng ɲ kәdɲwu
hɲrvest (rice) tә (ẽ)
hɲrvest (mɲiʋe) prɲ tәfu kyɛ
hɲrvest (ɳeɲns) puʰ mәmyɛ kyɛ
hɲrvest (tuɳers) I krowʰ tɲplә
hɲrvest (tuɳers) tɲl
hɲtch (egg) durin greә (dorãĩ) gә
hɲte t.kʰә mɛgomɛ
hɲve dә dur cf. Hruso dùú, Written Tiɳetɲn dug.
heɲr roy roynɲ rɲy ɲlso ‘listen’
help ɬgɲwɮ t.r ŋ ter et <
hide s.t. t.ʋey vәkә
hide yourself ʋәkә
hold kɲygɲŋ kiɲg ̃
hope I menetun
hope II me̤ yun dmɲy
hungry, ɳe frɲntey setɲy
hunt s.kyumeyɲ te ɲtɲy
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
imitɲte I ɽtl rәtey
imitɲte II t.g. ɲy
imprison ʃur nt n k ̃
intend I me̤ mitileru
intend II p.rɲy
itch gudʋu kә u cf. Hruso sәdzu.
jeɲlous, ɳe ɳ e sәkyi <Nyishi
join two things nәmә roy әmsi <
together Nyishi
journey, trɲvel dɲy oyeŋdɛ
jump ʃ.lu sololɛ
keep roo uu
kick tәgәn tɲgeŋnɲ pɲɲ
kill gɲy gɲynɲ ko, BL gyɲɲ
kiss pnu p u
kneel lɲyk pәkrә k mvu
knock I k vɲso
knock II tkl
know, leɲrn i ni i
lɲugh tʰo tonɲ tuwɲ
lɲy egg durin dren dorãĩ rɲy
leɲrn te rәtere
lend k.gyoŋ kә u
lick k.lɲ k.l Khispi lak, Bugun lyak, PTB *s-lyaw,
lie, tell kloy ryu
lie down ʋ̄ә ñ vu
lift yɲŋ, ʃɲŋ yɲn l ŋsi
light s.t. mɲy ryɲŋ
listen = heɲr roy rɲy ɲlso ‘heɲr’
oɳserve deɲth rɲy
live gyoŋ, BL ʃәn u, BL sәŋ cf. Hruso o, Old Chinese s-reŋ, PTB *s-
look gɲŋ gɲŋnɲ g ̃ cf. Proto-Tɲni *kaŋ,
look ɲfter gɲŋ ɳe ɲŋ gey ŋvɲy
lost, to ɳe mnɲ mɛ id
love loŋ ɲŋ p ryɛ
mɲd, to ɳe I liyɲŋ
mɲd, to ɳe II m.ɳyu t ɲɳu
mɲke mistɲke I ruti r i
mɲke mistɲke II nɲwti
mɲke = do
mɲrry kɲ roy yivɲnlu Bɲngru ‘girl + tɲke’
meɲsure p.rɲy prẽ
meet g l̃ udɛ
melt v̌ e ŋd , BL the lips ɲre very tense when pronouncing
ɛɛ /v/
milk (cow) fә nɲ
mix together riθәroy gɲlɲrɛ
move I lu rɲy hә
move I dɲy rɲy
need m. e
oɳey =heɲr, roy rɲy
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
omit lup
open I (door) ho küɲ
open II ɦyuŋ süɲ
pɲck down I nɲysuŋlɲ
pɲck down II n
peel kʰroy kyɲ preɛ ɖinɲl is ɲlmost unreleɲsed
persuɲde tɲmu re ~ rә
pity loŋ ɲŋ l ỹ ̃
plɲy ʃtu ptɛ
plough gɲŋgɲy no word
pluck pu po (kwɲ)
point ði prẽ̤
pound (e.g. rice)
pour pә̠ pɲlɲ
prɲise i k.rɲm <
prɲy tɲ no word
prefer e ?
press down n m nãĩ ew(u)
prevent s.o. from gɲ ɲ t.r eŋgo
doing s.t.
promise I k. ɲŋg meyɲru
promise II tɲg
pull ro, horo ɳre, sɲlɲ
punish I d.huɳɲy rә ә i ɲ
punish II te
push srl nãĩŋ s.lo
put rou uu
quɲke, shɲke ʃu rәn
quɲrrel I nɲy roy ɳәt k <
quɲrrel II gɲy roy
quɲrrel III tɲ roy
rɲise, reɲr to u
reɲd peyu no word
recognise ptɲy gon ә
regret mepyu mikәr
rememɳer me i milu
repɲir vupt rәputu
resemɳle gɲŋi roy orɲʋi
rest, relɲx gyuŋgɲ ŋvu
revenge rɲɲ
ride I ŋ m l ludɛ
ride II y
ripe, to ɳe = ɳe myɛn ɲyndo
roɲm ɲround I rɲy nәgu deeyi
roɲm ɲround II ku nәgu
roɲst kyɲŋ s
rotten, to ɳe rum guɲt
ruɳ s.keu tɲyk , BL
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
run y , BL um ɳi.d cf. ‘ride’
sɲd, to ɳe dәhә mәŋdәk
sɲtisfied, to ɳe mɛt
sɲve pɲ teәnde
sɲw guworoy
sɲy tɲ
scɲtter rosɲmrosɲ kmɲy
seɲrch ʃɲy tɲy
see gɲn g n
sell ðɲl, pʰekʰo lɲәnɲ, lɲi cf. PTB *(g/m/s)-lɲy, Puroik lou,
send kɲl ɳɲkɲ
sew krɲm kʰrәmnɲ kɲy cf. PTB *krwi(y)
shɲke rәn he̤
shɲrpen (dɲo) pl pәnɲ
shine d.lɲ k.ri k.lɲ <
shoot (gun, ɳu ɳәrde
shout go lәvyɛ
show, exhiɳit gɲn gõõ ɲ
shut pigɲŋ ptɲy
sick, to ɳe mɲgɲŋ nowɲ
sing I yiɛ te nowɲ
sing II u
sit down gyoŋ goyoŋ u cf. Bugun duk, Khispi duŋ,
slɲp poy pee
sleep ʋey i ʋẽy cf. Hruso mu, Mey iŋ, Old Chinese
slip mɦyɛ
smell s.t. rɲm, BL en re nɲy cf. PTB *s-rim,
smoke (cigɲrette) t ŋ t ŋ
smoke (meɲt) mɲy i kyɲŋ mey kә, pә i
sneeʋe k. i kɲ Bɲngru < Nyishi
snore krã e teŋe
sow uŋ uwɲ
speɲk tɲ tɲ te cf. PTB*tay/w, Old Chinese *taw-s,
spit p. ә ye p ә
split pryɛɛ
stɲɳ.pierce rәŋ koo cf. Puroik koo ‘hit’
stɲnd up gyoŋ giyoŋ gi But this is ɲlso ‘sit down’. Tone
steɲl .kә ʃikʰɲu del kә cf. PTB *r-kәw, Written Tiɳetɲn rku,
Proto-Lolo-Burmese *kәw,
store I oŋ vuu
store II toŋ ɳә
suck ɳәnu pәnuŋ cf. Puroik pәnu.
suffer no
surprise I gɲŋ ɳyɲ tәә
surprise II roy ɳyɲ
surround dɲy iloŋ
swɲllow ɳәlui pәlyɲ, pɛɛ Proto-Centrɲl Nɲgɲ *m-lyu(k), PTB
The Mijiic lɲnguɲges Roger Blench. Mɲin text
Gloss W Miji E Miji Bangru Comment
sweɲr θrootɲ
sweep house, to nɲm ʃwoy sreyɲko
swell olin lәŋ
swim I sɲŋ vәsɲŋ.nɲ ̃ cf. Hruso χu ǒ,
swim II yu ɳrәo.nɲ
tɲke u lә.nɲ lu cf. Hruso ɭo, Proto-Tɲni *laŋ, Tshɲnglɲ la,
tɲke ɲwɲy u puwɲ
tɲste ipәgyɲ g ̃
teɲch te rtә
teɲr tәpsɲ po preɛ
tell o ɲtә
thɲnk mәvitɲ te visәmɲy
think me̤ mi cf. Puroik mi ‘think, wish’, Tshɲnglɲ mi
throw k.doy kmɲ
tie ʨʧ po ɛ
trust meʋn sote
try ripәgyɲ rәg ̃
turn round ʃ ŋ koy ŋ ŋ
twist lvɲy
understɲnd i
untie ki soplә
urinɲte ɳre̤ ɳtsü
vomit mә̤ mu cf. Hruso mmàú,
wɲit kn ʋ.kãĩ
wɲke up py pi pәlә
ɳe ɲwɲke pʰrәu pii
wɲlk dɲy dɲy .nɲ dey ? cf. Hruso u, Tshɲnglɲ dii,
wɲnt ʰey l.myɛ ? cf. Hruso u,
wɲsh s.t. I ey rik
wɲsh s.t. II lɲi
wɲtch over gɲn
weɲve um om.nɲ ãĩ cf. Old Chinese *tәk, Written Tiɳetɲn
thags, Khispi dak, Proto-Cetnrɲl Nɲgɲ
*tak. ɖor Miji cf. Bokɲr um,
weɲr p.loŋ gɲ
weep krɲm kyɛ cf. proposed PTB *krap,
whistle p u
wipe tɲyk
work rә u
write no word
yɲwn huɲryu

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