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       This chapter indicates the research design, locale of the study and data analysis tools.

Research Design 

       To successfully perform the research, the researchers will employ a qualitative type of

research because it will operate well with the issue. Thus, in qualitative research, the researchers

can interact with the respondents using a social media platform and with the help of google form.

As a result, the researchers will obtain more detailed information from original sources, resulting

in more accurate data.

           The topic falls under the “Phenomenological” type of research design because it tackles

about the experiences of a person regarding the judgment of a human physical appearance which

is very timely nowadays. There are two types of research approach according to Kombo (2006)

Quantitative research approach uses numerical data or data that is quantified and Qualitative

approach uses non-numerical data or data that have not been quantified. The researchers use

qualitative research in analyzing the data collected and to capture expressive information not

conveyed in quantitative data about beliefs, values, feelings, and motivations that underlie


According to Edmund Husserl (Smith, David Woodruff, 2007) Phenomenology is the

reflective study of the essence of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of

view. It helps people to understand the meaning of people’s lived experiences. The researchers

use Phenomenological study to explore what people experienced regarding the judgment of a

human physical appearance.

Data Analysis Tools

    The researchers utilized the open-ended questions that pertain to their judgments with their

personal preference when it comes to personal appearance. This allows the respondent to go into

further detail and use their own words. This aids the researcher in gaining proper ideas of a

person's comprehension of a circumstance. Content analysis is the process of classifying,

summarizing, and tabulating speech or behavioral data.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers utilized social media platforms (i.e google forms) to collect the data or

preferences of the respondents, in that way it had lessen the hassle of their availability because

they can answer the forms on their free time. Also, the researchers categorized their answers and

open-ended questions are typically accompanied by quantitative survey questions on the same

topic and are provided to participants in textual format via email or via an online survey

platform. Because participants cannot directly query the researcher about the qualitative survey

questions, researchers may give some contextual information or essential terminology to assist

'frame' how they interpret the questions.

Data Analysis Tools and Technique

Content analysis is a research method for determining the existence of specific words, topics, or

concepts in qualitative data (i.e. opinions and text). Researchers can measure and evaluate the

existence, meanings, and correlations of certain words, themes, or concepts using content

analysis. The researchers utilized thematic map. According to Braun and Clarke (2006), thematic

analysis is a qualitative data analysis technique. It's commonly used to describe a group of texts,

like an interview or transcripts. The researcher studies the data carefully in order to uncover
recurring themes — subjects, ideas, and patterns of meaning. The researchers categorized based

on their preference on skin tones. Eye shape, Nose shape and etc.


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