Formulating Research Question

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formulating research question



Formulating a research question can be an essential step in the research process. A well-crafted research
question helps guide your study, focus your efforts, and provide clarity on what you aim to investigate. To
formulate a research question, you can follow these steps:

Identify your research area or topic of interest: Determine the general area you want to explore. It could
be a field of study, a specific problem, or a subject you find intriguing.

Conduct preliminary research: Before formulating your research question, gather some background
information and conduct preliminary research to familiarize yourself with existing knowledge, gaps in the
literature, and potential research areas.

Brainstorm possible questions: Based on your understanding of the topic, brainstorm a list of potential
research questions. These questions can be broad initially, as you will refine them further.

Specify the research objectives: Determine the specific objectives or goals of your study. What do you
want to achieve or contribute through your research? This will help you narrow down your research

Make it clear and concise: Refine your research question to make it clear and concise. Ensure that it
focuses on a single issue or problem to maintain a specific research direction.

Consider feasibility: Assess the feasibility of your research question. Evaluate if it is realistic and
achievable within the available resources, time frame, and scope of your study.

Seek input and feedback: Share your research question with colleagues, mentors, or experts in the field
to gather their feedback. They can provide valuable insights, suggest improvements, or identify any
potential issues.
Refine and finalize: Based on the feedback received, refine your research question further until it
accurately reflects the scope and purpose of your study.

Remember, a well-constructed research question should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant,

and time-bound (SMART). It should also generate curiosity and contribute to the existing knowledge in
your field of study.

If you provide more information about the research area or topic you are interested in, I can assist you in
formulating a research question specifically tailored to your needs.


identifying keywords / subject headings


Identifying keywords and subject headings is an important step in formulating a research question and
conducting effective literature searches. Here's a step-by-step process to help you identify keywords and
subject headings:

Understand your research topic: Gain a clear understanding of your research topic or area of interest.
Identify the main concepts, variables, or themes involved.

Brainstorm synonyms and related terms: Generate a list of synonyms, related terms, and alternative
expressions for each main concept. Consider different word variations, abbreviations, acronyms, and
terms used by experts in the field.

Consult relevant resources: Use textbooks, encyclopedias, review articles, or introductory chapters in
academic books to gather additional keywords and terms related to your research topic.
Analyze existing literature: Examine relevant research articles, dissertations, or conference papers in your
field. Pay attention to the terminology used by authors and note any recurring keywords or subject

Use subject headings from databases: When searching in academic databases, explore the subject
headings or controlled vocabulary assigned to articles. These subject headings provide standardized
terms that categorize the content of the articles and can help you find more relevant literature.

Utilize online tools and resources: Take advantage of online tools such as thesauruses, subject-specific
glossaries, or databases that suggest related terms. These resources can help you discover additional
keywords and subject headings to enhance your search.

Combine and refine your list: Combine the main concepts and their related keywords to form search
queries. Remove any irrelevant or overly broad terms. Refine your list by selecting the most relevant and
specific keywords and subject headings.

Test your keywords and subject headings: Perform preliminary searches using your identified keywords
and subject headings to assess their effectiveness. Evaluate the search results and make adjustments as
needed to improve the precision and relevance of your search.

Remember to adapt your keywords and subject headings as you progress through your research and gain
a deeper understanding of the literature. Additionally, different databases and search engines may use
different terminologies, so be flexible and open to alternative terms and search strategies.

By using this process, you will be better equipped to conduct comprehensive literature searches and
refine your research question based on the available literature.


basic search and boolean Search


Basic Search:

A basic search is a straightforward approach to finding information using a search engine or a database.
In a basic search, you enter one or more keywords or phrases related to your research topic and the
search engine retrieves results that contain those keywords or phrases. The results are typically ranked
based on relevance, and you can browse through them to find relevant information.

Here are the steps to perform a basic search:

Identify the main keywords related to your research topic.

Enter those keywords into the search bar of a search engine or a database.

Review the search results and click on the relevant links to access the information.

Refine your search by adjusting the keywords if the results are not satisfactory.

Repeat the process until you find the desired information.

Boolean Search:

A Boolean search is a more advanced search technique that allows you to combine keywords using
operators (AND, OR, NOT) to create more precise and targeted searches. It helps you narrow down the
search results and retrieve specific information that meets your criteria.

The three basic Boolean operators are:

AND: The AND operator narrows down your search by retrieving results that contain all the specified
keywords. For example, if you search for "climate change" AND "renewable energy," the results will
include only documents that mention both of these terms.

OR: The OR operator broadens your search by retrieving results that contain either of the specified
keywords. For example, if you search for "climate change" OR "global warming," the results will include
documents that mention either of these terms.

NOT: The NOT operator excludes specific keywords from your search results. For example, if you search
for "climate change" NOT "politics," the results will include documents related to climate change but
exclude any documents that mention politics.
To use Boolean operators effectively:

Identify the main keywords and concepts related to your research topic.

Use the appropriate Boolean operator (AND, OR, NOT) to combine the keywords based on the
relationship you want to establish.

Enter the Boolean search query into the search bar of a search engine or a database.

Review and refine the search results as needed.

By using Boolean operators, you can create complex search queries and retrieve more precise and
relevant information for your research.


analysis of Patent Search with illustration (examples from different technology areas


Certainly! Let's take a look at examples of patent searches in different technology areas and analyze their
components. Please note that the examples provided are simplified for illustrative purposes, and actual
patent searches may involve more complex and specific criteria.

Example 1: Patent Search in the Biotechnology Field

Objective: Find patents related to CRISPR gene editing technology.

Components of the search:

Keywords: CRISPR, gene editing, Cas9

Classification codes: C12N15/10 (specific classification for CRISPR-related inventions)

Assignee: Broad Institute, MIT, or other prominent organizations in the field

Search query: (CRISPR OR gene editing OR Cas9) AND C12N15/10 AND (Broad Institute OR MIT)

Analysis: This search query combines keywords related to CRISPR gene editing technology with a specific
classification code (C12N15/10) that is relevant to CRISPR inventions. Additionally, it includes prominent
assignees known for their work in the field. The search results would primarily consist of patents related
to CRISPR technology filed by the specified assignees and falling under the mentioned classification

Example 2: Patent Search in the Information Technology Field

Objective: Identify patents related to blockchain technology.

Components of the search:

Keywords: blockchain, distributed ledger, cryptocurrency

International Patent Classification (IPC) codes: G06Q20/32 (specific classification for blockchain-related

Search query: (blockchain OR distributed ledger OR cryptocurrency) AND G06Q20/32

Analysis: This search query includes keywords related to blockchain technology and its associated
concepts, such as distributed ledgers and cryptocurrencies. It also incorporates a specific IPC code
(G06Q20/32) that represents inventions related to the use of blockchain in financial transactions. The
search results would focus on patents that involve blockchain technology and are classified under the
specified IPC code.

Example 3: Patent Search in the Automotive Field

Objective: Find patents related to autonomous vehicles.

Components of the search:

Keywords: autonomous vehicles, self-driving cars, driverless vehicles

Inventor: Tesla or Google (known for their advancements in autonomous vehicles)

Patent publication date: 2010 or later (to focus on recent developments)

Search query: (autonomous vehicles OR self-driving cars OR driverless vehicles) AND (Tesla OR Google)
AND publication date >= 2010

Analysis: This search query combines keywords related to autonomous vehicles with specific inventors
associated with advancements in the field. It also includes a filter for patents published in or after 2010
to focus on recent developments. The search results would primarily include patents related to
autonomous vehicles filed by Tesla or Google and published from 2010 onwards.

These examples demonstrate how patent searches can be tailored to specific technology areas by
incorporating relevant keywords, classification codes, assignees, inventors, or publication dates. By
customizing the search criteria, researchers can retrieve patents that align with their areas of interest
and stay updated on the latest technological advancements in their fields.


analysis of Patent Search with illustration


Certainly! Let's analyze an example of a patent search to understand the components and process

Example: Patent Search in the Field of Renewable Energy

Objective: Find patents related to solar panel efficiency improvements.

Components of the search:

Keywords: solar panel, photovoltaic, efficiency improvement.

Patent classification codes: H01L31/00 (photovoltaic systems) and H02S20/00 (solar energy).

Assignee: Companies known for their research and development in solar energy, such as SunPower, First
Solar, or Tesla.

Publication date: Within the last five years to focus on recent advancements.

Search query: (solar panel OR photovoltaic) AND (efficiency improvement) AND (H01L31/00 OR
H02S20/00) AND (SunPower OR First Solar OR Tesla) AND publication date: [2018 TO 2023]

Analysis: In this example, the search query incorporates multiple components to refine the search
results. The keywords "solar panel" and "photovoltaic" are included to focus on relevant patents in the
field of solar energy. The term "efficiency improvement" specifies the aspect of interest within the
technology area.

The patent classification codes H01L31/00 and H02S20/00 are used to target patents specifically related
to photovoltaic systems and solar energy. These codes help narrow down the search to patents in the
desired technology domain.

The assignee component includes prominent companies like SunPower, First Solar, and Tesla, which are
known for their contributions to the field of solar energy. This helps in identifying patents filed by these
key players.

Lastly, the publication date filter limits the search to patents published within the last five years, ensuring
that the results primarily include recent advancements and developments in solar panel efficiency

By combining these components, the search query is customized to retrieve patents that meet the
specific criteria related to solar panel efficiency improvements and are associated with the selected
assignees within a recent timeframe.

It's important to note that the search query can be further refined or modified based on the specific
research requirements, available databases, and search tools. Conducting a patent search allows
researchers to explore existing patents, identify gaps in the technology landscape, and gain insights into
the latest innovations and trends in their field of interest.

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