CIA Report Comments On The Soviet Request To Observe The October 1958 Solar Eclipse From The Tokelau Islands October 1956

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Approved For Release 2000/05/22 afidmbunh@a00346R090200030080 i ‘ee BS vusber 1956 SOMENTS..ON T5, SOVINS RECESS 10 OBSERVE TE SOLIS ACETESE SnOy 1. Symory Ao The Sovivts have requested Yew Zealend to parmit a 4O-ncn expedition to ovaupy a otation on Ataiu, to obsorve and photograph tho soler eclipse of Octokar 1958, Bo Belther tho sia of the oxpalitdon nor the 6 to Quek pordod of observation requested is deemed to be excessive for auch « uelenidfte PPOgr ate C. Eelipse cbasrvationa have long been of Fevogalzed eciantific interest, The cuvreat interest in establishing gecdetis ties tetwon continents and islends bas given the observations on edied militery significance escouiated with the reduction of etvenble oxrors ‘in the Pelabive accuracy in the positioning of points widely soparated by vast oopan areas. Yhen a mumiber of eclipses vhose paths cross have been ebsorved, occa arene wight be bridgad for establiching gevietic connections » Do The 1958 eolipse will afford little opportunity for erteblish= Ang long geodotic connections ules the Soviets alzo ulteupt to obeerte ‘the eciipas from the weet coast of South Anortoa, B. Nevertheless, the positioning of Atafm would by inproved. ‘This would be of vatas for comparison with tho results of poukison values determined from astro-positions corrected for deflections of the Verticals If the to ocupare favorahly, the Soviets ay inorene thelr This material contains information affecting the national defense of the United States ‘thin the meaning ofthe espionage laws, Tile 18, USD Sec. 783 and 794 the transmission Feelatian ot whieh in any unaithoaed persea is prohibited yaw Approved For Release 2000/05/22 Se |A-RDP60-00346R000200030040-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/22 + dolialielbAideO0346R090200030040-3 caphility for osteblishing « transoceenic tust range for 5,5X>nile mlastie. Fo By utilising the data to be obtained fron 2 U.S.~eponzored 1G Iunar photograply program, togotber with the eolipss deta, Atafu might Leoane a key point from ubteh geodetic relationships with the Wester Homisphere could be dstermined. Ge The corruc positioning of Ataf could provide the Sovtete with on accurste point for the covert eetemle recoding of malenr tests at Mutwetok, ‘This might be cougled with the nensure of” “eLlout in this remote arce of the globe. Be Ef the Soviets are to be grauted parmieaion ths folle-ng technival avggeations are meda: 2. They should eubait, in advance a ccuplate grogvem of their activity for nonitoring, 2o A list of perscmel and equigment show 20 provided to facilitate survelilance of activities and intentions. 3o Free aceens should be avaiJette to ali eraas of cperationn and activition at all timed Guring their obeervaticns of tho Bross. eclipee of 1947, the Soviet emp was closed to Bon-Sovists). Ae A duplionte copy of all obssrvationsl deta shonlé be eupplied to How Zealand. II. Discussion Ac The New Zealand Goverumeat hes received a request fror the Soviet Goverment for parsission to send a “complex oquaterial expedition te Atafa Islend in the Tokelau Grewp to cbeerve and study the soler adlipse ‘that will teke place in Ostobor 1958, The Soviets have indicated thet SRROEGO. 346R000200030040-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/2: Approved For Release 2000/05/22 + Gl@sRARBN-00346R090200030040-3 about 40 technics: people vould occupy s base on iitefu for a paciod of 6 to 9 wooks. Tho activities of the expedition wuld consiiteyze pact of the Soviet 1GY progren. 25X1X7 Ge The path of totality of the October 195% solar eclipse is indiested on an attached coyy of a map provided by tha U.S. Harel Observatory, At cuatiee the Path begins in the Pacific Ocean jar the oquator and north of the Solemon Islands, %& extends a ibile south of enzterly acrose the Pacific Ocean and ends at sunset in Heser Argentine at epprucinately 34°S letdtude, A unique fenimro cf the path of totality of this eclipse 1s that At dees net cross largo land masoos from which 4t wight be observed under favorable conditions, For tho nost part the path of totellity traverses wide ogcan spaces in tisich there are only very feu emcl] islends, The sua will. be near ating when the eclipso reughes South Muerte; consequently optics] ad vedio observations in Chile and Argentina would euffer high ineidener end Jong path through the earth’s staosshere, Atafe te on atoll of the Tokelaa Group and bas only a cual native Fopuleiion, It ecoms to le astride the path of totality ab a paint Where the eclipes vill ccm during the mldmorings If othor reidone Sand expeditions to the Pacific to observe this eclipss, it is Mkely that Aiefu or other ielands of the ‘Tokslen Group will bo selected for obeervation bases, Approved For Release 2000/05/22; GHA2RDPGD-00346R000200030040-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/22 atebpebiaabb-00346R0N0200030040-3 Forty ecientiets and tectuiciess oporeiing for 6 to 9 weelta at the base site would not ba excoreive for the verloty of interest ans-cluted with 2 prosenteday solar eclipse. in the past a ecler edlipes wis an occasion for determining accurately the wcon’s position in its ovblt et ‘tha instant of totality. Sinos the moon's orbital motion 1s now studied by othor moens, sclar-eclipse interest in recont years hes ohAfted to ‘the study of the corona, effects in the Aonosphere, radio commun'oation, Photoxetey, spectvoscepic enslysie, ete. ‘the varlety of these studies is ouch thet 40 ren might uel] be Pequived to ful£i31 all planned tesks, whereas seco epaoratve o wd be set up aud made ready in a week, other more sensitive apparstun could tako 6 weeks to got in proper working order. Tho fact thst tho Soviet exgedi‘ian would be dnolnded in the ICY pvopwun also way have nee i easter to get thie mmbor of people essignod to the expedition, U.Se plane for obaerving tines AUS. expedition might well involve 100-500 tecanica) pevple ¢ edlipse axe uninown a% the prevent in expeditions covering this eclipse. Therofore, neithor the sire of Porsomel. nor the duration of ths expedition requested uy the Soviets seaes out of order. De In rocont years eclipses of tho sun have been photograpl ed Loz tha specific purpcae of strengthoning intercontinental yeodetin (tes. By detaraining the nomsnts of totality of the eclipse st onccass! ve stations along its path, tims differences are related to she geocatic coordinates of tha obsorving stations without regaré to local deflection angles, If a mmber of solar eclipses vere observed over » perked of yeors ond 1f the paths of the eclipses croseed, it would be pore! ble Approved For Release 2000/05/2: GINROPS 00346R000200030040-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/22 apieiieiiey2G000346R000200030040-3 to tho together widely soparated stations, The edlipos eetod time Poruits geodetic orldging of the vent ocoun arecs, which 49 u wetter Of Groat Ampovtanne to the goodoslat. The Octebar 1956 eclipso, hoxevor, will efford little opportuatty for long goodetic aomectiozs sinoe the latter balf of tho path of totality 16 remote frou land except for a finel emai Segnent on South Auerica near sunset. If the Soviets should also request parwission of Chile or Argentine to sond an eclipia ompodition to either of those countries, despite the nnfavurakie Tefractive conditions at eunset, it would indicate thels tnten’ attempting such a long geodotie conection. During their occupation of the Atafn station, the Soviets o.wlé make 8 feirly gocd detonaination of the geodetic postition of tho tele, The experience thuy vould gain and the accuracy of thede remit night verve than to advantage et sone future tine. kb present, the pordtionn of wary Pacific islanés have the accuracy of astro-cbsosvaisdens omy, eal ary be in error ly @ mile or move, The odlipso mgr thus acrve to casck the geodetic position of the islands Be Steller photegvaphy and obsatvations over the sorted uf their oscupency would give the Soviets Zocd astro-coordinates, Conevevently, ‘Shey could make gravity observatdon# on the felands, on the aulmurged shellvoc, and in the currounding vators, Bnough gravity velves grt ‘be obtained to Permit the onlowlation of the deflection engle et Atatns This is the atatien error or sorrection which, when ‘app dot to astro» Goantinates, gives the deatred guodatle coordinstes of poatifons Unit? an attenpt of this Hind 1s notually ants, the Scvlcte oun culy ortinate ‘the probeble error in positioning a remote isiend. The eclipse vould Approved For Release 2000/05/22, inGlAcRDPE0-00346R000200030040-3 Approved For Releage 2000/05/22 se@tteRBEOM00346R000200030040-3 provide an e@dit3onal and independant check on the final result which, we believe, might ba accurate to within a few seconds uf era, or a few lmndred feet on the earth's surface. ‘The result might serve the Soviets in the future in several ways. FP, During the IGY, ti U.3. and many other countrien will operate about 21 lunar photographic stations at observatories widely dispersed over the earth, excopt in the Soviet Union. Over the 74-year period of the ICY, the oon will be photographed against e background of stere st those stutions, Froa messureaents of the photos of the moon’s pozltion wlth veopect to the stars, the orbital motion of the moon can be asvarteined with grest accuracy for the period. The problem te then reversed, aud from many photographs the spane coordinates of eny etntion can be determined fvan the mocn's position with respects te the stars. ‘Time sust be measured vory precisely when taking the photegraphe in order to achieve success by this method of goodetic positioning. Since tue observations by the U.S. snd cthor collaborating astdons will be pale Mabed and disseiinated fresly, tha vav data will autoratienlly bescme availshle to the Soviets — to wica the asttor of computing the gocletie relationships batweon stations will be no serious obstacle. the Soviet station ab Atafu could eventually be tied in vith the network of stations that will participate in the genera] IGY Jwer photographie progrem. Thus, even thouch they do not particlpete in the lunar photographic program, the Soviets would heve accuss to the goxdatic bonafite derived frca it. The nearest lunar photographic staticas to Atetu are ai Wo)Rington in Kow Zealand ond in Howsti. Aveta could Provide sn initial etep in a progran by which the Sovlota uight Approved For Release 2000/05/2: 346R000200030040-3 SIRS ESo Approved For Releage 2000/05/22afeddpiviaigaa-00346R900200030040-3 ascoriaia the geolsiie relationship of Asia to the horigontal sontrol of tho Western Hauisphore vie the Peclfie Ocean. Go The accurate geodetic positioning of Atafy might indicate a Soviei. Intention io establish a raunte Pacifle Metening post directed ‘tovard J, ie more than 2,600 miles bayond Enivotok. A covert eslenie etatton 's Mudlear tosta et Enivetok, from Asia the Tokelen talende operated on one a? the lees frequented islands (aud serviced by sub warinoa) could pick up selenic recordings of the maleer teste at closer range then any other Asiatic stotion. Fallout end increase in ‘the atmoaphorie radicaciivity octilé alco be detected, The advantage of having Apiatic detection stations enguented by « statioa on the bayon side of Baiwetok might be considered by the Soviet an gruat enough to warrant the prolininary steps tovurd achiaving 4%. Eo Another Soviet objective in determining Atafu’s position accurstely is eugzested vhon ve concider the Soviet noed for a uisaile-teating range epproxinately 5,500 miler in exteat. The follow ing reasoning is hesed on the assumption that the Soviets are planning to uss bollistic nissiles of euch renge in poseible futare verfare against the U.S. Intercontinestel varfare between tho U.S, ant the USSR would vequis that missiles here a renge of sb least yach Jongihs in oar to be effective ageinst principe targste on either sido. ‘the Longest are between two points lying entirely within cho USSR 4s approximately 5,000 mdles in length, Cno point of this are io In the Hlsck Sea area nocr Oiessa and the other at the tip of the Kemobetka Poninelas If for sessone of security or protection of the somiation, ‘tho leunching point were moved fertber indend from the border — to 1000/05/22: GIA-RDP60-00346R000200030040-3 Approved For Release 2 Al pproved For Release 2000/05/22ap@eR@PB8-00346R900200030040-3 Kaguetta Yar, for suumple — the renge weld be shortettad by arnt 500 allen. io sttenp wit be mado here to discuss the many other purtiacut factors that affoxt the selection of @ Iemehing sitio. We afmily shate ‘the conclusion that the physicel avi political boundaries of the U5"R, together with cavorsi obvious security precautions, Limit to erox% 4,500 wailen the extent of axy posible "el3-USSR" missile vangy “or tine testing of ballis’ds missiles. ‘the question then arises, would the Soviets eciitle Zor # 4yA00 nile testing rang whoa uany dosiretle U.S, targets lie in she asxt 500 niles of rungs from Leoiwhing peluts in epeas beixind elthe: “tusisnak on Tike? Suppoeo the Soviet uallistic mastic hes a 5,000 site rege. doula the Soviets be astiefied with the results off testa at only 4,500 milou? How would they fel shout using n miesile at 5,000 miles Af it hed boon tested os only 4,500 miles? It cess connisient with the concep of oslective henbing that the test riage shomé be at Long 0s ‘the planned operasdonal renge of the mienile. Ie, an hypothestacd, the Soviets ero preparing Long-range bal:.stie misaties for possible vse against the U.S. they are of nesenaltr goxtvontad with éectaiors concarning (1) the maximum oper mal Penge of their wlesties as indloated by develommenta to date, (2) he grep sablon of a teat renga of comparrible Length, (3) the selec Lamehing sites siteble for avteck against the Joe, end M4) Ankerrolated quessions of Logistics jo suggestion tale bere is that the Soviets say rave the messaity of joing outside the linits of the USSR for » vest range ‘hat wi2L mateh the capebilities of their ballistic micsiles. They Approved For Release 2000/05/22 _Jassiaeepe346R000200030040-3 Approved For Releage 2000/05/22 eusihei@Re0w00346R000200030040-3 may wish to emis’ ho pattera of U.S. planning, vhich for soveral, yeurs is had Ascension Island aa ite gow! for tim teiwime of exe of Sts renges. Asceasion 4s very noarly 5,000 milee fron Cape Coanversl. Thus, Atafu may bo simply a “fecler directed tovand oetablabing « Pacific test, venga. Without any mid-Paciie Goren islands of thair owny “th Soviets could utilise the 1958 eclipse 2s an opportuntty for gecieticslly poatiloring Atafu in order to ase win’ degree of accursey 48 pousible using a gravity approach to the problen. TIL. Sgchaicad. Sueveations Uo insure the nest effective watchfiiness over Soviet activities in conection vita the oolipes, if perslesion is granted by lew Zeeland, ‘the fclloving reemmendations are nedes The Soviste should salt in advunco a cusglete proyra of alll ‘the activities and observations they plen to meke during their oxcupancy of the atafu station. %. ‘They showld suimit 2 lot of o12 solentific poreoanl on the expedition, thelr respactive fields of interest, und o List of Lustre meats te bs used by the expedition. Te Guss’ chosrvers from Yow Zealand should bp alloved frelon to ‘be present end inspect the seicntifie activities of the Soviet epecition at ol). times. Such survelllenss world provide an indication a1 io whother astvonomiec and gravity otecrvaticns are helug made, Tae Soviot eaup observing ths eclipse in Brasil in 1947 wes clooed to near-SvLot nadlors. ALL obsowvaiions made on stein ly tha Soviets should bo pyle Lisbed openly, whothor a part of the ICY progres or nots Approved For Release 2000/05/2: gierpps 00346R000200030040-3

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