Drugs PTT

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•Traditionally, drugs are synthetic chemicals used as medicine
or in the making of medicines, which affects the body and
mind and have potential for abuse.
•Drugs in Criminological meaning, refers to substances, other
than food and water that is intended to be taken or
administered for the purpose of altering, sustaining or
controlling recipient's physical, mental or emotional state.
•It is the illegal, wrongful or improper use of any drug.
• It refers to the state of periodic or chronic toxication produce by the repeated
consumption of a drug.
Drug Dependence
• Refers to the state of psychic or physical dependence or both on dangerous
drugs following the administration or use of the drug.
• Any person who sell, administer, deliver or give away to another, distribute,
transport any dangerous drugs.

Substance abuse to alter reality and give stimulation, relaxation or relief has
prevailed for thousands of years. Also known as drug abuse, it refers to the
use of chemical substance which result in an individual’s mental, physical,
emotional, moral and social impairment.

Evidence in early Mesopotamian writings indicates that Opium, which was

then referred to as
“Plant of Joy” was used 4,000 years ago.
Among the Sumerians the poppy must have been regarded as a
symbol of joy and exultation, as indicated by its name “Hul Gil”,
means “Plant of Joy”

Drug laws have been a regular feature of human culture throughout

history. The earliest recorded law in the old world is the prohibition of
the use of alcohol under Islamic Law (Sharia), which is usually
attributed to passages in the Qoran purportedly dating from the 7th
The Holy Bible is a very reliable source in tracing the early use and
abuse of narcotics. The Book of Judges of the Old Testaments revealed
that the mighty Samson was put to sleep by Delilah by means of a
drug-laced wine before cutting his hair, the source of his strength, and
the subsequently gouged his eyes before the feasting Philistines already
“high spirited” with narcotics mixed with intoxicants.
The passage of anti-drug laws were enacted to prohibit the use of a specific drug. In
1875, San Francisco, California an ordinance which banned the smoking of opium
in opium dens. The inspiration was ,many women and young girls, as well as young
men of decent family, were being induced to visit the Chinese opium-smoking dens,
where they ruined morally.
Natural Drugs
Natural plan leaves, flowering tops, resin, hashish, opium and

Synthetic Drugs
Produce by clandestine laboratories which include those drugs that
are controlled by law bec. They are used in the medical practice.
• These are drug requiring written authorization from a doctor to allow a
purchase. They are prescribed according to the individual’s age, weight and
height and should not taken by anyone else.

• It is a personal requirements and self-medication that should be strictly


• The Pharmacist should never allow the consumer to request them

knowingly without first consulting a doctor.
Most drugs act within a cell, rather than on the surface of a cell or in the
extra-cellular fluids of the body. Similar to normal body chemicals, a drug enters
a cell and participates in a few steps of the normal sequence of a cellular process.
Thus, drugs may later, interfere with or replace chemicals of normal cellular life,
hopefully for the betterment of the person.
The actual action of a particular drug depends on its chemical make up.
When two drugs are taken together, with in a few hours the may interact
with unexpected results. This is one reason a physician should always
known the names of all drugs one is using. A doses taken become an
extremely important part of drug abuse. The amount of drug in a dose can be
described as:

1. Minimal dose- the amount needed to treat or heal, that is the smallest
amount of the drug that will produce a therapeutic effect.
2. Maximal Dose- the largest amount of a drug that will produce a desired
therapeutic effect, without any accompanying symptoms of poisoning.

3. Toxic Dose- the amount of drug that produces untoward effects or symptoms
of poisoning.
4. Abusive Dose- the amount needed to produce the side effects and action
desired by an individual who improperly uses it.
5. Lethal Dose- the amount of drug that will cause death.
The common methods of drug administration are so follows:
1. Oral- this is the safest most convenient and economical route whenever possible. There are
however, drugs, which cannot be administered this way because the digestive juices readily
destroy them or beacuse
A plant that can grow from 3 to 6 ft in height originally in Mesopotamia.
Obtained from a female poppy plant known as “ PapaverSomniferum” which was known
to be cultivated in lower Mesopotamia is long ago as 3400 B.C. The figure of the poppy
capsule was an attribute of deities, long before opium was extracted from its milky latex.
Opium is dried latex obtained from the seed capsules of the opium poppy papaver
somniferum. Approximately 12% of opium is made up of analgesic alkaloid morphine,
which is processed chemically to produce heroin and other synthetic opioids for
medicinal use and for the illegal drug trade.
To harvest opium, the skin of the ripening pods of a particular type of
poppy (Papaversomniferum) are scored by a sharp blade. The slashes
exude a white, milky latex, which dries to a sticky brown resin that is
scraped off the pods as raw opium. Opium has potent narcotic
properties. Its constituents and derivatives are used as painkillers.
The smoking of Opium does not involve the burning of the material as might be
imagined. The prepared opium is indirectly heated to temperatures at which the
active alkaloids, mainly morphine, are vaporized. In the past, users would lie
down with specially designed pipes which had long stems and a metallic vessel. A
minute amount of opium up to the size of a pea would be placed in the holder and
the material heated indirectly by means of a lamp or candle and inhale the
vaporized morphine as needed. The pipe was commonly designed in rounded
cross section, so as to allow the metallic vessel to be rotated into the heat source
and the rest back upright as required. The pea sized amount of opium is enough
for up to an hour of intermittent use.
In Eastern Culture, Opium is more frequently used in the form of paregoric to
treat diarrhea. It was also used in the form of laudanum, an alcoholic tincture
which was prevalently used as a pain medication.
Laudanum- is a tincture of opium containing approximately 10% powdered
opium by weight. Also prepared by dissolving extracts from the opium poppy in
alcohol. Reddish-brown in color and extremely bitter, laudanum contains several
opium alkaloids, including morphine and codein.
Opium includes two groups of alkaloids:
•Phenanthrenes (including morphine and codeine)
•Benzylisoquinolines (including papaverine).
Morphine is by far the most common and important alkaloid in opium,
consisting of 10-16% of the total. It combines to and activates opioid
receptors in the brain, spinal cord, stomach and intestine. Frequently use
leads to physical tolerance and possibly dependence.
Opium has been a major commodity of trade for centuries, due to the fact it has
been used as a painkillers and sedative.
A solution of opium in ethyl alcohol. As a result of this substance being branded a
miracle cure for many common illness ranging from colds to alcoholism,.
Opium addiction was considered more similar to a gambling or alcohol addict on
a 5cents a day, it did not cause undue financial strain, and therefore no damage to
the person was caused that one living under a addict lifestyle in the modern sense
would risk suffering.

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