Practice TOEFL Structure 2

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EXERCISE 42: Sentences-Auxiliary Verbs

In some sentences in the Structure Section on the Paper-Based TOEFL, you will be asked to select
the correct auxiliary verb. An auxiliary verb is a verb that accompanies the main verb and makes dis-
tinctions in the meaning of the mai n verb. Some examples of auxiliary verbs are BE, HAVE, or a modal.
Choose the correct answer in the incomplete sentences. Choose the incorrect word or phrase in the
underlined choices.

l . On the average, a healthy heart to 6. Bones composed chiefly of calcium,

pump five tablespoons of blood with every © ® ©
beat. phosphorous, and a fi brous substance
® ought known as collagen.
©can ®
® should
7. A cure for juvenile diabetes until
2. It is generally believed that Thomas more funds are allocated to basic research.
© © won' t develop
Jefferson was the one who had researched ® aren' t developing
© don' t develop
and wrote the Declaration of Independence ® won't be developed
during the months prior to its sig ning 8. During the past decade, twenty million
© ©
in July 1776. college graduates spended more then fifty
® <]) ©
billion dollars in ten-year student loans.
3. In general, by the second year of ®
production, the price of a new piece of
technology sig nificantly. 9. Civil e ngineers had better steel
© will decreased supports in concrete structures built on
® has decreased unstable geophysical sites.
© will have decreased © include
® will has decreased ® including
© inclusion
4. Although some higher structures ® included
have been build in New York City, none I 0. There is no limit to the diversity to be
<]) ©
characterizes the skyline better than the finding in the c ultures of~
© ® ® © @
E mpire State Building. throughout the world.

5. Research in genetics and DNA having had a 11. The cones of pine trees ___ two or three
© years to reach maturity.
profound influence on the direction of © to take
<]) © ® taking
treatment fo r a large number of diseases. © may take
® ® takes

12. The government requires that a census taken 17. The gold used in jewelry is not
© ©
every ten years so that accurate statistics strong enough unless !! be alloyed.
<E> <D <E> ©<])
may be compiled.
<]) 18. Even without strong wings, the ostrich has
survived because it at high speeds
13. It is important that cancer ~ diagnosed and to escape predators.
© <E> © to run
treated as early as possible in order <E> can run
<D <D running
to assure a successful cure. <ID run
19. General damage that been caused
14. Although the scientific community had @

hoped that the field of transplantation by aphids or pollution is sometimes

___, the shortage of organ donors has <E> <D
curtailed research. known as blight.
© progress <])
<E> had progressed
<D would progress 20. Fred Astaire is said to had been
<ID progressing -a:> <E>
the most popular dancer of his time, but he
15. Before railroad lines were extended from <D
© <E> was also a talented actor, singer, and
Missouri to New Mexico, millions of <])
dollars in trade was used to be carried over
the Santa Fe Trail by wheeled wagons.

16. Based on a decline in vehicular deaths

during the past decade, seat belts, air bags,

baby seats, and other safety features in

newer automobiles must be save lives.
~ <D <])

Refer to page 416 for the Explanatory Answers.

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