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Course Syllabus Template

Course Code / Course Name System Design using FPGA

Course Instructor Name(s) Nanditha Rao
Hours Component
24 Lecture (1hr = 1 credit)
Credits (L:T:P)
Tutorial (1hr = 1 credit)
(Lecture : Tutorial : Practical) Practical (2hrs = 1 credit)
L:T:P = 3:0:1 Total Credits = 4
Grading Scheme X 4-point scale (A,A-,B+,B,B-,C+,C,D,F)
(Choose by placing X against
appropriate box) Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S / X)
Area of Specialization (if applicable)
(Choose by placing X in box against not more than two areas from the list)
Theory and Systems for Computing Networking and
and Data Communication
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Digital Society
X VLSI Systems Cyber Security
General Elective

Programme / Branch Course is restricted to the following programmes / branch(es):

(Place X appropriately. More than one is okay)
Programme: Branch: ECE
X iMTech
X M.Tech
Digital Society
Course Category Select one from the following:
(Place X appropriately)
Basic Sciences
CSE Core
ECE Core
CSE Branch Elective
X ECE Branch Elective
Engineering Science and Skills

Course Pre-Requisites (Where applicable, state exact course code/name)

Digital design, architecture

Verilog programing

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Template Date April 4, 2021
Additional Focus Areas
Select zero or more from the following and write one sentence explaining how the focus areas covered
as part of the course.[NAAC criteria 1.1.3, 1.3.2].

Yes /
Focus Area Details
Direct focus on employability Yes
Focus on skill development Yes
Focus on entrepreneurship
Provides value added / life skills Yes Presentations, reading papers
(language, writing, communication,

Course Context and Overview

[Provide introduction to the course]

This course covers the use of the hardware description language- Verilog for the design
of digital integrated circuits and covers in detail the programming of the design on to the
field programmable devices (FPGA).

Applications: High performance computing, acceleration, image and DSP applications,

automative, defense, hardware emulation and prototyping, medical applications etc

We will first review in brief the basics of Verilog programming which includes: structural
and behavioral styles of programming. This is done as part of the preparatory semester
for Mtech students.

FPGA architecture overview:

Second, we focus on the basic building blocks of PLDs and FPGA architectures, design
methodologies and the Xilinx Vivado based programming methodology.

FPGA programming methodologies:

We will simulate/verify the design with testbenches and implement the design on to an
FPGA development board (Xilinx). We discuss the major interfaces on the board, using
the IP blocks, debugging with Logic Analyser as part of the FPGA design flow. We will
then briefly discuss the Embedded System design flow with Zynq boards, High level
synthesis design flow (HLS) and if time permits, the partial reconfiguration design flow.

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Course Outcomes and Competencies
[Course Outcomes are to be stated using appropriate terminology and taxonomy as required by
NAAC and/or NBA. For every course credit, about 2-3 outcomes are recommended.]

PO/ ss Tut
 Id Course Outcome
(Hr (Hrs)
CO1 Overview of Design methodology: ASIC vs FPGA PO1, U C 6
Design flows, FPGA architecture, Xilinx 7 Series PO3,
FPGA architecture Overview, Basys3-Introduction, PSO1
Introduction to standard FPGA design flow using
Xilinx Vivado Design Suite
CO2 Handson/ Labs- Mux/FSM/Sequence detector PO1, Ap C,P 6
design.Use of Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA), PO3
Virtual input output (VIO)
CO3 Design using IP blocks: clock wizard, Block RAM PO1, U, C, P 6
memory PO2 Ap,
CO4 Overview of timing analysis, layout and power. PO2, U, P 6
Programming the 7-segment display PSO1 Ap
CO5 Interfacing: (UART, DSP blocks) PO2, U, C, P 6
PO4, Ap
CO6 Zynq architecture overview: Concept of PO1, U, C, P 8
Programming System (PS), programmable logic PO4, Ap
(PL), AXI interface, Embedded System design PSO1
flow, Programming using SDK
CO7 High-level Synthesis design flow PO4 Ap, C, P 5
CO8 Partial reconfiguration flow PO4 Ap, C, P 5
Legend: PO/PSO: Programme Outcomes / Programme Specific Outcomes; CL: Cognitive Level (from
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy); KC: Knowledge Category (from Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy); Class (Hrs):
Number of hours of instruction; Tut (Hrs): Number of hours of tutorial session (where applicable)
KC: factual, conceptual, procedural, or metacognitive knowledge

Concept Map of the Course (Optional)

Course Content
[Provide list-wise topics]
Topic 1: Design methodology, Vivado design methodology, Design of digital circuits
Topic 2: Design with IP blocks, interfacing, timing and power analysis
Topic 3: Zynq architecture overview
Topic 4: High-level Synthesis design flow, partial reconfiguration

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Instruction Schedule
[Provide session-wise schedule]

Preparatory semester: Week 0a - 0b: Overview of Verilog HDL, structural and behavioral
design. The concept of synthesisable Verilog code, Blocking and non-blocking statements,

Week 1-2: Overview of Design methodology: ASIC vs FPGA Design flows, FPGA architecture,
Xilinx 7 Series FPGA architecture Overview, Basys3-Introduction, Schematics.
Introduction to standard FPGA design flow using Xilinx Vivado Design Suite and Basys3

Xilinx University program and Intel FPGA program course materials and labs are used for
the following content.

Week 3-4- Handson/ Labs- Mux/FSM/Sequence detector design.Use of Integrated Logic

Analyzer (ILA), Virtual input output (VIO)

Week 5-6- IP blocks: clock wizard, Block RAM memory

Week 7-8- Overview of timing analysis, layout and power. Programming the 7-segment display

Week 9-10: Interfacing: (UART, DSP blocks) – limited to demos if it is in online mode.
Alternative: Explore more IP blocks: Floating point add/mult IPs, Microblaze soft core processor.
Lab examples: Memory design, floating point multiplier co-processor

Assignments: Explore usage of IP Blocks: FFT, Error correction, MAC, Adders, Multipliers

Plan for project, literature survey presentations

Week 11-12: Zynq architecture overview: Concept of Programming System (PS),

programmable logic (PL), AXI interface, Embedded System design flow, Programming using
Online mode: Demo using Xilinx: Zedboard/Zybo.
Alternate 1: Connection through VPN to lab machines for access to these boards.
Alternate 2: Work with Microblaze Soft IP Core as a replacement to Zynq boards.

Week 13-14: High-level Synthesis design flow,

Week 15-16: Partial reconfiguration flow

Xilinx Vivado development Suite – to program the Xilinx FPGA
Xilinx Basys 3 Artix-7 FPGA Board, Zybo, Zedboard

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Learning Resources
[Mention text books, reference books and other learning resources required as part of the
 Ian Kuon , Russell Tessier and Jonathan Rose, FPGA Architecture: Survey and
 Palnitkar, Samir, Verilog HDL, Second Edition, Prentice Hall.
 Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, By Samir Palnitkar
 Xilinx University program:
Course material:
Workshop material:
 Partial Reconfiguration Flow, Udemy course
 Verilog® HDL Quick Reference Guide – by Sutherland
 Vivado Design Suite Tutorial, [suggested readings - handbook]
 Vivado Design Suite User Guide [suggested readings - handbook ]

Assessment Plan
[List grade distribution in terms of % across multiple assessment types (assignments, quizzes,
mid-term, end-term, project, etc.)]

% of Total Grade
Midterm exam 20%
Assignments (Class or 30%
Presentations, Projects 30%
Endterm exam 20%

Assignments / Projects
[List exact number of assignments or projects included (provide generic description)]
S. No. Focus of Assignment / Project CO Mapping
1 Design the digital circuits on FPGA, ILA, VIO, memory CO3
2. Design the interfacing on the FPGA CO5
3. Zynq programming CO6
4. High level synthesis design flow, examples CO7

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5. Examples with Partial Reconfiguration flow CO8

Evaluation Procedures
Provide details of how evaluations will be done, how students can look at the evaluations.
Generic evaluation procedures included below. Add additional evaluation procedures / criteria
as needed

The course uses one or more of the following evaluation procedures as part of the course:
● Automatic evaluation of MCQ quizzes on Moodle or other online platforms
● Manual evaluation of essay type / descriptive questions
● Automatic plagiarism check using tools
● Demo for assignments/projects
Students will be provided opportunity to view the evaluations done either in person or online

Late Assignment Submission Policy

State any penalty policy for late submission:
10% penalty for late submission

Make-up Exam/Submission Policy

State if any specific policy derived from institute policy is applicable. Otherwise leave it as given

As per institute policy

Citation Policy for Papers (if applicable)

[If course includes reading papers and citing them as part of activities, state the citation policy.
Mention “Not applicable” if section is not applicable to the course]

Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism
State if any specific policy derived from institute policy is applicable. Otherwise leave it as given

 All assignments/codes/reports will be run through a plagiarism check tool

 Cheating – 0 marks for the assignments
 Repeat offense/Cheating in exam – Zero marks + Grade penalty

Accommodation of Divyangs
[State any enabling mechanisms for accommodating learners with special needs]

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As per institute policy

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Template Date April 4, 2021

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