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CFLM1- Character Formation, Nationalism and Patriotism


Name:_________________________________________ Group No.:_________________

Instructor:_____________________________________ Date:______________________

Sofronio E. Jamile, RCrim (Group 1-4)
Angel Queenie Z. Clerigo, RCrim (Group 5-11)
Ret. Maj. Rolando Tusloc, JD, RCrim (Group 12-14)
Daeve Aira C. Mendaros, RCrim (Group 15-16)


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Submit this part of your module at the nearest learning hub.

Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that best describes the answer. Write your
answer in the space provided before the number.

_______1. It is a person who wants to, looks for, keeps busy, and strives to work well.
A. Love of God
B. Selfless love of people
C. Service
D. Industriousness

_______2. refers to a thing or a right disposed of gratuitously, or any act or liberality, in favor of another
who accepts it.
A. Gift
B. Receiving any gift
C. Favor
D. Service
_______3. Without an ethical perspective, a police officer becomes a ____________.
A. Unethical
B. Power
C. Good in doing its Job
D. Tyrant
_______4. “Each of us puts his person and all his power under the supreme direction of the general will,
and in our capacity, we receive each member as an indivisible part of the whole.” Who wrote this sentence?
A. August Vollmer
B. Jean Jacques
C. John Locke Rousseau
D. Jean Jacques Rousseau
_______5. Public officials and employees shall at all times be loyal to the Republic and to the Filipino
people, promote the use of locally produced goods, resources and technology and encourage appreciation
and pride of country and people.
A. Nationalism
B. Political neutrality
C. Professionalism
D. Nationalism and patriotism

_______6. It can’t be so easily linked to a measurable gain for the state, but the patriot does not see it as
A. Patriotism
B. Patriotism of Manners
C. Symbolic Patriotism
D. Peacetime Patriotism
_______7. It is the binding spirit that enhances teamwork and cooperation in the police organization,
extending to the people they serve, is manifested by the PNP members’ deep commitment and concern for
one another.
A. Unity
B. Camaradiere
C. None of these
D. All of these
_______8. In Law enforcement code of ethics, “I will never engage in acts of corruption or bribery, nor will I
condone such acts by other police officers.” The word condone means.
A. Object
B. Justify
C. Note
D. None of the above
_______9. It is a person who is proud of his/her country for what it does.
A. Patriot and Nationalist
B. Patriot
C. Nationalist
D. Any of the above
_______10. It is one of the Filipino values also acknowledges the good deeds of other people towards us,
and we do our best to return the favor.
A. Thankful
B. Mapagmalasakit
C. Either of these
D. Mapagpsalamat
_______11. Being Magalang is a value of being a Filipino and the use of _________ are distinct Filipino
ways of respect.
A. O, opo, po and pagmamano
B. Ate, kuya, tiya, tiyo, lola, lolo, & etc.
C. po, opo, and pagmamano
D. all of these
_______12. This is the Filipino habit of leaving for tomorrow what can be done today.
A. Laziness
B. Bad Habit
C. Fatalism
D. Procrastination
_______13. These are the excitement to do or accomplish something is lost and we become too lazy to
finish what had started or in other words leaving our work either half-baked or unfinished.
A. Maňana Habit
B. Fatalism
C. Ningas cogon
D. All of the above
_______14. Public officials and employees shall perform and discharge their duties with the highest degree
of excellence, professionalism, intelligence and skill. They shall enter public service with utmost devotion
and dedication to duty.
A. Justness and sincerity
B. Professionalism
C. Commitment to public interest
D. dedication to duty
_______15. “I will cooperate with all illegally authorized agencies and their representatives in the pursuit of
justice.” The statement is:
A. True
B. False
C. Either of these
D. None of these
_______16. Fogelson has suggested that the police occupation suffers from what he calls a _______.
A. Pariah
B. Paraih
C. Dirty Work
D. pariah complex
_______17. It is a person who is proud of his/her country no matter what it does.
A. Patriot and Nationalist
B. Patriot
C. Nationalist
D. Any of the above
_______18. He was recognized as the Father of Police Professionalism.
A. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
B. August Vollmeer
C. James Q. Wilson
D. None of the above
_______19. This type of patriotism adheres to certain patriotic values, such as respect for the flag or the
honoring of veterans.
A. Veterans Patriotism
B. Official Patriotism
C. Patriotism of duty
D. Personal Patriotism
_______20. Surgeon performs surgery on the wrong patient. Is an example of _______.
A. Non-feasance
B. Malfeasance
C. Misfeasance
D. All of the above
_______21. Surgeon performs right surgery on the right patient in an improper method. Is an example of
A. Non-feasance
B. Malfeasance
C. Misfeasance
D. All of the above
_______22. Surgeon does not perform medically necessary surgery. Is an example of _______.
A. Non-feasance
B. Malfeasance
C. Misfeasance
D. All of the above
_______23. The judge had the knowledge that it is illegal to take money for giving judgment in favour of a
person. Since the judge knows that his action is illegal, but continues to carry on doing the act anyway. Is an
example of _______.
A. Non-feasance
B. Malfeasance
C. Misfeasance
D. All of the above

_______24. accepting bribes or stealing money taken as evidence. Is an example of _______.

A. Non-feasance
B. Malfeasance
C. Misfeasance
D. All of the above
_______25. it is a performance of a wrong and unlawful act.
A. Non-feasance
B. Malfeasance
C. Misfeasance
D. All of the above

_______26. It is a performance of a lawful act in an improper way.

A. Non-feasance
B. Malfeasance
C. Misfeasance
D. All of the above
_______27. It is the failure to perform a necessary act.
A. Non-feasance
B. Malfeasance
C. Misfeasance
D. All of the above
_______28. “I will love and serve God, my country and the society.” The statement is:
A. False
B. True
C. Either of these
D. None of these
_______29. One of the definitions of humility in ethical standard is, “they should unrecognize their own
inadequacies, inabilities and limitations as individuals” the statement is true, is it false?
A. True
B. False
C. Yes
D. No
_______30. “all members of the PNP must have immoral courage to sacrifice self-interest “ Is the statement
is true?
A. True
B. False
C. Yes
D. No

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