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Chapter 8

1. By careful planning and execution, a police force may achieve greater efficiency and
effectiveness. It can increase performance, resource allocation, and concern prioritisation.
2. Information for environmental scanning may be gathered from a variety of sources, including
crime data, community comments, media reports, social media monitoring, and analysis of
patterns and trends.
3. In critical crises where a coordinated reaction is necessary to handle the situation and minimise
injury, including as hostage situations, high-risk arrests, and active shooter scenarios, tactical
planning is vital.
4. Routine patrol provides a visible police presence, helps deter crime, and allows officers to build
relationships with the community. Yet, it can be resource-intensive and may not be the most
efficient use of resources in places with low crime rates.
5. Targeting certain problem locations or periods when criminal activity is more likely to occur can
be accomplished with the help of directed patrols.
6. In situations when there is a possibility of disruption or public safety issues, such as concerts,
sporting events, or protests, a crowd management unit would be necessary.
7. It's easier for police to feel like part of the community when they're trained to handle a broad
variety of situations, and that's exactly what the generalist approach to policing does.
Unfortunately, it might not have the particular knowledge to handle difficult circumstances or
criminal offences.
8. The specialist approach to policing allows for greater expertise in specific areas, such as
cybercrime, forensics, or tactical response. However, it may result in a fragmented approach to
policing and create silos within the organization.
9. In non-emergency cases, such as small property offences, when there is no imminent danger or
threat to public safety, taking a report over the phone may be suitable.
10. When urgent action is needed to avert injury, such as in the case of a crime in progress, a
medical emergency, or a traffic accident, dispatching a patrol officer is crucial.
11. In situations where a coordinated response involving several agencies is required, such as natural
catastrophes, terrorist attacks, or significant accidents, an incident commander would be
12. In high-risk circumstances, such as hostage rescues, encounters with barricaded criminals, or
bomb disposal.

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