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G e o g r a p h y

Level 2 I have: carried out simple tasks used resources given to me used some simple geographical words I can: simply describe what places are like show where some places are including my local area I can: describe what gives my local area character

L e v e l s

o f

A c h i e v e m e n t
Level 4 I have: asked geographical questions and investigated the answers using a range of skills used appropriate geographical words used primary and secondary evidence

Level 3 I have: asked geographical questions and investigated the answers used simple geographical words

Geographical Enquiry and Skills


Patterns and Processes

I can: Environmental express my views on my Change and local environment Sustainable describe some different Development views

I can: state where places and landscapes are located describe the physical and human features of different places try to explain why some things are located where they are I can: suggest some reasons for the way things are describe changes in both physical and human environments I understand: how people can both improve and sustain the environment that people have different views about environmental issues

I can: describe the similarities and differences between places offer explanations for the physical and human features of some places label a range of places all over the world I can: recognise and describe human and physical processes describe changes in both physical and human environments and how these changes can affect the people living there I understand: how people can improve and damage their environments and can give reasons for my own opinions and appreciate that other people will have different opinions to me

Level 5
I have: asked relevant enquiry questions used different sources of information appropriately presented my conclusion in a sensible way using the right geographical language

Level 6

Level 7
I have: developed the enquiry on my own used many sources of information to back my detailed conclusions evaluated, critically, the information that I have used, using well-argued summaries and geographical vocabulary I know about and understand: a wide range of places and environments at different scales that many factors affect different places and the decisions made about them I can: describe and explain in detail interactions within and between physical and human processes taking into account my wider understanding

Geographical Enquiry and Skills


I have: asked relevant enquiry questions suggested an appropriate sequence of events reached consistent conclusions that consider other peoples opinions presented my findings in a coherent manner using evidence I know about: I know about: the features of a variety of places around the features of a variety of places around the world at different scales the world at different scales from local to the link between different places and that global some places depend on each other the links & relationships that make places dependent on each other I can: describe and begin to explain geographical patterns explain some changes in different environments see similarities and differences in different environments caused by these changes I can explain: how different environments are changing and how they can be managed different viewpoints about environmental issues how peoples action in one place can have consequences in another place how people manage environments sustainably I can: describe and explain a range of physical and human processes and recognise that these processes interact at different scales

Patterns and Processes

Environmental Change and Sustainable Development

I can explain: how conflicting demands in environments may arise how approaches to managing environments differ incorporating sustainability different attitudes and values result in different approaches to change

I can analyse: the factors that influence development of places and environments sustainably the interdependence of the worlds people and places. Appreciating how one persons actions can affect another even across the world. the damage to the environment can be unintentional and that many conflicts arise when managing environments what is meant by sustainable development

Level 8 I have: shown independence to identify geographical questions and issues established my own sequence of investigation presented full and coherently argued summaries using geographical vocabulary reached substantiated conclusions I know about and understand: a wide range of places and environments at different scales that many factors affect different places and the decisions made about them

Geographical Enquiry and Skills


I can: describe and explain interactions between physical and human characteristics, drawing on my own knowledge of a Patterns and wide range of locations and scales Processes describe and explain in detail interactions within and between physical and human processes show how interactions create diversity and interdependence and help change places and environments I can analyse: Environmental the different approaches to developing places and Change and environments and explain causes and consequences of Sustainable environmental change. Development the interaction between people and environments which can results in complex and unintended changes

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