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2nd Int'! Conf.

on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology (ICEEICT) 2015

Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh, 21-23 May 2015

A Proposed Hybrid Renewable System To

Minimize Power Crisis For Remote Area
(Kamalchor,Rangamati Hill-Tract)

Khandakar Abdulla AI Mamun; Zia Uddin; Likhon Guha; Shafait Ahmed; Sk. Md. Golam Mostafa
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC)
Chittagong, Bangladesh;;;;

Abstract: This paper proposed a hybrid power generation Separate operation of these power units may not
system suitable for remote area application. This be effective in terms of cost, efficiency and
study is based on modeling, simulation and proposed of reliability. A feasible alternative solution is
hybrid renewable energy system in remote area in combining these different renewable energy
Rangamati hill-tract district. This model has designed to sources to form a hybrid energy system. A system
provide an optimal system configuration based on hour­ using a combination of these different sources has
by-hour data for energy availability and demands. the advantages of balance and stability that offers
Various renewable or alternative energy sources, energy the strengths of each type of sources that
storage and their applicability in terms of cost and complement one another. The main objective is to
performance are discussed. The HOMER software is provide 24 hour grid quality power in remote
used to study and design the proposed hybrid renewable villages. Hybrid systems can provide electricity at
energy power system model. Thus, this paper proposes a a comparatively economic price in many remote
methodology to report the data regarding the design and areas [2]. In order to get electricity from a hybrid
implementation of hybrid renewable energy systems to system consistently and at an economical price, its
enable the comparison of future projects and contribute design must be optimal in terms of operation and
to the discovery of new insights about the implement component selection. Many challenges have been
ability of these systems. tried to discover a relatively simple method for
designing hybrid energy systems. An algorithm
based on energy concept to optimally size solar
Keywords: Hybrid renewable energy system (HRES); Micro­
photovoltaic (PV) array in a solar PV and Micro
hydro; Solar Energy; HOMER.
hydro hybrid system was reported. A simple
numerical algorithm was used for unit sizing and
cost analysis of a separate Micro hydro, solar PV
hybrid system. Different aspects of PV, Micro­
hydro, diesel and battery based hybrid system
Bangladesh has a huge renewable energy potential, which including optimal sizing and operation have
is mostly untapped. It is estimated that 80% of villages in been detailed [3]. The disadvantage of separate
Rangamati hill-tract in our country are not electrified power systems using renewable energy is that the
through grid electricity mainly due to capacity shortage availability of renewable energy sources has daily
and difficult terrain and environmental considerations [I]. It and seasonal patterns which results in difficulties
is necessary to take up electrification of remote villages of regulating the output power to cope with the
through non-conventional energy sources such as solar, load demand [3].
micro-hydro and wind systems. Separate units are already in
operation at many plantations though the availability of
solar, hydro or wind energy is not continuous [2].

978-1-4673-6676-2/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE

Also a very high initial capital investment cost is due to dry season and then increasing due to rainy
required. Combining the renewable energy generation season. In Figure 1 (b) shows the scaled data flow rate
with conventional diesel power generation will enable for a year using HOMER.
the power generated from a renewable energy
sources to be more reliable, affordable and used
more efficiently [4]. III. SCOPE OF SOLAR ENERGY IN
This paper try to develop a general model to find an KAMALCHOR RANGAMATI
optimal hybrid system among different renewable
energy combinations for a remote area peoples, Bangladesh is a SUbtropical country, 70% of year
minimizing the total Iifecycle cost are considered in sunlight is dropped in Bangladesh. For this reason,
the model. A case study is conducted in a typical we can use solar panels to produce electricity largely.
remote village of Rangamati hill while guaranteeing Solar radiation varies from season to season in
reliable system operation. The objective is to find the Bangladesh. Bangladesh receives an average daily
suitable component sizes and optimal operation solar radiation of 4-6.5 kWh/m2. Maximum amount and
strategy for an integrated energy system. The results mmlmum on November-December-January .The
will lead to the design and planning of an optimal synthetic data displays realistic day-to-day and hour­
hybrid energy system for ensuring reliable and to-hour pattern. The synthetic data are created with
economic power supply to the remote village certain statistical properties that reflect global
people. average values. HOMER deals with PV array in
terms of rated kW, not in m2.HOMER assumes that the
output of the PV array is linearly proportional to the
II. RESOURCE OF MICRO-HYDRO IN incident solar radiation. If the solar radiation is 0.80
KAMALCHOR, RANGAMATI kW1m2, the array will produce 80% of its rated output.
The PV modules composed of several solar cells are
Kinetic energy from flowing or falling water is
clustered in series-parallel arrangement to form solar
exploited in hydropower plants to generate
arrays with the necessary capacity[7].In the proposed
electricity. Micro hydro plant are less flexible with
systems PV array sizes are considered. The solar
respect to load or demand fluctuation due to their
energy resource is taken from NRE for Rangamati at
dependence on the water resource. In the proposed
22 ° 38' N latitude and 92° 12' E longitude. The table
scheme the micro hydro generator will supply power
1 shows the annual solar radiation and clearness
to the base load. The capacity factor of the resources
index of Rangamati hill tract.
is taken as unity. The sub-system is considered as run
of river with small Lake. The available power will be
dependent of seasonal variation of the sources. The Table l' Annual solar radiation and clearness index
electrical power generated by small hydropower Month Daily Radiation Clearness
generator. (kW/m2/day) index
January 4.640 0.646
February 5.220 0.626
March 5.640 0.614
April 5.655 0.577
May 5.140 0.543
June 4.340 0.408
(a) July 4.210 0.376
August 4.340 0.428
September 4.330 0.420
October 4.400 0.579
November 4.290 0.602
December 4.360 0.620
Average 4.710 0.524
Figure 1: (a) steam flow rate for every month.
(b) scaled flow rate data for a year from

In Figure l(a) denotes that's steam flow rate for every

month and first three month steam flow rate is poor,
Table I shows the solar resource profile considered over
a extent of one year. The annual average solar radiation
was scaled to be 4.710 kWh/m2/day and the average
clearness index was found to be 0.524.

(b) (c)
Figure 3: (a) Monthly load (b) Summer daily load (c)
Winter daily load
" _--.---'
G= ' O""
ba"" C-"H
' 'T-
0 '-''
' 'z
0T"n ta ' ''"'
'''''-'i d '8
''''= ''f
' o'-'-n
-- ----
-- -. -- 1 .0

t-t-fr-t-+--+-t---t----t-+--LO.8 HOMER can simulate each system based on power

production and leveled cost of energy. The main

operational characteristics namely annual electrical
0.4 � energy production, annual electrical loads served,

0.2 excess electricity, renewable energy fraction,

.\-J+=- b M:-:' A='
.r,-l- -': --l,M
n .\-JJ\,.,,uH�A"Jug"-++
='--l-J" ='-+-!D'=ce.LJ- 0.0
capacity shortage ( limit to maximum 10%), unmet
o p< p o"'
ct -l-;t�
' � '
Daily Rad ia t io n - C lea rness I nd:.ex load and others are obtained from simulated system.
The environmental impact parameters of the system
(a) such as carbon emissions, annual diesel consumption
Scaled data Monthly Averages are also studied [8]. The optimized results of PV­
Micro hydro hybrid system with backup Generator
�;a�high for remote area kamalchor, Rangamati is given
H-:!:-+-t-+-+-t-+++-+-t-+++-+-I-±-I mean

- dai��w below:
_ min

Feb Mar ,...,pr May Jun J ul Aug Sep Od: No v Dec Ann


Figure 2: (a) Global solar data throughout the year.

(b) Average daily radiation and clearness index.

In figure 2(a) Global solar radiation and clearness index Figure 4: optimized system configuration
of the atmosphere according to 'NASA Surface Micro hydro hybrid system.
meteorology and Solar Energy and figure 2(b) Average
daily radiation and clearness index. In figure 4 describe the optimized system
configuration for PV-Micro hydro hybrid system
where PV design for 60 kw, 14.3 kw nominal
IV. SIMULATION OF HYBRID RENEWABLE capacity of Micro-hydro and 25 kw backup generator
ENERGY SYSTEM or Diesel Generator. Cost of energy 0.244 $iKwh and
net per cost $ 329.784 and renewable fraction is 60%.
Separate or without grid connected renewable system is For PV-Micro hydro system 46% energy comes from
not reliable because of its dependence to certain factors PV panel and 33% from Micro hydro and 21%
such as solar energy depends on presence of sunlight. energy comes from diesel generator. The system has
On the other hand these renewable sources can be used annual electricity production of 105369KWh/yr. where
reliably in hybrid system configuration. In this case 46259 KWh/yr. from PV and 42026 KWh/yr. from
study we considered solar photovoltaic energy system Micro hydro and 17082KWh/yr. from diesel
and micro hydro resources with diesel generator and generator. The system has excess electricity of 53875
battery as backup for DG powered in remote area.
Figure 3 shows hybrid system configuration for KWh/yr. and unmet electrical load of 0%. Figure 5
powering in kamalchor, Rangamati. shows the monthly electricity production of PV­
Micro hydro system.

� �
H,Ydro karnalchor load PV
290 k'vv'h .... d
23 k....... peak

bi (2g ...!21
DG Converter H2000


(a) Figure 5: Monthly average electric production of PV­

Micro hydro hybrid system from HOMER.
best option for electricity generation for this sites.
V. COST ANALYSIS These systems will decline diesel consumption by
using green energy. From the case study, a PV­
The system is analyzed in HOMER according to the cost micro- hydro hybrid energy system is found to be
of electricity (COE) of the system. Other reasons which the optimal combination for the Remote area. This
influence the analysis are capital cost, operating cost, hybrid system with battery backup will provide 24-
renewable energy factor total Net present cost (NPC) and hour electric supply to every household in the
diesel consumption rate. Table 3 shows the annualize cost prospect sites.
of each component of the hybrid system.
Table 2: Net annualized cost of optimum PV -Micro hydro We can conclude that the interest for hybrid
hybrid system renewable energy systems is increasing in the world,
as a way to provide sustainable energy independence
Components Capital Replacement O&M Fuel($) Total for small communities.
Cost($) Cost($) Cost($) Cost($)

PV 27,000 6236 128 0 29.869 REFERENCES

Micro 38,500 0 1278 0 39,778
1. Bala B, Siddique SA. Optimal design of a PV-diesel
DG 2,200 0 4,890 80,06 89,826
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H2000 27,500 5145 3515 0 33,277 Sandwip in Bangladesh using genetic algorithm. Energy
Converter 100 16 26 0 132 Sustain Dev 2009; 13:137-42.
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3. G.J. Dalton, D.A. Lockington, T.E. Baldock,
present cost of $ 200274. The operating cost per year is
"Feasibility analysis of stand-alone renewable energy
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supply options for a large hotel", Renewable Energy,
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resulting in a high-annualized cost within those durations. 4. Akella A.K. Sharma M.P. and Saini R.P. Optimum
O&M for other component costs are also not-significant. utilization of renewable energy sources in a remote area,
Figure 6 show the yearly cash flow summary of hybrid Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 11 (2007),
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5. AasimUllah, S.M. ShahnewazSiddiquee, MD. Emran
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6. GetachewBekele, Bjorn Palm, "Feasibility study for a
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Figure 6: Yearly cash flow of PV-Micro hydro and forward Ann Based Power Management Control Of
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lIEEE 2011.

8. Bangladesh current situation,

( Country
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The economic analysis of hybrid renewable systems

carried out in this paper verifies the predictions for the
brilliant future of hybrid energy technology for remote area
in Bangladesh. This study shows that the available
Renewable resource at Rangamati is significant and that
hybrid power systems would be feasible for the potential
PV-Micro-hydro sites. Such systems would greatly reduce
the fuel consumption. PV-Micro-hydro-Wind hybrid
systems are for all the locations and are more costly and
not feasible than using of PV-Micro-hydro acceptable for
proposed sites, PV-Micro-hydro hybrid system is the

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